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Miao Ke Creed

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category Comicsauthor BanBuLianYustatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 5225933 Wordslatest update 2024-09-09
total hits 14Month hits 1Week hits 1
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Miao Ke CreedBrief introduction:

I remember someone said that if you can have a new life, you should naturally embark on a new path. All the previous dissatisfactions must be erased and all the regrets must be made up for.
The cat's red lips opened slightly at this, and he pouted lightly - such a person is not lame, so of course he will not know the suffering of a lame cat, nor will he understand how much effort a lame cat has to pay when climbing up.  Bitterness and pain.
PS: The protagonist of this article is not a thief or an assassin. If you have no love for this profession, please don’t flip the table after reading it.

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