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Sci-fi - List of articles

Article name Latest Chapter Author word count Update Status
mutant superman Array Volume 2: Jurassic Park Thanks (Tai) and (jian)... YiXiaoLou 421K 24-07-24 serializing
death horror game Array Volume 3: The Killing Garden, Chapter 45: The end of immeasurable calamity (finale) TouKanShuDeLanMao 5243K 24-07-24 serializing
Anecdotes about unusual creatures Array Text Chapter 1,773 The God Killer (Final Chapter) YuanTong 14860K 24-07-23 serializing
Divine force Array Revealing the Mystery of World of Warcraft Chapter 45: Forced Intrusion DaiShouDeDongGua 4102K 24-07-23 serializing
Martial arts system hunting apocalypse Array Text Preface "Jin Yong's Novel Guide to Time Travel and Become a God" Part 2 BuDing1Hao 6406K 24-07-22 serializing
Traveler Office Array Text Chapter 915 The future is still long... LuGuoDeChuanYueZhe 7758K 24-07-22 serializing
Doomsday Feng Shui Master Array Before the End Conclusion HaiLunYin 1283K 24-07-22 serializing
Great time travel for all Array Text 593 The legendary adventure of the Mohuang clan ( ZhuYanXieYeLian 9633K 24-07-22 serializing
death arena Array Text Chapter 21 Murderous Night (1) SanJinDaMi 1243K 24-07-22 serializing
Father of Virtual Empire Array Spaceship Ruins Chapter 354 Resurrection (Ending Chapter) MuHeng 2461K 24-07-22 serializing
Superman in the Marvel Universe Array Text Chapter 338 Breaking through the Wall of Origin ChunJieDeZhuTou 2577K 24-07-22 serializing
The Demon King of Another World Array Text Chapter 2123 Until a new story begins (complete book) KaiXinXiaoShuai 17201K 24-07-22 serializing
Plunder in the film and television world Array Volume 5 Mixed Volume Chapter 24 If you don’t break, you won’t build. If you break, you will build. XiongAiChiYu 2337K 24-07-21 serializing
apocalyptic chemist Array Chemical Conquest of the End of the World target=_blank Chapter 473 Invitation LongGuiSheShen 3595K 24-07-21 serializing
literal disaster Array Text Chapter 167 Living Body Movement WuYouBaZongZui 997K 24-07-21 serializing
plane invasion game Array Infinity Academy serial murder case!  377. Get married (finale) BeiShangZhiRenDeJueChang 2650K 24-07-21 serializing
Unlimited anime collection Array Chapter 1 School Apocalypse Finale Remarks YunXieDeGaoYang 14924K 24-07-21 serializing
Rubik s Cube Plane System Array The Battle of the Planes Begins. Final Thoughts AnYeShenMing 2963K 24-07-21 serializing
The strongest sister in the apocalypse Array Volume 1 Great, I will protect my brother from now on!  9999 Final Chapter The last night with my si GuoJiJingShen 833K 24-07-21 serializing
Evolutionary 4.6 billion complex Array Final words XiangWeiHangZhe 24610K 24-07-21 serializing
boat ticket Array The First Ticket Chapter 352 The Virtual Empire of the Universe (4) MuHeng 2462K 24-07-20 serializing
infinite evolution Array Volume 3 League of Legends Final Chapter Everyone is happy YaoGou 4615K 24-07-20 serializing
Kamigawa Begins Array Chapter 7: Space Fleet Chapter 27: Finale HuoReZhiYan 1833K 24-07-20 serializing
Legend Evolution Array Volume 4 Famous Generals!  Soar!  Chapter 29 The End and a New Beginning WuDaFu 6847K 24-07-20 serializing
Dominate the second dimension Array Volume 3 Fairy Tail 532 Plane Travel (Completed) MengMengDaHuYa 2695K 24-07-19 serializing
Apocalyptic life and death game Array Volume 1: Life and Death in Anping City Chapter 310: Crosh’s Revenge ZuiAiChiLiangGao 2480K 24-07-19 serializing
Extraterrestrial parasite Array Text Chapter 508: Earth (Completed) MiLuDeYu 4216K 24-07-19 serializing
Queen Mother Array Text Chapter 8: Brilliance returns to the ordinary (3) LiuLangDeGeMa 1955K 24-07-19 serializing
Immortal Starry Sky Array Text Chapter 648 Epilogue (End) FeiGaoSanQian 6028K 24-07-19 serializing
infinite scarlet Array Volume 1: Destroyer Chapter 16: Newcomer’s gift, blood-sucking fangs! WangShenLu 108K 24-07-19 serializing