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Article name Latest Chapter Author word count Update Status
Demon Crown Prince Array Text Volume 5 The Great Age is Coming Chapter 1847 Is there reincarnation in the world? The finale DiYaoHuang 15377K 24-07-21 serializing
Traveling through the world of Liaozhai Array Text Chapter 506: Becoming a Legend "Finale" BiHaiLanTianShiWoLaoPo 3433K 24-07-21 serializing
Prehistoric Wuxian Array Volume One: Martial Arts Chapter 308: The Great Treasure of the Great Way XuMenZhiWai 3120K 24-07-20 serializing
Cultivation Manor Owner Array Text Chapter 509: The Ending of The Sun and the Moon ZhuangXiangXiaoSa 5981K 24-07-20 serializing
Xia Zong Xia Tu Array Volume 2 Chapter 73 Qi Ziran (draft to be revised) KuangBiSuSheng 745K 24-07-20 serializing
Immortal golden elixir Array The golden elixir is destroyed, the final chapter, the Empress Houtu returns to her throne! ZhuShengFuTu 1345K 24-07-20 serializing
Exorcism Array Volume 3 Practice on the Mountain Chapter 1111 Descending BingLinShenXia 11275K 24-07-20 serializing
Three Immortals Array Volume 1: Palace of the Sun Chapter 328: One Hundred Years of Solitude (Complete) FanDongLiu 3069K 24-07-20 serializing
Sen Luo Array Text Chapter 425 Li Zelin! JuLing 3178K 24-07-20 serializing
Santuzhi Array Volume 2 Postscript: Destiny Sleeps and Wakes Up Tomorrow CuiZouShao 5907K 24-07-19 serializing
Awesome in the world of martial arts Array Volume 2: The Name of Beidao (1) Chapter 8: Li Daitao Zongshu ZhongNaShanJuShi 161K 24-07-19 serializing
Marshal Tianpeng Array Text Chapter 391 The Return of the Gods (Grand Finale) DaMengQi 3321K 24-07-19 serializing
Xuanyuan magic Array Part One: Sword House Chapter 1509: Seven Treasures Glaze Lamp YiJieBaiYi 12753K 24-07-19 serializing
Sword Qi Tongxuan Array Let go of old grudges and create new grudges. The clouds and rain on the Sword Testing Peak will be LiuYueChanMing 4193K 24-07-19 serializing
Jiao Shen Transformation Array Volume 2 Hongmeng World Chapter 83 Finale KuChan 4476K 24-07-19 serializing
Joyful Zen Array Text Chapter 757: Ascension to the Immortal World (Grand Finale) JiuWenChong 7891K 24-07-19 serializing
Four Seas Immortal Lord Array Text Chapter 63: How is being a slave compared to being a king? ZhuJiu 678K 24-07-19 serializing
Tree King Array Text Chapter 078 Dispute YiLiBuLiuHang 614K 24-07-19 serializing
The Legend of Lich Cultivating Immortality Array Volume 10: Fuyang Inner Sect Chapter 135: Let’s go back to Xingxiu Sea TianTangZhiShou 7275K 24-07-19 serializing
door of creation Array The Gate of Creation Volume 1 Chapter 1019 Ruoxi Leaves EShiLaoWu 14633K 24-07-19 serializing
The monastic career of a modern heavenly master Array Volume 4: Demon Valley Spirit Valley Chapter 563: Battle against the Demon Cloud Leopard Demon King ChangSunYuZhe 8003K 24-07-19 serializing
Xian Cun Array Volume 1 Tianxuan Sect Handyman Chapter 50 Meeting Tianfan QingShuiXiaoKeDou 469K 24-07-18 serializing
The best mad fairy Array Text Chapter 326 The Return of the Mad Immortal YiYanShengSiYuQingTong 2610K 24-07-18 serializing
Lingding Array Text Side Story 3: The water spirit rains down! XinSuiMengSaiQian 24881K 24-07-18 serializing
Longevity Muyunlu Array Volume 1 Qing Ping Mo Chapter 70 DongYangWu 873K 24-07-17 serializing
The God of Desolation Array Volume 1 Luofu 【0035】The hatred of childhood YunShaoQing 265K 24-07-17 serializing
God of calligraphy Array Text Chapter 269 The Unhappy Divine Book SheHu 2400K 24-07-17 serializing
twenty-four little corpses Array Volume 6: Famous in the World Chapter 799: Three Thousand Divine Treasures LaoGao 7973K 24-07-17 serializing
The richest man in the world of immortality Array Text 232 Dream Demon Continent ZuiAiNiDeYan 1603K 24-07-17 serializing
tahoe Array Volume 1 Kunyu Chapter Fan: The World Without Mengdie 44 MoJiShuChong 15641K 24-07-17 serializing