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Infinitely unrealistic

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category Sundriesauthor QuanTaFangstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 4428103 Wordslatest update 2024-09-07
total hits 11Month hits 0Week hits 0
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Infinitely unrealisticBrief introduction:

A soul without a past is chosen by God to participate in the game of the gods.
This soul is very unfortunate, because this world is a dangerous world of infinite horror; this soul is very lucky, because the god who chose him is lazy and thinks it is too troublesome to choose another one, so he will not let it die on purpose.
"Okay, no matter what, let's try to survive first."
The soul thinks so.
“But after passing through many worlds, it discovered that that was not the case at all...

      Keywords:Infinitely unrealistic QuanTaFang Infinitely unrealisticRead the full text Infinitely unrealisticTXT download

      Infinitely unrealisticlatest chapter:Instinct (completely unrelated to the text) Chapter 179 E.V.A

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