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super pocket watch

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category Romanceauthor YiRanBaoZistatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 1743124 Wordslatest update 2024-07-03
total hits 10Month hits 1Week hits 1
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super pocket watchBrief introduction:

Tang Bai, who likes to collect small things, collected an old pocket watch. He was surprised to find that this pocket watch could take him to those magnificent and colorful fantasy worlds and bring the unique items of that world back to reality.
The cloak that can evade the search of death; the three snake leaves that can bring the dead back to life; the shock and strangeness of the creatures of the Lord of the Rings; the magic of the world of Harry Potter!
     Not confident?
Feeling bad luck?
The elixir produced by Harry Potter World perfectly solves your problems!
【PS: Those who like it stay, those who don't like it leave.
I am writing a book quietly, and everyone is reading quietly!
PS2: The world in the book is constructed by the author. The author has the final right to interpret the customs, countries and customs.  Please don’t follow the same rules, as that will make you very disobedient!  】

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