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Article name Latest Chapter Author word count Update Status
Rebirth of the Divine Condor: Yang Guo Array Text Chapter 284 Qingyu YouBianWuHu 2100K 24-07-17 serializing
The Legend of Immortality in the Infinite World Array Text Chapter 15 Taibai Fine Gold XueManLinZhong 860K 24-07-14 serializing
I am the ultimate furnace Array Volume 2, Chapter 888 of the Enmity State Extermination Faction, Finale ZhengYueChuSi 7326K 24-07-14 serializing
Kill the Immortal Array Text Chapter 447 Epilogue XiaoDing 7812K 24-07-13 serializing
Big Demon Array Text Volume 2 Human Demon Chapter 222 Demon HanLi 1911K 24-07-13 serializing
Crazy Little Doctor Fairy Array Volume 2 Disciples of aristocratic families Section 00130 Cut off the arm CuiCanDeHuoYan 954K 24-07-13 serializing
The Infinite Sword Lord of Prehistoric Times Array The Battle of the Gods Chapter 80 Guests from all directions The wedding of the century (finale) PinDaoNiCaiA 4359K 24-07-13 serializing
Nine coffins Array Text Final remarks ShanHeMoDuo 10476K 24-07-13 serializing
The King of Prehistoric Land Arrives in the Nine H Array Volume 5: Three Knocks on the Purple Sky, the Lich War. New book, please help!  A must-see for reade WuGuiKanWangBa 1199K 24-07-13 serializing
I became a defensive weapon Array Text Chapter 248 Penglai Fairy Island (Finale) XiaoBaoZi 1627K 24-07-13 serializing
Rebirth Game: The Emperor of the Prehistoric World Array Volume 4 Empire Chapter 359 All this is just because of the bet between two dudes NiuDuYeChiPingGuoA 2670K 24-07-13 serializing
Rebirth of Quanzhen Religion Array Volume 1: Storm in Zhongnan Mountain Chapter 72: Incident ShenXiuCai 509K 24-07-13 serializing
No way to heaven Array Volume 3 Journey to the Starry Sky Chapter 1725 Pit? ShuHan 14274K 24-07-13 serializing
Fairy Road Spring and Autumn Array Text Chapter 2172 Finale GaoMuYao 21297K 24-07-12 serializing
Bully world Array Text Chapter 1 YunMoYue 436K 24-07-12 serializing
Qianlong Array Text Chapter 140 Finale DuanRenTianYa 1320K 24-07-12 serializing
wudang disciples Array The second volume can conquer Mount Emei 189 Gu magic and biological evolution GuiYueShuSheng 1414K 24-07-12 serializing
blue sky above head Array Text Chapter 790 The End of the World AiLouEn 7117K 24-07-11 serializing
The strongest family leader Array Text Chapter 124 Miracle MianGongErChi 1017K 24-07-11 serializing
Immortal Lord of Prehistoric Jiejiao Array Volume 5: Battle 869-Hongmengtian (Complete) BuChiCaoDeQingNiu 6196K 24-07-11 serializing
Take charge of the Condor Shooting Array Volume 2 This is Jianghu!  Chapter 393 Return to Zhongnan Mountain ZhaoYiGeJiaoLa 2907K 24-07-11 serializing
sword spy Array Part 3 Postscript The Cow Whisperer NiuYuZhe 4057K 24-07-10 serializing
Fairy Sword and Divine Comedy Array Text Finale NiuYuZhe 4530K 24-07-10 serializing
Shameless monster Array Text Postscript To the people who have accompanied me along the way NiuYuZhe 7852K 24-07-10 serializing
Liaozhai Travel Notes Array Main text: Final chapter (11,000 words + final remarks + new book updates) BUFFQuanKai 2027K 24-07-10 serializing
Destruction of the body Array Text Chapter 626: The Great Seal of the World (Grand Finale) BiReQingDan 4544K 24-07-10 serializing
Hongmeng Lian Shen Dao Array Volume 1 Mortal Realm Postscript YuanXingKong 7812K 24-07-10 serializing
Super all-rounder Array Text The King of the City Chapter 661 A Lifelong Journey (Finale) The King of the City YiVLong 8308K 24-07-10 serializing
Time Travel Protagonist System Array Volume 2·Eternal Slaying the Dragon 973.Escape NiShuiZhiXie 9482K 24-07-10 serializing
ultimate force Array Chapter 959 Mike LuXiPing 9522K 24-07-10 serializing