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Pokemon: Xiaotian

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category Sundriesauthor JingHuastatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 869539 Wordslatest update 2024-09-07
total hits 15Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Pokemon: XiaotianBrief introduction:

The story of a boy named Xiaotian in the elf world!  This book basically does not capture mythical beasts, but follows the ordinary elf route and the growth route. The elf is the protagonist, and the trainer is also the protagonist. Since the heroine has the word protagonist, she is also the protagonist!
【PS: This is the introduction to the second part!  In the first part, only the elf is the protagonist!  】

      Keywords:Pokemon: Xiaotian JingHua Pokemon: XiaotianRead the full text Pokemon: XiaotianTXT download

      Pokemon: Xiaotianlatest chapter:Part Two: Fang Yuan Alliance Chapter 19 The Invitation Letter Arrives

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