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category Fantasyauthor JiuHengstatus serializing
Favorites 0Full text length 4012813 Wordslatest update 2024-09-09
total hits 19Month hits 5Week hits 3
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TianwuBrief introduction:

The unique genius apprentice was suddenly imprisoned by the Light Guard for dark crimes... A year later, when he was released from prison and returned to the academy, the teachers who once regarded him as proud regarded him as a shame... But they didn't know it.  , the reason why Chen Luo was imprisoned was not for dark crimes, but because of his other identity, a genius with great talent in the field of formations, a formation thief who turned the world upside down!

      Keywords:Tianwu JiuHeng TianwuRead the full text TianwuTXT download

      Tianwulatest chapter:Text Chapter 8 Dog Man and Dog Woman

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