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Reborn entertainment genius

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category Romanceauthor XiangGangDaHengstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 2757109 Wordslatest update 2024-09-07
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Reborn entertainment geniusBrief introduction:

Wang Qinian was reborn and returned to 1997.
This year, Hong Kong has just returned to China, Zhao Wei has not yet become a little swallow, Jia Zhangke has just graduated, and Ning Hao has not yet entered Beijing Film Academy...
This year, Wang Qinian applied for the Literature Department of Beijing Film Academy. Later, he became a genius in the entertainment industry that shocked the world...

      Keywords:Reborn entertainment genius XiangGangDaHeng Reborn entertainment geniusRead the full text Reborn entertainment geniusTXT download

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