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Stormy Southern Tang Dynasty

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category Historicauthor YeTingYuGuoShengstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 6486526 Wordslatest update 2024-08-24
total hits 15Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Stormy Southern Tang DynastyBrief introduction:

The wind blows from the southwest, getting stronger and stronger, which makes people feel cool on this summer night. The dark clouds pile up thicker and thicker, and the night looks darker and darker. It is not at all like the splendor of a city in the summer.  A dense, gray and hazy night.
Inheriting the wave of reform and opening up and carrying the rising spirit of the general public, China has made rapid progress at the turn of the century, standing on the top of the world, and gradually becoming one of the world's poles, just like the Chinese dynasties.

      Keywords:Stormy Southern Tang Dynasty YeTingYuGuoSheng Stormy Southern Tang DynastyRead the full text Stormy Southern Tang DynastyTXT download

      Stormy Southern Tang Dynastylatest chapter:Volume 1: Entry Chapter 139: The most adventurous plan

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