¡¶Secret Thirteen¡· Related works: Laogui wishes you all a Happy New Year First of all, I would like to say New Year greetings to everyone. I wish you all success in your work, family harmony, eternal youth, laughter, success in everything, good luck, wealth, and health in the new year. The first day of the new year is here, and a new year has begun. In the past year, I started writing, but it has only been more than two months. The completed novel is not very successful, but it makes me feel happy. I met supportive friends and got me involved in the writing industry. The new novel "Secret Thirteen" has been open for 20 days, and it has allowed me to meet a group of new friends, which I am particularly lucky to have. I don¡¯t know what I should use to repay the support of all my old and new friends. I can only try my best to write "Secret Thirteen" to bring you a bit of happiness after tea and dinner, relieve you from stress at work, and bring joy to you during vacation. Come and be merry. Maybe this "Secret Thirteen" will be my last novel, or maybe it won't be. I don't know how long I will continue on this writing path as a businessman. But as long as I still have free time and as long as I fulfill my dream, I will definitely continue to write and live up to the love my friends have for me. Dreams, everyone has their own dreams. I'm not rich, and I'm probably not short of money. My dream is just to do what I want to do, put a camera on my back, good or bad, get on a train, wake up at a random station, and get off. Travel like that and enjoy being on the road. Perhaps my dream is to write a good novel, a novel that fans will still talk about years later, a novel that can make people worried, and a novel that can make people feel breathless. Or maybe my dream is just to be a good family man, cook and wash clothes, and watch the person I love hold her hand and spend the rest of my life like that. I have too many dreams, but I don¡¯t know where to start or how to end. What I want to do now is to write "Thirteen Secrets" to commemorate my Master. I remember that a few years ago, Master once joked to I said: "Don't make these files cry." I did make them cry for a while and left them idle for a long time. Now I have finished reading them and tell them to you with my understanding, just like what is said in the wedge, no matter you Believe it or not, I will tell you. Once again, I wish your parents and family members good health. The health of the elderly is our happiness. I also wish that all lovers in the world can finally get married and have a happy marriage for a hundred years. Finally, I wish you all a prosperous business and great financial resources. Work related apology letter First of all, I want to apologize to everyone. Due to my carelessness, I once missed posting a chapter. I have now added it. I hope you can forgive me. Thanks to a reader for reminding me. He said that ever since he saw the separation in Chapter 64 and the Shang Yang descending from the sky in Chapter 65, his vision was a little blurry, and it felt like something was missing. I didn¡¯t care at the time, but the recent Chinese New Year When I have a little free time, I will look it up myself and answer this reader's questions to see where I am not clear enough. It turns out that a chapter was missed, so now I¡¯m adding chapter 65 to make the tiger leave the mountain. The following chapters are numbered sequentially. I hope everyone can forgive me. Thank you again readers for your support. Thank you. Work related new cover is launched Some viewers may not be able to adapt to the new covers now, but they will gradually find the mystery in them. Next, I should change the cover for each volume. The covers are closely related to the plot and are used to express the story of this volume. The theme may also be the freeze-frame of the scene that shocked me the most. Although there are still some unsatisfactory aspects, I hope everyone will like my new cover and the new volume I opened. Thank you for your support. With you, I can go further. Work-related poster prize-giving activities I¡¯m going to organize a small event, the content is as follows: The top ten friends in the fan honor list of this book will be on March 10th, April 23rd, June 10th, July 15th and August 20th respectively. According to statistics, as of the calculation date, all friends who are in the top ten of the fan honor list of this book can get the cover poster and the autograph of the old ghost. One poster for each volume, which means there are five types of posters. Those who collect all five posters will be in for a surprise. The grand prizes for the five posters will be announced on April 25. How to upgrade fans can be found at http://cms.17k.com/news/1203.html It is better to get Jibu Yinuo than to get a thousand pieces of gold, so the event starts from now on. (Anyone who collects three or more posters will have the opportunity to receive a unique 100-word message signed with the name of the winner on the title page after the book is published.) A few additional words, in order to prevent the public from finding the organization, In order to prevent the party from being able to contact underground members, we will announce the group number here, and there will be a separate announcement later. Watch it. Gaga The QQ communication group for this book is as follows: Ying Mei 78907169 (senior group) Taotie 286376702 (senior group) Shang Yang 289170357 (senior group) Waste 289169806 (senior group) Jinghua 135625403 (senior group) Shuiyue 232795356 (senior group) Aoyin 202034165 (Advanced group) Chaos 162755036 (Advanced group) Related Works Happy Holidays to all women over 18 Since Lao Gui started writing on November 12, 2012, in addition to the support of his buddies, the infinite help of these sisters is indispensable. We have been together for more than a hundred days in autumn and winter (it is true, but it will be spring and summer soon). Today, March 8th is Women's Day. Women are not a title that only married women can enjoy, so I am here Happy holidays to all female viewers over the age of 18. We have gone through the ups and downs of the first book together, and have ushered in the struggle of the second book. "Secret Thirteen" is a work that I have devoted all my efforts to. Maybe my writing is not mature enough, but please believe me. I will definitely write more carefully and harder. Although I am sometimes mean and most of the time bad, I love you, okay, hehe. ¡ª¡ªDedicated to all women over the age of 18 Oh, by the way, let¡¯s announce the group number so that 17k friends can join the group The QQ communication group for this book is as follows Yingmei 78907169 (advanced group) Taotie 286376702 (Advanced group) Shang Yang 289170357 (Advanced group) Waste 289169806 (Advanced group) Jinghua 135625403 (Advanced group) Shuiyue 232795356 (Advanced group) Aoyin 202034165 (Advanced group) Chaos 162755036 (Advanced group) Works related 17k readers have joined the group (Old Ghost) Since you asked the question sincerely, (Judge) we will tell you with great mercy! (Old ghost) In order to prevent the world from being destroyed, (Guan Guan) in order to protect the peace of the world; (Old ghost) Carry out the evil of love and truth, (Guan Guan) A cute and charming villain~~ (Old ghost, heavy book fan Together) We are the Secret Thirteen traveling through the galaxy! White hole, a white tomorrow is waiting for us! ! Meow Meow It¡¯s too confusing. Please give me a group number. Audiences you like can join the group according to their favorite names. There are eight groups in total. There is no age requirement based on the VIP list. No matter appearance or talent, those who come in are my friends. Damn, I love you - all the readers. The QQ communication group for this book is as follows: Ying Mei 78907169 Taotie 286376702 Shang Yang 289170357 Wasteful 289169806 Jing Hua 135625403 Shui Yue 232795356 Ao Yin 202034165 Chaos 1627550 36. Audiences are asked to choose a group based on their preference for the group name. Please do not add duplicates. Work-related list of last issue¡¯s winners and gift replacement Announce the winning list of the last fan ranking: The first place is crazy and tight The second place is Mi Xiaomi The third place is Lanyan Yixiao The chrysanthemum is blooming The fourth place is the little gorilla The fifth place is heartbroken The sixth place Anna's Friend No. 7 I am a little lazy cat No. 8 The cat named Milk No. 9 Lin Qi No. 10 Big-faced cat baby The poster was stillborn due to the clarity of the cover, so the gift became the cover Set up the table. Of course, if possible, I will also make and write about some DIY trinkets recently. They are all related to the book "Thirteen Secrets". I am looking for the corresponding store, but I am not sure about these things. I won¡¯t say what it is in advance. Gaga, I hope everyone can continue to support my works. I would like to thank you for this. My gift will definitely not disappoint you, Santa Claus transformation. Volume One Sudden Change Wedge In 2010, I was grieving alone and lost two very important people in my life, the woman I loved most in my life, Yanzi, and my respected master, Teacher Zang. Teacher Zang left me a lot of things, including many books. Some of these books are bamboo slips and some are made of paper, but the common feature is that no matter what the carrier, the materials are packed in glass jars and soaked in some green liquid. Teacher Zang once told me to wear sheepskin gloves to take them out and read them. Exposure to air cannot exceed twenty minutes, so I looked particularly troubled. The most important thing may be that after taking out these materials, I found that in addition to some inconvenient spells about ghost hunting, yin and yang, etc., most of them were about gods and ghosts, which were described in more detail than books such as "The Classic of Mountains and Seas". Just a few. I looked through these materials boredly, and I had no other feelings except being surprised at why these liquids did not soak the paper. Moreover, it was very troublesome to read, so I gradually gave up reading these materials and placed the large wooden boxes with these glass bottles. I haven't read at least half of the information in it. 2011 has made a good start at work, and I am no longer so busy. Looking at my empty and lonely room, I can't help but feel a sense of loneliness. So I walked to the study room. In the year after my lover Yanzi left, I kept my vow to keep her vigil and did not make a new girlfriend. These books became my best companions, hiding in my room every night. Only when tiredness spread all over my body in the study did I give up. I glanced at the books on several bookcases and had read them more than once. I really didn¡¯t want to open these memorable books again tonight. I was bored and sighed, but I saw a large wooden box lying in the corner of the study room. It was the bottles and jars filled with information left to me by my master, Teacher Zang. I found the sheepskin gloves. I thought I could only rely on these things to pass the time on boring nights. I picked up a glass jar, put on the sheepskin gloves, opened the lid of the jar, and took out a book hidden inside. The green liquid rolled down from the book in a viscous manner. The book was extremely dry, as if it was not the book that had just been fished out of the liquid. There was no residue on the page, and the handwriting was not damaged, just as I had seen before. Just like those books soaked in liquid. I opened the paper and started reading with the gentle but bright light of the desk lamp. But as I read it, my eyes widened, because this was completely different from the history I was familiar with. Maybe this is the feeling I want tonight. I am going to write down the history I saw. Of course, because the book is in classical Chinese, I turned it into vernacular to relay it to my friends. It is mixed with my own feelings and some real historical information. It is not mentioned in the book, but after reading it, one picture after another emerged in my mind. I want to tell it, whether you believe it or not. No, I will tell you all. Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 1: The Secret of the Empress Dowager In the first year of Zhengtong (1436), in the Cining Palace in the Forbidden City in Beijing, sitting in the seat was a kind-hearted middle-aged woman. She was none other than the Empress Dowager Zhang. A year ago, her son, the late Emperor Zhu Zhanji, left her, so her grandson succeeded to the throne, and she became the Empress Dowager. Time has left no trace on this woman's face, and the deaths of her husband and son in the past eleven years have not left her looking grief-stricken and haggard. She just sat there and looked at a man sitting on her left with his eyes closed on a wooden chair. Why was there a man in the palace of the Emperor and the Empress late at night? There was more than one man in the Cining Palace that day. There were five men lined up slightly far to the right of the Empress Dowager. They were all men who had passed their forties. The older ones had already had their hair and beards full. Bai, they stood motionless with their heads lowered, waiting for the Queen Mother to speak again. These five people are of high status and are famous in both the government and the public. They are Yang Shiqi, Yang Rong, Yang Pu, Zhang Fu and Hu Hui, who are known as the Three Yangs. It was cold in Beijing in February. It snowed heavily that day. Several ministers came in despite the snow. The moment they entered the house, the snow was baked into snowy water by the warm stove in the house. The water wetted the official heads of the five ministers. There were large water marks on their shoulders and chests, making them look a little embarrassed. But no one showed any impatient expression, they just stood there like five clay sculptures. "Mr. Shi, you still think Zhu Qizhen is suitable for the throne, right?" Empress Dowager Zhang asked urgently the man who was concentrating with his eyes closed. This man is about forty years old, with three strands of beard that are particularly good-looking. His hair is already a little gray, and it hangs naturally and smoothly on his back. He has the air of a master with a certain immortal style. The man opened his eyes slightly after hearing the Queen Mother's question, took a long breath and murmured: "Yeah." He continued to close his eyes, as if everything in front of him had nothing to do with him. The Empress Dowager looked at the man she called Mr. Shi, then turned to the five ministers who were still like stone and clay sculptures and said: "Five dear ministers, the late emperor has appointed five ministers to take care of his life. You have heard it today. Mr. Shi's reply: From now on, the five ministers must do their best to assist the emperor. The Ai family thanked him. "The five ministers hurriedly knelt down and kowtowed: "I don't dare, I will bow to death. The Empress Dowager nodded with satisfaction, and then said to the door: "Emperor Xuan entered Cining Palace and told Wang Zhen to wait outside the palace." Time passed. Not long after, a young man wearing four dragon robes came in. When he saw the Empress Dowager, he immediately paid his respects: "Your Majesty and Grandson send greetings to the Empress Dowager, and wish the Empress Dowager happiness as long as the East China Sea and longevity as the sky." The twin phoenixes and dragon crowns moved slightly, as if shaking their heads. It seemed that the Empress Dowager did not like the young emperor who had just ascended the throne. The Empress Dowager made the emperor lie down, ordered someone to sit down, and then ordered Wang Zhen outside the door to enter the palace. A thin, slightly hunched man walked in outside the door. He was wearing eunuch's clothes. He was neither good-looking nor ugly, but one eye was a little bigger and the other a little smaller. His face was shaking violently, and an uncontrollable smile was about to bloom on his pretendingly calm face, but he still tried hard to endure the torture. He faced the Queen Mother who was sitting there The little emperor beside him blinked. He thought maybe no one saw it, but in fact everyone saw it. Yang Shiqi, who was already over seventy years old, no longer even looked like a clay sculpture. When he saw Wang Zhen walking into the palace, he couldn't help but snorted. Wang Zhen walked up to the Empress Dowager and bowed sincerely, then lay down on the ground and stopped moving. The Empress Dowager said kindly: "Wang Zhen, you studied with the Emperor and grew up with the Emperor. How can the Emperor do this?" You are indispensable for your successful accession to the throne. What should I reward you for?" Wang shook his head and knocked his head violently, then lowered his head and said, "This is what a slave should do. A slave who can accompany the emperor is truly an ancestor. I am lucky enough to have accumulated virtue for three years, how dare I ask for any reward?" Wang Zhen kept his head down as he answered the Queen Mother's questions, never daring to look up at the Queen Mother. At this time, he was still a smart slave, and he did not overdo it. In his excitement, he forgot his nature as a eunuch. The five ministers who took care of life all showed disdain and looked at the eunuch who was lying on the ground like a dog. The man called Mr. Shi opened his eyes, looked at Wang Zhen who was kneeling on the ground, and then turned to look at the Queen Mother with an imperceptible sneer. At this time, Wang Zhen, who was lying on the ground, was boiling in his heart like boiling water. He wanted to summon the Empress Dowager in person, and there were also five ministers who were appointed by the late Emperor to take care of his life. The day of his rapid rise to prominence had come, and the Empress Dowager would entrust him with an important task today. After Empress Dowager Zhang saw Mr. Shi nodding, she took the hand of the nine-year-old emperor and said: "Emperor, these five ministers who care about life are the pillars of the country. They will assist you with all their heart in the future. You must also listen." Do you understand what they said?" The little emperor replied: "Remember the great emperor.??Teach. "The Empress Dowager nodded, and suddenly she said in a straight tone: "From now on, what they say will be equivalent to what I said. You must listen to it. Whenever you discuss with the five beloved ministers, you must not go your own way, otherwise the Ai family will definitely decide. I won¡¯t spare you. "The little emperor was startled by the sudden change in the Empress Dowager's tone. He didn't dare to answer and just kept nodding. The five ministers under him knelt down one after another. Hu Hu even cried bitterly and said in unison. "I will live up to the great kindness of the Emperor and the Empress Dowager. "Being able to receive such support and affirmation is indeed a reason for Hu Hui to cry bitterly. "Wang Zhen. "The Empress Dowager said cheerfully. At this time, Wang Zhen was simply elated. The five ministers were responsible for guiding the emperor to govern. At the end of the day, wouldn't he want to supervise the country? If such a heavy responsibility was placed on him, he would It can be said that Guangzong Yaozu took away the bad breath of being a eunuch. Thinking that he was just an ordinary or even failed teacher among the people, but now he can play the role of supervising the country, it is really like smoke rising from his ancestral grave. Thinking of this, Wang Zhen His voice couldn't help but tremble a little: "My slave is here. "The Queen Mother still said gently: "Stand up and speak. "Wang Zhen stood up tremblingly. Although he has been reading for the little emperor for a year, this was the first time he saw the Queen Mother so close. In the past, he was lying on the ground or with his head lowered. Character. But when Wang Zhen raised her head, she saw a ferocious face. The Empress Dowager was no longer so kind. She just stared at Wang Zhen fiercely. Wang Zhen fell to the ground again in fright, trembling all over. When they got up, the five ministers who took care of life also looked shocked. In their eyes, the Empress Dowager was always a gentle, gentle and kind-hearted woman, but today she was so ferocious and murderous. They saw the Empress Dowager standing up and pointing. Wang Zhen, who was kneeling on the ground and shaking constantly, shouted: "You eunuch, how dare you mislead the emperor and destroy our Ming Dynasty. I will kill you today to let you know why Emperor Taizu did not allow eunuchs to participate in politics." "Several guards with knives who had been prepared outside the palace rushed in. The gleaming knives were placed on Wang Zhen's neck. Wang Zhen shrank into a ball in fright. For a while, he kowtowed like a beetle. And he begged with a trembling voice: "The Empress Dowager, please spare my life. I have realized my crime. I have realized my crime." "The rapid transformation within a few minutes caught everyone off guard. Only Mr. Shi was still sitting on the chair, squinting at everything that happened in front of him. The little emperor had been accompanied by Wang Zhen since he was a child, so he naturally had deep feelings, so he knelt down. He came down to plead with the Empress Dowager to spare Wang Zhen¡¯s life. Since the emperor knelt down, naturally the five ministers who followed the new master¡¯s words also knelt down to plead for the eunuch Wang Zhen. Exoneration. Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 2: Making a Trouble in the Palace of Supreme Harmony At this time, a bell hanging on the emperor's waist rang slightly. No one paid attention because they were all frightened by the abnormal ferocity of the Queen Mother. The Empress Dowager was still angry, but she suppressed her anger and said as calmly as possible to Mr. Shi, who was sitting on the chair watching the farce happening in front of him: "Mr. Shi, have you crossed the line again? The Royal Family You can decide your life by waiting." Mr. Shi stood up, opened his eyes and looked at the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother calmed down her anger under Mr. Shi's gaze, and then she wanted to say something, looking a little apologetic. . However, Mr. Shi stretched out his hand to stop what the Empress Dowager wanted to say, and turned around and walked out of the hall. Minister Gu Ming present all knew that this person was far higher than themselves. Among the five ministers, Yang Shiqi, a veteran of the Four Dynasties who had seized power, took the lead. After saying: "Mr. Shi, walk slowly." The rest of the people followed suit. The Empress Dowager was still sitting in her seat and waved to the guard who held the knife against Wang Zhen's neck. The guard retreated, leaving only Wang Zhen still fighting on the ground. The chilling eunuch Wang Zhen. Mr. Shi, who was sitting in the sedan chair, sighed at this moment. He thought that Wang Zhen should be killed. There were too many things he wanted to say. Perhaps because of his silence, the Ming Dynasty had changed, but he could only carry a few words with him. He had no choice but to remain silent, because his ancestors told him not to reveal the secret of heaven. When the secret of heaven is revealed, the world will change. Of course, he can't even calculate the future of the royal ruler. Although his position is irreplaceable, he still can't. Otherwise, the ancestral bell on the emperor's body will ring. This sound will not be a salute for his celebration, but a salute to celebrate his victory. It is a prelude that can make other people's heads fall to the ground and behead them all. The small sedan quickly walked out of the palace gate and drifted away as the palace door closed. Wang Zhen finally returned to his residence tremblingly. At this time, he had a high-ranking and powerful room in the Forbidden City. As the most popular person around the emperor, he has received enough, but he is still not satisfied. At this moment, he is gritting his teeth and dreaming about the day when he will be in power. He knows that he has to choose to endure. He can only endure until he is completely in power. When the Empress Dowager passes away in old age, he can stand up and call the shots. He waited patiently and looked forward to the arrival of this day, and finally it came to him. One late autumn seven years later, the Empress Dowager followed the three emperors Zhu Di, Zhu Gaochi, and Zhu Zhanji and passed away. The whole country was sad. But behind the young emperor, there was one person who couldn't help but laugh secretly, and that was Wang Zhen. He can finally realize his ideal one day. At this time when the whole country was adopting a vegetarian diet, the palace gate opened, and a small sedan entered the palace gate of the Forbidden City. When it stopped in front of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, a man personally opened the curtain of the sedan for Mr. Shi in the sedan. . And this person is Wang Zhen, the current eunuch in charge and the actual leader of Dongchang. Mr. Shi got off the sedan, and all the civil and military officials around him cast curious and surprised glances. It was obvious that they did not know this man in simple clothes. Only a few people looked happy. They knew that someone with real weight had arrived. . Mr. Shi ignored Wang Zhen, who was full of sneers. When he walked in front of the four ministers, he handed over his fist as a greeting, but still didn't say a word. Among the five ministers who took care of life, Yang Rong had passed away, and the other four were also old men. When they saw Mr. Shi bowing to them, they all saluted in return. Mr. Shi finally strolled up to the sixteen-year-old emperor, and then said leisurely: "Let Yu Qian go." The emperor looked a little embarrassed and looked at Wang Zhen behind Mr. Shi. Wang Zhen had not just been there. He was obviously a little annoyed that he was not taken seriously by Mr. Shi. In his anger, he forgot about the gap between himself and Mr. Shi, and shook his head. Zhu Qizhen, the little emperor, said to Mr. Shi with an expression of embarrassment: "Mr. Shi, this Yu Qian really doesn't know the depth and has offended Mr. Wang. Mr. Wang is my husband. Although he is a eunuch, he is still addressed as a respectful name by people in the court." Father Weng. Yu Qian is a governor but he dares to be disrespectful to my husband. Shouldn't he be killed?" Mr. Shi didn't say a word, but just repeated what he just said: "Let Yu Qian go." When he spoke again, he had an angry look on his face, but he didn't dare to say anything. But Wang Zhen was behind Mr. Shi, waving his arms to reflect his villainous nature. He screamed: "You brave dog slave, how dare you speak rudely, aren't you afraid of destroying the nine tribes?" Mr. Shi slowly turned around. Go, but suddenly kicked Wang Zhen heavily to the ground. Wang Zhen was kicked to the ground by this sudden kick, groaning in pain. Mr. Shi walked up to Wang Zhen, stepped on Wang Zhen's chest with his foot, and said calmly: "Let Yu Qian go." Wang Zhen agreed repeatedly and begged Mr. Shi for mercy. Mr. Shi let go of his feet on Wang Zhen and strolled towards the sedan he came in. As he walked, he murmured to himself: "It's God's will to mislead me." At this moment, the emperor let go The bell in his chest trembled, but he didn't notice it. He was just frightened by the scene in front of him and stood there motionless. Mr. Shi¡¯s sedan chair was in front of all the civil and military officialsBefore leaving the Hall of Supreme Harmony, there were only the doubtful looks of many ministers and the grateful looks of a few old ministers. What stood out even more was the picture of Wang Zhen, who was still lying on the ground groaning, and the little emperor Zhu, who was clenching his fists and gritting his teeth. Qizhen. Mr. Shi's sedan chair left the palace gate and wandered into an ordinary street. The people living here were not princes and ministers, but just wealthy families in Beijing. This is Mr. Shi's home. It's not that special in this place. The door is so ordinary that you can't tell it's any different from ordinary people. If someone passes by the door of the house here, he must think that this is just a house. We are just a wealthy family, how dare we imagine what Mr. Shi did in front of the Hall of Supreme Harmony just now that shocked everyone. Several people standing at the door saw the arrival of the sedan and hurriedly ran out to greet it. The sedan landed, and a strong man opened the curtain for Mr. Shi. As soon as Mr. Shi stepped out of the sedan with one foot and landed on the ground, he also leaned out half of his body, but did not step out of the sedan. He just paused. Then he muttered to himself as if he was thinking about something, and kept counting with his right hand. Mr. Shi retracted into the sedan again, and his whole body was hidden behind the curtain. Mr. Shi's calm and deep voice came from inside: "Let's go to Dongzhimen." The strong man outside the sedan who just picked up the curtain whispered. Asked: "Master, what are you going to Dongzhimen for? Leave it to the disciples." After a period of silence in the sedan, Mr. Shi's somewhat excited voice came out. This was not like Mr. Shi's usual voice: "I just went to pick up the child." "Personally." Just before the sedan left the house under Mr. Shi's order, it headed towards the east of Beijing. The man in fine clothes turned back to the still confused person behind him and said, "Send someone to prepare, we will be there soon." Welcome a little junior brother." Then he turned and walked into the house. Several people behind him replied in unison: "Yes, second senior brother" and disappeared into the house. Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 3: Difficult Escape Dongzhimen in Beijing in late autumn is full of a bleak feeling. I did not choose a city in late autumn. Even though this is the capital, even though it is the center of economy and culture, I am still immersed in the bleak atmosphere of autumn. Fallen leaves were swept on both sides of the road in an orderly manner, forming two rows of orange lines. A little boy in tattered clothes looked at Dongzhimen. The streets here are so bustling. Although it has already entered autumn, there is a lot of trade. Various shops are open for business on the roadside. The surrounding big houses are also so grand. The little boy can't help but live there. I think, a random house here would be more impressive than the landlord's house in my hometown. The little boy couldn't help looking at everything in front of him with his mouth wide open, but then he stroked a scarf in his arms and murmured: "Mom, I'm in Beijing, I will definitely make a difference." He came from a border town in the northwest and grew up in A happy family of four, a kind grandmother, a beautiful mother, a strict but loving father, and myself who is still very happy. Although he could not be said to be rich, he at least had enough food and clothing. However, when he was four years old, disaster struck from the sky. He couldn't remember exactly what happened that day. Everything became clearer and clearer as his mother cried over and over again. He just remembered that it was also an autumn and so desolate. His father picked him up and kept throwing him up and catching him. That day he recited the entire "Great Learning". The father happily said to his mother: "My son can recite "The Great Learning" at the age of four. He will definitely win three yuan in a row from now on. I am the ancestor of the Lu family, Guangzong Yaozu." My mother did not answer, but looked at my father and herself with her eyes full of love and her big belly. He didn't know why his mother's belly was getting bigger day by day. When his father told him that he would have a younger brother or sister, he screamed with joy, because all his friends in the neighborhood had a younger brother or sister who was like a follower, and he also Want one. Today he memorized "The University" which he had read for a long time and had his own followers, so he said loudly to his father: "Double happiness comes to the door, double happiness comes to the door." His father became even more happy and kept repeating: "Well said, Double happiness, that's right." At this moment, a very noisy shout came from outside the door. The father looked at the closed door in confusion and stopped throwing him into the air, and slowly put the little boy down. on the ground, and then patted his butt to let him return to his mother. The father himself turned and walked towards the door. When the door opened, his father did not see the vendors busy selling at the door, nor did he see the people celebrating happily for various reasons. In front of him, there was only a man wearing a uniform. A knight in Mongolian attire was roaring by on his horse. When he saw the gate opened by his father, he did not rein in the horse and still rushed forward, but he quickly drew his bow and arrow and shot. The arrow hit my father's chest. My father staggered back into the door he had just stepped out of, closed the door tightly, and used his last strength to lock the door of the small courtyard. Then, as if all his strength had been exhausted, he fell down. He turned around on the ground and pressed his body against the two closed wooden doors, and then closed his eyes as if sleeping. The blood stained his front red, leaving a large bright red blood flower. The mother hugged the little boy and kept shaking. The little boy didn't know what was happening. He just kept asking his mother in a low voice: "What's wrong with father? Mother, is father asleep?" A drop of wet tears fell. On the boy's head, he looked up at his mother. He knew that his mother was a strong person, but now his mother was crying. The mother covered the child's mouth with one hand and her own mouth with the other. She was a smart woman. She knew that shouting at this time would only let the Mongolian soldiers outside the door know that there were children and women in the house, which would make them even more angry. Trouble, she endured the overwhelming sadness and grief. From that day on, the little boy never saw his father again. A year later, he learned from a neighbor¡¯s child that his father was dead. Death has no concept for a child, but he knew that he would never see his father again. He burst into tears and ran home. His mother was breastfeeding her newborn sister when she saw him coming in crying. He hurriedly asked if someone had bullied him. When he knew that he was crying because he would never see his father, his mother also shed tears. Without too many words, she just said to the little boy: "Lu Yunzhi, remember The Mongolian soldiers killed your father on their way to our town to plunder property. The hatred of the country and the family will never be forgotten." The boy stopped crying and nodded hard. The mother said again, "How to take revenge?" The boy was confused and didn't know what to do. How to answer his mother's question? She looked at him and said firmly: "Be an official and pacify the Tartars. If you want to be an official, you must first read the books of the sages, practice the ways of the sages, and listen to the things of the sages, and then you can get ahead and prosper." "The little boy remembered what his mother said. From then on, there was one less naughty child on the street, but there was one more Lu Yunzhi who was studying hard at home. At the age of six, Lu Yunzhi had read the Four Classics by heart, but was only familiar with the Five Classics but was not proficient in them. At the same time, he was also familiar with the eight-part essay. From breaking the topic to tying up the parts, the rigid requirements of the eight-part essay did not stump this child prodigy. He could always write neatly arranged sentences that impressed adults. When he could read the "Book of Documents" in the Five Classics?When he finished reciting it, he found that his noisy sister was missing, so he hurriedly pulled his mother to ask where his sister had gone. The mother just smiled and said to Xiao Yunzhi: "Send your sister to enjoy the happiness." Soon Lu Yunzhi discovered the changes in the family. The mother who used to just do housework began to weave during the day and mend clothes at home at night. The rice in the mother's bowl was getting less and less, and she was getting thinner and thinner. Although she and her grandma ate the same as before, grandma no longer had the kind eyes on her face. She just sighed and looked sad every day. When Xiao Yunzhi was seven years old, her grandma passed away. His mother took her hand and left the house. Lu Yunzhi raised his head and asked his mother and kept looking back at his home: "Mom, where are we going?" Her mother just whispered: "There is a drought in the northwest, let's go find something to eat. "On the road ahead, Lu Yunzhi knew a more accurate word to describe his life in the next year and a half - escape. During this arduous journey, many changes took place. Lu Yunzhi changed his name to "Goudan". My mother said that it would be easier to make a living with a nickname, and she would change it back when I have a stutter in the future. When he first started, his mother still urged Lu Yunzhi to recite the Four Books and Five Classics every day, become familiar with the eight-part essay, and study Zhu Xi's thoughts. But later on, my mother stopped supervising Goudan and relied entirely on Goudan¡¯s consciousness. Because my mother always fell asleep every time she took a break during the journey, "Goudan" who was sleeping soundly late at night would sometimes hear her mother's slight but painful moans. Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 4 The Mysterious Mr. Shi After all, one day, the mother lay down and could not get up again. She just took "Goudan"'s hand and said: "My child, go on your own. Whether you can survive or not depends on your luck." It was already eight years old. Lu Yunzhi, who was 18 years old, understood that his mother was going to die. He started to cry. The incomparable loneliness and the fear of life without his mother's care frightened the child. He cried and asked his mother: "Where should I go?" His mother thought. He thought for a while, and then said: "Go to Beijing, maybe you can survive to the Imperial City. Remember to take Dongzhimen. I heard that Dongzhimen in Beijing is the city gate for transporting building materials. If you can survive, you must become a pillar of the country. Remember. I want to get ahead." As she spoke, her mother closed her eyes forever. The young Lu Yun embarked on a journey alone. He had no money or clothes in his backpack, only the books he read and his mother's headscarf stuffed in his arms. During this journey, he relied on begging for a living, and walked step by step to Beijing. The rush along the way made him look ragged and dirty, and he threw away his books. At this moment, he didn't want to be an official anymore. He just wanted to have a good meal. Having a full meal is the happiest thing. He walked and finally arrived in Beijing. Lu Yunzhi suddenly remembered what her mother said about taking Dongzhimen, so she walked around the city and arrived at Dongzhimen. At this time, he lost the so-called motivation to become an official. Indeed, for a child, it was a miracle that he could walk to Beijing alone. Now he just wanted to fulfill his mother's dream, so he murmured on the street: "Mom, I've arrived in Beijing, and I will definitely get ahead." A pair of warm hands patted him, and he was confused about the next step alone. Where should I go to beg for food on Xiao Yunzhi's shoulders? He turned his head and looked at the uncle in his forties with three strands of beard, and asked, "Did I block your walk?" The man shook his head, and Lu Yunzhi breathed a sigh of relief. There were many insults along the way. His people all beat him up for being in the way. The man smiled, bent down and said to Lu Yunzhi: "My child, come with me. Although I dare not say that I will enjoy all the happiness in the world, it will allow you to live a good life. Are you willing?" Lu Yun Zhi nodded. He believed in this man. Although he didn't know why, the man's kind eyes revealed a look worthy of his trust. The man led Lu Yunzhi into a small sedan. Although the sedan was small, the interior space was spacious and the seats were very comfortable. He sat next to the man, as far away from the man as possible. He was a little flattered, and he was afraid that his clothes would stain this man's neat clothes. This kind of thing would ruin the dinner that had just arrived, Lu Yunzhi thought. However, the man did not dislike Lu Yunzhi. He kept stroking Xiao Yunzhi's hair, which had not been washed for a long time, and then made a praising tone from his mouth. The man suddenly spoke: "What's your name?" "Goudan" Lu Yunzhi said the name he used on his escape without thinking. The man shook his head and asked again: "What's your name?" Lu Yunzhi suddenly remembered that he had another name. For a moment, he had mixed emotions and almost cried when he thought of his parents, but he held it back strongly. Using the strength he had just learned on the way to escape, he said in a neither humble nor condescending manner: "Yunzhi, the son of Lu Chuansheng. Who are you?" The man burst out laughing: "Yunzhi, Lu Yunzhi, what a good name. My name is Shi Fang, please call me Mr. Shi." Lu Yunzhi bowed slightly in the sedan chair and said, "Mr. Shi Yunzhi is very polite. Where do you want to take me?" Mr. Shi's eyes were full of caring. He scratched Xiao Yunzhi's somewhat dirty nose with his finger and said, "You are still pretending to be a little adult. Where are you going? Go home." Lu Yunzhi saw the truth in Mr. Shi's eyes. The sincere care was something he had not received for a long time, and it was also the look on his face that he was thinking about his dreams. He no longer asked questions, but just lowered his head and could not calm down for a long time. The sedan quickly shuttled through the streets and alleys. When it stopped, the bearer opened the sedan curtain, and Mr. Shi took Lu Yunzhi's little hand and walked into the house next to the sedan. Lu Yunzhi opened her eyes wide. Although the house could not be said to be like a fairyland, the few times she entered and left the large house really shocked Xiao Yunzhi's heart. But what shocked him the most was that there were two rows of people standing inside the door. They lined the street to greet him. Their ages ranged from more than thirty years old to about the same age as himself. They were neatly lined up on both sides of the door. There were forty people. about. When Mr. Shi and Lu Yunzhi stepped through the door, everyone shouted in unison: "Master." Lu Yunzhi didn't know why, but what shocked him even more was not this, but the screen wall in the courtyard. There are a few lines of big characters written on it: You are not allowed to seek the world, you are not allowed to consider the emperor's orders, you are not allowed to interfere in the affairs of the government, and those who violate it will destroy the nine tribes - Zhu Yuanzhang. Ming Taizu Gao Emperor Zhu Yuanzhang! Lu Yunzhi stopped and looked blankly at the so-called Mr. Shi. Mr. Shi held Lu Yunzhi's hand and just smiled at Lu Yunzhi without saying a word. Lu Yunzhi asked the most innocent yet simple sentence: "Mr. Shi, who are you?" Mr. Shi laughed so happily, and then glanced at the list of people listed.Everyone in the room repeated, "Who are they?" More than forty people replied in unison: "People from heaven and earth." Lu Yunzhi didn't know what people from heaven and earth were, but he knew that his destiny had changed from this moment on. , but where it will lead is still unclear. Lu Yunzhi followed Mr. Shi into the house obediently. Everyone on both sides looked at Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi lowered his head in embarrassment because although the clothes of the people on both sides were simple, they were also clean and elegant. He exuded a sense of prosperity, but he was extremely down and out, wearing rags and dirty clothes. Under the gaze of everyone, he blushed and could only walk with his head lowered. Mr. Shi patted Lu Yunzhi on the shoulder and said: "Yunzhi, walk with your head held high. You are a man of heaven and earth who walks between heaven and earth. You must hold your head high wherever you go." Lu Yunzhi suddenly walked with his head held high, ignoring everyone. His eyes followed Mr. Shi as he walked in. Just when Lu Yunzhi walked into the gate of the mansion, in the palace not far away, young Zhu Qizhen looked at Wang Zhen moaning in bed and slapped the table hard: "I want to destroy these ten tribes." The Ten Clans were invented by Zhu Di, the founder of the Ming Dynasty. In addition to the Nine Clans, disciples and friends were also added, which was considered the highest punishment in the Ming Dynasty. Wang Zhen was being treated by the imperial physician. When the imperial physician saw that the emperor was angry, he was trembling with fear. Wang Zhen waved his hand, and the imperial physician bowed his body and retreated. At this time, Wang Zhen's face was still pale. He didn't know why Mr. Shi, who didn't seem to be strong, could be so strong. Wang Zhen said feebly: "Your Majesty, this is absolutely impossible, absolutely impossible. Although I don't know this. The origin of Si, but they have the death-avoidance elixir book of Emperor Taizu Gao, the death-avoidance card of Emperor Yongle, and the imperial edict of the late emperor. We should stay away from people like this. "Wang Zhen is always so bully and afraid of force. , so this doomed him to failure and the reviling behind him. Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 5: The Emperor and the People of Heaven and Earth After hearing this, Zhu Qizhen's anger gradually subsided, but he still said stiffly: "Mr. Wang, there is no need to persuade me. I know that you have a lot of people, but how can I allow this young man to act recklessly in front of me. I will find opportunities to punish him in the future." At that moment, a slightly childish shout came from outside the door. In front of the emperor, besides Wang Zhen, there was another person who could shout so boldly from across the door: "Brother Huang." Yes, it was the younger brother of the current emperor, King Zhu Qiyu. Zhu Qiyu is only one year younger than Zhu Qizhen, but in his eyes, Zhu Qizhen is the eldest brother who takes care of him, and he is also the emperor who is ninety-five years old. Therefore, Zhu Qiyu has no inhibitions in front of his brother. Although the two are just half-brothers, they don't know each other, and their relationship is extremely good. They are just like two brothers among the people, without a trace of the intrigues of royal brothers. It is precisely because of this that Zhu Qiyu was not sent to the vassal territory, but stayed in the capital and stayed with the emperor. Zhu Qiyu ran to the emperor, and then said to the emperor: "Brother, I heard you yelling outside the door, whose clan are you trying to destroy?" The emperor saw his younger brother, and his anger disappeared and he sighed. Sitting on the chair next to him, he said helplessly: "It's Mr. Shi." Zhu Qiyu looked at the emperor with wide eyes, and then asked in surprise: "Why, I have heard of Mr. Shi's name, who is he? " Emperor Zhu Qizhen uttered three words: "Heaven and Earth." King Zhu Qiyu sat on the chair next to the emperor. He knew that his brother was about to start talking, and even Wang Zhen, who was lying on the bed, stood up. body, wanting to hear clearly what Zhu Qizhen said below. Zhu Qizhen sighed again before speaking slowly: "The people of heaven and earth are originally people of various folk arts. They are proficient in the art of war, metaphysics, yin and yang, the house, alchemy, fortune telling, celestial phenomena and hundreds of other arts." There is no unified belief among them, and they pay attention to practicality and believe in whatever is useful. This gives them stronger capabilities in all aspects, so the outstanding people of heaven and earth have become the only assistants of the royal family, and they have been silently contributing to the royal family. It was not until one day that they remembered why they did not become emperor, and the world was in chaos, triggering various disputes during the Three Kingdoms period. In the end, Sima Yi, a man of ordinary talent, won the victory and achieved great success. Later, his son Sima Zhao passed by. After hard work, Sima Yi's grandson Sima Yan finally won the throne and established the Jin Dynasty. Sima Yi understood that his great achievements not only came from the skills of heaven and earth, but more importantly, he understood that destiny cannot be done and only by following nature can he achieve success. But his foolish grandson believed that man could conquer heaven, so he triggered the Eight Kings Rebellion, which was caused by the conflict between heaven and earth. A few decades later, several countries of heaven and earth established themselves, which were known as the Sixteen Kingdoms in history. During the Wuhu Chaos period in China, Zhu Qizhen took a sip of ginseng tea, looked at Wang Zhen and his younger brother Zhu Qiyu who were shocked by his words, smiled slightly and continued: "In this way, the people of heaven and earth continue to live in China. The battles caused by the grievances did not end until the late Sui Dynasty, when an unprecedented man of heaven and earth named Xing Wen appeared. He led his disciples to help Li Yuan and his son win the world. After that, Xing Wen asked to be erased from history. His name then disappeared from everyone's sight, and he lived a seemingly idle life. In fact, he had more important things to do. He had a good personal relationship with Li Shimin, and he did what a friend should do most. In the end, when he was eighty years old, he succeeded and unified all the different sects in the world, and then named them Tiandiren. After his careful division, each branch stayed in its own place. The Xing Wen line among the people of heaven and earth is called the Zhongzheng line, which is the line where Mr. Shi belongs. It means that it is the center of all the people of heaven and earth, and it justly regulates all the conflicts between heaven, earth and people. This is how the people of heaven and earth survive. , whether they kept Xing Wen¡¯s teachings in mind or were forced by the powerful forces of Zhongzheng, in short they spent the remaining seven hundred years peacefully, and there were no more disputes between the sects. The most important thing is They no longer care about who is the emperor and who owns the world, and they do not expect to be able to ascend to the throne hall. They just live a leisurely life of seeing Nanshan." Zhu Qizhen paused and thought for a moment before continuing: "Yuan, it can be said that he is himself. In order to seek destruction, they believed in the magic of ghosts and witches, thus searching for the people of heaven and earth from various sects among the people. Because the ghost witches once said that only by killing all the people of heaven and earth can the Yuan Dynasty be passed on for thousands of generations, so thousands of people of heaven and earth were massacred. Tragedy. The people of Tiandi were angry, but at this time the leader of the Zhongzheng line was not as talented as Xing Wen. He could not lead the people of Tiandi scattered across the country, because he could not escape the pursuit of these Tatars. The people of heaven and earth are all top experts in this lineage, so they decided to support the uprising leader they were familiar with or liked. Zhang Shicheng, Chen Youliang, including our Taizu, of course, it was the Zhongzheng lineage, the main line of the people of heaven and earth, who supported our Taizu. We won the victory and established the extremely powerful Ming Dynasty. But our Taizu was a foresighted and holy king. He established the ancestral precept that every generation of royal heirs must be familiar with the history of the people of heaven and earth, in order to prevent the people of heaven and earth from having different intentions to seize our Ming Dynasty.?, he constantly weakened the power of the people of heaven and earth, including the power of the people of heaven and earth in the court. This is why Liu Ji (Liu Bowen) finally lost power. Liu was basically the power that the people of heaven and earth put into the court. After weakening their power, Emperor Taizu also wrote a line in the house of the Zhongzheng line in Nanjing: No conspiracy for the world, no conspiracy for the emperor's life, no involvement in government affairs , Violators will destroy the nine tribes. On the day when the capital was moved, people were also sent from Nanjing to their current residence in Beijing. The Zhongzheng line abides by what Emperor Taizu said. They did not want to interfere in the government affairs. It was only the massacre of the Mongolian barbarians that made them resist, and the Ming Dynasty also had their share of the credit. However, Emperor Taizu did not expect that a man of heaven and earth who was more talented than Liu Ji would appear among the people - Yao Guangxiao. And Yao Guangxiao is also related to the bells on you and me. "As he spoke, Zhu Qizhen took out the bell in his arms, and Zhu Qiyu also took out a bell that was slightly smaller than Zhu Qizhen's. The two looked at each other. Zhu Qiyu held the bell, confused. Looking at Zhu Qizhen, he raised his own question: "Brother Huang is a noble, so it is understandable that he has a bell, but I am just a concubine, how can I also have a bell. "Zhu Qizhen looked at his younger brother. He trusted his younger brother. Apart from Wang Zhen, the one he trusted most was this lovely King Tan. But it was precisely because of this trust that he laid the foundation for what would happen in the future. , also led to the following remarks. Volume One Sudden Change Chapter Six Nine Bells "Of course, you are not the only one who has this bell. There are actually seven others, a total of nine in the world. To talk about the origin of the bell, we have to start with Yao Guangxiao. He is from the Yao family of Wuxing, that is, Shun among the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors. The emperor's family is a famous royal family that has been prosperous since the Han Dynasty, but Yao Guangxiao became a monk with the name Daoyan. This man became a monk as a young man, but he did not practice Buddhism. It was in vain for him to meditate and chant sutras. During that time, he became a disciple of a man from heaven and earth. This man was Ying Zhen, the chairman of Pang Tian lineage. Yao Guangxiao followed Xi Yingzhen to study yin and yang, art of war, celestial phenomena and other secret arts, and finally learned it. However, Xi Yingzhen did not accept apprentices in his life, so he forgot A major event is to pay a visit to the Zhongzheng family. It means submitting the name of one's disciple to the Zhongzheng family, and visiting the Zhongzheng family at their residence every five years. Only after this ceremony can it be considered a real ceremony. People in heaven and earth, but I don¡¯t know whether Xi Yingzhen forgot it or did it on purpose. In short, no one knew about Yao Guangxiao¡¯s existence. It wasn¡¯t until a man from heaven and earth named Liuzhuang layman Yuan Gong happened to meet Yao Guangxiao in Songshan Mountain that he said something in surprise: ' What a strange monk! His eyes are triangular, his shape is like a sick tiger, and his nature is murderous. This sentence further confirms Yao Guangxiao's determination to do something big and stir up rebellion in the Yellow River world. It also foreshadows Yao Guangxiao's character. It is rumored that people in the Central Plains and other places view three points of destiny energy, and they practice various secret techniques to cultivate three points of destiny energy. As long as one of them is three times higher than the other, the other party will not be able to calculate the other party's fate even if they think about it to death. . And Yuan Gong is already a famous fortune teller. His Tianxiang lineage is famous for fortune telling, so he is very skilled. At this moment, he tried his best to see Yao Guangxiao's character. So when he finished saying this. After talking, he ran to Beijing day and night to see the leader of the Zhongzheng line at that time, who was Mr. Shi's master. This man was named Chu Tianyang. After deducing, he came to the conclusion that Yao Guangxiao must rebel, so he went through all kinds of hardships to find Yao Guangxiao. The two talked behind closed doors for many days. Chu Tianyang originally wanted to persuade Yao Guangxiao to quit government affairs and not get involved in human disputes. After a long conversation this night, Yao Guangxiao actually persuaded Chu Tianyang and tried his best to assist King Yan. Emperor Yongle Zhu Di and Chu Tianyang also awarded Yao Guangxiao the title of Heaven and Earth Man. From then on, Yao Guangxiao officially became a Heaven and Earth Man." Zhu Qiyu listened attentively and couldn't help but interrupt the emperor and said: "Brother, this is related to our bell. It doesn¡¯t matter, you and I have read about Emperor Yongle¡¯s deeds since we were children. Yao Guangxiao is indeed an important minister of Emperor Yongle, but he is a man of heaven and earth after all. Isn¡¯t this bell harmful to us? " Zhu Qizhen smiled slightly, shook his head and said: "My dear brother, don't worry. Listen to what I have to say. Although Yao Guangxiao is considered one of the people of heaven and earth, he is not willing to become a person of heaven and earth. When Emperor Yongle was in trouble, Yao Guangxiao used magic to attract the evil wind at the critical moment. Help Emperor Yongle defeat the enemy. After Emperor Yongle ascended the throne, Yao Guangxiao also persuaded Emperor Yongle to move the capital and designed the Eight-Armed Nezha City, which is our Beijing, to suppress the dragon vein of China, so that our Ming Dynasty will last forever. The most important thing is that Yao Guangxiao regarded Emperor Yongle as his best friend, so he designed the bells that you and I wear. Every emperor knows this secret. After I tell you today, you must remember not to tell anyone. The bell was designed by Yao Guangxiao to restrict the world and people from telling the emperor's fate and prevent political speculation to support the new king and assist the vassal king in causing rebellion. The bell was embedded with Fu Zhu, one of the evil spirits. Yao Guangxiao divided the evil spirit into nine parts. They are embedded in nine bells. Ordinary people cannot figure out our Zhu family¡¯s royal destiny. The profound people of heaven and earth have also recorded it. Once they plot evil against us and predict our royal destiny, the bell will ring loudly. The day the sound continues, it is the time when people from heaven and earth will be slaughtered. I hold a main bell, and the important vassal kings hold auxiliary bells, which are also used to monitor the vassal kings. As for how to monitor, that is" Suddenly Wang Zhen shouted on the bed: "Your Majesty, It's time for you to rest. "Although Wang Zhen is stupid, he also knows that there must be secrets involved at this time, which must not be known to King Yi Zhu Qiyu. If he knows the method of surveillance, he will not be able to restrain King Yi, so he interrupted Zhu Qizhen's eloquent speech. The little emperor, who was only sixteen years old, didn't know what to say or not. After all, Wang Zhen was no longer young. He knew the stakes and hurriedly stopped the emperor. From this, it seems that although Wang Zhen bullied the weak and feared the strong, he was greedy for money. , but the reason why he is now in power is not only because he is deeply respected and loved by the emperor, but also because he has mastered some skills that many people cannot learn in a lifetime, and he knows the current affairs well. The emperor did not think of this truth. After all, he was still too young and wanted to continue talking. Wang Zhen no longer stopped the emperor, but said to King Zhu Qiyu: "Your Highness, it's time for the emperor to rest. Please come back. " King Yin was also smart, at least smarter than his brother. He hurriedly bowed to the emperor and resigned, and then hurriedly left the palace. Wang Zhen waited for King Yin to retreat before he said sternly to the emperor: "This matter is related to whether your throne can be stable. Sit down, it is related to your wealth and life. How can you tell others so easily? You are not allowed to mention it again in the future. Even I cannot know. Did you hear clearly? "EmperorWang Zhen was watched by Wang Zhen since he was a child. Wang Zhen also served as the emperor's companion and supervised the emperor's studies, so the emperor always addressed this eunuch as "Mr. Wang". Although he thought Wang Zhen was making a fuss out of a molehill, he still replied respectfully: "Don't worry, Mr. Wang, I will keep it in mind." The court did whatever he wanted and killed many loyal people, but the only person he did not want to kill was the young man in front of him. This young man was not an emperor in front of him, but a child he had grown up with. He even regarded Zhu Qizhen as a Taking care of him like a son, he couldn't help but think silently in his heart: Zhu Qizhen, my child, you must grow up quickly, and I will try my best to help you. Although he thought so, Wang Zhen's character flaws and lack of resourcefulness led to the subsequent ups and downs, so that he harmed the prosperous emperor Zhu Qizhen in front of him. After entering the mansion, Lu Yunzhi was arranged into a small house. There was a bunk in the house with four pillows and four sets of quilts. In addition to the beds, there were four tables in the room, complete with pens, inks, paper and inkstones. Seeing these stationery, Lu Yunzhi's eyes shone with light, and he knew that he had another chance to study. But what puzzled him was that in addition to the normal rice paper, there was a pile of yellow paper neatly placed on the table. Lu Yunzhi knew that this kind of paper was burned to the dead during the Ghost Festival of the Ghost Festival. But what is the use of this kind of paper on the desk now? Lu Yunzhi thought in confusion. After entering the house, Mr. Shi handed Lu Yunzhi over to a lean man. The man looked about thirty-four or five years old, with a tall, thin face that looked like a little There was no expression on his face, but there was a sparkle in his eyes that made it impossible to look directly at him, and Lu Yunzhi was no exception. He was a little afraid of this man, although this man did not say a word to Lu Yunzhi. Volume One Sudden Change Chapter Seven Snake Brother Diao Shanshe The man called two people over and gave him a few instructions. The two men bowed their heads and said, "Yes, Second Senior Brother." Then he turned and left, but one of them winked at Lu Yunzhi with a naughty grin when he lowered his head. He grinned, stuck out his tongue, and made a face. Not long after the two people disappeared, a table was brought over. There were some bedding, pillows and other items on the table. After they set it up for Lu Yunzhi, the man called Second Senior Brother said coldly. : "Eighteenth brother, please explain to your junior brother that you will bring him to see the master in half an hour. The master will tell him the rules and other things in Yangshanzhai. I will leave first." He didn't look at it after he finished speaking. Lu Yunzhi turned around and walked out of the door. One of the two people called by the second senior brother also walked out. Only one person was left. He bent down and said: "Farewell to the second senior brother." Then he didn't raise his head for a long time. The sound of footsteps gradually faded away, and then he raised his head and let out a long sigh of relief. He suddenly sat down on the table, swung his feet and said, "What is your name, little junior brother?" Lu Yunzhi looked at this man. It turned out that he had just done this to him. The man with a grimace said hurriedly: "My lord, Lu Yunzhi, do you dare to ask me your surname?" The man waved his hand and said, "Since you have entered this courtyard, after a while and going through a ceremony, you will become a member of our lineage. If you are successful, you will be called seniors and juniors in this lineage, and you will be ranked according to the time of entry. After waiting for five years, you will be evaluated and re-ranked. At this time, you will be a true member of the Zhongzheng lineage of heaven and earth people. " Lu Yunzhi said in confusion: "What is the world, what is the Zhongzheng lineage, and I just heard that you are the eighteenth brother, which means you are the eighteenth, right? Question, will the ranking change after the re-examination?" The man was stunned for a moment, then scratched his head and said, "Why do you have so many questions? I can't even remember them. Let me think about it. First of all, what is a heaven and earth person? , what is the Zhongzheng lineage? I won¡¯t talk about this question for now. Master will explain it to you patiently in a moment. Master will explain it to you once every disciple starts. In addition, every disciple will be assessed and ranked after five years of entry. Those with higher abilities and talents may be ranked in the top twenty. This ranking will not change until new people come in. When you are ranked again, you may be demoted, or you may not stay where you are. This is This lineage is different from other factions, but you are right about one thing, I am ranked eighteenth, I must be awesome." Lu Yunzhi hesitated to speak, and closed his mouth as soon as he opened his mouth. The man was anxious. He stood up and said: "Look, look, you have learned to speak halfway at a young age, tell me what you want to ask?" Lu Yunzhi was a little embarrassed and muttered: "You didn't let me ask so many questions? "The man burst into laughter and said: "You are stupid. I don't know how Master values ??you. But you are the fifth one who can be brought in by Master. Apart from senior brother, third senior brother, fourth senior brother and fifth senior brother. , We were all brought in by our senior brothers. You seem to have something special. Okay, okay, can you ask?" Lu Yunzhi was a little confused. He had never seen any of the senior brothers he mentioned, but he had seen it himself. The second senior brother who passed me was not among these names, but I put it aside for the time being and asked the question I wanted to ask just now: "You said that it is possible to be in the top twenty. It seems that I am really talented. Dare I ask? How many senior brothers are there now?" The man scratched his head and said vaguely: "There are twenty-five in total, and the rest are those who are about to take the exam, or are new disciples like you. "Lu Yunzhi muttered casually: "It turns out they are among the bottom dozen. "The man jumped up, looking a little angry, and shouted: "You are so annoying, you don't know how to compliment others, and I asked you first just now, but you got me in, and you asked me instead. I asked you what your name is, but you haven¡¯t answered me yet. The family lineage is arranged in an orderly manner, senior and junior. How can I not answer when a senior brother asks me? " Lu Yunzhi hurriedly lowered his head, knowing that he was still too young and had offended others with his unintentional words. He quickly apologized and said: "Senior brother, please forgive me. I don't know the importance of my words and I don't know the importance of my words. I hope you will forgive me. Junior brother, I have a bad life" Before he finished speaking, the man suddenly stretched out his hand to stop Lu Yunzhi's words, and then walked away with his sleeves. It seemed that he was really angry. Lu Yunzhi sighed, although he was young. After going through many hardships, Xiao Ke has become somewhat understanding of the world. Knowing that he was in trouble this time, he turned around to pack up the pens, inks, paper and inkstones. He hadn't written in a long time, but when he turned around, he heard the sound of something coming from behind him. He turned his head hurriedly, only to see the man standing behind him with a smile on his face. Then he slightly bent over and looked at Lu Yunzhi face to face and said, "Why are you just sighing? You are not afraid. You are not afraid of offending me." This senior brother? I'm not panicking at all. I can't even try to scare you. It's really boring. "As he spoke, he cupped his hands and said, "I'm here in Diao Shanshe. I'm nicknamed Little Snake. I'm ranked eighteenth in the pulse. From now on, you have to call me Senior Brother or Brother Eighteen when there's someone around. Call me Snake when there's no one around." Brother or little snake will do, haha. " Lu Yun was stunned by the sudden change in Diao Shanshe, and she hurriedly handed over her hands and said: "Brother Diao is so generous, and he is so mean.My life is Lu Yunzhi, but my life is not worth mentioning. It is an insult. My dear brother, please listen. It was all my fault just now. I hope you can forgive me. Diao Shanshe waved his hand with a playful look on his face and said: "I don't remember it a long time ago. Besides, you are right. I am one of the last ten. I am not good at studying. Otherwise, how could I let my second senior brother call me?" Yes, but what you should really be afraid of is the second and fifth senior brothers. Avoid them when you see them in the future. "Lu Yunzhi was still a child and was very curious, so she hurriedly asked: "Why? "You have met Second Senior Brother. He speaks coldly and is the great steward of our lineage. When Master is away, he is the one who takes care of everything. Senior Brother basically doesn't care about anything. Generally speaking, anything that Second Senior Brother has said will be ignored." Big brother doesn't work either. However, the second senior brother is just cold and stern. The most terrifying thing is the fifth senior brother. He is an instructor. You will know it in two days. I guarantee that you will be afraid of him for the rest of your life after taking his class once. There are too many stories about the fifth senior brother. , I really can¡¯t describe it. Anyway, remember one thing, don¡¯t offend these two people when you see them hiding away, otherwise you will die in an ugly way, no, it will be worse than death. "After that, he started to help Lu Yunzhi pack the things in the house. Lu Yunzhi was confused and had too many questions to ask, but he thought that after meeting Mr. Shi later, he might be able to answer all the confusion, so he pressed The words that Luo Xin wanted to ask were no longer asked. Xiao She Diao Shanshe seemed to be a lively person. He kept playing with Lu Yunzhi and gave Lu Yunzhi nicknames: Lu Shudu, Lu. Rigidity, Lu Shasha, etc. Lu Yunzhi couldn't laugh or cry. He couldn't imagine how this 10-year-old adult man could be so lively. Compared with him, he seemed to be a man in his thirties, but I still like this man very much, and Diao Shanshe's name is also very useful. Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 8: Become a Disciple and Never Change Half an hour passed quickly. Diao Shanshe led Lu Yunzhi through a winding corridor and entered the courtyard. The main room in the courtyard looked very simple, but it was full of style and sculptures. The pillars are very beautiful. There is a plaque hanging in the middle of the eaves, with three characters written on it, "Yangshanzhai". Diao Shanshe bent at the door and said, "Master, I brought my junior brother here." Someone at the door answered, and the voice sounded like it was the second senior brother: "Let him in, Master is writing." Diao Shanshe stepped aside. He turned around and let Lu Yunzhi go in, then turned around and left. Lu Yunzhi walked into the room. There were five men sitting in the room. One of them was the lean and cold second senior brother. When they saw him coming in, they all stood up and glanced at Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi also looked at them. Standing on the left hand side of the second senior brother was a short and fat man with a big nose and a big head. There was a smile in his eyes, a kind smile, and a big round face. With the words "happy" on it, he looked to be in his mid-thirties. The second senior brother said: "This is senior senior brother Cheng Fangdong." Lu Yunzhi bowed slightly and said: "Senior brother, I'm glad to meet you." The senior senior brother smiled more kindly: "Junior brother is polite, he is such a good boy, and his residence is nice. I think I'm satisfied. I'll change my clothes later. It's getting cold. Please be careful" Before he finished speaking, the second senior brother interrupted him impatiently and continued, "My name is Han Yueqiu." "Second senior brother Jiu Yang." "Lu Yunzhi felt that the senior brother was very kind and completely different from the second senior brother, but since the second senior brother introduced himself, he naturally had to answer quickly. Diao Shanshe said that he should hide and go away. Those who can't afford to offend are the second senior brother and the second senior brother. Fifth senior brother, if introduced like this, the remaining three senior brothers ranked in the top five. As expected, only the third man said: "I am the third brother, he is the fourth brother, we are twins, my name is Xie Qi "His name is Xie Li." Lu Yunzhi looked and saw that the two men, around 20 years old, looked exactly the same. This was the first time he had seen twin brothers. Although he had heard about them in the countryside, he couldn't help but be particularly curious and observed them carefully. He almost forgot to return the gift, but it wasn't until his second senior brother Han Yueqiu coughed that he suddenly came over and was busy saluting. "I am your fifth senior brother, Du Hai." A thunderous sound startled Lu Yun. The burly man with angry eyes and slightly splayed beard in front of him was his fifth senior brother. At this time, Lu Yunzhi Only then did he understand why Diao Shanshe was afraid of his fifth senior brother. His appearance alone was scary enough. At this time, someone walked out of the house laughing. It turned out to be Mr. Shi. He asked Lu Yunzhi to follow him to the back room, and the five senior brothers also followed. There was a bowl of steaming meat porridge on the square table in the room. Lu Yunzhi had been hungry for a long time. He couldn't help but swallowed and refused to look at the bowl of meat porridge. Mr. Shi saw Lu Yunzhi's expression and smiled. He said: "My child, are you hungry? This is for you. Eat quickly and drink slowly to nourish your stomach and eat something dry tomorrow." After saying this, the senior brother behind him patted Lu Yunzhi. With his back, he motioned to Lu Yunzhi, who was wondering whether to refuse, to eat quickly. Lu Yunzhi didn't pretend to be reserved and hurriedly ran to the square table to devour the food. An old woman came in with some clothes, put them down, turned around and walked out. After Lu Yunzhi finished eating, the second senior brother Han Yueqiu said coldly: "Put on new clothes, how can you look so decent in rags?" Lu Yunzhi scratched his head in embarrassment, and his senior brother Cheng Fangdong smiled and said: "Junior brother, follow me to the side room to change clothes. Second brother, don't blame me too much." Han Yueqiu didn't seem to respect Cheng Fangdong too much, and just snorted coldly, But he still said: "Elder brother is the one to blame." Lu Yunzhi followed Cheng Fangdong into the side room of the house. The old woman brought in a basin of water. Lu Yunzhi washed it briefly and then changed it. After putting on new clothes, Lu Yunzhi remembered that the last time he wore new clothes was a year after his father died. Since then, he has never worn new clothes. The material of the clothes is not noble, but it is the best clothes Lu Yunzhi has ever worn. The light blue robe is clean and tidy, and it is comfortable and close-fitting. Lu Yunzhi kept stroking the new clothes on her body, feeling indescribably happy. When Cheng Fangdong saw that Lu Yunzhi had finished changing, he led Lu Yunzhi's hand back to the room where his master was, and then stood among the four senior brothers. The third senior brother Xie Qi said: "It's true that a man depends on his clothes and his horse relies on his saddle. The junior brother who puts on new clothes is different." Mr. Shi, with a smile on his face, greeted Lu Yunzhi to come forward and sat at Mr. Shi's table. There were three big characters written on the front. The fonts were vigorous and powerful and penetrated the paper. Lu Yunzhi saw three characters written on the paper. He had heard the three characters twice before: heaven, earth and people. Mr. Shi smiled and said: "What are heaven, earth and people? Heaven refers to the celestial phenomena and fate, earth refers to whether there is spirituality and luck, and human refers to a person's Qi, his character and his own cultivation. And knowledge, the most important thing is his ability and other things. This is the meaning of the name Tiandiren given by the ancestor." Mr. Shi then told the origin of Tiandiren. I don't know if he knew it, but he was in the palace not far away. Later, the current emperor Zhu Qizhen also narrated it, but Mr. Shi's speech was more vivid and detailed, and went beyond the bell. Lu Yunzhi listened to Mr. Shi¡¯s wordsThe story opened in surprise. When he was in his hometown, he often heard the scholar tell how Zhu Yuanzhang conquered the world and how Zhu Di suppressed the rebellion, but he didn't know that the people of heaven and earth also played a role in it. Mr. Shi's words aroused Lu Yunzhidun's curiosity, and questions flooded into his mind. Just as he was about to ask, he was forced back by the cold eyes of his second senior brother Han Yueqiu. After Mr. Shi finished speaking, he looked at Lu Yunzhi with a smile and asked: "My child, do you want to become your teacher and learn the skills of the people of heaven and earth?" Lu Yunzhi nodded. At this time, he may not be I really want to be a person of heaven and earth, but here I can give myself clothes to protect myself from the cold, and food to fill my belly, and everything is pretty good. Mr. Shi pinched Lu Yunzhi's face and said: "You are still too young. You have to study for a few years. I will ask you this question again in five years. You must answer it seriously." Lu Yunzhi still nodded. At that moment, he thought of his dead parents and fell to the ground, kowtowed three times and shouted: "Master, apprentice has something to ask." Mr. Shi helped Lu Yunzhi up and replied: "Say it." Lu Yunzhi raised his head and straightened up. Looking at Mr. Shi, he asked: "Master, I would like to ask if I can be a good man of heaven and earth, can I be able to defeat the Tartars and make a difference." "Of course, maybe you will do more." Mr. Shi replied lightly. Lu Yunzhi suddenly cried, then knelt down on the ground, kowtowed and said: "My disciple Lu Yunzhi will never regret becoming a man of heaven and earth throughout his life. If he can avenge Yun's blood and blood, he will not hesitate to go through fire and water." Senior brother, third senior brother and fourth senior brother. He hurriedly walked up and helped Lu Yunzhi up. Mr. Shi smiled and said to Lu Yunzhi: "Yunzhi, you go back first and take a rest. You have to start studying tomorrow. Only by being energetic can you study well. Only by studying well can you be called a good person in heaven and earth. Go back, son." Lu Yunzhi said yes and left. After Lu Yunzhi left, Han Yueqiu, who had not moved at the same place, muttered: "I'm almost turning into a kowtowing insect." Seeing Mr. Shi looking at him, he hurriedly said: "Master atones for his sins, but is it inappropriate to encourage him to take revenge?" , We people in heaven and earth are most taboo about the three precepts of anger, stupidity, and resentment. This violation of the most important precept of resentment will put him under pressure and give birth to inner demons." Mr. Shi stood up and looked out the door and said. Quote: "Time will dilute everything, not to mention the three precepts are sometimes a kind of motivation." Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 9 The First Day of Entry When Lu Yunzhi walked out of the door and walked to the corridor where he came from, a person came out from behind the pillars of the corridor. This man was not tall, only three heads taller than the young Lu Yunzhi. He was thin and agile. , a face with strange and ever-changing expressions, which is extremely inconsistent with his age. Lu Yunzhi took a closer look and saw who it was if it wasn't Xiao She Diao Shanshe. Diao Shanshe rushed to Lu Yunzhi and said, "Junior brother Lu, how did you feel about meeting the master just now? The fifth senior brother is not particularly scary." Lu Yunzhi nodded. Although they had not known each other for a long time, Lu Yun He no longer regarded Diao Shanshe as an outsider and said: "Master, I heard you are kind. The fifth senior brother is very rough and a bit scary." Diao Shanshe touched his nose and then said: "That's right, that's right, from now on we can You have to be careful. I think you are not a good boy. If there is anything fun in the future, I will ask you to play with me. You call me Brother Snake and I call you Bookworm. Seeing that you are very old-fashioned and bookworm, it suits you best. " Regardless of whether Lu Yunzhi answered or not, he called Lu Yunzhi like a bookworm and took Lu Yunzhi back to his house. Diao Shanshe brought water to Lu Yunzhi for him to take a bath, but he said he had homework to do, and disappeared without a trace in a flash. When it was getting dark, an old woman brought Lu Yunzhi a large portion of porridge, a small dish of pickles and two pieces of fried fish. Lu Yunzhi devoured these things. Just when he picked up another book on the bookshelf and prepared to stay up late to read, the door to the room suddenly opened. Four children about his age came in, and a little fat black man came over and said, "You are new here, right? I saw the master bringing you in this morning. You are so impressive. If you can be brought in by the master, you will definitely be able to enter." Among the top ten. My name is Fang Qingze, what about you? Just hearing the sound of music, Lu Yunzhi and Fang Qingze both turned their heads to look. A child with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks said: "I've never heard of it before, but I still admire it for a long time. Stop being so hypocritical. We are all from the same family. From now on we will Take care of each other, my name is Wu Hao. You can call me Shouhou. If you are good at reading and reading, you can answer my homework for me later." Lu Yunzhi was a little bit dumbfounded by Wu Hao, who didn't see anyone outside. , I feel that he and the immature eighteenth brother Diao Shanshe are really the same kind of people. At this time, I heard someone say: "You can tell by his name, Wu Hao Wu Hao, not a little bit good, no good. Speaking of which, Shou Monkey, I wrote the exercise for you yesterday, you should give me a shoulder and a back slap today. "Okay." When a handsome young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes said this, Lu Yunzhi clasped his fists and asked, "How dare you ask me your name?" The man also raised his hand to Lu Yunzhi and said, "I'm here. Zhuozhou Qu Xiangtian, in the future we will be considered as five people. We will no longer be afraid of those brats from the second room when we fight and curse." Lu Yunzhi was a little confused about what the second room was, but she heard Shouhou Wu Hao say: "There is still one less person, don't worry. I forgot that we have a young man here who doesn't want to be with us." As he said this, he glanced at a young man sitting by the bed. This young man was not ugly, but there was an air of arrogance between his eyebrows. When he came out, when he saw everyone looking at him, he sneered and said: "You commoners can live in the same room with me. This is a lucky thing for you. There is also this new guy, don't touch me." Let me sleep next to you and move the quilt quickly. I don't want to be next to a beggar. You are all too dirty. I'd better be next to Qu Xiangtian. He is cleaner. " This sentence about beggars really stung Lu Yun. With his young heart, he thought that after entering the house, he would no longer have to be bullied and beg for food. Unexpectedly, he would still be called a beggar. Lu Yunzhi couldn't help but feel angry and looked at the young man who insulted him. At this time, the fat black man Fang Qingze patted Lu Yunzhi on the shoulder and said: "Brother Lu, sleep next to me and Skinny Monkey. This guy's name is Zhu Jianwen. He is the eldest son of King Wu. He is the vassal king. Let's stay away." Well, you were brought in by Master, I was brought in by Third Senior Brother, Qu Xiangtian was brought in by Fifth Senior Brother, and even Shouhou was brought in by Fourth Senior Brother, but you don¡¯t know Zhu Jianwen He was announced by the emperor. This is called being ordered to be a teacher. Hey, people are noble. No one wants to be forced into it. He is so powerful." After saying this, Lu Yunzhi laughed and looked at Fang Qingze gratefully, thinking about Fang Qingze. To save myself from the siege, I will definitely repay you twice as much in the future, so I also laughed at this moment. The thin monkey covered his mouth and smiled evilly. Even Qu Xiangtian, who was looking at the most steady man, let out a hey. Zhu Jianwen's face was ashen with anger. , just pointed at Fang Qingze, speechless, and then fell to bed and fell asleep. The four of them chatted for a while. Lu Yunzhi and Qu Xiangtian also held a lamp and read together for a while. They sat together like adults and talked about the past and the present. They didn't fall asleep until it was already late. Lu Yunzhi lay on the bed tossing and turning, unable to sleep. He was very excited about the secret history he had learned today. He was also grateful that he could have a life of food and clothing. He was even more looking forward to the new day tomorrow. He thought about it until the sky fainted. Liang just fell into a drowsy sleep. "Lu Yunzhi, Lao Lu is getting up soon." Lu Yunzhi heardWith the sound of shouting, he forced his eyes to open and looked, only to see Fang Qingze standing next to him neatly dressed, looking at him. So he quickly got up, put on his clothes, and followed the four of them to the depths of the mansion. Prince Wu Zhu Jianwen walked in the front, with his head held high and his chest raised, his nose turned to the sky, as if he was about to go to court in the morning. Lu Yunzhi slept a little recklessly. At this moment, he was woken up by the cold wind in the morning. He hurriedly asked: "Brother Xiangtian, dare to ask where we are going?" Qu Xiangtian was twelve years old at the moment, and Lu Yunzhi Nine years old, both of them are young but old-fashioned people, but Qu Xiangtian is more domineering. Qu Xiangtian smiled slightly, looked back and said to Lu Yunzhi: "We are going to the morning class. The morning class teaches reading and writing. Lu Xiandi is smarter than others and has learned a lot. He must not be afraid. However, Fang Qingze, can you remember the Book of Songs that I taught yesterday? Prison?" Fang Qingze shook his head: "Guan Guan Jujiu is in Hezhizhou, what the hell is My Fair Lady doing? I have taken all this and what, I can't remember it, just wait for the Eighth Senior Brother to scold me." Thin Monkey covered his mouth and said with a smile: "You are just stupid. It's so hard to write something on your hands. The Eighth Senior Brother only knows how to recite to you and shakes his head. He doesn't open his eyes even if you don't stop. I have discovered the pattern and have already written it." It's in my hand. I'll do this when it's my turn to carry it today." Fang Qingze slapped his head: "Why didn't I think of it earlier? I'll beat you to death if you don't tell me earlier." They started chasing each other. The two men were about the same size as Lu Yunzhi. They seemed to be naughty even though they had not experienced too many hardships. Soon the five people came to a wing room. In the middle of the wing room, there was a plaque with the words "Sage Hall" written on it. Lu Yunzhi looked up at these three words. Several people also stopped and boredly accompanied Lu Yunzhi, who had just arrived here. Only Zhu Jianwen walked into the hall and disappeared into the room. At this moment, a joking voice suddenly came from behind: "Hey, aren't these the monsters from the third room?" Lu Yunzhi and others turned around, only to see five teenagers standing behind them, slightly older than them. Being older, Lu Yunzhi was a little confused, but knew that it was not appropriate to ask what a third bedroom was at this time. One of the people in the group said: "Why do you call them monsters?" It could be heard that the tone was full of ridicule, and the words were spoken very skillfully. It seemed that this was not the first time such words were said. A tall young man among the five people replied: "Think about it, one is as fat as a pig, one is as thin as a monkey, one of some prince walks with his muzzle turned upward, and there is another who is slightly normal but unfortunately has a bad surname, Qu. Sliding around the corner. Haha, no, finally one of the five of them is normal. They just form a group to perform tricks. They play monkeys and pigs. Hahaha, you three-bedroom people really disgrace us. " Qu Xiangtian suddenly became furious and shouted: "Gao Huai, do you want to fight?" The group also rolled up their sleeves and shouted, "Come on, who is afraid of whom? You can't win with one more person. "At this moment, a melodious voice said from inside the door: "Reading is a good way to cultivate one's moral character." Upon hearing this, everyone present stopped arguing and hurriedly walked into the hall, and Lu Yunzhi also followed him into the room. Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 10: Xiaohe just shows his sharp horns There was a man in the room, in his thirties, shaking his head, holding a book, and chanting to himself. After several people entered the room, they said in unison: "Good morning, senior brother." Lu Yunzhi also greeted him. The man stopped turning his head and looked at the group of people, and then said in return: "Good morning, junior brother." Then he looked at Lu Yunzhi and asked: "Junior brother, are you literate? Can you read a book?" Lu Yunzhi Zhi nodded and replied: "I'm literate and have read some books." The man added: "I am your eighth senior brother, my name is Duan Yutang, your name is Lu Yunzhi, right? From today on, you will study with me Various books. Although these books have no necessary connection with our abilities as heaven, earth and humans, reading more can enhance our understanding, thereby allowing us to better study the secrets of heaven, earth and humans, and can also make people calmer and wiser. I have to take care of everything. Please sit down quickly. When everyone is here, I will start teaching." Lu Yunzhi found an empty table and sat down. He glanced around and saw a dozen half-year-old children in the room, all wearing clothes. The same cyan clothes as myself. Lu Yunzhi looked up again and looked at the eighth senior brother Duan Yutang standing in front of him. This man was of medium height and had a featureless appearance, but there was a hint of bookishness between his brows, and the overall impression to others was that he was a bit old-fashioned and dull. Lao Ba Duan Yutang put down the book in his hand and said: "Lu Yunzhi, please study the Book of Songs on your own first. If you don't understand the parts of the Book of Songs or don't know the words, you can ask me. The others will recite the Book of Songs randomly. Qu Xiangtian, you first Come." Lu Yunzhi picked up a book of songs on the table and turned it over. He had already learned the Four Books and the Five Classics by heart. He had read through these books at home when he was a child. Later, he also recited the Five Classics by heart on the way to escape. If I wasn't really overburdened, I wouldn't have thrown these books away. When I saw the books at this moment, I was like a hungry wolf rushing to eat. I opened the book and started reading. Familiar sentences came into view. I read silently. This feeling of reading Surprisingly good. Qu Xiangtian paused for a while before answering the questions raised by Duan Yutang, and then Duan Yutang randomly checked a few people. Some answered fluently, while others stumbled. Naturally, there are different treatments for different answers, especially those in the corners. There were already two teenagers standing there who couldn't carry it on their backs. "Fang Qingze, the peaches are blooming, the flowers are blooming, what's behind them?" Duan Yutang asked. Fang Qingze stood up nervously, then said "hmm" twice, then lowered his head and stopped talking. Duan Yutang sighed, let Fang Qingze stand in the corner, turned to ask the thin monkey sitting next to Fang Qingze: "Tell me, Wu Hao." Wu Hao held his head high, shook his head and repeated "Taozhiyaoyao" , Burning his beauty His son will return to his family" As expected by Wu Hao, Duan Yutang closed his eyes and shook his head as soon as Wu Hao listened. , but saw that Wu looked at his palms and arms for a while, and there were clearly cheat sheets written there. "The peach is young, its leaves are Zhenzhen, and the son has returned home, which is good for his family." Wu Hao breathed a sigh of relief after reciting a few sentences, and made a face with a look of relief at Fang Qingze, who was standing in the corner and was being punished. . Fang Qingze looked depressed, and sighed helplessly, but then he smiled. He heard the eighth senior brother Duan Yutang, who had his eyes closed, said: "Very good, very good. The three classmates who didn't come up just now knew it, but they didn't know why. I don't know if this is wisdom. On the other hand, Wu Hao has no sense of shame and is cheating. He should be punished. Wu Hao, I will punish you by copying the "Book of Songs" and give it to me in morning class tomorrow. The three who have not memorized it must also know their shame and be brave. , work harder, I will test you again tomorrow." After saying that, he stopped looking at Wu Hao, who had a shocked look on his face. "How many words are there in the Book of Songs?" Duan Yutang ignored Wu Hao, and Lu Yunzhi said in a low voice: "There are 39,224 words in total. If you have 12,000 words in one hour, it will take more than three hours." It's time to finish writing." Duan Yutang suddenly stopped and turned to Lu Yunzhi and said, "How did you know there were so many words?" Lu Yunzhi heard Duan Yutang's voice trembling and thought that the eighth brother was angry, so he stopped. Dare to speak. Duan Yutang walked up to Lu Yunzhi and recited: "Wei Tian's destiny, Yu Mu is endless, Yunzhi continues the next sentence." "It is not obvious, King Wen's virtue is pure" Lu Yun Zhi recited it. Duan Yutang nodded and asked again with bright eyes: "The graceful ones fly and stop, gather in Baoqi, and continue the next sentence." "The king is busy in his affairs, and he will not succeed in his general's mother." Lu Yunzhi answered fluently. . Duan Yutang turned around in a circle and shouted: "Okay, okay, Lu Yunzhi, you can read through the Book of Songs and understand other documents in the Four Books and Five Classics." Lu Yunzhi became more energetic. After all, he was a child. When Xinxing heard someone ask him about his studies, he recalled the days when he was studying in the past. He couldn't help but hold his head high and answered: "Junior brother is not talented. He has read the Book of Songs thoroughly and knows a little bit about other books. He is more proficient in the eight-legged style and Zhu Xi's thought." Duan Yutang At first he nodded and praised him, but when he heard the Eight-Part Essay and Zhu Xi's thoughts, his face darkened and he said, "Why study?" Lu Yunzhi replied: "Knowing history, knowing shame, and knowing the principles of the world. "Duan Yutang nodded, no longer a painting.With a pretty face, he praised: "Well, you have such a consciousness and you should be a good talent. However, the eight-part essay is actually the dross that restricts the mind, which is not advisable. Zhu Xi is a hypocrite who talks about benevolence, righteousness and morality. ("Picking off ashes" refers to scandals between father-in-law and daughter-in-law). Reading books by hypocrites is not as free as reading books by true villains." Lu Yunzhi nodded, it made sense, but the education he had received since childhood prevented him from reading it all. I understood, but I heard Duan Yutang saying to himself: "Literature is the style of Qin and Han Dynasties, and poetry is based on the style of the prosperous Tang Dynasty. This is the right way." Then after praising Lu Yunzhi for a few words, he began to let They read and write by themselves. An hour later, get out of class just ended, and the original text of "The Doctrine of the Mean" to be taught tomorrow was announced for everyone to review in advance. After hearing the order to end get out of class, the group of schoolchildren stood up and bowed to see off the eighth senior brother. After Duan Yutang left, they also walked out of the Sage Hall. Lu Yunzhi asked Qu Xiangtian: "Brother Qu, where are we going next?" Qu Xiangtian was gearing up and replied in a hey voice: "Go to the fifth senior brother's class." Although Fang Qingze was fat, he still ran at a sprint. He walked in front and shouted: "Hurry up, you will be punished if you go late." Thin monkey Wu Hao muttered: "What should I do, I have to die, I have to die, something like that." Suddenly he heard When he saw the fifth senior brother Qu Xiangtian mentioned, he shuddered and ran after Fang Qingze. As he ran, he said, "I'm dead today. My hands are swollen. How can I copy so many words? It's over. It's over." " The sound gradually faded away, and Lu Yunzhi and Qu Xiangtian also started running with the two people in front. After running out, they found that Zhu Jianwen had already run at the front quietly. How scary is the fifth senior brother? Lu Yunzhi also had some small worries in his heart. Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 11: Fifth Senior Brother and the Instructing Senior Brother "You are the last one!" A loud shout rang out, and in the middle of the courtyard, a tall man held his head high and glared at the young people in front of him. This person was none other than Fifth Senior Brother Du Hai. Du Hai pointed at one of the young men and said, "The last one is you. Don't look at others. First, lift the square log twenty times." The young man ran over quickly and lifted a piece of wood on the ground. He lifted the square piece of wood, which was about the same length, twenty times. It was obvious that the square piece of wood was not light. Every time he lifted it, the young man gritted his teeth and was sweating profusely before he finished lifting it. After the young man finished lifting, Du Hai inspected everyone and said: "The people of heaven and earth, standing between heaven and earth, must first have the chest of heaven and the fists and feet of earth. They can walk in the sky, cast down monsters and catch monsters. How can they be called sick rice plants?" The title of such a good man from Heaven and Earth." After saying this, he stretched out his palms and placed his fingers in front of everyone. His palms were huge and covered with thick calluses. I heard Du Hai yell again: "Run fifty laps around the yard. If anyone falls behind, don't blame my whip for being ruthless." There was a sound of whip waving in the sky, and Du Hai stood in the yard and pulled out a whip from behind. The long whip cracked in the air. ?? Everyone turned to the right and started running. What did Lu Yunzhi do before? He was on the run. Naturally, he was not afraid of running away. Now that he had eaten and slept well, his physical strength was not a problem. He turned his head to look at Qu Xiangtian, who was tall and tall. At this moment, Huhu was running with full energy. Looking at Fang Qingze, although his body was fat and the flesh on his body was undulating while running, his expression remained calm and even at the moment. vomiting. Although Zhu Jianwen was panting heavily while running, he did not fall behind. How about Shouhou Wu? I only heard the crack of the whip. It was different from the sound of shaking the air before, but the sound of being slapped on the skin. Wu Hao screamed at the end of the team. It turned out that he had fallen behind and got hit by Du Hai. He was beaten, so he rushed to catch up with the team, and soon fell behind again and was beaten again and continued to speed up to catch up, repeated over and over again. When the fifty laps were about to be completed, Du Hai yelled angrily: "After fifty laps, whoever can persist will continue, and the person who lasts until the end will be rewarded." Many people shouted at the moment they finished the race. Lying on the ground with their legs in the air, they gasped for rest. Only five or six people persisted, and among them were Fang Qingze, Lu Yunzhiqu Xiangtian and three others. After Fang Qingze persisted for four or five times, he lay on the ground and shouted repeatedly: "Young Master, I can't stand it anymore. Brother Qu, Brother Lu, please persist, you can't lose to the boys from the first and second rooms." The sun was already in the sky. , although it was late autumn and the weather was a bit cold, there were still four teenagers running in the courtyard dripping with sweat. One looked about nineteen or twenty years old. Although he was young, he had a hint of ferocity on his face. The other looked sad and couldn't stand it anymore. It was the tall young man who had insulted them just now. Both Lu were older, but they couldn't hold it anymore at this moment. The remaining two people were Qu Xiangtian and Lu Yunzhi. With a thud, the young man named Gao Huai from the second room stumbled to the ground. He gasped and cursed at the three people who had already run out: "Qin Rufeng from the first room, Qu Xiangtian from the third room, and the new boy." "Are you all born in the year of donkey?" The young man with a fierce look yelled back: "Second room Gao Huai, shut your mouth." After he finished shouting, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and gradually couldn't run anymore. He also stopped and turned towards Gao Huai, the second roommate, who looked angry and wanted to fight. Qu Xiangtian and Lu Yunzhi didn't answer. They held back their strength and breathed out evenly, still running. Their physical strength was almost reaching the limit. After they ran for three more laps, their speed became slower and slower. They stopped together and suddenly fell to the ground leaning on each other. They looked at each other and laughed. For a moment, a heroic feeling of heroes cherishing heroes rose from the hearts of the two teenagers. Du Hai laughed and walked quickly to the two of them, helped them up and said, "You are more likely to get injured after running than sitting. Take a few steps slowly." Then he turned to the crowd and said, "There were two winners just now." If you want, I will reward them for learning martial arts in advance." Everyone clapped weakly, while Fang Qingze and Wu Hao cheered loudly, but they saw Du Hai quickly walking into the group of young people and lifting Wu Hao up. He came out and said, "You fell behind the most times just now. Are you going to accept the punishment and get beaten?" Wu Hao suddenly cried and curled up into a ball. Du Hai picked him up and Wu Hao started to hit him. "Fifth Senior Brother, how do you say admitting to beating or admitting punishment?" Wu Hao asked with a trembling voice. Du Hai chuckled: "I'll give you a spanking, and I'll punish you by lifting heavy objects a hundred times." Wu Hao sighed, made a distressed expression on his skinny monkey-like face, and muttered: " Accept the beating, it is better to be beaten to death than punished to death." Du Hai kicked Wu Hao on the butt, and then cursed: "There is no future." The rest of the people lifted up the square logs piled in the corner and kept hitting him. Holding it up, Lu Yunzhi also held it up like a gourd and a ladle. Only then did he realize that the object must have an iron core added to the square wood. In the middle of the yard, Wu Hao took off his pants and lay down on a bench, while Du Hai raised a small stick and started beating him up.The sounds of flowers and Wu Hao's screams alternated, which was a unique scenery. Lu Yunzhi's legs and feet were impeccably trained on the road to escape, but his arm strength was not good. He was tired after five or six moves. At that moment, Du Hai finished beating Wu Hao and threw Wu Hao away who was curled up in a ball. He stepped aside, walked towards Lu Yunzhi and Qu Xiangtian, and then said: "You two follow me to the west wing, and I will teach you two elbow strikes." Lu Yunzhi and Qu Xiangtian put down the wood and followed Wu. The senior brother walked into the west wing. Half an hour later, when the two walked out, everyone in the courtyard had already disappeared. Qu Xiangtian patted Lu Yunzhi on the shoulder and said, "I didn't expect that Junior Brother Lu has such good legs and feet, but your arm strength is not good. Just now The power of the elbow attack is greatly reduced without arm strength. We will contact him more in the future. Let's go, it's time to eat." Lu Yunzhi said yes and followed Qu Xiangtian into the courtyard of the deep house. Lu Yunzhi burped and sat lazily on the chair. The four teenagers sitting on the four chairs were also uncomfortable. They were all tired, so they ate extra much. What Lu Yunzhi didn't expect was the dishes. It's so good. Several people sat lazily on chairs and enjoyed the warm sunshine that poured into the house at noon. Only Skinny Houwu could not sit still. After all, his buttocks hurt, even though there was a thick cushion on the stool. I wanted to lie down on the bed, but I ate too much and couldn't lie down, so I could only sit like this in discomfort. Lu Yunzhi suddenly asked: "Brother Fang, do we have any classes in the afternoon?" Fang Qingze rolled his eyes at Lu Yunzhi and said: "You are such a god, you are not tired from such busy work in the morning, and in the afternoon we will learn the skills of heaven, earth and man." Count." Lu Yunzhi asked again: "Who is the instructor? Let's go to the school early and don't make the senior wait in a hurry." Qu Xiangtian answered: "No, senior brother will come to our room to teach. , I don¡¯t know which senior is it. We study every two days and the content of the study is different. Of course, the senior who teaches is not fixed. After that, we just keep reviewing. If it is my turn next time. Senior brother, it¡¯s time to examine what we learned a long time ago. It¡¯s only a matter of time before the senior brother comes. Let¡¯s close our eyes and rest for a while, waiting for the senior brother.¡± At this moment, the door was pushed open, and an ancient spirit appeared. The spirit's face stuck into the room and made a face at everyone. If several people didn't know this person, they would definitely think of him as Wu Hao's biological brother. The expressions of both of them were changeable, as if they were juggling. "Brother Snake, why is it you? You can't teach me, right?" Wu Hao shouted. That person was none other than Xiao She Diao Shanshe. He shook his head and said, "I am ranked eighteen. You also know that I don't have much ability. I am just a handyman. Only those ranked among twelve can do it." Brother Shi, aren't you making fun of me by asking? "Brother Snake, what are you doing here?" Fang Qingze asked. "I heard that Shouhou was beaten. Didn't I bring some medicinal wine to Shouhou? You guys wipe it for him. I'll leave first. The vegetable vendor will be here soon. I have to take twenty junior brothers to buy vegetables. As he said, Diao Shanshe put down a small bottle of medicinal wine on the table, turned around and left. Shouhou Wuhao shouted at Diao Shanshe's back: "My dear eighteenth brother, you still love me." Diao Shanshe didn't look back and just waved his hand, walking further and further away. A young voice came into the ears of the five people: "Who is your brother? Then am I?" As he said this, a person flashed in. Everyone stood up and bowed together: "Senior brother." The man chuckled and asked: "Just call me senior brother, who am I?" The five people stopped talking for a while, because they really didn't know who the person who came was. He is one of the twin brothers. They look alike, making it hard to tell who is Xie Qi and who is Xie Li. Lu Yunzhi stared at this man with wide eyes. He was in his twenties. Although he pretended to be mature, he could not hide his youthful aura. This man had fair skin but was masculine. He could be said to be a handsome man. But I heard the man say: "I am your third senior brother Xie Qi, and I will teach you the art of finding ghosts today" Qu Xiangtian smiled slightly and bowed: "Hello, fourth senior brother, senior brother Xie Qi teaches you the art of yin and yang." "Yes, Senior Brother Xie Li, you are the one who teaches the art of ghost hunting." The man curled his lips and said, "They say you three are weird and weird. It's really disrespectful. I can't even let me pretend to be my brother for a while, and expose it so early." Me. Well, let¡¯s start today¡¯s teaching. Lu Yunzhi is a new junior fellow. Let me first tell you the classification of the spells that we senior fellow apprentices will teach you.¡± Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 12 The First Ghost Hunt Lu Yunzhi bowed slightly and replied: "Thank you, Fourth Senior Brother, for your generous teaching." Xie Li said slowly: "The classification is nothing more than dividing the skills of heaven, earth and people. This lineage is divided into five courses: The Art of Yin and Yang , the art of hunting ghosts, the art of illusion, the art of fortune-telling, and the art of heaven and earth. If you break it down further, each of the arts can be divided into dozens of branches. This is why there will be different senior brothers to teach you, because each one has different skills. Everyone has their own areas of proficiency. Except for the art of heaven and earth, these five major categories of magic are all taught by senior brothers. Only the art of heaven and earth is taught by a master. Of course, I will decide who will be awarded it after five years of assessment. Let me tell you about the art of hunting ghosts. You all know that the art of hunting ghosts is to search for souls and filthy things in the human world. This relies not only on talent, but also on acquired medicines and yin and yang methods. But today I am going to improve your skills. Your talent and your own abilities allow you to hunt for ghosts without relying on external objects. "Although Lu Yunzhi is young, he knows what ghosts are. After reading the sages' books, he always felt that this was something unwarranted, but now he listens. When the senior brother said it, he felt a sudden chill behind his back. What exactly did he find after searching for ghosts? The fourth senior brother Xie Li said: "In order to ensure the safety of the five junior brothers, we have chosen to teach you this afternoon instead of later in the evening. You must follow my arrangements and do not act arbitrarily." The five people answered in unison: "Yes." Xie Li stood up, then waved his hand to the five people to follow him, turned around and walked out of the room quickly. A group of six people walked through several courtyards and walked to a small room next to the courtyard wall. Lu Yunzhi looked at the room and was surprised to find that the room only had an empty small door and no windows at all. The tiles are covered with a layer of black cloth. Xie Li said: "After entering the room, you should stand wherever I tell you. Don't shout. If you are scared, squat on the ground. Don't run around. Otherwise, you will be responsible for the consequences. Don't blame me for not telling you in advance to poke the trap." Something big is going to happen here." He took out a key and opened a big lock on the small door. With the push of the fourth senior brother Xie Li, the door creaked open. The room was pitch dark. All that could be seen was a ray of sunlight slanting in from outside the door. Xie Li took out a candle and lit it, then took the lead. After walking in, several people followed behind although they were a little scared. Xie Li used candles to light several coal lamps hanging in the room, and the room suddenly lit up. Xie Li turned around and closed the door. Several people observed this room through the light. It was obvious that not only Lu Yunzhi, but also the other four people came to this small house for the first time. I saw a huge stone pillar standing in the middle of the house, with three characters engraved on it: Guhunquan. On the ground inside the house, there was a regular hexagonal pattern with a circle on the six corners. Around the circle were some brass mirrors. Lu Yunzhi took a look and knew that this kind of mirror was called Bagua mirror. When I was a child, I saw a wandering Taoist priest with such a mirror hanging on his back. At that time, he asked his mother what it was. Her mother said that this thing was called Bagua mirror. Unexpectedly, Lu Yunzhi saw this mirror at this moment. Plant a bronze mirror. Xie Li asked the five people to step into the five circles respectively, while he walked into the last remaining circle, took out a small fan from his arms and said: "You guys all stand inside and don't move. After a while, something will spray out from this stone pillar. You should pay attention to it, and then feel it with your whole body. If you can't see it, use your body to feel the location of these things. Remember how you feel when you see these things. After it¡¯s over, we¡¯ll go back and make a summary. You can only walk out of the circle when I say it¡¯s over. Do you understand?¡± The five of them all replied, ¡°I understand, senior brother.¡± Sheng read: "After suffering all the hardships, we are not in the human world. Why should we miss the love of this world? Wouldn't it be better to be reborn as early as possible and be trapped under a stone and suffer torture? The ancestors of the Taiqing Dynasty showed their magical powers, and the stone gushed out like a spring. There is no harm in staying here, but it is a pity. How can the world be so sentimental? "Squirt." After a puff, a faint smoke rose up from the stone pillar. At first, this gray smoke-like thing slid down the stone pillar like running water, but later it became more and more numerous. . Sure enough, it spurted out like a spring. Lu Yunzhi opened his eyes wide. He clearly saw a piece of gray-white smoke gradually taking on the shape of a human being. Then more and more gray-white smoke transformed into human shapes, and there were more than a dozen of them. There are many, they only have human shapes but no human features. Their faces look chaotic, appearing and disappearing. Lu Yunzhi was trembling with fright, and muttered: "What the hell, what the hell." Relatively speaking, Qu Xiangtian and Fang Qingze were much calmer. The two of them said nothing, clenched their fists and gritted their teeth to watch. I also felt a little scared. Wu Hao kept screaming, and Zhu Jianwen was so frightened that he was the first to squat on the ground and kept chanting: "It turns out it's not a lie, it really does exist, it really does exist." Xie Li held the small fan in his hand While waving, he shouted: "Don't be afraid, it's safe to stand in the circle. Pay attention to your feelings and the feeling of your body." Lu Yunzhi hurriedly concentrated on feeling the feeling of seeing these souls. At this time, the souls wereSuddenly they started to move, and they rushed past, bringing a bit of coolness and a breeze. The breeze blew into the shade of the kerosene lamp, and the firelight flickered from time to time. Under the flickering light, the souls in front of me looked even weirder. Lu Yunzhi suddenly felt a tingling sensation in his back, and a feeling of fear and heartache. If he hadn't held it back forcibly, he might have shouted out. Suddenly a soul wanted to rush out of the regular hexagon, but saw that the soul immediately retreated back as soon as it reached the boundary, and then started to circle around the stone pillar. These dozen souls kept wandering around and suddenly disappeared before the eyes of a few people. Lu Yunzhi observed carefully, wanting to know where they were going, but he felt that something was looking at him in front of him to the right. Goosebumps all over his body, he looked to the front to the right but there was nothing. He was about to turn around again. Looking elsewhere, the place flickered and a soul was staring at him. Although the face could not be seen clearly, and even the eyes could not be seen clearly, Lu Yunzhi could clearly feel that the thing was looking at him. This feeling is so real and strong. Some of the remaining people closed their eyes, some stared with their eyes wide open, and some squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands, not daring to open their eyes and raise their heads. The one with the widest eyes was counted. He not only had his eyes wide open, but also his mouth. It's also big, and its face is like an elongated pancake, and it keeps shouting while maintaining the same movement. This scene lasted for about ten minutes, until Wu Hao's voice changed when he shouted, and a hoarse sound of tearing vocal cords came out of his mouth. Xie Li observed several people on his own. When he saw Fang Qingze closing his eyes and feeling, he couldn't help but nodded. When he saw Qu Wentian opening his eyes and looking around, he nodded even more. Finally, when he saw Lu Yunzhi, he found that Lu Yunzhi had been staring at a person. Fang Fang was looking, and when she followed his gaze, she realized that he was looking at a soul. Xie Li couldn't help but smile. Then he waved the small fan in his hand and muttered silently: "It is natural for the soul to return to its place. The stone spring is recovered like a gushing carving. If he falls in love at this age, he will be reincarnated again. The ancestors of the Shangqing Dynasty must not make mistakes when collecting their souls. Come back quickly, if you stay in the world, don't blame your soul for flying away. "Suck it." After that, several souls quickly moved around the stone pillar, their bodies twisted into smoke, and the stone pillar was just like rushing, but in the opposite direction. After a while, all the souls were sucked into the stone pillar. Lu Yunzhi shook his body and suddenly felt that his whole body was no longer cold, and the creepy chilly feeling disappeared. Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 13 Each has his own strengths Xie Li said to the five people: "It's over. Let's get out of the circle and leave the house quickly." Everyone left the house and stood in the sun with indescribable enjoyment, as if they had just walked around the underworld. Wu Hao and Zhu Jianwen were still shivering and shivering. Lu Yunzhi hurriedly knelt down and asked Wu Hao and Zhu Jianwen if they felt uncomfortable. Xie Li locked the door and gently tapped Wu Hao and Zhu Jianwen on the shoulders and heads with a fan. He took out a few pills from his arms and stuffed them into their mouths. At the same time, he also gave one pill to each of Lu Fangqu and the other three. pills and let them take them. After Wu Hao and Zhu Jianwen took the medicine, they stopped trembling and let out a long breath. After Lu Yunzhi took the medicine, she suddenly felt a trace of warmth rising in her belly, and her body felt warm and comfortable. Turning to look at Fang Qingze and Qu Xiangtian, they also had calm expressions on their faces, and it seemed that they felt the same. Qu Xiangtian asked: "Fourth Senior Brother, what kind of medicine is this? Why do you feel so good after taking it?" Xie Li replied: "This is the exorcism pill refined by Sixth Junior Brother Wang Luyu. You are too young to be afraid of the erosion of these souls. You will get sick when you go back. After taking these elixirs, there will be no serious harm to your body. Wu Hao and Zhu Jianwen, are you two okay? If everything is okay, let's go back and talk." With the help of several people, Wu Hao and Zhu Jianwen said. Standing up with weak legs and feet, he walked towards the residence of the five people. Back at their residence, Zhu Jianwen and Wu Hao were sitting on the bed, looking timid or a little timid in their eyes. Xie Li smiled and said, "It would be nice to see you more often. When I first met Also, if my brother Xie Qi hadn't been holding my hand, I might have been scared to death. Fang Qingze, tell me how you felt just now." Fang Qingze touched his belly, thought for a moment and said, "I felt like this just now. My body felt cold. I closed my eyes and felt it. It felt like I could see them floating in front of me. But this feeling was sometimes not obvious." It will become clearer and clearer, please tell me, Qu Xiangtian." Qu Xiangtian said in a loud voice: "What Fatty Fang said is too weird. I can still see the souls disappearing in the beginning and at the end. At that time, I couldn't see anything. I opened my eyes and looked closely, but found nothing. There was no cold feeling like he said. It felt like a fire was igniting in my body. My whole body felt warmer than standing in the sun. " Xie Li patted Qu Xiangtian on the shoulder and said, "Brother Qu, your situation is quite special. I will let you know later. Where is Lu Yunzhi? How do you feel?" Lu Yunzhi lowered his head and thought for a moment, then said, "I have something I felt like I was being spied on, and my whole body was creepy and cold. I felt a little scared, but what was even more special was that I could feel someone staring at me somewhere, just like the feeling when someone is watching you from behind when you are walking. Looking along this feeling, I felt something was looking at me. Although I couldn't see clearly, I knew he must be staring at me." Xie Li laughed after hearing Lu Yunzhi's words: "Everyone. It is said that you, the third room, have many weirdos. It is true. You are all children with extraordinary talents. It is no wonder that Master values ??you so much. You five are all different, and you will all be good at things in the future. " After listening to the words of the fourth senior brother Xie Li, Shouhou Wu hurriedly raised his head and asked: "So I am also extremely talented, fourth senior brother, fourth brother, my dear fourth brother, tell me where I am gifted, where is it? The talent is extraordinary, so I have a chance to complain about Wu Hao¡¯s bad reputation.¡± Junior brother." Everyone was stunned and laughed, and Wu Hao sat on the bed again with a frustrated look. Xie Li left a few tips on how to get started with ghost hunting. The tips are as follows: When looking for ghosts and spirits, you must first look for yourself. Only when all five senses are fully developed can you wake up. If the upper level needs to be empty, being blind, deaf, dumb and idiotic is the right way. After saying that, he let everyone realize their own feelings, and said that they would need to talk about their own feelings next time, then turned around and left. Only then did Lu Yunzhi understand that the physical training of the fifth senior brother might not be scary. Relatively speaking, the ghost hunting technique was the course that really frightened him. Because that kind of sudden goosebumps all over my body, the creepy feeling could not be calmed down for a long time that day, and it only disappeared when I woke up from the dream the next day. The rest of Lu Yunzhi's life was very regular. He would attend morning classes every day, and then read Buddhist and Taoist classics such as "The Book of Changes", "The Diamond Sutra", "Baopuzi", "The Sutra of Building Pagodas" and other Buddhist and Taoist classics, or go to the Fifth Senior Brother's place. Take physical fitness classes, or learn arithmetic taught by many senior brothers. Naturally, he ate well, slept soundly, and his body was stronger than before. Three months later, Lu Yunzhi looked very different from when he first started. His eyes were bright and clear, and his legs and arms were his strong point. He is also a lot older. The most important thing is that he is indeed a good scholar. Sometimes he competes with his eighth brother Duan Yutang in reciting poems, which makes the eighth brother, who considers himself a genius, feel ashamed. Although Lu Yunzhi was afraid of the ghost-hunting technique taught by his senior brother, he was able to master it proficiently. The feeling became more and more obvious. In the words of the fourth senior brother Xie Li, he had reached the state of "all five senses".Wow, there has been such progress in just three months. Even Mr. Shi was shocked after personally inspecting it. Of course, no one is perfect. For example, in the art of yin and yang, Lu Yunzhi is far inferior to Fang Qingze, Qu Xiangtian, and even Zhu Jianwen. For example, in the art of alchemy in the art of yin and yang, Zhu Jianwen is considered to be very talented. He can learn the right amount of medicine in one go. The sixth senior brother Wang Luyu always lamented that it is better to learn than to learn. Fang Qingze, on the other hand, is proficient in arithmetic. He can quickly calculate every hexagram no matter how difficult it is and get the correct result. Wu Hao repeatedly scolded Fang Qingze for eating too many pig brains and becoming smarter. Not to mention Qu Xiangtian, although he is not as good as Lu Yunzhi in reading and writing, he is not bad either. He has superior physical strength and is even stronger. He is deeply loved by the fifth senior brother Du Hai. He always remembers the secret method of defeating ghosts in the art of yin and yang, and he has no fear when going into battle. The second senior brother Han Yueqiu who teaches this class That frosty face would also nod towards Qu Xiangtian with a smile on his face, and sometimes he would shout "Hello" after opening the door. If Lu Yunzhi's inability to calculate numbers is his own shortcoming, then it is not Lu Yunzhi's fault that he is not good at destroying ghosts. In fact, Lu Yunzhi can do what Qu Xiangtian knows, but every time he sees a ghost, he can't help but I had goosebumps all over my body and couldn't start. On the contrary, Lu Yunzhi learned the method of controlling ghosts in the art of yin and yang taught by her third brother Xie Qi very well. Every time after forming a barrier, the ghosts could not enter the boundary. Although she was not very skilled in it, she was still the best among the teenagers. Outstanding. But the most enviable thing is Lu Yunzhi's ability to hunt ghosts. Every time their master, Mr. Shi, talks about Lu Yunzhi, he will mention Lu Yunzhi in particular, and then spoil Lu Yunzhi but say something harshly, He told him not to be proud and keep working hard, and by the way, he asked Lu Yunzhi to have dinner with him. This move made Lu Yunzhi the target of many young people. Everyone is familiar with Lu Yunzhi, who has just arrived, and many people are secretly jealous, wishing they could find an opportunity to stumble Lu Yun. The midday sun shines on Lu Yunzhi's body, and the warmth of the winter subsides. Lu Yunzhi has been in this house for three months, and he will be ten years old in just over a month. Lu Yunzhi He stroked his fine leather jacket. He had never worn such good clothes when he was at home. Now he has good clothes, but his parents have lost their home. Is this house his home? Do you consider this mansion your home again? He didn't know that this question was really difficult for a nine-year-old child. The lapel of the leather jacket has a ring of rabbit fur turned out. The white and gray leather jacket looks particularly good-looking when paired with the light brown leather jacket. Lu Yunzhi is very good-looking. She has a square face, sharp eyebrows, fair complexion, and a bookish face, but her eyebrows are wide. There is a hint of manliness between them, although he is a scholar but not a fool. At this time, he was not sighing at how comfortable and warm the leather jacket was, but thinking about his parents and the shabby clothes he used to wear on the road to escape. There was a heavy snowfall last night, so Mr. Shi happily decided to give his apprentices a half-day holiday. The urchins were also very happy. Some of them were warming themselves by the fire in their rooms and talking about mountains, and some went to the main courtyard to have a snowball fight. Only Lu Yunzhi took a detour to the plum grove behind the house, wanting to walk in the snow to find plum blossoms. He had passed by here a few days ago and saw the plum blossoms blooming in the yard. The pink plum blossoms and white plum blossoms complemented each other, which made people's thoughts follow. It's like entering a fairyland. Sure enough, just as he thought, when he walked into the plum garden, he was suddenly fascinated by the beautiful scenery in front of him. The white snow pressed down the branches of the plum blossoms, but the plum blossoms showed faintly among the snow. s color. At this moment, the sky became a little gloomy, and after a while, tiny snowflakes began to float in the sky. Unlike the heavy snowfall last night, the snowflakes at this time had a somewhat sad and beautiful feeling, falling lightly and drifting in the wind. Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 14 The Three Brothers in the Plum Garden Lu Yunzhi stretched out his hand to catch the falling snowflakes. Under the influence of the body temperature in his hands, the snowflakes disappeared and left a trace of crystal water. Lu Yunzhi sighed: "What's the point of the white snow? Spreading salt in the air can make a difference." But suddenly he heard a sweet laugh from behind, and a girl's voice came into Lu Yunzhi's ears: "It's not like catkins blowing because of the wind." Lu Yunzhi turned around hurriedly, only to see a girl about the same age as herself standing there. Behind him, he was watching Bai Xue with so many thoughts that he didn't even notice the girl's arrival. The girl was wearing a pink coat. She looked at Lu Yunzhi and smiled blankly at her. There were sweet dimples on her pink face. This smile was extremely innocent but charming. When the girl smiled, Lu Yunzhi panicked, her fair face turned red, she hurriedly lowered her head and cupped her hands and said: "Young student Lu Yunzhi, I'm sorry." The girl was not shy at all, and walked around behind Lu Yunzhi in an eccentric manner. , Lu Yunzhi was still hunched over and did not dare to move, but the girl patted Lu Yunzhi on the shoulder. He turned his head hurriedly, but saw the girl smiling and saying: "I know who you are? My grandpa talks about you all the time, saying that you are a malleable talent, but I didn't expect that you look like a nerd, but my mother said This kind of man is soft-hearted and afraid of his wife, haha. "Tong Yan Wuji, the girl didn't think anything when she said it, but Lu Yunzhi's face turned red and said hurriedly: "Girl, don't make fun of me, I dare to ask the distinguished man his name. "You are really stupid. Isn't the person who can be my grandfather's age the best master in the whole house? My grandfather can change his name but not his surname." The girl smiled. Said to Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi hurriedly replied: "It turns out that she is the granddaughter of the master. I am disrespectful. May I ask how to call her?" Originally, Lu Yunzhi meant what should I call this girl. The reason is very simple. Lu Yunzhi is Shi Fang's apprentice. Naturally, the girl had to call her uncle, but Lu Yunzhi, who was about the same age as the two of them, found it difficult to do so. On the contrary, the girl misunderstood and thought that Lu Yunzhi was asking about her maiden name. Although the girl looked strange and rude, Lu Yunzhi couldn't help but blush slightly after asking this question, as if there was a smile on her face. He looked like two peach blossoms, but still replied: "I don't think you are a nerd at all. How could you ask someone's name for the first time when you meet me? My name is Shi Yuting. Only today did I know that what grandpa saw was all an illusion." , you are a bad person, I have to tell grandpa." He turned around and ran away. He ran too fast and the treetop caught the girl's hair. The girl tugged slightly and ran away. This frightened Lu Yunzhi. He didn't know that the girl was making fun of him. He thought that the girl was really going to complain. He was so frightened that he shouted: "Girl, please stay, girl, stay." But there was only the figure of the girl running away in front of him. , where can I still scream? Lu Yunzhi looked down and saw that the girl who just ran in a hurry was caught by a tree and dropped a jade hairpin on the ground. He picked it up and put it in his arms, thinking that if he saw her again, he would return it to her, otherwise he would give it to the master. . Lu Yunzhi looked at the plum blossoms for a while, and then wanted to leave. Although Beijing in winter is not as biting as the northwest wind, it is still cold and freezing. After standing in the snow for a long time, I can't help but feel a little chilly. Just as he turned to leave, he heard someone shouting at the door of the courtyard: "Lu idiot." Lu Yunzhi thought the girl was back, and then she was happy. The voice that clearly called her was a man's, how could it be that girl. Turning around, a fist came into view. Lu Yun fell to the ground with the middle fist, and for a moment there were stars in her eyes. The thick snow on the ground did not hurt Lu Yunzhi, who was also wearing thick clothes. Lu Yunzhi shook his head and stood up. There were five tall teenagers standing in front of him. The youngest was several years older than himself. Years old, I looked closely and saw that it was Gao Huai and others from the second room. Lu Yunzhi looked at Gao Huai angrily and shouted: "Why are you hitting me? I didn't provoke you." Gao Huai smiled, but there was an inappropriate evil smile on his handsome face: "I am Seeing that you are unhappy, I want to beat you. What's wrong? Don't think that with the support of senior brother and master, you can't be ignorant of the world. Today I will let you know how powerful you are. Brothers, fix him." The four people behind Gao Huai came up in response, Lu Yun. Then he took half a step back and kicked up the snow under his feet. The man who was coming towards him could not see anything because of the snow. After waving his arms wildly, he fell to the ground with an ouch. Lu Yunzhi then lost sight of the other person's eyes and struck preemptively with the elbow attack taught by his fifth senior brother Du Hai. The child hit the man in the face. There was a tall young man behind who hugged Lu Yunzhi with his arms. Lu Yunzhi turned slightly and hit the man's waist with his elbow. The man let go in pain. Lu Yunzhi flew towards Lu Yunzhi with one kick. Lu Yunzhi saw the right opportunity and grabbed the man's foot sideways, and punched the man in his arms. He hit the man in the chest and the man staggered and fell on the ground. On the ground, a person behind him wanted to hit Lu Yunzhi, but Lu Yunzhi only looked back and glared at the young man who was older and stronger than him but did not dare to take action. "They're all fucking trash." Gao Huai pounced on Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi was caught off guard and Gao Huai grabbed his hair. Gao Huai raised his knee and kicked Lu Yunzhi in the stomach. Lu Yunzhi screamed and fell to the ground. The five people swarmed up and punched and kicked Lu Yunzhi. After a while, they got Lu Yunzhi up. Lu Yunzhi's image was in a miserable state, with his head covered with snow and his clothes?It was also torn and twisted. The clothes were of good quality and were not torn, otherwise it would have been even more embarrassing. His lips were torn apart by his own teeth, and blood flowed from the corners of his mouth. The four people held Lu Yunzhi up, and Lu Yunzhi kept twisting and turning, but the four teenagers who were a few years older were indeed much stronger than Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi was under control and could not move no matter how hard he tried. Gao Huai laughed and said, "Lu Yunzhi, you stinky beggar, hurry up and kowtow to me and I will let you go. And if you see me in the future, you have to avoid me. Do you agree or not?" Lu Yunzhi gritted his teeth and said nothing. Gao Huai raised his fist and punched Lu Yunzhi hard on the stomach, making Lu Yunzhi burst into tears. It wasn't that Lu Yunzhi was timid, it was just a normal reaction of the body. He was not afraid of Lu Yunzhi if he didn't hit him with this punch. , but Lu Yunzhi suddenly felt heroic and shouted: "You shameless people, defeating the small with more, bullying the small with the big, you are not a hero. I will be a king or a bandit, and I will have nothing to say if I fall into your hands." But you can call me a bastard, but I will call you a bastard when I see you, and I will beat you every time I see you." Lu Yunzhi said fiercely to Gao Huai, who was so frightened that Gao Huai took a step back. Finding that Lu Yunzhi couldn't move at all, Gao Huai became angry and raised his fist again and cursed: "You are an irreconcilable bitch, I will beat you to death today." He said that he was about to hit him. Lu Yunzhi glared at Gao Huai, only to see Gao Huai fall to the ground. It turned out that someone flew up and kicked Gao Huai over. Gao Huai looked up and saw a tall figure standing in front of him. It turned out to be Qu. Towards the sky. The person who caught Lu Yunzhi also let out an ouch and let go. Fang Qingze held the man's head and kicked the young man's waist hard with his knee. The man holding Lu Yunzhi's leg let go and struggled with Fang Qingze. Lu Yunzhi violated his control with one hand and one foot, and leaned hard to the left side of Bei's control. Then he raised his right foot and made an upside-down golden boot movement, and kicked the young man who was holding his right arm tightly. On his face, the other person saw that the situation was over and ran away, but was caught up by Qu Xiangtian, threw him over his shoulder and fell to the ground. Gao Huai's face turned pale, but he refused to admit defeat. He got up and threw Qu Xiangtian to the sky with a single lunge. Lu Yunzhi rushed up to help, but was entangled by the man Fang Qingze knocked down and fought together " Get out!" Qu Xiangtian yelled at the five people who were running away. The five people were running in a hurry. Their clothes had been torn in the fight, and they were floating in the winter wind. Some were caressing their waists. The one who was clutching his stomach was the worst offender. Gao Huai didn't expect that Qu Xiangtian was so powerful and could easily press on Gao Huai. His fists hit Gao Huai's face like raindrops, which clearly affected Gao Huai's body. Zhang Yingjun's little face was beaten into a pig's head. On the other hand, Qu Xiangtian, Lu Yun, Fang Qingze and the others looked no better. Fang Qingze and Qu Xiangtian were also disheveled, covered in snow, and their faces and hands were covered in blood. Fang Qingze was even more hit. He kept applying the snow on the ground to his eye sockets, and muttered: "Look if I don't kill them next time, damn, I will definitely have a panda eye tomorrow." But Qu Xiangtian laughed. Said: "You and I, the three brothers, defeated the many with less today and beat them to shit, which can be regarded as a bad breath. I have a suggestion that is not worth mentioning?" Fang Qingze and Lu Yunzhi replied in unison: "Brother Qu, please speak. " Qu Xiangtian said excitedly: "The three of us are brothers from the same family. Now we might as well become brothers with different surnames. From today on, we are not only brothers with different surnames, but I don't know what the two brothers want. ?" Lu Yunzhi answered first: "Okay, the three of us hit it off immediately, and our marriage to Jinlan today will be an unparalleled achievement." Fang Qingze couldn't say so many words and just said in an elegant manner: "It's true, it's true. "The three of them broke off three branches of plum trees to make incense, and turned the snow into wine. In this beautiful plum garden, they became brothers with different surnames. Qu Xiangtian grew up and became the eldest brother. Fang Qingze took Lu Yunzhi as his second brother for a few months. Yunzhi is the youngest, and Ling is the third younger brother. The three of them knelt down to heaven and earth and said boldly: "Blessings are shared and hardships are shared. We do not seek to be born in the same year, the same month and the same day, but to die in the same year, the same month and the same day." From then on, within the gate of this house, in the Ming Dynasty, and in this world Three brothers, this sworn vows will be unforgettable for them many years later, because what happens next is beyond their imagination at the moment. Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 15: Ministers Paying New Year's greetings It¡¯s the New Year, and the capital is decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, and from time to time there is the sound of one or two firecrackers. Every household has posted red Spring Festival couplets and picked up red lanterns. The courtyard of Tiandiren was no exception. On New Year's Eve, all the disciples sat in the hall and started eating wildly. Mr. Shi sat in the front seat and looked at the disciples in the hall, smiling happily and stroking his beard. He looked so amiable. From his His love for his disciples can be seen in his eyes. Second senior brother Han Yueqiu was busy with the preparations, directing several servants to serve the dishes. His face was no longer cold but had a smile. The New Year and the new atmosphere are indeed different. Mr. Shi stood up, raised his glass and said to everyone: "Today is New Year's Eve. We, master and apprentice, are destined to celebrate the New Year together. You all worked hard last year and deserve praise, so I decided to take five days off to let you have a good rest." Next, after New Year's Eve, everyone can go to Han Yueqiu to receive ten taels of silver as the New Year's money I give you. I hope you will continue to work thousands of miles away in the new year. You can go out to play during the holidays, but you cannot go far. Pay attention to safety. Okay, let's continue eating." After finishing his drink, Mr. Shi usually spoke in a formal manner, but at this moment, he was constantly giving instructions to the teenagers in the hall like a parent. The young men also raised their cups and drank them down regardless of whether it was tea or wine, and replied: "I sincerely follow Master's teachings." Mr. Shi sat down, as if thinking of something, and said again: "After you finish eating later, The eldest brother, the second child, the third child, the fourth child, and Xiao Wu are following me to meet the guests. Qin Rufeng from the first bedroom, Gao Huai from the second bedroom, and Lu Yunzhiqu Xiangtian from the third bedroom. The four of you are also coming with me. Don¡¯t be in a hurry. Let's eat first." Although Qin Rufeng was young, he was drinking happily at the table. Hearing Mr. Shi's words, he was even more happy to raise a jar of wine and drink it down. Gao Huai, on the other hand, was beaming and boasting at the table. On the other hand, Qu Xiangtian and Lu Yunzhi also looked happy, and at the same time, several roommates around them also raised their glasses in celebration. It was such an honor to meet guests with the five senior brothers. There were rumors that all the disciples who followed the master to meet guests would be among the fifteenth in the future, so they couldn't help but feel happy. After dinner, several people followed Mr. Shi to Yangshanzhai, the residence of Mr. Shi that everyone had visited before. Lu Yunzhi once had doubts about this name. There is nothing wrong with using Zhai to refer to a house, but it mostly refers to shops, bookshelves, schools and other places. How could the master's dormitory be called this name? Mr. Shi seemed to have read through Lu Yunzhi's thoughts, looked at him, smiled and said leisurely: "Yangshanzhai, Cheng Fangdong, you are the senior brother. Please tell me the original meaning of this name for the teacher." Senior brother Cheng Fangdong bowed slightly. Shenzi replied: "Yes, Master. The disciple thinks that the Master chose this place as the Yangshan Zhai because every junior disciple will learn the first lesson in this room, which is to do good, so this is not just the Master's dormitory It is the place where every disciple of the Zhongzheng lineage learns, so it is named Yangshanzhai." Although Cheng Fangdong looks chubby and honest, he speaks with a clear mind. It seems that he can be ranked among the great leaders. Senior brother has a point. "Well said, my teacher's teachings are not in vain. Of course, it is more about your own understanding." Mr. Shi said with praise. "In fact, we humans in the world are just ordinary people, but we are just some extraordinary people." It¡¯s just an anomaly. It¡¯s just a matter of birth, old age, sickness, and death. It¡¯s as simple as that. It¡¯s no different from those who perform tricks, chop wood, and cook. It¡¯s nothing more than having a unique craft, so if you want to survive forever. It is impossible in this world, but good deeds can be passed down through the ages. Although it will not be recorded in the historical records, it is enough to die with a smile on your heart." Mr. Shi took the lead and walked into the house. The disciples followed him into the house in order of size. Lu Yunzhi, the youngest, naturally followed at the end. After entering the house, he also stood in the corner. After a loud sound of fireworks, the Mingshi clock in the door of the house struck three times, indicating that New Year's Eve has passed the first day of the Lunar New Year. Several high officials in court uniforms and the vassal king embroidered with giant snakes came into the room one after another and bowed to Mr. Shi to wish him a happy new year. Mr. Shi sat on the chair and just smiled habitually and replied: "Same joy." He handed some letters on the table to a few people who came, and after those people got the letters, they clasped their fists and saluted and walked away. Suddenly someone shouted outside the door: "Shi Fang, old man, I'm here to see you." A sincere smile broke out on Mr. Shi's face and he stood up from his chair. Lu Yunzhi could see clearly that even when the prince and the ministers came to pay New Year greetings to Mr. Shi just now, their smiles were dull and not so real and exciting. Mr. Shi walked quickly to the door and said: "Brother Yang, I'm not far away from you. Please come in quickly." An old man stepped into the door. Although he was old, his eyes were bright and full of wisdom. He rushed to Shi The husband held his fists and laughed and said, "Brother Shi, have a good New Year." Shi Fang returned the greeting, then looked at a man in his forties behind the old man, and also raised his hands and praised: "Master Yu is here too. "This middle-aged man knelt down with a plop and said, "Mr. Shi, I'm late."?Yu Qian will never forget his life-saving grace. "Yes, this person is the Yu Qian mentioned by Mr. Shi in front of the Hall of Supreme Harmony three months ago. Mr. Shi angrily scolded the emperor and Wang Zhen and asked them to release Yu Qian. As expected, Yu Qian was released from prison long ago. After going out, the official resumed his duties. Mr. Shi quickly helped Yu Qian, who was kneeling on the ground, and said: "You are the minister of the court, and I am a villager in the mountains. Taizu of the Ming Dynasty has stipulated that we are not allowed to interfere in the government affairs. If it were not for this New Year greeting, How can you and I be in the same room? So you are not late at all. "Yu Qian stood up, still looking a little excited. Mr. Shi turned around and said to the disciples: "Why don't you salute Master Yang and Master Yu? "Everyone saluted and praised, "I have met Mr. Yang, Mr. Yu. "Mr. Li Baishi introduced: "This is Gu Ming Cabinet Minister Yang Shiqi, and this is Governor Yu Qian. Do you know that I need to learn more from these two adults in the future? "All the disciples answered yes. Yang Shiqi became happy when he heard Mr. Shi's words, and said to Mr. Shi: "Mr. Shi, I have known you for more than 20 years. I admire you very much, but you are a bit hypocritical. In the past, I I dare not speak to you like this. Now that my time is approaching, you still ask your disciples to learn more from me. Doesn't this mean you are asking them to go to the underworld to find me? I'm going to talk to you nicely now. " Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 16: Yu Qianyu, Sir Everyone was shocked when they heard Yang Shiqi's words, but Mr. Shi was very calm. He seemed to have known it for a long time. He sighed and said, "Brother Yang, you can see through the mystery of life and death like this. Shi is really ashamed of himself." Yu Qian obviously didn't know either. What's going on? He looked at Yang Shiqi with concern. Yang Shiqi saw Yu Qian looking at him all the time. He waved his hand and changed his previous solemn and solemn image, looking like an old child and said, "Don't be surprised. Mr. Shi gave him ten years ago." It's my birthday, and he wrote me a letter ten years ago when I was paying him New Year's greetings. I've known about it for a long time, and I've gradually started to look down on life and death. But now the traitor Wang Zhen is in power, and the eunuch is in power. You are ruining the country and the people. I am really worried. What happened to my Ming Dynasty? Is it really going to be destroyed in the hands of this eunuch?" No one in the room spoke anymore, and the only sound was Yang Shiqi's long sigh. Suddenly Han Yueqiu winked at Du Hai, and Du Hai suddenly ran out of the house, followed closely by Han Yueqiu. Mr. Shi seemed not to have seen it and started chatting with Yu Qian. Yu Qian and Yang Shiqi were a little surprised. Qu was also surprised. Xiangtian, Lu Yunzhi, Gao Huai and Qin Rufeng. On the other hand, the three senior brothers who were still in the house had relaxed expressions on their faces, as if they already knew what was going on. Only two wailing sounds were heard, and three people rolled in. They were wearing flying fish suits, but there were clearly several footprints on the cloth, and blood was flowing from the corners of their mouths. Han Yueqiu walked into the house and threw three embroidered spring knives on the ground. Du Hai followed him into the house and slapped each of the three people kneeling on the ground and cursed: "What the hell are you? Dare you break in?" Mr. Shi waved his hand and signaled Du Hai to step back. Du Hai glared at the three people and returned to his brothers unwillingly. Yang Shiqi was shocked and said: "Jin Yiwei!" Lu Yunzhi's heart trembled, and she realized that this was the notorious Jin Yiwei. It turned out that they were wearing Feiyu uniforms and the knife thrown on the ground was Xiuchun Dao. When I was a child, I always heard people in my hometown mention that there was a local official who was clean and honest, but was taken away by the Jin Yiwei and imprisoned in a prison called Chao Prison, and never came back. Yang Shiqi was silent for a while and said: "Mr. Shi, what should I do now? I am not afraid of a dying person, but it will affect you and Yu Qian. Even the Jin Yiwei can't kill them. If you send them back, what I just said will be transmitted to Wang Zhen. In your ears, I am an old man who has harmed you." Mr. Shi walked to Yang Shiqi, held his shoulder, and said softly: "Master Yang, don't panic, have you forgotten who I am? Why not?" Yang Shiqi looked up at Mr. Shi, his eyes suddenly brightened, and said, "Look, I'm confused, Wang Zhen. Wang Zhen is just a clown in front of you. I'm confused, so don't laugh." Those three. The Jin Yiwei trembled in fear when they heard what Mr. Shi said about killing them. It seemed that they also knew how powerful Mr. Shi was, and one of them even peeed completely. Mr. Shi said to his third apprentice Xie Qi: "Did I scare them? Haha, take them to the clean room. You three may be more honest, maybe you can save your life." After saying that, Xie Qi came over and pressed him. The three of them walked out of the room. Yang Shiqi asked: "You people in heaven and earth have special rooms for killing people?" Mr. Shi shook his head and smiled: "How can people in heaven and earth kill people at will? I won't kill them." Yang Shiqi was a little anxious and hurriedly said: "If you don't kill them, they will stay." "It's a big problem." "I won't kill them, I just need to let them act like stupid naughty boys for a year or two. Please don't worry, Mr. Yang, since Xie Qi is proficient in the art of yin and yang." Yang Shiqi nodded and said: "This is best, Mr. Shi, we have to leave for now. This may be the last time you and I see each other. Farewell, Brother Shi." After saying that, he stood up and stood in awe, clasping his fists. Mr. Shi also stood up, clasping his fists and said: "Take care of Brother Yang." After saying that, he stood up and left. Mr. Shi picked up a letter on the table and said, "Master Yu, please stay here. This is your fortune telling. You would like to take a look." Yu Qian looked at Mr. Shi. , prostrated again and replied: "Mr. Shi's life-saving grace will never be repaid by Yu, but I will not read this letter." Mr. Shi asked doubtfully: "Why?" Yu Qian stood up and said: "Destiny sometimes happens. When you have it, don't force it. If you know your destination early, what's the point of living?" Yang Shiqi and Yu Qian bowed to Mr. Shi again and quickly left Yangshanzhai. Mr. Shi sat on the chair and called out: "Qin Rufeng, Gao Huai, Qu Xiangtian, Lu Yunzhi." The four of them replied in unison: "Disciple is here." "What do you think of Yu Qian?" Mr. Shi asked . Qin Rufeng said carelessly: "This man is extremely free and easy. He does not accept the master's numerology letter. He is heroic and heroic. This disciple admires him very much." Mr. Shi nodded and looked at Gao Huai. Gao Huai replied: "This person is a good friend and has a good strategy. He is not as panicked when things happen like Mr. Yang. In the future, he will be able to defeat ten thousand people. He is even better than the 'Three Yangs' (Yang Shiqi and other three powerful ministers named Yang)." Mr. Shi smiled slightly and said, "Gao Huai, you should be an official. You are careful."Si, the way of observing people is much better than when I was a teacher. "Gao Huai looked happy after hearing this, and snorted coldly at Qu Xiangtian and Lu Yunzhi. "Qu Xiangtian, tell me. "Mr. Shi said. Qu Xiangtian thought about it a little and replied: "Calm, chic, heroic, and the city is extremely deep. Being of the same blood as the two of them is nothing else, the disciple is stupid and only feels so much. Mr. Shi said: "Well, it's your turn, Lu Yunzhi." " Lu Yunzhi blurted out: "I feel that this person has a sense of righteousness. Although I don't know why, this kind of righteousness hits my face. The disciple can only think of these two words, righteousness. Mr. Shi was overjoyed. He stood up and laughed loudly and said, "Well said, well said. Our little Yunzhi has learned to watch Qi." The three principles of destiny and qi are cultivated by the people of heaven and earth. You can observe qi at a young age and your future is limitless. " After Mr. Shi said a few more words, he asked several people to exit Yangshanzhai and turned off the lights to rest. Lu Yunzhi and Qu Xiangtian were walking back to the room, but Lu Yunzhi sighed and Qu Xiangtian Xiangtian asked: "Third brother, why do you sigh? "After Qu Fang and Lu became brothers with different surnames, they treated each other as brothers when no one else was around. Lu Yunzhi looked at the stars in the sky and said slowly: "Brother, actually just now I felt that we and Yu Qian were not just friends. Once, there is always one kind, one kind" Qu Xiangtian asked: "What kind? "A sense of destiny." " Lu Yunzhi said. Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 17: Golden Couple In the third room, Lu Yunzhi and other five people sat cross-legged next to the ninth senior brother Liu Fulu. Liu Fulu looked at several junior brothers and said: "You have already studied the four-pillar method with me. There are four magic numbers in the eight-character saying to tell the life of the bones. It's been a long time, it's time to test you." The five junior brothers in the room were all wearing green robes, and their faces looked nervous at this time, and another three months had passed in the blink of an eye. It was already May of the eighth year of Orthodoxy. The weather in Beijing was gradually getting hotter. The five people in the room felt even more unbearably hot. Some were excited to show off their skills, while others were panicked. Only Wu Hao was calm. , closed his eyes and waited. Ninth Senior Brother Liu Fulu gave each of the five people a piece of yellow paper, with a name written on each piece of paper, each of which was different. Under the name, there are also eight characters named year, month, day, hour, and the heavenly stems and earthly branches. After Liu Fulu said "Start", several people took up their pens and wrote the numerology of the person on the paper in the space below. Only Wu Hao did not write, still closing his eyes and concentrating. Liu Fulu didn't pay much attention to Wu Hao. After a cup of tea, several people handed in the paper one after another. Liu Fulu looked at it, sometimes shaking his head and sometimes nodding, and said with appreciation: "You have learned well overall, Lu Yunzhi said more It¡¯s the latecomers who come forward, and now your calculations are much more accurate than those of them. That¡¯s good, but Wu Hao, why didn¡¯t you write a word? Could it be that you didn¡¯t calculate anything?¡± Liu Fulu¡¯s tone gradually became tougher, Wu Hao. He was not as scared as usual, but just whispered: "Brother Ninth, I am too lazy to write, so I'll just tell you." Liu Fulu was stunned by what Wu Hao said, and then said angrily: "Just tell me. Listen, I want to see what you have to say." Wu Hao stood up, with his back to Liu Futong. His thin body glowed with a faint golden light in the sunlight outside the door, and the sunlight stretched Wu Hao's figure. Yes, it suddenly makes people feel that Wu Haodao has a bit of an immortal spirit. Wu Hao started to speak: "This person has a good name. The outer square number 21 is Yang Wood, and the total square number 41 is Yin Wood. It can be said that they are the same wood, and they complement each other. He will definitely achieve great things in the future. Not bad, but what's even better is that he must have a skill to defend himself. If he advances, he can make a fortune, and if he retreats, he can strengthen his foundation and protect himself. Let's talk about his five elements and eight characters. It is not difficult to understand why he is wood both internally and externally. His eight characters are wood. It is best to have wood in the name. The person who named him must be an expert. He did not add wood to the name, but added it to the five elements of fate. It is really profound, and Wu will really admire this person from now on. But I have no worries about food and clothing, my dream comes true, and everything goes well." Liu Futong nodded and said, "What you said is true. It seems that you have some ability. You can go on." "Wu Hao, you are not polite. Without turning around, his aura overwhelmed everyone present. Fang Qingze murmured: "When did this thin monkey become so deep? I always feel like he is like a master." Wu Hao continued in a low voice: "This man has a life span of sixty-five years. He has a wife, a concubine, two sons and a daughter. He only became successful at the age of twenty-six. Four years later, he achieved great success. From then on, he cultivated his moral character and had no ambitions for higher development. Instead, he ended up in a good family. A prosperous and good ending, this person's life is good, his life is really good." Liu Fulu opened his eyes wide after hearing what Wu Hao said, and said, "Can you figure it out?" As he spoke, he counted with his fingers. Amazing. Wu Hao remained expressionless and continued to turn his back to everyone. Liu Futong asked again: "What else did you calculate? What else did you calculate? What else did you calculate?" Wu Hao smiled slightly and said: "Although he has a good life, his descendants are not very proud. When his grandson suddenly commits a serious crime, The whole family was beheaded, and all the pulses were cut off from now on" Wu Hao was still talking, but Liu Futong's face gradually turned pale, and he suddenly kicked Wu Hao on the buttocks and cursed: " I was almost deceived by you. It turned out that you were all making up nonsense. It seemed a bit cool at first. How did you figure it out later?" Wu Hao fell to the ground and said with aggrieved face: "No, I didn't really figure it out. You can¡¯t tell that it¡¯s you¡± Liu Fu angrily kicked Wu Hao again and cursed: ¡°Fart, that¡¯s nonsense. I can¡¯t tell that my skills are not as good as yours, right? I¡¯m telling you that this is my great-grandfather.¡± The birth date of the person was also beheaded, and all the veins were cut off. How did I come out? Could it be that I came out of the cracks in the rocks? My father was beheaded for committing serious crimes. So who is that person sitting in my house? I won¡¯t beat you to death.¡± Everyone couldn¡¯t laugh or cry when they heard this. They thought Wu Hao had suddenly become a fortune teller, but they didn¡¯t expect that this kid was making nonsense, but it was self-defeating. But they were all roommates. Except for the unsociable Zhu Jianwen, they all stepped forward to stop Ninth Senior Brother Liu Fulu. Liu Fulu scolded him a few times before he relieved his hatred and left with his sleeves raised. Wu Hao was holding his butt and grinning in pain. Seeing his appearance, several people knew that he was fine, so they covered their mouths and laughed. Wu Hao rubbed his butt and patted his head and said, "How could I forget that Ninth Senior Brother is also surnamed Liu? If I had known earlier, I wouldn't have said the rest of it. I would have been able to remain a poor scholar and continue to work hard. It's good that Ninth Senior Brother will definitely look down on him in the future. " Just as he was talking, the door suddenly opened, and a girl ran in from the door. She looked very beautiful in pink clothes. The girl ran into the house.Not seeing anyone else, he picked up Lu Yunzhi's teacup and drank it all in one gulp. Then he said, "You're trying to kill me. What's wrong with Yunzhi's brother, Skinny Monkey? You see, he looks like a monkey with his grinning teeth." This little girl is no stranger to them. She is Mr. Shi's granddaughter, Shi Yuting. Since Lu Yunzhi met her once three months ago, Shi Yuting has been coming to Sanfang to play, and gradually they have become familiar with each other. Every time Lu Yunzhi excuses herself and says that she wants to study, the girl He stretched out his hand and asked Lu Yunzhi for a jade hairpin. Lu Yunzhi took out the jade hairpin and gave it back to Shi Yuting. Shi Yuting pretended not to see it and did not accept the jade hairpin handed over. They just came and went like this. A few people were used to it. If I haven't seen Shi Yuting for a few days, but I miss her a little. Shouhou Wuhao rubbed his sore buttocks from being kicked by the Ninth Senior Brother and said: "You little girl, no matter how big or small you are, what about Brother Yunzhi and what about Shouhou? We are your grandfather's apprentices, so you should be called Shengshi." Uncle, you don¡¯t understand any of these rules.¡± The girl snorted, ran over and tugged on Wu Hao¡¯s ear, saying, ¡°Skinny monkey, skinny monkey, I¡¯m calling you, who made you look so thin all day long? If you don¡¯t jump around honestly, you are just a monkey. If you don¡¯t call it a thin monkey, what do you call it?¡± The thin monkey¡¯s butt was not healed yet, and his ears were grabbed by Shi Yuting and he shouted in pain: ¡°Auntie, you are my aunt, I was wrong, hurry up¡± It hurts so much to let go, Shouhou, it hurts so much." Shi Yuting saw Shouhou begging for mercy, then she let go and ran to Lu Yunzhi's side, pulling Lu Yunzhi's sleeve and saying, "Brother Yunzhi, my father and my mother are back. "My grandpa wants to meet you all at dinner later." Lu Yunzhi said oh, then raised the book and started reading. He had heard about Shi Yuting's parents. Her father was his seventh senior brother Shi Wentian, Mr. Shi. 's only son. Her mother was a talented alchemist. The Zhongzheng line did not accept female disciples, so she worshiped the Alchemy line and became a prominent figure in that line. Among the people of heaven and earth, Shi Yuting's mother Lin Qianru was better than her. His father, Shi Wentian, was much more famous. However, Shi Wentian was the son of Shi Fang, the leader of the Zhongzheng lineage, so he was naturally famous. In addition, he did have extraordinary talents and learning, so someone gave the couple an elegant name: Jinyu Couple. Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 18: The Disastrous Thin Monkey Breaks In When Shi Yuting was six years old, Shi Wentian and Lin Qianru went out to visit various branches of the Yangtze River. They never came back during the holidays. It was only now that Shi Yuting was nine years old that they returned. There must have been many visits in the past three years. With the harvest and the return of both husband and wife, Mr. Ziranshi was overjoyed and wanted all the new disciples to meet his son and daughter-in-law. In the evening, Sanfang and others walked into the hall together with Shi Yuting. Zhu Jianwen was not arrogant towards Shi Yuting. At this moment, he surrounded Shi Yuting and kept saying: "Yuting, I am the crown prince of Wu. If you have the opportunity, go to our place." Come play." and so on. Shi Yuting replied impatiently: "I know Zhu Jiwen, you have said it ten thousand times." After saying this, Xiaojiabiyu seemed to have changed her face, and Xiaojiabiyu said softly to Lu Yunzhi: "Brother Yunzhi, I'm leaving. Now, I have to sit next to my parents, otherwise grandpa will tell me that I will play with you tomorrow." Then he ran away and ran towards the chief of the hall. Lu Yunzhi followed Shi Yuting's running figure and saw a tall, handsome man and a gentle and graceful woman walking up to Shi Yuting. The man hugged Shi Yuting, and the woman was smiling. He stroked Shi Yuting's hair. Lu Yunzhi knew that these were Shi Yuting's parents, the golden couple. For a moment, I felt sad, thinking that I once had a warm home and parents who loved me, but now I was alone in the world. Fang Qingze saw Lu Yunzhi's sadness and knew where to start. He could only pat him on the shoulder and said, "Yunzhi, why are you feeling so uncomfortable? You still have me and your eldest brother. My eldest brother also lost his parents to illness, but I You have both parents. Aren't my parents your parents? Don't forget that we are brothers." Lu Yunzhi looked at Fang Qingze and patted Fang Qingze's shoulder to express that he was fine, and then they sat down. During the dinner, Lu Yunzhi still couldn't calm down. The first time he drank alcohol was that night. He, Qu Xiangtian, Qingze Shouhou and others got so drunk that he didn't even know how to get back. As for what Mr. Shi and the golden couple said at the table, Lu Yunzhi didn't know. While he was sleeping soundly, he suddenly heard someone rushing into the room and shouting in his ear: "Yunzhi, third brother, get up quickly and go to the yard to watch the master catch ghosts. The thin monkey has gotten into big trouble." Lu Yunzhi stood up cleverly, but was shaking unbearably with a headache. After a long time, he sat back on the bed and asked: "What trouble did Slim Monkey get into? Is he okay?" Fang Qingze urged: "Hurry up, Slim Monkey is okay, just be scared." You peed. Master loves you and is relying on you to plead with the thin monkey for a while. Go and have a look and you will learn a lot." Lu Yunzhi put on her shoes and ran towards a side courtyard with Fang Qingze. Lu Yunzhi asked as he ran: "Second brother, what's going on?" Fang Qingze replied: "You were drinking in the lobby before. My eldest brother and I drank a little too much. We were a little tired after we helped you back. I forgot that Shouhou also drank too much. , this kid is not as drunk as you, but he is also unconscious. In a daze, he walked into the wrong courtyard and ran to the mourning hall in the east cross courtyard. There was a big jar in the courtyard, which was Qi Qi. The senior brother and his wife captured Aoyin and placed it in the courtyard of the Zhenling Hall, hoping that the master would re-seal it and present it to the Zhenling Hall tomorrow morning. Shouhou, a blind boy, thought it was a urine bucket and took off his pants and put it on the lid. He started to urinate. Urine is a filthy thing. Naturally, it broke the seventh senior brother's spell, and the stuff was about to break out of the jar. The thin monkey was clever enough. Hearing Ao Yin's roar, he was so frightened that he trembled and woke up. He bit his finger and wrote a swastika on the jar. He used the combined method of Buddhism and Taoism to suppress the evil spirits. You also know that Ao Yin is one of the evil evil spirits. Naturally, he was not suppressed so easily, but it did make him He paused for a moment. Master was talking to several senior brothers in the hall. He suddenly felt that something bad was going on and hurried over. At this time, Ao Yin also broke through the seal and broke out of the jar. I know that I will come back to find you soon. Master "What should we do when we want to punish the thin monkey?" Lu Yunzhi paused and said, "Master punishes the thin monkey. You, me, the eldest brother and the three brothers must kneel down together and ask for the same punishment. Only by this can we attract a few people." Senior brother also came forward to plead for mercy. Whether Shouhou can escape punishment depends on his life, but how much we can share the punishment with him can be regarded as showing our kindness as classmates." Fang Qingze nodded and said knowing that it was useless to say this now. : "It's worth it. We're almost here. Let's see how master and brother catch ghosts." Tonight, no one expected that such an incident would happen. For others, this is a good opportunity to observe and learn, but for others Lu Yunzhi, Qingze, Qu Xiangtian and the others were more worried about what kind of punishment Shouhou would receive, and they quickened their pace while thinking about Lu Yunzhi. Fang Qingze, Lu Yunzhi and the others turned a corner and saw the crowd of people watching in the courtyard of the Zhenling Hall. Mr. Shi stood at the front of the crowd, looked at the busy senior brothers in the courtyard, and said loudly to the disciples in the second and third rooms of the big room behind him. : "You should read it carefully when your senior brother seals it. It will greatly improve your future practice." Lu Yunzhi came to Qu Xiangtian's side and talked with him.Shi also saw the skinny monkey Wu Hao hiding behind Qu Xiangtian and shivering. Lu Yunzhi patted Wu Hao's shoulder and said, "Don't be afraid, skinny monkey. Stay a while and we will jointly protect you." Wu Hao said with gratitude. Looking at Lu Yunzhi, Fang Qingze, Qu Xiangtian and the others, they swallowed their saliva and stopped talking with a sad face. But they heard someone next to them snort coldly: "Drink some cat urine and you won't know the north, south, east, west, or what to say about you." When several people heard someone making sarcastic remarks at this time, they suddenly became annoyed and looked at the sound with angry eyes. When I went there, I found that it was not the person in the other room, but Zhu Jianwen who was under the same roof. Fang Qingze spat on the ground and cursed: "What the hell?" He ignored it and everyone looked at the courtyard. Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 19: Mirror Flower, Water Moon Sword comes out There is a person standing in the courtyard. He is really a person, but his appearance cannot be seen clearly. All evil ghosts will be able to appear in their form. That is to say, as long as you reach the level of evil ghosts, you don¡¯t need to learn any Yin and Yang techniques, and you can also use ghost hunting techniques. See with your eyes. Lu Yunzhi observed carefully, but found that although the appearance of this ghost was unclear, his body shape was clearly visible. He seemed to be wearing a room of shabby clothes, and his whole body was black and red. It looked eerie and terrifying, and his hands kept scratching around him. The senior brothers who came over had extremely sharp fingers, and every time they waved, there were gusts of sinister wind. Although the appearance was unclear, one could clearly see the long tongue sticking out of the mouth. Lu Yunzhi couldn't help but think of the appearance of the hanged ghost described by the old man in his hometown. Isn't this what it looked like? Mr. Shi slowly began to explain: "This ghost's name is Aoyin, and he ranks thirteenth among evil ghosts. Although he is not a particularly powerful character, he is really difficult to deal with. Although Aoyin ranks thirteenth in terms of ability, In terms of its ability to harm people, it can be ranked in the top ten. This ghost looks like a hanged ghost, but it is a life-threatening ghost on the countryside. It has two ways of attacking people. One is sharp claws and claw belts. Wherever ghost poison is scratched, the wound will fester in just an hour. If the wound is exposed to light, it will burst. Only medicine from heaven, earth and people can break it, but ordinary people can't have such precious medicine. Naturally Many people have been killed by this monster. When Ao Yin kills a thousand people, he will become what you see now, with his tongue sticking out. From then on, his tongue will become a weapon to attack people, but The method is extremely disgusting and despicable. His tongue will lift the cover of a person's heavenly spirit, suck out the human brain, and keep the person's three souls and seven souls intact. It is as if he can see his own brain being sucked clean bit by bit. Most people are scared out of their wits before being sucked clean, and they can't become ghosts. Therefore, the ancestral saying says that when you see Aoyin, you must accept it. In fact, there is another reason, that is, if Aoyin can suck enough. After removing the human brain, he will turn into another kind of evil ghost. This kind of evil ghost does not belong to the evil ghosts. No one has seen this ghost in the world, so you have the right to listen to it as a legend. That is If Ao Yin absorbs the brains of ten thousand people, he will become a forbidden creature. There are rumors among the people that this thing is called the Golden Hair Roar. I think this is wrong. After all, the Golden Hair Roar is a magical thing, and even more so. Although Guanyin is a monster, he will suffer disasters from heaven and earth. In the end, he has to return to his good deeds. However, being forbidden is different. He is a ghost and only needs to do hazy things. Legend has it that as long as he sticks out his tongue, it will fly into every house and suck out a city. The people of the city have been silent since then, and they are called silent. So this is why Ao Yin is punished, not only because of his many evil deeds, but also to prevent him from becoming silent." All the disciples listened silently to what the master said. Many of the contents were something they had not seen in books. Everyone shouted loudly and turned their attention to the courtyard. In the courtyard, eight senior brothers were running around Ao Yin. Each of them was holding a yellow ribbon in their hand. There were seven-star dots drawn on the ribbon. Several of them were alternately separated and interspersed around Ao Yin. The ribbon gradually The ground formed a net, and although Ao Yin kept scratching, he could not tear the ribbons apart, and he screamed in pain every time he touched them. Lu Yunzhi looked at the net formation made by his senior brother and suddenly shouted: "It turns out to be the Jiujiu Guiyuan formation, but why is there one missing?" Mr. Shi nodded and praised: "Yunzhi, you are so insightful, it is the Jiujiu Guiyuan formation." Yuan Zhen, look at this one of mine." Everyone looked at Lu Yunzhi. Indeed, Lu Yunzhi had worked hard during this period. His hard study has naturally made him knowledgeable now, and he has even mastered such advanced formations. After getting a glimpse of the secret, some of his classmates were admired and some were jealous, but they only saw Lu Yunzhi's scenery at this time, but they did not see the hard work he put in to study at night. Qu Xiangtian was not very envious. He was proficient in the art of war. He was naturally happy to see that his sworn brother had such knowledge. He whispered: "Look at Master, the real skill lies in making surprise attacks from the east and attacking in the west." Mr. Shi After hearing what Qu Xiangtian said, he shouted "Hello" again, and then suddenly a yellow ribbon jumped into the air and flew out from Mr. Shi's sleeve. Mr. Shi was not a qigong master. The reason why he could throw the yellow ribbon was because of its A string of Buddhist beads is wrapped around one end. The ribbon fell from the sky and immediately fell on Ao Yin. Ao Yin was only busy trying to dodge the ribbons that were being stabbed by his surrounding brothers, but he didn't notice the ribbons flying out from above his head. He looked up suddenly and saw the ribbons falling down. I wanted to dodge but it was too late. I saw a flash of spiritual light suddenly appeared in the Jiujiu Guiyuan Formation. Several people pulled the ribbon and instantly tightened it tightly around Ao Yin's body. Ao Yin screamed and couldn't move. Can keep shaking in the yellow ribbon. Mr. Shi clapped his hands and laughed: "Lu Yunzhi just said it well, the Nine-Nine Return to Origin Formation. This formation was created by the ancestor of the Shang Qing Dynasty. It can collect ghosts and monsters all over the world, but because it requires every position and step to operate, It is particularly troublesome to step on all the steps correctly. Secondly, it requires nine people to operate. The steps are cumbersome and not suitable for actual combat. Therefore, what Qu Xiangtian shouted is particularly important. It is precisely because of attacking in the east and west that these ghosts confuse them and they will stay. In the formation, he is slowly trapped. If he attacks in one direction from the beginning, the formation will be broken.Although he is young, he has such knowledge which really impresses my teacher. "After praising the two of them a few words, Mr. Shi slowly walked towards the newly conquered Ao Yin, and then pulled out a piece of yellow paper. His fingers were dipped in something and he was about to write, but he suddenly jumped back and shouted in his mouth : "Disciples, retreat quickly, Aoyin is not just Aoyin. " All the disciples hurriedly retreated, and even the senior brothers surrounding Ao Yin also retreated. At the same time, something suddenly appeared on Ao Yin's face except for the ribbon, and it quickly revolved around Ao Yin. The speed was so fast that Lu Yunzhi and the others didn't see it clearly, and they all asked each other: "What exactly is separated? "Suddenly the ribbon made a squeaking sound and then broke suddenly, instantly floating in the air. Aoyin opened his claws and stretched out towards the seventh senior brother Shi Wentian who was standing at the end. Shi Wentian did not panic and drew out the long sword behind him to stop it. Aoyin stretched out his sharp claw and muttered silently: "Gathering illusions and shadows, mirrors, flowers, and water. break! Fang Qingze saw the clues and whispered: "It turns out that the Seventh Senior Brother is proficient in the art of exorcising ghosts, and his sword is actually made of mirror flowers and water and moon ghosts." "Everyone suddenly realized that Ao Yin waved his other claw and wanted to take it out from Shi Wentian's arms. Suddenly, a spiritual creature rushed out from the long sword and suddenly resisted the claw. Although it seemed that It was not able to withstand the attack of this sharp claw, but it slowed down the attack speed of the claw. At this moment, Shi Wentian turned the hilt of his sword, and the smooth sword surface reflected a faint cold light. Aoyin suddenly let out a He retreated with a scream. Everyone knows that Jinghua and Shuiyue are both one of the evil ghosts. Jinghua is a soul generated by the mirror image of a smooth object. Because it does not exist in the human world or the ghost world, it belongs to the ghost world. The world in the mirror, but because ghosts often happen, not to mention that it is very powerful if used properly, so it was reluctantly classified as the most evil ghost, ranking fifteenth. Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 20 Aoyin is not just Aoyin The human world and ghosts and gods are in the same realm and naturally interact with each other. Mirror flowers do not belong to this realm. They are related to the function of light. Therefore, ancient books say that this object belongs to the mirror world. As long as it is a reflection of a mirror image, it The ghosts and ghosts are all called mirror flowers. People have differences in intelligence, beauty and ugliness. The same goes for ghosts, ghosts and mirror flowers. If you can conquer the powerful mirror flower, you can break through the realm and subjugate monsters in the human world. But if you capture the mirror It would be troublesome to use it to scare people with a low ability to scare people, but it would be troublesome if it was used to catch ghosts. But every time the lecture came to this point, Lu Yunzhi was thinking, in fact, everyone understands the truth, but the more powerful Kyoka is, the more powerful she is. , the harder it is to recover. What's even more difficult is to be fixed on the object and follow your own arrangements. If Kyoka is just the soul of the evil ghost in front of you, the next Suigetsu will be a veritable evil ghost. Fang Qingze was extremely happy when he heard the name for the first time. He thought that such a nice name must be that of a coquettish female ghost, but he did not expect that the image was terrifying, and her appearance was completely inconsistent with her appearance. Fang Qingze thought that many times. The water moon I drew in my book was wrong. Looking back, I realized the purpose of naming this ghost by the ancestors of the people of heaven and earth. The water moon is something that causes mischief in the water when the moon rises. It is commonly known as a water ghost. Water ghosts are mostly the ghosts of people who died in the water. After a few days of death in the water, the body will be swollen, making the water moon extremely ugly. But Shui Yue was only very powerful in the water, and Ao Yin was not as powerful on the ground, so Shi Wentian just blocked Shui Yue slightly, and then used the mirror flower sealed in the sword to shine on Ao Yin in order to destroy the ghost. But Shi Wentian didn't expect Aoyin to spit out his tongue suddenly, and the tongue was spinning towards Shi Wentian's forehead. Shi Wentian hurriedly retreated. When he retreated to the water tank in the courtyard, he inserted his sword into the water, and suddenly stirred up the water droplets to shoot out. Xiang Aoyin. The water droplets flew out, mixed with a formed water moon. The entire body, except for the extremely slender arms, grabbed the tongue that was chasing Shi Wentian like a stick. Shi Wentian shouted: "The moon in the water, the moon in the water, the flower in the mirror, the flower in the mirror, complement each other, help each other with the yin, the flower in the mirror, the moon in the water, absorb the ghosts and calm the spirit." After drinking, the surrounding temperature seemed to drop suddenly, and everyone around him could not help but shudder, Ao Yin was also struggling violently and trembling, but his figure gradually became erratic. Everyone knew that this was the art of destroying ghosts. It was different from the art of destroying ghosts. The art of destroying ghosts focused on defeating the ghosts around them, making them extremely uncomfortable. In a stable erratic state, use other spells to subdue this ghost. But the technique of destroying ghosts is different. It is intended to kill ghosts. The people of heaven and earth have the ancestral teachings to accept ghosts as the best policy. There is no choice but to kill ghosts. At this moment, Shi Wentian was in a hurry and actually used the technique of destroying ghosts. Ao Yin was indeed too much. It is not a bad idea to destroy them with cruelty. A figure rushed in front of Shi Wentian to block him, and shouted: "Hum!" Then two figures bounced out, and everyone saw clearly that it was Mr. Shi. Mr. Shi was holding a small blue flag in his hand. It was now broken in his hand, and a trace of blood spilled from his mouth. Although Shi Wentian also fell to the ground, he was only hit a little. It was no big deal and he hurriedly supported Mr. Shi and asked, "Dad, how are you?" Mr. Shi wiped the blood from his mouth and said again Incomprehensible words: "Aoyin is not just Aoyin, what is he hiding?" Cheng Fangdong and Du Hai led several senior brothers to protect them in front of the group of young junior brothers. Han Yueqiu, the Xie brothers and others surrounded them. Ao Yin tried to stop him from approaching Mr. Shi. Shi Wentian also raised his sword. Just when he was about to recite the incantation silently, he found that the sword seemed to be covered with a layer of frost and no longer reflected the cold light. Shi Wentian groaned, then heard Mr. Shi answer his question: "The greatest evil ghost among evil ghosts, my earth evil flag was also broken by its evil spirit, and even your mirror flower, water moon, etc. Dare to come out. Get out of here and get my Ghost Suppression Tower and Bagua Umbrella." As soon as he finished speaking, Aoyin started to attack. It first went towards the Xie family brothers. Xie Qi held the Taomu Ling, silently recited a few words and then suddenly hit Aoyin who was rushing towards him. A ball of hot energy broke through the chill brought by Shi Wentian just now. Before the Gang Qi reached Aoyin's side, another red-black figure emerged from Aoyin's body and rushed towards Xie Qi. Xie Qi jumped into the air and Xie Li stretched out his hand to draw a circle in the air. At the same time, Xie Qi shot the peach wood order at the figure. As soon as Xie Qi landed on the ground, he squatted down, stabilized his lower body, and pulled Xie Li hard with his left hand. Xie Qi then ran forward and drew another parallel circle. The small fan in his hand opened and turned and flew towards the black shadow, and the peach wood Ling ran one after another in front of the black shadow, and two circles, one vertical and one horizontal, were perfectly drawn by the figures of the two Xie brothers, and it only took a blink of an eye. Qin Rufeng from the main room couldn't help but shouted in a low voice: "What a double-circle mixed ritual formation, we will be able to catch this ghost." Everyone saw that Duan Yutang, the eighth senior brother who was teaching, did not attack together, but ran towards Yangshanzhai. These smart children immediately understood that it was not that simple, so he went to get the master's magic weapon. After the two Xie brothers shot out the fan and peach wood ling, they did not stop to watch, but also quickly exited for a few seconds.?Observed from a distance. In the meantime, Tao Mu Ling and his fan were thrust hard into the body of a ghost spirit. This ghost spirit had no head. Half of its body was sticking out of Ao Yin's body, and half of its body was still hidden inside Ao Yin's body. Han Yueqiu whispered: "What a smart ghost, hiding in Aoyin, even if it traps Aoyin, it can't trap him. Master, what on earth is this?" Mr. Shi shook his head and said something that made everyone stunned: "Me too I have never seen this evil ghost in the book, but it must be one of the evil ghosts." When Lu Yunzhi studied the details of evil ghosts, he found that many evil ghosts had illustrated illustrations and detailed descriptions. It explains that there are very detailed answers in terms of habits, haunts and places, as well as the methods that restrict him. But some have only one name and a few words. It records topics such as the death of people in a certain world at the hands of this ghost. So he kept thinking about the names of those headless evil spirits, and he and Mr. Shi said almost at the same time: "It's Chaos." Suddenly everyone in the audience was shocked, and the faces of Han Yueqiu and Cheng Fangdong turned pale. At the same time, Chaos returned to Aoyin's body and rushed towards Lu Yunzhi and others who were watching the ghost hunting. Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 21 Chaos Appears Aoyin rushed towards the group of junior disciples who were watching and had not yet evaluated their rankings. These people either had just started or were incompetent. At this moment, most of them were shocked and a few of them even screamed in horror. The scene was chaotic for a while and they hurriedly ran outside the hospital. Hearing a roar, it was the roar of fifth senior brother Du Hai. Du Hai was wearing a pair of stainless steel gloves and used his fists to hold Ao Yin's claws open. Aoyin suddenly stuck out his tongue and flew towards Du Hai's head. Du Hai turned his head to avoid it, and used the force of his arms to push Aoyin's arms open. At this moment, Cheng Fangdong, who was also standing in front of his junior brother, was short and fat. He rushed over like a rubber ball, held a jade bowl and slammed it on Aoyin's head, and said: "The technique of breaking ghosts, all laws return to their ancestors, turn into virtual shapes, and put them into the bowl." Aoyin Shuang. The claws were restrained by Du Hai and he could not move. His body was gradually disillusioned and he was about to lose his mind at the sight. He hurriedly retracted his tongue in an attempt to protect himself. The tongue did not fly back, but Han Yueqiu, who jumped up from behind Aoyin, stabbed it into the ground with a dagger that shone with cold light. Han Yueqiu held two daggers. One dagger glowed with silver light and was engraved with runes. The handle of the dagger was engraved with the lunar calendar. The other one was golden yellow and seemed to be made of gold. The sun was engraved on the handle of the dagger, which was also engraved with runes. The Taiyin inserts its tongue into the ground, and the Sun sticks to the handle of the Taiyin. The Taiyin and the Sun form a Bagua diagram. Turning suddenly, the tongue was cut off with a sudden sound. The whole tongue that stuck out along the cut place instantly transformed and disappeared into the air. Han Yueqiu stood up and circled around with both daggers in his hands to prevent emergencies. happened. Qu Xiangtian shouted in a low voice: "Okay, Tai Chi Yin Yang Dagger." Fang Qingze, Lu Yunzhi and others were shocked, but more people were confused and didn't know what Tai Chi Yin Yang Dagger was. This is Qu Xiangtian's strength. Qu Xiangtian loves to study ghost-killing techniques, star warfare, and magic weapons. He said slowly: "This dagger has been recorded in the book and has disappeared for a hundred years. I didn't expect it to be in the pocket of the second senior brother. The second senior brother is really powerful." Mr. Shi also got behind Ao Yin. , while moving quickly, he bit his finger and took out a piece of yellow paper with a magic talisman written on it. He inserted it into Aoyin's body and said: "Broken!" For a moment, Aoyin's body emitted a sound like a kettle boiling. The squeaking sound was extremely harsh and far-reaching. In an instant, the effort disappeared into thin air and disappeared without a trace. There was only a headless man sitting cross-legged on the ground. From the physical point of view, he must be a man. His body shape is clearly visible, but he has no head. On his chest, there are still the peach wood order and the small fan inserted by the Xie brothers. He just crosses his legs quietly like that. Sitting there, he seemed to be looking around at Mr. Shi, Cheng Fangdong, Du Hai and others who were surrounding him. Sixth senior brother Wang Yulu sprinkled some gold powder in front of all the junior brothers, urging everyone to evacuate outside the hospital. When everyone evacuated from the courtyard, he joined the battle circle. Fang Qingze asked: "Third brother, tell me why this chaos is different from the chaos we see in the books." Lu Yunzhi shook her head and said, "I also guessed it. I just heard Master say it is chaos." We know that there are several kinds of ghosts that are least recorded in the books about evil ghosts among us people in heaven and earth. The only explanation is that everyone who has seen such ghosts has died, such as "The Classic of Mountains and Seas" and "Zuo Zhuan". Some records say that there are eyes but no sight, and some records do not have seven orifices. In short, there is no record of a complete head. I suspect that real chaos actually has no head. You also know that the name of the ghost is not originally called this. The people of heaven and earth got their names based on the characteristics of these ghosts combined with the forms of ancient demons, so I began to suspect that this headless ghost was Chaos. I even heard the master say that I had never seen it before, but it must be one of the evil ghosts, the Sixteen Ghosts. There are only two headless ghosts among them, and they are so powerful that they must be chaos. I am thinking that there must be other reasons besides being headless, but I haven¡¯t figured it out yet. " Qu Xiangtian suddenly shouted in a low voice. He shouted: "Look." Huan Chaos, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground in the courtyard, suddenly stood up, swayed and stretched out a hand to pull out the peach wood order and small fan of the two Xie brothers, and then held it in his hand with just one force. Immediately, the two magic weapons turned into dust. The dust drifted away in the wind and disappeared without a trace. Third senior brother Xie Qi and fourth senior brother Xie Li couldn't help but scream in distress, but there was nothing they could do about it. The second senior brother Han Yueqiu looked at the chaos in front of him coldly, and slightly squinted his eyes to indicate to the fifth senior brother Du Hai. After hearing Mr. Shi's order, Mr. Shi was facing Chaos, holding two small flags, one red and one yellow, fighting with Chaos. Han Yueqiu attacked the left path of Chaos. The two Yin and Yang daggers made it airtight, and gradually drew a vague shape of Bagua in the air. Du Hai attacked to the right, and the fine steel gloves on his two hands collided with each other, shooting out sparks. Gradually, several circular graphics appeared on the gloves, which looked like a Western Region formation such as a six-pointed star. Senior Brother Cheng Fangdong attacked behind him, and the jade bowl suddenly flashed with light. In the end, the light turned faster and faster, and slammed into Chaos' back. Sixth senior brother Wang Yulu kept going to the surrounding area to fight.A few of the people here were sprinkled with some shiny powder. The two Xie family members and Shi Wentian had already retreated to the side. Their magic weapons had been damaged by Chaos, so they had to keep writing runes and stick them on the pillars on the wall in the courtyard, trying to form a great zodiac formation to contain them. The evil ghost is in chaos, but the ecliptic formation takes half an hour to construct. It is not so simple. But at this moment, there is no other way but to stick the runes. Chaos roared from his belly, and Lu Yunzhi shouted at this moment: "No, retreat quickly." After hearing this, several senior brothers reacted quickly and jumped back. Mr. Shi inserted two flags into Chaos' body. In the middle, he also jumped back, took out another black and green flag from his waist and held it in his hand. At this moment, a hazy object suddenly appeared behind Chaos and swept around. The bluestone floor instantly shattered, raising a faint trace of lime. Several people breathed a long sigh of relief. If it hadn't been for Lu Yunzhi's loud shouting, or if he hadn't If the reaction was just a little slower, it would probably break in half like bluestone. Mr. Shi did not turn around and asked loudly: "Yunzhi, how did you know?" Lu Yunzhi knew that the situation was urgent and did not hold back: "It is written in the book that chaos has wings, but I didn't see it in the previous fight. I just roared After that, I felt uncomfortable all over and felt that something was wrong, so I blurted out. "Mr. Shi asked in a low voice: "Fourth brother, how do you feel?" The fourth brother Xie Li replied, "Nothing." Mr. Shi looked on. Chaos stood there and stopped moving, and said as if talking to himself: "The fortune of six paths, five, two and five is indeed a good fortune for the ghost hunting technique, and the feeling is so keen." Then he raised his voice and said: "Yunzhi , if you feel any problem again, just shout out." Lu Yunzhi replied: "Yes, Master." Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 22 Unstoppable At this moment, Chaos suddenly moved. He reached out and pulled out the two small flags that Mr. Shi had planted on him. Just when he took them in his hand and wanted to crush them like before, he heard Mr. Shi snort coldly, He suddenly took a step forward, and the black and green flag in his hand touched the red and yellow flag in Chaos' hand, and shouted: "The thunder of heaven is just destroying the demons, and the five-color flag reveals the truth." Shaking his body suddenly, a broken blue flag floated down from his arms. Mr. Shi lifted it up with his feet, kicked Chaos with his foot holding the small blue flag, and said two words: "Destroy!" Bang! With a sound, five flag notifications exploded. Although it was not strong, just like setting off firecrackers, Chaos suddenly stepped back, relying on two erratic clouds of gas behind him that looked like wings to support him. He didn't fall to the ground, but the floor was crushed by the force. Chaos did not fight back, but turned around to grab Cheng Fangdong who was behind him. Senior brother Cheng Fangdong reminded Chubby, with a kind face but not slow body, and he moved back to avoid Chaos' grasp. Before Cheng Fangdong could stop walking, he saw Chaos's arm suddenly swelled, and suddenly it had grown so much. Cheng Fangdong dodged slightly, but Chaos still pulled a little of his skin. Suddenly, the clothes on his shoulders were torn, and blood flowed down. Chaos took advantage of Cheng Fangdong's painful steps to slow down, and grabbed Cheng Fangdong with his other hand. However, his hand suddenly stopped in the air and suddenly rushed towards Han Yueqiu, who was running from the side. Han Yueqiu came to save the injured senior brother. Yes, he didn't expect Chaos to rush towards him, but Han Yueqiu was cold and careful, and he did not panic and pulled out the Yin Yang Dagger to fight, but he heard Mr. Shi shouting: "Second brother, get out of the way." A two-foot-tall building was short. The iron tower stood between Chaos and Han Yueqiu, and suddenly the golden light shone brightly. It turned out that Duan Yutang, the eighth senior brother who had just taken the ghost-suppressing tower and Bagua umbrella, came back. Knowing that Han Yueqiu could not stop him, Mr. Shi hurriedly came to rescue him. Duan Yutang happened to be back. He took over the Ghost Suppressing Tower and stood between Han Yueqiu and Chaos. The soul-suppressing tower is the pulse master's treasure passed down by Grandmaster Xing Wen. It is naturally extraordinary. For a moment, golden light suddenly bursts out, and the colorful lights in the tower flipped non-stop. Chaos was immediately shocked and bounced out, landing next to Cheng Fangdong who had just exited the battle circle. , Cheng Fangdong did not react, and was stunned on the spot. However, Chaos did not attack again, and instead jumped up and rushed towards Mr. Shi. In fact, Mr. Shi does not know how to use the Soul Suppression Tower, because the formula for the Soul Suppression Tower was lost two hundred years ago. Although it is powerful, it is not as powerful as before. He just took it from the eighth senior brother Duan Yutang in desperation. Although Chaos was repelled, he was also ejected from the shock. Han Yueqiu and Du Hai supported Mr. Shi at the same time, but they did not fall but were in a mess. When Chaos rushed towards Mr. Shi, Mr. Shi had already taken the Bagua Umbrella from Duan Yutang. The Bagua Umbrella was Mr. Shi¡¯s own life-saving magic weapon, so he was naturally very familiar with it. He suddenly poked the umbrella towards Chaos, who was trying to push it away, but a green light flashed out from the Bagua umbrella. Suddenly Chaos' left hand used to move the umbrella suddenly became erratic, and Chaos also staggered. Stopped. Chaos roared and turned towards Mr. Shi. His left hand appeared and disappeared in an instant, and was about to be broken before his eyes. The two hazy wing-like objects behind the chaos became clear at this time, and gradually turned into smoke and dust, constantly rolling, and each time it shook, it brought up gusts of wind. The pillars and railings that a few senior brothers had attached to the wall just now The runes on it were suddenly lifted up by the cold wind and floated in the air, drifting. Suddenly Chaos suddenly shook its two tumbling wings and came straight towards Mr. Shi. Mr. Shi opened the Bagua 3. There was a Fuxi Bagua painted on the umbrella. There was a small bell hanging on each corner of the umbrella. When he opened it suddenly, it sounded. The sound of the bell, if not for this tense moment, would have been reminiscent of a child's toy wind chime. Mr. Shi kept chanting in his mouth: "The ancestors of Yuqing have a way to control ghosts. It is difficult to control the laws and hexagrams. A true soldier breaks the formation as if he were alive." While thinking, he put the Bagua umbrella in front of him, but the two clouds of smoke were Like a whip, it keeps beating the Bagua Umbrella. Every time it hits the Bagua Umbrella, bursts of white light burst out, as if the sky is constantly flashing. The chaotic wing-like thing rolled even more fiercely, and bursts of black energy dissipated as the white light dissipated. The ground is in dilapidated condition. Every time the two clouds of smoke hit the Bagua Umbrella, it will slide to the ground. Most of the hard bluestone slabs on the ground have been shaken into powder, and a small number of stones will never exceed the size of an egg. Many of these unranked entry-level disciples have already scattered and fled without a trace. It is true that they will fly away when disaster strikes. Qin Rufeng, Gao Huai, Fang Qingze, Lu Yunzhi, Qu Wentian, Wu Hao, and even Lian Zhujianwen still stood behind several ranked senior brothers and watched the duel. Several senior brothers kept using the magic weapons in their hands to block the dark wind blowing from the depths of the courtyard, forming a nine-transformation psychic array. Although the few people hiding behind the formation were protected by the Nine-Transformation Spiritual Communication Formation, they still felt gusts of sinister wind blowing against their faces, and the pain across their cheeks was as unbearable as a knife. Han Yueqiu and others whispered to Mr. Shi who was struggling to support himself behind the umbrella: "Master, let us go up." But Mr. Shi still saidWith those few words, he shook his head and signaled Han Yueqiu and the others not to die. Chaos suddenly brought two clouds of wing-shaped smoke together, and the color became extremely dark, like a huge tumbling sword, and it suddenly struck down. Suddenly, there was a burst of white light from the Bagua Umbrella, which made everyone watching unable to open their eyes. They all covered their eyes with their arms and turned their heads to avoid the dazzling light. When the white light faded and we looked back at the courtyard, Mr. Shi vomited blood and fell to the ground. Han Yueqiu and others stared at Chaos angrily, but there was nothing they could do. Cheng Fangdong stood in the opposite position and was helpless. In fact, Cheng Fangdong was really lucky. Chaos fell next to him just now but did not kill him, so he saved his life. After Mr. Shi spat out a mouthful of blood, he raised his arm and looked at his Bagua Umbrella. At this time, the ribs of the umbrella were already somewhat bent. Mr. Shi shouted to the people at the door and Cheng Fangdong behind Chaos: "Run quickly, let me Cheng Fangdong will run away with you, and he must keep the Zhongzheng lineage. Fang Dong will be left to you." Then he turned back and whispered to Han Yueqiu and others: "Yueqiu is a stupid teacher, I'm sorry for you, but we will save our lives. This thing guided the thunder array in the backyard. If this ghost is not destroyed, there will be catastrophe in the world. " Han Yueqiu said coldly, "I will obey the master's instructions." Du Hai, Shi Wentian and others also put on their posture. , with no fear on his face, waiting for Chaos to attack again. Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 23: Xiao Yun¡¯s Rescue Cheng Fangdong ran to the door and shouted to everyone: "Follow me quickly." At the same time, Chaos waved its wings that merged into one and slashed at Mr. Shi again. Mr. Shi raised the broken umbrella and tried to fight to the death. , to buy time for Han Yueqiu and others to lead Chaos into the Thunder Formation. The 18th senior brother Diao Shanshe did not go into battle but just protected in front of the other junior brothers. He was not capable enough and going into battle would only be a disservice. When he saw his master let him go, he hurriedly ran over and grabbed Lu Yunzhi's sleeve with his left hand, and picked up Shouhou's arm with his right hand. Said: "Run, don't leave my side, follow senior brother." Lu Yunzhi shook off Diao Shanshe's pull and ran towards the courtyard. Several senior brothers just wanted to stop them, but it was too late before they could. Yun Zhi ran into the hospital, frowning and coldly said to Chaos: "Beast, stop." Chaos suddenly stopped, turned around to face Lu Yunzhi, and the billowing black fog he raised turned into two separate people. Wing shape. Mr. Shi shouted: "Yunzhi, don't show off, you can't do it." Lu Yunzhi ignored him, and Du Hai became anxious and shouted at Lu Yunzhi: "Silly boy, leave quickly and leave us alone." Lu Yunzhi ignored him. Then he turned to Du Hai and said one word in shock: "Get out!" Everyone was shocked after hearing this. Du Hai also opened his eyes wide in surprise and couldn't believe that the one who insulted him turned out to be his gentle man not long ago. Junior Brother Lu. Chaos was seen slowly walking towards Lu Yunzhi, but the wings behind him gradually turned into a faint smoke, and then suddenly disappeared. When he walked in front of Lu Yunzhi, even the gloomy aura on his body had faded a lot. He only heard Lu Yunzhi say: "You beast, where have you run away? I'm going to the backyard." Then he turned around and walked to the backyard. As he walked forward, everyone in the third room at the door was dumbfounded and hurriedly backed away from the courtyard door to make way for Lu Yunzhi. Surprisingly, Chaos followed Lu Yunzhi obediently. Mr. Shi didn't even bother to wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth. He just looked at the child who was just over ten years old in front of him with wide eyes. Behind him was the Chaos that he couldn't stop. The Chaos at this moment was not a fierce one, but a fierce one. As docile as a sheep. After Lu Yunzhi walked away, Qu Xiangtian ran back to the courtyard and said to Mr. Shi: "Master, Lu Yunzhi went to the thunder formation in the backyard." Although Mr. Shi didn't understand why Lu Yunzhi could control chaos, He also didn¡¯t understand why Lu Yunzhi, who had always been knowledgeable and sensible, uttered wild words to his senior brother Du Haikou, but he also saw that Lu Yunzhi wanted to lure Chaos to the Heavenly Thunder Formation, so he hurriedly took a detour to the Heavenly Thunder Formation. The disciples followed Mr. Shi, and everyone had different thoughts. The only thing in common was that everyone was full of doubts about what was happening in front of them. Lu Yunzhi walked slowly on the road. The night wind was still a bit cool, but at this moment, Lu Yunzhi was feeling hot all over. He was thinking about his father being killed by the Mongolian soldiers and his mother starving to death on the way to escape from the desert. , he thought about why God was so unfair to him, why others had happy families, but he had to be alone in this world. If I am not happy, others cannot be happy. I want to kill everyone in the world so that everyone can be happy. Not happy. Evil was all over Lu Yunzhi's still childish face, and anger was burning in his heart. Naturally, he didn't feel how cold the wind was at night. The more he thought about it, the more hatred he felt in his heart, and he couldn't help but curse loudly. Chaos behind him slowly followed Lu Yunzhi into the backyard. In the backyard, there is a large open space with a huge Buddha character. The people of heaven and earth are originally a complex of several sects, and regardless of any branch, except for a few, they have multiple beliefs. In short, they follow the concept of practicality, so there is no unified belief. In this house of Tiandiren, you can often see statues of gods from various sects. Even the magic weapons used by ranked senior brothers are obtained through different spells. So it is normal to have a big Buddha character here, but what is abnormal is that the Buddha character is in a regular hexagon. There is a tall iron pillar standing on each of the six corners of the hexagon. There are also thick iron wires tied to the iron pillars. The six iron wires are pulled and intertwined with each other, twisted into one in the middle of the figure, hanging down, and hanging down. A long, cold-gleaming large iron needle hangs from the end. Lu Yunzhi looked at the iron pillars again and saw the following inscriptions on the iron pillars: Dili Che, Jambudvipa, Mudliye, Deva, Luo Jianluo, Guanlu Duo. Except for the people of heaven and earth, Buddhist disciples or knowledgeable people, the rest of the people will definitely not know what these awkward words mean. In fact, these are all transliterations of Sanskrit. If their Chinese meanings were told, the world would be stunned. , suddenly realized that it was this thing. These six lines of characters are the famous six realms of reincarnation, namely, the animal realm, the human realm, the hell realm, the heavenly realm, the asura realm, and the hungry ghost realm. The regular hexagon is the reincarnation that connects the six realms, which means "the six realms of reincarnation are endless." Lu Yunzhi only glanced at it and suddenly understood the reason, but she didn't know why these huge iron pillars were erected. Lu Yunzhi turned back to Chaos behind him and said fiercely: "Go in." Chaos swayed slightly, looking a little reluctant, Lu Yunzhi cursed: "Fuck you, go in for me." Chaos then slowly walked into the formation of six reincarnations. Suddenly six people jumped up from the eaves, one of them was Lu Yun.After looking closely, I discovered that the six people were Mr. Shi, Cheng Fangdong, Han Yueqiu, the Xie brothers and Du Hai. The six people jumped down without stopping, and quickly threw them into the field. There was one person standing on each side of the regular hexagon. It turned out that Lu Yunzhi was walking slowly to the backyard, and Mr. Shi and others passed by Qu Xiangtian. With a reminder, he caught up with Lu Yunzhi from another path and hid on the surrounding eaves. Lu Yunzhi didn't expect that these people would arrive so quickly, and he was a little stunned. The moonlight shone on his face, and there was no trace of the resentful, angry and ferocious look on his face just now. He was clearly just a young man with innocent features. At this moment, the two smoke-like things like wings behind Chaos began to appear again, cracking and rolling, and there was an angry death sound in his belly again, and he turned to look at the six people in the thunder array. As for Lu Yunzhi outside the court, although Chaos had no head or eyes, everyone felt the hot and angry gaze looking at them. Just as Chaos was about to raise his foot to attack Mr. Shi, he heard Mr. Shi say lightly: "Let's get started." The six people stood at the edge of the regular hexagon, with their hands together with their middle fingers put into their palms, and their index and ring fingers crossed. Hold each other, thumbs and little fingers raised side by side. The movements of the six people were unified. If it weren't for the huge differences in height, short, fat, thin, voice and appearance, people might think they were the same person. What the six people formed with their hands was the famous Kaishi Huawang Tathagata Seal. Before Chaos could take a step forward, Mr. Shi and the other six people each chanted one word at a time: Om Mani Padmi Hum. This six-character mantra is the method to close the six paths. When the six paths are closed, the sky thunder formation suddenly becomes a pure land. There are faint sounds of thunder in the sky. Suddenly, six lightnings streak through the sky and strike each of them. Six iron pillars at the hexagons. Like a bolt from the blue, little sparks suddenly flashed on the iron pillars and the extended iron wires. Six electric currents emitted dazzling light and gathered in the middle. They struck down along the iron needle vertically in the middle and hit Chaos in the middle. Chaos suddenly appeared and disappeared, and the two wings that had just been trying to lift up to hold each other had disappeared. Chaos¡¯s crazy roar came from his belly, but it was quickly covered up by the slow thunder in the sky. Then there were six more lightning bolts, which were also gathered on the hanging big iron needle and struck Chaos again. Chaos in the middle of the sky thunder formation made a whistle like a kettle boiling, but it was sharper. The harsh sound made Lu Yunzhi cover her ears, but the pain was still unbearable. The six people in the field were unmoved and still recited the Buddhist mantra that they had originally recited. However, there was a faint look of pain on their faces, and they seemed to have unbearable earache. Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 24: Returning to the True Path The thunder in the sky was loud again. After the thunder stopped, there was only a loud bang. Suddenly the evil ghost of chaos disappeared, and the harsh sound stopped abruptly. For a while, the courtyard was surprisingly quiet. Not even a pin dropped. It can also be heard on the ground. Mr. Shi and the other six people in the field suddenly groaned at the same time and fell to the ground. Mr. Shi, Cheng Fangdong, Han Yueqiu, forced himself to sit cross-legged and meditate, while the two brothers Xie Qi, Xie Li and Du Hai were lying on their backs. He was breathing heavily on the ground. Two people rushed in from the backyard door. One was Wang Yulu, the sixth senior brother, and the other was Lin Qianru, Shi Yuting's mother. The two of them rushed to the field, and each of them stuffed a pill into the mouths of six people. Wang Yulu took out a silver needle and inserted it into Du Hai, Han Yueqiu and Mr. Shi. They all breathed a sigh of relief and seemed to feel much better. Lin Qianru took out a small jade bottle and shook it under Xie Qi's nose, and Cheng Fangdong kept shaking it. Several people retched a few times and their faces turned rosy. This was the Taoism of the Danding lineage that Lin Qianru studied. . Wang Yulu saw the soothing expressions on several people's faces and knew that it was nothing serious. The nervous expressions gradually faded away. Then she walked quickly to Lu Yunzhi and stuffed a pill into his mouth. , then held his head with both hands, and stroked his thumb from his temples to the back of his head. Suddenly Lu Yunzhi's ears no longer hurt, and his mind became much clearer. Fang Qingze and others walked up to Lu Yunzhi, and Fang Qingze asked: "Third brother, what have you done? Why does Chaos obey you so much?" Just as Lu Yunzhi was about to answer, Mr. Shi and others stood up. He walked up to Lu Yunzhi and said, "Yunzhi, follow me. I don't know what's going on. Yueqiu, please call everyone to the main courtyard and let everyone listen." Mr. Shi said and pulled Lu up. Yun Zhi's hand walked out of the backyard. The lights in the main courtyard were brightly lit, and the large lanterns hanging on the surrounding eaves were lit. A few people even moved a few lampstands, and suddenly the large open space in the main courtyard was as bright as day. Mr. Shi looked at Lu Yunzhi with a smile and said, "Yunzhi, please tell me what's going on." Lu Yunzhi bowed slightly, and then said, "Master, the apprentice doesn't know very well, so he dare not Nonsense." Mr. Shi waved his hand and said, "If it weren't for you, we would be dead, but it doesn't matter, let's talk about it." "I recognized this thing at that time as one of the evil spirits written by my ancestors. Chaos, the reason is naturally the description in the book. After elimination and inference, I identified the name of this ghost. The record in the book is not very detailed, but there is one thing that impressed me, that is, although it is not clear in the book. Records, but what I understand is that I like to harm kind people and follow the arrangements of evil people. Although I am not sure, but the situation was critical, I had no choice but to make this decision. I thought that if there was a trace of kindness in my heart, I would not be considered a evil person. Thinking of my own life experience, I felt a surge of anger. I suddenly wanted to kill all the people in the world. I wanted to lead Chaos to the Thunder Formation, but I also had to ensure that this evil thought was extremely intense at first. I couldn't control myself, but later I used the mind-reading technique taught by my tenth senior brother, and I immediately mastered this technique by looking at others, so that Chaos listened to my words," Lu Yunzhi replied, and he paused for a moment. He suddenly showed embarrassment and said: "Fifth Senior Brother, I was in a hurry and I failed to explain it. Please punish me for being disrespectful to you." Du Hai laughed and said, "You are really smart, you actually used this This method has been used to control Chaos, but it is indeed not easy to maintain one's evil heart. It's really hard for you. It's too late for you to thank you for saving us. How can I punish you in your eyes? He is such a stingy person." He walked up and punched Lu Yunzhi lightly with his hand, and then laughed again, and Lu Yunzhi and others also laughed. Han Yueqiu's face was very cold and he kept staring at Lu Yunzhi's face. Fang Qingze whispered to Qu Xiangtian: "Master, the last one who came in by himself is also the fifth one. Look at Han Yueqiu who was led in by his senior brother. Our third brother's eyes are almost glaring with knives. He is so jealous, how did he get into the position of the second senior brother?" Lu Yunzhi's ears were very good, and he heard Fang Qingze's words with a slight twitch, but he looked at the second senior brother. When he met those cold eyes, he couldn't help but lower his head. He thought about where he had heard these words before. He suddenly remembered that Diao Shanshe had mentioned it to him on the first day after he entered the school, and he couldn't help but feel a little scared. In fact, Lu Yunzhi, the fifth and eighth senior brothers who were feared by everyone in Wuyiwen, was not afraid. What he was really afraid of was the chief steward in the courtyard, his second senior brother Han Yueqiu. As expected by Fang Qingze, Han Yueqiu opened his mouth and said: "Lu Yunzhi, today you have no choice but to face the wall for ten days to clear away the evil thoughts in your heart, otherwise it will be harmful to your future practice." Lu Yunzhi raised his head and felt a little bit. He looked at his master, Mr. Shi, in puzzlement. He had clearly made great achievements but yet he had to think about his faults. Mr. Shi said with a smile: "He should be able to self-regulate his state of mind, and he has mastered the techniques of mastering his state of mind. Otherwise, how could he be deceived?" As for Chaos, I think it¡¯s okay to face the wall, right? But Yunzhi, I want you to talk about this matter.Let these brothers and sisters learn from the understanding of love. "Lu Yunzhi took a long breath and said four words: "Return to nature. Mr. Shi was overjoyed. He stood up happily, took Lu Yunzhi's hand and said, "What a return to nature. I was thinking just now that sometimes we may be too pursuing complicated spells or yin and yang magic, but forget about Master Xing Wen." The true meaning of the name Tiandiren is that since people standing between heaven and earth actually originate from nature, nature is the most powerful ability. And the simplest method may indeed be the most effective. Lu Yunzhi saw through the habits of chaos, using evil to control evil, and using evil to promote good. This is true good, great good, and returning to nature. Yun Zhi is really a good disciple for his teacher. "As he spoke, he looked at Lu Yunzhi with eyes filled with love for talent and said: "I announce something. From today onwards, Lu Yunzhi will follow me to practice, and he will learn the art of heaven and earth in advance as an exception. I will also teach him all other arts. From now on, in addition to attending morning classes in Yutang every morning, please come to Yangshanzhai to see me. Ancestor blessed me and sent me a good apprentice. "Lu Yunzhi felt Mr. Shi's hand holding him so excited that he trembled a little. Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 25 Wu Hao¡¯s Departure Mr. Shi said with a face full of joy: "Come on, come on, Yun Zhi, I will tell you a few more words as my master. Come with me to Yangshanzhai. The top ten disciples will also follow me." After saying that, he turned around and left. But Han Yueqiu stopped Mr. Shi: "Master, what should I do with Wu Hao who broke the seal and released Aoyin?" Lu Yunzhi was originally happy, not only because he was accepted as a direct disciple by Mr. Shi early, but also because Mr. Shi had forgotten Wu Hao was excited about this incident, but he didn't expect Han Yueqiu to interrupt and bring up the old matter again. Mr. Shi looked at Han Yueqiu and asked: "Yueqiu, what do you think we should do?" Han Yueqiu said: "Drive out the yard, in order not to In order to ruin the reputation of the people of heaven and earth and not reveal the secrets of the people of heaven and earth, I suggest that the third child Xie Qi cast a spell on him and forget what happened here for a few years. Master, do you think this is okay? "Mr. Shi hasn't come yet? As he spoke, Lu Yunzhi knelt down and shouted: "Master, give Wu Hao another chance, please." Behind Lu Yunzhi, there were five thumps of knees on the ground, and Lu Yunzhi felt a little agitated. I wonder who the other person is besides Wu Hao, Fang Qu, and at most Snake Brother Diao Shanshe. So he turned his head and looked back, only to see Zhu Jianwen kneeling on the ground with a mocking look on his face. Although his face was mocking, he looked at Wu Hao with a touch of concern. Although Wu Hao did not work hard and was not very popular, the rest of them had many good senior brothers from the same school as him. At this time, they took the lead in begging for mercy, and the rest of them also joined the crowd in begging for mercy. Mr. Shi looked at Han Yueqiu, who still had a frosty look on his face. Mr. Shi looked at the people asking for mercy and then said lightly: "Wu Hao, don't be stupid, otherwise you may die outside, but remember not to leak the secret." , But you have caused a big disaster this time. If you are not punished, you will not be able to establish your authority. Drive out the Zhongzheng lineage. From now on, you will no longer be a member of the world." Everyone was shocked when they heard this. Lu Yunzhi and others had their heads raised. The kowtow became even faster, and even Zhu Jianwen shouted: "Master, I am willing to share the punishment, please don't expel Wu Hao from the world." Mr. Shi was unmoved, but lowered his body and kowtowed to Lu. Yun Zhi whispered: "Come with me, Wu Hao was born with a vision. Although I can't figure it out, today's departure is also destined. Leaving will be much better than if he didn't leave. If he doesn't leave, there will be a bloody disaster. I believe I won't lie to you, my teacher." As he said this, he pulled up Lu Yunzhi, who was in a daze, and walked to Yangshanzhai. The five senior brothers followed closely and disappeared in front of the people who were begging for mercy. After a long conversation all night long, Lu Yunzhi returned to the third room at dawn. He wanted to give away Shouhou Wuhao, so he interrupted Mr. Shi's speech, and Mr. Shi also reasonable enough to let Lu Yunzhi go back first. , and also asked Lu Yunzhi's five senior brothers to rest. Lu Yunzhi hurriedly ran out the door, and several people followed behind him. Suddenly Mr. Shi called out: "Cheng Fangdong, wait a moment." Then he closed his eyes and kept counting with his fingers. What, he murmured in his mouth. Except for Lu Yunzhi, who had already run away, several others looked at their master, Mr. Shi, and the senior brother Cheng Fangdong who stayed in the room with confusion. Cheng Fangdong's honest and honest face twitched, and he closed his eyes. Mr. Shi, who had narrow eyes, naturally didn't see it, but Han Yueqiu saw it clearly and couldn't help but frown slightly. After calculating for a long time, Mr. Shi opened his eyes and said with a smile to Cheng Fangdong, whose expression returned to calm: "Fang Dong, it's okay. You can go and have a rest early." Cheng Fangdong bowed, turned and left, and Han Yueqiu returned after a while. When he arrived at Yangshanzhai, he said to Mr. Shi who was still asleep: "Master, why did you leave senior brother behind?" Mr. Shi stared at Han Yueqiu's eyes for a while and then said: "Yunzhi just told us that Chaos Don't you think it's strange that Chaos fell next to Cheng Fangdong when he was in the courtyard of the Zhenling Hall, but he didn't harm him?" Han Yueqiu said in a low voice: "Master, sir? Senior brother has a good character and is honest and honest. Although he may not be a great person, he will never become a villain." Mr. Shi nodded and said, "Exactly, but I am still a little worried, so I did the math just now and it turns out that Cheng Fangdong is kind. Honest man, what happened just now is just a coincidence. However, your senior brother is too meek to manage our Zhongzheng lineage. Master, I don¡¯t have this ability. I have worked hard on you these years, Yueqiu." Han Yueqiu's face was as cold as ice. With a hint of a smile, he said: "Master, this is what a disciple should do. You old man, please rest. I'm resigning." After saying that, he walked out and closed the door of Yangshanzhai. In the early morning, Lu Yunzhi, Fang Qingze, Qu Xiangtian, Zhu Jianwen, and Diao Shanshe stood at the gate. Looking at Wu Hao who was carrying the luggage, they felt as if they had overturned the five-flavor bottle. He was so sad that he remained silent, but Wu Hao smiled, still looking as quirky as a naughty monkey, with a touch of tears in his eyes. He took out a piece of pigskin, handed it to Fang Qingze and said: "Fat Fang, after I'm gone, no one will endorse you anymore. From now on, if Brother Eight hits your palm, just put lard on it and it won't hurt. This is what I just stole"?'s. Then he looked at Lu Yunzhi, who was bowing his head in silence, and said, "Shudu Lu, don't be so sad. We are destined to meet you thousands of miles away. You have been here for more than half a year. It's great to get to know you as a brother." Then he said to Diao Shanshe: "Brother Snake, I'm leaving Skinny Monkey. Don't bother me anymore. Otherwise, you will be the only mischief in the yard. I'll see if Master doesn't beat you to death." "Then he looked at Qu Xiangtian and Zhu Jianwen. Qu Xiangtian's nose was slightly red at this time, but he was still smiling. The smile at this moment was very sad. Wu Hao hit Qu Xiangtian and cursed: "I am I'm gone, I no longer have to study to escape from the sea of ??suffering, you should be happy for me, you still want to play iron-blooded tenderness in the old song. In the end, Wu Hao was silent for a moment and whispered to Zhu Jianwen: "Thank you, Brother Zhu, I didn't expect you to plead for me. From now on, you are also my brother." "After saying that, the tears couldn't stop flowing down. Zhu Jianwen stuffed two gold ingots into Wu Hao's hand, turned around and left. Wu Hao accepted them without refusing, although for Zhu Jianwen, the Crown Prince of Wu, this might not be the case. It was just a drop in the bucket, but it carried a feeling that could not be exchanged for anything. Wu Hao shook the package on his shoulder and wiped his tears, turned around and walked away, shaking his arms and waving goodbye, but never looked back. Looking at Wu Hao's back fading away, I finally couldn't help but shed a line of tears. The tears slid down my cheeks and stayed in the spring season of May. Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 26 Martial Arts Assessment In the spring of the thirteenth year of Zhengtong, there were five young people standing solemnly in a large mansion in Beijing. The eldest was in his mid-twenties, and the youngest was about fifteen or sixteen. They looked at each other, panting heavily and sweating profusely. The five-year period has arrived, and the assessment day for the young people has arrived. Although it is a five-year period, it does not mean that the assessment will be taken immediately after five years of entry. They need to wait for the last person to complete the examination. The assessment can only be taken after five years, so Qin Rufeng, who started earlier, has been studying for eight years, and Lu Yunzhi is the last disciple to start. After the master announced the start of the assessment, he had just calculated the five years. Although there is a difference in the length of study and it is slightly unfair, there is no fairness in the world. This is just the most basic training. Of course, it was also because of ancestor worship, so the assessment was postponed for another half a year. Although Mr. Shi explained this to everyone, most people guessed that Mr. Shi must have personally taught Lu Yunzhi some of the spells that he had not yet mastered. Therefore, it was postponed for half a year, and everyone said that today was the time to reveal the mystery. Everyone opened their eyes wide and wanted to find out. It¡¯s spring time again, and it was during this season that Shouhou left this courtyard five years ago, leaving only four people in three rooms behind. Although the four of them were a little weaker alone, they were particularly competitive. Take the martial arts assessment in front of them as an example. Even Zhu Jianwen, who was slightly inferior, ended up sixth, while Fang Qingze, Lu Yunzhi, and Qu Xiang Tianze was firmly in the top five, and Sanfang was able to steal the limelight for a while. Gao Huai, who knocked Zhu Jianwen down, was also present, along with Qin Rufeng in the same room. A total of fourteen people participated in the assessment this time. They were put into the field. Of course, they had to fight with bare hands to prevent accidental injuries. This assessment not only tested the people's martial arts skills, but also tested their strategy and observation skills. At the beginning, the third room was ordered by Qu Xiangtian to sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight. They saw Qin Rufeng from the first room leading the other four people to fight with Gao Huai and other five people from the second room. He kept interspersing in the battlefield in order to get the best results. Doesn't attract attention. Soon one person from each room was knocked to the ground and exited the game. However, Qin Rufeng soon discovered Qu Xiangtian's plan, and discussed with Gao Huaiyi. The soldiers of the second and second rooms were united and attacked the third room together. Since Wu Hao left, Sanfang has only four people left, and although the other party has withdrawn two people, it still has twice the number of them. At this time, Qu Xiangtian showed the results of his military training. He was very skilled in fighting, so he took the main attack position, letting Lu Yun defend behind, with Fang Qingze on the left and Zhu Jianwen on the right. The four of them stood or moved back to back. Failure to unify prevents the opponent's numerical advantage from being fully utilized. Secondly, as the main attacker, Qu Xiangtian first attacked the people in the first and second rooms who were less effective in combat. He had people on his left, right and back guarding him, so he could naturally show off his skills without any worries, and he killed two more people in a short time. Of course, Qin Rufeng is not stupid either. The two of them started targeting Zhu Jianwen, but they didn't expect that Zhu Jianwen's skills would also improve greatly. How could they know that since Wu Hao left, Zhu Jianwen gradually integrated into the lives of Lu Yunzhi and others? , became brothers, and the four of them would study fighting skills in the courtyard every night. If things go on like this for five years, they are no longer the Wu Xia Amon they used to be. One person in Gao Huai's room wanted to attack, but unexpectedly he was pulled over by Zhu Jianwen. He flew up and kicked him out of the court. He fell outside and could not stand up again. Of course, the sixth brother Wang Yulu and Shi Yuting's mother Lin Qianru were naturally responsible. The treatment work on the sidelines was very busy, and there were sounds of crying for fathers and mothers outside the field. It was also a rejuvenation for the two of them. Wherever they went, the moans suddenly subsided. It seemed that they were really good at alchemy and also had good medical skills. disciples. Just when Qu Xiangtian knocked another person to the ground, Gao Huai came forward to attack Zhu Jianwen, but was defeated and hurriedly turned around and fled. Zhu Jianwen was overjoyed when he saw it, and he couldn't care less about Qu Xiangtian's four-sided formation. Chasing Gao Huai, Lu Yunzhi saw it and shouted, but it was too late. After Gao Huai ran a few steps, he turned around to attack, but his body skills were not as bad as before. Qin Rufeng came from the side He came closer, grabbed Zhu Jianwen's arm and turned around. He heard a click and the arm was broken. Gao Huai raised his knee and kicked Zhu Jianwen in the chest. Zhu Jianwen immediately burst into blood. Qin Rufeng held Zhu Jianwen high and threw him out. . All this happened in the blink of an eye. Lu Yunzhi knew that it would be too late to come to the rescue. Qu Xiangtian also saw this situation from the corner of his eye and shouted: "Divide and strike." Lu Yunzhi and Fang Qingze He immediately understood that Qu Xiangtian had captured three people just now, and Gao Huai and Qin Rufeng were working together to deal with Zhu Jianwen. Now there were only three people left in the second room of the first house. The skills of the three Qu Fanglu were much higher than those of the other three. At this time, the three people were frightened by the rushing towards them like hungry tigers. The two of them hurriedly shouted to give up and exited the field. One of them shouted slower, but Fang Qingze was stopped. He grabbed his arm and threw it over his shoulder, causing him to fall heavily to the ground. Then he raised his elbow and hit the man on the ground hard. Blood spurted out from his mouth. Qu Xiangtian ran over and kicked the man six times. Where senior brother Wang Yulu was, Wang Yulu smiled and hurriedly took out the elixir and stuffed it into the man's mouth. The man had just emerged from the gate of hell.?Bring back a life. When Lu Yunzhi was a child, she heard that fighting was always fought in the sky and on the ground for hundreds of rounds. She thought that those who practiced martial arts must be magical. After learning the art of fighting, she discovered that there were no such things as hundreds of rounds. , Master duels are often determined by one move. Unless the strength is too equal and evenly matched, the outcome can be determined with just a glance. The three of them turned around and walked towards Gao Huai and Qin Rufeng. Qin Rufeng was already full of beard and looked like Du Hai. He roared and wanted to rush up to fight the three of them, but Gao Huai grabbed Qin Rufeng and said, "Crazy Qin, Look, there are three people over there, and their skills are not as good as yours and mine. There are only two of us, so let¡¯s abstain.¡± Qin Rufeng cursed angrily, ¡°There¡¯s no point in claiming defeat without fighting.¡± Gao Huai raised his hand and said. Li smiled mischievously and said: "I abstain, Master, I abstain. Qin Rufeng, I'll just wait and see you torn apart by these three hungry wolves." Qin Rufeng looked at Gao Huai's leaving back and opened his mouth to say something, but couldn't find it. After speaking, although his breathing was rapid, he no longer roared and looked up at the three people on the opposite side who wanted to come over and surround him. Qu Xiangtian shouted: "Brother Qin, I know you are a hero, but you and I both love to study the art of war. The most important thing for a soldier is to assess the situation. At this time, the situation is over for you, and you have no intention of fighting hard. You are defeated and I respect you as a hero." "Qin Rufeng wanted to save face. In fact, he also saw that he was bound to lose at this time, but after what he said to Gao Huai just now, he couldn't surrender anymore. At this time, Qu Xiangtian's words relieved his embarrassment, so he found a step and went down. He hurriedly raised his hands and said, "Brother Qu, what a good plan. Qin is willing to accept the defeat and leave. Lose, lose." "Good man Qu Xiangtian said with a smile at this time: "Brother Qin, go slowly." Qin Rufeng swung his arms and walked out of the field. He glanced at the crowd and found that no one looked at him with contempt. Only then did I feel relieved. Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 27: Soldiers¡¯ Tricks The three of them looked at each other, laughed to the sky, and gathered around the shoulders of the other two posters. Fang Qingze said, "You and I are both brothers, let's admit defeat together." Lu Yunzhi nodded and said, "Very good, very good." Qu Xiangtian also patted the two of them on the shoulders in agreement, but Mr. Shi heard Said: "You are from the same lineage and are sworn brothers. It's enough to stop there, but there must also be a winner." Qu Xiangtian glanced at the two people, loosened his arms and said, "Second brother, third brother , In this case, you and I will stop. Brother Fang Qingze arched his lips and said, "Just brag, why do you think it's you who is offended? Maybe it's me and the third child." Zhiye laughed evilly, and the three of them looked at each other for a moment and then ran away, looking at each other, and the war was about to break out. "There are three people competing, so prepare your weapons. Yueqiu and Du Hai, you two should keep an eye on them. Don't let them get hurt." Mr. Shi said. Before Han Yueqiu and Du Hai could answer, Qu Xiangtian rushed to several weapon racks nearby, took down a mixed iron spear from the top, then dragged the spear backwards and rushed towards Fang Qingze and Lu Yunzhi, fighting with one arm. With a loud shout, the spear suddenly drew a semicircle and swept towards the two of them. Lu Yunzhi felt as if a strong wind was blowing, and the iron spear cut through the air and made a whirring sound. Lu Yunzhi jumped back but held the tip of the iron gun with his hand. Using this force, he jumped over Qu Xiangtian's head. His legs landed a little and he ran towards the weapon rack as if he was flying. Fang Qingze was not simple either. He was fat and suddenly rolled sideways, making a donkey roll and rolled past Qu Xiangtian's feet. He stood up and ran towards the weapon rack, but Qu Xiangtian suddenly stepped on Fang Qingze. Fang Qingze was pulled back by the force of the green robe and sat down on the ground. Qu Xiangtian didn't look back, he used an iron bridge, leaned back violently, his chest facing the sky, held the gun in both hands and stabbed Lu Yunzhi who had only run out two steps. When Lu Yunzhi heard the sound of breaking through the air behind him, he frightened forward and landed on his hands and feet like a beast. However, he did not stop and "crawled" to the weapon rack. He was so embarrassed and embarrassed. How embarrassed, he took down a three-foot steel sword from the weapon rack. Qu Xiangtian's plate was extremely stable. Fang Qingze pulled hard but couldn't break free. It wasn't that Qu Xiangtian was several times stronger than Fang, but it was just that he couldn't use the strength to sit on the ground. Fang Qingze crossed his arms and grabbed his shoulders. The cloth was squeaked with both hands, and the clothes were torn apart. Fang Qingze climbed up with his upper body bare, ran to the weapon rack and pulled out a ghost-headed sword from the rack. All this happened in the blink of an eye. Although Fang Qingze and Lu Yunzhi reacted very well, Qu Xiangtian had the upper hand with one against two, and everyone watching around him cheered. On the other hand, Fang Lu and the other two were in a state of disgrace. One was in tattered clothes, but his upper body was in tatters, while the other was in complete clothes, with cuffs and trousers already stained by the ground. Qu Xiangtian slowly turned around, let the iron gun rest on his body, took off his gown and threw it on the ground. The muscles on his body were as strong as a rock. He looked at Lu Yunzhi and Fang Qingze and said with a smile: " Second brother and third brother, come on together." Fang Qingze's arms are also extremely strong. He has just turned sixteen, but his arms are stronger than most strong men, but his upper body is completely incompatible with these iron arms, and his body is very bloated. She was unbearable, her belly was bulging out like the Maitreya Buddha in the Buddhist temple, and her face should have been youthful and immature, but she looked mature. When she and Lu Yunzhi went out to buy meat and wine a few years ago, the stall owner thought Lu Yunzhi was his son, which made Fang Qingze miserable. Lu Yunzhi knew that long-sleeved shirts were not conducive to fighting. Different from before, he knew how superb Qu Xiangtian's skills were. However, after looking around at so many people watching, his face turned red and he was too embarrassed to take off his clothes, so he had to roll up his sleeves and put on his clothes. He fastened it to his waist, glanced at Fang Qingze and shouted: "Come on, eldest brother, second brother, come together." Fang Qingze had already become impatient, rushed over and swung the ghost-headed sword with all his strength, and slashed it down into the air on his head, raising it towards the sky. Holding the gun, the two of them shouted at the same time. Qu Xiangtian raised his leg and kicked Fang Qingze. Fang Qingze took the kick forcefully, but Qu Xiangtian could only land on one foot because of the kick he just raised. The force coming from the knife caused him to lose his balance and fall backwards. Lu Yunzhi added a sword and chased after Qu Xiangtian's chest, but Qu Xiangtian used the iron gun to support the ground, kicked the ground hard with one foot, turned around with the iron gun as an axis, and kicked Lu Lu Yunzhi flew out of Yunzhi's cheek. Fang Qingze was kicked, his chest was tight and he couldn't bear the nausea, but he forced himself to calm down and saw Lu Yunzhi was kicked away. He shouted "OK" when he was coming towards him, and Lu Yunzhi stretched out his hand. He connected with Fang Qingze's palms, and before his feet even touched the ground, he drew a semicircle and flew back towards Qu Xiangtian. The two brothers Xie Qi and Xie Li outside the field were actually happy to see it. This was the double-circle hybrid formation that they used when fighting Chaos a few years ago. Unexpectedly, the two junior brothers learned and used it flexibly and drew inferences from one example to counterattack. Qu Xiangtian stood still and was about to catch the attack, but found that Lu Yunzhi did not fall into a ball with Fang Qingze at the same time as he thought, but flew towards him. He couldn't help but panic, and used his feet to??Jump back. Just when he was just a little bit close to touching Qu Xiangtian, Lu Yunzhi fell down and continued to chase Qu Xiangtian's throat with his sword pointed forward. Lu Yunzhi was secretly happy that as long as the sword was pressed against his neck, Qu Xiangtian God had to admit defeat. Seeing that Qu Xiangtian was about to be forced to a dead end, Qu Xiangtian's feet softened. Lu Yunzhi's steel sword passed through Qu Xiangtian's still floating hair, and his black hair instantly fell in the wind. Qu Xiangtian lay on the ground and kicked his legs towards Lu Yunzhi. A rabbit kicked off the eagle. Lu Yunzhi was lifted up by this force and was about to hit a wall. Lu Yunzhi held back the pain and stood upright in the air, pushing against the wall. The steel sword broke through the air and struck Qu Xiangtian, who was lying on the ground, towards the door. However, Qu Xiangtian smiled slightly and raised his gun to hold the steel sword, a carp. The beating knocked Lu Yunzhi to the ground. Lu Yunzhi fell to the ground and turned to the sky with a sweep of his legs, kicking Lu Yunzhi away. Lu Yunzhi fell to the ground and spit out a mouthful of blood, unable to get up. Qu Xiangtian shouted: "Third brother, I'm sorry, you have to practice for two more years to compare with my strength." Just as he finished speaking, he saw a ghost-headed sword slashing across his head. Qu Xiangtian hurriedly stopped him. However, because he was unprepared and was shocked, he staggered two steps, and his body shape and footwork were disrupted. The iron gun was also blown away. Fang Qingze rushed over, put a big knife on Qu Xiangtian's neck and said: "Brother, you lose." Qu Xiangtian sighed and said: "I forgot you are here, second brother. Third brother Brother!" Fang Qingze saw Qu Xiangtian shouting behind him, thinking that Lu Yunzhi was trying to catch the cicada after him, so he raised his legs and kicked back, with the steel knife still on Qu Xiangtian's neck. , when he looked back, there was nothing and no one behind him. He knew in his heart that he had been tricked, but he was still unwilling to turn his head to look at Qu Xiangtian's big, calloused fist that greeted him. He fell to the ground after being hit by Qu Xiangtian's big fist. Tian picked up his ghost head sword and put it on his neck. Fang Qingze cursed: "Boss, you are such a bastard. You have already lost and you cheated." Qu Xiangtian threw away the steel sword and pulled Fang Qingze up and said loudly: "Whoever laughs to the end is the real winner. As for cheating, it's completely normal. Sun Tzu's Art of War says that soldiers are crafty. Second brother, please learn more. Haha" Lu Yunzhi I felt much better after taking the elixir, and the tightness in my chest disappeared after I stretched my muscles. I heard Mr. Shi also smile and say: "What a soldier, he has a cunning way, and he can win the victory by calculation. In the first liberal arts examination before, Lu Yunzhi stole the limelight. He talked about the Four Books and Five Classics, but he couldn't If you don't call it profound, you are even ashamed to be a teacher. Qu Xiangtian also won this game. You three-room disciples are really talented. Let's see who can win in the last game. The third game is the most critical. An assessment of ghost hunting, each person has a peach wood token, ten pieces of yellow paper, and a Bagua mirror. Each person has one stick of incense time to see who can find and catch the ghost first. "Ghost, it's located near Guhun Spring. I hope you don't miss the assessment time. Go down and have a rest." Everyone said yes and turned to leave. Lu Yunzhi from the third room, Fang Qingze and Zhu Wen heard that the four of them were extremely happy today. They all shined and were full of confidence for the third assessment in the evening. Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 28 The New Seventh Senior Brother At midnight, a small house with no windows and only a small door near the courtyard wall and the roof covered with black oilcloth was filled with people waiting. People went in and out of the small house one after another. The people who came out were either elated or dejected. In this small room, the teenagers were conducting the third test. No one knew what happened to others inside. At dawn, Mr. Shi walked out of the room with his five senior brothers. It was the six masters and apprentices who had been supervising just now. They activated the soul-fixing spring in the small house and then released the ghosts, allowing the disciples to find and subdue them in two seconds. Double standards for postgraduate entrance examination scores. Everyone in Guhunquan is familiar with it, because most of the ghost-hunting courses in the past were held here. It was here that Lu Yunzhi showed his extraordinary talent for ghost-hunting and qi-gazing for the first time. Five¡¯s fortune is also revealed. After Mr. Shi walked out of the room, he took a list handed over by Han Yueqiu and read it out, including the number, names and rankings of the ghost hunters. Finally, he said loudly: "The names and numbers of the top three will be announced below. The third place, Qu Xiangtian's count was zero. "Everyone was shocked. The worst thing was that they found four ghosts and caught one. How could Qu Xiangtian get third place if his count was all zero? Qu Xiangtian himself would also do it. Instead of wondering that his ghost-hunting skills were not very good, he didn't realize it every time. When he asked Senior Brother Xie Li, who taught this class, he replied: "Your situation is quite special." The same answers made Qu Xiangtian confused. . Mr. Shi smiled and said, "No one needs to question it. The destiny is so invincible that gods and ghosts can't invade it. It's a good blessing to go straight to the sky. I can't tell you, but I hope you will do more good deeds in the future. Don't get carried away on the day of success. Just accept it when you see it." "Qu Xiangtian naturally didn't understand, so he could only bow and say yes. "Second place, Gao Huai. The number of hunting ghosts is twenty, and the number of trapped ghosts is eighteen." Everyone was in an uproar, thinking that Gao Huai was like a god, but Gao Huai stared at Lu Yunzhi with a livid face. Qin Rufeng looked at Qu Xiangtian with a sneer and hugged his fists. Qu Xiangtian, Fang Qingze and Zhu Jianwen had excited expressions on their faces. There was only one person left in first place, Lu Yunzhi, who was the only one present who had not been announced. Everyone was really happy for him, and Gao Huai had long noticed that his face was livid. Qin Rufeng was still a man. Although he was unhappy in his heart, he still had a decent face. Mr. Shi was also full of joy and said in a louder voice: "First place, Lu Yunzhi, the number of ghosts found is forty-five, and the number of trapped ghosts is none." There was another noise all around, Lu Yunzhi only counted the number of ghosts found. Naturally, it is invincible, but catching ghosts, that is, trapping ghosts, is nothing, and how can it still get the first place? Mr. Shi turned to Xie Li and said, "Xie Li, please tell me." Xie Li replied, "Yes, Master. Junior Brother Lu looked around and found the location of every ghost I released. But he But instead of trapping and sealing these ghosts one by one, he chose to control the soul-solidifying spring, released countless souls, and subdued them one by one. Because there were too many to count, they were called innumerable. Fourth senior brother, I feel ashamed. Not as good as that." It can be seen that Guhunquan can only be controlled by one person, but Lu Yunzhi was able to find a trick and take over Xie Li's control. Just because Lu Yunzhi can activate Guhunquan, he is worse than everyone present. people. Fang Qingze hurriedly asked Lu Yunzhi, but Lu Yunzhi smiled and did not answer. Zhu Jianwen said in a low voice: "Now our third room is very prosperous." After Xie Li finished speaking and the noise among the disciples subsided, Mr. Shi asked everyone to wait outside Yangshanzhai and took the top five with him. Senior brother walked into Yangshanzhai, and the door was gently closed behind them. The young people at the door were extremely nervous, which determined their ranking in the Zhongzheng lineage. Everyone has desires, and people in heaven and earth are no exception. It's just that everyone pursues different things, but the treatment caused by ranking is very different. Although the eldest brother is ranked first, his temperament is too docile. Therefore, apart from the master, the second brother Han Yueqiu is in charge of all matters of the Zhongzheng lineage. Although the two brothers Xie Li and Xie Qi are in high positions, they are unwilling to manage complicated affairs and are too young. Very playful. Counting down to the 18th senior brother, Diao Shanshe, he was the one who would do the shopping, cooking, and carrying the sedan chair. To use a sentence from Snake Brother Diao Shanshe, he said that his existence was to save the wages of his servants. From this we can see the huge difference in ranking. Of course, generally speaking, no matter whether it is a senior brother or a twenty-fifth senior brother, there is no shortage of money. Mr. Shi treats everyone equally and gives red envelopes and awards during holidays, but there is a huge difference in work and authority. , If you are not in your position, you will not pursue your political affairs. Those in high positions will complain endlessly, and those in low positions will work hard to death, that's all. Mr. Shi sat there and looked at the five disciples below and said: "Yunzhi is extremely talented and will become a great person in the future. I want him to be my senior brother Zhangmai and let Lu Yunzhi be your senior brother. What do you think?" Dong, please tell me first." Cheng Fangdong said with a smile on his honest and honest face: "That's very good, Master, I actually have the same intention." Mr. Shi looked at Han Yueqiu, but Han Yueqiu was thoughtful, his face as cold as ice and he didn't speak. , then he looked at the two brothers Xie Qi and Xie Li. They said that as long as they were not allowed to fetch water and cook, they would be fine. Du Hai said excitedly: "Not at this time, absolutely not. To be honest, I really like Lu Yun."It is obvious to all that this junior brother and I have a very good personal relationship. But he is still young, how can he climb up to the senior brother, and his skills are not as good as several senior brothers now. I suggest that Lu Yunzhi be the fifth senior brother and I be the sixth brother. Mr. Shi smiled and said, "No, no." Du Hai, you see you have become reckless again. The ranking order of the Zhongzheng lineage among the people of heaven and earth is not judged according to the ability after the assessment. If it is calculated according to the entry order, it is the same as the ordinary Jianghu sects. We are based on a People are ranked based on their talent assessment results. Those with the highest rankings will definitely stand out from the crowd this year. Our rankings actually represent the comprehensive talents of people in the world. According to what you said, Wang Yulu, who was the third oldest in the past, is no longer the sixth oldest. You At that time, Xie Qi and Xie Li were not as good as Wang Yulu in all aspects of skills, but in recent years you have caught up, what do you think? "All the disciples said yes. "Yueqiu, don't be silent. What do you think about this matter? Mr. Shi asked. Han Yueqiu hesitated and replied: "Master, I think this is inappropriate." Just as the fifth junior brother said, Lu Yunzhi is too young. The most important thing is that he used his resentment just now, and then he had a destiny of five, two, and five, so that the ghosts believed it was true, and used the formation to confuse the ghosts and let them steal it. Overcoming Lao Si's control, the ghosts activated the Soul-Guarding Spring and released countless souls. In an instant, he forced the souls to hand over control to him. He activated the Soul-Gushing Spring to collect all the ghosts. I feel ashamed to say this, but it is resentment. There is a resentment from childhood hidden in his heart. However, he himself is born with a five-two-five, but he is different from the ordinary five-two-five. He is extremely talented and intelligent. It is naturally difficult for people to forget this kind of resentment. These resentments accumulated in the bottom of my heart turned into anger and infatuation. The precepts of resentment were already in Da Luyun's heart, and now they evolved into the two precepts of aversion and infatuation. Although Master once said that he can control it from the bottom of his heart and use it. I also said that the Three Precepts are sometimes a kind of motivation, but once he becomes a senior brother, I am afraid that he will not be able to control his pride. In addition, he is still young and has poor concentration, which will inevitably delay his practice. Master, please think again. " Mr. Shi nodded, thoughtfully and saw that Han Yueqiu still had something to say. He stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation. Han Yueqiu was not polite: "Master wants to make Lu Yunzhi his palm brother. I have no objection, but Now is not the time. We hope to discuss this matter in the long term. Moreover, although most of the palm masters are senior brothers, there are exceptions. The ancestral precepts do not say that one has to be a senior brother to be the palm master. The ancestor of the Zhongzheng line, Master Xing Wen, is rumored to be Xing Jiu's disciple. He was destined to achieve great things in the world. The prosperous age of man. To be disrespectful, Master, you don¡¯t seem to be a senior brother. "Mr. Shi still didn't speak. He thought for a while and said: "But it is so. I was originally born in Xingliu, and I also had palm veins. It seems to be a bit of a coincidence. I will mention this later. Yueqiu is right. Let's do this, starting from now on, Shi Wentian will be demoted one by one, and Lu Yunzhi will be the new seventh. Han Yueqiu wanted to say something else. Mr. Shi waved his hand and said, "I have made up my mind. Yueqiu doesn't need to say more. Let's talk about the rest." "Han Yueqiu had no choice but to lower her head and answer yes, and then the six of them began to discuss the rankings of the others. There was not much controversy, and the new rankings were completed within an hour. Han Yueqiu responded to Mr. Shi's several instructions, then turned around and pulled away. He opened the door and walked into the courtyard. Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 29: The Emperor Arrives Han Yueqiu stood in the courtyard. The sky was already slightly bright at this time. After a night of assessment and the discussion just now, the sun had broken through the clouds and reflected a faint light. Not long after, the sky dawned and all the disciples were exhausted. The continuous assessments exhausted everyone's experience, but everyone was full of energy and not sleepy, because the results of several years of study will be revealed today. After the rankings were announced, naturally some people were happy and some were worried. Lu Yunzhi became the seventh oldest, Qu Xiangtian became the eighth, Gao Huai ranked tenth, Fang Qingze ranked eleventh, Qin Rufeng ranked twelve, Zhu Jianwen became the current eighteenth "brother", and Snake Brother Diao Shan She came forward, bowed to everyone, and said with a mournful face: "Hey, how did you think I got around? Now I am your junior brother. I have met all of you senior brothers." Qu Fangzhu Lu and the four laughed and clapped. He put his hand on Diao Shanshe's shoulder and said, "You are still our Snake Brother." Diao Shanshe suddenly looked happy and shouted happily: "A total of ten people ran in front of me, which means that I am now the leader." Twenty-eight, I am no longer in the bottom ten, Lu Shudai, I still hold a grudge against you for saying that I was in the bottom ten. Today I finally avenged my shame, haha." Everyone was even more excited after hearing this. I can't laugh or cry. Just when the disciples were about to go back to their rooms to rest, the waiter from the concierge suddenly came over to report. After he muttered a few words in Han Yueqiu's ear, Han Yueqiu turned around and said a few words to Mr. Shi, who frowned slightly. , said: "All the disciples follow me to the front yard and stand in the order of the new ranking. Zhu Qizhen is here." As he said, he took the lead and walked to the front yard. Several senior brothers followed, but the crowd in front of Yangshanzhai exploded. , they all know who Zhu Qizhen is, he is the current Holy Emperor, the ninth-five-year-old emperor. Why did you come today? Unbeknownst to everyone, everyone in the third room looked at each other and couldn't figure out what was going on, so they all walked towards the front yard. The front yard was filled with hundreds of royal guards. They were wearing flying fish uniforms and hanging embroidered spring knives. They looked at the people in front of them with cold eyebrows. Some of them didn't know the heights of the sky. There were even a few people standing in front of Mr. Shi, trying to get Mr. Shi. He took a detour, but was pushed away by Du Hai. Jin Yiwei has been suppressed a lot by Dongchang in recent years. Dongchang even assisted in managing the affairs of Jin Yiwei. Because of the eunuch Wang Zhen's party politics, the leader of Jin Yiwei was replaced by Wang Zhen's nephew who was unlearned and unskilled. Wang Shan and his best friend Ma Shun are jointly in charge of the Jinyiwei, so the Jinyiwei are now living like ruffians, and only a few shrewd and capable people can be put to great use. However, Jin Yiwei still thinks that bullying the common people is not a problem. Moreover, in the face of internal struggles, those who know who Mr. Shi is are unwilling to explain, so that those arrogant, domineering and brainless Jin Yiwei will stop Mr. Shi. In fact, they only need to calm down. When you think about it, you will realize how powerful Mr. Shi is. How could an ordinary emperor come here in person so early in the morning? After Du Hai beat up several people, the bored men no longer dared to stop Mr. Shi. Mr. Shi stood in the courtyard and looked at the gate. Outside the gate, there was the sound of iron armor clashing and the sound of horses falling to the ground. A large number of sergeants poured into the gate. They stood solemnly and lined up on both sides. They looked very different from the ragtag group of Jin Yiwei. Everyone was energetic and strong, showing the true qualities of an iron-blooded man. Each of them wore a scimitar at their waist and a knife on their shoulders. The musket was a team from the Shenji Battalion, one of the three major battalions of the Ming Dynasty. All the sergeants walked together, and a smiling young man in his twenties, wearing leather boots with dragons embroidered on the emperor's shoulders and jade belts, walked into the door. As he walked, he said: "Mr. Shi, please excuse me. I ordered them not to make any noise, but Mr. Wang did." I think my safety is important. Don't worry." Wang Zhen snorted behind him and glanced at Mr. Shi. Mr. Shi cupped his hands and said, "Savage Shi Fang is polite. I don't know what's important in this humble room today." Zhu Qizhen waved his hands and said, "It's nothing important. I'm asking for a drink." He was about to go in. After leaving, Zhu Jianwen came forward, knelt down and kowtowed and said, "Long live my greetings." Zhu Qizhen was stunned, and hurriedly helped Zhu Jianwen, who was six years younger than him, and said, "I love you." Zhu Jianwen Standing up, after performing the courtesy of monarch and minister, he also performed the courtesy of uncle and nephew, and bowed: "Nephew, I pay homage to the emperor's uncle." Zhu Qizhen laughed and said hello, and then ordered his attendants to reward him with a hundred taels of gold, and then followed Shi The gentleman walked into Tingyuxuan. Only then did everyone remember that Zhu Jianwen was the prince of Wu and the nephew of Emperor Zhu Qizhen. In recent years, Zhu Jianwen had curbed his arrogance, which made people forget about his royal bloodline. All the disciples followed. Except for the top ten disciples who entered Tingyuxuan to accompany them, the rest stood waiting outside. After pouring a cup of tea, Mr. Shi asked: "Emperor, let's not chat. There are no outsiders in the hall now. You can explain your purpose of coming." The emperor was a little embarrassed when he heard Mr. Shi's question. Wang Zhen said: "We are here." The country is coming, it's time for you to serve the country, be an envoy." His tone was sharp and mean. Du Hai was so excited that he almost cursed, but Han Yueqiu gave him a sharp look and did not dare to speak. Mr. Shi sneered and said: "Mr. Wang, I remember Taizu GaoThe emperor once carved eight large characters on the iron stele at the entrance of the palace: "Ministers shall not interfere in political affairs." Later you removed it. I don't dare to speculate on your good intentions, but I don't know if you saw the big words on our screen wall: "No conspiracy for the world, no conspiracy for the emperor's life, no involvement in government affairs, any violation will destroy the nine tribes" is also Taizu I dare not forget the emperor's personal handwriting. So it¡¯s better for me not to get involved in this kind of thing. " Wang Zhen snorted coldly: "I have good intentions. You can refuse just now, but you can't refuse what I say next. It is Timur who declared war on our Ming Dynasty. "Mr. Shi's hand holding the teacup suddenly trembled, and he quickly regained his composure. He drank the tea slowly, then raised his hand in a greeting gesture and said, "Yueqiu, see you off. "Wang Zhen was immediately embarrassed. Zhu Qizhen was also shocked by what Mr. Shi did. Just when he was about to get angry, he thought of the way Mr. Shi beat Wang Zhen under his nose in front of the Hall of Supreme Harmony a few years ago. He was immediately confused. His anger was suppressed in his stomach, he turned around and walked away. After walking a few steps, Mr. Shi drank tea and said in a loud voice: "Your Majesty, we are on an envoy to Timur, so please send him off not far away. " After hearing the footsteps, the emperor paused, looked back at Mr. Shi who was still sitting, and then left quickly. All the disciples were shocked and didn't know what happened. Only a few people present lowered their heads as if they had something to say. Thinking, Mr. Shi called Lu Yunzhi to come to him and asked: "Yunzhi, what do you think? " Lu Yunzhi whispered: "Something happened to the Murong family. Mr. Shi nodded and filled the tea cup with another cup of steaming tea. Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 30: Murong Family "What Murong family?" Zhu Jianwen asked after returning to the third room. Qu Xiangtian was well aware of the analysis of the world situation. Lu Yunzhi said before he opened his mouth: "The Murong family is the descendant of Murong Chong, the Xian Emperor of the Western Yan Kingdom in the Five Hus and Sixteen Kingdoms. After the fall of the Yan Kingdom, they have never thought about it. He restored his country, but he has been traveling among various countries in the past hundred years and established a certain influence. It seems that the founding of Timur is also related to the Murong family, but the specific situation is unknown. But as far as I know, he is also a person with strange circumstances. Just like you and me, but not of the same lineage as the people of heaven and earth, it is very close to the same lineage of people of heaven and earth. I only know this much, third brother, please add something." Lu Yunzhi thought for a while and said: "Speaking of the Murong family, it was established earlier than our people of heaven and earth. I have also seen some fragments of it. In short, the story is like this. The former Yan was destroyed by Fu Jian, the king of the former Qin. From then on, the entire Murong family was captured. This royal family of the Xianbei tribe became prisoners. Murong Chong was even more miserable because he was sent to the palace as a slave because of his handsome appearance. The same was true for his sister Princess Qinghe. The most miserable thing is that Fu Jian was actually a Taoist. , was obsessed with the magic of the house, and developed a unique and wonderful method of gathering yin and replenishing yang. Although it was despised by the people in the Central Plains, it was indeed powerful. Princess Qinghe became Fu Jian's favorite concubine, and Fu Jian was tortured every night. It is recorded that he was bisexual and had a very serious tendency to love boys. Murong Chong became more and more handsome as he got older. Naturally, he did not escape Fu Jian's clutches. His identity as a male slave made Murong Chong miserable, but he was extremely talented. He learned all the Fang Zhongshu from Fu Jian. After studying it, he finally mastered it and used the Fang Zhongshu to confuse Wang Meng, the minister in power. Wang Meng persuaded Fu Jian, so Fu Jian released Murong Chong. Wang Jia acted as a proficient in Yin and Yang. The expert in the art of Fang Zhong knew that there would be a big disaster in the future, so he hurriedly informed Fu Jian, and Fu Jian killed all the Murong family members in the city. However, Murong Chong had already mastered the art of Fang Zhong and escaped from Chang'an in the next few years. Murong Chong repeatedly studied the art of Fang Zhong, and collected women from all over the world to harvest yin and replenish yang. He also raised troops to invade Chang'an with his brother Murong Chui, a member of Murong Hong's tribe. Fu Jian was shot by an arrow and fled to Wujiang Mountain where he was hanged. " "Then what happened. ?" Zhu Jianwen asked with interest. His royal bloodline made him more interested in this kind of power struggle. Lu Yunzhi said with an embarrassed look on her face: "Then, Murong Chong was not satisfied with the knowledge he gained from Fangzhongshu. After ascending the throne and becoming the emperor, he continued to look for young and beautiful women while studying the method of father and son. Finally, he made a plan. In a matter that goes against family relations, he had an affair with his sister Princess Qinghe and gave birth to a son named Murong Xiangbo. His theory is that close relatives will give birth to ten sons, nine idiots and one intelligent. That is to say, once a child is born, as long as he is not disabled or disabled The stupid one must be gifted and smart, and it turns out that he was right. After being the emperor for a year, Murong Chong learned more about the outside world and learned that there are many different secrets in the world, such as the yin and yang. He decided not to be the emperor anymore, and traveled around the world to learn the secrets of the world. He made up the illusion that Han Ting killed him, and traveled around the world with his sister Princess Qinghe, while his son Murong Xiang Bo was indeed extremely talented. He could read and write at the age of three and had a photographic memory. He still had unfaithful matings and invented a set of secret techniques. From then on, children from close relatives were no longer stupid. The children he gave birth to, regardless of whether they were male or female, had the same skin. They have the characteristics of the Murong family of the Xianbei people. Their complexion is fair and can be broken by blows, and they are extremely beautiful. However, although they are also studying various spells now, the most important thing is to study the Murong family's unique Fangzhong technique, so The men and women of the Murong family are all debauched, so everyone must be careful not to be deceived. "Fang Qingze shouted: "It's so charming, this story is comparable to "The Legend of Ruyi Jun", it's so cool." He stood up from the table and shouted: "Second brother, do you have this book?" Fang Qingze was a little embarrassed. After all, he was a ****. Naturally, he became embarrassed. When he heard Qu Xiangtian yelling, he became even more panicked and hesitantly took it out from his arms. A thin book. Qu Xiangtian grabbed the book in Fang Qingze's hand and said, "You kid, didn't you tell me earlier that I bought something that I couldn't buy for a long time, just to have a look, but unfortunately it was already sold out when I didn't bring any silver to buy it again. It's better now. You can see it now. Third brother, do you want to see it?" Lu Yunzhi blushed like a ripe apple and hurriedly waved her hands and ran away. Although Zhu Jianwen was staring at the book and almost drooling, he still asked the key question: "What is the relationship between the Murong family and Timur?" Qu Xiangtian promoted the book to At the table, someone raised his eyebrows and asked in confusion: "This is reasonable. The Murong family is active in the northeast, but Timur is in the west, far apart. Ordinarily there should be no contact." Lu Yunzhi replied: "Specific matters I don¡¯t know much about it, but my elder brother also said before that in the past hundred years, they have been traveling among various countries. In fact, to be precise, they have been traveling among the countries in the Western Region, because the northern countries such as Washi and Tatar are superstitious " The other three people said in unison: "It is the art of ghost witches." Lu Yunzhi nodded and said: "It is the art of ghost witches. It is precisely because of listening to the ghost witches that the Mongols of the Yuan Dynasty massacred people from all walks of life." lasted for many yearsThe resistance finally allowed the Zhongzheng lineage to protect Zhu Yuanzhang and win the world. Only then did the Zhongzheng lineage once again overwhelm the heroes and return to the central position of dominating the world. I believe that you all listened to Master's teachings when you started. Although the Mongols were defeated, the northern nomads still trusted ghost witches, which prevented the people of heaven and earth from infiltrating into the grasslands and left the Murong family with nowhere to survive. The Central Plains region has long been firmly controlled by the people of heaven and earth. Although they have good relations with our Zhongzheng lineage, they are unwilling to succumb to us, so they ran to the west and went through all the hardships to finally penetrate their power into With their help, the first king Timur defeated many enemies and established the similarly vast Timurid Empire. Therefore, among Timur, the status of the Murong family is much higher than that of the Zhongzheng family in the Ming Dynasty. They are the real masters of that country. They have good relations with Zhongzheng and will never attack us for no reason. They will only raise troops when something happens. That's why they asked us to go to Timur to have a look. After all, they can be regarded as fellow-minded people. " Only then did everyone understand, and suddenly Lu Yunzhi whispered: "Someone is coming! "Everyone looked at the door, and soon they heard someone say outside the door: "Is Zhu Jianwen, the Crown Prince of Wu, here? "Zhu Jianwen raised his hands to Lu Yunzhi to express his admiration for Lu Yunzhi's sensitive hearing. Then he stood up, opened the door and walked out. He came back after a while, holding a package in his hand. The package was wrapped in yellow Wrapped in silk cloth, he threw it on the table with a clang. Fang Qingze frowned and said, "Hey, your little uncle really gave me a hundred taels of gold. Being an emperor is really rich, but speaking is also a good character. I'll call you uncle and give me the money. Zhu Jianwen pushed Fang Qingze and said, "Fuck you." Fang Qingze shouted carelessly: "Seriously, if you don't use this money, give it to me." And you, eldest brother and third brother, please give me the red envelopes given by master during the New Year and the wedding gold given by senior brother to me, and I will return them to you in a while, that¡¯s great. Qu Xiangtian stood up and took out a small package from his box and threw it to Fang Qingze and cursed: "What are you doing with the money?" You kid usually breaks a copper coin in half to spend it. Why are you so stingy that you are in such a hurry to borrow money today? I remember you have a lot. " Fang Qingze waved his hand, opened the package and said, "I'm just frugal. Oh, boss, where did you spend all your money? Why do you only have ten taels left? Qu Xiangtian smiled and said, "Drinking." "Third brother, where is your money?" Fang Qingze asked. Lu Yunzhi pointed to his box and said, "You know where to put it. Go get it yourself. Just don't damage my books. I'm going to read." "As he said that, he picked up a book on the table and went to the desk to read. Fang Qingze opened the box and took out the silver taels. Then he said with satisfaction: "The third brother knows how to live a good life. I have a hundred and fifty taels, which is really a lot. It¡¯s as much as the annual salary of a magistrate, it¡¯s enough. "With that said, he wrapped the silver, gold and other items in a big cloth and ran out. Qu Xiangtian shouted inquiringly, but Fang Qingze waved his hands and didn't answer. In a flash, the fat black man ran away without a trace. Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 31: Departure as Envoy to Timur Ten days later, a total of 6,000 infantry and cavalry sent by the Fifth Army Camp lined up on the outskirts of Beijing. A tall man on horseback looked at his soldiers and horses. All the soldiers were in high spirits, and their armors glowed in the sun. There were layers of silver light, and the weapons also exuded bursts of chill under the sunlight, telling people that this was an elite team that had experienced hundreds of battles. Strong soldiers and horses are the best way to describe this team. I saw four horses rushing out from a short distance away. The sturdy man looked intently. In the blink of an eye, the four horses arrived in front of him. Four people fell off the horses. One of them must be the same height as himself and also has a beard. He was slightly tall and tall, and he saw the man cupping his fists at him and saying, "I'm here in Duhai. I'm here to visit you. My master sent us to pay a visit first. I dare you to ask, my dear friend, but he is General Shi." The man who is called General Shi is actually He raised his hands very politely and said, "Don't you dare? I'm a general, Shi Heng, and brother Du. They are so famous that they are so heroic today. What do you call these little brothers?" Qin Rufeng, Lu Yunzhi, Qu Xiangtian, The three of them saluted and bowed to announce their homes. A few people said a few words, and a team of more than thirty people appeared, headed by Mr. Shi. Shi Heng hurriedly stepped forward and said: "Shi Heng pays homage to Mr. Shi. I apologize for the inconvenience of being in armor to salute. Mr. Shi's words in the past are still in Shi Heng's mind. I wonder how Mr. Shi is doing these days." Mr. Shi laughed and said. He turned over and dismounted, raised his hands to Shi Heng and said: "Okay, I just said it casually, you don't have to worry about it, but it is a new sign that the general will have a big disaster in the future." Shi Heng's face turned pale, and he hurriedly asked: "Mr. Shi Don't scare me. One day you said that I will become a general in the future. It's true as you said. Today you said it would be a disaster. Wouldn't Shi Heng be killed on the spot? Sir, please give me some advice and save me." Bow deeply. Mr. Shi said with a smile: "General, don't worry, you will be promoted and rich in a year, but there will also be disasters coming, but it will not lead to death. As long as the general can regain his strength, he will be rich and noble." It is beyond the reach of the world, and the title of Duke is just around the corner. It¡¯s just that Shi¡¯s skills are unfamiliar and he didn¡¯t figure out the cause of the disaster and the general¡¯s rise to prominence. But the general can rest assured, Shi Mou congratulates the general first.¡± When Shi Heng heard that he would be given the title of Duke. , naturally looked happy, thanked him repeatedly and believed in what Mr. Shi said. Fang Qingze galloped over on a horse. Before the horse stopped, he dismounted and bowed to Mr. Shi and said, "Master, can I bring some goods to Tamerlane, so that I can do business and get more information." Before Mr. Shi could answer, Han Yueqiu replied coldly: "What are you doing? People in heaven and earth do not seek fame and fortune. Besides, what if something goes wrong?" Fang Qingze looked at Mr. Shi with a pitiful look, and Mr. Shi smiled gently. Said: "Qingze, as long as you don't delay your journey." Fang Qingze thanked him happily, then blew a whistle, and then a dozen carriages appeared in front of everyone. Fang Qingze said: "Master, don't worry, these big carriages Follow the team at the end. If you advance, it won't affect the march, and if you retreat, it won't block the way back. You can rest assured." Mr. Shi nodded and stopped talking. Du Hai came up, laughed, patted Fang Qingze on the head and said, "Let's go. A total of more than 30 people came out. Except for the senior brother who was stationed in Beijing with a few junior brothers and servants, the rest of them all came out. Apart from the luggage and packages that no one had, we only had four carriages to carry all the items we needed. You can find them all by yourself. There are more than a dozen carriages, it's like a caravan. But you are really smart. It is safe to follow the army. The bandits will not dare to rob you, and the government does not want your entry documents. Who will give it to you? You came up with the idea." Qin Rufeng said with a chuckle: "It's probably him. This guy is obsessed with money. Every time I go to drink with Qu Xiangtian, he joins in the fun, but I haven't eaten one of his drinks in so many years. Returning to the banquet, he suddenly went downstairs during the drinking banquet, and came back with money in his hands. It turned out that he had made a net profit of seven or eight taels of silver by dumping the goods on the street downstairs several times. This kid shouldn't If you join the Zhongzheng lineage, you should become a profiteer." Everyone laughed in unison. Qu Xiangtian asked: "Qingze, what kind of goods are you bringing?" Fang Qingze took out a list and read out: "Thirty pieces of silk and satin, fifty pieces of porcelain" Qu Xiangtian listened. After a long time, Fang Qingze showed no intention of stopping, so he hurriedly covered his ears and ran away. Mr. Shi said to General Shi Heng: "General Shi, let's set off." Mr. Shi looked up at the sun hanging high above his head with a confused face and said: "Wait a minute, this time the supervisor is Wang Shan, leading the army." Many Jin Yiwei came, but it¡¯s getting late, why haven¡¯t they come yet?¡± After hearing this, Mr. Shi frowned slightly, stopped talking and sat cross-legged on the saddle. The horse kept moving, but Mr. Shi was as steady as a rock and closed his eyes to rest. After seeing this hand exposed, all the sergeants couldn't help but be deeply impressed. After half an hour, a group of Jinyiwei wearing Feiyu uniforms and embroidered spring knives appeared in the distance. The team was undisciplined. Forty or fifty people walked slowly in the direction of Mr. Shi and others. From a distance, it looks like gangsters coming to fight in a group. Mr. Shi whispered to Han Yueqiu:After a few words, Han Yueqiu shouted: "Come back quickly, my master doesn't want to see you. If you come, don't blame us for being merciless." Wang Shan is the nephew of the powerful eunuch Wang Zhen, but Still afraid of Mr. Shi's reputation, he naturally reined in his horse and stopped in the distance, whispering to each other for discussion. Mr. Shi said: "Qin Rufeng, Gao Huai, Qu Xiangtian, Fang Qingze, Lu Yunzhi, it's time for the five of you to teach these villains who are causing trouble to the country." The five people said yes, and several people walked towards Shi Heng, Gao Huai Pointing at Lu Yunzhi, he said: "Give me and this pretty boy two bows worth one stone and five tons, and these three big bears will give me three-stone bows." Shi Heng looked at the thinner Gao Huai and the slender Lu Yunzhi, haha He burst out laughing: "You must have listened to books a lot, this kid. When shooting archery, you should shoot a soft bow instead of the strong bow you hear. It's okay to practice your strength, but can you two draw a bow that costs one stone and five? Mongolians are good A volley of shots can only open two people with one stone." Then he looked at Fang Qingze, Qu Xiangtian, Qin Rufeng and Shi Heng. He had a much better impression of these three people. After all, he was a warrior. These three were very strong and strong. Except for Fang Qingze, whose cunning expression of a profiteer occasionally flashed across his honest and honest face, the remaining two were heroes. Shi Heng was a warrior and naturally liked to deal with rough people, so he bowed his hands to the three of them and said : "The three heroes are great, but the big bows in the army don't have three stones. There are only two bows with two stones and four stones. However, few people can draw them and shoot them with accuracy. I'll give them some for the five of you. Let's hunt with a soft bow." Qu Xiangtian laughed and said, "We are not hunting, we are shooting people." "Who?" Shi Heng asked. Qu Xiangtian glanced at Wang Shan who was hesitating in the distance. Shi Heng opened his mouth in surprise, and then whispered: "He is at least two hundred and fifty steps away from us. I will give you the bow. Don't tell me that I will give it to you." "Then he hurriedly ordered his men to get the bows, and after a while they had three strong bows worth one stone and five measures in front of them, and two giant bows worth two stones and four measures. At this moment, Wang Shan became restless, shouting and urging his men to start galloping towards him. Lu Yunzhi Gao Huai drew his bow and nocked an arrow, and shot it out with a whoosh. Although it was far away, the arrow seemed not to be hit. As if affected by any wind direction, an arc shot out. With a bang, one shot hit the jadeite on Wang Shan's crown. The hat flew out all of a sudden, and the jadeite was shattered by the shock. Suddenly, Wang Shan's hair scattered in all directions, and another An arrow hit the golden buckle of Wang Shan's cloak. The golden buckle broke and the arrow did not stop, tearing Wang Shan's clothes. Wang Shan was so frightened that he didn't dare to move forward and quickly reined in the horse. However, before the horse stopped, he heard the wind blowing. Two strong forces came and he was immediately pulled off the horse. The two strong forces came from the inside of the wide sleeves. , Wang Shan fell to the ground, and the horses behind him stopped quickly to prevent him from being trampled to death. Wang Shan tremblingly tried to raise his arms but was caught. Looking at the ground, he saw two thick bows and arrows exposed along his wide sleeves and inserted deeply into the ground. Wang Shan was dumbfounded. Although the cuffs were wide, someone could shoot into the cuffs and nail him to the ground while running. The fear of death suddenly arose, and he was so frightened that he kept trembling. All the royal guards dismounted and wasted all their strength. Pulling out the arrows, these two arrows were shot by Qin Rufeng and Fang Qingze. Qu Xiangtian crossed his arms and looked up to the sky with a laugh. He looked at the strong bow that was left on the ground, which was worth one stone and five buckets. He kicked it away and turned around to take out a hanging iron gun from his horse. Then he said with a smile: "Second brother, third brother, this kid has run a few steps, there are still one hundred and fifty steps left, let me show off." After saying that, he took a step forward, threw the iron gun with one arm from his waist and flew out. . Wang Shan had just been helped up from the ground, and his subordinates were so frightened that their faces turned pale. They were waiting for Wang Shan, whose lips were trembling constantly, to give the order, but in fact, he had already wanted to retreat in his heart. Suddenly there was a loud sound breaking through the air, and an iron spear dropped from the sky and hit the horse about five steps in front of Wang Shan. Wang Shan fell off the horse just now. After the iron gun touched the horse, before the horse could neigh, it was penetrated and fell to the ground. It was nailed to the ground, and blood suddenly spurted out like a spring, completely covering Wang Shan. and the faces of the people who were supporting him. This time, there was no need for Wang Shan to issue orders. Many of the royal guards did not look forward or backward. They got on their horses and ran away. The sound of crying for father and mother could not be heard. The five people looked at each other and smiled, feeling proud and proud for a moment. The people in the Zhongzheng lineage smiled slightly when they saw the performance of the five, while Mr. Shi looked at the five rising stars under his disciples with a smile while stroking his beard. All the sergeants opened their mouths. The superb skills of the five people shocked these sergeants who had been on the battlefield for a long time. They were astonished for a while. After a short silence, the crowd suddenly burst into cheers. It took a long time to calm down. . Mr. Shi said in a calm tone: "Since the supervisory army escaped before the battle, let's set off now. Timur and the people of heaven and earth have come to visit us." Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 32: Master¡¯s Confused Future "Seventh Junior Brother, Master is looking for you," Xie Li rode up to Lu Yunzhi and said. After Lu Yunzhi and others showed their superb archery skills, Shi Heng had great respect for them. Lu Yunzhi was a little shy but turned to the sky. Qin Rufeng and Qin Rufeng talked happily with Shi Heng and kept talking on the road. After exchanging knowledge on the art of war and actual combat, Fang Qingze disappeared without a trace long ago, presumably to take care of his dozen or so carts of goods. After hearing Xie Li¡¯s shout, Lu Yunzhi hurriedly turned his horse¡¯s head back to Mr. Shi who was in the queue. Mr. Shi couldn¡¯t help but smile with joy when he saw Lu Yunzhi running towards him, his eyes full of indescribable care. Mr. Shi said with a smile: "Yunzhi, take a look at Shi Heng's Qi." Lu Yunzhi closed his eyes and thought about the Shi Heng he had just seen. After a long time, he opened his eyes and said: "The man who is rich and noble and is a marquis and a knight." "Qi." Mr. Shi nodded and said, "Observing qi is the essence of ghost hunting. It relies mostly on talent. Observing people, ghosts, and all things, everything in the world has its own qi. This is what a teacher knows." Not as good as you, but I am much more experienced in fortune-telling and fortune-telling than you. But I can¡¯t figure out Shi Heng. What do you think is the reason?¡± Lu Yunzhi frowned and said in a low voice: ¡°Master means, he is. Is it true that people of the same Taoism are within three times of your level?" Mr. Shi stroked his beard and squinted his eyes and said: "No, no, the ancient saying is that it cannot be calculated if the opponent's destiny is higher than three times. If it is three times as good as yours, then you can¡¯t figure it out. For example, your method of observing qi is much stronger than that of my master. Generally speaking, it is only one step away from my master. Although I can still calculate your fortune slightly now, it is gradually getting better. It's not clear anymore. There are fewer and fewer hexagrams obtained, but if someone is really three times better than the calculator, it's not just a matter of not being able to calculate, he can even deliberately create an illusion to make others make mistakes. There is another situation that cannot be calculated, and that is that the destiny of the world cannot be calculated by anyone but heaven and man." Lu Yunzhi asked doubtfully: "Master, what you mean is that Shi Heng alone can affect the destiny of the world? Can't we also calculate destiny?" Mr. Shi looked at Lu Yunzhi meaningfully and said, "That's not necessarily true, but Shi Heng must be a member of this great change, and he is an extremely important role. . As for your so-called calculation of destiny, it is actually nonsense. Don't forget that what is written in the book is that heaven and man know destiny, and the so-called heaven and man do not exist. The so-called fairy? When you tell a person's destiny after you tell him, he will definitely try to change the bad aspects. It seems that it is just his own change, but otherwise this change will affect the luck of the world. So we can only tell others selectively, but we cannot disclose everything. This is the reason. A tap on the water will cause ripples, let alone a person's change. There is a saying in the folk that people are not as good as God. No matter how unpredictable your skills are, you can't count the lives of the people in the world. There is always one person who will change everything. Especially when it comes to the fate of the world, it is naturally even more unpredictable." Mr. Shi sighed after speaking. Lu Yunzhi said puzzledly: "Since Master can't calculate it, why bother yourself and keep thinking about it?" After hearing what Lu Yunzhi asked, Mr. Shi burst out laughing and uttered two words: "Curiosity." One old and one young. Look at each other and smile. Behind the team not far away, Xie Qi said to Xie Li: "Look, Lu Yunzhi, it's time to call him Seventh Junior Brother now. Look at how much he pleases Master. It seems that your and my wishes have come true. Lu Yunzhi in the future It must be someone from the Zhongzheng lineage, and you and I can travel all over the world." There is a rule in the Zhongzheng lineage of people in heaven and earth that once a new person in the lineage starts to take charge of the Zhongzheng lineage, his senior fellow apprentices must leave the Zhongzheng lineage. Maybe. Hiding in the mountains and fields, or traveling around, you can even start a sect, but there are two things you must not do. One is not to return to the Zhongzheng lineage, in order to prevent the person from snatching the position of the palm lineage. The second is not to engage in politics. Of course, it doesn¡¯t mean that you can never come back. After the age of fifty-eight, you can return to the Zhongzheng lineage and assist the people in the palm to teach courses. However, there are very few people who have come back since ancient times, so the disciples have never seen him. The current situation of uncle and uncle. Although the two brothers Xie Li and Xie Qi are very talented and intelligent, they don't like complicated things. From the moment they started, they wanted to eat and drink together until they got a new master. The senior brother still did not change their minds. Hearing what the two Xie brothers said, Han Yueqiu snorted coldly: "I just hope Master won't spoil him." There are some gossips circulating in the house." Han Yueqiu said still coldly: "If I were worried about rumors, I would not go out to deal with the affairs of the whole house in Dali. I am not in charge of the affairs of the house. It's easy to punish others by giving them excuses." Xie Qi chuckled and said, "As long as you're not jealous, it's fine." Han Yueqiu squinted and looked at the two Xie brothers, who whipped their horses and ran away. He opened the car and said while running: "Second senior brother, we didn't mean it, don't blame me." Han Yueqiu looked at the two people running away.Ying looked up to the sky with a wry smile and sighed deeply. "Master, you are so confused about the future." Lu Yunzhi and Mr. Shi were chatting intermittently, but Fang Qingze opened and closed his mouth every time beside Mr. Shi, hesitating to speak. The look was really unbearable, so he asked: "Junior brother, what's the matter?" While the master turned to look at Fang Qingze, Lu Yunzhi stuck out his tongue. Naturally, he could not guard the master's shouts of "big brother" and "second brother", so he could only obey Pulse Zhong calls the names according to the rules, but he is really not used to sticking out his tongue at Fang Qingze and Qu Xiangtian every time to relieve the embarrassment. Fang Qingze didn't seem to see Lu Yunzhi, he just lowered his head and said vaguely: "I hope Master will atone for his sins." Mr. Shi said happily: "What crime is there? Could it be that you are bringing goods again? Although you love Qingze Gold, silver and money are contrary to the nature of heaven, earth and man, but as a loyal person and a teacher, you don't have to hold on to it. Just treat it as your leisure time. However, if the weight or length of your trucks is increased again, will it be affected by this? Delaying the trip? You still" Before he finished speaking, Fang Qingze raised his head and said, "I brought Yu Ting out." Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 33: The Little Thoughts of the Twenty-Eight Beauties Mr. Shi was shocked and asked quickly: "Isn't Yuting staying in the capital? Shi Wentian and Lin Qianru are also in the capital. How did she follow him out? Come on, don't hesitate." Fang Qingze was said by the master in an increasingly stern tone. He didn't even dare to raise his head and lowered his head and said: "Master, Yuting had to follow us after hearing the news that we were going to send Timur as an envoy. I couldn't stand being pestered by her anymore, so I hid her in the truck. "Master, please punish me for making my own decisions." Mr. Shi sighed and said with a wry smile, "It's not your fault. I'm a granddaughter and I can't do anything about her. Bring her here quickly. She knows a little bit about equestrian skills. She wants to do it." If you want to ride a horse, let her ride it. Bring her here quickly and don't let her get into trouble again. It's a great achievement for you." Fang Qingze said repeatedly, turning the horse's head and running towards his truck. After a while, a maroon horse sat sideways with a beautiful lady in pink. Her skin was white and rosy, like a freshly peeled egg with a touch of rouge, and her figure was graceful and dark. With her hair tied up on her head and youthful energy overflowing, this person is none other than Mr. Shi's granddaughter Shi Yuting. Mr. Shi and Lu Yunzhi looked at each other and smiled, knowing that their ears were not clean again on the way. Mr. Shi pretended to be angry and said: "Why did you sneak out? How worried are you and your parents?" Shi Yuting had a look of indifference on her face. , grinning, this smile, although not charming, is cute and lovable: "Grandpa, don't be angry, Yuting will be obedient from now on, but I heard that women in the Western Region are very coquettish, so I have to come and watch Watch" He lowered his head and looked up at Lu Yunzhi secretly. Although Lu Yunzhi looks like a nerd, he is also quite well-rounded in his heart. After so many years, he has already seen that his nephew Shi Yuting is secretly attracted to him. However, although the people of heaven and earth are of the righteous lineage, they never stick to the rules and ignore the old-fashioned etiquette. It's trivial, but Lu Yunzhi is really familiar with Confucian classics and cares about this kind of ancestral temple etiquette. He is Mr. Shi's apprentice, and according to the ranking, he is Shi Wentian's senior brother, so he naturally becomes Shi Yuting's uncle. If If he and Shi Yuting stayed together, wouldn't it be a violation of the rules of etiquette, so he always avoided Shi Yuting. But as the saying goes, men chase women across the mountain, and women chase men across the wall. Shi Yuting's constant entanglement made Lu Yunzhi complain again and again. Although Lu Yunzhi is young and doesn't know what true love is yet, for now, he really doesn't hate the charming Shi Yuting. Shi Yuting looked shy. Mr. Shi smiled and asked deliberately: "Who are you looking at? Looking at Qu Xiangtian?" Shi Yuting said delicately: "Who is looking at him? He has a big beard and a dirty face, like a beggar. You can smell the smell of alcohol on his body from afar. I'm here to see this brother Yun Zhi. I'm afraid he's gone bad." Mr. Shi nodded at Shi Yuting's head and said, "You're so ridiculous. Uncle, what are you talking about, brother Yunzhi? If you call me that, you are stepping down a generation. Why don't you go to Yunzhi directly? Why bother asking Fang Qingze?" Shi Yuting puffed up her cheeks and said pretending to be angry: "I was about to file a complaint. Well, I originally wanted to ask Brother Yunzhi, but when I thought he would definitely tell you, I couldn't get out, so I asked Fang Qingze, but this man was such a profiteer that he bargained with me and made me lose all the New Year's money I had saved. I gave it to him, so he reluctantly took me out." Mr. Shi laughed and said, "This kid is really like a wild goose. I told you that he couldn't wait any longer. In the future, you will be called Brother Yunzhi." After hearing Mr. Shi's words, Shi Yuting lowered her head shyly again. Lu Yunzhi also understood the meaning of these words, and his fair face turned red instantly, and said hurriedly: "Master, look at you" Mr. Shi waved his hand and said: "We will discuss it again. By the way, Yunzhi , you go to Yue Qiu and ask him to write a letter to Shi Wentian, don't let Yu Ting and his parents worry." Lu Yunzhi answered yes and drove away impatiently. At this time, he thought. Hurry up and escape from this place of right and wrong, and don't make Master laugh. "Grandpa, what were you and Brother Yunzhi talking about just now? Did he mention me?" Shi Yuting asked shyly with a smile. Mr. Shi's eyes narrowed when he smiled and he said: "You see how anxious you are, Yun Zhi is not the same as you. This child is extraordinary and has great ambitions. We were talking about the future just now, Yu Ting, what do you want to do in the future?" ?" Shi Yuting thought for a while and then said: "My future is to marry him. Grandpa, when are you going to tell this idiot Lu Yunzhi, he always doesn't understand." Mr. Shi said happily: "You look like this. How dare you ask for Yun Zhi? If you put it in ordinary people's homes, they would be frightened to death. You don't know where they came from, wild girl. Wait until you go back this time. I will discuss it with your parents. Your father will not object if you have grandpa here. " Shi Yuting was happy now and said happily: "Grandpa, I will never make you angry again." A homing pigeon flew up. Lu Yunzhi watched the pigeon fly higher and higher, and his heart felt. It seemed as if it was being carried away, flying higher and higher. The Fifth Army Camp is one of the three major camps. It was established by Zhu Di, the founder of the Ming Dynasty. It was later subordinated to the Commander-in-Chief of the Fifth Army. However, no matter who manages the Fifth Army Camp, it is still the largest camp.The strongest legion composed of Han people in the Ming Dynasty, the 6,000 soldiers sent to Tamerlane this time were selected from the elite backbone. Naturally, their combat effectiveness and personal qualities were extremely strong, and their marching speed was not slow. The marching route started from Beijing to Xining Prefecture and then extended to the border between Yili and the Ming Dynasty and entered the Tamerlane Khanate. Once upon a time, some monks took this route for more than ten months when they came to Beijing. However, the people who traveled this time only walked for more than six months and arrived near Timur. The team was careful when passing Yili Paili. , because although the war has ceased, these Mongols still often block roads, loot, burn, kill, humiliate and loot. However, the Fifth Army Camp has already established a reputation for excellence in Mobei, so many Mongolian cavalry stayed away after seeing the team holding the flag of the Fifth Army Camp. After all, there were many people and strong soldiers, which made Du Hai and Qin Rufeng deeply worried. Feeling dissatisfied, they shouted all the way to fight to the death with the Mongolian barbarians. Fang Qingze was very dissatisfied with this. If a fight broke out, his goods might be damaged, so every time the two of them shouted that the Mongolian soldiers were coming, they would kill them without leaving any trace of armor. Fang Qingze said helplessly: " Two ancestors, just you two can do it, it¡¯s not easy for me to make some money.¡± Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 34: Night Attack by Horse Bandits When the team arrived at the junction of Timur and Yilipali, Shi Heng ordered to set up camp and rest for a while before entering Timur's territory. The reason was simply to let Timur see the energetic Ming soldiers. This was diplomatic. The army was intimidated by military forces, so the team set up camp on a high ground called Shuanglongpo to stop and recharge their batteries. Zhu Jianwen kept changing into a brocade robe, which was the symbol of his son, Prince Wu. Whenever courtiers came or foreign guests came to a meeting, he transformed into the crown prince of Wu, tightly ensuring that he was the crown prince of Wu. The grace and solemnity. Everyone didn't have much opinion on this. After all, the royal bloodline was constantly being sacrificed, and Zhu Jianwen was no longer as arrogant as before. Lu Yunzhifang, Qingze, Qu Xiangtian and the others watched Zhu Jianwen dressing up again and again under the lamp, talking about how they would see Timur Khan in the future, and constantly simulating the scene of talking to local officials. The three of them showed a smile, and Fang Qingze said: "Old Zhu, why are your clothes so thin?" Zhu Jianwen didn't hear the sarcasm in Fang Qingze's tone, and hurriedly put the brocade robe in front of the lamp to look at it carefully, and finally murmured: "Where? Is it almost worn out somewhere? You can't lose the prestige of the Ming Dynasty." Qu Xiangtian drank a bowl of wine and said with a smile, "Qingze is mocking you. It's not the area that's worn out, it's the entire dress. It's all thin. Even if it's made of steel, it can't withstand hundreds of times of trying on you." Zhu Jianwen rolled his eyes at Fang Qingze and said, "Fuck you, profiteer." Lu Yunzhi approached the lamp. Sit down. Although he is not as addicted to alcohol as Qu Xiangtian, he can still drink with him. Lu Yunzhi raised the bowl with her right hand and touched it with Qu Xiangtian Fang Qingze, then drank it all in one gulp and said, "Let's turn off the lights and rest. Everyone outside the tent has fallen asleep. We have to go on our way tomorrow morning." Fang Qingze said in agreement: " This makes sense. I will have to start doing business after entering their territory tomorrow, so I have to be energetic." Zhu Jianwen joked: "You are good at selling things, but don't bring Lu Yunzhi with you, you look so old. People really think you are his father." Lu Yunzhi and Fang Qingze hit Zhu Jianwen and laughed and scolded him. Qu Xiangtian held the wine jar and drank two gulps. He wiped his mouth with his sleeves and blew out the lamp. The four of them fell down to sleep. For a while, they snored one after another. Lu Yunzhi was really not used to it at first, but after so many years, if Lu Yunzhi was really not used to the absence of the voices of those three people. In his sleep, Lu Yunzhi returned to his hometown and his parents. His grandma brought him a bowl of hot water. He drank the water slowly and it tasted sweet. It must be because grandma added sugar to him. Grandma was still Love yourself so much. The father kept nodding his head and asked Lu Yunzhi to recite the books he had read over and over again. The mother was sewing clothes and looking at herself and her father lovingly. There was a little girl sitting on the bed, Lu. Yunzhi asked: "Who are you?" "I am your sister!" the little girl replied. Lu Yunzhi couldn't help but shed tears and repeated over and over again: "Sister, you have grown up so much, it's great, it's great Okay." The family of five was so happy under the dim light. Suddenly the light flickered, and with the sound of horse hooves, a Mongolian soldier rushed into the yard. He drew his bow and shot an arrow, hitting his father. He flew forward to rescue him, but the skills he learned turned out to be useless, and for a while he became a feeble shrimp with weak legs. Lu Yunzhi shamelessly vented all his energy, but couldn't use it, and for a moment he was worried. . I am still thinking about the sound of horse hooves, getting closer and closer. Lu Yunzhi opened his eyes and gasped for air, with two tears falling from the corners of his eyes. As soon as he calmed down, he felt that the sound of horse hooves was indeed coming from the distance, although he could clearly hear that the horse hooves were wrapped with cloth as much as possible. Preventing making noise, but the five senses trained in hunting for ghosts were fully activated. Lu Yunzhi turned over and listened attentively. Suddenly, he screamed in his heart that something was wrong. Someone must have attacked the camp at night. At this time, the horse's hoof The sound has gradually become louder, Qu Xiangtian Fang Qingze, Zhu Jianwen and the other four all stopped snoring when they heard it, turned over and stood up. The four people picked up their weapons and walked out of the tent. Many of their fellow disciples outside the tent also walked out of the tent, all with weapons in their hands. Shi Heng had obviously just been woken up, and he still looked a little drowsy. Although he was a little panicked, he still commanded the soldiers calmly as a general. However, although the soldiers in the fifth military camp were of higher military quality, they were still sleeping dizzy at this time. Time got a little flustered. At this moment, hundreds of knights on horseback rushed into the camp from the side of the camp. Before the soldiers could form their formation, they were already turned upside down by the rushing people. Someone among the sergeants shouted: "It's a Mongolian soldier, it's a Mongolian soldier!" The Mongolian soldiers are indeed very powerful in combat. They are all cavalry with high mobility, and since they are a nation on horseback, everyone's riding skills are naturally better. The Han people were much stronger, and the most lethal thing was their mounted archery. Mongolian soldiers can shoot arrows quickly on horseback while riding, and they can combine bows and arrows in one go. This is especially a headache for the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, because this method of warfare gives them the advantage of distance. When they are fighting, they still shoot arrows when they are running away. There are tens of millions of innocent souls under the arrows of the Mongols. Later, the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty diligently practiced equestrian skills and finally were able to compete with the Mongolian soldiers.After a long time, an outsider would not know what an expert is, but it was only after he learned the exquisite equestrian skills that he realized how powerful the Mongolian cavalry's personal qualities were. Through diligent communication, the Ming army cavalry could finally shoot accurately while running, but they had to pay attention to the terrain. Generally, they dared to let go of the reins and bend their bows and shoot arrows when running on a flat road or going uphill. The Mongolian soldiers were different in any situation. They can do it all, they can do it while running, jumping, uphill and downhill, and even at the moment when the horse falls down. The cavalry is inherently more mobile than the infantry, and coupled with their superb archery skills, it is not difficult to understand why the Mongolian cavalry could travel every inch of the Central Plains. It often happens that hundreds of people are beaten to death by more than a dozen Mongolian soldiers at the border. The Mongols are not good at production, so they can only make a living by herding and plundering. Lu Yunzhi also ended up in Beijing because of the Mongolian cavalry, and so on. As for this Lu Yunzhi, compared to those people, Lu Yunzhi is much luckier. Although the Mongolian soldiers were so powerful, the soldiers of the Fifth Army Camp were not indifferent. After panicking, they immediately set up an iron barrel formation to surround the Mongolian soldiers. After all, the Ming army had the upper hand in numbers, and once they were surrounded, they could shrink the encirclement. Destroying the mobility of the cavalry and eating away at the enemy's speed is indeed the most correct choice at the moment. Qu Xiangtian asked: "General Shi, why do you think they are Mongolian soldiers?" Shi Heng was a little confused as to why Qu Xiangtian asked: "If you get close to Yili, it's not Mongolian soldiers. The most important thing is the ability of the bow and arrow to break through the air." The loud sound means that the bows and arrows weigh one stone and two fights. The Han bandits can't pull such a heavy bow, and even our soldiers can't. They can only use the bows of seven fights and nine fights. Could it be that you are not a Mongolian? Do you think it's Timur's return?" Qu Xiangtian shook his head and said, "But you see, their reins are all wrapped with red ropes. This doesn't seem to be a Mongolian habit." Shi Heng looked at them intently and couldn't help but sigh. He shouted, but immediately said: "No matter who it is, kill them first." Then he continued to join the battle. Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 35: Enemies from both sides Suddenly a bay-red horse flew into the encirclement. The man on the horse held a steel sword and struck left and right with great authority. It disrupted the constantly moving cavalry formation. Qin Rufeng shouted: "Old Qu, look, it's you." Brother Lu Yunzhi." Lu Yunzhi rushed in and out. Although he was not very strong, he was trained to be superior to ordinary people. In addition, his physical agility was also outstanding, and the cavalry were helpless for a while. "Touch!" someone in the cavalry shouted, and two horses immediately rushed towards Lu Yunzhi. Two strong men holding scimitars on the horse shouted and swung their swords to attack Lu Yunzhi. The two knights were respectively located on Lu Yun's back. One knife rushed towards his head and the other hit him at the waist. It was almost inevitable to avoid him. Lu Yunzhi used his sword to catch the slash from his waist, then suddenly leaned back, and the saber passed by his face. The three horses kicked wrongly, and Lu Yunzhi shouted: "You barbarians have ruined my family and I want you to pay with your lives." He turned the horse's head and stood up from the horse. The strength of the man who slashed at Lu Yunzhi's waist was surprising. The swords collided with each other, causing pain in Lu Yunzhi's mouth. However, he did not hesitate and stood up nimbly on the horse and rushed towards the two riders. The two knights also turned their horses' heads and came back, their eyes wide open. One was surprised at Lu Yunzhi's dexterity, and the other was that they really didn't know why he was standing on the saddle. When the three knights met, Lu Yunzhi flew up to avoid a knife and suddenly stabbed one of them. The man on the shoulder fell down with a scream. Lu Yunzhi flipped in the air and took out a small bamboo tube from his arms. Then he threw it into the air and hit the bamboo tube with the bloody steel sword. The bamboo tube flew to the other person and a cloud of gray smoke rose up. The man suddenly jumped off the horse and backed away, but the smoke seemed to grab him, clinging tightly to the armor, and it fell to the ground. One end was still coming out of the bamboo tube, and the other end was pulled by the man. A straight line of smoke formed. Qu Xiangtian Fang Qingze and Zhu Jianwen got on their horses and prepared to rush into the encirclement to help Lu Yun, but were stopped by Han Yueqiu. Han Yueqiu said lightly: "Look, the fun has just begun." Fang Qingze rolled his eyes at him and said: "What a show. , there are so many people over there and Yun Zhi died accidentally, you are so proud." Han Yueqiu glared at Fang Qingze and said: "Nonsense, what Lu Yunzhi used was to exorcise ghosts, these Mongolians. It's going to be a disaster, I didn't expect Lu Yunzhi to learn so quickly." After hearing this, Qu Xiangtian and others looked at where Lu Yunzhi was, and saw that the smoke pouring out of the bamboo tube was getting bigger and bigger. More and more, several erratic clouds of gray-white gas gradually formed, wandering around among the cavalry. The cavalry could not help but feel a slight chill coming from them. The horses they were riding kept neighing and spinning on the ground as if they were afraid. Suddenly a large cloud of gas rushed towards the man who had jumped off his horse to dodge. The man was dodging quickly. Lu Yunzhi frowned. He didn't understand why this man would notice and be so smart in the first place. Is it instinct or other reasons for dodging, but none of this matters anymore, they will all die here. Lu Yunzhi raised the steel sword in his hand, drew a circle in the air, held the sword and shouted to the sky: "The main heart is good, the original heart drives out ghosts, the super heart eats souls, all ghosts are swept away, and the world is silent." As he said, The smoke suddenly became clearer and rushed towards the knights. Hundreds of knights were shrouded in smoke. The horses lay on the ground and twitched continuously. The Ming army surrounding the knights had their mouths opened. They didn't know What happened, but they were shocked by the scene in front of them. These battle-hardened generals began to tremble. Shi Heng silently chanted: "Amitabha, Buddha bless you." Fang Qingze also opened his eyes and stood beside him. Xie Qi said: "Brother Xie, what on earth is Lu Yunzhi doing?" Xie Qi's throat moved slightly and said: "He is killing people." He will use the art of exorcising ghosts to pull out the souls of all the humans and animals in the encirclement, and the world will be silent." Xie Li sighed and stopped talking like Xie Qi. Du Hai shouted carelessly: "Kill them all, kill them all, these Mongolian Tatars. If he doesn't kill me, he will have to kill me. Let me tell you that this is actually the art of heaven and earth evolved from the art of exorcising ghosts. The exclusive secret science was invented based on the forbidden sound evolved by Aoyin. It uses the power of ghosts to imitate the forbidden sound's tongue and pulls three souls and seven souls out of the body, achieving the purpose of killing people. This kid Lu Yunzhi is really good. Mr. Shi, who was not far away, squinted his eyes slightly and looked at Lu Yunzhi in the field and stopped talking. Lu Yunzhi's eyes were full of hatred, and she kept looking at the Mongolian knight who was surrounded by many ghosts in front of her, and finally shouted: "Father, mother, I will avenge you." The gray-white ghosts became clearer and clearer. , I could clearly see the body shape, and when I heard Lu Yunzhi's scream, he was writhing and shaking around him even more violently. Suddenly Lu Yunzhi saw his mother standing in front of him. Lu Yunzhi opened his eyes wide and cried and said, "Mom, my child has avenged you." But her mother also cried and looked at Lu Yunzhi walking towards her and said: "Son, what's the difference between what you're doing and these beasts in Mongolia? Just beat them away. Why do you need their lives?"Yunzhi looked at his mother's figure becoming more and more erratic, gradually disappearing in front of his eyes, but his mother's words kept echoing in his ears. Lu Yunzhi knew that this was his hallucination, but he did not have the courage to kill these people yet. , or that he still has a hint of kindness in his heart. His eyes returned to their former clarity, no longer sparks of anger. He turned the steel sword in his hand in the opposite direction and said, "Why don't you accept the order?" After hearing this secret order, Mr. Shi opened his eyes and opened his eyes. He squinted his eyes, smiled, nodded and said to himself: "My child, I saw you right." When the ghosts heard Lu Yunzhi's order, they slowly writhed and gradually slowed down, and they were about to return soon. In the bamboo tube just now, a big hand suddenly penetrated the body of a ghost. More and more people reached out and penetrated the ghost's body and immediately tore the ghost into pieces in the air. A burly man walked out of a group of ghosts. He was still holding the remains of a ghost in his hand, and then opened his mouth and bit it. The ghost made a rustling sound, and was soon captured. The man swallowed it whole. The man burped and laughed and walked towards Lu Yunzhi. More and more people followed the same movement to tear the ghost into pieces and eat it with their teeth. Lu Yunzhi looked at everything in front of him with wide eyes, and murmured: "Could it be, could it be that you are" Mr. Shi suddenly shouted from outside the circle: "Disciples, listen to the order and rescue Yun quickly. In short, those people are soul-eating beasts." The disciples were shocked. Most of them didn't know what soul-eating beasts were. These people clearly looked exactly like themselves. They were just humans. How could they be called beasts? But they are different from themselves. They are clearly eating the ghosts that they usually capture and seal. But I saw Mr. Shi taking the lead and rushing into the cavalry. He whipped one of them with his whip. The man blocked it with his sword, but was shocked by the force of the whip and took five or six steps back. He looked towards the crossing but forcefully A big gap was created. I was about to scream and threw myself at my arm again, but I couldn't lift it up. It turned out that I was dislocated from the force of the force. When the disciples saw Mr. Shi rushing into the encirclement, they naturally followed closely and fought with those people whom Mr. Shi called soul-eating beasts. Only then did they realize that these people were far more than just Mongolian soldiers. They all received strict training like them, and gradually people on both sides continued to be injured and fell to the ground. Shi Heng was frightened when he saw it. What happened just now was beyond his comprehension, but he was not confused. He knew clearly that although Mr. Shi was at odds with Wang Zhen and others, he was also at odds with the emperor Zhu Qizhen. It was very unpleasant, but if they were killed on the spot, let alone being granted a title, their lives would be in danger. So, he quickly ordered the encirclement and suppression of the Mongolian cavalry. The soldiers hurriedly closed the encirclement and began to kill these cavalry. But at this moment, a cry of peace came from the surrounding night, and four to five hundred war horses carrying more cavalry rushed out, charging towards the numerous Ming soldiers who were encircling and suppressing the encirclement with all their strength, Qu Xiangtian Looking back, he was shocked and shouted to Shi Heng: "General Shi, watch your back, we have fallen into a trap." Shi Heng turned his head to look at the menacing enemy. Extraordinary, they were besieged by 6,000 people, but they formed a group so that many sergeants could not get up. The numerical advantage was not shown at all. After being besieged for a long time, there were only a dozen casualties. Most of them were injured by Mr. Shi and others. At this time, they regrouped and launched an attack on the Ming army surrounding them. Shi Heng shouted: "We are attacked from the back and front, what should we do?" Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 36 Counterattack Cavalry Shi Heng was startled by the cavalry rushing towards him. In this stunned moment, the cavalry had already rushed behind the team. There were already sergeants from the Ming army starting to defend against the enemy, but most people still didn't react, so the people in the encirclement circle The one hundred or so men and the four to five hundred cavalry outside the encirclement cooperated inside and outside, and together they tore apart the encirclement. When the soldiers joined together, they attacked a family, and in one moment the soldiers of the fifth army camp, who were several times more than themselves, rushed and fled. Shi Heng finally saw that these people were far more terrifying than those Mongolian cavalry. For a moment, he felt that he was going to die here today. A cavalryman rushed in front of Shi Heng. After all, Shi Heng was a general. Although he knew that he might not be able to defeat him, he Unwilling to admit defeat, he would rather die on the battlefield. When the enemy came to the left and right, he drew his sword and slashed. The man also held a big sword and saw Shi Heng raising his sword to cut. He hurriedly used the knife to hold it, then counterattacked and raised it up, kicking Shi Heng. Heng was sitting on the neck of the war horse. Shi Heng was thrown back by the strong force. Just as he wanted to stabilize his body, the horse fell to the ground due to the force of the kick. Shi Heng fell heavily to the ground, his left His legs were pinned down by the horse and he couldn't move for a while. The knight swung his knife and slashed at Shi Heng's head. Shi Heng closed his eyes and shouted: "My life is at stake." A giant wolf-toothed club lay across Shi Heng's head. In front of him, he blocked the saber from being chopped off. The mace made a circle and then took the saber out with a strong wave. Then he swept towards the cavalryman. The cavalryman hurriedly moved his horse to escape, but was firmly hit by the mace. He was hit, and the man flew away from the horse. He fell to the ground and spurted out a few mouthfuls of blood. He was also beaten with the spikes on the mace and was bleeding continuously. He was injured both internally and externally. He could see that he was not angry. Air intake. Shi Heng raised his eyes and saw that it was Mr. Shi's fifth apprentice, Du Hai. Qin Rufeng saw the officers and soldiers panicking to respond to the enemy, who was about to be scattered and defeated, so he raised his head to the sky and shouted: "All officers and soldiers, listen to the order, the cavalry will follow me to attack head on." The Ming army saw that someone finally gave the order, and then calmed down, and the cavalry gathered in Next to Qin Rufeng, during the months of marching, they had seen the martial prowess of the Zhongzheng lineage among the people of heaven and earth. They were both warriors and naturally admired the strong. The arrow Qin Rufeng made before setting off was also deeply engraved in everyone. In the sergeant's heart, all the Ming cavalry obeyed Qin Rufeng's arrangement and lined up behind Qin Rufeng. Qin Rufeng shouted several times and said to the more than 2,000 cavalry who had gathered: "It is inevitable to stand today. Are you willing to let others slaughter you or defeat them? Surrender or fight?" More than 2,000 people shouted in unison: "Fight, fight!" For a moment, the shouts resounded like thunder through the sky. "Okay, we have the advantage in numbers. We must work together to win the battle and kill them all!" Qin Rufeng was still boosting morale. When the soldiers heard Qin Rufeng's encouragement, they suddenly lost their panic and suddenly started killing. Qin Rufeng drew his sword and pointed forward and shouted: "Kill!" The cavalry charged out and fought with the enemy cavalry who had gathered together. The rest gathered the scattered soldiers. Qu Xiangtian called a general and asked him to gather the infantry and line up in a line with large shields. The spearmen were behind, and the crossbowmen were behind the spearmen. In this formation, As Qin Rufeng watched the enemy plunder the formation, he saw Qin Rufeng quickly rallying his morale to counterattack the opponent's cavalry standing together. He couldn't help but nodded and said, "Second brother and third brother, this Qin Rufeng is quite a general." Lu Yunzhi's clothes were already stained red with blood. He looked at Qin Rufeng who was charging forward and couldn't help but nodded and said: "Brother, do we want to come forward to help? Senior Brother Du Hai has also charged into the battle with Qin Rufeng." Fang Qingze was also covered in blood. At this time, he felt that it was sticking to his body and it was so tight that he had already taken it off. , shirtless in the cold night, but there were waves of heat coming out of his body. The fight just now had already made him sweat profusely. At this moment, he said: "That's right, brother, the third brother is right, why let this kid Qin Rufeng take over?" Liangdou, let's go forward and fight, we have a numerical advantage over them." But Qu Xiangtian laughed and said, "Of course it's good to have a hot-blooded man like Qin Rufeng, but I always feel that there is another army ambushing us. Wait. Don't be in a hurry. Besides, the opponent's numbers are smaller than ours, but to be fair, their fighting skills are not inferior to ours. Although we have the advantage in numbers, we don't have much advantage. We only have about forty people from the Zhongzheng lineage. There are more than 600 people and they have such skills. Who are these people? With such a large number of troops at my disposal, they will definitely be invincible." As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Han Yueqiu and Xie Qi Xie Li following him. Mr. Shi came, and Shi Heng followed the four people and was supported by two sergeants. Although there was no fatal injury, his left leg seemed to be fractured. He could not walk for a while, so he had to jump up and down. When Qu Xiangtian saw these five people, he hurriedly said: "Please ask General Shi to direct the mobilization of troops and horses." Shi Heng, who has been brothers with Qu Xiangtian, Qin Rufeng, Du Hai and other rough people for more than half a year, said at this moment: "Brother Qu, I'm injured and I'm afraid I won't be able to mount the horse and take command, so you should do it." In fact, this is just an excuse for Shi Heng. This is his wishful thinking. He knows that Qu Xiangtian is more proficient in the art of war than he is. He knows how to lead troops better, so having him command is much more reliable than doing it yourself. The more reason is that once the battle is defeated, the fault of poor command can still be blamed.When it comes to Qu Xiangtian, although the blame is inevitable, at least he will not be sentenced to death. He will be much safer if the people of heaven and earth sit with him. As for the so-called inability to mount a horse and command, it is definitely an excuse. If this is really the case, Sun Bin, who has been punished, People can't become famous military strategists. Of course Qu Xiangtian understood what Shi Heng was thinking, but his heart was burning with anger, knowing that the moment he had been waiting for for so long was coming. Whether he was an armchair strategist or a proficient in the art of war could be seen at this moment. Although he was thinking this in his heart, he still said humbly: "I don't dare. I hope Master will take charge of the overall situation." Mr. Shi shook his head and looked at Qu Xiangtian with a smile, as if he had read through his mind. Qu Xiangtian couldn't help but feel tight in his heart. He quickly lowered his head. Han Yueqiu said coldly: "Since master asked you to come, you can come. Don't be polite. None of us are as good at studying the art of war as you." Fang Qingze heard Han Yueqiu's words and muttered: "Finally, I said something humane." Han Yueqiu was very unpopular among the Zhongzheng family. In fact, he had no way to perform his duties as a steward of the Zhongzheng family and it was normal for others to complain about him. Hearing Fang Qingze's muttering, Han Yueqiu pretended not to hear and looked at Qin Rufeng, who was fighting in front. Qu Xiangtian bent over and saluted and said: "Since my master and brothers have recommended me, I would rather obey your orders than to be respectful. All officers and men must obey orders and be on guard. No attack is allowed without my orders. Where are the scouts?" Thirty people ran out of the team. Several people knelt on one knee and replied: "Yes!" Qu Xiangtian saw the scouts and ordered: "Inspect the surroundings and report immediately if there is any difference in the situation." "Yes!" The scouts answered one after another and then bent down. The bodies spread out and ran towards the surrounding mountains and forest slopes to investigate. Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 37: Fight to the Death Qin Rufeng was indeed brave, but the opponent was not weak either. Although the difference in numbers was huge, he did not suffer any loss in the fierce battle. It was not difficult to fight one against three or even against five. After a few battles, the two sides stopped attacking each other and stopped. It¡¯s time for people to rest their horses. Fang Qingze said next to Qu Xiangtian: "In the previous raid, the infantry lost about a hundred people and the cavalry about seventy. In the previous rounds of mutual attacks, the opponent had fifty or sixty casualties. Qin Rufeng's side suffered more serious losses of more than three hundred. Man, should we attack and help him?" Qu Xiangtian looked at Fang Qingze in surprise and said, "How did you calculate it?" Fang Qingze smiled slightly and replied, "I counted these heads as if they were copper coins. By the way, you haven't answered my question yet." Qu Xiangtian patted Fang Qingze on the shoulder and said to Lu Yunzhi: "Look at Third Brother, this guy is just a money man. He can't do anything without money. We're waiting for news from the scouts, and it's a bit strange that they haven't come back yet. According to the situation, we are evenly matched now, but at this rate, although the opponent is as tired as Qin Rufeng, his endurance should be better than ours, and he will definitely win in two rounds." He hurriedly said: "Then go to the rescue quickly, don't kill all the cavalry." Gao Huai also came up to listen, and said: "Old Qu, I will lead a team to outflank from behind. If there is an emergency, we will You can also encircle us." Qu Xiangtian nodded and said, "Although this method is good, I can't give you too many people, otherwise it will be troublesome if we are disconnected and cannot be connected from end to end. Once we encounter trouble, you will do your best to rescue and attract us. The opponent should pay attention to feigning attacks and retreating slowly. We will find you to join forces. The right way is to attack in the east and attack in the west." Gao Huai was silent for a while and said, "That's right. Then I'll take away some of your mistresses. Take care, don't die on the battlefield." Fang Qingze scolded with a smile: "If you don't say anything, please take care of yourself." Gao Huai led more than a hundred people to take a detour to the rear for a surprise attack. "Jianwen!" Qu Xiangtian shouted, and Zhu Jianwen galloped over on horseback. He had been supervising the formation before the battle just now, which showed his royal dignity. The morale of the soldiers was greatly improved when they saw the Crown Prince of Wu personally supervising the formation. "What's the matter? Laoqu." Zhu Jianwen asked after getting off his horse. Qu Xiangtian whispered to Zhu Jianwen: "Go to the nearest guard post to move reinforcements. The scouts haven't come back. This is so strange. I suspect that someone ambushed the scouts and was secretly killed. Moreover, they made no noise at all. Those who have passed Yun Zhi's ears must not be ordinary people. I'm not sure how many people there are. Anyway, let's go and hold on as long as we can." Zhu Jianwen was shocked after hearing this, but there was no time for everyone to question and he got on his horse and galloped away. go. Not long after, the sound of the horn broke the silence. Qu Xiangtian looked at his fellow disciples with a wry smile and said, "They finally appeared. Let's fight. Come on." Suddenly the horn sounded, and the Ming cavalry flanked the hillsides. Each of them rushed down two to three hundred cavalry, and quickly broke up the team led by Qin Rufeng. The combat effectiveness of the new group was no worse than the previous group, and more importantly, they were a new force. When Qin Rufeng saw that something was wrong, he hurriedly led everyone to run in the direction of Qu Xiangtian. Finally, he rushed left and right to cut a bloody path. Du Hai and Qin Rufeng worked together to open the path. At this time, Du Hai was scarred. Being stabbed in the back, Qin Rufeng was no better. There was a broken arrow stuck in his chest, which he had just broken off. The two of them tore a gap in the cavalry siege and rushed out. Most of the soldiers behind them were also injured. As soon as the team rushed out halfway, the group of people filled the gap and surrounded the remaining people inside. Blood rained down for a while. The screams of the fishy wind continued continuously. Fang Qingze counted and muttered silently, and then said to Qu Xiangtian: "Only more than 900 people came back." Qu Xiangtian nodded and said: "Fortunately, there was no rescue just now, otherwise our entire army would have been destroyed." Qin Rufeng After leading the team to the front of Qu Xiangtian, the infantry team lined up in a row made way for the cavalry to fly past. Qu Xiangtian shouted: "Fifth senior brother, Lao Qin, my private soldiers are at the back and prepare for this battle. The fight is not over yet." The cavalry on the opposite side kept roaring, but had no intention of pursuing him. A horseman walked out from the middle of the team. He was a black-faced man who was not very old, but it could be seen that everyone around him was right. He does as he is told, and he must be the coach of this team. The man grinned, then picked up a cloth bag with one arm from the horse and threw it to the person next to him. The person next to him caught it and opened the hole of the bag, and then took out a round thing from inside. Throw it into the air with one swing. The black-faced man drew his bow and shot an arrow and suddenly hit the thing. Then the man next to the big man threw out thirty more things. The big man shot more than thirty things one by one and the arrows flew towards Qu Xiangtian. Qu Xiangtian shouted: "Raise your shields!" The soldiers holding large shields in the front row raised their shields one after another. When the arrows touched the shields, several soldiers with weaker physiques were shocked to their knees by the force. The crowd led more than 30 people. After the arrow was shot, he looked at these round things. At first glance, he was shocked. They turned out to be the heads of the more than thirty scouts sent before. The dark-faced man opposite laughed loudly, his voice full of laughter.Full of bloodthirsty and arrogance, the Ming army was shocked. It is the nature of most people to bully the weak and fear the strong, and soldiers are no exception. Everyone can't help but feel a little scared when encountering such a ferocious enemy. Qu Xiangtian also laughed. The dark-faced man opposite him couldn't help but be a little dazed when he saw Qu Xiangtian laughing wildly, but he stopped making any sound and just looked at Qu Xiangtian and the others. Qu Xiangtian's smile confused his opponents and made his own people a little suspicious. He raised a gun and picked up a head and said: "This is the fate of the defeated. If we lose, we will be like these people." Same, we can't retreat now, the price of escape is death, our only way is to fight to the death, fight to the death!" Qu Xiangtian's words instantly rekindled the morale of the Ming army, and all the soldiers shouted in unison: " Fight to the death!" The black-faced man opposite roared angrily. He didn't expect that his provocation would actually ignite the enemy's fighting spirit. He raised the saber in his hand and pointed it at the Ming army, then stretched out his left hand and scratched his neck. This action showed that He believed that he was sure to win and the enemy was dead. He whipped his horse and galloped towards the Ming army from the team. The group of cavalry behind him also followed the horse galloping with howling and yelling. On Qu Xiangtian's side, the Ming army was looking at the tiger and wolf divisions on the opposite side with red eyes. This was a life-and-death fight, either you die or I die. Qu Xiangtian shouted loudly: "Archers, prepare!" Standing with the commander More than 700 archers behind the spearmen strung their bows, waiting for Qu Xiangtian's order. When the cavalry rushed to a distance of 120 steps, Qu Xiangtian suddenly shouted: "Let go!" The bows and arrows were like coverings. The locusts covered the sun and shot at the enemy in arcs one by one. Some of these cavalrymen were hit by arrows and fell to the ground and were trampled by the hooves of the horses behind them. They were instantly killed. There were also some brave ones who were hit by several arrows and still waved their sabers Running. Qu Xiangtian said calmly: "Archers, prepare! Crossbowmen, prepare! Spearmen, prepare!" The spearmen behind the soldiers standing with shields tightly grasped the spears in their hands and looked through the gap between the shields. The enemy rushing towards the front. Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 38 Casting Illusion At this moment, Mr. Shi called Lu Yunzhi to him and said, "Yueqiu, Yunzhi, and Xie Qi, it's time to help us. Xie Li will protect the formation for us." As he spoke, he kept fiddling with the ground. There are more than a dozen Bagua mirrors, and the copper surface of each Bagua mirror reflects the faint moonlight. Han Yueqiu and other three apprentices helped Mr. Shi constantly adjust the position of the Bagua mirror to produce refraction and finally align the huge bronze mirror. Hit the enemy's cavalry. Mr. Shi stood behind the big Bagua mirror, and the three of them stood behind the small mirror, and began to recite silently. Qu Xiangtian asked Fang Qingze next to him: "Second brother, how many people are there between us and the enemy?" Fang Qingze held a ghost-headed sword in his hand and knocked on the ground and said: "After shooting a round of arrows just now, more than twenty people were killed. , plus more than 200 people rushing from each wing, this group of Sun Tzu still has about 1,000 people. We have more than 900 cavalry, 1,000 infantry, 700 archers, and 400 crossbowmen, totaling 3,000 people. Do you think there is a chance of winning?" Qu Xiangtian did not answer Fang Qingze's question. At this time, the enemy was already sixty steps ahead. Qu Xiangtian shouted: "Hold on! Hold on!" In the blink of an eye, the enemy arrived. Ten steps in front of him, Qu Xiangtian shouted: "Point!" Immediately, the soldiers holding shoulder-length shields suddenly moved a step to both sides. A palm-wide gap opened between the shields, and spears appeared one after another. Stretched out, the sharp spearhead emits cold light and smells of blood. This is a sharp weapon for killing people. The soldier holding the shield tilted his shield slightly to form a neat slope. Qu Xiangtian nodded and whispered: "The Fifth Army Camp is worthy of being one of the three major battalions. It is indeed well-trained." Each soldier behind the shield has a right arm to support it. Holding the shield, his knees were arched and pressed hard against the ground. The spearmen behind them also tensed up their bodies. They put their spears on the ground and leaned back slightly to suppress the spears. The opponent's cavalry suddenly discovered the spear protruding from the shield, and was a little panicked for a moment. However, in this panic, he rushed four or five steps away, and even the opponent's beard could be seen with a few steps left. It's clear. So some people reined in the horses, but they told the running horses how to stop so easily. They and the horses stabbed hard on the protruding spears, but some cavalry clearly chose to continue. As they rushed down, some of them were killed by the spears, while others used their sabers to push away the spears and flew into the air, stepping on the large shoulder-length shields that formed a slope and preparing to jump into the middle of the team. , and then expand your own advantages. At this moment, Qu Xiangtian's expression suddenly changed from serious to excited and shouted: "Fight!" The soldier under the shield stretched out his sword, and the sword slashed the belly of the enemy horse. Suddenly someone fell into the Ming army. Before he could stand up, he was hacked to death by numerous soldiers, and he was unable to display his superb martial arts skills. Some lucky people escaped the sharp knives protruding from under the shields, only to see countless bows and arrows coming towards them. It turned out that at the moment when Qu Xiangtian shouted to fight, it was not just the soldiers holding the shields who reacted. , and at the same time, the crossbowmen also shot the arrows on their bows or crossbows. Suddenly, the invincible tiger and wolf warriors on the other side were beaten to a pulp. The black-faced man was experienced in many battles. He took the lead and slashed at one of the large shields with his sword. The shield could not withstand the blows from the sword. The powerful soldier was suddenly knocked away. A small hole was torn open in the shield wall in an instant, and the Thousand Miles Embankment was destroyed in the ant nest. Taking advantage of the gap in the shield, the black-faced man led people to tear open the hole and rush in. Many soldiers standing behind the shield became Soul Under the Sword. Qu Xiangtian shouted: "Open!" The surviving shield-bearing soldiers, spearmen, and crossbowmen in front of them all moved out of the way. The black-faced man was a little surprised. He didn't know what the commanding person on the other side was thinking. This was the last moment. What frightened him, but then something even more frightening appeared in front of him. He was riding alone on horseback, while the corpses of more than a thousand brothers following him were scattered everywhere. He shouted desperately, But no one paid attention to him. What kind of magic method did the other party use to kill so many of his brothers instantly? In fact, the Ming army was also dumbfounded, but the scene they saw was different from what the enemy saw. They just saw that the opponent's cavalry had stopped moving forward and just stayed in place in a daze. Qu Xiangtian shouted with great joy: "Fifth Senior Brother, Lao Qin, lead the troops to kill." Du Hai and Qin Rufeng could no longer hold back and led more than 900 cavalry from the Ming army who had just escaped death to rush into these stunned enemies. Among them, they were slaughtering sheep and pigs at will. The spearmen also raised their spears to assassinate these unresisting enemies, and the smell of blood filled the air. Mr. Shi, Han Yueqiu, Lu Yunzhi, and Xie Qi kept mumbling, all of this was an illusion created by them. Suddenly Xie Li, who was waiting nearby, rushed over and threw Mr. Shi to the ground. An arrow and two Someone passed by and shot the huge Bagua Mirror. The arrow was so powerful that it was inserted into the bronze mirror. For a moment, the illusion was shattered, and the enemy cavalry also regained consciousness. Looking at the brothers who were killed around him, Lu Yunzhi was fighting fiercely with grief in his heart. Lu Yunzhi looked in the direction of the arrow, and saw a slightly thin man wearing black armor.The cavalryman in front of him was looking towards him. Only then did he realize that there was one person who had not been deceived by the illusion just now. Moreover, this person was very smart. The arrow he shot at Mr. Shi, apart from his accurate archery and great power, seemed ordinary but he meant to kill two birds with one stone. It would be best if you can kill the person who cast the illusion and destroy the bronze mirror at the same time. If not, you can also break the illusion in front of you. Although the enemy was unconscious for only a short period of time, six to seven hundred of the enemy cavalry were killed and captured. If Fang Qingze hadn't stopped them, all the prisoners would have been slaughtered long ago. At this time, the remaining three hundred people were blinded by anger and started fighting with the Ming army. They were engaged in a final battle against the Ming army that was several times larger than themselves. The black-faced man also fought hard. He cut so much that the fine steel saber in his hand was curled. At this time, Gao Huai also led troops to outflank the enemy's rear. Although there were few people, he also cut off the opponent's retreat. Qu Xiangtian shouted: "Brothers and brothers of the same lineage, capture the thief first, capture the king, and capture that black-faced man." After saying that, he galloped into the melee, raised his gun and ran towards the black-faced man, followed by Fang Qingze. Wherever the Houguitou sword hits, there will be blood splashing. Everyone from the Zhongzheng lineage of the people of heaven and earth also followed closely and rushed towards the black-faced man. The black-faced man had already seen that these people were not comparable to ordinary soldiers. He threw away his curled saber, turned his horse's head and ran away. Everyone was chasing after him, but When he saw the big man galloping past a corpse, he picked up a spear stuck in the corpse, then turned his horse's head to look at the people who were chasing him. Volume One: Sudden Change Chapter 39: Capture the Thief First, Capture the King Qu Xiangtian and the others were stunned. They didn't know why the man turned the horse's head. Could he be crazy or have some other conspiracy? Qu Xiangtian was on guard with his gun across his chest. But the man burst out laughing and asked: "Who are you? You are so proficient in the art of war." Qu Xiangtian replied: "People of heaven and earth, dare you ask the strong man Gao's name?" "My name is Leopard. I don't have a name. I can't even kiss myself." I have never met my father and mother, so I don¡¯t have the surname Gao. I know you are from Heaven and Earth, but I¡¯m asking you what your name is?¡± said the black-faced man. Qu Xiangtian said loudly: "I, Qu Xiangtian, Brother Leopard thinks that you are a hero. If you surrender quickly, I will spare your life." Leopard laughed and pointed the spear in his hand at Qu Xiangtian and said, "You This sentence is too cliche, storytellers say so, it¡¯s not certain who will win today, let¡¯s fight!¡± After saying that, he slapped his horse and rushed towards the 20 or 30 Zhongzheng people who were chasing and intercepting him, Qu Xiangtian shouted loudly. : "What a courage!" Ye rubbed his body and fought with the leopard. After this battle, I realized that Leopard was indeed not an easy person. The people who besieged him failed to cooperate on horseback and were counter-attacked by him several times. Qu Xiangtian discovered this problem and shouted: "Surround him and fight on wheels." So he started to fight. Fight with it in stages. Just as Du Hai and Leopard were fighting inextricably, Leopard's cavalry found that their commander was being besieged. Many people came to save him, and for a while there was another melee. Qu Xiangtian took advantage of his unpreparedness. A spear stabbed the leopard in the right arm. The leopard screamed and did not care. He swung the spear with his backhand and hit the head of Lu Yunzhi, who was attacking on the left side. His arm was numb immediately, and even the war horse underneath him was hit by this force. Take two steps back. Just when Lu Yunzhi wanted to step forward to fight again, he felt a chill coming from his back. He hurriedly raised his sword and swung it behind his back. Before he could swing the sword, a saber was pressed firmly against his neck. Lu Yunzhi looked out of the corner of his eye. , but saw that this person looked familiar. Isn't he the thin black-armored masked knight who shot through the Bagua Bronze Mirror with an arrow just now? The man said viciously: "Get them back quickly." Lu Yunzhi said in surprise: "Are you a woman?" The man did not answer, but tightened the saber in his hand and a blood mark suddenly appeared on Lu Yunzhi's neck. Blood flowed down Lu Yunzhi's neck, but Lu Yunzhi did not shout. Not far away, Qingze, Qu Xiangtian, Du Hai and others were besieging the leopard, and the leopard was gradually dying under the siege of four or five people. The right arm stabbed by Qu Xiangtian gradually became weak. This was the key to this battle. Lu Yunzhi did not want to lose this God-given opportunity in vain and let the blood of all the soldiers be shed in vain. Suddenly, the saber of the woman in black armor was blown away diagonally. A smile appeared on Lu Yunzhi's lips. He saw that what knocked the saber away was Master Shi Fang's mixed steel whip. The woman reacted quickly and immediately pulled out the dagger from her waist to restrain Lu Yunzhi, but unexpectedly, Lu Yunzhi swayed and turned around along the horse's belly, kicking the female general off the horse. Another steel whip landed on the ground and flew around, hitting the woman in the back. She spat out a mouthful of blood and dyed the gauze covering her face red. Lu Yunzhi couldn't bear to see it, but the battlefield was changing rapidly. Lu Yunzhi did not dare to delay and rushed to help the battle with his sword, no longer caring about the female general who fell to the ground. But I heard Mr. Shi shouting: "Get out of the way." The steel whip fell head-on, and suddenly caught the spear raised by the leopard, and then pulled it back to seize the leopard's weapon, but the leopard secretly competed with Mr. Shi. Once you get excited, it's hard to figure it out. Qu Xiangtian stabbed with his spear, Fang Qingze chopped the enemy's head with his sword. Although the leopard was tall and sturdy, he was still nimble and managed to dodge a few times, and the spear in his hand was not taken away by Mr. Shi, but as soon as he stopped, Knives and punches came towards him, it was Du Hai's fist and Qin Rufeng's knife. Although Baozi is brave and good at fighting, he is not a god. The iron fist hit him in the abdomen. Qin Rufeng's knife also penetrated the leopard's body, and the leopard immediately vomited blood and fell to the ground on its back. Du Hai picked up the leopard, tied his hands tightly and pressed the leopard's shoulder blades, making him kneel down on the ground without any strength. Lu Yunzhi held his sword against the leopard's neck, Qu Xiangtian held his gun against his back, Gao Huai bent his bow to prevent emergencies, Qin Rufeng shouted at the top of his lungs: "Stop, everyone!" Your coach has been captured, you should surrender." Those people were stunned when they heard a savage female voice coming from among the enemy generals. Lu Yunzhi looked back and saw that it was the one who had been knocked to the ground just now. The woman, at this time, had taken off the veil that covered her face, and there was still a trace of blood hanging from the corner of her mouth. Just listen to her shouting loudly: "Let my brother go quickly, or I will kill them." The soldiers suppressed a few people, it was the two brothers of the Xie family who stayed behind to protect Shi Yuting, the sixth brother Wang Yulu and Shi Yuting herself . The female general put a dagger against Shi Yuting's neck and said: "I know she is the granddaughter of the person in your palm. I will count to three. If you don't let my brother go, I will take action." The enemy and we were no longer fighting and slowly moved toward As their own camp gathered together, they once again formed a confrontation. Mr. Shi sighed and looked at the people behind him but said nothing, as if he didn't recognize his granddaughter Shi Yuting. "One, two, three! Don't blame me!" the woman shouted, raising the dagger high to try toPushing Shi Yuting's chest, Shi Yuting was so frightened that she burst into tears. The female general held the dagger high in her hand and saw Shi Yuting crying but couldn't bear to drop it. She slapped Shi Yuting hard several times and then cursed: "Why are you crying? I don't kill defenseless people." Woman." Then he threw the dagger suddenly, and the dagger stabbed into Xie Li's chest. Xie Li suddenly bled and fell to the ground. When Xie Qi saw his twin brother lying on the ground, he screamed madly and rushed towards the female general. However, he was knocked to the ground by many warriors around him, and he was vomiting blood and unable to move. Du Hai suddenly became anxious. He snatched Fang Qingze's steel knife and was about to slash the leopard that was kneeling on the ground. However, Mr. Shi stopped Du Hai and said, "Five, don't act recklessly. Third and fourth are not dead yet." At this moment, Leopard shouted: "Yingzi, good job. Brother, take the first step and kill them all." After saying that, he suddenly fell forward and stabbed the steel sword pointed at his throat by Lu Yunzhi. It can be said that he reacted very quickly and retreated hurriedly to prevent the leopard from succeeding. However, Yingzi threw down his helmet and his hair was fluttering in the wind. His slightly dark skin also had a hint of luster under the moonlight. If it weren't for the fact that they were facing each other, Fang Qingze would have shouted loudly: "What a handsome black beauty." Just watching the female general named Yingzi wave her hand, everyone took the two Xie brothers and Wang Yulu and Shi Yuting down on the ground, and then kept roaring at Mr. Shi's side, waiting for Yingzi to give the order to the two The men and horses fought again. There are hostages and restrictions on each other. Now there is only one battle that can determine life and death. Even so, the victory or defeat has clearly favored the side of the Ming army. It only takes a while to wipe out all the enemy troops. At this moment, dust and smoke billowed not far away, and thousands of cavalry came flying towards him. Qin Rufeng shouted loudly. He saw that these thousands of cavalry were wearing exotic costumes, and they were expected to be reinforcements from the enemy. Qu Xiangtian fixed his eyes on Guanqiao and said, "They seem to be Timur's cavalry, and their armor is Tamerlane's armor." The thousands of cavalry who came were fresh troops and quickly rushed towards the group of horses. The bandit team then stood in a group. When the Ming army saw the reinforcements coming, they rushed forward without thinking. In a short time, the battle was over. Many of the opponents lay dead on the ground, and more than fifty people were captured. , plus the previous 100 prisoners, this group of horse bandits, which Mr. Shi called Soul-eating Beasts, killed nearly 900 people and captured more than 150 people. The Ming army also suffered heavy losses, and Wang Yulu's injuries were unclear. However, as soon as he was rescued, he was busy getting medicine to save the two Xie brothers. After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief when both Xie brothers were fine. He healed everyone's wounds and didn't stop until he fell to the ground from exhaustion and fell asleep. Mr. Shi looked at the group of Timurid cavalry and asked, "Who came to rescue you, can you please show up and tell us?" The team separated from the road, and a dozen men and women walked out of it, wearing Central Plains costumes and this group of people. The returning soldiers looked a little out of place. The moonlight reflected on their faces. Fang Qingze drooled and said to Qu Xiangtian, "Brother, look at how pretty those women look." Qu Xiangtian looked at Lu Yunzhi instead. , Lu Yunzhi whispered: "The skin is so fair, both men and women look so handsome, and they can mobilize Timur's army, who else but the Murong family?" The leader was an extremely handsome man in his thirties. He got off his horse and walked up to Mr. Shi and said, "How are you doing, Mr. Shi? It's rude that Murong Cheng of the Murong family came late." Mr. Shi laughed and said, "It's not too late, it's not too late. Nephew Murong Xian is doing well these days." The two of them laughed. After a few words of greeting, Murong Cheng waved his hand and all the Timurid cavalry came forward. A man and a woman were two brothers, Bao Zi and Ying Zi, and made all the prisoners kneel on the ground with knives against their necks, preparing to kill them all with one order. Mr. Shi squinted at the leopard and asked, "Leopard, right? Why are you attacking the Zhongzheng lineage? We don't seem to have done anything to you soul-eating beasts." Volume One Sudden Change Chapter 40 The Origin of the Soul-Eating Beast In the large tent of the military camp, Leopard was pushed to the ground by Du Hai and Qin Rufeng. He raised his face and looked indifferent. Mr. Shi asked, "What on earth do you want to do?" Leopard snorted and replied. "What do I think? I should ask you people in heaven and earth what have you done? We just have different attitudes towards ghosts. Is it necessary to kill them all and drive us into this desolate place?" Mr. Shi sighed and said: "Then It's just what our ancestors did. I haven't done anything to you since I took charge. And aren't there soul-devouring beasts in Guangdong and Guangxi? Why do you have to choose to be our enemy? Why don't you just go back to this? For the sake of the people of heaven and earth, I am willing to violate the ancestral precepts and agree to join the people of heaven and earth to establish the soul-eating lineage in the northwest. What do you think?" Leopard stood up and rushed towards Mr. Shi. Although he was tied up with five flowers, he bared his teeth and seemed to pounce. As if he was about to take a bite when he got up, he was kicked to the ground by Du Hai behind him before he got up two steps. Qin Rufei had just suffered a big loss from the leopard, and now he was riding on the leopard and suddenly hit the leopard with fists and kicks like raindrops. . Mr. Shi waved his hand and said, "Okay, don't fight. Why don't you want to, Leopard?" Leopard spat out the blood in his mouth and said, "Those soul-eating beasts who converted to the people of heaven and earth are all cartilage and useless things. He comes and goes when he is called, and one day he will clean up again. It is still a man who is a knife and a fish, and a man lives in this world not seeking fame but seeking freedom and happiness. If you want to kill, just kill, stop talking nonsense. " Murong Cheng walked up. He grabbed the leopard's hair, pulled his head up and said, "Mr. Shi, leave this man to me. I haven't caught a soul-eating beast in so many years near my border. I'll take a few back." Let¡¯s do some research. I think the two leading brothers and sisters are very capable. Can you let me take them back?¡± If I am still alive, I will kill you all." Mr. Shi also looked embarrassed after hearing Murong Cheng's words. Lu Yunzhi had been following Mr. Shi for some years and naturally knew that this research must be cruel. She also saw Yingzi's words. She is tough but there is a trace of fear in her eyes, which can be considered extremely terrifying. Otherwise, how could this tough female general have a look of fear in her eyes. Qu Xiangtian asked in a low voice: "Master, who are these soul-eating beasts and why are they attacking us?" Mr. Shi looked at Han Yueqiu, who said coldly: "Junior brother Qu doesn't know something, these soul-eating beasts are The beasts call themselves the ghost-eating tribe, but we think they are not as human as beasts, so they are called soul-eating beasts. At first, they were not large-scale, because some of their fellow practitioners went astray while practicing, and of course some were caught by demons. They were seriously injured when strange things happened. In short, these people tried to eat some ghosts for whatever reason. After eating the ghosts, they gradually became obsessed with the taste and no longer studied how to catch ghosts and fix them in the elixir. Instead of taking it, they studied the art of martial arts, and their descendants have had drops in their eyes since childhood, and they have to soak in special drops every day. When they are ten years old, they have to put drops on their teeth and have them micro-carved. Spirit Talisman, from that time on they have been feeding on ghosts, eating ghosts for fun, and even torturing the ghosts in their hands. After the establishment of the Heaven and Earth people, they believed that the cycle of heaven and earth, and the ghosts' scattered souls, represented the salvation of the past life, and after eating ghosts, this This cycle is broken, and ghosts can no longer be reincarnated as humans, so their behavior of eating ghosts is equivalent to cannibalism. Ancestor Xing Wen naturally tried to obstruct it, but they did not know what is good and evil and wanted to fight against the ancestor, and the ancestor became angry. After ordering all the people in the world to hunt down the soul-eating beasts, naturally the small soul-eating beast clan was unable to resist. Some of them threw themselves under the sects of the people of heaven and earth, taking elixirs to restrain their desires, while the other part fled to the desolate land and became anonymous from then on. But they still continue to behave like beasts. We are not looking for them to kill them all, we just want to explain to them to prevent them from harming others and themselves." Leopard snorted and said: "Fart." Murong Cheng asked again. Mr. Shi couldn't help but nodded. Shi Yuting shouted at the side: "Yes, study them. My father said that the Murong family's research is unparalleled in the world. Uncle Murong, you must To avenge me, this wild woman hit me several times, and it still hurts." Lu Yunzhi asked in Mr. Shi's ear, "Master, how do they study it?" Mr. Shi said in a low voice. "Fix the souls, dissect their bodies, open their brains and study why ghosts are eaten and where they go after being eaten. These two people will not die before the research is completed. They will watch helplessly. My body was opened and torn apart, and I felt the coldness of the air when my internal organs came into contact. Master couldn't bear it, but it's not easy to refute the Murong family's reputation, so what should I do" Lu Yunzhi heard this. Finally understanding why the master avoided answering for the first time, he felt good thoughts in his heart and went out to stop several members of the Murong family who were about to take Baozi and Yingzi away. Mr. Shi, who jumped out at the same time just now, also heard what Mr. Shi said to Lu Yunzhi, but this person couldLu Yunzhi ran out together, which really surprised Lu Yunzhi. This person was Han Yueqiu. Han Yueqiu spoke before Lu Yunzhi could say anything: "Brother Murong, you can't take them away without my master's consent or denial." Lu Yunzhi said: "Exactly, doing good, accumulating virtue and leading evil to do good has always been my responsibility. Please tell Brother Murong to let them go." Murong Cheng smiled and said with a hint of disdain on his handsome face: "Han Yueqiu, the second in the family still has the right to be on an equal footing with me. Who are you, a kid? You don't know how high the sky is. "You're looking for a fight, right?" Fang Qingze said. Qu Xiangtian and Lu Yunzhi cherish each other. Fang Qingze and the two sworn brothers are really close, especially Lu Yunzhi, who is often slandered. When Lu Yunzhi arrived, Fang Qingze changed his past style and started fighting with others. Murong Cheng became even more disdainful and said: "It seems that your Zhongzheng lineage is now the head of the junior generation!" Han Yueqiu smiled slightly and said: "Fang Qingze must not be so presumptuous! Please make amends to Brother Murong." Although Fang Qingze was not convinced, the rules in the sect were limited. Neng bowed slightly and said reluctantly, "I've offended Brother Murong." Murong Cheng snorted again, looked at Lu Yunzhi and said, "Where is this guy?" Han Yueqiu stared at Murong Cheng and said, " Brother Murong loves me so much that I can be on an equal footing with you, and if so, he can be on an equal footing with you." Volume One Sudden Change Chapter 41 Murong Yunfei "Why?" Murong Cheng asked in surprise. Han Yueqiu replied: "He is my seventh junior brother, Lu Yunzhi." When the first ten disciples of the Zhongzheng lineage walked around the world, the masters of the other lineages treated them with great courtesy, so it gradually spread that "within ten Zhongzheng people, the world will be prosperous." slang for. The reason why I say this is because one of the top ten disciples will always take over the position of the Zhongzheng lineage, and other disciples can become famous all over the world even if they establish a new lineage and become an emerging lineage. Naturally, Lu Yunzhi ranks seventh. Naturally, he should be respected by everyone in the world, but Murong Cheng definitely didn't expect it considering his young age. Murong Cheng asked a little doubtfully: "What about Shi Wentian, Brother Shi is now ranked behind Brother Lu?" Han Yueqiu nodded and said: "Exactly." Murong Cheng was a little embarrassed when he looked down on others, so he waved his hand to give way. The men let go of Yingzi and Baozi and returned them to Du Hai and others. Mr. Shi smiled and poured Murong Cheng a glass of wine. He broke the embarrassment with a smile and asked: "Did nephew Murong Xian have any changes recently, so the Murong family asked Timur to attack the Ming Dynasty?" Murong Cheng also borrowed Po's name. He got off the donkey and said hurriedly: "What Mr. Shi asked is exactly what we asked after we made some adjustments. My second uncle will ask to see him tomorrow. He has been looking forward to seeing Mr. Shi for a long time." Murong Cheng's second uncle is Murong Longteng, the leader of the Murong family. Mr. Shi asked: "How are brothers Murong? What happened?" Murong Cheng sighed and said: "A few days ago, many Qingyings from the Murong family followed the head of the Murong family, Murong Longteng, to learn the art of Western divination. During the trip, they also The ghost witches in the force infiltrated into Timur, used ghostly techniques to confuse the king and many princes, and then declared war on the Ming Dynasty, intending to use the power of Timur's country to restore the prosperity of the Mongols. Not long after, his nephew stayed with Timur. I thought I could defeat the Mongolian ghosts and witches on my own, but I didn't expect that we were controlled. It wasn't until my second uncle, the head of the family, came back that we eliminated all the ghosts from our bodies and killed all the Mongolian ghosts and witches. Speaking of this, my nephew is really ashamed." Just when Mr. Shi was about to speak, Qin Rufeng muttered: "It turns out to be a lost dog. I thought he was a powerful person because he was so violent just now." Murong Cheng slapped the table, stood up and shouted, "Who are you talking about?" Qin Rufeng glared and twisted. The neck said: "I'm talking about you!" "How dare you!" A cold female voice reached everyone's ears. Murong Cheng did not dare to be arrogant and sat back in his seat. Qin Rufeng was also stared at by Han Yueqiu and did not dare to make any mistakes. The crowd suddenly parted and a cold and charming woman in white walked in. Fang Qingze was almost dumbfounded. He nudged Lu Yunzhi with his elbow and said, "Third brother, this girl is so beautiful. Look, she is looking at me." . Look, I'm quite tidy today." Lu Yunzhi looked at the girl, indeed looking towards him, and then looked back at Fang Qingze. There was nothing neat about it. He didn't know where to go after the fight just now. He got a robe and put it on his body. It was also covered with blood stains. His hair was disheveled and his face and hands were covered with blood. He stood there without a waistband and a big belly. He couldn't help but feel happy when he saw it. Qu Xiangtian also heard Fang Qingze talking and looked at him, and couldn't help laughing. Mr. Shi stood up and saluted and said, "How is Miss Murong today?" The girl raised her eyebrows slightly, raised the corners of her mouth, smiled, saluted and said, "Greetings, Brother Shi." Everyone in the Zhongzheng family was shocked. What is her seniority, and who is this girl who is here? She is not very old. She looks a few years older than Lu Yunzhi and others, but younger than Murong Cheng, Qu Xiangtian and others. Why did she call Mr. Shi Big Brother Shi? Murong Why did Cheng obey this girl's arrangements so much? After saying the courtesy, the girl walked up to Lu Yunzhi and said, "Little girl Murong Yunfei, may I ask if you are Lu Yunzhi." Lu Yunzhi was puzzled, but secretly observed the person in front of him. The girl's face and her anger answered: "Xiao Ke is Lu Yunzhi." Murong Yunfei suddenly asked: "What is Secret Thirteen? And why do you read my name?" Lu Yun Zhi was puzzled and asked hurriedly: "ThisI don't know what the girl called the Secret Thirteen." Murong Yunfei smiled and said: "It's okay, I'm just curious. This happened many years later. Things have happened, maybe we will be good friends, otherwise how could you pronounce the names of Brother Shi and me? It seems that I am also an important person to you. " Lu Yunzhi was even more puzzled, but she couldn't figure out this girl. , not only because Murong Yunfei's Taoism is higher than hers, but also because the master said that it affects the fate of the world, so the hexagrams are chaotic. But I heard Mr. Shi laughing loudly and saying: "Miss Murong is the younger sister of Murong Longteng, the head of the Murong family. Naturally, you should call me Brother Shi. Yunzhi, you think she confused you as soon as she came. In fact, this is the math we have learned. Because of the different techniques, Zhongzheng lineage fortune telling talks about the success or failure of this matter, the reincarnation of cause and effect, and even a person's life. It is like a book, but people are not as good as God. There are some chapters that Murong cannot figure out. The aristocratic family's fortune-telling skills are different from those of our Zhongzheng lineage. Their calculations are just a scene, just like a paragraph in a chapter. Although the endings do not correspond, and we don't know what happened before and after, the calculations are comparable to those of our Zhongzheng lineage. Pulse accurateMuch more. These are the strengths of the two directors and the weaknesses of each party. You should communicate more with everyone in the Murong family in the future to learn from each other's strengths. " Everyone replied: "I will follow Master's teachings. "Lu Yunzhi suddenly said: "Master, please teach me how to be kind and repay grievances. Today, although the soul-eating beasts attacked us first and caused heavy losses to us, I still ask Master to give them a Let them go if they have a chance to reform. After all, they didn't kill Yuting just now, which shows that they still have a trace of chivalry in their hearts. "Mr. Shi nodded, looked at Murong Yunfei and said: "If Yun Zhi can think so, he is worthy of being a teacher. But little sister Murong, the Murong family also helped us just now, so I want to ask your opinion, do you think we should let it go? "Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Mr. Shi wants to release the Soul-Eating Beast. Murong Yunfei is proficient in divination and is certainly not stupid. She hurriedly said: "Brother Shi said yes, that's fine, let's release them all. " Yingzi helped the seriously injured Leopard stand up, and looked at Lu Yunzhi with a hint of gratitude. However, Leopard supported his injured body and walked to Lu Yunzhi. Du Hai's punch just now, and Qin Rufeng's punch The knife really hurt him badly. Suddenly he knelt down and worshiped Lu Yunzhi: "I just heard them say that your name is Lu Yunzhi. I am a rough man, but I know that there is no way to repay the kindness of saving my life. The mountains are high and the rivers are long. We have a bright future." Come back again. He stood up, and when he was about to walk out of the big tent, he turned his back to Mr. Shi inside the tent and said, "Mr. Shi, today you spare my leopard's life, and also spare the lives of my brothers. The leopard will never be provoked again in his lifetime." Zhongzheng is of the same lineage. After saying that, he was helped out of the camp by the men who had just been untied. These people mounted their horses and galloped away. But Shi Yuting pouted and said, "Grandpa just let them go." "Don't be ridiculous and make people laugh." Then Mr. Shi said to everyone: "Let's take a short rest and set off tomorrow to visit the head of the Murong family. Let's all go and rest." "Everyone left one after another. When Shi Yuting passed by Murong Yunfei, she snorted and said, "I am the most important person to brother Yunzhi. Stop dreaming. "Murong Yunfei was stunned, looked at the backs of Lu Yunzhi, Fang Qingze, Qu Xiangtian and the other two people leaving, smiled slightly, and stopped talking. Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 42 Busy People In May of the 14th year of Orthodoxy, Samarkand. Zhongzheng and others have been here for half a year. Fang Qingze has been busy doing business and buying and selling goods here every day since then. Diao Shanshe, a veteran, is following Fang Qingze. They often disappear and even Qu and Lu can't be seen. Their traces. Qu Xiangtian took Qin Rufeng to drink and chat with Timur's generals to discuss the art of war. The training soldiers became somewhat famous among Timur's generals. Although Zhu Jianwen and Gao Huai did not deal with him, they made the same move to visit Timur's princes and ministers in power. Wang Yulu and others were learning local magic according to their hobbies, and they were all very busy. Everyone is busy, and Lu Yunzhi is no exception. He learns new knowledge from Mr. Shi every day and often goes in and out of the residence of the Murong family. The Murong family has long been back in power and has gotten rid of the troubles caused by the Mongolian ghosts and witches. Murong Longteng and Mr. Shi have a very good relationship. Naturally, they accompany and study together every day. The directors of the two families have each gained a lot of insights. In fact, the main reason why Lu Yunzhi worked so hard every day was because he could meet the girl Murong Yunfei just by following his master to visit Murong Longteng. This girl always gave him a cold feeling. They didn't talk much when they first got together, but after not seeing Lu Yunzhi for a few days, they still thought about her day and night. This might be the beginning of Lu Yunzhi's love. Whenever Mr. Shi and Murong Longteng discussed some internal secrets, they would ask Murong Yunfei to accompany Lu Yunzhi to the yard. Lu Yunzhi was naturally very happy. It happened that Murong Yunfei was very fond of the poetry and songs of the Central Plains. Interested, the two of them recited poems and wrote poems in pairs and were extremely happy. Indeed, from a distance, they looked like a perfect match for a golden boy and a beautiful girl. Shi Yuting was very jealous of this, and often asked to come together. After getting angry twice, Mr. Shi ordered him not to come again without his permission, and sent Han Yueqiu to keep a strict eye on Shi Yuting. "Lu Yunzhi, you see my brother is divining the stars of the world with your master again. They know that the hexagrams may change at any time but they are still obsessed with it. I really don't know why." Murong Yunfei said as she walked, here Over the past few months, she and Lu Yunzhi gradually became familiar with each other. They were not born and raised in the Western Regions. Naturally, they did not understand the principle of men and women not being intimate. What's more, Murong never took ethics as his purpose. Where's the girl from the aristocratic family? Lu Yunzhi looked at Murong Yunfei's graceful figure in white clothes and was so mesmerized. If Fang Qingze saw his expression, he would have shouted: "You still call me perverted, you are not like me." Murong Yunzhi Fei walked in front and found that Lu Yunzhi didn't answer and turned around with a smile: "What's wrong? What are you thinking about?" Lu Yunzhi suddenly realized and lowered his head in embarrassment, and said with a flushed face: "Yunzhi is just I'm thinking, Aunt Murong is really beautiful." Murong Yunfei lowered her head and said shyly: "How many times have I told you, the Murong family doesn't have so many rules, what kind of aunt is not an aunt? If we are equal, just call me Miss Murong. That's fine, maybe Yun Fei, I'm afraid you'll be embarrassed." Lu Yunzhi raised her head suddenly with determination, as if something big happened, "Yun Fei." Murong Yun Fei said with a smile, "That's right." Lu Yunzhi was a little embarrassed and turned her head and chanted: "There is a beautiful woman in the north, a peerless beauty. She looks at the city of Qingren and then the country of Qingren." Murong Yunfei smiled even happier, and the two of them slowly continued like this. Reciting poems in pairs, wandering in the yard talking about the past and the present. Suddenly Du Hai, a tall and strong man, ran over in a very embarrassing way and shouted to Lu Yunzhi: "Old Qi, Lao Qi, go quickly, the master is looking for you." Lu Yunzhi just wanted to leave with Du Hai , but was pulled by Murong Yunfei's sleeve. She turned around to look at Murong Yunfei with a shy look on her face, but she hesitated to speak. Lu Yunzhi had a premonition that Murong Yunfei was going to say something to her, and her heart was beating like a deer, expecting excitement and panic to surge into her heart at the same time. I only heard Murong Yunfei say delicately: "Yunzhi, I have a jade bracelet here for you" Lu Yunzhi took the jade bracelet and was very excited for a moment, wishing to hold the beautiful woman in his arms immediately, then Murong Yunfei's words were like a bolt from the blue. Murong Yunfei said: "I hope you can leave it to Brother Qu. Since I first saw him, my heart has been devoted to him. It's just hard to express. I hope you can ask Qu for me." What does brother Xiangtian mean?" Lu Yunzhi was stunned on the spot, undecided. Qu Xiangtian's sworn brother was actually the sweetheart of the girl he had admired for a long time. Du Hai ran out a few steps and found that Lu Yunzhi was still standing there, facing Murong Yunfei. He hurriedly turned back, grabbed Lu Yunzhi and dragged her away to find Mr. Shi. Lu Yunzhi didn't know how she got in front of Mr. Shi. Everything that happened just now seemed like an illusion, until Mr. Shi walked up to Lu Yunzhi, patted him on the shoulder and asked, "Yunzhi, what's wrong with you?" Lu Yunzhicai suddenly found herself in the hall. On both sides of the master stood Murong Cheng and other members of the Murong family, as well as Han Yueqiu, the two brothers of the Xie family, Du Hai, Wang Yulu and others. Sitting above the hall was a white-faced man. The elegant and elegant man in his thirties was Murong Longteng, so he hurriedly said: "Master, it's nothing." Mr. Shi nodded.The head said: "It's okay. Now that everyone is here, let me tell you something. I just discovered something when Brother Murong and I were divining the celestial phenomena. It is related to the stability of our Ming Dynasty. Shi Heng is also involved in it. But the specific situation is not clear. Shi Heng had led his troops back to the Ming Dynasty six months ago. I can't imagine that he will definitely arrive in the capital in January. Our divination shows that Zhu Qi Town is the location where the current emperor has a military coup. It has been deduced, but it is not true that how it develops is a matter of great importance to the world. Even if Brother Murong reaches the capital, he is in danger of being sieged, so I decided to return home tomorrow. Although the people of heaven and earth do not care about world affairs, I must still be responsible for saving him. The people of Li are in water and fire." Mr. Shi glanced at his disciples and said, "In this way, I will take Wang Yulu, Xie Qi, Xie Li, Gao Huai, Qin Rufeng and others back to the capital to relieve the siege of the capital. Xiang Tianfang, Qingze, Zhu Jianwen and the other five people went to Yanghe. Shi Heng asked about the expedition there and immediately rushed to the battlefield to protect the emperor. He also wanted to rob Zhu Qizhen back to me. This mission is extremely difficult and full of dangers. Can you guys? Pay attention. What is Zhu Qizhen thinking about the danger of destroying the country by himself? " Everyone was puzzled. When they asked Mr. Shi, they saw that Mr. Shi also avoided answering and just handed Han Yueqiu a piece of paper. Several people passed it around. Seeing that it was exactly what Mr. Shi had calculated, it was written on the paper: Zhu Qizhen's imperial commander personally marched, the entire army of 200,000 was destroyed, Shi was prosperous in Yanghe, the Ming Dynasty was in danger, the capital was besieged and there was a cry of mourning, and the world changed drastically. Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 43 Escape Mr. Shi sighed and said, "Go and inform your junior brother quickly. Yun Zhi, do you still remember what I told you about the great changes in the world on the way here? It turns out that this is what happened. If you are not good at studying as a teacher, you will be ruined." If we can prevent this catastrophe, we dare not say that humans can defeat God, but we hope that we can do our best. "The disciples retreated one after another and contacted the busy people of the same lineage. Lu Yunzhi was a little confused by these one after another events, and found Fang Qingze in confusion. At this moment, Fang Qingze had already established a commercial street in Samarkand, the capital of Timur, with the authoritative help of the Murong family. The entire street The items on it were all resold by Fang Qingze. Although the goods shipped before were damaged during the war, after all, they were robbed after a few dozen trucks of goods arrived here. Fang Qingze was overjoyed and established his own business. The team purchases goods from various countries and resells them back and forth, and has established its own shops and shopping malls in many places. At this time, Fang Qingze was sitting in a shop drinking tea. Being able to drink tea in Timur was a status symbol, while Diao Shanshe was busy shuttling between caravans and shops, every day. Personally, everyone respects Diao Shanshe when they meet him. Diao Shanshe has become Fang Qingze¡¯s number one, and naturally has many opportunities to show up. As the business expands, Fang Qingze only makes suggestions and invests money to open stores, leaving all the tedious matters to Diao Shanshe. Dry. Seeing Lu Yun coming before him, Diao Shanshe rushed over and said, "Lu Yunzhi, why are you here?" Lu Yunzhi was just about to tell Fang Qingze about Mr. Shi's arrangements when he saw a suit of precious silk and gold. Yin's Diao Shanshe said happily: "Brother Snake, why did you attack Fang Qingze?" Diao Shanshe snorted and said: "First, Boss Fang is my boss. Second, Senior Brother Fang is my senior brother and ranks higher than me. Thirdly, look at how respected I am now and how happy I am, which is more comfortable than buying food and cooking in the Zhongzheng lineage." Lu Yunzhi said with a bitter smile. After hearing Mr. Shi's words, Fang Qingze and Diao Shanshe were stunned. Diao Shanshe sighed and said, "Master is really worried about his life. What does this have to do with us? People have said that we are not allowed to take care of it. Besides, it's What does the world with the surname Zhu have to do with us?" Fang Qingze thought for a moment and said, "No, we have to follow Master's arrangements. What's more, although we are businessmen, we must also care about the world. How can we care about the country and the people? Don't let me, Qingze, get involved. As for the business, we are like this. Brother Snake, you won't be able to help much anyway if you return to Beijing, but you can shine if you stay here. I will meet with the master later and ask you to stay here. Four months later, you set out to transport goods and money to Beijing. When you hire a team to escort us back, you must not be greedy for money. You must be willing to spend the money you want." "Third brother, why don't you look so good?" Fang Qingze looked at it. Asked Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi smiled and handed Fang Qingze a jade bracelet, which was given to him by Murong Yunfei. Fang Qingze took it and looked at it for a while and said: "This jade bracelet is carved from a good jade handed down from ancient times and is worth a lot of money. Is it that Murong Yunfei?" The girl gave it to you, you can do it. When we were in the capital, we told us to be on guard against girls from the Murong family, but now we have hooked up with her." He said and punched Lu Yun gently. Lu Yunzhi sighed and said, "That's all because of my own sentimentality. This jade bracelet was given to our eldest brother by Miss Murong." This time, it was Fang Qingze's turn to be stunned. After thinking for a long time, he finally said: "Brother This is pretending to be a pig and trying to make a big deal out of nothing." Lu Yunzhi smiled bitterly and said, "Second brother, stop teasing me. I'll give this to my eldest brother and explain it to you later." Fang Qingze was about to speak, but then he thought about it. When she wanted to know that Lu Yunzhi was still a little uncomfortable, she naturally closed her mouth and stopped talking. After Fang Qingze continued to arrange a few things, he quickly mounted his horse and went to the military camp to find Qu Xiangtian. On the second day, Timur Khan and the Murong family bid farewell to everyone in the Zhongzheng family. Lu Yunzhi said goodbye to several close disciples of the Murong family in euphemisms, while Qu Xiangtian shouted in euphemisms. He shouted to the soldiers: "I'll come back tomorrow." Then he raised a wine bag and drank it all in one gulp. Zhu Jianwen said goodbye to Timur Khan and all the ministers. The most interesting one was actually Fang Qingze. His place was a gathering of businessmen from all over the world. Among the caravans were all figures from all over the world, including Mongols, Persians, Timur There are even some Westerners with green eyes and blond hair among the indigenous people. The disciples of Zhongzheng were also surprised that they could reply, but they didn't know that they had done enough homework on the way to Timur. They studied Hui with the translator of Siyiguan who accompanied the army, and finally they could answer fluently. But it has been of great use. Mr. Shi waved his hand and said: "Yueqiu, you guys go ahead. I will say a few words to Brother Murong before leaving. You must remember to persuade Zhu Qizhen to return to Zhuqi Town if you can't do your best to protect it." The five people said yes and then turned over. He mounted his horse, held his fists, and saluted the farewell people. A horse was galloping in the distance and a woman in white was sitting on it. Murong Longteng winked and Murong Cheng immediately ran to stop the horse. Murong Cheng rushed to the route where the woman in white was running and shouted: "The master of the house has your destiny, hurry up and stop the horse." Come back, Murong Shiyan"We won't allow this to happen" I was about to say it again, but I saw the horse of the woman in white rushing in front of me. The woman's willow-leaf eyebrows were frosty, and her snow-white face did have a pink cherry lip. She was dressed in white and was wrapped in the wind. Her body was stretched out to outline her perfect figure. This person was none other than Murong Yunfei. Seeing that the two horses were about to collide, Murong Yunfei showed no intention of stopping. Only then did Murong Cheng realize that she had already covered the horse. With his eyes wide open, the horse running wildly under Murong Yunfei's lap dared to move forward even if it was blocked by him. Under Murong Cheng's frightened expression, the two horses collided with each other. It was not that Murong Cheng didn't want to run, but that he didn't want to run at all. Lai De spurred his horse to leave. It was probably because the horses were usually trained to be too obedient. Even if the situation was critical and there was no order from the owner, they still stayed where they were. When the two horses collided, Murong Cheng was thrown to the ground and rolled over twice before he got up with a disgraced face. It's not ugly. Look at Murong Yunfei being thrown into the air by the force of the impact, but she didn't panic. Her body was like a rain butterfly, showing her gracefulness in the air, and a strong big hand grabbed Murong Yunfei's snow-white waist. With his arms, he leaped without stopping and placed Murong Yunfei on the saddle. He turned his feet on the horse and the movement was completed in the blink of an eye before the horse stopped, and then galloped away. Everyone looked at the direction. That's right, naturally many people from the Murong family must have obstructed him heavily. Qu Xiangtian drew out the saber from his waist and shouted: "I wish I could kill all the people in the world with my saber. Anyone who blocks me will be killed. " The heroic spirit was fully displayed, but it also frightened everyone in the Murong family. They rushed out of the siege without losing any blood, and gradually walked away, leaving a black shadow in the distance. They only left one sentence: "Second brother and third brother, after seeing and hearing, I am here. Waiting for you ahead. Mr. Shi shouted angrily: "Yunzhi, why don't you hurry up and catch up, ensure Miss Murong's safety and send Murong Yunfei back." "Lu Yunzhi, Han Yueqiu, Zhu Jianwen, Fang Qingze and others also galloped away on horseback. Murong Longteng stared into the distance and shouted: "It is simply lawless. "But he didn't give the order to pursue Qu Xiangtian. Just as he was talking, a bay-red horse rushed out of the camp again, carrying a pink-clad beauty on its back and chased after him. A disciple of the Zhongzheng lineage hurriedly ran over, full of enthusiasm. He said with an aggrieved face: "Master, Yu Ting ran away and insisted on chasing the seventh senior brother. I am incompetent and ask the master to punish me. Mr. Shi was very surprised. He sighed and said, "What happened to these children?" Gradually, Qu Xiangtian and the others in the distance had disappeared. Mr. Shi had no choice but to say to Murong Longteng: "Brother Murong, Qu Xiangtian has acted daringly. I will punish you in various ways after returning to the capital. But please don't worry, Brother Murong. What you just went to All of them are our elites and will protect my little sister¡¯s safety. "Murong Longteng was still angry. He brushed his sleeves and snorted coldly. He walked past Mr. Shi and walked behind him. He looked at the direction in which several people were running in the distance. Then he turned around and walked away quickly. When he passed by Mr. Shi, he whispered He said: "Thank you, Brother Shi. "Mr. Shi didn't turn his head to look at Murong Longteng, he just nodded his head inadvertently. Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 44 Murong¡¯s Resistance In the distant city of Beijing, the bell of Zhu Qi Town suddenly rang. He turned to look at Wang Zhen who was drinking tea next to him and said, "Mr. Wang, someone is counting on me." Wang Zhen blew the hot air from the tea and was filled with excitement. He said nonchalantly: "It doesn't matter. When the time comes in a few days, we will use Dongchang and Jinyiwei to slowly eliminate these strange people, and we can sleep peacefully." Zhu Qizhen nodded and said: "Mr. Wang What he said is absolutely true. " On the mountain col, Qu Xiangtian held Murong Yunfei's hand tightly and looked at Han Yueqiu and others who were flying in the distance. Han Yueqiu did not reprimand Qu Xiangtian, but looked at him coldly. However, Fang Qingze got off his horse and walked to Qu Xiangtian's side. He bowed first and said, "Second brother, please give my regards to my sister-in-law." Murong Yunfei's slightly cold face was full of smile and she replied, "Uncle, you are polite." Lu Yun was a little shocked when she came here. Although she still hadn't calmed down her inner feeling, she also said: "Third brother, please say hello to my sister-in-law." Fang Qingze punched Lu Yunzhi and laughed and scolded: "Third brother, I was just playing around with my sister-in-law. You are really serious about saluting. By the way, brother, what is going on with you? You are too courageous. If you can't do it, don't go back to the middle house. You are just wandering around the world for a happy life. If you go back, the master will definitely punish you heavily. Let's just say we didn't find you." After saying that, he suddenly looked at Han Yueqiu, staring at him closely as if he was saying you can't tell the truth. But Qu Xiangtian laughed so loudly, he cupped his fists and saluted Han Yueqiu and said, "Thank you, Second Senior Brother." Then he turned over and dismounted, and said to Lu Yunzhi, Fang Qingze and Zhu Jianwen: "Second Senior Brother is helping me, mainly because of Murong Longteng. This is the arrangement between my brother-in-law and our master." After saying this, the three of them were a little confused. Qu Xiangtian explained: "My brother-in-law Murong Longteng has actually been doing what his third brother said these years. He wanted to have a child with Yun Fei according to family rules, but he thought that this was against the laws of nature and like a beast, so he wanted to change it. Everything, the hundreds of years of Murong family rules and the hard work of dozens of generations could not be changed by him alone. Even though he was the head of the family, he couldn't help himself, so he "colluded" with our master and helped Yun Fei escape together. Shang Yunfei has feelings for me, so she took this opportunity to act like this, which is why there were no pursuers later. Of course, the second senior brother also knew about it. The master told him early, and the second senior brother did not say thank you for his kindness. , I will repay this favor one day." Han Yueqiu nodded coldly, but did not answer. Murong Yunfei sat on the horse and said to Xiangtian: "Look at you, what kind of brother-in-law, what kind of collusion, and your acting words are so inelegant. Could it be that we are just acting and you have no feelings for me?" After hearing this, Fang Qingze shouted loudly: "A woman who grew up in the Western Region is unusual. She is bold and fiery. She is guarding so many people and asks for the sweet words of your love and my will. No, no, no, wait until we complete the task this time." We also have to marry a girl from the Western Regions. The kind of refined people from the Central Plains are suitable for literati like Third Brother, but not the rest of us." After saying this, everyone burst into laughter. Qu Xiangtian looked meaningfully at the charming Murong Yunfei on the horse and said: "Holding your hand and growing old together with me, why not leave the world behind if you find a beautiful woman." Murong Yunfei smiled, and her beautiful smile was charming in her eyes. Their faces bloomed, and the two people looked at each other and smiled. The love at this moment is worth a lot of money. It can be said that they only envy mandarin ducks but not immortals. Zhu Jianwen shuddered and said: "Let's go quickly, we still have to hurry, don't be numb." Qu Xiangtian got on his horse, hugged Keren in his arms, and everyone was about to leave with whips. In the distance, a man dressed in pink came galloping towards him. He pulled the reins and said coquettishly: "Lu Yunzhi, you heartless man, why should Murong follow" Before he could finish his words, he saw Murong Yunfei leaning on her. The two people in Qu Xiangtian's arms looked at her with smiles, and for a moment they couldn't figure out what was going on. Fang Qingze said with a smile: "There is another love debt, Yuting, hurry up and meet your sister-in-law." Shi Yuting didn't understand what was going on, and was confused and didn't know how to act. Fang Qingze said again: "Scream quickly, otherwise You can't be your brother Yun's daughter-in-law." When Shi Yuting heard this, she hurriedly got off her horse and walked to Murong Yunfei and said shyly: "Yuting pays homage to sister-in-law." Murong Yunfei covered her mouth with her slender jade fingers. With a smile, she replied: "Sister, why are you so polite? We are sisters-in-law. Just call me Sister Yunfei from now on." Han Yueqiu snorted coldly: "Hurry up and hurry up. It will get dark if you don't leave. No fooling around on Yuting Road. , otherwise I won¡¯t be able to explain to the master if something happens." He said and a dozen horses galloped away. Shi Yuting replied repeatedly that she was very happy now. Her biggest rival Murong Yunfei was now married to Qu Xiangtian. Everyone got on their horses and galloped away. Under Shi Yuting's chirping questions on the way, Fang Qingze told the whole story, and Lu Yunzhi smiled faintly at Shi Yuting. At this moment, he didn't know what it felt like. He felt sorry for his eldest brother Qu Xiangtian. Blessings, but also a touch of sadness. Zhu Jianwen said: "Everyone, let me go first. I have to hurry up and go to King Min's residence. That's where we are"??Uncle Emperor, my father has ordered me to pay him a visit first. I have something important to report. Second Senior Brother, I don't know if it's okay? "Han Yueqiu nodded and waved in agreement. Zhu Jianwen took the ration package that Fang Qingze had packed for him, crossed it diagonally across his body, clasped his fists and cupped his hands, circled the horse and rode away. Zhu Jianwen was like this, and he was not usually very diligent. , as soon as the power struggle in the court was involved, the factional power immediately became energetic, which can be described as working hard. I believe he must have worked hard to eat and go to bed immediately. He must have arrived a day or two earlier than everyone else. It was getting late, and several people ran wildly. By this time, the horses were already panting from exhaustion, and Han Yueqiu said: "Junior brothers, let's find a place to stay in the hotel. We will rest for the night before we start our journey. "It happened that there was a small shop from the mountain standing on the roadside in front. It was a quaint two-story building. There was a flag hanging at the door with a big word for "wine" on it. Several people walked to the door of the shop and ran out of the shop. A waiter, who looked thin and smart, saw several people arriving and asked hurriedly: "How many guests do you want to stay in the hotel?" " Han Yueqiu glanced at the store. Although it was small, it was still clean and tidy. There was no village in front of it, and it was also deserted in the back. There was no village in front and no store in the back. It would not be an exaggeration to describe the scene at this moment. Although this small isolated store in the countryside was slightly If I had any doubts, I had to make do with it for one night, and I was slightly wary. When I heard the waiter's question, I replied: "Have a banquet and find three guest rooms, as long as they are clean." Tie the horse up and feed it good quality feed. " Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 45: Mountain Shop The waiter of the inn heard Han Yueqiu's words and replied: "Okay, please come in and invite some gentlemen." Shi Yuting said angrily: "I only saw a few gentlemen, but not me." The waiter bent down and smiled flatteringly: " What are you talking about? The two girls are so dazzling that I dare not look at them, so I don¡¯t dare to say anything. Please forgive me.¡± Shi Yuting smiled and said, ¡°You can talk.¡± Han Yueqiu looked back at Shi Yuting and said. Don't mess around, waiter, go tie the horse." A few people walked into the store, and an old man with a slightly bent back hurriedly ran out. He was dressed neatly, and his wrinkles on his face were covered by his smile. his eyes. Just listen to him say: "I am the shopkeeper of a small shop. The ladies and gentlemen can just call me Lao Suntou. What do you guys want to eat?" Fang Qingze replied: "There is a table of fine banquets, and all the distinctive ones are here. I'll give you two more bottles of wine." He threw a piece of silver from his arms, and the old shopkeeper stretched out his hand to catch it, and said with a wider smile: "That's right, gentlemen, wait a moment, there is nothing to entertain in the store. Yes, there are a lot of game in the mountains. I'll tell the cook to cook for you." Han Yueqiu stopped the shopkeeper who was about to turn away and said, "No more wine. If you drink, you can prepare some dry food and beef tomorrow morning. , we have to go on the road tomorrow." The shopkeeper bent over and turned to leave. Fang Qingze said dissatisfied: "Second Senior Brother, although I dare not say that I am rich this time, I can make a small amount of money without having to save money. I have everything. " Before Han Yueqiu spoke, Qu Xiangtian said: "Second brother, please don't mess around. Second senior brother is right. I'm so addicted to alcohol that I don't rush to drink. It's better for us to be careful during this trip. Don't show off your wealth. Please keep your voice down when you talk in the future." Fang Qingze lowered his head and stopped talking. Although Han Yueqiu's face was still stern, he nodded towards Qu Xiangtian to show friendship. Lu Yunzhi said in a low voice: "Second Senior Brother, do you think there is anything weird about this store? We have no experience in traveling around the world, but when I was fleeing from famine in my childhood, I heard someone say that most of these stores standing on country roads They are all shady shops that kill people and steal money." Han Yueqiu was silent for a while and said: "Be careful everywhere, don't use the chopsticks for a while, I will try it before talking." After a while, the shopkeeper and the waiter brought several plates of venison and so on. Game, and a pot of tea, then turned and left. After Han Yueqiu took out the silver needles from her arms and tried them one by one, she picked up a few chopsticks and drank a cup of tea. After a while, nothing happened, and then she waved her hand for everyone to start eating. Everyone was very hungry. At this time, they started eating and drinking like a cloud. After a while, the plates were all gone. Shi Yuting suddenly hugged Lu Yunzhi's arm and said, "Brother Yunzhi, let's take a rest later." Let's share a room." Fang Qingze was drinking tea, but he suddenly spurted it out. Qu Xiangtian quickly dodged to avoid splashing on him. Fang Qingze patted his cheek and said, "I was wrong, I shouldn't have said Zhongyuan just now. Women are reserved and restrained. This sentence is not absolute, at least it does not apply to our Yuting." Murong Yunfei also smiled and scratched Shi Yuting's nose and said: "Sister is so impatient, Yun Zhi, you must treat her well. "But you two are not married, so you don't have to worry about your grandpa punishing him if you live together in the same room." Han Yueqiu's face trembled, and then his face drooped and he said expressionlessly: "We will sit down for a while and then go back." Let's take a rest. Qu Xiangtian and I share a room, Fang Qingze and Lu Yun share a room, and Miss Murong and Yu Ting share a room. "Store, are the guest rooms ready?" The old shopkeeper ran away from behind the counter. He came over, his face still full of countless wrinkles and said: "Ready, ready, you guys have a good meal." Han Yueqiu replied: "Very good, take us to the guest room, we are going to rest." ." Old Suntou answered yes and then got up and led several people to the guest room on the second floor. Although the three rooms are not as luxurious as the capital, they are neat, clean and comfortable. Seeing the satisfied expressions on their faces, Old Suntou said: "These guests are from the capital, and their accents sound similar." Han Yueqiu nodded and said: "Old shopkeeper, we are tired and should rest first. "Lao Sun bowed and said, "Everyone, take a rest first. I'll ask the waiter to get you an extra quilt. It's getting cold here in the middle of the night." They clasped their fists and replied, "Thank you." Then they went into the house. went. Fang Qingze took a ledger and did some calculations for a while before falling asleep, but Lu Yunzhi couldn't fall asleep. He wanted to light a lamp and read but didn't want to disturb Fang Qingze's water, so he put on a black velvet cloak and walked out of the door. Looking at the bright moon in the sky in the backyard, Lu Yunzhi suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, but he didn't know what kind of emotion it was. He had left his family since he was a child, and had long regarded his sworn brothers Qu Xiangtian and Fang Qingze as his relatives. Brother, but today I am not so happy to see the sweetness between Murong Yunfei and Qu Xiangtian. It¡¯s like the lonely moon. Although it is accompanied by stars, it cannot understand the loneliness of the moon. Lu Yunzhi sighed: "Extinguish the candle and be filled with pity, and feel the dew when I put on my clothes."?I can't bear to give it away, but I still have a good night's sleep. Yunzhi, what's wrong with you? "Murong Yunfei's voice sounded from behind. Lu Yunzhi turned around and looked. Murong Yunfei was so beautiful under the moonlight. The moonlight reflected a faint silver light on her body. Her snow-white clothes complemented the night. Like the bright moon in the sky, people are moved and pity her. But at this moment, Murong Yunfei is no longer a woman that she can love deeply. She is the sweetheart of her elder brother Qu Xiangtian. The most important thing is that this woman also loves her in her heart. Qu Xiangtian. Lu Yun didn't know how to speak for a while and just looked at the cold beauty in front of her. Murong Yunfei spoke: "Lu Yunzhi, I'm sorry, I know you have feelings for me. " Lu Yunzhi was shocked after hearing this. He quickly lowered his head and took a step back to keep a distance from her. "But sometimes you can't force emotional matters. I admit that you are very kind, but I like that kind of lofty sentiments. Wan Zhang is a slightly wild man. Although you are elegant, you are also a real man who stands between heaven and earth, but you are not the kind I want. I'm sorry Yun Zhi, but this will not affect our relationship in the future, nor will it affect your relationship with Xiang Tian. Are the feelings right? If there is any estrangement between you brothers, I will choose to leave. " The depression in Lu Yunzhi's heart suddenly relaxed a lot. Lang Youqing and concubine Zhiyi are a match made in heaven. His unrequited love can't explain anything, let alone affect his feelings for Qu Xiangtian. At the same time, he doesn't know that he is It's not that he really loves Rong Yunfei, maybe it's just his youthful impulsiveness and ignorance of his new love. Lu Yunzhi smiled and said to Murong Yunfei: "Sister-in-law, you are overthinking it. I admit that I feel for you, but it is only temporary. Yes, the eldest brother will definitely fall in love with his eldest brother and sister-in-law in the future, but I hope my eldest sister-in-law won¡¯t mention anything about the future. "Murong Yunfei nodded. The leaves outside the backyard suddenly trembled slightly. Lu Yunzhi stretched out her hand from her sleeves and put it in the air, then moved her ears and shouted: "Who? ! "Then he jumped onto the millstone in the yard, climbed up the wall with both hands in a vertical leap, then kicked his feet on the wall to use the force to stand on the wall, crouched slightly, jumped and flew to the tree on the opposite side. Actions With extraordinary dexterity but strength, Lu Yunzhi ran back to the yard from the tree after a while. Murong Yunfei said: "The skills of your Zhongzheng lineage are really unparalleled in the world. Our Murong family cannot compare with this. Just now you What's wrong? Why did you suddenly run into the tree? Lu Yunzhi thought for a moment and replied: "I just heard a noise on the tree. I stretched out my hand but didn't feel the wind. I tried hard to listen to the sound of the leaves rubbing together and the slight sound of a third person's breathing. I think There must be someone hiding in the tree, but" As he spoke, he spread his hands to show that he had found nothing. Murong Yunfei smiled and replied: "Okay, I guess you heard wrong because you are tired, go back and rest. Lu Yunzhi bent down and saluted and said, "Sister-in-law, please go back and rest early. Pay attention to safety at night. I always feel a little weird." "Yes, uncle, I will take my leave first." "Murong Yunfei said and walked away with light steps. Lu Yunzhi looked at the big tree outside the courtyard again, turned back to the room and lay down to rest, but felt a little cold, so he got up and picked up the waiter The quilt was brought to cover him with two layers to keep him warmer. He turned around and saw Fang Qingze curled up sleeping on a thin quilt. He sighed and wanted to cover Fang Qingze first, but he heard someone in the room say: " Wait a minute, Lu Yunzhi, don't you feel a little weird? " Lu Yunzhi was shocked. His five senses were extremely sensitive but he did not feel the presence of this person. He quickly looked in the direction of the sound and asked: "Who are you? " Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 46 Nightmare "You're so stupid for forgetting my voice so quickly," the man whispered. Suddenly Fang Qingze turned over and jumped up, pulled out a dagger from under the pillow and rushed towards the man. The man flashed past with joy and then returned his elbow to Fang Qingze. Fang Qingze put his palm on it and stood there stunned. Lu Yunzhi asked: "Why, second brother, do you know him?" Fang Qingze shook his head and said, "I didn't see clearly, it was too dark, but she must have used a false voice, she is a woman." Lu Yunzhi was shocked. Knowing who the visitor was, he drew out his sword and asked Fang Qingze on guard: "Second brother, how did you know?" Fang Qingze raised his palm and sniffed it and said, "It must be a woman. Although she didn't put on makeup, she couldn't cover it up. The smell of women on his body." Lu Yunzhi was puzzled, and Fang Qingze shook his hand and continued: "You don't understand, you are not good at this. Let's take her down first." A short female voice said. Come on, it was no longer the slightly deep male voice. Fang Qingze obviously guessed correctly that this mysterious man spoke with a changed voice. Lu Yunzhi heard this girl as if he had heard it somewhere, but he couldn't remember it. A fire lit up, and the mysterious woman lit up the lamp on the table. Under the light, a beauty sat on the bench next to the table. A dark but well-fitting night gown was attached to the woman's curvy figure, and her hair was black. With her hair down, her skin is slightly dark but shiny, her big eyes are twinkling, her lips are reddish, and her face has a hint of coquettishness. She is such a handsome beauty. Lu Yunzhi looked familiar for a while, but he still couldn't remember where he had seen her, but he must have known her, so he put down the steel sword in his hand. Fang Qingze shouted: "Third brother, don't be careless. She is the sister of the leader of the soul-eating beasts, Yingzi." Lu Yunzhi was shocked when he heard this, and hurriedly raised his sword to point at the girl. The girl was not worried at all. She slapped the table and stood up and shouted: "You're so good, Lu Yunzhi. This girl is here to repay your kindness, but you have forgotten who I am." Lu Yunzhi felt a little embarrassed when he asked for a moment. He hurriedly said: "Girl, you are fine, I I have a bad memory, I'm sorry. Second brother, how can you remember, it's been several months." Fang Qingze sneered a few times and said: "You The boy is good at memorizing books, but when it comes to memorizing women, he is completely different from me. Why, did Xiaopi Niang come here to kill us or accompany you two uncles?" "Bah!" Yingzi shouted angrily. Your mother is the little girl. I told you that I saved your life just now, and you have so little experience in the world." Lu Yunzhi was a little confused, but Yingzi didn't seem to see Lu Yunzhi and Fang Qingze raise their hands. He walked straight to them and held up the quilt that Lu Yunzhi had just picked up, handed it to Lu Yunzhi and said, "You can't even see what's in it?" Lu Yunzhi took the quilt and looked at it. She was shocked and said hurriedly: "Go and see them." Lu Yunzhi knocked on the door but did not hear anyone inside, so he kicked open the door of Shi Yuting and Murong Yunfei's room, only to see that Murong Yunfei was fair-skinned. His face was even paler, and he was sitting cross-legged, mumbling incessantly. Shi Yuting, on the other hand, closed her eyes tightly. Lu Yunzhi held a Bagua mirror and muttered softly: "Those who are facing the battle should march in groups, and always keep an eye on everything." Then he gently lifted the quilt, and suddenly pulled the quilt halfway. Throwing it to the ground, he sighed: "It's too late!" Shi Yuting's eyes were still closed, and she couldn't wake up no matter how hard she shook. Lu Yunzhi put his hand on Shi Yuting's head and said with a bitter look on his face: "Three souls and seven souls, one soul and two souls are missing." On the other hand, Fang Qingze also knocked on the door but did not open it. But I heard Han Yueqiu say in a low voice from inside the door: "Junior Brother Fang, come in quickly." Fang Qingze kicked the door open, and in front of him Qu Xiangtian was holding a Buddha bead in one hand and chanting the Tara green mantra in his mouth. The beads were pressed tightly against the quilt, a Guanyin Mercy Seal was formed on his right hand, and a look of pain was constantly showing on his face. Han Yueqiu's situation seemed to be better. He used the yin-yang dagger to push the quilt against the wall, and quickly stabbed the quilt with the dagger in a semicircle with both hands. Every time the blade of the dagger touched the quilt, the yin-yang dagger bloomed. There was a trace of light, but the quilt was not scratched by the blade, only a faint gray-black smoke emitted under the impact. Fang Qingze touched a bowl of water on the table, inserted his right hand into the water, stirred the water and sprinkled it on Han Yueqiu's quilt. He murmured: "The blood turns to Yang, and the spirit turns invisible." Only a "Zila" sound was heard, and the Yin and Yang dagger opened. After getting off the quilt, Han Yueqiu let out a fierce breath, inserted the Yang dagger made of gold with the sun engraved in the Yin and Yang dagger into the water, stirred it for a while, and then used silver to cast the Yin dagger with the sun engraved on it. The two daggers intersected the yin and yang to form a Tai Chi. The turning sun dagger shot out suddenly and plunged into Qu Xiangtian who was struggling to hold up the quilt. Qu Xiangtian rolled out of bed, but his legs were unsteady and he almost fell to the ground. Han Yueqiu breathed out and said: "Junior Brother Fang, you are quite smart. If you came a step late or we rescued you in the wrong order and it was delayed for a while, we all have to stay here. In short, thank you." Indeed, if you saved him in advance out of emotion, As for Qu Xiangtian, things may not end because??Xiangtian didn't suppress this evil thing at all. Han Yueqiu is worthy of being the second senior brother of the Zhongzheng lineage. At this moment, he suppressed it with all his strength and could tear the evil thing into pieces in a short time. But by then Qu Xiangtian would be in danger, but with the arrival of Fang Qingze But he helped Han Yueqiu. After listening to Han Yueqiu's words, Fang Qingze was as talkative as if he had no desire, and said hurriedly: "Yunzhi and I are fine, let's go see Yuting and sister-in-law." Qu Xiangtian was panting, but he couldn't hold on after hearing these words. He stood up and walked with the two of them to the guest room where Murong Yunfei and Shi Yuting were, holding on to the wall. As soon as he entered the room, Qu Xiangtian roared and rushed towards Yingzi and cursed: "It's you! Soul-eating beast." Fang Qingze stopped Qu Xiangtian. At this time, Qu Xiangtian's physical strength had not recovered and he struggled a few times. He was held down by Fang Qingze, who said: "Brother, it was Yingzi who saved us. If it weren't for her reminder, Lu Yunzhi and I wouldn't have escaped this disaster." Qu Xiangtian only gave up after hearing this and whispered : "I'm sorry, Miss Yingzi." Then he staggered to Murong Yunfei's side and looked at this beautiful woman who was still sitting cross-legged in meditation. Fang Qingze asked: "Third brother, Yingzi, what is this quilt and why is it so powerful? Also, is Yuting okay?" Lu Yunzhi looked at his second senior brother Han Yueqiu, Han Yueqiu nodded to him, so Lu Yunzhi spoke Said: "This should be a nightmare, yes, that's right, it is the fifth-ranked nightmare among evil spirits." Fang Qingze patted his head and said: "It's over, it's over, I can't run away this time. Last time, I combined with the sky thunder array to get rid of it." Chaos will kill us, this time we are the only ones who will die." "Don't worry, this quilt is just a little bit of the ghost spirit of the nightmare, otherwise we wouldn't be able to escape so easily, Yun Zhi, Yu Ting, right? Three souls and seven souls are missing one soul and two souls." Han Yueqiu asked. Lu Yunzhi nodded: "Yes, the two souls of Earth Soul and Swallowing Thief Feidu are missing." Qu Xiangtian had gradually recovered and said: "What should I do? I can't remember what the nightmare is about. "Seeing Lu Yunzhi helping Shi Yuting solidify her soul to prevent other souls from leaving her body, Han Yueqiu said for him: "Nightmares rank fifth, making people fall into sleep, and creating illusions that make people lose three souls and seven in panic. Although the ghost is not a disgusting ghost, it is still very harmful. If the nightmare is nearby, it will be very bad. But this time it is not a real nightmare, it is just a small ghost. . It must be man-made to be fixed in the quilt, but there is no such way to exorcise ghosts in the world, and the ghost energy that can drive nightmares is really high. Besides, who would be in trouble with our Zhongzheng lineage. " Yingzi stepped forward at this time and said with a smile: "You people in heaven and earth are really very rigid. It is definitely not possible to drive out such a fierce evil ghost, but if you are worshiping a ghost, it is like you are being led by a ghost. Man, do you think the ghost will let you help it spread some ghost energy into the quilt?" Han Yueqiu's eyes widened and he asked in a low voice, "You mean the Mongolian ghost witch?" Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 47 Mongolian Ghost Witch Yingzi nodded after listening to Han Yueqiu's words and said: "Of course they are Mongolian ghosts and witches. Who else would believe in ghosts except them? I have been following you since you left Timur's territory, and I found you living in this store. I always feel There was something not quite right, so I kept observing in secret and found that these people were speaking Mongolian. Because we ghost eaters have been taking medicine since childhood, it is naturally easier for us to see something than you. Originally, I only noticed the shopkeeper. There was a faint ghost feeling, so I entered Lu Yunzhi's room to remind him, but as soon as I entered the room, I found something wrong with the quilt. "Murong Yunfei suddenly spoke: "You were the one who was in the yard before, right?" Yingzi nodded, Qu Xiangtian looked at Murong Yunfei, she stroked the back of Qu Xiangtian's hand and said with a smile: "I'm fine. I was careless just now and fell into the trap of these Mongolian ghosts and witches." Fang Qingze asked: " What should we do next?" Lu Yunzhi had already done the work of fixing the remaining soul of Shi Yuting. He bit his finger and used his own blood to cast nine talismans on Shi Yuting's head. This could barely last for about an hour. Once the time exceeds, Shi Yuting's remaining two souls and five souls will dissipate, and even gods descending to earth will be unable to recover. Han Yueqiu was silent for a while and asked Yingzi: "Do you soul-eating beasts have any way to deal with nightmares?" "Don't call me a soul-eating beast, I don't like to hear it. We are a ghost-eating tribe." Yingzi pursed her lips and replied: "But to be honest, this kind of ghost is really powerful. It is not as real as others. It harms people through dreams. Unless we catch the real body and we work together to attack it, we can only catch wind and shadow. However, it is difficult for the main body to appear normally. "The ghost energy that walks through the nightmare serves as a clone." Lu Yunzhi stood up and said: "But even so, the nightmare must be nearby, otherwise the ghost energy will have no effect, so if we find the Mongolian ghost witch, we can find the nightmare. , let's think of another way. Maybe we can find a way to destroy Yu Ting's three souls and seven souls. " Han Yueqiu nodded and said: "We will move quietly to find the ghost witch. Once the nightmare casts a spell, we must stay awake. People have hallucinations and enter a dreaming state, and then they can't help themselves." Everyone nodded, and then set up a sky net array around the room to prevent other ghosts from entering the room and harming Shi Yuting, who was in a coma and whose soul was not strong. Qu Xiangtian also used simple bows and arrows to make several small mechanisms to prevent people from entering. After everything was ready, everyone climbed up from the back window to the roof and slowly observed the movements in the courtyard of the inn. In the backyard of the inn, a black object sat cross-legged on a millstone. Various lights were circulating on its body from time to time. Han Yueqiu whispered: "This ghost has not completely turned into a nightmare. It's better to deal with it." "Everyone will pay attention in a moment." The ten people kneeling around Mopan included Lao Suntou, the old shopkeeper of this inn, and the waiter who fed the horses for everyone. They had never seen the rest. Some were wearing Mongolian clothes and some were wearing Han clothes, but they were all kneeling and worshiping. Old Suntou spoke: "Nightmare ghosts, we have just trapped the heaven and earth people in the room with quilts, but we haven't seen which branch they are from yet. Have you recovered their souls now?" The nightmare sitting on the millstone did not answer, but Old Suntou stopped talking and remained silent for a long time before replying: "That's strange, why did you just accept someone, and you haven't lost all your soul yet? This is wrong. , Is it possible that these people have a lot of background and have such great abilities? But judging from their young age, they should be just fledgling apprentices. No, that¡¯s not right. " Fang Qingze, Qu Xiangtian looked confused, and Lu Yunzhi lowered his voice and said: "The nightmare can communicate with people, but not through language. It only creates the illusion of a dream in people's minds, allowing people to understand what it is saying, and makes the person talking to it wake up quickly, and it seems as if it is answering. "Everyone nodded, and Qu Xiangtian asked: "Then how to kill the nightmare." Yingzi said: "Of course it is your ghost-defeating technique or the ghost-destroying technique. After a while, we will all show our magic, and we will be able to subdue it in one go. "This nightmare." Han Yueqiu whispered: "Actually, there is another way, which is to defeat the nightmare in the dream it created, that is, tell it in the dream that you know it is a dream, and then you can control the dream. Right. But because the dreams it creates are too real, it is difficult for you to know that you are dreaming. How can the dreamer control his dream when he is in a hazy state?" Fang Qingze said: "Third brother should be able to. Can't you change your character and control your own temperament?" Lu Yunzhi shook his head and replied: "I can't. That's when you are awake. Once you are asleep, it is completely different. At that time, people's thinking is different. It's reversed and difficult to control." Everyone stopped answering and just looked at the ghost witch believers in the courtyard. Han Yueqiu said in a low voice: "Deal with these ghost witches first, and then focus on them.?Deal with that unformed nightmare. Old Seventh, you are responsible for distracting them and remember to entangle them. Junior Brother Fang and I, Junior Brother Qu, are covering them from behind. Miss Murong and Miss Yingzi are supporting from behind. See the right moment and try to win with one move. "Everyone nodded, and then Lu Yunzhi walked a few steps, jumped up on the roof, and ran quickly outside the courtyard. The Mongolian ghosts and wizards who were kneeling in the courtyard saw Lu Yunzhi, and Old Sun Tou After giving the order, the ghost witches all chased after Lu Yunzhi. Although his skills were not as strong as Lu Yunzhi's, they were still nimble. The two of them threw everyone up the wall with their arms, then ran at a faster speed and jumped onto the roof. , followed suit and all went up to the roof, leaving only Lao Suntou standing in the courtyard. Qu Xiangtian saw the ghost witch's skills and said, "Although he is too clumsy, he is not stupid. He moved quickly when he fell. Liuxia shared the pressure on the bricks and tiles. Although the bricks and tiles on the house you were looking at withstood the force of their sudden stop and fall, there were no signs of shattering. These Mongolian ghosts and witches are quite interesting. " Han Yueqiu put her fingers on her lips and shushed, then stared at the group of ghosts and witches and Lu Yunzhi, who was constantly flashing. Not far away, a thick haunted house believer flew past, Lu Yunzhi He turned around, stretched out his right hand, and suddenly grabbed the man's Adam's apple. Using the force of the man's flying kick, he used the force to guide him and threw him off the roof. His fingers were bent into an aquiline shape, and a piece of fresh meat from the man's neck was still hanging on his fingers. It was so fast that blood didn't even come out, so Lu Yunzhi's hands were clean except for the piece of meat on the ghost witch's neck. If everyone hadn't been hiding, another person would have yelled. He took the opportunity to make up for it, and his reaction was quick. He grabbed Lu Yunzhi's shoulders tightly with both hands, used one leg as a stumbling block, and tried to throw Lu Yunzhi to the ground with great force. The reveal of this Mongolian wrestling technique actually knocked them out. Lu Yunzhi's identity was undoubtedly revealed. Lu Yunzhi took advantage of the opportunity to throw his legs upside down and kicked the man in the back of the head. The man fell down next to Lu Yunzhi. In an instant, the roof could no longer contain the fight between the several people. A large area collapsed all of a sudden. Lu Yunzhi quickly shook his shoulders and pushed hard with his arms to push the man into the big hole in the roof. Then he just kicked and quickly supported the tiles of the roof with his hands. Tian flipped somersaults before reaching the cave and jumped onto the courtyard wall next to the house. The golden rooster stretched out one arm and hooked at the ghost witch who fell into the hole, and shouted: "Come again!" " Several ghost wizards shouted in Mongolian and jumped to the wall. The wall was very narrow and there was no room for two people to stand on it. The advantage in numbers was immediately lost. But whether it is the current Wala, Tatar, or No matter how hard you try, these are all the peoples who lived on the grasslands in the past. They are all the descendants of the soldiers who followed Genghis Khan to conquer the world. They have a hint of toughness in their nature. They know that they are not as good as Lu Yunzhi in a single fight, but they are still Swarming forward, Lu Yunzhi took out a handful of copper coins and threw them at the Mongolian ghost witches who were lining up one after another. They were shocked and thought it was a unique hidden weapon. Comparatively, but proficient in strange weapons, the person at the front seemed to have suffered a big loss in this area before. At this time, he suddenly climbed down and dodged the copper coin. Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 48 Qu Xiangtian¡¯s Dream The people behind the ghost witch who climbed down were startled and shouted. They stretched out their hands to hit the flying thing, but when they saw that it was just copper coins, they grabbed it with their backhand. After looking at it for a while, they laughed and stopped attacking. Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi also showed a faint smile, but pinched a magic weapon in his hand and read: "Ghost money, ghost coins, ghost silver coins. It consumes wealth, consumes luck, and consumes life." A few gray-white smoke floated out of several copper coins. The Mongolian men were not panicked by the strange things. Instead, they laughed even more happily. Gray-white things revolved around several people. One of them muttered a few words in Mongolian, and then a cloud of smoke stopped in the air and followed the person's instructions to the left and right. The person laughed and said in proficient Chinese. : "What kind of young man from heaven and earth is good at martial arts, but the art of exorcising ghosts is a bit poor. You don't know who we are, but we are ghost witches. If these little ghosts can trouble us, we will go with you." There was a person behind him, it was the waiter in the shop. Although he was thin, he looked very strong at the moment. He laughed and said: "I'm sorry, we just accepted these ghosts." Another person muttered in blunt Chinese. They said: "Fool!" As they said this, several people took out the silverware in their arms, shook it, and stood up. The person who spoke first seemed to be the most skilled. Without waving anything, the ghost floated towards him. He stretched out his hand as if to pull through the misty smoke. Old Suntou, who was standing in the courtyard, had been watching the fight with a smile on his face. From time to time he muttered in Chinese: "Well, the foundation is good, let's accept another apprentice." Suddenly his face darkened and he ran towards the wall. The disciples who were collecting the ghosts shouted in Chinese in a panic: "Run, they are evil spirits. They are of the Zhongzheng lineage." At this moment, several groups of gray-white smoke-like ghost spirits gradually turned red in color. , as if there is a surge of blood in the body, and it is so hazy, fuzzy and mysterious that it makes people shudder after looking at it for a long time, but I don¡¯t know why it is like this. Suddenly the shapes of these ghosts suddenly became clear, and they rushed towards the group of Mongolian ghosts and witches. They were shocked, and the silverware in their hands seemed to be covered with a layer of rust. Old Suntou ran to the base of the wall and kicked on the wall. He had already taken out a silver claw in his hand and clasped it at one of the evil spirits. When he was about to touch the red evil spirit before his body was stable, he suddenly heard a faint sound of breaking through the air. He turned around suddenly and almost urinated in fear, as a golden dagger sliced ??past him. Old Suntou is considered to be old and strong, but he is very old, but he suddenly came across an iron bridge. He leaned back and hit the man with his silver claw, but he saw a dagger of the same silver mixed with iron holding Silver. With his claws, Old Sun rolled over and rolled to the side, only to see bits of blood dripping on the ground. He stretched out his hand to touch his nose, and a piece of it was cut off abruptly. Who is it but Han Yueqiu who has such kung fu? Han Yueqiu shouted loudly and started fighting with Lao Sun. They immediately changed their moves and the fight became lively. From time to time, the two of them released their respective ghosts to attack each other. In the blink of an eye, Lu Yunzhi looked relaxed at the moment. The group of Mongolian ghosts and witches in front of him were busy fighting the red evil spirits, and they were gradually too busy to react. A steel knife passed through a person's head and fell to the ground quietly, rolling away a long way. It seemed very simple, but actually being able to cut off the head with one knife requires real skills. Dare I ask if there are executioners from generation to generation who haven't cut off the head with a single knife? Human bones are very hard, and the knife cannot be cut off without using the right position and strength. Not to mention how skilled the executioner is who stands and swings the knife. , at this moment, Fang Qingze was running with his sword in his hand, but he also cut off a person's head with a clean and neat movement, fully displaying his true talent and knowledge. Qu Xiangtian even more powerfully pierced the two men with an iron spear, strung the two Mongolian ghosts and wizards together, and then raised his head to the sky and shouted with great pride. Lu Yunzhi also drew his sword and stepped forward to kill a ghost witch. At this time, three people who had just fallen from the roof into the hole climbed out of the house. Han Yueqiu and Lao Suntou were fighting farther and farther, and they were already fighting from the backyard to the front yard. If they were purely physical fighting, it wouldn't have taken so much effort, but they both used all they had learned and it was hard to tell them apart. The three people crawled out of the house and looked around but saw no trace of Lao Suntou. When they saw the bodies of several companions on the ground, they were so frightened that they ran away shouting in Mongolian. Just as Qu Xiangtian was about to call for chase, he suddenly felt something behind him. There was a chill, and he suddenly looked back, only to see a colorful black turbid thing standing behind him. Qu Xiangtian himself didn¡¯t know why ghosts usually ran away when they saw him, but this was the first time he had been so close to ghosts since he entered the righteous lineage of heaven and earth. He shouted loudly, but saw the ghost disappear, and a ghost rose into the sky. Lu Yunzhi flew forward and fixed it with a magic talisman, saying: "This is Yu Ting's one soul and two souls." After that, they rescued her. Shi Yuting and others intercepted the emperor and helped Emperor Zhu Qizhen to establish great achievements. Zhu Qizhen allowed her to participate in politics. From then on, she became the commander-in-chief of the five armies, fighting on the battlefield and traveling north and south. Murong Yunfei gave birth to two sons for herself. . willHuzi, father and son went to the battlefield together to charge and strategize. Regardless of strategy or bravery, they were no less than others and dominated the world. But suddenly one day, an unknown enemy invaded the border and entered the Ming Dynasty's many passes like a broken bamboo. Qu Xiangtian led his troops to attack, but inexplicably no one was left alive. His two sons died in battle. The enemy troops rushed into the capital. When Qu Xiangtian endured his grief and returned to the capital for rescue, he found that he was on top of the city tower. The station was already full of enemy troops, and all the flags were replaced with enemy symbols. Qu Xiangtian got off his horse and knelt down in pain because he saw Murong Yunfei's body stripped naked and hung on the city gate. The city gates were wide open, and the enemy troops charged out. Qu Xiangtian tried his best but could not defeat the enemies, as if they were not afraid of swords or fire and were indestructible. Qu Xiangtian looked back behind him. No one was there except himself. He picked up his steel gun, drew his saber and rode towards the enemy troops all over the mountains and plains. When he was cut off from his horse, he Only the separated head of the corpse could be heard shouting: "Heaven wants to kill me!" Then the world turned black and became silent. When Lu Yunzhi saw the mass approaching Qu Xiangtian, he quickly pulled out a handful of jade Ruyi from his waist to come forward to fight, chanting in his mouth: "Ruyi breaks the demon, dissolves the bell and resolves the resentment." He bit the tip of his tongue and mixed it. Spitting blood from the mouth towards the nightmare. The nightmare suddenly stepped back, and then quickly circled around Lu Yunzhi twice, but there was nothing she could do to him. Lu Yunzhi walked on the Big Dipper Star Steps, silently reciting a mantra, and approached Qu Xiangtian. She patted Qu Xiangtian, but she saw that he fell forward as soon as he touched him. Murong Yunfei quickly helped her, but was hit heavily by Qu Xiangtian. The bodies were so compressed that they fell to the ground together. Qu Xiangtian fell asleep, and the only way to save him was to defeat Nightmare, but Lu Yunzhi knew in her heart that she could not defeat this fifth-ranked evil ghost with her own strength. It was possible that my sworn brother, Qu Xiangtian, would never wake up again. Thinking of this, I felt sad for a moment. Nightmare moved at high speed, suddenly gave up on Lu Yunzhi and pounced towards Fang Qingze. Fang Qingze was shocked, took out a small golden Buddha accessory from his arms, formed the eight-armed Arhat seal with his hands, and chanted: "No illusion, no illusion." The Buddha-nature is destroyed, and neither delusion nor Zen can be found in the heart." Then he recited a section of the Diamond Sutra repeatedly. The nightmare did not stop, but passed through Fang Qingze's body, and the little golden Buddha suddenly burst apart. A golden light flashed out from the golden Buddha. He ran up to the sky, only to see the nightmare suddenly jump up and his black body instantly enveloped the Buddha's light. The Buddha's light merged into the darkness and gradually became faint. Lu Yunzhi held Jade Ruyi in his right hand and held the Bagua mirror above his head in his left hand, and rushed over to fight with the nightmare. Unexpectedly, the nightmare did not fight with it at all, but kept dodging. Lu Yunzhi was not stupid, he knew that the nightmare was there. When his physical energy is exhausted and the pain on the tip of his tongue disappears, he will be like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, so Lu Yunzhi drags Fang Qingze and Qu Xiangtian to one place. Then he sat cross-legged in the middle, put the Bagua mirror on his knees, kept changing the directions of several hexagrams, and muttered words. Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 49 Dream Counterattack (Additional Update) Murong Yunfei withdrew a few feet of white silk to form a circle around everyone, then knelt on the ground with her hands clasped together, raised her hands above her head and shot up to the sky, then quickly lowered her hands and spread them on the ground, saying a bunch of words for everyone to listen to. The language I don¡¯t understand seems to be Xianbei dialect. Xianbei dialect sounds almost the same as Mongolian, but it has a different flavor when spoken in Murong Yunfei's mouth. Lu Yunzhi thought as he thought about the solution. If he continues like this, he will always be swallowed by nightmares. Will he wait until dawn? I don¡¯t know how powerful this unformed nightmare is, but if it absorbs enough people¡¯s souls and creates enough dreams, even the sun can¡¯t do anything to it. The so-called golden rooster will go away after dawn, only to deal with ordinary ghosts and spirits. , **Evil ghosts, including some evil spirits, are not afraid of the appearance of sunlight at all. "So what if this nightmare is afraid of the sun, but his escape heralds the end of Shi Yuting's life, and perhaps even Qu Xiangtian Fang Qingze may not be able to wake up. Lu Yunzhi glanced sideways at Fang Qingze, who was lying on the ground. At this moment, he was not as angry as Qu Xiangtian, but was smiling. The nightmare was currently creating a sweet dream for him. Fang Qingze had a good dream. In the dream, like Qu Xiangtian, he rescued the emperor Zhu Qizhen. Zhu Qizhen not only rewarded him with gold and silver, but also gave Fang Qingze a great benefit, that is, no matter how big or small the shops he opened, they were free of charge. To pay taxes, the caravans involved do not need to pay customs clearance fees or carry customs ultimatums. All they need is a big seal from Fang Qingze and everything will be worry-free. From then on, Fang Qingze's business flourished, Lu Yunzhi became a member of the Zhongzheng lineage, Qu Xiangtian became a general, and he left the Zhongzheng lineage according to his ancestors' instructions, and he had no intention of studying anymore, Abacus The calculations got bigger and bigger, and in the end they even used the King of Hell's abacus, which is a long abacus composed of forty or fifty people. Each abacus is more than half a person tall, which represents one thing. Fang Qingze was as wealthy as his country at this time, so he smiled happily and proudly. When Lu Yunzhi looked at Fang Qingze again, she found that he was frowning, wondering what kind of dream he was dreaming about. In his dream, Fang Qingze ate big fish, big meat, delicacies from mountains and seas, and enjoyed every delicacy in the world. With all kinds of rare treasures placed everywhere in the house, and having married more than ten concubines, Fang Qingze felt more and more that this person didn't look like him anymore. This was not what he wanted, really not. What he wants is not peace and happiness, not enjoying all the glory and wealth. What he wants is the sense of busyness and fulfillment that wealth brings to him. As for spending such extravagant money, Fang Qingze is reluctant to part with it. He knows that every penny he spends is hard-earned. He suddenly laughed in his sleep, because he already knew that all this was false. He shouted with all his strength: "This is not what I want! Nightmare, you lose." After shouting, he opened his eyes. , and then suddenly Qu Xiangtian opened his eyes, and said viciously with bloodshot eyes: "Nightmare, you should be a hero in life and a hero in death. You think that the defeat in the dream is the same as the death in the dream. Can you kill me? Even if I become a ghost, I will kill all my enemies, because there are three words in my heart: I don¡¯t accept it.¡± At this time, the nightmare no longer revolves around people, and the colorful lights on my body are spinning faster and faster. , suddenly a whistle-like sound exploded into the air, and with a pop, the nightmare gradually disappeared, becoming more and more blurry, as if covered with a layer of fog. Lu Yunzhi flew up and jumped towards the sky. Although Qingze opened his eyes, his body Too weak to get up. Lu Yunzhi pinched Shura Jue, stretched out his hand and inserted it into Nightmare's body, then took out a small bamboo bottle with his left hand, suddenly took out something and put it into the bottle, then somersaulted back and took out a piece of yellow paper from his arms to draw. Putting the talisman on the bamboo bottle, he breathed a long sigh of relief and said: "Two brothers, you defeated the nightmare, and I have taken back one soul and two souls of Yu Ting." As soon as he finished speaking, he saw the body of the nightmare gradually disappearing. Rushing towards the crowd, Lu Yunzhi threw the Bagua Mirror and chanted: "Heaven's Bagua, all living beings suffer." Suddenly, Nightmare hit the Bagua Mirror, and with a bang, the Bagua Mirror flew out. Nightmare still went straight to the ground lying on the ground. Qu rushed toward Tian and Fang Qingze. Lu Yunzhi didn't shout, but without stopping, he jumped in front of Qu Fang and the two of them. He stretched out his arms to block them. If the nightmare ghost body hadn't been erratic and his speed had been greatly reduced, Lu Yunzhi wouldn't have been able to catch up. In front of it, he didn't think too much at the moment, except that Qu Xiangtian Fang Qingze was his sworn brother, and his only relative in this world besides Mr. Shi. Lu Yunzhi just wanted to use his body and life to stop what was happening in front of him. Qu Xiangtian and Fang Qingze naturally saw all this and shouted: "Third brother, get out of the way!" It was too late. The nightmare hit Lu Yunzhi's body, but it did not come out like before. It disappeared without a trace. Everyone breathed a long sigh of relief, and Qu Xiangtian cursed: "Why are you so fucking stupid, third child!" As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Yunzhi leaned back and fell down. Fang Qingze tried his best. A roll occurred under Lu Yunzhi's body.Lu Yunzhi closed her eyes tightly, frowning slightly but not waking up no matter how she swayed. Murong Yunfei stretched out her jade hand and placed it on Lu Yunzhi's pulse. She looked at Qu Xiangtian in silence for a moment and shook her head. Qu Xiangtian burst into tears and asked tremblingly: "My third brother is hopeless?" Fang Qingze didn't scream or cry, he just looked at everything in front of him dullly, as if he was in another world. Murong Yunfei hurriedly wiped the tears from Qu Xiangtian's eyes, and said in a panic: "No, no, the pulse is stable, and there is no sign of ghost possession. I just don't know what's going on, so I shake my head because I can't tell. "When Qu Xiangtian heard this, he stopped crying, suddenly turned over and lay on his back, shouting. He didn't know how to express his current mood in any words, maybe only these few loud noises without any content. Drinking can express this kind of comfort and happiness. Fang Qingze was no longer in a daze. He was crying with snot and tears. He tried his best to raise his hands to cover his face. A man ran into the backyard, holding an arm dripping with blood. It was his second senior brother Han Yueqiu. Han Yueqiu saw several people lying on the ground, and no one was awake except Murong Yunfei. She hurriedly threw away the residual arm, ran to him and asked, "Junior Brother Qu, are you okay?" Qu Xiangtian looked at him. Han Yueqiu's eyes flashed and she said hurriedly: "Second senior brother, go and see Yunzhi quickly and see how he is doing!" Han Yueqiu stepped forward, placed one palm on Lu Yunzhi's head, took a deep breath, and closed his eyes. After pondering for a long time, he said with a sigh: "It's really strange. Junior Brother Lu's soul is not missing or damaged, his body has no obvious trauma, and his breathing is stable. You can see that his expression is still changing, let's hurry up Come on, if Lu Yunzhi is still not well in two days, we will send someone back to the capital to let Master and the old man take a look. "It's really strange." After Qu Xiangtian heard that Lu Yunzhi's life was not in danger. He took a long breath and stood up slowly. Although he was a little shaken, he stood firm after shouting a few times. He asked: "Second Senior Brother, are you okay? You are covered in blood." Han Yueqiu smiled slightly, this was a song Xiang Tian rarely saw Han Yueqiu smile, and only heard him say: "It's not my blood, it's all that ghost witch Old Suntou. It seems he is the leader of the ghost witches, and he can fight with me alone for so long. Ghost. Wu Mianyan's strength for thousands of years cannot be underestimated. Compared with other branches of Tiandiren, the difference is huge. However, it is unlucky for him to encounter our Zhongzheng branch today. I left one of his arms. Four spiritual talismans were inserted into his body. I don¡¯t think he will be able to sacrifice to ghosts within half a year. And our success today is not only because your will is strong enough and Lu Yunzhi¡¯s skills are proficient enough, but more importantly because of this. The nightmare is not powerful enough. If Yun Zhi is okay, it will be worth it this time, look at that arm as our trophy." Han Yueqiu pointed to the bloody broken arm on the ground. Fang Qingze sighed and said: "Senior brother, the bamboo bottle on the ground is the soul recovered by my third brother. It belongs to Yuting. Go and rescue Yuting. I'm almost done. I'll get up and take care of Yunzhi." After saying that, she tried to stand up. Han Yueqiu nodded with a frosty face, grabbed the bottle, walked into the room and carried Shi Yuting out after a while. Shi Yuting, who was lying on Han Yueqiu's back, had opened her eyes and murmured charmingly: "Where am I?" Seeing that Shi Yuting was fine, several people felt relieved. "You can't stay here for a long time. Miss Murong, you take Yuting with you, and I'll take Yunzhi on my back. Junior Brother Qu, Junior Brother Fang, you two take care of yourselves. Let's leave this place of right and wrong quickly." Han Yueqiu said coldly, returning to his usual self. Serious and cold. Everyone walked out of the yard and walked through the hall to the front of the inn. The sky was already bright at this time. Everyone was exhausted after a night of tossing. A few people got on their horses and whipped away. During the jolt, Lu Yunzhi suddenly let out a breath and woke up with a muffled groan. He came over, opened his eyes and scanned the crowd and asked, "Where is Yingzi?" Han Yueqiu and others then remembered that Yingzi had disappeared since the battle between several men and the evil ghost nightmare. Where had she gone? Volume One Sudden Change Chapter 50 Where is Yingzi? Lu Yunzhi saw that no one answered, and also knew that everyone was in a hurry during the battle just now and naturally had no time to take care of the unfamiliar Yingzi. Shi Yuting was still relatively weak and leaned in Murong Yunfei's arms. Before Lu Yunzhi woke up, Having listened to Murong Yunfei's account of what had just happened, she suddenly felt uneasy. Hearing Lu Yunzhi's question at this moment, Shi Yuting reacted first and said happily: "Brother Yunzhi, are you awake?" Lu Yunzhi did not answer Shi Yuting's words, but looked at Han Yueqiu and said: "Put me down. "Han Yueqiu didn't say anything. He just waved his whip to make the horse run faster. Lu Yunzhi took two deep breaths and suddenly grabbed the horse's mane, and then bowed his body towards Han Yueqiu. Han Yueqiu did not expect him to do this. Although he stabilized his body, he left a gap. When he sat down, the horse was so painful that it stopped. Neighing and raising his horse's hooves, Lu Yunzhi then leaned back and continued to resist Han Yueqiu, using the gap to turn over and get off the horse. There were three empty horses behind him, two of which belonged to Lu Yunzhi and Shi Yuting. The horses were only allowed to follow because one of them was unconscious and the other was weak. The remaining horses belonged to the Mongolian ghost witch who was killed and are now used. Carry dry food, clothing, etc. Lu Yunzhi rushed up to one of the horses, then turned the horse around. Shi Yuting shouted: "What are you doing!" Lu Yunzhi whispered: "I'm going to see what happened to Yingzi. I have a bad feeling." Shi Yuting didn't even look when she saw Lu Yunzhi talking. Looking at himself, he muttered aggrievedly: "Why do you care so much about that soul-eating beast? She's just a wild woman." Lu Yunzhi shouted at Shi Yuting angrily: "Shut up, she saved your life." Shi Yuting heard this. Lu Yunzhi was stunned for a moment by his roar. Lu Yunzhi, whom he had known since childhood, had always been gentle and gentle, and never yelled at him like he did today. For a moment, he didn't know what to do. The more he thought about it, the more aggrieved he became. The ticking of the falling jade plate started to cry. Lu Yunzhi didn't talk nonsense and just shouted: "You guys wait for me in front. I'll come as soon as I go." After saying that, he rode away. Qu Xiangtian also followed Lu Yunzhi with a wave of horse heads and a whip. Fang Qingze was unwilling to accept it. He quickly followed behind. Murong Yunfei comforted Shi Yuting beside her and said, "Sister, don't cry. Yun Zhi is right. After all, she saved us, right?" Shi Yuting was also reasonable. She was just messing around and nodded when she heard Murong Yunfei's words. , wiped the tears from her eyes, and said: "Sister Murong, let's go and have a look too." Murong Yunfei looked at Han Yueqiu. Han Yueqiu didn't say anything but silently turned the direction to urge the horse, and also moved towards Lu Yunzhili. Run in the direction you want to go. So Murong Yunfei stopped hesitating and shouted softly: "Fight!" The horse under her body followed Han Yueqiu and ran out. Lu Yunzhi arrived in front of the inn, got off his horse and rushed to the backyard. After a few somersaults and jumps, he reached the roof of the house he had just hidden, and observed carefully. Suddenly, I discovered that there were several cracked tiles on the roof that had been hidden just now, as if there had been a fight. He looked again and found another piece of black cloth. It seemed to be the night clothes that Yingzi was wearing. When he picked it up, he felt that it was sticky and covered with blood. Lu Yunzhi said to Fang Qingze who followed him closely: "Second brother, if I remembered correctly just now, Yingzi is at the back, right?" Fang Qingze nodded and replied: "Well, the second senior brother said that the elder sister-in-law and Yingzi should be at the rear. In fact, I thought my sister-in-law might be of some help when it came to dealing with nightmares, but when it came to fighting, the Murong family was far behind. The reason why Yingzi stayed behind was because she was also a woman and her martial arts skills were not inferior. I forgot that they fought with us all night not long ago, so it¡¯s not wrong to leave them behind as support.¡± Qu Xiangtian continued: ¡°Actually, I felt very inappropriate when I heard this, after all. I still have doubts about Yingzi, but now it seems that Yingzi helped us solve our worries and started fighting with someone on the roof. But even if we couldn't see it, why didn't we hear it, and it didn't matter whether it was success or failure. I saw the hostage threat from the enemy and did not see Yingzi returning victoriously. Anyway, I think there is something fishy about it. What do you think?" Fang Lu nodded and Lu Yunzhi said, "That's right. Anyway, let's find Yingzi first. Let's talk." He jumped off the roof, spun his body in the air, and squatted down with his feet to relieve the force of his fall. He was extremely dexterous. Lu Yunzhi pulled up a piece of grass from the ground, broke it, tore it into small pieces and threw it into the air. Fang Qingze fell to the sky and looked carefully, only to find that Lu Yunzhi was using ancient methods to predict fortune. Although Qu Xiangtian and Fang Qingze know this method of interpreting plants and trees as fortune-telling objects, they are not very proficient in it, because this algorithm requires a certain amount of talent and hard study. A weapon in the art of war, a man who loves making money and has no interest in this aspect. Lu Yunzhi listened intently and suddenly said: "Someone is coming!" The three of them immediately hid in the darkness. They arrived before the sound came, and people from all over the place heardShi Yuting shouted: "Brother Yunzhi is really tormenting me to death." Only then did Lu Yunzhi and the other three people emerge from their hiding places. It turned out that Shi Yuting, Han Yueqiu, Murong Yunfei and the others had caught up with them. Murong Yunfei asked: "Xiangtian, how is your investigation?" Qu Xiangtian pondered for a moment and asked: "What happened on the roof just now? Can you hear the sound? According to our observation, there was a fight. What happened? Do you know when it was?" Murong Yunfei thought about it and said: "Yingzi was always by my side before, but I fell off the roof when I saw the nightmare. As a result, you were possessed by the nightmare at this time. "Shu, I didn't know where Yingzi was in my desperation. I guess it must have happened at that time." Lu Yunzhi kept his head down and muttered something silently. Han Yueqiu listened and looked at the grass on the ground, waiting for Lu Yunzhi. After saying that, he asked: "Has Yunzhi figured it out?" Lu Yunzhi paused and said, "Well, it's a bit dangerous. If we pursue it quickly, we might still have room to turn around." As he said that, he ran towards the door, and several people Not to be outdone, his physical strength was almost restored at this moment and he naturally followed Lu Yunzhi and rushed out. Lu Yunzhi got on his horse and ran towards the north with a whip. Shi Yuting was riding alone at this time and said to herself: "This Lu Yunzhi is going to scatter me." Although she complained, she was fast. Not slow, Murong Yunfei caught up with her and said teasingly: "Stop complaining, otherwise it will be time to make your brother Yunzhi angry again." When Shi Yuting heard this, her face turned red and she whipped her horse. At the same time, she said to Murong Yunfei in a naive manner: "Sister Murong, even you are teasing me. You cultivators have really good ears. I can even hear myself muttering." A group of six riders raised a cloud of dust on the ground. Fading away. Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 51 Conspiracy Returning to half an hour ago, several people were fighting in the courtyard. Yingzi saw that several people easily solved many Mongolian ghosts and wizards. He also saw Han Yueqiu and Lao Suntou fighting farther and farther away, but suddenly discovered the five-light stream of the nightmare. The densely colored mass approached Qu Xiangtian. Before he could scream, he saw Qu Xiangtian motionless on the spot, and he knew in his heart that Qu Xiangtian must have been possessed by a nightmare. I saw Murong Yunfei jumping up and running towards the place where Qu Xiangtian was. Her feet were hanging on the eaves of the house in the air. After holding on to the roof beam with her hands, she landed lightly. Although she was not very powerful, Murong Yunfei, dressed in white and with such a beautiful figure and black hair, looked like a moving fairy under the moonlight, which made Yingzi look a little crazy. Yingzi suddenly came to her senses and wanted to follow her, but a big hand suddenly strangled her neck. The moment she moved back, Yingzi felt a chill. It must have been a dagger pressed against her waist, and she wanted to scream. She came out to call for help and alerted everyone, but the hands were very strong and tightly clasped her throat, and the cry was suppressed. Yingzi clasped the man's wrist with both hands at his waist, trying to twist it back, but the man moved quickly and retracted his arm quickly. Yingzi clasped the man's wrist with both hands. He didn't have time to let go, so he yanked. The dagger on his back suddenly cut through Yingzi's waist, and a piece of fabric from his night clothes was torn off and fell on the roof tiles. Before Yingzi could see the person clearly, she was hit in the neck by a strong force. It turned out that the hand holding the dagger of the person behind him went around behind Yingzi and hit her hard. Yingzi groaned and fell into the man's arms. The man looked at the piece of rag stained with Yingzi's blood that fell on the ground. He smiled slightly and did not pick it up. He also ignored the tiles that he had just trampled to pieces, but He just smiled slightly, put Yingzi on his shoulders, jumped down behind the house and left. Half an hour later, Old Sun, who was clutching his shoulders, stumbled to a man with a few ghost wizards. The man was more than seven feet tall and was a burly man, but his face showed a faint look of strength. When a few people came over and cast a sidelong glance, they continued to sit cross-legged and close their eyes to rest. Old Sun Tou looked extremely embarrassed, with blood contamination all over his upper body. It seemed that hemostatic powder had been sprinkled on the broken arm and no longer gushed out blood. His face was pale and he was grinning in pain. I saw him yelling at the man who was sitting cross-legged: "Dr. Qian, you were here just now, why didn't you save me?" The big man, known as the Dharma Protector, stood up and stared into Lao Suntou's eyes. With murderous intent in his eyes, Lao Suntou quickly knelt down on one knee, held his chest with his right hand and said humbly: "I am impulsive, please protect the law and atone for my sins." Qi Yan ignored Lao Suntou and just walked slowly past him. body, and then said: "We belong to the same sect, but I have more important things to do, so I didn't come out to save you." He turned back to look at the back of Lao Suntou who was kneeling on the ground, and said: "Do you still want to Ask, what important thing is more important than the life of your disciple?" Old Suntou did not turn around and murmured: "I don't dare, I am just a little envoy, how dare I question the protector?" Qi Yan smiled. He stood up, with a chill in his laughter, and said with a smile: "It's okay to tell you. Did you know why they were on guard just now? It was because of a woman's report. She saw through the trap you set, but you also It was unlucky enough to meet the Zhongzheng lineage. This was something neither you nor I expected. It was just that I came up with a plan on a whim, so I haven't come out yet. Now I have subdued her and put one in her body. Evil spirit, I think that young man named Lu Yunzhi today will become a great person in the future, and will most likely become the leader of the Zhongzheng lineage. And through this woman, we will definitely be able to get close to Lu Yunzhi. When the time comes, Use evil spirits to control this woman and let her cause mischief behind our backs. We should cooperate with each other inside and outside. Then why worry about the integrity of Zhongzheng? " As she spoke, Qiyan kicked away the surrounding weeds, revealing a naked woman lying on the ground. It was Yingzi who still had a faint trace of blood under her body. Several ghost witches were tragically killed by fellow disciples, the master was injured, and the nightmare that had been worshiped for a long time was annoyed by a series of things that happened. When he saw such a beautiful woman in front of him, he suddenly His bestiality aroused, he found a breakthrough and pounced on it. However, the Qiyan Protector kicked away the person who came towards him. Old Suntou had already stood up and looked there with incomparable hatred on his face. When he saw the Qiyan Protector kicking away his disciple, he asked: "Master Protector, seeing that the woman's virginity has been broken with blood on her body, why can't you let my disciples relieve the hatred in your heart." The beggar protector looked back at Lao Suntou and said sarcastically: "You have forgotten what I am worshiping. A ghost?" Old Sun bowed his head and said, "My subordinates foolishly forgot that the protector was worshiping the evil ghost Shang Yang, and he was not allowed to have sexual intercourse with women, but this woman's blood stains?" The beggar protector said with a smile. : "Let me tell you together, this is the blood stain on her own waist, I? Just drop it on her lower body and make her mistakenly think that she is no longer a virgin. Do you know what I mean by doing this? First, let the boy named Lu feel guilty. That boy is a kind-hearted person and will definitely think that this woman lost her virginity to save him. In this way, he will be more considerate and even say that he would rather marry the woman in front of him than love her. people. Secondly, this woman is from the ghost-eating tribe. The more ghost souls she devours, the more powerful the evil spirits in her body will become. As for the last point, why I didn't let her lose her virginity is not just because I can't get close to women. " Lao Suntou continued: "You want to control Lu Yunzhi by using the blood of the broken chastity to rush the evil spirit into Lu Yunzhi's body when the two of them have sex one day. As long as he can become a member of the Zhongzheng lineage. Pulse Master, when the time comes, we can use Lu Yunzhi's hand to destroy the people of heaven and earth, and create the prosperous age of the Yuan Dynasty of Ghost Witches! " Qiyan Dharma Protector nodded and said: "It seems you are not stupid. Now that I have made it clear, let's leave quickly. This woman will wake up in a stick of incense. "With that said, several people walked away on foot. After walking for about an hour, they found a town, changed their horses and rode towards the territory of Yili, and ran into the wilderness to beg for beauty and protect Dharma. He held the reins. Under the blue sky and daylight, a black shadow fell from the sky, instantly smashing the several ghost witch cultists behind him into a pool of blood. Then the black shadow disappeared out of thin air, and for a while, the surrounding area seemed quiet. As if nothing had happened, Old Sun said with a trembling head: "It's Shang Yang, it's Shang Yang, you actually worshiped Shang Yang so much. Why do you want to kill them? Are you going to kill me too? " Qiyan nodded and said: "You got the answer right again. You killed them because they dared to act without my instructions. Is the authority of me, the Zuo Guardian, so insignificant in front of women? Please understand why I didn¡¯t kill you just now because you were qualified to die. " Old Sun Tou looked at his disciple being smashed into pools of blood. Tears flowed from his eyes and he kept repeating: "You are so cruel, so cruel. " Qiyan ignored Lao Suntou and continued: "The reason for killing you is that you contradicted me before and guarded your disciples to save your face. Now that they are dead, you should be buried with them. In fact, this is not the main reason, the most important thing is" Before he finished speaking, he saw Lao Suntou pull out a saber and wave it with his only arm and rush towards Qiyan, but Qiyan's protector smiled slightly and said A group of black shadows fell from the sky, and Old Sun Tou suddenly turned into a pool of blood like his disciples. At the same time, Qiyan smiled and whispered: "The main thing is because I just said too much, and I can hide the truth by myself. Two people died without evidence. " The beggar protector looked at the blood on the ground, laughed loudly, then whipped his horse and drove away. The sun shone on this man's body without a trace of warmth, but as cold as the twelfth lunar month in winter. The surrounding atmosphere suddenly made people's hair stand on end. stand up. Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 52 As expected Lu Yunzhi followed the calculated direction, and soon found Yingzi sitting on the ground shivering by the roadside. Yingzi was naked and hiding in the grass. Lu Yunzhi ran forward but was stunned for a moment. He saw the blood stains on the ground. One of the subjects of the people of heaven and earth is to study medicine, including many magic numbers, and the human body. Relatedly, although Lu Yunzhi is young, you know very well that Yingzi has lost her virginity. Lu Yunzhi took off his coat and put it on Yingzi. Yingzi looked up and saw that Lu Yunzhi suddenly turned paler. He pushed Lu Yunzhi away and shouted: "Go quickly, go quickly. I don't want you to see me like this, no!" Fang Qingze Qu Xiangtian and the two stood silently behind Lu Yunzhi, not saying a word at this moment, and they felt uncomfortable. They did not expect such a thing to happen. A fake smile appeared on Yingzi's pale face and she said to several people: "What's the matter? I'm a horse bandit on the mountain. Things like this come sooner or later. I'm fine." Lu Yunzhi stared at Yingzi with his eyes. He immediately hugged Yingzi into his arms and said, "Don't be afraid, no one in the world can hurt you with me." Qiyan's prediction was correct, Lu Yunzhi did not love Yingzi, they only met each other a few times. I have a good impression, but it's not love at first sight like Qu Xiangtian and Murong Yunfei. It's just that Lu Yunzhi's heart is full of self-blame and guilt at the moment. He knows that it is for their safety that Yingzi ends up like this. Now he just wants to protect the woman in front of him so that she will not be hurt at all, so that she will not be harmed. If you feel inferior and give up all worldly thoughts, whether it comes from guilt or apology, this is what Lu Yunzhi decided. Yingzi struggled in Lu Yunzhi's arms for a while, then lay on his shoulder and cried continuously. Lu Yunzhi gently stroked Yingzi's hair, and then said: "Let's go, let's wait for them to arrive, and hurry up and get on with it." Big brother and second brother, please don¡¯t mention today¡¯s matter to outsiders in the future. When everyone is safe, go to King Min¡¯s territory to find Zhu Jianwen. Don¡¯t worry, Yingzi. I will avenge you.¡± Yingzi looked at her eyes filled with tears in silence. Lu Yunzhi, at this time, the sound of horse hooves came from far away. Qu Xiangtian jumped on the horse and looked into the distance and said: "It's the second senior brother and the others." Lu Yunzhi picked up Yingzi and put Yingzi on the horse's back. , he turned over on the horse and hugged Yingzi, and put a layer of clothing under the saddle to make Yingzi feel more comfortable. Yingzi never raised her head, she just leaned in Lu Yunzhi's arms, silently losing her previous fierce and fierce image. When Han Yueqiu and others caught up with Lu Yunzhi, Lu Yunzhi whispered to Han Yueqiu, "Let's go" and rode away. Shi Yuting didn't know what happened, but she saw Yingzi clinging tightly to Lu Yunzhi's arms. For a moment, he became jealous and whipped his horse to catch up with Lu Yunzhi and shouted: "Brother Yunzhi, what are you doing?" Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and did not answer. Indeed, he did not know what to answer. Shi Yuting's thoughts He understands, but the more he understands, the less he knows how to answer. Shi Yuting became even more angry when she saw Lu Yunzhi not answering, and cursed: "A woman like this soul-eating beast is definitely not an unclean woman. You can't hold her, otherwise she will rely on her. A woman like this " Before he finished speaking, Lu Yunzhi roared: "Shut up!" Lu Yunzhi was angry. There was nowhere to vent the anger in his heart, but Shi Yuting ignited the spark that exploded for him. When she heard When Shi Yuting said "an unclean woman", Lu Yunzhi clearly felt Yingzi in his arms tremble, and he yelled at Shi Yuting in anger. Shi Yuting shed tears in grievance, and cried while jolting on the horse: "You are cruel to me, and you are cruel to me again. This is the second time today." Fang Qingze and Murong Yunfei rode between the two riders, separating them. , Murong Yunfei said: "Something must have happened, otherwise Yun Zhi would not be like this, please stop making trouble, I will ask her after a while, Yu Ting is obedient." Fang Qingze persuaded Lu Yunzhi: "Third brother, why are you so angry? It's not like you don't know that Yuting has been spoiled since she was a child. She has such a temper that she can say whatever she wants. Besides, she doesn't know if it's true. Little girl, why are you angry with her?" Lu Yunzhi hummed. He said for a moment: "From today onwards, Yingzi is my wife. Once we complete the mission and return to Beijing, we will hold a wedding. I will marry her. No one needs to persuade me about this. I have made up my mind and can never look back." Yingzi raised her head Looking at Lu Yunzhi, there were two lines of clear tears in her eyes. The tears hung on her cheeks along the delicate face, and then a smile appeared on the beautiful face, and her eyes were full of happiness. Lu Yunzhi wiped away Yingzi's tears with the back of her hand, and gave Yingzi a meaningful smile in return. When Shi Yuting heard this, she stopped shouting and just froze there like a bolt from the blue. She just let the horses gallop freely like a puppet without any expression. Han Yueqiu looked up to the sky and saw all this. The two of them were deeply moved at the same time. Sighing, the group of people flew away without saying a word along the way. The atmosphere suddenly became somewhat depressing and fell into an awkward silence. In the following days, although Yingzi has beenThe mood was not too high, but Lu Yunzhi's thoughtful care made Yingzi's face smile more and more. Every time Yingzi looked at Lu Yunzhi, her eyes were full of happiness. Although this shrewd girl would show some sadness every time she saw outsiders and would wake up from dreams late at night, Lu Yunzhi would hold her hand tightly every time she was scared to stop her from panicking. But as Yingzi gradually improved, Shi Yuting became more and more silent. Every time she saw Yingzi, there was a sense of resentment in her eyes. She would try to say something to Yingzi when there was no one around, but of course Lu Yunzhi was there. She didn't dare. Fortunately, Fang Qingze and Murong Yunfei intervened, and everything went smoothly. A month later, at noon, a few people rushed to Gongchang Mansion in Shaanxi, the territory of King Min. Shaanxi has not been a wealthy place since ancient times. Although the folk customs here are tough, they are also very simple. As long as they have a good relationship with the local residents, they will be successful. It is not good, so since the Hongwu period, various governments in Shaanxi have continued to increase taxes. The people are dissatisfied, but the simple nature of the farmers makes them accept it. Whether it is due to policy or natural environment factors, in short, under the guidance of Lu Yunzhi and his colleagues In his eyes, Gongchang Mansion is really a remote place. Fang Qingze said: "What do you think Zhu Jianwen is doing here? There is no money in the backcountry. If he had money and connections, King Min would not be assigned to this place. I really don't understand, hey." Qu Xiangtian answered He said: "Second brother, this is not true. Don't forget that the vassal kings have an army approved by the emperor, King Qin's army." Fang Qingze nodded thoughtfully after hearing this. Say yes repeatedly. When Zhu Yuanzhang established the Ming Dynasty, he allowed vassal kings from all over the country to recruit troops and horses, so that if the emperor in Kyoto was in danger, he could go to Qinwang. In other words, it means to help the emperor and rescue the emperor. It's just that although Zhu Yuanzhang believed that the descendants of the Zhu family would definitely unite, he was not stupid enough to trust him completely. Therefore, the number of soldiers and horses held by each vassal king was also limited, mostly around two thousand to four thousand. In other words, if there were rebels To cause rebellion, many vassal kings can jointly send troops to serve the king, but since ancient times, only one person has taken the lead in causing rebellion. There has also been the Rebellion of the Eight Kings, but no one has seen a dozen vassal kings jointly send troops to revolt. After all, even if such a situation occurs It is also self-defeating, because there is only one emperor. Once it succeeds, who will be the emperor is a big question. In fact, today is no better than in the past. Ever since Zhu Di, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, successfully ascended the throne as a vassal king who rebelled, he has vigorously reduced the vassal king's troops. Although Zhu Di had the strength to rebel because he had military power, he eliminated all possible chaos. possibilities, in which Yao Guangxiao, who did not identify himself as a person of heaven and earth, played an important role. Although Qu Xiangtian mentioned King Qin¡¯s army, when he saw the harsh environment, he still wondered in his heart who King Min was. He was worthy of being visited by the crown prince sent by Zhu Jianwen¡¯s father, King Wu, who was a sage in the south of the Yangtze River. Han Yueqiu and others asked a few people and then drove their horses to a small residence near the east gate of the city. Qu Xiangtian frowned. He really couldn't imagine that a vassal king would not be so miserable no matter how miserable he was. Hidden among the people. As soon as they met, Ma Lu Yunzhi said in surprise: "It's not simple, it's really not simple. You see, there are arrow marks on the eaves of the sedan at the door, and the marks are layered, which shows that every time their family When getting married, archery will be used in ancient times, and according to the traces, each arrow seems to be attached with a spiritual talisman. A total of three arrows will be shot to the eaves of the sedan chair to defeat the three ghosts and worship the heaven, earth and all spirits. However, this family is quite frugal, but it is not. It's like the sedan that the feudal lord's family usually rides, and it's the same sedan as the one used to welcome the bride, but the silk surface is changed. It's strange." Yingzi Lala Lu Yunzhi's arm pointed to the roof, and this sturdy girl seemed to be on the road. After a long silence, everyone followed Yingzi's direction and Han Yueqiu took a breath and said: "Baling Zhenzhai, this King Min is a member of the same group. It seems that this boy Zhu Jianwen is hiding a lot of things from us. " Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 53 Brothers Reunion Several people had just entered the courtyard when they saw Zhu Jianwen about to come out. Although there was a look of surprise on his face, it was not too exaggerated. It seemed that he had expected it. Fang Qingze had a good way of observing people's words. He stepped forward and punched Zhu Jianwen. The two of them hugged each other. Fang Qingze said: "Why, Lao Zhu, you are so powerful now that you can count on us. You are so powerful. It seems that you are called Jianwen." There is evidence." Zhu Jianwen hurriedly covered Fang Qingze's mouth and said, "Don't talk nonsense. This is my uncle's courtyard. If you want to call it a common name, call me Jianwen when you enter the inner hall." Everyone then remembered that the Zhu family. All kinds of princes and grandsons are named after the five elements. Zhu Di's son is named Zhu Gaochi, Zhu Gaochi's prince is named Zhu Zhanji, Zhu Zhanji's next is Zhu Qizhen, and Zhu Qizhen's successor is named Zhu Jianjun, so the prince The emperor's grandson was named according to the five elements. Wood generates fire, fire generates metal, metal generates water, and water generates wood. That's it. Zhu Jianwen's real name was Zhu Jianwen. It was just that Mr. Shi changed his name to Zhu Jianwen after observing his horoscope. If he was in the courtyard of the people of heaven and earth, even if the emperor came, he would He could only call himself Zhu Jianwen, but in addition to the control of the Zhongzheng lineage, he called Zhu Jianwen back to his uncle's house. The rules could not be changed, so he repeatedly covered Fang Qingze's mouth to prevent him from talking nonsense. Zhu Jianwen said with a bad smile: "Everyone, do you know who figured out where you are going to arrive?" Everyone shook their heads in confusion. Only Han Yueqiu smiled and replied: "Please come and meet me, Zhongzheng, the leader of the Yan Gua lineage." A disciple of the first line, Han Yueqiu, asked to see him. " Suddenly a man jumped out from the flowers nearby, kicked towards the sky in a straight line, and twisted his body to hit Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi grabbed the man's wrist. Kick the man under the arm. Qu Xiangtian didn't even look at it and gently swung it away with his arms. The man flew out and rolled into the flowers. It is true that among the people of the Central Plains, except for a few branches that are good at fighting skills, the other branches are really very different from the Kung Fu of the Zhongzheng line, let alone Lu Yun's direction. Such an outstanding person. Qu Xiangtian hummed: "You dare to show your embarrassment at seven or eight years old, why are you attacking us!" Han Yueqiu rolled her eyes at Qu Xiangtian and watched all this with cold eyes. She felt that the attack might be a bit harsh, but she saw Zhu Jianwen hurriedly ran into the flowers. Zhongla pulled a person and cursed: "You two hit too hard, old brothers, and you still use so much force." The man in the flowers also grumbled and said: "I haven't practiced for many years, what if it's too much?" You really are not good at it, I'll beat you all over the place." Everyone listened attentively. Except for Murong Yunfei and Yingzi, everyone felt that the voice was somewhat familiar, but it seemed that it had changed after a long time. So I couldn't tell who it was for a while. I saw Zhu Jianwen pulling up a person from the flowers and helping him pat the soil on his body. The man grinned, tilted his head and had an odd expression. He didn't look like a man who was about to lose his crown after tying up his hair. Like a monkey. Yes, it was a monkey. Qu Xiangtian, Qingze, and Lu Yunzhi all shouted in unison: "Skinny Monkey Wu Hao?!" Wu Hao suddenly ran towards a few people, and the five people hugged each other. They were extremely excited for a while, and Zhongzheng The five new disciples of the line, Sanfang disciples, have gathered together again. Just listen to Wu Hao say: "Stop being sensational, come with me to see my master, who is Lao Zhu's uncle Zhu Qigang." The remaining people walked into the courtyard, and Qu Xiangtian asked: "Skinny monkey, Why hasn't your kung fu changed? You're still so bad." The two of them have a good relationship, and even though they haven't seen each other for several years, they still show no mercy. Wu Hao muttered: "It's so cruel, it hurts me to death. I haven't practiced boxing or kicking since I left the Zhongzheng lineage. You don't know that I am the most favored disciple here. There is not so much homework here. There are only five or six masters and apprentices in total, but after a while you will know why Lao Zhu came to pay a visit to this emperor's uncle who can't be beaten with eight poles. What about you guys? Oh my dog ??eyes, I didn't see it. These three beautiful girls, Yu Ting, you are beautiful again, why are you not happy? Let me guess what these two girls are called." Wu Hao shook his head and said at one time: " This beauty in white is named Murong Yunfei. You seem to have a deep affection for Qu Xiangtian. The other girl in purple must be Fang Qingze¡¯s sweetheart. "Murong Yunfei had picked up a set of her own clothes on the way. Put it on for Yingzi, and then when they arrived in the town, Fang Qingze couldn't bear to eat and wear himself, but bought a lot of clothes for everyone. This was what the women wanted, and the pleasure of shopping made them fade away from the excitement among the team. The smell of jealousy. Murong Yunfei¡¯s skin is as white as snow, and her white clothes reflect her dazzling brilliance, which makes her look stunning. Looking at Yingzi on the other hand, although her skin is darker, she looks better than expected in a purple dress. She looks energetic, youthful and charming. She is a beauty among thousands of flowers, but the slight sadness on her face makes her slightly inferior to Murong. Yunfei a little bitAlready. Wu Hao has been a good person since he was a child, and he is well versed in all kinds of human affairs. He must have heard Zhu Jianwen talk about Murong Yunfei and Qu Xiangtian before, and he also knew that Shi Yuting had a good impression of Lu Yunzhi. As for the second senior brother Han Yueqiu Yumian Like a evil spirit, he would naturally not take a woman with him on the road. The only one left was Fang Qingze, so he spoke up and said that Yingzi was Fang Qingze's sweetheart. Fang Qingze kicked Wu Hao's butt and said, "What have you learned in the past few years! Don't talk nonsense." Lu Yunzhi smiled and held Yingzi's hand and said to Wu Hao, "Skinny monkey, this is My fianc¨¦e, Yingzi, will return to Beijing to marry Yingzi as soon as this time is completed. Then you have to come and have a wedding drink. " Zhu Jianwen looked at everything in front of him in surprise, and Wu Hao also opened his mouth and looked over there. Shi Yuting, who was so sad that she almost cried, then looked at Yingzi, who was full of happiness, and then at Lu Yunzhi, and stammered: "Hmm um definitely, who of us will follow whom? , my brothers, I wish you a happy marriage and a son soon Ouch, whoever kicks me again, can you stop kicking me!" Wu Hao turned around and saw Han Yueqiu sneered. Looking at himself, Wu Hao was afraid of Han Yueqiu since he was a child. Although he was almost made stupid for several years thanks to Han Yueqiu's "kind words", Wu Hao still swallowed his saliva and walked into the hospital with his head lowered. Zhu Jianwen said: "Well, everyone, please stop making trouble. Let's have a quick visit and rest tonight. We will set off on our journey tomorrow. I have finished my work here. According to the agreement, we can arrive in Yanghe earlier than expected if there are no accidents." I can make a judgment as soon as possible. What do you think, Second Senior Brother?" Han Yueqiu nodded. As soon as Zhu Jianwen finished speaking, an old man with a red face and a childish face and even a fairy spirit came forward. Lai clasped his fists and said: "Zhu Qigang, the leader of the Yan Gua lineage, is coming from afar. All the high disciples of the Zhongzheng lineage, please come in." Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 54: Hidden in the City Fang Qingze whispered: "This guy has a lot of background. You can see that he looks like an immortal." The old man heard clearly and laughed and said: "I'm just a mountain villager. Please come in." People followed them into the main hall one after another. After they sat down, several maids made tea for everyone. Zhu Qigang ordered: "Let the cook prepare a good banquet on the table and bring out the old wine. I will drink it with a few distinguished guests." A few cups." Several people stood up and thanked him, and Zhu Qigang greeted him and said: "Sit down quickly, sit down quickly. Zhu Jianwen is of the same blood as you, and he is my nephew. We are also from heaven and earth, so why be so polite." At that time, four men and four women came in through the screen in the back hall. The two older men and women were about forty years old, and the younger ones were also in their prime. They all dress like ordinary people, except that there are strange patterns on their clothes, or the jade buckles on their belts have mysterious layouts, which are the groups of various lineages in the world. Lu Yunzhi and others stood up and bowed to them one after another, clasping fists with each other. Because these six people were all members of the same sect, but with different branches, they naturally had to be polite. Zhu Qigang's face glowed red, and he stroked his beard and said: "Don't be polite, you are all from my own family, let me introduce you. These two people are my eldest son Zhu Jianqian, a member of the Heaven and Earth Man Divine Sword Lineage Six. The little dog Zhu Jianmiao, a member of the Heaven and Earth Man The eldest daughter-in-law and the younger daughter-in-law are disciples of the Tiandiren Ruzong lineage, the Doufang lineage, and the grandson daughter-in-law Bai Ruliu, and the Danding lineage." Only then did everyone understand the purpose of Zhu Jianwen's visit and win over each other. To win over Zhu Qigang is to win over several factions of the people of heaven and earth. Although only the Zhongzheng line can lead major events, the power between the various lines should not be underestimated. Shi Yuting came to her senses and said, "It turns out that we are disciples of the Dan Ding lineage. How do we call you two and my mother Lin Qianru?" The two of them said hurriedly and respectfully: "The disciple dare not call the master by his name." It turns out that Zhu Youxiang and Bai Ruliu He was the disciple of Shi Yuting's mother Lin Qianru. Shi Yuting walked up to the two of them happily, took Bai Ruliu's hand and called them "senior brother and sister" cheerfully. She had suffered too many grievances along the way, and now she could I have an outlet for happiness. The two of them were somewhat flattered by Shi Yuting's enthusiasm, and they returned the favor. Qu Xiangtian asked: "Master Zhu Pulse, my nephew is confused about something, can you give me some advice?" Zhu Qigang waved his hand and said with a smile: "Look, I just After saying that, don't be so polite, you still say you don't want to give me advice, but it doesn't matter." This sentence brought the younger nephew into the relationship between the two, which made Zhu Qigang very happy. Qu Xiangtian raised his hands and said: "Senior, as the leader of one lineage, why did he let his family defect to other lineages? This puzzles my nephew." Han Yueqiu coughed lightly, and Lu Yunzhi also looked at him with an embarrassed expression. Qu Xiangtian, Qu Xiangtian cursed in his heart how he could not help asking. There must be a more obscure reason, and it seems inconvenient to talk about it. Zhu Qigang burst out laughing and asked, "What do you think of Wu Hao?" Qu Xiangtian didn't know how to answer. Although the relationship was very good, Wu Hao had no strengths that he could praise. Seeing Qu Xiangtian pause, Fang Qingze had already seen that Zhu Qigang liked Wu Hao, so he accepted Qu Xiangtian's advice and said: "Wu Hao has been with us since he was a child. Everyone knows that he is smart and clever. He can understand by analogy." Strong, talented and talented" While the spitters were flying and talking, Zhu Qigang stretched out his hand to stop Fang Qingze and asked again: "Then why would he be kicked out of the Zhongzheng lineage? ?" The atmosphere suddenly became awkward, and Han Yueqiu said coldly: "Of course he violated the rules of the Zhongzheng lineage." Seeing Han Yueqiu's stern words, Lu Yunzhi quickly changed the subject: "Master Zhu, I see. On the sedan chair at our door, there is also the Baling Town House on the roof. I really want to ask for some advice. I hope the old man will not hesitate to teach me." Zhu Qigang laughed again and said: "It's easy to talk. "Fang Qingze also said hurriedly: "Zhu Qigang is also a person who is indifferent to fame and fortune. You see, living in a deep alley, who would dare to think that this is the residence of the master of the lineage?" Zhu Qigang's face suddenly became immortal. The anger hit his face again, making everyone feel unfathomable. He stood up, walked to the door of the house, turned his back to everyone, and said as if talking to himself: "The small hermit hides in the wild, the big hermit hides in the city. Only Only in the public houses and in the market can you gain real skills. "Lu Yunzhi nodded silently and hid in the city. This is why most of the Zhongzheng lineage is indifferent to external things. Although the master, Mr. Shi, does not deliberately ask for it, many disciples lead by example. Still deeply affected by it. After Zhu Jianwen whispered a few words into Han Yueqiu's ear, Zhu Qigang stood up and made an invitation gesture, and then ordered: "Hello Wu, I'll entertain several distinguished guests. I have something to discuss with you, Senior Brother Han. Then he stood up and took a few guests with him. The man and woman walked out, followed closely by Han Yueqiu, who nodded and walked out after listening to Zhu Jianwen's words. Wu Hao bowed respectfully, and immediately returned to his lively appearance as soon as Zhu Qigang walked away.Sitting on the chair of the Eight Immortals, he crossed his legs and said, "How do you feel, Old Bookworm Lu? You are the most diligent, and can you possibly figure out my master?" Lu Yunzhi nodded, then shook his head and said, "On the surface, his fate is I'm not very angry, so it's easy to figure it out, but the master is so charming and elegant, he must be a high-spirited person. If he is several times higher than me, he can change his destiny. I can't figure it out, or I can say it. What came out was what he wanted me to count." After speaking, Lu Yunzhi looked at Murong Yunfei and asked, "Sister-in-law, what do you think?" Murong Yunfei thought for a moment and said, "I didn't count it just now, but if I do it now. If you come to calculate, I can see a lot of images. I heard Xiang Tian say many times that Wu Hao is your brother, and I won't hide it anymore. Yun Zhi, I can only calculate a little bit of your hexagram, which is about the secret ten. As for the hexagram of three, our Murong family is different from you people in heaven and earth. As long as you are not several times higher than me, I can calculate a more accurate hexagram. It¡¯s just that the higher the ability of the person doing the calculation, the less we can calculate. . But Senior Zhu So either he is several times higher than me, or he is simply much less lucky than the others here. " Wu Hao clapped his hands and said with a smile, "That's not true. Besides, I like it. Sister-in-law, you are really right, we are just fooled. Do you still remember that I was beaten up by that fellow Ninth Senior Brother Liu Fulu? At that time, did you also think that I was incomprehensible? It is said that the end of our hexagram lineage is not the hexagram but the performance, which is to say that it is just a lie. ""Then the arrow marks and the Eight Spirits Zhenzhai are also fake?" Fang Qingze asked. Wu Hao shook his head and said: "That's not true. Do you think about why the master wants to send all his descendants to other lines? This is because you will not be able to learn true skills by following him. These things are nothing more than his." It¡¯s all done by the children and grandchildren. It¡¯s okay for my master to pretend to be an immortal, but he¡¯s not really an old immortal. That¡¯s why I was reused as an abandoned disciple of the Zhongzheng lineage. It¡¯s really ridiculous that all the lines are fighting for it. ." Wu Hao smiled bitterly and stopped talking for a moment. In fact, in his heart, he still liked his life in the Zhongzheng lineage. On the contrary, Lu Yunzhi repeated in a low voice the sentence of "hiding in the city". Wu Hao suddenly winked and patted Lu Yunzhi and said with a smile: "We haven't seen each other for a few years. We both have wives. We are still such a nerd. Just now my master What he said was a lie, and everyone would say that. "When Wu Hao said that Lu Yunzhi had a wife, tears appeared in Shi Yuting's eyes again, and she stared at Lu Yunzhi. . Lu Yunzhi felt uncomfortable when she saw Shi Yuting's sad eyes. She turned away and asked Murong Yunfei, "Sister-in-law, I've always forgotten to ask you, what does the hexagram of Mi Thirteen mean?" Murong Yunfei is so smart, she knows Lu Yunzhi changed the subject and quickly replied: "The Murong family's hexagrams are actually not accurate. Most of us just see them. It's too troublesome to explain, so I won't explain it for now. Let's just say that what I saw is actually not true. I¡¯m not very clear, but I just saw you, who is already forty years old, standing in a large hall. Your Highness is kneeling on one knee and many people are kneeling. Their right hands are clasped on their chests, and you are saying the Secret Ten. Three, and then recited a string of names, there are" Before he finished speaking, Zhu Qigang's eldest grandson Zhu Youxiang came in, bowed and said: "Please go to the side hall for dinner, the Grand Duke has invited you." After hearing this, several people heard. He stood up, stopped talking and walked to the side hall to eat. No one paid attention to the discussion just now, because it was just a way to relieve Shi Yuting's anger, but they didn't know that this hexagram determines everyone's fate. Time is just a chess piece. Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 55: Settling the Past (Additional Update) After everyone had a meal in the side hall, they went back to their houses to rest. Late at night, Shi Yuting couldn't fall asleep for a long time. She tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. The lingering figure of Lu Yunzhi was always in front of her eyes. Shi Yuting sighed and sat up, looking at the moonlight coming in from the window, stroking her black hair, feeling extremely melancholy, but at this time, the door was knocked. Shi Yuting opened the door and looked at an equally beautiful and incomparable woman outside the door. Shi Yuting opened the door and invited the woman to come in. She greeted her in a low voice: "Sister-in-law." Murong Yunfei looked at Shi Yuting and said: "Yu Ting, sister Murong knows that you are still thinking about you and Yunzhi, but you have done really well. At least you are not so resistant to Yingzi now. It shows that you have grown up." Shi Yuting sighed and replied : "Then what can I do? If I am too hostile, brother Yunzhi will hate me. I would rather not marry him. I will always be by his side and accompany him. If he hates me, I will not even have the last chance." They have all disappeared. " "You are still too young and have never seen any men. Maybe you will meet a man who will make you more passionate than before?" Murong Yunfei asked speculatively. Shi Yuting looked at Murong Yunfei and replied: "Although not, I will not marry anyone but Lu Yunzhi." Murong Yunfei smiled faintly, touched Shi Yuting's nose with her white jade hand, and said with a smile: "My sister is so affectionate. Tsk, my sister was touched by what you said, so I have a way and I wonder if you are willing to try it." Shi Yuting stared at Murong Yunfei for a long time with her big watery eyes, and then said: "I would like to hear it. Details." Murong Yunfei turned around and looked away. Shi Yuting hurriedly took her hand and shook her coquettishly: "Sister, my good sister, just tell me." Murong Yunfei turned to look. Shi Yuting said: "Is it okay for two girls to serve one husband together?" Shi Yuting's face changed greatly and she said: "Sister, this is absolutely unacceptable. Although the Zhongzheng lineage is not an ordinary sect, there are rarely three wives and four concubines in the sect. They have always been one husband and one. My wife is a fairy couple. As the grandson of Pulse Lord, how can I do this? It¡¯s so embarrassing. Besides, even if I agree, my parents won¡¯t agree. And looking at the current situation, even if everything is fine, I will. "Be younger." Murong Yunfei did not answer Shi Yuting's questions, but asked: "Why can Lu Yunzhi become your father's senior fellow apprentice at a young age?" Shi Yuting didn't know why but still replied: "That's because our Zhongzheng lineage is unmatched by ordinary sects. We are unique in doing things only based on ability, regardless of anything else." Murong Yunfei nodded and said: "That's good, then since there is a rule of eldest and youngest in the order of entry. It can be broken, why can't monogamy be broken? Is there any family rules and ancestral rules? As far as I know, there are no such things. Even if everyone objects, it doesn't matter. At most, Lu Yunzhi will still take you to travel around the world, depending on his ability. Are you still afraid that I can't protect you?" Shi Yuting lowered her head and asked silently: "Will he?" "He will. He has been avoiding your eyes these days, which shows that he cares about you, whether it is love or apology, but This is indeed caring. Since you want to stay together, even if everyone is against it, he will definitely take you away because of his heart that cannot bear to see others being hurt. I think you understand him better than I do because of his donkey temper. Even if your grandfather and his master Mr. Shi scolded him, he would probably kowtow a few times and then decide to go his own way. Don't you think so?" Murong Yunfei said with a smile. Shi Yuting thought of Lu Yunzhi's past deeds, and she burst into laughter in connection with what Murong Yunfei said about the donkey temper just now. Then she raised her eyes and looked at Murong Yunfei and said, "Then what should I do?" Murong Yunfei stroked her Shi Yuting's hair said: "The most important person now is actually Yingzi. Lu Yunzhi will definitely marry Yingzi. No one can change this situation, but whether you can marry him also depends on Yingzi. This kind of You can only come forward to find Yingzi yourself and tell her. I think Yingzi is a good person and will definitely help you mention it to Yunzhi. Now, Lu Yunzhi will agree to whatever you say. I think you're overthinking the big thing. You said you won't marry anyone but him. Are you still worried about being a kid?" Shi Yuting shook her head and replied, "Then I'll ask Yingzi about it tomorrow morning. Let's see how she answers." Murong Yunfei smiled slightly and said, "That's inevitable. The sooner the better, you've heard about the things about our family, and I can be with you, Brother Qu. You still have to deal with this matter. Is there something difficult? Go find Yingzi, she will definitely agree!" Yingzi's voice came from outside the door, and the two people in the room looked at each other, and even the usually calm Murong Yunfei was a little panicked. There were slight footsteps outside, and then the door knocker rang. Murong Yunfei got up and opened the door, pulled Yingzi outside the door into the room, and poured a cup of warm tea for Yingzi kindly. Yingzi was still dressed in purple, and in the moonlight she looked as refined as a Zixia fairy. She stepped forward and held her handLifting up Murong Yunfei, she held Shi Yuting's hand and said, "I didn't mean to eavesdrop. It's just that our ghost-eating tribe lives in the mountains and wilderness all year round. Naturally, we need good hearing and vision, otherwise our lives will be in danger. Tonight I wanted to come to Yuting, but I heard the conversation between the two of them not far from the door. When I walked not far from the door, I happened to hear Sister Murong's words, so I apologize for the rudeness of my answer. " Shi Yuting. Somewhat embarrassed, she hurriedly said: "What does sister Yingzi want from me?" Yingzi stared at Shi Yuting's eyes and thought for a while and said: "Actually, I am also very sorry. I have to admit that I have been very happy since the first time I met Lu Yunzhi. I was confused by him. The fair-faced scholar was as heroic as a hard-blooded man. I had never seen him steal your sweetheart from Yuting. I didn¡¯t want to. I had been condemning myself, but I was really in a bad mood before. In addition, I am indeed a little angry about some of Yuting's words, so I haven't had a good chat with you. You and Yun Zhi have a childhood sweetheart, and I want you to marry him. I am willing to be a child, or just serve you two, I am. She doesn¡¯t want to take away Yuting¡¯s love, and she doesn¡¯t want to embarrass Lu Lang. " Hearing what Yingzi said, Shi Yuting felt a little embarrassed and said hurriedly: "Yingzi must not do this. If you insist on doing this, brother Yunzhi must think so. I forced you. When the time comes that you are angry with me, you will ignore me for the rest of your life. I think Sister Murong is right. It doesn¡¯t matter who is older or younger. You and I are so devoted to Brother Yunzhi. If we sisters can We are in love with each other, so it doesn't matter who is younger than the other." Murong Yunfei laughed and said, "Well, I also think it would be better to discuss it slowly after we return to Beijing. There is no need to rush it. It's just that you two got along very well tonight. It's great to have settled the old feud. The three of us must have a good chat. We didn't talk much on the way, but it was very stressful. " Time went back, a stick of incense ago, in another courtyard in the courtyard. , Zhu Jianwen and Han Yueqiu talked about the secret discussions with Zhu Qigang today, and the decision to take Zhu Youxiang, Bai Ruliu and his wife on the road together tomorrow. Han Yueqiu had already agreed, and now he wanted to listen to the opinions of Qu Fanglu and the others. Lu Yunzhi asked: "Why do they want to go on the road with us? We are going to be in danger. Does Zhu Pulse Master not know or there is another reason?" Fang Qingze slapped the table and said: "You still can't tell what this old fox is thinking. Although it is dangerous, you can learn a lot from following the Zhongzheng lineage. After you take him back to Beijing, you will not only be regarded as the hero of the rescue, but you will also be able to stay with the Zhongzheng lineage for many days. The benefits you will receive then are compared with this little danger. To put it bluntly, there is no business in the world. If he does, he must be a profiteer. "Oh, Lao Zhu, I'm sorry I forgot that he was your uncle." Zhu Jianwen waved his hand and said. It doesn't matter, this imperial uncle is also a relative who can't be beaten. If my father hadn't asked me to come to visit him, I wouldn't have come here to fight for interests. I won't hide anything from our own brothers. We will tell you everything. That¡¯s fine. But I don¡¯t know why the second senior brother agreed to Zhu Qigang¡¯s request so readily.¡± Han Yueqiu snorted slightly and replied coldly: ¡°First, the Zhongzheng lineage has had a practice of accepting learning and exchanges with other branches since ancient times, so I agreed. , Secondly, you also said that there are dangers on the road. Naturally, there are many people and strength, and both of them are from the Danding lineage, and they are also capable. Besides, they are Lin Qianru's disciples, so they have changed their emotions and reasons. The third one is Jade. Ting has been in a bad mood recently, and seeing them will make her mood better, just" Suddenly Han Yueqiu stopped talking, as if she was in a daze. Fang Qingze was puzzled. He was about to ask, but he saw that Lu Yunzhi was doing the same. He knew that something must have happened, so he hurriedly adjusted his five senses and concentrated on searching for every move and sound around him. The art of ghost hunting emphasizes the sensitivity of the five senses. The highest level of all five senses is lost. It does not mean that the person has no sense and all disappears. It means that after reaching a certain level, one must feel with one's heart, breath and one's own spirit. The five men in the room stood there as motionless as clay sculptures. After a long time, Fang Qingze laughed loudly, punched Lu Yun hard and said: "Third brother, you are so beautiful and blessed, the two of them are as beautiful as flowers." The two beauties are so harmonious. It¡¯s great for two women to serve one husband together. Second brother envy you.¡± It turns out that these people are elites of the generation. Naturally, every move around them cannot escape their eyes and ears, let alone the three women not far away. Well, of course, Han Yueqiu was the first to notice it as the second senior brother. He just changed his past stern image and started to care about other people's affection. Lu Yunzhi looked embarrassed and could only laugh a few times and stopped talking. Everyone suppressed their laughter. Even Han Yueqiu's face was cold, but his body was trembling. Qu Xiangtian was the most proficient in the art of destroying ghosts. She was the closest to Han Yueqiu. At this moment, she said: "Second Senior Brother, don't be so nervous. Just laugh if you want to, otherwise it won't hurt your body." Everyone in the room laughed in unison, but Lu Yunzhi was pacing back and forth with a red face and thick neck. stand up. Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 56: One word and ten mentions In the early morning of the next day, Zhu Qigang greeted everyone at the gate with clasped fists and raised hands. Fang Qingze asked: "Wu Hao, if you really don't come with us, why don't you go back to Beijing to see us? Everyone misses you." Wu Hao winked and smiled. He said: "Don't harm me. I know how much I am capable of. I might die outside if I go with you. It is safer to stay here honestly." "Senior Zhu, time is running out. It's early, we're on our way, don't leave here." As he said this, Han Yueqiu clasped his fists, got on his horse, and rode away. Everyone followed him, and he left the city gate and ran towards the east, raising a cloud of smoke. Indeed, both the fickle woman Yingzi and Shi Yuting have lively personalities. At this time, they are like real sisters, running on horseback while chatting and laughing. Lu Yunzhi also smiled slightly after seeing them and felt relieved. They ran towards Yanghe for about three days. During these days, they took a short rest and then immediately started on the road. Not to mention a few women, even a tough man like Qu Xiangtian couldn't hold it anymore. Let's talk about people. The horses had to rest without stopping, so everyone decided to continue on their way after taking a short rest. However, the city was too eye-catching, and I was afraid of wasting time by being polite when meeting someone from the same sect, so I chose to sleep on a high hill, thinking that I would rest in Yanghe. After all, there should be no comrades from the heaven and earth in the military camp. people. Qu Xiangtian looked at the map and said: "At this rate, we can reach Yanghe in another half month, which is more than ten days ahead of schedule. I think we should enter the city and rest all day before closing the city gate at night, so as to avoid Being a fellow traveler, we can rest and eat well. We set out at dawn and walked quietly. However, I heard from Yun Zhi that there are many people nearby. We will go to the city to rest after two more days of journey. Senior brother, do you think this is okay? " Han Yueqiu nodded in acquiescence, and everyone was very happy. After all, some people were tired, and everyone actually missed the warm hot water and comfortable and soft beds. But everyone was mentally prepared before setting off, and since they were all physically strong, there was no reason to complain. However, they still cheered when they heard Qu Xiangtian's arrangement. Fang Qingze said: "Let's go, Yuting Yingzi, your second brother and I will pick up some dead branches. Big brother, you and your sister-in-law will catch some game. The third brother will also follow the eldest brother. I have to have a good exchange with my two younger brothers and sisters." Yingzi and Shi Yuting His face was flushed. Although he had been teased by Fang Qingze a lot along the way, he knew that this fat man was just a mouthful and had no moral integrity. He was still very kind and kind to himself, so he followed Fang Qingze. Zhu Jianwen, Han Yueqiu and Zhu Youxiang picked up stones and other objects again and prepared to gather around the stove to warm themselves. Although everyone was busy, they did not relax their vigilance, but behind the calm situation there were countless murderous intentions, and more than thirty pairs of dark and bright eyes. Hiding in the woods, he stared at the people who were moving away. Lu Yunzhi and Qu Xiangtian were attracted by the bows and arrows and walked into the forest to hunt some game or something for the tooth sacrifice. After a while, the two of them with superb archery skills shot two or three hares and other living animals, while Murong Yunfei picked some. Some wild flowers, weeds, fungi, etc. On the way before, several people had tasted Murong Yunfei's cooking. After adding these spices, it was indeed delicious and had a unique flavor. Lu Yunzhi gave Qu Xiangtian a color, and Qu Xiangtian nodded knowingly, then took out a ball of colorful thread from his arms and wrapped it around the arrow. These thin threads are not ordinary threads. If you look closely, you will find that , made of five colors of silk, and each silk thread is like a micro carving, with some talismans drawn in three colors: red, black and gold. It is really exquisite. When it comes to the skills of finding ghosts, enchanting, trapping ghosts, and exorcising ghosts, Lu Yunzhi can be said to be the best. But when it comes to the skills of defeating ghosts, Lu Yunzhi is not ruthless. On the contrary, Qu Xiangtian has special talents. These five colors The three-talisman ghost thread is Qu Xiangtian's unique magic weapon. Speaking of it, it was made by Qu Xiangtian when he was in Timur. The craftsmanship requirements are very strict. All the small work was made by Fang Qingze who paid a lot of money to hire people, Lu Yun The supervisor, Mr. Shi, personally checked it. After reading it, Mr. Shi rated it as one of the top ten weapons for destroying ghosts since the establishment of the Zhongzheng line. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????: The five-color three-talisman ghost-defeating thread is extremely convenient and can be wrapped around any weapon, which just matches Qu Xiangtian's proud martial arts. Qu Xiangtian suddenly turned around and bent his bow to shoot an arrow, and shot an arrow at Murong Yunfei. Murong Yunfei was picking a bunch of weeds with her head down. The breeze lifted her hair, and the bow and arrow passed by Murong Yunfei's beautiful body and shot towards the back. Murong Yunfei was shocked. Murong Yunfei was stunned and looked behind her in panic. There is nothing behind but only a brief whistle and a pop in the air. All ghosts, whether they are ordinary gray-white ones or evil ghosts of different shapes, will appear like water when they are disillusioned. A normal whistle sound is turned on, and sometimes there is a popping sound. It¡¯s just that the more ferocious the ghost, the louder the whistle and the longer it lasts. Qu Xiangtian ran over to help Murong Yunfei, who was still a little flustered, and said comfortingly: "There was someone behind you just now.This evil spirit, my third brother and I discovered one after another. We had no time to warn and could only shoot one arrow. Don¡¯t you feel it? " Murong Yunfei shook her head and said: "We might as well be of the Zhongzheng lineage to find ghosts. "Lu Yunzhi continued: "Brother and sister-in-law, this is really strange. Normally, such a fierce ghost should not appear here. At most, it is just a ghost that is bound to the ground or wandering around. This red body is obviously a vicious ghost. And it is said that my life weighs five and two and five, and the fate of yin and yang is intertwined. The ghosts should look for me first. Why are they running towards my sister-in-law? Someone must be controlling me. When I find him, I will kill him with a thousand cuts. Come down! "As he spoke, he bent his bow and nocked an arrow, and shot an arrow upwards with lightning speed. One person fell from the tree and fell to the ground and died on the spot. Qu Xiangtian smiled and said: "The third brother can also use tricks. , your words of "death by a thousand cuts" made his body tremble, and the sound of leaves rubbing against each other could not escape your thief-like ears. But I still want to say good archery, good archery. "As he spoke, he stepped forward and kicked the dead body lying on the ground over. After careful observation, he found that he was wearing night clothes except for a few peach wood sticks used to drive away ghosts and some silver coins. Qu Xiangtian He muttered: "It seems that we are disciples of the lineage of living beings, but why are they attacking us? We are both people of heaven and earth. Even if we don't know, we will not kill others without permission. This is a ancestral teaching. It is really strange to say. " Suddenly Qu Xiangtian let out a sigh, Lu Yunzhi, Murong Yunfei came forward, and saw a few words written on the inside of the man's belt: One word and ten mentions. Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 57 Siege A loud shout from Fang Qingze pierced the silent mountains and reached the ears of the three people on Lu Yunzhi's side. The three people immediately stood up and ran towards the direction of the sound without saying a word. Fang Qingze was chopping wild firewood with a ghost-headed sword. As he was chopping, he said, "This thing is powerful enough to kill people. It's just that it's not as easy to use as a crooked axe." "Second brother, I heard that you are here. The business around Timur is booming, I didn't expect you to do such a heavy job," Yingzi said. Yingzi and Shi Yuting both called Fang Qingze second brother from Lu Yunzhi, and eldest brother from Qu Xiangtian, which sounded very useful to Fang Qingze. Fang Qingze curled his lips and said: "There are no unbearable hardships, only unimaginable blessings. By the way, I was also born in a business family. You also know this businessman. He is rich but his status is not high. But in recent years It was better. In the early Ming Dynasty, when merchants had money, they could not buy good food or eat good food because the policy did not allow it. So my father taught me since I was a child that I must make a living by myself, even if I am rich enough to rival the country. To ensure that I have the ability to make a comeback, I was later selected to join the Zhongzheng lineage. Yuting, who had endured hardships, also knew it, but I quite enjoyed it. I had both the ability to make money and a lot of skills. I can¡¯t think of anything like this in the future. It's hard to get developed." While chatting, Yingzi suddenly whispered: "Second brother, there is something." Fang Qingze was still chopping branches, as if he hadn't heard, and whispered without turning his head, "I feel it too. , Yingzi protected Yuting and walked away. Yuting obeyed, don't look around and don't shout. After listening to Yingzi, I ran to Han Yueqiu desperately. " Yingzi nodded slightly, pulled up Shi Yuting, who was still a little confused, and ran away. Running out of the woods, Fang Qingze held a knife in his right hand, took out a string of eight-treasure coral strings from his arms and shouted: "Grandsons, come out." Five groups of gray-black glowing with green light emerged from the ground, and five People of different heights and shapes also walked out slowly. Fang Qingze snorted coldly: "You have the nerve to bring out the second-class evil spirit." Legend has it that the three flavors of true fire are reflected in the human body above the head, and the same is true for ghosts. Except for evil spirits and a very few special ghosts, the rest Although their status and body shape are somewhat different, it is still easy to judge their grades. The head or body of the first-class evil spirit is red, the second-class evil spirit is green, and the third-class evil spirit is in a state of chaos. As far as Lu Yunzhi is concerned, dealing with the first-class evil spirits is naturally not a problem. In the previous fight with the Mongolian ghosts and witches, What he is driving is the best of the first-class evil spirits, that is, the kind that can be disguised as ordinary ghosts and specially used to deal with people of the same religion. Although Lu Yunzhi was powerful, Fang Qingze was not a bad person either. At this moment, he was looking at several evil spirits coming out of the ground, thinking that he was coming. Fang Qingze was holding an eight-treasure coral string and silently recited: "Money is not money, things are not things. Money and things become empty when they are buried in the ground. People are humans, ghosts are ghosts, how can humans and ghosts meet in different ways? Kong Fang's brother Deng Tongbo, Huoquan Baishui Ah Duwu" The five people who slowly gathered around Fang Qingze burst out laughing when they heard Fang Qingze's words. When he got up, one of the thin men said sharply: "It turns out that there are people in the Zhongzheng lineage who are obsessed with money. Everything they say is inseparable from money. I want to see if you still have the life to spend money." " As he spoke, the five green evil spirits rushed toward Fang Qingze with a hint of sinister wind, and disappeared out of thin air before they could get close. Those people were shocked and hurriedly chanted spells to drive the ghost spirits away, but it was of no use. Jianfang Qingze bent down and picked up five small silver ingots, put them into his arms and said with a smile: "It's just a small trick, I will keep these ghosts for you first." It turned out that just now Fang Qingze threw five small silver ingots on the ground in the blink of an eye. Silver ingots, and seemed to inadvertently draw a five-pointed star on the ground with a call. He stood in the formation, silently chanting the set talisman in the air. When these evil spirits approached the barrier, they instantly received five silver ingots. middle. Several people yelled that they were going to pounce on Fang Qingze, but Fang Qingze just said lightly: "I don't just love money and have no knowledge. At least I know who you are. When I return to Beijing, I will be the master of the Ming Dynasty. I was right, I wanted to form a group of five to exorcise ghosts together. Unfortunately, no heroes have ever appeared, and they always stay in the third and fourth stream branches in obscurity." As soon as he finished speaking, someone whispered above him. Said: "What about me?" Fang Qingze looked up and saw a big sword rushing down. Fang Qingze reacted quickly and tried to avoid it, but unexpectedly the owner of the sword fell from the sky without panicking. , the blade of the sword turned straight in the air towards Fang Qingze. Fang Qingze caught the sword forcefully with one arm and swung the ghost-head sword towards the edge of the sword, shouting loudly. Lu Yunzhi and others in the distance heard Fang Qingze's shouting and hurriedly ran in his direction. Looking at Fang Qingze, the moment the sword came into contact, his arms became sore and weak. Even if the opponent borrowed the force of his body's fall, his strength should not be underestimated. Even a strong man like Fang Qingze was a little overwhelmed. He took two steps back, steadying his pace and looking at the man. The man was wearing a raincoat and a large bamboo hat covering his eyes.His eyes and most of his face were covered. This outfit was even more strange in the weather without rain or snow, which also explained his identity. What made Fang Qingze even more sure was a big sword that stuck straight into the ground next to the man. The iron sword was as tall as a man. Although the double blades were huge, they shone with cold light and were extremely sharp. The hilt was made of bronze and carved with arabesque threads. It was so huge. The weapons and the user's flexibility and ease, all these phenomena point to their identity. There is only one lineage of people in the world who are dressed like this and use such weapons, the Iron Sword lineage of the people of heaven and earth. Fang Qingze was hit by the force of the heavy blow just now, and his blood was boiling in his chest. Just when he was about to take a few breaths, the man rushed towards Fang Qingze with a big sword. Fang Qingze stepped back while breathing, but he didn't want the strong wind behind him. Daqi hurriedly slashed back with his sword, but a big sword came at him too. When the swords collided, they were shocked to take two steps back. Fang Qingze didn't dare to be careless while dodging while pulling off his belt and tying the handle of the sword to his hand. , holding the sword together with both hands, preparing for a fight. Although they knew they were losing, they were not worried. They knew that Qu Xiangtian and Lu Yunzhi would definitely come after hearing his shout. As for Qu Xiangtian and others, they just ran towards Fang Qingze when they saw a group of people fighting. A girl was squatting on the ground, and another woman in purple clothes was tumbling and jumping around the girl squatting on the ground, seemingly protecting them. She is the same as Shi Yuting and Yingzi. Four groups of men dressed in night clothes were constantly attacking with Tang knives, but Yingzi was extremely skilled in martial arts. At this moment, even with his bare hands, he was still not defeated. He punched one of them on the Adam's apple, and the man rolled over while holding his throat. He hid aside to catch his breath for a long time. Suddenly, each of the four people took out a small bottle and threw it on the ground. Suddenly, thick smoke billowed out and floated towards Yingzi and Shi Yuting who were surrounded in the middle. At this moment, Lu Yunzhi and the others had caught up with them. Standing outside the encirclement, Murong Yunfei glanced at the thick smoke and shouted, "No, it's poisonous smoke, people from Qiyan's lineage." But she saw Lu Yunfei. Then he drew out a long arrow, pierced his palm with the arrowhead, grabbed a handful of soil and threw it into the air. Then his body was spinning rapidly, like a top, and he was mumbling words, but neither Qu Xiangtian nor Murong Yunfei could understand what he was saying. What. Just when the clouds of smoke were about to surround Yingzi and the others, a strong wind suddenly blew up and the thick black smoke was blown towards the five people who threw the bottles. The five people screamed strangely and were about to run away. Qu Xiangtian moved quickly and fired two arrows in succession. Two people fell to the ground when the arrows hit them. The poisonous smoke drifted past and the exposed parts of their bodies began to rot, turning into a pile of bones. Qu Xiangtian was stunned and murmured to himself: "This is the art of heaven and earth of the clan. Yunzhi learned the secret method of Zhongzheng lineage and can actually control the power of nature." Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and said: "It's just superficial, I just learned to control the wind. "Brother, let's go find the second brother." Qu Xiangtian nodded and said nothing. The method of controlling the wind that Lu Yunzhi said lightly was not simple. It was not the kind that evolved from the ghost exorcism technique used in the previous fight with Yingzi and the group of soul-eating beasts. It was the technique of the clan's heaven and earth, without any help. The power of nature used by ghosts. Once upon a time, Yao Guangxiao, a generation of geniuses, actually understood the method of controlling the wind through his own practice, so he used two demonic winds as they were called in history to help Zhu Di survive the catastrophe, and made great contributions to the Ming Dynasty for Zhu Di to conquer the world. Everyone in heaven and earth knows that the art of heaven and earth requires extremely high talent. Only the Zhongzheng lineage knows the secret of this art. Over the past few hundred years, except for Xing Wen and Yao Guangxiao who have understood it by themselves, the remaining people who know this art have broken a The fingers of the palm can also be counted. They are all pulse masters of the Zhongzheng lineage, and they are all extraordinary talents. Even the pulse masters of the Zhongzheng lineage do not know it, and the realms they can comprehend are also different. Therefore, Lu Yunzhi's method of controlling the wind at this moment can really make a name for himself in the world. "Yunfei, take your two sisters to the second senior brother's place." Qu Xiangtian said, running towards Fang Qingze, tearing off the hem of his clothes and wrapping them in his hands to grab the Tang Dao on the ground. Lu Yunzhi also learned the same thing. The poisonous smoke would rot if it touched the skin, but if held through clothes, it would become a murderous poison-coated weapon. Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 58 Rebellion (Additional update) Fang Qingze was fighting with two masters of the Iron Sword lineage holding knives in both hands. They were evenly matched with knives in both hands, but those two were also masters. Naturally, the fight made Fang Qingze a little confused, and every time he hit, he felt like a collision. The wind was blowing everywhere, as if it was drilling into Fang Qingze's bones through his clothes. Fang Qingze was reciting the "Diamond Sutra" silently in his mouth, and a gold bracelet with Buddhist inscriptions on his wrist shone slightly. This made the chilling feeling much lessened. I once heard Lu Yunzhi say that the Iron Sword lineage is not only powerful with swords, but more powerful is the evil spirit attached to the big sword, so even if you are highly skilled in martial arts, As long as the opponent activates the evil spirit in the sword, you won't be able to hold on for long. Soon the ghost energy will invade your body and you will fall to the ground. The two of them sped up their offensive, torturing Fang Qingze's physical strength and endurance. The Buddhist bracelet on Fang Qingze's wrist that was exchanged for trade with Timur was spinning faster and faster, glowing with little golden light. Fang Qingze accelerated the speed of chanting sutras in his mouth. The chill disappeared completely, and a ball of warmth flowed from the wrist to the whole body. Black energy gradually emerged from the swords of the two men, but they did not dare to collide with them again because every time Fang Qingze recited a Buddhist sutra, the black energy on the swords of the two men would surge even more intensely. If the collision continued, it would be inevitable It would damage the evil spirit that was fixed in the sword. The two of them felt sorry for the magic weapon that they had worked so hard to cultivate, but they no longer fought each other with swords. Instead, they used big swords and small swords to go sideways, specializing in blind spots that Fang Qingze couldn't dodge. . Fang Qingze glanced sideways and saw Qu Xiangtian and Lu Yunzhi running through the forest, and hurriedly shouted: "Come on, you two, I can't hold it anymore!" As soon as he finished shouting, he suddenly felt as if he was in an ice cellar. , it turned out that there were not just two members of the Iron Sword First Lineage, but three people who had been hiding and then revealed their murderous intentions. There was black energy billowing on the sword surfaces of the three big swords. From time to time, human faces, claws, palms and other objects were revealed in the black energy, which looked really disgusting. The three big swords were swiped at his waist, one fell on his head, and the other stabbed straight at him. Qu Xiangtian, Lu Yunzhi and the other two people hurriedly threw Tang knives. The knives in the air flew straight towards the two of them as if they were drawing a straight line. The coir raincoat sword that struck down the big sword stopped in the air and turned around suddenly. The blade fell from the vertical position and drew a circle towards the two Tang knives flying towards them. One of them hit and was immediately knocked aside, breaking into two pieces. The man took a slight breath of cold air. He didn't expect that the person who came was so powerful. This knife was thrown by Qu towards the sky. Although the other knife was not far away, it was in a different direction, but it made Lu who shot the knife What Yunzhi didn't expect was that after the man slashed off Qu Xiangtian's sword, he also stopped his own Tang sword. I saw black energy billowing on the big sword, and suddenly a black hand came out and firmly grasped the Tang sword. The man had already exhausted his strength after breaking Qu Xiangtian's Tang sword. At this moment, although Lu Yun The force was no greater than that of Qu Xiangtian, but he couldn't bear it. He tightly grasped the big sword in his hand, and the hand made of black gas emerging from it also firmly grasped the Tang Dao. This disciple of the Iron Sword lineage was dragged to the ground. Unexpectedly, the Tang Dao that had been broken into two pieces was inserted into the ground. He couldn't dodge and cut the coir raincoat he was wearing, and his skin was slightly cut with a shallow cut. There were light blood stains. When the man stood up, his face suddenly changed. He twitched in pain and fell to the ground. He kept moaning and yellow pus flowed out from under his skin. He could not survive. On the other hand, Fang Qingze held his sword horizontally and used the blade to block the sword at his waist. He used the blade of the sword to block the sword that was coming straight at him. He deftly and cleverly blocked the two swords with one sword. However, he saw that the black energy on the sword was strong and headed towards him. As Fang Qingze rushed towards him, the gold bracelet with Buddhist inscriptions on Fang Qingze's wrist suddenly glowed with golden light. The two colors of gold and black collided, and coupled with the force of the collision of weapons, the two disciples of the Iron Sword lineage took a few steps back. After falling to the ground, Fang Qingze also flew out. Just when he was about to fall, he was supported by Qu Xiangtian. Lu Yunzhi attached a talisman drawn on yellow paper to his shoulder and shot a member of the Wuchou First Lineage who was about to move next to him, and then shouted: "Brother, second brother, retreat!" The two of them also felt that there were more people approaching around them. , knowing that Lian Zhan couldn't do it, he hurriedly pulled away and ran in the direction of Han Yueqiu. The three of them quickly ran towards the place where they had just stayed on the hill. When they arrived, they found Han Yueqiu holding a Yin-Yang dagger. He glanced around coldly and whispered: "There are a lot of people. Yun Zhi, I can feel the footsteps of many people." ?" Lu Yunzhi closed her eyes and listened hard, and after a while she said: "There are more than 20 people who can hear clearly, and the rest of the voices are very small, so I don't know how many people there are, but according to the current situation They are all people of heaven and earth." Shi Yuting, who had just stopped after being escorted by Yingzi, asked doubtfully: "We are all people of heaven and earth, and the people of heaven and earth respect the Zhongzheng lineage. Why would they attack us? Isn't that right? Do you know who we are?" Han Yueqiu replied coldly: "Don't know? No, they act like this just because we are from the Zhongzheng lineage. This is just rebellion. There are people from all directions. We can't escape. Everyone listens to my command. Lu Yunzhi and Murong Yunfei form a barrier. Once they encounter evil spirits and are defeated, they will immediately jump into the boundary.?, don't be reluctant to fight. Qu Xiangtian Fang Qingze and I went into battle together to meet the enemy. After Lu Yunzhi completed the formation, he and Zhu Jianwen worked together to capture the formation for us. If there was any slight difference, we immediately made up for it. The disciples of Miss Murong's formation and Danding lineage prepared elixirs for treatment. Yuting and Yingzi are not allowed to come out of the formation. "Zhu Youxiang, Bai Ruliu and his wife from the Danding lineage took out the prepared Guiyuan Pill from the medicine bottle and distributed it to everyone to take to prevent ghost energy from entering the body. This medicine is the same as that of Wang Yulu, the sixth senior brother of the Zhongzheng lineage. The refining exorcism pills are very similar, but the refining methods are different. Both medicines can consolidate the three souls and seven souls in the human body and enhance the body's yang energy to prevent them from being invaded by evil things. They were previously in the Zhongzheng lineage's house. Among them, several people used to take one when they were young. After taking it, they immediately felt energetic and energetic. Making a fuss. Han Yueqiu shouted loudly: "Stop hiding in the woods and sneaking around. Why do the traitors want to rebel against the people of heaven and earth? Don't they know that we are of the Zhongzheng lineage? " As soon as I finished speaking, more than thirty people walked out of the woods and bushes in all directions. They were dressed in different clothes and surrounded a few people. Among them, a dwarf walked out. His facial features were not ugly, but he had an evil look on his face and was short in stature. Ruining this handsome and unrestrained face, the man's voice was even more incompatible with this face when he spoke. He could only hear him say sharply: "I know, of course I know, that's why I want to kill you. When the time comes, I will see your corpses." One can imagine how sad that old man Shi Fang would be, but he might not be sad at all, just like me back then. " Qu Xiangtian and others looked at each other in confusion, and looked at Han Yueqiu in confusion. Han Yueqiu said: "Huh, who do I think you are? It turns out to be Shang Wang. You are all right. " The man cupped his hands and clasped his fists, and still said sharply: "How about you, Han Yueqiu, you are still so cold, but you are a man, but today you are going to die here, I really can't bear it. " Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 59 Business Delusion I just heard the man named Shang Wang say sharply: "I have never met you. You are all from the Zhongzheng lineage. Do you think the Zhongzheng lineage is particularly upright? Shi Fang is also a very caring and caring disciple. Master. Actually, it¡¯s all fucking bullshit!¡± Shang Wang suddenly roared. Although Shi Yuting was a little scared, she still said loudly: "You are not allowed to say that about my grandpa. Who are you? You dare to talk such nonsense." Shang Wan was stunned for a moment, laughed lewdly and said: "Han Yueqiu, time flies so fast. Come on, Shi Wentian actually has a daughter in a blink of an eye, and she's already so old, and she's so pretty." When Shi Yuting heard Shang Wan's lewd smile, she stepped back in fright and leaned against Han Yueqiu. Han Yueqiu whispered: "Stop talking nonsense, hit me if you want. Why do you say so little?" Then he looked at Lu Yunzhi and Murong Yunfei, who had been quietly busy, with the corner of his eye. When they saw Han Yueqiu, they also looked at them. Dots indicate that the anti-ghost barrier has been completed. Shang Wang waved his hands and said, "I have to let you die to understand what your master Shi Fang is. Let me tell you a story." Everyone was silent, but they actually had their own plans in mind. For example, Qu Xiangtian thought in his mind that it would be better if he talked until dawn, so that those evil spirits that were not popular would not bother him. Once daybreak, unless he killed the evil spirits and the best evil spirits, the other ghosts would not dare to from. I only heard Shang Wu say: "I remember when I was about the same age as you, I followed that bastard Shi Fang to catch the gluttonous ghosts in southern Xinjiang. I was accompanied by Cheng Fangdong, Han Yueqiu, his precious son Shi Wentian, and Du Hai. This fool. At that time, I was considered to be of the same generation as you, and it seemed that you should also call me senior brother. At that time, I was in the second class, and Han Yueqiu was my third junior brother. Hehe, haha, you didn't expect it. "Shang. Wangjiao said with a smile, his short figure kept dancing. Everyone was surprised. Only Han Yueqiu stared at Shang Wan coldly and asked: "After so many years, have you not forgotten? At least you are still alive!" Shang Wan suddenly stopped there, as if frozen, and then went crazy. He pointed at Han Yueqiu and shouted hoarsely: "Forget, how can you forget? You know best, you know damn well what's going on, don't stand and talk without pain, what will happen if you become like me? What's wrong with me? , I have done nothing wrong, I am the most beautiful man in the Zhongzheng lineage, but now? I am a fucking dwarf. " "Back then, I didn't dare to say that I was more beautiful than Pan An. It was like Yushu Linfeng. One day we received a letter from the Wuchou branch in southern Xinjiang asking for help. It said that the evil ghost Taotie had been found in the local area. Half of the disciples of the Wuchou branch died in the battle. So Shi Fang led his disciples to subdue the Taotie and waited. It was discovered that this was not a formed Taotie, but its power was beyond our imagination, so Shi Wentian and I were swallowed up by the Taotie. Only my upper body was left, and Shi Wentian was devoured with only one arm left. Fang took the remaining people and took back our souls. I know I owe him one, but I also followed his orders to catch ghosts. Shouldn't he help me take back the souls that were devoured by gluttony? We recovered the unformed Taotie, and our souls were fixed in the jade bottle. It would be okay if it was just an out-of-body experience, but now the soul is destroyed and needs to be forced into something else. That is what the people say Life extension. Everyone knew that Yangshou was going to die, but Shi Fang completely ignored my life and death in order to protect Shi Wentian's life. I was swallowed for him. If I hadn't stood in front of him, it would have been mine. Good Master Shi Fang." Shang Wang became even more excited and began to speak incoherently. ?? Han Yueqiu still maintained a posture and kept patrolling the opponent's actions. It seemed that those people did not want to take action. They just surrounded everyone and listened to Shang Wan talking about the heartbreaking past. Shang Wang pulled out a pair of steel forks from his waist and poked the ground constantly, still chattering about the story: "Later, Shi Fang searched all over the country for decent-looking corpses that had just been buried, and then The remaining ghosts inside were removed and the soul was injected into his precious son. From then on, Shi Wentian was still as handsome as ever. But this Shi Fang didn't care about me. Why should I still respect you, Han Yueqiu, if you and Cheng Fangdong hadn't been asking each other so hard for Shi? This bastard Fang won't help me possess a soul. Do you think I don't know anything after becoming a soul in a jade bottle? I know everything. There is only one person I owe, Du Hai, only Du Hai. The fool was willing to help me extend my life, giving up twenty years of my life, but time was running out. I was going to turn into a ghost soon, so I had to spend twenty taels of silver to buy a relatively fresh dwarf corpse. , my whole life plus Du Hai's twenty years were put in this dirty dwarf's body. Why did I disappear after I woke up? I ran back, dug out my upper body, and cut my face with a knife. I cut it off. Yes, I cut off the face of my own corpse with my own hands. I vomited countless times, but I still endured because I wanted the stone to be in front of my face.?I died of regret. I successfully used the soul-moving disguise technique to attach my face to the face of this dwarf. It looks pretty good. " Han Yueqiu said: "Then are you still taking action? What are you going to do? Are you their leader? "Han Yueqiu asked three questions in a row, but Shang Wan did not answer first and just laughed loudly. The laughter was so harsh that it was like metal friction, making people feel sick. Shang Wan waved his hand and said: ¡°All three questions can be answered with a no. I'm not their leader, and I don't have the skills yet. As for who we are and what we want to do, I don't know. You can investigate slowly yourself. In the end, we still have to take action, of course we have to take action, but not today, because it is too late, Du Hai is coming soon, and I don't want to be unable to take action when I see my benefactor. " Han Yueqiu asked in surprise: "Can you count Du Hai? Shang Wang chuckled and said: "Of course, not only Du Hai, I can also count on you. I have worked hard for more than twenty years just to pay for the blood debt of this immortal Shi Fang. I will kill this ruined person with my own hands." He became a good master in my life. ¡± It can¡¯t be counted within three times. People in heaven and earth know this no matter which lineage they are. In other words, Shang Wang¡¯s ability is already three times higher than that of Du Hai, and the gap between him and Han Yueqiu is also three times. This is obviously already On par with Shi Fang, the natural enemies of the Zhongzheng lineage are coming, but if Shang Wang is not the leader, then who is the terrible person behind him? Thinking of this, Han Yueqiu and others couldn't help but shudder. Pretending to be calm, he shouted: "Shang Wang, stop talking nonsense, Du Hai went to the capital with Master, we don't believe your nonsense. " Shang Wang waved his hand and did not answer. The more than thirty disciples from all branches surrounding the crowd retreated one after another and gradually disappeared into the darkness. Shang Wang suddenly turned back and stretched out four short and thick black fingers. Asked: ¡°What do these four dolls of yours do? Why can't I figure you out? Are you taller than me? Still, life is at stake! " Han Yueqiu looked in the direction pointed by Shang Wang, and it was Qu Xiangtian, Fang Qingze, Zhu Jianwen, and Lu Yunzhi who were standing together. After Shang Wang said this, he quickly left, and everyone stood facing each other. , there were thousands of thoughts in their minds, but for a moment, the sound of horse hooves was heard in the distance. Everyone followed the sound and saw that it was Du Hai, Qin Rufeng, Gao Huai and others. From far away, Du Hai shouted at the top of his voice: "Master is indeed right. You are indeed here today, and I, Du Hai, am here too! " After Du Hai shouted, he did not receive the surprise and excitement he expected. He saw that when his figure appeared, the leader Han Yueqiu's hands were shaking violently, and the pair of Yin and Yang daggers that had never been released suddenly "dang" Landed in response. Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 60 Disaster of War Although the next journey was difficult, there was no particular danger. The main reason was that a group of people led by Shang Wang kept harassing them until nothing happened, and refused to fight or run away, so no one was very afraid. The more Mr. Shi thought about it on the road, the more he felt that the mission of Han Yueqiu and his team was more dangerous, so he only allowed the two Xie brothers, Wang Yulu and others to stay with him, plus the elder brothers Cheng Fangdong, Shi Wentian and his wife who were left behind in the capital, and the same Except for the few disciples who stayed behind in the capital, the rest of them all turned around and rushed to support Lu Yun and his party. It can be said that they came out in full force. However, under these repeated harassments, the journey slowed down, as if the toad jumping on the feet was frightening and disgusting. In short, the team was pinned down like this, and if you weren't careful, a disciple with a lower cultivation level in the same lineage would be attacked. Fortunately, nothing serious happened. Han Yueqiu stared at the wick in a daze under the lonely lamp in the inn, then took a breath and said: "You said that Shang Luan has become so cruel and ruthless, but now although he has harassed us and harmed some junior brothers, he has not shown any murderous intentions. It was completely different when we first confronted each other. What did he want to do? " Du Hai stood up and smashed the table so hard that it almost collapsed. He shouted: "It doesn't matter what he is doing, don't get caught by me anyway? , I'll beat him up if I catch him." After hearing this, Gao Huai said, "Fifth Senior Brother, you are too naive. I think cutting the grass has to get rid of the root. Why don't we devise a plan to kill him? " Duan Yutang, who once asked the disciples to read and write, said: "Actually, I think the person who ties the bell needs to untie the bell. The right way is to untie the knot in his heart. What do you think, Lu Yunzhi? He is ranked seventh. As long as he is not in front of Mr. Shi, everyone is still accustomed to calling him Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi also happily accepts it. If the former senior brother calls him Senior Brother Lu in a serious manner, or the seventh senior brother, Lu Yunzhi will probably have to call him. I feel uncomfortable all over. Duan Yutang believed that Lu Yunzhi was a kind-hearted person. He had read and written with him since he was a child. He was also a hard-working and well-educated young man, so he naturally let him speak. Moreover, Han Yueqiu was the eldest in the team this time, Du Hai was the third, and Lu Yun was the most popular among the people. Ranked third, his every move is still very influential. Lu Yunzhi was silent for a moment and looked at Duan Yutang and said: "I thought so in my heart, but as things stand now, if this person is not eliminated, there will be serious trouble in the future, so I agree with Gao Huai's statement." Gao Huai heard this. His nemesis Lu Yunzhi agreed with his statement, but felt a little embarrassed and bowed slightly. Qu Xiangtian laughed loudly and patted Lu Yunzhi on the shoulder and said to Fang Qingze: "Look, our third brother has grown up. He has learned to break things off. Not bad, really good." Lu Yunzhi ignored him. Qu Xiangtian teased, lightly punched Qu Xiangtian to tell him to stop making trouble, and then said to Han Yueqiu: "Although it is good to capture Shang Wang, don't forget that although the martial arts may not be as good as ours, it may not be as good as ours, but His fortune-telling skills can match everyone here. If we set up a dragnet in time, he will predict it in advance and escape. If so, how can we catch him, let alone kill him? The matter must be considered in the long run. Our top priority now is to understand why he harasses and restrains us instead of fighting. If it is to tire us out so that he can annihilate us in one fell swoop, I think this businessman is too stupid. What he is doing now It can't involve the fighting power of the Zhongzheng lineage, but it is obvious that Shang Wang is not stupid, so why?" Fang Qingze suddenly said: "I don't know, but I know that this is the case in business. One way is to use other things to confuse the opponent and seize the business opportunities yourself." Qu Xiangtian continued: "Second brother, do you mean that they want to delay our trip and achieve an ulterior purpose?" Fang Qingze Diandian? Han Yueqiu asked, "How long does it take to get to Yanghe?" "If you go quickly, you can reach Yanghe in three days, but if you go slowly, it's hard to estimate." Han Yueqiu nodded and ordered: "Juniors, listen to the order. Set off tomorrow and go straight to Yanghe without delay. We must reach Yanghe in three days. Please tell each other to go back and rest." Several young talents in the sect said yes, then turned around and left, running to tell Han Yueqiu. This order was issued, and then the guards were strengthened to prevent the deceitful people from causing trouble. On the second day, everyone was ready to go. As soon as they arrived outside the east city gate, they found an endless procession on the hills outside the city walking towards the small town where they were. Everyone looked at the procession. Qu Xiangtian exclaimed and muttered to himself: "It doesn't look like an army, it looks like civilians in disarray. The Ming Dynasty has a legal system and no random immigration is allowed. How come so many people have immigrated? Could something have happened?" Lu Yun Zhi looked at those people and said with some trembling: "Yes, they are refugees, just like me back then." Yingzi held Lu Yunzhi's hand, and he knew that Lu Yunzhi must have remembered the past of his childhood. Shi Yuting also pretended to be happy and said: "Brother Yunzhi, you?The boss has a face, and over time he will become your second senior brother. "After speaking, he stuck out his tongue at Han Yueqiu. Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and was no longer sad. He was not alone now. He had two brothers, a sister-in-law, two women who loved him, and those who loved him. The fellow brothers and sisters who were also very caring urged their horses to move slowly. Zhu Jianwen grabbed an old man who was approaching and asked: "Old sir, what happened to you? "The uncle suddenly looked around and saw that a group of people were riding tall horses. Although their clothes were not luxurious, they were well-dressed, and their temperament was even more extraordinary. He thought he had met someone high-ranking, so he lowered his head and did not dare to speak. Fang Qingze stepped forward, He took out a silver ingot from his arms and stuffed it into the hand of the miserable old man, and then said softly: "Uncle, it's okay to say what's going on. The uncle was stunned for a moment, and saw that the silver in his hand was trembling, and then he said excitedly: "Uncle, you are such a kind person. I have a way of survival, old man. If there is any problem, I will definitely tell you everything." You are asking why we are fleeing. There is nothing we can do about it. The Mongolian barbarians from Nawala are now attacking our border. They are raping, humiliating, looting, burning, killing and looting wherever they go. They commit all kinds of evil. We have to flee because we really have no way to survive. How dare we ask? Sir, where are you going? " Fang Qingze was thoughtful and replied: "Yang He. The old man trembled and asked, "Yang Hekou?" "Fang Qingze nodded in confusion, and the old man said: "Uncle, you can't go there. If you go there, you will simply risk your death. The area around Datong Mansion is already full of Oala cavalry. Yanghe belongs to Datong Mansion. There are many dangers there " Before he finished speaking, he saw that the faces of the group of people changed drastically at the same time. They all got on their horses and whipped into the air. The old man looked at the people leaving in the dust inexplicably, then scratched his head and looked at the silver coins in his hands happily, as if As if the foreign invasion just mentioned had nothing to do with him, he left the east city gate with a smile on his face. Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 61 Bloody Shi Heng Three days later, a group of Zhongzheng people led by Han Yueqiu rushed to Yanghekou, which was affiliated with Datong. From a distance, they could see black smoke rising from the direction of Yanghe. A big battle had already begun, and it might have ended. Lu Yunzhi suddenly turned his head and said to everyone: "Everyone, pay attention, it seems that someone is coming." After a while, a man and a horse turned around the foot of the mountain and came into view. They saw the man with disheveled hair. He thought he had dropped his helmet in the melee and was caught by someone. His hair was chopped loose, and the golden armor was covered with blood. One shoulder strap had been cut off, and the armor was hanging sideways on the man's body. His whole body was covered with dried blood, as if it was fished out of a red dye vat. In general, in short, they look gray and miserable. Qu Xiangtian looked intently and said, "Look, isn't this Shi Heng?" As soon as he finished speaking, dozens more riders ran out from the foot of the mountain, followed closely by a cloud of smoke and dust. Shi Heng, who was running in front, obviously found out Han Yueqiu and the others slowed down and shouted in despair, thinking they were being attacked from both sides. Qu Xiangtian, Du Hai, Qin Rufeng took the lead, rushed out of the camp and rode towards Shi Heng, shouting as they ran: "General Shi, come here quickly." Shi Heng looked suspicious, maybe because he was knocked unconscious, and he didn't pay attention for a while. Seeing who everyone was, but hearing that everyone was speaking in Chinese, he naturally raised his whip again and whipped the horse to speed up. Although Shi Heng didn't recognize who it was, he still showed his loyalty and shouted loudly when he saw the person who was rescuing him: "Don't come here and run, it's the Wala Cavalry, run!" The disciples of the Zhongzheng lineage on the opposite side did not speak, Shi Heng said. The Ora cavalry behind Heng bent their bows and arrows, preparing to shoot at the Zhongzheng people. Han Yueqiu took out an earthenware jar from the package on his back. He opened the earthenware jar easily while running, held the earthenware jar with one hand and took out a piece of yellow paper with just a flick of his hand. The yellow paper was burning on Han Yueqiu's fingertips. Yueqiu smiled coldly and said to Lu Yunzhi: "Old Qi, let me show you my ghost exorcism skills." Lu Yunzhi raised his head and looked at the bright sun, wondering how he could use it under this bright sunshine. Could it be that Han Yueqiu used the technique to exorcise evil spirits? Before I had time to think about it, I saw the horses of the Ora cavalry neighing and spinning around with their front hooves raised. Suddenly they all fell to the ground, and people were also knocked to the ground. Before they could stand up, they seemed to be pulled by something, lying down. He twitched on the ground, unable to move even though he was screaming in pain. Shi Hen stopped his horse and looked at the fallen cavalry behind him in surprise. He couldn't believe his eyes. Just now, he had been chased by such a group of fierce cavalry and fled, but now they were all moaning so helplessly. Who are you? The words "Heaven, Earth, People" flashed through Shi Heng's mind. He calmed down and looked at the people who had just saved him. He immediately recognized a few people he was familiar with when Timur was a child, and shouted: "It turns out: It¡¯s you guys, I, Shi Heng, will die as soon as possible.¡± Seeing those Wara cavalrymen gradually dying, they stared at the sky with their eyes wide open, as if they were unwilling to close their eyes. Fang Qingze shuddered and asked, "Third brother, what kind of evil thing did the second senior brother use? Why didn't I see Han Yueqiu use it before when I fought with Yingzi and the others, and that time with the ghost witch?" Lu Yunzhi Turning to look at Han Yueqiu, Han Yueqiu nodded and said that Lu Yunzhi could say it. Everyone listened attentively. Only Du Hai and a few others didn't care much. It seemed that they already knew the inside story. Lu Yunzhi raised his voice and said: "The one used by the second senior brother is called Solar Eclipse. There is a folk saying called dog biting the leg. This kind of ghost hides underground and can cast spells as long as its feet touch the ground. This ghost is extremely easy to control. , but it has no effect. If you want a horse to fall down and be torn apart by the solar eclipse, or even swallow its soul, you need to drive more than a hundred solar eclipses. Just now I think the second senior brother drove at least about 20,000. Solar eclipse, this is extremely difficult, just like threading a needle and thread. It is easy to thread one thread, but what will happen if you thread 20,000 threads at the same time? It requires careful thinking, a strong heart, and extraordinary abilities. " Du Hai rushed to Lu. Yun Zhi slapped him hard in front of him and said with a smile: "Let me tell you, now that you hang out with Fang Qingze every day, you have become good at praising others and putting high hats on others. Don't look at the second senior brother's face. It's cold, but maybe it makes me happy inside." Lu Yunzhi laughed sheepishly. Shi Yuting and Yingzi glared at Du Hai angrily, and shouted at the same time: "Fifth senior brother, don't play so hard in the future, it will hurt Lu Lang so much." Everyone laughed together, making fun of Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi waved his hands to silence everyone, and then whispered: "Although the solar eclipse is so powerful, it has four disadvantages. The first is what I just said requires extremely careful thinking. I won't repeat it. The second is time. The question is what my second brother asked just now. In fact, the reason is very simple. The last two wars took place at night. The eclipse of the sun at the ends of the sky and the earth was hiding underground. Naturally, contrary to many ghosts, they were active during the day and at night. Fu, that's why the second brother's ghost exorcism skills couldn't be seen in the two battles at night. The third reason is distance. This kind of ghost is extremely small and does not evolve from the soul of man or beast. We still don't know it.Know its origin. So just like just now, even if the second senior brother drove 20,000 solar eclipses, he could only summarize the area of ??a semicircle of about 200 steps. The last point is that using this method does not directly pull the soul out of the body, but hundreds of solar eclipses pull together a soul. Before death, a person will feel that his soul is being torn apart bit by bit and taken away bit by bit. It feels that it is too cruel, so unless a well-known and upright person with high moral character dares to use this technique, he is afraid of being called a crooked technique by his fellow practitioners. " Han Yueqiu nodded and praised: "Yun is so insightful! " Zhu Jianwen and Gao Huai are worthy of being masters of maneuvering to gain power. Although Shi Heng was obviously defeated, they heard Mr. Shi's words that Shi Heng would definitely become a prince in the future, so they naturally rushed out of the formation to meet Shi Heng. Shi Heng After taking a few sips of the water bag handed over by Gao Huai, he touched the sticky blood on his face, and suddenly he knelt on the ground and cried bitterly. Han Yueqiu stepped forward and asked, "General Shi, what happened. ? How could it fail so miserably. After Shi Heng roared a few times, he replied in a hoarse voice: "Hey, they are dead, they are all dead." All my subordinates and the defenders from Datong who came to support were killed. Wala was really powerful, but I lost so strangely that I couldn't accept it. " Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 62 The Rise of Wala First of all, everyone is familiar with this name. He is the leader of Wala. Decades ago, his father Tuohuan agreed to the civil war in eastern Mongolia, which was in constant chaos. He imitated the Central Plains strategy of coercing the emperor to control the princes, and supported Tutuo Buhua, the Khan of the Northern Yuan Dynasty who existed in name only. , although he was relegated to the position of prime minister, he actually firmly controlled all the rights of Zowara. Although there were many conflicts with Ming Dynasty, there was never any large-scale war. In the fourth year of the Zhengtong reign of the Ming Dynasty, Tuo Huan died of illness and came to the throne first. Unlike Tuo Huan, Ye Xian respected the Mongolian ghost witch very much and worshiped Qi Mude, the right protector of the ghost witch, as his national teacher. Speaking of which, although the ghost witches are one body, they are not very united. The leader of the ghost witches, Barhu Menghe, has been in seclusion to worship evil spirits, but the specific evil ghosts he practices are not even understood by the ghost witches. Knowing how to capture more Han people to supply the leader, the largest number ever was nearly a thousand people in one year. The power in the religion is naturally shared with the left and right guardians. The beggar-faced guardian who led the ghost witches before was the left guardian. He was quite powerful in Yilibali and the Tatar regime, and was highly respected by those in power. underestimate. Naturally, the right protector Qimude, who can be ranked alongside him, is not bad at all and has become the national advisor of the Oara regime. The two guardians were constantly fighting. Although they never started any war, killing each other within the sect still happened from time to time. In addition to the dozens of envoys they lead to compete with each other, there is also a small force led by the three ghost wizards in the divided desert. The three usually work on their own. Once the guardians around them want to annex themselves, But they are united to fight against the enemy together. This is in line with the character of the Mongols, who not only engage in external aggression but also have serious internal conflicts. Although they are hostile to each other, they have a common enemy, the Ming Dynasty. To be precise, it was the Zhongzheng line of Heaven and Earth people of the Ming Dynasty. It was the Heaven and Earth people formed by the Zhongzheng line that drove them back to the desolate desert, away from the prosperous Central Plains of the rich south of the Yangtze River. There are no eternal friends, only common enemies. Several forces within Guiwu attacked the Zhongzheng line one after another, but were blocked by other branches before they could reach the Central Plains. So they learned to be smart, and once they encountered the same people as Zhongzheng If the enemy is hostile, we should unite to fight against the enemy together, which is a huge and dangerous force. ??????????????????Since worshiping Qi Mude as the national advisor, the vigorous soldiers and horses successfully conquered the Jurchens with the help of Qi Mude, and made North Korea surrender to Wala. Wala's power has grown day by day, with the meaning of prosperity. The combat effectiveness of the Mongolian cavalry is much stronger than that of the Han army, but its industry is very backward. Apart from herding and raising horses, it is easy to say that it would have been like this for thousands of years without the establishment of the Yuan Dynasty. But after the establishment of the Yuan Dynasty, these Mongolians enjoyed the silk delicacies and beauties of the Central Plains and were reluctant to leave. The restless people of heaven and earth were extremely dissatisfied after seeing the Mongols burning, killing, humiliating and looting. Naturally, the Mongolian ghosts and witches were very frightened and ordered them to be hunted and scattered all over the place. The people of heaven and earth, but they did not expect that the people of heaven and earth from all walks of life launched a counterattack to support their uprising leaders and jointly overthrew the rule of the Yuan Dynasty. The rule of more than ninety years did not allow the Mongols to learn a lesson, and I am even more greedy for the benefits of Jiangnan in the Central Plains. Suddenly being driven back to Mobei, the only way was to exchange through merchants. However, in Shangyanshang, merchants risked their lives to chase stars and moons for trading items, so the price naturally rose a lot. Many Mongolians couldn't stand the price increases by merchants, and couldn't bear the price of a piece of cloth in exchange for several horses. During the reign of the Yuan Dynasty, people could snatch good things when they saw them. There was nothing without money. They were used to getting something for nothing. Now that it¡¯s no longer possible, there are officers and soldiers from the Ming Dynasty guarding the house and the courtyard, so naturally they can¡¯t just take it as they please. Therefore, small armies often find isolated towns with weak troops to plunder. They not only plunder but also kill people on sight. Of course, the Oara army led by Xiang also does this kind of thing. For example, Lu Yunzhi's family was one of the tens of millions of people who were persecuted by the Mongolian raiders. He was smarter than his father and started doing business with the Ming Dynasty. Although the prices were still a bit expensive, it was better than the merchants who came through the trade. The price you got was much better. From then on, the two sides began a peaceful trade that lasted for more than ten years. Although there were many cases of barbaric Mongolians harming Han people in the caravans, the matter did not become serious. The Ming Dynasty turned a blind eye and passed by. But he gradually became dissatisfied. With the support of the ghost witches, he began to pass off the bad as good, and plundered the surrounding people on a small scale for the ghost witches to use to worship ghosts. The ghost witches could use the blood souls of cattle and sheep to worship. But employing human souls is the most effective, but where can they find so many people? Ye Xian's actions have brought convenience to them, so he spared no effort to help the strong men on the grassland. ¡° Such a bad thing happened and has never been exposed, so one person was involved - Wang Zhen. Wang Zhen took Ye Xian's advantage and suppressed the matter. Most people in the court dared not speak out. But when things finally happened, Dang also felt that with his own support, he was supported byMy own ghost witches are getting stronger and stronger, and they already have the strength to compete with the people of heaven and earth in the Central Plains. And his soldiers and horses have been trained for many years, and their numbers are increasing. It's time to compete with Ming Dynasty. ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Stop giving Wang Zhen any benefits and act like a clueless rogue. Wang Zhen was not a gentleman, so he naturally deducted all the goods that he had bartered with before. He also used this as a reason to declare war, and took this opportunity to blow the horn of charge to Ming Dynasty. So they first gathered more than 30,000 Wala cavalry, divided them into four groups, and led a group of people to march toward Datong Mansion in Shanxi Province. The eunuch guarding there, Guo Jing, was also a sensible person and fully supported the commander-in-chief Shi Heng's formation of troops required money and effort. Although he couldn't help him militarily, Shi Heng didn't care because Guo Jing had already done what he could. The 10,000 Ming garrison, Shi Heng's own troops and the vanguard of the 4,000-horse cavalry faced each other at Yanghekou near Datong Mansion, all waiting for the order from their highest officer to launch an attack. The war was about to break out, but Shi Heng did not expect that it would be such a disastrous defeat. The battle began, and Shi Heng's general Song Ying died in the battle. The guarding eunuch Guo Jing who accompanied the army disappeared without a trace. The entire 10,000 defenders were wiped out. Shi Heng fought his way out of the siege alone. He ran out but was followed by the Wala cavalry. , pursued hard. When Shi Heng was about to despair, he met a group of people who saved him, and these people were from the Zhongzheng lineage of the people of heaven and earth that Shi Heng knew. Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 63: The Royal Conqueror¡¯s Personal Conquest "I just can't figure out what trick those Ora cavalry used. Why were they unscathed in the first round of attacks with spears and bows? They had to attack again or chop their heads to kill them. I don't understand. I I feel like I lost unjustly and refused to accept the defeat!" Shi Heng said frustratedly as he sat on the ground. Qu Xiangtian was stunned after hearing this, and asked: "Are those people's faces a little blue? Their faces turned rosy after you attacked, but they had already rushed in front of them, and it was too late to bend their bows and arrows to launch a second wave of attacks. Of course, they are no match for those Wala cavalry in close combat. Am I right in my analysis?" Shi Heng stared at Qu Xiangtian with bloodshot eyes and shouted, "How do you know what's going on?" Everyone didn't know much, but Qu Xiangtian? In addition to studying the art of war, Xiangtian also loves magical weapons and strange moves to defeat the enemy. At this moment, he hurriedly explained: "It is the evil spirit possession technique unique to ghost witches. Genghis Khan relied on this to rule the desert. Later, he and Hua Hua Lazimo and the Southern Song Dynasty used this technique as a pioneer in conquering neighboring countries. In fact, it is to attach one person's soul to another person's body, which has achieved invulnerability. However, this technique has great disadvantages. There are two points: first, it can only be protected once, which means that the second attack received is no different from ordinary people, and the head of the possessed person cannot be protected, because once the head is also occupied, it is easy to trigger the soul. Secondly, it requires a lot of souls to fill an army, so it was not promoted in Genghis Khan's time and was only used by the most elite vanguard troops. But I heard when we went to Tamerlane before. Mongolian ghost witches can now use one soul to attach to five people, and the effect is the same. If this is true, it is really terrible. Just plundering a Han civilian can give five battle-hardened warriors one more life. . Such an army is invincible. Unless we, the people of heaven and earth, are also involved, it will be difficult to win. General Shi, don¡¯t be sad. Victory and defeat are common in military affairs. One day you will kill your enemy with pride. " Han Yueqiu suddenly said. Asked: "General Shi, please tell us whether the emperor has personally marched on the expedition? What is the trend?" Shi Heng suddenly realized that if it was true as Qu Xiangtian said, then the emperor was in danger, and hurriedly said: "I heard news from the army He said, "It is true that the Holy Emperor has personally marched. I heard that Wang Zhen encouraged him. Go and save him. This group of Wala cavalry is really terrifying. It is said that there are many troops dispatched this time, as many as 500,000 people." " Qin Rufeng asked: "When did it happen and when did it start?" Shi Heng replied: "Hey, it seems that the eunuchs really ruined the country. It was Wang Zhen, the dead eunuch, who persuaded the emperor to launch the expedition in person in early July. To attack, the troops were divided into four groups, one to attack Liaodong, the other to Gansu, and the third group to attack Xuanfu. The last group of troops was also led by the cavalry who had just attacked our Datong. It was the middle of this month when Beijing received the news. I think it will be several months before we can move out. The troops and horses have not yet used food and grass. It will take a long time to mobilize more than 500,000 people." Everyone nodded, feeling a little relieved. Shi Heng cleared his throat and said, "Can I accompany you all to rescue him so that I can make up for my mistakes?" Han Yueqiu thought for a moment and replied, "What do you think, General Shi? You go back to the capital first and report to your master that the Wala army is for use." You can use the evil spirit possession technique to prepare for the Ming army as soon as possible, so that you will not be attacked again. This is a great achievement, and the emperor will definitely be pleased with you and give you a promotion. " Shi Heng's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he asked quickly: "Really?" Han Yueqiu nodded, and Shi Heng hurriedly got on his horse and clasped his fists, saying, "This matter is extremely urgent and cannot be delayed. I'll just say goodbye." Du Hai saw that Shi Heng was covered in blood and exhausted. He asked kindly: "General Shi, do you need us to send a few people to go back with you?" Shi Heng smiled and said: "Although I, Shi, have been defeated, I am not in such a bad situation. I appreciate your kindness." As he said that, he rode his horse. After leaving, Gao Huai snorted and said, "This Shi Heng is afraid that others will share his credit." "Of course, but I sent him away on purpose." Han Yueqiu suddenly said this coldly. Everyone looked at him in confusion, but heard him say: "Our master once told Zhu Qizhen in Timur to predict today's disaster, but it was too long and there was Yao Guangxiao's bell, so he didn't dare. After all, if we risk our lives for the people of the world today, we will have to count on it. Once the iron hoofs of the Wala cavalry enter our territory, the people of Li will be in dire straits, so we must get ahead of them and get out of Zhu Qi Town. When will the army set off and what route will it take to stop him in advance? I think Master should be arriving in the capital soon. If nothing happens, Zhu Qizhen will be stopped by then. However, we cannot relax. A two-pronged approach will be safer. "What do you guys think?" Everyone nodded in agreement, and then each took out a tortoise shell and other divination tools. Some weirdos like Fang Qingze picked up an abacus and started calculating. Only Han Yueqiu and Lu Yunzhi Du Hai Sitting cross-legged, what??It's not like that. Just close your eyes and say it silently. After half a stick of incense, Han Yueqiu opened her eyes, her face turned gray. Lu Yunzhi opened his eyes after a moment and stared at Han Yueqiu, his eyes filled with disbelief, but Han Yueqiu nodded. Du Hai opened his eyes for the third time, with a look of astonishment on his face, but Han Yueqiu sighed, put his index finger between his lips, and made a silent gesture towards him. Everyone opened their eyes one after another. Some looked blank and seemed to have calculated nothing, while others looked indignant. In front of Qu Xiangtian were five bare arrows, which were gold, silver, copper, iron and wood. Qu Xiangtian obviously knew the answer, but he didn't believe the answer and thought he had made a mistake. He just kept calculating until Murong Yunfei beside him patted him gently, and Qu Xiangtian let go. His fists were clenched tightly and were about to turn purple. Qin Rufeng suddenly screamed and jumped up, smashing the hexagram plate in front of him to pieces, and while smashing it, he cursed: "What the fuck, how could this happen, how could this happen! They only prepared for four days before leaving, this is not Are you looking for death? "Some disciples have not calculated the results, but most of the Zhongzheng sect has calculated the results. Just today, the army set off by Yujia personally, and there is not as much time to prepare as most people think. Months or even years were spent in just four days. Qu Xiangtian trembled and said: "More than that, the army does not have 500,000 people at all. At this rate, it can gather more than 200,000 people at most, which is very dangerous." Everyone was in an uproar, and Han Yueqiu continued: "I have calculated a location. Yu County is nearby, where are you?" Everyone nodded, Han Yueqiu looked at Lu Yunzhi, and Lu Yunzhi said: "I am also in Yu County, let's go to Yu County quickly, we can't stay here for a long time, otherwise the sentries from Wala will If they find us, it will cause a lot of trouble. " Han Yueqiu sighed, got on his horse, and when everyone was ready, the group headed towards Yu County, which is also under Datong. Everyone felt very uneasy and uncomfortable. A sense of desolation passed through everyone's hearts, but no one said it out loud. Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 64 Parting "The soldiers and horses have not moved yet, but the food and grass go first. All fools know this sentence. They dare to set off after four days of preparation. What have those fools in the Ministry of War done!" Qin Rufeng has to yell a few times every day when he comes together these days. They live in In an inn in Yu County, they gather together every day to discuss. Qu Xiangtian said with a smile: "What's the use of just complaining? Let's discuss how we can obtain military power and win this battle if the emperor refuses to go with us." Han Yueqiu said: "I think we should still be soldiers It's better to split into two routes. I'll take a few people to wait here. Du Hai, take more people to catch up along the route out of Beijing. I'm afraid there will be another accident at a place we didn't plan on. Gui Wu, we can still compete. Next, what I'm most worried about is that mysterious group of people who talk about everything. I still haven't figured out why Shang Gu and his group would write these words on the inside of their belts. Several people who were shot were With these five words, the most important thing is that they are not from the same branch, which is even more strange." Du Hai nodded and said: "This is a very good statement, I think so, then I will give it a go and follow me. Those who came with me before, but your strength, Second Senior Brother, is a bit weak. I will leave Qin Rufeng and Gao Huai to you to deal with any situation." Han Yueqiu acquiesced. Lu Yunzhi suddenly said: "Senior brother, I want Yingzi, Yuting and Murong Yunfei to return to Beijing first. After all, it is too dangerous here." After hearing what Lu Yunzhi said, Shi Yuting was unwilling and scolded: "Brother Yunzhi, if we don't leave, you can't drive us away. We have been in such danger along the way." Lu Yunzhi said: "Although Sister Murong's magic skills are very powerful, Yingzi's martial arts are not as good as mine." Yu Ting is also very clever, but you are women after all, and you are still merciful when fighting. I don't want you to get hurt, you are the eldest brother and the second brother." Qu Xiangtian nodded, and Fang Qingze also agreed: "Yes, you guys. Go back first, you three are still taking care of me, and some of our junior brothers will also go back to help Master." In fact, those so-called junior brothers are not good at Yin and Yang, and they are afraid of causing unnecessary casualties, so they just say it tactfully. That¡¯s all. Han Yueqiu was so smart that he naturally understood. He quickly agreed and called the names of seven or eight people, asking them to go back to their rooms to pack packages. Murong Yunfei was a sensible woman after all. At this moment, she took Shi Yuting's hand and said, "Let's go. Don't let them worry about us. We'll set off today." Shi Yuting was just about to remain coquettish for a while when she went to listen to Yingzi's words: "Well , I listen to Lu Lang, Yu Ting and I are waiting for you in the capital, you can rest assured that I will take good care of Yu Ting on the way. Lu Lang, eldest brother, second brother, all brothers and sisters of Lu Lang, take care." I went back to my room to pack my luggage. Murong Yunfei also walked out. Shi Yuting hesitated to speak, so she had to stamp her feet and run out of the room with tears in her eyes. Du Hai and Qin Rufeng chuckled, and Gao Huaishuai said in a glib tone at this moment: "Oh, I'll ask Yingzi and Murong Yunfei if they have any sisters or anything at home. These two women are so knowledgeable that Yingzi is a girl. My dear, Murong Yunfei's graceful attitude dominated the whole audience. You said that I, Gao Huai, am also a handsome man, much prettier than you two, so why can't I find such a good woman? It's you Lu Yun" At this point, when he saw Han Yueqiu staring at him, he remembered that Lu Yunzhi was the seventh senior brother, and quickly changed his words and said: "You, the seventh senior brother, you get two by yourself, I can't even think of it. Understand, how am I inferior to you?" Fang Qingze said with a bad smile: "You are worse than both of them, and your mouth is as bad as a gourd. That girl dares to marry you." Everyone laughed. Du Hai coughed slightly and stood up and said in a rough voice: "Second senior brother, you and I will say goodbye for now. Don't worry, I won't show mercy when I meet that boy Shang Wan. We will drink another three hundred cups after we return to Beijing." Han Yueqiu He also showed a rare smile and said: "Okay, fifth junior brother, take care. I'll see you in the capital when we're done." After saying that, Du Hai turned around and walked out. Most of the people followed Du Hai and walked out. Their mission was to escort Zhu Qizhen. , following this army of more than 200,000 people seems safe but is also full of dangers, because the ghost witches and even the mysterious organization are most likely to attack this dazzling target, Emperor Zhu Qizhen. This is why most people follow Du Hai. ?? Han Yueqiu¡¯s people are all elites in the vein. It is dangerous to stay here, but too many people and the target is too big. It is not as convenient as having fewer people but more elites. Han Yueqiu had just drank a cup of tea when she heard Du Hai shouting in the lobby: "The store will cut ten kilograms of beef and make a jar of wine. I want to eat on the way." It seemed that Du Hai was ready to leave at this moment. A heroic man. Everyone could only smile after hearing this. Although Du Hai, the fifth senior brother, was strict and rude, he was very kind-hearted and quick-spoken. He always treated people sincerely and never used scheming. When Han Yueqiu heard Du Hai's shouting, she shook her head and smiled, but no one expected that this would be the last time she heard Du Hai's loud voice.The loud voice that we both love and hate. Not long after, Murong Yunfei, the three of them and the less skilled disciples also rode away, still without saying goodbye. They didn't need to say goodbye because everyone firmly believed that they would meet again soon. On August 1st, Lu Yunzhi, who was sleeping, suddenly heard a slight movement of bricks above his head, so he opened his eyes and got up, picked up his steel sword and walked outside the house. After a while, Qu Xiangtian, Han Yueqiu, Fang Qingze and others also walked out of the door one after another. With one less thing to do, everyone rushed out of the inn and stood outside the door with their backs to each other, looking at each other. "So alert!" A low but clear voice came from the roof. Everyone looked up and saw a person sitting on the roof. This person was so motionless that Lu Yunzhi, who had extremely keen senses, did not notice him. The man sat there, like a clay sculpture. If he hadn't spoken, no one would have noticed his presence. He had a good ability to hide his aura and become invisible. The highest level of a person's hiding does not lie in how secluded his hiding place is. No matter how well he hides, he cannot conceal his aura, just like someone can sense it when someone stares at him. What he feels is exactly the other person's aura. gas. The highest state is that he is right in front of you, but you just ignore him as a piece of grass or a tree. The moment this person's skill shows up, he immediately shows his identity - a master. If it weren't for the fact that we and the enemy were not clear, everyone would have shouted "Hello". Zhu Jianwen shouted to the man: "Where did you come from, Xiaoxiao? What's the point of hiding? Come down for a while." The man ignored Zhu Jianwen and just said: "Lu Yunzhi, we meet again!" Lu Yun He was stunned for a moment, but immediately calmed down, closed his eyes and searched for the sounds around him, and opened his mouth and said: "Have we met before? I don't think I know you. Let the people behind you come out, they are not as powerful as you." The man laughed heartily, waved his hand and instantly a dozen figures stood up behind him. Their faces could not be seen clearly under the moonlight. The man said: "Lu Yunzhi, according to my investigation, you are Shi Fang's beloved disciple, and indeed you are the same as his other disciples." The useless apprentice is different, he has some ability. We have met him, not only have we met him, but also How do you say it in Chinese, right? " Lu Yunzhi heard the man say how about Chinese culture, how about brother-in-law. , seemed to have thought of something, and asked tremblingly: "Who are you?" The man smiled and said: "You seem to have guessed it, why do you need me to say it? You can just call me Qiyan, I am Mongolian "Ghost witch." Lu Yunzhi asked again fiercely: "Who are you?" Qiyan raised her lips and said, "I am your brother-in-law. I am Yingzi's first man." Lu Yun didn't finish her words. With a loud shout, he kicked off the pillar and jumped up with strength, grabbed the beam with his hand, and then turned over and flew up to the roof. Although he had always been dexterous, this was the first time he had climbed so high with only two uses of force. house, when anger inspired his potential. The blood was boiling in Lu Yunzhi's body. He roared low like a wild beast. Fire-like anger filled his brain and stimulated his physical energy. As soon as he fell, before he could stand still, he raised his sword towards the beggar with a lunge. Yan stabbed away. Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 65: Driving the Tiger Away from the Mountain "Yunzhi, don't be reckless." Qu Xiangtian shouted loudly, using both hands and feet to climb up to the roof with a few bends and stretches. Fang Qingze, Zhu Jianwen followed closely behind, Gao Huai, Qin Rufeng and Han Yueqiu stayed below to watch, Jin Ke Attack, retreat and defeat defense. Although Lu Yunzhi acted without authorization as if he was crazy, everyone quickly took precautions and cooperated with each other in a tacit understanding. In fact, Han Yueqiu seemed to have a frosty face, but in fact, his heart was overturned. He wanted to go up with Lu Yunzhi to kill the man named Qi Yan, but his reason stopped him. Qin Rufeng and Gao Huai didn't know why, but they just heard Qi Yan. Yan was slightly surprised when he said he was Yingzi's first man, and didn't react for a moment. Lu Yunzhi¡¯s sword is a sword of anger, and hatred is deep-rooted. The steel sword scratched off Qi Yan¡¯s hair that was flying in the wind, but Qi Yan remained motionless, quite like Mount Tai collapsing in front of her without changing her expression. When the steel sword was close to Qiyan's eyelids, Qiyan suddenly lay down and slid down the slope of the roof. He dodged the sword and rolled down the two-story inn along the eaves. , falling vertically to the ground. I saw the body of the Qiyan Protector twisting in the air and pulling out a saber from behind. Then he used his waist to force his body to land vertically, and suddenly struck it vertically with the saber. Several people in the room were unable to dodge. Qin Rufeng took the lead and raised the steel in his hand. Holding the handle of the knife with one hand and the back of the knife with the other, he took the blow with both hands. The sabers and steel knives collided with each other and struck out sparks. Qin Rufeng did not expect Qi Yan to be so powerful, and with the force of falling, his strength became several times stronger. He was shocked to the point where his legs were weak and he knelt down on one knee. He was so angry that he let out a loud roar. With a sudden forceful push, Qiyan's body was lifted up without even landing on the ground, and he flipped around before falling to the ground. Han Yueqiu secretly shouted in her heart: Good kung fu, he is tall, broad-waisted and yet so flexible, it seems like he is going to have sex with him for a while. He suddenly leaned forward, exerted force on his feet, pulled out the yin-yang daggers from both sides and rushed forward, thrusting both daggers straight into Qiyan's chest. Qi Yan did not panic, he kicked a dagger from his riding boots and reached out to catch it. Holding the dagger in his left hand and a saber in his right hand, he swung the weapons to both sides to deflect Han Yueqiu's attack. However, Han Yueqiu shifted her body from forward to backward with one foot, and kicked Qiyan's head with one foot. Qiyan quickly retracted his arm to block it in front of him, but was kicked out hard and fell backwards. Han Yueqiu did somersaults and stabbed Qiyan with both yin and yang daggers, who was about to fall to the ground. However, they saw that although the beggar fell backward, he used his elbows as a fulcrum to use his waist as a fulcrum and rolled to the side as soon as his waist touched the ground, dodging the dagger piercing his chest again. Qiyan rolled over not far away and was about to stand up when he heard the roar of wind behind him. All the momentum he had gained from falling to rolling to the ground had been exhausted, and his body had no point of exertion. Naturally, he couldn't dodge, so he had to use one hand. The force that swung the knife to the ground and then slashed to the ground was a few inches taller, and those few inches saved his life. An arrow passed by his head, leaving a bloody mark on Qiyan's face. Qiyan took a long breath, but suddenly felt a tight and bone-chilling pain in his back, and another arrow penetrated his back. , if it hadn't been so high just now, it must have hit the heart. Qiyan had already stood up at this moment, coughing out a stream of blood, and then quickly took out a finger bone from his arms, and a wisp of green smoke came out from the bone. , green smoke moved around the whole body, the bow and arrow were slowly pushed out of the flesh, and the wounds gradually healed, intact except for the bloody stains on the backup clothes, but there was still a trace of pain wherever Qiyan looked, as if he had never been injured. More than average. Qiyan burst out laughing and said, "I was really careless." Gao Huai, who was holding a bow and arrow with his fingers, continued: "You are so treacherous. If the information is correct, you are Gao Huai. You are Qin Rufeng, you are indeed a brave man. , no less than that Qu Xiangtian and Du Hai. As for you, it should be Han Yueqiu. We have never interacted with each other, but your name is very popular. Apart from Shi Fang, you are the one who is really in charge of things. It is indeed worthy of its reputation. I admire it. Without your attack, I would not have been able to withstand Gao Huai's two arrows. The Zhongzheng lineage is really powerful." It turned out that when Han Yueqiu was fighting with Qi Yan, Gao Huai secretly bent his bow and aimed at Qi Yan. Waiting for Qi Yan to be unable to exert his strength, he shot an arrow at his head, quickly raised his bow and then shot a second arrow straight towards Qi Yan's back. Unexpectedly, Qi Yan escaped the fatal two blows. Attack can also be said to be a master among masters. Han Yueqiu said coldly: "Who are you among the ghosts and witches? You are so cruel. You sacrificed your life to the ghosts in exchange for your current scars being healed. It's amazing!" Qi Yan took out the That human finger bone is the famous soul-changing finger among ghost witches. It is said that the finger of ghost witches has ten fingers, which are taken from the ten fingers of the fourth generation ghost dance leader. Each finger has the effect of healing, no matter what it is. No matter how serious the injury is, as long as the breath is still alive, you can take out the finger bones, recite the magic spell silently in your heart, green smoke will come out, and the injury will be cured. But there is a price for doing this, that is, you have to trade your Yangshou. How much you pay for your Yangshou depends on how serious the injury is. There was a story about a warriorHe got the finger and cured his beloved lover who had been paralyzed for many years. Unexpectedly, the girl died the next day. Because her illness used up all her life, people who are not proficient in divination dare not use soul exchange indiscriminately. Otherwise, once the yang life is exhausted, the wound will heal but the person will die on the spot. Qi Yan burst out laughing again and said: "A real man should be free in this world, so a few years of life are nothing. I Qi Yan, who is the guardian of the left ghost witch, I am still qualified to fight with you. I just tried your skills. Now I'm going to get serious about my skills." As he spoke, Qi Yan's Hanfu suddenly bulged, as if it was full of energy. He raised his arms, and the cuff straps suddenly broke and fell from the sleeves. There were bursts of crying sounds, and a red light glowed secretly. In a moment, dozens of red evil spirits rushed out of the sleeves. Han Yueqiu, Gao Huai, Qin Rufeng and others all took out their magical weapons. Han Yueqiu held the Yin and Yang daggers and shouted a longan bodhi seed into his mouth. The two daggers made a semicircle in the air. His face remained expressionless and stern. Gao Huai took out a jade flute and suddenly played a tune. The tune was melodious and beautiful, but it could not be heard far away and could only be heard within five steps. But beyond five steps, it seemed as if it was a world away, and it was silent. Under the silver-white moonlight, Gao Huai, who was already handsome, looked like a jade tree facing the wind. Qin Rufeng was holding two Bagua mirrors, but the two Bagua mirrors were connected by a chain filled with runes. He turned the Bagua mirror and flipped his hand back and forth on the chain, gradually dancing airtightly, and turned quickly. , the runes actually formed a circular pattern. Although I couldn't see what it was, I felt a faint evil aura coming from it. Come on, this is the battle between heaven, earth, man and ghosts and witches. Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 66: Shang Yang Falling from the Sky (Additional update) After Lu Yunzhi's sword miss on the roof, he immediately jumped up and followed Qi Yan to continue the fight, but he didn't expect that a voice in substandard Chinese suddenly sounded in his ears: "Fight me." Lu Yunzhi glanced at it. Without looking, he turned around and stabbed with his sword, but felt the sword shake as if it had hit a copper wall. Lu Yunzhi turned around and shouted, "Get away!" He saw a pair of giant hammers clamped tightly together. Holding Lu Yunzhi's steel sword and holding the hammer was a tall, plump middle-aged man with a cheeky face. The man chuckled and still said in non-standard Chinese: "Just like girls, "The strength is too weak." Lu Yunzhi was furious, and he suddenly pulled his sword back, but it was tightly clamped by the hammer and could not move. Lu Yunzhi took a deep breath and pulled the sword out hard, but the man didn't move. Suddenly, Lu Yunzhi didn't move. He sent it back and thrust it into the man's arms. Although the sword was still clamped by the hammer, the sudden force in the opposite direction made the man confused. In the midst of this confusion, Lu Yunzhi pressed the sword hard. With one hand, he jumped up and kicked the man in the face. The man had no choice but to let go of the two hammers holding Lu Yunzhi's steel sword and hit Lu Yunzhi's flying legs. As soon as Lu Yunzhi bent his legs and stepped on the giant hammer that was coming, he was about to somersault to get out. Unexpectedly, the bearded man yelled and shook the hammer suddenly. Lu Yunzhi pointed his toes on the hammer and used the hammer as a weapon. He stepped harder, but he didn't expect that the bearded man was so responsive. He followed Lu Yunzhi's power and sent out the hammer. Suddenly Lu Yunzhi flew far away, and was about to fly out of the roof. Zhu Jianwen was following him at the end. But he stretched out his hand to grab Lu Yunzhi and turned Lu Yunzhi's body, intending to relieve the force. However, he didn't expect that the force was so strong that he was dragged down to the roof, but it was better than falling down. He was beaten to a pulp under the house. The bearded man was about to rush over, but a strong hand caught his neck, and then he suddenly buckled down. The roof beam made a loud bang, and a heroic voice said: "I will accompany you. Have fun, buddy." It was Qu Xiangtian. The bearded man just thought of it, but he was held down by Qu Xiangtian. He pulled out a strange-shaped knife from his back and suddenly stabbed the man's head. The man swung a hammer and smashed Qu Xiangtian's head, hoping to kill him. Both sides suffer. Before, Huzi yelled at the groups of figures behind him. Now they all stood up and shouted. The Mongolian music Xiangtian said was naturally incomprehensible, but Qingze behind him shouted: "No!" but he could hear clearly. . Fang Qingze was in front, Lu Yunzhi and Zhu Jianwen stood up and followed closely behind, rushing towards Qu Xiangtian. The same goes for the people behind the bearded man. There seemed to be seven or eight of them, and they also showed their weapons. However, he saw a cold joke flash across the corner of Qu Xiangtian's mouth. He bumped into one hammer with his shoulder and dodged the other one. The hand holding down the big man was a little loose on this side. The bearded man yelled and twisted his body to avoid the fatal knife. However, the strange double-edged knife sliced ??his shoulder and opened a gap in his ear. With a shout, each jumped to their own camp. Fang Qingze supported Qu Xiangtian and asked, "Brother, is your arm okay?" Qu Xiangtian gritted his teeth and took a breath and said, "It's okay, it's just that my arm fell off." Zhu Jianwen Lu Yunzhi caught up with him, Lu Yunzhi looked at it, pushed up Qu Xiangtian's arm, and then said: "Brother, let us go up, you take a rest first." Qu Xiangtian chuckled: "How can you be the eldest brother to back down? , Besides, my fight with this man is not over yet, I can fight with one arm. I am Qu Xiangtian, what is your name, warrior?" The wound on the bearded man's shoulder was not serious, blood was flowing, and there was a big hole in his ear. , half of the body was bleeding uncontrollably, looking disgusting and terrifying. The big man grinned, showing his slightly black and yellow teeth and said: "I am Ba Gen, the envoy of the ghost witch, Qu Xiangtian, you are a good man, come again?" He raised his hammer and pounced on Qu Xiangtian, and Qu Xiangtian swung it. Fang Qingze, who was supporting him, raised his knife and fought with Bagan. When Fang Qingze and others saw that Qu Xiangtian was becoming stubborn, they were unable to help. Lu Yunzhi looked downstairs at the inn and saw Qiyan, Han Yueqiu and others fighting in a ball, and wanted to jump down and give Qiyan a hug. The sword was blocked again, and the seven or eight ghost witch believers surrounded Lu Yunzhi, Fang Qingze, Zhu Jianwen and the other three. Suddenly, more than ten people were fighting in a ball, and their figures were constantly intertwined on the roof, accompanied by blood. There were sounds of breaking bricks and muffled grunts from being hit, but most of them were injured by the Mongolian ghost witches. Even though there are many of them, they are not as skilled as a few people from the Zhongzheng lineage. This is exactly what Han Yueqiu wants to achieve by pursuing excellence without seeking more. Looking back at the fight below the room, Qi Yan sprayed red evil spirits from her cuffs and pounced on Han Yueqiu and others. Several people took out their magic weapons and prepared to fight. Han Yueqiu used the yin and yang dagger to tear open the body of the evil spirit. A different kind of light kept appearing on the yin and yang daggers. One gold and one silver kept flashing in Han Yueqiu's hands. It looked extremely beautiful as it slid rapidly. The air was full of ghosts. The whistle sounds when the spirit is destroyed, and dozens of first-class evil spirits have not had time to transform into shapes and attack.Yue Qiu and the others were all wiped out by him in an instant. Qi Yan sneered and said: "It is indeed powerful. The Yin and Yang daggers can be regarded as sharp weapons to destroy ghosts. But do they have such skills if you have them?" Han Yueqiu secretly screamed in her heart. She was too far away from Gao Huai and Qin Rufeng, so she hurriedly went to He ran back, but was stopped by Qiyan Hengdao. Gao Huai and Qin Rufeng had just set up their stances to prepare for a big fight, but they didn't expect that they were all eliminated by Han Yueqiu alone. While they admired Han Yueqiu's skills and marveled at the power of the yin and yang daggers, they became even more bored with anything. No, just like a theatergoer. Gao Huai suddenly raised his head and stared at the sky and said, "Old Qin, look" Before he could finish his words, he was pushed away by Qin Rufeng. Qin Rufeng was seen holding a Bagua mirror in one hand, with his arms raised above his head and reaching towards the sky. There was a loud noise, and Qin Rufeng was pressed by a strong force, his knees softened and he fell to the ground, but he kept silently chanting: "Special Soldier Gua Kun Wudong Heavenly Fire." A golden light suddenly flashed on the Bagua mirror. Gao Huai looked along the golden light, almost peeing in fright and tremblingly saying: "What the hell is this?" He was always huge. A black shadow fell from the sky, and at this moment, it was holding down the two Bagua mirrors held by Qin Rufeng with two huge sharp claws. A bunch of bird-like giants looked back and forth, but a pair of wings behind them were so clearly visible, and every time they shook, they brought up gusts of wind. Gao Huai was dumbfounded. Many years ago, he and everyone saw another winged evil ghost - Chaos in the house of the Zhongzheng family. But the ghost in front of him was even bigger than Chaos, and although the body was rolling and blurred with black smoke, the huge head was clearly visible, as if the head of a sparrow had been magnified hundreds of times, and the bird's eyes were empty. It's like a deep pool of water that makes people look at it and feel that it's bottomless and gives them a creepy feeling. Also clearly visible are the pair of huge claws and wings. Except for the fact that it has no feathers on its body, it looks like a giant bird. Han Yueqiu was fighting with Qi Yan at the side and secretly thought: No, it¡¯s Shang Yang. Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 67 Both sides suffer losses Although Gao Huai was scared, he saw Qin Rufeng's expression was grim and his arms were shaking, and he wanted to rub himself and step forward to help. But suddenly the big bird soared into the sky and disappeared. Qin Rufeng breathed a long sigh of relief and saved his life from the door of hell. Just when he was about to fall to the ground to rest, the huge black shadow fell from the sky again, and the surrounding bricks and tiles were lifted up, making a clattering sound in the strong wind brought by the big bird. Qin Rufeng did not dare to run away with Gao Huai, but he felt that the huge air pressure was getting closer and closer to him. The air seemed to be compressed, making the two of them breathless. Qin Rufeng shouted: "Run separately." The two ran separately. Gao Huai suddenly felt no pressure at all. He only heard a muffled groan. When he looked back, he saw that it was still Qin Rufeng. He was holding up the Bagua Mirror to resist as before. But the Bagua Mirror has been broken into pieces, and it looks like it will break apart in the blink of an eye. Qin Rufeng's arms shook even more than last time. His knees were separated by stones and blood oozed out. A mouthful of blood suddenly spurted out from his mouth, and the bones in his body made a rattling sound. He was about to hold on. . Gao Huai raised his jade flute and played music as he quickly approached the giant bird. Qin Rufeng struggled to squeeze out a sentence from his mouth: "Gao Huai, it's Shang Yang. Don't come here. Once he attacks, he will chase you to the ends of the earth. Run!" The last sound came out! Running quickly exhausted Qin Rufeng's last bit of strength, and his body went limp and was pressed to the ground, making the sound of broken bones instantly. Gao Huai's tune was playing faster and faster. When Shang Yang was about to peck Qin Rufeng's neck lying on the ground with his beak, a flash of blue light suddenly appeared in Gao Huai's jade flute and went straight towards Shang Yang. Suddenly, the area within a hundred meters became silent, and even the sounds of clashing weapons and shouts of fighting seemed to be gone. Before, there was music within five steps and silence five steps away, but now there was no sound within a hundred meters. Everyone in the circle instantly felt this silent change, except for Ba Gen and Qu Xiang. The two of them still fought together no matter what, and even Han Yueqiu and Qiyan knew what was going on and kept attacking each other. The rest of the people stopped what they were doing and looked at Big Bird and Qiyan in the field. Gao Huai's jade flute. Gao Huai¡¯s jade flute was passed down from his ancestors. It happened that Gao Huai was also proficient in music, so he always carried it with him. During Timur's reign, Mr. Shi heard him playing a tune. After holding it in his hand for a long time, he soaked the jade flute in mercury. After a while, he took it out and wiped it clean. Then he asked Gao Huai to blow it. Everyone found that as long as he played it When you play a tune, it sounds like the sound of nature within five steps, but you can't hear it beyond five steps. After the ghosts are released, the ghosts cannot get close to them within five steps. It is a magic weapon to ward off ghosts. Mr. Shi didn't know the origin of this jade flute, but he knew how to use music to drive away ghosts, so he taught Gao Huai a requiem. As long as this song is played, all sounds within a hundred meters will be absorbed into A blue brilliance attacks the ghosts. No one knows the reason, and this requiem was obtained by Mr. Shi using the method of exorcising ghosts with nine talismans and the spiritual sound of the people of heaven and earth, so he only knows how Gao Huai Zheng was worried that he didn't have the magic weapon that he could use skillfully, but he didn't know the reason behind it. So he became confused and used Qi in a confused manner. It was the first time that Requiem was used in actual combat. Gao Huai was not convinced. But if he didn't use it again, Qin Rufeng would be killed by Shang Yang. Moreover, he only provoked Shang Yang to save himself. No. No matter how hesitant to play the music, the requiem is extremely powerful once it is played. In an instant, the giant Shang Yang bird was seen shaking its body, letting go of Qin Rufeng who was holding it under its claws, and retreating. Gao Huai's tune became more and more urgent, and Shang Yang retreated faster and faster, its beak constantly opening and closing. He seemed to be shouting something. Lu Yunzhi saw this and shouted in his heart, took out the small bamboo tube he had used in the fight with the Soul-Eating Beasts and threw it on the ground, drew a circle with the steel sword, held the sword to the sky and said: " The main intention is good, the original intention drives out ghosts, the super heart devours the soul, all ghosts are swept away, and the world is silent. "This is the magic of exorcising ghosts from heaven and earth. The rolling ghost spirit rushed towards Shang Yang's evil spirit, intending to tear this giant beast apart with the power of swarms of ants. The ghost spirit driven by Lu Yunzhi had not yet arrived. In front of Shang Yang, Shang Yang opened his mouth, and his body was trembling slowly. There was a harsh sound of metal friction in the air, and the sound became louder and louder. Everyone clearly heard that it was the sound of birdsong, the harsh sound of birdsong. The sound was so loud that it made one's heart palpitate. The sound of Gao Huai playing the tune gradually came from the air, and slowly returned to the normal sound level that the jade flute can produce. Shang Yang suddenly let out a loud bird call, which made everyone's ears sting. Some people even had blood flowing from their eardrums. Many people squatted on the ground and covered their ears tightly, including Qu Xiangtian and Bagan. He also stopped fighting and just covered his ears to resist the opponent. Although Qiyan is a cultivator of Shang Yang, he was also in great pain by the evil ghost he worshiped. Everyone showed painful expressions, especially Gao Huai and Qin Rufeng who were the closest, not only the ear holes but also the nostrils Blood began to overflow from inside. Lu Yunzhi endured the pain, and her heart drove the ghosts released just now to surround Gao Huai and Qin Rufeng. The Kung Fu of Half a Cup of Tea by Shang YangguanHe opened his mouth, and in this short period of time, all the people present seemed to have died once. They were shaken by the harsh birdsong and could not stand upright. Several people from the Zhongzheng lineage looked down the room, surrounded by Qin Rufeng and The ghosts around Gao Huai had turned into a few wisps of smoke and disappeared in the air. Gao Huai and Qin Rufeng were lying on the ground not knowing whether to live or die. Han Yueqiu was the first to react. He had been meditating on the Buddhist scriptures silently, and the longan and bodhi seeds in his mouth were tumbling and beating in his mouth. This made Han Yueqiu, who had always been rigorous and careful, feel much better than others. He struggled to stand up. He knew that he was unable to compete with Shang Yang at the moment, so he staggered to the front of Qiyan Zuo, the protector, and fiercely pushed Yin and Yang. The two daggers were thrust into Qi Yan's chest. Qi Yan was so shocked that he fell to the ground. With his life on the line, Qi Yan suddenly kicked Han Yueqiu with all his strength. Qi Yan didn't have much strength at this time, but he was a strong and strong person after all. The power of this kick made Han Yueqiu The aim was slightly tilted, and the knife was inserted into Qiyan's ribs. Although Qi Yan was severely injured this time, it was not as fatal as Qi Yan's life. Qi Yan held back the pain and covered the wound, stood up with all her strength, and ran to the side. After a while, Ambassador Bagan and the believers swung down from the roof along a rope. Except for Bogen, several believers whose legs and feet were weak fell to the ground. After landing on the ground, these Mongolian ghosts and wizards supported the beggar protector one after another. They knelt on the ground and cut their palms with daggers and pressed them on the ground. They kept looking at the evil Shang Yang ghost who stood there silently and observed everyone with empty eyes. Lu Yunzhi and others also followed the beams and slid to the ground while holding the pillars. Their bodies really couldn't bear it. They ran to Han Yueqiu. Han Yueqiu winked at a few people, and everyone moved to the front where Shang Yang's evil ghost and ghost witches were facing each other. The three parties formed a triangle, so that they could detect the ghost witch and Shang Yang's attacks at the same time. trend. Several people from Zhongzheng Group picked up Qin Rufeng, who was already unconscious and was gradually breathing out. Although Gao Huai was unconscious, his condition was much better. At least his breathing was stable. It seemed that he was just stunned. Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 68: Mirror Flower Imagery Shang Yang kept pacing between the two groups of people, as if taking a walk after eating. In its eyes, the two groups of people in front of it seemed to be food that could be picked up at any time. The group of ghosts and witches kept chanting in Mongolian while doing the gift of discount. The ancient Mongolian ritual is to kneel down on one knee, and most of the ghosts and wizards used the ancient Mongolian ritual to salute each other. Before the Yuan Dynasty, there had always been a saying of "kneeling in the south and kneeling in the north", but the prime minister of the Yuan Dynasty, Yelu Chucai, invented the ritual of kneeling on the ground. However, Mongolian ghosts and witches still did not accept this method, and ordinary believers could only kneel on one knee at most. It was just a courtesy, but in front of me he was kowtowing and kneeling, cutting his palms and pressing them to the ground. Even the powerful Ghost Witch Zuo Dharma Protector Qiyan is no exception. Han Yueqiu whispered: "After being disturbed by Gao Huai, Shang Yang has become so ghostly that he doesn't want to be worshiped by ghosts and witches anymore, but he will react within a moment and continue to attack us. Let's form a five-element formation and try to We will resist until dawn. Tomorrow, if my calculations are correct, Du Hai and the others will be able to arrive at dawn. By then, with a large number of people and a strong Nine-Nine Return Formation, they will surely be able to suppress the Shang Yang Evil Ghost. " As they said this, they parted. Occupying the Five Elements position, he quickly formed a small Five Elements formation, and placed Qin Rufeng and Gao Huai who had fallen to the ground in the formation. As soon as the formation was completed, Shang Yang's evil ghost seemed to understand, soaring into the sky and disappearing in front of everyone. Han Yueqiu shouted: "Attention! It's coming." Several people silently recited the Five Elements Formation formula, and then walked around in the order of the Five Elements with their own magic weapons in hand. When Shang Yang's evil ghost still fell down, the five of them worked together to catch up. With the sound of sharp claws colliding with the magic weapon, five colors of light flashed in the air, intertwining and fighting with Shang Yang's black energy. Qu Xiangtian touched Gao Huai's bow that was scattered on the ground. As soon as the Mongolian ghost witch moved a little, he immediately released the arrow. Qu Xiangtian had great power and accurate arrows, so the ghost witch could only parry but had no way to fight back. Ba Gen couldn't help but roared and wanted to rush forward, but was stopped by Qi Yan, who said to Ba Gen: "Shang Yang is very unstable now. If you get close to him, you might get burned. Go and repair the mirror image. There was a fight just now." There must have been some damage. " Han Yueqiu and others joined forces to resist Shang Yang, and these five people were also elites of the Zhongzheng lineage. Although they were tired, they were still able to handle it. Qiyan was seriously injured but he didn't dare to use his soul-changing finger to heal his wounds, because if he used it again, he wouldn't be sure how much life he had left, and he might lose his life and his soul would be wiped out on the spot. So he had to cover the wound, kneel on the ground and keep panting, his voice whirring like a broken bellows. It seemed that Han Yueqiu's two swords had damaged Qiyan's lungs. Han Yueqiu exclaimed and said in a low voice: "Junior brothers, have you noticed that the inn we are currently in is located among residential buildings, and there is such a fierce fighting but no one came out to watch, and no one even lit a lamp, is it weird? "Fang Qingze was holding the eight-treasure coral string. Just now Shang Yang suddenly pounced down and came towards Fang Qingze. Although there were five other people to help him, they were still suppressed to the point where his blood surged. At this time, he took a few breaths and said: "Second Senior Brother, farewell. Don't worry, let's find a way to deal with this Shang Yang first." Han Yueqiu shook her head and said coldly: "No, I'm just afraid that Du Hai can't find us, so maybe we have entered another realm. "People discovered us." When everyone was fighting with Ao Yin Chaos in the Zhongzheng House in Beijing, they learned that Mr. Shi's son Shi Wentian had an ancient sword with two evil spirits attached to it, and the mirror flower was another world. The level of energy body is barely classified among the evil ghosts, ranking fifteenth. Speaking of the mirror flower, it is actually the evil spirit in the mirror image. It is so powerful that neither the people of heaven, earth nor other sects can capture it, because it is not on the same plane as the ghosts in the world. To be precise, the mirror flower is just a mirror image. The ghost-like things produced in the object are said to have extraordinary abilities. The mirror flower can be freely retrieved from the mirror and the human world. It can be listed in the top five, but no one has seen it except the ancestor Xing Wen. For such a powerful Kyouka, her ranking among the evil demons has naturally declined year after year, and she can only be ranked among the last evil demons so far. However, the slightly inferior mirror flowers are still relatively easy to collect. The mirror is a very spiritual thing. People in heaven and earth believe that what you see in the mirror is the image you see in the mirror, and does not represent the real object. Eyes The same is true for what you see, it is all the effect of light, so there is a view that everyone has their own preferences, not only because of the difference in aesthetics, but also because of the slight difference in the scenes presented in the eyes. Ghosts like mirror flowers often appear in ordinary people's homes. There are often stories of female ghosts in mirrors, but most of them are harmless. This is not because the ghosts are kind-hearted, but because those mirror flowers have no ability to walk out of the mirror. Come out to harm people's souls. But if you can collect hundreds of mirror flowers and form a huge mirror, you can create a realm called the image of mirror flowers. As the name suggests, the image of mirror flowers is to put people, objects or even ghosts into the world of mirrors through the energy of mirror flowers in the mirror. As long as this phenomenon is not broken,With the mirror image, people will always walk out of the mirror and will be firmly sealed in it. Except for those who activate the image of mirror flowers, people who do not know the entry formula cannot walk into the mirror at will. This is a magical method of sealing. Most of the barrier seals among the people of heaven and earth are aimed at ghosts and spirits, but are of little use to ordinary people. However, the mirror flower can seal all people and objects in it, and the true and false are intertwined. For example, it is like this now, inns and houses are all It was a mirror image, but Han Yueqiu, Gui Wu and others were actually sealed into the mirror. It turns out that when the ghost witch waited for everyone in the Zhongzheng lineage to rest, he activated the image of mirror flowers to trap everyone in the mirror to prevent reinforcements from coming to rescue them. But knowing that this technique would not be able to trap the elites of Zhongzheng's lineage, they believed that their own army was also strong. Under Bagan's shouting, Qiyan led the ghosts and witches into the mirror image, in order to eliminate Zhongzheng in the image of mirror flowers. There are several people in the same lineage, but they never thought that things are not simple, and it will end in a lose-lose situation. This oversized mirror composed of hundreds of low-grade mirror flowers took the ghost witch several months of hard work. It is now placed in the corner of the inn wall to prevent outsiders from disturbing it. A disciple who is proficient in Chinese is also assigned to wait outside the mirror to beg for his face. Only those who dare to enter with confidence can enter. Lu Yunzhi knew that he did not expect Du Hai and others to come to the rescue. The image of mirror flowers could only be broken internally. The reason was that if the image of mirror flowers was destroyed by external force without knowing the method, the consequences would be extremely serious. When the mirror is broken, everyone who has entered it will be shattered along with the mirror. Only by breaking this enchantment internally can everything be safe. So even if Du Hai arrived, Du Hai's cultivation would not be able to rescue everyone from the outside, let alone enter the mirror image. Lu Yunzhi was secretly worried. He could clearly see that all this was the image of flowers in the mirror, so he whispered to Han Yueqiu: "Second senior brother, it should be the image of flowers in the mirror. If this continues, we will just continue to fight with Shang Yang. In the image of Jinghua, people will not grow old, and time will not be lost. We will be in danger when Qiyan's injury stabilizes. How about we take a desperate risk and try to kill Shang Yang? " Han Yueqiu nodded, and suddenly used the yin and yang daggers. Raising high and turning constantly, the four of them gathered their strength and blocked Shang Yang's attack from the sky again. Then he said: "It's a desperate move, but there is no other way. Let's destroy the Five Evil Formation. I'm in front." As the horn, Yun Zhi is the tail, and the other three are the body, and they are defeated in one fell swoop." Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 69: Controlling Thunder Before Han Yueqiu and others had set up the formation, Qiyan discovered what they were thinking and devised a plan to hold back the pain of the wound and shouted in Chinese: "I say Lu Yunzhi, our brothers-in-law are worth it. Yingzi is a dark beauty, her skin is so smooth. I enjoy it so much. I¡¯ll let him accompany me in a few days.¡± Lu Yunzhi didn¡¯t answer. He was secretly angry and whispered to the sky: ¡°Third brother, no. Reckless, don't let him succeed by provoking the general." Lu Yunzhi was still arranging the formation, and Fang Qingze yelled back: "I really regret that I gave birth to an unfilial son like you when I went to Mobei last time. What do you call a beggar? "You guys haven't come over to kowtow to your father." Qiyan ignored her and continued: "But it's my fault for being careless. I didn't know that Yingzi was still a virgin. Otherwise, how could I taste it first? I heard that you wanted to marry him." Yingzi, I, my brother-in-law, have to say I'm sorry." After saying this, everyone in the ghost witch burst into laughter. Lu Yunzhi made no sound, but kept changing the talisman similar to the Buddha's seal in his hand, muttering something to himself, two giant thorns slowly seeped out from his cuffs, Han Yueqiu heard Lu Yunzhi Whispering, he suddenly turned around and shouted: "Stop, you haven't mastered it yet!" A black shadow fell from the sky, and this time the wind it brought was even more violent, making people even more breathless. Shang Yang was violent again The attack started, but Lu Yunzhi was seen slightly opening his mouth in anger and shouting loudly. Although Qu Xiangtian didn't know what Lu Yunzhi was doing, he heard Han Yueqiu's obstruction, so he stepped forward to hold Lu Yunzhi down to prevent his third brother from hurting him. The same was true for Fang Qingze and Zhu Jiwen, but Han Yueqiu stopped him. Attracting everyone, he sighed: "It's already started. Anyone who tries to stop him will die." In the meantime, Shang Yang waved his wings, tumbling his claws and pounced on Qu Xiangtian, who held the five-color three-talisman ghost line in his hand. The strange-shaped double-edged knife that was wrapped around him suddenly swung upwards in an attempt to resist. The other three people also used their magic weapons to help Qu Xiangtian with his efforts. Seeing Shang Yang approaching, Lu Yunzhi heard a loud shout: " Qi Yan, this is the evil ghost you worship, let me, the people of heaven and earth, come and meet it." As he said, he grabbed the two iron thorns protruding from the cuffs, interlaced them on the top of his head and kept colliding with each other, making a metal banging sound. The voice, he chanted the ancient language in his mouth, and then he looked up to the sky and roared. Lu Yunzhi's clothes gradually began to fall away, and everyone rushed to the scene. A breeze came, and the world in the mirror was both real and illusory. It was no different from the human world. Who could tell whether he was inside or outside. The wind did not gradually get stronger as usual, but suddenly became violent like a prelude to a heavy rain. Shang Yang flapped his wings and stopped in the air hastily, looking at Lu Yunzhi with hollow and bottomless eyes, bird-like. The beak screamed. The sound was not as harsh as before, but it was still loud. However, it was carried away by the wind and it was not deafening. When Qu Xiangtianzhu heard that Fang Qingze and the others looked at the Shang Yang Demon in surprise, they saw that the demon, which looked like a big bird, seemed to be very frightened. It let out a cry of fear and then flew straight into the sky. Qiyan kowtowed to the ground and muttered to himself: "The art of heaven and earth is to control thunder. Lu Yunzhi can not only control wind, but also control thunder." Then he turned his head to Bagan and said: "Quickly withdraw from the mirror. , just strengthen the Jinghua image after going out and trap them for five days, otherwise we will be finished." Bagan gritted his teeth and said: "If I don't leave, I don't believe they have this ability. What about Shang Yang. "Yes, you have been cultivating for twenty years." Qiyan said: "Let me observe for a while, if I can take back even the broken Shang Yang, if not, then I will have to abandon him, Han people. There is a saying that if you keep a green mountain, you will not be afraid of not having firewood." Bagan said, "I don't accept it, I want to" "Bogen, obey the order, or you will be punished according to the canon." Bagan didn't say anything. Han Yueqiu and others had already heard Qi Yan¡¯s conversation, but they couldn¡¯t understand it because they didn¡¯t understand Mongolian. The most important thing was that they were stunned by what they saw in front of them. I saw the evil ghost of Shang Yang rushing straight into the sky, as if he wanted to escape, but there was lightning and thunder in the sky. A bolt of lightning flashed across the middle of Shang Yang. Shang Yang screamed and fell downwards. After falling vertically for a certain distance, he struggled. He soared into the sky again and flew in another direction. Shang Yang's body was covered with black energy, and the black energy enveloped its sharp claws and bird head. Everyone knew that it was using ghost energy to protect itself. It was really not easy to force Shang Yang to such a state. Just a few feet away, a bolt of lightning struck Shang Yang again. Shang Yang screamed and the black air disappeared from his body. His body also made a whistle, as if he was about to lose his soul. Blood oozed from the corners of Lu Yunzhi's mouth, as well as from the corners of his nostrils, ears and eyes. Similarly, Zhu Jianwen shouted: "Lu idiot, you are going to die. Shang Yang has been severely injured. You can't" Before Zhu Jianwen finished speaking, he saw Lu Yunzhi still tapping the iron thorn in his hand. , another bolt of lightning flashed across, Shang Yang neighed like crazy, his beak kept opening and not closing. The moment lightning struck Shang Yang's evil spirit, a black shadow the size of a sparrow flew out from Shang Yang's beak and flew straight towards the beggar.Go away. When Han Yueqiu saw it, he shouted: "Hurry and grab that one, it's a ghost baby." Many evil ghosts have babies inside their bodies. Although there are only a few of them, at least everyone knows that Shang Yang is such an evil ghost. The ghost baby exists in the body of the evil spirit. As long as the ghost baby does not die, it will return to its original state within a few years with more care. However, the ghost baby is relatively fragile. Generally, the ghost baby will be swallowed by other ghosts before it recovers and will never recover. exists, so it is rare for Guiying to score twice again. Han Yueqiu and others ran after him, Qu Xiangtian quickly wrapped the five-color three-talisman ghost string around the arrow, and bent his bow to shoot at Shang Yang's ghost baby. But he saw Qi Yan turn around and run away, with Bagan and the others running in front. They disappeared in an instant as if they were passing through the water. He must have escaped from the image of the mirror flowers by reciting the Dharma in his mouth. Qu Xiangtian suddenly shot out the arrow, and when he was about to touch the ghost baby, the ghost baby also penetrated into Qi Yan's body. The arrow wrapped around the ghost thread inserted into Qi Yan's back. Qi Yan screamed, staggered and almost fell down. On the ground, he supported his body with the knife and moved forward a few steps before disappearing in front of several people. Everyone had already rushed forward. Fang Qingze punched the place where they disappeared, but there was a sound like hitting a bronze mirror. They know that they have stood on the edge of the mirror image and can no longer move forward. With a "pop" sound, several people looked back, only to see Lu Yunzhi falling to the ground bleeding from his seven orifices. Qu Xiangtian and others hurriedly ran back to support Lu Yunzhi, only to see that he was already unconscious. Han Yueqiu stepped forward and pressed Lu Yunzhi's Tianling Cap with his palms, then closed his eyes and meditated silently for a moment, and then said with a sigh of relief: " It's nothing serious, it's just that he hasn't fully mastered this technique yet and fainted from exhaustion." Everyone was also very tired. When they heard that Lu Yunzhi was fine, they gave Qin Rufeng some pills such as Guiyuan Pill and Life-saving Pill. After that, he lay on the ground and kept panting. Volume One Sudden Change Chapter 70 Comes Out Qiyan's body suddenly appeared in the mirror and fell over, and immediately fell into Bagen's arms. Bagen looked and found that Qiyan was already unconscious. Bagan quickly helped Qi Yan aside, then took out an ox bone from his leather bag and shook it in front of Qi Yan. Countless ghosts appeared on the ox bone, as if they were all staying in the ox bone. Usually, a few of them flew out from one end of the cow bone and got into Qiyan's nostrils. After a while, Qi Yan opened her eyes, but her face showed pain. Bagan only aroused Qi Yan's senses but did not heal her wounds. Qi Yan was attacked by the double daggers of Yin and Yang, plus Qu Xiangtian's arrow, which naturally made her uncomfortable. . Qiyan said laboriously: "In more than an hour, this fool Zhu Qizhen will be here. Hurry up and perfect the image of mirror flowers, use the power to the maximum to make it difficult for them to crack, and then leave quickly, hurry up!" After saying that, several ghost wizards knelt down on one knee and saluted, and then kept waving and jumping in front of the huge bronze mirror, as if they were dancing. The mirror trembled and gave off a faint brass-colored light. Several people in the mirror also felt slight shaking. Han Yueqiu said coldly: "They are reinforcing the image of mirror flowers." Zhu Jianwen asked: "What should we do? Let's crack it quickly. Second Senior Brother, we What should I do?" He struggled to stand up, but he was already exhausted. Just listen to Han Yueqiu say: "Whether to reinforce or not is just a matter of density. The image of mirror flowers is not difficult for the Zhongzheng lineage to crack, but it just takes time. It won't be too late. You should take a rest first." Half an hour later, The ghost witch and others reported back that they had finished. Qiyan nodded and was helped by Bagan to mount the horse. Several ghost witch believers moved the bronze mirror into an alley, piled it up with debris, and set up a lot of obstacles. , to prevent others from seeing it, but only dare not break the mirror. The image of the mirror flower is not broken. If the mirror is broken, not only will the Zhongzheng lineage in the mirror disappear forever, but you will also be broken like the mirror. After the Ghost Witch performed a series of tasks last night, everyone left with whips and whips. Everyone was scarred, no matter their status, no one was spared, and those who left were in a state of embarrassment. Han Yueqiu stood up after resting for a while, and then said: "Let's wait for a while. We have to wait for the three of them to wake up before we can think of a way to get out." It turns out that the Zhongzheng lineage of heaven and earth people has a special way to deal with the image of mirror flowers, which is A password can be said to leave, but it needs to find the cracking point of the image of the mirror flower to take effect. The stronger the image of the mirror flower activated by the ghost witch, the more precise the point needs to be cracked. This is why Han Yueqiu said before that there was no rush. Since the ghost witch and others have enhanced the image of the mirror flower to the strongest level, it needs to be accurate, so in the next few days everyone must experiment and record the location of the former, and the seven people are divided into three groups to act. Once the former succeeds, the latter will notify everyone. Several people must step in the former's footsteps and read the exact formula before they can go out. Both feet have their own positions, and the space in the barrier this time is so huge, which really caused some suffering for a few people. Seven days later, at dusk, several gangster-like young men pressed a poor scholar against the wall and said viciously: "Find a way quickly and give me money, otherwise I won't see you again." I'll beat you once." The scholar burst into tears and said, "You might as well beat me to death. I really don't have the money." "Oh, you've got some skills. I haven't beaten you in a few days. As he said, several gangsters rushed up and knocked the scholar to the ground with fists and kicks. A gangster shouted: "You kid, hurry up and raise money. Mr. Wang said, don't you pay back the money? You can just let Mr. Wang enjoy your sister. Don't be ungrateful. Mr. Wang is a relative of Wang Zhen, a popular man in the palace. If you die, it's not like playing. Look at Wang Zhenduo's majesty in the past few days. If your sister follows his relative Mr. Wang, she will live a life of prosperity and wealth. Don't be stubborn. " That scholar wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. Said: "You guys beat me to death. I don't owe you money. I will pay you every time you want. Now I really have no money. If you insist on saying that I owe money, I will not let you go even if I am a ghost. God's blessing will make the evildoers cut off their descendants." "Whoever you call evil is, I'll beat you to death." Several gangsters swarmed up to him again and started fighting with fists and kicks. Suddenly, a pile of debris piled deep in the alley suddenly flew out. Several gangsters stopped their fists and squinted at the pile of flying debris. They saw an extraordinary rich man walking out from among the debris. Such people. Although several people did not know the identity of this person, they saw the person staring at them and looked sideways. "What's wrong with the children of rich families? We dare to beat anyone with Mr. Wang's support." A gangster said with disdain while spitting stench from his mouth. "Hahahahahaha, I didn't expect you to come out first, hey, what's going on." Qu Xiangtian walked out of the mirror with a smile. He was about to joke with Zhu Jianwen, but found himself lying on the ground in front of him. scholar and those gangsters. Qu Xiangtian looked at the gangsters, his eyes full of doubts and he didn¡¯t even know what was going on, but when several gangsters saw Qu Xiangtian?The tall figure, strong appearance and intimidating pride make him a little scared. One of them asked in a low voice: "Did you see where he came out? And look at the big mirror at the back." The remaining gangsters shook their heads, lowered their heads and looked up at Qu Xiangtian and Zhu Jianwen. Zhu Jianwen smiled and said, "I just came out and before I understood what was going on, I heard these guys saying they wanted to beat me." As soon as he finished speaking, Fang Qingze walked out of the mirror and landed on the ground. He spat a thick mouthful of phlegm on the ground and cursed: "How much money will I make if you delay me these days?" Now all these gangsters saw it, and they all rubbed their eyes and couldn't believe what they saw. But then Qin Rufeng, Lu Yunzhi, Gao Huai and Han Yueqiu, who came out last, walked out of the mirror one after another. Those gangsters, including the poor scholar who was still lying on the ground, all had their mouths opened, not daring to imagine what was happening in front of them. Qin Rufeng shook his arms and said: "Shang Yang is really powerful. He crushed my arm. Thanks to the second senior brother and Wang Yulu to prepare the life-saving pills, the arm still rattled when he moved." "These are hooligans, right?" "What are you doing here? Bullying, right? I just want to practice boxing with your grandfather and me." Qin Rufeng smiled and threw himself at the gangsters. If Qu Xiangtian's heroic spirit intimidated these gangsters, then Qin Rufeng. Then a fierce aura rushed towards him, instantly scaring several gangsters and running away with their heads in their hands. When the gangsters saw a few people walking out of the mirror, they regarded the Zhongzheng people as ghosts and gods. They were even more frightened when they saw Qin Rufeng's ferocious appearance. They cried for father and mother and ran away, but there was no way they could outrun a master like Qin Rufeng. In the blink of an eye, the gangsters who had been dominating just now were all lying on the ground, with injured arms, broken legs, vomiting blood, and ruptured internal organs. In short, every one of them was perfect. "Qin Rufeng, you hit too hard, just teach him a lesson." Fang Qingze muttered and walked over and pulled up the scholar on the ground. Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 71 Fragments As soon as the scholar was pulled up by Fang Qingze, he fell to his knees with a plop and kowtowed one after another: "Gods from all walks of life have appeared, please save us poor people who are suffering." Fang Qingze was so happy that he asked: "What kind of god do you think I am?" "The scholar looked at Fang Qingze, but when he looked up, he saw no one but Fang Qingze's big belly. He kowtowed as if he was pounding garlic: "You are the big-bellied Maitreya Bodhisattva." Fang Qingze's expression suddenly became extremely embarrassing, and everyone laughed. stand up. The scholar didn't know why he thought he had said something wrong. He looked up and found that Fang Qingze had a mess of hair. It turned out that Fang Qingze had scattered his hair in the mirror image, and because he thought it was troublesome, he cut it into two little ones. The scholar saw it and said hurriedly: "Fairy Hanzhongli, please forgive me. I was wrong. I apologize for my ignorance." Fang Qingze asked, dumbfounded, "Why did I become Hanzhongli again?" The scholar lowered his head and did not dare to say anything. Fang Qingze lowered his head and asked, "What do you think?" He murmured: "Because you have a big belly and two whiskers." Several people laughed even more, including Lu Yunzhi, who had been depressed in recent days, and Han Yueqiu, who had always been stern and extraordinary, also laughed. Fang Qingze scratched his head, pulled the scholar up again, and said, "We are not immortals. Dare you ask Gao's name?" The scholar bowed, clasped his fists and bowed, and said, "I am the king. Are you really not immortals?" Fang Qingze nodded, then The man re-introduced himself and said: "I was rude just now. I would like to thank the brave men for saving my life. Xiao Ke is raised by the king, and my grandfather is" Before he finished speaking, he saw Fang Qingze leaving quickly and throwing away his body. A gold ingot fell into the scholar's hand, and then he walked away. Several people quickly disappeared into the alley, not interested in the scholar's words at all. Qin Rufeng didn't leave. He wanted to pass Lu Yunzhi's steel sword and slashed wildly at the bronze mirror that created the image of mirror flowers. He kept hitting it and soon broke it into pieces. Since several people had cracked the image of mirror flowers, even if it was broken into pieces. It didn't matter, Qin Rufeng naturally took this mirror to vent his anger. The scholar first saw a few people leaving in a hurry, but when he heard the noise, he saw the ferocious man who had just helped him fight the gangsters was smashing a huge mirror crazily. He didn't dare to say anything and turned around and ran away. A fragment of the mirror touched him. On his shoes, they followed him and drifted away like this. Several people returned to the inn. When the waiter saw everyone running over, he said loudly: "Masters, where have you been these past few days? There is no one in the room. If it weren't for a man named Du that day, he made up for it." I really don't dare to reserve a room for you." Han Yueqiu reached out and interrupted the waiter and asked, "Second brother, did the man named Du ask you to leave a message?" The waiter said. The head said: "Look at my memory, yes, I have a letter for you." Then he turned around and went to the counter to get a letter and handed it to Han Yueqiu. Han Yueqiu opened the letter and saw Du Hai's handwriting written on the paper. Han Yueqiu smiled bitterly and read it. Second Senior Brother: I have never found you. We had a safe journey without any trouble. Wang Zhenxian slandered us and changed our route. I am unable to atone for my sins. The army will take a detour from Xuanfu to Tumubao to Juyongguan. My brother will go first and he will come later. Take care. Du Hai and Han Yueqiu handed the letter to everyone to read, and Qu Xiangtian asked: "I have never understood why you should go to Yu County. It is said that this place has no strategic significance at all." Qin Rufeng nodded and said: "Yes. Ah, the most important thing is that Brother Du wanted to take a detour, but what kind of detour? You see, the handwriting suddenly became energetic when he wrote it, as if he was very angry. " "Oh, Lao Qin, you are clearly aware of everything now. You bastard." Gao Huai scolded with a smile, then called to the waiter and said, "Waiter, I'm going to have a banquet. Master, I'm starving to death." Zhu Jianwen said, "There is no time in Jinghua's image, so naturally there is no hunger. How could you be hungry?" Gao Huai snorted and said, "I was hungry before I went in, and I have been hungry for several days. Do you think it's uncomfortable?" Everyone ordered a banquet and wolfed it down. It¡¯s not easy to live a life where you don¡¯t know how to eat. Lu Yunzhi called the waiter, and Fang Qingze stuffed a small silver ingot into the waiter's pocket and asked, "What happened a few days ago? We went out of town and don't know the situation." The waiter's eyes gleamed when he saw the silver. , hurriedly said: "Master, you don't know, the army arrived in Datong a few days ago, and then Mr. Wang Zhen actually asked the emperor to lead thousands of troops to our Yu County to have a look. It was really impressive." Qin Rufeng slapped the table high. He shouted: "Nonsense, the army is just a child's plaything to show off!" Qu Xiangtian stretched out his hand to dip his hand in tea and drew on the table while saying: "Actually, if you go to Yu County, then take the Bauhinia Pass to enter Beijing, it is also a quick and easy way. I don¡¯t know if my guess is correct.¡± The waiter shook his head and said, ¡°My uncle guessed wrong this time. The army seems to have bypassed Yu County and returned to Datong. I don¡¯t know where it is going. "Yes." Qu Xiangtian asked tremblingly: "Why?"When he saw Qu Xiangtian's face turned pale, he replied in a self-conscious way: "Your Majesty Wang Zhen is considerate of the people and is afraid that the army will trample the crops in the fields, so" Zhongzheng Yi Everyone stood up and walked to their guest rooms upstairs, leaving behind the waiter who didn't know why. After everyone packed up their luggage and packages, they got on their horses and drove away. Several people whipped their horses on the road and rushed on like crazy, because Qu Xiangtian wrote "set" on the table with tea, and then wrote "die". This detour was a huge military failure. , maybe the hexagrams calculated by Mr. Shi happened because of this. The scholar named Wang Yang was afraid of the revenge of Wang Zhen¡¯s relative, Mr. Wang from Yu County. After returning home, he took his sister with him, took the gold given to him by Fang Qingze, packed his bags and left Yu County. He went to live with his uncle who lived in Shaanxi. As soon as he came out of the main road in Yu County, he felt a gap under his feet. When he raised his feet, he saw that it was the fragments of the brass lenses that the fierce man had smashed just now. Scholar Wang Yang couldn't help but smile bitterly, knowing that he was too panicked just now and didn't even feel this large piece of debris. He pulled off the fragments and threw them into the grass, then quickly pulled his sister away. That night, a fast horse carrying a strong man galloped along the road of Yu County. Suddenly, the fragments of the image of mirrored flowers in the grass flashed, and the man and the horse disappeared out of thin air. No one would have thought that eight years later, this inconspicuous man and one knight would become a key link in the duel between the two major forces. At least for now, no one has calculated this sudden incident. God's calculations are not as good as those of man. Everything in the world has already happened. It¡¯s a given that if you can¡¯t force something, it¡¯s better to have no desires or demands and just listen to fate and do your best. Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 72: Dead bodies everywhere After running like this for eight days, a few horses finally arrived at Xuanfu. After a short rest, they inquired about the movements of the local residents and prepared to change horses and continue chasing. It turned out that the army had passed by Xuanfu six days ago, and everyone felt that they had caught up with the army. According to At this speed, it would only take about two days of running at this speed to catch up with Du Hai and the others, and they all looked happy and excited. Suddenly Lu Yunzhi started to tremble, and then asked with a trembling voice: "What do you feel?" Several people shook their heads, but Han Yueqiu also turned pale, and two lines of crystal tears fell from the corners of his eyes, and then he remained silent. Talk again. Immediately afterwards, Qu Xiangtian, Qingze, Gao Huai and others also stopped talking, did not get on their horses and just stayed there. Qin Rufeng squatted on the ground with his head in his hands, and kept hitting the ground with his fists. Blood flowed from his fists. Splashed out, but he still kept shouting hoarsely: "It's over, it's over, everything is over, we are still one step late." Several people did not see anything, but they already felt that there was a center not far away. Miserable resentment soared into the sky. Although the sensations came first and later, everyone definitely felt this aura of sadness and despair. The horses also kept neighing as if they had sensed something. Dogs barked and chickens croaked. Every household walked out. In the house, maybe they didn't have such a sensitive sense, but they were also inexplicably depressed. Gradually, people and animals became as silent as Han Yueqiu and others. They mourned in silence for the people who died in the tragic battle not far away. . Qu Xiangtian was the first to mount the horse and shouted: "Let's go, let's go. At least we can do the ritual of reincarnation for the dead soldiers." After saying that, he was the first to bear the brunt of the attack and left with his whip, while the other people remained silent. Follow the horse and go. After driving for about two days, the smell of blood in the air became stronger and stronger, making people feel sick to their stomachs. Gao Huai trembled and said: "With such thick blood and such heavy resentment, how many people have died." Han Yueqiu just asked back: "Do you remember the hexagrams calculated by Master?" That day at the residence of the Murong family in Timur's capital of Samarkand, Mr. Shi once calculated a hexagram with Murong Longteng, and then wrote One line of words: Zhu Qizhen's imperial commander went on a personal expedition, the entire army of 200,000 people was destroyed, Shi Heng was in Yanghe, the Ming Dynasty was in danger, the capital was besieged and there was a cry of mourning, and the world changed drastically. Now that Zhu Qizhen¡¯s imperial commander personally conquered, Shi Heng and Yu Yanghe, these two items have become a reality. Gao Huai asked what everyone is least willing to admit, that the possible annihilation of the entire army of 200,000 has become a reality. Everyone asked the horses to slow down and move forward slowly, because the smell of blood in the air became stronger the further they went. Qu Xiangtian whispered: "There are about 40,000 Ora cavalry. They should have launched an attack not long ago. It seems that the Mongolian ghost witches deliberately delayed us in Yu County." Han Yueqiu sighed: "Sure enough, they joined forces. , if I remember correctly, Qiyan supports the Tatars and Yili, and Walla's national advisor is the ghost witch right protector Qimude. Qiyan is just to trap us and let Qimude and the Wala army come to encircle and suppress Zhu Qizhen. Qu Xiangtian said: "The eunuchs harmed the country. In fact, if this was the case, the army of more than 200,000 would not have ended up like this. If the military power were mine, no matter how powerful Qimude was, he would not be able to defeat me. Thousands of arrows and guns fired together. Don¡¯t forget, no matter how powerful a person is, he is only a mortal. He will die if he is hit by an arrow, but he will be wounded by an arrow. How do you know how many people there are in Wala, and why do you say that the eunuchs have harmed the country?" Qu Xiangtian pointed to the ground and the grass on the roadside and said: "These are the traces of the army passing by. The war horses in each place have different traces. You can roughly judge the type of horse to know whose army it is, and you can roughly know how many people's troops passed through by looking at the damage of the surrounding vegetation. As for the eunuch who misled the country, I won't say that he detoured to Yu County and framed it. Zhongliang deceived the emperor. What I want to say is his wrong decision this time. According to the marching speed of the army, no matter how heavy the baggage is, it will only take about three days to get to Huairou. Why did it take so many days to start from Yu County? It only takes about thirteen or four days to reach Huailai. Even if it takes about fifteen days, we will definitely be able to reach it." Qu Xiangtian paused and said after thinking for a moment: "If you do the math, we will be trapped for seven days. We set out on August 8th, and it took us eight days to get to Xuanfu. So if we count the day we arrived at Xuanfu in this way, the army would have already entered Huailai, which is an important military town. There is plenty of food and fodder for the soldiers and horses. It is considered an important military town. It takes another one to two days to enter Juyong Pass. If the march is fast, one day is enough, but the smell of killing is not far away in the air. I don't think the army will be far away. Without entering Huailai, I concluded that there might have been a battle at Tumubao, and the army stopped advancing at some time. I don't know why. Naturally, a general who has experienced many battles would not be so confused. Except for Wang Zhen, the eunuch who misled the country, there were also other people. Who could have come up with such a bad idea?" Everyone nodded and continued to walk forward. The reason why they didn't run wildly wasAfraid that the Wala cavalry would discover his whereabouts, and to prevent any sudden situation from happening, he took a stroll and halted his horse, retreated and speeded up. About an hour later, everyone saw trenches one after another. Qin Rufeng said: "This strategy is quite correct. Most of the Walas are cavalry, while our Ming army is mostly infantry. There are only trenches to be fought far away with cannons, bows and arrows. The Huotong musket and the spear stabbed in the belly can defeat the cavalry. It is actually one of the good ways to defeat the cavalry during a strong attack. However, there are no traces of battle on the ground. "Everyone looked at it, but there was no blood on the ground. There were no dead bodies, not even broken weapons or armor, only the empty trench. I couldn't help but feel extremely strange, but there were so many strange military strategies along the way, so everyone was not surprised. Later, after returning to Beijing, only a few people found out that they had also pretended to have peace talks. Wang Zhen, who was confused, believed it and persuaded Zhu Qizhen to give the order. The army jumped out of the ditch and fled towards Huailai, the only way back to Beijing. Han Yueqiu and others drove their horses forward for about three or four miles. More and more soldiers fell to the ground on the road, and the dead gradually became smaller and smaller. A few of them still had some illusions, because the dead bodies of the soldiers they saw now It was only a few thousand, and they were looking forward to seeing a situation where the armies were facing each other, and the Ming army was still sticking to one side. But when they turned a mound, everyone was stunned, because they saw the hexagram that they had known for a long time, and saw that tragic scene, with corpses everywhere. Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 73 Du Hai is gone At dusk, a broken halberd was stuck sideways on the ground, and the setting sun was like blood. The only living creatures were the birds that came to feed and the wild dogs with mangy hair. They didn't understand why these people all fell to the ground. At every turn, there is no sadness or depression in their eyes. These piles of corpses are just delicacies that the birds and wild dogs will not resist. If you have to add a touch of movement, it may only be a flag fluttering in the wind. The flag was placed on a hill made of corpses, but what was shameful was that the sun and moon flag, which symbolized the honor of the Ming Dynasty, actually had a woman's rag hanging on it. This was the most vicious way of humiliating people. It was this cruel and humiliating scene that caught the eyes of Han Yueqiu and others. Han Yueqiu and others walked forward slowly, weeping every step with difficulty. Looking at the corpses of the soldiers who died tragically one after another, Qu Xiangtian suppressed the grief and anger in his chest and said: "Looking at the messy remains of the fallen soldiers, it must be They fled and were defeated like a mountain. "Suddenly, several people stopped and listened. From a deep recessed place not far away, there were bursts of miserable cries, and everyone was whipped in a hurry. The horse ran towards the direction of the sound to find out. Behind a dozen ghost shamans wearing traditional Mongolian ghost-sacrifice costumes stood dozens of Wa La cavalrymen. Opposing them were more than thirty masked men wearing Han costumes and three or four wearing raincoats. Looking at the mysterious figure wearing a bamboo hat, Lu Yunzhi thought with a thought: Isn't this a man who talks a lot about everything? The Iron Sword lineage, the creature lineage, and the Wuchou lineage all stand among them, so where is Shang Wan? So I put my doubts in my mind and observed carefully. There were still miserable cries floating on the corpse field, but I couldn't hear clearly what they were crying about. As Han Yueqiu and others approached on horseback, the ghost wizards and Wala cavalry turned around and left. As they ran, the Zhongzheng lineage who were still some distance away could not catch up, so they gave up their intention to catch up. But those mysterious rebels from the Heaven and Earth branch who claimed to be all-powerful were still standing there as if waiting for everyone to arrive. Han Yueqiu and others were not afraid, and they drew out their weapons and secretly held magic weapons to prepare for a fight with them. . How could I ever want to get closer, but I slowed down my speed, and gradually stopped, all of them were silent, their eyes seemed to be flashing with firelight, tears and a faint fierce light. Everyone's eyes were showing such a scene. : A dwarf who was protected by words and ten words was holding the head of a sturdy man and crying loudly. His voice was miserable and sad, which made people feel sad when they heard it. Seeing the big man lying on the ground with his eyes closed tightly, There are countless wounds on his body, and his chest and arms are full of bows and arrows. Even if he is so unconscious, his hands are still wearing a pair of fine steel fist gloves engraved with runes, and his hands are also tightly clenched. A steel knife, the knife showed a faint cold light under the reflection of the remaining sun, and the dried blood on the knife actually looked a bit desolate. The dwarf who cried loudly was Shang Wang, and the big man who had been separated from the world was the Zhengyi among the people of heaven and earth. Duhai with fifth pulse. Shang Wang was so sad that he burst into tears. Han Yueqiu asked in a trembling but still cold voice: "Why didn't Du Hai get it?" Shang Wang raised his head and shouted: "I'm your mother, I don't know, I really I don¡¯t know, I¡¯m sorry for not protecting him well, I want to avenge him.¡± Han Yueqiu finally couldn¡¯t bear the tears and said, ¡°You know, tell me that I also want to avenge Du Ye.¡± ¡°It¡¯s a ghost witch. , hundreds of ghost witches besieged your main lineage disciples. Du Hai was shot to death by ordinary soldiers of Oala after repeated battles. I want to question the leader, why is this happening? We agreed that ghost witches are not allowed to harm Du Hai. Why did I just now If you don¡¯t fight to the death with ghosts and witches" Shang Wang lowered his eyes and murmured to himself. After Shang Wang finished speaking, he was about to use his short body to carry Du Hai's huge body and leave. A disciple of the Iron Sword lineage stepped forward to help him, but Shang Wang shouted back and screamed: "Du Hai, this fool, has never been He is so stupid and has not changed his stupidity after so many years. I want to bury him with my own hands. Hahaha, the biggest fool in the world." Qu Xiangtian suddenly walked out of the queue and said, "Leave the fifth brother behind!" Qu Xiangtian held his head high, looked at the sky and stepped on the ground with a high-pitched voice. For a moment, his heroic spirit was so overwhelming that no one could speak and no one dared to step forward to stop him. Shang Wan raised his voice and said in a harsh voice: "Stop, what do you want to do? Why don't all the troops stop you?" As soon as he finished speaking, more than thirty disciples of the rebel branch of heaven and earth drew their weapons and called out. The ghosts wanted to surround Qu Xiangtian. Lu Yunzhi, Han Yueqiu and others were all ready to approach Qu Xiangtian. However, Qu Xiangtian still kept his face and said loudly: "Du Hai is a member of my Zhongzheng lineage. He must be buried by the leader of the Zhongzheng lineage himself. By doing so, wouldn't you make Du Hai outside the Zhongzheng lineage?! Shang Wan was stunned after hearing this. He waved his hand and asked his subordinates to leave. Then he sighed and said, "Du Hai, this fool, has always been proud of being of the Zhongzheng lineage, although Shi Fang is not a very good leader." But I don¡¯t want Du Hai to rest in peace, so let him take Du Hai¡¯s body away.¡± Qu Xiangtian raised his right hand and asked Zhu Xi.Wen and others stopped, and he stepped forward alone to hug Du Hai, and then slowly walked out of the crowd and returned to the team of Zhongzheng disciples such as Qin Rufeng. I only heard Shang Wang shouting: "Qu Xiangtian, right? You are a hero. I have heard about it a long time ago. Let's compete on the battlefield in the future." The disciples of Wuchou's lineage blew several whistles from afar. , dozens of horses galloped in the distance. Shang Wan laughed loudly, and saw a disciple of the Iron Sword lineage kneeling on the ground with his shoulders slightly tilted. Shang Wan shouted and jumped up from his body and stepped on the man's shoulder. The man's shoulder pushed hard, and Shang Wan flew out. He was sitting on the back of the galloping horse, and then all the men behind him also used their own methods to get on the horse and fly away in the dust. Qu Xiangtian and others also mounted their horses, and Han Yueqiu took Du Hai's body and galloped towards the capital. Since the previous hexagrams have come true one after another, then the Ming Dynasty is in danger, the capital is besieged and there are cries of mourning, and the world will undergo great changes. These three hexagrams are not far away. The Ming Dynasty is in danger. Now the whole country has worked hard for many years. The most elite troops were wiped out by the Wara cavalry in the Tumubao battle. The major generals and elites were short of troops. The Ming Dynasty can be said to be in danger. Even if it was not so, everyone would not know why there was nothing they could do. Turn the tide. The capital is under siege. Now the only thing that few people can do their best to do is the hexagram that the capital is under siege. In this case, let the last team of elites from the Zhongzheng lineage of heaven and earth people rescue the capital. Maybe this is the key to turning things around. Maybe this It is the only force that can save the Ming Dynasty, no matter who it is, no matter how the ghosts and witches unite, no matter how powerful the Wala army is, and how empty the guards in the capital are. The Zhongzheng lineage has nothing to fear. Let the right way, the right way of the world be written by the word Zhongzheng. Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 74 Running back to Beijing at night He ran all night and restlessly, just to get to the capital as soon as possible. After crossing Juyong Pass for more than an hour, his horse fell to the ground one after another, twitching all over and foaming at the mouth. Everyone in the Zhongzheng lineage quickly jumped off the horses that were about to fall, and stood on the ground to look back at each other. Everyone looked at Han Yueqiu, who whispered: "It seems that we can only wait until tomorrow morning to find horses and continue on the journey." "Qu Xiangtian said: "Second Senior Brother, this is absolutely impossible. The sooner we arrive at the capital, the sooner we can reach the capital." Gao Huai sighed: "But even if we rush on foot until dawn, we can just reach the capital. What's more, we still have to carry the body of the fifth senior brother, so the speed will be slower. It's better to find the horses at dawn and start again." Qin Rufeng stepped on the ground hard and shouted: "Gao Huai, this time I agree with Lao Qu. Even if you run to death, you must rush to the capital to prepare early. Beijing will be in chaos. Even an extra hour may be the key to victory or defeat." Gao Huai sighed and said: "How about we kill the fifth senior brother. Keep the body first and pick it up after the war is over? ""Don't even think about it. You and I both know that we have to send it to the master before all the gnosis of the body disappears, so that we can see how the fifth brother died in the battle. , and the eternal soul seal also needs to be dared before the soul disappears." Zhu Jianwen suddenly spoke. Qu Xiangtian nodded and said: "Not only that, if the army attacks this place in a large scale first, no matter where the body is buried, it will be trampled by thousands of troops. If you are lucky, you will not be able to find the body." , if unfortunately the body may be damaged, the fifth brother is good to us, we can't let him die with his body intact." Gao Huai shook his head and said: "Of course I am not a ruthless person, but I have to hurry up and take care of him. Fifth Brother, what should we do?" Han Yueqiu carried Du Hai's body without saying a word, and then ran towards the capital. As he ran, he said, "Take turns carrying it, I'll go first." Everyone followed closely. At dawn on August 18, the gate officer of Deshengmen in the northwest of Beijing received a report from soldiers that several extremely fast horses were approaching the gate he was guarding, so he quickly climbed up the tower and looked northwest. Go, only to see the dust and smoke raised by the fast running rolling not far away. The city gate officer glanced at it, and then said to himself: "It must be another deserter from Tumu Fort." As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly opened his eyes wide and stared straight ahead, because he discovered that something was wrong. These knights were too It was low, maybe it was just an empty horse without a rider, but he never expected that seven fast running people were getting closer and closer. He couldn't believe his eyes. In his impression, no one could run faster. So fast. Those seven people were carrying one person on their backs, and they were carrying each other while running fast. No matter how fast they were, they did not stop at all. The city gatekeeper ordered the city gate to be guarded strictly. He was not sure whether these people were humans or ghosts. And inside the city gate, a fast horse also rushed towards the city gate, and went straight to the city tower along the stone stairs of the city wall. The soldiers stopped him but were whipped with horse whips. When they were about to get angry, they looked down in fear after seeing the person on the horse clearly. . The city gate official heard the sound on the stone stairs, so he shouted: "Who is coming? How dare you be so impudent." When the city gate official turned around, he was almost knocked down by the tall horse and hurriedly got out of the way. The city gate officer couldn't help but was furious and stretched out his hand to pull the horse, but was stunned by a whip that covered his head and face. The man on the horse said loudly in a sharp voice: "Open the city gate quickly, the Ministry of War has an order from you." He threw a token. . When the city gate officer received the order, he saw that it was the order of the Minister of War. Since Kuang Ye, the Minister of War, followed Zhu Qizhen to conquer Oala, Yu Qian, the Minister of War, took over all affairs of the Ministry of War. After the defeat of Tumubao, Kuang Ye died in battle, and Yu Qian Although he is not officially in charge of the power, he has not been promoted to the Minister of War, but he has the real power and holds the token before accepting it, just like the Minister. The city gate officer looked up and was shocked because the person on the horse had a very high profile. He was the current eunuch Jin Ying. Jin Ying turned over and dismounted, jumping up and down and shouting: "Hurry up, why are you so stunned? Open the city gate quickly." The city gate official quickly ordered to open the city gate and stand in line to welcome the distinguished guests. The city gate officer did nothing wrong, because besides the emperor, the city gate officer could not think of anyone who could have influenced Yu Qian to give the order and Jin Ying to deliver the order in person. However, he had already heard the news about the capture of Emperor Zhu Qizhen. , it is only appropriate to call the visitor a distinguished guest. Jin Ying was dumbfounded by the city gate official, so he had to scream: "Quickly prepare seven horses to lead outside the city gate without delay." After saying that, he got on his horse and ran down the stone steps to the city gate to greet him. Those running people who were shocked by the city gate officials were Han Yueqiu and others, and it was Du Hai who was alternately carried on their backs. Everyone had reached the limit of their body, but they were still running, not only to defend What's more important in the capital is that Du Hai's gnosis is getting weaker and weaker, and he must quickly put it into the soul-suppressing coffin in the house to preserve it. Several people who were running saw the city gate suddenly opened, and the soldiers were in awe.?On both sides, seven horses were waiting for them at the city gate. Hope that the closer one comes, the easier it will be for people to lose their energy, and Qu Xiangtian and others are no exception. They need to cheer up after a few loud drinks. They did not care about the surprised looks of the sergeants around them. As soon as they arrived at the city gate, they got on their horses and bent toward the sky to embrace Du Hai's corpse. In front of the seven horses, a eunuch in regular clothes rode a horse and screamed: "Follow me." As he spoke, he galloped his horse and whipped his whip and ran towards the Zhongzheng lineage's house. Han Yue Qiu Xiangtian and others followed closely and gradually disappeared from the sight of the city gate official. The city gate official wiped his cold sweat and said to himself: "Who are these people? They have such a big face." Fei Fei Eight horses like this arrived at the house, and then Fang Qingze took Du Hai's body, and several people quickly ran into it. After all, Jin Ying was old, and he was not as strong as Han Yueqiu and others. He lay on the ground, but still forced himself to stagger through the door. Mr. Shi led Cheng Fangdong, Shi Wentian and his wife and others to greet them quickly. Fang Qingze hugged Du Hai and knelt down on the ground. Han Yueqiu and others also knelt down one after another. Seeing Mr. Shi, these bloody men all shed tears: " Master, Du Hai is gone." Shi Fang nodded, covered his face with his sleeves, and said with a choked voice after a moment of silence, "I know, I knew it earlier, I'm sorry for you." Then he couldn't hold it back anymore. Everyone burst into tears. Mr. Shi took Du Hai's body, walked towards the Hall of Heroes step by step, and then put Du Hai into the soul-suppressing coffin. The soul-suppressing coffin was made of white jade as the body and golden nanmu as the edges. It was engraved with countless rune patterns. A set of ice jade pillows and gold quilts were placed at the bottom of the coffin. Du Hai was placed in the soul-suppressing coffin. Mr. Shi wept and recited silently: "The soul-suppressing coffin, the tears of the human world, the supreme Dharma, the immeasurable Buddha, the soul is here to be preserved, and it will be preserved forever in the next life. , wait a moment, eternal love, Yin and Yang Jue." After reciting, the air in the hall suddenly dropped, and a faint green smoke rose from the soul-suppressing coffin. Du Hai's face was suddenly covered with a layer of frost, Cheng Fangdong and Han Yueqiu. The two of them worked together to close the coffin lid. A small sign made of various materials was hung on the wall of the Hall of Heroes facing the soul-crushing coffin. It was engraved with birth dates and birth dates. With a solemn meaning, Mr. Shi wiped his tears, then turned around and said to everyone: " You guys need to rest for a while. I still have important matters to discuss. I¡¯ll attack you soon. The people of Heaven and Earth are about to get involved in politics.¡± Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 75 Encounter Mr. Shi walked quickly back to Yangshanzhai. In the room were Jin Ying, who was still out of breath, and Yu Qian, the minister of the Ministry of War, who was sitting there drinking tea alone. Jin Ying had seen Du Hai's body early, but he was too busy panting to tell Yu Qian, but he was observant and didn't say much at the moment, because he knew the sadness in Mr. Shi's heart now. Yu Qian didn't know why. Seeing the tears on Mr. Shi's face, he hurriedly asked, "Mr. Shi, what happened?" Mr. Shi coughed lightly and calmed down and replied, "It's okay. It's just that our fifth brother is gone. We Let¡¯s talk about business.¡± Yu Qian stood up and raised his hands and said, ¡°Mr. Shi expresses his condolences and expresses gratitude to the people of the world for serving the country and the people despite great sorrow.¡± Cheng Fangdong, Han Yueqiu and others were not reunited, and everyone was in a different mood. It was very heavy, so they went to find a place to relieve their worries. Lu Yunzhi walked to the plum garden in the backyard, and scenes of Du Hai's words and deeds appeared in front of his eyes, as well as the corpses of his colleagues who could not be found on the battlefield. Junior Brother Mai frowned and smiled, his eyes became wet again, he couldn't help but sigh, but he heard someone sighing too. Perhaps because he was too sad, Lu Yunzhi didn't notice that there was another person in the plum garden. At this moment, he heard the person sigh and looked sideways, and saw that the person was a year or two older than him, with a beard on his chin and thin eyebrows. Jingmu appears to be full of energy, and he is a handsome young man with thin lips and white teeth. Look at the man's clothes again. He is wearing a Yishan crown and a folded black gauze scarf. The clothes he wears have a coiled collar and narrow sleeves, with a coiled dragon pattern embroidered on each shoulder. The leather boots with jade belts are extraordinary. It was exactly the vassal king's dress. Lu Yunzhi didn't know which vassal king it was, so he did a little calculation, but there were ringing bells on the man, and then turned to look at Lu Yunzhi, his eyes were full of sorrow and worry, and there was also a hint of worry. A trace of doubt about Lu Yunzhi's identity. Lu Yunzhi was slightly startled when he heard the ringing, and said to himself: "How can he be destined to be a noble person even though he is wearing the clothes of a vassal king?" The man didn't hear clearly and was a little confused, but he bowed his hand politely. Said: "My king, Zhu Qiyu, dare to ask who your noble son is?" Lu Yunzhi was shocked. She heard Shi Heng say before that before Zhu Qizhen's imperial commander personally went to war, he ordered his good brother Zhu Qiyu, who was sympathetic to his brothers and sisters, to control the government for him. My brother, the supervisor, saw something vaguely like an emperor today. Could it be that Zhu Qiyu was about to ascend the throne? Hearing Zhu Qiyu's polite question, Lu Yunzhi quickly raised his hands and clasped his fists and said: "Lu Yunzhi, a disciple of the Zheng line among the people of the world, pays homage to His Highness King Xi." Unlike Zhu Qizhen, Zhu Qiyu has no airs at all. After all, he is not a prisoner of the country. Emperor, Zhu Qiyu has not presided over even a serious morning court so far. The division of labor among various officials in the Ming Dynasty is very clear, and it is inconvenient for Zhu Qiyu to intervene more. He only plays a supervisory role. In fact, this is very wise. First of all, Zhu Qizhen does not have the affection of the emperor, and Zhu Qizhen also trusts his half-brother very much. But this does not mean that no one makes slanders. Even if he is just an idle king, once someone makes too many slanders, it is inevitable that Zhu Qizhen will become suspicious. After all, Zhu Qizhen also appointed Zhu Jianjun as the prince, so Zhu Qiyu protects himself wisely and does not ask any questions. Government administration is actually a good policy. But things are different now. Zhu Jianjun is too young to handle government affairs, and Zhu Qizhen has also been captured by Wala. He deserves to be driven to the top to handle government affairs. Not long ago, he will be in court for the first time in the morning. He sat in the position of emperor and commanded his ministers. Zhu Qiyu saw that Lu Yunzhi was almost the same age as him, so he smiled and said: "You must be a new disciple. Your Zhongzheng lineage is amazing enough. When you meet the royal family, you can live freely between heaven and earth without paying homage. I really envy you." . If possible, I would also like to be a disciple of the Zhongzheng lineage. I wonder where you rank in the lineage?" Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and said: "In the lower lineage, your Majesty, Fang Yue of the Song Dynasty once said that things often go wrong. *, but you can't talk to others. Everyone has their own difficulties, so why should you envy others?" Zhu Qiyu was slightly startled when he heard this, and then he smiled and said, "I didn't expect that you are not as old as me. He is actually ranked seventh. He is truly a young hero. I have heard about the rankings of your Zhongzheng lineage. Those in the top ten will definitely be peerless masters in the future. If possible, they will go to the palace to talk to me and recite Buddhist scriptures. , let me also receive some enlightenment." Lu Yunzhi replied: "The Zhongzheng lineage is different from the ordinary lineage. It only pays attention to doing good deeds between heaven and earth, abstaining from anger, delusion, and resentment. As long as there is one in the heart, there is no need to pursue fasting, chanting Buddha, and chanting. Zhu Qiyu said: "There is a way in your heart, what is your way?" Lu Yunzhi shook his head: "Your Majesty, I am still young and have not realized my way, but there is a good way in the world. , evil path, righteous path, evil path, etc. What everyone pursues in their heart is the Tao in their heart. I don¡¯t know what I want in my heart, and I am also confused.¡± ¡°Confused, confused, that¡¯s right. Okay, I'm confused too. I wonder if you know that my royal brother was captured by Wala. Today I will go to court to preside over the government. I??I like being an emperor, even if I am the current prisoner, I just like being free and carefree. I miss the time when I used to laugh and play with my brother. "Zhu Qiyu looked at Mei Lin and fell into deep thought. Lu Yunzhi was shocked and said in surprise: "The emperor was captured by Wala? Then we have to redeem it quickly. "Zhu Qiyu looked at Lu Yunzhi with a smile and did not answer. Lu Yunzhi paused, shook his head and laughed at himself: "I am reckless again. Wala Ye is not a trustworthy person, even if he spends all the wealth of the country and cedes land to compensate him. They will definitely not let the emperor go. Only by fighting with swords and fighting to defeat them can they let the emperor go. " Zhu Qiyu nodded and said: "Today I saw that the Zhongzheng lineage was really good. Yu Qian and Jin Ying also said so. There is no need to blame yourself for being reckless. With such knowledge, you are already a leader among people. Lu Yunzhi clasped his fists and said, "Your Highness, you are so grateful. I wonder what you are doing here?" " Zhu Qiyu smiled bitterly and said: "Hey, the court will be in a panic today. Yu Qian and Jin Ying are afraid that they will not be able to control the situation, so they want to ask Mr. Shi to come forward in order to make the ministers restrain themselves. As soon as he finished speaking, Han Yueqiu and Jin Ying walked in together. Jin Ying said, "Your Highness, let's set off for the morning court. Mr. Shi has promised to help us." Then listen to us and don't be intimidated by those ministers who are afraid of death. " Zhu Qiyu was still young, and his eyes immediately became panicked. He finally nodded and agreed. He cupped his fists at Lu Yunzhi and turned around to leave. Han Yueqiu said to Lu Yunzhi: "Yunzhi, let's go too. " Lu Yunzhi looked slightly shocked and asked: "Everyone? Won¡¯t our interference in politics cause chaos? Han Yueqiu nodded: "How many disciples are still there to go with you to cause political chaos?" Maybe the world is already in chaos. "After saying that, he pulled Lu Yunzhi and left Meiyuan closely following Zhu Qiyu. Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 76 Those who migrate south will be killed! After the early morning bell rang, the palace door opened wide, and the ministers walked into the palace in order of rank. They had been waiting outside the palace door for an hour. Although this was the case every day, officials who were able to sneak into the palace were qualified to go to court. His age was unclear, so he was naturally sleepy, but he didn't dare to squint or yawn, because on both sides of the standing ministers stood the censors. If he behaved like this, his official career would be over. . However, every minister today is in high spirits, without any trace of sleepiness, which is completely different from the energetic state in the past, because the new ruler Zhu Qiyu is going to the morning court, although it is still unknown whether Zhu Qizhen can come back. , but today may be the time to change your destiny. In short, everyone is excited and has their own little plans in mind. The ministers crossed the Jinshui Bridge and lined up in front of the Hall of Supreme Harmony to wait for Zhu Qiyu's arrival. About an hour later, Zhu Qiyu arrived, followed by Yu Qian who returned to the queue. Jin Ying followed Zhu Qiyu and stood behind him to announce the decree for him. What shocked the ministers was that there were several people standing on the left side of the distance between the minister and Zhu Qiyu. They were Mr. Zhongzheng Yishi and his disciples. Most of the ministers who can enter the palace know Mr. Shi, and even the ministers who go to visit him during the New Year and holidays have already made plans in their minds, knowing that Mr. Shi has defied Taizu's order and came to participate in politics at this critical moment. Although the ancestral orders cannot be violated, this is just an empty talk. I think back then, Zhu Yuanzhang erected a three-foot-high iron tablet at the entrance of the palace and wrote eight characters: "Ministers are not allowed to interfere in political affairs." Wang Zhen ordered it to be removed as soon as he came to power. This iron monument has no business being erected by Emperor Taizu Gao. But human nature is like this, bullying the weak and fearing the strong. Although Mr. Shi does not want to deal with people in the officialdom, he is known to be a kind-hearted person. Except for the time when he kicked Wang Zhen angrily, no one has ever seen Mr. Shi get angry. Wang Zhen was different. He would retaliate against anyone who offended him. Life would be worse than death. Beheading someone to show off to the public was a sign of ancestral virtue. What he feared was that he would be tortured every day and be exiled to the army. His wife and daughter would become official prostitutes and his son would be sent to the frontier. Bullying good people is the characteristic of a group of sour scholars. As soon as Mr. Shi appeared, he immediately stopped caring about the censor and made a loud noise. The hearing of everyone in the Zhongzheng lineage is incomparable to that of ordinary people. They have already heard what the ministers said. Qin Rufeng had the hottest temper. He stood up first and shouted loudly, then stared at the ministers with wide eyes. Regardless of whether they were discussing or not, the ministers couldn't help but shuddered when they saw Qin Rufeng, as if they were seeing a tiger descending from the mountain, and closed their eyes one after another. mouth. After Zhu Qiyu saw it, he smiled slightly and thought that this was much more powerful than him, and couldn't help but look at Qin Rufeng a few more times. Mr. Shi calmly said in a low voice: "Like the wind, don't be presumptuous." Qin Rufeng said yes and then returned behind Mr. Shi. He stopped talking, but the lingering power was still there, and everything fell silent. Eunuch Jin Ying shouted: "Enter the morning court." Officials of the fourth rank and above entered the hall under the leadership of Zhu Qiyu. After all, Zhu Qiyu is only the supervisor of the country. Otherwise, the officials need to meet the holy officials to worship before entering the court. The fourth rank is to determine whether there can be The qualifications for entering the palace were limited. After the ministers entered the Hall of Supreme Harmony, Mr. Shi slowly led the disciples of the Zhongzheng lineage into the Hall of Supreme Harmony. In the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the ministers began to discuss strategies to deal with Wala Yexian's imminent move, but they all kept silent about Zhu Qizhen's fate. In their view, the previous emperor Zhu Qizhen favored the eunuch Wang Zhen, framed Zhongliang, and led twenty Tens of thousands of troops and many courtiers embarked on the road of no return. It was such a failure that they would not come. The most important thing is that Zhu Qiyu has just ascended the throne, and if he operates well, he may become an important minister, so they all keep silent about topics related to Zhu Qizhen. Suddenly, someone burst into tears, extremely miserable, and called his friend from the same court by the name. This cry seemed to be contagious, and all the officials in the hall fell into tears, crying to each other, and the crying was loud. Except for the Zhongzheng lineage, Yu Qian and Jin Ying, there were few people in the main hall who were not crying loudly. Zhu Qiyu had never seen this scene and was immediately at a loss. He turned around and left without comment. Yu Qian shook his head at Zhu Qiyu, then nodded and bowed his hands in a slight bow. Zhu Qiyu was smart enough to understand what Yu Qian meant, so he stayed in the main hall and looked at the ugly appearance of the ministers crying. In fact, most people are sincere. After all, the Battle of Tumubao made the colleagues who used to work together go to court at the same time, and they were separated from themselves. The national power was instantly empty, the war situation was in danger, and the Ming Dynasty was in danger. Naturally, it was okay for everyone to suffer for the sake of the country, the people, and their friends. Gradually, the crying became quieter, and the ministers no longer cried. They just wiped the tears from the corners of their eyes with their sleeves, and then they remembered that they were in court. A man strolled out. This man's name was Xu Jue, a minister of the Imperial Academy. He bent down to salute, held the imperial hut in his hand, paused for a moment, and said, "I have a word to say. I watched the stars last night. The sky showed that it would be dangerous to stay in Beijing." From the danger of national subjugation, only moving south can protect our Ming Dynasty forever." The ministers agreed and then discussed the matter of moving the capital before sending troops.?, all the ministers were already frightened and panicked. They had been frightened out of their wits by the battle of Tumubao. Mr. Shi suddenly laughed, the laughter was long and powerful. When the ministers heard this laughter, they closed their mouths and stopped talking. Mr. Shi asked: "Looking at the sky at night, the sky has its own destiny. How can it be seen through by ordinary people? It's a star and the purple star is shining brightly. How can the emperor's aura be so strong that the country is in danger of subjugation? It's really nonsense. Hahaha" After saying that, he laughed again. The man was not convinced, but was pulled by the people around him, who revealed the identity of Mr. Mingshi and others. After hearing this, the man waved his sleeves and shouted: "It turns out that he is a country man, what qualifications do he have to talk nonsense in the palace?" "Taizu ordered you not to interfere in the government affairs, otherwise the nine tribes will be destroyed. Have you forgotten Shi Fang?" Mr. Shi said with a smile again: "You dare to talk nonsense about the celestial phenomena. I am the royal lineage of Zhongzheng and the main line of heaven and earth people, but I can't express my opinion. If we are all talking nonsense, then your Yin and Yang astrology is also based on nothing, which is contradictory to what you said before. " As soon as he finished speaking, Qu Xiangtian bowed to Mr. Shi and came out, shouting to the ministers: "The Ming Dynasty will definitely avenge the shame of Tumubao. How can we move the capital without fighting? We will definitely fight. We must win!" Yu Qian shouted and said, "Those who advocate moving south should be killed. The capital is the foundation of the country and cannot be shaken, except for the Song Dynasty's southern crossing." This sentence hit the point. Mr. Shi nodded. Head, he secretly thought that Yu Qian was really a talent, and it would be a blessing for the people of the Ming Dynasty to have this person. The shame of Jingkang in the Northern Song Dynasty cannot be forgotten. The two emperors Qinzong and Huizong of the Song Dynasty were captured by the Jin soldiers, and they were escorted to the north together with hundreds of concubines and clan members. From then on, the Northern Song Dynasty was destroyed, and the people of the north were plunged into dire straits. At this moment, if the fundamentals of the country that moved south are shaken, and all the officials lose their fighting spirit if they are defeated without a fight, it will inevitably repeat the story of the demise of the Northern Song Dynasty, and then the country will really be in danger of subjugation. All the ministers bowed their heads and remained silent. Everyone was shocked by Yu Qian's righteousness and Qu Xiangtian's heroic spirit. Only Xu Jue looked at Zhu Qiyu unconvinced for a moment. Zhu Qiyu glanced around in a panic, but he met Lu Yunzhi's eyes. , he saw a hint of perseverance in Lu Yunzhi's eyes, and suddenly said loudly: "Anyone who migrates south, behead them!" Then he flicked his sleeves and left the hall. After Yu Qian and Mr. Shi waited for the ministers to retreat, they let out a long sigh of relief. Zhu Qiyu presided over the morning court for the first time today, and the most difficult day was over. Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 77 Bronze Square Cup After saying goodbye to Jin Ying and Yu Qian, Mr. Shi left the main hall with his disciples. He will have to come and go in the main hall frequently in the future. This is also a helpless decision. Everyone in the Zhongzheng lineage had different moods. For example, Gao Huai, Zhu and others were very excited when they saw it, as if gaining power was their pursuit in life. Lu Yunzhi's heart was very heavy. He had not yet come out of the shadow of Du Hai's death. He also felt sorry for Zhu Qiyu, because in his opinion, the emperor's power was supreme, but he did not expect that it would be so difficult to do, and that he would even be criticized by the crowd. The minister threatened, if Yu Qian, Mr. Shi and others were not present today, maybe the move to the south would have been done in a daze. After everyone returned to the Zhongzheng lineage's house, Mr. Shi told Han Yueqiu and others to rest. The fighting and running all the way made them exhausted, so everyone bowed and then retreated. The top fifteen disciples in the Zhongzheng lineage all have their own separate residence, so that they can refine their magic weapons without being disturbed, or study the principles by referring to books. Most people will choose to live in a separate house. After all, there are so many disciples. Living with others is still a bit inconvenient. For example, Gao Huai ranked tenth and Qin Rufeng ranked twelfth. They moved out of the second and first bedrooms before traveling to Timur. When they lived alone, they sometimes liked to show off, as something worth boasting about. However, Lu Yun is ranked seventh, Qu Xiangtianxing is eighth, and Fang Qingze is eleventh. Except for Zhu Jianwen, who is ranked eighteenth in the family, they are all qualified to live alone. However, everyone has a good relationship and is unwilling to live apart, so they still live alone. Among the three bedrooms, in Qu Xiangtian's words, if you live alone and have to go to several yards to find someone to drink with, it's very inconvenient, so just let it go. When the few people returned to the room, they snored loudly and slept all night. They were indeed tired, especially after running all night last night and the grief over Du Hai's death. They were physically and mentally exhausted. Junior Brother Mai came to ask them to have dinner before they woke up. The hall was empty. Except for the disciples of the Zhongzheng lineage such as Cheng Fangdong, Shi Wentian and others who stayed in Beijing, the two Xie brothers and Wang Yulu who followed Mr. Shi back to the capital. If we talk about it, it was Han Yueqiu and the rest. Most of them were unskilled disciples who were driven back by Han Yueqiu from Yu County. Originally, they followed Mr. Shi to Tamerlane to visit and study, but they did not expect that they experienced attacks from soul-eating beasts along the way. Harassment, etc. At that time, Fang Qingze tactfully asked them to return to Beijing to help their master. Some people were not very happy, but they had to listen to Han Yueqiu's words. Thinking about it today, Fang Qingze's words saved their lives, otherwise what awaited them would be like Du Hai and others died tragically in Tumubao. Thinking of this, these people couldn't help but feel grateful to Fang Qingze and Han Yueqiu who gave the order. The hall was instantly missing Du Hai's loud voice, as well as the laughter and curses of more than a dozen brothers of the same lineage. It seemed deserted. Although the living people were hungry, they had no intention of eating and were always mourning the souls of the dead. Mr. Shi glanced at the disciples. Then he raised his voice and said: "Eat quickly. After eating, I will take you to see the cause of Du Hai's death." After saying that, he took the lead in eating, and everyone also picked up their chopsticks. In this way, the usually lively dinner was going on. This ended hurriedly in an extremely depressing and quiet atmosphere. In the Hall of Heroes, Mr. Shi stood in front of the soul-suppressing coffin, and all his disciples followed him. Mr. Shi called softly: "Fang Dong, Yueqiu, open the coffin." Cheng Fangdong and Han Yueqiu stepped forward and worked together to open the coffin lid. Mr. Shi recited the decree silently and then raised his right palm and placed it on Du Hai's head. Gradually, the frost on Du Hai's face subsided. Mr. Shi pinched Du Hai's mouth open, then took out a copper coin with a string attached to it. Put the copper coin into Du Hai's mouth with a red rope. The slender red rope came out of Du Hai's mouth and wrapped around Du Hai's head. Mr. Shi held the thread in his left hand, stretched out his right hand and said to Cheng Fangdong: "Fang Dong, bring the Ancient Moon Cup." Cheng Fangdong walked quickly. Walking to the wall hung with various small signs with birthdays and eight characters on them, he picked up a square cup from a table in front of the wall and handed it to Mr. Shi. Cups are made of bronze. They are different from wine bottles used for drinking. Jue and the like are square cups with no legs. They have extremely weird shapes, which are rare among bronze utensils. I saw a circle of simple patterns engraved on the square cup, and the cup was surrounded by vines made of bronze, making it appear vigorous, powerful and lifelike. Lu Yunzhi was closer and looked into the cup. He saw only a cup of liquid in the cup, but he couldn't see clearly what was at the bottom of the cup because the liquid seemed opaque and extremely reflective. Looking into it was like a mirror. Generally, it reflects the mirror image in the Hall of Heroes. Fang Qingze whispered: "It's so clear, much better than a bronze mirror, just like a Western glass mirror." Mr. Shi exclaimed and asked: "What is a glass mirror?" Fang Qingze replied: "It's just like my Ming Dynasty colored glass. As early as the Shang and Zhou dynasties, we had made transparent colored glaze and named it glass, but it was later lost and ceased to exist. I discovered it during Timur's business days.The merchants in the West hold the glass recorded in ancient books, and have oiled mercury or tin foil on one side. Although it is not as huge as the bronze mirror, it is several times more clear and legible than the bronze mirror. Just now I saw that the liquid in the cup can be reflected like this, It reminds me of a Western glass mirror. " Mr. Shi nodded and said: "It's interesting, Qingze. I'll find a glass mirror someday. Maybe using this mirror to drive the Mirror Flower Demon will greatly increase its power. "Fang Qingze answered yes, but saw that Mr. Shi no longer continued, but wrapped a piece of red rope around the square cup, and then muttered something in his mouth. No one knew what it meant. Only Lu Yunzhi knew what he said, and what the master said He said it in an ancient language. He didn't know what it meant, and even Mr. Shi didn't know it. He just read it according to the script. This is what the clan used in the art of heaven and earth, so when he used to control thunder and fight Shang Yang, everyone also said it. I didn¡¯t understand. After wrapping the red rope, Mr. Shi took out a small gold medal from his arms with his free hand, then placed it on the edge of the soul coffin. He placed the bronze square cup on top of the gold medal and beckoned the disciples to come closer. . A picture gradually appeared in the cup. When a person dies, the spirit will record what happened before death, so everyone rushed back to the capital at night to ensure that the spirit would not disappear and the spirit could not be trapped by magic. Be careful, because once this happens, it is easy to get confused and the recording will be inaccurate. In the mirror image, Du Hai is holding two swords and slashing left and right. Dozens of ghosts are surrounding him, protecting Du Hai and jumping closer from time to time. For a moment, the Wala Cavalry was unable to do anything. The junior brother behind him was not as good as Du Hai. Although they were one against ten, they were all covered in scars. However, they still surrounded one person and used their own weapons. The flesh and blood body protects the man sitting in the human wall. The face of that man becomes more and more clear. It is the rise of Emperor Zhu Qizhen. He slashed a galloping cavalry in half with a powerful sword. After breaking off, he shouted at the surrounding enemy troops. When the Wara cavalry heard Du Hai shouting, they jumped back in fright. When Du Hai saw him, he threw his head back and laughed, and he was about to pull Zhu Qizhen and rush out. . Suddenly the ghosts surrounding Du Hai gathered behind him, and a few red first-class evil spirits were seen fighting with the ghosts driven by Du Hai. Du Hai hurriedly turned around and took Zhu. Qi Zhen pushed into the side of his junior fellow apprentices, raised his knife and turned around to charge towards those first-class evil spirits. The fine steel gloves covered with runes on his hands glowed faintly. Who was blocking him? Could it be a ghost witch? Du Hai was confused. Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 78: Pulse Master¡¯s Betrayal A thin old man with a slightly blue face was sitting on a horse, holding a piece of copper and whispering in his mouth. He stared at the scene in front of him where the evil spirits he controlled were fighting with Du Hai's guard ghosts. He suddenly saw Du Haiti. The knife counterattacked like his own first-class evil spirit, and the stainless steel gloves on his hands were shining with light and runes flowing. He was suddenly shocked and shouted: "Hurry up! Otherwise, my ghost spirit will be finished." This Du Hai couldn't help but be startled when he shouted a sentence in Chinese with a clear accent. Looking for the sound, he found that the old man was wearing clothes of the same lineage as a living being. Then I saw a big man rushing out of the team. His upper body was naked and only covered with a raincoat. The muscles on his body were constantly beating and he looked like a strong man. His face could not be seen clearly, it was covered by a big bamboo hat. Only some gray goatee could be seen on his chin. Different from other iron swords, the hilt of the sword he used was embroidered with a dragon. When Du Hai saw the man, he was stunned, but he did not panic. He rushed towards the man with two swords in hand. The two of them collided like two bulls, and then the swords and swords beat each other until the sky was dark. I saw that the big sword was not bulky, and the dancing wind and water were airtight, approaching Du Hai step by step. Du Hai stepped back, but kept slashing at the big sword with the knife in his hand. While the sword was being swung, it received constant attacks and counterattacked with several thrusts. The sword had no edge but was clumsy. These strikes hit Du Hai's gap just in time. Du Hai turned around and panicked. It was unbearable to escape those fatal sword blows. Just as Du Hai stabilized his body, he saw a big sword sweeping towards him. Du Hai fell down and then dodged. After falling to the ground, he supported the ground with his hands, turned his body in the air and hooked the ankle of the sword-dancing man with one foot. The foothold was extremely strong, but he could not withstand Du Hai's hook with all his strength. The man's body was slightly tilted and the sword was supported on the ground, hoping to stand firm with the support of the sword, but he never thought that although Du Hai was strong The man was huge but also very dexterous. He put his back on the ground with his hands on the ground, pulled back his legs and kicked the man in the chest with a rabbit kick. The man was already unable to stand firmly, and was kicked out by the force of the kick. The man spat out a mouthful of blood in response. It seemed that his internal organs were injured. Du Hai jumped up, kicked up the two knives from the ground with his feet, grabbed them in his hands, put up a posture and shouted: "Who else is coming?" Five figures gathered around, Du Hai shouted: "The five ugly people are of the same lineage. You dare to cause trouble!" But suddenly he felt his feet were unstable and his body was firmly fixed. Two red evil spirits under his feet grabbed his ankles and pulled them to both sides. Du Hai shouted, holding two knives with both hands and raised his fists. The two groups of evil spirits fought, and the iron fist gloves were covered with light. Du Hai crossed his arms and a spark suddenly appeared on the stainless steel fist gloves. When he was about to shoot down, his arm was hanging in the air. When he looked back, he saw two evil ghosts grabbing his arms tightly. They were also pulling on his arms. Suddenly, he felt a tightness on his head, and there was a ghost energy on his neck. The five people got closer and closer, and the evil ghosts were getting harder and harder. Du Hai knew that this was the art of car splitting in the Wuchou lineage, which is also known as the five-horse dismemberment technique among the people. Du Hai silently recited the ghost exorcism order in his heart, but saw the runes and six-pointed star on the stainless steel glove suddenly brightened up, like a bright light. Two rays of light slid along the arm and hit the evil spirit grabbing Du Hai's arm. The five people from the Wuchou branch were shocked, because no matter how powerful the Zhongzheng branch was, it was impossible to hit the evil spirits out of thin air, except for the art of heaven and earth, but as far as they knew, only Shi Fang and a man named Lu Yunzhi knew something about it. Sure enough, upon closer inspection, I discovered that there was something like a small slingshot hidden inside the stainless steel glove. By bending the iron piece, a small iron pellet could be produced. The small iron pills and thin threads were engraved with Buddhist runes, so it was driven by Du Hai's magic weapon, the fine steel glove, and the light would appear when being hit by an iron piece. Suddenly, two evil spirits grabbed Du Hai's arms. The spirit made a hissing sound, and then disappeared with a pop. Du Hai quickly got rid of the evil spirit that was strangling his neck. Although it only took a blink of an eye, Du Hai still had the evil spirit on his neck. A trace of blood was left behind. Du Hai just wanted to deal with the two evil ghosts at his feet, but his feet were already spread to both sides, causing Du Hai to feel pain. Suddenly Du Han saw the old man from the Iron Sword lineage he had been fighting with rushing toward him. Du Hai yelled something bad in his heart. He raised his sword to meet him, only to find that the man bypassed him and ran to the back, and then swung his sword in an instant. He beat away two or three disciples of the Zhongzheng lineage, got into the crowd, carried Zhu Qizhen on his shoulders, and ran away. Just as everyone wanted to snatch Zhu Qizhen back, they were once again surrounded by hundreds of cavalry, and they had to worry about themselves. Fight. In fact, everyone saw that Du Hai was being restrained. They wanted to help, but there were too many Oala cavalry around them and they couldn't get away to rescue him. They were too busy to take care of themselves. However, Du Hai's protective ghost spirit was trembling with the skinny old man, a person of the same lineage of living beings, and naturally could not be transferred back. After Du Hai used his stainless steel fists to deal with the evil spirits under his feet, he looked up to rescue Zhu Qizhen, but he couldn't see anything because everywhere in front of him were flying arrows, blocking out the sky and the sun. The picture in the square cup disappeared. Mr. Shi sighed and took out the small gold medal from under the cup to look at it.Come, everyone looked and found that it was engraved with the birth date and Du Hai's name. There are two words engraved on the top of the gold medal: Zhongzheng. Mr. Shi slowly walked to the wall covered with plaques of various materials, hung the gold medal in the last position, and then said to everyone: "These are the same lineage of our Zhongzheng lineage, as long as we can find Those whose corpses are still spiritually intact will be forever engraved with Zhongzheng. If they are reincarnated, the future Zhongzheng lineage masters will also sense them and accept them as disciples. If they become ghosts, they will not degenerate into ghosts. Evil ghosts will not cause humans and ghosts to kill each other in different ways, nor will they be subdued by people of the same lineage and become driven things." Mr. Shi suddenly asked: "Fang Dong, you are the senior brother in the lineage. I have been here for the longest time. Do you know the people who besieged Du Hai just now?" Cheng Fangdong nodded, with a look of disbelief on his honest and honest face, and said: "Master, these people are from the same lineage of living beings, the five ugly ones? , the leader of the Iron Sword lineage. " "Well, I thought that there were only a few rebels in the lineage who caused the rebellion. I heard Yue Qiu already told what happened. It seems that Shang Wang really didn't know. The person who killed Du Hai turned out to be San. The pulse master of the pulse. Du Hai is a hero, and he is undefeated against the three pulse masters. It's a pity that there are tens of thousands of tiger-like warriors behind the three pulse masters. Du Hai, my disciple, rest in peace." Mr. Shi's voice was choked. said. The bronze square cup known as the Ancient Moon Cup was picked up by Mr. Shi, and then he said: "The Ancient Moon Cup is here, and the heartbroken people still exist. The dead pass away, and those who mourn mourn themselves." As he spoke, a drop of liquid was spilled from the Ancient Moon Cup. , dripped on the forehead of Du Hai's body, then turned around and placed the Ancient Moon Cup on the table in front of the wall, and said to Han Yueqiu: "Yueqiu, find someone to bury Du Hai." Then he turned and left. Go, but there are tears in my eyes, almost ready to fall. Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 79 Talents At dawn the next day, everyone from Zhongzheng Group entered the Forbidden City again under the leadership of Mr. Shi. This time they did not stop in front of the main hall but went directly to the Hall of Supreme Harmony to wait. Within a moment, Zhu Qiyu was sitting on the throne. Minister They also filed in, and another morning came. The ministers discussed the current situation one after another, but no one dared to mention the move to the south. Yu Qian stepped forward and said: "After Wala's victory in Tumubao, our national strength is empty, and we will besiege our capital in the future." One minister came out and said: " Sir, I don't think this is possible. If we are to besiege the capital, why don't Wala take advantage of our new defeat to launch an attack but wait until later to take action? I think we must first plunder the surrounding areas. He went back to his hometown in Nawala." After hearing this, all the ministers agreed and felt that what he said made sense. "Niao Si man!" Qin Rufeng suddenly came out and shouted. Rather than saying that the ministers were afraid of Yu Qian or Zhongzheng, it would be more appropriate to say that they were afraid of Qin Rufeng. Qin Rufeng has no political power and no military power. Why are the ministers so afraid? It is because of Qin Rufeng's murderous aura. Every time they see Qin Rufeng, the ministers feel like they are seeing the King of Hell. Some of them are timid and even tremble. After seeing them in the palace yesterday, He even went so far as to compare Qin Rufeng to a tiger descending from the mountain and a dragon going out to sea. After finishing his scolding, Qin Rufeng had some insights: "Are you stupid because of your reading? After the Battle of Tumubao, you should not have known that our national power is so empty and that all the elite troops in the country have been exhausted, so you can come here indifferently. Secondly, you should be as if you were the same. The siege of the capital must be an overwhelming effort. The cavalry can still attack, and the mountain roads and ravines can be crossed under the iron hoof, but the baggage and other supplies are not enough, and a regular marching route must be chosen. But I still have Datong, Xuanfu, and Juyongguan. Hold on, once he chooses to attack the capital this way, it will be a protracted battle, and Ye Xian's food and grass will not be able to last until then, so he will definitely choose to find another way to attack other passes. I estimate that if he is wiser, it will be now. We will launch an attack, but I think Wala's arrogant nature will make him try to attack Datong and Xuanfu first, so it is best to send more troops to the two places and issue orders to defend them." After hearing Qin Rufeng's remarks, all the ministers nodded in praise. I thought that this fierce person also had some abilities. Someone said: "I dare to ask the brave man, since you predict that you will attack Zijingguan first, why not send more troops to the direction of Juyongguan and Zijingguan." Qin Rufeng saw the man wearing the clothes of a minister of the Ministry of War, and said with a smile: " You said it would be fine if other civil servants raised this question, but you, the Minister of War, actually raised such a pedantic question. Sir, you are also the Minister of War, and I am ashamed of you for being with such people." Yu Qian smiled slightly. Not angry, it seems that he understands Qin Rufeng's straightforward character. Yu Qian paused and replied: "Juyong Pass and Zijin Pass are only passes and cannot be defended permanently. Even if they are defended, they will not be as effective as Datong and Xuanfu. Once the capital is besieged first, Datong and Xuanfu can advance, retreat or defend, depending on the timing. If it is appropriate, it can also complement the capital and encircle the Wa La bandits. Moreover, the two famous generals Guo Deng and Yang Hong are guarding and commanding the two places. It must be appropriate, so what Brother Qin said is excellent. I hope His Highness Zhu Qiyu will agree." Hearing the discussion down there, he felt a little dull. His mind was spinning rapidly, thinking about everything. Before he could understand it, he heard Yu Qian's words: "It's accurate, it's accurate." "Behead him!" This was the first beheading order issued by Yu Qian after taking over the Ministry of War. Qin Rufeng was a little anxious and asked: "Why did you order not to send troops for reinforcements? Is it true that our Ming Dynasty has no available troops?" Yu Qian nodded with difficulty and replied: "Exactly, the existing troops in the capital are less than 100,000, and They are all old, weak, sick and disabled soldiers, but there are no soldiers available!" All the ministers were in an uproar, and some even burst into tears. "From now on, we ordered the two capitals and Henan to prepare troops, Shandong and Nanjing to prepare Japanese troops along the coast, Jiangbei and Beijing to transport grain troops, recruit the Southern General Chen Mao's squadron to return to Beijing, and immediately return to Beijing to deploy after receiving military orders. If there is any Anyone who defies military orders and delays will be executed!" Yu Qian issued the second military order. "The food and pay in the capital are not enough to supply the army." An official from the Ministry of Household Affairs stood up and said. Yu Qian said: "Isn't there grain in Tongzhou?" The Ministry of Revenue official replied: "That's true, there are millions of grains in Tongzhou's warehouses, but once the grain is transported out of Tongzhou, it will inevitably be intercepted by the army first, and then the gain will outweigh the loss. If we send troops Hu Liang does not have such strength. We have to think of other ways. The best option is to burn down the Tongzhou granary for the time being. Once Tongzhou is captured first, the consequences will be disastrous." The ministers agreed again, but Qu Xiangtian thought for a while, and then walked out. He said: "I have something I don't know whether to say or not." Zhu Qiyu nodded. He admired this heroic man very much, so he said: "Strong man, please tell me." Qu Xiangtian replied: "Since Your Highness has recruited troops to Beijing, Why not let all the soldiers take a detour through Tongzhou and pick up grains when passing through Tongzhou and enter the capital. In this way, there is no need to hire people to transport the grains or send troops to protect the grains. I wonder what your highness thinks of this plan??? " If Zhu Qiyu didn't understand the political affairs of the whole country, Zhu Qiyu understood this strategy. The ministers had no idea and only people of the Zhongzheng line could be of great use, so Zhu Qiyu did not pass the eunuch Jin Ying's mouth but He said personally: "It is a blessing to the country and a blessing to the people that the Ming Dynasty has the help of talents from the Zhongzheng lineage. This plan is accurate! From now on, Qu Xiangtian and Qin Rufeng joined the military department to assist Yu Qian in training soldiers and learning how to defeat the enemy. They were given a reward of one hundred taels and a second-grade salary. " Qu Xiangtian and Qin Rufeng came out and thanked him. Yu Qian was also very happy, because he had long seen that Qu Xiangtian and Qin Rufeng were not a thing in the pool. With the help of these two people, the chance of winning was even higher, but Suffering from the fact that his authority was limited and he could not attach any power to it, Zhu Qiyu's appointment as Supervisor solved his concerns, which was a timely help. The ministers began to discuss other matters, and members of the Zhongzheng clan also congratulated Qu and Qin. , Mr. Shi didn't say a word, but he was overjoyed that his apprentice was so outstanding. Then he turned to Lu Yunzhi, Han Yueqiu and others behind him and said: "Qu Xiangtian, Qin Rufeng's military strategy is first-class, we must also do our part for the people." Well, after returning home, I will teach my master the Ten Thousand Ghosts Exorcism Formation. All the disciples must intensify their study in order to win by surprise. When the time comes, even if the Mongolian ghosts and witches unite, they will be unable to do anything. " All the disciples answered yes one after another. Lu Yunzhi's heart skipped a beat, and his eyes suddenly lit up. He understood in his heart that he was not as good as Fang Qingze in business, not as good as Qu and Qin in military skills, and not as good as Zhu Jianwen and Gao Huai in handling power. But when it comes to metaphysics and magic, I am full of confidence. The hatred of family destruction and death, and the hatred of people being killed are now gathering in Lu Yunzhi's heart. The Mongolian ghost witch and mysterious accomplices of Wala also mentioned it at the same time. It's time for you to pay the debt, so let me Let's avenge ourselves with the Ten Thousand Ghosts Exorcist Array. Volume One Sudden Change Chapter 80 The Calm Before the Storm In the next two or three days, there was nothing else to do but go to court every day. After returning home, all the disciples followed Mr. Shi to study the Ten Thousand Ghosts Exorcism Formation. As they became more proficient in the formation, everyone became full of confidence. Mr. Shi also He ordered everyone to study hard and practice hard in order to fight to the death with Wala. Along with the grief and indignation of his fellow disciples who were killed, the small fear of ghost witches and all-out talk in the hearts of the disciples also disappeared at this moment. Only the determination remained in their hearts. The meaning of confrontation. After retiring from the court on August 19, Qin Rufeng and Qu Xiangtian had not been seen in public. They stayed in the military camp every day or inspected the city defense, or went to the Ministry of War for meetings. Their prestige in the army was getting higher and higher, and there was no one in the army. People don't know Qu Qin. However, there is someone among the people who became a household name overnight and has never participated in the Ghost Exorcism Formation since then. This person is Fang Qingze. People in the capital are in panic at the moment, and many people have moved south to avoid the disaster of war. Therefore, not only the population is dwindling, but the economy has also plummeted. Fang Qingze returned to Beijing after going to court and bought four large houses, causing a sensation in the capital overnight. In fact, at this time of war and chaos, real estate was extremely cheap. Many large families were even worried that they would not be able to sell their land and property. Fang Qingze saw the opportunity and bought it. When the caravan sent by Diao Shanshe arrived the next day, Fang Qingze smiled with satisfaction. He didn't bring much cash with him on the journey, and mostly used Ming Dynasty banknotes. Unfortunately, the banknotes had depreciated, so Fang Qingze brought A large package of treasure money is only enough to buy four houses. The previous business in Timur had grown to a large scale and had become an important trading place for the countries in the northwest region. Before leaving, Fang Qingze arranged for Diao Shanshe to build six new commercial streets. They were not used to open his own shops but rented them out for free and only charged a fee. 20% of the merchant's income, many merchants flocked to it for a while, and Timur's transportation through the post station was extremely advanced, so people from the Middle East in the south and Xipan in the north were willing to go to Samarkand, the capital of Timur, to do business, so they naturally chose to do business for free. shops have settled in, but in fact the biggest beneficiary is Fang Qingze. Although Diao Shanshe is not very good at the strange arts of war, yin and yang, etc., he is also a well-rounded person in business. Under the guidance of Fang Qingze, the business is getting bigger and bigger. Fang Qingze left an order for the three people who will be rescued by him before setting off. In the future, real money and silver were collected, and strange goods were sent to Beijing. A large number of Timurid guards were also hired on the road. As soon as things arrived in the capital, Fang Qingze immediately allocated 30% of the money to support the Ministry of War's production needs, and 50% to the Ministry of Industry to build the city wall. The Ministry of Industry directly appointed Fang Qingze as the agent to build the city. Fang Qingze firmly believed that talents can reach the gods. Naturally, the Minister of Household Affairs who was in charge of money benefited a lot. From then on, Fang Qingze started to make conveniences. All of a sudden, Fang Qingze took over several large restaurants, inns, gold banks, etc. in the capital, and suddenly became the most famous person in the capital. merchant. The military morale in the capital was greatly boosted by Qu Xiangtian and Qin Rufeng, and the economy stabilized under Fang Qingze's encouragement. Businessmen no longer moved south but started doing business in a down-to-earth manner. Word of mouth said that a businessman as big as Fang Qingze dared to enter the capital at this time. I am 100% sure of my investment, so I feel relieved. It can be said that good fortune is rising in the capital, and the atmosphere of peace everywhere is much better than before the war. The public security and economy are much better. Naturally, the three people of Qu Qinfang and Zhongzheng have contributed a lot. Zhu Qiyu, the supervisor of the country, has received a good commendation. He once promised that he would Reward three people heavily. But in this peaceful atmosphere, things were going on inside the Forbidden City. The tranquility outside the Forbidden City was like the calm before the storm, heralding the arrival of the bloody storm above the hall. On August 23, a ridiculous scene finally broke out. Mr. Shi, Lu Yunzhi and other people from the Zhongzheng lineage had long expected this scene to happen, but they still went to the morning court calmly, and stood at the side of the hall, watching the scene that was about to happen. I saw a minister come out and said: "I have something to report." Zhu Jianwen smiled slightly and said in a low voice: "I didn't figure out who spoke first. It turned out to be Mr. Chen Yi, the Imperial Envoy to the Right Capital of the Inspectorate. "Gao Huai teased Zhu Jianwen and said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, I guess it's him. There are not many people with such a straight temper." Zhu Qiyu nodded and said, "Zhuzhuo." Chen Yi raised his brows and said coldly: "The king has done many evil things, framed the loyal and good, and brought disaster to the country and the people. Only by annihilating his nine tribes and eradicating his party members can the world be peaceful. Immortality is not enough to calm the people's anger, Your Highness." After saying this, he burst into tears, and everyone suddenly burst into tears. The ministers all thought of Wang Zhen's various evil deeds, his colleagues who died in the Battle of Tumubao, and the grief of the country's loss of troops. The cries in the hall were loud. This was the second time Zhu Qiyu had encountered a full hall since he took charge of the government. A painful thing. Zhu Qiyu was at a loss and didn't know what to say. The more the ministers cried, the more energetic they became. Forgetting some ancient etiquette, they cried and stood up one after another to accuse Wang Zhen and his party of evil deeds. Zhu Qiyu was extremely embarrassed. He looked at these crazy ministers with embarrassment. Suddenly, the ministers stopped crying and just looked at Zhu Qiyu coldly. Then they all knelt down on the ground and shouted in unison: "Destroy his entire clan. Get rid of his party members!" Zhu Qiyu was even more confused. How could he see him who had only been in power for six days?With this formation, he hurriedly said: "Let's retreat first. I will think about it for a while and deal with it later." As soon as he finished speaking, everyone in the Zhongzheng family looked happy, even Mr. Shi smiled slightly. Everyone knew that this was a farce. As the trigger, Xie Li said: "This supervise the country is really good." Xie Qi hurriedly slapped Xie Li: "Shut up, stop talking, we have to watch the show." Different from Zhongzheng's composure, Chao The ministers opened their mouths in surprise. They didn't expect that even though they were crying so hard and before Wang Zhen's guilt was irrefutable, Zhu Qiyu still said that he would deal with it later. So the ministers looked at Zhu Qiyu in silence. Although no one dared to contradict him, they refused to obey Jin Ying's urging and refused to retreat. After the decree was announced five or six times, the ministers still refused to leave and started crying again. There was a loud shout, and the man was seen wearing a big red python robe and a black gauze hat. He was wearing the court uniform of the commander of the Jinyiwei. This person was Ma Shun, the commander of the Jinyiwei. I just heard Ma Shun say: "Why don't you retreat quickly? Haven't you heard the imperial edict from the prison?" Ma Shun is Wang Zhen's ally. He is still domineering at this moment, standing there and looking around at the ministers. At this time, a man walked out from the crowd of ministers, ran to Ma Shun, grabbed his hair with his left hand, picked up the Chao Hut with his right hand, and hit Ma Shun several times on the face. If you dare to act arrogantly, I'll beat you to death!" The hall was in chaos for a while. Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 81: Fighting with fists and kicks to save your life Although Ma Shun was the commander of the Jinyi Guards, he was also a coward. He was beaten by a scholar into a panic, and his face was covered in blood before he could fight back. Ma Shun's face was covered with blood. He held his head in his hands and looked up from the gap. It turned out that the one who hit him was Yan Guan Wang Hong. Wang Hong's Chao Hut was finally blocked by Ma Shun's claws and claws to resist. But he never thought that Wang Hong continued to fight with his bare hands, and then suddenly leaned forward and bit Ma Shun's face. Ma Shun was startled to think that these gentle civil servants were not only able to fight like local gangsters, but also like downtown shrews. Can bite. Ma Shun was caught off guard and Wang Hong bit off a piece of meat from his face. When the ministers saw that there was such a cheap man, they still refused to fight. Besides, it was Wang Zhen's accomplice. They suddenly swarmed forward. They didn't care about the brocade robes, wide sleeves, and black gauze hats that they regarded as treasures. The ministers would fight with their sleeves, and even Roll up your sleeves and start fighting. Not only Zhu Qiyu and Jin Ying were dumbfounded, but everyone in the Zhongzheng line was also dumbfounded. They only calculated that there would be three corpses in the court today. Blood spattered on the spot, and the officials were furious. But everyone thought that the ministers forced the palace to order Zhu Qiyu to kill people in public, but they did not expect that these civil servants went into battle in person, so they were naturally amazed. After a while, the ministers dispersed and saw Ma Shun lying on the ground. He had become a little bloody man. Han Yueqiu took a look and whispered: "I'm dead." Suddenly many ministers pointed at Zhu Qiyu. He ordered the execution of Wang Zhen's party members. Jin Ying disappeared in a flash, leaving Zhu Qiyu alone and helpless. He looked around pitifully and happened to meet Lu Yunzhi's eyes. He was so frightened that he hurried to the Zhongzheng lineage's team. Although the ministers have become red-eyed, and although the two tigers in the Zhongzheng lineage, Qin Rufeng and Qu Xiangtian, are still in the military camp and no longer facing the court, the ministers are still not confused. They see that the Zhongzheng lineage is not a big-bodied person. They are lean and strong, so naturally they dare not come forward to fight. Besides, if there is no deep hatred, why bother provoking the Zhongzheng lineage, which is now gaining momentum and gaining momentum. Jin Ying was running out of the palace at this moment and found two people, one named Wang Changsui and the other named Mao Gui, who were also eunuchs. They were also Wang Zhen's accomplices and had a close relationship with Ma Shun, who had just been beaten to death. The two of them were sighing outside the palace, lamenting that Wang Zhen was gone and they should be more careful in the future, and planned a comeback. Jin Ying was a popular eunuch at this time, and he personally asked himself to be admitted to the palace. The two were very excited, thinking that they would rise to the top again and be reused. They hoped that they could become a powerful eunuch like Wang Zhen, but they did not expect that the Zhongzheng lineage would have arrived long ago. Three corpses came to the palace, and there were exactly three corpses, including Ma Shun, Wang Chang and Mao Gui. As soon as they arrived at the entrance of the hall, they heard something was wrong and there was an unexpected noise in the hall. It turned out that the ministers were still angry after beating Ma Shun to death. After forcing Zhu Qiyu, they found that Zhu Qiyu was hiding among the Zhongzheng people. Mr. Shi Sitting there with squinted eyes, the ministers neither dared to rush forward nor point in that direction. This was the time when there was no place to vent their anger. Jin Ying pushed Mao Gui and Wang Changsui in, and they quickly turned around and saw Jin Ying's shadow. Looking up at the main hall, they saw eyes full of hungry tigers. The ministers slowly gathered around. Mao Gui and Wang Changsui realized that something was wrong. They turned around and were about to run away, but were pulled back. The ministers started fighting again, and both Mao and Wang died under the combined force of fists and kicks. Within a moment, two of King Mao Gui and his followers were also killed on the spot. As for how they were beaten, everyone in the Zhongzheng lineage did not see clearly because the ministers surrounded and beat too many people and could not see how they were beaten to death. Some ministers present were still angry and dragged the three bodies away. Lu Yun later heard that the three corpses were hung outside Dong'an Gate. The people hated Wang Zhen even more. Many of his relatives who traveled with the army died in Tumubao. When he heard that the three corpses turned out to be Wang Zhen's comrades, he They began to whip the corpses one after another, and the last three corpses were completely naked. Someone dragged the body away, but more people remained in the main hall, yelling at Wang Zhen, and some ministers who had been stunned by the atmosphere began to walk towards Mr. Shi and others. Mr. Shi remained calm behind him There are few brave people in the crowd, but those ministers felt goosebumps all over their bodies after taking two steps. Looking over there, they saw Zhu Qiyu grabbing Lu Yunzhi's arm and not letting go, while Lu Yunzhi lowered his head and said nothing. . The two Xie brothers looked unconcerned, while Cheng Fangdong looked honest and honest. The minister himself was wondering why he had such a creepy feeling, and suddenly he realized that Han Yueqiu was looking at them with a calm expression. This is different from Qin Rufeng's murderous aura like a tiger descending from the mountain, and it is also different from Qu Xiangtian's heroic spirit that rises to the nine heavens. He just stares at himself with his surprisingly cold eyes, as if everything that happens in the hall has nothing to do with him, as if Like a poisonous snake in the grass, he just looked at everyone coldly, hiding his hands in his sleeves, and the cuffs were slightly bulging, as if there was a faint cold light. No one dared to come forward. If they offended Mr. Shi, he would probably be killed on the spot. After calming down, the minister realized that not only Han Yueqiu was as cold as ice, but also the surrounding peopleThe emperor's Jin Yiwei all held down the hilt of their swords. Ma Shunguan paid homage to the Jin Yiwei commander, but was beaten to death in court, and he was still guarding the faces of many Jin Yiwei. However, Zhu Qiyu did not say anything, so how could those Jin Yiwei dare to take action. At this time, Zhu Qiyu said: "I'd better retreat from the court. Can Lu Yunzhi escort me?" It seems that Zhu Qiyu had identified Lu Yunzhi when they met in the plum garden that day, and he relied on him in such chaos at this time. A person walked quickly, but Han Yueqiu did not stop him. Instead, he stepped aside and let the person walk to Zhu Qiyu. Lu Yunzhi's ears were extremely sensitive. He had already heard whose footsteps it was. It was the Minister of the Ministry of War who was waiting for the Ministry of War. Shangshu, Yu Qian. The ministers glanced at the hilt of the sword that the Jin Yiwei was holding tighter and tighter. Among them was Wang Zhen's nephew, Wang Shan, who had been nailed to the ground by Qu Xiangtian and others with arrows. Suddenly, the ministers broke out in cold sweat. The excitement just now disappeared. Jing, whether you stay or run away, you might as well follow the first few to hang the corpse, and maybe you can avoid being massacred. I saw Yu Qian grabbing Zhu Qiyu's arm and saying: "Your Highness, you should be punished by death. Please forgive the innocent ministers." Zhu Qiyu swallowed his saliva and said: "The ministers are innocent, so it should be so. Take Wang Shan down. "Lingchi will be executed." Wang Shan suddenly heard a cry from the Jinyi Guards, and then he was bundled into a ball and dragged to the execution ground, and immediately disappeared in front of everyone. All the ministers were very happy, and Yu Qian also sighed with pride: "Finally, we have eradicated the traitors for the Ming Dynasty." Volume One Sudden Change Chapter 82 Accidental Injury Let¡¯s not talk about how Wang Shan was executed by Ling Chi and how he was cut into pieces with a thousand cuts, which was very satisfying. Let¡¯s just say that after Zhu Qiyu left the court, Lu Yunzhi and others followed Mr. Shi and returned to the large mansion of the Zhongzheng line. , for the remaining few days, Lu Yunzhi and Mr. Shi stayed in the same room, which was famously known as Lingbiju, eating and sleeping together to study the art of heaven and earth. As for the clan art of heaven and earth, Lu Yunzhi used Yu Lei, who was not yet proficient. Although he defeated the evil demon Shang Yang, he also suffered a huge attack and was scolded by Mr. Shi. One day in September, Lu Yunzhi was alone in the secret room of Lingbi Residence. Mr. Shi and Yu Qian were discussing important matters together. Lu Yunzhi was at the critical moment of studying how to control thunder, so he couldn't be disturbed. Naturally, he stayed in the room alone and ate. After the lunch delivered by Yingzi, I suddenly felt sleepy, so I curled up on a couch and gradually fell asleep. Lu Yunzhi's sleep has gotten worse and worse in the past few days, and she always has some messy dreams. Lu Yunzhi doesn't pay attention to it. The dream is because of course too many things have happened recently, so she has nightmares again and again. She took a few I got a little better after taking some calming medicine. Lu Yunzhi frowned, with an expression on his face as if he was in pain. He tossed and turned on the couch. At this time, the door opened a small crack, and a lively and lovely girl jumped in, and then whispered: "Brother Yunzhi "What are you doing?" This girl was Shi Yuting. When she saw Lu Yunzhi lying on the bed still sleeping, Shi Yuting snorted and said, "Oh, it turns out you were so lazy after grandpa left. It seems that I have been sleeping all afternoon." It turned out that it was already dinner time, and I heard someone calling from behind: "Yu Ting, don't disturb Lu Lang's rest, let's put down the things and leave." Yu Ting listened to this. The woman replied: "Okay, sister Yingzi, I actually miss my brother Yunzhi a little. I haven't been with him for several days. Do you think that since my grandfather invited him to study some secret method together, you are the only one who still has me." It has been many days since I came to deliver food to him, but my grandfather refused to let me come because he was afraid that I would disturb him. " Yingzi smiled slightly, scratched Shi Yuting's nose with his hand and said, "I know, I will do this. Did I bring you here? Don't talk nonsense when you go out, otherwise Mr. Shi will scold me." Shi Yuting lowered her body, kissed the sleeping Lu Yunzhi gently, and then said: "Brother Yunzhi, I won't disturb you. Come on, let's go." He said shyly and left with Yingzi. However, Lu Yunzhi didn't expect that Lu Yunzhi opened his eyes the moment they put down their dinner and turned around. These eyes were no longer filled with a touch of sadness and endless tenderness, but were filled with blood red and murderous intent. Lu Yunzhi stood up slowly, with two iron thorns of different colors protruding from his cuffs. Then he suddenly pulled a button on his chest, and countless steel needles appeared on his body. The steel needles penetrated through the clothes. The tip of the needle was exposed and gave off a faint cold light. Yingzi¡¯s ears twitched and she heard a slight sound from behind. Naturally, she knew that Lu Yunzhi was awake, but she couldn¡¯t hear his call. She smiled secretly in her heart: When will Lu Lang start scaring people? So Yingzi suddenly pulled Shi Yuting back and shouted: "Lu Lang, you want to scare us, but you can't" Both of them were stunned when they turned their heads. Lu Yunzhi's eyes were blood red, as if he was about to bleed, and his double thorns stretched out the steel needles all over his body. He didn't seem to be scaring himself, but he was clearly fighting for his life. The two of them were not around the day the lightning struck Shang Yang, so they naturally didn't know that this was the art of controlling thunder. , but they all felt a faint murderous aura coming towards them. Different from Qin Rufeng's fierceness, the oppressive feeling coming from Qu Xiangtian's pavement, and Han Yueqiu's cold and vicious, this murderous aura is the kind of chilling aura, which is unique to Lu Yunzhi The murderous intention had never been so strong before. Yingzi was stunned, Shi Yuting was also dumbfounded. They didn't know what they had done to make Lu Yunzhi so murderous. Yingzi called out in a low voice: "Lu Lang, what's wrong with you?" But he heard Lu Yunzhi whispering in his mouth, not knowing what he was talking about. Shi Yuting was also frightened. When she heard Lu Yunzhi whisper, she thought she was replying to her, so she hurriedly said: "Brother Yunzhi, what are you talking about? Is it a reply? I don't understand." Shi Yuting naively thought that Lu Yunzhi was replying to her. Then he used the echoes he learned from Timur, and then pretended to be ferocious to scare himself. Yingzi felt bad, so she turned around and ran away with Shi Yuting. As soon as she ran to the door, she felt a numbness behind her back that seemed to lift her clothes and spread all over her body. She hugged Shi Yuting and rolled around, only to see what she was standing on just now. The ground was already scorched black. I saw Lu Yunzhi's whole body shining brightly, like lightning in the sky. Lu Yunzhi suddenly slammed the iron thorns he held in both hands, pointing them at Yingzi and Shi Yuting. Yingzi was born in a Soul-Eating Beast and received extremely strict training since childhood. She grew up among horse bandits. Although she is a woman, she still has a hint of toughness in her character. At this moment, Yingzi's eyes quickly saw two iron thorns pointing at himself and Shi Yuting. Based on his previous experience, he knew that something must be coming straight towards him. It must be inevitable to run back, so he did not retreat. Come in and jump forward with Shi Yuting. fruitSuddenly, two lines of lightning shot straight out from the tips of the two iron thorns. It was indeed wise for Yingzi not to retreat but to advance, otherwise he would have been beaten into ashes. But I never thought that even though I avoided it, I still felt a stinging pain all over my body, as if I was being stabbed all over my body by thousands of steel needles at the same time. I couldn't help but fall to the ground with a groan. Yingzi couldn't bear it, let alone Shi Yuting, who couldn't bear the stinging pain and burst into tears. When Yingzi jumped forward just now, he pushed Shi Yuting in front of him and blocked Shi Yuting himself, so there was still a step or two difference between the landing point of Yingzi and Shi Yuting. Although Shi Yuting couldn't bear it, her injuries were actually much lighter. I saw Lu Yunzhi rushing up, pressing the iron thorns against the heads of Shi Yuting and Yingzi, opening his arms to hold one person on one side, and then looked up to the sky and laughed, his voice was so sinister that it gave people endless chills. Shi Yuting cried like pear blossoms with rain, but Yingzi looked at Lu Yunzhi's eyes with confusion and asked: "Lu Lang, what's wrong with you?" Lu Yunzhi stared at Yingzi with blood-red eyes, and gradually The ground trembled, and then the blood redness in his eyes slowly receded, and the murderous aura was gone, leaving only the faint melancholy and sadness of the past. Lu Yunzhi suddenly seemed to have woken up from a big dream. He hurriedly put the two iron thorns in his sleeves into his sleeves, picked up Yingzi and Shi Yuting who fell on the ground, and kept looking at the auspiciousness. When he saw that they were not seriously injured, he He took a long breath and said: "accidental injury, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just had a nightmare." Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 83: Strange Possession Although Yingzi's body was tingling, it was getting better now. She couldn't imagine what would happen if she didn't get out of the way. Now it was extremely painful just to pass by her. If it hit her in the middle, it would be a pile of black coal. Now she was leaning against Lu Yun. After the tingling sensation in Zhi's arms subsided, Lu Yunzhi took out two pills of pills and gave them to Yingzi and Shi Yuting. It took a long time for Shi Yuting to stop crying. While comforting Shi Yuting, Yingzi asked Lu Yunzhi, who was already full of guilt: "Lu Lang, what happened to you just now?" Lu Yunzhi lowered his head and thought for a moment and replied: "I forgot, I just remember the enemies all over the mountains and plains. I I had no choice but to use the art of controlling thunder, and the attack was so real that you were like a moving enemy in front of me, so I guess I must have regarded you as the enemy in my dream, but what could possibly be going on? It's a coincidence." Shi Yuting hit Lu Yunzhi with her little pink fist and said, "You are so bad, Brother Yunzhi, you are lying. How can you dream with your eyes open? It's so scary that your eyes are red as if they were dripping blood. " Lu Yunzhi said in surprise: "I opened my eyes? Really?" Then he believed it when Yingzi nodded, so he became even more strange and kept pacing back and forth. Yingzi didn't want to see Lu Yunzhi distressed and said hurriedly: "Don't think about it, Lu Lang. Wait until Mr. Shi comes back and ask him." Lu Yunzhi nodded, and then looked ashamed: "Just now "Since Shi Yuting came back, she had spent time with Yingzi and Murong Yunfei, and naturally she had learned to be more sensible. When she saw Lu Yunzhi being so busy, she said, "What kind of spell did you use just now? It doesn't hurt at all now. Tell us, brother Yunzhi." Lu Yunzhi smiled awkwardly. He was smart and knew that Shi Yuting was trying to change the subject. He couldn't help but secretly thought that the girl had grown up, and hurriedly replied: "This method is for the clan. The thunder control in the art of heaven and earth seems to be like a god who can control the wind and rain, but in fact it does not just borrow the power of heaven and earth. For example, the two iron thorns I carry are actually made of magnets, followed by two copper wires. Connect it through the clothes, string the tail through the soles of the shoes on the ground, and then use the ancient secret words to activate the thunder. I have used this technique before when fighting the enemy." At this point, Lu Yunzhi deliberately avoided Qiyan and other Mongolians. The name "Ghost Witch" was used to prevent Yingzi from being uncomfortable thinking about it. Yingzi has a strong thirst for knowledge. After all, except for her sensitive perception of ghosts, her eyes and lethal teeth and fingers that can see ghosts because she was soaked in drugs since she was a child, she knows nothing about other knowledge, so during this period She had been reading books about the Zhongzheng lineage, and she was making rapid progress. At this time, she heard Yin Tianlei hurriedly ask: "Lu Lang, this room is a confined space, and the roof has not been broken by lightning. Where did it come from?" Where is Lei?" Lu Yunzhi nodded and said with a smile: "You are very smart, you have discovered the disadvantages of Yu Lei, it is really amazing." As Lu Yunzhi looked at Yingzi, Yingzi lowered his head with shyness. Although Shi Yuting. The sisters who were with Ying Ziqing were still a little jealous, so they hurriedly said: "Keep talking." Lu Yunzhi's face straightened up and she became serious: "Indeed, not only is Yu Lei unable to perform in a confined space, but more importantly, it is impossible to cast spells. Those who use the power of heaven and earth are prone to backlash, that is, when lightning hits the other party, it may also hit themselves. Moreover, using this method is very tiring for the body. After using it many times, the seven orifices will bleed. There was once a Zhongzheng Yimai It was precisely because of the Lord that he defeated the ghosts ten times, but when he succeeded, he bled to death from exhaustion. Lu Yunzhi was afraid that the two would be worried, so he did not say that he had fainted because of this, and continued to preach: "It is precisely because of this." In this way, after the changes of the pulse masters of the past generations, I have the method of controlling thunder that I am now studying. In fact, thunder and lightning are not only found in the sky, but there are many similar ones around us. There are trace amounts between metals under the friction of clothing. Thunder and lightning, in fact, have greater energy that we cannot see. According to legend, there is a kind of black thunder in the air, which is black in color and the size of a sparrow. It is often mistaken for a flying bird, but this kind of thunder and lightning has huge energy. , it can kill people and animals in several streets, and it is more powerful than lightning when destroying ghosts. But it is difficult to get. I just used a button to activate the needle armor I was wearing. The whole body is covered with iron needles and connected with copper wires. The yin and yang iron thorns made of magnets on my hands attracted the electricity I just mentioned that we saw, and struck them in groups. Fortunately, there was no black lightning around just now, otherwiseotherwise I might I will regret it for the rest of my life." He hugged Shi Yuting with his left hand and Yingzi with his right hand, holding them tightly in his arms. The door suddenly opened, and a smiling old man walked into Lingbiju. He was very embarrassed when he saw the scene in front of him. He wanted to exit, but he disturbed the three people inside the door. The three people stood up in a hurry. Shi Yuting lowered her head with a smile on her face. He shouted redly: "Grandpa." He ran out as fast as he could. Lu Yunzhi also blushed and nodded at Yingzi. After Yingzi saluted Mr. Shi, he turned around and went out. Mr. Shi sat on the ground, waved his hand for Lu Yunzhi to sit down too, and said with affection: "You are lucky, treat Yingzi well in the future, and treat Yuting well, otherwise I will not be able to spare you." Lu Yunzhi. Zhi hurriedly said: "?My brother didn't dare. Mr. Shi stroked his beard and said, "Is Yu Lei a good contact person?" " Lu Yunzhi lowered his head and said nothing. Mr. Shi asked doubtfully: "What's wrong with Yunzhi? Is there something wrong? Lu Yunzhi nodded and said, "Master, I may be possessed." " Mr. Shi was shocked. He put one hand on Lu Yunzhi's chest and kept counting with the other. He closed his eyes for a long time and then said: "It's strange. There is something on your body, but you don't know what it is? Has anything strange happened recently? "Lu Yunzhi recounted what happened just now and almost accidentally injured Shi Yuting and Yingzi. Mr. Shi said with a heavy face: "If it is a ghost, it will be troublesome. According to the teacher's cultivation, it is impossible not to calculate what kind of ghost it is. , if it is an ordinary ghost, it can be eliminated by hand. It seems that this ghost is not ordinary, but I always feel that it just likes to play tricks, otherwise you would not wake up. To be honest, Yun Zhi, you are in the worst state of mind and are easily possessed. Although you can control your mind when you are awake, I remember that you were able to control chaos when you were young, so my teacher cared for you very much. But because you are too smart and have experienced crying and sadness, you are easily emotional and impulsive. A person is not a sage, what is he like without the seven emotions and six desires? " Mr. Shi and Lu Yunzhi fell into silence, and after a long time Mr. Shi said: "No matter whether the ghost in your body is good or evil, in short, you and I will work together to consolidate the essence and protect the soul first. We will look for ways to get rid of it in the future. Let¡¯s set up the formation. "As they spoke, the two of them got the magic weapons and got busy, trying to immobilize the ghost in the body so that it would not control Lu Yunzhi anymore. "What exactly is the ghost in the body, and when did it possess Lu Yunzhi? Mr. Shi didn't know, and even Lu Yunzhi couldn't figure it out. Years later, Han Yueqiu was still lamenting that he didn't notice the possession that time, and it turned out to be a serious problem. Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 84 The War is Coming On October 4, the 14th year of Zhengtong, the Ministry of War received an urgent report, and on October 1, they also broke through Zijin Pass and guarded Sun Xiang, who abandoned the pass and fled. After hearing this, Mr. Shi closed his eyes and pinched his fingers slightly and said, "Sun Xiang died in battle, and his soul is no longer alive." No matter how Sun Xiang vindicated Zhu Qiyu or how he issued an imperial edict to support his family. On October 6th, he received another report, and he led the Wala army to the capital first. Qu Xiangtian laughed loudly after hearing this report and said: "It seems that what we expected is correct. Let me, Qu, fight with you first." Male and female." On October 8, the Zhongzheng people and civilian and military generals gathered around the military headquarters. Listening to the final military order from the commander-in-chief Yu Qian, Yu Qian said: "How many people have been gathered now?" Qin Rufeng stepped out and cupped his fists and replied: "Twenty in total? "Twenty-six thousand people." Yu Qian said yes. After several days of hard work, Yu Qian ordered to recruit another 26,000 people. Together with the remaining troops and the troops coming to rescue, there were a total of 226,000 soldiers. Qu Xiangtian chuckled and said, "It's barely enough, but most of the Walas are cavalry and attack around the city. If I command, I can break the city even if there are another 20,000 or 30,000 people in the city." Xiangtian was deeply impressed by his military tactics, strategy and courage. He knew that what he said was not frivolous. He did have this ability. After hearing Qu Xiangtian's words, they all started to worry and whispered among themselves. Yu Qian was a little confused as to why Qu Xiangtian would say this at this time. , making himself demoralized, he hurriedly asked: "As Brother Ruo Qu said, what is the best strategy?" Qu Xiangtian looked up to the sky and laughed, and suddenly his voice sank and said, "There is no need for a good strategy." Everyone was puzzled, and only listened to Qu Xiangtian He answered: "The reason why there is no need is because you are not me first, and you are not as good as me! We will win this battle." For a time, everyone in the hall was infected by Qu Xiangtian, and loudly echoed, "We must win! We must win!" . In the early morning of October 11, the 14th year of Zhengtong, the ground outside Beijing suddenly began to tremble violently, like a beating drum, and overwhelming dust and smoke rose in the distance, as if the legendary monster was flying in the clouds and mist. From far and near came the sounds of horses shouting and the sound of galloping hooves. The soldiers guarding the city watched all this happen, but they did not have the fear of the past. They were not afraid of Ye Xian, who used tens of thousands of troops to eliminate more than 200,000 compatriots in the Tumu Fort. There was only anger in their eyes. The reason why they were fearless , because there is also a fearless man standing on the city wall with them behind them. The man is tall and strong, with a big body and a round waist, with his arms wrapped around his chest. Under the two rough eyebrows is a pair of piercing eyes, but there is endless fighting spirit in the eyes. It is Qu Xiangtian Shiye, the number one hero between heaven and earth. Qu Xiangtian took a sharp breath and shouted at the galloping Wala cavalry: "Kill!" All the soldiers on the city gate were infected by this heroic spirit, and shouted: "Kill!" Immediately their morale was lifted. Greatly excited, the Ora cavalry in the distance were stunned by the deafening shouts. No one could have thought that the Ming Dynasty, which was severely damaged by them, would still have such fighting spirit. They couldn't help reining in their horses, not daring to step forward for fear that the opponent would do something. trap. A soldier came to deliver an urgent report and said: "General Qu, the Minister of the Ministry of War has invited Yu, the admiral of the entire army." At this time, Yu Qian had been officially appointed as the Minister of the Ministry of War, and he was also appointed as the general admiral of each battalion shortly after the war. Qu Xiangtian patted the messenger soldier on the shoulder, smiled slightly and left quickly. Then Fang Qingze patted the city wall he had built and reinforced with his hands. He felt that it was extremely strong. No matter how many times the army was, it would be impossible to capture this copper and iron wall. He clapped his hands and then turned around and followed the sergeant who came to deliver the order in the direction of Yu Qian. . Zhu Qiyu and Lu Yunzhi sat across from each other. Zhu Qiyu relied heavily on Lu Yunzhi since the gang fight in the Hall of Supreme Harmony. In front of Lu Yunzhi, Zhu Qiyu did not look like a high-ranking person at all. Even on September 6, the 14th year of Zhengtong It was the same when Zhu Qiyu became the emperor. Every time, eunuchs were sent to ask Lu Yunzhi if he was free, or even visited in person. For a time, Lu Yunzhi's reputation in the court surpassed that of Fang Qingze, the richest man in the capital, and Qu Xiang, the hero in the hearts of thousands of soldiers. sky. Zhu Qiyu asked: "Your Majesty, can you make a divination to predict the bad luck today?" "Your Majesty, in the future, I cannot be like my younger brother. If this is the case, then I should not come here." Lu Yun He said this because he was deeply troubled by the title of imperial disciple and could not concentrate on studying the art of heaven and earth. He was harassed by the ministers every day. "Then I'll call you Yunzhi, too." Zhu Qiyu said with some embarrassment. Lu Yunzhi sighed, closed his eyes and said: "I can only make a rough calculation. Such major events in the world cannot be calculated in detail, otherwise it will easily lead to great changes." After speaking, he remained silent for a long time before slowly standing up. : "The hexagram of Pingxiang is nothing to be afraid of." Then out of the hall, Zhu Qiyu hurriedly followed and asked: "Brother Yun, no, where are you going, Yunzhi?" Lu Yunzhi replied without turning his head: "Ye first. It's time to settle the feud between the family and the country." As he spoke, he walked further and further away from Zhu Qiyu's sight. Mr. Zhongzheng Yishi, Han Yueqiu, Lu Yunzhiqu, Xiangtian and others all appeared in front of Yu Qian, and Yu Qian smiled and bowed.He cupped his fists and said, "Only with the help of all the righteous men of the country can we turn danger into safety. I would like to express my gratitude here." Mr. Shi returned the salute and said, "You don't have to be polite, Sir. It has always been the bounden duty of the people of heaven and earth to take the life and death of the people of the world as their own responsibility." Responsibility, not to mention that we also have an sworn hatred with Wala. How can the Mongolian ghost witches be so arrogant and I, the Zhongzheng lineage, not do harm to the people?" Yu Qian nodded, then suddenly straightened his clothes and said with his head held high. "Open the nine gates, go out of the city to meet the enemy!" Everyone was shocked. Only Zhongzheng and his whole family knew about it. There was one person who was extremely excited, and that person was Shi Heng. After Shi Heng was defeated in Yanghekou, he met the Zhongzheng disciples led by Han Yueqiu and saved his life. However, all the disciples were killed in the battle, and only the commander survived and was said to be lingering. Shi Heng was naturally dissatisfied, but as Han Yueqiu said that day, Shi Heng reported in time that the Wala Qi soldiers had merit in using the ghost witch's evil spirit possession technique. The merits and demerits were balanced and he was not killed, but was demoted to an official. Later, Mr. Shi and Yu Qian's strong recommendation allowed the demoted Shi Heng to regain military power and participate in today's battle to defend Beijing. The reason why he was so excited after Yu Qian issued a military order just now to open the door to welcome the enemy was precisely because of the shame of defeat and being criticized for being a coward that made Shi Heng endure it for a long time. Today is the time to avenge his past humiliation. Yu Qian frowned and said firmly: "The Jinyi Guards patrol the inner city. If there are any soldiers who do not come out of the city to fight, they will be killed!" Yu Qian paused for a moment and continued to issue the order: "The following generals will guard the nine gates of the capital. If any of them are lost, behead them! The rest of them will be killed!" Waiting to meet the enemy outside the gates." The generals were frightened by this formation. They only knew that Yu Qian wanted to fight, but they didn't know that he actually had the belief to fight to the death. Everyone was silent, but Yu Qian did not stop talking and continued: "Tao Jin will guard Anding Gate! Liu An will guard Dongzhi Gate! Liu Ju will guard Xizhi Gate! Zhu Ying will guard Chaoyang Gate! Li Duan will guard Zhenyang Gate! Liu Dexin will guard Chongwen Gate! Xuanwu Gate, guard Yang Jie! Fucheng Gate, guard Gu Xingzu!" The eight gates have been reported, but no one wants to be mentioned about the remaining gate. Although it is dangerous to go out to meet the enemy, it is difficult to guard this gate. If you climb to the sky, because this gate is facing Yexian's army, it is the main gate of Wala - Desheng Gate. It¡¯s not that everyone present has no courage, but Desheng Gate is a matter of success or failure. If a large army captures it, it will inevitably be lost. Death on the battlefield is not terrible. What is feared is that as a defender, if you lose the army, you will become a defeated general who will lead to the country¡¯s destruction and be infamous for thousands of years. A century of rejection. While everyone was speculating, they heard Yu Qian loudly say: "Deshengmen, Yu Qian will guard it!" Volume One Sudden Change Chapter 85 Victory in the First Battle When Yu Qian said this, everyone in the audience was shocked, but they were all admired. Yu Qian, who was so dangerous, actually defended Deshengmen himself. He issued military orders and was merciless. Once he fell, he would be killed by his own military orders. Yu Qian said proudly without fear: "The war is coming. Once the battle begins, all the soldiers in the city must fight hard to kill the enemy. Today is the day of a deadly battle. Therefore, I give three more orders. First, when the battle begins, any general who retreats first will be killed." ! Second, when a sergeant is about to escape, the rear team will kill the front team. Third, those who disobey military orders will not be punished. "The generals looked at each other, and they and the sergeants were ordered to supervise each other, and they were killed by their colleagues. It is better to kill the enemy with all your strength, and if you die in battle, you can still get a pension and reward, and leave your name in history. Suddenly, the generals felt the pressure coming on them, but they also had the belief to fight to the death with Wala, and they no longer hesitated and were timid. Yu Qian's voice paused, as if he thought the order was not strong enough. He looked at Qu Xiangtian and smiled slightly, because the last military order he was about to say was exactly what Qu Xiangtian mentioned. Yu Qian slammed the table hard and shouted: "The generals led their troops out of the city to meet the enemy. After leaving the city, the nine gates were closed. The generals who defended the city were not allowed to let people into the city without permission. They were not allowed to open the city without our military orders. Anyone who disobeyed the order would be killed!" After saying this, Yu Qian looked around at everyone and said, "The emperor has been captured. , foreign troops are coming to the city, you and I are descendants of the Ming Dynasty. If we are defeated in this battle, our family is ruined, and we are reduced to slaves, how can we have the face to meet our ancestors at the foot of the spring, and how can we have the face to be an official in the court and face the people of the world?" He took the lead as soon as he finished speaking. Walked out of the hall. Everyone followed and filed out. They knew that the day of fighting to the death had come. Today, they would either die first or themselves. As soon as the military order was given, all the soldiers in the city were full of blood-red eyes and high in fighting spirit. They sharpened their swords and showed the cold light of their weapons to the Wala army who was also ahead. He also launched an attack first. This was a tentative attack. He only sent out more than a thousand cavalry, and took the civilians captured along the way to attack Xizhimen. The cavalry of more than a thousand people were pale and expressionless, as if they were a group of evil ghosts crawling out of hell. There were also more than a dozen ordinary Mongolian ghost witches among them. The Xizhi Gate opened. Qin Rufeng held a mace and charged out astride a black horse. He reined in the horse and roared: "You guys, Xiaoxiao, do you want to use that old-fashioned evil spirit possession technique? See if I break him." Then he galloped towards the army and charged towards it. , the sergeants behind him shouted and followed. The ghost witches among the Wala soldiers sneered. They knew that when the two armies were connected, their soldiers could block the first fatal blow, as if they had an extra life, and they could intimidate their opponents, so they were not afraid. The Ora cavalry beside them were also full of confidence. They used the evil spirit possession technique of the ghost witch as the vanguard to win many battles. What's more, there were captured Ming people around them. The arrows were fired in unison, and in a short-range fight, he still had one more life to gain, so he was invincible, and he couldn't help but smile when he thought of the scene of victory all the way. The smile on that green face was really scary. When the swords met, the Ora cavalry did not dodge, they just slashed at the Ming sergeant's head. Suddenly, their eyes opened wide, blood bleeded from the corners of their mouths, and they looked at their own bodies in disbelief. The Ming army's swords and spears were fiercely inserted into themselves. body, slit his own throat, and the Vala cavalry fell to the ground. They couldn't figure out why the evil spirit possession technique that had been victorious in many battles failed. Within a moment, the Ora cavalry retreated, leaving only hundreds of corpses of Ora soldiers on the ground. The captured people of Ming Dynasty recaptured them all. After examination, it was proved that there were no spies among them and they were all brought back to the city. He was sitting in the big tent with his national preceptor, the ghost witch right protector Qimude, and the ghost witch left protector Qiyan who came to support him. They were having a drink and had a good time when they saw a ghost witch cultist running in with his face covered in blood. He fell to his knees and cried. Qimude hurriedly asked: "What's wrong with you?" The believer said intermittently: "The vanguard of the evil spirit-possessed troops suffered heavy casualties. I don't know who the other party was, but they knew this technique. They even used black dog blood mixed with child urine and poured it on their weapons. "Come on, we were careless in the battle with the enemy. Four hundred were killed and two hundred cavalry were injured. Among the fourteen believers, I was the only one who survived." Qimude slammed the table fiercely and shouted: "It's the people of heaven and earth again. I will go out to kill them in a while." Qi Yan also stood up and said: "I will raid the formation for you, but according to the spies, only the Zhongzheng branch is in the city now. I don't know if other branches can participate. If they all gather this time. There is trouble in the city." Qi Mude was not worried and laughed loudly and said: "Don't worry, Qiyan Protector. Don't forget that we also have internal agents among the people of heaven and earth. It will be too late for them to kill each other. How can they have time to attack us? It's quite interesting to say that this organization actually rebelled against the Zhongzheng lineage. I don't know what their plans are. But since they are helping us, let's just accept it with peace of mind. " Qiyan nodded and said with a slight frown: "Dragon Protector Qimude, I'm still worried about the purpose of the talk. They say they just have a rift with Zhongzheng, but we don't know the real reason for their rebellion, and we don't know how strong they are. So far, we don't know the real reason for their rebellion. It seems that there are many powerful branches helping them, but?Suspect they may be more powerful than we know. Third, we still don¡¯t know who the leader of this organization is. It seems that the one who comes to negotiate with us is the dwarf named Shang Wang. "Qi Mude praised: "Brother Qiyan has indeed thought carefully about it, but as the Han people have an old saying, be at peace with it as it comes. With or without their help, we will defeat the Zhongzheng lineage, so there is no need to worry too much. " He also suddenly stretched out his hand to stop the two Mongolian ghost wizards who wanted to go out of the tent to compete with the Zhongzheng lineage, and said: "The Ming army won the first battle and their morale is high. It is not appropriate to fight with them at this time. "A eunuch named Xi Ning stood behind Ye Xian and said, "Why don't we capture the emperor Zhu Qizhen and call for the city gate to be opened? It would be disrespectful if they don't open the city gate. If they open it, we can take advantage of it and go straight to the middle palace to win. "This Xi Ning was originally an eunuch who accompanied Zhu Qizhen's imperial commander in his personal expedition. After the defeat of Tumubao, Xi Ning rebelled and came to Yexian's side. He was originally an eunuch of the Ming Dynasty and was familiar with border defenses. After surrendering, in order to save his life He informed Yexian of all the military information he knew, and from then on he became Yexian's most effective military advisor. If this is just the case, Xi Ning is not hateful. The most hateful thing is that he used all his bad tricks in Xuanfu and Datong. Fortunately for the Ming Dynasty, the two guards of Datong and Xuanfu, Guo Deng and Yang Hong, were not pedantic people. Naturally, they were not subject to Zhu Qizhen's request to open the city gate. Without receiving or knowing, the edict saying that this was all a trick by Wala was also a false edict. From then on, Xining's villain plan was stillborn, and he had no choice but to choose to enter Beijing from Zijingguan. The guesses of Qu Xiangtian, Qin Rufeng and others were completely consistent. At this moment, Xi Ning proposed this plan again. He was not disheartened yet and wanted to test whether Zhu Qizhen, who was called the Supreme Emperor, had any effect, so he sent someone to report it. Zhu Qizhen was sent back and Ming Dynasty opened the city to welcome him. This time the method was the same as the previous two times but the situation was completely different. It could be said to be a vicious and spicy move. Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 86 Politicians As Xi Ning himself said, this strategy can be used to attack, retreat or defend. The reason why the strategy of sending Zhu Qizhen back to the capital is vicious and spicy is that if the Ming Dynasty comes to pick up the late emperor Zhu Qizhen, he will have an opportunity to break through the city gate. Even if he does not find the opportunity, he can still negotiate terms. Zhu Qizhen returned to the capital with no gain, but after returning to the capital, there were two emperors in the capital. Although Zhu Qiyu had no intention of becoming the emperor, the ministers still remembered the incident of Tumu Fort and Wang Zhen's exclusive power. How could he let him Zhu Qizhen returned to his position smoothly, and when the capital was in chaos and people were panicked, he could take advantage of the situation and seize the capital first. "If we don't send people to pick up Zhu Qizhen before coming tomorrow, it will be against the calendar and it will be a treasonous act and will be despised by everyone in the world." Therefore, no matter what the result is, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages first, so this strategy is called a poisonous and spicy move. Yu Qian was naturally anxious when he heard the news. He didn't know what to do, but he saw Gao Huai and Zhu Jianwen smiling slightly. Yu Qian was furious and didn't think highly of these two people, thinking that they were just power-hungry people. People are not as talented as Lu Yunzhi, Qin Rufengqu is a hero to the sky, Fang Qingze is shrewd and capable, but he uses it in vain and discards it like a shoe. Yu Qian saw the two people smiling at this moment and said angrily: "I dare to ask the two Zhongzheng disciples if they have any advice." Gao Huai stretched out his hand to signal Zhu Jianwen to speak first, but Zhu Jianwen repeatedly refused and let Gao Huai speak first, and did it before he started. A set of false feelings and compliments in the officialdom made everyone around them get goosebumps and shudder when they heard it. However, they had to admire such a young person for using the shameless officialdom so smoothly. What was even more surprising was what happened later. Gao Huai couldn't refuse, and walked out and said: "As long as you listen to what the two of us say at this time, you will get twice the result with half the effort, and you will have to fight back hard. I guess the northern barbarians will not suffer such damage." "It's true that eunuch Xi Ning can play with the political affairs of the Han people, but he is a little worse than me." He walked forward and bowed to the Minister of Libu, and asked for the list of officials. They were familiar with each other and seemed to move around a lot on weekdays, so they found someone to move the roster. I saw Gao Huai flipping through the roster and clicking twice casually, and said, "Just talk to these two people." Yu Qian leaned over to take a look, and was shocked and asked: "Wang Fu, Zhao Rong, why are you looking for these two people?" He is an extraordinary eloquent person." Gao Huai looked at Zhu Jianwen with a smile and said, "Brother Jianwen, tell me why?" Zhu Jianwen was also slightly happy and said to Qian, "Master Yu, you usually do your best for the country. People, of course, you don¡¯t know about such trivial matters, so I¡¯ll let you tell me.¡± Zhu Jianwen didn¡¯t see the official positions of the two people on the list, but he opened his mouth and said: ¡°Wang Fu is the counselor of the General Affairs Department, and Zhao Rong should be from Zhongshushe. I wonder if I'm right?" Gao Huai nodded and held his fists in admiration. ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Yu Qian still didn't understand and asked: "Since one of these two people has an official rank of 6th grade and the other is from 7th grade, it might be inappropriate to go out to greet the Supreme Emperor." Zhu Jianwen nodded and said: "It is appropriate just because it is inappropriate, my lords." There is no need to worry. Today, we will give an order to promote the two officials, but not too much, and order them to go out of the city to meet the Supreme Emperor. If this is done, it will just deal with the two moves Xi Ning is in. Naturally, the two of them will not be able to make the decision in the conversation, even though they have their positions. But he is not a first-class minister and has no real power. Instead, he has to report to each other and the two formations. The time has been getting longer and longer. The most lacking thing now is probably time. If he cannot conquer the capital as soon as possible, he may not be rich in food and grass. . And it was a big joke for the two of them to talk to him. They had just been promoted to official positions and their grades were not high, so they went to talk to him first. If he didn't know it first, he would have treated him with great courtesy and treated him like an honored guest. It is a great shame and humiliation for people to mention this matter. " Yu Qian nodded and motioned to Zhu Jianwen to continue. Zhu Jianwen continued: "But I don't think we will talk about it yet. Naturally, he can't see our plan. Yes, but Xi Ning does have some skills and knows a little bit about our Ming Dynasty's official establishment, so he will definitely try to stop it. However, there is no way to negotiate and we can only start a fight. Doesn't this make Xi Ning's evil plan self-defeating? " " Fight? ?" As if Yu Qian hadn't thought about Zhu Jianwen's words, Zhu Jianwen bowed to Yu Qian and said in a low voice: "Of course, fight! Isn't this what Mr. Yu wants?" Yu Qian suddenly realized and understood what Zhu Jianwen said. Gao Huai laughed loudly at his plan, and secretly admired the two of them in his heart. He praised: "The two are really the most unparalleled politicians in the world." Politicians, since ancient times, if people who have wielded power have speculated and taken advantage of the wind, it is at best an unforeseen event in history. Leaving a record of a clown's missing body at the end, he was ridiculed and ridiculed by future generations. However, if such thick and dark people as Gao Huai and Zhu Jianwen were labeled as politicians, the two of them would People are not playing with power, but playing with politics. Wang Fu was promoted to Youtongzheng, Zhao Rong was promoted to Taichang Shaoqing, and was ordered to go out of the city to negotiate with Ye Xian. As expected, just likeAfter seeing and hearing what was said, Xining discovered the problem and raised objections, so he sent an envoy to reply to Yu Qian first, and only discussed with a few people of sufficient rank to welcome back the Supreme Emperor Zhu Qizhen, but Yu Qian refused. Yu Qian said to Wala's envoy: "Today I only know that there is an army, but he dare not hear about it." The Ming army had just decided to fight to the death, so why should they bow to Wala and pray for peace? What's more, Ye Xian had never been a preacher. Credit person. So Yu Qian said these words, which was actually a formal declaration of war against Ye Xian. After hearing the messenger's reply first, he yelled angrily and cursed: "When I conquer the capital, I will definitely massacre the city to satisfy the hatred in my heart. This Yu Qian is so hateful, I will break his bones and spread ashes to calm the evil spirit in my heart." He kept yelling and cursing and beating the captured Ming people with whips. Qiyan smiled slightly and said: "Yu Qian does have some abilities, but the people of heaven and earth are a big problem. Tuozi (Ye first), how are you going to attack." Ye first thought for a moment and said: "Soldiers are very fast, so we can attack Huanglong in a short distance. This is exactly what we are doing." Because of the characteristics of my Wala cavalry, I decided to first send a small team of troops to explore the reality of Desheng Gate. Desheng Gate is the closest to my army, so I can¡¯t guarantee that these Han people are cheating and pretending to be mystical. On the contrary, Desheng Gate may not be fortified. The Han people like to play a trick. If the Desheng Gate is empty, it is logical to capture it. If the main force is here, we will attack around the city. I wonder what the two ghost wizards think?" Qi Mude nodded and said: "That's so true. Well, if we attack, I, Ghost Wuding, will give my full support to prevent the people of heaven and earth from getting in the way." He laughed loudly, and then sent an order to send out sentries to monitor the actions of the Deshengmen defenders, and then attack several times to test the truth. Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 87: Setting up an ambush to defeat the enemy Yu Qian bowed slightly and bowed to Qu Xiangtian and said: "Brother Qu, the war is about to begin and I am willing to obey your orders." Yu Qiangui is the Minister of the Ministry of War, so naturally the command power on the stage cannot be handed over to Qu Xiangtian. When it comes to leading troops in war, Yu Qian is naturally not as good as Qu Xiangtian. Previously, Yu Qian took the responsibility for the loss of Deshengmen Ruruo himself, but before the battle, he handed over the real military power to a generation of heroes, Qu Xiangtian. Qu Xiangtian smiled slightly, naturally did not refuse, and then said: "Old Qin fought a beautiful battle at Xizhimen, and I want to fight even more brilliantly. I ordered the whole battalion to be in a relaxed state, rest in place, and when encountering Xiao The Guwala cavalry had no choice but to flee. By the way, they sent out old and weak soldiers with less equipment to lure the enemy." Fang Qingze said with a smirk, "So, the eldest brother is trying to set up an ambush." ??Qu Xiangtian nodded. He replied: "Exactly." Then he whispered a few words in the ear of his senior brother Cheng Fangdong. Cheng Fangdong nodded with a smile, and then left with his hands. Qu Xiangtian patted Fang Qingze on the shoulder and said, "Second brother, I want something from you. I just want to borrow it and not give it back, okay?" Fang Qingze grinned and said, "Do we three brothers still need to borrow it? Brother, you can say whatever you want. As long as I have what I have, I will go bankrupt without hesitation." "Western Region Glass Mirror!" After Qu Xiangtian said this, Fang Qingze nodded with pain on his face. Fang Qingze discovered the market for mirrors in the Ming Dynasty after the Bronze Square Cup and the Ancient Moon Cup reflected the scenes of Du Hai's lifetime. Even during the war, he did not delay himself in making money. He asked Diao Shanshe to send someone to send several carts of glass mirrors, looking forward to the end of the war. After a woman made a fortune, Qu Xiangtian fell in love with these mirrors and was heartbroken. However, the brotherly love cannot be exchanged for a price, so he hurriedly asked: "Brother, how much do you want?" Qu Xiangtian said calmly: "It hurts you to death. Forget it." , I¡¯m leaving.¡± He laughed and left. As expected by Qu Xiangtian, the sentry cavalry sent out first killed them all with great force. Along the way, they saw that the remaining defeated generals were in panic and were very lacking in armaments. Some soldiers did not even have a complete set of armor. So he hurriedly returned to the camp to report to Ye Xian. Ye Xian was overjoyed and sent 10,000 cavalry led by his younger brother Boluomao Luohai. Qi Yan also sent envoy Bagan and a hundred ghost wizards to help out. The large group of cavalry set off in such a mighty manner. The large group of cavalry could not run wildly but could only stumble. The reasons are as follows: First, in terms of mobility, they can turn immediately once they encounter an enemy. You can also rein in your horses if there is a trap ahead. Second, conserve your physical strength. The power of cavalry lies in its impact. If a cavalry cannot reach the enemy, it will be exhausted and lose the power to accelerate in the last few hundred meters. Third, the team is not prone to stampedes. Once a horse has a problem and falls to the ground in the team, it will be pulled up. But this is not possible when running wildly, and it will be trampled into a pulp. Fourth, intimidate the enemy. The enemy will see the dust and smoke raised by the slow running coming slowly. The longer the time, the stronger the impact on the enemy's heart. The determination to fight to the death gathered at the beginning will be worn away in the process of the cavalry's staggering steps. Exhaustion is just like the ancient Chinese proverb that says that one rush of strength will lead to another failure. This principle is exactly the same, but the offensive and defensive sides are interchanging. The best way to attack Deshengmen is to rush through a suburban residential area in the north of Beijing, where soldiers from the Zhongzheng lineage and the Shenji Battalion have already been ambushed. The Shenji Battalion disappeared in Tumubao, leaving behind only those who were preparing for training. In the past few months, their revenge and anger had been ignited in their hearts. They still had to prove that they were the elite troops of the three major battalions in the capital. To regain dignity. The Wala cavalry were getting closer and closer to the capital as they walked from far to near. They began to speed up, preparing to rush towards the defenders outside Desheng Gate, those Han Chinese who seemed to them to be extremely weak. The speed of the team is getting faster and faster, and among them is the churning ghost energy of the ghost witches. Under the blue sky and white sun, the ghosts worshiped by the ordinary ghost witch sects do not dare to come out, and can only be parasitic on the ghost witches. in the body in case of emergency. Suddenly the ghost witch let out a cry of surprise, and the black air on his body surged more violently. The ghost witch shouted in Mongolian: "Everyone, be careful, there is something strange here." As he said that, he held up the black oilcloth from behind, and then all the ghosts The witch's horses gathered together to form a huge black shed. The sunlight could not penetrate, but there was a chill inside, which made people extremely sick and uncomfortable. The dazzling light reflected from the surrounding houses made the cavalry cover their eyes. When they noticed the strange thing and rushed out, they were greeted by soldiers from the Shenji Battalion hiding on the roof. The muskets and fire systems kept firing and reloading, and the Ora cavalry fell to the ground one after another, but there was nothing they could do. They could only keep turning their horses in circles and waving their sabers. The horses would not go to the house, and the cavalry was nothing if they left the horses. Boromo Luohai was shot to death indiscriminately. Someone in the team shouted loudly and led many cavalrymen to run out of the residential road. However, the leading horse slammed into a seemingly transparent wall. The knights fiercely I cut him off with the saber in my hand, but I heard a "dang" sound and it still didn't work. The reverse retreat was still the same. The army was panicked and didn't know what to do. The ghost wizard Bagan who was among the cavalry opened his eyes wide and said: "Jing HuaIt seems that the revenge of the Zhongzheng line is coming. " Bagan yelled at the soldiers to dismount and hide. At this time, more than 3,000 people had been killed and injured by the Shenji Battalion. More than 2,000 people had been injured. The commander of the Wala army, Boro Maolohai, was also killed. It looked like a great defeat. It was a foregone conclusion, no matter who came forward, there was nothing they could do to save it. But Bagan didn't believe it was such a disastrous defeat. After shouting a few times, the black shed composed of the ghost witch cultists suddenly spewed out a large amount of black gas, rolling towards the rooms in all directions. Suddenly many people stood up on the roof, holding Bagua mirrors and muttering: "Lin!" Soldier! fight! By! all! number! Group! forward! OK! Always look at it and avoid everything. "Suddenly, the black gas made a squeaking sound and went into the black shed again. Bagan screamed and jumped on the roof, rushing towards the nearest person. The man ran away quickly, knowing that he could not match him. Someone suddenly grabbed Bagan's shirt. He turned around and punched, but the person behind him dodged it, grabbed his wrist, threw him over his shoulder, and threw him hard on the roof. The tiles on the roof were knocked down. It broke and the two fell into the hole together. Lu Yunzhi hurriedly shouted: "Second brother. Han Yueqiu smiled slightly and said, "Yunzhi doesn't have to worry, there are people who will support him." "As soon as the words fell, several more people jumped into the hole. The shouts and the sounds of weapons clashing came one after another in the houses they entered. Although the black shed did not dare to spit out black air anymore, the muskets of Shenji Camp were still there. There was nothing I could do about it. Whenever the fired projectiles approached the black shed, a wisp of black air flew out from the black shed and swept away the flying projectiles. The Vala knights gathered around the black shed to avoid the muskets of the Shenji Battalion. . A man flew down, holding a shield in one hand and a strange-shaped knife in the other. The knife was inlaid with seven gems, which looked noble and extraordinary. But the strange thing was that there were many colorful symbols wrapped around his knife and shield. The twisted thread, needless to say, this person is Qu Xiangtian. I saw him slashing through the oilcloth of the black shed with a knife from the sky. Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 88: The Number One Soldier in the World After Qu Xiangtian slashed through the shed made of black oilcloth, the black air in the shed immediately escaped under the sunlight, making a squeaking sound, and was about to return to the ghost witch cultists. Six groups of black shadows rushed towards him. Entering the crowd, the six black figures were six people dressed as monks holding rosary beads, and many warriors guarding them. The six monks fought with the Six Paths of Samsara Formation and kept reciting the "Lotus Sutra of Wonderful Dharma". They were surrounded by black energy. They kept screaming but could not break out of the encirclement of the six people. The ghost witches yelled anxiously. , rushed towards the six monks with their swords, but were blocked by the guards around them. I saw that those few people were not bad at martial arts, and they did not panic even though they were surrounded by several times the enemy. The soldiers of the Shenji Battalion on the roof were also loading and aiming and firing in an orderly manner, killing the Wala soldiers as effectively as possible. Soon there were fewer and fewer Wala soldiers. Even most of the survivors were lying on the ground and lingering, and the ghosts and wizards also came one after another. After being shot and falling to the ground, without the ghost body they worshiped, they were no different from ordinary people. Suddenly, the door of a house burst and a person flew out. The man was wearing Hanfu and holding a big knife. He flew out of the house and rolled twice before vomiting blood and died. After two loud shouts were heard in the house, two more people rolled out with each other in their arms. They kept rolling and fighting along the way. Their movements were very fast and without losing strength, knocking down many people. Qu Xiangtian took a closer look and saw that the two people were Ba Gen and Fang Qingze, so he quietly raised his knife and approached the two of them, slashing out the middle of Ba Gen's back. Ba Gen was in pain and used his arms to force Fang Qingze. Lifted out. Fang Qingze rolled on the spot and stood up. He heard Bagan shouting: "Who sneaked up on me? How shameless!" Looking up, he saw Qu Xiangtian standing behind him with his sword drawn. Bagan said viciously: "Qu Xiangtian, no, you are not the Qu Xiangtian I know. The one I know is a hero, and you are a sneak attack villain. "Qu Xiangtian smiled and said, "The lives of thousands of soldiers are at stake on the battlefield, how can you do that? Judging for the sake of my reputation, despicableness has nothing to do with the battlefield." At this time, a man came up to Qu Xiangtian and whispered a few words. Qu Xiangtian nodded, then took out a rope from his arms and pulled a rope. He tied his hands to his body and said: "Your cavalry and ghost wizards have been completely wiped out, so I don't have to worry about the lives of the sergeants anymore. Now, in this image of mirror flowers, you and I are no better than Yin Yang Xuan Shu, let's fight well. After all, I didn¡¯t get a good fight in the mirror image last time. Is it fair for you to tie up one of your hands?¡± Bagan laughed and said, ¡°Hero! I¡¯m here!¡± At this time, Bagan was not holding a pair of hammers, but only pulled out a short knife from his waist. Qu Xiangtian did not dodge, but just bit his strange-shaped knife with his teeth, and then suddenly pulled it out. The seven gems on it fell off. Everyone looked and saw that there was a short blade hidden in the knife. Qu Xiangtian stabbed out with a short blade in one hand and shook his arm. Bagen roared and dodged sideways. The knife turned in Qu Xiangtian's hand and cut it horizontally. Bagen had no choice but to block the knife horizontally but heard the sound of the metal breaking. The sound suddenly sounded, and blood flowed down the short blade in Qu Xiangtian's hand, falling to the ground drop by drop. Bagan was stunned, looking at Qu Xiangtian who was restraining him in front of him, and the blood spurting out of him, and asked: "What kind of weapon is this so powerful?" Qu Xiangtian said loudly: "The seven-star sword that cuts through steel and iron. "Seven-star sword? You are so powerful. You even found such a magical weapon. I didn't expect that the seven-star sword turned out to be a short blade." Qu Xiangtian let go of Bogen. He knew the Mongolian in front of him. The big man is a real man, and he won't act treacherously now that he has lost. Qu Xiangtian nodded and said, "I'm ashamed to say that I love to study the art of war and sharp weapons. When I first saw this sword, I thought it was not an ordinary thing. But when I started using it, including the last time I fought with you, I didn't realize it. In fact, I I still don¡¯t know the secret of this sword. I just know that the short sword hidden under the Seven Star Blade is as sharp as iron. It is a treasure that I can defeat you so quickly. "The Seven Star sword is said to be made in the Spring and Autumn Period. During this period, a meteor fell on Yue and burned fifty miles of mountains and rivers. Gan Jiang Mo Xie and his wife retrieved the meteorite and made the Wu King Sword and the Yue King Sword. These are the two legendary swords. Gan Jiang Mo Xie cast them with only a few materials left. A short sword, later generations inlaid seven gems on it and named it the Seven-Star Sword. From then on, every time this sword appeared in the world, it caused a bloody storm, but only a few people knew about it. It was not until the early Ming Dynasty that Luo Guanzhong mentioned the Seven Stars that Cao Cao asked Situ Wang Yun in "The Popular Romance of the Three Kingdoms". He assassinated Dong Zhuo with a precious sword and became famous all over the world. The knife in Qu Xiangtian's hand was accidentally obtained during his mission to Timur. Although the blade is beautiful and the gems on it are extremely expensive, it is sharp but not sharp enough to cut iron like mud, so Qu Xiangtian focused on the rear. Qingze only spent dozens of taels of gold to buy it. It wasn't until after returning to Beijing that Qu Xiangcai realized that there was a treasured blade in it, and that's when he got the short sword in his hand.   Bagan knelt down on one knee in front of Qu Xiangtian, covered his chest with his hands and said, "I'm not as good as others, please kill me." But Qu Xiangtian shook his head and said, "You are a good man, be mine." How are you, brother? Come fight with me on the battlefield." Bagan raised his head, looked at Qu Xiangtian and said with a smile: "Okay, you will be my good Anda from today on." ), but I am a Mongolian ghost witch, and I must be loyal to the ghost witch and cannot do anything treacherous. Anda, you should kill me." Qu Xiangtian waved to the people above the house, and the surrounding mirrors seemed to flicker and then return to form. Calm. Qu Xiangtian said: "Let's go, brother Bagan. It's just that you were defeated by me today, so go back to Tatar. I don't want to fight to the death with you on the battlefield." Bagan thought for a while and stood up. Come, still putting his hand on his chest, he bowed to Qu Xiangtian and said, "Bagan will return to Tatar today, and I will never be an enemy of Anda in this life." After saying that, he turned around to leave, and Qu Xiangtian also turned his back. When I left, I seemed a little lost. Bagan suddenly stopped and asked, "Anda, do you want to be the emperor of the Ming Dynasty?" The surroundings suddenly became quiet, no one spoke, as if even breathing was still, Qu Xiangtian smiled and said without looking back: "What's the point? Sitting on the high hall and unable to fight on the battlefield, what is the true nature of a man? I just want to be the best soldier in the world." Bagan nodded, and once again knelt down on one knee to cover Qu Xiangtian's back. He held his chest, stood up, jumped on his horse and left. Lu Yunzhi came over and stared at Qu Xiangtian and asked in confusion: "Brother, why do you let him go? I have a mortal enemy with the ghost witch." Qu Xiangtian said: "That's right. Big brother, the big brother named Qi Yan will definitely help you kill him, but I have a hunch that this person will become a general under my command in the future, so I won¡¯t apologize to you here. " Lu Yunzhi. When Qu Xiangtian bent down and bowed to himself, he thought in his heart that although his parents were killed by Mongolian barbarians, not all Mongolians were his enemies. Moreover, Yingzi was humiliated because of his shame. Because, he was no longer angry, and hurriedly helped Qu Xiangtian up and said: "Brother, I'm serious, my brother, how dare I accept you being so polite." Qu Xiangtian nodded, walked around and said, "Thank you, heaven and earth. Senior brothers from all branches have come to help. Please go back to the city and wait. Zhongzheng and others rush to Andingmen. They will never give up on setting up a ghost exorcism array there and let Andingmen become Wala's graveyard. ¡± Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 89: Ten Thousand Ghosts Exorcism Array "Is this all you ghost witches have?" Ye Xian smashed the table angrily and said. Qimude was also a little angry and yelled at Ye Xian: "What do you mean? I am quitting as a national teacher. You can handle all this by yourself." As soon as these words came out, Ye Xian was stunned and felt in a dilemma. After all, there was less The support of ghost witches is difficult to compete with the people of heaven and earth. Qiyan said with a smile: "Why are you two so angry? I guess other branches of the Heaven and Earth people are also involved, otherwise they would not have wiped out our ten thousand cavalry without a trace so quickly." Qi Yan shouted: "Qi Yan Zuo Dharma Protector, may I ask where your envoy Bagan has gone?" Qi Yan still calmly replied: "We have lost the battle. I have no shame in seeing me return to Tatar." Qimudegang He wanted to say something more, but Qi Yan reached out to stop him and said: "Now that we are fighting among ourselves, wouldn't it allow the plan of the people of heaven and earth to succeed? For this plan, only you and I can jointly lead all the ghosts and witches to annihilate the people of heaven and earth in one fell swoop. This can save the day." The face of our ghost witches." Hearing this first, he felt that Qiyan was much more sensible than Qi Mude, so he hurriedly said: "That's right. I see there is no obstruction in front of Anding Gate. I am going to gather the main force of the army to attack. I don't know what the two ghosts are. Can the witch protector escort me?" Qimude and Qiyan said one after another: "Waiting for dispatch." The Wala cavalry set off towards the Anding Gate, which was also in the north of the capital. The march was not very fast along the way. Because they were ambushed, they were naturally more cautious. Qiyan and Qi Mude led a large number of ghosts and wizards to clear the way in front, but strangely there were no ambushes or traps along the way, which made Ye Xian and others even more elusive as to where the opaque army was heading. What to do. When they arrived at the Anding Gate, they found a dozen people standing in front of the Ming army. Qi Yan looked closely and found that he had seen many of the faces. They were members of the Zhongzheng lineage. Mr. Shi stood at the front of the group, wearing a Bagua shirt. , holding the Bagua umbrella in his hands and stepping on the Bagua array, he saw the army arriving first and standing not far away from him, standing still. Mr. Shi smiled bitterly and said to himself: "Du Hai, Master has avenged you!" As he spoke, everyone behind him moved away, revealing several huge water tanks. Han Yueqiu walked between the water tanks, constantly uncovering the yellow paper covering the water tanks. Han Yueqiu's figure was very strange, like running water. He quietly passed by people and unveiled the yellow paper. Everyone in the Zhongzheng lineage turned a blind eye and just muttered something in his mouth. Suddenly, many ghosts flew out of the water tank and rushed toward the Wala army with the sinister wind. The ghosts and witches also stopped and dismounted one after another to worship the evil spirits from their bodies or magical weapons. They knelt on the ground and kept kowtowing their heads and muttering words. The evil spirits they summoned in front of them looked like this. Like a strong wind, it rushed towards the Zhongzheng lineage. Lu Yunzhi stood on the wall and watched everything. He understood that in terms of the ability of ghosts alone, the evil spirits worshiped by the ghost witches were stronger than the ghosts driven by the Zhongzheng lineage. The spirits are much stronger. Many ghost witches only worship one ghost throughout their lives, spending countless efforts to make their ghosts strong, and those ghosts are also supported by the corpses of countless people, so they are extremely resentful and their bodies gradually turn green. Finally it turns red and turns into a vicious spirit. But in terms of numbers, the Zhongzheng lineage has the advantage. The focus of the Ten Thousand Ghost Exorcism Array is not on the devil but on the ten thousand ghosts. More than 10,000 ghosts and spirits gathered together to drive them together like demons. This array has been sealed in dust for nearly a hundred years. It is a large formation unique to the Zhongzheng lineage, used to attack cities and large areas and search for enemies in street battles. Lu Yunzhi did not participate in the ghost exorcism array. He had more important things to do. Standing next to him were his sworn brothers Qu Xiangtian and Fang Qingze and his senior brother Cheng Fangdong. They were all determined to Staring at the two people, it was Qiyan and Qi Mude who were standing at the front. More than 10,000 ghosts rushed out, getting closer and closer to the Wala army. The Wala soldiers began to panic, and gradually became chaotic. At first, they were worthy of being kings, shouting loudly: "Steady, steady! Panic. Why are you panicking? We are the invincible people of the desert." After saying that, he took the lead and rushed to the front line of the cavalry. Seeing the commander like this, the Ora cavalry calmed down, but the group of ghosts rushing in front of them still shocked everyone. heart of. The ghost spirits worshiped by ghost witches are red or blue, which means they are first-class or second-class evil spirits. The ghost spirits driven by the ten thousand ghost exorcism array are not afraid of the sun, but the ghost witches are inconvenienced. Except for the red first-class evil spirits, the rest were a little erratic, probably due to the sunlight, but at this moment, the enemy had to worship the evil spirits to show off. The ghost spirits used by the two parties quickly collided together, and then started fighting. The evil spirits of the ghost witch were one against ten. The ghost spirits of the Zhongzheng lineage were torn into pieces in the air or swallowed into the body. Although Although it was so powerful, it could not withstand the siege of thousands of ghosts. Soon, the evil spirits that were torn to pieces dissipated with a squeaking whistle. The ghosts and witches are all gnashing their teeth. No one will feel distressed if the ghosts they have worked hard to worship for years or even decades are now damaged.?, suddenly Qimude ran out of the formation, with his mouth wide open and lying on the ground on all fours, like a toad, his hind legs bent and spitting into the air, a huge claw stretched out from his mouth, and then an ugly snake head emerged from the Qi Mu De's mouth came out. As soon as his head came out, he looked back and forth at everything in front of him. Gradually, the same eight snake heads came out, a total of nine snake heads. The body also slowly slipped out of Qi Mu De's open mouth. This scene It was extremely disgusting, and the soldiers on both sides were bloodthirsty, but they also vomited. The monster that came out kept shaking and getting bigger and bigger. In an instant, it was as big as an elephant. Nine ugly snake heads were spitting snake messages at the Zhongzheng people, making bursts of baby crying sounds. The sound reached the ears of everyone present, making people shudder. Suddenly, the monster rushed towards Zhongzheng who was exorcising ghosts. The nine snake heads suddenly pounced on the leader, Mr. Shi. Mr. Shi did not hide but looked at everything in front of him coldly. A bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, and it was like a lightning bolt. When it was chopped down, the baby cried loudly, and the nine snake heads quickly retreated in a mess. Lu Yunzhi stood with two thorns crossed and pointed at the monster. His body was covered with steel needles and he stared at the thing in front of him from the city wall. He shouted: "What a powerful evil ghost, do it again!" Fang Qingze threw it down. A rope was swung and he jumped down from the high city wall. Lu Yunzhi also jumped down and stepped on Fang Qingze's shoulders in the air. Suddenly, the surroundings were filled with wind, lightning and thunder. Lu Yunzhi flew in the air, shouting like a god statue: "Conquer the wind and thunder, the divine soldiers descend from the sky!" But the beggar in the opposite team said in horror: "Qimude, take back your Jiuying quickly, that is The art of clan heaven and earth!¡± Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 90 Nine Infants (One of three updates today) Qi Mude ignored Qi Yan's cry and saw the evil ghost called Jiu Ying suddenly raised its nine snake heads and opened its mouth at Lu Yunzhi. The giant crocodile-like body was glowing with black energy. Although the body was chaotic and uncertain, the nine heads were clear and extraordinary. A cold air and a strong air suddenly spewed out from their mouths, and the two airs twisted together and rushed straight into the air. Rhyme. At this time, Lu Yunzhi seemed to be still in the air, being swept up in the air by a huge wind. The two thorns in his hands were pointing straight down, and he was mumbling words in ancient languages. The blue sky suddenly turned into dark clouds, and the sky suddenly turned into dark clouds. There was loud thunder and lightning, and a bolt of lightning pierced the sky and fell from the sky towards the two streams of Qi exhaled by Jiu Ying. Soldiers on both sides have no killing intent at this moment, because everyone is looking up at the sky. In their eyes, this is a battle between gods, and there is no trace of it that mortals can understand. As soon as the attacks from Lu Yunzhi and Jiu Ying collided, Lu Yunzhi felt his energy and blood boiling. A mouthful of blood suddenly came out of his throat, and a trace of blood came out of his ear holes. There was a rumbling sound in his ears and he could not hear anything for a while. When he was gone, the violent wind that was in his heart disappeared, and he fell from the sky. Fortunately, Qu Xiangtian caught him from below, and flipped several times to release the force of the fall, stabilizing Lu Yunzhi. Jiuying didn't have a good time. After the two puffs of air were dispersed by lightning, the lightning did not stop but struck Jiuying's snake head hard. Suddenly one of the snake's heads was cut off, and there was a sound. With a huge roar, the snake's head fell to the ground and instantly dissipated in the air, leaving only a trace of undissipated black smoke. Jiuying roared and shrank into a ball, as big as the one that had just come out of Qi Mude's mouth, and ran towards Qi Mude like crazy. Cheng Fangdong took the lead, holding a jade bowl in his left hand and a jade Ruyi in his right hand, and threw the jade bowl at Jiu Ying, the jade bowl rolled in the air and was about to be buckled on Jiu Ying's back. Jiu Ying only had eight heads left. Suddenly one of them jumped up and spat out a stream of cold air towards the jade bowl. The jade bowl was not washed away, but just fell. The stream of light kept spinning in the air, and I heard Cheng Fangdong mutter something: "The art of breaking ghosts, all methods return to their ancestors, turn into emptiness, and enter the bowl." As he thought about it, the bowl turned faster and faster. A faint golden light appeared on the inside of the bowl. Cheng Fangdong has a short and fat body, which is different from the huge Fang Qingze. Fang Qingze has a body like a giant elephant. Although he is fat, he is also quite strong, and his height is comparable to that of Qu Xiangtian and others. He is also a tall man. But Cheng Fangdong is different. He is obese and short. He stands like a short winter melon and moves like a rolling Cuju. But how can a senior brother from the Zhongzheng lineage be mediocre? He was as quiet as lightning before, and now he moves like a rabbit. His body He jumped up and hit the head of the snake that was breathing cold air with the jade Ruyi held in his right hand. Jiuying, a monster born of water and fire, has nine heads that can spew out cold air and strong air respectively. All nine heads are in the shape of snakes, so Jiuying has nine lives. It is named Jiuying because his cry is like a baby crying. , the sound is desolate and terrifying, hence the name. This kind of ghost does not exist originally, and Jiuying's records are also in myths and stories. It is said that he was shot by Hou Yi and was trapped in the fierce waters of Beidi. Jiuying is this kind of legendary monster. Three hundred years ago, one of the Mongolian ghosts and witches suddenly had a whim and placed nine snake-shaped ghosts in one place to worship together. The ghosts were resented by the people who were killed. After gaining energy, they merged into one body and formed the legendary monster Jiu Ying. Jiuying quickly squeezed into the evil ghosts in a few years, ranking seventh. What appears in front of everyone at this moment is this man-made ghost spirit, Jiu Ying. When Cheng Fangdong's Yu Ruyi hit the snake head that was breathing cold air, suddenly the remaining seven heads turned and bit Cheng Fangdong. The hit snake head made a huge baby cry sound and kept shaking violently. With. But the cold air in his mouth still didn't stop, and it was still spraying towards the jade bowl. After Fang Qingze was trampled by Lu Yunzhi, he landed on the ground and rolled to stabilize his body. Lu Yunzhi's thunder struck Jiuying in the blink of an eye. When he saw his senior brother Cheng Fangdong fighting with him, he rushed forward and took something from his arms. He took out an ancient sword and threw coins at Jiuying suddenly. Although the target was missing, many of the shots were dispersed and penetrated into Jiuying's body. Fang Qingze held an eight-treasure coral string and circled it in the air with one hand. Only then did everyone see clearly what was happening. There were strands of gold thread tied to the round hole on the handle of the knife and coin. Fang Qingze recited silently, and the coins exploded on Jiuying's body one after another. Suddenly, he cried loudly, and a strong aura hit Fang Qingze, heading straight towards Fang Qingze. , a faint stream of light shone in front of Fang Qingze, and he heard a "dang" sound, and was blown away. Looking at Fang Qingze's neck, an ancient jade had broken. It seemed that this expensive magic weapon had replaced him. Block a blow. Jiu Ying suddenly turned his head to attack Cheng Fangdong again, but a figure jumped out to help Cheng Fangdong resist Jiu Ying. Although this figure was lean, he looked like a powerful person. He held a golden dagger in one hand and a silver dagger in the other. Second senior brother Han Yueqiu. Qiyan pulled out a saber and slashed his arm. Qiyan raised his bleeding arm high in the air and muttered something. Suddenly, a black shadow suddenly appeared in the sky.As it descended, people on the ground suddenly felt a sense of oppression. Lu Yunzhi said to Qu Xiangtian who was supporting him: "Brother, go and help the eldest brother and second brother while I deal with Shang Yang." Qu Xiangtian naturally refused when he saw Lu Yunzhi vomiting blood. Lu Yun But he said: "I beat Shang Yang until only the ghost baby was left last time. Now he is no longer a great weapon. Leave it to me." As soon as he finished speaking, he saw two identical people rushing out from behind Mr. Shi. It was Xie Qi and Xie Li brothers who went to fight with Jiu Ying. "Let me go and go quickly." Lu Yunzhi yelled. Qu Xiangtian let go of Lu Yunzhi's sword and rushed towards Jiuying while shouting: "Third brother, don't be brave. Don't forget that Yingzi and Yuting are waiting for you." Lu Yunzhi stood on the ground, holding two thorns in both hands. , kept tapping, making a clanging sound. At this time, people could already see Shang Yang's appearance clearly. As expected by Lu Yunzhi, Shang Yang's body shape was greatly reduced after being injured. Even so, It is already the size of a small deer. Suddenly two bolts of lightning pierced the sky. At this moment, the dark clouds disappeared with lightning and thunderbolts. One of them hit Jiuying, and Jiuying stretched out his head to block it. After the blow, the head immediately dissipated in the air like the end of a leaf. Under the combined attack of everyone, At the same time, the other head was also hit so erratically that it was about to disappear into thin air. Cheng Fangdong used Yu Ruyi to block a blast of strong energy and then shouted: "Keep on holding on, Jiu Ying only has nine lives. Now one is disabled and two are dead." Another bolt of lightning struck Shang Yang's blurred side. Uncertain wings brushed against each other. Although they missed, Shang Yang was startled. He suddenly stared at the ground. After discovering Lu Yun, he roared angrily, but he did not dare to attack from the sky. Ghosts also have memories. I can't forget the person who almost knocked me out of my mind in the image of flowers in the mirror a few months ago - Lu Yunzhi. Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 91: Crazy (Part 2 of 3 updates today) When Qi Mude and Qi Yan saw this, they also led several ghost witch envoys to come forward and fight with Qu Xiangtian and others. There were hundreds of evil spirits driven by ghost witches and a dozen thousand people from the Zhongzheng lineage. The ghost exorcism formation was in a melee, and Lu Yun alone fought against Shang Yang Jiuying. The soldiers from both sides did not dare to act rashly, and could only watch the incomprehensible fantasy scenes in front of them. Suddenly, Wala's team separated from the middle. Three knights took the lead, followed by fifty or sixty people. Only one of the three people shouted in Mongolian: "Qiyan, Qimude, you two have been dealt with so miserably." Just as they landed, they heard someone shout in surprise: "Look, the lightning and thunder I just saw in the distance turned out to be the clan's heaven and earth technique." The three of them stared at Lu Yunzhi, but they saw among the battle group Qiyan hit Qu Xiangtian with his elbow, but Qu Xiangtian blocked it with his hands, and they were locked in a stalemate. The two of them screamed and were knocked away by the force. Qiyan just wanted to stabilize his body, but Xie Li hit him head-on, so he had to kick hurriedly. He kicked out, but Xie Qi hugged his leg. Qu Xiangtian rushed forward and stabbed Qiyan's head with a knife. Qiyan's hands and arms were instantly pierced by the sharp blade. The tip of the knife was only one finger away from his head. Yan endured the pain and flew up with his other foot to kick Xie Qi, who was hugging his legs. Then he broke free, but his shoulders were penetrated by Xie Li's forks, and his upper body was suddenly stained red by the blood on his arms and shoulders. . Qiyan rolled out and shouted to the three of them: "Three Hall Masters, come and help!" Looking at Qi Mude's side, it was not easy. He was surrounded by Han Yueqiu, Cheng Fangdong and Fang Qingze, and his body was covered with scars and bleeding. When the three of them arrived, they also shouted: "Hurry up!" Lu Yunzhi felt that his life was being exhausted. Every joint in his body was rattling, and his blood was boiling like boiling water. His whole body ached, and blood spurted out from his mouth, nose, corners of his eyes, and ears. Lu Yunzhi couldn't see anything anymore. He just felt that everything in the world was as red as blood. His eyes were filled with blood, and he did not blink. Two lines of blood and tears welled up at once, and although he kept spitting out blood from his mouth, he did not stop murmuring. The ancient language he read did not stop, but the sound became louder and louder, and the sound of thunder was like thunder, which made people feel uncomfortable. People are enlightened and enlightened. Shang Yang and Jiu Ying attacked Lu Yunzhi simultaneously. Jiu Ying's remaining seven heads spurted out a mixture of Gang Qi and cold Qi. The seven gases twisted into one large one that looked like water and fire. Blend rushed towards Lu Yunzhi. Although Shang Yang was currently weak, he could not be underestimated and fell from the sky and pounced on Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi went crazy. Scenes of his father being killed, his mother starving to death, his sister being given away, Yingzi being humiliated, and Du Hai's tragic death kept appearing in front of his eyes. He was spitting blood from his mouth, yelling, and kept tapping his hands. With double thorns, the thunder and lightning in the sky kept chopping down like hailstones. Within a moment, only two of the Nine Infants were left, and Shang Yang was completely covered with skin. Lu Yunzhi was still roaring, he was no longer what he seemed. Weak, now he is as terrifying as a ferocious beast. His hair has been spread out, and his long hair stands as straight as steel needles. His face is covered with blood. He is no longer a human but a cannibal. beast. Jiuying turned around and ran away with a miserable baby crying sound. Shangyang also neighed at the top of his lungs and kept dodging lightning strikes and flying towards the distance. Lu Yunzhi didn't want to let them go. The thunder and lightning still struck compactly, and there were also waves in the air. The surging wind and clouds caused the two teams to stagger. Mr. Shi looked at everything that happened in front of him coldly and did not take any action. He knew that he did not have Lu Yunzhi's talent, but he could save Lu Yunzhi's life. For Mr. Shi, his ability must be used Protecting his lover Lu Yunzhi at the last moment. The three hall masters who had just arrived were shocked when they saw the scene in front of them. After a moment, they shouted to the dozens of ghost witches behind them to help out. The ghost witch sects they led behind them all sacrificed their evil spirits, drew their weapons and rushed towards them. The gate of Anding Gate opened wide, and people from all walks of life came to help from the city. Another melee broke out and there was a sudden sound of killing. , the grievances that have flowed with blood between humans and ghosts and witches for generations will come to an end today. The three hall masters dismounted and grabbed the three Ora soldiers. Then they stunned the Ora soldiers with one palm and stabbed the sabers around their waists into the heads of the Ora cavalry. They pried up and lifted the Tianling cover, and then put the three corpses still there. On the ground, brains poured out from the open head, white and red, flowing all over the floor. Ye Xian was furious and wanted to stop him, but was stopped by the traitorous eunuch Xi Ning beside him. The three ghost witch hall masters knelt on the ground, kowtowed and muttered words. One of them took out a beautiful box from behind and placed it on the ground. Then he went back and lined up three people in a row, still kowtowing. The box slowly opened, and a hand stretched out from the box. The hand was black and it could be seen that it was the hand of a ghost, but it was covered with eyes. The eyes blinked and looked very scary and disgusting. A man slowly emerged from the small box. His face and body were covered with eyes, and there was a huge single eye on his forehead looking around. Although it is human-shaped, it has a thick black tail on its back.?, the tail kept slapping the ground, and then got entangled in the heads of the three people and kept stirring. Then he swung his tail to shake off the brains on it, rolled something up and put it in front of him, as if it was As if shaking his head, a large slit suddenly opened from the face full of eyes, which was filled with black sharp teeth. It was a mouth that was out of proportion to the huge one-eye. What it rolled up with its tail was the souls of the three Wara cavalry. It put the souls into its mouth, chewed and swallowed them quickly, and then looked at the many Wara cavalry and the three ghost witch hall masters and three ghost witches behind it as if it was still unfinished. The hall leader kowtowed faster, while the Wala soldiers behind him were also trembling. They were dazzled by the monster's countless eyes. Suddenly it turned back, its mouth suddenly grew infinitely, and its body was deformed. It seemed like there was only an empty mouth left, which was bottomless and could swallow everything. The monster flew out at an astonishing speed, just like an arrow leaving the string, and suddenly rushed towards Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi didn't seem to notice it, and lightning struck Shang Yang and Jiu Ying one after another. Jiu Ying and Shang Yang ran away roaring, but suddenly disappeared. It turned out that the monster was not coming for Lu Yunzhi, but devoured Shang Yang and Jiu Ying. Qi Mude burst into tears and shouted: "My Jiuying!" Then he refused to fight and turned around and stabbed Qu Xiangtian who was besieging Qiyan. Qu Xiangtian avoided and got out of the way. Qiyan picked up Qi Mude and fled towards the Wala army. Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 92: The Insatiable Glutton (Today¡¯s 3rd Update) The ghost worshiped by the three ghost witch hall masters is also the Taotie, which ranks third among the evil ghosts. If Shang Yang Jiuying Chaos and others were named because of their resemblance, then Taotie was definitely named because of their temperament. named. Legend has it that a dragon gave birth to nine sons, and the fifth son was Taotie. Legend has it that the body of a sheep has eyes in the armpits, the teeth of a tiger are like human hands, and it has a big head and a big mouth. It is quite greedy and can eat very much. According to legend, he choked himself to death due to eating too much. Taotie is such a monster, and the current evil ghost has the same habits as the legendary Taotie. They are both extremely greedy and never satisfied. It is just the souls and ghosts that the evil ghost likes to eat. When it saw the weak Shang Yang and Jiu Ying, it couldn't remember anything. It only knew that it could devour the food that it had been craving for a long time but couldn't eat today. Shang Yang and Jiu Ying were chopped to pieces by Lu Yunzhi's thunder and lightning. They turned around and fled. As soon as they escaped from the tiger's mouth, they were like a wolf's den. They saw Taotie opening his big mouth and rushing towards them. As usual, even with Taotie He was not afraid to meet Shang Yang and Jiu Ying alone, but now it was different. In the past, Jiu Ying would immediately lose his head and lose his soul. Shang Yang was too distracted and would be scattered in the wind if he was struck by lightning. Seeing this opportunity, Taotie had no reason not to eat, so he rushed forward and swallowed Jiuying and Shang Yang at once, but Lu Yunzhi's thunder and lightning had also been triggered, and the beam of lightning struck Taotie hard. body. Taotie screamed, rolled around and stood up again. At this time, Taotie looked very different from the one he had just crawled out of the box. His head seemed to have disappeared, leaving only a mouth that opened and closed, making it look very huge. Except for the mouth, the only thing left on his face was the huge one eye. That eye was staring at Lu Yunzhi, his eyes full of anger, angry that Lu Yunzhi had disturbed his enjoyment of food. Where are Lu Yunzhi¡¯s eyes? Full of resentment and murderous intent, which made everyone shudder. He did not look at Taotie, but strode towards the fleeing Qi Yan. Every step was swept by the wind, and every step was like a thousand troops passing by. It was so heavy that Qi Yan was picked up by the strong wind as soon as he took two steps. He fell to the ground and couldn't help but panic. Qi Mu De saw Qi Yan being swept away by the wind, and hurriedly stretched out his hand to pull him away, but suddenly he saw thunder and lightning flashing across the sky. He rolled and let go to avoid it. The thunder and lightning struck the ground and hit Qi Mu De's back. Suddenly Qi Mu De fainted and fell to the ground not knowing whether to live or die. Fang Qingze looked at everything in front of him and asked with a trembling voice: "Brother, eldest brother! Is this still our third brother?" Qu Xiangtian shook his head and said, "I don't know about the second brother, look!" He mentioned His weapon, entangled with the five-color three-talisman ghost thread, ran towards Lu Yunzhi. Fang Qingze also looked intently at the direction where Qu Xiangtian was running. Taotie was very surprised and looked at Lu Yunzhi with his one eye. He was very puzzled by Lu Yunzhi's ignorance. He saw that Lu Yunzhi kept thinking about the Wala army. As he walked in the direction of Qiyan, he quietly followed him. After a while, he lost his patience. His hind legs suddenly exerted force, bringing up a stream of black smoke towards Lu Yunzhi's back. Lu Yunzhi didn't care, he just used the strong wind to pick up Qiyan. Qiyan was just thrown to the ground and wanted to get up, but his arms were injured and couldn't use the strength. A strong wind hit his face with flying sand and rocks on the ground. His body ached, and dozens of cuts suddenly appeared on his body. Qiyan felt his body become erratic, only to see himself being lifted up by the strong wind and floating in the air. Qiyan was afraid. He had never been so afraid. He felt death coming. His only hope might be the gluttonous food brought by the three Ghost Witch Hall Masters. The gluttonous food did not belong to the Ghost Witch Hall Master. It belonged to the Ghost Witch Hall Master. One of the ghost spirits, and the ability of the three hall masters to drive the ghost witch leader means that the ghost witch leader is nearby. He does not know how much effect he has on the ghost witch leader. He just hopes that after decades of friendship, the leader will die before his life is over. Can come to save him. The strong wind tore Qi Yan apart, and he was torn into a big character in the air. The words "divided into pieces by five horses" flashed in his mind. Qiyan tried hard to turn her eyes to look at her right leg, feeling the pain of being torn apart. Suddenly, blood mist flew in the wind, and her right leg was torn off. After a while, the huge pain came to my heart, and I couldn't help but scream loudly. Halfway through the call, he felt his left arm begin to stretch. Only then did he realize that Lu Yunzhi wanted to torture him to death. His previous plan had now harmed him. He even regretted whether he should have provoked Lu Yunzhi. This terrible person. Qiyan felt the pain in her arm disappear. She hurriedly looked at her arm, which was still intact on her shoulder. The strong wind dissipated and she fell from the sky. She was caught by a man who jumped up. The man was more than eight feet tall. , with a steel mask on his muscular face, revealing only a pair of cold eyes, Qiyan sighed, and wanted to stand up to salute, but the pain in his legs suddenly rose again, and a bean-sized amount of sweat fell from his cheeks. After passing by, he could only say through gritted teeth: "Subordinate, please see the leader." The man nodded, then raised his eyes to look at Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi turned his head at this time and stared at the oncoming Taotie. Thunder exploded in the sky and kept hitting Taotie.Taotie is an evil ghost, but Taotie is very nimble and even dodges when he walks in a curve. Lu Yunzhi spurted out another mouthful of blood, then raised his arms and pointed at Taotie with the double thorns in his sleeves. Bright light emitted from the tips of the double thorns, and then struck out two bolts of thunder and lightning. Along with the lightning that kept falling from the sky, Taotie forced me But after being hit hard, there was a loud roar, and many ghosts separated from Taotie's body, but they disappeared as soon as they hit the ground. Lu Yunzhi waved the double thorns again, but suddenly stopped there. No thunder and lightning fell from the sky, and no lightning struck from the double thorns. Just looking at the roaring and rolling Taotie, Lu Yunzhi's skin slowly oozed blood. , His body could no longer bear such a heavy load. Even though he was blinded by anger now, he was still a mortal after all, so he fainted while standing like this. After rolling in pain for a long time, Taotie suddenly fell violently again. As he rushed over, two walls of sand suddenly rose up in front of him. One blocked Lu Yunzhi's body from falling backwards, and the other blocked the menacing Taotie. Taotie never gives up swallowing sand with his big mouth. How did this sand wall come into being? But he saw the gray-haired old man in front of Sergeant Daming, kneeling on the Bagua mirror, wearing Bagua clothes, and a Bagua umbrella covering his back. Who could he be if he wasn't Mr. Shi? I saw Mr. Shi vomiting blood just like Lu Yunzhi and his face was pale. He was grabbing the soil on the ground with both hands and mumbling something. The leader of the ghost witch waved his hand and came over. The two of them lifted Qi Yan who had only one leg left. Protector Zuo, then turned around and mounted a horse, holding two swords and ran towards the location of the master of the Zhongzheng lineage. Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 93 Here we come The leader of the Ghost Witch galloped on his horse, and his swords were closed like lightning. However, his clothes bulged, and countless black shadows flew out from his neck, rushing towards the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty and the people of heaven and earth in the melee. Mr. Shi spat out another mouthful of blood and shouted at the people running towards him: "Meng He, you finally came out with such a powerful trick." The leader of the ghost witches also shouted loudly: "Mr. Shi, you killed us ghost witches It's so miserable, you have a good apprentice, but I didn't expect that you could also master the clan's art of heaven and earth, earth control!" As he spoke, he was still shouting and urging the horses to run towards the crowd, but he seemed to suddenly remember something while being held up by others. They shouted the same: "Shang Wang! You can say everything! Where are you, come and help!" Mr. Shi is already old and weak, and his understanding is not as good as Lu Yunzhi's. At this moment, his earth-bending skills have already made him unbearable. He knew that he could not fight against Shang Yang and Jiu Ying alone. All his strength was just to save his disciples at the last moment. At this time, he was naturally shocked when he heard what Qi Yan shouted. He knew that if the rebellious branch of this mysterious organization among the people of heaven and earth came out to help the enemy at this time, the Ming Dynasty would undoubtedly be defeated. The Zhongzheng branch and other Branches are also doomed. "Here we come!" A short figure appeared out of nowhere, and his speed was surprisingly fast, even running alongside the horse ridden by Meng He, the leader of Ghost Dance. Meng He smiled at the man while galloping on his horse and said: "Brother Shang Wan, I have long admired you. Thank you so much for coming here to help" Before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt the sound of wind and saw Shang Wan leaping into the air with his arms crossed. It stabbed Meng He's head hard. Black smoke rose from behind Meng He's collar, and the black smoke gathered in front of him. A faint blue light appeared on the tips of the two forks, penetrating the black air. Meng He shouted loudly, and suddenly from within his chest A pair of black hands popped out and grabbed the forks firmly, then twisted them hard and twisted the forks into a twist. Meng He breathed a long sigh of relief, but saw a man standing in front of his galloping horse, brandishing a big sword. He hurriedly used the two swords in his hands to butt each other, but was knocked away. The big sword slashed across the running horse and instantly cut into pieces. Became two halves. Meng He was struck horizontally with great force, his arms were so shocked that he rolled on the ground on his back. He stood up and looked at the man. The man was wearing a raincoat with a huge bamboo hat on his head and holding a large bamboo hat in both hands. An iron sword with a four-clawed golden dragon embroidered on the hilt. "Hmph, I have admired you for a long time, the leader of the Iron Sword lineage!" Meng He stood up and said viciously: "Shang Wang, why did you come out to oppose me?" Shang Wang laughed sharply, his voice was as harsh as metal friction. General: "I didn't want to come out. It was your idiot guardian Qian who called me out." Qimude had already ran back to the formation, shouting in the formation: "You bunch of Chinese dogs who don't keep your word! Shang Wang smiled evilly: "Stop talking nonsense and take your life!" He took out two daggers from his back and rushed towards Meng He. Meng He fought with Shang Wan and the leader of the Iron Sword lineage. Behind the masters of Shang Wang and Tie Jian lineage, many rebellious disciples such as the original lineage and Wuchou lineage emerged. ??Looking at Taotie, he kept drilling into the sand wall with his head. Within a moment, he drilled a hole in the sand wall. Qu Xiangtian and others ran like crazy in the direction of Lu Yunzhi. They knew that if they couldn't hear Lu Yunzhi's voice within the sand wall, they would have passed out again like last time. If Taotie got through If Lu Yunzhi stuck his head into the sand wall, his life would definitely be in danger. Fortunately, Taotie was very persistent. Although he could swallow Lu Yunzhi from the gap if he circled the sand wall for a moment, he did not go around and just kept hitting the sand. The big mouth of the wall swallows up the sand like a bottomless pit, and the sand wall keeps getting thicker driven by Mr. Shi. Now it's a speed contest between Taotie and Mr. Shi. Mr. Shi finally couldn't hold on anymore and fell to the ground with bleeding from all his orifices. The sand and earth wall no longer surged to build up the wall. Taotie stretched his head in effortlessly. At this time, Han Yueqiu also rushed behind Taotie, raised the Yin Yang Dagger and chanted in his mouth After reading the runes, the light from the Yin-Yang dagger suddenly appeared and penetrated into Taotie's body. Taotie did not roar, his head was just embedded in the sand, just still. Between the two sand walls, no one would see a strange scene. A pair of colorful palms held up Taotie's open mouth, while a black, eyeless head that looked like a human head pressed against Taotie's one eye. . The hands and head came out of Lu Yunzhi's chest. Taotie's one eye was a little blurry. Han Yueqiu pulled out the yin and yang daggers and was about to strike again when Qu Xiangtian also slashed at Taotie's waist. The roar was so loud that the sand wall instantly collapsed and scattered. The mysterious hands and faceless head quickly retracted into Lu Yunzhi's body. Surrounded by two sand walls, no one saw him. No one knew except Taotie, and he was even unconscious. Lu Yunzhi himself didn't know. Taotie roared and swept the crowd surrounding it with its big mouth, and everyone quickly dodged away. Meng He was worthy of being the leader of the Ghost Witch Cult. He was facing two enemies, but he did not panic. His eyes were still looking towards Taotie. He couldn't help but sigh when he saw this scene.??, suddenly fled to the northwest, Taotie did the same and flew into the small box from which he crawled out like an arrow. Meng He ran nearby and picked up the small box, stuffed it into his arms and shouted to the other ghosts and witches: "You can't believe what you have said, so retreat quickly!" As he said this, he hacked a Wala cavalryman to death, grabbed the horse and turned over. He mounted his horse and fled away. The rebels of the Heaven and Earth people who made the right move have joined the battle group. The anxious battle just now turned into a situation where ghosts and witches were beaten everywhere. Meng He was not timid. With his ability, he could survive even if he was besieged. He retreated calmly. He just wanted to preserve the strength of the ghost witches. If the fight continued like this, the elite ghost witches would be wiped out in this battle. Originally, the wishful thinking was very good, and he went out in full force, but with the internal response, even if the Zhongzheng lineage had the support of other branches, it would be beaten to pieces and disappeared. But he didn't expect that a few words and a counter-attack caught him off guard. All his perfect plans were ruined and he could only ride away for his life. Seeing the leader's escape, the ghost witches did not dare to fight and evacuated one after another. All the people of heaven and earth pursued the victory, and many ghost witches died on the spot. Qu Xiangtian waved the knife in his hand and shouted at the army behind him: "Attack and defeat the Wala army!" A fierce general could not hold back for a long time and led the army towards the already panic-stricken Wala army. This man was favored by Qu Xiangtian and recommended to Yu Qian, who was promoted to a pioneer officer. This pioneer officer was Shi Heng's nephew Shi Biao. The reason why Qu Xiangtian likes Shi Biao is because of Shi Biao's bravery. At this time, Shi Biao proved that Qu Xiangtian was not wrong. When the soldiers on both sides were frightened by the incredible battle between the heaven and earth people and the ghost witches. However, Shi Biao followed Qu Xiangtian's order and reacted first, taking the lead in rushing over. The art of war depends on the opportunity. Under the leadership of Shi Biao, the Ming army rushed towards the Wala army. In front, there were people from heaven and earth opening the way, each showing their own methods, and behind them, there were Ming soldiers who fought against the city. On the other hand, the people in Wala were in panic. The ghost witches fled and everyone lost all confidence. They were killed by the Ming army before they could react. Immediately, the Wala army retreated in defeat. They were defeated like a mountain, throwing away their helmets and armor, and were in a miserable state. Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 94: Defeat First Han Yueqiu carried the unconscious Lu Yunzhi on his back, and Cheng Fangdong helped Mr. Shi who also fell on the ground. Wang Yulu and Shi Yuting's mother Lin Qianru immediately treated Mr. Lu Yunzhi. After a stick of incense, he felt relieved for a long time. After taking a breath, Cheng Fangdong sent someone to send the master and apprentice back to the city. The Wala army was chased by Qu Xiangtian, Shi Biao and others and fled in a hurry. Not long after they ran wildly, they saw Zhu Jianwen and Gao Huai standing on both sides of a general with their swords drawn. They looked at it intently and thought to themselves: Yang He left no trace of his wounds, so today was his chance to take revenge. It turned out that the general was Shi Heng, who was prophesied to be crowned king and marquis. Shi Heng led an army to block Ye Xian's retreat. There were strong troops in front of Oala and pursuers behind him, so he had to hide for his life and run for his life without even having time to cry for his father or mother. Immediately, the remains of the Wala cavalry were scattered all over the field, bleeding into rivers. One month later, in a room in Zhongzheng's house, Lu Yunzhi opened his eyes slightly. As soon as he opened his eyes, he felt a itch in his throat and started coughing violently. Suddenly, there was a pain in his chest. It was as uncomfortable as burning. A pill was sent to the end. Lu Yunzhi hurriedly swallowed it, and a feeling of coolness rose up, which made her feel much better. Lu Yunzhi lay back on the bed, looked around and saw Mr. Shi sitting on the edge of the bed, with a circle of people standing around him. Fang Qingze smiled and said, "You finally woke up. If you hadn't woken up, both Yingzi and Yuting would have become widows." Lu Yunzhi looked at Yingzi and Shi Yuting again. Shi Yuting had already burst into tears and was lying on Yingzi's shoulder. Sobbing, although Yingzi never shed tears, the corners of her mouth twitched and her eyes turned red. Murong Yunfei smiled and said: "Why are you crying! Has this city of no rhyme woke up yet?" Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and said: "Yingzi, Yuting, please stop crying." As he said this, he started to whistle by himself. After a while, he said to Wang Yulu: "Sixth Brother, why is my body so disordered? It's really dangerous if the qi and blood keep churning." Wang Yulu nodded and said: "Exactly, the liver will burn if the qi and blood are too strong, but it can't be recuperated It'll be fine in half a year, but during this period of recuperation, you can't get angry, and you can't work too hard, and you won't be able to use the magic of heaven and earth anymore, otherwise you may die of bloodshed." Lu Yunzhi didn't speak anymore and looked at Mr. Shi. But I saw Mr. Shi saying seriously: "Yunzhi, after this catastrophe, your skills of heaven and earth may be able to reach a higher level and become another unparalleled genius after ancestor Xing Wen. According to legend, ancestor Xing Wen also suffered from heaven and earth." It is only after the remaining power of the technique is broken that the true transmission of heaven and earth can be achieved. It is my hope that you can break your body and achieve righteousness through this battle. However, I can't bear it, so I would like to apologize to you." Mr. Zhu Shi actually stood up and bowed deeply to Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi stood up in a hurry and said, "My disciple, you must never dare to accept this great gift. Master is doing this for my own good." But as soon as he stood up, he suddenly felt that his heart was broken again. Mr. Shi quickly supported Lu Yunzhi and let him lean on it. bedside. Qin Rufeng said: "This Lu ShuduMaster, ISeventh Brother, you have been unconscious in the past few days. I don't know how many major things have happened in the world." Although Qin Rufeng is not like Qu Xiangtian, Fang Qingze and others. People have deep feelings for Lu Yunzhi, and they are sincere after going through a lot of hardships. When I saw Lu Yunzhi woke up, I was so happy that I forgot that Mr. Shi was right in front of me, and blurted out "Lu Shudu", which was really In response to that sentence, he spoke the truth without hesitation. "But we must retreat first!" Lu Yunzhi asked Qu Xiangtian. Qu Xiangtian had been silent, but his face was filled with joy. It could be seen that he was happy from the bottom of his heart. At this moment, he said: "That's right. He was attacked by us from both sides first and was defeated. The team scattered and fled, and the remaining soldiers were defeated. To my surprise, more than 10,000 people came to Xizhimen. Fortunately, we had two strong generals there. "Lu Yunzhi asked in confusion: "Who is it?" Qu Xiangtian patted him. Qin Rufeng beside him said: "One is General Sun Borong, and the other is our old Qin Qin Rufeng, hahaha." Lu Yunzhi smiled and said: "Qin Rufeng has always been brave and unparalleled, please tell me, brother. What's going on?" Qin Rufeng was also embarrassed when he heard Lu Yunzhi praising him. There was a bit of shyness on his fierce face and said: "Seventh Brother, how can I fight bravely in front of the army? I'm far behind the power of the two evil ghosts." Although Qin Rufeng said modestly, he laughed proudly. His waist suddenly moved and he couldn't help but let out a painful sound. He covered his abdomen, which seemed to be hurt. He was injured, but with Lin Qianru and Wang Yulu's wonderful rejuvenation, it probably won't be a serious problem. Qu Xiangtian continued: "Qin Rufeng, when did you learn to be humble? But that battle was really beautiful. Several times the enemy army besieged our Ming army. Qin Rufeng and Sun Boring took the lead in fighting with the enemy army. One enemy against a hundred was very powerful, but in the end Sun Boring did not persist and wanted to return to the city. However, the defender Cheng Xin was a serious guy and obeyed the military order and did not open the city gate. He called for the city gate to be opened, but the soldiers laughed at him. However, I think both of them were right. It was wise for Sun Bor to return to the city.For example, Cheng Xin's compliance with military orders is worthy of commendation, but his location is different. However, our Qin Rufeng was still brave and fought hard, which greatly boosted his morale until the reinforcements arrived, and then pursued him. When he followed me back to the city, he found that he was covered with wounds. What do you think he is if he is not the best warrior in the world? " Everyone burst out laughing. Qin Rufeng chuckled and said: "There is no need to say good things about Sun Boring. This guy is a coward. A man died in battle and was wrapped in horse leather. How can he think about returning to the city? Besides, the military order has closed the city since the army left the city. Nine Gates, you are not allowed to enter the city without military orders. If Cheng Xin dares to let him in, I will be the first to kill him. I still want to thank Senior Brother Qu. If he hadn't led the troops to help later, we would have shed our blood on the battlefield. " After saying that, he bowed and Qu Xiangtian hurriedly supported him. Zhu Jianwen smiled evilly and said: "General Qin is naturally unparalleled in the world, but General Longhu, Brother Qu, is also extremely brave but also strategizing. Not only did he defend the capital well, he also Juyongguan also made extraordinary achievements, and he was the best soldier in the world. "Lu Yunzhi is very talented and knowledgeable, and he knows the way of nature. General Longhu is a second-grade official among the military generals. Although he is a casual official, he is not far from an official with great power. He hurriedly asked: "The eldest brother is named a dragon. General Tiger? What happened in Juyongguan? How long had I been unconscious? "After asking three questions in a row, her body was so weak that she was wheezing again and again. She couldn't listen to the cough. Lin Qianru hurriedly took out a small jade bottle and waved it by Lu Yunzhi's nose. Lu Yunzhi calmed down. He said: "General Qu, General Qin, your flattery has reached your own home. "Zhu Jianwen dodged again and again, and everyone made a fuss. Fang Qingze shook his belly at this time and said: "Third brother, although this battle is not as huge as the battle in the capital, it is still exciting. Let me tell you slowly. " Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 95: Great Victory (One of two updates today) Fang Qingze was silent for a moment to let him know. Han Yueqiu said coldly: "If you don't tell me, I will." Fang Qingze glared and said hurriedly: "Second senior brother, I'm just letting you know. There's no need to rush to tell me. Come on, it¡¯s better for me to come. You talk so coldly that even a fun battle will be boring.¡± Everyone felt happy again. Fang Qingze said: "After being defeated first, I didn't give up. I sent my troops to capture Juyong Pass. As long as we occupy Juyong Pass, we will naturally block the choke point in and out of the capital. There is no way to predict a comeback in the future. It's a pity that our eldest brother saw through their plan. He had already sent people to guard Juyong Pass, and he also rushed to Juyong Pass overnight to command the garrison." Lu Yunzhi nodded, but Juyong Pass is a strategic point that cannot be lost. "Although Juyong Pass is important, the wall is not strong. The capital still needs to be defended and there are no extra troops to support Juyong Pass. What do you think the elder brother will do?" Fang Qingze grabbed the cup on the table and took a sip of tea. Qu Xiangtian stopped him and said, "Second brother, don't take credit for your success. This plan was proposed by Shi Wentian. I was worrying in the camp at that time. Shi Wentian watched the sky at night and found that there would be heavy snow and severe cold weather the next day, so he came up with a plan. , but water was used to water the city wall. Sure enough, the wall of Juyongguan froze into ice the next day, making it extremely hard to attack, which virtually increased the thickness and solidity of the city wall to attack the gate or climb the city head. , the soldiers guarded the city gate with all their strength, and there was no need to worry about anyone climbing the city because neither the ladder nor the stepping stone had any effect on the smooth city wall. After ordering several unsuccessful attacks, they chose to retreat, so it was said that Juyongguan was a victory. The first meritorious service belongs to Shi Wentian. He is the real hero. He is truly the best among the geniuses and counselors in the world." Although Mr. Shi did not speak, he nodded and smiled when he heard what Qu Xiangtian said. Although Mr. Shi is not a commoner, he is also the best. He is not a saint. It is human nature to love his son. Hearing Qu Xiangtian praise his son, he is naturally extremely happy, which is understandable. Lu Yunzhi was extremely excited after hearing this. How could such a trick be thought of by a mere mortal? He hurriedly asked: "Then where do you go?" Fang Qingze took a long time and said: "To be honest, Gao Huai has a lot of tricks. After he suggested it to our elder brother, he decided to bombard first, and he happened to be stationed on the outskirts of Lijing City first. In order to prevent us from attacking at night, he also set up a search and calculated the distance so that it was perfect. However, our artillery can make all these plans go away. Disrupted. ¡°Wait a minute! "Lu Yunzhi felt something was wrong and asked: "I thought earlier that the Shenji camp was completely destroyed and there were no cannons except for the shooters who ambush with us. Why are they there now? If there is, why don't we besiege the city wall first? If so, why would it be so troublesome to lead troops to attack? " Gao Huai laughed loudly and said: "Seventh Brother, you are worse than me in the magic of yin and yang and catching ghosts, but when it comes to discussing Tao, guessing, thinking, judging the situation, you are not as good as me. Think about it, there was a person in the Yexian camp at that time, who was of extremely high status. Lu Yunzhi continued: "You were talking about Zhu Qizhen, but then he was gone?" Could it be that you even rescued Zhu Qizhen? Zhu Jianwen shook his head and said, "Hey, that's wrong." You still don't understand what Gao Huai means. In the capital, in front of hundreds of thousands of soldiers, we know that the late emperor fired artillery in the camp. If he is killed by the artillery shell, wouldn't it be a great disrespect? " "Then the suburbs will be fine? " Lu Yunzhi still didn't understand. He stamped his feet and beat his chest angrily and said: "Oh, why don't you understand yet? No one knows me better than Zhu Ruozhu who has seen and heard it. He explained it so clearly. You have never heard of a sentence called Out of sight? " Lu Yunzhi suddenly realized when he heard this. It turns out that once the battle started outside the city, a burst of artillery shells were fired, and the night attack also started with the military camp. Unfortunately, it was the most unreasonable charge of killing that person who did not know it. Anyway, everyone from top to bottom No one wanted the emperor who almost became the king of the country to come back. After hearing this, Lu Yunzhi suddenly felt a sense of desolation in his heart. The people in the world were so desolate, and no one wanted to save the king of the country. Qian Cuo. It's wrong, but after all, he is also the former emperor. Even if he is not allowed to be in power after his return, it is better than directly judging his life or death. Lu Yunzhi did not ask further, but Gao Huai still said: "After this blow, it is better to first. Even if we want to make a fatal blow, we can't find the enemy. Because we are attacking from a distance, these cavalry can't find us naturally. What's more, our senior brother and second senior brother are helping us to create illusions for us. Although there are artillery attacks one after another, but From a distance, it looks like usual, unchanged. At first, they suffered a series of casualties, so they gave up preparations for another attack and withdrew from the pass. " Fang Qingze asked doubtfully: "But before the third brother woke up today, why did Zhu Jianwen say that he would be worry-free within five years? Qu Xiangtian laughed and said: "To say that Gao Huai and Zhu Jianwen are really two-pronged. Gao Huai bombarded Ye first, and Zhu Jianwen directly restrained Ye first from behind, directly causing the enemy to fight among themselves. One after the other. Under the double attack, I think there is something to be done first.?Eat. "Except for Gao Huai, Zhu Jianwen and Qu Xiangtian, everyone was wondering what Zhu Jianwen had done. Gao Huai explained: "Zhu Jianwen, this kid, directly provoked Tuotuo Buhua to fight for power, and there was also the powerful minister Wala. Ala united to seize power. First of all, there is a fire in the backyard of the house, so there is no time to worry about fighting with our Ming Dynasty. "I also first learned from Cao Cao, who used the emperor to control the princes, and assisted the golden family Genghis Khan's descendants Tuotao Buhua as a Khan. In fact, Tuotao Buhua was just a puppet in ruling Oara. Now he holds the military power and sees that he is defeated first but not at all. Instead of rescuing, he asked for peace from the Ming Dynasty. As a result, he was unable to do anything. He could not continue to go to war, so he had to accept the peace agreement with the Ming Dynasty. He probably went back to settle the score with Tuo Tuo Bu Hua. So far, the catastrophe in the capital was over, and the Ming Dynasty was over. A great victory. Zhu Jianwen and Gao Huai were promoted to editors of the Hanlin Academy. It is rumored that they will be promoted to higher positions soon. Needless to say, Qu Xiangtian has been awarded the title of General Longhu as the real commander of this defense battle. With the title of Wusanguan, he will soon be able to control the military. As for Fang Qingze, it is strange that he gave up the opportunity to enter the Ministry of Household Affairs and instead asked for a death-free gold medal and ten-year tax-free treatment, which is in line with his nature. It can be said that the Zhongzheng lineage is full of talents. Mr. Shi cleared his throat and said: "Let Yun Zhiduo rest for a while. Let's talk again tomorrow. Let's go quickly. "After saying a few words to Lu Yunzhi, everyone left one after another. Lu Yunzhi also felt exhausted all over his body and fell asleep again. Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 96: New House (Today¡¯s second update) "Dang!" The steel sword stabbed out horizontally, and a steel knife was blocked by the blade. The big hand was holding the back of the blade and pushing hard to prevent it from being broken by the steel sword. But the owner of the steel sword shouted loudly: "Brother, watch the move!" The steel sword suddenly swung across the blade to the back, and then twisted the sword body and dragged the big hand holding the blade sideways. But the man wielding the sword shouted loudly, and when he withdrew the sword and swung it down, the steel sword on the back of the sword also moved down. The man suddenly raised his foot and stepped on the steel sword, then drew it to the neck of the person wielding the sword, and said with a smile: "Third brother, you lost again!" As soon as the big man finished speaking, he heard someone beside him. There was a gust of wind, but he was not panicked. He had already heard the man's footsteps. When he lifted his nose and smelled it, the aroma of meat overflowed. He turned around and bit the flying object. It turned out to be a white-flour meat bun. A voice shouted: "Qu Xiangtian, Brother Yunzhi has only been recovering from his injury for a few days. Why are you fighting with him again? Why are you so free? You don't have to go to the military camp." It turns out that the big man holding the knife is Qu Xiangtian. The other person was Lu Yunzhi. When Qu Xiangtian put down the knife and turned around to catch the bun with his mouth, he started coughing violently and spit out a mouthful of bloody phlegm. Yingzi rushed up in a few steps and picked up a bottle of medicine for Lu. After Yun Zhi drank it, he calmed down. Qu Xiangtian didn't care. He took a bite of the bun and wanted to swallow it whole. However, he didn't expect that the meat juice inside was still scalding hot. Qu Xiangtian gasped because it was so hot. After chewing for a few mouthfuls, he said: "You're burning me to death. That Yuting needs to be exercised by Yun Zhi. I'll know how to measure it. Otherwise, if you lie down for half a year, your injury will be healed, but you will be crippled." Shi Yuting stamped her feet and handed it to Qu Xiangtian. The steamed bun said: "I'm still the eldest brother. I don't know how to eat it. My mother made this for you. It's good for the body." Qu Xiangtian took the steamed bun, picked up another one and ate it carefully. , I found that the meat filling was mainly meat, but it seemed to be mixed with a lot of things, but I couldn't taste anything, but the taste was really delicious. While eating, he said: "That's a big supplement. It's good to make it up. Hey, it's good to make it up." After saying that, he looked at Murong Yunfei who had followed the money. The two of them had already found a small courtyard outside. After living together, Qu Xiangtian didn't care about these worldly things. Murong Yunfei was free to learn and not restricted by the Central Plains. The two loved each other sweetly, and completely ignored what everyone hated about men and women not being intimate, and unmarried people not allowed to live together. Wait for the secular talk. Murong Yunfei felt embarrassed by Qu Xiangtian's evil smile in front of everyone. She came over and gave Qu Xiangtian a gentle slap and said, "By the way, Xiangtian, why haven't I seen you these days?" It's a military camp." Qu Xiangtian swallowed another bun and said, "I am now a Wu Sanguan. A Sanguan is an official who has nothing to do. But I heard from Mr. Yu Qian that I will be named General Hussar soon. Now, I am commanding the imperial army. Alas, I am not very satisfied. Perhaps guarding the border with constant wars is more suitable for me." Murong Yunfei looked at the hero in front of her with affection and affection, and said lovingly: "Xiangtian, you are yours in this life. I will go wherever I go." Lu Yunzhi sat on the floor, eating another steamed bun and looking at the two of them. She felt sweet in her heart, and was happy that Qu Xiangtian had found such a caring person. But Shi Yuting shouted: "It's so disgusting, but I also care about our Lu Lang." Yingzi didn't say anything, but just served Lu Yunzhi to eat. Lu Yunzhi didn't speak until he finished eating. It's a little strange. On weekdays, when I drink with Fang Qingze, Qu Xiangtian, Zhu Jianwen and others, I don't have the slightest bit of rottenness. I look like a bandit who has fallen from grass and turned into a bandit. He just looks gentle, but sometimes he strictly abides by eating and sleeping. As long as it's not a big deal, we'll talk about it after dinner. "By the way, since I was able to get out of bed and walk, why do I keep hearing noises around the yard? What are you doing? And what is the second brother doing? I haven't seen him in a few days." Lu Yunzhi asked Today is the tenth day since Lu Yunzhi woke up. Although her body is still aching slightly, she has mostly recovered. However, in addition to taking a large amount of pills every day, she also has to soak in the potion prepared by Lin Qianru for more than an hour. , which made him complain a little. Qu Xiangtian had finished eating long ago and was sitting on the ground. He sighed and said, "Since you got sick, I haven't drank for many days. It would be great if I could have a bottle of wine with such delicious food. You ask Second brother, he's just busy with his business. He got the special exemption and didn't pay taxes. This guy is like a fish in the ocean. He wishes he could monopolize the entire market in the capital. As for the noise around him, that's because Two houses were built next to the courtyard wall. I went to see them the day before yesterday and they were even more impressive than the ones that our Zhongzheng family lived in. "Why did they build the houses?" Lu Yunzhi asked. "Eldest brother, third brother, you are all here. I am starving to death. What smells so delicious? Why don't you know to leave some for me? You two. I will go to each counter to check the accounts first in the morning, and then write a letter to Diao Shanshe. We discussed business matters and finally went to these two houses, but I was starving and you didn¡¯t even know how to leave some for me." Fang Qingze quickly ran into the hospital to see him.Although he has become the richest man in Beijing, he still wears a cloth robe. Except for the priceless eight-treasure coral string on his hand and a piece of ancient jade on his waist, he dresses like a shopkeeper of an ordinary shop. Even though these two items are valuable, Those who are not knowledgeable will not be able to see what they are, and they will just treat them as street stalls. Fang Qingze also sat on the floor, took the water bag handed over by Yingzi and drank it in one gulp, then took out a dry steamed bun from his arms and started to eat it. Qu Xiangtian pointed at Fang Qingze and said, dumbfounded: "What do you look like, Yunfei, go get him something to eat." Fang Qingze waved his hand to stop Murong Yunfei, then wolfed down the steamed buns and said, "I'm full. I'm full, sister-in-law, don't take any more, it's good like this." Qu Xiangtian snorted: "You, the richer you are, the more stingy you are, Yun Zhi, don't you want to know what's going on with the houses around you? Ask him." Fang Qingze drank a lot of water and said, "You still don't know, third brother, it's like this. I built two large courtyards on the left and right of our house. I'm afraid you and your eldest brother will live here after you get married. It's inconvenient, but if you live far away, it's hard for Master to come to you if something happens. Besides, we brothers can be together less often. This is good. Not only can we drink together, but Yuting and Yingzi can also chat with their sister-in-law. "It's much more convenient." Lu Yunzhi was stunned. In his impression, the courtyard of the Zhongzheng line was the most grand after leaving the palace, but when he heard Qu Xiangtian say that the two courtyards were more luxurious, he didn't expect that it was for him and Qu Xiangtian. Construction, I didn¡¯t know what to say for a while. Volume 1 Sudden Change Chapter 97 Discussing Matters with Business "Thisthis, how can second brother do this?" Lu Yunzhi said with his eyes wide open. Fang Qingze shook his head nonchalantly and replied: "What can't be done? Besides, this is urgent for you. We are brothers, and this is what I should do for you." Lu Yunzhi suddenly thought of something and said: "Second brother, where do you live? ? Wouldn¡¯t it be too unfair for you to still live in the third room?¡± When Qu Xiangtian heard this, he kicked Fang Qingze hard and said, ¡°Do you know why I don¡¯t have any gratitude at all?¡± , Second child." Fang Qingze turned over to avoid the kick and said with a smile: "Third brother, I can't rely on Master anymore, otherwise it would be unreasonable, right? You see, I have built two such big houses, and I am still here. I can't save my face by eating and drinking here." After hearing this, Lu Yunzhi felt that it made sense but didn't know what Fang Qingze was going to say, so she could only nodded blankly. "That's it." Fang Qingze continued: "Look, you have two younger siblings, Yingzi and Yuting. The eldest brother is accompanied by a sister-in-law. I am the only one in the family. I don't want to go to whoever you two go to. I have already thought about how happy you two will be." The dates are set on the same day. As for me, it would be nice to stay at the eldest brother's house for a few days and the third brother's house for a few days, hahaha." Lu Yunzhi understood after hearing this, and laughed together with Qu Xiangtian. He was really convinced. His second brother. Fang Qingze patted the dust on his robe and said, "Okay, you need to take good care of yourself. I have to go to the counter in Dongcheng to have a look. A restaurant opened here today. By the way, you must take good care of yourself. Just like you." He coughed up blood at the slightest movement, and one man and two women were not allowed to die on the bed during the wedding night." As he said this, he avoided Shi Yuting's pursuit and ran away. Lu Yunzhi looked at Fang Qingze's leaving figure, then at Qu Xiangtian and Murong Yunfei standing opposite, as well as Yingzi Shi Yuting beside him, and his heart was filled with happiness. Qu Xiangtian chatted with Lu Yunzhi for a few more words, then took Murong Yunfei and left. Lu Yunzhi, accompanied by Yingzi and Shi Yuting, went back to the house to rest. He had to make potions in the afternoon, so naturally he had to first Get some rest. One month later, Qu Xiangtian was promoted to General of Hussars, retaining the honorary title of General of Dragon and Tiger, and was ranked second rank. In addition to commanding the general of the Forbidden Army, he also served as the Commander-in-Chief of the Five Military Camps, becoming the most powerful person in the world today with military power. Fang Qingze is mysterious and doesn't know what he is busy with. I just heard that his reputation is getting smaller and smaller. Although the Zhongzheng lineage is so strong now, he understands the principle of a big tree attracting the wind. In troubled times, he was in the limelight. Now that everything is calm, he has become the boss behind the scenes. Many businesses are heading towards his dream of becoming rich and powerful. Zhu Jianwen and Gao Huai are also good people. They have the fourth rank of official residence and are worshiped as Tongzheng and Shaoqing respectively. As for Qin Rufeng, he was named General Mingwei and was awarded the fourth rank of official rank. He followed Qu Xiangtian to train in the fifth military camp. In fact, these people were not the only ones who were granted official titles. It was just that many members of the Zhongzheng lineage refused the rewards and still wanted to live freely. Other people from heaven and earth who came to help were also granted titles. For a time, the status of the people of heaven and earth reached its peak, but Shi The gentleman's heart was full of doubts. Two months later, all the disciples, no matter what they were busy with, gathered in front of Yangshanzhai. Mr. Shi sat on a Taishi chair and said with a frown: "I called you here today because I want to discuss the matter. Regarding Tijian. Since the end of the war, they have disappeared without a reward or showing up. I still don¡¯t understand what they were going to do. On the day of the melee between the armies, they fled without a trace. They helped the ghost witches to deal with us, and now they have turned against me to help the Ming Dynasty. Dear disciples, do you have any ideas?" Gao Huai cleared his throat and said, "Master, I think they are just opportunistic. Seeing us. They helped Wala when we were weak, and then switched sides when we won a big victory. But after we succeeded, they were afraid that we would settle the score and blame them later, so they disappeared anonymously and never showed up again. In my opinion, they are just a group of villains and they are not worth anything. "But Fang Qingze shook his head and said: "Gao Huai, I don't think so. If they had helped the ghost witches at that time, I'm afraid we would have been defeated. With all due respect, don't be angry. The reason for your inference is all your own. It's just imposed on others. From the perspective of a businessman, I think this is the case. They help the ghost witches to restrict us and achieve a certain purpose, but if Wala wins, they will not be reused in the future. They came out to help us at the last moment. Although we don't know what they were thinking, there must be a bigger conspiracy waiting for us. If one store and another store want to compete for a better business, how can it be possible? The first of several factors is that the goods must be good, be innovative, follow the trend, or be daily necessities, so the goods are very important. For example, if you sell fans in Beijing in the winter and quilts in the summer, you will not be compensated, so the goods must be good. On the right track. We, the people of heaven and earth, are equally matched with them, because everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. It is impossible to compare who is higher and who is lower. It is just that we are able to grasp the opportunity and find our way better when we are aware of what they are hiding. It¡¯s just a loophole.¡±Everyone nodded, and Han Yueqiu said: "I agree, what about Qingze?" Fang Qingze added: "The second is position, the third is guests, and the fourth is capital. In fact, these three points are related to the one mentioned before. One point is closely related. If you are selling daily necessities, the more prosperous the area, the better. But everything should be considered according to the situation. This involves the third point of customers. Some things are not necessarily more prosperous. The popularity of the place depends on who the customers are, which is related to the first point of goods. In short, you must understand what kind of customers the goods are for. This seems to have nothing to do with the world and the people. , In fact, it has a lot to do with the position. We now have Qu Xiangtian and Qin Rufeng in control of the military, Gao Huai and Zhu Jiaxing are above the court, and the disciples are also prestigious above the court. It seems that we have the advantage, that is, we have the advantage. It's a good location above the busy city, but we may not be able to defeat them completely. That's because we don't know who their guests are. In other words, we don't know what they want to do. " Everyone was silent and pondering. Fang Qingze continued to speak openly: "Our guests are much more obvious. We are just to avenge the hatred and protect the people of heaven and earth from being destroyed and enslaved. Speaking from a higher level, we are protecting the Ming Dynasty and allowing the people to live and work in peace and contentment. Master, please forgive me, disciple." That's straightforward." Mr. Shi nodded in acquiescence and waved his hand for Fang Qingze to continue: "In this way, the fourth point is actually the combination of the previous points, all of our 'goods' and 'position' customers. 'It is our capital. When the goods, locations and customers owned by both parties are almost the same, which is our current situation, it depends on who can combine these better. If both parties can operate reasonably, then it will be Whoever has stronger capital will be able to persist to the end. Sometimes the difference of a penny can be a fatal blow. " "Actually, these are not important. They are not what we are currently doing or considering. When the business war reaches this stage, it is not only the above four points that are tested, but also the most important point, five: the boss. A good boss or big shopkeeper will adjust the above four points to defeat the opponent. When it's cheap, you have to study the other party's boss's thoughts, because whether it is the location or the goods, it is the boss's idea. As long as you can figure out the person in charge, you can know his next plan and defeat him. Him. If we can know who the boss is, all the problems and doubts will be solved, and all the hidden dangers will be eliminated. This is what we should do most at the moment - find out who is in charge." Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 98: Thoughts expressed in one word Everyone couldn't help but marvel after hearing Fang Qingze's remarks, and understood why his business has grown so big. All methods of returning to the sect are always inseparable from these points, no matter whether it is in all kinds of strange ways, it can be covered. Mr. Shi said: "Everyone, please go back and think about who the person is who manipulates everything. I will also think about it carefully and do the math. You can go back first." After saying that, he turned around and returned to the house. Disperse. After two sticks of incense, Mr. Shi was sweating profusely, his face was pale and he suddenly sighed. Cheng Fangdong and Han Yueqiu, who were standing next to him, couldn't help but look at each other. Han Yueqiu asked: "Master, didn't you count?" Mr. Shi covered his head with his hands, buried his face in his hands, and whispered: "Yes, I can't even count it. It seems that the leader who talks about everything is several times higher than me. He is really a peerless expert. How many people in the world can have such ability? If such people don't come out, then I will give up. "It shocked the world." Han Yueqiu and Cheng Fangdong sighed. The three of them stopped talking, thinking in their hearts, and the atmosphere became depressed for a while. One day later, at noon, in an inn outside Beijing, the old shopkeeper held a candlestick and led four people into the dark cellar under the inn with the light of a bean-sized fire. The air in the cellar was very cold. There is a shuddering feeling. This kind of coldness is not like the freezing cold of Sanjiutian, but like a poisonous snake passing through the whole body. It slowly penetrates into the skin and makes all the limbs and bones shake. . There was a person standing in front of a dimly lit lamp. He was facing the lamp and with his back to the people who had just come in. He was not tall or thin, he just stood there motionless like a dummy. One of the people who came in was extremely short and a dwarf. It was Shang Liu who had a grudge against Zhongzheng. Just listen to Shang Wu say: "Brother, I'm ready here." The man nodded but didn't turn around and said: "Very good, we must pay attention to killing all the people without leaving any consequences. Wildfires cannot be burned until the spring breeze blows, and they can only be eliminated by cutting the roots." It won't cause serious trouble. "One person said: "Brother, don't worry, I will take care of everything. I will help you if you can. If you support me, do you still have to worry about things not working out? "The man didn't answer, but asked: "What's going on over there with the ghost witch? "The third man looked very strong, with big shoulders and round waist, but he was not tall. He said in a rough voice: "Don't worry, let's be defeated first. Qimude and Qiyan are having a big fight. I The ghost spirit was swallowed, but Taotie was still the ghost spirit of the leader Meng He, which was even more miserable. In addition, Qi Mude was seriously injured and suffered internal injuries. Qiyan even lost a leg. The disciples were so injured that they could not even survive. Maybe the ghosts worshiped have also disappeared. To sum up, the ghost witch has become a weak figure and cannot make any big waves. "The man who was called the eldest brother still nodded and said softly to the person standing at the end: "What about you? How are things going? "The fourth person looked a little scared, trembling, and his voice sounded a little trembling, and said: "Brother, do you have to do this? Even if you don't do this, you can achieve your goal. Why do you have to destroy the people of heaven and earth? They are not easy to mess with wouldn't it be counterproductive then? " The man still had his back turned and sighed and said: "I don't want to be like this, but you may only support me for your own purposes, but I will say thank you as the big brother. But the world and the people must be destroyed, there is no doubt about this. " The fourth person standing at the end said: "They have no intention of rebelling. It will be impossible to annihilate them when they want to rebel. Brother, think twice. "Hey, now they are supporting the country and are all pillars of talent, but one day once their wings are hardened and their wings are full, we will be unable to guard against them if they have rebellious intentions." If I am still alive, I can certainly restrain them, but what if I die? Who else in the world can stop the people of heaven and earth at that time? I am afraid that by then the world will no longer have the surname Zhu. I am not doing this out of cruelty, I just hope that the Ming Dynasty will be famous for generations to come, and all hidden dangers will be eliminated in my lifetime. I am the only one in the world who can do such a hated thing that others are unwilling to do. If you do it, who else would it be than me? "The man who was called the eldest brother said. He paused and then said: "The big snake should be beaten within seven inches. To capture the thief, capture its king first. To destroy the people of heaven and earth, you must first find their hearts and minds. Let's start with Zhongzheng. Let's go. Get ready. Zhongzheng lineage, I feel sorry for you! "After saying that, he still didn't turn around, just waved his hands, and everyone left one after another, leaving only the man still enjoying the coldness in the cellar. The fourth man was the first to come out of the cellar, facing the direct sunlight at noon. The light fell, stinging him so much that he couldn't open his eyes. He covered his face with his hands, and his eyes hurt so much that he shed tears, but he couldn't stop them anymore. They kept streaking down his face until a pale-faced man came over. The middle-aged man helped the fourth person get into a carriage, and then slowly left. The remaining three people also got on their horses and whipped away in different directions.sp; Five days later, Lu Yunzhi was soaking potion in a large wooden barrel when he heard Yingzi say outside the door: "Lu Lang, the emperor is here to see you." Although Lu Yunzhi grew up in a world where people are not tied to worldly affairs, The environment, but the Confucian monarch-subject thought he learned in his childhood had a profound impact on him. When he heard that the emperor was coming in person, he stood up hurriedly. Lu Yunzhi can be said to be a body of contradictions. He refused to accept him as his imperial younger brother, but still followed the rules. This is incomprehensible to ordinary people. But in fact, Lu Yunzhi only abided by the rules and etiquette, but he was a carefree person by nature. Man, only then can he and Qu Xiangtian and Fang Qingze become brothers. Birds of a feather gather together and people form groups. Lu Yunzhi just stood up from the barrel, but was pushed back into the barrel by Han Yueqiu and Wang Yulu who were standing next to him. Han Yueqiu raised her voice and said to Yingzi: "Brother and sister, please tell the emperor that Yunzhi is recovering from his injuries and cannot see guests for a while. You can wait longer, or let him come in to see Yunzhi, but he can't get out now." Yingzi felt something was wrong, but she knew that although Han Yueqiu had a cold face and a kind heart, it was for Lu Yunzhi's benefit that he remained silent for a moment outside the door. Turned and left. After a while, I heard a eunuch's voice: "Your Majesty, Your Majesty, isn't this right?" Zhu Qiyu's voice also sounded outside the door: "What's wrong? I'm going to see my brother." He knocked on the door. , pushed the door open and came in. After Han Yueqiu and Wang Yulu bowed their hands in salute, Han Yueqiu continued to sit back on the chair and meditate cross-legged, while Wang Yulu held a medical book and read, not taking the emperor in front of her seriously at all. Zhu Qiyu was not angry, after all, the people of heaven and earth, especially the Zhongzheng lineage, had never been bound by secular etiquette. Zhu Qiyu looked at Han Yueqiu and Wang Yulu, and suddenly sighed, almost wanting to cry. After seeing this, Lu Yunzhi knew that Zhu Qiyu must have something unspeakable to say to him, so he hurriedly said to Han Yueqiu and Wang Yulu: " Brothers, can you let me and the emperor have a chat alone?" Han Yueqiu rolled his eyes at Lu Yun and did not move. Lu Yunzhi said again: "I promise not to get up from the potion." Han Yueqiu then stood up. He took Wang Yulu and left the room. Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 99: Compatriots are unjust and unfair to their compatriots In the pharmacy, after Han Yueqiu and Wang Yulu left, Zhu Qiyu pulled up a mahogany chair and placed it next to the barrel. He sat down and sighed, saying, "Brother, I am really tired of being an emperor." Lu Yun Zhi snorted coldly and said, "I told you, Your Majesty, don't call me imperial brother again. Since this emperor is tired, why don't you return the throne to the Supreme Emperor?" Since the great victory in the capital and the defeat of Wala, Zhu Qiyu has not taken advantage of the victory to pursue it. He went to Wala to discuss the matter of welcoming Zhu Qizhen back. A minister's proposal to bring Zhu Qizhen back was rejected. Zhu Qiyu even scolded him and demoted him. In short, all matters related to Zhu Qizhen were hidden. Lu Yunzhi felt very angry after hearing Zhu Jianwen talk about some affairs in the DPRK. How could brothers with the same surname let Zhu Qizhen stay in the hands of Wala? Where was the dignity of the country, the prestige of the Ming Dynasty, and brotherhood? ! So when I heard Zhu Qiyu's complaint at this moment, I actually laughed at Zhu Qiyu. Zhu Qiyu was not angry when he heard Lu Yunzhi's words. He just sighed again and said: "Brother Yu, no, Master Lu, I really have no one to talk to. It's not convenient to say these things to people I can trust. Let alone those who are untrustworthy. After thinking about it, I can only complain to you. I hope you can listen to my thoughts. " "Actually, it's not that I don't want to welcome the emperor back, but I was forced by everyone at first. I hated him for trusting Wang Zhen and killing Zhongliang. The Battle of Tumubao made our country empty of national power and almost in danger of subjugation, so I was unwilling to welcome him back. At that time, I had just ascended the throne and was forced by everyone to become the emperor. I was single-handedly You know what happened at that time. I don't want to be the emperor, but when the country is in crisis, I can't allow myself to enjoy myself alone. I have to take orders in the face of danger. Thanks to your support and Mr. Yu's help. Only then can I turn danger into danger and regain my confidence and secure the Ming Dynasty," Zhu Qiyu said, and Lu Yunzhi nodded after hearing this. Indeed, he knew that Zhu Qiyu did not want to be the emperor at first, and he had complained to him in this house. Zhu Qizhen saw a glimmer of light in Lu Yunzhi's eyes as he nodded, as if relieved, and then continued: "Power, but power is a fascinating thing. Once you have it, you don't want to give it up. The concubines in the harem, Shi Zhi Endless food, thousands of miles of mountains, and the power to dominate the world. Once I have these things, I don't want to give them up. If I don't know the loveliness of these things, maybe I will still be willing to be a feudal lord. King, a idle king with nothing to do. But now that I have it, I don¡¯t want to give it up anymore. Even if I have to be reviled by the world or deal with many complicated affairs every day, I am still willing, because this is the charm of power, which allows a person to be free from power. He has no desires and desires, so much as to be crazy and greedy." As he spoke, Zhu Qiyu's face was full of self-blame, and then he fell silent and shed tears. He was actually guilty in his heart. After all, he and Zhu Qizhen were brothers of the same father, and Zhu Qizhen had the same father. Qi Zhen trusted him as a sibling and could leave the entire country to him during the expedition. Thinking of this, Zhu Qiyu actually shed tears. Lu Yunzhi also sighed and said: "I understand what you are doing, but some people suggest that the two emperors share the government. Even if you think this approach is not feasible, you should bring Zhu Qizhen back, even if you let him It would be better to be the Supreme Emperor forever if you don't do government affairs. Why are you unwilling to do such a thing? " "There is no room for two tigers in one mountain. Even I, a latecomer, became so obsessed with power, let alone my imperial brother. If he has never eaten delicious food, he may not be greedy, but if he is used to eating delicious food, he will be extremely eager to get delicious food. In the same way, if the emperor comes back, he will try his best. To take back what he lost, my life will be at risk once he succeeds in ascending the throne. Maybe I think too bad of him, but as the emperor, I have to guard against him. Furthermore, even if he doesn't want to kill me, he doesn't want to regain the throne. , it is inevitable that some ministers will not take the opportunity to cause trouble and kill the king to force the palace!" Zhu Qizhen replied. Lu Yunzhi smiled bitterly and said: "It seems that we, idle clouds and wild cranes, are much better off. Your Majesty, you are right in your considerations, but you can either be ruthless and risk the disapproval of the world and kill Zhu Qizhen. To be honest, I feel sorry for him." I don't like him either. Either you welcome him back. If you hesitate to advance or retreat like this, you will easily bring disaster to yourself." Zhu Qiyu nodded and said, "Why don't I know what a lonely person is? Only now do I know what a lonely person is. Fortunately, I don¡¯t have anyone to discuss with. You can heal your wounds. I¡¯ll leave first.¡± Zhu Qiyu stood up and turned to leave. He suddenly stopped and said to Lu Yunzhi after taking two steps. "Jushi Lu, I heard that you are going to get married in the near future. Whether you admit it or not, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty know that they treat you as their imperial younger brother. According to etiquette and law, they must be well-matched. I heard that your fianc¨¦e Yingzi is from a mountainous background. I'm afraid it's inappropriate. "Okay." Lu Yunzhi didn't turn around and said: "The people in my family are not people who follow etiquette. It doesn't matter what their status is or whether they are well-matched. I won't bother Your Majesty with such trivial matters."Feeling relieved. Zhu Qiyu instead smiled and said: "Wouldn't it be better if we were of equal status? That would be a match made in heaven. Let's do this. When I get back, I will draft an edict to make Yingzi the eldest princess, which is my younger sister. I believe you won't object." . "With that said, he quickly left the room. Lu Yunzhi still did not look back, nor did he stand up from the potion. He just raised his voice and said: "Your Majesty, please walk slowly. Your Majesty is so generous. Thank you for your kindness. "The steaming potion dimmed Lu Yunzhi's eyes, and he didn't know whether Zhu Qiyu heard what he said. Lu Yunzhi sighed, but he was not happy that Yingzi was considered the eldest princess. For him, It doesn't matter what status Yingzi and Shi Yuting are, he will marry them. What he is thinking about now is the struggle between the royal family, the antagonism between brothers and the impermanence of human nature. He is thinking about his eldest brother and second brother, who are both prosperous now, Ruruo. One day, when they were also in high positions, would they turn against each other because of their struggle for power? He didn't know and didn't want to know, but Lu Yunzhi wouldn't. In any case, Qu Xiangtian and Fang Qingze were his family members. He thought for a long time and decided that Qu was his family. Xiang Tian and Fang Qingze will not do the same, because they are brothers who have experienced life and death. There is no conflict between the three of them if their ambitions are not the same. Even if there is a conflict and hatred, even the huge hatred will be in the face of this brotherly feeling. He could forget all his grudges with a smile. He had the confidence and was willing to think like this. When Lu Yunzhi thought of this, he murmured to himself: "People with different surnames are not the same, and compatriots are unjust and unfair to compatriots." " Volume 1: Sudden Change Chapter 100: Night of Flowers and Candles in the Wedding Room In early April of the first year of Jingtai, the construction of new houses on both sides of the Zhongzheng family house was completed. As expected, the carved beams and painted buildings are extraordinary. Among them, the left side belongs to Qu Xiangtian. In ancient times, the Han people respected the left side. In the Ming Dynasty, the Han rites were implemented and Qu Xiangtian was the elder. The natural house On the left. When you walk into the courtyard, you can see a wide courtyard, surrounded by eighteen kinds of weapons such as swords, halberds, axes, clubs, knives and forks. On the wall behind the door is a relief of a tiger descending from the mountain, scanning the people who enter the door. The entire courtyard has wide entrances and exits, with square doors and square buildings. The houses are simple and straightforward. Although they are luxuriously decorated, they are rough and powerful. As soon as you enter the courtyard, you can tell that it is occupied by martial arts practitioners. The same is true when looking at the interior of the house. The furniture is well-equipped but not cumbersome, revealing a great atmosphere. Qu Xiangtian's ancestral home is the old place of Jingxiang. Since ancient times, there have been outstanding people, talented people and beautiful women. Qu Xiangtian was not the person who recited poems and composed poetry. Instead, he was a heroic man who did not adhere to secular etiquette, was skillful but clumsy, bold and careful, shrewd and powerful. Looking at the mansion on the right, it is Lu Yunzhi's residence. Entering the courtyard is like entering a Jiangnan garden. Turning around the wall with peony shadows behind it, you will see a pool within two steps. This pool is where Fang Qingze spent a lot of money and went deep. A vein of spring water was dug out to ensure the water quality in the pool is clear. There are fish of various colors in the pool, with a few brown duckweeds dotted with a touch of green. There is a white jade Nine Dragons spitting water bridge above the pool, with the faucet five to the left. Fourth from the right, there is a stone pillar in the space on the right with three large characters "Jie Jian Shi" written by Zhu Qiyu himself. Although Lu Yunzhi did not admit it himself, the civil and military officials knew that Emperor Zhu Qiyu regarded Lu Yunzhi as his imperial younger brother. The special approval to build the Jiulong Tushui Bridge illustrates all this. How can ordinary people have a leader. Walking inside is even more wonderful, with round gates, arched bridges, bamboo pavilions, rockery gardens, all elegant things are collected in the courtyard, and the house is filled with books and calligraphy and paintings. But I thought that Lu Yunzhi was originally from the northwest. Since ancient times, the folk customs in the northwest were fierce. Although he left home at a young age, he grew up in Beijing. He was a big man from the north, but he was very handsome. Although his sword-shaped eyebrows and pair of bright eyes made him also heroic. Although she was very attractive, her fair skin and long black hair made Lu Yunzhi look much weaker. If many people hadn't seen Lu Yunzhi holding a sword on the battlefield, they would have thought he was just a scholar. The houses on both sides have been repaired, and Lu Yunzhi's body has been recuperating for five months. He should be fully recovered in another month. It just so happens that Qu Xiangtian is not busy with military affairs recently, and everyone has free time, so he naturally has to host a big wedding. Something happened. Originally, Fang Qingze was going to make a grand arrangement, but Qu Xiangtian and Lu Yunzhi stopped him one after another, so he decided not to invite outsiders to the family's happy events. Even so, there was still an endless stream of people congratulating him. Since they were here, they would not be chased away. Bar. Although the Zhongzheng lineage does not stick to the rules, since the process of getting married to someone with metaphysics and magic is naturally extremely cumbersome, such as crossing the brazier, punching the door beam, shooting the eaves of the sedan chair, eating apples, worshiping the heaven and the earth and worshiping the couple in the high hall. In short, there are quite a few, and of course there is also the matter of worshiping ancestors and acknowledging their clan. In addition, there are also a series of rules within the door such as the Six Diagrams of the Eight Diagrams Mirror and the Rise of the Red Fire, which are too complicated and will not be listed here. All in all, the wedding was a lively affair. The ministers, princes, generals, and even the emperor Zhu Qiyu came to ask for a wedding drink in person. The Zhongzheng family residence was filled with people. Qu Xiangtian and Lu Yunzhi were dressed in red robes and were beaming with joy. They clinked glasses and drank at the banquet, pushing and changing glasses. Murong Yunfei Yingzi and Shi Yuting were waiting in the bedroom of the new house, and they were also very nervous and shy. Red tape is regarded as bullshit among the people of heaven and earth. Everyone envies Qu Xiangtian and Murong Yunfei for their unconventional love for each other, but more secular people envy Lu Yunzhi for her two daughters and one husband. After the guests left, Qu Xiangtian and Lu Yunzhi, with the support of the servants and maids hired by the new house, went back to their houses to spend their wedding night. Qu Xiangtian went to the bedroom, asked the servant to go down and closed the door. Murong Yunfei had already lifted the hijab himself. Qu Xiangtian looked at this beauty and burst out laughing. How can the two of them love each other so much? There are rules. In fact, getting married today is nothing more than accompanying Lu Yunzhi to go through the motions to make the brothers happy. It is not too important to Qu Xiangtian and Murong Yunfei, who are already married. Even so, they People are also very happy. Qu Xiangtian said: "After we get married today, you and I don't have to worry about other people's words." Murong Yunfei smiled sweetly and asked: "Do you care what they say?" "Of course not, flies don't bite but they are also disgusting. , that's all." Qu Xiangtian turned around and hugged Keren next to him, then looked at the long sword on the sword stand, then kicked the footstool beside him and hit the sword stand, causing the steel sword to fall. However, Luo was caught by Qu Xiangtian, and then he suddenly swung the steel sword out of its sheath and Qu Xiangtian chanted: "I was drunk and looked at the sword with the lamp on, and I dreamed of blowing the trumpet in the camp. Today, the beauty is sitting in my arms. It doesn't matter how big the world is." Murong Yun. Fei smiled slightly and stroked Qu Xiangtian's hair and said: "Crooked poems, crooked words, Xiangtian, I will always be by your side in this life." Qu Xiangtian's eyes are no longer heroic or bandit, but there is a trace of warmth. Then Chu said to Murong Yunfei: "I will definitely live up to you."The lamp on the table carried his beloved to the warm bed. At the same time, Lu Yunzhi looked at the two red-covered beauties on the bed and was filled with emotion. The two beauties were also holding hands with each other and were extremely nervous. Lu Yunzhi held a handful of jade Ruyi in each hand and pushed them away. Under the beauty's hijab, Yingzi and Shi Yuting looked shy and lowered their heads one after another. Yingzi no longer looked like a heroic woman, and Shi Yuting lost her coquettish air, showing her shyness. Lu Yunzhi sighed: "After a long drought, I met my master and no longer wandered. When I met my old friend in a foreign land, I made acquaintance with many people of the same generation, and even good brothers like the eldest brother and the second brother were no different from my old friend. When I was named on the gold list, Although it has never happened before, it is almost the same. In the wedding night, I have two beauties who have deep love for me. Lu Yunzhi, I am so lucky at such a young age. This is a blessing I gained in my previous life. " Yingzi stood up and undressed Lu Yunzhi, while Shi Yuting took the jade Ruyi from Lu Yunzhi's hand, and then said: "Brother Yunzhi, no, no, sir, let's rest early." She said with a blushing face and lowered her head. Lu Yunzhi nodded, then blew out the lamp on the candlestick. The three of them were lying on the bed, but no one was embarrassed to move. Although Lu Yunzhi had already known about men and women when he was studying pharmacology, they felt very embarrassed at this time. The two women were even more shy, so they just buried their heads in Lu Yunzhi's arms. In his arms, Lu Yunzhi simply held them both in his arms, wanting to spend the night like this first. An hour has passed, and the three houses that were bustling just now have become silent. Everyone, resting and drunk, went back to their rooms to sleep. Suddenly Lu Yunzhi woke up from his sleep. He was not having a nightmare, but he heard a strange sound. After a while, Yingzi also opened his eyes, looked at Shi Yuting in his sleep and said to Lu Yunzhi: "Mr. , Why did the army arrive near the house late at night? "The great changes in the world and the people have begun. Good and bad fortunes are determined by destiny. How much can be predicted in the future? Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 1: Conclusion I rubbed my tired eyes, and the scroll came to an abrupt end. The written words seemed to be a woman's handwriting. Although it was graceful, the writing style was powerful. Some people say that words come from the heart. These handwritings recording this story make me feel a little helpless, and also have a deep happiness, but also a hint of sadness. I quickly put on my sheepskin gloves and tried to dig into the jar, but there was nothing left. Is this the end of the story? I looked at the file in my hand carefully, looking for some clues. I desperately wanted to know what happened next, but found nothing. This story disappeared like my love. Disappointed, I soaked the dossier in the mysterious green liquid and wanted to read it from the beginning, but I found a line of records at the very beginning that surprised me. At first, I didn't think the story was so different, so I didn't notice this casual line. After reading it, I forgot about this line, but now it is crucial. On the night before his death, Master asked me to pay homage to the Grandmaster and told me that the Grandmaster¡¯s name was Lu Yunzhi and he was a saint. When I saw Lu Yunzhi's name appearing, I started reading it carefully. I thought it was an unofficial history describing the ancestor, because even the biography of the ancestor could not be so detailed unless it was written by him himself. But it didn¡¯t look like it based on the description, and when the small words at the beginning came into view again, I was shocked. I saw that the line of small characters read: This biography is narrated by Xianggong, combined with what was heard and recorded by bystanders. I only hope to warn future generations not to forget the past, and one day they will be able to revive the glory of Zhongzheng - the story of Concubine Yingzi. This biography was actually written by Yingzi, so it is unavoidable that it is so detailed, but what is the purpose of warning future generations? Why does Zhongzheng want to regain its glory when the line is at its peak? What happened next? I have always had obsessive-compulsive disorder, and I was exhausted from reading for several hours, but I still stayed awake and rummaged around frantically. I picked up a book from another jar and opened it, but it was also a story. But now the story of Lu Yunzhi filled my heart, and it was difficult for me to accommodate other stories. I opened the book and saw the beginning: I, Lu Qingtian, have been since childhood Another person named Lu, But it's not Lu Yunzhi. The number of people with the surname Lu in the file tonight can be said to be prosperous. Unfortunately, this is not what I'm looking for. I soaked the file again in the green liquid and put the bottle alone. It is on the shelf, and I want to wait until I finish reading the story of the founder Lu Yunzhi before reading it slowly. I rummaged around and touched the heavy curtains. A strong sunlight came out of the curtains, which made me feel a little dazed. what time is it? I quickly looked at my watch, and it was already ten o'clock in the morning. I hurriedly put down the glass jars, took off my sheepskin gloves, put on my clothes, picked up my bag, turned around and left, and the security door closed heavily behind me. It has been two or three months since I was promoted to the head of the sales department. Today is the day of the company's general meeting. The company has a policy that no one person should wait for all employees, and meetings must be held at 30 o'clock every week. When I walked out of the elevator and rushed into the company, I looked at the watch on my wrist. It was half past ten. Fortunately, the house I rented was very close to the company. I arranged my clothes while running, and then went to the office to put down my bag. He grabbed his notebook and walked into the conference room. When I walked into the conference room door, I saw the lowered heads of my colleagues in the department, the mocking eyes of other departments, and the livid face of the boss. I said: "Sorry, I'm late." "Why are you late?" the boss scolded. But I said with a very upright attitude: "There is no reason. Being late is just being late. No matter how many reasons you give, you will still be late." The boss nodded with satisfaction. This answer should satisfy the boss. I served as the vice president of a company during the four years I worked abroad. I earned some money and opened my own company after returning to my hometown of Jinan. Unfortunately, it went bankrupt and ended in failure. Although those experiences did not bring me wealth, I know what kind of answer a boss wants. Sometimes it is better not to defend than to defend, and this is the time. The boss's face softened slightly and he said to everyone in the company: "This is the answer I want. Some departments should not always use excuses to frustrate me. I don't listen to excuses and only look at the results. If you can do it, do it and if you can't, look for another job. Our company is very I go to work at 0 o'clock and get off work at 4 o'clock. I have relatively free time on weekdays. All I want is that you can complete the task and not come to the company to support lazy people. Although the sales department manager came late today, their performance is very good and they are here every month. It has continued to increase and has exceeded half of the company's performance last year. This requires you to learn. However, I still have to punish you for being late today. One-third of your department's bonus will be deducted. Do you have any objections?" said the boss. Looking at me, waiting for my answer. "Yes, being late should be punished. As a department leader, I should set an example. However, this is my fault alone. There is no need for everyone to bear the punishment. I am willing to deduct all the bonuses for the month. I just hope that the department bonus will not be deducted. Please allow me, boss." "I said. "Okay, ?Being courageous is what a man should do, so it¡¯s been decided, old man, all your bonus will be deducted, and it will be recorded by the Finance Department. Let's have a meeting now. "After the boss finished speaking, he started to preside over the meeting. After each department spoke for an hour, the meeting ended, and I was called into the office by my boss. I saw him sitting on the chair and smiling evilly at me and said: "Old ghost, you are good at being a human being. It seems that I was right to promote you to the position of supervisor. I will deduct the department bonus based on your character. In order to appease the mood of the department, you will also give out a personal bonus as compensation. This is no different from deducting your personal bonus. It¡¯s just that you behave like this today. It's the same as losing, but it's a huge favor. ¡± I smiled slightly and didn¡¯t answer. Within a few months of joining the company, I was promoted to team leader. A month later, I was promoted to department head. I became the youngest supervisor in the company and the fastest-promoted person. Moreover, I have a good personal relationship with my boss and we are considered brothers. We often eat and drink together. In fact, I don¡¯t regard him as a friend, because we are not interested in each other. His friendship with me is just because I can bring him greater profits. He thinks about everything. It's very dirty. For example, today I did it with the mentality of a good man doing things as a good man, but he thought I was trying to win people's hearts. There are many other things like this, such as going back on my word and coming up with various fines. This is also It is destined that he can only be a medium-sized enterprise. I did not refute what he just said, but said with a slight smile on my face: "Brother, I feel so bad today. By the way, you are still ready to do it." Deduct my money? "Just kidding, the money has been deducted, so I just asked casually. But the boss burst out laughing, and then suddenly said in a calm voice: "You don't have to deduct it, but you have to do something for me. "I replied: "Please tell me. "Actually, I don't want to listen anymore. I'm thinking about Lu Yunzhi's story. I want to hear his nonsense quickly and then run home and continue to read the records in the bottles and jars. " He really said Nonsense: "You know that I plan to start a new business. I also exchanged views with you that day. I plan to send you on a business trip to run this line. All the problems of the entire line can be solved in three months at most. When you come back, I will promote you to the vice president of the company" I interrupted him and whispered: "I'm sorry, I don't want to go on a business trip, leave this task to others. ¡± Indeed, if I were on a business trip and running around so busy, I would not have the chance to continue to look for the follow-up to this story. For me, any position or money is illusory, especially from such a shady person. Speaking out, he slammed the table and shouted: "I'm not discussing with you, this is an order. If you can't do it, just" I stood up and said with a smile: "I resign! " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 2: Heavy Siege "What? I just made a joke to you, brother, old ghost! Stop making trouble, we can discuss this matter again. If you don't want to go, it's okay, and there is no need to resign. Let's do this, your bonus will not be deducted, in the future You're not kidding me like this," the boss said with a playful smile. This is a face full of copper odor that I've seen enough. I shook my head, stretched out my hand and said: "Brother, I'm not joking, I just don't want to stay here anymore. I just can't complete the work you assigned, so I have no choice but to leave. I don't want to eat free rice here, hold a hand Brother Hand, I wish you a prosperous business and good fortune, and you also wish me good luck in the future. Even if I do it with you, we will still be friends." When he heard this, he smashed the table angrily and roared: "Friend. "I don't have an ungrateful friend like you. Go away now and don't come back after you leave." I retracted my hand, stood up, bowed, and left. I packed nothing and put the things on my desk. I gave it to my colleagues, and then walked out of my office and out of this place where I had struggled. When the strong midday sun shone down on my whole body the moment I walked out of the building, I felt an indescribable warmth and comfort all over my body. I picked up the phone from my pocket and dialed a number: "Hey, I agreed to your request for me to invest in shares. You can pick up the investment funds from my house tomorrow and bring the contract with you. I will handle the personal connections, customer information, etc., just I won¡¯t be involved in sales. I don¡¯t go to the company on a regular basis. I only want 20% of the profits. Do you think that¡¯s okay?¡± My friend on the other end of the phone was surprised but quickly calmed down and said, ¡°Old man. Ghost, are you okay? If something happens to you, just say something if you can help me. Don¡¯t do anything yourself.¡± I said, ¡°It¡¯s okay, don¡¯t worry.¡± ¡°Then why don¡¯t you come to the company?¡± Do you want to work there and have two careers?" asked my friend. But I replied: "No, I have resigned. I just want to do something that I really want to know. I won't say anything anymore and come to my house tomorrow afternoon." My friend was still saying something on the other end of the phone, but I hung up. The call was disconnected. Later, because there were too many bottles and cans, and the method of taking them out was troublesome, I had to put them back into the cans for soaking after 20 minutes, so I read very slowly. The hard work paid off, and finally I found the following, recorded The person didn't sign at the beginning like Yingzi, but I could see that it was also a woman's handwriting, just not Yingzi's. The handwriting was very graceful and had a sense of carefreeness. I guessed whose handwriting it was? Shi Yuting, or Murong Yunfei, I read it carefully. Lu Yunzhi stood up and listened. He stood up, put on his coat, picked up the steel sword on the sword stand, and opened the door. Yingzi naturally had no weapons in the bedroom. He also stood up with two hairpins in his hand, and Wake up the sleepy Shi Yuting. Shi Yuting asked: "What's wrong, sister?" Yingzi put his finger on his lips to silence, then helped Shi Yuting get dressed and whispered: "Something may have happened, follow me and you soon. Mr. Lu, if something changes, rush out." When Lu Yunzhi went out, he grabbed a small bag, which contained many containers for souls. Although his body has not fully recovered, it is still the same, so the art of exorcism is still there. Can work hard to use it. Several people walked through the courtyard to the wall and opened the lock of a small door on the wall. This small door led to the courtyard of the Zhongzheng lineage. Originally Qu Xiangtian and Lu Yunzhi wanted to just open a door, but Murong Yunfei strongly requested to add a door. Fang Qingze also agreed after hearing this. Murong Yunfei said this: "With this door, we are a family that loves each other closely. Without this door, we look like one family but if there is inconvenience, we become two families." After everyone thought for a long time, they finally understood Murong Yun Fei¡¯s intention. Indeed, if it is too casual, there will be no politeness in the courtyard communication, and some trivial problems in life will inevitably arise, which may easily lead to conflicts. Therefore, there was a small door on the wall of Qu Xiangtian and Lu Yunzhi's house next to the Zhongzheng Yiyi courtyard, which came in handy at this moment. They opened the small door and walked into the courtyard next door. There were already many people standing in the courtyard, most of them with empty hands. Although they heard the sound of the army marching, they didn't think of anything. They just muttered to each other in a confused voice. Lu Yunzhi stepped forward, bowed to Mr. Shi and said: "Master, what happened?" Mr. Shi shook his head and said blankly: "I don't know, it's just that there are people in all directions, but they keep a certain distance from our courtyard. I have asked your father-in-law to go and investigate. What happened? What's going on? Why can't I calculate anything?" Lu Yunzhi was startled and hurriedly counted, but he was still at a loss. He could only sigh and shook his head at Mr. Shi. Han Yueqiu pulled out the yin and yang daggers and said coldly: "Since it can't be calculated, let's just wait and see what happens." For a while, all the disciples went back to their rooms to pick up their weapons, preparing to deal with any emergencies. "Father, father!" Shi Wentian rushed towards Mr. Shi in a hurry, LuHe hurriedly bowed to him: "My father-in-law." Shi Wentian nodded and said in a panic: "A good son-in-law doesn't need to be polite. Take Yu Ting and leave here quickly. You must protect Yu Ting." Mr. Shi scolded: "Why are you panicking? ! Tell me slowly, what is going on outside?" Shi Wentian calmed down after hearing the scolding, and said: "A large number of soldiers and horses have surrounded the three courtyards, and there are countless people, but don't say anything. There are also 20,000 people surrounding us. Father, let¡¯s rush out. If they attack and hide here, we will die.¡± He strutted forward with a seven-star sword hanging on his head, followed closely by Murong Yunfei with no fear on his face. Following Qu Xiangtian, a hero of the world, there was nothing to be afraid of in this world. Mr. Shi praised: "Well said, but it's true. Although we possess special skills, we are still mortals. Dozens of us are fighting against an army of 20,000 people. We have no chance of winning. You tell me what to do." Han Yueqiu said coldly. He said: "Master, let me and Qu Xiangtian, Qin Rufeng and others rush out, capture the leading general and force them to make way for us, and everyone can evacuate calmly, what do you think?" Zhu Jianwen said hurriedly: "Absolutely not, can we?" Mobilizing a large army to surround us must not be controlled by one or two generals. It must be instigated by someone with higher authority. Gao Huai and I happen to be here. We have some friendship with these ministers in power. Let us go out and negotiate. , maybe it's just a misunderstanding." Gao Huai said hello, and when Zhu Jianwen finished speaking, he was about to go out with him, but was stopped by Fang Qingze. Fang Qingze chuckled and said, "I don't understand politics, but I know that we are now in full power, and only the emperor dares to touch us. Lao Zhu, why are you so confused now?" Zhu Jianwen and Gao Huai After hearing this, he was slightly startled and nodded in agreement. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 3: Continuous Fire Qin Rufeng screamed when he heard Fang Qingze's words. Holding a Xuanhua board ax in his hand, he shouted: "His grandma's people may be from our fifth military camp, but they dare to be our enemies today. Let's rush out." , Killing one person is enough, we will definitely make a lot of money with our skills." Qu Xiangtian has not spoken since he appeared and said something. After a moment of silence, he said: "Qin Rufeng, don't be reckless. "Qin Rufeng has been deeply impressed by Qu Xiangtian's strategy, heroic spirit and way of leading troops since he followed Qu Xiangtian to lead the army. Finally someone can subdue Qin Rufeng, the tiger that descended from the mountain. When he heard Qu Xiangtian's shouting, Qin Rufeng stopped. He just carried an ax and walked behind Qu Xiangtian and said in a rough voice: "Yes, Brother Tian, ??please give me an idea." Qu Xiangtian cupped his hands and bowed to Mr. Shi and said: "Master, is there a way to confuse so many people?" Opponent, create an illusion?" "Yes, but it won't last long. Within an hour, the soldiers will not see us as long as we stay in the illusion array." Qu Xiangtian thought for a moment and said, "That's enough. It's just a misunderstanding. They will definitely send someone to say surrender. Then we will see what Zhu Jianwen and Gao Huai are capable of. But I think this is unlikely. They will definitely launch a strong attack soon. Once they escape, they will definitely become the target of public criticism. They were nervous before the invasion, maybe even more nervous than we were. If we broke through at this time, we would definitely be attacked with all our strength. But once they entered the courtyard without any obstruction, they would look around for us, but they found someone. None, what will happen to them at this time? They must be extremely surprised. What we want is for them to rush out in a moment of panic. At this time, the soldiers outside will relax when they see that there is no resistance in the courtyard. They will wait for us to fight out. You must be very confused. We don¡¯t know where we came from. When the time comes, we must not wait for the battle. We should follow the group and escape. Please wait until the number of pursuers is less and we can separate and flee. " After hearing this plan, Mr. Shi nodded and thought it was feasible. If there was a misunderstanding, blood would be avoided. If not, there would be no way to escape. So he said, "Just do what Qu Xiangtian said. But if they are separated, we will only come." We will meet again someday, and we have decided on the assembly place. I calculated for a long time just now and didn't even figure out who was instructing the soldiers to besiege us, so that person must be several times higher than me. Once we set up the assembly place, that person will also figure it out. At that time, waiting for work will not be worth the gain." Mr. Shi then said: "Yueqiu, Fang Dong, help me prepare the magic formation." Han Yueqiu replied: "I respect the master's order." Mr. Shi turned and looked at the people behind him, confused. He said: "Fang Dong, Cheng Fangdong? Have any of you seen your senior brother?" Everyone looked at each other, but no one knew where Cheng Fangdong had gone. Mr. Shi seemed to have remembered something, and then asked with a low expression: "Well, he left. Sure enough, I was so confused that I didn't notice it." Han Yueqiu checked the people behind him, and then said coldly: "Master "Sixth Junior Brother Wang Yulu is also missing." "Ah, why would you betray me? What kind of master am I?" Mr. Shi said sadly, looking up at the black night sky. After finishing speaking, Mr. Shi waved his hand, and under the leadership of Han Yueqiu, everyone was busy preparing for the magic formation. However, Mr. Shi called Lu Yunzhi to his side and sighed. "Master, did the eldest brother go out for something, but did not report it to you? The eldest brother is a loyal elder, how could he betray the master? Besides, what can he do even if he betrays? He does not have the power to mobilize the army. It must not be Senior Brother," Lu Yunzhi said in confusion. Mr. Shi smiled bitterly and said: "Yunzhi, I didn't say that Cheng Fangdong was the mastermind, but he must be a participant. Do you still remember the night when everyone fought against Chaos in this house and you were witty and clever and returned to your original nature?" Lu Yun Zhi nodded and said: "Remember, am I being ridiculous, but what does it have to do with that night?" "Then do you remember that night when Chaos fell next to your senior brother, when Cheng Fangdong fell to the ground, unable to fight back against Chaos? But I let him go. I didn't care at first, but then I heard you say that the reason why Chaos is called Chaos is because he has the same nature as Chaos, the monster recorded in ancient books. He bullies good and fears evil, and only obeys the orders of evil people. So I thought at that time. I wonder if Cheng Fangdong has great evil in his heart. After I took you back to Yangshanzhai, you were in a hurry to see Wu Hao off, but I kept Cheng Fangdong actually to figure out whether he was really an evil person, because I also I don¡¯t believe that such an honest and loyal person would have such evil intentions, but after I calculated it, I found that there was no such thing, but when I think about it today" Mr. Shi suddenly fell silent at this point. Lu Yunzhi opened his eyes wide and said with some disbelief: "Master, what you mean is you have been unable to figure him out since I was a child? Is it because his ability is approaching that of Master, or is it already Overtaken you?" "It's all possible, let's go and help prepare. But Yun Zhi, Master feels that this matter is not as simple as we think. If we are defeated, you have to run as fast as you can.Don't be arrogant when you go out, and don't turn around to save others. Now that you have obtained the true inheritance of the Zhongzheng lineage, as long as you are still alive, your lineage will be saved. "Mr. Shi said earnestly. Lu Yunzhi didn't say anything more, just nodded and went to help. It didn't take a while for everyone to arrange the phantom array. From the outside, it looked empty, but in fact there were dozens of people inside the array. They were staring at the closed door, waiting for the soldiers to rush in at any time. Everyone held the sword in their hands tightly and stood ready. Suddenly, the only sound in the courtyard was the rustle of the wind blowing through the leaves. The door was quiet and there was no movement at all. Qin Rufeng whispered: "Brother Tian, ??they don't attack or retreat, what on earth do they want to do! Qu Xiangtian suddenly shouted: "Everyone, disperse quickly. They must have mobilized the Shenji Battalion to bombard the Zhongzheng line." " As soon as I finished speaking, I heard more than a dozen loud bangs, and then there was a loud cracking sound in the air. A cannonball exploded in the front yard. Suddenly the stone brick floor was shattered to pieces. Only then did everyone react and rush towards it. Fleeing in different directions, Mr. Shi suddenly thought of something and shouted: "Go quickly, go to the Hall of Heroes. If the Zhongzheng sign permanently engraved in the Hall of Heroes is destroyed, the dead souls will not be able to recognize us. Hurry up." Go get the sign from me! "After saying that, he walked towards the Hall of Heroes, but was pulled back by Qu Xiangtian. "Master, calm down, just wait for the three of us brothers to get it." "Qu Xiangtian, Fang Qingze and Lu Yunzhi disappeared into the night and ran towards the Hall of Heroes, while Shi Yuting, Yingzi and Murong Yunfei followed Mr. Shi and others into the basement of the back hall. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 4: Escape Qu Xiangtian kicked open the door of the Hall of Heroes and went in first. After entering the door, he began to take off his coat and spread it on the table. He also took off the Zhongzheng soul tablet that was always engraved on the wall and put it in his clothes to prepare for a while. A package. Fang Qingze and Lu Yunzhi had been helping to remove the signs after entering the house, but there were too many signs on the wall, forcing the three skilled people to scramble. Qu Xiangtian took off a small gold medal, looked at it and handed it to Lu Yunzhi and said: "Third brother, keep it separately. This belongs to senior brother Du Hai." Lu Yunzhi took the small gold medal that contained the spiritual weapon and put it in his body. In a cloth bag. Fang Qingze also touched the bronze square cup Gu Yue Cup on the table and put it in his pocket. The signs on one wall were finally put into the clothes that were spread out. Qu Xiangtian was about to roll up the clothes into a big ball when he suddenly heard a loud sound in the air, getting closer and closer to where they were, and he quickly yelled: "Run!" As he said that, he suddenly pushed Fang Qingze and Lu Yunzhi away hard. A cannonball landed on the wall that was originally covered with signs and ricocheted away. Qu Xiangtian and the other two people hurriedly avoided being hit by the big rolling iron ball. Qu Xiangtian let out a long sigh and said: "Fortunately, it is a solid iron bullet. If it were a filled cannonball, we would all be blown up here." It sounds like the sound is coming from the west. It seems that there is a weak link. We will break out from there in a moment." As he stood up, he saw Fang Qingze sitting on the ground with a pale face and pointing towards the wall. Lu Yunzhi also saw something strange about Fang Qingze, and looked in the direction of his finger, only to see that the wall had been smashed down, Qu Xiangtian's clothes that were tied into a ball and about to be packed had been smashed, and the clothes wrapped inside had been smashed. The Yongzheng Zhongzheng sign was also smashed to pieces. Qu Xiangtian sighed, pulled up Lu Yunzhi and Fang Qingze who were still sitting on the ground and said, "In this case, it's useless to look any further. Go find them quickly and climb over the west wall together to rush out, otherwise they will all be smashed." "I'll die here." The three of them ran to the cellar in the back hall. As soon as they went out, they saw many sergeants rushing in from the door. The three of them hurriedly hid behind the wall and poked their heads out to see Mr. Shi leading many soldiers. The disciples did not run to the cellar, but were surrounded by hundreds of sergeants who broke in through the front and back doors. The courtyard was suddenly filled with people and became impenetrable, and everyone in the Zhongzheng lineage had to struggle hard in the center of the encirclement. I saw Han Yueqiu holding a pair of yin and yang daggers, his hair had been messed up by the steel spear stabbed, and his cold and white face was even more chilly, especially the little bits of blood splashed on the face and the pair of cross-browed eyes scanning coldly. The surrounding sergeants were like entrenched poisonous snakes, instantly sending chills down the besiegers' bodies. They didn't dare to step forward and just kept testing. Qin Rufeng followed Han Yueqiu closely. The Xuanhua ax he held was already stained red with blood. The blood on his body and head looked as powerful as a tiger descending from the mountain. The soldiers were afraid of this man and did not dare to step forward. The two brothers Xie Qi and Xie Li also fought in a melee with weapons in hand. The twin brothers cooperated in a tacit understanding. Although they were not fatally injured, their bodies were stained with blood and their clothes were stained red. Similarly, Gao Huai and Zhu Jianwen fought against each other, but they were already at the end of their crossbows and could no longer hold on. The three parties formed a rivalry with each other, fighting for the time for Mr. Shi, Shi Wentian and others to drive the ghosts away. There were already some disciples in the encirclement who were so frightened that they were lying on the ground trembling and peeing. Since the battle of Tumubao, all the Qingying in the sect had been exhausted. Most of the remaining ones were those who were driven back by Han Yueqiu in Yu County. The disciples who cannot be reused are mostly low-ranking disciples who are incompetent and incompetent. Some of them can be regarded as heroes even if they are desperately resisting, but some of them also reveal their cowardly and cowardly nature. Although Mr. Shi and others drove the ghosts, they did not bring many containers to hold trapped ghosts with them. Naturally, there were not many ghosts driven out. Although they caused a certain amount of panic among the surrounding soldiers, they did not relieve themselves. In the predicament of being surrounded, the crossbowmen came from behind, and the encirclement gradually expanded. It seemed that thousands of arrows would be fired at once. They did not care whether they would accidentally injure the Ming army sergeants. They just wanted to shoot Mr. Shi and others to death with random arrows. Seeing that everyone in the Zhongzheng lineage was stunned. He was about to die on the spot. Qu Xiangtian whispered: "Second brother, follow me and rush out. Attacking them from behind will definitely disrupt the layout. The most important thing is to deal with the crossbowmen first. Third brother, go to the hut where we learn to hunt for ghosts and activate Soul Solidification." Spring, release all the ghosts in the Guhunquan and create chaos so that we can escape. After the third brother releases the ghosts, please do not come back to look for us. Just climb over the wall and find a bloody way to escape. The second brother and I will do it ourselves. When we lead everyone to escape from the Western Wall, we will meet in Bazhou. Third brother, you must take care of yourself." After saying that, he rushed out without looking back. Fang Qingze patted Lu Yunzhi on the shoulder. Follow him out. The two men quietly attacked from behind and quickly killed several crossbowmen like ghosts. Suddenly, the Ming army's formation was in chaos. Mr. Shi gave an order, and everyone in the encirclement also fought hard to resist. Lu Yunzhi did not dare to delay. When he saw his two brothers leaving, he climbed up to the roof and bent forward like a night cat. He came to the inconspicuous little dark room and smashed the door open with a swing of the steel sword in his hand.?Big lock, walked in. This place has remained the same as it was when I learned the art of ghost hunting a few years ago. No one has been to this small dark room for a long time. Ever since Lu Yunzhi entered the door, no new disciples have entered. , naturally there is no teaching on the art of hunting ghosts. Although the door was covered with dust after a long time, there was not even a trace of spider webs inside the house, and there was an inexplicable cold air everywhere. Lu Yunzhi has always been extremely sensitive to ghosts. His life weight is five or two, which is the intersection of yin and yang. At this moment, he has already felt the countless ghosts ready to move under the Guhun Spring, and he can't help but shudder. He rushed to the stone pillar erected by the Guhun Spring, bit his finger and scratched a mark on the stone pillar, and then flew away. As he ran, he read: "After all the hardships, the joy is not in this world, so why should I miss the love of this world? Wouldn't it be better to be reborn as early as possible?" , trapped under a stone and tortured. The ancestor of Taiqing showed his magical power, and the stone emerged like a spring. It is harmless to stay here, but it is a pity that the world is so sentimental. "When he finished reading the word "spew", Lu said. Yunzhi just ran out of the room. Originally, to activate this technique, he had to stand in a corner of a hexagonal formation around the Guhun Spring and recite the incantation. However, Lu Yunzhi's life was special, so he could use his own blood to separate the air. The order is given, just don't leave this room, otherwise the moon will be in the sky outside, and the intersection of the two yins will easily backfire, and the ghosts in the Guhun Spring will not be able to be driven out. As soon as Lu Yun left the small black room, some gray-white gas gushed out from the stone pillars in the small black room like a spring. Lu Yunzhi turned around and saw that the formation was successfully activated, so he felt relieved and took it out of his bag. A copper coin was then thrown suddenly and hit a Bagua mirror standing around the corner of the formation. Although the bronze mirror was not broken, it was knocked to the ground in a flash. Those gushing ghosts were like water flowing down against the stone pillars. When they fell to the ground, they rose up. After a while, they transformed into shapes. After two turns, they floated out from the downed Bagua Mirror. Gradually There were more and more ghosts, seemingly endless. Lu Yunzhi remained silent and glanced at Guhunquan again, then climbed onto the wall, jumped down, and landed in the courtyard on the other side of the wall that curved toward the sky. . As soon as he landed and didn't take two steps, he was discovered by several sergeants. They shouted loudly to attract people and rushed towards Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi was not interested in fighting and ignored him and ran away. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 5: The Death of the Xie Brothers Qu Xiangtian rushed to kill, holding a gun in one hand and a sword in the other. He fought hard and became bloody for a while. Everywhere he went, people turned on their backs and met no Ming army alive. Qu Xiangtian laughed and swept through thousands of troops. The sergeants all He regarded him as the God of War descending to earth and did not dare to step forward to stop him. Fang Qingze is not bad either. He wields a big sword like a tiger and is very powerful. Although he is fat, he is extremely powerful. Anyone who is hit by the big sword is as if he is made of tofu. There are countless people who have broken arms and legs in a single swing. . Seeing the opportunity, everyone in the Zhongzheng lineage rushed out. Qin Rufeng also screamed with blood red eyes, turning his ax as if chopping melons and vegetables, and joined the Qu Xiangtian soldiers to fight. Qin Rufeng was still closely guarding Murong Yunfei. He shouted: "Brother Tian, ??my sister-in-law will escort you here. Let's kill hard today and show our true qualities as a hero." After that, he and Qu Xiangtian joined forces and rushed towards the west. Fang Qingze was stabbed away by a row of besieging soldiers. He swung his knife away and then pulled up Zhu Jianwen who was kicked to the ground. Together with Gao Huai, they ran away towards the west courtyard, which is Lu Yunzhi's new house. Fang Qingze remembered it. According to Qu Xiangtian, listening to the sound of cannons, the troops on the west side must be empty and maybe there is a glimmer of hope. Although it is a little slower than Qu Xiangtian, it also saves a lot of charge. Under the urging of Mr. Shi, Shi Wentian, Lin Qianru and his wife led Shi Yuting and Yingzi to fight a bloody road and followed Fang Qingze's footsteps to escape. Mr. Shi was still driving the few remaining Ghost Spirit Breakers, with Han Yueqiu guarding closely beside him, and the two brothers Xie Qi and Xie Li were also killing the already fearful soldiers on both sides. Although the soldiers saw everyone fleeing, they did not dare to pursue them, because the fighting power of these people was really different from ordinary people. Anyone who came close would die, and no one dared to follow them closely. The other disciples were not so lucky. Those tough men were not so lucky. After killing a few people, they were stabbed to death with random spears or shot by cold arrows. Some of the cowards lying on the ground were hacked to death with random knives, while others were killed. He was trampled to death by more soldiers rushing in from the gate. Suddenly, a group of five men wearing five-color clothes appeared in front of them. They seemed to be the five ugly people of heaven and earth who were so rebellious that they could talk about everything. A group of blue-faced people poured in from the gate. , it is said that if a living being tries to practice its method, his liver and gallbladder will be injured, so his complexion will turn blue. At that time, the living being was no different. When Xie Qi and Xie Li saw it, they hurriedly shouted: "Master, second brother, hurry up and let us break up the rear." After saying that, Xie Qi pushed Han Yueqiu hard, and he and his younger brother Xie Li rushed over, holding magic weapons in their left hands. , fighting with the ghosts driven by the Wuchou lineage and the living lineage, talking about magic talismans in vain, holding a sword in his right hand to fight against the Ming army who came to attack, the Ming army's morale suddenly increased when they saw an expert helping them. The sound of killing shook the sky. Mr. Shi was still hesitating, but he heard Han Yueqiu shouting while charging: "Master, leave quickly, otherwise the Zhongzheng lineage will be dead!" Then he made up his mind to abandon Xie Qi and Xie Li, and the two of them, together with Han Yueqiu, fought hard and ran towards the backyard. At this time, a large number of ghosts poured out from the side courtyard. Although only a few of them pounced on the Ming army, and then possessed or tore the sergeants, most of them just passed through the human body. Although they did not pose a big threat, they made the Ming army panic. , many soldiers trembled when they saw so many ghosts appearing. In the five ugly veins, everyone in the creatures scolded the soldiers not to panic, and then turned over to deal with the ghosts released from Lu Yunzhi from the soul spring. The two brothers Xie Qi, Xie Li and Xie Qi felt relieved and retreated outside. Suddenly, several large iron swords fell from the sky. A group of people wearing raincoats and bamboo hats jumped down from the wall and slashed at the two of them with their swords. There was no way they could escape. , Xie Qi and Xie Li respectively raised their weapons to hold them, but they were shocked to the point where their legs and feet were weak and they fell to the ground. The opponent couldn't help but be powerful and numerous. Moreover, the two of them had lost a lot of their fierce energy after the fight just now. , naturally unable to withstand the power of these big swords. The two of them secretly thought: The Iron Sword lineage has also appeared. A bladeless sword with a four-clawed golden dragon embroidered on the hilt swept across from the left side of the two Xie brothers. The sword was extremely long, and there was an enemy eyeing him beside him. Xie Qi stood on the left side and had no choice but to avoid it. He raised the weapon in his hand and tried to block it, only to hear the sound of metal breaking. Xie Qi made a sound and then fell silent. After Xie Li stabbed a member of the Iron Sword sect, he turned to look at his brother Xie Qi, only to find that Xie Qi had been struck by a big sword. , swung his sword vigorously and chopped Xie Qi into two pieces. Xie Li suddenly felt sad and burst into tears. He continued to fight with the enemy without stopping. He vomited blood and fell to the ground without even fighting. A pair of double crosses were inserted into his back, and one was like The man as tall as a child held two forks and suddenly pulled them out. The blood spurted out and hit his face. It turned out to be a dwarf. Looking at his face covered with blood, he was very handsome, but his expression was extremely evil. It doesn't match this handsome face so much that it makes people feel sick. Shang Wang, this person is Shang Wang. Xie Li fell to the ground and spurted blood from his mouth, but he chuckled and said to the corpse of Xie Qi, whose eyes were wide open and half of his body was strugglingHe said in a voice: "Brother, we should be free even if we are ghosts." After saying this, he twitched twice and died. Mr. Shi and Han Yueqiu ran into the backyard and fought hard with the pursuers behind them. Han Yueqiu said: "Master, quickly climb over the wall and escape, I will come later." Mr. Shi had no time to refuse, so he had to push off the wall and climb over with both hands. On the top of the wall, Han Yueqiu was holding a double dagger of yin and yang and fighting with the Ming army. Suddenly, a big hand grabbed Mr. Shi, who had just climbed up the wall and had just stabilized his steps. Mr. Shi quickly turned around and caught it with his palm, but he was stunned and it was his eldest disciple Cheng Fangdong who sneaked up on him. The two men competed with each other on the wall. Han Yueqiu was fighting from behind with many enemies who came to chase him. There were many dangers between the swords and swords. Mr. Shi blocked Cheng Fangdong's big hand with one hand and raised his leg to kick Cheng Fangdong's face. Cheng Fangdong calmly blocked the kick with his knee. The two were in a stalemate. Mr. Shi said: "Fang Dong, Why are you rebelling against me?" Cheng Fangdong looked honest, but now he said viciously: "Shi Fang! In the past, all the affairs in the sect were left to Han Yueqiu to manage, but I can only be a useless senior brother. Everyone said that I was incompetent because I was the first to get started and I was able to keep my position as senior brother. Later, Lu Yunzhi came and I no longer imagined that I could inherit the family. Since you can't give it to me, I will do it myself. Fight for it, not because I want to oppose you, but because you are too biased." Mr. Shi shouted and started fighting with Cheng Fangdong, but after all, time is not forgiving and Cheng Fangdong is not as strong as Cheng Fangdong. Cheng Fangdong did not attack, but just let Mr. Shi run away. He couldn't help but couldn't help Han Yueqiu. Cheng Fangdong sneered and said: "Shi Fang, I'm not bad at it, I just won't let you go. I want you to watch your beloved disciple Han Yueqiu die here." , Let him look down on me again, just die!" At this point, Fangdong's generous voice became a little sharp, and he shouted at the top of his lungs. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 6: Breakout Han Yueqiu was trapped in it. He was already scarred, and his clothes were stained red with blood. The ghosts released by Lu Yunzhi from the Guhun Spring had been contained by the people of the Life Lineage and the Five Chou Lineage, so these people He rushed here from the courtyard of Zhongzheng Line and prepared to surround Han Yueqiu. Mr. Shi was horrified and suddenly lost his defense. He squatted down and pressed his hands on the brick surface of the wall, muttering ancient secret words in his mouth. But Han Yueqiu was fighting bloody battles, and five or six iron spears were thrust straight at them. Han Yueqiu flew past, put the iron spear under his arm with his left arm, and twisted his waist hard to pull the five or six spearmen away. Staggering around, several waist knives were chopped off from the side. Han Yueqiu blocked it with a Yang Dagger, but because the dagger was short, one of the knives was not blocked and fell down. Han Yueqiu leaned back and let go of the rifle shafts of the five or six spearmen he was holding. He kicked off his feet and moved backwards. However, he was still hit by the blade, and his face was hit from top to bottom. A big gash was opened, but luckily it didn't hurt the eye, but blood was flowing out and the skin was torn apart. A disciple of the Iron Sword lineage had already rushed over. He swung his big sword and swept it out. Han Yueqiu had just been suppressed by the waist knife. He just stood up. His eyes were covered with blood and he couldn't see what was happening around him. He was about to be cut in half on the spot. After the iron sword was swung, blood still spurted out from Han Yueqiu's body. Suddenly dust and sand flew in the air. It turned out that an earthen wall formed on the side of Han Yueqiu, blocking the blow of the big sword. The person holding the big sword didn't know why but wanted to attack again. Unexpectedly, as soon as he exerted force, a stream of blood spurted out from his mouth and spit in front of his eyes. On top of the earth wall, a sharp pain came immediately. The disciple of the Iron Sword lineage lowered his head and looked at the area where his pain came from. It turned out that a stone pillar had penetrated his intestines and ruptured his belly. The earth began to tremble, and people could not stand without roots. Earth walls kept rising to block the Ming army's siege. Han Yueqiu knew that this was Mr. Shi using earth-bending skills to save himself, so he quickly jumped up and stepped on it. The Ming soldiers who were defending themselves jumped on their heads and shoulders and ran towards the wall where Mr. Shi was, but suddenly they screamed with grief. It is true that Mr. Shi has not mastered the true meaning of the art of heaven and earth. As soon as the earth control comes out, he immediately vomits blood. Unlike Lu Yunzhi, who can hold on for a while, Mr. Shi's face is pale, and within a short time, his mouth and nose are already full of blood. , the body kept shaking but still persisted. Suddenly Cheng Fangdong sneered and stretched out his right hand. His hand seemed to be lit with blue flames. It was brighter in the dark night than the torches held by the soldiers, but it did not bring warmth but a hint of darkness. Cold, as if it were the fire from hell. The flame was burning on Cheng Fangdong's right hand, but he felt no pain. He just sneered in his mouth, and the hand was like a sharp blade inserted into the back of Mr. Shi who was leaning against the wall and using Earth Control. Mr. Shi's body suddenly trembled, and then he roared. Countless stone thorns appeared on the smooth surface of the wall and stabbed at Cheng Fangdong. Cheng Fangdong did not expect that he had caught Mr. Shi's spine with his secret technique. Logically speaking, Mr. Shi should have been paralyzed immediately and fell to the ground, but at this moment, he could still use the earth-bending technique to attack him. He didn't expect that a stone awl was pierced into his calf. He couldn't help but screamed and fell from the wall. Han Yueqiu rushed to him, stepped on the wall and jumped towards the wall, but Cheng Fangdong fell down. , Han Yueqiu's quick eyes and quick hands stabbed Cheng Fangdong's neck with two knives. Cheng Fangdong was shocked and hurriedly used his arms to hold each other. Fortunately, Han Yueqiu used a dagger and the blade was not short. Moreover, Cheng Fangdong was fat and the flesh on his arms was relatively backward. Even so, he still made two cuts on Cheng Fangdong's neck. There were blood spots, and Cheng Fangdong's arms were pierced with two large holes. When Mr. Shi saw Han Yueqiu escaping from the siege, he suddenly relaxed and stopped casting spells. He collapsed on the ground bleeding, and a blue flame like a blooming flower ignited from the wound on Mr. Shi's back in the blink of an eye. It spread all over the body, and Mr. Shi could not move but could not roll to extinguish the flames. He could only gasp and let out a low whine from his throat. Han Yueqiu did not pursue Cheng Fangdong. He did not have too much time to entangle. He and Mr. Shi were in danger of being surrounded again. He had no choice but to pick up Mr. Shi who was lying on the wall and run away. The flames burned Han Yueqiu's arm around Mr. Shi, and also burned his hair and shoulders. The master and apprentice were like two balls of blue flames. Turned out of the yard and landed on the ground. Han Yueqiu hugged Mr. Shi and rolled on the spot. It happened that there was a pile of sand on the ground, which extinguished the newly ignited fire. Han Yueqiu glanced around, and saw that the Ming army surrounding the courtyard had been smashed to pieces. The defenses here were It was very messy. It turned out that most of the ghosts released by Lu Yunzhi just came out from the back door. Most of the soldiers and horses here had entered the courtyard to kill. So after those ghosts filed out of the back door, the Ming army was immediately panicked. This also gave Han Yueqiu a glimmer of hope, so he continued to carry Mr. Shi who didn't know whether he was alive or dead, waving the dagger in his hand with one arm, and rushed towards the distance.   The fleeing figures disappeared into the twists and turns of the alley in the night, and the Ming army behind them was chasing after them, determined to kill them all and eradicate them all! Qu Xiangtian and Qin Rufeng took Murong Yunfei to the west and fled here. As he expected, the defense on the west side was extremely weak, so they rushed out and fled. They also captured three military horses along the way. The three of them rode the horses. Running wildly, the city guards did not know what had happened. When they saw the hussar general arriving, they opened the city gate under Qu Xiangtian's majesty, even though they had been ordered not to open the city gate. When the three of them saw the cheat opening the city gate, they immediately left in a cloud of dust. The horses galloped for about a hundred miles, and the sky became a little bright. Qu Xiangtian saw that there was no trace of the pursuers behind him, so he reined in the horse, dismounted, and carried Murong Yunfei off the horse. Murong Yunfei was still wearing a bride's attire. The red clothes were in shabby condition at the moment, and the clothes were stained with dust. There happened to be a creek in front of them. The three of them saw the clear water in the creek and quickly leaned down to drink. Qu Xiangtian drank two mouthfuls of water and washed his face with cool stream water. Then he stood up and said to Qin Rufeng: "Rufeng, help me take care of Murong Yunfei. After escaping for a hundred miles to the west, let the horses go." The horse continues to run west, and you turn around and go southeast, so as to avoid the pursuers. My second brother and my third brother have agreed to meet each other in Bazhou. When we charged just now, we found that the second brother was following us, but now we are still here. If he didn't follow, he might have been caught. I have to go back to rescue him. We also agreed to meet in Bazhou." As he got on the horse, he was about to ride away, but Qin Rufeng held the reins tightly. Qu Xiangtian shouted: "What are you doing! Let go, my second brother may be in danger." Qin Rufeng turned her head and did not look at him, but her hand tightened. Qu Xiangtian was so anxious that he waved his horse whip and was about to whip Qin Rufeng, but Murong Yunfei said calmly: "Stop, Brother Tian, ??can you defeat a hundred people?" Qu Xiangtian replied distractedly: "Okay, one person can kill a hundred people. It¡¯s not a problem, Yun Fei, Ru Feng, don¡¯t stop me anymore. We brothers don¡¯t want to be born on the same year, the same month and the same day, but we want to die on the same year, the same month and the same day. If it¡¯s too late, how can I survive in this world if my second brother dies?¡± Murong Yun. Fei smiled and said: "I know, but although you have the courage to defeat hundreds of people, what about thousands of people? If you don't have soldiers, you can't defeat ten thousand people. If you go back, you will die in vain. Xiangtian, if uncle They're all dead, don't you want to take revenge on them?" Qu Xiangtian's body trembled slightly, he lowered his eyes and got off his horse, sitting by the stream looking extremely depressed. Murong Yunfei winked at Qin Rufeng and then walked to Qu Xiangtian to comfort him softly. Although Qin Rufeng was extremely vulgar, he understood and did not follow him. He just sat down and rested aside. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 7: Willing to Follow the Hero to the End of the World Qu Xiangtian's mood had just calmed down when he heard a strange noise coming from the east. The three of them quickly got on their horses. Qin Rufeng said: "Brother Tian, ??you and your sister-in-law leave first. Let me cut off the rear. My ax has long been thirsty." , it¡¯s time to drink blood again.¡± After saying this, before Qu Xiangtian could stop him, Qin Rufeng rushed towards the direction of the sound. Qu Xiangtian cursed in a low voice: "Reckless, Yunfei, I promise you not to save the second brother and the third brother, but to stay alive to avenge them, but I can't see Rufeng die, I'm leaving, you run away." After that, He galloped his horse in the direction where Qin Rufeng was running. Murong Yunfei followed closely behind. Although Qu Xiangtian repeatedly turned around and yelled at her to leave, Murong Yunfei turned a deaf ear and ignored her words to Qu Xiangtian. The two thin eyebrows on her beautiful face were slightly wrinkled. But he quickly stretched out and shouted to Qu Xiangtian: "Xiangtian, I calculated, he is one of our people. I saw a picture of a group of cavalry, with hundreds of people bowing to you. "In front of me." Qu Xiangtian was still facing forward and shouting for Qin Rufeng to come back. At this moment, when he heard Murong Yunfei's shouting, he stopped shouting and turned around and asked: "What's going on?" Fei shook her head and said, "I'm not of the Zhongzheng lineage, I just saw such a scene." Qu Xiangtian gradually approached Qin Rufeng and shouted: "Rufeng must not be reckless, he may be our reinforcements." Hearing this. At this, Qin Rufeng was slightly stunned, reined in the horse, and asked doubtfully: "Brother Tian, ??stop joking, why are there reinforcements at this moment?!" Qu Xiangtian shouted: "Your sister-in-law figured it out, I I don't know, but you can't kill people randomly." Although Qin Rufeng is a brave man, he is also a leader in the Zhongzheng lineage. He naturally knows the truth of this hexagram, so he walks side by side with Qu Xiangtian and Murong Yunfei, slowing down and walking. OK. In a short time, a cavalry team of several hundred people rushed to the east facing the three people. The flags were from the Fifth Army Camp. When they ran closer, they saw clearly that these people were very brave and they were from the Fifth Army Camp. After Qu Xiangtian took charge of the fifth military camp, he trained a vanguard force that he personally trained. It was like a sharp dagger. Although the blade was short, its lethality could not be underestimated. The same goes for this team. There are only a few hundred people, but each of them is a tenth elite soldier. On weekdays, they can serve as scouts to explore the enemy's movements, and they can also serve as vanguards to attack the enemy camp. The leader of this force is the guerrilla general Guang Liang. This man has always been taciturn and does not like to talk, but he is very thoughtful, so he was promoted to guerrilla by Qu Xiangtian, leading this elite force with different organization. But seeing this group of cavalry, each of them was covered in blood, and many of them were injured themselves, but they still galloped calmly and neatly, Qu Xiangtian secretly shouted in his heart, knowing that he had not spent all his efforts in training this group of cavalry. people. Guang Liang ran to Qu Xiangtian, then dismounted, knelt on one knee and clasped his fists, saying, "General Qu, Guang Liang is here to pay my respects to the general." Qu Xiangtian and Qin Rufeng got off the horse, and Qin Rufeng asked, "Why are you covered in blood? What's going on?" Guang Liang sighed and said, "We learned that when they sent the troops, they were already under surveillance by people sent from the palace. Brothers from the fifth military camp are not allowed to enter or exit without permission to prevent them from tipping off the general. Today, only a small number of soldiers and horses from the Fifth Military Camp and the sergeants of the Three Thousand Battalion and the Shenji Battalion have been mobilized. "There are three major battalions in the capital: the Fifth Military Camp, the Shenji Battalion and the Three Thousand Battalion. The fifth military camp is a hodgepodge, with its troops consisting of infantry and cavalry at most. Once there is a war, it will be the main force of the Chinese army. The Shenji Battalion is much simpler, it is an army that uses firearms. The Three Thousand Battalion also has a very long history. It was established by Zhu Di, the founder of the Ming Dynasty. It was originally composed of three thousand Mongolian cavalry collected and paid by Zhu Di. It was the most powerful cavalry regiment. It developed to the Zhengtong period, when Zhu Qizhen became emperor. At that time, the strength of the Three Thousand Battalion was far more than three thousand, with tens of thousands of people from all ethnic groups. They were all elite cavalry, and they were extremely heroic whether they were fighting on horseback or on foot like when they surrounded the Zhongzheng line. After listening to Guang Liang's words, Qu Xiangtian asked, "Guang Liang, please get up quickly. What's going on with you guys? Why?" Come look for me and besiege us." Guang Liang stood up and shook his head, sighing: "It should be the emperor's order. Since General Qu took charge, the military power of the fifth army camp has been greatly enhanced. Naturally, this time. We, the officers you promoted, were all under strict control. I only learned the news on the eve of the army's departure, so I went to question the ministers sent by the palace to monitor us, why they wanted to encircle the Zhongzheng line. I knew that the general was very happy. You must have been careless, just like sending someone to inform the general. But I didn't expect that the brother who was sent to inform you was killed on the way, and only one person escaped. We know that if this continues, the general will be in trouble. Brothers. We were all very worried. We simply rebelled and rushed out of the barracks to go to Zhongzheng's house. We met Mr. Fang Qingze, the general's second brother. When he saw us breaking out of the siege, he shouted something like "You have broken out of the siege." ?Rescue, but there were too many enemy troops coming to the rescue from the north and the south. We had no time to take care of ourselves and had to rush out. However, we found that the city gate was closed and could not be opened without the emperor's personal order. After another battle, we opened the city gate and asked the general about his true identity. It's from this door. When we were breaking through the siege outside the courtyard, the general looked back and saw that Mr. Fang had also broken through, so he headed to the west. I was sure that the general would leave west. God bless you, the general will be fine. The general has finally caught up with you. From now on. The general and his brothers shall swear allegiance to the general to the death. "As he spoke, he clasped his fists again but knelt down on his knees. Qin Rufeng laughed loudly and patted Guang Liang's shoulder and said, "Well done, brother! Brother Tian didn¡¯t promote you in vain. "Qu Xiangtian looked at Murong Yunfei and found out that her calculation was correct. He was overjoyed. As long as he had soldiers in hand, he would be invincible. The number of people is small now, but one day the team will grow. Murong Yun Fei whispered: "Xiang Tian, ??these people are your cronies. Maybe they wanted to kill them all during the purge to eliminate future troubles, so they had to seek refuge with you. In this case, their loyalty is questionable. I hope you're just overthinking it, but you have to be careful. " Qu Xiangtian laughed, stroked Murong Yunfei's hand and said: "Yunfei, don't worry too much. Heroes don't ask where they come from. It doesn't matter whether they are sincere or fake. Since they are looking for me, they think highly of me, Qu. I will lead them to fight. Victory is invincible. Eat meat in a big bowl, drink in a big bowl, and divide gold in a big scale. Brothers will always follow me. I will learn with love, learn with law, and use strategy. A sentimental army coupled with strict military regulations and proper generals will never betray the general. So please don't worry, I know what's going on. " After Qu Xiangtian finished speaking, he raised his voice and said to the sergeants who came to rescue: "Thank you for following Qu. Qu will never forget your kindness. Let us defeat the enemy and achieve hegemony. No matter how many Ming soldiers there are, no matter how broad the generals are, we can definitely defeat them as long as we unite as one. We also want to dominate the world, but today we have turned against you. The princes, generals, and generals have the guts! The world, the world is waiting for us. " All the sergeants dismounted one after another, knelt on the ground and shouted: "The general is an unparalleled hero, and he is willing to follow the hero to the end of the world. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 8: The Old Shandong Shopkeeper Let¡¯s talk about Qingze half an hour ahead. After they rushed out to the west, they were immediately surrounded by the troops who came to support them. So Fang Qingze, Gao Huai and Zhu saw and heard that the three of them fought hard and retreated into the surrounding alleys, trying to use twists and turns. The alley was surrounded by heavy troops. Unexpectedly, there were so many Ming troops arriving that they couldn't move for a while. Suddenly, a group of hundreds of cavalry troops rushed over. Although they were wearing the armor of the Ming army, they swung their swords at them and ended the siege for themselves. In this situation, Fang Qingze raised his sword and chopped down the oncoming Ming army. He looked carefully at the group of people. He knew the leader. He was Guang Liang, the guerrilla general in the sharp knife troops who was personally trained by Qu Xiangtian. Fang Qingze once prepared good wine and meat to reward the troops. Qu Xiangtian introduced this person solemnly. When doing business, it is important to be familiar with and have a photographic memory. This should be done with people and things. Be able to remember it. Others had grasped a business opportunity. In short, Fang Qingze couldn't help but remember Guang Liang's face and his name and position. Fang Qingze dodged a spear and swung his sword to force the enemy back and shouted: "General Guang Liang, I It's Fang. My eldest brother Qu Xiangtian has already broken out of the siege." Fang Qingze had just finished shouting when he saw countless officers and soldiers rushing from the north and the south. He shouted loudly to greet Gao Huaizhu and found an opening to sneak in. In the alley, after running wildly all the way, they finally got rid of the pursuers. The three of them calmed down and leaned against the wall of the alley, panting. Gao Huaigang was about to speak, but saw a door in the alley open at this time. . A man wearing a waiter's clothes came out of the newly opened small door, carrying a pole. There were buckets hanging on the front and back of the pole, filled with water. Fang Qingze, Gao Huaizhu didn't dare to express their anger after seeing the three of them. They were afraid that if they frightened the guy and provoked the officers and soldiers, it would be a big trouble. So the three of them continued to lean against the wall with bated breath and did not dare to make a sound. The little boy is very young and lacks sleep. At this moment, he is also sleepy and yawning again and again. As soon as he stepped out of the door, he stumbled on the threshold. He stumbled and almost fell. He quickly shook his head to wake himself up. It didn't matter. When he saw Fang Qingze and others standing against the wall next to him, he was immediately frightened. His legs and feet were weak, and he opened his mouth to shout, but his voice got stuck in his throat. Zhu Jianwen, who was closest to him, grabbed his neck. The remaining two people quickly stepped forward and the three of them hugged the guy into him. When they came out of the courtyard, they turned around and closed the door. As soon as the door was closed, a group of people appeared at the entrance of the alley, and then chased them forward through the alley. Fang Qingze and the others breathed a long sigh of relief. Zhu Jianwen whispered to the little boy: "If you don't yell, I will let you go, otherwise I will kill you. Just blink when you understand." He had been frightened for a long time. Zhu Jianwen exerted force on his hands, and the boy finally understood and blinked. Zhu Jianwen let go of the young man's neck, and then asked: "Why are you going out so early?" This question was for a casual chat to calm the fear in the young man's heart. After hearing this, the young man said tremblingly: " I am a clerk at a water store, and I must get up early every morning to deliver water to various households." A few people nodded after hearing this. A water store is a store that delivers water to people who have difficulty getting water or to shops that use a lot of water. Most of them are from Shandong. Therefore, it is normal to get up early every day to deliver water. Gao Huai said: "Where is your shopkeeper? We want to see him." "Who are you?" the boy asked. Fang Qingze roared in a low voice: "Go if you are told to go. Where does all this nonsense come from?" The boy immediately felt like chaff and trembled like a man. Fang Qingze picked up the boy and walked over under his guidance. Outside the shopkeeper's bedroom. As soon as I walked outside the door, the lights in the room turned on. Shanxi people are good at calculations in business, Jiangnan people are good at bartering, and Shandong people are diligent in business. It¡¯s not dawn yet. The old shopkeeper lit the lamp and got up early to prepare for accounting and doing business. He had just lit up the lights and was about to go out to see if the guys were lazy. The guys he hired were all young men in their 16s and 17s. They were at the age when they needed too much sleep and food. They often overslept and were complained by customers. The old shopkeeper muttered as he opened the door, but saw his waiter Xiaosi and three big men who looked like bloody men standing at the door. He was so frightened that he shouted out, but Fang Qingze covered his mouth before the sound came out, Fang Qingze whispered: "Don't be afraid, old shopkeeper. Look, it's me, Mr. Fang." The old shopkeeper looked at Fang Qingze carefully under the light, blinked hard, and then breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It turns out to be Mr. Fang. How did you end up in this situation? Come in with me and change into two clean clothes. "How does the old shopkeeper know Fang Qingze? This matter is a long story, but to make it short, all the merchants in the capital know Fang Qingze, the richest man in the capital. In addition, he has an easy-going temper and never puts on any airs, so he is very familiar with other business owners in the capital. Not only that, the two of them are very familiar with each other. A few months ago, the shopkeeper borrowed 50 taels of gold from Fang Qingze because he had trouble at home. Although he later repaid Fang Qingze, he only accepted the principal and did not take any of the so-called interest, so he handed over the money.This friend is the old shopkeeper of the shop. Although the old shopkeeper knew that Fang Qingze's family had a great business, he might only know him but not understand him well, but this old shopkeeper from Shandong was indeed in line with the loyal and honest nature of Shandong people. He was grateful and grateful when he saw Fang Qingze and the other three people covered in blood, and knew that something big was going on. , so he did not dare to say anything but took a few sets of decent clothes and some silver and gave them to the three of them. The three of them changed their clothes. When Fang Qingze saw Yin Liang, he smiled and put it away, cupped his fists and thanked her. In fact, Fang Qingze had a lot of Ming Dynasty treasure notes on his body, as well as some scattered silver. Although he was very plainly dressed, any of the gadgets he wore and played with were priceless and did not require the old shopkeeper's money at all. But as a businessman, he understood the old shopkeeper's thoughts. One was to repay the favor, and the other was for safety. It meant that you could lose money and avoid disasters, but don't bring disasters to yourself, so he put away the money without refusing. Several people talked for a while but kept silent about their experiences. The three of them knew in their hearts that the city gates would be closed tightly at this moment. If Qu Xiangtian rushed out, the guards at the city gates would be even tighter, so they had to hide until dawn and wait for the city to open. Leave the door wide open and try to get out. Fang Qingze was chatting with the old shopkeeper when he suddenly heard the sound of the courtyard door. Zhu Jianwen and Gao Huai immediately grabbed their weapons and stood up nervously. The old shopkeeper turned pale with fright and heard someone outside the door shouting: "Dad, daddy ! Why haven't you gotten up to do business? Something big happened last night." A man in Ming army uniform walked into the small courtyard. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 9: Two Parties Gathering The man walked into the courtyard, scooped up a ladle of water and drank it all in one gulp. He looked at the old shopkeeper standing at the door and said, "Dad, why don't you say anything? There was no one wanted in the city last night." If you want to commit a crime, you must not open the city gate without the emperor's order. Last night, two groups of people rushed out of Xizhimen. The generals who guarded the city did not stop them. I just heard that they were all beheaded." As he walked towards the house, the old shopkeeper winked. He, he didn't see Zhu Jianwen, Gao Huai, Fang Qingze and three other people standing up in the house. He just walked quickly into the house and couldn't help but be stunned. He turned back to the old shopkeeper and asked: "Dad, who are these?" " "This is our family's great benefactor, Mr. Fang Qingze who lent us money last time." The old shopkeeper stood in front of his son to introduce Fang Qingze. Fatherly love knows no bounds. He stood in front of his son to prevent the three of them from getting hurt. people. Fang Qingze was so smart, and Zhu saw that Gao Huai was also a master of power. Naturally, he knew what the old shopkeeper was thinking, and they all hid their weapons so that the old shopkeeper's son would not see them. The son of the old shopkeeper clasped his fists and said, "It turns out that I am my benefactor. I have admired you for a long time. Please accept Zhang Gu's bow." After saying that, he bowed and saluted. Fang Qingze quickly supported him and said, "No need to be polite, I dare to ask Brother Zhang where he is." I'm on an errand. I went out of town to do some shopping a few days ago. When I came back, I happened to see the lights on in the old shopkeeper's house, so I came over to pay him a visit. It was really annoying, but can you tell me what happened in our city? " Zhang Ju put down the saber on his waist, threw it on the table, and said: "I don't know the specific situation. I am the guard of the east gate of Nancheng, that is, Chongwen Gate. There seemed to be some kind of military operation last night. Anyway, I We heard that cannons were fired in the city, and we received an order that no one could open the city gate except the emperor who personally sent the censor to carry the edict. Good luck, the gang didn't escape from Chongwen Gate yesterday. I'm back today. I happened to meet a fellow patrolling the city at that time. He told me that General Qu Xiangtianqu escaped from Xizhimen last night. When the city defenders saw that General Qu was the commander of the Fifth Army Camp, they let him go wherever he dared to stop him. As a result, As soon as General Qu left, a eunuch came up and cursed the city guard. Before he could finish scolding, another pair of cavalry came. The fighting power of one was so strong. There were so many of them, and each one was one against ten. He rushed out of Xizhimen. You said these people in Xizhimen were unlucky enough. Two groups came in one night." When Fang Qingze heard this, he looked at Zhu Jianwen and Gao Huai, both of whom looked happy, knowing that Qu Xiangtian was out of danger. "This is not over yet. Just now I heard from my fellow countryman that all the generals in Xizhimen were beheaded in the morning as a warning. From now on, without the emperor's censor and the imperial edict, even the king of heaven will not dare to open the door. Really? Yes, those guys in Xizhimen were really unjust. Who knew that General Qu would be hunted down in such a prosperous situation?" The three of them looked at each other and knew that it would be extremely difficult to leave the city at this moment. Naturally, they frowned and didn't know what to do. What to do, Gao Huai burst out laughing, startling the old shopkeeper and his son Zhang Ju, and looked at Gao Huai in confusion. Zhu Jianwen and Fang Qingze didn't know what was going on, so they could only pretend to be calm and look at With Gao Huai's performance. Gao Huai laughed and said, "Old shopkeeper, do you know why we were covered in blood when we first came here?" The old shopkeeper shook his head, but Zhang Ju nervously touched the waist knife on the table and looked at a few people. Gao Huai waved his hand to Zhang Ju. There was no need to be nervous and he said: "Qu Xiangtian is a traitor who rebelled against the country. We just led a small group of people to attack them. Unexpectedly, this guy was very stubborn and we were weak. Instead, they broke through and we were covered with these rebels." The blood of thieves." After speaking, Gao Huai pointed to the pile of bloody clothes in the corner. Seeing that Zhang Ju didn't believe it, Gao Huai pointed at Zhu Jianwen slowly and said slowly: "Do you know who he is?" Zhang Ju looked at Zhu Jianwen and saw that although Zhu Jianwen had changed his clothes, he was extremely simple but also very elegant. Yuxuanang, one can tell at a glance that he is not an ordinary person, he has a royal demeanor. Zhang Ju is the city guard. Naturally, he sees many high-ranking officials coming in and out of Beijing every day. He still has a way of recognizing people. He quickly bowed and said, "May I ask, who is this sir?" Zhu Jianwen had known it earlier. What kind of trick did Gao Huai want to play? He hurriedly said: "Brother Zhang, you are welcome. I am Zhu Jianwen, the crown prince of King Wu. I was sent out of the city to recruit troops to attack the rebels on the emperor's order. I happened to meet Brother Fang. We have known each other since our early years." We knew each other, so we walked together for a while and unexpectedly ran into the traitor. Then we chased the traitor all the way with Mr. Gao, and we were covered in blood. We happened to arrive near your house. Brother Fang said that he knew the old lady, so he came in to ask for a drink of water to change his body. Clean clothes are convenient for traveling. I will tell you the reason after seeing that you are also a member of the official family. "Although Zhang Ju was still a little skeptical, seeing Zhu Jianwen talking so eloquently and logically, he didn't look like he was pretending to do it. "I don't dare. I don't know that the Prince of Wu has arrived. It would be rude." Zhu Jianwen smiled and said, "No need to be polite." Gao Huai was about to say something when he heard the sound of weapons clashing and shouts outside the door. The three of them quickly picked up their weapons and ran out. Outside the door, more than a dozen officers and soldiers were besieging Shi Wentian, Lin Qianru and his wife. Yingzi also fought with the officers and soldiers, closely protecting them.Looking at Shi Yuting behind her. Shi Yuting's face turned pale with fright, but she didn't dare to shout. She had shouted all the way before and attracted the pursuers. Now, although she was frightened, she clenched her teeth tightly and only let out low whines in her throat. Zhang Ju also came out. This scene was like a knife to help capture a few people surrounded by officers and soldiers, but three figures passed by. As soon as these people came out, they joined Shi Wentian and others and beat a family. , quickly beheaded these officers and soldiers like chopping melons and vegetables. One of them, a minister, saw that the situation was over and ran away, but Fang Qingze caught up with him and chopped him to the ground. Without saying hello, a few people quickly dragged the body into the old shopkeeper's water shop, then used lime and water to clean the blood stains on the road and walls, and sprinkled soil to cover it up. After everything was cleaned up, they heard that more officers and soldiers were coming. He hurriedly hid in the yard and closed the door. Zhang Ju was stunned, holding the handle of his sword firmly with his right hand but not unsheathing the sword. The old shopkeeper took the knife from his son Zhang Ju with great force, threw it to the ground, then fell to his knees with a plop and whispered. "Masters, I am an only son, so I beg you to spare his life." Fang Qingze quickly helped the old shopkeeper up and said, "Shopkeeper Zhang, we are just running for our lives and are not bloodthirsty criminals. How could we You are killing people indiscriminately, please don't say anything about it." Gao Huai drew his sword out of its sheath and said fiercely: "I don't want to be kind to women, Zhang Ju, please listen to me, your guard will be relaxed for a while. When the time comes, send us out of the city, or we will kill your whole family.¡± Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 10: A clever plan to get out of the city "Don't be reckless." Zhu Jianwen said, then looked at Shi Wentian and others and said: "Brother Shi, are you okay?" Shi Wentian shook his head, then winked at Lin Qianru, who hurriedly took out medicine and bandaged everyone's wounds. No matter whether it was Fang Qingze or Shi Wentian, they were all bruised and exhausted. Now that they had found a safe place, they relaxed and sat there paralyzed. Yingzi said: "Uncle, where is my husband-in-law?" Fang Qingze shook his head and replied: "Brothers and sisters, don't worry, Yun's yin and yang skills are better than mine, he will definitely be able to make good plans, and it will be easy to find us." It can be said that it is a piece of cake between brothers. There was a connection between the two. As soon as the words were spoken, one person climbed over the wall and went straight to the main room where everyone was. He opened the door and hugged Yingzi and Shi Yuting and said, "Hello, everyone." Shi Yuting looked up and saw that it was the person she was worried about. Lu Yunzhi immediately burst into tears, hugged Lu Yunzhi tightly and cried loudly. Yingzi said: "Ms. sir, Yuting and I are worried about you. Yesterday, a few of us escaped to Xizhimen after breaking out of the siege. Unexpectedly, the Xizhimen gate was closed tightly and heavily guarded. It felt like we were facing a formidable enemy. There was no other way. We fled back, but we encountered a small group of patrolling officers and soldiers. Fortunately, Fang Qingze and others rushed out to kill the enemy, so we were not besieged again. "Gao Huai said impatiently: "Quickly think of a way. , Don¡¯t get bored from here, let¡¯s just kill these two people, put on the clothes of these Ming soldiers and sneak out of the city.¡± Zhu Jianwen lowered his head and thought for a moment and said: ¡°This can¡¯t be done, Zhang Ju just said, no. The emperor ordered us to leave the city, but I have a plan. Please tell me slowly." Several people sat around and discussed slowly. After that, Fang Qingze asked: "Old shopkeeper, please let me know about this. I will definitely arrange for you to go to Tamerlane. Although you have left your hometown, you have no worries about food and clothing. I will give you thousands of gold to express my gratitude. I will bring you back after we have settled this matter and help us tide over the difficulties. You are the great benefactors of Zhongzheng lineage. If you don't agree, we won't kill you. We will just tie you up to prevent you from reporting us to the officials. However, this will inevitably cause you trouble. As for whether the court will let you go, Fang doesn't know. Sorry, I'm really offended." Zhang Ju looked at his father, nodded and agreed on behalf of the old shopkeeper: "This is the only way, otherwise the court will blame us, and we will be angry. Then we might as well help you. , Hey, this is going to hurt us. " Half an hour later, the sky was bright. Residents in the city were going to work, and people were going about their business. One person was looking around from the gate of Shuipu's backyard. After sticking his head out and seeing clearly that no one was in the alley, a group of Ming soldiers quickly walked out of the courtyard. Only one of them was not wearing military uniform, and that was Zhu Jianwen. Among them, Fang Qingze, who was disguised as a sergeant, raised his hands to Zhang Juyi and said: "Brother Zhang, go first. We have no choice. Your old man will stay with us for the time being. We I'm really sorry for leaving the city and letting you and my son reunite again." Zhang Ju waved his hand and said, "I understand, no need to say more, we are not relatives, so you don't have to worry about leaving a hostage." Dissatisfied, he turned around and left. The few remaining people wandered around for a while and then swaggered onto the street and walked towards Chongwenmen. These people were members of the Zhongzheng lineage disguised as Ming troops. Not long after they left, Shang Wan and others rushed into the water shop and searched to no avail. Shang Wan was so angry that he turned over a bucket and cursed in a low voice: "It's really hard for these bastards to get together. Come out. Only one person can figure it out, but the anger of such a group of people is too high. Cheng Fangdong, can you figure it out?" Cheng Fangdong stood aside and snorted. His arm was wrapped in white cloth, and it seemed that the bleeding had stopped. Two blood spots were very obvious on his neck. Although he was clean and tidy after changing his clothes, his usual loyal and honest image had changed. His face looked very arrogant: "Shang Wang, you kid can't even think of asking me to do it." What, if the elder brother hadn¡¯t worked so hard to find them here, wouldn¡¯t we have no clue at all? You, just come here.¡± A Ming soldier ran to the side, clasped his fists respectfully, and said, ¡°Sir, What are you looking for?" Cheng Fangdong asked, "Do you know who this family is?" Ming Jun thought for a moment and replied, "It should be a corps commander named Zhang Ju of Chongwen Sect." Cheng Fangdong nodded. He praised: "You have a good memory, I will give you a good promotion later." After saying that, he turned around and walked towards Chongwenmen. Shang Wang glanced at Cheng Fangdong's back and followed him. Cheng Fangdong said as he walked: "Shang Wang "Why are there only the Five Chou lineage and the Creatures lineage with us to search? What is the origin of this Iron Sword lineage? Although he is somewhat capable, he is very arrogant. My eldest brother is the most powerful, and he can control these guys." Shang Wan screamed. Said: "You kid, stop mumbling and go quickly." A group of people quickened their pace and left quickly. Lu Yunzhi, Fang Qingze and others walked to Chongwen Gate and wanted to leave the customs, but were stopped by soldiers. Gao Huai, wearing a Ming army uniform, kicked the blocking soldiers to the ground and said, "Is it difficult?"?You dare to stop me from leaving the city according to the imperial decree? "Zhu Jianwen clasped his hands in front of him and said nothing. He just snorted. Lu Yunzhi took out a roll of yellow silk from the bamboo tube, and then shouted: "The imperial edict has arrived! "The officers and soldiers guarding the city fell to the ground one after another, and Lu Yunzhi thought: "I have given an order to Zhu Jianwen to go out of the city for official business. Officials at all levels must cooperate fully and make no mistakes. I appreciate this. "Everyone shouted: "I obey the order. " Zhu Jianwen was about to leave the city with everyone, but was stopped by the city gate official and said: "Your Majesty, please show your waist badge to verify your identity. The little one has eyes, no pearls, an imperial edict, and no belt card. In case the superiors blame him, the little head No guarantee. Gao Huai shouted: "You are so courageous, you bitch. You are afraid of being blamed by the superiors for trying to stop our Crown Prince. I will blame you first, come on!" It is against the imperial edict to tie him up and chop him up, and then report this person to obstruct the crown prince. "Everyone in the Zhongzheng lineage behind him answered yes, and then stepped forward to tie up the city gate officer. The city gate officer was so frightened that he shrank into a ball. At this moment, Zhang Ju shouted: "Isn't this the Crown Prince of Wu? The little one is polite. " The city gate officer looked at his corps commander Zhang Ju in surprise. At this moment, he was looking at Zhang Ju with tears in his eyes, as if he was a savior sent from heaven. He didn't have time to think about how Zhang Ju, a little corps commander, could compete with the royal family. The disciples are so familiar with each other. I only heard Zhang Ju say: "Your Highness, please let this blind gate officer go. This is a buddy of mine who drank too much yesterday and got drunk and bumped into His Highness. " Zhu Jianwen turned his head and squinted his eyes to look at Zhang Ju who was bending down to bow. He thought for a long time and said, "You are Zhang Ju from Shandong, right? How is your father? King Wu has always been thinking about his old man. Then he turned back to Gao Huai and said: "You don't know, Xiao Gao, this is Zhang Ju. When his father was doing business in Shandong many years ago, he met and befriended my father who came to Beijing. I didn't expect to meet him today. What a fate. Zhang Ju, how are you today? Zhang Ju smiled flatteringly and said, "Thanks to you, today is going well." " Zhu Jianwen took Zhang Ju's arm, snorted coldly at the huddled city gate official, and then said: "Zhang Ju, come with me to go out of the city to chat, and while walking, you said that the emperor's orders are not for me and I have to rush on my way. But how can old friends meet each other without saying a few words. "With that said, everyone walked out of the city. The soldiers who were guarding the city had all heard that everyone at Xizhimen was beheaded. At this moment, they were all afraid that they would be beheaded again for stopping Zhu Jianwen. It would be too worthless, so no one dared. Stepping forward to stop them, several people swaggered out of the city gate. Suddenly, a loud shout came from behind Zhongzheng Yimai: "Stop them, they are going to commit the crime!" " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 11: Gao Huai is captured When the Zhongzheng people heard the shouts, they did not look back, but ran away quickly, but the city guards chased them one after another, risking their lives. They knew very well that if the people in front of them ran away, they would behead them all like the soldiers at Xizhimen. Shi Yuting suddenly fell to the ground before she could take two steps. Fang Qingze quickly picked up Shi Yuting and put it on his shoulders before running away. Lu Yunzhi swung his sword and swung away the spear that stabbed Fang Qingze in the back, but he felt a pain in his chest and forced it. He had to hold back to prevent himself from spitting out a mouthful of blood. After a slight delay, Lu Yunzhi saw that in addition to the Ming army defending the city, Cheng Fangdong, Shang Wang and others were shouting for pursuit behind him. Although he was furious and wanted to go forward and clear the door, he knew that if he was too entangled at this time, he would At that time, no one, including Fang Qingze and others, could run away. A soldier ran quickly and stabbed Zhang Ju with a gun. Zhang Ju felt something stabbing him from behind, and he quickly jumped forward to avoid it, but when he got up again, he was killed by several people. catch up. Only one person yelled. It turned out to be the old shopkeeper who was honest and cautious by nature. Seeing his son Zhang Ju being besieged, he mustered up the courage to rush towards the defending sergeants with his eyes closed in desperation. Several sergeants were knocked away. Come, the old shopkeeper also lost his footing and fell to the ground. Gao Huai ran behind him. Although he was usually ungrateful, he still had kind thoughts. Seeing this touching scene, he quickly pulled Zhang Zhi away to let him avoid the knife, and then Turn around and save the old shopkeeper. When Lu Yunzhi, Shi Wentian and others saw Gao Huai being trapped in a tight siege, they shouted bad and had to turn around to support but it was too late. The old shopkeeper fell to the ground, and several sergeants with red eyes chopped the old shopkeeper into a human figure in an instant. Zhang Ju looked at him and let out a cry of grief, then raised his knife and tried to fight, but Gao Huai pushed him away. Shi Wentian pulled up Zhang Ju and ran out. Everyone heard that Zhang Ju was the only son of the old shopkeeper. Once Zhang Ju died, the family would be wiped out. Gao Huaigang pushed open the opening, but felt the biting cold wind behind him. He suddenly swung the knife back, and with a clang, he saw Shang Wan's forks collide. Although Shang Wan was short, he was very strong. He was tall. For a moment, her arms were numb and she staggered and almost fell. A fat figure punched Gao Huai in the abdomen like a sharp sword. Gao Huai fell to the ground. Lu Yunzhi saw Gao Huai coming forward with his sword drawn, but heard Gao Huai yell: "Fool, run." Lu Yunzhi looked back at the officers and soldiers and members of Yiyanshiti who came to support him, gritted his teeth, turned around and left to protect everyone. Gao Huai lay curled up on the ground, gasping for air. Only then did he realize how powerful Cheng Fangdong was. He could knock himself to the ground with just one punch and be unable to get up. Gao Huai squinted at Cheng Fangdong and Shang Wan. , hair was covered with floating soil and looked miserable. Cheng Fangdong put his foot on Gao Huai's head and said angrily: "What the hell are you looking at? I won't beat you to death if you're a little bitch." As he said that, he crushed Gao Huai's head with the sole of his foot, and Gao Huai's face was suddenly scratched. One after another, bloody and bloody. Shang Wang kicked away the foot that was on Gao Huai's face and said: "How come you are less human than me? Okay, let's give him to the eldest brother. The eldest brother said that these boys from the Zhongzheng lineage are going to Leave it to the elder brother to handle it himself." Gao Huai was picked up by Cheng Fangdong, and he felt a pain in the back of his head and lost consciousness. In a small house, a man sat cross-legged, closing his eyes tightly and not making a sound. The house was not luxurious and even a little shabby, and the furniture decoration was extremely simple. Shang Wang and Cheng Fangdong opened the door and walked into the room. They lowered their heads and bowed respectfully, without any arrogance, as if they were afraid of the person in front of them. Shang Wan whispered: "Brother, Gao Huai has been captured, and the others have escaped. Shi Fang and Han Yueqiu are still missing. What do you think we should do next?" Cheng Fangdong then said: "Brother, they are getting together. It's really hard to calculate. In short, I can't calculate it. It's not an option to ask you to inform us all the time. They ran away while sending letters back and forth. This group of people is very cautious." The man nodded and said, "Fang. What Dong said makes sense, even I can't count them together, so I can only drive it." Shang Wan's surprised voice became sharp again: "Brother, isn't it not fully mature yet?" There is no other way," the man replied. Cheng Fangdong still bowed slightly and said: "How will the elder brother inform us after he learns about their situation?" The man laughed and said: "Since I can use it to find them, I can find you and inform you. Please wait a moment." Go hunt them down while you rest. I have equipped you with thousands of light cavalry. You can deploy the troops along the way. You must kill them all." Shang Fangdong and Cheng Fangdong quickly agreed, and then retreated out of the dark room. Cheng Fangdong. He breathed a long sigh of relief and said: "Hey, every time I see eldest brother, I always feel frightened" Shang Wan suddenly made a silent movement and said: "Since eldest brother used it, in the future Just stop mumbling, otherwise it will hear you." After hearing this, Cheng Fangdong nodded repeatedly, and the two quickly walked out of the yard. The man in the room who was called the eldest brother sighed, changed his stern expression and said to himself: "Oh my god.The local people are of the same lineage. "I laughed bitterly and continued: "It's not my fault that the family is ruined, it's the fault of these young talents who are too capable. I haven't figured out where you are hiding, but that kid Lu Yunzhi got there first. If you don't get rid of it today, it will happen in the future. It will definitely become a big trouble. Don't blame me for being cruel. I am doing it for the Ming Dynasty. I am doing it for the world. Who can understand iron-blooded loyalty? After saying that, he stood up, opened the door and shouted to someone outside: "Bring Gao Huai over to me." " After a while, a group of five people from the Five Ugly Groups escorted the struggling Gao Huai into the room, and then pushed hard. Gao Huai was so bound that he couldn't stand up and staggered and fell to the ground. The man waved his hand, and everyone from the Five Chou lineage clasped their fists and bowed their heads and walked out of the room. The man said: "Gao Huai, are you willing to follow me? " Gao Huai cursed: "Go to hell, I will follow you, you are the leader who speaks and talks, I will fuck your ancestors. "As he said this, Gao Huai lay on the ground and tried to raise his head to look at the man. The man was about seven feet tall, with a straight back and a medium build. When he looked at his face, he had a thick mustache on his lips and a slender lower lip. Hu, with a goatee on his chin, gave this originally fair and frail face a look of fortitude. Gao Huai was stunned when he saw it and shouted: "Why is it you! "The man smiled instead and said, "Are you willing to serve me now? "Gao Huai lowered his head, thought for a moment, and then suddenly raised his head and spat at the man fiercely. Gao Huai was pushed to the ground, and the spit only hit the man's feet. The man laughed and said : "Here, let's turn him into Eunuch Gao first. " Gao Huai was shocked. Although he didn't quite understand it, the term "Eunuch Gao" could not be more thorough. The most humiliating punishment for a man, castration, would be imposed on Gao Huai. After castration, he would be in agony. Gao Huai was dragged out of the room. The sound of yelling and cursing gradually faded away, and soon the sound was drowned in the small courtyard. It seemed that he was knocked unconscious again. Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 12: Allusions to the Incision Fang Qingze, Lu Yunzhi and others quickly fled the capital, changed out of Ming army clothes and put on civilian clothes, and hurried for half a day, dodging dozens of waves of chasing and searching teams along the way. A few people found a small tea shop in the county town not far away and wanted to take a rest. Fang Qingze raised his head and looked at the flag at the door with a big word for tea on it. After a short pause, he led everyone in. The waiter came over quickly and asked, "Masters, what do you need?" Zhu Jianwen said, "You say that as if you have everything in the store." Although Zhu Jianwen was not on good terms with Gao Huai on weekdays, , but after all, they are from the same generation and both like to exercise power and engage in politics, so they have a touch of emotion that is different from the right and wrong in officialdom. Seeing Gao Huai being captured, he naturally felt uncomfortable. At this moment, he finally found an outlet, thinking about how this small rural tea shop had seen the world. In fact, what the waiter asked was not wrong, it was just that Zhu Jianwen was unhappy and deliberately looking for trouble. But the waiter bowed and said: "Sir, as long as you can name the tea and snacks, the shop can make them, otherwise we won't get a penny." Zhu Jianwen didn't expect that the waiter in the small tea shop would dare to collide with him like this, and he immediately became furious. Angry, he was about to speak but suddenly he was stunned. He saw that the tea sets used in this tea shop were extremely exquisite. The tea drinkers around him looked at him one after another when they heard his loud drink, and those people were also dressed in extremely elegant clothes. Although the entire tea shop It is not luxurious but unique, which is in line with the reason why tea is elegant, fresh and restrained. When Zhu Jianwen saw this, he knew that this tea shop was quite famous, but he refused to admit defeat and said, "Bring me a pot of Longjing and make it one of Xuzhou's eight types." The waiter hesitated for a moment, then stopped talking and said with a smile, " Haha, you don¡¯t know what¡¯s going on in Xuzhou. You¡± Before he could finish his words, he heard the waiter report: ¡°Misandao, strips of cake, sesame slices, croissant horn honey, glutinous rice sticks, peanut candy, Money cake, sweet-scented osmanthus candy, these are the eight things you mentioned, sir. I want to ask you what kind of tea you use to make Longjing." This time it was Zhu Jianwen's turn to be stunned, but Fang Qingze coughed lightly and took out a cup. The coin said: "What's the use of keeping a penny?" The waiter in the shop replied respectfully: "One penny can make a comeback." "What's the point of a hundred taels?" Fang Qingze asked again regardless of everyone's surprised expressions. "One hundred taels determines a person's ambition." After answering this, the waiter bowed respectfully to Fang Qingze, and then whispered a few words in his ear. Zhu Jianwen, Lu Yun, Shi Wentian and others are all people with strong senses, even Yingzi. Super and ordinary people all heard these whispers, but could not understand a single word. It was like a secret code. Fang Qingze nodded and stood up, and then said: "Let's go to the private room." " Everyone followed the waiter into a small room. There were many people's calligraphy and paintings hanging in the small room. They all looked quite good. Lu Yunshang stepped forward to look at them carefully and then praised: "Although the author of these calligraphy and paintings is not. He is not famous, but he will become a great person in the future. The owner of this shop seems to be very discerning. Second brother, do you know this shop owner? Otherwise, what happened to the incision code just now?" Fang Qingze said instead: "Then I really have to thank you, third brother, for praising me and praising me. I am the owner of this store, but I am just the master behind the scenes." As soon as he finished speaking, a man in his thirties pushed the door open and entered. He seemed to have some character. The man's surname was Yan Dan, whose last name was "Liang", and he was the owner of this store. After Yan Liang saluted Fang Qingze, he greeted him with tea and water. Fang Qingze explained: "In the past year, I have The business we develop can be found all over the country. In order to avoid attracting attention, I usually work as a behind-the-scenes manager and split the accounts with the owner on the surface. I only review the books and set up development intentions. The specific operations are decided by a group of people led by Diao Shanshe. , so I didn¡¯t know exactly where my store was. I remembered that there was a record of this place in the account book, so when I arrived here, I noticed the flags of these stores. There was always a small sign on the corner of the flag or plaque of my store. Most people will not notice small fingerprints, and if you sprinkle the unique Tianzhu powder on the flag or plaque, you and I are people with keen senses. As long as you pay attention, you will find these small marks. " At this time, the tea came up. Zhu Jianwen took a sip and praised: "Fang Qingze, you are so particular about this remote tea shop, no wonder it is so good here." After hearing this, Lu Yunzhi and others also drank it and felt that the tea had a strong aroma. Glycolic and refreshing, it is more meaningful than the Longjing you drink on weekdays. Zhu Jianwen quickly took another bite, then picked up a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus candy with chopsticks and ate it. He squinted his eyes and enjoyed it as if he had endless aftertaste. Then he said: "This sweet-scented osmanthus candy is delicious. It is an authentic Xuzhou specialty. It's also This Longjing is clearly made from the Hupao Spring in Lin'an City. It's so authentic." Fang Qingze smiled slightly and said, "Lao Zhu, after we escape this disaster, we will go to the Hupao Spring to drink tea. This spring water has been transported for a long time, so it tastes good if you cook it freshly." Shi Wentian smiled and asked, "Qingze, what do you mean by those two sentences?" Fang Qingze didn't know whether to call him uncle Shi Wentian or not. Senior brother is fine. According to the rules of the sect, Shi Wentian isSenior brother, but I and Lu Yunzhi are brothers with different surnames who have known each other for eight years, and should be called uncles, so I was very embarrassed and had to answer without calling him: "Although the first two confirmed marks are very safe, in order to prevent accidental typos, The two sentences were spoken when the person met in a convenience store. They are two allusions. It is said that when a Zhejiang businessman was crossing the river, he bargained with the boatman for a penny. The boatman asked disdainfully: "You don't need this." A penny?" The businessman replied: "One penny is enough to make a comeback. ¡¯ So I asked what is the use of leaving a penny, and the other party replied that a penny can make a comeback. " Fang Qingze took a sip of tea and continued: "The second allusion is about a dog meat vendor who had great ambitions from a young age and was destined to be rich. However, in order to test him, God gave him an unexpected fortune and got a hundred taels of gold. , As a result, from then on the hawker did not want to make progress, nor did he work, he drank and had fun all day long, and wandered in the fireworks alley, gambling and causing trouble. In the end, the hundred taels of gold were all spent, and he died of cold and hunger. Before he died, the gods descended to earth and gave him an epiphany. He sighed: "One hundred taels of gold has killed my ambition." ¡¯ Therefore, the last two sentences have the incision. What does a hundred liang do? A hundred liang cuts off a person¡¯s ambition. The two incisions on the front and back are to remind me not to indulge in every penny, and not to forget my true nature because of my current small fortune. Money is never-ending. " Shi Yuting was enjoying herself with a sip of tea and a bite of snacks. The escape and running along the way was a bit overwhelming for this helpless girl. When she heard Fang Qingze's explanation, she burst into laughter: "A money-lover is a money-lover. Being stingy is just being stingy. It's shameful to find so many allusions as an excuse. "After hearing this, everyone's mood temporarily improved and they all laughed. Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 13: Inescapable After several people had eaten and drank, they fell into silence again. Shi Wentian said with a sad face: "I don't know how my father is?" Zhu Jianwen sighed and comforted: "Don't worry, Master Jiren has his own destiny, and besides, there are The second senior brother, the third senior brother and the fourth senior brother are all guarding me. It must be fine." After hearing this, Lu Yunzhi frowned, and then became a little moved. He stopped talking and said with a trembling voice: "I was on the road just now. One hexagram, this matter is related to a major event in the world, and it also involves people like Yan Shiti Jian and Master and Senior Brother who have extremely high destiny, so I can only make a rough calculation. Master and Second Senior Brother are not in danger of their lives, but The two senior brothers of the Xie family have died!" Everyone was shocked. After they broke out of the siege, they did not know about the tragic death of the two brothers Xie Qi and Xie Li in the compound. Now hearing what Lu Yunzhi said, Lin Qianru and Shi Yuting suddenly had tears in her eyes. The golden beans slowly slid down, and for a while there was silence in the room. Fang Qingze asked in a low voice: "Third brother, can you calculate anything now? How about eldest brother?" Lu Yunzhi shook his head and said: "I can't calculate anything now. The world's energy is in chaos, not for a vulgar person like me. I can figure it out. I will make more detailed predictions in a while. We are all involved in variables, so we can¡¯t figure it out. But second brother, do you still remember that your sister-in-law once said a secret thirteen when we first met? Is it related to Secret Thirteen? This may be a huge secret. We discovered the secret and revived the Zhongzheng lineage." Fang Qingze nodded and said, "It is indeed possible, Yan Liang, fly away immediately. The pigeon sent a letter to all my shops in the world. Once the information related to Secret Thirteen is found, I will be of great use." Yan Liang, the shopkeeper, replied respectfully: "Yes, sir." Zhu Jianwen stretched out his hands. Arm said: "Without further delay, Lao Fang said that Qu Xiangtian and you have an appointment to meet in Bazhou. Let's rush to Bazhou." Fang Qingze nodded, then stood up and said to Zhang, who was still immersed in the grief of losing his father. Ju said: "I will ask Yan Liang to prepare a horse and a letter for you in a while. You can go to any shop mentioned in the letter. It would be nice if you can remain anonymous, but I think you can also go to the sea to catch the official document." It's hard to show up, so why not go straight to Timur along the way, and hurry up before the official document is issued. Once you arrive at Timur, you will have nothing to worry about. When I see my elder brother, I will go there too, and I will definitely give you an explanation. I want to ask again if you are willing to follow me." Zhang Ju asked without answering, "Can you help me get revenge?" Fang Qingze sighed and said, "Fang will do his best." "Okay, from now on. From now on, Zhang Ju¡¯s miserable life belongs to Master Fang.¡± Zhang Ju knelt down on his knees and bowed his head. Fang Qingze hurriedly supported him, and then said to everyone: "Zhang Ju, you go to Timur first. There is a trip to transport water from Yuquan Mountain to Bazhou. We happened to hide in the water buckets to avoid the pursuit of the officers and soldiers. It was not a good time. Let's get ready to leave now." With that, everyone got up and walked out the door. Shang Wang and Cheng Fangdong were sitting on the horse, chatting without saying a word. The disciples of the living beings lineage and the Wuchou lineage beside them, as well as the Ming army who came to cooperate with the search, were all busy checking the pedestrians on the road. Cheng Fangdong muttered He said: "How long will it take to find them if this continues?" Shang Wang laughed evilly and said: "Cheng Fangdong, I find that you talk a lot recently. What's the matter? You have pretended to be an honest person for so many years, and now you just spit it out." "Haha. , that is, I guess that old boy Shi Fang is also half dead. Originally, I wanted to spare Han Yueqiu's life, but he unexpectedly gave me two swords and almost fell into his hands. Next time, I can finally kill him too. "No more words." Cheng Fangdong said with a smile. "Hmph, you can pull me down. You want to kill Han Yueqiu. Hey, if Du Hai dies, there will be no one in the Zhongzheng lineage worthy of my forgiveness. Let them all die." Shang Wan said sharply. Cheng Fangdong's expression suddenly changed, and then he looked at Shang Wan. Shang Wan also touched the forks on his waist with his left hand, and held a Bagua mirror in his right hand as if facing a formidable enemy. Under the sun, the shadows of the two people and the horse on the ground suddenly became distorted. Gradually the shadows became shapeless but quickly moved on the ground. The two looked up at the ground and saw the shadows on the ground forming a line of words: Two hundred miles southwest, Tea shop. Although the two were extremely nervous, they were not particularly panicked. They seemed to have known what happened to the shadow for a long time. They shouted loudly to their subordinates, then gathered the team and galloped towards the tea shop where Fang Qingze, Shi Wentian and others were hiding. , while running Cheng Fangdong shouted: "Haha, with the help of big brother's ghost, they can't escape." The tea shop owner Yan Liang was knocked to the ground by the officers and soldiers who rushed in. With their faces covered in blood, all the guests in the teahouse were scrutinized and driven away. The officers and soldiers plundered the money on the cabinet as if they had stolen it, and smashed the fine tea shop. Cheng Fangdong kicked Yan Liang to the ground. When the sergeant lifted Yan Liang up again, Cheng Fangdong asked, "Don't hide it from us. Where are they hiding?" Yan Liang gritted his teeth and said no more. Instead of pleading, he cursed: "Haha, I've heard about youLove it, aren¡¯t you the short winter melon Cheng Fangdong? You are a Zhongshan wolf, you are an ungrateful thing, and you are a villain. Cheng Fangdong was not angry but smiled and said: "You are still a scholar, and you still compare me to a Zhongshan wolf. You are really very sharp-tongued. Go and pull out his teeth for me and see if he talks." " The officers and soldiers obeyed the order, opened Yan Liang's mouth, took out a dagger and picked out Yan Liang's teeth one by one. Yan Liang's mouth was full of blood and he screamed in pain. Shang Wan stopped everyone and asked: "Shopkeeper? , do you want to recruit me or not? If not, don¡¯t blame us for being ruthless. If you do, I will let you live. " Yan Liang was released. He lay on the ground and vomited blood from his mouth. Then he started whimpering. Shang Wan kicked him. He raised his head and said vaguely: "I'll move, they are going in that direction. "Said and pointed to the west, Shang Wan nodded and waved to lead the people away, intending to chase him to the west. Suddenly Shang Wan heard a scream and quickly turned around to look behind him, only to see Cheng Fangdong's knife piercing Yan Liang's chest. Liang vomited blood and looked at Cheng Fangdong with eyes full of grief and anger. When Cheng Fangdong pulled out his sword, Yan Liang fell to the ground and left. Shang Wan screamed: "Why did you kill him? Why did you? I promised him that I would spare his life as long as he attacked me. Why do you still want to kill him? Wouldn't this be unfair to me? "Cheng Fangdong said angrily: "Because he wasted my time, and besides, why are you pretending to be upright? Back then, you promised the ghost witch to cooperate inside and outside, didn't you also turn against him? Don't tell me that it was arranged by eldest brother. Why don't you argue with eldest brother about any fiduciary matters? Shang Wang shouted: "That's not the same thing. We acted like this to protect the Ming Dynasty, but today" Cheng Fangdong interrupted him: "Don't give me any noble patriotic feelings." "The two stared at each other for a long time, and then suddenly laughed heartily at the same time. They patted each other to show friendship. It was like calling each other close friends if they had the same feelings. Cheng Fangdong turned around and walked out of the door, climbed on his horse and shouted: " Shang Wang, hurry up and catch up. When I catch up with them, you won't have any credit. "As he spoke, he whipped the horse violently with a whip, and the horse galloped away. Shang Wang was still smiling. The short stature climbed onto the horse by stepping on the arm supported by a disciple of the biological lineage, and then drove away, but Without looking away from Cheng Fangdong's back, he muttered in disgust. Although he didn't make a sound, his mouth clearly said two words: bastard. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 14: Gathering in Bazhou Lu Yunzhi got out of the bucket and shouted to everyone: "Now that we have escaped the heavy search range, let's put on our fast horses and run to Bazhou. The eldest brother should have arrived." Fang Qingze and others opened the door one after another. The lid came out of the bucket, and suddenly Yingzi asked: "Mr. sir, why are you so frowning? Has something happened?" Lu Yunzhi held Yingzi's hand and looked at Fang Qingze but remained silent. Fang Qingze shouted: "It's already this time, if you have anything to say, please tell me quickly." Lu Yunzhi sighed and said: "Yan Liang is dead. This is the hexagram I just calculated. Let's go quickly." Fang Qingze nodded in confusion. He turned his head, but did not speak. He quietly climbed on his horse and whipped his whip towards Bazhou in the south of the capital like everyone else. However, there were two lines of bright tears on his face, which looked extremely desolate under the sunlight. The moment Lu Yunzhi got out of the bucket, Cheng Fangdong, who was heading west, Shang Wang, still led his team to run westward. Suddenly, the reflections of countless trees on the roadside were distorted like a group of snakes dancing. Shang Wang and others sat down The horses kept neighing and raising their front hooves in fear. The horses did not listen to the instructions of several people and wanted to turn their heads and leave. However, they found countless shadows shaking on the ground, surrounding them. The horses kept jumping, as if on the ground. It is full of ferocious beasts. Shang Wang shouted loudly, and the shadow on the ground paused and then quickly turned into a ball. The scene was very strange, as if everything around him had no shadow, leaving only a huge black shadow on the ground in front of everyone. The black shadows on the ground quickly merged into a line of words: Southbound, Bazhou, go quickly. He paused for a while and then immediately dissipated. The black shadow shook for a while and then returned to where it should be. In an instant, the surrounding objects all had their own shadows, and the surrounding area was calm as if nothing had happened. Cheng Fangdong wiped the cold sweat on his forehead and said: "This thing is too scary. How did the elder brother drive it? He couldn't be worshiping like a ghost witch." Shang Wang sneered and said: "Ask me, I Who knows? If you have the guts, ask your brother yourself." After saying that, he turned and ran towards Bazhou in the south. Cheng Fangdong saw that he didn't want to fall behind and followed him. He whipped the horse and yelled: "Look, that tea shop. I didn't kill the shopkeeper wrong, he lied to us." Shang Wang didn't look back, he just screamed: "Shut up!" The journey from the capital to Bazhou is not long, but Lu Yunzhi, Fang Qingze and others. They ran for four days, and the reason was very simple: they had been hiding in the East. No matter how they escaped, Cheng Fangdong and others could always track them down like hunting dogs. Fortunately, a few people were able to escape every time with their quick reactions. . When they were still a few miles away from Bazhou, Shang Huan and others finally caught up with the Zhongzheng family. Shi Wentian led everyone to gallop on horseback, while Cheng Fangdong, Shang Huan and the Shengsheng family, the Five Ugly people, and others chased after them. Followed by a large number of Ming troops. Finally, Fang Qingze couldn't bear it any longer and shouted: "Damn it, these people are chasing us around. I won't run away anymore and will fight with them." As he said that, he reined in the horse. When Zhu Jianwen saw it, he hurriedly shouted: "Old Fang, don't be so impulsive. They are not scary, but if someone comes to support us, we will be surrounded again." Fang Qingze, however, was determined, turned the horse's head, and drew a sword. , not moving at all. Lu Yunzhi rode his horse not far away and saw Fang Qingze stopped. He turned and ran to Fang Qingze's side. He drew out his steel sword and smiled at Fang Qingze and said, "Then we two brothers will have a good fight?" Fang Qingze laughed loudly. He said with a smile: "Good brother, kill them quickly! These people who overestimate their own capabilities want to imitate others in driving tigers and devouring wolves, and they don't care how much they weigh. Third brother, wait for us to catch up and kill them cleanly." ." As he spoke, he clapped his horse and rushed towards the pursuers. Lu Yunzhi looked up to the sky and followed closely. Halfway through the run, I found Yingzi, Zhu Jianwen and others following closely. They also showed their weapons and prepared to fight to the death with the pursuers. Only Shi Wentian held Shi Yuting tightly and fled towards Bazhou with his wife Lin Qianru in the opposite direction. Shi Yuting kept crying and wanted to follow Lu Yunzhi, but was lifted off the horse and thrown away by Shi Wentian. After Lin Qianru caught it, she held Shi Yuting in her arms, and then pressed her neck gently. Shi Yuting stopped struggling and fainted immediately. When Lu Yunzhi heard Shi Yuting's cry, he immediately looked back. When he saw the scene in front of him, he thought silently in his heart: Yuting, you must live well. In fact, Lu Yunzhi knew in her heart that Fang Qingze's impulsive move was undoubtedly to go to die. Not to mention how powerful Shang Huan and Cheng Fangdong were, the disciples of the Five Chou lineage and the Lifeline lineage behind him were also practitioners. Although both of them The leader of the faction has not yet arrived, but their strength cannot be underestimated. Even with Lu Yunzhi, Fang Qingze, Zhu Jianwen, and Yingzi, they can barely draw a tie with these people. However, there are hundreds of Ming troops behind Shang Wang and others. This battle is full of misfortunes and may be Lu Yunzhi's last battle. Although Lu Yunzhi knew this in his heart, he was still willing to fight, not only because his patience was about to reach its limit, but also because he understood that Fang Qingze knew that he could not persuade him at this moment. Since Fang Qingze chose to risk his life,As the third younger brother, he had to accompany him to death, so he only followed Fang Qingze. The two groups of men and horses were getting closer and closer, and they were about to fight. However, a group of cavalry rushed out from Bazhou City in the distance. There were hundreds of people. They were all heavily armored cavalry. They looked well-trained and murderous. Several people followed them. Only a few of the thousands of soldiers looked like that, the rest were scattered and in disarray, but every one of them was filled with murderous intent, roaring and howling like wild beasts. Lu Yunzhi was shocked and whispered to Fang Qingze: "The reinforcements of these lackeys are coming." There was a man leading the way with a steel gun in front of this group of people. He was carrying a hero with unparalleled heroic spirit. He only heard the man shout: " Second brother, third brother, don¡¯t panic. I am here, Qu Xiangtian, who dares to be presumptuous!¡± Shang Wang was about to mobilize his troops to fight, but he saw that the Ming army had already rushed away behind him, and they had no courage or extra numbers. Dozens of soldiers and horses competed, and the disciples of the Shengsheng and Wuchou disciples fled in all directions when they saw the Ming army fleeing. Shang Wang cursed: "Cheng Fangdong, look at these losers, call them back quickly to prepare." Accept the challenge!" After shouting several times, no one around him answered. He turned his head and looked in the direction of Cheng Fangdong. He saw that Cheng Fangdong had abandoned his horse and ran wildly, and in a flash, he got into the woods next to him. Although Shang Wang was furious, he Not to get carried away, the two parties were very close at this moment. Shang Wang turned his horse and ran away, but Fang Qingze caught up and chopped him down with a knife. Shang Wang raised his forks to block it, and raised it up to deflect Fang Qingze's sword. The horse that had just turned around was naturally not fast, and when he saw that he was about to be surrounded, Shang Wang suddenly stabbed the horse's butt very hard, causing the horse to run away in pain. Running wildly, no one could catch up for a while. Fang Qingze was about to slash at the horse's butt with his knife, but he was stopped by Qu Xiangtian, who was rushing over: "Second brother, don't be reckless. Don't chase after the enemy." Fang Qingze pointed at the group of people just now. The person who was still chasing him cursed a few times and spat a few times before laughing heartily. Qu Xiangtian, Fang Qingze, and Lu Yunzhi got off their horses and hugged each other. Their eyes were filled with tears. The three brothers were finally reunited in Bazhou. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 15: Dark Shadow (Additional update) A dead lamp, a man, a black shadow. The black shadow and the man sat on the ground and looked at each other. The man said, "Where are they?" His voice was low and steady with a hint of strength. The black shadow replied: "In Bazhou, we are preparing to rebel. Unfortunately, it is just a dream, not a reality." A chill filled the room as the black shadow answered, "Can you help me kill him directly?" Kill them?" the man asked pleadingly. The black shadow laughed softly, and the voice became louder and louder until it sounded like a bell: "Who do you think I am, and who do you think you are? Are you worthy of letting me kill someone for you? We are just playing a game. It's just a transaction. I'm already giving you a lot of face by helping you. The conditions offered by Guiwu are higher than yours, what do you think?" The man was silent for a moment, his voice became neither humble nor arrogant, and he said: "Remember that I am from heaven and earth, and You are not a ghost witch. If it were not for the sake of the Ming Dynasty, I would not trade with you." The black shadow laughed again, but this time the laughter was changeable. It turned into a woman's voice for a while, and then it became an old man's voice. The voice then became the innocence of a child. After laughing for a long time, the dark figure spoke: "A person from heaven and earth? You still admit that you are a person from heaven and earth. A person from heaven and earth is ready to destroy all people from heaven and earth. This is really the biggest joke in the world." . But the Yangshou of you, an outstanding person from heaven and earth, is really delicious." The man smiled bitterly and said, "Go ahead and continue to observe their movements. I still have something to do." The shadow nodded solemnly, and then suddenly turned around. Abstractly, the figure with a sinister smile fell apart and filled the whole room. The entire room was filled with black shadows from the beams to the walls to the ground. Countless pairs of eyes stared at the man, laughing and saying: "The world The biggest joke, hahaha, the biggest joke in the world." Then he disappeared with a cry. The back of the man in the room was restored to its original state, and the dead lamp was still flickering brightly and dimly. Fang Qingze sat carelessly on the Grand Master's chair, panting and saying: "You said that Shang Luan and that traitor Cheng Fangdong are really capable. They can track us down wherever we go. It seems that the cultivation of the three kinds of destiny and qi has reached a high level. You are older than me." Murong Yunfei shook her head and said, "That's not true. Yun Zhi, to be honest, how do you compare with Mr. Shi now?" "My master has his own uniqueness. I am not as good as your master. But since I was injured, although my body is much weaker than before, I can use this secret technique of fortune-telling and expelling ghosts more easily than before." When Lu Yunzhi said this, he suddenly felt a sore throat and started to cough. He spat out a mouthful of bloody phlegm from his throat, and then continued: "Although my body feels very uncomfortable every time I use it and is on the verge of collapse, at this moment, I am already higher than Master, so I can just observe the auspiciousness a little bit. The fate of Master and Second Senior Brother." Fang Qingze nodded and said, "Sister-in-law, let me tell you, someone wants to harm our Zhongzheng lineage, but none of us are aware of it, but we can still figure out our escape when we get together. Route, this person is not a peerless expert or something, it is not that I inflate the enemy's morale and destroy my own prestige, but that may be the case. It seems that we are in danger this time, maybe" "You are doomed, right? Remember, brothers who work together are as strong as gold, and brothers who work together are as bad as orchids. As long as we resolutely avenge ourselves and revive our belief in Zhongzheng, it doesn't matter if the opponent is God, and it doesn't matter if the world stands in our way. Kill!" Qu Xiangtian said as he glanced at the crowd resolutely. Murong Yunfei lowered her head and thought for a while, then moved her hand from the table. She raised her head and said suddenly to Lu Yunzhi: "Yunzhi, have you ever thought about it, besides the opponent's superb skills, he can figure us out?" , maybe there is another possibility. " Lu Yunzhi was shocked, but she shook her head and replied: "Sister-in-law, no one can drive it." Everyone looked at the two of them in confusion, but Yingzi suddenly became unwell. He cheered up and said, "Are you talking about Ying Mei?" Everyone said "Ah" and looked at Yingzi. Lu Yunzhi saw Yingzi trembling, hugged Yingzi tightly and asked, "You Are you okay, Yingzi?" Yingzi shook his head, but was still very scared, and said with a trembling voice: "I have seen Yingmei, it was so scary. Back then, we entered a cave by mistake, just near Yilipa. As a result, except for my brother Leopard and I, a group of more than 50 of us survived in the cave. At that time, everyone worked hard to get my brother and I out of the cave. When my brother and I walked out of the cave, we heard a miserable sound from inside the cave. As a ghost-eating clan, the cry of pain can cut off the head and bleed, but the cry of pain is despising. We don¡¯t know what happened. My brother dragged me and ran away desperately. I feel that I will never be able to get rid of it. Despite the strange eyes behind him, we were eventually caught up. Perhaps it meant that he had been following us closely from the beginning, and there was no pursuit. The torches fluttering in the wind were like ghost lights that reminded us of our lives in the middle of the night. Carrying our shadow, our shadow is twisted and fragmentedIt reorganized again and turned into a grotesque shadow, and Na Yingzi let out a sinister laugh, and then as if the cat got tired of playing with the mouse and showed mercy and let the mouse live, he said clearly: "Get out", my brother and I don't If I dare to say anything, I immediately escaped from there. I still can¡¯t forget that voice. It was as weak as a thread, but like a curse for life" Everyone looked heavy, knowing that if it was really like Murong Yun As Fei guessed, things were in trouble. Ying Mei, the leader of evil spirits! When everyone was silent, Shi Yuting slowly opened her eyes, and then saw Lu Yunzhi, who was still handsome and well-dressed, finally let go. Heartbroken, she cried and threw herself into Lu Yunzhi's arms. Lu Yunzhi, who was guarding Shi Wentian and his wife, was a little embarrassed and laughed awkwardly. However, Shi Wentian and Lin Qianru smiled at each other, their eyes full of love for each other. Fang Qingze looked at Shi Wentian coldly. He could understand that Lin Qianru ordered Shi Yuting to take Shi Yuting away. Shi Yuting had not practiced, so it was like the two soldiers were fighting each other just now. The impact on the overall situation has hindered everyone, but he couldn't imagine Shi Wentian fleeing without saying a word. He still can't believe what his eyes saw - Shi Wentian's timid and cowardly panicked eyes at that time. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 16: Inference A person suddenly opened the door and walked into the house. His whole body must have been covered in dust from running all the way. Everyone looked up and saw that it was Qin Rufeng. Qin Rufeng and everyone nodded in greeting, then raised his hands and said to Qu Xiangtian: "Brother Tian, ??as expected, some of Gu Tanshangwang and others fled back to the capital to mobilize reinforcements, and some fled to Langfang and other places under the jurisdiction of Shuntian Prefecture to mobilize officers and soldiers. However, in less than half a day, all the troops were The assembly is completed, but Shang Wang and others should not have arrived yet. How do these assembled officers and soldiers know the defeat? Once Shang Wang and others arrive, the team can set off. By then, tens of thousands of people will besiege Bazhou. We only have the heavy armored cavalry led by Guang Liang and cannot hold on, and it is even more impossible to fight. We cannot rely on the soldiers we have collected in recent days. Those guys have no fighting ability at all. " Qu Xiangtian nodded and said. "You and I will go to the army to discuss it with Guang Liang in a while and then make a decision. As for the new recruits, we'll talk about it later. It's better to have them than not to have them. At this time, don't stress about whether it's better to have less than to have more." Zhu Jianwen said in surprise: "I was so busy talking just now that I forgot to ask you about the cavalrymen who rescued us. I know they were sharp knife troops trained by you personally, but those people following behind were just recruited by you? And how did you defeat this Bazhou? ?" Qu Xiangtian laughed and pointed at Qin Rufeng and said, "Old Zhu, you asked him, but you shocked me." Zhu Jianwen said with interest: "What on earth can you do to defeat the general Qu?" Xiang Tian was shocked. " Qin Rufeng chuckled and said, "It's nothing, it's my fault. Brother Tian is planning to sneak into Bazhou, and then control the city guards, restrain the people in the yamen, and force the local officials to surrender. I was a little impatient and ran away secretly with more than a hundred people. When Brother Tian found out, it was already too late. I ran all the way and the defenders before they could react. We had already entered the city. After taking control of the city gate, I led others. He rushed into the government office and killed the county magistrate, then controlled hundreds of government officials and soldiers, and captured Bazhou in less than half an hour. He originally wanted to be quick with his troops, but imitated the famous general Chang Yuchun and killed the enemy by surprise. Brother Tian was furious after entering the city. He said that I had disobeyed military orders and beat me with thirty military sticks, but he also gave me a meritorious deed. It can be said that rewards and punishments are clear regardless of friendship. All brothers admire me and I am convinced. " Qu Xiangtian nodded at Qin Rufeng and said: "The main reason is that I didn't understand the situation in Bazhou at that time, and you, Zhu Jianwen, who is familiar with officials from all over the country, are not here. I was worried that the magistrate here is a good official, and killing him would easily cause public resentment, but I didn't expect him to be a good official." You greedy Shuoshu, the people are in dire straits. As soon as I took Bazhou, hundreds of people came to join the army, and later it grew to a thousand. Before I had time to train them, the scouts came to report that you were being chased by those dogs. I Then they led the troops to attack, resulting in the child's play scene you saw. But it's also because the Ming troops behind them are cowards. They were scared away when they saw more of our people. By the way, don't just say it. It's about Bazhou, Yunfei, Yunzhi, I've heard about the Yingmei you were worried about just now. He's the leader of evil spirits. What's so powerful about it? Why is it only one-sided in the book? " Lu Yunzhi had just been in a daze thinking about Yingmei. At this moment, he ignored Qu Xiangtian's question. Yingzi gently pulled Lu Yunzhi's hand before he reacted. He sorted out his thoughts briefly and said: "Like Chaos, the reason why there are very few records about Shadow Phantom is because no one can live to describe his true appearance. All that everyone can see is the shadow it controls. As for what Shadow Phantom looks like. No one knows what it looks like. It¡¯s just that this kind of ghost spirit is said to be able to control all the shadows in the world, and it is attached and hidden in these shadows. We don¡¯t know what these shadows can do. Shadows have been a mysterious thing since ancient times. Under the control of the shadow demon, maybe You can kill people invisibly at any time. If someone can really control Shadow Phantom with just a few words, that will be the beginning of disaster. "Everyone was shocked, and they were discussing with each other but had no clue. Lu Yunzhi coughed lightly and said: "Don't worry, everyone. I said that there may be someone who can be several times better than me at the same time, so he can overpower us. The destiny of everyone coming together, but this is just a hypothesis and cannot be established at all, because if that person can do this, he will become a god. There is no way we can survive, so why sit around here Woolen cloth? That's why my sister-in-law guessed that it might be Ying Mei. "Murong Yunfei nodded after hearing this. "It's just that how can the shadow demon, the number one evil ghost, be so easy to drive? To drive the shadow demon, you must defeat it first. There are few rumors of defeating the shadow demon throughout the ages. Although it has been mentioned in a few words, it can be They were all prodigies that had not been seen in thousands of years, and it took a lot of effort and the strength of thousands of people to fight Ying Mei. In the end, an agreement was made between humans and ghosts, and only then could Ying Mei be driven. Moreover, it is said that although Ying Mei is a ghost, he can speak human language and has a very changeable personality. However, aloofness is his nature. He is not willing to be driven by anyone. He would rather be broken into pieces than destroyed. Even if he defeats it, he can only be trapped. It, as for the magic that drives him to destroy him, no one knows, justEven the ancestor Xing Wen and Master Jiucheng from the Han Dynasty, the two people who had driven Ying Mei, could not fully demonstrate its abilities. The arrogant Ying Mei only fights for himself. He stays in the darkness at any time, under the shadow of trees, surrounded by lights, waiting, waiting to give the enemy a fatal blow while also giving the same blow to the person who drove him. A heavy blow. This is Ying Mei, a ghost that makes people wonder. If I were to write a review for Ying Mei, I would just say that the people I meet sit on the ground waiting to die, because no matter you are strong or extremely fast, you will always You can't get rid of your own shadow, you can't fight or run, what can you do if you don't sit there and wait for death? "Lu Yunzhi took a sip of tea but choked on the tea and coughed violently. After a while, she spit out a mouthful of black blood clots. Murong Yunfei said softly: "Actually, our Murong family has a way to control the shadow charm. Driving may not be appropriate, or it may be a kind of transaction, that is, dedicating the lives of millions of people to Ying Mei, just like a ghost witch worshiping ghosts. If you can't find so many people, and the victim is the person who can change the fate of the world, you can also destroy your life to achieve the effect of driving the shadow. But even so, Yun Zhi also said that Ying Mei is aloof and arrogant, he will only do as he pleases and will not obey the words of those who drive him. " Fang Qingze opened his mouth and summarized the two problems he was facing now: First, Ying Mei was used at the same time, but this is extremely impossible, and if this is the case, everyone is helpless, so this problem is put aside for the time being. Second, it is unbelievable that there is someone who is several times higher than the sum of the three paths of fate and Qi of everyone. This argument is self-contradictory. Why does this person always let everyone have a way to live if he is so powerful? Why did the individual send troops to pursue and kill him? Is it possible that one person is not in charge of everything, and there are political differences. Zhu Jianwen's theory about political differences is quite reasonable. After summarizing, they all thought about it. Qu Xiangtian asked: "In this case, we cannot resist the first point, so we will not consider it for the time being. Second point, Yun Zhi, if there really is such an expert, is there any way to prevent him from calculating our destiny? " Lu Yunzhi nodded and said: "Yes, destroy the four pillars and eliminate the ten gods. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 17: Four Pillars and Ten Gods The four pillars are commonly known as the eight characters, which are the year pillar, the month pillar, the sun pillar and the hour pillar. The combination of the four heavenly stems and earthly branches of year, month, day and hour will form eight characters, commonly known as eight characters. According to this fortune telling, some are called pushing the four pillars and some are called batching the eight characters. In fact, the principle is the same, but the names are different. There are many deceptive people in the world who insist that the algorithms of the two methods are completely different. In the end, only To be able to fall into disgrace and disgrace. As for the ten gods, they are defined based on the sun stem of the sun pillar and are divided into Bi Jian, Jie Cai, Shang Guan, Zheng Cai, Cook God, Partial Cai, Qisha, Zhengyin, Partial Yin, and Zhengguan. These people of the Zhongzheng lineage, who naturally study yin and yang and are proficient in the arts, naturally know about it. Even the charming and cute Shi Yuting and Yingzi from the mountains and green forests have some understanding. Lu Yunzhi looked around at everyone and said: "It is true that you can use the method of destroying four pillars and ten gods to prevent others from calculating. Even if you have the ability to predict your movements and destiny out of thin air. However, if you do this " Qu Xiangtian reprimanded: "Third brother, a manly man, don't hesitate in your words. All of you here are courageous people, so you can just say it." Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and said: "What the elder brother taught me is, It's just that I didn't think about how to say it just now. Let's put it this way, our destiny is doomed, and it will not change unless there is a great change in the world. However, the trajectory and ending of life generally will not change, unless there is something in the destiny. Once a turning point occurs, we will restrict each other and promote each other to produce changes. Once the four pillars are destroyed and the ten gods are eliminated, we are like newborn babies, but it is not that our destiny is rearranged, but that our destiny is like a new life every moment. From now on, there is no certainty, everything is changing, and the Qi will also change. I don¡¯t know what it will be like, but it can avoid everyone¡¯s calculations. It seems good, but few people in the world try it. After all, it is still. There are certain risks, and no one wants to drift with the tide and have an uncertain future like a boat drifting in the sea." Seeing Murong Yunfei hesitate to speak, Lu Yunzhi continued: "Sister-in-law, I know what you are going to say, I will do it for you. You answer, my master once said that the algorithm of your Murong family is different from mine. Although you can only see one picture and calculate one scene, it is extremely accurate. Even if the fate changes and the four pillars and ten gods are destroyed, you will not be able to escape your hexagram. Nothing in this world is perfect. We can calculate everything in detail, but it is not very accurate because of the large variables. However, you are accurate but have no cause and effect. Therefore, even if you know the hexagram, It's inevitable, this is God's arrangement." Shi Wentian asked: "I've heard of destroying four pillars and ten gods, can you do it?" Lu Yunzhi was stunned and nodded reluctantly. Fang Qingze frowned and said with concern: "Yunzhi, is your injury okay? I remember that you still have a few days of medicine to take and a few days of potion to soak. You can't make any big moves, otherwise ." Lu Yunzhi laughed loudly and said: "Second brother, please don't worry, I have been cured a long time ago. Besides, Wang Yulu has also rebelled. It would be fine if the potion is not soaked. If it is not the second senior brother who supervises the work, my mother-in-law will personally check it. I think Wang Yulu They might even poison me, so I just thanked my mother-in-law." He said and bowed to Lin Qianru. "Destroy four pillars and eliminate ten gods. Come on, let me, Qu, taste the feeling of drifting in the ocean of destiny. In fact, it doesn't matter. Even if it is like a new life every day, a hero will always come forward, no matter what the fate is. I like a poem: "You are a hero in life, but you are a hero in death." What a poem! Fighting your way through thorns and thorns, this is a hero. Lu Yunzhi shook his head and smiled and started to prepare. Later, he would destroy four pillars and ten gods for everyone in batches. Qu Xiangtian and Qin Rufeng went out to rectify the army to prevent the Ming army from attacking and sneaking attacks. They waited until Lu Yunzhi had prepared themselves for others before they could taste this unattainable taste. Two hours later, Qu Xiangtian stood up, stretched and said, "Third brother, it's nothing. I'm so bored sitting here. I didn't even feel that you were done. How different did I think it was?" As he spoke and smiled, he patted Lu Yunzhi on the shoulder, only to see Lu Yunzhi fall to the ground unconscious. Swaying, Lu Yunzhi felt that she was bumping, as if she were on the sea, but the smell of wheat straw and a fragrance that only women could smell came from her nose. He slowly opened his eyes and found that he was on a carriage piled with straw, which was obviously used to feed the horses. Yingzi was beside him, looking at Lu Yunzhi and then said: "Mr., are you awake?" Lu Yunzhi asked in confusion: "Did I faint again? Where are we now?" "We are going to Jiujiang. On the way to the house, if you are fine, go and see Big Brother. Big Brother has something to tell you." As he spoke, Yingzi lowered his head, as if he had something to hide. Lu Yunzhi frowned, stood up and climbed down the haystack, mounted a horse next to the carriage and ran towards the head of the team. SongXiangtian heard Lu Yunzhi's shout, reined in his horse, and turned to look at Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi rode up to him and said, "Brother, what happened? Come on, tell me, is everyone okay? I have removed all your four pillars and ten gods now, and it doesn't count. Tell me quickly." ." Lu Yunzhi urged impatiently, worried about everyone's safety. Qu Xiangtian sighed and said: "The army led by Yi Yanshiti also surrounded Bazhou. I attacked three times. The first time I penetrated the two wings to set up an ambush. The second time I held the city and outflanked it from the rear. The third time I led the sharp-sword troops directly into the Chinese army. These three attacks achieved certain results, and then we put ourselves in a ready position. While the enemy was planning whether to surround us or attack the city in a large scale, I had already taken advantage of the third attack. At this time, everyone fled out of the city and ran south. The third attack launched by the sharp knife troops went straight into the central army, disrupting the enemy's formation. After returning to the city without stopping, they entered from the north gate and went straight to the south gate to leave. " Lu Yunzhi nodded and said: "Although we are escaping now, in a battle with such a disparity in strength, Bazhou City is not easy to defend and difficult to attack. The city walls are strong. If we can win like this, we are already a winner. Why do you and Yingzi seem to have won? What happened if you hide something from me? " At this time, Yingzi, Murong Yunfei, Zhu Jianwen and Fang Qingze also rode from the middle of the team. Fang Qingze saw Qu Xiangtian's expression of not knowing what to say. , as if he was extremely disdainful to someone and said: "Brother, what is there to do with that kind of person? Don't tell me. Yunzhi, your father-in-law took your mother-in-law and Shi Yuting away at the beginning of the war. Shi Yuting cried and didn't want to leave, but they knocked her out and pulled her away. They were Shi Yuting's parents. We couldn't stop them, so we had to let them out of the city. Shi Wentian also disturbed the morale of the soldiers and said: "Escape quickly, no." If you run away, you will die, you are too stupid. If you say this, there will be countless deserters under his leadership, otherwise we can fight more beautifully in this battle." Lu Yunzhi smiled bitterly, not surprised. In fact, before. I heard Mr. Shi say that Shi Wen was born extremely timid and fearful, so it was reasonable for him to be frightened by the pressure of the army and flee Bazhou. Lin Qianru's character is relatively strong, but the husband sings and the wife follows, and Shi Wentian insists on doing so. Lin Qianru also He could only follow silently. As for taking Shi Yuting away, it was for Shi Yuting's safety. This is what a father and mother should do, and it is also human nature. Lu Yunzhi shook her head and could only slowly wish Shi Yuting was safe and sound in her heart, hoping that the couple would be reunited if they were destined. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 18: Substituting one thing for another Now no one can predict, and Lu Yunzhi is also at a loss to predict the movements of Shi Wentian and others. Finding Shi Yuting in the vast sea of ????people is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Lu Yunzhi was sometimes impulsive, but he was not stupid. At least he was not stupid enough to immediately set off his horse to look for Shi Yuting. Seeing that Lu Yunzhi was so calm, the group of people became worried and comforted Lu Yunzhi one after another. However, Lu Yunzhi smiled bitterly and waved his hands. He returned to the carriage in the middle without answering and continued to lie down in the haystacks to rest. Far beyond the reach of the eyes, by a river, Shi Wentian and Lin Qianru slowly walked south with Shi Yuting, who was in a coma. According to Shi Wentian's arrangement, they were going to hide in Yunnan and Guizhou for a year and a half. Shi Wentian stroked his beard proudly and said with a smile: "Madam, look at these fools. The Zhongzheng lineage was so powerful and was wiped out, but they are still resisting and fantasize about reviving the Zhongzheng lineage. You said they are not just talking nonsense. What is it?" Lin Qianru looked at her husband, her eyes full of helplessness and said: "I didn't want to disobey you in front of everyone just now, but you did it a little too much, and it was a bit unfaithful to abandon everyone. "Shi Wentian had nothing to say. He could only pretend to sneer, shake his head and snort a few times. The two continued to take Shi Yuting on their way, but were not in a hurry to wake Shi Yuting up. They knew that with Shi Yuting's character, she would make a big fuss when she woke up. As a father, Shi Wentian is great. He did not abandon his wife and daughter. He wanted to take them to escape together. This is the unchanging law of heaven and earth. And then he showed his great love even more. This is all a story later, but he didn't know that his original intention was to do this out of love for his family, but in fact, he harmed the two people he loved most. Let's turn to Lu Yunzhi. After several days of long-distance running, he finally got away from his pursuers and arrived at Jiujiang Prefecture. The reason why he chose Jiujiang Prefecture was because Zhu Jianwen's father was granted a vassalship here. He was originally called Prince Ning and built The capital was in Daningwei, and later moved to Nanchang Prefecture. In Zhu Jianwen's father's generation, in order to protect himself wisely, he retreated to Jiujiang and continued to pay tribute to Wang Zhen, the eunuch who was in power during the orthodox period. This way he preserved his status, but he changed his name to King Wu. Qu Xiangtian sent sentries to inform the King of Wu that the King of Wu was willing to let Qu Xiangtian lead troops to Jiujiang and said that there was a way to protect them. Since Zhu Jianwen was his brother and the King of Wu was Zhu Jianwen's father, Qu Xiangtian Xiang Tian took a gamble and decided to believe in King Wu, a politician who formed a party for personal gain. The mighty team marched towards Jiujiang, and finally arrived in Jiujiang that day. The name of the King of Wu was Zhu Qixiang. Zhu Jianwen looked so much like his father that everyone couldn't help laughing when they saw Zhu Qixiang. Standing together, Zhu Jianwen and his father, the King of Wu, seemed to be carved out of the same mold. The difference is usually just in age, but in short it¡¯s endlessly interesting. The King of Wu invited everyone from the Zhongzheng lineage to enter the inner palace to rest, and entertained them very thoroughly. He also held a banquet in the hall to entertain everyone. During the banquet, Zhu Qixiang said: "All of you, senior brothers who are dogs, heard that you have a good relationship with him. My dear brothers. Since you came to Jiujiang because you trust me, I will risk my life to protect you all." Under the leadership of Fang Qingze, everyone stood up to drink and thanked him: "Thank you, His Highness, King Zhu Qi. Xiang waved his hands repeatedly and said: "You are welcome, since coming to Jiujiang is like coming to your own home. Zhu Jianwen, please come with me later. Everyone has a good time to eat and drink. Someone will arrange for you to rest later. By the way, Qu Xian Nephew, you don't mind if I call you that, your soldiers will be stationed in the west of the city. I have already arranged for someone to lead the way." Qu Xiangtian nodded and replied, "My nephew thanked my uncle." Zhu Qixian smiled. Xiao Xiao took Zhu Jianwen and left the banquet. The two entered the inner hall and closed the door to chat. After eating and drinking, everyone suddenly felt tired. Qu Xiangtian dragged his tired body and the equally tired Qin Rufeng to inspect the barracks where the army was stationed. When he left Bazhou, not only his well-trained heavy The armored cavalry followed, but there were still hundreds of Bazhou people who were worried about being punished for participating in the rebellion, so they followed the team to Jiujiang. Qu Xiangtian was worried that these people would not observe military discipline, so he went on inspection despite being exhausted. The rest of the people were much happier. After days of avoiding and escaping, everyone who relaxed suddenly quickly fell asleep. Lu Yunzhi opened her eyes in the middle of the night and looked at Yingzi in her arms. She breathed steadily, The breath exhaled from the nostrils has a hint of fragrance, and the closed eyes have a pair of beautiful eyelashes, long and black. Lu Yunzhi suddenly felt a little hot all over his body. He couldn't help but lower his head and kiss Yingzi in his arms, but he felt that his body was even more angry and blood boiling. At this moment, Yingzi opened her eyes leisurely, looked at Lu Yunzhi, and then said with a shy face, "Ms. sir, let's get married." On the wedding night, Zhongzheng's family was surrounded, and they fled again and again, and Lu Yunzhi's body was never healthy. Reply, in short, whether it is Yingzi or Shi Yuting, they only have the name of husband and wife with Lu Yunzhi, but not the reality of husband and wife. Lu Yunzhi is a young man with a strong temperament. How could he bear it? He hugged Yingzi instead, and the Yingzi faded away.Yingzi took off her clothes and kissed him. Yingzi hugged Lu Yunzhi tightly and kissed him back. At this moment, there were sudden sounds of killing outside. Lu Yunzhi roared and got out of bed. He was indescribably annoyed, and then opened the door. Yingzi also got dressed with a red face. After walking out of the door, he found that there were flames blazing into the sky in the west direction of the city, and Qin Rufeng, Fang Qingze, Qu Xiangtian and others also opened the door. Qin Rufeng shouted: "No, it's the direction of our garrison. Lao Zhu betrayed us." As soon as he finished speaking, only Seeing a man walking quickly, he cursed: "Asshole, you fart, am I that kind of person? You go back to your room quickly, I will tell you in detail, go back quickly and don't let the servants see you." This person It was Zhu Jianwen. Everyone was puzzled, but they also entered Qu Xiangtian's room obediently and closed the door. After Zhu Jianwen entered the room, he chuckled twice and said: "My father has sent someone to inform General Guang Liang. Your team has changed into civilian clothes and entered the houses that have been prepared in batches. And my family's house Our King Qin troops were also all around, shouting loudly and walking in and out of the courtyard, just to create an illusion for the officials in the city." Qin Rufeng smiled awkwardly and said, "Old man. Zhu, I'm a rough guy and I wrongly blamed you." Zhu didn't care when he saw this and just smiled. "The reason why I don't tell you is that, first, I am short of time, and second, I am afraid that the wall between the seats will have ears. The most important reason is that I am afraid that if there is someone in Qu Xiangtian's team, then all the efforts will be wasted. We will stabilize you first, and wait for you If you are careless, I will surround you and kill you. After a while, my father will send people to write to the court to ask for credit. By then, you will be dead, and it will be inconvenient for the court to send Ming troops to chase us. If we do it again, We can only use soldiers and horses to do anything secretly, otherwise it means that we don't trust my father. My father still has some power in the court, and he will also have great face in front of the vassals outside the court. I don't think it would be enough to make us run for our lives just by saying a few words. I think this strategy of substituting one thing for another is a good one," Zhu Jianwen said. Qu Xiangtian thought for a moment and said, "What about the corpses that replace us? What about you?" Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 19: Anti-poem written by Jiujiang Mansion Zhu Jianwen said with a smile: "You don't have to worry about me. My father wrote a letter stating that I was sent by the late emperor to join the Zhongzheng lineage. You all know this. He also included our family's death-free gold medal. Zhu Qiyu has just ascended the throne, so it won't happen." betray the late emperor's arrangement in public. You don't know that the more royal descendants are, the more hypocritical they are. If he doesn't welcome Zhu Qizhen back, he will not openly refute the late emperor's policy. Even if Zhu Qiyu turns his back and refuses to admit it. We are not afraid either. Although we can't overthrow the imperial court even if we unite with my father and the other vassal kings, it will be even more difficult for the imperial court to overthrow us as long as the vassal princes gather together. King Qin's army is not a vegetarian. " " King Qin's army is Emperor Taizu. Established by Zhu Yuanzhang, divide and rule was controlled by the vassal kings in various places. At one time, a vassal king's army of King Qin numbered tens of thousands. The reason why it was called King Qin's Army was because he was worried that in the future, if there were sycophants who would cause trouble to deceive the emperor or foreigners invaded, the vassal king could lead troops into the capital. Assisting the emperor, this is the origin of the word Qinwang. Later, Emperor Chengzu, Zhu Di, succeeded in seizing power as King Yan. He was worried that vassal kings like himself would usurp the world of his children and grandchildren in the future, so he began to implement the strategy of reducing vassals. The most important thing in cutting down a vassal was to weaken the military strength of the vassal king, so the military strength of all the vassal kings in the world was reduced to thousands, or even hundreds, of men per king. The people in the room are all knowledgeable people, so they naturally understand the origin of Qin Wangjun. After hearing Zhu Jianwen's words, Fang Qingze said with confusion: "If you want to see people in life, you want to see corpses in death. What if we kill our corpses? If you don't hand over anything to the court, it will be more than you gain and lose if you are charged with taking merit. And it won't be worth it." I believe what you say." "Prisoners and refugees are naturally the only choice for your army. The same is true for burning military camps. When the time comes, we will report that you have escaped into the military camp and were besieged by us. We will burn you alive and hand over a few to be burned. Just burnt corpses," Zhu Jianwen said proudly. Lu Yunzhi sighed: "Refugee, I was also a refugee. Lao Zhu, what we do is to let others die on our behalf. Isn't it too cruel and unfair?" Zhu Jianwen smacked his lips and said: "Lu Shudu , you are such a nerd, how can a man be so benevolent to a woman? If you don¡¯t use this method today, you will die. If you don¡¯t do this, the refugees will not die, but you will be chased by the court¡¯s lackeys every day. If you are not careful, you will die. Go back to hell." Lu Yunzhi did not refute, and the room fell into silence for a while. Qu Xiangtian suddenly said: "If we stay here for a long time, not only will we not be able to revive our Zhongzheng lineage and avenge the blood feud, but we will also implicate you. Sooner or later, the court's detailed operations will discover us. When the time comes, we will search for evidence and report to the court. The court is using the suppression of bandits to Encircling us in the name of eliminating chaos will ruin the good intentions of your uncle and Lao Zhu. Let's do this. I will lead the team to leave tomorrow and continue walking south. I want to go to Annan and other countries to recruit troops with Qin Rufeng first. When we are strong, we will fight back to Kyoto. You guys can go with me." He said and looked at Lu Yunzhi and others. Fang Qingze shook his head: "I think we should go to Timur, but brother you are not suitable to go. You and your sister-in-law have not yet sorted out the relationship with the Murong family, so going there will only increase your worries. But the center of my business is in Timur. I want to use this as a basis to dominate the Ming Dynasty's economy and encroach on it with business. As the saying goes, money can make all the difference. When the time comes, I will buy a large group of mercenaries and follow the command of my elder brother. We will use our troops together. When we fight back to Kyoto, we can also use money to bribe officials to achieve victory without fighting. Third brother, what are your plans?" Lu Yunzhi looked at Yingzi and asked, "We, husband and wife, will listen to our brother's arrangements." Tian nodded and said: "You go to Timur. Your health is not very good. I am going to Annan and other countries. It is estimated that there will be many dangers and wars. With a master like my third brother who is proficient in magic by my side, I can indeed be more powerful, but I'm really worried about your health. You'd better go with the second child. Besides, I remember that Yingzi's brother is called Leopard, right? He's a good man. His martial arts are so powerful that one can fight against ten, and he can also fight against ghosts and other things. , whether it is against the Ming army or the mysterious organization Yi Yan Shi Ti Jian, if possible, try to persuade Bao Zi to help us. "Do you think this is good?" Ying Zi replied: "Brother? Don't worry, I will definitely persuade my brother." Qu Xiangtian shouted: "In that case, you and I will part ways, and you, Lao Zhu, will stay here as an internal agent of the Ming Dynasty, using King Qin's soldiers. Strength, if you recruit more new troops privately, we will definitely succeed in the future if we cooperate internally and externally." Zhu Jianwen smiled and did not answer, but just pushed Qu Xiangtian and agreed. Qu Xiangtian walked to the desk in the room, grabbed a wolf brush and dipped it in ink on the white wall on the east side and wrote: When autumn comes on September 8th, after my flowers bloom, hundreds of flowers will die. The incense formation soaring into the sky penetrates Chang'an, and the whole city is covered with golden armor. Qu Xiangtian¡¯s calligraphy is not neat, but the strokes penetrate the wall powerfully. The handwriting reveals the heroism of being arrogant and the ferocity of killing everyone in the world. Fang Qingze shouted hello and took Qu Xiangtian's pen. He thought about it for a long time but couldn't think of a poem. He couldn't help scratching his head and thinking about Lu Yunzhi.He arrived: "Third brother, come here." Everyone was enjoying themselves. Tomorrow's farewell did not make them feel sad at all, but aroused everyone's hope for their future rise. Lu Yunzhi said: "Eldest brother's poem is Huang Chao's "Yong Ju" is also called "Fu Di Hou Fu Ju", and it is indeed very domineering. There is a recent book written by Shi Naian and edited by Luo Guanzhong called "Water Margin of Loyalty and Righteousness". In it, Song Jiang lived in Xunyang Tower in Jiujiang. This poem came into my mind at this time, and we happened to be in Jiujiang, so I thought it would be more appropriate to slightly change this poem to suit the occasion." He stood up and took the pen handed to him by Fang Qingze. . Lu Yunzhi walked slowly to the wall, thought for a moment, then dipped in ink and started writing. The handwriting was very beautiful, but it could not block the sadness and anger revealed in it, as well as the helplessness and resistance to the current situation: When he was young, he studied classics and history, and when he grew up, he also had powerful plans. Just like a tiger lying on a deserted hill, its minions are lurking and endure. Unfortunately, tattoos on both cheeks are worthy of being in Jiangzhou. If he could avenge himself in his youth, the head of the Xunyang River would be stained with blood. After Lu Yunzhi finished writing the inscription, he smiled mischievously at Qu Xiangtian. Everyone was a little surprised. Lu Yunzhi, who had always been steady and rigid, was rarely like this. Wu, wandering in the rivers and seas, groaning, he always seems to have a high ambition, dare to laugh at Huang Chao for not being a husband! After writing, Lu Yunzhi threw the pen to the wall with all his strength, knelt on the ground and clasped his hands towards the east, saying: "Today we must avenge the destruction of our family. The Emperor, Heaven and Empress Dowager bless us to realize our dreams and revive Zhongzhengyi as soon as possible." Pulse." He knocked down. Everyone also knelt down one after another, united for a moment. The black shadow under a brass lighthouse in the corner of the room trembled slightly, then returned to its original state. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 20: Chase (VIP extra) The talkative eldest brother stood in a courtyard, looking at the cyclamen in front of him with his hands behind his back in a daze, and then he casually said: "Come out, and if you want to see it next to me, follow me." Playing hide-and-seek." There was a burst of evil laughter, and the shadow of a water tank suddenly shook, and then it gathered into a human-shaped black shadow and walked over, laughing: "After all, you are better, that kid Lu Yunzhi is better. It¡¯s not easy to really understand me and reveal my Ying Mei¡¯s character. I¡¯m quite interested in him, but he didn¡¯t notice that I was spying on them, but you found out, hahahaha, by the way, they are acting separately now. "The man turned his head, then counted with his fingers, and said: "Since we are separated, the breath should be weakened. Why can't I calculate it at all?" The shadow replied: "You idiot, they have already. With the help of Lu Yunzhi, you can't count the four pillars and the ten gods. I think there are not many people in the world who can do it. I am really itching for him to do such a thing at such a young age. Now that the four pillars and ten gods have been destroyed, you can only rely on me. This time, you are going to exchange for a few years of life." The man said angrily: "Didn't I already give you this year? Follow my orders." But I heard the black figure say: "It seems that you are not as good as Lu Yunzhi. He knows that I am a ghost who does not keep his word and only fights for himself, but you dare to believe so. I'm so naive. Besides, how else can you find them now except relying on me, so of course I have to increase the price." The man snorted, paced back and forth and said, "If I give you Yangshou now, maybe. You will regret it." Heiying laughed and said, "You have finally become smarter. I will tell you where this coward Shi Wentian is. Do you want to hear it?" "I want to know more about Lu Yunzhi and the others." Where." The man said coldly. The shadow seemed to be very sad and said: "Forget it, since you don't want to know, I won't say anything." "Okay, just tell me." The man said helplessly. Heiying chuckled: "First of all, let me tell you that you have underestimated the power of King Wu. He will submit a letter to report soon. Then you will not be able to use the troops of the imperial court. There are still Shi Wentian and others " One evening four days later, Shi Yuting sat on the horse with her mouth pouted and said nothing. Lin Qianru said: "Yu Ting, you can't be rude to your father." Shi Yuting snorted: "No, he is a coward. I'm so ashamed to have such a father." Shi Wentian was furious. He rode his horse to keep pace with Shi Yuting, and then raised his hand as if to hit him. Shi Yuting raised her face and said with tears in her eyes: "Hit me, come on, I don't know how to be brave. Killing the enemy, but showing prestige in front of his family. Why don't you break up our husband and wife?" Shi Wentian put down his hand and yelled: "Shut up, you little girl, I just want you to. Survive." As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly turned his head, looked into the distance and shouted: "No, run, someone is chasing them." Several black spots gradually approached them in the distance, and large amounts of dust were raised. At least there will be dozens of people. Shi Wentian and the others did not dare to neglect, and continued to gallop southward with their horses. As they ran wildly, Lin Qianru's horse fell to the ground with foam at the mouth. Shi Wentian yelled: "Damn horse dealer, what good horse, madam." As he spoke, he stretched out his hand, took Lin Qianru's stretched out hand, and lifted it up with force. Lin Qianru took advantage of the situation and jumped onto the horse to ride with Shi Wentian. But misfortune never comes singly, after running for about four or five miles, a rabbit hole appeared on a small slope. The horse Shi Yuting was riding inserted its front hoof into the hole, and then fell to the ground. There were large rocks around it, and Shi Yuting was knocked out. Just when Shi Wentian was about to fall on a boulder and lose his beauty, Shi Wentian reined in his horse and jumped up to hug Shi Yuting. He rolled on the spot, and immediately there were blood marks on Shi Wentian's face and back. However, Shi Yuting was not injured at all. Shi Yuting raised her eyes and looked at her father and said, "Father, I'm sorry." Shi Wentian ignored it and squatted down to look at the horse Shi Yuting was riding. He saw that the front hoof had been broken and Shi Wentian had beaten him hard. The horse fell to the ground for a moment, then turned around, picked up Shi Yuting, put it on his horse, and said to Lin Qianru: "Take the child quickly, hurry up, I will fend off the pursuers." Lin Qianru's eyes immediately turned red, and she murmured: "Husband , I wrongly blamed you, you are not" "Stop talking nonsense, I am just a coward, but I am still a man, run quickly." As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Qianru got off the horse and held the shorts in her hands. The blade stabbed the horse hard, causing it to run wildly in pain. Shi Yuting wanted to rein in the horse but couldn't control it. Lin Qianru shouted to Shi Yuting who was walking away: "Yuting, live well and find Yunzhi." !" Shi Wentian pulled Lin Qianru angrily and yelled: "Why are you so stupid? If you stay, you will die." Lin Qianru smiled slightly and said, "If you die, what's the point of me living?" Shi Wentian's. Her eyes were moist, she stroked Lin Qianru's temples and said softly: "Husband??, we will still be husband and wife in the next life. " Shi Wentian pulled out his sword, and Lin Qianru held a short blade. The two of them waited in the proud wind for the enemy who was getting closer and closer to them. Dozens of pursuers shouted and horses circled around Shi Wentian and Lin Qianru to surround them. In the middle, a person said sharply: "Shi Wentian, do you still know me? " Shi Wentian looked closely and saw a short man, only half the height of an adult, sitting astride a tall horse. He had a handsome face, but his face was very stiff. From time to time, he would do some extremely shocking things. With a disgusted expression, a pair of forks hanging on his waist, and a huge Bagua mirror about half the size of his body tied behind his back, Shi Wentian looked at the surrounded couple with extremely mocking eyes and said through gritted teeth: "Shang. Damn you, you despicable person. ""What? I'm mean, I'm a villain! Your father is a villain, and so are you. I don¡¯t need to explain the reason. Shi Wentian today is your day of death. You can¡¯t even think of getting what I can¡¯t get. Why can you be so prosperous even if I¡¯m a dwarf? You can¡¯t get better today if you marry a wife and have children. All must die. "Shang Wang said angrily. Lin Qianru shouted: "Ms., don't talk nonsense to him. If he wants to take our lives, we have to see if he has the ability. "As he spoke, he rushed forward with a short blade in his hand, took out a pill and took it in his mouth. Suddenly his body glowed with a faint golden light, as if a god had descended to earth. Shi Wentian also pulled out his long sword, waved it and murmured: "Ju Huan" Gathering shadows, mirror flowers and water moon. "Following Shi Wentian's thoughts, the surrounding air seemed to have cooled down suddenly, and he suddenly felt that the place where the sword touched was extremely cold. Shang Wan sat on the horse, pointed at Shi Wentian and Lin Qianru with a sharp laugh and said: " A master of the Alchemy lineage uses the Golden Pill technique, and a scum of the Zhongzheng lineage uses the Mirror Flower, Water and Moon Sword. Haha, these couple are quite capable. The Five Ugly people obey the order, capture them, and reward them with a thousand gold coins! "The pursuers led by Shang Wang were disciples of the Wuchou lineage. A heavy reward must be rewarded by brave men. As soon as Shang Wang finished speaking, the disciples of the Wuchou lineage roared like wild beasts and pounced on the pair. Among them was the Jinyu couple, whom everyone envied. In an instant, a group of people gathered together in the deserted countryside surrounded by rocks. Ghosts appeared and were suppressed from time to time, and swords, swords, shadows and weapons clashed with each other. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 21: Tragic Shi Yuting held the reins tightly and leaned forward for fear of being thrown off by the galloping horses. Her whole body rose and fell with the horses, as if she had become one with the horses. Suddenly the horse stopped galloping and stopped hurriedly. It raised its front hooves and took two steps back. It breathed out thickly from its nose, as if there was some ferocious beast in front of it that frightened it. The sky was getting a little dark, and a group of blue flames lit up. The cold light of the fire gave people a chilling feeling. The flames suddenly moved quickly and rushed towards Shi Yuting. The horse shuddered and then turned around and ran away. Shi Yuting looked back at the flame that was getting closer to her. She saw clearly that the flame was burning in the hand of a short and fat man. The man didn't feel any pain and was still running quickly. Then he waved his hand violently, The flame flew out of his hand. Shi Yuting screamed and lowered her head on the horse. Looking sideways, she recognized that the man was Cheng Fangdong. She saw that the strange blue flame disappeared in the blink of an eye. Only Cheng Fangdong was still moving towards him quickly. Running over by herself, Shi Yuting breathed a sigh of relief and felt relieved. It was impossible for Cheng Fangdong to catch up with the speed of the horse. Even if it could last at first, it would not be as good as this mount. But the moment Shi Yuting turned her head, she opened her mouth wide and exclaimed, "Ah!" The blue flame came from the side and hit the galloping horse. The horse screamed and turned over. The body was also knocked off the ground, Shi Yuting was lifted out, and the horse fell to the ground with a neigh. Starting from the place where the abdomen was hit, blue flames quickly burned and burned all over the body. The horse tried to stand up, but it seemed that its internal organs were damaged and could only squirm from the ground. All that was left was a pile of bones. After Shi Yuting was thrown out, she fell heavily to the ground. She suddenly felt disgusted and tears immediately poured out of her eyes. She turned her head and looked at the horse that had taken her galloping just now. Now it was worse than death. Just watching helplessly as her mount was burned to death, her ears filled with the painful neighing of the horse, Shi Yuting was so frightened that her whole body shook violently, and she even forgot about the pain. Cheng Fangdong walked to his side, but the strange thing was that Cheng Fangdong had no shadow. There was a black shadow standing next to him. The black shadow had no facial features and looked both real and illusory. It was the same height and build as Cheng Fangdong, just like his shadow. If not Ying Mei, what is it? The black figure said: "Cheng Fangdong, how do you like the news I told you?" Cheng Fangdong smiled and cupped his hands and said, "Thank you very much." The black figure also smiled wickedly: "I'll leave first, you can do your work." All of a sudden, the black shadow swayed and seemed to disappear out of thin air. Under the illumination of the setting sun and the rising moon, Cheng Fangdong's shadow reappeared, as if it had been there just now. Shi Yuting blinked and couldn't believe what she saw. Her mind was spinning rapidly, and she knew that the thing just now was the Ying Mei that everyone had been discussing a few days ago. Shi Yuting struggled to stand up with her body in pain after being thrown down, but was kicked over by Cheng Fangdong who came forward. Cheng Fangdong stepped on Shi Yuting's arm hard. Shi Yuting screamed in pain. Cheng Fangdong looked up to the sky and laughed, but he kept walking under his feet. The force of the ground crushed Shi Yuting's arm, as if she was enjoying Shi Yuting's screams. After a while, Shi Yuting was crying so hard that she was dripping with sweat from the pain. Cheng Fangdong knelt down, stroked Shi Yuting's hair, wiped Shi Yuting's tears and said, "What's wrong with you, Yuting, look at the pain, your little face is pale." Shi Yuting took a long breath and shouted. : "Cheng Fangdong, you pervert, what are you going to do?!" "How about this." As he spoke, Cheng Fangdong suddenly reached out and pulled open Shi Yuting's clothes. Immediately, Shi Yuting's clothes were torn, revealing her snow-white neck and that Embroidered phoenix and embroidered clothes. Shi Yuting yelled and tried to protect her chest, but Cheng Fangdong stepped on her other arm. Cheng Fangdong slowly took off his pants, and Shi Yuting closed her glasses, but heard Cheng Fangdong say: "Open your eyes, I am a eunuch." Shi Yuting raised her eyes and opened her mouth in surprise. Although Shi Yuting did not learn from the Zhongzheng lineage After all, I had some knowledge about it through my ears and eyes, and Lin Qianru also explained it to Shi Yuting in detail before the wedding night. She looked at Cheng Fangdong, only to find that Cheng Fangdong had nothing on his lower body, even worse than a eunuch. The method of castration for eunuchs in the Ming Dynasty was castration, which meant only removing the sperm vesicles, not all of them. But Cheng Fangdong was different. His lower body was empty except for a shallow pit with a small hole in the middle. Shi Yuting asked in a trembling voice: "What do you want to do?" Cheng Fangdong smiled evilly and said: "Your body is so beautiful, but I just want to destroy all beautiful things. I want the palms of the Zhongzheng line, and everything related to the Zhongzheng line. I want to destroy it, I want to start over." As she spoke, water sprayed out in a fan shape from the small hole, and a smell of urine rose into the air, pouring over her head and face. Shi Yuting couldn't bear the humiliation and fainted with anger. Cheng Fangdong laughed loudly and pulled up his pants, then took out the rope and tied Shi YuHe put his arms on his shoulders and said to himself: "Don't worry, Yuting, I will make your future life worse than death." As he walked away, Cheng Fangdong's back looked like a devil under the moonlight. Shi Wentian shouted loudly. He looked extremely brave, but in fact, his body was already scarred. Although he had not been controlled by the ghosts driven by the Five Chou lineage, he was exhausted. The golden light on Lin Qianru's body slowly dimmed, and the ghosts gradually dared to approach her. The short blade in Lin Qianru's hand had already ended the lives of two disciples of the Five Chou lineage, and she seemed to be much more powerful than Shi Wentian. The Five Chou lineage must work in groups of five to exert its power, so as long as one of them is injured, the five of them cannot coordinate. Lin Qianru saw this clearly and launched a fierce attack on only one of them, relying on the golden elixir technique. The power killed two people, and the combat effectiveness of the two groups of Five Uglys quickly declined. Shang Wang cursed: "You are a bunch of trash, this little bitch has a lot of strength, let me do it!" After saying that, he jumped up from the horse and stabbed Lin Qianru with both forks. Lin Qianru waved her short blade to stop Shang Wang. Although she was short, she was extremely powerful. Lin Qianru felt her shoulders sink and the short blade was pressed to the ground. Lin Qianru groaned, the golden light on her body suddenly increased in strength, she swung her left fist towards Shang Wang, a faint golden light emitted from her fist, Shang Wang did not dare to take a hard hit, raised her arms and rolled to avoid the blow, and used The donkey rolled and then rolled back, and kicked Lin Qianru's leg. Lin Qianru was not prepared for her unsteady feet and fell to the ground. Lin Qianru reacted quickly and was about to stand up with her hands on the ground, but five ghosts wrapped around her limbs and neck, holding her firmly there. ¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª Highly recommended, a dark horse masterpiece in the thriller section, ranked first on 360 homepage, the thriller and suspense drama "Cemetery Seal". Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 22: Iron Sword Lineage Lin Qianru kept struggling, her body emitted a faint golden light, the ghost made a rustling sound, and she could no longer hold on. Shang Wangjiao smiled and turned the Bagua mirror behind him and hit Lin Qianru on the back of the head. Lin Qianru let out a cry and suddenly vomited, and the golden light gradually disappeared. The golden elixir technique was broken, and Lin Qianru suddenly regained her true nature as a weak woman, who was pained by five ghosts. But she gritted her teeth and moaned lowly to prevent herself from letting out a miserable cry. Shang Wan grabbed Lin Qianru's hair and dragged her to the side, and then shouted to Shi Wentian: "Shi Wentian, your wife was caught by me, just go ahead and capture her. I can leave you two whole bodies. This is what you owed me back then." Mine." Lin Qianru wanted to say something, but was choked back by the ghost around her neck. After Shi Wentian escaped the attack of a ghost, he shouted: "Shang Wang, you are a villain, what is your ability to catch my woman and force me to do it? If you have the guts, come down and challenge me." Shang Wang snorted twice and said, "You have the guts. Your seed is not your own. Don't forget that you used someone else's body. In this case, this woman is a piece of shit. I can give it a try. By the way, you just need to resist a little longer. , I will arrange for someone to sleep with this woman. Don't rush to kill him, otherwise you will not get any points. I will do my job first." Shang Wang rushed forward. One stick of incense time passed. Shang Wang walked to the front of the battle with his pants lifted and looked at Shi Wentian who was surrounded by everyone. Shi Wentian was exhausted at this moment, but his eyes were blood red and he was gritting his teeth and fighting with all his strength. Because just now his ears It was filled with Shang Wang's triumphant shouts and Lin Qianru's miserable sobs. Shang Wan asked while tying his trousers: "How many moves has he received?" A disciple of the Five Chou lineage replied: "To tell you what, this brat has received more than 200 moves." Shang Wan smiled gloomily. He said twice: "You are more than twenty people, which means that each of you has to fall in love with this rotten woman ten times, but this woman is so hot, I like this kind of hot woman." Shi Wentian shouted like crazy He rushed towards Shang Wan, but in anger, he lost his position and was immediately restrained by five ghosts. Shang Wan waved his hand: "Tear him apart. I get angry when I see this pretentious bastard." After speaking, the five people who controlled the ghosts chanted French together. Shi Wentian let out a cry of pain. With a "squeak" sound, Shi Wentian was torn into five pieces. Blood flowed in the wind. Shi Wentian's head rolled to the side, his eyes wide open. Lin Qianru turned her head to look at her husband and saw such a tragic scene. Her hair suddenly wetted with tears. Shang Wang picked up Shi Wentian's dusty head and threw it next to Lin Qianru. Then he said to all the disciples of the Five Chou lineage Said: "Brothers, you have worked hard, it's your turn to enjoy it." After saying that, he left with a lewd smile. A group of people whipped their horses and approached Shang Wang and the others. Some of the Wu Chou people were lying on Lin Qianru, while others were sweating profusely and sitting on the rocks to rest. When they saw the large group of cavalry approaching in the distance, they were frightened and stood up quickly. Come, prepare to challenge Shang Wang, but he stares into the distance for a while and says, "Don't worry. Look, it's those guys who wear coir raincoats and are very arrogant all day long. They are called the Iron Sword Lineage. It's really funny." Everyone in the Wuchou Lineage As soon as he heard that it was his accomplice, he was relieved, but he didn't dare to neglect and got dressed. The Iron Sword lineage is very special. This lineage has no fixed base. Some people say it originated from Yunnan and Guizhou, and some say it originated from Jingxiang. It is also a long-standing sect. It was originally a group of extremely ordinary martial arts masters. They just like to use big swords and because of the relatively strong local culture. It¡¯s rainy, so I wear a hat and a raincoat. Later, one of the warriors obtained the true meaning of the art of Yin and Yang, and slowly studied it and taught it to other martial artists, thus opening the door and establishing the Iron Sword Gate. Later, he was found out by the Zhongzheng lineage and after an investigation, he was accepted into the Heaven and Earth people and was named the Iron Sword lineage. The reputation of this lineage is not small, because on weekdays, they are chivalrous and righteous, destroying bandits and violence wherever they go, using force to break the law, and they are not restricted by the court. This is how they became famous. When it comes to physical skills and kung fu, except for a few people from heaven and earth such as the Zhongzheng lineage, there are very few branches of heaven and earth that can compete with them. But when it comes to yin and yang, fortune telling, exorcising ghosts and destroying ghosts, they are not as good as other people from heaven and earth. This pattern was broken thirty years ago, because the leader of the Iron Sword lineage accepted a disciple. This disciple learned a unique set of ghost-defeating techniques by inference, and combined them with their great sword skills to become famous. He did not hesitate to teach his fellow disciples what he knew. Since then, the strength of the Iron Sword lineage has greatly increased, and it has become a first-class branch among the people of heaven and earth. This disciple is the current The master of the Iron Sword lineage. No one knows the name of this person. He just said that he came from the northwest. His business failed and he lost all the money. He had no choice but to work as a coolie. Later, he helped the Iron Sword lineage to repair houses and do small jobs. Spotted by his master. Unexpectedly, after he started, he became very intelligent. Not only was his swordsmanship extraordinary, but he also learned new things. He integrated his own energy into the sword and used it to kill ghosts. Later, the pulse master of the Iron Sword lineage took his pulse before he died. The throne of the Lord was given to him and passed on to him.The symbol of the identity of the Pulse Lord, the four-clawed golden dragon sword. Cheng Fangdong had met the Iron Sword Master once before he entered Yi Yan Shi Ti Jian. It was when he was the previous Master of the Iron Sword Line and his master came to report the funeral of the Zhongzheng Line. There was no news after that. Even if they accept disciples, they will not come to the Zhongzheng lineage to worship, and they will not obey the regulations of the Zhongzheng lineage in doing things. It's just that Mr. Shi didn't interfere too much because they had always been chivalrous and upright, eliminating violence and keeping good people safe. No one knows what his face hidden under that big hat looks like, and no one knows his name. The only sign that recognizes him is the huge four-clawed golden dragon iron sword. The leader of the Iron Sword lineage turned over and dismounted, glanced at the disheveled people of the Wuchou lineage, and cursed in a low voice: "A bunch of beasts." The Wuchou lineage did not dare to talk back, not only because his own lineage leader was not there. In addition, there is also the element of fear of the profundity of the Iron Sword lineage and its great reputation in the world. Shang Wan came up and said: "Old Tie, Pulse Master, why don't you give it a try? This woman is not bad. I thought she would die after being procured for so long, but she is still alive. Apart from being a little dirty, she is pretty good." , let your disciples relax too." The leader of the Iron Sword Pulse shouted angrily: "Shang Wu, although your actions are a bit extreme, you are usually a man who values ??love and justice. I don't think you killed Shi Wentian in revenge. No matter what, a man should be happy with his grudges, and I respect you as a man. But what you did today is so disappointing to me." As he said this, the Iron Sword Master walked over with his big sword and lay down naked. Next to Lin Qianru, who was panting on the ground, the sword was swung and blood splashed, and Lin Qianru's ghost disappeared and returned to the west. The master of the Iron Sword Pulse ordered the disciples behind him: "Bury them as husband and wife, and bury them together." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 23: The Eunuch "Gao Huai, how are you recovering from your injuries?" asked a thin old man with a dry face. His face was a little blue and looked very permeable. Gao Huai said feebly: "It's better. Thank you for your concern, Master of the Soul Vein." The man with an agitated face was the Master of the Soul Vein. After listening to Gao Huai's answer, he said: "Since your body is almost done, then big brother will arrange for you." How are you thinking about the matter? Brother, please listen to my advice. It is not easy to get the appreciation of big brother. The most important thing is that you have become an eunuch now. No matter how much you resist, the result will be this. " Gao Huai lowered his head. Silent, sitting in this empty house, facing the four walls every day and thinking hard, his spirit was close to the edge of collapse, and his face was pale, as if he had not yet recovered from the pain of castration. "Those who know the current affairs are heroes. As a politician, you should understand." The Master of Life Vein said. Gao Huai sighed and nodded and said: "That's all it can do now, I agree. He had a long talk with me a few days ago and I know his good intentions. Catching ghosts and exorcising them to benefit people must be preserved. He just wanted to eliminate the hidden danger of someone having selfish interests in ruling the court, and to restore peace to the world, so that there would no longer be smoke and fire caused by internal strife between heaven and earth, but I don't understand that if he had explained it to me earlier, maybe I would have helped him. Maybe the entire Zhongzheng lineage will help him. No one has any objections. Why does he want to wipe out the people of heaven and earth and kill them all before he gives up? Why does he want to take you as his subordinates to resist the Zhongzheng lineage? Where did we go wrong? I don¡¯t know why. ?¡± ¡°Hahahaha,¡± the Lifeline Master laughed loudly, ¡°You must have heard of these two sentences, the extremes of things must be reversed, and the superior power surpasses the master, right? It¡¯s still the same sentence that the elder brother said. It doesn¡¯t mean that you don¡¯t have any objections today. In the future, there will be no people in the sect. This is just to prevent problems before they happen. My surname is Zhu. We will use the power of the ghost witch to weaken you, and then give you a certain status and military power to paralyze you, and use all our strength to deal with the ghost witch. We will reap the benefits of the ghost witch who already covets our Ming territory and the capital. The defense battle was fought beautifully. After this battle, the borderland will be peaceful for twenty years. The eldest brother only used a little trick to choose the Zhongzheng lineage and the ghost witch swordsmen to face each other. Do you think it is better to kill two birds with one stone? " Gao Huai chuckled. He gritted his teeth and said: "Gao, what's a little trick? It's just like playing a big game of chess in the world. Hey, but I don't understand two things. Why do I want to wipe out the people of heaven and earth and still keep you? Why do you want to keep you?" Why do you want to castrate me when you let me join?" The Lifeline Master said softly: "Because we are useless, cunning rabbits can be eaten by dogs, and birds can be used as good bows. But for those who can survive on anything they eat, we have no fighting power. The owner of the old dog and the broken crossbow will still show some mercy and let us live. Besides, chasing ghosts and fortune-telling also requires us to be on the front foot, don¡¯t you think? To achieve great things, you will definitely do things that are despised by the world. This has been true from ancient times to the present. If you don't bother to do these things, you must find someone to do them. This is the value of our existence. As for the Iron Sword lineage. It's different. Their bloodline leader is that weird guy. I don't know his name. In short, they are powerful and ruthless characters. But no matter how advanced the eldest brother is, he still needs powerful lackeys. It's not like our living beings. They are the same trash as the Five Chou lineage, but the kind of lackeys who can bite at critical moments. The Iron Sword lineage is like this, but they don't care, because the eldest brother promised to let them patrol the world, just like the censor. General, but more powerful than the censor. It is the ideal of the Iron Sword lineage to defeat the emperor and kill the corrupt officials. But Gao Huai, do you think the elder brother will keep his promise? " Gao Huai shook his head. The Lord smiled and said: "That's it, so the Iron Sword lineage is a foolhardy person. The purpose of killing the Zhongzheng lineage is to prevent a dominant family from harming the Ming Dynasty. Who can guarantee the Iron Sword lineage in the future?" The First Lineage will not become the second Zhongzheng, so sooner or later they will have to be driven out and exterminated, but the time has not yet come. As for you, you are very different from us. You are good at interpersonal relationships and proficient in flattery. Brother Gao Huai, I didn¡¯t mean to ridicule you. This is the fact. This is also the purpose of my eldest brother choosing you. Once the Zhongzheng lineage is completely defeated, the powerful eldest brother in the dynasty will naturally be sure of victory, but the power of the Ming Dynasty is not only the civil and military officials, but also a kind of person who is particularly important. " Gao Huai smiled bitterly and continued what the master of the soul vein said: "There are also eunuchs, so you castrated me and made me a eunuch, right? But starting from the beginning, when I became a pen eunuch or a palm eunuch, my time was over. " "Brother is indeed right about the person. His consideration of the problem is extraordinary and he is very thoughtful. Naturally, I won't let you start from scratch. You only need to kill a eunuch who is neither high nor low and then use the art of disguise to change your appearance. From now on, you are him and he is you. Which name do you like? Brother will provide you with three lists, all of which are?Wang Zhen's comrades in the old days, you can do whatever you like. Big brother can't do anything like calling a deer a horse, but changing the weather is his specialty. Come on, choose a name. "The Master of Creation Pulse took out a piece of origami paper with three names and biographies of these three people written on it. Gao Huai looked at it for a moment, then closed his eyes and pointed to the person in the middle and said, "Just him. "The master of the living soul vein put it away after seeing it, and then said: "Don't be discouraged, Gao Huai. When the elder brother comes back, I will give you the secret book of the spirit fire technique. This technique is extremely powerful and can burn ghosts to extraordinary power. Unfortunately, it can only be castrated. Only talents can learn, and there are also high requirements for talent and ability. Brother Gao Huai, you have an excellent foundation, and your studies over the years have been several times higher than those of the disciples from the branches of Heaven and Earth, so you will definitely be able to practice this technique well. Hey, I don¡¯t know whether to envy you or sympathize with you, but by then Cheng Fangdong and Wang Zhen will not be the only ones in the world who know this skill! Gao Huai was shocked and asked in astonishment: "What?" Is Cheng Fangdong also an eunuch? Wang Zhen, isn¡¯t Wang Zhen dead? " But the master of the living spirit pulse chuckled and did not answer. He just patted Gao Huai on the shoulder to let him have a good rest and then closed the door. Gao Huai let out a long sigh, feeling extremely melancholy but having too many doubts in his heart. The future was uncertain. He was at a loss. This thought flashed through the politician's mind for the first time. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 24: Revealed Lu Yunzhi was sitting in an inn room, while Yingzi was grinding ink for him. A pot of green tea leaves gave off a faint fragrance, intertwined with the smell of the Buddhist incense altar on the table, and filled the heart and lungs with an indescribable refreshing feeling. Yingzi asked: "What kind of tea is this that smells so good?" Lu Yunzhi poured some tea leaves from the tea can and put it on the table for Yingzi to look at. He saw that the tea leaves were in the shape of spirals, with white hairs exposed on them, and the tea body was green. It is like green bamboo and beautiful jade, and the leaf buds are also extremely young. Yingzi opened the lid of the pot and suddenly felt the fragrance, and the tea leaves spread in the water. Yingzi poured out two cups, handed one to Lu Yun, then picked up a cup and sipped it slowly and sighed: "What a fragrant tea, cool and sweet, fresh and delicious. What kind of tea is this, sir?" Lu Yunzhi shook his head and said: "I don't know what this tea is called. My second brother bought it from a Jiangsu businessman when I went out to find out the news this morning. It is said to be called Frightening Fragrance. Naturally, my second brother didn't answer the question. The businessman explained the origin of this name. Legend has it that a nun saw a few leaves from this tea tree and soaked them in water. She suddenly felt the fragrance and shouted, "The fragrance is frightening." This is how the tea came to be. The nickname is Jingsharenxiang, but businessmen like to call it Dongting tea, which just indicates that its origin is Dongting Mountain in Taihu Lake. Although it is concise and concise, it lacks the authenticity of Jingsharenxiang and also lacks some poetic flavor. , I really failed to live up to such a delicious tea." Yingzi smiled and said: "Mr., how about you give this tea a name?" Lu Yunzhi paused and then smiled: "Look, this tea is like a blue snail. , let¡¯s call it Biluo.¡± As he spoke, Lu Yunzhi picked up his pen and wrote an impromptu poem on the spread rice paper. The churning clouds turned and boiled, and I would like to be a mandarin duck but not an immortal." After reading, Lu Yunzhi looked up at Yingzi, who was already shy, and stood up and hugged her, but suddenly someone outside the door called out. Lu Yunzhi opened the door and saw a man who looked like a businessman standing outside. The man was of medium build, with a square face and a broad forehead. Judging from his clothes, he looked like the owner of a well-to-do family, but there was a shrewdness in his eyes that made people laugh. You can tell he is a businessman at first glance. There was a man standing next to that person, with a big waist, a round belly and a bulging belly. He was dressed in very ordinary clothes and had a good-looking face and facial features. However, he looked fat because he was very fat. His eyes revealed a simple and honest look, but if you look closely, However, he discovered that there was cunning and confidence hidden in this honest and honest person. Who was this person if he wasn't Lu Yunzhi's second brother Fang Qingze. Lu Yunzhi raised his hands and said: "Second brother, may I ask who this dear friend is?" Fang Qingze replied with a smile: "The business friend who had a drink with me just now didn't want to come to the room to talk. I happened to hear it when I passed by your door. You were composing a poem, so you stopped." The man also bent down and bowed his hands and said, "I have someone from the Suzhou Prefecture. I just heard the poem you recited, sir, and what Brother Fang said I bought Dongting tea today. , after hearing this poem, I learned that you expressed your love to your wife with tea. I shouldn¡¯t have disturbed you, but the comparison between Dongting tea and Biluo was really wonderful, so I couldn¡¯t help but drink it and said hello. It was really offending. I'm disrespectful." Fang Qingze laughed loudly and said, "Brother Wang, you don't have to be polite. This is my third brother, and he is also a member of his family. By the way, there will be a banquet at Brother Wang's house tomorrow to celebrate the young master of the Wang family. Secondly, Brother Wang is going back to his hometown in the near future and may not come back, so tomorrow we will hold a banquet to say goodbye to our business friends. Today we had a good chat and invited me to the banquet. You and Yingzi will go with me tomorrow. Lu Yunzhi wanted to refuse, but the businessman surnamed Wang held out his hand and invited him: "Sir, you are very talented. You must come here tomorrow to show your respect." At this point, Lu Yunzhi had no choice but to agree and be polite to the businessman surnamed Wang. After a while. Later, the businessman surnamed Wang and Fang Qingze went back to the house to discuss business. Lu Yunzhi's unintentional comparison of Dongting tea to Biluo made the businessman never forget it. After returning home, he called the tea Biluo every day at home. When his son Wang Ao grew up, he added the word "spring" after Biluo, which became famous in the local area. From then on, Biluochun became known. Wang Ao had two apprentices, one named Tang Bohu and the other named Wen Zhengming. This is an afterthought and I won¡¯t mention it anymore. After Biluochun became famous, he was approved by Emperor Kangxi of the Qing Dynasty and made an imperial consecration. As a result, everyone in the world knew Biluochun. This is also an afterthought and I won¡¯t mention it anymore. That night, Lu Yunzhi hugged his wife Yingzi and went to Wushan together through clouds and rain. Lu Yunzhi felt an inexplicable sense of satisfaction in his body, like a beast that had been hungry for a long time after eating and drinking. After Lu Yunzhi fell asleep, she woke up with a burst of laughter. She looked around but there was no one there, only the lovely girl beside the pillow. The two of them had been running around for many days without consummating their marriage. Today they finally became husband and wife. Lu Yunzhi He no longer thought about hugging Yingzi and continued to fall into the dream. At noon on the second day, the three of them changed their clothes and rushed to the banquet hosted by the businessman named Wang. They got off the carriage and walked to the door, only to find that the place was already full of distinguished guests. Many businessmen came to the banquet. Fang Qingze suddenly looked at the couplets on both sides of the door. Said: The mountains and rivers of Cen Lake are ancient and modern, and the grass and trees on the pavilions are square inches. Lu Yunzhi smiled and said: "What a good couplet, it's just that the square characterThe sound is repeated, but it is still a good pair. Fang Qingze snorted and said: "Third brother, you are so stinky and sour. What's the point of Cheng Tian Wen Zou Zou? Tell me what's good about this couplet?" "Lu Yunzhi replied: "Look at Cen and Lake, don't they mean landscape, past, present and moon? The same goes for the second line. Second brother, Yingzi, don¡¯t you think it¡¯s very clever? " Fang Qingze said with a smile: "What a clever guy, come in quickly, we will say goodbye after a while after eating, go back to the inn, pack your bags and hurry up, let's go. "As he said that, he took the lead and walked into the courtyard, followed closely by Lu Yunzhi and Yingzi. As soon as Lu Yunzhi took a step into the courtyard door, he yelled "Ah", then pulled Fang Qingze and Yingzi and walked out without saying goodbye. . When they returned to the inn, Fang Qingze was still muttering: "Third brother, what the hell are you doing? It's rude to leave without saying anything. Isn't that what you pay most attention to?" What exactly do you want to do? I didn¡¯t even tell you when I asked you on the way. You can tell me now. " Lu Yunzhi didn't have time to grind it, so she dipped her hand into the water in the cup and wrote on the table: In a nutshell, she looked at Fang Qingze, who shook his head in confusion: "What do you mean? "Lu Yunzhi looked a little anxious, but didn't speak, as if it was troublesome to explain. He pointed his finger first to one, then to ten, then to TI, and wrote the word "Yu" on the table, and then wrote " "Qian". After Lu Yunzhi finished writing, he said leisurely: "It turns out that this organization is just a split character of a name. " Yingzi and Fang Qingze stood up in shock and shouted: "You said it was Yu Qian. "The door was suddenly pushed open and a person walked in. The person chuckled and said, "It's me. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 25: Wen Tianxiang Yingzi Fang Qingze and Lu Yunzhi looked at the man who pushed the door and walked in. They immediately stood up as if facing a formidable enemy. However, they were suffering from the fact that they had no weapons around them when they attended the banquet. They wanted to get them nearby but were worried that the man would take action at any time. Time is between a rock and a hard place. The man was in his fifties, with a mustache and a pair of piercing eyes under his two thin eyebrows. Although his eyes were not big, they revealed the light of wisdom. His temperament was very serious but he had a pair of piercing eyes. He looked at the three people in front of him with half-smiling expressions. This person was known to Lu Yunzhi and others. He was Yu Qian, the Minister of the Ministry of War, who was named Shaobao. "Yu Shaobao, why are you doing all this?" Lu Yunzhi said calmly. He had learned to restrain himself, and his anger until this moment could not solve any problem. Yu Qian sat down, and then stretched out his hand to signal the three of them to sit down too. Lu Yunzhi sat opposite Yu Qian, while Fang Qingze snorted and lifted his robe to sit down. He looked around for any ambushes. He didn't believe that Yu Qian dared to come alone. . "Yingzi, serve tea. Yu Shaobao must be thirsty." Lu Yunzhi said. It seemed that he wanted Yingzi to go out first, as he was worried that he would be besieged here later. But Yu Qian waved his hand and said: "Thank you, don't be busy, just listen to me tell a story." Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and replied: "Please do it." "There was a family named Yu in Qiantang County after the death of Emperor Taizu Gao In that year, a boy was born, named Yu Qian, that is, me. My ancestral home is Kaocheng. My great-grandfather went to Qiantang to serve as an official, and then my family went to Qiantang. The year I was born, Emperor Gao passed away, and it was a period of national mourning. I couldn't celebrate, so I didn't publicize it at home. One day, when I was seven years old, my father took me on a trip to Jingshan Temple. A monk from Jingshan Temple saw me on the way and suddenly shouted: "I've never seen anyone like this." "The prime minister will be saved in the future." The monk was surprised and asked my father why no one came to see me before. My father said that he was in mourning when he was young, so he didn't celebrate his new life and no one came to see him. The monk said: "Wait." I took a closer look, but my father took me away disapprovingly, and said mockingly: "The post of prime minister has been dismissed by Emperor Gao, so why should I be prime minister?" Yu Qian said. The three of them looked at each other, knowing that although Yu Qian had not joined the cabinet, he still gained power after the Battle of the Capital. He was no different from the old prime minister. They couldn't help but sigh that the monk had some skills. Yu Qian saw the three people looking at each other, smiled slightly and said: "This monk is my master. He became a monk and lived in Jingshan Temple. Yao Guangxiao once practiced in Jingshan Temple in the past. In his spare time, he taught his master some yin and yang skills. The master paused Feeling that this was a magic that could change the world, Yao Guangxiao became more interested in studying it after he left, and finally achieved the result. After parting ways in Jingshan, his master came to my home and had a long talk with my father about his superb hexagrams and horoscopes. My father was impressed by his unique skills, and eventually I became his disciple. From then on, my master-disciple relationship was like that of father and son. "Master," Lu Yunzhi asked, "Whose last name is your master?" This is disrespectful. My master is an expert from outside the world. As for his common name, I don¡¯t know. His Buddhist name is Qingkong. Later, my master not only taught me the art of yin and yang, but also made me familiar with the Four Books and Five Classics and the Art of War. He said to me: 'Disciple, you must read these books carefully, they will be of great use in the future. The Four Books and Five Classics can ensure you to be an official in the imperial examination, and the Art of War can ensure you to understand the world in the future. 'I obeyed the master's words, and did not dare to waste a moment's time to study hard. All the knowledge taught by the master. My father also hired many famous gentlemen to teach me the Four Books and Five Classics. I was immersed in all kinds of knowledge. One day, a famous gentleman asked me who I admired. I took out a scroll with a picture on it. There is a national hero. He is one of the three heroes in the late Song Dynasty. He is from Luling, Jizhou. I have always heard that Lu Yunzhi is a rare erudite person in the Zhongzheng lineage. Do you know who he is? " Yu Qian asked Lu. Yun Zhi asked with a smile. Although Lu Yunzhi's eyes were calm, they were full of doubts. He didn't know what Yu Qian's words were for. Although he explained who he studied under, it had nothing to do with why the Zhongzheng lineage was annihilated. After hearing that Yu Qian said When asked, he also answered: "Is it Wen Tianxiang?" "Exactly!" Yu Qian suddenly became excited and excited, "I wrote a poem on the wall, forgetting oneself for one's country, giving up one's life for righteousness, and preferring to die righteously, and be strict with others. Be a person People like Wen Tianxiang are my ideal. I want to be a loyal minister, a loyal minister who will devote himself to his life for the country and the people. Master walked outside the door and heard the conversation between me and the teacher. He nodded but had tears in his eyes. , burst into tears outside the door. Later I realized that it was tears of joy, because everything I thought and wanted to do was what Master wanted. In the 19th year of Yongle, I passed the provincial examination and was about to go to Beijing to take the exam. Master called me before leaving. In the wilderness and dense forest, I tested what I had learned and felt that I was already higher than the master. Then the master gave me a clay pill and asked me to squeeze it open after leaving the jungle. There was a note inside, saying this. It was left to him by Yao Guangxiao, saying that he would give it to his true disciples in the future. At that time, the master did not take it seriously because the master had never accepted a disciple. He thought that Yao Guangxiao had made a mistake. It was not until I became a disciple of the master that I believed it. " Yu Qian sighed. As if remembering some sad past events, he continued to speak with moist eyes: ??I don¡¯t know what Master¡¯s purpose was in asking me to come to the wilderness, but Master handed me another sword and said: ¡®Disciple, do you want to be a loyal minister like Wen Tianxiang? ¡¯ I took the sword and replied, ¡®I think this is my disciple¡¯s lifelong pursuit. ¡¯ Master laughed, his laughter filled with joy, and then asked: ¡®What will you do if someone betrays the country and rebels? ¡¯ I replied ¡®Kill! ¡¯ The master tore off his clothes and exposed his chest and said to me: ¡®Come, kill me. If you don¡¯t kill me, I will definitely rebel. Even if the rebellion fails, I will unite with the Northern Barbarians and Tatars to fight for the Central Plains. Then the world will be in chaos and everyone will be devastated. ¡¯ I didn¡¯t dare to do anything, so I just said: ¡®Master, you don¡¯t know how to do it. You have always taught me to be an upright person. How could you be like this? Stop joking with your disciple. ¡¯ But the master said: ¡®I promise you a thousand pieces of gold, if you don¡¯t kill me today, you will suffer cholera throughout my life. Disciple, if you want to be a loyal minister, you may have to do a lot of things against your will and kill a lot of people. Today, I will kill my master first. You and I share the same feelings as father and son. After killing my master, there will be no trace of concern or affection in the world. A loyal minister is The great are also lonely. If you want to be a loyal minister, kill me. 'I was confused and didn't know what to do. Master took advantage of my stunned moment and rushed towards the edge of my sword. He tightly grasped my right hand holding the sword with both hands. The steel sword pierced Master's chest, but it also caused a blow. My heart is as cold as ice. The master used his last bit of strength to say: 'Go, disciple, remember to follow the words in Ni Wan, the world is waiting for your rescue and turn the tide! ¡¯ After saying that, he died with a smile on his face. " At this point, Yu Qian suddenly seemed to choke. He was silent for a moment and then sighed: "I want to be Wen Tianxiang, but I also want to be the loneliest loyal minister in the world, Yu Qian! He draws his sword and dances in the courtyard, and his loud song shakes the forest. The same is true for the husband, who does not imitate the corrupt manners. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 26: Niwan¡¯s Prophecy "What the hell does that have to do with us? As your loyal minister, why do you want to hunt down Zhongzheng's lineage?" Fang Qingze finally lost his temper and roared. Yu Qian managed not to get angry and said: "It's not just you, but everyone in the world. I have this idea. Keeping people like you who have supernatural powers may be a disaster. Once you rebel, it will be unstoppable. My master is Yao Guangxiao's disciples received the true teachings even though they never became disciples. Although Yao Guangxiao did not identify himself as a person of heaven and earth, he accepted his status as a person of heaven and earth. In this way, I am also a person of heaven and earth, so let me, a person of heaven and earth, take care of everything. Heaven, earth and people, to protect the Ming Dynasty for generations to come, and the words in Ni Wan made me strengthen this belief." Lu Yunzhi cleared her throat and asked: "Yu Shaobao, what is the note in Ni Wan? What are you carrying?" Yu Qian took out a brochure bag from his arms, then opened it and handed it to Lu Yunzhi. The three of them looked over and saw that it read: Destroy the world, wipe out everything. Zhongzheng, kill the traitor Lu, and guard against the secrets of the Thirteenth, so that the world can be preserved, or there is no fear that the barbarians will enter the pass and the Ming Dynasty will be destroyed in the future. Fang Qingze shouted: "Why is this Secret Thirteen again? What is it?" Yu Qian shook his head and said: "No matter how I calculate, I can't figure out what Secret Thirteen is? But it wasn't until that year that I went to Zhongzheng Lineage I saw you when I was saying New Year's greetings and thanking you. From then on, I started planning to wipe out the Zhongzheng lineage. In fact, I can be considered unkind and unjust. At that time, I didn't like to use the magic of yin and yang to calculate world affairs, so I only relied on I served as an official in the court with great loyalty. I went to war with Emperor Xuanzong, scolded the rebels and cleared the unjust case, and worked hard for the country and the people. However, I was killed by the traitor Wang Zhen and imprisoned. Fortunately, with the help of Mr. Shi, I was able to survive. It is indeed unkind and unjust, but I am willing to bear the infamy for the country and the people." He pulled out a short blade from his waist and handed it to Yingzi, and then said: "When I kill your husband, I will destroy all the people in the world. , you can use this blade to take my life, I will never resist, I have repaid the kindness of the Zhongzheng lineage." After saying that, he stood up and bowed deeply to Lu Yunzhi and others. Lu Yunzhi said: "Aren't you afraid that what Yao Guangxiao wrote is just his personal hatred for the people of heaven and earth, or that his calculations are inaccurate?" Yu Qian nodded and said, "I'm afraid, but Yao Guangxiao will not be wrong. At least he has calculated your calculations." The person who appeared, although he did not name him but also gave his surname, should be you. From what Fang Qingze said just now, it seems that you also know the Secret Thirteen, which makes it even more certain. I don¡¯t want to know where you learned it, but even if you didn¡¯t. I might do the same thing with this note, maybe I'm too paranoid, but all this is for the Ming Dynasty, whether you believe it or not." Fang Qingze angrily yelled: "Fart, it's nonsense, what nonsense, even if you kill him. After all the people in the world, will no one resist? If there will still be resistance to the tyranny of emperors in future generations, then everything you do will be unreasonable. " Yu Qian nodded and said, "That's the case. But did you know? Even when the Ming Dynasty was destroyed and the feudal princes were fighting, the melee ended quickly without the participation of the people of heaven and earth, and the strongest party ruled the world. Lu Yunzhi, you are familiar with the historical materials of heaven and earth, although Xing Wen founded heaven and earth. After humans, the desire is not to participate in the disputes in the world, but which dispute is not intensified because of the participation of people from all walks of life. The people of heaven and earth fight for power and profit due to their own selfish desires, which makes the people of the world fall into more lasting dire straits. To put it bluntly, no matter how high the cultivation level of the people of heaven and earth is, He is just a mortal, not without desires. If there were no people in heaven and earth, the sufferings endured by the people would be much less. For this reason, I am willing to be this evil person." Lu Yunzhi nodded, and the result was the shortcoming that Yu Qian gave Yingzi just now. Blade, and then said: "Yu Shaobao, you have your difficulties, you also have your thoughts. During today's conversation, I understood why you did this. Since I can save the world by dying, then I "As he spoke, he swung the short blade towards himself. Fang Qingze shouted not to reach out to stop him, but he failed to stop him and saw that the blade was about to pierce into Lu Yunzhi's chest. But when he saw the short blade piercing the table hard with a twist, Lu Yunzhi stood up and shouted: "I originally followed the destiny, God has his own destiny. Even if personnel changes and the world is in chaos, God has his own arrangements, hexagrams." It is God's will, but today God wants to kill me, I can only say that I will rebel against God, and man will conquer God!" Suddenly Lu Yunzhi's voice turned cold and shouted: "If you are so magical, why did you kill me in the battle of Tumu Fort? Why did the Ming Dynasty allow the late emperor to be taken prisoner with 200,000 soldiers?" "Wang Zhen was originally a person who practiced yin and yang, but he was later controlled by a ghost witch using the magic of spiritual rooting. It's just his skills and Shi Fang and I are almost the same, so we didn't calculate it. I didn't know it through other channels until Zhu Qizhen Yujia set off for the expedition, but it was too late. After Lu Yunzhi met you that year, I knew it. I set up the Yiyanshitiji organization, and you all know what happened later. I weakened the power of you and the ghost witches by setting up a trap back and forth. Two hundred thousand people died, but you, the people of heaven and earth, were killed. The leader of the Zhongzheng lineage also fell into the trap and more than half of them died. The Ghost Witch QueenThey were devastated and severely injured, so the death of these two hundred thousand people was worth it, and all internal and external troubles have been overcome. No more nonsense, I just appreciate you, so I want you to understand. Today, Lu Yunzhi, you are in doom. If I don¡¯t kill you, I can¡¯t fulfill Yao Guangxiao¡¯s prophecy. If I don¡¯t kill you, I can¡¯t fulfill my dream. I am even more ashamed of my master and myself. " Yu Qian stood up as he spoke, suddenly shook his long sleeves and sent out two pieces of five pieces, twisting them in the air to form an iron tower more than two feet high. Fang Qingze shouted in a low voice: "This is Master's soul-suppressing tower. "The soul-suppressing tower is the soul-suppressing treasure of the Zhongzheng lineage. It was passed down by Patriarch Xing Wen. It is two feet tall, but everyone doesn't know that this tower is originally in two parts and can be assembled. No one in the world knows how to use the soul-suppressing tower because it has long been The formula and usage for driving the Soul-Suppressing Tower were lost more than two hundred years ago, but even so, it was extremely powerful. During the battle against Chaos in the Zhenlingtang courtyard of the Zhongzheng lineage ten years ago, Mr. Shi used this inoperable weapon. The Soul Suppressing Tower had blocked Chaos' attack and knocked Chaos away, so when Yiyan Shiti and his soldiers broke into the Zhongzheng Line's courtyard, Shang Wan retrieved the Soul Suppressing Tower for Yu Qian. At this moment, Yu Qian was able to retrieve the Soul Suppressing Tower. After splitting the Soul Suppressing Tower into two parts and reassembling it, Lu Yunzhi and the other three people were secretly worried. If Yu Qian knew how to use the Soul Suppressing Tower, the three of them would really die on the spot when they saw the Soul Suppressing Tower in Yu Qian's hands. The five colors flowed, and suddenly countless red-light ghosts appeared from around the iron tower. With a cold, feeble but heart-shaking cry, they quickly rushed towards Lu Yunzhi. Fang Qingze also pulled out a hairpin as a weapon and pounced. Xiang Yuqian's Yingzi. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 27: Soul-Calling Tower (VIP Weekly Extra) Yingzi took out the hairpin from her head, and her long hair immediately fell down. She lowered her body and kicked her legs hard on the ground, flying towards Yu Qian like an arrow from the string. Her hair floated as if the breeze was blowing on her face, but this beauty But with a strong murderous intention, she wanted to kill Yu Qian with one move when he was caught off guard. Yu Qian gave a soft drink, moved his body suddenly, and fell back to avoid Yingzi's attack. His body was suspended in the air parallel to the ground. It turned out that the ghost was holding Yu Qian's body out of thin air, and then two ghosts appeared from the tower. He pounced on Yingzi. Yingzi was from the ghost-eating clan and was a soul-eating beast among the people of heaven and earth. Naturally, he was not afraid of the ghosts coming and stretched his hands into claws to tear at the ghosts. On the other hand, Fang Qingze and Lu Yunzhi were in a hurry. They did not have any ghost exorcism tools around them. Although Lu Yunzhi was well after his injury, he still had a few days left to recover. Although he had thunder control tools on his body, he did not dare to use them easily. use. But Fang Qingze only had the ancient jade he wore around his waist that emitted a faint green light to resist the increasing number of ghosts around him. Fang Qingze suddenly remembered something and took out a string of Buddhist beads from his arms, handed it to Lu Yun, and continued to mutter the words without daring to relax. Lu Yunzhi was chanting sutras in his mouth and the Buddha beads in his hand showed a faint Buddha light to avoid the surrounding ghosts. He rushed to the bed and grabbed the small package hanging by the bedside. Then he took out a Bagua mirror and shouted: "The original meaning of Bagua is all-encompassing. Ghosts should not disturb you and all evils should be avoided." Avoid." Then he kept knocking around the Bagua Mirror, making sounds of different tones. The surface of the Bagua Mirror was faintly illuminated by the brass of the mirror, and the yellow light became brighter and brighter. The ghosts around him actually retreated and emitted sounds. With a hissing sound, Yingzi took this opportunity to get rid of the red evil spirit and jumped behind Lu Yun. Fang Qingze also escaped and flew towards the window. The window burst open. Fang Qingze grabbed the edge of the window and drew a semicircle with his body and slammed into the window of the next room. The window also broke into several pieces. The hard wood window was huge and heavy on Fang Qingze. The impact of his body was like tofu and tissue paper, breaking at the first touch. Fang Qingze rushed into the house. This was his own room. He ran two steps quickly and grabbed the eight-treasure coral string placed under the pillow and put it on his hand. He took it off when he went to bed last night. Today, he forgot to take it with him but was picked up by a ghost. Ling was at a loss what to do, and couldn't help but think in shock: Even if something happens in the future, this eight-treasure coral string will not dare to leave her body. In Lu Yunzhi's room, although the ghosts driven by Yu Qian through the soul-suppressing tower were evil spirits glowing red, they could not resist the Bagua notes that Lu Yunzhi struck. Yu Qian laughed and suddenly opened the soul-suppressing tower. , the tower body was twisted open to reveal a black hole, as if there was no bottom in the sky. The top of the tower hit the center of the bottom of the tower, and there was a loud shout. The black hole that appeared when the tower was twisted away suddenly burst out with a violent energy. The five-color brilliance from the tower kept winding around the tower. The red evil spirit made a frightening whistle and then disappeared instantly. Lu Yunzhi and Yingzi knew that they were powerful and wanted to avoid it, but it was too late. They suddenly felt The strong energy hit their faces, and the two of them were knocked out of the window before their feet were stable, and they fell towards the downstairs of the inn. Lu Yunzhi and Yingzi felt that their whole bodies were as if they were pressed by a thousand kilograms of weight, and their skin, flesh and bones were in pain. They did not feel better until they fell out and left the position parallel to the window. The pain was unbearable, but he knew that he would die or be injured if he fell straight down from the three-story hotel, so he had to think of some way to endure the pain. Lu Yunzhi stretched her waist tightly and punched her in the air. She grabbed Yingzi and then raised her arms to resist. Although Yingzi shouted: "No," she was so anxious that she didn't care about it in mid-air. Without any hesitation, Yingzi placed such a heavy burden on Lu Yunzhi that the force of his fall slowed down, while Lu Yunzhi fell to the hard ground even faster. Lu Yunzhi fell to the ground on his head and feet. He was about to burst his brains and fall to death. He saw his arms slightly bent and his body slightly arched. The moment he touched the ground, he didn't hit the ground head-on, but rolled out like a ball. He didn't stop until he hit a pavement on the roadside. Yingzi felt much more relaxed after her fall suddenly subsided. She squatted down and stood firmly on the ground. Then she quickly ran towards Lu Yunzhi and helped up Lu Yunzhi, whose head was covered with dust. Lu Yun was not injured when he arrived, but he was particularly embarrassed after the roll. Fang Qingze jumped out of the room at this moment, stepped on the eaves and landed on the ground with several jumps. With his heavy body, the bricks and tiles were broken and dust was everywhere. . The three of them stood tightly together, but they were not busy running for their lives, because the inn was located in a busy city, and the surrounding area was so quiet, it was terrifyingly quiet. Fang Qingze asked: "Third brother, is this the image of the flower in the mirror again?" Lu Yunzhi shook his head and said: "No, it just dispersed the people nearby. Please be careful not to run around and get ambushed. There is a lot of energy around. Not strong but numerous and very mixed." Yingzi and Fang Qingze nodded in alarm. In the surrounding deep alleys, many people slowly stood up on the roofs. They did not speak, but looked at Fang Qingze and the others as if they were slaughtered lambs, with mocking and cold expressions on their faces.   Yu Qian came down the stairs of the inn unhurriedly, holding the iron tower in his arms as if the impending scene had nothing to do with him. There was no emotion on his face, and he said lightly: "Stop resisting, Fang Qingze, Lu Yunzhi, please hurry up and capture us, don't kill any more. If we continue to fight, there will be casualties on our side. Once the melee breaks out, it will be difficult for even Yingzi to survive. I promised you that as long as I fulfill my dream, I will let you go. Yingzi came to take my life, so I will not hurt her life, and I will never break my promise!" Yingzi sighed: "How can I pretend to be compassionate at this time? If my husband dies, I will not live. Come here!" For a moment, Yingzi lost the appearance of the submissive little daughter-in-law she had been in the past few days, and regained her true character as a soul-eating beast who once rode her horse and whipped her whip to kill with bloodlust, and was very tough. Fang Qingze also said hello, and then said: "Third brother, Yingzi, even if the three of us die here from exhaustion today, we still have to drag a few backers. Kill one without losing anything, kill two with profit, haha, Come on!" Yu Qian smiled slightly, waved his hand and hummed: "Humph, the disciples of the Life Lineage obeyed the order and stepped forward to fight!" The people of the Life Lineage responded and drove out the ghosts and rushed towards Lu Yunzhi and others. Lu Yunzhi also took out a few bamboo tubes from the small package and threw them on the ground, calling out clouds of gray-black smoke and heading towards the ghosts coming from the opposite side. Fang Qingze laughed and kept throwing his left hand into the air. Holding the copper coin, wherever the copper coin went, the green light struck and the ghosts of the living beings rustled. He held a knife in his right hand and rushed towards the nearest living disciple. For a while, the two sides were in an inseparable fight, but Yu Qian smiled and calmly took out a handkerchief and then covered his mouth and coughed. When he took the handkerchief off, he saw that there was an extra one on the snow-white handkerchief like a flower unfolding. A piece of blood. Yu Qian smiled and said: "The backlash effect of this soul-suppressing tower is really powerful. It seems that it should be used with caution." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 28: Danger Although Lu Yunzhi's body has not recovered, he is still a highly skilled person. Fang Qingze is busy with business transactions. Although his skills have not deteriorated much, his physical strength is not as good as before. He started to feel a little tired after killing two people. But he didn't dare to let Lu Yunzhi help. It was precisely because the ghosts that Lu Yunzhi wanted to block the ghosts of the living beings that he could break through and kill the enemy so smoothly. Yingzi, on the other hand, closely guarded Lu Yunzhi, guarding Lu Yunzhi to prevent anyone from tricking him into exorcising ghosts. Although the three of them were small in number, they were not at a disadvantage, and gradually gained a favorable situation. . Yu Qian coughed up another mouthful of blood, then raised the soul-suppressing tower, still tapping the top of the tower against the bottom of the tower, making a hollow sound, the frequency became faster and faster, only to hear Yu Qian say: "One line of living things collects souls." As soon as the words were spoken, everyone in the living group seemed to have practiced, and they drove back the ghosts one after another. Some ghosts fought with the ghosts driven by Lu Yun. For such ghosts, the living disciples ignored them and simply discarded them and ran away. Lu Yunzhi saw that something was wrong in his heart, so he shouted and the three of them followed the living lineage and retreated to both sides. The living lineage did not have the same advanced ghost exorcism skills as the Zhongzheng lineage, so they took great pains from surrendering to driving. A person who can have three ghosts in the living lineage is considered a master in the same lineage. However, because the number of ghosts is small, there seems to be a deep relationship between the disciples of the living lineage and the ghosts. At this moment, the ghost spirit abandoned himself and ran to both sides, obviously knowing the power of the soul-suppressing tower. When the living creatures saw Lu Yunzhi and others following, they quickly summoned the ghosts again to block the progress of Lu Yunzhi and others. They themselves ran faster and faster, and heard the hollow and huge sound coming from the soul-suppressing tower. Something that is getting more intense. Suddenly, Lu Yunzhi heard a huge noise, which was deafening. His body seemed to be crushed, and he was in excruciating pain. The surrounding ghosts, whether driven by Lu Yunzhi or the remaining ghosts of the living lineage, disappeared one after another. Yingzi suddenly fell to the ground and could not get up. Although Fang Qingze held on to the wall and tried his best to support himself, he kept shouting. It didn't help, his knees kept shaking, and soon he fell to the ground and his body started to twitch. However, the disciples of the biological lineage hiding on both sides did not do anything. They just laughed and looked at Lu Yunzhi and others who were in great pain. Lu Yunzhi was shaken so hard that he could not open his eyes. The blood in his body seemed to have solidified again, and then his body turned into powder as if he had been hit by a sledgehammer. Suddenly there was a voice in his ear: "Lu Yunzhi, let me help you." Bursts of black air came out from Lu Yunzhi's back, and the air was stagnant, and he saw some disciples of the biological lineage. Their faces were full of evil smiles, some were full of melancholy, and some were crying bitterly. Yu Qian's face changed slightly, but he beat the soul-suppressing tower harder with his hands, just like when Lu Yunzhi used the magic of heaven and earth. Blood also burst out from Yu Qian's seven orifices, but he frowned and stared at Lu Yunzhi. Holding back the pain of being backfired by the Soul-Calming Tower, he didn't know what happened to Lu Yunzhi, but he could see that Lu Yunzhi no longer shook his body and stood there like a stake, staring at him angrily. , Yu Qian also saw the abnormality of the people around him. Although he didn't know the reason, he could only immerse himself in the matter. Some of the living disciples drew out their weapons and suddenly stabbed themselves in the throat, causing blood to flow and died on the spot. Some who did not have weapons or sharp weapons also took out their belts or took off their robes, rolled them up and strangled themselves to death. They twisted their hands into knots and strangled themselves to death. Yu Qian spat out a mouthful of blood and shouted at Lu Yunzhi's location: "Where is the monster!" A black head popped out from Lu Yunzhi's chest. It was as round as a Cuju ball, with no facial features. No one would have thought it was a head if it hadn't been for the neck and shoulders that followed. Gradually, the upper body of an adult man emerged from Lu Yunzhi's body. He looked sideways at Yu Qian. Yu Qian couldn't help but gasp in surprise and said in his heart: "How come there is such a thing inside Lu Yunzhi's body?" He wanted to knock again. When he hit the soul-suppressing tower, his body swayed and he fell down. The human-like black shadow ran out of Lu Yunzhi's body and ran towards Yu Qian quickly. As soon as it left Lu Yunzhi's body, Lu Yunzhi fell backward and lay on his back. The body of the black shadow is not completely black. It is like a magic weapon with various colors of light flowing around it. Sometimes it cuts through the sky like a meteor, and sometimes it surges like a wave. It is both real and illusory, and it is very beautiful. Yu Qian could no longer hold on, so he just held on to the two halves of the tower and knelt on the ground leaning on the tower. He kept breathing heavily and couldn't stand up after several efforts. The thing ran in front of Qian. Yu Qian raised his head and looked at it. It stretched out his hand to grab Yu Qian's head. Just when it touched Yu Qian's head, Yu Qian shouted and pushed with all his strength to the standing thing. The soul-suppressing tower in front of him touched the thing on the edge. The thing was moving backwards like smoke. The light on its body was flowing violently, and it flew straight back to Lu Yunzhi's body lying on the ground. andYu Qian also fell to the ground, gasping for air. Everyone in the living group died on the spot. Lu Yunzhi and the other three people didn't know whether they were alive or dead. No one present could stand up. A team of more than 20 people wearing raincoats and bamboo hats came from a distance with their horses and whips raised. Gradually, the horse team heard Yu Qian's side. A thick and powerful arm helped Yu Qian up and said: "Brother, you Are you okay?" Yu Qian looked and saw that the man's wide bamboo hat covered his eyes. Only a goatee grew on his chin. The exposed half of his face was sharp and angular, and he could tell at a glance that he was a tough guy. Yu Qian forced a smile and said with great effort: "Master of the Iron Sword Pulse, go and kill Lu Yunzhi and Fang Qingze quickly. Yingzi is already dead, and they are still breathing!" The Master of the Iron Sword Pulse nodded and did not call the disciples to come forward. Instead, he handed Yu Qian to the person next to him. He picked up the four-clawed golden dragon sword and walked towards Lu Yunzhi, murmuring: "I'm here to kill you with my own hands. You are a good man. You can force the elder brother to become a man." It¡¯s not easy for the Soul-Suppressing Tower. I¡¯m here to give you a treat!¡± As he spoke, the Master of Iron Sword Pulse walked to Lu Yunzhi, who was lying on the ground with his legs in the air, already unconscious. Without waking up, the Master of the Iron Sword Pulse squatted down and looked at Lu Yunzhi. He had always been like this. As long as the person who died under his sword was good or evil, as long as he was a highly skilled person, he would always look at it carefully. Yu Qian once showed him the note in the clay pill left by Yao Guangxiao. However, although he and the Zhongzheng lineage had fought openly and secretly many times, they had never seen this young man who was so powerful as predicted. During the previous battle outside the capital, At that time, I had intended to take a look at him, but due to the rush of final evacuation, I missed Lu Yunzhi. Naturally, I had to take a closer look at him at this moment. The Iron Sword Master suddenly frowned and shook his head, as if he remembered something but couldn't remember clearly. However, he heard Yu Qian feebly shouting from behind: "Let's do it. What worries does the Iron Sword Master have?" The Iron Sword Master stood up. Come on, he said in a low voice: "I know, brother, don't worry too much." Then he swung his sword and slashed towards Lu Yunzhi's head! Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 29: Conversation with the Nightmare The blade of the big sword cut through the air and made a whirring sound, slashing unstoppably towards Lu Yunzhi's head. The strong wind brought by the big sword made the dust around Lu Yunzhi fly. The master of the Iron Sword Pulse waved his sword, but his face was full of doubts. Suddenly he seemed to want to understand something, but his expression was horrified. The sword was only a finger away from Lu Yunzhi's head. The master of the Iron Sword Pulse suddenly shouted loudly. He exerted force on his waist, and the muscles of his arms bulged. He twisted his hands and wrists, and then turned his body in the air. He turned the sword's edge and swept it towards the door of a nearby shop. Suddenly the door panel of the shop shattered like a melon being chopped. When Yu Qian saw all this, he asked doubtfully: "Master Iron Sword Vein, what do you want?" Master Iron Sword Vein was silent. It was past noon and it was getting darker day by day. Dusk was coming soon. The Iron Sword Pulse Master's face trembled violently under the bamboo hat, and then two lines of clear tears slid down his resolute cheeks. Everyone was shocked. After a while, they only heard him say: "Brother, I'm sorry!" After speaking, the master of the Iron Sword Pulse thrust the big sword hard into the ground, and then hugged Yu Qian's fists. The big sword was so heavy that it suddenly turned into dust and rocks. Then he pointed at Yingzi and Fang Qingze who fell on the ground and said to his disciples: " Take those two people away as well." The leader of the Iron Sword Pulse carried the unconscious Lu Yunzhi and walked to the horse. Yu Qian hugged Lu Yunzhi with a surprised expression and walked away with his disciples. Yu Qian sighed and murmured: "After all calculations, I still missed this hexagram. God, what are you going to do?" Lu Yunzhi opened his eyes, and in front of him was a black figure with colored light flowing all over his body. The man was right in front of him, covering his shoulders as if in pain. His head was just a round ball, with no facial features and nothing. Lu Yunzhi knew it. He had fought with it in a small shop in the mountains a year ago, so he stood up, holding the Bagua mirror in his hand and shouted: "Nightmare, why are you here?" After saying this, he shook his head. , because the nightmare in front of you may not be the one you have seen, for two reasons. First, the nightmare had been beaten to pieces. Second, that nightmare is only approaching a nightmare, but it has not completely become a nightmare. But the nightmare in front of him is extremely powerful, and if it continues to develop, it may even surpass the extremely mature evil ghosts such as Taotie Chaos that he has seen before. Nightmares were originally extremely mysterious and terrifying, ranking fifth among evil spirits. Now the nightmare in front of him seemed to have an unusual feeling. Although he couldn't tell what it felt like, Lu Yunzhi knew one thing. Ranking It's not set in stone. If the fifth nightmare is extremely powerful, it might be able to surpass the former. Nightmares cannot speak, and there are very few ghosts who can speak. Although they cannot speak in the human world, they can converse with people in dreams. At the same time, they can also create short-term dreams and make people wake up quickly, which has reached the level of dialogue. Effect. And creating dreams and killing people in both reality and fantasy is the nightmare's special skill. Lu Yunzhi tried her best to stay awake and not be confused by the nightmare, but she heard the nightmare say: "It doesn't have to be like this, we are in your dream." Lu Yunzhi said: "What on earth do you want? You are a ghost driven by Yu Qian ?" Nightmare sneered and said, "Yu Qian is nothing, but that soul-suppressing tower is really powerful. It hurt me so much. If I hadn't avoided it in time, I might have died." "It was you who fought against Yu Qian just now. Call me next to me? How did you make me dream? Whose ghost are you?" Lu Yunzhi suddenly felt that this nightmare was not malicious, but he didn't know why he trusted it so much, but he also put down the magic in his hand. device. The nightmare laughed twice more and said: "I was talking to you just now, but you had already passed out at that time. I am not anyone's ghost, I am you, and you are me. If you die, maybe I will "It's gone." Lu Yunzhi was confused when he heard this: "How do you say this?" "Do you still remember the battle with me in that country store in the mountains? I was not very capable at that time. I bewitched your eldest brother Qu Xiangtian and second brother Fang Qingze, and made them fight back against me in their dreams. Once the dream I created was revealed, I would be completely devastated. When I was desperate, I decided to give it a try, like the technique of raising ghosts used by ghost witches, planting it in other people's bodies, allowing ghosts to coexist with people, and then gradually expand. And what about you? I also got certain benefits from being attached to you, and I don¡¯t know why. In short, I slowly matured like this, and I was finally close to consummation. But before consummation, I just wanted to play a prank and let you scare Yingzi and Shi Yuting. After that accidental injury in the dream, I was sealed away by you and Mr. Shi. I wanted to resist, but I was worried about destroying your body. If you died, I wouldn't be able to survive. So I am you and you are me." Nightmare replied. Lu Yunzhi nodded and said: "I understand, anyway, you are trapped in my body now, soSharing the same glory and disgrace, I can also drive you, right? "Nightmare was silent for a while and then said: "Fuck you, one day you will be weak and I can take advantage of it and become you, own your body and replace it. However, I don't want to do this, because it would be too tiring, and I am much more free now. Listen to me and continue. Time is running out and you are about to wake up. I also have to concentrate on recuperating. Yu Qian hurt me with the soul-suppressing tower today, and I will definitely avenge him in the future! "The nightmare continued: "When you were fighting the ghost witch outside the capital, I hid in your body and was unwilling to appear to help you. First, I had a seal on myself and couldn't get out. Second, after all, I was once trapped. Even though Lao Suntou and the others who were worshiped by the ghost witch are dead, I am not willing to draw a sword against the ghost witch. But later, your continuous use of Yu Lei and Yu Feng destroyed your body and destroyed the seal of Gu Yuan to protect your soul. When you were in danger and almost injured by Taotie, I came to help, but at that time Shi My husband's earthbending blocked everyone's view, so no one saw me. " Lu Yunzhi suddenly felt that the surroundings were both real and illusory, hazy as if from another world, and bursts of white light flashed in the sky. Nightmare said: "It's okay, don't be afraid. This is a sign that you are about to wake up. Let me finish the last few words. I know you must have a special feeling for me, because I feel the same. It is a kind of intimacy. From the moment I entered your body, we became one, more than brothers. Intimacy, so this sense of intimacy is unnatural. Also, on your wedding day with Yingzi, did you feel a special sense of satisfaction in your body? That's because there is also a ghost in Yingzi's body. I don't know how it got in, but I just saw that thing is ready to control Yingzi, and it also wants to control you. So I ate it. I was a little weak at the time. After swallowing the ghost, I finally completed my merits, and I had that indescribable sense of satisfaction that you can feel. But you are stupid enough, you don't have it. Did you find out that Eiko is still a virgin? " Lu Yunzhi still wanted to speak, but she felt that the world turned into a blank, and then turned into darkness, and the nightmare disappeared without a trace. Lu Yunzhi opened her eyes and saw a man with sharp edges and a goatee wearing a Wearing a large bamboo hat, he squatted beside him and kept wiping his forehead with cold water. Lu Yunzhi looked down and saw the four-clawed golden dragon iron sword stuck on the ground next to the man. He wanted to turn over but failed. He was held down by the man: "My dear nephew, don't panic, I am your uncle. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 30: Recognition Lu Yunzhi looked at the Iron Sword Master with wide eyes, and said in surprise: "Iron Sword Master, what kind of conspiracy are you playing!" The Iron Sword Master curled his lips slightly under the bamboo hat, not in a hurry. In defense, he asked: "Are you from the northwest? Is your father's name Lu Chuansheng?" Lu Yunzhi nodded, and he suddenly felt that this Iron Sword Vein Master might really have something to do with him. The master of the Iron Sword Pulse suddenly knelt down on his legs and looked up to the sky and shouted: "Chuangsheng, I finally found your child." Then he suddenly took Lu Yunzhi's hand and held it tightly, asking: "Where is your mother? Where is your sister?" Lu Yunzhi sighed and said: "Master Tie Jian Pulse, my mother is dead, and my sister was also given away. I tried to calculate but couldn't figure it out. I thought maybe she was dead, maybe It¡¯s God¡¯s will that prevents us brothers and sisters from recognizing each other.¡± The Iron Sword Master slowly helped Lu Yunzhi up and said with a smile, ¡°You silly boy, you still call me the Iron Sword Master, you should call me uncle. You are a family, but you found that none of you can be counted. Now you realize that you have entered the Zhongzheng lineage. My destiny energy cannot exceed yours several times, so I cannot count you. Later, you surpassed me and destroyed four pillars and ten. God is even less able to figure it out. However, our Iron Sword lineage is not good at divination and divination, so this is normal. I had an acquaintance with your father when we were young, and it was your father who later lent me money. When doing business, I bought candied dates and other products from the northwest and sold them in Jiangnan. After I made a lot of money, I was dragged into selling cloth, but I was cheated. I was angry and found the person who cheated me, but they were the ones who cheated me. I fell to the ground and cut my face with a knife during the fight. From then on, I never showed my true face to others." Lu Yunzhi then remembered that when she was young, someone said that she had an uncle who was with her. My father was sworn sworn brother to Jin Lan, but later he borrowed money from their family to start a business and no more was heard from him. However, he was still young at that time and can¡¯t remember clearly. The master of the Iron Sword Pulse took off his hat at this time, and saw that his angular face was staggered with seven or eight scars, which looked very ugly, making this man with thick eyebrows, big eyes and angular eyes look a bit cold and ruthless . The Iron Sword Vein Master said: "My name is Chao Xing. From now on, you can follow me. As long as I have breath, I will never allow Yu Qian to touch you. After I became the Iron Sword Vein Master, I returned to the northwest to find your father. With your family, I heard that your father and the old lady had passed away, and your mother took you away to escape. I didn¡¯t expect that we would meet again today. Haha, the sky has eyes. I found Lu! Lu Yunzhi suddenly felt a warmth igniting in his chest. He finally had elders and relatives. He no longer had only masters, only sworn brothers, and only senior fellow apprentices. Lu Yunzhi stood up and spoke to him. Chao Xing hugged each other. Chao Xing asked: "Nephew, how are you?" Lu Yunzhi smiled and said: "Uncle, I have nothing to do." Chao Xing said in surprise: "You are still fine after being hit by the Soul Resurrection Tower. You are really different. Ordinary people." Lu Yunzhi smiled secretly in her heart, knowing that the nightmare had blocked most of the damage for herself. Suddenly Lu Yunzhi asked: "Uncle, how are my second brother and my wife?" Chao Xing patted Lu Yunzhi on the shoulder and said, "Fang Qingze, this kid, is in good health despite being fat. He has nothing to do. He needs to be nursed back to health. It'll be fine soon. Let's hurry up and take a good rest when it's safe." Lu Yunzhi nodded, feeling something was wrong, as if Chao Xing was hiding something, so he asked, "Uncle, that Yingzi. Well, let me meet them." Chao Xing suddenly fell silent, then lowered his head for a moment and said, "Yingzi, let's go." Lu Yunzhi said with a smile, "Where has she gone?" It's still early to wake up." Chao Xing stopped talking. Lu Yunzhi suddenly went crazy and grabbed Chao Xing's arms with both hands and asked: "You mean Yingzi is dead. How is this possible? Yingzi will not die " Lu Yunzhi suddenly choked up while shouting, and collapsed on the ground. His eyes stared blankly at the empty space in front of him, and two lines of tears couldn't help streaking across his cheeks. The atmosphere fell into silence, like deathly silence. For a long time, Lu Yunzhi lifted up her sleeves and wiped the tears on her face. Then, as if she had decided something, she stood up and asked Chao Xing: "Uncle, where is Yingzi's body? How long has she been dead?" Chao Xing was confused. Xie answered: "It's in the forest to the east, guarded by my disciples, and they are also taking care of the unconscious Fang Qingze. What do you want to do?" Lu Yunzhi forced a smile on her lips and faced towards the east. Walk into the woods. Lu Yunzhi looked at Yingzi lying in the grass, stroked Yingzi's hair lovingly, and murmured: "Yingzi, my wife, let me take a good look at you again. You are so good to me." I know, but today you and I are going to be separated. You have to take care of yourself in the future." After saying that, Lu Yunzhi stood up and asked several Iron Sword disciples to bring their own packages to hold the magic weapons, and also asked for a big hat. Then he asked everyone to leave the woods, leaving him alone there. More than half an hour later, Lu Yunzhi walked out of the woods wearing a bamboo hat, staggering a little, Chao Xing hurriedly stepped forward to support Lu Yunzhi, but Lu Yunzhi waved his hand and said, "It's okay, uncle." Chao Xing let out a sigh, looked at Lu Yunzhi hurriedly, only to find Lu Yunzhi under the bamboo hat. His hair had been spread out, and his original black hair actually had a few white hairs. Even the voice that answered him became low and magnetic, which was very different from the previous voice, so Chao Xing asked "Yunzhi, what have you done?" Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and replied with a smile on his face: "I brought Yingzi back to life. She will wake up in a while, but from now on she will be with me. I can't think of seeing her again. She is like a new person now, and the one who died is her previous life. Once she sees her old friend, her two lives may overlap and her mind will be confused. Even gods will not be able to save her. So I want to ask you. Two things," Lu Yunzhi said, kneeling on one knee and clasping his fists with both hands. Chao Xing quickly helped Lu Yunzhi up, "Uncle, I want to ask you to take Yingzi away, find her a stable home, and take good care of her for me. And don't let her get entangled in the dispute between Tiandi Ren and Yu Qian, let her live a stable new life. Also, I also hope that you can send a team of people to escort my second brother to Timur. He is now seriously injured. "I will definitely not be able to arrive safely. I hope my uncle can agree to my request." Chao Xing said hurriedly: "Nephew, I promise, I promise you. First, tell me what happened to you?" As he spoke, he reached out to lift off the bamboo hat that Lu Yunzhi was wearing on his head. Lu Yunzhi reached out to block it and said with a smile: "Haha, don't look at uncle, by the way, can you give me a horse? I'm leaving." Chao Xing didn't react and said, "Horse? It's easy to talk. You can choose whatever you want. But where are you going? Why don't you go to Timur with Fang Qingze?" In Chao Xing's question, Lu Yunzhi got on the horse. , and then said: "Uncle, my nephew has said goodbye. Don't look for me. I just have more important things to do now. When I finish, I will come to you and have a good drink. All Iron Sword brothers, take care of me. I¡¯ve thanked you for the troubles between my second brother and Yingzi, and I¡¯d like to thank you!¡± He said, clasping his fists, then riding off with a whip. Lu Yunzhi doesn¡¯t know where she is going, so let¡¯s just wander around the world. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 31: The scholar grows old Lu Yunzhi lay on the horse and fell asleep. He was too exhausted. Before, he used the secret technique of Zhongzheng lineage to save Yingzi's life, but now he had not recovered and had to fight again. After saving Yingzi, After running for dozens of miles, my body finally couldn't support it anymore. A burst of thick breath kept blowing on his face, and from time to time there was a wet tongue licking Lu Yunzhi's face. Lu Yunzhi opened his mouth and looked around, and the horse kept licking Holding himself, the horse's reins have long since disappeared. Lu Yunzhi got up. Surrounded by him were not only his own horse, but also a circle of young women holding a big basin to wash themselves. It turned out that he had fainted from sleep and fell by the creek, and the horse never left him. He stayed by his side until the group of young women came and saw Lu Yunzhi lying on the ground, so the young women untied their horses and watched Lu Yunzhi. After a while, Lu Yunzhi woke up. Lu Yunzhi straightened his clothes, gave up his fist to the young women around him, and smiled. Before he could say anything, he saw that all the women had lowered their heads, looking shy and embarrassed to look at Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi said nothing and walked to the stream to wash his face. The clear stream reflected Lu Yunzhi's face like a mirror. Lu Yunzhi looked down at himself in the water, and saw that the edges and corners of his face had become sharper. He no longer had the tenderness of a young man. Over the course of one night, his originally not thick beard gradually revealed a thick stubble on his chin. Looking up, Those clear eyes were a little cloudy, but the pair of beautiful sword eyebrows remained unchanged, but they still looked much thicker. Lu Yunzhi held up the clear stream water, caressed his cheek, then pulled up his hair to see that it was already full of hair. Lu Yunzhi sighed and smiled bitterly. Behind Lu Yunzhi, a young woman said shyly: "How old do you think this man is?" Another person was also full of peach blossoms: "About thirty-seven or eighty-eight years old. You see, his hair is already gray, but he His face is so handsome, but he is very masculine, not like a sissy at all, but he has a bookish air about him, and he rides a tall horse. He is definitely not an ordinary person. I really want to marry him. "This is unintentional. The words made the young women around burst into laughter, and they all made fun of the woman for being shameless. Lu Yunzhi wiped her face with her sleeves, then stood up and faced the group of young women, cupped her hands and said, "Sisters-in-law, I just apologized for the trouble." The women were still muttering and mocking each other just now, but now they are They all turned red and lowered their heads. Lu Yunzhi took the horse's rein from a young woman's hand, reined it in, then got on the horse and shouted: "Thank you so much, sister-in-law Lu." He waved his riding whip and walked away. On horseback, Lu Yunzhi suddenly thought of a voice in his ear: "Lu Yunzhi, are you crazy? You actually exchanged your life for Yingzi's life. Do you know? If you die, I will be gone." , I'm really convinced by you." Lu Yunzhi shouted: "Why are there so many nonsense, Nightmare, my own life is my own, you don't have to say anything." "A dog bites Lu Dongbin, but he doesn't know a good heart." He kept changing his voice, then returned to calmness and stopped talking. The nightmare survives in Lu Yunzhi's body. After the seal that protects the soul is unlocked, it can talk to Lu Yunzhi without going through dreams. Lu Yunzhi was upset while running all the way, but she didn't expect that the nightmare was always there. He chattered endlessly and couldn't help but get a headache. Lu Yunzhi ran to a tavern and reined in his horse. At this moment, what he wanted most was to get drunk. He walked into the shop and greeted loudly: "Boss." This was a tavern with only five or six tables. , the boss is a cook and the wife is both a shopkeeper and a waitress. At this moment, she walked over slowly. Horses are not something ordinary people can afford. The landlady just now didn't see Lu Yunzhi coming on horseback, and seeing his tired appearance, she decided that he was a poor man, so she ignored him. As expected by the landlady, Lu Yunzhi really had no money: "Madam, I am in a hurry and I don't have any silver coins with me." Lu Yunzhi never carries money on weekdays. Fang Qingze and Yingzi usually carry silver and copper coins, but now they have money. The separation was in a hurry and naturally there was no money to spend. "Our shop is a small business and we do not accept credit. If you don't have money, just ask for it." The landlady replied with narrowed eyes. She glanced at Lu Yunzhi, who was sitting still, and her expression suddenly changed. She was full of shyness and thought to herself: This is a beautiful man. She couldn't help but feel overjoyed, and her attitude became much more easy-going, and she asked, "Sir, are you kidding me? How could such a dignified person like you not have any money with you?" Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and said, "Indeed, no, but our sect I tied a horse outside, I wonder if I can pay for the meal." The landlady's bones were numb when she saw Lu Yunzhi, but she didn't forget that her man was busy in the kitchen, and she hurriedly shouted: "The boss, the boss. , come out quickly." The boss thought someone was making trouble outside, so he picked up a kitchen knife and hurried over, saying in a rough voice: "What's wrong, who dares to make trouble here? You are so impatient. ¡± Lu Yunzhi stood up, cupped his hands and said, ¡°Brother, I don¡¯t have much money today.?, do you think it¡¯s okay to trade horses for meat and wine? The boss was stunned, turned to look at the horse tied outside the door, and said hurriedly: "That's good, but the horses are so valuable, I can't give you extra money." "No, as long as the wine is in charge and the meat is in charge, it will be fine." " Lu Yunzhi said calmly. The boss looked happy. He had made a fortune today. He hurriedly went to put the meat on it. After taking two steps, he turned back and asked, "Is this horse objectively yours? The landlady kept staring at Lu Yunzhi with secret glances. At this time, she said to the boss in a coquettish way: "Go quickly. This guest officer is very elegant and elegant. How can he be a horse thief? Why don't you prepare the meal quickly." "The boss laughed twice and walked away awkwardly. The boss's wife wanted to say more, but Lu Yunzhi said: "Boss, just serve the wine and food. Please calm down for a while. Thank you. The landlady laughed, and she couldn't tell whether it was good or bad, she was just a nymphomaniac: "Then please sit down first, and I will serve you wine and meat in a moment." "After saying that, he swung his hips and tail and left coquettishly. When the wine and meat were served, Lu Yunzhi poured a large bowl and drank it all in one gulp. He suddenly felt that the depression in his chest was relieved a lot. He didn't accompany Yingzi because he didn't want to let her go. Yingzi's two lives overlapped and he was in danger. He didn't go with Fang Qingze because of his own stubbornness. He didn't want Fang Qingze to see how he was getting older. Many people in the world have the ability to extend their lives. It's just that. Most of them are just to increase Yang life, exchanging life for life. Just like the secret technique of Zhongzheng lineage to extend life, it is rare in the world. It will cause the appearance to age instantly as the Yang life is reduced, so Lu Yunzhi already looks like he is in his thirties at this time. However, the effect is also extraordinary. Unlike other life-extending techniques, the Yang life is increased as much as the Yang life is reduced. Only half of the reduction. The life-extending technique of the Zhongzheng lineage can bring people back to life as if they were reborn. What happens next depends on the fate of the person whose life is renewed. Lu Yunzhi doesn't know why he chooses to travel alone. Neither wanting to follow Fang Qingze nor looking for Qu Xiangtian, he returned to the starting point, back to a state of loneliness. Looking at his sudden age, but still in a state of desolation, he couldn't help but sing Liu Kezhuang's "Qinyuanchun¡¤ "Meng Furuo", but the last sentence is not as certain as Liu Kezhuang's, but added, because he doesn't know what he will be like in the future. The poem is like this: sighing that the years have passed, the fame has not been established, and the scholar is getting old. , will the opportunity come? Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 32: The Beggar Nanjing may be called the Capital or Jinling. In short, it is a magical city and a city full of majesty. Once upon a time, this was the capital of the Ming Dynasty. Like those famous ancient cities in China, countless stories have happened here. However, Nanjing¡¯s true glory did not begin with Sun Quan¡¯s Jianye or later Song Gaozong¡¯s Jiankang Mansion. The Ming Dynasty was the era when Nanjing truly emerged. . When Zhu Yuanzhang's cavalry broke through the city then named Jiqing, it was renamed Yingtianfu, and Zhu Yuanzhang himself called himself Wu Guogong, and later created the unified and prosperous Ming Dynasty. Yingtianfu was also established as the capital and was called Nanjing, with Kaifeng as Beijing. Later Nanjing was also called Guo Jingshi. It was not until Zhu Di came to the throne that the capital was moved to Beijing. Nanjing was the remaining capital, and six ministries were still retained, which was equivalent to a small imperial court. Although Nanjing is now the capital, it is also very prosperous. During the day, the streets were busy with people coming and going. There were many officials, businessmen, and workers, and there were many people of all kinds. Any place with a large number of people is bound to be a mixed bag of good and bad, and low-level industries are naturally inevitable. Barbers, prostitutes, players, and actors fill the bustling streets, and of course beggars are also indispensable. In a street market outside the Nanjing Palace, there are some scattered beggars squatting. They are waiting for the six ministers of Nanjing. Every day when these ministers go to the Yamen to work, the beggars will gather in groups to catch which official is in the mood. Well, maybe you will be rewarded with some copper coins, and you will be lucky this day. As expected, I didn¡¯t know that the official¡¯s birthday was today. He gave up porridge at the gate of the mansion and asked his servants to distribute bread to beggars along the way. A group of beggars in rags and dirty clothes came forward to grab food. Only a man with a beard and messy hair in the corner did not go forward. He huddled there motionless. A follower saw this and felt that he was pitiful. He came over carrying a basket full of bread. I just wanted to reach out and pat him, but I saw that his body was covered with dust and his hair was dirty. I had no idea what to do, so I had to say: "Hey, are you still alive? Here's a cake." After saying that, he took out the basket. A small white cake in the bag was handed over. The beggar didn't move. A beggar from nearby rushed up and said: "Give me this cake too, he is dead." As soon as he finished speaking, someone came. He sighed and said: "I'm not dead, it's just that a gentleman doesn't eat his food. I don't know who you were addressing when you said "Hey" just now." Seeing that the beggar who had been huddled in the corner stood up and looked towards the The entourage, the scene was a bit embarrassing, the entourage looked at the beggar, his face was covered with beard and dirty, but his eyes, although a little cloudy, were bright, as if he could see other people's hearts. The attendant hurriedly said humbly: "My lord, Ah Rong, from Hangzhou, I'm really sorry just now. This brother gave you a cake." The beggar nodded and said, "Thank you, then." He cupped his fists and took it. He put the cake in his arms and returned to the corner to continue curling up. The attendant smiled helplessly. He didn't know why he was so polite to a beggar. He stood there a little at a loss. Several other servants behind him came and shouted: "Brother Arong, what are you doing standing here? Let's go quickly." "Don't delay the master's work." Arong looked at the beggar in the corner and knew that he must be a man of integrity. He must be in trouble now. It's really pitiful that he ended up like this. But on the other hand, I was just a follower. Although I followed the master every day, I couldn't help him much. In the end, I was just a servant, so I had to sigh and leave. Several attendants heard the conversation between Ah Rong and the beggar just now, and couldn't help but mocked: "Brother Ah Rong, why are you so polite to that beggar? He is just poor." Ah Rong snorted and scolded. "You guys, please stop talking and don't look down on the scholars." As the official's sedan went farther and farther away, they suddenly heard noises and curses coming from behind. Ah Rong looked around and saw the man just now. The beggar was kicked to the ground by the beggars around him, and then a group of people came up to him, punched and kicked him, and kept scolding him for being ignorant. After offending the officials, no one in the area would eat, and they tore him apart. His clothes snatched away the bread he had hidden in his arms. Ah Rong wanted to stop him, but he was stopped by the servants and said: "Don't cause trouble. If the master goes late, he will lose his temper." Ah Rong sighed again and had no choice but to continue walking towards the Nanjing Palace, but he didn't stop. looked back. After the beggar was kicked a few times, blood suddenly spurted out of his mouth, which startled the people surrounding him. Some people said in a panic, "Why can't you help beating me? It's like this after just a few kicks." Another person seemed to have saved himself from the siege. He explained: "This man must be sick and wants to drag us together to pay for his life. Don't be fooled. Let's disperse." After that, all the beggars were about to leave. The beggar who was knocked to the ground kept vomiting blood, as if the blood in his body was inexhaustible. Suddenly, a beggar who was about to leave giggled, and then quickly ran towards the wall. In full view of the crowd, the beggars opened their eyes. With his mouth full of surprise, the man hit his head against the wall, his brain bursting.?The ground cannot be raised. Then more and more beggars were giggling like that, running towards the wall as if they were possessed, and bumped into it hard. In an instant, red, white, and green things were scattered under the wall, giving off the smell of nausea among the neighbors. . Finally, a beggar came to his senses and shouted: "There is a monster!" Then he ran away. The tree fell and the hozen dispersed. The beggars panicked and crawled away, but they all stood there motionless. As if he was stupid, the beggar who was beaten to the ground just now shouted: "That's enough, Nightmare! I don't need your help with my affairs!" As soon as he finished speaking, the beggars fell to the ground one after another, After a long time, he stood up and hurriedly fled from here. The beaten beggar also stood up, leaned against the wall and said tremblingly: "Nightmare, you can't kill people so casually. They just insulted me but they shouldn't kill me." A roar came from the beggar's ears: "Lu Yunzhi, stop being so fucking sentimental. Have you recovered well? After the battle outside Beijing city, you were just a few days away from recovering your health. In addition, you were injured by Yu Qian's soul-suppressing tower. You brat Your body is very weak now. You vomited blood just now. I didn't do it for you. If you died, I would be devastated. That's why I took action. But you are stupid. Those were just a few beggars. You can beat him ten times more, why don't you fight back, and why do you have to sink to this point?" It turns out that this dirty and unkempt beggar is Lu Yunzhi, and it was only three months since he last fainted by the river. After a while, Lu Yunzhi was already depressed and depressed. When he heard Nightmare's words, he just growled: "You don't understand me." Then he held on to the wall and slowly walked into the deep alley, gradually going away. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 33: Recuperating from Injury Lu Yunzhi walked slowly, and the nightmare in his ears kept talking. Lu Yunzhi had learned in books that ghosts also have their own personalities. Even the same kind of ghosts among evil spirits have different characteristics. They are different, just like people's personalities are all different. Lu Yunzhi always has a ringing sound in his ears now, because the nightmare attached to his body is simply a chatterbox. "If you don't say it, I will keep saying, why do you have to degenerate so much? I can understand that you say you don't want everyone to see your old age and frail body, but you can set up a new place and work hard. See you again after the eruption, brother, why are you depressed, you will kill yourself sooner or later," the nightmare was still chattering. Lu Yunzhi stopped and whispered: "Nightmare, you often enter my dreams. Let me ask you what is the dream I have the most?" After a while of silence, Nightmare unexpectedly gave a short answer. : "Your childhood." Lu Yunzhi said with a wry smile, "It was my childhood when my mother told me to expel the Tartars. I did it in the battle in the capital. At least I participated in this battle. In the end, Wala's national power weakened, and the ghost witches who supported their spiritual strength were greatly weakened by our Zhongzheng lineage, which greatly damaged their vitality. Therefore, my dream has been completed. "Lu Yunzhi suddenly held on to the wall and violently. He coughed, and a few mouthfuls of bloody phlegm came out. After a while, he continued: "I still long for a family, but now I am not as good as my second brother in business, and I am not as good as my elder brother in military skills. As a brother, what can I help them? Maybe I It will only drag them down. You also heard what Yu Qian said. One of the most important notes left by Yao Guangxiao was to kill me. I think no matter who I am with, it will easily make them a target. I love them. , so I want to stay away from them. And the reason why I let those people hit me is because I am upset and have nowhere to vent, and I can¡¯t bear to hurt others. I really want to use this pain to relieve the boredom in my heart. Nightmare, what else do you want to ask. After asking, don¡¯t bother me anymore and leave me alone.¡± Nightmare was silent, and then just muttered: ¡°Anyway, you have to recover first, otherwise don¡¯t blame me for controlling you.¡± He snorted and said, "Why don't you come and give it a try? I know you are good for me, and I promise you to find a place to recuperate." After that, he walked towards a mansion of an official, which may be the best place to recuperate. , It is not easy to reveal your identity and be discovered by the court's hawks and dogs, and you can have no worries about food and clothing. As an ordinary servant in the house, you only need to finish your daily work, and the rest of the time can be used to heal. When the time comes, you can use illusions to confuse everyone's eyes, and you will be able to do it without being noticed. After walking a few steps, Nightmare suddenly said: "Have you noticed, there is something following us all the time." Lu Yunzhi hummed, but did not look back. Nightmare was speaking in his mind, and outsiders could not hear it. His own thoughts But he couldn't convey it to the nightmare, so he could only say it verbally, and he was afraid that the following blade would hear it, so he just said hum. Recently, Lu Yunzhi always felt like something was peeping at him, just like the feeling when he was hunting for ghosts for the first time, but every time he turned around to catch it, there was no one there. Even Nightmare didn't find out what the thing was. Lu Yunzhi paid no attention to it, took it easy as he came, and walked towards the distance. The shadow of the wall behind him seemed to shake a bit and returned to its original state. Lu Yunzhi walked to a well, borrowed a ladle and shook it with a bucket of water, washed her face, and used a borrowed knife to shave her face. After about an hour, she slowly walked into a house. "Who are you? May I ask who you are looking for, sir?" asked a middle-aged man at the concierge. Although Lu Yunzhi's clothes were shabby, he had a good appearance. In addition, he now looked to be in his thirties. The people in the concierge saw that Lu Yunzhi was dressed like a beggar. They originally wanted to ask who you are, but they didn't. Seeing that Lu Yunzhi had an extraordinary temperament, he became more polite and called him sir. Lu Yunzhi raised his hands and asked respectfully: "Do you dare to ask us to recruit workers here?" The concierge was stunned for a moment and immediately showed impatience on his face: "It turns out that he is a laborer. We don't need it here anymore. You can leave." "Okay." Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and said, "Thank you very much." Then he turned and left, silently counting, "One, two, three." "Wait a minute, why is this brother here?" "A person called Lu Yunzhi from behind. This was Lu Yunzhi's calculation, so he called out three times. Moreover, the person who stopped him behind him was someone he had met once before. He was Arong, the servant accompanying the official just now. Lu Yunzhi turned to look at Ah Rong, bowed her hands and said, "Who are you?" "My name is Ah Rong, and I am my master's attendant. May I ask, sir, why are you here?" Ah Rong replied, But he heard the concierge whispering in Ah Rong's ear. Lu Yunzhi's five senses were extremely sharp, so naturally these words could not escape his ears. After listening to what the porter said, Ah Rong nodded and said to Lu Yunzhi: "Brother, please wait for a moment, let me reply, and then discuss it with the housekeeper., you can rest in the concierge first. Lu Yunzhi thanked him and said, "Thank you. I wonder why my dear friend is so reasonable to me?" Ah Rong chuckled and replied: "Because I am a beggar. He taught me that everyone should have dignity. Even if you are down and out like him, you should still be like a gentleman. You must never lose your integrity" Okay, no more to say. "Ah Rong said and was about to turn around and leave, but saw Lu Yunzhi's eyes looking at him. Ah Rong felt that these eyes were so familiar. Aren't they the eyes of the beggar he saw this morning? " Ah Rong opened his mouth wide. , looked at Lu Yun with some surprise and then said in astonishment: "Youwe met this morning? "Lu Yunzhi nodded, and Ah Rong ran towards the courtyard without answering any more. Ah Rong didn't know why he was so diligent, he just felt that the person in front of him was extraordinary, and he couldn't help but be willing to look forward to him. Afterwards, Lu Yunzhi waited for about a cup of tea in the concierge. Ah Rong and a man who looked like a housekeeper strolled over. Ah Rong said, "Steward Liu, this is the person I'm talking about. "The steward described by Ah Rong is of medium build, not tall, not fat, not short, nor thin. He is four or five years older than Ah Rong. He looks about the same size as Lu Yunzhi. He looks like he is in his thirties, although his expression He was not very enthusiastic, but his words were polite: "What do you call me? "Lu Yunzhi bowed slightly and replied: "If you come out to do small work, just call me a nickname. Xiao Lu is fine. The butler nodded and said, "Well, that's right. It seems that he understands the rules and knows that his servants have to use nicknames. But judging from your accent, you must be from the north. I'll just call you Alu here." Can you write anything? Are you literate? " Lu Yunzhi nodded, lowered his head and replied respectfully: "I can read and write well. What will the housekeeper arrange for me to do? "The housekeeper nodded and looked up and down. Although Lu Yunzhi's face was a little pale after repeated injuries and his body was always thin, he was very strong. After all, his previous martial arts training was not in vain. He looked much stronger than ordinary people. The housekeeper thought for a while and said: "Seeing that your body is still strong, you can go to work in the woodshed first. After I report back to the master, I will give you a copying job. After all, you were introduced by Brother Arong." "Said the butler and smiled at Ah Rong. It seems that Ah Rong's status in this courtyard is not low. He follows the master in and out every day, and even the housekeeper has to pay three points. " Ah Rong was full of doubts at this moment, because the man in front of him was The person named Alu suddenly became very respectful, just like an ordinary worker, far from the different person he had just seen. When Arong was extremely confused, he only heard Lu Yunzhi reply: "Then Thank you very much, Butler Liu, and Brother Ah Rong. "After that, he followed the housekeeper and walked into the courtyard. Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 34: Definitely not a thing in the pool Lu Yunzhi followed Butler Liu into the courtyard, and Ah Rong also followed. However, he saw Lu Yunzhi nodded slightly towards him, and his eyes returned to the unreachable look, and Ah Rong returned to him. He was stunned for a moment, and immediately put away the doubts that had just been ignited, and said in his heart: This person is definitely not a thing in the pool, and must not be peeked at. Ah Rong took Lu Yunzhi to the woodshed and exchanged a few words with the housekeeper. The housekeeper named Liu turned around and left. Ah Rong said: "Dare you ask me your surname?" Lu Yunzhi smiled and replied: "I don't dare, my surname is Lu Yunzhi. Thank you for taking me in, and thank you even more for the face you gave me before. "Cake." Ah Rong exclaimed, "So it's really you. Just wait a moment. I'm going to get you some clothes. I'm afraid Butler Liu has forgotten. Also, let me tell you that our master is a doctor in the Ministry of Etiquette." My name is Yang Zhun. You should know that Nanjing is only the capital of China. Although our master is a fifth-rank official, he has no real power. However, our family is relatively wealthy and can support such a large family. But speaking of which, our master¡¯s uncle is. It's amazing. His name is Yang Shan. He was just a scholar at first, but now he has become the left minister of the Ministry of Rites in the capital and is also in charge of Honglu Temple. As the saying goes, there are people in the court who like to be officials. Only then did the master rise from the position of deputy envoy to the position of doctor. I I shouldn¡¯t have told you. But it¡¯s me who brought you in. If you have anything to do in the future, please don¡¯t talk nonsense.¡± Lu Yunzhi nodded and said, ¡°Thank you, Brother Arong.¡± When he said this, he snickered in his heart, it turned out that his master was actually a relationship official. However, he was still shocked when he heard the name Yang Shan. He had not seen him when he was in the capital, but the hexagrams he calculated just now showed that this person was a key figure in changing the fate of heaven and earth. Lu Yunzhi originally just wanted to find a place to stay, so he calculated the residence of the entourage who just gave him bread. He actually calculated the hexagrams about heaven and earth and Yang Shan. Out of curiosity, he came to seek refuge. The first thing is to recuperate, and secondly, if you can take this opportunity to revive the Zhongzheng lineage and help your eldest and second brothers, it will be a good thing. But when I heard what Ah Rong said, Yang Shan was just a minister of the Ministry of Rites, but I was disappointed. The main responsibility of the Ministry of Rites is to be responsible for imperial examinations and foreign affairs. In fact, the most important role is etiquette and memorial services. As for the supervision of the imperial examinations that they sometimes participated in, it was when officials were trying to make money. The imperial examination system in the Ming Dynasty was still relatively strict, but there were still some cases of favoritism and fraud. As long as they were not exposed, they would be fine. As an official of the Ministry of Rites, he naturally has little influence on the great changes in the world. However, according to the hexagrams, Yang Shan must have been involved in this accident, so Lu Yunzhi was not completely disappointed. Now that he was alone, he no longer feared anything and could just take all the variables as a matter of fun. At this time, someone happened to bring the servant's clothes and a basin of water. This was naturally the steward's request. It seemed that Butler Liu had not forgotten the servant who had just entered the house. Lu Yunzhi freshened up and put on the black servant clothes. She had light white hair on her temples and slightly raised eyebrows. She had snow-white skin and a pair of eyes like bright moons. With this lean black clothes, she suddenly felt full of energy. The temperament is extraordinary. Ah Rong was dumbfounded. He had never seen anyone with such arrogance. Even his own master did not have such a temperament. How could he know that Lu Yunzhi usually interacted with the emperor, ministers and others, so naturally there was no sign of groveling. . Ah Rong took Lu Yunzhi out of the woodshed. As soon as he went out, Ah Rong noticed that Lu Yunzhi immediately lowered his head and walked with his shoulders crossed, as cautious as a slave who had lived in the house for many years. Ah Rong couldn't help but frown when he saw this. He frowned, wanting to ask a question but not knowing how. Little did he know that after all this training, Lu Yunzhi knew when to be public and when to be restrained. He was no longer the upright Lu Yunzhi. This cautious movement of walking on thin ice was something he learned from the slaves he saw on the street when he was begging. Those slaves all walked like this in front of their masters. Ah Rong suddenly asked: "Brother Lu, where in the north are you from? I haven't seen many people, so I can't tell you much." Lu Yunzhi thought for a moment and realized that he was from the northwest, but he came to Beijing when he was growing up. Judging from the accent, let's just say that I am from Shuntian Prefecture. So Lu Yunzhi replied: "Brother Ah Rong, please don't call me Brother Lu in front of outsiders from now on. Just call me Ah Lu, otherwise you will cause trouble for me. I am good at Shuntian Mansion." Ah Rong slapped his forehead. Said: "I see, Butler Liu is really an old fox and it's not unreasonable to ask you to copy things. Our master was originally from Daxing, how come your accent sounds so familiar to me. I used to be in front of the book boy brought by Daxing. I've been back to my hometown for a while. In two days, I will introduce you to the master as his book boy, so you don't have to work anymore. I just thought he was flattering me by finding you a copying job, hehe. He replied: "Thank you very much!" Then he followed Ah Rong to inspect the path. Ah Rong had been worried that Lu Yunzhi would get lost in the house, but he knew that the house of Zhongzheng lineage was several times larger than this one. Nanjing? Beijing, Beijing is a capital. In the distant city of Beijing, Zhu Qiyu sat high in the palace hall, looking at the civil and military officials below, and said: "I once said that the position is not what I want. You are acting like this." And what do you want me to do again and again?" All the ministers bowed their heads and did not dare to speak. Zhu Qiyu said again: "I have sent envoys many times to welcome the emperor's brother back, but Wala did not let him go and even blackmailed him. This is intolerable." In fact, Zhu Qiyu was making strong arguments, but no one in the court dared to refute it. Wala has compromised and promised that as long as he sends a team of honor guards, he can welcome Zhu Qizhen back to the court, which can be regarded as a little bit of face. But as he and Lu Yunzhi said, Zhu Qiyu was worried that Zhu Qizhen would cause trouble after returning to Beijing and his throne would not be guaranteed, so he didn't even agree to Wala's small request from Zhu Qiyu. He just wanted Zhu Qizhen to Stay in Wala forever, and you will be the emperor forever. Zhu Qiyu looked at the group of ministers who were facing down, sighed and said: "Then as you said, send another team of envoys. I am tired, so I will retreat from the court." After the ministers left, Only Yu Qian stood still. Zhu Qiyu dismissed the eunuch, walked to Yu Qian's side and said, "Brother, who do you think is more appropriate to send?" Yu Qian lowered his waist further and said respectfully: "Your Majesty, you must not do this. We call it this way again. We used to call it this way because of the chaos in the world and we were doing things secretly. Now, although the Zhongzheng lineage has not been completely wiped out, it is still in decline. In a short time, all the people in the Ming Dynasty will be killed by us, so Your Majesty must return the favor. It's really embarrassing to call him this." Zhu Qiyu nodded and replied: "That's as you wish." Yu Qian suddenly asked: "Your Majesty, in the cellar of the inn outside the city, Your Majesty interceded for Zhongzheng. "Do you think it's ridiculous?" "Haha, I did have some benevolence as a woman back then. I heard a few days ago that they were gathering in Bazhou to prepare for rebellion. Thanks to you, Yu Qian, you are really the pillar of the country. But this Zhu. What I saw and his father, Zhu Qixiang, are really irritating. I will recruit them to the capital to kill them. How dare you cheat on me and fool me?" Zhu Qiyu said angrily. Yu Qian smiled and said: "No, Zhu Qixiang is indeed an old fox. The trick he used to steal the news made us speechless. From now on, we can only act in secret. If we kill the father and son at this moment, it will definitely cause turmoil in the world. The king is panicking, so we need to think about it in the long run. As for who to send as envoy to Wala, I think Yang Shan should go. " "Yang Shan, the Minister of Rites, why is it him?" Zhu Qiyu asked in surprise. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 35: Flattery "Yes, this is Yang Shan, but he is now serving as the Imperial Envoy to the Right of the Metropolitan Procuratorate. I'm not sure why I sent him there, but I calculated that his trip will definitely bring about a bloody disaster. Your Majesty, please think of a battle between the two sides. If you don't kill the envoy, how can they kill the envoy and cause trouble if you go to barbarian Wala on behalf of the Ming Dynasty?" Yu Qian said. Zhu Qiyu said as if he suddenly understood: "What do you mean? I understand. When the time comes, I will assign Yang Shan to be an envoy to Wala, and then I will not give him too much money or give him corresponding gifts. I will write to him first." There is no mention of welcoming Zhu Qizhen back in his credential, so he will be furious first, and will not only kill Zhu Qizhen but also Yang Shan, which is in line with the bloody disaster you calculated. " Yu Qian said with a smile on his face: "Your Majesty is really a wise man. You can write your credential like this, but you can't give it without any gifts, otherwise it will be true, and both the ministers in the court and the Wala people will give it. As a matter of fact, give them funds and gifts, but be careful about the amount. Once you kill Zhu Qizhen first, we can also say that we don¡¯t know the emperor¡¯s grace and are greedy for money and think that the grace you gave is not enough. It is not enough to kill the Supreme Emperor out of ignorance. It is not enough to send Yang Shan. We must pay enough attention to it on the surface and let Zhao Ronghua, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, serve as an envoy and let them jointly go to Wala. Your Majesty, please take a look." Zhu Qiyu was indeed tired and breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's up to you, Yu Shaobao. I'm going to rest first." Then he turned and walked out of the hall. Yu Qian looked at Zhu Qiyu's back and smiled slightly, saying to himself: "Your Majesty, you have finally grown up, and there is hope for the Ming Dynasty." A day later in Nanjing at night, Lu Yunzhi was sitting cross-legged and meditating, constantly swallowing and swallowing something in his chest. The evil aura, reflecting the moonlight, was surrounded by countless ghosts swaying back and forth, going in and out of Lu Yunzhi's body. After a long time, Lu Yunzhi spat out a mouthful of blood, then wiped the corners of his mouth, and the ever-changing voice of a nightmare sounded in his ears again: " You really can think of using ghost spirits to heal injuries." Lu Yunzhi said with a bitter smile: "There is no way. Although I have some knowledge of medicine, there is a huge difference compared to Wang Yulu. Besides, my current injury needs to be treated. Even if you have money, you can't buy precious medicinal herbs, so you can only use ghost spirits to temporarily treat the injury. " "But in this case, it treats the symptoms but not the root cause. Although life is not enough to worry about, the problem of vomiting blood will recur at any time. Relapse will make the symptoms worse, so you have to think carefully," Nightmare said. Lu Yunzhi asked in return: "Then do you have any other methods?" Nightmare was silent, and Lu Yunzhi smiled with satisfaction: "Nightmare doesn't have to worry about me, I know what to do. And I will do it as soon as possible I will find a way to get you out of my body. As long as you bring harm to the world, I will not fight against you." Lu Yunzhi continued to close his eyes and lay down on the ground to rest. At dawn, he stood up and dusted himself off. Energized, he went to chop firewood. He stripped off his upper body and swung the ax to chop the wood piles one after another. He still didn't rest after chopping for an hour. Lu Yunzhi not only wanted to let his body recover as quickly as possible, but more importantly, he was doing it. Wait for someone. Lu Yunzhi cocked his ears and heard a burst of footsteps coming from behind him, so he stepped up his chops and said in his mouth: "The great river goes eastward, and the waves are gone, and the romantic figures of the ages. To the west of the fortress, the human path is Chibi, Zhou Lang of the Three Kingdoms." The rocks are passing through the sky, the waves are crashing on the shore, and thousands of piles of snow are rolled up. The mountains and rivers are like a picture, and there are so many heroes at that moment I am so affectionate that I should have a beautiful hair early, and my life is like a dream. "A bottle of Niannujiao from Su Shi is so good. The person you introduced to me, Ah Rong, is truly worthy of his reputation." A middle-aged man's voice sounded from behind Lu Yunzhi, and Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly. Yixiao was not panicked, he knew that the person he was waiting for was coming, Yang Zhun, the master of this house. Lu Yunzhi turned around, clasped his fists with his hands and lowered his head and said, "Alu, please say hello to the master." A middle-aged man stood next to Aron, dressed in purple silk and satin, looking very energetic. He looked at him with a smile in his eyes. Looking at Lu Yunzhi, he then said: "How do you know that I am the master?" Lu Yunzhi hurriedly replied: "I heard his voice before I saw him. I only heard that his voice was majestic and powerful, and who else could be worthy of him besides the master?" The most important thing about this voice is" The man said with a smile: "Anything else, but it doesn't matter, just raise your head and speak." Lu Yunzhi slowly raised her head, full of enthusiasm. He said: "The most important thing is that the local accent is still there, and it sounds particularly friendly." Lu Yunzhi's voice was choked up as he said it. In fact, he was secretly cursing that his temperament had changed drastically since he used the secret technique of life extension, and he actually looked a bit like Zhu Jian Wen is as good as Gao Huai in using deception to flatter others. That man was naturally Yang Zhun, the master of the house. After listening to Lu Yunzhi's words, he also remembered his hometown in Daxing. Lu Yunzhi spoke a Beijing dialect that was almost the same as the Daxing dialect. For a moment, his eyes became misty with tears and he sighed. : "When a young boy leaves home and his eldest brother returns home, his local pronunciation has not changed and his hair on his temples has faded. Children don't recognize each other when they see each other. They laugh and ask where the guests are from. Alu is?, are you also from Shuntianfu? "Lu Yunzhi nodded. Yang Zhun looked at Lu Yunzhi carefully and was suddenly startled. How could there be such an iconic person in the world? As a servant standing in front of him, he was neither humble nor arrogant. He felt like he was ups and downs. It really makes people like it. So Yang Zhun said: "I heard that you are literate, and you and I are from the same hometown. From now on, you can come to the study and be my book boy." After I got acquainted with him, I took him around and met some adults with me. As long as you work hard, I will promote you, sir. Ah Rong, you have also done well. Ah Lu really likes this guy. I will reward you two with one tael of silver each. You will take Ah Lu to the treasury to collect the money later. "After saying that, he smiled at Lu Yunzhi, turned around and left. "Arong and Lu Yunzhi bowed towards Yang Zhun's back. When Yang Zhun left, Arong excitedly said to Lu Yunzhi: "Look , I said how about it, I said how about it! The master will use you. From today on, you won¡¯t have to do such tiring work. From now on, you and I will be rewarded by following the master together. Lu Yunzhi smiled and said, "Thank you so much, Brother Arong." " From then on, Lu Yunzhi began his life as a book boy. He enjoyed this life very much. In addition to reading poetry and books in the study every day, he also had a lot of time to heal his wounds with ghosts. After several casual conversations with Yang Zhun, Yang Zhun was shocked. He believed that even if Lu Yunzhi was not a literary star, he was still a talented person. He encouraged Lu Yunzhi several times to take part in the provincial examination, and he could recommend him. , and Lu Yunzhi thanked him repeatedly and declined. As a thorn in the side of the imperial court, if he failed in the imperial examination, he would be trapped in the trap. After four or five days, Yang Zhun became accustomed to coming to the study every day. Listening to Lu Yunzhi talking about the past and the present, and talking about some difficult and secret things that he didn't know, the two often talked by candlelight at night. The more they talked, the more Yang Zhun admired him. He simply called Lu Yunzhi sir, and no longer dared to Called Alu. And Lu Yunzhi's status in the house is unmatched. Everyone is respectful to the master's husband, but Lu Yunzhi has a gentle temperament and is polite to everyone. After the night talk, Yang Zhun was about to go to the Yamen to work, but he heard Lu Yunzhi say quietly: "There is no need to go, the Rites Yamen is on fire. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 36: I take a gamble Yang Zhun was surprised when he heard Lu Yunzhi's words and asked: "There was a fire in the Yamen. How did you know about it? When it happened, it was fine when I left yesterday, and you and I have been staying together since then." Lu Yun Zhi smiled and said: "It's not gone yet, it's just about to happen. If you don't believe it, if you go out to the street now and take a look, you will definitely see the location of the Southern Rites Yamen brightly lit up within thirty seconds. The specific reason seems to be that there is someone in the house next to it. He accidentally knocked over the candlestick and set the book on fire. He was sleeping and didn't see it, causing the fire and implicating the rites office." Yang Zhun smiled and didn't take it seriously. He thought that although Lu Yunzhi was very knowledgeable, he was still a mortal. Maybe it's a prophetic thing. Yang Zhun stood up, then laughed and pushed open the door, walked quickly to the door, asked the concierge to open the door, and walked to the street. There was no one in the market. Yang Zhun looked at Lu Yunzhi who was following him and said respectfully: "Sir, you see nothing happened." Lu Yunzhi just smiled lightly and replied: "You haven't counted yet? "Yang Zhun was also very playful and counted loudly: "One or two" Just when he counted to twenty, he saw billowing smoke suddenly rising in the direction of the Rites Yamen, accompanied by a faint red light, Yang Zhun stared at Lu Yunzhi dumbfounded, then pointed to the side of the fire and said, "Sir, you are, how did you know?" Lu Yunzhi greeted Yang Zhun into the house, closed the door tightly, and then said to him: " I'm just a fortune teller." Yang Zhun sighed and said, "I always thought that the fortune tellers in the world were all charlatans, but I didn't expect that they are really accurate. Moreover, the gentleman is so knowledgeable and knowledgeable about the past and present, so he must be blessed by heaven. This is the way to predict things like a god. Sir, can you teach me this skill? " "Oh? What do you want to do after learning this skill?" Lu Yunzhi looked at it with interest. Yang Zhun, but Yang Zhun swallowed hard and said: "That way I can account for the ups and downs of the officialdom, and speculate to win a bigger official position" Yang Zhun knew that he was getting carried away when he was happy, so he hurriedly said: " Sir, please forgive me, what I just said is that I want to be a better official and serve the country to benefit the people. In fact, I am very indifferent to fame and fortune." Lu Yunzhi laughed loudly, and then said: "Yang Zhun, I can guarantee that your glory and wealth will be inexhaustible. There is nothing to be ashamed of. We are all mortals and we must have something to ask for. But if you listen to me, I can teach you these magic skills. I can even teach you the art of exorcising ghosts and trapping them. I just don¡¯t know if you have the guts to learn it. I have a huge enemy.¡± Yang Zhun, who is in his forties, acts like a child. He jumped up and said with slanted shoulders: "Sir, please don't worry. Anyone who dares to go against me, Yang Zhun, is going against me, Yang Zhun. I must kill him." "My enemy is Yu Qian, do you dare to kill him?" Lu Yunzhi said. Yang Zhun suddenly froze and then slumped down on the chair, not knowing what to do. Yu Qian was now the most important minister in the imperial court. How could he, a small doctor in the Ministry of Rites of the capital, be compared with him? He secretly scolded himself: Lu Yunzhi Such a skill, he was so confused just now, how could he deal with his enemy by himself. Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly as if he hadn't seen it and continued: "You don't have to panic, I have a clever plan of my own. If it succeeds, I can let you be promoted to a noble rank. You got the position of doctor because of Yang Shan. I think It would be difficult for you to be promoted again based on your qualifications and talents. Even if others can't do it, I can still protect myself wisely. I will make a lot of money for you and let you eat the dragon liver and phoenix marrow. It's boring." Yang Zhun's eyes widened, he grabbed Lu Yunzhi's arm and asked, "Is this true?" Lu Yunzhi pushed Yang Zhun's hand away and nodded. Yang Zhun asked in a trembling voice: "Then what should I do? It's not rebellion, right?" Lu Yunzhi burst into laughter and said: "Rebellion, do you have soldiers?" Yang Zhun shook his head, and Lu Yunzhi laughed. : "Then why are you rebelling? Don't worry too much. Your uncle Yang Shan will send a letter in a few days. You can do whatever he says in the letter. I will tell you what to do next. . And today I sent someone to deliver a letter to King Wu. The letter asked for a thousand taels of gold and was signed with Lu's visit. They would naturally understand that if it was to be sent as an ordinary official document, he would naturally I understand. "Zhu Jianwen's original name is Zhu Jianwen, and only people of the Zhongzheng lineage can call him. People in officialdom will call Zhu Jianwen the Crown Prince of Wu or Zhu Jianwen, so Zhu Jianwen will guess it when he sees this letter. **Never leave ten. Of course, even if they had doubts, they would not doubt this little doctor from the Nanjing Ministry of Rites. After all, the disparity in official positions was too great and Yang Zhunding did not have the guts to lie to them. The more Yang Zhun listened, the more he felt that Lu Yunzhi was unfathomable, and gradually he became respectful and asked in a low voice: "Who is Mr. Sir?" Lu Yunzhi picked up his pen and wrote on the white paper on the table: People of heaven and earth The Zhongzheng lineage. Although Yang Zhun was an official in the capital, he was also a doctor in the Six Ministries of Nanjing. He had naturally heard of the Zhongzheng lineage and knew that this faction was so rebellious that even the emperor would give him three points, but who would think of his own family? Is there an expert from the Zhongzheng lineage?Yang Zhun asked again: "I heard that you are in Beijing, why did you come to the humble house and pretend to be a servant?" Lu Yunzhi stared at Yang Zhun's eyes and said: "We are at odds with the imperial court, especially We have an sworn feud with Yu Qian, so you have to think about it, whether you want to help me or not. You have to choose between prosperity and wealth. Tell me the answer now. If you deny it, I will turn around. I won't bother you if I leave." Yang Zhun lowered his head and was silent for a long time, then slammed the table and shouted like a bandit, "I'll take a gamble, sir!" "Okay!" Yun Zhi also shouted loudly, stood up and looked at the shadows reflected by the leaves floating in the breeze outside the window. He thought in his heart: Yu Qian, if this is a chance, I will let you know what it means for man to conquer nature. In a courtyard in the military town of Huailai, a man was constantly surrounding a dozen wooden barrels filled with potions. There was a person in each barrel. They looked forward with dull eyes, saying between their eyes. In the hole that cannot come out, the only normal person is the man standing outside the barrel. The moonlight shines on that man's face, showing an extremely strange and hazy look. He was holding a small wooden bucket in his hand, constantly scooping up the concoction in the small wooden bucket and pouring it on the heads of those in the wooden bucket. He was still laughing while pouring it, and murmured in his mouth: "I can finally get my wish." "At this time, another man opened the door and walked in, and then said to the man carrying the bucket: "Wang Yulu, how are the preparations? "When will they wake up from the state of suspended animation?" The man who poured the poison was Wang Yulu, one of the traitors in the Zhongzheng lineage. Wang Yulu replied: "Cheng Fangdong, why are you urging me? Don't worry, I will succeed." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 37: The Living Dead Cheng Fangdong snorted but also clasped his fists and said: "Thank you very much, but there is something that has been confusing me for many days. I have wanted to ask you. I don't know if I should talk about it or not?" Wang Yulu grinned and replied nonchalantly: "If you have anything, just tell me. It doesn't matter." Cheng Fangdong paused before speaking: "Wang Yulu, you don't seek fame or profit. I don't know why you would rebel with me, even if I successfully rebelled and became the leader of the Zhongzheng lineage. My status will not change much. Why did you do this? " "First, I did not rebel against the Zhongzheng lineage. I never poisoned any disciples of the Zhongzheng lineage, and I focused on treating them. The most important thing is that I don't hunt down my own people like you, so I'm not a rebel, I'm just disloyal at most. Second, you don't just want to. The leader of the Zhongzheng lineage, otherwise why did you let me bring back the bodies of these junior brothers who died in the Tumu Fort and make them living dead for you to do your bidding? I think you must have evil intentions, but you will do it in the future? I can't control anything. I will only continue to study my medical skills and principles. If you insist on asking me why I do this, I can only tell you that I want to be a medicine-maker. I can't ignore things and even use living people for research. This is not allowed by the Zhongzheng lineage. They are kind but they have killed my wishes. I will devote my life to researching the highest realm of human body and medicine. I will kill anyone who stops me. Leave him, Zhongzheng lineage is no exception." Wang Yulu replied plainly. Cheng Fangdong laughed twice, changed the topic and asked: "Do you think this living dead can really retain what he knew during his life and be driven by me as recorded in the book?" Wang Yulu looked at Cheng Fangdong sideways and asked: " "Don't you believe in my medical skills?" "No, no, I just don't understand. I hope Brother Wang will give me some advice." Cheng Fangdong pretended to be respectful. Wang Yulu took another ladle of medicine and poured it on the head of one of them and said: "That's natural. Even our master may not know this. This is recorded in ancient books. I also found some clues inadvertently. According to legend, in Xing Wen Before our ancestors, there was a mysterious tribe. What they were good at was this kind of living dead technique, which could wake up the dead to work for them. The awakened people could move around freely like humans, and they could also eat, sleep, and so on. However, these behaviors require the driving of the operator. This is something you must remember in the future. Once you forget that their body functions will decline and even decay, even I will not be able to rejuvenate them. " The dead can maintain the skills they had in life, such as the living dead we are awakening now. At the same time, they do not know pain. Unless the corpse is broken into pieces and the bones are scattered, they cannot stop the progress of the living dead. This is the way of the living dead. The scary thing is that using them on the battlefield can not only kill the enemy, but also shock the enemy and improve one's own morale. Except for natural generals like Qu Xiangtian and Qin Rufeng, who else in the world can lead an army that dares to fight against the creatures from the underworld? The dead are fighting." Wang Yulu continued, and then he strolled to a room in the west corner of the courtyard, where there was a huge alchemy furnace with steaming smoke rising from the top and bursts of aroma. Wang Yulu whispered a few words to the child who was watching the fire bellows, and then sat on the chair next to her and continued to talk to Cheng Fangdong: "Because the living dead are extremely powerful, they were extremely popular at the time. Who can own a group of living dead?" They had the capital to dominate the world. From then on, this mysterious tribe began to prosper. They did not want to be in power, but they could not resist the temptation of interests. This is something I look down on, but everyone has their own interests. , and my interests are my dreams. In short, what I want to say is that they started to kill people deliberately and then made them into living dead. After the ancestor Xing Wen appeared, he wiped out this tribe and destroyed most of it. Books, and some evil sects that were intolerable to good people were also wiped out. Their essence was taken away from the dross, and they were merged into the largest medical line among people in the world, the Alchemy Line. And these records of the living dead. All the books on cruel medical techniques were destroyed, leaving only a few words in other records. "So you studied it through just a few words? It's so difficult, you are really a genius," Cheng Fangdong asked with a flattering look on his face. This expression combined with his seemingly loyal appearance makes him look nondescript and extremely disgusting. Wang Yulu turned a blind eye and nodded as if she had been used to it for a long time: "It's very difficult, but I really don't dare to be a wizard. I also have a question, what other conspiracy do you have, is it to seize the Ming Dynasty? Haha, if that's the case If so, I'm going to be more serious this time." Cheng Fangdong laughed and quickly changed the subject: "How can I do this? Wang Yulu, what kind of elixir are you making? It's so fragrant." Although Wang Yulu couldn't figure it out. Cheng Fangdong, however, had already guessed that he would not answer, and did not mind saying: "Cheng Fangdong, I need to rest for a while. I will also issue driving orders to these living dead in a while. You should go back first."?When I refine the Powerful Hundred Flowers Pill, I will send it to you together with the living dead. You only need to support my research on refining the medicine, and I will always support you. That's it, you go first, I won't send you far away. " "If you don't send it, don't send it. "Cheng Fangdong stood up, cupped his hands and turned around to leave. After leaving the yard, Cheng Fangdong galloped out of the city on horseback. After walking for more than ten miles, he turned over and dismounted in a wilderness, then raised his whip and whipped the ground hard and cursed: "Wang Yulu, when I accomplish what I did, I will cut you to death with a thousand knives. Anyone who dares to guess my thoughts will be given a death without burial. Hahahaha, no, life is worse than death, just like Shi Yuting. "Cheng Fangdong vented his anger like a pervert. He whipped the horse until the whip almost broke, then he got on the horse again and laughed loudly. This side slowly disappeared into the wilderness, becoming a black spot and gradually disappearing. " Timur's capital city spread On the outskirts of Markand, a man held a Damascus scimitar in both hands and glanced at the group of feudal lords surrounding him. The man's arms were thick and powerful, and his muscles were beating with the force of his hands. His sweat was beating with it. The muscles fell on the soft soil. It seemed that this was a specially cultivated training ground. The man was tall and strong, but his round belly was very inconsistent. I heard him shout: "Come again." , you are so weak-handed, how can you fight one against ten? Although I hire you, I treat you as a friend, practice harder, and besiege me. Now if you don't practice on the battlefield, you will be killed by the enemy. I don't want my money to go down the drain with your lives. "As he said that, he took up his posture and waited for another attack from the group of equally strong and powerful feudal men. But at this moment, the man's heart was shouting: Third brother, Yun Zhi. Where are you? The second brother is very worried. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 38: Taihang Zhenren "Sir, do you have any plans for the evening?" Yang Zhun asked Lu Yunzhi respectfully. Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and replied: "Thanks to you for not giving up, you can also call me sir outside, but after all, I am also your servant, so you don't have to be so polite to me. I have no friends here, what can I do? "Arrangement." Yang Zhunyile said: "Sir, today is my mother's sixtieth birthday. I hope you can come here to show your respect." Lu Yunzhi thought for a moment and said: "It's good, I'm afraid of being cheated." Even though I am old and my appearance has changed, few people will be able to recognize her. Besides, I don¡¯t have any old friends here. It¡¯s just that I don¡¯t have any silver coins in my hand, so it would be a bit shabby for me to honor the old lady¡¯s birthday with nothing.¡± "That's not possible. Sir, if you go to the banquet, you will be giving great face to Heaven." Yang Zhun said quickly. Lu Yunzhi nodded: "There is no need to pay for the banquet. We stay in the same house on weekdays. It's just that I have a low status and have never had the opportunity to visit. Don't worry, I will definitely go." "Okay, then I will. Let¡¯s get ready first, I¡¯ll wait for you to arrive later.¡± Yang Zhun left quickly as he spoke. In fact, Lu Yunzhi had already known about today's birthday banquet. It was not that he had to make some calculations. How could he rely on calculations for all the trivial matters in life? It was just that the servants were happily busy outside, and Lu Yunzhi could not figure it out even if he closed his eyes. It's almost impossible to guess the truth. After the firecrackers go off, the birthday banquet begins. The birthday banquets of wealthy people are nothing more than a spectacle. The old man celebrating the birthday does not show up at all, only the head of the family comes out to greet the guests. Yang Zhun was not a high-ranking official in Nanjing City, nor was he an official. Although he had no real power, after all, his uncle Yang Shan was an official in the capital, so everyone who should come or not should personally send congratulatory gifts. Some people recommended that Senior officials who were busy with official duties also sent congratulatory gifts, and the scene was quite lively anyway. When Lu Yunzhi arrived, the lobby was already full of people. It could be seen that there were officials, businessmen and some people from the market. Lu Yunzhi walked into the hall and was worrying about where to sit when he saw Yang Zhun walking quickly, took Lu Yunzhi's arm and led him to the front seat and arranged for him to sit down. Lu Yunzhi declined. Only then was he seated in the upper seat. Everyone was surprised. Who is this unknown person? Yang Zhun wanted to introduce Lu Yunzhi in a big way, but Lu Yunzhi held him down and said in a low voice: "This is publicity enough. Be careful to expose my identity. Don't worry, I won't embarrass you. What's more, I will show off my skills when the time comes." Okay." Yang Zhun saw that Lu Yunzhi had figured out what he was thinking, nodded in agreement and went to greet the guests. Although many people came to congratulate Yang Zhun's mother on her birthday today, many of them turned around and left after giving out gifts. Those who stayed to eat were all insignificant people. The chief people here were already generals. The selected elite. Yang Zhun looked a little worried, so he wanted Lu Yunzhi to give him a face. Just as the banquet started, I heard a loud shout from outside the door: "Immeasurable longevity and wealth. I wish the old lady good fortune as far as the East China Sea and longevity as the Nanshan Mountain." A group of Taoist priests filed in. The leader had two strands of black hair and long hair floating on his chest. Xu, who is in his thirties, looks somewhat immortal and upright. Yang Zhun didn't know them, so he had to give up his fists and respectfully said to the leading Taoist priest: "May I ask who this Taoist is?" A wealthy businessman stood up next to him. He seemed to be very familiar with the Taoist priest and introduced Yang Zhun in a low voice. He said: "This is Taihang Zhenren from Zhensheng Temple in the south of the city. Why, Lord Yang doesn't know him? He is a living god who is famous far and wide." I have never seen this Taihang master Yang Zhun, but he has become very prosperous in Nanjing in recent years. According to legend, the original Zhensheng Temple was a Taoist temple in decline. Later, Taihang Zhenren traveled here to hunt down monsters, cure diseases and save people for the villagers. After doing several important things, he was retained by the Taoist temple owner, and the incense became prosperous from then on. This Taihang master is also a well-known living god in the Jinling area. Yang Zhun naturally feels very proud to be able to come to celebrate Yang Zhun's mother's birthday. In addition, Lu Yunzhi's previous calculations were extremely accurate, and Yang Zhun is even more interested in metaphysics. The person was very respectful, so he went to work and led Master Taihang to his seat, and asked people to arrange for Master Taihang's disciples to go. After Taihang Zhenren sat down, there were many officials and businessmen around him who knew him and exchanged a few words with him. Only Lu Yun stood beside him and raised his glass to celebrate, but he was not alone and respectful. In the end, he drank and ate alone, without talking to anyone. Taihang Zhenren saw Lu Yunzhi sitting in the same seat and asked with squinting eyes: "Dare I ask this brother Gao's name?" Lu Yunzhi couldn't tell his real name in front of outsiders, for fear that he would be a lackey of the imperial court and his fate would be ruined. He couldn't calculate the Qi within the multiple, and then all his plans would be disrupted, so he hurriedly said: "I'm here, Lu Zhi. The Taoist master's reputation is far and wide, it's really thunderous." Taihang Zhenren hahaha He smiled, seemingly very satisfied with Lu Yunzhi's answer, and toasted a glass of wine to each other as a sign of friendship. After the banquet went on for a while, Yang Zhun went back to the room and helped the old lady out., everyone can come together to pay their birthdays. This is the rule. After the birthday greetings, Yang Zhun's mother has to go back to the room. It's not because she is not in good health, but because of etiquette, she can't sit in the table as a woman. As an official of the Ministry of Etiquette, Yang Zhun naturally pays more attention to such etiquette. When everyone saw the old lady coming out, they all stood up and raised their hands and said, "I wish the old lady a long life and good health." When the old lady saw it, she also answered with a smile on her face: "Okay, okay, thank you all for coming to wish me a birthday. I¡¯ll thank you for that.¡± After saying that, I wanted Yang Zhun to help me back to the house. "Wait a moment, old lady, I have something to say." Master Taihang came out and shouted. Yang Zhun answered with a smile: "What do you want to say, Master Tao?" Taihang Master did not answer, closed his eyes, counted with his fingers, and then made a sudden sound before saying: "Has the old lady been feeling unwell recently? There must be something evil. The spirit enters the body. "The old man always doubts his body. This is habitual. When he heard Taihang Zhenren's words, the old lady suddenly frowned and said, "I feel a little uncomfortable." This time, Yang Zhun was frightened, even if it was not normal. Yang Zhun was a little confused and carefree, not like a civil servant at all, but he was indeed a filial son. He quickly bowed his hands and bowed deeply and asked: "Master Tao, is there a way to resolve this?" "Hey." A sweet voice said. Laughter came from the back hall, extremely mocking. Lu Yunzhi was shocked after hearing this, thinking how could there be such good laughter in this world. Master Taihang seemed to have some skills. At least his hearing was sensitive enough. He only heard him shouting: "Who dares to ridicule poor Taoists? Why are you laughing? Come out quickly." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 39: Yang Xiyu After Master Taihang gave a loud shout, a girl wearing a light blue dress with a light skirt turned around the screen and came out. This girl has fair skin, a small but straight nose under her willow-leaf eyebrows, a smile with bright teeth and bright eyes that can be described as a beauty, and she refers to the red building as a concubine. The men present, both young and old, swallowed their saliva and wished they could propose marriage right away. Looking at the girl's figure, the willow waist and lotus face are particularly matching. Although the body is a little thin, it is also well-proportioned and every move is full of charm. The girl came out, made a Wanfu salute, then raised her eyes timidly and looked at Yang Zhun, her red lips moved slightly and uttered four words: "Daddy, Wan'an." As soon as these words came out, everyone fell down, and the sound was like a silver bell. But it is also shy and cute, and some people couldn't help but praise: This sound is originally from heaven, but it cannot be heard many times in the world. Yang Zhun raised his hands to Master Taihang and said, "This is a little girl. She is very naughty and not very sensible. I hope the Taoist Master will forgive me." After speaking, Yang Zhun shouted to the girl: "Xi Yu, why don't you apologize to the Taoist Master soon? "A person at Lu Yunzhi's table asked: "This girl is Yang Zhun's daughter. She is so beautiful. Yang Zhun is really lucky." A sixth-grade official in ordinary clothes replied: "You don't know this. ? This girl's name is Yang Xiyu, but she is the most beautiful woman in Nanjing. It doesn't matter if she has never heard of Yang Xiyu. "Everyone is talking about Yang Xiyu, and other tables are ignorant. There were a few lustful people above her who were staring at her beautiful figure, but they were all looking at her with salivating expressions. Taihang Zhenren's expression did not change, and his heart did not beat. He stretched out his hand and said: "Girl, there is no need to apologize. I can't bear it. I dare to ask the girl why she is laughing." Yang Xiyu secretly rejoiced and murmured: "I didn't even do it. I just want to apologize to you. I just think that if you really have the ability, why don't you wait for my father to ask questions before answering? You are not waiting for a good price before starting work. I'm short-sighted, please forgive me." "Okay. You are a sharp-tongued person, today I will let you have a taste of my power." Master Taihang originally planned to ask for some silver from Yang Zhun, but he didn't want to be exposed by Yang Xiyu, and his face turned red with embarrassment. Yang Zhun hurriedly stepped forward to dissuade and appease Yang Xiyu, and reprimanded Yang Xiyu. However, Taihang Zhenren got carried away and pushed Yang Zhun away, regardless of whether Yang Zhun was an official of the imperial court. Seeing the Evil Dao take out a bamboo tube from his chest and throw it on the ground, a puff of gray-black smoke suddenly ignited. Lu Yunzhi thought to himself: This old Daoist still has some abilities and can actually drive ghosts. When the ghost completely came out of the bamboo tube, Lu Yunzhi smiled, because the ghost in front of him was too ordinary and was not driven by anyone. It should have been invisible to the naked eye, but it was stamped using ancient methods so that ordinary people could see this ghost in broad daylight. Driving ghosts uses seals to make the ghosts obey the operator's instructions. However, the seal released by Taihang Zhenren can only be retracted and released freely but cannot be driven because of the age of the seal on the bamboo tube. In short, it is just a frightening thing. That¡¯s all. The ghost fell into the scene and inspected everyone. Suddenly there was chaos in the hall. Yang Zhun also tightly protected his mother and daughter behind him. His face was pale and trembling, and he murmured: "Demon, sir, please hurry up." Come and save me." Lu Yunzhi did not immediately come to the rescue, but slowly took a sip of wine, because this ghost was too weak to hurt people. But the ghost suddenly ran towards Lu Yunzhi, and everyone around him shouted to avoid it, but Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and prepared to use the wine glass in his hand as a container to hold the ghost on the table. Suddenly, Lu Yunzhi was shocked. Originally, he was the yin and yang of five, two, and five, which naturally attracted ghosts. But now that his four pillars have been destroyed and his ten gods have disappeared, why did this ghost come to him? It is understandable that the ghosts used to heal wounds are driven by oneself, but it is unbelievable that the ghosts released by Master Taihang are like this. "Lu Yunzhi, my nightmare is starving to death, let me eat it." The nightmare said with a smile inside Lu Yunzhi's body. Lu Yunzhi shouted in a low voice: "Nightmare is no good. When I take him in, ask him carefully how he found me." "I'm so annoyed. It's so troublesome to follow you." Nightmare was chattering again, Lu Yunzhi Knowing that he would agree. I saw Lu Yunzhi secretly reciting the secret text of "Gu Gui", and then raised the small wine cup in his hand. I saw a faint brilliance slowly flowing through the inside of the wine cup, which was very beautiful. When the ghost rushed forward, he was caught by Lu Yunzhi. Covering it with a wine cup, the ghost was quickly taken into the wine cup. Lu Yunzhi picked up the jug and filled the glass with wine. He raised his neck and drank it into his mouth. His throat moved and he swallowed it. During all this, Lu Yunzhi just sat there holding a wine glass without standing up at all. Everyone was stunned and stared at Lu Yunzhi, as if they were looking at a god in the sky. Suddenly someone took the lead and shouted: "Hey, the real person is not showing his face. It turns out that the real master is here." Immediately afterwards, the surrounding guests came to compliment Lu Yunzhi, and Lu Yunzhi cupped his hands and bowed in all directions. Then he stood up and walked to Yang Zhun, as if he didn't see the dumbfounded girl.The Taihang Master asked Yang Zhun one after another: "How are you, Mr. Yang? How are you, Your Majesty? How are you, Miss Yang?" The old lady Yang was frightened by the Taihang Master, but seeing Lu Yunzhi's ease The ghost in her eyes was subdued and she said to Lu Yunzhi very politely: "Okay, it's not serious. May I ask who you are sir?" Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and replied: "I am just replying to the old lady. I just love alchemy and have an irreversible friendship with Mr. Yang, so I stopped him and made the decision without the permission of the old lady. I hope the old lady will punish him." Yang Zhun suddenly felt his face glowing and he was particularly energetic. Lu Yunzhi was able to equalize Taihang Master's housekeeping skills with just a few moves. He must be an expert in this world. Guarding everyone, Lu Yunzhi also said that he had a close relationship with him. Naturally, he was full of face and said hurriedly: "Mr. No, dear brother, why are you so angry? You just acted out of desperation. I don't blame you, but I want to thank you." Lu Yunzhi and Yang Zhun saluted each other with fists in their hands, and then Yang Zhun. Holding Lu Yunzhi's arm looked respectful and intimate. Yang Zhun pointed at Yang Xiyu and said: "This is my little girl Yang Xiyu. Xi Yu has not yet met your uncle Lu." Yang Xiyu made a blessing gift to Lu Yunzhi and said: "My niece has met my uncle." Lu Yunzhi nodded and hurriedly turned his head away. Because Yang Xiyu was so beautiful, he was worried that he might have any objections and could only turn a blind eye. With a "plop", Taihang Zhenren fell to his knees and then performed the five-body salute. Yang Zhun called the servants and asked him to drive out Taihang Master and his disciples. Taihang Master was stood up by two servants, but he shouted: "Secret Thirteen, Secret Thirteen!" Lu Yunzhi was shocked. He turned pale and shouted: "Wait a minute, take him to the back hall with me." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 40: Qing Jun¡¯s Side Next to a clear stream, a group of naked men and women were bathing together. A group of young and energetic bodies shone in the water in the clear day. "I still can't stand this custom of Annan Kingdom, Yunfei, don't they feel ashamed to bathe together naked? But they are really pretty, I mean those girls." Qu Xiangtian sat on the west side, with his arms in his arms Holding a bamboo tube of wine and not using a ladle, he drank it into his mouth and asked Murong Yunfei next to him. Murong Yunfei has now changed into the local clothes of Annan Kingdom. She is still dressed in white, which is Murong Yunfei's favorite color. She has a short waist and long skirt with four petals. At this moment, she hears the direction of the song. Tian's words smiled and nodded Qu Xiangtian's chest and said: "Xiangtian, your body, hair and skin are given to your parents. People come to the world naked. There is nothing to avoid. I think your shame only comes from It's just the evil in your heart." When Qu Xiangtian heard this, he hugged Murong Yunfei, pushed her down on the ground covered with gorilla velvet, and laughed: "Then let me be evil." He started to move his hands up and down, making Murong Yunfei also laugh. Qu Xiangtian said casually: "This Annan's clothes are also very nice." Murong Yunfei lightly hit Qu Xiangtian's chest, and then Lying on Qu Xiangtian's strong arms, he looked up at the sky and said, "The origin of this dress is enough to reflect the character of the Annan people." "How do you say this?" Qu Xiangtian asked. "Annan is located in a remote area, with more jungles and poorer life. If you put this kind of clothes in the countryside, the whole village may have one set. Except for weddings, they generally don't wear it and keep it, so I wear this kind of clothes while wandering around. Everyone on the street will immediately know that I am the wife of an official. You know this kind of clothing is called Aotuzan. The reason why it reflects the character of the Annan people is because of the origin of this clothing. It is to commemorate the resistance of the Han people. Built by a pair of sisters who invaded, this shows that the Annan people have always disobeyed discipline and will definitely resist under pressure. The terrain here in Annan is most suitable for repeated guerrillas. Even after occupying a town, their scattered troops will hide in the rain forest. . In short, it is easier to conquer than to govern, what do you think?" Murong Yunfei said to Qu Xiangtian. Qu Xiangtian nodded, sat up and looked at the people bathing in the river, but his thoughts seemed to fly to the sky. After a long time, he turned around and asked: "You mean that there is no use in us occupying this place. Why not unite with the Li Chao regime?" Seeking personal gain? " Murong Yunfei smiled and replied: "That's right. The Li Dynasty seems to be dominated by Le Bang Ji, but in fact it is the Queen Mother Xuan Ci who is in charge. Now we have trained you to be strong. More than a thousand soldiers stationed in Annan Kingdom, and many sergeants were recruited along the way. Ruan Thi Anh seemed to be very polite to us, but as time goes by, it is inevitable that he will not use the whole country to deal with us in the future. And I just said, you. If we are not from the Annan Kingdom, it would be easy for us to go straight to Huanglong and break into the capital of the Annan Kingdom and force ourselves to rule. Xiangtian, your military tactics are unmatched, but after that, Xiang Yu, the overlord of Chu, was equally powerful, but in the end he was still wasted. With all the troops in Gaixia, it is impossible to quickly rule the hearts of the people and it will be useless. Nguyen Thi Anh will not allow you to recruit troops here. The previous approval was just a small favor. This is something we have never thought of before. The political situation here. It is not at all easier than the Ming Dynasty and Tamerlane. You see, although there are occasional frictions between Annan and Ming Dynasty, they have always maintained relatively friendly diplomatic relations. If there is a military conflict, the Nguyen Thi Anh regime does not want to see it, so we are now There is only one way left." "What way?" Qu Xiangtian asked in confusion. Murong Yunfei whispered in Qu Xiangtian's ear: "Instigate the conflict between the supporters of Le Bang Ji and Nguyen Thi Anh. Now that Le Bang Ji is only more than ten years old, we can gain the power to assist the government, seize the power for personal gain, and assemble the troops to fight back." Jiangdong." Qu Xiangtian nodded, then caressed Murong Yunfei's hair and kissed her forehead and praised: "Whoever gets this wife will win the world!" At this moment, Qin Rufeng ran over and said, He cupped his fists and saluted Qu Xiangtian and Murong Yunfei and said, "General Qu, sister-in-law." Qu Xiangtian stood up and asked, "What's the matter with General Qin?" Qin Rufeng smiled and replied, "Someone proposed marriage to me just now. I couldn't make up my mind, so I came to ask Brother Tian and my sister-in-law. "Qu Xiangtian laughed: "Looking at your anxious look, you don't look like you can make up your mind. Tell me which girl you are from?" She is the daughter of Li Ke, the head of the Political Council, but she is really beautiful, so no wonder I am impatient." Qin Rufeng said. Murong Yunfei glanced at Qu Xiangtian and said: "Xiangtian, you are invincible in military skills but incompetent in political affairs. Looking at your confused look, I know that you don't know him. If Zhu Jianwen and Gao Huai were here, they would be very excited. This Li Ke's original name is Zheng Ke. You know it when I say this. He is the powerful minister who learned from us a few days ago. However, after the death of Li Taizong and Li Yuanlong, the strongest backing he had collapsed, and now it is getting worse. Down. ButNow that they still control most of the power and are regarded as a thorn in the flesh by Queen Mother Ruan Thi Anh, Zheng Ke or Li Ke already feels that they are in danger. Our appearance just made up for his loss of power, which mainly refers to military power, so he wanted to follow the Han people's in-law strategy to win over us. I think Rufeng can agree. Tomorrow I will go with Xiangtian to propose marriage for you. They know that Rufeng and Xiangtian are brothers, and your Qu Jiajun also became an Annan countryman because of this in-law relationship. The Annan people in my mind coincide with what we just said. " Qu Xiangtian said yes again and again and then patted Qin Rufeng on the shoulder and said: "The tree wants to be quiet but the wind is not stopping. It seems that they have attracted us before we can take action. But it is an advantage for you, boy, to get a beautiful wife. You go and report back. "Qin Rufeng was also very happy. He turned around to leave but was stopped by Murong Yunfei. "I did some calculations just now and discovered that Zheng Ke will be in danger of being executed soon. Rufeng thought that my sister-in-law was too talkative, but you But think about it. "Murong Yunfei suddenly said with a heavy expression. Qin Rufeng was also stunned and asked: "Then if I marry Zheng Ke's daughter, can I keep her, and will it involve Brother Tian. " But Qu Xiangtian was dismissive and said: "Afraid of what he will do, whoever dares to stop you will stop our army. If you want to take the opportunity to destroy us, first ask you whether Qin Rufeng has the iron gun in his hand and the brothers' sabers. promise. "Qu Xiangtian has a way of boosting morale. After hearing this, Qin Rufeng became happy. Murong Yunfei also knew that Qu Xiangtian understood what he meant and deliberately provoked Qin Rufeng to agree to the marriage, so she said: "Rufeng, I will protect you. The lady is no problem. But we can't save Zheng Ke's family. " Qin Rufeng is a rough man and said carelessly: "Sister-in-law, don't worry, this is a marriage of power. Rufeng is a rough man but he understands this. Besides, I know Zheng Ke, who is that old man? I sacrifice my life for them. Isn¡¯t this wishful thinking? The reason why I asked just now is that one is because I am worried that it will implicate our plan in Annan, and the other is that no matter what, his daughter becomes my wife, and if I can't keep my woman, I will be a man, so I ask this question. But sister-in-law, what are your next plans? " Murong Yunfei did not answer, but looked at Qu Xiangtian, who briefly answered with three words: "Qing Junzi! " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 41: List (VIP extra) After Qin Rufeng listened to Qu Xiangtian's detailed description of the future arrangements of his forces, he suddenly realized: "You mean to use Ruan Shiying to kill Zheng Ke and then instigate the officials to rebel, so that we can assist the government." , right?" Qu Xiangtian nodded, Murong Yunfei stretched and said, "Let's go back and talk about it later." Qin Rufeng said hello and a sergeant brought the horse, and the three of them got on the horse and ran to Ruan Shiying to give him to Qu Xiang. The general's mansion arranged by God. Guang Liang greeted Qu Xiangtian at the gate of the general's residence and helped Qu Xiangtian's horse, and said, "General, the new recruits we have trained have been screened." Qu Xiangtian asked, "Are they the soldiers occupying the city or the ones from Annan?" Guang Liang asked. He replied: "They are the rebels from Champa." Four years ago, Zheng Ke led his army to attack Champa. Three years ago, after breaking Champa, he captured King Moko Bengai. Several years have passed, but the residents of Champa still have trouble. There is something rebellious going on. When Qu Xiangtian's army passed through the city, more than 1,600 rebels defected to Qu Xiangtian. Qu Xiangtian placed Guang Liang's old elite troops under Qin Rufeng's command, and sent Guang Liang to train new soldiers. . Later, when Qu Xiangtian arrived near Tokyo, the capital of Annan, with the approval of Queen Mother Ruan Thi Ying, he recruited hundreds of sergeants. Now he has a strong army. However, he did not dare to let the Annan people know about the reception of the occupying rebels. They are only called soldiers on the Yunnan-Guizhou border of the Ming Dynasty. Qu Xiangtian valued the local sergeants very much, because although they did not have muskets or superb equestrian skills, they could do something that the Central Plains soldiers did not, which was riding an elephant. When the elephant soldiers charge, they can trample the opponent's sergeants. Even the cavalry can't compete. The elephant's skin is thick and thick, and its impact with swords, axes, and arrows has little effect. However, if a herd of elephants rushes through, they are invincible. In addition, the soldiers on the back of the elephants can shoot arrows and throw spears, which is even more powerful. Therefore, Qu Xiangtian desperately wants to practice this team of surprise soldiers and win by surprise. Qu Xiangtian got off his horse and walked to the general's mansion while asking Murong Yunfei: "By the way, you said just now that you took care of Qin Rufeng's father-in-law's affairs." Qin Rufeng laughed and felt quite embarrassed, and Qu Xiangtian turned his head. Said: "Why are you laughing? Go to Zheng Ke's mansion and report back. Let me change clothes with your sister-in-law, and then I will come to propose marriage to you today. By the way, Guang Liang, do you want it?" Guang Liang didn't know Qu Xiangtian What he was talking about, he asked with a puzzled look on his face: "What do you want?" "Mother!" Qu Xiangtian said with a smile. Although Guang Liang was a good soldier on the battlefield, he was also selfless in training soldiers and was praised as a cold-faced general by all the sergeants. However, when he heard Qu Xiangtian joking with him, he blushed and said hurriedly: "I'd better forget about this, military affairs Busy, busy with military affairs." Qu Xiangtian turned around and kicked Guang Liang in the butt and asked, "Why don't you go quickly? First, integrate the elites into our sharp knife troops and soften them with a division of troops. Don't let them form a knot. Form a group, otherwise it will be difficult to arrange. Mix one of our old brothers into every five people. Promote more new people but don't give them too big official positions. Most of them will be corps commanders." Guang Liang clasped his fists and turned to leave, Qu Xiangtian. But he shouted from behind Guang Liang: "You better clean yourself up these days. Don't be sloppy all day long. Ask your sister-in-law to find one for you. You should also start a family as soon as possible. What's the point of hanging around with a bunch of big men all day long?" Meaning." After hearing this, Guang Liang was very excited and at a loss for a long time before running away in a hurry. Qu Xiangtian smiled and said to Murong Yunfei: "Look at how my right-hand man and his right-hand man are like this. They don't even have a Confucian general. If my third brother is here, he can add a Confucian style." Murong Yunfei also pursed her lips. Yixiao: "They also said that you, the coach, are dirty all the time. You were not like this when I first got along with you. At that time, although you were full of blood, you were still a bit elegant. Now you have fully revealed your true nature. By the way, Xiangtian, what do you want to say to me when you push them away? " "Yunfei, you are smart. I want to ask about the hexagram from back then. When you mentioned Zheng Ke's hexagram, I couldn't help but think of your calculations. The secret thirteen of the third brother." Qu Xiangtian couldn't help but sigh when he mentioned Lu Yunzhi. He saw the letter sent by the caravan sent by Fang Qingze to trade, and knew that Lu Yunzhi and Fang Qingze were separated, and also knew that Lu Yunzhi couldn't help but worry about Yingzi's matter, wondering what his third brother was doing now. Qu Xiangtian recalled that Lu Yunzhi once said that the hexagrams seen by Murong Yunfei were the final answer and could not be changed no matter whether the world changed drastically or his own four pillars and ten gods disappeared, so he asked. After Murong Yunfei led Qu Xiangtian into the house, she closed the door and said to Qu Xiangtian: "You know, my calculation is not as comprehensive as yours of the Zhongzheng lineage, but it is not easy to change. It is very accurate. In fact, I also try We have calculated our future, but we have not calculated it. Our hexagrams cannot be filled with emotions, so it is like a doctor who does not treat his own family members. Therefore, I only calculated the Secret Thirteen before I met you, and I have nothing after that. Got it." As she spoke, Murong Yunfei was studying the ink and writing something on the paper. When Qu Xiangtian looked over, he saw clearly written on the paper: Qu Xiangtian, Fang Qingze, Lu Yunzhi.?Shi Fang, Zhu Jianwen, Wu Hao, Yingzi, Shi Yuting, Murong Yunfei, Yang Zhun, Yang Xiyu, Lu Qiutong, Tan Qing. "It turned out to be thirteen people, but who are these four people, Yang Zhun, Yang Xiyu, Lu Qiutong, and Tan Qing? Is this the composition of the Secret Thirteen? What exactly is the Secret Thirteen? Yunfei, tell me quickly. ." Qu Xiangtian asked eagerly. Murong Yunfei lowered her head and thought about it. After all, this hexagram happened a long time ago. After a while, she raised her head and said to Qu Xiangtian: "I don't know what Secret Thirteen is. I have told you this a long time ago." . I just saw Lu Yunzhi, who was old, standing on a high platform. I had never been to that place, but it was as grand as a palace. There were hundreds of people standing under the steps, and they all bowed their heads. There were officials from the Ming Dynasty wearing court uniforms, generals standing with their swords crossed, and businessmen with shiny faces. Among these people, I also saw a man wearing an embroidered dragon robe. Lu Yunzhi was holding a stick in his hand. A piece of white paper, by the way, it seems to be the one I am writing now, with our names written on it, it should be my handwriting. He kept reading, and the final pieces were still in the air. Those people below said something. "What did they say? Are we under the steps?" Qu Xiangtian asked. Murong Yunfei shook her head and said: "You still don't understand the hexagrams of our Murong family. What we can infer is as if we can see it. It is based on what someone sees from the perspective of someone a few years later. , so it is extremely accurate. What we see is just a dynamic picture, and there is no sound at all. You are not under the steps, but under the moonlight, there are indeed several figures behind Lu Yunzhi, Lu. Yun Zhi's eyes flashed by, and because it's been so long, I don't remember whether it was your shadow. Although I couldn't hear what they said, I remembered the mouth shape of the first word. It seemed like they were there. It's calling the word "Heaven." Qu Xiangtian frowned and kept repeating "Heaven." Then he slammed the table and shouted, "Could it be that my third brother wants to conquer the world?" Murong Yunfei shook her head and expressed her disapproval. have no idea. Qu Xiangtian stood up happily, put away the paper on the table, then grabbed his seven-star sword and attached the paper to the handle, then pulled a piece of cloth and wrapped it around it, and wrapped the paper with the name written all over it. The paper was wrapped in it, and he was going to strangle it with cowhide later, and then he washed and changed clothes and prepared to propose marriage to Qin Rufeng. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 42: Another note In a room in Yang Zhun's house, two servants walked into a room with Master Taihang between them. As soon as they entered the door, Yang Zhun kicked Master Taihang to the ground, and then shouted: "You are evil, you still have to use it." What kind of evil spirits are scaring me? Thanks to my husband, it's my good brother who has restrained you. Don't go out to cheat money in the future without these two brushes." Lu Yunzhi smiled secretly in his heart: Yang Zhun is here. The doctor of the Ministry of Rites is like a country man, he is really rude. Lu Yunzhi stepped forward and said to Yang Zhun: "Master Yang, you have to be careful when guarding our group of servants, don't let others think of you as a market person." Yang Zhun didn't understand the key points of this sentence and pulled him. Lu Yunzhi's hand said: "Don't say that you are a servant anymore. You are my study master from the beginning. From now on, you will be my good brother, Yang Zhun, but I don't know if you are willing to recognize me as your eldest brother." "That's perfect, but I have a sworn brother. Let me call you Brother Yang." Lu Yunzhi catered. Yang Zhun jumped up and down happily, like a naughty boy. Then he suddenly remembered something and said a few words to let the two servants who came with Taihang Zhenren in their arms retreat first. Lu Yunzhi took a detour and squatted down in front of Master Taihang, who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead, and asked: "Master Taihang, how do you know the Thirteen Secrets?" The Taoist priest, known as Master Taihang, suddenly raised his head and looked at Lu Yunzhi then knelt down and bowed his head. Lu Yunzhi hurriedly helped him and said, "Such a great gift is not possible. Brother Taoist, can you explain the reason?" Taihang Master was helped up, and then he took out a brocade bag from his arms, and there was a note in the brocade bag. Lu Yunzhi was shocked when he saw it and murmured to himself: "Why is it another note?" Indeed, Lu Yunzhi's fate and even the fate of people in the world changed because of a note left by Yao Guangxiao. No one knew what this note would bring to Lu Yunzhi before opening it. Lu Yunzhi took a deep breath and opened the note folded into a square, only to find it was just a piece of white paper with nothing written on it. Lu Yunzhi was a little surprised and asked quickly: "Master Taihang, what does this mean?" Master Taihang hurriedly stepped forward and looked at the blank note. Before he could speak, Yang Zhun kicked him again. , couldn't help but screamed, and said hurriedly: "I'm not a real person, my name is Xu Dong. I use this ghost spirit to deceive people. I'm not a real person. I don't know anything. Master Yang, please don't fight." Lu Yunzhi stopped Yang Zhun. He felt that Yang Zhun was too angry and was not as good as a country man. He was simply a market hooligan. But how did he know that although Yang Zhun had protected his mother and daughter in the hall just now, his calves were so frightened that he almost peed his pants. If this was the case, Yang Zhun would be shameless to see anyone. At this moment, seeing Taihang real person In other words, how could one not be angry at Xu Dong's cowardice. "Xu Dong, do you know the origin of the note?" Lu Yunzhi shouted. Xu Dong huddled on the ground and shivered. Lu Yunzhi said: "Brother Yang, don't hit him again." Yang Zhun agreed. As soon as he finished speaking, Xu Dong stopped trembling. He stood up and replied: "Thank you very much." "My master, this note was passed down to me by my master, as was the bamboo tube containing ghosts." "My master said that these things were left by a man named Xing Wen. It is said that these things are passed down from generation to generation by the ghosts in the bamboo tube. The spirit can find Mi Shisan, and the basis for judgment is that the ghost is running straight towards a person and is restrained by one person, then that person is Mi Shisan," Xu Dong said. Lu Yunzhi lowered his head and pondered for a moment and said: "This is impossible. The ancestor Xing Wen was in the late Sui and early Tang Dynasties. It is impossible for the things he left behind to be so intact." As he spoke, Lu Yunzhi picked up the piece of paper again. However, he let out a sigh because the paper did not tear even when he pulled hard with both hands. Lu Yunzhi fumbled with the note with both hands, then looked up at Xu Dong and said, "You continue." Xu Dong was so scared that Yang Zhun kept looking at Yang Zhun with his peripheral vision, and replied: "I'm a ghost. Every time the spirit is released, it just wanders around and scares people. It doesn't go straight to someone like it does today. In the past, it would just circle around the bamboo tube and patrol people. So when I saw it, it was just like saying. It was said that he pounced on you like that and you easily restrained him, so I shouted out Secret Thirteen. But what exactly Secret Thirteen is, Master didn¡¯t tell me, so I don¡¯t know.¡± Lu Yunzhi. Suddenly he let out a hiss, and then slowly separated the paper with his nails. It turned out that the paper was composed of three layers, and there was a layer of tin foil sandwiched between the two layers of paper, so the paper was not torn despite the force just now. These three layers were so tightly laminated that it took Lu Yunzhi a long time to get them open. He held the tinfoil in his hand but didn't know what to do next. Lu Yunzhi asked in a low voice: "Did that ghost say anything?" The nightmare replied in Lu Yunzhi's ear: "He kept repeating a sentence, saying that he was thrown into the fire and roasted." Lu Yunzhi He nodded and said, "I seem to understand." After speaking, he slowly drew a talisman on the tin foil paper with his fingernails. Xu Dong stared at Lu Yunzhi talking to himself but did not dare to speak. But Yang Zhun whispered: "Brother Xian, who are you talking to?" The nightmare happened before Lu Yun.They talked to him inside, so Xu Dong and Yang Zhun could only hear Lu Yunzhi's questions but not the answers, and naturally felt very strange. Lu Yunzhi did not answer Yang Zhun, but once again murmured to himself: "I have made a simple technique to trap ghosts. You can grab it and put it on this tinfoil paper." As soon as he finished speaking, he saw A black hand with colorful flowing light stretched out from Lu Yunzhi's chest, with a clenched fist, and placed it on the tinfoil paper in Lu Yunzhi's hand. The tinfoil paper returned to calm as soon as the golden light appeared. Lu Yunzhi said: "Okay, thank you." Two exclamations sounded from beside Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi turned around and saw that the Taihang master Xu Dong had already fainted from fright. Yang Zhenzhi was My whole body was shaking, and suddenly there was a puddle of water on the ground with a faint smell of urine. Lu Yunzhi repeatedly scolded himself for being confused and forgetting to inform Yang Zhun in advance. He was so frightened that he hurriedly said: "Brother Yang, don't panic. It's just a ghost. Don't be afraid." Yang Zhun held his hand on the wall and looked at him. After turning pale for a long time, he tremblingly said: "Why is it in your body?" Lu Yunzhi was eager to know the secret in the note. He had no time to explain and could only answer: "There is nothing dangerous. Brother Yang, you have to believe me and let me see what this note says." As he spoke, Lu Yunzhi took out the candle and lit the candle on the pillar, and then took out the tinfoil with the strange ghost attached to it. The paper was put on the fire and slowly roasted. A faint green smoke came out of the tinfoil, and gradually the smoke grew larger, forming a number of words in the air. The words lingered in front of my eyes for a long time and were clearly visible. Life is worth five and two and five, and it cannot be given up in reincarnation. "To say this today is just a trick of God. The destruction of heaven, earth and man has already been determined. "The hero follows the text, and I am very happy." As soon as the Thirteen Secrets are revealed, all living beings will become dust. "Don't worry about Yun, I am your ancestor. Xing Wenjin affirmed that the world must be prosperous. Three years later, there was a scorched earth in southern Xinjiang. Digging into the ground is three feet and six feet, and you will know if you take a single step. With this heaven and earth technique, opportunities will come. Volume 2 Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 43 A Chance Encounter in the Study Lu Yunzhi looked up at the poem that appeared in the air, but felt a pain in his hand. The tinfoil paper was supposed to be flame-resistant and resistant to baking, but it suddenly burned at this moment, so he quickly threw it on the ground and stamped it out. The nightmare said in his ear at this moment: "Isn't Xing Wen the founder of the people of heaven and earth? What does he mean?" Lu Yunzhi was afraid of scaring Yang Zhun, so he briefly explained to Yang Zhun that the nightmare was the ghost in his body, saying He said that Mengwei was his friend and then answered Mengwei: "The meaning of the poem is that even if I destroy four pillars and ten gods now, I will still have a destiny of five, two, and five. And it seems that the Secret Thirteen is something. Three years later, the world will be There are variables, and then you will find it under the scorched earth. With the Secret Thirteen, the people of heaven and earth will perish, but I don¡¯t know if Patriarch Xing Wen wants me to prevent the Secret Thirteen from being used by others, or if he wants me to use the Secret Thirteen. Where is thirteen? According to the first few lines of the poem, "The destruction of heaven, earth and man has already been determined." It seems that no matter what I do, heaven, earth and man will be destroyed. I think ancestor Xing Wen may want me to protect this thing and not let Yu Qian Wait for someone to get it. Man can conquer heaven. We have foreseen the destiny and must make changes. This should be the meaning. The following sentences may mean that I will become the saint of heaven and earth after the ancestor Xing Wen, and then the world will be established. "Xing Youlu". What do you think, Nightmare? " Nightmare was silent for a moment and asked: "You want to be the person who revitalizes the world and revitalizes the Zhongzheng lineage. Will I have enough to eat? "Ghost spirits." Lu Yunzhi knew that Nightmare was joking again, but as a ghost, there is always a desire to constantly devour other ghosts, among which Taotie is the strongest, and Nightmare has not eaten for a long time in order to let Lu Yunzhi use ghost spirits to heal her wounds. , and it was indeed difficult for him. So Lu Yunzhi said in a low voice: "Let's go to the cemetery in the suburbs tonight. I'll recruit more ghosts to come and give you a feast." As soon as Lu Yunzhi finished speaking, Yang Zhun shivered again when he heard the cemetery. Lu Yunzhi stood up with a smile and helped Yang Zhun sit down. Then he took out a handful of small stones from his arms. The stones were ground into four smooth planes, with some talismans engraved on them. Lu Yunzhi handed the stones to Yang Zhun and said, "Brother Yang, if there are any ghosts in the future, When you are close, or when you feel creepy but there is nothing around you, you can hold this stone in your right hand and recite the four words Ice Breaking Formation Spirit in your mouth to resolve it. However, if the stone breaks, You have to remember to turn around and run until you can't run anymore." Yang Zhun took the stone and was no longer afraid. He held the stone and looked at it back and forth by the candlelight, as if a naughty boy had got a toy with a face full of excitement. Lu Yunzhi smiled bitterly. This Yang Zhun not only did not look like an official, but also did not look like a forty-year-old. Lu Yunzhi coughed slightly, and Yang Zhun came back to his senses. He remembered that there was a birthday banquet in front of the hall, so he hurriedly stood up and went to the room to change into clean clothes, and then went with Lu Yunzhi to entertain the guests who came to celebrate his birthday and attend the banquet. Guests. Lu Yunzhi pushed the cup and changed the cup a few times, then handed over his hands, bowed for a week, and left first. He slowly walked towards the place where he lived. Ever since he talked with Yang Zhun about the past and present, he had been arranged by Yang Zhun to live alone in a small room next to the study. Lu Yunzhi walked with her head lowered, still thinking about the poem left by ancestor Xing Wen. When she walked to the door of the study, she suddenly felt someone walking lightly inside. Lu Yunzhi was surprised and thought: Such light steps show his skill. Yes, it can't be a lackey sent by Yu Qian. Lu Yunzhi thought to herself and walked slowly to the door. She suddenly kicked the door open and jumped in. Then she reached out and grabbed the person in the room by the throat, pushed the person to the wall and shouted: "Say Who asked you to come!" A smell of fragrance passed into his nose, Lu Yunzhi blinked, and the girl in front of him turned out to be Yang Xiyu, Yang Zhun's daughter, whom he met just now. The two were so close that Lu Yunzhi could feel the hot breath of the girl and see the long eyelashes blinking. He was so stunned that he forgot to let go until Yang Xiyu hit Lu Yun for the second time. He let go of the strong arm, then bowed and said: "Girl, I'm sorry." Yang Xiyu rubbed his neck, and after a long time he said: "Sir, you are very polite, this is a little girl who broke into the study without permission, sir. I thought it was a thief who did this. But who are you, sir? I just inquired with Ah Rong and found out that you were originally a servant at home but became the master of the study because of your outstanding talent. However, I saw that your father treated you very politely just now. Well, before, I was like a magician in the hall who conquered the evil realm. My father is worthy of your brother, so I still want to call you uncle." "Xiaosheng didn't dare." He bent down and saluted and said, but he had forgotten that he had aged and was now in his thirties, and thought that he was a weakling. Yang Xiyu laughed for a while, then calmed down with a cough, and said shyly, "Why do you call me uncle, Xiaosheng?" Lu Yunzhi was overwhelmed by Yang Xiyu's laughter, and then suddenly realized that her appearance had changed drastically. He also laughed a few times in embarrassment. Lu Yunzhi didn't dare to look directly at Yang Xiyu, because this woman was so beautiful, but out of the corner of her eye, she saw Yang Xiyu teasing her eyes.Looking at myself, my face is also full of embarrassment. At this moment, Lu Yunzhi's hair was slightly gray, and his face showed the vicissitudes of time but he was still handsome. His bookishness added a sense of age and loneliness as a man, and his pair of sword-shaped eyebrows were very heroic and lively. He is just a handsome man. Without his immaturity, he can impress a woman even more. Lu Yunzhi was eager to break the embarrassment and said, "Miss, are you okay just now?" Yang Xiyu rubbed his still sore throat and said, "It's still a little hot. I thought you were a scholar, but I didn't expect you to be so agile. "Lu Yunzhi could only smile and didn't know how to answer. He heard the light steps just now and thought he was a very skilled person, so he wanted to defeat the enemy with one move, but he didn't expect that the woman's light body would naturally lead to light steps. Yang Xiyu strolled to the table, held up a piece of paper with a poem written on it, and said softly: "The poem says that my uncle's name is Lu Yunzhi. What I just saw, please forgive me for calling my uncle by his name. It's just that this poem How wonderful. I just came to the study to pick up a book and wanted to take the opportunity to meet my uncle, but when I saw this poem, I was attracted. After pacing back and forth, I mistakenly thought you were a thief. " Lu Yunzhi answered. I passed the piece of white paper and saw it written on it: The hall is as green as green snails and filled with fragrance, and as colorful as flowing clouds in the world of lovers. The churning clouds turn to boiling and unfold themselves. I am willing to be a mandarin duck and not envy the immortals. Lu Yunzhi thought silently but the corners of his eyes were moist. The thoughts in his heart were already very messy. He sighed: "Yingzi, Yuting, are you okay?" Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 44: Wife (more updates, come on, little master, wait for your return) "Who are they?" Yang Xiyu asked timidly when he saw the sad and sorrowful look on Lu Yunzhi's face. Lu Yunzhi put the paper on which the poem was written on the desk, picked up the pen, dipped it in ink and wrote on the top of the poem: Watching the Dongting tea table with my wife. After finishing writing, Lu Yunzhi threw away the pen and felt sad, slumped on the chair, and let out a long sigh. There was a sound of boiling water. It turned out that Yang Xiyu had boiled a pot of hot water on the stove in the corner of the room. Yang Xiyu turned slightly and lifted up the boiling hot water. After a while, he waited for the water to stop boiling before pouring it into the teapot. , a scent of tea floats. Yang Xiyu handed the tea to Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi wanted to express his gratitude but was really in no mood, so he lowered his head and sipped the tea silently. Yang Xiyu sat opposite Lu Yunzhi, leaning on the table with her elbows and holding up her beautiful face with her hands. Her sleeves fell down to reveal her pink arms. She looked at Lu Yunzhi and said, "Tell me about you and your relationship." Madam's story, and why you came here." Lu Yunzhi looked up at Yang Xiyu and started talking. He didn't know why he trusted this girl so much, and he didn't know why he was talking so much today. But once the bitterness poured out, it could no longer stop: "I have two wives, one is called Yingzi and the other is Shi Yuting. I grew up in the northwest, and later" "Then what?" When Yang Xiyu listened to Lu Yunzhi's story about his family being broken up and his family fleeing, he began to feel sad. When he talked about being homeless and became a beggar, he became silent. Indeed, Lu Yunzhi had never been weak along the way. He had been silently persevering and now he was naturally filled with sadness when he started talking. Lu Yunzhi closed her eyes to block the tears that almost fell, and said with a choked voice: "There will be no future. Yingzi and I will never see each other again, and Yuting disappeared after being taken away by her father-in-law. I don't know. Can we meet again in this life?" Yang Xiyu suddenly stopped talking, and happened to catch Lu Yunzhi's gaze, so Lu Yunzhi asked with a wry smile: "How come you have learned to hide words at such a young age? What's the matter? It doesn't hurt to say whatever you want to say." Yang Xiyu lowered his head and suddenly raised his head as if he had made a lot of determination and asked Lu Yunzhi: "Do you really love them?" Lu Yunzhi looked at Yang Xiyu in confusion. He replied: "Yes, they are my wives. Why don't I love them?" Yang Xiyu shook his head, played with his hanging hair with his fingers, then stood up and paced back and forth: "Actually, you have never loved them. However, don't rush to refute, just listen to me. You and Shi Yuting were just childhood sweethearts. You always treated her like a sister, and later you were forced by public opinion to marry her. If you want to deny it in a hurry, let's leave it at that. Let¡¯s not discuss her. As for Yingzi, in fact, you were only together because of a sense of guilt at first. Later, you had to admit that you had feelings for each other, very sincere feelings, but it was a kind of family affection and not a kind of love. You love her because you were lonely since you were a child, and because she married you, you regard her as your relative. If it had been Qu Xiangtian or Fang Qingze that day, you would have saved them because they are also yours. Dear, I don't know if Shi Yuting loves you, maybe it's just a girl's ignorance, but I'm sure Yingzi loves you. It's possible that Yingzi has fallen in love with you at first sight, otherwise she wouldn't follow you all the way, in the country inn I remind you to protect you. You don¡¯t understand a woman¡¯s thoughts. In fact, your affection for Murong Yunfei cannot be concealed, because her dignity and calmness are exactly what you like. But then she became you. Sister-in-law, you regard her as a relative and will have no other thoughts. You always think that you love Shi Yuting and Yingzi. You are the most infatuated man, but you don't know that you are the most heartless person in the world because you possess them. The hearts of two women you don't love, but you only regard them as your relatives instead of lovers. If they find out, it will be extremely heartbreaking and life is worse than death. I am arbitrarily commenting on your feelings. You can get angry and ignore me. , but I just want to express my true feelings as a woman." Lu Yunzhi did not get angry. He was just thinking carefully about what Yang Xiyu said, and felt that although the words were too sharp, they were not. It makes sense, so he nodded and said: "Maybe, let me think about it slowly, but no matter what, they are still my wives. As long as we can still see each other in this life, I will never abandon them and love them forever, even if one day I find out This is not love, but family affection. I will pretend not to know it, so as not to make them feel heartbroken." Yang Xiyu smiled slightly and said, "That's your business, but if you can really do it, you are indeed a man. Because, the little girl is deeply impressed." After Lu Yunzhi poured out the bitter water, he felt extremely relieved, and then he showed a rare smile from the heart, and said with a smile: "How old are you, little girl? Don't you feel ashamed to talk to me about men and women having sex with each other? " Yang Xiyu suddenly remembered that he was chatting with a man he had just met. His face turned red immediately, he stamped his foot and shouted: "You don't look like an uncle. "Lu Yunzhi asked happily: "Then you are like a niece? "The two smiled when they met each other. Lu Yunzhi looked out the window and saw that the sky was a little dark.?, I just backed down and said that I had something to do and left first. Lu Yunzhi walked quickly towards the cemetery outside the city. At this moment, Mengma laughed in Lu Yunzhi's ear and said, "I'm so excited. I've talked so much today that I don't want to disturb you anymore." ." Lu Yunzhi did not answer, but turned and walked towards Yang Zhun's residence. The nightmare screamed again: "Why are you going back? Aren't you going to the cemetery? Aren't you going to let me devour ghosts today?" Lu Yunzhi didn't answer, and walked faster and faster. "I was wrong. I won't ridicule you anymore. Go quickly. It's going to be dark soon and I'm going to starve to death." After Nightmare finished speaking, he didn't dare to speak anymore. Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and then turned around again, heading towards the cemetery outside the city. At noon on the second day, Lu Yunzhi stretched and sat up from the bed. He took a breath against the sunlight coming in. Last night, he had been busy all night healing his wounds. Nightmare Swallowed had been busy all night. His internal injuries were only healed just as Nightmare said. It treats the symptoms but not the root cause, and I may still vomit blood at some point, but it is better than nothing. Lu Yunzhi stood up and stretched his muscles, then quickly walked towards the door with his fingers crossed. At this time, Yang Zhun had just returned from the banquet. When he saw Lu Yunzhi, he cupped his hands and said, "Brother, you are going out. Doing something?" Lu Yunzhi shook his head and said, "I'm waiting for you." Yang Zhun was confused: "What are you waiting for?" "Waiting for you to receive the letter," Lu Yunzhi said, pointing to the end of the street. As soon as he landed, he saw a fast horse appear on the street and run towards Yang's house. In the blink of an eye, he rushed to the front of the hall. Immediately, the man turned over, raised his hand and saluted Yang Zhun and said: "Yang Sir, this is a letter from my master to you." Yang Zhun took the letter and saw on the envelope: My nephew personally opened it, Yang Shan. Yang Zhun smiled and said to Lu Yunzhi: "Brother, you are really amazing. , I don¡¯t even know when to come. Then can you figure out what was said in the letter?" Lu Yunzhi nodded and whispered in his ear: "I am sent to Wala to welcome the late emperor." Yang Zhun heard. After saying this, his face changed greatly and he looked towards Lu Yunzhi. However, he saw that there was no hint of joking on Lu Yunzhi's face, so he said, "Let's go, follow me to the inner hall first, and then we will open the letter and take a closer look." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 45: Ten Thousand Liang of Gold Yang Zhun put down the letter and handed it to Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi quickly read the letter and then said with a smile: "Brother Yang, what are you going to do?" "Didn't you say before that I should do everything in accordance with the letter? Still Just do whatever you can," Yang Zhun said worriedly. Lu Yunzhi smiled again: "I didn't expect you still remember, so why are you so sad?" "My uncle Yang Shan's letter said that it was because he was sent as an envoy to Wala to welcome the late emperor back, but there was insufficient funds and there were many people around him. If you don't trust anyone, let me take leave and go with him. I have a good personal relationship with our Minister of Rites, so there shouldn't be any problem if I inform him. But you see, my uncle said that he has sold off his family property and asked me to collect more gold and silver antiques. , leave it with me to my uncle, I am just worried about this matter." After speaking, Yang Zhun sighed sadly. "Then let's sell the property." Lu Yunzhi said deliberately pretending not to look at Yang Zhun. He wanted to tease Yang Zhun. Sure enough, Yang Zhun looked at Lu Yunzhi with his mouth wide open, then took off his black gauze hat, took off his court clothes, and walked around the room, muttering: "Then what will happen to my big family? I'll sell it." The family property is less than one thousand taels of gold, which is enough for my uncle, but my family will starve to death when I come back from his mission. "It's inappropriate, it's really inappropriate." Lu Yunzhi couldn't help it anymore and burst out laughing, pointing at Yang Zhun and saying, "You, just remember that I asked you to follow what your uncle said in his letter. Do it, but forget the letter I asked you to send to the King of Wu. What do you think I want for the thousand taels of gold? It¡¯s not just for this. You see how anxious you are.¡± Yang Zhun immediately shouted with gleaming eyes: "My dear brother, what a clever plan. It turns out that we have already made a good decision, but when will the silver coins arrive and how will we escort them?" "I have my own arrangements, Brother Yang, don't worry too much." Lu Yunzhi said calmly. He replied, "The money will arrive in two hours. I'm going back to my room first. I have something to figure out." After saying that, Lu Yunzhi stood up and walked quickly towards his room. He wanted to wait for someone to arrive. In Nanjing, the escort issue will be solved by then, but the costumes of those people are too special, and I have to think carefully about how to hide them in the envoy team. Two hours later, Lu Yunzhi called Ah Rong. Ah Rong helped Lu Yunzhi a lot. Lu Yunzhi was no longer a servant of the Yang family, but he still chatted with Ah Rong. Thinking about Ah Rong's kindness in helping him at that time, without Ah Rong's own plan, it would not have been so smooth. Lu Yunzhi had a conversation with Arong and asked Arong to go to the north of the city to pick up a group of people on his behalf. He said that the group of people were very easy to recognize wearing raincoats and bamboo hats and they would definitely pass by Nanjing within three days. As soon as Ah Rong left, he heard Yang Zhun running to the door of his room yelling, banging on the door and shouting: "Brother Xian, come out quickly." Lu Yunzhi opened the door and frowned slightly and asked: "What happened?" Yang Zhun ran, his face flushed, and he replied breathlessly: "The shipment has arrived, King Wu's gold shipment has arrived." "Then why are you so shocked?" Lu Yunzhi said to this Yang Zhun Some dumbfounded. "It's not a thousand taels of gold, but ten thousand taels. There are also several boxes of antique treasures in the box. This King of Wu is really rich." Yang Zhun was drooling as he spoke. Lu Yunzhi was also surprised. One of the two reasons for his surprise was that the King of Wu could get the thousand taels of gold, but it would be difficult for the King of Wu to give all these 10,000 taels and jewels to himself. The second is that he did not calculate these changes. It seems that although Zhu Jianwen was busy operating the power of the officialdom, he did not delay his own practice. His destiny energy was already within three times his own, so he did not calculate it. Lu Yunzhi walked quickly to the courtyard with Yang Zhun, only to see a group of people guarding the box. Although Yang Zhun ordered the family members and maids not to watch, they still exposed their eyes from the windows and watched them all their lives. Gold and silver treasures that have never been seen before. There were a group of people guarding the box, some of whom looked like soldiers of the King of Wu, but some of them looked like businessmen, and they were followed by a group of people from the world who looked like bodyguards. Lu Yunshang stepped forward and greeted everyone with a cupped hand, and then a businessman in simple clothes but shrewd eyes walked up and asked: "What's the use of leaving a penny?" Lu Yunzhi was stunned and then understood. The reason was: "One penny can make a comeback." "What can you do with a hundred taels?" the man asked again. Lu Yunzhi continued to answer: "One hundred taels determines one's ambition. It turns out that you are my second brother's people." The man nodded, bowed and said, "I am the shopkeeper of the seventy-four shops in Jiujiang Prefecture. Salute to the third master, it seems that Prince Wu really did not lie to us. "It turns out that these jewelry, gold and silver were collected from Fang Qingze's shop. Lu Yunzhi did not expect that Fang Qingze already had seventy-four shops in Jiujiang. After Fang Qingze returned to Timur, he sent out several announcements to his stores across the country through Diao Shanshe. The first was that if someone reported that he was Qu Xiangtian or Lu Yunzhi and had any allusions to them, then everyone would obey them. their arrangements. The second is that onceKnowing the news about these two people, they must report it to Timur as soon as possible. The shopkeeper who found out the truth will be rewarded heavily. As for what the reward is, Fang Qingze did not say. Instead, he encouraged the shopkeepers to keep guessing, so he tried his best to search for Lu Yun. and others. Therefore, after Zhu Jianwen read the letter and learned that Lu Yunzhi wanted money, he found Fang Qingze's business based on the method he had learned at the tea shop before. After notifying him, he unexpectedly asked the shop to add 10,000 taels of gold and insisted on escorting him. The soldiers will go with them. Thanks to Lu Yunzhi's excellent memory, he heard Fang Qingze tell the origin of the allusion when he was fleeing that day, and he also heard him and the waiter at the refreshment talking about this set of incisions, so he was able to answer questions fluently. A man in a general's uniform came forward and said, "Mr. Lu, my eldest son said that if you need anything, just send a letter to Jiujiang. King Wu will be ready to go back and forth without hesitation. We must resign first and go back." Farewell." After saying that, he bowed with his fists and was about to leave. Yang Zhun said with a flattering face from behind: "I won't take a break. Oh, look at it. I'm afraid it will cause trouble to us and I even have a night's rest. Even if they don't agree, we won't be able to join the friendship of the landlords. It's really rude." The businessman also gave Lu Yun a fist: "Third Master, we have to leave first. If we are away for a day because of busy business, something may happen. Go back as soon as possible and get busy early. Our master has told you before about the way to identify the store. Just go in to any store of the same type. The shopkeeper will follow your orders." He bowed deeply and left. Yang Zhun was speechless and said: "Brother, who are these people? Spending a lot of money, no, spending money like water." Lu Yunzhi looked at the money without answering and murmured to himself: "My second brother is very fast." It's good that he can know the news about me, and it saves him from worrying, but how could I use so much gold and silver?" After saying that, he looked at Yang Zhun who looked at him pitifully. Lu Yunzhi thought for a while and said to Yang Zhun: "Brother Yang, I have a question for you." "Easy to say, easy to say." Yang Zhun replied, but his eyes could not leave the boxes of gold and silver jewelry, and he wanted to use his eyes. Penetrate the box and scan the contents. Lu Yunzhi gave a bitter smile. These Aduwu treated him like dirt, but he couldn't throw away the gold and silver at will, so he said to Yang Zhun: "Brother Yang, pick out a box for me and go to meet your uncle. The rest It¡¯s time to give it as a gift to Brother Yang. I didn¡¯t give anything to our old lady for her birthday, so don¡¯t think it¡¯s too late for me to give this gift.¡± Yang Zhun grinned so much that he almost reached the back of his head when he heard this. "It's neither too late nor too late, so I'd rather be respectful than obey your orders." After saying that, he hurriedly asked his servants to move it to the warehouse for safekeeping. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 46: Uncle looking for uncle Yang Zhun didn't fall asleep all night. When the night got darker and everyone fell asleep, he stood up and took out a key from his belt. Yang Zhun lost his wife in his early years, so he took Yang Xiyu to take care of his wife and gradually got into the world. It's not appropriate to be in such a situation. Later, when he came to Nanjing and became an official, he had two wives. However, Yang Zhun still liked to sleep alone at night. The space under the bed of a large family is very large, and the headboard of the bed is also higher. In order to provide ventilation and moisture-proofing, there is also a layer of wooden boards under the bed, which are usually made of camphor wood. Camphor wood is known to be insect-proof. Yang Zhun took the key and slowly got under the bed, then fumbled to open the floor, inserted the key and turned it. Hearing the sound of the lock cylinder popping open, Yang Zhun pressed and pushed with his hand, and a large hole two feet square appeared on the floor. Yang Zhun slipped into the big hole, and soon a stone slab was raised in an inconspicuous corner of the warehouse floor. Yang Zhun got out of it, opened the box, and then slowly picked up the jewelry, gold and silver and carried them underground. He didn't believe in the big lock of the warehouse, he didn't believe in the servants who looked after the house, and he didn't believe in the so-called accounting room. Sir, I don¡¯t know why he believes in Lu Yunzhi, and he believes in it deeply. He is also deeply confused about this inexplicable trust. Two days later, Lu Yunzhi and Yang Zhun stood outside the gate holding horses. Behind the two horses was a carriage, which contained a box of gold and silver jewelry that was to be sent to the meeting with Yang Shan and the envoy to Wala. Yang Xiyu and Yang Zhun's concubine stood at the door with a group of servants and maids to say goodbye to a few people. The concubine kept telling Yang Zhun to take care of himself with tears in his eyes, which made Yang Zhun feel a little embarrassed. One of them put on heavy makeup and wiped away tears and said: "Master, you have to take care of yourself. Always be wary of others. Don't think that you can rest easy just because you are brothers. Nowadays, there are many people killing people for money." Yang Xi Yu Que snorted softly and said, "If you say that, you are hurting dad. Originally, this is all Mr. Lu's money. After hearing what you said, he became furious and might have evil intentions." After hearing this, the aunt said His face turned pale with fright, he no longer dared to speak nonsense and just cried. Yang Xiyu knew that he had become playful for a moment and frightened the woman. She rushed forward to comfort her: "Auntie, stop crying, I am joking with you, daddy." Nothing will happen to Hongfu Qitian, and besides, it is a good thing to be promoted to a high position. When father comes back and has made great achievements, the two aunts will be the wives of senior officials." After hearing this, the two aunts slowly wiped their tears. For laughing. Seeing that the two of them were no longer crying, Yang Xiyu walked up to Lu Yunzhi, who was leaning on the horse. Lu Yunzhi was still watching the touching farce performed by Yang Zhun and his concubines as if nothing had happened. But when he saw Yang Xiyu walking towards him, he stood up straight and asked, "Girl, do you have something to say?" "Yes." Yang Xiyu agreed softly, lowered his eyes and held his head as he approached Lu Yunzhi, waiting until the two of them were only one step away. He raised his eyes from a far distance, looked at Lu Yunzhi with a pair of watery eyes and said: "Maybe I should call you uncle, but when we are about to say goodbye to you, I had a heart-to-heart talk, can I call you Lu Yunzhi?" "Lu Yunzhi nodded and replied: "Girl, your name is just a title. You give it to others." "Well, Lu Yunzhi, I know what you are capable of. Please take good care of my father. It doesn't matter if you have meritorious service or not, but it's a long way to go and going deep into the enemy's camp is very dangerous. Please help my father come back safely." Yang Xiyu said with a blessing ceremony. Lu Yunzhi hurriedly said: "Don't worry, miss, I will definitely protect your father, and my trip will be successful." At this time, Yang Zhun asked the two concubines to come over and asked: "What are you two talking about? Dear brother, , you said that someone must come to escort you before leaving, but no one has come now. We are going with so much gold and silver jewelry, what should we do if we encounter a bad person? " Lu Yunzhi waved his hand and said: " Don't worry." Then he saluted Yang Xiyu, leaned on the horse and continued to rest with his eyes closed. A year ago, he would never have behaved like this. At that time, he stood Sit like a bell like a pine tree. Lu Yunzhi himself didn't know that after this sudden change, his personality had undergone earth-shaking changes. He was becoming more and more smooth and free-spirited, but a trace of cruelty was also arising in his heart. Lu Yunzhi's ears moved slightly, and then he looked north. Ah Rong, who was born into a poor family and did not know how to ride a horse, was surrounded by a man in front of him, shouting to himself: "I brought him here." Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly, but there was no reply. Behind Ah Rong, a person was holding the horse's reins tightly. He wore a huge bamboo hat on his head, and the bamboo hat was tied to his angular face with a thin rope. The gray goatee does not add a hint of age but adds a sense of domineering. He was wearing a large raincoat and carried a large iron sword on his back. There was a shiny four-clawed golden dragon on the hilt. Behind him, there were more than a dozen people dressed the same as him. He immediately ran forward, carrying a big sword behind him.?There is no golden dragon. When Yang Zhun saw the menacing crowd, he was so frightened that he hid behind Lu Yunzhi and asked in a low voice: "Brother Xian, who are these?" Lu Yunzhi's eyes suddenly became moist, and he replied in a low voice: "That's My relatives." The person surrounding Arong and the horse was none other than Chao Xing, the uncle of Lu Yunzhi, the leader of the Iron Sword Pulse. The horses were approaching. Chao Xing got off his horse, took off the bamboo hat on his head and threw it on the ground. Then he walked forward quickly. Lu Yunzhi also walked quickly to meet him. The two of them hugged each other at once, two bloody and indomitable people. The men actually shed tears one after another. After he calmed down a little, Lu Yunzhi turned around and introduced to Yang Zhun: "This is my uncle Chao Xing." Yang Zhun swallowed his saliva and said with a stiff smile on his face: "Nice to meet you." Chao Xing Xing laughed loudly and raised his hands to Yang Zhun Gong and said, "May I ask, brother, where are you going?" Yang Zhun had been staring at Chao Xing's face covered with scars. He was so timid that he didn't hear Chao Xing's words. To the question, Lu Yunzhi could only answer: "Uncle, this is my brother Yang. We are going to find his uncle Yang Shan to go on a joint mission to Wala. Can uncle escort us?" Yang Zhun finally calmed down at this time. After regaining his composure, he coughed slightly, feeling quite embarrassed about his gaffe just now, and said jokingly: "It turns out that he is the uncle of the wise brother, so he is also my uncle. You see how this matter is said, uncle looking for uncle, it's all Uncle, you saw a coincidence." Everyone laughed after hearing Yang Zhun's teasing and remembering his frightened look just now. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 47: Business War A big man rested his head on a chair and put his legs on another chair. His waist was stretched straight in the air but he was snoring loudly. His big belly rose and fell with his breathing. It turned out that this man was sleeping. Another man who was not tall but also had some belly, and was dressed in luxurious clothes, walked into the door, tiptoed to stop beside the sleeping big man, held the chair where the big man was supporting his feet, and then showed a smirk at the corner of his mouth. Just when the man was about to pull the chair away and throw the sleeping big man, the big man suddenly shrank his legs and his whole body's center of gravity fell on his shoulders, which pressed against the chair where his head was. The chair creaked. In the blink of an eye, the big man suddenly kicked the chair at his feet, then turned over and stood up. The person pulling the chair was caught off guard, and he yanked the chair outward with all his strength. In addition to the force of the kick, his center of gravity suddenly lost balance and he fell to the ground on his buttocks. The big-bellied man who had just been sleeping laughed loudly and said: "Diao Shanshe, why are your skills getting worse and worse? You are so rich and poor." The man who fell to the ground wanted to stand up like a carp. , but his stomach was shaking a few times and he couldn't get up. He could only stand up with his hands and slowly got up and said: "I say Fang Qingze, you are becoming more and more unruly. You don't know how to call me Brother Snake when you see me." . But it¡¯s hard for you to practice even when you¡¯re sleeping.¡± Fang Qingze chuckled and said, ¡°It¡¯s not possible without practice. I felt that my skills had deteriorated significantly recently. I¡¯ll call you Brother Snake. That's cool, why don't I call you boss? You are the big boss on the surface now." Diao Shanshe also smiled and said: "Come on, I have to listen to you in everything, you are the big boss behind the scenes. Please discuss something, can you take me with you when you fight back to the capital? I also want to avenge our Zhongzheng lineage." "I can understand your feelings, but you said that you were poor in skills before, but at least you are still good. You are thin and flexible, but now you are as fat as me. Your strength has not increased and you are not agile anymore. Isn't it harmful to you? You, please rest as soon as possible." Fang Qingze said. Diao Shanshe suddenly threw the chair out and said angrily: "I know that I have no future in the Zhongzheng lineage. You all look down on me, but I am also a member of the Zhongzheng lineage. Even if everyone in the world looks down on me, you Fang Qingze You shouldn¡¯t look down on me. What do you think I¡¯ve done in the past few years?¡± Fang Qingze punched Diao Shanshe and said, ¡°Brother Snake, why are you so anxious? When will you and my brothers talk to each other? I'm sorry, I was joking with you just now. That's what I thought. Compared with the two of us, my skills are better, and this group of hired soldiers has been trained by me, so it is more suitable for us to be the commander. We can go at the same time, but no one can control the overall situation in business and put pressure on the Ming Dynasty's economy. The rulers look down on merchants, so let's let them know how powerful merchants are." Fang Qingze walked back and forth as he said this. He continued: "I don't know when we will join forces from all over the world to jointly exterminate the traitor Yu Qian. I am really worried about leaving the business network of the country to others. You and I have worked together for many years and jointly created this miracle in the business world. Come to think of it. It has only taken less than three years. It is not easy, but I can't let all this go to waste. Apart from my two sworn brothers and Zhu Jianwen, you are the only one who can trust me, Brother Snake. Don't worry, when we return to the capital, we can joke around and call you Brother Snake all day long like we did when we were kids." As he spoke, Fang Qingze walked up and patted Diao Shanshe hard on the shoulder, and Diao Shanshe did the same. He punched Fang Qingze in return, and the shopping mall was like a battlefield. The two of them had gone through countless bloody battles up to this point. To outsiders, what seemed like a life of splendid satin, worry-free food, clothing, and spending money was actually not easy for the two of them. But here, On the road of hard work, the relationship between the two remains the same as before, and they have truly achieved that no matter how rich or noble they are, they will never forget each other. Diao Shanshe chuckled twice, then took out an account book from his arms and said, "Let's stop being so stupid. Tell us how we should corrode the Ming Dynasty's economy next." "First of all, food is a major matter, whether it is national survival or marching. Grain and fodder are necessary for war. Even if we have an uprising in the future, we will need to prepare more grain and fodder. Therefore, grain stores across the country are notified to buy grain at a low price, and purchase tribute grain at high prices. Gradually, the government's grain depot savings will be reduced, and the government will lose money. You must keep doing this. You must not be impatient, gradually increase the amount of purchases, and then sell them to the people for storage, and then continue to store new grains. Remember to pay attention to the preservation of grains so that they do not get moldy and grow teeth, and do not store them in the warehouses of grain stores. Inside. Move it to other merchants for storage, so that when the time comes to cause public riots through food, we can do it easily," Fang Qingze said while thinking. Diao Shanshe nodded, wrote it down in his notes and said, "I've written this down, and I'll send it to all the shops in the Ming Dynasty later. Also, I made one when you were busy with military affairs a while ago. It's up to you to decide. I have now formed a private salt team along the coast and lakes to control the official salt monopoly. I think we would rather give it to the official salt.?Paying bribes to make officials make a lot of money will not pile up money in the treasury. Of course, there are still huge profits to be made from smuggling salt. But I have always smuggled salt at a low price. You once said that the common people are our food and clothing parents. If the price of salt is too high, it will deprive the common people. What do you think of this? " Fang Qingze nodded and praised: "Well done now. By the way, we should step up our efforts to urge privately minted coins to print more Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes, so that the banknotes invented by Ming Taizu will depreciate rapidly. Now they are very worthless. Many merchants have We only recognize cash and not treasure banknotes. Only in this way can the large amount of real gold and silver in our hands be of greater use. Otherwise, once a war breaks out and the court prints treasure banknotes, the wealth we have accumulated will be of no use. We want to completely destroy Baochao and thereby defeat the Ming Dynasty's treasury. But having said that, treasure banknotes are still a good idea, but Zhu Yuanzhang is not a businessman. He does not know that the issuance of any banknotes must be balanced with the reserves of gold and silver to be permanently popular. Uncontrolled printing can only make these banknotes The final outcome becomes a piece of waste paper. " "Okay, let's do this first, and then run other actions when we turn around. Don't bite off more than you can chew. By then, you'll get twice the result with half the effort. Diao Shanshe said, and then asked: "By the way, is there any news about Lu Yunzhi?" Did you find him? Fang Qingze burst out laughing and said, "Of course I found it, thanks to this guy Zhu Jianwen." However, my third brother also knew the role of money and asked Zhu Jianwen for one thousand taels of gold. Zhu Jianwen was afraid that he would not have enough, so our Jiujiang branch sent another ten thousand taels to him. I also got the news ten days ago. I wanted to come. The third brother has also left Nanjing for more than a month. A few days ago, when you were not here, I approved a hundred thousand taels to be sent to Jiujiang without discussing with you. One was to supplement their money, and the other was to reward them for finding my third brother. They took out 10,000 taels of gold and jewelry. I guess these shopkeepers are heartbroken. If we don't send some money, they will have to spend the winter in their underpants. Ha ha! "Diao Shanshe also laughed loudly. Ten thousand taels of gold is indeed not a small amount. These seventy-four shops in Jiujiang Prefecture took a year of savings to put together. Fang Qingze stopped laughing and suddenly his face changed. Just then, he walked out of the door and shouted to Dongfang: "Yu Qian, let you taste the power of our merchants, the business war has begun! " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 48: Yang Shan "Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu!" Arong called from the carriage to Lu Yunzhi, who was chatting with Yang Zhun and Chao Xing at the front of the team. Lu Yunzhi turned around and ran over and asked, "Arong, what's the matter with you? Arong asked with a look of shame on his face: "Mr. Lu, I have never been embarrassed to ask, but I really can't help it. I must find out why you want to take me out today. I have no skills and I can't ride a horse." Most of the time, I am here to catch a train. In terms of status, I am not as good as you in terms of talent. Can you tell me why? " "Are you happy to come out and see the world?" Lu Yunzhi looked sideways. asked Arong. Ah Rong smiled sheepishly: "Of course I'm happy." "That's fine. You said before that you haven't been to any place before. You don't know where I'm from based on my accent. Ah Rong, you have a crush on me." Well, you gave me a pancake when I was most miserable. Ah Rong, I will take you all over the world and let you know everything. But I wonder if you are willing to follow me?" Lu Yunzhi looked at Ah Rong. eyes asked. Ah Rong didn't answer but nodded vigorously. At the front of the team, Chao Xing had already taken off his bamboo hat and raincoat and put on ordinary people's clothes. After changing, it did not reduce the mysterious murderous aura at all, but made it even more frightening, because Chao Xing's face was covered with that Horrible scar. On the other hand, the people of Chao Xing's Iron Sword lineage were much more sunny. Their swords were wrapped in cotton cloth and hung on the sides of their horses. They also changed into casual clothes. They were all smiling. The flying dust in the desert could not hide themselves at all. The joy they had suppressed for too long. Chao Xing muttered: "Hey, you said I haven't taken off my bamboo hat in the sun for more than 20 years. I'm really not used to taking it off suddenly. For the sake of Lu Yunzhi, who would let me know? I'm his uncle." "That's also to prevent the court eagles from finding out. After all, your clothes are too eye-catching," Yang Zhun replied with a shrug. Lu Yunzhi followed the carriage that Arong was riding in and drove forward slowly, muttering words in his mouth and calculating with his hands. Then he suddenly clapped his horse and rushed to the front of the team and asked: "Uncle, Brother Yang, what are we doing here?" Where are you?" Yang Zhun shook his head, naturally he didn't know, but Chao Xing looked down at the growing grass and vegetation around him, as well as the endless plains around him, sniffed the increasingly humid air and said, "We should be there soon. Liaohe River, didn't you make an appointment with Yang Shan on the bank of Liaohe River? Nephew, please check whether Yang Shan has arrived." Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and replied: "We can see you in half a day. Hurry up and go, uncle, if Yu Qian knows that we are sending an envoy to Wala through Yang Shan, will he go crazy?" Chao Xing said with an indifferent expression: "It doesn't matter if we know, we are still afraid of him. , but he can¡¯t know it now. Not only have all your four pillars and ten gods disappeared, but now all your destiny energy is much higher than his, isn¡¯t it?¡± Lu Yunzhi didn¡¯t refute, Chao Xing continued: ¡°I I thought I could find some clues about you before, but after months of searching, you disappeared like a vanishing sight. But I didn¡¯t expect that you could easily track me down now, and even asked Ah Rong to come and greet me. "To be honest, I don't know what happened to you in the past few months. It's just that after being injured, as my master said, after receiving the backlash of the art of heaven and earth, my art of heaven and earth has been able to improve again." At a higher level, I think other abilities will also be enhanced. I think Yu Qian and others are no longer afraid, but I am worried about Ying Mei's true purpose." Lu Yunzhi had not discussed with Chao Xing in detail before going on the mission. On the way to Wala, Chao Xing told him about Ying Mei helping Yu Qian, which made Lu Yunzhi understand why he always escaped from Yu Qian's pursuit. But why Yingmei didn't directly attack his group, and now why he no longer works for Yu Qian, he has no idea. Doubts deeply troubled Lu Yunzhi, making him uneasy and always feeling that there must be something involved. conspiracy. Chao Xing and Lu Yunzhi were thinking deeply, and exchanged a few words from time to time. However, Yang Zhun couldn't get a word in when he heard this, and he kept breathing and walked slowly. After half a day, several people came to a small town named Yehe by the Liaohe River. Outside the town, they met Yang Shan and others who had been looking forward to it for a long time. Lu Yunzhi looked at Yang Shan carefully and saw that he looked like a little old man, very thin. He is in his sixties, his beard has turned completely white, and his eyes look kind and approachable, but reveal an indescribable smoothness. Several people dismounted one after another, and Yang Zhun said: "My nephew is meeting my uncle." After saying that, he bent down and bowed deeply to the end. Yang Shan quickly stepped forward to support Yang Zhun, and excitedly patted Yang Zhun's arms and spoke, his voice Not at all like a man of his age, it sounded very nice and ringing in people's ears like a bell: "Nephew, please tell me who the strong men are with you." When Yang Shan saw Chao Xing was older, he said: He was dressed like a Jianghu man and was called a strong man. Before Chao Xing could answer, Yang Zhun rushed to say: "This is Mr. Lu, he is a wealthy man in Nanjing. My nephew brought?More than a thousand taels of gold and numerous jewelry were provided by Mr. Lu, who is Mr. Lu's uncle. "Yang Shan is an official of the imperial court and an official in the capital. Lu Yunzhi was worried that if Yang Shan let Yu Qian and others discover his whereabouts after returning to the capital, the situation between the enemy and us would change, so he Yang Zhun lied that he was sponsored by a merchant to come as an envoy. After Lu Yunzhi, Chao Xing and Yang Shan saluted, they all rode towards the territory of Oala not far away. At this moment, the sun was setting in the west. The sunshine on the Liao River turned everything into the color of blood. Several birds were chirping and flying towards the south. Incomparable longing for Qu Fang and Yingzi Shi Yuting flooded Lu Yunzhi's heart. He had He was so moved that he shouted: "The jackdaws are flying and the water is flowing around the isolated village. Where the setting sun is about to set, one glance is gloomy and soul-destroying. "After reading this, he jerked his horse and galloped away. He kept shouting and venting his depression to his heart's content. Chao Xing was also happy for Lu Yunzhi when he saw that he could relieve his unhappiness in time. He also led his disciples Yang Shan rode on the horse and rode forward slowly, shouting how happy he was. Beside him were his nephew Yang Zhun and his son Yang Rong, who seemed to have just come out this time. As a result, Yang Shan was risking all his wealth and life. Behind him, Zhao Rong, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, was looking after the gold and silver that Yang Shan had sold and the property that Lu Yunzhi had brought. Shan looked at Yang Zhun and asked in a low voice: "Nephew, who are they? " Yang Zhun pretended to be nonchalant and replied: "Didn't I tell my uncle? They are merchants from Nanjing" Before Yang Zhun could finish his words, he was interrupted by Yang Shan: "Don't lie to me. Do you think your uncle and I got my official position by talking? Being a high-ranking official in the capital is not free, the most important thing is to use your eyes and brains. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 49: Playing with Barbarians Yang Shan had a little calculation in his mind. The more he looked at Lu Yunzhi and others, the more extraordinary they became. Unexpectedly, he didn't ask more questions about his colleagues and just chatted a few words. The group traveled for a few more days and reached deep into the hinterland of Wala. A group of Wala sergeants were lining up to greet everyone. It seemed that they were the envoys sent out first. Yang Shan, Lu Yun and his entourage were connected to the big tent, and they were moved to the Chinese army's tent after waiting for reports. Yang Shan took a seat in the tent and insisted that Lu Yunzhi sit next to him. Lu Yunzhi refused for a moment and had to agree. Not long after he sat down, Yang Shan asked: "After talking with Mr. Lu for a few days, I found that you are really a learned man with quick thinking. Yang Shan has a question that he wants to test, sir. Is it okay?" Lu Yunzhi said hurriedly and respectfully. He said: "Master Yang, it's okay. We don't have to be so polite. We are all family members." Yang Shan smiled slightly and asked: "Why am I so thin? But everyone who sees me likes to write down "Goodness". "Strong appearance", why is that?" Lu Yunzhi shook his head. When he first met Yang Shan, he looked very thin, but after talking with him, he had the illusion of being tall and burly. However, they lived together along the way, but He looks like a thin old man again. Lu Yunzhi just felt that this person was changeable and could easily give people misunderstandings. He was a cunning old fox who must have something profound when he heard Yang Shan ask him, so he shook his head and said he didn't know, waiting for Yang Shan's answer. "Mr. Lu knows Qi," Yang Shan asked. Lu Yunzhi trembled slightly as soon as he said this. Even Chao Xing looked at Yang Shan because what people in heaven and earth cultivate is nothing more than their own destiny Qi. Both Lu and Chao were there. I was wondering if this Yang Shan had already figured out his identity. In the midst of my doubts, I heard Yang Shan continue to say: "Qi is the basis for a person to be an official. The emperor has the aura of an emperor, facing south and facing north, and powerful ministers have stars." The jester has a funny spirit. When I meet people, the first thing I do is that burly spirit. After I show my dignity, I talk about people and ghosts. When my spirit is right, I can capture people's hearts. If you express it with words, it will be beneficial. But all of this requires a prerequisite, that is, you must first be able to watch Qi. Some people say that observing words and colors is the first priority in officialdom. In my opinion, this is watching Qi." Wan Yangshan stared at Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi looked sideways at Yang Shan and asked: "What did Mr. Yang mean when he said this? Then according to your opinion, what kind of anger do I have?" "Chaotic anger, sometimes your anger is not as good as that of a commoner, but sometimes it covers everything." The world is called Chaos Qi. This is what I meant by what I said before. I just want to ask you who you are." Yang Shan still looked at Lu Yunzhi intently, while the two of them were looking at each other. The curtain was opened, and several Wala officials walked into the tent, lowered their heads slightly, put their hands on their chests, and said, "Sorry for the delay in welcoming you from afar." Is it possible for the division to meet you?" A Wala official sneered twice and said, "Please wait a moment, sir. I have something to ask. How did you win the battle at Tumubao? How did you defeat us in one fell swoop? Come on, did you Han people grow up eating grass? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. He was startled and asked quickly: "Why are you laughing?!" Yang Shan sighed and said: "At that time, all of my troops had not returned from the southern expedition. Before, Wang Sili was what you call Wang Zhen and he led the army to enter lightly. This time Only then will we be defeated. Now that the troops from the Southern Expedition have returned, there are a total of 200,000 battle-hardened soldiers, plus 300,000 elite generals from the capital. The army can go out with just one order. " After the disastrous defeat in the battle outside Beijing, Wala still had lingering fears about the strength of the Ming Dynasty. Several Wala ministers looked at each other and did not dare to answer for fear of starting a war. They thought in their hearts: The little old man who came this time is no better than the previous ones. Han dogs can bully and talk at will, but they are tough. Although I was thinking this, I was also thinking about Yang Shan's words, thinking that Yang Shan was exaggerating. Minister Wala was judging the authenticity when he heard Lu Yunzhi say in a low voice: "Master Yang, what are you talking about? This is our Ming Dynasty's military secret." Yang Shanze covered his mouth as if he understood that he had made a mistake. Blinking his eyes, he explained: "I was just talking nonsense, just talking nonsense, you can just treat it as a joke." Now the ministers of Walas became even more convinced. Another minister of Oara and his colleagues winked, intending to probe the words of this lax envoy, so he asked: "May I ask Mr. Yang, how do you think the combat power of the Oara army compares with that of your army?" Yang Shan put on a proud look as if he had fallen into a trap and said: "I don't know what the soldiers in Oala know, but our soldiers of the Ming Dynasty have many firearms and poisoned crossbows on the border. Die! We still have many horse traps, which are a good way to restrain the cavalry. How can you move forward if the horse's hoof is pierced and the horse's leg is broken? By the way, we also have many peerless masters distributed in your camp. We all know what they do and say. They come and go without a trace, even if they take your heads.It's as easy as picking something out of a bag. " Wala is a country on horseback. No matter the noble or the low, they must have chased prey on horseback or went to the borders of the Central Plains to burn, kill, humiliate and plunder. Naturally, everyone is full of blood. After hearing this, all doubts in my heart disappeared, thinking that there could be no one so powerful. . But suddenly they saw a figure moving beside them. The ministers had already left before they could see the figure clearly. Looking at the saber on his waist, Lu Yunzhi was sitting in the tent with his feet on it. He raised his saber and looked at Minister Wala with a sneer. Suddenly, those ministers broke out in a cold sweat, thinking that it would be very easy to kill them based on their previous skills, not to mention that only a white-faced scholar like Lu Yunzhi had such skills. , Chao Xing, the big man with a scarred face sitting next to him, should be more powerful, so they all accepted Yang Shan's words with caution, but they didn't know that Lu Yunzhi's skills were extremely good and his movements were nimble. Just now, I used the nightmare to create the illusion of a dream for the ministers. I easily completed the series of actions of approaching, holding a knife, sitting down and stepping on the knife. How can ordinary people have such skills? Even if they are equally skilled, they will not be able to do it like the wind. Unconsciously, Yang Shan saw several ministers of Wala were shocked and said with a smile: "But it's all useless. Seeing Minister Wala's puzzled expression, Yang Shan continued without waiting for them to ask: "We are a family now and have made peace. There is no reason for one's own family to go to war with one's own family." " Minister Wala laughed one after another and no longer dared to ask questions. He just asked people to serve wine and meat. One of them quietly slipped out to report the content of the conversation to Ye Xian. During the dinner, they pushed cups and changed cups, and Yang Shan covered it with his sleeves. He pretended to drink, but said to Lu Yunzhi in a low voice: "Mr. Lu, thank you for your help just now. Lu Yunzhi said happily, "Even without me, Mr. Yang can still play tricks on the group." "The two looked at each other and burst into laughter. The people around them didn't know what they were talking about, but they also laughed together. Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 50: Smooth Talk After Yang Shan and others rested for a day, they were informed by the envoy from Wala the next morning to go and discuss with Ye Xian. After a brief refreshment, everyone gathered and headed towards the Chinese army's tent. Yang Shan still felt a little timid, so he asked Lu Yunzhi to follow him into the account, and the others were ordered to wait outside the account. Lu Yunzhi agreed to Yang Shan. In fact, he also wanted to meet Ye Xian. He even wanted to meet his former enemy, the ghost witch protector Qi Mude. A mature plan slowly unfolded in Lu Yunzhi's mind. In the big tent, he also straddled the big seat diagonally. Under the seat was a tiger skin, which looked majestic. Lu Yunzhi and Yang Shan walked in. They didn't even raise their heads at first. They just looked at the credential written by Zhu Qiyu on the table and read it carefully. Yang Shan stood under the seat and bowed and said, "See Ye Xian, Grand Master." Ye didn't even raise his eyes and just snorted as an answer. Yang Shan was a little embarrassed. He was standing or sitting, so he just waited and replied first. Fortunately, he finished reading Zhu Qiyu's credentials in a short time, and then said to Yang Shan in a friendly manner: "Mr. Yang, it's really hard to come all the way. "Come on, take a seat." Yang Shan thanked him repeatedly and then walked to the seats on both sides of Lu Yunzhichao, and all the ministers and generals of Wala also took their seats. Yang Shan lifted his robe and was about to sit down when he saw Ye Xian slam the table. Yang Shan was startled by the loud bang and looked at Ye Xian. He first pointed to the credentials on his table and asked: "Did the Emperor of Ming Dynasty ask you to accuse me?!" Yang Shanggang opened his mouth, then he slapped the table and shouted: "How can you lower the price of my horse, cloth?" It is also easy to break, and our envoys are detained, and even the annual gifts they deserve are much less! What do you mean by the Ming Dynasty!" Lu Yunzhi looked at Yang Shan, although he didn't expect anything today. Something big happened, but he was also worried about Yang Shan's situation, but seeing his unfazed expression, he knew in his heart that this smart little old man would be able to answer Ye Xian's questions. "Grand Master, don't be angry," Yang Shan said with a flattering smile. "We are also thinking about our Wala. The price of horses is increasing year by year. It is really difficult for us to afford such a price, but we are worried about refuting the Grand Master's face, so we can only lower it a little." The price has been accepted. Grand Master, I am not crying for our Ming Dynasty. Think about it, the horse price you set is much higher than what was originally agreed. We really can't afford it." Ye Xian was about to shout again. , but Yang Shan stepped up his speech and stopped Ye Xian before saying: "As for the cloth matter, it is all our fault. It has been found that it was Tongshi's fault. We have caught these people and should have killed them now. So please forgive me for this." He nodded first and thought to himself: This guy is really an old fox. He first criticized me for raising the horse price and then admitted his mistake. It's not easy for me to accuse him. In Chinese terms, he just slapped him. Eat a sweet date, it seems that the Ming Dynasty sent this person here for a deep purpose. He thought about it first and said: "Exactly, people who make false claims like this must be dealt with." Yang Shan immediately bowed deeply and shouted: "I am a wise master, but there are some horses among the horses you sent." There are a lot of shoddy horses, should we also deal with these fraudsters?" He was shocked when he heard it. He had just finished speaking and could not break his promise, so he ordered to go ahead and let the envoys investigate the matter thoroughly before returning to the court. We need to get to the bottom of this and give Daming an explanation. "As for detaining your envoys, that is just to spread rumors. There are thousands of envoys sent by you, and some of them have stolen or committed crimes in our territory of the Ming Dynasty. They are worried that you will punish them first, and they are afraid that too much will be done. The justice and majesty of the division, so he fled in fear of crime." Yang Shan replied, and was speechless at first. Originally, the number of the envoys he sent was so large that they bullied men, bullied women, burned, killed, humiliated and looted along the way. His motives were not pure, so he had no nerve to argue. Yang Shanjian was also speechless at first and then continued: "As for the annual tribute, it has not been reduced. Everyone is still the same as in previous years. What we did not give was only the annual tribute for the number of people who were falsely reported." He also listened first and then burst out laughing. He shouted hello several times, and then said: "You old man is very articulate." Yang Shan saluted again: "Thank you, Grand Master, for your compliment. I have one more thing to say." He nodded first, and there was an imperceptible hint of light on the corner of Yang Shan's mouth. With a smile, he said: "The Ming Dynasty and Wala are at war. Both sides have hurt each other. God has the virtue of good life. The grand master is so bloodthirsty and murderous. I heard that the celestial phenomena have been weird recently. It is probably because God is angry and blames the grand master for violating the destiny. . In my opinion, it is better to return it to the emperor. When the emperor returns to the court, the grand master will definitely receive a large amount of rewards. Not only will he gain gold and silver, but he will also gain friendly relations with the Ming Dynasty. Why not do it? " "It sounds like it. There is some truth to it." Maybe nodded and said, "But since you want to welcome the Emperor back, why didn't it be written in the Ming Emperor's credential?" Yang Shan was stunned and asked, "You don't understand this first?" I felt a little embarrassed, as if I was stupid. Yang Shan laughed loudly as if he didn't understand any etiquette and said: "I'm laughing so hard. Grand Master Xiu wants to make a joke on me. You want to test me? Ming Dynasty did this to become a Grand Master. Give it back." The Supreme Emperor is?Spontaneous behavior. If it is written in the ceremonial certificate, will Grand Master Cheng obey our orders? Grand Master, I naturally know your talents and strategies, but don¡¯t pretend you don¡¯t know and tease me, a little old man. " After listening first, his face flushed, but he suddenly remembered something and hurriedly asked Yang Shan. His tone was gentle and not as angry as at the beginning: "Can the Supreme Emperor return to the throne and sit in the palace again? If you can't do what you promised just now, it may not count. Yang Shan looked straight and replied: "Grand Master, the throne has been decided and cannot be changed." But since ancient times we have had two emperors, Yao and Shun. Yao and Shun were brothers. It is normal for the elder brother to give way to his younger brother. After the Supreme Emperor returned to the Ming Dynasty, although he was not an emperor, what was the difference between him and the emperor? Ye Xian was overjoyed and felt that this was the case. The Yiwala officials on both sides of the big account stood up and said, "I am Pingzhang Angke. Is the gold and silver you brought this time a gift or a ransom for our Grand Master Ye Xian?" If it is a ransom, where is the gift? If there is no gift, it means that we, Wala, are not taken seriously. If it was a gift, why did the Emperor come to welcome you back without a ransom? If it is both, wouldn¡¯t it mean that the gift is too thin and the ransom is too little? " Yang Shan snorted coldly and scolded: "Ignorant boy, of course these are all gifts for the Grand Master! We didn't bring any ransom, so I thought that I, too, could be so greedy for money. The Grand Master may not appreciate these gifts from us, but we laymen can only use gold and silver to express our respect to the Grand Master. Taishi's benevolence and righteousness, as a good man, will go down in history and praise everything! "He listened first and then laughed and kept praising Yang Shan for being able to speak. At this moment, there was a burst of shouting from outside the big tent: "Lu Yunzhi, come out! " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 51: Encountering old enemies in a foreign land Hearing someone shouting outside the tent, Yang Shan was slightly shocked. Sure enough, his nephew Yang Zhun had lied to him, saying that Mr. Lu's name was Lu Zhi. Along the way, Yang Shan always felt that Mr. Lu did not look like a wealthy businessman. He looked as if he had seen something huge in the world that could not be compared to the local people. At this moment, when he heard Lu Yunzhi's name, he suddenly realized that it turned out to be Lu Yunzhi, the emperor's younger brother. Yang Shan secretly cursed himself for being confused. Chao Xing had said this name more than once on the road, but he didn't catch the dialect and slang clearly. I didn¡¯t ask in detail. But even if he heard it clearly, he would not have thought that this Lu Yunzhi was the same Lu Yunzhi. Everyone who is an official in the capital knows that Lu Yunzhi is just in his twenties, but the man in front of him is already past his thirties, with an age difference of more than ten years. According to legend, Lu Yunzhi suddenly disappeared and there was no news in the capital. The official said that there was a fire in the newlywed's home and he was burned to death at home. However, Yang Shan did not believe it because there were clearly sounds of gunfire and fighting that night. In this way, Lu Yunzhi might still be a key criminal of the imperial court. Yang Shan thought that Lu Yunzhi might be disguised. Lu Yunzhi did not hide anything, stood up and walked out quickly. Yang Shan frowned and looked at Lu Yunzhi's handsome back, but he heard Yang Shan shouting from the high seat: "So he is Lu Yunzhi. This guy is causing me so much pain." Yang Shan was startled and quickly walked down from the seat, opened the curtain of the big tent and walked out, followed closely by Yang Shan and the Wala officials. Lu Yunzhi stood in front of the tent with his arms folded around his chest and watched the fight in front of him. He saw everyone forming a circle. Chao Xing's tall and sturdy body was wrestling with an equally strong but short man. Lu Yunzhi knew that it was Qi Mude, the guardian of Gui Wu You, the national teacher of Wala. Chao Xing punched Qi Mude. Qi Mude ducked out of the way, then raised his arms and strangled Chao Xing's neck. He inserted his leg between Chao Xing's legs and twisted his waist hard. He yelled and threw Chao Xing to the ground. Damn, this is exactly the art of Mongolian wrestling. Although Chao Xingren fell to the ground, he stood up in no hurry. His legs were like scissors cutting towards Qi Mude's lower body. Qi Mude hurriedly retreated, but Chao Xing grabbed his arm and couldn't move. His legs were entangled, his center of gravity was unsteady, and he fell to the ground. Chao Xing turned around and pounced on Qi Mude, punching him in the face. Qi Mude grabbed Chao Xing's two fists, and the two of them rolled on the ground and competed. After several rounds of rolling, Qi Mude was pinned down by the tall and strong Chao Xing. Qi Mude knew that if the fight continued like this, he would lose, so he swayed and caused Chao Xing's body shape to change. Chao Xing was pressing Qi Mude under him, and the door was naturally wide open. Unexpectedly, Qi Mude suddenly hit his nose with his head. A pain spread along the bridge of his nose, and he couldn't stop his tears. Tears welled up in his eyes, and he quickly rolled aside on the spot. His nose was sore and tears kept coming to his eyes, making Chao Xing's vision suddenly blurry. Chao Xing had to stick to the door and wait for the pain to pass before he dared to attack. Qi Mude shouted, drew out his saber from behind and rushed towards Chao Xing, shouting: "Who the hell are you? I told you to mind your own business." It turned out that Qi Mude was cursing just now and wanted to rush into the tent to look for Lu Yunzhi, but was stopped by Chao Xing. Xing stopped him, Chao Xing said that if he wanted to seek revenge, he should go through me first. After taking off his bamboo hat and raincoat, Qi Mude naturally didn't know that Chao Xing was the master of the iron sword vein, so the two started fighting. Qi Mude slashed at Chao Xing with his saber, but Chao Xing dodged with a leap. Qi Mude changed his stance from slashing to stabbing and pursued Chao Xing. Chao Xing's Iron Sword disciple threw a big sword wrapped in cotton. Chao Xing caught it and turned around to block it. There was a loud clang and the broad blade blocked the saber's thrust. The two of them staggered. Chao Xing took advantage of the situation and pulled out the iron sword from the cotton cloth and struck it at Qi Mude. Qi Mude swung his sword to fight. As soon as the two weapons collided, a large amount of sparks flew out. Qimude felt his arms sink, and his mouth was numb, so he knelt down on one knee to block the blow, which was like a landslide. "Don't blame me, but you were the first to use the weapon." Chao Xing said coldly. The scars on his face also turned blood red as the blood surged, and the ugly face that was already full of murderous looks turned red. The scar is even more ferocious and terrifying. Qimude knew that he was in trouble this time. He was about to release the ghosts to help him, but when he looked up, he saw that the weapon he was holding was a large iron sword. There was a four-dimensional sword on the hilt of the iron sword. Claw Jinlong couldn't help shouting in shock: "Iron Sword Pulse Master, it's you!" Lu Yunzhi strolled over, stood between Qi Mude and Chao Xing, and said to Chao Xing first: "Uncle, calm down, leave this place to me. "Then he said to Qimude, "Dragon protector Qimude, how are you doing after not seeing you for a long time?" Qimude cursed angrily: "What the hell, do I know you?" "Look at me again. " Lu Yunzhi said with a smile. Qi Mude narrowed his eyes and looked at Lu Yunzhi carefully. His eyes widened and he said in surprise: "Lu Yunzhi, why are you so old?" Lu Yunzhi laughed but did not answer. , Qimude curled his lips as if he knew something: "This shouldn't be a disguise technique made by ghosts. Did you extend someone's life? You are the one who extended the life of Zhongzheng."?That's it, haha, I didn't expect that the Zhongzheng lineage would be like this today. Like a lost dog, it was driven back and forth with every word and word, and was taken under its command. " Lu Yunzhi just had a wry smile at the corner of his mouth, and kept looking at Qi Mude without answering. There was no trace of resentment or murderous intent in his eyes. There was no anger or friendliness. Calmness could only be described as calm, like a still lake. Without any emotion. Qi Mude was shocked by Lu Yunzhi's gaze and shouted: "I won't talk nonsense. Since you dare to come today, let's settle old and new grudges together. A lackey who talks a lot about everything! "As he spoke, he pointed at Chao Xing, "Enemies of Zhongzheng's lineage! He pointed to Lu Yunzhi again, "No one of you can leave today." " As soon as he finished speaking, a large number of Vala sergeants appeared around him. They drew their swords and crossbows and were ready to kill. Yang Zhun shivered under the car where the gold and silver were placed. Yang Shan was also at a loss. He just kept talking with a fake smile. : "You see what this says, we are envoys. "The Iron Swords led by Chao Xing pulled out their iron swords from the cotton cloth and formed a group. Today's fight may be inevitable. At this moment, Lu Yunzhi suddenly said: "Qimude, let me ask you a question. question. Do you hate me for protecting my family and my country? Or do you hate being treacherous and making all your mistakes? "Qi Mude said fiercely: "Isn't the Master of Iron Sword Pulse a person who talks a lot about everything? Maybe you, Lu Yunzhi, have already taken refuge with them at this time. Haha, don't lie to me again, I won't be fooled by you again. " Lu Yunzhi, however, was not in a hurry and just said calmly: "I am at odds with Yi Yan Shi Ti and Shi Ti. The master of the Iron Sword Pulse is my uncle, and he has already broken up with them for my sake. What do you think, why don't we join forces and take revenge? Qimude shook his head: "I won't listen to this. I will kill your dogs first." "As he said this, Qimude rushed forward, and all the Wala sergeants also shouted and rushed towards everyone, "Master Meng He, you haven't shown up yet! "Lu Yunzhi shouted to the crowd surrounding them. "Stop! "Ghost Witch Cult Leader Meng He shouted loudly in the crowd, and everyone stopped. ¡ª¡ª ¡ª¡ª Highly recommend "Supernatural Horror Notes" "The Wind of Rebirth: The Republic of China" and "The Clouds of the Three Kingdoms Move the Universe" are all written by good friends. You can go and watch them Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 52: Alliance In the big tent, Meng He, Xian Qi Mude and others, Lu Yunzhi, Yang Shan, Chao Xing and others were sitting at the banquet, eating roast mutton and drinking kumiss and seemed to be enjoying themselves. Lu Yunzhi told them the secret of Yi Yan Shi Ti Jian and the changes that occurred during this period, which solved their doubts about who the leader of Yi Yan Shi Ti Jian was. Meng He cursed: "Yu Qian is really What a bastard, he hid so deeply." "I didn't expect that your senior brother Cheng Fangdong would rebel, but what is he doing? I think it's not just to seize the palm veins," Qi Mude said. After listening to the series of changes described by Lu Yunzhi, Yang Shan expressed his thoughts: "This Cheng Fangdong is either a pervert or wants to replace Yu Qian's position, or even higher. He may also want to usurp the throne. If so, he is too You are overestimating your capabilities. How could Yu Qian not notice it? "Yu Qian laughed and said, "Yu Qian is a loyal minister. If he were not so loyal, he might be a good king. I think he must have discovered Cheng Fangdong's thoughts. This kind of person is unreliable. He may be stabbed at any time by his side. How can he let others sleep soundly on the couch lying on his side? It is estimated that the time to kill the donkey will come soon." Lu Yunzhi nodded and praised: "Ye Xian Taishi is indeed a talented person. A generation of heroes, indeed, I admire Yu Qian very much, he is a loyal minister, and I also love the Ming Dynasty. To be disrespectful, if Wala attacks the Ming Dynasty now, I will still devote myself to serving the country regardless of my own life, but for some prophecy, I will take my life and kill my colleagues. , I absolutely can¡¯t bear it, this is my fault, let alone Yu Qian, I will rebel even if it¡¯s God.¡± After drinking a glass of wine, Yang Shan stroked his beard and said, ¡°You mean to only overthrow Yu Qian. The power has not moved the foundation of the Ming Dynasty. How can it be possible that Yu Qian will fall with the emperor as his backing? ""So I have to ask the Great Khan to put the emperor back first. This is why I followed Mr. Yang on my mission to Wala this time. The real purpose. Although I have not fully thought about the next arrangements, we must do everything possible to attack Yu Qian's power. Once Zhu Qizhen returns, Zhu Qiyu will worry about his throne. Of course, it is best for us to make a fuss about it. With the help of the ghost wizards led by Meng He, the cause of revenge will be even more powerful," Lu Yunzhi replied. Meng He gently touched his temples a few times and then said: "The grand master has already promised to return to Zhu Qizhen and will never change his mind. I also appreciate your frankness, Lu Yunzhi, but I want to ask you if we ghost witches support you." What benefits can be gained by taking revenge? There is a saying among the Han people that it is not worth it if there is no profit. Now, just like business, we also need the benefits of both parties. " "In fact, I will take revenge with or without the help of ghosts and witches. It will succeed, but after my uncle Chao Xing, also known as the Master of the Iron Sword Pulse in your mouth, left Yu Qian, Yu Qian lost a powerful force. All he had left was the military power of the Ming Dynasty, the support of Zhu Qiyu and the ineffective Wu Qian. It's just the ugly lineage. As for the living lineage, except for the lineage leader, all of them have been eliminated in the battle with us. If there is any benefit, I would like to ask the leader, I will be happy. Isn't the joy of grudges and revenge enough?" Lu Yunzhi looked at Meng He with a slight smile. Meng He stood up and walked slowly to the map in the big tent and said, "Of course it's not enough. We want a piece of territory that will be jointly ruled by our ghost shaman and Grand Master Ye Xian." Ye Xian saw that Meng He's leader was also fighting for him. Jiang Tu couldn't help but smile and nodded. Lu Yunzhi also laughed and shook his head and said: "You want me to be the emperor Shi Jingtang, Meng He, you are looking down on me too much. But the territory can be given to you, but it is not the territory of our Ming Dynasty, but a large area The Mongolian grassland, let Grand Master Ye Xian have a taste of unification, and you ghost witches have promoted the unification of the entire grassland. I think there is nothing wrong with Grand Master Ye Xian giving you a piece of land. I shouldn't call you that at that time. I'm so sorry for you, but I'm sweating profusely first, haha." Ye Xian also laughed loudly. Lu Yunzhi looked at Meng He meaningfully, and Meng He smiled coldly back at Lu. Yun Zhi said softly next to him: "You know that the deadline is approaching and he will be killed in less than five years. Why do you encourage him to sweat." The man who lived in the large area of ??land Yilili on the map also whispered to Meng He: "How is this land?" Meng He nodded meaningfully and stopped answering. Lu Yunzhi squeezed Meng He's arm with her hand, implying that these words were discussed in private. As the leader of the ghost witch, Meng He was naturally very smart and understood it. He responded by lightly moving the muscles on his arm. "By the way, Qimude, how did you know that my nephew was in the tent?" Chao Xing asked at this moment, and Lu Yunzhi also listened with interest, as he didn't quite understand. Qimude snorted, then giggled: "Actually, I'm also embarrassed. The Jiuying I worshiped was almost knocked out of his mind by Brother Lu, and was later devoured by the leader's gluttony. Fortunately, he slaughtered cattle and sheep after he came back. It took hundreds of them to come back in exchange, butThe nine babies spit out by Tie were no longer as good as before, with only one of the nine heads left. I had a hangover last night. I got up late today and found out that an envoy from the Ming Dynasty was coming. I hurried to attend the meeting. You know that the Nine Infants I worshiped are in my body. When I walked near the tent, I felt it. It kept restless, but also a little timid. I understood that the only one in the world that could make it so afraid was you, Brother Lu, so I came to fight for you. " "Speaking of this matter, I still have something to ask Master Menghe and Protector Qimude for help. "Lu Yunzhi originally wanted to find a way to make the nightmare leave his body. But Meng He smiled and patted Lu Yunzhi on the shoulder and said: "I know what you are going to say. We ghost witches worship ghosts and spirits. Shang Yang is here. In heaven, Taotie rests at will, and Nine Infants reside in the body. Whether it is in a box, on earth, in heaven, or in the body, it is just a container for us ghosts and witches, and your situation is a bit special. You are possessed. I felt it just now when I was a little closer to you, but the two of you are like flesh and blood, and now I really don¡¯t know how to help you. " Everyone was puzzled when they heard the conversation between Lu Yunzhi and Meng He, but Lu Yunzhi stopped mentioning it and just said: "It's nothing. In short, today we have formed an alliance for the common enemy Yu Qian. We will discuss how to proceed in detail later. After we finished eating and drinking, we asked the Grand Master to let us visit the Emperor. I wonder if the Grand Master would approve. "Ye Xian was still immersed in the fantasy of unifying a large area of ??grassland and becoming the second Genghis Khan. When he heard Lu Yunzhi's request, he happily agreed: "That's right, you can just figure it out. Coming to my Wala is like coming to your own home, no need to be polite, just feel free to move around. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 53: Shepherd After the banquet, Lu Yunzhi and others went to Zhu Qizhen's tent together. Yang Zhun went first to report. This was an opportunity given by Yang Shan to Yang Zhun to thank him for sending gold and silver and allowing himself to be with Lu Yun. Get to know the others. Although it was said that it was a preliminary report, it was actually not that far away. It was just time to leave early for a cup of tea. Yang Shan slowly turned his horse and turned his head to Lu Yunzhi and asked: "After you go back, I think you are going to have something shocking." Lu Yunzhi shook his head. He liked this smart little old man very much, so he replied seriously: "No, haste makes waste, Mr. Yang, what we need now is to combine all parties." We can't compare with the powerful Yu Qian now." Yang Shan gave a thumbs up and laughed: "Smart, I don't know if I can participate, I think since you don't hide anything. If you want to talk about this with me, then you must have some ideas." Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and replied: "I don't see that Mr. Yang is still a person who likes to join in the fun. It is true, but I will not put you in trouble for my own selfish desires. So you just pretend you don't know and you are helping me. The most important thing is that you are old and you will be old when I succeed. I don't want you to take this risk, so just sit down. Watch my success or failure. " Yang Zhun rode forward, feeling indescribably happy. When he saw the Supreme Emperor, he might behave well and maybe the day would come when he would be promoted to a higher rank. After walking for half an hour, I only saw a dilapidated small tent. A man was sitting on the grass, chewing half of the grass in his mouth, and staring blankly at a few lambs grazing around him. Yang Zhun was riding on horseback and pointed his whip at the herdsman and asked: "Do you understand Chinese?" The herdsman raised his head, his eyes were a little distracted and did not answer. Yang Zhun sneered and muttered: "Barbarians, look I don't understand Chinese." As soon as he finished speaking, a man ran out of the broken tent and shouted at Yang Zhun: "How dare you, please get off your horse quickly." Yang Zhun was startled by this loud shout. , dismounted obediently and then suddenly remembered and shouted: "What kind of dog are you? How dare you talk to me like this." "I am the school guard Yuan Bin, who are you? Why don't you worship the Supreme Emperor when you see him?" That National People's Congress shouted. Yang Zhun stared dumbfounded at Yuan Bin and the shepherd who was still sitting on the ground with empty eyes. He made several noises in his mouth as if he was being choked, and then he hurriedly bent down and bowed his hands: "Your Majesty, I deserve death for my sins." After saying this, the shepherd didn't even see a move, let alone listen to his answer. Yang Zhun's cold sweat flowed down his neck, knowing that he had screwed up this time. The shepherd suddenly sighed and said: "I think I, Zhu Qizhen, was originally the king of a country, but now I meet the officials of the Ming Dynasty and they don't recognize me. It's so sad." As expected, the shepherd was none other than the Supreme Emperor Zhu Qizhen, and Yuan Bin looked at him angrily. Staring at Yang Zhun, Zhu Qizhen still looked sad. Yang Zhun stood there without daring to move and was covered in cold sweat. The three of them just stood there in a stalemate. After a while, Yang Shan, Lu Yunzhi and others had arrived. Yang Shan quickly dismounted his horse, bowed deeply, put his hands on his head, and said to Zhu Qizhen enthusiastically: "We are here to welcome the Emperor back to the capital." However, he fell behind in words and did not hear Zhu Qizhen's reply for a long time. There was only the low sound of crying. Yang Shan raised his head and looked sideways, only to see Lu Yunzhi and Zhu Qizhen facing each other and looking at each other, both of them already in tears. Full face. Yang Shan thought to himself: This kid Lu Yunzhi is really fast. He is one step ahead of me. No move is better than a move. Silence is better than sound. He defeated my tongue so easily without words. It's amazing. Lu Yunzhi held Zhu Qizhen's forearm. After a long silence, he said softly: "Your Majesty, I am Lu Yunzhi. Do you remember? I'm here to take you home." Zhu Qizhen nodded vigorously. , raised his hand to wipe his tears and said: "I remember you, you are a high disciple of the Zhongzheng lineage. I didn't expect you to be so loyal and brave, and you were the one who came to take me back in the end. Go home, that's a good idea. I'm going back I'm at my home in Daming." Regardless of their status differences, the two hugged each other and cried. Next, everyone gathered in the tent. Lu Yunzhi told Zhu Qizhen about the current situation of the Ming Dynasty and the turmoil in the Zhongzheng line. Zhu Qizhen nodded and took out a bell from his arms and told Lu Yunzhi Said: "This is my royal bell. It was originally made by Yao Guangxiao. Once someone counts me or the vassal king holding the bell, the bell will ring non-stop. After I was captured, the bell kept ringing day and night, so I picked out the bell inside The heart of the bell is actually passed down secretly from the ancestors. As long as my main bell does not ring, the remaining eight auxiliary bells will be invalid." Lu Yunzhi took the bell and looked at it and said: "So these are the nine royal bells. I want to take a closer look at the main bell among the bells. I want to look at it carefully." Zhu Qizhen said without hesitation, "I'll give it to you. It's useless for me to keep it anyway. I just want to be an ordinary person after returning to Beijing." Idle King, just do nothing. Being an emperor is too tiring. I miss my family and my Qian family. "Qian family is the queen of Zhu Qizhen, and she is also the woman whom Zhu Qizhen loves deeply. Perhaps she is in the capital of the Ming Dynasty. Among the people who were looking forward to Zhu Qizhen's return, except his son Zhu Qizhen, the crown prince of the East Palace,Jun only has his lover Qian. Suddenly someone shouted: "If you can't reset after returning to Beijing, then I won't allow you to go back!" Zhu Qizhen looked around and saw that that person was Ye Xian's younger brother Boyan Timur. He and Zhu Qizhen The relationship was very good. Without Boyan Timur's care for a long time, Zhu Qizhen would not have been able to survive until now. Zhu Qizhen looked at Yang Shan and Yang Zhun with horrified eyes and asked in a low voice: "Don't lie, you will kill me. I don't want to be the emperor, I just want to live, I just want to go home." Yan Timur hugged Zhu Qizhen with both hands excitedly and said, "Why are you confused? If you go back like this, you might as well stay in Oara, and maybe you can save your life." As they spoke, the two looked at each other. , there is infinite emotion. Ye first snorted coldly and rebuked: "Bo Yan can't mess around. I have already discussed it with Master Yang, Mr. Lu, and Master Meng He has also agreed. How can you change your mind? Your treatment of the overlord of a friendly country in this way is disrespectful to our grassland people." There is no need to say more about the tradition of returning Zhu Qizhen." After saying that, he opened the curtain and walked out angrily. Boyan Timur has always been loyal to his brother Yexian, but he had blocked Yexian many times because of Zhu Qizhen. For this reason, Yexian was still grudge, thinking that although Zhu Qizhen was the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, he was still his. A prisoner, his brother respecting a prisoner is a bit embarrassing for a hot-blooded man in Wala. At this moment, seeing Boyan Timur still fighting for Zhu Qizhen's affairs, forcing himself to go back on his word, he was naturally furious. After putting down this final word, he didn't want to look at it for a while anymore. He left the dilapidated tent and took the guards with him. Galloping back to camp. Meng He also winked at Lu Yunzhi, and the two of them walked out of the tent one after another. They were going to talk about the details of the alliance. Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 54: Making an Alliance in Blood Five days later, when everyone arrived at Yehuling, the team that had led the farewell team had already gone back. Only Boyan Timur was still reluctantly accompanying Zhu Qizhen. At the same time, Meng He and Qi Mude were still there. Together with Lu Yunzhi and Chao Xing, they carefully calculated the details in the future. Lu Yunzhi scanned the surroundings while riding on the horse and said: "This is Yehuling." Meng He nodded. They had already discussed in detail. As long as they act according to the plan in the future, they will be foolproof, so there will be no more details. In other words, the four of them were really tired after racking their brains in discussions over the past few days. This is a cost-effective business for the ghost witch, who only makes a profit without losing any money. If Lu Yunzhi wins the fight with Yu Qian, they will get all the benefits Lu Yun promised privately later. Taking a step back and saying that even if they failed, it would not be much different from now. They were living in the grassland, and no matter how powerful Yu Qian was, he would be beyond his reach and unable to hurt them. Lu Yunzhi took a fancy to this, so he was able to successfully form an alliance with the ghost witch. Qi Mude sighed: "This Yehu Ridge is a famous place. Brother Lu, do you know the story?" Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and replied: "Of course I do. It was in this Yehu Ridge that Genghis Khan broke through the golden age. After this battle, the Jin Kingdom fell into ruin and soon fell. I think this is a good place, which indicates that we can also win a great victory like Genghis Khan." In front of him, Zhu Qizhen sat on the carriage and turned his head to the uncle. Yan Timur said: "Don't send me off any further. We are about to enter the territory of the Ming Dynasty. Once you enter the vicinity of Juyongguan with your high position, something may happen. In the future, you and I will still have a day to meet each other, so we will say goodbye." Let's do it." As he spoke, Zhu Qizhen burst into tears. Boyan Timur's eyes were also a little moist and he sighed: "If we say goodbye today, I don't know if we can meet again in the future. Take care of it, my dear. Brother." After saying that, he whipped his horse and galloped away in the direction he came from. Zhu Qizhen looked at his back and waved goodbye. His front was wet with tears, but he ignored him and just cried in the wind. Meng He stretched out his hand and made a cut on his palm with his saber. Blood immediately gushed out. Then he said to Lu Yunzhi, "We are going back too. Can you and I make a blood alliance according to the ancient Mongolian ritual?" Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi took the knife handed over by Meng He and cut his own palm. The two held their hands tightly. Lu Yunzhi said loudly: "You and I are brothers today because our blood is compatible." Meng He nodded and patted Lu Yunzhi on the shoulder with his other hand. Lu Yunzhi did the same. Meng He shouted: "Good Anda." Lu Yunzhi shouted: "Good brother." Lu Yunzhi suddenly remembered something and laughed loudly. Meng He asked: "Anda, why are you laughing suddenly." "I was there before. Thinking that there was blood rising during this mission, I thought it was something, but I didn't expect that it was the blood of the alliance. I think Yu Qian also figured it out, but he thought it was a disaster of blood, so he sent Yang Shan as an envoy. I also came here because of the relationship between Yang Shan and Yang Zhun. Haha, God¡¯s will is really tricking people. God gave a hexagram but it was not detailed, leaving future generations to speculate endlessly. Some people will be blessed because of it, and some will not. You will reap the consequences, so all the talk about obeying God's will is nonsense, man can conquer God! God is just a bastard who teases people," Lu Yunzhi said with a smile. Meng He also smiled, put one hand on his chest and said, "Anda, just say goodbye." Lu Yunzhi said goodbye with fists in his arms, Meng He and Qi Mude got on their horses and ran towards the hinterland of Oara. Lu Yunzhi's group continued to move forward slowly. After walking for more than an hour, when they were about to enter Juyong Pass, Lu Yunzhi rode forward and said to the carriage where Zhu Qizhen was sitting: "Your Majesty, it is very possible to go here." Can you bear the hardship of life and being marginalized?" Zhu Qizhen couldn't ride a horse. After Boyan Timur left, he sat in the carriage shed. He opened the curtain and replied to Lu Yunzhi: "I The life in Wala is far more difficult than you imagine, and I can endure it. As long as I can return to my hometown and see my lover, I can endure it even if it is ten times more difficult." Lu Yunzhi smiled. He said: "I am relieved that Your Majesty thinks so. As long as you are patient, I will let you live a happy life when the time is right. Please believe me." "Mr. Lu and Yang Shan welcomed me back from Wala I trust you two. I don¡¯t know where your husband is going next, whether he will come back to Beijing with me." Zhu Qizhen asked. "No, I have other things to do. Your Majesty, please take care. We still have a day to meet again." He said to Yang Shan and Zhao Rong, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, "I also ask the two adults not to mention me when they return to the court. Although Yu Qian is scary, I can also tell the world. As long as the two adults keep silent, Lu will definitely repay me in the future, but if he betrays me, then" "Mr. It depends on Mr. Yang¡¯s success or failure,¡± Yang Shan replied with a sly smile. Zhao Rong shook his head and said, "I don't know who Lu Yunzhi is. I didn't see or hear anything along the way." Lu Yunzi clasped his fists and said, "Thank you twice. "Sir," he said with Chao Xing and his iron sword disciples.As the horse rode away, Yang Zhun shouted loudly: "Brother, where are you going? Brother, when can I see you?" Lu Yunzhi did not look back, whipped up his whip and the horses went out in their respective directions, and his figure gradually However, Lu Yunzhi's words were left behind: "Brother Yang, after I finish my work, I will go to your house to chat with you." Three or four hours after Lu Yunzhi and Chao Xing ran out, Lu Yun Zhi suddenly reined in his horse and took out the Bagua Mirror and Jade Ruyi from his bag and held it in his hand. Chao Xing and others from the Tie Jian Yi Line also drew their swords and lined up to wait. Everyone acted as if they were facing a formidable enemy. Lu Yunzhi shouted into the empty desert: "Come out, Yingmei, what's the point of following us sneakily along the way!" "Hehehehehe, I'm not following you but following you. Didn't you already Have you found me?" A cold and evil laugh sounded from nowhere, and it felt like this chilling voice was coming from all directions. "Why, you want to fight with me, you still need some heat." Chao Xing snorted coldly. : "What kind of guy is he who pretends to be a ghost? Ying Mei, you can't get out." "I am a ghost in the first place, why should I pretend, you brainless fool." Ying Mei said with a smile. Suddenly, a huge shadow came quickly toward everyone, and the shadow turned into a sharp spear and stabbed Chao Xing. Chao Xing raised his sword and swung it towards the spear-shaped black shadow. Bursts of red light emitted from the sword, and the sound that cut through the air was as shocking as the roar of a dragon. The black shadow was shattered and disappeared into the air, but what followed was countless sharp black shadows shot out from the group like a volley of thousands of arrows. The disciples of the Iron Sword lineage waved their swords one after another, and the sword surface formed a huge prototype during the rapid swings, which was watertight and impeccable. As soon as the black shadow hits the sword surface, it will emit a burst of red light. Although it is not as bright as the iron sword in Chao Xing's hand that always burns like a flame, it is still very bright. Lu Yunzhi hid behind the sword face of the Iron Sword, holding the Bagua Mirror and suddenly threw it at the black shadow. Yu Ruyi was held by Lu Yunzhi with both hands and muttered something in her mouth. The Bagua Mirror that flew out gave off a faint golden light and hit it all at once. When he was hit by the black shadow that was still waving around, he heard an "ah" sound, and everything returned to calm. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 55: Happiness before Death "Hmph, it turns out that Ying Mei isn't that powerful. The number one evil ghost is only earned because of its mystery." Chao Xing said with a sneer. Lu Yunzhi replied in a low voice: "Uncle, don't take it lightly. I heard Yingzi say that a large number of soul-eating beasts were killed by Ying Mei. He is no ordinary person." Just after he finished speaking, he heard a sharp laugh: " Lu Yunzhi is still smart." I saw everyone's shadows shaking violently on the ground, and then countless hands suddenly stretched out from the shadows and firmly grasped the Iron Sword disciple's ankles, and these black hands quickly wrapped around them. It climbed up and divided into more and more branches, just like a silkworm chrysalis spinning a cocoon, it wrapped the Iron Sword disciples tightly, with only their heads exposed, and they were unable to move. Chao Xing yelled and swung his sword to chop at his feet, only to find that his hand was also pulled by a strong force. Many black threads as thin as hair sprang out from the tiny and dim shadows in the folds of his clothes, entangling them. His arm and then his lower body were also controlled like his disciple's, and Chao Xing angrily cursed continuously. Lu Yunzhi realized it earlier and had no time to warn everyone, so he just jumped out. The hands that emerged from his shadow grabbed the air but followed closely. Lu Yunzhi rolled on the spot and grabbed a hand. He quickly raised the soil into the air and muttered something in his mouth, and a strong wind rose from the ground. Lu Yunzhi suddenly stood in the sky seven or eight feet high. This was the Zhongzheng clan's heaven and earth technique - wind control. Ying Mei smiled evilly and emerged from the shadow of the big sword that fell on the ground, forming a human shape, then picked it up and played with the iron sword sect sword in his hand, and then said: "No one can escape the shadow's pursuit. "Lu Yunzhi, even if you are high in the sky, do you think I can't do anything to you?" Lu Yunzhi didn't answer. He looked at Chao Xing below him and suddenly understood what Ying Mei said. Countless small hands quickly crawled out from where there was a hint of black shadow, and they immediately wrapped around the body. Lu Yunzhi felt like he was being weighed down by a giant python, and the strong wind holding him up dissipated. Lu Yunzhi suddenly fell from the sky. Seeing that Lu Yunzhi was about to fall to the ground with his bones and flesh broken, Chao Xing let out a heartbreaking cry: "Nephew!" Lu Yunzhi also closed his eyes and sighed in his heart: I am dead. Suddenly, Lu Yunzhi felt that his body was being tightened again, and it felt as if those small hands made of black shadows were sinking into his skin. His whole body was in excruciating pain, and he not only groaned but endured it to keep from fainting. Chao Xing breathed a long sigh of relief when he saw this. It turned out that when Lu Yunzhi was still two feet above the ground, he was strangled by several black shadows in a curve, and did not fall to the ground, but Chao Xing didn't know Under this restraint, Lu Yunzhi almost lost his temper. Lu Yunzhi felt the black shadow wrapped around his chest loosen a little, and then he could breathe again and asked viciously: "Yingmei, what on earth are you going to do, you bastard?" Yingmei played with the big sword in his hand, and then took the sword The sword was inserted into the ground. The black shadow jumped on the top of the hilt of the big sword and made a golden cock. Then he squatted down with one leg. The shadow was just a shadow without weight, so the big sword did not move at all. It was a black shadow like a person. The scene of squatting on the hilt of a sword looks as weird as possible. "Lu Yunzhi, even now you are as tough as a boiled duck. Let's see how I deal with you." Ying Mei said. Lu Yunzhi only felt the pressure on her body was extremely strong, but she heard Ying Mei He smiled and said: "Oh, the nightmare in your body is quite powerful. It actually helped you share most of the pressure, and even waited for an opportunity to bewitch me with dreams. Ghosts can also be trapped in dreams, just like the nightmare bewitched you at that time. Meng He's Taotie is the same. But in nightmares, you have to remember that if you want to seduce the ghost and bring it into the dream, you must first find the ghost's true body. But how can you be sure that I am the true body now? It may be hidden in any shadow, and you can't deal with me." Nightmare whispered in Lu Yunzhi's ear: "His power is getting stronger, I I can't hold on to the shadow anymore. Mei is worthy of being the chief evil spirit, so powerful." Nightmare's voice became smaller and smaller. Lu Yunzhi felt as if she was being cut into pieces by those black shadows, and the bones in her body creaked. Lu Yunzhi clenched her teeth. He gritted his teeth to prevent himself from shouting, but the air came out but not in. Soon he began to feel dizzy and dizzy. Lu Yunzhi gradually became unconscious. He thought that he was really going to die today. Yingmei didn't want him to fall to death because he just wanted to torture himself to death. At this moment, many people flashed before his eyes, including Qu Xiangtian, Fang Qingze, Shi Yuting, Yingzi, Mr. Shi, Zhu Jianwen and even the nagging nightmare, the timid and eager for quick success and quick success Yang Zhunhe The elegant but beautiful Yang Xiyu. For the first time, Lu Yunzhi felt that he was so happy. It turned out that he was not alone. He had so many relatives and friends, and so many people were good to him. But he always felt lonely and sad. He didn't want to die. He wanted to He embraced his relatives and friends again, but he had to die because the figures of these people gradually became blurred, and Lu Yunzhi's life was about to come to an end.   A stream of fresh air passed into Lu Yunzhi's lungs. Sweet and fresh was what he felt at that time. It was the first time that he felt that the air was so refreshing. Lu Yunzhi breathed greedily, only to feel that his body was empty and his body was constricted. His shadow faded, and he fell to the ground, breathing heavily. Ying Mei's voice surrounded the silence again: "Lu Yunzhi, go to Yu County. You will find something. I will come to you again. Remember, it is in Yu County, where the story begins." Lu Yunzhi shook his head, still a little dizzy but stood up unsteadily. He quickly ran to Chao Xing's side, because everyone in the Iron Sword lineage except Lu Yunzhi himself fell to the ground. After Lu Yunzhi helped Chao Xing up, he saw that he was breathing steadily but fainted. He felt much more at peace. He reached out and pinched Chao Xing's philtrum, and then slowly rubbed his temples. Chao Xing opened his eyes with an "ah" sound and asked, "Am I not dead? Are you okay, nephew? How are my disciples?" Lu Yunzhi said softly, "Uncle, don't worry, I'm fine. Your disciples It should be fine. Just stop moving and lie still for a while." Chao Xing wanted to stand up, but he felt relieved after hearing Lu Yunzhi's words. He lay on the ground and gasped, "What do you mean by Ying Mei? Why don't you kill us." But he followed us and attacked us?" Lu Yunzhi shook his head and replied, "I don't know, that's what I'm worried about, but he asked us to go to a place and said we would find something." "Where?" Chao Xing asked, still lying on the ground. Lu Yunzhi frowned and sighed: "The place where we once fought against the ghost witches, the first stop in the battle of Tumu Fort - Yu County." Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 56: Him and Her It was the spring of the seventh year of the orthodox year. She was sixteen and he was fifteen. She was a beauty of the age of a young lady, as beautiful as a hibiscus. She was born in a happy family. Although she was located in Haizhou, which was a bit remote, she was also a daughter of an official family. She should have found a well-matched girl. She got married into a wealthy family, but in that year her identity changed drastically. And he was already a nine-five-year-old. He ascended the throne as emperor seven years ago. At that time, he was only seven years old. However, for the benefit of the royal family, he declared that he was nine years old. In the next seven years, he was happy, with Wang Zhen playing with him. , there were delicacies for him to taste, and high-ranking ministers prayed for him and bowed down. On the third day of May in the seventh year of Zhengtong, the British Duke Zhang Fu was the chief envoy, and Yang Shiqi, the minister of the Ministry of War of the Young Division and the great scholar of Huagaidian, was the deputy envoy. They went to Qian's Mansion to accept the gift and ask for the name. The bride who was about to marry was full of shyness. Whenever her family mentioned her, they would lower their heads shyly, lowering their eyes and smiling at the corners of their mouths. On the seventh day of the same month in the same year, Zhu Yong, the Duke of Chengguo, served as the chief envoy, Yang Pu, the Minister of Rites of the Young Masters and a scholar of Wuyingdian, and Guo La, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, served as deputy envoys. They visited the Qian Mansion again to perform the Najina emblem ceremony. On May 19 of the same year, the British Duke Zhang Fu was the chief envoy, and Yang Shiqi and the Minister of Household Affairs Wang Zuo were the deputy envoys. They led the ceremonial guard Dahe Le to the Long Pavilion where the Queen's treasures were placed, as well as the civil and military officials, and the Qian Fu Xing to issue the certificates. Welcome gift. Amid the congratulations of the wives of the civil and military officials, she was welcomed into the palace in a jubilant atmosphere. The Forbidden City in Beijing has become the queen of the world. He is happy at the moment because he has his own queen. A few years later, he will think of today's unprecedented wedding countless times. No matter whether it is miserable or miserable, he has not forgotten his queen, and she is indeed worthy of it. This longing. She is also happy at this moment. The late emperor and all the ancestors were married long before they ascended the throne, and she is the first person in the history of the Ming Dynasty to directly become a queen - the emperor's first marriage. This ceremony is solemn and majestic. The whole world celebrated with laughter and joyous songs everywhere. She became the object of envy and jealousy in every woman's mouth, and she became the mother of the country respected by thousands of people. They were in love in the days that followed. Even when other concubines gave birth to dragon seeds for him and her belly was silent, he still loved her. He hoped to pass his throne to his wife's son. But all the changes happened so quickly, and fate brought them together and separated again. It was really a twist of fate. He¡ª¡ªEmperor Zhu Qizhen, she¡ª¡ªQueen Qian. The night before the expedition, Qian nestled tightly beside Zhu Qizhen and kept giving instructions in Zhu Qizhen's ears. Zhu Qizhen just smiled and nodded in agreement. Finally, Qian said to Zhu Qizhen Zhu Qizhen said a sentence from each other, which was touching but simple: "Waiting for you to come back." Zhu Qizhen defeated Tumubao and was captured alive by Wala. Qian was terrified, fearing that the barbaric Wala people would torture him. When Ye Xian's lover asked for ransom from Daming, only Qian sold his jewelry and property and gave it to Ye Xian. In the end, what he got in exchange was not his husband, but Wala's endless greed. Qian had no choice. She begged the ministers in exchange for an embarrassed face, and sometimes she would sarcastically criticize Zhu Qizhen for using Wang Zhen to harm Zhongliang. Qian also thought of the good brother Zhu Qiyu whom Zhu Qizhen trusted. Zhu Qizhen handed over all the people in the prison to Zhu Qiyu before going to the expedition. Now Zhu Qiyu has become the real ruler of the Ming Dynasty. Qian kindly thought that Zhu Qiyu and She was also eagerly looking forward to Zhu Qizhen's return to the court, but what greeted her was an indifferent face and a silent answer. "It was the 14th year of Orthodoxy. He was very unfortunate that year, and so was she. He was captured, she lost her husband, and Qian and Zhu Qizhen fell from heaven to hell. Qian had no choice but to ask for help from everyone and did everything she could, so she began to pray to heaven day and night, praying that Zhu Qizhen could be released as soon as possible. She had no one to talk to, everyone in the harem was in danger, and Qian's brother Qian Qin and Qian Zhong also died in the Battle of Tumubao. No one could talk to her, and no one could understand the difficulties of this helpless woman. That year she was twenty-three and he was twenty-four (falsely claiming to be two years old). Qian prayed day and night, kept bowing her head, and when she was tired, she would kneel down on the cold ground for a while, refusing to go to bed to rest. She shed tears all day long, crying to the gods about the four years she had spent on her husband. Her treatment was getting worse and worse, and Zhu Qiyu repeatedly cut back on her meals. He couldn't eat well or sleep well. The cold ground and the harsh winter made Qian's legs slowly stiffen. When someone found that Qian's legs could no longer move, they hurriedly called the imperial doctor for treatment. It was too late and the leg was lame forever. Qian also suffered from serious eye diseases due to long-term crying. One of her eyes was blind and the other eye became blurred. She became a disabled person. When Zhu Qizhen returned to his homeland of Ming Dynasty with full of hope?The only person who greeted him was a sedan and two horses, just because he asked someone to bring a message to Zhu Qiyu from the road saying that everything should be simple. As expected, his "good brother" really kept everything simple, and it couldn't be simpler. The request of hundreds of officials to go to greet Zhu Qizhen was rejected by Zhu Qiyu. The veteran Hu Hui's letter to ask for memorial was ineffective. Zhu Qiyu only exchanged a few words with Zhu Qizhen outside Dong'an Gate, and then arranged for someone to take Zhu Qizhen to the Emperor's Palace. Nangong. When Zhu Qizhen saw Nangong, he was surprised. He didn't dare to think that his brother Zhu Qiyu would be so cold and heartless, because the so-called Nangong was just a dilapidated house outside Dong'an Gate. Zhu Qizhen pushed open the dilapidated door and walked into the courtyard. Suddenly he heard a rustling sound in the room, so he walked quickly into the room. He thought there should be Qian, the beautiful woman, waiting for him there. The charming queen. But when the door opened, Zhu Qizhen was stunned because he didn't even recognize his married wife. In front of her, Ms. Qian was wearing a rough cloth and her hair was a little messy. When she heard the door, she stood up and walked towards the door. She was lame on one leg. Her walking was bumpy and she couldn't see clearly. He could only stretch out his hand and keep groping, whispering: "Is it you? Your Majesty, is it you?" Zhu Qizhen choked up. He didn't know why Qian became like this, and his heart felt like a knife. Just as painful. Suddenly there was a trace of joy on Qian's face, and he stepped forward and walked quickly and said: "Your Majesty, I finally got you back." Zhu Qizhen walked forward quickly, supported Qian and kept groping. With his hands, he hugged her into his arms. The tears in his eyes couldn't stop flowing down, and everything was left speechless. The love between him and her is stronger than gold. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 57: Them at this moment In a room in the capital, Shi Yuting opened her eyes. Cheng Fangdong stood beside her bed, looking at her with a smirk on his face. Shi Yuting seemed to be used to this kind of look and put on her clothes without hesitation, and then asked: "You are really boring, is it interesting to see me every day? Huh, you are a useless person." Cheng Fangdong was stunned when he heard the word "wasteful person" Table stood up and walked quickly to Shi Yuting, raising her hand to knock it down. Shi Yuting raised her cheeks and looked at Cheng Fangdong with no fear in her eyes, and the rest was just contempt. Cheng Fangdong suddenly put down his raised palm, chuckled and poked Shi Yuting's head with his finger and said with a smile: "You can mock me from here, I don't know who is the disgusting loser." After saying this, Shi Yuting burst out laughing. He sighed and closed his eyes helplessly. It was also early that morning, in a large house in Xuzhou City, a woman opened her eyes. Her skin was dark and a healthy wheat color, and her eyes were big. She scanned the environment in the room, her eyes filled with doubts. A little girl dressed as a maid came in, holding a basin of water in her hand. When she saw the woman on the bed opening her eyes and looking at herself, she said happily: "Miss, you are awake. You don't want to get up either." Talk, I'm scared to death. Please freshen up quickly." The woman stood up, walked quickly to the little maid and asked, "Where am I? Miss, what's going on?" Your home?" the little maid asked as if she had no idea what the woman was doing. The woman brushed her cheek with water, then she smiled as if she remembered something and said, "Cui Zhu, I was kidding you. I'm hungry, please bring me breakfast." The little maid also smiled and retreated. He went out, and after serving the lady, the little maid took the plate and bowl out of the door. The maid did not go to the kitchen, but went straight to the main hall, where a kind-hearted middle-aged couple was chatting about something. When she saw the little The maid came in, and the man asked: "Cuizhu, did the young lady wake up and talk nonsense again today?" "Replying to the master, she was still in a trance for a while, but then she remembered her identity again." Cuizhu replied road. "This child needs to adapt quickly, otherwise if one day he goes crazy thinking about what happened in the past, we will be sorry for Brother Chao Xingchao." The wealthy woman replied. The man of the house said again: "Madam, please don't talk about this now. It would be great if she could forget the past. We have no children, so we just have a beautiful daughter. Brother Chao has done us a favor, Chao The fact that eldest brother can place Yingzi in our house shows that he trusts you and me. We can't let him down" The woman hurriedly interrupted the male host and said: "Look, you are again "I called her Yingzi. Didn't I agree not to mention this name anymore? Remember to call her Tang Yao no matter where I am." "Look at me, I was so anxious that I forgot about it. Cuizhu, please go down first." Continue to observe the lady's activities, and remember to come and report to me every morning." The man waved his hand, and Cuizhu retreated with small steps. At the same time, in the far south, in Tokyo, Annan Kingdom, Murong Yunfei was wearing a white Ao Tuzan, chatting and laughing with a few people, and her Annan accent was very authentic, as if she were a local. Qu Xiangtian walked in quickly, hugged his fists at the people present, then winked at Murong Yunfei and walked out quickly. Murong Yunfei smiled at those people, turned around and followed the song to the sky and left the house. Qu Xiangtian lowered his voice and said: "Yunfei, they have now begun to plan to arrest Zheng Ke. Empress Dowager Ruan called me into the palace just now and asked me if I would help her. I said that of course I was loyal to the Empress Dowager, and she was very satisfied. On your side How are the preparations going? What are the opinions of those ministers? " "You can go to the military camp and leave it to me. I don't think they have any ideas and will follow our suggestions. After all, Queen Mother Ruan is the one who holds the military power now. I also want to respect us. In addition, with the money Fang Qingze gave us, we won a lot of people's hearts after we dispersed. From today on, I will sit in the General's Mansion to greet the ministers who come to inquire about the news. They are also like dogs. With a normal nose, you can already smell the bloody smell that there is going to be a bloody storm in the court. You go back to the military camp quickly, and you and I will restrain the Queen Mother Ruan's actions internally and externally. Don't let her use it to eliminate Zheng Keyi. The momentum of the party is also pointing the finger at us." Murong Yunfei replied, Qu Xiangtian gently kissed Murong Yunfei's forehead and left quickly. Murong Yunfei walked a few steps back to the room, smiled apologetically to everyone and said in Annan dialect: "My lords, you have been waiting for a long time, let's continue." In Nanjing, the capital of the Ming Dynasty, Yang Xiyu gently stroked his black hair. With beautiful hair, I stood in the yard looking at the distant north and thinking silently in my heart: Father, you must come back safely. At this moment, Lu Yunzhi's handsome and weathered face appeared in her mind again, and she couldn't help but blush slightly, and added in her heart: Are you okay? ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????, as soon as he entered the door, the waiter in the store hurriedly greeted him, but when he saw Lu Yunzhi, he was suddenly stunned and asked: "Isn't this your first time visiting our store? I think I have seen you before." Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly. He nodded and replied: "I have lived in your store for a few days, and I dare to ask the waiter if anything big happened in the suburbs recently." The waiter looked at Lu Yunzhi with his eyebrows raised, and he was still thinking about what he said in his mouth, which was a little slow. Said: "Not much has happened around the city recently It's just Oops, I remembered it." "Remember what?" Chao Xing asked eagerly, his face covered with scars The waiter's face dropped and he couldn't help but take a step back and replied: "I just remembered that I had met this guest officer. How come you have aged so much in just over a year? Have you " Chao Xing slapped the table and shouted: "Who told you to say this? Hurry up and serve wine and meat, and open a few good guest rooms." After the waiter glanced at Chao Xing and retreated in fear, he continued. Said: "Nephew, do you really believe what Yingmei says?" "What do I have to deceive?" Lu Yunzhi asked, playing with a pair of chopsticks. "What happens after that?" Chao Xing asked. Lu Yunzhi thought about it for a while: "If we find any important clues, we need to deal with them immediately, and we won't be sure of our next move. If not, I want to go to Yingzi's brother Baozi first, and then go to Timur. See my second brother, uncle. "Chao Xing nodded: "Very good." ¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª ¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª¡ª Highly recommend "The Ending Tree", "The Natural General with Unloaded Bullets" and "Clouds of the Three Kingdoms Move the Universe" Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 58: Meeting the Fragments Again After Lu Yunzhi and others rested in the inn for a day, everyone got on their horses and walked around the city outside the suburbs early the next morning. However, even after four or five laps around the small Yu County, nothing new happened. Chao Xing had already become impatient and kept shouting on horseback: "Is this Ying Mei playing tricks on us?" Lu Yunzhi was also a little upset. If he had traveled so far and was just being played by Ying Mei, what would happen if he was just being played by Ying Mei? But it's so embarrassing. At this time, a group of children ran over, circling around the tall horse ridden by Lu Yunzhi, Chao Xing and others, laughing and playing. Yu County was neither a remote country nor a land of plenty. Ordinary people did not have horses, and it was even more difficult to see them on weekdays. Such a cavalry team. Chao Xing was raging and yelled at the children: "Get out of here, or I'll chop you all up and feed them to the dogs." The children looked up one after another and saw Chao Xing's ferocious face covered with scars, and The children with slightly angry expression were so frightened that they started to cry. But at this moment, a child cried so sadly that he couldn't stand and fell to the ground. Lu Yunzhi looked at the child and said softly to Chao Xing: "Uncle, they are just children, so why bother with them? In the countryside, There are fewer horses, butUncle, look what it is." The child who fell to the ground fell out of his pocket and a piece of brass-colored metal shone in the sun. Lu Yunzhi dismounted and ran quickly to the child, picked up the piece of yellow metal and hugged the child, and then asked: "Child, stop crying, where did you get this thing from?" Yunzhi gradually stopped crying under the comfort, looked at the thing in Lu Yunzhi's hand and said: "I picked it up from there." As he said that, he pointed to the grass beside the road, and Lu Yunzhi picked it up from his arms. He took out a few coins and gave them to the child and put him on the ground. The child ran away happily, and the children around him followed him and continued to laugh and play. Lu Yunzhi handed the metal to Chao Xing. Chao Xing took it and looked at it carefully, and then said: "This is a fragment of a bronze mirror, but how can such a small mirror have strong mirror flowers in it, and there are also It vaguely formed the image of mirror flowers, which is really strange." Lu Yunzhi also nodded and murmured: "I think this is what Ying Mei is talking about. We were once ambushed by the ghost witch's image of mirror flowers here, but that was before us. Next to the inn where I am staying, I will make a fortune." He sat on the ground and picked up a broken branch and scratched it on the ground. After a long time, Lu Yunzhi stood up and laughed loudly and said: "Uncle, it turns out that at that time Qin Rufeng smashed the big mirror that made the image of mirror flowers into pieces. It happened that we rescued a scholar after we came out. The scholar was afraid of the local people. The bully took revenge and went to his relatives, but he brought this fragment to his shoe sole. When the scholar found it, he took off the fragment and threw it into the grass. Later, the boy saw it and picked it up when he was playing. Could it be that Ying Mei has seen all the changes, what does he want to remind us? Is there any secret hidden in it?" Chao Xing shook his head and looked at the fragment again and said, "Now the image of the mirror flower is damaged. , even if we find its method, we can't enter it, and the things inside are not released. ""That's what I thought. There should be no secrets in it when we leave, but even if it becomes fragments, there will still be a trace of the mirror flower ghost. It is possible for people to be brought into it before the spirit is extinguished. Perhaps we were in a hurry and did not have time to deal with these fragments," Lu Yunzhi replied. Lu Yunzhi's ears suddenly remembered the voice of the nightmare: "Maybe I can try it. I am a ghost and can enter the image of the mirror flower, and then let the things inside come out through the dream. Maybe I can succeed. Just if there is a living thing inside. It would be terrible." Lu Yunzhi whispered: "Why?" "Originally, the image of mirror flowers belongs to another level, and a living creature disappearing from the world into a dream is equivalent to entering another level. The image of mirror flowers and The dream world and the human world are all different and parallel spaces, so this rapid shuttle between several realms will cause the brains of living creatures to become confused and go crazy." Nightmare replied. Chao Xing already knew that the nightmare was in Lu Yunzhi's body. At this moment, he was not surprised to see Lu Yunzhi seemingly talking to himself. He asked with concern: "Is there a way to solve the nightmare?" Lu Yunzhi nodded and briefly told the story of the nightmare. After hearing this, Chao Xing nodded and said, "The only way we can try it is this way." A hand appeared on Lu Yunzhi's chest, and that hand took the bronze mirror and suddenly the bronze mirror issued a There was a strange brilliance, and after a moment, the hand threw the bronze mirror far away. As soon as the bronze mirror fragments hit the ground, a man and a horse appeared out of thin air. The horses neighed and roared on the ground like crazy, raising their backs and kicking continuously. Lu Yunzhi nodded, and an Iron Sword disciple stepped forward with his sword and slashed across the horse. The horse was instantly killed on the spot. The man rolled on the ground, and then played with the weeds next to him. His eyes were blurry and he seemed to be in a state of confusion and madness. At this time, Mengmao said to Lu Yunzhi: "This guy may have been locked up in the image of mirror flowers for a long time. I will bring him out."By then he had gone crazy. "Lu Yunzhi looked carefully and saw that the man's clothes were very ordinary, but his body was very strong. At first glance, he was a strong martial arts practitioner. Lu Yunzhi squatted beside the man and asked, but saw that the man only Knowing that he was giggling, he took out a letter from his arms and was about to tear it up and play with it. Lu Yunzhi grabbed it and cried loudly like a naughty boy. He came up to fight with Lu Yunzhi. But he was held down by two Iron Sword disciples. Lu Yunzhi said to the two Iron Sword disciples: "Please send him to the inn, and then find someone to take care of him. Give him more money. This man is crazy." It's not easy either. "After saying that, he was about to open the letter and read it. There must be a big secret in this letter. Lu Yunzhi was determined to see it if he was not in a hurry. But Chao Xing shouted: "Stop! "After that, he walked quickly to Lu Yunzhi, took the letter and pointed to the clay seal sealing his heart and said: "I know this symbol. This is the special seal used by Yu Qian, which represents a secret message that can be expressed in a single word. . You can't look at it here anymore. It's coated with a special dye that will burn if exposed to the air for a moment. You can only look at it if you soak it in wine. There is also a ghost attached to the letter, which will turn into powder even if it is soaked in wine for a while. To prevent others from leaving clues, it is better to be careful and go back to the inn first and then open the letter slowly. " Lu Yunzhi nodded in agreement, and then the group of people hurried to the Chao Inn. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 59: Letter After Lu Yunzhi and Chao Xing returned to the inn, they immediately walked into the room, closed the doors and windows, and asked the Iron Sword disciples to buy a jar of wine and a wooden basin from downstairs. Chao Xing poured the wine into the wooden basin, while Lu Yunzhi hung two Bagua mirrors with red ropes above the wooden basin. The Bagua mirrors stood as tutors. When everything was ready, Lu Yunzhi flicked the red rope, and the two Bagua mirrors began to rotate in a circle with the red rope as the axis. Lu Yunzhi nodded towards Chao Xing. Chao Xing said "hmm" and then opened the letter. He took out the letter and immediately soaked it in a wooden basin filled with wine. Lu Yunzhi muttered something in his mouth, and the Bagua mirror came out. There was a faint golden light, and a line of blue smoke instantly appeared on the letter paper. Chao Xing breathed a long sigh of relief, but saw Lu Yunzhi's eyes serious. He took out the jade Ruyi from his waist and put it into the basin and tapped the letter paper. Then he suddenly picked it up and hit it on the Bagua mirror, making a crisp "ding" sound. Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and said: "Uncle, this Yu Qian is really cunning. In fact, he has more than one ghost attached to the letter paper, one is overt and the other is dark. When people think that after removing it, they must be careless. It won't take long for the second layer of ghosts to appear. It would work to destroy the paper, and it would be too late to save it. If I hadn't been lucky enough to have a different feeling for ghosts, I wouldn't have been able to detect it. This Yu Qian is really an old fox, insidious and evil. Cunning." Chao Xing also laughed, then pointed to the letter in the wine and said: "Plus the fuel on the letter paper, it is really cunning. He really wants to be prepared, nephew, this is what is in the letter. Logo." Lu Yunzhi looked over and saw a small seal in the lower right corner of the letter, which seemed to contain these words, but these words were arranged in reverse order and looked chaotic. Looking at the text in the letter, it is also very messy. The words do not convey the meaning and it is not an article. Not a single sentence can be read smoothly. "Nephew, let uncle see if you can read this letter." Chao Xingman looked at Lu Yunzhi with a smile. He regarded his nephew as his own, full of love and pride. Lu Yunzhi frowned at these words, and after a long time he burst out laughing and said: "So that's it, every five words are a combination, and the order of these words on the small seal is If it is confusing, the correct order is to follow the order of the chapter and pick out the words and read them in the correct order. I think each letter can be solved. The words "Shi Ti Jie" in the previous sentence also change frequently. People who don't know how to read it will not read it correctly at all." Chao Xing nodded and said, "That's it. According to the adjusted Shunxun, this letter is read. The letter should be like this: Avoid Shang Wang, kill Du Hai, the master of the three veins, join forces with Wa La, and achieve great achievements. " "It turns out that senior brother Du Hai was besieged by his uncle and the master of the five ugly veins of the living soul, and then he won the title. He died with an arrow, but what kind of secret is this? Everyone in the Zhongzheng line knew it, and Zhu Jianwen thought that Shang Huan also knew it. It seemed that he was just pretending to be sad that day, so it seemed that he was not aware as he said. I want revenge. Now I know that Shang Wang turned against Du Hai not only because of Du Hai, but also because of Yu Qian's order. But if it doesn't matter whether Du Hai dies or not, why did he kill Brother Du Hai? " Yun Zhi said. Chao Xing smiled bitterly: "Nephew, you are stupid again. Although Shang Wang is a bit perverted and has a very evil personality, he is still a man. He has never forgotten Du Hai's life-saving grace. Du Hai didn't have the ability you have now. Continued Although the art of fate is so powerful, he tried his best to save Shang Wu. If Du Hai had not died, would he have killed you when he besieged your Zhongzheng line? This is the cruelty of Yu Qian. He not only takes advantage of people's evil thoughts, He also wants to destroy the personal relationships between himself and his subordinates. Personal relationships are worthless to loyal ministers, but is a person who has no personal relationships still considered a human being? " Chao Xing paused and continued with a serious look on his face: "Nephew, I am actually a human being. Not only was I responsible for Du Hai's death, I also killed Xie Qi with my own hands. My uncle felt sorry for your Zhongzheng lineage, and now I am accompanying you on the road to revenge, but I always feel a little guilty when you succeed in the future. , I don¡¯t know how to face the Zhongzheng clan.¡± Lu Yunzhi saw Chao Xing¡¯s expression was a little gloomy, so he said: ¡°Uncle, they are very kind to me, they are my brothers, but you are my relative. You will know immediately which one is more important. Uncle, don't worry, if one day they don't tolerate you, your nephew will stand with your uncle." Chao Xing's eyes were a little wet. Although Lu Yunzhi's words were very simple, it was clear what he said. Revealing true feelings is what is in the heart. Chao Xing patted Lu Yunzhi on the shoulder and said, "Let's stop saying such disgusting words. By the way, I have actually seen this letter." "Where is it?" Lu Yunzhi asked. Chao Xing replied: "At that time, I was working together with the masters of the two veins of Shengling Wuchou, and we received the secret report in batches. Both myself and the master of Wuchou received this letter, but only the master of Shengling did not get this letter. The content is the same, so I guess this letter must have been sent to the Master of the Lifeline. Although he didn't receive the letter, it just said it was the Master of the Three Lines, referring to the three of us, so he went with us to besiege Du Hai. Yes. It was Du Hai who we killed.According to you, everyone in the Zhongzheng family is already aware of this matter, so what¡¯s the use of keeping this letter? Could it be that Ying Mei wants to drive a wedge between you and me? " Lu Yunzhi lowered his head and thought in silence. What is the role of this letter? Everyone in the Zhongzheng family knows it. By the way, there is one person who doesn't know. Countless things are connected in Lu Yunzhi's mind. The bronze square The Guyue Cup, the gold medal that is forever engraved on Zhongzheng, and this letter are evidence that Yu Qian ordered people to kill Du Hai. If Shang Wu is still eager for revenge, maybe he can alienate him from Yu Qian and open a rift within the enemy. It looked like this. After Lu Yunzhi told Chao Xing his thoughts, Chao Xing nodded in agreement and said, "It should look like this. As you said, you have the gold medal that will always be engraved on Zhongzheng, and the Guyue Cup. In Fang Qingze's hands, if he wanted to display this scene vividly in front of Shang Wang, the two must be combined into one. It seems that the arrangement we said before to find Fang Qingze will happen to come true. When the time comes, I will serve as a witness and the mirror image produced by the gold medal Guyue Cup will serve as physical evidence. I can't help but believe it. " "Exactly, it will soon be revealed that Yu Qian is the real culprit behind the scenes. It¡¯s just that this letter paper must be soaked in wine. It¡¯s inconvenient to carry it around. Let¡¯s put it in a wine bottle and then hide it in the brick wall of this room. What do you think? " Lu Yunzhi asked. Chao Xing nodded, and went out to arrange for people to prepare wine bottles and other items. Lu Yunzhi sat in the room, but secretly said: "What on earth is Yingmei going to do? What is the right thing to do to help me at this moment? Why, I really can't figure it out. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 60: Family Matters At dusk, a group of strong men were galloping on horseback. The leader was a burly man in his fifties with scars on his face. Next to him was a lean man in his thirties. He looked very elegant and elegant. There was a hint of heroism between the eyebrows. Needless to say, these two people were Chao Xing and Lu Yunzhi, and behind them were disciples of the Iron Sword lineage who were highly skilled in martial arts and had a unique ability to defeat ghosts. The surrounding densely forested area was crisscrossed with heights. A group of people chose the path between the two woods to run. Chao Xing said: "Nephew, if we go over these hills and go further, we will reach Shuanglongpo - the leopard's sphere of influence. At that time, Fang Qingze once wrote a letter, and the disciples I sent sent it out. When they arrived at the area mentioned by Fang Qingze, they could not find Leopard's village. Fang Qingze said that you only got acquainted with Leopard and Yingzi during the battle in this area. Just when my disciple decided to come back When he arrived, someone intercepted him. After asking about his purpose, he took the letter and left. According to the disciples, that person was quite arrogant and rude. "That's natural. We have always called these ghost eaters the soul eaters." The treatment we received was unfair, and it was normal for us to treat us coldly. I never understood this before, and thought that what Master said was right. I understand the grief and anger in Leopard's heart," Lu Yunzhi said with a sigh. After everyone walked for a while, they reached the high ground called Shuanglongpo. Lu Yunzhi was filled with emotion for a moment. He got off his horse and touched the soil on the ground and said, "My uncle was here. At that time, Leopard and Yingzi acted like horse bandits and attacked at night. Our mission to Timur's camp was meant to blame Timur for causing the civil war, and also to avenge the expulsion. But I didn't expect that Yingzi and I met and eventually got married. Alas, everything was a coincidence. Ah." Chao Xing also sighed and said to Lu Yunzhi: "Nephew, there is no need to be sad. We will find a way to recover Yingzi in the future. Then you can be reunited as husband and wife. But how do you plan to find Leopard? Just wait here." Lu Yunzhi stood up and smiled slightly, and said: "Uncle, they are ghost-eaters, and they are more capable of seeing the existence of ghosts than I am. Why don't we use ghosts as a weapon? The spirit lured them out." As he spoke, he escaped from his arms with several bamboo tubes, then sat cross-legged, took off the magic charms on the bamboo tubes, then pulled out the plugs of the bamboo tubes, and said the word "out" in his mouth. A large amount of gray-black smoke came out, and thousands of ghosts emerged from several bamboo tubes at the same time. Chao Xing sighed: "My nephew has already mastered the heart determination." An Iron Sword disciple approached Chao Xing and asked: "Master, what is the heart determination? How come Brother Lu can drive ghosts without even reciting the formula?" Coming out of the bamboo tube, could it be that this is the profoundness of the Zhongzheng lineage? "No, all people in heaven and earth, no matter which lineage, can chant the talisman in their hearts once they practice to a certain level, which is called the heart determination. There are only a few people who use mental determination, and as far as I know, too advanced runes cannot be recited with mental determination. I can't tell how far he has cultivated, and I don't know what the backlash of this art of heaven and earth has done to his body. How much influence did it have to make him advance so rapidly? " Lu Yunzhi stood up after all the ghosts were released. He raised his arms and saw the ghosts scattering in all directions. The scene was very spectacular for a moment, and then he turned around. He said to Chao Xing: "Uncle, I just suddenly discovered that I have mastered the determination a few days ago. Today I have the right to give it a try. At a critical moment, I don't dare to be so negligent. If the determination fails, that's not the case. "It's fun." Lu Yunzhi was chatting with Chao Xing and the disciples of the Iron Sword lineage. After a while, he saw a pair of people running from the distance. There were more than 300 people in the group. The ghosts jumped up from their horses in front of them, and they all rushed towards the ghosts on all fours and moved very quickly. Some knights jumped down, their bodies still in the air and waving their hands like claws of wild beasts, instantly tearing the ghosts' bodies apart. Some would just open their mouths and bite, then wave their heads and pull on the ghost's body, tearing off a large piece of it. None of the disciples of the Iron Sword lineage had ever seen the ghost-eating tribe hunting ghosts, and now they understood why the people of heaven and earth called the ghost-eating tribe soul-eating beasts. Chao Xing sighed: "These guys are really good at it. "Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and said: "That's natural, Yingzi's skills are not bad." After speaking, Lu Yunzhi quickly jumped on the horse's back, his body was so light that he was floating up like a feather. Chao Xing said hello and saw Lu Yunzhi standing on the horse with both legs upright. The horse still lowered its head and grazed as if it didn't notice. Lu Yunzhi released his life and roared: "Leopard, I am Lu Yunzhi, do you like the feast I brought to you?" There was a black-faced man in the crowd who was grabbing a ghost with one hand and swinging it back and forth with his head, biting. The ghost turned into pieces of gray-black smoke around his mouth and made a low whistle. Suddenly when he heard Lu Yunzhi's words, he raised his head and looked in the direction of the sound, and then ran quickly, talking incessantly. He shouted loudly, leaning forward with his arms open and swinging wildly, faster than the running speed of a horse. Those ghost-eating tribes no longer interact with ghosts and spirits.He yelled, "Protect the leader of the village." As he spoke, hundreds of people ran wildly to follow, while others got on their horses to catch up. For a while, the dust was flying and the momentum was majestic. Seeing Leopard and the others getting closer and closer, Chao Xing felt that these people were not as murderous as those who came to meet them, so he gave a low shout, and the disciples of the Iron Sword lineage held big swords in their hands to prepare for any changes that might happen at any time. I saw a few leopards leaping towards Lu Yunzhi. They squatted with their legs slightly bent and suddenly jumped up to grab Lu Yunzhi's face. Lu Yunzhi frowned slightly and stepped on the saddle with his feet and jumped back. go. The leopard stagnated in the air and exerted its strength on its waist. It then jumped forward one foot to catch up with Lu Yunzhi. When it closed its arms, its two hands, like sharp claws, slashed through Lu Yunzhi's clothes and immediately tore two holes in it. After Lu Yunzhi landed, he stood firm and said, "Leopard, why is this?" Leopard didn't answer, rubbed his body and started fighting again. Chao Xing saw that Lu Yunzhi didn't fight back and was in danger, so he was naturally worried about Fei Fei, so he held up his big sword and fought. About to step forward to help, Lu Yunzhi shouted: "Uncle, please don't interfere, this is a family matter between me and Leopard." Chao Xing naturally stopped after hearing this, but refused to put down the sword in his hand to prevent Lu Unexpectedly, Baozi's men rushed forward and wanted to surround Lu Yunzhi, Chao Xing and others. However, Baozi pointed at Lu Yunzhi, and then shouted to his men: "This is our family matter. "Look at those people, I'll take care of this bastard." After hearing what Leopard said, Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and stopped dodging, sitting cross-legged and looking at Leopard softly. However, the leopard roared and rushed to Lu Yunzhi, waving its arms and hitting Lu Yunzhi's temple with both hands. Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 61: High Tower in the Valley Lu Yunzhi watched the leopard's palms hit her temples on both sides of the head, but she did not dodge and still looked at the leopard with a smile in her eyes. Chao Xing was shocked and turned pale when he saw this. He immediately came to rescue him, but was stopped by the ghost-eating tribe next to him. The two sides immediately started fighting. When Leopard's hands were still one finger away from Lu Yunzhi's head, he suddenly turned his hands and swung upwards. At the same time, he raised his legs and kicked Lu Yunzhi. Although the kick missed the vital part of the chest, it was not light. Lu Yunzhi kicked him and rolled out. Leopard walked to Lu Yunzhi in rough clothes, pulled up Lu Yunzhi who was kicked to the ground, punched Lu Yunzhi hard and said: "You bastard, if my sister hadn't followed you, what would have happened?" She will end up like this. She didn't listen to me back then and insisted on finding you. She didn't know what you were good at. Put away your ghost and come back to the village with me." Lu Yunzhi covered the quilt. His chest was a little painful from the beating, and he felt determined in his heart. Suddenly the ghosts in the wilderness returned to the bamboo tube. "Isn't this determination? You still have some skills," Leopard said with a pout, then he got on the horse he had led and galloped away. Lu Yunzhi, Chao Xing and others also got on their horses and followed closely with whips raised. With. The horse galloped along a path in the mountains. The surrounding trees were extremely dense, and there might be branches crossing the road. In addition, there were many potholes on the ground and the horse's legs could easily be broken. If it weren't for the riding skills of Lu Yunzhi and others, If you are extremely good, you will really be thrown away by the leopard without a trace. The ghost-eating tribe, Lu Yunzhi and other horse teams of several hundred people moved quickly through the dense forest and took a sharp turn into a downhill depression. A huge hole appeared darkly in front of everyone. The leopard reined in the horse and turned around and said to Lu Yunzhi: "Lead the horse into the cave. There is no light in the cave and you can't see things and the road clearly. Every time you feel a bell, the bell will naturally ring. Then you turn right. Until you get out of the cave. Don't go straight ahead when you see the light at the exit. Keep going as long as you don't hit the bell, because there are countless crossbow traps in the dark, so you have to be careful." Lu Yunzhi nodded. Shows understanding. Chao Xing was instructing his disciples over and over again, and Baozi and others naturally walked in quickly, and after a cup of tea, they walked out of the cave. Chao Xing and Lu Yunzhi were both bold and not afraid as they were experts in arts. They walked lightly, which only made the Iron Sword disciples miserable. They walked cautiously on thin ice and were already covered in cold sweat when they walked out of the cave. People have an inexplicable fear of darkness, even the people of heaven and earth who deal with ghosts and spirits every day are no exception. Several people came out of the cave and looked up, only to see a scene like a paradise in front of them. Everything is in a valley. The valley is brightly lit with houses, water sources, and crops and livestock. It is simply a small kingdom outside the world. Leopard did not look back at Lu Yunzhi and others and just walked towards a tall tower in the center of the valley. Lu Yunzhi turned to Chao Xing and said, "Uncle, look at that high tower." Chao Xing carefully observed the tower and saw that the tower had nine floors in total. The whole body seemed to be made of mixed iron, and each floor There is a string of wind chimes hanging on every corner of the valley. The wind in the valley is not strong, probably because both sides are blocked, so there is no whistling breeze, but there is still a slight breeze, and the breeze blows through the valley. The wind chimes on the tower make crisp sounds in the wind. Suddenly the entire valley was enveloped in a beautiful and sweet sound. Chao Xing looked in a daze for a long time before saying to Lu Yunzhi: "I seem to have seen this tower somewhere before, but it is completely made of iron. It is really rare, but where did I see it? Lu Yunzhi replied in a low voice: "The soul-suppressing tower that Yu Qian is currently holding is the treasure of our Zhongzheng lineage. The shape of the soul-suppressing tower is exactly the same as this tower." Chao Xing said "ah" and suddenly realized, and just followed. As Leopard and the others moved forward, they kept observing the tower intently and refused to move their eyes for a long time. Lu Yunzhi quickly caught up with Baozi and asked: "Baozi, who built this iron tower?" Baozi shook his head, maybe still worried about Yingzi's matter, and said angrily: "I don't know either, you Ask me who will go, anyway, it was there when we came. Now it is my mansion. On weekdays, everyone gathers and discusses things in the tower. Let¡¯s sit down and talk. Don¡¯t starve to death after traveling all the way. Look. You have such a small body, why does my sister like you?" Lu Yunzhi laughed awkwardly and stopped answering. After entering the valley, the group of people led by Baozi dispersed and walked into the house on the roadside. Only a dozen ghost-eating tribe members were left who accompanied Lu Yunzhi and others into the iron tower. After entering the Iron Tower, Lu Yunzhi discovered that the space seemed even larger from the inside, and the walls of the Iron Tower were also engraved with circles of runes, which seemed to be ancient writings. Lu Yunzhi knew a little bit about it. He had recognized it when he was practicing the art of heaven and earth. He knew the pronunciation of the words, but he didn't know what the meaning was. He could only make guesses. Chao Xing walked to the wall, flicked it with his fingers and said to Lu Yunzhi: "Nephew, this iron tower is made of fine steel, and there are a lot of other metals mixed in it. I can't tell. In short, it's made"Art is very troublesome. And the most rare thing is that there is no connection between the walls at all. Just like what we saw outside just now, this tower seems to be really integrated. " Leopard snorted coldly and asked: "Who is this person? His research on iron tools is very advanced. Lu Yunzhi said hurriedly: "This is my uncle Chao Xing." "Baozi cupped his hands, clasped his fists and bowed his body slightly, and said, "Greetings to the old man. Chao Xing nodded and replied, "A strong man is very polite." "Both Chao Xing and Lu Yunzhi felt a little strange about Baozi's sudden submissive attitude. Lu Yunzhi said hurriedly: "Brother Baozi, you are doing well recently. "Baozi snorted coldly, and his attitude became extremely cold and said: "Senior Chao is the elder. Logically, I have to call your uncle uncle, but you want to get close to me. "Although Leopard said he was unforgiving, he had already recognized Lu Yunzhi as his brother-in-law through Chao Xing's identity. Tables, chairs and other items were placed on the first floor of the iron tower, which looked decent, and he was in the hall. What he found was a huge desk and a large chair with a wide seat. Leopard walked over and sat on the chair, waved his hand and said, "Sit down. "His men made way for Lu Yunzhi and Chao Xing to take the honorable seats on the left. After the two were seated, the Iron Sword disciples were allowed to sit behind the table on the right. Several people who had followed Baozi in sat beside each other. , one of them walked out and asked for wine and food. When Baozi saw everyone sitting down, he said to Lu Yunzhi: "Back then, my sister only left me a letter and then went to find you. What did she say that day?" You interceded for us two brothers and sisters and saved our lives. She went to repay the favor. In fact, I have long seen that this little girl has a crush on you. Now you should tell me what happened to Yingzi. Is she okay now? " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 62: It¡¯s a Deed Lu Yunzhi sighed and started talking. Yingzi rescued them in a deserted village shop and started talking. Then the two went through many difficulties and finally got married. However, they were robbed on their wedding night, and then fled to the world. Finally, Yingzi Yu Qian lost his life under the soul-suppressing tower, and then he saved Yingzi's life, so he had no choice but to part ways. Chao Xing added in a heavy tone that he sent Yingzi to a family named Tang in Xuzhou. Chao Xing once saved the life of the male owner of that family. Later, when the family became rich, he never forgot his old feelings and was always grateful. He will definitely do well in the future. Treating Yingzi. By the way, Chao Xing mentioned to Baozi the other wife Lu Yunzhi said, which was Mr. Shi's granddaughter, Shi Yuting, who was kidnapped during a night raid on the military camp on the night Baozi Yingzi first met Lu Yunzhi. Chao Xing said that Shi Yuting's parents died unexpectedly. Shi Wentian, Lin Qianru and his wife tried their best to resist Shang Wang's pursuers, allowing Shi Yuting to run out, but her whereabouts are still unknown. There was silence in the room. The reason why Chao Xing mentioned this was to let Leopard understand Lu Yunzhi's inner pain. On the way, Lu Yunzhi learned about what happened to Shi Wentian and his wife. Although Lu Yunzhi, his father-in-law and mother-in-law, were not the same. Biological parents generally love her, but they still have strong feelings after all. Even if Shi Wentian betrayed his trust and took Shi Yuting away from everyone, Lu Yunzhi never said a slanderous word. It's just that Lu Yunzhi is sad that Shi Wentian and his wife did not give Shi Yuting the right to choose her own life, but once again stunned Shi Yuting. However, Lu Yunzhi herself is not sure whether Shi Yuting will be as sweet as Yingzi even if she follows him. As for eliminating jade losses, do I have the ability to save two people at the same time? Lu Yunzhi didn't know, he just hoped that Yingzi and Shi Yuting would be safe and he was satisfied. Baozi was silent for a long time and sighed and said: "So after you extend Yingzi's life, your appearance will become like that of a man in his thirties, right?" Lu Yunzhi nodded, Baozi stood up and suddenly clasped his fists He bowed his head and said thanks: "Thank you." Lu Yunzhi hurriedly stepped forward, held Leopard's shoulders and said, "We don't need to say this, we are a family, and you are my brother-in-law." Hearing the word "brother-in-law" The two burst out laughing. The atmosphere suddenly changed from deathly silence to cheerfulness, and everyone let go of their sadness. After all, they were still alive. At this time, the food and drinks were served. Lu Yunzhi, Chao Xing and others were really hungry, so they started to wolf down the food. Lu Yunzhi had been with Qu Xiangtian, Fang Qingze and other alcoholics since he was a child, and his drinking capacity was not bad, which was unexpected. Leopard's surprise. Chao Xing was rough and arrogant, Lu Yunzhi was also weak and leopard was like a bandit, and the few of them drank with great joy. Leopard hugged Lu Yunzhi's neck and said to Chao Xing: "Uncle, Lu Yunzhi can't go to see Yingzi. I can. You tell me where the family named Tang is in Xuzhou. I want to find my sister." Lu Yun Zhi pushed away Leopard's thick arm and said: "Of course it's not possible. We can't let her have any connection with the past. If her two lives overlap and she becomes deranged, it will be troublesome." Hearing this, Leopard changed his usual fierce appearance. , cried bitterly: "Does this mean I will never be able to see my sister?" "Don't worry, Baozi, I will find other ways to help Yingzi recover his previous memories in the future, and avoid the overlap of two lives. Not only you I miss her, I miss her too." Lu Yunzhi's eyes were wet even as he breathed out the alcohol. The leopard shouted: "Then go quickly, I will go with you to find a way." Lu Yunzhi raised his neck like a wine glass, drank the wine in the glass and said: "What can I do now even if there is a way? I can't live this life of escape. I think it won't be long before Yu Qian arrests people from all over the world. Then there will be another bloody storm. Only by overthrowing Yu Qian can we be safe and sound. This is the first priority now. Yingzi is now like this. It's a good thing that I have nothing to do with her." "Dang", Leopard stood up and slammed the wine glass to the ground. Suddenly the wine glass shattered into a pile of magnetic fragments: "Damn it, brother-in-law, you give the order. We, the Ghost Eaters, are at your disposal." Lu Yunzhi stood up, stretched out his right hand and said, "It's a deal!" "It's a deal!" Leopard replied drunkenly, and then he also extended his right hand. High fived Lu Yunzhi and made an oath. The meal lasted until the sky was bright. Everyone drank a lot and fell into a drowsy sleep. Lu Yunzhi didn't even know how he fell asleep on the bed, but when he opened his eyes, he found that he was It is like a guest room in a folk house. Lu Yunzhi stood up and found a pile of dried meat porridge waiting for him to eat. Lu Yunzhi continued to inspect the room. There was a basin of water in the corner, so he freshened up and ate the food before opening the door. Outside the door was a small courtyard full of flowers and plants, which was quite beautiful. He lived in a main hall, I guess. It occupies the master's bedroom. Lu Yunzhi had already heard a slight noise outside the door, so he clasped his fists apologetically and said, "Thank you for your hospitality, brother. Why don't you show up and get together? How can I thank you while hiding outside the door?" As soon as he finished speaking, there was only one person in sight. A person walks in from the outside of the earth wall, turns around, rolls his feet, and then stands up. His movements are clean and neat.??A man of great skill. Lu Yunzhi shouted hello, then clasped his fists and asked, "What do you call me, brother?" "Just call me Xiaoliu." The man smiled and felt a little embarrassed. Lu Yunzhi asked: "Your skills are really good. Thank you for your hospitality." The man named Xiaoliu said: "My skills are still average and inferior among our ghost-eating tribe. By the way, sir, Zhai The Lord said that he will ask you to go to the tower after you wake up. He has something important to discuss with you. "Thank you," Lu Yunzhi said with a fist and walked towards the tower. Lu Yunzhi didn¡¯t know the road in this valley at all, but the tower was extremely tall. As long as he looked at the direction of the tower, he would not get lost. Although the valley is not wide, it is extremely deep. Although Lu Yunzhi is not at the farthest end, he seems to be very close to the tower. It took him two or three sticks of incense to reach the tower. Leopard gasped at the door and saw Lu Yunzhi grinning, with a touch of small white teeth showing on his big black face. Although he was tough, he was also somewhat frank. Lu Yunzhi walked up and teased: "You drank too much last night, your eyes were swollen when you didn't wake up." Leopard lightly punched Lu Yunzhi and retorted: "You don't Yes!" The two walked into the tower laughing and joking. After yesterday's long conversation, the two of them had Yingzi as a bond, and they instantly became intimate. Chao Xing had been sitting in the tower for a long time. He was closing his eyes to rest. When he heard Lu Yunzhi and Baozi walking in, he opened his eyes and said, "Baozi, Yunzhi is here too. You came to us in such a hurry today." , what¡¯s going on?¡± Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 63: The Road of the Ghost-Eating Clan Chao Xing didn't understand that before he had rested, Baozi hurriedly asked him and Lu Yun why they had come here, but he heard Baozi ask with a look of disbelief on his face: "Didn't you say yesterday that you wanted to settle accounts with Yu Qian? Let's discuss it for a while. Let's go." Lu Yunzhi was stunned and said, "Bao Zi, you mean to go directly to Beijing to fight for him." Bao Zi chuckled: "Of course not, I am so stupid. Use guerrilla warfare to consume the enemy's strength, and finally go straight to Huanglong. No matter how powerful Yu Qian is, he will be captured. " "Haha, Leopard, you still think of Yu Qian too simply. There is a country behind him to overthrow him. It's not something he can do easily, we need to take a long-term approach," Lu Yunzhi said, dumbfounded. Leopard touched his head, sat on the ground a little frustrated and said, "Just do what you say." Leopard and Qin Rufeng have somewhat similar personalities. They are both good at fighting and leading troops. They have extremely irritable personalities and they are both bloody men. However, Planning a strategy is a bit worse. Although they are similar, there are slight differences in their personalities. Qin Rufeng is irritable with a hint of vanity. He cares more about what others think of him but likes to pretend to be indifferent. The leopard, on the other hand, appears to be ruthless and cold-blooded, but is actually child-like with a lot of frankness. This may be due to the isolation of this peach-like valley from the world. Lu Yunzhi took a breath, sat cross-legged for a moment, and regained most of his energy. Then he asked: "Leopard, since you are here, tell us about this valley and the iron tower. To be honest, this iron tower is very similar." I don¡¯t think this is a coincidence as to the structure of our Zhongzheng lineage¡¯s soul-suppressing treasure. In addition, what you said yesterday about the iron tower being there when you entered the valley makes me even more suspicious.¡± Leopard. After hearing this, he nodded and said: "That's true. Let me first talk about the origin of this valley. It's called Shuanglong Valley, so it got its name because it's next to Shuanglong Slope. When I was young, we were attacked by the people of Tiandi in the northwest region. The rejection escalated from a quarrel to a fight. In the end, we were outnumbered and they were no match, so we killed one person among the many people. So several branches of the Heaven and Earth people nearby sent out a request for help from the Zhongzheng lineage. And we sought support from the people of heaven and earth. My father was the leader of the ghost-eating tribe at that time, so he took us to move to more remote places. We were not afraid of the people of heaven and earth, but if all the branches worked together to deal with us, we might perish. We have been keeping our names incognito to preserve our traditions. Hundreds of years ago, Xing Wen, the ancestor of your people in heaven and earth, hunted us down, which made our strength worse than before. Some traitors from the ghost-eating tribe in southern Xinjiang also threw themselves into heaven and earth. We are no longer a true ghost-eating tribe. Our migration was not to escape but to better counterattack. When we fled to Shuanglongpo, we happened to reach the top of this mountain and discovered the black hole where we entered the valley. " His throat was a little dry, so he coughed twice and ran out. After a while, he brought a bottle of water and took a sip and handed it to Lu Yunzhi. Then he said: "I'm dying of thirst. We ghost-eaters are not you." As you imagine, we can only live by eating ghosts. Yesterday, you also saw that we drank wine and ate meat. It doesn't matter if we don't eat ghosts when Yingzi is with you. It's just that we are born with a murderous intention towards ghosts. I can't help but want to kill and devour them. I think this may be related to the fact that our ancestors went crazy and swallowed ghosts. In short, this is the nature flowing in our blood. We can eat ghosts once and still be strong for several days without eating. And people who have tried the ghost smell once will never be able to get rid of this feeling. In addition to receiving some training from childhood, we also have to soak our eyes and hands with potions, and practice eagle claws and tiger claws to ensure our health. The hands are strong and powerful. Soaking the eyes is to observe those weak ghosts more intuitively. The main reason why people in heaven and earth call us soul-eating beasts is that in addition to using our hands, we also use our teeth to bite. Ghosts, they think we are extremely barbaric, which is even more unfavorable for reincarnation. But who can say clearly whether ghosts can be reincarnated? This is just a hypocrite's excuse for our killing. Let's not talk about this issue and continue talking about us. Right. Our teeth were soaked in potions, and later we also carved talismans on them. Later, for the sake of beauty, we invented micro-carvings on the teeth, so that the talismans were not visible. "Leopard. As he spoke, he rushed towards Lu Yunzhi with a grin on his face and asked Lu Yunzhi to observe his teeth. Lu Yunzhi still has some understanding of the ghost-eating tribe, and has used this opportunity to carefully observe Yingzi's teeth. However, Yingzi's explanation was not as detailed as what Leopard said. At this moment, he wanted to observe it more carefully. As soon as Lu Yunzhi put his head to the leopard's mouth, the leopard suddenly let out a wine burp, which made Lu Yunzhi retreat continuously. However, Leopard seemed to have succeeded in his conspiracy and burst into laughter. Lu Yunzhi couldn't help but cover his nose with his sleeves and said: "Leopard, you are so vulgar, this is unreasonable." "You acted like a reckless man when you were drinking at the table yesterday. You are also a martial artist on the battlefield.A strong military commander, now he has become a rotten scholar. You are so changeable. No wonder my sister likes you. You are so fun, so fun. Leopard laughed and said, "No more making trouble, I will continue talking." We fled to Shuanglongpo and found this black hole, and there were many ghosts guarding the entrance. They were all earth-bound spirits. They were sealed at the entrance of the cave and could not move forward or retreat, so they guarded the entrance. We were tired, lacked food and clothing, and were melancholy when we saw so many ghosts. Naturally, we would not let them go, so we killed them all. After devouring them, we regained our energy. After we had rested, my father sent someone to explore the cave and discovered the canyon. Although the cave was twists and turns, it was not dangerous, so we all entered the cave and built these houses, planted flowers, trees, crops, and raised livestock. Livestock dug wells to provide water and people lived here. My father also ordered people to arrange various mechanisms along the black hole to prevent people from the world from accidentally finding us. Anyone who doesn't know the path will definitely die if they enter. Even if we hold a torch and a lantern and enter the cave, we cannot find these hidden mechanisms. Although these houses were built by us, when we entered the valley, we found the iron tower where we are now standing, just as it looks now. Generally, we pushed open the door effortlessly, and it was empty inside. Although the first floor was empty, there was another door on the second floor. We tried several times but could not open the door. After studying it for a long time, my father established the clan rules and told us that we were not allowed to open that door. There must be a big secret behind the door, which would bring death to the ghost-eating clan. From then on, the secret inside that door was buried. . Later, we got used to it. Anyway, the first floor was big enough for us to gather, so there was no need to make trouble. " "Well, what happens next? " Lu Yunzhi asked. Leopard replied: "Later, my father and my mother encountered evil spirits outside and died in battle. At that time, Yingzi was still young and I was not old, so we were among the clan members. As I grew up slowly with the help of others, I was elected as the leader of the clan. After that, I established the village, and naturally became the village leader. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 64: Becoming a Teacher for a Day "Zhai Master, by the way, when you and I met yesterday, your tribesmen called you Village Master. I was wondering how you became the Village Master, but Yingzi never mentioned it to me." Lu Yunzhi asked with some confusion. road. Leopard smiled awkwardly and said: "Every man has a bandit dream in his heart, haha, and I am no exception. As for Yingzi, she has always been ashamed of me for changing the ghost-eating tribe into a copycat model, so naturally she will not mention it to you. "Oh, what's the name of your village?" Lu Yunzhi asked with interest. Chao Xing burst out laughing, making Lu Yunzhi and Bao Zi confused. Leopard is Lu Yunzhi's brother-in-law, so naturally he has to address Lu Yunzhi: "Uncle, what are you laughing at?" "I'm laughing at Lu Yunzhi's question. You ghost-eating tribe are all straight-tempered. The valley next to Shuanglongpo It¡¯s called Shuanglong Valley, and the village in Shuanglong Valley must be called Shuanglong Village without even thinking about it,¡± Chao Xing said with a smile. Leopard's eyes widened and he said with some surprise: "My uncle is so powerful. He is so clever and clever. My village is called Shuanglong Village. Don't you think it makes sense? Look" Leopard was still chattering. , Lu Yunzhi covered his ears and ran away. Lu Yunzhi walked to the wall and carefully observed the rune patterns, turning a deaf ear to the conversations and laughter of Leopard and Chao Xing. Suddenly, he seemed to understand something. He just thought about it carefully. After two cups of tea, it wasn't until Leopard patted his shoulder from behind that Lu Yunzhi sighed dejectedly: "This ancient writing is really difficult. , I went back and forth several times but couldn¡¯t form a decent paragraph.¡± ¡°Where should we go next?¡± Chao Xing asked. Lu Yunzhi thought for a while and replied: "Let's rest for a few days, and then we go to find my second brother. Leopard, will you come with us?" Leopard's head shook like a wavy drum: "I won't go. , I hate the people of the Murong family, they are all evil creatures born against the principles of ethics." On the night before Baozi fought with Lu Yunzhi and other people of heaven and earth, the Murong family had said that they would take Baozi and Yingzi to do research. , Baozi didn't have a good impression of the Murong family in the first place, and because of that incident, he had settled a bit of a grudge, so he naturally refused to go to Timur's Murong family's territory now. Lu Yunzhi is no longer the ignorant young man he once was. Naturally, he understood what Leopard was thinking, so he said: "Okay, Leopard, you and I will discuss more plans for the future in the past few days. From now on, we should follow the plan step by step and don't mess up the plan. We will finalize the plan." I'll go to Timur again." Baozi and Chao Xing agreed, so everyone began to make detailed plans. At this moment, outside a farmhouse in Changsha, a lean man was sitting on a bench, looking at a pot of medicine on the small stove in front of him. The herb has a pungent taste, which makes people feel bitter even before they drink it. The man was looking at the medicine in the pot and weaving a straw basket in his hand. A chubby woman walked to the door of the courtyard and said to the man in the courtyard: "Xiao Han, is your father feeling better?" The man raised his head. Lai smiled, her eyes as bright as stars and captivating: "Aunt Zhang, my dad is much better. You have to help me sell these straw baskets at the next market, and help me buy some medicine. My dad is really busy here. I can¡¯t leave. I still have to worry about selling baskets.¡± ¡°No problem, don¡¯t be polite to me. Hey, what a filial child. My son should grow up to be like you and never forget the kindness of his parents. I'm so relieved." said the fat woman named Aunt Zhang. The muscular man smiled and exchanged greetings with the fat woman. After the woman left, he picked up the medicine pot with a cloth on it, poured the thick concoction inside into a bowl, and walked into the room with the bowl in hand. middle. A man was lying on the bed. His whole body was covered with white gauze. The gauze was very clean and seemed to be changed frequently. Only his eyes and mouth were exposed outside the gauze. Suddenly he spoke: "Yueqiu, it was that guy again just now." Fat lady, she is such a kind person and has helped us a lot. We must remember to repay her in the future." The strong man took the medicine, picked up a small spoon from the table in the room, and inserted it into the bowl. Stirring the medicine on the ground to make the medicine cool faster, he replied: "Master, you can rest in peace and recover." The strong man was Han Yueqiu, the second senior brother of Zhongzheng lineage, and the person lying on the bed was Shi Fang, the leader of the lineage. On the night of the wedding of Lu Yunzhi and Qu Xiangtian, the Zhongzheng family encountered a catastrophe. When Mr. Shi broke out of the encirclement, he risked his life to save Han Yueqiu and used earth-bending skills, but was plotted by Cheng Fangdong. Cheng Fangdong used the spiritual fire technique to insert his hand into Mr. Shi's body, and broke Mr. Shi's spine. Mr. Shi relied on his strong will and the backlash support of the earth-controlling technique to prevent him from falling immediately, and persisted in helping Han Yueqiu get out of trouble. . But the spiritual fire technique was so powerful that the flames spread from the wound and burned all over Mr. Shi's body. In addition, the spinal cord was damaged and Mr. Shi was paralyzed. Han Yueqiu tried his best to fight his way out of the siege with Mr. Shi on his back. Under his careful care, Mr. Shi saved his life. The two of them had no money, and Han Yueqiu was not ashamed to rob the house, and did not want to set up a stall to tell fortunes, so he worked as a small worker to make ends meet along the way. In order not to attract the attention of the enemy, the two of them treated each other like father and son on the road.He said that a fire accidentally broke out in his home and Mr. Shi was burned. The two of them came to the outside of Changsha, found an idle farmhouse, and became neighbors with the fat woman, Aunt Zhang. Han Yueqiu scooped up a spoonful of medicine and blew it to cool down before feeding it to Mr. Shi's mouth. Mr. Shi took a sip and said, "Yueqiu, we still don't know who the big brother who talks and organizes Shang Huan is. , and not only Lu Yunzhi, Qu Xiangtian and others, I can't find a trace, but I can't even find a trace of Yu Ting and the others. Could it be that something unexpected happened to them? "Ahem, cough, cough." After speaking, the potion choked in his throat, and Mr. Shi kept coughing. Han Yueqiu quickly brought a square towel and wiped the choked potion from the corner of Mr. Shi's mouth. Mr. Shi coughed a few times and gradually calmed down. His eyes were full of despair and he said: "Look, Master, I am really useless. I have harmed everyone as if I were dead." "I'm in jail. Hey, Yueqiu, you've always taken care of me. It's really hard for you." Han Yueqiu smiled bitterly and replied, "Master, don't say that. As the saying goes, a good day will last a lifetime." As a father, a man should do this. There is no need to worry about my junior brothers. Maybe they have met and are looking for us. You can't guess that you should be happy. It means that they are now highly skilled, and maybe Lu Yunzhi still has it. This kid is very talented in this area so that no one can trace their traces." Han Yueqiu stood up after feeding Mr. Shi the last few decoctions and said to Mr. Shi, "Take good care of your injuries and rest for a while. "I'll go to work for a while and then come back. Let's have something good tonight." After saying that, he turned and went out, closing the door behind Han Yueqiu. At the same time, a tear fell from the corner of Mr. Shi's eyes on the bed. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 65: Samarkand Lu Yunzhi and Chao Xingqi waved goodbye to the leopard's leaving figure on horseback. Before that, they discussed it for several days and made detailed arrangements, which echoed the agreement between Lu Yunzhi and Gui Wu and formed A complete plan. Lu Yunzhi was full of confidence in this plan, thinking that it would not take long to break into the capital and revive the Zhongzheng line. Leopard sent Lu Yunzhi and others to the border of Timur. They were still a few miles away from Timur's border post before returning. In the past few days, they had been talking and planning, sleeping, eating and living together. After spending time together day and night, his relationship with Lu Yunzhi deepened day by day, and with Yingzi's relationship as a bond, the two of them were now in the same spirit. Lu Yunzhi, Chao Xing and other members of the Iron Sword lineage bid farewell to Leopard and continued walking for a few days before arriving at Samarkand, the capital of Timur. This place is no longer what it was like when Lu Yunzhi first came here. The feeling of a prairie city has long gone, and it seems as lively as a capital city. Lu Yunzhi smiled at Chao Xing and said: "Originally, the name Samarkand means fertile land, and the echoes here are mixed with indigenous languages. But now you see, this is not only a fertile land, but also a prosperous land. , people of all colors were talking in various languages, it seems that the second brother¡¯s energy is really quite big.¡± Lu Yunzhi and others walked to the road, and a shy man dressed as a businessman was in a shop on the side of the road. He walked out, turned around and said to the shopkeeper: "Hurry up and prepare a batch of black yarn. Tianfang needs more than a thousand pieces. These bastards are really black-hearted. They won't give you the full payment and only give you a deposit. I have already received the deposit. I want to You want to play the trick of selling the goods first and paying later. Otherwise, you can raise the price by another 10% and let us participate in the sales and transactions. Otherwise, we will not sell it and we will not pay the deposit. Retreat and be more confident. They don't dare to do anything to you. With us supporting you, how dare these people make mistakes?" The shopkeeper was a dark-skinned Tianzhu man. After hearing what the businessman said, he laughed and said, "That's right. Of course, second shopkeeper, please rest assured, I will do a good job at this time." Although this shopkeeper is from Tianzhu, he speaks fluent Chinese. Lu Yunzhi looked at the shop and smiled, knowing that this was also a subsidiary of Fang Qingze, the shopkeeper. It must be Fang Qingze's subordinate. Because there is a small fingerprint on the corner of the plaque of that silk and satin shop, and there is a faint smell of spices on the plaque. This is the identification method that Fang Qingze once mentioned on the way to escape, and Lu Yunzhi still remembers it. The shy man with a big belly was lecturing the shopkeeper. After hearing the answer, he nodded and turned around to leave. He walked very quickly and bumped into Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi turned sideways to avoid but still rubbed shoulders. Yunzhi said quickly: "I'm sorry, brother." The man turned around and glanced at Lu Yunzhi and said with a smile: "It's okay, it's okay. I was walking carelessly. I still have some things to deal with, so let's just say goodbye. "The shopkeeper called him the second shopkeeper. He was supposed to be a high-ranking person, but he had no airs at all and had a great attitude. Lu Yunzhi watched the man turn and leave, but he smiled slightly and stopped moving forward, as if he expected that the man would come back soon. Sure enough, the man took two steps and suddenly said "Ah", turned his head, his eyes blurred for an instant, and shouted: "Lu Yunzhi, Lu Shudan heard that you are getting older, why are you like this?" "Yes." He quickly stepped forward and hugged Lu Yunzhi, shaking Lu Yunzhi excitedly. Lu Yunzhi chuckled and said: "It doesn't matter. A real man stands in the world, so why bother to change his appearance. But Brother Snake, you have changed so much. Diao Shanshe, who was thin back then, turned into a potbellied one. What a fortune." Sex bites people's bones, you have been led astray by Fang Qingze. "It turns out that the person just now was Diao Shanshe, the "Snake Brother" who was once the eighteenth brother, Lu Yunzhi, and his third wife. Diao Shanshe wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes, took Lu Yunzhi's arm and walked forward, saying: "Let's go to the big shopkeeper, bah, go to his big shopkeeper, go to Fang Qingze." Lu Yunzhi has never felt so good. It was easy, but when I saw Diao Shanshe, my heart was no longer heavy and I felt happy. This is the feeling that Diao Shanshe brings to him. Although his body shape has changed, he is still his "Brother Snake". This intimacy has never changed. Lu Yunzhi and others followed Diao Shanshe, laughing and joking all the way to a large bank, turned around the counter and walked into the inner hall. On an unusually large table were stacks of notebooks like a mountain. A huge and fat body was sitting behind it, constantly fiddling with an abacus that was larger than the tabletop. The two ends of the abacus protruded from the two ends of the table. Just put on the table. In addition to dialing the abacus, the man also picked up the pen from time to time to write a few strokes in the open book. Lu Yunzhi opened a book stacked on it, which was full of various accounts. It was estimated that there were thousands of these account books, and they were everywhere on the table on the ground. The man who lowered his head to do the accounting was Lu Yunzhi¡¯s sworn brother Fang Qingze. Fang Qingze heard someone coming.?I also felt that the man picked up an account book, frowned slightly but did not raise his head. He just kept fiddling with the abacus and said: "If you have something to say, leave if you have nothing to do. Do you have any rules? Put down the account book." "This is called What kind of abacus is this?" Lu Yunzhi asked with a smile in his eyes. Fang Qingze still didn't raise his head, his brows furrowed even more and he angrily said: "The great abacus of the King of Hell can calculate the world's accounts. I wonder if you have" Fang Qingze suddenly raised his head because he used too much force. All the account books in front of him were pushed to the ground, and he kept shouting: "Third brother, third brother, you are here." However, after shouting, he froze there and looked at Lu Yun in front of him. Lu Yunzhi looked like he was getting older and the years had passed, and he couldn't help but tremble a little. He stretched out his hand to touch Lu Yunzhi's gray temples. Lu Yunzhi laughed loudly and said, "Second brother, what are you doing? Meeting brothers is a happy thing, but it makes the atmosphere so sad. I'm hungry. Please take me to eat." Fang Qingze paused. After a pause, Lao Yao moved his arms and patted Lu Yunzhi on the shoulder and said: "You're right, don't be sad anymore. Let's go and have a drink. I miss you so much. The eldest brother knows the news about you. I'm going to I have asked the people over at Annan to convey this to my eldest brother. You don¡¯t know, but eldest brother is very prosperous over there. Let¡¯s go and talk about it at the wine table. Third brother, hey, why don¡¯t you say this. I am your second brother, and others think you are my eldest brother. " "Second brother, you are talking nonsense again, you still haven't changed at all." Lu Yunzhi followed Fang Qingze out with a smile, but have they really not changed? ? Changed, everyone has changed after such a hardship. But they themselves are completely unaware of this change, perhaps only the bystanders know it. Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 66: History Repeats Itself After Lu Yunzhi and Fang Qingze talked about what happened to them before and the arrangements they planned in the future, they laughed heartily. Because what the other party did was excellent, they became more confident in overthrowing Yu Qian's organization. . Lu Yunzhi said: "My side has united the forces of Leopard and Mongolian ghost witches. Second brother, you already know the specific arrangements. However, I am a little worried about whether the eldest brother will unite because of me after the Zhongzheng line is revitalized in the future. You blame me for being a ghost." Fang Qingze looked at Lu Yunzhi's silence and suddenly laughed and said: "Third brother, you have grown up and know how to look forward and look back. Yours, you are all for the great cause of revenge. Besides, for a soldier like Brother, as long as the military strategy is correct, there is nothing to blame. We are brothers. Even if everyone in the world blames you and opposes you, we will stand by you. You have the support behind you." Lu Yunzhi also smiled slightly when he heard this, raised his glass to Fang Qingze, and drank it all in one gulp. "Wait a moment, second brother, let me make some calculations and see where the master, his old man, and the second senior brother are. I have calculated their whereabouts before, but at that time I was too busy to take care of the master, so I didn't mention it. . Now that our plan has been completed, it¡¯s time to take Master to our side and take good care of it.¡± After Lu Yunzhi finished speaking, he started fiddling with the wine glass. The tall grass and trees were all hexagram tools. The calculation is the same no matter what tool you use as a tool. Fang Qingze stood aside and kept mumbling: "Look at my third brother, you didn't tell me such good news earlier. It's great that Master is fine." Lu Yunzhi calculated for a moment and said to Fang Qingze: "Master and Second Brother is in a farmhouse in Dongbali outside Changsha Prefecture. Second Brother, please quickly send someone to search for him, and then take Master to Timur to recuperate. After we capture the capital, you can take Master back to Beijing. But you can take care of Master's condition. Be mentally prepared. He is now physically disabled and has severe burns all over his body. He needs to be taken good care of after he comes. " "That's natural, Brother Snake. Send someone to send a letter to the merchants in Changsha Prefecture and ask them to find the master quickly. Send Master to Timur properly, oh by the way, you should go too. Otherwise, if the second senior brother refuses to come if you are suspicious, it will be troublesome," Fang Qingze said to Diao Shanshe. Diao Shanshe drank a glass of wine, wiped his mouth and said cheerfully: "Don't worry, I will definitely bring Master back. I'm leaving now!" He stood up and walked out the door. Fang Qingze shouted to Diao Shanshe: "Brother Snake, take care along the way." Diao Shanshe replied without turning his head: "I understand, I'll take a full bodyguard before leaving." Lu Yunzhi looked at Diao Shanshe leaving. The figure from behind asked: "Second brother, let's go and see your soldiers too. I want to see how powerful they are. This group of men, horses and leopard ghost-eating tribes are a group of our surprise soldiers. They will stir up a storm in the northwest." ." Fang Qingze nodded, and Fang Luchao and the other three walked out together and headed towards the Fanbing camp on the outskirts of Samarkand. On the way, Fang Qingze turned his head and asked Lu Yunzhi: "Third brother, what should we do next, and what is Yu Qian's next move?" "Yu Qian has recovered from his serious injury, and all the people under his command have perished. , I think he was reserving his strength a few days ago, and wanted to launch a second siege against us Heaven and Earth people, but this time I think the main target is not us, but us, the main line of Heaven and Earth people. Naturally, they were attacked first, but other branches are also a thorn in Yu Qian's side. No one can say whether a powerful branch will appear in a few years to replace the Zhongzheng line and dominate the world. Therefore, Yu Qian. There will definitely be a large-scale search for people with strange behaviors in the world, and I think this situation will continue for one to two years and become more and more intense." Lu Yunzhi said with a smile on his face, as if Yu Qian had fallen into his own trap. Fang Qingze frowned and nodded and said: "This makes sense. After all, Yao Guangxiao's note said 'Destroy the world and wipe out Zhongzheng'. I think not only the Zhongzheng line but other branches are also doomed. In fact, the encirclement and suppression of us a few days ago In the process, Shang Wang, Cheng Fangdong and others wiped out many small branches along the way. This is what I learned later. Now everyone in the world is panicked, fearing that they will be the next to be wiped out. Some are sitting back and waiting for death, while others are running away in panic. Among the people, but as you said before, Yu Qian is not only highly skilled but also uses the shadow charm. I think those branches are destined to be in power." Lu Yunzhi smiled again and replied: "That's why Yu Qian is so good. One night when the entire Zhongzheng branch was celebrating my wedding to my eldest brother, they suddenly launched an attack and pursued us relentlessly to kill us all. This was just to create such a situation where we would be without a leader. If we attack other branches first, Or our Zhongzheng line still retains considerable strength and will definitely gather all its branches to fight. The power at that time cannot be underestimated. Therefore, if the snake hits seven inches, the Zhongzheng line is the heart of the people of heaven and earth. If the heart is injured, the limbs will be damaged. "That's all." "Then we need to assist other branches now? Is it possible to summon all the branches now?"?Launch our attack on the capital in advance and overthrow Yu Qian's forces as soon as possible. "Fang Qingze said. Lu Yunzhi shook his head: "We are standing still now. "Why?" "Fang Qingze was puzzled. "Now our strength has greatly increased, but it is a world of difference compared to Yu Qian. Once we launch a counterattack, it will be equivalent to starting a war against the entire Ming Dynasty. Not to mention that the people are trapped in the dire straits of the war, and our current military strength cannot compete with it in terms of strength alone. Furthermore, our Zhongzheng lineage has been defeated not long ago. It is useless to summon the rest of the world now, and it is easy to attract Yu Qian's attention and annihilate us with all his strength. Then all our previous efforts to escape will be in vain. In fact, this is Yu Qian's weakness. He is too eager for success, and everything is just a repeat of history. Lu Yunzhi said calmly, but Fang Qingze still didn't quite understand and asked: "History is repeating itself. How do you talk about this?" " "Isn't the demise of the Yuan Dynasty caused by the ghosts and witches who were eager for success and vigorously wiped out the people of heaven and earth in the world? When Yu Qian does this, everyone in the world will share the same hatred and point their swords at Yu Qian. Yu Qian seems to have weakened the power of heaven, earth and people, but this is not the case. What he destroyed was only the weak branches that were left useless. The truly powerful experts will not be killed by his minions. When the time comes that we maintain enough power, we will naturally have countless capable men and warriors to rely on, and our own strength will also be It increased significantly, which was exactly the same as the situation at the end of the Yuan Dynasty. Secondly, the reason why I say that one thing will disappear is because Yu Qian is a loyal minister, and his strength is only supported by the entire Ming Dynasty. He does not have his own secret power. Both military strength and national strength can only be reduced in this annihilation. Losses cannot grow in the opposite direction. By then, we will be even stronger. Sitting on the mountain and watching the fight between tigers and tigers at this moment will be of indescribable benefit to our great cause of revenge in the future. " Lu Yunzhi looked into Fang Qingze's eyes and said meaningfully. Fang Qingze suddenly understood after hearing this story, burst out laughing and said: "Well said, it is history repeating itself. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 67: Mercenary Manor Secret Thirteen 67_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 67 The mercenary manor comes from a flat piece of land six miles outside the city of Samarkand. This manor is built with a unique style. The walls of the manor are surrounded by plants. A ring of trees is extraordinary and lush, giving the estate great shade. The manor is made of white stone. The main building is huge and towering. Although the overall style is simple, it is also solemn. This is Fang Qingze's mercenary barracks. The best warriors in the land are gathered here. Regardless of skin color and language, as long as they are strong in martial arts, they will be defeated. They were invited here with a lot of money and enjoyed noble treatment, but they also had to pay the price of blood and tears in front of money. After Lu Yunzhi visited this huge manor, he was filled with emotion. He knew that Fang Qingze must have spent countless gold and silver in order to form such an extraordinary combat force. There is an endless supply of fine wine and food in this manor. , inexhaustible money, jewelry and many beauties for the entertainment of these mercenaries. This is a relationship of supply and demand. Fang Qingze cleverly made these mercenaries accustomed to enjoying the beauty of the world, making them gradually dependent. In the end, they would work wholeheartedly for Fang Qingze, otherwise no one else would have the financial resources to provide them with it. Inexhaustible squandering. Fang Qingze looked at Lu Yunzhi's novel expression and smiled and said, "Come on, let me show you how effective they are in fighting, otherwise you will think that I have raised a lot of wine and rice bags." As he said this, Fang Qingze walked into the door. In a small house, a small mouth with a loudspeaker opened and shouted: "Assemble at the training ground." After shouting, Fang Qingze walked quickly towards a large open space outside the manor. Lu Yunzhi and Chao Xing exchanged words with each other. Guessing that the trumpet just now was a sound transmission tool, they discussed with each other a series of things they had never seen in the manor, and followed Fang Qingze forward. After walking for a while, a large area of ??cultivated land appeared in front of their eyes. The soil was so soft that even if they fell on it, they would not be seriously injured. A team of hundreds of people had already gathered there. They were neat and orderly, without any extravagance or laziness. It seemed that Fang Qingze not only gave them good material conditions, but also emphasized strict discipline. Otherwise, they would be here. It is impossible for an army of hundreds of people to assemble quickly in a short period of time. Lu Yunzhi looked around and saw that every soldier was strong, with bulging muscles that seemed to be extremely powerful. Most of these people were from the vassal, with white, brown or black skin, and few had yellow skin. These vassals were naturally taller and stronger than the warriors in the Ming Dynasty, and their individual combat capabilities were naturally slightly higher. And if you look closely, you will find that there are many scars on the exposed muscles of these people. It seems that they have participated in many fights before. Fang Qingze ordered: "The two sides sent representatives to fight with each other." Lu Yunzhi stopped Fang Qingze and said, "Second brother, let me and my uncle give them a try." But Chao Xing was also moving constantly. limbs, ready for a fight, Chao Xing was originally good at fighting with Wu Shan, but in order to avoid the attention of the court's hawks and dogs along the way, Lu Yunzhi prevented Chao Xing from getting into a fight when he saw injustice, but Chao Xing was suppressed. How could he pass up the opportunity to fight with elite soldiers and generals at this moment, so he was gearing up for a big fight. Fang Qingze laughed and said, "Okay, that's as the third brother wishes. It's just that my uncle and third brother are very skilled in martial arts, so I have to take care of them and be merciful." Chao Xing shouted, "That's natural, otherwise I'll break them. It won't be good if your precious Tibetan soldiers are killed. Come and get wooden weapons, otherwise I will chop up melons and vegetables with one swing of my sword. " "Uncle, we don't have wooden weapons here," Fang Qingze replied with a smile. . Lu Yunzhi frowned and said, "Then what do you use during daily practice? Could it be that you use real weapons? That would cause some damage." When Fang Qingze heard this, he said loudly: "That's it, all of them The real thing is to make every contact with them be a life-and-death struggle, so that they can improve their real skills, otherwise they will not be spoiled by the comfort zone I built. I am a businessman and I will not do business at a loss." After clapping their hands, several soldiers quickly ran back to the manor. They quickly ran to the front of the team carrying several bundles of swords and a pile of shields, then threw their things on the ground and entered the queue. Only then did Lu Yunzhi realize that most of the scars on the soldiers he saw must have been obtained during training. Fang Qingze high-fived again, and sixteen warriors walked out of the queue. Fang Qingze said to Chao Xing and Lu Yunzhi: "Uncle, third brother. I know how good your kung fu is. It's not a big deal if you can fight one against ten. I'll let the sixteen people have no objection to you two." "No objection, have fun, have fun!" Chao Xing shouted, taking off the sword that was slung across his back and charging at the warriors who had just picked up the weapons on the ground. go. Lu Yunzhi also smiled slightly, patted Fang Qingze on the shoulder, took out the steel sword from his waist and walked toward the training ground. The sixteen warriors picked up their weapons, raised their shields, and stood ready. Hundreds of people around them quickly withdrew to both sides, but the team was still standing still.Orderly and without panic, it seems that they are really well-trained. In the blink of an eye, a large open space was left in the field. Chao Xing rushed to several people and swept away with his sword. This was a famous trick of the Iron Sword lineage called "Sweeping Ten Thousands of Armies". It seemed simple, but it was clumsy. The emphasis was on being extremely powerful and not sparing any effort. After one move, Either cut the enemy in half or cause the enemy to become confused. Not only in single combat, but also in the face of multiple sieges, this move can be used to break a bloody path, so it is called sweeping the army. The seven soldiers who were the first to bear the brunt did not panic. They all raised their large shoulder-length shields and blocked them with their arms to support them in the shield. Their bodies leaned forward, their front legs slightly arched and their back feet pushed on the ground. The entire body's strength was concentrated on the shield. A long and narrow shield was instantly formed. Behind them were nine soldiers who were ready to move. There was only a loud clang of metal hitting each other. The sword swept across and hit the first shield. The soldier behind the shield gritted his teeth and caught the blow with all his strength. His shoulders suddenly felt extremely sore. He was almost knocked out, but fortunately there was a soldier behind him who held his back, and he was able to stabilize his body. At the same time, the man shouted: "This guy is too powerful, everyone, be careful." Several shields came into contact with the sword one after another, but the strength did not decrease at all. These soldiers were miserable and could only grit their teeth. Bear with it, usually these people are famous heroes somewhere, very arrogant and arrogant. Except for seeing Fang Qingze's excellent skills, they all think they are invincible. Only now do they realize the fact that there are others. The big sword passed through the seven shields, and immediately brought out a large amount of sparks. Although the shield array was strenuous, there was no flaw. Chao Xing couldn't help but secretly shouted "Okay!" in his heart. &nnsp; Thirteen Secrets 67_Read the full text of Thirteen Secrets for free_Chapter 67 Mercenary Manor has been updated! Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 68: Fiefdom Warriors Secret Thirteen 68_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 68: The fierce warriors of the feudal lord come from The big sword slashed through the seven shields, Chao Xing still waved the sword and prepared to draw a semicircle to slow down the sweeping momentum and sweep across the ten thousand armies. Although the move is very powerful, one drawback is that it is easy for the person who makes the move to stop using too much force. The sword must be swung half a circle to stop. If the enemy cannot be killed with one move before or the opponent is in a state of chaos, This will give your opponent an opportunity to take advantage. Sure enough, the group of soldiers also quickly judged the shortcomings of the sweeping move. At this time, four people rushed out from the separated shield formation, holding Damascus sabers in both hands, and slashed at Chao Xing head and face. Chao Xingyi, a master of bold arts, shouted loudly and used the muscles of both arms to raise his sword and turn it to cut horizontally and upwards. In an instant, it collided with the saber that was struck vertically. But as soon as the weapons of both sides touched Chao Xing's heart, he secretly said something bad. It turned out that those warriors of the feudal lord seemed to be chopping down with force, creating a fierce force, but in fact they were not using force, they were just feinting. As soon as the Damascus saber collided with Chao Xing's four-clawed golden dragon iron sword, it immediately swung aside. The four feudal lords turned over and jumped out. Only then did Chao Xing see clearly that the purpose of the four people running out was just to block his sight. , the real killer move lies in his lower body. In addition to the seven strong men holding shields and the four who rushed out just now, there should be five more people. At this time, the five people were rolling one by one to Chao Xing's feet and slashing with their swords. They also held up small bucklers with their left arms to block their heads and shoulders to prevent the sword from swinging down. Close attack is not the strong point of the sword. At this moment, Chao Xing had already swung the sword out with all his strength in order to deflect the sword that was struck vertically. It was already too late to drop down to block the attack from the lower body, so he just decided to kick it out with all his strength. When one person was trying to save everyone, he suddenly heard a slight laughter coming from behind. Chao Xing felt happy, knowing that Lu Yunzhi was hiding behind him, and secretly marveled that Lu Yunzhi's steps were so light that he didn't even notice. Chao Xing then used the strength to raise the sword and suddenly jumped high, bending his legs to leave a large space under his body, a figure rushed out against the soles of Chao Xing's shoes, his movements were as fast as lightning, and he waved goodbye with a cold light Five swords were thrust out to the left and right. Although the five feudal lords did not see clearly the figure and steps of the man who was leaning forward, they heard a loud sound of breaking through the air, so they subconsciously used their round shields to block their chests. A strong force came, and the five people were shaken and rolled out. They only felt a dull pain in their arms holding the buckler. Looking at their buckler, they had already had a deep groove. Lu Yunzhi smiled and held the sword in his right hand, with the tip of the sword pointing diagonally to the lower right. His robes were fluttering in the wind, feeling indescribably chic. Chao Xing had also stabilized his body. He came to Lu Yunzhi with a big sword and asked: "Nephew, how are we going to attack next? These vassal people are indeed strong and have good skills. Just now we two Under such an attack, ordinary people would have been killed on the spot. Although they were panicked, they were not defeated. On the battlefield, they would definitely be one against ten." Lu Yunzhi nodded and said softly: "Look at them. There was no reckless attack, and they started to return to the shield. It seems that not only are they powerful, but the second brother also has a good way and knows how to cooperate with each other." After saying that, Lu Yunzhi and Chao Xing winked, and the two of them moved forward together. Rushing towards the group of feudal lords, the sixteen warriors had already replaced their weapons with large shields and spears, holding them in their hands. Some held their large shields in front of them, while others raised them above their heads. The shields were closely connected to each other, forming an impregnable shield array. Through the corners of the shields, the cold spear tips protruded, ready to Feel free to stab. Chao Xing ran to the shield and thrust the sword diagonally on the ground. Lu Yunzhi stepped on the sword and pressed down. He jumped up in leaps and bounds. He jumped high in the air and pointed at the sword in his hand. It plunged straight down towards the top of the shield formation. When Chao Xing waited for Lu Yunzhi to jump up, he also raised the big sword in front of him. The big sword held by Chao Xing was so heavy that it was not easy to hold it parallelly. What was even more surprising was that Chao Xing suddenly exerted force and stabbed the big sword parallelly. He came out very fast, his body and the big sword merged into one, and he stabbed towards the shield array facing him. As soon as the big sword touched the shield in the middle of the front, the warrior holding the shield felt his feet weak and could no longer hold up. Falling back, the entire shield formation focused on the shield in the middle to prevent Chao Xing's sword from breaking through. But they never expected that with such a force, a gap would appear above the shield formation. Lu Yunzhi just fell down, his sword pointed straight into the gap, and he made incredible rotations in the air with his waist. The tip of the sword kept moving the edge of the shield, and the two shields were immediately thrown away by the force of the rolling. Chao Xing laughed loudly and shouted: "I'm here to help you." As he said this, he swung his sword and swept towards the side of the shield formation. The shield formation suddenly fell into pieces, and all the vassal warriors were knocked aside and fell to the side. , but unwillingly, he raised his spear and pulled out his sword, and was about to step forward to fight to the death. "Wonderful, wonderful, that's it. Uncle, third brother, you two are really good at kung fu, especially third brother, it's even better than before. Do you agree?"?How good are these brothers of mine? "Fang Qingze ran into the field with a smile. He was afraid that if he continued to fight, the sword would be blind, and if he hurt another party, the gain would outweigh the loss. Lu Yunzhi picked up the steel sword and put it back into the scabbard, and patted the nearest employee who was leaning against him. Bing's thick shoulders said: "Well done, friend! "The mercenary responded with a smile. Everyone was not immersed in the fighting just now. After all, the drill was over. Although Chao Xing didn't fully enjoy it, he still had a good time. The depression of the past few days was still in his heart. The solution was immediately refreshing, so he thrust the big sword into the ground and said with a big smile: "Nephew Fang Xian, these vassals you trained are really talented. They are all hot-blooded and good men. I, Chao Xing, like them, I like them very much. In the evening, I will drink three hundred cups with them until I get drunk. " "Okay, I will send someone to prepare fine wine and food in the evening, and we will get drunk before resting. It just so happens that my third brother and I also have some plans that we need to discuss in detail. By the way, third brother, come with me and I will show you some good things. Does uncle also want to come with us? "Fang Qingze said. Chao Xing had already run into the crowd and was dancing and communicating with several vassal warriors. When the mercenaries saw that Chao Xing's face was covered with scars, and he was so powerful that one person could defeat several warriors, they regarded him as a The God of War descended to earth. Chao Xing heard Fang Qingze calling him to wave his hands and said: "You two go ahead, I will communicate with these warriors here. " Fang Qingze and Lu Yunzhi looked at each other and smiled, and they walked quickly towards the manor. Under Fang Qingze's leadership, the two walked up to the attic of the towering main building. Fang Qingze mysteriously took out a key. Opening the door to the attic, Lu Yunzhi said with a smile: "Second brother, what are you doing? It's so mysterious. ah! What are these! ¡± &nnsp; Thirteen Secrets 68_Read the full text of Thirteen Secrets for free_Chapter 68 The Fiefdom Warriors have been updated! Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 69: Magical Weapon When the door of the attic was opened, Lu Yunzhi was shocked. There were many things inside that he had never seen before. There were also a group of thin, scholar-like people who were constantly playing with bottles and cans. and a bunch of iron parts. Fang Qingze laughed and said: "These are the talents I hired. Let's take a look at these 'magic weapons' they have researched. I think big brother will like it very much if he is here. In a war, not only must the warriors be fierce, but the weapons must also be advanced. Only in this way can we achieve a more complete victory." "It seems that the second brother is not only good at business, but also good at fighting. I didn't see that before." Lu Yunzhi praised sincerely. Fang Qingze shook his head and said: "No, no, it's just that we have grown up and know more. You see, you were once reckless and impulsive, but now you are also able to form alliances and use up all your strategies? This can only It means we have become stronger, which is a good thing." Lu Yunzhi nodded and followed Fang Qingze to visit. "Second brother, what is this?" Lu Yunzhi asked, pointing to a machine with dozens of firecrackers surrounded by iron frames in a circle. Not only did this machine look weird, but there was no live wire on the firecrackers and I didn't know how to ignite it. Not only that, the gunpowder was triggered, but the wooden handle of the back seat of the fire gun was completely missing, leaving only a bare iron sheet behind the fire gun. There is also a huge iron needle and gear structure at the rear of the machine. The iron needle is facing the iron plate of a fire gun in front. There are three thick iron pillars on both sides of the entire machine in a triangle shape to support the ground. It seems to be to offset the recoil generated when the firecracker is fired. After hearing Lu Yunzhi's question, Fang Qingze chuckled and asked, "Isn't this the fire gun that the Shenji Battalion likes to use? We didn't see it in the first battle in the capital. You forgot that we used it when we ambush Oala in the first battle." "Of course I know this. Second brother, please don't tell me how to use this thing." Lu Yunzhi knew that Fang Qingze was deliberately teasing him, so he acted anxious to satisfy Fang Qingze. The mentality has reached the goal of quick answers. It seems that just as Fang Qingze said, his third brother Lu Yunzhi has also learned to play tricks, but Fang Qingze also "fell into the trick". "This was invented through an artillery technology introduced by a group of Hongyi people. They do not fill the cannonballs in the front, but boring and filling them in the back. This saves a lot of time. The same is true for placing firecrackers, but it is not related to the artillery. The size is just different. For example, ours has a pulley. Just shake the handle on the right side and the gun will move to the upper end in turn. When filling, a friend of mine here invented a kind of gunpowder, and the back end of the gunpowder is moved. Block it with a piece of kraft paper, put lead bullets in the front end, and then block it with kraft paper. During the war, put the ammunition directly through this small hole, then pull out two pieces of cardboard, and fire it directly. But, this saves the time wasted in filling the lead bullet and tightening it," Fang Qingze explained, pointing to the machine. Lu Yunzhi asked in confusion: "But you still haven't explained how to fire the gunpowder." Fang Qingze pointed to the iron sheet behind the gun and said: "This is where the impact is caused by the iron hook on the back seat that you see, causing the iron sheet to collide. Sparks are generated to detonate the gunpowder, thereby generating strong pressure to eject the lead bullets. At the same time, the sliding device allows it to be fired continuously, thus achieving greater power. This is the combination of the fire blunderbuss of our ancestors and the rear boring device of the Hongyi people. "If you look at this again, you should recognize it." Fang Qingze pointed at a car that looked like a platoon of large crossbows. Lu Yunzhi nodded and replied: "Yes, this is a crossbow cart, which evolved from the crossbow machine. It existed during the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, and reached its peak during the Qin and Han Dynasties. Although the crossbow is powerful and accurate, its efficiency is very slow. Not as good as bows and arrows. After the creation of firearms, crossbows disappeared from the battlefield. Why did you come up with it again?" Fang Qingze nodded and praised: "The third brother is indeed knowledgeable, but the power of crossbows is unmatched by firearms and bows. It is also the most accurate at present. A long-range weapon. So as long as I can improve its efficiency, it will be extremely powerful. You see, I use a bracket to fix a row of crossbows, pull each crossbow string through a steel wire, and then use several layers of pulleys to reduce the pulling force of the crossbow. With such strength, we can fire more than 50 crossbow arrows at once, and all we have to do is prepare rows of crossbow arrow racks in advance. "My two weapons are pretty good," Fang Qingze said proudly. stand up. Immediately afterwards, Lu Yunzhi, under the introduction of Fang Qingze, visited the watermelon bombs used by Genghis Khan to attack Huazizimo. After improvement, these watermelon bombs can be fired from artillery farther and are safer and less likely to explode than filled artillery shells. The watermelon bullet contains many gun fragments, etc., which can not only damage but also blow up the enemy. There are also several kinds of strange weapons. Lu Yunzhi not only carefully observed these whimsical new weapons, but also carefully looked at those who studied them, trying to understand from their aspects why they could have such strange weapons. idea. Among them, there are two things that are the most interestingWhat Lu Yunzhi found incredible was that they were all fire attack weapons. The first one is shaped like a small bird, with a child's fireworks fixed behind it. The bird is pushed up into the distant sky through powerful thrusts, and then suddenly explodes. It seems that there is nothing novel about this, but in fact, it is not because there is a large amount of kerosene in the body of the bird. Once it explodes, and the flames generated by the explosion are ignited, it is difficult to put out the kerosene and anyone who is poured on it will only die. A portion. Therefore, this kind of weapon is extremely lethal to large-scale troops. Once used, people will be in panic. They will either be burned to death or trampled to death by the crowded team. The second is to use an air bag made of pig urine to squeeze out a large amount of gas. Before the air bag is squeezed out, there is a water bag connected to it by a bamboo tube. There is a large amount of fuel in the water bag. A section of the water bag is connected to On the airbag, the other end is also a section of bamboo tube. There is also a long piece of iron rod protruding from the bamboo tube, with a cotton swab dipped in kerosene. Once the cotton swab is ignited and squeezed, the fuel will be sprayed out, burning the enemy in front of it. This kind of weapon was given a vulgar name by Fang Qingze called "peeing face", which was specially designed to deal with enemies who fought hidden in trenches. Lu Yunzhi studied the attic for a whole afternoon under Fang Qingze's introduction. It was not until dark that an attendant came up to say that the banquet had begun, and the two of them walked downstairs while chatting. Lu Yunzhi secretly thought that if these weapons were used in the war between himself and Yu Qian, they would have extraordinary effects, not only killing a large number of enemies but also shaking the opponent's morale. The two of them walked into the banquet hall, but Lu Yunzhi was deeply shocked again, because in front of him, in addition to a table full of barbecued meats and fruits, there were also strong mercenaries and people of various skin colors. Beautiful women, but everything about them is **. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 70: Today I have wine and now I am drunk Lu Yunzhi was a little at a loss when his eyes were full of sex. Although he was no longer the ignorant boy, he was still blushing. The other party Qingze asked: "What are you talking about, a pond of wine and a forest of meat? You are too arrogant, extravagant and lustful, and it is unsightly. " Fang Qingze couldn't help but laugh when he saw Lu Yunzhi's embarrassment and said: "You are just a corrupt Confucian thinker. You can't do anything like that. You see, the feudal lords are much tougher for this. The atmosphere is so lively. You see, we people in the Central Plains have a banquet where everyone sits in a row and toasts together and then chants poems. It¡¯s still a lively banquet. Come on, third brother, go have a drink.¡± The two of them walked into the hall as they said that. Along the way, women kept coming up to grab each other's shoulders. Lu Yunzhi fled in a hurry, while Fang Qingze hugged her from left to right. The two found a piece of wool felt to sit on the floor, and then sent someone to take it. The wine pot and wine glasses came, and the two began to drink from each other. Fang Qingze's hands kept scratching the beauties on both sides, and said to Lu Yunzhi, who was blushing: "Third brother, what are you going to do next, but it doesn't matter that these are my own people, and they are strictly controlled. Control will not leak the secret." Lu Yunzhi coughed lightly, staring at the wine glass without daring to raise it, and replied: "I am going to see Murong Longteng tomorrow to borrow troops from him. The more allies we have at the moment, the better. Even if we can't borrow it, we still have to arrange troops in the northwest territory, involving the Ming Dynasty's military strength and causing domestic panic. This will be of infinite benefit to us." Fang Qingze said with a smile: "Will they agree? They don't do business at a loss. , what do you think?" Lu Yunzhi nodded: "That makes sense, but I still want to give it a try. The most important thing is the eldest brother and sister-in-law. Although it was Murong Longteng who secretly helped the two elope, the other members of the Murong family. People don¡¯t know, and they will definitely bring this matter up to interfere with it. Hey, what should I do if it¡¯s public and selfish? It gives me a headache just thinking about it.¡± Fang Qingze raised his glass and said with a smile: ¡°Today. If you are drunk today, you will be worried tomorrow. You see, I am also very elegant when I am with you, and I say such polite words, "Drink, I will accompany you to visit Murong Longteng tomorrow." Lu Yunzhi raised his head and said. As soon as Fang Qingze clinked the glass, he saw the exotic beauty in Fang Qingze's arms. He immediately blushed again and blocked his sight with his sleeves and drank the whole drink. Fang Qingze stood up and said: "I'm going to have a few drinks with the feudal brothers. You just need to drink happily tonight. There are so many worries in life. This 'good thing' is for you to enjoy." Lu Yun Zhi was still wondering what the 'good thing' was, thinking it was another novelty, but he felt an object being pushed out by Fang Qingze. He quickly reached out to catch it, but felt that his hands were soft. When he looked up, he saw that it was the one in Fang Qingze's arms just now. Blonde woman. Lu Yunzhi screamed like a mouse seeing a cat. He stood up and tried to run away, but the woman grabbed him by the hem of his clothes. The woman's eyes were filled with smiles and countless charms, and she was covered in lust and could only look at Lu Yunzhi. Feeling hot all over. Lu Yunzhi didn't dare to look anymore, and quickly pulled out the clothes he was holding in the woman's hand, and ran out in a panic. Chao Xing sat in front of a table, his upper body exposed, revealing his strong bronze muscles. He was wrestling with a feudal warrior, and there were several people around them who were cheering and drinking. It seemed that Chao Xing had won many times in succession. Lu Yunzhi ran to Chao Xing's side, only to find that Chao Xing's eyes were blurred and his mouth smelled of alcohol. He was probably drunk. Lu Yunzhi sighed, knowing that such a banquet might not be suitable for him, so he walked outside the manor alone. Lu Yunzhi returned to the city of Samarkand and arrived at the bank where he had been before. The bank had already closed down. Lu Yunzhi knocked on the door several times but no one answered, so he whispered: "Nightmare, do me a favor. Wake up the person inside, and then ask him to open the door for me. " "You idiot, you still don't accept a woman in your arms. Sometimes I really wonder if you are a human being. I am a ghost and have no interest in women. But if I were a human being, I would definitely not be as arrogant as you." Nightmare started chattering again. When he left Wala, Lu Yunzhi had a battle with Yingmei. In the end, Nightmare blocked Lu Yunzhi's body from the evil spirit. The pressure almost made him lose his mind. After that, Lu Yunzhi spent a long time absorbing countless ghosts to strengthen the nightmare and restore it, so his chattering voice often sounded in Lu Yunzhi's ears again. Seeing that Lu Yunzhi didn't answer, Mengmeng said: "Let me ask you something. Recently, I feel as if I am going to change again, but I should have reached the limit of my abilities, so I am a little scared. But I I always feel so empty, and I always want to devour other ghosts. That day when you released the ghosts to lure the leopards to come to meet you, I felt a little helpless. But you should know that things will turn back when they are extreme. We ghosts suck. There is nothing wrong with other souls, but if they exceed their own limits, they may suddenly explode and their souls will fly away, so don¡¯t sleep tonight and accompany me to the countryside to release ghosts and let me devour them to their heart¡¯s content.?You form a formation to protect me. Once I burst, you must protect me. " Lu Yunzhi didn't answer but just nodded, turned and walked towards the suburbs. Under the moonlight in the suburbs, Lu Yunzhi kept picking up the stones on the ground, and carved runes on them with his steel sword, and then Lu Yunzhi arranged the stones in an orderly manner and drew a few lines on the ground to connect the stones. Lu Yunzhi slowly walked into the middle of the stone array, then sat cross-legged and said softly: "I'm ready. alright. "After saying that, he took out five or six bamboo bottles from the pocket on his waist and uncovered the yellow paper on them, uncorked the bottles and threw them on the ground, thinking silently. "Hey, hey, determination. "The nightmare screamed and came out of Lu Yunzhi's body. In fact, if other people in the world saw this scene, they would definitely treat Lu Yunzhi as a ghost witch, because the nightmare crawled from Lu Yunzhi's chest very skillfully. After the nightmare came out, he looked coldly at the gray-black ghost that came out of the bamboo tube and bottle. The nightmare stood there in its adult form, and its whole body became dark. Black, with various colors constantly flowing around it, it looks particularly beautiful in the dark night. It is really like a dream. The ghosts emerging from the container are slowly swimming around, and they often touch the stone. The edge of the formation immediately retracted. More and more ghosts gathered around Lu Yunzhi and Nightmare, crowding the circle around the stone formation, and they were constantly squirming, and some even crossed each other. Standing there, it looks scary and weird. Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 71: Changes in Nightmares The ghosts in the stone circle suddenly stopped there, motionless like translucent sculptures, but these "sculptures" had no shape and could not clearly see their appearance. The light on the nightmare turned faster and faster, and it seemed that the nightmare also brought these ghosts into his dream. The nightmare walked into the squirming ghosts gathered together. Every time it overlapped with a ghost, the nightmare's body seemed to grow in a circle, and then quickly shrank back to its original shape, just like this one after another. About an hour later, only Lu Yunzhi and Nightmare were left in the stone formation, and all the ghosts were swallowed up by Nightmare. Lu Yunzhi has been observing the shape of the nightmare to prevent it from exploding and scattering its soul. However, in fact, there is nothing wrong with the nightmare, and its body remains the same, with no change in size. Not only that, the nightmare's body also emitted a faint golden light, and even the round head seemed to have vague facial features. Lu Yunzhi gasped and said: "Nightmare, what have you become? There is no record of your current state in the book." An unprecedented sense of satisfaction." Nightmare replied. Lu Yunzhi nodded, suddenly frowning and asked tremblingly: "What did you say? Satisfaction? How can you feel it if you are a ghost?" The nightmare also stopped there, and the originally empty face with no facial features, Suddenly it twisted like a wink, and the nightmare made a timid voice: "Yes, how can I feel it? I can only feel it when I am in your body, and I want you to feel my feelings, and I don't feel anything when I'm outside. "Lu Yunzhi, what's wrong with me?" "No, you're not talking to me through a dream, and you're not talking inside my body. Where did this voice come from?" "?" Lu Yunzhi was even more surprised. Nightmare's body started to tremble, and then he pointed at his abdomen in disbelief and said, "It's the sound coming from here." Lu Yunzhi shook her head, and then said very fast: "Come back into my body quickly, and I will put you Seal it, think about it yourself first, and I will look through the classics later to see if I can find anything. Nightmare, you don¡¯t have to worry about it, it will be fine. Don¡¯t forget what you said about our honor and disgrace. ." Before the nightmare could reply, it penetrated into Lu Yunzhi's body as before. Lu Yunzhi bit her fingers, lifted up her clothes, and drew the magic charms on her chest and navel, while chanting in her mouth. With one spell after another. Early the next morning, Lu Yunzhi changed clothes and went to Fang Qingze's manor outside the city. He pulled Fang Qingze from the bed in the house, hugging him on both sides. Fang Qingze squinted his eyes and was fully dressed without washing. He walked sleepily with Lu Yunzhi to the Murong family residence in the city. After being notified outside the door, Murong Longteng came out to greet him in person. When he saw Fang Qingze, he said with a smile: "Nephew Fang, you haven't been here for a long time recently. I really miss you, and the things you sent last time. That kind of Champa fruit is really delicious." Fang Qingze also smiled slightly and said, "Uncle Murong, if you like it, I can bring more of it next time." "Then I won't be polite to you. . "Murong Longteng's smile was extremely peaceful, and he did not have the solemn and elegant feeling that Lu Yunzhi had seen before. It seemed that he was very familiar with Fang Qingze. Several people entered the hall and after serving tea, melons and fruits, Murong Longteng whispered a few words in the ear of a servant. The man turned and left. Murong Longteng smiled and then asked Lu Yunzhi: "How dare you ask this person?" What's your brother's surname?" Lu Yunzhi stood up, bent down slightly and hugged him, saying, "I've met Uncle Murong, Lu Yunzhi." Murong Longteng still nodded with a smile on his face and said, "Good name, good. What, Lu Yunzhi, aren't you Brother Shi's favorite disciple? I remember that you were only in your youth, why are you suddenly in your thirties now? "Are you okay, Lu Yunzhi?" With a wry smile, he replied: "To tell you, Master, I'm just going astray in my practice, which is why my appearance has aged. I'm sorry, Master, I'm worried about you, but I'm fine." Lu Yunzhi and Murong Longteng were not familiar with each other, so they kept it secret. He gave a brief answer to the real reason why he had passed his prime. Murong Longteng obviously didn't believe it, and kept scanning Lu Yunzhi with his eyes, as if he wanted to immediately pull him into the research room for investigation. This observation was a bit distracting. It was not until Fang Qingze coughed that Murong Longteng reacted. He quickly smiled and said: "It's okay, it's okay, it's okay. Sit down, sit down. Why are you looking for me today? But for you, I will be fair." For the great cause of revenge, I have just informed my servants to invite the heads and elders of the Murong family. I wonder if my guess is correct?" Fang Qingze wanted to say a few words, but Lu Yunzhi said again. He saluted firmly and replied: "It is for the great cause of revenge." "Uncle Murong, how do you know?" Fang Qingze didn't make much excuse after hearing Lu Yunzhi's answer, but he felt something in his heart and asked this question. "Nephew Fang,Of course I know that from you. You often gave me gifts in the past few days, but you always came alone. Recently I heard that you were busy training a group of mercenaries and didn't even have time to visit your house. I guess it was for your comeback. Today, you were not busy training soldiers, but you suddenly came to visit me, and you also brought someone with you. Although I didn't know he was Master Lu's nephew at the time, he came here because he was very popular and was not an ordinary person. It was clear at a glance that he had a person with him when he paid a sudden visit. You didn't come to me to talk about borrowing troops or power. Did you come to me to play house? Ha ha. "Murong Longteng burst into laughter after saying this. "I admire you, I'm sure ginger is still hotter than ever. "Fang Qingze also said with a smile. As soon as he finished speaking, he saw some people walking in at the door. These people included old people and some in their prime, with different ages. However, their heights were almost the same, and their body shapes were roughly the same. Everyone looked different. Wearing white clothes, they have fair skin and delicate features. They are all handsome men. At a glance, they can tell that they are from the Murong family. After Fang Qingze and Lu Yunzhi announced their family status, Murong Cheng and others recognized them. Lu Yunzhi asked the questions that Murong Longteng was confused about just now, and Lu Yunzhi answered them again. After Lu Yunzhi finished speaking, Murong Longteng explained the purpose of Fang Lu and the elders of the Murong family. Finally, he stretched out his hand in a gesture of invitation and said: "Then please tell me what you need from the Murong Family. " Fang Qingze and Lu Yunzhi looked at each other. Lu Yunzhi stood up and said: "I would like to ask the Murong family to send troops to help me, attack the Ming Dynasty layer by layer, and involve the troops controlled by our mortal enemy Yu Qian. " Murong Longteng said "hmm" and said, "Is Yu Qian the current powerful minister in the Ming Dynasty? " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 72: Failure of Alliance Secret Thirteen 72_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 72 The failure of the alliance comes from "It is now Yu Qian, the important minister of the Ming Dynasty." Lu Yunzhi replied, and then briefly explained the existence of Yi Yan Shi Ti Jian and Yu Qian Everyone in the Murong family looked at each other but were not surprised because of their hatred towards Zhongzheng. This made Lu Yunzhi feel very strange. As soon as Lu Yunzhi finished speaking, Murong Chengcheng stood up and said, "Aren't you trying to trick us? Since Yu Qian is now in power, we can't go to war with the Ming Dynasty. War is not a joke, and it will waste people and money for the time being. Not to mention, because Fang Qingze can provide these, but under the current situation, overthrowing Yu Qian is the same as overthrowing the Ming Dynasty. If we fail, we will not only become enemies with Yu Qian, but also with the Ming Dynasty. , then you can be defeated, and we will have to live in exile everywhere!" Murong Longteng looked at Murong Cheng appreciatively, but scolded: "Cheng'er, don't be rude." After saying this, Murong Longteng's face narrowed. He asked with squinting eyes: "Martial nephew Lu, your request is really embarrassing." "It doesn't matter, you don't have to march, just camp at the border. Under the watchful eyes, Ming Dynasty will definitely reply to the capital, saying that the border is in emergency. In this way, the important border towns will also Strengthening the defense will not only cause Timur to suffer casualties but also affect the strength of the Ming Dynasty. I think this is not difficult for the power of the Murong family in Timur. Brother Murong Cheng has doubts about the war. It can be solved, even if we fail, you can still call yourself a military commander to Ming Dynasty, and you will not get angry." Lu Yunzhi replied calmly. An old man with gray hair but still very handsome took a sip of tea and said: "Of course it is not difficult, but you can ensure that there will be no friction during the confrontation between the two parties and trigger a real war. Or you can ensure that no one deliberately provokes it. Friction to achieve an ulterior purpose? ""What do you mean!" Fang Qingze saw the old man speaking insinuatingly to Lu Yunzhi, and he slapped the table with anger. Lu Yunzhi stretched out his hand to stop Fang Qingze. The old man laughed proudly, but Murong Longteng said loudly: "Since ancient times, everything can be negotiated if there are interests. Come on, Master Nephew Lu, tell us the benefits you can bring to us." "Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and said: "Originally, the Zhongzheng family and the Murong family are good friends. After helping us, the Zhongzheng family will not forget the kindness of the Murong family, and will come to the Central Plains to study the Murong family's future magic exchanges. It provides supreme convenience. Secondly, we are willing to open all the classics stored in our Zhongzheng lineage to the Murong family for your study. Benevolence and justice are always more reliable than all promises, just like the last time we came to Tamerlane for the first time. It was the same time when your Murong family was in trouble. Although we came and didn't have time to help, Master Murong rushed back to deal with the ghosts and witches, but we also traveled thousands of miles to come to help. This is the benevolence and righteousness of Murong. Murong Longteng and everyone in the Murong family nodded, although the first time Lu Yunzhi and others arrived was because Timur declared war on the Ming Dynasty, and the Ming Dynasty sent them. The mission, but Mr. Shi led the Zhongzheng family here because they were worried about the situation of the Murong family. In the end, as Lu Yunzhi said, it was Murong Longteng who settled everything himself, but the kindness of the Zhongzheng lineage will always be engraved in the hearts of everyone in the Murong family. Murong Longteng was silent for a moment and said: "That's true. Logically speaking, we should help those of the Zhongzheng lineage in exchange of courtesy. If we, the Murong family, are allowed to all help out like you did, I, Murong Longteng, can agree on behalf of the whole family now, and we will not hesitate to do so. . But if Timur is allowed to send troops, the price will be a bit high. As for the conditions proposed by Master Nephew Lu, they are indeed very exciting. Although we have communicated with each other in recent years, we still have reservations. This is also human. "It's only natural." "The conditions are good, but the bad thing is that someone beats you to it," Murong Longteng said. Lu Yunzhi felt a chill in her heart and asked, "Who is it?" Murong Longteng did not answer but just waved his hand. Six servants came up carrying several large wooden boxes. After the wooden boxes were placed in the hall, Murong Longteng said: " Mr. Nephew Lu stepped forward to see what these are." Lu Yunzhi and Fang Qingze quickly stepped forward and opened the wooden box. Inside the wooden box were some brand-new books, which seemed to have been copied just now. Classics. Lu Yunzhi picked up a book and opened it to read, but was shocked and dropped the book and picked up another one. When Lu Yunzhi saw the tenth book, he closed the box heavily and asked: "These are the manuscripts of Zhongzheng lineage classics. Who sent them?" Murong Longteng did not answer and looked at Lu silently. Yun Zhi, Lu Yunzhi sighed and said: "Yu Qian defeated me once." Murong Longteng nodded and said: "Yes, although I have never met this Yu Qian, he is indeed not a mortal. He clearly understands What we want most, and they also offer better terms, is that he will annihilate other Tiandi people in Ming Dynasty if we can catch him.For those of you who have come to ask for help, all the classics of those branches belong to us. You know that the Murong family likes to collect secret books from all over the world. Maybe we are a little paranoid about this, but it is really tempting. "As Murong Longteng said, Murong Cheng actually stood up, as if he wanted to take action immediately. Fang Qingze sneered and said, "Do you want to take action even with your skills? Murong Longteng smiled and replied: "The Zhongzheng lineage has been on good terms with the Murong family for generations, and I have a very good personal relationship with Mr. Shi. How can I help others?" I can only reluctantly give up my love and ignore the temptation of other branch books. As for sending troops to help you get revenge, it is not a decision I can make alone. The other elders and leaders in the clan don't agree, and we have already accepted Yu Qian's gift, so we can't help you. Uncle Master is here to apologize to you. As for helping Yu Qian catch you, I will never do it. Anyone who mentions this matter again will be the enemy of our Murong family. Murong Cheng did not sit down, but looked at Lu Yunzhi and Fang Qingze angrily, and suddenly shouted: "Where is Murong Yunfei? You and Qu Xiangtian are sworn brothers. This matter is over." It's okay not to help Yu Qian, but you should give us an explanation for Murong Yunfei's matter. "As he said this, everyone from the Murong family actually gathered around, their white clothes fluttering slightly, as if there were ghosts or hidden weapons inside. "Stop, what are you doing! We will find Qu Xiangtian to find out about this matter. It is none of their business. Even if we catch them, it will not help. "Murong Longteng shouted. Everyone stopped and moved to both sides, but their eyes were full of hostility. Lu Yunzhi cupped his fists and made a four-way salute and said: "In this case, my two brothers will take their leave. "After saying that, he and Fang Qingze were about to turn around and leave, but Murong Longteng quickly followed behind and said: "Two nephews, let me see you off. "Lu Yunzhi nodded, he knew that Murong Longteng must have something to say. &nnsp; "Secret Thirteen 72_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 72 Failure of the alliance has been updated! Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 73: One Sword of Frost and Fourteen States Murong Longteng, Lu Yunzhi, and Fang Qingze slowly walked towards the gate of the Murong family residence. Murong Longteng suddenly slowed down and sighed, "Two junior nephews, I have made you feel wronged. Because of Yun Fei and I's resistance to the marriage of close relatives, you have to bear the hostility of the Murong family. I don't know how to thank you. You're good. It's just that the matter of revenge for you is very important, so I can't make the decision alone, and most people are opposed to it. I had no choice but to say that just now, so I'm really sorry." "Master Uncle Murong, You are so polite. I understand that as the leader of the Murong family, you cannot do things that are harmful to the entire Murong family for personal reasons. But there is still no room for redemption. Maybe we can offer some conditions that will make the other leaders tempted. ?" Lu Yunzhi asked calmly. Fang Qingze also nodded and said: "Yes, if you can help us, you can pay as much as you want." Murong Longteng shook his head: "Martial nephew Fang, our Murong family is considered pampered. You are a businessman, who dare to ask Who doesn't love money the most? ""People who don't know the value of money, just like your Murong family, have never been short of money since childhood. Such people don't love money as much as I do. Money people only like the feeling of making money, and are not very interested in money itself. Hey, it seems that bribery will not work here," Fang Qingze replied with a sigh. Lu Yunzhi also nodded and said: "Uncle Murong, we understand. Let's say goodbye. From now on, the Murong family and my Zhongzheng lineage will still be close friends. Please rest assured." After saying that, Murong Longteng bowed with his hands. After bowing in return, Fang and Lu turned around and walked quickly towards the door. The two returned to Fang Qingze's manor outside the city of Samarkand. At this moment, Chao Xing accompanied the big men who had gotten up and were fighting on the training ground outside the manor. The two were so preoccupied that they couldn't care less about watching, and they just walked away a little frustrated. Back to the garden. The two stopped talking, worried about the failure of today's alliance, although this was an outcome they had long expected. Time flies by, and more than an hour has passed before he knows it. Chao Xing, sweating profusely, walks into the garden and looks at the two young people who are sighing under the tree. He laughs and says: "Qingze has been very good recently. You have some hair loss, and you, Yun Zhi, are past your prime and your hair is gray. If you two continue to sigh and think so much all day long, one of you will be completely bald and the other will be completely gray by then, wouldn¡¯t it? Older than me, haha. What happened? Tell me." Fang Qingze briefly talked about the failed alliance with the Murong family. Chao Xing didn't take it seriously and said, "Didn't you think of this already? He is not an ordinary person, otherwise he would not have put the Zhongzheng lineage in such a mess. If such a powerful opponent does not fight back at this moment, wouldn't you feel even more scared? There will always be a bigger conspiracy behind the calmness. At this moment, he He is not calm anymore. If you stop the Murong family from helping you, it means that what you have done has put him under pressure. This is a good thing." Fang Qingze and Lu Yunzhi were stunned for a moment, and then laughed heartily. What Chao Xing said made sense. I had previously been focused on seeking revenge on Yu Qian and thinking about his next move, but in fact I did forget Yu Qian's actions in diplomacy. This is tit-for-tat. The fight with Yu Qian begins today. It is no longer like a cat catching a mouse, being chased by Yu Qian and his minions. Today's alliance failure is not only a small victory for Yu Qian, but also announces the beginning of the official counterattack of the Zhongzheng lineage. The horn of the confrontation begins, indicating that the two major forces are about to begin a life-and-death battle. In the next half month, Chao Xing led the Iron Sword disciples to train with Fang Qingze's vassal soldiers. Over time, the strength of both sides increased greatly, and their relationship deepened day by day. Lu Yunzhi decided to go to Jiujiang Mansion, but let Chao Xing stay. First of all, Chao Xing's iron sword lineage could be integrated into the entire mercenary army. Not only would the combat power be greatly increased, even if he met those five men under Yu Qian, People of the ugly lineage can also stop ghosts from causing mischief. Secondly, according to the news from Fang Qingze¡¯s merchants in the Ming Dynasty, a large number of people from the Jinyi Weidong Factory have gone to hunt down Tiandi and Jianghu warriors to prevent them from helping the Zhongzheng line to cause chaos. It is convenient for Lu Yunzhi to carry out small activities alone. If Chao Chao Xing has been following him, and there are dozens of disciples from the Iron Sword lineage. It is easy to attract attention and it will be difficult to do things. Although Chao Xing was worried about Lu Yunzhi, he couldn't help Fang and Lu's hard persuasion, and finally decided to stay. Lu Yunzhi and Fang Qingze made an agreement to go back to Qu Xiangtian in a year. The three brothers had important things to do. In the same year, in September of the fourth year of Jingtai, they jointly raised troops. When the ghosts and witches came to help, Chao Xing led the mercenaries and the Iron Sword line to launch an attack to capture several small towns first. Qu Xiangtian sent his troops north, and Lu Yunzhi went now. He informed Zhu Jianwen and asked his father to provoke the feudal king to cause rebellion. The officials of the imperial court also need Zhu Jianwen's operation, which is why Lu Yunzhi rushed to Jiujiang this time. The reason why Lu Yunzhi and Fang Qingze agreed to find Qu Xiangtian one year later was because Xing WenThere is a sentence in the note left by my ancestor, "Three years from now, there will be a scorched earth in southern Xinjiang." Qu Xiangtian is located in southern Xinjiang, and Lu Yunzhi believes that no matter what Secret Thirteen is, it must be witnessed by the three brothers. I don¡¯t know why, but a strange thought emerged in Lu Yunzhi¡¯s heart at this moment: Fang Qingze has his own business power, weapons research and mercenary group. Qu Xiangtian even holds a large number of troops, and it is said that he will soon dominate the Annan Kingdom. And although he has traveled a long way around, uniting various forces to help with the cause of revenge, he has made no achievements other than strengthening his magical skills. He wants to have a secret force of his own. He doesn't want anyone to know, including Fang Qingze and Qu Xiangtian. Even he himself doesn't know why he thinks this way, but this is indeed his truest thought now. Maybe as Fang Qingze said, they are all grown up. Fang Qingze and Chao Xing sent Lu Yunzhi far away before saying goodbye. Lu Yunzhi was galloping on horseback. He felt an unprecedented feeling in his heart, as if he was about to do something transcendent and extraordinary. He walked for a while until he could no longer see Chao Xing and Fang Qingze, then he looked up to the sky and shouted: "You can't be free when you come, and it's hard to control the dragon and the phoenix. The hall is full of flowers and three thousand guests are drunk, and the sword is cold There are fourteen states of frost. The sky is full of wind and the wind is stirring. The mountains and seas are stirring in the southeast. Who would envy the princes of ten thousand households at that time? Lu Yunzhi frequently beats the horse, and his heart is full of unexplainable wildness, which is related to this desert. The scenery gradually merged into one, and gradually faded away. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 74: The Gu Yue Cup is Completed Lu Yunzhi rushed all the way and finally arrived at Jiujiang Prefecture. He was not in a hurry to visit Zhu Jianwen because he wanted to study the Ancient Moon Cup in his hand, so he randomly found a hotel room, opened a room, and told the shopkeeper not to leave. After interrupting, he closed the door. Lu Yunzhi took out the Ancient Moon Cup from a cloth bag. The bronze square cup was still the same as the one he had seen before, but the liquid inside was missing. On the night when the Zhongzheng family house was besieged, the ancient moon cup was pocketed by Fang Qingze, and the small gold medal inscribed on Zhongzheng by Du Haiyong was picked up by Lu Yunzhi. Before Timur left, Lu Yunzhi specifically asked for the Ancient Moon Cup from Fang Qingze's hand. In order to instigate Shang Huan to rebel, he relied entirely on the Ancient Moon Cup and the gold medal that was always engraved on Zhongzheng. Naturally, the liquid inside must be made first before it can be used. If Yu Qian's secret letter can be faked, and Chao Xing's testimony can also be faked, then the image presented by the ancient jade cup will never deceive people. Lu Yunzhi knows this, and Shang Wang, who was once a disciple of Zhongzheng lineage, also knows this. Know. Lu Yunzhi looked at the ancient moon cup carefully. It was made of bronze. It was square and had no feet. There was also a circle of simple and weird patterns carved on the surface of the cup. Several vines made of bronze wrapped around the cup. , the vines look as strong and powerful as real, vigorous and lifelike. Lu Yunzhi took out a dagger from his arms and wiped it on his hand. Blood immediately poured out of his palm. Lu Yunzhi changed his palm into a fist and clenched his fist, letting the blood slowly drip into the cup. In a short time, the Guyue Cup was filled with Lu Yunzhi's blood. Lu Yunzhi took out a handkerchief that had been prepared, and then took out a bottle of medicinal powder and put it on his hand. After a while, the bleeding on his hand stopped, and he quickly wrapped it with a handkerchief, and then looked into the Gu Yue Cup. At this moment, the blood in the Guyue Cup gradually became clearer, and the bright red color gradually weakened. Lu Yunzhi nodded and kept shaking the Guyue Cup, and finally took out a grain of cinnabar from a small bottle and put it into the cup. , the blood in the cup seemed to be boiling, and one or two puffs of green smoke came out from time to time. After a cup of tea, the liquid in the cup was no longer bright red, but turned turbid and opaque. The liquid was very viscous but could reflect the scene in front of you, just like a mirror. Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and said to himself: "It is indeed a five-two-five blood-wearing cinnabar. It's hard for me to find this method." When Fang Qingze took the Ancient Moon Cup, the liquid in the cup continued to fight. It poured all the liquid into it, and I thought it was just an ordinary liquid and didn't care. However, Lu Yunzhi kept trying to fill the cup with various kinds of water and wine, but he could not make it reflect the light like a mirror. When approaching Jiujiang Prefecture, Lu Yunzhi suddenly vaguely remembered that there was such a mural in the iron tower in Shuanglong Valley where Leopard was. On the painting was something that looked like an ancient moon cup, and a person was dripping blood into it. . The painting of the man was very strange. His body was cut by a horizontal line in the middle. In addition to dripping blood into the quilt with one hand, the man was also holding a piece of ore with a red dot in the middle of the ore. Lu Yunzhi was just busy running around, and then he remembered that the ore was most likely cinnabar, and the people drawn in half by the horizontal line represented five-two-five, the intersection of yin and yang. So he made such an attempt after arriving at the inn. Unexpectedly, he succeeded extremely smoothly. Lu Yunzhi took the gold medal with the eternal engraved Zhongzheng in his hand, looked at it and said to himself: "Brother Du Hai." After saying that, he put the gold medal on the table and pressed it with the ancient moon cup. A picture gradually appeared in the Guyue Cup, which was the scene of Du Hai's murder. Lu Yunzhi took a few glances and picked up the Guyue Cup. The picture suddenly stopped and disappeared. Lu Yunzhi sighed and said with emotion: "It's done." Lu Yunzhi put the Guyue Cup away, set up a small magic array to prevent anyone from stealing it, and then put the small gold medal into his arms , straightened his clothes and opened the door. He had not felt so relaxed for a long time. The cause of revenge always weighs on his mind, and he needs to relax today. When I walked to the door of the inn, I found that the street was very busy with people coming and going, so I hurriedly called the waiter in the store and said, "Brother, may I ask what day it is today and why the street is so busy." The waiter in the store was originally interested in Lu Yun's equipment. Yu Xuanang, and since Lu Yunzhi was staying in a superior guest room, he naturally looked up to him and treated him well. Seeing Lu Yunzhi greeting him very politely, the waiter hurriedly came forward and replied: "Objectively, today is the Dragon Boat Festival, and the market is open for eating rice dumplings and drinking realgar." "Oh, that's it, thank you, brother." Lu Yun He replied politely, took out a few copper coins to reward the clerk, and walked towards the street. Lu Yunzhi smiled secretly in his heart: He was so busy just trying to form an alliance to overthrow Yu Qian that he didn't even remember the Dragon Boat Festival. Walking through a street, Lu Yunzhi saw a group of people gathered around the door of a shop, talking about something, so he stepped forward to see what was going on. In fact, Lu Yunzhi doesn't like to join in the fun on weekdays, but the more lively the better at this moment. He looked up and saw that it was a pawn shop with a plaque that read "Classic of Calligraphy and Painting".?Three big characters, it seems that it is a place dedicated to collecting antiques, calligraphy and paintings. A scholar was sitting at the door crying loudly. Everyone was watching the scholar, whispering and pointing, talking to each other, and no one knew what was going on. A man with three cabinets walked out of the shop and shouted loudly: "You can't leave or not. If you want to cry, go cry somewhere else. If you cry here again, I'll have you thrown out." No matter what the pawn shop mainly collects, Basically, they are divided into the second and third cabinets of the big shopkeeper. The third cabinet is responsible for pawning some low-level goods. For example, the third cabinet in this calligraphy and painting collection is responsible for the first level. Most of the ordinary calligraphy, painting and antiques are bought by the pound. If you encounter calligraphy and painting antiques in good condition, you will ask the second cabinet to negotiate the price for further appraisal. If the second cabinet also feels that you are not accurate, and the seller¡¯s price is on the high side, but the goods are indeed genuine, you will hire a big dealer. Shopkeeper. Of course, the second counter and the big shopkeeper are only for people who know the business. If the person who comes to pawn is not knowledgeable, he will usually be led by the third counter to make a deal at a very cheap price. Most of the people who came to pawn would choose to pawn, that is, sell it to a pawn shop. No one who had the means would want to pawn something for the merchant to earn interest. If the owner of the so-called live dang does not come to redeem it within the current period, it will be used as his own property by the pawn shop. The money earned from the living dang is less than that of the dead dang, so the pawnshop usually offers the dead dang or the three counters. "Just take a look, I really have no way out. There is really no way to untie the pot at home." When the scholar saw the three cabinets coming out, he quickly hugged the three cabinets' legs and started shouting. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 75: The Great Shopkeeper of the Book of Calligraphy and Painting The third cabinet of the "Painting and Calligraphy Classic" wanted to curse again, but he didn't expect the scholar to ignore the elegance and rush to hug his legs. He felt panicked and suddenly fell to the ground. Several clerks and martial arts masters walked out of the pawn shop. In addition to ordinary clerks, the pawn shop also has several strong martial arts masters. In addition to guarding the store to prevent lawless people from robberies, the pawn shop also protects the pawn shop if someone pawns something valuable. Martial arts masters can also escort silver coins. At this moment, Sangui fell to the ground and screamed. The scholar cried and Sangui was in a panic for a while. More and more people were watching. Sangui shouted to the clerk and the martial artist: "You guys are stunned. What are you doing? Get him away quickly." Those people hurriedly stepped forward to pull the scholar away, but the scholar was not willing to leave just like that. Most of the martial arts masters were rough and would punch the scholar as soon as they saw him acting playfully. "Stop!" Two loud shouts rang out, and two people walked out of the crowd inside and outside the shop and stopped the martial artist's fist in unison. Lu Yunzhi yelled "Stop" and then strolled out of the crowd. Originally, Sangui wanted the martial arts masters to drive him away, but seeing Lu Yunzhi's majestic and arrogant eyebrows with a bit of extraordinary aura, he didn't dare to make any mistakes. No more talking. A man also walked out of the store. The man was wearing long sleeves. He was as tall and thin as a bamboo pole. He held a large abacus in his hand, and on the bridge of his nose was a pair of small glasses with frames made of tortoise shell. It is made of brass, and there is a tendon rope tied behind the legs to tie the silver mirror to the back of the head. Lu Yunzhi had never seen glasses before. She and Fang Qingze only saw them a few days ago when they were bartering in Timur. After Fang Qingze explained what they were, she felt that they were magical and paid attention to them. The man came out and looked Lu Yunzhi up and down. There were several people standing behind him. When Lu Yunzhi was watching, he had already noticed that the plaque and flag in front of this store did not have the usual mark of Fang Qingze's store, so he did not come forward to be polite, but just smiled and cupped his hands. The man counted the cards in his hand with a slight shake, then came over with a tremor, and raised his hand to Lu Yunzhi. People around were talking a lot. Some pointed at Lu Yunzhi and said that he was going to cause trouble, while others were whispering to each other about what the man in the store was wearing over his eyes. As soon as the third cabinet saw the man coming out, he quickly broke away from the scholar who was still hugging him tightly, and said: "Big shopkeeper, this rotten scholar has written a lot of bad words himself, and he is not happy when I say I buy it by the pound. If I don't give him a high price, I'll be cheating, you see" There was another murmuring among the crowd, and after listening to Sangui's words, they knew that the man who walked out was the big shopkeeper of this painting and calligraphy book. The big shopkeeper stretched out his hand to stop the three cabinets from talking. He walked to Lu Yunzhi and cupped his hands and said, "Dong De, may I ask Mr. Gao's surname?" Lu Yunzhi also cupped his hands and replied, "I don't dare, I don't dare. My surname is Mr. Gao." Lu." When Dong De saw that Lu Yunzhi didn't want to give his full name, he just continued: "It turns out to be Mr. Lu. I have admired him for a long time. Why did you call me "Stop" just now? "Lu." Yun Zhi replied calmly. Dong De turned around and looked at Sancai. Sancai wanted to say something else, but Dong De angrily said, "You guy, I came across this when I came to check the accounts today. I don't know how you treat your guests on weekdays." So he went to help the scholar. When the scholar saw that someone finally made the decision, and he was also the shopkeeper, he couldn't help but tremble with excitement, and he couldn't help but suddenly fell to his knees. "No, no, you have to talk when you have something to do, and pray to your parents. If you do this, you are going to hurt me." Dong De said politely, and with a kind face, he quickly stretched out his hand to support the scholar, "Here, take it. Show me your handwriting," Dong De continued. The scholar stood up and thanked him, regaining some of the temperament that a scholar should have. Then he took out the scroll and opened it. Dong De held up the paper and looked at it. Lu Yunzhi also looked at the word, with a smile on his lips. The scholar said with full of grievance: "This paper, ink, pen and inkstone are all left by the older generation. My father-in-law once told me that as long as I practice hard, one day I can use these things to write priceless calligraphy and draw shocking pictures." The paintings of Yu Shi" Dong De listened and nodded. The scholar became more enthusiastic and wanted to say something more, but he saw Dong De rolled up the calligraphy, handed it back to the scholar and said: " Your handwriting" "How is it? How much is it worth?" the scholar asked with concern. Dong De sighed and replied: "I'm sorry, these words are worthless." The scholar said "ah" and sat down on the ground in grief and anger. Dong De knelt down and asked with concern: "Are you okay, brother?" "What should I do? The family has no food, the scholar is worthless, the scholar is useless." The scholar burst into tears, and Dong De took out a silver ingot from his arms, which weighed more than thirty taels. It seems that Dong De carries a lot of money with him, but he is still so thin after putting it in his arms. I can¡¯t imagine how thin his body will be after he puts these things down. The scholar's eyes widened when he saw the silver, but when he saw the group of martial artists behind Dong De who were still eyeing him, he didn't dare to snatch it away. Dong De said softly: "Don't be afraid. I have no other hobbies. I just like to write with old paper and old pens. Since you said these?The paper, ink, pen, and inkstone passed down from your ancestors are not worth a lot of money originally. But considering that you are a scholar, I will give you this money. Can you give me these four treasures of the study? " The scholar sat on the ground and nodded in disbelief. He opened the painting box he carried with him and said excitedly: "You are such a kind person. I really don't know how to thank you. All these things have been given to you, but there are not many pieces of paper left for drawing. You? "It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter." Dong De handed over the money and was about to reach for the painting box. At this time, Lu Yunzhi snorted coldly and said, "Wait a minute." "The scholar's hand had not yet caught the silver, but he was startled by Lu Yunzhi's shout. It took him a long time to react. The scholar stood up, pointed at Lu Yunzhi and cursed: "Who are you? Do you want to do this too? You said you have older pens and papers at home, and you want to steal my money. I see that you have a good temperament, but I didn¡¯t expect you to have such a face. It¡¯s really that the world is changing and people are not as old as they used to be! "The scholar was scolding so vigorously that he completely forgot that Lu Yunzhi had just ordered the martial artist to beat him. Lu Yunzhi sighed, looked at the scholar and then at Dong De, then turned around with an imperceptible smile on his lips. , but said in a neither light nor serious tone: "Profiteer. "After saying that, he turned around and walked away. Dong De didn't have a good ear. Although the voice was not loud, everyone present could hear it clearly, so he quickly shouted: "Brother, please stay, Mr. Lu, I respect you. But you insulted me, don't even think about walking away. "As soon as he finished speaking, all the martial arts masters immediately surrounded Lu Yunzhi as soon as they heard the big shopkeeper's words. Lu Yunzhi turned around and said unhurriedly: "Do you want to take action? Why bother? Why did shopkeeper Dong keep me here? Dong De sneered twice and wanted to get closer to Lu Yunzhi, but he didn't dare to act as if he was afraid of him. He could only stand where he was and said, "I'll give you back what you just said. I only ask for justice." " Volume 2 Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 76 Chengxintang Paper and Chicken Pen Secret Thirteen 76_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 76 Chengxintang Paper and Chicken Pen comes from Lu Yunzhi heard Dong De repeat what he just said to himself, but he looked up to the sky and laughed. He got up, turned around and walked towards Dong De. Dong De quickly took a few steps back, and the beads of the abacus in his hand began to rotate slightly. Ordinary people would naturally not notice it, but this could not escape Lu Yunzhi's training since childhood. Keen eyes. When a martial artist saw Lu Yunzhi trying to step forward, he thought he was going to fight with the big shopkeeper. He thought to himself: Today is the chance to show his face in front of the big shopkeeper. Although this troublemaker is tall, he is not strong either. I have to be easy to fight. He paused and had to keep his strength, otherwise it would be bad if he was caught off guard and killed. The martial artist was thinking about reaching out to grab Lu Yunzhi's front and skirt, but he saw Lu Yunzhi's figure in front of him swayed, and he was actually looking at him from head to foot. The martial artist burst into laughter, thinking that he was so frightened that he fell to the ground before he could hit Lu Yunzhi, but the laughter stopped suddenly. Because he found that everyone was standing on their heads and feet. When he looked up, he saw that his head was less than an inch from the ground, and a heartbreaking pain suddenly came from his ankles. Amid the exclamations of everyone around him, Lu Yunzhi grabbed the martial artist's ankles with both hands and held him upside down. It turned out that just at the moment when the martial artist was about to take action, Lu Yunzhi bent down with lightning speed, grabbed his legs, flipped the martial artist over and lifted up his hands. His movement was so fast that few people present could see it. clear. The martial artist screamed and looked extremely panicked. Lu Yunzhi was not embarrassed, he waved his hands and quickly supported his waist. The martial artist stood back on the ground, but his feet became weak and he could not stand still and fell. On the ground. Lu Yunzhi glanced at the several waiters and martial artists who were stunned. Those people hurriedly lowered their heads and retreated to both sides, no longer daring to stop Lu Yunzhi. Dong De put the abacus behind him, and the abacus turned faster and faster, and even made low noises. Dong De shouted: "What are you going to do!" Lu Yunzhi waved her hand, her fingers deliberately bent, as if to express her gratitude to Dong De's back. Abacus said as if he had a pointer: "Shopkeeper Dong, don't panic. I was just passing by today and came to help when there was an injustice on the road. If you want me to give you justice, then I will give you one." With that, Lu Yunzhi walked to Shengsheng. He had to run to the side. Just now he saw Lu Yunzhi teasing the strong martial artist easily, so he was afraid of getting too close to Lu Yunzhi, for fear that his ungrateful behavior just now would be punished by Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi did not chase after the scholar, but just picked up a piece of paper in the painting box and said to Dong De: "What is this?" Dong De breathed a long sigh of relief, and the abacus in his hand stopped spinning, his expression remained unchanged and his heart did not beat. He said: "Isn't it just an old piece of paper?" "Haha, what shopkeeper Dong said just now is right. His handwriting is indeed not good. Writing on this paper is a waste of resources." Lu Yunzhi said to that student After hearing this, although he was dissatisfied but did not dare to challenge him, Lu Yunzhi paused and said: "The good thing is this piece of paper. You can see that this paper is as thin as a film, but it is extremely solid, smooth and smooth." Like beautiful jade, this is Chengxintang paper, which was called the king of paper by Li Yu, the later master of the Southern Tang Dynasty. It is a living treasure. " "Look at this piece again," Lu Yunzhi bent down and took out the pen from the painting box. The pen is different from other writing brushes. It actually has a pointed nose cap, which is shaped like a chicken's back paw. "This pen is called a chicken spur pen, and the chicken spur is the back claw of a rooster. This pen is named after its shape. Everyone." Seeing that this pen has deer hair as the center of the pillar, hemp paper wrapping the pillar base, and rabbit hair as the outer cover, I am even more certain that it is a chicken-gait pen. This pen has long been lost and is a priceless treasure. It was the pen used by people in the Tang Dynasty. Scholars, although Shopkeeper Dong is right that your calligraphy is worthless, your grandfather is also right. If you practice calligraphy well, the words you write on this piece of paper will be worth a fortune. It's just a pity that you didn't practice hard. That¡¯s all, it¡¯s a waste of the pieces of Chengxintang paper you wrote on.¡± After Lu Yunzhi finished speaking, he looked at Dong De mockingly and said, ¡°Shopkeeper Dong, did I just say that you were unjust or not?¡± Dong De had not yet answered. , the scholar turned around and shouted at Dong De: "You are a heartless profiteer, you will die if you bully me like this." Dong De replied calmly: "It is obvious that Mr. Lu is jealous of you. You're just talking nonsense after getting this money. Since you don't want to give it to me, scholar, then you can go and see who dares to pay thirty taels of silver for these so-called 'exorbitant treasures' of yours." "Scholar. Looking at the people around him, how could the people onlookers know this? They were just watching the excitement. The scholar could not judge the authenticity and was in a dilemma for a while. Dong De wanted to add fuel to the fire and said to the scholar: "Hurry up and pick up your things and leave. If you don't leave, what are you waiting for? Just ask this man named Lu for money. No one will prove what he said. Really." "I can prove it." The beautiful voice sounded out of thin air like a lark singing. Everyone looked around and saw a beautiful woman wearing a long dress walking out. This girl's skin is as white as snow but white with reddish tints and not sickly. She has a small but straight nose under her two willow-leaf eyebrows. She has white teeth and bright eyes and is indescribably shy.??Love. Lu Yunzhi turned around and was stunned for a moment. When he went out today, he didn't make any predictions, unless it was related to revenge, strategy, or fighting skills. Lu Yunzhi rarely made predictions on weekdays. He firmly believed that life The fun of life lies in the unknown and surprises. If everything was figured out, there would be no fun in living. Lu Yunzhi was really surprised at this sight, not only because the girl was beautiful and had a voice like a silver bell, but also because this girl turned out to be an old friend, Yang Xiyu. Yang Xiyu glanced at Lu Yunzhi, moved the corner of his mouth slightly to pretend he didn't recognize him, and then said righteously: "Everything this gentleman said is true, and there is absolutely no lies." The people watching saw that Lu Yun was not alone. Zhiqi Yuxuanang didn't look like a liar, and a beautiful young lady came out to testify. This young lady was followed by several maids. At first glance, she was the daughter of a noble family, and she couldn't be a liar who was jealous of other people's money. There was a flurry of discussion among the people, and everyone criticized Dong De in a low voice. At this moment, five people in the crowd looked at each other and turned to leave. Dong De was thinking of countermeasures when he inadvertently looked at those people. Dong De felt that those people looked suspicious, so he raised his hand and shook the abacus. The abacus made a clatter. Dong De yelled that it was not good and started chasing the five people. The crowd made a way for Dong De to run out, as if he was running away. When everyone saw Dong De running away, they doubted that there was something wrong with it. They all scolded Dong De for being a profiteer and wanted to praise the handsome and extraordinary Lu. When Mr. Lu was about to leave, he saw Lu Yunzhi running out quickly, chasing after Dong De in the direction he left. &nnsp; Thirteen Secrets 76_The full text of Thirteen Secrets is free to read_Chapter 76 Chengxintang Paper and Chicken Pen have been updated! Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 77: In the Deep Alley Dong De chased him two blocks away, turned into a deep alley, and gradually stopped. Dong De glanced around and found that there was no one else but himself. The deep alley is the passageway between the back walls of two rows of houses. There are no doors, only windows. It is the time to start work now, and the windows of every house are closed tightly to prevent thieves from sneaking in. Dong De shook the abacus in his hand again, and the beads suddenly started to rotate rapidly. Dong De shouted: "Come out, stop hiding, you bastards of the Five Ugly lineage." Five figures stood from the surrounding rooftops. He stood up and stared at Dong De. Dong De showed no fear. The glasses on his face seemed to reflect a ray of light. The abacus in his hand hummed. Along with the hum, wisps of black air came out along the abacus. The black air suddenly enveloped the entire abacus. , a few pairs of hands grabbing around were revealed from time to time in the churning black air. "It seems that we are not the only ones calling you bastards. It turns out that everyone in the world calls you bastards, haha." A loud laugh sounded from behind a disciple of the Five Chou lineage. The disciple's eyes suddenly opened wide and he turned his head incredulously. He didn't He heard someone approaching him. As soon as he turned his head, what came into view was a pair of bright moon-like eyes and two heroic sword-shaped eyebrows. The man said "Ah" unexpectedly, but was tied up by a pair of not thick but powerful arms, and then suddenly He picked him up high, jumped under the roof, and fell straight to the ground while standing upside down. In the blink of an eye, this disciple of the Five Chou lineage fell heavily to the ground on his head and feet. With his head hitting the bottom first and the weight of himself and the person who tied him behind him, his neck bones were suddenly broken and he died on the spot. The person hugging him was because he had lifted the Five Ugly Disciple up a step higher and landed on the ground a step later. He let go of his hands, put one palm on the ground, stretched out his legs, made a circle on the ground and stood up. Come. Dong De looked at this man and saw that his skin was fair and angular, his temples were frosty white, and he had no beard on his face. There was a hint of melancholy in his bright eyes, as if he was deeply worried. What is particularly commendable is the two sword-shaped eyebrows seen by the Wuchou sect member who died just now, which made him look not weak but heroic. This person is not Lu Yunzhi, who is he? Lu Yunzhi instantly killed one of the Five Chou disciples, but seemed not to notice the other four, and walked towards Dong De without paying attention. Dong De was a little scared, and raised the abacus in his hand that had been shrouded in black air. Asked: "Who are you?!" "The enemy of your enemy is your friend." Lu Yunzhi replied with a slight smile. When the four disciples of the Five Chou disciples saw their companions being killed, they were so angry that they forgot that the Five Chou disciples must work in groups of five to exert their greatest power. They went crazy towards Lu Yunzhi and tried to throw themselves down from the roof. . Before the four people jumped down from the room, they were caught in the air by several strange winds and were unable to land for a long time. Although the wind was very strong, it blew very low, and it only blew around the four disciples of the Wuchou lineage. Lu Yunzhi's clothes did not move at all. Dong De also spit and wet the back of his hands, but there was no trace of wind. Unable to feel it, I was suddenly shocked, as if I had vaguely guessed Lu Yunzhi's identity. The four people were swept into the air. Lu Yunzhi whispered a language that Dong De could not understand. The four people were quickly carried by the wind to Lu Yunzhi. They looked at Lu Yunzhi with wide eyes in horror. Finally, after looking at each other for a long time, they finally closed their eyes. Although they still don't know who Lu Yunzhi is, the four of them know that their death is coming, because the eyes of the man in front of them are full of murderous intent. Lu Yunzhi didn't know when two long iron thorns protruded from his sleeves. He crossed his arms and collided with the iron thorns, pointing at one of them. A bolt of lightning hit that person before he could do it. The screams turned into coke and burned in the wind. Lightning passed through the man's body and hit the remaining three people one after another. The three people died in the air instantly like the first man. The iron thorns in Lu Yunzhi's sleeves gradually retracted, and the wind that carried the four people suddenly carried their dead bodies straight up. The strong wind twisted, and the four burnt bodies suddenly turned into pieces in the air. The powder scattered, leaving only some unburned joints hanging in the air. When the wind stopped, the ashes of the corpse fell to the ground at the same time, making a strange knocking sound. Dong De said with a trembling voice: "The Zhongzheng lineage's clan art of heaven and earth is indeed well-deserved, but you are too cruel to use it." Lu Yunzhi shook her head and replied: "You have no experience of being hunted down and killed. , naturally I don¡¯t know how to eradicate it. These Five Ugly Disciples are not coming for me today. They will definitely go back and report you when they find out that you are from Heaven and Earth. It won¡¯t take long for a large number of Jin Yiwei officers and soldiers to come to encircle and suppress you. That¡¯s not it. If you die, they will die. Don't you want to die? " "Of course you don't want to. I would like to thank Mr. Lu for saving his life. But are you Mr. Zhongzheng's palm vein stone? Could it be that what you are using now is Pseudonym?" Dong De asked. Lu Yunzhi shook his head and replied: "No." "Then how do you know the art of clan heaven and earth?" Dong De was still a little afraid of Lu Yunzhi, afraid that Lu Yunzhi would suddenly kill him and kill him.?'s abacus still refuses to let go. The murderous look disappeared from Lu Yunzhi's eyes, and he said softly: "Brother Dong is indeed very knowledgeable. I won't hide it. I, Lu Yunzhi, am in the seventh line of Zhongzheng." Dong De looked slightly relaxed, but he still asked doubtfully. Said: "Aren't you deceiving me?" "There is no lie. If I wanted to be detrimental to Brother Dong, I might have done it long ago. Although the ghosts and French in your abacus are powerful, the clan's heaven and earth skills are also powerful. I should be able to fight with you, don't you think?" Lu Yunzhi said politely, Dong De quickly shook the big abacus in his hand, and the black air that was constantly swirling around the abacus gradually entered the abacus, and the abacus beads The buzzing rotation also stopped. Dong De knew in his heart that what Lu Yunzhi said just now was just to be polite. He could only stand up to the clan's heaven and earth skills for one or two times at most. If Lu Yunzhi really wanted to do it, he would definitely have trouble getting wings today. Escape, believe it or not at this moment, giving up and making peace is the wisest choice. Lu Yunzhi saw Dong De put away his abacus and said: "Brother Dong, I have not been to Jiujiang Prefecture a few times. Can you take me to a quiet teahouse to have a few drinks together." Dong De praised him repeatedly and led him Lu Yunzhi and the two walked out of the alley. There were only a few burnt black and yellow joints left on the ground in the deep alley. It was no longer clear whether they belonged to humans or animals, and the rest was just ashes all over the ground. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 78: Winning over Secret Thirteen 78_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 78: Winning over Lu Yunzhi and Dong De found a teahouse with a relatively remote location and took a seat. As soon as they sat down, Dong De said to Dr. Tea: "Come and have an eight Two pots of wine with meat and vegetables." Dr. Tea replied respectfully: "The shop only serves tea, water, melon and fruit snacks, and does not provide food and wine. I'm sorry, sir. If you want to have wine, walk a few steps to the west and there is one opposite. "It's a restaurant." "If you don't have one, why are you asking us to leave? Call the shopkeeper," Dong De yelled, slapping the table angrily, and the guests at the tables around him looked sideways. Dong De brought Lu Yunzhi to this teahouse. When he entered, Lu Yunzhi saw the secret code on the plaque and knew that this was Fang Qingze's business. However, he never expected that Dong De would target the teahouse as soon as he entered. Doctor, it seems like he is deliberately causing trouble. Lu Yunzhi looked at Dong De doubtfully. Dong De's small eyes hidden behind the lenses blinked at him, then looked at Dr. Cha and said, "Why don't you go quickly." Dr. Cha calmly bowed and Said: "Okay, wait a moment objectively, I will go and ask the shopkeeper to come out." Seeing that Dr. Tea left, Dong De said to Lu Yunzhi: "Mr. Lu, you don't know something. This teahouse and many merchants It may be some kind of secret chamber of commerce. I looked for a long time and found a familiar shopkeeper, and wanted him to introduce me to this chamber of commerce, but he refused, saying that it was secretive and so on. Sorry for the slip of the tongue. I saw that they were too arrogant. They just have the strength to mobilize funds easily. It¡¯s the same if I don¡¯t use them. I now own a silk shop, a restaurant, and a pawn shop, which is where we met. Home. Let me tell you" Before he finished speaking, a person walked out from behind the counter. Dr. Cha whispered a few words in the person's ear. The person nodded and walked over and saluted Dong De. He asked: "I am the shopkeeper of this teahouse. The shop is a humble place in the countryside. Please forgive me for the poor hospitality. You" When the shopkeeper said this, he glanced at Lu Yunzhi and suddenly He said excitedly: "It's Mr. Lu, how have you been recently? I wonder if you still remember me when I left Jinling." Lu Yunzhi stood up with a slight smile, cupped his hands and said, "Of course, you guys helped me a lot. Let me introduce to you, this is one of my elder brothers, Dong De. "I have admired him for a long time, it turns out he is the shopkeeper of the Calligraphy and Painting Collection," the teahouse owner said politely. Dong De did not expect that Lu Yunzhi was so familiar with the teahouse owner, and he suddenly felt a little embarrassed by what he had just said. After the three of them exchanged pleasantries, Lu Yunzhi said that he had something to talk to Dong De alone, and the teahouse owner slowly left. Dong De then breathed a sigh of relief and said with an embarrassed look on his face: "Mr. Lu, why didn't you tell me earlier that you knew them? I just complained so much in front of you. I heard it meant that you were friends with this mysterious chamber of commerce. It's ridiculous. Who established this mysterious chamber of commerce, and who is the big boss behind it? " "Oh, it's just my second brother's business," Lu Yunzhi said lightly. Dong De opened his eyes wide and fiddled with his abacus involuntarily, and said, "All the houses I just mentioned belong to your second brother?" Lu Yunzhi nodded and replied, "Yes, we are sworn brothers. . It¡¯s not just Jiujiang Prefecture. There are only a few dozen shops in Jiujiang. By the way, I remember saying when we met in Nanjing, there were seventy-four in total. It¡¯s probably going to increase now.¡± Dong. De let out a loud "Ah", and the tea patrons around him looked over again with disdain in their eyes. It was probably because Dong De had disturbed their Jingya. Dong De coughed slightly and lowered his voice and said, "Mr. Lu, why are you looking for me?" Lu Yunzhi said, "You already noticed that I am a student of strange arts in front of your pawn shop just now. Why?" Are you looking for someone to stop me?" Dong De pondered for a moment and replied: "At that time, I just saw that your husband was in high spirits, so I moved my abacus to figure out who he was, but I didn't expect that I couldn't figure it out at all. I also know that the Zhongzheng lineage is the leader among the people of heaven and earth. Since the Zhongzheng lineage suffered a catastrophe, the imperial court began to secretly hunt down the people of heaven and earth from all lines. Although I am not a disciple of the branch, my master is also a person of heaven and earth. , Naturally, I am more concerned about this matter. Recently, the rumors are getting closer and closer, so I thought it might be my turn soon." At this time, Dr. Tea had already brought tea, water, melons and fruits for the two of them, and Dong De stopped talking and apologized. Dr. Tea cupped his hand, then smiled and pushed it down. Dong De continued: "After calculation, I was shocked and thought that my death date had arrived. If you were three times taller than me, I might still be able to find some clues. But as I said just now, I don't know anything about Mr. I can't figure it out, Mr. Lu, you must be dozens of times higher than me. At that time, I thought you were from the imperial court, so I wanted my martial artist to stop you, and I would attack from behind and try to kill you with one move. But then I became more and more convinced. You don't look like a bad person. What's more, I saw those bastards of the Five Ugly clan spying on me from outside the crowd. The way I turned my abacus to guard against you must have been seen by them and ordinary people would have noticed.No, but even though they are a group of bird-men, they are still considered a member of the people of heaven and earth. They will definitely find me. I have no choice but to chase them. Fortunately, my husband came to help me. Otherwise, it would be difficult for me to deal with them all at once. Dong Mou Thanks. " Lu Yunzhi listened to Dong De's story with a smile. He picked up a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake with his right hand and put it into his mouth. The fragrance immediately spread to his taste buds. Lu Yunzhi shouted in a low voice: "It's delicious. No matter where the second brother's teahouse is, it's delicious. It's so delicious, come and try a piece. "Speaking, Lu Yunzhi handed a piece to Dong De with his hand. Dong De was stunned for a moment and did not expect that Lu Yunzhi would be so disrespectful of etiquette. However, Lu Yunzhi raised the corner of his mouth and smiled again and said: "You and I don't have to be polite, the red tape is too much. Tiring. If there is anything else I want to say thank you for, let¡¯s leave it to success and fame. " Dong De took the sweet-scented osmanthus cake from Lu Yunzhi's hand. Lu Yunzhi asked: "What do you want most? "Hey, I like making money. I am greedy for money and prefer the fun of dominating the mall. Just like your second brother, I hope I can also become a business tycoon." Dong De said. Lu Yunzhi continued to ask: "Do you think the court will let it go?" Although we have destroyed the corpses and eliminated all traces, the place where these disciples of the Five Chou lineage disappeared is near Jiujiang Mansion. Sooner or later, someone will find out and search Jiujiang Mansion vigorously. By then, you will be able to hide from Jinyi Weidong Factory and those degenerate people of heaven and earth. The hunt? Dong De was silent for a moment, shook his head, and asked in a low voice: "Then what should I do?" " "Haha, first of all, you are different from my second brother. He loves doing business but doesn't love money. Secondly, if you ask me what to do, listen to me and transfer the store, follow me," Lu Yunzhi said. Dong De suddenly opened his little eyes wide, and looked like a pair of goldfish through the lenses on his eye sockets. Lu Yunzhi laughed and looked at Dong De with a serious face and said word by word: "I will give you more. ¡± &nnsp; Thirteen Secrets 78_Read the full text of Thirteen Secrets for free_Chapter 78 Winning over has been updated! Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 79: Meeting Xi Yu Again Lu Yunzhi and Dong De drank tea for a while. The two just chatted and discussed some strange things that they had seen across the country. They did not talk in depth because Dong De didn't know why, but he always felt that Lu Yunzhi was with him. There seemed to be an unusual sense of oppression behind the elegance, making people unable to resist what he said. Moreover, what Lu Yunzhi said is indeed reasonable. If Dong De continues to stay in Jiujiang Mansion, he may be discovered by the court's hawks and dogs, and he will be defeated under siege. Dong De gradually discovered that Lu Yunzhi not only learned a lot but also applied what he learned. He should be a person who had traveled far and wide and seen a lot of things in the world, and was by no means a talkative person. Therefore, Dong De respected Lu Yunzhi even more. While he was talking, Dr. Cha's greeting sounded at the door. Dong De faced the door and looked up to see the beautiful woman who had just testified for Lu Yunzhi. Behind her was a young man with oily hair and a pink face and a large group of people. The maid follows. The woman was slightly startled when she saw Dong De, but she also smiled and walked to a table next to her. She slowed down as she walked, and suddenly ran to Lu Yunzhi and sat down, hugging Lu tightly with her hands. Yunzhi said in surprise: "Why are you here?" This woman was Yang Xiyu. Dong De originally thought that Yang Xiyu and Lu Yunzhi did not know each other, but at this time he saw Yang Xiyu, a girl from a girl's family, who was interested in Lu Yunzhi. Being so intimate, I couldn't help but be shocked. A mouthful of sweet-scented osmanthus cake got stuck in my throat and I coughed violently. Lu Yunzhi was not in a hurry. He gently took the teapot and poured a cup of tea and handed it to Dong De. Dong De felt much better after drinking it in one gulp. He quickly pushed up his glasses and wiped the tears he had just coughed up from the corner of his eyes. , still can¡¯t believe the scene in front of me. Dong De thought to himself: To be fair, except that Lu Yunzhi is slightly older, this woman and Lu Yunzhi are indeed a match made in heaven, the man is handsome and the woman is pretty. Lu Yunzhi and Dong De met not long ago, and Dong De naturally didn't know that Lu Yunzhi just looked like a young man in his twenties. Yang Xiyu whispered at this time: "Lu Yunzhi, help me, that young man has been pestering me." Lu Yunzhi did not answer and just glanced at Yang Xiyu. Although Dong De also heard Yang Xiyu's words, He was even more unclear about the reason, but he was also an old fox who naturally remained unchanged in response to all changes, and still sat there quietly drinking tea. As soon as Yang Xiyu finished speaking, he saw the young man with oily hair and pink face walking over quickly and said fiercely to Lu Yunzhi: "Who are you? Miss Yang, please don't associate with such unscrupulous people. Your father ordered I'll accompany you around Jiujiang Mansion, but I can't let you be bullied by this bad guy." The young man's voice was overbearing and a little jealous. "Xi Yu, why are you also in Jiujiang? What a coincidence. Is your father here too?" Lu Yunzhi's expression changed and became gentle and considerate, and she said to Yang Xiyu with affection in her eyes. Changing personality in this way is Lu Yunzhi's specialty. He used this technique to return to his original nature and control the evil spirit of chaos when he was young. Although Yang Xiyu was prepared, his face turned red at the sight of Lu Yunzhi. He lowered his head, slowly took his hand away from Lu Yunzhi's arm, and replied: "Of course, my father is here." "Why don't you go to my house?" Although the young man dressed as a young man didn't know who Lu Yunzhi was, he saw that Lu Yunzhi was much more handsome than him, and he couldn't help but feel jealous in his heart, but he heard Yang Xiyu say. Even though he was so familiar with him, he didn't dare to make any mistakes. He raised his hands and said, "What's your surname?" Lu Yunzhi didn't even look up, ignored the young man, and just continued talking to Yang Xiyu. After all, the young man was young and full of energy. He flew into a rage, slammed the table in front of Lu Yunzhi and shouted: "I am talking to you, why are you ignoring me?" Lu Yunzhi looked at Yang Xiyu, then looked at Dong De asked, "Did you two hear the sound just now? I always feel like something is screaming." Dong De chuckled, Yang Xiyu also pursed his lips and snickered, and the young man was even more angry. Yang Xiyu knew Lu Yunzhi's skills. Wow, I was afraid that if the fight started and the young man would get bruised and swollen, he would be blamed by Yang Zhun, so he said: "Uncle, don't make him happy. Come with me to see my father quickly, he will be there soon." We are chatting at that restaurant in the distance." Lu Yunzhi agreed and stood up together with Dong De. Dr. Cha just said that there is a restaurant not far to the west, and it seems to be that one. Lu Yunzhi, Dong De, Yang Xiyu and others stood up and ignored the young man. Lu Yunzhi took out a piece of broken silver and put it on the table, and the three of them walked towards the door. The young man never expected that the handsome man in front of him turned out to be Yang Xiyu's uncle. He quickly said to Lu Yunzhi with a flattering face: "Lu Yu, the son of Lu Cheng, the prefect of Jiujiang Prefecture, pays homage to my uncle. I hope that your uncle will not care about villains." "But don't be surprised if you didn't ask your uncle just now." Lu Yunzhi laughed, stopped and said, "It doesn't matter." Then he walked out of the teahouse and walked towards the restaurant not far away. Just in the corner near the teahouse, there was a child huddled in the corner wearing a rag. When Lu Yunzhi walked into the restaurant, the face of an adult man emerged from his broken steps. This man's face was very He is handsome, but he always has a cold smile on his face. This handsome face looks very weird with a sneer, and there is nothing that makes him feel moved.?Very uncomfortable. The man was not a child, but a dwarf about half a man tall. His body wrapped in rags seemed to be a bit hunched over, and there were three sharp crosses bulging out from the left and right sides of his waist to hold up his clothes. Can't see anything. The man whispered: "You can't find anything after wearing iron shoes, and it takes no effort to get here. Lu Yunzhi, I have finally found you." It turns out that it was not just the group of Five Ugly disciples who sneaked into Jiujiang Mansion this time. Many more people also followed Shang Wang to Jiujiang Mansion to investigate Zhu Jianwen's movements to prevent a large number of people from heaven and earth from gathering here again. Shang Wang turned into a disabled beggar and paid attention to the movements of everyone on the street. He had been here for more than a month and arrested and killed more than a dozen people from heaven and earth, and these people from heaven and earth did not participate in Lu They were just passing through Yun Zhi's revenge mission. Shang Wang sneered and followed Lu Yunzhi slowly. When Lu Yunzhi and others walked into the restaurant, Shang Wang walked around to the backyard of the restaurant, jumped on the wall and pulled out two triangles from his waist. Fork, it turns out that it was the pair of weapons that held up the rag just now. Shang Wang jumped in the air, but due to his short body, he was still far away from the top of the wall. He waved his forks and inserted them into a crack in the bricks, but he didn't make a sound. He then lifted his body up a few feet, and continued like this. Shang Wang climbed up the wall, and then used this method to climb to the top of the restaurant. Shang Wang had just stabilized his figure when he heard a joyful shout coming from a private room upstairs: "Brother Xian, why are you also in Jiujiang Mansion?" Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 80: Interesting Things Lu Yunzhi and others boarded the restaurant and entered a private room on the top floor. As soon as the door was opened, everyone in the room looked over and saw Yang Zhun being the first to shout, and then quickly stepped forward. He hugged Lu Yunzhi and shouted: "Brother Xian, why are you here in Jiujiang Mansion?" Lu Yunzhi felt a little uncomfortable being hugged by Yang Zhun, but he couldn't push him away, so he could only say softly: " Brother Yang, don't be too excited, it's disrespectful." Yang Zhun let go of Lu Yunzhi, but still looked at Yang Xiyu behind Lu Yunzhi like a naughty boy, and then said happily: "Why is it Xi Yupeng? Did you bring you here?" Lu Yunzhi nodded, but saw a person sitting in the seat with his head lowered and silent, and the quilt he held in his hand was trembling. Lu Yunzhi called out softly: "See and hear." But the man slammed the table and shouted: "Lu Yunzhi, you are too late. I have been waiting for you, a nerd, for a long time. I will drink you one drink as a penalty." Then he threw the wine glass out of the air. Facing Lu Yunzhi, Lu Yunzhi quickly stretched out his hand to catch it, stepped back to slow down, and the wine in the glass only swayed without spilling a drop. Lu Yunzhi took the wine glass and drank it all in one gulp, and then said, "How are you these days?" The man's eyes were a little moist, and he coughed lightly to stop his tears and said, "It's okay, but I'm missing a lot of joy since you're not here. Haha, we miss our childhood so much. Now that we are here, let¡¯s not talk about other things at the wine table. We are just chatting and we must have a good time today." This person was Zhu Jianwen, and everyone saw that Prince Wu was different from his usual self. He looked like a royal nobleman, but after seeing Lu Yun, he didn't have any pretense at all, just like ordinary people. So the people at the table who didn't know Lu Yunzhi looked at him one after another, guessing about Lu Yunzhi's identity. Zhu Jianwen came over and pulled Lu Yunzhi to his side. The two looked at each other and smiled. Lu Yunzhi patted Zhu Jianwen and then turned to Yang Zhun and asked: "Brother Yang, why are you here in Jiujiang Mansion? How have you been doing since we haven't seen you for a long time?" Yang Zhun said: "This is not because I was promoted after returning to Nanjing. The right minister of the Minister of Rites happened to be in Jiujiang on official business, which is really unfair. It is a great achievement to welcome the Supreme Emperor back. Ahem, forget it, let¡¯s not talk about official matters. The court always has its own reasons. "Yang Zhun. Halfway through his words, Zhu Jianwen kicked Yang Zhun hard. Yang Zhun knew that he had made a mistake and quickly praised the court. Zhu Jianwen stood up and introduced to Lu Yunzhi: "Let me tell you, this is Lu Cheng, the prefect of Jiujiang Prefecture. Jiujiang Prefecture is the territory of King Wu and is also the jurisdiction of Prefect Lu. This place is jointly managed by both of us. The rest. The few below are Mr. Lu's staff, and they are all well-educated people. It's true that a strong general has no weak soldiers. I was really impressed by what I said just now." When Lu Cheng heard Zhu Jianwen praise him, he said hurriedly. : "Your Majesty, you are so complimentary. I am ashamed to be a lower-ranking official." Zhu Jianwen smiled and replied, "Master Lu, there is no need to be humble. This is my brother Lu Yunzhi. He also likes to read some poems and songs." Zhu Jianwen patted him. Lu Yunzhi said, and Lu Yunzhi hurriedly cupped his hands and bowed deeply: "I have met Mr. Lu." A few people greeted them politely, and Yang Xiyu, Lu Cheng's son Lu Yu and Dong De also sat at the table. . After everyone talked, some of the staff recited a few lines of poetry in an artful manner. Lu Yunzhi, on the other hand, was quite reserved and lacked the spirit of his youth. He only occasionally answered a few sentences when asked by others, but every word he said shocked everyone at the table. Lu Cheng said: "Actually, I have been appointed to Jiujiang Prefecture not long ago. There are many things that I still need the prince's advice on. Mr. Lu is also a man of great learning. He will definitely teach the subordinates when he has time." Zhu Jianwen nodded and said: "Master Lu, this Jiujiang Prefecture This is a vassal fiefdom. As long as the imperial court sends people to serve as officials, they will be transferred soon. And I would like to congratulate you on your promotion." Lu Yunzhi also said slightly: "That's right. So far, the governor of Jiujiang Prefecture. Only Mr. Li Yi has held the position for the longest time and was deeply loved by all the people, but he was framed and killed because he was on the wrong team." Zhu Jianwen gave Lu Yunzhi a meaningful look, not long after Lu Cheng took office. , Zhu Jianwen was about to win over Lu Cheng to prevent Lu Cheng, Yu Qian and others from collaborating inside and outside. At this moment, Zhu Jianwen already knew that the leader who was talking about everything was Yu Qian, because after Fang Qingze found out, he sent a caravan to inform Zhu Jianwen and Qu Xiangtian, so Zhu Jianwen's actions became more targeted. Already many of Zhu Jianwen's comrades began to criticize Yu Qian. Lu Yunzhi seemed to have seen through Zhu Jianwen's thoughts, so he brought up Li Yi, the former governor of Jiujiang Prefecture, as evidence. Li Yi had been diligent and kind, loyal to the court and kind to the people for many years, but he was framed and died by Shi Heng. Shi Heng had joined Yu Qian's team since the first battle in the capital, and everyone knew it. However, at that time, the Zhongzheng lineage did not know that the leader of the Zhongzheng lineage was Yu Qian. After Lu Yunzhi brought up Shi Heng, it was tantamount to hinting to Lu Cheng that being loyal to the court had no future. If he was not careful, he would be framed and killed. It was better to have the vassal king as a guarantee, so that his life would be safe. Zhu Jianwen was very surprised. He didn't know when Lu Yunzhi became so concerned about government affairs. He almost forgot to use Li Yi as a living example to persuade Lu Cheng, so he was surprised and said: "Lu Yunzhi, when did you become so concerned about the government?" officialdom?So interested. " Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly, lowered his arms, and two long iron thorns protruded from the cuffs. Zhu Jianwen narrowed his eyes and knew that Lu Yunzhi was definitely going to attack someone, and his whole body was tense. Just listen to Lu Yun He said: "I'm interested in maybe more than that. "As he spoke, Lu Yunzhi stood up and rushed towards the window. At the same time, the window was kicked open from the outside, and a short figure flew in like a small meat ball, fighting with Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi He stretched out his double thorns from his sleeves and parried several moves before taking a closer look. The man who ran in was Shang Wang. Shang Wang held his double forks to block a few blows, jumped back and screamed: "Lu Yunzhi What a wonderful hearing. You can hear such small sounds. But if you make trouble here one by one, you will all die. I have written down all your names. You will all die! " "I'll kill you, uncle. "Zhu Jianwen had no weapons at hand, so he picked up the chair he was sitting on and threw it towards Shang Huan. Shang Huan dodged back, turned over, stepped on the flying chair, jumped into the air, and raised his forks towards Lu Yun. Lu Yunzhi used his double thorns to hold the blow, and raised his leg to kick. Shang Wan also blocked it with his leg. The two of them separated with a smile. Lu Yunzhi lowered his raised leg. , crossed his arms and stabbed each other, pointing at Shang Wang. Shang Wang also turned over and fell to the ground, staring closely at Lu Yunzhi's movements, constantly guarding against Zhu Jianwen's sneak attacks, and the atmosphere suddenly became tense. Swords and crossbows are drawn, and a fight is about to begin. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 81: Power Grid Shang Wan landed on the ground and stood firm, observing the movements of Lu Yunzhi and Zhu Jianwen, but felt that behind them, there seemed to be one less person at the table just now. Suddenly Shang Wang felt a sinister wind blowing from the side, as if a ghost was haunting him. The iron fork in his hands emitted a little blue light, and the handle of the iron fork also flashed light. Shang Wang looked sideways and saw a sneak attack beside him. His was a tall, thin man with the shape of a bamboo pole. The man wore a pair of glasses, and the small eyes under the lenses were slightly narrowed, revealing a trace of murderous intent. It was Dong De who had just entered the restaurant with Lu Yunzhi. Dong De held a large abacus high in his hand. The beads of the abacus kept turning, and black energy shot out from the abacus to compete with Shang Wang's iron fork. Although Shang Wang's iron fork was simple, it was covered with magical talismans. For a while, Dong De was really helpless with him. Shang smiled wildly, and the blue light on the prongs of the two forks in his hands actually seemed to be swaying in circles of water. The beads on Dong De's abacus were spinning faster and faster, and the whistling sounds from the abacus were getting louder and louder. It gets louder and louder. At this moment, the iron thorns protruding from Lu Yun's sleeves crackled, and then a burst of electricity suddenly shot out along the iron thorns. Shang Wang hurriedly raised his arms, and the blue light on the iron fork also lit up to ward Dong De away. However, he ran towards the window in a few arrow steps. Lightning struck the ground and the ground was suddenly blackened. When Shang Wan saw something bad and was about to run to the window, a flying solid wood chair happened to hit Shang Wan. Shang Wan was only busy avoiding Lu Yunzhi's thunder control technique, but did not notice this The chair came and was knocked over at once. Zhu Jianwen laughed and said, "Damn it, it's a hit." Shang Wan was also alert and rolled to his feet. He raised the iron fork in his left hand and pointed it at Lu Yunzhi, with his right arm hanging down. The blow just now caused him great pain, and his right arm was probably dislocated. Shang Wang cursed: "I didn't expect you to recruit a master." As he said this, Shang Wang looked at Dong De. Dong De sneered and didn't answer. Although he had not made up his mind to follow Lu Yunzhi, there were others now. After discovering it, he thought that this short dwarf must be the court's eagle dog, and he would not be able to escape the relationship by then. He and Lu Yunzhi would now become grasshoppers on the same rope. "Lu Yunzhi, you defeat the minority with more, what kind of hero are you?" Shang Wang shouted, but Lu Yunzhi asked: "When you chased us, we were one-on-one? No, right?" Zhu Jianwen Dragging a heavy solid wood chair close to Shang Wang, he was ready to swing it and smash it at any time, shouting: "Lu Yunzhi, what are you talking to him about?" However, Lu Yunzhi reached out and pushed his palm to stop Zhu Jianwen. He said: "The fight is quick, let him win and he will be convinced." As he spoke, Lu Yunzhi struck the double thorns in his sleeves again, and the electric current hit Shang Wang, but he jumped away. This move affected his right arm. He grimaced in pain, and he did not dare to slow down his steps and quickly dodged the blow. He also taunted: "You won't be able to hit me with even one arm." As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Yunzhi's strike was empty. When the lightning hit the ground, it did not stop as suddenly as before. Instead, it suddenly split into dozens of parts, and one of them turned towards Shang Wang, just like a network formed by electricity. Shang Wan couldn't escape and was enveloped in it. When the power grid was closed, there was a crackling sound of electricity. Shang Wan let out a scream, trembling on the ground and soon passed out. Lu Yunzhi strolled over, took out a small bottle from his arms, swung it under Shang Huan's nose, then turned around, picked up a wine bottle from the ground and poured it into Shang Huan's face. Shang Huan woke up with a faint sound. Come over. Zhu Jianwen still dragged a heavy solid wood chair and said to Lu Yunzhi: "I thought you killed him. Just in time, let him cry for father and mother, and watch me beat him to death." He picked up the chair and kept throwing it at Shang Wang like a madman. Yang Zhun and others wanted to run out of the private room, but Lu Yunzhi and others kept fighting. They were worried that they would be accidentally injured if they ran, so they hid in the corner and watched the battle in front of them. At this moment, the situation has been decided. They watched Zhu Jianwen keep waving the chair, and they all looked at this Prince Wu with admiration. Compared with the smooth and calm Zhu Jianwen before, they were completely different. The chair kept hitting Shang Wan's body. Shang Wan gritted his teeth and was sweating profusely but refused to cry out. The chair was quickly broken. It is estimated that Shang Wan also had many fractures on his body. His blood flowed from being hit by the chair. Lie's wounds were bleeding, and he was in a state of embarrassment for a while. Zhu Jianwen looked at the wooden strips on the back of the chair in his hand, then turned around to get another chair. Shang Wan squeezed out a cold snort and said feebly: "I won't accept it even if you kill me. If I scream in pain, I won't call Shang Wan." Dong De sneered twice and said sarcastically: "You are still being tough at this time." Lu However, Yunzhi stopped Zhu Jianwen who was about to come forward and beat him again. A mouthful of blood spurted out before he could say anything. Zhu Jianwen and Dong De quickly supported Lu Yunzhi, and Yang Xiyu and Yang Zhun also let out a low cry. call. Lu Yunzhi coughed twice, with a mouthful of black blood coming out, and then said: "I'm fine. When Brother Dong and I were dealing with a few disciples of the Five Chou lineage before, we used an imperial weapon in order to quickly defeat them.?Yu Feng, I was only slightly uncomfortable at the time, so it was okay to hold it back forcibly. I used this technique again just now, but I didn't expect the old disease to relapse. It seems that I still can't bear the repeated backlash. "As he spoke, Lu Yunzhi slowly pushed himself up, and after a while he said to Zhu Jianwen: "I want to say a few words to Shang Wang. " Lu Yunzhi's steps were a little light, and he staggered to Shang Wang's side. He sat down cross-legged and closed his eyes to meditate, but he said: "Shang Wang, do you want to know how Du Hai died? "After being hit by Lu Yunzhi's electric shock, Shang Wang felt as if he was boneless and weak. In addition, he was beaten randomly by Zhu Jianwen later, and he could no longer stand up. But when he heard Du Hai's name, he His whole body was shocked and then he endured the pain, propped up his upper body, took a few breaths and then said: "Don't you and I both know? He was shot to death by random arrows from the Mongols. As long as I live, I will definitely find Meng He, the leader of the Ghost Witch Cult, and the one from Wala first. They killed Du Hai. The agreement back then was that Du Hai was not allowed to be touched. Only then was I willing to join in and take part in the action, but I didn't expect that the ghost witch would break his promise. " "No, no. The real murderer is Yu Qian. If I don¡¯t kill you today, you will go to the best inn in Yu County in the future, and then when you enter the door, you will say that you want to stay in the room where Mr. Lu once lived. They will take you to that guest room. I gave that family a lot of money. They should remember me. If you search carefully and break open the brick wall, you will find the secret. "Lu Yunzhi whispered in Shang Wang's ear. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 82: Mind Secret Thirteen 82_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 82 The nature of the mind comes from Shang Huan opened his eyes and said in disbelief: "Lu Yunzhi, are you lying to me?!" Lu Yunzhi did not answer. , just shook his head, Shang Wangqiang struggled to stretch out his arms to grab Lu Yunzhi who was sitting cross-legged and meditating beside him, shook him hard and said: "Who killed Du Hai, I don't believe it, Yu Qian said even if Even if they wipe out all the Zhongzheng lineage, Du Hai won't even lay a finger on it." Lu Yunzhi still replied calmly: "Go and have a look. You will have to believe it when you see the secret. If there is still a trace. Doubts, when we meet again in the future, I will show you the mirror image in the Ancient Moon Cup, and I will find a person involved to tell you. He witnessed everything and participated in everything. But it is fashionable to say this now. Morning, you should just focus on recuperating." Lu Yunzhi stood up and said to Zhu Jianwen with a sigh of relief: "Let's go, I still have something to do with you." "Just let this bastard go?" Zhu Jianwen didn't know why, but he had some doubts about Lu Yunzhi's decision and asked. Lu Yunzhi nodded: "Keeping him is more useful than killing him." "But" Zhu Jianwen didn't finish his words. He was about to fight to kill Shang Wang but saw Lu Yunzhi dead. Staring into his eyes, Zhu Jianwen suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of fear welling up in his heart. It was as if Lu Yunzhi would kill him if he disobeyed Lu Yunzhi's decision. Is this childhood friend in front of him still the Lu Yunzhi he knew? This thought flashed through Zhu Jianwen's mind. Zhu Jianwen didn't argue anymore, but just followed Lu Yunzhi out the door. Dong De, Yang Zhun, Yang Xiyu and the frightened Lu Cheng and his son and other staff members all walked towards the door. Shang Wan lay on the ground, dressed in rough clothes, and kept thinking about what Lu Yunzhi said. If Lu Yunzhi wanted to alienate him, he would not just say it in vain, but would let him go. He must have sufficient evidence. But how could Yu Qian deceive himself. There is also the Ancient Moon Cup he mentioned. Shang Wan also knows that the mirror in the Ancient Moon Cup will never deceive him, and Lu Yunzhiding is fully confident. Who is that witness? Was it Du Hai who was killed by Yu Qian? If so, wouldn't he become an accomplice in killing Du Hai? He indirectly killed Du Hai, who was willing to change his life for himself. When Shang Huan thought of this, he suddenly roared, and his body was stabbed like ten thousand steel needles at the same time. It hurt like normal, but this pain couldn't stop the grief and anger in his heart: "Du Hai!" Lu Yunzhi and others had already walked out of the restaurant. Lu Cheng, as his parents' official, ordered the restaurant owner not to say anything about this, and the restaurant owner naturally obeyed. , Never dare to offend the local vassal king and court officials. Lu Yunzhi told his boss: "Don't embarrass the injured person in the room. Take good care of him. He will recover soon if he is in good health. He will leave on his own when the time comes. I just want to thank you." Lu Yunzhi took out a wad of Ming Dynasty treasure notes from his arms and handed it to the boss. Although the Ming Dynasty treasure notes are no longer worth much, this stack is still a few hundred taels, which is still a generous reward. The boss naturally smiled with both carrot and stick, and sent people to clean up the room and take care of Shang Wang. Lu Yunzhi and Zhu Jianwen walked out of the restaurant. Zhu Jianwen said to Lu Cheng: "Have you seen what happened just now, Mr. Lu? It's not easy to get rid of the relationship. You should have heard of Yu Qian's vigorous and resolute character. If you rashly defect to him, perhaps It might be counterproductive." Before Lu Cheng could answer, Lu Yu rushed to answer: "We must keep our mouths shut and be absolutely loyal to King Wu." Zhu Jianwen looked at the father and son and the staff coldly. It was obvious that they were disturbed by what happened just now. The fight beyond ordinary people's imagination was frightening, and it also involved Yu Qian, a high official in the court. Naturally, he was caught off guard and panicked for a while. Lu Cheng saw that Zhu Jianwen was still staring at him and the people behind him, so he understood that his son Lu Yu's words just now were not answered well. Expressing loyalty under coercion and inducement is the most unreliable. Maybe Yu Qian will come and force him. This group of people will turn against them and attack. If they can't explain clearly at this moment, there is no guarantee that Zhu Jianwen will not kill him first. So Lu Cheng turned around and gave Lu Yu a slap in the face and cursed: "You bastard, you have no right to speak." Lu Yu was stunned for a moment but did not dare to speak. Lu Cheng held up his hands and smiled, and said to Zhu Jianwen He said: "I am an official of the Ming Dynasty. It is natural to be loyal to the court. The King of Wu is the vassal king of the court. Being loyal to the King of Wu means being loyal to the court. Just now, the Crown Prince asked me what happened today? I don't know. What happened today? Dare you ask the Crown Prince? "Haha, I don't know what's best, Master Lu is the smarter one." Zhu Jianwen burst into laughter and gave in. Then he said, "Then we'll leave the country. I'll go to Lu in the next few days." I¡¯ll pay you a visit at your Lordship¡¯s house.¡± After saying that, he turned around and left with Lu Yunzhi and others. After walking a few steps, Zhu Jianwen turned around and looked at Lu Cheng, who was fleeing, and sighed. However, he heard Shang Wan shouting "Du Hai"'s name from upstairs. He turned to Lu Yunzhi and shouted angrily: "Lu Shu?, I can't call you this nickname anymore. You have changed. You have really changed. It made me hairy just now. If I had insisted on killing Shang Wang just now, would you have done something to me? "Lu Yunzhi looked at Zhu Jianwen. Zhu Jianwen had always been good at flattering horses and was very slick in his words and actions. Now he bluntly blamed himself. He knew in his heart that Zhu Jianwen had always treated him as one of his own and would never cheat. But at this moment Zhu Jianwen was indeed angry and shouted at himself. Lu Yunzhi smiled bitterly and replied: "I won't do anything to you. You and I are of the same blood and we are brothers, so how could I do something to you." It's just that Shang Wang's life and death is related to the success or failure of our revenge. I was in a hurry just now, so I had to change my character and let you feel a burst of anger before I left quickly. I can change my character at will. Brother Zhu should know that there are many things. It's inconvenient to stick to Shang's explanation, so I came up with this last resort. I have my own reasons for this. Now that the matter is over, you can beat or punish me as you please. " Zhu Jianwen looked directly at Lu Yunzhi for a long time before laughing. Then he lightly punched Lu Yunzhi on the shoulder and said, "I forgot about this point of changing one's character. You used this technique to confuse Chaos when you were young. You scared me to death. I thought you were not the Lu Yunzhi I knew. Why should I be beaten or punished? It¡¯s my fault for questioning just now. Brothers don¡¯t talk about this. I seem to be making alliances everywhere now, but people in the officialdom are unpredictable, and the only people I can really trust except my father, are us old brothers. "Lu Yunzhi stretched out his hand to hold Zhu Jianwen's forearm, and Zhu Jianwen did the same. The two met and faced each other, and they couldn't help but be filled with emotion. "Let's go and live in my house. Don't come here first when you come. I don't know what you are thinking. After all, no one dares to investigate King Wu's palace. We have already cleared up the details in the palace. "Zhu Jianwen said, and Yang Zhun also followed up and said: "Yes, brother Lu Xian, I live in Prince Wu's mansion now, and we also have a lot to say. When the Crown Prince heard that I was Yang Zhun and that I told you about my relationship with you, he showed special concern for me. I was really flattered. The Crown Prince is really a kind person. "Yang Zhun wanted to flatter him, but suddenly he didn't know how to describe it and had to use the street slang of "a kind person" to describe it. Everyone laughed when they heard Yang Zhun's words, and Lu Yunzhi agreed to Zhu Jianwen's invitation. , saying that he had to go back to the inn to pack his things, he and Dong De left first. Secret Thirteen 82_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 82 The character has been updated! Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 83: We are brothers Secret Thirteen 83_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 83 We are brothers from When Lu Yunzhi returned to the inn, he was not busy packing the packages. He sat on the bed and took out a bamboo tube from the bag beside the bed. , uncovered the yellow paper covered with talismans, then pulled out the stopper and said to Dong De, who followed back to the inn: "Brother Dong, keep an eye on me, I'll heal my wounds first, just now the Yu Lei of the Heaven and Earth Technique asked me to The backlash is not light." Dong De replied, turned around and walked out of Wumen, standing guard at the door. Lu Yunzhi took out several ghosts from the bamboo tube, and then used the Bagua mirror to calm them down. He kept letting the ghosts roam around his limbs and bones. After about two cups of tea, he let out a long and comfortable sigh. . Lu Yunzhi shouted toward the door: "Brother Dong, please come in." Dong De opened the door and came in, saying: "Mr. Lu actually used ghost spirits to heal his wounds. This is harmful to the body." "That is also a last resort. As for the problem, using medicine can cure the symptoms, but it takes too long, and it is very inconvenient now," Lu Yunzhi replied. Dong De nodded, but then said: "But if this happens, your life will be lost." Lu Yunzhi stopped Dong De's words and replied: "Brother Dong, don't worry." After that, he got up and got out of bed, and met Dong De. Sitting at the table, Lu Yunzhi spoke frankly to Dong De and told Dong De a series of encounters in the Zhongzheng lineage. Dong De nodded while listening, and occasionally exclaimed, expressing surprise at some things. After Lu Yunzhi finished speaking, Dong De sketched out one picture after another in his mind, and after clearing his mind, he said: "So Yu Qian is such a person, but I have a question, why did you choose to let me follow you? ? And why are you being honest with me? "Lu Yunzhi smiled and replied: "First of all, it is because of your mother. If you want to become a business tycoon, it is impossible without my help. You can become Jiujiang Mansion at best. A wealthy businessman, but under the suppression of my second brother, I don¡¯t think you can become the richest man. If you and my second brother are asked, you probably won¡¯t be willing to do it. Now I can assure you that as long as you follow me wholeheartedly, I will definitely do it. Let you become the richest man in the city, or even more. Of course, such a promise is not guaranteed. As a businessman, you can't afford to be early, but you have no choice now. Not only the five ugly people but also the businessman have seen you. "Do you think you can go back?" "As for being honest with each other, it's because since you and I want to cooperate, we naturally need to know the roots. I have already calculated your roots. You don't need to say that I have been destroyed since then." After the four pillars disappear and the ten gods are gone, no one can figure it out, so I have to tell you. Don¡¯t trust those who use them, and don¡¯t use those who doubt them. This is my rule, so I must be honest with you here, if you follow. Needless to say, the benefits are great, but the dangers are also great. Yu Qian is not a simple person. I think he may still have many mysterious powers that he has not yet used. I am not sure whether he has found a new branch of the world. His minions. So Brother Dong, please give me an answer." After Lu Yunzhi finished speaking, he looked at Dong De calmly. Dong De's eyes narrowed slightly through the glass lenses, and his small eyes narrowed to a slit, but his mouth grinned and said: "Since you told me so much, you must have expected that I will follow you. , I like to go with the will of heaven, and don¡¯t like to go against the will of heaven. If you say that man can conquer heaven, that¡¯s your business. Maybe my destiny is to accompany you in the madness of man, haha. Only a fool would do something bad." Dong De stood up, knelt down on one knee and clasped his fists in front of Lu Yunzhi and said, "My lord, please bow to Dong De." Lu Yunzhi quickly stretched out his hands to lift Dong De up and said. : "Okay, okay, no need to be polite. You go and prepare now and sell your business title. We won't be able to stay in Jiujiang Mansion for long. When you are ready, come to see me at Prince Wu's Mansion. I have some arrangements in the past few days." Dong De nodded, turned around and left with another fist in his arms. Lu Yunzhi packed up his things and went to Prince Wu's Mansion. After the concierge reported, Zhu Qixiang took Zhu Jianwen, Yang Zhun and others out to greet Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi clasped his fists and said, "Uncle, I haven't seen you for many days." You are in good health." Zhu Qixian said with a smile as bright as a flower: "It's okay, my nephew, please come to the house and talk about it." After saying that, a few people walked into the house and drank and chatted in the hall. Yang Zhun knew that everyone was there. They had to discuss secret matters, so they naturally lied about feeling unwell and left. Lu Yunzhi and others also analyzed the current situation and formulated the next strategy. Zhu Jianwen secretly recruited many court officials to impeach Yu Qian, while Zhu Qixiang united with various vassal kings, secretly stationed troops, and privately built weapons for emergencies. According to the agreement, several people started an uprising in September of the fourth year of Jingtai. At that time, they would jointly raise troops and gain more power for Zhu Qixiang after entering the capital. If Zhu Qiyu did not obey the arrangement, a new emperor would be established and Zhu Qixiang would be appointed emperor. Zhu Qixiang was very happy, and soon became very drunk. He was full of confidence in his arrangements and Lu Yunzhi's premeditation, thinking that he would soon be able to hold great power or become a leader in the Ninth Five-Year Plan. That night Lu Yunzhi stayed at Prince Wu¡¯s Mansion, Zhu Jianwen talked with Lu Yunzhi at night. After the all-night discussion, the whole plan became more detailed. The two looked at each other and smiled, and agreed that nine months later, they would work with Qu Xiangtian and Fang Qingze in southern Xinjiang to unveil Xing Wenwen. The secret left behind. After everything was discussed, Zhu Jianwen said with a smile: "Lu Yunzhi, I have a question. Why didn't you talk about making me the emperor when you were talking to my father today? According to your character, you said this. "Exit." Lu Yunzhi's eyes were full of smiles and he said, "Didn't I harm you instead? First of all, although most of the ministers in the court are contacted by you, the main force is still the many people in your father's hands. Alliance of vassals. The rebellion needs to arouse your father's desire, otherwise he will not take the risk of rebellion. Secondly, it would be fine if you are a child of an ordinary family, but the emperor's brother, even the father and brother are full of competition for power. You are not an only son. If I tell you to take the throne, it is inevitable that your father will not be disgusted with you and have murderous intentions. Don't be offended by my words." Zhu Jianwen sighed and patted Lu Yunzhi on the shoulder. : "You're right, it's true. I'm just curious about why you have become so knowledgeable about the world, or why you have become so sophisticated? However, if you are said to be extremely sophisticated, how can you do all these things? Tell me?" "How it came to be like this, I don't know, and I don't want to know. Anyway, I feel like it's good to tell you everything, because of that sentence, you are my brother. He replied, and the two looked at each other and smiled again. Secret Thirteen 83_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 83 We are brothers has been updated! Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 84: Worry Secret Thirteen 84_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 84 Worry comes from In late autumn, the fallen leaves are falling and the flowers are waiting to fade, but only the autumn chrysanthemums in the back garden are blooming beautifully, and the yellow color is extremely beautiful. Yang Xiyu stood in the garden of Prince Wu's Mansion, looking at the autumn chrysanthemums in the yard. He stretched out his snow-white and slender jade hands and gently touched the petals and said: "The rustling west wind fills the courtyard, the pistils are cold and fragrant, and the cold butterflies are hard to come." "If I become the Qing Emperor in my future years, I will be rewarded with a lot of love." "You are a woman with great ambitions," Lu Yunzhi said suddenly as he walked lightly behind Yang Xiyu. Yang Xiyu trembled slightly, obviously startled by the unexpected voice behind him, and said in a pretended angry tone: "You don't make any sound when you walk, you really think you are a ghost, why do you look down on women?" Yang Xiyu said Yu said and suddenly turned around. The late autumn sky was a little cold, and Yang Xiyu's complexion was a little red due to the cold, but his fair and rosy complexion was even more attractive. Lu Yunzhi couldn't help but feel his heart tremble when he saw it. "How dare I look down on women, not to mention the heroes of women like Empress Lu and Wu Zetian, whose power is unfathomable. It is said that ordinary women are also very difficult to guess. Even if I can figure it out, I still can't see through her. It can be said that every woman has a delicate heart." Lu Yunzhi said with a smile. Yang Xiyu suddenly burst into laughter when he saw Lu Yunzhi: "Look at you frowning all day long, and even when you make a joke, you still have a slight smile on your lips. Why do you have so many troubles?" "I'm not like before. "Have I told you all, and you still have to ask knowingly?" Lu Yunzhi shook his head and replied. When he met Yang Xiyu for the first time in the Yang Mansion in Nanjing, Lu Yunzhi opened his heart to him. Yang Xiyu talked about his experience from beginning to end. At this moment, when Yang Xiyu asked Lu Yunzhi, he could only shake his head to express his helplessness. "I just want to make you happy. You have tried your best now. I don't understand your strange skills, but I know the saying that you should do your best according to fate. Since it depends on God's will whether you succeed or not. You said before that you can't calculate the major events in the world, and even the calculations are inaccurate, so why worry about it? If you succeed, that's the best. If you fail or even die in battle, you won't complain, because You've worked hard." Yang Xiyu said softly. Lu Yunzhi nodded, with a heartfelt smile on his face, and then said: "That's good." "Very good." Yang Xiyu also smiled elegantly. Lu Yunzhi walked to the side of the autumn chrysanthemum and stroked the petals of the autumn chrysanthemum with his hands, and then chanted: "The garden is full of chrysanthemums and tulips, and there is a solitary bush in the middle that looks like frost." Lu Yunzhi raised his head after reading this. He casually swept his gray temples with his hand, "It's like today's singing and drinking banquet, when the white-headed man enters the youth field." After reciting the poem, Lu Yunzhi looked at Qiu Ju in a daze. He liked to stay with Yang Xiyu. It seems that Lu Yunzhi has always felt waves of malice churning in his chest in recent days. Whether it is strategies or magic, he has become a bit cold and cunning. Just like the few glances I saw at Zhu Jianwen in the restaurant a few days ago, it was not because he was changing his mind as he said. It was indeed inspired by his feelings. Fortunately, Lu Yunzhi explained this problem satisfactorily. This situation made Lu Yunzhi a little worried, because now he didn't even recognize him. He didn't know what was wrong with him and why he had changed so drastically. Worry, anxiety, and fear of his cold personality have haunted Lu Yunzhi these days, making him restless, but he could only calm down when he was with Yang Xiyu. After parting, Lu Yunzhi remembered that she had come to say goodbye to Yang Xiyu, so she turned around and said to Yang Xiyu, "I came here today to say goodbye to you." "Go." Where?" Yang Xiyu asked in a calm voice. Lu Yunzhi lowered his head and thought for a moment. He didn't want to hide anything from Yang Xiyu: "Nanjiang, I have some things to deal with." "Needless to say, it must be for revenge. Have you ever thought that revenge has succeeded? What are you going to do? The high-ranking official and the rich salary still dominate the world." Yang Xiyu's voice was calm and did not look like a woman at all. Lu Yunzhi took a few steps back and forth and said, "Xi Yu, please don't say such words in the future. Others will be beheaded if they hear this. I don't want you and your father to be in danger. After all, your father has taken care of me." Well, and you" At this point, Lu Yunzhi didn't know how to describe it. This was one of the few times when Lu Yunzhi was at a loss for words. Yang Xiyu said nothing, but looked at Lu Yunzhi with eyes as quiet as a lake. Lu Yunzhi coughed lightly and said, "And you are Brother Yang's daughter, so naturally I don't want you to be in danger." "Hmph, so I'm going to call you uncle again? Your answer is so insincere, you are a hypocrite. , It has always been hypocritical." Yang Xiyu snorted. Lu Yunzhi was not angry. He was not a lecherous person, but he couldn't express his temper in front of Yang Xiyu. It wasn't just that Yang Xiyu was a stunning beauty, but he couldn't explain why. But he did not treat Shi Yuting and Yingzi, who were equally beautiful,??Feeling. Lu Yunzhi didn't want to be a person who loves the new and hates the old, so he pondered for a moment and said: "Maybe, I may be hypocritical. Just now you asked me what I want to do after revenge. I want to revive the Zhongzheng lineage. If Maybe I want to restore peace to the world. I don¡¯t want to be a loyal minister, I just want to reduce the suffering in the world and prevent the experience of fleeing from famine that I experienced as a child from happening again. If I can do all of this, maybe I can¡¯t do it at all. , then I might retire to the mountains and become a person with idle clouds and wild cranes. Picking chrysanthemums under the eastern fence and leisurely seeing the southern mountains may be a beautiful thing. " "If you think so, that's the best. I hope you can find it as soon as possible. The way to restore Yingzi is to find Shi Yuting. After all, they are your wives, and you must treat them well." After saying this, Yang Xiyu's tone suddenly became softer, and his tone turned out to be a little sad, which puzzled Lu Yunzhi. The explanation asked: "Xi Yu, what's wrong with you? Are you feeling unwell?" Yang Xiyu smiled bitterly and said, "It's okay, I just have something on my mind. When will you leave?" "Just tomorrow, what's on your mind?" Can you tell me something?" Lu Yunzhi said. Yang Xiyu regained his elegant and charming smile: "You said it yourself, a woman has a delicate heart, how could I tell you all the details." Yang Xiyu replied. At this moment, a person ran out of the courtyard. The person first saluted Lu Yunzhi, and then saluted Yang Xiyu. Lu Yunzhi asked, "It's Ah Rong, what's wrong?" Mi Shi Three 84_Free reading of the full text of Secret Thirteen_Chapter 84 Worry has been updated! Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 85: Not to be underestimated Secret Thirteen 85_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 85 Don¡¯t underestimate the man who ran into the garden of Prince Wu¡¯s Mansion. He was wearing the clothes of a servant. He was handsome and very energetic. It was Ah Rong, a servant in Yang Zhun's house who brought Lu Yunzhi into Yang's house. Ah Rong seemed to be in high spirits and said to Lu Yunzhi: "Mr. Lu, you still remember me. I'm so happy." Lu Yunzhi replied: "I not only remember you, but also your kindness to me. Not only that, but also I have promised you that I will take you to the ends of the earth and see things you have never seen before. It¡¯s just that the things I dealt with a few days ago were more or less dangerous and it was inconvenient to take you with me. That's why I left you. If you don't come to me today, I will come to you." Ah Rong was stunned and asked quickly, "Why are you looking for me?" "I will take you around the world in a while. Just go to Brother Yang and ask for you, he will agree, and you will be mine from tomorrow on." Lu Yunzhi smiled and patted Ah Rong. Ah Rong was stunned and couldn't believe it for a long time. He thought Lu Yunzhi's understatement was a joke, so he asked doubtfully: "Is it true?" Lu Yunzhi nodded. At this time, Yang Xiyu asked: "A Rong "Why did you come here?" Ah Rong paused and responded from the surprise: "Miss, Mr. Lu Yu has come to visit, and the master asked you to meet him quickly." Xi Yu nodded and replied: "I understand, please leave first." Arong agreed, but refused to leave. He just looked at Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi smiled and said: "Don't worry, Arong, I said You must do it when you arrive. A gentleman's words are hard to follow. I will come to you in a moment. You can go first." After hearing Lu Yunzhi's promise again, Ah Rong felt relieved and walked away with a smile. Seeing A Rong walking away, Yang Xiyu said in a low voice: "I don't like that Lu Yu. He is always smooth-talking and bullying others. He looks like a playboy at first glance. But my father insists on me getting along with him, so what else can he say about him? It's an enlightened move. It's against etiquette for us to get along before marriage. It's just for me to get to know my future husband first, so let me be satisfied. What is this, selling my daughter for the sake of an official alliance? " said As he spoke, Yang Xiyu felt a little sad for himself, as if he was hinting something to Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi pretended to be stupid and said blankly: "Since ancient times, parents have ordered matchmakers and cannot be changed. You'd better go quickly and don't make people wait." Yang Xiyu looked at Lu Yunzhi in disbelief. She didn't want to It was inappropriate to ask Lu Yunzhi to beg her father. After all, Lu Yunzhi was her uncle. At this moment, all Yang Xiyu needs is Lu Yunzhi's comfort and care. Yang Xiyu will take care of the rest by herself. If she has to marry that Lu Yu, she would rather run away from home. But what was waiting for her was Lu Yunzhi's ruthless words, "Go quickly." Yang Xiyu stamped his foot angrily, pointed at Lu Yunzhijiao and shouted: "Youyou are such an idiot." Then he turned around. After running away, Lu Yunzhi looked at Yang Xiyu's leaving figure and smiled slightly, and also walked towards the side room. After walking around two or three corridors, Dong De quickly walked towards Lu Yunzhi. Dong De said: "Master, all the deeds of my shop have been sold." Lu Yunzhi was slightly surprised and said: "So fast ?" Then he counted with his fingers and said with a smile: "You really let go of your grudges and actually sold all of these to my second brother's store." Dong De immediately showed his face as a profiteer. Said: "It's easy to say anything if you have money, but the majesty of the lord is really better. After I went there and mentioned your name, they immediately bought all my property at double the price." "It's not that I have majesty. It's just that we have a deep relationship as brothers. My second brother should have explained all this in advance. I must try my best to handle all my matters. Yesterday, you and I had tea together. I guess they knew that we were together. Now in Jiujiang. His store should get all the news, so that your assets can be bought so quickly." Lu Yunzhi paused as if remembering something and said: "By the way, we will set off early tomorrow morning, so prepare in advance. Just leave the money at my second brother's bank. The tickets issued there can be exchanged for cash in stores nationwide. Also, I want to ask you to do something for me. " Dong De raised his fist and said, "I am here to serve my lord. No need to hesitate, go ahead and say it.¡± Lu Yunzhi couldn¡¯t help laughing when he heard Dong De¡¯s serious answer, waving his hands and saying, ¡°That¡¯s not necessary, there¡¯s nothing dangerous about it.¡± But" Lu Yunzhi put her mouth to Dong De's ear and whispered softly. Dong De nodded while listening, with the same evil smile on his lips as Lu Yunzhi's. After Lu Yunzhi finished explaining, Dong De laughed and ran away, saying: "I like this task, just leave this kind of thing to me in the future." Lu Yunzhi shook his head and smiled and said to himself He muttered to himself: "Naughty shopkeeper Dong." As he said this, Lu Yunzhi walked quickly to the side yard and found Ah Rong who was in a daze there. Lu YunzhiWithout saying much, he pulled Arong towards the main hall where Yang Zhun was. On the way, he bumped into Wu King Zhu Qixiang and Zhu Jianwen. Lu Yunzhi hugged the two of them and said, "Uncle, Jianwen, I will leave for work tomorrow, don't forget your agreement." Zhu Jianwen nodded and replied, "I'll see you again in a few months." Zhu Qixiang said with concern, "When will I leave tomorrow?" , Jianwen and I will take someone to send you off." "No, although Shang Wang is eager for revenge and has not yet learned the truth about Du Hai's murder, so he will not inform Yu Qian, but we must also prevent other Yu Qian's lackeys. Minions." Lu Yunzhi replied. Zhu Qixiang and Zhu Jianwen nodded, and Zhu Qixiang asked: "I heard Wen talk about what happened yesterday, and I don't know why you didn't show Shang Wang all the evidence on the spot, so that he could defect to us immediately. "Is it?" Lu Yunzhi shook his head and replied: "Shang Wang has a rather impulsive personality. It's not yet time. If you tell him everything in advance and let him get conclusive evidence, there is no guarantee that he will not attack Qian immediately. The effect will be It's not as good as it will be in the future. Uncle, I still have something to do with Yang Zhun. I'll go with Jianwen later and we'll have a detailed chat. I'll go find Yang Zhun first," Zhu Qixian said. : "Go." Looking at Lu Yunzhi's leaving back, Zhu Qixiang whispered to Zhu Jianwen: "This boy has undergone a huge change from the last time we met. We must not underestimate him. In the future, You should be more careful." Yang Zhun was sitting in the hall, being served by a maid to drink tea. When he saw Lu Yunzhi pulling A Rong in, he stood up and said, "Brother, you are in such a hurry. What are you doing here? Play two games of chess with me. I¡¯ve been a little bored lately. " "Secret Thirteen 85" - Read the full text of "Secret Thirteen" for free - Chapter 85 "Don¡¯t underestimate it" has been updated! Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 86: Monster Secret Thirteen 86_Secret Thirteen full text free reading_Chapter 86 The monster comes from Lu Yunzhi walked quickly to Yang Zhun and said: "Brother Yang, don't be busy playing chess now. I have something to ask you." If there is anything else you and I don't want, it doesn't matter. As long as I have it, you can leave." Yang Zhun said with an indifferent expression. Although he had made great achievements in welcoming Zhu Qizhen back, he was only promoted. I was very dissatisfied but it was better than nothing. I also earned a large sum of gold and silver sent by Fang Qingze. Therefore, he was even more convinced that following Lu Yunzhi was the right idea. "I don't want anyone else, I want someone." Lu Yunzhi pulled A Rong and said to Yang Zhun. Yang Zhun originally squinted his eyes, but suddenly his eyes widened and looked at the handsome A Rong and the handsome Lu Yunzhi. , and then said incredulously: "Brother Xian, are you okay with this? Then let Ah Rong follow you." Lu Yunzhi thanked him repeatedly, but suddenly felt that Yang Zhun's eyes were a little strange, and suddenly he asked with a surprised expression : "Brother Yang, you don't think I have a broken sleeve, do you?" Yang Zhun nodded and said softly with a mysterious face: "Brother Lu Xian, you don't have to be embarrassed. Many people have this kind of male fetish. There is no need for my brothers to hide it, but I didn't expect it." Lu Yunzhi blushed with shame, and Ah Rong understood what Yang Zhun meant and was speechless. Lu Yunzhi shouted: "Brother Yang, you are really What are you thinking about in your head?!" After saying that, Lu Yunzhi let go of the hand holding Arong's arm, and then quickly Bu walked out, and Ah Rong also ran away. Yang Zhun touched his head and smiled, looked at Lu Yunzhi's back and said, "I'm just kidding you, I'll scare you." After saying that, he picked up the teacup and continued to squint his eyes while sipping the tea. That night, Lu Yunzhi and Zhu Jianwen, Zhu Qixiang and his son had another conversation and then went back to their rooms to clean up. He wanted to leave the city overnight. In contrast to the tranquility in Prince Wu's residence, the back hall of Jiujiang Prefecture's Yamen was bustling with activity. After finishing washing, the son of Lu Cheng, the prefect of Jiujiang, Lu Yu, lay on the bed and prepared to fall asleep. Now all he could think about was Yang Xiyu's graceful figure, and for a moment his whole body felt so hot that he felt a little crazy. Lu Yu hugged the pillow and kissed it again and again as if it was Yang Xiyu. Suddenly, while imagining, a cold smile appeared in the room. Lu Yu put down his pillow and looked inside the room, only to find that there was no one in the room. He blinked and felt that he had heard wrongly. He smiled sarcastically and was about to lie down to sleep, but at this moment, the table suddenly moved parallel. Lu Yu rubbed his eyes, and a gloomy wind blew by, making his whole body tremble. He felt as cold as falling into an ice cave from top to bottom, and the cold smile sounded from the top of his head again. Lu Yu screamed in fright and quickly closed the curtain beside the bed, huddled in the bed and shivered. The bed curtains were constantly swaying in the wind. Lu Yu clearly remembered that the servant had closed the doors and windows before going to bed. How could there be such a strong wind. The candlelight swayed on the table with the cold wind, and the shadows of the tables, chairs, and cabinets in the room became erratic in the swaying of the candlelight. Lu Yu covered his head with the quilt, lifted the corner of the quilt, and looked at the curtain secretly. This bed curtain was made of tulle, and the looming scene frightened Lu Yu even more. Just as he was looking scared, a hand silently patted him behind his back. The extreme of fear is anger. When Lu Yu was angry, he shouted: "Come out, ah, come out, I'm not afraid of you." After saying that, he slowly turned his head and saw a gray-black figure looking at him. The face of the figure was blurry and insubstantial. On the face whose appearance could not be clearly seen, a black hand slowly stretched out and stroked Lu Yu's hair at the temples. Lu Yu felt a warmth coming through his crotch, and the fishy smell suddenly rose up. He was so scared that he peed. He shivered, turned around and crawled under the bed. At this moment, the bed curtain was opened by a pair of hands filled with black energy, and a man with a face full of sores suddenly reached in. The face was constantly bleeding, his eyes were glowing green like glass, and the whole face was horribly swollen. The thing reached half of its body, and there was a row of black hands on its chest like a centipede. Waving the ground, Lu Yu was forced back to the corner of the bed, but the thick gray-black smoke on the corner of the bed was still there, waving at Lu Yu constantly. There was a wolf in front of him and a tiger in the back. Lu Yu was so frightened that he knelt on the bed and kept kowtowing, shouting: "Who are you? Please spare me. I didn't do anything. I have always been a good boy." "The twisted face spoke, and the monster's mouth emitted waves of stench, which made Lu Yu want to vomit, but he did not dare to spit it out for fear that this terrible thing would be angry. Just listen to the monster with the terrifying face, making a cold and low voice: "Don't be afraid, I just want to talk to you. I am the ancestor of the Yang family, yes, the ancestor of Yang Zhun. I heard that you are about to become our family's ancestor." My uncle is here to see you." Lu Yu was trembling and did not dare to speak. He knelt on the bed and buried his head in the quilt, shivering. Then he heard the monster say again: "You have said that I am the ancestor of the Yang family and you are still afraid of me. I have no choice but to come and accompany you every day.??You have to practice your courage, otherwise how can you be the son-in-law of my Yang family, hehehehehe. "At this point, a burst of harsh laughter sounded, and Lu Yu shivered even more fiercely. He stopped kneeling and covered his head with the quilt. Suddenly, a strong burst of force lifted the quilt that Lu Yu was holding on to, and Lu Yu closed his eyes. He closed his eyes and didn't dare to look, but his eyelids were forcefully opened by a pair of hands. Countless pairs of cold black hands grabbed Lu Yu and moved closer to the ugly face inch by inch. Lu Yu shouted: "Let me go." Let me go. I am not the uncle of the Yang family, no, I don¡¯t want to marry Yang Xiyu, I have never had such an idea. "The black hands stopped pulling, and the ugly face said viciously: "What, if you don't want to marry her, why are you always looking for her recently? Your father and my grandson Yang Zhun have been discussing marriage all day long. What the hell is this? Something happened. " "I don't know, I really don't know. That's what they said. Tomorrow I will tell my father that I will not marry Yang Xiyu. No, I will not marry anyone named Yang in the future. "Lu Yu was crying so much that he was weak. The lights in the courtyard began to light up. It seemed that the servants heard Lu Yu's cry. The scary man sighed and said: "Okay, but I like it very much. Yours, tell your father Lu Cheng tomorrow that I have come to see you, so that the King of Hell can allow me to come to you every day. Remember, you must say it. If you don¡¯t mention that you have met me, I don¡¯t have the qualification to come to you every day. Don¡¯t forget it. " Lu Yu's pants felt hot again, and he knew that he was so frightened that he pulled his pants down again, and he agreed with a headache: "I will definitely say it, I will definitely say it, I will say it when I see people, and I will say it to everyone. "The monster nodded, and then waved out a thick gray-black fog that covered Lu Yu's head. Lu Yu was so frightened that he screamed heartbreakingly, and soon passed away. Mi Thirteen 86_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 86 The monster has been updated! Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 87: Heaven knows, earth knows, they both know Secret Thirteen 87_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 87 Heaven knows and the earth knows they are coming from In the back hall of the prefect's Yamen, several servants held lanterns and shouted outside Lu Yu's room: "Master, what are you doing? "Why do you keep yelling?" After calling for a long time, no one opened the door, so he reported it to Lu Cheng. When Lu Cheng heard that his precious son screamed in the room for a long time, and then became silent, he even took off his shoes in a panic. He arrived at the door of Lu Yu's room without even wearing any clothes and kicked the door open. Lu Yu was sitting on the bed, having woken up. His eyes were empty. He looked at Lu Cheng and the servants who were running in, but he didn't make a sound. The bed was already filthy and emitted a stench. Lu Yu's urine and feces overflowed from his pants and was all over the bed. Lu Cheng felt so sorry for his son that he climbed onto the bed regardless of his filthiness. He shook Lu Yu who was huddled in the corner and said, "My son, what's wrong with you?" Lu Cheng shook for a long time before Lu Yu slowly came back to his senses. Come, the holes in his eyes gradually disappeared, and with a trace of energy, Lu Cheng suddenly burst into tears, hugged Lu Cheng tightly and said, "I saw just now" At this point, Lu Yu suddenly thought of just now The monster said that if he said he saw it, it would come to him every day, so he swallowed half of what he said alive. "I just had a nightmare." Lu Yu said without hesitation. Lu Cheng was so angry that he slapped his son on the face and cursed: "It really embarrasses our Lu family. Even in your wildest dreams, you'd be scared to death." Lu Cheng thought for a moment, turned to the onlookers and secretly murmured in his heart. The servant who smiled said: "Don't spread today's incident, otherwise it will break your dog legs." After saying that, he walked away. Half an hour after what happened in the back hall of the magistrate's office, two people on horseback slowly walked out of the side door of Prince Wu's Mansion. They got on their horses and rode together, and ran all the way to the south gate of Jiujiang Mansion. There, there was already a knight covered in black cloak waiting for them. There was an empty horse beside the knight. The three of them waved King Wu's talisman at the guard of the south gate. The soldiers opened the city gate and the three of them Running away. After running a few miles outside the city, the three people under the moon slowed down their horses and moved forward slowly. Under the cold white moonlight, the faces of two of the three people were clearly visible. One of them was Lu Yunzhi, who was with him behind him. The rider was Ah Rong, a former servant of the Yang family. Lu Yunzhi said: "We have been traveling all night and will rest at noon tomorrow. The sergeants guarding the city are the cronies arranged by Zhu Jianwen. No one except them knows that we have left the city. We must avoid the court's hawks and dogs during this operation. , Try to catch them off guard. Ah Rong, try riding a horse yourself, and you will master it very easily. I will teach you the riding skills." Lu Yunzhi reined in the horse and asked Arong to dismount. . Arong got off his horse, stirred up and climbed onto the empty horse next to him. He was not afraid of riding, but he just turned to look at the man covered in a cloak. Lu Yunzhi introduced with a smile: "This is Ah Rong, and this is Dong De. In the future, the three of us will be in the same boat. Dong De, why are you still wearing the cloak? Take it off quickly. You won't be bored." It turns out. The man in the cloak was Dong De. Dong De opened his cloak after listening to Lu Yunzhi's words. Under the moonlight, Dong De's face swelled up, pus kept coming out, his eyes were glowing with blue, and countless black hands appeared on his chest and spread their teeth and claws. Ah Rong was so frightened that he screamed and his body collapsed. He fell off his horse. Although Ah Rong was very painful from the fall, his body turned over quickly and stood up. Then he quickly ran to Lu Yunzhi's horse, took the reins and ran away. After running two steps, he slapped Lu Yunzhi's horse on the butt, and then He ran quickly to Dong De, picked up a stone from the ground, and shouted: "Mr. Lu, run quickly, I will stop this monster. Ah Rong can't accompany you to wander around." Lu Yunzhi's horse was slapped and ran away. After a few steps, he was reined in, then turned the horse's head and came back, saying to Ah Rong: "Don't panic." Then he looked up at Dong De and said in a dumbfounded voice: "Dong De, hurry up and take off these props. , Why are you still carrying it when you leave the city?" Dong De scratched his head and replied: "I'm sorry, brother Arong, I scared you. I was busy on my way and didn't have time to clean up. Hehe, don't blame me, my lord." As he spoke, he tore his face with his hands. Ah Rong was dumbfounded, and Lu Yunzhi also looked at Dong De's fussing with a smile in his eyes. After a while, Dong De's face became extremely clean. The piece of meat he threw on the ground was still covered with pus, and it looked disgusting. Dong De took out a piece of cloth and took off the bandage. He wiped the glasses on his head and said, "Don't damage my mirror with this paint. I don't have enough money to buy glasses." After a while, the glasses were as bright as before, not glowing with the faint blue light just now. . Dong De put on his glasses and said to Lu Yunzhi: "Lord, let's go on our way." Lu Yunzhi did not answer, but pointed at Dong De's chest. Then Dong De suddenly realized, reached out and took out something from the sleeves of his wide coat. There was a big abacus with black hands scratching everywhere, while Dong De's chest returned to its normal posture. I only saw Dong DeShaking the abacus, the black hands gradually retracted the beads. Dong De tied the abacus behind his back, and then said with a smile: "It's okay this time." So the three of them continued on their way, and Ah Rong climbed on the horse again, Listening to Lu Yunzhi's instructions on how to ride a horse. Ah Rong has not read many books, but he is very smart. He mastered the trick of riding a horse in just an hour. The three of them started to trot slowly, and after walking for about ten miles, Lu Yunzhi said: "Dong De, starting from today, you will start teaching Arong some yin and yang skills. I can also teach you together." "Ah Rong, Dong De is a learned man, but his speech is a bit vulgar. You must be humble and ask for advice." Ah Rong agreed and stopped his horse, then dismounted and bent down with his fists in his hands and said, "Master, I would like to ask my disciple." "Bye." Dong De also stood up and dismounted, supported Ah Rong and said: "Comparatively, we are all serving the Lord. You and I should treat each other as brothers. I am a few years older. From now on, I will be you, Brother Dong, and you will be me." Brother Ah Rong, haha. "Arong has been a slave since he was a child. Although Yang Zhun is a good master, after all, being a slave means being humble. Unexpectedly, Lu Yunzhi now valued him and treated him as a friend, and now he had Dong De as his big brother. He was extremely happy for a while. But the stench emanating from Dong De's mouth made Ah Rong unbearable and he couldn't help but take a step back. Dong De seemed to understand something after a while. He held his hands and took a breath. When he sniffed it, he vomited and cursed: "F***, it stinks." Only then did Ah Rong dare to ask: "Who is Brother Dong?" It's not that he has a strong internal fire. Mr. Yang Zhun was like this before, but it was not this serious. "Dong De shook his head and said, "No, I did it on purpose. I ate a box of stinky tofu, two onions and one garlic, and I was scared to death. Immortal Lu Yu, that kid." Arong was shocked when he heard Lu Yu's name, but he didn't dare to ask more. He saw Dong De and Lu Yunzhi looking at each other, and their evil smiles were very secretive. They just know it. Secret Thirteen 87_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 87 Heaven Knows and Earth Knows They Know has been updated! Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 88: Nightmare Secret Thirteen 88_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 88 The nightmare comes from A middle-aged man held on to the wall with his hands, a whip in his hand kept waving, and there were countless ghosts around him The spirit rushed over with its teeth and claws open, and behind the ghost was a group of young people with upright faces. One of the young men shouted: "Wang Xiong, you have done many evil things, and you are still not arrested." The middle-aged man named Wang Xiong vomited blood, but he was yelling: "We are all practitioners, why do you want to kill me?" We just have different cultivation methods in different sects. What's so good about you Zhongzheng lineage? You are just a bunch of hypocrites." The young man who just shouted was furious. He pointed at Wang Xiong with a Bagua umbrella and said loudly: "The child you are holding in your hand. The mother's blood whip is extremely cruel, but it is practiced with the blood of pregnant women and fetuses! This technique is extremely sinister. You can imagine it. Shouldn't you kill someone who made such a dehumanizing weapon? ?¡± The young man paused and then said: ¡°Not only that, you also want to plot a rebellion and plunge the world into dire straits, and you don¡¯t care about your own wealth. What do you have to say now that you are defeated?¡± Why bother talking to him? Just kill him." Another older man next to him shouted. Wang Xiong raised his head to the sky and roared loudly and then said: "It will not harm my family. Let my wife and children go, and I will fight with you." The people who surrounded him nodded, and someone replied: "Those who know the evil arts of your branches All of them will be imprisoned or killed. For those who don¡¯t know, we in the Zhongzheng lineage will not kill anyone.¡± Wang Xiong nodded and waved his whip and fought with everyone again. All the ghosts and spirits everywhere are locked in a red circle, and they will be scattered in a short time. Even though the numbers are far apart, they are indistinguishable. Until the young man holding the Bagua Umbrella hit Wang Xiong from behind and took the mother-in-law whip from his hand. The young man held a single knife and put it on Wang Xiong's neck and asked: "Wang Xiong, what else do you have to say?" "Wang Xiong, who was also a man, shouted: "The motherland cannot bear to look back in the bright moon." After saying this, he lowered his head and killed himself on the knife edge held by the young man. The young man was a little dazed. He looked at the whip in his hand, took out a piece of oil paper from his arms and wrapped it. Then he looked down at Wang Xiong's body and sighed. This is when a man in general uniform ran in from outside the door. He raised his hands to the young man and said, "Mr. Shi, what should we do with his family?" The young man sighed again and said, "Don't embarrass them, leave it all to them." Let's deal with it, and let go of anyone who doesn't know anything about it. We at the Zhongzheng lineage will explain it to us, and don't call me Mr. Shi from now on, my name is Shi Fang." At this time, a handsome man in long swaying clothes said. The man came over, patted Shi Fang on the shoulder and said: "Let's go, Shi Fang, you are so kind-hearted. Come out with me for a drink. Don't worry, I have told my junior brothers that no one will touch them." It belongs to the family. As for Wang Xiong's body, the emperor has already ordered it to be paraded in the streets and reviled by thousands of people. This is none of our business. He has done many evil things and this is the fate he deserves." As they spoke, the two of them went to the palace. Walking outside the door, the general called two soldiers to lift the body and tie it to a car, and escorted him towards the capital. He beat gongs and drums along the way and said that he was a rebel. When the body arrived in the capital, it had already been stoned by the people. It's no longer human. "Dad!" Cheng Fangdong shouted and sat up from the bed. Panting heavily, he got out of bed and came to the table. There was still overnight herbal tea in the teapot on the table. Cheng Fangdong drank it all in one gulp and felt much better. He lit the lamp on the table and looked at the light and fell into memories again. "Wang Jie, come out quickly and see who's coming." A woman wearing a headscarf was washing clothes. She looked up and saw a thin man standing at the door. She quickly stood up and shook the water on her hands, and wiped her body with water. shouted into the room. The man looked like a scholar, but he had a ruthless air from the inside out. His eyes were a little strange, one was bigger and the other was smaller. Although they looked asymmetrical, they were not disgusting. A thin child rushed out from the dilapidated house, holding a stick in his hand, waving it constantly and shouting: "Don't be afraid, mother, I'm here to see who dares to bully us." The child suddenly saw the man. He was stunned, then threw the stick on the ground and ran forward quickly, hugged the thin man tightly, buried his head in the man's arms and cried: "Uncle, you are here, my father has been He was killed." The man nodded and sighed and said, "I know what happened to my cousin. My son, you have a good memory. You still remember my face. Things are unpredictable. If my grandfather hadn't been expelled before. When I leave home, there is no name on my family tree, so maybe I will become a wanted criminal. My child, everything will be fine when I come." As he said this, the man turned and looked at the woman. The mother of the little boy Wang Jie was a beautiful woman. She is a woman, but days of hard work have made her look weathered. The man said to the beautiful woman"Sister-in-law, don't worry. With me, Wang Zhen, you won't suffer anymore." That man was none other than Wang Zhen, the powerful eunuch in the future and the culprit of the Tumu Fort Battle. But at this moment, he has not entered the palace. He is just a teacher in Yu County, also known as a scribe. He has not done much, but from the next sentence of the beautiful woman, Wang Zhen, together with the baby in his arms, The fate of the little boy Wang Jie has undergone earth-shaking changes. I heard the beautiful woman smile bitterly and say, "Thank you, uncle, but I only have one thing to ask for." "Sister-in-law, please tell me." Wang Zhen replied. The beautiful woman opened her eyes and said firmly: "I hope uncle can accept Jie'er as his disciple, take him away from here and change his name, revive our Blood Soul Sect, and avenge his father to fulfill his wish. I wonder if uncle can agree?" Wang Zhen He didn't answer, but nodded firmly. Wang Jie grabbed the beautiful woman and said, "Mom, are you coming with us?" The beautiful woman shook her head: "I have to stay here to confuse the royal guards and the people who are looking after us. I can leave after you leave. Just leave, if you can't leave, you may die." The little boy cried when he heard this, and shouted: "Mother, let's go together." The woman became furious and said: "A man doesn't shed tears easily. You can't cry. As the saying goes, a good man has his ambitions everywhere. How can he delay the great cause of avenging his father and restoring our country for the sake of me? Wang Jie, remember that the enemy of our family is the entire Ming Dynasty, especially the Zhongzheng lineage. The name of the disciple who killed your father is Shi Fang. You must make them pay with blood!¡± Secret Thirteen 88_Secret Thirteen Full Text Free Reading_Chapter 88 Nightmare Update Complete! Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 89: The Unique Cheng Fangdong Secret Thirteen 89_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 89 The unique Cheng Fangdong comes from Wang Jie heard his mother's words and nodded and stopped crying. The beautiful woman stroked Wang Jie's head and said: "Jie Son, you are a filial child, and mother knows your thoughts." Wang Jie was quietly taken away from the courtyard by Wang Zhen that night. The beautiful woman looked at Wang Jie and Wang Zhen's leaving figures and returned silently. When she got to the room, she died on a piece of cloth twisted into a twist. Before she died, she gave out her last cry: "Revenge!". After traveling for two days, Wang Jie kept having tears in his eyes, and finally couldn't help but ask Wang Zhen: "Uncle, when can we go back? I miss my mother a little." Wang Zhen shook his head, sighed and said: "No need, your mother is really a hero among women. She was worried that you would be distracted by her and be restrained by enemies because of your filial piety. Now she has hanged herself. Jie'er, you must remember that the hatred of killing your father is the hatred of destroying the country. !" Wang Jie was stunned for a moment, feeling sad and angry and fainting. It was getting dark when Wang Jie woke up. He found himself in a hotel room. Wang Jie slowly got out of bed and walked to the table. His mouth was a little thirsty and he wanted to find some water to moisten his throat. When he passed a mirror, Wang Jie was stunned. The self in the mirror is no longer tall, he is clearly a short fat man, like a short winter melon. He screamed in fright, tripped over a chair in his panic and fell to the ground. Wang Zhen opened the door and came in, holding the barbecue he just bought in his hand. He quickly ran to Wang Jie and helped Wang Jie up. Wang Jie asked in a trembling voice: "Uncle, who is the person in the mirror?" "It's you?" ." Wang Zhen fell silent at this point. Wang Jie looked at Wang Zhen in disbelief and asked: "Uncle, how could this happen?" "The Zhongzheng lineage is so powerful. They have already memorized your four pillars and eight characters. They are not three times as high as me, so naturally they can't calculate it. But you are different. If you want revenge, you must do this and change your body. So I injected your three souls and seven souls into this body, so that they can't come out. From then on, we can plot and destroy them. If you lose the Zhongzheng lineage, you will even destroy the Ming Dynasty," Wang Zhen said harshly. Wang Jie nodded in understanding, but suddenly felt a pain in his lower abdomen. When he opened his robe, he saw blood stains on his pants, and he couldn't help but screamed again in fright. Wang Zhen, however, did not panic and took out a pill for Wang Jie to take, then softly comforted him: "Son, I'm sorry, we don't have enough strength now, so if we want to achieve great things, we have to harm our bodies, and then use sinister magic to Go and defeat them." Wang Jie felt a sharp pain in his crotch because of fear. He opened his pants and cried loudly, shouting: "I know what this is, uncle, I have become a eunuch." Zhen Zhen did not comfort the little boy anymore, but just tied his pants again and said: "Don't be affected by the wind, the wound will heal after taking the secret medicine for a few days. When the time comes, pull out the tube inserted into the urethra." It's okay." Although Wang Jie was just a child, he was sensible and slowly stopped crying. He knew that crying would not help, and nothing could save him from the fact that he was an eunuch. Wang Zhen nodded and said: "What a sensible boy, but there is no need to be sad as the two of us." After saying that, he also unbuttoned his pants, and Wang Jie exclaimed: "Uncle, you are castrated anyway." Although Wang Jie was surprised, but not overly nervous. After all, in just one cup of tea, he had experienced too many things that he could not understand. The body is gone, the lower body is empty, and even his cousin has become a eunuch like himself. Wang Jie seems to have grown up overnight, and he is not surprised at all. Wang Zhen hugged Wang Jie and they were eating the barbecue they had just bought. Wang Zhen slowly talked about the main process of changing his body and why he castrated himself. Wang Jie was confused when he heard this, but he knew that from today on, no one could really predict his fate. At the same time, he was about to master a sinister spell called Spiritual Fire. The castration method of Wang Zhen and Wang Jie is very different from that of ordinary eunuchs. The commonly used method of castration at this time is castration, which is nothing more than cutting off the male testicles, but their uncle and nephew had the whole testicles removed. A shallow pit was left on his lower abdomen, which looked extremely scary. This also caused a lot of trouble for the two of them in the future when they were convenient. They often peed on their shoes and couldn't control it. Like other eunuchs, he couldn't urinate standing up. He could only find a place where no one was around to squat secretly for convenience. Three years later, Wang Jie surprisingly completed all of Professor Wang Zhen's spells, and was on the verge of surpassing them. Whenever he saw the young Wang Jie using his transcendent spiritual fire technique, Wang Zhen would always nod, smile, and praise him for his excellence. One day, Wang Zhen packed his luggage and sent Wang Jie to a familiar family named Cheng. He changed his name to Cheng Fangdong and predicted that in a few days, a member of the Zhongzheng lineage named Shi Fang would come here. Wang Zhen asked Wang Jie to perform well and asked him to conceal his true strength and worship Shi Fang as his teacher. When Cheng Fangdong asked Wang Zhen where he was going, Wang Zhen just smiled evilly and replied:??: "I'm going to serve as an official in the court. You must infiltrate the Zhongzheng line, while I am above the court. We, father and son, will work together to destroy the Ming Dynasty and the Zhongzheng line. Before that, you and I We can¡¯t recognize each other. The day we succeed is when we will be reunited.¡± Wang Jie, or Cheng Fangdong, nodded vigorously and looked at the family named Cheng that Wang Zhen had entrusted, and then at Wang Zhen. The figure turned and left. Recalling what happened in the past few years and his already mutilated body, Cheng Fangdong roared angrily for the first time in his life: "Revenge, destruction, I want to destroy all beautiful things." Cheng Fangdong's eyes no longer wandered, and his thoughts stopped. Pulled back to reality from the painful memories of his childhood, he looked at the lamp on the table, smiled miserably and said to himself: "I'm thinking nonsense again. Dad, you are so stupid, even if you lose the battle, It¡¯s my fault that you are not clever enough and can¡¯t tolerate it. And uncle Wang Zhen, hehe, you are also a woman who is full of womanly kindness. After gouging out your private parts, have you even given up your manly nature? " Cheng Fangdong said in support? He picked up his right hand and shook it slightly, and a blue flame appeared on his hand. The flame could not bring warmth to people, but could only bring deathly coldness. "Uncle, since you are bent on revenge, why do you have feelings for Zhu Qizhen? Now that the Ming Dynasty has not overthrown, you can't even go back home, and you have no face to see that faint emperor Zhu Qizhen. Haha, I don't Being someone like you, do you think that as long as the emperor is captured, it will deal a fatal blow to the Ming Dynasty? No, attacking the capital is the real blow to the Ming Dynasty. I will not be the same person as you and dad. I am not. What revenge, what restoration, I only do it for myself, because I am the unique Cheng Fangdong!" After Cheng Fangdong said to himself, he touched the table with his hand burning with blue spiritual fire, and the table suddenly caught fire. A burst of the same blue fire burned to nothing but ashes in a matter of seconds. Cheng Fangdong waved again, and the blue flame on his hand faded. He pushed open the door, walked to the door and whistled. A hidden man in black jumped in front of Cheng Fangdong in the darkness, clasped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, the preparations are almost complete. It will be completed in three months." Cheng Fangdong did not answer, but there was something at the corner of his mouth. That cold smile appeared once again. Thirteen Secrets 89_Read the full text of Thirteen Secrets for free_Chapter 89 The Unique Cheng Fangdong has been updated! Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 90: Recruits Thirteen Secrets 90_Read the full text of Thirteen Secrets for free_Chapter 90 Recruits from , and then he rubbed his shoulders and beat his legs for a while, making Dong De feel very uncomfortable. Dong De squinted his eyes and felt comfortable for a while, then took the tea handed over by Ah Rong and said: "Arong, although I enjoy it very much, please don't do this again in the future. We are all brothers. If you serve me like this, It made me a little forgetful. " Ah Rong looked nonchalant and wanted to continue massaging Dong De, but Dong De blocked him. Ah Rong said, "It's really okay. Brother Dong, I'm just a servant. "I'm used to things." "Fart, you are now my lord's subordinate and my brother, Dong De. Who dares to deceive you?" Dong De said angrily. Seeing that Ah Rong didn't dare to talk back, Dong De softened his tone. He said: "Brother Ah Rong, how have you been practicing with my lord recently? Have you worked hard?" "Hey, that's natural. My lord taught me personally. I should have spent all my sleep and food to repay my lord for his kindness." Ah Rong answered truthfully. Dong De was really happy when he heard this and said: "That's natural. You are not low in understanding. I have taught you knowledge for two months. You always impress me. Now I have the master to teach you." You, I think you will surpass me soon. Do you know another reason why I know you are not bad at studying now?" Ah Rong thought again and again, shook his head and replied: "Beyond Dong. Brother, it is absolutely impossible for me. As for how you know, could it be that you calculated it?" Dong De waved his hand, and Ah Rong guessed that Dong De still laughed and refused to answer. In the end, he saw that Arong racked his brains and could no longer answer. However, Dong De smiled mischievously and said: "It's so troublesome to calculate everything. Calculating may not be accurate, and you will be frustrated if you can't calculate. Why do you need to do it? I can see that you have made progress, that's because you are now He spoke with the same wretchedness as his master." After saying this, Dong De burst into laughter. Ah Rong also snickered for a while, but immediately stopped laughing, and gave Dong De a little nudge and said: "Brother Dong, don't talk nonsense, it won't be good if the lord hears it later. By the way, why did you come back today, lord?" He hurried out, how are you doing with the hundreds of warriors that my lord asked you to train?" Dong De stretched himself and replied, "Don't you see, I'm almost exhausted? You said that my lord is everywhere here? Looking for strange people from all over the country, it's great that these people have some basic knowledge. But apart from their strength, the most terrifying thing is that the lord asked me to train them and set a lot of training. I almost couldn't hold on until halfway through the project, let alone that group of people. In short, in the five months I took them into the mountains, not only did they improve, but my skills also improved. As soon as my lord saw me coming back, he hurriedly went to inspect them. "Arong asked in confusion: "Why did we walk in brocade clothes at night before and didn't dare to show off?" Dong De interrupted when Arong said. You don¡¯t understand this. Of course, it¡¯s to prevent the court from discovering our whereabouts. Could it be that my lord is afraid of the heat? This group of people is not here for fun. They have to arrive in batches in the middle of the night and follow us all the way. Come to this place where birds don¡¯t poop.¡± ¡°Of course I understand this. Just listen to what I have to say. What I mean is, why are you suddenly being asked to take them all out of the mountain?¡­ "Ah Rong said to Dong De seriously. Dong De also stared at Ah Rong's eyes and replied word for word: "You mean the lord is going to war!" "Well, maybe we have to fight Yu Qian! It has been carried out, so there is no need to hide the strength anymore, or maybe the master has a better plan," Ah Rong said seriously. Dong De nodded and thought for a moment, then said: "That's right, Ah Rong, you have really become more powerful. I didn't expect this." This time, Ah Rong smiled and didn't answer. The two chatted for a few more words and then walked together towards the open space in the mountain village outside the door, where a group of bloody men were being inspected by Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi looked at the hundreds of people in front of him. They had gone through five months of training and were all strong and powerful. It seemed that Dong De had strictly followed the training he required. Lu Yunzhi then inspected the skills of one or two people and asked several questions about ghosts and illusions. Everyone was able to answer them. Lu Yunzhi was even more satisfied. He was about to go back and praise Dong De, but saw Dong De. De and Ah Rong ran towards the direction where they were. Lu Yunzhi said to Dong De: "Dong De, you have trained these people well. I think if you put them on the battlefield, they will be able to fight one against ten. Everyone is a hero. Even your thin body seems to be strong." It's really good." After saying that, he patted Dong De's shoulder happily. After thinking about it, Lu Yunzhi said to Dong De: "I'll need your help with some things later. Let's take a good rest after that. Let¡¯s start tomorrow. I wonder if you have the energy to do this for ** now?¡± Dong De chuckled, although he complained.There was no resentment on his face: "Since I followed my lord, when have you ever left me idle? Tell me, lord, Dong De will do whatever I can." "Then it will be hard work. Go to the city to buy a large number of decent clothes. Look at these few Brother Bai has been in the mountains for a while and has almost no clothes to cover his body. By the way, pay attention to what I said before. If these tailor shops are my second brother's property, let them hurry up and make them. We only have two. We will leave in two days. You should come back early to rest after you have ordered your clothes. Otherwise, if you are exhausted, it will be like breaking a strong arm for me." Lu Yunzhi slightly cupped his hand towards Dong De. said. Ah Rong thought for a while and asked: "Lord, where are we going next?" Lu Yunzhi did not answer, but just let the hundreds of warriors in front of him disperse to rest. Several idle farmhouses nearby had been occupied by Lu Yunzhi early Rent it to facilitate the living of these warriors. After listening to Lu Yunzhi's order, everyone answered with clasped fists, and in the blink of an eye they all went to find a place to rest. At this time, Lu Yunzhi said: "Originally we were going to Southern Xinjiang, but why do you think I ordered to turn to the west when I was approaching Southern Xinjiang?" Both Arong and Dongde shook their heads and said they didn't know, but Lu Yunzhi did not. He smiled and said: "Actually, my decision was due to a person's reminder, or something on his body reminded me to do this." Dong De's appetite was whetted and he asked hurriedly: "Oh, then I will I'm very interested. I dare to ask my lord, who is that person?" "Shang Wang!" Lu Yunzhi said in a serious tone. Thirteen Secrets 90_Read the full text of Thirteen Secrets for free_Chapter 90 The new recruits have been updated! Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 91: Weapon "Shang Wang?" Dong De asked in surprise. Lu Yunzhi explained calmly: "Dong De, do you think Shang Wang is powerful?" Dong De nodded, and Lu Yunzhi continued: "Indeed, the three of us also spent a lot of time when you were here last time. Only Jin could restrain him. If I didn't use the magic of heaven and earth that day, we would have won, but the time would have been much longer and we wouldn't have been able to achieve a quick victory. Moreover, Shang was careless that day because he didn't bring his best moves. The foot magic weapon was not used, but even so, he survived for several rounds. How could he deal with us? "A Rong had already heard Dong De describe the battle that day, so he answered: "Skills?" Dong De nodded and said: "This is the first point, what else?" Dong De seemed to understand what Lu Yunzhi meant, and whispered: "And the double forks in his hands." Lu Yunzhi clapped his hands and said: "Exactly, although the steel fork in his hand is simple, it is covered with magical talismans. As long as he cooperates with the corresponding formula, he can exert his power. It's just that his magical talismans are a bit complicated and can use other tricks. However, the current combat effectiveness of our team Compared with the ordinary army, they are already very advantageous. However, if they encounter a large number of ghosts driven by humans, the ghost exorcism skills they have now will not be enough, so they have to use magic weapons to make up for it. Once there is a gap, it can not only deal with ordinary armies, but also ghosts, and can also develop a magical magic array to achieve the effect of one against a hundred." Dong De shook his head and said to Lu Yunzhi: "It will be difficult to draw spiritual talismans. Integrating it with the weapon requires superb skills to drive it, and it can only be built on the weapon. However, if it is carved on the weapon and the talisman is integrated into it, it requires careful craftsmanship by a knowledgeable blacksmith. First of all, where can we find blacksmiths who know how to use runes? Secondly, where can we find good blacksmiths with superb blacksmithing skills? Thirdly, we want a large number. Arming them all requires more than 300 to 400 weapons. Such a huge number must also meet the requirements of the previous requirements. Where can I find the blacksmith with the two requirements? ""Look there!" Lu Yunzhiyuan pointed to the southwest. Dong De thought for a moment, called Arong and ran to get the map. After looking at it for a long time, he shouted: "My lord is wise, it turns out that I took a detour to go to Fengbo Village, but my lord, Fengbo Village is not simple" Dong De wanted to continue, but Lu Yunzhi stopped him and said: "Hurry up and buy some clothes. I don't want our warriors to wear rags. Please." Dong De clasped his fists, turned and left. Lu Yun stood there alone, looking to the southwest and saying nothing. Ah Rong stood behind Lu Yunzhi and looked to the southwest. The two of them were like two clay sculptures in the countryside, motionless. Besides, in Nanjing City, Yang Zhun walked around in Yang Xiyu's boudoir over and over again. He was sitting on the seat with his head bowed and embroidering Yang Xiyu, as if he didn't see Yang Zhun. Yang Zhun pointed at Yang Xiyu and shouted angrily: " My good daughter, what can I say to you?" Yang Xiyu raised his long eyelashes, looked at Yang Zhun and said, "Dad, stop turning around, drink some tea, don't get dizzy for a while." Zhun snorted, sat down and said, "I'm so angry with you now that I'm dizzy. I won't talk about Mr. Lu from Jiujiang Mansion. He suddenly lost his mind and refused to marry you even if I beat him to death. Hey, what do you mean? Forget it, there are so many young men in Nanjing, why don't you even see them? The matchmaker comes to propose marriage, but you say it's not up to standard. I'll listen to you and find a high-ranking official to come and act as a guarantee. As a result, you lied about having angina pectoris, which scared people away from proposing marriage because they were afraid that you would be a short-lived person. I asked the doctor, but you don¡¯t have any disease. Today, you must tell me why you want this. "Look!" Yang Xiyu lowered his head and didn't answer. Yang Zhun raised his hand angrily and was about to slap it, but stopped in the air. After a long time, he slammed the table and sighed: "You know I can't bear to slap you, you Just be angry with me. Xi Yu, if you don't find a husband, you will become an old girl and no one will marry you." Yang Xiyu stood up and walked to Yang Zhun and took his arm. Said: "Dad, that daughter can stay with you forever." Yang Zhun stood up, waved his sleeves, shook off Yang Xiyu, and muttered: "I'm so angry, I'm so angry!" and then walked out quickly. room. Yang Xiyu looked at Yang Zhun's leaving figure, remembering the way Lu Cheng and his son came to visit that day, and couldn't help but smile. That day, Yang Xiyu saw Lu Yu hiding behind Lu Cheng, with a timid look on his face. If anyone made a sound, he would immediately tremble. Lu Cheng speculated that Lu Yu had a heart disease today and might have a marriage with Yang Xiyu. It's going to be postponed. Yang Zhun also nodded in agreement and said with a compliment that it doesn't matter. Although Yang Zhun's official rank is now higher than that of Lu Cheng, he does not hold power and is an idle official. Moreover, the prefect of Jiujiang Prefecture has always promoted the capital, so Yang Zhun is optimistic about Lu Cheng's developing family and tries his best to Marry your daughter. Just when Yang Zhun agreed, he heard Lu Yu howl, and then his body trembled violently and said: "I don't want to marry Miss Yang, I don't dare to marry Miss Yang. Yang Shibo, please let me go." Shivering while shakingYang Zhun bowed and saluted. Yang Zhun was naturally confused and quickly asked Lu Chengcai to tell him the truth. Yang Zhun also promised that if there was really some evil spirit waiting for his brother Lu Xian to come back, he would definitely cure it. Yang Xiyu happened to be going out. When he saw Lu Cheng and his son arriving, he hid aside and listened to the conversation between Yang Zhun and Lu Cheng word for word. He snickered in his heart and had already guessed the truth of the matter. Yang Xiyu thought of this, sat down again and continued to embroider. What he was threading in his hands was not the picture of mandarin ducks playing in the water that ordinary women love, but a picture of a tiger and a dragon fighting. Yang Xiyu whispered: "The wind follows the tiger, the clouds follow the dragon, the dragon and tiger heroes are proud of the sky." She paused in her hands, then looked out the window and said to herself: "Lu Yunzhi, thank you for helping me with this." This time, you finally understand a little bit of my thoughts. I hope you can be invincible in this battle. Good luck." There is a capital in the south and a capital in the north. Yu Qian is standing in the Hongluo Temple in the capital of the Ming Dynasty. On the stone steps, he looked at the people below him. There were a thousand people in the audience, wearing all kinds of strange ethnic costumes. Yu Qian said: "You are all from the Tiandiren branch of the small border land. Today, the traitors of the Zhongzheng line are rampant and are ready to rebel. If you are here In this battle, you have made great achievements by being loyal to the court. In the future, I will inform the court and grant you titles and titles. And I promise that I will never lay a finger on you, and you will continue to kill all the remaining members of the Zhongzheng Party. , return me to a peaceful and prosperous age, destroy the leader of the thief named Lu, and fight against each other!" "Kill! Kill! Kill!" More than a thousand people in the audience shouted in unison. The feeling was extremely inconsistent with the peaceful atmosphere of Hongluo Temple. The murderous aura rose, and the sound of shouting and killing echoed through the sky. Yu Qian smiled slightly and looked at the people at the foot of the stone steps. He turned his eyes and glanced doubtfully at Shang Wan, who was bowing his head and thinking in thought. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 92: The Place of War Secret Thirteen 92_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 92 The place of war disaster comes from Yu Qian waved his hand, and more than a thousand people under the stone steps stopped shouting, and Yu Qian whispered to the living soul master on his left After a few words, the leader of the living soul vein nodded and ran down the stone steps quickly, and then led everyone towards the Zen room of the temple. It seemed that Hongluo Temple had become Yu Qian's military camp. "Shang Wang, what are you thinking about?" Yu Qian turned his head and asked Shang Wang, who was standing on his right. Shang Wan was still bowing his head in thought and did not hear Yu Qian's question. It was not until Yu Qian asked again that Shang Wan suddenly raised his head and saw that his eyes were blood red. It took him a long time to blink, and then he replied: " Replying to Brother, I was wondering why we need to use these branches of Tiandiren. Aren¡¯t we going to kill all the Tiandiren? If they are allowed to develop freely, it will be a big problem in the future. "Yu Qian smiled and replied: " Shang Wang, it turns out that you are thinking about this matter, but you are overthinking it. They were invited to join because of their large numbers and strength, but on the other hand, who are they from Miao Gu's lineage? , the Lone Wolf lineage, the Beast Expelling lineage, and the Snow Bell lineage, they are all just branches from the border areas, and although their cultivation methods are unique and their numbers are large, they only recruit people from the local ethnic groups, and ultimately they cannot become a big phenomenon. . Whether they wanted to avoid being wiped out by us or for the sake of glory and wealth, they joined us and did not take refuge in Lu Yunzhi. This is a good thing. When the snipe and the clam fight, the fisherman benefits. When they both lose, we will destroy Lu Yun together. After the remaining party led by the three brothers, it will be easier to eliminate these once powerful branches, do you think so?" Shang Wu nodded, and the five ugly ones behind Yu Qian had been silent. But the leader suddenly sneered and said word for word: "It's the same old trick again." Yu Qian nodded: "Exactly, wasn't this the same strategy used to deal with the Zhongzheng lineage and Guiwu back then? Lu Yunzhi, you If you want to play with me, you're too immature. Shang Wang, do you agree or not?" Yu Qian said and stared at Shang Wang. Shang Wan also met Yu Qian's gaze, but replied calmly: "My elder brother is naturally wily and cunning, but what Lu Yunzhi has done recently cannot be underestimated, so we must root out the weeds and kill him before he grows up." . We gave them time to breathe before, so he had the opportunity to make trouble for more than a year. "Yu Qian laughed and said: "This battle is getting more and more interesting. I also underestimated them back then. They ran out from the siege. They didn't expect these boys to have such great ability to disturb the peace of the world. Come on, let my righteousness accompany Lu Yunzhi's people to play in Dingshengtian. Remember. We will definitely win, because not only do we have an advantage in the strength of the people of heaven and earth, but also because we have the strongest support behind us, and that is my beloved country, Ming Dynasty!" After saying that, Yu Qian turned and left! , Shang Wang and Wuchou Pulse Master also went to do their own business. Shang Wan's mind was very confused at the moment. He didn't know who to believe. He saw the letter. Yu Qian's eyes full of meaning just now made him believe Lu Yunzhi's words even more. Did Yu Qian discover his hatred? But why didn't Yu Qian kill him? What was the use of keeping him alive? Was he going to bury invisible dangers around him forever? Or maybe Yu Qian was not the murderer of Du Hai at all, but was just trying to persuade himself not to be deceived by Lu Yunzhi. Shang Wan didn't know. He thought he needed to find Lu Yunzhi again to find out what happened. Lu Yunzhi and others formed a powerful cavalry team of more than 400 people, and continued to advance toward the southwest. Along the way, not only the mountain horse thieves did not dare to intercept, but even the government did not dare to block it, and some officials even lined up to greet them. It's not that the imperial court is afraid of Lu Yunzhi's team, it's just that Lu Yun and his team are wearing luxurious clothes, and everyone they lead is full of energy and majestic equipment. When the officials saw it, they all guessed that Lu Yunzhi was a high official of the imperial court, and he was just traveling in plain clothes for a private visit. Otherwise, how could there be so many people escorting him, and they were all of extraordinary magnanimity. In addition, Lu Yunzhi was very familiar with official etiquette, and the officials along the way were even more convinced that they were members of the court. So the Chief Secretary of Guangxi issued a secret official document, saying that officials at all levels along the way would line up to greet them, but Lu Yunzhi asked Some of them were dumbfounded. Lu Yunzhi was riding on the horse and was a little drunk. In the morning, the officials of Nanning Mansion held a banquet. Lu Yunzhi drank two more glasses and became a little drunk. He said to Ah Rong: "You know why these days? Are these officials treating us like this?" Arong nodded and replied, "Don't they regard us as high-ranking officials?" Lu Yunzhi asked again, "But why don't they regard us as rebels?" Maybe it's because the Lord speaks well and we are dressed luxuriously?" Ah Rong replied again. Dong De said with a smile: "I can't help but see that there are so many of us and we are all armed with weapons. If they don't get the news about the gathering of troops,Naturally, we thought that the officials in the places we had visited had kept the news secret just like them. Isn't what our Ming officials are best at doing this kind of random guessing and being smart? It seems that the Lord asked us to move forward secretly, advance in batches and then suddenly gather in groups to enter Guangxi. This is not only to be wary of Yu Qian, but also has this deeper meaning. Lu Yunzhi laughed loudly and said: "Dong De's correct answer is that you are still the one who is naughty. A Rong is much simpler than you." Do you know the situation in Guangxi? "Dong De nodded and replied: "I know a thing or two. "Then let's hear it." "Lu Yunzhi was hit by the cold wind and became even more drunk. Dong De thought for a moment and reined his horse, and said: "Guangxi has always been a place where many ethnic groups live together, so it is more difficult to govern and wars are more frequent. The Zhuang people are the main people here, and Han people are also mixed in. In addition, there are more than ten ethnic groups such as Yao, Miao, Dong, Maonan and so on. Most of these ethnic groups were more martial and disobedient in temperament, so there were many frictions with the Ming Dynasty officials. Among them, the Zhuang ethnic group, which is the largest in number, is the most powerful and has extremely strong combat power. The soldiers formed by the Zhuang chieftains fight bravely. The warriors are bloodthirsty and fearless. They are called "Wolf Soldiers" by the Han people. Of course, warriors from other ethnic groups are also very strong. The most prominent ones, the smallest in number but extremely fierce, are a group of Tu people who migrated from abroad. They are called "local soldiers". In short, there are frequent battles here, and every inch of the land is stained. There is blood, and it can be said to be a place of war. " Arong nodded repeatedly after hearing this. These were things he had never known before. He couldn't help but repeat Dong De's words: "A place devastated by war. ¡± Thirteen Secrets 92_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 92 The Land of War has been updated! Volume 2 Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 93 My name is Lu Yunzhi Secret Thirteen 93_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 93 My name is Lu Yunzhi from "Very good, Dong De. With you, maybe I won't have to read books in the future, I can just ask you directly, haha. But. You are a businessman, tell me how business is going here." Lu Yunzhi asked with a teasing smile. Dong De responded with a smile and replied: "That's not bad. There is still business to be done along the way, and larger trading houses can also go abroad for business. Except for some chambers of commerce that have the ability to protect themselves, the rest will put up a flag. , This will prevent thieves from having evil intentions." Ah Rong asked with interest: "What kind of flag is so powerful? What does it say 'no money'?" Lu Yunzhi and Dong? After hearing this, De laughed loudly. Lu Yunzhi drank a few times and spit out the alcohol. He was almost awake from the wine. He stretched out three fingers seriously and said: "Fengbo Village!" "Fengbo Village!" Who are Zhuang? Are they so powerful? Are they also from Heaven and Earth?" Ever since he was taught skills by Lu Yunzhi and Dong De, Ah Rong has also claimed to be from Heaven and Earth. Lu Yunzhi shook his head and looked at Dong De, but Dong De smiled and said: "Master, let me tell you. I don't know much about Fengbo Village. We are going to visit Fengbo Village this time. You can give us some advice." Let¡¯s get to know the group of people we are about to face in advance. ¡°Okay, since you don¡¯t know, let me tell you.¡± Lu Yunzhi cleared his throat and continued, ¡°Fengbo Village has been established for about a hundred years. It is different from our cultivation method. They focus on physical training and Qi training. The so-called physical fitness is the same as ours, which is to strengthen the muscles and bones to achieve extraordinary fighting power." Lu Yunzhi looked at A Rong who looked confused and asked: "What's wrong? What's the problem? "Isn't that just an ordinary martial artist? How can he compare with the master's training? Is it because of the large number of people that he is so intimidating?" Arong asked. Lu Yunzhi nodded: "You are right about one of them. They are large in number. In the past hundred years, they have lived here, from a few hundred people at the beginning to thousands now. Not only are the surrounding ethnic minorities afraid to fight with them, As enemies, even the imperial court can't do anything to them. But you are wrong. Their training methods may be very special, so you may not necessarily be worse than you and me if you pick someone at random. Those warriors are just ordinary people. The real masters are hidden among the people and gather in Fengbo Village. For some reason, they were hunted down by their comrades or arrested by the court as martial offenders, so they came to Fengbo Village to take refuge. Whether they are from Heaven and Earth or martial arts, not all masters are from the sect. For example, Yu Qian was just taught by a monk, and although your master, Brother Dong, is from Heaven and Earth, he is not from the branch. The same is true for someone's inheritance. So you can't underestimate others. Any passerby may be a hidden master. Ah Rong, you have to remember this." Ah Rong cupped his fists and replied: "My lord taught me this. Ah Rong remembered it." Lu Yunzhi said again: "Actually, these are not the key. Why are the people in Fengbo Village so powerful? It is precisely because of the Qi training I just mentioned. This Qi is the same as the destiny Qi mentioned by the people of heaven and earth. The qi in the three points is different, a bit like folk qigong, but their qi seems to be materialized and can be activated at any time, so that it can hit people or objects and defeat ghosts with qi. In Zhenjianghu, no one in Guangxi dares to mess with anyone who comes out with their flag. However, they are very low-key and usually hide in the village. Occasionally, they go down the mountain to buy some supplies with special products. They don¡¯t know where the money comes from. . The Zhongzheng lineage originally noticed their weirdness and sent people to negotiate with them. However, they were unwilling to join the Tiandi people, and their attitude was very arrogant. They would never fight against others unless they took the initiative to provoke them. Taking the initiative, the Zhongzheng lineage will not be able to intervene. " "In short, although Fengbo Village is powerful, it is not well-known in the world, and it is very mysterious. By the way, no one knows what is going on inside. Yu Qian sent several secret envoys to win over Fengbo Village, but those people never came out after entering." Lu Yunzhi said calmly. Dong De was shocked when he heard this and asked hurriedly: "How did my lord know this? Could it be that my lord has understood all the calculations in the world and can calculate the world's affairs at will." Lu Yunzhi shook his head and replied: " Of course not, even if I could, I can't estimate everything. After all, as a mortal, my energy is limited. I just have others to provide me with information." Ah Rong asked, "Who is it? It can't be Shang Wang. "Lu Yunzhi looked at Ah Rong and didn't answer, but Dong De winked at Ah Rong and scolded Ah Rong: "You don't know the rules, don't ask questions that you shouldn't ask." Lu Yunzhi smiled and replied. Said: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't have to be a delusion to have news. Of course I have another spy, but it's not time to talk about it now, so just think of it as a surprise for you." Dong De quickly changed the topic Said: "Lord, if we go to Fengbo Village this time, if they treat us too??It's arrogant, I'm just afraid that there may be no return. The Lord must be 100% sure before he dares to take us deep alone. "I don't have anything, everything is unknown, and I haven't figured out how to take it one step at a time. If God doesn't die, I will definitely get something this time." " Lu Yunzhi responded and raised his whip and ran out quickly. The whole cavalry quickly ran towards Fengbo Village twenty miles away. The cavalry ran to the bottom of a mountain and saw the wall built around the mountain. The wall was very high and there were also There is an arrow tower post, and the entire mountain is surrounded by a wall. It is indeed a big project. On the gate facing this small road, there are three big characters written on it, Fengbo Village. Full of arrogance but with a hint of restraint, Lu Yunzhi couldn't help but cheered in his heart. There were two towering stones on both sides of the huge village gate. The stones were engraved with words, and only the one on the left was engraved. The guard on the arrow tower is very young, he is a boy of 16 years old, and he is good-looking. After seeing Lu Yunzhi and other hundreds of people, he did not panic. He drew his sword and was nervous, but calmly shouted: "Whoever comes, please tell me your name. "The sound was as loud as a bell ringing deafeningly. Everyone was shocked after hearing it, as if thousands of troops were coming. Lu Yunzhi clasped his fists and responded: "Lu Yunzhi, a man from the village, is leading his troops. Come to pay a visit and hope that the strong man will report. "The guard turned around and muttered something to the person on the arrow tower. The man nodded and ran towards the bottom of the arrow tower. It seemed that he was going back to report. Then the young guard said with a smile: "People down there, what are you talking about? , the voice was too low for me to hear. " A strong wind blew by, and Lu Yunzhi was already swept in front of the guard by the strong wind. The two of them were almost standing face to face. The guard with the towering arrow tower did not expect Lu Yunzhi to arrive so quickly, and was shocked. Lu Yunzhi was shocked. But Zhi smiled slightly and said word by word: "My name is Lu Yunzhi. ¡± Thirteen Secrets 93_Read the full text of Thirteen Secrets for free_Chapter 93 My name is Lu Yunzhi has been updated! Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 94: Young Guard Secret Thirteen 94_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 94 The young guard comes from The young guard narrowed his eyes, quickly took a step back, threw away the bow and arrow in his hand, and pulled out the sword from his waist in a flash of his hands. Lu Yunzhi was swept by the wind. When he saw the young man pulling out his swords, he did not move forward but floated backwards. He was a foot away from the arrow tower and out of the attack range of the waist swords. Dong De and others were furious when they heard the guard's teasing. Seeing Lu Yunzhi teasing the guard now, they all felt proud and cheered. But he heard the guard yell: "Don't underestimate people's magic!" As he said this, he waved his swords out of the air, and a strong wind came, and suddenly there was the sound of the air being torn apart for no reason. Lu Yunzhi didn't panic at all and didn't see what container he took out. Countless gray-black ghosts floated out from his sleeves and stood in front of him. The ghosts stepped back in response to the strong wind, and then let out a terrifying sound. He ran toward the guard with a neighing sound. The guard sneered at the corner of his mouth and muttered: "It turns out he is from heaven and earth. I thought he was a saint. He dared to come here to run wild." After saying that, he threw down his two swords, made his hands into palms, drew a semicircle, and then opened and closed them like a roc spreading its wings. generally. The young man waved his arms and then suddenly shook his palms into fists. As his muscles bulged, two balls of golden light rose up from his clenched fists. The guard's arms shot out two balls of golden light towards Lu Yunzhi. Dong De shouted under the formation: "My lord asked me, Dong De, to come and meet him. The little guard is so arrogant!" Lu Yunzhi nodded, and her body floated backwards even faster, then turned around and landed next to Dong De. Guiling, who was standing in front of Lu Yunzhi, clapped his hands in the air and disappeared without a trace. The two balls of golden light did not touch the ghost, but they did not go straight out. They actually turned and hit Lu Yunzhi. Dong De shouted: "What the hell is this." He shook himself in his hands as he spoke. The abacus made a low roar, and the black air on it was densely covered. In the blink of an eye, it enveloped Dong De, and at the same time, it transformed into countless roiling black thorns. The two golden lights also transformed at this time, turning into two huge fists, waving in the air and hitting Dong De. Lu Yunzhi stood aside and observed the guard. It turned out that although the golden light was swung out, he was still moving his hands back and forth. The swing and range of movements are actually the same as the transformed fist. It seems that this is the method of controlling air. Lu Yunzhi looked at it for a long time, and thought in his heart: Controlling Qi is different from the art of exorcising ghosts that people in heaven and earth have learned. The art comes from the heart and focuses on cultivating the heart. Qi control is inseparable from martial arts practice, as is body shape, footwork, and fighting skills. No matter what shape the qi used is transformed into, the body still has to manipulate the qi to achieve precise strikes, just like a puppet on a string. It turned out that this was Qi Control, and it was indeed very mysterious. Lu Yunzhi secretly admired it. As Lu Yunzhi was observing, he saw that the transformed golden fist had already engaged Dong De. Dong De defended the guard's attack. Every time the golden fist whizzed by, it would raise dust all over the sky. The fist collided with Dong De's sudden ghost spirit, and suddenly there were circles of strange brilliance. Ah Rong looked at Dong De with concern but couldn't see his expression clearly, because Dong De's face was also surrounded by ghosts, as if he himself was a mass of gray and black ghosts. Suddenly, both fists shot straight into the sky. The young guard standing on the arrow tower also clenched his fists and raised them above his head, then suddenly smashed them toward the ground. Dong De's black energy gradually spread, and he kept moving, forming a huge circle on the ground. Through the circle, he gradually approached the arrow tower, shortening the distance between him and the young guard. Suddenly, several evil spirits glowing red emerged from the black air and flew towards the guards on the arrow tower. But that big punch didn't turn back to guard, it was still going straight down, and it was a fight that would hurt both sides. Just hearing a bang, Lu Yunzhi stretched out the two iron thorns from his sleeves and struck them with a force that could not cover his ears. He did not read the ancient words in his mouth, and just saw a thunderbolt rushing down from the blue. He caught up with the fist that was about to fall, and instantly dispersed the energy. And another bolt of lightning suddenly appeared in front of the young guard. It turned out to be a black current with a snap, and the red evil spirit driven by Dong De disappeared without even making a frightening whistle. When the young guard saw it, his face was full of dissatisfaction. He shouted and wanted to dance. Two bigger fists suddenly appeared in front of him, and the process of turning from golden light into fists was gone. He shouted and cursed: "You dare to block me, you are seeking death." As he was about to swing his fists, he saw a huge hammer also made of golden light falling from the sky. This hammer was as tall as three people, and it suddenly hit the scene. After looking at it, the young man let out a breath of bad breath and then turned around. The transformed fists suddenly disappeared without a trace. A man's figure was like a bird, flying up the arrow tower from the wall, then kicked the young man to the ground, and then jumped down from the arrow tower. The wall was already extremely high, and the arrow tower was even more towering. The man jumped down like this, but it seemed that he didn't even need to slow down when he landed. As soon as he landed, he walked quickly towardsImmediately afterwards, the golden hammer in the field also suddenly disappeared after a while. At this time, the gate of the cottage opened, and more than a hundred people poured out of it, standing in silence in the street, and seven or eight people slowly followed the man who jumped down just now. The handsome young guard on the arrow tower just now followed slowly, stroking his sore chest from being kicked, but looking at Dong De fiercely. After all, Dong De was older and a slippery businessman. Although he had shouted to fight and kill just now, he now put on an innocent and kind look. He retreated behind Lu Yunzhi with a smile on his face and took back all the ghosts he had driven. In the calculation. Lu Yunzhi looked at the man who was walking towards him quickly. Ah Rong whispered from behind: "My lord, this man is really good at physical skills. Although he has a powerful figure, his jump just now was very light. Lord, I'm sure Be careful." Lu Yunzhi nodded without answering. I saw that the man was tall and strong. He looked as good as Chao Xingqu Xiangtian and others. He was about forty years old, with a very wide distance between his eyebrows. His eyes were bright and his temples were bulging. It looked like he was practicing martial arts. master. The man came forward and bowed his hands with Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi quickly returned the greeting, but heard the man announce his arrival: "I'm Duan Haitao, may I ask if you are Mr. Lu?" "Don't dare, Duan Zhuang." The master's reputation spreads far and wide, and it is indeed well-deserved when I see you today." Lu Yunzhi said politely. Duan Haitao turned around and called the young man who had just fought with Dong De to come up to him, and then angrily said: "You bastard, why don't you apologize to Mr. Lu?" The man reluctantly hugged his fists, then bent down and saluted: "I'm offended. "Lu Yunzhi smiled and quickly moved his hands to help him, but the young man suddenly shook his arms and tried to shake them away. Lu Yunzhi still smiled and put his hands on the young man's arms without moving, and just held the young man upright. The young man snorted and said: "It might be interesting to fight with you. Come and fight with me for a few moves." Secret Thirteen 94_Secret Thirteen full text free to read_Chapter 94 The juvenile guard has been updated! Volume 2 Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 95 Duan Haitao Secret Thirteen 95_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 95 Duan Haitao comes from "You bastard, get out of the way." Duan Haitao angrily scolded, Lu Yunzhi still maintained a smile and praised: "I didn't expect him to be so young. It's really rare to have such accomplishments at such a young age, and for a young gatekeeper to be so powerful. It seems that I'm in the right place for Fengbo Village." Duan Haitao sighed when he heard Lu Yunzhi's praise and said, "Sir, this is ridiculous. It¡¯s my nephew Bai Yong, who has been naughty since he was a child and likes to fight whenever he has nothing to do. Although we are both martial arts practitioners, we do not advocate using violence to fight violence. Today he beat another branch leader in Fengbo Village. I just punished him for guarding the gate for two days, but I didn't expect to offend Mr. Duan." Lu Yunzhi repeatedly said that he didn't dare. The two were polite, and Duan Haitao said: "Let's enter the village quickly, we are always standing here. Outside, when my benefactor blames me for neglecting my husband, I will feel ashamed." "Okay, Mr. Duan, please," Lu Yunzhi said. Duan Haitao laughed and said, "Sir, please." The two refused and walked side by side towards Fengbo Manor. Lu Yunzhi and others were shocked along the way, because this group of people was extremely well-trained and trained in different stages. Some are strengthening their muscles and bones to increase their physical strength, some are sitting cross-legged and meditating, and some are studying moves. This is exactly the same training plan used by the Zhongzheng lineage of the people of heaven and earth. It is precisely because of this that Lu Yunzhi and other disciples of the Zhongzheng lineage are also very skilled. Lu Yunzhi's knowledge of martial arts moves was not as profound as that of Qimen, but he still knew a lot. He saw hundreds of boxing techniques after meeting dozens of people, and often one person would use the strengths of several, and master them to create his own style. He couldn't help but praised: "Fengbo Village is really a place where dragons and tigers are hidden. Just one person can start a sect in the world." Duan Haitao laughed out loud when he heard this: "Since they are nostalgic for the world, they won't Come to Fengbo Village before the meeting. Fighting among sects in the world, guarding against each other, these must be abandoned in Fengbo Village. There are no unchanging martial arts, only the most practical methods of the strongest people. " "By the way, Master Duan, I have been hearing from others how powerful your Qi control is and how powerful you are. I didn't believe it at that time. But when I saw it today, it was indeed shocking. I was so despised back then. Mr. Duan, please forgive me." Lu Yunzhi humbly admitted his mistake, leaving Dong De and Ah Rong confused. What makes them even more puzzled is that Duan Haitao and Lu Yunzhi seem to know certain people in common, so they are so familiar with each other, but who has such a close connection with the mysterious Fengbo Village. Duan Haitao smiled nonchalantly and replied: "It's not your fault. Mr. Lu is so frank. It's really admirable. We are different from people in the martial arts world, so we are not understood by others. In addition, we go deep and simple, and we are very familiar with it." These people have lived in seclusion in Fengbo Manor for hundreds of years, and no one knows about it. We people not only need to shape our bodies since childhood, but also learn a more advanced method - Qi Control. Many years ago, we occasionally walked in the world. , is called an airbending master, but the airbending is not as good as that of the people of heaven and earth. Except for your Zhongzheng lineage, Iron Sword lineage, Dragon Fist lineage and other few branches, few people in heaven and earth can practice it on their own. Physique. Learning the art of expelling ghosts and the art of destroying ghosts is easy to get started, but advanced is difficult. So there are many people who learn these arts, and it is extremely difficult for us to get started. If we don't have some achievements in martial arts, we can't control Qi. So I thank you. As a gift from the people of heaven and earth, we were discriminated against and ostracized by the people of heaven and earth who outnumbered us by hundreds of times, just because we could also repel ghosts with our Qi control. After we had several battles with the people of heaven and earth in the Central Plains, both sides suffered injuries. In the end, we made a rule of not interfering with each other. However, friction and fires still happened. After we got a large sum of money, we brought it here and established Fengbo Village. The meaning of Fengbo Village is that the world is troubled for us. , It doesn¡¯t matter at all, but I didn¡¯t expect that you people in heaven and earth are now in a state of ruin. I don¡¯t know whether to be happy or sad for you.¡± At this point, a person came running towards me. The man was extremely thin but. He was very agile and very different from Dong De, who was also as thin as a bamboo pole. He looked like a monkey. Lu Yunzhi walked forward quickly and hugged the man. Lu Yunzhi smiled and said, "Hey, hello, you and I have met again." It turned out that the man was a former disciple of the Zhongzheng lineage. , Shouhou Wuhao was expelled from the Zhongzheng lineage because he caused a huge disaster by releasing the evil spirit of chaos, and because of his poor qualifications. Wu Hao winked for a while and then said with a smile: "Why are you so much older than when I saw you two days ago? Haha, Lu Yun was so mysterious when I last saw you. You said that after I received the news from you, I was so old Gongchang Mansion in Shaanxi Province came over. By the way, I also brought my family with me, and my master also came. In the end, you just said a few words in a hurry and left, as if you were too busy. I have to punish you by drinking a few more drinks today to make up for your fault. You are too lazy to come and go when I call you." Although Wu Hao said this, he was not angry at all. After all, it was a childhood play.If the feelings of companionship are placed there, the friendship is self-evident. Dong De and Ah Rong looked at each other, not knowing who the monkey-like person appeared in front of them, so they counted with their fingers. Dong De whispered to Ah Rong: "A Rong, have you figured it out?" Rong nodded and replied: "I can't figure it out clearly, but if I study for a while I can figure it out. His luck is almost three times worse than mine." Dong De chuckled and said, "There is progress, I I figured it out, but his hexagrams are all related to the lord, especially the last hexagram involves the lord. I'm confused. It seems that the lord's destiny energy is strong enough to affect other people. The situation has improved." Arong said, "Even so, I'm pretty much the same. I'm really ashamed. I'll have to learn more from Brother Dong in the future." "You've done a good job," Dong De praised. Ah Rong suddenly remembered something and said: "By the way, before you came back from training in the mountains, about a month ago, the lord suddenly went out in a hurry in the middle of the night. Then when the lord came back, he was very happy. He just listened to them If so, I think we should just go see this Wu." Dong De nodded and continued to follow Lu Yun. The two of them stopped whispering and just listened to the conversation between Lu Yunzhi, Wu Hao and Duan Haitao, eyes wide. Look at the people practicing around you. At this time, the young man named Bai Yong came up and said to Dong De: "Skinny bamboo pole, what are those on your eyes?" "Oh, they are glasses." Dong De replied politely. Bai Yong changed his tone and said with a fierce expression: "Don't give me that playful smile. The fight just now is not over yet. We will find a place where no one is around to continue the fight later." "I will accompany you at any time." Dong De He replied nonchalantly. Thirteen Secrets 95_Read the full text of Thirteen Secrets for free_Chapter 95 Duan Haitao has been updated! Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 96: Storm in the Manor Secret Thirteen 96_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 96 The storm in the village comes from Dong De and Bai Yong secretly competing in the middle of the team, looking at each other while walking, Bai Yong must have cold eyes with Dong De every time Hum, it seems that Bai Yong should be a competitive person. Lu Yunzhi and his uncle Duan Haitao came out to stop the battle just now, which made him feel very unhappy. Dong De seemed to smile slightly every time, but he was also thinking in his heart: He must find an opportunity to teach this ignorant boy a lesson. Lu Yunzhi and others quickly headed towards the top of the mountain. The entire mountain was built into a large village, with roads, vegetation, houses and shops, and the architecture was unique. Of course, along the way there are indispensable people practicing the various kinds of martial arts that we just saw, but the further you go up, the fewer people are practicing. Several people walked to a main hall on the top of the mountain. Duan Haitao stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation, but Lu Yunzhi stopped in front of the main hall, staring at the pillar in front of the door and unable to pull it out. He was just stunned. There. It wasn't until Duan Haitao called softly several times that Lu Yunzhi reacted and quickly walked into the hall with him. Standing in the main hall is an old man with immortal style and fair hair, who is none other than Wu Hao's master, the leader of the Yan Gua lineage, King Min Zhu Qigang. Lu Yunzhi hurriedly came forward to pay homage and said: "Old senior, I haven't seen you for a few days and you are still so energetic." Zhu Qigang laughed loudly and pointed at Lu Yunzhi and said: "You have really changed, you are so good at talking." . Hey, there is no way. Who told the imperial court to secretly hunt down the people of Tiandi? Your Zhongzheng lineage has encountered a great disaster, and our Yangua lineage has no place to go. What do you think we should do? I just happened to receive your letter. , so we traveled day and night to the place you designated to wait for you. " Duan Haitao nodded and said: "My benefactor has always praised you as a loyal, honest and straightforward person. I didn't expect you to be so flexible. Knowing that we were in trouble, Zhuang Shangwu took the initiative. Not seriously injured, and because of our relationship with our benefactor, we naturally respect and fear you and your subordinates. Lu Yunzhi, you are really not simple." Lu Yunzhi just smiled, looking a little embarrassed, but he was not. He answered, turned around and introduced Zhu Qigang and Wu Hao to Dong De and Ah Rong. After everyone bowed, Lu Yunzhi suddenly became serious and looked at an iron tower enshrined in the middle of the hall, and was lost in thought again. After everyone sat down, they didn't notice Lu Yunzhi's change. Duan Haitao said: "Actually, I know Mr. Lu's intention of coming. Just like Yu Qian, he wants our Fengbo Village to come out and help. But Fengbo Village just ignores the world's turmoil. It is not my place to intervene in this way." Zhu Qigang stroked his long beard and said confidently: "Master Duan, you are the owner of Fengbo Village, and you and I can't help you. Are we going to do it? Now everyone in the world is in danger, and even I am worried about my life all the time. Could it be that Fengbo Village still has a grudge against the people of heaven and earth? But if the world is controlled by Yu, I will There is no guarantee that their next target will be the airbending masters of Fengbo Village. " "If Yu Qian has the courage to come, I will let him go and never return like those he sent. Don't fight without killing me. Although I am a rough man, I still understand this truth. But if you want to bribe or even threaten our Fengbo Village, you must first consider your own strength! As for my benefactor, you have saved my life! "Don't leave Fengbo Manor from now on. As long as I, Duan Haitao, am still here, no one can touch you at all." Duan Haitao said loudly. Zhu Qigang sighed: "Hey, Lu Yunzhi, you speak for yourself. I can't help you. You also know that I am the vassal king. Even if I am arrested, I will be imprisoned for life at most or secretly kill me from prison. I am There is nothing to be afraid of because of my age, but I am worried that Wu Hao will be affected by his identity as a person of heaven and earth. You must win, otherwise the people of heaven and earth will be ruined. Although I have no ability, I always remember my identity as a person of heaven and earth. " As he spoke, Zhu Qigang stood up, walked quickly to Lu Yunzhi, and held Lu Yunzhi's hand tightly. Lu Yunzhi's body trembled before he realized what was going on. His eyes were confused and he obviously didn't know what was going on. His eyes had not left the small iron tower in the hall just now. At this moment, he raised his head in confusion, looked at Zhu Qigang and asked: "You" Zhu Qigang was stunned for a moment and then realized that Lu Yunzhi had been distracted for some reason just now, and said angrily with some anger. : "Master Duan said he won't help us, why are you still in a daze from here!" "Oh, I'm really sorry." Lu Yunzhi stood up, bowed deeply to Zhu Qigang, and then went to Duan Haitao Yilicai said: "Master Duan, it would be best for me to get your help this time. If not, I heard that Fengbo Village is not only extraordinary in air control and physical skills, but also in crafting weapons. I just want to I want all my subordinates to be equipped with weapons with magical talismans. " Duan Haitao nodded and replied, "That's easy to say. Lu Yunzhi, you are a man. You don't force others even if you have the request of your benefactor. I am willing to hand it over.Your friend. In fact, it's not that I won't help you, it's just that there is my mentor above me. Although he is still in retreat, when he entrusted me with Fengbo Village, he warned me not to participate in the changes in the world, and I dare not disobey. " Duan Haitao glanced at the crowd and said: "Back then, when I was young and energetic, I got into fights and caused trouble, and ended up being beaten half to death. Without the help of my benefactor, perhaps there would be no Duan Haitao today. Later, my master took me under my wing, and I started learning halfway. Only when my master refused to give up, did I learn all the skills. I can¡¯t forget my benefactor, but I can¡¯t resist Master¡¯s orders either. Master¡¯s orders come first, so Mr. Lu, as long as we airbending masters are not involved, everything else is fine. . Lu Yunzhi cupped his fists and said, "Thank you in advance." " "I'm going to ask someone to forge the weapon now. Write down what kind of runes you want to engrave, and we can build it according to the pattern. The spiritual power must be infused into the iron core of the weapon, and the power will be greatly increased. Without further ado, let¡¯s go, Mr. Lu, let¡¯s make magic talismans together. "As he said that, Duan Haitao was about to leave. But he heard Lu Yunzhi say softly: "Master Duan, stay here, look at what this is. " Lu Yunzhi said, and suddenly raised his hand and waved out a single palm. A strong wind passed by, and an empty chair not far away suddenly shattered. Everyone was shocked. They didn't know why Lu Yunzhi did this. Do it. Duan Haitao was horrified. He was the first to discover the essence of the matter and asked in astonishment: "How can you use Qi Control? Who is your master?" ¡± Thirteen Secrets 96_Read the full text of Thirteen Secrets for free_Chapter 96 The update in Fengbo Village is complete! Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 97: Enlightenment "Isn't his master a palm vein Shifang from the Zhongzheng lineage?" Zhu Qigang didn't understand and blinked at Duan Haitao. Duan Haitao walked quickly to Lu Yunzhi and asked with a serious face: "Let me ask you again, who did you learn to control Qi from?" Lu Yunzhi did not answer, but pointed to the iron tower in the hall. Asked: "What is this?" Duan Haitao was stunned, not knowing why Lu Yunzhi asked, and replied with a puzzled face: "Why do you ask this? This is the origin of our Qi Control Masters' Qi Control. Everything about Qi Control The secrets are all obtained from this tower, but no one knows the words in it now. We only practice Qi based on the formulas left by our ancestors. Mr. Lu, you haven¡¯t told me why you can control Qi. You guys. No one in the world knows how to control Qi. Please answer, sir." Lu Yunzhi clenched his fists thoughtfully, then closed his eyes and thought for a long time. Suddenly, a dark red sword appeared in front of Lu Yunzhi with a faint white light. , the blade of the sword is facing downwards and the hilt is facing upwards, standing vertically in the air. Although the sword is not too clear or even a little blurry, the color and shape make it obvious that it is a sword. This technique shocked everyone. Dong De, Arong, Wu Hao, Zhu Qigang and other people in heaven and earth were shocked because they didn't know what it was, while everyone in Fengbo Village was shocked because they knew what it was. Lu Yunzhi opened his eyes, and the sword suddenly disappeared without a trace. Lu Yunzhi respectfully said to Duan Haitao: "Master Duan, is this the Qi Control you and Brother Bai Yong used just now?" "Duan Haitao nodded and stretched out his hand for Lu Yunzhi to continue. Lu Yunzhi raised his hand and said: "I have seen several sets of rune murals, and one of them helped me unlock our Zhongzheng lineage magic weapon. The secret of the Ancient Moon Cup, and the other group next to the painting was a painting of a person, with various veins on his body marked by thin lines. I didn't quite understand what it was at the time. I thought it was just a meridian diagram in medicine, but today I saw the Qi control method used by Brother Bai Yong and Master Duan, and I seemed to understand a little bit more. So I tried it first, and then tried to form it in my mind. The sword made of energy appeared, but I also have a question, Master Duan. "Duan Haitao said to Lu Yunzhi with a heavy expression, "Mr. Lu, please tell me." "Why did you use the energy to condense? The hammer or hammer is all golden, but what I just transformed into is dark red, with a faint white light appearing in it. "What's going on?" Lu Yunzhi asked in confusion. "Qi comes from the heart, and the color represents the person's temperament. He is a righteous butchering dog, and he is a scholar. We have all kinds of people in Fengbo Village, some who look rude but are actually kind people, and some who are artful and elegant. People are cunning at heart, which can be seen from the color of Qi. Of course, we in Fengbo Village only practice physical control of Qi. Regardless of whether we are righteous in our hearts, as long as it does not disturb the order of Fengbo Village, we welcome it. But everyone can only do it. There is a kind of gas that once appeared in two colors. Why do you have three or more color combinations of red, black and white? It is really strange. Mr. Lu, do you know how long it takes to practice qi? Do you know how long it will take to take shape? Twenty years, Mr. Lu, you are really a genius," Duan Haitao said seriously. Duan Haitao turned around and ran out without even saying hello. Zhu Qigang was stunned and said to himself: "What's going on?" Wu Hao moved to Lu Yunzhi and whispered. : "ShuDan Lu, I just said that you have become smarter, why are you stupid again? Qi control is a special skill for others. Even if you have learned it, you shouldn't show it off right away. You see, he is angry. The weapon you want is also I won¡¯t build it for you.¡± Lu Yunzhi shook his head, but he did not shy away from the people in Fengbo Village and Duan Haitao¡¯s nephew Bai Yong who were accompanying him. . Just now I was surprised that as soon as I entered Fengbo Village, I felt that there was a person in your village who was very lucky. Why was he in Fengbo Village, obviously he was from Tiandi? Brother Bai Yong, who was that person when he saw Lu Yunzhi? Guanxiang learned how to control Qi in just a moment. He was shocked. He opened his mouth and said, "That should be the master, oops." He saw an older man next to Bai Yong hit Bai Yong and reminded him. He didn't want to be hesitant, and then he clasped his fists and said: "Mr. Lu, take a rest first, I will take you to the guest room. Since you are the friend of the owner of the village, he is our friend. As for the weapons, if the owner of the village has agreed, then he will definitely do it." We can do it. We in Fengbo Village always keep our word." Although Bai Yong was reckless, he knew that he said the wrong thing at the moment, but he was slapped by so many people, but he was also angry at that person. The elder shouted: "You are not my elder. No one dares to hit me except my uncle. If you want to touch me again, don't blame me for being rude to you!" He ran out angrily. The airbending master of Fengbo Village looked at Bai Yong's leaving figure with an embarrassed look on his face, then looked at Lu Yunzhi and others and said: "I'll make you laugh, then?Come on. "After walking for about two cups of tea, everyone came to a row of houses. The man raised his hands and said, "Mr. Lu, our Fengbo Village on the mountain is not as prosperous as a big city. You can just live in the houses here. Don't be offended if someone doesn't greet you well. You and your subordinates can move around freely in Fengbo Village, just don't pick fights with others. Someone will come to deliver meals every morning, noon and evening. Regarding the weapons, just write down the talismans and give them to me. I will submit them to you. The owner of the village, I will come to visit you tomorrow. Sir and all the heroes, please rest early. "As he spoke, he handed over his hands and turned around to leave. When the man walked away, Dong De said: "My lord, how can we live in these dozen rooms? "How did you live when you were training from the mountains?" Lu Yunzhi looked at Dong De and asked. Dong De chuckled, then bowed deeply and greeted everyone: "You all go into the room to prepare. Set up a tent outside the door and prepare for camping. Ordinary sergeants." "Seeing Dong De and Arong busy making arrangements, Lu Yunzhi smiled and turned around to ask Zhu Qigang and Wu Hao: "Where do you live? Why haven't you seen your brothers and sisters-in-law? " Wu Hao smiled and replied: "Master and I live in other residential buildings. In the past few days, several senior brothers and sisters returned to their respective branches to garrison, so they did not follow us. "Lu Yunzhi nodded and chatted with Wu Hao Zhu Qigang for a few more words before going back to their rooms to rest. Many things happened today and they all need to think about it carefully. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 98: The Heartless Heart of the World "Dong De, Ah Rong, do you want to know how I contacted Master Duan?" Lu Yunzhi sat cross-legged and meditated in the room, thinking about the way to control the air that he suddenly learned this morning, and then said. Dong De was explaining some hexagrams and the secrets of exorcism to Arong. He suddenly heard Lu Yunzhi ask and replied: "If your lord wants to say something, we are naturally curious. If you don't want to say it, then we won't ask. Now It seems that you and Wu Hao are good friends, and Wu Hao's master Zhu Qigang is Duan Haitao's benefactor. We don't know how you learned about their relationship. " "Actually, it's almost the same. I once visited Zhu Qigang with my eldest and second brother, and by the way, it was Zhu Qigang who recommended him. During our conversation at that time, Wu Hao once said that his master had saved the owner of Fengbo Village, and maybe Zhu Qigang gave these to his apprentice. To show off, I suddenly remembered this when we came to southern Xinjiang, so I asked my second brother's shop along the way to hurry up and invite Wu Hao and his master Zhu Qigang, hoping to get their help to win over the Fengbo Village forces for me. So you must remember that every word you hear in the future may be an important factor in success or failure." Lu Yunzhi looked at Dong De and Ah Rong and said sincerely, and they nodded to express that they would keep it in mind. It is not necessary to stand up and stand solemnly to show determination. The three of them are called master and servant and behave well in front of outsiders, but when the three of them are alone, they are good friends and there are not so many rules. "Zhu Qigang's lineage of Yan Gua is bigger than Gua, which means that most of them are deceptive and deceptive, and they know very few techniques. Originally, Yu Qian would not attack a sect like them. But. There were two things that made him uneasy. The first was that when Shang Wang went to Jiujiang Mansion to monitor Zhu Jianwen, he wiped out many small branches of the Yan Gua lineage along the way. " Lu Yunzhi stood up and walked to the table, then collapsed. He was talking while drinking a glass of water. Putting down the cup, Lu Yunzhi continued: "As for the second point, Zhu Qigang's identity is that he is a vassal king. Although he has no real power in his hands, in recent years he has sent his sons and grandsons to different branches. In addition, he He is also the leader of the branches of the people of heaven and earth, so he also has a certain status among those branches. If we want to cause trouble, we must bring Zhu Qigang with us, so that their children and grandchildren will try their best to persuade their branches to stand in our team. To sum up, although Zhu Qigang has no real power in his own hands, he has a certain status among the vassal kings and the people of heaven and earth, so Zhu Qigang, Zhu Jianwen and his son will definitely consider him. Among the vassal kings who were invited to rebel, Yu Qian was not a fool. The reason why he did not attack the vassal king was because he also needed soldiers and the support of people from heaven and earth, but now we are ready, and he is probably ready too. It was almost done, maybe one step ahead of us, so Zhu Qigang, the old fox, felt panicked. Just when I asked him for help, he justifiably rebelled. It was obviously to help me and let me read him well, but in fact it was just to help me. Sign up yourself. You said Yu Qian can't find us now. Who is most likely to be stabbed by Yu Qian first? " Ah Rong rolled his eyes and tried to say: "It's the vassal kings who are sitting in the fiefdom, or are they trying to cause trouble? A vassal king who seeks power but has little strength, such as Zhu Qigang. "Arong, I am even more impressed by you," Dong De said with a smile. Arong scratched his head and was obviously a little embarrassed, and said: "But I still don't know. Since Zhu Qigang is the vassal king, and he has been stripped of his fiefdom at most, how could he be imprisoned in prison and then killed so seriously as he said. The ancients said: No matter how powerful Yu Qian is, he is just a minister. Even if he has power, he would not dare to kill the vassal king in front of the world. In this case, how can Zhu Qigang sincerely help us fight against the imperial court? " "Yu Qian didn't dare, but Zhu Qiyu did. Zhu Qizhen is Zhu Qiyu's biological brother and the emperor of the Ming Dynasty. He is still imprisoned in Nangong. I don't have to calculate to know that his life is not easy, let alone a little one. The Min King Zhu Qigang, maybe it is a kind of sadness to be born in an emperor's family." Lu Yunzhi sighed, but Dong De looked at Lu Yunzhi meaningfully and added: "My lord, not all are from an emperor's family. , Maybe those who fight for the world are also a kind of heartless sorrow. "Lu Yunzhi looked at Dong De, his eyes met with a thousand words. Ah Rong didn't understand what the two meant, so he just wanted to ask Lu Yunzhi. He put his fingers in his lips, gave a soft "shush", and then said: "Someone is coming." After saying this, there was a knock on the door, and Arong couldn't help but sigh: "My lord is really amazing. "As he said this, he wanted to get up and open the door, but Lu Yunzhi said: "Wait a minute, let Dong De go." As he said this, Lu Yunzhi pointed at his ears and smiled, indicating that he just heard it and was not in advance. calculated. Dong De stood up, walked to the door and opened it. When he saw the person outside the door, he shouted in a low voice: "What are you doing here?" However, he saw the person outside the door reached out and pushed Dong De away and barged in. ?He also said: "Why are you stopping me? I'm not here to find you." The man walked into the room and clasped his fists at Lu Yunzhi and said, "I'm Bai Yong, I have something to ask Mr. Lu for advice." Lu Yunzhi asked with a teasing smile: "Why do you still want to compete with me? I am now a guest of Fengbo Village." "I don't dare. Bai Yong admires capable people, and even more admires people who are better than me. I offend you today." Don't blame me for asking Mr. Lu, I'm just a rough guy. Mr. Lu, if you beat me, I will naturally ask you for advice." Bai Yong said modestly, without the arrogance he showed in the morning. Lu Yunzhi also stood up, stretched out his hand and said to Bai Yong: "Sit down and talk, brother Bai Yong, how can Lu surpass you? It was just a misunderstanding this morning. You and Dong De were just playing around. I'm afraid of both of you." If we stop each other again after hurting each other, I have not defeated you." Bai Yong shook his head and replied: "No matter how powerful the magic of Heaven and Earth is, I will not admire you. Even if you are better than me, it can only mean that I am. Lack of academic skills does not mean that our ability to control Qi is not as good as that of you people in heaven and earth. What really impresses me is your ability to control Qi. I am over seventeen years old, but no one except my uncle could do it three years ago. You can beat me. It took me more than ten years to learn how to control Qi, and I am already known as the prodigy of Fengbo Village, but you suddenly understood the principle of Qi control. Isn¡¯t this worthy of my asking? ?" Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 99: The Way of Controlling Qi Secret Thirteen 99_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 99 The Way of Controlling the Qi Comes from Dong De looked at Bai Yong¡¯s humility and couldn¡¯t help but sigh: ¡°You are a man, you know the truth that there is a world outside the world, you can still let go You come here to ask for advice. I, Dong, admire you. Whether you are willing or not, I want to make you a friend." Bai Yong smiled, his expression was so pure that he was clearly a child who has not grown up, but because he is too smart, he is. It was extremely arrogant, but now it seems much more comfortable. Just listen to Bai Yong say: "Brother Dong De, Bai Yong was offended by what happened in the morning. I am also willing to be your friend, but I don't admire you. You are at best equal to me in strength." After hearing this, everyone Laughed loudly. Lu Yunzhi laughed and said: "Brother Bai Yong, I am willing to tell you the way of controlling qi that I feel, but there are many systematic things that I don't know how to express. Can you first tell me the basics and principles of controlling qi? During the training process, I can better explain to you my feelings." Bai Yong couldn't help but be very happy when he heard that Lu Yunzhi was willing to teach him. He quickly nodded and agreed: "Okay, first of all, this is natural to us since we were young. Practicing physical fitness is no different from that of ordinary warriors, except that the training intensity is increased. This is the foundation of Qi control, because if the body is not strong enough, it is impossible to stimulate the true power of Qi and make it transform into shape. At most, it can be like those in the world. It¡¯s just Qigong used by martial artists. Moreover, during such high-intensity exercise, one can concentrate one¡¯s energy and train one¡¯s will. These are the basic rules required for Qi control.¡± ¡°Actually, I didn¡¯t expect Mr. Lu to be so thin. With such a body and such a strong will, you don¡¯t have to deny that without these you simply cannot control Qi. It seems that the Zhongzheng lineage is indeed the leading lineage of the people of heaven and earth. After we have experienced this step, we can try it. This is the first step of controlling qi. What the people call qigong is the introductory skill of controlling qi. I don¡¯t know if you know that qigong also has a name called neidan. All behaviors are inspired from the inside out. Initially, the air master can only cause changes in the air through the movement of the body, and the air master's own energy is also added to it. This is a common qigong practice. After a while, there is no need to rely on external air to achieve the effect. A stream of true energy is emitted from the body. This energy is the energy stimulated by the human body. It can split stone and cut metal. It is more powerful than the most powerful weapon in the world. " Bai Yong said. "It's like what you used to break the chairs in the hall was the second step of airbending I mentioned. As for the transformation into shape, it is the last step. Most airbending masters cannot achieve it, because this step needs to be experienced by oneself, and there is no What a unique method. Of course, to achieve this step, you need to practice the previous steps to perfection, and you also need to have a strong understanding. Otherwise, you will not be able to practice it in a lifetime. Now, in Fengbo Village, there is only one person who can achieve the final step of transforming Qi into shape. There are no more than twenty people, and the levels of power are not uniform. This is why it is said that it is difficult for air masters to get started, and it is easy for people from heaven and earth to get started. However, whether they are air masters or people from heaven and earth, there are very few true masters. "It's just that the transformed qi is compressed energy, which is even more powerful. I can't describe it yet, but without strong will and concentration, it is impossible to transform the qi into shape." Bai Yong said calmly. , he taught everything without reservation, and explained the true meaning of Qi control incisively and vividly. Lu Yunzhi did not immediately reply to Bai Yong, but just lowered his head to meditate and digest the content of the systems Bai Yong said. Bai Yong did not rush him. He believed that Lu Yunzhi would give him a satisfactory answer. Lu Yunzhi was silent for a long time and then raised his head and said: "Actually, what I have understood is similar to yours, but it is also combined with the abilities of us people of heaven and earth. No matter what lineage the people of heaven and earth are in, what they borrow is nothing more than external forces. For example, some use Some of the unknown mysterious powers formed by formations rely on the energy brought by magic weapons, and some use the energy of ghosts and spirits. Even the magic of heaven and earth I used when you and I first dueled, It also relies on the natural power of heaven and earth. Can you understand this? " Bai Yong nodded: "It's almost the same. In other words, we air masters rely on the inside, while you heaven and earth people rely on the outside." "Sure enough, we rely on the inside. Extraordinary intelligence." Lu Yunzhi praised, and then continued: "I said before that I have seen a set of murals, and there is a picture on the mural that shows the secret of making the liquid in our ancient moon cup. The picture next to the painting is a context diagram. When I saw you using the art of air control to compete with Dong De's ghost exorcism, I suddenly thought if air control was what was painted in that painting. In that way, the energy flowing through the body can be pumped out through the meridians. " "When I walked outside the main hall, I was even more convinced of this idea, because the pillars outside your main hall were engraved with ancient words. Knowing the meaning, I can only vaguely pronounce it, which can be translated as: move to take down." As Lu Yunzhi spoke, Bai Yong looked surprised, clapped his legs and said loudly: "Yes.??This is what you should shout in your heart when urging you to control your qi. As long as you practice to a certain point and recite these three words silently in your mind, the power of your qi will be greatly enhanced. " Lu Yunzhi nodded and said: "When I walked into the main hall, I found the iron tower that you worshiped. To be honest, there is also one in the Zhongzheng lineage. I don't know what you call it, but our iron tower is called Zhenzhen. Soul Tower. "Bai Yong said: "We are called Qi Yuzun. " "Well, the two towers look exactly the same. These two small towers are actually the same as a real iron tower I have seen. And it was in that iron tower that I saw the mural I mentioned before. I am a person of heaven and earth, and I have mastered a little bit of the art of heaven and earth, so my ability to use external energy is considered sufficient. So I tried to treat myself as a foreign object, use my own energy, and then hit the meridians on the painting, and I had the energy to smash the chair. Then I used a trick I had just mastered over a year ago, determination. Let this power take shape in your heart, and you will make the sword. But Zhuangzhu Duan said that Qi comes from the heart, and the color of the transformed object represents a person's nature. I have never understood this. Doesn't my anger mean I'm a bad person? Please ask Brother Bai Yong to answer this for me. Lu Yunzhi asked, holding up his hands. Bai Yong sighed and said with shame: "It's not that my uncle doesn't want to tell you about this problem. I don't think he knows, let alone me." But I am certain that if you are a heinous and evil person, your anger must be black. But Mr. Qi is far from that simple. It consists of three or more colors, and we have never seen Qi with white light. This is one of the reasons why I want to see you. " Lu Yunzhi shook his head and said as if talking to himself: "What on earth is wrong with me? Am I still me? ¡± Thirteen Secrets 99_Read the full text of Thirteen Secrets for free_Chapter 99 The Way to Control Qi has been updated! Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 100: Opportunity Comes Within the next few days, the man who brought Lu Yun to the residence replied that the four hundred weapons with magical talismans that Lu Yun needed would be made in about fifteen days, but Duan Haitao seemed to have disappeared out of thin air. , not only never showed up again, but also never even sent a few oral messages. Originally, it was unknown whether the airbending masters of Fengbo Village could be "joined" to form an alliance with him to jointly fight against Yu Qian's forces. Now that the weapons were obtained, Lu Yunzhi was not too disappointed. During the waiting period, Lu Yunzhi, in addition to personally rectifying the training of his subordinates, hung out with Bai Yong every day. Although Bai Yong was reckless and impulsive, he was also straightforward. The two of them exchanged various techniques of air control and the people of heaven and earth, and made great progress between them. The fifteen-day deadline came in the blink of an eye. Lu Yunzhi had already ordered everyone to pack their bags and prepare to get their weapons and set off. Wu Hao and Zhu Qigang also agreed to go with them. Although the Yan Gua lineage is only a small lineage, they are also people of heaven and earth. Even though they are respected in Fengbo Village, they are still a little uncomfortable. They are more willing to work with Lu Yunzhi, who is also a person of heaven and earth. Regardless of success or not, they are finally He did his best for the world and the people. Lu Yunzhi also had other plans for the two of them, but he couldn't tell them yet at this time. Lu Yunzhi was sitting in front of the table thinking about the method of controlling qi. He thought that he must study it carefully when he had time in the future. He didn't know why he always had a hunch that controlling qi would definitely be of great help to him. When Lu Yunzhi heard someone outside the door shouting Mr. Lu, he thought something had happened to his subordinates outside. He listened carefully and walked out the door, but when he heard it, he heard that it was Bai Yong's voice. , I couldn't help but feel frightened and worried that something had happened, and I quickly pointed my fingers to make calculations. When Bai Yong ran to the door, Lu Yunzhi happened to come out of the door. Bai Yong opened his mouth to say something, but Lu Yunzhi smiled and said first: "It must be good news, but I can't figure out what it is. This is strange. Why can't I figure out the master of Qi control? This is not within the scope of three times. Could it be that we are the same family?" Bai Yong said happily: "It is indeed good news, and you still care about it at this time. While discussing the relationship between Heaven and Earth and Qi Controllers, I didn¡¯t ask what the good news was! " "What could it be? Could it be that you agreed to send troops to help me?" Lu Yunzhi said with a smile. Bai Yong said in shock: "So you know it. It seems you can still calculate it. It's really amazing." This time it was Lu Yunzhi's turn to be extremely surprised. He took a step forward and held Bai Yong's arm and asked: "Is it true? Is it true that you are willing to send troops to me? How many people are there and where is Lord Duan?" "One thousand five hundred people. Duan has something to do recently and I apologize for not coming to visit Mr. Lu." Duan Haitao quickly followed. Lu Yunzhi walked out of the team that was getting ready to go. When he walked up to it, he lightly kicked Bai Yong and pretended to be angry and said: "You are so happy to leave Fengbo Village. Remember to take care of Fengbo Village after you go out." Everyone must obey Mr. Lu¡¯s command, and you are no exception.¡± Lu Yunzhi¡¯s eyes lit up and she said to Bai Yong, ¡°Why, brother Bai Yong, you want to go on an expedition with me too?¡± ¡°Well, that¡¯s great! Mr. Lu will give you more advice in the future, no, I will also call you my lord along with brother Dong De." Bai Yong was filled with excitement when he thought that he could go out and fight with more people. Duan Haitao greeted Lu Yunzhi's team several times, and the team separated. Several airbending masters drove carriages and delivered weapons made according to Lu Yunzhi's requirements. Lu Yunzhi quickly thanked Duan Haitao, but Duan Haitao took Lu Yunzhi's arm and said, "Mr. Lu, please come to the side. I have something to say." Lu Yunzhi quickly agreed, and then explained to Dong De and Ah Rong After telling them to distribute weapons, he and Duan Haitao walked aside. "Master Duan, why did you suddenly send troops to help me? Such a great kindness will never be forgotten by me, and the Zhongzheng people will never forget Master Duan's kindness." Lu Yunzhi said movedly, after all He and Duan Haitao were neither relatives nor friends, and how could Lu Yunzhi not be moved by how much he was helping her, and at a time when the war was unclear. Duan Haitao looked straight and replied: "Actually, this is not my decision, but my master's decision after he heard that you had an instant enlightenment and learned how to control Qi. I ran to report your situation to the master that day, and the master asked me to keep it secret I'm ready. Don't ask about the reason. Just remember to come back to me when you succeed. I will take you to see your master. Then you will know the truth." Lu Yunzhi was confused, but he couldn't understand. Since Duan Haitao couldn't say anything but couldn't ask more questions, Duan Haitao said again: "The 1,500 airbending masters I selected this time are all the elites in Fengbo Manor. You have to take more care of them and don't let them die unjustly." , I am never afraid of being killed on the battlefield as an airbending master, but it would be too tragic if I fell into a trap and was killed!" Lu Yunzhi nodded and clasped his hands and said: "I am not smart, the battlefield is changing rapidly, and the sword has no eyes. There will always be casualties. But, I promise you, I will do my best." The two chatted a few more words about the future situation.After receiving his opinion, Lu Yunzhi said: "Then I'll go first. I have another agreement. We must set off immediately, otherwise we will miss the time." Duan Haitao said yes again and again, but he hesitated to speak melancholy. , Lu Yunzhi left quickly, without looking back but said: "Don't worry, Master Duan, I, Lu Yunzhi, will definitely save Bai Yong's life. Master, don't worry." Duan Haitao looked at Lu Yunzhi Looking back, he sighed and murmured to himself: "What a smart man. I hope Bai Yong will do great things by following you. Fengbo Village can no longer accommodate him." Four days later, Lu Yunzhi was on the horse Asked: "Arong, there are still a few days to go to Xuwen County." Arong thought for a while, then spread out the map on horseback and made some gestures, and replied: "My lord, at this marching speed, if we continue We can arrive in five days." Lu Yunzhi nodded and asked Dong De: "Are the army rations sufficient?" Dong De said with a smile: "We can still be rich for four or five days after arriving, as agreed in advance. , Second Master Fang Qingze will bring food and grass here, and you can eat and drink at that time, haha. " Bai Yong rode up from the middle of the team to catch up with Lu Yunzhi, clasped his hands and said, "Master, when will the fight start. "My whole body is tired of waiting." Lu Yunzhi laughed and pointed at Bai Yong and said, "Why are you anxious? When the opportunity comes and you charge into the battle, how is your morale?" "You have been waiting for a few days. I read more about the art of war, and I realized that what we have now is an army of tigers and wolves. You see, our individual soldiers are strong in combat, and our discipline is strict. When we march, we are neither arrogant nor arrogant, but we are not downcast. We are a silent army. A silent army is a symbol of a good army. "Bai Yong is indeed smart. He has been reading the art of war books that Lu Yunzhi found for him on horseback these days. He never leaves the book and quickly masters the contents. Knowledge is no longer the same as Wu Xia Amen. What he lacks now is nothing more than a little practical experience. Lu Yunzhi looked back at the team he had formed, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Thinking of the series of things that had happened since his family was destroyed, he couldn't help but scream to the sky. At this point, Lu Yunzhi's days of wandering in the world are over, and a new battle is about to begin. This is a duel with Yu Qian. This is a battle of life and death. Will Lu Yunzhi win in the battle between dragon and tiger? Although he is full of confidence, fate always plays tricks on people. Whether he will succeed in the end and whether the world will change at this moment are all unknown. The wind ruffled Lu Yunzhi's hair, and he saw a few white hairs floating in the wind. Thinking of a poem he mentioned when he had just become old, he couldn't help but smile. This time, he did not use a questioning tone, but said firmly He roared out: "Sigh, time has passed, fame has not yet been established, scholars are getting old, and opportunities will come!" Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 1: Leading the Troops Secret Thirteen 1_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 1: Bringing the troops from , and Xuwen County is the southernmost part of the Ming Dynasty. So Qu Xiangtian led five thousand light cavalry around the border, then climbed through the jungle, avoided several cities, and finally arrived at Xuwen with great difficulty. Qin Rufeng and Guang Liang did not follow. The situation in Annan Kingdom was not stable, and Guangliang and Qin Rufeng were Qu Xiangtian's right-hand man. Since Qu Xiangtian could not stay in Annan Kingdom, naturally no one would dare to leave his right-hand man behind. rash. Murong Yunfei and Qu Xiangtian were inseparable, so naturally they followed Qu Xiangtian. At this time, Murong Yunfei was already three months pregnant, and she no longer dared to ride a horse. Qi Xiangtian took care of Murong Yunfei meticulously along the way, allowing this woman to enjoy the iron-blooded tenderness. Suddenly, a sentry rider quickly ran to Qu Xiangtian, who was chatting with Murong Yunfei. He knelt on one knee and clasped his fists, saying: "Report, a large number of cavalry appeared in front, about two thousand people, all light cavalry. But it looks like They are all strong and strong, they should be a group of elite soldiers. And they found me, but they did not chase me and were heading towards our camp." Qu Xiangtian frowned and thought: It must not be his third brother Lu Yunzhi. , where did his third brother come from with a team of two thousand people. It wasn't his second brother Fang Qingze either. Fang Qingze came with a caravan, not cavalry but mostly grain carts. That must be Zhu Jianwen, but wouldn't it be easier for Zhu Jianwen to move on his own? The vassal king's movement of troops would not be as difficult to detect as his troops in a foreign country. Even if it was Zhu Jianwen, why did he bring troops here, and where did he get so many elite soldiers and generals? It must not be an ordinary army if his sentries and cavalry who have experienced many battles are called elite soldiers. Qu Xiangtian couldn't think about it for a while and was not good at calculating, so he whispered to Murong Yunfei: "Yunfei, I'll go take a look." "Well, be careful, I'll wait for you to come back." Murong Yunfei replied, She didn't know why she always felt uneasy when accompanying Qu Xiangtian on this trip. Qu Xiangtian asked four thousand soldiers to form a fish-scale formation in front of the camp, and he took a thousand soldiers to line up to stop him. He believed in his own military skills, and even more believed in the group of soldiers he held in his hands who had passed through him. Qu Xiangtian shouted in front of the team: "The elephant soldiers are in front, the cavalry is behind. After a strong attack, the enemy's formation must be torn into two halves, and then the cavalry is in front and the elephant soldiers are behind. The panic The enemy troops rushed to the fish scale formation in front of our camp. If the two sides attack, they will win. " Qu Xiangtian is not in the formation, but is the first to ride on a war elephant. This time, because he is on his way, the sergeant is here. Most of them were light cavalry, and they only brought more than twenty elephants. Qu Xiangtian was very precious to these elephant soldiers. The battlefield power of elephant soldiers is unparalleled. In order to correct the shortcomings of war elephants being easily frightened by firearms and having their legs easily injured, Qu Xiangtian also invented earmuffs specifically for elephants, and also tied armor on the elephant legs to prevent them from being injured. The elephant's leg was injured. Lu Yunzhi was sitting on the horse with a smile on his face. Soon he would be able to meet his eldest brother Qu Xiangtian. However, Dong De frowned and said: "Lord, a scout came to spy on us just now. Why did you If you don't let me catch him, what if it's someone sent by Yu Qian?" Bai Yong said with a smile: "I always heard that Yu Qian is powerful, but if he was really powerful, he wouldn't send such a thing." "That's for sure. They are from my eldest brother. Although the sentry cavalry just now is not as good as the subordinates we brought, he can be regarded as a good soldier among ordinary people. As far as I know, there are few armies in the Ming Dynasty that can have such good soldiers. This is a remote town. There can't be such an army, so it must be my elder brother who came out. Ah Rong, please go ahead and report it, so that there won't be any misunderstanding." Lu Yunzhi said to Ah Rong beside him, who clasped his fists. He said yes and then galloped towards the front with his whip raised. Qu Xiangtian was shocked when he looked at the cavalry of more than 2,000 people in the distance. As a soldier, he had already felt the pressure brought by the oncoming group of people. It was a feeling only experienced by elite troops. Although I saw that the opponent's marching formation was still a bit immature, the front and rear layout was very tight but the sides were slightly empty. But there are two possibilities for this. The person who led the troops did not understand the art of war at all and believed that a sneak attack could only come from the front and rear. The second is that the individual combat capability of this unit is very strong. There is no need to worry about ambushes on both sides. The heavy troops at the front and rear are just to change directions and attack at any time. Qu Xiangtian thought that the approaching army in front of him was probably the second hypothesis, because although they were cavalry, there was no sound of horses neighing or hooves in the team, and even the steps of the horses' hooves were uniform. Qu Xiangtian was a little worried about whether his soldiers could resist these "enemy troops". As a soldier, this was the first time he was so unsure of himself. So Qu Xiangtian passed the order: "Retreat to the front of the camp, and change the order into the Bagua formation. Be on guard and don't take it lightly." As soon as Qu Xiangtian finished speaking, he saw a man running out from the opposite side, riding a fast horse and whipping.He was still shouting: "General Qu!" Qu Xiangtian looked at Xiang attentively and saw that the man had good features and did not look like a treacherous person, but he did not recognize him. Who was he? I saw the man running to the front of the formation, stood up from his horse, clasped his fists and said, "General Qu, Lieutenant General Arong has come to pay a visit to General Qu. My lord has specially ordered me to come and report, so General don't worry, we are our own people." Xiangtian rode on the elephant and said to the archer behind him who was drawing his bow and taking aim: "Don't let go of the arrow yet." Then he lowered his head and said to Arong: "May I ask your master's name?" Arong He replied: "My master is the third brother of General Qu, Lu Yunzhi." "What, it's Yunzhi, you are really my third brother's subordinate. Haha, this kid really has a trick, where did he get it? I'm so envious of such a group of warriors. Come quickly, I'm going to go for a while." After saying this, Qu Xiangtian jumped off the elephant, and his subordinates brought the horse. He got on the horse and rode away. go. A general dressed as a deputy general rushed forward and took the reins and said: "General, be careful, it may be a trick of the enemy to lure the enemy." Qu Xiangtian laughed, bent down from his horse and patted the deputy general's shoulder, whispering Said: "Well done, you came with me. You are a great general without panic. Pass on the order, withdraw the troops back to defense according to the original plan, and stand by in Bagua formation. If it is my third brother, that's fine, if not I will lead them into the Bagua array alone. "General, it's up to me to go," the deputy general said eagerly. "If it's really my third brother, wouldn't it look like I have no courage if I don't go? There's no need to say that Qu is the best bait." As he said this, Qu Xiangtian hurried out and faced the two thousand people who were coming from the opposite side. The cavalrymen left, shouting loudly without any fear. Thirteen Secrets 1_Read the full text of Thirteen Secrets for free_Chapter 1: Bringing the troops in has been updated! Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 2: Happy to have a son Secret Thirteen 2_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 2 The birth of a precious son Although Lu Yunzhi had previously guessed that it was Qu Xiangtian¡¯s scout, and he knew that the couple was inseparable from each other, he was still extremely cautious. , I am worried that someone I can¡¯t figure out is trying to lure you into a trap. Just as he was about to ask Bai Yong to be more careful, he saw that Bai Yong had returned to the cavalry, and the cavalry were getting ready to prevent it from being a trick by the enemy. Lu Yunzhi smiled and thought in her heart: Although Bai Yong is reckless, he is indeed a general material. On this battlefield, although he is brave, he is very careful and can be of great use. Just as he was thinking about it, he saw two people running out of the opposite army. One was his subordinate Ah Rong, while the other was shouting loudly, waving a whip and whipping his horse. He was so heroic that no hero could compare with him. Lu Yunzhi immediately recognized that it was his eldest brother Qu Xiangtian, so he also raised his whip and ran out. Lu Yunzhi was extremely excited. Seeing that his subordinates thought they were enemy intruders and wanted to rush out, he reined in his horse and shouted: "That's my eldest brother, that's my eldest brother!" After saying this, he continued to move towards Quxiang. The sky welcomes you. When the two horses kicked off at the wrong time, Lu Yunzhiqu jumped off the horse one after another, and then held each other's shoulders, their eyes filled with the excitement of long-awaited separation. "Brother." Lu Yunzhi was so excited that his eyes suddenly turned red. Qu Xiangtian's face also trembled a little: "Third brother, you have suffered. I only know that you are past your prime, but I don't know that you have become like this. Can your body still bear it?" There is no politeness when brothers meet. Just the most concerned regards. "It's okay, brother. Where are my sister-in-law, Qin Rufeng, Guangliang and the others? How are you doing lately?" Lu Yunzhi asked repeatedly. But Qu Xiangtian looked up to the sky and laughed and said: "We brothers should go back to the camp to talk. It's time for you to take a rest after running all the way. You let your subordinates move forward slowly. You and I will go first and see your army approaching. I thought they were enemy troops. Let's talk about our affairs after we settle down." After that, the two of them remounted their horses and headed towards Qu Xiangtian's camp. Lu Yunzhi also followed Qu Xiangtian. Ah Rong told Bai Yong to lead his troops to follow up slowly and station themselves in the suburbs to the east of Xuwen. They were at odds with Qu Xiangtian's troops and strangled the choke points of Xuwen County. He also ordered Wu Hao to come and meet Qu Xiangtian at his camp. After Qu Xiangtian returned to the camp, he quickly dispersed the formation, and his soldiers got busy. After some arrangements, Qu Xiangtian said to Lu Yunzhi: "Third brother, after I received your second brother's letter, I read it It took me a long time to understand it, but this guy had no literary talent and had to write it himself. Naturally, the content in the letter was confusing and unclear. Even so, I still think your experience is extraordinary. Come and talk to brother." Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and the two of them walked and talked. Lu Yunzhi briefly talked about what happened to the brothers after they separated in Jiujiang Prefecture and went their separate ways. Qu Xiangtian listened and nodded, and said hello twice from time to time. After Lu Yunzhi finished speaking, Qu Xiangtian patted Lu Yunzhi on the shoulder and said, "Thank you for your hard work. Remember to take good care of yourself in the future. But I am very happy. After such a thing, you have grown up. Although you have not It explains how many things are achieved, but since we can go through all kinds of hardships to accomplish these things that ordinary people cannot do, we must have suffered a lot. From now on, our three brothers will be invincible and conquer the world to complete our great cause of revenge. Qu Xiangtian paused and said: "Actually, Yu Qian is a good counselor and a loyal minister, but he is a little eager for success. If I were him, I would not act like this. When will Lao Zhu arrive?" "Zhu Jianwen should be arriving soon, and Wu Hao will be here soon. It's thanks to him that I can establish friendship with Fengbo Village this time," Lu Yunzhi chuckled, Qu Xiangtian hummed, and then said: "Your second brother is probably almost here. When the five of us are here, we will start our first battle. It can also be regarded as a warm-up before the war against Qian. This is why I have five thousand elite soldiers, but I am not in a hurry to capture it. The reason for Xuwen County. Although we attack from all sides, we will inevitably encounter fortified cities that are easy to defend and difficult to attack. Now let me hold the line and practice it, so that you can adapt to real war as soon as possible. I think your group of soldiers is quite good. , Big brother, I want to put them under my tent, hahaha." After saying this, Qu Xiangtian burst into laughter, patted Lu Yunzhi and continued walking towards his tent, while saying. He said: "Let's go, I'll meet your sister-in-law and you'll become my uncle." For some reason, Lu Yunzhi heard what Qu Xiangtian said just now and put the more than two thousand people he had worked hard to organize into his account. When I was taking it, my heart suddenly felt heavy and heavy. "What, you didn't understand? Your sister-in-law has a baby, and I'm going to be a father soon. Aren't you my brother-in-law? Third brother, I just praised you for growing up, but why are you still so stupid?" Qu Xiangtian said. Not noticing Lu Yunzhi's change, he just said happily. Lu Yunzhi suddenly woke up from the heaviness just now, forced a smile on his face and said with a smile: "Really, then you still ask your sister-in-law to come with you, this car and horses are laborious."Come on, let's go. "With that said, the two of them had already walked near the big tent and ran two steps into the big tent. Murong Yunfei was sitting on a leather seat and reading a book in her hand. She was talking calmly to the two of them. Qu Xiangtian walked up to Murong Yunfei and gently pressed her shoulder, then said with a soft smile: "What a heartless and unrighteous woman, your husband is out working hard and you still have time to read." . "Murong Yunfei smiled, stood up and saw Lu Yunzhi in the tent. She reached out and gently touched Qu Xiangtian's hand on her shoulder, and said to Lu Yunzhi: "Yunzhi, you are finally here. , how are you doing recently? " Lu Yunzhi bowed and clasped his fists and said: "Yunzhi greets my sister-in-law. I'm doing well recently, and my sister-in-law is becoming more and more beautiful. I heard that I will be a brother-in-law soon. Murong Yunfei said with a smile: "You, you have become so glib. And you, Xiangtian, how can I be unkind and unjust? Just now everyone in the big tent went to line up in front of the formation, and now the camp is noisy again. Doesn't that mean there is no fight? Qu Xiangtian burst out laughing and said, "You see, Yun Fei is still smart. Speaking of our child, I hope he is dumber, at least he doesn't have to work so hard." As the saying goes, those who are able work hard, and this is absolutely true. Sometimes you have to work hard if you have no choice. "When the child is born, we will have settled the world. By then, maybe being smart or not will not be so important." Brother, what should we do next? Do you have any plans? "Lu Yunzhi said loudly. When Murong Yunfei heard this, she frowned slightly and said in a low voice: "First tell me how you are doing recently. Let's not talk about the peace of the world. Lu Yun paused and praised her again and again, and then briefly talked about some recent events. Qu Xiangtian looked at Murong Yunfei, his eyes full of worry, but Murong Yunfei just pretended not to see it. He did not make eye contact with her. Qu Xiangtian could only lower his head and sighed inadvertently. Secret Thirteen 2_Secret Thirteen full text free reading_Chapter 2 The update of the happy son is complete! Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 3: Enemies of the World Secret Thirteen 3_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 3 The enemies of the world come from After Lu Yunzhi finished speaking, Murong Yunfei nodded, then glanced at Qu Xiangtian, and then said quietly: "This time you guys Brothers are preparing to march towards the capital, but do you know who the enemy is?" Qu Xiangtian looked a little depressed and said, "Who else could it be, isn't it Yu Qian?" "No, it's the entire Ming Dynasty," Murong Yunfei said. . Qu Xiangtian stood up, walked back and forth and said, "Isn't that different? Yu Qian can be said to cover the sky with one hand in the Ming Dynasty now, and a war with Yu Qian is a war against the entire Ming Dynasty. So these two statements are completely incompatible. The difference. I know what you mean is that we are worried about losing to the Ming Dynasty, but speaking of which, we are not afraid of them. You think I have 40,000 troops. Although the number is not superior, they are all elite soldiers. My army command strategy will definitely be able to compete with the Ming army, which is dozens of times larger than ours. As for the Ming Dynasty's financial resources, we are not worried about it. All the food and military expenses used in our rebellion will be borne by Fang Qingze, and Fang Qingze still has one in his hands. I just heard what Yun Zhi said about this powerful vanguard unit. He said that its combat effectiveness is definitely not bad, and it can definitely defeat ten with one. With such a unit, it will definitely be invincible. By the way, the most important thing is that you go. Look at the group of people my third brother brought today. Go and see if you can say anything that can compete with the Ming Dynasty. " Murong Yunfei smiled: "You still don't understand what I mean. The entire Ming Dynasty is not just about it. It's the Ming Dynasty's army, the country's financial resources, and their government. What I'm talking about is the people of the entire Ming Dynasty. Have you ever thought that although it can't be said to be a prosperous era of Datong where families don't pick up things on the road and don't close their homes, it can still be regarded as a prosperous country and a peaceful people. Rebellious people have always risen up when the people are in dire straits, and now you are just for personal hatred. At best, it is the hatred between Yu Qian and the people of heaven and earth. Who will help the people for your own hatred. You?" Qu Xiangtian didn't know what Murong Yunfei wanted to say, so he frowned and said, "Who wants them to help? This is our grudge against Yu Qian. If Yu Qian mobilizes the army or conquers other people from heaven and earth to help him. , then it¡¯s no wonder we are fighting. If anyone blocks our revenge, then don¡¯t blame us for being bloodthirsty and ruthless. We can¡¯t be like a bereaved dog, living in fear all day long but not knowing how to fight back. I can¡¯t do such a useless thing. " "Don't get excited yet," Murong Yunfei said, "I just want to ask you one question, will there be casualties in the war?" Qu Xiangtian said puzzledly: "Of course, how can it be called a war if there are no casualties in the war? Since ancient times, swords have no eyes, and soldiers fight with their lives. As the saying goes, if a general achieves great success, he will definitely die in a battle. " Murong Yunfei nodded: "That's right. In the past, people revolted because they could no longer survive. Targeting the imperial court. Now that the war has begun, who has put them in dire straits? It is you! And who has caused their husbands, sons, and fathers to die on the battlefield? Or is it all because of you? If you rise up, you will naturally stand on the side of the court. As I said just now, they will not help you, they will only hate you and be hostile to you. Xiangtian, although you are brave, can you defeat everyone in the world? People's support, you have lost everything." After hearing this, Qu Xiangtian was speechless and didn't know how to answer. Taking advantage of the victory, Murong Yunfei added another sentence: "Not only that, you are going for revenge, but officials from all over the country will definitely feel that you are raising troops to rebel. By then, they will no longer be officials, and will naturally mobilize all their strength and You are the enemy. This is what I just said, you are the enemy of the entire Ming Dynasty. Do you think you are still so sure of winning? I think it is better to make a decision before it is too late. " Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and replied: "Sister-in-law, do you know how to hit a talent with bare hands?" Murong Yunfei was confused and could only reply: "Clench your palm into a fist." "Exactly. , One finger has no power, but when I form a fist with five fingers, it will have great power to knock people down. I have my own plan for this matter. As long as the few of us work together, we can definitely overthrow Yu Qian. , Second brother, Zhu Jianwen, all three of them have arrived. When the five of them gathered together, I told my sister-in-law the next arrangements. Everyone has their own reasons for what I did in this series. An all-round attack on Ming Dynasty." Lu Yunzhi replied calmly. Murong Yunfei wanted to argue, but Lu Yunzhi cleared his throat and said first: "Brother, sister-in-law, tell me how you are doing in Annan Kingdom. I heard that the power of the sun is overwhelming." Qu Xiangtian said with a smile. : "Third brother, where does all this exaggeration come from? We have just established a foothold in the Annan Kingdom. You don't know that the struggle in the Annan Kingdom is not at all simpler than that of the Ming Dynasty. Fortunately, their territory is smaller and their soldiers are only good at jungle warfare. For city defense, I don¡¯t know anything about formations, so that¡¯s why I, your eldest brother, am able to thrive there.¡±  "There is a queen mother in Annan who has been controlling the government. Although she did not dare to offend me when I first arrived in Annan, she was just afraid of the soldiers in my hands. Later she solved her opponent in the court, the founding hero Zheng Ke , originally thinking that she could deal with me wholeheartedly, but what she did angered the ministers, so many people who originally supported him came to my side. By the way, I forgot to mention, Qin Rufeng is Zheng. Son-in-law. Therefore, we will carry out the Qing Dynasty. Of course, I will not kill the Queen Mother, nor will I establish myself as king. The Annan people are very strange. They are not as obedient as the Han people. Supporting the puppet policy, with the help of your sister-in-law, we persuaded the ministers to carry out forced labor in the court. When the Queen Mother of Annan, Nguyen Thi Anh, became angry and wanted to take the palace guards who were pitifully small and had extremely poor combat effectiveness, to truly seize power and sweep away. When I was a political opponent, I sent out the troops I had accumulated for a long time, and forced the palace and the ministers to let Li Jilong, which is what we call Li Jun in the Ming Dynasty, officially take power, and he was just a ten-year-old baby, with the power of the Queen Mother. I was frustrated again and couldn't compete with me for a while. So far, both King Annan and the Queen Mother have become puppets. All this is your sister-in-law's plan. I am just charging into the war. It is your sister-in-law who provides advice on these political struggles. Good at it. I think our march into Ming Dynasty will be smooth and successful." Qu Xiangtian said and walked to Murong Yunfei, hugging her waist and caressing her belly which was not obviously bulging yet. Murong Yunfei kept looking at Lu Yunzhi while Qu Xiangtian was speaking. Lu Yunzhi clearly felt her gaze, but ignored her and just looked at Qu Xiangtian, nodding frequently while listening to Annan's political affairs. Thirteen Secrets 3_Free reading of the full text of Thirteen Secrets_Chapter 3 The Enemies of the World has been updated! Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 4: Integration of Business and Government Secret Thirteen 4_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 4: The integration of business and government came from Suddenly there was a burst of laughter and curses from outside the big tent, and then three people walked in, one of them was elegant and noble, and he looked like a descendant of a prince, and the remaining two The people are in sharp contrast. One is tall and fat with a big belly, while the other is very thin and winks like a monkey. ¡°Second brother, what have you seen and heard, Wu Hao!¡± Qu Xiangtian shouted, then quickly walked forward and hugged the three people. They had not seen each other for several years. In these years, except for Lu Yunzhi who often walked among a few people, the others had never met. Just now Wu Hao sent Zhu Qigang to the east of Xuwen County, and then after setting up the camp and settling Zhu Qigang, he left the camp and followed Ah Rong to meet at the Qu Xiangtian camp. Unexpectedly, they met Zhu Jianwen and Fang Qingze who were traveling together on the road. The three of them talked about common things along the way. It turned out that they had just met, so the three of them appeared in Qu Xiangtian's tent at the same time. After several people described their respective situations, Zhu Jianwen said: "Lu Yunzhi, it's time for you to tell everyone about your overall plan. You are the one who brought everyone together this time. How should we fight? What should we do?" What to do, now is the time to reveal." Lu Yunzhi stood up and said two sentences to Qu Xiangtian, who brought the map of the Ming Dynasty. Everyone hung up the territory map, and then Lu Yunzhi walked to the map and said: "First of all, in the northwest border, the elites led by Er Ge and Bao Zi, as well as my uncle Chao Xing, launched an attack. You will turn into bandits and keep conquering. The second brother in the town will use some financial means to appease the people in the city and bribe local officials. Of course, Lao Zhu will also need your cooperation. You should greet familiar officials privately in advance to try to avoid casualties caused by resistance. Although this unit has two. The new weapons invented by my brother are mostly composed of leopards and other ghost-eating tribes and the mercenaries of my second brother. They have relatively strong combat effectiveness. But the number is too small. After entering the city, we have to recruit more troops. " "Yunzhi, the effect of this is. What is it?" Murong Yunfei questioned. Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and replied: "In this way, the local defenders are not enough to resist the second brother's attack. If the army stationed at the border pass comes to annihilate it, second brother must remember not to be reluctant to fight. As long as the enemy troops approach you, you will withdraw. I want to guard the border pass. The army will never dare to go all out to hunt you down, and they are also afraid of Timur and Yili who are watching eagerly. If the court just sits back and does nothing, it will be a good opportunity to expand its strength, but I don't think they will watch us grow, so We will definitely send troops to suppress it. At this time, we will fight head-on once or twice, and then pretend to be defeated and turn into guerrilla warfare to delay the troops who come to garrison. At the same time, I have made an agreement with Guiwu. At this time, they will press the troops to the north. The imperial court has to divide its troops to garrison the territory." Qu Xiangtian suddenly interrupted Lu Yunzhi's speech: "Third brother, why are you cooperating with the Mongolian ghost witch?" Murong Yunfei looked at Lu Yunzhi with interest. Then he said: "Xiangtian, don't wait to hear what Yunzhi has to say. Although the Mongolian ghosts and wizards are hateful, they are not our current enemies. It is of course best to form an alliance. Don't act out of loyalty." Qu Xiangtian nodded, just feeling Still feeling a little awkward, I let out an angry breath and stretched out my hand to let Lu Yunzhi continue talking. "Brother makes atonement. I will explain this to you later." Lu Yunzhi cupped his hands and bowed to Qu Xiangtian and said, "As my sister-in-law said before, the one who wins the hearts of the people wins the world. If troops are sent from such a distance to suppress it, it will inevitably When couples are separated and families cannot be reunited, there will be complaints in people's hearts. With the addition of war, taxes will be higher and conscription will become more frequent. At that time, there will be resentment among the people, and you will need to see and hear about it. Use your strength. The previous impeachment of Yu Qian by the forces in the DPRK was not strong enough. This time, Zhu Qiyu will definitely protect Yu Qian this time. In fact, it is Yu Qian who protects himself, because Zhu Qiyu is nothing more than a human being. He is just a lofty oriole, but the real power is the big tiger Yu Qian. It can be said that Zhu Qiyu is a puppet now. But whether he is a puppet or not, he is also the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, so he can naturally take back some of the powers given to Yu Qian. A loyal minister will naturally not openly disobey the emperor's orders. This joint petition is only to increase the rift between the emperor and his ministers. Of course, this petition will not achieve such an effect, but it will soon, because the second brother takes action. After speaking, he looked at Fang Qingze, who chuckled and said, "This is a plan that has been planned for several years. I call it a business war, attacking from all aspects of clothing, food, housing and transportation." Wu Hao scratched his head and asked, "What about this and Zhu Jianwen? What does it have to do with the political party's criticism of Yu Qian?" Zhu Jianwen smiled, as if he understood something, so he said to Wu Hao: "Listen to Fatty Fang first." Fang Qingze continued: "My shop has been here for the past few years. The government buys food at high prices and sells it at low prices, and allows the government to purchase from the people. Although the government still retains a part of the rebate when purchasing, the price is much higher than the market price. This is why the price is higher in recent times. The reason why farmers have become richer in recent years.People regard our grain stores as fools, and some people even sell grain to the government and then buy grain from our stores. As this situation progressed, the people only had a few days of food in their hands, and they developed the habit of buying after eating. The food in the local grain depots was only enough to contribute to the national treasury, and all our food was secretly transferred. , there is not much food in the store¡¯s warehouse. If two months after starting the army, we suddenly closed all the grain stores, and it was winter when no grain was produced anywhere, think about what would happen to the world. " "Non-catastrophic food shortage! Qu Xiangtian nodded and said, "The food in our hands now is enough to feed our army for a year. There are secret granaries everywhere, not to mention the need to transport food back and forth." The troops and horses have not moved yet, but the food and fodder go first. This is a good move. " Fang Qingze burst out laughing, and then said: "This echoes what the third brother just said. The northwest and northern Xinjiang are under simultaneous pressure. The grain and grass reserves in various places are too busy to provide for the troops. They can only spend a lot of effort to send grain from the two large grain depots in Beijing. The common people are not full and just want to eat one bite and follow us. very likely to be. Since ancient times, haven¡¯t people lived just to have enough to eat and drink? In addition, I have been privately printing Ming Dynasty treasure banknotes in the past few years. The circulation volume of this kind of treasure banknotes has already exceeded the reserve of gold and silver. My private printing has accelerated the depreciation of this kind of treasure banknotes. The treasure money in the hands of the people cannot buy food, let alone substitutes for food. Now they have food to eat with us, and they are hungry with the court. Who will they follow? Zhu Jianwen heard this and applauded loudly, saying: "Rebellions are rising in various places, the people are living in dire straits, and the world is about to collapse. If I impeach Yu Qian again from the government, Zhu Qiyu will have disagreements with Yu Qian for the sake of his own country." Lu Yunzhi used this trick well, integrating business and politics. ¡± Thirteen Secrets 4_Read the full text of Thirteen Secrets for free_Chapter 4 Business and Government Integration has been updated! Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 5: Going straight to Huanglong Lu Yunzhigong raised his hands and smiled at Zhu Jianwen's praise: "Actually, the second brother's private salt team can also cause chaos. According to what I learned when we communicated with Timur a few days ago, in order to attack the Ming Dynasty's treasury revenue, you also A team of smugglers was formed. Most of the smugglers were desperadoes. Although their fighting ability was average, it was better to inform them and let them cause trouble. "Qu Xiangtian was a little confused. asked. Murong Yunfei saw through Lu Yunzhi's thoughts and said: "Let me tell you, they won't be able to make a big impact, but the vassal kings from all over the country can successfully raise their troops and pretend to suppress them. If they are lucky, Yu Qian will not see that they can still do it. At that time, the vassal king led by Zhu Jianwen and Wu Wang's forces gathered their troops without any obstruction, and then Fang Qingze issued an order to let the private salt traders submit to the vassal king's army. The vassal king collectively submitted a letter to Yu Qian and then all parties worked together. Entering the capital, Qingjun¡¯s side! It¡¯s essentially the same as what we did in Annan, Lu Yunzhi, I¡¯m talking about yes or no.¡± ?¡± The entire battle situation has been constructed in Qu Xiangtian¡¯s mind. He only heard him say: ¡°Of course I will send troops from southern Xinjiang. When the time comes, everyone will have no time to take care of themselves. I will definitely be able to defeat Nanjing without any effort. . But Third Brother, I will definitely be blocked at this point, and we will face a fierce battle. Don¡¯t forget about the troops stationed in Nanjing. Although Nanjing is a temporary capital, the Ministry of War does have military power in our hands. If the capital city of Beijing cannot be captured within a short period of time, the entire war cycle will be prolonged. Let alone the consumption of each, the people of the world will also be trapped in the dire straits caused by the war. This will violate the essence of our Zhongzheng lineage, unless Can someone attack Huanglong and capture the capital? " Wu Hao listened to everyone's discussion, his eyes were twitching, and then said: "Beijing is far away from where we send troops, and it will take a long time to reach Beijing. , How about we discuss with Guiwu and let Wala help us occupy the capital. When we capture a large area of ??territory, we can just ask them to come back. Anyway, we have already formed an alliance. " "No!" , Qu Xiangtian, Fang Qingze, Zhu Jianwen and Murong Yunfei shouted at the same time. Wu Hao was startled by their shouts in unison. He stiffened his neck and said, "Why not?" Zhu Jianwen sighed and said, "Wu Hao , the alliance is vulnerable in the face of interests. After all, the Mongolian ghost wizards are outsiders. Will they keep the promise after they occupy the capital? I think the answer is no. We, the descendants of the Ming Dynasty, cannot give up our country to outsiders. The bad reputation is still reviled by people today. Do you, Wu Hao, also want to be reviled by your descendants and be infamy for eternity?" Lu Yunzhi nodded and came out to smooth things over: "Wu Hao doesn't know much about this kind of thing, so let's not blame him, by the way. Wu Hao, you also have an important task. "Whatever task I can do, I will do whatever it takes," Wu Hao said hurriedly as everyone looked a little uncomfortable. "Do what your lineage is best at doing hexagrams. Once the war starts, there will be people praying to gods and ghosts. Then you will have to travel around, gather believers and spread the word that the Ming Dynasty is about to fall. You need to clear the rumors from the emperor. In this way, big brother, I have heard that after the second brother¡¯s army uses the name Qingjun, countless believers will be willing to join the army. Once we succeed, you will take credit for it,¡± Lu Yunzhi said. Murong Yunfei smiled slightly and said to Lu Yunzhi: "You haven't said how to capture Beijing and go straight to Huanglong?" "You either have a numerical advantage, like the eldest brother's army. Or you have a geographical advantage, like the second brother. He Jianwen's team. Wu Hao is also responsible for promoting the Qingjun side. Although the number of the troops I have now is only two thousand, its combat effectiveness is higher than that of the team led by the eldest brother and Jianwen, and the number is also larger than that of the second brother. It is most suitable for me to take on the task of attacking Huanglong. In this way, you can involve the imperial troops, while I can intersperse with other battlefields, and the light cavalry can approach the capital from the small road. By then, the capital will be busy sending troops to suppress the rebellion, so the defense will naturally be weak, so I will decide. It can succeed." Lu Yunzhi replied with confidence. Qu Xiangtian nodded and said: "That's very good. Second brother, I have seen and heard, Wu Hao, what do you three think?" The three of them praised in unison. They were all very satisfied with Lu Yunzhi's arrangement. Only Murong Yunfei frowned. Locked tightly, bowed in silence. "In that case, let's turn into bandits first without flying the military flag and capture the Xuwen County in front of us to practice our skills. This will not attract the attention of the court and can also enhance our actual combat capabilities. By the way, third brother, I saw in your second brother¡¯s letter to me that he came here for another important purpose, and that is to reveal the true meaning of Secret Thirteen. I don¡¯t know what it is about.¡± Qu Xiangtian said. Lu Yunzhi briefly talked about the clay pill left by Yao Guangxiao and the poem left by ancestor Xing Wen. Zhu Jianwen and Fang Qingze already knew about these things, so the two of them chatted aside.Regarding the current situation, only Wu Hao, Qu Xiangtian, and Murong Yunfei listened carefully. Coupled with Lu Yunzhi's previous experiences during this period, everyone knew the whole story. Murong Yunfei muttered softly: "There is a scorched earth in the south of Xinjiang, and there is a scorched earth in the south of Xinjiang. It's strange, what is going on with this scorched earth, Yun Zhi, what do you think?" "I can't calculate it, just from when I got the note to Now the three-year period has not expired, and there are still two days left. I will know when I think about it." Lu Yunzhi replied. Qu Xiangtian seemed to have suddenly remembered something, holding the seven-star sword in his hand and about to draw it out. Murong Yunfei naturally knew that Qu Xiangtian wanted to show the list of thirteen names to Lu Yunzhi, because Qu Xiangtian had wrapped the list in the hilt of the knife. Murong Yunfei quickly stood up and stood in front of Qu Xiangtian, looking directly at him. The two of them got along well day and night, and Qu Xiangtian knew in his heart that Murong Yunfei intended to prevent him from taking out the list. Murong Yunfei was very unusual today. Although Qu Xiangtian had countless doubts in his heart, he couldn't tell them in front of everyone, so he could only let go of his hand holding the handle of the knife. Murong Yunfei smiled slightly, knowing that Qu Xiangtian understood what she meant. She turned her head and saw that everyone was staring at the couple, so she hurriedly said: "It is not convenient for us to stay here longer. Now we have strangled Xuwen County." They can't send the message out, but if people from other states and counties discover our whereabouts and report to the court, they will inevitably be alerted. I think now you can tell us how to capture Xu Wen, and then we will. Wait until the prophecy on the note comes true before making arrangements." Everyone loudly agreed, and everyone began to discuss the strategy to defeat Xu Wen. Volume 2 Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 6 It must be accidental Secret Thirteen 6_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 6 Must come from by chance At night, Lu Yunzhi and others have returned to the camp to rest. Qu Xiangtian lit up the lamp to read Sun Tzu's Art of War at night, and Murong Yunfei walked over with a glass of warm wine. Qu Xiangtian came forward and said: "I've read it so many times, why are I still reading it? Don't burn your eyes out, drink a glass of warm wine." Qu Xiangtian put down the book in his hand, pulled Murong Yunfei over, and gently rubbed her breasts He stroked the beautiful cheek with his little hand and said: "Don't work too hard. You are all pregnant and you have to take care of yourself. This military book, you don't know, it is the feeling after reading it over and over again, combined with the daily marching and fighting, it will You will have a deeper understanding. Yunfei, what happened to you during the day? Why were you so abnormal? Some of the things you said were not what a sister-in-law like you should say. It was a bit tit-for-tat. " Murong Yunfei sighed and said, "You. It would be great if you could use your skills in communication. Haven't you noticed that everyone has grown up? Even you and I are no longer the ignorant teenagers we were before. After we experienced ups and downs, we have all changed. On the edge of death again and again, we all learned to be cunning and cunning. Zhu Jianwen became better at wielding power, and Fang Qingze became better at doing business. The most important thing is that they all learned to use what they are good at. Wu Hao is the only one who has not changed, but what worries me most is Lu Yunzhi. He has changed so much that he has begun to care about politics, economy and military. , He began to care about everything necessary to conquer the world. Even his words and actions have become restrained and mature, didn't you notice? "Isn't this a good thing? It's better for brothers to grow up." "Qu Xiangtian said calmly, then picked up the remaining wine in the cup and drank it all in one gulp. Murong Yunfei frowned again. She had always thought that she was a woman who could help her husband Qu Xiangtian fulfill his dream of becoming the best soldier in the world. Murong Yunfei also always felt that she was safe and fearless by Qu Xiangtian's side. But today she was afraid. This vague fear had been lingering in her heart, so she said: "But I always feel a little worried, and I have been very restless recently. At the banquet tonight, look at Lu Yunzhi's Your subordinates are by no means good. They are all talented people who can be used in great ways. I think Xiangtian should win over these people and use them as your own, he will not refuse. " Qu Xiangtian shook his head, stood up and plucked the wick and said, "We are brothers. What is the third brother's is mine, and what is mine is also the third brother's. There is no need to win over each other." "Then you promise me, Xiangtian, Let Lu Yunzhi swap with you, and you can go straight to Huanglong, and he will help you lead the troops from southern Xinjiang," Murong Yunfei said firmly, holding Qu Xiangtian's hand. "Why, isn't this nonsense? What happened to you today!" Qu Xiangtian became a little angry, and his face changed and he said: "Involving Nanjing's military strength is an important task. The Ming Dynasty must have more troops than us. Although Yun Zhi is now familiar with the art of war, But it is impossible to win with his people. If we exchange command, he will definitely not be as good as me, so the plan he mentioned before is the wisest and most feasible. " Murong Yunfei. She lowered her eyes and looked a little sad. She slowly walked to the cave, lay down with her clothes on and whispered: "If Lu Yunzhi goes straight to Huanglong, maybe you won't even be brothers. With his current character, he can threaten the emperor." It is not impossible for the princes to turn against you, even if they become kings themselves, the world can only belong to one person, and you cannot divide the world equally!" Qu Xiangtian suddenly turned around and slapped the table, and the table broke instantly, Qu Xiangtian Xiang Tian shouted: "What nonsense are you talking about? I don't want anything from the world, and neither does my third brother! You should rest early, I'm going to inspect the camp." Murong Yunfei lay on the bed, propped herself up and faced Qu Xiangtian shouted: "Xiangtian, I shouldn't have said that. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have incited feelings between your brothers. But please promise me not to tell Lu Yunzhi about the secret thirteen images I saw. Don't give him that list either, please trust my hunch." Qu Xiangtian didn't even look back, he just said "hmm" and then opened the tent and went out. Two lines of tears suddenly fell from the corners of Murong Yunfei's eyes. At this moment, she is no longer the Murong Yunfei who strategized and led the successful coup on the side of Qingjun of Annan Kingdom, but is just an ordinary woman full of grievances. No matter whether she was really right or not, everything she said was for the good of Qu Xiangtian. Of course, Qu Xiangtian knew this, but he couldn't accept what Murong Yunfei said. In fact, many things are not inevitable, but countless accidents caused the final result. Now this accident happened quietly. At the same time, in Lu Yunzhi's camp, Fang Qingze, Zhu Jianwen, Wu Hao, Lu Yunzhi, and three subordinates of Lu Yun, Bai Yong, Arong, and Dong De, were sitting around the campfire, seven of them warming themselves up. Drinking, you can get drunk tonight, because tomorrow we will not launch the attack on Xuwen County until after noon. Of course, for Xu Wen,Everyone in the small county set a time limit of one hour. Xuwen must be captured within one hour, otherwise it will be considered a failure. Fang Qingze wiped the wine from his mouth and said: "Lao Zhu, why don't you let us call my eldest brother to drink with us? Although you and Wu Hao didn't sworn sworn brothers with us, they are still brothers. We have long called each other eldest brother. Why don't you come?" Zhu Jianwen said, punching Fang Qingze lightly and said, "What did I mean? Murong Yunfei is pregnant now. Let Lao Qu spend more time with her, and don't talk to us. You're just messing around. Didn't you see that she was a little unhappy today? This is normal. People who are pregnant are unstable. " "I'm telling you, Zhu Jianwen, when did you know how to understand women? It must have made her belly a lot bigger, haha." Wu Hao was obviously drunk and stuttered, and said to Zhu Jianwen happily. "Fuck you, uncle," Zhu Jianwen burst into laughter. Everyone was happy, but Lu Yunzhi lowered his head and remained silent. Zhu Jianwen was good at observing people's emotions, so he asked with concern: "Lu Shudai, are you okay?" Lu Yunzhi Shaking his head, he picked up the wine can and drank it all, then sighed and said, "Hey, tell me what happened to me?!" Fang Qingze and Wu Hao also stopped laughing and cursing, and both turned to look at Lu Yunzhi, but Listening to Lu Yunzhi continue to say: "Have you heard about it? Do you still remember the time we were in Jiujiang Mansion? You guessed it right, I want to kill you. I can't help but want to kill people who disobey my orders." Shocked, they all looked at Lu Yunzhi. His elegant-looking eyes revealed incomparable resentment and darkness, like a deep pool with no bottom. Secret Thirteen 6_Free reading of the full text of Secret Thirteen_Chapter 6 must be updated by accident! Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 7: Heartfelt Words Secret Thirteen 7_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 7 The heartfelt words come from Zhu Jianwen suddenly reacted and punched Lu Yunzhi with the strength of the wine. Lu Yunzhi took the punch without dodging, then got up and took another big gulp of wine. Zhu Jianwen screamed angrily and cursed: "You **** really want to kill me, idiot Lu, I treat you as my brother in vain." As he said this, he was about to punch again, but was stopped by Bai Yong. Bai Yong was young, and his face that should have been innocent was filled with seriousness at the moment, and he shouted: "Try it, if anyone dares to touch my lord's finger while I'm here, I'll make him splatter three feet with blood!" That scream Perhaps due to the use of energy, the sound was as loud as a bell, and two golden lights faintly appeared on Bai Yong's fist. "Bai Yong, don't be rude when you retreat. This is a matter between our brothers. If he wants to fight, let him fight. I should fight too." Lu Yunzhi shouted angrily. Dong De and Ah Rong pulled Bai Yong. Although Yong let out a low roar, his fists no longer had the faint yellow light. Zhu Jianwen wanted to pounce on him, but was held back by Fang Qingze and Wu Hao. Zhu Jianwen suddenly collapsed on the ground and told everyone the details of what happened that day after defeating Shang Wang at the Jiujiang Mansion Restaurant. In the end, Lu Yunzhi's eyes frightened him. Later, after Lu Yunzhi's explanation, he believed it was true. Unexpectedly, Lu Yunzhi actually wanted to kill him, and it was just because of a little dispute. Fang Qingze said: "I heard that Yun Zhi may have his own reasons. Today he admitted that he must treat you as a brother. Otherwise, how could he tell the truth?" Zhu Jianwen nodded, and the anger in his heart disappeared. Most of the time, he yelled: "Lu Zi, you have to tell me something today, otherwise I won't be able to spare you." "Ever since I came back from the Tumubao battlefield, I have become often irritable and murderous. Just now. It wasn't obvious at first, it only appeared when I was in a trance, but even so, I almost accidentally injured Yingzi and Yuting. You don't know this. Later, I learned that it was the nightmare in my body that was causing trouble, and Master and Yu Ting. I sealed him together. But on the day of the decisive battle on the outskirts of the capital, he released the seal and saved my life. We became very good friends through communication, and he and I could not live and die together. It was going well on the road, but when I separated from my second brother, that is, when I was trying to save Yingzi's life, my character suddenly changed when I got older." Lu Yunzhi spoke slowly, his thoughts being drawn into it. In the memory, the whole person seemed so profound and peaceful. Lu Yunzhi continued in a heavy tone: "After that, I became much more thoughtful, and at the same time, there was a hint of coldness and cunning. I was afraid of this feeling, because it didn't belong to me, and I didn't like it either. But. They did indeed arrive, and the feeling I felt when I met Jianwen reached an unparalleled extreme. If I hadn't retained a trace of my nature and reminded myself that Zhu Jianwen was Lu Yunzhi's brother, maybe I would have. I can't restrain myself anymore. I'm scared because I found that the nightmare in my body has also changed before in the suburbs of Samarkand. What exactly did I endure that caused both me and the nightmare to change? Is it the backlash of the magic of heaven and earth, or something else? What? I don¡¯t know, and I don¡¯t have any solution I¡¯m just so helpless now. You are all my good brothers, and I will never have any objections to you. If it comes to the point where I can't control my inner demons, I would rather commit suicide than hurt you at all. Please believe me!" Fang Qingze patted Lu Yunzhi on the shoulder and said, "Third brother, second brother, I believe in you. "Wu Hao also came over and said cheerfully: "I don't care, Wu Hao, Wu Hao is not good, hehe, it doesn't matter, we are brothers for life anyway." Zhu Jianwen also patted Lu Yunzhi and said nothing. But in my heart, I was also moved by Lu Yunzhi's frankness and the heartfelt words he just said. After everyone was silent for a long time, Zhu Jianwen spoke first: "Lu Yunzhi, regarding this matter of fixing souls and exorcising ghosts, we are not as good as you, and we may not be able to help you, but as long as you can use us, we can Open your mouth, I think we will do our best." Everyone nodded in agreement. After a night of no books, they did not tell Qu Xiangtian about Lu Yunzhi's current situation the next day. Everyone chose to hide it from Qu Xiangtian. Because Qu Xiangtian is a very good elder brother, he would definitely be very anxious if he heard about Lu Yunzhi's situation. But in the current situation, Lu Yunzhi has the highest cultivation level. If even he can't do anything, others I'm afraid I can only worry blindly. Therefore, in order not to cause trouble to Qu Xiangtian, everyone avoided mentioning this matter. After noon on the second day, Qu Xiangtian led his troops to approach the northwest side of Xuwen, while Lu Yunzhi, Zhu Fangwu and other four led Lu Yunzhi's men to gather in the northeast of Xuwen County. The residents of Xuwen County have been in panic in recent days. An army that suddenly appeared appears to be extremely powerful, with a strength of 5,000 people. They sent people out to report for help, but there was no return. Just when they decided to fight to the death, another two thousand troops were stationed on the northeast side. It seemed that the troops were strong and strong, although there were fewer people, but they were more elite than the former. Xuwen CountyThe guards no longer had the determination to die, but were desperate. They did not know the identity of the other party, but they were only worried that they would loot Xuwen and even massacre the city. Driven by this atmosphere, although the residents of Xuwen County were terrified, they also had the belief that they would make a profit by killing one without compensating for killing two. In short, they would fight with their lives to defend their homeland. This is to force people to a desperate situation before pushing back. A handful of effects. This effect is exactly what Lu Yunzhi and others want. Otherwise, whether it is Lu Yunzhi or Qu Xiangtian who attacks, with the troops and combat power in their hands, they can instantly capture this little Xu Wen. They wanted to force Xuwen to build a fortified city so as to gain practical experience. Lu Yunzhi stood in front of the battle, and Yang Ma Huijian gave the final pre-battle instructions to the warriors led by Bai Yong: "This battle must be won quickly, otherwise it will be a failure. Remember, kill less people. Some of you are killed by me." Warriors, as well as the skilled airbenders of Fengbo Village, I think for ordinary people, it is not a problem for you to only defeat them and not kill the defenders in the city. Of course, once the war starts, you have to put your own safety at risk. It¡¯s important, because you are more important to the people than the soldiers who defend the city. You are my brother, Mr. Lu! One hour is too long, we only fight for the moment, Bai Yong stood in awe with his fists clasped in his hands: "My subordinates are here!" "How long will it take to capture Xu Wen?" Lu Yunzhi asked. Bai Yong raised his voice and replied: "Half an hour." "Okay, the whole army listens to the order and captures Xuwen. The attack will be defeated and the battle will be won. Anyone who flinches will be killed!" Lu Yunzhi pointed his sword at Xuwen, and in an instant The sound of killing shook the sky, and the earth trembled. Secret Thirteen 7_Free reading of the full text of Secret Thirteen_Chapter 7 Heartfelt Words has been updated! Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 8: The Tiger and Wolf Division Xu Wen's guard looked at the group of warriors who came to attack the city like wolves and tigers in astonishment. Although he had not read many military books, he had heard a lot of dramas. He only knew that cannons and ramming cars could be used to attack a city, but he had never heard of cavalry charging into a city. Zhu Jianwen stood beside Lu Yunzhi with his arms folded and said, "What the hell are you trying to do? How do you want to fight when you rush to the city like this without any siege weapon to open the city gate, let alone a ladder to go up to the city?" Lu Yun Zhi smiled and asked the people around him: "My team is responsible for attacking Huanglong. They must conceal their whereabouts and then conduct a quick attack towards the capital. If they carry siege equipment, they will naturally be exposed easily and will Affecting the marching speed." Fang Qingze said: "Then why don't you let me help you build it first, and then hide it in the suburbs of Beijing. Then you can use it directly when you get there." "Well, this is a good idea, but in the capital. This is where Yu Qian is. If he is found to have set a trap, not only the method of contacting your store may be discovered, but also a trap may be set to lure us in. Speaking of this, I suddenly remembered something. "What happened to the teahouse owner Yan Liang who helped us escape to Bazhou back then? I can't find any trace of him, but the second brother hid him?" Lu Yunzhi said. Fang Qingze sighed and said: "According to the waiter who escaped, Yan Liang never told us our escape route or whereabouts until his death. According to the description, I guess it was Cheng Fangdong who killed shopkeeper Yan. I took shopkeeper Yan's family I have received Timur, and I will give him part of the business when his son is older. Yan Liang died for us, he was such a good man." Zhu Jianwen also sighed after hearing this. If it hadn't been for Yan that day. Liang Yiming bought time, maybe everyone would have been surrounded and annihilated. Lu Yunzhi nodded and replied: "Exactly, not every shopkeeper is a hero like Yan Liang. As the second brother of a businessman, you should know the nature of most businessmen. So once your plan is implemented, which company will build or The merchant who hid the equipment is in danger. If someone rebels, our whole plan will be disrupted. "How are you going to attack the city? It won't be by cutting down the city wall with a knife," Wu Hao asked. "See for yourselves." Lu Yunzhi said and pointed to Xu Wen's city. I saw the cavalry rushing to the city running wildly in formation, ten people running in a row without any panic, and marching in an orderly manner. The leader was actually the commander Bai Yong. They came directly towards the city gate all the way. The city guarding sergeants prepared hot oil, rolling stones, wood and other objects, ready to smash the cavalry down when they arrived at the city gate. The general who defended the city mustered up his last bit of courage and shouted: "Prepare hot oil to burn them to death no matter what they want to do. Send more people to guard the city gate, use long wood to hold it against the city gate, and do reinforcement work." Seeing the cavalry approaching, As he came closer, the guard shouted again: "Archers, prepare, within fifty steps, listen to my order and fire a volley." As soon as he finished speaking, Bai Yong was seen on the horse. He suddenly took a sharp breath and released his hands from the horse's reins. , put both fists on his waist, yelled and punched out. Two balls of golden light flew out from his fists, and the four people around him also concentrated their energy and transformed their own energy into various colors and shapes, following Bai Yong's energy towards the city gate. The city gate was shattered in an instant. The general who defended the city was quite talented. Although he was shocked and dumbfounded, he still reacted and ordered: "Guard the city gate and fight to the death. The officers and soldiers on the city should not care about this." , still hit the city, hit me hard, kill one by one. "Archers, shoot for me." Many of the officers and soldiers who came to help the city defense were frightened when they heard the general's order. Only a few people reacted. Some bent their bows and nocked arrows to shoot, some used cloth to pad the handles and picked up pots of oil to pour into the city, and a few struggled to carry stones and wood to smash them down. At this moment, countless gray-black mist emerged from the city wall. The mist wrapped around them and immediately choked them. None of the tools used to defend the city were used, and they were all subdued by the ghosts that emerged. Among the team, Dong De was shaking the abacus and making low sounds. Black gas kept coming out from the abacus. It floated into the air and turned into a ghost, quickly burrowing into the ground and then appearing on the top of the wall. Dong De's face was a little pale, and he was sweating constantly on his forehead. Ah Rong was also muttering something to the side. From time to time, one or two ghosts emerged from a bottle in his hand, but they did not go underground, but just surged straight through the wall. go. Although the number of ghosts driven by Ah Rong was not as huge as Dong De's, it was still a bit difficult. This team quickly entered the city. Needless to say, the defenders in the city were no match. They threw down their armor and surrendered. In this battle, no one in Lu Yunzhi's team was injured, and it only took two cups of tea. Lu Yunzhi, Zhu Jianwen, Fang Qingze, Wu Hao and four others rushed into the city. Lu Yunzhi ordered Qiu not to offend, and the whole team stayed in temples or camped in open spaces in the city, and were not allowed to enter civilian houses. He also ordered that if the soldiers and civilians in the city did not resist to ensure their safety, if one family resisted but ten families were massacred, and if anyone committed adultery and insulted someone while waiting for the army to enter the city, they would also be killed!   Lu Yun got off her horse and walked quickly to Dong De. Dong De was sitting on an abandoned stone mill. His thin face was a little pale. From time to time, he raised his glasses to wipe the cold sweat on the bridge of his nose. And Ah Rong was on the sidelines asking for help. Dong De saw Lu Yunzhi coming to his side and wanted to stand up and salute, but Lu Yunzhi pressed Dong De's shoulders first and asked with concern: "Are you okay, Dong De? Did you drive too many ghosts just now?" , My body can't bear it." Dong De nodded and replied: "My lord, I'm sorry for your concern, but most of the troops are stationed at the top of the city. According to my observation, after our side attacked first, they then guarded General Qu's west. More than a dozen soldiers came over from the southern city. This is my first time to control hundreds of ghosts, and I am a little overwhelmed." Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and said, "This is the same for the first time I control so many ghosts. , just take a rest, every time you reach the limit, your destiny will be greatly improved. I didn't know that there could be so many ghosts hidden in your abacus. It seems that I will have to study it carefully another day. Ah Rong, how many ghosts have you driven today?" Ah Rong smiled awkwardly and said, "Master, it's useless, Ah Rong. I just drove fourteen. I will work harder in the future to share the burden for Brother Dong." It's already very good. You have only been studying for less than a year. From the beginning to being able to control fourteen ghosts, you have made rapid progress. It seems that I was right." Lu Yunzhi looked at it with appreciation. Looking at Arong, he said, "In the future, you two have to continue to urge the group of people we initially brought together. You can't just satisfy them that they can use weapons engraved with magic talismans. You also have to let them learn the art of exorcising ghosts, which can also reduce your pressure." When we are about to attack Beijing, I can't watch the enemy's battle for you. I have to deal with Yu Qian, right? Volume 2 Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 9 Dream Distribution "Humph, Ah Rong, let me tell you, I was able to control more than four hundred ghosts back then." Wu Hao said to Ah Rong. Ah Rong blinked and said: "Then why can I still calculate some hexagrams when I see you? Isn't it necessary to calculate the destiny energy three times? Mr. Wu, because your hexagrams involved the lord that day, That¡¯s why I¡¯m not serious. There must be another way. Ah Rong¡¯s knowledge is shallow. If there is something wrong in what he said, please feel free to enlighten me.¡± Everyone snickered after hearing this, but they were also surprised at Lu Yunzhi¡¯s fate. The Qi was so high that it could change other people's divination. When Zhu heard that Fang Qingze was plotting Wu Hao's fortune in his mind, it was also unclear and unpredictable, and he couldn't help but feel doubts in his heart. Lu Yunzhi is obviously the same as them, they are all people who can destroy the four pillars and eliminate the ten gods. Normally, he cannot affect other people's hexagrams. Could it be that Lu Yunzhi's new energy has become so powerful? Still never got weaker. Zhu Jianwen looked at Fang Qingze, but Fang Qingze smiled slightly, and Zhu Jianwen also smiled in return. In fact, it doesn't matter how angry Lu Yunzhi is, because they are brothers, so why bother. When Wu Hao heard Ah Rong's words, he secretly cursed himself for forgetting the law of threefold destiny. He suddenly blushed with embarrassment, but blinked his eyes. Suddenly, his whole body exuded the smell of a master, and he said with his head held high. : "You must be sure that I didn't deliberately let you make a miscalculation. Didn't Lu Yunzhi tell you that as long as I am several times higher than you, I can change your calculation of me, or what kind of result I want you to calculate?" , you will figure it out. You are still too young. Don't forget, I learned the knowledge of heaven and earth with the three of them." Ah Rong was frightened and quickly wanted to apologize, but Fang Qingze heard it. They burst into laughter, and Lu Yunzhi and Zhu Jianwen also smiled. Only then did Ah Rong realize that he had been deceived by Wu Hao. Zhu Jianwen held Wu Hao's shoulders and said, "Wu Hao, not only can you deceive laymen, but you can also deceive Arong. Yes, keep insisting, we will Don't worry, I'll leave the task of deceiving the people to you, haha." Wu Hao snorted and said, "Don't put it in such a bad way, this is also the skill of the Yan Gua lineage, don't forget that you guys have also fallen in love with me. He said, "Hehe." Everyone laughed, while Lu Yunzhi sat on the stone mill and exchanged experiences in exorcism with Dong De. At this time, Bai Yong ran over, first clasped his fists and said: "My lord, everything in the city has been arranged, and I have also sent people to report to General Qu. General Qu said that the city is too small, and his soldiers are in the city." We have set up camp outside and only brought a few people into the city. The messenger has just returned. I guess General Qu will be here soon." Lu Yunzhi nodded and praised: "Bai Yong, the battle was well fought today. It only takes two cups of tea. It's really good for me." Bai Yong said with a tiger-like smile and clasped his fists: "My lord, what's wrong with Dong De?" Dong De waved his hands and said, "It's okay, I just feel a little uncomfortable. Maybe the ghost that I just drove was too strong. "It's too much." "You're really useless. Come on, I'll give you some luck, and you'll be mostly healed." As he said this, Bai Yong pushed away Dong De's hand that was reaching out to stop him, then took a slight breath and pressed his hand. On Dong De's chest. Everyone looked at the two of them with great interest. After a while, Dong De let out a sigh of relief, stood up and moved around, then he raised his hands and said to Bai Yong, "It really works, thank you Brother Bai." Bai Yong replied happily. He said: "They are all brothers, what are the polite words?" Zhu Jianwen said at this time: "Lu Yunzhi, Lu Yunzhi. You guys can do it. When I first met them, I thought they were all strong and strong men. That's all. I didn't expect to have these abilities. I was really surprised when I attacked the city just now. I think you will definitely succeed if you go straight to Huanglong to attack the capital. Have you ever thought about what we will do if we succeed in revenge? "What?" Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and replied: "We said before that if Zhu Qiyu is obedient and willing to be a puppet, then let him continue to be the emperor, and you, Zhu Jianwen, and your father can unify the court. If he is not willing, , Hehe. Needless to say, if the opposition in the court is too great, Zhu Qizhen can be restored. Of course, since Zhu Qiyu can be the emperor, it means that he can be a brother. , then why can't you inherit the throne from brother to brother? Your father is Zhu Qizhen's brother, so he can naturally ascend the throne. When the time comes, just let Zhu Qizhen be the emperor for a while and then pass on the throne. This is how I took Zhu Qizhen back. "Lu Yunzhi, you didn't tell me about Zhu Qizhen before. I'm not angry about what you said yesterday, because of your frankness and the relationship between our brothers has changed again." A step further, and your scheming today actually made me like your changes, haha, with you strategizing, maybe we can all be lazy, right?" Zhu Jianwen laughed heartily. Lu Yunzhi continued: "As for the second brother, although you don't like to be in politics, you shouldn't object to letting the second brother be the Minister of Household Affairs and be in charge of the world's finances." "Hehe, thenAt that time, I might have enriched my own pockets, and I might have given myself a tax exemption. I think after I had made meritorious service in the Battle of Beijing, the court gave me a tax exemption. I only reported the business in the capital, but I didn't report the business in other places. I am worried that it will be disadvantageous in the future. If the world belongs to our own brothers, then I can rest assured and be bold. With my encouragement, I believe that our Ming Dynasty will definitely become the most fertile land in the world. "Fang Qingze said. Lu Yunzhi looked at Dong De and suddenly said: "By the way, I still have something to ask for when my second brother mentioned this. Although I don¡¯t know whether it will succeed in the end, I feel that if we all follow the plan, we will be close to success. So I want to tell you first, Dong De has always wanted to run his own business, but" Fang Qingze shook his hand and said: "Hey, third brother, you know that I only care about the process of making money and business. I'm interested in the chores, but as for the specific money, I'm really not interested. If Dong De doesn't give up, then come to me. I let him and Diao Shanshe take charge of my various businesses. If he wants to find another business, that's fine, I can just give him the shops in several places. " Dong De cupped his hands and thanked him: "Thank you, shopkeeper Fang, but I just want to work hard on my own. Shopkeeper Fang has a lot of money and a large number of people in the shop. Everywhere you go, your power cannot be overshadowed, so I would like to ask Shopkeeper Fang to be more noble in the future, just for your convenience. As for other things, I still want to rely on myself. I am different from you. I like money but I prefer the money I earn. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 10: Hot Temper Fang Qingze patted Dong De on the shoulder and said familiarly: "Good ambition, this is what a businessman should have, okay, tell me where shopkeeper Dong wants to develop in the future, and I will withdraw from the local business. But we can do it in advance Agree, you can only have the chance to choose nine cities. Otherwise, as I said, your shopkeeper Dong will open stores all over the world, and I will have to wait for you. " Everyone laughed when they heard this. Wu Hao said: "What about me? What can I do?" Zhu Jianwen's favorite thing since he was a child was to tease Wu Hao. At this moment, he added: "Forget it, let you be the national preceptor and promote our good deeds." , this is the best for you." Lu Yunzhi also looked happy, thinking of the past and said: "When we were young, we always loved to chat together and talk about our dreams. Now it's really like being a child again. I think if my eldest brother was here, he would definitely say that. "I still want to be the best soldier in the world." "When the day comes, what do you want to do?" Fang Qingze said. Lu Yunzhi sighed and put away his smile and said, "I just want to find Yu Ting and get her cured." Yingzi, revive the Zhongzheng lineage. If possible, I want my inner demons to subside and return to my former self. I don¡¯t like my current character, which makes me feel scared." After hearing this, everyone looked at each other, feeling in their hearts. She sighed secretly and didn't know whether she should be happy for Lu Yun or sad for him. At this moment, Qu Xiangtian, Murong Yunfei and two lieutenants and several soldiers rode horses to a place not far away. Qu Xiangtian shouted: "What are you talking about? There are so many people." Waiting for Qu Xiangtian After waiting for the people to dismount, Fang Qingze chuckled and said: "Brother, we didn't talk about anything. We just talked about our dreams. By the way, brother, how do you think this battle went?" Qu Xiangtian nodded and said, "Yes, I So I came a little late, just to listen to the scout report on the whole battle. It was amazing. It took two cups of tea to conquer a city. The airbending master of Fengbo Village really deserves his reputation. But third brother, you have to remember this. It's just a small Xuwen. The city of Beijing is much more difficult to attack than here. Besides, Yu Qian is not an ordinary person. I think it would be much harder for you to fight. Even if it weren't for Yu Qian, it wouldn't be possible for the two lieutenants beside me to defend the city. It will definitely fall." Lu Yunzhi nodded and replied, "Brother, I will definitely keep it in mind." Bai Yong felt a little unhappy after hearing this. Bai Yong has been praised as a child prodigy since he was a child. He has a magical power, an excellent memory, and a strong ability to comprehend. It can be said that he can master whatever he learns. Having lost his father and mother since childhood, he not only listened to his uncle Duan Haitao's words, but also admired Lu Yunzhi. He believed that Lu Yunzhi could not only defeat him in fighting with the art of heaven and earth, but also the art of air control that he was proficient in. Tao can also be enlightened, and Lu Yunzhi later surpassed himself in practicing Qi control. But at this time, he heard what Qu Xiangtian said. He might not be able to break the city with the two lieutenants guarding the city. He was secretly angry. He had just heard what Lu Yunzhi said. Qu Xiangtian dreamed of fighting with the best soldiers in the world. At this moment, the desire to fight suddenly arose in my heart. Coupled with what Qu Xiangtian said now, old and new grudges are piling up in his heart. Bai Yong took a step forward and asked, "Who is farting? If you don't let him defend the city, I will attack and see." "Bai Yong, bastard! Talk to my elder brother like that." Lu Yunzhi scolded, Bai Yong really listened to Lu Yunzhi's scolding, but he didn't talk back. He stepped aside but stared at Qu Xiangtian. Qu Xiangtian laughed and said: "It doesn't matter, that's what military commanders should be. I like my straightforward temper. People like me are called Confucian generals there. Qin Rufeng is regarded as a fierce general in Annan, with a touch of elegance." , I think Brother Bai Yong can truly be called a fierce general after seeing him. I can't help but feel that his hot temper is even better than Qin Rufeng's back then. Don't you think Bai Yong is a few years older? I have fought more battles than you, so there is no need to do it again. It is my brothers who have no eyes and swords and have harmed their harmony." As he said this, Qu Xiangtian turned to one of the two lieutenants and said, "What do you think? "What will you do if Bai Yong leads his troops to attack you?" The lieutenant general replied: "If we have more people, I will definitely go out of the city to fight. Our army is not afraid of a strong enemy, and the enemy's army is unparalleled in its strength. We can also use our swords to disrupt the enemy's sight, and then use the hidden arrows to kill the enemy. If we have few soldiers, I will strengthen the city wall in advance, seal the city gate and pile up huge rocks to cut off our own retreat and the enemy's. When the army marches, the soldiers besieged in the isolated city will definitely kill the enemy. If they are captured and turned into street fighting, they can definitely kill the enemy while roaming. They can also wait for several days to wait for the army to come to help, and they may be able to defeat the enemy from inside and outside. Annihilate them all." After hearing this, Qu Xiangtian nodded and said, "The overall idea is good, but you have forgotten one thing. Soldiers are not afraid of deceit. There is nothing aboveboard in the battlefield. If I were to defend, I would leave a small number of troops to pretend. To defend the city, they sent troops to ambush at the edge of the city late at night, set up traps at the city gates, and placed kerosene and other objects inside the city. After the enemy troops stepped through the traps and entered the city, they would definitely relax their vigilance, but they did not expect that there was a more powerful person behind the traps. Big trap, the whole city is a trap. Then only a small trap will be needed.With a little spark, this little Xuwen will turn into a sea of ??fire. The enemy troops must have been damaged, and they will naturally withdraw from the city. By then, the ambushed soldiers on both sides will fire thousands of arrows. After a few rounds, when all the enemies are dead or wounded, and the position is in chaos, they will surely be able to defeat the enemy and win by pursuing the victory. " Bai Yong was speechless. This was indeed a good strategy. It was not mentioned in the military book. He felt guilty in his heart, but he did not admit defeat and snorted coldly. Lu Yunzhi knew Bai Yong's nature and did not embarrass him. , just cupped his hands and said: "Thank you for your advice, elder brother. Third brother has nothing to do. I hope that elder brother will not laugh. I apologize to elder brother for Bai Yong." " When Bai Yong saw Lu Yunzhi apologizing for him, he quickly clasped his fists, but his tone was still arrogant, and he hummed: "Bai Yong understands, Bai Yong was rude just now, General Wangqu forgives him. " Qu Xiangtian smiled slightly and helped Bai Yong up. Murong Yunfei said at this moment: "Don't preach and be polite from here. Xu Wen has nothing to discuss. We won't be able to stay here for long. Master Xing Wen's prophecy will be three years tomorrow. I don¡¯t know what will happen. If nothing happens then, where should we go? " Lu Yunzhi thought for a while and said: "Then don't wait and act as planned. What does your sister-in-law think? " "What do I, a woman, know? Let's not stand here stupidly. I have recently learned some Annam witchcraft. Let's find a place to study while eating. What do you think? Murong Yunfei said with a smile. When everyone heard this, they all agreed, so they found a tavern in the city, opened the door and went in to drink and chat. Bai Yong and other subordinates from both sides went back to organize their military affairs. Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 11: The Bugle Sounds Yu Qian sat on his seat and looked at the strong but not tall man in front of him. He stretched out his hand and said, "Sit down, my good Anda, thank you for your hard work." After the man sat down, he said, "Brother Yu, I'm here." Only today did I understand why you asked me to hide my identity all the time. Even in a cellar on the outskirts of Beijing, I had to hide in front of Cheng Fangdong, Zhu Qiyu and others. When we gathered together, I covered my face and spoke in a different voice. This is nothing. Even speaking about myself You have to use the third person, haha. Only today did I understand your good intentions. " "Huh, I have to do it. Lu Yunzhi is really amazing for getting to this point. We can only win this war, not lose it." Yu Qian. He said with a cold snort. The man nodded and replied: "Brother Yu, don't forget what I said. I will be the Khan and the leader of the Ghost Witch after everything is done. You must keep your promise and support me with all your strength." Yu Qian replied loudly. : "That's natural, but don't forget what I said. If you become Khan, you will not declare war on the Ming Dynasty during your lifetime. If you and I form an alliance, we will be able to win everything and prosper together. However, I have a Question, why did Meng He wear a steel mask during the battle in the capital that day? But according to you, when he met Lu Yunzhi, he was wearing a plain face. What was the reason?" The man shook his head and lowered his head. He was silent for a long time before replying: "Every time he shows up in places like Wala, Tatar, Yilibari, etc., he always doesn't wear a mask, but I don't know why he put on a mask that time. But all of this It's not important. I think it will be time to take action in five or six days. Qiyan is busy recovering from his injuries and Meng He is also staying in Wala. Then I will find a way to kill him, Ye Xian and their cronies together. It solves Brother Yu's urgent need to defend the Northern Territory. " "I'll leave it to you. After you change the dynasty, I will ask the Ming Dynasty to issue a document recognizing your existence. But then everything will be easy. You must also remember that I am a minister of the Ming Dynasty. If you take the opportunity to misbehave against the Ming Dynasty, I will take your head even if I risk my life." Yu Qian said calmly, but there was endless murderous intent in his eyes. The man chuckled, stood up and put his right hand on his chest and said, "Of course not. Brother Yu is a loyal minister. I understand. I'll leave first. I'm worried that Meng He will be suspicious after leaving for a long time." Yu Qian nodded, no While talking, they stood up and gave each other their hands. When the man walked out of the door, Yu Qian said to himself: "Hey, you have no faith, how can people from barbaric lands know patriotism." "Hehehehehe, as you know, the great loyal minister Yu Qian." A voice It sounded from behind Yu Qian. Yu Qian's body trembled, his cuffs trembled and then he swung back. He didn't see anything flying out, but it gave off a faint green light. But just as Yu Qian's hand was halfway swung, a black thread wrapped around his arm, making him unable to move. Then Yu Qian's whole body was covered in black, with only his head exposed. Yu Qian felt stuffy and coughed several times. As soon as he loosened his hand, he heard a "dang" sound, a sword suddenly appeared on the ground, and a little black man walked out of the room. The little black man waved his hand, and a hand came out from the shadow of the flowers and plants on the ground, and picked up the sword. The sword immediately became transparent and disappeared as soon as it left the ground. The shadow of the hand loosened, After the sound of metal falling to the ground, the sword appeared on the ground again. The little black man laughed miserably: "Yu Qian, you are cruel enough. You have even brought out your unique invisible sword, but do you think you can deal with me? Even if you hold the Soul Calming Tower in your hand, you You may not be able to defeat me, because I am the strongest Ying Mei. " Yu Qian felt the knot in his chest loosen slightly, and a breath of fresh air came into his body. He took a deep breath and cursed: "Wuxin villain, so are you. "You are an untrustworthy person, why don't you tell me what Lu Yunzhi did now?" "I don't want to tell you. By the way, I'm here to say goodbye to you today. Since you are so unfriendly, I'd better leave." Well, I don¡¯t want to tell you and there¡¯s no need to explain it to you,¡± Ying Mei said. As soon as the words fell, Ying Mei disappeared. Yu Qian was thrown to the ground. He picked up the weapon that Ying Mei called the invisible sword. As soon as he picked up the sword body and hilt, it disappeared without a trace. Yu Qian looked at the blue sky and white sun and murmured: "What on earth is this shadow demon going to do? Is it going to help Lu Yunzhi? Is our Ming Dynasty going to perish?" It's a bit interesting." Fang Qingze said with a laugh. After three drinks and five dishes, everyone ate and chatted in the tavern in Xuwen County. Time flew by and everyone no longer had any external intrigues, just like they did many years ago. Lu Yunzhi said: "I also learned some Qi control skills at Fengbo Village" Before he could finish speaking, he heard the noise outside the tavern. Everyone was looking for a voice and saw someone on the street. His soldiers are running. Qu Xiangtian frowned, put down the wine glass in his hand, and walked out the door. Just when everyone was about to walk out of the door, a horn suddenly sounded outside the door. Murong Yunfei exclaimed: "This is the horn sound for us to gather for support."Suddenly, the killings outside Xuwen City shook the sky, and Qu Xiangtian's five thousand elite soldiers advanced towards Xu Wen uniformly. Qu Xiangtian and others followed the direction where Lu Yunzhi's men gathered in the city, but saw everyone surrounding them. group, only to hear loud shouts from the crowd: "Have you changed! " Qu Xiangtian separated from the crowd and walked in first. The soldiers did not dare to stop him because Lu Yunzhi followed him with a gloomy face. Bai Yong was seen pressing down Qu Xiangtian's adjutant with two knees and one leg. He hit the two of them on the head with both hands, hit them once and asked: "Have you changed?" Aren¡¯t you great at war? I'll beat you both one at a time. "Although he fought fiercely, he didn't use any force, let alone the way to control the air." When Bai Yong saw his men holding down a few soldiers to prevent them from blowing the horn again, he shouted: "Let them go, the other side will be damned." There are five thousand people in the country. What are you afraid of? They will all work hard when they come. The art of war is for the strong. If you are not strong in combat, any art of war is useless. Let him call people, and continue to let him play, even if he doesn't come, it won't work. " "Boy, let them go, don't you like strong men? Fight me. Qu Xiangtian stood behind Bai Yong and said. Bai Yong snorted: "You should have attacked me from behind. This way you have a better chance of winning." Qu Xiangtian burst out laughing and said, "Soldiers are crafty, but duels must be fair and aboveboard. This is what a man should do." " "Okay, then you are seeking death yourself. "Bai Yong roared, and a golden halo rose up from his fist. He suddenly leaned back and punched. The golden halo quickly transformed into a fist and flew towards Qu Xiangtian's face. . Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 12: Victory or Failure Determined Secret Thirteen 12_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 12 Victory or defeat has been determined from Qu Xiangtian suddenly felt a strong wind blowing towards his face, shouted "Hello" in his mouth, stepped forward suddenly, and turned quickly A bend. Bai Yong missed a punch, and when he twisted his body, there was a sound of broken bones. The two lieutenants under him screamed and fainted. Bai Yong used the strength from his waist and turned over with one hand on the ground, facing Qu Xiangtian. Then he retracted his fists, and the fists formed by the gas that just flew out also turned and hit Qu Xiangtian. Come. Qu Xiangtian did not evade, and rushed straight towards Bai Yong. Qu Xiangtian thought to himself: This way of controlling air can control the transformed fists. The energy controlled is extremely powerful. Bai Yong is a master and can be said to be invincible. Let's not attack him from a distance, but try to attack him closely. With a thought in his mind, Qu Xiangtian stepped even faster, then suddenly kicked Bai Yong in the chest. Bai Yong formed his hands into palms, and once again clenched his vaporized fists in the air, which disappeared. He crossed his arms to block his chest and received a hard kick from Qu Xiangtian. Bai Yong originally wanted to raise his arms and overturn Qu Xiangtian, or maybe Make him unstable and attack back. But he didn't expect that Qu Xiangtian was so powerful. Bai Yong couldn't bear the kick. Fortunately, his foot was very stable and he didn't fall to the ground. However, he was still pushed two feet flat and appeared on the ground. Two straight scratches. Fang Qingze said to Lu Yunzhi from the side: "Third brother, why don't you stop me quickly." "It's okay. During the assessment back then, you and I couldn't beat the eldest brother together. Today, let the eldest brother teach Bai Yong a lesson for his arrogance. ." Lu Yunzhi said calmly. They saw Bai Yong take a breath, and golden light came out of his fists, but he didn't see him swinging out his gas fists, he just rubbed his body and then moved forward. Qu Xiangtian took out two pieces of yellow paper from his waist and held them in his hands. Qu Xiangtian waved his hand in the air for a moment, and the surrounding air suddenly seemed to become chilly. Lu Yunzhi whispered to Fang Qingze: "Second brother, you see the eldest brother is gathering spirits, using the invisible wandering spirits in the air. , gathered in the fist. Wow, everything can be used for it. Now there is no need to carry any magic weapon to trap ghosts. This is the ability of a fighter. " Qu Xiangtian's clenched fist rose in waves. The cold air turned into black air in the blink of an eye, and then wrapped around his fists. At this moment, Bai Yong had already stepped in front of Qu Xiangtian. The two of them were fighting fast, their bodies intertwined with golden light and black energy. They were fighting inextricably. Qu Xiangtian suddenly slipped and his body became unstable. Bai Yong was overjoyed and swung his fists towards Qu Xiangtian's open and unprotected chest. Qu Xiangtian fell to the ground obliquely. Just when Bai Yong's fist was about to catch up, Qu Xiangtian suddenly changed his fist into a palm, grabbed Bai Yong's chasing fist, and used the force to pull it into his arms. At the same time, he bent towards the angel and crossed an iron bridge, leaning back towards the sky. Then he exerted force on his waist and moved his body away to avoid the punch. Bai Yong was eager to win, and when he punched, he leaned forward and the door was already wide open. Qu Xiangtian used his strength to go straight up, punch Bai Yong in the chest, and counterattacked. Bai Yong shouted, and saw a trace of golden light rising from his chest to block Qu Xiangtian's attack. His other hand turned into a fist and grabbed Qu Xiangtian's arm. The two of them leaned forward and backward, and fell to the ground one after another. . Both Qu Xiangtian and Bai Yong knew that it was useless to entangle, so they both let go of each other. They both rolled backwards and then stood up. Before Bai Yong could stand still, he swung out his fists again, and his vaporized fists hit Qu Xiangtian. Qu Xiangtian had already seen the punch before he stood up, so he simply rolled away and grabbed a bow from one of Lu Yunzhi's subordinates nearby. When his fist hit the ground, two arrows formed immediately. A big hole. As soon as the distance between the two became wider, Bai Yong's advantage in controlling Qi and attacking from a distance was revealed. After the first shot missed, Bai Yong was not discouraged. He hit Qu Xiangtian with his vaporized fists one after another. Qu Xiangtian rolled over and over again. Although he was a little embarrassed, he still dodged. Bai Yong yelled: "Where are you running!" As he spoke, he did not hit the ground with his fists, but walked in the air close to the ground, chasing Qu Xiangtian in a circle. Qu Xiangtian stood up with the help of a fist, grabbed a quiver from the hands of the soldiers nearby, then jumped up and ran towards an earth wall. The golden fist hurriedly chased Qu Xiangtian. Bai Yong smiled and shouted: "You can't beat me for speed, but I have enough energy to chase you from the south of the city to the north of the city. Don't run away, you are No. 1 in the world." One soldier." Bai Yong's tone was full of ridicule, and the Qi fist he controlled was getting closer and closer to Qu Xiangtian's running figure. Zhu Jianwen shouted: "No!" He was about to step forward to stop him, but was blocked by Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi still said calmly: "I will go on stage to save people later, but it's just a rescue." Bai Yong." At this moment, there was a loud killing sound outside the city. Qu Xiangtian's troops had already swarmed into the city. The two sides were drawing swords and crossbows, and they looked like they were going to fight. Murong Yunfei acted as if nothing had happened. She walked up to the team and shouted calmly: "Get out of the city!"He also shouted to his subordinates: "You are not allowed to move either." The soldiers on both sides looked at each other angrily, but they obeyed each other's orders and did not dare to move rashly. Lu Yunzhi smiled and said to Murong Yunfei: "Sister-in-law, aren't you worried about your elder brother at all?" "He will not lose because he is my husband, the best soldier in the world." Murong Yunfei also smiled slightly. replied. I saw that my fist was about to catch up with Qu Xiangtian. Qu Xiangtian suddenly stretched out his legs and stepped on the earth wall in front of him. He jumped up high and then drew the bow and arrow in an instant, shooting towards Bai Yong. Bai Yong was startled and dodged away, while Qu Xiangtian's vaporized fist also lost control and disappeared immediately. Just as Bai Yong dodged one arrow, three more arrows came towards him. It turned out that Qu Xiangtian fired three arrows at Bai Yong at the same time. The situation reversed in an instant, Qu Xiangtian turned from defense to offense, leaving Bai Yong unable to resist. Qu Xiangtian walked in a circle and kept taking the quivers from other sergeants' hands and firing them non-stop. Bai Yong could only dodge and didn't have time to gather his energy to counterattack, and he screamed in anger. The surrounding sergeants were also careful to avoid being injured by Bai Yong's fist and Qu Xiangtian's arrow. Fortunately, the sergeants around him were either airbenders from Fengbo Village or warriors who were carefully killed by Lu Yun and Dong De. They were all very skilled, so they were able to dodge in time without causing any accidental injuries. Qu kept firing arrows towards the sky and said loudly: "Bai Yong, admit defeat. You have no power to resist. If I attach a ghost to the arrow, you will lose. Now let's make peace." You still have some face. The reason why you lost just now was because the proud soldiers were defeated, so I could turn the situation around and turn from defense to offense." Bai Yong yelled and cursed: "You don't need to teach me, it's up to me." With golden light all over his body, he stopped dodging. He had two fists around his body and kept moving around, swinging away the arrows that were shot towards the sky. Thirteen Secrets 12_Read the full text of Thirteen Secrets for free_Chapter 12 Victory or defeat is determined. Updated! Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 13: The Ghost Sword Appears Secret Thirteen 13_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 13 The Ghost Qi Knife comes out. Bai Yong kept waving his fists, and at the same time, the fists formed by the qi around him also moved around him as Bai Yong waved. No matter how Qu Xiangtian shoots arrows, Bai Yong can ward them off, and for a while it seems like there is no difference between the winner and the loser. Wu Hao said in a low voice: "Looking at this situation, does it mean it's a tie?" "No, Bai Yong lost." Lu Yunzhi said, "Brother, no matter whether he uses martial arts or the ability to use ghosts and spirits to wait for the world, he will win." On the other hand, Bai Yong cannot move his Qi according to his will, but his body and body are in one state. The eldest brother does not use his full strength. He knows that Bai Yong is my subordinate and has been giving me help. He's saving face. Now I guess it's time for my eldest brother to take action. Maybe it's time for me to take action. If Sword Eyeless hurts Bai Yong, my attack plan will be frustrated, haha." Qu Xiangtian sighed after firing a few more arrows. Said: "Since this is the case, then I can only offend you and let you lose." After saying that, Qu Xiangtian pulled out the seven-star sword from his waist, and then shouted: "Brothers, I, Qu, will do this for you." I feel proud, Third Brother, I can't help myself." For a moment, murderous intent rose in Qu Xiangtian's eyes, and countless evil spirits glowing red emerged from the soft armor he was wearing, and the evil spirits followed him in the blink of an eye. Qu Xiangtian's arms moved quickly and gathered at the handle of the seven-star sword he held in both hands. The seven-star sword suddenly seemed to be igniting a raging fire, with endless murderous intent and anger, it was the gathering of the red light evil spirits. Fang Qingze looked at it for a moment and then turned to Lu Yunzhi and said: "Third brother, I see there are at least hundreds of evil spirits on the seven-star sword. The evil spirits are not ordinary ghosts. It is really amazing to be able to gather the energy of hundreds of evil spirits. Awesome. Third brother, third brother, where have you been?" Fang Qingze glanced at the place where Lu Yunzhi was standing, but there was no one there. Then he looked at the field and saw Lu Yunzhi as if he was strolling in the courtyard. Slowly and steadily walked towards the middle of Qu Xiangtian and Bai Yong. Qu Xiangtian roared and slashed down with his sword. The ghost energy that had been rising repeatedly on the sword suddenly stretched and turned into a giant sword composed of ghost energy and resentment. It struck Bai Bai with the same red light as the blade of the seven-star sword. Brave. There was no fear on Bai Yong's face, and he waved his fists more violently, shouting: "Come on, let me teach you how to control the air." The evil spirits gathered on the seven-star sword, and then gathered into a giant ghost energy The knife struck the phantom fist that was constantly swinging, and suddenly the three colors of red light, black air, and golden light became chaotic and exploded. Bai Yong's qi control disappeared under the chop of Qu Xiangtian's ghost qi sword, but the fist formed by Bai Yong's qi was swung close to his body. At this moment, the ghost qi sword was only a hair away from Bai Yong. It is already extremely difficult to stop. In addition, the ghost energy sword was struck by the gathering of the ghost energy resentment of hundreds of evil spirits and the energy of the first-class evil spirits. Even Qu Xiangtian has difficulty in controlling it. , once cut it is difficult to take it back. Originally Qu Xiangtian didn't want to use the trick he had just figured out, but Bai Yong repeatedly forced him to do so and even beat his lieutenant. In addition, Bai Yong is already considered a top master among airbending masters, and his subordinates are not merciful in making music to the sky to death. If Qu Xiangtian does not use his killing move, he may be counterattacked. Even if he is not killed by Bai Yong, he will lose face in front of his own soldiers. There are raging soldiers in a den of raging generals. As a soldier, Qu Xiangtian There is no way Xiangtian could lose so miserably. But at this moment, it was too late for Qu Xiangtian to stop. Bai Yong opened his eyes, showing no fear. He lost today, but he was not convinced. He thought that if he was allowed to practice for a few more years, he would be able to surpass Qu Xiangtian. This is different from Bai Yong's defeat to Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi convinced Bai Yong with the way of controlling Qi. But this time Bai Yong lost because of his arrogance and underestimating the enemy's pride, and also lost because of the way of controlling Qi. In the competition with the cultivation of magic and magic among the people of heaven and earth. So Bai Yong was not afraid. He lost, but his fierceness remained. Even if he stopped breathing, it would last forever. This is what he thought. At this moment, a sword made of gas blocked the ghost sword, and at the same time, another shield made of gas also blocked Bai Yong. The sword and shield were dark red, with a little bit of white light emitting from them. Needless to say, it was Lu Yun's work. I saw that Lu Yunzhi did not move his hands like Bai Yong, but stood with his hands behind his back. However, the sword and shield appeared between them on time as if they were obeying Lu Yunzhi's thoughts. Lu Yunzhi whispered: "Brother, I will use this Qi Sword to lift it up. You slowly withdraw your strength and try to retract this Ghost Qi Sword." Although Qu Xiangtian did not name his new move, he heard that The Ghost Blade knew what he was referring to, so he nodded and said, "Okay, third brother, let me try." After that, he raised his voice and shouted to the sergeants watching behind him, "You guys get out of the way." Everyone got out of the way, Hide on the sides of the road. Seeing that Qu Xiangtian was ready, Lu Yunzhi took a deep breath. The dark red Qi sword trembled with white light, dark red surging in it, and he slowly raised the Ghost Qi sword. Qu Xiangtian exerted force on his arms, closed his eyes tightly and muttered words in his mouth, and the huge red knife that he transformed into slowly shrank in size. Qu Xiangtian breathed a long sigh of relief, thinking that the ghost energy was about to be exhausted. ButSuddenly he felt his body shake, and the ghost energy was repulsed back, so he quickly threw his hands back and slashed straight towards the back of Qu Xiangtian with the ghost energy knife. The dust on the ground was flying, and the flying sand and rocks hit people's bodies, causing pain. Suddenly, a large hole about three feet long and eight feet wide appeared on the ground. Qu Xiangtian was shaken and fell backwards, but he also absorbed the ghost energy on the seven-star sword. At this moment, someone grabbed his arm and pulled him, so that Qu Xiangtian did not fall to the ground. Qu Xiangtian naturally knew that it must be his third brother, so he used his strength to stand up straight, and then said: "You brat, you are so good at controlling Qi. I didn't finish what I said in the tavern just now. You should teach me well." Teach me." Lu Yunzhi looked a little pale and replied with a smile: "If the eldest brother hadn't used the Ghost Qi Knife to cut off Bai Yong's Qi Fist first, I wouldn't have been able to stop him. "I'm fine. What did you call my move just now, Ghost Qi Knife? What a good name. It's a good way to briefly explain the principle of this sword. I've been busy practicing and didn't even name it. I'll call it Ghost Qi Knife from now on." " Qu Xiangtian said with a smile. There was a lot of dust around just now, making it difficult to see clearly. Now when the dust settled, the two of them looked behind Qu Xiangtian. I saw the big hole made by the ghost knife, and there seemed to be something crawling inside. Lu Yunzhi glanced at Bai Yong with his peripheral vision. Although Bai Yong was rescued by Lu Yunzhi, he was also overcome by ghost energy and fainted. Then he ordered: "Where is Dong De?" Dong De ran from the crowd. He came out, clasped his fists and replied: "My lord, Dong De is here." "Take Bai Yong down, he has been invaded by ghost energy. When he wakes up, tie him up and come to see me." Lu Yunzhi said coldly. As soon as Lu Yunzhi finished speaking, a huge flame suddenly spewed out from the big crack opened by Qu Xiangtian, and the flames made everyone around Tian red. Murong Yunfei couldn't help but murmured to herself when she saw this: "The scorched earth in the south of Xinjiang is indeed God's will." Secret Thirteen 13_Secret Thirteen full text free to read_Chapter 13 The Ghost Qi Sword has been updated! Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 14: Bribing People's Hearts Secret Thirteen 14_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 14: Bribing people's hearts comes from The flames in the pit suddenly jumped up, then fell on a house, and immediately burned, followed by a large mouth on the ground that continued to spray. Countless fireballs were shot out, burning into pieces wherever they landed. Lu Yunzhi hurriedly ordered: "Generals, listen to the order and evacuate Xuwen quickly. If possible, help the people in the city to evacuate together." Half an hour later, everyone fled the small Xuwen County, which had already turned into a sea of ??fire. Lu Yunzhi led the troops to rescue most of the people and asked them to stay in the camp to prevent them from escaping to other places and being discovered by the court in advance. This attack on Xuwen will naturally be known to the court, but everyone still has some arrangements. Fang Qingze also has to rush to Timur to launch the first wave of attacks. Therefore, these people in the city cannot let go yet, but the Zhongzheng lineage is originally It was established in order to save the world and was in dire straits. We couldn't watch the people being burned to death, so we worked hard to save them. People's hearts are made of flesh. When the people in Xuwen City saw that this army entered the city and neither stole nor robbed, and the strict military discipline and the fact that they saved themselves from the sea of ??fire, they all expressed their gratitude. Compared with the corrupt officials of the Ming Dynasty, the people did not know how many times better. So, except for some women, children, old and young, all the young people in their prime were ready to defect to the troops led by Lu Yunzhi. However, it was inconvenient for Lu Yunzhi to go through dense forests and deep mountains, and then rush to the capital to take them with him, so he sent the two hundred who wanted to join the army. The young man gave it to Qu Xiangtian. Of course, this also laid the foundation for what will happen in the future, but at this moment, both of them felt that they were both happy and had no sense of anything wrong. They also believed that this attack on Xuwen had achieved something. Qu Xiangtian stood outside the tent and looked at the blazing fire in Xuwen City. He said to the people behind him: "It turns out that scorched earth is scorched earth. What did I think it was? When the fire is out, it will be tomorrow. When the year is over, we will have a look and know the secret." Lu Yunzhi nodded and replied, "That's right. In fact, the true meaning of the Thirteenth Secret has been tormenting me for the past few years. Look at me, I really want to know what Secret Thirteen is. By the way, sister-in-law, haven't you ever figured it out?" Murong Yunfei smiled and said, "I have forgotten it for many years. , I can¡¯t figure it out now, maybe it¡¯s because I¡¯m pregnant.¡± ¡°That¡¯s okay,¡± Lu Yunzhi replied. Qu Xiangtian looked at Murong Yunfei and hesitated to speak. Thinking of his promise to Murong Yunfei, he could only temporarily suppress the urge to hand over the list to Lu Yunzhi. He also thought that everything would be revealed tomorrow, so he was not in a hurry to let him know. Know this day early. Ah Rong arranged for the Lu clan soldiers to return to Xu Wendong's camp. Lu Yunzhi followed Qu Xiangtian to the Qu clan's camp on the west side. Of course, Fang Qingze, Wu Hao, Zhu Jianwen, and Murong Yun also came with them. Fei and others, Dong De also came with Bai Yong who was still unconscious. After Lu Yunzhi and others spoke in the tent, Dong De ran in, raised his hands and said, "I have seen General Qu, Shopkeeper Fang, His Majesty the Crown Prince, Mr. Wu. Lord, Bai Yongxing "Yes." Lu Yunzhi looked at Qu Xiangtian and said to Dong De: "Tie him up." Qu Xiangtian knew that as a commander of an army, he must have authority and cannot change his orders overnight, so naturally it was not convenient for him to intervene. Seeing Lu Yunzhi's serious look, and remembering Lu Yunzhi's old-fashioned and honest look when he was a child, Qu Xiangtian couldn't help but smile. Dong De ran down, and after a while he saw Bai Yong being tightly tied with hemp rope, and Dong De escorted him up. Bai Yong lowered his head involuntarily when he saw Lu Yunzhi glaring at him. Lu Yunzhi stepped forward and kicked Bai Yong. Bai Yong did not hide or run, but was kicked to the ground. Lu Yunzhi pointed at Bai Yong with both fingers and cursed: "Tell me, why are you so aggressive and aggressive? You also insulted General Qu's adjutant and were rude to General Qu." Bai Yong lowered his head and said nothing, twisting his body from the ground. stood up again. Lu Yunzhi shouted angrily and kicked Bai Yong to the ground again. Then he raised his fists and said to Qu Xiangtian: "Brother, I was not strict in my teaching. Bai Yong is my brother. I offended my brother. Here I Please make amends for his punishment." As he spoke, Lu Yunzhi suddenly pulled out the steel sword from his waist and slashed his arm, causing blood to flow freely. Bai Yong shouted: "Lord!" Then he swayed his tightly tied body and rushed to Lu Yunzhi's side. He suddenly knelt down and was extremely excited for a moment. Fang Qingze quickly tore off a piece of cloth from his cuffs. Seeing that his sleeves were greasy and dirty, he shook his head, grabbed Zhu Jianwen beside him, and tore off a large piece of cloth from Zhu Jianwen's gold-plated Xiuyun cuffs. Bandage Lu Yunzhi's wound. Qu Xiangtian was stunned, frowning, jumped up from his seat, walked to Lu Yunzhi and cursed: "Third brother, you are stupid, do you and I still need to be like this between brothers?" Lu Yunzhi smiled bitterly. He replied: "Brother, he has repeatedly offended you and deserves to be punished, but because he can follow me, he trusts me. He treats me as an elder brother, so I can only accept the punishment for him. But this country has national laws, and the family has Family rules, I still can't spare this thing." He kicked Bai Yong again, and Bai Yong was stunned.He was tied tightly and fell to the ground again. Lu Yunzhi coughed suddenly, a mouthful of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, and his body swayed and he became dizzy. Qu Xiangtian and Fang Qingze hurriedly supported him, and Wu Hao ran out and brought a bowl of water. After Lu Yunzhi took a few sips, he shook his hand and said he was fine. Zhu Jianwen said hurriedly: "Lu Yunzhi, haven't your injuries been healed? Why are you still vomiting blood?" "I guess it's because the eldest brother's Ghost Qi Sword just now was too powerful. Although I blocked it with Qi Control, it was still the same as before. The old injury caused by the technique has relapsed. It's okay, I'm fine now," Lu Yunzhi said. After that, he looked at Bai Yong who stood up again, and then said to Dong De, "Dong De, Pull this bastard Bai Yong down and give him fifty lashes. Bai Yong, remember, it¡¯s okay to be brave and fight hard, but you can¡¯t do it to your own people. " Dong pulled Bai Yong down, but Bai Yong broke away and knelt on the ground, kowtowed to Lu Yunzhi three times, then struggled to stand up and walked towards the door. Everyone returned to their seats. Lu Yunzhi sat cross-legged and meditated for a while before his health improved. Qu Xiangtian and others asked a few questions to see that Lu Yunzhi was fine. After a few words, they each camped and rested. After everyone left, Murong Yunfei said clearly: "Lu Yunzhi put on a good show today." Qu Xiangtian frowned again, turned around and asked, "What a good show." "Buying people's hearts." , I know you don¡¯t like to hear this, but today he punished Bai Yong and made Bai Yong feel grateful and work harder for him in the future. Of course, there must be true feelings in your opinion about whether your third brother is strong or not.¡± Yun Fei changed her words and said tactfully. Qu Xiangtian took Murong Yunfei's hand, touched Murong Yunfei's nose with his fingertips, and said softly: "You are becoming more and more gossipy." Secret Thirteen 14_Secret Thirteen Full Text Free Read_Chapter 14: Bribing People¡¯s Hearts has been updated! Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 15: Disappearance Qu Xiangtian was shocked and pulled out a short blade with his left hand. The short blade was already wrapped with five-color and three-talisman ghost-killing threads. This thread was made by Fang Qingze for Qu Xiangtian and was later used in previous battles. There's not much left. So Qu Xiangtian spent a lot of money to find someone to make some more. Although the production process was extremely troublesome, and Qu Xiangtian also had a fierce new move like the Ghost Qi Knife, Qu Xiangtian still chose to continue making more. Because no matter what happened before, or in the subsequent decisive battle in the capital, this line played a huge role, and the operation was extremely convenient. He pulled out the Seven-Star Sword with his right hand, and the clothes all over his body bulged slightly, emitting a faint red light and a trace of black air. Fang Qingze and Zhu Jianwen also took out their ghost-killing weapons and waited for what was about to happen. They heard Qu Xiangtian roaring: "Wu Hao, brother Dong De, brother Arong, please send my wife back to the camp." Qu Xiangtian The first time I felt death approaching, it was a suffocating rage. Everyone present felt this way. They were all people who had experienced strong winds and waves. Even when Lu Yunzhi was dueling with Jiuying Shangyang and Taotie, they did not feel as scared as they do now. Murong Yunfei's face was a little pale. She also felt something, but she stayed there and refused to leave. Bai Yong walked to Qu Xiangtian and said: "Dong De, Ah Rong, Mr. Wu, take Madam-in-law away quickly. Madam-in-law, don't worry. Well, General Qu is my lord's eldest brother, and I will do my best." Qu Xiangtian laughed, patted Bai Yong on the shoulder and said, "Good brother, he is a loyal and brave warrior." Qu Xiangtian's slap touched him. Bai Yong's wound hurt so much that Bai Yong broke into a cold sweat. Although Bai Yong stayed, he still had some hatred for Qu Xiangtian in his heart, but as he said, he was just doing some things that he should do for his lord Lu Yunzhi. Dong picked up Murong Yunfei and walked out of the city. Ah Rong and Wu Hao followed closely, but they heard the sad laughter again. Fang Qingze shouted: "What is it? Come out and see you." "Where did you take my third brother?" "I still want to know where he went. That Murong Yunfei, don't leave. You can't leave either." As soon as he finished speaking, there were only a few figures on the ground. Numerous steel forks suddenly appeared and pierced upwards. Murong Yunfei almost got hit. Fortunately, Ah Rong and Dong De beside him reacted quickly and helped Murong Yunfei fall back. Qu Xiangtian was shocked and broke out in a cold sweat when he saw this scene. He asked Murong Yunfei repeatedly. When he saw that she was okay, he felt relieved and shouted: "Come out quickly!" From the strange shadow that stretched on the ground, he slowly emerged. A little black man appeared, laughing maniacally and walking slowly towards the crowd. Zhu Jianwen shouted, took out a positive seal from his arms and hit the villain. Although no one knew what it was, the gloomy ghostly aura on his body showed that it was undoubtedly a ghost, and it was definitely no worse than a ghost. The level of evil spirits. Zhu Jianwen risked his life to fight, but he didn't expect that as soon as he took two steps, he saw one or two big fists flying out of his shadow. So he flew to dodge, and wanted to turn around and hit the black fist with Zhengyin. He never thought that the fist would expand infinitely and turn into a fist. Before Zhu Jianwen could turn around, he actually caught up with Zhu Jianwen's figure. Hit him lightly. Zhu Jianwen suddenly felt as if a thousand pounds of force had hit him. All the bones in his body were soft, and his body suddenly floated out like a kite with broken strings. At the same time that Zhu Jianwen ran out, Fang Qingze outflanked the little black man on the other side, Bai Yong went to the sky to take the middle road, and Dong De outflanked in a roundabout way, hoping to sneak attack from the rear. Arong Wu protected Murong Yunfei and slowly moved back. Zhu Jianwen was knocked out and rolled far away on the ground. Fortunately, the ground was covered with ashes and he was not injured, but he was hit so hard that he couldn't stand up for a while. Fang Qingze saw Zhu Jianwen's appearance out of the corner of his eye and shouted: "Old Zhu." Then he swung out an eight-treasure coral string from his arm and muttered something. Suddenly the eight-treasure coral string's brilliance flowed, and Fang Qingze kept turning the coral string in his hand. Ready to throw. Qu Xiangtian had already drawn out the seven-star sword with his right hand. Hundreds of evil spirits were circulating in his body and were wrapping around his arms, waiting to gather at any time. The short blade of his left hand was guarded against his chest to prevent the sudden attack of the black shadow just now. Bai Yong endured the pain of the whiplash and punched a golden fist made of gas, while Dong De also emerged from the abacus and approached the little black man with ghostly aura. The little black man was calm and still laughing loudly. His face suddenly outlined human features, trying his best to express the joy in his heart, but there was a hint of ridicule in this joy. Murong Yunfei pulled back and frowned, and suddenly shouted: "This is Yingmei!" As soon as he finished speaking, several hands appeared under Fang Qingze's feet to tie his feet, and the black hands quickly moved up Crawling over, it wrapped around his whole body. For a moment, Fang Qingze was unable to move and fell to the ground. The eight-treasure coral string he threw was also misdirected and hit diagonally. The same goes for Dong De. The ghost in the abacus has not been completely released, and has long been snatched away by a black hand. He was also forced aside by several black spearheads emerging from his own shadow. Before he could stand still, he felt like Fang QingzeStill tied to the ground by the shadow. Qu Xiangtian's situation was similar. When he saw everyone being entangled by the hands stretched out from the shadows, he found that there were also several hands stretched out from his own shadow on the ground. He quickly jumped up high, threw the short blade on the ground, and then he He made a golden rooster with one leg and rested on the short blade. The five-color and three-talisman ghost-killing threads wrapped around the short blade shone brightly at this moment, and the black hands on the ground retracted into the shadows. Qu Xiangtian concentrated his attention and used the Ghost Qi Sword to slash at the little black man just like yesterday. Bai Yong's fists had hit the little black man's body at this time. The little black man's body shook and he let out a scream. He stopped laughing wildly, but he was not distraught. He just gradually became blurred and seemed to be disillusioned in a short time. At this time, the ghost energy sword had also been cut down, and there was a sudden bang out of thin air. Then the villain gradually pulled away, and with bursts of hissing whistles, he finally disappeared in front of everyone. Qu Xiangtian breathed a long sigh of relief and looked at Fang Qingze, only to see that Fang Qingze's body was still bound by those small black hands, and they were constantly shrinking inward. Fang Qingze gritted his teeth and was in great pain. Qu Xiangtian's arms froze at this moment, and many hands as thin as silk stretched out from the tiny shadows of the folds of his clothes, slowly wrapping around Qu Xiangtian's whole body, and Qu Xiangtian struggled hard But it didn't help. In the end, his center of gravity shifted and he fell off the short blade. The same goes for Bai Yong, Ah Rong, Wu Hao and others. Only Murong Yunfei was not tightly wrapped, but two black shadows turned into knives and were tightly placed on her white neck. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 16: The Appearance of Shadow Charm Secret Thirteen 16_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 16 The sudden appearance of the shadow ghost comes from Qu Xiangtian was shocked and pulled out a short blade with his left hand. The short blade was already wrapped with five-color and three-talisman ghost threads. , this line was created by Fang Qingze for Qu Xiangtian, and not much of it was used in previous battles. So Qu Xiangtian spent a lot of money to find someone to make some more. Although the production process was extremely troublesome, and Qu Xiangtian also had a fierce new move like the Ghost Qi Knife, Qu Xiangtian still chose to continue making more. Because no matter what happened before, or in the subsequent decisive battle in the capital, this line played a huge role, and the operation was extremely convenient. He pulled out the Seven-Star Sword with his right hand, and the clothes all over his body bulged slightly, emitting a faint red light and a trace of black air. Fang Qingze and Zhu Jianwen also took out their ghost-killing weapons and waited for what was about to happen. They heard Qu Xiangtian roaring: "Wu Hao, brother Dong De, brother Arong, please send my wife back to the camp." Qu Xiangtian The first time I felt death approaching, it was a suffocating rage. Everyone present felt this way. They were all people who had experienced strong winds and waves. Even when Lu Yunzhi was dueling with Jiuying Shangyang and Taotie, they did not feel as scared as they do now. Murong Yunfei's face was a little pale. She also felt something, but she stayed there and refused to leave. Bai Yong walked to Qu Xiangtian and said: "Dong De, Ah Rong, Mr. Wu, take Madam-in-law away quickly. Madam-in-law, don't worry. Well, General Qu is my lord's eldest brother, and I will do my best." Qu Xiangtian laughed, patted Bai Yong on the shoulder and said, "Good brother, he is a loyal and brave warrior." Qu Xiangtian's slap touched him. Bai Yong's wound hurt so much that Bai Yong broke into a cold sweat. Although Bai Yong stayed, he still had some hatred for Qu Xiangtian in his heart, but as he said, he was just doing some things that he should do for his lord Lu Yunzhi. Dong picked up Murong Yunfei and walked out of the city. Ah Rong and Wu Hao followed closely, but they heard the sad laughter again. Fang Qingze shouted: "What is it? Come out and see you." "Where did you take my third brother?" "I still want to know where he went. That Murong Yunfei, don't leave. You can't leave either." As soon as he finished speaking, there were only a few figures on the ground. Numerous steel forks suddenly appeared and pierced upwards. Murong Yunfei almost got hit. Fortunately, Ah Rong and Dong De beside him reacted quickly and helped Murong Yunfei fall back. Qu Xiangtian was shocked and broke out in a cold sweat when he saw this scene. He asked Murong Yunfei repeatedly. When he saw that she was okay, he felt relieved and shouted: "Come out quickly!" From the strange shadow that stretched on the ground, he slowly emerged. A little black man appeared, laughing maniacally and walking slowly towards the crowd. Zhu Jianwen shouted, took out a positive seal from his arms and hit the villain. Although no one knew what it was, the gloomy ghostly aura on his body showed that it was undoubtedly a ghost, and it was definitely no worse than a ghost. The level of evil spirits. Zhu Jianwen risked his life to fight, but he didn't expect that as soon as he took two steps, he saw one or two big fists flying out of his shadow. So he flew to dodge, and wanted to turn around and hit the black fist with Zhengyin. He never thought that the fist would expand infinitely and turn into a fist. Before Zhu Jianwen could turn around, he actually caught up with Zhu Jianwen's figure. Hit him lightly. Zhu Jianwen suddenly felt as if a thousand pounds of force had hit him. All the bones in his body were soft, and his body suddenly floated out like a kite with broken strings. At the same time that Zhu Jianwen ran out, Fang Qingze outflanked the little black man on the other side, Bai Yong went to the sky to take the middle road, and Dong De outflanked in a roundabout way, hoping to sneak attack from the rear. Arong Wu protected Murong Yunfei and slowly moved back. Zhu Jianwen was knocked out and rolled far away on the ground. Fortunately, the ground was covered with ashes and he was not injured, but he was hit so hard that he couldn't stand up for a while. Fang Qingze saw Zhu Jianwen's appearance out of the corner of his eye and shouted: "Old Zhu." Then he swung out an eight-treasure coral string from his arm and muttered something. Suddenly the eight-treasure coral string's brilliance flowed, and Fang Qingze kept turning the coral string in his hand. Ready to throw. Qu Xiangtian had already drawn out the seven-star sword with his right hand. Hundreds of evil spirits were circulating in his body and were wrapping around his arms, waiting to gather at any time. The short blade of his left hand was guarded against his chest to prevent the sudden attack of the black shadow just now. Bai Yong endured the pain of the whiplash and punched a golden fist made of gas, while Dong De also emerged from the abacus and approached the little black man with ghostly aura. The little black man was calm and still laughing loudly. His face suddenly outlined human features, trying his best to express the joy in his heart, but there was a hint of ridicule in this joy. Murong Yunfei pulled back and frowned, and suddenly shouted: "This is Yingmei!" As soon as he finished speaking, several hands appeared under Fang Qingze's feet to tie his feet, and the black hands quickly moved up Crawling over, it wrapped around his whole body. For a moment, Fang Qingze was unable to move and fell to the ground. The eight-treasure coral string he threw was also misdirected and hit diagonally. Dong De is also the same. The ghost in the abacus has not been completely released. It has long been snatched away by a black hand, and he himself? He was pushed aside by several black spearheads emerging from his own shadow. Before he could stand still, he was tied to the ground by the black shadow like Fang Qingze. Qu Xiangtian's situation was similar. When he saw everyone being entangled by the hands stretched out from the shadows, he found that there were also several hands stretched out from his own shadow on the ground. He quickly jumped up high, threw the short blade on the ground, and then he He made a golden rooster with one leg and rested on the short blade. The five-color and three-talisman ghost-killing threads wrapped around the short blade shone brightly at this moment, and the black hands on the ground retracted into the shadows. Qu Xiangtian concentrated his attention and used the Ghost Qi Sword to slash at the little black man just like yesterday. Bai Yong's fists had hit the little black man's body at this time. The little black man's body shook and he let out a scream. He stopped laughing wildly, but he was not distraught. He just gradually became blurred and seemed to be disillusioned in a short time. At this time, the ghost energy sword had also been cut down, and there was a sudden bang out of thin air. Then the villain gradually pulled away, and with bursts of hissing whistles, he finally disappeared in front of everyone. Qu Xiangtian breathed a long sigh of relief and looked at Fang Qingze, only to see that Fang Qingze's body was still bound by those small black hands, and they were constantly shrinking inward. Fang Qingze gritted his teeth and was in great pain. Qu Xiangtian's arms froze at this moment, and many hands as thin as silk stretched out from the tiny shadows of the folds of his clothes, slowly wrapping around Qu Xiangtian's whole body, and Qu Xiangtian struggled hard But it didn't help. In the end, his center of gravity shifted and he fell off the short blade. The same goes for Bai Yong, Ah Rong, Wu Hao and others. Only Murong Yunfei was not tightly wrapped, but two black shadows turned into knives and were tightly placed on her white neck. Thirteen Secrets 16_Read the full text of Thirteen Secrets for free_Chapter 16 The Appearance of Shadow Phantom has been updated! Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 17: Ancestor Xing Wen Murong Yunfei suddenly felt a hand touching her gently from behind. She couldn't help but trembled all over and felt nauseated, but she didn't dare to move. She had to close her eyes in humiliation. After all, having a knife on your neck is not fun. Qu Xiangtian turned around with all his strength and saw Murong Yunfei's skirt swaying with pain on her face. The husband and wife knew exactly what was going on, so they couldn't help but shouted in anger: "Let go of my wife." In front of Qu Xiangtian's eyes Suddenly, a little black man who was exactly the same as before emerged from his shadow. He strolled up to Qu Xiangtian and laughed evilly for a while. Then the laughter suddenly stopped. The little black man knelt down and said, "Look." You are so nervous. We are really close to each other. I was just joking. I am Ying Mei and not a human being." "You are all Shi Fang's disciples, so I have tried my best. But I still let Xing Wen succeed. I didn't expect that he would interfere with me even after he has been dead for so many years. Damn it, Xing Wen still bothers me today. I'm not targeting you, I'm just taking it out on you, so I won't. Kill you, and since you are all heroes, maybe I can still be of use. Don't worry, I just don't want Lu Yunzhi to be kidnapped by Xing Wen." The black shadow said, and everyone was confused. This was different from Mr. Xing Wen. What does it have to do with ancestors? Xing Wen has passed away hundreds of years ago. Just listen to the black shadow continue to talk: "Hey, why are you downcast? It's not shameful to lose to me. I am the shadow demon who is the leader of evil spirits. But you are really powerful. If I hadn't used Stand-in, maybe I've been beaten to pieces by you now, but it's a pity that you don't know which one is my real body. Hahaha, I won't tease you anymore. I'm leaving, and you have to continue to practice. I hope you can truly become a real person. Defeat me." As he spoke, the little black man got into the shadow again, and the tight bindings on everyone and the black shadow knife around Murong Yunfei's neck suddenly disappeared without a trace. Everyone slowly got up from the ground and helped Zhu Jianwen, who was badly beaten, looking at each other not knowing what to do. The flower was divided into two flowers, one on each branch. Not to mention how worried the people on the pothole were as they fought with the shadow demon. Lu Yun's feet were in the air and she fell from the pothole. For a moment, she was shocked and her body fell rapidly. When Lu Yunzhi's mood stabilized, she hurriedly supported the sides of the hole with her legs and supported the arms of the hole with her hands to stop the downward trend. Suddenly, the peaceful voice rang in his ears again: "Come down, talk to me, I am Xing Wen." Lu Yunzhi's body trembled, and she thought about it in her heart, silently using her mind, and suddenly a surge of wind surged. He lifted up Lu Yunzhi and slowly floated over the bottom of the pothole. As Lu Yunzhi moved downward, the ground above his head continued to close, forcing him not to question and could only continue to float downward. It wasn't until Lu Yunzhi felt the change in the air flow that he removed the wind control technique and landed smoothly on the ground. The ground of this pit is relatively flat, and the air in it is very circulated and does not feel turbid or heavy at all. Lu Yunzhi coughed lightly and kept echoing. He should be in an open place. He squatted down and touched some grooves on the ground. He touched carefully and found some words. The surroundings were pitch dark and he couldn't see his fingers. Lu Yunzhi quickly took out the fire folding paper and yellow paper from his arms to illuminate it and see what was written on the ground, because Lu Yunzhi really couldn't touch these words. At this moment, the voice sounded in his ears again: "Don't light a fire, don't use anything that can shine." Lu Yunzhi asked doubtfully: "Why? Are you really the ancestor of Xing Wen?" "You can call it that. "I, are you accustomed to the air here?" The man who claimed to be Xing Wen's ancestor did not answer Lu Yunzhi directly, but asked rhetorically. Lu Yunzhi replied: "Fortunately, the air is still fresh. There should be a lot of vents. I feel that the air is flowing, not static. Who are you?" The voice chuckled and said: "I It's Xing Wen, Xing Wen is me. "How is this possible? Ancestor Xing Wen has been dead for hundreds of years," Lu Yunzhi shouted in surprise. The voice came with another burst of kind laughter and said: "I am Xing Wen, but I am not Xing Wen's wife. Lu Yunzhi's horoscope of 525 makes you feel nothing at all. Can't you see it with your eyes? Can't you see your heart?" Lu Yunzhi calmed down, felt the changes around him, and then suddenly realized: "You are a ghost, and a powerful ghost, but why is there no resentment in your body? How can a powerful ghost survive without resentment? If there is no resentment, the ghost will soon be gone. " "Child, the reason why I can persist until now is because of my will. , or in other words, I have been waiting for you, and it is for this reason that I am immortal." The voice said slowly, as if he was afraid that Lu Yunzhi would not believe what he said, so he memorized a few words. Then he said: "Is this the formula for controlling wind and thunder?"   "Yes!" Although Lu Yunzhi still couldn't completely believe it at the moment, the ghost beside him was Xing Wen's soul. But it is certain that this ghost must have been a member of the Zhongzheng lineage in his previous life, otherwise he would not know the secrets of Yu Lei and Yu Feng. Lu Yunzhi calmed down and asked: "Assuming that you are the ancestor of Xing Wen, do you dare to ask what you mean by luring your disciples here?" Xing Wen said: "Let me tell you a story first. In ancient times, when the chaos was uncertain, There was a small tribe. There were no ghosts at that time, and there were no practitioners, including the Heaven and Earth Qi Controller Soul Eater Beast. There was a young man in the tribe who was handsome and extraordinary. What's interesting is that his senses are very sensitive. In our words, he has a fortune of five or two, so he sensed the power of heaven and earth and developed a set of spells that use the power of nature, which is what you and I use today. "When he learned this powerful power, he was not busy showing off, but still living as he should. But in that year, disasters occurred all over the world. Floods, earthquakes, landslides, tsunamis, all in all, this situation lasted for a year, and many people died in the world. After the disaster, there was a war that lasted for several years, and corpses were everywhere, and blood flowed into rivers. Under this situation, ghosts breed, and there are many. The ghosts gathered together to devour each other, forming the first few evil spirits." Xing Wen's soul continued to preach. At this point, Xing Wen's voice suddenly stopped, and there was no sound for a long time. Lu Yunzhi asked: "What happened next?" Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 18: The Story Begins "Why are you so anxious? This is an interesting story, right?" Xing Wen's soul spoke again. Lu Yunzhi nodded. Regardless of whether Xing Wen could see it or not, he agreed with this view because this story was unheard of. Xing Wen said after another period of silence: "Later, the ghosts began to devour the people of all ethnic groups. The people fled in all directions, but where could they escape? Finally, he stood up. That young man went on the road alone and defeated the world. All the ghosts couldn't defeat this young man, so they could only shrink back and no longer dare to come out to harm others. After everything settled, the young man returned to his hometown. He became a hero in the eyes of people all over the world. He saved the world. "Everything." "Hero." Lu Yunzhi muttered. "Yes, he is a hero. He enjoys everything that a hero should enjoy. He married his beloved girl, gained the respect of the people in the world, and all the tribes also offered him inexhaustible food. , fine wine, and built the hero's residence for him in a deep valley, the extremely tall tower." When Xing Wen talked about this, Lu Yunzhi was extremely surprised and said: "Is it close to Yili and Timu? The tower in the deep valley near you is built exactly like the Soul-Calming Tower of our Zhongzheng lineage." Xing Wen paused and said, "Yi Li, Timur? What is the name of the new country? Don¡¯t dwell on this issue. I think you must have seen that high tower. Indeed, it is exactly the same as the Soul-Calming Tower. In other words, the Soul-Calming Tower is the model of that tower, and the Soul-Calming Tower is the model of that tower. The Soul Tower is what I took out from the high tower in the deep valley." "Listen to me and continue to tell this story. Heroes will always grow old, and you will naturally know the art of heaven and earth if you can use thunder and wind. The backlash effect, heroes are just like you, they often cough up blood and often suffer from physical exhaustion. I feel this deeply, because as the founder of the people of heaven and earth, I have often used the magic of heaven and earth to conquer people with other magics everywhere. At that time, people of all races offered food to the hero as always, and the ghosts in the world disappeared, leaving the hero with nothing to do. So he lived a happy life with his wife in the tower all day long. Following the path, he developed his own body and developed the art of controlling the air, the art of worshiping ghosts and witches, and various spells. Most of the branch spells we have left in the world now include the Murong Family's Fangzhongshu, etc. They are all studied by heroes. I have to admit that a hero is not only a hero, he is also a genius." Xing Wen continued. Lu Yunzhi had a premonition that this story must have a tragic ending, so he stopped asking questions and waited for Xing Wen's soul to continue telling: "There are many talented people in the world, and the horoscope of five, two, and five is one of them, but there are also some It's more intuitive. Those people are born like this, rather than acquired through practice, or they are born with magical powers or can pick up objects from the air, but there are very few heroes who combine heaven and earth magic, ghost magic, and magic. The three magical arts that he was most satisfied with were the Way of Qi Control. He wanted to break through his body and give himself more intuitive abilities. Of course, these three cultivation methods would not be called this name at that time. " "It's a pity. The hero failed, his body could no longer withstand such a blow, and he fell ill. At this moment, something worse happened. The greedy people thought that since the ghosts were gone, there was no need for them to continue. They went to worship the hero. The chiefs of each tribe also believed that the existence of the hero hindered their rule, so they led the warriors of their tribes into the tower. They took away the hero's charming wife and killed him. The hero's child, and beat the hero to death on the hospital bed. The hero was extremely sad and angry, and his heart became dark and evil, so he turned into a ghost. He remembered all the knowledge he had studied. Transformed into the most powerful ghost¡ª¡ªYing Mei." When Xing Wen said this, his voice suddenly became serious and he said Ying Mei's name heavily. After hearing this, Lu Yunzhi let out a startled cry, and then she could no longer hold back her curiosity and said, "You mean, the Ying Mei who fought with me is the soul of a hero?!" Xing Wen's voice resumed. Liao Pinghe: "You can say that, but not entirely. Shadow Phantom remembers all the knowledge that the hero has learned in his previous life. Sometimes he can even tell fortunes. Under certain circumstances, he can also worship ghosts. , and even use the method of controlling air. Of course, these are under certain circumstances, and most of the time, Ying Mei cannot use these spells. Even so, Ying Mei still becomes the leader of evil spirits. Because Ying Mei follows him everywhere, wherever there is a shadow, Ying Mei will appear, no matter where he is. " Lu Yunzhi suddenly laughed and said, "That's why you chose this place without a trace of light, so that Ying Mei will appear. I can't trace it here. "Well, that's right. It seems you are not stupid," Xing Wen replied shortly. "Hey, thank you for your 'praise'. Why do you say that Ying Mei is a hero, but not completely? HeSo it can be regarded as a ghost turned into a hero's soul, right? " Lu Yunzhi asked again. If you disappear, you will live forever. The lifespan of a Shadow Phantom is about two hundred years. The original Shadow Phantom was a hero, but now his body contains the souls of many people who are also heroes. Because Ying Mei's original body is a hero, if he wants to continue to survive, he must find the next hero. After the death of the next hero, he can integrate the hero's soul into his own body. The two can live symbiotically so that he can continue to live. Two hundred years, so the shadow you see now is the unity of several people's souls. The hero he chooses has several conditions. First, he must choose among heaven and earth people, airbenders or ghost witches, because the main magic spells used by all shadow demons during their lifetime are the above three. Second, a hero is not necessarily a good person, but someone who can influence the world like Ying Mei, whether he is the founder of troubled times or prosperous times. Third, there must be powerful numerology, and preferably a horoscope of five, two, and five, so that it can be better integrated with Ying Mei's body. " "So, Ying Mei will pester me, right? But how do you know? Lu Yunzhi asked. The voice laughed again and replied: "I know you don't believe that I am Xing Wen's soul. From the beginning, you have been calling me you most of the time, not ancestor." . But this is another story. I don¡¯t know if you like to hear it. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 19: The Origin of Magic "Please tell me!" Lu Yunzhi really had doubts about the identity of this ghost, so he said. "It's normal not to believe me, but I think you can also feel that I don't mean any harm." The voice said, "The following story is relatively short, I will keep it short. After the hero became a shadow phantom, he began to think about his lifespan. So. He lured ten young people to the high tower in the valley, and they all realized that the high tower was very strange. The door on the second floor was not a second floor, but a total of nine stairs. Each level has a corresponding door. Only if you master certain knowledge of this level and can use it freely can you open that door. After opening it, you will find the deeper secrets of this level. The first level learned a lot of basic knowledge, including the introductory rules of the art of expanding the world, and then they parted ways and went their separate ways. From these ten people, many branches, sects, gangs and all kinds of strange things gradually evolved in the world. All kinds of magic." Xing Wen said. Lu Yunzhi suddenly realized and said: "It turns out that all the magical arts in the world evolved from this high tower. So that's the case. No wonder I saw the method of controlling air inside, as well as many records of the arts of heaven and earth." Xing Wen continued: "That's right. Your understanding is as high as mine, so you have learned two of them. As for the skills of ghost witches, I think you can actually do it." "How do you say this?" Lu Yunzhi asked. "Is there a nightmare sealed in your body now? In fact, he is now living in your body, living and dying with you in honor and disgrace. This is the true way of practicing ghost witches. You may have doubts, but this is different from what you know The ghost witches are very different. I can only say that the current ghost witches have deviated from the true meaning of practice. In short, the disciples of these ten people fought with each other, and there were endless heroes among them, provoking conflicts between countries for their own selfish interests. War. There were many eras when wars did not happen, and these people with special skills worked for the royal family. It was not because they did not want to dominate the world, but because they were not strong enough. But the sad thing is that heroes always emerge at the same time. Therefore, Yingmei has many more candidates to be integrated. In fact, at certain times, Yingmei will help and guide those people to grow into heroes, either openly or secretly. "Xing Wen's tone is still so calm, as calm as if even the earth-shaking changes cannot cause a single ripple in his voice. Except for the emphasis on Ying Mei's name just now, his tone has not changed from beginning to end. Lu Yunzhi asked again: "The next thing you should do is appear to end this chaotic situation and call all the sects in the Central Plains the people of heaven and earth. Am I right?" "That's right." Xing Wen replied, Lu Yunzhi continued: "These are things that every disciple of the Zhongzheng lineage must listen to and remember when they start. After listening to what you said before, I think that in addition to the purpose of survival, Yingmei must also have other goals. What other purpose is there? By the way, ancestor, what is your purpose in inducing me to come here?¡± ? Haha, you are indeed smart. I also think that Ying Mei must have some other purpose, but that tower is indeed mysterious. The Soul Resurrection Tower was taken from that tower. I wandered around and accidentally entered the high tower in the valley. Only then did I see the true meaning of the art of heaven and earth. After practicing it with great concentration, I also met Li Shimin. The two of us became brothers with different surnames after eight worships. I don't want the people to suffer from wars caused by those of us who practice strange arts. He did not want his brothers to suffer, so he disappeared from the eyes of everyone, established the people of heaven and earth, and formed the Zhongzheng lineage. From then on, although the world was still in turmoil, the country of Li surnamed did not sit for eternity, but It's much better than before. Although I, Xing Wen, am not a living Bodhisattva, I am always concerned about the safety of the people in the world. When my life was about to come to an end, Ying Mei appeared and asked for my soul, because I happened to be. He met all his conditions, but he didn't succeed. I fought with him, and we were seriously injured. There was no winner, and I suddenly realized that the real man behind the world's turmoil was Ying Mei. If Ying Mei died, maybe people would still be there. There will be wars and killings, but it is just the government forcing the people to rise up and fight against the tyranny. The people have their own choices and no longer need to fear the power of us, the people of heaven and earth, and other strange people after the imperial power. " "I am saying this. I heard it from Yu Qian, but he pointed the culprit at the people of heaven and earth, while you, ancestor Xingwen, pointed at Yingmei. I now fully believe that you are ancestor Xingwen. Although there is no reason, I trust it intuitively. You. But I think it¡¯s nothing that really causes turmoil in the world, it¡¯s just the human heart, which is unpredictable." Lu Yunzhi said with a wry smile on his face. Xing Wen was silent again, and Lu Yunzhi suddenly felt a little depressed. After staying in the darkness for a long time, his mood became heavy. After being quiet for a long time, Xing Wen said again: "Maybe you are right, but I fought with Ying MeiI was extremely panicked at the end, thinking that the world was about to fall into another catastrophe, so I came to this southern border and used up my last breath to predict your appearance. Of course, without my joining, Ying Mei would have found other substitutes to integrate into his body, but their abilities would be much worse. Compared to me, maybe you are more suitable to be Ying Mei's substitute, and only you can reveal Ying Mei's true thoughts. However, even if you don't fight for my conjecture, you should still listen to how to defeat Shadow Phantom, because he may not only help you, but also prevent you from accomplishing what you want to accomplish¡ª¡ªCreate Secret Thirteen . " "What exactly is Secret Thirteen? Lu Yunzhi asked, and Xing Wen's voice suddenly became a little uneasy and asked, "Don't you know either?" I only know that Mi Shisan is an organization, just like the people of heaven and earth, but more rigorous. The hexagrams I calculated can be understood as that the birth of Mi Shisan heralds the demise of the people of heaven and earth, and the world will return to Lu Yunzhi. The most important thing is that you must come to see me and learn how to deal with Ying Mei, otherwise Secret Thirteen will not be able to be created. "Lu Yunzhi murmured to himself: "Either defeat Yingmei, or sell your soul. These are the only two ways that Yingmei can be used for me. Could it be that in the future, the great cause of revenge can only be achieved with Yingmei's help? " Just thinking about it, Lu Yunzhi suddenly felt an inexplicable agitation in his heart, so he calmed down and looked inside his body. It turned out that it was the darkness that made Lu Yunzhi's body instinctively feel a little oppressive and tense. So the nightmare also felt it. These people, thinking that something dangerous had happened to Lu Yunzhi, were working hard to break through the seal. Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 20: Heart as Still as Still Water Secret Thirteen 20_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 20 The heart is as still as water. How do you know?" Lu Yunzhi asked without realizing it for a moment. "I am also a ghost-like soul now, so I can naturally feel it. Release him. You will be able to use him later and let him protect your heart and bear the pressure for you. Otherwise, you will not be able to control it now. The next thing." Xing Wen said, paused and said with a smile: "This is the authentic ghost witchcraft. This nightmare is quite concerned about you." Lu Yunzhi did not answer, biting his finger and opening it. He drew an interpretation talisman on his navel. After a while, the familiar voice of the nightmare buzzed in Lu Yunzhi's ears again: "Why is it so dark? I like the dark night. It is the beginning of dreams. What is it?" , so powerful, it seems like a ghost, but why is there no resentment?" Lu Yunzhi replied in a low voice: "Nightmare, this is the soul of my Zhongzheng ancestor. He brought me here to say something." Wen!" Nightmare shouted. Only Xing Wen spoke at this time: "Lu Yunzhi, have you thought about it? Should you dedicate your life and soul to Ying Mei, or prepare to learn how to defeat Ying Mei. You know, if Ying Mei works for you There are only two methods, and if you can't destroy Ying Mei before you die, you will probably be fused with him. Have you thought about all this? " "Haha, I haven't thought about it, but it's better to be prepared. The ancestor said that the Secret Thirteen needs to be learned, so I will learn it for now. With the ancestor teaching me personally, I think I will improve in all aspects. In any case, it will be of great benefit to the revitalization of the Zhongzheng lineage. " Lu Yunzhi replied. Xing Wen's voice laughed a few more times and then said: "It sounds like you are still reluctant. I will say something else. Engraved on the ground are several patterns and some ancient characters. You have touched them just now. You Illuminate it with the light from the Qi Control. The light produced by the Qi Control will not produce a shadow. It is a kind of nihilistic light. Try it." Lu Yunzhi held her breath and concentrated. A sharp sword appeared in front of her. Lu Yunzhi did not immediately look at the ground in the light of the sword, but looked around, and sure enough there was no shadow. This is a semicircular hole. There are countless parallel holes on the wall of the hole, which seems to be used for ventilation. The small holes are opened parallel to the ground using several curved channels. There are so many that the air here is very fresh, and there is no light coming in, so no shadows can be formed. The design is so ingenious. It seems that ancestor Xing Wen I am also worried about being haunted by Ying Mei again. Beside this semicircular hole that looks like a giant bowl, there is a small square array, in which sits an old man. The old man's figure is extremely erratic, his white hair is flowing like a fairy, and his face is full of charity. He looked at Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhizhen stood up, used the light from the Qi Control to give a deep salute to the old man, and said: "Disciple pays homage to the Patriarch." This square, otherwise my soul will be scattered, I will just sit here and say. Hey, it¡¯s not easy for me to expect you to come here for so many years.¡± Lu Yunzhi did not answer, but lowered his head and looked at it carefully. Picking up the patterns and words on the ground, Xing Wen kept explaining each square array. Lu Yunzhi nodded while listening, and finally said with enlightenment: "You mean if the regiment does this, there will be no shadow within one foot of me, including myself, right?" "Well, Yes, this will make Ying Mei a step slower and unable to take action from the shadow beside you," Xing Wen said. Lu Yunzhi asked in confusion: "But there will be other shadows a foot away. With the strength of the shadow, I can only protect myself, but it is difficult to win. The nightmare once tried to use dreams to fight with the shadow. Xing Wen's soul swayed again, and he said: "No, it's true." After doing this method, Ying Mei will not be able to attack from within one foot of you, because there is no shadow within one foot of you to use. Most of his attacks use shadows as weapons. If he uses ghost spirits, If the real body fights with you, your chances of winning are better. You can only fight quickly with the shadow demon. If you don't have the shadow now, at least it is guaranteed that you will not be hit quickly by the shadow on your body and the shadows around you. Trapped. Then the shortcomings of Shadow Charm are exposed at this time. As long as he attacks you, his body must be within a hundred steps of you. The first step you need now is to remove your own shadow. Then I will. Let me tell you the truth about the art of earth control. After you practice it diligently, you will be able to quickly trap Ying Mei with the art of earth control. Remember, if you are slow, Ying Mei will escape to any shadow in the world." Lu Yunzhi followed Xing Wen's instructions and followed the steps to sit cross-legged and meditate, using her mind to draw the power of heaven and earth to expel her shadow. Suddenly she felt as if her whole body had been hit by a heavy hammer.The pain was unbearable, but it took a moment to feel much better. Just listen to the nightmare saying with some difficulty: "What is this? Hurry up, I can't hold on for long." Lu Yunzhi could only speed up his menstruation if he couldn't answer. This technique uses the technique of heaven and earth as the basis to absorb the energy between heaven and earth. Power, Lu Yunzhi attracts the power of electricity and wind, and then guides the power towards himself. Centered on the middle column of the body, this energy is pushed outward in a circular shape. Originally, Xing Wen was more worried about Lu Yunzhi, because Lu Yunzhi had only a short time to learn to use the art of heaven and earth, and secondly, his body had not fully recovered. But fortunately, Lu Yunzhi has mastered the art of controlling air, so after gathering the energy in his body, he can use it as a means of controlling air, and then use the magic talisman to transform it into shape. As the cave gradually became brighter, layers of surrounding light appeared around Lu Yunzhi, surrounding Lu Yunzhi. Under the seamless illumination, Lu Yunzhi's shadow disappeared. Lu Yunzhi slowly opened his eyes. Before he could speak, he heard another nightmare murmur in his ears: "This is too bright." Lu Yunzhi looked at the light, which was white and looked straight at it. Although it was bright, it was not It was so dazzling that he could not look beyond the circle of light. Lu Yunzhi shouted loudly: "What should the ancestor do next?" "Huh. Lu Yunzhi, if you are helpless, you will be boundless. If you are invisible, you will always shine. You need to understand this yourself." . Lu Yunzhi nodded and closed his eyes. His heart instantly calmed down, as calm as the surface of a still lake. Thirteen Secrets 20_Read the full text of Thirteen Secrets for free_Chapter 20 The Heart Is Still Water has been updated! Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 21: Never See You Again The light waves gradually faded away, and there was no longer a bright halo of light around Lu Yunzhi, and the surroundings became dark again. Lu Yunzhi transformed into a sword again, and asked with the light of the gas: "Ancestor, do you think this is enough?" Xing Wen looked at Lu Yunzhi with a smile, his eyes full of love. : "That's almost it. I'm going to teach you the true meaning of the art of earth control now. As for how to apply it in the future, it depends on your own performance. With your current ability and the Wuying you just realized, Yingmei can't do anything to you. . But if you want to subdue Yingmei for your use, you need to practice earthbending diligently. If you are not strong enough, you can use the power of nightmare. Not only is he inseparable from you, but you may also be inseparable from him. The life and death alliance with ghosts is the true face of ghost witches. How the two of you exchange energy is the skill of ghost witches. I haven't studied it much, so I won't give you any guidance. You can learn more about it yourself. Let¡¯s start teaching you. The art of earth control relies on the power of the earth. The land is not static but is changing all the time. It¡¯s just that this change is extremely long, but the energy in the underground is very powerful for small people. It is inexhaustible. This is the principle of earth control" A few hours passed unknowingly, and Lu Yunzhi felt very thirsty, and when he was a little anxious, a clear spring came out. Emerging from the ground, Lu Yunzhi took a few sips and suddenly felt extremely sweet. Xing Wen said: "This is water control, but I can't teach you so much at once. You can go to the high tower in the valley to find out the secrets for yourself. Lu Yunzhi, although you and I don't know the true face of Secret Thirteen after all, but Secret Thirteen indicates that you are an organization, and you can dominate the world with Secret Thirteen. Regardless of whether you can become an emperor in the future, I hope you will do your best and be considerate of the people. Can you promise me? " "Ancestor, if one day comes, I will definitely be like this. It's just that I have suffered since I was a child, so after I started in the Zhongzheng lineage, I can understand what my master said. Of course, I can also understand Yu Qian's behavior and you, ancestor. But now my ambition is not that big. I just want to return to the capital and revive the Zhongzheng line to repay Master for his kindness." Lu Yunzhi paused and said, "Actually, I still want to. It is enough for me to have my two wives come back to me, to take care of my master until they die, and to live a carefree life in the Zhongzheng lineage. Everything I do now is for this. A simple wish. I have something to ask my ancestor. I used the secret method of our Zhongzheng lineage to extend the life of one of my wives, Yingzi. Because I was afraid that her two lives would overlap and she would become insane, so we can't meet each other now. Is there a way to do this? Let her regain her memory." The divination has revealed that she has destroyed four pillars and ten spirits just like me. "How can I find her?" "It's easy. There are three methods. One is that there is a Qi-seeking ability in the high tower in the valley. She also has the ability to find Qi." It means that there is no destiny, but Qi still exists. Looking for Qi can find the Qi of everyone in the world, and then you can find her. It's just that this technique is too advanced. I haven't learned that whether you can understand it depends on yourself. The other way is to conquer the shadow, so you can find her through the shadow. The third way is to rely on the nightmare in your body. As long as she can dream, the nightmare can find her." Xing Wen answered the figure. Slowly becoming erratic, appearing and disappearing, Lu Yunzhi suddenly had a bad premonition. At this time, Nightmare shouted in Lu Yunzhi's ear: "That's nonsense, why didn't I know I could be so powerful?" Xing Wen smiled and said, "Lu Yunzhi, I think the Nightmare in your body must be there. Just murmur. Remember, Shadow Phantom is not the strongest among evil ghosts. This ranking is just the average ranking of Evil Ghosts. If Nightmare continues to mature, it is difficult to say that it will surpass Shadow Phantom one day. Therefore, Just because he doesn't know it now doesn't mean he won't in the future. "You must have noticed changes in the nightmare, including changes in your own personality," Xing Wen said. Lu Yunzhi just wanted to ask something but suddenly stopped and listened. Xing Wen's explanation made even the nightmares stop chattering. This is something that both people and ghosts want to know. Xing Wen's voice was a little erratic, his figure flashed frequently, and the square array around him also changed into a brilliance that appeared and disappeared. But he continued: "You two are changing each other. Lu Yun is committed to breaking all three precepts. I think your master saw it when you started, but your qualifications are too good, so He wants to make a bet. Are you not familiar with the Three Rings? " "The Three Rings of Anger, Chiyuan," Lu Yunzhi answered briefly. He knew that time was running out, so he tried to be concise and concise, and Nightmare wanted to understand. After understanding this truth, he also became quiet and said nothing. ??Inside your body, you don't notice it, and no one else notices it either. It just hides its power and bides its time inside you. Lu Yunzhi, every time you grow up, your nightmares also grow up with you. The power of nightmares also makes you powerful, so you can quickly and skillfully apply the art of heaven and earth and the art of air control. And during this period you become more and more inseparable, the two of you become one. The energy of ghosts and spirits is mostly caused by the accumulation of resentment and hatred, and the energy of ghosts and spirits represents yin. And Lu Yunzhi, although you bear the Three Precepts and have deep resentments, you are kind-hearted, honest and simple, and you represent the yang. But now the two of you are fused together, so yin and yang are intertwined, and there is yang within yin and yin within yang, so that the nightmare has probably grown facial features, becoming more and more kind and loyal, and you are becoming more and more cunning and cunning. This is not your fault. There is no need for you to blame yourself. This is not only what a conqueror and a hero should do, it is also God's will. " As soon as he finished speaking, Xing Wen disappeared out of thin air. Lu Yunzhi called out in a low voice: "Ancestor, ancestor. " The time has come and it's time for me to go. I have never tried the feeling of disappearing, haha, child, I am very happy to meet you. The creator of heaven and earth and the destroyer of heaven and earth meet. This is a once-in-a-lifetime moment. I am very happy because you will be stronger than me. Let me send you out and never see you again. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 22: Parting ways Lu Yunzhi's body rose into the sky with a huge stone pillar, and the soil above him cracked to make way for him. Lu Yunzhi had already seen the sky above his head, and the air with a slightly burnt smell passed into Lu Yunzhi's nose. He knew that he was about to return to the crack created by Qu Xiangtian's Ghost Qi Sword. Xing Wen's constant laughter came from under Lu Yunzhi's body. The laughter was full of heroism and calmness about being about to lose his soul, and at the same time, he was relieved to see Lu Yun. The stone pillar jumped out of the ground, and at the same time the large hole in the ground closed. Lu Yunzhi jumped off the stone pillar and looked around. Qu Xiangtian and others had been waiting patiently by the pit. Lu Yunzhi walked forward quickly and said with a smile: "Are you okay? You are all so disgraced." As soon as he finished speaking, he was hugged tightly by Qu Xiangtian and Fang Qingze. The three of them were suddenly very excited, as if they were separated from each other. It seemed like several years, and my eyes became moist. Qu Xiangtian shook Lu Yunzhi and said, "Are you okay, kid?" Lu Yunzhi shook his head and smiled silly. Fang Qingze's eyes lit up when he saw Lu Yunzhi's smile. He suddenly felt that his third brother was back again. Such an innocent, honest and slightly dull smile belonged to the former Lu Yunzhi. But he didn't know that it was precisely because of the removal of shadows and the creation of shadowlessness that both Lu Yunzhi and Nightmare were severely depleted of energy. In this way, Lu Yunzhi's dark side was also reduced a lot, and his true appearance was revealed. In a few days, Lu Yunzhi will return to the same state as before, and even get worse. Fang Qingze thought for a while and said, "Third brother, Ying Mei came just now." Lu Yunzhi was shocked and looked at everyone except Zhu Jianwen who looked a little pale. The rest of the people were normal, but their clothes were covered with dust. Lu Yunzhi felt relieved, walked to Zhu Jianwen and asked, "Jianwen, are you injured?" Zhu Jianwen shook his hand to indicate that it was okay. Everyone told a few words about what had just happened. Wu Hao asked at this time: "You Why did you sink and come up again? Lu Yunzhi, please tell us what happened to you just now." Lu Yunzhi's eyes moved and he replied in a low voice: "Ying Mei is probably still hiding in the shadow. I will tell you when the time comes." Speaking of shadows, Murong Yunfei discovered something unusual and exclaimed, "Lu Yunzhi, why don't you have a shadow anymore?" No, we are all gone." Lu Yunzhi said with a smile: "Not only that, things within a foot of me have no shadow. This is what I learned down there, sister-in-law. We need to dig deeper. If Ying Mei hears it, it will be a failure. After all, it is still possible for Ying Mei to hide away." Qu Xiangtian nodded and said, "That's right, Yun Fei, let's not talk about this. Third brother has his own plans. By the way, third brother, I want to praise someone in front of you. "Who?" Lu Yunzhi asked. Qu Xiangtian pulled Bai Yong over, then patted his shoulder and said, "Bai Yong is really a loyal and brave man, he can be of great use." Bai Yong's wound was touched by Qu Xiangtian's slap again, and he couldn't help but feel pain. gasp. Qu Xiangtian scratched his head and said with embarrassment: "Look at my memory. I forgot that you were injured on your back. I'm offended. I'm offended." When everyone saw Bai Yong, who was in pain and covered in cold sweat, they looked at his face again. Embarrassed Qu Xiangtian, all the previous nervousness disappeared without a trace, so they all laughed. One morning three days later, everyone walked to the vicinity of Huazhou. Five people from the Zhongzheng lineage were riding on tall horses. They looked at each other without saying a word. We don't know when we will meet again, it's time to part ways. They have thousands of things to say but are unwilling to say them out, because they all have a glimmer of faith burning in their hearts, and no matter how many words they say, they will definitely spit them out when they conquer the capital and have a drink. Fang Qingze was the first to leave without saying goodbye or looking back. Behind him were several entourages escorting food and grass. He headed northwest. This was the first battle of the entire plan. Immediately afterwards, Zhu Jianwen also glanced at everyone, then clasped his fists and said nothing, and rode towards the east one by one. Lu Yunzhi led the team away, and he and Qu Xiangtian just held each other's arms vigorously again and again. Qu Xiangtian also led his troops to leave. Only Wu Hao looked at the people leaving. He walked slowly alone and was not in a hurry. His master Zhu Qigang followed Qu Xiangtian and headed for Annan because it was relatively safe there. Some. This is Wu Hao's journey alone, and everything after that depends on Wu Hao himself, traveling around telling fortunes and deceiving people. At this point, the former Sanfang disciples of the Zhongzheng lineage have truly grown up. It was also at this moment that they began an all-out counterattack against Qian, starting a life-and-death confrontation. The parting of ways at this time does not mean farewell, the meeting is in the capital. Whether they can succeed may only be known by geniuses, but whether they succeed or fail, they have no regrets, because resistance is their destiny, or perhaps more appropriately, it is a desperate desire. As for what they want in their hearts, it may only be them.Just know it. Qu Xiangtian was riding beside the car. Murong Yunfei, who was sitting in the car, opened the curtain and said, "Xiangtian, are you okay?" Qu Xiangtian looked at Murong Yunfei affectionately, and then turned back. He looked at the sky and recited loudly: "When autumn comes on September 8th, when the flowers bloom, hundreds of flowers will bloom. Chang'an will be filled with incense, and the city will be filled with golden armor!" A few years ago, he mentioned this in Jiujiang Prefecture I read Huang Chao's anti-poem again today. It's not what it used to be. Qu Xiangtian was filled with emotion, but also had an inexplicable impulse. This impulse comes from a soldier who wants to challenge the strongest in the world. This is the real warrior and the real hero. At the same time, Yu Qian, who was in the capital, stroked the pigeon standing on the table and removed a small tube tied to the pigeon's leg. He pulled out a piece of paper from the small tube with only two words written on it: "It's done." Yu Qian smiled, slowly tore the note into pieces, and threw it to the ground. He knew in his heart that Lu Yunzhi and others might soon launch an attack on him, but he was fearless because he believed that he could still turn the tide and defeat the Zhongzheng lineage again just like before. He smiled confidently, picked up a pen and wrote two words on the white paper on the table: Righteous way. Shang Wan's short figure appeared at the door, clasped his fists at Yu Qian and said, "Brother, what happened to make you so happy?" Yu Qian asked, "Is there any?" Shang Wan smiled and stopped talking, but looked at the ground. scraps of paper, a carrier pigeon on the table, and the word "righteous way" written by Yu Qian. ¡°Go and call Tan Qing, I have a task to give to her.¡± Yu Qian ordered. Shang Wang answered yes with clasped fists, and then retreated out the door. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 23: Ambush in the Small Town Chao Xing looked at Fang Qingze beside him with a big sword on his back and said with a smile: "How many cities have we defeated?" Fang Qingze also looked at each other with a smile and replied: "It is already the fifteenth day since we set out for the expedition. The city in front of us is the eighth one, with an average of less than one every two days. " "Then what are you waiting for? Let's go straight into the city. We are invincible. Even if the main force of the border defenders encounters us, they will be defeated. I think. It's possible to enter the capital directly with our strength. I really don't know what my nephew is doing, insisting that we wander around the border." Chao Xing took the sword from his back and said with a smile. Fang Qingze, on the other hand, smiled noncommittally, thought for a while and said, "I think things are far from as simple as we thought, and uncle, you see, we have fewer troops. After we captured the city, we didn't have many troops to defend the city. We were like bears breaking sticks. Same, capture a city to recruit new soldiers and then throw one away. Now we will take the newly recruited recruits, your disciples and the soldiers I trained as a group, and the tribesmen led by Leopard will form a group. We will attack and roam the northwest with our elite troops. All over the place. According to the information I got, they have captured a lot of cities. I heard that they have conquered nine cities, but they are also in the same situation as us. There are not enough troops to defend the city. This is really a headache. I'm considering whether we should unite our forces together. "" Let's decide whether we should unite our forces and capture the small town in front of us." Chao Xing shouted and waved the big iron sword. Fang Qingze's mercenaries did not move at all, and the disciples of the Iron Sword lineage did not move. . Hundreds of newly recruited soldiers took action. They began to roar and push dozens of artillery, aiming at the small city in front of them. Fang Qingze shouted: "Let go!" Dozens of artillery were fired at once, and the city wall collapsed immediately. Fang Qingze ordered again: "Fill the watermelon shells and prepare to fire again." Chao Xing's scarred face suddenly appeared. With a hint of ridicule, he pointed at Xiaocheng and said, "Wait a minute, nephew Fang Xian, look at them hanging the white flag." "Coward!" Fang Qingze cursed viciously and spat on the ground. Chao Xing ordered: "The first team will follow me into the city, and the second team will carry equipment into the city." Fang Qingze nodded, and as the second team, he began to call for people to tie up the horses and push the cannons to prepare to transport the shells and equipment into the city, while the Iron Sword disciples The mercenary legions of the feudal lords were arranged in neat formation, following Chao Xing as he rode towards the city gate at high speed. The city gate opened, and the magistrate who was guarding the city led several officials out of the city holding white flags to greet them. The people led by Chao Xing rushed to the city gate in the blink of an eye, and the team was neat and orderly. Chao Xing used an iron sword on his horse to pick up the white flag held by the magistrate, and shouted: "Why are you so weak? Why should a man be afraid of death? Why should he grovel and surrender!" When the magistrate heard Chao Xing's shouting, he did not dare to answer, but just lowered his head. Put your head up, clasp your fists above your head, and bow deeply. Chao Xing snorted coldly and urged his horse into the city, and everyone behind him followed closely. After a few steps into the city, Chao Xing suddenly took a breath of cold air and murmured: "That's not right." Whenever a large army enters the city, the surrounding residents will always be in complete silence. The dogs were silent, but even though it was the same now, it was a bit eerily quiet, as if it was an empty city. The most important thing was that Chao Xing felt a murderous aura. Chao Xing yelled at the people behind him: "There may be an ambush. Everyone, please pay attention to your big shields, dismount and stand up, and form a defensive formation to slowly advance into the city. These dogs are clearly unable to defeat, so they will attack people with hidden arrows. Hum, I Chao Xing will convince you that you have lost." Chao Xing's troops dismounted one after another. Those holding large shields lined up on both sides of the team. The round shields were raised above their heads, and the spears thrust out through the gaps in the shields. Chao Xing also slowly got off his horse and formed a circular formation with the Iron Sword disciples in front of the mercenaries. The entire team formed a defensive formation and slowly advanced towards the city. Fang Qingze curled up his fist into a small hole and looked at the city with one eye, muttering in his mouth: "Uncle Chao, what are you doing? Why do you have to form an array after entering the city?" As he said this, Fang Qingze suddenly felt that there must be something fishy in the city, and it must be Chao Xing strives for strength and is eager to win. He relies on the strength of his troops and horses and wants to find out. So Fang Qingze ordered the artillery to be relocated and aimed at the small town, and he was ready to go. Chao Xing ordered everyone to stop. He suddenly regretted his rash advance, because this was obviously a huge trap, and his murderous intent was getting stronger, so Chao Xing ordered: "The rear team becomes the front team. Retreat quickly to the outside of the city." The team turned their heads hurriedly, but not far from the city gate, the horses they had just been riding seemed to have gone crazy and rushed towards the mercenary group closest to them. The mercenary group is well-trained. The large shield is propped up diagonally on the ground, and the spear is extended from it. It waits for the horse to step on the shield and then inserts it into the horse's belly when it jumps up. I saw many domestic animals appearing in the surrounding houses. They all approached the team abnormally and quickly, with endless hatred in their eyes, and their eyes turned blood red. "Animal driving lineage!" Chao Xing roared, already knowing the reason why these animals went crazy. The world covered by heaven, earth and people is extremely complicated. Expelling ghosts, defeating ghosts, war, and celestial phenomena are all different.?The strange arts are all different. The cultivation of the beast-driving lineage is extremely special, because the willpower of animals is relatively weak, so it is better to control them. The beast-driving lineage uses the power of ghosts and spirits to invade the bodies of animals, control them and achieve the effect of driving the animals. Although the control power is not as smooth as that of ghosts, if it can control ferocious animals, it is extremely powerful, at least it is more than enough to deal with ordinary people. If the beast-driving lineage encounters the stronger branch of the heaven and earth people, it will be vulnerable. As long as we try to uncover the ghosts that control the beasts, this method will be self-defeating. The beast-driving lineage in front of him gave Chao Xing a headache, because based on the number of animals they drove, the beast-driving lineage should have come out in full force. Although the power was not strong, the number was huge and it was difficult to annihilate them all. Chao Xing shouted in a low voice: "The great sword purifies ghosts." The Iron Sword disciples waved their great swords and kept swiping the talisman on the ground. Then they inserted the great sword into the talisman, knelt on one knee, held the hilt of the sword with both hands, and raised their heads. Leaning on the hilt of the sword, he muttered silently. The surrounding animals stopped running and suddenly became panicked. It seemed that the attack of the beast-repelling lineage had been lifted. Chao Xing breathed a long sigh of relief and felt a little relieved, but then another group of animals rushed towards everyone as if they were possessed. Everyone in the Iron Sword lineage could only continue to use the great sword to purify ghosts. At this moment, dozens of erratic figures rushed out from the deep alleys of residential houses, suddenly breaking up the mercenary army's defense line. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 24: Heavy Damage Secret Thirteen 24_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 24 The heavy damage came from The Iron Sword disciples pulled out the sword stuck in the ground, and a group of four stacked the swords together, then raised them high and continued They fell together and hit the ground hard. Every time the four swords hit the ground, they would emit a burst of red light. The red light was everywhere, and all the surrounding animals fell to the ground. This was the highest level of the iron sword lineage's ghost-purifying technique - slaying demons with four swords. In this way, all low-level ghosts around, including animals invaded by ghosts, will be shaken to their cores. However, this technique needs to be done gradually and cannot be done in one go, so there is a slight delay in the front. Chao Xing knew that he would definitely run away after seeing that he was from the Iron Sword lineage based on his beast-expelling lineage. But that's not the case now. They seem to be delaying time deliberately. When dozens of erratic figures rushed out of the alley, Chao Xing understood that the real killer move was here, the Lone Wolf lineage! The Lone Wolf lineage is a people of heaven and earth wandering on the border of the area controlled by ghost witches. Most of them are Mongolians, who use the souls of wolves to make ghosts. Because the Mongols admire the wolf clan, the wolf spirits there are extremely powerful, and any ghost they can make has extraordinary fighting power. However, the disadvantage of this technique is that no matter how high the operator's destiny is, he can only have one wolf spirit in his life, so it is called the lone wolf lineage. Several wolf-shaped ghosts collided with the shield, and the shield held firm for a moment. But what the mercenaries didn't expect was that there were several wolf-shaped ghosts whose bodies suddenly became flat in the gaps in the shield. Come in. The mercenaries were caught off guard and panicked. When they reacted, several ghosts that had gotten into the shield array had begun to bite them. A dozen mercenaries were immediately injured and fell to the ground, but the rest were well-trained and placed the wounded on large shields and withdrew toward the center of the defensive formation, stabbing the ghosts with their spears. The spear passed through the body and had no effect on the wolf-shaped ghost. After several fights, the number of injured mercenaries gradually increased, but they were still very disciplined and brave. A big sword fell from the sky and chopped up a wolf-shaped ghost. Only a cry of sorrow was heard from the eaves. It seemed that the owner of this ghost couldn't help shouting in pain. Chao Xing wielded his big sword and kept killing the oncoming ghosts. Although he was extremely brave and skilled in swordsmanship, he was unable to defeat four hands with two fists. After a while, Chao Xing also had traces of wolves on his body. Claw scratches. Chao Xing shouted to the mercenaries and disciples of the Iron Sword lineage: "Quickly withdraw from the city." Blood flew everywhere, the light of the sword and the shadow of the sword, the mercenaries' feeble resistance, the Iron Sword disciples struggling to cover, and Chao Xing's hoarse roar were all these. A picture was formed¡ª¡ªa disastrous failure. Suddenly, a cannonball exploded in the city. Several disciples of the Lone Wolf lineage and the Beast Exorcist lineage were injured. Their bodies were charred black as they lay on the ground. It was estimated that they would not survive for long. It turned out that Fang Qingze saw that something bad was going on in the city. He did not impulsively go to the rescue alone. Instead, he ordered the artillery to fire. In order to prevent accidental injury, he personally operated it and accurately aimed at the city. No matter how powerful the magic is, as long as the operator falls down, these powerful magic spells will have no lethality. If it were ordinary artillery fire, it would at most use the ejection and impact of iron bullets. With the skills and attainments of the people of heaven and earth, the casualties would not have been so heavy. But what these ambushers never imagined was that Fang Qingze had improved the cannonballs, making them into filled-type cannonballs that could burn and explode. Naturally, their power could not be compared with those before. As expected, just as Fang Qingze thought, the ambush forces in the city were sharply reduced. Chao Xing and Tie Jian's group were cut off, and the mercenary group was in front, running towards the outside of the city. A woman wearing Yunnan-Guizhou ethnic costume looked coldly at the people who were running away in a hurry. She smiled slightly and her body trembled slightly. The silver jewelry on her body jingled, and her voice was very beautiful. She was also extremely beautiful, but there was a hint of enchantment in her beauty. The beauty of women is different. The woman in front of me is very charming and charming. Murong Yunfei's beauty is that of ice and snow, intelligence and noble temperament. On the other hand, Shi Yuting is naive and cute, Yingzi is heroic and heroic, and Yang Xiyu is quiet, elegant, fresh and refined. I saw this woman smiling sweetly and looking back at the person behind her. Behind her stood many women wearing the same ethnic costumes as her, all of them had charming looks, but the woman who looked back at the head had more delicate facial features, and the color of the silver jewelry and clothing on her body was much prettier than the others. . A middle-aged man in Mongolian clothes and an old man with his hair wrapped in a veil walked up to the woman and each saluted according to their own customs. The man in Mongolian clothes said roughly: "Master Tan Mai, did you succeed in casting the poison just now?" ?¡± The woman smiled sweetly again and asked the women behind her: ¡°Did you succeed in casting the poison?¡± The women answered one after another, their voices making people feel weak: ¡°Master Qinmai, we are done. "The beautiful woman suddenly had a stern look on her face. She pulled the man in Mongolia and shouted: "Yu Qian ordered me to lead this operation. Lord Lone Wolf, please don't ask such stupid questions in the future."?. Also, speak in a lower voice. I don't like people rudely pointing fingers at me. "The man in hooded clothes broke away, snorted and agreed: "I know. The woman ordered: "Let's evacuate here quickly. Fang Qingze will attack the city with firearms soon. I don't want to turn into ashes." Send me an order to wait for Xue Ling's group ten miles east of the city. We will take action after their ambush is completed. " The women left quickly, and the man in the veil and the old man in the veil also called on their disciples to retreat. The man in the veil evacuated, kicked hard, and whispered to the old man: "What's wrong with this Tan Qing? He's just a ****. . The old man chuckled and said, "Don't be angry, Lone Wolf Lineage Master. Although my beast-driving lineage is weak, I will support you." But having said that, this woman is really good at tricking all those people in the blink of an eye. We have to be careful ourselves so as not to fall into her trap. "The man in Mongolian clothing, the leader of the Lone Wolf vein, nodded, and the two led their disciples to quickly chase after Tan Qing and others who had left first. Chao Xing led the crowd out of the city gate and ran towards the high slope where Fang Qingze was outside the city. , the Iron Sword Lineage injured four people, but the mercenary army was seriously injured. Although this team failed, it was well-trained, and the formation pace was still uniform. All the horses were killed by the Iron Sword Lineage's four swords. , so everyone had to leave on foot with the wounded on their backs. When Fang Qingze saw Chao Xing and others withdrawing from the town, he ordered to fire again. This time, he did not aim accurately, but bombed wildly, and the town was instantly razed to the ground. Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 24: Heavy Damage has been updated! Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 25: Ice and Snow Chao Xing looked behind him at the Lone Wolf line and the Beast-expelling lineage who were still murderous just now. At this moment, they did not come out to pursue the victory and had already disappeared. Then Fang Qingze's bombing turned the small town into ruins in an instant. Chao Xing and others were exhausted after a lot of fighting. Seeing that no one was chasing them and with Fang Qingze's fire cover, they slowed down their pace, and the entire team gradually slowed down. When Fang Qingze saw that there was no danger, he led others to greet them. The group of people returned to the high slope. Chao Xing inserted the iron sword on the ground and cursed: "It's really despicable and cunning, but where did they come from? Damn it." Damn it's weird." After Chao Xing finished scolding, he told Fang Qingze what happened just now. After hearing this, Fang Qingze thought for a moment and said, "As far as I know, these people are not all from the border branches. How could they appear in the northwest at the same time? Could it be that they are Yu Qian's newly recruited lackeys?" If I meet any one of them one on one, my Iron Sword branch will naturally be victorious. But firstly, they launch a sneak attack, and secondly, they attack me together. To be honest, even if I fight them with real swords and guns. With one fight, our Iron Sword lineage may not be able to win. Furthermore, although our feudal brothers are brave, they are unable to deal with the ghosts, which is really troublesome." Chao Xing sighed. Fang Qingze nodded and said: "That's right. That's why we can't replace the army led by our third brother. Not only do they have extremely high combat effectiveness, they also know how to exorcise ghosts. Uncle, go and count the casualties. Let's leave here quickly." , Hold on to the city to prevent the enemy from having a bigger conspiracy. It seems that Yu Qian has already been prepared for us. Maybe this operation of turning into banditry will not go so smoothly." As they spoke, the two began to order their men to lift the wounded. I want to retreat to the city I conquered yesterday. Fang Qingze suddenly stopped after taking two steps, turned around and asked Chao Xing: "Uncle, can you hear any noise?" Chao Xing concentrated his ears and listened, but his body was shaken, and he hurriedly shouted: "Hurry up and get over it." Defensive formation, this is the bell of the Snow Bell Lineage." After hearing the order, the disciples of the Iron Sword Lineage each raised their swords and thrust them into the ground, then stretched out their arms and pulled each other to form a circle, leaving only a gap, and the mercenaries ran in. within the circle. But after all, the Iron Sword lineage has a small number of people, and the circle formed is not large. Most of the warriors of the feudal clan are blocked from the circle. At this time, Chao Xing held up his big sword to block the gap, and Fang Qingze quickly formed a square formation with copper coins on the ground, and a dozen mercenaries ran into the formation. In addition to these two formations, there are still a large number of recently recruited recruits and more than a hundred mercenaries outside the two formations. Fang Qingze and Chao Xing ran out of the formation to find other ways. At this moment, a chill came with the ringing of the bell. Chao Xing staggered and then quickly turned back into the circle of iron swords. His arms were connected with his disciple, and he did not dare to move rashly. A piece of ancient jade worn by Fang Qingze also gave off a faint glow. Fang Qingze's body trembled slightly and he suddenly felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar. Only when the ancient jade glowed brightly did his body regain its warmth. So Fang Qingze quickly withdrew from the square formation. In the middle of the square formation composed of copper coins, Fang Qingze sat cross-legged and meditated, holding a copper coin in his mouth, but still murmuring. Every copper coin on the ground glowed light blue. The circular formation composed of the Iron Sword veins was glowing red at this moment, and the red light was flashing as if something was constantly hitting the outer wall of the circle. On the other hand, outside the two formations, the extremely cold air hit instantly, making people's hands and feet cold. The feudal soldiers and the new recruits were trembling all over. Fang Qingze shouted: "Keep moving, don't run around, don't stop, just stay where you are." "However, there were still dozens of recruits who did not obey the order and ran towards the distance. In a flash of cold light, those few people froze into icicles. Their terrified figures and panicked expressions were frozen at that moment. They fell to the ground and turned into pieces of ice. The others were shocked when they saw it. They could only follow Fang Qingze's instructions and keep jumping on the spot to get rid of the cold. Several people lit kerosene, and everyone gathered around the fire and kept moving to keep warm, but their bodies became increasingly stiff. Inside Fang Qingze's phalanx formation and Chao Xing's sword formation, it was a different world. The climate had not changed at all. The sergeants inside the formation were shouting and sobbing, watching the compatriots outside the formation fall to the ground one by one and never crawl back. Can't get up. There were gentle ringing sounds of bells in the air, like a desperate elegy. Chao Xing and Fang Qingze looked at each other, but there was nothing they could do. The Xue Ling lineage uses a secret weapon called Xue Ling. The current situation is the unique skill of the Xue Ling lineage - Ice and Snow. The snow bells are originally a pair of bells. They just need to set up an 'ice and snow' formation in advance where Fang Qingze and the others are, hang up the secret weapon snow bells around them, and then they ambush a few feet away and release ghosts to shake the other snow bells. , the energy of ghosts and spirits will turn into ice-cold people who invade the 'ice and snow' formation. Because Xue Ling's group was ambush several feet away, and the army's attack was extremely noisy and the cannons fired deafeningly, Fang Qingze and Chao Xing did not notice the ambush of Xue Ling's group at all until Xue Ling activated the formation. When everyone is exhausted physically and mentally and wants to withdraw, thenThe scary and cold ringtone suddenly came to mind, and only then did Fang Qingze realize it. Thanks to Fang Qingze and Chao Xing's quick reaction and the appropriate defensive formations, otherwise everyone, including him, might have been killed on the spot. If Fang Qingze and Chao Xing rush out of the formation now to kill the Xue Lings who are ambushing around them, it could just be that as soon as they walk out of the defensive formation, all the mercenaries taking refuge in the formation will be like those outside the formation. Like everyone else, they froze to death. While finding and killing the enemy, their own side also suffered heavy casualties. When the two were hesitating, the ringing suddenly disappeared. Immediately afterwards, there was a burst of heartbreaking screams from a few feet away. The screams came one after another. Everyone outside the defensive formation where Fang Qingze and Chao Xing were located was no longer trembling. They were breathing heavily, feeling the joy of escaping from death. Color hangs on the survivors' faces. Fang Qingze and Chao Xing jumped out of the formation and checked the injuries of everyone outside the formation. They all had extensive frostbite. After less than a cup of tea, the sound of horse hooves was heard from the high slope. The mercenaries in the formation picked up their weapons again and jumped out of the formation, blocking the wounded with the disciples of the Iron Sword lineage. Fang Qingze looked a few feet away, breathed a sigh of relief, and said to everyone: "Put down your weapons, it's the ghost-eating tribe." Leopard led the tribesmen to come at a high speed, and in the blink of an eye they reached Fang Qingze and Chao Xing. In front of him, he turned over and dismounted, then clasped his fists and said, "Uncle, Fatty Fang, are you okay?" Fang Qingze sighed and replied, "It's okay. Thank you for coming to save me. How did you get here?" Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 26: Falling to the Ground "Let's not say such polite words between us. We also passed by here and wanted to attack the nearby town. The sentry knight found that there was a strong sense of ghosts here, so I brought my tribe to check. Unexpectedly, I met Xue Ling's lineage, and Seeing your artillery on the high slope, I guessed that you must have been ambushed. Now they have all been killed, except for their man who looks like the Pulse Master, and we are worried about the ambush. Chase, by the way, why are they here and why are they attacking you? Could it be that these people have also surrendered to Yu Qian?" Leopard said. Chao Xing nodded and looked at the frostbitten soldiers on the ground. He was immediately filled with grief and said in a trembling voice: "It's all my fault that my brothers died in vain." After everyone counted the number of people, they found that the mercenaries were fighting outside the city. A total of more than a hundred people were killed in the ambush in the city. Almost all the recent recruits were killed, leaving only a dozen people alive. No matter whether the sergeants who were hiding in the defensive formation or outside the formation were injured to varying degrees in the two battles, this battle can be said to be a loss of troops and generals. The strength of the generals led by Fang Qingze was greatly reduced, and they no longer posed any threat to the court. . Ten miles east of the small town where the battle just took place, a group of people stopped. They were both men and women, each wearing different national costumes. Tan Qing fondled a circle of silver ornaments on his chest, making a nice jingle sound. Suddenly she took out a small jar from her sleeve. She slowly opened the lid of the jar, hissed twice, then put her ear to it and listened. After that, she stood up and said, "Let's go back to Beijing." The leader of the Lone Wolf Pulse was slightly surprised and said, "Why, we don't want to wait for Xue Ling's lineage anymore?" "By the way, thank you for the reminder. It's indeed the right time. Leave some people to wait, Lone Wolf Vein Master, you can stay and wait for Snow Bell Vein Master, but he is the only one, and all his disciples have been killed by the leopards and other soul-eating beasts," Tan Qing said. "What, how could this happen? Then we can't go back to the capital. Master Yu Qian has the destiny to eliminate Leopard and Fang Qingze before he can go back." The master of the beast-expelling vein said, but he saw Tan Qing looking into his eyes. When he arrived, he quickly coughed and called his disciples to follow Tan Qing's arrangements. However, the Lone Wolf Pulse Master shouted loudly: "Master of the Expelling Beast Pulse, we cannot let the Miao Gu lineage make the decision. Don't forget that we have to obey the arrangements of the adults. How can we let these women make the decision now?" Tan. Qing Qing looked at the Lone Wolf lineage leader and snorted softly, and said coldly: "If you think your Lone Wolf lineage is strong enough to deal with the soul-eating beast, you can launch an attack yourself." As Tan said, Qing waved his hand, and the women of the Miao family who were laughing and resting stood up and left quickly with Tan Qing. The Lone Wolf Pulse Master looked at Tan Qing fiercely, but there was nothing he could do. Neng shook his head and led his disciples to stay where they were. Waiting for the Snow Bell Vein Master. By the way, on Fang Qingze¡¯s side, everyone returned to a small city they captured a day ago. After arranging the treatment of the wounded, Fang Qingze, Chao Xing and Baozi gathered together to discuss future countermeasures. Fang Qingze looked manly and said to Leopard: "Brother Leopard, how should we act in the future." Leopard smiled broadly and asked: "What do you think we should do?" Fang Qingze didn't know what to say, so Leopard said again: "I I think you should join forces together. Your newly defeated troops are now weak and cannot form an effective attack. If you encounter a large-scale attack by the border defenders, it will be difficult for you to resist, so joining forces is the best option for me. Brother-in-law, you are also Lu Yunzhi's second brother. We are a family. Don't worry, after we join forces, my people will also obey your orders." Fang Qingze was stunned and said happily: "Thank you Brother Baozi, actually. I was initially worried about the rift between you Ghost Eaters and the people of Heaven and Earth, so I proposed the policy of dividing our forces to attack. I didn¡¯t expect you to be so generous when we were so weak. Qingze thanked me here." He stood up. After bowing, Leopard held down Fang Qingze and said happily: "How come you are now more verbose than my stupid brother-in-law? I remember you were not like this before. I said there is no need to be polite, we are a family and we have something in common." "My enemy Yu Qian." "Well, by the way, two wise nephews, what should we do next?" Chao Xing said with a pale face. Fang Qingze thought for a while and replied: "Now it seems that our strength has been greatly reduced. The most we can do is deal with the large troops of the border guards. It is nothing more than us seizing the city and them attacking the city over and over again. It is not enough to attract reinforcements from the imperial court, let alone To occupy the northwest, we can only take one step at a time on this front." Leopard said, "I think instead of waiting for the border defenders to come and fight us, it is better to attack directly. As long as the border troops are entangled with us, maybe Timu. Erhe Yili will take action. At that time, the imperial court will have to send troops to reinforce the border. In this way, our purpose of involving the military strength of North Korea will be achieved. "Do you think this is a good idea?" However, the danger is greater. If these two vassal states suddenly launch a large-scale attack, the border defenders will not be able to resist it, and foreigners will invade the mountains and rivers.?, then the gain outweighs the loss. "Chao Xing said, his voice was a little weak, not as loud as before. Fang Qingze and Leopard were also rough people, so they naturally didn't notice. Fang Qingze said: "Let's discuss this matter in the long run. I have already asked the business community to take action. According to the plan, within a few days, after Northern Xinjiang Gui Wu He Ye launched a massive attack on Northern Xinjiang, it was time for Zhu Jianwen to trigger the first wave of impeachment. I am now sending letters to private salt dealers along the coast and lakes, asking them to be ready to start a rebellion in a month. The day when the vassal kings in various places take advantage of the banditry to rebel is very close at hand. When the flag of the Qing Dynasty is raised, we will take more clear actions. If we can't involve the imperial troops, we will go to Kyoto to support the third brother's actions. There are too few of them, and with this group of people from heaven and earth relying on Yu Qian, I'm worried that they won't be able to defeat Yu Qian. " Leopard Zi and Chao Xing nodded. Chao Xing kept groping on his body, as if something was wrong. At this time, Fang Qingze finally noticed and asked, "Uncle, are you feeling unwell? Were you injured just now. Chao Xing shook his head and replied: "It's just a skin injury scratched by some wolf-shaped ghosts. I looked at it and it should be fine, but I feel an indescribable feeling of soreness all over my body." " As soon as Chao Xing finished speaking, a ghost-eating tribesman ran in and shouted: "Report, just now the mercenaries and Iron Sword disciples in the city were frothing at the mouth and fell to the ground. ""What? ! "The three of them were shocked, stood up and walked towards the door. Fang Qingze and Leopard walked quickly forward and heard a plop behind them. When they looked back, they saw Chao Xing lying on the ground, foaming at the mouth and unconscious. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 27: Cruel and Cruel Secret Thirteen 27_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 27 The cruelty comes from ¡°Uncle!¡± Fang Qingze and Baozi were shocked and ran over to help Chao Xing up. Chao Xing was already unconscious, and he seemed to be breathing in but not out. Fang Qingze quickly took out a few pills from his arms, and Leopard got the water, and then drank it for Chao Xing. After that, Leopard asked: "What's going on?" Fang Qingze frowned and replied: "It seems to be poisoned, and again It doesn't seem to be the case. It's really strange. I just took Jiuzhuan Jade Dew Pills and Exorcism Pills for my uncle. They were prepared from the prescriptions I asked for from my third brother. They are secret medicines from our Zhongzheng lineage. Whether it's poisoning or ghost invasion. The medicine will cure the disease, why hasn't uncle woke up yet?" As soon as he finished speaking, Chao Xing's face turned rosy, not as pale as before, but he was still unconscious. "Evil door." Fang Qingze muttered. A small insect crawled out from Chao Xing's collar. It had two rows of fangs on the top of its head. Its body was like a grasshopper, but its abdomen had a bunch of hairy thin legs. It seemed that it could crawl and jump. It raised its head and looked at Fang Qingze, as if it was about to attack. Fang Qingze flicked the insect on the ground and said to the leopard: "Quickly trample it to death." As soon as the little insect landed on the ground, it turned over and crawled towards the leopard quickly. Needless to say, the leopard is very skillful. Before the insect can jump up on him, it crushes the insect on the sole of his shoe. The squeaking sound of the bugs being trampled made people feel goosebumps. The leopard raised his feet and looked at the insect carcass on the ground. He said with a disgusted look on his face: "What kind of insect is this? It looks so ugly. You can see that there is still a lot of juice and it is all black. Oops, there is also a stench." Fang Qingze's face was heavy, he looked at Chao Xing in his arms and sighed and said: "This is troublesome, I think it is the poison of the Miao Gu lineage. This poison should be made of ghost spirits as bait, and then formed in the insect's body , and then made with the influence of resentment. Finally, if you don't pay attention, you will be poisoned by the bugs. Once poisoned, only the caster will know how to detoxify it, if it was not given to your uncle just now. I took two elixirs to protect my heart. I think Uncle Chao has died from the poison. "What can I do? When did these insects crawl on my uncle?" I think the soldiers in the city must have been poisoned by this poison as well," Leopard said. Fang Qingze put Chao Xing on his shoulders and said: "It should be that after the bug poisons one person, it is likely to crawl onto others. I think they may have been inadvertently poisoned when they were ambushed in the city. They are really masters. What you have done is to poison so many people at the same time. It is very powerful. Quick, Leopard, ask your people to withdraw from the city quickly, put up some artillery, bring some divine fire flying crows, and find a few more people to close the city gate. Then let them get out of the city quickly." Leopard agreed and gave a few instructions to the ghost-eating tribesman who had just come to report the news. The man hurried to the city to deliver the order. Leopard also ran out to deliver the order separately. He had just taken two steps. Suddenly he stopped and turned around and asked, "Brother Fang, what are you going to do?" Fang Qingze carried Chao Xing and walked quickly out the door. As he walked, he said, "For those who are poisoned in the quarantine city, bugs will crawl everywhere. If this is the case, if things go wrong, our entire army will be destroyed, and we can only let these brothers take the first step. Fang can't stand them anymore." Leopard was stunned for a moment, and followed Fang Qingze blindly, waiting for him to react. Went to the city to gather troops. Leopard clearly saw the vicious expression on Fang Qingze's fat face and the murderous intent in his eyes. About half an hour later, the Ghost Eaters, led by Leopard, withdrew from the city and took away a large number of siege equipment. Fang Qingze's mercenary legion and Iron Sword disciples each fell to the ground, naturally unable to ask questions. Some of the less poisoned ones watched helplessly as everyone evacuated from the city but couldn't even shout. The city gate was closed. After Fang Qingze calibrated the artillery, he fired continuously and released the divine fire flying crow. For a while, the small town turned into a sea of ??fire. Leopard said: "Some of them can still be treated. Is this too much?" Fang Qingze cried out sadly: "It can be treated, but if you can't find the bug and the bug bites your tribe, wouldn't it be compensation?" He killed his wife and lost his troops. Now this is a last resort, let's get out of here." Leopard glanced at Fang Qingze meaningfully, knowing that what he said was reasonable, he could only sigh helplessly. At this time, near Changsha Mansion, thousands of miles away, Lu Yunzhi, Bai Yong and Dong De were sitting in a grass pavilion on the outskirts, with four horses tied to the pavilion. The three of them sipped tea slowly and looked at the rushing water of the Xiangjiang River. A small boat floated down the river, and a boatman as tall as a child stood on the bow. He pushed the pole vigorously, and the boat slowly docked. The current was so fast that it was difficult for the boat to stop, but the boatman inserted the pole into the boat, bent his body and stuck it on one end of the pole, and then jumped forward with force. The boatman rose into the air and landed on the shore, quickly heading towards the pavilion where Lu Yunzhi and others were. Only the boatman was seenHe went to the pavilion, sat on the straw mat, drank the tea that Lu Yunzhi had just arrived in front of him, and without saying a word, he just stretched out his hand and spread his palm as if he was asking for something. Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly, took out a bronze square cup from the package, and handed a small gold medal to the boatman. There was a lid on the bronze square cup. The boatman opened the lid. There was some liquid in the bronze cup, which reflected light under the light, reflecting the scene in front of him like a mirror. He put the small gold medal cushion under the bronze square cup, muttered something in his mouth, and looked into the square cup. After watching for a while, the boatman punched the stone table in the pavilion, roared angrily, grabbed the bronze square cup and threw it out. Bai Yong jumped up from the straw mat, grabbed the cup with one hand, and shook the liquid in the cup without spilling a drop. The boatman looked at Bai Yong and said angrily: "What a skill, Lu Yunzhi, where did you find someone so powerful?" Lu Yunzhi smiled, added more tea to everyone, and then took the ancient moon from Bai Yong's hand. Cup, re-covered the lid, took the small gold medal and put them into the package together, and then said: "Shang Wu, my condolences and obedience." It turned out that the boatman was a traitor of the Zhongzheng line, Yu Qian's right-hand man, Shang Wu. Shang Wan laughed sharply, and a distorted expression appeared on his handsome face. He said: "Huh, Du Hai is not my father. If you have any mercy, just die." After that, he picked up the tea cup again. After drinking it all in one gulp, there was a lump in his throat and all the tea gushed out. Shang Wan covered his face and cried. After a long time, Shang Wan wiped away his tears and said: "Lu Yunzhi, I am willing to serve you, but I killed your father-in-law, andyou know the matter. Can you still accept my surrender?" " Lu Yunzhi said only two words with a blank face: "It doesn't matter." Secret Thirteen 27_Secret Thirteen full text free reading_Chapter 27 Cruel and cruel update completed! Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 28: Regardless of past grudges When Shang Wang heard Lu Yunzhi say the word "no problem", his eyes suddenly opened wide and he felt incredible. But Lu Yunzhi patted Shang Wan on the shoulder and said: "Shang Wan, I think I will explain it clearly to Yu Ting in the future. You are not the culprit. By the way, do you know where my wife Yu Ting is? Shang Wang shook his head and replied: "I don't know. She ran away last time and disappeared, and I can't figure it out at all." "That's natural, because her four pillars and ten gods were also removed by me, and so was I." I can't figure it out, so I'm worried now. You don't have to blame yourself, Shang Wang. Although you did go too far in these things, you are a kind and righteous man, and I respect you, and no one is free from sages. In the past. There is no need to mention it, you and I will be brothers from now on. You can stay and go as you please after killing Yu Qian." Lu Yunzhi added more tea for everyone and then said. Shang Wan stood up, clasped his fists and bowed: "Your Majesty, please accept Shang Wan's bow." Lu Yunzhi quickly helped Shang Wan, pointed at Bai Yong and Dong De, and said: "There is no need to be so polite, we are the only ones here." There is no need to stick to this detail when we are together. Let me introduce you to Dong De, and the one you said is good at it is Bai Yong. You two should get closer together in the future. We must get to know each other when we work together. "Is that Ah Rong who accompanied Yang Shan to see me in the capital a few days ago and is also my lord's right-hand man?" Shang Wang asked. Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and replied: "Well, Ah Rong is also my brother. He used to be the domestic servant of Yang Shan's nephew Yang Zhun, and later they went on a mission to Wala together, so they naturally know Yang Shan. This time I want to find you. , I can only ask this weird old man Yang Shan to come forward, but I like him quite a lot. After Ah Rong met you, he went to Zhu Jianwen and informed him that he could take action now. I guess there should be someone on the ghost witch side. Once this is done, we will be one step closer to defeating Yu Qian." Lu Yunzhi told Shang Wan in detail about his arrangements for the vassals in various places. Shang Wan nodded and listened. After listening, he asked. He said: "Why do you trust me so much, my lord, and tell me the whole plan? Aren't you afraid that I will surrender?" Lu Yunzhi laughed loudly and said, "Don't be suspicious of people you employ, let alone those who have such clear love and hatred for Shang Luan." How can I have the nerve to hold back on such a bloody man?" After hearing this, Shang Wang bowed again and was very moved by Lu Yunzhi's trust, so he said: "What should I do next, my lord? Shang Wang is willing to be a pioneer to serve the Lord. "Let's not talk about it for now. I think you also know, Shang Huan. Chao Xing, the master of the Iron Sword Pulse, is my uncle, but he is also one of the Pulse Masters who carried out Yu Qian's orders. I am worried that you will be blamed for killing Senior Brother Du Hai. My uncle has some hatred and wants to ask you what you think today." Lu Yunzhi said. "A real man should be clear about his grudges. The real mastermind behind the scenes is Yu Qian. I can tell the difference clearly. Please don't worry, my lord." Although Shang Wan's voice has a harsh scream, this sentence is also said boldly. extremely. Bai Yong drank first and raised his tea cup and said, "I like you, Brother Shang Wang. Allow me, Bai Yong, to toast you." Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and said, "Let's have a drink together." Lu Yunzhi said He also raised his cup with Dong De, and the four of them drank the tea in a respectful manner. Lu Yunzhi thought for a while and said: "Shang Wang, you have to return to Yu Qian now. Although it is a bit dangerous, you can observe Yu Qian's movements and contain him. Don't take the risk to assassinate Yu Qian. You are not strong enough now." You will definitely be able to defeat him. Wait until the last moment to play your role." Shang Wu nodded and said, "It doesn't matter if it's dangerous, as long as I can avenge Du Hai, it's okay to lose my life. I'm worried that Yu Qian can figure out my movements and let my lord fall into his scheme. A few days ago, Yu Qian was a little suspicious of me. " "Yu Qian is very powerful, but he is not that powerful. Not three times better than you. He is a smart man and good at observing words and deeds. I think the suspicion a few days ago must be that there was something wrong with your words and deeds. I believe he will let down his guard if you pay more attention in the future. The messenger trapped in Wu's mirror flower image will fall into my hands. I don't even know about the Ancient Moon Cup and the Yongzheng Zhongzheng. Only people of the Zhongzheng lineage know these things," Lu Yunzhi said calmly. Shang Wan nodded and said: "I obey your lord's order. I will return to Yu Qian today. How can I contact your lord?" Dong De chuckled and said, "Our marching route must be hidden from the eyes and ears of others. Even we ourselves can't tell." No matter where you go tomorrow, you will naturally not be able to contact us. If the Lord contacts you, he will send me or Ah Rong to find you. Maybe you and I will see each other in the future." Dong De and Shang Wang smiled at each other. . Shang Wang then told Lu Yunzhi some of Yu Qian's recent actions that he knew about, including Yu Qian's recovery of more than a thousand people from heaven and earth and numerous border branches. After hearing this, Lu Yunzhi thought for a while and said: "So the people of heaven and earth are now under the command of Tan Qing, the pulse master of the Miao Gu lineage. This Tan Qing should have only become the pulse master in the past two years. I have no respect for herDon't know anything about the situation. But from your description, she is not very old. At such a young age, a woman can actually assume the power of commanding the other three branches and commanding more than a thousand people from various ethnic minorities. This Tan Qing must not be a fool. I believe that she will see Yu Qian's trick of burning bridges across the river. I hope Yu Qian will shoot himself in the foot this time. I hope I am right this time. However, Yu Qian is definitely not someone to be underestimated. It is really not easy for him to hide so deeply and destroy the Zhongzheng family. Although I hope he fails, I think he should have other countermeasures. " At this moment, there was a loud sound of horse hooves. Everyone looked around and saw an airbending master riding his horse to the grass pavilion. The airbending master got off his horse and took out a carrier pigeon from his arms. The airbender handed the carrier pigeon to him. To Lu Yunzhi, I saw a small leather bag on the pigeon's leg. Lu Yunzhi took off the leather bag, opened the bag and looked at it for a few times, then said with a wry smile: "People can't help but say, you see Yu Qian's actions start . "As he spoke, Lu Yunzhi spread the note on the table, and Shang Huan, Dong De, and Bai Yong looked over. There were a few lines written on the note: Meng He was killed, and he was assassinated first, and his brother Boyan was also preceded. After Timur died, the situation in Wala was in chaos. Shang Wang was surprised and said: "Who did this? Lu Yunzhi asked back: "I think there must be a traitor. Otherwise, how could he be killed so easily if he and Boyan Timur divided their forces first and both had military power? How could it be so easy for Meng He, the leader of the ghost witch leader?" Killed? Shang Wang, have you ever met other Mongolians when you were around Yu Qian before? " Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 29: Change of Plan Shang Wang shook his head, then paused suddenly, and said as if he remembered something: "There is indeed a Mongolian who met us in the cellar of a small shop on the outskirts of the capital after he was defeated in the capital. This man I reported all the movements of the Mongolian ghost witch to Yu Qian, but the man had his face covered and his voice was deliberately artificial. I couldn't identify him, but his arms were wide and he was thick but not tall. " " It seems that this person is the one who is hindering us. Our plan to suppress the border with northern Xinjiang troops seems to have failed, and Yu Qian has captured my army again," Lu Yunzhi said meaningfully. His voice paused for a while, and then he ordered Dong De: "Dong De, go to Jiujiang Mansion to see Zhu Jianwen quickly, and then explain the current situation and ask Zhu Jianwen to take action immediately, and then go to Nanjing with Arong to make arrangements. Matters. We will meet in Bazhou later, and you can leave now without further ado." Dong De answered with a fist in his hand, jumped on one of the four horses tied outside the pavilion, and drove away. "Bazhou." Shang Wang thought thoughtfully. Lu Yunzhi pointed to the horses outside the pavilion and said: "There is one in Shang Huan left for you. All the food and supplies are ready. You can run back to the capital quickly and don't let Yu Qian be suspicious. Shang Huan, Bazhou Is this place very familiar? We fought our first counterattack in Bazhou, but when Yu Qian's heavy troops approached, we failed and fled, and we went to Jiujiang Prefecture. To this day, I will still be in Bazhou two months later. Launch an attack on Beijing to avenge the shame of the past." Shang Wang smiled sheepishly. It was Shang Wang and others who chased Lu Yunzhi and Fang Qingze into Bazhou City. Lu Yunzhi also smiled and said: "Go quickly, see you later, Shang Wang. When the time comes to kill the enemy, let us resolve all the grievances with Jiu Yanhuan." Shang Wang clasped his fists and said, "Lord, Shang Wang has resigned." After saying that, he also went out, untied the reins and got on the horse. Lu Yunzhi looked at Bai Yong beside him and asked: "Now there are only two brothers, you and me. Bai Yong, if you don't attack Bazhou, how sure are you that you can directly attack the capital." Bai Yong thought for a moment. He replied: "I feel 70% sure. The city defense of Beijing is extremely strong. In addition, as Shang Wang said just now, some people from heaven and earth have defected to Yu Qian. Naturally, it will be more difficult to attack the city. The most important thing is that no matter how much troops the capital sends to support, it will be difficult to attack the city." In the northwest, after the threat of the ghost witches in northern Xinjiang is lifted, there will still be a large number of troops to protect the capital, not to mention the fifth military camp and the Bei Cao Army, so I think that if we attack the capital overnight, I am 70% sure that we will be successful. "You've made progress, you're not as arrogant as before," Lu Yunzhi praised, Bai Yong looked happy, and Lu Yunzhi changed the subject and said, "But let me tell you, we are 10% sure now. No." Bai Yong was shocked and asked, "Why did my lord say this?" Lu Yunzhi said, "Our original plan was to attack the capital directly and attack Huanglong with lightning speed. But now you say. Why should I conquer Bazhou first and then plan for the future? That's precisely because our chances of winning are very slim now. Yu Qian is indeed Yu Qian. You just said that the power of Northern Xinjiang will be destroyed. Some defenders are enough, let alone sending troops to rescue. With such strength, it will be difficult for us to capture the capital, and we may be surrounded by more defenders. " "If you are Yu Qian, you have more than a thousand troops. Although the strength of these Heaven and Earth people varies, they are still much more powerful than ordinary soldiers. In this situation, what will you do, stay in the capital or attack the enemy?" Lu Yunzhi asked Bai. Brave. Bai Yong frowned for a moment and replied: "If it were me, I would definitely divide these people into two groups." "Let's talk about it." Lu Yunzhi said with interest. "Among the thousands of people, there are bound to be those with higher strength and those with weaker abilities. The weaker ones are used to guard the capital and important checkpoints. With the help of favorable conditions such as the city wall and terrain, even if they are weak in ability, they will be effective against the enemy. Although the team composed of stronger people has fewer people, it can move faster and bring less military supplies. This is conducive to large-scale operations throughout the country. King, now the bandits in shops from various places are starting to cause chaos under the instructions of Fang Qingze, and the vassal kings from various places are asking the court for help. Yu Qian naturally knows their thoughts and cannot give them troops to prevent them from taking away the military power. However, the vassal kings are left alone. There is nothing wrong with recruiting troops to suppress the bandits by yourself. If you send the rebellious Tiandi people to attack the vassal king at this time, you will definitely be charged with conspiracy to endanger the world. It is equivalent to adding fire to the flag of the Qing Dynasty. I don¡¯t think Yu Qian will do this. So although Zhu Jianwen's Qinwang army is not strong, there is no danger. At the same time, General Qu's troops are stronger and have more generals. The problem is that General Qu has not launched an attack yet, and he is in a dangerous situation. Annan State, attacking General Qu rashly is equivalent to declaring war with Annan State, so Yu Qian will not fight." Bai Yong explained. Lu Yunzhi nodded approvingly and poured tea for Bai Yong. Bai Yong took it with both hands, moistened his throat with a smile and continued: "And we are marching very fast, and the location is not the same.?, they couldn't find us even if they tried to look for us, and I think Yu Qian might not even know about the joining of our airbending masters. Even so, my lord, the army you initially formed is very powerful. In short, Yu Qian couldn't figure out the situation of our team and couldn't send anyone to stop it. Therefore, the only team with a clear location, relatively weak strength, and no actions under the banner of justice were the mercenaries led by the lord's second brother, the second master Fang Qingze. Therefore, if it were me, I would definitely fight Fang Qingze first. " "well said! Lu Yunzhi clapped his hands and shouted, "There are no fools in the world. You are not stupid, I am not stupid, Yu Qian is not stupid, and Tan Qing, the leader of the Miao Gu lineage he appointed, is not a fool either." "So what's your plan?" "Bai Yong was a little confused. "My second brother Fang Qingze not only has mercenaries and my uncle Chao Xing, but also the ghost-eating tribe led by Leopard. These ghost-eating tribes are very skilled, not much worse than your airbending masters, and even more valuable. The good thing is that they also have ways to deal with ghosts. Yu Qian will attack the northwest, disintegrate one party's forces, and gradually conquer it from weak to strong, just as you assumed. I'm a little worried about my second brother, but I believe he will be fine. With the ghost-eating tribe like Leopard around, those people won't take much advantage even if they have gathered several elites. Tan Qing would not die with his second brother Baozi and others in the northwest. This would be of no benefit to them, and all they wanted was to protect themselves. I will find her as soon as possible and have a talk with her, maybe we can find a breakthrough. Lu Yunzhi said confidently. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 30: No Choice "Then what to do next?" Bai Yong was very curious, and the overall plan changed as Lu Yunzhi and Yu Qian fought with each other, and the intrigues changed. Lu Yunzhi smiled and said: "If Tan Qing and I can't come to an agreement, then I don't need to make more enemies. It's a good choice to persuade them to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. After all, they have too many people and their strength is quite impressive. , it is a critical moment for me and Yu Qian to fight. Whoever can get this precious force will have an extra chance of winning, so it is a good choice to let them give up attacking us and sit back and watch the success or failure. Even so, I'm still confident that Tan Qing will help me. It's up to you, Nightmare, to come out and meet my good brother Bai Yong." Lu Yunzhi said, stretching out a sword from his chest. This brilliance kept flowing, and a human-shaped black shadow emerged from Lu Yunzhi's body. Lu Yunzhi said: "Nightmare, you should be able to speak directly now. I remember you can do it outside Samarkand." "No need to waste words, of course. Bai Yong, I am Nightmare." Nightmare changes Bai Yong was shocked as he spoke in a tone of voice. He had heard of the evil spirit in Lu Yunzhi before, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful. A chill suddenly hit him, and the strong sense of oppression made Bai Yong feel uncomfortable all over. He couldn't help but tense up, and subconsciously ignited two balls of golden light from his fists. Lu Yunzhi pressed Bai Yong's shoulder, and a warm feeling spread into Bai Yong's heart. Bai Yong knew that Lu Yunzhi must have used the method of controlling Qi. With a rush of warmth, Bai Yong's nervousness calmed down, and Lu Yunzhi said softly: "Relax Bai Yong, Nightmare and I are in the same spirit, and we won't hurt you." Nightmare smiled obediently and said: "What are you afraid of? I often hear Lu Yunzhi praising you in his heart that you are the best warrior in the world. You are not afraid of anything." When Bai Yong heard this, he was elated and felt a little embarrassed about his gaffe just now. Lu Yunzhi said: "If Tan Qing doesn't cooperate with me by then, Nightmare will confuse her with dreams to achieve the results we want." "If my second brother Fang Qingze doesn't move smoothly, he will come to the capital to support me. You only need to notify his shop to contact him. Secondly, Zhu Jianwen will also lead the Qinwang soldiers to gather from various places near the capital under the banner of Qingjun. . We captured Bazhou one month in advance, and holding on to the city is not a problem. When the imperial court sends troops to stop the big brother's army, we can attack on two fronts, and let King Qin's soldiers contain it, and we will definitely win." Lu Yunzhi. After telling a series of arrangements, he breathed a sigh of relief. After saying that, Lu Yunzhi stood up, patted Bai Yong and said: "Now let's hold the troops still. Let us go and kill the soldiers properly and hide them in the mountains for half a month. There is a long way to go, Bai Yong, please." "Bai Yong will definitely try his best," Bai Yong said, cupping his fists. Lu Yunzhi picked up the package containing the Guyue Cup and other items, and the nightmare also got back into Lu Yunzhi's body. The two of them got on the last two horses and galloped towards the wilderness where the army was stationed more than ten miles away. In Prince Wu's Mansion in Jiujiang, Zhu Jianwen was walking back and forth in the house. Zhu Qixiang was also frowning and sighed, "Jianwen, please don't walk back and forth. It makes me dizzy." Zhu Jianwen stopped and looked at Zhu Qi. Xiang said: "Father, today I ordered to send out troops to clear out the bandits, and then recruit new soldiers. When the soldiers are strong, let Fang Qingze's shopkeepers come forward to make the fishermen and salt traders pretending to be rebellious surrender. After that, Qingjun's actions can begin." We must not let losses happen again. If we delay it any longer, it may be detrimental to the outcome of the war." Zhu Qixiang still frowned with a bitter look on his face, then scratched his head and said, "But now Fang Qingze has sent a report of defeat, Lu. Yun Zhi also sent someone to send news that the situation is unfavorable. With Yu Qian's action, the two lines of attack have been hindered. Do you think we willeven if our vassal king does this? If we are successful, can we win the final victory? When Yu Qian takes care of Lu Yunzhi and the others, we will be the ones to be destroyed next. " "Fang Qingze's side is just a normal battle. There are some problems, nothing like what we imagined. It's just success, not defeat. Father, do you think Yu Qian doesn't know what you are doing now? Why are you hesitant at the critical moment? Once Lu Yunzhi fails, no one else will be killed. It's still you, father." Zhu Jianwen walked quickly to Zhu Qixiang and said with a serious face. Zhu Qixiang was still deep in thought and then muttered: "Do you think it would be better for us to surrender to Yu Qian now, and then look for another opportunity?" Zhu Jianwen roared, and then said emotionally: "Father, You have been in power for many years, don't you understand what kind of person Yu Qian is? He is a loyal minister, and he only has the Ming Dynasty in his heart. He will uproot anyone or anything that hinders the stability of the country. Hiding is his usual tactic. Since the Zhongzheng lineage was destroyed, our father has made a series of counterattacks in order to protect ourselves. We have already announced our relationship with Yu?Opposition. In addition, we later entangled forces to impeach him, including our secret recruitment of troops and privately forging weapons, which Yu Qian must have noticed. At this time, running away from the battlefield and seeking refuge with Yu Qian would not only make him unable to be the pillar of the country in his mind, but also not bring him temporary peace. At that time, our allies will think that we are just outsiders, and no one will dare to make friends with us. In the end, they will be weak and will be wiped out by Yu Qian soon. Father, give the order. " "Wen'er, my child, it's not his father's fault. My father is getting old, and the older he gets, the less courageous he becomes. You are right. In the officialdom, one can observe what is happening and believe that those who understand current affairs are heroes. But if you want to start a rebellion, there is no other choice. Either you will succeed or you will be killed. So just do what you say. From now on, I will be responsible for contacting the feudal kings and dealing with the court officials. I will leave it to you young people to lead the troops to fight. Don't let me down. Whether you and I, father and son, will be famous forever or remain infamy for eternity depends on this battle. "Zhu Qixiang looked at Zhu Jianwen with sincere words and said. Zhu Jianwen knelt down on one knee and said: "Jianwen will always follow his father and help him complete his great cause. "Zhu Qixiang smiled slightly, and his brows finally relaxed: "You are not only doing it for the great cause, but also for the brotherhood of your Zhongzheng lineage. I remember that you always emphasized that your name was Zhu Jianwen, not Zhu Jianwen. But now, I have become accustomed to the name Zhu Jianwen, and it is even more difficult to let go of the friendship between you and me. " Zhu Jianwen felt a little embarrassed after hearing this, and then said: "Father, I will go down and deliver the order first. "Zhu Qixiang nodded. Zhu Jianwen stood up and walked towards the door, but he heard Zhu Qixiang say lightly behind him: "If you want to control the power of the world, brotherhood must be regarded as shit. "Zhu Jianwen didn't look back. He was shocked and stepped on the spot. After a while, he quickly walked out of the door. Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 31: The Smoke of War Is Lit At the end of the fourth year of Jingtai's reign, salt merchants and traders from all over the country went into chaos. The 19th vassal kings took advantage of the order of suppressing bandits to mobilize their troops. The true nature of the vassal kings in various places was completely exposed. In just over ten days, the recruitment document was quickly submitted to the court. According to the document, each vassal king originally only had a Qinwang army of more than a hundred people, but now the one with the smallest strength has more than a thousand people. The King of Wu, Zhu Qi, was still very strong, and the number of King Qin's soldiers was as many as 14,000. The imperial court was unable to stop it and did not send troops to help. It only issued an imperial edict to encourage the vassal kings to suppress the bandits with peace of mind and not to engage in other evil ideas. One month later, the total number of Qinwang troops in various places reached 80,000. They were fully equipped with weapons and sufficient food and grass. They could not be prepared in just a few days. Three days later, the rebellious parties in various places were subdued at the same time, and they all surrendered to the vassal kings. Nineteen vassal kings jointly signed a letter, saying that the turmoil in the world was all caused by the holy light, and there must be villains causing trouble. Then he held high the name of Qingjun and marched towards the capital in a mighty manner. The other vassal kings who had not made any move also joined him when they saw this scene. Most of these vassal kings were just idle kings without soldiers, and they had not made any other preparations. They only brought their servants to join the Qing army. Some of these vassal kings wanted to use this opportunity to gain fame and overcome their desolate situation, while others were worried that when the 19th vassal kings passed through the areas under their jurisdiction, they would destroy Guo through fake means. At that time, the position of the vassal king will not be guaranteed, and the family property will be confiscated, the slaves will be confiscated, the wives and daughters will be turned into official prostitutes. They are worried about this, so they also take the banner of the Qingjun side and join the army. In February of the fifth year of Jingtai, the imperial court received a secret report that a total of twenty-eight vassal princes were involved in the rebellion. The main force among them is still the previous 19th vassal kings, and the rest are just a collection of heads. The troops on the side of the Qing emperor expanded rapidly, and the number of troops of each vassal king increased to 100,000. Collectively known as King Qin Qingjun's side Kuang Fuyi Army, Zhu Qixiang was appointed as the commander-in-chief of King Qin's army, Zhu Jianwen was appointed as the left deputy commander-in-chief of King Qin's army, and King Min Zhu Qigang was appointed as the right deputy commander-in-chief of King Qin's army. King Qin¡¯s army was divided into two groups. One group was led by Zhu Qixiang and Zhu Jianwen. Sixteen of the nineteen groups were the main vassal kings. They divided their troops into multiple routes and marched towards Beijing. The imperial court ordered to stop, but it was ineffective. So Yu Qian sent troops to destroy them, but the officialdom colluded and they all slacked off and refused to fight. The Qinwang soldiers on this road kept advancing northward and won repeated battles. Yu Qian killed the four generals who refused to attack, replaced his confidants and went to supervise the battle, and mobilized the troops in Hebei, Henan, and Shandong to prepare for the war. By now, his strength was greatly improved, and he was integrated with the Qin Wang army of each vassal king. The battle situation was tense and it was difficult for King Qin's troops to attack, and a few feudal princes were already thinking of withdrawing their troops. At this moment, a cavalry team of more than 2,000 people appeared and disappeared, interspersed between the battlefields, and rapidly advanced northward. The imperial court was defeated wherever it passed. King Qin's soldiers called this army the heavenly soldiers. In March of the fifth year of Jingtai, these heavenly soldiers appeared one after another in the battlefields of Henan and Shandong. Often when the two armies were fighting, this army would rush out one after another. They were not seen carrying heavy siege weapons, but they attacked the city like a fortress. Walking on flat ground. Someone has seen that the general led by him was a handsome boy of 16 years old. When he attacked the city, his fists were shining with golden light, and many cavalry behind him were doing the same. The city gate burst instantly, and the team was destroyed in just a few cups of tea. Capture the city, and then quickly disappear into the mountains without a trace. Looking at the city guarded by the imperial court, it has already lost its fighting power, and they threw away their helmets and armor as a sign of surrender. This mysterious cavalry was rumored more and more, and some even said that this army wiped out tens of thousands of people in an instant. Of course, these were all rumors and did not actually happen. It was just because of the appearance of this team of more than 2,000 people that King Qin's army His prestige was shaken, his confidence was restored, and he fought more bravely. The reports of the imperial court's defeats came one after another. At the same time, rumors spread among the people, saying that Yu Qian was an evil star who deceived the emperor's favor, so the world was in chaos. Only the loyal soldiers of Qin Wang's army who took refuge with the Qing emperor could find peace. Later, it was reported that the world was about to be destroyed. If one did not join King Qin's army, his family would be destroyed, and there would be a bloody disaster soon. The entire territory of the Ming Dynasty had been integrated for a long time, and naturally there were heavy casualties every day. Some unbelievers happened to die in battle, either from random arrows or from diseases, so this legend became more and more popular. There was a wandering sorcerer who saved all sentient beings, avoided disasters, cured illnesses, and saved people. He had many disciples and widely publicized the idea of ??joining King Qin's army. The people respected this sorcerer as Wu Tianshi, and they burned incense and worshiped him every day in order to seek peace. There were tens of thousands of disciples who believed in Wu Tianshi all over the country. Under this kind of advocacy, the number of King Qin soldiers increased day by day, and people joined in one after another. What is even more distinctive is that all followers of Wu Tianshi must have a swastika painted on their backs, claiming to be invulnerable and therefore brave in battle. There is also a legend that if there are casualties, it is not because what Wu Tianshi said is wrong or the runes do not work, it is because the heart is not sincere, and the people believe it. There are always those who are lucky enough to fight bravely and take the lead in several battles, but remain unscathed. The people believe Wu Tianshi's words even more, and more and more people join King Qin's army due to word of mouth. In this case, Zhu Qiyu, Yu Qian and even the entire court were having a big headache, and people in the capital were also panicking. After Yu Qian heard about the heavenly soldiers and the folk legends about the Qing Dynasty and the destruction of the world, he quickly responded and sent merchants to picket the capital and nearby believers who spread rumors. Once caught, they would be executed without mercy. He also dispatched the Three Thousand Battalion and the Shenji Battalion among the three major battalions in the capital to send troops to the battlefield in Henan and Shandong. According to the description, Yu Qian judged that this heavenly army might be composed of people from heaven and earth, so he sent a lone wolf.Pulse, the beast-driving line, the Wuchou line to help, and the master of the living spirit line was sent to supervise the army. Yu Qian ordered that as long as the so-called heavenly soldiers are seen, they must be destroyed at all costs, and the snake will be beaten seven inches away to capture the thief and the king. As soon as the heavenly soldiers are destroyed, the belief in the heart of King Qin's army will be shattered. Later, Yu Qian also found Cheng Fangdong, who had now proclaimed himself the leader of the Zhongzheng line. Yu Qian acquiesced and asked Zhu Qiyu to order the canonization of the Zhongzheng line to recognize Cheng Fangdong's identity as the leader. Cheng Fangdong was overjoyed. After a long conversation with Yu Qian, Cheng Fangdong took the order to search for the so-called Wu Tianshi outside the capital. It was inferred that Wu Tianshi was most likely to be disguised by Wu Hao. After Yu Qian¡¯s series of big moves, King Qin¡¯s army encountered corresponding obstacles, and their victories turned into defeats. Finally, King Qin's army stopped attacking and turned to defense. They held on to the city they had captured. Although news of defeat still came, the entire battle situation was considered to be at a stalemate. Zhu Jianwen was a bit worried about the joining of the traitors from the Three Meridians of Heaven and Earth. Zhu Qixian was now apparently the commander-in-chief, but everyone knew that the real command of King Qin's army was in Zhu Jianwen's hands. Zhu Jianwen couldn't sleep at night and often slept in his armor. He had no way to deal with the attacks of the traitors from heaven and earth. He could only rely on his meager strength to order people to set up some large formations to stop them. However, although the Lone Wolf line, the Beast Expelling line, and the Five Chou lineage were not strong, they had large numbers, and the temporary formations set up under the strong attack had little effect. What Zhu Jianwen wanted to see most at this time was the "Heavenly Soldiers", but this army seemed to have disappeared and had not appeared for a long time. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 32: High Mount Cavalry King Qin's army was defeated by the traitors of the Heaven and Earth people and the imperial reinforcements. So Zhu Jianwen ordered that all the vassal kings gathered in Shandong to gather their troops and fight to the death, waiting for the imperial court to prepare the army and two of the three battalions later. Reinforcements, wanting to concentrate their forces for a showdown. In the northwest, Fang Qingze suffered heavy losses. Although he caused turmoil in the northwest, he failed to attract large troops to come for reinforcements. In addition, Chao Xing was still in a coma and could only be fed with soup and water. He was given many precious medicinal herbs to kill him. After being sent to the Murong Family for consultation, there was still no improvement. Therefore, after discussing with Bao Zi, Fang Qingze decided to go to Beijing and wait until he met Lu Yun to ask him to think of some ways to see if he could revive Chao Xing. Fang Qingze did not encounter any obstacles along the way, because the vassal king had already wiped out most of the local defenders when he rebelled. In addition, Leopard's tribe had extraordinary martial arts, so they were invincible in every attack and marched extremely fast. At the end of March in the fifth year of Jingtai, when Fang Qingze Baozi and others traveled to Shanxi, they discovered a large number of troops coming from the imperial court. In order not to cause unnecessary casualties, they detoured to Shandong and wanted to go north from Shandong to find Lu Yunzhi near Beijing. King Qin's army has two deputy commanders, and there are also two groups of soldiers and horses attacking the imperial court. One is the main force led by Zhu Jianwen, while the deputy commander of King Qin's army who is in charge of command is Zhu Qigang, Wu Hao's master Yan Gua lineage Pulse master. This group of soldiers and horses, including Zhu Qigang, a polished general, was only three vassal kings, and there were a total of six people who later surrendered to the vassal kings. The force was also very weak. There were only more than 2,000 people, and most of them were old, weak, sick and disabled who were not well trained. . The Ministry of War in Nanjing launched several large armies to hunt down Zhu Qigang's Qinwang soldiers, but they fled and did not come into contact with them. Nanjing asked for orders to flank Zhu Jianwen's Qinwang soldiers, but Yu Qian refused, claiming that Nanjing would not move its troops and would stay behind to prepare to resist Qu Xiangtian's army. Just when the Nanjing Ministry of War was laughing at Yu Qian's misjudgment, Qu Xiangtian took action. Just as Yu Qian expected, Qu Xiangtian was so powerful that he led an army of 60,000 from Annan State to the gates of Nanjing. It only took two months and a normal march. The speed is about the same. When Zhu Qigang's King Qin army joined forces with Qu Xiangtian, Qu Xiangtian also took the banner of the Qing emperor and began a fierce attack on Nanjing. Nanjing has abundant troops, sufficient food and grass, and extremely strong city defenses. It is well prepared for a protracted war and firmly blocks Qu Xiangtian's army in the south. In fact, Qu Xiangtian could have bypassed Nanjing and attacked Beijing directly, but if he did so, he would be easily attacked from both sides and surrounded by Yu Qian, so conquering Nanjing was the only way. In early April of the fifth year of Jingtai, on a high hill outside Bazhou City, a mysterious team of more than two thousand people quietly looked at the city in front of them, as if it was a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. The team was silent, hidden in the darkness. The only ones that shined brightly were the cold-gleaming swords and the eyes of the cavalry, with endless killing intent in their eyes. In front of the team, a handsome man with slightly white temples stood on a horse, with a sword hanging from his waist and a riding whip in his hand. He was wearing a green gown. Under the moonlight, the thin but tall figure showed the true qualities of a man with a strong sword and an iron horse. The weather in April was already a bit sultry, and the wind was blowing as if it had been roasted on a fire, making people want to move. The handsome man pointed at the Bazhou City in front of him with his riding crop, turned his head and said to a young man with good-looking features next to him: "Bai Yong, do you think the attack was too smooth in the past few days? Look at this Bazhou City. Is there an ambush?" It turns out that one of these two people is Lu Yunzhi and the other is Bai Yong, the commander of the cavalry. For several months, this cavalry team was invincible, interspersed between various battlefields, and the attack was extremely smooth. Later, it attracted a large number of rebellious Tiandi Renhe Shenji Battalion and the Three Thousand Battalion to come to the rescue. After that, Lu Yunzhi ordered to march at night and hide in the day. Although the speed of the march in the mountains was slowed down, fortunately, this army was mostly composed of light cavalry and did not carry much baggage, but it was still very fast. So this group of people quietly left the battlefields in Henan and Shandong, and arrived in Bazhou, not far from the capital, without anyone noticing. Bai Yong thought for a moment after listening to Lu Yunzhi's question and replied: "It is indeed possible, but even if they set an ambush, we are not afraid. After all, most of the traitors from Heaven and Earth have been sent to Shandong. "Besides, this Bazhou is just a small town, how can it be guarded by a heavy army?" "Bai Yong, you underestimate the enemy again, and you will suffer a big loss in the long run. Don't forget that there is still a line of information according to Shang Wang. If no one shows up, it is the Miao Gu lineage. Your Fengbo Village is located in Guangxi, and it is a neighbor of the Miao Gu lineage. Even Guangxi has disciples of the Miao Gu lineage. You should not be unfamiliar with them." Lu Yunzhi. Said softly. Bai Yong nodded and sighed: "The Miao Gu lineage is indeed powerful, but I have always known very little about Fengbo Village. I only know that we had a fierce battle with them when we first arrived in Guangxi. Later, their lineage leader Qiaoli The Hua Niang came to ask for an explanation, but they started fighting over a disagreement. This Gyaa Hua Niang was extremely powerful. She fought with my Grand Master for three days and three nights. In the end, the Gyaa Hua Niang was seriously injured and retreated.? Grand Master Taizu was also poisoned. Although he recovered on his own, he was so angry that he became a disabled person. Later, the master came from outside and was accepted as a close disciple by the Taishizu. He learned the art of controlling Qi from scratch and quickly surpassed many of his fellow apprentices, and finally inherited the mantle of the Taishizu. However, the Miao Gu lineage still harbored a grudge. Gya'a Hua Niang's daughter, Gyaa Nongbu, came to seek revenge on the master and beat her until she was helpless, so the Miao Gu lineage no longer dared to provoke Fengbo Village. " Lu Yunzhi looked at Bai Yong with interest and said, "Who is this Tan Qing now? You have never heard of him? Bai Yong shook his head and said: "My lord, you also said that she should have only become the pulse master in the past two years. You don't know Bai Yong, let alone Bai Yong." However, in the Miao Gu lineage, the person with the surname Qiu has always been the leader, and I don¡¯t know how Tan Qing can become the leader. It¡¯s really strange. " "Well, but I really don't know the past events of Fengbo Village. It's really interesting to hear you talk about it today. Tell me about it later. I have only seen the names of the disciples you mentioned from the Miao Gu lineage to the Zhongzheng lineage every year. Now that I think about it, I really have no impression of this Tan Qing, so I infer that she has been in the past few years. Be the master of the upper channel. They are good at using poison, and most of their disciples are women, known locally as grass hags. I don't know much else about them. "Lu Yunzhi said. "Then my lord, you mean that Miao Gu's lineage may be guarding Bazhou City? Bai Yong asked, Lu Yunzhi nodded slightly. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 33: Counselor Tan Qing Bai Yong looked at Bazhou City in the distance of Gaogang, and then said to Lu Yunzhi: "My lord, I will send a few sentries to investigate first. If there is nothing suspicious, we will attack at night and capture it quickly. You see "How?" Lu Yunzhi did not answer immediately, turned over and dismounted, stretched his muscles, and then said loudly: "It has always been the brothers who go into battle to kill the enemy. As the lord, I have not lived up to my expectations. Today, let me Come explore the way for all the warriors." As he spoke, Lu Yunzhi's green robe seemed to be blown by the wind. He raised his arms, and countless black ghosts sprayed out from his sleeves, carrying gusts of sinister wind towards him. Go to Bazhou City. Lu Yunzhi didn't say anything. He completely used his determination and it took him a cup of tea to release all the ghosts. There were countless ghosts, and everyone was stunned in admiration. A large number of ghosts were densely floating towards Bazhou City. Bai Yong said with admiration: "My lord, you are not investigating. There is no problem in capturing Bazhou City." Lu Yunzhi opened his eyes at this time and said with a smile. : "Sure enough, the Miao Gu lineage is in Bazhou City. The three-mile radius of Bazhou City is covered with Gu insects and Gu instruments. Wait for me to break them." In a house in Bazhou City, there was a brightly lit banquet. At the banquet, more than ten bewitching-looking women were sitting in the room, and the most charming woman was sitting in a high position in the middle. She suddenly looked mature, gorgeous, fiery and unrestrained, and when he looked carefully, he suddenly realized that she was not very old. Bai Yong is the same age, she is just a girl. It's just that she wears heavy makeup and has those deliberately seductive eyes that make her look much older. This group of women were holding a jar and drinking wine. There were many herbs and insects soaked in the wine. They looked very bold. Everything they did was worthy of their Miao costumes. Everything was different from Han women but had a different flavor. A woman sitting down said to the woman sitting high in the hall: "Pulse Master, why did Yu Qian let us guard the small city of Bazhou? The other branches are rushing to the battlefield, and our contributions will be small when they have repeatedly made military exploits and will be rewarded in the future. "The other woman said angrily: "Is it possible that Yu Qian, our master, can do anything? We didn't follow Yu Qian's arrangements in the northwest. He must have resented us, so he left us alone." The women were whispering to each other, shouting and cursing one after another. The woman on the high seat was Tan Qing, the leader of the Miao Gu lineage. Tan Qing said softly: "I asked to be stationed in Bazhou." All the women in the seats muted their voices for a moment, and the room was completely silent. After a while, everyone was silent. Asked: "Why?" Tan Qing put away his charming look and said calmly: "Are you sure that Yu Qian will win? We are relying on Yu Qian. One is that we can't understand how the form will develop. The other is It is better to surrender first to see how the situation develops. Now that the world is in chaos, even if we occupy the border areas, we will be implicated. If Yu Qian wins, he will definitely turn his back on us. If we defect to the Zhongzheng lineage early, Yu Qian may attack us first. At that time, the resistance of the Zhongzheng lineage had not yet been revealed, and we did not know whether we could be saved, so it was safest to submit to Yu Qian at that time. It would have been nice if Yu Qian repaid his kindness, but we, the Miao Gu lineage, are not that kind of people. We have always refused to obey the control of the court and helped the tribesmen around us to riot, so once the people of heaven and earth led by Lu Yunzhi lose, we will soon repeat the mistakes of the Zhongzheng lineage." A woman saw Tan Qing's words and said: " But Yu Qian is the imperial court, and the resistance forces led by Lu Yunzhi are rebels. They will not be able to reward us, recognize our existence, and protect our peace in the future. " Tan Qing snorted and said, "Ignorance, the winner has been the winner since ancient times. It doesn't matter who is the king, who is the imperial court, whoever truly holds the power and wins the final victory is what we need to rely on. Our Miao Gu lineage only has the support of the Yungui tribes, and it is even more difficult to develop and grow under the constraints of sect rules. No matter who wins, we are the weaker side. Compared with Yu Qian and Lu Yunzhi, I think it is more appropriate to join Lu Yunzhi. They are disciples of the Zhongzheng lineage, and they are not like Yu Qian who wantonly kills people from all walks of life. " " Then let¡¯s quickly join the Zhongzheng lineage,¡± another woman next to us said. "Yu Qian is not stupid. He will naturally not let us out and give us a chance to rebel and join Lu Yunzhi and other remaining disciples of the Zhongzheng lineage. Although the situation of the war is not yet clear, the confrontation has been determined. At this time, it depends on who is more skilled. The heavenly troops that were rumored on the battlefield recently were a force preparing to attack the capital. According to the description, I concluded that it was composed of people from heaven and earth, so he stood firm in the capital and provided reinforcements. At that time, he kept a large number of the Fifth Army Camp in Beijing. At the same time, he also valued Bazhou. Since Yu Qian did not want us to rebel on the battlefield, in order to prevent Yu Qian from attacking us in advance, we stayed under his nose. Bazhou." Tan Qing said. Seeing some doubts in the eyes of everyone, Tan Qing continued: "Bazhou is very close to Beijing, and the south is Shandong, the main battlefield where the feudal kings and the imperial court fight. The west is okay.Baoding is the gateway to the capital city, and to the east it can also serve as a barrier for the military center of Tianjin. The most important thing is that Bazhou is sandwiched between Beijing, Tianjin, and Baoding. If we rebel against them now, they can easily annihilate us. Only when Lu Yun's troops approach the city will we have a good opportunity. " The women replied: "The pulse master is wise. Tan Qing smiled and asked: "How do you think we should open the city and surrender?" " Several women chattered and laughed. Some said that they would be entertained with fine wines and delicacies. Some said that if there were warriors, they could have a kiss with them. Some also talked about unsightly things about sleeping in bed. The Miao women were indeed "generous." ". Tan Qing shook his head and said loudly: "No, we want to fight. We will fight with Lu Yunzhi. The longer the fight, the better. Yu Qian will send troops to help us, and we can wait for an opportunity to control part of the military power. If the person in charge of the army refuses to obey, then it¡¯s time to test our ability to cast poison. Another reason is that if Kaicheng surrenders immediately, we will not be taken seriously even if we are on the side of the rebels. Only when we show our strength in battle will they take us seriously. When we are inextricably linked, we will not be taken seriously. Negotiate submission again. Firstly, we can make them remember our goodness, and secondly, we can also gain more benefits through negotiation. Most of the Zhongzheng people are benevolent and righteous people who will definitely keep their promises. They are always more reliable than Yu Qian. The most important thing is that I want to meet these heroes for a while and see if I, a woman, can stand out from the crowd. " Tan Qing's expression suddenly changed as he spoke. He took out a small jar from his arms, opened the lid and put his ears on it. His expression changed slightly and he said, "They are here, so fast. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 34: Soldiers Arrive at the City Secret Thirteen 34_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 34: The troops are approaching the city. Tan Qing leaned down again, listened to the small jar for a while, and said in shock: "They seem to be many in number, and they are fast. Soon, the first layer of our peripheral Gu formation was destroyed." A Miao Gu disciple exclaimed: "How is this possible? There are not only Gu weapons but also Gu insects on the first layer, the number of which is at least several thousand. There are countless people crawling around in the ground. How could they break it so quickly and silently? "It's possible that they used a large number of ghosts to break the formation and gathered all the disciples at the west city gate. No matter who comes, I will fight for a while. Remember, this battle can only be won but not defeated, otherwise we will be in a passive situation and we will have no bargaining chips if we lose." Tan Qing said. The women of the Miao family answered yes, and then went out to gather the disciples. A moment later, more than two hundred female disciples of Miao Gu's lineage gathered at the west gate of Bazhou. Tan Qing stood on top of the city, with several of her right-hand assistants standing beside her. Her face was a little heavy and her body was trembling slightly, because she knew that the group of people below the city could not be easily dealt with. At the foot of Bazhou City, Lu Yunzhi was in front, Bai Yong was behind, and followed by more than two thousand cavalry. From top to bottom, they were so strong and majestic with a hint of murderous intent. Between Lu Yunzhi and Bazhou, there are countless ghosts and spirits. They are constantly crushing the Gu instruments and Gu insects on the road, and rummaging in the ground. From time to time, the deeply buried Gu instruments are broken. The sound came. In front of the dense crowd of ghosts and spirits, the Gu formation set up by Tan Qing was so vulnerable. What frightened Tan Qing the most was not the countless ghosts, because even if two thousand people each controlled ten ghosts, it would seem like there were countless ghosts like now, but obviously the scene in front of him was not like this. The cavalry led by Lu Yunzhi was silent. No one chanted the runes and spells. They just moved forward silently. There was only one possibility - determination. Tan Qing didn't dare to think about it anymore. She didn't dare to imagine that she was going to face a group of enemies who all knew how to use the Heart Technique. Or there was another possibility, that is, only a few of them could use the Heart Technique, and these ghosts were Driven by those few. On average, the number of ghosts controlled by each person is Tan Qing shivered all over and stopped her thoughts. She calmed down and ordered: "Line up the Gu array to cover the sky and the sun." Formation, the second formation formed a corner to block the enemy. "After Tan Qing gave the order, he found that none of his disciples responded. Looking back, everyone was stunned. They had never seen so many ghosts. , and I have never seen a handsome man like Lu Yunzhi who seemed to be strolling in the Gu array. Tan Qingjiao shouted: "What are you doing so stupidly? Go quickly." Only then did the women react and ran towards the city. When Lu Yunzhi came to the city gate, the women of Miao Gu's lineage were already lined up. After completing the two formations, they faced Lu Yunzhi and others at an angle. Tan Qing also attracted the city defenders at the city gate, preparing to open the city gate wide and rush out once the two formations were effective, disrupting the cavalry in front of him before making any plans. With a smile on her lips, Lu Yunzhi looked at Bai Yong and said, "You come, or I come." Since Bai Yong fought with Qu Xiangtian in Xuwencheng, he has been thinking about his own way of controlling Qi every day. That day, Qu Xiangtian gathered When the ghost punched his chest, his body subconsciously produced a flow of energy to block the punch. Later, after Lu Yunzhi's advice, I realized that what I lacked was the freedom to move according to my heart. The Qi control method I used before was too focused on boxing routines and did not exert its maximum power. At that time, the layer of Qi that blocked Qu Xiangtian's fist was The anger in my heart. After these few months of thinking and practicing, as well as actual combat drills on the battlefield, Bai Yong has gained great confidence in his new moves. Hearing Lu Yunzhi's question at this moment, Bai Yong replied: "My Lord, I finally have a master, let me try my new trick." Lu Yunzhi said with a slightly concerned look: "Bai Yong, I think it might be a bit difficult for you to fight two formations by yourself, so you give it a try first, and I'll watch the enemy attack for you. If you don't have enough strength, I'll attack the left formation and you can attack the right formation, okay?" "Very good!" Bai Yong replied with a hearty laugh. Tan Qing stood on the city wall and saw Lu Yunzhi and Bai Yong talking as if they were no one. He stamped his feet angrily and shouted: "Two arrogant kids below the city dare to speak arrogant words in front of Miao Gu's lineage. , I will make it impossible for you to come back today." Lu Yunzhi just laughed it off if he didn't like to use his words. When Bai Yong heard Tan Qing's angry rebuke, he also retorted sarcastically: "You little bitch, wait for me. I'll take the city and pluck your tongue to see if you can still scream!" As he spoke, Bai Yong got off his horse and rushed towards the Gu array on the right. The ghosts summoned by Lu Yunzhi were in front of him. Stepping aside, a passage was formed, and Bai Yong entered the Gu Formation alone. Lu Yunzhi kicked the stirrup with her feet and stroked the horse's mane with her hands. Her body floated gently like goose feathers, and her legs stood upright on the horse's back. As soon as this figure appeared, Tan Qing on top of the city gate was shocked, knowing that this person was in front of him.?It does not mean that arrogant people must have real skills in their hands. Bai Yong leaped into the air, and two huge golden fists on his hands rose out of the air, hitting the women in the Gu Formation. The women did not stop them and all avoided them. Bai Yong effortlessly Rushed into the formation. A smile appeared on the lips of the women, and one of them said in an extremely coquettish voice: "You don't overestimate your capabilities. What a pity for this handsome young man." The fist appeared in front of Bai Yong, neither attacking nor defending. Bai Yong just looked at these women quietly. The formation is the most dangerous place, Bai Yong's natural way, but for him, what he wants is danger. The more dangerous it is, the more he can test how well he has practiced recently. He was not afraid at all and had no doubts in his chest, because Lu Yunzhi was there. In Bai Yong's heart, as long as Lu Yunzhi was there, he had nothing to worry about. The Gu Formation was activated, and the women of the Miao family kept walking around. The light blue smoke floated out from the sleeves of their skirts, gradually gathered into shape, and then slowly floated towards Bai Yong. Bai Yong was calm and shouted: "Get it!" The ancient language of controlling air. As soon as he said this, a golden light curtain gradually formed around Bai Yong's body, and the light curtain was pushed outward layer by layer. , covering Bai Yong inside like a cover. The green smoke hit the golden light curtain, making a crackling sound, and a stench suddenly spread out. As soon as Lu Yunzhi closed his eyes, the ghost in front of him floated to the front of the cavalry, blocking the stench from coming, and he was also surrounded by layers of ghosts. The ghosts were both real and illusory, and everyone could still see Bai Yong's face. The battle situation was just a little blurry, like looking at flowers in the fog. Thirteen Secrets 34_Read the full text of Thirteen Secrets for free_Chapter 34: The enemy is approaching the city has been updated! Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 35: Slanderous Words After Tan Qing saw the air control method used by Bai Yong, he shouted: "It turns out that he is an air control master. No wonder he is so arrogant. Let's settle old and new grudges together. The disciples of Miao Gu's lineage obeyed the order and formed the sky-shielding and sun-shielding formation. Make it up, you kid, risk your life." Bai Yong's light curtain became brighter and brighter, and more and more green smoke gathered around him. Suddenly Bai Yong smelled a stench, and then he saw that the light curtain was covered with green smoke. The smoke broke out into a small hole. Once the stench spreads around, it will definitely be poisoned. Bai Yong shouted, and two golden fists rose from outside the light curtain, sweeping towards the women who did not listen to the green smoke. The women of the Miao family were hit by fists one after another, and their whole bodies flew out. They fell to the ground and vomited blood and could not stand up. The cracks on Bai Yong's Great Joyful Light Curtain healed, but the fists formed by the gas still continued, accompanied by Bai Yong's fist swung disobediently, hitting the Miao Gu woman in the formation. Just when Bai Yong thought he was going to win a big victory, he saw a woman in another formation also integrating into this formation. The new Miao women who joined the siege each held a large jar in their arms. They quickly opened the soil sealed on the jar, and then chanted silently. I saw countless bugs crawling out of the dark mouth of the big jar. Each bug was still covered with layers of black energy. They crawled a few steps and then jumped up, flapping their small wings towards Bai Yong. light curtain. The bugs pouring out of each jar seemed to be endless, and they merged into one in an instant, covering Bai Yong with a roar. Lu Yunzhi looked at it and murmured: "So this is the cover of the Miao Gu lineage. Blocking out the sun, the Miao people are really straightforward, as the name suggests." The light screen gradually dimmed, and Bai Yong was startled and felt a little overwhelmed, so he removed the light screen and saw golden gas fists walking around and striking all over his body. Hitting the bug that rushed over, the bug made a smashing sound, and balls of black blood spurted out. This move is just like the move he used when he fought with Qu Xiangtian before. The difference from that time is that Bai Yongshou is not commanding these golden fists made of air control at this moment. He turned his fists into palms and glowed with golden light. Walking around in different directions, it seems that he has done whatever he wants. The insects instantly swamped Bai Yong, and the golden light only occasionally flashed once or twice among the surging insects. Lu Yunzhi was worried that Bai Yong was in danger, but saw Tan Qing looking at him with a sneer and not taking action. It seemed that Tan Qing was Concentrate on yourself. Lu Yunzhi ignored Lu Yunzhi and walked forward quickly. All the Miao women turned to Lu Yunzhi. Those who were not injured in the Gu array before released green smoke and forced them towards Lu Yunzhi. Ghosts floated around Lu Yunzhi. Even faster, Lu Yunzhi's figure gradually blurred. Suddenly all the ghosts dissipated and gathered on Lu Yunzhi's hands. His hands emitted a thick black mist, and then the black mist disappeared again, as if it had penetrated into Lu Yunzhi's body. I saw Lu Yunzhi straightening his arms, spreading his hands flat into palms, pushing outwards, a strong wind rose, and instantly pushed back the incoming green smoke. The girls of the Miao family didn't mind. For a moment, they were enveloped in the green smoke they emitted. Their faces were ashen as they took out the medicine and took it. Then they sat cross-legged and meditated, not daring to move again. Lu Yunzhi smiled and spread his hands to both sides. The women sitting on the ground moved away one after another and were swept away by the strong wind. Lu Yunzhi walked slowly through the path of the women. They struggled to open their eyes and looked at Lu Yunzhi, as if they were looking at a god. Lu Yunzhi continued to walk forward, walking calmly. Dozens of women in the sun-blocking formation turned their heads. The insects left the sea of ??insects that surrounded Bai Yong and pounced on Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi said calmly: "It's really difficult to practice by attaching ghosts to poisonous insects. Take it back quickly, otherwise you will feel bad." Not only Tan Qing, but also the women who expelled the insects. Angry, they wanted to make Lu Yunzhi regret what they said, so they let large swaths of insects pounce on Lu Yunzhi as usual. Lu Yunzhi did not look down upon their Miao Gu lineage, because what happened next proved what he had just said. A piece of blue light emitted out of thin air, followed by a crackling sound, and then a burning smell came from the air. Everyone in Miao Gu's lineage looked at the scene in front of them in surprise. A barrier flashing with electric current stood in front of Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi still looked at the women of Miao Gu's lineage calmly, and said softly: "The clan's heaven and earth technique, Yu Lei." Tan Qing shouted: " They are from the Zhongzheng family!" Lu Yunzhi did not answer directly, but asked in a loud voice: "Is this Miss Tan Qing? Can you come down to the city to discuss something important?" "My aunt is here. It's Tan Qing, you haven't answered yet when I asked you, what is your name, but you are a disciple of the Zhongzheng lineage?" Tan Qing shouted loudly. Lu Yunzhi heard Bai Yong make two grunts, and knew that he might not be able to resist, so while replying to Tan Qing, the gas turned into a sword in front of her eyes and slashed off Bai Yong's peripheral parts like peeling fruit. insect. "I'm Lu Yunzhi, Zhongzheng is one line and seven lines." After Lu Yunzhi finished speaking, most of the bugs were swept into two halves.After Bai Yong was rescued, Bai Yong jumped to Lu Yunzhi's side with a few short steps, his face a little ugly. Lu Yunzhi took out a pill and asked Bai Yong to take it, and then said: "You did a good job. Don't move yet. You may have been infected with the poison, but it doesn't matter. If you are not deeply poisoned, you will be fine after taking the medicine." ." Bai Yong swallowed it, retreated behind Lu Yunzhi, held his breath and concentrated, and let the breath flow through the body to accelerate the absorption of the medicine and eliminate the poison in the body. Tan Qing saw that all the Miao Gu under his command were retreating, and they were helpless in front of Lu Yunzhi. In order to save his face, he said: "Are you an airbending master or a man of heaven and earth? How can you still use the art of airbending?" . Everyone else quickly retreats, I will fight with this guy." Lu Yunzhi was a little angry when he heard Tan Qing yelling, but he still said politely: "Miss Tan Qing is here to negotiate a peace. I don't know what she can do. "Tan Qing deliberately showed off her figure and jumped down from the high city wall. The unkilled insects in the sky-shielding formation below flew up and dragged her feet. Tan Qing slowly fell down from the city wall, pointed at Lu Yunzhi with both fingers and said: "Son, hurt my disciple, destroy my Gu insect, you will die a good death, don't stop talking nonsense." Lu Yunzhi's eyes After squinting slightly for a moment, his eyes showed endless killing intent. Two iron thorns protruded from Lu Yunzhi's cuffs, and a sword and a shield formed in front of him. They turned dark red and glowed with a faint white light. A strong wind blew up, and Lu Yunzhi flew into the air. He only heard him say slowly: "Young lady has been slandering me, so don't blame me for being rude." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 36: Two Ghosts Enter the Battle Secret Thirteen 36_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 36 The Double Ghost Formation comes from Lu Yunzhi was floating in the air, Tan Qing refused to show weakness and was picked up again by the Gu insect, and she also flew into the air. The wings of the insects under their feet flapped and made a loud buzzing sound, which complemented the whirring sound of the wind blowing the air on Lu Yunzhi's side. Tan Qingjiao shouted again and again, and countless insects and poisonous smoke rushed out of his sleeves and rushed towards Lu Yunzhi's face. Lu Yunzhi covered her body back, and the ghosts on the ground also rose into the air and gathered together with them. The things Tan Qing waved collided with each other. The Gu worms of the Miao Gu lineage are all baited with ghosts and influenced by resentment. They grow up eating poisonous grass from the larvae. They are extremely poisonous and contain a trace of ghost energy, so they can compete with ghosts. . For a while, ghostly whistles could be heard in the air, as well as the sound of insects being torn apart. Lu Yunzhi shouted: "I won't play with you anymore." As he spoke, the sword made of gas was suspended in the air. After slashing down, the blade of the sword instantly tore the insect apart as if it was burning, and forced the poisonous gas away to slash directly at Tan Qing. Tan Qing was shocked. Suddenly her belt swam like a snake, wrapped around her waist twice, and traveled along her delicate and charming back to her shoulders. Tan Qing touched the belt, held it horizontally with both hands, and blocked the attack of the air sword. The cloth and leather on the belt were torn apart, revealing a slender ghost, but this ghost looked like a snake, but not exactly like it. When the ghost spirit hit the air, it instantly expanded. Its head took shape and became extremely fierce, like a twisted lion's head. Its body became as big as the mouth of a bowl. It wrapped around Tan Qing's body like a giant python, and the other end suddenly shook and pushed him. Opened the air sword that was held just now. Lu Yunzhi frowned and whispered: "It's Pulao. It's hidden so deep that I didn't even notice it. It's worthy of being an evil ghost." Tan Qing sneered and said: "Humph, you know quite a lot, but It's too late. " Tan Qing originally wanted to make peace with Lu Yunzhi, but once he became red-eyed, he couldn't care about any strategies. He saw that the evil ghost Lu Yunzhi called Pulao had a big mouth. Rushing towards Lu Yunzhi, his dark body was trembling. A kind of roar floated faintly like the chimes of bells and chimes, which was extremely pleasant to hear. But the sound got louder and louder, which made people a little unbearable. The airbending master and the warrior trained by Lu Yunzhi, who were standing under the two people, as well as the disciples of Miao Gu's lineage, including Bai Yong, felt that their ears were like It looked like it was cracking, let alone Lu Yunzhi who was facing it. Suddenly a trace of blood flowed out of Lu Yunzhi's eardrums. He couldn't concentrate and could only give up and chant in his mouth. The strong wind blew sand and rocks. The sound was diluted in the strong wind, and everyone felt better. This was exactly Pulao's attack method. With a roar, a figure like a giant python twisted through the strong wind and came towards Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi wielded the Qi Control Sword formed by Qi and fought against the giant python-like Pulao. Tan Qing snorted softly, took out the small jar that he had been listening to from his arms, and slowly opened the lid of the jar. The contents in the jar were the pulse-suppressing treasure of the Miao Gu lineage, and also the treasure of evil spirits. One black bee. All the poisonous and poisonous Gu formations can be connected to the black bee. The black bee can also communicate with people using the vibration sound of its wings, so Tan Qing can quickly know some things happening outside through this small jar. As long as there are poisonous insects or poisonous bees, Wherever there is poison, Xuanfeng can sense it and tell Tan Qing. So she learned about the destruction of Xue Ling's lineage from the Gu insects on Chao Xing and others, and also learned about Lu Yunzhi's use of ghost spirits to destroy the Gu array she had arranged outside the city. The black bee flew out, its body remained unchanged in the air and was only the size of a little fingertip, no different from an ordinary bee. While fighting with Pulao, Lu Yunzhi looked towards Tan Qing. When he saw the bee, he was shocked and knew that it was the seventh-ranked black bee among evil spirits. It's just that I have never seen it before. The book said that this evil ghost looks like a bee. It is fed with poisons and ghosts. It needs to be fed for ten years before it can obey the feeder's orders. Its lifespan is extremely short. Once the feeder dies, the black bee will also The body explodes and dies. Most of these evil spirits come from the Miao Gu lineage. Today, when Lu Yun saw it, he suddenly realized that the black bee was not composed of ghosts, but was formed inside a living object. He couldn't help but admire the Miao Gu lineage. If it weren't for Lu Yunzhi's horoscope of 525, who is sensitive and ordinary, who would have thought that this little bee is the famous Xuan Bee. As soon as Xuan Feng felt a sudden pressure, he and Pulao, who was an evil ghost, also retreated, not daring to stand shoulder to shoulder with him. Lu Yunzhi slowly calmed down from Pulao's roar and regained control of his mind. For a moment, the wind became more violent, but the small black bee seemed to be undisturbed. It drew a curve and headed straight towards Lu. Yun Zhi flew away at an astonishing speed. Lu Yunzhi was startled. He clearly saw countless ghosts emerging from the body of the black bee, and turned into a huge bee as big as a giant elephant during its flight. It raised its tail slightly, and a thick black needle was exposed in the air with a threatening evil aura. The black bee, which was suddenly covered by the ghost and enlarged, used thisThe big needle stabbed Lu Yunzhi hard. Lu Yun's energy turned into a shield in front of him, and there was a loud bang between heaven and earth, and the mountains and rivers were shaking like an earthquake. The air-controlling shield in front of Lu Yunzhi slowly showed signs of cracking. The big needle was firmly nailed to the shield and was drilling in bit by bit. Lu Yunzhi's throat felt sweet, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth. He understood that the power of the black bee was gathering. It gathered all the ghost energy and poisonous gas it had eaten on the tip of the big needle, so it was so powerful. , which is exactly the same principle as Qu Xiangtian's Ghost Qi Sword. "Let me help you." Nightmare suddenly said in Lu Yunzhi's ear at this time. Lu Yunzhi smiled and shook his head gently and said: "No need, they are finished. I will take care of Pulao and Xuanfeng's ghost babies for a while. Tan Qing is a master worth fighting for." Tan Qing looked at Lu Yunzhi, a little confused. Inexplicably, she smiled softly and said loudly: "Oh, I've already vomited blood, why are you still unconscious? You are talking to yourself, your name is Lu Yunzhi, right? You are the leader of the rebels this time." Now that your defeat has been determined, I will accept Xuan Feng and let's sit down and have a good talk. You think this is good. It turns out that the Zhongzheng lineage is so useless." Lu Yunzhi also smiled in response and replied: " I'm not the leader, you haven't seen the abilities of the Zhongzheng lineage, and I'm not defeated." As soon as he finished speaking, black thunder suddenly appeared all around, exploding in the sky, forming dense black lightning. Pulao wrapped around Tan Qing tightly, but was struck by lightning and roared, trembling all over. When Xuan Feng was hit by black lightning, the whistle sounded loudly. He was about to lose his mind at the sight, and Tan Qing's face turned pale. Thirteen Secrets 36_Read the full text of Thirteen Secrets for free_Chapter 36: Two Ghosts Enter the Battle has been updated! Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 37: Deja vu Secret Thirteen 37_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 37 Deja vu comes from Tan Qing opened the small jar and blew a whistle. The black bee flew back to Tan Qing's location faster than before. Lu Yunzhi did not take advantage of the victory to pursue , the lightning strike paused and the black bee ran smoothly into the jar, returned to its original size, and huddled in the jar without daring to come out. Tan Qing was not grateful to Lu Yunzhi for this. After the lightning strike, her Xuanfeng vitality was seriously injured and it took dozens of days to recover. The process must have been extremely difficult. The place where Pulao was hit by lightning now begins to appear and disappear, and it seems that it has also been hit hard. Lu Yunzhi said with a smile on his face and a kind expression: "Now we can talk calmly." After saying that, Lu Yunzhi fell to the ground in a calm manner. Tan Qing also dropped down, his eyes still fierce. Looking at Lu Yunzhi, Pulao returned to his slender appearance and wrapped around Tan Qing's waist. Tan Qing sighed softly and took out a skin bag, and then took out seven or eight beetles from his arms and put them into the skin bag. "What do you want to say? Mr. Lu, please speak." Tan Qing held back his breath for a few times, then forced himself to speak in a calm tone. Just as Lu Yunzhi was about to speak, he coughed violently, and a mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth. So he quickly pulled out his steel sword and propped it up on the ground to prevent him from falling. Tan Qing's eyes flashed with light, she raised her arm and a stream of reddish-brown smoke exuded the scent of pollen, directed towards Lu Yunzhi's figure who was still coughing. Tan Qing regretted this skill as soon as she came up with it. After all, she wanted to negotiate with Lu Yunzhi, just to get some capital for negotiation, but in this way, she cut off her own retreat, so she secretly cursed herself for being too impulsive. , only because of Pulao and Xuanfeng's heartache, he forgot his original intention, but at this point, he had no choice, and it was too late to withdraw. A flash of golden light stood in front of Lu Yunzhi, and a huge golden fist flashed out from the golden light, splitting the reddish-brown smoke and hitting Tan Qing. Tan Qing was annoyed in his heart, his mind was a little wandering, and he was not concentrating. The fist came very fast again. Tan Qing was caught off guard, and he immediately fell to the ground and vomited blood like Lu Yunzhi. It turns out that Bai Yong saw Tan Qing's movements and rushed to rescue him. Fortunately, Bai Yong was not deeply poisoned and took the elixir. Now that the poison was fully resolved, his skills were still fast, and he was able to block the poison released by Tan Qing. Bai Yong wanted to gather his energy and continue to strike, but Lu Yunzhi held his shoulder. Lu Yunzhi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his sleeves and said: "I'm fine. Tan Qing is a great person to be able to fight like this. He actually forced me to use all the techniques of heaven and earth to control the air. In the end, if it weren't for the black thunder to subdue the demon, I might be defeated. But my old injury is a little uncomfortable. Come on, brother, give me a hand." Bai Yong lifted Lu Yunzhi, and Lu Yunzhi whispered: "Nightmare, can you help me? I use ghost spirits to heal my wounds." Nightmare replied in his ear: "Oh, you told me not to let me go into battle, but you are injured again." After Lu Yunzhi took a few breaths, he waited for Nightmare to use ghosts for him. After using the power of spirit to heal the liver, I then used the way of controlling qi to travel around my body for a week, which made me feel much better. Lu Yunzhi raised his eyes and looked at Tan Qing, who fell to the ground, and the women of the Miao Gu lineage who were standing aside, stunned. Some of them had their Gu bugs broken and were surrounded by airbending masters, and some were infected by themselves. The poison has not been released, and Tan Qing is in coma and the whole group is in chaos without a leader. "Bai Yong, tie them all up, remember to search them so that they don't hide any poisonous insects or poisonous things, and then shout to the city gate that if the defenders in the city don't open the city and surrender, they will be attacked immediately and no one will be left alive. I'm a little tired. I'm going to take a rest first." Lu Yunzhi said, patting Bai Yong's shoulder, walking forward to pick up Tan Qing, picking up the small jars and the skin bag containing Pulao scattered on the ground, and walked towards the back of the team. . The defenders of Bazhou City were stunned when they saw the battle between Tan Qing and Lu Yunzhi. They could not imagine that this was a human war. Those with sensitive hearing clearly heard what Lu Yunzhi said. So before Bai Yong could call out, the defenders in the city had already raised the white flag and opened the city gate as a sign of surrender. Lu Yunzhi and others successfully entered Bazhou City. The female disciples of Miao Gu's lineage were tied up one after another and locked up in a house. Lu Yunzhi ordered a few airbending masters with good moral character to be selected to guard them before returning to the prefect. yamen. This place has already been occupied by Lu Yunzhi, but in order not to disturb the people and treat everyone equally, the prefect's family members were not kicked out. They just occupied a side room and the lobby of the Yamen, while the army was stationed in the original garrison camp. Tan Qing slowly opened the door and found that Lu Yunzhi was squatting next to him and looking at him. Tan Qing looked at him and found that he was tied tightly. Lu Yunzhi suddenly stretched out his hand and lifted Tan Qing's chin with his knuckles, making a very frivolous movement. Tan Qing yelled angrily: "Bapi, what are you going to do? I didn't expect you to be a beast in clothes despite how polite you are." As he said this, he spat at Lu Yun. Lu Yunzhi turned sideways to avoid spitting, still looking at Tan Qing but as if he couldn't remember, he scratched herHe scratched his head and said: "Master Tan Qingmai, you seem to be alone, but I forgot where I saw you before." Tan Qing said with a flirtatious look: "You stinky man wants to sleep with me, just tell me, go around." What are you doing?" Lu Yunzhizhen stood up and waved her sleeves and said angrily: "You are so unreasonable. I am talking to you properly, how can you answer like this? You are so young and you are talking obscenely. "What a shame." Tan Qing retorted, "You nerd, why are you pretending to be so serious? You are still pretending to be a shy boy at your age. You may even have grandchildren by the look of your gray hair." Bullying a little girl like me at my age is nothing. Let me go. Let me go." Bai Yong had been standing beside Lu Yunzhi. When he heard Tan Qing humiliating Lu Yunzhi repeatedly, he wanted to rush up and hit her. A slap in the face, but when Tan Qing heard what Lu Yunzhi said that Lu Yunzhi even had grandchildren, he couldn't help but look at Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi also touched the white hair on his temples and looked at Bai Yong. Bai Yong naturally knew the inside story of Lu Yunzhi's aging, and the two couldn't help laughing. Tan Qing looked at the two of them and didn't know why they were laughing. He thought they were humiliating himself, so he started to curse. However, Lu Yunzhi laughed and said: "Master Tan Pulse, it's not that I refuse to let you go, it's just that you are too powerful, and I I'm not very skilled at it, so I was worried that I wouldn't be able to cure you if I let you go, so I tied you up with a tendon rope myself. Since you were my daughter's family, I searched you with ghosts, and now I can. Don't worry." Lu Yunzhi paused, and then said to Bai Yong: "Bai Yong, I hate other people chattering, so I'll plug Lord Tan's mouth and throw him into the woodshed, and you'll take care of him." Bai Yong answered with his hand. Yes, as he said that, he found a piece of rag from nowhere, walked up and stuffed Tan Qing's mouth. Tan Qing cursed again. Secret Thirteen 37_Free reading of the full text of Secret Thirteen_Chapter 37 Deja Vu has been updated! Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 38: Fight between trapped beasts Tan Qing cursed and saw that Bai Yong was about to gag her, then shouted at Lu Yunzhi: "Lu Yunzhi, don't bully me too much. How long do you want to tie me up? Why don't you come here?" Are you here to negotiate peace? Why don't you let me go?" Lu Yunzhi nodded and replied, "Yes, you would have forgotten that I was here to negotiate peace." Tan Qing looked happy, but Lu Yunzhi said again. He said, "Bai Yong, why are you still standing there, shut her mouth up." Bai Yong stuffed the cloth into Tan Qing's mouth, but Tan Qing rolled his eyes with too much force, and Bai Yong hurriedly pulled it out. He stuffed it in again, and clasped his fists at Tan Qing and said, "I'm sorry, girl, I'm a rough guy, please forgive me." Tan Qing glanced at Bai Yong, then looked at Lu Yunzhi. Just listen to Lu Yunzhi say again: "As for when to let you go, it depends on when you can speak properly. If you can speak calmly, I will sit down and talk to you and apologize to you. You I will keep the Xuanfeng and Pulao for you temporarily. Their vitality is somewhat damaged, and I will take care of it for you." Tan Qing's mouth was blocked, and he whined a few words, although he couldn't make out what he was saying. , but it can be seen that the attitude is much more friendly and not as excited as before. She originally thought that if she was like this, Lu Yunzhi would achieve his goal of making her surrender and let her go, but she didn't expect that Lu Yunzhi waved his hand and said: "Take him down, Bai Yong, and treat him well." Said Lu Yunzhi. After returning to the case, he opened a book and started reading, turning a deaf ear to Tan Qing and Bai Yong in front of him. Bai Yong picked up Tan Qing and walked quickly to the woodshed in the backyard. He wanted to throw her heavily on the woodpile, but his heart moved and he gently placed her on the ground. Tan Qing looked at Bai Yong gratefully, his eyes full of pity and grievance, but also a little seductive. Bai Yong snorted and said: "My lord has already told me in advance that you Miao women are the best at seducing people, so I should be on guard, otherwise I will be really confused by you. You should reflect on yourself here, and be more polite in the future." ." Bai Yong walked out and the door of the woodshed slowly closed. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? back Since he sent several people from heaven and earth to join the army, not only has his combat effectiveness been greatly improved, but his military morale has also been shaken, because the Ming army also has a "celestial soldier" with extraordinary combat power, who can exorcise ghosts and attract gods. In addition, The addition of the Shenji Battalion and the Three Thousand Battalion made matters worse. Zhu Jianwen led his troops and retreated to Jinan Prefecture, gathering troops to prepare for a final fight with the imperial army. Therefore, the surrounding area of ??Jinan Prefecture was surrounded by King Qin's troops. They dug trenches, built high walls and arrow towers, laid traps and made wooden fences, and quietly Waiting for the imperial court's final general attack. This kind of silence is not the kind of silent waiting, or fearless speechlessness, but a kind of silence of fear. Since the disappearance of one's own heavenly soldiers and the reinforcements from the imperial court, the King Qin's army, which has been defeated in many battles, no longer has a trace of silence. confidence. Now there is no way to avoid the rebellion. All the vassal kings can only wait for defeat and capture. Since they have participated in the rebellion, they have no other way to go. Although they don't know who Yu Qian is, they know who Zhu Qiyu is. A person who can imprison his own brother who is kind to him will not cherish these foreign relatives even more. Therefore, the vassal kings were united at this time and gave unified orders to annihilate any escapees. However, as time went by, many people still wanted to surrender. The consecutive days of fighting made people physically and mentally exhausted. Jinan Prefecture is not a big city, but its walls are strong, and it is not far from the homeland of Confucius and Mencius. Although the people admire Confucianism, there is blood and toughness behind the simple folk customs. It happened that the official here was a corrupt official transferred from outside, and he was not harmonious with the local residents. After Zhu Jianwen captured this place, he was very happy to kill the corrupt official, so many local people joined King Qin's army, which could be regarded as replenishing some of the lost troops. . Zhu Jianwen was frowning when a "report" sounded, and a sergeant quickly ran into the courtyard. Zhu Jianwen had another headache and asked: "Where is the report of failure again?" He only heard the scout say: "Qi Zuo Deputy Commander, Shandong Bei Cao's army is approaching from the west. "What!" Although this result was expected, Zhu Jianwen still exclaimed. Immediately afterwards, two more scouts ran into the courtyard at the same time, "Report, Henan Bei Cao's army is approaching from the south, and has defeated the King of Chu's troops. Now the King of Chu is leading troops into the defense territory of Jinan Prefecture." "Report, three thousand battalions. The Shenji Battalion is marching in from the north and will be able to enter the defensive position soon." Zhu Jianwen turned around and ran into the room, drawing a circle on the map. The encirclement situation has become clear. There is no way out except the east, but retreating to the east will be even more difficult. No room for maneuver. Once the Qinwang soldiers are forced to the coastal area, they will have no way to retreat. They will either sink their boats and fight with all their might, or they will be driven into the sea by the Ming army and suffer huge losses. Zhu Jianwen thought about it but found no solution, so he sent an order to summon all the vassal kings and rebel generals. He had something to say. Half an hour later, everyone gathered in the courtyard, and Zhu Qixiang stood majestically on the steps.?Beside him stood Zhu Jianwen with his head lowered. Zhu Qixiang held the Tiger Talisman and the Great Seal in his hands and said: "Today my son has heard that you are here to discuss important matters. As the commander-in-chief of our various vassals, I fully agree with his ideas. Now I am guarding everyone. , officially handing over the military power to my son, I hope you can win every battle in the future and make the enemy frightened." Everyone present knew that the command of this army had always been in the hands of Zhu Jianwen, and Zhu Qixiang and his son were being confused. When he was doing some tricks, he saw Zhu Jianwen also respectfully holding the tiger talisman and the big seal, and said loudly: "Thank you, father." Zhu Jianwen put away the big seal and the tiger talisman, then scanned the people under the stone steps, and then said Said: "According to the report from the scouts I sent just now, the preparation troops in Shandong and Henan have advanced towards us from the west and south." Everyone was shocked and panicked, and only heard Zhu Jianwen continue to say: "Three thousand camp gods The machine camp is also attacking us from the north. There is no way to escape to the east. With the sea at our back and no solid wall, it is a dead end. In this way, we have been forced into a desperate situation." and the generals immediately shut their mouths, and there was a moment of silence under the stone steps. Everyone felt that death was coming, but they didn't understand what Zhu Jianwen meant at this time. Zhu Qixiang obviously didn't know that Zhu Jianwen was going to say something that would disturb the morale of the army, and he looked at him in surprise, as if he didn't know his son. Zhu Jianwen sighed and said: "There is no way to escape. The fight between trapped animals describes our current situation." Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 39: Preparations for Siege After hearing Zhu Jianwen's words, Zhu Qixiang said doubtfully: "Jianwen, this" Zhu Jianwen blinked at Zhu Qixiang. Zhu Qixiang stopped talking and watched his son turn things around. Turn the tide. Zhu Jianwen sighed again and then said: "Everyone, the situation is over now. We are like a lonely boat in the sea. If you want to surrender, I will never stop you. Now you can surrender with the white flag high. How can you just surrender in the future?" It¡¯s time to obey fate, everyone, take care of it.¡± As he spoke, Zhu Jianwen pulled out the sword hanging from his waist and shouted: ¡°If you don¡¯t want to surrender, follow me to the city wall and hold on for dear life, waiting for Qu Xiangtian¡¯s reinforcements to arrive.¡± Zhu Jianwen held his head high. Zhu Qixiang walked out with his chest held high, and Zhu Qixiang also walked out after being stunned. A sense of desolation arose in the hearts of the vassal kings and generals. They may have made the wrong bet. This was a bet that was bound to lose unless the heavenly soldiers came, or Qu Xiangtian could quickly break through Nanjing's obstruction and come to support. Zhu Jianwen walked out of the hospital, turned a corner and stopped, waiting for Zhu Qixiang to catch up. Sure enough, as soon as Zhu Jianwen stopped with his front feet, Zhu Qixiang caught up with his rear feet. Zhu Qixiang asked in a low voice: "Jianwen, what are you doing?" Zhu Jianwen smiled mysteriously and replied: "Father, don't worry, if I don't say this, and carry out the previous plan of escaping and surrendering to the enemy, all those who escaped and surrendered will be destroyed." Maybe they might be confused and tie us up to claim credit from the court. But after I just said what I said about the siege of the isolated city, I was clearly giving them a way out. At this time, they would think about surrendering. What will be the consequences? Of course, everyone is not stupid, and they will definitely know that if they surrender, they will not be able to escape the purge in the future. At this time, they will work together with us to fight against the enemy, but this is a risky move. Do you know if it will succeed? "So, what you said before about the three-party army forming an encirclement against us was to deliberately deceive them?" Zhu Qixiang asked, and Zhu Jianwen smiled bitterly and said, "That's true. Otherwise, how could I be forced into this desperate plan? "Zhu Qixiang was stunned and said: "Is this skill successful?" "I don't know, father, it's done." Zhu Jianwen pretended to ask. As Zhu Jianwen walked toward the city gate, he saw various vassal kings and generals coming out of the courtyard one after another, shouting: "I swear to live and die with King Wu." As Zhu Jianwen expected, everyone in the courtyard just now was thinking about the next thing. After a while, they looked at each other, and suddenly understood that since they had rebelled, they could only have a chance of survival by fighting to the death. One day later, the army that everyone was "looking forward to" finally laid siege to the city. The first battle was the trenches and arrow towers on the southern periphery. Zhu Jianwen personally went into battle, which greatly boosted his own morale. Henan Bei Cao's army launched a massive attack, but unfortunately Bei Cao's army was originally a second-class army. In addition, it had been defeated many times by King Qin's army before, so it was a little timid. After the two sides clashed with each other several times, they drove Henan Bei Cao's army seven or eight miles away. King Qin's army did not take advantage of the victory and retreated to the trenches, but the military's great power boosted everyone's confidence. On the second day, the Shandong Bei Cao Army on the west side also launched an attack. Although the Shandong Bei Cao Army was also a second-class army, because of the actual combat experience gained in the previous war between Beijing and Oara, several capable troops were transferred. General, so the attack was much more orderly, and the outer positions on the west side were quickly captured. Zhu Jianwen was facing the enemy in the south and had no time to pay attention to the west. Zhu Qixian went into battle personally and took the lead in rushing towards the lost position. On this day, both sides were fighting for positions on the west side of Jinan Prefecture. Thousands of people were killed and injured in the back and forth, all of which were fought hand-to-hand with bravery. It was not until the evening that Zhu Jianwen led his troops to the rescue and the position was completely regained. Although this day was extremely difficult, it was basically a victory, and everyone was happy. On the third day, Shenji Battalion and Sanqian Battalion located in the north of Jinan Prefecture still did not launch an attack. They had been here for a day, but they had been adopting a wait-and-see attitude. At noon, two armies on the south and west sides launched an attack at the same time. This time the attack was more violent, and it was also mixed with attacks by ghosts. When Zhu Jianwen looked around, he saw that the Wuchou lineage had already assisted in defending the south side, and it was reported that It is judged that the west side should be the Mongolian lone wolf lineage. In order to prevent the entire front from being defeated, Zhu Jianwen decisively ordered the withdrawal of troops back to the city. At this moment, the Shenji Battalion and the Three Thousand Battalions launched an attack, which also included the beast-driving lineage. All kinds of wild beasts rushed toward the soldiers like crazy. The retreating sergeants There were heavy casualties. After Zhu Jianwen withdrew to the city, he turned around and led troops to rescue the north. After a fight, he managed to get some people back. After returning to the city, he quickly sent an order to count the number of people, and found that after three days of battle, his side had lost more than 8,000 people, and the number of injured was as many as tens of thousands. The King Qin's army that returned had gone through successive battles and suffered heavy casualties with only 100,000 people left. Among them were a large number of believers in Wu Tianshi. Although these people were loyal, they were not well trained and could not be used for much purpose. Jinan Prefecture is originally a small city, and it is a bit crowded with 100,000 people crammed into the city. However, at this time, Zhu Jianwen felt that there were not enough soldiers and there would not be enough troops. There is a moat around the city of Jinan Prefecture, and there are four bridges on the river. Zhu Jianwen blew up three of the bridges, leaving only the one facing the north. Zhu JianwenThe secret medicine of the Zhongzheng lineage was prepared overnight and sprinkled into the moat. The entire moat suddenly became a poisonous river. However, Zhu Jianwen was not good at learning the combination of these medicines. At this moment, Fang Henshao sighed when some of the books were used. The moat had been poisoned by Zhu Jianwen. Although he would not die if he was exposed to the water, his skin would be burned and painful, so that was enough. There are many springs in Jinan. Even if the moat is poisonous, it will not affect the drinking water in the city. This will be a disaster for the Ming army attacking outside the city. All the rivers connected to the city are poisonous and they can only drill wells to get water. Fortunately, there are many underground springs around. It took no effort to dig out a few streams of water. Zhu Jianwen sent 10,000 people to guard Lishan Gate, another 10,000 people to guard Luoyuan Gate, another 10,000 people to guard Huibo Gate, 20,000 people in the center, and the remaining 50,000 people were all crowded at Jichuan Gate in the north. , there are crowds of people everywhere at the entrance to the city wall. Zhu Jianwen was worried that the rebellious people of heaven and earth would use ghosts to attack the city, so he hung several more than one foot long white cloth stained with dog blood and painted talismans on the top of the city, and hung a makeshift Bagua mirror on the central tower. Not only that, Zhu Jianwen also continued to send people to strengthen the city wall near Jichuan Gate. In just one day, the city wall was increased by one foot and its thickness was astonishing. Zhu Jianwen looked worriedly at the Ming army that was gradually gathering in front of him. He felt uneasy in his heart. He was not only looking forward to starting a battle early to show off the heroes, but also hoping that the opponent would attack later so that he could make more preparations and wait for reinforcements. But were there really reinforcements? Even Zhu Jianwen himself didn't know this problem. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 40: A Difficult Day Regarding Zhu Jianwen's actions, the Ming army also had a headache. I originally wanted to encircle Zhu Jianwen and the others in the city, but I felt it was inappropriate. If Qu Xiangtian won the battle in Nanjing, and reinforcements arrived, they would be surrounded by reinforcements. Under the attack from inside and outside, the Ming army's advantage of encirclement would be lost. . It would not be appropriate to attack by force. After all, the siege requires at least three times more troops than the defenders to win. But now, not only are the archery towers erected around Jinan Prefecture, but also the venom-filled moat is enough to cause a headache. . Coupled with a few large runes and the Bagua mirror, although they cannot restrain the people of heaven and earth on the side of the Ming army, they will also weaken their strength. What will become can only be known if they fight. The war cannot be stopped once it starts. Now the Ming army has no time to think, let alone a protracted war. The command has completely fallen on the leader of the living soul veins sent by Yu Qian to supervise the army. His complexion is livid from practicing and his hair is all white. The old man's brows never relaxed after seeing Zhu Jianwen's defense. The siege began in the early morning. The Shenji Battalion set up artillery to continuously bombard the city head of Jinan Prefecture. On the city head, Zhu Jianwen also used artillery to fight back. Inside the city, Zhu Jianwen even made a temporary giant trebuchet and kept attacking the city. Huge rocks were thrown outside. The two attacks lasted for an hour before stopping. The master of the living soul line ordered an attack. Tens of thousands of troops from Henan and Shandong rushed to the small bridge in front of Jichuan Gate. As soon as their front team arrived at the bridge, they fell into a trap that had been dug long ago. The trap on the west and south sides made the two armies unable to do anything. At this moment, there was no other way. In order to storm the city, we could only stride forward. The pits were filled with living people, and the soldiers just stepped on the dead bodies and crowded on the bridge with howls. Now the Ming army became a living target for King Qin's army. They fired arrows, cannons, and kerosene. They didn't care whether the only exit was damaged or not, and they just kept hitting the soldiers who came to the bridge. While the soldiers were dodging, there was a stampede, and many people were squeezed into the moat. They could only scream and watch the skin on their bodies slowly fester. The first wave of attacks was repelled in this way. Zhu Jianwen breathed a long sigh of relief, but before he could even breathe, the Lone Wolf and Wuchou bloodlines drove the ghosts to attack the city wall. There were hundreds of ghosts and spirits as far as the eye could see. The huge spiritual talismans were emitting bursts of light, and the Bagua mirror on the tower also emitted a soft brilliance under Zhu Jianwen's constant fiddling. For a time, the power was greatly reduced. The ghosts could not penetrate the city wall and could only climb up the wall. Soldiers could occasionally hit the ghosts when they slashed with their swords. However, even though one out of ten swords could kill the ghosts, it would also damage one's own side. It was tragic, and there were soldiers who were torn apart by the ghosts driven by the Five Chou lineage, or bitten to death by the ghosts of the Lone Wolf lineage. They let out bursts of screams, and the smell of blood in the air became heavier and heavier. . Immediately afterwards, the preparation troops from the two places also launched a second wave of attacks. This time they raised their large shields to block the crossbow arrows, and carried a large number of ladders to rush over. Although the moat of Jinan Prefecture was deep, it was not wide. The ladders went to the moat. Shields were placed on one of the bridges on both sides of the bank, and they suddenly became several small bridges. Although it's a little wobbly when you step on it, you can pass it. In this way, the difficult point of the only bridge on the moat was broken, and the soldiers carried the remaining ladders and pushed the crash cart to the city wall. The Ming army set up a ladder, but King Qin's army pushed it down. The soldiers of the Ming army hugged the ladder legs tightly under the ladder and pressed the ladder to the top of the city with their body weight, making it impossible for King Qin's soldiers to push it down. The Ming army scrambled to climb up the ladder and fought bravely. King Qin's soldiers smashed the wood with huge rocks and poured hot oil and kerosene down. Afterwards, there were archers who refused to listen to the shooting. The Ming army suffered heavy casualties and lay dead outside the city. There were ghosts charging at them, but King Qin's soldiers became more and more courageous as they fought. After all, there were so many people on top of the city and they had a geographical advantage, so the defense went smoothly for a while. Outside Jichuan Gate, four crash carts were pushed over. Two of them were hit by artillery and trebuchets, and were immediately destroyed. Another car was hit by kerosene pouring from above when it crashed into the door. The car and the soldiers on both sides of the car burst into flames, causing a blood-curdling scream. A dozen big men used long spears to push away the burning crash car, and another one was pushed up, and they held it above their heads with shields, iron plates and other objects to prevent it from being hit by heavy objects or hot oil. The ghosts on the city fought with everyone, and there were casualties on each other. The fighting between the attackers and defenders below the city was even fiercer. The only advantage of King Qin's army was that they were the defenders and had no need to worry about accidental damage, so the artillery and trebuchets were not used for a moment. They stopped, but the Ming army was worried about the safety of the siege soldiers and did not dare to fight back. The Ming army was forced to move back a mile, but the defense on the city was still a little tense. This battle lasted one day. Until nightfall, the ghosts took the lead in withdrawing, and then the Ming army that attacked the city also gradually retreated. There were piles of corpses under the city wall, including those from the Ming army and those from King Qin's army, totaling tens of thousands of people. Zhu Jianwen breathed a long sigh of relief and looked at the Bagua Mirror that he had been shaking. If this huge Bagua Mirror were not present today, the ghosts would not be killed or injured. Although this battle was tragic, King Qin's army regained their confidence. They held on and passed the difficult first day. Moreover, even if they discovered that there were ghosts, they could alsowin. Although those terrifying ghosts are difficult to cut and stab, they are not invincible. Zhu Jianwen looked at the soldiers whose faces were full of joy, and then saw that his hands were already covered in blood. It seemed that the skin on the handle of the Bagua Mirror had been worn off by turning it back and forth. Zhu Jianwen walked down the tower and walked among the soldiers guarding the city. He pulled out the long sword from his waist and raised his arms and shouted: "Victory!" The sergeants of King Qin's army followed Zhu Jianwen, shouting one after another. of joy. It was completely dark, and both warring parties took a rest. In the Ming army camp opposite Jinan Mansion, a middle-aged man who was tired of travel came in, raised his hands to the Master of Life Vein and said: "Master of Life Vein, you are well. "The Master of the Soul Pulse was looking at the map of Jinan Mansion, thinking about how to attack next. He looked up and saw that the man also smiled and said, "Master Xue Ling Pulse, do you have any plans?" With a sound, he took the water handed by the master of the living soul pulse and drank it in one gulp. It seemed that he was very thirsty and he took a breath and said: "Master Yu has an order to quickly attack Jinan Mansion and wipe out Zhu Jianwen's rebellious party within three days. "The Master of the Soul Vein sighed and said: "It's not that easy. I can only do my best. Let's put aside these troubles. How are the Masters of the Soul Vein and the Master of the Snow Bell doing? They had known each other for a long time, and later, when Yu Qian's leadership led the entire army to encircle and suppress Lu Yun, and Xue Ling's line was also wiped out by Leopards, the two shared the same illness and their friendship became even deeper. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 41: The Night of City Breakdown The Master of the Xueling Pulse heard the inquiry from the Master of the Living Soul Pulse, and he also sighed: "It's okay that you are upset about the siege. After all, you are serving the court without any merit, and there is hard work, you say, but I am even more miserable. Since Xue Ling Pulse, Ling's lineage is in the northwest. After being killed by that bastard soul-eating beast called Leopard, my status has been declining. I have no disciples to use, and I am no longer a veteran under Master Yu like you. You can imagine that I am getting better every day. Being ostracized, they are now reduced to messengers." The Master of the Soul Pulse comforted him: "Brother, you can't say that, you think you won't be able to make a difference in the future with your own abilities? No matter what the danger is, Mr. Yu will naturally not tear down the bridge for us. It may turn out to be a blessing in disguise. Now that things are like this, it is useless for us to lament. And you are not a messenger, but a herald. You know all the secrets in the world, and the world is not at peace in a military situation. Who else can ensure that the information is delivered safely and quickly except you, the Master of the Snow Bell Vein?" After hearing this, the Master of the Snow Bell Vein felt that it was a compliment. , but it may be that the depression in my heart was greatly reduced, and I laughed. The master of the living spirit vein changed the subject and asked in a low voice: "What are the recent developments in the capital?" "Not in the capital, but something happened behind us outside the capital." The master of the snow bell vein said mysteriously. "Why, have you found Lu Yunzhi's cavalry team that was found in southern Xinjiang?" the living pulse master asked with a puzzled look on his face. The master of Xue Ling Vein nodded, rolled his eyes and looked around again, then lowered his voice and said, "Not only did they appear, but there seems to be airbending masters joining them." "Airbending masters? Aren't they in Fengbo Village? ?¡± The Living Vein Master cried out in surprise, and the Snow Bell Vein Master quickly covered his mouth and shushed, ¡°Keep your voice down, the walls have ears.¡± ¡°In fact, not only did the airbending masters appear, they also captured Bazhou. The most important thing is that they captured Tan Qing, and Yu Qian sent a small number of troops to conduct a tentative attack, but the entire army was destroyed. So he ordered to stay in the capital and not attack anymore. I guess he wanted you to defeat Zhu. After hearing this, I ordered a siege of Bazhou on the way back to Beijing because I heard that although Lu Yunzhi's group was powerful, they were not large in number," the master of Xue Ling Pulse said softly. The living soul pulse master opened his eyes wide and said with an incredulous expression: "Tan Qing, master of the Miao Gu branch?" Seeing the Xueling pulse master nodded, the living soul pulse master continued: "It seems that Lu Yunzhi is really powerful. Ah, Tan Qing's destiny energy is second only to Yu Qian, how could he be defeated by Lu Yunzhi so easily? " "I don't know this," said the Master of Xue Ling Pulse, "Anyway, this time Yu Qian gave many instructions. Let you capture Jinan Mansion quickly and return to the capital as soon as possible. Maybe another battle to defend the capital will begin." The Master of the Life Pulse nodded and shouted: "Come here!" A doctor came in from outside the door. , clasped his fists and said, "What are your orders, general?" The master of the living soul line raised his voice: "Gather the three armies and attack Jinan Mansion overnight. We must take it down." "Yes!" The sergeant walked out. Outside the city of Jinan Prefecture, in front of the Ming army's military camp, the leader of the living souls stood on a high slope at the front of the team, giving final instructions to the soldiers of the three armies: "You fought very bravely this morning, and you are all extremely tired. We are tired." , those rebel defenders must be even more tired. Tonight we will work hard to capture Jinan Prefecture, and then return in triumph. I will definitely reward you for your contributions. The state has national laws, and families have family rules. Naturally, we must pay more attention to the rules in the army. I now give an order. , all the troops are pressing forward. They can only advance, but cannot retreat. Anyone who retreats and escapes will be killed by the rear team. I and I are not allowed to go more than a hundred steps away from the moat. Anyone who disobeys the order will be killed! The whole army obeys the order and follows me. " " As he spoke, the leader of the living spirit vein drew out his sword and rushed out at the lead. When the Ming soldiers saw that the commander was only in battle, their morale was high and they rushed out. Suddenly, the sound of killing was loud, guns and cannons fired, and the army, like locusts during an insect infestation, pounced on their "food" Jinan Mansion. Zhu Jianwen fought for a day and was exhausted. He was worried that there would be a night attack at night. He not only sent people to reinforce the city wall that was damaged during the day, but also exchanged the sergeants of the other three gates with the Jichuan Gate defenders to maintain the best combat effectiveness. Even so, he was still tossing and turning and couldn't sleep. He didn't dare to take off his armor and could only lie down wearing it. Just when he was thinking about things in his mind, he suddenly heard loud killing sounds outside the city. Zhu Jianwen stood up, walked quickly to the door, and shouted: "Come here, what happened outside the city?" There was no one outside the door, and the guards were nowhere to be seen. There was a loud killing sound outside the city, and it took a moment before a guard ran away. He came back and said hurriedly: "Deputy Commander, something serious has happened. I went to inquire just now. According to the guards at Jichuan Gate, the enemy troops launched a night attack." Zhu Jianwen was not panicked and said in a loud voice: "Why are you panicking? I We have already made arrangements." Even so, Zhu Jianwen got on his horse and galloped towards Jichuan Gate. As soon as they arrived at the city wall, several generals quickly reported: "Deputy Commander, the enemy is attacking."It's so violent, I'm afraidI'm afraid I can't hold it anymore. "Zhu Jianwen was shocked. During the day, in order to prevent the enemy from attacking at night, he had sent fresh troops to keep vigil. However, the enemies were all pressed during the day and were already exhausted. Even if there were ghosts to help at this time, they would not be able to defeat them so quickly. Just break through the defense. Zhu Jianwen didn't have any extra time to think, so he quickly climbed up the city wall. Sure enough, the ghosts were constantly killing the soldiers. The number was obviously much smaller than during the day. Zhu Jianwen took out his weapon during the day. Yin and a handle of jade Ruyi kept hitting the ghosts to fight their way to the tower, and then turned the Bagua mirror on the tower to shine a faint light on the ghosts, and the soldiers listened. At the conclusion of the day's battle, they all slashed at the ghost with their knives. At this moment, a huge wolf-shaped ghost rushed towards Zhu Jianwen. Zhu Jianwen dodged and took out the square seal to hit the ghost on the head. Unexpectedly, the wolf-shaped ghost spirit refused to dodge, so he pressed his claws against the square seal. Zhu Jianwen was shocked, and quickly let go of the Bagua mirror, pulled out Yu Ruyi from his waist, and hit the wolf-shaped ghost spirit. Five evil spirits glowing red, and several ghost spirits that were also evil spirits but with more powerful ghost spirits also approached Zhu Jianwen. The five ghost spirits formed a group and surrounded him silently. He grabbed Zhu Jianwen's legs and quickly crawled towards his arms and head. Zhu Jianwen shouted: "Five Ugly One Lineage!" ¡± Suddenly, Zhu Jianwen felt a sense of sadness in his heart, and a kind of unwillingness to die slowly spread throughout his heart. ()g Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 42: Reinforcements Come to Help Five men in their fifties were staring at Zhu Jianwen on top of the city tower, murmuring words, and they were surrounded by ten or two groups of disciples of the Five Chou lineage, escorting them. These five people are the masters of the Five Chou lineage. Zhu Jianwen resisted the wolf-shaped ghosts with both hands and had no time to take care of the Five Chou lineage ghosts. At this moment, the more powerful ghosts ran behind the Bagua Mirror and used all their strength to When it hit it, the Bagua Mirror shattered. An old man with bloodstains all over his body and a livid face, the leader of the living lineage, stood on top of the city. As the commander-in-chief of the Ming army, he had indeed taken the lead, and those powerful evil spirits were also at the top of the city. It was his doing, he destroyed Zhu Jianwen's Bagua Mirror. King Qin's army on the top of the city could no longer kill the ghosts. The 20,000 people in the center who were coordinating the battle had already come to help. Even the soldiers from the other three gates came over. Most of the soldiers from the other three gates came over. The two counterattacks turned into a whimpering and fighting sound. The angry roar was deafening. Jichuan Gate is no longer a battlefield for offensive and defensive battles, but a sea of ??blood. Zhu Jianwen's hands were entangled, his feet had been firmly fixed, and an evil spirit grabbed his head. Incomparable pain penetrated his whole body, as if five horses were torn into pieces. The wolf-shaped figure in front of him The ghost took two steps back, as if he wanted to gain momentum and then rush forward to disembowel Zhu Jianwen. For a moment, Zhu Jianwen thought of Du Hai. This was exactly the same as when Du Hai was attacked by several pulse masters. Will he be remembered as Zhongzheng forever after his death? Or become a lonely ghost and a ghost driven by others? Zhu Jianwen's heart was trembling. He didn't want to die but had to die. At the critical moment, a figure floated in front of him, and both hands were inserted into the wolf-shaped ghost. The wolf-shaped ghost struck with its claws, but the figure dodged in a flash, and ducked to Zhu Jianwen's side, opening its mouth and moving towards Zhu Jianwen bit him on the arm. The ghosts driven by the Wuchou lineage hurriedly left Zhu Jianwen's body, which was still tightly wrapped around him just now, as if they had seen some natural enemy. Zhu Jianwen lost his center of gravity and almost fell down, but was stopped by the figure. Looking sideways, he saw a man of similar age to himself, but he was thick and wild, like a bandit. The man chuckled and said, "Zhu Jianwen, are you okay?" Zhu Jianwen was shocked. He didn't recognize who the man was but always felt that he had seen him before. Although the man was rough but attentive, he saw the confusion in Zhu Jianwen's eyes and said : "Kill the enemy first and then talk." The city gate was breached by the Ming army at this moment. A large number of Ming troops poured into Jinan Mansion, and they faced off against King Qin's army in hand-to-hand combat on the narrow streets. There were many wild beasts among the Ming army, most of them were ferocious beasts such as mountain wolves and tigers. It seemed that they were driven by the beast-driving lineage. King Qin¡¯s army was not afraid of fighting the Ming army, but they were at a loss when facing these beasts. At this moment, there was chaos in the rear of the Ming army, and a pair of men and horses rushed into the city. The Ming army hurriedly turned back to defend against the enemy, but was unable to resist. That team of cavalry was extremely brave. It was led by a fat general with a big belly. The general wielded a big sword with great power. No one could stop him from cutting. Many Ming soldiers were cut off and their heads were cut off. Some of the more brutal ones were on the spot. After being cut in half, half of the body crawled for a long time before dying. After the fat general, there was a group of equally brave warriors. There were hundreds of people, which was beyond the ability of ordinary soldiers to resist. Moreover, after this group of people rushed into the city, they dispersed and ran towards the gathering place of ghosts. He abandoned his horse and jumped up on foot, tearing apart various ghosts in an instant. Although he was occasionally harmed by ghosts, he had an absolute advantage for a while. The battle situation reversed instantly and became more and more favorable to King Qin's army. The fat general led dozens of people and rushed to the front of King Qin's army, which was in formation. King Qin's army was facing off with dozens of tigers and wolves, but they saw the fat general slashing a wolf in half with a swing of his sword. The warriors behind him dismounted and got down on all fours, grinning at the beasts and roaring. The beasts did not advance but retreated, whimpering softly, as if these warriors were the real kings of beasts in the world. . A sergeant from the Qinwang soldiers reacted and cheered: "Heavenly soldiers are coming, the heavenly soldiers have saved us!" Jinan Mansion's internal Qinwang soldiers shouted loudly. Everyone said that it was the mysterious heavenly soldiers who came to save them. Only those who were fighting in the street A veteran muttered: "Is this a heavenly soldier? It's like a beast coming out of hell. This is not how the heavenly soldiers fight." Whether it was the arrival of the heavenly soldiers or not, in short, this cavalry, which seemed to have descended from the sky, solved the urgent need for Jinan Prefecture to be conquered. , everyone was very happy, and Zhu Jianwen was also very happy. He fought side by side with the familiar strong man, and soon many warriors swarmed up the city wall to kill the ghosts. After Zhu Jianwen saw the strong men beside him and the warriors who came to help fight the ghosts with bare hands and teeth, he suddenly realized and shouted: "You are soul-eating beasts, you are leopards!" Luo Baozi turned around and punched Zhu Jianwen, and cursed: "I am a ghost-eating tribe, go to hell with your soul-eating beast." Zhu Jianwen knew that he had made a slip of the tongue, and hurriedly said: "Brother Baozi, I made a slip of the tongue in a moment of impatience. "Thank you for coming to help me, my dear friend." But Leopard pulled Zhu Jianwen up and said, "You are still being polite at this time."Well, let¡¯s fight! "As he said this, they started fighting again. The Ming army was almost the same in number as King Qin's army. Only with the help of ghosts and the support of the three thousand Shenji battalion, King Qin's army was forced to Jinan Mansion. At this moment, Bao Zi led the soldiers. When the ghost tribe came to the rescue, the Ming army was immediately defeated. After killing more than ten city defenders and a soul-eating beast with ghost spirits at the top of the city, he sighed and jumped down from the city when he saw that the situation was over. , several red evil spirits also fell down and grabbed the collar of the living soul pulse master. After landing, the living soul pulse master grabbed a bugler and shouted: "Blow the withdrawal horn quickly, blow the retreat horn quickly. "The soldier agreed and raised the horn hanging on his waist to blow. A cold arrow shot from the top of the city and hit him in the head. The soldier fell to the ground. The leader of the living soul vein picked up the soldier's horn and blew it with all his strength. , the Ming army heard the sound of the horn and retreated towards the outside of the city. It must be said that the leader of the life line was also a good leader. Under his command, the retreat was not hasty and orderly, and he was also located at the rear of the palace, giving constant command. The bows and crossbows shot down King Qin's army who came to pursue him. The victory that was about to be won instantly turned into smoke and a dream, and disappeared when the wind blew. The master of the living soul could not help but lamented in his heart that fate had tricked people. If Bao Zi and others did not come to help, King Qin's army would not be able to survive. There is no doubt that they will be defeated. The fat general and his men were surrounded by soldiers. They not only raised their heads and cheered enthusiastically: "Heavenly soldiers save the world. "In addition, there were still discussions about the appearance and clothing of the heavenly soldiers. Zhu Jianwen looked around and shouted: "Old Fang! The fat general looked up, laughed and said, "I didn't expect it to be me, Zhu Jianwen." "This brave and fat general is none other than Fang Qingze. ()s Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 43: Ming Jin and Retreating the Troops Zhu Jianwen quickly ran down the tower. Fang Qingze had just turned over from his horse, but was hugged by Zhu Jianwen. I just heard Zhu Jianwen say happily: "Old Fang, why are you here? You are my great savior." Fang Qingze originally enjoyed the feeling that the sergeants regarded them as gods. At this moment, he was hugged by Zhu Jianwen and stood in front of everyone. Feeling a little embarrassed, he hurriedly broke away and said: "I heard, what are you soldiers talking about, what are the heavenly soldiers, I can't understand a word. By the way, if you don't talk about this, are you still chasing the Ming army? ? ¡± Only then did Zhu Jianwen react and hurriedly ordered: ¡°Leave the city in full pursuit.¡± Fang Qingze shouted: ¡°Leave the enemy¡¯s head in exchange for money. If you kill three people, you will get a reward of 100 taels.¡± ! " General Qin Wang was stunned for a moment before he was ahead. He immediately cheered and then quickly gathered his troops to fight outside the city, fearing that he would be left behind and lose the bounty. The soldiers were so excited that they secretly thought that the heavenly soldiers were not only extraordinary in strength, but also rich in armor. The God of Wealth in one place. Fang Qingze smiled at Zhu Jianwen, and Zhu Jianwen also punched Fang Qingze lightly and said, "It's true that money can make the world go round." Said Leopard, Fang Qingze, and Zhu Jianwen led the troops towards the defeated Ming army. Chase in the direction. A part of the Ming army that was running slowly was caught up by King Qin's army and hacked to death on the spot with a flurry of swords. Although the Master of Life Pulse was not superb in magic, his military skills were not weak either. Although he fled, he did not panic. He led the army to retreat while Reorganize the defense. He knew very well in his heart that if he kept running like this, his troops would become fewer and fewer, and it would be too late to turn around and fight to the death. When Zhu Jianwen and others caught up with the Ming army, they found that the enemy army was not as panicked as they imagined. The Ming army had large shields in front and spears to treat them. Zhu Jianwen decisively ordered to stop the march. At this moment, the Ming army fired thousands of arrows and fired guns. The Qin army was only focused on chasing and killing, and got too close to the Ming army. After the arrow rain, the logistics king's army suffered some casualties, but under the command of Zhu Jianwen and several vassal kings, they quickly adjusted their formation, carried out shield formation defense, and then slowly advanced. When they were less than a hundred steps away from the Ming army, the shield formation opened and the cavalry rushed out. With Leopard and Fang Qingze as the vanguard, 20,000 cavalry rushed out. On the opposite side, the Ming army also had shield soldiers spreading out on both sides, with the beast-possessed beasts in front, followed by the seven bloodline masters of Shengling, Xueling, and Wuchou, followed by heavy armored cavalry. The two teams fought hard, clashed back and forth, and then got into a melee. Since the night attack on Jinan Prefecture began late last night, it was not until dawn that the two sides stopped attacking each other and retreated, dragging their exhausted bodies back to the camp. Both sides suffered heavy casualties in this battle. The master of the Expelling Beast Lineage was attacked and killed by Leopard and Fang Qingze. Zhu Jianwen was hit by two swords and luckily did not hurt his vitals, but he was unable to fight anymore. When the creature vein master was fighting with several ghost-eating tribesmen, he was caught in the back by one of the ghost-eating tribesmen. His skin and flesh were torn apart in pain. He was later snatched out of the crowd by the five ugly vein masters and the snow bell vein masters. After this battle, both sides suffered heavy casualties, more than the total number of casualties in the offensive and defensive battles in the past few days. More than half of their respective troops were damaged. Only the King Qin army commanded by Zhu Jianwen lost eight of the many feudal princes in the battle, and six were still alive. He was seriously injured, and he didn't know if he could be saved. Both sides were somewhat wary of the other's strength and did not dare to attack rashly. They could only wait and see each other, and the battle turned from intense to a stalemate. In Bazhou City, in the woodshed, the cloth gagged on Tan Qing's mouth was pulled off. She struggled to move her mouth. It was obvious that her mouth had been blocked for too long, and her lower jaw was already a little numb. Bai Yong knelt down, put the tray he was holding on the ground and said, "Miss Tan Qing, it's time to eat." "What to eat? My jaw is numb. Ask your perverted leader, what are you going to do?" How long will you tie me up? Also, I don¡¯t want to eat like a dog like the first day, you have to feed me today!" Tan Qing said! Bai Yong shook his head. He felt helpless towards this woman. After delivering the meal on the first day, Bai Yong went out to organize military affairs. After everything was arranged, when he wanted to come back and follow Lu Yunzhi's order to stop Tan Qing's mouth again, he found that Tan Qing was pouting on the ground and kept cupping the food in the tray with his mouth. Tan had not eaten enough water or rice for a day, so he was starving early in the morning, and he was tied up with five flowers and couldn't move at all, so he could only eat like this. Bai Yong couldn't bear to see it, so from that day on, Bai Yong personally came to feed Tan Qing. Sometimes, Bai Yong would chat with Tan Qing. After a few days, the relationship between the two was not as explosive as it was at the beginning. Bai Yong first gave Tan Qing a sip of water from a bowl, then put a chopstick of fried bamboo shoot meat into Tan Qing's mouth, and then scooped up a spoonful of rice. Tan Qing chewed and said, "I want some soup. Bai Yong muttered: "There are quite a lot of things." Although he said so, he opened the jar, scooped up a spoonful of soup from it, put it to his mouth and blew it before passing it to Tan Qing. Tan Qing let out a burst of joy, and a few grains of rice in his mouth almost sprayed onto Bai Yong's face, and he said with a smile: "Bai Yong, I didn't expect that you are such a fierce warrior, you are quite"He knows how to blow the soup first and then feed me. Bai Yong suddenly felt a little embarrassed, his fair face flushed with embarrassment. When he was at a loss, he heard Tan Qing say again: "Have you ever found a girl? Do you want me to help you find one? My disciples" " Before Tan Qing finished speaking, Bai Yong threw the spoon back into the jar angrily, turned around and was about to walk out the door. Tan Qing quickly shouted: "Don't leave, I was just joking. Well, how can I eat when you are gone? Bai Yong turned around, the blush on his face still not gone, and shouted: "Tan Qing, I will make a three-point agreement with you. If you can't do it, I will never talk to you again, let alone Feed you. Regardless of whether Tan Qing answered or not, Bai Yong continued: "First, you are not allowed to humiliate my lord in the future." Second, don¡¯t say such nonsense again. Third, don¡¯t tease me again. " "The second and third items are somewhat repetitive. Hehe, okay, I promise you, I won't talk about it anymore. Tan Qing said with a smile. Bai Yong squatted down again and continued to pick up the spoon and feed Tan Qing. After Tan Qing finished eating, Bai Yong was about to chat with her when the door of the woodshed was suddenly pushed open. After opening it, Lu Yunzhi walked in quickly. Bai Yong was startled before he knew it. He stood up in a hurry and said in a panic: "Master, Iyou" "Um" Lu Yunzhi looked at Bai Yong and said, "What's wrong with you? You're so panicked." " Tan Qing said with a smile: "Haha, a pair of unreasonable idiots. ¡± ()s Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 44: Detoxification "Nonsense!" Bai Yong shouted to stop Tan Qing. Tan Qing was obedient. Not only did he not reply but he stopped talking this time. Lu Yunzhi looked at the two of them, and then said: "Bai Yong untied Lord Tan, and then brought her to the side hall. I have something to ask her about." After speaking, Lu Yunzhi turned around and left the woodshed. After Lu Yunzhi occupied the prefect¡¯s yamen, he only had a side courtyard in the backyard. The prefect was grateful and ordered his servants to cook for Lu Yunzhi¡¯s team every day. At this moment, lying on the bed in the main room of the side courtyard, a middle-aged man was lying. The man's weathered face was covered with scars. His face was a little gloomy, and his eyes were closed. He was either asleep or unconscious. Lu Yunzhi walked into the room and looked at the man on the bed with concern. At this time, Bai Yong pulled Tan Qing in. Lu Yunzhi asked in a trembling voice: "Is he poisoned by your Miao Gu lineage?" Bai Yong was shocked. He had never seen Lu Yunzhi lose his composure before, and a strong murderous aura made him feel uneasy. . Tan Qing seemed not to notice, and looked at the man lying on the bed, while rubbing his aching arms that were tied up, he said, "Yes, he was poisoned, and he was poisoned by my poison. Who said he was the leader of the Iron Sword lineage? I was right. That day in the northwest, I saw that his sword dance was superb, and his skills in defeating ghosts were also amazing, so I put the poison on him myself. " "Then can you undo this poison?" Lu Yunzhi asked with a hoarse voice and a low growl. Tan Qing let out waves of seductive laughter and replied: "You can undo it, but I don't want to undo it. Can you?" What about me?!" Lu Yunzhi raised his eyes and looked at Tan Qing, then whispered: "Nightmare, can you control her detoxification?" Nightmare said in Lu Yunzhi's ear: "It's a little difficult to see in the dream. I don't know how to detoxify. " Tan Qing didn't know who Lu Yunzhi was talking to. He looked at Lu Yunzhi in surprise, but Bai Yong took his hand. Tan Qing looked sideways and saw Bai Yong winking at her as a hint, telling her not to anger Lu Yunzhi. Tan Qing ignored it and just smiled sweetly, then turned to look at Lu Yunzhi, only to encounter Lu Yunzhi's bloodshot and extremely red eyes, which seemed to be bleeding. Among them, the malicious eyes did not seem to come from the human world, but seemed to come from the cold hell where ghosts and spirits dare not set foot. Tan Qing was alerted. A faint dark red light appeared on Lu Yunzhi's palm, and there was a circle of white light on the outside. Just listen to Lu Yunzhi say: "If you don't help me, I will do it myself. There is nothing in the world that can beat me, Lu Yunzhi!" As he spoke, he waved his palm and was about to hit Tan Qing's Tianling Cap. Tan Qingjian He screamed and dodged back, but the ghost spirit was captured by Lu Yunzhi, and all the poisonous poisonous insects on his body were also found. Now he had nothing to defend himself from, and Lu Yunzhi was extremely skilled, so Tan Qing could not avoid it. You can only wait to die. "Lord, calm down, Tan Qing is guilty," Bai Yong rushed over to block the situation, holding Tan Qing behind him, but he did not use golden light to protect his body, and shouted. Lu Yunzhi hurriedly stopped her palms, and the murderous look in her eyes was slightly faint, and she growled two words: "Go away!" Bai Yong quickly explained: "My lord, Tan Qing has been reflecting on her past few days. She just received less education, so Her unscrupulous words offended the lord, please give her another chance." Bai Yong turned over, shook Tan Qing's arm and said urgently: "Go and detoxify, what did you tell me just now? " Tan Qing is so smart. Naturally, Bai Yong regards Lu Yunzhi as his lord and elder brother. He does not dare to disobey Lu Yunzhi, so he can only protect himself with his life. He can't help but look at Bai Yong with gratitude, and quickly walks to the man on the bed. The man beside him said: "Bai Yong, help me get a basin of water, and then give me the knife and a candle. I want to bleed the Iron Sword Vein Master." After Bai Yong brought these items for Tan Qing, Tan Qing Holding the short blade in his hand, he baked it on the lit candle for a while, then took off all the clothes on Chao Xing's body, and slowly cut it with the short blade. After each cut, he put a little bit in the clear water. After a while, the basin of clear water was It became turbid and emitted a foul odor. But where Chao Xing's body was cut, nothing flowed out, not even blood. Only the skin and flesh were exaggeratedly turned out, looking a little disgusting. Lu Yunzhi had already brought Tan Qing the pile of bottles and cans that he had found on her body a few days ago. Tan Qing took one of the bottles and sprinkled it on Chao Xing's wound. Chao Xing instantly let out a low moan. Immediately afterwards, I saw that the wounds on Chao Xing's body slowly healed, leaving only faint red marks. Tan Qing said to Lu Yunzhi: "Bring me the Xuanfeng." Lu Yunzhi hesitated slightly and took out Tan Qing's small jar with Xuanfeng from his arms and handed it to her, but Lu Yunzhi was secretly on guard. Two iron thorns slowly slipped out of the cuffs. Tan Qing took the small jar, then lightly scratched his finger on the short blade, dripping his own blood into the small jar, then shook it for a while, then opened the small jar and poured out the blood. Accompanied by the vibrating sounds of black bees in the jar, a large drop of crystal clear liquid flowed out of the jar. Tan Qing caught it with his hands and opened Chao Xing's mouth.?Pour most of the liquid on your hand into it. The rest of the liquid was smeared on Chao Xing's body where he was bitten by the bug, and then he muttered something. Chao Xing responded with an "ah" sound and let out a breath of evil breath. Tan Qing put his hand on Chao Xing's pulse, and then said to Lu Yunzhi: "Okay, after a cup of tea, use your Qi control to walk around for him, and he will wake up. But, this Don't eat anything too greasy for a few days, and avoid emotional ups and downs." As he spoke, Tan Qing put Xuanfeng into his arms. Lu Yunzhi saw it but did not stop him. Bai Yong spoke at this time and asked: "Lord, who is this old man?" Lu Yunzhi sat by the bed, stroked the man's forehead, then put his hand on the pulse and watched for a moment before answering. : "This is what I told you before, my uncle Chao Xing, but I never told you before that he is the leader of the Iron Sword lineage." After speaking, Lu Yunzhi looked at Tan Qing and said, "Tan Pulse Master, thank you for your help. I am very grateful. When my uncle wakes up, we will discuss the future matters. " Because Chao Xing was poisoned by poison and Fang Qingze had no cure, he could only let his shop control Chao. Xing was sent to the capital, and ordered the shops to inquire about the movements of Lu Yunzhi's powerful team, because the original plan was for Lu Yunzhi to launch a surprise attack on the capital, directly into Huanglong. Fang Qingze thought that according to the date, Lu Yunzhi and the others should go to the capital now. is nearby, hence this action. After Chao Xing stayed in Baoding Mansion for several days, someone finally found out about Bazhou and sent someone to inquire. After confirmation, Chao Xing was sent. Lu Yunzhi listened to the accounts of the shopkeepers who sent Chao Xing, and then sent those people out with a lot of thanks, and called Tan Qing to detoxify, and then what happened just now happened. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 45: Lots of Mysteries After a cup of tea, Lu Yunzhi placed one palm of his luck on Chao Xing's right shoulder, and then breathed it out in his mouth, and the Yu Qi traveled through Chao Xing's limbs and bones. Chao Xing's breathing became rapid and he suddenly opened his eyes. Chao Xing suddenly woke up and was in a daze. He looked at Lu Yunzhi, then smiled slightly and said, "Nephew, why are you here? Nephew Fang Xian." As he spoke, Chao Xing looked around and saw only the facial features. The upright Bai Yong and the charming Tan Qing. When Chao Xing's eyes saw Tan Qing's face, his eyes lit up and he suddenly exclaimed "Ah", and then fainted again. Lu Yunzhi suddenly felt extremely nervous. The poison had been removed just now, so why did he pass out again now? Tan Qing was also extremely surprised and quickly put his hand on Chao Xing's pulse, while Lu Yunzhi put his hand behind Chao Xing's ear. After a while, Lu Yunzhi and Tan Qing looked at each other and said "strange" at the same time. Chao Xing didn't know why he was so excited just now that he fainted. Lu Yunzhi thought: If it was because he saw himself, he wouldn't be so excited. It would be even worse if they saw Bai Yong, because they didn't know him. So is it Tan Qing? Even though she was dressed in strange clothes, Chao Xing probably didn't know that she was the leader of the Miao Gu lineage. Moreover, Chao Xing had just woken up, so he probably hadn't thought that what he had planted was poisonous Gu. But what happened to Chao Xing's expression of surprise and his twinkling eyes just now, as if he wanted to say something? Tan Qing felt that all this was getting more and more baffling. Lu Yunzhi said before that he looked like a human being, but later he heard Bai Yong say that Lu Yunzhi was more serious and would not joke with people he met for the first time. Now, Chao Xing fainted in surprise when he saw him, and Lu Yunzhi stared at his face. It seemed that everything was so unpredictable. Although the girls from the Miao family have been relatively outgoing since they were young, and Tan Qing mostly teased others when they came to the Central Plains, being stared at by Lu Yunzhi today made her feel a little embarrassed, and a touch of red rose to her cheeks. Lu Yunzhi looked at Chao Xing who was lying on the bed again. Apart from the surge of energy and blood, he had no serious life-threatening illness. It was estimated that Chao Xing would wake up in a few days, so he felt relieved, and then told Tan Qing and Bai Yong said: "Let's go to the lobby to talk." Five days later, in Jinan City. Zhu Jianwen sat up and covered his arrow wound. Fang Qingze asked: "What's going on with the Ming army?" Fang Qingze slowly pushed Zhu Jianwen back to the bed, and then said: "They are also resting, and both of us are The damage is not small, you have a good rest, Baozi and I and other generals will guard Jinan Mansion for you. And I have two good news here, do you want to listen to it?" Baozi laughed and scolded Fang Qingze. Said: "That's so damn verbose. Why don't you tell me quickly? Didn't you notice that Zhu Jianwen was so excited that his wound was about to spurt blood again?" After getting along with each other for the past few days, although Leopard's rudeness but straightforward personality won the hearts of Zhu Jianwen and other Qin Wangjun The general has a good impression and the relationship is getting closer with each passing day. When Zhu Jianwen heard Leopard's words, he also smiled and said: "That's right, Fatty Fang, say it quickly, say it quickly." "First, I have dispatched grain and grass from Shandong in the past few days to replenish the rations for our King Qin's army. It is estimated that tonight We can get there. But the Ming army cannot collect food. The granaries in various places have been emptied by my previous trade wars. Now, they can only rely on the capital to transport food here. The journey is long and dangerous, and it will take a long time. It's only a matter of time before we run out of food and grass." When Fang Qingze said this, he suddenly pretended to be mysterious. When Fang Qingze saw Zhu Jianwen holding up the pillow as if to throw it at him, he laughed evilly again and continued: "The second news is the Fei Ge letter I just got. According to reliable information from the shopkeepers in Langfang and Baoding, , Bazhou Prefecture has been captured by my third brother Lu Yunzhi. Sure enough, after my failure on the northwest route, and the threat of Wala in northern Xinjiang was eliminated, the plan to attack Huanglong was aborted, so Yunzhi may change. To capture Bazhou and threaten the capital, if I guess correctly, the third brother will probably send troops to support us and then send troops south to attack the Zhili garrison of the Nanjing Military Headquarters with another army from the Qing Dynasty, that is, my eldest brother Qu Xiangtian. Army, and finally went north together to launch a general attack on the capital in Bazhou. If Yunzhi's army can join us in attacking the Ming army outside Jinan Prefecture, they will definitely win a great victory. But according to what you said before, they will be defeated by you. King Qin's army is called the Heavenly Soldiers. According to the soldiers, they only have more than 2,000 people. If they support us, they will have little effect. If all of them are deployed, Bazhou's city defense will become a problem. Our stronghold in attacking the capital also plays a role in blocking the enemy from the capital and sending a large army straight in to replenish our troops. If we fully support us, we will lose the overall advantage we currently have. I don¡¯t know if the third brother can have a clever plan to solve this problem. Question." Just as Zhu Jianwen was about to speak, he heard a sergeant outside yelling: "Report!" Fang Qingze knew that the man was a scout, so he quickly asked: "What information? Report to the general, a team of nearly 3,000 people came from the rear of the Ming army, and they captured?, and asked me to come back and give the order for King Qin's army to come out of the city and join them in a flanking attack on the enemy. The scout paused for a moment, and then suddenly said something: "Three years later, the land in southern Xinjiang will be scorched." " Initially, Zhu Jianwen and Fang Qingze were still doubting whether it was a tactic used by the Ming army to lure the enemy. After hearing this, they felt relieved and knew that it must be Lu Yunzhi's troops, so Fang Qingze simply explained this sentence to Baozi. Origin, and then said to Zhu Jianwen: "As expected, my third brother has come to support us. I will go and lead the troops out of the city first. You lie in bed and rest to prevent the arrow injury from recurring." But Zhu Jianwen shouted loudly: "There are nearly three thousand people, and Lu Yunzhi only has two thousand soldiers and horses. Where did those thousand come from?" Fatty Fang, you have to be careful. " Fang Qingze walked out of the house and replied without looking back: "I know, it must be the third brother, otherwise how could he know this sentence. "Zhu Jianwen lay on the bed for a while, then stood up and endured the pain and tied up his armor. Even if the pain was unbearable or the arrow wound recurred, he still wanted to kill a big and happy one. In the dense forest behind the Ming army , a group of people lined up silently, looking at the Jichuan Gate of Jinan Prefecture in the distance. The leader was a young man and a woman. The man was handsome and the woman was pretty. If anyone else saw it, they would definitely say "What a pair." Golden boy and beautiful girl. There were several corpses lying under the young man's horse, and the young man laughed and said: "These Ming army scouts still have little ability to spy on the military situation. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 46: Heading North to Bazhou The girl listened to the young man's words and said: "Bai Yong, how can you bully this ordinary soldier? Let me tell you who can kill more people in the world. Whoever kills more will be the team from now on." Who has the final say?" Bai Yong, the young man, was slightly startled after hearing this and said, "Come on, Tan Qing, just follow me and try to stay within my sight." Tan Qing snorted again. He let out a cry and said: "Your lord Lu Yunzhi is just a little bit stronger than me, and I still use you to protect you? Are you kidding me?" Bai Yong suddenly turned red and stuttered: "Who wants to protect you? "I am spying on you." "Lu Yunzhi is a person, and you don't have to be suspicious of others. If not, why would you be so devoted to him? So the reason for spying on me is too vulgar. Just tell me if you like me." Do you think so?" Tan Qing turned around and asked. Among the cavalry behind her and Bai Yong, there were strong warriors and beautiful women. Most of these women were wearing Miao costumes. When they heard Tan Qing's question, they all The answer is yes. Bai Yong blushed with shame and couldn't bear it. He looked behind him at the warriors brought out by Lu Yunzhi and Dong De, as well as the airbending masters brought out from his Fengbo Manor. At this moment, everyone was looking at him with a smile on his face, and his face couldn't help but More red. At this moment, the Jichuan Gate of Jinan Prefecture in the distance opened wide, and the king's troops were constantly charging through it. The cavalry led the infantry, followed by people pushing cannons, trebuchets and other objects. Bai Yong breathed a sigh of relief. The knockdown by King Qin Jun relieved his embarrassment, so he raised his arms and shouted: "Kill!" Then he rushed out. The people behind him stopped laughing and followed Bai Yong with their horses and whips. He rushed out of the dense forest and headed towards the back of the Ming army's camp. In the Ming army camp, the master of the living soul veins sat naked on the leather mound in the camp, gnashing his teeth and covered in cold sweat. The master of the snow bell veins changed him a new medicine behind his back. There is a deep scratch from top to bottom, which was caused by the ghost-eating tribesmen during the battle a few days ago. Suddenly a general ran in and said in a panic: "Something is going wrong, general." The leader of the living soul veins raised his head, frowning and said: "Why are you panic?! Quick report." The general said: " The gates of Jichuan Gate were opened wide, and the rebels in the city rushed out. "I know, order the whole army to be on defense and pay attention to the front and back of the formation. Except for the direction directly facing Jichuan Gate, there may be surprise attacks elsewhere." Enemy. Go quickly, Zhenzhong." He put on his clothes and patted the general on the shoulder. The general ran out to deliver the order, and the Living Soul Vein Master turned to the Snow Bell Vein Master and said: "Follow me to the camp, inform the Wuchou Vein Master, the Lone Wolf Vein Master, and cover the army to quickly withdraw to the capital. The Beast Exorcist Disciple I will be led by you, the Snow Bell Vein Master. "The Beast Expelling Vein Master was killed by Fang Qingze and Leopard in the battle a few days ago. At this moment, the Beast Expelling Vein Master is like a pile of scattered sand with no one to command. The master of the living soul vein and the master of the snow bell vein have a close personal relationship, so they naturally entrust them with important tasks. After hearing the words of the Master of the Soul Vein, the Master of the Xueling Vein was shocked and said: "Retreat just as you said." The Master of the Soul Vein said while putting on his armor: "Before, King Qin's army and we were facing each other. We didn't dare to attack by force, and they didn't dare. Invading, King Qin's army is hiding in Jinan Mansion. Now there is a sudden large-scale attack, and there must be reinforcements. According to my guess, it may be Lu Yunzhi's strong force." The leader of Shenglingmai put on his armor and walked towards the door with his head held high. As he walked forward, as expected, as soon as the Ming army fought with King Qin's army, a group of people were killed behind him. This group of people had extraordinary combat power, and they were none other than the airbending masters led by Bai Yong. To the surprise of the Lifeline Master, this group of people also included Tan Qing's Miao Gu lineage. Needless to say, the army was defeated and returned, fleeing for their lives in the direction of the capital. The master of the soul vein still maintained his calmness. Although he suffered heavy losses, he did not lose his position, which actually reduced a lot of casualties. The Lord of Life Pulse ordered to abandon Shandong, Henan and other places and led the entire army to the capital. Not to mention the military side, the cavalry led by Bai Yong and Tan Qing met Zhu Jianwen Leopard Fang Qingze and others. After some polite remarks, Bai Yong introduced: "This is the leader of the Miao Gu lineage, Tan Qing." Fang Qingze. When He Baozi heard about Miao Gu's bloodline, he suddenly shouted, and both rushed towards Tan Qing and shouted: "Hurry up and give the antidote!" If it was Lu Yunzhi, Bai Yong would naturally not dare to block it with his Qi. , Bai Yong would never do anything that was loyal and disobedient, but Leopard and Fang Qingze never pretended to Bai Yong. At this moment, a flash of golden light suddenly appeared, and Fang Qingze and Leopard hit the wall of golden light. Leopard's eyes were wide open, his hands were on the ground and he bared his teeth and looked at Bai Yong fiercely, wanting to fight. Fang Qingze quickly grabbed Baozi and said to Bai Yong, "This is your lord's brother-in-law, Baozi." Bai Yong raised his hands and said, "I have seen Mr. Baozi. I guess you must be talking about senior Chao Xing. Tan Qing has already replaced him." Senior Chao has detoxified, this is all a misunderstanding." Seeing how tactful Zhu was, he could see that Bai Yong wanted to protect Tan Qing, and knew that Lu Yunzhi must have told him, so he hurriedly said: "That's right, we all did our own thing once upon a time. its lord,If there is a conflict, I can't blame Miss Tan, Leopard, don't be angry, they are all our brothers. We all know this Bai Yong. You didn't meet him last time in Xuwencheng. He also has a violent temper, just like you. Let's go, let's go to the city to have a drink and celebrate the victory. By the way, Bai Yong, your family Why didn't the Lord come? " "Yes, where is Yunzhi? The next step is to go to the south and join forces with my eldest brother to attack the Nanjing army? "Fang Qingze was very sure of his guess and asked loudly. Bai Yong smiled and shook his head and said: "We have to rush to the capital quickly. Why don't you drink this wine? Please organize yourself quickly and lead the army. Head to the capital. First, they can pursue the Ming army that just retreated. Secondly, my lord is now in Bazhou City, with no more than a hundred airbending masters and trained warriors, and the rest are only a few thousand Bazhou defenders captured a few days ago. This time all our elite troops came out in full force, and the Ming army naturally knew it and would definitely send people to report to Yu Qian. By then the lord would be in danger. " Zhu Jianwen and others were shocked. Leopard said in confusion: "This brat, is this what you did? "Fang Qingze was also puzzled, but he quickly arranged for people to prepare food and fodder to break camp and go out for the expedition. Zhu Jianwen also issued orders to the generals of the vassals, and then everyone gathered around Bai Yong, wondering what Lu Yunzhi was using. What plan? Bai Yong suddenly asked: "Have you read Luo Guanzhong?" Everyone present was not a good reader. Only Zhu Jianwen was able to take a look at it. At this moment, he suddenly realized and shouted: "It's an empty city plan!" Lu Yunzhi, Lu Yunzhi, so brave. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 47: Empty City Strategy Fang Qingze didn't know what the empty city plan was, so he hurriedly asked: "What's going on? Tell me what you heard." Zhu Jianwen smiled slightly and said, "I've been looking at each other for three days. It seems that the person following Lu Yunzhi is You must study first, Bai Yong, you are even more powerful. I may not say it well, but you should explain to everyone what is going on." Bai Yong replied: "Okay, then I will say it. One of Guo Chong's "Five Things About Zhuge Liang" was later adapted by Luo Guanzhong and written as "After the Lost Street Pavilion", Sima Yi's army attacked the west city, and Zhuge Liang had no troops to use, so he deliberately opened the city gate to let the old and weak. The soldiers wandered around the city and led the children to sit on the towers and play the piano and laugh while watching the army attack. Zhuge Liang never took risks in his life. Sima Yi was afraid of being deceived and did not dare to attack the city, so he ordered the army to retreat. The article said that this was actually an empty city strategy. It's just nonsense. There is no such thing in history, but my lord said that you should study and apply it, so this time you implemented an empty city strategy for Yu Qian. " "You mean, my third brother opened the city gate and let Yu Qian think it was true." He has no troops to defend Bazhou? This is too risky. If there is a report from the captured Bazhou defenders, or a sentry scout detects the true military situation of Bazhou, it will be troublesome. This is too dangerous and reckless. Ah, Yu Qian is not stupid. Maybe he also knows the empty city strategy you are talking about. What will happen when the third brother is surrounded by the army?" Fang Qingze said with concern. Tan Qing continued in a sweet voice at this moment: "What Bai Yong said just now is to learn and apply it, not to apply it mechanically. Of course it will not be like what is described in the book. If you sit on the top of the city and play the piano and watch the army, then thousands of arrows will be ready." Even before I helped him, Lu Yunzhi announced that I had surrendered to him. Yu Qian had a heart for the world, but he was a bit suspicious because he was always taking advantage of us. There is some estrangement between the people of heaven and earth who have taken refuge in him, and they are even more afraid that we will fight back. As soon as the news of Lu Yunzhi came out, and the news of my previous capture must have reached Yu Qian's ears, Yu Qian naturally believed it, even if I returned Around him, Yu Qian will also be more careful about me. What¡¯s more, if I don¡¯t submit to Lu Yunzhi, Yu Qian won¡¯t reuse me. Of course, I didn¡¯t think of Yu Qian as a lesson at first. Death, of course I don¡¯t want to obey Lu Yunzhi now. I just want to protect myself and fight for the future survival of my Miao Gu lineage, so I side with Lu Yunzhi. Which one is more reliable, fake loyalty or self-preservation and survival? , Needless to say, everyone should know it. With the addition of our Miao Gu lineage, the strength in Bazhou City has become stronger. Later, when Yu Qian sent a small group of soldiers from the fifth army camp to attack Bazhou, Lu Yunzhi was even more convincing. My disciples fought for him. Although I didn't show up, Yu Qian no longer dared to attack rashly. The airbending masters and specially trained warriors, and now our Miao Gu lineage, no one dares to attack without an army of tens of thousands. " Everyone looked at Tan Qing and heard her continue: "After that, Lu Yunzhi talked with me several times, and I decided to help him. After he made the empty city strategy, Bai Yong and I were shocked. But the more she listened to his arrangements, the more she became more impressed. Lu Yunzhi first looked at the people and saw the bold and cunning prisoners, so he separated them into a private house in the east of the city and a house in the west of the city. Then he made it look like there were no soldiers in the city. Yu Qian sent troops to investigate and found that the situation was not as it seemed, so they would not attack. After a night of noise, the prisoners in the east and west of the city were awakened, and Bai Yong led them. The army went out from the east of the city, and then marched into the city at night pretending to be in hiding. They found an opportunity to let go of the former Bazhou guards imprisoned in these two places. As I said before, most of these people looked bold and cunning. After learning about the news, Yu Qian would definitely think that Lu Yunzhi was planning an empty city and pretended to be a soldier. Silent, often with loud killing sounds, in addition to the Gu array I set up. Of course, the operator of this array is not me, it is just an ordinary disciple of mine who is looking after it, but these are enough, everything is a *. * formation, Yu Qian didn't know what Lu Yunzhi was going to do, so he was determined not to attack Bazhou. Finally, we really quietly left the city and rushed all the way to support. " "Well, so now you help us defeat the enemy. After that, Yu Qian will soon know the number of people you have left the city, and thus he will determine the fact that there are no soldiers in Bazhou City, so he wants us to lead the army to rescue them quickly, right?" Baozi said. Bai Yong smiled at Leopard, feeling a little embarrassed about the dispute just now. At this moment, he bowed his hands to Leopard and said, "That's exactly it, but it's not just that, because Yu Qian is now gathering forces from all parties to prepare for the decisive battle in the capital. We will arrange it as early as possible." On the outskirts of the capital, we can contain the reinforcements from all over the country as soon as possible. My lord wants to fight quickly." The army of King Qin in Jinan Prefecture has been assembled, and the army is marching towards Bazhou. Fang Qingze, Zhu Jianwen and Zhu Qixian. Lead the troops forward, and the other generals and feudal lords will escort the heavy supplies of food and grass. It is estimated that they can set off in two or three hours. Every soldier in King Qin¡¯s army only carriesThree days of rations on the road. After all, there are many businesses in Qingze along the way, which is equivalent to bringing a mobile granary. On the way, Fang Qingze asked Bai Yong: "If we gather together in Bazhou, there will still be a gap between our forces and the imperial court. The capital's defense is strong, easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is more than enough to protect ourselves with our troops, but if we want to attack forcefully, we must wait for my siege." When the equipment arrives, we have to wait for my eldest brother to bring troops here before we can implement it. My eldest brother Qu Xiangtian is facing a confrontation with Nanjing. The Nanjing Military Department has great power and all the troops in the south are under its control. It will be difficult to capture it in a moment. . If we send our troops south and attack together, we may be able to win quickly. If we leave it alone now, I'm afraid my brother's support for the capital will be delayed for several months." Bai Yong smiled and replied: "Second Master Fang, don't worry. My lord is free to make arrangements. Ah Rong and Dong De have already been sent to Nanjing to look for trouble." After hearing this, everyone nodded and saw that Bai Yong was confident, thinking that Lu Yunzhi must have a clever plan to help. Qu Xiangtian defeated the Nanjing defenders. Qu Xiangtian has been sending troops for more than two months. He has led 80,000 troops, which can be said to be an overwhelming force. Nanjing has accumulated 100,000 troops and is waiting. After more than ten days of fierce attack, the war situation improved. At this time, turmoil broke out in the Annan Kingdom. Qu Xiangtian sent his general Guang Liang to bring 30,000 troops back to the Annan Kingdom to suppress it. The war situation returned to a stalemate. ()e Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 48: The Beginning of Misunderstanding On the Nanjing side, the southern army on the side of the Qing Dynasty fought with the Nanjing defenders for many days. Nanjing did not fight back Qu Xiangtian, and Qu Xiangtian did not forcefully capture the city of Nanjing. In fact, it is not only Qu Xiangtian who is miserable, because the soldiers and horses he leads are well-trained, and Qu Xiangtian leads the troops with great tactics and tactics, the Nanjing defenders have also suffered a lot from him, and they are naturally complaining at this moment. The tired horse is exhausted. Qu Xiangtian sat in the tent, frowning and thinking in his mind: Early this morning, Dong De and Arong came to see him, claiming that Qu Xiangtian would attack Nanjing again tomorrow. As long as the two soldiers fought today, all Nanjing officials would They will abandon the city and surrender. Qu Xiangtian was overjoyed and hurriedly asked what strategy was used. Dong De just said: "A glass of wine releases military power." Then he and Arong hurriedly left. Murong Yunfei strolled up to Qu Xiangtian, then straightened up and let Qu Xiangtian rest his head on her bulging belly, and then said: "Xiangtian, our child is getting bigger and bigger." Qu Xiangtian He straightened his brows and said with a smile: "Well, yes, Yunfei, go find a place to recuperate quickly. Seeing that your belly is getting bigger and bigger, it's not good to stay in the army all the time. I won't be able to take care of you once we start fighting." "I know, I know, do you love me or the child in my belly? When did you become such a mother-in-law? By the way, Xiangtian, why are you frowning? Are you thinking about this morning? "Murong Yunfei asked, Qu Xiangtian nodded, and then asked: "Yunfei, what do you think?" Murong Yunfei walked back and forth for a few steps, repeatedly chanting "A glass of wine to release the military power", and finally stopped. He stopped his steps and said to Qu Xiangtian: "I guess it could be assassinating military officials at the banquet, or sending poisoned wine to reward the troops. These are all possible." "No, my third brother will not do such a despicable and vicious thing. He will do it, he is still very kind-hearted," Qu Xiangtian said, "Yunfei, why do you always think so bad of my third brother? Didn't you have a good relationship before?" Murong Yunfei said with a bitter smile. : "Today is different from the past. Now that we have all grown up and are no longer ignorant teenagers, we naturally need to be more careful. Even brothers, when it comes to fighting for the world, they still fight in the same room. Isn't this kind of thing rare since ancient times? Not to mention that you are not real brothers, just brothers of the opposite sex. " Qu Xiangtian said loudly: "I don't want to win the world, I just like to fight and lead troops. Besides, we are not real brothers, but we are better than real brothers. We will never lose. Damn it, Yunfei, you are worrying too much. Also, justice is the first priority in life. No matter what kind of vicious person my third brother becomes, he will still be loyal to me. But are we speculating about his intentions now? Not loyal, don't you think?" Qu Xiangtian's tone was very gentle, lest he would shock the pregnant Murong Yunfei, Murong Yunfei sighed secretly and said: "Just because you don't want to win the world doesn't mean that others don't. , Zhu Jianwen started the rebellion for the sake of power and even the position of the Ninth Five-Year Plan. As for Fang Qingze, it was mostly for greater financial interests. With such wars and disasters, business could not be done. If he did not join the rebellion, once Yu Qian won, he would Sooner or later, their business will be found out, and then all the business will naturally be unable to continue under the dual pressure of the army and the regime. In addition, they are the ones who really want to avenge the Zhongzheng lineage. In the end, it is their loyalty to help. Lu Yunzhi, they know this very well, and so does Lu Yunzhi. "How can you say that? It seems that only Lu Yunzhi really wants revenge, and it is every one of us who is a disciple of the Zhongzheng line. Everything should be done." Qu Xiangtian felt that Murong Yunfei was a little too scheming and said a little annoyed. Murong Yunfei saw Qu Xiangtian's somewhat angry expression, took Qu Xiangtian's hand and said: "There is nothing wrong with reviving the Zhongzheng line. Why can't the Zhongzheng line be established in Annan Kingdom or even Timur? We must fight back Capital. Even if it's just to gain some reputation, you brothers can just go and assassinate Yu Qian. If you don't have the chance now, you will definitely wait until the opportunity comes. It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge. Why rush the army to attack? It's just to destroy. The power in the hands of Yu Qian and Zhu Qiyu is just to achieve their goals. Maybe they don't understand what they want most, but deep down in the hearts of your brothers, they do have these thoughts, but the world is still uncertain. It¡¯s just human nature. We share hardships but not blessings. This is human nature.¡± Seeing what Qu Xiangtian wanted to say, Murong Yunfei rushed to continue: ¡°Revenge sounds nice, but where does hatred come from? The tragic death of my brother? It's true that this revenge should be avenged, but in order to take revenge and plunge the people into dire straits caused by the war, doesn't this go against the purpose of your Zhongzheng lineage? Now everyone knows, Shi. Mr. Shi is not dead, and he has been taken to Timur by Fang Qingze. Han Yueqiu has been taking care of Mr. Shi. Even Mr. Shi and your second senior brother Han Yueqiu did not fight to revive the Zhongzheng line. Why are you anxious? If you have your own purpose, how can you be so concerned about it? As the same saying goes, sometimes people's desires are hidden until the end.Not only others don¡¯t know, but sometimes even they themselves don¡¯t know what the inner desires are. " "Then why do you point the finger at my third brother? "Although it was difficult for Qu Xiangtian to accept Murong Yunfei's words, he did feel that they were reasonable, so he asked. Murong Yunfei observed the changes in Qu Xiangtian and replied with a pleased smile: "You always say that Lu Yunzhi He is a kind person, I don't deny it, but you also know in your heart that he has changed, you just don't want to admit it. It is life and suffering that gave him a thick black heart. He is a smart man, he has been since he was a child, but when he was a child, he put his smartness on the study of magic and writing, but now he pays attention to everything that is necessary for the struggle for power, such as the art of war, politics, economy, etc. With his intelligence and intelligence, these are not difficult for him. Once he turns against him, he has these abilities, and none of you brothers can be his opponent. Xiangtian, to be fair, do you think what I said is right? " Qu Xiangtian nodded. Although Murong Yunfei said something harsh, it was reasonable. Indeed, Lu Yunzhi was the smartest among them all, and he was also gifted and experienced many things. He thought If you want to get something, you must learn the corresponding skills and try every means to get it. "Lu Yunzhi is smart enough to see the desire in your hearts, and he uses you. Of course, this use is not unloyal, but just to achieve his own goals. The purpose justifies the means. The one who wants revenge the most is Lu Yunzhi. He has been homeless since he was a child, and the Zhongzheng family is his home. Yu Qian destroyed the home in his heart and shattered the peace in his life. How could he not hate it? ! "Murong Yunfei said lightly. ()g Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 49: Ambush and Murderous Intent Qu Xiangtian fell into deep thought while listening. Murong Yunfei was overjoyed. Based on her understanding of Qu Xiangtian, Qu Xiangtian should have listened this time. Murong Yunfei struck the iron while the iron was hot and said the last few words: "When Yu Qian was chasing you, Yingzi was no longer able to recognize Lu Yunzhi, and Shi Yuting was missing. Lu Yunzhi first lost his father when he was young, and then It's because he has no relatives after losing his mother, so he values ??you and Fang Qingze, two sworn brothers. When he has his two wives, you can imagine that the joy of regaining his family is indescribable. On their wedding night, Lu Yunzhi was disturbed by Yu Qian. Now Lu Yunzhi is alone again. He wants revenge. He has to kill Yu Qian to relieve his hatred. If he wants to reunite with his family and live a stable and happy life. In his life, killing Yu Qian is not enough. He has to fight back to the capital to capture Cheng Fangdong and question Zhu Qiyu in order to retrieve Shi Yuting. Only by gaining the world can he have the opportunity to find a way to treat Yingzi and reunite his husband and wife. " He raised his head and said: "Then shouldn't we help the third brother more? Righteousness comes first. It is not wrong for him to want to find his family, and it is even more natural for me to help him out of our sworn friendship." Murong Yunfei She shook her head repeatedly and stood up angrily. Qu Xiangtian quickly supported her, worried that she might have injured her fetus, but Murong Yunfei threw away Qu Xiangtian's hand that was supporting her and shouted: "Xiangtian, wake up. Right. Before winning the world, he was full of brotherly loyalty and could talk about everything. If he won the world, he would not only have his family, but also the people of the world. Lu Yunzhi would have this courage and courage. , it is only a matter of time before your brothers turn against each other. You keep talking about loyalty, but Lu Yunzhi is your brother? Isn¡¯t it Qin Rufeng? Isn¡¯t it Guang Liang? Is it you who has followed you through life and death? Brother? It's okay if you win, but if you lose, these people who are also your brothers will die on the battlefield. You ignore the loyalty of everyone to you, and you pretend to be a righteous man. !" Murong Yunfei left angrily. In the city of Nanjing, Yang Xiyu looked at his busy father Yang Zhun, and couldn't help feeling melancholy. Today, the Yang family held a banquet and invited all the officials in the city to have a drink. Yang Zhun was promoted after welcoming back the Supreme Emperor Zhu Qizhen, and his uncle Yang Shan was also promoted to a higher level in the court. Although both the uncle and nephew of the Yang family were somewhat dissatisfied with this, it was better than nothing. Today, we are hosting a banquet for all the court officials, and all the civil and military officials in Nanjing have to give Yang Zhun a favor, not only because Yang Zhun has just been promoted, but also because according to rumors, Yang Zhun has a close relationship with the King of Wu's family. Now that the world is in chaos, if King Qin's army wins or the city of Nanjing is destroyed, as a court official, if he has a good relationship with Yang Zhun, he may still be able to save his life. Although most of the officials from the Six Ministries of Nanjing were working as part-time workers in the capital, they were also old tricksters in the officialdom, so they naturally had to be prepared. So there were quite a lot of people at the banquet today, and all the officials from the six ministries were present. What makes Yang Xiyu extremely melancholy is that there are many swordsmen and axes on both sides of the banquet hall. It seems that this is a Hongmen Banquet in Nanjing City. Yang Xiyu ordered the maid, prepared water and food and walked towards the back hall. In the back hall, Arong was guarding the door of the backyard. When he saw Yang Xiyu arriving, he stood up and bowed to her: "Miss." Yang Xiyu smiled and said, "Arong, you don't have to be like this, you are no longer our Yang Xiu." The servant of the family is now Lu Yunzhi's right-hand man." Arong scratched his head in embarrassment, and saw a little sadness in Yang Xiyu's eyes, and said, "Hey, he has changed, so insidious and unscrupulous. , I really didn¡¯t expect it. Is this a sign of a man¡¯s growth?¡± Ah Rong looked at the backyard, and then said to Yang Xiyu: ¡°Miss, you are here to deliver water, please leave it to me, my lord. No one is allowed to enter the backyard, especially you. Miss, people are changing. If you have a trace of womanly kindness at this moment, you will definitely be in danger." Yang Xiyu asked the maid to hold the bottle of water. The jar and the basket with food were handed over to Ah Rong, and he turned and left. Before leaving, he sighed softly and said, "A Rong, you have changed too!" The banquet began, and Yang Zhun was still the same ordinary citizen. Sitting on a chair, stroking his beard, sitting at the same table were the six ministers and several imperial guards sent by the Beijing court. The Minister of the Ministry of War has never been very fond of Yang Zhun. After all, most of the six departments in Nanjing are idle positions, and only the Ministry of War has the most power, so the Ministry of War speaks with confidence from top to bottom. "Mr. Yang, what a happy event it is today. We have all been called here. Now the army is besieging the city and the Ministry of War is quite busy. After telling you about the happy event quickly, I can have a glass of wedding wine and then I have to go and patrol the city defense. We as It is the duty of the imperial court to serve the imperial court with all its heart and soul," said the Minister of War. Although he came to the banquet for many reasons, he was unwilling to do so. He only came to the banquet when he heard that the imperial guards were also invited. . Guarding the royal guards sent by the imperial court to monitor everyone, the Minister of the Ministry of War should sing a high-pitched song to show his loyalty.   Yang Zhun narrowed his eyes, grinned, and said while smiling: "That's a good question, Master Shangshu. I'm calling everyone here today to celebrate the siege of Nanjing by the army. "Ah." "Bold!" A Jin Yiwei stood up and patted the table, pointing at Yang Zhun and yelled. Several Jinyi guards drew out their Tang knives, trying to get them around Yang Zhun's neck and take him away for interrogation. Before the men could move with the knives, several black shadows suddenly appeared on them. In an instant, the heads of several imperial guards fell to the ground, and blood spurted out from their necks like a fountain. The whole table of dishes was stained with blood. Suddenly the smell of blood filled the whole room. A businessman who was as thin as a bamboo pole and wearing a pair of glasses came out, shaking a large abacus in his hand, and black smoke kept spitting out from the abacus. The businessman was not surprised and did not panic. He shook the abacus in his hand vigorously. Several black shadows still wrapped around Jin Yiwei's body suddenly rushed to his side and quickly got into the abacus. The tall and lanky businessman raised his hand to Yang Zhun and said, "Master Yang, congratulations." Yang Zhun laughed, clasped his fists and replied, "I'm glad, thank you Brother Dong De for your help." Only then did everyone in the hall react. They came over, screaming and trying to run out the door. Dozens of swordsmen and axemen appeared on both sides of the hall, holding bright weapons and blocking the way of the officials. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 50: A glass of wine releases power Secret Thirteen 50_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 50 A glass of wine releases the power from The swordsmen did not slash their weapons at the officials, but pressed them step by step with their swords, forcing them to sit down. Then he stood solemnly at the door and the passages on both sides, blocking all ways out of the hall. Yang Zhun still spoke in that glib tone, but what came out of his eyes was no longer the air of a street ruffian, but the murderous intent: "My lords, don't be too busy leaving. I haven't finished the meal yet. I didn¡¯t drink either. As an official of the Ministry of Rites, if you leave now, I will be guilty of poor hospitality and will make people laugh. Come on, sit down and listen to me. " After speaking, Yang Zhun sat down and saw that the six ministers at the same table were all staring at the body of the Jin Yiwei on the ground. They also looked at the swordsman at the door and the table in front of him with dishes sprayed with blood. Yang Zhun picked up the chopsticks, picked up a piece of ham stained with blood, swallowed it whole, and then extended his hand to make a greeting gesture. When everyone saw Yang Zhun swallowing blood, they retched but did not dare to disobey. They all sat down, feeling both respect and hatred for Yang Zhun in front of them. The person he respects is a person who is usually quiet and indifferent. At this moment, he is overwhelming the ministers, and the person he hates is naturally not necessarily the persecution of the swordsmen around him. I saw Yang Zhun picked up another glass of wine on the table and drank it, and then said: "Everyone, now the Qing army of Qu Xiangtian and Min Wang Zhu Qigang is outside Nanjing City. Of course, our Nanjing city defense is strong, and the soldiers and food are sufficient. There is no need to be afraid of Qu Xiangtian. But if there are tens of thousands of troops coming from the north, can we still bear it? I think King Wu¡¯s troops along the way should have defeated the imperial army to suppress the rebellion. Lord Shangshu, I have everything. Didn't you get the information?" Yang Zhun looked at the Ministry of War and trembled, and replied: "It is true, but the Ministry of War just learned about it, how did you know about it?" "Hey, I did. Don't worry about how you know it. But if this happens, Nanjing will definitely lose under the attack." Yang Zhun said loudly. The Ministry of War official at the table stood up and raised his voice: "But Mr. Yang, according to intelligence, the King Qin army led by Zhu Qi Xiangzhu Jianwen and his son did not move south but chose to go north. You won't You want to trick us into surrendering in Kaicheng with these few words!" Yang Zhun laughed loudly, then drank another glass of wine and pointed at the Ministry of War official and said: "You are stupid and extremely ignorant! I am urging you to surrender in Kaicheng. Qu Xiangtian promised me that I will not invade after the army enters the city. You will still be your officials and the people will still live and work in peace and contentment. As long as you don't resist, I can say anything. Why do you say that? You think it is precisely because I can still drink with you and persuade you to open the city that King Qin's army in the north marches north. If my persuasion fails, someone will send a letter to report it. When the army was besieging the city, it was all over." Several officials stood up angrily, and some said: "We will live and die with Nanjing, Yang. As a minister, you actually surrendered to the enemy and betrayed the country. Such a deed is really embarrassing to the scholars. You are a minister in vain!" The words were impassioned, and there was no fear on the faces of the officials. They looked like heroes. Yang Zhun was neither angry nor annoyed, he just looked at those people with smiles in his eyes and said slowly: "You are such a loyal minister. I am deeply moved by Yang, but I am not a scholar, and I miss the families of several adults. I don¡¯t think so.¡± The officials were stunned, and one of them said, ¡°Yang Zhun, you treacherous bastard, what do you mean by this!¡± ¡°Father!¡± he shouted. , I saw a few swordsmen pulling two people who were firmly tied to the door, and pulled them down in a flash. Those two people were the son and wife of the official just now. The man wailed sadly and sat on his seat, not daring to look at Yang Zhun again. After Yang Zhun poured himself a drink, he said: "This gentleman is a hero who can bend and stretch. The cup Yang drank just now is for you." Several other officials also looked at Yang Zhun with cold eyebrows, which was quite popular. They were all trembling, pointing at Yang Zhun and saying: "Yang Zhun, you still have no shame, kidnapping other people's children and threatening others, it is really despicable." "Don't worry, don't worry, all the family members of the adults here, we are too We've invited them and they've been hidden. If you don't cooperate, don't blame us for being ruthless. Oh, by the way, there are a few adults whose family members are out of town, and we went through a lot of trouble to find them. Don't worry, we'll help those who are old. I will take good care of your father-in-law's hall for you. You can pretend to agree and then send people to rescue you. But I don't know whether you are faster in saving or we are faster in killing. If there are adults who are willing to give it a try, we are willing to accompany you to the end. ." Dong De said loudly. Those officials who had been filled with emotion and indignation just now sat down one after another, and did not dare to speak out anymore for fear that their families would encounter accidents or be mistreated.There was a dead silence in the hall, and all the officials dared not speak in anger. Yang Zhun looked at everyone with satisfaction, and then said leisurely: "Of course we are not arbitrary people, so we naturally left a way out for everyone. After Qu Xiangtian led his troops to attack tomorrow, we pretended to be defeated and retreated. Open the city gate. In this way, if our uprising fails this time, you will at most be blamed for the disadvantages of the battle, and you will not be guilty of collaborating with the enemy. From this point of view, we are still very sympathetic to you, please express your views. Well, if you want to think clearly, you can stand behind me." After another silence in the hall, all the officials stood up and walked behind Yang Zhun. Although some people glared, they did not dare to shout, and some even became depressed. His face looked ashen. Yang Zhun looked around and saw that only five or six people were still sitting in their seats, eating meat and drinking wine as if they had no idea what had just happened. Yang Zhun shouted: "What do these adults mean? Let's express our opinions whether we agree or not." Someone in the seat suddenly shouted: "Who farted? It smells so bad." There were a few people left. After laughing, another person spoke: "Someone was talking, but that person was despicable and shameless. He betrayed his country for glory and coerced others, so his words were like shit." Yang Zhun sighed, as if talking to himself. : "They are stubborn, but they are still tough, so let's give them a good time." He waved his hands, and the swordsmen on both sides rushed forward. Screams came one after another, and blood mist rose around him. Standing behind Yang Zhun All the ministers were trembling with fear and fear, and their faces were pale. Thirteen Secrets 50_Read the full text of Thirteen Secrets for free_Chapter 50: Release of Power after a Glass of Wine has been updated! Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 51: Speculations about Brother and Sister Secret Thirteen 51_Secret Thirteen full text free reading_Chapter 51 Brother and sister guess from Lu Yunzhi stood in the side courtyard, a gray-white homing pigeon fell from the sky and landed on Lu Yunzhi's outstretched arm. Lu Yunzhi took off the leather bag on the pigeon's leg, opened it, took out the note and read it. I saw it written on the note: All officials dare not speak, and a cup of wine will release the military power. Quequ led his army and stopped at the gates of Nanjing without entering. He had many visits but failed to do so, so he asked his lord for a clear explanation. Lu Yunzhi took out a delicate charcoal pen from his arms and wrote two words on the back of the note: Wait. Then he put the note back into the leather bag, tied it to the pigeon's leg, and let it go. At this time, the door behind Lu Yunzhi suddenly rang. A middle-aged man stood leaning against the door. He looked a little weak at the feet. His face was covered with scars and his body was very thick. It was obvious at a glance. He is a fierce warrior. Lu Yunzhi turned around with a smile and said softly: "Uncle, you're awake." After saying that, Lu Yunzhi walked forward and helped the man walk to the stone table and chair in the courtyard. He was leaning on the door just now. That person was Lu Yunzhi's uncle, Chao Xing, the leader of the Iron Sword lineage. Chao Xing asked: "Nephew, where am I? Why are my legs and feet a little weak." After Lu Yunzhi helped Chao Xing sit down on the stone chair, he squatted down and rubbed Chao Xing's hands. The leg mouth said: "Uncle, you are in Bazhou now. You were poisoned before and have been in a coma for several months, so your legs are a little weak when you get out of bed. It will be fine after I relax your muscles and activate your blood circulation. "What? Bazhou? Gu poison? What's going on? Please tell me quickly," Chao Xing said quickly. While Lu Yunzhi was rubbing Chao Xing's legs, he told Chao Xing the cause and effect of the whole thing based on what he knew and what Tan Qing later described to him. After hearing this, Chao Xing nodded and said: "So that's what happened. When will Fang Qingze and Baozi come over? Your empty city plan is a dangerous move. Come on, help me up quickly. I can move on my own. Move around and recover as soon as possible. If Yu Qian sends someone to test you again, I can help you." Chao Xing was about to stand up in a hurry, but was held down by Lu Yunzhi. He smiled and said: " Uncle, I guess Yu Qian just got the news. I couldn't imagine that Zhu Jianwen and the others would come with a large army in two days, so he didn't have time to send troops to test, so we don't need to be nervous." Chao Xing lowered his head and thought for a moment, then raised his head and asked, "You. Where is my sister? Come and see me. I didn¡¯t expect that she would become such a beautiful girl.¡± Lu Yunzhi was shocked and took two steps back and said, ¡°Uncle, don¡¯t be ridiculous, what kind of sister?¡± Said: "That's the Miao girl I saw when I woke up that day. I just remembered that my mind was a little confused when I woke up. Where is she?" "You mean, Tan Qing, when you woke up that day, Only Bai Yong and Tan Qing are standing in front of you. How could she be my sister?" Lu Yunzhi still couldn't believe it. Chao Xing said seriously: "You can do the math." Lu Yunzhi shook his head and said: "I can't calculate it. Tan Qing's cultivation is not low, and his destiny energy is not less than three times mine. Why did uncle say this? "Chao Xing was also stunned for a while, and sighed: "She is the pulse master of the Miao Gu lineage you mentioned. I don't know if I am accurate, but when I opened my eyes and saw you two, it was like Seeing your parents, you stood together again, so I mistakenly thought that you were brother and sister, and I fainted when I was excited. " "My nephew, your face looks like your mother, but your eyebrows miss you. Father, so five years ago you fought with Yu Qian and you fell to the ground. The moment I slashed you with my sword, I recognized you. Although I wasn¡¯t sure, I was worried that I had killed my old friend¡¯s son by mistake, so I killed you. After being taken to another place, it turned out that it was true after questioning. Tan Qing's eyebrows and eyes are just like your mother's, and his facial features are the same as your father's, but the most important thing is that Tan Qing's surname is Tan, which is obvious. It is not the surname of the main Miao family, and the position of the leader of the Miao Gu lineage is absolutely not allowed to be inherited by Han Miao. There is only one possibility. She was adopted by the leader. When she comes back, you can ask her carefully. Maybe, you two brothers and sisters will be reunited again," Chao Xing said excitedly. Lu Yunzhi frowned and murmured to himself: "It's probably not that coincidental. My sister was given away when I was very young. At that time, she was just an infant. Besides, my home is in the northwest, and Tan Qing grew up in Miao Jiang, the two places are so far apart, how could she be my sister? Uncle, we are not in a hurry to tell you at this time. We will find an opportunity to ask later." Chao Xing looked at Lu Yunzhi who was lowering his head and murmuring to himself. Sighed. Three days later, Qu Xiangtian fought with the Nanjing defenders. This was much later than the previously agreed date. However, what did not change was that the Nanjing defenders collapsed at the first touch and fled towards the city as if they had been drilled. Immediately afterwards, Nanjing's defenders were killed. A white flag was raised. The city gate was wide open, and hundreds of officials lined up at the gate waiting for Qu Xiangtian to enter the city. Qin Rufeng entered the city as the vanguard, followed by Qu Xiangtian and Zhu Qigang, who led the army into Nanjing. ? ???The reason why Xiangtian delayed his advance was not only thinking about Murong Yunfei's words, but the most important reason was that he got the news from the spies in the city. The news was about Dong De and Yang Zhun's release of military power over a glass of wine. Qu Xiangtian was shocked. He had always been upright and aboveboard, and only wanted to defeat his opponents in military tactics, but he never expected that Lu Yunzhi would use such despicable means to force All Nanjing officials surrendered, winning the victory for Qu Xiangtian. Qu Xiangtian was very angry about this, and in his heart he gradually believed what Murong Yunfei said, because his wife did not guess wrong, Lu Yunzhi did use dishonorable means, and was more shameless than guessed . When Qu Xiangtian led the main force of the army into the city, his most uncomfortable moment arrived. The officials who greeted him looked at Qu Xiangtian with shameless eyes, which made him feel uncomfortable. A kind of guilt and annoyance filled Qu Xiangtian at this moment. Heaven's chest. He did not see Dong De and Ah Rong again because he was worried that he would kill them both in anger. He ordered a slow march. Soldiers must be quick and fast. This is the key to military strategy. But at this moment, as the commander-in-chief, he was in a state of confusion. He didn't know whether he should trust his third brother, Lu Yunzhi. When Qu Xiangtian¡¯s tens of thousands of troops slowly approached Bazhou, more than a month had passed. During this period, many things happened in Bazhou City. Lu Yunzhi was extremely anxious every day and sent people to urge Qu Xiangtian to march quickly. However, every time the messenger was rejected, he was reprimanded by Qin Rufeng. Lu Yunzhi did not guess Qu Xiangtian's thoughts this time. Another matter was about Tan Qing. Chao Xing and Lu Yunzhi didn't know how to ask, so they didn't tell Tan Qing about their speculations. Secret Thirteen 51_Read the full text of Secret Thirteen for free_Chapter 51 Brother and sister speculation has been updated! Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 52: The Rootless Boy Some things will happen after all. Just three days before Qu Xiangtian led his troops to Bazhou, when everyone gathered together to drink and chat, Fang Qingze suddenly said with drunken eyes and a glass of wine: "Lu Yunzhi, why are you talking to me? Tan Qing looks a bit similar." As soon as he said this, although the rest of the people were still laughing and laughing without noticing, Lu Yunzhi and Chao Xing were shocked and looked at each other. Lu Yunzhi nodded to Chao Xing, who then asked, "Tan Qing, I have something to ask you, but I don't know if I should talk to you or not." Tan Qing smiled and replied, "Senior Chao, that's what the Han people are like. It's artificial. I obviously want to ask but I'm embarrassed to say it. I deliberately say something like whether I should say it or not. It's easy for others to refuse this question. So according to your Han rules, should I answer it? Senior, you just have to say it. It doesn't matter, haha." After Tan Qing said this, Chao Xing felt a little embarrassed and didn't know where to start. Bai Yong said hurriedly: "Tan Qing, look at you, you are arrogant again, please apologize to Senior Chao." Tan Qing was obedient, held up the wine to pay respect to Chao Xing, and then drank it all in one gulp. Said: "I was offended just now, but I think that all people are born the same, there is no difference, the key lies in the education they receive. We children from the border areas study less, so there are not so many red tapes. The Han people are deeply influenced by Confucianism, This habit of speaking coquettishly and hiding is a kind of style that is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. No wonder you call yourself a country of etiquette. Even heroes like Senior Chao are deeply influenced by Confucianism, and the folk customs are different. That's it. By the way, Senior Chao, what do you have to ask?" Chao Xing cleared his throat and asked, "I have met some Miao people, but I have never heard of them with the surname Tan. You are also a descendant of Han Miao." "This question is a long story, but it's not interesting, so I'll keep it short. I was adopted. I don't know where I was adopted by my mother, and I have never heard her talk about the origin of my last name. , It may be a family named Tan. The master of our Miao Gu lineage must be inherited by the Miao family, unless it is an adopted child like me." Tan Qing said and drank again. After a glass of wine, he said: "You Han people are really not good at drinking wine. Let me get some medicinal wine from our Miao family for you to try." Tan Qing stood up and walked out, followed closely by Bai Yong, shouting. Said: "I'll help you." Lu Yunzhi and Chao Xing looked at each other again, lowered their heads and said nothing. After Tan Qingbai left bravely, Zhu Jianwen turned his eyes and asked Lu Yunzhi: "What's wrong, Lu Yunzhi is also interested in this girl? I just looked around with Uncle Chao, let me give you a nod. Haven't you seen Bai Yong flirting with Tan Qing every day? If you do this, you won't be afraid that Bai Yong will be dissatisfied with you. " "What nonsense!" Lu Yunzhi picked up a piece of fruit on the table and threw it at Zhu Jianwen, a little annoyed. said. Zhu Jianwen was amused: "Look, if you are too anxious even if you can't say a few words, there must be something wrong in your mind. If you are embarrassed to ask yourself, let Uncle Chao ask for you. If you don't have the intention, ask about the girl's family." What to do." When Baozi heard this, he raised his head and looked at Lu Yunzhi with some suspicion. He must have been thinking of his sister Yingzi. If Lu Yunzhi dared to admit his affection for Tan Qing, Baozi might He rushed forward and had a fight with the man he considered to be a heartless man. When Chao Xing saw this, he hurriedly added: "We just suspect that Tan Qing is Yunzhi's sister!" As soon as this statement came out, the whole hall was shocked and everyone looked at Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi just nodded slightly, and everyone was even more shocked. Fang Qingze was shocked and said, "Third brother, what's going on?" Chao Xing briefly explained the whole story, and Lu Yunzhi told him, "Don't mention it for now. We will investigate it later." , if we really explain the situation. After all, we don¡¯t know whether the previous Miao Gu vein master concealed something or where the surname Tan came from. Maybe it¡¯s because of someone¡¯s taboo. Don¡¯t ask the wrong question, the brother and sister didn¡¯t recognize it. On the contrary, it affects the relationship. Then the gain outweighs the loss. She is here." Lu Yunzhi's ears twitched slightly when she heard the footsteps of Tan Qing and Bai Yong approaching quickly, and she hurriedly silenced everyone. Tan Qing and Bai Yong walked in with jars of medicinal wine, but saw everyone staring at them and looking at them carefully. Bai Yong was stunned and asked: "Why are you looking at us like this? We look weird." Leopard Zi At this moment, the nature of the mountain bandits was revealed, and he burst out with one sentence: "Who is looking at you? We are looking at" Zhu Jianwen stepped on the leopard's foot under the table, and hurriedly interrupted: "Old man Why is Qu so late to advance?" After Tan Qing poured wine for everyone, Lu Yunzhi shook his head and said, "I don't know what the elder brother did for this. He always liked to say that soldiers are quick and fast, but this time he was slow. I swallowed it. Dong De'arong, who was traveling with the army, also avoided seeing me. I'm very confused now." Fang Qingze took a sip of the medicinal wine in the bowl, grinned, and said to Tan Qing: "This wine is soaked in water. What, it smells so weird. ""Centipede, scorpion, corpse worm" Before Tan Qing could finish, Fang Qingze said.He quickly waved his hands to stop and said, "Stop talking. If you keep talking if I drink, I guess not many people can drink it." Everyone laughed. Fang Qingze waited for everyone to stop laughing, and then said: "My eldest brother's advance at such a speed has given Yu Qian a great opportunity. According to reports from the scouts, Yu Qian has been gathering all his strength this month, and with the Ming Dynasty who had previously fought against us, The army has also returned to the capital. Although we have been chasing them all the way, we have not moved at all. As a result, we have to fight another fierce battle outside the capital. The speed advantage we had before still involves the strength of the troops. All our efforts were in vain. " "Actually, we didn't involve many troops before. It was just that the Nanjing army was held back by Qu Xiangtian, and the Bei Cao army in Henan and Shandong, as well as the Beijing reinforcements and Qin Wang's army were in a stalemate. The originally planned strategy of involving troops in the northwest and northern Xinjiang was aborted before it was used. I think it was precisely because of this change in the battle situation that Lu Yunzhi also changed his strategy. "Leopard didn't care. There was something in the wine and he drank it all. Bai Yong smiled slightly, picked up the wine jar and filled it for Leopard, then picked up the wine glass and said to Leopard: "You are worthy of being my lord's uncle. Bai Yong admires you. Seeing your bravery in battle, I didn't expect you to be a brave and careful general. I respect you for this drink." After Baozi and Bai Yong drank the wine, Bai Yong said: "What Mr. Baozi said is true, but we gathered in the small town of Bazhou just to wait for General Qu's army, and then lead the troops to surround him. Stay in the capital and prevent reinforcements from troops from various places. Now that General Qu's reinforcements have not arrived, if the troops continue to besiege the city according to the old plan, they will be weak everywhere. In short, the plan will be in chaos again. " "Bai Yong, there are no rules, don't complain. My elder brother." Lu Yunzhi scolded. ()e Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 53: Despicable and Shameless "Yunzhi, what did you reprimand Bai Yong for? I think Brother Bai Yong is right," Zhu Jianwen said, "Laoqu is bold by nature, likes weapons of war, and never likes to speculate on other people's schemes. I think there must be something. Things are bothering him. What can bother a great hero like Lao Qu, that is, feelings, must be Murong Yunfei blowing some bad news on his bed again. " Fang Qingze picked up a piece of meat, but it fell to his own. The oily robe happened to be supported by the big belly. Regardless of whether it was dirty or not, he threw away the chopsticks, grabbed them with his hands, and said while chewing: "I think Lao Zhu is right, my sister-in-law has changed. When she was in Xuwencheng, She was just chirping and yin and yang weird. Hey, I really miss the Murong Yunfei from the past. At that time, we were so happy riding horses and whips and galloping around the world. How come she is like this now," Fang Qingze While talking and eating, there was only one bone left after chewing the meat in his hands. He threw the bones away and wiped his greasy hands on his robe. Lu Yunzhi smiled bitterly, patted Fang Qingze on the shoulder and said: "Second brother, don't talk about your sister-in-law. The eldest brother is like father and the eldest sister-in-law is like mother. You can't be like this. Also, can you be cleaner in the future? By the way, how is the master?" Fang Qingze chuckled, and then nodded and said: " Master is fine. He has been properly nursed back to health after receiving Timur. He is still unable to walk. I have spent a lot of money to build a wheelchair for Master. It should be more comfortable. Second Brother takes care of Master every day, but he The two of them were silent for the most part. Even if I went back once or twice during this period, Master would only give a few words of advice and not be very interested in the matter of reviving the Zhongzheng lineage that we are sitting on now. " "At that time, we really didn't expect that the second senior brother would still be He is a loyal minister and filial son, but Cheng Fangdong, who has always been loyal and honest, is a despicable villain. He really knows people but not their hearts," Zhu Jianwen said, and everyone fell into silence again. Tan Qing didn't know much about it, so he hurriedly asked : "Their master is not dead," Bai Yong quickly covered Tan Qing's mouth. Tan Qing also knew that he had made a mistake, so he looked at Lu Yunzhi timidly, fearing that Lu Yunzhi would take her again in anger. They tied him up, gagged him and threw him into the firewood shed. However, he saw that Lu Yunzhi did not slam the table in anger and just said, "That's nonsense again. I'll punish you with a glass of wine." Tan Qing quickly drank the wine in the glass, and Bai Yong He looked at Tan Qing and felt very strange. He didn't know why Lu Yunzhi didn't get angry, and although his eyes were reproachful, they were full of gentleness. Zhu Jianwen rolled his eyes, as if he suddenly remembered something, so he asked: " In the past two months, why haven't I heard the folk legend about Wu Tianshi? Where did Wu Hao go? I can't figure it out no matter how hard I try. Lu Yunzhi, can you figure it out? "Lu Yunzhi, can you figure it out? Yun Zhi shook his head and said: "He seems to be trapped somewhere that I can't calculate. He should be locked in it with a formation that isolates the hexagrams." Fang Qingze blinked and said: "What? , Wu Hao was caught by Yu Qian, right? This is terrible," Lu Yunzhi replied: "Second brother, please don't worry, although I haven't figured out Wu Hao's whereabouts, it is definitely not Yu Qian who caught him," "You are now three times more humble than you are," Zhu Jianwen continued, "No," Lu Yunzhi replied, but Fang Qingze slapped Lu Yunzhi suddenly, and his oily hand touched Lu Yunzhi's light blue color. A fingerprint was left on his clothes: "Since you are not modest, how do you know?" Lu Yunzhi glanced at Bai Yong, and the two of them looked at each other and smiled before saying to the confused people: "It can't be said, it can't be said. ," In this way, Yu Qian and Lu Yunzhi did not attack each other for three days. Lu Yunzhi trained soldiers to wait for Qu Xiangtian's arrival, while Yu Qian strengthened the city defense and continued to mobilize the national army, but only the Nanjing War Department The troops under their control did not move, Dong De and Arong rode into Bazhou City. Dong De bowed to Lu Yunzhi and said: "My lord, General Qu's men and horses can only hold Bazhou City for less than ten miles," Lu said. Yun Zhi nodded and told Bai Yong: "Tell everyone to go out of the city to meet us." After a cup of tea, everyone gathered outside the city. Not far away, the flags of Qu Xiangtian's army were dimly visible, accompanied by the gentle breeze. Fluttering lightly, Lu Yunzhi and others had been looking forward to it for a long time, and were naturally very excited. They saw a horse riding out of the army shouting, and then another person ran out. Fang Qingze looked over and said: "The one in front of you It¡¯s the eldest brother, followed by Qin Rufeng. Why are their numbers a little small? There should be 50,000 people. The 30,000 people Guang Liang brought to Annan have not returned yet.¡± Everyone was confused. In the blink of an eye, Qu and Qin The man had already rushed to the foot of Bazhou City, reined in the horse, Qu Xiangtian turned over and dismounted, stuck the whip in his waist, held the handle of the seven-star sword in his hand, and walked over with a livid face, Qin Rufeng followed closely, Lu Yunzhi Fang Qingze and the others rushed forward, held Qu Xiangtian's right arm, and shouted happily: "Brother," but Qu Xiangtian suddenly shouted: "You still know that I am a big brother," Fang Qingze was stunned and hurriedly asked "What's wrong, brother, why did you say that?" Qu Xiangtian pushed him.Fang Qingze let go of the hand that was holding on to the handle of the knife, pulled out the whip from his waist, and whipped it hard at Lu Yunzhi. The whip made a crisp sound in the air, and then hit Lu Yunzhi, and suddenly the green robe was His body was torn apart by the whip. Lu Yunzhi refused to dodge, gritted his teeth and made no sound. Qu Xiangtian whipped him again and again, cursing in his mouth: "You do it, why don't you do it to me? You Aren't you ruthless? Aren't you despicable? Fight me and kill me. You are the real ruthless character." Bai Yong's eyes were wide open and he was breathing heavily from his nostrils. The same was true for Leopard. The two of them had a hot temper. Lie was about to rush out, but was stopped by Tan Qing and Chao Xing. Tan Qing stood in front of Bai Yong and said, "This is a matter between their brothers. Don't interfere." Bai Yong's eyes were filled with fire and he stared at him intently. Standing in Qu Xiangtian, gnashing his teeth and rattling in his mouth, Chao Xing also hugged the leopard tightly and whispered in the leopard's ear: "You don't know the reason. When it came to releasing the military power over a glass of wine, Yun Zhi did something wrong. You are aboveboard, please don't interfere. I feel bad for Yunzhi being beaten, but the three of them are brothers and sisters. Let Qu Xiangtian teach Yunzhi a lesson." The whip hit Lu Yunzhi one after another, and Lu Yunzhi stood there being beaten. Qu Xiangtian was swaying around, but remained calm. A large amount of sweat flowed down his forehead. Qu Xiangtian wanted to hit him again, but Fang Qingze hugged his arm. Fang Qingze asked: "Brother, what on earth are you doing?" For what?" Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 54: Love is stronger than gold Secret Thirteen 54_Secret Thirteen full text free reading_Chapter 54 Love is better than Jin Jian from "Why? You ask him, what is going on in Nanjing City, why do you want to coerce people? If you do assassination, even I won't be angry if you kidnap them with a banquet and put a knife on their neck to make them surrender. After all, this is a life and death battle. I'm not pedantic. This is also a way to win. I can understand and forgive you. You are so despicable and shameless. You actually used other people's families as hostages to force them to surrender. How are you any different from those despicable and despicable people? It's disgusting. It makes me ashamed. I will fight today. Either you kill me or you kill me!" Qu Xiangtian shook his arm but did not break away from Fang Qingze. Fang Qingze still grabbed Qu Xiangtian's arm and said: "Brother, it turns out you are angry because of this matter. You can't blame the third brother for this matter, I know it too. And you hid the person in the backyard, and then transported him through the tunnel." Outside, I also asked the shops over in Nanjing to do this project. We just want to end this battle without any blood. Brother, the third brother¡¯s original intention is good. Sacrifice a few people, even if it means being infamy. It's a great kindness to save more people's lives. Brother, please think twice and stop hitting me." Qu Xiangtian was stunned when he heard this. He then let go of his hand and hit Fang Qingze twice with the whip. , then looked at Lu Yunzhi and asked: "Are you really doing this to reduce casualties on both sides, as your second brother said?" Lu Yunzhi still stood where he was, not answering, Qu Xiangtian He shouted, "I'm asking you something!" Fang Qingze shook Lu Yunzhi's arm and said, "Third brother, please speak, while the elder brother is asking." Lu Yunzhi then raised his eyes and said in a calm tone: " Not for both sides, but for our soldiers to die less. Brother, do you know how many of your soldiers will die on the battlefield for your so-called uprightness? Now that the casualties have decreased, you have not lost a single soldier. Taking Nanjing with one stroke, isn't this a happy ending? In the battle, there is no morality, everything is done by any means, otherwise you will fall behind others. The winner is a prince and the loser is a bandit. Justice and morality always win. This was my original intention, but it also led to the reality of reducing killings as mentioned by my second brother." When Qu Xiangtian heard this, he stopped holding the whip in his hand and looked at Lu Yunzhi. Standing up, their eyes were full of determination. Qu Xiangtian sighed, stretched out his left hand to grab Fang Qingze, and reached out to Lu Yunzhi with his right hand. Lu Yunzhi also stretched out his hand, and the two of them held each other's arms. The three brothers formed a circle, looking at each other without much need for words. The love between brothers is stronger than gold, and they are still as strong as before. The moment mentioned became the smoke of the past, fading away in the hearts of the three of them. After a long time, Qu Xiangcai said: "Third brother, don't blame me, I was just angry for a moment, but you two did this without consulting me first. I can't accept your actions for a while, but What you said makes sense, let me think about it." Fang Qingze chuckled and said, "Brother, if we told you in advance, you would definitely not agree." "That's true," Qu Xiangtian said. He said something self-consciously, and the three brothers laughed. Qu Xiangtian looked at Lu Yunzhi with concern and asked, "Third brother, did the beating hurt you?" "Then there are those that don't hurt," Fang Qingze muttered, "You hit me two or three times, and I'm still in unbearable pain." , let alone the third brother. I said boss, you are really cruel." Lu Yunzhi shook his head and said with a smile: "It's okay, brother, I heard Guang Liang. He led tens of thousands of soldiers and horses back to Annan, but there is unrest in Annan?" Qu Xiangtian nodded, looked at the whip marks where Lu Yunzhi's green robe was torn, and said with some shame: "You're fine, let's hurry up. Let's go into the city and give you some medicine. There's nothing big going on over there in Annan. It's just local unrest and fighting between political parties. After all, it's a small border country. Guang Liang will lead his army in a few days. " "Those Nanjing troops. Have you released the official's family now?" Qu Xiangtian suddenly remembered and asked. Fang Qingze hesitated and couldn't speak. Lu Yunzhi said: "I don't dare to deceive my elder brother. I haven't released the order yet. It's just to control the Nanjing soldiers and horses and prevent them from coming to rescue. However, elder brother, don't worry, the second brother has sent someone If you take good care of it, nothing will go wrong. " "This" Qu Xiangtian felt that this was true, but he felt it was inappropriate. Just as he was about to say something, Fang Qingze continued: "Brother, this is the truth. Let¡¯s talk about it later. Let¡¯s set up camp first.¡± After the army arrives, arrange for Qu Xiangtian¡¯s army to be stationed on the right side of King Qin¡¯s army, forming a triangle facing the direction of the capital. Lu Yunzhi returned to the side hall accompanied by everyone, leaving aside the matter of healing his wounds and applying medicine. Good news came one after another that night. The weapons developed by Fang Qingze were also shipped to Bazhou. Qu Xiangtian's general Guang Liang also sent a message to Bazhou in less than two days.   Qu Xiangtian was overjoyed when he saw the new weapons that had just arrived. The group of people waited until late at night while drinking and listening to Fang Qingze explaining the use of these weapons. Back in the room, Lu Yunzhi took off his green robe, took out a bottle of medicinal powder and lightly sprinkled it on the wound. Lu Yunzhi couldn't help but break out in cold sweat as a pain hit him. The nightmare emerged from Lu Yunzhi's body, and its facial features became clearer. The eyebrows seemed to be carved from the same mold as Lu Yunzhi, and the entire body became as tall and short as Lu Yunzhi, with a similar figure. Much the same. If it weren't for the bright light in the room, anyone who saw him at this moment would definitely be mistaken for a pair of twin brothers. Nightmare said: "If you hadn't listened to the words in your heart this morning, I would have gone out to deal with Qu Xiangtian. You are stupid. You didn't fight back even if I hit you. Even if you respect him, he will always avoid you. I found that sometimes You are pitifully stupid, but you are a fool, but you are also a smart person. Why are you so confused when it comes to brotherhood? " "Shut up, that's my elder brother. If you attack him, I will. But I can't spare you." Lu Yunzhi said to Mengma angrily, and with a flick of his hand, he tore the wound again, making him gasp in pain. The nightmare laughed and said: "I'll do it." As he said that, he stretched out the hand made of black energy. It was no longer possible to see that the hand was made of ghost energy. It looked very real and completely gone. The feeling of ghosts that is both real and illusory. Nightmare took the medicine bottle and put the medicine on Lu Yun, but she didn't stop talking for a moment, ignoring Lu Yunzhi's warning just now. Lu Yunzhi smiled bitterly and shook his head, looked at Nightmare and said, "Thank you." "Humph, be polite to me. I am you and you are me." Nightmare replied. One person and one ghost chatted all night long. Although they were mostly laughing, cursing and teasing, this was Lu Yunzhi's rare relaxing time. Secret Thirteen 54_The full text of Secret Thirteen is free to read_Chapter 54 Love is better than Jin Jian has been updated! Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 55: Landslide and Earth Split There are many people who have the same difficulty falling asleep as Lu Yunzhi. Bai Yong, the leopard, still holds a grudge against Qu Xiangtian in his heart. He tosses and turns and cannot fall asleep. Needless to say, Bai Yong had some conflicts with Qu Xiangtian before, but now the fire of loyalty is rising from the bottom of his heart. Although Baozi was respectful to Qu Xiangtian on the surface, he was gnashing his teeth in his heart. Baozi was Lu Yunzhi's uncle. Although Baozi had a large clan, he only had one younger sister who was a direct relative. Aiwu and Wuxia also cared deeply for Lu Yunzhi. Chao Xing was not asleep, and he was very relieved. Although during the day, every time Qu Xiangtian's whip hit Lu Yunzhi, it hurt as if it was a slap on the top of his heart, but he was also grateful that his nephew could They felt gratified to have such a kind and sworn brother, and they couldn't help but feel doubly fond of Qu Xiangtian. Fang Qingze and Zhu Jianwen were not in the mood to sleep, because they would march towards the capital tomorrow. They were each thinking about how to march and how the two armies would confront each other. When arranging troops and dispatching generals, they did not care about what happened during the day. Qu Xiangtian was full of guilt. He was still scolding himself secretly for whipping Lu Yunzhi. At the same time, he was still thinking about Lu Yunzhi during the day. Just like what Fang Qingze said, he couldn't fall asleep, but he didn't dare toss and turn for fear of waking up Murong Yunfei. But he didn't know that Murong Yunfei was not asleep either. Although she closed her eyes tightly, her mind was very clear during the day. Murong Yunfei saw what happened in the car, and she also heard what Lu Yunzhi said. She asked herself countless times whether she really thought Lu Yunzhi was too sinister. Today Lu Yunzhi said frankly He expressed his own thoughts, was so sincere and not hypocritical, but was extremely selfish because of his original intention to protect Qu Xiangtian. He would rather endure the infamy and accept the whipping. His love and respect were even more obvious. Is this true love, or Lu Yun She had even deceived her. If she came to the first conclusion, then she was not worthy of being this sister-in-law. She loved Qu Xiangtian but she provoked feelings between her husband and her brother. And Qu Xiangtian valued friendship the most. What she did She is running counter to her husband. If it is the second conclusion, then Lu Yunzhi is too terrible. This is more terrible than the magic he knows. It is the most profound and dark mind-attacking technique in the city. Murong Yunfei dare not think of it. However, they still couldn't sleep. There were two people in the capital who couldn't sleep. They stood opposite each other, looking at each other with different emotions in their hearts. One was Zhu Qiyu and the other was Yu Qian. Zhu Qiyu said with a trembling voice: "Master Yu, Can we still hold the capital this time like before?" "Your Majesty, there is no doubt that we can hold it and defeat their gang of rebellious officials and eradicate the roots," Yu Qian said firmly. Zhu Qiyu sighed and asked tentatively: "If the war situation remains in a stalemate, or if, I mean if, we lose, what should we do? Why don't we talk to them now and see if we can recruit them? If we resolve it peacefully, there will be no talk of defeat. "Yes," Yu Qian lowered his head and said nothing. Zhu Qiyu asked again, and Yu Qian sighed and said, "Your Majesty, if someone drives you off the stage, kills your relatives, and leaves your wife and family separated, you will be driven out and killed even if you run for your life. Treating you like this, when you lead the troops to seek revenge, people who have a blood feud with you want to recruit you, and you think that the outcome of the battle is uncertain at this moment, will you agree to recruit you? No, comparing your feelings, they will not Yes, do you think there is still room for maneuver? What's more, we don't need to invite peace talks, because we will definitely win, and the victory will be beautiful." "Master Yu is so confident, but we have a strategy to retreat from the enemy," Zhu Qiyu said, but Yu Qian took Zhu Qiyu's arm and walked out quickly. The two passed through the main hall, walked across the Jinshui Bridge, and walked to the palace gate. They ordered the guards to open the vermilion door. Outside the Forbidden City, they stood on the Capital Street. The crowd was filled with sergeants wearing bright armor. Their eyes looked towards the palace gate as the door opened. Their eyes were fearless and full of determination. When they saw Zhu Qiyu and Yu Qian both going out, they all stood with their fists clasped and shouted: " Long live my emperor." The armor and swords made a uniform sound at this moment, which made people feel refreshed. Yu Qian looked at Zhu Qiyu, and then said: "Your Majesty, this is the source of my confidence. It is the world, the world of Ming Dynasty, Your Majesty Your world, the world of the world, the world will not lose, and the right way will not perish. The laws of heaven must stand on the side of the right way, and the laws of heaven will definitely stand on the side of the world." At this time, the inside and outside of the capital were like ant nests, filled with There were as many soldiers as ants, and the crowds were densely packed. In the early morning of the next day, Qu Xiangtian and others joined forces, and the army marched towards Beijing City. After a day of marching, Guangliang led an army of 30,000 soldiers to catch up with the army. Everyone was happy. Overjoyed, nearly 150,000 soldiers and horses marched towards Beijing in a mighty manner. This army has elite soldiers and generals, as well as the "magic weapon" developed by Fang Qingze. A powerful brigade is attacking, and the decisive battle in the capital is about to begin. Jingtai Five years ago, the army pressed to the edge of the capital and faced off with the imperial soldiers and horses standing outside. Both sides were at war with each other and their horses were screaming. At this tense moment, Murong Yunfei gave birth to a son, and everyone was extremely happy and recognized her.?This is an auspicious sign brought by God, and Qu Xiangtian proudly named his child Qu Sheng, which indicates that he will definitely win this time. No one can predict the outcome of this time, because both sides of the battle are People with extremely high destiny are gathered together again. No one in the world can understand the success or failure of both parties. Murong Yunfei was sent to Bazhou for recuperation. Qu Xiangtian did not accompany her, but insisted on staying with her. The forward positions are making final preparations. In the middle of May of the fifth year of Jingtai, the battle between the two parties started in September of the fourth year of Jingtai. It has been more than half a year. The mutual strategies, business wars and hand-to-hand combat have made both sides The generals were exhausted and lost their patience in the gradually escalating battle. When the first cannon fired, the decisive battle in the capital began, or the long-awaited decisive battle began. Lu Yunzhi and others wanted to break into Beijing, and Yu Qian wanted to unite and exterminate the gathered rebels outside Beijing. The two armies first launched an artillery bombardment outside Beijing. The two sides kept changing positions, and then continued to load and launch. This attack lasted a day, and the outside of Beijing was a scorched earth. , many small hills were blown to the ground. The continuous roars could be heard in Beijing and even the counties of Shuntian Prefecture. The vibrations were also felt in the city. When the artillery fire from both sides connected, all the buildings were destroyed. Trembling, as the earth trembles, like a mountain falling apart, Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 56: Prelude to the Artillery Battle In this mutual bombardment, neither side took any advantage. Lu Yunzhi's artillery was mostly made by Fang Qingze. It was powerful and had a long range, and its accuracy was much higher than that of the Ming army's artillery. Although Fang Qingze is now the richest in the world, after all, the artillery was privately made and made in Timur. Naturally, it was somewhat damaged after being transported thousands of miles away. When he arrived in Bazhou, there were only about fifteen in use. Such a small number of artillery was naturally not enough to compete with the Ming army. Among them were the artillery from Zhu Jianwen and Qu Xiangtian's army. The types of artillery were mixed. According to statistics, there were a total of sixty-three. It was an unprecedented event. These number of firearms It was enough to wipe a medium-sized city off the map in an instant. When everyone pushed the artillery out with confidence, they were stunned by the sight before them. The Ming army didn't know where they got it from. There are an incredible number of artillery pieces, there are more than 130 of them. Looking at it, although it is less accurate than the artillery made by Fang Qingze, and most of the ammunition is solid cannonballs, which are less powerful, they are huge in number. After a hundred cannons fired in unison, the sky was filled with roaring solid iron bullets that covered the sky and the sun. The power was really astonishing. The weapons of both sides had their own pros and cons. The shelling of each other lasted from three shots in the sun to the darkening of the sky. Only then did he stop shelling the enemy position. Fang Qingze stood in the trench of the position, looking at the sergeant pushing the cannon back. He jumped out of the trench and counted the damaged artillery, then turned to Lu Yunzhi and said to him: " Damn, we have been fighting for a day today. It seems that Yu Qian has been prepared. Otherwise, he would not be able to prepare so much ammunition in just a few months. We don¡¯t have much ammunition. Most of the ammunition I brought are filled shells. The artillery used by Big Brother and Wen Wen cannot be used. Their artillery is a bit backward. If the cannons are forcibly filled, it will easily explode. The two sides are far apart now, and the ballistae, trebuchets, divine fire flying crows and other items cannot be used. I have already ordered People are rushing to make cannonballs, but it will take three days to replenish them. Today, we both lost one hundred thousand taels of silver. Let's spend it. Let's spend it with Yu Qian. Let's see who can spend more than the other. You and I will fight for wealth. Brother, I'm never afraid." Zhu Jianwen and Leopard jumped out of another trench and walked slowly over. They greeted Lu Yunzhi and Fang Qingze and said, "Thanks to Yunzhi for being prepared early today, we are around We have dug a lot of trenches, which can be moved and lurked, but the fighting today was too fierce. More than 40 fortifications were destroyed on our side, and thousands of soldiers were injured or killed. The two sides have not shown up yet. , It¡¯s like this. If the two armies fight, it¡¯s not sure how tragic it will be. Yu Qian is indeed Yu Qian. By the way, Fatty Fang, how much artillery has been lost?¡± ¡°I just calculated it, and there are only three usable ones left. There are more than ten of them, and there are also the old-fashioned cannons that you and my brother brought, but I have sent people to make them. There are not many people in the Central Plains who can build such huge artillery. These new firearms of mine are also from The ones shipped from the northwest were mostly hidden in the past, so we couldn¡¯t organize people to build them on a large scale. When the opportunity came, the number of people who could build it became a problem. A month ago, before I arrived in Bazhou, I had already started to arrange it. Although the scale is smaller, the workmanship is excellent, and the construction speed is not slow. In three days, we can have enough ammunition, and the addition of fourteen new artillery pieces is really a headache when I think about it. However, the casualties on Yuqian's side should be much heavier than ours. This is a good thing," Fang Qingze was optimistic and said with a smile, "Qu Xiangtian also came to the trench at this time, patted the dust on Lu Yunzhi's shoulder, and then Fang Qingze said: "Second brother, I think Yu Qian also They are as well prepared as we are. You can see that they have not retreated. If they had not prepared trenches and fortifications in advance, they would have withdrawn the camp. So I conclude that their situation is similar to ours, but Today's battle was thanks to my second brother's new artillery. I saw it with my own eyes. One shell hit and destroyed two of the opponent's doors in an instant. It was really powerful." Lu Yunzhi had been silent since the beginning, and now he suddenly told everyone Said: "At night, advance the artillery for continuous fire, and then use the power of the artillery to launch a night attack. Their artillery shells have almost been fired, and they will not pose any threat to our attack." "Why," everyone asked in unison, confused. Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and replied: "I heard that when you fought in Jinan Prefecture, did the Ming army use many artillery?" Zhu Jianwen didn't know why Lu Yunzhi asked, and replied: "Not many, what if?" It¡¯s the same as today, so I¡¯ve already been defeated. Why do you ask,¡± ¡°That¡¯s right, if our strength is divided into three parts, my second brother, my second brother, and the leopard will have one share. They are considered elite soldiers. They want to intercept and eliminate us. It was difficult because we were small in number and could move easily and quickly. My eldest brother¡¯s sergeants were confronting each other in Nanjing at that time. Yu Qian miscalculated and did not expect the trick I used in Nanjing, so he was unprepared. Then another powerful force was King Qin who saw and heard you. The army is ready," Lu Yunzhi's voice paused and continued: "At that time, except for hoarding troops in the capital and preparing for the worst-case scenario of a decisive battle, Yu Qian had no other options left.All the troops that can be mobilized in the north have been pressed into the battle of Jinan Prefecture. They have also dispatched troops such as the Three Thousand Elite Battalion and the Shenji Battalion that specialize in the use of firearms. At that time, a large number of artillery was not used, which shows that what we see today These artillery should have been built by Yu Qian recently, plus the total firearms of all the northern armies." Qu Xiangtian suddenly realized and continued: "I understand what the third brother means. What he means is that now that we are besieging the capital, the outside world The early artillery and ammunition cannot be transported in, and while we are losing money, they are also losing money. The capital workshop alone cannot make it as fast as the second brother, so now that we are encountering a shortage of ammunition and firearms, they are also losing money. We may encounter it, and it may be more serious than us." Zhu Jianwen suddenly shook his head and asked: "But as far as I know, the Shenji Battalion has as many as a hundred artillery pieces. If it is as you said, compared with today's Quantity, they should have the back-up force." "No," Lu Yunzhi replied, "Have you forgotten the Battle of Tumu Fort? The Ming army was defeated in the Battle of Tumu Fort. All the Shenji Battalion was killed, and the artillery was also destroyed. He also took us away first. Yu Qian was busy chasing us before. How could he have thought of today's decisive battle? It is not easy for him to build so many artillery in such a short period of time. How could he have any spare power?" Qu Xiangtian said in a loud voice : "Exactly, tonight we will attack the enemy camp at night with artillery cover as my third brother said," Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 57: Night Attack on the Camp The night is getting darker, and the surroundings slowly become quiet. The smell of gunpowder smoke that filled the air during the day still lingers in the air. The people in the capital fall asleep in fear. The feeling of being on tenterhooks and ringing in the ears all day makes people nervous. At this moment of silence, When I got down, I felt exhausted both physically and mentally and fell asleep. The Ming army camp facing Lu Yunzhi and others in front of the capital was now brightly lit, and the light of torches illuminated the camp. The patrolling soldiers came and went in an orderly manner, and it seemed as quiet as the city of Beijing. Zhu Jianwen whispered to Leopard: "Is it because Lu Yunzhi thinks too much of Yu Qian? It is indeed rare that they are still so calm after the morning bombardment, but there is no strong formation to prevent night attacks. Maybe we won't need them." "Anyway, just be careful. We have already suffered a lot from Yu Qian," Leopard replied in a low voice, then waved his arms and pushed dozens of artillery pieces behind him. After taking aim, Leopard shouted: "Let go!" There was a loud buzzing sound, and suddenly the Ming army camp was in panic, tents and other objects were on fire, and hundreds of soldiers were running back and forth, unable to escape. After the artillery was reloaded, the leopard shouted again: "Fire again!" At the same time, Zhu Jianwen drew out the long sword from his waist, waved it forward and shouted: "Kill!" The 50,000 Qin Wang troops selected behind him suddenly swarmed towards the Ming army. In the camp, the sound of killing shook the sky and was majestic. Artillery shells exploded in the Ming army's camp. Zhu Jianwen and others then bravely rushed into the camp, killing the fleeing soldiers in the camp, and approached the Chinese army's tent. They wanted to kill the commander. Zhu Jianwen was secretly on guard because the commander was very likely to He is a man of heaven and earth with profound magic skills. When he rushed to the Chinese army's tent, Zhu Jianwen felt relieved. There were hundreds of soldiers standing in front of the tent, holding their spears high. Although they were a little timid, they had no intention of retreating. It seemed that the commander must be in the tent. Zhu Jianwen pointed his sword at the tent and said to the general beside him: "Fight in." The general was about to charge and kill, but he heard a leopard galloping from the other side of the camp on horseback, shouting: "Fell into the trap, fallen into the trap." There is no one in the military camp!" Zhu was shocked when he saw it, but he felt a wave of heat coming over him. He muttered that several ghosts came out from his waist to block him, but he was rushed away. The Chinese army's tent exploded, and the tent was filled with sulfur, gunpowder and other objects, mixed with iron and sharp blades. When Zhu Jianwen rushed to the camp, someone lit the gunpowder. All the Ming soldiers patrolling the camp came to die. They had only one purpose, to lure the enemy deep into the urn and invite you into the urn. Zhu Jianwen was beaten to pieces. The leopard was far away and quickly avoided the iron pieces hit by the heat wave. It rushed over and helped Zhu Jianwen up. Zhu Jianwen looked around and saw that the hundreds of guards he had brought with him had been blown to pieces like the enemy troops in front of the tent, and even their intact bodies were as charred as charcoal by the high temperature and flames. Leopard kept shouting to organize troops. King Qin's army had fought several fierce battles. Although they were a little panicked at this moment, they did not flee. Zhu Jianwen became more awake and hurriedly ordered: "Quickly withdraw from the enemy camp. "The soldiers retreated towards the enemy's camp. Leopard suddenly became excited and said, "There is a ghost!" Zhu Jianwen looked around quickly and said, "Where is it?" Leopard said urgently: "It's around the camp. , There are not many in number, but they are quite powerful." Zhu Jianwen shouted in his heart that it was not good and quickly ordered to stop the team, but it was too late. A small number of ghosts suddenly appeared on the ground around the camp. They were all glowing red and seemed to be first-class evil spirits. They did not attack like King Qin's army, but lifted up several pieces of iron spliced ??from the ground. The board was then opened with great force. The iron plate was covered with thick soil, and King Qin's army did not even notice it when they attacked. Except for evil spirits and evil spirits, no one, or even ordinary ghosts, could lift up the iron plate covered with thick soil so quickly. The sergeants in the front team stopped and did not dare to move forward, but there were still several people who were caught in time. The stopped people retreated and fell into the trench under the iron plate. The soldiers who fell into the ditch were covered with black viscous liquid. Someone recognized it and shouted: "It's kerosene." At this moment, a spark lit up on the hill not far away, and soon Then the fire flew towards the camp quickly. Only then did everyone see clearly that it was a rocket. Arrows flew down. Many soldiers were hit by arrows and fell to the ground. Some fell into the kerosene. The kerosene immediately burned and formed a circle around them. The camp became a ring of fire. Zhu Jianwen was shocked and didn't know what to do. The flames in the ditch were extremely strong. With the help of ghosts, he could jump out of the sea of ??fire unscathed. The leopards and other ghost-eating tribes were also very strong and could naturally escape easily. Where are the tens of thousands of Qinwang troops under the command? Zhu Jianwen thought of this and ordered loudly: "Hold your shields high!" The soldiers of King Qin's army raised their shields to block their heads. As expected, the second batch of arrows arrived, and they were nailed to the raised shields because they had already prepared for this arrow. The effect of rain is not significant. At the same time, the cannons were firing. On the west side outside the camp, a general was giving orders to fire cannons at the Ming army camp. The artillery shells hit King Qin's army one after another, causing many casualties among King Qin's troops. Zhu Jianwen was shielded.The armored soldiers guarded it and used ghosts to protect their bodies, shouting: "Lu Yunzhi, hurry up!" After a period of shelling, there was no longer a shell on the high ground on the west side, just like Lu Yunzhi As expected, the Ming army did indeed run out of artillery shells, and during the daytime artillery battle, the artillery was seriously damaged. Just now was the last "cry". The flames around the Ming army camp gradually became lower, and Zhu Jianwen ordered: "Charge out." Zhongqin Wangjun jumped out from the place where the fire was lower, but many people were still burned by the fire and burned into a fire man. On the hill on the northeast side of the camp, a Ming army general was about to order another arrow to be fired. The arrow rain just now was what they called "shoot". Before he could say "fire", he heard the sound of shooting around the hill. But no shouting or shouting was heard. Just as the general was about to order his sergeants to go and find out, all the Ming army crossbowmen on the hill were shot to death by thousands of arrows. Qu Xiangtian's general Guang Liang led his army to occupy Gaogang. He stepped on the corpse of the previous general and looked at King Qin's army fleeing in panic. He ordered the crossbowmen he led to bend their bows and nock arrows and prepare for attack. Zhu saw that Baozi and others had not run far away, and heard the torches of a massacre suddenly lit up in the mountains and forests on both sides, and an unknown number of Ming troops rushed towards them. Zhu Jianwen prepared his troops for battle in a hurry and fought with the Ming troops rushing out from both sides. But King Qin's army had no intention of fighting at this moment. First they were captured in the camp, then they were injured by the first wave of arrows, then their retreat was cut off by fire, and finally they were attacked by artillery. A series of casualties greatly reduced the combat effectiveness of King Qin's army. The most important thing is It's because they have lost all will to fight. ()s Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 58: Continuous Night Fights As soon as King Qin's army and the Ming army clashed, they were defeated and left without any resistance. King Qin's soldiers had no intention of fighting and only focused on escaping for their lives. Under the leadership of Zhu Jianwen, everyone retreated towards their own camp in the south. The Ming army pursued them closely, and just after chasing for two or three miles, they saw countless torches lit outside the Ming army, which were also mixed with a strange whistling sound and the constant neighing of horses. The commander-in-chief of this Ming army was Zhu Jianwen¡¯s enemy, the old enemy Shenglingmai Lord, whom Jinan Mansion had fought with before. They were ordered to wait here to ambush and completely defeat King Qin¡¯s army who came to attack at night. Yu Qian did not let Lu Yunzhi "disappoint". He indeed judged the enemy's speculation and made a series of countermeasures. It showed that King Qin's troops who were attacking at night were in ambush. In the case of insufficient artillery shells, the killing of arrows alone was not enough, so they deliberately used ghosts to remove the soil to make the fire outside the camp gradually decrease, leaving a gap for the incoming troops. The Ming army who attacked at night rushed out, and then let the leader of the soul pulse lead a second ambush, thus defeating the enemy. However, what Yu Qian and the Master of Life Pulse did not expect was that the King Qin Army led by Zhu Jianwen was actually an army that could be either virtual or real. If King Qin¡¯s army succeeds in their night attack, it will be true. But if the night attack fails and retreats, then this army will become empty and lure the enemy into the encirclement. The encirclement was composed of troops led by Qu Xiangtian and Qin Rufeng. When the leader of the soul pulse came to his senses, he saw Qu Xiangtian's dozen or so elephant soldiers charging forward. It turns out that the strange roar just now was the roar of an elephant. The elephant is invincible when charging into the battle. Needless to say, the thick and powerful trunk can throw people several feet away. All the troops were cut in half, and the elephant's natural impact alone was unparalleled. Wherever the elephant soldiers passed, soldiers were stepped under the legs of the elephants, and the cavalry were knocked aside. The Ming army's formation was instantly disrupted. The Master of Life Pulse did not panic and ordered the fire gunners of the Shenji Camp to fire at the elephants. Although the iron sand and iron bullets could not kill the thick-skinned elephants, the sound of the fire cannons would startle and frighten the elephants. Elephants cannot concentrate. When the time comes, no matter whether they are enemy soldiers or our own people, they will all be trampled to death. When the elephants run around and the elephant soldiers rush into the formation, it will be broken. After several rounds of fire cannons were fired, no effect was seen. Only then did the master of the living soul see clearly that it turned out that the huge ears of the elephants were covered with earmuffs made of leather. Unless they were at close range, The loud noise would otherwise not alarm the elephant at all. In fact, Qu Xiangtian had used this trick of the living soul pulse master as early as when he was in Annan. Knowing himself and his enemy, Qu Xiangtian added earmuffs to the elephant. The elephant's legs were also extremely vulnerable to injury, so they were also tied up by Qu Xiangtian. Got armor. The elephant was invulnerable, and the archers on the elephant's back kept shooting at the Ming army who came to fight for their lives. At this time, Zhu Jianwen's Qinwang army stopped running for their lives, and under the leadership of Baozi and Zhu Jianwen, they came back to fight. On the contrary, the Ming army fell into a situation of being surrounded. The Master of the Soul Pulse summoned the disciples of the beast-expelling lineage in the team. Under the leadership of the Lone Wolf Pulse Master who served as a deputy general in the army, he led the crowd to fight with King Qin's army. However, the elephant soldiers still trampled on the soldiers of the Ming army, which made the Master of the Soul Pulse feel heartbroken. Incessantly. After the elephant soldiers were the cavalry and infantry who rushed toward the sky. They effortlessly slowly killed the "fish that slipped through the net" that were scattered by the elephant soldiers. The Master of the Soul Pulse had a plan in mind, and ordered people to collect gunpowder and put it in a package, wrap it around the horse, cover the horse's eyes, insert a live wire into the package filled with gunpowder, ignite it, and slash the horse's buttocks with a knife. The horses were in pain and ran towards the elephant soldiers like crazy. The horses with their eyes covered could only run in a straight line and had no fear of the giant elephants. Qu Xiangtian saw the original horses and the sparks on the line of fire, and quickly ordered to shoot arrows at the horses of the Ming army. However, many horses rushed into the elephant soldiers and exploded in front of and under the elephants. The elephants were killed. There were still a few people injured in the explosion, but the master of the living soul vein succeeded in his plan. The elephant was so frightened that it turned around and rushed towards the cavalry and infantry following closely behind. Qu Xiangtian and Qin Rufeng were shocked, and the elephant soldiers shouted to stop. But the crazy elephant could not care about so much. It just ran crazily, its feet wrapped in iron armor and its nose tied with a sharp knife covered with the blood of its own people. . The Ming army was helpless against the elephant soldiers, and the same was true for Qu Xiangtian's troops. Swords and arrows were ineffective. The Ming army breathed a sigh of relief and busily fought with King Qin's army. The numerical advantage of the Ming army was immediately apparent. In addition, Qin Wang's army had been seriously damaged before, and the Ming army had the upper hand. Qin Rufeng held two swords and jumped off the horse. After a few jumps, he climbed onto the elephant's head. The elephant soldiers had been thrown off by the crazy elephant. At this moment, the elephant was uncontrollable and could only be killed. In order to reduce casualties. Qin Rufeng inserted the knife into the elephant's head fiercely. The elephant screamed and fell to the ground. Qin Rufeng jumped off the elephant and ran towards the other end. And Qu Xiangtian, just like Qin Rufeng, is constantly killing the elephant he worked so hard for, and one can imagine his heartache. After two cups of tea, all the elephants had fallen to the ground and could only breathe hard.The breath can no longer trample soldiers, whether they are the enemy's or our own. Qu Xiangtian reorganized his troops and went towards the Ming army. The two Ming armies suffered successive defeats and retreated. The situation suddenly changed. The Ming army that had previously been chasing others became the ones running for their lives. Qu Xiangtian and Zhu Jianwen joined forces and chased them for more than four miles. The Ming army suddenly turned around and killed them. It turned out that reinforcements had arrived. The five leaders of the Wuchou branch led 20,000 soldiers and horses to come to the rescue from the northeast of the Ming army camp. However, as soon as they rushed out not far away, they saw arrows fired from the hill where the archers were originally placed. The Ming army was caught off guard, and there were many casualties. . Guang Liang kept asking the soldiers to fire arrows, and used Fang Qingze's improved crossbow carts to fire continuously at the Ming army under the hill with a series of muskets. As expected, the Wuchou Pulse Master was not a leader. At this moment, he was panicking and running for his life. Only a few Ming army generals were still calm and ordered the soldiers to raise their shields and retreat out of the shooting range. After Guang Liang ordered several rounds of fire, he suddenly heard the sound of horse hooves coming from behind the hillside, and quickly shouted "Retreat". At the same time, more than 10,000 people launched an attack on the hill. When the arrows and crossbows were cocked, the enemy troops had already rushed in front of them. Only the serial muskets and crossbows used by Fang Qingze were very convenient and still fired at the Ming Dynasty who rushed up. military. It was difficult to support a single tree, and the hillock was quickly overwhelmed by a large number of Ming army cavalry. Guang Liang struggled to seize a horse and fled in panic. (.)g Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 59: The Plan in the Plan The soldiers and horses charging up the hill were led by a mighty and stout general. After he eliminated the crossbowmen on the hill, he led the cavalry to the foot of the hill. When the generals saw him, they all cupped their hands. It seemed that the general was of high rank. A person of weight. When the Wuchou Pulse Master saw the man coming, he stopped his escape and hurriedly reined in his horses and turned back. Each of the five said in one sentence: "We are not running for our lives, we are just going to survey the road. There are not many enemies, and King Qin's army is also The number of people is greatly reduced, let's go to support quickly." These words were connected perfectly, as if they were spoken by one person. It seemed that the five of them were "connected with the same spirit." The general snorted and shouted: "Kill back and help the master of the spiritual veins." The army shouted and killed the troops led by Qu Xiangtian and Zhu Jianwen. The two armies fought together and were inseparable. The soldiers on both sides fought bravely, with flesh and blood flying across the battlefield amid the flash of swords and shadows. The Ming army was supported by a large number of ghost spirits, while Qu Xiangtian also had leopards and other ghost-eating tribesmen to contend with them. Qu Xiangtian summoned a small number of ghosts to gather on the Seven-Star Sword. Although it was not as powerful as the Ghost Qi Sword, it was easier to use than the Ghost Qi Sword. With the Living Soul Vein Master, Lone Wolf Vein Master and those who came to support Snow Bell Meridian fights together. Leopard fought against Wuchou Pulse Master and several Ming army generals alone. Zhu Jianwen held a steel sword in one hand and a square seal in the other, and smashed a wolf-shaped ghost spirit. He suddenly felt that there was a ghost spirit entangled under his feet. He hummed and thought in his heart: It's the Wuchou lineage again, and the Wuchou lineage can only Take advantage of people's danger to come out and attack. He thought to himself that the ghosts approaching him were not powerful, and were probably driven by ordinary disciples, so he did not use square seals to strike, and summoned a few ghosts from the brocade bag at his waist to defend himself. Ever since he almost died in Jinan Mansion, Zhu Jianwen had been carrying ghosts to defend himself every day. Although he could not hide the ghosts and intangibles like Qu Xiangtian and Lu Yunzhi, or attached them to his clothes, he still could I found a few ghosts with relatively strong ghost energy and sealed them in the brocade bag, ready to be used at any time. Just now, when the Ming army's camp was attacked at night and was counterattacked, the ghost spirit blocked the explosion for Zhu Jianwen. At this moment, as Zhu Jianwen expected, it was indeed a ghost driven by the Five Chou lineage. The five ghosts immediately started fighting with the one he had summoned. Suddenly, Zhu Jianwen heard a loud sound piercing the sky, and a powerful arrow shot over. Zhu Jianwen only felt something approaching and heard a sound. He knew it must be a stray arrow or a hidden weapon, so he hurriedly applied force on his waist and moved slightly away. However, his cheek was rubbed by the arrow feathers, and he suddenly felt burning pain and a stream of blood. It slid out along the wound on his cheek, and he couldn't help but secretly thought: What a lot of strength. Just as he dodged the arrow, he saw a knight roaring towards him, the saber in his hand passing from bottom to top. Zhu Jianwen was unsteady and unsteady on his feet, so he could only hurriedly raise his sword to meet him. There was a clang, and the swords collided with each other. There was a spark. Zhu Jianwen just breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the man leaping up from his horse, holding the knife in both hands above his head, and then falling down, using all his strength to chop down vertically. Zhu saw that the protective ghosts were fighting with the ghosts driven by the disciples of the Wuchou lineage. He could not get away to resist, so he could only fight with his sword. Zhu Jianwen also practiced physical skills with Du Hai in the Zhongzheng lineage since he was a child. Naturally, his martial arts skills are not bad. The knight is not as powerful as Zhu Jianwen, but the knight holds a sword with both hands and jumps high. In addition, Zhu Jianwen Hearing that his body was unstable, his strength was rising from the ground. His legs were unstable and his body lost strength. He suddenly felt a numbness in his right arm holding the sword. The steel sword was immediately cut into two pieces by the knight's sword. In Zhu Jianwen's hand, only a hilt and half of the steel sword were left. He was hit by the knight's vertical chop with such force that he could no longer stand and fell down. On the ground, the knight swept over with his saber, and was about to touch Zhu Jianwen's neck. It seemed inevitable that blood would spurt out and his head would fall to the ground. The moonlight shone on the knight's face. The knight was clearly the commander who had just killed the crossbowman on his post and forced Guang Liang to flee. At the same time, outside the Fucheng Gate in Beijing, a cavalry force of more than 3,000 soldiers slowly approached the capital. Everyone was dressed in black, the horses' hooves were wrapped in cloth, and the horses' mouths were also covered with cotton cloth to prevent the horses from neighing. Except for the four leaders, the others all had a wooden stick in their mouths. As a result, no one in the entire team spoke, and the sounds they made were even smaller. They just moved forward slowly, and the crowd was waiting in the same darkness and silence. The silent night blends into one. The leaders were Lu Yunzhi, Fang Qingze, Bai Yong and Tan Qing. Fang Qingze shook his fat body and whispered: "Third brother, let's do it. The whole army should be attracted by eldest brother and his knowledge." Lu Yunzhi nodded and responded softly: "Wait a little longer, no matter what. It's just an hour and a half away." After hearing what the two said, Tan Qing muttered softly: "Wouldn't it be better to let me go over there and kill him, if I have to do a sneak attack, really." Bai Yong just thought. As he spoke, Lu Yunzhi saw that Lu Yunzhi was not angry but just smiled and said: "Our master Tan Pulse is still angry. Your Miao Gu lineage will release poison all over the city as soon as they attack. You will have a chance to show off." His tone was gentle. It's very different from Lu Yunzhi's recent style. When Bai Yong saw this, he thought? He swallowed back the words he was about to say, a trace of jealousy igniting in his heart, but he secretly blamed himself. The time for a cup of tea has passed, the sound of killing in the distance is getting louder and louder, and the battle between the two parties led by Qu Xiangtian and the living soul pulse master has also entered a fierce stage. The role of ghosts in the Ming army was restrained by the ghost-eating tribe, but the ghost-eating tribe was unable to escape from dealing with ordinary soldiers. The number of the Ming army was obviously more than twice that of the troops led by Qu Xiangtian and Zhu Jianwen. This was Yu Qian's brilliance. After the defeat in the Shandong battlefield, he decisively gave up the defense in many places and gathered a large number of troops in the capital. Although King Qin's army and Qu Xiangtian's troops were large in number, they were not enough to occupy all the cities abandoned by Yu Qian and maintain and manage them. But if they occupied a place at that time and planned to develop, they would disperse their troops and garrison them in various places. Yu Qian would switch from defense to offense and attack them. As soon as this plan came out, a large area of ??territory was like a big piece of fat in front of you, but it was not cut and people didn't know how to eat it. Therefore, while Yu Qian gave up a large area of ??territory, he also retained his own strength, and indirectly forced Lu Yunzhiqu to Xiang Tianzhu. Seeing that all the soldiers and horses from all walks of life could only come to the capital for a decisive battle, there were no soldiers elsewhere for them to fight against. It is even more unable to consume Ming's strength. Using retreat to advance is indeed a wonderful strategy, and Yu Qian deserves to be a capable minister of the Ming Dynasty. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 60: Cruel Poison Lu Yunzhi whispered to Bai Yong: "Bai Yong, launch an attack." Bai Yong was thinking wildly and ignored Lu Yunzhi's order. Lu Yunzhi looked at Bai Yong with a strange face and said: "Attack." Bai Yong," Bai Yong then realized what was happening and said in a low voice to the people behind him: "The first team will follow me quietly and go to the city gate to launch an attack. This order will be sent to the front team to convey to the rear team, "The warriors behind him and The airbenders spit out the wooden sticks in their mouths and whispered orders one after another. The defenders of Fuchengmen were walking back and forth on the city wall. Suddenly, a guard saw a black shadow flashing under the city wall. He couldn't help shouting: "Who is it?" What greeted him was not a clear answer, but a strong wind. Then the guard could no longer hear him, because he was smashed into a pulp by the way of air control. The guards were horrified, running around shouting for support, and shooting arrows blindly at the city wall, because they couldn't see the figures of the people under the city wall at all. They could only hear the metal clinking sound of shields blocking the arrows, and bursts of arrows. Like a "whoosh" sound of flowing gas, a defender threw a torch towards the city. In the light of the fire, the figures of more than two thousand men in black flashed past. Their eyes were cold and full of murderous intent. The defender of Fucheng Gate The army couldn't help but shudder. At this moment, two groups of golden fists blasted open the heavy door. Bai Yong took the lead and rushed into the city. The soldiers who defended the city were in panic. Bai Yong rode straight to the city wall and defended the city on the stairs. The sergeants used spears and bows to stop them, but Bai Yong seemed to be in an uninhabited land, killing him heartily. The airbenders and warriors behind Bai Yong continued to rush forward and went straight to the inner city of the palace. There was no large-scale army of soldiers to block the way. The Ming army was sent outside the city to meet the enemy with all its strength. There were only a few thousand defenders at Fuchengmen. They thought that the strong city wall would be more than enough to resist the general army, but faced with this, it was like More than two thousand soldiers descended from the sky, and the defenders of Fuchengmen retreated without any resistance. The bloody men galloped, getting closer and closer to the palace, followed by Lu Yunzhi and Tan Qing on horseback. Afterwards, from the place where they just stayed, he led the Miao girls from Miao Gu's lineage to fight on top of the city tower. As soon as he entered the city, Fang Qingze ducked and ran towards Dongzhimen. He disappeared for a moment. Bai Yong was alone on the enemy's city wall. There were hundreds of defenders, but the fight was easy. The sergeants kept firing arrows, but Bai Yong couldn't do anything. On the contrary, his own casualties became more and more serious, so the defenders on the tower could only hold up their spears. , retreated slowly, not daring to take another step closer to Bai Yong. Tan Qing rushed up to the tower, saw the timid Ming army, and said, "Bai Yong, you are so slow, you better watch me." As soon as she finished speaking, she Waves of pink smoke were released from one sleeve, and the air was suddenly filled with the fragrance of flowers. Bai Yong quickly used Qi to protect his body, and jumped behind Tan Qing. The smoke only spread in front of Tan Qing, and there seemed to be an invisible side behind her. The barrier was like a barrier and there was no smell at all. When the defenders saw the pink smoke, they quickly covered their mouths and noses. Someone shouted: "Sorcery, it's poisonous smoke. Be careful," but even though the soldiers kept retreating, They went there and covered their mouths and noses with cloth, but all of a sudden they started beating like crazy. The skin on their bodies slowly began to fester, and their whole bodies began to swell extremely, like pig urine bubbles full of air. Their clothes and armor were swollen by their bodies. They burst open and fell to the ground, but their bodies were still swelling and were completely out of human shape. Their skin swelled to a translucent shape, and there seemed to be liquid flowing inside. The Ming soldiers roared in pain, "This is "La", one person's skin was torn apart first, and then this sound was made on everyone's body. Their skin was cracked, and yellow liquid like a stream gushes out from the cracks. , there were more and more cracks on the bodies of the Fuchengmen defenders, and the liquid flowing out became like a spring, constantly spurting out in large streams on their bodies, but even so, their bodies were still expanding, and they heard another With the sound of "bang bang" coming one after another, the Fuchengmen defenders who had tried their best to resist just now exploded. They were torn apart. It was as if there were no internal organs in their bodies, and they were all filled with the yellow liquid. , all that was left on the ground was a human skin, and the human skin turned into yellow water in a moment, seeping into the ground. There was no trace of wetness on the ground. Bai Yong saw that his body was trembling slightly. He was not afraid of the light of the sword. , He is not afraid of the duel between masters, and he is also not afraid of the horrific scene in front of him, but all this makes him feel a little nauseous, and the acid water in his stomach keeps churning, almost vomiting, Tan Qing clapped his hands and looked at Bai Yong With a waxy face, he showed a charming smile and walked to Bai Yong. At this moment, Bai Yong was a little absent-minded. Tan Qing lifted Bai Yong's chin with his fingers and said with a smile: "This is our big Bai Yong." The warrior is frightened. Do you want to try our Miao Gu's Love Gu? It is more powerful and is specially designed to deal with heartless people." Bai Yong subconsciously stepped back, causing all the Miao girls behind him to laugh. Lu Yun He then cleared his throat and said, "Stop making trouble, Tan Qing. Hurry up and poison the whole city. The Ming army will be here soon."We don¡¯t have much time to fight back,¡± Tan Qing muttered, ¡°I know, what are you afraid of? Let¡¯s take care of them together as many as they come.¡± Although he said this, he did not neglect his hands and kept doing it. He took out a few bottles from the package, and then asked the women to release poison, poison, insects and other objects. Lu Yunzhi looked at it for a moment, suddenly his body trembled, and he murmured to himself: "The energy is so strong, there are masters, Bai Yong will follow I'll go," he said, jumping down from the tower. A gust of wind lifted up Lu Yunzhi's body, and flew towards the palace like an arrow. Bai Yong replied: "Yes," also jumped from the tower. He jumped down from the city tower, supported his body with Qi Control fists, fell to the ground, and then quickly chased in the direction where Lu Yunzhi left. The speed was actually faster than horses. A group of Qi Control masters and special The trained warriors rushed under the imperial city like chopping melons and vegetables. Just as they were about to blast open the palace gate and rush into the Forbidden City, the palace gate slowly opened at this time. Two guards in brocade clothes were wearing Wearing a Feiyu suit with a Tang Dao tied around his waist, he stood with his legs shoulder-width apart, standing on both sides of the palace gate, with no fear on his face, like two door gods. The leader of the Qi Control Master smiled and said loudly: " I thought they were some masters, but they are actually two mortals." As he spoke, the Qi Control took shape, turned into a sharp knife and slashed towards the two Jinyi guards. Suddenly, the sharp knife formed by the Qi broke into pieces, and the Qi Control Master turned pale in shock. Before he had time to think about it, his body flew out. Like him, dozens of people behind him were also hit far away. Everyone quickly looked back and saw that the dozens of people had died. There was blood gushing from the mouth, nose, eyes and ears, and a chill instantly surged over this team that had always been invincible. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 61: Showdown in the Capital A not stout figure walked out of the dark night of the palace. He came to the middle of the two royal guards, and then said softly to them: "You are good people, and you are worthy of being the people of the Ming Dynasty. Go back, here This is not your battle, protect the emperor." The two guards in imperial uniforms answered with their hands clasped, and then retreated into the night. Everyone outside the palace gate looked at the man who came out in surprise. He was dressed like a civil servant, but his face was different from the weak and bookish look of ordinary scholars. Instead, it was filled with a sinister murderous look. He didn't hold any weapons in his hands. He hugged a small nine-story iron tower with both hands and stood upright in front of the airbenders and specially trained warriors. "My name is Yu Qian. If you want to enter the palace, come here." That man was Yu Qian, a loyal minister of the Ming Dynasty and the instigator of this war. Seeing the miserable situation of those people just now, the airbending masters formed shields in front of them. With the combined efforts of everyone, a colorful barrier was formed in front of the palace gate. The warriors specially trained by Lu Yunzhi hid behind the barrier, staring at Yu Qian in front of the crowd, holding the handle of the knife in hand to prepare for anything that might happen. There was a smile on Yu Qian's lips, he didn't say much, he just raised the iron tower in his hand and whispered: "Soul-suppressing Tower." The air masters suddenly felt that danger was approaching, and they gathered their energy together to gather their energy in one place. , resisted with all his strength, and the air wall became even brighter. The color of the air controlled by each airbending master is different due to different temperaments. At this moment, the light flows rapidly, and the air wall barrier used for defense illuminates the dark night sky with dazzling light. Various weapons formed from the air wall and flew towards Yu Qian. Yu Qian suddenly showed his murderous intent but had no intention of dodging. Yu Qian twisted the iron tower in his hand, and the tower broke into two parts. A dark hole was exposed in the lower part. He took the top of the tower and slammed it into the bottom of the tower. A fierce and violent air came out of the black hole. . The sound made by the iron tower was hollow and huge, but could only be heard by the row of people standing directly opposite Yu Qian. They were in agony, shouting and constantly inflating their bodies. After the team, several warriors fell to the ground, their bodies twitching non-stop, their hands covering their ears and their mouths moaning continuously. In the blink of an eye, the sharp weapon turned into gas rushed in front of Yu Qian. As if it was hindered by something, it stagnated in the air and stopped in front of the disconnected iron tower. Suddenly, a loud noise rang in the ears of the soldiers who could hear the sound before. Immediately afterwards, they flew out like kites with broken strings, and their bodies seemed to be hit by a heavy object. The pain was unbearable and their bones felt like they were crushed into powder. They couldn't use any strength, and they couldn't stand up. Those who feel this way are lucky, at least they are still alive, and even worse, they were killed on the spot. The air wall formed by the combined efforts of all the air masters in front of them had long been shattered by the collision. Yu Qian's body swayed slightly, and a stream of blood flowed from his nostrils. He just touched it with his hand and didn't care. He assembled the iron tower in his hands, and hundreds of red evil spirits emerged from the tower, roaring and rushing towards the hurried people. Everyone was in a daze, not understanding how such a strong Qi wall was broken. When they suddenly woke up, they saw the evil spirit running in front of them. The airbending masters gathered their energy to resist, and the warriors also drew out the weapons engraved with talismans made in Fengbo Village and fought with the evil spirits. Yu Qian walked among the people who were busy fighting, and used the soul-suppressing tower to fight In the past, the ghost energy of the Soul-Suppressing Tower was so strong that all the people it encountered fell to the ground and were quickly torn apart by the evil spirits that rushed towards them. For a time, this invincible team on the battlefield also tasted the feeling of being slaughtered, and it was a massacre by one person. A strong wind came, and a man stood on the top of the wind, shouting: "Yu Qian! So powerful!" As he said, the wind stopped, and the man fell on the roof. He was wearing black clothes and had a pair of He has sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, extremely beautiful facial features, and a head of black hair with a little bit of frosty white, which adds to the vicissitudes of the man's life. Yu Qian raised his eyes and shouted: "Lu Yunzhi, I've been waiting for you for a long time!" As he spoke, he hit an airbender with the soul-suppressing tower. The air-bending master gathered energy to block it, but was instantly crushed by the soul-suppressing tower. , with a loud noise, the airbending master's body was shattered. With the help of the reaction force, Yu Qian jumped up high and flew towards Lu Yunzhi on the roof. Lu Yunzhi waved his sleeves, and countless ghosts flew out of the sleeves and gathered together, rushing towards Yu Qian who jumped up with a biting coldness. Yu Qian held the Soul Suppression Tower high in front of him, and divided the surging ghosts that had gathered into one place into two strands. The light of the Soul Suppression Tower flowed, and all the ghosts he touched made whistles, and then disappeared instantly. The remaining ghosts that were not crushed did not turn around to entangle Yu Qian, but ran downwards to support Lu Yunzhi's troops. In the blink of an eye, Yu Qian had already jumped onto the roof, stabbing the soul tower horizontally, but Lu Yunzhi dodged and jumped out. After the two settled down, they stood looking at each other, sizing up each other under the moonlight. Yu Qian sighed and said: "It's not easy, Lu Yunzhi, we have reached this point.?Individuals are finally going to fight. " "Well, I didn't expect that the soul-suppressing tower you used is getting stronger and stronger, and the backlash is much smaller. It seems that today is the time for you and me to show off. "Lu Yunzhi pointed to his upper lip and said to Qian. Yu Qian smiled slightly, wiped the blood gushing from his nostrils with his hand, shouted and rushed towards Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi gathered his energy and concentration, and a figure appeared in front of him. The sword with a dark red handle and white light slashed towards Yu Qian. Yu Qian secretly thought: He has also learned how to control Qi! At this moment, there was no time to think about it. Yu Qian waved the soul-suppressing tower to block it, and a loud noise came out of the air. Lu Yunzhi took advantage of Yu Qian's resistance and jumped up high. A thunderbolt fell from the sky and was hitting Yu Qian. However, he saw that Yu Qian did not dodge, his sleeves and robes shook, and he did not know what he caught with one hand. Lightning, with a wave of his arm, the lightning first shattered the Qi Sword, and then hit Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi was shocked, and the Qi Control formed a shield in front of him. There was another roar, and Lu Yunzhi stood on the ground. , looked up at Yu Qian in the room, and shouted: "What is this? It's so awesome. " Yu Qian chuckled, jumped down from the roof without answering, and waved his arm with great force. A strong wind rolled up on the ground, lifting Lu Yunzhi up, and dodged the blow, but the ground was cut. Out of a deep pit that was about half a person high, several warriors who were trembling with the evil spirit had no time to dodge and were split in half on the spot. Lu Yun's people were in the air, silently reciting the ancient mantra of air control, Yu Qian. Dozens of dark red and white light swords similar to the ones before appeared around him, and they slashed at Yu Qian's location at the same time. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 62: Middle-aged Man Dozens of swords made of Qi were hung above Yu Qian's head, and then they were chopped down quickly. There were two larger swords at the top, which stabbed straight down. Yu Qian held the soul-suppressing tower high above his head. The soul-suppressing tower gave off a little bit of brilliance. The brilliance became more and more powerful, blocking the giant sword that was stabbing him. Yu Qian's hands were also waving constantly, as if something was coming and attacking. The air swords collided and made a clanging sound. Lu Yunzhi wondered in her heart what "magic weapon" Yu Qian had hidden in his hand, but suddenly she felt someone running quickly from behind, and Lu Yunzhi was shocked when she looked out of the corner of her eye. Behind him was a middle-aged man of about 40 or 50 years old, running on all fours like an animal. The warriors and airbenders in front of him shouted at him to stop, but they saw him suddenly jump up and leave him. The nearest warrior slashed at him with his sword. Blood spurted out, but the blood was not from the middle-aged man, but from the abdomen of the strong warrior in front of him. The warrior looked at his abdomen in disbelief. He didn't see the man attacking him, and he didn't feel any pain. How could he be bleeding? Looking down at his abdomen, the warrior opened his eyes wide in horror, "Plop!" With a sound, the warrior fell to the ground. A big round hole was stabbed in the warrior's abdomen. Although the man had died, his internal organs mixed with blood kept flowing out of the big hole. Several airbending masters around were shouting wildly, and they focused their energy on the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man's body suddenly seemed to disappear out of thin air. When his body froze again, the airbending masters They all fell to the ground one after another, with big holes in their chests and stomachs. Lu Yunzhi wanted to fight quickly, fearing that he would be attacked from both sides. The swords turned into gas became brighter and then hit Yu Qian together. Yu Qian caught them one by one, but his back became more and more bent. He only heard a loud noise and dust was everywhere. The stone slabs on the ground They were all shattered into pieces. Yu Qian knelt on one knee and spat out a mouthful of blood. Lu Yunzhi was about to attack again, but heard a slight sound from behind and quickly looked behind him with his peripheral vision. At the same time, dozens of evil spirits emerged from the soul-suppressing tower. One of them held Yu Qian up and took a few steps back, while the others rushed towards the airbending masters and warriors in the melee. The middle-aged man rushed behind Lu Yunzhi's quilt and waved his claws. There was nothing special about his fingertips, but there seemed to be a creepy light. He suddenly retracted his arm and quickly retreated back. A blue electric grid in front of him pushed towards him, forcing his attack away. The power grid was like a fishing net with extremely small gaps. The man took two steps back but saw that the power grid was closing in on him step by step, threatening to surround him. He jumped up and wanted to climb onto the roof, but saw two thunderbolts falling from the sky. He flew past, but was caught by the power grid and tightly wrapped in it. The power grid gradually gathered and was about to surround him, electrocute him, burn him and finally turn him into charcoal. However, the middle-aged man suddenly rushed towards Lu Yunzhi and hit the power grid. Lu Yunzhi originally wanted to turn around and deal with the middle-aged man, but Yu Qian stood up unsteadily, twisted the soul-crushing tower into two pieces, and hit the bottom of the tower with the tip. A loud noise was heard along with endless pressure. As Lu Yunzhi ran towards him, Lu Yunzhi quickly formed a heavy shield of energy in front of him. As soon as the two sides collided, Lu Yunzhi's body swayed, and blood burst out from his ears and nose. It was considered a stalemate. The middle-aged man behind him rushed out of the power grid without any injuries. It turned out that he had dozens of ghosts wrapped around his body, and at the moment when the ghosts were electrocuted, his body rushed out of the power grid. He was seen running quickly with both feet, and his right hand stabbed Lu Yunzhi in the back of the heart. It was still a hand, as sharp as a sharp blade. Lu Yunzhi had already fought against Yu Qian with all his strength, and could not worry about the black hands behind him who were about to become dead souls. At this moment, a gleaming black hand stretched out from Lu Yunzhi's back and tightly held the middle-aged man's paw. Then the other hand stretched out and pulled out from Lu Yunzhi's back. A person walked out of his body. The middle-aged man gave a low shout and punched out his left hand. The person who came out of Lu Yunzhi's body was still holding it with his hand and took a step forward. The middle-aged man grunted and took a step back, also with his hind foot. He withstood it hard. The middle-aged man squeezed out a sentence: "Nightmare." What came out of Lu Yunzhi's body was none other than one of the evil ghosts who lived and died with him - Nightmare. Nightmare spoke, but this time it was not a voice coming from his belly, but coming from his mouth: "What an insight. I have become like this, and you still recognize me. Who are you? Want to Shameless, two are fighting one." As he spoke, the place where the palms of the middle-aged man and Nightmare met suddenly lit up. Lu Yunzhi spat out a mouthful of blood and said: "Nightmare, be careful, he is a member of the ghost-eating tribe and cannot do anything with his hands. You can't induce him into a dream through conduction, and it will also drive ghosts, so be careful." Nightmares can usually be induced into dreams only when they are in contact with people or objects. Hearing Lu Yunzhi's words, Nightmare chuckled and said, "Don't bother me, just give him a try." As Mengma's clear facial features were spoken, the tightly closed eyes suddenly opened, and they matched Lu Yunzhi's eyes. Look exactly the sameSo. The middle-aged man's body was shaken, and several ghosts emerged from his collar and wrapped around his head. He tried to move back with all his strength, but was firmly grasped by the nightmare and could not move. Nightmare exerted another force, and saw the middle-aged man using the force to rush forward. At the same time, the ghost wrapped on his head gradually faded away. It seemed that Nightmare had destroyed it with dreams, whether it was a ghost or not. Spirits are still humans, and once they fall into a dream, they can only escape by winning from the dream. The middle-aged man bared his teeth and bit down on Nightmare's neck. Nightmare screamed and turned into a ghost. He let go of the man, and the ghost slipped away from the man's fingertips. Dodged the blow. Then the nightmare regrouped close to Lu Yunzhi's back, forming a human shape and said: "You are a dog, how can you bite people." I've seen a devil like you, and I really want to taste what a mutated nightmare feels like. It's so good!" The middle-aged man said with a smile, and then said after a pause, "Besides, I can't bite you. It's a bite, but it's a ghost at most, but are you still a ghost?" The nightmare was stunned and didn't know how to reply. He was speechless. The expression on his face was frowning, and he said viciously: "Stop talking nonsense, you too? We are not pure ghost eaters, we haven't finished the fight yet." The power of the thousand catties released by Yu Qian's soul-suppressing tower disappeared, Lu Yunzhi turned from defense to attack, and ran towards Yu Qian, with two air swords hanging beside her. It kept surrounding me, accompanied by lightning and strong winds. At this time, the horn sounded in the south of the city, and Lu Yunzhi loudly ordered everyone: "Get out of the city!" (.)s Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 63: Seriously Injured Yu Qian held the soul-suppressing tower in his right hand and kept waving his left arm. He collided with Lu Yunzhi, sparking bursts of bright light. The two started fighting, and the two air swords suspended in front of Lu Yunzhi kept making collision sounds. But nothing was seen in Yu Qian's left hand. The soul-crushing tower in his hand was also contending with thunder and lightning again and again. The middle-aged man behind Nightmare and Lu Yunzhi stood together. At this moment, Nightmare's figure was standing with Lu Yunzhi. Exactly the same from a distance, it looks like the same person split into two to fight separately. Lu Yunzhi and Mengmeng followed the airbending masters and warriors as they fought and retreated, and everyone rushed out of the city. Lu Yunzhi and Yu Qian glanced at each other while fighting. Suddenly he saw a person lying on the roadside and quickly used several thunder control skills to temporarily force Yu Qian back. He jumped to the person's side and whispered to the person: "Bai Yong, Bai Yong!" The person who fell on the ground The person was Bai Yong. I saw that his face was covered with scars and his body was torn in many places. Although his body was not penetrated, there were several blood holes that kept pouring out streams of blood. When Bai Yong heard Lu Yunzhi's call, he opened his arms with great effort. With a wry smile in the corner of his eyes and mouth, he said: "My lord, be careful of the soul-eating beast." Bai Yong fainted after saying that. Yu Qian rushed over and used his right hand to use the soul-suppressing tower to scatter a few ghosts. He swung his left hand towards where Lu Yun was and slashed at Lu Yun. Yunzhi hugged Bai Yong and was caught off guard. He thought in his mind that the air shield in front of him was blocking it. Suddenly there was a crisp sound and the air shield shattered. Lu Yunzhi's shoulder sprayed out a large amount of blood mist. If it weren't for the air shield to block it, this arm would have been destroyed. The unknown thing in Yu Qian's hand was removed on the spot. "What happened? Run!" Nightmare shouted, and his eyes were filled with ripple-like ghostly aura. Yu Qian and the middle-aged man stepped back and used calmness. The soul tower resisted a summoned ghost and stood in front of him. Through this gap, the nightmare penetrated into Lu Yunzhi's body. A strong wind blew up from the ground and flew Lu Yunzhi away. However, the wound on Lu Yunzhi's shoulder was still spraying. The blood drew a line drawn with blood in the air. Yu Qian was still about to chase the middle-aged man, but stopped and said loudly: "Master Yu, please stay and let them go." Yu Qian turned around and asked: "Why didn't you kill Bai Bai?" Yong, do you still want to let Lu Yunzhi go at this moment? Have you forgotten the grudge between you and Zhongzheng?" The middle-aged man smiled and did not answer. He was not in a hurry to answer Yu Qian's questions and just asked: "Even if you and I can advance and retreat together, can we Can you defeat the army outside the city?" After hearing this, Yu Qian suddenly sighed and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, I was reckless. Please forgive me for offending me just now." The middle-aged man nodded and said, "Now the city guards As soon as the army discovered their sneak attack and blew the horn, the army outside the city was about to return to the city, but their small army was free to wait outside. We don't have to take risks. We don't count as a failure tonight." Yu Qian sighed and suddenly Blood came out of his mouth and he fainted. The middle-aged man's figure flashed and he supported Yu Qian. He said helplessly: "Being passionate about your country, there are really all kinds of emotions that are incomprehensible in this world." Let's talk about Lu Yunzhi's side. After Yun Zhi ran not far away, he suddenly landed and staggered. He almost fell down. The nightmare came out of Lu Yun's body and supported him. He said, "Are you okay? You are too reluctant to share the art of heaven and earth with the way of controlling air, aren't you?" "It's backfired." Lu Yunzhi shook his head and replied: "It's just the wound on the shoulder that caused excessive blood loss. It's not a serious problem." After saying that, he gave Bai Yong medicine to stop the bleeding and called his retreating soldiers and horses to gather towards him. Bai Yong fled from the gate of Tongcheng City. Bai Yong was placed on horseback by Lu Yunzhi and fell unconscious. An airbending master caught up with him on horseback and asked with concern: "Is Lord Bai Yong okay?" "If nothing happens, hurry up and inform Tan Qing to evacuate." Lu Yunzhi said feebly that the blood just shed was indeed a bit too much. At this moment, he was dizzy and his eyes were flashing with stars. The airbending master exclaimed: "Master, we can still fight against the evil spirits just now. We have almost killed them. Although they are powerful, they are only We will be able to kill the two of them together. Why are we withdrawing in a hurry?" Lu Yunzhi smiled bitterly and said, "The horn of the Ming army has sounded, and the army will immediately return to the city to defend you. Although you are brave, you are invincible with two fists and can face hundreds of times with four hands. We'd better avoid the large army and hurry up and give the order." The airbending master clasped his fists and answered, then rode his horse towards the city tower. At this moment, the team had already fled to Fucheng Gate. The airbending master who was passing the order had not yet jumped. Climbing up the stone steps leading to the city wall, a man jumped down. The man was as short and fat as a short winter melon, but he was very flexible. On his hands, blue and cold flames tumbled from the air and fell to the eaves. The man looked towards I glanced down the room and saw Lu Yunzhi's body not far away. He paused slightly and hid in the deep alley. Then there was a loud buzzing sound on the tower, and a bunch of insects flew from the tower carrying a woman. The woman who came down was Tan Qing. Tan Qing was about to chase the person just now, Lu Yunzhi, but stopped her by shouting. Tan Qing said angrily: "I'm so mad at my aunt. This person came out of nowhere with a hand on his hand." The flames were really weird and burned more than a dozen of my disciples to death in an instant. I fought with him, but he avoided you everywhere. Why didn't you stop him? Oh, you are injured. On the horse is Bai Yong." Tan Qing looked at Lu as he spoke. Although Lu Yunzhi was dressed in black, traces of blood could be seen on Yunzhi's shoulders.Looking at the horse in front of the seat, I saw a person on the horse. Looking through the moonlight, it turned out to be Bai Yong. He suddenly panicked and shook. Bai Yong shouted in a low voice. Fang Qingze ran over from one side. Seeing this scene, he didn't have time to ask and just said: "Let's go after the arrangements are made." Lu Yunzhi nodded and said to Tan Qing: "Get out of here quickly." Tan Qing knew that the situation was critical, so he didn't say much and greeted the disciples of Miao Gu's lineage. He got off the tower and ran towards the outside of the city. Besides, outside the city, the two sides led by Qu Xiangtian and the Master of Life Pulse were fighting inextricably. Zhu Jianwen fell to the ground. The general slashed with his sword. Seeing that Zhu Jianwen was about to fall to the ground, he heard that The general and Zhu Jianwen exclaimed at the same time: "It's you." The general roared, deflected the blade with force, and slashed the steel knife against Zhu Jianwen's scalp, cutting off a large piece of Zhu Jianwen's hair. The half-severed blade that Zhu Jianwen was still holding tightly in his hand suddenly tugged on his hand, and blood suddenly flowed out of his hand. Zhu Jianwen used his strength to stand up, but the general did not let go, and the broken sword was inserted into his right shoulder. Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 64: Repaying Gratitude "General Shi, why are you doing this?" Zhu Jianwen's hand was still tightly clenched on the hilt of the broken sword. Blood was flowing down the blade. He heard the man whisper: "I, Shi Heng, am not the ungrateful one." A few years ago, your Zhongzheng lineage saved my life in the border area of ??Timur and Yili. Later, you saved my life again in Yanghekou. I will never be able to repay this kindness in my lifetime. I was injured just to hide the inconvenience to others. Say more and pretend to be competitive." As soon as he finished speaking, Shi Heng heard the trumpet sound in the direction of the capital and said: "Someone has attacked the capital. You are so powerful. I led the army to retreat. Don't chase me." Shi Heng said and pulled out. He took out the broken sword on his shoulder and kicked Zhu Jianwen in the abdomen. Zhu Jianwen pretended to fall to the ground, but Shi Heng shouted: "Zhu Jianwen, you little brat, wait until I come back to take your head." With that, he led his troops to withdraw towards Beijing City. The Master of the Life Pulse also stopped fighting with Qu Xiangtian, jumped out of the battle circle and led his army to leave. Qu Xiangtian ordered to pursue but was stopped by Zhu Jianwen. Qu Xiangtian turned his head and looked at Zhu Jianwen, only to see that his hair was disheveled, like a madman, and then Said: "Are you okay? Why don't you let me catch up?" Zhu Jianwen whispered: "I'm okay because there are people in the team we can fight for." Qu Xiangtian didn't know, so Zhu Jianwen pulled him aside and whispered a few words to Qu Xiangtian. Tian nodded repeatedly and led the troops back to the camp. Leopard took the uninjured ghost-eating tribesmen and ran towards Fuchengmen to meet Lu Yunzhi. He was afraid that something would happen to them. Not far away, Leopard saw a group of men in black running towards him to concentrate. The leaders were Lu Yunzhi and Fang Qingze. Seeing each other, everyone behind him was dejected, as if they had lost the battle. There were also faint blood stains on the black clothes. The leopard welcomed everyone back to the Ming army camp without saying a word. But his eyes looked straight at Bai Yong's wounds. After returning to the camp, Lu Yunzhi quickly took care of Bai Yong's injuries. Although Bai Yong's body was injured in many places, it was not serious enough to save his life. He is still unconscious. One of them suffered from excessive bleeding. The reason was that they both suffered heavy blows and fainted. Qu Xiangtian looked at Bai Yong's wounds and asked: "Bai Yong's air control is so powerful that it hurts him. He must not be an ordinary person." Lu Yunzhi returned Before answering, Leopard said in a low voice: "It's us Ghost Eaters. Look at the scratches on Bai Yong's face and the bloody holes in his body. Only the Ghost Eaters can do this. But since the war started and that man also defeated Bai Yong, why?" Not taking his life is against the nature of the ghost-eating tribe. It¡¯s strange, but it¡¯s also a blessing.¡± ¡°Yes, he is indeed a ghost-eating tribe.¡± Lu Yunzhi nodded and said, ¡°But this ghost-eating tribe seems to be able to exorcise ghosts. At that time, Gao also used ghost spirits to break my power grid. Leopard, are there any of your clansmen who can control ghost spirits?" Leopard replied: "Of course, we ghost-eating tribe and the people of heaven and earth are born from the same lineage. It was just because someone was injured later that he used ghost spirits to heal his injuries. When we were not very good at swallowing ghosts, we became dependent on them and developed into what we are now. You also know that I seemed to have told you about our method of swallowing ghosts in Shuanglong Valley before. Our teeth are micro-carved with spiritual talismans. If we can understand the structure of the spiritual talismans, we can naturally Expelling ghosts and destroying ghosts is just the nature of the ghost-eating tribe. Even if you learn it, it is useless. The ghosts you drive will be hungry and swallow them up as soon as you call them out. So we gradually gave up on these spells. Most of the micro-carved runes and medicines we use now are passed down from the elders." Fang Qingze thought for a while and said: "I seem to have heard before that there are also ghost-eating tribes in Guangdong and Guangxi who have surrendered to the people of heaven and earth and are named Soul Eaters. Is this the case? When I think about it, it seems to be the third brother that Master mentioned in front of everyone when we first met Leopard. I remember correctly. Do you think he is a ghost-eating clan member from their lineage? " "Indeed, he is. This matter can't be just them. They stopped devouring souls and turned to studying the art of exorcising ghosts. Their strength quickly declined, and no new people entered the vein. For a long time, they only relied on family inheritance. Now they seem to have less than a dozen people left. I have long forgotten the mysteries of the ghost-eating tribe. The person who attacked Bai Yong was definitely a master at that time. If I don¡¯t overestimate my abilities, among everyone present, maybe only my eldest brother, Tan Qing, and I can fight him." Lu Yunzhi replied. After Lu Yunzhi finished speaking, he looked at Bai Yong and said: "Bai Yong's injuries are not serious. He can recover in a few days. However, the injuries on his face are difficult to recover. You see, this is obviously a ghost attached to him." Even if the wound is healed, it will leave a mark. " Tan Qing never spoke. He just sat quietly beside Bai Yong and did not leave his hand on Bai Yong's wrist. Even though, as Lu Yunzhi said, Bai Yong was not serious. However, Tan Qing was still taking his pulse. At this time, Tan Qing suddenly asked: "Who is that short winter melon that I fought with just now? He hurt my pulse very badly. If anyone encounters me in the future, I must kill him with my own hands." Everyone looked at Lu Yunzhi didn't know what happened just now. He only heard Lu Yunzhi spit out three words: "Cheng Fangdong." All the disciples of the Zhongzheng lineage were shocked. There was endless murderous intent in their eyes. Everyone hated the person who bullied their master and destroyed their ancestors. Cheng Fangdong hated him far more than Yu Qian. Qu sighed to the sky and said, "If our plan is not achieved today, it is considered a failure. Third brother, you are also injured. Get some rest early. We will talk tomorrow.""No," Fang Qingze said loudly, "It was a plan. All the shops in the capital were destroyed by Yu Qian. But then I let people secretly enter the capital to reopen the shops. Now there are more than ten companies. After the army sealed the city, I and them Even if we lose contact, we dare not use flying pigeons to send messages for fear that the information will fall into the hands of the enemy. I made arrangements just now when I followed my third brother into the city. As long as we fire six cannons and emit a divine fire into the sky, all the shops in the flying crow city will be in full swing. When it explodes, the capital will turn into a sea of ??flames." Zhu Jianwen exclaimed in surprise: "You have a large amount of gunpowder hidden in the store. Is the person who lit the fire reliable?" "I didn't think so much before it was enough to blow up half of the capital. It was just to prevent Yu Qian from clearing out my shop again. At that time, it was just a fight to the death. I never thought that it would come in handy now. The person who started the fire must be reliable, because once the person who set off the fire was not a person but a ghost, and there was only one person operating it, this was avoided. There are so many people talking, and the operator has already made up his mind to die." Fang Qingze replied with a mysterious wry smile and looked at Lu Yunzhi. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 65: The Poison Works //// Qu Xiangtian¡¯s frowned eyebrows relaxed: ¡°Second brother, you can do it! It¡¯s not easy to be able to wander among many shops in such a short period of time and arrange for ghosts to stay by the gunpowder. It seems that the work cannot be completed in a short while. It seems that the elder brother is ashamed of himself.¡± Okay, and I also paid a little price." Fang Qingze's expression suddenly became a little sad and he said. Qu Xiangtian looked at Fang Qingze in confusion. He wanted to ask who the person was, but seeing Fang Qingze's appearance, he hesitated to speak and then said: "Everyone, let's go back and rest. We'll talk about everything tomorrow. You tell King Qin's army not to let down their vigilance in night patrols and spying. Our troops are doing peripheral defense. Your King Qin's army is inspecting the camp. Yu Qian may counterattack at any time." Zhu Jianwen agreed and everyone turned and left. Tan Qing Still sitting on the edge of the couch and refusing to leave, tears welled up in his eyes. He looked at Bai Yong affectionately and Lu Yunzhi walked a few steps and turned around and asked, "Tan Qing, you should also go to bed earlier." Tan Qing agreed, "I know." I will accompany him again." Lu Yunzhi suddenly felt a trace of sadness in his heart. The figures of Yingzi and Shi Yuting flashed in his mind, and then he looked at Bai Yong and Tan Qing, who were still unconscious. He sighed, opened the curtain and walked out. Yu Qianhe in Beijing City The middle-aged man sat there and slowly nursed back to health. Although the battle just now was short, they were exhausted. Yu Qian was even more affected by the backlash from the Soul Calming Tower, and kept surrounding his body with ghosts to heal. Although this was detrimental to the body's recovery, it was really effective. It comes much faster than medicine, and the internal injuries suffered by Yu Qian are more serious than the injuries on Lu Yunzhi's shoulders. At this time, Shang Wan walked in with a package in his hand. Yu Qian stopped the ghosts from lingering and asked with some suspicion. : "Shang Wan, why did you just fight in the city and you didn't come to support?" Shang Wan threw the package in his hand to the ground. The round package turned towards Yu Qian. Yu Qian stepped on the cloth button on the package and opened it. There was a heart in the package. Yu Qian looked at the head for a while and said, "I know this man, isn't he the big shopkeeper of Honglu Tower? Why did you kill him?" Shang Wan smiled coldly and said, "It turns out that you know me." The middle-aged man then continued: " The delicacies made by Honglulou are famous far and wide, and no one around Shuntian Mansion knows about it." "This is" Shang Wang looked at the middle-aged man and asked. It was obvious that he did not know the origin of this person. Yu Qian did not answer, but just said: "You Continue to talk about Shang Wang." Shang Wang rushed to the middle-aged man and turned around and continued to talk to Qian: "Just now I heard the loud killing noise in Fuchengmen. I knew it must be the Lu thieves coming for a sneak attack, so I wanted to rush to support, but I saw someone. Dozens of people were sneaking towards the palace with their things in their arms, so I followed up and grabbed one person's package. I found that it actually contained gunpowder. Those people tried to resist, but I killed them all. After killing them, I found the leader. He is the shopkeeper of Honglu Tower." Yu Qian nodded and praised: "Well done, but you should be kept alive. The situation is critical. I don't blame you. If they detonate the gunpowder, it will be troublesome. Honglu Tower not only has good names for the dishes in the restaurant, It is also similar to the Honglu Temple of the imperial court, but it is closer to Honglu's original intention of hosting all weddings and weddings. I have gone there several times, but I really didn't expect that they turned out to be spies. It must have been sent in by Fang Qingze." As he spoke, Yu Qian's voice suddenly changed. He turned to ask: "Honglu Tower is in the south of the city. You live in the north of the city. It's so late and there's a war outside the south of the city. What are you doing in the south of the city?" Shang Wan had a look of shame on his face and hesitated for a while. He was speechless and just listened to the middle-aged man. The man said: "Brother Yu is an upright man. I don't know that the restaurants in the south of the city are closed at night, but there is a kind of shop that is not closed. I am talking about it, brother Shang Wang." Shang Wang nodded gratefully. Yu Qian asked even more doubtfully: "What is it?" The middle-aged man burst out laughing after saying "shop" and "brothel". Yu Qian looked at Shang Wan, who was still squirming and couldn't speak out. He laughed a few times and continued to cross his legs and close his eyes to recuperate. The next day, both sides in the city and outside the city It was very calm. No one fired a single artillery piece, and not a single soldier was sent. In yesterday's battle, both sides exhausted their strategies, and in the end, they were still fighting in close combat outside the city. Both sides suffered extremely heavy losses. Most of the King's army was lost. In comparison, the Ming army was better off. After all, in the battle last night, the Ming army had a larger number and had the help of the rebels. It could compete with Leopard and others. In comparison, it had a slight upper hand and the casualties were much smaller. The leaders of both sides had suffered serious or minor injuries. The injury naturally needed to be nursed back to health, which was an important reason for giving up the fight. The Ming army abandoned the surrounding defense camps and stood firm in the capital. Soldiers set up camp along the streets, ready to attack at any time. However, strange things happened early in the morning. The Ming army sergeants fell to the ground in the capital and could not speak. He was frothing and his whole body was convulsing. He thought it was a small number of soldiers who had malaria or other serious diseases. He never thought that the infection would spread from battalion to battalion very quickly. Even spreading lime and other materials outside the enclosure could not isolate this rapid contagion. The whole city of Beijing was plunged into panic. Yu Qian He and the living spirit pulse master and others quickly went to the camp to check and found that poison and poisonous insects were causing trouble. They then released ghosts to break the poison and tried hard to save the soldiers who were still alive.??Besieging the city, Yu Qian ordered the news to be blocked so that Lu Yunzhi and others would not know that the poison poisoning strategy had been successful. In short, it was a very busy day. Compared with the Ming army, Qu Xiangtian's camp was much easier. Everyone was waiting to rest and recuperate. At three o'clock in the morning, they all gathered together. Everyone was in high spirits and had recovered. However, Lu Yunzhi's complexion was still a little pale due to the excessive blood loss last night, and Zhu Jianwen's hair was cut and messed up. He could only wear a hat to hide his shame. Everyone gathered. Together we decided to go and see Bai Yong first. They were all very skilled people. Their steps were very fast and the sound of landing was very subtle. Everyone guessed that Bai Yong should be awake, but he might still be sleeping. They were worried about disturbing him, so they took it easy even more deliberately. Qu Xiangtian walked at the front and stretched out his hand to open the curtain. Everyone filed in and saw Bai Yong's upper body leaning on the bed. There was a woman on the bed, it was Tan Qing. Bai Yong's hand was grabbing the blanket and wanted to go. Tan Qing covered himself up and suddenly heard the sound of footsteps behind him, followed by the sound of the curtain being opened. Bai Yong was immediately at a loss as if he had done something wrong. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 66: The Lifeline Master Bai Yong turned to look at the people behind him, and saw Fang Qingze, Zhu Jianwen and Leopard looking at him with evil smiles on their faces. For a moment, Bai Yong looked flustered and hesitantly said: "I, I just, no, Tan Qing She stayed here all night and fell asleep. When I woke up, I carried her to the couch. I just wanted to put a blanket on her, but I didn¡¯t do anything. Really, I mean it. Don¡¯t look at it like this. "You're smiling at me." Fang Qingze stepped forward, smiled evilly at Bai Yong and asked, "You haven't done anything, so what do you want to do? Could it be that we came in at the wrong time and ruined your good deeds?" Why don't we go out?" Zhu Jianwen also asked with a few words of ridicule: "Is Bai Yong feeling better? He can hug women. I think the injury is almost healed." Leopard approached Lu Yunzhi and said softly: " You are going to be an uncle too," Qu Xiangtian didn't know Lu Yunzhi's guess about siblings, he just looked sideways at the two people with strange faces, smiled and shook his head, Lu Yunzhi walked to the couch, Said: "Let's just chat here, Tan Qing, get up, don't pretend to be asleep." After Lu Yunzhi finished speaking, Tan Qing remained calm, everyone was silent, looked at Tan Qing, Qu Xiangtian asked : "Third brother, maybe she is really asleep, let's not disturb her," Lu Yunzhi said with a slight smile: "Tan Qing's destiny is not worse than the rest of us, and his cultivation level is not low. If she is so big You can't hear any movement, unless you fainted." Tan Qing snorted, stood up and scolded everyone: "You guys, Bai Yong is in good health, so you come to disturb him," but Fang Qingze pinched his tongue smoothly. He pretended to be soft and replied: "Then we didn't let anyone hug us." Everyone laughed heartily, but Bai Yong and Tan Qing blushed. At this time, Qu Xiangtian said: "Don't It's noisy, the weather isn't cold, let's sit on the ground." After everyone sat down, Qu Xiangtian said again: "Third brother, what is the background of this master of the soul vein, he is really good at fighting," Lu Yunzhi thought for a while Said: "Yu Qian is really good at employing people. As far as I know, the name of this spiritual vein master is Zhen Lingdan. This is based on the records of our Zhongzheng lineage. The original name of the spiritual vein master is Zhen Ling, and he later joined the Danding lineage. , in order to please the pulse master, he deliberately added the word "dan" after Zhen Ling. After four years of high school in the Danding lineage, he had a dispute with a disciple of the same lineage and accidentally beat that person seriously. He thought that person was He died and ran away in fear. The alchemy skills of the Danding lineage saved that disciple, but Zhen Lingdan could not be found, so he was expelled. Therefore, there are only a few of his writings in the records of the Danding lineage. , " "Zhen Lingdan was accepted as a disciple by the leader of the life lineage at that time on the road, so he was re-registered on the list of people in heaven and earth. Zhen Lingdan is smart by nature, but unfortunately there is nothing real in the life lineage. It is nothing more than the ability to exorcise ghosts. It is just a technique, which is vastly different from the ghost exorcism technique of the Zhongzheng lineage. His attainments today are considered to be at the top of the living lineage. When Zhen Lingdan was thirty years old, she inherited the living spirit lineage of her predecessor. The mantle of the Lord, until today, he has served as a member of the Life Lineage for thirty-six years. If he had not joined a small lineage such as the Life Lineage at that time, he could have done greater things. It is really a pity for this talent," Lu Yunzhi While talking, Zhu Jianwen said in surprise: "How did you know?" "I just flipped through those files when I was bored, and I remembered them somehow," Lu Yunzhi replied, and everyone He said: "You are really boring." Lu Yunzhi smiled awkwardly, but felt a little embarrassed. Qu Xiangtian said: "In this way, this Zhen Lingdan is really an interesting person, but where did his military skills come from? I learned it. The move that broke my elephant soldiers into the formation was so wonderful." "I think it was a sudden idea of ??his. According to the information I know, Zhen Lingdan, the leader of the living veins, has never been in charge of soldiers. He was Yu Qian was sent to the battlefields of Shandong and Henan as a supervisor to supervise the battle between the Ming army and Qin Wang's army. From then on, he really came into contact with the art of war. However, in just over a month, he mastered many methods of marching and fighting. Skills, Yu Qian decisively appointed him as the commander-in-chief. Although the leader of the living soul line suffered successive defeats, it does not mean that he is not strong enough, but just bad luck. Whether it is attacking or retreating, he is calm and appropriate. I think you all understand "Yes," everyone nodded, and Lu Yunzhi continued: "Now the entire Ming army's attack movements are controlled by three people. These three people are Yu Qian, Shi Heng and Zhen Lingdan," Lu Yunzhi said loudly. , Tan Qing said in surprise: "I know about these temporary appointments of the masters of the living souls, but I have never mentioned it to you. How did you know about it?" Lu Yunzhi smiled and did not answer, and Tan Qing was hung up. Appetite, hurriedly changed his face from a tough demeanor to a delicate one, and begged Bai Yong. Although Bai Yong looked a little embarrassed, he didn't answer. Lu Yunzhi then said: "Don't embarrass Bai Yong." Be brave, he won't say anything without my order. I have an insider beside Yu Qian, so he naturally knows these things. But as for who that person is, I think it's not time to let everyone know, so you don't have to ask anymore. "Yes," Zhu saw and heard this.He then said: "By the way, you mentioned Shi Heng. I have something to tell you. When the two armies were fighting yesterday, I was almost killed. At the critical moment, the man holding the knife turned his blade and I escaped. It was a disaster, and his bun was chopped off to look like this, but that person was Shi Heng. He said that our Zhongzheng lineage saved him twice, and he remembered the kindness." Qu Xiangtian nodded and said, "This happened at that time You told me, but you must be careful that Shi Heng may pretend to surrender later. Throughout the ages, there are not a few people who sell favors and then come to pretend to surrender. Although thinking this way, it seems a bit like a villain to judge a gentleman's belly, but Yu Qian is not simple. We will definitely You can't relax," Fang Qingze nodded and praised: "I think the eldest brother is right. Shi Heng's current power is all due to Yu Qian's recommendation. How could he break with Yu Qian? Moreover, his current status is extremely high, and there is nothing for him to take risks. Good thing, we must be careful. Third brother, your destiny is the most profound. Can you tell Shi Heng's calculation?" After hearing Zhu Jianwen's words, Lu Yunzhi was lowering his head to calculate. After a moment of silence, he raised his head and replied : "So, I discovered a strange phenomenon. Shi Heng is really an important person." "Why do you say that?" Baozi asked. Lu Yunzhi sighed, his eyes wandered as if he was recalling the past and said: "On our first trip to Tamerlane, my master and I once calculated a divination, but we couldn't calculate Shi Heng's fate at all. Because he was involved in the changes in the world, the two points of destiny were too strong, so the divination was unclear. I thought that the so-called changes in the world were just the Tumu Fort Incident and the defense of the capital, but today it seems that his life still depends on the world, and I still can¡¯t figure it out, and I don¡¯t know what other major events are going to happen in the future.¡± Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 67: Innocent People Everyone was stunned, and Bai Yong suddenly asked: "By the way, my lord, what are Uncle Chao, Dong De and A Rong doing? My lord sent them out before the war. It has been a few days now." Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly. He replied: "I asked them to split up and contact people from all over the world to come and support us." Zhu Jianwen sneered and said, "Don't waste your efforts. If they would lend a helping hand, they would have helped us long ago." , How could we wait until today?" Fang Qingze shook his head and said: "That's not necessarily the case. Before, they were just hanging on, so naturally they wouldn't take the risk to help us. They might survive longer and follow us to confront Yu Qian. , that would be equivalent to putting your head on your belt and risking losing your life at any time. At that time, they didn't know how likely we were to win, so they couldn't trust us. But it's different now. After several battles, we have proven our strength. Now the two armies are fighting. On the day of the duel, if Yu Qian wins, they will inevitably be destroyed sooner or later. But if we win, the situation will be very different. They will become the people who helped us and take the opportunity to get a share of the pie. , am I right?" "Exactly," Lu Yunzhi said, "That's why I waited until now to let the three of them go find the world." Qu Xiangtian patted Lu Yunzhi and said, "Three. Brother, if you do this well, even if a few people from heaven and earth are willing to join our team, our strength will be greatly shocked. The most important thing is to boost the morale of the army. Fighting with ghost spirits can boost morale very well. Now the sergeant sees us fighting. , but treat us as god-like figures." Everyone looked at each other and smiled knowingly. "When the new artillery is built and the ammunition is replenished, we can launch an artillery bombardment on the city of Beijing. When the gunpowder is detonated in the city, the entire Kyoto will be burned to the ground." Fang Qingze said, everyone nodded and only Qu Xiangtian frowned. He frowned again and said: "Although this will reduce the casualties of our sergeants a lot, it will harm Chi Yu. The people in the city are innocent, and they will not escape if the gunpowder explodes." Lu Yunzhi wanted to argue. , seeing Qu Xiangtian's frown, he didn't say anything. Instead, Fang Qingze said: "Brother, the people are innocent. Aren't our brothers who follow us innocent? They all have parents, wives and children. We are all made of flesh and blood, why would we hurt our own brothers for the sake of those so-called common people?" Qu Xiangtian suddenly raised his head, scanned the crowd with his eyes, and said firmly: "Second brother, third brother, about the soldiers under my command. , I have thought about brotherly loyalty for a long time. I thought about it before you did what you did in Nanjing. This kind of thing doesn't happen, but you are right, this is war, war in all aspects, intrigues and intrigues, whoever is cruel will win the final victory." Fang Qingze and others looked at each other, with a smile on their lips. Xiangtian finally figured it out, but he never thought that he would have something to say: "But! After thinking about it all night, I think that detonation should never be used until a critical moment. People who join the army no matter whether they are voluntary or forced , or for other reasons, in short, they become a soldier, or even a general. From the moment they put on their armor, they must be prepared to die on the battlefield at any time. I know what sergeants are like. I can charge into the battle and fight off the enemy alone, because I am a soldier. But they are also soldiers. It is natural for a soldier to sacrifice on the battlefield, and it is also the glory of their existence. The common people are different. They are innocent, and they do not. Taking up arms against us, they just want to live a peaceful life. It doesn't matter who is the emperor or who is in power. If the world is good to them, they will enjoy life. As long as there is no way to survive, they will not rise up. The people will not take action. With weapons pointed at us, how can we let them pay the price for our own lives? This is not only a symbol of cowardice, but also a shame for a soldier!" Fang Qingze wanted to say more, but Lu Yunzhi said softly. After a while, without saying anything, Qu Xiangtian finally said: "There is no need to discuss this matter any further. Second brother, third brother, I have seen and heard that the four of you promise me not to detonate it in private." The three of them sighed one after another and could only nod. The head finally agreed. Tan Qing suddenly let out a sigh, then took out a small jar containing black bees from his arms, listened twice and said: "The poison in the city is being dispersed, and the poisonous insects are being killed one after another." Lu Yunzhi consoled her. Said: "That's natural. Before you finished releasing the poisons and insects, you were disrupted by Cheng Fangdong. The coverage was not wide enough. If Yu Qian was defeated so easily, I really suspect it was a scam. Brother, I think the people in the city We are busy clearing away the poison and treating the wounded. There must be a big chaos in the city. We might as well launch an attack. Although there is no hope of occupying the capital, we can take advantage of the chaos to harm the opponent. " "Of course not? Yes, third brother, please rest?Make fun of me. After hearing this, you and I quickly reorganize our forces and launch several rounds of main force raids. King Qin's army was severely damaged yesterday and its morale is not high. You can take a detour and attack from Deshengmen on the back where there are fewer defenders. I led the army to lead the main force of the Ming army to launch an attack at the Xuanwu, Zhengyang and Chongwen gates facing us. Second brother, third brother, Leopard, and Tan Qing, the four of you will attack Fuchengmen again from the severely damaged Fuchengmen last night after our battle begins. Bai Yong, your injury is not yet determined, so you will recover temporarily. Although the Ming army is in chaos in the city at the moment, there are still more people than us. You must not attack or defend the captured towers. When you see that the situation is not good, withdraw your troops. This is our purpose this time to consume the effective strength of the Ming army. Be sure to catch them off guard. " Qu Xiangtian made arrangements. After everyone heard that he had arranged well, they all went out to lead the troops without objection. Lu Yun and his party had few soldiers and horses, and they were well-trained. They quickly assembled them and hid them outside Fucheng Gate. Preparing to attack after the two battles started according to the arrangement, Fang Qingze sighed worriedly, but Lu Yunzhi saw it and asked: "Second brother, are you worried about eldest brother? " "That's not true. I think what the elder brother said makes sense. Besides, you also know that the elder brother is a contemporary hero. His benevolence, justice and morality have long been engraved in his heart. If the war situation really gets beyond control, he will not order the detonation. Even if we bomb the capital, the eldest brother will be angry at most, but he won¡¯t break up with you and me, so there¡¯s no need to worry. The eldest brother is good to us, so it goes without saying, and not only do I understand his character, but you also understand him, otherwise he wouldn¡¯t have done what happened in Nanjing. Things are coming. "Fang Qingze said. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 68: Another Deadlock Lu Yunzhi smiled after hearing Fang Qingze¡¯s words but became even more puzzled: ¡°Then why did you sigh?¡± ¡°I feel as if there is a estrangement between Uncle Chao and I. Recently, although it is still the same on the surface, I am still worried that Uncle Chao will do something to me. Prejudice, you see, my uncle was silent every time he saw me before he was sent to contact me." Fang Qingze said with some embarrassment. "Baozi said to Tan Qing at this moment: "Why is Tan Qing acting like a normal person? In fact, it was you who started this matter." Tan Qing was thinking about Bai Yong, who was absent-minded and didn't hear Leopard speak. He was just in a daze with empty eyes. Leopard looked embarrassed and raised his voice and asked: "Tan Qing." Tan Qing then stopped over and said hurriedly: "What's the matter? We are about to attack the city." " Lu Yunzhi and Fang Qingze also looked at Tan Qing. Fang Qingze said sadly: "It's up to me to tell you. At that time, Tan Qing hadn't gotten acquainted with you and I. He was poisoned in a small town on the northwest border. Uncle Chao was poisoned and fainted. You know this, and his disciples and the mercenaries I trained were also poisoned. After I saved my uncle, I was unable to save others, and I was worried that the bugs would crawl around and hurt people again, so" "So, second brother, you ordered the bombardment of the town. All the disciples and mercenaries of the Iron Sword lineage, whether dead or not, were sacrificed in the sea of ??fire, yes or no?" Lu Yunzhi said. Fang Qingze nodded and remained silent. After a long time, he raised his head and asked, "How did you know? " Tan Qing continued at this moment: "I told Lu Yunzhi that I was worried that Brother Fang would be angry with me, so I asked Lu Yunzhi what should I do. It was exactly the same as what you asked today." Fang Qingze shook his head and said to Tan Qing He replied: "Actually, I am also very heartbroken, but I don't blame you. After all, everyone was forced by their own circumstances at the time. I can't blame you." "That's okay," Lu Yunzhi said. Fang Qingze didn't quite understand what Lu Yunzhi meant. Confused, Lu Yunzhi continued: "At that time, you had no choice but to make the move. Of course, my uncle wouldn't blame you. After all, you are his disciples who have followed him for many years. We travel together like family members. It's normal to feel a little uncomfortable. It will get better after a while." Because we are all one family, there is no reason to hold grudges against our own family." Lu Yunzhi looked at Fang Qingze, Baozi and Tan Qing. Baozi said at this moment: "But Fang Qingze, you are ruthless enough after all, those are your own people, you ordered them to be killed. You can't even blink an eye at the cannon." Fang Qingze looked troubled and Lu Yunzhi said at this moment: "The matter is over, let's not talk about it anymore. Listen, both sides have begun to attack the city, let's also attack." Everyone stopped talking about the estrangement and raised their horses and whips. Heading towards Fuchengmen, the threat of poisonous poisons and poisonous insects has just been subdued in the city. As a result, more than 4,000 sergeants were killed or injured by poisoning or were poisoned by poisonous insects crawling on their bodies for the second time. After rescue, only three to four hundred people were saved. They were all placed in the open space in the city and burned together. At this moment, the four gates in the north and south of the city came under fierce attack. In the south of the city, there were elite soldiers led by Qu Xiangtian. Their team was excellent in combat effectiveness and their numbers were large, which really gave the Ming army a headache. On the contrary, King Qin's army led by Zhu Jianwen in the north of the city. Although the attack last night was thwarted and suffered heavy losses, the smaller garrison in the north of the city was all fighting with Qu Xiangtian's troops. In addition, they had just experienced poison poisoning and chaos in the city. At this time, the difficulty of dispatching was naturally caught off guard. Zhu When the Desheng Gate he saw was about to be breached, the Wuchou Pulse Lord led the crowd to support it and managed to hold it twice. A large number of troops were involved. Yu Qian quickly organized his troops and calmly dispatched the support. The Ming army in the city was in order. However, it had just been attacked from two sides. When the pressure weakened, the Fucheng Gate in the west of the city, which had been repaired overnight, was destroyed by Lu Yunzhi using the way of air control. Lu Yunzhi led the leopard's ghost-eating tribe, as well as air control masters, specially trained warriors, and the Miao Gu lineage. The people with different skills rushed in. Under the leadership of Lu Yunzhi, this team, like heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals, rampaged through the capital, killing seven and seven. Out of humility, the master of the spirit vein led the rebels, and the people of heaven and earth led his disciples to intercept, but Lu Yunzhi moved extremely fast, and was chaotic and disorderly in the city. He was not trying to win, just to confuse the Ming army. The Ming army was miserable. The two sides were attacked by the enemy. Lu Yunzhi was also fighting back and forth in the city, so he eliminated the remaining defenders. When they joined forces to encircle Lu Yunzhi and others and were about to form an encirclement, Lu Yunzhi led the crowd and killed them out from Fuchengmen. His men took out the sacred fire flying crow, lit it, and then kept releasing it towards the back near Fuchengmen. Suddenly it became a sea of ??fire. Then the armies from the south and north of Beijing also retreated calmly. The Ming army defended the city tightly and did not dare to attack and pursue for fear of being ambushed by the enemy. This time the Ming army suffered heavy losses and their numerical advantage gradually waned. Had it not been for the solid city wall, Barrier, perhaps the number of casualties this time was even more alarming. Qu Xiangtian and others won a great victory and returned to camp happily. Such a great victory made everyone excited. The next day, the two sides launched several tentative attacks against each other, but the results were fruitless. Both sides suffered casualties. On the fourth day, after the artillery built by Qingze arrived, a steady stream of ammunition was delivered. From then on, the sound of the artillery never stopped. Tai Qian and others used ghosts as shields to defend themselves against the bombardment of the ammunition. The artillery shells were extremely consumed. The speed of Kuai Fang Qingze's orders could no longer keep up with the quantity used, and Yu Qian and many rebels from heaven and earth searched for them and found nothing available within a hundred miles of the capital.The battle between the ghosts and spirits once again reached a stalemate. Half a month later, the battle situation has not improved. Qin Rufeng was shot by a fire gun and injured. Guang Liang was injured by an arrow. Qu Xiangtian and others also had several large and small wounds on their bodies. The number of casualties among the soldiers was tens of thousands, and the situation was roughly the same for the Ming army. This does not mean that the damage to the army was also heavy and unusual. Just saying that Yu Qian and other commanders were all wrapped in linen and stained with blood. Lu Yunzhi looked at the capital that had been unable to be conquered for a long time. He sniffed the air and said, "Second brother, have the new wood, kerosene, and other supplies arrived?" Fang Qingze beside him sighed and shook his head and said, "Too many people die every day, and we can no longer supply kerosene, kerosene, and wood for you. Seeing that most of the trees around us have been cut down, it's still not enough. Let's not burn the bodies and bury them on the spot. You can sprinkle lime and other materials on top. I think it will be fine. If there is no time to dig holes and bury them, we can transport them to various places by car. It might be okay to bury them separately." Lu Yunzhi shook his head. Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 69: Dead bodies everywhere Qu Xiangtian asked Qin Rufeng, who was hanging his arm with linen next to him: "Rufeng, how many people have been injured by our troops and King Qin's army?" Qin Rufeng replied in a rough voice: "Brother Tian, ??you are already dead. There are more than 40,000 people. If this continues, both of us will lose. We will lose everything." Lu Yunzhi said at this moment: "The Ming army is similar to us, or even more tragic. If so many people died without burning the bodies, the weather is like this. The heat will soon cause a plague. Even if we try our best to bury the corpses now, if you smell it, there is already a faint smell of corpses in the air. Unless we can concentrate on burning now, we will no longer need to fight, and the soldiers will be infected by the plague. No matter what, there is no fighting power at all." At this point, Lu Yunzhi suddenly seemed to think of something, but he hesitated and no one noticed it. Zhu Jianwen continued: "Fat Fang, you said that you would use cars to bury them in different places. This is certainly a good idea. Where can you find so many cars at once? They may have rotted before they were transported away. Fatty Fang, This plan is inappropriate. " "What should we do?" Fang Qingze said, "Should we just retreat?" Lu Yunzhi and Qu Xiangtian nodded at the same time. Qu Xiangtian asked Lu Yunzhi to speak first, and Lu Yunzhi said: "Actually, forget it. If we can't cease the war, we can only withdraw here. We go to Shandong together. With our current strength, there is no problem in occupying most of the troops. Once the plague breaks out, Beijing will become a dead city, which is not good for both of us. "It's not worth it to kill eight hundred enemies and lose one thousand." , then we have no way out," Qu Xiangtian said. At this time, Guang Liang ran from a distance, shouting: "General, general." When Guang Liang ran to Qu Xiangtian, he only heard him say: "A few horses ran out of the city of Beijing and were stopped by our army. , They said they were here for negotiation." Qu Xiangtian turned around and said to everyone, "Let's go meet them and see what tricks Yu Qian is up to." Several people walked quickly towards the Chinese army's tent, but they saw it outside. Standing solemnly was an old man with white hair and a very thin figure. When he saw everyone arriving, he quickly bowed and shouted: "Yang Shan has seen all the generals." Yang Shan's opening of his mouth shocked everyone, who only heard him His voice was like a bell, his words were neither humble nor arrogant, and he did not panic when the enemy general entered the camp alone. As soon as he said these words, everyone suddenly felt that Yang Shan seemed much taller, and they couldn't help but stand in awe. Qu Xiangtian smiled and said in a low voice: "If this person goes to perform hexagrams, he would be a good material." Lu Yunzhi replied in a low voice: "Yang Shan is one of our own, let's wait until we enter the tent. I'm afraid the army will It's fine." Qu Xiangtian nodded, stretched out his hand and said to Yang Shan, "Please come into the tent and talk." As soon as everyone entered the tent, Yang Shan turned around and grabbed Lu Yunzhi's shoulder. "Oh, Mr. Lu, you and I meet again." Lu Yunzhi quickly raised his hands and clasped his fists and said, "Sir, I don't dare to take it seriously. My nephew is paying homage to Uncle Yang." Everyone sat down one after another, and Lu Yunzhi told everyone about his relationship with Yang Zhun. Friendship, and talked about Yang Shan welcoming Zhu Qizhen with him, but concealed the fact that Yang Shan helped him contact Shang Wang. At this moment, only Bai Yong, Fang Qingze, Lu Yunzhi himself and Yang Shan knew about it. Shang Wang is Lu Yunzhi's internal response. It¡¯s not that Lu Yunzhi doesn¡¯t want to tell everyone, it¡¯s just that he hasn¡¯t figured out how to say it yet. After all, Shang Wang raped Lin Qianru and killed Shi Wentian. When he besieged the Zhongzheng family house, he even killed many fellow disciples. If he told everyone that he was friends with Shang Wang, he didn't know if Qu Xiangtian would be furious, let alone what others would think of him. Yang Shan is so smart. Although he doesn't know the cause and effect, when he heard that Lu Yunzhi didn't tell him about asking him to find Shang Wang, he knew that there must be something hidden in it, so he didn't say much. He just stood up and greeted everyone present one by one. After saying something, Qu Xiangtian asked: "What is the purpose of Mr. Yang's visit this time." Yang Shan took out a letter and handed it to Qu Xiangtian. He said in front of him: "Yu Qian wants to stop the current battle." Everyone was surprised. Qu Xiangtian quickly opened the letter and read it. After a while, he said to everyone: "Yu Qian does not want to negotiate peace or admit defeat. He just wants to find another way to show off." Everyone circulated the letter and fell into silence after reading it. Fang Qingze broke the silence first and said: "It turns out that Yu Qian was also worried about the outbreak of the plague, but in the letter he said that both sides should be together. He served as a soldier for a month and concentrated on disposing of the corpses. He also said that we were originally people with special skills. Since things were already hostile to each other, there was no need to let ordinary soldiers in the world suffer the consequences. He asked us to duel face to face at Hongluo Temple in order to win. Loser, regardless of life and death, win three out of five games. The loser will retreat to the world and must not make trouble again. This is all a fucking mess. It is no different from the butcher in the city. I don¡¯t think we should agree to it. " Zhu Jianwen. interfaceHe said: "I agree with Fatty Fang. It's too risky to do this. What if there is a fraud? Once we go up the mountain and surround the mountain with an army, wouldn't it be a loss? Even if there is a duel, the location and method cannot be decided by them. In this way We fell into passivity. " "I think there is something wrong with what the second brother said. The piles of corpses may cause a plague at any time. We have said this before, but if we retreat now, everyone here will probably do it. Not willing to give in, Yu Qian is also very unwilling to give in. According to what the letter said, this way, it can reduce the casualties of innocent people and ordinary soldiers and at the same time, this proposal can be said to be the best way at present. " Lift your voice to heaven and speak. Lu Yunzhi didn't speak, but everyone looked at him, and Qu Xiangtian asked: "Third brother, what do you think?" Lu Yunzhi then replied: "It's okay, big brother, as long as you agree." Such words were quite compelling. Qu Xiangtian was speechless. He was speechless for a long time before saying: "As long as it is not against the path of benevolence and righteousness, I will never act arbitrarily. The army belongs to everyone, and this revenge march to revive the Zhongzheng lineage is also everyone's business. Third brother, you should tell me what you think." Lu Yunzhi just shook his head and smiled bitterly, but did not answer. Fang Qingze urged: "We are all brothers, if there is anything else we can't say, please say it quickly. It's too late." Everyone urged her one after another, and Lu Yunzhi was in a dilemma before she spoke. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 70: The Master Arrives ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Lu Yunzhi cleared his throat and said: "Brother, the matter has come to this. In fact, it's not that there is no other way. It's just that this plan is too sinister. Not only can you not accept it, brother, but even I can't agree with it. This plan was just a flash in my mind before. Now that I think about it, it¡¯s okay not to mention it, but I think we don¡¯t need to worry about the capital side. Let¡¯s quickly deal with the corpses on our side and use firearms to siege the city to completely turn the capital into a dead city. Let the plague spread and then use ghost siege to stop it. The plague has spread outside the city. As for how to find so many ghosts, let me explain in a moment. If they rush out, it will be easy. We now have enough gunpowder and complete firearms. If we go out of the city to fight, we will definitely have the advantage." "That plan of yours" "Tell me about it," Qu Xiangtian said. Lu Yunzhi nodded and replied, "The people from heaven and earth recruited by my uncle and Arong Dongde will arrive one after another in less than two days. Then there will be enough ghosts to surround the capital." Use trebuchets to throw corpses into the city so that we don't have to burn them and can speed up the outbreak of plague in the city. As I said before, Beijing will completely turn into a dead city. If we add firearms, ghosts, and our army, they will "There is no chance of survival if you abandon the city and flee." Lu Yunzhi added: "Although I don't agree with the worries that my elder brother said before. I said that I retreated because I didn't think about it well, but it was not for the sake of the people of the world, because everyone is Selfishly, as long as we treat the people of the world so that they have food, clothing and clothing, the life and death of Beijing has little to do with them. The government forces the people to rebel. We have not forced the people to rebel. Most people in the world will naturally not rise up against us for irrelevant Beijing. He Renyi will always belong to the winner, but it is a pity for the people of Beijing. I do not want the innocent people of Beijing to be implicated in the same way. Although the outcome of the siege is the same as that of throwing corpses into the city, I cannot bear to be the executioner's plan to accelerate the epidemic in the city. It only flashed through my mind that I knew that my eldest brother would not agree to my second brother's plan to bomb the capital. He had also denied it earlier, so I just said that I would just listen to him." Qu Xiangtian sighed and said, "The war has begun. As of today, I can't make a decision about this situation. Maybe second brother and third brother, you are right. If you agree with what third brother said, stand behind him. If you think I am right, stand behind me. Let's see everyone's opinions. Is this a good way to make a decision?" Everyone nodded. Yang Shan stepped aside and said nothing. This was other people's internal affairs and had nothing to do with him. Naturally, it was inconvenient to interrupt. Moreover, he was still thinking about what Lu Yunzhi said for a while. Considering this, Fang Qingze, Zhu Jianwen, Bai Yong and Tan Qing stood behind Lu Yun respectively, while Guangliang, Qin Rufeng and Baozi supported Qu Xiangtian's thoughts. Qu Xiangtian sighed and said, "Since I think the third brother is right, If there are more people who are right, then." Before he finished speaking, he heard several people walking quickly outside the big tent, accompanied by the sound of axes and wheels. Someone outside the tent raised his voice and shouted: "Master is here, come out to greet me." The voice was clear. It was Diao Shanshe and everyone quickly walked out of the tent to greet Shi Fang. Diao Shanshe rushed in front and kept shouting. Han Yueqiu was behind pushing Shi Fang who was sitting in a wheelchair. As Fang Qingze said, this wheelchair was made of heavy gold and had an extremely strong structure. The material used in the complex is also lighter, but it is extremely luxurious. The armrests are inlaid with dazzling gems. The seat looks extremely soft. I think it will not feel uncomfortable to sit on the stone. The disciples of the Zhongzheng lineage all cupped their hands and bowed deeply: "Disciple pays homage to Master," Shi Fang said calmly, "Well, you have all grown up." Everyone surrounded Shi Fang and entered the tent. Everyone introduced Tan Qing, Bai Yong, and others to Shi Fang. Then Shi Fang suddenly looked to the side and stood silently. Lu Yunzhi said softly: "Yun Zhi Kuai, let Master see what's wrong with you. Why are you so vicissitudes of life?" Lu Yunzhi strolled up to the stone face and twitched the corners of his mouth slightly, his face also uncertain, and shouted: "Master!" As soon as the words were spoken, tears rolled down Lu Yunzhi's cheeks. The master and the apprentice held each other's arms and cried. Everyone in the room was moved by them. Since ancient times, parents have loved children, and Shi Fang's favorite one is Lu Yunzhi, who is the youngest and the latest to get started. Fang regarded Lu Yunzhi not only as his apprentice but also as his son. Lu Yunzhi also had the same feelings for Shi Fang. When he was young, his parents fled the country and came to Beijing to meet Shi Fang. Only then did Shi Fang feel like home. For him, not only his master but also his father had gone through a lot of hardships. When they saw their loved ones, tears could not stop flowing down. After a cup of tea, Shi Shi wiped his tears and said, "You were here just now." Discussing what the master's body is paralyzed but his ears are not broken, I can hear you talking about who you support from all the way away." Qu Xiangtian quickly explained the matter to Shi Fang. Lu Yunzhi also wiped his tears and drank Bai Yongdi. After a glass of wine, his mood calmed down. Shi Fang's face became more and more livid as he listened to Qu Xiangtian's simple but clear description. After listening to it, he thought for a moment and then said: "I am your master, and I am also the leader of the Zhongzheng lineage. Since you are In order to revive the Zhongzheng lineage and avenge shame, I think I should have the right to vote. Similarly, your second senior brother Han Yueqiu also pushed me to Xiangtian's side. I support him and you." Han Yueqiu replied: "I I agree with Master." After saying that, he pushed Shi Fang to Qu'an.Shi Fang, who was sitting at the place where Tian Tian originally sat, said again: "So there are many people supporting Xiang Tian now. If we accept Yu Qian's proposal, it's up to you to decide what to do. I'm old and no longer useful. Xiang Tian gives it to me." Find a tent to rest. I'm tired." Qu Xiangtian cupped his hands and answered yes. Lu Yunzhi hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Master, let me push you." Shi Fang looked at Lu Yunzhi and asked, "Wait a minute." When you first started, I asked you if you wanted to become a member of Heaven and Earth. You nodded, and I said I would ask you in five years. But then you said that you would never regret being a member of Heaven and Earth, so I didn¡¯t ask you again if you wanted to come today. "Have you ever regretted your decision at that time?" "This disciple has never regretted that he has always been proud of being a disciple of the Zhongzheng lineage." Although Lu Yunzhi was a little confused as to why Shi Fang asked this question, he answered firmly. Dao Shi Fang shook his head and said, "But I regret it." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 71: Kneel down and reflect " The disciples of Yangshanzhai will never forget what I said there, that I will never regret becoming a disciple of the Zhongzheng lineage." Lu Yunzhi replied. Shi Fang asked again: "Then do you remember what I said at the banquet two years ago? The origin of the name Yangshanzhai and its meaning." Lu Yunzhi suddenly understood. He cupped his hands and bowed deeply, not daring to raise his head. He said, "Disciple has realized his mistake. Recently, there have been many inner demons and no good has existed between heaven and earth. Disciple has realized his sin." Lu Yunzhi bent her legs and fell to the ground, still holding her fists with her hands and not daring to raise them. "You should reflect here well. If you still recognize me as your master, if I don't let you get up, you will keep kneeling here." Shi Fang glanced at The crowd said: "The purpose of ancestor Xing Wen in creating the people of heaven and earth is to end the war and get the people out of dire straits. Why is the Zhongzheng line named Zhongzheng lineage? Isn't it also to allow us to adjust the contradictions between heaven, earth and people, maintain the right way, and make the world peaceful?" What's the problem if the Zhongzheng line is wiped out? If you want revenge, Master won't stop you. I also want to kill Yu Qian and Cheng Fangdong who deceived the master and destroyed the ancestors. But why are you so wasteful of people and money and plunge the people of the world into war? I have some feelings for you. Disappointed, maybe I am really old and can no longer understand what you young people do. Yueqiu pushed me towards the sky. Why don't you quickly find a place for me to live? Is it possible that you want me to camp out?" Shi Fang was pushed away by Han Yueqiu. Qu Xiangtian also quickly ran out of the big tent to arrange for Shi Fang. Everyone comforted Lu Yunzhi. Fang Qingze said: "Master, third brother, was angry for a while. We will beg Master and it will be fine. Master loves you the most." "Aren't you really angry with you?" Everyone said something and then left. Only Tan Qing and Bai Yong stayed with Lu Yunzhi. Yang Shan walked to Lu Yunzhi and lowered his head and said, "Mr. Lu, I have something to discuss with you." I don't know if it's convenient to say it now." Lu Yunzhi raised his head and looked at Yang Shan, his face was calm but he was still kneeling on the ground and refused to get up. He said, "But it doesn't matter. My teacher has never told me not to get up but don't delay speaking. You will." Just say it." Yang Shan nodded and said: "You are such a loyal and filial man, Mr. Lu, have you given up the option of attacking the city?" "What are you doing for this?" Lu Yunzhi asked and saw Yang Shan looking embarrassed. Lu Yunzhi roughly understood what Yang Shan wanted to say, so he whispered: "If you hear the six blasts of cannons, the fire crows and the flying crows ignite a large flame in the sky, Master Yang will forget about anything and run out of the city." If there is chaos in the city, just hold up the brocade silk and find a city gate with fewer guards to talk to the city. Then leave the city quickly. If it is like I just said, dumping the body into the city, I will find someone to inform you in advance. You can still use this method to leave the city. "My lord, I will not let you go to jail." "Mr. Lu is interested. Yang thanked me here." Yang Shan showed a satisfied look on his face and then cupped his hands and bowed slightly. Lu Yunzhi also smiled and said, "Mr. Yang, I don't want you." You should just follow Brother Yang Zhun and call him uncle. You don¡¯t have to thank me too much. You helped me much more than I helped you. There is no need for us to be polite. You go back first and say that we still need to discuss it. Basically, I agreed to Yu Qian¡¯s request. The request is just to wait for the details to be discussed in two days." Yang Shan smiled slightly and continued: "I can't help but thank you for really thinking about me. I often come and go between the two camps. If things go on like this, even if you leave the city on the pretext of this, others will not suspect this. It also provides convenience for me to escape from the city in the future." Lu Yunzhi nodded and said, "Uncle Yang, please go first. I still have something to discuss with Bai Yong." Yang Shan hugged everyone and turned around to leave. After Bai Yong sent Yang Shan out of the camp, he turned back to the tent and saw Tan Qing squatting next to Lu Yunzhi, looking at Lu Yunzhi carefully. He also saw Lu Yunzhi's graceful demeanor, and the silver hair on the temples showed the vicissitudes of the man's character. He also exudes an elegant and booklike atmosphere. In short, he is handsome, elegant and suave. Bai Yong couldn't help but feel jealous. But when he heard Tan Qing say: "Lu Yunzhi, why do you look a bit like me? I just realized that no wonder I always feel jealous when I see you." "She looks so familiar." Lu Yunzhi's body trembled. Bai Yong was also confused. He thought carefully that the faces of the two people did have some similarities. Although he couldn't tell where they were similar, they felt like they were part of the same family. The injury on Bai Yong's face was not good enough to think of the two. He raised his hand and touched the linen on his face and thought to himself: I don¡¯t know what my appearance will look like in the future, but I hope it can be restored to the same as before. That would be a blessing. Lu Yunzhi turned to Bai Yong and said, "I want to "What? Bai Yong?" "Oh, it's okay, lord." Bai Yong suddenly realized and said hurriedly: "My lord, what you just said to Yang Shan is true. Didn't you agree to give up this move?" An imperceptible smile appeared on the corner of Lu Yunzhi's mouth. He replied: "I just agree with the duel at Hongluo Temple and did not say that we should give up the siege plan. If we can win the duel, it will be easier. But if the duel fails or Yu Qian uses a trick to catch us off guard, then bombing the capital will be an inevitable choice." Tan Qing He snorted coldly and said: "How can we lose? If this is a duel, we have a huge advantage." Lu Yunzhi shook his head.Head: "I don't think Yu Qian and others are very strong. Let's not mention that he himself possesses a mysterious weapon. I still don't know what it is. Plus, in the Soul Resurrection Tower, he and I only have that food between us. You have experienced Bai Yong, a middle-aged man from the ghost tribe." Before he finished speaking, Tan Qing yelled: "I must avenge Bai Yong if this man is left to me." Bai Yong's face was a little confused but it was difficult to speak. After all, Tan Qing had good intentions and he was indeed defeated. Although he was embarrassed, Tan Qing showed his true feelings without any intention. Lu Yunzhi continued: "There are two people who can be sure that they are Cheng Fangdong and Shang Wang. Four people, Yu Qian and the middle-aged man, no matter who on our side is against them, we can't be sure that they will definitely win. There are two games left, I can only be sure that one will definitely win. But there is another person on Yu Qian's side, I'm not sure who it is. I'm always worried that there will be mysterious masters like that middle-aged man coming out to fight. So our chances of winning are not very good. We have to plan carefully then, and even if we win, Yu Qian will be able to keep his promise." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 72: Liberation and Relief Tan Qing and Bai Yong nodded after listening to Lu Yunzhi's words. Lu Yunzhi then said: "You go and rest first. I think Master will see me and I will have a good talk with Master. You go." Lu Yun kneeled for a whole day. Until nightfall, Shi Fang did not order Lu Yunzhi to get up. Qu Xiangtian and others were worried that Lu Yunzhi would break his body from kneeling, so they gathered together and walked outside Shi Fang's tent, then knelt in a row and waited in silence. Shi Fang asked Han Yueqiu to push him out and asked everyone. They all said that they were here to ask Shi Fang to forgive Lu Yunzhi. In fact, Shi Fang couldn't bear it at all, so he let Han Yueqiu call Lu Yunzhi to the tent. Lu Yunzhi couldn't kneel down. His legs were already numb, so he could only rely on Han Yueqiu's support to hobble into the tent and come to Shi Fang. Shi Fang asked everyone to retreat from the tent, leaving only Han Yueqiu and Lu Yunzhi Shi Fang. He said with a sad expression: "Yunzhi, I heard what you did in recent years and I was very disappointed, so I punished you to kneel for so long out of anger. Now explain to me why you have become so insidious and cunning." Lu Yunzhi He nodded, cupped his fists and answered yes, then said softly: "Nightmare, please come out." As the nightmare walked out of Lu Yunzhi's body, Shi Fang suddenly felt the powerful ghost energy and was shocked. Han Yueqiu pulled out the Yin and Yang daggers from his waist and hurriedly Standing in front of the stone face, Lu Yunzhi once again raised his hands and clasped his fists and said: "Master, don't panic, this is the reason." The three masters and apprentices still had nightmares and talked all night long. Lu Yunzhi told the two of them about the ancestor Xing Wen in the Xuwen Deep Cave. After listening to Lu Yunzhi's story, Shi Fang sighed repeatedly and said: "Child, it seems that this can't just be the case." "I blame your master for being angry just now without asking the reason. You won't blame the master?" "Yunzhi doesn't dare," Lu Yunzhi replied. Han Yueqiu was still as taciturn and meticulous as before. During the whole night's conversation, the most he said was um, and his face was expressionless. The expression was mostly staring at the nightmare with surprise. At this moment, he suddenly asked: "If Yunzhi wins this time, what will you do in the future?" Lu Yunzhi replied: "Second senior brother, I just said Yingmei The entanglement will not give up. Maybe now he is hiding in the shadow and watching us. I can¡¯t say more about what will happen in the future. Please forgive me, master and senior brother. But if we succeed this time, I will fulfill the wish of ancestor Xing Wen and the shadow charm. After a fight, everything is a nightmare of God's will. He is an ancient hero, an airbender of heaven and earth, a ghost witch, and the originator of many people who practice various kinds of magic in the world today. But by chance, I learned the most basic three skills of counting ghosts. The art of witchcraft, the art of heaven and earth, and the way of controlling air. Maybe God arranged all this just for me to end Ying Mei, or for him to end me. But no matter what the ending is, I'm looking forward to this moment. Maybe Ying Mei will be freed. His sins come again and again. Maybe I will stop breathing and be freed from the evil in my heart forever. I think he hopes for it the same as me because it is a kind of relief." "As for the future, it all depends on God's will. But if it is possible, I want my two wives. Come back to me safely and then stay with Master to serve you. It's just that simple. God has a way with people. Who can predict what will happen in the future?" After Lu Yunzhi said this, the three masters and disciples looked at each other and fell into a long silence. On the second day, Chao Xing, Ah Rong and Dong De rushed back. They were accompanied by hundreds of disciples from all branches of heaven and earth. When they saw Shi Fang, they all clamored to rush into the capital and come to help. When they heard the duel at Hongluo Temple, they were immediately stunned. They all hesitated and hesitated, showing the nature of people in the hot and cold world. Lu Yunzhi took the three of them aside, Qu Xiangtian and others slowly followed, only to hear Lu Yunzhi ask: "Have you found any news about Wu Hao?" Chao Xing and the other three people all shook their heads and said nothing. Qu Xiangtian asked: "Why is the third brother Wu Hao really in trouble?" Lu Yunzhi frowned and replied: "According to my insider, Wu Hao should not be in Yu Qian's hands, otherwise Yu Qian would not have it." I would repeatedly urge the order to continue tracing Wu Hao's whereabouts. Before, I could only vaguely calculate what happened to Wu Hao, but there was a barrier outside the place where he was, making it difficult to calculate, so I asked my uncle and Dong De'arong to contact various parties. At the same time, I went to inquire about Wu Hao's whereabouts. I didn't expect Wu Hao to disappear without a trace. I'm really worried about him." Zhu Jianwen said: "That's because although we usually like to bully Wu Hao, he was one of our Zhongzheng. And more importantly, we are all brothers. Although Wu Hao was later expelled from the Zhongzheng lineage, we still regard him as a member of our third room. We have to seize the time and try our best to find Wu Hao if we win this time. I just issued a reward to the Chamber of Commerce before, but there is no news about Wu Hao until now." Fang Qingze said, "But Zhu Jianwen, Zhu What do you mean? Although we usually like to bully Wu Hao, you usually bully Wu Hao the most. Now you know that you are worried about regretting it." Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and said, "Don't worry too much about Wu Hao. I have been trapped for many days. I can still see through Wu Hao." The barrier beyond the good means that his existence means that his life is safe at present. The person who trapped him must have a purpose for not killing him for so long, so let's put it aside for the time being."The former team will not be in danger if their purpose is not revealed." Everyone nodded and felt that what Lu Yunzhi said was quite reasonable, so they dispersed to settle the people from heaven and earth who came to "support". That night, everyone gathered in the camp. After some discussion, they finally made up their minds and asked Yang Shan, who came to discuss again the next day, to convey it to Yu Qian. In the evening of the same day, Yang Shan went out of the city again to reply to Lu Yunzhi and others, announcing that Yu Qian accepted it. After some discussion, everyone felt that the new conditions were not excessive, so the two parties agreed not to invade each other for ten days and to concentrate on handling the corpses and preventing A plague broke out and they agreed to go to Hongluo Temple for a showdown ten days later. Yang Zhun dragged his tired body back to Beijing with a letter. This day was pitiful for Yang Shan, a gray-haired old man who shuttled back and forth between the two battles. What makes me tired is my sore waist and backache, and my whole body feels like falling apart. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 73: Lots of Strategies The two sides did not let go of their tense nerves because they had already made an appointment to fight at Hongluo Temple. While they were wary of each other to prevent their own sides from being caught in a delaying strategy, they stepped up their efforts to burn their own dead and wounded sergeants. The leaders discussed each other's conditions and their own answers. The more they looked at it, the more inscrutable it became. Each plan covered several strategies. You and I were fighting each other, and it was no easier than fighting on the battlefield. . Yu Qian sneered and said to the middle-aged man: "Lu Yunzhi's gang is really cunning. You see, he agreed to our battle and asked both sides to lead their troops and line up at the foot of Hongluo Temple. In this way, This prevented us from attacking their camp and besieging them on the mountain. In fact, I thought they would reject my choice of location and choose to fight in front of the two army formations. Unexpectedly, they were even more powerful and allowed me to take advantage of the situation. If the troops go there, our army's advantage will be gone. Once there is a discrepancy between the agreement between us and them, and the two armies fight, we will be in trouble." It must have been figured out by Qu Xiangtian." The leader of Lifeline shook his head helplessly and said: "Master Yu, you are right. Our army's numerical advantage is no longer obvious after the casualties. Now we have to send troops. At the foot of Hongluo Temple, if there are fewer people there, we will definitely suffer if there is a fight at the foot of the mountain. If we send too many troops and the city is empty, it will be even more troublesome if they lead a surprise attack and the capital falls." Yu Qian smiled and said, "I'm not afraid. , we take all the troops out of the city. If the former fights with them at the foot of Hongluo Mountain, we will have the advantage in numbers because of our strong troops and horses. But if it is the latter, they will fall into our plan of dividing their troops and they will send troops to attack. In the capital, we will annihilate Lu Yunzhi and other bandit leaders on the mountain in one fell swoop, and destroy their troops at the foot of the mountain. Capture the thieves first and capture the king. The group of demons without a leader will be nothing more than a loose pile of sand. " "But what will happen to the palace in this case? If it falls, the situation will be turbulent, and the safety of the emperor, officials and harem will also be threatened," Shang Wang said. Yu Qian nodded and said, "Take Zhu Qiyu up the mountain when the time comes." "What about the officials and concubines?" Cheng Fangdong suddenly asked in the corner. ¡°We can¡¯t take care of so much anymore. Let¡¯s take all the important officials from the court and march with the army. As for the concubines, some sacrifices will be made. Let them stabilize the enemy¡¯s military morale.¡± After Yu Qian said this, everyone was shocked. Shang Wang snorted coldly, took the terms and said: "You see, this is also a hidden murderous intention. Let us determine the list and order of the personnel participating in the battle, and then they will plan in advance and assign individual responses?" The Lifeline Master also burst out laughing: "Tian Ji is racing. They also know that this strategy is too naughty. It is probably just a chance. So we rejected their proposal and they accepted it." Yu Qian smiled in agreement, and then said: "Let's talk about it quickly. Plan for the battle. According to reliable sources, Shi Fang has arrived. This guy is loyal and filial and has no great skills, but he has taught a group of good disciples. Although these people are all ambitious and ruthless, they respect their teachers. So if he is here, we can rest assured that Lu Yunzhi will not dare to cheat. If they can win this duel, they will definitely keep their promise. However, Lu Yunzhi must be killed. If this person is not eliminated, he will be a trouble in the future. Now that he has said it If life and death don't matter, let him die in the duel. But this kid is so powerful, it gives me a headache." On the other hand, everyone in Qu Xiangtian's camp was also frowning, thinking about the same problem as Yu Qian, Qu Xiang. Tian said: "They said that both sides can only bring fifty people up the mountain. What I mean is that there are eleven of us, but the master still insists on going, so the second brother and the master together will have thirteen people. Those who come To support our disciples from all branches, regardless of whether it is true or false, you have to let them go up the mountain. We only allow the masters to go up the mountain to occupy fourteen or five places, and there are still more people coming in the past few days, so we will set it up. There are about twenty people, so there are less than twenty people left to take. My suggestion is to choose better airbending masters and ghost-eating tribesmen to go up the mountain, so that they can take care of them once they start taking action. I think it's good, I think Yu Qian should take those disciples up the mountain, their fighting power is incomparable to us, once they start fighting on the mountain, we will definitely have the advantage," Fang Qingze said. Zhu Jianwen said worriedly: "Hongluo Temple is located in the northwest of Beijing, and our army is in the south. If we are defeated, we can only flee to the northwest or northern Xinjiang, and then be rejected by the imperial court from the Central Plains, putting our army in a disadvantageous situation. The supply of food and grass to support the soldiers would be a problem. However, it is much more convenient for Yu Qian and others. They only need to station themselves between Beijing City and Hongluo Temple. They can attack and retreat, which is a good strategy. Last night, Baozi and I explored the terrain. It's probably not good for our army." Lu Yunzhi frowned and asked, "Brother, you really don't consider my suggestion and ours? I don't think we need to pay attention to the agreement. We will attack the capital directly when they come up the mountain. No wayThere is too much food, and there is no reliance on the capital to store food. In addition, the food in various places is in the hands of the second brother. How can they rely on to fight the war? We will definitely achieve greater victory, brother, you should think about it carefully. " "Third brother, this matter is not decided by me alone. In fact, I can understand what you said. I don't want to talk to Yu Qian about benevolence, justice and morality. He is not worthy. But Master said you should be upright and restrain your evil thoughts. Besides, most of you are disciples of the Zhongzheng lineage, so you cannot be unfilial and disobedient. I think Yu Qian has grasped this, so he dared to act so boldly. " Qu Xiangtian said. Lu Yunzhi nodded and said: "Now it seems that this is the only way. Let's go up the mountain together. We must win this battle, and we must make all preparations to prevent the villain Yu Qian from denying his credit. As for the details, I suggest that it is better not to let Master know about it. If Master accidentally knows about it, all the blame will be put on me. ¡± Everyone discussed for a long time before they dispersed. Among these people, Qingze was particularly busy, because the kerosene and wood required for burning corpses had to be mobilized from all over the country, and it was very troublesome to transport them back and forth. When they got busy, Fang Qingze actually seemed to have lost some weight. With his unremitting efforts, the bodies of our own soldiers were finally burned cleanly outside Beijing, and for two or three days, the sky seemed to be covered in darkness. There is also a strong smell of coke in the air, but anyone who thinks about the origin of this smell will feel nauseous. (.)g Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 74: Rare and Valuable Murong Yunfei didn't know where she got the news. She knew that everyone was going up the mountain for a duel. She came on horseback regardless of whether her body had just been given birth, and insisted on going up the mountain with Qu Xiangtian. This moved everyone greatly. At the same time, Zhu Qixiang also came from Bazhou City with Murong Yunfei. After all, King Qin's army was one of the main forces of this army, and it was natural for Zhu Qixiang, the commander-in-chief of the vassal kings, to go up the mountain to watch the battle as a representative. The crowd couldn't resist Zhu Qixiang and Murong Yunfei, so they could only let them follow them up the mountain. A month passed in the blink of an eye. According to the agreement, everyone led the troops to the foot of the mountain where Hongluo Temple was located. After arranging the troops, they stationed the troops on the west side of the mountain and handed them over to Guang Liang and other vassal kings to take charge. More than ten people walked towards Hongluo Temple. The Ming army was stationed in Shannan, which could not only keep an eye on the opponent's army, but also withdraw to the capital as soon as possible. It seemed that Yu Qian and others had already gone up the mountain. The mountain where Hongluo Temple is located is called Hongluo Mountain. As everyone walked up the mountain, Lu Yunzhi explained in a relaxed tone: "Hongluo Temple is a common name. It is named after the mountain. This temple can be said to be an ancient temple in the north. It was built on In the fourth year of Xiankang in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, it was named Daming Temple. "That's very interesting. The Battle of Daming Temple happened at the right time," Fang Qingze muttered. Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and continued: "This ancient temple is quite domineering. It is said that it covers an area of ??more than 300 hectares. In fact, what the second brother just said is suitable for the time and the situation. It is not only the ancient name of Daming Temple, but also the corresponding features of the temple. Legend. According to legend, there are two red snails on the mountain, which emit red light day and night. The people around them are protected by the red snails and are not afraid of ghosts and have good weather. People think that the two red snails are transformed by the goddess. "Zhu Jianwen said with great interest: "So, there are still two red snails on the mountain? They are worth seeing." "Of course they no longer exist, otherwise how can they be said to be legends? After seeing the people living and working in peace and contentment, the Hongluo Fairy sank into the Pearl Spring on the mountain. But regardless of whether Hongluo was still there, the place became more prosperous. "My lord, what happened next?" Lu Yunzhi patted Bai Yong on the shoulder and said, "Didn't I just say that if a legend had a later date, wouldn't it come true? Why did Bai Yong become so stubborn?" Everyone laughed. Without a hint of nervousness before the war, several people walked to the mountain gate while talking. Zhu Jianwen sighed: "What a magnificent temple. You see, this mountain gate is very grand." "That's natural. You can see and hear it. Do you know Princess Shunde?" Lu Yunzhi asked. Zhu Jianwen nodded and said: "If we want to talk about it, I have to call her the emperor's aunt. She is the emperor's sister of Zhu Qizhen. She got married in the second year of the orthodox year." "Okay, Zhu Jianwen is indeed Zhu Jianwen. When talking about the emperor, The parents of relatives, civil and military officials, are short-lived, so they naturally have many family treasures. They are really born politicians in this world." Lu Yunzhi praised, "The reason why this temple is so grand is because the eldest princess of Shunde got married, and the imperial court ordered people to build it. Because of its grandeur, even the emperor liked to visit here. After all, this is an ancient temple and it is very close to the capital, so it is convenient to come and go. One year before the Battle of Tumubao, Zhu Qizhen came here. He was a descendant of the royal family, so he naturally knew the relationship between ghosts and humans, so he did not believe in Buddhism. He came here just to seek comfort. But that day, the temple was in great splendor, and the top of the Buddha shone like a god descending to earth. Zhu Qizhen thought it was a good omen and decided that Daming Temple or Hongluo Temple was the national treasure temple, so he wrote a few words on it. From then on, the temple changed its name again, and the name was engraved on the mountain gate. "Lu Yunzhi said and raised his finger to point to the big characters on the mountain gate. Everyone looked up and saw six words engraved on the mountain gate: protect the country and Zifu Zen Temple. At this time, several people walked down the mountain gate quickly. The person leading the way was Yu Qian. Yu Qian shouted loudly: "Good knowledge. Lu Yunzhi is Lu Yunzhi. What a good knowledge. However, this Huguo Temple is a It's a big joke. Instead of protecting the country, Zhu Qizhen was captured. Now he is living in Nangong after being welcomed back. Living in such a state is really worse than death. "Fang Qingze is so useless. Shi screamed and cursed: "It's not like you, a fake loyal minister, are causing trouble, otherwise how could our entire Ming army be annihilated in Tumubao? It's really treasonous to communicate with foreign countries!" Yu Qian looked at everyone with ridicule, but saw the wrong direction. Tian and Lu Yunzhi both shook their heads, and Qu Xiangtian said: "Wang Zhen is responsible for the battle of Tumubao. If not Yu Qian, even if he doesn't join forces with the ghost witch, he will definitely be defeated." "Exactly," Lu Yunzhi said He said, "Yu Qian is just pushing the boat to achieve the goal of hurting both us and the Mongolian ghosts and wizards. This guy is more vicious than a snake." Yu Qian cupped his hands and said, "You two discussed the matter, what a spirit!" The crowd moved aside, and Han Yueqiu pushed Shi Fang away. When he came out, Shi Fang looked at Yu Qian coldly. Seeing Yu Qian who had beaten Wang Zhen angrily for him and saved him from the deep prison, Shi Fang felt a trace of anger in his heart. This was all a scam, and he was just a fool being taken advantage of. Shi Fang's eyes were no longer as dead as before.? Shen Shen, but staring at Yu Qian in front of him as if a flame was about to burst out. Yu Qian disagreed, and just smiled and said, "Mr. Shi has been doing well lately." After saying that, he slightly cupped his hands and said to everyone, "Please, the place for the duel is up there." Yu Qian was in front, and everyone was there. After that, they all walked towards the mountain. No one wanted to sneak attack from behind. Shi Fang's presence might only be a fair fight. Yu Qian walked a few steps, pointed to the front of the temple not far away and said: "That's it, everyone go there first, Lu Yunzhi, can you and I talk alone?" Everyone was stunned, not knowing what Yu Qian wanted to do. , only Qu Xiangtian and Lu Yunzhi looked at Yu Qian coldly. Lu Yunzhi turned around with a smile and said to Shi Fang and others: "Master, everyone, I'll come as soon as I go. It all started because Yao Guangxiao pointed his sword at me, and it happened because of Yu Qian. We have been fighting for so long, and today we are going to do it. It's a matter of life and death, let me have a chat with him." Shi Fang nodded, Lu Yunzhi turned around and extended his hand to Qian, and Yu Qian walked quickly towards the dense forest on the other side. Qu Xiangtian whispered to Lu Yunzhi: "Third brother, be more careful." Lu Yunzhi hummed and walked quickly towards the dense forest. The two gradually walked away, out of everyone's sight, and hid in the dense forest. After walking for about a cup of tea, they came to a cliff. Lu Yunzhi looked down and found that he could see two armies of his own and the enemy stationed at the foot of the mountain. Yu Qian turned his head at this moment and said to Lu Yunzhi with a smile: "You and I can reach this stage and force each other to have to fight to determine the outcome. No matter whether we succeed or fail in the future, it will be commendable." (.)g Volume 2 Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 75 If there is an afterlife Lu Yunzhi couldn't help but feel a sigh of relief after hearing Yu Qian's words and said loudly: "Yu Qian, have you ever thought that if you didn't follow Yao Guangxiao's words, we wouldn't be fighting each other today, and we wouldn't be causing the current situation. "My life is ruined." "Maybe, but I have already done what I have done, and there is no regret pill in the world. Since I have taken a step forward with someone, I can only insist on continuing." Yu Qian replied. The tone of the two people was calm and did not sound like two hostile parties with deep hatred. Lu After hearing Yu Qian's words, Yun Zhi smiled and said, "Even if you give up, I won't give up. It's just that I came in and wondered if the hexagrams we learned were exactly what we did. In other words, the hexagrams were guided in advance." We were led by the hexagrams and did some things, which in turn turned out to be the hexagrams." After hearing this, Yu Qian was shocked and fell into deep thought for a long time before sighing. There is indeed some truth to what Lu Yunzhi said about fortune telling. Reading divination is inherently a futile thing. If you know it too early, you will be harmed. Anyone who knows the magic knows it. But once the divination is related to oneself or a mission, it is another matter. They will definitely intervene in advance to stop it, but often no matter what No matter how hard he tried, he still couldn't change it, and even contributed to the consequences shown in the hexagram. Thinking of this, a trace of regret flashed through Yu Qian's heart. Human nature is so unstoppable. Lu Yunzhi said softly again: "Brother Yu, you said that if you weren't the Ming Dynasty, Loyal minister, I am not a disciple of the Zhongzheng lineage. Can we be good brothers?" Yu Qian looked at Lu Yunzhi and said, "You and I have similar personalities. We are both smart and well-read in poetry and books, but we learn and use them flexibly and do not stick to the old rules. Speaking of which, you and I can indeed become good friends, or we may be life-or-death friends. But as you said, you are a disciple of the Zhongzheng lineage, and I have the Ming Dynasty in mind and am willing to die for the rise and fall of the country. Therefore, we cannot be friends. If there is an afterlife, I will drink three hundred cups with you. " After saying this, Lu Yunzhi and Yu Qian burst out laughing. Lu Yunzhi changed the subject and said, "No one can tell whether there will be an afterlife, but my temperament has changed greatly. Compared with me before, it seems that my temperament has changed so much. Brother, you think the two of us may be similar. After all, I have to thank you for all this. If I hadn¡¯t hunted down my family and destroyed my family, I wouldn¡¯t be where I am today. I don¡¯t know if this is luck or misfortune.¡± ¡°Yes.¡± Brother Yu, I still have something to ask about Lu. I hope you can answer truthfully for the sake of us having a good chat." Lu Yunzhi said respectfully with his hands clasped in fists. Yu Qian nodded and returned the greeting with clasped fists, "This is not related to the security of the country. Please tell me." Lu Yunzhi said in a rough tone: "Do you know where my wife Shi Yuting is?" Yu Qian was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said with a smile: "If I had caught her, I would have used her to threaten you. Why bother? Wait until today." "What about Wu Hao?" Lu Yunzhi asked again. Yu Qian replied, "Why is Wu Hao missing? No wonder I sent people out of the city and couldn't find any trace of him. Could it be that he has been killed?" Lu Yunzhi thought to himself. He shook his head and said: "It's probably not possible. I can still calculate a little bit of his hexagrams. I guess he was trapped by someone and used a formation to block my calculations." Lu Yunzhi said with another fist at Yu Qian and said: " Thanks to Brother Yu for your advice, let's go to the duel and don't keep everyone waiting." Yu Qian nodded and the two walked side by side. Before the two came to the Main Hall of Hongluo Temple, they found that the two parties were at war with each other. They were both worried and worried. They saw Yu Qian and Lu Yunzhi talking and laughing. Smiling like close friends, they walked over and were stunned for a moment. They thought the two had given up and made peace, but they never thought that the two of them walked into the team separately. Yu Qian said: "Everyone is ready to start the first round of the showdown in a moment." Everyone couldn't help but It's amazing. The two sides decided according to the agreement and God will decide which side will go out first and who will go out first. It's as important as Tian Ji's horse racing. The upper horse is against the enemy's middle horse. The middle horse is against the lower horse. Our own lower horse is against the upper horse. That's all. In this way, as long as you win first Naturally, there is no need to compete after three rounds of five rounds. Three wins, one, three, and five are all one side reveals its candidates first, two, four, and the smaller the group, the more advantageous it is for the one who reveals its candidates in advance, so everyone wants to gain the upper hand, so the first one They both want the other side to appear first. Since both parties are said to be determined by God's will, both parties are very lucky. If you carefully calculate God's will, you will know it. So they decided to use the method used in childhood bets to pull weeds. It is simple to say, but it is also troublesome for both parties to send out dispatches. People pulled out a few handfuls of grass from around the temple, chopped them into several pieces, and threw them in the air. Yu Qian and Lu Yunzhi raised their hands to grab it respectively, and they blindfolded themselves and were not allowed to use ghosts to help them. After grabbing one piece, they compared the length. The two of them could not judge the length of time, let alone deduce the hexagrams. They used their own intuition and God's will. In the end, Yu Qian fell behind Lu Yun by a slight difference and gained the upper hand. Yu Qian sighed and said: "Our side is the first. "Come on out." As he spoke, a masked man came forward, but Lu Yunzhi and Bai Yong recognized the man. Judging by his figure, he was clearly the ghost-eating tribesman Lu Yunzhi, who had fought with him in Beijing a few days ago, and whispered: "It's the mysterious ghost-eating tribe brother. If you go to fight, you may be able to win. If others fight, you may die on the spot. Life or death is not considered. Big brother still needs to take action. You must be extremely careful. He is extremely powerful."   As soon as Lu Yunzhi finished speaking, she heard a sweet shout in her ear: "He is the one who hurt Bai Yong. Let me deal with him for a while." Before Lu Yunzhi could stop him, Tan Qing had already jumped into the field and raised his head. The delicate chin said with a domineering face: "If you know how to get back quickly, otherwise don't blame my aunt, I will kill you and leave you dead." The man trembled all over, but he was not afraid or angry, he just kept laughing. Bai Yong wanted to rush into the field to pull Tan Qing back, but was pulled back by Lu Yunzhi. He only heard him say: "We must abide by the rules, otherwise we will be temporarily The other party will definitely not want to easily cause conflicts when substituting. When the time comes to make a fight, we will have to break our promise first. Tan Qing should be able to fight with him." After hearing this, Bai Yong could only stop and look at Tan Qing worriedly. He was actually more nervous than fighting with himself. The middle-aged man was shaking and shaking. He suddenly stopped and used his hind legs to push his body like an arrow from the string. He rushed out with his arms spread wide, and a little cold light appeared on his fingertips. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 76: The First Battle Begins When Tan Qing saw the man running towards him very fast, he did not hesitate to wave his sleeves and spray out a piece of pink powder. The two parties quickly retreated and used ghost body protection to look at the field. The young man was walking in a curve with an uncertain direction. He had already left before the pink gas spread. He jumped suddenly and reached out to grab Tan Qing. Tan Qing yelled and made a bang. His body was surrounded by a cloud of pink mist and disappeared into the smoke. The middle-aged man among them was not afraid of several ghosts emerging from the powder clothes. He wrapped himself up and rubbed himself into the powder. There was a disturbing buzzing sound. Tan Qing was held up by a bunch of insects. He flew away from the smoke and looked down at the middle-aged man who was still in the smoke. The middle-aged man was wrapped in ghosts, and the number of ghosts kept increasing. They swallowed up the pink smoke in an instant. When he raised his head, he saw him face to face. Countless Gu worms came. Most of them were black, had multiple tentacles, and their mouths were scary. Just looking at them made people get goosebumps. The smell emanating from their bodies even made people nauseous. Those Gu worms were fanning. The wings were about to pounce on the middle-aged man, only to see the man stretch out his hand with long nails sticking out from his fingertips. The newly grown nails on the ten fingers were like ten black sharp knives. They were thin, long and extremely sharp. Lu Yunzhi He and Qu Xiangtian couldn't help but take a breath at the same time. It was made up of ghost spirits, but there was no sign of tumbling. Lu Yunzhi asked Qu Xiangtian softly: "Brother, look at why his nails don't have ghost energy surging." Qu Xiangtian thought about it for a moment and said, "It's called soul gathering. Do you remember that when we were children, we learned that soul gathering is to gather a ghost together to extract its energy. But he used nearly a hundred ghosts." And there are only ten nails gathered together. Although they are long but very thin, they must be invincible." Sure enough, just as Qu Xiangtian said, the middle-aged man kept waving his claws, and the insects broke apart wherever he passed, increasing his speed. Very quickly, a shield appeared out of the air, but anything that hit this "shield" would be cut into pieces. Tan Qing sneered and said, "I don't think you can stop the sound wave shock." She said The Pulao at the waist turned around and surrounded Tan Qing like a giant python. Suddenly it opened its big mouth and roared at the middle-aged man. It moved straight towards the middle-aged man. When Yu Qian saw this, he also thought secretly: Although Pulao's attack is weaker than that of the Soul-Calling Tower, it is still very powerful. I don't know if he can withstand it. He will be defeated in the first battle. But then again, this Tan Qing is really powerful. The middle-aged man hurriedly backed away, and more and more ghosts surrounded him to protect him tightly. A loud sound came from the middle-aged man, but the ghosts surrounding him seemed to be peeling off. The layers were shaken open by Pulao's roar, and a piece of ghost energy suddenly penetrated the ghost spirit. The fingernails made of ghost energy became deeper and longer, and they headed towards Tan Qingzha in the air. Tan Qing snorted Pulao's voice, which became much louder. The people on both sides felt awe-inspiring, not just the vertical line facing the middle-aged man. Everyone on both sides quickly defended their Qi or used ghost spirits to defend themselves. Only then did they feel better. Looking at the middle-aged man's stretched out fingernails, they were already shaken and erratic. When I got up, I heard a sharp whistle mixed with Pulao's roar. The nails made of ghost energy shattered. At the same time, the ghost spirit beside the middle-aged man also shattered. The middle-aged man rolled out as if he had been hit. He was lying face down on the ground, and his clothes were torn apart by the sound waves. A large stream of blood came out of his ears. Tan Qing stroked the Pulao wrapped around his waist and said proudly: "I won this game." "Wait a minute, you" The girl is really awesome, but I was careless." The middle-aged man stood up slowly, wiped the blood coming out of the corners of his mouth and ear holes, shook his head and said, his clothes were torn apart by the shock and several big holes were hanging on his body. The black cloth covering his face was blown away at this moment. The middle-aged man revealed his face. Shi Fang and Leopard stared at the middle-aged man with wide eyes. Shi Fang exclaimed: " "Fifth Senior Brother" Most of the people on both sides looked at Shi Fang and then at the middle-aged man, feeling a little incredulous. Shi Fang was nearly twenty years older than the middle-aged man. How could he be called Fifth Senior Brother? However, the only disciples of the Zhongzheng lineage probably already know in their hearts that the Zhongzheng lineage, no matter how old or young they are, is called senior according to the ranking after the assessment, regardless of the order of entry. There are only a few who are naturally not like Lu Yunzhi's song Xiang Tianfang Qingze San. People treat each other like brothers, but Yu Qian remained calm and showed no surprise on his face, as if he already knew everything. The middle-aged man shook the dirt off his body, cupped his hands at Shi Fang, and said with a smile: "Sixth Junior Brother, you How did it become like this? Shi Fang was not like this back then. Hahahahaha." Tan Qingli saw the middle-aged man talking to Shi Fang in the air. He didn't know whether to take action or not. He could only stop there and shouted: "You're still fighting. No more fighting." The middle-aged man turned his head towards the leopard as if he hadn't seen him. The leopard frowned as if he was thinking about something. The man said with a wry smile in his mouth: "Leopard is a stupid kid.Your father doesn¡¯t even know you anymore.¡± Fang Qingze has a good relationship with Leopard. When he heard the middle-aged man take advantage of him, he rushed forward and shouted: ¡°Old bastard, what are you talking about?¡± Before Fang Qingze could rush over, he heard Leopard shouting. He said: "Dad, what are you doing" and then burst into tears. Everyone was stunned and didn't know what was going on. Fang Qingze was even more stunned on the spot, a little embarrassed. How could this man be both Shi Fang's senior brother and Baozi's father? And Lu Yun It was even more strange because he knew that Leopard's father was the former leader of the ghost-eating tribe and had died many years ago. He was defeated and died in an encounter with evil spirits outside the deep valley. Although these Yingzi did not mention it, they were in the valley. In the tower, Leopard told Lu Yunzhi that Chao Xing also had an impression. At this moment, Chao Xing and Lu Yunzhi looked at each other in silence. Tan Qing was even more at a loss. He was in the air, neither coming down nor whether to stop fighting or continue. After another fight, Tan Qing asked, "What's going on?" The middle-aged man frowned and said, "You are very noisy." At the same time, Lu Yunzhi shouted, "Be careful." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 77: Turning Steam into Ice A huge fountain gushes out from the ground and breaks through the ground at Tan Qing's feet. The water column shoots up into the sky and shoots towards Tan Qing. Tan Qing steps on the body composed of Gu insects. Where can he find himself while floating in the air? Water jets would spurt out from under his feet, and he never expected that the water would spurt so high. Tan Qing heard the sound of water and saw everyone's panic expression. Tan Qing didn't know. Bai Yong shouted: "Under your feet." The insect under Tan Qing's feet was holding Tan Qing flew higher, but the water column hit faster and harder, scattering the flying insects at Tan Qing's feet. Pulao wrapped around Tan Qing's waist and flew towards the east, but several water columns rose up from the ground. The figure jumped on the water column, with long black nails on his hands, approaching where Tan Qing was. Tan Qing straddled Pulao, took out a small jar from his arms, and raised it towards the middle-aged man approaching behind him. A bee flew out of the small jar and grew bigger and bigger with the wind. In the blink of an eye, the black bee had grown to the size of a giant elephant. The needle at its tail was like an iron cone and it suddenly pierced the middle-aged man. He jumped back, but several water pillars on the ground hit Xuan Bee together like water dragons under command. Lu Yunzhi saw this and said softly: "It's the clan's art of heaven and earth, the art of controlling water." Shi Fang clicked. He nodded and sighed and said: "It's the art of water control and he uses determination. It seems that Tan Qing is in danger and Pulao alone can't stop him." Lu Yunzhi said, "I don't think Master Tan Qing used it." It is the Xuanfeng who ranks seventh among the evil ghosts." When Shi Fang heard this, he looked at the Xuanfeng in amazement and said: "So this is the Xuanfeng, so maybe there can still be a fight." I saw the Xuanfeng suddenly The huge poisonous needle with its tail swept away the spurting water column. The water was divided into two parts by the poisonous needle, and the water column fell down. The giant poisonous needle stabbed straight at the middle-aged man. The man was running back and forth with speed and agility. Seeing that Xuan Feng was about to catch up with him, he heard Leopard shouting and was about to jump into the field, but Bai Yong hugged Leopard and shouted: "Tan Qing, please show mercy, that's my father." Tan Qing responded: "I know." The middle-aged man laughed loudly and said, "It's best that I show mercy." As he said that, his hands returned to their original appearance. The long nails made of ghosts disappeared, and then he saw his hands swiping at the waist and above the belt. A few sparks appeared on the two pieces of iron, and then he twisted his waist hard to face Xuan Feng and suddenly waved out his hands. Two flames spurted out from the palms. The temperature was extremely high, unlike ordinary flames. People on both sides were separated by ghosts. His hair and beard were also slightly bent due to the heat. "When did he learn the art of fire control?" Shi Fang shouted. He copied it twice and dispersed, disappearing like a vine. It circled around and hit the black bee from behind. Naturally, Tan Qing was not idle in calling out a stream of Gu insects to hit the man, and mixed in with the dense insect array. The prison melted into one body and rushed towards the middle-aged man whom the leopard called daddy. The middle-aged man controlled fire with both hands and waved his arms. The flames flickered in the air and heard a violent explosion. The whole sky burned and the Gu insect was burned to black. Hui Tan Qing screamed, Pulao's body became bigger, and wrapped around Tan Qing in circles, forming a jar shape. The black bees separated and the flames fell on the top of the "jar". The two ghosts joined together tightly and merged into one body. I only heard Tan Qing's thoughts once. The two evil ghosts instantly became so powerful that their ghost energy split from them and countless ghosts and spirits were densely covered in layers to block the outside. However, the flames continued to burn out the Gu insects and slowly surrounded Tan Qing, Pulao and Xuanfeng, and continued to attack them. It was burning. The ghosts spreading out from the periphery kept making whistles, and then their souls were scattered. Pulao let out a roar. The middle-aged man had blood coming out of his ears again. He gave up and muttered something in his mouth. The ghosts appeared on his body and surrounded him, but As in the previous situation, the sound waves were everywhere and ghosts and spirits were shattered. The middle-aged man was swaying around and it seemed that he couldn't hold on. The intensity of the flames was getting smaller and smaller. Two water pillars broke out of the ground again and hit Tan Qing from below. Pulao issued. The scream became much quieter, and his body became erratic, but he still refused to let go of Tan Qing, who was tightly wrapped around him. Then he looked at Tan Qing, who was sweating profusely, and his hair was scorched and bent. His hair was wet with sweat and stuck to his forehead. Unable to stand the high temperature, he had already passed out. The black bee lost control and flew around in a panic. The water column emerging from the ground hit the flames and formed a white mist. The steam extinguished the fire and the water was extinguished. The middle-aged man shook his mouth and nose. There was blood coming out of it, but he stared at Tan Qing and struck suddenly with both hands. A strong wind suddenly blew through the water vapor floating in the air and flew away with the wind. Lu Yunzhifei hugged Tan Qing in mid-air and said to the man: "I want to Turning steam into ice is a perfect combination of water and fire control." The middle-aged man shook his body and tried to stand still, pointing at Lu Yunzhi and shouting: "You want to intervene in this, isn't it a wheel battle? Is there any rules? "" Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and replied: "Senior, we have lost this game, please don't hurt her life. Lu, I beg you." Yu Qian was about to shout but heard the middle-aged man reply: "Huh, that sounds nice, even if I am right now." If you want to intervene, it's probably not your opponent's backlash. I think you also know that. Also??You have read so many books and you don¡¯t know any rules at all. I am the father of Leopard and Yingzi. You should call me father-in-law. You have no rules." As he spoke, the middle-aged man walked towards Yu Qian. He swayed slightly and was supported by Cheng Fangdong. He sat on the ground and murmured words, seemingly healing himself. Yu Qian said with a smile on his face: "Since Lu Yunzhi, you have already said that we will win this game, let's start the second game. This time it is your turn to send people first. I am not It¡¯s unreasonable to give you a cup of tea and take care of the wounded, please.¡± Lu Yunzhi hugged Tan Qing and fell to the ground, stretched out his hand to touch Tan Qing¡¯s pulse twice and said, ¡°Tan Qing is fine, second brother, get it quickly.¡± Feed her Guyuan Dan." After Tan Qing took the medicine, Lu Yunzhi left Tan Qing and Bai Yong to take care of him. Then he patted Leopard's shoulder and whispered: "I will accompany you to ask for details later." Leopard looked at Lu Yunzhi gratefully Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 78: New Trick Appears Lu Yunzhi calculated in his mind: Tan Qing lost the first game, and if he competed with Shang Wang afterwards, Shang Wang would definitely admit defeat. He said that each side had a victory, and they must win the second game, otherwise they would be in a completely passive situation. However, In this second game, our side will send people out first. If the people sent are weak, it is inevitable that Qian will personally go into battle to seize the opportunity. But if the strength is too strong, he is afraid that the opponent will send people to consume the masters. Thinking of this, Lu Yunzhi suddenly felt helpless and frowning. Then he decided to go into battle on his own. Just as Lu Yunzhi was about to walk into the field, Qu Xiangtian stopped him and whispered: "I'll go, third brother." Qu Xiangtian's eyes were firm and his tone was unquestionable. Lu Yunzhi nodded and replied. : "Brother, be careful." Qu Xiangtian chuckled and said, "It's okay," and walked towards the field with his head held high. Qu Xiangtian was wearing soft armor with a seven-star sword slung around his waist. He also held a strong bow in his left hand and looked like he was holding a quiver across his back. Unlike a duel, it was clearly a general on the battlefield. Qu Xiangtian walked into the arena, clasped his fists and said, "Everyone, Qu, come and fight. I don't know who can compete with me." "I'll come, General Qu." An old man stepped out from the queue. He walked out and everyone exclaimed. This person was none other than Zhen Lingdan, the master of the lineage of living beings. Sure enough, Yu Qian was using his lower steed to fight against a master like Qu Xiangtian. Zhen Lingdan walked up and hugged Qu Xiangtian, hugging his fists and saying: "General Qu has been admiring me for a long time." Qu Xiangtian also clasped his fists when he heard Zhen Lingdan say again: "I have fought with General Qu many times and learned many tactics from you. For example," suddenly Zhen Lingdan threw her hands on the ground and hit him. Then he sat cross-legged on the ground, and the feeling of ghosts and spirits rose at the feet of Qu Xiangtian. Zhen Lingdan said the second half of the sentence: "A soldier never tires of deceit." Then he muttered words in his mouth. It should be driving some ghost spirit. Qu Xiangtian has not felt weak since he was a child. The life of the ghosts is nine and a half, and the three odd ones cover the top four pillars. Qi Yutian looks like a hero. But even so, when facing a large number of ghosts and evil spirits, Qu Xiangtian can still feel the ground under his feet approaching quickly. The ghost made Qu Xiangtian feel a sense of oppression and a familiar feeling. He jumped up and retreated, bent his bow, and shot arrows towards the ground. The arrow was wrapped with three colorful talismans, and a ghost line emerged from the ground. Something slammed into Qu Xiangtian. As he was struggling with the arrow, he saw that the thing didn't care about it and opened the arrow with the five-color three-talisman ghost string with a single wave, and it went straight at an extremely fast speed. Running towards Qu Xiangtian, Qu Xiangtian's soft armor suddenly swelled up. Dozens of evil spirits emerged from his clothes. Qu Xiangtian was not in a hurry to let the evil spirits attack the extremely fast thing. Instead, he jumped up and stood beside the evil spirits. The spirit suddenly pulled Qu Xiangtian upward, Qu Xiangtian jumped into the mid-air but did not stop, his body was stagnant in the air, and he pulled out the seven-star sword. The ghost energy was rolling on his arms. The ghost spirits gradually gathered on the seven-star sword and suddenly formed a sword like a sword. The flaming ghost energy sword. The seven-star sword was raised above the head. The ghost energy sword became more and more fierce. The ghosts around him gathered on the sword. The body fell downwards and then fell. He raised the sword with his hand and struck hard at that thing. The thing didn't hit it just now. When Qu Xiangtian arrived, the ground was filled with dust, cracked rocks and broken bricks. For a while, no one could see clearly what it was. The ghost air knife was chopped down and collided with the thing, making a roar. The dust floating in the air stopped surging and was instantly overwhelmed by this huge The pressure was firmly slapped on the ground, and there was no dust floating around. Everyone stared at the middle of the field with their eyes wide open. Fang Qingze sighed: "Third brother, look at the eldest brother's Ghost Qi Sword, which is getting more and more powerful. Even dust can be hit." The pressure on the ground is so great and the speed is unprecedented." Lu Yunzhi ignored Fang Qingze and exclaimed: "That thing seems to be chaos." The Ghost Qi Sword did not dissipate, but just cut on the mass of black air. The headless man suddenly stood on the ground, raising his hands to hold the ghost energy sword tightly. Qu Xiangtian had his feet off the ground and his hands on the handle of the knife. The infinitely powerful ghost energy sword was actually clamped by the hands of Chaos. How can there be a chaotic evil spirit? And it is still so powerful. Chaos seems to be more violent than the chaos that appeared in the Zhongzheng lineage house back then. Behind the chaos, two wings composed of ghost energy appeared. The two wings supported the ground and the chaos twisted hard. The ghost energy sword actually turned the ghost energy sword and Qu Xiangtian who was holding the sword. Qu Xiangtian gritted his teeth. The ghost spirits on his body were gathering more and more. The light of the ghost energy sword was becoming more and more abundant. The black energy on the whole body of the sword was already gone. It was almost invisible, only a bunch of red light was left. Lu Yunzhi whispered: "Brother is collecting souls and purifying, and he is refreshing hundreds of red first-class evil spirits. If you don't control it well, the ghost energy knife will explode." "After hearing this, everyone was even more worried about Qu Xiangtian's situation. Qu Xiangtian gritted his teeth and stopped moving. It was obvious that he was struggling. He let out a low roar from his belly and could only resist Qu Xiangtian's Ghost Qi Knife. For a moment, everyone around him felt shocked. Although this fight was not as exciting as Tan Qing's, the overall strength was not lower than that of that duel. At this time, we were comparing the chaos controlled by Zhen Lingdan and Qu Xiangtian's own. The one who loses in cultivation will be seriously injured, fall to the ground, or die on the spot. It is no easier than the first game. Lu Yunzhi pointed at Zhen Lingdan and said: "It seems that this ghost is not his. You see, he controls it." It took a lot of effort and I didn¡¯t dare to let the confusion"Fighting independently" is just like what Lu Yunzhi said. Zhen Lingdan, the leader of the soul vein, was sweating profusely and sitting cross-legged, not daring to slack off at all. He was muttering something in his mouth and staring at Qu Xiangtian, who was fighting in the field. If he could at this time The action will definitely defeat Qu Xiangtian, who is holding the handle of the knife with both hands. Qu Xiangtian suddenly shouted loudly, and suddenly the ghost air knife suddenly turned from red to black, and it seemed to be a little broken. However, there was no panic on Qu Xiangtian's face, just a little bit. He was as nervous as a naughty boy seeing something new. Qu Xiangtian rarely used the Ghost Qi Knife, and he had never used the following trick because he had not yet encountered an opponent who asked him to use the Ghost Qi Knife. He will never give up unless he cuts the stone. Moreover, the ghost energy sword is difficult to control, so Qu Xiangtian has been using it with caution, and the new moves are even more dangerous. Although Qu Xiangtian's ghost energy sword appeared to be broken, it did not explode in an instant. It was composed of black ghost energy. The cracks on the blade were like suckers, tightly sucking Chaos's hands that clamped the Ghost Qi Knife. The Master of the Soul Vein's face turned pale and he quickly ordered Chaos to retreat, but it was too late. Chaos let out a heartbreaking sound in his belly. roar of lungs Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 79: The General Becomes a Demon The chaotic human-like arms blurred, and gradually the whole body also blurred. The two wings kept supporting the ground and pushed back to try to leave. However, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get rid of the suction of the ghost knife. I could only listen to the soul pulse. Master Zhen Lingdan groaned and then yelled: "No!" As soon as he finished speaking, Chaos was immediately sucked into the ghost air knife and swam away along the ghost air knife. He slowly walked to the handle of the knife and came out of Qu Xiangtian's hands. The intersection was divided into two strands, which spiraled up the arm and converged on Qu Xiangtian's body. Zhen Lingdan wailed: "You ate the chaos." But when Qu Xiangtian didn't answer, the chaos clamped the ghost knife. Qu Xiangtian naturally fell to the ground. At this time, Murong Yunfei said his first words since going up the mountain: "Yun Yi will save you, big brother. Look at your big brother." Everyone looked at Qu Xiangtian and only saw Qu Xiangtian. The livid complexion and Zhen Lingdan's complexion are actually almost the same. Zhen Lingdan is the master of the living lineage. The cultivation of the living lineage hurts the liver, so his complexion is livid. Qu Xiangtian is not. If you look closely, his face is livid, but there is something wrong with it. The difference does not seem to be pathological, but rather a sinister look, with a hint of blackness in it. Look at Qu Xiangtian's eyes, which are even more frightening. Although there is no change, the look in his eyes is clearly vicious and murderous. Zhen Lingdan clearly controls chaos. Somewhat unable to stand up, he staggered two steps and quickly used the ghost spirit to protect himself. Yu Qian held the soul-suppressing tower and formed a formation to wait for Zhen Ling Dan's life to be on the line. He could come out to rescue. I saw Qu Xiangtian's beard was furrowed and he looked at the living soul pulse master step by step. Approaching the living soul master, he quickly released the evil spirit beside him to stop Qu Xiangtian, but did not use the seven-star sword in his hand to form a ghost energy sword, but casually struck it away. Before Qu Xiangtian's hand could hit the evil spirit, he only heard a loud whistle. When Linton was stunned, everyone on both sides was shocked. Yu Qian hurriedly shouted: "General Qu, we are surrendering!" Before he could say the words "We surrender", Qu Xiangtian raised the seven-star sword. He did not attract ghosts to cast it on the sword. The sword seemed to be burning on its own. The flame-like bright red ghost aura lit up the faces of the people around him. At this time, Yu Qian finished the second half of his sentence: "Admit defeat." As he walked into the arena, he was about to stop him, but Qu Xiangtian roared and waved. The knife slashed at Zhen Lingdan, the leader of the living soul vein. The ghost spirit knife hadn't even gotten close to Zhen Lingdan. The evil spirits surrounding Zhen Lingdan didn't obey the command and fled in all directions. Suddenly, their souls were flying and emitted a sharp whistle. Yu Qian rushed forward with a lunge. Crossing his hands, he held something unknown in one hand and held up the soul-suppressing tower in the other, standing in front of Zhen Lingdan and colliding with the oncoming ghost sword. There was a dazzling light that stung people so hard that they couldn't open their eyes, followed by a roar. When everything subsided, he saw Yu Qian vomiting blood and kneeling on the ground, but still struggling to face the slashing of the Ghost Qi Sword. One blow was so powerful. Yu Qian suddenly broke into a cold sweat on his back. It was suspected to be the hit of Leopard's father. The young man rushed out of the ground, and a stream of water rushed up and hit Qu Xiangtian. Qu Xiangtian did not rush and waved the ghost knife. The water separated and not a drop touched his body. At this time, Shi Fang Shouted: "It's okay to come back to Xiangtian." Qu Xiangtian yelled again and didn't turn around. Suddenly, without looking behind him, he swung his pen behind him and slashed at the stone with the ghost air knife. The ghost air knife suddenly became longer and he was about to cut the stone with his eyes. The square split into two and there was a roar. Han Yueqiu was at the front using the Yin and Yang daggers to block Bai Yong. Behind him, he used Qi as a shield to resist Lu Yunzhi. At the back, he blocked the stone. The two swords made of Qi in front crossed and held the Ghost Qi knife. Fang Qingze The others quickly stepped back and pulled Shi Fang away, who was sitting in a wheelchair with his mouth open. Qu Xiangtian roared and the Ghost Qi Sword became even more angry. Bai Yong and Han Yueqiu fell to the ground one after another. Lu Yunzhi's Qi Sword also broke into pieces and quickly jumped back to the ground. A strong wind blew away Han Yueqiu and Bai Yong who had fallen to the ground. The ghost knife slashed them to the ground without hurting anyone, but a large crack opened in the ground. At this moment, a scorching flame hit the middle-aged man. Yu Qian hit Qu Xiangtian with the fire and shouted: "Lu Yunzhi, come and help Qu Xiangtian become a demon." Lu Yunzhi did not hesitate. He knew what it was to enter the devil and witchcraft to fuse ghosts and spirits into the body. If it failed, he would be possessed by the ghosts. When the body is occupied, the ghost and the human merge into one. There is no priority. Once possessed, the power is greatly increased. In the end, he dies in violent blood. During this period, his relatives are not recognized. Anyone who dares to stand in his way will become a dead soul. Lu Yunzhi and Leopard rushed towards the curve. Tian Baiyong and Han Yueqiu also got up and wiped the blood from the corners of their mouths, following closely behind. Although they didn't know why, they saw Lu Yunshang stepping forward and knew that Qu Xiangtian was determined to be an unstoppable trouble this time. The flames were swung away by the ghost knife. The beads also became chopped open, and water and fire merged to form a pile of white mist. "Quickly turn the steam into ice," Lu Yunzhi shouted at the middle-aged man, and saw the water vapor slowly and suddenly getting closer to Qu Xiangtian and forming an ice ball. Lu Yunzhi was firmly frozen toward the sky and was not slacking off. Yufeng stood high in the sky. Suddenly, several large swords were formed around him. But in his hand, a sword that was as big as an ordinary weapon appeared. If it weren't for that sword The same color as the air-bending sword, both red and black, and glowing white, no one would have thought that it was made of air. Bai Yong was slightly stunned when he saw it, but he also instantly realized that in the previous battle, whether it was a ghost spirit or a ghost energy The strongest swords can be obtained when the swords are gathered together, purified and formed. Airbending masters have always believed that the larger the airbending form, the better.Lu Yunzhi had a whimsical idea of ????purifying the qi controlled by the way of controlling qi, and formed the sword of suitable size in front of her. The middle-aged man jumped up to the leopard. The leopard shouted shyly: "Dad." The middle-aged man jumped up to the leopard. But the man grabbed the leopard and ran to the side, shouting: "Get away from the silly boy!" At the same time, the ice block that trapped Qu Xiangtian exploded and Qu Xiangtian swept away with his knife. He retreated, turned his Qi into a fist, and hit the Ghost Qi Knife straight away. Yu Qian also knocked on the soul-suppressing tower and rushed towards Qu Xiangtian. There was lightning and thunder in the sky. Two lightnings struck from the air, followed by several people surrounding Lu Yunzhi. A big sword also fell from the sky and stabbed Qu Xiangtian directly. Lu Yunzhi stood on the top of the wind, followed the lightning and the Qi sword, and rushed down. The purified Qi sword in his right hand also stabbed Qu Xiangtian straight. Qu Xiangtian looked up to the sky and laughed. As soon as the Ghost Qi Knife was swung, the surrounding area was filled with fiery red. It was airtight and watertight. Yu Qian was knocked out and his chest was injured by the Ghost Qi Knife. If it wasn't blocked by the Soul Resurrection Tower, he would have been cut in half. Bai Yong was even more knocked away. The leopard was so fast. After running wildly, he hugged Bai Yong Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 80: Joint Attack //// Lu Yunzhi¡¯s lightning, which was made from thunder, and the air sword which was made from air were all destroyed by the ghost air sword. Lu Yunzhi himself changed from holding the sword with one hand to using both hands to resist it. After being possessed by the demon, Qu Xiangtian screamed with the ghost energy knife in his hand, and the armor on his body shattered into pieces. His two strong and powerful arms became thicker, and his clothes were tightly stretched on his arms. As Qu Xiangtian moved, He shouted loudly and his clothes were burst. Black air surged on Qu Xiangtian's back. Two pairs of wings that looked like chaos emerged. The cold wind roared and the wings turned into sharp blades and slashed at Lu Yunzhi's head. The ground suddenly moved under his feet, and a stone pillar rose up to the sky, holding up Lu Yunzhi. At the same time, a huge hole appeared on the ground, and his feet disappeared. He was caught off guard and fell into a pit, and then the top of the pit sank into the sky. The moment he went down, the middle-aged man and Shi Fang exclaimed at the same time: "The art of earth control." However, Lu Yunzhi looked a little panicked and glanced at Shang Wan and Han Yueqiu who were approaching to help, and then looked at Yu Qian and others who were surrounding them. He said: "Everyone, don't be stunned. You can't trap him with earthbending skills. When he breaks through the cave and comes up to the surface, we will attack him together. Lu, please do one thing to everyone. Qu Xiangtian is my eldest brother. We intend to consume his body." Once he loses his resistance after absorbing the ghost energy, please be merciful and let my brother live." Lu Yunzhi said and bowed deeply to everyone, cupping his hands and fists. Yu Qian nodded and said, "Let's leave this matter as it is, and we can do our best. If it comes to a time when our lives are hanging by a thread, we can't help but don't blame the ground for shaking. Please be careful." As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a big hole in the ground. Although Qu Xiangtian was possessed by the devil, he did not escape from the hole like a fool. He popped up and waited for everyone's combined attack. He rotated the ghost energy knife in his hand in the hole, slashing the ground layer by layer. In an instant, the ground collapsed, forming a circular and larger pit. Everyone stood unsteadily. Lu Yunzhi used her heart to control the earth. Four stone pillars soared into the sky. The middle-aged man and the leopard jumped on one stone pillar respectively. Bai Yong and Han Yueqiu jumped on the other stone pillar together. Lu Yunzhi reached out to Shang Wan and took his hand. The two of them swayed for half a week. Yu Qian took the lead and jumped onto the stone pillar. Yu Qian glanced at the two of them with a look of surprise. The stone pillar stretched upwards. Yu Qian started a little late. The shaking ground made him weak under his feet and unable to jump up. The stone pillar rose higher and higher. It was too late to jump up. It was too late to call the ghosts to pull me. I found that there were no ghosts available in the Soul Suppression Tower. All the ghosts were scattered when the Soul Suppression Tower collided with the Ghost Qi Knife. The ghosts on my body were also exhausted by my own body protection just now. Just when Yu Qian was frightened, the ghostly sword emerged from the ground and stabbed straight at him. Yu Qian quickly used the soul-suppressing tower in his hand to block it. However, he saw two pairs of ghostly wings sprouting from the soil. Yu Qian used his other hand to strike away the hand. It was as if something collided with one wing, but there was another wing that was about to hit Yu Qian's head. Suddenly, a whirlwind rose from the ground and rolled up Yu Qian's sky. The wings that curved toward the sky brushed against the soles of Yu Qian's shoes and passed by. He cut off a layer of the sole as flatly as a sharp blade. If he had taken off a moment later, he would have thought that Yu Qian would have the same sole. Yu Qian looked to the side and saw a man standing next to him with sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes. His temples were slightly white. It was none other than Lu Yunzhi. Yu Qian said in astonishment: "Why did you save me?" Lu Yunzhi replied coldly: "Now is not the time to talk. This battle will not be easy to fight without you." The dust on the ground was flying, and he was holding a seven-star sword in his hand. The light formed a ghost energy sword, and a pair of ghost energy wings behind it were constantly sweeping around. Lu Yunzhi shouted: "Attack" The spring water above the ground surged, but it instantly turned into ice like a giant thorn. The middle-aged man didn't dare to use his heart and mind to operate, but he kept thinking about it. He flew down with the leopard, stretched out his paws, and jumped towards Qu Xiangtian from the stone pillar. Han Yueqiu and Shang Wang followed closely behind. Jumping down with their swords in hand, Bai Yong and Lu Yunzhi used the method of controlling Qi to hit Qu Xiangtian respectively. Lu Yunzhi also used the method of controlling thunder to strike down the sky. Lightning and thunder continued in the sky. Yu Qian found the right time to aim at Qu Xiangtian. The sky knocked on the soul-suppressing tower. The wings in front of Qu Xiangtian suddenly grew larger to protect his head. The ghost air knife in front of him was thrown to the ground by Qu Xiangtian. Qu Xiangtian stepped on the ghost air knife and the ice tips under his feet were smashed into pieces. Everyone worked together to attack Qu Xiangtian's wings. Qu Xiangtian's body was bent a little under the pressure and he gradually lowered his head. Everyone was overjoyed and thought they had restrained Qu Xiangtian, but they never thought that Qu Xiangtian raised his head and saw the ghost knife at his feet. The resentment surged, and the color was fiery red, like the sun that had just risen, emitting countless rays of fiery red light. Several fiery red rays first gathered in the center and then exploded toward the surroundings. Everyone's attacks took effect one after another, and they were rolled over by the powerful impact. Even Lu Yunzhi and Yu Qian were the same when they went out. When Murong Yunfei saw Qu Xiangtian's ferocious appearance, she couldn't help shouting in the crowd: "Xiangtian, wake up quickly." Qu Xiangtian was shocked when he heard this voice The murderous aura in his eyes had subsided a lot, and his eyes were full of confusion. When he thought about Murong Yunfei's voice, suddenly Qu Xiangtian's body started to tremble, and he held his head in his hands and kept shaking. The expression on his face was extremely painful. The wings on the back?? also gradually faded away. The Seven-Star Sword was still possessed by Qu Xiangtian, who was still on the ground and fell into thinking. He was familiar with Murong Yunfei's voice, but couldn't remember where he heard it. As soon as Murong Yunfei's voice came out, he changed to the song. With a trace of Xiangtian's nature, he glanced at the crowd in great pain. He understood that his body was occupied by chaos. So Qu Xiangtian took advantage of the moment of consciousness to shout: "Attack me quickly." Lu Yunzhi had not yet rushed out of the middle-aged man. But Yu Qian ran out and yelled: "Everyone, hurry up!" Sure enough, before he ran to Qu Xiangtian, he was possessed by the devil again. His body was controlled by the fusion of chaos and himself, and his two wings regained their original ghostly aura. With the appearance of firmly resisting the attacks of Yu Qian and the middle-aged man behind him, Qu Xiangtian calmly bent down to pick up the ghost energy sword placed on the ground, and clashed with the energy sword held by Lu Yunzhi who was running towards him. Suddenly Lu Yunzhi suddenly A gleaming hand stretched out from his body and reached out from under the sword to Qu Xiangtian's chest very quickly. Qu Xiangtian quickly wanted to step back, but Yu Qian and the middle-aged man blocked Qu Xiangtian from behind. I can't move towards the sky at all Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 81: The Fisherman¡¯s Benefits Qu Xiangtian's eyes widened, he finally calmed down, and then he fell straight to the ground. Lu Yunzhi hurriedly supported him, his body swayed, and a stream of blood flowed from his nose, which he thought was the art of heaven and earth and the way of controlling air just now. Sharing, the body can't bear it. Murong Yunfei, Fang Qingze and others then ran over and asked: "What happened to him?!" Lu Yunzhi pushed Qu Xiangtian onto Fang Qingze and said with a satisfied look: "Brother's life is saved. , the nightmare temporarily brought him into a dream." As he spoke, Lu Yunzhi and other combatants sat cross-legged on the ground. They all suffered injuries of varying severity and needed to heal their injuries as soon as possible. After a cup of tea, Yu Qian spoke: "Lu Yunzhi, you just saved my life, and I am very grateful. But the duel will continue, let's set it for tomorrow." Lu Yunzhi nodded, He smiled and said, "If you duel with me today, I won't have the energy to fight with you. Let's meet again tomorrow." After speaking, Lu Yunzhi stood up and left with everyone. Footsteps sounded on the mountain road, and a Ming army scout ran over with a shout, rushed in front of Yu Qian, clasped his fists and said, "Sir, the capital has fallen!" After hearing this, Lu Yunzhi froze and stopped. . Yu Qian opened his eyes wide, looked at Lu Yunzhi and said, "Lu Yunzhi, you don't keep your word!" Unexpectedly, Lu Yunzhi was also very surprised and replied, "They are not my soldiers!" Yu Qian was stunned. He hurriedly asked the scout: "Tell me in detail." The scout clasped his fists and replied: "Just now, some wandering soldiers suddenly appeared in the market. Those soldiers were holding weapons and wearing armor, but their eyes were dull. Sir, you ordered the entire army to leave the city. The patrolmen in the city thought they were deserters who were tired of fighting, so they wanted to stop them. Unexpectedly, they came and chopped them down. The streets and alleys were filled with such soldiers, and the capital fell. !" Yu Qian asked, thinking he was a rebel, but the scout replied in surprise: "About 100,000 soldiers!" Yu Qian blinked and repeated "100,000 soldiers and horses". Thinking about it, this must have been premeditated by someone. It was not Lu Yunzhi's army, nor his own deserters. Most of the sergeants were at the foot of the mountain, and no one had a hundred thousand troops to divide into the city. However, there has been no news of a large number of soldiers and horses gathering in the surrounding areas recently. Where did these 100,000 soldiers and horses come from? Even if the Oara and other northern Xinjiang ethnic groups came to attack, they should have entered Beijing from outside the city and would not suddenly appear in the city. Thinking of this, Yu Qian shouted softly: "Cheng Fangdong, Shang Wang, you two quickly go to the surrounding areas of the capital to investigate the details." Yu Qian looked back and clasped his fists at Lu Yunzhi and said: "Mr. Lu, can we just stop here!" Lu Yun Zhi nodded and said: "Okay, I also want to know who took advantage of the fishermen." At this time, Shang Wang shouted: "Cheng Fangdong, where did your kid go?!" Cheng Fangdong disappeared, and everyone remembered just now When they joined forces to attack Qu Xiangtian, Cheng Fangdong did not show up, but he did not think about it because the situation was critical. Yu Qian and Lu Yunzhi shouted in unison: "It can't be Cheng Fangdong, right?" The two did not discuss it, but just led everyone on both sides back to their camps. The Ming army took the lead, and the army turned back and headed for the capital, while Lu Yunzhi ordered to stay put Stay there and wait for the times to change. The middle-aged man did not follow Yu Qian back to the Ming army camp, but stayed with Leopard. Tan Qing was just knocked unconscious by the fire and water, but he got up after a while without any serious problems. Bai Yong was particularly excited. He held Tan Qing's hand and asked questions, worried about what was hidden in his body. On the other hand, Qu Xiangtian's situation is not so clear. The nightmare brought Qu Xiangtian into the dream, allowing Qu Xiangtian to enter the realm of his own self. If Qu Xiangtian can defeat chaos in the dream, he can regain his life. If he cannot Then the body will be taken over by chaos, and the two will merge into one and become possessed again. What the nightmare can do is to create some favorable conditions for Qu Xiangtian in the dream. What really needs a decisive battle is Qu Xiangtian himself. According to Lu Yunzhi, he was awake for a period of time after hearing Murong Yunfei's voice, which shows that Qu Xiangtian's mind is extremely stable, so defeating chaos is the key to victory. very likely to be. Even so, everyone still did not dare to neglect, and tied Qu Xiangtian's body with iron chains. Shi Fang also placed a five-color flag on Qu Xiangtian's chest, and ordered Lu Yunzhi and others to set up traps around Qu Xiangtian. Exorcisms were carried out to prevent Qu Xiangtian from becoming a demon again after waking up and causing casualties. Fang Qingze asked: "Third brother, you have nightmares in your body. Why have you not become a demon? But the elder brother will become a demon if he fuses with chaos. There are ghost witches who also put ghosts in their bodies, but they are also not possessed by demons. How on earth is this? Tell us all what happened." Lu Yunzhi thought for a while and replied: "Although I and Nightmare live and die together, in fact, we are just complementary to each other. In other words, I am me, he is him, and we are. There is no necessary connection between the two, but the nightmare lives in my body, so once I die, the nightmare will disappear, and if the nightmare is gone, it will not have much impact on me. " "As for the ghost you mentioned, second brother. Witchcraft is another kind of relationship. They can be said to be ghosts.The slave of ? or the container of ghosts. Of course, the container is not necessarily your own body, but can also be the sky, the earth, the plants and trees, etc. Usually ghost witches use the blood of living people or animals to worship ghosts. The ghosts and spirits fighting for them are like a favor to their subordinates. Therefore, the relationship between ghost witches and ghosts is not strong, and ghosts often encounter them. When you are a master, you run away from the battlefield. Masters among ghost witches such as Meng He and Qi Yan are much more advanced. Although they cannot escape the fate of needing to worship ghosts, they can establish a friendship with ghosts, as if the ghosts are their own. The pets raised generally change from passive to active, from worshiping to raising. In fact, these are all ghost and witchcraft that have deviated from the channel. The real ghost and witchcraft is just like the relationship between me and the nightmare. We are one body, a life and death contract, and we are like brothers. Of course, I am the subject. If I die, the nightmare will definitely die. Will die too. Rather than being like a ghost witch, even if the operator dies, the ghost can still survive. " Lu Yunzhi explained. The nightmare started chattering in Lu Yunzhi's ears at this moment: "If you dare to say that you are the subject again, I will not create dreams for your brother, and I will also occupy your body and make you possessed. Lu Yunzhi smiled bitterly and said softly: "Nightmare, hurry up and create a corresponding dream for big brother. I said you are mine and you are yours. Now is not the time to fool around." "The nightmare muttered a few more words before continuing to concentrate on controlling Qu Xiangtian's dream. (.)s Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 82: Grudges from Previous Generations At this time, the middle-aged man suddenly asked: "Lu Yunzhi, have you ever entered the soul-suppressing tower in the valley and seen the murals on the wall? Otherwise, how do you know the true path of ghost witches?" Lu Yunzhi quickly stood up and bowed with both hands: "My son-in-law pays homage to my father-in-law. Although I have been to the tower, I have not seen the so-called mural of the ghost witch Zhengtu, but I have heard it said, and I think it is true." The face of the young man changed. Although he was smiling, he said with some anxiety: "There are rules and we know the superiority of elders and younger ones. I am very happy to call my father-in-law. My dear son-in-law, who did you listen to?!" Lu Yunzhi I don¡¯t know whether to talk about it or not. When I met Xing Wen, I didn¡¯t want to mention it to outsiders. If Shi Fang hadn¡¯t been kind to Lu Yunzhi, Lu Yunzhi would not have mentioned it to Shi Fang. But after all, the man in front of him is Yingzi's uncle and Yingzi's father. He doesn't want to say it but can't deceive him. At this moment, he is a little embarrassed and doesn't know how to answer. However, Shi Fang came to the rescue and said, "It's not him. Don't worry." The middle-aged man nodded, no longer anxious and relieved, and stopped asking questions. Lu Yunzhi wondered in his heart, what he called who is he? Zhu Jianwen asked Lu Yunzhi: "We understand the matter between the ghost witch and you, but what about the old song." Lu Yunzhi replied: "I don't know much about the devil. Chaos completely takes over the nature and body of the elder brother, but the elder brother and chaos merge into one. In other words, the elder brother after becoming possessed is neither chaos nor himself. It is a new state, so it is called possessed. The strength of a person has greatly increased, you have all seen this, but he has also lost his nature. It is very scary to kill people without knowing them. Therefore, since ancient times, there have been no people who have become devils. I think most people who have become devils have accidentally fallen into the devil. There are two main reasons why the eldest brother became a demon. The first is that Chaos was sucked into the body without being tamed and without being worshiped by blood. Chaos resisted after entering the body, and the eldest brother suppressed it with his own nature, causing chaos and becoming a demon. The second is that this technique must be a well-thought-out move by the elder brother, but the elder brother has not tried it, or it is not mature yet, and he has not included enough talismans in the absorption to control the ghosts. However, the possessed person will eventually explode and die, or have seven orifices. He bleeds to death. It must be said that the elder brother can persist without any abnormality. There must be a mystery in the ghost sword. As for the mystery, we will have to wait until the elder brother wakes up. Please rest assured, elder brother is not a big problem. " Although Murong Yunfei looked very worried, she did not panic. She just made a Wanfu gift and said, "Sister-in-law, thank you very much, uncle." Shi Fang said at this time, "Just let me and Yunzhi take care of Xiangtian." , Yueqiu, please stay. Everyone else, please go out, Leopard, Fifth Senior Brother, please stay." After hearing what Shi Fang said, everyone must have known that he had something to say, and it was not convenient for everyone to listen, so they all bowed and left. Shi Fang said with a heavy expression: "Fifth Senior Brother, I heard the news about his death. Why did you suddenly show up today?" The middle-aged man laughed and said, "Why, Shi Fang, do you want me to die?" After saying two words The two hugged each other, and the middle-aged man asked passionately: "What's going on with your body?" Shi Fang didn't answer but asked instead: "Do you have to destroy the Zhongzheng lineage to be happy?" There was silence. After a long time, Shi Fang said: "Yunzhi, Yueqiu, let me introduce to you. This is your fifth uncle, Lu Jiugang." But the middle-aged man shook his head and said, "Lu Jiugang died a long time ago. I am Gang." "Zi." Leopard whispered "Daddy" with tears in his eyes. Lu Jiugang explained to Lu Yunzhi and Han Yueqiu, who were a little confused: "We ghost-eating tribe don't have surnames, so we either have a son or a code name, such as Dashan." , Fierce Wolf, will never be bound by a common surname." Shi Fang shouted at this time: "You are not a ghost-eater, you are a person from heaven and earth!" Lu Jiugang replied calmly: "No, I have left long ago. I am a member of the Zhongzheng lineage, and I have been a ghost eater all my life." Baozi asked in confusion, "Dad, what is going on with all this?" Lu Jiugang sighed and said, "I was once a disciple of the Zhongzheng lineage. At that time, I made good friends with my sixth junior brother Shi Fang and my senior brother Fengguren. Later, the three of us often traveled around the mountains and rivers, delivered messages to the master, maintained the security of the country, eliminated violence, and adjusted the conflicts between the different branches. We were happy and happy until that year, when I met Leopard's mother, Nightingale. " Leopard was shocked and his hands were shaking a little. Lu Yunzhi patted Leopard on the shoulder. Leopard nodded and continued to listen to his father. : "I fell in love with Nightingale, but Nightingale is a member of the ghost-eating tribe. The people of heaven and earth shamelessly call their tribe soul-eating beasts. My love with her was not ordered by my parents, without the words of a matchmaker, and without the blessing of my master. , despised by everyone in the world. The master was furious and asked me to kill Nightingale. I didn't obey the order, so I left the Zhongzheng lineage. I followed Nightingale and joined the ghost-eating tribe. Soaked in the potion day and night, slowly I?No different from other ghost-eating tribes. From that time on, I rarely used the spells I learned from the Zhongzheng lineage, but as you know, the Zhongzheng lineage learned a lot since I was a child, and I am not clumsy if I can perform five moves after the assessment. I continued to study the fighting methods of the Ghost Eaters, improving my strength and speed, and finally became the most powerful warrior among the Ghost Eaters in the manner of the Ghost Eaters. The tribe also let go of the grudge that I was once a member of the Heaven and Earth. And Nightingale's father, the leader of the Ghost-Eating Tribe at that time, gave me the important task of leading the tribe. " "I took on the role of the leader of the Ghost-eating Clan, and everything went smoothly until the year Nightingale's father passed away. We followed the tradition of the ghost-eating clan and hunted ghosts within a ten-mile radius to commemorate the deceased former clan leader. At that time, we were far in the northwest, but there were still many local people from heaven and earth. They did not agree with our search and had a quarrel with us. In the end, the incident escalated, and the two sides fought fiercely. Among the many people, we, the Ghost Eaters, killed a branch of the Heaven and Earth people. "Lu Jiugang recalled the past in his eyes. When he mentioned his senior brother Fenggu and his lover Nightingale, his expression was so peaceful. For a moment, he was no longer the brave and brave man just now, but just a person. Just an ordinary old man. Lu Jiugang fell into memories, and after a long time he continued: "Later, many branches of the people of heaven and earth united to attack us, and we had no choice but to migrate. I told the tribe that if there are more people than us, If there are twice as many people as heaven and earth to contend with, maybe we will perish. I lied about migrating in order to better counterattack. In fact, there is another point, that is, I do not want to be in the same room as the Zhongzheng people who came to support me. Although I had left the Zhongzheng lineage at that time, and I looked down upon and even hated the Master, I still considered myself a disciple of the Zhongzheng lineage and the leader of the Ghost-Eating Clan. I was conflicted in my heart. ¡± (.)s Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 83: The Art of Heaven and Earth Shi Fang said at this time: "I still don't know why Senior Brother left the Zhongzheng lineage at that time, and what happened later. Fifth Senior Brother, do you know the details?" Lu Jiugang nodded and said, "We were running back and forth. , Senior Brother Feng Gu found us. He showed me the Shuanglong Valley where we later settled. Senior Brother said that it was remote and very hidden and could not be found by ordinary people. Moreover, the destiny of the Ghost Eaters was different from that of ordinary people. It would be difficult for someone who was not an expert in guessing to predict the movements of the large group of ghost eaters. The leopard was still small at that time. The senior brother hugged him and left in a hurry. We searched all the way and finally found the valley that the senior brother mentioned. After investigation, I discovered the earth-bound spirit that my senior brother mentioned and found the way into the valley. We live and work peacefully there, but the other branches of the Heaven and Earth people refuse to let us go. They also saw me when the various branches passed the message. The top ten disciples of the Zhongzheng line were all admired by the disciples of all branches, and I was naturally no exception. So when they couldn't find me who became the leader of the Ghost Eater Clan. At that time, many people knew that I was a disciple of the Zhongzheng line. Under this situation, a total of ten branch lineage masters came to the Zhongzheng line to ask for punishment. The master was furious and ordered the disciples of the Zhongzheng line to arrest me. , Let me give you an explanation. Having said that, I also have a question, why didn't you, Fourth Brother and Lao Seven come with you at that time? "Shi Fang replied: "I was practicing the art of earth control in seclusion at that time. When I came out of seclusion, I found that things had changed. Master, he died without knowing why. The senior brother was gone, and the second and third senior brothers were also dead. I heard that he was killed by you. Senior brother and Lao Qi went crazy not long after you and Nightingale left, so naturally they couldn't hold on to the situation. That's why the three of us didn't follow Master to hunt you down together. I was depressed for a long time before I took up the banner of the Zhongzheng lineage again. , I have been doing palm veins since then, but why it got to this point, I don¡¯t know what happened during my retreat. "" Controlling gold, controlling wood, controlling earth, controlling wind, controlling thunder, controlling water. Fire control, the seven techniques of heaven and earth. You and I, the top seven disciples, all practice the same. Later, I learned to control water in the pulse, and later discovered the secret in the tower, and finally learned to control fire. I thought I was an extremely smart person, but after meeting my senior brother, I realized how low my understanding was. Today, Yun Zhi can control wind, thunder, and earth, and has also mastered the art of controlling air and the true art of ghost and witchcraft. I seem to see the shadow of my senior brother in him," Lu Jiugang said. Shi Fang nodded: "Yes, this child Yun Zhi is very smart, but I am the slowest in mastering the art of heaven and earth. Even our seventh junior brother at the time learned the art of wind control, but I still can't understand it. This I just studied in seclusion. Since the death of the master, you who have learned the art of heaven and earth have gone crazy, or disappeared. Besides, I only know the art of earth control, so I can't guide everyone's practice. Fortunately, I teach. After giving Yun Zhi the method, he understood the power of thunder and wind, otherwise I would really worry that the clan's power of heaven and earth would be lost in my hands. By the way, Yun Zhi, where did your earth control skills come from? " Lu Yun Zhi simply replied: "Xuwen County." As soon as this was said, Shi Fang stopped asking further questions. Although Lu Jiugang was confused, he didn't ask any more questions and said to Shi Fang: "Actually, it was a good thing that you were in seclusion at that time, otherwise you would have seen that tragedy. Master knows that I am good friends with senior brother and you. Listen to what you said today You were in seclusion, and the master must have judged that it was not your fault, so he questioned the elder brother. Although the elder brother was loyal, he never disobeyed the master's orders, so the master found me and used the ghost to lure me and Nightingale out. Valley, then angrily scolded me and kept beating me. Naturally, I didn't dare to resist, and was firmly suppressed by the two senior brothers. However, Nightingale was unwilling. At that time, I didn't understand why Master used his killing move on Nightingale. He released it. Nightingale was burned alive right in front of me during the fight. Today, as I grow older, I understand. I was extremely sad, and at that time I learned the art of firebending in the tower, so I fought hard. "Get up, master killed my wife in such a cruel way. I only had one idea at that time, which was to let master also taste the taste of being burned alive." "You are treasonous!" "Am I being treasonous? Chu Tianyang is a bastard. He is not worthy of being my master, let alone the leader of the Zhongzheng lineage." Lu Jiugang shouted, "This man has no ability, and he likes to put on a stinky air every day." Although he is a hypocrite, he is really a villain. His gold and jade are ruined on the outside. I can crush him to ashes but I don¡¯t understand the hatred in my heart. He has no ability himself and wants to accept Yao Guangxiao as a man of heaven and earth. Do you know the conspiracy? ? You don't know! As a result, Yao Guangxiao made nine bells to prevent us from telling the emperor's fate, and under his leadership, the Zhongzheng line became the lackeys of the royal family! Frankly speaking, although he seems to be noble, he is actually useless and can only flatter people. At first, he was trying to eliminate violence and harm the people, but later he helped the emperor suppress bandits and quell the chaos.?Is this what we humans in heaven and earth should do? If it hadn't been for the big brother's efforts to stop him, Chu Tianyang might have become an official in the court. " "Fifth Senior Brother, please don't call Master by his first name. Shi Fang said angrily. Lu Jiugang shook his head and said, "Master's name is Chu Tianyang. That's what people call him by his name. There's nothing you can call him by. I haven't seen Shi Fang for so many years. You are so loyal and filial." His nature has not changed. Lu Yunzhi saw that Shi Fang and Lu Jiugang were about to quarrel, so he quickly changed the subject, raised his hands and said, "May I ask my father-in-law, what happened after that?" Lu Jiugang pointed at Lu Yunzhi with a smile and said: "Look at your apprentice, he is different. He is indeed my good son-in-law. He looks gentle, dull and honest, but in fact he is full of bad ideas. Haha, Yunzhi, don't worry, let me ask first." A few questions for your master. " "Shi Fang, why are the fourth and seventh brothers crazy? Lu Jiugang asked. Shi Fang sighed and said: "The crime of killing is too serious. Both of them are kind-hearted. Every day when they close their eyes, they dream of blood-soaked scenes. Over time, they shut themselves up and finally went crazy. I will take over the Zhongzheng lineage." Soon after, they died. " "Then why is the killing so serious? " Lu Jiugang asked again. Shi Fang was speechless for a moment. He lowered his head and was silent for a long time before saying, "There will be casualties in suppressing the bandits. The master did something wrong, but you and I are his. Disciple, even if he has everything wrong with you, you should not kill the master, the second senior brother and the third senior brother. " Lu Jiugang shook his head and said: "I didn't kill him. ¡± (.)e Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 84: Instant Manslaughter Everyone was shocked after hearing Lu Jiugang's words. Could it be that the murderer was someone else? Just listen to Lu Jiugang continue to speak in a serious tone: "Although the fourth brother and the seventh brother have a normal relationship with me, I don't want them to go crazy. At least they are kind and upright. The cause of all this is our 'good master' Chu Tian Yang, he not only fought for fame and fortune, but also colluded with Zhu Di under the pretense of persuading Yao Guangxiao to quit political affairs. I only learned about these things later, and then he also flattered the next emperors Zhu Gaochi and Zhu Zhanji. If he was just infatuated with the power and status of the courtiers, that would be fine. He was also very concerned about his reputation in the world. He was a hypocrite who had done his homework. So when all the branches attacked me, he chose to kill me. If it weren't for the senior brother. If you stop him, maybe I will be killed by him. " "I look down on Master, and I still have some hatred in my heart. I hate why he doesn't accept the love between me and Nightingale, and I hate why he puts the brothers in pain for his own selfish desires. I hated his sanctimonious and hypocritical appearance, but this was all hatred caused by disgust, so when he hit me, I didn't resist or fight back. After all, he was my master, but I thought he was only for other branches. When I fought with demons and burned the nightingale alive with my respect, the slight hatred turned into hatred. I made a vow at that time that as long as I could still breathe, I would definitely kill my master. Chu Tianyang, and destroyed this Zhongzheng lineage that seemed to be a free world but was actually heavily restrained." Lu Jiugang said angrily, Bao Zi was also full of hatred, and today he finally learned the truth about his parents' death. Lu Jiugang told the end of this story: "At that time, Senior Brother, Second Senior Brother and Third Senior Brother came with Master. According to what you just said, you were in retreat while Fourth Senior Brother and Seventh Senior Brother were already unconscious. I I think it was because of these reasons that Master didn't take them there. The second brother and the third brother worked together to restrain me. Master once again sent the evil spirit Fu Dou to burn me to death. Senior Brother Feng Guren begged Master but failed. The attempt failed, and the master and two senior brothers were killed in an instant. The senior brother was so regretful that he cut off his arms on the spot and disappeared without a trace. But I saw that my beloved Nightingale had turned into charcoal. She gave birth to a boy and a girl. Leopard was less than ten years old, and Yingzi was just one month old. We were supposed to enjoy family happiness as a family of four, but now we are indeed human beings and ghosts. I couldn't accept the blow for a moment, and I ran madly and fell into the cliff. I completely lost my memory. I estimate that I may have used the fire-bending technique to burn Chu Tianyang's body to ashes. Maybe a senior brother's body was also burned, so Leopard and our tribe were only on the ground when they collected the body from me. You found two burnt corpses and mistakenly thought they were your mother and me, right or wrong?" Leopard nodded, with tears in his eyes, but he did not cry out. His broad body bore the impact of the sudden truth. Shi Fang asked in surprise: "Is this true? Is it the Senior Brother's doing?" Lu Jiugang nodded and said, "No matter how much hatred I have against the Zhongzheng lineage, you and I and the Senior Senior Brother are brothers and sisters. How could I blame my senior brother for the murder of my master? But the truth is, don¡¯t spread it to anyone else.¡± Shi Fang said, ¡°It has been so many years. Even if it is spread, who will still remember our master and me?¡± As for the senior brother, what kind of tricks did the senior brother use to kill the master and the two senior brothers instantly and unintentionally?" Lu Jiugang shook his head and said: "The senior brother didn't mean it, he just prevented the master from killing me and caused the subsequent results. , As for what moves he used, I really didn¡¯t see clearly. I know it¡¯s incredible, but it¡¯s true. When I heard Yunzhi mention the right way of ghost witchcraft just now, I thought it was because Yunzhi had met his senior brother. I'm so ashamed of my senior brother. If it weren't for me, he wouldn't have accidentally killed anyone, let alone cut off his arms." After Lu Yunzhi heard this, he finally understood what his master Shi Fang and his father-in-law Lu Jiugang had just said. Who is he? It is his master Bo Fenggu. How powerful is this person? According to Lu Jiugang, if there are evil spirits present, even if Chu Tianyang is not good enough, he will at least know one kind of heaven and earth art. At that time, except for his master, the remaining six disciples have all learned the clan art of heaven and earth, that is, He said that the two uncles who were going with him would do the same. It was unbelievable. The people of Fenggu could kill so many masters in an instant, and it was just an accidental killing. Thinking of this, Lu Yunzhi wanted to end the battle as soon as possible and rush to the high tower in the valley to find out. The Fenggu people discovered the tower and guided Lu Jiugang there. The Fenggu people may have discovered Yingmei's secret and hero's story, so why didn't Yingmei attack him? Shi Fang's words interrupted Lu Yunzhi's thoughts, and Shi Fang said to Lu Jiugang: "Didn't you lose your memory? Why did you appear in Yu Qian's camp to be our enemy again?" "I have been here since I lost my memory. Wandering, I was lucky not to die. It wasn¡¯t until more than a month ago that I suffered a head injury in a fight with a gangster and recovered my memory. Then I defected to Yu Qian and wanted to destroy Zhongzheng.?, I showed off my abilities and roughly talked about my hatred between Chu Tianyang and me. Naturally, Yu Qian was not in a position to ask in detail. But I later found out about Yingzi and Lu Yunzhi, so when I met Yunzhi's subordinate Bai Yong, I didn't kill him. It's just that this kid had some skills, and I accidentally scratched his face. Also, I didn¡¯t really want to use Tan Qing¡¯s trick of turning steam into ice. It was just to test Yun Zhi¡¯s skills. I knew a little bit about it when we fought that night. Today¡¯s fight is just I find that I am old and no longer a match for you young people. Yes, you did not disappoint me. Lu Jiugang said. Lu Yunzhi repeatedly raised his hands and fists and said, "Thank you, father-in-law, for showing mercy." Lu Jiugang smiled heartily, patted Lu Yunzhi on the shoulder, turned to Shi Fang and asked: "How did you get here these years?" " "What else can we do? You knew it at that time. When you were here, I accepted Cheng Fangdong, Han Yueqiu and Shang Wenwei as disciples. When I came out of seclusion, things were different and everything made me feel confused. So I became a member of the Zhongzheng lineage in a daze. Within half a year, Zhu Qizhen ascended the throne. I was forced to get involved in the palace. From then on, I accepted more disciples. As I got older, the last disciple I accepted was Yunzhi, and these years just flew by. "Shi Fang replied. (.)e Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 85: Friendship is Appearing Lu Jiugang asked: "Then why are you paralyzed?" Shi Fang sighed, shook his head and said with a bitter smile: "It's hard to explain in words." Everyone talked for a while, and then went back to camp, leaving only Lu Yunzhi to look after Qu Xiangtian. At midnight, Fang Qingze and Murong Yunfei also walked into the tent and waited for Qu Xiangtian together. In the tent, Bai Yong stroked the linen on his face and sighed softly, when he saw Tan Qing holding a jar of wine and wandering into his tent. Tan Qing heard Bai Yong's sigh and walked over and said, "Why do you, a grown man, sigh all day long? Come and have a drink and tell me what's bothering you." After that, Tan Qing took it out of his arms. Pour wine into two bowls respectively, Bai Yong drank it all in one gulp, then took the bowl of wine that Tan Qing had not yet drank, and swallowed it in one gulp, saying: "You are in good health, don't drink." Tan Qing smiled. When she smiled, she no longer had the charm and enchantment of the past. Instead, she was as sweet and lovely as the girl next door, but she was reluctant to give up. She raised her pink fist and lightly hit Bai Yong and said: "Really mother-in-law, I won't drink until I drink." How are you recovering from your injuries?" Bai Yong replied with a wry smile: "What else can I do? My face is a little itchy. I heard that it was scratched by the nails formed by the ghost energy. I guess it was Zhang Bu. Well, even if you deal with the injury properly, it will leave blood-red marks in the future. " "Why do you, a grown man, pay so much attention to appearance? What men focus on is the true nature of a hero. I think you are very brave because you look too delicate. Only with a few scars can I be worthy of you. Besides, losing to that person is nothing, don¡¯t worry, am I losing too?" Tan Qing comforted Bai Yong and said. Bai Yong looked at Tan Qing with a hint of gratitude. His mood improved and he poured another bowl of wine and drank it. Then he said: "What do girls know? You lost, but it doesn't matter that you are a woman. Besides, you lose." She's pretty, but I'm not. I, Bai Yong, can't lose." "Okay, okay, stop talking about it and hurt your little self-esteem again." Tan Qing teased. Then, the two of them burst out laughing, slapping each other in a group of laughter and yelling, showing no distinction between men and women and no regard for any restraints of etiquette. The next day, Yu Qian sent Yang Shan to deliver the letter. Yang Shan was still in high spirits. Lu Yunzhi and others came to receive him, leaving Murong Yunfei to take care of Qu Xiangtian, and reminded Murong Yunfei to report quickly if anything happened to Qu Xiangtian. , never handle it without permission. After entering the account, he said to Lu Yunzhi: "Yu Qian sent me to make peace this time, and asked you and the generals to go for a drink between the two armies." Lu Yunzhi nodded and said: "Master Yang, please reply to Yu Qian, We will definitely arrive, but we have to ask him to come to Hongluo Mountain and lead the army. By the way, does Mr. Yang know who occupied the capital? " "It should be Cheng Fangdong, when Yu Qianxuan came to my account this morning. I vaguely heard him mutter something from the tent, which seemed to be about Cheng Fangdong." Yang Shan said. Zhu Jianwen said: "Where did this bastard get so many soldiers and horses?" Lu Yunzhi frowned, shook his head and said: "I don't know this. We will find out when we go to talk to him tomorrow. "Bai Yong, you and Guang Liang are leading the Chinese army to prevent fraud. If we can't reach an agreement, there will be a fierce battle between the two armies, and then you and Guang Liang will attack in a big way." "Old Qin," Lu Yunzhi said to Qin Rufeng, "You are stationed on Hongluo Mountain with 10,000 Qingqi. If the two armies fight, you can use the terrain to charge down. Do you think so?" Qin Rufeng nodded and said gruffly. He said: "Lu Yunzhi, you are no longer the nerd you used to be. Now you are not only proficient in poetry, lyrics and songs, but you also know how to march and fight. You are really amazing." "What fight? Why are you fighting Yu Qian again? "How can you miss me?" Qu Xiangtian's voice sounded from outside the tent, and then a big hand opened the curtain, and Qu Xiangtian walked in, his voice was as loud as a bell, and his hero had no courage. Change. Murong Yunfei followed behind, with a look of joy on her face. Lu Yunzhi and Fang Qingze called out softly: "Brother." Qu Xiangtian nodded, glanced at everyone, first bowed to Shi Fang and said: "Master." Then his eyes stayed on Lu Jiugang, and Leopard hurriedly came out. He said: "General Qu, are you okay? Let me introduce you, this is my father." Qu Xiangtian then calmed down his murderous eyes, bowed to Lu Jiugang and said, "Greetings, senior " Shi Fang said: "Xiang Tian, ??are you okay? Who let you go? Yun Fei, you did it too. You didn't even say a word when Xiang Tian woke up, and even the iron rope was broken. It's solved. What should I do if the demonic nature is not eliminated?" Qu Xiangtian grinned and clasped his fists and said, "Master Qi, I can't blame Yun Fei for this. When I woke up, Yun Fei was going out to ask people to fetch water. , I broke away from the iron rope. As for the formation, I only saw the ghost-expelling formation and Master's five-color flag." Fang Qingze said, "But there are ghosts hiding and guarding beside the ghost-expelling formation. Didn't you notice, brother? "Qu Xiangtian looked confused, but Murong Yunfei said: "I entered the big tentAt this time, I found that Xiang Tian had woken up, and all the surrounding formations had been destroyed. I really didn't know what was going on. " "No matter what, I'm fine anyway. I've sealed Chaos in my body. It's strange to say that I sealed it in my dream. " Qu Xiangtian said. Everyone smiled slightly and looked at Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi briefly told about the nightmare. Qu Xiangtian had not heard it in such detail before due to various reasons. Today, he heard Lu Yunzhi Having said that, he hurriedly asked: "Then this nightmare will do no harm to you if it remains in your body, third brother. ¡± Friendship is known in life and death. When Qu Xiangtian heard about the nightmare, he also knew the reason why he sealed the chaos in the dream. He was not eager to know his situation. Instead, he asked about Lu Yunzhi¡¯s situation first and showed his sincere concern. They are indeed true brothers. Everyone could not help but secretly say hello to Qu Xiangtian, the eldest brother. Lu Yunzhi was also deeply moved and said hurriedly: "Brother, I'm fine. Let me see the evil spirit of chaos in your body." . But Qu Xiangtian laughed and said, "No, no, no, we'll talk about it later. Let's talk about what you were talking about just now." After Fang Qingze elaborated, Qu Xiangtian nodded and said, "Well, just follow the third brother's formation." Speaking of which, although Yu Qian is our great enemy, the traitor Cheng Fangdong is even more hateful, and we must not let him reap the benefits. " Several people discussed some details and asked Yang Shan to go and reply to the letter. In the evening, Yu Qian led his army to the foot of Hongluo Mountain again. Fortunately, Hongluo Mountain is not far from the capital, otherwise running back and forth would be tiring. The horse was exhausted. That night, Yang Shan came again to convey the news, and the two sides decided to hold negotiations in front of the formation at noon the next day. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 86: Extremely Embarrassed At noon, in the formation of the two armies, Yu Qian personally went out to welcome Lu Yunzhi and others into the temporary tent. There were already several people waiting in the tent, including the current emperor Zhu Qiyu. Zhu Qizhen did not have any guards with him. When he saw Lu Yunzhi coming, he hurriedly stepped forward and called out: "Mr. Lu." However, seeing that Lu Yunzhi did not look at him, Zhu Qiyu quickly changed his words and said: "Brother Yun, Yun." You are here, I miss you so much." Lu Yunzhi replied coldly: "Sir? No, Yunzhi?" He walked to the seat in the tent. Everyone filed in, only Zhu Jianwen smiled at Zhu Qiyu, which solved the embarrassing situation of Zhu Qiyu being ignored. Yu Qian smiled and said: "Brother Lu, I am really honored that you can come to meet me." Lu Yunzhi nodded and replied with a smile: "Master Yu, there is no need to be polite, what happened in the capital?" "Cheng Fangdong?" Take advantage of our duel to capture the capital," Yu Qian said with a heavy tone. Qu Xiangtian asked: "Then where did he get the 100,000 troops, and how did he arrive near the capital quietly and quickly enter the city." These 100,000 soldiers and horses should have entered the city through multiple tunnels." Zhu Jianwen stood up and said, "Are you kidding me? How many tunnels would there be? Even if there are enough soldiers taking turns to dig tunnels, it will still take several years to dig from nearby towns to the capital. "Shang Wang said with some sinisterness: "But those people just don't have time. No matter how tired they are, they are all living dead!? Everyone said in unison, some were shocked and some were confused. Fang Qingze asked: "What are the living dead?" Shi Fang said: "The living dead are people made from corpses like puppets. They are walking corpses, but they can maintain the skills they had in life. It's just that the living dead need a controller, otherwise The corpse itself does not know the convenience of eating, etc., and the body will rot soon. It is said that the secret technique of the living dead comes from a mysterious tribe. The witch doctors of this tribe are very evil, and the living dead are very powerful in combat. If they are not broken into pieces, they will be broken into pieces. They raised ashes and moved forward bravely without fear of being hurt by swords, because the living dead had no consciousness at all. For money, this tribe began to deliberately kill people to become living dead. Therefore, ancestor Xing Wen destroyed this tribe, wiped out many cults, and burned those evil spirits. The essence of the brutal magic book was discarded, and the Danding line was formed. Therefore, the art of the living dead has been lost for a long time. How could Cheng Fangdong know this lost medical skill? " Yu Qian smiled and praised: " Sir, you are indeed well-informed." Lu Yunzhi frowned and said three words: "Wang Yulu." Everyone was shocked. Wang Yulu was of the same lineage and good at medicine. That day everyone discovered that Cheng Fangdong had defected. Ji was surprised that Wang Yulu was among them. No one knew what Wang Yulu was thinking and why he defected. Then Wang Yulu did not join the chasing team like Cheng Fangdong. Even in this battle between the two armies, Wang Yulu did not appear, as if he had evaporated from the world. In this case, it is very likely that Wang Yulu created these living dead. The Master of the Life Pulse lowered his head and said: "I know Wang Yulu, and I have met him once or twice. He followed Cheng Fangdong to discuss things with us. What impressed me most was the smell of elixirs all over his body. But the art of the living dead We need to use corpses as a medium, where will the corpses of a hundred thousand troops come from?" Everyone was lost in thought. Fang Qingze suddenly shouted: "I know!" Everyone turned to look at Fang Qingze, and Fang Qingze said with a look of sudden realization: "After we escaped that day, I sent someone secretly to the Zhongzheng lineage's house. He was supposed to die for us. The brothers collected the bodies, but the bodies were missing. This is one of the reasons why I thought of it just now. Do you still remember that after the battle of Tumu Fort, when a few of us rushed to Tumu Fort, we only found the body of Senior Brother Du Hai. The corpses of other fellow disciples were missing. We thought they were mixed in among the many corpses and did not search carefully. The military urgently rushed back to the capital to report support. Later, because of the large number of dead people, the entire army was almost destroyed. We didn't touch the corpses lightly, we just subtracted the number of people who escaped from the total number of expeditions to arrive at the conclusion of the number of dead. Finally, when our two armies fought on the battlefield in Shandong, many corpses were stolen for unknown reasons. I think this situation happened not only on the side of King Qin's army, but also on the Ming army led by the leader of the soul vein. The repeated incidents about corpses gave me an inference, that is, these are the things. The corpses were all made into living dead by Wang Yulu. "Zhen Lingdan, the leader of the living souls, nodded and said, "It is true that there are cases of corpses being lost in our army. If it weren't for the long time it would take to make the living dead. , the steps are also extremely cumbersome. Perhaps the bodies of the soldiers on both sides during the decisive battle in Beijing City will also be stolen and turned into living dead. This Cheng Fangdong has really been planning for a long time with good intentions." "Everyone is happy.Wow, Lu Yunzhi stood up and spread his hands slightly. Everyone slowly became quiet. Lu Yunzhi asked, "What do you mean, Lord Yu, that we should stop here so that you can concentrate on fighting Cheng Fangdong?" Yu Qian shook his head. He replied: "No, I want to join forces with you to defeat Cheng Fangdong." Fang Qingze shouted and stood up: "Don't even think about it. You destroyed our Zhongzheng lineage and killed us. We haven't found anyone yet." How can I help you when you settle the score?" Yu Qian said sarcastically: "A fool's opinion, I dare to ask Cheng Fangdong, who can stop us if one hundred thousand living dead come out? If we don't cooperate, we will be destroyed separately. In the end, Cheng Fangdong will be killed. But Fang Qingze retorted: "If the capital is occupied, the Ming Dynasty will lose its prestige. I guess a person like you who claims to be a loyal minister will not agree. If we sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, if you fight, both sides will lose, and you will win." Isn't it ours? Sir, if you want to use Cheng Fangdong to provoke us to send troops, don't think about it." "Master of the Lifeline, how would it be if the Ming army fought against Cheng Fangdong's living dead?" Qu Xiangtian suddenly asked Xiang Zhen. Ling Dan. Zhen Lingdan lowered his head and thought about it before saying: "It's less than 30%. The living dead are tireless and ignore the pain. It's not easy for ordinary soldiers to fight three against one. We don't have much food and grass now, and we don't have enough ammunition. We don't have enough long-range weapons like you, so we have to fight hand to hand." It is very difficult to win, so if you are lucky, you only have a 30% chance of winning. ¡± (.)e Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 87: Transfer of Military Power Qu Xiangtian nodded slightly, then turned to Lu Yunzhi and said, "What do you think, third brother." Lu Yunzhi whispered a few words in Qu Xiangtian's ear, and then talked to Zhu Jianwen, Fang Qingze and others After saying a few words, he finally walked to Shi Fang and whispered in the same ear. Then he turned to Qian and said, "Master Yu, we are willing to help you. Let's talk about the conditions." Yu Qian breathed a sigh of relief, and Zhu Qiyu even more so. Be happy and smile. Yu Qian hurriedly stood up, bowed deeply to Shi Fang, Lu Yunzhi and others and said, "Thank you for disregarding the previous grudges. I would like to express my gratitude to someone here. If there are any conditions, we can discuss them slowly." Lu Yunzhi After listening to Yu Qian's words, he cupped his hands and said: "Master Yu, there is no need to be polite, and there is no rush. Let's go back to camp and discuss it first, and then come back to discuss it in an hour." Yu Qian said with a smile: "That's natural, gentlemen, Generals, please." Yu Qian personally opened the curtain and sent Lu Yunzhi and others out. Zhu Qiyu followed him all the way. When Lu Yunzhi and others left, Yu Qian, Zhu Qiyu and others quickly returned to the camp to avoid encounters. Injured by a hidden arrow. Fang Qingze returned to his military camp tent and muttered: "Brother, third brother, why are you discussing with that guy? Wouldn't it be better to watch Cheng Fangdong destroy him? It's better to let them fight to the death, and we will reap the benefits. " Qu Xiangtian smiled and said: "Second brother, we have always thought so, but we must agree to Yu Qian's conditions for three reasons. First, strategically, if Cheng Fangdong quickly kills Yu Qian, or Yu Qian. If the army is defeated like a mountain, then Cheng Fangdong will have a large number of prisoners, and after a little training, he will be able to fight. Then the force will be far superior to ours. The worse outcome is that if Yu Qian fails to form an alliance with us and joins forces with Cheng Fangdong, then our The situation is very bad. Even if neither of the two outcomes I'm talking about happen, and Yu Qian gives up the capital in frustration and leads his army to conquer the world, then the next situation will be more complicated, with so many problems. The living dead sergeant is really difficult to deal with. " Lu Yunzhi continued: "Secondly, Cheng Fangdong is a traitor of our Zhongzheng line. Although Yu Qian is hateful, Cheng Fangdong deserves to be killed. Besides, even if we and Yu Qian don't have Cheng Fangdong's intervention, The war situation is also tense. If we can negotiate this time, it will be of great benefit to us. " "I'll interrupt, even if we join forces with Yu Qian, do you have any way to deal with Cheng Fangdong's army of the living dead?" Said after seeing and hearing. Lu Yunzhi nodded and said: "I must have a plan for this matter. Don't worry too much about what I have heard. We will maximize our profits through Cheng Fangdong's incident. This will be beneficial to us without any harm." Lu Yunzhi said He looked at Fang Qingze. Fang Qingze was stunned and understood, and nodded in response to Lu Yunzhi. "Let me tell you about the third one. Our Zhongzheng lineage has always been opposed to this evil and crooked way, so naturally we have to destroy the living dead. Moreover, in this way, we also avoid the sin of continuing to massacre ordinary soldiers. I hereby give an order, if You must not be merciful when you encounter a disciple of the Zhongzheng lineage who has become a living dead. Once the living dead flow into the people, especially the living dead made by the people of heaven and earth, there will be endless troubles." Shi Fang said. Everyone discussed the details, made some preparations, and returned to the big tent between the two armies an hour later. Yu Qian and others had been waiting there for a long time, but there was one more person in the group, the Supreme Emperor. Zhu Qizhen. When Lu Yunzhi and others saw Zhu Qizhen, they felt a little admiration for Qian. Everyone knew that Yu Qian came out of town this time and only took away the family members of important officials to join the army, but Zhu Qiyu's confidants were seriously troubled by him. Brother Zhu Qizhen and Yu Qian must have encountered many obstacles, but they insisted on taking them with them to accompany the army, so that they could meet everyone at this time. Although Yu Qian was vicious, he was indeed a loyal minister. At that time, he was worried that Lu Yunzhi and others would act as bait and sent troops to raid the capital. In order to capture the thieves first, he set up an empty city. He was worried that Zhu Qizhen's capture and humiliation would be against the dignity of the country, so he ignored it. Those who opposed taking Zhu Qizhen out of the city with the army. Bringing Zhu Qizhen to the big account now is just to use Zhu Qizhen as a bargaining chip to mortgage to Lu Yunzhi and others. Lu Yunzhi smiled at Zhu Qizhen, clasping his fists and cupping his hands, and said, "It's been good these days." Looking at Zhu Qizhen, he couldn't be called good. He looked down and out, and his skin was rough and dark, not like the emperor. Zhu Qizhen raised his eyes tiredly. When he saw that it was Lu Yunzhi greeting him, a flash of light suddenly appeared in his eyes, but a rare smile appeared on his face: "Mr. Lu." Yu Qian and Zhu Qiyu turned around when they saw it I was shocked and thought to myself: Are Zhu Qizhen and Lu Yunzhi familiar with each other? But Lu Yunzhi said: "How is Queen Qian? How is Zhu Jianjun?" With tears in his eyes, Zhu Qizhen said, "Everything is fine, but I haven't seen Jun'er for a year." Lu Yunzhi reached out to pat him. After patting Zhu Qizhen on the shoulder, he turned and walked towards Yu Qian. This unusually intimate move not only shocked Yu Qian and others, but also made Shi Fang and others a little confused. Therefore, Lu Yunzhi paid the most attention to etiquette, and patting on the shoulder was not only for the elders but also for the elders. It's something that close friends can only do in private.What did Lu Yunzhi mean when he patted Zhu Qizhen on the shoulder in front of a large audience? Zhu Qizhen was not angry. He had long since lost the airs of the Supreme Emperor. Ever since he was kicked out of the palace by Zhu Qiyu and forced into Nangong, he had lived like a prisoner every day. Even the eunuchs and imperial guards who guarded him would treat him harshly. Hu Xiaoxiao. Anyone who was even remotely close to him would be beheaded in public. At this moment, Lu Yunzhi was guarding everyone who dared to pat him on the shoulder. It really reflected a sense of intimacy, just like the intimacy of a friend, and the hope of survival in his heart was rekindled. , because Mr. Lu is back and he has a backbone. Zhu Qizhen was full of confidence that Lu Yunzhi was able to save him from the care of Wala and return to the capital, and that he would also free himself from this prisoner-like life in Nangong in the future. Yu Qian cleared his throat at this moment, brought everyone's thoughts back to the topic, and said: "Generals, please tell me your conditions." Qu Xiangtian raised his voice and said: "First of all, we want the military power of the three battalions. " "This is a bit difficult. The three major camps are the main force of our Ming army. If we give all the military power to you, there will be no cooperation. It is better to say that we submit to you. So we will not accept this condition. So be it. What do you think of General Qu taking charge of the three thousand battalion or half of the fifth army battalion?" Yu Qian said. Zhu Jianwen snorted coldly: "Master Yu, it is said that you have been working on some kind of regiment camp system. It is nothing more than to facilitate the dispatch of the three major battalions and dilute the average strength into various local armies, thereby improving the overall strength of the Ming army. So in addition to The Shenji Camp is still the Shenji Camp of the past, and the rest has long existed in name only. If it is not to be handed over in full, then we might as well not talk about it. ¡± (.)e Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 88: Intrigue Zhu Jianwen provoked Yu Qian with his words, and the atmosphere of the peace talks instantly became a little tense. Both parties were silent, waiting for the other party to speak first. "Let's do this. Mr. Yu will hand over the soldiers and horses of Shenji Camp and the original fifth military camp to my elder brother." Lu Yunzhi said to save the siege. Seeing that Yu Qian wanted to speak, he quickly stopped him and continued, "Master Yu, listen to me first. You are a loyal minister, and you are nothing more than protecting your family and country. We accept new soldiers. After we defeat Cheng Fangdong together, I make the following promises: First, I will never change my surname and become the king. The country will still have the Zhu family to sit. We will definitely resist foreign enemies and prevent foreign invasion. Thirdly, we will stabilize the country and calm the turbulent situation, and the people will be freed from the disaster of war. With these three points listed, can you safely hand over the military power? " Yu Qian thought. After a while, he looked at Zhu Qiyu and said: "This matter can be done as you say, but in addition to your existing troops and the troops we just handed over, the Japanese army and the Nanjing Ministry of War army as well as the border defenders are being prepared in various places. You are not allowed to interfere." Yu Qian reached out and gave Lu Yunzhi a high-five as he spoke. Yu Qian said again: "What other conditions do you have?" Fang Qingze raised his voice and said: "The Ministry of Household Affairs will be handed over to me. In the appointment of officials, cabinet ministers and officials from the Ministry of Personnel are not allowed to participate. Even Zhu Qiyu and your Excellency Yu are not allowed to participate." "You can't get involved." "It's easy to say. Shopkeeper Fang is in charge of the household department. I, Yu Qian, have no objection. I can just issue laws that are beneficial to you, but you can't enrich your own pockets and empty the treasury. I wonder if Shopkeeper Fang can agree?" . Fang Qingze nodded and replied: "Don't worry, if I lead the national finance, I will make the Ming Dynasty rich and powerful." Zhu Jianwen also stood up and said: "The next condition is that my father, Zhu Qixiang, will be crowned king." As Minister of Gu Ming, once the prince appoints my father as his sub-father, and then confers Lu Yunzhi, Qu Xiangtian and I will be the three princes. " Zhu Qiyu was shocked when he heard this. It was unexpected, but it was not the worst result. I thought that Zhu Jianwen would put forward the conditions for restoring Zhu Qizhen as emperor. Compared with this suggestion, this suggestion was much better. If it was as I had guessed before, There is no guarantee that Yu Qian, a great loyal minister, will overthrow himself and allow his brother Zhu Qizhen to restore the Ming Dynasty. ¡°In fact, Zhu Jianwen¡¯s words may not seem excessive, but they contain murderous intent. Zhu Qiyu originally had a son named Zhu Jianji. Zhu Qiyu himself took over his brother's throne and became the most respected person in the Ninth Five-Year Plan. He couldn't let his son be a minister after his death. So in the third year of Jingtai, Zhu Qiyu deposed Zhu Jianjun, the crown prince of Zhu Qizhen, and replaced him with Zhu Qiyu. His son Zhu Jianji became the prince. But how could we have expected that in February of the following year, Zhu Jianji accidentally fell while playing, and died after ineffective treatment. At this time, Yu Qian was busy competing with Lu Yunzhi in a battle of wits and courage. The war between the two sides was about to break out. Yu Qian was also busy arranging meetings with Timur's Murong family, as well as Wala's assassination of Ye Xian and Meng He's coup. How could he have time to count Zhu Jianji? Fate, Zhu Qiyu's only son died due to this accident. Zhu Qiyu was furious, but he couldn't bear to be angry with Yu Qian, the pillar of the country, so he concealed the information and lied that Zhu Jianji's death was the result of poisoning by a eunuch and maid loyal to Zhu Qizhen. He wanted to find Zhu Qizhen to be buried with him, but was later stopped by Yu Qian. This matter will be settled. Although Zhu Qiyu was heartbroken, he was still young and could have another prince on the throne. But now Zhu Qiyu has no prince. According to what Zhu Jianwen said, appointing Zhu Qixian as Minister Gu Ming will determine the future direction of the Ming Dynasty. A hundred years after Zhu Qiyu, if Yu Qian loses power or dies of old age, Minister Gu Ming can even depose him. The emperor established others. Lu Yunzhi's previous agreement with Yu Qian was to ensure that the Ming Dynasty was ruled by the Zhu royal family. Zhu Qizhen, Zhu Qixiang, and Zhu Jianwen were both surnamed Zhu. When the time comes, let alone the restoration of Zhu Qizhen, even if Zhu Qixian or Zhu Jianwen were established. The emperor is also very possible. Secondly, although the Three Dukes are now in vain, they have a very high status. Once they become the Three Dukes, they will naturally have the right to speak in the court. Since ancient times, the Three Dukes are mostly qualified to obtain the title if they have contributed to the founding of the country or are ministers of the ZTE, or they have been unable to move because of the elders of several dynasties. Canonized again. As for Lu Yunzhi, Zhu Jianwen, and Qu Xiangtian, the three of them are young. If they were ranked among the three princes, even the cabinet ministers and six ministers would be powerless to do anything to them. Yu Qian was so smart that he naturally understood what Zhu Jianwen meant, so he replied: "My emperor has no heirs now, let alone a crown prince. How can he come to take care of his ministers? We will discuss this later. Most of the three princes are the founding heroes or the elderly. The old minister is appointed. The Ming Dynasty has not been destroyed, nor has it been defeated. There is no mention of the founding of the country, nor is it a resurgence. Besides, the three are relatively young, so it is inappropriate for us to let Shi Fang. Mr. Shi was the grand master among the three princes, and King Wu Zhu Qixian was renamed the king, which means to rule the vassal kings in the world. We will not mention that Zhu Jianwen is the eldest son of the vassal king for the moment. Brother Lu and General Qu suffered some grievances. Is it okay to be the third young master? "The third young master is the young master, young master, and young master." As a result, the level was lowered a lot. Yu Qian was the Shaobao above the court. Although he did not join the cabinet, he commanded six ministries and combined the strength of the court.?Naturally, he can stand shoulder to shoulder with Lu Yunzhi and Qu Xiangtian. And Zhu Qixiang's title of king is even more false. Although he is now the king of Wu, King Qin's army all obeys the orders of Zhu Qixian and his son. The kings of each vassal also obey the orders of the two fathers and sons. This king is nothing more than what the court gave him. It's just an honorable name. Shi Fang, on the other hand, is more rigid by nature. Sometimes he is a bit headstrong, loyal and filial, and coupled with his current physical inconvenience, even if he becomes a grand master, he will not be able to attend court every day, and it will be useless. Yu Qian's counterattack was really beautiful. Yu Qian originally thought that Lu Yunzhi and others would refute and refuse, but he saw Lu Yunzhi looking at Zhu Jianwen. Zhu Jianwen nodded slightly, and Lu Yunzhi said: "Then we have settled on this, the specific salary We will discuss other situations when we defeat Cheng Fangdong. Please ask the master of the soul vein to hand over the tiger talisman, and then let Bai Yong follow you to mobilize the troops to join our camp. " "Wait a minute," Yu Qian said suddenly, "Mr. Lu, although you and I just did it. A high-five as an oath, but you and I should we pledge something?" Lu Yunzhi looked at Yu Qian with her eyebrows concentrated. Yu Qian refused to let the two of them look at each other, but heard Shi Fang say: "It's up to me. Are you still worried about Shi Fang's reputation and character? If that doesn't work, you should be relieved if you keep Yue Qiu and me as hostages." Everyone was shocked. They were about to stop him but heard Yu Qian's words. He laughed loudly and said: "It is better to get Mr. Shi's promise than to get a thousand pieces of gold. Now that Mr. Shi has said it, how dare we keep you as a hostage? Doesn't this hurt the harmony? Master Zhenmai, please hand over the big seal and military talisman to General Qu, let them mobilize the army. Just now, Yu said something wrong in a moment of urgency. Please forgive me. ¡± (.)s Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 89: Setting the City on Fire Lu Yunzhi nodded and said: "From today on, there will be no grudges between the two of us. We must not be suspicious of each other or kill each other in the future. Do you have any objections?" No one in the tent suggested it, and the alliance began. Qu Xiangtian handed the military talisman seal to Bai Yong, and Bai Yong led a thousand light cavalry to mobilize the army. After half a day of tossing, the army safely arrived at the camp of Lu Yunzhi and others. Not to mention how good Qu Xiangtian is at leading his troops, even Guang Liang, Bai Yong, and Qin Rufeng are also unparalleled generals. Moreover, these tens of thousands of troops are the main force of the Ming army. After a few days, these tens of thousands of troops have completely adapted to Qu Xiang's army. Heaven's method of arranging troops. A few days later, Yu Qianqu went to the sky to join forces and led the army to approach the city of Beijing. As expected, there were densely packed garrison troops on top of the city. Their faces were bloodless and expressionless, and they did not say a word. They were indeed an army of dead men. . Qu Xiangtian suddenly raised his whip and pointed it at the top of the city wall and said, "Look, who is the man in the general's uniform on the top of the city wall?" Everyone looked up after hearing the sound. Isn't the man on top of the city wall Duan Yutang? Qu Xiangtian and other disciples who started later were guided by Duan Yutang in reading, literacy, dancing, writing, and calligraphy. Du Haiwen had Yutang in martial arts. At that time, everyone except Lu Yunzhi was a little afraid of this old-fashioned scholar. It's hard to say. If you can't recite it, you will be punished by copying the article a hundred times. While everyone was reminiscing, they heard Han Yueqiu whisper: "He has become a living dead, no one can show mercy." Fang Qingze raised his arms and shouted: "Let go!" More than ten artillery pieces were fired in unison, and the shells exploded on the city wall. , this was not an ordinary solid cannonball but a filled cannonball invented by Fang Qingze. Suddenly, limbs were broken on the city wall, and intestines and stomachs flew across the city wall. However, no one in the legion of the living dead evaded, they just looked at the army in front of them quietly. The city gate opened wide, and an army of ten thousand living dead rushed out. Except for the neighing of the horses under them, there was no sound of shouts from the knights. Fang Qingze ordered again: "Fire blunderbuss, and on the crossbows, the divine fire flying crows are ready." , let go!" The continuous fire commander made a series of loud noises, and the Shenji campfire commander was caught in the fire and kept shooting, but he could only kill the horses. The horses fell down in response. After the cavalry were thrown to the ground, they were still rushing towards the army without knowing the pain. Even if they were hit by the iron bullets fired by Huo Tong, they only paused briefly and could continue running. Relatively speaking, the crossbow is much more effective. Once the crossbow arrows are fired, the living dead are immediately pinned to the city wall and the ground. The living dead keep twisting their bodies but are unable to move for a while. The sacred fire crow soared into the sky, making a roar like fireworks, and then exploded in the sky. Fire oil spurted out from the belly of the crow-shaped model, burning with the sparks of the explosion. When it was poured on the living dead, it burned into a ball instantly. Countless divine fires flew up from the sky and covered the ground. The space between the front of the army formation and the city wall of Beijing suddenly turned into a sea of ??fire. In the sea of ??fire, there were still many living dead people whose whole bodies were burning with flames. They were rushing towards the army led by Qu Xiangtian without stopping. They turned into charcoal and fell to the ground before they could reach the army. At the same time, there were sergeants rolling kerosene barrels and logs around the capital, and igniting them, turning the surrounding area into a sea of ??fire and tightly surrounding the capital. Cheng Fangdong was speechless as he watched on the city wall. He didn't know why he wanted to besiege the city. If it was to trap the army of the living dead and exhaust the food and grass in the city, it would take several days of burning to see the effect. But according to this calculation, how much wood and kerosene would be needed? Ah, there must be another purpose. And at this moment, Cheng Fangdong suddenly felt the ground shaking. The houses in the east of the city exploded instantly. His living dead defenders were blown up into the sky, and then fell to pieces in pieces. Immediately afterwards, explosions occurred in the west and south of the city. The explosions continued one after another. Cheng Fangdong was a little scared because he didn't know why. Only then did he understand why the sea of ????fire outside the city was just to prevent him from escaping out of the city. The legion of living dead in the city instantly disintegrated, and countless people were blown to pieces. However, there were not many casualties among the people in the city. When Yu Qian led his army out of the city, many people had already left the city to escape. They were afraid of being threatened by war again, so they stayed behind. There are not many people in the capital in the city. After Lu Yunzhi asked Shi Fang for instructions, he decided to blow up the capital. The large amounts of gunpowder that Fang Qingze had buried in various shops in the city exploded at the same time, and the capital suddenly became a sea of ??fire. The ghosts that controlled the ignition were all set by Shang Wang. Now Lu Yunzhi and Yu Qian have formed an alliance, so Lu Yunzhi did not let Shang Wang be exposed in advance, but asked and learned the method of controlling those ghosts. Lu Yunzhi He used his determination to drive out ghosts and ignite gunpowder outside the city. Cheng Fangdong used the ghost spirit to protect himself and ran towards the palace. At this time, an explosion that shook the world occurred in the north of the city. The earth kept shaking, making people unsteady. The huge city of Beijing, the prosperous imperial capital, turned into a blazing bonfire at this moment, and the living dead were burned to ashes before they could fight. Yu Qian was stunned for a long time before asking: "Brother Lu, have you buried gunpowder in the city a long time ago?" Lu Yunzhi smiled evilly and nodded. Yu Qian knew his plan for the battle out of the city and accidentally shot him. Those who accidentally hit it are considered to have used it correctly, although Shi Fang strongly opposed it., but if Lu Yunzhi and others were pushed into a hurry, perhaps he and his Ming army officers would have been reduced to ashes like this legion of the living dead. The fire in the capital was extremely strong for two days and one night. After the fire in the city was extinguished, the alliance army marched into the capital in a mighty manner without wasting a single soldier. The surrounding houses were damaged and the ruins were charred black. Fang Qingze laughed loudly. He smiled and said: "Damn, the shops are all destroyed, I feel really sad." Zhu Jianwen said: "What are you afraid of? You can make money back soon. Look, this place is no different from the fire in Xuwen before." " Lu Yunzhi said: "No, Xuwen is a small city, and the fire was very strange. Everything in the city was burned to ashes, but that was not the case in Beijing. Most of them were signs of normal burning, at least. There are also broken trees and broken walls. You see, the palace has not been burned down, so everyone needs to be careful. There must be many living dead in the palace." Bai Yong led the airbenders to open the palace door, and there was indeed a person standing inside the palace door. There were dozens of living dead. Although the number was small, everyone was stunned. These living dead were exorcising ghosts and forming formations. If you look closely, they turned out to be disciples of the Zhongzheng lineage and many Mongolian ghosts and witches mixed in. Lu Yunzhi ordered: "The airbenders and I will go up to destroy them. We must not show mercy." After speaking, Lu Yunzhi turned to Yu Qian and said, "Master Yu, are you willing to play together?" Yu Qian knew that Lu Yunzhi Yun Zhi wanted to pull him into the battle. On the one hand, the strength would be greatly increased, and on the other hand, each other would be depleted. No one could take advantage, so Yu Qian raised his voice and said: "The people of heaven and earth who follow me will join me in the battle." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 90: Hostage in hand At this moment, a person walked out of the main hall quickly. The man was short and fat with a kind expression on his face. At first glance, he felt that he was very kind and amiable. This person was Cheng Fangdong, but his clothes and face His upper body was covered in black, and it seemed that the explosion just now had almost injured him. Cheng Fangdong was holding a person in his hand. The person was wearing a hood and his hands and feet were tightly tied. He was struggling and squirming. Cheng Fangdong walked quickly towards the crowd and shouted: "Wait a minute!" Cheng Fangdong walked away. The crowd was about ten steps away and threw the man they were holding to the ground. The man's head was covered and he only made a whining sound. It seemed that he was gagged. Cheng Fangdong knelt down and pulled off the man's hood, grabbed his hair and raised his head. Fang Qingze shouted: "It's Wu Hao." Yu Qian said angrily: "Cheng Fangdong, you are really good at stabbing me in the back. I never expected that you were rebelling against me behind my back. You are not If Wu Hao is missing, how could he be in your hands? "Haha, you believe what I say. It's such a big joke. How could I let Wu Hao be such a good bargaining chip, Mr. Yu?" It's a shame that you finally realized it quickly and didn't realize that I had betrayed you until you were about to lose your head. Shi Fang was so pitiful. In the end, he was paralyzed by me. It's pitiful, but poor people must be hateful. , What a retribution, what a retribution, hahaha." Speaking of this mileage, Fangdong laughed again. Wu Hao under him kept struggling. Cheng Fangdong glanced down at Wu Hao and stamped hard. Wu Hao immediately stopped struggling and rolled his eyes. Han Yueqiu said coldly: "Today I will let you pay for your disloyalty and unfilial piety with your life." As he said that, he was about to step forward for a fight, but he saw a ball of blue and coquettish flame suddenly ignited in Cheng Fangdong's hand, approaching Wu Hao Then he said viciously: "I will kill Wu Hao if anyone dares to come forward." Everyone stopped moving and heard Cheng Fangdong say again: "Han Yueqiu, please stop staring at me and want to kill me? You are not qualified yet." Shi Fang suddenly asked in a trembling voice: "Cheng Fangdong, how am I sorry for you, you want to betray me." Cheng Fangdong sneered and said: "Don't let me say it, I have never betrayed you, because I have never converted But you, every time I call you master, I have to shout in my heart 10,000 times, you bastard. Although I didn't end you, it's really nice to make you paralyzed. And you know. I don¡¯t know how your son Shi Wentian and your daughter-in-law Lin Qianru died, hahahaha, I feel good just thinking about it. I cut off my descendants for revenge, but I didn¡¯t expect that you would also end up in a situation where your family was ruined.¡± Shang Wan¡¯s body broke out after hearing Cheng Fangdong¡¯s words. Zhen, with a livid face, held the steel fork at his waist tightly with both hands, and looked around with some fear and uneasiness. Until his eyes met Lu Yunzhi, Lu Yunzhi nodded at Shang Wan, and Shang Wan let it go with a sigh of relief. holding the steel fork tightly with both hands. Although everyone knows that Shang Wang killed Shi Wentian and his wife, few people know the method used to kill them. Only Leopard Chao Xing and Fang Qingze know a little bit. Shi Fang only knew that his son and daughter-in-law were killed and Shi Yuting was missing, and he didn't know the details. At this moment, his face turned pale and he asked: "Tell me, how did he die!" Lu Yunzhi said hurriedly: "Arong, send me off. Master, get out of here." Arong walked quickly towards Shi Fang, about to push the wheelchair away, but Shi Fang shouted loudly: "Who dares to push me, I want to hear, I want to know how Wen Tian died." " Ah Rong, listen to the order!" Lu Yunzhi shouted. Ah Rong no longer hesitated and pushed Shi Fang to leave. Shi Fang hurriedly shouted: "Xiangtian, Yueqiu" but Han Yueqiu and Qu Xiangtian didn't. Moved, they knew that what Lu Yunzhi did was right, but they were also worried that Shi Fang couldn't bear the blow of reality. The wheelchair had been pushed a few steps by Ah Rong. Shi Fang gritted his teeth and muttered silently. He saw a pair of big hands protruding from the ground and pushed Ah Rong away. Then a wide and flat stone pillar held up the wheel that Shi Fang was riding on. The wheelchair, but the stone pillar suddenly broke as soon as it rose about a foot. Lu Yunzhi and others jumped forward to hold the wheelchair. Before they could move, they saw a figure holding the wheelchair and landing it firmly on the ground. , that figure is none other than Lu Jiugang. Yu Qian didn¡¯t know the details of Lu Jiugang, but when Lu Jiugang fought with Tan Qing, Shi Fang called Fifth Brother and Leopard called dad, but Yu Qian actually heard it. Yu Qian was a smart man, so when he saw Lu Jiugang among Lu Yunzhi and others again, he didn't ask any questions. Instead, he bowed his hand to Lu Jiugang. Lu Jiugang leaned over and said to Shi Fang in the wheelchair: "Old Liu, you are like this and you are still using earth-bending skills. This Cheng Fangdong certainly doesn't have anything good to say. Are you sure you can bear it mentally?" Shi Fang points After nodding his head and remaining silent, Lu Jiugang said, "Let your master stay here. It's his own choice." After hearing this, everyone couldn't stop them, but Cheng Fangdong still smiled evilly and said, "That's really him. Mom, that¡¯s touching, but I didn¡¯t remember you were Lu Jiugang until today. When I saw you that day, I thought about it for a long time and couldn¡¯t remember you.?Who are you? I just think you look familiar. You are dead, why are you still breathing? What are the bad words? They are very good. If you want to know how Shi Wentian and Lin Qianru died, you have to ask Chao Xing and Shang Wang. " Lu Jiugang snorted coldly and said: "You little bastard is not dead yet, how can I take the first step? What a fucking nonsense, let him go as soon as you finish the stinky fart, and then come and die! " Shi Fang turned back to Chao Xing and said calmly: "Master of Iron Sword Pulse, I have always heard that you are a fair and just hero, but I never thought that you would defect to Yu Qian. Fortunately, you woke up in time and knew that you are Yun. Uncle Zhi, today Shi will ask you without asking anyone else, how my sons Shi Wentian and Lin Qianru died! " Chao Xing was not good at words. After hearing Shi Fang's question, he just exhaled and said in a low voice: "Shi Wentian and Lin Qianru were besieged, and Lin Qianru was accidentally captured. Shi Wentian was worried about Lin Qianru's safety, and was anxious to be restrained by the disciples of the Five Chou lineage. Live, cut into pieces. I happened to arrive when Lin Qianru was humiliated. I couldn't bear to see her miserable condition and beheaded her. " Shi Fang was expressionless after hearing this, his hands were trembling slightly, he raised his arms with all his strength, cupped his fists at Chao Xing and said, "Master Xie Tiejianmai acted righteously. "Then without saying a word, Cheng Fangdong was disappointed and said sarcastically: "I didn't expect that Shi Fang, an old man like you, is quite capable of resisting. Why don't you let your apprentice kill Shang Wang for revenge? Forget it, I won't care if you don't care. I can't make the decision for you. But do you know why I betrayed you? Shi Fang, Lu Jiugang! Do you two little old men still remember that there was a man named Wang Xiong? ¡± (.)e Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 91: The Oath Spoken Lu Jiugang suddenly trembled and asked, "What is your relationship with Wang Xiong?" Cheng Fangdong shrugged and replied, "Although I don't want to admit that I have this father, I am Wang Jie, Wang Xiong's son!" Lu Yunzhi Look Lu Jiugang and Shi Fang walked out with surprised faces and said, "Okay, Cheng Fangdong, we don't want to hear your talk of revenge. You caught Wu Hao. Now if you let him go, I promise to let him go." You have a way to survive, and none of the living dead you control can be spared. " "That's right, I don't want to join forces with you and Yu Qian to become enemies, but I have a better suggestion, that is, the living dead cannot be spared. Come on, wouldn't it be nice for the three of us to be in charge of the government together?" Cheng Fangdong said with a sly smile. Yu Qian snorted coldly and said: "Brother Lu, if you can't do anything, let me do it. I have nothing to do with Wu Hao. Besides, I heard that Wu Hao has been expelled from the Zhongzheng lineage." Lu Yunzhi He hesitated slightly after hearing this, but then he heard Diao Shanshe's voice from the crowd: "Lu Yunzhi, absolutely no, Wu Hao is our brother, even if he is not a disciple of the same lineage, you can't give up on Wu Hao." " Lu Yunzhi paused after hearing this, stopped Yu Qian, and then said with a helpless look: "I'll just follow you Cheng Fangdong, let's talk about the details of sharing power, please let Wu go first." Cheng Fangdong mentioned Wu Hao and said to Lu Yunzhi: "Lu Yunzhi, swear, swear not to lie to me." Lu Yunzhi raised her finger to the sky and said: "If I lie to you, I will die alone and not have a good death." Cheng Fangdong nodded. , threw Wu Hao towards Lu Yunzhi, Lu Yunzhi immediately caught it, untied Wu Hao, pulled out the cloth stuffed in Wu Hao's mouth. Wu Hao took a deep breath, spat out the blood from Cheng Fangdong's kick and said, "Lu Yunzhi, it's not a pity for Wu Hao to die. Why did you agree to this bastard Cheng Fangdong for me?" Lu Yunzhi smiled with a smile. He called Dong De to come forward and led Wu Hao down, without answering Wu Hao's questions, and then looked at Cheng Fangdong with a kind face. Cheng Fangdong laughed and said, "Lu Yunzhi is indeed a loyal person. Let's go into the palace and talk about it." As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Yunzhi rushed out suddenly, and Yu Qian also rushed past from the other side. Come, Cheng Fangdong was shocked, jumped back and shouted: "How can you not keep your word!" Lu Yun's energy turned into two swords and stabbed Cheng Fangdong. Cheng Fangdong stepped back continuously, holding the blue fire in front of him. , the flames burned in front of him, but he never thought that there were two swords made of gas coming from behind him. Cheng Fangdong secretly said: "Damn it, you underestimate me." Thinking of the blue flames surrounding Cheng Fangdong The body was constantly spinning around, and Lu Yunzhi's Qi sword was actually swung away. Yu Qian waved his hand and slashed down. Nothing fell, but the blue flame spread out a gap. Cheng Fangdong dodged with a few bounces like a ball. He touched his abdomen, but was cut open with blood. It came out all at once but luckily it wasn't deep. A pair of hands behind Cheng Fangdong thrust into him with lightning speed. Cheng Fangdong was shocked and it was not just who it was. He quickly lowered his body. The hands passed close to his shoulders. Ten scratches were instantly opened on both shoulders. When I looked up, it was Lu Jiugang. At the same time, the living dead also moved and fought with the people who came up to surround them. Although the living dead are powerful, each living dead retains the skills they learned in life, and the most powerful among these living dead are the disciples of the original Zhongzheng lineage. If it is an ordinary branch, it may encounter such a group of living dead and will be defeated. , but the people in front of Qu Xiangtian are a group of elites, and this group of elites has become stronger and stronger in the flames of war and mutual confrontation. So within a short time, the living dead were separated completely and became incapable of action. Fang Qingze couldn't help crying, Zhu Jianwen and Qin Rufeng also closed their eyes tightly, while Qu Xiangtian stared angrily but gritted his teeth, because the living dead they killed just now were clearly disciples of the Zhongzheng lineage who had lived with him for many years. Cheng Fangdong shouted repeatedly. A huge blue flame appeared next to him and rushed towards Yu Qian. Yu Qian fought hard to chop it down with the invisible object in his hand. The blue flame bloomed like a flower after being chopped, and a group of bluer flames suddenly sprang out from it and circled, climbing up Yu Qian's arm very quickly. Yu Qian hurriedly retreated and slapped his arms repeatedly, but to no avail. The flames continued to spread upwards. Yu Qian hurriedly summoned ghosts to wrap around his arms, but the flames instantly burned away his clothes, and his skin gave off a burning smell. Yu Qian saw that the ghost could not extinguish the flame, and the fire burned bigger and bigger on his arm, spreading upward very quickly, so he hurriedly waved the unknown object in his hand. The ghost soul wrapped around Yu Qian's arm flew away, making whistles, and his own flesh was cut off. The cut flesh burned on the ground, turning into a pile of ashes in the blink of an eye. Lu Yunzhi saw the situation on Yu Qian's side with her peripheral vision, and also avoided the blue flames, and instead used the art of controlling air and controlling thunder to attack from a distance, but Cheng Fangdong's blue flames seemed to have infinite power. Generally, it can block lightning attacks.The slashing of the Qi Sword. Cheng Fangdong suddenly felt a scorching heat approaching him from behind. A wave of blue flames with his palm collided with a fiery red flame behind him. It was Lu Jiugang's fire control technique. Immediately after the heat wave hit, Cheng Fangdong took two steps back. His body was out of balance and struck by lightning. He twitched and fell to the ground. Han Yueqiu came to exorcise ghosts and quickly entangled Cheng Fangdong, but Cheng Fangdong took out a whip from his waist and hit the ghosts hard. The ghosts were firmly locked in a ball of red light and disappeared after a while. The whip glowed with red light, and several evil spirits were suddenly released to attack Yu Qian, Lu Yun, Lu Jiugang and others. Lu Jiugang shouted: "Everyone, retreat quickly. Yunzhi Yufeng cooperates with me. This is the Zimu Lock Whip, Wang Xiong's unique skill." As Lu Jiugang spoke, he saw a fountain pouring out of the ground, and it froze into pieces in a moment. It was a piece of ice blade with magic talismans engraved on it. It seemed that Lu Jiugang's water-bending skills had reached a state of perfection. Lu Yunzhi hummed, and used the wind control technique. A strong wind rose on the ground, but it did not fly sand or stones or even lift the skirts of other people's clothes. He just rolled up the ice knife and ran towards those red evil spirits. Just as the ice knife touched the evil spirits, they saw the evil spirits exploding one after another, sending out bursts of air waves. Only then did everyone realize that the mother-child chain whip could not only trap ghosts, but also summon evil spirits and make them concentrate their energy to explode. And disperse, perish together with the enemy. (.)e Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 92: Good Service When Cheng Fangdong saw that the situation was not good, he quickly got up from the ground and was about to run away. Suddenly he felt a dark wind coming from behind, and he ducked to the side, but it was too late. There was a big hole in his shoulder. Cheng Fangdong looked sideways and saw Yu Qian standing beside him with an expressionless face. A large piece of flesh had been shaved off from one arm, while the other hand seemed to be holding something, but its shape was missing. Cheng Fangdong's blood overflowed from the wound on his shoulder and stayed along the thing in Yu Qian's hand. The blood flowed down and hung on the thing. Only then did everyone vaguely see that the mysterious weapon Yu Qian was holding was a sword. , is a shadowless sword. Cheng Fangdong was still about to resist, and a ball of blue flame ignited in his hand, hitting the invisible shadowless sword in Yu Qian's hand. However, Yu Qian muttered two sentences silently, and the blue flame shot straight up through the shadowless sword in his hand. , burning on Cheng Fangdong's arms. Cheng Fangdong was shocked, his face turned pale, and he quickly lit a fire with his hand to fiddle with it. Yu Qian sneered and said, "Huh, brother Lu, don't try to sneak around. If you don't use all your strength, it's possible that you're going to let this fat guy escape." With that, he pulled out the Shadowless Sword from Cheng Fangdong's wound, and it was gone. Poured with blood, the Shadowless Sword turned invisible again. Yu Qian immediately kicked Cheng Fangdong in the abdomen, and Cheng Fangdong rolled out. Cheng Fangdong covered the wound on his shoulder and stood up leisurely again. Lu Yunzhi smiled and said to Qian: "Since Lord Yu has said so, we will be sorry for the injury suffered by Lord Yu if we don't fight hard." The transformed swords suddenly lined up beside Cheng Fangdong. There were forty or fifty swords in total. Cheng Fangdong summoned blue flames to surround his body for defense, and the sword made of energy control fell at the same time. Cheng Fangdong's blue fire suddenly shattered, and was not as resistant as before. Cheng Fangdong fell to the ground and kept panting. The sound was like the sound of wind from a broken bellows, roaring. There were also hundreds of new wounds on his body, and a large amount of blood was pouring out. Lu Yunzhi glanced at Lu Jiugang, the two smiled at each other, and then walked forward shoulder to shoulder with the besieging people. Yu Qian hated Cheng Fangdong very much. If it weren't for Cheng Fangdong, he might have defeated Lu Yunzhi in the duel and won. But then I thought about it, Lu Yunzhi had just sworn a poisonous oath to Cheng Fangdong but still took action. Will he abide by the original terms of his duel agreement? If he doesn't abide by it, even if he wins the duel with his life, what will happen to Lu Yunzhi and others? What's the use. Yu Qian was just thinking when he heard Cheng Fangdong fall to the ground, powerless, and cursed at the top of his lungs: "Lu Yunzhi, you don't keep your word, you swear like shit, are you not afraid that you really won't die a good death?" Lu Yunzhi? Yun Zhi smiled and replied: "Even if I don't die a good death, I will kill you, a traitor of the Zhongzheng lineage." Han Yueqiu stepped forward at this time, crossed the yin and yang daggers against Cheng Fangdong's neck, and looked at Leng Jun wanted to wipe his throat away. Cheng Fangdong shouted with a sinister smile on his face: "Shi Yuting, Lu Yunzhi, you don't want to see Shi Yuting anymore." Han Yueqiu stopped the yin and yang daggers in his hands that were about to be cut open, and the sharp daggers left two marks on Cheng Fangdong's neck. Bloodstains. "Yuting, where is Yuting?" Lu Yunzhi asked, and everyone was very worried after hearing this. Cheng Fangdong spurted a stream of blood from his mouth, but still laughed and said: "I fell into your trap once, will I suffer a loss again? Lu Yunzhi, let me go quickly, and take good care of me until I am in a good mood." Okay, I'll tell you the whereabouts of Shi Yuting." Lu Yunzhi's face twitched, then calmed down again, then he walked slowly to Cheng Fangdong, grabbed his collar and lifted him up from the ground. He looked at Lu Yunzhi with a smirk on his face, as if he was a winner. "Bai Yong, take Cheng Fangdong under custody, keep him under strict supervision, and serve him well every day until he tells you the whereabouts of your sister-in-law!" Lu Yunzhi said, staring at Cheng Fangdong with her eyes fixed on her. Bai Yong stepped forward, and Lu Yunzhi But he said as if he suddenly thought of something: "Wait a minute." Cheng Fangdong smiled evilly and said: "Why, are you awakened now? Let me tell you, as long as you treat me well, I will pay back. If you torture me severely, you will see if I am right. Say, let that little bitch die, ah" Before he finished speaking, Lu Yunzhi suddenly turned into a thin sword and stabbed Cheng Fangdong's hands, pierced it and then pulled it out. came out, and then several evil spirits emerged from Lu Yunzhi's sleeves and entered the wounds on Cheng Fangdong's hands. Cheng Fangdong's expression twisted, looking extremely painful, and he kept moaning. Lu Yun kicked up the mother-in-law lock whip that fell on the ground with her feet, caught it with her hands, formed it into a circle, put it in her arms, then left Cheng Fangdong still on the ground, and said to Bai Yong: "This is good, take it down." Well, you must be careful and don't let him play any tricks. By the way, Tan Qing, if you are fine, you can try the new poison you developed on him. " Bai Yong picked up Cheng Fangdong, and Cheng Fangdong yelled at Lu Yunzhi. But he ignored him, just waved his hand, and Bai Yong took Cheng Fangdong down. Han Yueqiu said at this moment: "Wang Yulu, youIf you don't get out yet, prepare to hide aside for as long as you want. " Wang Yulu walked out with a proud smile on her face, raised her head and faced everyone, and said without fear: "Kill me, I succeeded, so I am fearless. I became the legendary living dead. It's a pity that this access control technique will be lost again today. I control ten living dead, and ten living dead control hundreds, hundreds and thousands, thousands and thousands, haha, my medical skills are always the most superb, I am the King of Medicine, the Immortal of Medicines! " Shi Fang was pushed over by Arong and asked: "Wang Yulu, why did you betray me, leave the Zhongzheng lineage, and help that evil villain Cheng Fangdong. " Wang Yulu first cupped her hands and clasped her fists, then knelt down with her knees weak. After kowtowing to Shi Fang a few times, she said: "Master, my disciple Wang Yulu is ashamed of Master's teachings. It's just that I am addicted to medicine, and what I have studied Most of them are prohibited by the Zhongzheng lineage, so I helped Cheng Fangdong out of desperation. Only he can support me in researching some of your seemingly vicious medical skills. "Shi Fang nodded and said: "The prodigal son can't exchange for gold, and you can still respect the teacher. Master is very pleased. Today I ask you, do you regret it? " Everyone heard something between the lines. If Wang Yulu said that he regretted it, Shi Fang would forgive Wang Yulu, but Wang Yulu smiled and said: "I have no regrets. I have never sorry for the Zhongzheng people. I am Lu. Yun Zhi worked hard to heal your wounds, and I concocted medicines and refined elixirs for you. Have I ever poisoned you? Of course not, because not only am I a disciple of the Zhongzheng lineage, but I am also a doctor. It is my nature to treat illnesses and save people. ¡± (.)s Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 93: The Dust Has Settled "The Zhongzheng lineage blocked my path to research, so I had no choice but to leave. After I entered the Zhongzheng lineage, ever since I became obsessed with medicine and alchemy, I vowed to become a medicine fairy. If anyone blocks me, I don't have the courage to kill him. Who will die, but I will leave him. What evil magic is just a medical skill here, I just hope to understand the truth. Over the years, although I have developed many medicines that I dream of, More than half of my dream has been realized. Even if I die, it will not be a bad thing. It is better than living in ignorance for a lifetime. Therefore, Master, my disciple Wang Yulu is unfilial, but he does not regret it!" Wang Yulu said. Shi Fang sighed and said to Qu Xiangtian: "Then Wang Yulu will be left to your disposal. Although he has done a lot of harm to others, I hope you will be punished lightly." Lu Yunzhi's heart moved, and she suddenly called Dong De to her side. He whispered a few words in Dong De's ear, then clasped his hands and said to Shi Fang: "Master, let me take care of Wang Yulu." Shi Fang nodded tiredly: "It's up to you." Dong De stepped forward and tied him with a rope. Wang Yulu then took her hands down. Wang Yulu did not resist or panic. She just kept laughing and shouted: "Look up to the sky and laugh loudly and go out. How can we be from Penghao?" Lu Yunzhi smiled bitterly, He tore off a piece of cloth from his sleeve, walked over to Yu Qian and wrapped it around his arm, then took his other arm and walked side by side towards the outside of the city. Counting from the time when Lu Yunzhi was sent as an envoy to Wala to welcome Zhu Qi Town back to Fang Qingze and caused chaos in the northwest, and then to the salt merchants in various places who caused chaos, Zhu Jianwen summoned King Qin's army to suppress the bandits, and the beacon smoke ignited. Today, nearly five years have passed. The two forces led by Lu Yunzhi and Yu Qian have gone through successive struggles, but neither of them expected that in the end, Cheng Fangdong's interference led to the peace talks between the two parties and they both took power together. In the next six months, Fang Qingze showed his huge financial resources and crazy business acumen. The bombed houses in the capital were razed and rebuilt one after another. It was given to a wealthy family. The wealthy businessmen took out the land deeds as proof of their appearance and spent a lot of money to buy newly built houses. In this way, Fang Qingze could give the people a house to shelter from the wind and rain without losing money or making a profit. Because of this, ordinary people were grateful to Fang Qingze and spread word of mouth about Fang Da's righteous deeds. His business suddenly reached a peak. Everyone likes to go to his shop to buy things. Even if the shop is far away from the buyer and there happens to be a shop of the same type around them, the people will "go far away" without hesitation. Within the capital, there are new bricks and green tiles everywhere, and everything is brand new. With Fang Qingze¡¯s strong support, new shops have opened one after another like bamboo after the rain. Since ancient times, people have liked lively places. After the war, many residents of Beijing migrated back. Coupled with Fang Qingze's actions, the capital became more prosperous than before. Lu Yunzhi's house has been built, and it is more grand than the previous one. There are countless treasures in it, but it is not ostentatious. It looks more elegant with the hills and rivers of the southern garden style. However, Lu Yunzhi did not enjoy this house alone. Under his instruction, it became a new Zhongzheng lineage house, and Shi Fang passed on the position of the Zhongzheng lineage palm to Lu Yunzhi. After Lu Yunzhi gave up the offer to Han Yueqiu, Han Yueqiu naturally refused. After a dispute, Lu Yunzhi agreed "reluctantly". The grand ceremony for the inheritance of the master of the Zhongzheng branch was very lively. All civil and military officials were present. Emperor Zhu Qiyu was also drunk. Although the Supreme Emperor Zhu Qizhen was hidden among the crowd, he was surrounded by several Jinyi guards and Dongchang eunuchs. When he was under guard, he was still paying homage to Lu Yunzhi cup after cup. After all, Lu Yunzhi's arrival freed Zhu Qizhen from living in fear. From then on, Zhu Qizhen also had a backer. This feeling was really dumbfounding for a former emperor and now the Supreme Emperor. Needless to say, there were Bai Yong and others at the banquet. At the same time, there were also the master disciples of the heaven and earth people who had been invited by Dong Dechao, A Rong and the others to help out, but had done nothing. They were also useful at this moment. Drink and congratulate. Qu Xiangtian learned the lesson from his wedding night, ordered Qin Rufeng and Guang Liang to strictly guard the capital, and firmly controlled the army's guarding and vigilance outside the city. A few days later was the imperial court's conferment ceremony. Lu Yunzhi was named the Young Master, Qu Xiangtian was named the Young Master, and they were combined with Yu Qian's Shaobao to become the Third Young Master. Zhu Qixian was awarded the title of King Tong and rushed to the fiefdom. Jiujiang, and awarded Zhu Qixian a large fiefdom surrounded by Jingde, Anqing, Huangshi and Jiujiang Prefecture. Zhu Jianwen stayed in the capital as the crown prince to coordinate affairs among the vassal kings. The rest of the vassal kings were ordered by the king to return to their fiefdoms. They all received double salaries and double salaries in their fiefdoms. Their relatives and friends also obtained official and semi-official positions in various places, so they all smiled very brightly and led them to bring them there without any objection. Among King Qin's army, those soldiers who survived the war returned. Shi Fang was named Grand Master, but even so he never?It appeared in the court hall, let's not mention it for now. Although Zhu Qiyu was frightened, Yu Qian did not fall after all, and Yu Qian still had great power. He was useful in speaking among the officials in the court, and he did not relax his military power. In addition to dividing it among the In addition to the soldiers and horses of Qu Xiangtian's Shenji Camp and the original Fifth Army Camp, there are still many soldiers and horses in the newly added regiment camp system. In addition, the total number of normal recruitments has returned to about 100,000 in half a year. After being sent to various places and replacing the border guards, 50,000 people were left near the capital to defend the capital. Furthermore, Zhu Qiyu wanted to please Lu Yunzhi. He sent someone to send Lu Yunzhi a portion of the wine and food after he had eaten them, including gold, silver, jewels, beauties and singers. Needless to say, Lu Yunzhi did not accept these. But he also expressed his gratitude to Zhu Qiyu. The most important thing is that Lu Yunzhi never mentioned anything about restoration and reform. After some discussion, Qu Xiangtian and Murong Yunfei decided to return to Annan Kingdom to handle government affairs. They would wait until the political opponents were eliminated and the country was peaceful and the people were safe before returning to the Ming capital. Lu Yunzhi and others wanted to go to help, but Qu Xiangtian refused. He joked that Annan was a small country and had nothing to fear, so he took his troops and returned to Annan. Qu Xiangtian ordered Qin Rufeng and Guang Liang to stay and command the soldiers and horses of the original fifth army camp and the Shenji Battalion. He also ordered that they must obey Lu Yunzhi's dispatch. The military symbols could not be handed over to anyone except Qu Fanglu, three brothers and Zhu Jianwen. . Everything has settled and all the battles have calmed down, but no one has relaxed. They are all on guard against enemies that may attack at any time, and more often than not they are their own imaginary enemies. War and conspiracy destroyed those originally kind and peaceful hearts, and everyone became suspicious. Behind this seemingly peaceful scene, perhaps a more cruel struggle without the light of swords or shadows is waiting for everyone. (.)s Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 94: Nangong Visits In the Zhongzheng Yiline Hall, Lu Yunzhi sat high on the Grand Master's chair, and sitting side by side with him were Lu Jiugang and Bao Zi. Bai Yong asked in a somewhat depressed tone: "My lord, Qu Xiangtian is your eldest brother. If I give him I will accept being a deputy general. Who is this Qin Rufeng? Why should I be his deputy? " Lu Yunzhi smiled and said, "Be patient with Bai Yong for a moment. My eldest brother and I are family members, and so are you. My brother, and Qin Rufeng is the eldest brother's brother, so we are a family. There is no distinction between high and low in our own army. Have you had any conflicts with Qin Rufeng?" Bai Yong shook his head, and Lu Yunzhi said: "Let's do it this way. After the New Year, I will submit a letter asking for orders to recruit troops. You will be responsible for the new troops and horses. Besides, although you are the deputy general now, our original warriors and airbenders, as well as Leopard's ghost-eating tribe, are all It's up to you, Qin Rufeng is not allowed to interfere. I don't have any objections to Baozi leaving his clan to you, so just be patient for the time being." When Bai Yong saw what Lu Yunzhi said, he bowed his head and remained silent. Ah Rong clasped his fists and said, "What is the order from the Lord?" "Well, Arong, please go to Nanjing and pick up Yang Zhun's family to the capital. After the banquet in Nanjing, although all the family members of those officials have been released, , But Yang Zhun probably won¡¯t be able to survive there. He helped us back then and had a close relationship with me. Please come to the capital to help me. We also need to cultivate our own power in the DPRK. " Lu Yunzhi. Speaking of which, Ah Rong cupped his fists and stepped aside. Lu Yunzhi looked at Dong De and asked, "How are you doing at the Hubu?" Dong De smiled, pushed up his glasses on the bridge of his nose, and said, "It's okay, it's okay, but now the Hubu doesn't look like a six-bu yamen. It looks like a six-bu yamen." The business is average. Shopkeeper Fang has personally carried out major reforms, and the overall economy has improved a lot, and the emptiness in the national treasury has been completely filled. " "What about our own 'private treasury'?" Lu Yunzhi was very interested. Dong De laughed loudly: "There are so many, but I have opened many shops of my own. Whether the business is good or bad is just like that." Lu Jiugang said at this moment: "Xian son-in-law, Yingzi How are you doing with things over there?" Lu Yunzhi took a sip of tea on the table and said, "If Yingzi recovers naturally, the progress will be a bit slow. I have asked Tan Qing to become a distant relative of the Tang family. She and Yingzi have never met, so the two lives will not overlap and make Yingzi insane. Although Tan Qing is a Miao Gu girl, she is proficient in magic and medicine. We can't worry about this until she diagnoses Yingzi. "There's no need to rush." ??As he spoke, Lu Yunzhi stood up, clasped his fists at Lu Jiugang and said, "Father-in-law, I'm going out for a while. You go and chat with my master." Lu Jiugang said with a look of disdain. : "Go and do your work, I won't talk to that old antique Shi Fang. Hey, if it weren't for the fact that you are my son-in-law, I really want to kill the Zhongzheng lineage with my own hands, so I'll go out for a walk." Although he said this, Lu Jiugang walked out quickly and headed straight towards Shi Fang's room. Lu Yunzhi gave a bitter laugh and then called Leopard Bai Yong and others out of the house, came outside the house and got on a carriage. Ah Rong climbed onto a horse and rode alone. Dong De came out of a room, took two packages and handed one to Ah Rong. Ah Rong clasped his fists and said, "Lord, I'm going to Nanjing for business first." Lu Yunzhi followed. He lifted up the curtain on the carriage and said, "Slow down on the road. Go quickly and come back quickly. We must ensure the safety of Yang Zhun's family. You must also be careful and don't show off." Arong smiled and replied: "Don't worry, my lord. I'm not Bai Yong, I won't cause trouble." Bai Yong was combing the horse's mane. When he heard A Rong mocking him, he kicked him, but he saw that A Rong had already hit the horse and walked away, leaving only bursts of hearty laughter. . Bai Yong smiled and muttered: "Bad boy." Then he turned to look at Dong De and said: "Dong De and I will sit in the front and we will drive together, and let the lord and uncle sit in the back." Leopard smiled bitterly and said to his uncle. The title "Master" is non-committal. Following Bai Yong's shout, the carriage slowly started to move, and in about two cups of tea, it arrived in front of a yard. Bai Yong looked at the yard and the guard in front of the door, then spat on the ground and cursed: "Zhu Qiyu, this piece of shit, let his brother Zhu Qizhen live in Nangong, you can't imagine it." Standing at the door. The two guards were chatting. When they saw the carriage approaching, they all looked over. They heard Bai Yong's curse and looked sideways. Their vicious eyes combined with the curses in their mouths were simply vicious. But when the two people saw clearly that the person coming was Bai Yong, they couldn't help but trembled, and then said timidly: "General Bai, what kind of wind brought you here today." Dong De looked at it with a smirk on his face. Those two people, and two people got off the car immediately, namely Baozi and Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi nodded towards the two guards. The two guards swallowed their saliva and quickly opened the closed vermilion door with extremely respectful expressions. Walking into the gate, a middle-aged man was sitting in the yard, his face covered with frost.In a sign of desolation, there was a woman sitting next to him. The woman suddenly stood up, gave a Wanfu salute and said, "This is Mr. Lu." Lu Yunzhi cupped her hands and said, "Lu Yunzhi pays homage to the Queen." , She is in good health recently. "This woman is Queen Qian. She can no longer see her eyes and her legs are limping. She was unable to cure herself due to lack of medical treatment in Nangong. In the past six months, she has been treated by Lu Yun. The treatment has improved a bit, but it is even more difficult to recover. Zhu Qizhen stood up with a rare smile and patted the dirt on his buttocks. This action was not what the emperor should do, he was just like a farmer. But Zhu Qizhen didn't care. He punched Lu Yunzhi lightly and said, "You haven't been here for a while. Come and have a chat with me." After that, he took Lu Yunzhi's arm and walked into the house. After walking, several concubines came over to pour tea and water for Lu Yunzhi and others. Lu Yunzhi asked: "How have you been recently? Are you used to living here? Those guards haven't made things difficult for you anymore." Zhu Qizhen smiled slightly and said: "How can you come and go often? It's okay if they don't respect you." Ah. Although this house is not as good as the palace, Fang Qingze has taken great care. It is countless times better than the dilapidated Nangong before. Everything is fine, so you can rest assured. Have you visited Jun'er recently? " "No, I have arranged some studies for Zhu Jianjun recently. I haven't seen him for more than 20 days. I told you that I would go to Prince Yi's Mansion to see him and inspect his studies. "How's it going?" Lu Yunzhi said after taking a sip of tea, then waved his hand and Dong De brought a package and put it on the table. (.)s Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 95: Deposed as King Yi A beautiful woman standing next to Zhu Qizhen said, "May I ask Mr. Lu what Jun'er has learned?" The woman kept looking at Lu Yunzhi with a very charming look in her eyes. This person was Zhu Jianjun's biological mother Zhou. Shi. Lu Yunzhi smiled and replied: "It's just some things that need to be learned." There was some reluctance to say in his words, Zhu Qizhen said: "Talk too much, Brother Lu Xian can teach whatever he wants, and it won't hurt Jun'er. "Zhou stopped talking after hearing this, and Zhu Qizhen said again: "Brother Lu, I asked Jun'er to worship you as his teacher and recognize you as his father, so I won't cause you any trouble." "It doesn't matter," said Lu. Yun Zhi shook his head, unknotted the package on the table and said: "These are six kinds of fine autumn tea. I will call a few restaurant owners to bring you some dishes. Don't feel wronged here." I will hurt myself, otherwise I will feel even more guilty." Zhu Qizhen shook his head and replied: "It doesn't have to be like this. Although it is a little poorer here, it is still my hometown and there are vegetables to eat. It is better than on the grassland. Life was better, and eating beef and mutton every day was really unbearable. Besides, after you came back, I had enough food, clothing, and housing, except that I couldn't go out and was a bit uneasy. But Brother Lu, don't go to Zhu Qiyu for this matter. Ah, let him be the emperor in peace. If I go out, I'm afraid he will worry too much and cause trouble. I just want to live a peaceful life. " Lu Yunzhi said with a bitter smile: "Hey, It's really chilling to have sex in the same room, but then again, if all this hadn't happened, maybe you and I wouldn't be sitting here talking. However, I will let you get better gradually, no matter what method I use. , After all, I made a promise to you on the grassland, but you have suffered a lot since you came back, so I have made a mistake for the time being." Lu Yunzhi stood up as he spoke: "I'll go sit with Jun'er first. I'll come see you another day." He cupped his hands at Zhu Qizhen and saluted Qian. He didn't call her queen but said: "Sister-in-law, Yun Zhi is gone." Zhu Qizhen led her. Following Mrs. Qian, Mrs. Zhou and several concubines stood up to see them off. Bai Yong said to several eunuchs standing outside the house, "What did you hear just now?" Those eunuchs looked up and saw Bai Yong's fierce expression, and hurriedly replied: "Young one, I didn't see anything. I just felt unwell, dizzy, and couldn't see or hear." Bai Yong nodded and followed Lu Yunzhi out, but Leopard followed behind with a smile and said nothing. After hard use, it was time for some sweetness. Dong De conjured a gold ingot from his sleeve, threw it to the eunuchs and said: "Sensible, sensible, please go back and invite some father-in-laws to gather at the Eight Immortals Tower in the city. I can't attend and I'll give some tea money to the father-in-law." The eunuchs smiled happily, knowing in their hearts that Dong De's tea money was definitely not as simple as "tea money", and they couldn't help but start to think about how to spend this windfall. After Lu Yun and his entourage went out, they got on the carriage. Leopard laughed and said: "Lu Yunzhi, Lu Yunzhi, you are such a lovable boy. Look at that Mr. Zhou who has eyes full of peach blossoms for you. My sister is still sick. No, I can't come back to you, and you don't go to the brothels. It's hard for you to resist the flirtatious looks of these big girls and young wives." Lu Yunzhi suddenly blushed and said, "Leopard, you want to do it again. "Nonsense, how can you be of the same character as my second brother?" "My lord, I still have a bad face that can't be cured," Bai Yong asked while driving slowly. Dong De was happy and said: "You kid, don't push yourself too far. Look, there are only a few red marks left on your face. Although you are disfigured, it is not as scary as before. Tan Qing has not come back again, you Why are you suddenly so concerned about your appearance?" Bai Yong showed a smirk on his face. There was no distinction between superior and inferior among them, so he joked: "I also want to be like my lord and be favored by the imperial concubine. Me." Lu Yunzhi lightly kicked Bai Yong and said, "Don't make fun of me. That Zhou family is not a good person. That's why I respect Qian family but stay away from Zhou family. . Mr. Qian¡¯s true love for Zhu Qizhen is so touching. I¡¯m not a stubborn person, so I¡¯m naturally very moved. But this Mrs. Zhou makes me very bored, just like the one I¡¯m going to see soon. "The same as Wan Zhen'er." Leopard asked in confusion: "In that case, why did you accept Zhu Jianjun as your disciple and consider him as your adopted son? His biological mother is the Zhou family. Even if you do this with deep meaning, you You can ignore Zhou, this woman is insignificant." Lu Yunzhi shook his head and said, "No, although she is insignificant now, I will make her useful gradually. The most important thing is that this woman is helpful for control. , and he is still a villain. He would rather offend a gentleman than offend a villain. Let's wait and see and change." Several people sat on the carriage and soon arrived at the Prince of Yi's Mansion. Zhu Jianjun was deposed as the crown prince as early as the third year of Jingtai and was named Yi. The king was then driven out of the palace, built a small courtyard, and hung a plaque with the name of Prince Yi's Palace. From then on Zhu Jianjun was eliminatedThe poor salary of the young man had no other source of living. The eunuch who distributed the salary was in a bad mood, and perhaps even withheld a lot of money, which made Zhu Jianjun's life even more difficult. The pampered Zhu Jianjun had no other abilities, and he was still young and could not do any heavy work. No one dared to get close to the deposed crown prince. After the death of Zhu Qiyu's crown prince Zhu Jianji, no one dared to visit Zhu Jianjun, for fear that Being seen by the court eagle dog set him on fire. Zhu Jianjun's mother, Mrs. Zhou, was worried that she would be implicated, so she did not come to visit Zhu Jianjun. This really chilled the onlookers. Although Zhu Qizhen wanted to come, he was strictly guarded and could not leave Nangong. There is only one woman who accompanies Zhu Jianjun, and all the burden of life falls on this woman, she is Wan Zhen'er. Wan Zhen'er was born in Zhucheng, Qingzhou, Shandong. Her father Wan Gui was sent to Bazhou for breaking the law, while Wan Zhen'er was taken to the capital and sent to the palace as a maid. Soon the smart and sensible Wan Zhen'er won the favor of the eunuch in charge, who gave her a good job, that is, to serve the empress dowager, the mother-in-law and grandson of Emperor Zhu Qizhen. Several years passed like this, and Wan Zhen'er accompanied the Queen Mother Sun every day, and naturally became the Queen Mother Sun's confidant. But at this moment, the Tumu Fort Incident happened and Zhu Qizhen was captured. So the Queen Mother hurriedly made Zhu Jianjun the prince to prevent the throne from falling. At the same time, she sent her confidant Wan Zhen'er to Zhu Jianjun's side to take care of and protect Zhu Jianjun. , Zhu Jianjun and Wan Zhener have not been separated since then. (.)e Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 96: Secret Promise After Zhu Jianjun was kicked out of the palace, the eunuchs and maids who usually followed his orders left him one after another, and some even treated him coldly. Only Wan Zhen'er was still waiting for him as always, and Zhu Jianjun was particularly moved by this. Lu Yunzhi and others once discussed this matter. Bai Yong was full of praise for Wan Zhen'er, saying that she was a loyal person who never gave up when the Lord was in trouble. Lu Yunzhi laughed it off, and when everyone asked why, Lu Yunzhi said: Wan Zhen'er was a confidant of the Queen Mother Sun, and a die-hard loyalist of Zhu Qizhen, and had taken care of Zhu Jianjun for so many years. After Zhu Jianjun was kicked out of the palace, if Wan Zhen'er stayed with Zhu Jianjun, she could get a good reputation and save her life. Otherwise, she would be tortured to death in the palace. Even if she was not tortured to death, she would be ostracized. After all, Zhu Qiyu came to power as the new emperor. How can we allow the remnants of the old army to remain? In the end, Lu Yunzhi concluded: Only Xiang Baiyong, Dong De'arong and others who share the joys and sorrows with him are truly loyal and brave people, and those who are forced to have no choice but to never leave can only be regarded as heroes. If they are loyal, they are really somewhat loyal. If everyone doesn¡¯t believe the word humiliation, they will only have to wait until later to find out. In Lu Yunzhi's eyes, Wan Zhen'er was such a person, not good but not bad either. He was just a smart person, at least aware of current affairs. Since then, Wan Zhen'er has taken care of the young Zhu Jianjun and lived with him. Although life was difficult and became a thorn in Zhu Qiyu's side from time to time, she got through it just like that. When Yu Qian led his army out of the city, Zhu Qiyu originally wanted to leave the city without Zhu Jianjun, but thanks to the blessing of several ministers, he reluctantly took them out of the city. Later, the capital was burned to the ground. After returning to the capital, Qingze, under Lu Yunzhi's instructions, ordered people to build a nice house for Zhu Jianjun. The appearance was very ordinary, but the interior was really good. It was better than the previous living environment. How many. After Zhu Qizhen talked with Lu Yunzhi for a long time, he instructed Zhu Jianjun to worship Lu Yunzhi as his teacher, and even let him recognize Lu Yunzhi as his second father. From then on, he had no worries about food and clothing, and no longer had to worry about being killed. After all, Lu The sun is in the sky at this moment in Yunzhi, and it's good to enjoy the shade under the big tree. Lu Yunzhi and others walked into the courtyard, only to see a young man following a gray-haired old man who kept pumping his fists, and the two of them shouted loudly. When the two of them saw the crowd arriving, they couldn't help but stop. The young man cupped his hands and shouted, "Father." Lu Yunzhi nodded. Dong De took out a large food box from the car. When he opened the food box, he found that it was full of ice. There are two bowls of ice in the middle, with a delicate fragrance coming out of the bowls. Lu Yunzhi touched a bowl and handed it to the old man and said, "Uncle, thank you for your hard work." That man was Chao Xing. Although he was old, the muscles on his body showed no signs of slackening. At this moment, he was shirtless and laughed loudly. He smiled and said: "Yunzhi, you are interested. You know that I like to drink ice-cold sour plum soup." After speaking, he held a big bowl and drank it. Lu Yunzhi called the young man, Zhu Jianjun, to come and drink this good drink to relieve the heat. He himself sat aside and looked at the two of them with smiles in his eyes. After Chao Xing finished drinking, he wiped his mouth and said, "Yunzhi, you guys sit down first. Jun'er and I will finish this set of boxing first." Bai Yong smiled, looked at Zhu Jianjun, and said, "Kids, box well, practice." You have to practice your physical fitness first, otherwise you will be like your Uncle Dong, always out of breath." As Dong De and Bai Yong started to argue again, Leopard stretched himself and lay lazily in the yard. Under the tree, I squinted my eyes. "I'll go in first." Lu Yunzhi said and walked towards the house. A woman was half-lying on the bedside, taking a nap with her back to Lu Yunzhi, her white shoulders leaking out of her clothes. Although this woman's body was plump but not bloated, she had a unique sense of beauty, and her round buttocks were even more beautiful. It's very provocative. Lu Yunzhi coughed lightly, and the woman opened her eyes and slowly sat up. The moment she stood up, her clothes slipped another half inch. Lu Yunzhi hurriedly turned her head and opened the closed window, letting in the sunlight. Sprinkle down the window into the house. The woman stood up and said to Lu Yunzhi: "My little slave Wan Zhen'er pays homage to my father." Lu Yunzhi nodded, looked at Wan Zhen'er and said coldly: "Put your clothes on, what's wrong with seeing me like this?" Appropriate." After hearing what Lu Yunzhi said, Wan Zhen'er's face turned red and she quickly put on her clothes and went to make tea. However, Lu Yunzhi quickly stopped her and asked, "How is Jun'er doing lately?" "It's much better. Since you came, Jun'er has gained confidence in everything he does. He's not as panicked at the slightest noise as before. Make a ball." Wan Zhen'er looked at Lu Yunzhi's handsome face with a smile on her face, and then said: "My father is in good health." "Very good!" Lu Yunzhi is not. To put it bluntly, Wan Zhen'er and Lu Yunzhi are similar in age, and Lu Yunzhi looks like she is in her thirties when she gets older. Her handsomeness has not diminished at all, which adds to her stability. When Wan Zhen'er met Lu Yunzhi for the first time with Zhu Jianjun, she immediately secretly expressed her heart. She had never seen a man with such an iconic appearance. His cool and bookish air showed a hint of domineering, which was even more Wan Zhen'er was fascinated. When Wan Zhen was a child, she thought that it would not be an exaggeration to say that Lu Yun's appearance was better than that of Pan An. On the contrary, she felt a little wronged by Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi's temperament was better than the rumored one.The beautiful man Pan An is infinitely better. From then on, Wan Zhen'er secretly expressed her heart to Lu Yunzhi, who was always attentive to her when she saw him. Lu Yunzhi was already quite young, so he naturally knew what was going on, but remained calm and distant. Under such a hard-to-get attitude, Wan Zhen'er thought more about tea and food than food, and hoped that when Lu Yunzhi would come to visit Zhu Jianjun, she would also say a few words to herself. In fact, this can't be blamed on Wan Zhen'er's dissolute nature. Both of them are in their late thirties, and Lu Yunzhi has a handsome face and good temperament. Moreover, Wan Zhen'er has been guarding this young man Zhu Jianjun every day, and she has already fallen into disgrace. Mature, but unable to go out, she naturally yearns for spring and sees no reason not to be tempted by Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi thought about it and understood it. She just scolded Wan Zhen'er for her excessive behavior but was not angry. This gave Wan Zhen'er an illusion. Lu Yunzhi added: "Miss Wan, you must take good care of Jun'er's health. I will teach him a technique recently. If you are not in good health, you will not be able to practice it. Although your life is better now, you still have to It's far from the past. I will continue to improve your treatment. I will never forget how you took care of Jun'er. This is a great achievement." Wan Zhen'er nodded her head as she listened to Lu Yunzhi's words. But he never left Lu Yunzhi. "Of course, you have to take care of yourself, otherwise it would be a shame for you not to be able to enjoy the good times when they come." Lu Yunzhi said with a smile. (.)e Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 97: Infatuated Man Wan Zhen'er couldn't help but be very excited when she heard that Lu Yunzhi cared about her so much, but she didn't know that Lu Yunzhi just said it casually. Lu Yunzhi stood up and walked out the door, but Wan Zhen'er mustered up the courage to grab Lu Yunzhi's hand. Lu Yunzhi turned around and asked, "Miss Wan, what advice do you have?" Wan Zhen'er Her face was rosy, she lowered her head and lowered her eyelids. She hesitated for a long time before saying, "Father, please stay here for a while and talk to me. I don't see anyone else here, so it's very boring." Wan Zhen'er has been taking care of Zhu Jianjun, and Zhu Jianjun Called Aunt Wan, Lu Yunzhi was Zhu Jianjun's second father, but he held a high position of power. Naturally, Wan Zhen'er did not dare to address her as an equal, so she followed Zhu Jianjun in calling Lu Yunzhi "second father". Lu Yunzhi glanced at Wan Zhen'er's hand holding hers, and Wan Zhen'er couldn't help but let go timidly. She thought that Lu Yunzhi was an upright person and would be furious because of this, but she never thought that Lu Yunzhi would just smile and instead He sat down, then gently caressed Wan Zhen'er's hand, and asked her to sit aside and said, "Okay, I have nothing to do today, so I'll chat with you." Wan Zhen'er With a shy smile, she asked, "Where is Yafu from?" "My hometown is the northwest." Lu Yunzhi said. Wan Zhen'er said in surprise: "Then why do you speak in Mandarin with the flavor of Jiangnan and the mellowness of the capital, and your face is so delicate? I can't believe that you are from the northwest." Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and said: "Listen to the accent You seem to be from Shandong. I was lonely since I was a child and wandered to the capital. It can be considered that I grew up in the capital. I am naturally good at Mandarin. My Mandarin is Xiajiang Wuyin in the early Ming Dynasty, which was established by my great ancestor Zhu Yuanzhang. Zhu Di, the founder of the Ming Dynasty, moved the capital to Beijing, and gradually incorporated some local pronunciation, so what I am talking about is just Mandarin. The Jiangnan style and roundness are the characteristics of Mandarin. As for appearance, haha, that is my parents. Yes, I can't control it." When Wan Zhen'er saw Lu Yunzhi laughing, she also smiled and said, "Then how did you know that I am from Shandong?" Lu Yunzhi, Wan Zhen? He had found out all the details about his son, but at this moment he pretended not to know anything, deliberately lowered his head and said thoughtfully: "It's just the accent. If I were asked to explain it, I really don't know how to put it in words." "I really don't know. I am from Shandong, but my father was sent to Bazhou when I was young, and I was also sent to the capital and entered the palace. Hey, I didn¡¯t expect that the things in the palace were so complicated. How did I know that this gate is as deep as the sea? " Zhen'er sighed and told Lu Yunzhi everything about herself with a sad expression. While saying that, her tears couldn't stop flowing down, and her clothes were wet for a while. Lu Yunzhi couldn't interrupt, so he could only listen carefully. Seeing Wan Zhen'er's true feelings revealed, she couldn't help but be moved. Wan Zhen'er couldn't stop talking as soon as she started talking. After all, she couldn't talk about it in the palace, and she couldn't communicate with Zhu Jianjun, a boy nearly twenty years younger than her. Wan Zhen'er started talking quickly, and Lu Yunzhi got up and walked to Wan Zhen'er. Next to Zhen'er, Wan Zhen'er was handed a sweat towel. Wan Zhen'er nodded gratefully, then took it and wiped the tears beside her eyes, and then suddenly hugged Lu Yunzhi's waist. Lu Yunzhi stepped back and got out of the way. Wan Zhen'er hugged her empty and almost fell over. Her movements were a little awkward for a moment. Lu Yunzhi said hurriedly: "Miss Wan, please rest early. I'll come back another day." As she walked quickly towards the door, Wan Zhen'er whispered: "I have a humble status, but I fell in love with you at first sight. I don't want to be a wife or concubine, but am I not qualified to be a slave?" Wan Zhen'er said. She started crying again. Lu Yunzhi walked to the door without turning around, but said: "Miss Wan, I'm sorry, but I already have two wives. One of them is missing and the other is in an undetermined condition. I don't want to think about it yet." For other things, I just hope that they can come back to me." Lu Yunzhi walked out of the room. Wan Zhen'er looked at Lu Yunzhi's back and sighed in her heart: What an infatuated man. Wan Zhen'er was thinking while holding Lu Yunzhi's sweat scarf in her hands, looking at the auspiciousness constantly. Lu Yunzhi walked to the courtyard. Chao Xing was already sitting next to him with his coat on, chatting with Leopard. Zhu Jianjun was breathing heavily on the side. It seemed that the burst of punches just now was enough. He was exhausted. Lu Yunzhi walked up to Zhu Jianjun, stroked Zhu Jianjun's head and said, "Jun'er, where is the essence of the art of exorcising ghosts?" Zhu Jianjun replied: "Father, expel expel ghosts." The essence of the art is moving from within, allowing the spirit to move in the body, and the spirit to move with the spirit, and the spirit to be controlled by the heart, heart, and heart." Lu Yunzhi couldn't help but nodded, knowing in her heart that Zhu Jianjun was not unable to memorize it. Familiar and stuttering, it's just that he suffered too many changes since childhood, and he stuttered due to panic. Lu Yunzhi said at this time: "Come, Jun'er, follow me to the house. Let's have a good chat. I will teach you the art of exorcising ghosts and protecting the body." After saying that, he took Zhu Jianjun's hand and walked into the empty room. In the meantime, Leopard looked at the two figures, with a wry smile on his lips and said: "If it hadn't been for the previous changes, Yingzi and Yunzhi's relationship would have been different.My wife must be four or five years old. Chao Xing wiped the sweat from his forehead and said: "Why do you think so much? Tan Qing will be back in a few days. If Yingzi's illness is cured, then I will give birth to ten or eight children for Yunzhi. I will You can also hold your grandnephew and enjoy family happiness, haha. " When Bai Yong heard this, he burst into laughter and said, "Ten or eight, if Yingzi is not exhausted, he will also exhaust the lord. Dong De put his hand on Bai Yong's shoulder and said, "You are young and know a lot. Why would you go to the brothel together at night? Otherwise, you would still dare to go to your place when Tan Qing comes back." "Bai Yong's face was red, and everyone burst into laughter. Thinking of Tan Qing, Bai Yong subconsciously touched his face. That face with very iconic features was scratched by Lu Jiugang's ghostly claws and left behind. The red scars were as broken as a broken peep show. Once Bai Yong became angry, the red marks were even more obvious, adding a hint of terrifying deterrence. Lu Yunzhi taught Zhu Jianjun carefully until the sun went down. He just walked out of the room and asked for food but did not eat here. He must have been worried about Wan Zhen'er being entangled here. The group of people got on the carriage and returned to the Zhongzheng Yiline House. Zhu Jianjun finished eating. After dinner, sitting tiredly in the courtyard looking at the stars, Wan Zhen'er came up and stroked Zhu Jianjun's head and asked: "What are you thinking about?" Zhu Jianjun pushed Wan Zhen'er's hand away and asked, "Aunt Wan, does Ya's father like you?" ¡± (.)e Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 98: Businessmen Go to Court When Wan Zhen'er heard Zhu Jianjun's words, she trembled and said hurriedly: "What nonsense are you talking about?" Zhu Jianjun looked stubborn, but also said a little jealously: "Then why do you seem to have cried today?" Wan Zhen'er smiled bitterly, as if He muttered to himself and seemed to answer: "I'm just thinking of sad things. He won't like me. It would be better if that were the case." The next day, early in the morning, Chao Xing was activating his meridians and was with Bai Yong in the courtyard. They were yelling and fighting, while Han Yueqiu was silently holding the log aside and not shouting. Lu Jiugang yawned and walked out of the room, looked at Chao Xing and asked, "You old guy, you practiced with these young people early in the morning. Your body is actually strong. Be careful not to flash your waist." Chao Xing In the past six months, Xing and Lu Jiugang have often had drinks together. They are both Lu Yunzhi's elders. In addition, they are both proficient in yin and yang arithmetic and are masters of martial arts, so they can chat easily. There are not so many rules in private. Seeing Chao Xing retort, "How can I compare to brother Gangzi? If I had your skills, I would just rest at home every day. Why would I practice? Why did you get up? Didn't you get up only after three o'clock in the morning?" Lu Jiugang, however, He breathed again and said: "Where did I sleep? I stayed up last night and worked with Shi Fang to study the art of controlling wood. I want to sort it out and pass it on to Lu Yunzhi. Maybe the art of heaven and earth among the seven clans will not be lost. People who know it will Shi Fang was so worried all day long that I couldn't bear to study with him. Now that he is asleep, I also go back to the room to rest. I heard you yelling and came here to take a look. "Where is Yunzhi and that thin bamboo pole?" Bai Yong laughed loudly. Although he was very worried about the scars on his face, he was sensible and did not bear any grudge against Lu Jiugang. Instead, he was respectful to Lu Yunzhi's father-in-law. At this moment Hearing Lu Jiugang calling Dong De "Skinny Bamboo Rod" again, he couldn't help laughing. Chao Xing said: "I gave him another name. Yun Zhi and Dong De went to court, and Leopard went with them." "How can it be so early to go to court? Although the court has a set time, if the emperor gets up If it¡¯s later, the minister will have to wait,¡± Lu Jiugang said. Chao Xing nodded and replied: "That's true, but Zhu Qiyu is also diligent. He goes to court early every day on time and is never delayed. Besides, Yun went to court before, so even if he wanted to sleep in, he would be embarrassed. No. Speaking of which, the weather has been very hot recently, and it¡¯s so dry even before it¡¯s midsummer. Bai Yong, where did you get the iced sour plum soup made from ice yesterday? But Fang Qingze opened an ice cellar again. That¡¯s not right. Last year, the capital was rebuilt. "Where did he store the ice? If it was brought from other places, wouldn't it be completely melted?" As soon as Chao Xing finished speaking, he saw a clear spring bursting out of the ground, and then the clear spring froze into ice and stood up. A small iceberg was thought to be Lu Jiugang's water-bending technique. He turned around and saw Lu Jiugang breathing heavily and walking towards his room. Bai Yong didn't say much, he just shrugged and pointed at the iceberg. Only then did Chao Xing understand that the ice yesterday was made by Lu Jiugang, so he laughed and walked to the small iceberg to enjoy the cool weather. The flower is divided into two flowers, one on each side, and is said to be above the court hall. All the ministers lined up and stood in awe. Zhu Qiyu sat on the dragon chair. When he saw Lu Yun coming, he quickly offered him a seat. Lu Yunzhi did not take the credit and sat on the chair arrogantly. He just held his hands in thanks but remained standing. Zhu Qiyu did not be polite again. After all, he was the king of a country. He read the memorial and said: "In April this year, Shaanxi Governor Cao Jing reported that there has been no rain in Xi'an, Pingliang and other prefectures since the first month. In April, there was sudden frost and snow, and the plague The outbreak killed as many as 2,000 people. However, the plague broke out in Changzhou, Zhenjiang, and Songjiang Gefu, and more than 77,000 people died. My dear friends, what should I do about this matter? I am afraid that it is just to donate food and materials for disaster relief. It's useless, and the money and food in the treasury can't withstand this kind of trouble." Fang Qingze walked out with a big belly and said: "Zhang Feng submitted the details of the disaster relief." Zhang Feng was originally the household department of Nanjing Sixth Department. In the fourth year of Jingtai's reign, he served as the Minister of War in Nanjing. After drinking and releasing his military power, Zhang Feng was extremely depressed. He knew that his official career had come to an end, but he could not give up his family, wife and children for the sake of a prosperous official career, so he could only endure Yang Zhun's coercion. On weekdays, Zhang Feng ignored Yang Zhun and looked down upon him very much. At the banquet that day, he just smiled and dealt with it. However, he never thought that at the critical moment when the army was besieging the city, the usually muddle-headed Brigadier General Yang would kill him. An army. Later, after Lu Yunzhi and others came to power, Yang Zhun became more unscrupulous even though he was not transferred away. Thinking of all the contempt he had for Yang Zhun in the past, Zhang Feng felt that time was running out and even told his family about his funeral arrangements. However, he never thought that things would turn around and he was not convicted. Instead, he was transferred to the capital and took up the post of Minister of Household Affairs in the capital, replacing his predecessor, Jin Lian, who had passed away. After arriving at the Ministry of Household Affairs, I found that this place had been controlled by Fang Qingze. I thought that I was just a puppet, and I was not sure how to be "tortured" when I rose up or down secretly. However, a few days later, I was impressed by Fang Qingze's business methods and realized what Fang Qingze had done. Not a small business, but a national treasure.   Although Zhang Feng had to obey Fang Qingze's arrangements, he still had enough power and was not just a puppet. Later, he found out that he was recommended by Yang Zhun, and he couldn't help but admire Yang Zhun very much. Xian, how many people in the world can do this. Zhang Feng came forward. He did not dare to speak like Fang Qingze. He had to bow his head and move forward. He handed the memorial to the palm eunuch and then presented it to Zhu Qiyu. Zhu Qiyu looked down for a long time before asking: "They are all my Da Mingzi." People, are the land-employment system and factory-establishment system a bit of taking advantage of the situation? It is very inappropriate." Fang Qingze snorted coldly and said: "The money in the treasury is just enough for disaster relief. If we use it all, we may be able to maintain peace for a while. However, I don¡¯t know how long the plague and natural disasters will last. Continuous relief is not the answer. This disaster relief is all borne by me, and I will not need any money from the treasury. Naturally, I will also receive a certain amount of profit. "Fang Qingze continued: " The land-renting system is only for reclaiming wasteland. I provide seeds and farm tools for the victims, and take care of their food and drink. It is not excessive to charge 30% during the harvest. I will not provide any help in the second year, and the profit will be reduced to 20%. It is 10% for three years, and farm tools and fields will be given to the people in the fourth year. This not only mobilizes the enthusiasm of farmers, but also prevents me from losing money. It also reclaims wasteland, solves the current problem of people's hunger, and promotes local development in one fell swoop. Too much, you are not taking advantage of the situation and reducing the people to a system of tenant farmers. This is an act to benefit the people. ¡± (Wangwang.)s Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 99: Xu Jui changes his name Zhu Qiyu looked at Yu Qian, but saw that Yu Qian didn't say much and could only continue to listen to Fang Qingze: "As for establishing a factory system, it is also a last resort. Some places are not conducive to farming and animal husbandry. We can only build some small processing areas to allow Those refugees have to work in exchange for food. Otherwise, they will still have no chance of survival once the disaster relief is over. I will arrange this freely. I hope that all the money needed to treat the plague can be collected from the Ministry of Accounts. However, the accounts must be detailed and do not use it for personal gain. "Yu Aiqing, Mr. Lu, how do you think about this?" Zhu Qiyu asked, and Yu Qian replied: "I think this matter is not bad, it's just a matter of hard work for the manager." Fang Qingze shook his head and said with a smile, "It doesn't matter. ." Lu Yunzhi did not answer, but nodded and smiled at Yu Qian. Above the court, Lu Yunzhi clasped his fists and said to Zhu Qiyu: "I have something to do. Xu Youzhen has made great achievements in managing the Shawan breach. I hope your majesty will commend him." Zhu Qiyu turned over the memorial and said: "That's true. Xu Youzhen is quite a talent. It's up to you. Please discuss with Yu Aiqing how to reward her. " Yu Qian looked sideways at Lu Yunzhi and said, "Is this Xu Youzhen Xu Jue?" Lu Yunzhi nodded, Yu Qian snorted and said softly. : "During the battle with Wala Capital, Xu Jue promised to move the capital, but I angrily kicked him out of the palace. Why did he change his name to Xu Youzhen? If I hadn't just pointed it out, I really don't know. But Brother Lu, you "It's really amazing." Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and asked, "Where?" "Your destiny is so high that everyone related to you can't figure it out. It's really amazing, I'm ashamed of myself." Yu Qian said with a smile. . Lu Yunzhi nodded and said, "I didn't do it on purpose. Let's talk about it after we retire." "Okay." Yu Qian agreed. The ministers made a speech, received responses one after another, and then withdrew from the court. Lu Yunzhi led Dong De to chat with Fang Qingze and Yu Qian for a few words, and they all went back. Leopard was waiting outside the palace. When he saw Fang Qingze coming out, he lazily said hello. Fang Qingze also clasped his fists, and several people got into the car. After the carriage started, Fang Qingze said to Lu Yunzhi: "Third brother, why are you always inserting your own people in the court recently? If you talk about Zhang Feng, I can understand it. After all, he is a virtuous man." "But I don't have a good impression of Xu Jue." "How can we allow others to snore next to the bed? Yu Qian seems to be living in peace with us now, not to mention the hatred between us and him. What if he comes one day?" If we attack us, if our strength is several times greater than his, we can rest easy. Military power is important, wealth is also essential, and party members in the court are even more necessary. Although Zhu Jianwen is a politician, he is a politician after all. It is much more convenient for us to serve as foreign ministers to the vassal, and there is no harm in deploying more of our own forces in the court," Lu Yunzhi said. Fang Qingze said: "I understand what you mean, but I can't ask for everyone." Lu Yunzhi shook his head and said with a smile: "Originally, the forest is big and there are all kinds of birds. If you want to win the final victory, you must learn to be like the sea. It accommodates all rivers, no matter whether they are clear or turbid. Second brother, the business world is full of bad things. Although you are in charge of the household department and are the undisputed richest man, you still can't stop the emergence of unscrupulous businessmen. If not, then it is better to take advantage of their shortcomings." Seeing Fang Qingze's slightly confused expression, Lu Yunzhi said: "Xu Jue is short in stature, but he is very thoughtful and he is a well-educated person. Unfortunately, he is not as accurate as us in studying the art of yin and yang, but he is convinced of it. Therefore, when we were in the lobby that day, he rashly proposed to move the capital. As a result, he was angrily rebuked by Yu Qian and ridiculed by the officials. Yu Qian even said this. From then on, Xu Jue's official fortune began to be unfavorable. But every time his superiors saw Xu Jue's name, they would say: "This is not the courageous person who advocated moving the capital." You are a small person, you are not favored by adults, no matter how much money you give me, I will not dare to promote you to an official position." "Xu Jui suffered many setbacks because of this, and finally made up his mind to change his name to Xu Youzhen. Is it okay for a man to change his name? If he didn't change his surname, he wouldn't be able to do anything except his elder master. However, in order to avoid the influence of Yu Qian's disgust on him, Xu Jue changed his name. From then on, he couldn't be said to be spineless, but he could only be flexible. He hated Yu Qian so much that the enemy of his enemy was his friend, so it was normal for him to win over him. Secondly, it was indeed a great achievement to control the flood. It had been seven years since the Yellow River burst in a section of Shawan, and no one could cure it except Xu Youzhen. But he was cured, which shows that this person does have some ability. For the above reasons, I promoted him." Lu Yunzhi said. Fang Qingze frowned and thought for a long time, then nodded and said nothing, thinking that what Lu Yunzhi said was indeed reasonable. The crowd did not go towards Zhongzheng. Fang Qingze got out of the car and went to calculate the mountain of ledgers. Dong De Baozi and others accompanied Lu Yunzhi and drove out of the city. Walked for half a monthAt 3 o'clock, they arrived at the camp outside the city. Lu Yunzhi parked the car outside the camp. Several people got out of the car and walked in. Bai Yong was training soldiers. The camp they were in was between the Fifth Army Camp and the Shenji Camp. Camp within a camp. Lu Yunzhi watched Bai Yong practice the formation for a while, and then called Bai Yong. Bai Yong immediately understood and led a few horses. After Lu Yunzhi and others got on their horses, all the soldiers also got on their horses one after another. There was a huge crowd waiting for them. Swinging away with a whip. Lu Yunzhi led the troops in front and rushed out of the camp. The ordinary sergeants in the surrounding labor training stopped what they were doing and said, "It's that group of heavenly soldiers." Guang Liang happened to be leading troops to inspect each camp and saw Lu Yun and his entourage running away. Going out, he hurriedly asked in a loud voice: "Where are you going, Mr. Lu?" Lu Yunzhi turned around and replied: "Go to Xishan to talk about family life with the brothers." As he said that, he galloped past, and the cavalry team of more than 2,000 people was on the ground. Swirling up a large amount of dust, the horse galloped towards the Western Mountains. On the top of Xishan Mountain, Lu Yunzhi was sitting on a mound, surrounded by a hundred people. These people were all the small leaders of his team. The rest were resting not far away, where they had been placed for a long time. Okay, Dong De ordered the wine and barbecue prepared in advance. Lu Yunzhi said softly: "Starting from tomorrow, our team will be disbanded." Everyone was shocked. Even Bai Yong was caught off guard and didn't know what to do. Bai Yong asked in a low voice: "Lord, why do you say this? Where are we going to go? Do we want everyone to go back to Fengbo Village, to the high tower in the valley, or to wander around the rivers and lakes?" "No, I just said disbandment, I didn't say anything I will arrange the separation freely, please be patient and listen to me slowly," Lu Yunzhi said with confidence. (wangwang.)e Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 100: Dragon and Tiger Heroes Lu Yunzhi said: "You are all heroes. If any one of these two thousand people is put into the folk arena, he will be a master who can establish a sect. It is really unfair for you to become an ordinary soldier. You should become generals. , from today on, you, including your brothers, no longer need to train. Instead, you will learn the art of war from Bai Yong. In half a month, you will be sent to various places. Starting from President Qian, someone will be anonymous for you, and you will be integrated into all parts of the country. Among the soldiers. During this period, I will use my connections to promote you until you become the commander-in-chief of that army, and we will always be a family. If one person is in trouble, we will be supported by all directions, so that we can firmly control all the military power of the Ming Dynasty. Like a poisonous snake hiding in the grass, Lu Yunzhi looked at the leopard and asked, "Are your ghost-eating tribesmen okay? Do you want to take them back to the valley?" The leopard shook his head and smiled. He said: "No problem, I have never tried such an exciting game." Leopard looked at the leaders of the ghost-eating tribe and said: "People, I will return to Shuanglong Valley after the year, and then send your families to At the place where you join the army, our ghost-eating tribe is about to leave the valley, and the time has come to be proud and famous!" The ghost-eating tribe cheered. Lu Yunzhi looked at them with a smile, and then said to the airbending masters and specially trained warriors: "As for you, do you also want to be proud of the battlefield and achieve great achievements? Following me will certainly provide you with food and clothing. But it's good. Men have ambitions in all directions. If you want to join Fengbo Village or leave here, I will never stop you. I will also let you return home in fine clothes. If you want to follow me, let us build an unusual group together, so that this organization can penetrate all the people of Ming Dynasty. Army." All the airbending masters and specially trained warriors clasped their fists and shouted together: "Follow the Lord to the death." Lu Yunzhi nodded and said: "The order will be passed on in a while, and you can come and go freely. If one day I, Lu, need it. I hope you can help me a lot." The reason why Lu Yunzhi was able to convince this group of people was not only that he was a strong man, but also that he treated every one of his subordinates in a normal way and never acted like a master. During the march, he ate and lived with the soldiers, and he also took the lead in fierce battles. Even if his subordinates want to leave him, he will let them return home in fine clothes. When someone dies in battle, he will personally mourn and write a eulogy. Such a lord treats his subordinates as brothers, and how can his subordinates not obey orders. "Bai Yong, you go and choose more than 20 people to stay. Firstly, you can stay with me to do things. Secondly, your army also needs a commander. After the brothers are sent to various places, I will recruit an army as soon as possible. It is better for you than to lead I'm tired of being asked for soldiers all the time, haha." Lu Yunzhi laughed loudly and patted Bai Yong, who scratched his head in embarrassment. Leopard yawned and said to the hundreds of leaders below him: "I have to choose eighteen more people. After a while, I will order everyone to line up and I will pick. As for what to do, hehe, that is a secret." Leopard smiled mysteriously. Standing up, Bai Yong understood what Lu Yunzhi had done, and suddenly asked: "Master, if we become an organization, we can't have a name. What should we call it?" Lu Yunzhi thought for a while and suddenly a hint appeared in the corner of his mouth. With a proud smile, he said: "From the time when my family was broken up to the time I have the chance to work with you all, many people have told me about an organization. In order to prevent the formation of this organization, I was forced to leave my wife, and I also fell behind. I have a problem with vomiting blood, and even my appearance has changed. I refuse to accept it. God wants to kill me, but I will go against it. Let¡¯s call it Mi Thirteen!¡± Dong De said with a smile: ¡°Okay, it¡¯s mysterious enough. However, the title of lord can still be used by those around you in the capital, but brothers outside cannot be called like this. Everyone keeps their names anonymous in order to prevent others from noticing. If they call you lord when they meet each other, they may be heard by others and leaked. Secret. Besides, since this is a secret operation, it needs to be even more mysterious. The master of Zhongzheng is not suitable. "Brother Dong, what's your advice?" Bai Yong asked. "I propose that ordinary soldiers call our army the Heavenly Soldiers. The Heavenly Soldiers should be ruled by Heaven. Then how about we respectfully call you Lord, Lord of Heaven?" Dong De said to Lu Yunzhi with his hands in hand. "God?!" Lu Yunzhi muttered to himself, then stood up suddenly, stood on the mound, looked at everyone and said: "Dong De, you said it well, God will not destroy me Lu Yunzhi, God gave me You are a group of brothers who are loyal to me, but God is always against me. Now I will replace him and treat him as God." "Everyone stood in awe, shouting: "God!" The young man came to the Zhongzheng Yiline House and said that Yu Qian had invited Lu Yun to have a drink before. Lu Yunzhi had not gone to court and was explaining something to Bai Yong, but he smiled when he heard this. Bai Yong said hurriedly: "My lord, how about I accompany you, and Yu Qian doesn't do any more tricks." Lu Yunzhi nodded and said, "That's fine, you go with me, and then call Leopard, you guys are in the house Just wait for me. If things don¡¯t go well, you won¡¯t make any plans.¡±Ya Ya was called out by Bai Yong. For some reason, he had been very lethargic recently and would fall asleep wherever he found any place. The three of them rode outside Yu Qian's house. Lu Yun walked into the mansion, but Bai Yong and Bao Zi were waiting outside the door. Yu Qian was sitting in the hall, and Lu Yunzhi walked in with clasped hands and a smile, and said, "Why did Yu Shaobao ask me to come here?" "It's just for drinking. Didn't the servants in my house explain it?" Yu Qian did the same. In response, he smiled and pointed to the things on the table. There was a pot of sake placed in warm water on the table. There were no other dishes, only a plate of green plums. Lu Yunzhi said: "Yu Shaobao's house is really much simpler. He is such an upright and good official. Such an honest official is really a blessing to the people of the Ming Dynasty. But I am not a contemptible person. I only use green plums to entertain me, plus "It's a bit shabby to make a pot of sake." ." Yu Qian said. Lu Yunzhi sat down with his robe lifted up, took out the wine from the warm water, poured it for Yu Qian, and poured it for himself. He said, "It's so elegant. It's such a hot day. Regardless of whether this allusion is true or not, Liu Bei and Cao Cao are heroes. Today, my lord, Yu Qian." If you want to comment on the heroes of the world, I'm not afraid of sticking with you to the end." Yu Qian raised his eyebrows and asked, "Then should I ask, who is the hero in the world now?" "My eldest brother Qu Xiangtian is the number one hero in the world. Hero." Lu Yunzhi replied. Yu Qian said with a smile: "No, you also said it. Qu Xiangtian is a hero but not a hero. He is a good soldier. You and I are not as good as him. But he cannot be a hero because he is too kind in his heart and attaches too much importance to emotions. He is a hero." "Who is not a ruthless person?" "That Cheng Fangdong is a ruthless person with a tough personality. He caught us off guard and suffered a lot from his two counterattacks," Lu Yunzhi said with interest. "Indeed, Cheng Fangdong is cruel and ruthless, and he is very good at hiding. However, he fails to judge current affairs and forgets that you and I will not tell him any rules. Not only that, his defeat and the secret you buried before There is a direct relationship, but if he has contacted you before, it means that Shi Yuting and Wu Hao are in his hands. Maybe you will not blow up the capital, and at least you will have some concerns. Therefore, someone who is ignorant of current affairs cannot be called a hero." Yu Qian said. Lu Yunzhi laughed loudly and said: "What about my second brother Fang Qingze and Zhu Jianwen?" "No matter how powerful Fang Qingze is, he is just a businessman, while Zhu Jianwen specializes in politics. Both of them have limitations and cannot be called Hero." Yu Qian replied readily. "If I talk about Qin Rufeng and others, you must be talking about third-rate people to me. So you think the only heroes in the world are you and me?!" Lu Yunzhi looked at Yu Qian with burning eyes. Yu Qian raised his glass and drank with Lu Yunzhi and said: "You and I are both quick-minded and sinister in our hearts. Although I don't know what your purpose is, you are as persistent as I am loyal to the Ming Dynasty, but I don't know what you are obsessed with." . With the ability, ambition and ruthlessness, no one in the world can be called a hero except you and me! I am a loyal minister and you are a hero. There must be a decisive battle between you and me, but the time has not yet come. Either you die or I die, and after one person dies, the other person will be unstoppable. Wouldn¡¯t it be great to be able to coexist with the same hero in this life? Wouldn¡¯t it be wonderful to be able to have wine and talk about heroes with the same hero Qingmei!¡± ¡° Well said, regardless of success or failure, I admire you!" Lu Yunzhi clashed their glasses with Yu Qian and drank the wine. The wind follows the tiger, the cloud follows the dragon, the heroes of the dragon and the tiger are proud of the sky, what a great fight between the dragon and the tiger, whether it is the Ming Dynasty with loyal ministers, or the world of tyrants, no one can predict what will happen next, but at this time, the two of them are so heroic that they drink warm wine and talk about heroes. ! (wangwang.)s Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 1: Torture in Prison In the dark and cold underground cell of the Zhongzheng Yizui Residence in the capital, a bloody man was hanging on the execution platform. Ah Rong, who was dressed in rough clothes, threw the broken whip to the ground, then picked up a cowhide whip, dipped it in the water next to him, and yelled: "Cheng Fangdong, you are really tough. Tell me, where did you hide your wife?" Cheng Fangdong spat out the blood in his mouth and said, "Hey, go tell Lu Yunzhi that he will never find Shi Yuting. I have seen her Four Pillars and Ten Gods. No, I put a talisman on her. Not to mention Lu Yunzhi, even if the gods come down to earth, they won't be able to find her. Otherwise, he will never see Shi Yuting until he dies. I will try my best to find him, but you won't be able to get better before Cheng Fangdong. Unless you tell me, I can make you die happily. If I say let you go now, you won't believe it." Lu Yunzhi walked quickly. Lai raised his voice and said. Cheng Fangdong roared, and blood gushed out from his mouth: "I'll kill you, Lu Yunzhi." Lu Yunzhi walked up to Cheng Fangdong, put her hand on his tied arm and said, "Kill me ? Do you know how many people want to kill you? Hate me, you deserve this. You destroyed my home, paralyzed the master, and threatened me with my wife." Lu said. A ball of flame ignited in Yun Zhi's hand, burning Cheng Fangdong's skin fiercely. A burning smell suddenly arose in the prison, and Cheng Fangdong let out an inhuman neighing sound from his throat, then lowered his head feebly and passed out. Lu Yunzhi put his hand into the bucket, and instantly a chill rose from the water. Lu Yunzhi nodded, and Ah Rong poured the water on Cheng Fangdong. Cheng Fangdong groaned but did not wake up. Lu Yunzhi raised her breath and gently put her hands on Cheng Fangdong's temples and rubbed them gently. Cheng Fangdong slowly woke up and opened his eyes. Lu Yunzhi suddenly moved his hand behind Cheng Fangdong's ear, and then punched his body with Yu Qi. Cheng Fangdong screamed in pain, but did not faint. Lu Yunzhi looked at Cheng Fangdong expressionlessly. After a long time, Cheng Fangdong said: "You have learned how to control water and fire. Haha, it's not too bad that I lost in your hands." Lu Yunzhi shook his head. He shook his head and said: "Your failure has nothing to do with what I know. The fault is that you are too smart but don't know how to judge the situation. Cheng Fangdong, please tell me where Yuting is. I'll let you have a good time." It was Fangsheng who laughed evilly, and then shouted: "Go on, go on!" At this time, the door of the dungeon opened again, and a man walked down. The man was as thin as a monkey, and kept shouting: "Fuck!" , I beat that Cheng Fangdong to death for keeping me tied up for so long!" This person was Wu Hao. Wu Hao opened the cell door and walked in, but his body trembled and he said, "Who is this person?" Yunzhi looked sideways and smiled slightly and replied: "Cheng Fangdong, don't you recognize him?" The man in front of Wu Hao was still Cheng Fangdong. He was completely bloody and could not be seen. Lu Yunzhi took a piece of paper handed over by Arong. He wiped his hands with a square towel and said, "Ah Rong, don't forget to get him some medicine, don't beat him to death. Okay, please beat Cheng Fangdong from here first. He has tortured you for so long and you haven't beaten him yet." "Go and take revenge, I have something else to do." Wu Hao's body trembled again and he did not dare to look at Cheng Fangdong's eyes, but Ah Rong whipped him and shouted: "What are you looking at!" Yun Zhidou quickly walked towards the cell door without looking back, while Wu Hao stood there, in a dilemma. There were more than one cell in the dungeon, and all of them were empty except for Cheng Fangdong. Lu Yunzhi walked through the dark corridor and walked to a small wooden door. He opened the door and walked in. There were also several cells inside, but inside Much dryer and more comfortable. Lu Yunzhi walked to an iron fence. There was a grid inside, and all the candles and oil lamps were available. Herbs were spread on the ground to prevent insects. There was a small alchemy stove inside the house that was sending bursts of medicinal fragrance. Wang Yulu was sitting at the desk. He was concentrating on reading the book in his hand, and did not notice Lu Yunzhi's arrival. Ever since Wang Yulu was imprisoned here, Lu Yunzhi had been sending people to deliver things and arrange the cells, but he had never been there in person. "How about it, you should get used to staying here." Lu Yunzhi said. Wang Yulu's body was shaken and she suddenly raised her head. She looked at Lu Yunzhi with confusion on her face, stood up and clasped her fists and said: "Junior Brother Lu, you are fine! "Lu Yunzhi nodded and cupped his hands and said, "It's okay, can I come in and talk?" Wang Yulu said, "The cell door is open. This is your place again. I'm just a prisoner. You can do whatever you want." Lu Yunzhi smiled and walked in, then fanned the hot air coming out of the alchemy furnace with his hand, and exclaimed: "It smells so good. What kind of medicine is this?" Tian has been reading the book you sent, and found that the way of controlling air has a great connection with the art of exorcising ghosts, the art of heaven and earth, and many other magics. It's just that one is from the inside out, and the other is from the outside in. , so I used the same principle to practice this Qi Control Pill, ??I don¡¯t know if it has any effect. Wang Yulu's eyes lit up and she said. Lu Yunzhi said with a smile: "When the medicine is ready, I will be the first to try it. Even if something goes wrong and is poisonous, your medical skills will save me." "After Lu Yunzhi finished speaking, he looked towards the alchemy furnace and looked back and forth. Wang Yulu's hands trembled. Lu Yunzhi did not doubt him and took the initiative to test the medicine for him. This was a great trust in him and his medical skills. Definitely. Wang Yulu was deeply moved for a moment. She calmed down and tried her best to suppress her turbulent mood and said, "Junior brother Lu, I want to ask you why you didn't torture me, a traitor, but you sent me the classics. I You will also try your best to meet the requirements for herbs and equipment. And you said you would test the medicine for me, so weren¡¯t you afraid that I would harm you? " "First of all, you are wrong. You should never help the evil villain Cheng Fangdong, but you are pursuing your dream. You are only a disciple of the Zhongzheng lineage, but not a member of the Zhongzheng lineage. Slave, so you are not wrong in that regard either. Now that I'm locking you up, I just want you to face the wall and reflect on the mistakes you have made. If you want to leave, no one will stop you. And I couldn't bear to prevent you, a medical genius, from delving into this wonderful time, so I sent you books and medicinal tools. As for you saying that you are harming me, I think you are likely to poison me, but you will definitely not poison me by letting me test the medicine, because I trust you. Your ambition is to be a medicine fairy, and you will not do that. Such a violation of a pharmacist's ethics. " Lu Yunzhi looked directly at Wang Yulu and said. The corners of Wang Yulu's mouth couldn't help trembling, two lines of tears fell down, and she suddenly sighed: "No one knows me better than Lu Yunzhi! ¡± (wangwang.)e Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 2: Extremely Relaxed "Brother, are you still holding on to your dream?" Lu Yunzhi asked. Wang Yulu nodded firmly and said, "Of course, I won't change it until death." Lu Yunzhi said with a smile: "Then if I am willing to let you Fulfill your dream, become a generation of medicine king, medicine fairy, and continue to support you. Are you willing to help me behind my back, senior brother? " "Don't call me senior brother," Wang Yulu said suddenly, with a sudden expression. He was so excited that he actually scared Lu Yunzhi. Wang Yulu clasped his hands in his fists, knelt down on one knee and continued: "From today on, I, Wang Yulu, will either be your senior brother or your subordinate, and I am willing to follow the lord. You can support me to realize my dream, and you can trust me so much. I will die for my confidant, and I am willing to repay you with my life." Lu Yunzhi quickly helped Wang Yulu and said: "Please get up quickly, you and I are brothers, why? Talk about being a master and not a master, but because you supported Cheng Fangdong before, you couldn't show up. I'll find a separate hospital for you, hire a few servants who are proficient in pharmacology to serve you, and then find some guards for you. Just hide and wait until the storm is over." Wang Yulu smiled and replied: "I don't care, as long as I can make medicine and make elixirs, I will just go to some sparsely populated places to collect medicine." He nodded and said: "Come with me out then. The tide here is not good for your health. Our great pharmacist must not hurt your health." "My lord, don't be anxious. Wait until I finish reading these volumes. You don't know." This dungeon prison is really a good place to read in peace." Wang Yulu picked up the book again, and Lu Yunzhi said with a wry smile: "Then I will go ahead, haha, I will come to this cell another day. If you need anything, please send me a message." Lu Yunzhi left the cell and walked out of the dungeon. When he passed the cell where Fang Dong was tortured, he found that Wu Hao was already gone. , and Cheng Fangdong was groaning half-dead, and then he gave Ah Rong a few words of explanation and walked out of the dungeon. After leaving the dungeon and walking into the backyard garden, a plum grove was built here according to the original Zhongzheng lineage to commemorate the sworn relationship between Lu Yun's three brothers. Lu Yunzhi looked around and saw a woman sitting in the pavilion next to her. Wearing a light blue gown and skirt, her black hair is tied into a Yaotai bun, and a beautiful golden hairpin is swaying on her head. Her graceful figure, although a little thin, makes people dream after looking at her. Lu Yunzhi saw that the woman did not come forward to speak. Instead, she walked quietly to the side. At this moment, the woman turned her head and said softly: "Lu Yunzhi, why are you avoiding me?" Lu Yunzhi turned her head and held her hands. Said: "I thought you were thinking about something, so I can't disturb you." This woman was Yang Xiyu. Yang Zhun's family was sent to the capital safely by Arong. Yang Zhun was idle and had nothing to do before he arranged an official position, so he met Yang Xiyu. When the family stayed together in the Zhongzheng lineage's house, fortunately Fang Qingze built the house big enough, otherwise Yang Zhun, who was raising his family, would really have no place to live. Yang Zhun disagreed. He had expected that he would come to the capital. He also expected that Lu Yunzhi would make arrangements for his official position and residence in a few months. All he had to do was listen to Lu Yunzhi. Yang Xiyu has not seen Lu Yunzhi since he came to Zhongzheng Yiline House, as if Lu Yunzhi was avoiding her intentionally. Today, when I was sitting in the plum garden, I didn't hear Lu Yunzhi's footsteps behind me. Instead, my heart moved and I felt that Lu Yunzhi was behind me, so I turned my head. Sure enough, Lu Yunzhi was behind me and was about to leave. Yang Xiyu lowered his eyes and said softly: "Win?" Lu Yunzhi nodded, walked to the pavilion, and sat down opposite Yang Xiyu, but Yang Xiyu sighed and said: "Then take a rest. "Well, don't be too busy. You must be on guard, but don't hurt people intentionally." "You think I went too far with the Nanjing matter?" Lu Yunzhi said, but Yang Xiyu shook his head and replied. : "No, you did the right thing. If you didn't do this, the casualties would have been greater." Lu Yunzhi breathed a sigh of relief, smiled slightly and said as if talking to himself: "Thank you for your understanding." "I'm sorry. Because this incident made me see you more clearly. I have never treated you as an uncle before, but as a friend. What you did made me a little afraid of you. I was afraid that you would harm others and yourself, and that you would not end well in the end. So Lu Yunzhi, stop and live a peaceful life for a few days," Yang Xiyu said lightly. Lu Yunzhi nodded: "Well, I know, why don't I want to live a peaceful life? It's just that although the fight between me and Yu Qian was peaceful, it was undercurrent and never ended. I can't lose, and I can't lose. I have to admit that he is a loyal minister. I am not as great as him. I am selfish. I don¡¯t care about the world and the people. All I want is to survive. If I lose, there is only one way to die. Yu Qian will not do it. It was a mistake to let me go in the beginning, because Yu Qian, the destiny hexagram, was chasing me, but now it's too late to stop. The bad blood between us is too deep and must be ended.?Lu Yunzhi is not a person who is greedy for life and afraid of death, but what will happen to my master if I die? The eldest brother and the second brother cannot stop Yu Qian. What about my knowledge, Wu Hao, and my brothers? I am not arrogant, but It's obvious that many people will die with me when I die. Haha, let¡¯s not talk about this anymore. If I did, you wouldn¡¯t understand. You would just think that I am just making trouble for myself. " "No, I understand. "Yang Xiyu suddenly stood up and put his hand gently on Lu Yunzhi's shoulder. Lu Yunzhi trembled all over, only to hear Yang Xiyu say again: "I understand what you are thinking, and I also know that you are very tired, no matter what Believe it or not, I can really understand what you think. Although I don't like what you do, you are right. In the future, when you feel tired, just chat with me for a while. Don¡¯t forget that we are friends. " Lu Yunzhi suddenly laughed and stood up. Yang Xiyu's hand also slipped on his shoulder. Lu Yunzhi turned around, facing away from Yang Xiyu and said: "It's strange to say, my My heart is very restless, and I often have some sinister thoughts. I know the reason, but every time I chat with you, I feel better and calmer. Thank you. " Yang Xiyu suddenly laughed sweetly, and his voice was as sweet as a silver bell, and said: "I want to thank you, otherwise I will marry that idiot. By the way, sit down quickly and tell me how you scared that idiot. Boy's. " Lu Yunzhi showed a rare heartfelt smile, sat next to Yang Xiyu, and talked about the day when he ordered Dong De to scare Lu Yu. As he spoke, he gradually let go of his solemn look. , chatting and laughing, and even dancing when talking about excitement. Yang Xiyu looked at Lu Yunzhi and laughed heartily. The two of them had never been so relaxed. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 3: Township Regiment Recruitment Lu Yunzhi and Yang Xiyu talked for a long time. Finally, they walked out of Meiyuan side by side and waved goodbye. Lu Yunzhi was very happy and walked towards the door. She happened to bump into Bai Yong who had just come in. Bai Yong looked at him strangely. Lu Yunzhi stared at his face for a long time before saying: "Master, what happy event is there today? Your brows are not furrowed and you look a little younger." Lu Yunzhi smiled and scolded: "Go away, why are you not in the camp? You remember coming to see me." Bai Yong scratched his head and said, "It's not a big deal. Just a few days ago, Yu Qian recruited soldiers and there was no quota for us. Today, he sent someone to strictly check our rural regiment soldiers." Lu Yunzhi sighed lightly and said, " It is natural that General Yu Qian's military headquarters has stopped us. We are also normal. There is no need to worry about leaving any matters to Zhu Jianwen. He will take care of everything. I said hello to him in advance." Lu Yunzhi said, still with a look on his face. Relaxed and without the contemplative look of the past, Lu Yunzhi's forces near the capital no longer had any troops except the Fifth Army Camp and the Shenji Camp in the hands of Qin Rufeng and Guang Liang. All his own "heavenly soldiers" were also sent by Lu Yunzhi to various places. He had a contract with Yu Qian before and was not allowed to interfere with other military powers, so Zhu Jianwen came up with a plan to recruit soldiers named after the township regiment. The township regiment is nothing more than private guards to assist the Yamen in handling village affairs, etc. It claims to be only responsible for the villages near Shuntian Prefecture. After much debate and argument, Yu Qian finally compromised, but set strict requirements on the number and weapons of the township regiment to limit the development of the township regiment. Today, it was precisely for this matter that I went to investigate to see if Lu Yunzhi was building a plank road openly and secretly trying to arrest Chen Cang. What's the excuse? But Lu Yunzhi already had countermeasures and didn't panic. Bai Yong looked at Lu Yunzhi and suddenly said with a look of enlightenment: "My lord, you just met Miss Yang." Lu Yunzhi said in astonishment: "How did you know? " "I didn't know I was just trying to deceive the lord, hey, I didn't expect you to be so unpredictable or fall into the trap." Bai Yong smiled evilly, and Lu Yunzhi kicked Bai Yong on the butt. He didn't lift it up, but was caught by Lu Yunzhi. A hand deep inside the body pressed down, and the nightmare emerged from it. The clothes he was wearing looked like Lu Yunzhi's, and they seemed to have been made from an illusion. Even though his face was blurry, he could still tell that his facial features were exposed. Part of the color also changed from the colorful black to the skin color of ordinary people. The nightmare shouted: "Why are you kicking Bai Yong? He was right. You didn't know just now. Bai Yong, that's what Lu Yunzhi and Yang Xiyu said." I was so excited that I felt numb when I heard it. I said to Lu Yunzhi, if you like, you can take her as your concubine." After saying this, Nightmare burst into laughter and put his arms around Bai Yong. "A ghost." Lu Yunzhi blushed and said to Nightmare. Nightmare said indifferently: "Don't change the subject with me. I'm not the one who caused you harm. Instead of talking about it, I should think about how to deal with that black face of yours." Brother, the leopard will bite you to death if he knows that you are so familiar with Yang Xiyu now." Lu Yunzhi shouted: "Don't talk nonsense, Bai Yong, I have made an agreement with your uncle Duan Haitao to spend a few days together. The regiment has been trained properly. You come with me to Fengbo Village. I have sent so many airbending masters to various places. Although it is their own volition, they must give an explanation to your uncle. What do you think?" I miss him a little bit." Bai Yong happily replied, "My lord, what agreement do you have with my uncle?" Lu Yunzhi said frankly: "On that day, Master Duan said he was willing to let the airbending master help me, but I have to go back to him when I succeed. It is your master's order to say that you can accompany me on the expedition. All the truth will be revealed when we go back. Although we are not done yet, we have achieved relatively stable achievements. If we don't go back, it will be unreasonable." Bai Yong nodded and said: " That's nature. Lord, I'd better go to the township group and keep an eye on it. Although Zhu Jianwen has arranged everything well, I'm still worried about something going wrong. Yong's shoulder said, "Nightmare sat on the ground and looked up at the sky. Seeing Bai Yong about to leave, his body floated and said, "Lu Yunzhi, what are we going to do?" Lu Yunzhi said with a peaceful face, "Have a rest, did Yang Xiyu say that? Wrong, we should take a rest. I'm really exhausted. I'll turn around and ask Wang Yulu to nurse me back to health. You don't want me to die so soon." "Don't die. If you die, I'll be out of my mind." Nightmare said with a smile and then got in. Lu Yunzhi's body Bai Yong clasped his fists and was about to turn around and leave, but he heard the sound of horse hooves outside the door. A woman with a pure face but exuding a seductive aura rode a tall horse to the door of the house and reined in the horse with both hands. Raising her hooves high, the woman kicked the stirrup, turned around, pressed the saddle, and landed lightly on the ground. Lu Yunzhi laughed and said, "Tan Qing, you are back. I don't recognize you when you change into the clothes of a Han woman." You're here." Tan Qing smiled slightly and was indescribably charming. He waved impatiently to Lu Yunzhi with his beautiful hands, then ran to Bai Yong who was about to go out, grabbed Bai Yong's arm and shouted: "Bai Yong. Yong, you heartless person, why do you want to leave when you see me? I¡¯ve been here for so long, have you ever thought about me?¡±?????????Yong turned around and looked at Lu Yunzhi, only to see Lu Yunzhi looking calmly at the two of them and hurriedly breaking free. Tan Qing's hand holding his arm said: "Don't pull around, I have something important to do and go first." One step." As he was about to leave, Tan Qing stomped his foot and suddenly released a burst of pink smoke, hitting Bai Yong. He cursed: "You, a man who has been stabbed a thousand times, ignored me and ignored me. Did you take the wrong medicine?" Bai Yong quickly controlled his Qi and formed an air shield behind him to block the pink smoke. He couldn't help but said angrily: "You crazy woman, how can you use poison to kill?" Tan Qing put away the pink smoke and smiled sweetly: "If you block it If you don't have the ability to attack like this, then I don't like you for nothing." Bai Yong's face turned red and the scars on his face became more obvious. He couldn't help but stretched out his hand to touch it and then rode on the horse outside the door and drove away. "Why is he so weird? Let me go. He was very nice to me before. Why is he so estranged this time when he comes back?" Tan Qingchong asked Lu Yunzhi, "Is there another woman?" Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 4: Seeing the Jun and Seeing the Deep Tan Qing sent out seven or eight questions in succession. Bai Yong and Lu Yunzhi didn't know how to answer. Faced with this woman who seemed to be his sister, he was always not so articulate, as if he was passive in front of Yang Xiyu. Tan Qing shook his head and said She said to herself: "No way. His dull look is even more stupid than yours. How can he go back to find another woman?" Then she raised her eyes and looked at Lu Yunzhi and said, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean that you were stupid." ." "Stop it, Bai Yong, nothing happened. Come back, you two have a good talk. He seems to have a knot in his heart, but he still needs to tie it. Only you can ask him about the knot in his heart. Tan Qing, how did you go about the thing I asked you to do? "Lu Yunzhi asked. Tan Qing straightened his face and said, "Yingzi's situation is very unstable. You told the truth and succeeded in extending her life, but it is still far behind your ability." Lu Yunzhi nodded. He replied: "At that time, I was seriously injured by Yu Qian using the Soul Calming Tower to save my life. I had just woken up, so there are some shortcomings. You can continue to talk about it." "If you save Yingzi's life now, maybe she won't have two lives overlap. We can help She cleared her soul and brainwashed her, and then slowly told her about the past things, so that everything would be fine. But now Yingzi's situation has become that her two lives overlap, and she has accepted the fact that she is the eldest lady of the Tang family. She just wakes up every morning. There will always be a period of trance, and she can't hear the thunder or see the lightning. I guess she will think of your best thunder control technique." Tan Qing said. Lu Yunzhi then said: "In this case, there is no possibility of recovery. "Tan Qing shook his head and replied: "That's not to say that she should be in extreme pain every time she is in a trance. But now it has no effect except being in a daze for a while, and there is no other discomfort. So I think even if the overlap of two lives causes her to suffer. The probability of life renewal is not very high compared to the previous confrontation. It should be no big problem. It¡¯s just that we don¡¯t know how to start now.¡± ¡°There is a dungeon in Tan Qing¡¯s backyard. After you go down, ask Ah Rong and let him take you to find it.¡± Wang Yulu told him about Yingzi's pulse and condition and asked him what he could do. He didn't remember to mention the meeting with Wang Yulu to others, especially my second brother and the others." Lu Yunzhi said. Tan Qing smiled and waved his hand. Said: "Okay, but from now on I can't call you Lu Yunzhi directly." "Then you should call me my lord no matter what you call me, haha." Lu Yunzhi said with a smile. But Tan Qing pouted and replied: "Smelly But today is a happy event for you. You are so happy. I mean I have to call you brother." Lu Yunzhi's body trembled and he thought to himself: Could it be that Tan Qing knew it? It was just as he and his uncle Chao Xing had guessed. Tan Qing was it. His sister Lu Yunzhi had a nervous look on her face, but Tan Qing didn't notice that her face was slightly red and said: "Anyway, I called you that before Bai Yong and I got married. It's closer this way. It's not like Bai Yong regards you as his brother." Before my relatives treat me as unmarried, I can only call you like this. Anyway, I don¡¯t care about Bai Yong and me. You have to agree." As he spoke, Tan Qing ran quickly towards the backyard dungeon, showing the shy look of a woman. Lu Yunzhi looked at Tan Qing's leaving figure. He just smiled bitterly and sighed slightly, turned around and went out. That night, several banquet tables were set up in the Zhongzheng Yiline House to welcome Tan Qing back. Zhu Jianwen, Fang Qingze and others also came to join in the fun. Although they were all closely related, After all, they are all friends who have been together through life and death. Naturally, they don¡¯t pay much attention to it. It¡¯s a pleasure to drink from cup to cup. Wan Zhen¡¯er and Zhu Jianjun were also invited to drink and eat together. Zhu Jianjun was even more excited when he saw so many people. Shi Fang, who stuttered very much, said with a smile: "I didn't expect that in the blink of an eye, Yun Zhi would start to accept disciples. Thinking of when he was a child, it seems like last night, time flies. But now that Yun Zhi Jun'er has come to the Zhongzheng lineage, The royal name must be abandoned." Zhu Jianwen continued at this moment: "Even if I have changed my name, when my father wrote the letter that day, when I saw Zhu Jianwen, I was stunned and forgot that this was his previous name. So Zhu Jianjun must If you change the name, I will be at a huge disadvantage." Everyone laughed. Lu Yunzhi nodded and said to Shi Fang: "Master is right, but Jun'er is short of water in the five elements, but he must be named according to the five elements mentioned by Emperor Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang. It's a good thing that it doesn't violate the etiquette of their ancestors of the Zhu family and can change their name. It won't be like Zhu Jianwen who is about to be kicked out." Everyone laughed again. Lu Yunzhi shouted: "Here comes a pen, ink, paper and inkstone." Several people were outside the door. The serving maid quickly brought the four treasures of the study room and Lu Yunzhi wrote on the paper: Zhu Jianshen. The three big characters were galloping and bold. Lu Yunzhi paused and mentioned a few lines of beautiful small characters next to it: The motherland is three thousand miles deep in the palace. After mentioning it for twenty years, he then wrote below it: High vision and far-sightedness. Lu Yunzhi picked up the paper and handed it to Zhu Jianjun. Zhu Jianjun clasped his fists and bowed, then put his hands on his head and took the paper Lu Yunzhi handed him. He said: "From today on, you will be called Zhu Jianshen. Twenty Years in the Palace of Three Thousand Miles in the Homeland" comes from the Tang Dynasty poet Zhang Hu's "He Manzi". The original intention was that Zhang Hu came to describe He Manzi during the reign of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty. But this is not the case.??The purpose of this sentence is to say that what you experienced during the years when you were trapped in the palace as a child is to remind you not to forget your Aunt Wan's kindness to you and to repay your kindness. Without Miss Wan's careful care, perhaps You and I have no master-disciple relationship. This deep relationship requires you not to forget your love and your roots." Zhu Jianshen quickly replied loudly: "Disciple, please remember the master's teachings." Fang Qingze was drinking when he heard Zhu Jianshen's stuttering and couldn't help laughing but it was hard to laugh out loud. Wan Zhen'er, who was choking on the wine and coughing repeatedly, looked heavy, tears welling up in her eyes. She was very moved. "As for this high-sighted and far-sighted person, going from the simple to the deep is what my teacher expects from you. I hope you can be a good teacher." Get rid of the dregs and extract the essence to make all the useful things learned. Zhu Jianshen, a man of profound connotation, quickly goes to pay homage to the master." Lu Yunzhi said. Zhu Jianshen quickly walked to Shi Fang and bowed his hands and said: "Disciple Zhu Jianshen pays homage to the master." Shi Fang nodded with a smile in his eyes. He stroked Zhu Jianshen's head and said: "Okay, okay." Suddenly Shi Fang's expression changed and he hurriedly said the second half of the sentence: "Follow your master and study hard." Most of the people at the table were discerning people and noticed the abnormality of Shi Fang. They couldn't help but murmur in their hearts, but there was no change in their faces. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 5: Imbalance of Yin and Yang Lu Yunzhi was smiling all over her face, as if she didn't see the change in Shi Fang's face. She naturally took Zhu Jianshen's hand and pulled Zhu Jianshen to her side. However, she paused for a moment, and then said with a smile: "Practice more diligently. It will definitely become a great thing." After saying that, Zhu Jianshen went back to eat. Everyone knew that Lu Yunzhi had something to say, but it was difficult to ask. Zhu Jianwen saw that the scene was a little cold and hurriedly said: "Yu Qian still doesn't give up. He will send someone to check our rural regiment soldiers as soon as possible. Lu Yunzhi, listen." Say no." Shi Fang said at this time: "Yunzhi, Xiangtian's troops are enough to resist the army controlled by Yu Qian, why do you still need to drill the township regiment?" Lu Yunzhi replied: "Master, although my elder brother's troops are strong. There are enough, and the troops and horses we lead are well-equipped and fight bravely, but the more troops we control around the capital, the safer we will be to prepare for emergencies." Shi Fang nodded and said no more: "In short, we and Yu Qian are all together. If we have made peace, all the old and new grudges will be wiped out. You must be on guard against others and do not have the intention of harming others. Don't cause new conflicts. In the end, it is the people of the world who will suffer." Lu Yunzhi quickly replied, "Yes." At this time, he said to Zhu Jianwen: "How did you deal with it?" "Hey, Lu Yunzhi had already greeted me, so I just found a loophole. What Yu Qian and Lu Yunzhi originally discussed was to stipulate the number of rural regiment soldiers. There are restrictions on the number of cavalry, and they are not allowed to have more than a hundred cavalry, and they cannot have heavy cavalry, nor can they be equipped with long-range firearms such as artillery." Zhu Jianwen said proudly, "He has Zhang Liangji, and I have Wall Ladder, haha. The prescribed number of people is clearly written as the number of soldiers. The extra 10,000 people I have can be classified as horsemen, cooks, and military servants. These are not recruited as soldiers, but are just hired to take care of the township regiment. On the surface, Although they are not soldiers, they can practice more in private. Although it is unreasonable to have so many idlers, no one has stipulated that this cannot be done. As for horses, Fang Qingze built a horse farm nearby to trade horses with businessmen from all over the country. The few hundred horses available in Japan are enough for us to train. If we don¡¯t have artillery and other equipment, we won¡¯t have it. There are not many people who can use it skillfully, and we don¡¯t need too many people. We can just train them privately.¡± ¡°Okay. A man repairing the plank road secretly visited Chencang," Yang Zhun said from the side at this time. He and Yang Xiyu were also invited to the family banquet. Fang Qingze nodded and said: "That's inevitable. It's not that I'm afraid of Yu Qian. Our current strength is already above him, but the difference is not big. If we have another dispute and fight, we will waste people and money. I'm exhausted. , I think the same is true for you." After hearing Fang Qingze's words, everyone nodded, and Fang Qingze said: "Let's rest for a few years, and then we can relax and relax completely when our strength is far greater than Yu Qian. Are you familiar with Miss Yang?" As he spoke, Fang Qingze looked at Tan Qing and Yang Xiyu who were chatting and laughing. Normally, women were not allowed to serve at the banquet, even if it was a banquet for Tan Qing's return. It¡¯s also not allowed. But today is a family dinner, so there are not so many rules. Tan Qing and Yang Xiyu have never met before, but now they are sitting there talking about their health problems, just like sisters. Fang Qingze is talking freely, and they are also laughing quietly beside them, so Fang Qingze has questions. Yang Xiyu tried not to show any timidity and replied loudly: "You men are allowed to fall in love with each other at first sight, but we women are not allowed to have a happy relationship?" Fang Qingze nodded and said: "I finally know why you two are talking like this. It's both You shrewd and tricky woman, whoever marries you in the future will be in trouble." After saying this, everyone started laughing again. After the banquet, Dong De'arong sent Zhu Jianshen and Wan Zhen'er back to Prince Yi's Mansion, while Zhu Jianwen also went back. The others all lived in the Zhongzheng Residence and went their separate ways. Shi Fang called Lu Yunzhi into the room and asked in a low voice: "Did you also find something wrong with Zhu Jianshen?" Lu Yunzhi's face was gloomy and he said: "Well, Master, Zhu Jianshen's yin and yang imbalance is not conducive to practice. , he can no longer practice the techniques of expelling ghosts and protecting the body that I taught him before, otherwise the gains will outweigh the losses if the demons appear in the body." Lu Jiugang had made an appointment with Shi Fang to play chess all night, but when he heard this, he said: "No. Well, how could such a young child have an imbalance of yin and yang? " "I don't know that. I'll go check it out later," Lu Yunzhi said. Shi Fang nodded and said, "Well, go ahead. Well, be careful." Lu Yunzhi cupped his hands and replied: "Master, father-in-law, Yun Zhi will leave first." Then he turned and left the room. It was still early and Lu Yunzhi didn't know what to do. He went back to his room to read but was in no mood. He could only walk aimlessly in the house. He saw Tan Qing holding Bai Yong beside the rockery in the back garden. The two of them They were silent to each other, looking at each other. Lu Yunzhi hurriedly walked away, but was discovered by Tan Qing and Bai Yong. Bai Yong wanted to walk away but was held tightly by Tan Qing. Lu Yunzhi could only raise her voice and say: "I'm just walking around casually." Then he quickened his pace and left the place.?. Walking into another side courtyard, I wanted to chat with Fang Qingze, but I saw Fang Qingze sitting in front of the stone table in the courtyard. There were two people sitting opposite, Yang Zhun and Yang Xiyu. Lu Yunzhi walked up quickly. "Why didn't you call me when you were drinking and chatting?" Fang Qingze saw Lu Yun coming, and laughed and cursed: "Who the hell didn't call you anymore? Third brother, weren't you called away by the master? Why did you come so quickly?" He was 'released'. Usually you talk all night." Lu Yunzhi replied: "It's just a small matter, it's over after a few words." "But it's about Yi Wang Zhu Jianshen? Yang Zhun asked with a smile. Fang Qingze laughed heartily, pointed at Yang Zhun and said: "Lu Yunzhi, look at this Yang Zhun, he is so arrogant and ignorant. He looks like a ruffian all day long, but in fact he is very deep in the city and can guess every time. In other people's eyes, I heard Zhang Feng said that you are really talented." Yang Zhun drank a glass of wine, moved away the finger pointed by Fang Qingze and said, "How can you blame me? , Working with people like you all day long, no matter how stupid you are, you have to become smarter." Yang Zhun said with an aggrieved look on his face, Lu Yunzhi was also amused, and Fang Qingze was at this moment. Said: "Jun'er, no, what happened to Zhu Jianshen?" Lu Yunzhi said softly: "Yin and Yang are out of balance." Fang Qingze choked on the wine in his mouth, looked at Lu Yunzhi in astonishment, and shouted He said, "No, are you reading that right?" Yang Zhun asked, "What is yin and yang imbalance?" Yang Xiyu winked at Yang Zhun, with a hint of blush on his face. (wangwang.)s Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 6: Revealing Concerns Yang Zhun was stunned and knew that there must be a hidden secret, but unfortunately he didn't have much ink in his stomach and couldn't understand what yin and yang imbalance meant. Lu Yunzhi saw the embarrassment on Yang Zhun's face and said hurriedly: "There are several types of so-called yin and yang imbalances. Improper internal fire, poor qi and blood, etc. also belong to the category of yin and yang imbalances, but Zhu Jianshen suffers from the most severe ones. The imbalance of yin and yang that cannot be tolerated in the elegant hall." After saying this, he became silent. After all, it was inconvenient to mention it in the presence of Yang Xiyu. Yang Xiyu stood up, gave a Wanfu salute to the three of them, and then left the side courtyard with lotus steps. Yang Zhun then asked mysteriously: "What's going on, brother Lu?" Fang Qingze continued: "I know what the third brother is talking about. The imbalance of yin and yang he said is simply because Zhu Jianshen has not grown up yet." Cheng, who is still a young man, has insufficient yang energy, and the yin energy enters the body after having sex with a woman. This leads to an imbalance of yin and yang in the body. Ordinary people are not good for the body, but Zhu Jianshen has learned the art of exorcising ghosts and protecting the body. If there is yin and yang. The imbalance may lead to ghosts entering the body, which can range from being disabled to being possessed by ghosts. In short, it will be very troublesome." "No," Yang Zhun said in shock, "How old is Zhu Jianshen? He is just a child. How could it be?" Lu Yunzhi shook his head and then said: "Hey, I don't know. Let's wait until we find out the truth. I always want to take a rest, but these things come one after another." As he said this, he grabbed Fang Qingze's hand. He drank the wine in the cup, stood up, stretched his muscles and said, "I'm going to Prince Yi's Mansion to explore at night. Second brother, please come with me." Fang Qingze waved his hand and said, "No, this kind of It's better for me not to interfere in the matter. If one less person knows about it, it will be less embarrassing. After all, it's not a glorious thing. You go ahead, you are his master and his sub-father, so he is in charge." Lu Yunzhi said. He nodded, cupped his hands towards Fang Qingze and Yang Zhun, and walked out of the courtyard. After Lu Yunzhi left, Fang Qingze said: "Brother Yang, my sister is not young anymore, what are your plans?" After that, he poured another glass of wine and drank it into his mouth, but heard Yang Zhun say with gleaming eyes: "What, Shopkeeper Fang has taken a fancy to the little girl?" The wine in Fang Qingze's mouth suddenly spurted out and hit Yang Zhun's face. Fang Qingze cursed: "Damn it, I won't drink today. I either choked or sprayed it out. . Yang Zhun, Yang Zhun, you are so confused, how could I fall in love with Yang Xiyu?" Yang Zhun wiped the wine from his face, and instead of being angry, he said with a smile, "What's going on? Although Xi Yu is not very beautiful, she is one of the few beauties in the world. Besides, she has been proficient in poetry and painting since she was a child. I don't blame you for falling in love with her. It's just that my little girl has a tricky temper, so I couldn't help but look for her. I was married to my young wife, but I was always rejected by her. There was also Mr. Lu. I finally made up my mind to marry Xi Yu to him no matter what. I don¡¯t know what happened. When the young master mentions his marriage to Xi Yu, he gets angry all over. Sometimes he wets his pants and suffers from serious diseases. Isn¡¯t this shameful again? " Fang Qingze burst out laughing and said, "Does your wife have a sweetheart? " Yang. Zhun sighed and shook his head and said: "How is it possible? She has never seen any other men. Apart from the servants at home, she is one of her own family members. No way." "You are a scheming person and a good opportunist. Why She is so confused when it comes to her own daughter. Why can¡¯t it be your own family? Do you think it¡¯s possible for my third brother, Lu Yunzhi?" Fang Qingze said. Yang Zhun was stunned and said hurriedly: "How could this be possible?" He was a little at a loss for a moment, as if he had already had this concern in his heart, but Fang Qingze dispelled it at this moment. "Why not," Fang Qingze said, "My third brother is a talented man. He is handsome and has an extraordinary temperament. Besides, such a domineering man has no airs. There are several women in the world who don't like this kind of almost perfect man. You and Lu Yunzhi calls each other brother, but when did you hear Yang Xiyu call Lu Yunzhi uncle? They were smiling when they were together. Since you came, my third brother is not as gloomy as before. When I rarely frown, I feel much calmer when I encounter something. I don't know how my daughter is doing. Anyway, I am sure that my third brother must have a good impression of her. How else can I explain it? Is it because you came that my third brother changed like this?" Yang Zhun looked surprised. He really didn't see all this: "This" Fang Qingze said again before Yang Zhun finished speaking: "Don't This and that, my third brother has a wife, but he seems to be very old-fashioned, but in fact he is an unconventional and flexible person. In the past, Yingzi and Shi Yuting were jealous, and they married together and they didn't distinguish between them. Wives and concubines are inferior to each other, and the two of them are very harmonious, so you will definitely not be a concubine or a maid when you marry Xi Yu, let alone suffer a loss. The third brother lost his parents when he was young, so he is so kind to me and his eldest brother. Jie Jinlan's brother is so kind, and he is even more caring about his wife. He would sacrifice his life for Yingzi, but he would give up and save his enemy's life for Shi Yuting. Don't think about it. I will find someone to propose marriage to you later. , you promise??That's it, besides, don't you just want your daughter to marry into a good family and develop her power and become a phoenix? Although this doesn't sound good, Brother Yang, that's what you think in your heart. By marrying Lu Yunzhi, you will become Lu Yunzhi's father-in-law. What else is more reliable than this relationship, and who has as much power as our brothers? " Yang Zhunzhen stood up and paced back and forth and said, "I'm afraid this is not appropriate. I am worthy of Lu Yun's brother, so marrying my daughter to him is against common sense. How should the world see me, Yang Zhun? " "Who do you think you are, people in the world? Don't say it's you. Even if it's the emperor, how many people can remember it in the past one or two hundred years? It's too tiring to live in fear of other people's eyes. "Fang Qingze said disdainfully. Yang Zhun said hurriedly: "I know this, but I have to think about it in the long term at this time. I am a little confused in my heart. Let me think about it before making a plan. Fang Qingze waved his hand impatiently and said: "It's up to you. Come to me after you think about it, so I can notify my eldest brother to return to Beijing. How can my eldest brother be missing from the third brother's marriage, haha." ¡± Let¡¯s talk about Lu Yunzhi¡¯s side. After walking out of the Zhongzheng Yiline Courtyard, he walked for about half an hour and arrived in front of Prince Yi¡¯s Mansion. He stood at the door but didn¡¯t know whether to go in or not. If you don¡¯t go in, you can¡¯t catch the thief. If you go in, you will encounter a very embarrassing scene. For a moment, Lu Yunzhi was entangled outside the door. Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 7: Visiting the Beautiful House at Night Lu Yunzhi was standing outside the gate of Prince Yi's Mansion and was struggling. Suddenly, a woman's moan sounded in the courtyard. Lu Yunzhi was not a child, so she naturally knew what the sound was. So he no longer hesitated, grabbed the cracks in the bricks of the exterior wall with his hands and jumped into the air, his body rising into the air like a light feather. I saw his feet on the top of the wall, and then he jumped into the yard. His movements were clean and neat, and he was indescribably free and elegant. As soon as Lu Yunzhi's feet touched the ground, she walked quickly towards the bedroom. The sound of gasping inside became more and more intense. Lu Yunzhi raised her feet and kicked towards the wooden door. The wooden door shattered under Lu Yunzhi's strong force, and two exclamations came out from the room. Two people were seen lying on the bed, one was Wan Zhen'er having a happy reunion, and the other was Zhu Jianshen, who was dumbfounded. "Put on your clothes, and then come to the main room to talk." Lu Yunzhi said with a livid face, and then walked away with a puff of sleeves. Wan Zhen'er and Zhu Jianshen quickly put on their clothes and trembled into the main room. Zhu Jianshen walked up to Lu Yunzhi, knelt down and said, "Father, all this is my fault. It has nothing to do with Aunt Wan. It's all my fault. Please punish me, Father." In desperation, Zhu Jianshen didn't even stutter. Wan Zhen'er's body was like sieving chaff, shivering constantly, and then plopped down on the ground. The reason why she was so scared was because Lu Yunzhi's cold eyes were staring into her eyes. Lu Yunzhi waved Zhu Jianshen away, walked up to Wan Zhen'er and said, "He is so old, and you do this. It's really shameless. He is a child and you are not sensible. Are you still ignorant?" Lu Yunzhi turned to Zhu Jianshen. He reprimanded: "You are so young, you actually do this kind of thing on the bed, not to mention that it is not good for your still growing body, and you are practicing the art of exorcising ghosts and protecting the body, so your yin and yang are out of balance. , Aren't you afraid of being killed on the spot!" After speaking, Lu Yunzhi sat on the chair angrily and looked at the two people in front of him. Zhu Jianshen said no more, he just knelt on the spot and his tears couldn't stop flowing down, but he didn't dare to cry out. Wan Zhen'er suddenly raised her head and shouted at Lu Yunzhi: "What do you know? Why are you dictating? Do you know the pain in my heart? Do you know how lonely I am?!" "I don't know. ," Lu Yunzhi replied coldly. He didn't expect that Wan Zhen'er would suddenly have a fit and shout at him, but he had long been used to strong winds and waves, and shouting had no effect on him, so he said calmly: "I Although I don't know your inner depression, I think I can understand it. But I know that you base your venting on Zhu Jianshen. This is extremely detrimental to his growth. Have you ever thought about it? Not to mention what will happen to his heart in the future, let¡¯s talk about what you should do if he is possessed by a ghost when he uses the technique of exorcising ghosts. Even if you are cut into pieces, it will not help. " Lu Yunzhi. After a pause, he glanced at Zhu Jianshen, who was still kneeling on the ground crying, and said to Wan Zhen'er: "As for what qualifications you think I have, first of all, I am his sub-father. I have no children. I regard Zhu Jianshen as my own. If the son doesn't teach, it's the father's fault. Secondly, I am his master. As a master of the Zhongzheng lineage, I am not strict in my teaching. Thirdly, this kind of unethical relationship between the two of you is unacceptable to everyone. "Father, we are not in love, I like Aunt Wan, and Aunt Wan is also good to me," Zhu Jianshen returned to his stammering state and cried. Lu Yunzhi suddenly slapped Zhu Jianshen in the face with his palm and cursed: "You bastard, she is nearly twenty years older than you. Isn't that not unethical? Also, how can a man cry like a man? Why don't you hold it back?" Just shed tears, just for love, don¡¯t cry out of fear, do you hear me?¡± Wan Zhen¡¯er said slowly: ¡°Then what are you going to do, are you going to kill me?¡± Wan Zhen¡¯er provoked Lu Yunzhi, Lu Yunzhi suddenly became jealous, and Yuqi turned into a sword hanging beside him and said: "Why not kill you!" Zhu Jianshen rushed to Wan Zhen'er and shouted: "Father, I dare not I disobey you, but if you want to kill Aunt Wan, kill me first. "Lu Yunzhi looked a little gloomy, knowing in his heart that he could change many major events in the world, but he could not change the emotions in people's hearts. Now Zhu Jianshen has been deeply affected by Wan Zhen'er. Deeply confused, even if he kills Wan Zhen'er, it will not help. If things go wrong, he will turn against Zhu Jianshen. Thinking of this, Lu Yunzhi sighed and said to Zhu Jianshen: "I won't kill Wan Zhen'er. You go out first. I have something to say to her." Zhu Jianshen was not worried and still guarded Wan Zhen'er fiercely. But Wan Zhen'er whispered in Zhu Jianshen's ear: "It's okay, you go out first." Zhu Jianshen turned around and walked out of the door. Lu Yunzhi waved his hand, and instantly an evil wind passed by, and the door and windows were all covered with dust. Lu Yunzhi was so angry that he didn't want to get up, so he used the wind control technique. Lu Yunzhi reached out and pulled up Wan Zhen'er, who had been lying on the ground, and said: "It can be seen that he is really good to you. Are you worthy of him by doing this?" Wan Zhen'er raised her neck and said?, leaving that fair skin, the clothes she put on in panic were messy, her plump breasts appeared and disappeared, her whole body trembled slightly, and her voice also trembled a little: "Come on, give me a good fuck "Whoever wants to kill you, I promised Zhu Jianshen not to kill you, how could I go back on my word?" Lu Yunzhi said. Wan Zhen'er replied with some disbelief: "Don't lie to me, I haven't heard about you. How can you, the people who dominate the world, be honest? If you want to kill, kill me. This matter is mine." No, although there is a certain reason, don't embarrass that child." Lu Yunzhi sighed again and said, "You also know that he is a child, and you still do that kind of thing with him. I don't even know what to say to you. What's good? I really won't kill you, Wan Zhen'er, tell me why you do this. Is it just because of your emptiness and loneliness? You are a smart person and you must have a purpose for doing this. " Wan Zhen'er wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and then said softly: "Purpose? Smart person? I am just a weak woman, helpless, what else can I use if I don't use my own body? Didn't I do anything to you? Have you expressed your love? But have you accepted it? No! What can I do if I don¡¯t do this? It¡¯s all you who forced me to be so mean!¡± Wan Zhen¡¯er suddenly jumped into Lu. In Yunzhi's arms, she began to cry. Lu Yunzhi did not dodge, but instead caressed Wan Zhen'er's back, comforting her, and her nose was filled with the scent of woman. (wangwang.)e Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 8: The Reality of Husband and Wife Wan Zhen'er kept crying, and her tears made Lu Yunzhi's chest a mess. Lu Yunzhi gently stroked Wan Zhen'er's back and said with a smile: "Okay, enough of crying, no more making trouble. Enough trouble, let me go, I'm terrible when I'm angry." Wan Zhen'er heard that Lu Yunzhi was joking, and burst into laughter, and gently hit Lu Yunzhi's chest with her fist. Said: "You are necrotic." Lu Yunzhi gently used force on her hand to separate Wan Zhen'er's arms that were still tightly entangled, then quickly walked aside and did it, and then asked: "You and my son know each other well." "What are you going to do about the matter?" "If you want me, I will follow you. If you think I am unclean, I will serve you no matter what." Wan Zhen'er said, and Lu Yunzhi suddenly felt very numb, and her whole body felt numb. Shivering on the chair, he said: "Can't you talk properly? You and Jianshen are already a couple. Don't say anything about me. That would be even more unethical. Jianshen has been dependent on you since childhood, and to you He has deep feelings for you and regards you as a sister and even a mother. How can you have such sexual intercourse with him? " Wan Zhen'er sighed, wiped the tears on her face and said, "I am a woman, empty. Loneliness is inevitable, please forgive me for being confused for a while. " "Huh, don't stop it!" Lu Yunzhi suddenly changed his face and said coldly. Wan Zhen'er was shocked but did not answer. Lu Yunzhi suddenly slapped the table and shouted: "It's not true." Wan Zhen'er wanted to cry again, but Lu Yunzhi said: "Don't cry anymore, otherwise, believe it or not, I have a way to make you live but not die." Wan Zhen'er had seen it. Zhu Jianshen contacted the art of exorcising ghosts and protecting the body. Knowing that Lu Yunzhi was even more powerful, he naturally did not dare to muddle through like this again, so he could only confess: "I just want someone to rely on. I am already this old, who wants to marry me?" Ah. I am neither Zhu Jianshen¡¯s mother nor his sister. If one day he grows up, marries a wife and has children, how will he remember me? I am a weak woman, so what can I do?¡± Lu Yunzhi nodded and said. : "So you and he are actually married. In this case, you can at least be a concubine in the future. There is nothing wrong with it. But why don't you tell me that it's not good for me to help you find a family? You have to be with me. "It's such a bad relationship." "How dare I say this. Besides, as a woman, I only have a little man named Zhu Jianshen. Although what I did was a bit despicable. But you can't let me find a random man from outside," Wan Zhen'er said with aggrieved tone. Lu Yunzhi looked at Wan Zhen'er and felt uncomfortable in her heart. Wan Zhen'er is indeed not easy. It is understandable that people would resort to such measures in order to survive. So he said: "Then what status should you take in the future? Is it possible to do this?" My daughter-in-law is not good enough. " "I don't dare to have such extravagant expectations. It's enough to stay with Zhu Jianshen. When he grows up, he will still remember that his first woman was me, and I will be satisfied with what I eat and drink. " Wan Zhen'er said sadly. Lu Yunzhi cleared her throat and whispered: "Maybe it's more than that. From today on, Miss Wan must clean herself up. I won't stop you and my son, but don't let others take advantage of you now. In the future, you will Enjoy endless wealth." Wan Zhen'er was stunned. Although she didn't know what Lu Yunzhi was referring to, she nodded vigorously. Lu Yunzhi added: "Zhu Jianshen can no longer practice the art of exorcising ghosts and protecting the body. I will ask him to stop practicing for a while and let me study the art of intercourse for a few days. I don't know much about this, but my sister-in-law is from the Murong family. People who are proficient in this technique have talked about it a few times before. After I study it, I will teach it to you two. You can explore it yourself. If you practice it well, it will be no worse than our Zhongzheng lineage." After saying this, Lu Yunzhi stood up. Come and walk towards the door, Zhu Jianshen was sitting on the steps outside the door. When he saw Lu Yunzhi coming out, he quickly bowed his hands and did not dare to raise his head, and said, "Father, please forgive Aunt Wan." Lu Yunzhi He walked up to Zhu Jianshen, touched his head and said, "Silly boy, I won't kill your Aunt Wan, but you can no longer practice the art of expelling ghosts and protecting the body. I'll teach you one in a few days." Zhu Jianshen nodded repeatedly and said, "Okay, Yafu, I will definitely learn it." What Lu Yunzhi wanted to teach Zhu Jianshen was Fangzhongshu. Zhu Jianshen said that he should learn it well. I really didn't know how to answer, so I could only smile bitterly and say, "Good boy, go to bed. I'll come see you another day." After that, he gave Zhu Jianshen a gentle push, and Zhu Jianshen went back to the room. Lu Yunzhi turned to Wan Zhen'er and said, "Before I teach you Fangzhongshu, you two are not allowed to have sex anymore. You should also go back so that you can take care of yourself." As he said this, Lu Yunzhi walked quickly outside the hospital. , and then strode in the direction of the Zhongzheng Yiline House. In the Zhongzheng Yiline House, Tan Qing and Bai Yong stood opposite each other. Tan Qing's hand grabbed Bai Yong's sleeve and asked in a anxious voice: "What's wrong with you? What's wrong with me?"I have offended you here, you are so indifferent to me. Bai Yong replied impatiently: "Let go and let me go. I just don't like being with you anymore. It's that simple!" " Tan Qing's hand still grasped Bai Yong's clothes tightly. He did not let go because Bai Yong said hurtful words. On the contrary, he held on tighter. Although there was some disappointment on his face, it passed in a flash and turned around. And he became unruly: "You can deal with it if you want to, but you can ignore it if you don't want to? Who do you think your aunt is? If you can't tell me today, you won't be able to leave. " Bai Yong shouted: "You still want to stop me! "As he spoke, he raised his energy and concentrated his mind. A trace of golden light appeared on his wrist, and then he shook Tan Qing's hand away with a sudden shake, and walked quickly towards the house. There was a trace of tears in Tan Qing's eyes, but he also shouted repeatedly, from Two black poisonous insects were waved out from his sleeves, and they hit Bai Yong straight away. Bai Yong quickly used his energy to form a fist, and when they collided with the poisonous insects, Tan Qing jumped away and released pink poisonous poison around him. , the body and the pink mist seemed to disappear without a trace. Bai Yong used Qi control to cover his whole body, and seven or eight Qi fists suddenly appeared. It seemed that his Qi control method had been improved, and his fists were surrounded by Qi. Wandering outside the shield, he kept defending. Suddenly, a wave of sinister energy struck, and the black bee suddenly appeared in the pink smoke, and then quickly pressed towards Bai Yong. Several of Bai Yong's gas-formed fists glowed with golden light. The two sides collided with each other, making a loud noise. Bai Yong was pushed out by the huge impact, leaving two footprints on the bluestone. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 9: Inferiority of Men Everyone who had fallen asleep in the courtyard of Zhongzheng was awakened by the sound of Bai Yong and Tan Qing fighting. They got up and walked towards the place where the sound came from. Bai Yong shouted: "Tan Qing, you crazy bitch, are you going to kill me?" As he spoke, he swung his air fist to hit Xuan Bee, but as soon as the needle tip of Xuan Bee's ghost energy touched Bai Yong's air fist , the gas-formed fist spread apart, destroying the dead and destroying it with overwhelming force. Tan Qing said evilly: "Bai Yong, if you don't give me a reasonable explanation, you can't leave today." Bai Yong dodged the black bee's attack, but saw Tan Qing's waistband springing up, Bai Yong quickly jumped down He jumped onto the rockery and punched it again. Another roar came and the rockery shattered into powder. At this time, everyone in the courtyard had already arrived. Lu Jiugang asked, "What happened to them?" Everyone shook their heads, not knowing. Fang Qingze said with some annoyance: "These young couples are so powerful. It's okay to have a fight from now on, but let them not sleep." He took out a blood-red gem and muttered something before throwing it into the air. , and then dozens of red evil spirits transformed from the gems, and then rushed towards the two of them with huge evil aura. Fang Qingze shouted: "Stop fighting, there is nothing to discuss." Tan Qing drove Pulao's body grew bigger and bigger, and he suddenly swung his tail like a giant python towards the red evil spirits. The ferocious spirits suddenly let out bursts of whistles, and his body flickered in and out. With a "pop" sound, he The soul was scattered. Tan Qing hid in the smoke and shouted at Fang Qingze: "Don't interfere, this is a matter between the two of us." Lu Jiugang patted Fang Qingze on the shoulder with interest and said: "Look, it's not a thankless task, haha. , If it really comes to a critical moment, it won't be too late for us to stop it." Yang Xiyu frowned and looked at the two people fighting in front of him. Before the banquet started, Yang Xiyu had chatted with Tan Qing for a while, but he didn't expect it. But we felt like old friends at first sight. So Tan Qing told Yang Xiyu the pain in her heart, her affection for Bai Yong, and her doubts about Bai Yong's recent mood change. In short, Yang Xiyu knew the whole story, and also knew that the fight between Tan Qing and Bai Yong today must be because Bai Yong treated Tan Qing coldly again. Suddenly, Pulao jumped up from behind Bai Yong. Bai Yong quickly dodged, but Tan Qing rushed out of the smoke and hit Bai Yong with Gu worms. Bai Yong was flanked by Tan Qing and Pulao and did not dare to attack again. He could only keep reinforcing the air-bending shield beside him and wait for the attacks from both sides to hit. Bai Yong felt the pressure of Pulao, so he moved his energy to the direction where Pulao was coming. Sure enough, Pulao opened his mouth and roared out the sound of bells and chimes. The sound was deafening and rushed towards Bai Yong. Bai Yong frowned. He gritted his teeth and took it hard, then formed two fists from the air mask and hit the Gu worms released by Tan Qing, and the Gu worms were crushed one after another. Fang Qingze whispered: "Bai Yong is getting more and more powerful. It seems that Bai Yong can win." But he heard a cold voice behind him say: "That's not necessarily true." Fang Qingze quickly turned around, only to see Han Yueqiu standing behind a tree. He was leaning against a big tree. If he hadn't made a sudden noise, he wouldn't have been noticed. Fang Qingze waved his hand and said, "Second senior brother, you scared me. Why did you say you are not sure?" But Han Yueqiu pointed at Bai Yong's head and said, "Look!" Fang Qingze looked in the direction Han Yueqiu pointed, but saw nothing. No, I was about to ask again when I saw what seemed to be some tiny flying insect on the top of Bai Yong's head. Lu Jiugang chuckled and said, "So that's how it is. Use the pink poison as a blindfold, and then make the black bee smaller and fly to Bai Yong's head, and then launch an attack. It's a surprise. This Tan Qing is really a master." Just as Lu Jiugang said, Xuanfeng suddenly grew in size, and then attacked quickly. Bai Yong was caught off guard. He used all his strength to deal with the two sides but had no time to pay attention to the top. The air shield and the air-formed fists suddenly lost control and broke apart one after another. Xuanfeng did not insert the poisonous needle composed of ghost energy into Bai Yong's body, but turned around and hit Bai Yong. Bai Yong was knocked out, and at this time a figure rushed in from outside the courtyard wall, caught Bai Yong, then relaxed his strength on the wall, and stood on the ground with Bai Yong. Bai Yong looked sideways and shouted: "Lord." Lu Yunzhi frowned and muttered: "It's really lively tonight." Tan Qing waved away the smoke and rushed to Lu Yun. In front of him, he shouted: "Why did you interfere again? This is a matter between me and Bai Yong, no one else should care." Lu Yunzhi snorted and said: "You are not willing to kill Bai Yong, but you just keep shouting . Besides, why should I not care about Bai Yong and my brother? What happened to you two?" Tan Qing suddenly felt aggrieved when asked by Lu Yunzhi, and said with an angry look: "Ask him, I didn't offend him, but he treated me coldly and ignored me. If it wasn't for him, why would I stay in the capital? All my Miao Gu disciples are starting to miss home. , how could I not know that they are complaining about me privately, but I am not staying here for this bastard Bai Yong.¡±  "Tan Qing's original intention was to make friends with Lu Yunzhi, and he made contributions in the duel with Yu Qian to preserve the Miao Gu lineage. He was supposed to evacuate after the peace talks between the two parties, but he didn't know that his affection for Bai Yong had doubled. So he stayed, and the people he led did not dare to evacuate first when they saw that the pulse master had not left, but they had already started to complain privately. "Let's go, who's stopping you?" Bai Yong yelled with a stick on his neck. Tan Qing was stunned for a moment, then got angry and shouted: "You bastard, I'll beat you to death." Lu Yunzhi shouted He said: "Stop it, what do you two want to do? Bai Yong, Tan Qing has a deep love for you, if you reject her, you can give her a reason." "Lord, I I don't like her, She pestered me, so we two took action." Bai Yong replied, but his face changed color, and he felt as if he was torn apart by a thousand cuts. He knew at a glance that he was telling a lie. Lu Yunzhi didn't speak, Tan Qing didn't yell, and everyone looked at Bai Yong. Bai Yong lowered his head and said after a moment: "To be honest, I don't think I'm worthy of Tan Qing. Once upon a time, I thought I was a master of Fengbo Village, and felt that my abilities were only inferior to the Lord and General Qu, and One day I will definitely surpass General Qu. But along the way, I feel insignificant and humble among all the masters. I like Tan Qing, but as a man, I am not as capable as Tan Qing. Senior Lu was able to fight evenly, and even if he lost, I was defeated. However, Senior Lu was beaten so hard that I couldn't resist her being so merciful in today's battle with Tan Qing. How can a dignified man be weaker than the person he likes? ¡± (wangwang.)e. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 10: Self-Destruction "Bai Yong, you will one day surpass me. As long as you stay with Lu Yunzhi and work hard to learn his skills, you will surpass him and become the best master in the world. I believe you can do it. I can't do it for you Give up my own skills, because I have my own Miao Gu lineage to protect, and I can't live up to the responsibility of the lineage leader for my own love, but the man I like will definitely be better than me in the future." Tan Qing. She shouted, and when she heard that Bai Yong also liked her answer, she felt extremely happy. If Bai Yong was unhappy because of this matter, Tan Qing was confident that he could ease the knot in Bai Yong's heart. Bai Yong shook his head and said: "I will definitely be stronger than you. I want to be the best warrior in the world. Although I feel more pressure when I am with you, if it is just like this, I will also bear the gap between you and me." It will also be regarded as the motivation for me to move forward. However, my face is no longer the young man in his prime. My face is full of scars, but if I were a hero in this world, I would still be beautiful. I'm worthy of you, but now I can't even beat you, and my face is so ugly, how can I be with you! I don't deserve it, I don't deserve it!" Bai Yong roared at the top of his lungs, feeling very uncomfortable inside. The words that were weighing on my mind finally came out. Chao Xing touched the scars on his face and was also very distressed. This kind of scary face was really frustrating. Often when they first met, they would make people feel disgusted before even speaking, so Chao Xing could not help but feel anxious. His true face showed. The hat of the Iron Sword Lineage also stayed on his head and refused to take it off for a long time. It was not until he met his nephew Lu Yunzhi that he took off the hat. He was already older and did not care much about his appearance. . Therefore, Chao Xing understands Bai Yong's feelings very well, and also knows that as he gets older, the scars on his face may weaken, or they may become darker and darker like his own scars. Tan Qing sneered, and gradually the laughter became louder and louder. Suddenly tears flowed down her cheeks. She pointed at Bai Yong and shouted: "Do you think I care? If I care about these, why would I do this?" I'll pester you." Bai Yong couldn't help but burst into tears for a while, shouting at the top of his lungs: "But I care, I hope you can find a better place, I'm not worthy of you!" Bai Yong choked twice and said again. : "Only a man like my lord can match you. I am willing to wait by your side silently, because you are all the people I love." Lu Yun was stunned for a moment, thinking of the way she looked at Tan Qing in the past, it turned out that she was white. Yong misunderstood. Lu Yunzhi was worried that Bai Yong would tell Tan Qing about the speculation about her relationship with Tan Qing's brother and sister, so she thought that Bai Yong had concealed the speculation, and the misunderstanding deepened. Lu Yunzhi felt that now was the time to explain, otherwise the situation would become more complicated, so he whispered: "Tan Qing is my sister." Bai Yong was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Lu Yunzhi meant, thinking that Lu Yunzhi was doing it for He comforted himself by saying that he felt like a brother and sister towards Tan Qing. But I heard Chao Xing say at this time: "It's true, haven't you noticed that Tan Qing and Yun Zhi are somewhat similar? They are probably long-lost brothers and sisters." Tan Qing was shocked, a little unbelievable, and retreated She walked a few steps behind the people around her, turned around, and her heart was filled with confusion. Only then did she understand why Chao Xing and Lu Yunzhi were so interested in her life experience when they were in Bazhou City, and then she hugged Bai Yong. When she came back to drink, everyone would look at her with indescribable weirdness in their eyes. At the same time, she also understood why Lu Yunzhi indulged her unruly and willful behavior, and her eyes were still full of concern. Everything was clear, but Tan Qing had difficulty accepting it for a while. She didn't know whether it was true or not. After all, Lu Yunzhi was too smart. . "The matter has not yet been decided. I want to wait until the next day to meet your mother Qiu Nongbu and find out what's going on." Lu Yunzhi said to Tan Qing, then turned to Bai Yong and said: "But no matter what, I will Treat Tan Qing as your sister and you will never have any other ideas. Bai Yong, you make your own choice. Regardless of whether Tan Qing is my sister or not, or whether she is stronger than you, you just need to ask yourself whether you love her or not. The rest is not important. " Tan Qing was carrying his back and his body was shaking a little. This night was not only a headache for Lu Yunzhi, but also for Tan Qing, whether it was what Bai Yong said or what Lu Yunzhi said. The doubts between her siblings made her restless. Soon, Tan Qing calmed down, but without turning his head, he said: "Lu Yunzhi, whether you are my biological brother or not, I have long regarded you as my brother. It's not because of anything else. Just because you are Bai Yong's lord, and Bai Yong regards you as his brother, I am willing to follow him. I have told you this before. As for you, Bai Yong, you are worried about my ability, but I can't do anything about it. But I" Lu Yunzhi suddenly shouted something bad and rushed towards Tan Qing. Although he was not sure, he suddenly felt that something bad might be happening. Lu Jiugang left Tan Qing. When he got closer, he heard Lu Yunzhi yelling loudly. Not knowing what happened, he stretched out his hand to grab Tan Qing. Tan Qing let out a scream, and at the same time, Lu Jiugang also grabbed Tan Qing's arm.  Lu Yunzhi had already jumped in front of Tan Qing, and saw Tan Qing swaying, as if his body was about to fall. Lu Yunzhi looked at Tan Qing, but his body trembled slightly, his eyes were a little erratic, and he sighed and said, "Youwhy are you doing this!" Bai Yong also ran quickly. Arriving in front of Tan Qing, Tan Qing slowly turned his head. Bai Yong opened his eyes wide, and two lines of tears could not stop flowing down again. Then he looked up to the sky and shouted: "Tan Qing!" Everyone looked at Tan Qing, They all let out exclamations of surprise. The left side of Tan Qing's face was completely broken, and his skin was like rubbed paper. There were wrinkles everywhere and looked terrifying. Bai Yong hugged Tan Qing into his arms and cried, "Why are you doing this?" "You don't have to worry about your appearance. I'm in charge of my face. Whether you like it or not is up to you." Tan Qing said slowly, holding back the severe pain. Bai Yong said word for word: "Tan Qing, I will never let you down." Tan Qing showed a smile and replied: "Look, appearance and voice are not as important as you think." As he said this, he could no longer bear the pain on his face. In severe pain, he fainted. Lu Yunzhi said hurriedly: "Whenever you still have time to linger, come with me quickly." Bai Yong picked up Tan Qing and followed Lu Yunzhi to the plum grove in the backyard. Everyone also went there, Dong However, De and Arong stopped everyone and asked them to go back and rest first. Fang Qingze muttered: "What kind of tricks is this kid doing?" Although he complained, he took the lead and turned around to leave. (wangwang.)e Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 9: Inferiority of Men . Everyone who had fallen asleep in the courtyard of Zhongzheng was awakened by the sound of Bai Yong and Tan Qing fighting. They all got up and walked towards the place where the sound came from. Bai Yong shouted: "Tan Qing, you. This crazy bitch, are you going to kill me?" She said and waved her air fist to hit Xuan Feng. However, as soon as the needle tip of Xuan Bee's ghostly energy touched Bai Yong's air fist, the gas-formed fist fell apart. The overwhelming force was unstoppable. Tan Qing said viciously: "Bai Yong, if you don't give me a reasonable explanation today, you won't be able to leave." Bai Yong dodged the black bee's attack, but saw Tan Qing's waistband springing up. Bai Yong quickly jumped onto the rockery and punched it again. There was another roar. The rockery shattered into powder. At this time, everyone in the courtyard had already arrived. Lu Jiugang asked: "What happened to them?" ." Everyone shook their heads. They didn't know. Fang Qingze said with some annoyance: "These young couples are so powerful. It's better to have a fight from now on. They won't let anyone sleep." As he said that, he took out one The blood-red gem was muttered and then thrown into the air. Then dozens of red evil spirits were transformed from the gem. Then they rushed towards the two of them with huge evil aura. Fang Qingze shouted: "You two, stop fighting. Is there anything we can't discuss?" Pulao, driven by Tan Qing, grew bigger and bigger. He suddenly swung his tail like a giant python and lashed out at the red evil spirits. He let out bursts of whistles when they were fierce. His body suddenly Suddenly and suddenly, with a "pop", his soul disappeared. Tan Qing hid in the smoke and shouted at Fang Qingze: "Don't interfere. This is a matter between the two of us." Lu Jiugang patted Fang Qingze with interest. Looking over his shoulder, he said: "Look, it's so thankless. Haha. If it really comes to a critical moment, it won't be too late for us to stop it." Yang Xiyu frowned and looked at the two people fighting in front of him. Before the banquet started, Yang Xiyu frowned. Yang Xiyu chatted with Tan Qing for a while. Unexpectedly, they felt like old friends at first sight. So Tan Qing told Yang Xiyu her pain in her heart, her affection for Bai Yong, and her doubts about Bai Yong's recent change in mood. In short, Yang Xiyu knew the whole story. He also knew that Tan Qing and Bai Yong had a big fight today. It must be because Bai Yong treated Tan Qing coldly again. Suddenly, Pulao jumped up from behind Bai Yong. Bai Yong quickly dodged. .But Tan Qing rushed out of the smoke and hit Bai Yong with Gu insects. Bai Yong was attacked from the front and back by Tan Qing and Pulao. He didn't dare to attack anymore and could only keep strengthening the Qi control around him. Cover, waiting for the two attacks to collide. Bai Yong felt the pressure of Pulao, so he moved his energy to the direction where Pulao was coming. Sure enough, Pulao opened his mouth and roared out the sound of a bell. The deafening sound rushed towards Bai Yong. Bai Yong frowned and gritted his teeth and followed it hard. Then he formed two fists from the air mask and hit the Gu worms released by Tan Qing. The Gu worms were crushed one after another. Fang Qingze whispered. : "Bai Yong is getting better and better. It seems that Bai Yong can win." But he heard a cold voice behind him saying: "That's not necessarily true." Fang Qingze quickly turned around, only to see Han Yueqiu leaning on a big tree behind him. If he hadn't made a sudden noise, he wouldn't have been noticed. Fang Qingze waved his hand and said, "Second senior brother, you scared me. Why do you say you are not sure?" But Han Yueqiu pointed at Bai Yong's head and said, "Look." Fang Qingze looked in the direction Han Yueqiu pointed. There was nothing. Just when he was about to ask again, he saw what seemed to be some small flying insects on the top of Bai Yong's head. Lu Jiugang chuckled and said, "I see. I used pink poison to blind my eyes." Then let the black bee become smaller and fly to Bai Yong's head, and then launch an attack. The attack was unexpected. This Tan Qing is really a master." Just as Lu Jiugang said, the black bee suddenly became bigger, and then attacked quickly. Bai Yong was caught off guard. He dealt with the two sides with all his strength but had no time to pay attention to the top. The air mask and the air-formed fist suddenly lost control and broke apart one after another. The black bee did not insert the poisonous needle composed of the ghost air into Bai Yong's body. Instead, he turned around and hit Bai Yong. Bai Yong was knocked away. At this time, a figure rushed in from outside the courtyard wall and caught Bai Yong. Then he relaxed his strength a little on the wall. Bai Yong stood on the ground together with Yong. Bai Yong looked sideways and shouted: "Lord." Lu Yunzhi frowned and muttered: "It's really lively tonight." Tan Qing waved away the smoke. He rushed to Lu Yunzhi and shouted: "Why did you interfere again? This is a matter between me and Bai Yong. Don't worry about anyone else." Lu Yunzhi snorted and said: "You are not willing to kill Bai Yong. Yong. But he kept yelling. Besides, why should I not care about Bai Yong and my brother? What happened to you two? You have to take action." Tan Qing was asked by Lu Yunzhi and suddenly felt aggrieved. He said with an angry look: "Ask him. I didn't offend him, but he treated me coldly and ignored me. If it weren't for him, why would I stay in the capital? My Miao Gu Vein Everyone is starting to miss home. How could I not know that they are complaining about me privately. But I am not staying here because of this bastard Bai Yong." Tan Qing's original intention was to make friends with Lu Yunzhi, and he gained credit in the duel with Yu Qian. In order to preserve the Miao Gu lineage, he should have led the people to evacuate after the peace talks between the two parties. Unexpectedly, he secretly promised to have a favorable impression of Bai Yong, so he stayed.When the Pulse Master saw that the Pulse Master had not left, they did not dare to evacuate first. However, there were already complaints in private. "You are leaving. Who is stopping you?" Bai Yong shouted with a strangle on his neck. Tan Qing was stunned for a moment, and then became furious. He shouted: "You bastard. I'll beat you to death." Lu Yunzhi shouted: "Stop it. What do you two want to do? Bai Yong and Tan Qing have deep feelings for you. If you refuse her, So I can give you a reason." "My lord, II don't like her, but she pesters me. The two of us did it." Bai Yong replied, but his face changed color when he said this. His words were as painful as being cut into pieces by a thousand cuts. At first sight, he knew they were lies. Lu Yunzhi didn¡¯t speak. Tan Qing didn¡¯t yell either. Everyone looked at Bai Yong. Bai Yong lowered his head. After a moment, Said: "Let me tell the truth. I feel that I am not worthy of Tan Qing. Once upon a time, I thought that I was a master of Fengbo Village. I felt that my abilities were only inferior to the Lord and General Qu. And one day I will definitely surpass General Qu. But along the way, there are so many masters that I only feel small and humble. I like Tan Qing, but as a man, I am not as capable as Tan Qing. Tan Qing and Senior Lu are evenly matched. It was a shame to lose. But I was beaten by Senior Lu and was unable to resist. Today I am fighting with Tan Qing. I can't resist her being so merciful. Let me ask, how can a man like me be better than the one I like? People are still weak." (wangwang.)e Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 10: Self-Destruction "Bai Yong, you will one day surpass me. As long as you stay with Lu Yunzhi and work hard to learn his skills, you will surpass him and become the best master in the world. I believe you can do it. I can't do it for you Give up my own skills, because I have my own Miao Gu lineage to protect, and I can't live up to the responsibility of the lineage leader for my own love, but the man I like will definitely be better than me in the future." Tan Qing. She shouted, and when she heard that Bai Yong also liked her answer, she felt extremely happy. If Bai Yong was unhappy because of this matter, Tan Qing was confident that he could ease the knot in Bai Yong's heart. Bai Yong shook his head and said: "I will definitely be stronger than you. I want to be the best warrior in the world. Although I feel more pressure when I am with you, if it is just like this, I will also bear the gap between you and me." It will also be regarded as the motivation for me to move forward. However, my face is no longer the young man in his prime. My face is full of scars, but if I were a hero in this world, I would still be beautiful. I'm worthy of you, but now I can't even beat you, and my face is so ugly, how can I be with you! I don't deserve it, I don't deserve it!" Bai Yong roared at the top of his lungs, feeling very uncomfortable inside. The words that were weighing on my mind finally came out. Chao Xing touched the scars on his face and was also very distressed. This kind of scary face was really frustrating. Often when they first met, they would make people feel disgusted before even speaking, so Chao Xing could not help but feel anxious. His true face showed. The hat of the Iron Sword Lineage also stayed on his head and refused to take it off for a long time. It was not until he met his nephew Lu Yunzhi that he took off the hat. He was already older and did not care much about his appearance. . Therefore, Chao Xing understands Bai Yong's feelings very well, and also knows that as he gets older, the scars on his face may weaken, or they may become darker and darker like his own scars. Tan Qing sneered, and gradually the laughter became louder and louder. Suddenly tears flowed down her cheeks. She pointed at Bai Yong and shouted: "Do you think I care? If I care about these, why would I do this?" I'll pester you." Bai Yong couldn't help but burst into tears for a while, shouting at the top of his lungs: "But I care, I hope you can find a better place, I'm not worthy of you!" Bai Yong choked twice and said again. : "Only a man like my lord can match you. I am willing to wait by your side silently, because you are all the people I love." Lu Yun was stunned for a moment, thinking of the way she looked at Tan Qing in the past, it turned out that she was white. Yong misunderstood. Lu Yunzhi was worried that Bai Yong would tell Tan Qing about the speculation about her relationship with Tan Qing's brother and sister, so she thought that Bai Yong had concealed the speculation, and the misunderstanding deepened. Lu Yunzhi felt that now was the time to explain, otherwise the situation would become more complicated, so he whispered: "Tan Qing is my sister." Bai Yong was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Lu Yunzhi meant, thinking that Lu Yunzhi was doing it for He comforted himself by saying that he felt like a brother and sister towards Tan Qing. But I heard Chao Xing say at this time: "It's true, haven't you noticed that Tan Qing and Yun Zhi are somewhat similar? They are probably long-lost brothers and sisters." Tan Qing was shocked, a little unbelievable, and retreated She walked a few steps behind the people around her, turned around, and her heart was filled with confusion. Only then did she understand why Chao Xing and Lu Yunzhi were so interested in her life experience when they were in Bazhou City, and then she hugged Bai Yong. When she came back to drink, everyone would look at her with indescribable weirdness in their eyes. At the same time, she also understood why Lu Yunzhi indulged her unruly and willful behavior, and her eyes were still full of concern. Everything was clear, but Tan Qing had difficulty accepting it for a while. She didn't know whether it was true or not. After all, Lu Yunzhi was too smart. . "The matter has not yet been decided. I want to wait until the next day to meet your mother Qiu Nongbu and find out what's going on." Lu Yunzhi said to Tan Qing, then turned to Bai Yong and said: "But no matter what, I will Treat Tan Qing as your sister and you will never have any other ideas. Bai Yong, you make your own choice. Regardless of whether Tan Qing is my sister or not, or whether she is stronger than you, you just need to ask yourself whether you love her or not. The rest is not important. " Tan Qing was carrying his back and his body was shaking a little. This night was not only a headache for Lu Yunzhi, but also for Tan Qing, whether it was what Bai Yong said or what Lu Yunzhi said. The doubts between her siblings made her restless. Soon, Tan Qing calmed down, but without turning his head, he said: "Lu Yunzhi, whether you are my biological brother or not, I have long regarded you as my brother. It's not because of anything else. Just because you are Bai Yong's lord, and Bai Yong regards you as his brother, I am willing to follow him. I have told you this before. As for you, Bai Yong, you are worried about my ability, but I can't do anything about it. But I" Lu Yunzhi suddenly shouted something bad and rushed towards Tan Qing. Although he was not sure, he suddenly felt that something bad might be happening. Lu Jiugang left Tan Qing. When he got closer, he heard Lu Yunzhi yelling loudly. Not knowing what happened, he stretched out his hand to grab Tan Qing. Tan Qing let out a scream, and at the same time, Lu Jiugang also grabbed Tan Qing's arm.  Lu Yunzhi had already jumped in front of Tan Qing, and saw Tan Qing swaying, as if his body was about to fall. Lu Yunzhi looked at Tan Qing, but his body trembled slightly, his eyes were a little erratic, and he sighed and said, "Youwhy are you doing this!" Bai Yong also ran quickly. Arriving in front of Tan Qing, Tan Qing slowly turned his head. Bai Yong opened his eyes wide, and two lines of tears could not stop flowing down again. Then he looked up to the sky and shouted: "Tan Qing!" Everyone looked at Tan Qing, They all let out exclamations of surprise. The left side of Tan Qing's face was completely broken, and his skin was like rubbed paper. There were wrinkles everywhere and looked terrifying. Bai Yong hugged Tan Qing into his arms and cried, "Why are you doing this?" "You don't have to worry about your appearance. I'm in charge of my face. Whether you like it or not is up to you." Tan Qing said slowly, holding back the severe pain. Bai Yong said word for word: "Tan Qing, I will never let you down." Tan Qing showed a smile and replied: "Look, appearance and voice are not as important as you think." As he said this, he could no longer bear the pain on his face. In severe pain, he fainted. Lu Yunzhi said hurriedly: "Whenever you still have time to linger, come with me quickly." Bai Yong picked up Tan Qing and followed Lu Yunzhi to the plum grove in the backyard. Everyone also went there, Dong However, De and Arong stopped everyone and asked them to go back and rest first. Fang Qingze muttered: "What kind of tricks is this kid doing?" Although he complained, he took the lead and turned around to leave. e Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 11: Passionate since ancient times When everyone saw Fang Qingze walking away, they stopped following him into the plum garden and turned around to leave. Dong De and Ah Rong breathed a sigh of relief. If they insisted on following, they would definitely discover the relationship between Wang Yulu and Lu Yunzhi. , I'm afraid it will be another troublesome matter. ./top/ Novel Ranking Yang Xiyu stood there, neither asking to follow nor leaving, which made Ah Rong and Dong De a little embarrassed. Ah Rong could only hold up his hands and said: "Miss, what are you ?" Ah Rong always called Yang Xiyu the eldest lady, and did not change his words after leaving the Yang family. Yang Xiyu replied calmly: "It's okay, I won't go in, I'll just wait here for Lu Yunzhi to come out." Ah Rong and Dong De couldn't say anything, so they could only stand on both sides and stop talking. Bai Yong and Lu Yunzhi woke up Wang Yulu who was sleeping. Wang Yulu immediately diagnosed Tan Qing. After seeing the wounds on Tan Qing's face, he shook his head helplessly, and then said: "This is using poison." It's ruined. I can only do my best. I'm not sure how it will recover. You go out first and come back tomorrow morning." As he said this, Wang Yulu prepared a knife, powder, and other supplies. Lu Yunzhi knew that Wang Yulu was afraid of disturbing him. , so he led Bai Yong, who was equally anxious, out. Wang Yulu said to Lu Yunzhi's back: "Call Ah Rong here, let him run errands if he needs anything." Bai Yong said hurriedly: "I'll do it." But Lu Yunzhi pushed Bai Yong Walking out of the dungeon, he replied: "Please, brother Yulu, Tan Qing is my biological sister." After the two walked out of the dungeon and came to the gate of Meiyuan, Lu Yunzhi said a few words to A Rong, and A Rong hurriedly Ran to the dungeon. Bai Yong asked: "Lord, let me stay by Tan Qing's side." Lu Yunzhi replied calmly: "You are in such a hurry that if you go, it will affect Wang Yulu's treatment. Just let Ah Rong go. Wang Yulu's treatment Medical skills will give Tan Qing the best effect." Bai Yong nodded, looking very depressed. After a long silence, he said: "My lord, Bai Yong is guilty. He didn't know that Tan Qing was your brother and sister, and he harmed Tan. Qing ruined his appearance." Lu Yunzhi smiled bitterly and said, "It doesn't matter, you and I are brothers, and Tan Qing may just be my sister. You can handle your own affairs. I won't interfere, and Bai Yong doesn't care. No matter how you treat Tan Qing, you will always be my brother." There were tears in Bai Yong's eyes again. Lu Yunzhi punched Bai Yong lightly and said, "I'm here to guard you. Go back to sleep." Come back tomorrow morning. Regarding the township affairs, I will find Leopard Agent first. Don¡¯t worry. Dong De, you have to go to court tomorrow.¡± Dong De nodded and hugged the three of them. He walked away quickly. Bai Yong also turned around and left with his fists clasped, but he seemed to have lost his soul. He was listless and full of thoughts. Even if he went back, he would not be able to sleep. Lu Yunzhi shook his head helplessly, then turned his head to see Yang Xiyu standing outside the door, a wry smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Yang Xiyu walked to Lu Yunzhi and said softly: "Don't be upset. The matter is over now. There is no point in being upset anymore." Lu Yunzhi smiled and said: "You are really big-hearted, I'll wait. , in case Tan Qing gets better and doesn't do anything stupid again, I will stay here. You can go back to sleep when it gets cold at night. " "I'm not sleepy," Yang Xiyu smiled at Lu. Yunzhi said: "I will stay with you here and chat with you. As a friend, I can't leave you and let you sit here alone." Lu Yunzhi nodded, and then towards Walking to the plum garden, looking at the plum forest, he said: "There is love and infatuation in life, and it has nothing to do with the wind and the moon. Sometimes love is like this. It is not just about cherishing when we are apart, but when two people are close at hand. But we didn't fall in love, and we didn't understand the importance of each other until something happened. "Yang Xiyu also said softly: "Yes, that's why Li Shangyin wrote the poem "This love can be remembered, but it was already lost at the time", obviously. It is the saddest and most ridiculous thing to love each other but not be together for various reasons. But how many people in the world can love each other regardless of everything? I admire such a cool person like Tan Qing, but I can't do it. Well, maybe you can't do it either." Yang Xiyu looked at Lu Yunzhi. There were a thousand words in their eyes, but they looked away at the same time. . There was no words all night, the two just sat quietly in the pavilion of the plum garden. The difference from the last time they met was that they talked happily that time, but this time they were silent. Lu Yunzhi likes to be with Yang Xiyu more and more, because being with her makes Lu Yunzhi feel very comfortable. Yang Xiyu is a woman who knows when to laugh and when to be quiet, caring and understanding, silent Yu Wuyan is really a considerate woman. When the sky was dark, Bai Yong walked quickly into the plum garden. He suddenly stopped and opened his eyes wide. When he was about to speak, he saw Lu Yunzhi raising his fingers to make a silent gesture. After all, Yang Xiyu was not a strong person like Lu Yunzhi. He could no longer hold up his increasingly heavy eyelids and fell asleep leaning on Lu Yunzhi's body. Lu YunHe took off his robe and put it on Yang Xiyu. Seeing Bai Yong coming, Lu Yunzhi was worried that he would wake up Yang Xiyu, so he quickly reminded Bai Yong to keep his voice down. Bai Yong kept looking at Lu Yunzhi and Yang Xiyu. Lu Yunzhi felt a little embarrassed and was about to pick up Yang Xiyu and take her back to the room. Yang Xiyu woke up leisurely at this time, slowly opened his eyes, and looked at Lu Yunzhi with his lake-like eyes. Lu Yunzhi couldn't help but feel her heart move, and she couldn't help but want to kiss those red lips. Go up, but quickly restrained himself, and then secretly cursed himself for being a bastard, for not taking the time at all. The nightmare laughed darkly in Lu Yunzhi's ears. Lu Yunzhi quickly let go of Yang Xiyu in his arms and said with a blush on his face: "Go back to your room and rest quickly. Don't get too tired." Body." Yang Xiyu also noticed Bai Yong beside him, and immediately felt embarrassed, but quickly calmed down and said, "I'm fine, let's go see Tan Qing." Lu Yunzhi nodded and said to Yang Xi. Yu said: "When you meet the person who healed Tan Qing later, don't mention it to outsiders in the future." Yang Xiyu agreed, and the three of them walked towards the dungeon. Entering the dungeon, Yang Xiyu suddenly let out a low cry as he walked inside, then pointed to the cell and asked softly: "Who is this person? Why was he beaten so badly?" Lu Yunzhi said: "It's Cheng Fangdong, I I told you before, he is the traitor of Zhongzheng lineage. " Cheng Fangdong's eyes were bruised and swollen. He opened his eyelids when he heard the sound, but could only open a gap. Through the gap, he saw Lu Yunzhi, Bai Yong and Yang. Xi Yu then revealed a cold smile on his lips. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 12: There is no cure When Yang Xiyu saw Cheng Fangdong's cold smile, he couldn't help but feel chills all over his body. He shuddered involuntarily and felt very sick in his heart. Baidu search network, a pair of warm and secure hands held Yang Xiyu's shoulders. Yang Xiyu turned his head and looked at Lu Yunzhi. He only heard Lu Yunzhi say softly: "He is a madman, don't ignore him." "Let's go quickly." As Lu Yunzhi said this, he pushed Yang Xiyu away from here and walked deeper into the dungeon with a little force. The three of them opened the small wooden door that was ajar and came to the iron door of Wang Yulu's cell. The iron door was not closed. Bai Yong was the first to walk in. The person lying on the bed was Tan Qing. Tan Qing's face was wrapped in linen, and it was unclear how he was recovering, but Wang Yulu kept her hand on Tan Qing's pulse, closing her eyes and observing it all the time. Arong had a tired look on his face and was boiling some medicine on the side. The air in the cell smelled bitter. Bai Yong asked hurriedly: "Brother Wang, how is Tan Qing?" Wang Yulu opened her eyes, looked at Bai Yong and Lu Yunzhi, and glanced at Yang Xiyu, slightly confused. Yang Xiyu quickly gave Wang Yulu a blessing gift and said, "My daughter has met Brother Wang." Wang Yulu nodded, and then said to Bai Yong, "The situation is basically stable, but his face cannot recover." Bai Yong Yong's body was shaken, and he reached out to grab Wang Yulu's arms and kept shaking them. His expression was extremely excited, and he shouted: "How could this happen? How could it be like this?" Bai Yong's excited hands were so powerful that It was so big that it hurt Wang Yulu. Wang Yulu was a member of the Zhongzheng lineage, and naturally he was not an easy person. He shook his arms away from Bai Yong and patted Bai Yong's shoulder with his backhand to express comfort. Then Wang Yulu wiped it on her wrist with her thumb, and then drew it across both sides of Bai Yong's temples. Bai Yong wanted to dodge but it was too late, but he felt a coolness coming from his head, and he couldn't help feeling refreshed in his heart. The anxiety gradually calmed down and he stopped shouting. Bai Yong hugged Wang Yulu and then turned to look at Tan Qing, who was still unconscious. Lu Yunzhi said softly: "What do you mean when you say the situation is stable?" Wang Yulu replied: "Tan Qing used poison, but she is indeed a master of poison, so the amount of poison used was just right. But even so, the poison will still spread, and half of her face will be ruined, but the other half will also be invaded by the poison. Once the poison spreads, it is possible that the whole body will fester. " Lu Yun's point. She nodded and heard Wang Yulu say again: "Tan Qing is really a smart person. She came to see me before because of Yingzi's condition, and the two of us also had exchanges about using poisons and poisons, so she knew that I would definitely control it. The spread of the poison. What I just said is that the situation is basically stable. That is to say, only half of the face is damaged now, which is considered the best situation. " "Why can't it be cured? I remember that I was in Zhongzheng when I was a child. When I was studying in Yimai, the skin on my poisoned hand was ulcerated. As long as you rejuvenate your hands immediately, the skin will be smooth and scarless after the treatment." Lu Yunzhi asked again. Wang Yulu shook her head and said, "No, your skin quality is better. Some people's scars will fade as they age, but some people won't. You are more lucky to be among the former, that is, you are in better condition. Kind of. The medicine I used before was only to lighten the color of the scar, speed up the recovery, and then use other medicines to regenerate the scar to achieve a scarless effect. But Tan Qing¡¯s scar was different. First, her face was ulcerated on a large area. There is no complete skin that can be reborn, and the poison she uses is extracted from the poisonous insects. If it is ordinary poisonous poison, it will be fine. The poisonous insects in the Miao Gu lineage are raised by ghost spirits, which means that their Poison also has the power of ghosts. " Yang Xiyu suddenly understood and quietly interjected: "What you mean is that just like Bai Yong's scars, they were injured by ghosts and cannot be removed, and even if the power of ghosts is removed, , and there is no 'foothold' for administering medicine. Is this what you mean?" Wang Yulu looked at Yang Xiyu approvingly and said, "This girl said it well. That's exactly what I mean. I have now treated the severely ulcerated area. After cutting it off and removing the ghost power inside, and applying medicine to control it, the power of the poison was eliminated and it would not spread. In addition, I gave her my latest refined elixir, and her scars were gone. It is starting to heal, but the problem is that half of her face has been destroyed. Even if I want to regenerate her skin, there is no place to put the medicine. If it is fake skin, it may cause discomfort. Even if I take her own skin and transplant it to the ulcerated area. There is also a big problem." Bai Yong turned around and asked, "What's the problem?" "After the skin injured by the poison is healed, strictly speaking, it is no longer her own skin, but another kind of skin. It's a bit vague, but I can't give a clear answer, so I could have used the method recorded in ancient secrets to transplant her skin, but after careful observation, I had no choice but to give it up, because it would cause the ghost energy to float in the skin. I won¡¯t explain it yet because it¡¯s too troublesome. I¡¯ll figure it out later. This kind of thing can¡¯t be rushed.??will do our best. "Lu Yunzhigong cupped his hands and said: "Then it's hard work. Bai Yong asked: "Brother Wang, when will Tan Qing wake up?" "Wang Yulu replied: "Just now, because we had to cut her flesh and apply medicine, we gave her a lot of anesthetics. Ah Rong is currently preparing the medicine. When she takes the medicine, she will wake up in two or three hours. . After three days, you can remove the gauze on your face and change the dressing, and you can see the light of day in half a month. You guys should go back first. Also, Ah Rong has been tired all night. Bring me someone else. When Tan wakes up, I will send someone to call you. " Ah Rong poured the medicine into the bowl next to him, then shook his head and said, "I'm fine. Lord, Miss, Bai Yong, you go and have a rest. Bai Yong said: "If I don't leave, I will never let go of Tan Qing's hand again." Wang Yulu wanted to say more, but Lu Yunzhi said to Wang Yulu: "Let him go." Then he walked to Bai Yong, patted Bai Yong on the shoulder and said, "Bai Yong can't be too excited. You must listen to Wang Yulu here and don't delay the treatment." I'll make other arrangements first and come back later. After that, he said to Ah Rong: "Arong, don't get too sick. I'll send someone here. Now it's basically stable. I feel relieved to leave it to someone else." " Ah Rong stopped refusing, stood up, left the cell with Lu Yunzhi and Yang Xiyu, and walked out of the dungeon the same way. Bai Yong held Tan Qing's hand tightly, expounding the vow of love over and over again in his heart. , The sea will dry up and the stone will rot until death. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 13: Careful Yu Qian picked up his pen to give instructions on the official document, but his throat itched and he spit out a mouthful of bloody phlegm. Then he coughed one after another and looked towards the door while coughing. ./top/ Novel Ranking Yu Qian heard many people coming outside the door. He walked not far from the door but stopped again. Then he cleared his throat and asked: "Who is outside the door? Come in to talk if you have something to say." Someone outside the door said, "It's me, Sir." After a pause, someone outside the door said, "You are all waiting for me outside the door. If I don't summon you, you are not allowed to come in." After that, just listen to the steps. There was a sound, and someone pushed the door open and walked in. Yu Qian quickly stood up and raised his hands and said, "Your Majesty." Zhu Qiyu nodded and said, "Yu Aiqing is suffering from phlegm again. Drink this bamboo juice quickly. I baked it myself." Zhu Qiyu said and raised a gold bottle. Passed it to Yu Qian, Yu Qian quickly took it with both hands, drank it slowly and then said: "Your Majesty, you are so kind. Yu Qian is very grateful. It's just that this is not a phlegm disease, it's just a backlash after I used the Soul Calming Tower, so you don't have to roast bamboo for me in the future." "It's drained." "Yu Aiqing works hard for the country and the people all day long. You haven't been home for many days. You are busy with work and don't have proper food and accommodation. Naturally, the internal heat is strong. This bamboo drain is taken from the Longevity Mountain. It is slowly roasted and extracted from bamboo. Even if it cannot cure your injuries, it can relieve coughs and clear the fire of the heart and lungs. It can clear away heat, resolve phlegm, calm wind and calm convulsions. It has endless uses. I can't help you. I can only help you. I'm asking for comfort by doing this, so don't stop Yu Aiqing." Zhu Qiyu said, his words full of care. Yu Qian was still looking respectful just now, but now he suddenly raised his head and said: "What I do is only for the Ming Dynasty, and I will be broken into pieces without hesitation." When Zhu Qiyu heard Yu Qian said that it was only for the Ming Dynasty, his eyes wandered for a moment, and his expression was slightly grim. nervous. Zhu Qiyu is worried that Yu Qian only cares about the comfort of the Ming Dynasty. Even if Lu Yunzhi wants to establish a new emperor, Yu Qian will support Lu Yunzhi considering the interests of the country and the world. Due to this worry and the fact that Yu Qian is Zhu Qiyu's only support, he has been doting on Qian recently. There are plus. Yu Qian, a smart man, naturally knew all what Zhu Qiyu was thinking. He chuckled and replied softly: "Your Majesty and I are grasshoppers on the same rope." Zhu Qiyu asked in surprise: "How can I say this?" Yu Qian replied : "I will keep your throne, please rest assured, Your Majesty. You don't have to rush to explain anything. You and I both understand the truth. Your kindness to me is not only because I work hard and give everything I have for the Ming Dynasty, but more importantly, I I made you the emperor, and saved your throne during the two sieges of Ye Xian and Lu Yunzhi. You want to know whether I can protect you again in the future, which may be more thrilling battles. Do you think so or not? ?¡± Zhu Qiyu was silent for a moment, then suddenly turned gloomy and nodded, saying with a sneer: ¡°Yu Qian is indeed Yu Qian, he is always so straightforward and profound, maybe only Lu Yun is worthy of fighting with you. I think so, people are selfish, the ancient sages are selfish, let alone me, I just want to sit in the world until I die, and if possible, my children and grandchildren will always become emperors above ten thousand people. "I'm worried that they will take away my throne, so I can't eat well or sleep well every day. The only one I can rely on is you." Zhu Qiyu suddenly grabbed Yu Qian's arm with excitement and said loudly. cried out. "Your Majesty, please calm down. As a king, you must remain calm in the face of the stormy waves." Yu Qian said. Zhu Qiyu suddenly slumped down like a deflated ball. It seems that it is exactly what he said. In general, he was exhausted from the fierce struggle. Seeing that Zhu Qiyu was no longer making noise, Yu Qian continued: "Not only do I know that you think so, but Lu Yunzhi also knows it, so he regards us as one. If he wants to overthrow you, he must overthrow me first. The opposite can also be understood as, if If you want to defeat me, you must first overthrow you. If I want to stop Lu Yunzhi, Yao Guangxiao is considered my master, no matter whether the prophecy in the Niwan note he left is true or not, but because I believed those contents before. , wiped out all the Zhongzheng lineage, and formed an eternal hatred, so now the hexagram predictions are no longer important, everything will become reality. It was we who contributed to the predictions, and it was also the predictions that misled us. In this way, Lu Yunzhi must have. I will never allow him to establish Secret Thirteen and then destroy the Ming Dynasty. Therefore, he wants to cultivate his own power and even elect a puppet emperor. The only way is to firmly grasp the imperial power. In your hands, because Your Majesty, you and I are in the same boat." Zhu Qiyu nodded and said, "I may understand what you said, but what should I do?" Yu Qian said: "Military power, political parties and Money and food are three elements. First of all, we have enough food and money, but we cannot afford to consume it. After all, Lu Yunzhi and the others have Fang Qingze who is as rich as the enemy. The issue of military power is like this. Recently, I have worked hard to recruit troops and continue to implement the regiment system. , we are enough to compete with them. What worries me is that Qu Xiangtian is a natural general. It is easy to find a general but it is difficult to find a general. We still have too few die-hard men who can lead the army to fight. " Zhu ?Yu Yu then asked: "How about that Shi Heng?" Yu Qian shook his head and replied: "He cannot be reused. Although he is a brave general, he is too greedy for power and not ambitious enough. If he really fights, he will not be able to become a general. The imperial court granted him the title of Marquis of Wu Qing and the Crown Prince and Grand Master were not enough to satisfy his appetite. The reason why he is now appointed as the Admiral and Chief Military Officer is because he has no second thoughts at present and can still be helpful to us, but this person cannot If you are not careful, he may bite us back at any time. I have set up ears and eyes around him, and I will not forgive him if he rebels. So what we have to do now is to continue to promote useful talents, so that they can feel the great kindness of the emperor and be grateful to you in their hearts. Therefore, we will be loyal to the Ming Dynasty." "In this way, the military power is considered stable. With the help of Zhen Lingdan, the leader of the living soul line, we may not be afraid of Lu Yunzhi and Qu Xiangtian. As for Bai Yong and others, it is nothing more than their personal abilities. They are just extremely powerful, but Qin Rufeng and Guang Liang are even more reckless, so there is nothing to be afraid of. The political party requires you to cooperate with me. Previously, Lu Yunzhi kept arranging his own people in the government and the opposition, and I mostly agreed without imposing any obstruction. We are not afraid of arranging people, but you must ensure that these people are free and cannot be allowed to take power. In this case, no matter how many people he arranges, it will be in vain if he does not give him a trace of power. If there is a chance, it is inevitable that he will take action in advance. Now we can say that we are barely evenly matched. If they fight again, they will still have the upper hand, so we must buy time and make all preparations to wait for the change." Yu Qian said. Volume 2: Wandering in the World Chapter 14: Sarcoma in the Brain After hearing what Yu Qian said, Zhu Qiyu nodded in agreement, and then said: "But this Lu Yunzhi has not been in court recently, leaving only a puppet, Dong De, who goes to the Ministry of Household Affairs all day long, and the same goes for Fang Qingze. The two of them don't see us. Do you have any plans?" Yu Qian shook his head and sighed and replied: "It's difficult, all the spies I sent before were caught, and after being tortured, they revealed a lot of our secrets. , I know that when it comes to personal strength, our detailed work is not enough. So I tried to win by quantity, but the result was even more strange. Before I could get close to Lu Yunzhi, or before I lurked beside him, he disappeared without a trace. I think Lu Yunzhi must have a secret team to protect him. "What should we do?" Zhu Qiyu said helplessly. Yu Qian smiled and said, "In this case, just find someone to approach Lu Yunzhi openly. And Lu Yunzhi cannot refuse this person, because this person is an old friend of the Zhongzheng line. "Zhu Qiyu asked in surprise: "Who is it? Is it reliable? Why should he help us if he is an old friend of the Zhongzheng line?" He laughed sinisterly: "He must be under my control. He is very unreliable but there is nothing he can do about it. He has been away recently. When he comes back, I will take him to see His Majesty. You will be surprised when the time comes." Leopard yawned slowly. I slowly walked out of the room. I slept very soundly last night. When I walked to the courtyard where Lu Yunzhi was, I happened to see Lu Yunzhi just walking out of the room. He was bleary-eyed and obviously didn't have a good rest. Lu Yunzhi asked: "What did you do last night, Leopard?" Leopard scratched his head and said, "I didn't go anywhere. I was sleeping in the room. I felt refreshed when I woke up today, but I didn't expect that I had already fallen asleep. It's three o'clock in the morning. Stop talking about me. What happened to you when you went to visit Prince Yi's Mansion last night with a tired look on your face? "You didn't even hear there was such a big movement in the yard?" Lu Yunzhi asked in surprise. . Leopard was also a little surprised and said: "What happened? What happened?" Lu Yunzhi briefly talked about a series of things that happened yesterday. As he spoke, he put his hand on Leopard's pulse. What else did Leopard want to say? However, Yun Zhi waved his hand to signal him to be quiet. After a long time, he said: "It's strange. Your energy and blood are surging. It is said that you should be a hundred times more energetic. You may even be a little too energetic. You may have had a nosebleed recently." Leopard shook his head. Said: "I am very energetic now, but I often felt sleepy suddenly before. I was also very strange." Lu Yunzhi hesitated slightly and said: "Come with me, I will let Wang Yulu show you." Leopard said with an indifferent expression: "I'm fine, no need to make a fuss." Despite saying this, he followed Lu Yunzhi towards the dungeon. Half a month passed in the blink of an eye. Wang Yulu had already moved out of the dungeon and lived in an ordinary courtyard outside Beijing. If you suddenly looked at it, it was just a country house. There were no cross-courtyards with few entrances and exits, and some were just There are only three tile-roofed houses and a single courtyard, but when you take a closer look, it is shocking. There are always two or three people in ordinary clothes walking around outside the courtyard, but they are not from the nearby villages. There are four or five pairs of shining eyes hidden in the caves in the surrounding woods. If anyone suspicious comes, You'll be taken away in the blink of an eye. The entire courtyard also exudes a strong smell of herbs, accompanied by the aroma of pill pills, and the white smoke in the courtyard never stops. Lu Yunzhi sat opposite Wang Yulu under the big tree in the courtyard. There was a pot of tea on the stone table in front of them. After Lu Yunzhi poured the tea for Wang Yulu, the two raised glasses and drank together. Yunzhi asked: "Where is Tan Qing?" Wang Yulu said: "Bai Yong is giving her medicine in the room. He will come out in a while." Tan Qing is recovering well. If she is really your sister, her skin quality should be good and will get better and better in the future. " Lu Yunzhi suddenly leaned over and asked in a low voice: "Have you studied the leopard's condition? Wang Yulu nodded and replied softly: "There is something in the leopard's brain. It should be a sarcoma as big as a peanut, but the location is just right. Although the blood is surging, it causes him other discomforts." However, under the pressure of sarcoma, leopards become more lethargic. But symptoms such as forgetfulness and slowness will definitely occur in the later stage, followed by severe headaches. The medicine I prescribed may be able to suppress it if he takes it on time, but this is not a long-term solution. " "Then how to cure it? Lu Yunzhi asked. Wang Yulu said with a frown: "There are two methods, each with pros and cons. The first is to use ghosts to eat away the sarcoma, but this is more dangerous. I can't do it so finely by driving ghosts. And you can, but you don't understand the structure. If there is a slight mistake, it is easy to hurt other places. At the end of the day, it may be silly at best, or life on the spot at worst. The second method that does not allow for any deviation is to use craniotomy to remove the tumor. The ancients had Hua Tuo who could open the body for healing, but it was not perfect and was just an attempt. But now it is not only that, many records of the ancients for opening the body are missing, and I have never actually performed it on a living person, so I dare not rush action. ¡±   Lu Yunzhi was silent for a while and said: "For the leopard, you must do it at all costs. I will find a few people for you and try it on their bodies. I will observe from the sidelines and be fully prepared for the two things you mentioned. A two-pronged approach. Try to remove the tumor from the leopard. " "It goes against the tradition of Zhongzheng to try it with human beings," Wang Yulu said with a look of joy on her face, but she tried hard to suppress her anger. Calm, but there is indescribable expectation in his eyes. Lu Yunzhi also smiled, nodded and said to Wang Yulu: "You are duplicity, right? For the leopard, for your dream, someone should pay, and I will arrange everything. Even some cruelty is inevitable. However, What will happen if we keep using medicine to suppress the sarcoma in the leopard's brain without treatment? I still think these two methods are too dangerous. Once they fail, there is no way to remedy it. "Wang Yulian replied with a serious look: "If the situation is good, just take it. With medicine to suppress it, there should be no problem in two or three years. If the situation is not good, the problem will occur at any time. In short, if he has a headache within six months, his physical condition will get worse day by day. This situation has not happened yet, and I don¡¯t know. When will it appear? But don't tell him the reason now, just let him take the medicine. Sometimes it is not good to tell him in advance, which may cause a burden on his heart. " Lu Yunzhi nodded. At this time, The door next to the room suddenly opened with a creak, and a man and a woman walked out. The man was tall and strong, and the woman was shy and cute. It was Tan Qing and Bai Yong. It's just that Tan Qing's hair is combed into a bun in front, and the slanted hair naturally hangs down, blocking half of his face. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 15: Complaints Tan Qing was dressed like this, which matched her unruly temperament. Tan Qing looked at Lu Yunzhi and said with a smile: "What are you looking at, my silly brother?" Baidu search website," The word "brother" As soon as he said it, Lu Yunzhi couldn't help but feel a little moved. He quickly lowered his head to calm down the complicated emotions in his heart, and then said: "What's wrong?" Tan Qing walked up to Lu Yunzhi carelessly, lifted up his hanging hair, The skin on that face was a glorious red color, and it was tightly stretched but very dry, as if it had been burned by fire. There was a hint of disappointment in Lu Yunzhi's eyes, but she still looked at Tan Qing with a smile. Tan Qing smiled and stretched out his hand to pat Lu Yunzhi's shoulder and said, "Don't be disappointed. Wang Yulu has put in a lot of effort to recover like this. Even I, a poisoner, can't compare to him." Do better. Besides, I got everything I wanted. I got my beloved Bai Yong, and I unexpectedly recognized a brother. Haha, this is a good ending. " Tan Qing said and suddenly took Bai Yong's arm. , which made Bai Yong feel a little embarrassed. Lu Yunzhi laughed loudly and said, "Miao women are really fierce." Bai Yong mustered up the courage and suddenly hugged Tan Qing's waist and said to Lu Yun Lu Zhi said: "Lord, I will be good to Tan Qing." Lu Yunzhi nodded: "I know, I support and bless you." Just like that, I leave it to you." Tan Qing pretended to be angry and said, "By the way, brother, when are we going to see my mother? Don't you want to find out?" Lu Yunzhi thought for a moment and replied: " We will leave in a few days, but first we will send Wang Yulu to Yingzi's place to have him diagnose and treat Yingzi, then we will go to see your adoptive mother, and finally go to Fengbo Village. If we can gain something, that would be the best. If not, it would be the best. It¡¯s time to go sightseeing.¡± The three of them bid farewell to Wang Yulu and went back to prepare. At this time, Yang Zhun had been assigned by Lu Yunzhi to serve as the minister of Dali Temple for only three days. After his mysterious disappearance, several people from the DPRK and the Central Government jointly signed a letter recommending Yang Zhun as the minister of Dali Temple. Zhu Qiyu refused, saying that there was another candidate, but he had not yet arranged it. He could only let Yang Zhun go to Dali Temple as a Shaoqing, and he would be in charge of the Dali Temple with the other two Shaoqings. Lu Yunzhi and Zhu Jianwen did not fight for it anymore, but accepted it. After all, Yu Qian's power in the court was not so easy to defeat. Although Yang Zhun's official position was lower than that in Nanjing, he did not complain. Unlike officials in the capital, officials in the capital had real power. He knew in his heart that Lu Yunzhi had a deep meaning in letting him come here. The day I came to Dali Temple was like a fish in water. In addition to Yang Zhun's own all-round and exquisite character, Lu Yunzhi's prestige also gave him a lot of courage, which seemed to be a bit of a false pretence. Yang Xiyu knew that Lu Yunzhi was going to travel, and made a request for the first time, hoping that Lu Yunzhi could take her with him. Yang Xiyu wanted to visit the great rivers and mountains, and Yang Zhun worked hard in officialdom and government, so Yang Xiyu Xi Yu has rarely been to other places except Nanjing. This time, he heard that Lu Yunzhi just went to Tan Qing's adoptive mother to find out what happened. Under Tan Qing's encouragement, he told Lu Yunzhi his wish. Lu Yunzhi couldn't refuse, so he asked Yang Xiyu to ask Yang Zhun for instructions. If Yang Zhun agreed, it would be fine, because this trip was not dangerous and there was no need to rush. Therefore, Lu Yunzhi was not worried about safety issues. On the contrary, There was some hope in his heart that Yang Xiyu could go with him. Yang Zhun felt a little embarrassed after hearing the news. When he agreed, he kept thinking of Fang Qingze's words in his mind. He was afraid that Yang Xiyu and Lu Yunzhi would do something that shouldn't happen on the road, but he was unwilling to stop them. After all, Lu Yunzhi This "big tree" is the backing he dreams of. It would be great if he could become Lu Yunzhi's father-in-law. If Yang Xiyu and Lu Yunzhi were not destined to be separated, wouldn't it only increase the troubles? If they turned against each other in the future, he would be implicated. Yang Zhun was really worried about this. . Later, he came up with a plan and told Lu Jiugang insinuating words. Lu Jiugang knew about Lu Yunzhi's upcoming trip and was eager to see his daughter Yingzi. He wanted to secretly meet Yingzi while Wang Yulu was treating Yingzi, so he We must also go together. Yang Zhun felt relieved now. With Lu Jiugang accompanying them, Yang Xiyu and Lu Yunzhi were determined not to do anything extraordinary. Lu Jiugang's father-in-law's identity was really important. Ah Rong has been missing recently, and everyone guessed that he must have been sent by Lu Yunzhi to do something, so it was inconvenient to ask more questions. Dong De, on the other hand, was very busy. He had to take care of his own business and the official affairs of the household department. Even the township regiment commanded by Bai Yong had to work with Qin Rufeng and Guang Liang. In short, he was very busy and complained constantly. The township league was originally represented by Baozi, but before Lu Yunzhi left, Baozi also disappeared. Since Lu Yunzhi arranged this, Dong De could only accept it. A few days before leaving, Zhu Jianwen, Fang Qingze and Lu Yunzhi repeatedly discussed how to deal with Yu Qian's gang members. After going through everything in detail, Lu Yunzhi felt relieved. After finding a sunny day, the group of people set off. The stone was returned to Duan Hai.??Written a letter of thanks and asked Lu Yunzhi to pass it on to Duan Haitao to express his gratitude to the airbending master for helping Lu and others revive the Zhongzheng lineage. Yang Xiyu didn't know how to ride a horse, so he and Tan Qing shared a horse. They galloped as fast as they could along the way. Repeatedly, they didn't stop at the inn until dark. They rode the horses while shouting and chatting. It was very happy and enjoyable. Relaxing away the depression in their hearts. This was a pain for Yang Xiyu, who was in relatively weak health. His face turned pale under the turbulence, but he did not want to speak out and just endured it silently. However, no matter how strong his will was, he could not resist the physical discomfort, and after all, he could not bear the slight morbidity. After Lu Yunzhi found out, everyone slowed down, and Yang Xiyu felt a little guilty about this. Five days later, everyone had arrived at the foot of Mount Tai. Lu Yunzhi rode on his horse and asked sideways, "Miss Yang, are you feeling unwell?" In front of others, especially Lu Jiugang, Lu Yunzhi had to respectfully address Yang Xiyu. For Miss Yang. Yang Xiyu first gradually adapted to the bumps of the horses, and secondly, the traveling speed slowed down, and it was not as uncomfortable as it was at the beginning. Tan Qing said with a smile: "Look, Lu Yunzhi, the person who 'pretends' to be my brother, doesn't even care about me, but he greets you. I'm really jealous." Yang Xiyu turned around and scratched Tan Qing He glanced at his nose and said: "You girl, you are talking nonsense. However, I believe you when you say that Lu Yunzhi is a 'fake'." Lu Jiugang heard the conversation between the two, became happy, and asked: "Why is that so? talk?" Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 16: Master Taishan Lu Yunzhi and Bai Yong also looked at Yang Xiyu in confusion, only to hear Yang Xiyu say: "Because Lu Yunzhi is a liar." Lu Yunzhi cried out with grievance: "Where do you start with this? "When I was in Nanjing, I heard him say that the mountains and rivers were so beautiful that they were so beautiful, but he didn't tell me that these beautiful mountains and rivers still had a smell." Yang Xiyu didn't seem like it. He said it in a serious tone, jokingly. "What does it smell like? Sister Yang, tell me quickly and don't keep talking about it." Tan Qing asked hurriedly. Yang Xiyu originally looked serious, but suddenly smiled and said: "There is a sour smell, and I am almost going to fall apart. I don't care about looking at the mountains and rivers. I have enough sour water in my stomach." ." Only then did everyone realize that Yang Xiyu was joking. Thinking of how Yang Xiyu's face turned pale at the beginning, they burst into laughter. Lu Yunzhi looked up at Mount Tai at this time and said: "Mount Tai is really a magical place. It is a place for worship and worship. Unless the emperor is the most powerful emperor, he would not dare to climb it." As he spoke, Lu Yunzhi looked at Bai Yong and said Said: "Bai Yong, when we were against Yu Qian before, we fought on the battlefield in Shandong. He was called a heavenly soldier. He passed by Mount Tai many times, but never climbed it. Why do you think it is?" Bai Yong smiled slightly and replied: " My lord wants to achieve great power and then climb Mount Tai to proclaim it to the world." Lu Yunzhi shook his head and said softly: "Because I have never thought about achieving great power, nor have I ever thought about the world. Everything is fate and many opportunities. It's a coincidence that I have reached this point. Otherwise, it would be a joy to travel across mountains and rivers, why would I be so tired like today?" Yang Xiyu looked at Mount Tai and chanted: "How about Dai Zongfu, Qi Luqing. It¡¯s over. The clock of creation is beautiful, and the yin and yang cut off the dawn.¡± Before the poem was finished, I heard someone suddenly chanting loudly in the mountains in the distance: ¡°The clouds are rising in the chest, and the returning birds will be at the top of the sky.¡± The mountain is small. When a girl looks at Mount Tai, she can first think of this poem. It's so powerful." Everyone looked at the sound and could only vaguely see a woodcutter in the mountain, because it was too far to see his voice, appearance, and even his clothes. Also unclear. Lu Yunzhi was slightly startled and muttered in his heart, but in his ear he heard Nightmare say: "What a strong destiny." Lu Yunzhi also nodded and whispered: "Everyone, be careful." Tan Qing asked with some confusion. : "Isn't he just a mountain woodcutter? Do you have to be careful if you know two lines of poetry? You are making such a fuss, you are too nervous." "Sister Tan Qing," Yang Xiyu said, "This person is by no means simple. I was like this just now He whispered, so far away in the mountains, and his voice was like a bell, so we could hear it very clearly. He was definitely not an ordinary person." Lu Jiugang nodded and said with a smile, "It seems that Miss Yang is indeed Bingxue. You are smart, but you are not one of our fellows, but you can understand the truth, I admire you." After speaking, Lu Jiugang raised his voice and shouted to the woodcutter: "May I ask which branch of my friend is in front of you, if you can show up and tell me." The figure of the woodcutter in the mountain flickered, and then the mist rose. He raised his voice and replied: "No, I am ugly and shy to see people." Lu Jiugang, however, looked a little heavy, lowered his head and kept muttering: "Who is this person? Why do I feel that his aura is so familiar and his voice is so familiar, but it is also a little strange. This feeling" Suddenly several figures jumped from behind Lu Yunzhi and others. He came out and rushed towards the woodcutter. He was so fast that he couldn't even see his figure. Only an afterimage could be seen, and he quickly disappeared into the mountains without a trace. Bai Yong was startled and didn't know whether these black figures were enemies or friends. He was about to go to protect him, but Lu Yunzhi reached out to stop him and whispered: "They are one of our own." The woodcutter in the mountain suddenly laughed and said while laughing. : "Wang Yulu, Yingzi's illness requires the blending of two souls, inducing it inside, and covering it with a new spirit. Therefore, Baoyang Shou can be used to remove the soul." After saying this, his figure suddenly jumped up, and soon disappeared on the slow mountain road. Above, Lu Yunzhi put a small copper pipe in his mouth and blew out two bird songs, and the mountain also responded with two bird songs. Lu Yunzhi turned to everyone and said, "He is a master. When ten people rounded him up, they didn't even see his clothes. The woodcutter disappeared without a trace." Tan Qing smiled heartily and said, "What are you afraid of?" , Such a master has never taken action against us. If he is not a friend, he will definitely not be an enemy. Why be nervous? By the way, who were those who went out to hunt and exchanged signals with you? " Lu Yunzhi replied: " They are just people who are protecting us. They surround you and me, and they are determined not to let us find out, let alone the enemies who are spying on us. Yu Qian has no choice but to guard against it. It's just that all the four pillars and ten gods of Yingzi will be destroyed. How can an expert calculate it? Could it be" Lu Jiugang said "hmm" and said, "Yes, that's the case. That person's destiny may be higher than yours or mine, or he may have found a different path that is different from what we have learned. No matter what, he is definitely a master, everyone should be careful." Wang Yulu remained silent along the way, even when running around on horseback.While grinding the herbs and reading the medical skills while resting, Tan Qing laughed that he was not a medicine fairy but a medical idiot. At this moment, Wang Yulu kept repeating the words spoken by the woodcutter. Sometimes she nodded, and sometimes she shook her head in confusion. It seemed that those words were also very unpredictable. Tan Qing still looked indifferent and said: "I'll make peace with it now. No matter what, there's nothing we can do now. No trace of that person can be found. Any guessing will only increase our troubles. Let's continue on our way. First, let's get Wang Send the rain and dew to Yingzi's sister-in-law, and then walk slowly. If you have nothing to do, you can have some fun." Lu Yunzhi nodded, and everyone whipped their horses and started on their way again. Xuzhou has outstanding people and has produced countless heroes since ancient times. King Xiang Yu of Chu established his capital here, but it was called Pengcheng at that time. In the history of subsequent dynasties, Xuzhou became an indispensable part and has always been a battleground for military strategists. In the Ming Dynasty, Xuzhou was first under the direct control of the capital. Later, after the capital of the Ming Dynasty was moved to Beijing, Xuzhou was still under the direct control of the Nanjing capital. In short, it was extremely important. The city was relatively strong, the population in the city was prosperous, and the commercial market was bustling. Under the leadership of Tan Qing, everyone found the Tang family compound. Lu Yunzhi had never been there before. After seeing the size of the compound, he said to himself: "Uncle Chao is really thoughtful. This family makes Yingzi miserable. "Wang Yulu put on an ordinary pharmacist's attire, holding a flag on her hand and a bell on her wrist, and she also had a medicine box across her body. Lu Jiugang also dressed up in this way. Tan Qing walked quickly into the courtyard on a familiar road. When the concierge's servant saw Tan Qing, he hurriedly ran out, cupped his hands and said, "It's Miss Tan." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 17: Looking, hearing and asking Tan Qing nodded and replied: "Ah, it's you. You've been doing well lately." The concierge nodded repeatedly and bowed: "Everything is fine, little one." "Go and call your master out. I have something to say." "Tan Qing's words were a little arrogant, and the concierge didn't dare to say more. He didn't know why. In short, his master always treated this young distant relative, the beautiful Miss Tan, with great respect. When Tan Qing said so, he agreed and ran towards the courtyard. Soon a kind-hearted old man ran out. Judging from his clothes, he must be the master of the Tang family. He was slightly startled when he saw so many people outside the door. He clasped his fists at Tan Qing and said, "Miss Tan, you are fine. Who are these gentlemen?" Tan Qing smiled slightly, not like a Central Plains woman, and performed the Wanfu ceremony. Instead, she cupped her hands and said, "Uncle Wan'an, these are my brother Lu Yunzhi, Yingzi's husband. This is Bai Yong." She is my sweetheart. Wang Yulu was invited by my brother to treat Yingzi. This" Tan Qinggang was about to introduce Lu Jiugang, but he saw Lu Jiugang cupping his fists and saying, "I am Yingzi's father. Thank you for your time. Take good care of your little girl." After Master Tang learned about Lu Jiugang's identity, he looked a little gloomy and said, "Hey, it seems that Yingzi will finally leave our old couple." The Tang family has no children, and because the old couple is very affectionate, Therefore, Mr. Tang did not take any concubines. I thought I would just live a childless life, but Chao Xing sent Yingzi and asked the Tang family couple to pretend to be Yingzi's parents. So Mr. Tang named Yingzi Tang Yao, and he loved Yingzi for several years. Youjia regarded Ruyingzi as her own, and she became increasingly inseparable from this child in her heart. Now, Yingzi's husband and father came together. Mr. Tang mistakenly thought that he wanted to take Yingzi away, and he couldn't help but feel sad and extremely depressed for a while. Lu Jiugang was also a smart man, so he saw what Mr. Tang was thinking, and said with a smile: "Whether it is Yingzi or Tang Yao, she will always be your daughter. I gave birth to her but never raised her, and you and your wife take such good care of our little daughter." , you are her parents in this life." Mr. Tang felt sour when he heard this and cried. Tan Qing said: "I won't go in, otherwise my sister-in-law will pester me and prevent me from leaving." Lu Yunzhi was slightly surprised when he heard this. Yingzi had changed so much after the renewal of his life. Yingzi had never been clingy before. of. Lu Yunzhi cupped her fists and said to Wang Yulu: "Please, Brother Wang." Wang Yulu smiled and replied: "Don't worry, the more difficult the disease is, the happier I am." As he said that, he walked inside, Lu Jiugang and Mr. Tang After some mutual pushing, they entered the Tang family compound together. Lu Yunzhi turned to Bai Yong and others and said, "You guys wait here for a while. I'm going to see Yingzi. I'm thinking about her very much." Tan Qing said, "Brother, isn't it true that Yingzi can't meet with you?" Lu Yunzhi said With a smile, she replied: "It doesn't matter, I just took a sneak peek, so she won't let her find me." After saying that, Lu Yunzhi jumped up to the eaves of the wall, and then kept changing her body and leaping, with a little bit of wind control. Technique, the movements are extremely fast and violent yet extremely light. Fang Zhongyingzi was embroidering flowers with Mrs. Tang. Her wheat-colored skin was shining brightly in the sunlight coming in from the window. Her long eyelashes were flickering, and a pair of beautiful eyes were staring at her. The piece of cloth being embroidered. Lu Jiugang and Mr. Tang walked in first. Yingzi made a Wanfu salute and said, "Dad." Mr. Tang nodded and stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation, and then said: "Tang Yao, this is the one I invited for you. Doctor, there is another one outside the door, but the gentleman outside the door is too young, and you haven't left the cabinet yet so you can consult behind the curtain. "Actually, it's not because Wang Yulu is young, but because Yingzi once lived in the Zhongzheng lineage. They stayed in the house for a long time, and Lu Yunzhi was injured in the battle of the capital at that time. Wang Yu gave Lu Yunzhi medicine to treat his illness in the open air. Naturally, Yingzi often saw Wang Yulu. In order not to cause Yingzi's disease, Wang Yulu chose the more secure consultation method behind a curtain. Lu Jiugang looked at Yingzi and couldn't say a word. Suddenly there was a trace of moisture in his eyes. He kept blaming himself in his heart: If he could wake up earlier and return to Yingzi, maybe his daughter would not have two lives. The result is that they overlap and cannot recognize their loved ones. Yingzi looked at the middle-aged man in front of her with some confusion, wondering why he suddenly looked so nervous. Tang's mother lowered the tent, and Yingzi sat on the bed through the curtain. Wang Yulu walked into the room, but Lu Jiugang still stood there in a daze, unable to extricate himself. Wang Yulu coughed slightly, and Lu Jiugang paused, turned around and walked out. Wang Yulu had carefully observed Yingzi's complexion outside the door before, and there was nothing unusual about her rosy complexion. It seemed that it was related to the healthy body she had gained during her previous days as a ghost eater. As for hearing, it was just average. There was no problem with Yingzi's voice, and there was no sign of any illness. Originally, Yingzi just had two lives that overlapped, and it was not an ordinary illness. Therefore, the sight and hearing were just to rule out other hidden dangers. Wang Yulu put her hand deep into Rosa, and then held it through a square scarf.Put it on Yingzi's pulse, this is Qian. Wang Yulu's pulse-taking method was different from that of ordinary doctors. He attached a ghost to his arm and slowly let the ghost enter his hand, driving the ghost to gather on his fingertips and cut Yingzi's pulse. In this way, the ghost would You can feel the beatings all over Yingzi's body, which is much more detailed than what you can get by taking ordinary pulse tests. While taking Wang Yulu's pulse, she asked, "Ms. Tang, has she felt anything unusual recently?" Yingzi did not answer, but looked at Wang Yulu's fingertips. There was an indescribable impulse in her body. There seemed to be something attracting her on the tip. The hunger and desire made Yingzi's whole body feel as uncomfortable as a small fire burning, but her mind fell into a trance again. It took a long time before Yingzi came to his senses and replied: "Sir, I I have always been in a trance when I first got up in the morning, as if I had seen the past life, and my body sometimes has inexplicable impulses and impulses. Hungry, but this kind of hunger is different from wanting to eat. It's not really hungry, but I don't know how to describe this feeling." Wang Yulu nodded and looked. Looking at the ball of silk still on the round table, it was the embroidery that Yingzi had just done. Wang Yulu waved her hand, and Mr. Tang took the piece of silk over knowingly. Wang Yulu looked down and asked, "Young lady is so elegant that she actually embroidered poems on the cloth. Well, good poems, good charm, this one was written by Biluochun "It's really good." Wang Yulu said softly: "The green is like a green snail, and the fragrance is like a flowing cloud. I want to be a mandarin duck and not envy the immortals." Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 18: Old Time Tea Poems Wang Yulu didn't know the origin of this poem, but Lu Yunzhi, who was hiding on the roof to spy, was inspired by it. She felt a lot in her heart. Thinking of the good times she and Yingzi had together, her eyes started to get wet. . . This poem about Dongting tea was mentioned by Yingzi and Lu Yunzhi after they tasted tea, and Lu Yunzhi named the tea Biluo. After that, they discovered the secret of Yingzi and Lu Yunzhi. After being killed, Lu Yunzhi saved his life, and the couple separated and could not recognize each other. Unexpectedly, even though Yingzi has lost his memory, he still remembers the poem mentioned by Lu Yunzhi. How could he not be moved? Just listen to Wang Yulu say: "This poem should describe tea, but I have never heard of this kind of tea called Biluo." Yingzi burst out laughing in the tent, and then said: "This kind of tea is Dongting tea, also known as the frightening fragrance, this tea is like a blue snail, but every time I taste this tea, I don¡¯t know why this poem always appears in my heart, and my heart is very sweet, just like spring "That's why I named this poem Biluochun." Wang Yulu smiled and said, "Miss Tang is really a talented person. This little tea leaf can make such a good poem." But Wang Yulu was also quite shocked. He didn't know about Lu Yunzhi, Yingzi and this poem. He was shocked that Yingzi had transformed from a girl who was illiterate into such a talented woman. "This poem is not written by me," Yingzi said. "I don't know who wrote it, but I like it very much. I have read many poetry collections but can't find the origin of this poem, but I always think of it inadvertently. "It's another strange thing to say." Above the eaves, two lines of tears flowed down Lu Yunzhi's face uncontrollably. He wanted to rush up and hug Yingzi into his arms, but he couldn't. , he knows this all too well. At this moment, on the eaves on the other side, there was a slight sound of breaking bricks. Lu Yunzhi looked sideways and saw that the man turned out to be a leopard. Lu Yunzhi let the leopard stay in the courtyard where Wang Yulu lived near the capital. Wang Yulu's medicine boy took care of him and drank the medicine, and arranged corresponding training for the leopard. However, he did not expect the leopard to follow him secretly. Yingzi sat on the bed, suddenly shook off Wang Yulu's hand, and shouted: "Who's outside the door?" After saying that, he jumped up from the bed, rushed out in one stride, and then jumped up to the roof. , but there is no one else on the house, there is only a piece of brick that has been trampled to pieces. Yingzi frowned and glanced around, then jumped from the room with another somersault. Facing the dumbfounded old couple of the Tang family, he suddenly became surprised and said in fear: "Mom and dad, what's wrong with me? I move so fast." , and he jumped to the roof in one leap, what happened to me!" Yingzi said, covering her head in pain. Wang Yulu hurried forward, took out two silver needles from her arms, and inserted them into Yingzi's acupuncture points, so that she could feel calm and not have a mental breakdown. Yingzi gradually calmed down, raised his eyes to look at Wang Yulu's face, paused for a moment and then said, "Have I seen you before?" Wang Yulu shook his head and said with a smile, "I'm just invisible to everyone." Lu Yun He fell from the sky and landed outside the courtyard wall, and two black figures flashed and Lu Yunzhi appeared behind him. Lu Yunzhi breathed a long sigh of relief and said: "I almost got discovered, by the way, father-in-law, how could you not Come out. And Leopard, didn't I ask you to stay in the capital? Why did you come with me?" Those two black figures were Baozi and Lu Jiugang. Lu Jiugang wiped the tears from his eyes and said, "Hey, I won't stay here. "I can't control my emotions after seeing Yingzi. I'm afraid that being too excited will delay her treatment. I'd better go with you." Lu Yunzhi nodded. Lu Jiugang did lose his temper before. Sooner or later, Yingzi will find out the clues. If he asks further. Getting up is also a hassle. Lu Yunzhi turned to look at Leopard, and said with some worry: "How are you going to drink the medicine now that you are gone? Who will train the hidden parts?" Leopard smiled, and the sadness just now was wiped away, and he said: " There's nothing wrong with my body. I'm just a little sleepy. It's not a serious problem. Why are you so nervous? Besides, I already have the medicine with me and can drink it at any time. When I saw Yingzi just now, I felt a little bit in my heart. Excited, he accidentally stepped on a brick with too much force. He didn't expect that Yingzi's skills and senses were still so sensitive." Lu Yunzhi nodded and said, "That's true. This is a good thing. It shows that the two lives have overlapped, but Yingzi is not. It's no different. It's probably not too difficult to treat. " Tan Qing asked Bai Yong at this time: "What is the Yinbu?" Bai Yong shook his head and said, "I don't know much about this. It is a mysterious force established by the Lord. The power is probably the few shadows at the foot of Mount Tai." Lu Yunzhi nodded and said: "Exactly, when I divided the troops, I asked Leopard to select a lot of people for security and assassination work, and the actions were secretive. It¡¯s very special, so I won¡¯t go into details. I¡¯ll wait until I find a suitable opportunity, so I don¡¯t have to worry about others hearing it.Come on. " Leopard patted Lu Yunzhi and said: "Let's go, brother-in-law, I have arranged the work over there. I have made a reasonable training plan and sent people to keep an eye on it. When we go back, I will take over the special task. training. Besides, how can I rest assured that there is a beautiful girl named Yang Xiyu next to you? I have to watch over you for my sister. "Baozi was afraid that Lu Yunzhi would be verbose again, so he quickly pushed out Yang Xiyu to interrupt. When Yang Xiyu heard this, his face was full of shyness, and Lu Yunzhi was also a little embarrassed and pushed Baozi, and scolded: "You are talking nonsense again. Tan Qing, could you please ask the concierge to tell Wang Yulu that we are leaving, and then hurry up and hurry up. The capital will feel more at ease if we return as early as possible. Yu Qian is watching our every move with eager eyes. " After Tan Qing gave the explanation to the concierge, everyone got on their horses and continued towards the location of Miao Gu's lineage. However, Leopard didn't even say hello and disappeared when no one was paying attention. It seemed that he was hiding again for protection. Everyone was safe. There was no conversation all the way that day, everyone had their own thoughts, and the atmosphere suddenly became a bit depressing. The days after that were still hurried, but Yang Xiyu talked less and less often. He was playing with the Bagua mirror and reading some books on Zhongzheng lineage. He looked like Wang Yulu was obsessed with medicine. From time to time, Yang Xiyu also communicated with Lu Yunzhi, Tan Qing and others. Every time they communicated. Everyone was surprised, because her progress could be said to be rapid. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 19: Vomiting Blood Everyone walked all the way to Xiangxi, Hunan. Tan Qing looked to the west and said: "In another half an hour, we will arrive at Sheyuan Village. ./top/ Novel Ranking" Bai Yong asked: "What is this place?" Tan Qing said He said with a smile: "Of course it is the village of our Miao family." Bai Yong asked slightly confused: "But isn't the Miao Gu lineage in Yunnan and Guizhou? How come there are also in Hunan." "The Miao Gu lineage has many people and many elites. In southern Xinjiang, many southern regions have their own villages. Sheyuan Village is a Miao village in western Hunan, one of the six Miao villages in western Hunan." Yang Xiyu said. This time it was Tan Qing's turn to be surprised: "How did you know?" Yang Xiyu smiled slightly and replied: "I read it in the study when Zhongzheng Yipai had nothing to do." Tan Qing covered his face helplessly. He sighed with his eyes: "Hey, you and my brother are really 'monsters' with super memories, but let's go to the village to rest for one night and prepare some dry food and water, and then we can start our journey tomorrow." Lu Yunzhi nodded. Agreeing, he has been observing Yang Xiyu in recent days. Yang Xiyu's memory is as good as his own, and he never cares about magic. When he was in the Zhongzheng lineage, Yang Xiyu just looked through some books that recorded anecdotes and strange things that he accidentally found, and just read them as stories. But for some reason, Yang Xiyu has been particularly concerned about yin and yang calculations recently. Such numbers. After the crowd, there were nearly half an hour, and the tall snakes of the fence had been seen. Suddenly, a puff of yellow smoke emerged from the grass on the roadside and instantly surrounded everyone. The smoke was mixed with imperceptible sounds. Most of the people were people with good hearing and vision, so they could naturally hear the sound of something crawling and rubbing. Tan Qing said with a smile: "It's just millipedes. It's easy to kill these insects if I do it. Brother, let's blow it away with the wind." Lu Yunzhi nodded, using his mind, a strong wind appeared out of thin air and blew away the smoke. , the wind clung to the ground like a knife, and the millipedes hanging on the ground were swept out one after another. Lu Yunzhi suddenly turned pale, and felt extremely heavy in his heart. A feeling of depression came out of his chest, but he didn't care. He thought it might be a slight discomfort in his body, so he continued to use the wind control technique. The whirlwind swept the three women in Miao clothes and flew in front of everyone. The wind suddenly stopped and the three people were thrown to the ground. Tan Qing looked at Lu Yunzhi's back and patted her gently, and said with a slight dissatisfaction: "Why are you so heavy-handed? Just put them on the ground. After all, they are my pulse." As soon as he finished speaking. , Lu Yunzhi suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood, staggered and almost fell to the ground. Tan Qing looked at his palm and kept saying: "I didn't hit hard, I just patted it lightly." Bai Yong quickly asked: "My lord, you?" Lu Yunzhishao He shook his head but did not answer. Lu Jiugang frowned and walked up to the three women of the Miao Gu lineage and said: "Hurry up and hand over the antidote, or I will kill you." Tan Qing was puzzled and quickly grabbed Lu Yun At the same time, Yang Xiyu stretched out his hand to hold Lu Yunzhi's left shoulder blade. Yang Xiyu just put his hand on Lu Yunzhi's body for a moment before he exhaled, and then quickly tapped Lu Yunzhi's back seven or eight times. During this period, Yang Xiyu's fingertips clearly had ghostly energy flowing around him. Suddenly, a hand stretched out from Lu Yunzhi's body and tightly held the finger that Yang Xiyu was about to poke. Yang Xiyu's face looked slightly painful, and Lu Yunzhi saw another finger on his back. He stretched out a face, which looked exactly like Lu Yunzhi. Bai Yong knew that it was a nightmare. Hearing the nightmare say: "What are you going to do, are you going to kill him, you" He suddenly let go of his hand, and then replied with an apologetic face: "I'm sorry, Please continue." Yang Xiyu stroked his bruised wrist, gathered ghost energy on his fingertips, and hit Lu Yunzhi hard on the back. Everyone felt very strange and looked at Lu Yunzhi, Tan Qing, Yang Xiyu and the others, only to hear Tan Qing say: "I know from the pulse that his energy and blood are boiling, and they don't know why. The nightmare is using the power of ghosts to replace him." Lu Yunzhi suppressed the injury, but after Sister Yang hit her brother, his body calmed down. I think Nightmare must have discovered this situation in time and apologized for misunderstanding Sister Yang. " "That's right," Lu. Yun Zhi coughed twice, spit out a mouthful of blood foam and said to Yang Xiyu: "Nightmare asked me to apologize to you on his behalf, but what tricks did you use and when did you learn them?" Yang Xiyu smiled and rubbed them. He moved his wrist and said, "Sit down and take a rest. Use the way of controlling Qi to move around your whole body. Be careful to avoid the Quchi point on your arms." Lu Yunzhi nodded, but did not act immediately. He took Yang Xiyu's arm and looked at the bruised area and asked, "Are you okay?" Yang Xiyu smiled again and said, "Hurry up and control your Qi, otherwise my work will be in vain." Lu Yun Zhi said no more words and sat up cross-legged to meditate. Tan Qing turned to look at the three Miao Gu disciples. They were beaten to pieces by the way of controlling the wind. It was not easy for them. Tan Qing took out a small bottle from his arms, opened it and held it in the air.Suddenly, the air was immediately filled with the fragrance of flowers. The three people were stunned and hurriedly shouted: "It turns out that the Pulse Master has arrived." Miao Gu branch has a very wide branch and a large number of people, and Tan Qing has only been in the position of Pulse Master for a few years, so naturally he has not visited all of them, only various branches. The leader of the village and his disciples met him. In order to prevent the embarrassing situation where the pulse master does not know the pulse master, the Miao Gu group specially uses this fragrance to represent the identity of the pulse master. Anyone who smells this fragrance will have hallucinations in front of their eyes, and the hallucinations are black bee evil spirits. . Of course, only the Pulse Master or the Pulse Master's successor can prepare this kind of fragrance. Except for a special period or when an elder in the Pulse knows about it, the fragrance formula will never be passed on to the outside world. "Why did you spread so many poisonous poisonous insects outside the village as if you were facing a formidable enemy?" Tan Qing asked. One of the three women in the group quickly replied: "Master, my mother-in-law recently mobilized the elites from the six Miao villages in western Hunan, saying that she was going to Fengbo Village to seek revenge. The village was empty in order to prevent the barbarians from the Tu tribe. They came to make a sneak attack and used poisonous poisons and poisonous insects to surround the village. "Bai Yong said in surprise: "What kind of bird boy is your mother-in-law?" Tan Qing wanted to reach out and kill Bai Yong. But she was worried that Bai Yong would vomit blood like Lu Yunzhi. Although this was probably a coincidence, Tan Qing was still worried. He retracted his half-stretched hand and scolded: "You are a bastard, don't talk nonsense." Badao, the mother-in-law they call is my adoptive mother." Bai Yong stuck out his tongue and said, "It's my fault for speaking so openly," but he was very worried about the safety of Fengbo Village. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 20: The onset of an old illness "Bai Yong, you are in trouble now," Lu Yunzhi stood up and said with a relieved face: "Your mother-in-law attacked your own hometown, and your uncle and mother-in-law fought together. If you help your uncle, Tan Qing I won't be able to marry you. It's impossible to help your mother-in-law with your loyal and filial character. Do you want me to help?" But Tan Qing laughed: "Brother, come on, you think our Miao girls are your Han people? Woman, you don¡¯t care about your parents¡¯ orders and what your matchmaker says. Besides, given your current body, you¡¯d better rest./ Tan Qing looked at Bai Yong and said, ¡°You can do whatever you want. , don¡¯t worry about me, but I am interested in helping my mother fight with the airbending masters. Anyway, it¡¯s okay if we don¡¯t fight. " Yang Xiyu said: "Are you okay? "Lu Yunzhi nodded, and then said with a slight doubt: "It's very comfortable, but what kind of move are you doing? I've never seen it before. " Yang Xiyu burst into laughter and said: "I finally know why Zhu Jianwen called you Lu Shudai. If you learn from one example and apply it to other cases, you can create new moves. I have used the technique of exorcising ghosts before according to the records in the book, but it was not successful. Every time I saw ghosts, my heart could not calm down. Naturally, the technique cannot be used. So I thought about whether I could use the ghost energy. After trying it, I drew a talisman on my hand and absorbed the ghost energy from the surrounding ghosts. Then I used this energy as the basis to dilute the rune and hide it in my fingers. Then I You can absorb and use ghost energy at will. The martial arts and medicine you have learned from the Zhongzheng lineage include the study of the meridians of the body, and each meridian acupuncture point has its own role. I borrow the spirit of ghosts, stay on my fingers, and hit acupuncture points. It can save people like acupuncture, and it can also hurt people. The power of ghosts and human body structure are combined into one. This can be regarded as my own invention. It's a trick. I'm done confessing, what happened to you that you suddenly vomited blood? " Lu Yunzhi nodded and said: "I generally understand. Speaking of which, I think I still have an old injury. In the past few years, I suffered severe backlash from the magic of heaven and earth. Before I could recover, I was attacked by Yu Qian and stopped healing. So This is an old disease, and vomiting blood is usually the first manifestation. After that, our situation became relatively stable. I asked Wang Yulu to continue treating me, but the effect was not significant. My internal organs had been destroyed. In addition to suppressing it with drugs, I could only rely on nightmares to use the energy of ghosts to treat me. maintain. A few days ago, when I used the art of heaven and earth, I didn't feel so uncomfortable, and the backlash was not serious anymore. I thought I had adapted to the art of heaven and earth. But when I saw Yingzi a few days ago, I suddenly felt very sad in my heart. My throat was bleeding and I was short of breath. I didn't care and just used the way of controlling air to rush away. Today, when I used the art of controlling the wind, my old injury relapsed. Fortunately, you are here. But why did you know the condition of my body and make me feel much better by just pressing my Tianzong point? Could this be the cure? method? " Yang Xiyu shook his head after hearing this and said: "It seems that you need to control your mood. Being too sad, angry or excited can easily cause the onset of old diseases. This technique of mine was also inspired by Wang Yulu. On the way, he once said that it is more accurate to use ghost spirits to cut your pulse, so I also used this method to find out the condition of your body, and it can be stimulated through any acupuncture point on the body. other acupoints to achieve the desired effect. But stimulating your acupuncture points with ghost energy is nothing more than suppressing discomfort, so I let you use the way of controlling energy to travel throughout your body. In other words, all I can do is accelerate your recovery ability and treatment effect, but I cannot directly Treat the symptoms and root causes. " "This technique can not only be used in this way. Although the ghost energy on the fingertips cannot be used against ghosts, it is extremely powerful if it is fought against people." Lu Jiugang suddenly said: "Just click on any acupuncture point on the operator's body. It is equivalent to hitting the opponent's weak point and killing him with one move. It seems to be a unique skill, but it is not so easy to master. " Yang Xiyu heard Lu Jiugang's analysis and felt uncertain, so he replied: "I didn't think so much. It's just that what Uncle Lu said does make sense, but I don't have the distance advantage. If this technique is used in combat, it must touch the opponent to exert its power, and it requires a person with excellent skills to exert its power. If I were to fight against any of you here, I would probably be killed before I even reach your side. " Tan Qing stroked his slanted hair floating in front of his forehead and said with a smile: "Good analysis. It seems that my brother is not a genius among us. If Sister Yang grew up in the environment of heaven, earth and people, she should have the highest attainments. . Let's go to Sheyu Village to rest for one night. When my brother's health is better tomorrow, we can continue our journey. " "No need," Lu Yunzhi shook his head and said, "Without further delay, I will just ask Nightmare to heal my injuries on the way. Let's rush to Fengbo Village to prevent the two sides from conflicting again. After so many years of fighting, the two sides have not yet recovered. Fight enough. Now one is Bai Yong's family and the other is Tan Qing's clan. If there are any casualties, it won't be easy for you two. Let's hurry up?Get on your way. " As he spoke, Lu Yunzhi looked at the three Miao Gu disciples, raised his hands and asked: "May I ask the three girls, when did Gaya Nongbu gather the elites of your village, and when did they set off? "Although there was a trace of blood at the corner of Lu Yunzhi's mouth, he was still graceful. The three girls couldn't help but be a little stunned. Scanning the crowd, they couldn't help but notice that the handsome men and women were as pretty as the golden boys and girls from heaven. Even Bai Yong, who had scars on his face, had beautiful features. The scars on his face suddenly looked a bit ugly, but they did not affect the overall feeling and instead added to his masculinity. Lu Yunzhi noticed that the three of them were in a daze and shouted again. :"girl? "The three women raised their eyes and returned to Lu Yunzhi's face. They couldn't help but blush. Compared with Yang Xiyu and Tan Qing, they felt ashamed. One of them mustered up the courage to hesitate and said: "Reply to this elder brother. , my mother-in-law gathered five days ago and set off on the same day. Lu Yunzhi turned to Tan Qing and asked: "How fast are your Miao Gu lineage traveling? Can we catch up?" Tan Qing replied: "The speed is not slow. If you gallop all the way, you can still catch up." Lu Yunzhi asked Yang Xiyu again: "Are you okay?" " Yang Xiyu nodded firmly, and Lu Yunzhi got on his horse and shouted: "Let's go straight to Fengbo Village. We must stop this fight before the two parties start fighting. " Several people got on their horses one after another, and the fast horses roared away, leaving only the fading figures and the sound of horse hooves. The three Miao Gu pulse members looked at each other, and finally one person asked: "Are you with our pulse master? Who are they? "The other two people also shook their heads in confusion. At this moment, several black shadows clung to the ground and passed by the three of them. Although they were walking, they were not much slower than galloping horses. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 21: Attacking the Villa with Poison Gaya Nongbu looked at the towering walls of Fengbo Village in front of him. That weathered face still shows the appearance of his youth. She must be a beauty who will captivate the whole country. But no one can resist the changes of time. Even if it¡¯s a pretty and well-behaved girl, Nongbu. She turned back to the women behind her. There were also several men wearing short coats among them. These people are the elites of Miao Gu's branch villages other than the own village. Originally, the Miao Gu lineage did not accept male disciples. But later I discovered that some men have extremely high levels of understanding, which makes them exceptional. Qiya Nongbu originally hoped to wait for Tan Qing to bring his people back before launching a massive attack on Fengbo Village. But after looking around, Tan Qing still didn't return. Moreover, most of the people in the headquarters were taken away. I wanted to find someone to urge Tan Qing. But think about the battle between Yu Qian and the Zhongzheng lineage and others headed by Lu Yunzhi. It is related to the future survival of the Miao Gu lineage. If someone were to be sent to find Tan Qing and lead the people back. It will inevitably disrupt Tan Qing's plan. I had no choice but to give up. Gaya Nongbu refused to give up her desire for revenge. So an envoy was sent. Gather the elites of the branch villages together. At the same time, the plan to storm Fengbo Village was changed to a sneak attack. Qiu Nongbu looked at the sky that was gradually lighting up. I estimated in my mind that it would be fully bright in half an hour. And now it is dawn. This is also the time when the Gu insects on your side are most restless. The poisonous insects at this time are more poisonous than at other times. Compared with the Qi Control Master of Fengbo Village. This is not a good moment. The night watchman was already a little tired. Moreover, after a night of nothing, the vigilance will naturally relax. He must be hoping that the next group of guards will come to take over as soon as possible. Qiu Nongbu smiled coldly. He planned in his mind that he must kill all the airbending masters and leave no one behind. Let Fengbo Village's blood flow like a river. Although it is somewhat difficult, it may also damage your pulse. But it was all worth it when she came. She waved. All the Miao Gu members tightened the reins of their horses. Tie the reins firmly to the stone trunk. Then he crouched and followed Qiu Nongbu quickly as he approached Fengbo Village. Before them, large swaths of insects on the ground burrowed into the soil. Move forward quickly. An airbending master leaned slantedly on the sentry tower. Squinting his eyes a little sleepily. Turn your head downward. He glanced around dully. He had repeated this action hundreds of times throughout the night. Naturally, it was a bit sloppy. Daybreak is coming. The replacement will be arriving soon. The airbender yawned and stretched. Stretch your waist halfway. He suddenly froze. Something seems not quite right. what is it then. He hurriedly lowered his head towards the sentry tower. Nothing unusual seems to have happened. He was about to turn around when he finally understood. ground. It's an anomaly on the ground. Large areas of land were arched. They all moved forward. But there was no sound. If you're not careful, it won't come out at all. The airbending master shouted: "What the hell?" The guards on other archery towers and sentry towers also came this way. Most of them do not have the ability to control the formation of air. But he is also very skilled. They all bent their bows and set up arrows, ready to go. That's when. The raised soil on the ground suddenly cracked open. The guarding airbenders shot arrows one after another. The arrow contains his own energy. The moment when the soil layer is completely opened. These sharp arrows also shot into the large hole that was opened. The bulge in the ground immediately stopped moving. As if dead. The airbending master breathed a sigh of relief. Then a person who looked like a leader said to one of the airbending masters: "Go down. Be careful." The airbending master nodded. Just about to climb down from the arrow tower. But I heard several screams from my companions. When they turned around, they saw a large number of insects covering their bodies. They squirmed violently. Let out a horrible cry. The leader shouted to the airbending master who was about to go down to investigate: "Go and report the news quickly. It's Miao Gu's lineage." After saying that, he stopped making any sound. Because the black carapace also crawled into his open mouth. Stinky bugs. The airbending master standing at the edge of the ladder shouted and jumped down. Run towards Fengbo Manor. A beetle landed on his neck. Take a bite. The airbender plucked the clinging bug from his neck. Throw it to the ground and crush it. He ran hard and shouted: "The Miao Gu lineage is coming. Everyone, be prepared." Duan Haitao had just gotten up. He rinsed his mouth with the cup in hand. He dipped his finger in the tea cup again. Wipe it towards your eyes. Tea can improve eyesight. Duan Haitao is not young but still has a bright eye. He always thought it was the effect of applying tea to his eyes. He suddenly put down the tea cup. Because he heard the noise outside. So he put on his coat and went out. Several leaders and elderly people of Fengbo Village also walked out of other rooms. Rush to where the sound comes from. I saw an airbending master walking toward the crowd hobblingly. I saw Duan Haitao and others coming towards me. A smile appeared on his face. He said: "Master of the village, the Miao Gu group is coming. Everyone, defend yourself quickly." After saying that, he fell to the ground. People coming out of the surrounding houses hurried forward to help. Duan Haitao suddenly shouted: "Don't move." Then he quickly stepped forward. He raised his right palm and hit the air control master with a burst of light golden energy. The airbending master's body shook. The body is entrusted into thin airGet up. Drops of black blood flowed down his neck. Duan Haitao shouted softly. The body of the airbending master was lifted to the other side again. Then lay it flat on the ground. The airbending master slowly opened his eyes. He shouted with great effort: "Master" Duan Haitao stretched out his palm to stop the man's words. He said with a smile: "You have been poisoned. I have already treated you. Take a rest first. Then control the energy throughout your body. Just leave the rest to us." As he spoke, his expression gradually became serious. . His hind legs kicked the ground suddenly. The body is like an arrow leaving the string. He ran quickly towards the gate of the villa. The few people following Duan Haitao also followed closely. Two people were left to report the news separately in Fengbo Village. Let us all face the enemy together. Øî‚gONGBu stared at the houses beside the mountain road. His brows were furrowed. One of the Miao Gu people said sarcastically: "Mother-in-law, I didn't expect the airbending master to be so weak. Let's attack in a big way. Kill them all." Gaya Nongbu said without a relaxed expression: "Don't attack rashly. One day A good Qi control master is stronger than the masters of our Miao Gu lineage. Now use all your strength to attack. Everyone must be careful." Busy releasing poisonous insects and poisons. But the poisonous smoke, poisonous weapon and poisonous insects have not gone very far. A huge wall made of gas was pushed over in front of him. All the poison has dissipated. The Gu insects and Gu instruments were also crushed to pieces. Gaya Nongbu snorted and said to himself: "Duan Haitao. He came so fast." Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 22: The Art of Controlling Wood ( ) Qiqi Nongbu snorted coldly. But suddenly he was stunned. Then she said to herself: "This is not Duan Haitao. They are a group of airbending masters." Then she turned to her subordinates Miao Gu Pulse and said: "This air wall is formed by several airbending masters working together to control the air. You guys will fight together and I'll deal with Duan Haitao." The reason why he said this was because he knew it. Duan Haitao's Qi is golden. But the air mask in front of him was a mixture of multiple colors. The colorful ones are very beautiful. So Qiu Nongbu concluded. Please come to more and faster chapters. The wall of energy in front of me must have been created by multiple people. Duan Haitao, the owner of Fengbo Village, must be somewhere else. "A few black flying insects emerged from Qiyau's sleeves as he fiddled with the edge of the cloth. He turned over and formed a ball to hold her up and fly high into the sky. As she expected, Duan Haitao was jumping back and forth on the roofs of nearby houses. Wherever they went, the Miaogu people were completely defeated. Gaya Nongbu shouted: "Duan Haitao. Look here." Duan Haitao looked at the sky. What came oncoming was two plumes of smoke. Please come to more and faster chapters. He quickly backed away. Control Qi and hit the two poisonous smoke. But the anger was easily dispersed. It turns out that there is a murderous intention hidden in the poisonous smoke. In addition to the poisonous poison, there are two other poisonous insects attacking. After the Gu worms, there are Gu vessels with a large number of ghosts and poisons attached to them. Duan Haitao narrowed his eyes. A hint of murderous intent flashed in his eyes. Then he turned his energy into a shield and pushed it forward. It was a head-to-head confrontation with Gaya Nongbu's tricks. The two sides collided. Duan Haitao was slightly surprised. He knew that he was no match for Qiu Nongbu. But he didn't expect that she was already so powerful. So he moved his whole body. Used all my strength. Qiu Nongbu was also a little panicked. In her opinion, Duan Haitao is just a small character worth mentioning. As long as Duan Haitao's master doesn't leave seclusion. He is definitely capable of killing everyone in Fengbo Village. But under this collision. But I found that Duan Haitao's progress was not small. The Gu insects that collided with the shield made of air control shattered into pieces. There was a stench and a squeaking sound. Øî‚gŵ²¼ shouted. She moved her fingers wildly but couldn't see her thinking anything. Several tree roots suddenly protruded from the ground. The roots are growing rapidly. Heading straight up towards Duan Haitao. Duan Haitao was shocked. But relying on his nimble movements, he jumped back and forth between the tree roots. I knew in my heart that these were no ordinary tree roots. It cannot be stopped by one's own Qi control. But although these tree roots seem to be aggressive. But there is a big gap between them. Enough to escape and hide on his own. And this was a good opportunity for counterattack created by Gaya Nongbu's offense. I saw Duan Haitao suddenly leaping high from a tree root. The whole person flew towards the towering arrow tower. Then step on the wall of the arrow tower. He took two steps up and jumped up again. The body flying in the air seems to be more than eight feet higher than the insect holding the cloth. Duan Haitao also shouted loudly. The air control takes shape. A huge hammer fell from the sky. Duan Haitao yelled: "Get down here." Qia Nongbu drove out a large number of Gu insects from his sleeves to block his head. But he still couldn't catch Duan Haitao's powerful blow from the sky. The vaporized golden hammer kept crushing the Gu insects. Knocked out the cloth. Qiu threw the cloth to the ground. Suddenly a cloud of dust rose up. The golden hammer still fell straight down without any intention of stopping. At the sight of it, I was about to make a piece of cloth and turn it into a pile of minced meat. A touch of light blue suddenly appeared on Duan Haitao's face. Then suddenly there was a lump in his throat and he fell to the ground with eyes wide open. And the golden hammer composed of Qi control also disappeared in this moment. Gaya Nongbu got up from the ground. Wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. Please come to more and faster chapters. Walked to Duan Haitao. He stepped on Duan Haitao's shoulder and said: "Boy, you have practiced well in recent years. You can beat me until I vomit blood. That's good." Duan Haitao kept breathing heavily. I knew I must have been poisoned. I want to use the way of controlling air to force out the poison. But as soon as I lifted my breath, it was extremely painful. Almost fainted. He could only look up angrily at Gaya Nongbu. He couldn't exert any strength at all. It's a bit difficult to move a finger. Updated as soon as possible Qiya Nongbu laughed sarcastically. Then he kicked Duan Haitao in the head. Said: "Don't waste your efforts. This poison is specially prepared for you airbending masters. The more you use the way of airbending to force the poison, the deeper the poison will be. I traveled around the territory of the Ming Dynasty and visited experts from various places. Finally I developed Zhongzheng Although I have been studying the technique of controlling wood in the clan's heaven and earth technique for two or three years, of course not. No one can learn the art of heaven and earth so quickly. Therefore, the reason why I used the art of controlling trees just now was to confuse your sight. There was a lot of poison attached to the tree roots, so you must not have noticed it. . Hahahaha. If you want to fight me, you still have to practice for a few years. Why didn't you come to save me? Is that old guy really dead? I'm just trying to scare outsiders with my empty tricks. I'll tell you that your master will be with me for a few days.It is also determined that he will come and go but not come back. " Duan Haitao raised his head and said with difficulty: "You can't master the art of controlling wood. But it¡¯s really awesome to be able to use it. However, there are many people who can apply it just after learning it. I know one such person. You cannot understand the art of controlling wood. Naturally, it cannot exert its true power. This only shows that you are stupid. I feel embarrassed to say that I have been studying it for two or three years. "As he talked, Duan Haitao's tongue gradually became numb and became unable to stretch out. Naturally, he kept silent. "Yes," Qiya Nongbu said with a smile. I am stupid'. I'll kill you now. See if you talk back. Why can't I understand the art of controlling wood? You'd better ask Neng Shentou to save you. Or cry and call your good master. "As he spoke, a cloud of red smoke gathered on Gaya Nongbu's hand. It suddenly hit Duan Haitao's heart. Duan Haitao smiled bitterly and thought in his heart: Master, I am ashamed of your teachings. I failed to save Fengbo Village. Bai Yong, you must live well. Her uncle was suddenly grabbed by a pair of hands, but she couldn't break free. A voice sounded in her ears. Is the person Mr. Duan is talking about me? But I'm here to save him. "Gaya Nongbu was shocked. She didn't feel the man's arrival. She looked sideways. She saw a handsome man grabbing her arm. His eyebrows were white and his skin was white. The white hair on his temples added to the vicissitudes of life. Gaya Nongbu sighed in his heart: What a handsome man. He couldn't think about it at this moment. Suddenly, there was a burst of force, and Gaya Nongbu was pushed out by a ball of dark red and white light. The man was helpless, but he didn't take advantage of the situation. He just helped Duan Haitao and stuffed a pill into his mouth. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 23: Tricky Talk ( ) Qiya Nongbu looked at the person who came out to stop him. Asked: "Who are you? You are so powerful. Why don't you use a killing move?" The man clasped his fists in his hands and replied: "I am Lu Yunzhi. Pay my respects to my senior." Qiu Nongbu was slightly startled. Previously, Lu Yunzhi had caught him with lightning speed. But he didn't kill him. He just used the way of controlling air to push himself away. See the air control method he used. I thought he was a young talent among airbending masters. Great headache. Please come to more and faster chapters. Masters will know the difference in strength in just one move. Qiu Nongbu knew that he was far inferior to the person in front of him. Unexpectedly, the person in front of him turned out to be the famous Lu Yunzhi among the people of heaven and earth. But why did Lu Yunzhi use the method of controlling Qi? Is he closely related to Fengbo Village? I am here to help Fengbo Village tide over the difficulties. Gaya Nongbu had deep doubts in her heart. At this time, two shouts rang out from the two sides facing the enemy: "Stop it. Updated as soon as possible." Bai Yong and Tan Qing stood in the formation. He stopped the airbenders and the Miao Gu disciples who wanted to continue fighting. The airbending master of Fengbo Village naturally knew Bai Yong. Tan Qing took out the small bottle. Shaking in the air. The fragrance of flowers overflowed for a while. At this time, the illusion of black bee appeared in the Miao Gu pulse crowd. Naturally, he also knew that the woman in front of him was the current pulse master Tan Qing. Gaya Nongbu turned to look at Tan Qing and asked, "Qing'er, why are you here? More and faster chapters are coming." Tan Qing quickly ran to Gaya Nongbu's side. Then he softly called out: "Mother." Gaya Nongbu asked again: "Qing'er, come and help me. This Lu Yunzhi is really powerful. But I really can't tell whether he is an enemy or a friend." Lu Yunzhi His hearing was very sensitive and he naturally heard the conversation between the two. But he was not in a hurry to answer and just shouted to Bai Yong: "Bai Yong. Come here quickly. Master Duan is here." Bai Yong quickly flew over. Seeing Duan Haitao lying injured and lying on the ground. He hurriedly shouted: "Uncle." After saying that, he used Qi to heal Duan Haitao's injuries. Lu Yunzhi quickly stopped and said: "I have given Master Duan some medicine to relieve the poison. This poison seems to be getting worse the more you use the method of controlling air. If you want to truly detoxify, only the senior Gulu who poisoned it can do it." I know the prescription." Bai Yong held Duan Haitao's head. I felt sad for a while. Although my uncle is nagging, he is also quite harsh on me. But he loves himself very much. Treat yourself like your own son. So Bai Yong shouted angrily: "Hurry up and hand over the antidote." Lu Yunzhi clasped his fists and said: "Senior. Master Duan is kind to me. He is also my brother's uncle. Please show mercy to me, senior. Hand it over. Antidote." Qiu Nongbu sneered twice. Said: "The Miao Gu lineage belongs to the people of heaven and earth. Please come to more and faster chapters. I heard that Mr. Lu has taken over the position of the leader of the Zhongzheng lineage. Now you are not here to help us, the Miao Gu lineage, who are also people of heaven and earth." On the contrary, it helped outsiders. I don¡¯t know how to write the word Zhongzheng." Lu Yunzhi and Bai Yong looked at each other. I couldn't help but secretly thought that Qiu Nongbu's mouth was really unruly. I also understand why Tan Qing¡¯s ¡°eloquence¡± is so good. Tan Qing saw that the two sides were about to have a stalemate. Updated as soon as possible. He quickly whispered in Gaya Nongbu's ear and briefly described his and Lu Yunzhi's sibling speculation. and the purpose of this visit. After hearing this, Gaya Nongbu nodded. He sneered again and said to Lu Yunzhi: "I see. It's not certain whether they are siblings. But it has little to do with today's matter. Even if Qing'er is your sister, you don't have to be embarrassed to take action against me. I raised her. It is to treat her as my biological daughter. It is also to inherit the position of the leader of our Miao Gu lineage. I know that Duan Haitao is kind to you and him. The matter between brothers and sisters is between you and me and Tan Qing. You can handle it as you please." He said in a calm tone: "I won't stop you from liking Qing'er. It doesn't matter that Duan Haitao is your uncle. The grudge between me and Fengbo Village is my business. Whether you seek revenge from me or not is your business. You and Qing'er are It¡¯s a matter between the two of you, so you don¡¯t have to worry about it.¡± It makes people a little speechless. Don't know what to do. "Hahahaha. What a tricky old woman. What a sharp mouth. Good son-in-law. You can't deal with this. Updated as soon as possible." Lu Jiugang sat on the roof at some point. He said looking at the "good show" in front of him. Lu Yunzhi clasped her fists and said: "I hope the grievances between the seniors and Fengbo Village can be dealt with calmly. Turn the hostility into friendship. Adjust the conflicts and deal with the conflicts between people in the world or with outsiders. This is the responsibility of the Zhongzheng lineage. To be fair, I can afford to do this. "Zhongzheng" said with a snort: "You can say whatever you want. If you want the antidote, you have to defeat me." Even so, his whole body was tense and tense. Defend Lu Yunzhi from attacking at any time. He knew in his heart that he was definitely no match for Lu Yunzhi. Qiu Nongbu thought of this and came up with a plan. He said to Lu Jiugang on the roof: "What did you say in our conversation just now? A good son-in-law. Could it be that he is Lu Yunzhi's father-in-law."snort. Why do you want to get ahead? Do you want to compete with me? " Lu Jiugang was stunned for a moment. He also instantly understood Gaya's idea of ??making cloth. Since he couldn't defeat Lu Yunzhi, it was better to use words to stimulate himself to gain a chance of winning. This was too underestimated of his own ability. So he stood up and moved. He said with a somewhat stiff neck: "You are so unreasonable. But that¡¯s fine. Otherwise, let me go. After that, he looked at Lu Yunzhi and said, "Xianxiang, please take a rest." If the old injury recurs, he will die. Is it possible that my daughter should be left a widow? Hahahahaha. "As she said that, her figure suddenly disappeared out of thin air. There was no trace. Qiya Nongbu was shocked again. She cursed secretly: Why are there so many masters today? But she couldn't think too much at this time. She quickly wanted to use Gu. Tan Qing was trying to defend himself with poison, but he didn't know what to do, so he wanted to help his mother, but he heard Qiu Nongbu say, "We are competing." No one else should interfere. " Tan Qing then stepped aside. He walked to Duan Haitao and looked at him. Duan Haitao's life was not in danger. He was just unconscious. If he wanted to wake up, he really had to detoxify himself. Suddenly. Øî The Gu insects and Gu poison behind Ya Nongbu were separated by something like a sharp knife. Ya Nongbu quickly turned around to take the attack, but a slender and sharp claw was placed on her neck. There was a voice behind him, saying with a hint of ridicule: "It's a good idea not to let others help. But you underestimate me too much. My enemy actually tried to defeat me by using only poison and poison. How ridiculous. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 24: Unity of Knowledge and Action ( ) Qiu Nongbu lowered his eyes and looked at the hands. The hands are as sharp as tiger claws. Qiu Nongbu said with some confusion: "Ghost-eating tribe." Lu Jiugang chuckled and replied: "Exactly." The poisonous poisonous insects around him suddenly gathered around him quickly. Hit Lu Jiugang's body. Lu Jiugang did not dodge. Just use force on your hands. Immediately, five blood stains appeared on Gaya Nongbu's neck. The poisonous poisons and poisonous insects that were pressing towards Lu Jiugang were blocked by the evil spirits summoned. Qiu Nongbu sighed and said: "It turns out that the ghost-eating tribe can also use the art of exorcising ghosts. I was careless. Butit's not that simple." As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a bulge on the ground. A vine sprung up and wrapped around Lu Jiugang's feet. And some thick wood and tree roots emerged from both sides and hit Lu Jiugang. Lu Jiugang used ghost energy attached to his fingers to chop at the vine. His body jumped in the air and laughed loudly: "I can control the art of controlling wood with my mind. Good, good, good. Look at me." Lu Jiugang said that a large bright red flame appeared above his head. Then they shot down one after another. He said with a sneer: "I can do heart determination and other things. It's just that your wood control skills can't compete with mine. Because the five elements are mutually reinforcing. Wood makes fire. The more wood, the stronger the fire." Suddenly, Qiao Qi Nongbu's body became full of energy. A sea of ??fire. Tan Qing called out: "Mother." Lu Jiugang smiled and said to Tan Qing: "Don't worry." Several streams of clear springs surged out from the ground. Put out the surrounding fire. Qiu Nongbu is among them. The body is wrapped in numerous beetles. But he also seemed a little tired. Her hair was curled up by the high temperature. Tan Qing jumped up and ran to Gaya Nongbu's side. He supported Nongbu, who was a little dizzy. Asked: "Mother, are you okay?" Gaya Nongbu shook his head and said: "Who is this person? It's not just Lu Yunzhi's father-in-law and a member of the ghost-eating tribe." Lu Jiugang made another leap. He jumped onto a house and laughed loudly and said: "I used to be a member of the Zhongzheng lineage. But I am no longer a member of the Zhongzheng lineage. That's why I know the clan's art of heaven and earth. But old woman, I still show mercy to you. Not only It's because you are Tan Qing's adoptive mother. "Huh. Why do you want to be merciful?" Qiu Nongbu asked. Lu Jiugang's face relaxed and he said: "Because you call us ghost-eating tribe. Not soul-eating beasts. We are different from those rotten people who feel superior. Hahahahaha." Gaya Nongbu sneered twice and said: "We They are all rejected by the main branch of heaven and earth. Why bother insulting each other? Haha. I lost to you." He took out a medicine bottle from his arms and threw it to Lu Jiugang. Lu Jiugang caught it and jumped to Duan Haitao's side. Pass the medicine bottle to Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi was worried that the medicine was fraudulent. He looked at Tan Qing slightly confused. Tan Qing nodded knowingly. So Lu Yunzhi took it for Duan Haitao. Duan Haitao opened his eyes quietly after a moment. Looking at Lu Yunzhi, he saw Bai Yong again. For a moment, he was trembling with excitement. He held Bai Yong's hand and said, "Bai Yong. You brat. Why did you come back?" Bai Yong didn't answer. Two lines of tears couldn't stop flowing down. Duan Haitao raised his palm to wipe Bai Yong's tears with great effort and said: "Silly boy. I'm fine. Why are you crying." "Let's go. There is no shame in losing this time," he said to Tan Qing. . We lost not to the airbenders but to the people of heaven and earth. Or rather, we lost to the ghost-eating people who were once people of heaven and earth." As he said this, Gaya Nongbu pulled Tan Qing away. But suddenly I heard someone say from the side: "Today is really lively. Bai Yong. Have you always felt that a simple airbending master is not strong enough? Please come to more and faster chapters. I have always been annoyed that I can't compete with my sweetheart Tan Qing. Something." Everyone heard this sudden sentence. My whole body was shaken. Lu Yunzhi. Lu Jiugang. Bai Yong. Tan Qing. These people, Qiu Nongbu, are all masters of the world. In the presence of everyone. No one noticed the man's arrival. Everyone looked in search of the sound. I saw that the man was wearing a big straw hat. Leaning lazily on an earth wall. The man held up the brim of his hat and said, "Why am I wrong?" As he said that, the man raised the brim of his hat and stared at Bai Yong with his eyes. Bai Yong was suddenly stunned. It is a fear of death. The eyes were full of murderous intent. But just this look at each other made Bai Yong understand that he would definitely lose. The eyes softened in turn. Bai Yong felt relieved again. Lu Yunzhi looked at Bai Yong's uncertain expression with confusion. Knowing that there must be something weird about that person, he raised his voice and asked, "May I ask who you are?" But the person ignored Lu Yunzhi. He just walked slowly towards Gaya Nongbu and Tan Qing. He said: "Bai Yong, remember. There are no tricks that are not powerful. There are only people who can't use them. As long as you are strong enough, even grass and trees will become magical weapons in your hands." Tan Qing looked towards That person. But I heard Gaya Nongbu say: "Qing'er, pay attention to that person" Before he could finish speaking, the two of them were knocked out. The body did not fly straight towards the buildings on both sides, but was enveloped by two groups of golden energy. Everyone looked and saw that the two of them had fainted. gassedLay flat on the ground. The man turned his head again. Look at Lu Yunzhi and others. Duan Haitao called out softly and with a hint of doubt: "Master." Bai Yong asked hurriedly: "Uncle. This man is the master." Duan Haitao shook his head. Said a sentence. Everyone was shocked when these words came out: "I haven't seen Master's real face for many years since Master went into seclusion. I can only listen to Master's teachings through the door." The man continued to stroll towards Lu Yunzhi and others. People come. Lu Yunzhi clasped his hands and said, "Senior, have you gone too far? Tan Qingnai is my sister. If you want to explain your point of view, you can just tell it. Why do you do it?" The man burst out laughing. : "I didn't kill them. You don't need to be nervous. But what's the use of talking. Only by combining knowledge and action can Bai Yong understand what I said." Several figures started to shake next to that person. The leopard also jumped down from the roof on the side. Holding Yang Xiyu in one hand. Holding a man in one hand. After he put Yang Xiyu on the ground. Then he laid the man flat on the ground. Said: "Keep an eye on Yang Xiyu. Just now we saw that man approaching quickly. We were afraid that he would be bad for you and wanted to stop him. But he broke a brother." Lu Yunzhi stretched out his hand. I saw that the master of the Yinbu was already furious. Yang Xiyu knelt down and tapped the man a few times. Said: "He just had his acupuncture points sealed by the way of controlling air. There is no danger to his life. The man seems to have no malicious intentions. He shot fiercely but never took anyone's life." Lu Yunzhi frowned and whispered to the leopard: "Be careful. I feel that Ying Mei is also around here. What day is it today? Everything that should come and should not come is here." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 25: Escape ( ) The man in the straw hat stopped. He looked around. A strange smile appeared on half of the face exposed under the straw hat. Then stepped back to one side. Leaning lazily on the wall. From the shadows not far away stepped an all-black figure. He kept laughing and said: "It's really good. There are more and more good materials that can be used. I don't even know how to choose. Lu Yunzhi. Long time no see." Lu Yunzhi snorted coldly. He replied: "Yes, Yingmei. Please come to more and faster chapters. I haven't seen you for a long time. Are you asking for my life when you come here today?" Yingmei waved his hand and said: "No, no. I'm just here. Join in the fun. Keep it in mind. Maybe who will become the next one? "Hahaha, you haven't had enough fun yet." The person whispered. Several groups of shadows jumped up from the ground and suddenly hit the man. Just listen to Ying Mei say: "Don't dare to interrupt here because you think you have some ability." The shadow disappeared. Just disappeared into thin air. At this time, everyone realized that the shadow of this person was gone. But it was clearly there just now. How could it suddenly disappear now? Even the wall he was leaning against had no shadow. Lu Yunzhi thought to himself: It's Wuying. Lu Yunzhi learned to be shadowless after receiving the guidance of Patriarch Xing Wen. With diligent practice, I quickly mastered this technique. Learned to use and remove. Update as soon as possible Make sure there is always a shadow around you. Although Total Shadow is very safe. But it's also very weird. Not only will everyone ask about it after they find out, it will take a lot of talking. Just walking on the street and being seen. It would also cause a commotion. Live in the world. You can ignore other people's opinions. But there are still many troubles. Yingmei obviously didn't know that Lu Yunzhi had also learned Wuying. So he appeared in front of Lu Yunzhi unscrupulously. What Lu Yunzhi didn't expect was. The man wearing a straw hat in front of him will also disappear. Although Wuying evolved from the way of controlling air. But it is only used to protect against shadow demons. Nothing else works. Could it be that this man in a straw hat is also another "hero" targeted by Ying Mei. Lu Yunzhi thought in his heart. The shadow demon¡¯s true form must be within a hundred steps. Lu Yunzhi urged Wu Ying. The shadow beside him disappeared instantly. He drank loudly in his mouth. Suddenly thick earth walls appeared all around. And gather quickly. But he heard Ying Mei scream: "So it's you." The shouting disappeared in an instant. The sound seemed to draw a long line in the air. The man in the straw hat smiled and said: "Don't bother. He has already run away. Your earthbending technique is too slow. You can't catch Ying Mei at all. I have been chasing him for three years. That's why he has not moved forward in these years." Come to harass you. It¡¯s a pity that I let him slip away every time. I¡¯m really unwilling.¡± Lu Yunzhi¡¯s heart moved. I met Ying Mei before. He was beaten so hard that he was helpless. But this person was able to chase Ying Mei and fight for three years. Not to mention the perseverance superman, even with this strength, he is like a heavenly being. Lu Yunzhi did not dare to underestimate the person in front of him. But I can't believe it. So he raised his hands and said: "Senior, don't joke. Although you will be shadowless. But if you want to capture the shadow charm" He didn't finish his words. But I heard the man in the straw hat laugh: "Capture Ying Mei. I want to kill him. Not capture him. Otherwise, how could he escape. But I said it. Knowledge and action are one. You and I will go through first." Let's talk slowly. Otherwise, you have to be careful. If I accidentally kill you, don't blame me. Haha." Lu Yunzhi also said with a smile: "Since you are interested, I can only wait for you until the end." Leopard said at this moment: "Yunzhi, be careful. My father and I will hold the battle for you." Lu Yunzhi nodded. He rushed out with a lunge. Several vaporized swords hung around the body and kept spinning. The nightmare shouted from Lu Yunzhi's body: "I'll fight too." As he said that, he came out of Lu Yunzhi's body. He leaned out half of his body from Lu Yunzhi's abdomen. Please come to more and faster chapters. Then he clapped his hands violently. Layers of ghostly aura rippled from the fingers of both hands. Like ripples in water. Ghost energy only needs to touch a person's body. That person will fall into a dream controlled by nightmares. In the middle of the battle. Nightmare can only make the opponent fall into a dream if it touches it. This new trick was created after joint research with Lu Yunzhi. Ghost energy plays matchmaker. The power transmitted to dreams. to make up for the distance disadvantage. At the same time, two large swords were behind the man in the straw hat, blocking his retreat. There was a bolt from the blue. A bolt of lightning fell straight down. Sharp stones also protruded from the ground at this time. The ways of controlling thunder, earth, and air are put into battle at the same time after going up and down. Ahead, there is still the ghostly energy that the nightmare has wiped out. It seems that there is no way to avoid that person. Just as Lu Yunzhi was about to hold back for fear of killing the man in front of him, he suddenly felt severe pain in his abdomen. His whole body suddenly became weak and he could only fall to the ground and gasp helplessly. Lu Yunzhi, this is not true??The pain was hit instead. Just at this moment. It was as if nothing had happened. But Lu Yunzhi was knocked to the ground. The scariest thing is not that Lu Yunzhi was defeated. But Lu Yunzhi himself and everyone present did not see it clearly. How did Lu Yunzhi get hit by that person? All I could see was Lu Yunzhi's face now looking painful. Then he fell to the ground. Leopard and Lu Jiugang jumped out suddenly. They all attacked that person. At the same time, everyone in the surrounding area also launched an attack. Still no one saw it. There was no trace of the man in the straw hat. But everyone fell to the ground like Lu Yunzhi. Only Lu Jiugang was still standing. But don't know what happened. The man walked slowly towards Lu Jiugang. He said: "So what about the ghost-eating tribe? They can't stand it as they grow older. Lu Jiugang. In the future, you should avoid participating in such fights. If you are not careful, you will regret it for life." As he said that, the man took off the hair on his head. straw hat. Then he smiled at Lu Jiugang and said, "Are you okay? Third Junior Brother." The man's long hair spilled out from his straw hat. Floating gently in the wind. Snow-white hair represents the passage of time. A pair of bright eyes grow on that still iconic face. Although looking at the completely white hair and snow-white eyebrows. It can be inferred that this person is already in his sixties. But that steady pace is as strong and nimble as a teenager's. Lu Jiugang looked at each other. Each had a wry smile on his face. Lu Jiugang spoke. You can feel it between words. He was already uneasy: "Senior Brother Feng. You are well." That person was the former senior brother of the Zhongzheng lineage. Lu Yunzhi's uncle. He accidentally killed his master and fellow disciples in one move. Then the Fugu man cut off his arms. Just under that shoulder. But the sleeves are not empty. But a pair of thick and powerful arms. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 26: Lu Yun¡¯s Defeat Lu Jiugang no longer worried about Lu Yunzhi. The people of Fenggu were loyal to the Zhongzheng lineage, and the world could learn from it. Naturally, they would not harm Lu Yunzhi, who was already the leader of the Zhongzheng lineage. Lu Jiugang looked at Feng Guren's arm and asked in surprise: "Senior Brother Feng, you" Feng Guren smiled slightly and said, "We'll talk about the arms later. Bai Yong, let the airbending masters knock these down first." Take the guy who got up to the hall on the top of the mountain. I have something to say." Bai Yong looked at Duan Haitao, and Duan Haitao still said feebly: "Listen to your master." Duan Haitao has recognized the Fenggu man as his master. , Bai Yong nodded and raised his voice to issue orders to the airbending masters. The people from Fenggu turned around and said to the stunned Miao Gumai people: "Just wait here, don't act rashly, otherwise I will never show mercy." There was a hint of loneliness in his eyes, as if The Miao Gu disciples were like ants and could be easily crushed to death. The Miao Gu disciples and others felt their hearts trembling at the same time, but they did not dare to question. As expected, they watched the airbending masters carry away Gaya Nongbu and Tan Qing. Lu Yunzhi was also helped up by Lu Jiugang, but he still couldn't use the strength, so he had to be carried by Leopard on his shoulders. On the way up the mountain, Lu Yunzhi kept thinking about how he was defeated. He had already learned a lot of magic. In the sparring just now, he also used the art of air control, the art of clan heaven and earth, and also used Why did Nightmare's ghostly power fail? And he failed so miserably that he was knocked to the ground before even a single move was made. Everyone came to the main hall on the top of the mountain. Feng Guren waved his sleeves gently, and Tan Qing and Gaya Nongbu slowly opened their eyes, but they were as weak as Lu Yunzhi and could not move. Just listen to the Fenggu people say: "Don't move or talk. It only takes about half an hour for the body to recover. If you force action now, it will be extremely harmful to the body." As the Fenggu people spoke, they walked to Lu Yunzhi. Beside him, Lu Yunzhi gently stroked Lu Yunzhi's forehead with his hand. Lu Yunzhi suddenly felt that the pain in his body had subsided a lot. He wanted to call the nightmare to heal him, but the nightmare seemed to disappear without any movement. Lu Yunzhi raised his eyes and looked at Fengguren, feeling that the hand that brushed his forehead was a little strange, but he couldn't tell how strange it was. Lu Jiugang said at this moment: "Senior Brother Feng, how come you are in Fengbo Village, and why your arms have recovered again." The Fenggu man smiled and said: "I just said this at the bottom of the mountain. Let's talk about it later. What are you anxious about? I'll tell you later. I'll tell you, how have you been in the past few years?" After Lu Jiugang told him about his encounter with Leopard after recovering from amnesia, and about Shi Fang's condition, the Fenggu man nodded and said, "Hey, you are considered a good person. Shi Fang is really pitiful after suffering, and it is unlikely that he will stand up in this life after being hit by the spiritual fire. However, he has finally trained a good disciple who can carry forward the Zhongzheng lineage. Although the Zhongzheng lineage cannot be said to be able to cover the sky with one hand because of the competition from Yu Qian's power, it can still be considered to be at its peak. Lu Yunzhi is the leader of Zhongxing's great cause, but things must turn against each other, and perhaps the Zhongzheng lineage will also be destroyed by this. The hand of a peerless genius, you say yes or no, my God!" After the establishment of Secret Thirteen, in order to make it easier for the members scattered around to call Lu Yunzhi, and to avoid being seen by others, they called Lu Yunzhi "Tian", which means "Heavenly Soldier". , but the Fenggu people made it clear. Lu Yunzhi, Baozi and even Bai Yong were all shocked and looked at the Fenggu people, which was regarded as "not asking for it". The Fenggu people coughed lightly and said: "I have been in seclusion for many years, just trying to figure out the world's affairs. Finally, I have understood the secrets of all the hexagrams. There is nothing in the world that can be hidden from me. The hexagrams are inherently ethereal. It is extremely unstable, but the changes are as unbreakable as fate. As long as you understand the variables, you can get the final result. After a while, Lu Yunzhi, you have recovered a little, and I will talk to you alone. "Bai Yong, you have to stay. You are not allowed to go out in Fengbo Manor. As for the airbending masters sent out, let Lu Yunzhi direct them. This is their own wish. I am not willing to stop them." Yong shouted: "Master, I want to follow the lord. This is my wish and promise. Why should I stay in Fengbo Village." Duan Haitao shouted: "Asshole, your master is talking. Wherever you interrupt, give it to me." Shut up, you can do whatever your master says." Feng Guren shook his head and said with a smile, "Bai Yong has a strong temper and is a loyal man. I understand what you say, but I don't want to. The only reason I have to restrain you is to let you stay. I will explain it clearly to Lu Yunzhi. If he can still convince me after telling me the reason, then I will also agree to let you go with him. What I hate most is being stubborn. It's reasonable to limit people's freedom. Everyone has the right to choose, Bai Yong, you also have it, but please be patient and let him talk to you after I finish talking to Lu Yunzhi. " Bai Yong stopped shouting. What Fengguren said was reasonable and reasonable, and he really had nothing to refute. He could only wait for a while after Lu Yunzhi finished talking to him before making any plans. But since Fengguren said this, he must be fully confident. Bai Yong I glanced at Lu YunzhiLu Yunzhi also looked at him. The two brothers had firm eyes. Bai Yong looked at Tan Qing again, and then walked to Tan Qing. Although Tan Qing was weak, he still raised his hand and held it tightly with Bai Yong. The Fenggu man looked at Qiu Nongbu, then glanced at Duan Haitao and Lu Jiugang and said, "I will tell you the knot in Master Miao Gu's heart, Junior Brother Lu's question, and your hard work over the years, my disciple. Please listen." I will tell you slowly." "I, Feng, have been taught carefully by my master, Chu Tianyang, who was the master of the Zhongzheng lineage at that time. Thanks to the praise of all my fellow disciples, I have become the senior brother of the Zhongzheng lineage. Most of the Pulse Masters take the throne as the next Pulse Master. Of course, there are a few, such as Shi Fang and Yun Zhi. I have lived up to everyone's expectations. I am not boasting. I am also a smart person, so treat me as such. After seeing Yun Zhiyou's cultivation, I actually remembered myself when I was young, but Yun Zhiyou was still a little worse than me. At that time, I learned all the clan's heaven and earth techniques, and found that as long as they were all applied properly, I would be fine. I can restrain the harm of backlash, but because I have learned a lot, I always have trouble grasping the right balance, and when several heaven and earth techniques complement each other, the power is astonishing beyond imagination." Feng Guren said. Lu Yunzhi and Qiu Nongbu were both shocked. They both knew that the clan's heaven and earth arts were difficult to control. They didn't expect that the Fenggu people had learned all the heaven and earth arts before leaving the Zhongzheng lineage. How could this be compared to Bilu? If the rhyme is better, it makes a world of difference. Lu Jiugang was indifferent to this. Even if he didn't know, he wasn't surprised, because he had witnessed with his own eyes all the scenes where the Fenggu people accidentally killed everyone with one move. Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 27: The Biography of the Wind Valley People ( ) Lu Yunzhi gradually felt that her body had recovered a lot. So the control energy travels throughout the body. Yang Xiyu also gently tapped several of Lu Yunzhi's acupuncture points. Then he kept sliding on Lu Yunzhi's body. Lu Yunzhi let out a breath of bad breath. He whispered: "Nightmare. Nightmare." But Nightmare didn't respond. Lu Yunzhi also couldn't feel any signs of nightmare activity in his body. The people in Fenggu looked sideways at Lu Yunzhi. He said: "I sealed the nightmare in your body. You can't untie it yourself. I'll tell you something in private later that I don't want him to hear. That's why I made this decision. I will untie it for you later." "Lu Yunzhi opened his eyes wide and looked at Feng Guren. I feel a little weird. I haven't seen anyone from Fenggu take action before. He defeated himself and sealed the nightmare in his body at the same time. Are the people of Fenggu still human? His ability has exceeded Lu Yunzhi's imagination. People in Fenggu no longer look at Lu Yunzhi. Continuing what he said before, he continued: "When I was traveling around the mountains and rivers, I accidentally discovered the secrets in the tower. There was also the true face of Shadow Phantom. From the tower, I also learned about the art of air control and ghost witchcraft. Although I didn't practice these techniques, I understood them more deeply after discussing them with my fellow students. Although I didn't use them at the time. My cultivation played a big role in the future. Later, due to the love between Junior Brother Lu and Nightingale, I rebelled against the Zhongzheng lineage and the subsequent conflict between the Ghost Eaters and the People of Heaven and Earth. I took refuge in the deep valley with that high tower, thinking that the deep valley like a paradise would isolate me from all hatred and enmity. " "Master promised that the branch leader who came to investigate the crime would lead us to arrest him. Lu Jiugang. I didn't dare to tell the truth about Junior Brother Lu's hiding place. I thought that as soon as Master and Junior Brother Lu met, all the rumors would be resolved. But it turned out that I was wrong again. I didn't expect that Master would be so ruthless as to burn Nightingale alive. When Master wanted to harm Junior Brother, I couldn't help but stop him. I haven't taken action for more than a year. I tried to stop him in desperation but it led to a disaster that I regretted for more than ten years. I couldn't control my determination and let the seven clan arts work together without lightning or thunder. The mountain collapsed and the ground burst into flames. I didn¡¯t know what happened, but Junior Brother Lu was reduced to ashes. I hate what I did. In order to punish this rebellious behavior, I cut off my arms and wandered around the world." Feng Guren said calmly. It¡¯s as if these are other people¡¯s stories. There is no emotion in the tone. Lu Yunzhi asked: "You cut off your arms. Then what happened to the two arms now. Updated as soon as possible" Feng Guren glanced at Lu Yunzhi. He looked at Lu Jiugang again and said, "This time I should answer your question, Junior Brother Lu. I thought you would be taken back by the tribe. I didn't expect you to fall off the cliff. This is also my fault, Senior Brother. I didn't care at the time. You. Even if I break my arms and be bullied, I can still be free with my heart. Please come. I think about it day and night. Every time I am beaten, I look up to the sky and laugh. This is God¡¯s punishment for me and it is just for me to complete what I should do. Mission accomplished. " "I have studied the true meaning of ghost witchcraft. As I have guessed before, the truth of ghost witchcraft lies in a symbiotic but human-centered contract. In the end, the ghost is no longer a ghost. Instead, it has been assimilated into a human being. You should feel it. The nightmare has changed a lot, am I right? "Feng Guren asked. Lu Yunzhi nodded and replied: "That's true." Feng Guren continued: "In addition, I also studied the way of controlling Qi. After mastering it, the Qi finally turned into two arms. After endless process Try. The arms you see now are no different from the real arms. More chapters will come soon. But if I don¡¯t control the energy, the arms will disappear." The thick and powerful arms of the Wind Valley man suddenly disappeared. Only two empty sleeves were left, swinging back and forth. Everyone was shocked that the limbs transformed from Qi were so naturally sensitive. It can also be transformed into the color of skin and flesh. Because of this, when Fengguren brushed Lu Yunzhi's forehead with his hand just now. Lu Yunzhi felt something strange. Lu Yunzhi asked: "Everything made of Qi control has a bright color. But why are your arms made of Qi the same color as flesh? How did you do it, Uncle Feng." "Different realms are naturally controlled. The same spell has different effects. The color of Qi reflects the person's character or personality.sex. And one of the subjects of the Zhongzheng lineage is to change one's mind. Of course, ordinary transformation cannot be hidden from the way of air control. But if you can truly change your mind at will. First you have to be able to deceive yourself. Let yourself believe that is who you really are. In this way, you can control the color of airbending. In short, the way of controlling Qi has been cultivated to a certain level. Invincible and invincible. Transform at will and the changes are endless. I didn't use any other spells when I fought with you just now. All that is used is the way to control the air. So Bai Yong. Don't pursue complicated things. You are very smart. But he is not as smart as Lu Yunzhi and I. Greed for too much will result in half the result with half the effort. Concentrating on practicing the art of air control is your right path. "The people from Fenggu looked at Bai Yong and said earnestly. Bai Yong quickly clasped his fists and replied: "Disciple, please remember the teachings of your master. "My heart became more determined to pursue the highest realm of air control and the dream of becoming the best warrior in the world. The sleeves of Feng Guren suddenly swelled again. Two arms appeared in an instant. He smiled and patted Duan Haitao. asked over his shoulder: ¡°Are you feeling better? "Duan Haitao nodded. Feng Guren said: "As a teacher, I am addicted to all kinds of magic. Even when I am the owner of Fengbo Manor. You will also take care of most of the affairs in the village. Thank you so much for your hard work. Back then I became proficient in the art of controlling Qi. After the three magic arts of heaven and earth and ghost and witchcraft. Arrive at Fengbo Village. At that time, Gaya Nongbu¡¯s mother, Gaya Hua Niang, and my master were together. That was when the owners of Fengbo Manor were fighting each other. After three days and three nights of fighting. It created a lose-lose situation. Although Gaya Hua Niang was seriously injured and retreated. But the master has also become a useless person. You all know this. Yun Zhi, you must have heard Bai Yong talk about it. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 28: No Enmity ( ) Lu Yunzhi heard the question from the Fenggu people and replied: "Yes. Bai Yong once told me on the high hill in Bazhou." "I am a closed disciple named Master. It's not that I am arrogant. It's just that I am a closed disciple. At that time, my ability to control air far surpassed that of all the air control masters in Fengbo Village. I changed my name and lied that I knew everything, but the only one who really knew my true identity was my master and disciple. We became friends. Later, he entrusted Fengbo Village to me before he died. A few years later, he came to seek revenge and was beaten as hard as he was today. . From then on, Fengbo Village entered a long period of peace until Yunqian came to borrow troops." Feng Guren said. Duan Haitao asked: "Master. But why did you go into seclusion again later?" The Fenggu man smiled bitterly and continued: "Because I was tired of the complexity of the world. So I indulged in the study of magic. A long period of time began I didn¡¯t see you during the retreat. That¡¯s because sometimes it wasn¡¯t me who saw you.¡± Feng Guren said to Duan Haitao. Duan Haitao was stunned and didn't understand. Everyone was also a little confused. Only Lu Yunzhi seemed to suddenly realize it. The people in Fenggu looked at them strangely. The Fenggu man smiled mysteriously at Lu Yunzhi. Updated as soon as possible As for everyone¡¯s doubts, he did not answer them. Lu Jiugang suddenly said: "Brother Feng. Then why did you leave seclusion? Is it for Yingmei?" "Not only that. After seclusion, I finally saw through the secret. I calculated all the variables in the world. When I understood everything. I I have different opinions on many things. I think knowing the causes and consequences of these things allows me to look at things more impartially. One is for the cause of the chaos in the world. I have to get rid of him. Secondly, I want to see this child. Big changes will begin tomorrow, and not everyone will be involved. I mean everyone here, but all living beings in the world." The Fenggu people stood up suddenly. Walked towards Lu Yunzhi. He waved to Lu Yunzhi and said, "It's better now. Please come to more and faster chapters. Come with me. I'll talk to you alone." Lu Yunzhi stood up. The physical discomfort has subsided. But the nightmare is still sealed. Lu Yunzhi felt empty, as if a part of her body had been taken away. Lu Yunzhi was about to follow the Fenggu people out when he heard Gaya Nongbu shouting: "Fenggu people, you rely on your own ability to do whatever you want. Even if I am the last person in the Miao Gu lineage, I will do whatever you want." "Take revenge on Fengbo Village." "Revenge." The people from Fenggu stopped. Suddenly he turned around and said to Gaya Nongbu: "We don't have any deep grudges in the first place. How can we start talking about revenge? The grudge between us is nothing more than the split between the airbenders and you when they first came to Guangxi. There was a quarrel. It was the third generation of the fight. Maybe we just kept fighting. We are old. Not far away. As the saying goes, distant relatives are worse than close neighbors. Let's chat and exchange thoughts on magic when we have nothing to do. Wouldn't it be nice to watch these young people fighting for the hatred of the previous generation? ." Qiu Nongbu was stunned. The deep hatred with Fengbo Village seems to have started just because of a boring verbal fight. As a result, many people died on both sides. Each has damage. Come to think of it, it's really not necessary. If we continue to struggle, the casualties will be even more severe. Besides, Fengguren, who is already as powerful as a heavenly being, only needs to be around for one day. He has no chance of winning. No matter how many people Miao Gu sends out. It's just in vain. ?????????????????????? Although Qiu Nongbu thinks that what the Fenggu people said makes sense. And the words are neither condescending nor arrogant, just like talking to an old friend. It gave her enough face. But Gaya Nongbu still needs to be tougher with her words. Said: "Let me think about it. I can't just do whatever you say. Please come to more and faster chapters." After saying this, Gaya Nongbu's face suddenly changed. Then he started to knock violently. Trembling all over. Tan Qing thought the Fenggu people had taken action again. So I wanted to stand up. He shouted: "Mother." As soon as the words left his mouth. But he felt as if his body had been hit by a thousand pounds of force. Fortunately, Bai Yong hugged him as he fell backward. Only then did I realize that Gaya Nongbu was not hit. It's your own reaction. The Fenggu man smiled bitterly and said: "Tan Qing, you little girl is disobedient. Updated as soon as possible. Qiya Nongbu is considered a master in the world and can't bear to say a few words. You still dare to speak. I told you just now. . Don't move or talk. Otherwise it will be extremely harmful to your body." As he spoke, the Feng Gu man waved his arms. Tan Qing suddenly felt a comfortable feeling like warm sunshine on his body. Travel throughout the body from head to toe. The pain all over Tan Qing's body melted away. It was as if all the discomfort just now was a dream. Turning to look at motherQiu makes cloth. His face also relaxed a bit. The Feng Gu man snorted and said, "Stop talking. You just sit quietly. Yun Zhi and I will come when we go." The Feng Gu man was in front. With Lu Yunzhi behind them, the two walked quickly towards a house. After entering the house. Lu Yunzhi suddenly discovered a mound in the middle of the house. The Wind Valley man opened the door on the mound. The two walked in. There are bright lights and many caves and crypts inside. The cave is fully equipped with tables, chairs, benches, bookcases and tea sets. It seems that this is the place where the people of Fenggu go into seclusion and practice. The people in Fenggu continued to walk forward. After a while, I came to a wooden door. After pushing it away, Lu Yunzhi felt light piercing his eyes. It seems to lead outside. After walking a few more steps and pushing aside a pile of weeds, we saw the cliff of the back mountain. This is the place where Lu Yunzhi and Duan Haitao said goodbye. That is to say, Duan Haitao brought more than 1,500 airbending masters from here. Together with Bai Yong, they were entrusted to Lu Yunzhi. Today I revisit my old place. Lu Yunzhi was filled with emotions. He couldn't help but think of the time when his family was ruined and he was wandering around the world. I grow old and become disheartened. It was not easy to regain my strength and achieve my current achievements. Suddenly I felt a little tired. Of course, there is also endless satisfaction that comes with it. People in Fenggu sit cross-legged. Then he said: "We, the people of heaven and earth, were founded by ancestor Xing Wen. Before, we were just a group of people with different skills. Each has its own sect. Each has its own skills. And most of them are the same. That is fortune telling and fortune telling. Ghost. Because these two things are what ordinary people need most. We are all mortals and we need to use these two skills to make money. Now let¡¯s talk about fortune telling. It¡¯s just a trick to change money, but to understand the secrets.¡± Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 29: Going against the will of heaven ( ) Lu Yunzhi burst out laughing. Then he also sat cross-legged opposite Feng Guren. Said: "Uncle Feng, why do you want to calculate a fortune for me?" Fengguren also smiled and said: "Why not." Lu Yunzhi took out a silver ingot from his arms and handed it to Fengguren and said : "This money is enough to calculate a fortune." The Fenggu man took it and made an expression commonly used by fortune tellers in the world. Pretending to be mysterious, he said: "Please tell me, Master. What do you want to test? Update as soon as possible." The two looked at each other and couldn't help but laugh up at the sky. Both of them are elites of the Zhongzheng lineage and are rare geniuses. So understand your abilities better. Lu Yunzhi knew that Fenggu people were far above him. Although the words sounded like a joke. But in fact, I sincerely ask for advice. "People are selfish. Let me first ask what my ending will be." Lu Yunzhi asked. Instead, the Fenggu people laughed again. He stretched out his hand and said: "Bring another silver ingot. Please come to more and faster chapters. Your first question is really stupid. The end of human beings is death. Is it possible to live forever? We are all mortals. . Birth, old age, illness and death are common. As for the specifics, if it involves too many secrets, we will talk about the reason later. He took out some silver and handed it to Feng Guren. He asked: "My second question is about the future of the Zhongzheng line. Please come to more and faster chapters. I am now the leader of the Zhongzheng line. Under my leadership, where should the Zhongzheng line go?" Feng Guren said: "It will be destroyed. The organization that single-handedly led to the destruction of the Zhongzheng lineage is the Secret Thirteen. The Secret Thirteen will replace the Zhongzheng lineage and the status of all people in heaven and earth. Now the Secret Thirteen only exists in the army. Use To control the military power. This is not enough. If you want to destroy all the people of heaven and earth, you must let Mi Shisan penetrate into all areas of Ming Dynasty. Only then can Ming Dynasty be nothing more than an empty shell. It's none other than you, Lu Yunzhi, and your secret master, "I also want to ask about the fate of my two wives." Just think of me, Yingzi and Shi Yuting," Lu Yunzhi said after a pause. Updated as soon as possible The Fenggu man raised his eyes and looked at Lu Yunzhi and said, "You don't mean what you said. You still want to ask Yang Xiyu. Get another silver ingot." Lu Yunzhi did not quibble. Instead, he nodded. Then he took out the money and handed it over. The Wind Valley man picked up a branch from the ground. It was written on the ground: Like a Hanlin bird. It only lives twice a day. Like a fish swimming in Sichuan. Bimuzhonglu analysis. Lu Yunzhi asked in astonishment: "You mean they will all die" "You are being stupid again. You are not immortal. Of course they will die too. This sentence comes from Pan An's "Mourning Poems" . I just quoted this meaning. It does not mean that you want to mourn them. You will definitely know the deeper meaning of this poem in the future." Feng Guren said. Lu Yunzhi was silent for a long time. The body suddenly trembled. The Fenggu man asked: "Are you okay?" Lu Yunzhi raised his head. He laughed loudly and said: "Yu Qian wanted to kill me because of the prophecy. Yao Guangxiao left this statement about the Thirteen Secrets to future generations just to kill me. But I am not dead yet. It is also because of the calculation of Patriarch Xing Wen I learned the art of earth control and Wuying. Although I can't kill him, he can't touch me. It's a pity that I will end up alone. I don¡¯t believe it. Only I can control my destiny. More chapters are coming soon. The reason why I named the organization that infiltrated the army is to go against heaven.¡± Lu Yunzhi suddenly slapped his chest and shouted loudly. The people in Fenggu were stunned. Looking at Lu Yunzhi who was full of confidence. Just listen to Lu Yunzhi say again: "The theory of prediction is just nonsense. People with extremely high destiny can hide the prediction results and prevent others from telling fortunes for them. People with more ability can change other people's predictions. Since God has his own destiny, why? There will be variables. No one can tell what is going on. Maybe God is just playing a trick on us, since it is just a hexagram. It's a joke. Why should I take it seriously? I will live a happy life with my wife. What is destiny? "Things. I am Heaven. Heaven is my name." "Well said," Fenggu people applauded. Lu Yunzhi was a little surprised that there was no refutation but praise. The Feng Gu man took out three silver ingots and gave them back to Lu Yunzhi and said, "You have seen through all things. I am not as good as you. When I was your age, although my cultivation was better than yours, my heart was not as good as yours. I admire Fengguren. I have no reason to take your money. Let¡¯s talk about business.¡± Lu Yunzhi stretched out his hand to stop Fengguren and said, ¡°I have one more question.¡± : "Please tell me." "Who are you? Really?"Where is the uncle? "Lu Yunzhi stared at Fenggu's mouth and said. Fengguren clapped his hands and said with a smile: "You finally discovered it. What can you do if I don't tell you. How about this. First tell me how you know. Let me tell you who I am. " Lu Yunzhi replied: "A few years ago. When I came to Fengbo Village. Suddenly I felt that someone here was extremely lucky. I think that is the real Uncle Feng. If I guess correctly, the woodcutter whom Tarzan met. It should be you too. But that time I didn't feel the presence of fate. Just what you can say about Yingzi's treatment. It really surprised me. " "Um. it's me. You continue. "Feng Guren said. Lu Yunzhi nodded: "I meet you this time. I don't even realize how high your destiny is. Maybe you have no luck at all. Or maybe you're just hiding it on purpose. But what you said today is what you said to Duan Haitao. But it made me suddenly wake up. You said what he saw was not you. It's actually you. And you are not from Wind Valley. What you carry with you is not destiny. But a trace of ghostly aura. who are you. " The people of Fenggu clapped their hands and praised again. They kept applauding and said: "What a Lu Yunzhi. He actually saw my true face. It is indeed the horoscope of five two five. I am a human being now. But you can sense the ghost energy in me. That's right. I am Fu Zhu, one of the evil spirits. On the way to practice ghost and witchcraft, I became a person from the Valley of the Wind. It's like a nightmare on you. Therefore I have no luck. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 30: Invisible and Invincible ( ) "One day, Nightmare will turn into another Lu Yunzhi. But I don't want him to know so early. Otherwise, it will affect his changes. That's why I sealed him." Fenggu people are still smiling. said. Lu Yunzhi frowned and asked: "Husband, how did you become a human being? Ghosts are erratic things. How can you become a human being? You should not be an illusion. You are a real person. "There is nothing impossible about this. The nightmare will be like me one day. It will only take time to prove this. There is no need to exchange yin and yang." Next. The ghost will eventually become a person. It's just that the nightmare can only become you. That's how I became. But the person in Wind Valley has no arms. No arms." Fu Zhu said. Lu Yunzhi still asked with some confusion: "Then how did you know how to control the air? Is it something you learned later?" Fu Zhu replied: "That's not the case. When I became a Fenggu man . I have mastered all his magic skills, as well as his thoughts and desires. I am a Wind Valley person who was transformed by a ghost. "What about Master Feng himself?" Lu Yunzhi asked. Fu Zhu was shocked when he heard Lu Yunzhi's question. There was actually a little moisture in his eyes. Said: "Your Uncle Feng died a few years ago. But he didn't suffer much. He died at the end of his life. He always wanted to find you all those years, but couldn't make up his mind. After he died, I wanted to fulfill his wish and kill Ying. Mei. And I don¡¯t have much time left. Of course, it¡¯s your choice whether you want to be an enemy like Ying Mei. I can't force you." Lu Yunzhi was a little surprised. Throughout the day he knew many things that he had never heard of before. It made him feel his ignorance and insignificance. The people of Fenggu are already as strong as the heavenly beings. The same is true for husbands. But is there anyone more powerful than the Wind Valley people? There must be. It's just that Lu Yunzhi didn't know. Only now did I truly understand the truth that there are people outside of us. Lu Yunzhi asked: "How could you die? First update. Aren't you a ghost? As long as the soul is not scattered, it will never disappear." "The shadow charm absorbs many heroes and lives on. It still has a life span. And I have become a human and have a lifespan. My body is no longer able to fight against such a difficult opponent as Ying Mei. Although I can't catch him. I will definitely be killed if I fight for a long time. But unfortunately, I will follow the Wind Valley people for at least a year and a half. It is really a pity to say that it is lucky. I have tasted what it's like to be a human being. Even death is a very new thing, and it is definitely not like a ghost." Fu Zhu said with a look of relief. Lu Yunzhi¡¯s eyes were full of determination. There was a hint of joking: "Don't worry. I won't let Ying Mei do whatever he wants. But I don't care about the common people in the world. I am the leader of the Zhongzheng lineage. But I don't have such fraternity. Let alone Xing. I just don't like the feeling of being played with by others. I was embarrassed before and wanted to leave Yu Qian. . Get the next hero he needs. Don't even think about it. Even if I am broken into pieces, I will definitely pay for the suffering that my wife and brother have suffered. "You know. You are really similar to Feng Gu. It's just that you are more ruthless than him. Although he is aloof at heart, he is very kind. Although part of your evil heart is absorbed by the nightmare. But the most important thing is you. The resentment is deep in your heart. I think this is not the first time you have heard this sentence. I think it is what makes you who you are today. Because of this. You are the one who can really kill Ying Mei." Fu Zhu let out a long sigh of relief. Now it seems that he is no different from an ordinary person. Lu Yunzhi stood up and joked: "'Fortune teller'. It's time to tell me how to become stronger. If I don't become stronger, I can only protect myself. But I can't beat that shadow demon." Fu Zhu sighed and smiled slightly. Yixiao said: "Invisibility means nothingness. Please come to more and faster chapters. Lightlessness means shadowlessness. Powerlessness means invincibility. These few sentences are the essence of the magic. It's just that everyone's character is different. At your level. No one can guide you. Not even me. It depends on your own perception and understanding. The effect is different. If I force my thoughts on you, it will hinder your practice." Lu Yunzhi thought these words silently. Then suddenly he waved his arms. The big tree on the side suddenly broke and fellGo down. But he didn't see Lu Yunzhi use any tricks. Fu Zhu nodded and said: "The art of wind control is good. That's it. It seems that there is no wind, but the wind is actually flowing in the dark, making it invisible. The wind at this time is still wind. It is an extremely sharp blade. The same goes for other spells. As long as you have no tricks in your mind, you have infinite power. This is when all the spells become invisible. You can be as strong as me. It's no problem to deal with Ying Mei. But you haven't mastered this yet." Lu Yunzhi said. : "However, I have one more thing to ask for. I have not yet learned the techniques of controlling gold and controlling wood among the clan's heaven and earth techniques. Besides, the records of the Zhongzheng lineage are unknown. Those who learned these two techniques are all dead. The only person in this world who can master it and can find it is you. Could you please give me some advice?" Fu Zhu shook his head and said, "I can't teach you. I have a good impression. I think you are as talented and intelligent as he was when you were young. But the difference between you is your personality. If the Feng Gu people are heroes, they can't compare to your tactics. Not only because I will die, but also because I have inherited everything from the people of Fenggu, so I usually pay attention to being fair and honest when dealing with them. " "This has nothing to do with you not being able to teach me. Relationship." Lu Yunzhi asked. Fu Zhu replied: "The people of Fenggu are conflicted in their hearts. He hopes that you can destroy the world and the Zhongzheng lineage. He also doesn't want to see this happen." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 31: The Wedding of Brother and Sister ( ) "I understand. Uncle Feng still remembers that he is a disciple of the Zhongzheng lineage. Therefore, he is unwilling to destroy the Zhongzheng lineage. But after he calculated the affairs of the world, he discovered the shortcomings of the people of heaven and earth. He wanted to destroy all the people of heaven and earth. This idea is just like Yu Qian's. He also knew Ying Mei's evil, so he wanted to kill Ying Mei. Unfortunately, Master Feng's death is coming. Master Feng's last wish. But he is conflicted in his heart. If he wants to destroy the world, he must destroy the Zhongzheng lineage. That's why he doesn't know what to do. And you are right. ?" Lu Yunzhi said. Fu Zhu nodded. Just listen to Lu Yunzhi say again: "Bai Yong is Uncle Feng's disciple. That's why I don't want him to help me. That's why I want to persuade me to stay in Fengbo Village. Yes or no." "Not entirely. That's what Feng Gu people think about. He can give you some advice, but he will never help you. He doesn't help you because he wants you to succeed. The Zhongzheng lineage seems to have ulterior motives. In fact, there will be fights wherever there are people. Everyone has selfish motives, but it doesn't take long for Bai Yong to stay here. . As long as I die, I will have fulfilled the mission of the Fenggu people. It is up to Bai Yong to decide what he wants. Of course, I will teach him carefully during this period," Fu Zhu said. . Lu Yunzhi nodded. I know Bai Yong's knot in my heart. As a lord and as a brother. Lu Yunzhi felt that Bai Yong staying would not necessarily be a bad thing. With the guidance of Fu Zhu. Bai Yong will surely make great progress with each passing day. Not only can he fulfill his dream, but he can also become a more powerful helper for him in the future. So I agreed. Fu Zhu clasped his fists and said, "Then I'll thank you. As for the clan art of heaven and earth that you said you haven't learned yet. You can go to the high tower in the valley to learn about it. It will be helpful to you. And what I said before I heard that Leopard's blood was surging. Is he suffering from an illness? He is the son of Feng Gu Ren, but it may take a long time. Time Update ¡± Lu Yunzhi was overjoyed. He said with high spirits: "This is true. If you come to treat the leopard, he can be saved. There is a malignant tumor in his brain. Although there is nothing we can do, the risk is extremely high if we come to save him. You can cure it." It will be absolutely safe." Fu Zhu smiled slightly and said, "I can't guarantee that it will be safe. But don't worry. But I have a question." "Let's take a step at a time. There are a lot of things going on in the capital. I have to go back quickly, lest something happens, I'll leave it to you." Lu Yunzhi said. After thinking for a while, he said: "As the leader of the Zhongzheng line, I should protect the Zhongzheng line and prevent it from being destroyed by my hands. As for the hidden dangers and shortcomings, I will try my best to correct it. More Please come to the chapter soon. Although it is just to repay the kindness of the master, it can also indirectly benefit the people of the world. As for the secret of the Thirteenth, let¡¯s forget it.¡± . He said: "You don't have to worry about Yingzi. I think Wang Yulu already understands what I mean. You will know what to do when you see them again. Yingzi is fine. You and your wife are reunited in sight." " Lu Yunzhi smiled happily. Please come to more and faster chapters. Then stood up. He patted the loose soil on his clothes. Said: "Let's go. Let's go back. We've talked long enough. Don't let them wait too long. I'll have a night's rest tonight. I'll set off tomorrow. I'm very happy to meet you and talk freely. Whether you are a husband or not It doesn¡¯t matter. It doesn¡¯t matter if it¡¯s Master Feng.¡± ¡°I¡¯m also very happy. Since I became a human, I feel very happy to tell you everything.¡± Treat it as a human being," Fu Zhu said. Lu Yunzhi walked back the way he came. He said: "There is no need to be polite from here. Nightmare and I share glory and disgrace. If I don't admit you and disrespect you, wouldn't it be disrespecting Nightmare. By the way. Please untie the seal later. No Nightmare I always feel a little uncomfortable." Fu Zhu didn't answer and just said "hmm". The two of them returned to the main hall one after the other. Please come to more and faster chapters. Fu Zhu unlocked the secret talisman that sealed the nightmare. Lu Yunzhi told Bai Yong his decision. He also told Bai Yong that it would only take about a year to make a big improvement if he stayed here. The people of Fenggu will personally monitor his practice. Of course, Lu Yunzhi did not point out the fact that the current Fenggu people were actually transformed by Fu Zhu. Although Bai Yong was reluctant, he agreed. Tan Qing naturally wanted to stay with Bai Yong. Although Duan Haitao felt a little awkward about the relationship between Bai Yong and Tan Qing. But since the people of Fenggu mentioned iceIf there is past suspicion. Duan Haitao had no choice but to agree. However, Gaya Nongbu was a bit unexpected. Bai Yong happily agreed to marry Tan Qing to him. And decided to let Mai Zhong go back first. He stayed in Fengbo Village to ask the people of Fenggu for the true meaning of magic. It is better to choose a day than to hit it. The sun is not as good as today. Tan Qingbaiyong decided to get married that night. Although the preparation was a bit hasty. But everyone in the palace is a bloody person. The picture is a happy life. There is not so much emphasis on it. A special day for two people. A peaceful atmosphere. All the previous tension disappeared. Moreover, the marriage of the two represents the resolution of the grievances between Fengbo Village and Miao Gu for many years. It is a happy event that the two sides have turned their hostility into friendship. That night. Everyone was very drunk. Lu Yunzhi was also happy for Bai Yong and Tan Qing from the bottom of his heart. He asked Gaya Nongbu Zeng about Tan Qing's biological mother. But the cloth is still wet. She didn't know Tan Qing's origin either. Tan Qing was adopted by her in a wealthy family named Tan. Gaya Nongbu was kind to that family. After seeing Tan Qing's face showing intelligence, she decided to adopt Tan Qing. He planned in his heart to pass on the Miao Gu Vein Master to Tan Qing in the future. But Qiu Nongbu vaguely remembers it. According to that family, Tan Qing was sold to the Tan family by human traffickers. It seems to be from the northwest. Lu Yunzhi also asked her husband to do the math for him. But Fu Zhu smiled and shook his head and said: "No matter whether Tan Qing is your sister or not, you treat her as your sister now. If so, it will be the same as now. If not for Tu Zeng Sad. Why bother with blood relations?" Lu Yunzhi no longer dwells on kinship. It is a pleasure to drink from cup to cup. Soon I felt a little groggy and drunk. So he got up and walked outside the house. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 32: Drunk and Passionate ( ) Lu Yunzhi walked out of the door and breathed in the fresh air. I couldn't help but feel the churning in my stomach feel a little better. Within the main hall. Leopard ignored everyone's advice. No matter how good or bad your health is, you drink heavily. Already very drunk. Lu Jiugang also drank a lot. Drowsily, he hooked up with the "Wind Valley Man". With tears in his eyes he recounted the past. As a groom, Bai Yong naturally drinks wine every time. Relying on one's youth. The airbending masters left behind at Lunquan and Fengbo Village got drunk before resting. In addition, the Miao Gu group has not left either. Everyone came to congratulate Pulse Master on his wedding. The woman let Jiu Baiyong refuse even more. This way. Not only Bai Yong. Even Lu Yunzhi, who was holding back his drink, was a little unable to resist. Seeing Bai Yong drinking happily. Lu Yunzhi didn't stop him. Run outside for some air. A pair of soft, boneless hands behind him rested on Lu Yunzhi's back. Immediately the dizziness in my head improved a lot. Lu Yunzhi turned around and said softly: "Xi Yu. More and faster chapters are coming. Why are you out?" Yang Xiyu's face was also very rosy. She was not good at drinking and was given several drinks by the Miao sisters. Suddenly I felt dizzy. After some acupuncture sobering up, he came out to escape. Unexpectedly, I saw Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi had naturally discovered Yang Xiyu a long time ago. But it didn't break it. Just wait for her to stroll up to you. Yang Xiyu said: "You should rest early if you drink too much." Lu Yunzhi smiled and said: "People are in high spirits during happy events. Please come to more and faster chapters. I'm okay. Although I'm a little drunk. But I can still hold on. But my drinking capacity has declined drastically. You know, my elder brother Fang Qingze is also a drinker. I lived in a room since I was a child. I didn't know how to drink, and I didn't want to learn to drink. But over time, I became a good drinker after not drinking for a few days. Yang Xiyu pursed his lips and suddenly laughed: "Those who are close to the red are red, and those who are close to the black are black." Suddenly Yang Xiyu was stunned. Then he quickly lowered his head. His face was full of shyness and he blinked his eyes. Glancing out of the corner of his eye, he moaned: "What are you doing?" Under the moonlight, Lu Yunzhi's temples were slightly white. Handsome face. The heroic qualities are revealed between the brows. The eyes as bright as the bright moon under a pair of sword-shaped eyebrows looked at Yang Xiyu. This actually made Yang Xiyu feel embarrassed. At this moment, Lu Yunzhi's heart was churning. The lovely person in front of me is stunning. A smile brings beauty to life. The sound is like a silver bell and the body is like a willow. Indescribable beauty. The "smell of alcohol" broke out in Lu Yunzhi's body again. Although the drunkenness has been relieved. But Lu Yunzhi still hoped that he was drunk. Lu Yunzhi took a step forward and collapsed. He hugged Yang Xiyu. Then he couldn't help but kiss her red lips. Yang Xiyu also nestled in Lu Yunzhi's arms. There was indescribable panic in my heart, but there was also a hint of joy. When the two separated, their eyes were filled with affection. The face is rosy. The concubine's love is so beautiful. The white moonlight shone on the two of them. It makes the two of them look like golden boys and girls descending from heaven to earth. Lu Yunzhi took Yang Xiyu's hand. Quickly walked to the side of a plane tree. The two hugged and kissed again. The figure gradually blended into the shadow of the phoenix tree. First update at noon on the second day. Only then did everyone wake up. There were few hangovers last night. Lu Yunzhi had already packed his bags and came to say goodbye. Although Bai Yong was reluctant to leave, he could only do this. After all, it was all things that had been agreed upon before. In recent years, Bai Yong has followed Lu Yunzhi all over the country. There is little time to be apart. It will be a year before we see each other again after we say goodbye today. Naturally, I felt unhappy. For a moment, this bloody man's eyes were filled with tears. First update: For the first time, Lu Yun was not called my lord. Instead, he took Lu Yunzhi's arm and said: "Brother, although the capital is calm on the surface, there is hidden murderous intent. You must be careful. If you really need me to go back, send me a flying pigeon or a fast horse to deliver a letter. I will rush to the capital immediately. Don't hold on. One more person can help you bear more." Lu Yunzhi also grabbed Bai Yong's arm. He patted his shoulder with his other hand and said: "Practice well with me, Uncle Feng. When we meet again, you will be better than me. By the way, treat my sister well. Now you are not just me. He is my brother-in-law. In short, he is busy practicing. It is more important for me to become his uncle as soon as possible." Tan Qing looked at Lu Yunzhi with a rosy face. He said: "Brother, you are not serious again. Bai Yong has been following you all day long. You are a little glib. You must" Tan Qing did not finish his words. I heard Leopard's voice coming from far away: "Lu Yunzhi. I don't have any serious illness. Why should I stay here for treatment?" Behind Leopard's voice. What followed was Lu Jiugang's shout: "Don't run away. Stop here, kid." Several leopards jumped in front of Lu Yunzhi. He lightly hit Lu Yunzhi on the shoulder and said softly: "What are you thinking about? Keep my father and me away. You and Yang Xiyu are very close to each other." Yang Xiyu didn't listen.?The words of two people. But he was surrounded by people with extremely strong senses. Naturally, he heard what the leopard said clearly. They all couldn't help but look at Yang Xiyu. It made her a little embarrassed. "Don't talk nonsense. You are not seriously ill and just need a few days of recuperation. I am just eager to return to Beijing. The situation there is unstable. That's why I took the first step." Lu Yunzhi said. The leopard chuckled. He pushed his thumb on his chest and said, "You think too badly of me like a leopard. How could I be so fragile? It doesn't matter if you tell me the truth. If I'm not wrong, the master in Mount Tai is you. Uncle Feng. You asked Wang Yulu to nurse me back to health. Now you asked the expert to explain Yingzi's illness. Is it still a minor illness? You don't have to explain to me. ." At this point, Lu Yunzhi could only nod. He said to Leopard: "You have a sarcoma in your brain. At present, it seems that only Uncle Feng and Wang Yulu can save you. But Wang Yulu is not sure. It is not as safe as Uncle Feng." "Then I will. Just stay here and let Senior Feng take care of him. Who doesn¡¯t want to live a few more years? But it won¡¯t be a big loss for me if I die. My father didn¡¯t die but ended up with me. The main thing is that I got to know you as a good brother-in-law, so I won¡¯t feel it¡¯s a pity even if I suddenly leave. Lu Jiugang interjected: "Now that you know, just take good care of your health. I'll stay and supervise you. Yun Zhi told me. Let others take care of the affairs of the hidden department first. As for Xin Ding, you can't do it before you leave the capital." Have you arranged it? So just be honest." Leopard nodded. Yang Xiyu bowed his hands to Lu Yunzhi. Turn around and walk away. At the same time, he said softly: "What will happen to Yingzi in the future is still uncertain. If you are in love with Yang Xiyu, just marry her. Don't worry about me." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 33: Relapse of Demonic Nature ( ) After everyone said goodbye again. Lu Yunzhi helped Yang Xiyu onto the horse. Then he led the horse out of Fengbo Village. The husband stands on a high hill. Looking at the back of Lu Yunzhi who had left. He murmured to himself: "Child. Gone forever. The world of Ming Dynasty. Variables of heaven, earth and people. Let's see the rise and fall of the Thirteen Secrets." Lu Yunzhi and Yang Xiyu left Fengbo Village. After holding the horse for half an hour, Lu Yunzhi got on the horse. Yang Xiyu leaned in Lu Yunzhi's arms. Updated as soon as possible. He smiled and said: "You still have a shy side when you are guarding everyone. You have to go far before you dare to ride with me." Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and said: "See clearly but don't tell clearly. That's all. If this happens in person, it won't be possible for my father-in-law and Leopard to come to Taiwan. We can do whatever we want before we get married. You need to find Yuting first and heal Yingzi." Yang Xiyu nodded and said, "Don't worry, I will be a sister." Yun Zhi, you are quite capable. I think I was right when I said you were a big liar. You actually tricked the three of us into marrying you." "Hahaha," Lu Yunzhi laughed. "That's me. Mr. Lu¡¯s charm. Let¡¯s move quickly.¡± Yang Xiyu asked with a little hesitation: ¡°Why should we go to the northwest now?¡± He rolled his eyes and replied, "I want to see the mystery of the tower in the valley." In fact, Lu Yunzhi originally wanted to see Qu Xiangtian again. Murong Yunfei previously wrote in a letter claiming that Annan was busy with internal affairs. Therefore, Qu Xiangtian never returned to the capital. Qu Xiangtian immediately sent a letter saying that he was busy in Annan Kingdom. I really can't get away. Fengbo Village is not far from Annan Kingdom. Since Qu Xiangtian has no time. Lu Yunzhi wanted to visit. It's just that this trip was a bit hurried. Lu Yunzhi was worried about the situation in the capital. So he gave up his plan to visit Qu Xiangtian. At this moment. Murong Yunfei frowned. Keep spinning in circles. If someone with eyesight is present, they will definitely be able to see it. Murong Yunfei didn't just wander around casually. Instead, it is walking in accordance with the formation position of the Six Paths of Reincarnation. There is a person sitting in the array. Topless. The body is covered with talismans written in various colors of ink. This person is Qu Xiangtian. Qu Xiangtian had a look of pain on his face and was sweating profusely. His eyes were closed tightly and his teeth were clenching. The clenched fists were turning white. But still refused to let go. Murong Yunfei also had sweat on her face. His face was a little pale and he said: "Xiangtian. Hold on. Don't give up." Qu Xiangtian nodded. Please come to more and faster chapters. But he didn't speak. Thinking about it, it was so painful that I couldn't speak. Sudden. Qu Xiangtian roared violently. The bluestone slabs on the ground shattered. Murong Yunfei was also knocked out. He was about to hit the wall of the house. But he was hugged by someone. Murong Yunfei raised her eyes and looked up. Called softly: "Xiangtian. You're okay." Qu Xiangtian nodded and replied: "I have suppressed my inner demons for the time being. Thank you for your hard work. Let's go back to the general's mansion." Murong Yunfei fell into Qu Xiangtian's arms Get up. Update as soon as possible Get dressed for Qu Xiangtian. Then he opened the door. This is a large courtyard built outside Nanjing City. Everything is built according to the Ming Dynasty architectural style. It was originally magnificent. Very atmospheric. But now it is in ruins. A charred mess. Only Murong Yunfei and Qu Xiangtian walked out of this room. It was still intact, but the outer wall was scorched black as if it had been burned by fire. "This is what I did. Update as soon as possible," Qu Xiangtian said in astonishment. Murong Yunfei nodded. He said slightly tiredly: "Fortunately, you recognized me after becoming a demon. Otherwise, who could have controlled you." Qu Xiangtian asked hurriedly: "What about the brothers who accompanied me to discuss military matters." Murong Yunfei took Qu Xiangtian's hand and said, "Let's go quickly. We'll talk about it when we get back." Qu Xiangtian gently shook off Murong Yunfei's hand. Put your hands on her shoulders. He asked word for word: "I will kill them." Murong Yunfei sighed. He nodded slightly. Qu Xiangtian's face trembled slightly. Then he knelt down and faced the dilapidated yard. They kowtowed three times in the four directions of southeast, northwest and northwest. He said: "Qu can't forgive you all. I am willing to die to apologize." Murong Yunfei suddenly interrupted Qu Xiangtian's words. He angrily scolded: "Qu Xiangtian. It's because of the inner demons and it's not your fault. Update as soon as possible. What will we do if you die? And your brothers will not care about you." "I. I'm going to find my third brother. He has a way to save me. If this continues, I will become more and more possessed. I'm afraid I'll even kill you. Murong Yunfei shook her head and said: "Absolutely not. I will definitely cure your inner demons. You must not go to find your third brother. You will not be able to see him again in this life. Wait until the next day.The situation in the border area has stabilized. Or when Yu Qian was defeated in a fight. Let Qin Rufeng and Guang Liang lead the troops back. You can do anything on the battlefield. Just can't meet Lu Yunzhi again. " Qu Xiangtian frowned and asked, "Why is that? "Murong Yunfei said with a sad face: "I did a fortune telling a few days ago. Got some insights. Anyway, you heard me right. I won't harm you. Towards the sky. " Qu Xiangtian shook his head vigorously and said: "You are my wife, so of course you will not harm me. And Yunzhi is my third brother and of course he will not harm me. Don't worry, Yunfei. Third brother, no matter how big-hearted he is. As long as I don't want to fight with him, it's fine. You will never understand the affection between our brothers. If he really wants to kill me. Then I can only accept my fate. You and I both know that although he doesn't have much military power at this moment. Can be proficient in all strategies. If the two of us were in the same room and were at war. It is still unclear who will win. to be honest. Lu Yunzhi's tactics of war are very strange. There are many different ways of playing that are contrary to orthodoxy. If he is not my third brother. I really want to compete with it. " "Since you insist so much. I won't stop you from finding Lu Yunzhi. But you must not mention these words in front of him. "Murong Yunfei said with a sad face. Qu Xiangtian smiled slightly. He hugged Murong Yunfei into his arms and said, "That's natural. I'm not stupid. okay. Let's go take care of government affairs quickly. Please try to suppress your inner demons more recently. Don't let it happen again. We will set off to the capital to find our third brother in a month. "Murong Yunfei suddenly asked: "Are you going to lead the troops? "Qu Xiangtian smiled at Murong Yunfei. He stroked her cheek gently and shook his head. There was clearly indescribable determination in his eyes. Murong Yunfei could only lower her eyes and sighed softly. . Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 34: Circles on the Flat Bottom Half a month later, Lu Yunzhi and Yang Xiyu had arrived at the high hill of Shuanglongpo, and the situation remained the same. After searching for a while, Lu Yunzhi found the cave and walked in holding Yang Xiyu's hand. Facing the darkness, people always feel inexplicable depression and fear, but Yang Xiyu is not afraid, because she trusts Lu Yunzhi. Perhaps even the most dangerous thing in the world cannot do anything to her by his side. Lu Yunzhi will understand Risk your life to protect her. Lu Yunzhi is no longer as depressed as when he first came here. Holding the hand of his beloved, he can laugh it off even when faced with thousands of troops. After turning a few sharp turns and passing the bright trap, and not long after walking, the eyes suddenly opened up. Yang Xiyu couldn't help but said: "What a beautiful valley, it's like a paradise." Lu Yunzhi nodded and said: " Indeed, this is a good place to live for a thousand years. When we are old and I have found a successor of the Zhongzheng line, we will retire here. When the time comes, the eldest brother will not be in charge of the army, and the second brother will not be in charge of finances. Without practicing Fa, Zhu Jianwen does not exercise power, and Wu Hao is no longer in the dark. They come here with their wives and children and live a stable and comfortable pastoral life for a few days. " "It would be great to have seven or eight more children. , Haha, I didn¡¯t expect that you, Lu Yun, who is full of poetry and strategies, are like a country man, who likes the life of his wife and children on the hot bed. I always heard from my father that literati are stinky and poor, and they are no different from farmers. Everyone has a farmer¡¯s dream, and it turns out it¡¯s true.¡± Yang Xiyu laughed. Lu Yunzhi said with great interest: "Excuse me, my "father-in-law" Yang Zhun also has such knowledge?" Yang Xiyu turned around and gently scratched the tip of Lu Yunzhi's nose and said: "I still I'm not married to you. Besides, don't you know how much my father is capable? He seems to be so ignorant at ordinary times. If he is really as useless as he appears, how can you give him full authority to handle such an important matter in Nanjing? ." Lu Yunzhi did not deny it, smiled and continued to move forward while pulling Yang Xiyu. Yang Xiyu looked up at the tall tower in the valley and said, "This is exactly the same as the tower on Fengbozhuang Hall." "Well, it is also the same as the Zhongzheng Soul Tower. They are born from the same root." Lu Preaching in rhyme. Yang Xiyu changed the subject and asked: "You said this valley is called Shuanglong Valley, which is where the ghost-eating tribe lives. Why is there no one in the valley now?" Lu Yunzhi said: "Oh, that's it, Leopard The young and strong people who used to lead the ghost-eating tribe were busy fighting together with my second brother. Recently, the situation has gradually stabilized, so I ordered people to pick up these young and strong family members and go out for reunion. You also know that I sent many people. After going to various places, it would be unreasonable not to let them reunite with their families. If they serve me, I have to be worthy of them. As for the orphans, old and young from other tribes, I will place them on the edge of the capital and let them live there. It's always bad when it's empty here. " "You, you, I don't know where you got such charm. Not only did you charm Sister Yingzi, but you also attracted Shi Yuting and me. So many people are willing to work for you. Look, you have turned the good ghost eaters and the airbending masters of Fengbo Village into your own power, but it¡¯s okay, you will never suffer from following you. This guy is not bad, hehe." Yang Xiyujiao said with a smile. Lu Yunzhi also had a smile on his face, curled his lips slightly and said, "Is it just okay?" Then he leaned down to kiss Yang Xiyu, but Yang Xiyu hurriedly avoided his mouth and said, "What are you going to do in broad daylight?" ?" Before Yang Xiyu could dodge, he was hugged by Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi said with a smirk, "Don't you know what I want to do?" Yang Xiyu's face suddenly turned red. , Lu Yunzhi leaned next to Yang Xiyu's ear, and did not kiss him. He just whispered lightly: "Stay close to me, Yingmei is here." Yang Xiyu nodded gently, and at this moment he only heard a sound A sharp laugh sounded from the side: "Lu Yunzhi, you are too careless. You care about the love of your children but don't know how to use shadowlessness." Lu Yunzhi turned his head, and the shadow around him suddenly shook, but Lu Yunzhi showed a proud expression. Smiling, he said, "You were too careless." Lu Yunzhi staggered and almost fell to the ground. Yang Xiyu quickly supported Lu Yunzhi. Fortunately, Lu Yunzhi was thinner. If he had Fang Qingze's weight, Yang Xiyu had to be dragged down if he wasn't going to be crushed to death. Yang Xiyu put his hand on Lu Yunzhi's pulse and asked quickly: "Lu Yunzhi, are you okay?!" Lu Yunzhi shook his head, gently pushed Yang Xiyu's hand away, and raised his eyes to look at around. Yang Xiyu then took his eyes away from Lu Yunzhi and looked around. For a moment, his eyes widened in disbelief, and he murmured, "What on earth happened?" Towering walls suddenly appeared all around. Surrounding Lu Yunzhi and Yang Xiyu, there is a round mouth above, like a deep well, and Lu Yang and the two are like "frogs at the bottom of the well." Lu Yunzhi showed a confident smile and said to the stone wall: "Ying Mei, now I think you are going to"What to do. "An angry roar came from the other side of the stone wall: "Lu Yunzhi, you bastard, you only know how to cheat. Huh, the most you can do is trap me, but you can't kill me. " "I don't need to kill you, I just need to trap you forever. When I get out of the valley, I will seal the entrance of the cave and you can stay here." "Lu Yunzhi said with satisfaction. Yang Xiyu didn't know what was going on, but Lu Yunzhi gently held Yang Xiyu's waist and said, "Let's talk about it when we go out. "As he spoke, a gust of wind blew up around him, and the two of them flew straight into the sky. Yang Xiyu was a little timid because he had never floated so high in the sky before, and he was helpless at his feet, but he still held back the wild beating in his heart. Looking down, I saw a circle formed on the ground beneath me. It was composed of two circular walls, but the tops of the two circles were sealed. Lu Yunzhi and herself were in the circle just now. In the middle of the morning, the two of them landed lightly in the open space a few hundred steps away. Lu Yunzhi took Yang Xiyu to the door of a nearby house, sat down on the threshold, and lowered his head in thought. Get up. Yang Xiyu once again put his hands on Lu Yunzhi's body, using ghost energy to explore the changes in Lu Yunzhi's acupuncture points. However, after one round, Yang Xiyu found that Lu Yunzhi was not injured, and there was no backlash or restlessness from before. So, Yang Xiyu felt relieved and looked at Lu Yunzhi quietly, not wanting to disturb his thinking. After a long time, Lu Yunzhi suddenly clapped his hands and shouted: "That's it. Invisible and invincible turns out to be this. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 35: Breaking through Difficulties Yang Xiyu looked sideways at Lu Yunzhi, wondering what he was talking about. Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and explained: "The Fenggu people taught me the secrets of the world's magic before, and I just tried it a little. Today we are extremely safe and don't have to worry about danger, so I just used my new understanding." He used the earth-controlling technique to deal with Ying Mei, a powerful enemy, but he didn't expect the effect to be so amazing. However, the wind-controlling technique was activated involuntarily when he used it, and he was almost knocked to the ground. It wasn't because his body couldn't bear it. The power of backlash, I don¡¯t have to worry about the relapse. Fortunately, you supported me. It turns out that when I really use the invisible power, it will stimulate other spells, but it will not cause backlash, but it is also prone to accidents. I don¡¯t know the severity. , Just like Uncle Feng's manslaughter back then, it seems that I should be careful in using this technique in the future." Yang Xiyu still didn't understand and asked: "But I didn't feel the wind like just now. Lu Yunzhi stroked Yang Xiyu's hair and said, "At that time, it was an invisible wind, which was different from the ordinary wind control technique I used later." Lu Yunzhi explained: "Actually, I just did it. As soon as I entered the valley, I found Yingmei nearby, so I made him mistakenly think that I didn't use Wuying. In fact, I have been using Wuying all the time since I left Fengbo Village." Yang Xiyu listened. Going down, he looked at Lu Yunzhi and his feet. There was no shadow of anyone or anything in the shadowless area, but now he clearly had a shadow. Suddenly Yang Xiyu laughed and looked at the folds of his clothes. He said, "How are the shadows on the ground made? Why are there no shadows on us?" "Haha, my Xi Yu is so smart. Ying Mei would be ashamed if she heard this." Lu Yun Zhi picked up his thumb and praised: "Come out, Nightmare, meet your sister-in-law." "Damn it, who said you are my eldest brother." Nightmare cursed and emerged from the shadow on the ground, Yang Xiyu was shocked. With his eyes wide open, if the man in front of him walked onto the street, he would be mistaken for Lu Yunzhi. Even if he hadn't seen him come out of the ground, he wouldn't have been able to tell the difference. Nightmare grumbled and said: "It's really not easy for me. Bah bah bah, I forgot that Miss Yang was here. It's really hard for me. I watch you two making love to each other every day and I don't say anything, and I have to transform into a human being under you." The shape of the shadow, and it also forms different states according to the change of light. Hey, Lu Yunzhi, you are so boring, I am almost exhausted." Yang Xiyu suddenly laughed when he saw the chattering nightmare, and turned around to ask. Xiang Lu Yunzhi: "As far as I know, ghosts should be tireless. Is he really the nightmare you mentioned?" The nightmare smiled evilly, then winked at Yang Xiyu and held him back. Yang Xiyu's hand said: "I am half human and half ghost now, and I look exactly like this dead Lu Yunzhi, but I am more elegant." Lu Yunzhi quickly pulled Yang Xiyu's hand back and said: "Stop making trouble, how was my invisible earthbending just now?" Nightmare also nodded seriously and said: "It's indeed good. After the shadow demon launches its attack, it must be within a hundred steps of us. You can grasp it quickly. The space was closed instantly without wasting any extra energy, and there was no time for Ying Mei to escape. If there was no light in the space, there would be no shadow, and Ying Mei would not be able to pass through objects like ordinary ghosts. I see this. This time he is going to be trapped." Lu Yunzhi said: "It's not safe to just trap him. This is better. I'd like to ask Nightmare to enter this earth circle, find Yingmei, and then lock him into the dream. "I don't know what to do?" Meng Ye's face suddenly twitched, and then his throat moved slightly: "You really want me to go? This this is a bit difficult." "I can't go in. Once inside, light will be brought in, so you have no problem. Besides, there is no light inside now, and he can't do anything to you if you go in. But you'd better be careful. Although we know Ying Mei's attack method, his body has also been destroyed. I'm in control of it, but I'm not sure what kind of abilities the main body has. You go and investigate. If you can fight, fight. If you can't fight, run away. I'll take care of you outside," Lu Yunzhi said. Nightmare was still hesitating, but Yang Xiyu asked: "Aren't you scared?" Nightmare strangled his neck and said like a human: "Whoever is scared, if I am afraid, then he is not a hero, I will go now. "As he said that, Nightmare turned around and walked towards the earth circle formed by Lu Yunzhi's earth control technique. Lu Yunzhi said loudly from behind the nightmare: "Be careful." The nightmare replied without looking back: "I know, it's so annoying." The nightmare had just stepped halfway in, and suddenly screamed and retreated hastily. , Lu Yunzhi also jumped forward to meet the nightmare, and the two became one again. The nightmare stretched out its head from Lu Yunzhi's chest and said: "My dear mother, it's a shame you didn't go, it's full of Water, electric current surged in the water, as if they were sharing the art of controlling water and thunder. " Suddenly the earth wall burst open, and a large amount of water poured out, and electric current surged from time to time in the water.Lu Yunzhi turned around and hugged Yang Xiyu, riding the wind and flying into the air to force away the electrified water on the ground, only to see the same little black person floating into the air. The little black man should be the true form of Ying Mei. Looking at it, he saw that the little black man had no facial features, just like the previous nightmare, but there was no light or ghostly aura floating around. He was just a black humanoid. Yingmei suddenly shouted loudly: "You Lu Yunzhi, you are really smart. You have learned all the skills of Fenggu Ren and Fu Zhu. Look, I will swallow you today. Although you are not a peerless hero now, you will be able to do it again." If you drag it down, it will become a serious problem. Take your life!" As Ying Mei shouted, the sky was filled with thunder and lightning. On the other hand, Lu Yunzhi was surrounded by dozens of vaporized swords, and black electricity crackled from time to time. There were bulges on the ground as if springs were ready to go, and there was a mass floating in front of him. Although the red flames did not make people feel hot, just one look at them caused pain like burning fire to the bones. Nightmare said softly: "Shadow Phantom is made up of the souls of several heroes. He can do all kinds of magic, but it is extremely unstable and often cannot be used. We will be out of danger if we wait until he can't use it." Lu Yunzhi clicked. Nodding, he said to Yang Xiyu: "Hold me tight, I may not be able to take care of you for a while." Suddenly a bolt of lightning fell from the sky, and the black electricity around Lu Yunzhi gathered to meet it, and suddenly let out a cry The roar and the bright light emitted by the collision stung people's eyes. The flames in front of Lu Yunzhi suddenly spread to the surroundings, turning the surroundings into charcoal. However, Lu Yunzhi and Yang Xiyu did not feel any discomfort because the sword made of air control kept rotating, protecting the two of them. , and isolated from the heat wave. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 36: The First Pain After everything cleared up, Lu Yunzhi glanced around but found that there were still traces of Ying Mei. Lu Yunzhi was born with a horoscope of 5, 2, and 5, so he naturally felt that he was aloof from ordinary people, but he still worried and asked softly: "Leaving?" Nightmare said in a low voice, "Yeah." Lu Yunzhi said angrily in a low voice: "It turns out he just tricked me." In a flash, Ying Mei was a hundred miles away and walked out from the shadow of a big tree. This time he was seriously injured. , if the ordinary flames naturally can't do anything to him, but under the burning fire, even Ying Mei will be seriously injured. Yingmei said to herself coldly: "Lu Yunzhi, although you can't kill me, it still gives me a headache." It turns out that Yingmei was only able to use the magic of heaven and earth for a short time, and then she confronted Lu Yunzhi. He made a move to protect his strength from being consumed by Lu Yunzhi. Although Lu Yunzhi was indeed unable to kill him for reasons unknown to others, Yingmei was severely damaged and unable to devour other people as heroic substitutes in the short term. This gave Yingmei a headache. Seeing that the end was approaching, if he did not continue If you take action, it will be too late. Lu Yunzhi held Yang Xiyu and was put to the ground by the wind control technique. The nightmare came out of Lu Yunzhi's body again and said: "This shadow demon is really difficult to deal with. Even the other evil ghosts just now "Famous, under such intense fire, maybe only the ghost baby is left, but he still has the strength to escape." "Let's quickly enter the tower to watch the auspiciousness. I think killing Ying Mei is not that simple. We just got away with it in the battle." "Sheng, if he fully wakes up and regains his abilities, even if it doesn't take long and is extremely unstable, maybe the three of us will be killed on the spot in less than a cup of tea." Lu Yunzhi said, paused and said: " It¡¯s strange to say that the flames were burning Ying Mei just now, but he ran away in the blink of an eye and was able to fight back while being attacked. There must be a reason for this. I hope the secrets in the tower will give us an explanation. " The nightmare is gone. Returning to Lu Yunzhi's body, he and Lu Yang entered the tower together. The murals on the tower still existed, and the three of them looked at them with different perceptions. Yang Xiyu looked at it for a while and said: "It turns out that there are mysteries on the walls of the tower." When Lu Yunzhi heard this, he turned his head and asked: "Why?" Yang Xiyu smiled brightly and replied: "Do you want to have magic powers? Guangda, since the content on these murals can teach others how to control him, why didn't he destroy it? According to you, Yingmei may be to teach an unparalleled hero with extremely high magic skills, and then be fused with him. , has extended my lifespan, but this is too dangerous. If I were Ying Mei, I would definitely destroy this tower. Then there are thousands of ways to teach those people the magic. Ying Mei is hidden in the shadows of the world and is everywhere. Is this possible? It's his fault. It's not safe for Ying Mei to teach others. Secondly, Ying Mei can't find this tower unless by chance. In summary, Ying Mei still keeps the tower. There must be a reason why I didn't sink the tower when I occasionally recovered my spells. I infer that the tower and the murals on the walls have mysteries. Ghosts and humans can't destroy them. This must be the case." Nightmare laughed after hearing this: "The logic is not bad, but when we first came to the tower, Lu Yunzhi touched the wall of the tower with his hand, and there was nothing unusual. This is absolutely true. I can see it clearly inside his body." After Mengmao finished speaking, Yang Xiyu's face suddenly turned red. Since Mengmai could see this, wouldn't the matter between her and Lu Yunzhi come to mind? Here, Yang Xiyu's face turned even redder. Lu Yunzhi asked with some confusion: "Xi Yu, are you okay?" Yang Xiyu suddenly came to his senses, shook his head and said: "Nightmare, of course you can touch it gently, although I don't know the principle, but I think if the tower wall encounters an external attack, it will be on guard." Lu Yunzhi nodded and praised: "I think this is reasonable, otherwise why would the tower doors on other floors be tightly closed? According to Mr. Xing Wen. Zu said that external force cannot be used to open it, and one must meet the standard before entering. I think there must be a mystery. "Nightmare scoffed: "It's what everyone else said, Lu Yunzhi, you are getting less and less advanced, look at me." After saying that, Nightmare actually waved. He punched the wall. He was transformed by a ghost, so he naturally didn't know the pain in his body, so it didn't matter if he knocked on the wall of the tower with his hand. When Nightmare's waving hand came into contact with the painting wall, his whole body was suddenly bounced away. Then he sat on the ground and froze for a long time before saying: "It fucking hurts." Lu Yunzhi was also stunned after hearing this. Stunned, what Nightmare said before about being tired was just a joke and should not be taken seriously. The two of them had lived in the same body for a long time, so they naturally knew that Nightmare was not joking this time. However, even though the nightmare has now turned into a human form, the ghost energy on his body is still quite strong, and he has not completely turned into a Feng Gu man like Fu Zhu. How could such a nightmare feel pain? Nightmare stood up, pondered for a long time, murmured to himself, and then said carelessly: "It turns out that pain feels like this, it's so damn uncomfortable, but I'm very happy." Lu Yunzhi knew. The mystery cannot be solved in a moment, and the focus is not here now, so I smiled bitterly.He said to Nightmare in a low voice: "It's good that you're okay. I really don't know who you learned the curse words from. Opening and closing your mouth just like this, ugh, it's really harmful." Said that these three people were busy with their own things, and the people around them Looking at the murals and texts, Yang Xiyu naturally couldn't understand the texts. They were all ancient texts. Some of them had been seen in other scrolls but didn't know their meanings, but one of the paintings attracted people. Yang Xiyu. Yang Xiyu suddenly understood something, then he sat on the ground with his legs folded, and kept touching the ground with his hands. He recited the formula in his mouth, looked at the ground and began to calculate according to the hexagram positions. His face became a little pale and his expression gradually became panicked. For a moment, his eyes felt wandering and then suddenly became determined again, as if he had made up his mind about a major matter, and nodded vigorously to himself. A pair of hands was placed on Yang Xiyu's waist, and then someone asked in his ear: "Xi Yu, what are you thinking about?" Yang Xiyu raised his head, glanced at it, and said with a smile: "Nightmare, if you continue Don't blame me for being angry for teasing me like this." Nightmare was a little frightened and asked, "You knew who Lu Yunzhi was because you saw me coming out of the drill, but just now you were clearly in a trance, how did you know that? "Yes, don't I look similar to the stupid Lu Yunzhi over there?" "Yeah, you two are exactly the same, it's just that you are not as obsessed with magic as he is. Do you think the real Lu Yunzhi will surround you?" I kept looking up at the mural, but Nightmare just wanted to tease me," Yang Xiyu said with a smile, and then stretched out his hand to be supported by Nightmare. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 37: Straightforward ( ) Nightmare listened to Yang Xiyu¡¯s words. But he said with some pride: "Well, I don't need to look at this because I am extremely talented." Yang Xiyu said with a smile: "I think the reason why Lu Yun is so close to perfect is because all his shortcomings are reflected on you. Go." Nightmare smiled evilly with that "Lu Yunzhi" face. Then he knocked on the door with his hand and said, "Of course it is. So the things he has seen and his opinions will also come to me. But it just took a little longer. It takes half a month." Yang Xiyu nodded. . She knew Nightmare wasn't joking. Now even the nightmares that Lu Yunzhi has seen can be sensed. Although it takes some time. However, I think the time required will become shorter and shorter in the future. So that means the integration between the two is becoming more and more consistent. In other words, the nightmare is just like "Lu Yunzhi". At this time, Lu Yunzhi also looked around carefully. He walked over thoughtfully. Asked: "What are you talking about? It's so lively." Yang Xiyu smiled slightly and replied: "Nothing. How do you see it?" "There are some passages of text that are unclear. There are also two or three pictures that are incomprehensible. "Lu Yunzhi replied succinctly. When he first came to this tower before. I'm still a little confused when I see these pictures and texts. Just to start Du Haiyong's gold medal. Please come to more and faster chapters. Only when I temporarily prepared the liquid in the Ancient Moon Cup did I think of one of the pictures. Later, I learned how to control Qi from these pictures. It had a profound influence on Lu Yunzhi's cultivation. It was just Lu Yunzhi after some training. He is still the ignorant boy he was back then. Nor is he the leader of the uprising who has grown old in his early years. Now he is a master. A warlock. A politician. A businessman. A general and so on and so forth. Behind the identities attached to them. These are all kinds of heroes Lu Yunzhi has seen. The Fenggu people who are the best in the world. Yu Qian, a loyal minister of the Ming Dynasty. Ancestor Xing Wen, the founder of Tiandiren revisited his old place a few years later. In this tower that many people have mentioned. When Lu Yunzhi looked at these murals and texts again. But had a different opinion. and feelings I have never felt before. Within a short period of time. Lu Yunzhi suddenly felt that his heart was sublimated. Update as soon as possible, and the cultivation level will be improved to a higher level. Hearing Lu Yunzhi¡¯s answer just now. Yang Xiyu asked: "So what if you don't understand. Do you need me to copy it and record it so we can go back and study it?" "Yes. It should be recorded." Lu Yunzhi nodded and said, "But I have already remembered it in my mind. Let's go back." Don't be obsessed with things that you can't understand at the moment. If you can't understand it after working hard, you should learn to give up. Maybe let's go upstairs. There is knowledge we want more." Nightmare said: "That's good. But Xing Wen once said that you can only open the door to another layer if you don't study it thoroughly. Where are the gates on other floors?" Yang Xiyu also agreed with Nightmare's words. But he also knew that he couldn't dissuade Lu Yunzhi from what he had already decided. So he said: "I don't think it's that simple. The doors on other tower floors should be the same as this tower wall. There is a mystery. You must be careful about the rhyme." Lu Yunzhi laughed twice and said: "Say something. It's disrespectful. Perhaps Master Feng is not as capable as anyone I have ever seen. You think Xing Wen can only guard against Ying. The charm does not devour itself. But Master Feng chases the shadow demon everywhere. So just listen to what Patriarch Xing Wen said." Lu Yunzhi said. Then he walked towards the spiral staircase on the side. Lu Yunzhi walked to the door on the second floor and pushed the door open. Sure enough, it didn't move at all. Don't dare to hit the door with brute force and magic. Instead, he continued walking upwards. He walked to the door on the third floor and pushed it. The door to the third floor opened in response. At this moment, the door to the second floor opened with a bang. Please come to more and faster chapters. Nightmare ran down quickly. Looking into the house on the second floor. Then he let out a surprised cry: "Nothing." "Of course." Lu Yunzhi suddenly said with some pride: "Nightmare. Come and see what is written on the top of the third floor." Nightmare ran up quickly . I saw two words "Zhizhi" written on the top of the third floor. It is not an ancient text. It is Xiaozhuan of the Qin Dynasty. Lu Yunzhi praised: "Heroes are indeed heroes. Please come to more and faster chapters. He has already deduced the writing of later dynasties. Therefore, he left the book in small seal script. The ancient writings on the first floor are just to increase the difficulty. It is just a mystery." "Since the hero is so powerful, why don't you calculate your own destiny?" Yang Xiyu asked. On the way to Shuanglong Valley. Lu Yunzhi once told Yang Xiyu about this hero in ancient times. At that time, it was just a story. Today we came to the tower. The person in the story told by Yang Xiyu's The Way of Nature. Must?? is what is now referred to as a hero. Nightmare heard what Yang Xiyu said. Instead, he said with an old master's expression: "Hey, I'm a woman. I just don't know the rules. Since ancient times, no matter which method is used to make calculations, there are three types of calculations that are inaccurate. One is the big changes in the world, and the other is calculations related to relatives and friends. No. The third is that the changes in the world are too big to be affected by others. The fate of all people is the same as that of a pharmacist. The reason for treating illness for yourself and your family is that it involves too much emotion. Once you know what to do in the future, it will affect the accuracy of the hexagram. " Lu Yunzhi. He nodded approvingly and said: "Nightmare is really a wise insight. But there is one more thing you missed. That is, sometimes the theory of fate is just a joke of God. If you believe it, you will be led astray by him to achieve the hexagram. I can count this. I¡¯m deeply touched.¡± Yang Xiyu nodded. Finally understood the reason. Nightmare asked: "What's the explanation for the word 'straightforward' on the top?" "I think this word "straight" means that the mind is clear of distracting thoughts. The straightness of seeking knowledge. In other words, the brain cannot turn. For the original purpose . The kind that leads to darkness." Lu Yunzhi explained. Nightmare laughed when he heard this: "Like you." Lu Yunzhi was not angry. Instead, he nodded. He continued: "As for persistence, it should refer to persistence." "What is the difference between this and the first straight character?" Yang Xiyu asked. Lu Yunzhi said softly. It seems to be the answer. It seems as if he is talking to himself: "Integrity is nature. Perseverance is the nature of mind. Integrity is all based on the innate temperament. And persistence must have a goal. If you are blind and reckless, you will definitely not be able to open this door." Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 38: Leaving the Tower ( ) "So. The second and third layers complement each other. Everyone has heard the legend. That is, if you can't learn the things on the first layer, you can't open the second layer. As Xi Yu said That way. There must be a lot of mystery on the second floor door, so most people who try to smash the door and use brute force will definitely feel that they are blocked by the second floor door. If they open it, they will give up the idea of ??continuing to move higher. But what they don¡¯t know is that if the third floor door is not opened, the second floor door will never open. "Please come to Lu Yunzhi. Speaking of. Nightmare then said: "It turns out he has good intentions. It seems that the hero is also a good material to be a teacher. He knows how to educate people. He can still insist on opening the third door. He is not a one-sided fool. Just for You are a fool who is willing to give it a try. Congratulations to you, Lu Yunzhi. You are so silly and stupid." Lu Yunzhi smiled and did not argue with the nightmare. First update Go to the fourth floor. He said: "Since the first floor is about magic, the second and third floors are about the mind and nature. I think the fourth floor is just a general principle." Lu Yunzhi was stunned when he pushed the fourth floor door with his hand. The low voices of several people kept ringing in my ears: "Lu Yunzhi, stop it quickly." "Go back quickly." "The capital is in danger." "Shi Yuting has been found." "Master is dying." All kinds of voices and colors were heard. have. They are all the voices of my relatives and friends. Lu Yunzhi hesitated slightly. Gradually I fell into auditory hallucinations. Instead, he pushed the door open with his hands. Nightmare paused at this moment. Said: "Oh my god. I was actually caught in an illusion just now." Yang Xiyu also looked pale and had big beads of sweat running down her cheeks. It seems that he has also fallen into this kind of illusion. Yang Xiyu took Lu Yunzhi's arm. Lean on tightly. The trembling of the body gradually calmed down. Lu Yunzhi knew that this was an advanced illusion. Even I can't resist it. Everyone's hallucinations are different. What appears in front of me is what I fear the most or what worries me the most. Needless to say, nightmares. But Yang Xiyu, a woman, was not mentally broken by the illusion. She truly deserves to be her own woman. Lu Yunzhi also raised his head and wiped the sweat from his forehead. He raised his hand and pointed at the word "Ji" on the wall facing the door. Updated as soon as possible Yang Xiyu and Mengxiang realized that Lu Yunzhi must also have been under the illusion. He must have believed in his own judgment and resolutely opened the door. Perhaps only he himself knows the inner struggles and hardships involved. Nightmare and Lu Yunzhi looked at each other. Then the nightmare entered Lu Yunzhi's body. in case for need. I have only reached the fourth level and there is such a profound illusion. Aren't the upper floors even more dangerous? Yang Xiyu also stayed close to Lu Yunzhi. Not leaving even an inch. It's not that Yang Xiyu was frightened. He was just afraid that he would cause trouble to Lu Yunzhi if he ran around. The fifth floor was opened easily. The word "empty" is written inside. But it is not the same as the previous layers. Just one word. It contains a large number of graphics and text. They are all written in Xiaozhuan. They are all exactly the same as what the Fenggu people said. The art of becoming invisible. But what made Lu Yunzhi feel a little strange. What was explained was only what he roughly understood on the first floor. For those who know nothing about graphics and ancient texts. There is no record here. But what Yang Xiyu saw was something else. There is only one picture and a short annotation. But this is a weird phenomenon. Although Yang Xiyu found out, he didn't tell Lu Yunzhi. Updated as soon as possible. Everyone studied it for an hour and just settled it. Not shown here for now. When the sixth floor is opened, everyone can see the paintings and writings. It's the word "yingmei". Next to it is a large blood-red character. Brave. I guess it's someone who can reach this level. Must be haunted by the shadow. We have gone through many difficulties to get to where we are today. Worthy of being a brave man. Lu Yunzhi laughed it off. I don¡¯t think this tower is anything special. In addition to the first-level records and the fifth-level annotations are useful. Please come to more and faster chapters. Perhaps only the fourth level of illusion is somewhat dangerous. The rest are just mystical Master's teachings. But when we reached the seventh floor, we couldn¡¯t open it. Lu Yunzhi gave up the seventh floor. Then he ran to the eighth and ninth floors. Push the door in turn. But still can't open those closed doors. Lu Yunzhi and Yang Xiyu looked at each other. The nightmare also came out and asked: "What should we do next?" Lu Yunzhi answered simply: "Let's go." Yang Xiyu asked with some confusion: "Let's travel across mountains and rivers. You are fighting against the shadows again. It¡¯s hard for me to get to the tower. I think it¡¯s better to go back to the first floor and take a closer look. Otherwise, I don¡¯t know how long it will take to come back here.¡± Yun Zhi shook his head and said: "Let's go. The graphics and words on the first floor were made by the sages. And they were written based on his personal insights. We don't have his experiences and emotions. If we force ourselves to learn."It must be difficult. Each decade or eight cannot be studied. It's better to go back and discuss it with everyone. Maybe there can be a breakthrough. Let's go. It would be no different to stay here for too long. If you have the chance, wait until the next day to revisit your old place. " Nightmare and Yang Xiyu saw that Lu Yunzhi was getting serious. They also knew his stubborn character. They naturally agreed and no longer insisted on their opinions. Nightmare returned to Lu Yunzhi's body. Lu Yunzhi took Yang Xiyu's hand towards the valley. After leaving the valley, they got on their horses and headed towards Xuzhou where Yingzi was. The moment they left the valley, the gate on the seventh floor of the valley suddenly opened. There was only one thing written in dark purple. There is no book on the road. Lu Yunzhi only thinks about the secrets in those towers. However, Lu Yunzhi is worried that Yang Xiyu can't stand the fatigue of the horse, but Yang Xiyu refuses. No. Lu Yunzhi said that Yingzi's condition was urgent. Lu Yunzhi was deeply moved when he heard this and arrived in Xuzhou a few days earlier than expected. The concierge was polite. Although it was not long ago, the concierge didn't seem to remember the handsome gentleman, but he had a "photographic memory" of the one behind him. With a dirty smile on his face, he turned around and ran towards the courtyard. The concierge respectfully invited Wang Yulu out. Yang Xiyu followed Wang Yulu and looked around to see that everyone in the Tang family's courtyard was looking at them. It can be said that Wang Yulu is very respectful. I think that when this rejuvenated gentleman arrived at the Tang family compound, he would naturally cure everyone's illness with the medicine. How can people not be grateful to Wang Yulu. Sure enough. Looking closely at the servants, the servants and servants were all in high spirits, wondering how many wonderful medicines Wang Yulu had given them. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 39: The Third Father-in-law ( ) The master of the Tang family came out of the main hall quickly to welcome him. He raised his hands and said, "Oh, it's Mr. Lu who's here. Tang is a bit disappointed. Please forgive me." Mr. Tang knew more or less about Lu Yunzhi's identity from Chao Xing. Naturally, I dare not neglect even more. Although the worst Yingzi can be regarded as his adopted daughter. But facing this "son-in-law" who has high power and responsibilities. The famous local Mr. Tang also murmured in his heart. I wonder if Lu Yunzhi can take a liking to him. Everything has to be polite. It was difficult for Lu Yunzhi, who was guarding Lu Jiugang before, to say anything. I was afraid that Lu Jiugang would be unhappy. But it turns out that Lu Jiugang is really a hero. Not only was he not jealous, but he was also grateful to Mr. Tang. Besides, Lu Jiugang is far away in Fengbo Village, Guangxi. It can be said that I have no scruples at all. Yingzi was lonely since childhood. Except for his brother Leopard. No one really cared for her. Now Lu Jiugang, his biological father, is back. Then there is Mr. Tang, the father who loves Yingzi. Isn't it a beautiful thing? Please come to more and faster chapters. Thinking of this. Lu Yunzhi stepped forward quickly. Help Mr. Tang. Then he cupped his hands and bowed deeply and said, "My son-in-law pays homage to my father-in-law." And so on. Mr. Tang couldn't help but be greatly moved. It shows that this capable uncle recognizes him. He even gained glory in front of the servants. Because in the eyes of those servants, Wang Yulu, the miracle doctor. Although the clothes are simple. But there are always gold bowls and silver cups. Deer antler and ginseng. A few days ago, I actually bought a piece of ancient jade of good quality to make medicine. Update as soon as possible But even so. Whenever people ask. Wang Yulu always answered that I am your uncle's subordinate. This is still the case with my subordinates. My uncle is very respectful to my father-in-law when he comes in person. Mr. Tang shines even more. He laughed repeatedly and replied: "My dear son-in-law, don't worry about it. Let's go to the inner hall to talk about it." Entering the hall. But he saw Lu Yunzhi kneeling on his knees. Mr. Tang slapped his head three times and said: "Firstly, thank you for taking care of Yingzi for many years. First update. Secondly, I was extremely depressed at that time. My father-in-law helped me out of righteousness. The third time was for you when I got married to Yingzi." Not present. Let me add one for you." Lu Yunzhi said the first two points sincerely. But both heads were knocked down. Not bad for this one either. The third point is nothing more than spectacle. If Lu Jiugang knew about it, no matter how generous he was. Maybe even jealous. Yang Xiyu also made a Wanfu gift to Mr. Tang and said: "My little daughter is here to see Uncle Tang. Update as soon as possible." Mr. Tang was already moved and his eyes were filled with tears. If it weren't for Wang Yulu who nursed him back to health. Maybe this excitement will have to pass. I saw the beautiful Yang Xiyu. Mr. Tang couldn't help but stood up, clasped his fists and said, "This girl, you are" Lu Yunzhi replied: "This is my wife, Yang Xiyu." Mr. Tang looked confused and didn't know what to do. Please come to more and faster chapters. Although Yingzi is also very handsome. But it's not as good as Yang Xiyu in front of me. Could it be that Lu Yunzhi just bought people's hearts? In fact, what he came to do was divorce his wife. Or let his daughter Yingzi. That is, Tang Yao is a child. It's impossible to let Yang Xiyu in front of him become big. Mr. Tang¡¯s face changed color. Lu Yunzhi had great strategies for governing the country and the army. He was able to face the scheming civil servants and generals with ease. How could you not guess what Mr. Tang is thinking now? Updated as soon as possible So Lu Yunzhi explained: "Please don't worry, father-in-law. I still have a wife at home. Although her whereabouts are unknown now, I will definitely find her. Although I come from the Zhongzheng lineage, I don't stick to the old rules. My wife, Lu Yunzhi, is not a concubine. She is just a person of leisurely nature. Naturally, the children I will have in the future will not be classified as concubines." Mr. Tang was relieved. tone. Wang Yulu coughed lightly. I wanted to interrupt these conversations and was eager to tell Yingzi's condition. Yang Xiyu made another Wanfu salute and said: "Uncle Tang. Brother Wang. The little girl will leave first. Walk around the courtyard casually. You discuss the seriousness of sister Yingzi's condition." Yang Xiyu waved her skirt as she spoke. Walked out with lotus steps. Lu Yunzhi frowned slightly. Along the way, Yang Xiyu became very interested in medicine. Always asking questions. Please come to more and faster chapters. In addition, the mastery of acupuncture points has been perfected. Her ghost acupuncture technique is unique and powerful. Why is an expert like Wang Yulu present today? Yang Xiyu avoided it instead. There must be something weird in it. Lu Yunzhi was thinking about it. Wang Yulu spoke: "That day at the foot of Mount Tai. The master of the mountain said that Yingzi's illness requires the blending of two souls. To induce it inside and cover it with a new spirit. So Baoyangshou can be used to remove the soul. It's simple. In fact, it is far from the case. But this is the key to curing Yingzi. My lord, Patriarch Xing Wen said that there is no cure, but it is not the case after my medicine, acupuncture and ghosts. Under the induction, Yingzi only needs to use the ghost hook to wake up. "Then what are you waiting for?" Lu Yunzhi asked. .   Wang Yulu nodded and replied: "Yes. Yingzi is still very unstable after waking up. He may go crazy at some point. And after inducing the previous memories, the experiences of the past few years will be forgotten and become a hidden danger. Once I think about it, the two lives still overlap." Lu Yunzhi understood. Said: "There is a way. A complete cure. Do those few words left by Uncle Feng reveal the secret of this link?" "Uncle Feng." Although Wang Yulu had doubts. But he took it immediately. Let¡¯s talk about it in detail tomorrow. So he nodded and said: "I'm talking about Master Taishan. It was those few words that revealed the mystery. Tang Yao now and Yingzi before can't blend in together. Unless someone can use his own soul as a bridge to connect the two. It can save the day. But the requirements for this person are also very high. What Taishan said is to introduce new souls. I secretly tried it with other people from the countryside. No. Not only the person involved will die on the spot, but also the person who bridged the soul will die." Lu Yunzhi nodded. Let Wang Yulu continue. Mr. Tang was frightened when he heard this. I knew that the two people in front of me were not as friendly as they seemed on the surface. The experiment Wang Yulu mentioned actually involved several lives. There was no change of color on his face. Lu Yunzhi also acquiesced. It seems that he is not surprised. Wang Yulu didn't notice Mr. Tang's expression. He continued: "The bridge needs to find another woman. This woman must be younger than Yingzi. And the two people's horoscopes are also compatible. And" At this point. Wang Yulu suddenly felt embarrassed. Can't help but pause. Lu Yunzhi glanced at Wang Yulu. He glanced at Mr. Tang again and said, "But it doesn't matter." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 40: Double Happiness "You still need a woman who has blended your yin and yang with your lord to serve as a bridge for Yingzi." Wang Yulu said. Lu Yunzhi frowned and asked, "Why is this?" Wang Yulu explained: "That's it, before Yingzi The Yang life span has expired, and you have reduced your Yang life span to extend the life of Yingzi. The method of extending life of our Zhongzheng line is different from that of other branches. If we use an analogy, it is like picking as many fruits as you can, or even less. For some, that is to say, if the person's life span of ten years is extended, the best result will be ten years. Most of them will not be able to achieve this effect, but this is not the case for our Zhongzheng lineage. Like a fruit tree, the longevity you lose is just a medium, the appearance of aging is the price, and what you get in exchange is a brand new hero. How long you can live is a matter of luck. Even so, these lords usually have more longevity than they paid. You naturally know, but my lord, you should understand that you have become an important link between Yingzi and the people who are bridging. " "If it succeeds, will it harm the people who are bridging?" Wang Yunzhi asked hurriedly. Yulu shook her head and replied: "Although it is dangerous, if it fails, your life will be in danger. If it succeeds, there is only one problem, and that is that the bridge person and Yingzi will 'live and die together'." Lu Yunzhi is still a little confused: "How do you say this?" "That is to say, if Yingzi dies, the person who bridged the bridge will also die. If the person who bridged the bridge dies, the same goes for Yingzi." Wang Yulu replied. "Damn it, why do you think this is called living and dying together?" Nightmare suddenly popped up from Lu Yunzhi's chest and shouted. Wang Yulu was startled but not very scared. A few days ago, when he was recuperating Lu Yunzhi, he already knew about the nightmare in Lu Yunzhi's body, but it was rare. The sudden appearance of the nightmare's head just now shocked Wang Yulu. When Mr. Tang heard the conversation between Lu Yunzhi and Wang Yulu, he was stunned with shock. When he saw the scene like the nightmare, he was even more frightened and screamed. Wang Yulu hurriedly returned to her side to comfort him, while relaxing his muscles and activating his blood circulation to calm his mind. Lu Yunzhi shouted a few words, and the nightmare went back. Lu Yunzhi's heart skipped a beat, and an extremely bad premonition came over him. He hurriedly asked: "What exactly does the combination of two people mean?" "What combination of eight characters?" Wang Yulu was busy looking back to take care of Mr. Tang. His mind didn't turn around for a while, but he instantly understood that what Lu Yunzhi was asking about was Yingzi and the person who bridged the gap. He hurriedly explained to Lu Yunzhi in detail the compatibility, mutual restraint, and mutual support of the eight characters. As soon as Wang Yulu finished speaking, she saw Lu Yunzhi muttering a few sentences silently and running out. Master Tang was much better, so Wang Yulu helped Master Tang up and hurried towards the back hall where Lu Yunzhi ran. Wang Yulu couldn't figure it out now. Yingzi lived in the backyard, and Lu Yunzhi couldn't see Yingzi. Could it be that this kid was too longing for his feelings and that all the treatment he had tried so hard to do was in vain? Walking into the backyard, Lu Yunzhi was standing at the door of Yingzi's boudoir, motionless. Wang Yulu shouted in her heart that she was not good, and without caring about protecting Mr. Tang, she rushed to the door with a single stride. There was a woman sitting on the bed, looking at Lu Yunzhi with tears in her eyes. Who could she be if she wasn't Yingzi? The corners of her mouth moved slightly when she looked at Lu Yunzhi, unable to extricate herself. And there was a person lying in Yingzi's arms. The person's hair was wet with sweat, his face was pale, and his sick appearance made people heartache. It was Yang Xiyu! Wang Yulu walked into the room, put her hands on the pulses of Yingzi and Yang Xiyu, and understood everything for a while. Yang Xiyu is the most suitable person to bridge the gap, and he is proficient in medical skills and has understood the mystery. After Wang Yulu's treatment, Yingzi has mostly recovered and only the last step is left. Yang Xiyu hit Yingzi's Baihui point, used the ghost to lift the hook, and finally completed the bridge alone. Wang Yulu couldn't help but sigh, she is really a talented woman. Lu Yunzhi came over and asked in a trembling voice: "Is Xi Yu okay?" Wang Yulu replied: "Nothing is wrong, she was just exhausted and fainted. Let her rest for a while and take a pill later. That's it." Lu Yunzhi nodded, and Yingzi said, "You're here." Lu Yunzhi gently held Yingzi's hair and replied, "I'm here to pick you up." They met from the same lineage during the night attack, and finally got married after fighting against ghosts and witches. However, they were separated by Yin and Yang when they were chased by Yu Qian and others. For the sake of Yingzi, Lu Yunzhi took risks to save her life. Although the love between the two was not that of Lang Qing and Concubine, just like Yang Xiyu's previous analysis, their love was stronger than gold. This kind of feeling cannot be explained clearly. Nowadays, the love between husband and wife is so powerful that it is no different from those romantic love stories of singing and dancing, and is even more simple and touching. When we met again, there were no words, only a short sentence of "you are here" and the sentence "I'm here to pick you up". Just two sentences are worth a thousand words, no more words are needed than any oath of eternal love. After a long time, Yingzi finally couldn't help crying. Lu Yunzhi held her in his arms and comforted her constantly. Looking at Yang Xiyu's face, he felt heartbroken. The two of them had a conversation and gathered together again. Naturally, Wang Yulu and Mr. Tang didn't have to watch, soHe was waiting in the yard outside the house. It was already half an hour when Lu Yunzhi came out. Wang Yulu leaned forward and clasped her fists and said, "Congratulations, my lord, on the birth of your son." Lu Yunzhi asked in surprise, "Is Xi Yu pregnant?" Wang Yulu nodded and smiled evilly: "Can I be wrong about this? But Madam is really a talented woman. I have studied for so long to come up with the results. She actually rejuvenated and cured Madam Ying first. It's really amazing. Even I dare not say that it can be so successful and perfect. ""Such a bridge will have no impact on Xi Yu's pregnancy, right?" Lu Yunzhi asked worriedly, and Wang Yulu replied: "It won't have any impact, my lord, just don't worry. I will definitely recover well." Lu Yunzhi's face was filled with happiness. Double happiness came to her: Yingzi recovered from her illness, Xi Yu was pregnant, and she had a baby. But then I thought of someone else, and I couldn't help but calm down my face, and thought to myself: Yu Ting, where are you? Come back quickly. Yang Xiyu woke up, and Wang Yulu told her about her pregnancy while nursing her. Two red clouds appeared on Yang Xiyu's face, and she lowered her head in embarrassment. Yingzi took a sip of fragrance on Yang Xiyu's cheek, and then said: "My sister is now aware of her shyness. Where did her indifferent attitude when she treated me just now go?" Yang Xiyu hesitated. Without answering, Lu Yunzhi pretended to be angry and said: "Even if you say you, you don't know how to tell me. If I make a mistake, you two will leave me. Then I will He really became a 'lonely person'." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 41: As Close as Sisters ( ) Wang Yulu opened her mouth. He hesitated to speak. Yang Xiyu smiled slightly. She is considerate. He saw through Wang Yulu's thoughts. Said: "Brother Wang, you want to ask me how I know. In fact, this is not what I thought. It was a mural I saw in a high tower in the valley. Later I saw the detailed annotations. I suddenly woke up. . After some calculations, I dared to attack Sister Yingzi. I knew that you would definitely disagree, so I sneaked into this room and explained my intention as soon as possible. "I think it's pretty good." Wang Yulu nodded. I had heard Lu Yunzhi talk about the tower in the valley before. At this moment, I am more interested in the secrets in the tower. Busy asking questions here and there. Until Lu Yunzhi coughed twice. Wang Yulu then said, "Madam, rest first. I'll come back tomorrow for advice." Yang Xiyu smiled slightly and said, "My little girl doesn't dare. Update as soon as possible. Brother Wang is the king of medicine. Without your treatment, how could I have recovered so easily?" Cured Sister Yingzi. I just happened to complete the last step. I would like to ask Brother Wang for more advice in the future. He repeatedly clasped his fists and replied. He quickly retreated. Yingzi sat next to Yang Xiyu. Holding Yang Xiyu's hand, she feels like a sister. Please come to more and faster chapters. Although the two have never met before. But Yang Xiyu risked his life to save Yingzi. Yingzi also heard about the bridge. After knowing that Yang Xiyu would "live and die together" with her. Besides, Yingzi was originally a generous person. In a short period of time, the relationship between the two has flourished. Can't say enough good things. Mr. Tang did not speak. Behind him stood Mrs. Tang. The two of them were extremely happy to see Yingzi recognize her husband. But there was a trace of sadness passing through. The day when Yingzi recovered from his illness was the time to say goodbye. Think of this. The old couple couldn't help but sigh. "Mom and dad, why are you sighing?" Yingzi asked suddenly. As soon as these words came out of their mouths, the old couple burst into tears. Eiko stood up and walked to them. Said: "Today is such a happy day. Just don't cry. Tell your daughter something. I have not forgotten what happened during this period. Update as soon as possible. I remember how good my parents were to me." Mrs. Tang's family He took Yingzi's hand and said, "Tang Yao. My parents don't expect anything else. Come back often when you have time. They are already married to someone else. You need to restrain your temper. You can't be willful." For a moment, Yingzi also felt a little agitated. Moved. Having had no parental care since she was a child, she truly regards the Tang family and his wife as her biological father and mother. Lu Yunzhi came over. He hugged Yingzi's shoulders and hugged her. Please come to more and faster chapters. Yingzi's mood finally calmed down. Just listen to Lu Yunzhi say: "Father-in-law. Mother-in-law. Yingzi is a good wife. With her in charge of the affairs of the inner hall, I can save a lot of worry. You must know that there is a fire in the backyard when there is a battle ahead. Yingzi is here, so there is no need to worry." As for you two old people, if you don't have any relatives here, why don't you come back to Beijing with me? This way, Yingzi can visit your relatives." Mr. Tang couldn't help but be even more moved. But it was hard to agree. Just wanted to say a few words. But Mrs. Tang was not polite. He grabbed Lu Yunzhi and said, "What you said is true. I thank you." Mr. Tang tugged on Mrs. Tang's corner. His face was full of embarrassment. I was about to blame Mrs. Tang for being ignorant. What greeted her was countless rolls of eyes from Mrs. Tang. Lu Yunzhi laughed and said: "Mother-in-law, you are so polite. This is what a son-in-law should do. But we still have some things to do. Let's go back to Beijing first. Leave Wang Yulu here. You can pack up and go back to Beijing together. I will give two The old man arranged everything." "Okay, okay." The Tang family smiled happily. Yingzi also nestled on Lu Yunzhi's shoulder and felt indescribable happiness. Yang Xiyu also felt extremely happy when he saw this scene. But there was a slight sadness in my heart. This jealousy is inevitable. It's just that how many women in the world don't love a man like Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi pulled Wang Yulu aside. Explained a few words. He also talked about the leopard being healed by Uncle Feng. He also explained what happened along the way. Wang Yulu was amazed again and again. He said he would wait until he returned to Beijing. Be sure to ask Yang Xiyu for advice on the pictures and texts on the walls of the tall tower in the valley. The graphics and text mentioned by Yang Xiyu. Lu Yunzhi didn't see it. From this, we can guess that the fifth floor of the tower in the valley actually has a lot of mystery. That means you can only understand anything on the first level. Only then will you get more detailed annotations on the fifth floor. For those who don't understand. It will not be displayed on the fifth floor. Put it this way. This is a deep illusion that is reflected in the human mind. The more Lu Yunzhi thought about it, the more he felt that this tower was really profound. Of course, it is also a place where human nature is tested. Even if several people enter the tower together. I saw a different scene in the fifth place. If it is kept secret, there will be no communication with each other. There is also a limit to what can be improved. It's just that Yang Xiyu doesn't care about it. Not that she didn't want to say it. He was afraid that Lu Yunzhi would be worried if he said it. Stop her from saving Yingzi. Lu Yunzhi understands this very wellof. Lu Yunzhi decided to rest for one night in the Tang family compound. Set off tomorrow. Yang Xiyu is pregnant and can no longer ride a horse. The Tang family is a wealthy family. Naturally, all carriages are ready. And it uses two horses to pull. In this case, the journey will be safer. After a banquet that night. Lu Yunzhi walked into the room and hugged Yang Xiyu and asked, "Where's Yingzi?" Yang Xiyu said, "Sister Yingzi insists on making soup for me. I can't stop her and I have to let her go. I'm going to embroider a lot of flowers." Mulan gave it to her sister." Lu Yunzhi took the embroidery from Yang Xiyu's hand. Put it aside and said: "Don't hurt your eyes. Wait until daytime to embroider. You are not allowed to embroider on the road. The road is bumpy. By the way. I have something to ask." Yang Xiyu smiled slightly and said: "I know what you want to ask. I saved Sister Yingzi for no other reason than that you told me how good she was to you when we first met. Besides, how could I not bear to look at you with a frown. Don¡¯t show it. Besides, I didn¡¯t know anything before, so I couldn¡¯t do anything. Now that I know these acupuncture points and arithmetic, you can just leave it to me.¡± Lu Yunzhi. nodded. I know that Yang Xiyu is the person who knows him best. He already guessed it before he asked her. So he changed the topic and joked: "What do you mean, she is also my wife? This means that you admit that you are mine." Yang Xiyu turned around and hit Lu Yunzhi with a pink fist. He pursed his lips and said: "You are the only one who is dead. Everyone is yours. Why do you ask whether you admit it or not? Come back to Beijing and propose marriage to my father as soon as possible. Did you hear me?" Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 42: Wonderful Business Experience ( ) Lu Yunzhi arranged his clothes. He said emphatically: "I will obey Madam's will." The two of them laughed. Hug each other and roll into a ball. Yingzi opened the door and came in. There were two bowls of soup on the tray. Yang Xiyu and Lu Yunzhi felt a little embarrassed when they saw Yingzi coming in. Eiko put the soup on the table. Then he went over and rubbed Yang Xiyu's nose. Said: "There are already pregnant women. Don't fool around with him. Go and drink the soup. I made this myself. Mr., you go and drink it too." Lu Yunzhi looked at the table and saw that there were only two bowls. Please come to more and faster chapters. It seems that he has no part in it. Instead, he smiled. Pick up a bowl. He scooped up a spoonful and blew on it and said, "Come. I'll feed you two." The three of them just laughed and made fun. Turn off the lights and go to bedthe next day. Lu Yunzhi, Yang Xiyu and Yingzi set off. There is secret protection from the Anbu. In addition, Lu Yunzhi, a great expert, escorted them. Naturally, I don't have to worry about the harassment of bandits and bandits. They are often picked up by the Anbu before they even show up. Please come to more and faster chapters. There are no books along the way. Several people came straight to the gate of Beijing. Lu Yunzhi looked at the city of Beijing. The imperial capital where he grew up has long since taken on a completely new look. Fang Qingze did a very good job in post-war reconstruction. The overall economy has also been boosted. The capital has never been so lively. But after all, he was the one who set fire to the city. In order not to be reviled by future generations. The Hanlin historian who authorized the management of Shilu was only mentioned briefly. The records of the fire did not explain the cause. Please come to more and faster chapters. Lu Yunzhi pinched her fingers to calculate. He said to Yang Xiyu and Yingzi on the carriage: "Let's go to Xizhimen." After saying this, no one answered. Lu Yunzhi got off his horse and looked through the curtain. I saw Yang Xiyu teaching Yingzi embroidery step by step. Yingzi was originally a member of the ghost-eating tribe. Later, in order to take care of Lu Yunzhi, he was proficient in frying, frying, stewing, and stewing. He is also very good at mending clothes. It's just that I'm a little at a loss for such delicate work as embroidery. But since losing his memory, he has been abused by wealthy families. These are naturally out of the question. The two are now evenly matched. Discussing various tricks with each other. Yang Xiyu thought of a dragon and a phoenix, so he taught Yingzi. "Didn't you say you're not allowed to embroider on the carriage? Hey, you two are really disobedient." Lu Yunzhi pretended to be angry and said. Yingzi put down the embroidery and asked: "What's the matter? Mr. Lu." Lu Yunzhi said: "I was asking if we should go to Xizhimen. Please come to more and faster chapters." Yang Xiyu replied: "Everything is up to you. Okay. We don't care about this." Lu Yunzhi nodded. Walk towards Xizhimen. The groom also urged the carriage to follow Lu Yunzhi. Go around the south door. Enter the city from the west. The reason why I chose this gate to enter the city. That's because Lu Yunzhi wanted to see Fang Qingze. Long time no see, I miss you so much. Count the days. If nothing unexpected happened, Fang Qingze should inspect the business from Xizhimen. Updated as soon as possible Although Lu Yunzhi is not short of money. But he likes to fight Fang Qingze's autumn wind. Fang Qingze didn't feel bad at all. Brothers often joke about this. Several people entered the level. Not ostentatious. Arriving at the bustling shopping street. Yingzi stuck his head out and sighed: "This place is much more lively than before." Lu Yunzhi nodded and said: "Of course. With the strong support of my second brother, there is no reason why it is not prosperous. Now the second brother of Hubu is One hand covers the sky. Although the treasury is rich, the second brother is also very fat." Lu Yunzhi looked up at a silverware and jewelry store in front of him. Then he showed a hint of a bad smile and said: "Let's go there. Go there and do some picking. It can be regarded as a blessing for Yingzi. Hehe." Yingzi smiled and said: "Stop making trouble. The second brother is so generous to us. Why do you care about this? "You don't understand." Lu Yunzhi waved his hand and said with a smile: "No matter how valuable the gift is, we are just grabbing it for fun." Then he got off his horse and walked towards the jewelry. OK. Yingzi shook his head helplessly. He turned around and said to Yang Xiyu: "Since he has been with you, he seems happier than before. When I got married to him, he was young but very mature. Now he is 'rejuvenated'." " Yang Xiyu said with a smile: "That's great. It's better to be happy than unhappy. In fact, I just met him. At that time, he sighed and frowned all the time. It was not because of me. He was so happy when he said this. Yingzi was also smiling. Caressing Yang Xiyu's hand, she said: "What a sweet little mouth. Waiting for Yu Ting to come back. Our family will be together." Since ancient times, wives have been jealous of each other. How could anyone like Yingzi hope to have another woman back? Yang Xiyu couldn't help but admire Yingzi even more in his heart. Although Lu Yun's bowl of water is flat, there is no distinction between superiority and inferiority. But Yingzi, the sister, deserves it. The two women were helped out of the car by Lu Yunzhi. The three of them walked towards the jewelry store. Lu Yunzhi had vaguely heard of this jewelry store. Originally it belonged to the bank next door owned by Fang Qingze. But because of the exquisite craftsmanship. UseMost of them are rare jewelry from outside the Ming Dynasty. After the name was given, it was separated from the Yinzhuang. A one-man school of his own. Although they are both Fang Qingze¡¯s property. But the shopkeeper is different. Competition is everywhere. Lu Yunzhi walked into the store first. The clerk in the store saw Lu Yunzhi coming in. He looked a little disappointed. The green cloth clothes make him look like a poor man. Clean is clean. But there isn¡¯t much oil or water. But Fang Qingze has clear rules. So the guys are also enthusiastic. He hurriedly said: "My guest is choosing jewelry for my sweetheart. Our store is divided into three levels. The first level is too expensive. For now, no matter what the shopkeeper says, don't buy it. It's too inappropriate. If the second level is used as a token of love, It¡¯s okay as a token or as a wedding gift. If it¡¯s a regular gift, it¡¯s very affordable.¡± The guy finished. Lu Yunzhi said hello silently in his heart. This guy can talk. It seemed that Lu Yunzhi was not wearing the look of a rich man. He guessed that Lu Yunzhi could not afford high-end jewelry. So let me give you a heads up. He was also afraid that Lu Yun would lose face. Everything he said seemed to be thinking about Lu Yunzhi. This way. There are many benefits. If the guest asks first, it is too expensive. If it is beyond your tolerance, you may be scared away. But if the wealthy gentleman, who was originally dressed in simple clothes, saw the low-end goods he brought out, he might turn around and leave. Say so. Both aspects were considered. This gives the guests a sense of balance. Know what kind of goods you should choose. It also saves a lot of trouble on the cabinet. Furthermore, if it weren¡¯t for Lu Yunzhi, he would be such a fine person. After hearing what the guy said. Really thought the guy was thinking about him. I will also follow my advice when buying. The wool comes from the sheep. At that time, we won¡¯t just listen to the shopkeeper¡¯s arbitrary price. Guys will also be on the sidelines. Instead, the store thinks about itself. I won¡¯t cheat myself. This way. There is no reason to do bad business. Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly. I thought to myself: What a great Fang Qingze. Good business experience. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 43: Very Envious ( ) Lu Yunzhi listened to the young man¡¯s words. He nodded appreciatively. The boy looked up and felt like a bolt from the blue. There are such good-looking men in this world. The young man didn't look at Lu Yunzhi's face when he walked in the door just now. When you look at it like this, you feel that your bearing is extraordinary. There may be a lot of oil and water that is unknown. At this moment, Yingzi and Yang Xiyu walked in holding hands. The guy was dumbfounded when he saw it. I couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva. Where did these two beautiful girls come from? One is as white as jade. One is as black as a pearl. What Yang Xi held in front of him was the beauty that captivated the city and the country. Yingzi is also like a lady. It¡¯s just the indescribable heroic spirit between his eyebrows. Like a heroine traveling around the world, she raised her eyebrows and made her eyes look chivalrous. The two of them walked into the house. Seeing the dumbfounded boy, he couldn't help laughing. While holding Lu Yunzhi on his arm one by one, he asked: "Mr. sir, this little brother is crazy. It turns out that there are such useless people in your second brother's shop. Please come to more and faster chapters." Lu Yunzhi hissed. A sound. He didn't want people to know that he was Lu Yunzhi. Yingzi and Yang Xiyu saw that Lu Yunzhi was interested in acting. It¡¯s not easy to disrupt the situation. All I could do was not speak. The little guy was fascinated by it. But he was a shrewd person who quickly paused. Then he turned to Lu Yunzhi with an expression of great admiration and said: "Congratulations to the master on your good fortune. The two ladies are as beautiful as flowers. I think only the top-quality and rare goods in the store are worthy of Mrs. Wei." Said so. But he didn't hear what they just said about second brother. Before, all I could see were Yang Xiyu and Yingzi's voices, looks, and slim bodies. How can I care about anything else. Of course, guys like him don't know the secret. However, the boy was envious of Lu Yunzhi in his heart. I look forward to marrying two such beautiful women. If he knew that Lu Yunzhi still had a wife. Probably going crazy with jealousy. "It's just that the little guy has random thoughts in his mind. But I know. A man who can marry such two beauties. Good looks alone don't seem to be enough. Those are either powerful people or rich people. It seems that this fish is surprisingly fat. Lu Yunzhi nodded after hearing the clerk's praise and said: "Thank you for the compliment, brother. Then please take out your top-quality goods and have a look." The clerk was secretly happy. He replied: "This kind of stuff. Updated as soon as possible. Neither I nor the gatekeeper can make the decision. We have to let the old shopkeeper come out. There are not many treasures in the store. Only a noble gentleman like you can use it." Get up. Just wait a moment. I'll be there soon." He said and hurried into the inner hall. Yang Xiyu smiled slightly and said: "It seems reasonable that Brother Fang is the richest in the world. A boy from a small shop is so eloquent. How can he not make a fortune." As he spoke. The gatekeeper and the boy came over accompanied by a middle-aged man in his fifties. Please come to more and faster chapters. The middle-aged man clasped his fists and said, "What do you want, sir? The gatekeeper and I were checking the accounts in the back hall just now. It's disrespectful." Lu Yunzhi said, "I want to buy some nice jewelry for my two ladies. Jewelry and the like. Just take the high-quality goods. Although I don¡¯t have a lot of money, I can still get the money.¡± The old shopkeeper squinted at the online chapters of Yang Xiyu and Yingzi. He nodded and then said: "Sir, please wait a moment. I will go to the inner hall to fetch some good goods. The rotten things here are not worthy of the beauty of your lady." Then he turned and left. Women all love compliments from others. Yingzi and Yang Xiyu are no exception. I heard the little guy finish praising me. Even the old shopkeeper praised it. Although there are elements of politeness, I feel happy in my heart. It doesn't take a while. The old shopkeeper was holding a wooden tray. Several nanmu boxes came out on the tray. Lu Yunzhi waved his hand and moved to the Taishi chair next to him. Yang Xiyu and Yingzi were not polite either. He walked straight forward and picked it up happily. When I opened the nanmu box, I found that it was full of rare jewelry. For a moment, I felt even more joyful. Yingzi looked at Yang Xiyu for comparison. Yang Xiyu's selection for Yingzi was very harmonious. This made the little guy even more envious. "Deshun. Why don't you make tea for this gentleman?" the old shopkeeper shouted to the little boy who was in a daze. The boy quickly got up and went to make tea. Lu Yunzhi sat there and saw the happy faces of his two wives. I am also very happy in my heart. At this time, several other customers also entered the store. The boy put down the tea cup for Lu Yunzhi. He and the gate hurriedly went to entertain the guests again. Business is very good. It is extremely busy. Lu Yunzhi closed her eyes while smelling the fragrance of tea. Thinking about the notes I saw in the high tower in the valley where I was before. I felt it in my heart. My ears were filled with other people's envy and surprise at the high-end jewelry in the hands of Yang Xiyu and Yingzi. A moment later, Yingzi's loud shout interrupted Lu Yunzhi's thoughts. Lu Yunzhi opened his eyes and looked over. I saw Yingzi grabbing a man's hand and glaring at him. "What? You still have to resist while stealing." Yingzi shouted. It turned out that I was picking things up just now. A man with a sinister look slipped in. Start at the door and pretend to look at the jewelry. Go to other customersRubbing on people. The hands are not honest either. He quickly touched the bodies and arms of the guests who were choosing jewelry. There was a proud look on his face from time to time. Yingzi¡¯s eyesight was extraordinary and he stepped forward to capture the man. The thief hurriedly pulled out his wrist that was firmly grasped by Yingzi. It's a pity that even with all the strength of feeding, it didn't move at all. Lu Yunzhi didn't get up. He just looked at Yingzi with a smile on his face. Although Yang Xiyu's acupuncture skills are amazing. But after all, I can¡¯t reach out. But Yingzi has been trained since childhood. That handsome appearance and kung fu are not much worse than Lu Yunzhi's. Catching a little thief is no problem. The thief pretended to be confused at first. Shouting injustice, injustice, injustice. Yingzi sneered and touched him with her hand. All the money in the wallet hidden by the thief ended up in Yingzi's hands. Yingzi turned around and asked the customers who came to the store: "Look, does this belong to you?" Those customers were dumbfounded. They all touched their bodies. Look at Yingzi's hands again. He nodded repeatedly. After taking their own things one after another. Thank you again and again. Then he stood aside and helped Yingzi scold the thief. Some men even rushed forward and punched the thief several times. The little thief has never seen Yingzi's skills before. After receiving two punches from others. He respectfully said to Yingzi: "I don't know if he is a senior in Daoli. I am short-sighted. Just let me go." Hearing this, Lu Yunzhi almost spit out the tea he just drank. It turns out that the little thief just saw Yingzi showing off his hand. He thought that Yingzi was also a traitor. I couldn't laugh or cry for a while. Sure enough, Yingzi shouted angrily after hearing this: "Bah. Who would do such a dirty deed?" Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 44: The heroine captures the thief ( ) The little thief heard that Yingzi was not a member of the same group. He was stunned for a moment and said casually: "Then who are you, bitch? You are so skilled." Yingzi was furious and slapped the little thief twice. The attack was a little heavier. The little thief immediately fell into a semi-conscious state. But her wrist was still held by Yingzi. It looks like a giant lantern being carried. The onlookers applauded. Except for the customers who are already in the store. There were also many people gathered outside the store. After a while, the little thief shook his head and woke up. The first update spit out two teeth from the mouth. He is also a bloody man. Didn't kneel down and beg for mercy. Knowing that he is no match for Yingzi. Still he pulled out a dagger from his waist and stabbed Yingzi. Yingzi snorted coldly and shook the hand that grabbed the little thief's wrist and instantly removed the ring on his arm. Then he pushed his hand flat against the thief's other hand holding the knife. Use a little more force. Just listen to a "click" sound. Accompanied by the exclamations of everyone around. The little thief's other arm was broken. Please come to more and faster chapters. Yingzi shouted angrily: "I was caught stealing something. You still want to hurt people. If it weren't for me today, I don't know how many people you would hurt. Do you still have Wang Fa in your eyes? It's light to take off your two arms. I will escort you for a while." You go see the official." Everyone around applauded. Where have they ever seen a woman with Yingzi's skills? The little thief almost fainted from the pain. Big beads of sweat flowed down his forehead. But he gritted his teeth and remained silent. Hear Yingzi talking. Instead, he spat. At this time, the gatekeeper and the boy, who were already dumbfounded, ran over quickly. She is no longer called Mrs. Yingzi. Just change your name to female hero. Just listen to them say: "Xia Xia, leave this little thief to me and we will deal with it. You and your husband are busy with things. You can handle such trivial matters." A busybody who was watching nearby shouted: "Xia Xia, don't listen to him. Yes. That's what the owner of Qianmen Restaurant said. He finally let the thief escape from the backyard. I saw this with my own eyes. We can prove it for you. big. The women and idle men watching the excitement all around praised him. At this time, two people walked out of the door of the jewelry store. One of them is an old shopkeeper. The other man was wearing a greasy short coat with a big belly. Who else is it if it's not Fang Qingze? Fang Qingze was stunned when he saw the scene in front of him. He shouted to Yingzi: "Brother and sister, you are okay." Yingzi was also stunned and replied: "Second brother, I'm okay. I caught a thief for you." This recognition. The onlookers screamed louder. There were many people watching the excitement around. At this time, more and more people gathered. They shouted to fight and kill. The thief must be brought to justice. Now I know that it was my own family who caught the thief in my store. He is not afraid of being complicit. The crowd was excited for a while. Fang Qingze stepped forward quickly. Instead of being polite to Lu Yunzhi, he whispered a few words in Lu Yunzhi's ear. Lu Yunzhi looked puzzled but still nodded and said: "Yingzi. Let him go." Yingzi snorted. But he didn't want to damage his husband's reputation in front of everyone. I can only let go of that little thief. But his eyes were full of dissatisfaction. I knew in my heart that I believed Lu Yunzhi must have some arrangements. "I just heard Fang Qingze say: "Friend in Chinese characters. Which sect are you from? Why don't you listen to your advice?" Lu Yunzhi couldn't help but frowned again. However, Yingzi pulled Yang Xiyu aside with great interest. He said softly to Lu Yunzhi: "Don't you understand?" Lu Yunzhi nodded. Yingzi said in a more delicate voice: "This is what we say on the road. Update as soon as possible. My brother and I often dealt with horse bandits when we were in the northwest. Each region has its own dialect. But they are basically the same. Unless the gangs There is also some jargon in it, which we don¡¯t understand, but I can probably understand what the second brother said. . Yingzi explained: "What the second brother said is: friends on the road. Update as soon as possible. Who are you with? Why didn't you announce your name as the master just now." Fang Qingze is a member of the Zhongzheng lineage. What an ear. Even if Yingzi said it softly, he heard it. I was just settling accounts in the back room. Someone outside could be heard talking through several walls. Only then came out to take a look. Not to mention such a close conversation. But ordinary people couldn't hear Yingzi's whisper. Fang Qingze turned back and nodded at Yingzi. Please come to more and faster chapters. He showed another evil smile. It means Yingzi¡¯s explanation is right. But I saw that the thief was not in a hurry to answer. He shook his two arms that were disabled by Yingzi and faced Fang Qingze. Fang Qingze easily put an arm on it and put it on. The other one was broken but he couldn't do anything about it. He could only smile at the little thief and hugged his fists. The little thief said neither humble nor arrogantly: "We are shoulder to shoulder. We are new on the springboard. I have failed just now. I have no intention of repaying the boss Wan'er. Today, I will give you a word. I will leave you alone and listen to your wishes." Lu Yunzhi heard this. Laughed loudly. Even though Yingzi didn't explain it, he heard it. The general idea should be: friends. I'm new to the industry. Besides, I sufferInjured. So I didn¡¯t have the nerve to reveal my boss¡¯s name. I'll kill or cut you up today, it's up to you. The reason why Lu Yun laughed was because. He fought for many years. He can also be regarded as a person who travels north and south. He has seen people who are greedy for life and afraid of death. He has also seen heroes. But the only thing I have never seen is a gangster who steals things and is so arrogant. What a tough guy. Fang Qingze was not angry either. She made a "please" gesture with her hands. Everyone was in an uproar. They all shouted that they could not let this man go. The man shook his arms and was about to leave. Yingzi's face was full of anger. He yelled: "Who told you to leave? Stop right there." The little thief paused. to be honest. In his heart, he was really afraid of this charming and sassy black beauty. At first, I wanted to have lust after a fight. His liver and gallbladder were broken long ago. It can be said that he has the courage to hold on until now and has not shown any timidity. "Yingzi, don't be presumptuous. The second brother had his own reasons for letting her go." Lu Yunzhi said suddenly. Yang Xiyu echoed: "Sister, you must listen to your husband. Don't be angry." As he said that, he walked forward quickly. He touched the little thief's shoulder. Said: "Brother, please leave quickly." The little thief looked back. But he saw this even more beautiful woman letting him go. Could it be that I am going to have a lucky day today? Or this little girl can't stand the loneliness and wants to seduce herself. And guard her husband. Since ancient times, I have been very bold. The little thief smiled. He bared his teeth at Yang Xiyu without a smile. Turn around and leave quickly. The people who were watching stopped. I shouted loudly that I would never come to this store again. Fang Qingze could only shake his head helplessly. But in his heart, he was quite puzzled by Yang Xiyu's behavior just now. But when he turned around to look, he saw Lu Yunzhi also shaking his head. Yingzi and Yang Xiyu looked proud. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 45: The bully is coming ( ) Suddenly two loud shouts rang out from the crowd: "Damn it. Why are you arguing? Let's disperse." The people seemed to see a tiger descending from the mountain. They all retreated. Don't dare to shout anymore. But he refused to leave just like that. Then he walked to the other side of the street and continued to look around. Five or six people stepped in outside the door. Except for the leader. It's so overbearing to open up your chest. The little thief who just walked out was followed by him. But he never thought that the little thief hadn't entered the store yet. He leaned back. He fell straight to the ground. Lying outside the store. Fang Qingze¡¯s eyes were full of doubts. But he also knew that it should be the effect of Yang Xiyu's gentle touch. The three scholars should look at each other with admiration. But Yang Xiyu's ability has improved too fast. Five or six people walked in outside the door. Like a neighborhood bully. The leader was a bald man who was neither tall nor short but thickly built. The man touched his head. He muttered: "Damn it. Why didn't you die in the store?" He didn't care about the little thief lying outside the door. Walked straight to the old shopkeeper. When passing by Fang Qingze, he took a look. Fang Qingze is tall and fat. What he is wearing is a small coat. Besides, the gown was still greasy. Just like a busboy in a store. It's just Fang Qingze's two thick arms. At first glance, you can tell that he is a coolie or a practitioner. Coupled with the sharpness between his brows. And the ancient jade on his neck. For a moment, Baldhead really couldn't figure out where Fang Qingze was coming from. The bald man stepped forward. Asked: "Hewu. My little brother is online and starting to climb. But you have to give me a way to be called whip soil." This sentence means. friend. My men are committing crimes here. But you caught him and beat him to death. You need to give me an explanation. After hearing this, the old shopkeeper looked at Fang Qingze. Fang Qingze smiled slightly and stepped forward. He cupped his hands and said, "This is the head of the house. What's outside the door is broken. It's not a matter behind the closed door. This is the way to go. Since we're walking around, we're all shoulder to shoulder. Sit down and talk slowly." The bald head touched himself again. head of. I wonder who this fat man is. But it makes sense. His own man died outside the store. Not in the store. This is no wonder. Besides, they said it very politely. Those who can speak slander are brothers. Raise your hand and don't hit the smiling person. How could I be embarrassed to have an attack right away? Although I think so. The first update. The bald man changed his words to vernacular and asked with his hands clasped in his hands: "May I ask your surname Gao? My brother has an old mother and a wife and children. Now his body is lying on the street. I hope I can get some silver." Fang Qingze Also a fist. Then he turned back to the shopkeeper and said: "I give fifty taels of silver to this brother." Then he smiled and said to the man: "I am Fang Qingze. I dare not call you by my last name. I am just an idler." One of the onlookers listen. Please come to more and faster chapters. How can you kill a thief and still pay for it? Isn't this nonsense? But they are all afraid of those who have just walked into the store. He only dared to whisper that no one was as indignant as before. They shouted to be beaten and killed. A burly man behind the bald man listened to Fang Qingze's words at this moment. He scolded angrily: "You are an idler. Then why are you joining in the fun? Damn" He didn't finish his words. But he was stopped by the bald man. The bald man shouted softly to behind him: "Lift the people outside the door. Update as soon as possible." A big man behind him nodded. Go out the door and pick up the little thief. Only to find that the little thief was not dead. It's just that his eyes are crooked and his mouth is slanted and he can't move. The bald man hugged his fists and said respectfully to the other party Qingze: "It turns out to be shopkeeper Fang. I'm too blind to recognize Taishan. I'm going to take my leave now. I will definitely give you a generous gift to show my filial piety." After saying this, the bald man was about to take the people away. Lu Yunzhi, who had been silent all this time, walked to Fang Qingze. He asked: "Second brother, who are these bully dogs?" The bald man became furious after hearing this. Open your mouth to curse. Before the words were spoken, the bald man suddenly gave Lu Yunzhi a bow of admiration. He said tremblingly: "I don't know that Mr. Lu is here. Li Sixi of Shuntian Prefecture apologized to Mr. Lu." Fang Qingze smiled bitterly and shook his head and said: "Head Li, go ahead. Please come to us for more and faster chapters. Our brothers talk Reminiscing about old times. Nothing else." The bald man ran away in despair. Look outside the house again. Everyone looked at each other but dared not speak. Li Sixi's name is not something ordinary people dare to provoke. But who are the fat man and the handsome man inside? Why did the famous Li Sixi see these two people? His whole body was like chaff. He ran away with his tail between his legs. "Deshun. Shangban is closed." Fang Qingze said. The little guy named Deshun was obviously very excited. He didn't expect that this fat man, the old shopkeeper and the gatekeeper, were all following him. He actually remembered his own name. So he happily ran to close the door and get on the board. Lu Yunzhi and others were invited into the inner hall. After sitting down. The old shopkeeper brewed a pot of good tea himself. Lu Yunzhi then asked: "Who was that person just now? Why do you know our names and are so afraid of us?" "Didn't you hear that just now? That person's name is Li Sixi. It's us"A big gangster in the capital. His men are not just roaming the countryside. He also absorbed some thieves and so on. Even the so-called beggars don't dare to do anything to them. "Fang Qingze said. Yang Xiyu laughed: "Beggars. Then my Lu Yunzhi is also a member of the Beggar Clan. I heard that I thought I was also having dinner in Nanjing. Fang Qingze smiled and said, "When did you two become friends?" Third brother. I really admire you. Those hugging each other enjoy the beauty of the whole family. " Lu Yunzhi had heard a little bit about the Beggar Clan. At this time, he said to Yang Xiyu: "Back then, you only knew that I wanted to have a meal. Little did he know that I was beaten by a beggar. "Seeing the concern on Yingzi's face, he quickly took Yingzi's hand and said, "It's okay. I¡¯ll talk to you later about this matter. "Then he continued: "The reason why they beat me. The most fundamental reason is that I am not a member of the Beggar Clan. The so-called beggar gang has no unified organization. It's just a beggar gang formed in an area or a city. The purpose of forming it is not to be bullied by others. But there have been a lot of wars in recent years. Even if the second brother vigorously supports the economy. But still, some displaced refugees became beggars. The beggar gang is becoming more and more powerful. The information is also quite well informed. Normally it won't happen. But once a conflict breaks out, hundreds of beggars will pour out from all directions. It can be considered a considerable force. It¡¯s just that I¡¯ve never heard of this Li Sixi. " Fang Qingze gave a thumbs up and praised: "The third brother has been in the high hall for a long time. You can also know the trivial matters of the people. amazing. There are four brothers in Li Sixi's family. They are Li Dahai. Li Erjiang. Li Sanhe. And Li Wuliu. " "Ha ha. What a good five brothers. All are named after water. And it's not still water. It seems that they are all unwilling to be lonely. Lu Yunzhi said with a smile. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 46: Who is back? ( ) Fang Qingze heard what Lu Yunzhi said. He also laughed loudly: "That's natural. Each of the five brothers of the Li family is a bandit. Some block the road and rob. Some dominate the waterways, steal goods and kill people. Others, like the fourth brother, gather people in the city to steal. In short, it is troublesome. Very. But the rules are strict. The person I met today is probably just a newcomer." "Why not bring him to justice? Fang Qingze shook his head and said: "If you want to deal with them, it would be too easy. Do you still need the government to come forward? Even if I just killed them in the street, what could I do? It is not just to eliminate harm for the people. No one has touched our power. It's okay for us. But the devil is very difficult to deal with. If you have a fight with them, it will be troublesome for them to go to your store every few days to make trouble. Ah. Even if we have great power, we can't send soldiers to guard our stores every day. Who dares to come and buy things if they are fine? The last one. I feel sad too." Yingzi still wanted to ask. Just listen to Fang Qingze say again: "The five brothers occupy the entire side door of Shuntian Mansion. It seems not worth mentioning. But there are 369 shops in my Shuntian Mansion. Why not include the ones that others have shares in. And come and go There are seventy or eighty caravans a day. It's really hard to guard against." Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and asked: "Then why do they know you are so powerful? "My brothers and I are very well-informed. It's okay for them to bully the shopkeepers." The gangsters are firstly aware of the current situation. Secondly, they are brave enough to risk their lives. . I can say more. After all, He Qi Sheng Cai was a businessman. But he didn't leave much reputation on the battlefield. But who among the people doesn't know that Master Lu led an army to fight against Yu Shaobao? They also know that you have a group of "celestial soldiers" who can control the wind and rain, and burn the capital with fire. I know you are Lu Yunzhi. How dare you provoke them? It's true that they are little devils. But there is another saying: Little devils are afraid of evil people." Fang Qingze teased Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi pushed Fang Qingze. He smiled and scolded: "Fuck you. I have become a villain. So what if you encounter them in stores on weekdays? Is it possible that you have to watch them steal and dare not say anything about it? The customer lost something in your store. Look for it. What should you do to settle the score? Money is a small thing, but reputation is a big deal. Who will dare to buy things at that time? "Fang Qingze said: "Everyone who sees it will just turn around and leave. The businessmen didn't ruin their business. But it would be hard to tell if they couldn't see it. The store was too busy for a while and that's why we, Yingzi, were there. A chance to show off. Hahahaha." "Just remember to use black words. Otherwise, it will ruin their business," Yingzi said. Fang Qingze nodded. He replied: "Of course it's slang. But it's not the kind of call I just used. Those little thieves who rob the road are called bandits. Stealing things is called Shun. It's also called Rong. So it's called Shunxing Rongxing. If they come When we find out, we will cough and say, "Please come back." This is a common saying. If you are hungry, please come inside. If you have nothing to do, please go out. These little thieves are very loyal and will leave after hearing these words. Otherwise, they will not leave the store for dozens of days. It¡¯s also the shopkeeper¡¯s job. It¡¯s not just about looking after the customers, but it¡¯s also about guarding against these little thieves.¡± ." Fang Qingze shook his head: "It's useless. The first time you cut it, it will become more and more prosperous. Things are inevitable. Although they are hateful, if they die, it will be more troublesome. Arrangement." Lu Yunzhi said. Put a small whistle in your mouth. Several bird calls sounded in Lu Yunzhi's mouth. Chirping is also very pleasant to hear. Two black figures came out of nowhere. Fang Qingze was surprised and quickly put on airs. Wait until you see clearly what the two people look like.Relax. Fang Qingze recognized these two people as masters of the ghost-eating clan. Lu Yunzhi said softly: "Excuse me, two brothers. Bring a few people to investigate those people just now. See if they have any subordinates or anything like that. Find out where their backbone is. Capture them all. I'll look for them. If something happens, you can kill one or two to scare them. Just keep Li Sixi." The two men clasped their fists. The figure flashed and disappeared. Fang Qingze and others looked at Lu Yunzhi. I saw Lu Yunzhi still smiling. He didn't look as ferocious as if he had just given a death order. Just like a scholar. The more so, the more chilling it becomes. Fang Qingze coughed lightly and said, "Those two people just now are from the ghost-eating tribe. I haven't seen them for a few months, but their skills are getting better and better. They can even keep up with leopards." Lu Yunzhi nodded without hiding it: "Yes. . It's all the result of hard work. I formed a group of them into a hidden unit, which is dedicated to security and assassination work." Fang Qingze was shocked. But he also knew about Lu Yunzhi's little moves to prevent Yu Qian. These means must be done. So he said: "I understand. Just don't let eldest brother know. Otherwise, we should be punished again. By the way, where are Baozi and Bai Yong." Yang Xiyu said at this time: "They all stayed in Fengbo Village. . Everyone has something to do. It seems that he will not be able to come back for a while." Yingzi also heard these things from Lu Yunzhi and Yang Xiyu on the way. Hearing Yang Xiyu's explanation at this time, he also nodded. These things are very complicated. I can't explain clearly in a sentence or two. We have to wait until we find free time in the future to discuss it in detail. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 47: Reunion of Old Friends ( ) Lu Yunzhi said softly: "That sister of mine is marrying Bai Yong. The young couple are so happy. It makes me feel warm in my heart." Fang Qingze said with great joy: "That is a happy event. This guy Bai Yong is so busy talking about those little thieves that I forgot to tell you. "Is it possible that the elder brother and sister-in-law are back?" Calculating in mind. But he was at a loss. It seems that I am making progress at the same time. Others have not stopped practicing. The destiny energy is three times that of Lu Yun. But Fang Qingze smiled mysteriously and said, "Of course it's not just the two of them. You'll know in a moment. Follow me home quickly. He should still be talking to his eldest brother and sister-in-law." He stood up. Lu Yunzhi was a little confused. Who is it? No one is outside except Wu Hao. Besides, Wu Hao can still figure it out himself. Although the fate is very vague. That's also because of his own influence. Please come to more and faster chapters. Not Wu Hao. Then who could it be? Yang Xiyu saw through Lu Yunzhi's thoughts. He took Lu Yunzhi's hand and said, "Let's go. Stop guessing. You'll know when we meet." Fang Qingze smiled bitterly and said, "That's not necessarily true." Lu Yunzhi ignored Lu Yunzhi's doubts. He put on his coat and took the lead and walked out. Lu Yunzhi, Yang Xiyu and Yingzi followed. My heart is full of curiosity. Entered the courtyard of the Zhongzheng lineage. Passed through two corridors. Went to Yangshanzhai. Here is Fang Qingze's previous appearance. Made for Mr. Shi. Shi Fang naturally accepted it with satisfaction. He didn't care much about the furnishings in the house. I just have a soft spot for the name of Yangshanzhai. Under the stone seat. There were many people sitting around. Lu Yunzhi and Fang Qingze walked quickly into the house. He cupped his fists and saluted Shi Fang. He shouted: "Master." Shi Fang nodded. He replied: "You are back. Where are your Uncle Lu and Baozi and the others." Lu Yunzhi briefly spoke. But he avoided the affairs of the people in Fenggu. Because there was obviously another person sitting in the room. Lu Yunzhi looked familiar. But I can't remember who it is. It wasn't that appearance that looked familiar. But that person's Qi was very familiar. Qu Xiangtian saw that Lu Yunzhi had finished speaking. While smiling, he stood up and said, "You brat. Congratulations on Yingzi's recovery. You have also found Miss Yang who is as beautiful as a flower. I am so envious of you as a brother." Murong Yunfei pretended to be angry. He twisted Qu Xiangtian's arm. He said: "Why do you want to find another woman?" Everyone laughed. Qu Xiangtian changed his past heroic image. He scratched his head and said: "Hey. 'Heroes are saddened by their wives'. It's just that I envy my third brother for having so many gentle and virtuous wives. It's not anything else." "That's because I think I'm not virtuous enough." Murong Yun Fei teased again. Everyone burst into laughter again. Lu Yunzhi hugged the little boy in the maid's arms. Said: "Xiao Qu Sheng. Call me uncle. Call me uncle." Qu Xiangtian laughed. This child is extremely beautiful. Like Murong Yunfei's beauty and fair complexion. But the body followed the curve and turned towards the sky. Judging from his appearance and weight, he must be a majestic man when he grows up. There is a cloud among the people. The one who can walk first cannot talk. The one who can talk first cannot walk. It's nothing more than civil and military skills. The child has just turned one and can run and jump. He won't fall down and doesn't need help. Qu Xiangtian cheered loudly. He is said to be a talented military commander. Murong Yunfei sneered at this. Please come to more and faster chapters. Said: "Don't be like you again. He is a martial arts idiot obsessed with the art of war and martial arts." Now Qu Sheng's situation makes Murong Yunfei even more worried. Qu Sheng, who is already two years old, still cannot speak. But there is no disease. He doesn't look stupid either. It's just that I can only babble and can't say a complete word. Qu Xiangtian disagreed with this. It is said that a man's actions cannot be compared with his words. Every time she heard this, Murong Yunfei always had to "train" Qu Xiangtian. Please come to more and faster chapters. Lu Yunzhi hugged Qu Sheng. Eyes full of joy. But I heard Qu Sheng clearly call out the word "uncle". The whole hall was overjoyed. Murong Yunfei was even more delighted. Qu Xiangtian looked excited but pretended to be weird and said: "This third brother is not only good with women. He even likes children. Hey, I will also have to give birth to a pretty boy in my next life." Murong Yunfei took over Qu Xiangtian's face. The victory is on the ground. In the blink of an eye, the child ran out. Please come to more and faster chapters. The maids and servants could only chase her all over the yard. It was quite lively. Yang Xiyu and Yingzi came over. She gave Murong Yunfei and Qu Xiangtian a blessing ceremony and said: "Greetings to eldest brother. Greetings to Madam-in-law." Murong Yunfei held Yingzi in one hand and Yang Xiyu in the other and said, "Yingzi. It's been a long time since we sisters have seen each other. I really miss you." Damn you. I¡¯m so excited to see you recover today. Then he said: "Hey, let's not say such unhappy things. You are Miss Yang, right? You really look like a hibiscus." The woman started chatting at the side. Lu Yunzhi looked at Murong Yunfei. HeartbrokenI feel much better. That former sister-in-law is back again. No longer so gloomy and scheming. Just thinking about it. The unknown person in the hall stood up. He said in a sharp voice: "Lu Yunzhi. Long time no see." Lu Yunzhi looked over. He was clearly a middle-aged eunuch. Could it be that Fang Qingze was talking about more than just him. Is this the eunuch in front of me? But Lu Yunzhi racked his brains and still had no impression of this person. This person called himself Lu Yunzhi. Not Master Lu. It seems that they are either unruly or abnormally intimate. Lu Yunzhi stopped thinking and clasped his fists and said, "May I ask your Excellency your name?" The man smiled slightly. An old face was full of pride: "I am Cao Jixiang. You are just an ordinary person. You didn't even see who I am. It's so disappointing to me. I heard before that you are now a master of the Zhongzheng lineage. . It¡¯s not that mysterious. Hahahaha. Lu Shudan said this. Lu Yunzhi immediately thought of it. Isn't this energy the energy of old friends from the same vein? So he shouted with a surprised expression: "Gao Huai." Cao Jixiang laughed. He touched his face and said, "You can also call me that. It's just that most people now call me Eunuch Cao." Lu Yunzhi felt a mixture of emotions in her heart. He stepped forward and held Cao Jixiang's arm and said: "Why are you back? And why do you have this appearance? Your face. And your voice. Could it be that you really became the father-in-law and used the art of disguise." "What's the matter? No. I have no choice but to kill you. I have been in the capital for a few years. Do you want me to see Zhongzheng's pulse? . But in the eyes, there is clearly the joy of seeing each other again after a long separation and a touch of tears. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 48: Gao Huai disguises himself ( ) Lu Yunzhi saw Gao Huai who had transformed into Cao Jixiang. Also very excited. I always thought that Gao Huai was captured and died. I didn't expect to have the chance to see you again today. Although the two were in the same lineage as Zhongzheng. The relationship is not very good. But after all, we grew up together. This kind of sympathy cannot be explained clearly in a sentence or two. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? But Lu Yunzhi is a little confused. I've done the math myself before. If it were said that Murong Yunfei and Qu Xiangtian's fate was three times better than his own. Update as soon as possible That is a certain thing. But even Gao Huai is within three times. That means Gao Huai's practice has not stopped in the past few years. Lu Yunzhi, who has experienced the people in Fenggu, understands the truth that there are people outside the mountains and people outside the mountains. Don't dare to underestimate Gao Huai. Asked: "Where have you been in the past few years? Why didn't you get to know us earlier." Cao Jixiang asked: "Where has Cao Jixiang been in these years." Lu Yunzhi said in a daze: "Cao Jixiang suppressed the southwest The rebellion in the northwest was mainly due to the external war. There was no fighting in the battle of Luchuan and the battle against Deng Maoqi. You mean these are all your doings." Cao Jixiang shook his head and said, "Lu Yunzhi has indeed made great progress. Yes. Some of it was done by me. But I am not working for the imperial court, but I am already Yu Qian¡¯s fang." Everyone heard this. They were all shocked. Apparently they don't know either. Until Lu Yunzhi came. Cao Jixiang just explained it. Qu Xiangtian's face sank and he said: "Why do you do this? There is a gap between Yu Qian and us. We are enemies fighting openly and secretly." Cao Jixiang shook his head helplessly and said: "After I was caught by Yu Qian. First Time update: I was castrated by him. And he performed a strange trick on me. If I disobeyed him, I would suffer severe pain and die. In fact, in the previous battle between you and Yu Qian, Yu Qian was indeed a loyal minister. He was worried that the border would be destroyed and the people would be harmed even in the final duel. Call on the main soldiers of the frontier. More and faster chapters are coming. Of course, I think these are all within your plan, but you are taking advantage of his loyalty and courage in the war. It's hard to say whether what you did is right or not. "I'm not trying to defend Yu Qian. I understand the truth behind it." He is more knowledgeable than Zhu. His heart is greater than that of Qu Xiangtian. He is defeated by his loyalty. Please come to more chapters." Although Cao Jixiang's voice is as sharp as a eunuch's. But this is the end of the conversation. But it deeply shocked everyone present. Everyone was silent. Lu Yunzhi said: "It makes sense. Yu Qian is indeed a loyal minister. It's just that he will force us to die for his dream of being a loyal minister. I don't accept it. Of course I have to resist. In fact, speaking of it, what we did is not despicable. It's just for the sake of it. Just to save his life. And Yu Qian's failure was not just because he failed to mobilize his troops in time. The fundamental reason was that he was too hasty to kill our Zhongzheng lineage. Lu Yunzhi, you are so persuasive that you and Yu Qian are destined to be heroes of the world." Cao Jixiang applauded. His voice paused for a moment and he said: "One of the reasons why I fought abroad was to protect my family and the country. The other reason was that I was possessed by a strange skill. I must obey Yu Qian's orders. Another thing is that Yu Qian was worried that I would fight to my death. Join forces with you." So don't let me fight with you. Speaking of which, neither Gao Huai nor I dare to risk my life. Said: "Then you don't hate Yu Qian at all. After all, it was him who made you lose your manhood. What's more, you were controlled by him. You can only exist like a puppet." "Hate. How can you not hate it. But following him, it becomes more and more serious. After a long time, I love and hate him. Of course, I love his patriotism and think of what he has done for the Ming Dynasty. Heaven and earth are moving. More and faster chapters are coming. How could I not be moved by this?" Cao Jixiang said very confused. I have always been very uncertain inside. Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and said: "Yu Qian comes from a wealthy family. He has talked with me several times. I naturally know his loyalty and righteousness. But loyalty to the country and justice for the people don't look at the purpose. Just look at the results. Since you are now He is already Yu Qian¡¯s wing. Naturally, he knows a lot of secrets. I have three questions to ask: ¡°We are each our own masters now. As long as there is no mutual benefit involved. But it doesn¡¯t matter. "Cao Jixiang said. In other words,She was beautiful, but I think it was because she was ordered not to reveal her secrets. I can't help but dare not disobey. Lu Yunzhi asked: "First. I could have led troops into the pass and combined the forces of many countries to conquer the world. Why didn't I do that? And even when we were besieging the capital. When the two sides were fighting in full swing. Tamerlane He sent me a message and asked me if I wanted to send troops to help. I flatly refused. "Why?" Cao Jixiang shook his head. Said: "I don't know. Please let me know." Lu Yunzhi replied: "My original intention may not be as great as Yu Qian's. But I still keep my master's teachings in mind since I was a child. Save the people from dire straits. Protect the world. Peace. When I was a child, my family was destroyed by foreign Tatars. You are right. This is true because of Yu Qian's love. It's within my plan. But without my letters to various countries, I don't think it would be so easy for Yu Qian to become a loyal minister." Everyone was puzzled. Only Qu Xiangtian seemed to know about this. He opened his mouth and said, "Only my third brother and I know about this matter. Even my second brother and Yun Fei don't know about it. Many people from foreign tribes sent envoys or wrote letters to us, saying that we would fight against the Ming Dynasty together. But the third brother rejected them one by one." He also said that if they dare to use Qiu Hao's troops, he will join forces to destroy them. We have been fighting for so long. You really think it's because of the emperor's grace. Is it because of your loyalty and patriotism?" Cao Jixiang stood up. He clasped his fists at Lu Yunzhi and said, "Please accept me, Mr. Cao, to bow to you on behalf of all the people in the world." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 49: Three Questions about Rhyme ( ) Lu Yunzhi burst out laughing after hearing this. He turned and said with a serious face: "Whether it's Gao Huai or Cao Jixiang, who do you think you are? You can thank me on behalf of the whole world. I don't do this for the world. I just do it for the private hatred in my heart. The second thing is What a great principle of benevolence, justice and morality." Cao Jixiang was speechless for a moment. Lu Yun's words are crude but not crude. yes. who you are. How can anyone be so virtuous as to thank Lu Yunzhi for everyone in the world? On the contrary, Lu Yunzhi was open and honest. It shows that he is looking out for the world out of personal gain. Update this mind as soon as possible. This calmness. There are only a handful of people in the world who can compare with it. Lu Yunzhi asked again: "Dare you ask us where we are marching? Do you treat the people well?" Cao Jixiang replied: "I know this matter in detail. General Qu has a good command of the army. He will never touch the autumn wherever the army marches. . The people still live in peace and contentment. Even though the army recruited by Zhu Jianwen is quite different, the people still say that you are benevolent and righteous. "Master. I admire you for that." "Okay, let me ask you again. After the war with Yu Qian, the people in the world are better off than before." . Cao Jixiang didn¡¯t answer again. I understand in my heart. I lost verbally. It turns out that Lu Yunzhi is also a loyal minister. Although the original intention is different from Yu Qian. But what he is also doing is the great cause of benefiting the people. Please come to more and faster chapters. Since Lu Yunzhi and Yu Qian reconciled and took charge of the government together. Under the leadership of Fang Qingze. The world economy has taken on a new look. Although Lu Yunzhi and Yu Qian are not in harmony with each other. But since there is no more war. Except for making moves with each other in private. More energy is focused on people's livelihood. To be fair. Lu Yunzhi is more suitable for governing the country than Yu Qian. Because Lu Yunzhi is not alone. He has many capable people behind him. Everyone takes what they need and uses their strengths. The Ming Dynasty flourished. It has become a trend of resurgence. All nations came to court one after another. An atmosphere of peace. Lu Yunzhi saw Cao Jixiang and stopped answering. He knew in his heart that he already understood what he meant. So he asked: "This time Yu Qian sent you to reveal your identity. What is the purpose?" Cao Jixiang smiled slightly and replied: "Since you are so calm, Lu Shudai, I won't hide it either. Yu Qian asked me to come here. In order to get closer to you, I will negotiate with you openly, which means that I will update the news from both sides as soon as possible." Murong Yunfei listened attentively. While joking with Yang Xiyu and Yingzi. At this moment, he smiled and said loudly: "Yu Qian is so tall. I sent you here. We will not kill you. We can also convey the news correctly. And we got the news from our mouths openly. You said that we took advantage of Yu Qian's loyalty. Patriotism. How could he be taking advantage of our brotherhood?" Several people had a conversation. There was no further discussion. If he said too much, Gao Huai couldn't hide it from Yu Qian. It will be Gao Huai who is in trouble then. Therefore, Lu Yunzhi only took Gao Huai's pulse. A few more small talk. Gao Huai resigned. Shi Fang said at this time: "Yunzhi. Is there any cure for Gao Huai?" Lu Yunzhi sighed and shook his head and said: "What he was treated with is similar to the technique of exorcising ghosts. He is no different from ordinary people on weekdays. But. Once Yu Qian forces him, he will have no control over what he wants to do. It's just that I haven't figured out what to do now. " "You see, you are forcing Yu Qian. "It seems that there are a lot of guards around you. I think this is a helpless strategy for Yu Qian to come to visit." It's okay for Gao Huai. Yu Qian just said that he is Cao Jixiang and can't help himself. Yu Qian is very good at stabbing him in the back. " Everyone nodded. Lu Yunzhi briefly told what happened in Fengbo Village. This time I focused on everything related to the people of the Wind Valley. But it did not explain that the people from the Wind Valley were dead. The fact that Fu Zhu became a Fenggu person. After hearing this, Shi Fang repeatedly said that he wanted to see his senior brother Feng Guren. As a result, Lu Yunzhi falsely conveyed the "imperial edict" that the people in Fenggu were unwilling to meet Shi Fang. This cannot be blamed on Lu Yunzhi. Shi Fang's health has not been good since his last injury. It's a long journey, just in case something unexpected happens. Wouldn't that make people regret it. After hearing this, Shi Fang lamented: "Since the senior brother wants to be a hermit, then let him go. I will not disturb his Qing Cultivation." Lu Yunzhi and others were relieved at this. Qu Xiangtian winked at Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yun understood it in her heart. Everyone asked Shi Fang for instructions and then left one after another. When several people were sitting in the side courtyard. Zhu ran over in a hurry after hearing this. He has a lot on his plate today. First update: Some of the feudal kings have had to wait until now to finish the meeting. I heard from several people that Gao Huai disguised himself as Cao Jixiang. Zhu Jianwen was also quite shocked. Lu Yunzhi asked: "Brother, why did you come to Beijing this time?" Qu Xiangtian did not answer. Instead, he took off his upper bodyClothes. Yang Xiyu and Yingzi are not cautious people. So there is no avoidance. I saw that Qu Xiangtian's body was covered with runes. Zhu was shocked when he saw it. Stepped forward and took a look. Then he said: "This is the seal to calm the inner demons." "It's good to be knowledgeable. It seems that you are not just obsessed with officialdom." Qu Xiangtian said nonchalantly. It was as if these runes were painted on someone else's body. Lu Yunzhi frowned. After thinking for a long time, she asked Murong Yunfei: "How did my sister-in-law control my eldest brother when he was possessed by the devil?" Murong Yunfei replied: "Xiangtian was not deeply possessed by the devil. He still recognized me. He walked into the formation with restraint. I applied more external seals to calm the inner demon." Lu Yunzhi breathed a sigh of relief and replied, "That's okay. Brother, don't worry. I'll work with him to treat you. The disease was cured by the medicine. I went to the Valley Tower a few days ago and gained a lot of experience. I still remember my sister-in-law, so there is no need to worry. That¡¯s fine. I¡¯m not in a hurry. I don¡¯t know anything after I become a demon. Just don¡¯t hurt you,¡± Qu Xiangtian said with a smile. Turning to Murong Yunfei, she said: "I'll just say that Third Brother has a solution. It seems that our trip was not in vain." Murong Yunfei asked: "Yunzhi, who is the master you are talking about. "Lu Yunzhi couldn't answer for a while. If Qu Xiangtian knew that he would accept Wang Yulu as his subordinate. I don¡¯t know how to reprimand myself again. So he muttered a few vague words and declared that this was a secret. Murong Yunfei's heart tightened. But there was still a smile on his face. Didn't show anything. ? ? ? ? ? We haven¡¯t seen each other for a long time. Naturally, they drink and talk happily. Drink to the fullest. It is inevitable that everyone will be so heroic. It's such a joy to guide the country. Suddenly there was a bird chirping outside the door. Lu Yunzhi frowned. I found a reason to be happy in my heart. Walked out quickly. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 50: The Scheme of the Veteran Lu Yunzhi walked out of the door, and a strong man emerged from the shadows. Without speaking to Lu Yunzhi, the two of them disappeared into the alley in tandem. From the alley on the other side, three people wearing night clothes emerged at this moment. It was not completely dark yet. These three people were inexperienced and had put on night clothes early, which made them more conspicuous. They wanted to follow Lu Yun went before him, but someone put a knife to his neck without moving. The throats of the three people twitched slightly, and cold sweat suddenly flowed down. They heard a voice with gritted teeth saying: "If you want to follow the sky, you can go to the underworld and practice for a few more years." After saying this, those people were Beheading, there are a large number of people under the moonlight, but one person is holding a short knife in each hand and holding one in his mouth. The words he just said were clearly squeezed out from between his teeth. The man quickly collected the three knives, turned around, put the three people into sacks, and threw them onto the trailer behind him. Then he covered his head with a straw hat, pulled the car away, and kept silent like a farmer at work. generally. Two more men jumped out from nowhere and quickly swept away the blood stains on the ground. After a while, nothing could be seen. In the yamen of the Ministry of War in the capital, Yu Qian was coughing while grading official documents. Every time he coughed, one or two blood stars would splash out. After all, he couldn't hold on and sat cross-legged in meditation. Then he took out a small bottle from his arms and exorcised two ghosts for himself. Heal. Zhen Lingdan, the master of the living soul pulse, opened the door and came in. He looked at Yu Qian's physical condition and shook his head, sighing: "Master Yu is working hard for the country. You must not just use ghosts to heal your wounds. This damage to the foundation is not good for the body." It is said that the master of the soul pulse also summoned ghosts to surround Yu Qian and help Yu Qian heal his injuries. Yu Qian could not defeat Lu Yunzhi, so he had to rely on the power of the soul-suppressing tower. He never thought that the backlash from the soul-suppressing tower would be extremely powerful. From the first time he used it, his body was overwhelmed, to the second time he vomited blood. Every time he used it, Yu Qian's health deteriorated and became worse and worse. Now he coughs all the time, and every time he coughs, he coughs up blood. It's scary. . Yu Qian's brows relaxed, and he seemed to feel much more relaxed. He said, "This is all a last resort. How about practicing the formations and supervising the manufacture of firearms?" Zhen Lingdan replied. Said: "It's going well. The newly recruited sergeants have mastered the formations in the military manual. We can't rush the firearms matter. No matter the skill of the craftsmen or the production technology, they can't compete with Fang Qingze's new artillery. This You have to study things carefully before you can learn them. " Yu Qian nodded and said: "Anyway, just do it as soon as possible. It's not that I'm in a hurry, it's just that time doesn't wait for me. Besides, my health is getting worse, so I have to prepare before I collapse. Everything, otherwise we will definitely be defeated when the war starts. I will take care of these things. Brother Zhen is here to help." Zhen Lingdan replied with a righteous expression: "I will do my best to serve the country, and I will do my duty to you. Bo Yuntian, we will follow you to the death." Yu Qian called out and asked, "What happened to the spies sent out to keep an eye on Lu Yunzhi?" Zhen Lingdan said, "Cao Jixiang and others were with Lu Yunzhi this morning." Although the Zhongzheng people knew Cao Jixiang's purpose, they couldn't capture him because of his true identity. It's like a sharp knife punching into their abdomens. It's really high that they still endure it silently even though they know it's a trick. " "Well, with the addition of Cao Jixiang, at least they can quickly grasp the information about Lu Yunzhi's surface actions. As for the deeper secret, I don¡¯t think even Cao Jixiang can find out. Rather than letting them discover Cao Jixiang¡¯s true identity and purpose, it would be better to let Cao himself tell it and win the reputation of benevolence and righteousness. Although they are all talented people, they cannot escape the word benevolence and righteousness in the world. This kind of love is far different from our patriotism. After Gao Huai explained it himself, Lu Yunzhi found it difficult to do anything. It¡¯s good to have news about Qu Xiangtian¡¯s return and the gathering of several people. We have to make judgments based on these precious clues, but we must be careful not to be exploited by Lu Yunzhi and others,¡± Yu Qian said. . Zhen Lingdan nodded and replied: "Yes, there must be nothing good for them to get together. I don't know what they are going to do." Yu Qian suddenly asked: "Where is the other group of spies?" "You said Jinyiwei and Dongchang? Help people, I don¡¯t quite understand, now that Cao Jixiang has intervened, why should they be used again? I think it¡¯s the same as before, it should be solved now,¡± Zhen Lingdan replied. Yu Qian smiled slightly, his eyes as cunning as an old fox, and said to Zhen Lingdan: "Brother Zhen is one of our own, and I won't hide it from you. The role of this group of people has two points. The first point is that if they succeed, they will get some Regarding Lu Yunzhi's secret, if he doesn't succeed, he should disturb them. The second point is to make Lu Yunzhi arrogant and think that except for Cao Jixiang, the other people we are following are useless. If the killer is deployed, none of the group responsible for protecting him will be able to escape. ¡±  "What a arrogant strategy," Zhen Lingdan said, "But where does the trump card come from?" Suddenly there was a ringing sound in the back hall, and Yu Qian smiled and said, "Here comes the trump card." He stood up and left. Going out, Zhen Lingdan followed, and a big eagle was pecking at a hanging copper bell. Yu Qian opened a small jar next to him, took out a piece of raw meat and fed it to the eagle, stroked the eagle's wings, took out the skin bag hanging on the eagle's talons, and then returned to the house. Zhen Lingdan, the master of the living soul vein, asked in confusion: "This" Yu Qian opened the skin bag, read two lines, with a look of joy on his face, and said: "Headmaster Long agreed to come out to help me again. It's really great. What a happy event." Zhen Lingdan was also very happy and said: "Master Long has superb medical skills. I want him to take a look at it this time." Yu Qian nodded and said, "That's natural, but he must do it for the emperor first. Treatment, His Majesty has not thought about food or tea recently, and is very haggard. I am worried that he will return to the west before fighting with Lu Yunzhi and others. There is also Cao Jixiang, who Master Long taught me how to drive people. I have learned a little about the technique. Although he personally placed the talisman for Gao Huai, it has become somewhat loose in the past few years, and I don't know how to repair it. If this continues, it is inevitable that he will release the shackles. " "There is a long way to go. "Zhen Lingdan sighed, then thought about it and asked: "How should Shang Wang be dealt with?" Yu Qian's face darkened and he replied: "Keep an eye on him, don't act rashly, this will be the end of Lu Yun at the right time. It is an important bargaining chip to die. I am afraid that Lu Yunzhi will sigh to the sky and kill himself. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 51: Slim Adult Painting Lu Yunzhi followed the man to a silk and satin shop in the outer city, and took a detour to the back door. Dong De was already standing there. When he saw Lu Yun put on the two glasses before him, he burst into tears. He hugged Lu Yunzhi and almost almost Cry it out. Lu Yunzhi was very touched, but she hadn't seen him for a short time, and she didn't expect Dong De to miss her so much. Dong De said in a trembling voice: "Lord, if you don't come back, you won't be able to see me again." "What's wrong?" Lu Yunzhi asked in surprise with a brow. Dong De replied with a mournful face: "I'm going to die from exhaustion running around. Ah Rong was sent by you, Uncle Chao is missing, and Bai Yong followed you to Fengbo Manor. The most hateful thing is the second master, shopkeeper Fang." Yes, since you left, he has taken a fancy to a plan to move to a new city. I have been asked to share half of the financial management responsibility of the Ministry of Household Affairs. It doesn't matter that my own business has been put on hold, but the township league we have worked so hard to form must not go wrong. I am. The horses are running back and forth non-stop, and the two bastards Qin Rufeng and Guang Liang sometimes don't cooperate, which makes me almost crazy from exhaustion. My lord, look at whether I have lost weight. " "Well, I have lost weight. , It used to be a bamboo pole, but now it is a thin bamboo pole, thank you for your hard work, Dong De." Lu Yunzhi realized that Dong De was complaining to himself, but it was indeed difficult for Dong De during this period. Dong De was waiting with great anticipation for Lu Yunzhi's next order, whether he would resign and take a few days to relax and take care of his business. However, Lu Yunzhi walked straight into the hall as if he hadn't seen him. Dong De sighed sadly and thought in his heart: This business is a loss. I wanted to make a fortune with Lu Yunzhi's power, but I didn't expect to sell myself. If you give it to Lu Yunzhi, you will suffer a big loss. Lu Yunzhi took two steps and suddenly turned around and said to Dong De: "Don't whisper in your heart. Just be patient for a few days. When Uncle Chao comes back in a few days, let him take over the township league for you. I will also be there these days." It's a matter of coordination. I'll open ten shops in Nanjing next month and give them to you. If you keep complaining in your heart, I'll let you work as a laborer and tire you out like a New Year picture. Do you believe it? "After that, he turned around and went inside. Dong De laughed and followed Lu Yunzhi into the hall. The hall was quite spacious, but there was no place to step at this moment, because there were more than twenty people sitting on the ground, all blindfolded and tied up. Lu Yunzhi frowned and said to a man next to him: "Didn't I say that we only capture the leaders and the backbone?" The man replied in a low voice: "That's the leaders and the backbone." Lu Yunzhi sighed repeatedly, and then waved After waving his hands, several people walked in and took off the black cloth covering the eyes of those sitting on the ground. Lu Yunzhi saw that the person sitting in the front was Li Sixi whom he had seen this morning. Li Sixi also met Lu Yunzhi's eyes. His eyes were full of resentment, and there was no trace of the frightened look in the day. look. Lu Yunzhi asked: "Brother Li, do you still know me?" Li Sixi snorted and said: "How could I not remember Mr. Lu's honor? Knowing that there would be no good consequences for offending you, I quickly packed up and ran away, but in the end I was caught by you anyway. These guys you hired are really good. They were really good at it. I was caught after only two gestures." You are quite capable." Lu Yunzhi said with a smile, "But these are my own brothers, not hired by me, so I won't be cruel to you." The strong man standing next to Lu Yunzhi was Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi whispered in his ear: "This kid really has a lot of trouble. We were all caught, but he broke free with brute force. He drew his knife and even scratched a brother." Lu Yunzhi hurriedly turned his head and asked in a low voice: "The injured one Brother, are you okay?" The man shook his head and said, "It's okay. Although this Li Sixi is good at martial arts, he is not our opponent, so it's no big deal." Having said that, Lu Yunzhi looked at Li Sixi with more interest. , even though this guy is not tall, he is extremely strong. He was caught by the elites of the ghost-eating tribe who were organized into the hidden tribe, and he was able to break away. Regardless of whether it was accidental or not, he still hurt himself. This courage and ability It must not be underestimated. If it is cultivated more, it may become even better. It seems that when I saw Li Sixi's cowardly look during the day, I thought he was just a timid and aware of current affairs. However, I didn't expect that he was still a fierce bandit in his nature. Although Lu Yunzhi often considers himself a scholar and prefers to write and write, he still has many heroic friends around him, and his heart is full of chivalrous tenderness. Lu Yunzhi raised his eyebrows and looked at Li Sixi and said, "Do you have anything else to say?" Li Sixi snorted and said, "From the moment I offended you, I never thought about living. It was just for the sake of groveling for you. It's not worth it if you kill me in anger in the street. Haha, I didn't expect to underestimate you. I haven't dealt with you before. I really don't understand. I'm sorry for you! I have something to ask of you, and I hope Mr. Lu can agree to it." Lu Yunzhi said, "Let's talk about it." "The other people you captured.?Although they are the leaders of our group, most of them are poor people. I offended you today and have nothing to do with them. Please let them go. "Li Sixi said. Lu Yunzhi laughed loudly, patted Li Sixi on the shoulder and said: "You are also a good man, but although they are poor people, they are also bullying the common people. And if they go out and make enemies of me, although I am not afraid, there will always be trouble, so it is better to kill them all. " Li Sixi showed no fear on his face and shouted: "You guys, listen up. Don't make trouble after you go out. You can go home and farm for me. Did you hear what Mr. Lu said? " Li Sixi turned to Lu Yunzhi and said: "They dare not disobey what I say, so just let them go. But I won't beg for mercy. If you really try to kill us, my brothers and I will never blink an eye. Eye. " "Oh," Lu Yunzhi stood up expressionlessly and responded casually, neither saying let it go nor saying not to let it go. This ambiguous answer made Li Sixi confused. Lu Yunzhi was minding his own business. Said: "That stupid brother is fine today, my wife just tapped his acupoints, not so harshly. He will wake up in about an hour after you go out. Let him drink more water and move a few times, relax his muscles and activate his blood circulation, and then take a hot bath and everything will be fine. As for you, get out of here quickly, I'm an eyesore if you stay here. "After saying this, he waved his hand and saw no one move. However, he saw that all the tight ropes tied to the thieves were cut off, and there was only a faint breeze blowing around them. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 52: Successive News Li Sixi and others hurriedly gave Lu Yunzhi their hands and fists, thanked them and walked out the door. However, Lu Yunzhi pressed Li Sixi's shoulders and said, "They can leave, but you can't." A strong force came from Lu Yunzhi's hand. When the message was uploaded, Li Sixi suddenly felt pain from being pinched, and he stopped and did not dare to take another step forward. Li Sixi couldn¡¯t help but thought to himself: Lu Yunzhi is such a well-hidden person. I thought it was just a rumor among the public, but today when I saw him, he turned out to be a murderous scholar! With this thought in mind, Li Sixi's brothers stopped one after another and turned to look at Li Sixi. Everyone glared at Lu Yunzhi. Although they knew they were outmatched, they refused to leave Li Sixi and run away alone. Li Sixi held back the pain in his shoulder and said, "Mr. Lu has some personal matters to take care of with me. You go first, and I will go back later." Those people remained still, fearing that Lu Yunzhi would kill Li Sixi, but they were very loyal. Li Sixi became anxious and cursed: "Damn it, you don't listen to me anymore, do you? Get out of here!" Only then did all Li Sixi's men leave angrily, and after a few steps, they looked back full of worry. As soon as they left, Lu Yunzhi nodded to a man, and the man followed him away in a flash. Li Sixi was a practitioner, and when he saw this scene, he knew in his heart that there was a huge difference between him and the man just now, let alone Lu Yunzhi. For a moment, he felt disheartened and felt that he was doomed, so he said: "Just do it. "What are you doing?" Lu Yunzhi let go of Li Sixi's shoulder and said, "Didn't you just say that I have something private to do with you?" "What's the matter?" Li Sixi asked. Lu Yunzhi said happily: "Do you still have any room for bargaining?" Li Sixi sighed sadly and said: "I am a slave and a fish, so I can only be slaughtered by others. Tell me, what do you need me for?" Do it." "Okay, let me get down to business. There are two ways before you. One, kill you, and then find all four of your brothers and work for me. ." Lu Yunzhi said. Li Sixi thought for a moment and said, "I promise you, but first you tell me how we can work for you?" "That's my business, you don't need to worry about it. As for finding them all, that's your business." Lu Yunzhi paused and said, "I think you are a good man, and I don't want to bury you here. How promising is it to be a market gangster? If you want to do it, be a big one. It doesn't matter if you gain some fame or earn a few gold mountains." , It¡¯s better than you are now.¡± Li Sixi nodded, stood up, and said to Lu Yunzhi, ¡°Then I¡¯ll say goodbye. We¡¯ll wait for you here at noon the day after tomorrow.¡± Lu Yunzhi also said, ¡°That¡¯s it.¡± I'll wait for you to get the good news of success." "What will you do if they don't come or if I run away?" Li Sixi took two steps and suddenly stopped without turning around. Lu Yunzhi said with a calm and calm expression: "Then don't blame me, Mr. Lu, for being ruthless. Even if you run to the ends of the earth, I can catch you back. As for whether you believe it or not, I don't care. , but I know and like the nickname you people give me: Killer Scholar, but I think it is more appropriate to call myself the Killer Scholar, because I have always cut the grass and root out the roots. " Li Sixi stopped talking, and his body trembled suddenly. Walked out slowly. Dong De said softly at this time: "Do you want to send someone to follow him?" Lu Yunzhi shook his head and said: "No, they will definitely come." The next day, Lu Yunzhi was busy with various entertainment and busy work During this period, Yingzi secretly expressed surprise when she saw Lu Yunzhi's appearance. I think back then Lu Yunzhi didn't know the art of war and was very reckless. Although he was talented and intelligent, he was unwilling to wield swords and guns and talk about war. Now he is first reviewing the army and commanding his subordinates to change formations. He has already been on the battlefield for many years. The style of a general. At the dinner, all the officials came to congratulate Master Lu on his return to the capital. Although Lu Yunzhi held a high position and had great power, he was not too powerful. He talked about people and ghosts, and he was very smart. Compared with Zhu Jianwen and Cao Jixiang Even worse. Yingzi was speechless and said: Is this still the Lu Yunzhi I know? In contrast, Yang Xiyu had a calm expression and kept telling Yingzi some things that Yingzi had never heard in detail to explain Lu Yunzhi's various changes. Of course, Yang Xiyu is also a little uneasy, and many things are weighing on his mind. Yang Xiyu has not seen Yang Zhun these days. Yang Zhun has been busy handling several old cases since arriving at Dali Temple, but It seems that Yang Zhun already knew the news about Lu Yunzhi and himself returning to Beijing. What should he do if his father and daughter meet and he is pregnant out of wedlock? Although Yang Xiyu knows that Lu Yunzhi can shoulder everything, he is still secretly worried. At noon on the second day, the five brothers of the Li family arrived in front of the Silk Village as scheduled. They were greeted by the tired shopkeeper Dong Dedong, while Lu Yunzhi came late half an hour later and said sorry with clasped fists and hands.?, he politely let the five Li brothers into the back hall and closed the door. The five brothers looked very nervous, because they were facing one of the two most powerful men in the Ming Dynasty, and it was Lu Yunzhi who seemed weak but was actually murderous. More than an hour later, the six people walked out of the room. After holding hands and fisting with each other, the five Li family brothers left. No one knew what they talked about specifically. All they could see was the happy faces of the five Li family brothers. And the shrewdness that has not been carried away by joy. Lu Yunzhi patted Dong De on the shoulder and said: "Have a rest for a few days, old Dong." Dong De was relieved, shouted happily, and ran away without a trace until a few hours later he met someone who was just returning from the banquet. Zhu Jianwen, Zhu Jianwen heard the news about Dong De's rest and asked him how he spent the half day and if he could go eat, drink, whore and gamble together now. Dong De's answer surprised Zhu Jianwen: "I have been calculating my private accounts all afternoon, and I haven't felt so relaxed, happy, and comfortable for a long time." As he said that, Dong De drifted away, leaving him alone shaking his head in confusion but expressing admiration. Zhu Jianwen met Zhu Jianwen, and then Zhu Jianwen also made appointments with several high-ranking officials of the dynasty, but he didn't know where to get into the fireworks alley, because that was where the real officialdom was. That night Ah Rong came back with a glowing face and had a conversation with Lu Yunzhi. From time to time, happy applause could be heard in the room. At midnight, Chao Xing came riding alone, covered in dust, with a smile on his tired and weathered face. Lu Yunzhi settled the two of them and looked at the imperial city in the distance. The nightmare stepped out of Lu Yunzhi's body, and there were two Lu Yunzhi under the moonlight. I just heard Lu Yunzhi say: "Is it time?" Nightmare replied: "Absolutely." Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 53: Dragon and Phoenix Presenting Good Luck Everything was very complicated. After Yang Zhun finished handling the case in the Dali Courtyard, he ran non-stop to the Zhongzheng Yidian Courtyard. After seeing Yang Xiyu, he didn't know what to say. Yang Zhun, who has been on a turbulent journey, had heard Fang Qingze slowly reveal that Yang Xiyu was pregnant. It seemed that Fang Qingze was talking too much, but anyone with a discerning eye knew that it was Lu Yunzhi who said it, and it was nothing more than letting Yang Zhun. Just be mentally prepared. Yang Zhun thought about giving Yang Xiyu a slap in the face, but he was afraid that Lu Yunzhi would be angry. He also thought about agreeing, but he still felt that it would be shameless. But when he saw his daughter Yang Xiyu, Yang Zhun didn't know what to do. At this time, Lu Yunzhi walked in from the door, followed by Chao Xing'arong and Dong De, who looked majestic. People were discussing things as they walked. Lu Yunzhi paused when he saw Yang Zhun and Yang Xiyu standing in the middle of the room. Then he saw the change of color on Yang Zhun's face, and he immediately understood. Lu Yunzhi cupped his hands and bowed deeply, but Yang Zhun still didn't move. Lu Yunzhi lifted up his robe and wanted to salute. Yang Zhun quickly held his hand and said, "How can this be done?" Lu Yunzhi didn't insist anymore, but he said : "What can't be done? You are my father-in-law and my father. I hope you will forgive me for my lack of etiquette." Yang Zhun cursed in his heart: This boy has a very high position of power, but he is not arrogant. He must first admit his mistakes. He also wanted to give a big gift, which made me speechless. Yang Zhun turned around and took Yang Xiyu's hand, then took Lu Yunzhi's hand, and then said: "Hey, I'm old. Yunzhi, you should ask for marriage. Just do whatever you want. It's actually quite good. , a beautiful couple with a talented man and a beautiful woman." Yang Zhun suddenly felt something in his heart and said to Yang Xiyu: "You can't be as unruly as before when you marry. Lu Yun has a bright future, but it also comes with endless risks. This road is It's your choice, whatever happens in the future is up to you." After hearing this, Lu Yunzhi praised in his heart: Yang Zhun is a smart man, and his idea of ??marrying his daughter is also wise. It is naturally good to climb the dragon and attach the phoenix, but Lu Yunzhi's height is too high, and it is always accompanied by danger. If Lu Yunzhi had not failed badly, he would not have been able to retreat to the countryside like other high-ranking officials, or become an idle official. For Lu Yunzhi, there was not much difference between defeat and death. After Yang Zhun finished speaking to Yang Xiyu, he turned and walked away, looking a little sad. In the next few days, Chao Xing acted as a matchmaker, receiving gifts and asking for names. Everything was done according to the rules, and the people he proposed to marry and hired were all powerful officials in the court, which earned Yang Zhun enough face. A few days later, a wedding banquet was held with great vigor and excitement. The Zhongzheng lineage was unprecedentedly grand. Civil and military officials from all over the country came to congratulate the wedding banquet. The high-ranking military officials from all sides also sent special envoys and gifts. Even Yu Qian, who was opposed to Zhongzheng's lineage, came to ask for a wedding drink and presented several calligraphy paintings. Shi Fang couldn't help but sigh to Han Yueqiu: "Even after the battle to defend the capital and before the family was destroyed, Lu Yunzhi was really the leader of Zhongxing." After hearing this, Qu Xiangtian came over and gave Shi Fang a hand first. He toasted with a glass of wine and said: "Master, what you said is wrong. Talented people have emerged from generation to generation. In the future, there may be a leader who is more prosperous than Yun Zhi. That can really be called ZTE. Besides, we have never declined. How can we talk about ZTE? , Master, as long as you stay here, we will feel very at ease." Shi Fang smiled and said, "Xiang Tian, ??Yue Qiu, you two are kind-hearted and upright. If it weren't for your magical attainments, It would be good to pass on the position of Pulse Master to you. Now seeing that you brothers are so harmonious and happy, Master is relieved." Qu Xiangtian and Han Yueqiu both laughed and did not answer. Han Yueqiu whispered: " "Xiangtian, there are no suspicious troop movements around," Qu Xiangtian laughed and said, "It's enough to be fooled once. I have surrounded the capital with the fifth military camp. If there is any small movement, I can come in and rescue in an instant." "Everyone in the hall is very happy. The groom Lu Yunzhi is handsome, talented and powerful, and the bride Yang Xiyu is extremely intelligent and considerate. Everyone who sees it will praise her as a golden boy. How wonderful. A pair made in heaven. Yang Zhun was sitting in the hall with Chao Xing and Shi Fang. Various high-ranking officials from the imperial court who he had admired in the past toasted to Yang Zhun. The status of Lu Yunzhi's father-in-law was quite extraordinary. Yingzi was older and started early, so after going around the banquet, Yang Xiyu served tea to Yingzi. Yingzi quickly stood up to greet him and said: "From today on, we are even more sisters. There is no need to serve tea to me." "Xiangong always said that there is no distinction between concubine and concubine in the Lu family, so there is no difference between wife and concubine. Let's take care of the affairs of the family together and not let the husband worry about it." As soon as this statement came out, everyone around him admired it deeply. He was envious of Lu Yunzhi. His lovely wife, as beautiful as flowers and jade, welcomed him into the door. The family was still so harmonious. The men all sighed with regret, hating themselves for not being in the Zhongzheng family and why they were not Lu Yunzhi. The quarrel did not subside until late at night. Yang Xiyu did not let Yingzi stay alone in the empty room. The scene of the new couple laughing at the old man and crying did not happen in the Zhongzheng Yiline Courtyard. In the end, the two women served one husband together.The game ends. The next morning, Lu Yunzhi got up early and came to the main hall to serve tea to his master. He saw Fang Qingze holding a list and fiddling with the abacus. Dong De kept silently reciting the arithmetic calculations in his mind, and chatted with Fang Qingze from time to time. Lu Yunzhi walked up and asked, "What are you two counting?" "I was very busy yesterday with the list of congratulatory gifts. I was busy memorizing them but not counting them. Today's calculation is really shocking. The total number of congratulatory gifts yesterday It¡¯s enough to feed all our soldiers for five years,¡± Fang Qingze said. Lu Yunzhi was a little surprised and said: "Why are there so many? Even if there are many people giving gifts, they can't have so much money." Zhu Jianwen was lazily sitting on the big wooden chair in the hall. He was so happy last night when he pushed glasses and changed glasses. , and finally drank too much and stayed overnight in the house. Zhu Jianwen still had a headache when he woke up today. It was obvious that he hadn't slept enough. After hearing Fang Qingze's words, he became energetic and breathed out: "Not only that, now let alone Yunzhi, you are our representative, nor mine. The power of the vassal, and the most important thing is that Laoqu is also back. With the military, government, and Fatty Fang's business, we have infiltrated the entire Ming Dynasty. Now that you are getting married, it is not just a wedding for you alone, but also for the rest of us. Brother, giving you a congratulatory gift is to give us face. Those officials would rather sell iron to get a large sum, otherwise they would have the nerve to get it." Qu Xiangtian took a look at the list and said, "I remember that there is no salary from the imperial court. That¡¯s a lot, where did they get so much money?¡± Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 54: The Old Demon of Huangshan Mountain "The people are rich and the people are rich, and there are many ways to make money. Playing buckets to save grain, collecting gold and silver from losses, and collecting taxes by force are not the ways to make money. As the saying goes, if you clean up the prefecture in three years, you will get one hundred thousand snowflakes of silver. Let's The salary in the Ming Dynasty was too low. Officials had to support their families, reward their subordinates, and bribe their superiors. It is normal to be greedy, but once you develop a habit, you can't stop it. After all, the people are the ones who suffer the most. All this money is for them. It comes from them," Zhu Jianwen said helplessly. Lu Yunzhi sighed sadly: "Zhang Yanghao, a Sanqu writer in Jinan Prefecture in the Yuan Dynasty, said it well, the people suffer when they are prosperous, and the people cry when they die. The people who suffer the most are indeed the people." "***, these corrupt officials will come to power someday. I will give it to Zhu Qiyu when he goes to court, and let us brothers investigate it carefully. If it is a small corruption, it can be forgiven, but if it is a big rat, it will not be forgiven." Qu Xiangtian shouted. Dong De spoke at this time: "General Qu's words are reasonable. Small greed is just for survival, while big greed wastes the people and hurts money. Once the foundation of the country is destroyed, everything will be over. If things go on like this, the government will force the people to rebel, and it will become a big trouble. But this There are many things involved, so we have to choose a few to scare the monkeys. If we kill too many, the agency will be paralyzed and unable to work normally. " Dong De said it politely due to his identity, but Zhu Jianwen said, "Dong. Brother De is right. Most of our military expenses are provided by Fatty Fang. This guy is rich, so we are different from ordinary officials. As the saying goes, you don¡¯t know how expensive firewood and rice are when you are not a member of the family. You and I can¡¯t understand their difficulties, so Turn a blind eye and catch a few typical ones and forget about it. After all, people don't hate corrupt officials. On the contrary, they think that corruption is normal. They study hard for ten years just for the sake of fame. Naturally, you have to make more money when you become an official, otherwise people would not have so much motivation to study and become an official. " "Being an official is to protect your family and the country, and benefit the people. How can you see it as so utilitarian?" Qu Xiangtian shouted. But Fang Qingze burst out laughing: "Brother, you should go find Yu Qian. You two have the same tone." Qu Xiangtian also smiled slightly and said, "If there hadn't been a rift between Yu Qian and us, we could have become friends." Lu Yunzhi understood the meaning of Zhu Jianwen, Fang Qingze and Dong De very well, and said to Qu Xiangtian: "Brother, you don't know something. You came from a family of declining military generals since you were a child. Although your family fell into decline later, you had no worries about food and clothing. After being sent to the Zhongzheng lineage, although we are not well-off, we can't understand the suffering of the people. On the contrary, I have a deep understanding of it. After all you also know what happened when I was a child. What the people hate is not corrupt officials. , but a faint-hearted official who only knows how to be greedy but does not know how to make decisions for the people. " Lu Yunzhi's voice was a little hoarse, but the tea was too hot to drink. Fang Qingze handed over the cooler teacup in his hand, and Lu Yunzhi did not hesitate to drink it. And then, he continued: "I also wanted to be an official when I was a child. The purpose of becoming an official was to drive away the Tartars and avenge them. I didn't expect to get promoted or make a fortune. However, ordinary people just want power and benefit as what I heard. People are not disgusted with corrupt officials. This has caused some corrupt officials to only know how to make money but not to perform official duties. This has resulted in people having no way to redress their grievances and government affairs to be stagnant. This is the fundamental reason why everyone hates corrupt officials. Reason. I think we are now at a critical moment in the struggle with Yu Qian. We will stop now and wait until everything is stable before we punish corrupt officials. Of course, the second brother¡¯s household department must also cooperate to increase the officials¡¯ salaries. Only in this way can this problem caused by survival be solved from the root. "What do you mean at this critical moment with Yu Qian? We have just rested and recuperated, are we going to fight again?" Zhu Jianwen said. Lu Yunzhi nodded and said: "Now Zhu Qiyu's health is deteriorating and he is terminally ill. Yu Qian has mobilized the Dragon Master to come to help. He is probably afraid that Zhu Qiyu will not be able to survive. We will let Wenwen or Zhu Qizhen ascend the throne. Yi Once the emperor orders the return of power to the central government, it will be a severe blow to General Qian. This is not conducive to his dream of being a loyal minister of the Ming Dynasty, because in his eyes, we are all traitors. " "Who is Master Long? "Fang Qingze suddenly stopped fiddling with his abacus and asked. Shi Fang had been chatting with Han Yueqiu on the side, not paying attention to the content of everyone's chat. Although he was now the Grand Master of the Imperial Court, he was not involved in politics. All Everything has been left to the young people here to handle, and I will no longer participate or impose orders. Han Yueqiu also didn't like the matter of political training and military training. He stayed with Shi Fang and served Shi Fang all day long. He didn't trust others to take care of Shi Fang and had to look after him personally. He was truly a loyal and filial person. Hearing Master Long, Shi Fang finally stopped chatting with Han Yueqiu and suddenly said: "Why Master Long is also out? Didn't he practice in Huangshan and never come down the mountain? Why is he running out now to join in the fun?" "Oh. ? Master also knows? It seems that Master Long is really a tough guy. Please tell me, third brother, what is this person's background?"Originally, he was still angry about the corrupt officials, but when he heard Lu Yunzhi's words about Master Long, Shi Fang was surprised and knew that there must be something weird about this person. Lu Yunzhi said: "I don't know much about him. I only know that he is a master and a famous pharmacist. It is said that there is no disease in the world that he can only treat, and his treatment methods are mostly related to magic, so he can be regarded as our comrade." I think Yu Qian asked him to come down not only to help out, but also to treat Zhu Qiyu's illness. As for his relationship with Yu Qian, it is unknown where he studied. It is just that according to intelligence, it seems that Gao Huai, too. The current Cao Jixiang was controlled by his magic. He just gave the method of control to Yu Qian. " "Killing him will probably eliminate the magic on Gao Huai, and Zhu Qiyu will be hopeless. Well, as the saying goes, it's like killing two birds with one stone. Since he is willing to help Qian, he is an enemy of us. We brothers are just a little-known leader with a false reputation." Fang Qingze was quite disdainful. said. Lu Yunzhi shook his head and said: "Don't underestimate the enemy. This man is older than the master. I read the earliest records and it shows that he should be at least one hundred and thirty years old." "It's true or false, this can't be true. "I'm an old goblin." Zhu Jianwen shouted, "I've seen someone at such an old age, but if he can still come down to help after he is a hundred years old, it means he is still strong. What if he isn't an old goblin?" Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 55: Borrowing Flowers to Offer to Buddha Shi Fang smiled bitterly and said: "Yunzhi didn't lie to you. This man should indeed be over one hundred and thirty years old. It seems that our Zhongzheng lineage has encountered a strong enemy again. Maybe we can consider asking your uncle to come to Fengbo Village." If you help, there may be a chance of winning. "Lu Yunzhi claimed that the other party was a master very fairly, which surprised everyone. It is not easy for someone to be called a master by Lu Yunzhi. Everyone looked at Lu Yunzhi, but they saw Lu Yunzhi suddenly changed his humble look and said in a loud voice: "You can't kill a chicken with a bull's knife. You don't need to come out, I and you can deal with him." For a moment, they were full of confidence. The heroic spirit filled everyone's hearts. "Third brother, you're right. My eldest brother supports you. We are brothers fighting against tigers, father and son. Even if we are experts, we are still afraid of him." Qu Xiangtian also suddenly became excited, pumping his fists and shouting loudly. road. Shi Fang shook his head and waved to Han Yueqiu. Han Yueqiu pushed Shi Fang up and walked towards the door. As he walked Shi Fang said: "You must be careful and don't care too much about the gains and losses of the day. Don't be too brave if you can't beat him. It is important to save one's life, and there is no need to worry about having no firewood to burn the green hills. " Everyone stood up and answered with clasped fists. After Shi Fang left, Lu Yunzhi asked Qu Xiangtian, "Brother, go ahead this time. I'm afraid it's not just to get rid of the inner demons." Qu Xiangtian was stunned and said without knowing why: "Yun Fei is not good for my treatment. I think that in the world, you are the only one who can save me, so I am going forward now. There's nothing else to do." Zhu Jianwen sighed at this moment and said, "It seems that Yun Zhi and Yu Qian have been overthinking it. Lao Qu, you have been living in Annan for a long time. Although you did not come with troops this time, you are determined to do so. Entering Beijing, Yu Qian felt that something must have happened, so he asked for help. It seems that the war has begun and we can't mediate it. Fortunately, we have prepared a lot recently, so we won't be in a hurry. Well, I can't help much else. I have been researching and developing new weapons, and I have prepared money and food for you. Once the war starts, we will defeat him from all aspects," Fang Qingze said. Qu Xiangtian patted his forehead and said, "I understand." "What do you understand?" everyone asked. "It turns out that the kind of people like the second brother who are corrupt officials but do things for the people are the ones mentioned by the third brother. Although they have enriched their own pockets, the national treasury reserves have continued to grow, and the people's lives have gradually improved. The people like corrupt officials like this, no. I like the kind that can only go in and out," Qu Xiangtian said as if he suddenly realized something. Zhu Jianwen said with some laughter and tears: "Old Qu, this topic has been passed. We will discuss it later. You should lead your troops well. No one can compare with you in terms of fighting. But if we talk about officialdom and finance, then let's see Ours." Qu Xiangtian also looked embarrassed, and said with a smile: "I just suddenly remembered it, you continue, you continue." "Speaking of which, I have something to discuss with my elder brother." Lu Yunzhi stood. He stood up, cupped his hands and said to Qu Xiangtian with a serious look on his face. Qu Xiangtian nodded and said, "Tell me." "I released Wang Yulu and brought him under my command. Although Yingzi's illness was the most critical step for Xi Yu to complete, I hid the truth from you. If it weren't for Wang Yulu, Even ten Yang Xiyu's help is useless," Lu Yunzhi said frankly. Qu Xiangtian looked relaxed, stood up, pushed Lu Yunzhi back to his seat and said, "I am not as good as you and my knowledge when it comes to politics, and I am not as good as Qingze Dong De when it comes to business, but I, your elder brother, should not be a clumsy person." . Wang Yulu's recovery has been expected for a long time. I'm just waiting for you to confess to me. You are still the same as Yun Zhi before. Just accept it without hiding it. Wang Yulu is not a bad person, even though he did it. There are some extraordinary things, but he is not a treacherous person in his heart. If not, he would have poisoned the medicine back then, and we would not be where we are today. But Yun Zhi, you must remember that you cannot let him be too addicted to forbidden arts. We can't help him experiment with others. ""Remember big brother's teachings," Lu Yunzhi replied calmly, but his heart was in a state of confusion. He sighed to himself: My big brother, if you can't study forbidden arts, you can't use them. Human experiment, how could someone as persistent as Wang Yulu follow me? Brother, you are so naive. You are so loyal and courageous that you can't find it everywhere. Lu Yunzhi truly deceived Qu Xiangtian for the first time, and he understood something from this moment. On the other hand, Zhu Jianwen and Fang Qingze both shook their heads secretly. They also understood that what Qu Xiangtian said was nothing more than an ideal. Where can you find such a good thing in the world? There are many people who follow him just because of the admiration of personality worship, such as Qin Rufeng. Guang Liang and his ilk worship Qu Xiangtian and follow him to the death, but there are too few such people and they are too unstable. Lu Yunzhi said: "Since the eldest brother doesn't hate this Wang Yulu, and the expert I mentioned before is him, let me work with him to diagnose and treat the eldest brother." Qu Xiangtian nodded.? nodded and said: "That's fine. After I became a demon, I lost my humanity and went on a killing spree. If you cure me as soon as possible, I won't have to worry about being covered in runes." "By the way, Dong De, ten shops in Nanjing have been arranged. That¡¯s it, I was very happy yesterday, so today I¡¯ll take the lead, lend a flower to the Buddha, and tell you first,¡± Fang Qingze said. Dong De frowned, but still forced out a smile and said: "No reward for no merit, I absolutely cannot want Dong De, Mr. Fang's shop. If I were just a greedy person, I would have done it in Xuwen County that day." I accepted your charity." Fang Qingze laughed loudly: "You still have this temper. Let me tell you, your lord asked me to handle this matter. Yunzhi was also the one who made the plans for the gold and silver to be used and the address to be used. Paying for it out of his own pocket has nothing to do with me. "Dong De didn't understand, so he hurriedly asked: "Why is this? This is the first time that Mr. Fang doesn't do business." Everyone in the room said the same thing. He started to get dirty: "Damn it, I want to do it too. Hey, I can let your lord and my third brother trick me. This guy must have planned it long ago and wants to allocate Nanjing's business territory." Here you go." Zhu Jianwen laughed: "In business, Shudai Lu can also deceive Fatty Fang, who has been in shopping malls for a long time. Come on, tell me." "You just see that the funeral is not afraid of the funeral. It's okay to laugh at me. "You," Fang Qingze laughed without getting angry, and continued: "When Nanjing released military power over a cup of wine, even though Dong De came forward, none of the ministers knew your name. At that time, you were just an unknown person. Sir, although it doesn¡¯t sound good, it¡¯s the truth.¡± Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 56: Busy Day "What does this have to do with the store?" Dong De asked with some confusion. Fang Qingze smiled slightly and replied: "The specific operators of this matter at that time were me and Yang Zhun. Yang Zhun invited them, and I sent people to assist with guarding and escorting as well as tunnel construction, so Yang Zhun could no longer survive in Nanjing. Then he was transferred to Beijing by Lu Yunzhi. There is no impermeable wall in the world, and the same is true for me. Although I am the boss behind the scenes, I am also quite famous, and my business is squeezed out by the released officials everywhere. I'll just kill those bureaucrats, but now that everything is stable, I really can't do anything about them. Besides, they just harass the shop for a while, or block the road to inspect the goods for two or three days, which delays business opportunities, but it's not illegal. We can't rely on our power to suppress them. You are different. As long as you don't show up and control those shops secretly, even if they know that the boss is called Dong De, no one will know you, let alone Dong De in the capital. "Speaking of which, your master really loves you. I'm really unhappy that I gave up such a piece of flesh in Jinling. You have to treat me to a drink." Dong De knew that although Lu Yunzhi was taking care of him. It can be regarded as Fang Qingze's helpless move. He got the reputation of Nanjing, so his face turned into a flower of joy, and he hurriedly said: "It's easy to talk, Second Master Fang doesn't ask me to buy a drink, he just wants to buy shares and share dividends " At this point, Fang Qingze's eyes flashed, and Dong De hurriedly put the words back: "It's not enough to buy shares and pay dividends. Drinking is enough, hahaha." Everyone laughed and ridiculed Fang Qingze and him. Dong De was full of copper odor, but they didn't care. Instead, they felt a little sympathy for each other. "In short, since Yu Qian has begun to ask for help, we can't sit still and wait for death. We need to make preparations in advance. I think since the Dragon Master didn't help Yu Qian when he besieged the capital, there must be something hidden in the mountain at this time. Let's find the weak link between them and break through it. A cooperative relationship is all that is needed, there is no need to force the relationship," Lu Yunzhi said. Lu Yunzhi's voice paused and he glanced at the crowd and then said: "As for other aspects, after our hard work in the past few years, we are not afraid of Yu Qian. I don't think the eldest brother's Annan troops need to be mobilized. They are more threatening if they are placed in southern Xinjiang." . Finally, regarding Yu Qian¡¯s intelligence work, leave this aspect to me. Although I can¡¯t guarantee that I know everything about the fluctuations, I can do my best. The details are confidential, so I can¡¯t talk about them now. I hope you will. Forgive me." Everyone discussed some countermeasures and military affairs, and then they dispersed and went back to their complicated work. Lu Yunzhi got married last night, and today she went to her hometown regiment to train troops, and then went to the palace to talk with Zhu Qiyu, Cao Jixiang and others. She was very busy, but very diligent. When the sun was setting, Wang Yulu came to Beijing with everyone from the Tang family. Lu Yunzhi asked if the road was not smooth, but Wang Yulu shook his head. Lu asked why he arrived so late, and how far apart Xuzhou was from the capital. It was so far away, although it was a little slow to drag the family with the family, but it was too exaggerated. It arrived more than ten days later than Lu Yunzhi and others. Wang Yulu pointed helplessly behind her. Lu Yunzhi looked at it and felt dumbfounded. In addition to Wang Yulu's medicinal materials and utensils, there were dozens of cars. The Tang family couldn't tear down the house and bring it into the capital. Otherwise, maybe not even a brick or a tile would be spared. But fortunately, Lu Yunzhi arranged a larger house for the old couple of the Tang family. Although it was not as good as the Zhongzheng family house, it was still good in the capital, so there was still room for the things brought there. In short, this busy work lasted for another long time. Yingzi was very happy and joyful for a while. He changed from his usual more steady demeanor and secretly hugged Lu Yunzhi and kissed her several times. Late at night, in the Zhongzheng Yiline House, in a side room in a small side courtyard, Lu Yunzhi was sitting in the hall. Two people walked in when he pushed the door open. They were Chao Xing and Ah Rong. They clasped their fists and shouted. : "Heaven." This is the name Lu Yunzhi is called by the members of the Secret Thirteen. Now not only the people outside, but also the subordinates in Beijing also call Lu Yunzhi "Heaven" in private. Lu Yunzhi nodded, and when the two of them sat down, Lu Yunzhi stood up, clasped his hands and fists, bent down to salute, and said to Chao Xing, "My nephew pays homage to my uncle." One code goes back to the other, first as a sign of respect, and then as a sign of humiliation. The order of elders and younger ones is strict here and no carelessness is tolerated. Lu Yunzhi returned to his seat after paying homage to Chao Xing, restored the majesty that a lord should have, and asked: "Uncle, how was the effect of your trip this time?" Chao Xing said: "Although the journey was very busy, the effect was very good. I According to the requirements you mentioned, select young and middle-aged talents from each branch and let them come to Beijing to study at Zhongzheng. Each branch was overjoyed and thought this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and it was also a good time to curry favor with us, so they did not dare to neglect it. , I thought people from all over the country should be here in two days." Lu Yunzhi nodded and said: "I will teach them personally, and I have also found a place to study. I found one in Xishan outside the city. There are many houses built in places with flowers and grass. When the time comes, the Zhongzheng lineage will take them to where they will go after seeing the master." "I don't quite understand."??What is the meaning of not accepting disciples, but teaching other people's disciples? "Chao Xing asked. Lu Yunzhi said with a smile: "I won't tell you this because I don't want to lie to you. As for my master, I have to think of a reason to excuse him. " Ah Rong clasped his fists and said, "Lord, I'm making good progress there, but I may not have enough money. You see" Lu Yunzhi nodded and said, "Recently, I have been spending more money. It is inconvenient for Second Brother and the others to know that these are our trump cards. The less people know about it, the better. Even among you, I have ordered that you are not allowed to communicate with each other about this matter. So Ah Rong, you can deal with it for a while. I will think of a way in the next few days. , I got a lot of congratulatory gifts when I got married. I will exchange them within three days. I will collect 400,000 taels for you first. If it is not enough, just ask. Don¡¯t save money on this, it will pay off. " Ah Rong replied: "Understood, I will not let my lord down. "Although there was confusion on Chao Xing's face, since Lu Yunzhi had given orders before, it was inconvenient for him to ask more questions. They chatted for a few more words, and Lu Yunzhi explained some things to each of them alone, and they did not separate until late at night. Go back to rest. When Lu Yunzhi arrived in the yard where she lived, she saw that the lights in the house had been turned off and the yard was dark. It seemed that Yingzi and Yang Xiyu had gone to sleep. They were as close as sisters. There was no jealousy, and Lu Yunzhi was deeply pleased with this. He worked hard on planning outside, and a stable family was the best comfort for Lu Yunzhi. He had two good wives, and what more could he ask for. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 57: Clues Lu Yunzhi took two steps, suddenly stopped and said softly: "Shang Wang, come out." Shang Wang laughed evilly and ran out from the side, then glanced around and said, "You are still the best, I hid it You have discovered this, but the guards around you are really powerful. I was almost caught by them. I will probably have to report to you tomorrow. " "Haha, you can also hide it from my carefully selected guards. He's a modern old man. Let's stop talking. How are Yu Qian's actions?" Lu Yunzhi asked, turning her head to ask. There were dark shadows on the wall. Lu Yunzhi glanced at him and waved his hand. The masters hidden in the surrounding hidden areas saw the two people facing each other. They thought it was an invasion from a foreign enemy. But thinking that the man had entered the compound without their knowledge, he must not be an ordinary person. For a moment, they became nervous and wanted to take action, but Seeing Lu Yunzhi waving his hand, he calmed down and stopped worrying. Shang Wang was afraid of disturbing Fang Zhongyingzi and Yang Xiyu's rest, so he said softly: "I heard that the Dragon Master of Huangshan came to help." Lu Yunzhi nodded and replied: "I know this. I heard that Gao Huai was the one who was killed. He controlled it." Shang Wang scratched his head and said with some surprise: "How do you know this? I never told you. Could it be that you have other spies around Yu Qian?" Lu Yunzhi nodded. "You are still so mysterious, but I like it. There has been no movement of troops and horses recently. I just heard that there will be a training plan in forty days. Be careful, don't let him suddenly raise troops under the pretext of training," Shang Wang said. Suddenly he remembered something and said: "I have made an appointment with Shi Heng, but he is a little hesitant, but he is willing to meet you. , scheduled for twenty days later. At that time, Shi Heng is going to Tianjin for the official military parade. You can meet there. " "Shi Heng, this old fox, was naughty enough back then, but now he is afraid of getting into trouble, so let me follow him on official duties. We will meet him at that time, avoiding the eyes and ears of the capital, but it¡¯s okay, I agreed to give him an answer.¡± Lu Yunzhi said. Shang Wang nodded, but hesitated to speak. Lu Yunzhi asked: "By the way, how is the investigation of Yu Ting's matter? Didn't Cheng Fangdong leave any clues when he submitted to Yu Qian?" He scratched his head and said awkwardly: "I heard about it, but I don't know how to tell you. A few days ago, I had a drink with Zhen Lingdan. When the wine was full, he mentioned that the Dragon Master of Huangshan was going to come out to help again. thing. As a result, he told a story about Cheng Fangdong and Master Long, saying that he was very sexy. It was said that Master Long had a very good aphrodisiac. Cheng Fangdong asked for a pair of aphrodisiac from Master Long, saying that it was for a It¡¯s just for the little girl. But I think Cheng Fangdong is a eunuch. How can he use this thing? I guess it¡¯s" "I know, thank you for your advice." Lu Yunzhi's face was filled with blackness. His voice was trembling a little, but he still pretended to be calm and said to Shang Wang. Shang Wan clasped his fists and said, "I know these things now, so I'll go back first. I'll answer Shi Heng when he said that you will find him when Tianjin Wei comes, okay?" "Very good, thank you." Lu Yunzhi He also clasped his fists and replied, then closed his mouth and stopped talking. Shang Wang nodded and said softly: "Don't worry too much, my lord, I have everything. If my wife has a clue, I will save her with all my efforts. I'm leaving." Lu Yunzhi didn't say anything else. , just said gratefully: "Please." Shang Wang is a man who values ??friendship. Although he always has many perverted ideas due to various reasons, he is a person worth trusting. Shang Wang didn't look back, walked quickly, then jumped onto the wall in a flash, and disappeared in the blink of an eye. Lu Yunzhi dragged his tired body back into the house. Looking at the sleeping faces of Yingzi and Yang Xiyu, he suddenly felt a surge of sweetness in his heart and quickly spread throughout his body, and the anger on his face disappeared a lot. What will happen to Yu Ting? Why do I have to live on thin ice, surrounded by grass and trees, and living with so much scheming? In order to survive, in order to let the people I love live, in order to see Yu Ting again, and in order to again No matter how hard it is, it's worth it. Lu Yunzhi thought about lying down on the large bed with his clothes on. He was so tired that he fell asleep in a short time. The moonlight shone in, a little desolate. Lu Yunzhi was no longer young. Although he was still handsome, his sleeping face was full of wind and frost. The next day, Wang Yulu, Lu Yunzhi and Murong Yunfei consulted Qu Xiangtian. Of course, Wang Yulu's surrender was not dared to be known to Shi Fang, so the location for natural diagnosis and treatment was chosen to be the place Lu Yunzhi had purchased for Wang Yulu. Small center outside the city. After everyone looked at it, Wang Yulu said: "The inner demon is caused by the disobedience of ghosts and spirits. It is necessary to induce the evil spirits of chaos in the Xiangtian body. After using methods to make them weak, General Qu can be surrendered and taken into the body. " After hearing this, Murong Yunfei asked: "In this way, why not kill Chaos, but let Xiangtian conquer Chaos again??Incorporating it into the body, wouldn't this be self-destruction and burying the danger around you? " Wang Yulu replied: "You don't know something. Xiangtian's current body has been somewhat integrated with chaos. In other words, his body has also fallen into the devil's way. If chaos is induced by force, it will be separated from Xiangtian. , it will inevitably cause chaos to the main body. If it's done well, it's just a matter of time. If not, as long as there is a trace of demonic nature left in Xiangtian's body, even gods can't save him, and he will completely fall into the devil's way. If Mrs. Qu keeps insisting on separating the chaos in Xiangtian's body, then I can only abdicate in favor of others, wait and see, and ask Mrs. Qu for advice. "Wang Yulu was a little unhappy. He was very confident in his medical skills. When he saw that Murong Yunfei was a little gesticulating, his stubborn temper grew. "Murong Yunfei was very smart. She saw Wang Yulu's unhappiness and stood up quickly. He stood up and made a Wanfu salute and said: "Senior Brother Wang, my husband's illness is more likely to be entrusted to you. I was in a hurry just now and said something inappropriate. If I offended you, please don't use the knowledge of a woman like me. " When Murong Yunfei said this, Wang Yulu felt embarrassed because of the sudden attack of ignorance just now, and hurriedly said: "Brothers and sisters, what are you talking about? When I was in the Zhongzheng lineage, Xiangtian and I were our masters. Brother, although I have been expelled from the family now and serve my lord, my lord is a sworn brother to the sky. We are still our own family, so you don't have to be polite. I was a little arrogant just now. Please forgive me, brothers and sisters. "As soon as the title of brother and sister came out, the unfamiliarity of "Mrs. Qu" who was still cold just now was resolved. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 58: Golden elixir for body protection "Okay, we are all members of the same family, so don't be polite. I probably already understand what Brother Wang means." Lu Yunzhi said: "You mean that the chaos in my brother's body is like a flood. , it can only be channeled, not blocked. Once the containment is imposed, as long as there is a gap, it will easily collapse and cause a flash flood. Sealing and removing it are not advisable. The only way is to convert the power of chaos into the big brother's own power and channel the chaos into it. Use is the right way. Am I right to say this?" "My lord, you are wise." Wang Yulu praised, Qu Xiangtian had been listening and said with a smile: "Then I am just like you, third brother, and can use it. The power of ghosts. Well, with the power of chaos, third brother, you can't beat me. Then we can have a good fight with you." Wang Yulu shook her head after hearing this. Xiangtian's words are wrong. If you use this method to cure him, I don't know who is more powerful, but your methods are completely different. " "Oh? Why is there a difference? Even if I can extract chaos. Are you still on the path to becoming a demon? Then please tell Brother Yulu quickly." Qu Xiangtian asked. Wang Yulu thought for a moment and said: "The combination of the Lord and the Nightmare has the effect of complementing yin and yang. The two enhance and influence each other, but they are two individuals. Even if they fight, each of them will benefit from it, and the increase in strength will also Slowly, like spring water gathering into a lake, step by step. Xiangtian, yours is different. I just said that your body has been possessed by the devil, so you cannot force separation. If you come to conquer Chaos, after sealing it in your body, Chaos will disappear. It becomes a container that provides you with energy. This container can only decrease but not increase, but the two of you become one, and the energy that can be driven is like a vast ocean. From a theoretical point of view, you are still possessed. It's just that you can control this power. In this way, you can use one move to exhaust all the energy of Chaos. Although it is dangerous, the destructive power is also amazing. "Lu Yunzhi, Murong Yunfei and Qu Xiang. The three people in Tian nodded and understood what Wang Yulu said. At this time, Qu Xiangtian said: "Then what should I do? After inducing the chaos, I will become a demon. Where will I have the sanity to surrender? "Brother, you don't have to worry about this. I will let the nightmare bring you into the dream. You don't have to impose restraint, just fall asleep. When Chaos is weak, I will wake you up." Just remember to surrender him as soon as possible. But Brother Wang, I still have a question. Once my eldest brother becomes a demon, although Chaos will wrap his whole body with ghost energy, we only need to attack that layer of ghost energy to weaken Chaos' strength. , make Chaos weaker, and if possible, even trap him, and wait for the big brother to wake up and recover. But the fists and feet are blind, especially the magic. What if it hurts my big brother's body?" Lu Yunzhi asked. . Wang Yulu took out a small bottle from her arms and then took out a pill. The pill sparkled with layers of golden color. Murong Yunfei shouted: "Golden elixir from the Danding lineage." Wang Yulu nodded and said: "Exactly, my brothers and sisters are really knowledgeable. The Danding lineage is not good at martial arts and magic, so they always take the golden elixir before fighting. , once taken, the body will be gleaming with golden light, as if a god descended to earth. It is called the golden elixir by their Danding lineage. After taking the golden elixir, ghosts will not dare to get close, and the magic will be helpless. It is also invulnerable and can protect the body. Mine is refined by combining the benefits of the golden elixir, so the effect is even better. I think even the magic of heaven and earth can't do anything about it, but the golden elixir can only be used once a month. If you swallow two in the same month. If you take one golden elixir, you will die immediately. Because mine is refined, the potency is getting longer but the time is also shortened. It only lasts for about a cup of tea, so if you want Xiangtian to retreat, you can let go of your hands and feet. After becoming a demon, you can only use this cup of tea to fight against Xiangtian. "Murong Yunfei sighed and said with a frown: "When Xiangtian became a demon in the past, there were so many experts present, even if Yu Qian was different from me. We are of the same mind, but we have tried our best to control Xiang Tian in this way. If Xiang Tian becomes possessed today, I am afraid that if I fail to control him, I will hurt you. If you can't awaken his mind, wouldn't it be even more dangerous then? It's inappropriate to put your lives at risk in order to save Xiangtian." Murong Yunfei's words moved Lu Yunzhi greatly. It seems that her sister-in-law's. The essence has not changed. Qu Xiangtian also grabbed Murong Yunfei's hand and said: "As expected of my wife, I agree. This method will not hurt me much, but it is too risky for you. You must not use it." Murong Yunfei Fei smiled bitterly after hearing this. In fact, she only had Qu Xiangtian in her heart. She believed in the divination she had seen. If Lu Yun died this time, it would be a good thing. But if this is the case, it is inevitable that Qu Xiangtian will regret it, and maybe he will follow Lu Yun on impulse. That would be too unfair.It's worth it. Lu Yunzhi didn't know what Murong Yunfei was thinking in his heart now, but he smiled slightly and said to Qu Xiangtian: "There is no need for others, even if Bai Yong and the others are not here, although I dare not say that I can control the eldest brother after becoming a demon. But after the eldest brother's body is asleep, it is not a problem for me, Lu Yun, to take down the possessed Chaos. " "Third brother, this matter is life-threatening. This Chaos is very violent. Remember. Is it the one we saw for the first time in the Zhongzheng Lineage courtyard? Although there are slight differences between the two, several senior brothers used the Heavenly Thunder Formation to control it. I know you were able to fight Shang Yang Jiuying with one manpower. He is the best master in the world, but although Chaos is also an evil ghost, he cannot be compared with other low-level evil ghosts. Besides, Chaos will become stronger after becoming a demon. If you are attacked by the art of heaven and earth, then " Qu Xiangtian said. Lu Yunzhi interrupted Qu Xiangtian's words and spoke: "Brother, why do you have so little confidence in me? I'm never arrogant or humble. There's no hypocrisy between you and me. I'm sure I can deal with it." Chaos after becoming a demon. The reason why I let you enter the nightmare dream is because once you become a demon and match the ability of chaos, then I will not be sure, but it is still possible to be in chaos. And I am not the best in the world. A master, I have seen people who are better than me, but maybe he is not the best, so you must not call me number one." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 59: Treatment for Demonic Possession "Who is that person?" Qu Xiangtian asked, and Lu Yunzhi replied: "People from Fenggu, but there are people outside the world. The big ones are hiding in the city, and the small ones are hiding in the wilds. The real masters may be in unknown places. Maybe they are around us, but they are inconspicuous, and in the eyes of real experts, we are just inferior sorcerers. At least Uncle Feng has this qualification." Qu Xiangtian stood up and patted Lu Yun. He said over his shoulder: "No matter what, third brother, I believe you. Since you said it's okay, then it will definitely work." Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and walked out of the magic circle arranged together with Wang Yulu in the room to ensure that the entire The process is as foolproof as possible. The formation is only used as a blocker to gain a moment of time. It is not very useful in a real fight. Wang Yulu asked in a low voice: "My lord, how sure are you of controlling the chaos after being possessed by the devil." Lu Yunzhi shook her head and said: "I don't know, to be honest, although the invisible magic I recently learned has no backlash, no It will cause the body to move, but it consumes a lot of energy. If it cannot be done within three moves, it may be difficult to use the fourth move, and it will only achieve 50% of the effect, both in terms of power and accuracy. "Then you dare to take the risk?" Wang Yulu stopped calling Lu Yunzhi and shouted in surprise. Lu Yunzhi made a gesture of silence and said: "Keep your voice down, don't let my elder brother hear. You must take this risk. I have some confidence. Besides, for my elder brother, I have to go through all kinds of swords and seas of fire. Once I If you still can't restrain my elder brother after three moves, and you don't have the strength to use the fourth move, then leave me alone and I will stop him. You can escort Murong Yunfei away quickly, and then return to the city to inform Dong De and others. If you are no match for Qian, just flee to the end of the world. I think Timur is a good place. My second brother is also powerful there and will continue to support your dream. Please,¡± Wang Yulu said in a panic. : "My lord, it's not as dangerous as going up the mountain of knives and under the sea of ??fire to control the possessed Chaos. Now you've settled your funeral arrangements. Otherwise, let's shelve this plan. I'll do some more research and find a safer way. "Come on." "Haha, let's take care of the funeral. Remember to tell my two ladies that I love them. It's just that time is running out. Yu Qian has already taken action. If the eldest brother is in trouble. Being possessed by the devil will be detrimental to our side, and everyone will die. Success or failure depends on this decision. Although it seems to be hasty, it is a helpless move. While they were talking, Qu Xiangtian and Murong Yunfei walked out arm in arm. Qu Xiangtian asked: "What was Brother Yulu talking about just now? Why do I hear that you are not taking risks? What, third brother, is there any plan?" Is there any deviation?" Lu Yunzhi showed a confident smile, and then said: "It's okay, brother, come into the formation quickly." Qu Xiangtian walked into the formation, sat cross-legged, and looked at each other. The eyes of the two brothers were full of trust. Then Qu Xiangtian glanced at Murong Yunfei again. This look spoke a thousand words, and this look was filled with iron-blooded tenderness. "I'm starting." Lu Yunzhi said, then stretched out a hand from Lu Yunzhi's chest, grabbed Qu Xiangtian's head, and then left quickly. Qu Xiangtian's head that was held high finally lowered, and he fell into a deep sleep. Wang Yulu opened Qu Xiangtian's mouth, then put the golden pill in, closed his mouth, and patted the pill gently, and the pill entered Qu Xiangtian's belly. Suddenly, Qu Xiangtian's body was filled with golden light, as if a god descended to earth. Although the sleeping face was still, it was not angry and intimidating, and the surroundings were filled with solemnity. Murong Yunfei whispered to herself: "How to induce chaos." But Lu Yunzhi suddenly turned into a sword and stabbed Qu Xiangtian. Murong Yunfei let out a low cry, but Wang Yulu She rushed to Murong Yunfei's side, hugged her around the waist, regardless of etiquette, and jumped out of the formation without saying anything, watching from a distance. Qu Xiangtian opened his eyes, which were full of blood-red color and full of ferocious aura. Two huge wings of ghostly aura surged out from behind him, instantly blocking the stabbing Qi. The sword was shattered in an instant. Qu Xiangtian was still sitting cross-legged, but suddenly he flew into the air and rushed towards Lu Yunzhi. Thunder was rolling, lightning was thundering, and electric current was surging around him. Lu Yunzhi was not alone. The nightmare came out of his body. The two of them did not dodge. Suddenly, the electric current around them also hit Qu Xiangtian at the same time. At the same time, there was only a slight sound of the air being torn, wandering in the air for a long time. The earth trembled at the same time. Two stone pillars rose into the sky, and then suddenly bent to sandwich Qu Xiangtian in the middle. A blazing fire was ignited on top of the stone pillars. The scorching heat suddenly caused Wang Yulu and Wang Yulu who were standing in the distance to Murong Yunfei felt as if she was in a pill furnace. Lu Yunzhi and Mengmeng were lifted up by a spring water rushing up from their feet.He quickly headed towards Qu Xiangtian, who was being held up and burned but was about to struggle away. The spring water suddenly froze into ice, but did not stop. It turned straight into sharp thorns, piercing Qu Xiangtian, whose body was already occupied by chaos. sky. The two large wings formed by ghost energy behind Qu Xiangtian protected Qu Xiangtian's side, blocking the burning of the high temperature. However, Qu Xiangtian's two hands suddenly hit the stone pillar, and the stone pillar collapsed suddenly. His fists were vulnerable to a blow. Qu Xiangtian transformed his fist into a palm and pushed forward violently, using a move that any ordinary martial artist would do to get to the point, but its power was extraordinary. The ice pick stabbing in front of his eyes was shattered, and Qu Xiangtian's arm seemed to be filled with fire. Infinite flames, but the flames are red and black at other times. Suddenly these flames seemed to be torn into pieces, and then Qu Xiangtian let out an angry roar. This roar was not Qu Xiangtian's voice, but seemed to be a roar from the deepest part of hell. The lightning and thunder disappeared in a blink of an eye, and they struck each other one after another. With Qu Xiangtian's body intact, he could no longer let out that hoarse roar. This is the invisible art of wind control. Lu Yunzhi made the wind and water rise, and at the same time, he used the invisible mental method to control earth, thunder, water, and fire. There was dust all around, and Qu Xiangtian stood up. The large wings formed by ghostly energy were already erratic, and at this moment, a sword that looked like an ordinary steel sword, but was made of dark red and white light. The sword stabbed over, and the person holding the sword was Lu Yunzhi. One of the wings formed by the ghost energy was quickly protected in front of him, and the other one hit Lu Yunzhi, but before it touched the sword, the wings disappeared as if they were suddenly defeated by something invisible, and Qu Xiangtian His body suddenly moved back, trying to retreat, but the formation on the ground formed a circle of light curtain and blocked his way. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 60: The elder brother comes to the rescue Qu Xiangtian's body hit the light curtain. The light above the light curtain flowed rapidly, but it shattered instantly. Although it could not stop Qu Xiangtian, it slowed down his movement. The handle Jian Ye then caught up with Qu Xiangtian. At this moment, another Lu Yunzhi came out from one side and suddenly hit something like a net towards Qu Xiangtian. Qu Xiangtian was caught off guard and was caught by the attack. He was tightly wrapped by the thing. Looking closely, he saw that it was a rune made of gas. The color of the rune was also dark red but glowing with white light. At this moment, one of the two Lu Yuns clapped his hands and shouted: "Wake up!" Qu Xiangtian's eyes were no longer so fierce, and he had regained his consciousness. He gritted his teeth and kept chanting silently, with the last trace of ghostly energy on his body. Gone. Qu Xiangtian sat cross-legged. Although his body was shaking constantly, the expression on his face gradually calmed down. Lu Yunzhi also stopped and looked at Qu Xiangtian quietly. The other "Lu Yunzhi" on the side nodded and said, "I'll go and have a rest if nothing happens." After that, he walked in Lu Yunzhi's body was in a mess all around. Wang Yulu in the distance sighed repeatedly, this is not a battle, but destruction. After a long time, Qu Xiangtian opened his eyes, shouted a few times, then jumped up, laughed twice and said: "I have recovered and sealed Chaos. As long as I practice hard, I think I can do it." Free to extract. Third brother, thank you for your hard work." Lu Yunzhi smiled with satisfaction. At this time, Murong Yunfei and Wang Yulu dared to run over. Wang Yulu asked: "How many moves did this count just now?" Lu Yunzhi stretched out an index finger and did not answer. Murong Yunfei was shocked, and with one move It had such an earth-shattering effect that the mountains collapsed and the earth shattered. He controlled the possessed Chaos in one move. Lu Yunzhi became more and more unfathomable. If they turned against each other Murong Yunfei didn't dare to think about it anymore. Lu Yunzhi did not have the usual backlash after using the clan's heaven and earth technique. Instead, he ran all the way back to the room and brought Qu Xiangtian a robe and a seven-star sword. Qu Xiangtian took them and dressed them neatly and said in a loud voice: "My brother is truly a celestial being. Even after the chaos in my body became possessed, you were able to defeat it with one move, and you also used the art of air control to turn it into a talisman to seal it, which saved me a lot of trouble. You're such a good boy. "It seems that I am too old to defeat you." "That's not necessarily the case," Lu Yunzhi said with a smile, "First of all, brother has not been possessed by demons and has not merged with ghosts, so his natural strength has been reduced by half. Even so, I tried my best to win it. Besides, your strength was reduced by half even before you had the sword. Speaking of swords, I always think of you grabbing it before Timur's thousands of troops. My sister-in-law's heroic appearance and heroic poems. " "Really? I can also compose poems. Why don't I remember it?" Qu Xiangtian said with a sincere face, and Murong Yunfei also said with a happy face. Look, I said you and your two brothers should not learn it when they are together. You are just pretending to be stupid." When Lu Yunzhi and Wang Yulu heard this, they burst into laughter. After all, Qu Xiangtian was freed from the demon. The anxious hearts of the two men also relaxed. Qu Xiangtian scratched his head in embarrassment. Lu Yunzhi chanted loudly: "I would like to take a sword from my waist and kill everyone in the world." Qu Xiangtian shouted. : "Good courage, what next?" Lu Yunzhi said with an embarrassed look: "Those who stop me are behind, kill them. Brother, have you really forgotten?" Before Qu Xiangtian could nod, he was killed by Murong Yun Fei pinched it hard and scolded: "Qu Xiangtian, you have forgotten the scene that I often miss, you bastard." It seemed that Qu Xiangtian really didn't remember, but he was deliberately pretending at this moment. Silently, he said with a smile: "It was just a joke, just a joke, don't pinch me." Everyone was so noisy and happy that they tidied up and went back home. Only Wang Yulu remained here, which was inconvenient. Following everyone back to the Zhongzheng lineage, I was afraid that Shi Fang would be unhappy. As soon as I returned to the Zhongzheng Yiline House, I saw that the house was full of people. There were young people with various accents standing there. They were all under the age of twenty. They were all in high spirits. You could tell at a glance that they were smart people. Qu Xiangtian smiled and said, "Which song is this from?" Lu Yunzhi did not answer, but walked quickly to the courtyard, looked at the young people and said loudly: "Everyone, please stand still eight horizontally and eight vertically. , I have something to say." A young man walked out from the crowd. He was tall and held his head high, and his temperament was quite like that of Qu Xiangtian when he was young. Qu Xiangtian smiled and asked, "What's the matter?" He cupped his fists and said, "Ran Dongnan, a disciple of the Fengfu lineage, dare I ask these two gentlemen what their surname is." Lu Yunzhi and Qu Xiangtian saw the young man pretending to be mature, and couldn't help but look at each other and smile, and then replied softly: " I'm Lu Yunzhi. ""I am Qu Xiangtian." The noisy people in the courtyard suddenly quieted down and looked at Lu Yunzhi, Qu Xiangtian and Murong Yunfei. Murong Yunfei covered her mouth and snickered, and then said softly: "It seems that you two are famous all over the world."   All the young men stood with their fists clasped and shouted: "Greetings to the Master of Zhongzheng, I have met General Qu." Lu Yunzhi nodded, and then said something since he came to study in Zhongzheng, he must respect his teachers and strictly prohibit private fights. If you don't like it, then send someone to call Chao Xing and Ah Rong and ask them to take these young people to the houses in the West City. After arranging everything, Han Yueqiu strolled over and said coldly and without expression: "Yunzhi, Master is calling you." Lu Yunzhi answered yes with clasped fists, then quickly followed Han Yueqiu and walked over. Qu Xiangtian shrugged and said Murong Yunfei said: "You go back and rest first. I don't know what Yun Zhi has done. Don't mention Wang Yulu's matter to others. I'll go and take a look first. I think the third brother will be punished by the master again." Lu Yun As soon as Zhihe and Han Yueqiu entered Yangshanzhai, Qu Xiangtian was chasing after him. Shi Fang glanced at Qu Xiangtian and asked, "Xiangtian, what can I do for you?" Qu Xiangtian chuckled and said, "Nothing. "My third brother just helped me escape from the devil's path. I came over to see if he is okay." "Seriously, are you really out of the devil's path?" Shi Fang was very happy when he heard the news, and Lu Yunzhi nodded. He also told Qu Xiangtian that his body was no different, and he knew that his elder brother had come to rescue him. Shi Fang hurriedly asked: "How did you do it? Please tell Master quickly." Lu Yunzhi briefly explained the matter, while Qu Xiangtian added on the side, naturally publicizing Lu Yunzhi's hard work. . After such preparation, Shi Fang's intention to rebuke Lu Yunzhi just now disappeared. He asked in a very calm tone: "What's going on with those young disciples from various branches in the courtyard?" Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 61: Full of Scheming Lu Yunzhi clasped his fists and said, "Those young men are all young talents from various branches, and they are talents who have been specially trained by the masters of each branch. I came to them to teach them all the more exquisite methods of exorcising ghosts. Communicate with each other, correct their deviations in practice, and make up for their deficiencies in branch skills." Shi Fang nodded and said: "That's right, our Zhongzheng lineage has such obligations, and you are Zhongzheng now. With the palm veins of the same vein, I can¡¯t say much about what you do. It¡¯s just Yun Zhi. You are not young yet, but you only have one disciple, and your disciple Zhu Jianshen¡¯s qualifications are not too high, and something happened. Even if you add the child in Xi Yu's belly, you will only have two people for our Zhongzheng line. Now that you are not busy recruiting disciples, you are in charge of the development of other branches. Master is stingy, but I'm afraid that Zhongzheng's lineage will be cut off." Lu Yunzhi said yes repeatedly, but did not answer. "Yunzhi, you must have deep intentions in doing this, but I think it's time for you to accept a few disciples, what do you think?" Shi Fang said after deliberation. Lu Yunzhi nodded in agreement and then said: "Master, I think that if the Zhongzheng lineage wants to carry forward, there are three ways to go. The first is to have a large number of people, just like the branches of the tribes on the border. This will inevitably be powerful, but Due to the large number of people, the number of disciples is naturally mixed, and it is even more difficult to cultivate good talents. If a bowl of water cannot be balanced, it is more likely to cause internal conflicts and may become a ragtag group that hides evil and evil in the future. If you do something bad, it will ruin the reputation of the Zhongzheng line. So I don't choose this path." Shi Fang said approvingly: "That's right, go on." Lu Yunzhi clasped his fists again. He said: "The second is to cultivate elites and let them use their strengths. However, this cycle is too long, and because there are too few people, the impact on various branches of the world is not as good as before. Our Zhongzheng lineage is the founder of Tiandiren What I want to develop is not only my own strength, but also the prosperity of the world." "This is the path I am taking," Shi Fang said, "You are right, in this way you will all become talented. Although our Zhongzheng line has been dormant for a long time, although the branches still report to us the replacement of disciples and palms according to the rules, sometimes they still report to us. He would go to Beijing to worship, but his prestige was not as good as before. What's more, he even ignored the instructions of the Zhongzheng lineage and regarded us as nothing. It didn't get better until you took over. " "So I chose the third one. Only in this way can the Zhongzheng lineage be pushed back to the center of heaven, earth and people. The sea is open to all rivers and can accommodate all rivers. Let all branches come to the capital to study and teach each other. This will make them willing to surrender and those who win the hearts of the people will win the world. " Lu Yunzhi said. Qu Xiangtian laughed when he heard this and said: "The third brother is so courageous. He does not focus on his own selfish interests but looks at the overall situation. I admire this broadmindedness. Yes, now is the best time to do this. We are strong now. If we don't recruit them now, then we will wait." Han Yueqiu murmured at this time: "Although it is true, it is just that after Yunzhi learned the skills of our Zhongzheng lineage, they will listen to the instructions and not listen to the propaganda. , So what if they go against their will? It¡¯s more likely that some people will bring trouble to the world after learning. Wouldn¡¯t that be counterproductive?¡± ¡°Second senior brother is right, so this time I didn¡¯t blindly let them come to Beijing to study. The main thing is to cultivate their thoughts of benevolence and righteousness. Once I discover the traitor, I will definitely drive him out. I have another idea in doing this this time. In order to learn the profound skills of the Zhongzheng line, all branches are sent. They are all young talents from their own branches, and they are all smart people. I asked my uncle to travel around the various branches before, and explained that most of the world's branches of heaven and earth will be involved this time, and there is a sense of comparison between the branches. All the disciples are the best in this branch, which means that the branch disciples in the courtyard just now are likely to be the masters of the branch in the future," Lu Yunzhi said. Shi Fang suddenly understood, clapped his hands in praise, and said: "I understand what Yun Zhi means, that is, once they learn the spells of the Zhongzheng line, they will be even more outstanding, and they will be more likely to inherit the line master in their branch line. position. You have taught them that although they do not have the title of master and disciple, they have the relationship of master and disciple. The master of the Zhongzheng line is the master of each branch. In addition, you taught them the principles of benevolence and righteousness. They respect Under the guidance of the Master, they will definitely obey the command of the Zhongzheng line. The more unified the people of heaven and earth are, the stronger they will be. Likewise, the Zhongzheng line will be stronger. " I heard Shi Fang say three words in succession. Okay, a smile appeared on Lu Yunzhi's face, and he continued: "Master, in fact, there is another meaning. All the magics in the world come from the same origin. Although they are getting farther and farther along the way of cultivation, each branch has different meanings. It's more unique to have a separate lineage, but after all, they have the same ancestors and clans. If the leaders of each branch come to exchange techniques together,?, it is inevitable that these people will have reservations, but this is not the case for these teenagers. This is why I set the age. They have not experienced the vicissitudes of the world and are not good at those intrigues. I understand it even more while guiding them. Many spells in the world are also an improvement for oneself. I believe that the art that combines the strengths of each family will be more powerful. Teaching them now will also provide me with richer knowledge and experience in recruiting disciples in the future. "Although Lu Yunzhi did not tell the real purpose and the most important point, what he said is true, especially when combined with the strengths of various schools. Of course, this superficial reason also hides other thoughts, deep in the valley. In the high tower, Lu Yunzhi's understanding of some graphics and words is still very vague, and there are even some things that are still unclear. Since the magic numbers in the world are all evolved from the contents of the high tower, return to the original nature and bring the world to its original meaning. By combining the spells, you may be able to understand the secrets of the patterns in the tower and open the upper doors. Opening those doors is not the ultimate goal. Usually, what you get after opening them is what you have already understood. , but through the explanation of a word or graphic and annotation, people can have a deeper understanding of what they already know, so that they don¡¯t know what it is. In short, when you think about the content of each layer carefully, you will always feel enlightened. It felt like it could make people realize a lot of truths and make their skills more refined, so Lu Yunzhi was even more eager to open the remaining doors in the tower. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 62: Youngster Listening to Training After listening to Lu Yunzhi's words, Shi Fang felt relieved and said, "I wrongly blamed you. I didn't see your good intentions. Only after listening to your words today did I realize that you were thinking about the overall situation." Lu Yunzhi said with cupped fists. : "The disciple has not reported to the master first and should be punished." Shi Fang smiled and waved his hand. "However, you should also accept a disciple as soon as possible. As a master, I not only hope to see your children and grandchildren happy, but also hope to see the Zhongzheng family prosperous and prosperous all over the world." Shi Fang changed the subject and said to Lu Yunzhi. , turned to Han Yueqiu and said: "Although there are some ancestral teachings in my lineage, it is said that once the palm lineage comes to the throne, the other senior brothers must leave the Zhongzheng lineage, or stay in the Zhongzheng lineage as elders, and are not allowed to accept any more apprentices to teach. However, There are new rules for everything. If your second senior brother Yunzhi and Xiang Tian are willing to help teach students, you see" Lu Yunzhi smiled and said, "Of course that's good. Second senior brother can teach students better than me. It's much more appropriate. What we were most afraid of when we were young was the cold-faced second senior brother." Everyone laughed, and Han Yueqiu also raised the corners of his mouth and smiled slightly. Shi Fang suddenly took Han Yueqiu's arm and said: "Master is old and likes to worry too much. Don't think Master is verbose. Yueqiu, you are already a grown man. You see, most of your junior brothers are married. Shouldn't you too?" The marriage is about to happen." Han Yueqiu's stern face suddenly became rosy, but she shook her head and said, "I don't want to get married, I just want to stay with you." "Nonsense, I'm old as hell. At the beginning of the year, our Zhongzheng lineage has always valued freedom. Today I will give you a big deal. Yunzhi, please tell them all. If you see a suitable person, I will introduce it to your second senior brother. Let¡¯s get married.¡± Shi Fang said. After so many years, Han Yueqiu has always been by Shi Fang's side, and Shi Fang has long treated Han Yueqiu as his own son, and naturally he doesn't care about Han Yueqiu's happiness. Lu Yunzhi laughed evilly and said, "How dare I ask the second senior brother what kind of girl he likes? Is it the eldest lady from an official's family or a small girl from a merchant's family?" Han Yueqiu snorted coldly and raised his foot to kick Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi Zhi hid and said to Shi Fang: "Master, I have become a vein master, why is he still beating me?" Shi Fang smiled and said to Lu Yunzhi: "Stop making fun of your second senior brother, you and Xiang Go and get busy." Lu Yunzhi and Qu Xiangtian bowed their hands and walked out with smiles. When they walked into the courtyard, a servant came forward and claimed that Ah Rong had arranged everything and was waiting for Lu Yunzhi to go over and lecture them. Lu Yunzhi was about to go, but Qu Xiangtian suddenly said: "Third brother, please stay." Lu Yunzhi turned around and asked: "Brother, what do you want me to do? You have just escaped from the devil's path, so you should go back and rest first. Take a moment, and then adapt to the power of chaos, don't let our hard work go to waste." "Well, I understand, but third brother, you didn't tell me, what is the real purpose of letting these young people come?" Qu Xiang Tian looked into Lu Yunzhi's eyes and asked seriously. Lu Yunzhi hesitated to speak, not knowing how to answer, but Qu Xiangtian stopped Lu Yunzhi and said: "You are kind and loyal. Brother, I am very confident about you. I hope you can keep doing it." You, don't make me sad. What you said to Master before makes sense, but based on my understanding of you, there is nothing you haven't said yet, so I won't force you to say it. , Anyway, just take care of yourself." After Qu Xiangtian finished speaking, he patted Lu Yunzhi's shoulder and turned away. Lu Yunzhi looked at Qu Xiangtian's back, feeling quite uncomfortable. Qu Xiangtian's understanding of him actually made him happy. His heart was a little shaken, and he could only sigh and murmur: "Brother." Lu Yunzhi came to the terraced house on the west side of the capital. This was his second time here. He had been here before when it was built. Once, I made some suggestions and never came again. Today, I saw that the craftsmen were really attentive. It seemed that Fang Qingze's real gold and silver were really easy to use. Lu Yunzhi's almost demanding requirements were met one by one. The young men were gathered in the open space outside the room, a total of sixty-four. Among the people of heaven and earth, some branches only had two or three people left, and some, like the Yan Gua branch where Wu Hao was, fled the war, leaving Chao Xing unaware. Some of them were not notified of their whereabouts, and some were wiped out by Yu Qian. In addition, the other branches sent young talents to attend the meeting, lest they fall behind. Just as Lu Yunzhi guessed, these young men are all beloved disciples of various lineage masters, and they all have excellent qualifications. This time, one of them came to learn the magic of the Zhongzheng line, and the other was that the Zhongzheng line was in full swing. They came here specifically to express their goodwill, saying that they would still obey the orders of the Zhongzheng line. Even the three of them had a tendency to compete with each other. Most of the young men were very arrogant. When they saw Lu Yunzhi not coming for a long time, they started to make noises. Some of them got into fights when they had the slightest disagreement. It was not until Ah Rong and Chao Xing took action to stop the fight. Especially Chao Xing, the old master of the Iron Sword lineage, turned his fist into a sword and hit fifty big strikes each, and his shots were extremely heavy. If he were not also proficient in magic,Young men and ordinary people would have been killed on the spot. Of course, Lu Yunzhi tried his best to find these young people, and Chao Xing was merciful, even more so without using his sword. However, no one was afraid of Chao Xing. Wherever Chao Xing went, there were many young people. They all got out of the way, as if they were seeing a tiger descending from the mountain. When Lu Yunzhi arrived at the scene, he saw Chao Xing's majestic look, and Ah Rong's evil smiles, as well as the silence of all the young people. He immediately understood, walked forward, cupped his hands and said, "Just now, I In the main courtyard of Zhongzheng Lineage, I have introduced myself. I am Lu Yunzhi. I will preach to you for the past three days. " "The so-called benevolence is" Lu Yunzhi started talking after a brief introduction. As for talking, discussing the scriptures and teachings, it doesn¡¯t matter whether anyone is listening or not. Although most of the young people were impatient, they did not dare to contradict Lu Yunzhi. Moreover, there was the "big tiger" Chao Xing around, so they would not dare to talk nonsense. Lu Yunzhi spoke for more than an hour. When he finished speaking, most of the young people in front of him were already drowsy. Lu Yunzhi only heard Lu Yunzhi say softly: "I will stop here today. I will talk later." I will give you some pens, ink, paper and inkstones, and you can write down what I just said from your memory. If most of them are correct, I will personally teach you the techniques tomorrow. Remember, Master Chao Mai will teach you the physical techniques again. , then go copy the book, Ah Rong will supervise it." "All the young people were shocked and panicked. Only a few of them looked proud. One of the young people sitting down shouted in dissatisfaction: "Master Zhongzhengmai, what are you doing?" No explanation in advance.¡± Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 63: Surveillance in the dense forest Lu Yunzhi glanced at the man and said: "Both trees and plants are our teachers. If you want to obtain the highest level of magic, you must understand everything in life or nature. The first step to experience is to remember first. You have a bad memory." A fool cannot become a good person, let alone a master. Besides, when you meet an opponent in the future, every word you say is crucial and may be a matter of life and death. Do you still want the enemy to advance? Tell you which sentence is important and which sentence is not important? " "Of course what I said is not just to test your memory. Benevolence and righteousness are the foundation of being a human being. No matter how good your skills are, if your fundamentals as a human being are broken, then Your heart is dead, no matter how well you learn, you are just a walking zombie. Today is the first day, so I made an exception to explain this question. But in the future, you can do whatever I ask you to do, and don¡¯t ask questions. There is only obedience here. If you don't want to, you can leave now, admit that your branch is weak, and don't cry to the Zhongzheng branch for help in the future. But if you don't leave today, you won't be able to leave until now. At the end of their studies, those who drop out midway will be treated as deserters and killed!" Lu Yunzhi said coldly. The young men looked at each other, and suddenly felt that the Lu Yunzhi in front of them was indeed well-deserved, and his aura was stronger than that of the majestic Chao Mai Master. The last paragraph changed the image of the white-faced scholar just now, and was so fierce and frightening. Although the young men were a little scared, they also yearned for Lu Yunzhi's status and demeanor, and because of their master's instructions, they all stayed. Lu Yunzhi nodded and said: "Okay, let's dismiss it. You go back and write quickly. After you finish writing, hand it to Ah Rong. The cheater will have a fifty-fifty rod, and Master Chao Mai will execute it." After saying that, Lu Yunzhi was swept by a strong wind. He stood up and took off into the capital. It wasn't that Lu Yunzhi meant to show off, but it was time for Zhenhu to show his hands to those young people. As expected, those young people were shocked when they saw Lu Yunzhi flying up like a heavenly being. Those with a little knowledge explained softly that this was the clan's heaven and earth technique, the essence of the Zhongzheng lineage. Lu Yunzhi was thinking about the young man's reaction. He glanced at the dense forest beside him, with a slight smile on his lips. His figure flew rapidly in the air and disappeared without a trace in a moment. Behind the thick tree trunks in the dense forest, a woman was secretly watching. Her dark green clothes showed that she was well prepared. She was hidden in the dense forest without being noticed. Her face is very beautiful. Although it can be seen that she has passed the age of twenty-eight beauties, she is still beautiful and moving. Her mature beauty is the best interpretation of her body, but there is a trace of violence between her eyebrows. Qi and shrewdness. Of course, this could not be hidden from Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi had discovered her a long time ago. The words she just said were not so long-winded, but she just said them to them because the walls have ears. The reason why I say it is them is because there is not only this woman in the dense forest, but also a lean man hiding behind a tree on the side, looking at the woman with bright eyes. The man jumped up and walked very quickly behind the woman. When the woman heard the noise, she quickly turned around. A white cloud belt flew around, and the ghostly aura was swirling and murderous intent appeared everywhere. The man did not defend himself and just said softly: "Yunfei, why are you here too?" That woman was Murong Yunfei. After Lu Yunzhi was called away by Shi Fang, she did not go back to the room, but followed her. The young men came here early to ambush and observe Lu Yunzhi's actions. She was still worried, always feeling that Lu Yun must have some other plans for this. What Lu Yunzhi said just now made her a little confused, whether she was overthinking it. Lu Yunzhi preached benevolence and righteousness and taught the young people to respect teachers and moral principles first. There were no other bad arrangements. Murong Yunfei fell into self-blame. She thought of Lu Yunzhi and her discussing the past and the present in Timur. She also thought of the past when they recited poems and argued against each other by the pond in Murong Mansion. The scene of Ma Benben rescuing Zhu Qizhen is even more vivid. But since Murong Yunfei saw the hexagram of Mi Shisan, she targeted Lu Yunzhi everywhere. Later, she saw the scene of Qu Xiangtian's defeat and death through the hexagram, and she became even more worried. Murong Yunfei lived in tangle, and now she was even more tangled. She had a little doubt about the hexagram she saw. Did she make a mistake in her calculations, or was Lu Yunzhi's destiny energy too strong, which changed the original situation? It's a destined ending, but the Murong family's hexagrams are different and never wrong. What exactly is the problem? Murong Yunfei was just thinking about hearing the sound of footsteps behind her, and was suddenly shocked. She had never heard the sound of anyone coming before, but now she suddenly appeared. If her whereabouts were exposed like this, she might be targeted. Therefore, Murong Yunfei quickly turned around to defend herself, but was suddenly stunned. The person in front of her was Han Yueqiu. "Second senior brother, why are you here too?" Murong Yunfei hurriedly collected Bai Ling and asked Han Yueqiu. Han Yueqiu replied coldly, "Let me take a look. I have told Master and Xiang Tian that although they firmly believe in Yunzhi's motives, it must be to promote the Zhongzheng lineage, but they also ?Afraid that Yun Zhi would go astray, he asked me to see if his words and deeds were inconsistent. As expected, he did not disappoint the master. " Murong Yunfei frowned, thinking that her husband Qu Xiangtian was not stupid, and he knew how to take precautions against his third brother, but the person he sent was not right. Anyway, there was no one to look for except Han Yueqiu. Ordinary How could the scouts keep an eye on people like Lu Yunzhi? Although Qu Xiangtian didn't think so, and his purpose was just to worry about Lu Yunzhi, Murong Yunfei was very happy about this, thinking that Qu Xiangtian was on guard. Then he smiled at Han Yueqiu and said, "Second Senior Brother, let's go back together. " Han Yueqiu still replied coldly: "Don't be busy now. You haven't explained why you are here yet, and you are one step ahead of me. I was afraid that Yunzhi would find out that I didn't call you. Now I need an explanation. " Murong Yunfei smiled slightly again, secretly thinking that this Han Yueqiu was difficult to deal with, but she replied: "I heard about Yun Zhi, so I came here to take a look out of worry. " "It is said that? Listen to who. I rushed over as soon as I heard what Lu Yunzhi said, and Xiangtian also just learned about it, who did you listen to? "Han Yueqiu had a stern face and a cold voice. Murong Yunfei was a little speechless and couldn't think of any better excuse for a while, but Han Yueqiu snorted coldly and said: "Okay, let's put this issue aside. Forget it, today I was ordered by my teacher to come and take a look, but I didn¡¯t see Murong Yunfei. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 64: The Mysterious Handyman Murong Yunfei breathed a long sigh of relief and felt relieved. Turning a blind eye was the highest level of pretending to be confused and muddled. But I heard Han Yueqiu change the topic and continue: "I just hope you can behave yourself well in the future. Although I don't know what happened between you, I heard that you are always on guard against Yun Zhi, and you will blow the pillow breeze to the sky from time to time. In today's troubled times, it is not easy to have such brotherhood, but don't turn against each other because of a few slanders. It will not be good for the brothers or the Zhongzheng line. If anyone hinders the development of the Zhongzheng line, it will be bad. Don't blame me, Han Yueqiu, for being cruel. " Murong Yunfei nodded and thought to herself: This Han Yueqiu is usually silent, but he is really smart. No wonder he has been able to manage the entire Zhongzheng lineage for many years and knows how to deal with the world. He saved himself enough face by not pressing the question, and implicitly warned himself. He was really a powerful character. Moreover, he and Xiang Tian were able to escape from the control of the Murong family that day only with the help of Han Yueqiu. It was another debt of gratitude, so it would be a bad idea to fall out now, hey. After Han Yueqiu finished speaking, he turned to leave, but Murong Yunfei suddenly asked: "Second Senior Brother, do you believe Lu Yunzhi?" "I only listen to Master." Han Yueqiu said coldly and left here quickly. After that, Lu Yunzhi continued to preach for three or four days. This time, the young people learned the lesson and did not memorize it. Some of them with a little less memory hid their pen, ink, paper and inkstone to make a cheat sheet. The young men memorized the principles of benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom, and trust so well that they could memorize them to the point of speaking them out. For this reason, the young man even secretly nicknamed Lu Yunzhi "Old Master Lu." Because of the previous training in batches, the content of their respective practices quickly became different. Some learned the profound and labor-saving art of exorcising ghosts, while some were not bad. They danced with spears and sticks, which was very enjoyable, but also majestic. The worst ones were the teenagers who didn't remember it the first time, so they had to be ordered to copy the book in misery. In this contrast, everyone is more diligent, hoping to learn more useful things. In their expectations, Lu Yunzhi did not disappoint them. He ordered the group to learn from him the Ten Thousand Ghost Exorcism Formation. This formation was extremely powerful and was used to fight against the invasion of ghosts and witches. It also played a certain role in the defense of the capital. , it can be said to be famous all over the world. Although the teenagers are all very interested, in fact this technique is not very practical. First of all, this technique requires high requirements for those who hold the line. These teenagers can barely achieve it after training. Secondly, this formation requires more people. Just these young people are not enough. Everyone in the formation has certain level requirements. For the conditions of each branch, the Ten Thousand Ghosts Exorcism Formation is a bit too large, so even if There is not much use in learning it. Despite this, the teenagers were still very excited. After all, this was one of the more classic formations in the Zhongzheng lineage. After Lu Yunzhi taught the essence of the formation, he let everyone experience it for themselves, and explained that this formation was only suitable for defense and not for active attack. After all, those huge ghost containers were difficult to move and had poor flexibility. Not everyone has the ability to be a ghost. Wang Yulu walked over quickly, and Lu Yunzhi said: "This is Mr. Wang. He will guide you for me in the next few days. Mr. Wang is not only proficient in magic, but also a master of medicine and alchemy. After Mr. Wang's By taking good care of yourself, your body will be more suitable for cultivation. If one day he is in a good mood and gives you some panacea, you may be able to achieve the effects of others who have practiced hard for several years with less effort. " This is a bit exaggerated, but it is enough. When the interest of the young people was brought up, they looked at Wang Yulu eagerly, hoping to win Wang Yulu's favor, get a panacea or give some advice, which would be endless benefits. Wang Yulu introduced herself and let everyone disperse. Lu Yunzhi said softly: "Is it no problem?" Wang Yulu nodded: "No problem, you take the lead and I will take the back." "Thank you." Lu Yun Zhi hugged his fists and walked out. He first went to the military camp to see his hometown regiment, and then went to visit Zhu Qizhen. Zhu Qizhen was very happy about Lu Yunzhi's arrival. Although Zhu Qizhen was powerless now and was still under house arrest in Nangong, his treatment was better than before, and he didn't have to worry about anything like Xiaoxiao being framed. . Zhu Qizhen was still frightened when he talked about the golden knife case and the rebellion case that had happened. At that time, Lu Yunzhi was still on the run. Zhu Qizhen almost died because of a golden knife and several pedestrians framed by the Jin Yiwei. In addition, Zhu Qiyu has been worried, thinking that Zhu Qizhen wants to reset, and even wants to kill Zhu Qizhen. Later, not only did the people around him show their loyalty to Zhu Qizhen and did not give in, but what was even more important was that he did not know which noble person came to help him, and this was the reason why he turned danger into safety. As we chatted today, I couldn't help but sigh. I sighed and praised Lu Yunzhi, and burst into tears of gratitude. Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and said: "Actually, it's nothing more than a little help. I brought you back, so I am naturally responsible for you. But what you should really be grateful for is that I gave you a helping hand when you were in the most critical moment." people, ?He is what you call a noble person. Adding icing on the cake is not as good as giving someone timely assistance. "Lu Yunzhi said, taking the tea cup handed by the old handyman next to him, taking a sip and looking at the handyman, who also smiled slightly and left. After another few chats, Lu Yunzhi said that he would leave first if he had something to do. When I walked into the yard, I saw the old handyman chopping firewood. His old body was very bent, but if you look carefully, you will find that his hands and feet are sharp and his eyes are bright. He chopped the wood in half with one axe. Lu Yunzhi walked over and patted the handyman on the shoulder before walking out. The handyman said, "Thank you. " Lu Yunzhi stopped and said softly: "You're welcome, you may be loyal and courageous, or your conscience is still intact, but after all, you are entangled and your heart is complicated. It's too tiring for you to be like this. I just said one thing. What a bystander should say. "The old handyman chuckled and said again: "Can you please be more generous and let it go" Before he finished speaking, Lu Yunzhi walked quickly and replied without looking back: "His business There is a solution for you, so you don¡¯t have to worry about it. "The door was closed heavily behind Lu Yunzhi, leaving only the old handyman sighing and sad alone in the courtyard. Lu Yunzhi went to see Zhu Jianshen again, and found that Zhu Jianshen and Wan Zhen'er had practiced a little bit of Fangzhongshu. It was wrong, but I didn¡¯t quite understand the secrets of Fang Zhongshu. I was too embarrassed to ask Murong Yunfei for advice on matters related to men and women, so I could only make some slight corrections and guidance, and then hurriedly went back to read the books. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 65: Rogue Reception In order to prevent Zhu Jianshen from going astray in his practice, Lu Yunzhi borrowed Murong Yunfei's manuscript on Fangzhongshu, and once again stopped Zhu Jianshen's practice in time. Zhu Jianshen and Wan Zhen'er did not take it seriously. Sure enough, they had experienced The two men and women were not so keen on practice and indulged in the pleasures of fish and water. Lu Yunzhi was busy for a few more days. After sorting out many classics and practice methods and teaching them to Zhu Jianshen, he let him make his own decisions and hurriedly packed up. With the luggage packed, Arong rushed to Tianjin Guard. After all, the master led him to practice alone, while Dong De and Chao Xing were left to guard the capital. They also assisted Wang Yulu in teaching the group of branch youths. Although it was a bit harder, but Finally, the complicated affairs had been properly handled by Lu Yunzhi, so the two of them would not be overwhelmed. Two days later, Lu Yunzhi arrived at Tianjin Wei, not far from the capital, and saw several people in the distance outside the city. Coming closer, the leader was a tall man, Li Sixi's eldest brother Li Dahai. Tianjin Wei was considered his territory, and everyone had to give him a face, including local officials. Now Li Dahai was even more proud. With Lu Yunzhi's support, it cannot be said that the rampant countryside has become more arrogant. However, the people have recently discovered that this group of bandits, bandits, and bullies are gangsters. Although they are still doing shady business, But he was much more polite, at least he rarely treated the common people anymore. When Li Dahai saw Lu Yunzhi, he quickly stood upright with his fists clasped and said, "Master, why are you here this time?" Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and replied, "Dahai, It's nothing. Find me a place to stay. I heard that Tianjin Wei is your land, so I want to ask for a drink. " "My lord, where are you, please come to the city, San'er, and get the best guest room. Then go to Ruyifang and order a table of delicacies from the mountains and seas. I want to take care of my lord." Li Dahai hurriedly ordered his subordinates, "A normal guest room is fine, no need to be too showy. This time we are here secretly. The crowd of people and the mixed eyes attracted the attention of the eagles and dogs. "Li Dahai had never seen Ah Rong, but he saw that he was also a handsome man. Although he was young and had the temperament of a servant of a wealthy family, there was a hint of shrewdness and capability in his eyebrows, so he clasped his fists. Said: "Dare I ask this brother Gao's name?" Arong also raised his hand politely and said: "I also serve my Lord, I don't dare to call me Gao. I have heard Brother Dahai's reputation for a long time, so you can call me Ah. Brother Rong. "Although Li Dahai is a bully in the dominant side, after he surrendered to Lu Yun, he became more aware of Lu Yunzhi's reputation and power. Seeing that Ah Rong can follow Lu Yunzhi at any time, he must be in a different position than Dong De. He didn't dare to ask for help and said: "It turns out to be brother Arong. I have admired you for a long time. Let's go. Let's not waste time outside the city. We will talk about it after entering the city." Li Dahai arranged the whole process for Lu Yunzhi. It was easy to worry about food, clothing, housing and transportation. After the banquet, Lu Yunzhi and others entered the guest room. The place had been cleaned again while they were eating. There was also hot tea just brought by the waiter on the table. Ah Rong looked around, then raised his nose and kissed the mouth of the teapot. He nodded to Lu Yunzhi, indicating that everything was normal. Lu Yunzhi then sat down and said, "Li Dahai is a man, how can he not understand?" With these, he hurriedly patted his chest to express his loyalty: "My lord, I, Li Dahai, admire a generation of heroes like my lord. He will never harm the lord. There is no need to worry about the lord when he comes to my land. He will definitely protect you well." " Lu Yunzhi replied with a smile: "Sit down, sit down, Dahai, Ah Rong, you sit down too. We are members of our own family sitting and talking, so there is no need to be formal. It's not that I don't worry about you, Dahai, but you also know mine. My opponent is a powerful character. I have to do this as a last resort. I have to guard against him, so don't worry about it. " "I don't dare, my lord, I have a task to give to me when I come here this time. "Li Dahai asked," Lu Yunzhi nodded and said, "I have something to do. Please help me make an appointment with someone and send him a letter. Arong, please help me polish the ink and I will write the letter." "Arong took the pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and then polished them carefully. Li Dahai scratched his head and said: "Who is so proud? Let the lord go there in person. You can find someone to send a message, and I will send it to you. Just ask him to go to the capital to see you. " "Prince Taishi, General Zhenshuo, Commander-in-Chief of the Regiment Camp, Shi Heng. "Lu Yunzhi replied lightly. Li Dahai stuck out his tongue, knowing that if Lu Yunzhi really asked him to invite this person, it would be better to kill him. Although Li Dahai was a bully, he faced the power of the imperial court and the military. Shi Heng was just like a piece of grass. Li Dahai still knew how much he weighed. It seemed that he had boasted a lot just now. Lu Yunzhi filled up his ink as he spoke and picked up the pen to write on the paper. He got up, raised his eyes and said to Li Dahai: "You didn't know that Shi Heng was coming to Tianjin Wei in the past few days. How is your development in this area recently? ¡± ¡°Thanks to the owner¡¯s photos, the development is not bad. It has been developed in the hills outside the city and in the city.There are more than a thousand people. By the way, lord, you should get used to living here. The countryside does not need to be prosperous in the capital. If there are any other requirements, I will try my best to find a solution for the lord. "Li Dahai said with a charming smile. Lu Yunzhi nodded and glanced at the room and said, "That's good. If I could have such a room for me to rest when I was begging, I would be so happy. . "Li Dahai was puzzled, but did not dare to ask more questions. Ah Rong secretly laughed at the side. When Lu Yunzhi was a beggar, he was the one who led Lu Yunzhi into the door of Yang Zhun's house. So, Yang Xiyu and Lu Yunzhi can be a perfect match between heaven and earth, and Ah Rong can be regarded as half a matchmaker. Ah Rong was just thinking about himself when he heard Lu Yunzhi say: "But the small town of Tianjin Wei is an important place to protect the capital. It seems that the construction is good now. I think it may be able to develop in the future, and maybe it will not be much worse than that of Beijing in the future. " "That's a good thing. This little bastard, Fourth, is living in the capital. He doesn't have as many people as me, but I'm really greedy for the popular and spicy food. "Li Dahai said carelessly, a little complacent, but as soon as he said "I" and saw the look in Lu Yunzhi's eyes, Li Dahai quickly lowered his head, "Lu Yunzhi was not angry at all, he folded the paper and handed it to Li Dahai said: "Put it away and find out more. When Shi Heng arrives at Tianjin Wei, you can find a reason to invite him to drink, put this note in the invitation, and then everything will be fine." " Li Dahai wiped the sweat from his head and said: "My lord, does General Shi Heng have a bad temper? He would have killed me before I even sent the invitation. After all, I am just a rogue, this" Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 66: Shouting outside the door "You don't have to worry. You can do whatever the lord tells you to do. I won't hurt you, and I won't let you lose your life because of it." Arong saw Li Dahai's verbosity and blocked it with one sentence. Li Dahai cursed secretly in anger: Whose crotch was opened and you were exposed? Li Dahai¡¯s previous good impression of Ah Rong is gone. It¡¯s not that Ah Rong is arrogant. After all, Ah Rong is also a servant and a poor man. The most despicable thing here is such a bully who bullies men and women. At first, he was just polite, but now the more he looks at Li Dahai, the more disgusted he becomes. Lu Yunzhi waved his hand and said: "You go down first, don't forget what I told you. , Oh, by the way, five thousand taels of silver will be delivered in twenty days. Remember to send someone to Ximen to collect it. You can dig the money into a silver cellar or send someone to look at it. As long as it is not stored in the bank bank. Just remember. " "What is the use of the silver? Please tell me, my lord." Li Dahai asked, with a little light in his eyes. As the saying goes, if you let yourself do something with this money, you will be greedy. The two strokes were also good. Suddenly, the girl in the delicacies shop passed by quickly, and she was a little lost. Lu Yunzhi lowered her head to drink tea and said without raising her head: "It's for you and your brothers to spend money." , Send someone to come to me again when you have enough. Eat, drink, and take care of anything. Don¡¯t worry about it. As long as you don¡¯t waste money, that¡¯s it. There¡¯s nothing more to explain. You can go out.¡± Li Dahai was stunned. I didn't dare to ask more about why it couldn't exist in the bank. I just recited it several times in my mind and wrote it down. I nodded and bowed and walked out of the room. After leaving the inn, I gave myself a big slap in the face. Several minions ran over and asked: " Master, are you okay?" "It's okay. See if you're dreaming. You're so damn generous. You can do so many things without even blinking. I can be like him when the time comes. There are endless drinks and endless fun with girls, it¡¯s so satisfying just thinking about it." Li Dahai said and led the people away. Lu Yunzhi sat in the room and slowly drank tea, while Ah Rong snorted coldly. , they all heard what Li Dahai said clearly. Although they were downstairs in the inn, they couldn't hide it from these people who had unusually sharp ears and eyesight. Ah Rong said: "This Li Dahai is only good at this." "This Isn't it good?" Lu Yunzhi asked, putting down the tea cup and said softly: "The relationship between him and you and me is different. We are brothers of life and death. Naturally, we can be trusted. The smarter, the better, and we can get things done. Li Dahai and others are like this. Different, it¡¯s just a chess piece in our hands. If the chess piece also has its own brain and runs around, wouldn¡¯t the whole game be lost? So now I feel more and more relieved about him. As long as I spend a small amount of money , I can firmly control them and use them to my advantage. Of course, I can't be too stupid, otherwise it will be inappropriate to steal the chicken but lose the rice, haha. Thinking again, he said: "What is so special about Tianjin Wei? Why is it an important place to protect the capital, and Shi Heng also has to go here for official duties." Lu Yunzhi said: "The reason why Tianjin is called Tianjin is that it was called Tianjin during the Warring States Period. However, those are only recorded in some prose poems, which is not enough to study. The real name of Tianjin Wei came from Zhu Di, the founder of Ming Dynasty. At that time, he was only King of Yan. Zhu Di took a boat from here during the Battle of Jingnan. When the Grand Canal went south, the struggle for power began, so it was called Tianjin. The meaning is self-evident. The emperor passed by the ferry and later stationed troops here. You should know that the Wei is a unit of the army, so it was naturally called Tianjin. After the defense, this small city gradually grew up next to the army. With the emergence of Tianjin Zuowei and Tianjin Youwei later, the city we are now in has slowly developed, relying on mountains to rely on mountains, relying on water to draw water, relying on Feeding the army and eating the army, the foundation of this city lies in the army. " "This place is close to the capital, and it forms a three-legged relationship with the garrison around the capital, guarding the capital. When we had the decisive battle with Yu Qian in the capital, weren't we also a little afraid of the defenders here? There is navigation and sea here, and with the garrison of the army, there will definitely be more troops here in the future. develop. " Lu Yunzhi said, Ah Rong nodded and said with a smile: "Following the master is really a wealth of experience. " "You, study more, you used to be very diligent, but now you are on your own, but you are slacking off. Lu Yunzhi glanced at Arong and said, Arong scratched his head and said: "I know, my lord is really verbose." " "I'll kick you. "Lu Yunzhi also laughed. There is no restraint between master and servant in private. They are called master and servant but in fact they are brothers. "Just like this, five days later, Shi Heng arrived at Tianjin Guard in advance. Shi Heng was a high official in the imperial court. If the schedule was too much, On time, it is inevitable that an enemy will assassinate him. It seems that Shi Heng knows his current situation, so he is cautious. Although Yu Qian and Lu Yunzhi are both calm now, they are actually preparing secretly. Shi Heng has a heavy army, although it is not as good as Yu Qian and Lu Yunzhi are powerful, but they are also important powerful officials. If they accidentally offend Yu Qian or Lu Yunzhi, they will be assassinated immediately.Those friendships between ? and ? were simply nothing compared to Jiang Shan She Ji and his ambitions for the world. After Shi Heng inspected the defense and conducted military exercises with the local army, he was commanded by the three guards and all the generals. After entering the yamen of Wei Xiaocheng in Tianjin, the local magistrate and other officials surrounded Shi Heng and showed their hospitality. Even the local officials, not to mention the military generals, all hoped that Shi Heng would remember Take care of yourself and prosper from now on. Just as Shi Heng watched the generals flattering him and secretly laughed, a yamen servant ran in and whispered a few words to the magistrate. The magistrate frowned and gave two orders, and the yamen servant ran out. Not long after, I heard shouting outside the government office. Shi Heng was a soldier in the army, so he naturally had a sharp ear and eyes, so he asked: "Master Magistrate, who is making noise outside the door." The Magistrate was in a bit of a dilemma. Usually, he and Li Dahai were in trouble. The relationship is good, and they work together to feed the common people. Although Li Dahai doesn't do things that are harmful to nature anymore, he has never stopped paying filial piety to himself. However, the person in front of him is Shi Heng, a high-ranking member of the court. When he thinks about his future, he can only Can report truthfully: "Back to General Shi, there was someone outside the door who wanted to entertain General Shi. I stopped him. They were gathering people and shouting. I have already sent people to coax them away. You don't need to pay attention to it." "It's interesting, that person outside the door. You want to invite me to a banquet, why do you want to coax them? Who is it that makes the magistrate so nervous?" Shi Heng has been in the officialdom for many years, and he can see the magistrate's unnaturalness at a glance. It doesn't matter because of the huge difference in status between him and the magistrate. Why save face? So he asked bluntly, Volume 2 Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 67 Poetry Invitation The magistrate quickly replied: "It's a man named Li Dahai, a well-known local squire." The magistrate was also loyal and did not say that Li Dahai was just a bandit and bully. He was afraid of bringing death to Li Dahai. So he called the notorious bandit leader Li Dahai a squire. Shi Heng glanced at the generals, but saw changes in their faces. He knew in his heart that this Li Dahai must have a background, and he must not be an ordinary squire. It's so simple. Since there is something weird, Shi Heng wants to deceive these subordinates. Anyway, he has nothing to fear. How can the little Tianjin Guard reach the sky even if he has a good background? There is no need to worry about his current status, so Shi Heng said in a deep voice, pretending to be angry: "Is he just a country squire? How can a country squire be so bold? He dares to come to the government office and even entertain me at a banquet." From the queue A young general walked out. He was not a high-ranking general. He was just a guerrilla lieutenant. However, he had always been dissatisfied with what Li Dahai and the magistrate were doing. At this time, he stood up and clasped his fists and said loudly: "General Qi, I know that Li Dahai Who is Dahai?" Shi Heng glanced at the young general and felt that he was majestic and vigorous. He couldn't help but feel good about it and said in a gentle voice: "Then tell me." Now it's not just the county magistrate, there are many generals. They all began to sweat. They were all more or less involved with Li Dahai, and they benefited greatly from it. Although they had heard that Shi Heng was not an upright official, he could not be said to be a corrupt official. If they found out what he had done, Because, it is inevitable that the tiger's power will rise. Even if he is not careful, he will not be beheaded immediately, but his official career will be over. For a moment, everyone in the hall was angry with the same enemy, and everyone looked at the young general angrily. The young general did not care, and just ignored everyone. With a glance, he looked triumphant, and once again cupped his hands and said righteously to Shi Heng: "General Xie, this Li Dahai is a local bandit bully. He does all kinds of evil in the fish and meat village, and he also colludes with some officials, causing the world to deteriorate and the people to live in dire straits. " Shi Heng was furious and slammed the table. Everyone in the hall, including the young general, was startled and couldn't help but tremble. He only heard Shi Heng say: "What the hell is this Li Dahai? People like this still invite me to drink, and they don¡¯t even urinate and look after themselves, so they are locked up for me.¡± The generals answered with clasped fists, and wanted to go out and arrest the people themselves, thinking in their hearts: The general is wise, he must know. The collusion between us and Li Dahai has been revealed. If the law is not held accountable, no one will be able to do anything if it is brought out in court. Is it possible that all of them should be dismissed from their posts? That young man is really too young and does not understand the truth. Now he will Li Dahai was arrested and immediately imprisoned. Li Dahai was released as soon as Shi Heng left. No one was delayed, and he didn't know what Li Dahai was cramping. He actually invited Shi Heng to the banquet. Isn't this just looking for trouble? And that The guerrilla lieutenant who didn't even have hair was also very hateful. He would be beaten to death if he found an opportunity, and he would talk nonsense in front of Shi Heng. I really don't know how high the world is. If Shi Heng is gone, there will be nothing good for him. What all the generals are thinking. Yes, Shi Heng really saw the secret and naturally didn't want to expose them, so he confusedly asked someone to take Li Dahai into custody. But on second thought, Shang Wu said that Lu Yunzhi would send someone to find him. Could it be that Li Dahai It¡¯s Lu Yunzhi¡¯s man, don¡¯t be mistaken, he quickly shouted: ¡°Wait a minute, call Li Dahai in, I will ask him personally. " All the generals were covered in cold sweat. When the magistrate heard the news, he staggered and almost fell to the ground. Fortunately, the master helped him to stand firm. However, he also had a sad look on his face, as if he wanted to kill his father and take away his wife. His eyes were full of sorrow. Staring at the young general angrily, no one dared to play tricks in front of Shi Heng. Moreover, Li Dahai kept shouting and showed his rogue nature. When he was escorted in by two stout generals, Li Dahai still had a look of dissatisfaction on his face. They looked like eight unsatisfied heroes. Of course, the generals did not do anything heavy-handed. They just dragged Li Dahai along for ten years to the east of the river and ten years to the west of the river. Who knows whether Li Dahai will be a blessing or a curse today, so naturally he did not dare to act recklessly. Shi Heng looked at Looking at Li Dahai, he was tall and strong, but his complexion was not very good. He looked like a person who often misses the fireworks and willow alley. I am afraid that his body has been hollowed out a long time ago. Li Dahai did not dare to be arrogant when he saw Shi Heng. The charming smile on his face did not match his tall and tall figure at all. He walked over quickly and took out an invitation from his arms and said: "I have heard about General Shi's reputation for a long time. Today I saw that he is indeed a heroic hero. I have a person here. I'm sorry, I hope you can invite General Shi to attend the banquet, teach me, and enlighten me. " Before Li Dahai could reach Shi Heng, he was stopped by two of Shi Heng's guards. He took the invitation and handed it to Shi Heng. Shi Heng was sitting there with a big horse and a golden sword. He took the invitation with one hand and used When I pinched it with my hand, I found that there seemed to be a piece of paper inside. Could it be a Ming Dynasty treasure note, but this kind of banknote has already depreciated in value, and I feel uncomfortable wiping my butt. What is it? If it is a money order, it is still interesting, but Yinzhuang Most money banks are squareThe currency established by Yu Ze is universal throughout the country, and money orders can be exchanged anywhere. Could this be Lu Yunzhi's hint? But it would be too hasty to just do this. If Yu Qian knew that he had an affair with Lu Yunzhi, perhaps He will attack himself. Although it is unknown who will die between the two parties, Lu and Yu, he will definitely be the first to die. Shi Heng couldn't help but feel a little nervous when he thought of this. He slowly opened the invitation, and there was only an ordinary piece of paper inside. , Shi Heng frowned and looked at Li Dahai. All the generals were also very nervous, thinking that Shi Heng was going to be angry, but they saw Shi Heng lowered his head again and opened the paper. There was a poem written on it. The handwriting should be Lu Yun. In his own handwriting, when we traveled westward in the past, wealth and wealth were considered auspicious words, and today we meet again, old friends meet again, Shi Heng closed the paper, it is indeed Lu Yunzhi, Li Dahai must have been sent by Lu Yunzhi to deliver the letter, this Lu Yunzhi is really He has so many magical powers that even the street gangsters on the ground know him, and he doesn¡¯t know whether it is good or bad. In the past, when he and Zhongzheng went to Timur as an envoy, Shi Fang once said that Shi Heng would be successful in his official career and would be granted the title of general. Hou Zhi said that although he has not been declared a public prince now, he still has a very high authority. No one except Lu Yunzhi and other people of the Zhongzheng lineage who traveled to the west knew about these secrets. He did not take it seriously at the time and only regarded it as It was a good word. Later, Datong Yanghekou was defeated miserably, and the entire army was destroyed. Only he escaped, so he regarded these words as farts. At that time, he did not remember the hexagrams of the Zhongzheng lineage. Although the calculation was not accurate, If not for the Zhongzheng people who saved me in the past, how would I be where I am today? This is a debt of gratitude. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 68: Tietou Yanbei Later, Shi Heng was entrusted with an important task. Despite Yu Qian's suggestions, Zhongzheng and others also put in a lot of effort. He became the crown prince, grand master, and Zhenshuo general. It seems that Shi Fang was not lying as he calculated. , now not only does he have a high and powerful position, Lu Yunzhi also has the momentum to take charge of the world, but Lu Yunzhi still calls himself an old friend, firstly to show his goodwill, and also because he may not have forgotten his old relationship. It seems that during the duel outside the capital, Shi Heng did not kill Zhu Jianwen out of gratitude, so he made a right bet. This move was a good move, Shi Heng thought with some secret pride, everyone in the hall was on tenterhooks, Shi Heng General Hengda's face was cloudy and thoughtful, and he was smiling so proudly. What on earth was he thinking about? Li Dahai's face was full of spring breeze and he thought to himself: Shi Heng is nothing more than that. He just invited you to visit a brothel. Look at you. The excited one seemed to be just a country bumpkin who had never seen much of the world. Everyone in the room had their own thoughts, but Shi Heng stood up, clasped his fists and said, "Brother Dahai, Shi Heng is definitely going to the banquet tonight, so kindly I thanked Mr. Shi for the reception." Li Dahai also clasped his fists, turned around and walked out. Shi Heng stood up to see him off. This time it was the rest of the people's turn to be dumbfounded. "Shi Heng left and never returned. Under the protection of the guards, Shi Heng returned to the military camp. He sat in the camp and pondered for a long time, waiting for the evening banquet, thinking about everything that might happen. I will not mention Shi Heng for the moment, but let¡¯s talk about Li Dahai being sent out of the magistrate by Shi Heng. The government was admired by all the subordinates. In the past, these gangsters would bow their heads when they saw these officials. Although it was a cooperative relationship, due to their different status, these gangsters could only be seen as the county magistrate and the Tianjin Guard generals making money. They were just chess pieces. Now their boss, Li Dahai, had won glory for them. Shi Heng, a high official in the court, personally escorted him out of the government office. So the minions supported Li Dahai around the city like stars holding the moon in their arms. Li Dahai was not captured. Facing the infinite scenery, he was dizzy, but he still remembered Lu Yunzhi's instructions. After enough trouble, he dismissed his men and ran quickly towards Lu Yunzhi's inn. Although Li Dahai looked back from time to time, he did not notice how many people were there. A black shadow kept following him, and soon the black shadow disappeared. Another wave of black shadow continued to surround Li Dahai, but it was not that close. After all, Yu Qian's spies were not as good as the Anbu, no matter it was Skill is still a matter of numbers. Besides, in the government office, everyone looked at each other. After learning that Shi Heng had returned to the camp, they also set off one after another. A commander of the Tianjin Guard came and said to the young guerrilla deputy general who had the courage to expose just now: "You are my soldier, right? With so much energy, you should be a Qianliang Xiaowei. This is an important job. I don¡¯t need to explain why troops and horses should go ahead with food and grass before they move. The failure of Qianliang Xiaowei delayed the military, but the first one was "Beheaded." The generals all laughed inwardly, thinking that although the guerrilla lieutenant general was just a low-ranking lieutenant, he was still a general. Now that he was the Qianliang Colonel of the Guard, he seemed to be very well-off, but in fact it was just a trap. , if there is any slight change, military law will be engaged. Don't make less money. If this person wants to take a grain of rice in the future, the commander will find a reason to punish him. He deserves to be talked too much just now. The young general's face is completely blank. He said fearfully: "Just take it as it is. No one can take an extra grain or payment from my hand in the future. If I find out that you have taken bribes and perverted the law for personal gain, I will tell you. After saying that, he turned around and was about to leave, but saw the commander with a livid face yelling: "Are there any rules?" The young general clasped his fists and said, "Qian Liang Xiaowei Yanbei is resigning." " Then he left without looking back. Everyone accused Yan Bei of his arrogant behavior, and said that he should be eliminated as soon as possible to avoid future troubles. Don't let him find out anything. It would be terrible to cause trouble to Shi Heng. " Commander But he smiled coldly and said: "General Shi won't stay long. Let Yan check. Does he think I have no one? The people in charge of money and food are all my people. He can't even think of mobilizing a single soldier. He can do it on his own." What are you looking for? Go play in the mud, little bastard. " Lu Yunzhi is teaching some spells to Ah Rong face to face, and wants to pass on some of the clan's heaven and earth arts to Ah Rong, but the clan's heaven and earth arts mostly rely on understanding, and even Qu Xiangtian and others can't learn them. Not to mention Ah Rong who became a monk on the way, but after a deep conversation, Ah Rong made a lot of progress. Ah Rong suddenly raised his ears and heard a slight sound. He stood up suddenly, but was held down by Lu Yunzhi. He said pleasantly: "Arong, it seems that your five senses are very sensitive now. You are from the Yinbu. It seems that Li Dahai is coming soon. "Ah Rong knew what Yinbu was and naturally he was no longer nervous. After a while, he heard the sound of stomping up the stairs, and then Li Dahai's breathless voice came from outside the door: "Master, is he in the house? " "Come in." "Lu Yunzhi said, Li Dahai walked in. In fact, he had known that Lu Yunzhi was here. There were six guest rooms on the second floor. In order not to disturb Lu Yunzhi's rest, Li Dahai included them all.After that, the innkeeper dared to object. This was the first time that Li Dahai paid for a room, so he had no choice but to agree. Besides, the two minions sent by Li Dahai at the door were also there. Naturally, Lu Yunzhi didn't. When he went out, he loudly declared at the door that his lord was not afraid of others hearing him. Lu Yunzhi was not angry. He thought that although Li Dahai was rude, he was rough but also fine, and he was also a good handler, so he asked, "I have an appointment with Shi Heng." Li Dahai nodded and described his experience with added detail. Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and fell silent. Ah Rong asked: "Where can we meet?" "Wanzilou." Li Dahai also said He poured himself a cup of tea, said with satisfaction, and then drank the tea in one gulp. Ah Rong blinked and didn't know where it was, but he heard Lu Yunzhi say: "It must be the place of fireworks." Li Dahai nodded and said "My lord is wise." "How can we go to that kind of place?" Ah Rong said with some confusion, but Li Dahai pretended to be a big brother and pretended to be sincere and said: "Our place is called Tianjin Wei. Those who live by the Tianjin Health Institute have two of the most popular industries, besides restaurants and brothels. Since the lord is looking for someone to talk to, Wanzi Tower is the best place. First of all, it is not easy to attract attention. Although there are many people and cluttered eyes, there are The second thing is that it is quite secretive, and the kiln sister there is very strict. "Of course Li Dahai didn't mention the third point, which is that Wanzilou is a place where people like Li Dahai spend a lot of money. Bullies rarely have money to squander there. Since Lu Yunzhi takes action this time, he will definitely follow him and take advantage of it. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 69: Turtle's thugs Seeing Li Dahai looking at him eagerly, Lu Yunzhi said: "It's okay for A Rong and I to go tonight. You go and do your work, Dahai." Li Dahai was disappointed, but saw Lu Yunzhi take out a bag from his arms. He handed the money order to Li Dahai and said: "The less we know, the better for you. You can go too, but just don't disturb me in other rooms." Lu Yunzhi saw through Li Dahai's thoughts. He laughed awkwardly, quickly took the money order, thanked him and said goodbye. He walked out and opened the money order and looked at it. He couldn't help but swallowed. He was so damn rich. The writing on the money order was scrawled, and it was all written to prevent counterfeiting. , only a few big characters in the middle say Gong Gong Zheng, three hundred taels. After night falls, this small town is abnormally prosperous. In the taverns and in the kilns of all levels, there are Tianjin guards and Tianjin left guards everywhere. With the soldiers and generals of Tianjin Right Guards, this place is not a city at all. It is simply a chaotic barracks full of wine and sex. Seeing this scene, Lu Yunzhi couldn't help but shook his head and sighed to Arong: "Hey, this is like this The army has no military discipline. Soldiers can enter and leave the military camp at will, drink, prostitute, gamble and fight. With such an army, it is easy to understand why the Ming Dynasty could not defeat Wala. " Arong nodded after hearing this and said: "Although the army was not strong in the past. , The generals have no strategy, but they are not so chaotic. Besides, as far as I know, although the armies in other places have various shortcomings, they are not as unscrupulous as the Tianjin Guards. How could the Tianjin Guards be so reckless when they are close to the capital. " Lu Yunzhi sneered twice and said: "The gentle village may be the Tomb of Heroes. The closer it is to the capital, the more prosperous it is. The army is located next to such a bustling town with lax discipline. This situation is inevitable. Of course, the garrison in the capital is Exception, after all, the Emperor is not allowed to be arrogant. " The two walked into Wanzi Tower while chatting. Wanzi Tower was indeed a wealthy and powerful family, and the rest of the extraordinary was comparable to the fireworks in Liuxiang in the capital. Lu Yunzhi had never been to such a place. , but I have read about it in books, but I have never heard of Ah Rong. Before I even entered the door, I was blushing at the sound of the warblers and swallows. Only when Lu Yunzhi saw Ah Rong's appearance did I suddenly think that I should give Ah Rong a child. Now that they have a family, Dong De doesn't have to worry about it. He often seduces good women. Bai Yong is also married. Ah Rong is not young yet has no family. Don't make any mistakes that he shouldn't make because of women. Mr. Turtle of Zilou saw too many people every day. At a glance, he knew that Lu Yunzhi was not an ordinary person, but he never thought that he was so "unusual". Seeing that Lu Yunzhi was dignified and handsome, he looked middle-aged. His temples are slightly white, and his temperament is also very refined. He looks like an arty rich scholar. Although Ah Rong is well-dressed and good-looking, he is a bit shy and has low eyebrows, so he thinks he is the elder of the house. The housekeeper or the caring book boy who grew up with the master, Mr. Gui thought to himself that this was a big deal, so he approached him with a flattering look and said to Lu Yunzhi: "The master is very polite, I see that you are very impressive. I'd like to introduce it to you, please take a seat." Lu Yunzhi opened his mouth and said, "Don't be busy, I have already booked the room, Huanshui Pavilion, please lead the way." As soon as he finished speaking, Ah Rong left. He took out a silver ingot weighing five taels from his arms and threw it to Mr. Turtle. Seeing the money, Mr. Turtle's eyes widened and his attitude became more respectful. When he saw Lu Yun, he felt more affectionate than his own father. He quickly led the way, Lu Yun Zhi and Ah Rong entered the room, but Shi Heng hadn't arrived yet, so he sat down first. The room was filled with warm-colored silk and satin, and was also filled with a sultry smell of rouge. Seeing the two of them sit down, Mr. Gui said: " "Master, we need to find some girls. We have some in Wanzilou." Before he could finish his words, Lu Yunzhi still said politely: "Don't be busy, let's wait for a friend." Turtle Gong answered yes repeatedly, and then asked: "Then let me serve you two a pot of tea first." " " Come and make a pot of Liu'an melon slices. I'm tired. "Lu Yunzhi said, Gui Gong went out quickly, and within a short time he served a pot of Liu'an melon slices. Looking at the teapots and cups, each one was very exquisite. It seems that this Wanzilou is really a place where rich people come. After Gui Gong finished serving it, Tea had no intention of going out. As a servant of Arong, he naturally knew what it meant. He took out five taels of silver and threw it to Mr. Gui. Mr. Gui then walked out with a smile on his face. When he walked out of the room, Gui Gong The turtle returned to the door to greet the guests, and it happened that another Turtle Gong walked out, but this one was not a solicitor like him, but a thug looking after the house. The two of them greeted each other, and the Turtle Gong asked the thug: ¡°I don¡¯t know what the background of that group of guests just now was, but they rewarded me with ten taels of silver. "The thug sneered and said relentlessly: "This is not normal. The guests who come to our place are not only rich businessmen who come to do business, but also generals in the guardhouse. Who doesn't spend a lot of money? If your head is squeezed by the door or kicked by a donkey, that's it. Small money makes a fuss. " "No, no. "The turtle man shook his head and said, pretending to be very knowledgeable and said: "You don't know, the two people just now didn't look like soldiers at all, nor did they look like businessmen doing business, but more like literati. "Hmph, that's more normal. Haven't you heard of it?"A literati is a poet. If you are not a poet, how can you call a scholar? "The thug burst out laughing, but Mr. Gui laughed and cursed: "Shit, is this what a literati and a poet mean? Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand. The thug pretended to be angry and raised his fist. Turtle Gong pushed the thug's fist away and said with a smile: "If they are having fun, or if I interrupt them while they are playing, it's just a normal situation where they reward money when they are happy or annoyed. I just said a few words, and they rewarded me. I just walked in and there was no time for a cup of tea, so I didn't order any girls. " "Isn't it because I have a crush on you? There is a saying that goes, three flats are not as good as one round. "The thug tilted his arms and said with a bad smile. The turtle touched his butt. He looked a little sad at first, but when he saw the bad smile on the thug's face, he knew that he must be teasing him, so he spat and cursed: "Speak well, don't You are spouting shit, this is not the prime minister's mansion. "The thug stopped laughing and asked: "Which room is it from? "Huanshui Pavilion." " Turtle Gong replied, "The thug looked serious and said: "That's Haiye's house. You dare to collect reward money for this house. It seems that you are desperate for your life." "Which Hai Ye." "Gui Gong shuddered and asked, "Li Dahai, you don't even know about such a famous master in Tianjin Wei. Recently, he has become more and more powerful and has more and more subordinates. I heard that the prince and grand master, General Shi, You have to sell him face, but you don¡¯t know how you, the Turtle Master, are worthy of it. To be a Turtle Master, you have to see all directions and listen to all directions. "The thug said in a teaching tone, Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 70: In the Wanzi Tower "Li Dahai went to the county government office this morning, and Shi Heng happened to be inspecting there. Li Dahai wanted to treat Shi Heng to a drink. Shi Heng had no choice but to agree and even personally escorted Li Dahai out. It's so fucking majestic. Li Dahai is here. Our Tianjin Wei is quite famous, and I didn¡¯t even bother to join his sect. As soon as this happened this morning, I will go tomorrow. You have made a big mistake today, and you will be dead on the street sooner or later tomorrow. "The thug said, scaring Mr. Turtle. He looked extremely flustered and said with a sad face, "Why don't I just send the money back now?" But the thug burst into laughter and stopped laughing when he saw the customers around him. He made a sound, pushed Mr. Turtle and said, "I'm just kidding you. I'm scaring you so much that you're about to pee. I'm from the Taoist community and naturally I have to pay my respects. However, our Wanzi Tower doesn't have a backstage. Are you afraid of what he will do? As the saying goes, a strong dragon cannot suppress a local snake. No matter how powerful the stone is, it will be up to the commander of Tianjin Guard to make the decision. And you don¡¯t have to worry. Li Dahai is here today, but he is not in that room. He was in a state of ecstasy in the conservatory on the west side of the second floor. This kid was usually just like that. I don¡¯t know why he was so generous today. Listen, he was shouting so loudly that he thought we were the three of us here. "Waiting for the restaurant, where is the bacon shop?" Turtle Gong and the thug looked at each other, and they secretly laughed. While Lu Yunzhi and Ah Rong were talking, they heard a noise outside. After a while, three tall and strong men appeared. The man broke in without knocking. Behind him stood the turtle man from before. The five-finger mark on his face was very obvious. He was carried by a man obediently. The leading man was Shi Heng. When he saw Lu Yunzhi, he haha He burst into laughter: "Brother, I miss you so much. I haven't seen you for a long time, and you are even more handsome." "Brother, I miss you very much, you are still so majestic." Lu Yunzhi also stood up to greet you. He said with a smile. Although Mr. Turtle was held in someone's hand, he was still disgusted by this hypocritical conversation. He couldn't help shuddering and his stomach was filled with acid. What these two people said was too fake. Lu Yunzhi I glanced at Mr. Turtle and said to Shi Heng, "Brother, what's going on?" "This kid has no eyes and is verbose, so I slapped him. I didn't expect him to call someone. Isn't that right?" I brought him here and planned to kill him." Shi Heng said nonchalantly. After hearing this, Mr. Turtle shivered again, and his whole body was immediately soaked with sweat. It is estimated that his pants will be wet after a while. But Lu Yunzhi said: "Don't scare him, let him go." Shi Heng no longer insisted, took something out of his arms and threw it to Mr. Gui. After Mr. Gui caught it, he heard Shi Heng shout: "Get out." The turtle man hugged his head and ran away. As soon as he got downstairs, he saw a few thugs gathering at the door. They wanted to rush in to deal with the problem. The turtle man quickly waved his hand to indicate that he was fine. He opened his palm and saw that there was a piece of gold. He took the people away without any further entanglement. The rewards given by these people were like running water, and they were not regarded as their own money at all. All such people are either rich or noble. Although Wanzilou's backstage is very tough, he is just a turtle. Mr. Gong's teapot probably couldn't afford to offend such a guest. Besides, for the sake of the gold, his slap and subsequent fright were worth it. After Mr. Turtle left, Lu Yunzhi sat down and looked at Shi Heng said with a smile: "General Shi, I haven't seen you for a long time. Your temper has become much louder. Mr. Turtle raises his hand to hit you after saying a few words. It's really awesome." " The two people next to Shi Heng glared at Lu Yunzhi, but Shi Heng did not answer him. They introduced him: "Let me introduce to you, this is Lu Yunzhi, the current young master. "The two people didn't seem to know that it was Lu Yunzhi who was meeting today. They were shocked. It turned out that the handsome man in front of them was the powerful Lu Yunzhi. They quickly stood up, cupped their hands and said, "I have offended you just now, please Lu Yunzhi." Forgive me, young master. "Lu Yunzhi didn't stand up, but he held his fists with a smile on his face and said, "It doesn't matter. "Shi Heng said: "These are my two confidants. Most of the things I do are handled by them, so since Brother Lu came to talk to me, I took it upon myself to take them with me. As long as my secret is in my hands, they will know it. " Lu Yunzhi nodded and looked at the two people. He saw that the two people's temples were high and loud. They should be experienced warriors or extremely skilled martial artists. It seems that they are not just confidants, but Shi Heng came with two guards, fearing that something might happen, Lu Yunzhi also introduced to Shi Heng: "This is Ah Rong, my brother. " Shi Heng was stunned for a moment, looked at Ah Rong, and quickly clasped his fists and said, "I have admired you for a long time. Brother Su Wenlu has four capable generals, Chao Xing, Bai Yong, Dong De, and Ah Rong. Today I can see one of them. Your Majesty, Brother Ah Rong, we are going to have a good drink in a while. " After Ah Rong was polite, he didn't say much. He didn't have the right to speak here. The two people around Shi Heng also understood this. Lu Yunzhi said: "A Rong has always been unknown. Shi Heng The general is well-informed and knows who my main generals are. ¡±  Shi Heng took a sip of tea and felt it was not strong enough, so he ordered the person next to him to go out and get some wine. Then he turned to Lu Yunzhi and replied: "I am a general after all. As the saying goes, only when you know yourself and the enemy can you win every battle. If even Brother Lu Even the 'Four Heavenly Kings' under my command don't know, so I can retire as soon as possible. " "Victory in every battle, do you mean you are sure you are on Yu Qian's side?" Lu Yunzhi asked with an expressionless face. However, Shi Heng patted Lu Yunzhi's shoulder affectionately and said, "I just quoted a common saying. Brother Lu is too worried. I am a rough man with no ideas. Don't mind if I say something wrong." Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and said: "Of course not, it was just a joke. We are old friends. By the way, Brother Shi, you should have heard a little bit about Yu Qian and I." Shi Heng nodded and answered. Said: "Of course I heard about it. After a while, Yu Qian will have a military parade to drill the entire army. Could it be that he took the opportunity to attack Brother Lu? But don't worry, the Zhongzheng family is kind to me. I will definitely not send troops to help Yu Qian." "What are you talking about? Brother Shi is also a member of our Zhongzheng lineage, and he has helped us generously. I haven't thanked you yet. How can I bear it if you do this today?" Please bow to me, brother." Lu Yunzhi stood up as he was about to salute. Shi Heng quickly stopped Lu Yunzhi and said, "There is no need to be polite between us brothers. I want to hear your arrangements. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 71: Ignorant of Respect Lu Yunzhi did not act coy and did not force him to salute. After thinking for a moment, he said: "Of course I have made arrangements, but once the war starts, I don't know which side Brother Shi will be on. You have military power and are in charge of the capital's guards. If If you can participate in it, you will be successful immediately, but it is not easy to be too modest. If there is only a duel between our two forces, it is unknown who will win. It would be too dangerous for you to join. I cannot put you in danger. Besides, he was against You also have the grace to be promoted. For Brother Shi's sake, you should sit back and watch the fight." Shi Heng was shocked, why was Lu Yunzhi so confident? He thought that Lu Yunzhi was asking for help, but he never thought of it. Just letting himself be a bystander, it seems that Lu Yunzhi is definitely stronger than Yu Qian. If Lu Yunzhi had said this a few years ago, maybe Shi Heng would have laughed at it and still stood by Yu Qian, but Lu Yunzhi's use to start trouble Strength has proven his ability, and he and Yu Qian, who has strong backing, are equally in control of the Ming Dynasty. What he said just now may not be a lie. If Lu Yun is really stronger than Qian, then if Shi Heng sides with Lu Yun, Yu Qian will definitely lose. Undoubtedly, Shi Heng has become Lu Yunzhi's great hero, but if he stands behind Yu Qian, then it is very likely that the situation will still be as evenly matched as it is now. But since then, even if Shi Heng has offended Lu Yunzhi, there is such a person The existence of a powerful enemy is always bad, and Yu Qian may not be able to protect himself at that time. It is good to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, but no matter who wins, they will not remember their own merits, but will switch sides because of their indifference. Shi Heng knew very well how much weight he had. Shi Heng would not do anything like using a mantis as a cart. What should he do? Shi Heng was deeply puzzled. Lu Yunzhi was like a poisonous snake, calm but suddenly violent, sometimes Hibernation is generally gentle, but sometimes it kills people invisible. This kind of companion is too scary, but he has to give in. Yu Qian is proud and loyal, but he is unscrupulous in order to be loyal to the Ming Dynasty. No matter how critical the moment is, he will The ability to turn the tide and punish those treasonous villains one by one after the turmoil. If anyone wants to overthrow the Ming Dynasty, it will be more serious than killing him. Wang Zhen did not overthrow Yu Qian. The cooperation between the Oara army and the ghost witch did not overthrow him. Lu Yunzhi Qu Xiang Tianzhu saw and heard that several armies besieged the city but failed to overthrow him. This time Lu Yunzhi showed his murderous intent. Can he trip up Yu Qian, a tough guy like a stone? Shi Heng didn't know, but he was eager to know, because of this matter Regarding his life and death, if Yu Qian turns defeat into victory, or even if the fight ends again, Lu Yunzhi will naturally be fine. With his ability, he can escape even if they are completely defeated. But as for himself, thinking of Yu Qian's previous actions, Shi Shi Heng couldn't help but become worried again, secretly cursing that he had thought too simply just now, and only thought of Lu Yunzhi's favorable situation. He didn't expect that Yu Qian was also very powerful, and he had as much good luck as Yu Qian, who had the courage to turn things around. Although Shi Heng was very entangled, he had been in the officialdom for some years and was no longer like a general reckless general. At this moment, he knew that he should say something nice in front of his face first, so he said: "Brother Lu Xian, what are you talking about? It's called sitting on a mountain and watching the tiger fight. How can I have any friendship with Yu Qian? Our relationship is better. If you need me, I will definitely send troops to rescue you. Speaking of which, Yu Qian and I actually have a grudge. This guy doesn't know how to praise. damn thing. "As he said this, Shi Heng patted the table angrily, "Oh, there is still hatred between you two. I don't know what to tell you. "Lu Yunzhi said with a squinted smile, and Shi Heng cursed in his heart: You Lu Yunzhi doesn't know anything, so you have to dig deep to find flaws in me. You are wrong this time. I really have a grudge against Yu Qian, and just Let me tell you the truth. At this time, another Mr. Turtle had already brought food and wine. I think the one just now was worried that he would offend these men again and did not dare to come in. After the Mr. Turtle finished serving the food, he asked with a charming smile: "Guys objective, are everyone here? Do you want to call some fans? "Lu Yunzhi didn't speak, but Shi Heng was somewhat interested and said: "I'll send someone to call you later and keep all the top cards for me. I don't want any crooked melons or jujubes. If you dare to give me a trick, be careful I'll hit you." Break your legs. "Although the words were a bit harsh, Shi Heng didn't seem to be really angry. The interruption just now when Mr. Turtle came in gave Shi Heng enough time to prepare his words, and he also accumulated a lot of acting emotions, and he really acted on the basis of reality. If the truth is added, Lu Yunzhi will believe it. Shi Heng felt happy and rewarded him with a large piece of gold. The turtle man ran out and thought in his heart: Sure enough, he didn't lie to me. These guests are very rich. When Jin Zi went out, he had a 50-50 split with Mr. Turtle just now. Besides, Shi Heng suddenly sighed and said: "Although I have not been granted a title of marquis, my salary and status are still that of a marquis. I have been granted so many titles. Speaking of which, Although Yu Qian had good words and suggestions, the Zhongzheng lineage also contributed a lot, and the two favors were offset. After that, Yu Qian, the bastard, became ungrateful. Out of gratitude, I wrote a letter to recommend his son Yu. I was appointed as an official, but instead of thanking me, Yu Qian bit me back. ¡± Lu Yunzhi pretended to be surprised.He said with an expression: "There is another matter, I don't know how to praise." "That is, I don't know how to praise. Yu Qian pretends to be aloof. I am just grateful. If I don't want to accept rejection, it's over. But he said to Zhu Qiyu that I "As an official of the imperial court and a person with military power, he should be punished for benefiting from the public good and supporting private individuals. What a private person, Yu Mian is his son. Could it be that Yu Mian is a bastard who was born between his mother-in-law and someone else, and he is still his own private person." He said bitterly and resentfully, but after he finished speaking, he burst out laughing at his curse, and the two confidants beside him also laughed. Lu Yunzhi and Ah Rong laughed together. Although Lu Yunzhi knew about this, He deliberately induced Shi Heng to tell him, but as soon as he said it from Shi Heng's mouth, Lu Yunzhi felt more in awe of Qian. Loyal ministers, public and private affairs should be distinguished. If the Ming Dynasty had more loyal ministers like this, they would have no selfish motives. Loyal ministers will not be easily invaded by foreigners, the national power will be stronger, and the people can live a good life. But then I thought, if there were more loyal ministers like this, maybe the Zhongzheng lineage would have perished long ago. Everyone is laughing Suddenly there was a slight sound of bricks and tiles on the roof, and Shi Heng and others immediately became alert. Only Lu Yunzhi and Ah Rong looked at each other and smiled indifferently. The movement on the roof became louder and louder, as if many people were walking and running on the roof. After a while, a man pushed the door open and came in. Shi Heng was shocked, but the man walked straight to Lu Yunzhi without looking at Shi Heng and said, "If one runs away, the rest will be killed." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 72: Arousing Suspicion Lu Yunzhi nodded and said: "Thank you for your hard work." The person who came to report did not say much, turned around and walked out of the door, and disappeared in a flash. The guests who had just entered the gate of Wanzi Tower were surrounded by a black ball. The shadow hit him, but he didn't see what it was. He cursed loudly, but Shi Heng upstairs and his confidants saw it clearly, and suddenly they broke out in a cold sweat. The black shadow was the man who came in just now. The man was very skilled. Shi Heng and his confidants looked at each other, knowing that if this person came to assassinate Shi Heng, it would be like picking something out of a bag. Shi Heng paused and finally understood. Lu Yunzhi had set up a trap. There was such a strong person, and It's definitely not just one, how could he let the spies slip away? According to the analysis that Shi Heng knew, Yu Qian no longer had any experts who could be sent out to monitor, otherwise he would not have come to the banquet with just two people, and Lu Yunzhi's voice Although the side guards are mysterious, they are said to be unpredictable. No one can successfully monitor and escape unharmed. The person who just fought with Lu Yunzhi's guards must be Yu Qian's spies, and Lu Yunzhi deliberately let him go. After seeing one, Shi Heng's face darkened and he said: "Do you think Yu Qian will believe the words of a spy who escaped from you? You underestimate him too much. He will think this is the most common alienation trick." " I didn't let him believe it. He naturally knew that this was the person I let go deliberately for the sake of alienation. It's just that Yu Qian was suspicious. I just made him doubt you. Maybe Yu Qian would understand it as a plan. Wouldn't that be great?" Lu Yunzhi said bluntly. Shi Heng's face suddenly became angry, his fists clenched tightly, and he shouted loudly: "You don't believe me," Lu Yunzhi was not angry. Said: "It's not that I don't believe it, it's just because I expected you to hesitate, but I am sure that I will win. I don't want Brother Shi to be on the wrong team and cause us brothers to fight against each other, so I can only force you to choose. This is really It's a helpless move. If Brother Shi is angry about this, I will let you punish him." Shi Heng sighed and said helplessly: "Since this is the case, it can only be like this. Yu Qian is suspicious, and he will do it no matter what I do. If you are estranged from me, it will be bad if you are not careful. However, Lu Yunzhi, your move is quite poisonous and makes me passive. "Lu Yunzhi clasped his fists and bowed his head again, and still said: "Please. Brother Shi punishes him." Shi Heng wanted to skin Lu Yunzhi alive at this moment, but thinking of the masters lurking around, Shi Heng had to give up this idea. Besides, he knew Lu Yunzhi's skills, so it was nothing more than punishment. It was just a courtesy. Shi Heng would not be stupid enough to take it seriously. All the hesitations he had just now were wiped away by Lu Yunzhi's move. It is safest to stand behind Lu Yunzhi and support him now, but if there is such a thing in the future As a vicious leader, he didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse. Shi Heng helped Lu Yunzhi up and said, "Forget it, I'm a few years older than you, so I don't care. It's my duty to help you. From now on, Shi Heng "Heng is no longer your brother, but your subordinate. He will do anything for you." Just want to settle down. "Lu Yunzhi said with a smile, but Shi Heng snorted coldly in his heart: As long as you don't turn your back and deny the person when the time comes, hey, since Yu Qian can't go back, he can only cooperate with Lu Yunzhi, I thought about Shi Heng's question: "What should I do next. " "Use stillness to stop, Yu Qian and I are both moving. You just need to stay still and help me at the last critical moment. I will definitely find someone to inform you of the specific things. Lu Yunzhi replied, her voice paused, and Lu Yunzhi said: "As for now, you can return to Yu Qian, show your determination to help him, and report my efforts to win over you, but be sure not to miss the mark." , the more hesitant and hesitant, the more convinced Yu Qian will be. " Shi Heng couldn't help but feel happy. This is great. This is better than sitting on a mountain and watching a tiger fight. Lu Yunzhi really knows how to do things. If he is coerced or induced, he will inevitably switch sides at the last moment, but now it is different. Let himself It's good to be on both sides, both parties show their loyalty. Once the situation goes bad, you can immediately stand with the dominant side. Yu Qian and Lu Yunzhi compete with each other. Instead, you can be alone, see the situation clearly before making a decision. In this way, not only can you be able to Having a better choice makes the alliance much more reliable. Lu Yunzhi is really a master, and since he can say these words, he must be confident and sure that he can gain a huge advantage, otherwise he will definitely not use this This strategy brought him and Yu Qian closer together. Shi Heng felt that he had been worrying too much just now. When he saw Lu Yunzhi looking at his eyes, as if he had seen through his inner thoughts, he clasped his fists at Lu with some embarrassment. Yun Zhi said: "Brother Lu, I just judged a gentleman with a villain's heart. You are truly a gentleman worthy of being a member of the Zhongzheng lineage. You have thought so well about my future, so I won't say anything." , I, Shi Heng, am not stupid, who treats me well?"It's very clear. Today, I, Shi Heng, swear that I will never let down Brother Lu's expectations of me, and I will try my best to help you." "This sentence is very glamorous, but there are only a few people who swear to keep their promises. Lu Yunzhi nodded and said: "I am very grateful that you can meet me. How could I let the old person do it again? Standing under a dangerous wall. " "Well, okay, okay, Brother Lu, do you have any other instructions? Shi Heng asked with a golden sword. Lu Yunzhi shook his head and replied: "It's okay. Brother Shi still has something to do." " "It's okay, I'll just wait for your arrangement. "Shi Heng said with a smile, and told his confidant next to him: "Everything is done, let them have sex with the girl, I will start to abstain from sexual intercourse. " Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and was about to stand up and leave, but was grabbed by Shi Heng. Shi Heng said: "Let's drink, brag and play with girls. This is the friendship between men. I, Shi, will give this head to me. Damn you, if you don¡¯t even give me this little face, that would be so unjust, haha. "Shi Heng didn't mean to embarrass Lu Yunzhi, he just said this casually, but these words made Lu Yunzhi unable to get off the stage, so he could only agree. After a while, a group of singing girls came in, and then Yingying Yan Yan started playing the strings and singing. Shi Heng and Lu Yunzhi exchanged cups. After about a cup of tea, Shi Heng said angrily to his subordinates: "How come there are only singers? There are no wine companions. We didn¡¯t come to Wanzilou to be monks and listen to sutras. Go and call that Mr. Turtle and ask him about the pink head he left for me. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 73: Keep your word Shi Heng's trusted attendants walked out, and after a while they hugged Mr. Gui out. Mr. Gui looked a little embarrassed, and his nervous legs trembled a little as he asked, "What do you want me to do?" "What do you want me to do?" As for Fantou, it¡¯s no use just singing these songs for me. Didn¡¯t I ask you to give me the lead? Call me over quickly,¡± Shi Heng said fiercely, Mr. Gui trembled and apologized quickly. He said: "I'm really sorry. Two adults came just now and called all the girls to their rooms. Now there are no extra girls in Wanzi Building. You see, as soon as a guest leaves, I will immediately " Before Mr. Gui finished speaking, Shi Heng rushed forward, slapped him in the face and slapped him in the mouth. Mr. Gui could not withstand the slap of this veteran general, and he was immediately knocked to the ground. His face instantly became swollen like a pig's head. Shi Heng said angrily: "You are so damn brave to let me drink the pot water. My lord, what kind of lord? I have to see how brave he is to call me lord in front of me." , take me to see how many things these guys have in their crotches, they can make all the girls go away." Mr. Turtle said hurriedly: "Master, don't make things difficult for me, I'm going to kowtow to you." As he said that, he knelt down on the ground and kept kowtowing, but Shi Heng picked up Turtle Gong and hit him with his bow from left and right until Turtle Gong's face was stained. He kept yelling: "Take me or not, take me or not." "Don't. Don't fight, I'm in Liushuiju, those guests are in Liushuiju, uncle, please let me go," Mr. Turtle finally couldn't help but said, Shi Heng, with a murderous look on his face, reached out and pulled out a soft sword from his henchman's waist. , the soft sword was very sharp with cold light, Lu Yunzhi stopped him and said: "Brother Shi, that's enough. After all, we are doing this in secret this time." Shi Heng's soft sword did not put it on the turtle neck, but turned around and smiled. He said to Lu Yunzhi: "When acting, you have to act more realistically and let many people know that I am with you, so that you can tell him something. The more confused he is, the better for you and me." Lu Yunzhi was speechless. Yu Qian might not believe it just because of the false surrender of the spies and Shi Heng who had just let go deliberately. The more hesitant Shi Heng was, the more impulsive and reckless, and the more he was like a wallflower, the more in line with his nature. , and Yu Qian will be more assured of Shi Heng. In this way, Shi Heng did nothing wrong and made the matter known to the whole city. Yu Qian will be more able to identify the nature of their secret talks. No one will cause trouble in secret talks unless there is no It was negotiated or not negotiated at all, so he believed Shi Heng's repeated surrender even more. Shi Heng sneered twice and put the sword on Mr. Turtle's neck and said: "I won't kill you, but don't move around. This sword can't Long-eyed, whoever, get me a hardwood chair and break this turtle¡¯s legs. I just said that if I can¡¯t find a good fan, I will break his legs. I always keep my word.¡± Shi Heng¡¯s subordinates. One person understood it and knew Shi Heng's temperament. He picked up a hard wooden chair and smashed it on Mr. Gui's leg. The chair was shattered, and the same thing was Mr. Gui's leg. Mr. Gui screamed and fainted. After passing by, Ah Rong looked at Shi Heng and others with disdain, feeling that it was a bit too much, but Lu Yunzhi touched Ah Rong gently. Ah Rong naturally knew that now was not the time to fall out, so he remained calm. , Shi Heng reluctantly returned the soft sword to his men, he clenched his fists and led the two people towards the Liushui Residence on the same floor. It seemed that he was going to fight. Indeed, at this moment, in addition to Lu Yunzhi's strength in Tianjin Wei Except for others, no one is more powerful than Shi Heng. This makes Shi Heng even more emboldened to see who stole his pink head. Lu Yunzhi and Ah Rong were not willing to go together to settle the score, but they saw When Shi Heng turned around and glanced at the two of them, he had no choice but to follow them together. After all, Shi Heng was now a crucial chess piece in Lu Yunzhi's hands. If one step was wrong, the next step would be wrong. Liushuiju was the best in Wanzilou. The room, the furnishings inside are very exquisite, and it is a suite composed of four rooms. There is music outside, a bath room inside, and a bed. The innermost room is the pleasure room. The prince is full of countless rare things. Heng kicked the door open, but was slightly stunned. The person sitting inside listening to the music was the conductor of Tianjin Zuowei. The conductor heard the noise outside, but he didn't care. Tianjin Wei was his territory, and This Wanzilou is opened by the three commanders of Tianjin Wei, Tianjin Zuowei and Youwei. No matter which road they are on, they will not dare to come to Wanzilou to cause trouble if they are too ambitious. With just one military order, the army could enter the city and destroy them. Moreover, he did not come alone today. The commander of Tianjin Guard was having fun with several top leaders in the house, and the commander of Right Guard had a plan. Preferring to come later, the three commanders have the same odor. They have long been worshiped as brothers with different surnames and have made a lot of money. Among them, the left guard is the longest, the Tianjin guard is the second, and the right guard is the last. The commander of the left guard heard the noise and kicked the door. He didn't even raise his head at the movement, still teasing the woman in his arms, but the woman was startled and pouted. Commander Zuo Wei was unhappy.?, yelled: "Whoever has no eyes outside the door, get out of here. If you are still there when I turn around, don't blame me for being stupid." The boss of Wanzilou is a young woman who still has charm. When I was young, I often interacted with these three commanders. After my beauty faded, I became the boss of Wanzilou. Of course, the real backstage was still the commander of the three guards. I was just a little bit of a leader. After the quarrel just now, , she gathered a group of turtle goons, but did not rush upstairs. For some reason, she always felt extremely flustered today, as if something was about to happen, so when Shi Heng violently beat turtle gong She breathed a long sigh of relief, thinking that this was what happened today, but after hearing what her subordinates said about the weird things about Shi Heng, Lu Yunzhi and others, she sighed again and felt that these people must have a lot of background, so she reminded herself Don't act rashly, but now your boss behind the scenes is upstairs. If you are beaten, the consequences will be serious. Maybe you will be sent to the Bacon Mansion if you fail to do something, and then Wan Wan will still be superior there. The proprietress of Zilou has completely reduced herself to a piece of shit that can be ridden by thousands of people. Thinking of this, the young woman shuddered and led the people to rush forward. As soon as she reached the door, she was shocked. Where was the commander of the left guard in front of her? He stood there with his hands clasped and his face tense. Shi Heng looked at him with a livid face. The commander of the left guard said tremblingly: "General Shi, I offended Shi Heng when I went out without my eyes." General, please punish me for my humble position.¡± Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 74: Inspector Zhang Shi Heng snorted coldly and said: "Who do I think is so proud? It turns out to be the Commander-in-Chief." Commander Zuowei was frightened and trembled again, and said to the pink head next to him: "I am just I'm here for a nice drink. I didn't expect General Shi to be so elegant. Why don't you guys go with General Shi? This is my dear brother. "You know a lot about the rules of officialdom if you can get into the position of commander." Shi Heng got angry and quickly said "big brother" to close the relationship. However, the commander forgot that the level difference between him and Shi Heng was too big. The official rules of fishing in troubled waters in the past were not so applicable at this moment. Shi Heng snorted coldly: "Give me the rest of your meal. Do you think I'm a beggar?" Before the commander of Zuowei could answer, he saw a group of people coming in, wearing military uniforms. The leader of the group was Yan Bei, the thorn-headed one in the morning. , the commander of Zuowei secretly thought: What kind of thing is this? Shi Heng looked sideways, Yan Bei also saw Shi Heng, and quickly clasped his fists and said: "Yan Bei, see you, General." Shi Heng had a good impression of this upright young man, Yes, I used to be so heroic and upright, but the officialdom is like a big dye vat. No matter how pure a person is, he will become as ruthless and sinister as Shi Heng is now, and he also has the habit of walking on thin ice. It's really As soon as he entered the Houmen, it was as deep as the sea, but the young man in front of him was so aggressive, just like when he was young, so he couldn't help but smile and said: "Young man, what are you doing here?" Yan Bei didn't answer, but saw a man next to him. The man in plain clothes clasped his fists and said, "Greetings to Uncle Wu Qing, to Mr. Young Master." Uncle Wu Qing is the title of Shi Heng. Although he is an uncle, his status is no different from that of a marquis, and Young Master refers to Lu Yunzhi, Lu Yunzhi and Shi Heng looked at each other and then looked at the man in civilian clothes. Lu Yunzhi raised his hands politely and said, "May I ask your Excellency?" He nodded, thinking that he might have seen himself in the court. The household picket was an official established by Fang Qingze. Although the official position was very small, only the sixth rank, and the picket leader was only from the fifth rank, his power was astonishing. He specialized in catching fake public servants for personal gain. For corrupt officials who have violated the law, Lu Yunzhi said before that this kind of thing should not be rushed. Corrupt officials will be punished after the world is settled. However, recently, the phenomenon of using empty wages and squandering food has become more and more serious in various places. Civil servants are also extravagant and eager to plunder the people's wealth. However, the thirteen supervisory censors and the Supervisory Office set up by the imperial court were not so dedicated to their duties, and the detection efforts were like scratching the surface and had no effect. Therefore, Fang Qingze, who was in charge of the Ministry of Household Affairs, set up a separate picket. Once the situation was found to be true, he could be arrested on the spot. Arrested, taken to the capital for trial, all ministries, including all armies, must obey the dispatch and cooperate with the investigation. Because the selection of pickets is relatively strict and the number of personnel is limited, the effect will not cause a storm. The eradication of one or two rats will also have a negative impact on Lu Yunzhi's path. Without any obstacles, Fang Qingze's proposal passed smoothly with Lu Yunzhi's support. Yu Qian, the leader of the relevant Ministry of War, not only did not block the establishment of the pickets, but also praised them. He once said privately: "Thieves like Lu and others are really just thieves." " The more Lu Yunzhi looked at this piece of furniture, the more familiar it became. He read the name twice and then suddenly realized, "Brother Zhang is doing well these days. "Now Shi Heng was also puzzled. How did he know that when the Zhongzheng family was destroyed, everyone hid in the house of an old Shandong shopkeeper. In the end, the shopkeeper's son was killed, and the only son Zhang Gu remained anonymous and escaped to Timur through Fang Qingze's letter. , Seven years have passed, and I never thought that we would meet today. Zhang Ju and Lu Yunzhi were not familiar with each other. After some polite remarks, Zhang Ju said to the commander of the left guard who was still trembling: "After verification, you and the commander of the three guards They were all corrupt, perverting the law, taking advantage of their positions to seek money, hoarding grain and fodder and falsely reporting military pay. They are now being escorted back to Beijing. "As he spoke, the two soldiers beside him were about to step forward and twist him, but the commander suddenly shouted: "I don't accept it. Who can provide any evidence? " "I am a human witness, this is physical evidence, both human and material evidence are there, what else can you say to quibble. Yan Bei suddenly took out a few account books and said. The commander was still unwilling to give in and said: "I am not willing to give in. You are making a false accusation. Call me who is in charge of money and food." "For a moment, he became unreasonable and stammered incoherently. Yan Bei waved his hand. The soldier brought a sack and opened it. There was a human head inside. Yan Bei said: "Are you looking for him? As far as I know this He must be your brother-in-law. He was caught by me just now. He refused to obey the law but wanted to resist, and wanted to burn the account book. He was killed by me. The brothers present and Lord Zhang Juzhang can all testify for me that I did not kill indiscriminately. innocent. "Commander Zuo Wei was a little stunned. He wanted his brother-in-law to repair Yan Bei, but he didn't expect that he would die. Now his official career is also worrying. It seems that Yan Bei should be hired as a money and grain school. Wei Zhen made a bad move. Looking at the soldiers behind Yan Bei, most of them were money and grain officials. They did not dare to resist and obeyed Yan Bei's orders. I guess they have been subdued by Yan Bei, the thorny head. There was silence in Wanzi Tower. , not only are these people present nowIt was something that ordinary people couldn't afford to offend, especially because everyone was waiting to see a good show. Some of the generals saw the picket and Shi Heng present and wanted to sneak away, but were firmly held by a few soldiers. Blocking the door, I wanted to be accommodating, but those soldiers were not allowing anyone to leave now. Looking carefully, their faces were very angry. They must be the guards brought from the capital and dressed up as soldiers. It seemed that they were escaping. It was not easy to get out. A sedan walked steadily to the door of Wanzilou. The side window was slightly opened. A bearded man with a smell of alcohol in his mouth took a look at Wanzilou and was shocked, and then said : "Don't stop the sedan, keep going forward." This person was the commander of the Tianjin right guard who was going to the banquet. The commander of the left guard was shouting that he was wronged when he saw the door of the second room of the fourth suite open and a Biao walked out. He was a big man, with his upper body naked and only his lower body wearing trousers. He muttered: "Boss, what are you talking about? You are not in the mood to do anything." He came with his sworn brother Zuo Wei, Commander Tianjin Wei. , he was stunned after saying that. He didn¡¯t expect so many people standing at the door. He was in a room with a bed, and there was a bathroom in the middle. Naturally, he couldn¡¯t hear the noise outside. After scanning around, the commander He was also sweating profusely. Shi Heng looked at him coldly without anger. He was about to curse, but he was stunned. Then his eyes widened and he said two words in a row: "This, this." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 75: Yu Ting Returns The commander of Zuo Wei said quickly: "Second brother, why don't you give up that piece of meat to General Shi." The commander of Tianjin Wei looked back and saw the woman who had just had sex with him walking out in a dark green bag, the snow-white The skin was exposed from the pocket that did not cover the body, and everyone was stunned for a moment. She was an extremely beautiful woman, but no one saw Shi Heng's extremely panic face, but everyone was stunned. She shivered involuntarily, and the air was filled with murderous aura. The woman with a red face glanced at the crowd, and seemed to retreat into the room. She was also stunned. There was a familiar but somewhat unfamiliar face in the crowd, day and night. Night after night, he thought about his dream, and every time he was sad, humiliated and ready to die, he was the one in front of him. Now he is in front of him, but he dare not recognize him. And he is no longer young. Although his face is more handsome, his temples are frosty white. Unable to cover up the vicissitudes of life, the woman ran into the house. The commander of Tianjin Guard pulled the woman over and shouted: "You are lucky that General Shi has taken a liking to you. Hurry up, you are a stinker." Before he could finish his words , the head fell to the ground. Because the speed was too fast, the blood did not spurt out for a while. There was also a flat wound on the neck. The scar as big as a bowl was shocking. The Tianjin Guard Commander¡¯s head fell to the ground, and his eyes turned a few times. , he didn¡¯t know why the group of people in front of him were all crooked. He glanced at his headless body and suddenly understood. He opened his mouth but no sound came out. His eyes dimmed at this moment. Finally, he entered the room. Everyone inside and outside reacted. The woman screamed, and the smell of urine from the thugs rose instantly. The headless body spurted out large amounts of blood in response to the situation. After a clang, it finally fell to the ground. , At the same time, the commander of Zuo Wei jumped out of the window, but a bad feeling followed him. After all, he was a veteran who had been on the battlefield. He twisted his body in the air and dodged, but his four fingers spread out. It was cut away from his palm in an instant, and Commander Zuowei did not feel any pain. He knew that firstly, he had forgotten the pain due to the high tension, and both because this mysterious power was too fast. If he had not jumped out, Outside the window, the force of the fall was extremely fierce and the body was twisting in the air. Perhaps he had fallen to the ground like a sworn brother. Commander Zuo Wei was overjoyed. As soon as he landed, he quickly fled into the darkness against the eaves on both sides. Lu Yunzhi said softly: "Don't let brothers take action." His voice was extremely cold, but slightly trembling. Ah Rong understood. Although he didn't know the contact method of the Yinbu, he said loudly: "My lord has an order, don't interfere." "Then there was a burst of bird chirping from around the roof, and the Zuowei commander ran further and further away. Lu Yunzhi took a piece of pink hair and took off her coat without any explanation, and then put it on the woman just now. The woman lowered her head and refused to go in or out, but she was not frightened at all by the Tianjin Guard commander who fell to the ground with his body separated, but her body was trembling inexplicably. Lu Yunzhi turned her head and said: "Get out." No one would refuted, because they saw a frightening look in Lu Yunzhi's eyes. This look was more cruel and bloodthirsty than the ferocious beasts coming down the mountain. It also had endless insidiousness. Everyone suddenly understood that if they did not obey Lu Yunzhi, Yun Zhi's mission may make life worse than death. Under the leadership of Arong Shiheng and Zhang Ju Yanbei, a group of people exited the room and left. They closed the door and retreated to the lobby on the first floor. Although Yan Bei I'm a little confused about what happened upstairs, and I don't know what kind of expert Lu Yunzhi is, but after hearing Zhang Ju say the term "young master", I have a general understanding. Maybe he has a bigger background than Shi Heng. But Yan Bei didn't pay attention and said to Zhang Ju beside him: "Many people in this Wanzi Building are garrison generals. Our province has arrested them one by one, so let's tie them up. " Zhang Ju lowered his head and pondered. The pink head just now kept flashing through his mind. He finally realized who the woman was, and he suddenly sighed. It happened that Yan Bei was talking to him. He suddenly raised his head and said: "General Yan, this matter I'll leave it to you, my mind is a little confused and please let me calm down. " Yan Bei gasped. Although he was upright and even a little stubborn, he was not stupid. He could see that both Zhang Ju and Shi Heng should recognize the woman in the room, but they had not seen her for a long time, so they were a little confused for a moment. They didn't dare to recognize each other, or maybe they couldn't recognize each other for other reasons. A fan actually knew two imperial court officials, and these two officials rarely visited Tianjin Wei, and there was also a young master who was called a young master. The relationship between the man and the woman was unusual. Yan Bei was confused. What was going on? Commander Zuo Wei fled in a hurry. He might not know how much trouble there would be in the future, but he was not panicked. Shi Even if Heng was present and commanded the envoy to flee back to the military camp, how dare he still cause chaos? Besides, without the Tiger Talisman Seal, he couldn't mobilize many troops according to the rules. Yan Bei thought a little stubbornly, "Yu Ting, is it you?" "Lu Yunzhi gently raised the woman's head and chin and asked, but the woman suddenly opened Lu Yunzhi's hand and said, "I'm sorry,"?Wrong person. " Lu Yunzhi saw clearly that the person in front of him was his wife Shi Yuting. Although her appearance had changed after seven years of separation, and even the appearance in her memory became blurred, the meeting at this time brought back Lu Yunzhi's thousands of thoughts. With countless memories, Lu Yunzhi took Shi Yuting into his arms regardless of her resistance. Shi Yuting stopped struggling and began to sob softly. However, she held back her crying for a moment, with only a small tremor in her back. Listen to Shi Yuting say coldly: "Let me go, or I will bite my tongue and commit suicide. " "What's wrong with you? If you have anything to say, please tell me. "Lu Yunzhi knew that Shi Yuting had a stubborn temper, so he quickly let go of her, took two steps back and sat down. Shi Yuting looked at Lu Yunzhi coldly, and said with a frosty face: "I am no longer clean, although I have been unclean for a long time. I know your whereabouts, but I can only leave silently. If I follow you, you will only be embarrassed. Our fate is over, so today is the day we say goodbye forever. " "Why. " Lu Yunzhi regained the calmness she should have and asked, "There is no reason. Okay, don't stay in the room with me for too long. It should be Shi Heng outside, and the person just now, if it is I didn't admit it wrong. He seems to be the son of the old shopkeeper. They seem to have recognized me. It will have a bad influence on you if you stay here for a long time. You are the young master of the current dynasty and the palm of the Zhongzheng lineage, and I am just It¡¯s just a kiln girl. After a while you admit your mistake and leave it at that. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 76: Spread the word Shi Yuting walked into the house as she spoke, but she heard Lu Yunzhi say lightly: "Yuting, I don't care, no matter what happened to you before, it was all out of necessity. I finally found you, and I will never let you go again." Leave me." Shi Yuting stepped into the house but stopped. Two lines of tears couldn't stop flowing down again, but this time she didn't cry out. She didn't want Lu behind her. Yunzhi saw her fragility and said, "Lu Lang, don't force me. I really don't want to follow you. Maybe this despicable role is my destiny. If you insist on letting me follow you, I will die." "Shi Yuting said without looking back and bumped against the wall. Lu Yunzhi waved his hand gently and pushed Shi Yuting away with a blast of wind. Lu Yunzhi's face was faintly dark and said: "Then I'll come back when you calm down. Looking for you, but you will always be my wife." As he said this, he opened the outer door leading to the corridor. As the door opened, everyone in the hall raised their heads and looked at Lu Yunzhi, Lu Yunzhi. Pointing to the room, he raised his voice and said to everyone: "This woman is my wife, Lu Shi." Everyone was shocked and didn't comment, but they didn't dare to talk to each other, for fear that if Lu Yunzhi was unhappy, they would be killed. Lu Yunzhi However, Yun Danfengqing had no expression on her face. She jumped down from the second floor and walked toward the door. Yan Bei exclaimed: "What a handsome kung fu." Shi Yuting naturally heard what Lu Yunzhi said. After announcing the words, she sighed and started crying again. She hadn't cried for a long time. Seven years ago, Shi Yuting cried all day long. Three years later, Shi Yuting stopped crying. For four years, Shi Yuting never cried, no matter how humiliating she was. No problem can be solved, but today, tears flowed down again and again, as unstoppable as the flood that broke the embankment. Lu Yunzhi quickly walked out of the gate of Wanzi Tower. Ah Rong followed closely, but saw Lu Yunzhi suddenly sprayed After spitting out a mouthful of blood, Ah Rong quickly supported Lu Yunzhi and asked: "Master, are you okay?" Lu Yunzhi patted Ah Rong's shoulder, and then stood silently on the street. Ah Rong followed Lu Yunzhi's There were too many things seen in his eyes, desolation and desolation, resentment and murderous intent. At this moment, the birds chirped loudly in the room. Lu Yunzhi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and showed a bloodthirsty smile. Rong's body trembled. This was a lord he had never seen before, a crazy lord. Lu Yunzhi was unfazed by honor and disgrace, actively walking in the bloody storm, but at this moment, these past people The halo disappeared, and after about a cup of tea, a guard covered in blood ran into Wanzi Tower. Without even looking at Lu Yunzhi and Ah Rong standing at the door, he ran straight to Zhang Ju and said: "Sir Zhang, it's not good. There has been a mutiny in the three guard posts. They are leading the troops. Please retreat quickly." Shi Heng and others quickly walked out of the door and sighed when they saw Lu Yunzhi standing solemnly at the door. Shaking his head, he walked to Lu Yunzhi and said softly: "Brother Lu, let's go quickly. The commander of the guard station has rebelled. All troops should be mobilized. We can't support it alone. If we can't bear it, we will mess up the big plan. It's not advisable to leave quickly." As he said, He took Lu Yunzhi's arm and walked out of the city, but Lu Yunzhi didn't move at all. Shi Heng tried his best, but it was like a mud cow drowning in the sea, with no effect. Lu Yunzhi gently opened Shi Heng's hand and said softly: "Shi Heng Brother, I'm fine. By the way, have you seen the river of blood? Shi Heng was taken aback and reprimanded: "Don't be carried away by anger for a moment. One guard has more than 5,600 soldiers, and three guards have as many as 10,000 soldiers. No matter how powerful you are, you can't defeat them." . " But Lu Yunzhi shook his head and said: "Today is not what it used to be. Things are different and people are different. Today I have to try my best to stain Tianjin with blood and spread corpses all over the field to calm the anger in my heart. Brother Shi doesn't have to stop me. , It¡¯s useless to say more, please get out of the city quickly. " Yan Bei lay on the ground and listened, and then said calmly: "Official Qian Liang, listen to the order and get ready for battle. The army has already surrounded the city on all sides and has already entered the city. "Yanbei Qianliang Xiaowei was a new official who took office. He beheaded the brother-in-law of the commander of Zuowei. He relied on Zhang Gu from the Ministry of Revenue to calm everyone down. The situation is urgent at this moment. How can these Qianliang officers, who are originally disloyal, return? Those who dared to obey the order wanted to flee, but Yan Bei pulled out the steel sword from his waist and shouted: "If anyone surrenders without fighting, anyone who escapes from the battle will be killed without mercy. "As soon as these words came out, all the officers picked up their weapons one after another and deployed their defenses tremblingly. However, the Qianliang Officers were not a fighting team at all, and their small number compared with the tens of thousands of sergeants who poured into the city. The strength gap was too big. At this moment, it was just because of the face of Shi Heng and others and the steel sword in Yan Bei's hand that they could barely fight. Zhang Ju frowned slightly and asked what was going on with the guard who was covered in blood, and why the army came so fast. The guards reported truthfully. After listening to a few words and analyzing them, they roughly understood the whole story. It turned out that the commander of the right guard already knew when he saw Shi Heng, Yan Bei and others tense in Wanzi Tower. Something bad happened, so I quickly went back to mobilize the troops. The commanders of the three guards had not changed for many years, and they had a high reputation among the soldiers.Most of the generals in the guard station were his direct relatives, so they raised troops to kill the opponents and killed Zhang Ju's guards who were sent to monitor him. Only one guard escaped by chance and came to report the news, while the left guard The commander of the guards fled in panic. He wanted to escape into the military camp, but he met his sworn brother who led the troops to rescue him. After explaining the reason, he also went into battle and came to seek revenge in a fierce manner. The army entered the city. The narrow road was crowded. The commanders of the left and right guards hid in the armored formation and sneered at Lu Yunzhi and others as well as the trembling money and grain officials. The commander on the right said: "Brother, who killed the second brother?" "Commander Zuo's hand was already wrapped in linen. He pointed at Lu Yunzhi who was standing in front of the formation with his other uninjured hand and said, "That guy, the third one, seems to be an official of the imperial court." " Zuo. The commander looked behind Lu Yunzhi, Shi Heng and others. The streets behind them were also surrounded by heavy soldiers. It seemed that they had no way to escape from heaven and earth. The commander on the right said: "We are in great trouble today. When the time comes, it¡¯s better to kill them. In the future, it doesn¡¯t matter whether you support your troops and pretend to plead guilty to the court, or whether you raise an army to rebel. In short, if you don¡¯t kill them, it will be a dead end. If you kill them, you still have a chance of survival. I have made up my mind, brother. "Okay." Commander Zuo nodded and said, "You treacherous officials and traitors, don't you have any law? I'm here, and Master Lu is here. You guys should go back to camp quickly." , We will forget about it and forget about it. If we insist on going our own way, we will be guilty of treason and destroy the nine tribes. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 77: Evil Ghosts in Hell Shi Heng shouted as much as he wanted, but the leaders of the three guards all knew that if the commander fell, no one would be able to protect them. When the time comes, a new commander would be replaced and his responsibilities would be changed to eradicate dissidents. I couldn't hide it anymore, so even though Shi Heng worked so hard, there was no reply. The two commanders looked at each other and smiled, both thinking it was ridiculous. How could Shi Heng be so naive, and such a naive person still crawled At such a high position, at this moment, I heard the chaos in the team behind me, and quickly sent someone to check, only to see a Qianhu turned against him, and then two groups of soldiers and horses turned against the three guardsmen with their swords, Lu Yun After discovering the enemy's formation was in chaos, he snorted coldly and shouted loudly: "Heaven is here, please retreat quickly and leave it to me to deal with it. I will go on a killing spree." No one knew what was going on. Why did the rebels suddenly come to help when they came to the front? It turned out that the several thousand households who defected were the members of the Secret Thirteen that Lu Yunzhi secretly sent to various units. Through the description of Commander Zuo and the shouts of Shi Heng, it was concluded that Their enemy was their lord Lu Yunzhi, so they raised troops to help, so Lu Yunzhi shouted to drive them away. Lu Yunzhi roared in the air, the sound was not harsh but could be heard throughout the small town, and could be heard in the small town. The people had already been awakened by the army's entry into the city. They didn't know what was going on, so they could only close their homes tightly for fear of getting into trouble. The other guests in Wanzi Tower panicked, and a big man came out of a room and roared: "I don't know. Are you Mr. Hai here? Damn it, I have to take a rest." Li Dahai opened his arms and looked majestic. He was sleeping soundly just now and didn't hear the noise outside at all. He was not woken up until Lu Yunzhi roared with anger. , so he walked out cursing, but as soon as he walked into the hall, he saw Lu Yunzhi, who was slightly angry, but he was so frightened that he fell to the ground and did not dare to move. Shi Heng was a little anxious, and blamed him in his heart: "This Lu Yunzhi In short, I tried my best to persuade you to get reinforcements to help you, so why did you ask people to evacuate? You are overestimating your capabilities. The reinforcements should have responded to my call and knew that there was no hope of rebellion, so they rose up on the battlefield in the hope of gaining fame. How could you? How long will it take for the commander to move? Does he want to rebel?" But what happened next shocked Shi Heng. The reinforcements withdrew from the city in a swagger, obeying Lu Yunzhi's order, and left and right. The commander was shocked, but he did not immediately encircle and suppress them. Instead, he ordered to get out of the way. Now was not the time for internal strife. It was not too late to wait until Shi Heng and others were eliminated before going back to deal with the few Qianhu who dared to temporarily defect. Lu Yunzhi Suddenly he looked up to the sky and laughed so horribly that a strong smell of blood spread through the air. Suddenly, the commanders on the left and right discovered that the smell of blood was not an illusion, but real, because in front of them The armored soldiers, whether they were armor or heavy shields, were in vain. They were cut open by unknown things, and then their bodies were cut into two pieces. Blood flowed, and blood mist rose before the brigade. The three guardsmen were all dumbfounded. This battle was something they could not understand. Many years later, those veterans who were lucky enough to survive still loved to tell this story. Although young people scoffed and did not believe it, every time they told this story, the veterans felt like starting over. To the feet, a chill spread throughout his body as if he had fallen into an ice cave. Lu Yunzhi strolled towards the soldiers. Everyone retreated as if seeing a savage beast, but they were all trained sergeants. Although they retreated, they began to He bent his bow and shot arrows at Lu Yunzhi. The arrows were blown away by the strong wind, and none of them could get close. However, Lu Yunzhi was still laughing wildly. The earth trembled at this time, and at the same time, fire rose up, and the burning was counting. On the bodies of hundreds of soldiers, those soldiers kept rolling around, trying to extinguish the flames that suddenly appeared on their bodies, but they could not be extinguished no matter what. Whether they were buried with sand or sprinkled with water, these flames showed no signs of weakening. , just like this, this vanguard was burned alive in front of thousands of people. The screams came one after another, gradually weakening and finally the oil and lamps ran out. The streets of the small town were silent, with only the crackling sound of flames and the burning sound of the flames. Behind the corpses that looked like charcoal, the soldiers kept shaking their armors, and Lu Yunzhi continued to walk forward. The second group of soldiers did not fire arrows, but rushed towards Lu Yunzhi like a tide, but they ran He took two steps but could no longer take another step. He looked down and saw that his feet were firmly frozen to the ground, followed by his arms and body. The frozen soldier did not feel any pain, but the place wrapped in ice He was also unconscious, and his skin gradually turned purple-black. Several swords made of gas appeared next to Lu Yunzhi, and they shuttled through the frozen crowd. The sharp blades did not cut off people's waists. Or cut off the head, but lightly smashed the ice that wrapped the limbs. The ice shattered, and the limbs that had been frozen into ice were also broken. The sergeant lay on the ground, screaming madly, watching Their limbs were broken bit by bit, and they stopped shouting until their bodies were completely frozen, and their expressions remained in a moment of horror.The ground was still trembling, and it was getting worse. The team of nearly a thousand people who were leading the way in front of the soldiers was now only left with broken ice and charcoal with no human shape. Finally, people reacted and went crazy. Fleeing, even if there was only one Lu Yun in front of him, no, he was not a human, but a man-eating evil ghost crawling out of hell. Thousands of people facing Lu Yunzhi turned around and ran away, only hating their parents for not giving them anything. He grew an extra pair of feet, and the team blocking them behind them also retreated. At this moment, something even more unbelievable for ordinary people happened. Another face of Lu Yunzhi appeared from behind Lu Yunzhi's head. Then slowly, the face left Lu Yunzhi's body and suddenly rushed into the Tianjin three-guard army that was outflanking and intercepting him. Soon someone in the team pulled out a sharp knife, cut open his abdomen, and took out a lot of His intestines and internal organs were thrown to the people around him, but there was a charming smile on his face, and he did not feel any pain. The smell of blood in the air became stronger. To be precise, there was only the smell of blood in the air. Lu Yun He screamed wildly: "No one can escape, no one." The earth collapsed and abyss opened. A large number of soldiers fell into the abyss. The screams became farther and farther, while the fleeing commanders of the left and right guards were He was grabbed by two tree roots extending from the ground and unable to move. The cracks in the earth began to heal, and the people who fell were completely isolated. Except for Lu Yunzhi, everyone was trembling. Death was so far away from them. so close, Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 78: Physical Exhaustion At this moment, Lu Yunzhi's body swayed, and he held on to the wall beside him and took a few deep breaths. The previous vomiting of blood was not due to the backlash of old injuries, but the unbearable heartache and anxiety after seeing Shi Yuting. Vomiting a mouthful of bad blood, the shaking at this time was not due to backlash, but due to overdraft of energy. Lu Yunzhi used the technique of invisible control of the clan's heaven and earth and the way of controlling air to achieve such a great effect. He was furious. Lu Yunzhi forgot that he was still alone. It was precisely because of this shocking effect that the powerful energy made Lu Yunzhi unable to hold on, and he could no longer use the next invisible move with huge destructive power. The nightmare got through at the right time. Lu Yunzhi's body made Lu Yunzhi feel much more comfortable, but he heard Nightmare shouting: "Let's rest for a while. This time we two brothers went on a killing spree. It was so happy and bloody. It was extremely painful. Hahahahaha." Yunzhi also showed an evil smile, but in the eyes of others, this smile was so cold and bloodthirsty. Lu Yunzhi secretly felt lucky, and the nightmare also helped Lu Yunzhi regain his strength as soon as possible. When the soldiers saw Lu Yunzhi stop, As he stepped forward, the ground no longer trembled, making the person unsteady and unable to stand, so he quickly retreated out of the city. Lu Yunzhi snorted coldly and suddenly rose into the air. The four gates of the small city suddenly burst into flames. The raging fire, people with a discerning eye can see that this power is far less weird than the previous one, but it is still very terrifying. For a moment, the team was blocked and unable to leave the city. The two commanders on the left and right were ashamed at this time. Qian Bu Shouldn't they have come to Wanzi Tower today? They shouldn't have summoned all the soldiers and horses into the city on a sudden impulse. Now the other party is completely jealous. It seems that they can't escape the doom. Now their only hope is to fall into the hands of Zhang Ju. In the hands of the pickets or Yan Bei, he might die more happily, but it seems that there is little hope. Lu Yunzhi landed smoothly on the ground, panting heavily and looked at the sergeant who was forced back by the fire, and then said softly : "Nightmare, please deal with them for me." Nightmare made a strange voice of distress: "Hey, it turns out that using the invisible clan art of heaven and earth consumes so much energy, and I wanted to recover it for you, but now I They have also been sucked dry. They really shouldn¡¯t be living in your body. Let¡¯s go in like this. We rush in. You should still be able to use some air control techniques and ordinary heaven and earth techniques. I can also force them to fall into a dream. Although It takes more time to do it slowly, but it has a different taste. "Lu Yunzhi nodded and showed a murderous smile. Shi Heng's whole body was cold. He had seen Lu Yunzhi take action, but he had never thought that Lu Yunzhi was so powerful. Look at it. Now Lu Yunzhi was talking to himself, and thinking of the other Lu Yunzhi who just emerged from his body, Shi Heng's body started to tremble a little, and he said softly: "Brother Ah Rong, are you okay, Brother Lu?" Rong had been silent from beginning to end, but now he spoke: "It's okay, General Shi, no matter what happens from now on, don't talk nonsense. I took the initiative and I'm really angry. I won't give up until I slaughter all the three soldiers." " Yan Bei was not far from them, so he heard clearly. He looked at Zhang Ju next to him, but found that Zhang Ju also lowered his head, as if nothing happened in front of him. He did not dare to interrupt. This was the first time Yan Bei saw him. A god like Lu Yunzhi, with an army of ten thousand people in front of him, could only sit back and wait for death. Although Yan Bei felt a little scared, he still walked out without hesitation and shouted: "Master Lu, You are the young master of the dynasty. The trouble lies not with the sergeants, but with these two corrupt commanders and a group of accomplices. Please treat these sergeants fairly and stop the massacre. " Shi Heng was so frightened that he quickly covered Yan Bei's mouth, but saw Lu Yunzhi slowly turning his head and looking at Yan Bei with a pair of bloodshot eyes. With a sudden wave of his hand, Yan Bei was pushed out flatly, and he was pushed out heavily. After hitting the courtyard wall on the side, Yan Bei was dizzy and almost fell to the ground. He suppressed a few breaths of bad breath and still wanted to step forward to persuade him again, but he heard the collapse of the courtyard wall behind him. It has long been turned into a piece of powder. It seems that Lu Yunzhi has left some strength in his hands, otherwise Yan Bei would have become part of the powder. Although Lu Yunzhi's body is almost healed now, the clan's heaven and earth skills in the early years The backlash caused his physique to decline. No matter how effective Wang Yulu's elixir was, it was no match for the damage caused to his body by the clan's heaven and earth technique. Coupled with the intangibility he had just used, Lu Yunzhi was already a little overwhelmed. Although the nightmare You're right. Even if you rush into the army now, you can kill them happily. In fact, even if you don't use the clan's heaven and earth skills, you can slowly eat away the entire army just by using the ghost exorcism skills. But by then, you may not be able to do it. He couldn't move, and it would take him half a day to recover. He had just done it, but when Yan Bei shouted, Lu Yunzhi calmed down and knew that he couldn't do this. He needed to ensure that his body could still move. Perhaps, it was used to maintain the shadowless existence beside him, otherwise the shadow demon would pop up and devour his body at any time. Thinking of this, Lu Yunzhi consciously had a headache, "However, that young man just now?What the general said is true. Only those corrupt officials and the commanders of the Three Guards deserve to die. These soldiers are innocent. Although they have done some evil things over the years, their crimes are not worthy of death. Thinking of this, Lu Yunzhi The anger in his heart calmed down a little, and he looked at the shivering sergeant and said loudly: "Get out." At that time, the flames at the four city gates were already weakening, and the soldiers ignored the scorching heat and hurriedly used Futu extinguished the fire, which was only half a man tall, and rushed out. No one doubted whether to stay, and no one dared to question Lu Yunzhi. The team withdrew in an orderly manner in a quiet but panic situation. The three guards There were supposed to be more than 16,000 people in total. In order to embezzle food and pay, the commander of the Three Guards falsely reported the number of people, leaving only more than 11,000 people. This time, almost all the members of the Secret Thirteen who had been deployed by Lu Yunzhi came out. Three thousand people were withdrawn, and the army was crowded in the narrow streets. Even if they were attacked from both sides, there was only room for more than 4,000 people. The rest were in other parts of the city. Among the 4,000 people, the front row could clearly see them. Lu Yunzhi's killing was incredible and ferocious, and about three thousand people were killed on the spot, most of them were buried by earth-bending techniques, and the rest were killed by water-bending, fire-bending and nightmares, and only a few people were left to watch. Faced with Lu Yunzhi's cruelty and his own helplessness, and fortunately surviving, most people just fled as others said, and did not feel or see anything except the vibration under their feet and Lu Yunzhi's angry roar. Hundreds of witnesses died in the wars that followed. The dozen or so people who left the battlefield alive and returned home will never forget this night, this bloody night, not to mention the man who was like a ghost in hell. A man who is angry about his wife, Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 79: So Similar Lu Yunzhi turned to look at Yan Bei, then slowly approached and stretched out his hand to hold Yan Bei's shoulder. Yan Bei was not afraid of Lu Yunzhi at all, and looked directly at him. When their eyes met, Lu Yunzhi saw There was firmness and determination in Yan Bei's eyes, and Yan Bei suddenly felt a strong force coming from his body, but it felt warm and comfortable. "Is it okay? What is your name and what is your official position?" Lu Yunzhi calmly said He asked. Yan Bei knew that Lu Yunzhi was just healing himself, and there was no major problem with his body. At this moment, the dullness in his chest had already been wiped away by Lu Yunzhi's energy, so he raised his voice and clasped his fists and replied: "I'm here. Yan Bei, the captain of Tianjin Wei Qianliang School, met with the young master. "Lu Yunzhi nodded and replied: "You don't need to be polite. Your blunt advice just now prevented me from continuing to kill. Thank you, you are very brave." Then he turned around. He said to Shi Heng: "General Shi, I want to leave this person, can you make the decision?" Shi Heng slowly turned his head, his facial expression was very stiff, obviously frightened by Lu Yunzhi's hand just now, At this moment, when he heard Lu Yunzhi ask him, he said with a smile: "Well, I don't need to make the final decision on this. You are the current young master, you can do it, haha, right Brother Lu." Lu Yun He nodded, but heard Yan Bei proudly say: "I'm sorry, it's hard for me to obey my order." Lu Yunzhi frowned slightly and asked: "Why." I am loyal to the country and guard the frontier. If I can achieve great fame and hold great power as a frontier official, then I will definitely become an iron-faced general who will frighten corrupt officials. What I saw today, what the young master did, is unforgettable to me. You today You admire the extraordinary spirit of killing the three armies, but have you ever thought that the culprits are only these generals, and how guilty the ordinary soldiers are. Of course, they are coming to kill you, and it is natural for you to defend and attack, but when they are in a hurry and lose resistance When you wanted to escape, you still didn't let them go. These sergeants have been eating the country's money and food for several years. If you kill them on impulse, won't you cause losses to the country? If you can't realize this problem, I feel There is no future for me to follow you, at least not the one I want, even if you are as powerful as a god." Yan Bei said in a neither humble nor overbearing manner, seemingly to explain the problem, but in fact he was reprimanding Lu Yunzhi and Shi Hengda. Nu Arong also stared at Yan Bei, Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and said: "Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?" Yan Bei shook his head and replied: "If you wanted to kill, you would have killed me just now. At the end of the day I will thank you for not killing me. Of course, I will obey all the arrangements of the court or my superiors. If you transfer me to work elsewhere, I will do my best without any complaints. But I am only loyal to the country. If you want me to To become your private army and a party, to vent your selfish desires and show off your courage, then you should save it. What difference does it make between you and those corrupt officials? It is all for yourself, without considering the world's common people and military and national affairs, it is just It's just a joke at fifty steps. If you don't like hearing this, or are angry about it, why not kill me now. Of course, I don't think you will, because your mind is much wider than this, otherwise you wouldn't have stopped killing me just now. " "Hahahaha, you are a loyal minister and a smart man. You remind me of a person. Maybe it is more suitable for you to follow him. If I were to judge you in eight words, it would be: for the country and the people. Don't know good from evil. "Lu Yunzhi laughed and said to Yan Bei, cupping his hands and fists. Then he turned to Shi Heng and said, "This is a good young man. Brother Shi, please don't make things difficult for him. Let him continue to be the captain of the Qianliang School. " Shi Heng smiled and nodded, but Ah Rong gave Yan Bei a hard look. Yan Bei didn't care. In fact, at this moment, Lu Yunzhi suddenly felt that Yan Bei and Yu Qian were somewhat similar, so he secretly wrote down the name, thinking In the future, we will see if he is really talented. If he is a person with both talent and virtue, he can be promoted one or two. If more people like this are in power, as long as he does not dominate the family and try to eliminate the Zhongzheng lineage, maybe he can retire from the mountain forest map. He was now at leisure, but it didn't matter even if he was the only one in the family. After all, he still had the trump card of Secret Thirteen. Lu Yunzhi's face changed and became extremely evil again. He turned to look at the commanders on the left and right who were entangled in the art of controlling wood, and then The Yuqi Chengjian cut the root vine, and the two of them were shaking when they fell to the ground. Their legs could not stand straight, and they lay on the ground like mud. Lu Yunzhi borrowed a short blade from Yan Bei beside him, and squatted down. Asked: ¡°Do you know why I killed so many people. " The two commanders kept kowtowing at this time, but Lu Yunzhi still asked again in a low voice: "Do you know why I killed so many people. "The two of them were so frightened by Lu Yunzhi's sinister eyes that they forgot to beg for mercy for a moment. They could only shiver all over and swallow one mouthful at a time. Lu Yunzhi slapped him with a short blade. He patted Commander Zuo on the cheek and asked: "Let me ask you, do you know the girl in green clothes in the room today. Commander Zuo was stunned for a moment, and realized who Lu Yunzhi was talking about. He quickly said: "I know, I know, Tingting, the number one in Wanzilou." ¡± Lu Yunzhi nodded coldly.He said: "Her name is Shi Yuting, she is my married wife. We were separated because of the war. You can do it. You are the one who runs the Wanzi Building." Commander Zuo now knew why Lu Yunzhi suddenly killed someone, and He slaughtered the soldiers like a demon, and was still thinking about how to respond. Just as he remembered that before he could say anything, the dagger was inserted into his eye socket. With a light gouge, Commander Zuo's eyeballs rolled down. He kept screaming, and blood flowed from his eye sockets. His body kept struggling, but Lu Yunzhi held his shoulders. He couldn't move and could only tremble all over. "Tell me, how did she come to Wanzilou." Lu Yunzhi said in front of her. He asked expressionlessly. The left commander's voice was hoarse. The right commander and he were sworn brothers. They had also said that they did not want to be born in the same year, the same month and the same day, but they wanted to die in the same year, the same month and the same day. But in the end, they were driven by interests. , the relationship between brothers is very weak, they are nothing more than grasshoppers on a rope. At this moment, the commander on the right really couldn't bear the torture on the commander on the left, so he opened his mouth and said: "She is." Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by Lu Yunzhi. With a sweep of the knife, the flesh on his face was instantly opened, causing him to roll on the ground in pain. Lu Yunzhi sneered and said, "I didn't ask you." Commander Zuo ignored the pain of having his eyeballs gouged out. He knew that he would be determined to do this today. There was no way to escape. He was considered a smart man after having been in the officialdom for many years. He didn't expect Lu Yunzhi to let him go. He just hoped that the other party would give him a good time. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 80: Divided by a Thousand Cuts Thinking of this, Commander Zuo said: "About the beginning of the sixth year of Jingtai, a woman came from other places, opened a secret door at the entrance of the alley, and became a wandering orio to receive guests. Within ten days, there was no one in the entire city. Everyone knows that this is a woman from the capital. She is clean, coquettish and beautiful, especially her ladylike temperament. No one in this small town can match her. Later, when we heard about it, we She got into Wanzi Tower and became the number one in Wanzi Tower." Lu Yunzhi patted the left commander on the shoulder, showed an evil smile, and then faced the right commander who was covering his face and rolling on the ground. He said, "It's your turn. You were the one who led the troops just now. You are quite a thief. You didn't even come in when the situation was bad. If I hadn't been here today, you would have killed the imperial official and set up your own mountain." "Let's go." The commander on the right covered his wound and let out a low cry without replying. Lu Yunzhi suddenly stepped on his right knee and twisted it hard, only to hear the sound of broken bones, followed by even more misery. The cry is no longer like the sound that a human can make. Lu Yunzhi laughed and praised: "You said it when I wasn't allowed to say it. Now that you are asked to say it, why do you just scream instead of saying anything?" Right Commander Holding back the pain, he yelled: "You fucking bastard, it turns out that's your woman. She was originally a trap. All three of us brothers tried before we dared to get her into Wanzi Tower. And let me tell you, Not only the three of us have played it, but also many soldiers in the guard station have played it before entering Wanzi Tower. She is a stinky circle with thousands of people riding on them. " Lu Yunzhi kept staring at the commander on the right and waited for him to finish. He replied coldly: "But she is still my wife. The boy named Yan Bei just said implicitly that I am a malignant person who is militaristic and abuses force. What he said is right, but I am more You like to call yourself a common man. You touched a common woman and spoke out. You are so brave, but you will soon regret that you came to this world." After saying that, he turned around and left, handing the dagger to Arong. , and then said: "Take them two away and deal with them." "I obey, my lord." Ah Rong answered with his fists clasped, but there was some confusion on his face, why not kill him with one knife here? Lu Yunzhi raised his head and looked at the man who was about to be attacked just now Wan Zilou, who had collapsed due to the shock of the Earth Technique, said lightly: "Use some medicine to let them survive first, and then cut them both into pieces and execute them in Lingchi." The most terrifying thing in the world may not be death, but death. Life is worse than death. Some criminal methods can achieve this effect, such as Ling Chi. Later, Ah Rong once boasted to Dong De at a banquet about his own methods, saying that for some reason, he killed two guards under command. At that time, it took three days to kill him with a thousand swords before he died. If the Tianjin Guard commander Izumi Youzhi was killed by one of Lu Yun's attacks, perhaps he should be grateful that he died happily. Four days later, Lu Yunzhi returned to Beijing. , Shi Yuting did not come back, and still stayed in Wanzilou, but now she became the proprietress of Wanzilou, while Ah Rong stayed in Wanzilou to take care of everything. Lu Yunzhi did not return home immediately, but He went straight to the outskirts and found Wang Yulu. Wang Yulu was a little surprised as to why Lu Yunzhi looked so sad. He heard Lu Yunzhi say before entering the door politely: "Go to Tianjin quickly and take the medicinal materials. " "What's wrong? Who's sick? What's the disease? "Wang Yulu asked with a flash of her eyes. Most people in the Zhongzheng lineage are basically the same as pharmacology. Young talents like Lu Yunzhi who have endured hardships and are willing to learn are even more proficient in this. If they were placed among the people, they might be a living person. Hua Tuo, a disease that can make Lu Yunzhi helpless is interesting. Thinking of this, Wang Yulu instantly felt a sense of excitement, but Lu Yunzhi sighed and said: "I found Yuting. "That's a good thing. Why is she sick? We are not ordinary doctors. We don't care about our own family's affairs. We can avoid it. Don't waste the opportunity because of these rules. What kind of disease does she have?" "Wang Yulu obviously misunderstood, so she was a little disappointed, thinking that Lu Yunzhi refused to treat Shi Yuting because of the old tradition. Instead, he rushed to the capital to find himself to treat Shi Yuting, "No, you misunderstood, Yu Tingzhong She is suffering from aphrodisiac, which attacks her every day. I have used the power of ghosts to remove the toxins from her body, but the effect is not seen and is still getting worse. She has to have sex with men and women many times a day. It is difficult to control herself. She has no choice but to do so. Next time I let the nightmare lead her into the dream. Although it has eased a little now, over time I am afraid that her body will not be able to bear it even in the dream. "Lu Yunzhi explained, "Wang Yulu was shocked, rolled her eyes and asked: "Why is the spring poison so powerful that even ghosts can't remove it? How could this happen? I really didn't expect it." "Wang Yulu knew that Shi Yuting must have lived a miserable life these years. No one among the people could cure such a deep spring poison, so Wang Yulu looked at Lu Yunzhi's head and was a little distracted for a moment, Lu Yunzhi smiled bitterly and said : "It should be the aphrodisiac studied by Long. I learned from reliable sources that Cheng Fangdong had an affair with him.? Touched and asked for some medicine. "Wang Yulu said: "That's no wonder. The head of Huangshan Dragon has superb medicinal skills. It's understandable that you can't crack it. But I have something to ask, why don't you suspect that I gave these aphrodisiac poisons to Cheng Fangdong? Having assisted him, do you think my medicinal skills are not as good as that of the dragon master? " Lu Yunzhi stood up and shook his head and said: "If you poison me, I still can't resolve it, but I believe you. The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water. I think if you give it to Cheng Fangdong, with your intelligence, you will definitely If you have any doubts, you will tell me the truth, so it¡¯s definitely not you. Just pack up and go to Tianjin. I have to go home. Wanzilou, Tianjin. Remember, just go and find Ah Rong. "After speaking, Lu Yunzhi stood up and walked towards the door. When Lu Yunzhi walked to the door of the courtyard, he heard Wang Yulu say behind him: "My lord. "The voice was a little trembling, and he did not doubt the employer. How could Wang Yulu not be moved by the great trust? Lu Yunzhi did not look back, got on his horse and drove away with his whip. When he returned to the room, Lu Yunzhi locked himself in the room. Who He didn't see it either. Two lines of tears slowly slid down his cheeks. A mixed feeling of exhaustion, sadness and helplessness filled his heart, but Lu Yunzhi couldn't hold his head and cry like an ordinary person. He was Zhongzheng. With a lineage of palms, a powerful young division, a heavy army in hand, a leader of thousands of people in the Secret Thirteen, and the support of relatives and friends, all he can do is close the door and cry silently alone , those honors and envy, power and abilities may be a kind of happiness, but they are also a kind of sadness. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 81: Comments on the Three Kingdoms "Stop crying, sir." Yang Xiyu suddenly stood in front of Lu Yunzhi and said. Lu Yunzhi raised his head and looked at Yang Xiyu and said with a smile: "Go away, Nightmare, when did you learn to change your appearance? This way I will make your soul fly away." The nightmare's body shape immediately changed into that of Lu Yunzhi, and said: "Isn't it to make you happy? Don't say it so scary, how did you know it was me? Did I become like this? "It's not like that." "You should return to your original appearance. It would be uncomfortable for me to become another person," Lu Yunzhi said angrily, her voice saying, "Although you came out of my body quietly, But I still have some feelings, so I know that this person must be you. Besides, Xi Yu is not so good at hiding it from my ears." The nightmare replied with an innocent face: "You are still smart, but. You have said that you feel something when I come out of your body, which means that we are becoming more and more one, so it is really difficult for me to obey your request. It¡¯s not that I don¡¯t want to change back to my previous appearance, but my current body. The appearance is just like you. How good do you think you look? Alas, I can only become the body like you. I am still distressed. But fortunately, after my research these days, I can finally use it all the time. "My appearance has changed. Haha, it's a blessing. You're feeling better now." "You're better, thank you." Lu Yunzhi said, "You can talk to Yang Xiyu. I feel like you are talking to him." When we chat, I feel much better. I can't tell you that we do everything together, so we are alone. It will be easier to tell Xi Yu what is deep in my heart. "Nightmare said seriously. Said, Lu Yunzhi smiled and nodded, then pretended to be angry and said: "I am me and you are you, Yang Xiyu is your name, Xi Yu is my name, don't get me confused, we are When you enter the room, you still have to stand outside, do you hear me?" "I'm so embarrassed, I'm going back." The nightmare walked into Lu Yunzhi's body with a smile, and Lu Yunzhi was also relieved. He laughed, "Yang Xiyu, yes, thinking of Yang Xiyu, Lu Yunzhi's heart suddenly felt like the rising morning sun, warm and comfortable, so he stood up and walked to the study. Lu Yunzhi didn't have to worry about it. I also knew that Yang Xiyu must be in the study. Sure enough, when the door opened, Yang Xiyu was holding a book of Spring and Autumn and reading it. His black hair was entangled, a little messy but with a unique style. Lu Yunzhi said with a smile: "Guan Er I read the Spring and Autumn Annals at night, and asked Yang Xiyu whether a woman should learn from the spirit of the Second Master Zhongyi. " "What's wrong, woman? I didn't expect you to read a novel like "The Popular Romance of the Three Kingdoms". Guan Yu was just a defeated general, which is not enough. Brave, let alone worthy of praise." Yang Xiyu was not surprised by Lu Yunzhi's arrival, nor did he put down the book. He said while reading, "Lu Yun suddenly became interested and found a chair to sit down. , and then asked: "I would like to hear Miss Yang's opinions." Yang Xiyu put down the book and looked at Lu Yunzhi. There was a little longing and care in his eyes. Although it was only fleeting, it still made people feel. Lu Yunzhi caught it, and Lu Yunzhi thought to herself: This little girl missed me, and suddenly a warmth came to her heart, and she smiled slightly, "First of all, Guan Yu shouldn't have such a big beard, so he can't be called a beautiful beard." Sir, it is said that Guan Yu cherished his beard and made a bag to protect it. You are proficient in military strategy. I ask you if you were allowed to grow such a long beard, would it be a hindrance and easy to be caught by the enemy? , life and death are at stake on the battlefield. No matter how brave Guan Yu is, he will never take his own life for the sake of appearance. Also, I think the weapon should not be a knife, but a spear. These are all insinuations found in various history books. The conclusion reached after repeated arguments, but this is not the point, it is just the appearance condition. I say this just to verify that some places in the book "The Popular Romance of the Three Kingdoms" are unreliable. "Yang Xiyu analyzed lightly, "Yang Xiyu saw Lu Yunzhi couldn't help nodding and continued: "The point is that Guan Erye's appearance is an illusion. Warm wine and kill Hua Xiong. First of all, Hua Xiong is described in the book How powerful, in fact, it is not the case. If Hua Xiong were to be considered today, he would be at best a Qianliang school captain or a halberd-wielding doctor. He is not as powerful as the article says. The reason why it is written like that is that Hua Xiong first There are three reasons why Xiong kills a few people and Guan Erye appears again. The first is to highlight Hua Xiong's power, thus making Guan Erye even more powerful. In a matter of seconds, he can take the general's head from the king's army, just like picking something out of a bag. The second is to reflect the characters of Liu Xuande and Cao Ah Man, as well as several comparisons between cities. The third is to provide a link for the execution of Yan Liang and Wen Chou later. Didn¡¯t Yuan Shao say at that time, it¡¯s a pity that I, Yan Liang, Wen Chou will have a future? This is the reason. To sum up, As mentioned above, it is not difficult to understand the original intention of writing this way. Of course, Guan Yu was not present in the alliance against thieves at that time, because his lord Liu Bei was not qualified enough. It was written that Liu Bei and others joined him.?It was just to show that Liu Bei had an early reputation and was a hero and not reckless. Therefore, no matter how he quibbles, Hua Xiong cannot be killed by someone who is not present. By the way, Hua Xiong was actually killed by Sun Jian. " "Well, that's good, you continue. "Lu Yunzhi clapped his hands and praised, "Yan Liang was indeed killed by Guan Yu, and he was indeed a general, but he was not as expressive as in the legend, but it also shows that Guan Yu in history was actually very brave, with a quick horse and a sharp sword, and he could kill in one fell swoop. Yan Liang was beheaded, but Wen Chou could not be killed by him. I think you who are familiar with history should know this. "Yang Xiyu said, Lu Yunzhi replied: "That's the case, but Xi Yu, you said that he was a defeated general and was not brave enough. What's the truth? What you just said is that although history and romance The image in the movie is different, but you don¡¯t hate Guan Yu. " "I don't dislike him, because he is loyal and righteous, but he is just a common man. Guan Yu's surrender to Cao Cao was filled with worry and confusion, as well as practical helplessness. Later generations of literati and military generals praised him so highly because of his benevolence and righteousness, for Liu Bei's sake. Turning down the salary of a high-ranking official and leaving, although he did not pass five levels and kill six generals, it was still thrilling to think about. Therefore, I admire Mr. Guan for being a loyal man. "Yang Xiyu said, "Yang Xiyu suddenly changed his tone and said faster: "But even though he is unparalleled in loyalty, he is still a common man." "Yang Xiyu said, looking at Lu Yunzhi with a hint of ridicule, with some reproach, resentment and worry in his eyes. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 82: Right-hand Assistant "Let's put aside the authenticity. The flood of the Seventh Army is simply a huge mistake. It killed the enemy, but its own foundation was also destroyed. What will happen to the people, what will happen to the money, food, soldiers, and taxation portals? After the flood, Thousands of people were displaced. When Guan Yu defeated the enemy with this move, he would definitely lose the hearts of the people. Of course, later because of his personality problems, he was too arrogant and lost Jingzhou, which dealt a fatal blow to Liu Bei. If Liu Bei had not lost Jingzhou, the world would have continued. My surname is Liu, which has not been known for hundreds of years." Yang Xiyu said in a somewhat conclusive tone, "Miss Yang is a good argumenter." Lu Yunzhi said with a smile, "Then who do you think I am?" Yang Xiyu Leng said. He snorted and said: "We are all just ordinary people, and they can only show off their bravery. I don't know how ordinary people get angry, and lay two corpses on their bodies, bleeding for five steps. Don't rush to refute. You said that in Tianjin, you can fight against more than 10,000 people. If so, So what if something goes wrong? You think it's great that you have learned to be invisible, but don't forget that you are still a mortal, and your sword has no eyes. If there is something you can't see, or you are too cold to guard against someone else's plot, you are still It's just a dead body." Lu Yunzhi was shocked and asked: "How did you know what happened to me in Tianjin?" "Just after noon yesterday, I met several pickpockets when I went to buy antique jade sculptures. Later, Li Sixi. I scolded them angrily, and then I left, but those people were just prisoners who had just joined the gang, so they wanted to intercept me. I was not panicked, because you said that I was protected by the Anbu, and as expected, I still They were killed by the Yinbu heroes before they could take action, and they got into a fight with another person who was following me. Two Yinbu people were injured. In the end, I showed weakness and caught the man by surprise. He is now imprisoned in In the dungeon, I didn't inform others because I remembered the person you told me about. Although you could hide it, I always felt that there was something going on between you two, so I didn't let the master and eldest brother know. Later, he told me I said, you two are friends and told me what happened in Tianjin, and asked me to send Yinbu to protect sister Yuting. I then repeatedly made peace with Yinbu and others. They showed up reluctantly. I asked them to send more The manpower has gone to Tianjin Guards to support you. Don¡¯t worry about it. When did you come back?¡± Yang Xiyu said. Lu Yunzhi replied: ¡°I just came back. What happened in Tianjin? Who did you imprison?¡± "Is Shang Wang imprisoned? How can the Yinbu obey your orders?" They said that this matter was related to the lives of me and Sister Yuting. If it was too late, there might be danger, and even you would be in danger, so they went to provide support. Besides, I, Mrs. Lu, If you say something, they should listen. If you don't have this authority, this woman will be boring, right?" Yang Xiyu said to Lu Yunzhi with a smile, "Lu Yunzhi also said jokingly: "You are really powerful. You can mobilize the hidden troops and catch Shang Wang. Thank you so much, girl." After saying this, his face straightened and he continued: "Xi Yu, come with me to see Shang Wang. I have something to ask him. . " "Don't worry, you haven't finished your question yet. "Yang Xiyu said, "What's the problem? " Lu Yunzhi asked with some doubts. Yang Xiyu laughed and said: "Looking at your irritable look and saying that you are not a common man, I think you are a real common man. Besides, you are so impatient when it concerns Sister Yuting. , didn¡¯t even listen to what I had to say, and I¡¯d be jealous if I kept doing this. Don¡¯t worry, I¡¯ve already made arrangements over there, and I don¡¯t think anything will go wrong. " Lu Yunzhi nodded. He didn't know why. Lu Yunzhi was extremely reassured about Yang Xiyu's work. Finally, someone could share the burden for him, and he was someone he could rest assured. Lu Yunzhi breathed a sigh of relief, and the burden on his shoulders seemed to be lighter. Some, "When the emperor is angry, he can lay down millions of corpses, but when you are angry, you can only lay down two people. I have heard a little bit about Tianjin. I have just said the stakes in it. No matter how fierce you are, you can only kill two people." As a mortal, if you are not in a town but outside a city, it goes without saying that you will suffer if ten thousand or five thousand people are against you. Don't rush to refute. You are very calm every time you criticize others. I have to admit that you are a good lord and a loyal brother both in public and in private, but when things happen to you, you are no longer calm. The greater your ability, the greater the danger. Others have told you more than once, I guess if what you do is not pleasing to others, they might even fight you. In fact, I like it very much when you are so angry for Sister Yuting, because I am you too. Madam, you can do this for her. Similarly, if I am in danger or wronged, you will do this for me. You are a real man. But to capture the thief, capture the king first, and kill people to kill the heart. Therefore, the three armies can take away the spirit, and the general can Seize the Heart, with your ability, even if you are one of the millions, catching those two people is not a problem, right? If you kill them, the morale of the army will be in chaos, and you will successfully recover the three guardsmen and shock them?Not only can we reduce the number of killings, but we can also gain a good reputation for eliminating harm for the people. "Yang Xiyu said, "Yang Xiyu's voice paused and said: "But it is different now. You have slaughtered so many sergeants. Yu Qian will definitely write a book about you, saying that you are self-respecting and militaristic. Zhu Qiyu and Yu Qian are You are on the same boat. Although you are in poor health now, what will happen if your military power is revoked by the Great Seal? Don¡¯t forget that you are a subject of the Ming Dynasty. If you become a king on your own and conquer the country, no one will dare to criticize you, but you conquer the country. In the past, including the current situation, once you disobey orders and start an army to rebel, it is a rebellion. Most of the people are uncivilized and cannot distinguish right from wrong. What will they do if they believe that you are a rebel? What will happen if you lose the support of the people? Water can carry a boat but also capsize it. " "I remember. "Lu Yunzhi nodded and said. He knew that what Yang Xiyu said was not only for his own good, but also the truth. Yang Xiyu smiled, then walked to Lu Yunzhi and wrapped his arms around Lu Yun He buried his head in his arms and said, "Fool, I don't want my child to be born without a father, so you need to be careful. " Lu Yunzhi lowered his head and kissed Yang Xiyu's forehead, and gave him an affectionate smile. Yang Xiyu continued to speak softly: "I didn't know you were coming back, so I have contacted my second brother and Zhu Jianwen overnight to give them a message. After explaining the situation, he hurriedly killed the matter before Yu Qian joined in the performance. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 83: Biting the Evidence "Oh, how to bite him to death." Lu Yunzhi's body shook and he looked at Yang Xiyu. He knew Yang Xiyu was smart, but he couldn't believe that Yang Xiyu could handle this kind of thing well, so he asked with a little doubt, " This is not simple. I first listened to the recent arrangements of the second brother and Zhu Jianwen for Tianjin. The second brother said that he sent pickets to Tianjin. Zhu Jianwen made no move, but even the two of them, who are so versatile, don't know. What happened in Tianjin Wei shows that no one in the official circles knew about it, and Shi Heng never returned to Beijing. It seems that he wanted to hide it and escape from his own involvement. Neither party wanted to offend. I think Shi Heng will definitely treat us in the future. It was helpful and very important, so I didn't involve him. I arranged for my second brother to tell me that you led the pickets sent by the Ministry of Household Affairs to secretly send the three guards and found that they were corrupt, perverted the law, and gathered troops and wealth, so I wanted to lead them. When he returned to Beijing for interrogation, he encountered resistance and could only suppress it, resulting in some casualties. Zhu Jianwen was then asked to create friction by pretending to use the wishes of the vassal kings to remove the commander of the Tianjin Three Guards. They supported their own troops and fought with the surrounding people. There are many conflicts among the vassal kings. As long as these two items are presented to Yu Qian first and made public in the main hall, the charges of the three guards of Tianjin will be confirmed and they will not be allowed to stand up. Likewise, Yu Qian will participate in your memorial. It's ineffective." Yang Xiyu said easily. Lu Yunzhi was stunned. After a long time, he said two words: "I admire it. This trick is so good. It's all my fault that I've been so angry these days. I really should. I was one step ahead of Yu Qian. If it hadn't been for you, I would have really been in trouble this time and almost got offended by Yu Qian." Yang Xiyu didn't speak anymore and just smiled in return, "Then we can go see Shang Wan now." Lu Yunzhi said, Yang Xiyu nodded: "Okay, but after meeting Shang Wang, I have to meet sister Yingzi. She is also worried about you, but I didn't tell her about your stay in Tianjin. Well, just take it as a thank you. What I have done is that a balanced bowl of water is the way to run a family. Women are all jealous, whether it¡¯s me, Sister Yuting or Sister Yingzi, it¡¯s all the same, you big carrot. There are so many ladies who have to be careful, okay, let's go, I will accompany you to see Shang Wang." Lu Yunzhi and Yang Xiyu walked through the yard and came to the dungeon in the backyard. I don't know who tortured Cheng Fangdong. Lu Yunzhi was very pleased that he was not a human being. He walked a few steps quickly and came to the "unique" cell where Wang Yulu was once imprisoned. Shang Wan was sitting there and saw Lu Yun coming and said, "You can count." I'm back, but it's too late. I think Yu Qian has revealed the matter to the sky a long time ago. Hey, a woman is in trouble." As he said this, Shang Wang glanced at Yang Xiyu with dissatisfaction, but did not get up. Sitting cross-legged, Lu Yunzhi was slightly confused as to why Shang Wang didn't get up to greet him, but he still found a place to do it because of the urgency. Then he briefly explained Yang Xiyu's conjecture and layout. Shang Wang's eyes lit up and he cheered loudly. Then he said: "I didn't know you were back. I heard about your stay in Tianjin from Yu Qian. I didn't know what to do for a while. I was anxious to take the risk to find Fang Qingze and ask him to go to the court to prove it to you first. Okay. On the way, when I was hesitating, I saw a few gangster-looking people following my wife. I was worried that they were masters in disguise. You also know that the Dragon Master is coming soon. I think most people don¡¯t have the guts to go find trouble after Li Sixi¡¯s reprimand. , I didn¡¯t expect that they were just some blind young men who were killed by your guards, so I turned around and wanted to leave, but they found me. I didn¡¯t use the killing move, but only injured a few people, but I was killed by their We were surrounded by reinforcements. Seeing that your wife was helpless, I wanted to take her hostage first and then find a way to escape. Unexpectedly." Having said this, Shang Wan sighed and said, "Madam, you are so good at strategizing and strategizing that you think of me. The report was done perfectly, but I didn't expect that you are also a master of disguise. Now that you know that I am one of your own, you can let me go. I have been sitting like this for almost a day. " Yang Xiyu glanced at Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi smiled awkwardly and said: "Shang Wang is one of our own and has been lurking around Yu Qian. Yang Xiyu then walked up to Shang Huan, put his hand on Shang Huan's shoulder, and then walked away quickly. Shang Huan then turned over and stood up, but his body was numb because he had been sitting for too long, and he almost fell. After some activities, Shang Wang clasped his hands and praised Lu Yunzhi: "Shang Wang pays homage to my lord. Yu Qian probably doesn't know about my arrest yet. He will know about the lack of guarantee soon. What should I do next? Please make it clear, Lord. " Lu Yunzhi said with a relaxed look on his face: "Let me think about it for a moment. By the way, Shang Wang, how did you learn about Tianjin? " Shang Wang said: "I seem to have heard that one of the famous school officials among the three guards is Yu Qian's confidant. You just killed and eliminated the army a few days ago. He did not dare to run away. When the defense relaxed a little, he went out of the city overnight and informed Yu Qian. this matter. "After speaking, Shang Wang looked at Yang Xiyu and said: "Madam's plan is correct. As far as I know, Yu Qian really wants to impeach the lord. Once the lord disobeys orders and does not hand over military power, he is going to let Zhu Qiyu remove the lord from all his posts. When the time comesThe only way for the lord to resist is to resist. Previously, he raised troops under the banner of the Qing Dynasty. Now he is openly defying Zhu Qiyu. If he cannot seize power in one fell swoop, he will have clearly admitted that he is a rebel who has seized power. Fortunately, The madam's move lasted seconds, but my lord, what do you think? If we fall out with Yu Qian now, we have a chance of winning, and can we seize the throne in one fell swoop? " "I won't hide it from you. We can't win quickly now. Although I hold great power, Yu Qian's soldiers and horses are not vegetarian. Coupled with the support of the puppet emperor Zhu Qiyu, it is also a headache. I still need For a period of time, it is best to be able to fight without losing any blood. Lu Yunzhi said, "This matter is still being planned. If we confront the enemy now, it will inevitably lead to another bloody storm. This is not what I want. Killing the enemy by one thousand and damaging yourself by eight hundred is not a wise person." What to do. Yang Xiyu said jokingly at the side: "My husband, you will not deceive me. Sure enough, you are not trying to conquer the world, because once it concerns yourself or your family and friends, you will become very uncool, but now you are very calm." , it seems that the world is not what you want, your words and deeds are consistent, you are really a man. Lu Yunzhi smiled and waved his hand, a little embarrassed. Shang Wang also smiled and asked: "Then let me ask something that I shouldn't ask. If we succeed in seizing power, who will be the emperor." " "Why, I'm afraid it's not good if you want to do it. I think you still have to find someone named Zhu to head the family. As for whether to find Zhu Jianwen's father Zhu Qixian or the late emperor Zhu Qizhen, I haven't decided yet. Okay, let me think about it for a while. Lu Yunzhi said, Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 84: Spiritual Support But Shang Wang shook his head: "My lord, don't make fun of me. I don't look like an emperor facing south and facing north. It's just that on the day of success, please lord, please hand over Yu Qian to me and let me avenge Du Hai." ." Lu Yunzhi nodded and said, "Well, I promised you this before. If you are a gentleman, I will do it as soon as you say it." Shang Wang looked at Yang Xiyu and said, "That's OK." After a salute, Yang Xiyu returned the Wanfu gift, and then Shang Wang asked: "Madam, how did you control me before? Why can't I exert all my strength and can't even use the technique of exorcising ghosts? Could it be that What kind of unparalleled poison is it, but how did you poison it?" Yang Xiyu smiled and said: "It's just a trick that can't be used in an elegant way. If Brother Shang is interested, I can wait until I have time. I can tell you that I just succeeded by taking advantage of you. If we were to become hostile, even ten Yang Xiyu would not be able to defeat half of Brother Shang." Shang Wu raised his hand and replied, "Don't dare." In his heart, he knew that Yang Xiyu had regained face for himself, but Shang Juan was still really interested in this technique of tapping and sealing acupoints. Lu Yunzhi nodded and said, "In this case, Shang Juan, you go back first. There is also a back door to this dungeon. Go through the back door, and then report to Qian truthfully, explaining in detail the structure of my compound and the secret passage. Yu Qian will definitely say that he was unfortunately captured and then discovered the secret passage after escaping. Suspicious of you, but will not touch you immediately, because you dare to escape back to him after being arrested, Yu Qian will hesitate. Of course, all this will not last long, the coup is just around the corner, when Yu Qian really doubts you and wants to get rid of you. When we kill you, it's time for us to take action. When the time comes, you will deal with Yu Qian personally. Of course, I will send experts to help you and try to let you kill Yu Qian happily." Shang Wan answered with a grateful fist, and then Lu Yun answered. Then he led Shang Wang to point out the secret passage and let him go. After returning to the cell, Lu Yunzhi and Yang Xiyu looked at each other. Yang Xiyu said: "In this way, Shang Wang is safe, but the Zhongzheng lineage The people are in danger. If Yu Qian sends a team of elite soldiers to come in from the secret passage and control the fire in the backyard of the family, it will not be fun, but we can't move now. The world is not as big as the king's land, and if we are now Going to other places is undoubtedly a blatant declaration of war. " Lu Yunzhi nodded and said, "I have my own arrangements. I have already told Shang Wang. You can tell Yu Qian through the secret channel. If Shang Wang has anything to do, contact me directly. There is no need to go through the secret channel. If you come to me in the house, I will bury the gunpowder and other objects in the secret passage, and send ghosts to ambush them, along with earthen jars of gunpowder, a small bowl floating on top, and a fire core. Once someone steps on it, it will shake the earth. The earthen pot will also vibrate, the small bowl with fine sand floating on it will fall over, and the fire core will explode if it falls on the gunpowder. In short, I have made two preparations, but even if there is no such secret passage, we must be careful. After a while, more people will be sent to look after the home. This secret is just a reassurance I gave Yu Qian. " Yang Xiyu said: "This is very appropriate. I heard about the parents of Shang Wan and Yu Ting before. If Sister Yuting takes over the matter, how will you deal with it? Paper can't stop the fire. If she knows that Shang Wang is your subordinate, then" "There is nothing you can do about it. Shang Wang is a person who values ??friendship. Man, you are loyal to me, and you are still a very important person. Although I love you, I cannot give up Shang Wang just for Shi Yuting and ruin the plan. If I get rid of Shang Wang for Yuting, the plan will definitely be frustrated. Yu Qian If you don't die, there will be endless troubles, and no one will be able to live a peaceful life. " Lu Yunzhi said, Yang Xiyu smiled happily and replied: "As long as you understand, I can't say more. Also, I don't think Zhu Qixian or Zhu Jianwen should be made king. What we need is a A stable Ming Dynasty, rather than a situation where the people are dissatisfied with the chaos of separatist regimes, what do you think? " "It's as I thought. In this case, you go back first. Cheng Fangdong and I still have something to say. "Lu Yunzhi said, Yang Xiyu nodded and turned around and walked out of the dungeon from the main door. Lu Yunzhi came to Cheng Fangdong and looked at the beaten half-dead "blood gourd" with a smile. His eyes were full of coldness. Cheng Fangdong said disdainfully : "I'm so anxious for you, I want to give you something nice to say hello to your grandpa and me. Huh, it's just like tickling. It's not satisfying at all. Lu Yunzhi, I won't tell you where Shi Yuting is. I won't let you two live forever. meet. " "Actually, you don't know where she is. I found her. "Lu Yunzhi said lightly, "Cheng Fangdong opened his eyes wide and kept scanning Lu Yunzhi's expressionless face. He sighed and said, "It seems that you are not lying to me. Then you must know what Shi Yuting is doing, right?" . Cheng Fangdong laughed again and said, "Then you will become a green turtle, and you will stay green forever. It is impossible for you to get Shi Yuting's antidote." " Lu Yunzhi shook his head again and said calmly: "I know it's Master Long.The aphrodisiac poison, and I also know what happened to Yuting these years. I have sent Wang Yulu to diagnose and treat her. I believe he will succeed. Besides, although the aphrodisiac poison of the Dragon Head is difficult to cure, it is by no means incurable. Treatment, any poison has its own method of making it. Prescribe the right medicine. There must be an antidote within a hundred steps of the poison. The poison is just a little more complicated. " "You don't care at all and don't dislike Shi Yuting. "Cheng Fangdong shouted angrily at Lu Yunzhi's calmness, "To be honest, I don't feel bad. That's a lie. But she is my wife. No matter what she did, it was my fault. I will bear everything. Yes, I came today just to ask if you have anything else to say. " Lu Yunzhi said, Cheng Fangdong said with a smile: "I see, I understand, you are here to send me on my way today, and it's okay. I remember when you first entered, I saw that you were definitely not a thing in the pool, but I didn't expect that I would die in your hands today. I have nothing to say. Just do it. " "You misunderstood again, I didn't want to kill you. "Lu Yunzhi stood up and walked out. As he walked, he said: "I just asked you to tell me what other wishes you have. I will trample them one by one. As for the future, someone will heal your wounds and continue to torture you. Let You live a life that is worse than death, that is what I really want. " Lu Yunzhi's figure gradually faded away, and a sense of fear came to Cheng Fangdong's heart. He had concealed it before and only after seeing Lu Yunzhi's anxious face did Cheng Fangdong persevere. This evil thought was Cheng Fangdong's. Spiritual support, now that Lu Yunzhi knows everything, he does not kill himself, but puts himself into endless torture. What else can support his spirit to resist torture? Cheng Fangdong was confused and trembling all over, Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 85: The King Switches Sides After Lu Yunzhi left the cell, he found Yingzi. After talking to Yingzi, he ran to the main hall. From a distance, he saw Fang Qingze spinning in place, cursing something, Murong Yunfei and Qu Xiang Tian was also present, but Qu Xiangtian had an angry look on his face, while Murong Yunfei was very calm, chatting with Yang Xiyu while teasing his son, and then pointed at Yang Xiyu's belly and burst into laughter, Lu Yunzhi Ningmei said: "What's wrong, where is Jianwen?" Fang Qingze and Qu Xiangtian looked at each other with some surprise in their eyes. In fact, Lu Yunzhi had already thought that something was wrong with Zhu Jianwen. First, Yang Xiyu and Murong Yunfei Two women who were extremely anxious and strategizing. They were not anxious or joined Fang Qingze's discussion. Their happy faces showed that Yu Qian's memorial had been blocked. Looking at Fang Qingze's furious look, something must have happened, and Qu Xiang The anger on Tian's face was related to moral and ethical matters. It happened that such a big thing happened and Zhu Jianwen was not present, so the problem must be with him. Fang Qingze said: "Zhu Qixiang, this old fox, would have known that he was in Jinan at that time. I shouldn't have rescued him. Early this morning, instead of retiring in his fiefdom, he ran to the court and started gesticulating. Originally, the arrangements made by my siblings were perfect and a two-pronged approach. Jianwen and I also prepared memorials and rousing generosity, pretending to be angry. As a result, the old bastard Zhu Qixiang arrived. Zhu Jianwen, the crown prince, had no right to speak. I was the only one to submit the memorial, so the effect was naturally not good. Yu Qian handed over his memorial in time. Zhu Qiyu reviewed it and said, "What are you doing?" The country's hard work is worthy of its rashness. This emperor, the turtle son, really takes himself seriously. " "Zhu Qixiang probably didn't say anything," Fang Qingze nodded: "Of course, he doesn't. I didn¡¯t want to offend him, but I took a neutral attitude and praised Zhu Qiyu for his wise actions, but he still had some conscience. He said that Master Lu had worked hard for the country and the people, and if this time the merits and demerits should not be balanced, my memorial would go first. Yu Qian announced it to the court in one step, and Zhu Qiyu couldn't say anything. Just as Zhu Qixian gave him a step down, he said that he would not impose any punishment on you, but would only fine you a year's salary as a warning. He told me that since I am not the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, it would be better to let Zhang Feng, the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue, handle the matter of submitting memorials in the future. If I had let go of my previous temper, I would have slapped him long ago. Although there was no punishment, this was not enough. Ah, a year's salary is not much, so it's nothing to give me a few words. Anyway, I am still in control of the household department, but we also lost face because of it. The most important thing is that Zhu Qixiang turned his back on the battlefield, and Yu Qian saw it. I don¡¯t know what he has in mind to destroy our hopes.¡± Qu Xiangtian also stood up with a sullen face: ¡°I am in charge of the military, my second brother is in charge of finance, I am knowledgeable and engaged in politics, and my third brother travels around various ministries and gathers everyone. Power, our Zhongzheng lineage is monolithic, and Yu Qian can't beat us. Now that Zhu Qixiang has done this, Yu Qian has seen the gap between us, and must have found a way to exploit it. Zhu Qixiang is a wallflower, and he can't stand the generous conditions. Maybe he will defect. When the time comes, Zhu Jianwen will be in a very difficult position. Caught between us, one is the love between father and son, and the other is brotherhood. No matter what, it will be difficult for him to be at war with each other. ""In fact, Zhu Qixiang He's not stupid. He has been able to occupy the bottom page for many years and command the world's feudal kings. His success is due to his success. Now he has an intimate behavior with Yu Qian. I'm afraid it's not just that simple. It contains many political factors. "Lu Yunzhi said calmly, but his eyes looked at Yang Xiyu. The two nodded slightly. What they said in the dungeon just now came true. Zhu Qixian also discovered the problem of the throne in the future, and then he swung between the two sides. , fighting for interests, Lu Yunzhi and Yang Xiyu looked apart, only to see Murong Yunfei looking at them with a smile. Her eyes showed that she knew everything. It was easy to hide it from Qu Xiangtian, but if she wanted to hide it from Murong Yunfei, But it was not easy. While he was talking, Zhu Jianwen hurried in and slowed down when he reached the door. He looked at Fang Qingze who was spinning around in the hall, and Qu Xiangtian and Qu Xiangtian who were looking straight at him. Lu Yunzhi felt a little embarrassed for a moment, forced a smile, and Fang Qingze said: "That's your good father. Zhu Jianwen smiled bitterly and said, "Father, he will be here soon. I just came here to explain the situation to you first." " Qu Fanglu and the other three stopped talking and looked at Zhu Jianwen. Zhu Jianwen coughed, cleared his throat and said, "Actually, I don't know about my father's coming to Beijing. He arrived in the middle of the night and woke me up all the time. When it comes to going to court, I have written all the memorials, but my father is present and I am just a prince, so I dare not disobey orders. This is the only way to go in the palace. I can't apologize to my brothers. "As he spoke, Zhu Jianwen bowed deeply, took out a memorial from his arms, and handed it to everyone with both hands. Lu Yunzhi took the memorial, gently put it aside and said: "We don't need to read it, we all believe you, who can Let us be brothers. " Qu Xiangtian nodded: "That's good, but it's just based on what we have learned.Seniors shouldn't say these things, but what your father did today was a bit unethical. If he hadn't been prepared, Yu Qian had copied it and reduced our military power. When the time came to rebel, everyone would be in ruins. It's better, hasn't he thought about the consequences of not joining in time? What he is doing now is undoubtedly a show of goodwill to Yu Qian, and a double bet on our side and Yu Qian's side. But in this way, on the surface, there is a conflict between us. There is a rift. Yu Qian just needs this opportunity to drive a wedge between us. Needless to say, we brothers are very consistent in sticking together to keep warm. But what should you do if your father takes refuge in Yu Qian? You must keep a close eye on your fellow roommates to prevent them from fighting each other. Don't happen. " Zhu Jianwen nodded and was about to speak when someone reported that King Tong had arrived. Although he was angry, Zhu Qixian was considered one of his own and an elder present, so they all stood up to greet him at the gate. , Zhu Qixian has been in the officialdom for a long time, and his face is thicker than the city wall. When he saw the hot eyes of several juniors, he did not show any guilt at all. He walked over quickly, and before everyone could salute, he raised his hands and said: "My dear nephews are doing well lately. " Qu Xiangtian replied coldly: "I have met King Tong. "Zhu Qixiang still had a smile on his face and said: "Nephew Qu Xian, I have to say something wrong with you. Many years ago, you fled to Jiujiang Prefecture. At that time, you called me uncle. Why are you now official? The higher you go, the more power you get, but you are getting points. You should be punished, and you will have to drink two more drinks in a while. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 86: Strange Feeling Everyone looked at each other and couldn't help but secretly thumb up at Zhu Qixiang. It was really high. Indeed, when the former family was destroyed this year, everyone defected to Zhu Qixiang, and because of Zhu Qixiang's stealing and substituting, they were able to escape smoothly, and the subsequent great cause of revenge Among them, Zhu Qixiang also played a considerable role in summoning King Qin's army. No matter what the purpose was, Zhu Qixiang had helped the Zhongzheng lineage. Now that it was brought up, it would be difficult for everyone to question him and Zhu Qixiang had to be taken into account. The face of seeing and hearing wanted to repay Zhu Qixiang's life-saving grace, and he was very unhappy, but there was nothing he could do. The group of people walked into the main hall, and after giving Zhu Qixiang tea, Zhu Qixiang said quietly: "Do you know why I said that today?" No one answered, Zhu Qixiang said: "Then I have to ask you, nephew Lu Xian, now Zhu Qiyu is seriously ill, what will you do if he dies?" Everyone looked at it. Facing Lu Yunzhi, Lu Yunzhi frowned, sighed and said truthfully: "I recommend that Zhu Qizhen be reset." "Then I ask you again, why did I raise troops to help you." Zhu Qixian said, everyone Silent, Zhu Qixiang said with a smile: "In addition to the brotherhood between you and me, and to protect myself from being cut off, I also fight for my own power. Otherwise, I risk beheading and rebel. It's necessary." Seeing Zhu Qixiang speaking so frankly, Qu Xiangtian's tone became less stiff and said: "Then what you mean is, "The king seems to be good, but in fact he is worthless. He was just a vassal king, but he responded to all calls. He was no different from the king who was granted the title of emperor by the imperial court today. He only rose up in desperation in order to save his life due to Yu Qian's oppression and was related to Zhongzheng's lineage. Now Zhu Qiyu is seriously ill and has no heirs. The ministers in the court were discussing the matter of establishing a crown prince. There were only two options: to restore Zhu Qizhen or to choose a vassal king to take the throne. "Zhu Qixiang squinted his eyes and scanned the crowd, Lu Yunzhi said with a slight smile." Because Yu Qian belongs to the group that advocates the establishment of a vassal prince as a prince, I guess I have discussed with you that you will be enthroned and become a ninety-five-year-old king, so you are not doing anything today, right?" Zhu Qixian nodded. : "Yes, I think it's not easy for us to avoid adding insult to injury when it comes to our old relationship. But I can't help you because we have different ways of thinking." "Can't you see that this is a divorce plan?" Fang Qingze said with slight disdain. Said, Zhu Qixiang stroked his beard and said smugly: "How can I not see it, nephew Fang Xian? Although it is a divorce plan, I will go through fire and water. This is an inevitable choice for every politician. Don't argue. Listen to my reasons. You have three cards in your hand. The first is to make me or Ji Wen the emperor, in which case the world will still belong to the Zhu family. The second is to restore the Supreme Emperor Zhu Qizhen, who is an estranged friend of Lu Xian's nephew. The third is to make me the emperor. Zhang wanted to make himself king, but Yu Qian only had one card in his hand, which was to make me emperor. He could not stand on his own. We all know this. Secondly, he thought Zhu Qizhen would disrupt the court, and he had deliberately tried to get rid of Zhongzheng Yi. How can Mai and Zhu Qizhen return to the starting point now? So it can be said that he has only one choice left, to find a prince among the vassal kings. The vassal kings in the world follow my orders, and there is no more suitable candidate besides me. So Yu Qian won me over, hoping that I could take his side and become the true 'king', the king who rules the world. "The words were passionate and impassioned, and for a moment he felt a little heroic. Lu Yunzhi sneered twice and said: "Have you ever thought that there are still many people in the DPRK who support Zhu Qizhen, and of course they may include us. This is a Not to mention this, you can betray us for the sake of the throne. Now it seems that all the vassals obey your orders. That is because you not only have your own strength but also the help of our Zhongzheng lineage. Just imagine For a moment, if you help Yu Qian defeat us, who else will obey you and obey your orders? Besides, you can betray us for the sake of the ninth position. Other vassal kings may also betray you for the same reason. Who is in power? It's not important. What's important is that only with the support of strong power and heavy troops can we be stable. Besides, even if you suppress us and all the vassal kings and weaken our strength, you are just a puppet emperor controlled by Yu Qian. This kind of emperor is you. Do you want it? " Zhu Qixian's brows twitched, but he did not show any sign of realization or panic. It seems that he has also considered these issues and expected them. " Lu Yunzhi said again: "I'd better call you uncle." Although you are the ruler now and not the emperor, you have much more power than the puppet emperor Zhu Qiyu. If Zhu Qizhen is allowed to ascend the throne, Yu Qian will fall. We will have firmly controlled the Ming Dynasty and have sole power. Your power has increased even more. Moreover, you will not arouse opposition from other ministers by being behind the scenes. On the contrary, if you are elected as the emperor, there will be many problems. Not to mention the jealousy and dissent of other vassals, even the ministers in the court will have many problems. If you are dissatisfied, there will be many internal and external troubles, and it will be inevitable.When soldiers meet, the world can no longer fight, and it cannot afford to fight. The people have suffered enough and cannot suffer anymore, so I think supporting the restoration of Zhu Qizhen is the best policy, what do you think? " Zhu Qixiang stared at Lu Yunzhi, a little unsure of how to answer. After pondering for a while, he said: "Although what you said makes some sense, it is inevitable that it is not comprehensive. Which of the founding emperors has not been in war for many years and overthrew the old rule? Chaocai is the supreme one in the world. They have been struggling for decades. Why can't they bear the struggle when they come to me? I don't think you should consider this now. If you want to continue to get the support of me and all the vassals under my command, , you must elect me as the crown prince. I have no choice. Otherwise, there is no need for me to continue to support you. It is better to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight. The final result will be in my favor no matter what. Okay, I am a little tired today. Everyone Dear nephew, think about it, give me a letter of approval, and take your leave. "After speaking, Zhu Qixian stood up and left quickly. Zhu Jianwen was a little embarrassed, but Lu Yunzhi patted him on the shoulder, smiled and said softly: "Let your father go, we don't blame you. " Zhu Jianwen then clasped his fists at everyone, turned around and followed. Fang Qingze frowned and said, "You just explained to him all the stakes. Why is this old boy so stubborn? Does he really want to Stand with Yu Qian. " Yang Xiyu said at this moment: "No, of course he understands the reason. He is just trying to show his worth by going to court as soon as possible and forcing you to make him the crown prince. If I am not wrong, he will not Standing on Yu Qian's side, he understands the principle of cunning rabbits and lackeys, but he can't tell for sure if he is really anxious. " Everyone looked at each other and smiled bitterly. Looking at Zhu Qixiang's retreating figure and Zhu Jianwen's look back from time to time, they suddenly felt that the close people around them felt a little strange. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 87: Hard to support alone Qu Xiangtian groaned, breaking this uncomfortable feeling and said: "Hey, Zhu Jianwen can't help it. Loyalty and filial piety are in a dilemma." "Xiangtian, Xiangtian, you are not as clever as sister Xi Yu, even if It was Zhu Jianwen who made the choice, which is probably the same as his father's decision. Who in the world doesn't want it, especially for people like them who wield power, who doesn't want to be the supreme emperor in the world. The reason why Zhu Jianwen is in a bit of a dilemma now, That is, even if Zhu Qixiang becomes the emperor, it is still open to debate whether Zhu Jianwen can become the prince. Do you believe it or not? If Zhu Qixiang dies, Zhu Jianwen is the king. When encountering such a thing, his choice will definitely be different from that of Zhu Qixiang. Same." Murong Yunfei said softly, Qu Xiangtian frowned: "No way." "Yes." Lu Yunzhi replied coldly, and there was another silence, and the corner of Lu Yunzhi's clothes was pulled. After a few moments, he looked down and saw that it was Qu Xiangtian's son Qu Sheng. A smile appeared on Lu Yunzhi's lips. Soon he would also be a father, so he picked up Qu Sheng and said, "Sheng'er, what are you doing with me?" "The first person Qu Sheng would call was uncle. Although he rarely saw Lu Yunzhi on weekdays, he was the closest to him. At this time, he pointed at his belly, with an aggrieved look on his face. Lu Yunzhi turned his head and said to Qu Sheng. : "I'm hungry, okay, let's go to dinner. Big brother, sister-in-law, and second brother, let's go have something to eat first before talking about these annoying things." Everyone agreed, and Yang Xiyu and Murong Yunfei went out to arrange servants. They went to tell the meal to be served, and called Yingzi to come. After everyone ate and drank, and listened to Lu Yunzhi's latest plan, they dispersed. The next day, Qu Xiangtian's family of three quickly left the capital. It is said that the night before, Qin Rufeng Guangliang talked all night long in the Quxiang Temple until dawn. Yu Qian could not sit still and tried his best to win over the ministers. It was not that Yu Qian was not decisive enough, but that the head of the dragon was still late. The letter from the pigeon said that he would arrive soon, but he never showed up, and Zhu Qiyu's health was getting worse and worse. Now it was a bit difficult to even go to court, and he looked half-dead. The imperial doctor had no clue about Zhu Qiyu's illness. Medicine can cure, but heart ailments require careful medicine. Zhu Qiyu no longer worries about his descendants being able to inherit the great cause, because he has no descendants at all. He is just afraid that Zhu Qizhen will ascend the throne. Thinking of all the indifference and persecution he had towards his brother Zhu Qizhen, Zhu Qiyu couldn't help but become sicker again. He was worried that once Zhu Qizhen ascended the throne, he would be kicked off the throne and his ashes thrown away to relieve his resentment. Yu Qian arranged military exercises, hoping to take the opportunity to contain the choke points of the capital. Today is no different than in the past. Seven years ago, the Zhongzheng lineage only held great power, and the power was only in command. Now, Lu Yunzhi and others have truly controlled the military power, political power and the economic direction of the country. If they want to be like several It was absolutely impossible to kill everyone like that before. Now I just hope to quickly decide which vassal prince to support as the crown prince, and then use the army to cover the city, directly preside over the enthronement ceremony, and let Zhu Qiyu abdicate the throne. The emperor he recommends will naturally be His own people, and once the rice is cooked, even Lu Yunzhi has nothing to do, and then he can slowly eat away at Lu Yunzhi. Even if it is just such a relatively peaceful plan, Yu Qian feels that it is not enough, and a lonely tree cannot become a forest. A feeling of being alone and without help came to Yu Qian's heart. Lu Yunzhi was capable of both literary and military skills and had profound strategies. In addition, he had a general like Qu Xiangtian who was good at conquering and fighting, a wealthy man like Fang Qingze, and Zhu Jianwen who fought for him. Dealing with officialdom matters gives me a headache just thinking about it. On the other hand, Gao Huai, also known as Cao Jixiang, is just a subordinate general. Although he is under control, he is still a little uneasy. Zhen Lingdan, the leader of the spiritual vein, is a capable general. It is a pity that He is old, and Shang Wang and others are excluded from the core. Zhu Qiyu, a comrade in the alliance, is also very ill at the moment. This time it is his turn to fight alone. Yu Qian doesn't know if he can still rely on his own resourcefulness. Once again trying to turn the tide, he suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness. Has his strength been exhausted? No, there is still Zhu Qixiang who can fight for it. Although Zhu Qixiang is an old fox, he will help him for the same purpose, and what he proposed It was extremely difficult for Lu Yunzhi to accept the request. At this point, Lu Yunzhi was smart. Even if he and Zhu Qixiang worked together to seize the world, they would not be able to secure the world. Seizing the world is easy, but holding the world is difficult. On the other hand, he can, At least Yu Qian now believes that he has abilities that Lu Yunzhi does not have, and can help Zhu Qixiang stabilize the world, and then take advantage of the situation to get back to the Zhongzheng lineage. This ideal is just around the corner, no matter how smooth Zhu Qixiang is, without the Zhongzheng lineage With strong support, he couldn't struggle for a few days. Thinking of this, Yu Qian's eyes flashed with light. Yes, continue to contact Zhu Qixiang, continue to give him confidence and seduce him, so that he can feel free from this threat to the Zhongzheng lineage. Unbalanced, thus splitting. Although Zhu Jianwen was a bit difficult to deal with, he was just a prince and could not control the confused Zhu Qixian. Daming, the world of Daming was still stable, and would never lose to Lu Yunzhi and become a Mi Shisan¡¯s plaything, even now, Yu Qian is still dissatisfied"What is Daomi Thirteen?" The air in the capital is mixed with a faint smell of uneasiness. Even ordinary people can smell this feeling, so before the curfew time, they stay at home and dare not go out. They are about to It¡¯s Chinese New Year. Except for the shops controlled by Fang Qingze, there is almost no trace of the New Year in the entire capital. In the capital, an inconspicuous courtyard, if you observe carefully, you will find that in all the surrounding corners, roofs or sheds, There are several people hiding in them. Their figures blend into the darkness. Only their eyes are shining, inspecting everything around them. In the main hall of the courtyard, there are no lamps or burning wax. There are only charcoal in the brazier on the ground in the middle. There were many people sitting in the room. When the fire was bright, it illuminated their faces. Lu Yunzhi, Fang Qingze, Shi Heng, Yang Shan, Yang Zhun, Qin Rufeng, Guang Liang, Xu Youzhen, Zhang Fu, Cao Ji Xiang, Xu Bin, Xu Youzhen, Lu Yunzhi said in a deep voice: "Everyone is here, Yang Shan, please introduce me." Yang Shan answered with clasped fists. Although the old man had already turned gray, he was still full of energy. There is no feeling of being senile. Speaking of which, Fang Qingze, Shi Heng, Yang Zhunguang, Liang Qin Rufeng and others have long been famous in the capital, so they naturally introduce them in one sentence. Cao Jixiang is Gao Huai, so he naturally introduces them in a few vague sentences. That's all, Xu Youzhen was promoted by Lu Yunzhi (see Volume 3, Chapter 99 for details) and is currently the Zuo Deputy Capital Censor. There is also Xu Bin, the Taichang Qing. This person is very naughty and somewhat unkind. Seeing this, he naturally sided with Lu Yun. He was considered a veritable Lu party in Yu Qian¡¯s words. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 88: Discussing the Coup After everyone exchanged a few polite words, Lu Yunzhi said: "This matter is of great importance. If it succeeds, everyone here can become a prime minister and make a great achievement. If it fails, it will be the sin of beheading, and this time This incident has nothing to do with our Zhongzheng lineage, it is all your own doing, you can understand." Everyone looked at each other in confusion, Lu Yunzhi said: "It is easy to say whether it succeeds, but if it fails, the Zhongzheng lineage will inevitably be implicated. It's not that I'm unwilling to share the joys and sorrows with you, I just have a backup plan. Once you fail, you will always need others to protect your lives. If the Zhongzheng lineage is also involved, how can I estimate you if you have no time to protect yourself, so this time we are It means that I will provide you with a lot of conveniences, but I won't stand up. In fact, it doesn't make much difference." Shi Heng and the others snorted in their hearts. They said it nicely, just to avoid suspicion. If he succeeds, Lu Yunzhi will get rid of Yu Qian and other serious henchmen, and he will be able to dominate the court. If he fails, he will not have to take any responsibility, because these are the actions of the rebellious ministers themselves and have nothing to do with him. At best, he will claim that he is not supervising well, etc. Just wait, this Lu Yunzhi is really slippery, Xu Bin asked humbly and without confidence: "May I ask Master Lu, what is our purpose this time? If it is just to overthrow Zhu Qiyu, there is no need. I heard the imperial doctors say, Your Majesty I'm afraid time is running out." Fang Qingze continued: "I will answer Brother Xu's question for two reasons. Whether Zhu Qiyu dies or abdicates in favor of someone worthy, there are only two possibilities for the choice of the crown prince. The first vassal. King, the second Zhu Qizhen, establishing a vassal king is now the same voice of Yu Qian and Zhu Qiyu. Although you all object, it is basically ineffective. This vassal king is more knowledgeable. No matter which vassal king it is, he must have an alliance with Yu Qian. By then I'm afraid that life will be difficult for you all. We in the Zhongzheng lineage have nothing to fear. At most, we are less powerful. Secondly, even if Zhu Qizhen is restored, with my third brother's personal relationship with Zhu Qizhen, we can still benefit a lot without any harm. , everyone is different. Although you are ours now and insist on supporting Zhu Qizhen's restoration or making Zhu Jianshen the prince, but compared to the contribution of directly helping the emperor ascend the throne, I don't need to say which is more important. One is Dare to remonstrate directly, one is the hero of the founding of the dynasty, it is your own choice tonight, in fact, we are doing this for your own good. " Xu Youzhen can be said to be loyal to Lu Yunzhi, but for Lu Yunzhi's promotion. , he must still be as oppressed as before. This is all because of Qian's actions, so Xu Youzhen hates Qian the most. The enemy of his enemy is his friend. Therefore, among this group of people, except for those who are of the Zhongzheng lineage and who have long been with Lu Yun Apart from Yang Shan and Yang Zhun, who are inextricably linked to each other, he is the most reliable. Although Xu Youzhen is loyal, he is not stupid either. He knows that what Fang Qingze said is just an excuse. Lu Yunzhi's arrangements are very good, so that these ministers of the DPRK can He took the lead, and he was behind the scenes to control whether he could advance, retreat or defend. Lu Yunzhi had the greatest credit for success, and it had nothing to do with him if he failed. Lu Yunzhi might even have a backup plan to give Yu Qian a fatal blow. He believed that Lu Yunzhi At the same time, since he is here today, he has no choice but to shoot the arrow on the string. If he does not agree with Lu Yunzhi's actions, he may not be able to see the sun tomorrow morning. Xu Youzhen said: "Master Lu has No matter how you arrange it, I, Xu Youzhen, will die and listen to the instructions of the young master. " Lu Yunzhi nodded approvingly and said: "Lu thanked Brother Xu here. I will tell you the plan. After I finish speaking, anyone who has any opinions can add to it. First of all, we in the Zhongzheng lineage do not choose ourselves. Come out and don¡¯t care about your life or death. We are hiding and you are showing up. The light and the dark complement each other. Anyone with a discerning eye knows that you are under our instructions, so if you fail, we will not be able to escape our involvement. You don¡¯t have to worry about this. I also mentioned the benefits just now. Yes, the reason why we are in the dark is because the energy required in the dark is greater, and you do not have the qualities to be in the dark. " Everyone was silent for a while. What Lu Yunzhi said was straightforward and true. "First of all, it is the military strength. Brother Shi is responsible for the defense of the capital and the gates of the inner city. Your position will be very important when the time comes. It is to let Zhang Fu lead troops into the city. , Zhang Fu, you use the border troops to report a thousand soldiers and horses into the city. General Shi will give you corresponding conveniences at that time, and the rest will pick Zhu Qizhen out of Nangong and go to the Dauchi Palace to announce the reset. "Lu Yunzhi said, "Yang Shan frowned and stopped talking. Lu Yunzhi looked sideways and said, "Mr. Yang, if you have anything to say, just say it." "Yang Shan said unceremoniously: "There are three problems. First, we cannot control the palace gate. What if we are blocked outside? The patrol officers and soldiers are not easy to mess with. Second, Yu Qian led troops into the city. , or what to do if the imperial army breaks out? Thirdly, Nangong has recently sent additional defenders to pick up Zhu Qi Town late at night. I am afraid there will be a sword fight. Besides, Yu Qian has a large army outside the city. If we cannot wait in time, Entering the palace, based on the above points, if you are in a dilemma and are attacked from both sides, wouldn't it mean failure? " Lu Yunzhi looked at Yang Zhun, and Yang Zhun replied: "Uncle, don't have any doubts. Yunzhi has already made arrangements."?First of all, I will coordinate in the play and bring strong troops to help. All the officers and soldiers patrolling the city will be under my control. As for the palace gate, I can first pick up Zhu Qi from the town and ask him to open the city gate as the Supreme Emperor. If not, we can still There is a back-up, and it is confidential and cannot be disclosed. As for the officers and soldiers outside Yu Qian City and the Imperial Guard, Zhang Fu's thousand troops will be used for defense and assault after they enter the city. Of course, General Qin and General Guang will lead troops to block the troops outside the city. There is a sudden change, let's fight quickly. Before the fighting breaks out outside the city, the city has been successfully reset. They dare not disobey the emperor's order. This is to give everyone a reassurance. We also have Eunuch Cao in the palace to assist. If the situation arises, Chang can mobilize a small force at any time to disrupt order in the palace and disperse the strength of the imperial army. Of course, if necessary, it is not a bad idea to hold Zhu Qiyu hostage to force the palace, but that is a last resort. We will not use it unless it is a last resort. As for uncle The third point of worry is nothing to worry about. Even if you go to respond, there are only 300 people in Nangong where Zhu Qizhen is located. Maybe by the time you arrive, there will be no more people. " Yang Zhun closed his mouth when he said something unclear, and smiled coldly. Everyone shuddered but did not dare to go into details. Yang Zhun's position is the safest. The so-called support in the play means that he does not have to show his face like Shi Heng and Xu Youzhen. Even if he fails, he will be blamed It doesn't fall on him. What Yang Zhun said just now was relatively clear, but there were some ambiguities. However, no one argued. After all, Yang Zhun was Lu Yunzhi's father-in-law, and he could be considered a member of the Zhongzheng lineage. The others There is no desire to compare with him, everyone is a smart person, nepotism is an eternal thing, Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 89: The Rebellion in the New Year Zhang Fu spoke. He had never dared to look at Lu Yunzhi because he was attracted by Shi Heng and did not belong to the "Lu Party" in the true sense. However, he was very interested in taking a gamble and gaining fame. It seemed to him that Lu Yunzhi had a better chance of winning. He originally just wanted to discuss it and be careful about his words and deeds, but since life and death were at stake, he had to bite the bullet and ask: "Having said that, if Yu Qian is alert and comes over, we will also be careful." Gather troops and horses. I'm afraid that my thousand troops and horses in the city won't be enough to resist. Even if there are reinforcements to help, it's still a bit unsafe. Yu Qian is quite capable of turning the tide. It's inevitable that he also has some backup plans. I want to ask The question is what should we do if we really fail?" Lu Yunzhi looked at Zhang Fu. Zhang Fu was so frightened that he stopped talking. His aura was high and low. The governor was the biggest official position Zhang Fu had obtained so far. He was the son of Zhang Yu, the king of Rongguo Gonghejian. His father, Yao Guangxiao and other great heroes were all invited to the Chengzu Temple after their death, and his brother Zhang Fu was even more important. Minister of Life, Zhang Fu was summoned by the Empress Dowager late at night. Now that both his father and brother are dead, Zhang Fu is not young anymore, but he is still neither high nor low. He used to work in Jinyiwei, but later he finally became the governor. However, his elder brother Zhang Fu accompanied Zhu Qizhen on his personal expedition and died in Tumu Fort. Zhang Fu had no support, but he was still arrogant and domineering. He did not know which relative of a high official in the court he had offended. Zhang Fu, who had no support, was sentenced. He was imprisoned for the crime of arrogance and lewdness. After many twists and turns, he managed to escape through the old relationship between his father and brother, and returned to the position of governor. After many ups and downs, Zhang Fu was no longer frivolous, so when Shi Heng found him, he joined him without hesitation. In his opinion, this was an opportunity to stand out. Now he carefully raised his question, but Lu Yunzhi looked at him with hair all over his body. Zhang Fu felt like he was fetching water from fifteen buckets, he was up and down, "Your consideration is very comprehensive. It is worthy of praise. Zhang Fu, I remember the name correctly. Generals like this who have a comprehensive view of problems must be reused." Lu Yunzhi said with a slight softening of the sharpness in his eyes, Zhang Fu. Fu's face remained unchanged and he was very happy in his heart. Although he knew that Lu Yunzhi was trying to encourage him, from now on he could be regarded as a genuine Lu Party member. It was a blessing, not a curse, but he couldn't avoid it. This was probably the best thing. The choice is also the one most likely to develop. Lu Yunzhi's voice continued: "I have said that there will be support from all sides. Qin Rufeng and Guang Liang will firmly block Yu Qian's camp outside the city. As for The mobilization in other places is blocked by our rural regiment soldiers. Although it is said to be a quick victory, it is just to avoid unnecessary trouble. If all the plans cannot be won, we can quickly control the Ming Dynasty's military power. At the same time, my eldest brother has already left the city. It is only a matter of time before he leads the troops to help. We are doing this now just to justify our name and not to prove our authority in the future. If we fail, we don¡¯t have to worry about the face and just come to force. We can win, we are sure of it, which is why we hide in the dark. " "As for everyone, if the action fails, then quickly escort Zhu Qizhen out of the palace. "Fang Qingze said while stroking his big belly, "I will send someone to pick you up when the time comes, and I will ensure that you are sent out of the capital, and will welcome you back when the victory comes. Your worth will also rise with the tide. Who has accompanied the emperor in exile and is not a man of unparalleled achievements? , By the way, as for your family, we will also arrange them properly and we will definitely not let you have any worries. " As soon as these words came out, everyone's anxiety slowly calmed down. Lu Yunzhi didn't ask them to die. It seemed that he had a sophisticated arrangement. After thinking about it, everyone made up their mind to follow Lu Yunzhi's path. At the end of the day, regardless of success or failure, it is still a win. It is impossible to quit midway. Knowing this huge secret, what good is it if you don't participate? Yang Shan pondered for a moment and asked in a low voice: "When will we start to act. " "I will inform you all at that time. If Yu Qian wants to conduct military exercises, then let him conduct military exercises. If he controls the main roads in and out of the capital, let him control them. I want to see who can control more roads. I only need to Setting up roadblocks in front of him can prevent the vassal kings from entering the capital, so his plan to temporarily push the vassal kings to the throne is cancelled. Leave this matter to Mr. Yang. "Lu Yunzhi said and glanced at Yang Shan with a smile in his eyes, "Yang Shannuonuo said yes, this job seems to offend people, but it is actually the least dangerous arrangement. It seems that he has been favored by his nephew Yang Zhun. , but when Lu Yunzhi had not yet made a fortune, he reached out to help him, which was considered far-sighted. Thinking of this, Yang Shan couldn't help but feel smug, but Jiang was still very old, and Yang Zhun was proud but his expression remained unchanged, Lu Yun Zhi glanced at the crowd and said: "The Chinese New Year is coming soon. Let's make arrangements for the rebellion first, and then do anything after the Chinese New Year. Firstly, I have to wait for my eldest brother to rush back to the army and raise troops. Secondly, Yu Qian is a Character, let him have a good year. If there are any other changes in his actions, I will send someone to inform you.?Let's leave it at that. The warriors outside the door will send you home. They will definitely avoid Yu Qian's eyes and ears. You don't have to worry. " Shi Heng and others left one after another, and then were guarded by the hidden warriors outside the door and hid in the darkness. Yang Shan and Yang Zhun chatted with Lu Yunzhi for a few more words and then left. Only Lu Yunzhi was left in the room. , Fang Qingze, Qin Rufeng, Guang Liang and Cao Jixiang, "Guang Liang's character is rough and fine, but he is a bit informal. When he sees outsiders retreating, he leans on the chair and shaves his fingernails carelessly. Guang Liang is originally a straight man. Tian's confidant general followed Qu Xiangtian early, and everyone did not regard him as an outsider. However, except for him, all the disciples present now were from the Zhongzheng lineage. Naturally, some things about the lineage were not discussed. Fang Qingze He had a good relationship with Guang Liang and coughed a few times in good faith. Guang Liang did not inform him and instead said: "Brother Fang, what's wrong with you? Your throat doesn't feel good. I'll buy you two kilograms of pears tomorrow and mix it with some honey and boil it in water." , very effective in moistening the lungs and clearing phlegm. " Fang Qingze couldn't laugh or cry, but Qin Rufeng couldn't help but speak: "Guang Liang, we senior brothers are just talking about common things, why don't you go back to the camp first, big things are about to happen now, I can't stay away from you, please. " Guangdian nodded, not caring, just smiled awkwardly, and then looked at Cao Jixiang with a little doubt. He didn't know that Cao Jixiang was Gao Huai, so he was a little confused by what Qin Rufeng said. Even so, he didn't ask any more questions. He hugged everyone and turned around to leave. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 90: Worst Plan After Guang Liang walked away, Qin Rufeng snorted coldly: "This Guang Liang is so blind sometimes. To put it bluntly, he doesn't know what is good and what is good." In fact, Guang Liang and Qin Rufeng have spent the longest time together. But the difference is that Qin Rufeng and Qu Xiangtian have the same sentiments. Qin Rufeng himself has a violent temper and has no regard for anything. Later, he was impressed by Qu Xiangtian's heroic spirit and worshiped Qu Xiangtian. Naturally, he had no respect for Qu Xiangtian. It is said that he obeys his advice and is loyal, but after all, he was once a spoiled son of the Zhongzheng lineage, and he was also a general with sole control of the military. Except for Qu Xiangtian, he refused to accept anyone, and even he was indifferent to Lu Yunzhi. Guang Liang was the commander of the sharp knife troops trained by Qu Xiangtian. Later, he led the troops to rescue him that night when his family was destroyed. He said the heroic words "I am willing to follow the hero to the end of the world", and then followed Qu Xiangtian to flee to the end of the world. This army became Qu Xiangtian's earliest troops, the sergeants in the team were carefully selected and patiently trained by Qu Xiangtian. Coupled with their loyalty to Qu Xiangtian, most of these sergeants have become the generals and commanders at all levels of the army that Qu Xiangtian now leads. , so Guang Liang has a very high prestige in the army. Most of the generals and commanders are his former subordinates, even the army commanded by Qin Rufeng is no exception. With Guang Liang's kindness and power and proper execution, even among ordinary soldiers, he He also has a much better reputation than Qu Xiangtian, an irritable general. It can be said that apart from Qu Xiangtian, he is Guang Liang. Qin Rufeng is a little bit worried about this. He has always wanted to install his own forces, not for anything else, but just He didn't want Guang Liang's family to be the dominant one and suppress his arrogance. The two of them had different philosophy of life and even different ways of leading troops. Therefore, after staying for a long time, it was inevitable that they would have some bumps and bruises. They became ill from overwork and now have long-standing disagreements. , every discussion ended unhappily, but out of loyalty to Qu Xiangtian, they were able to take care of the overall situation and never had any big troubles. When Cao Jixiang heard Qin Rufeng's complaints, he laughed and said sharply: " Qin Rufeng, Qin Rufeng, you still have the same temper after seeing me for so many years. " Qin Rufeng knows about Gao Huai. He is a member of the Zhongzheng family and has the right to know. I think back then, when everyone in three houses stayed together, Qin Rufeng, who had one house and two houses, only had Gao Huai. Being able to fight together with "the same odor", coupled with the experience of fighting ghosts and witches across the mountains and rivers together in the future, the two have a deep relationship. At this moment, Cao Jixiang's seemingly sarcastic words have stirred up the long-lost memories of the two. Qin Rufeng He stood up and hugged Cao Jixiang into his arms. Cao Jixiang, who had a straight beard on his face, felt very uncomfortable, but he was extremely moved in his heart. Qin Rufeng said in Cao Jixiang's ear, cursing: "You Where the hell have you gone? I want to die. I thought you were going to die. Now I see you as a living person in front of me. Although your appearance has changed, it¡¯s better that you¡¯re not dead. It¡¯s better that you¡¯re not dead. You¡¯re better alive than him. Mom is strong in everything. If you don't mind, come and see me. I'll buy you a drink." Cao Jixiang nodded, unable to open his mouth with excitement. Qin Rufeng smiled and touched Cao Jixiang's shoulder and said, "How's it going? I heard you were arrested. What kind of medicine did Yu Qian take? But seeing that Lu Yunzhi allowed you to come today, I think you should be fine. " Cao Jixiang nodded and said: "Master Long has given me the antidote under Yun Zhi's instructions. Now I'm basically fine. What should I do next, Yun Zhi. " "Everything will be done according to what I just said. You will take over the situation in the palace to prevent the situation from changing. If it really comes to a critical moment, you can make your own decision and kidnap Zhu Qiyu to force the palace to give way. Lu Yunzhi said leisurely: "Now you should go back to Yu Qian and tell him that we are going to raise troops in the south and declare ourselves king so that he can be more careful. This false news will make him slightly doubtful. At the same time, I will use another insider." Convey to him the news of the army rising in the south, just fake it and make him panic and bewildered. At present, he doesn't know that you have detoxified, let alone that the Dragon Master has cooperated with us, so as long as you perform the show well, You can deceive him. If he asks for your advice, you should ask him to send the master of the spiritual vein to suppress the unrest that will happen in the south. The master of the spiritual vein, Zhen Lingdan, is Yu Qian's right-hand man. Once he is sent out, the rest will It's easier to say more. " Fang Qingze chuckled and said: "Third brother, you are capable, and this Dragon Master also allows you to take him under his command. Lu Yunzhi smiled bitterly and shook his head: "The last time Yu Qian asked Master Long to come out was a lie. He just made a deal with Master Long. As a result, Yu Qian didn't handle the matter very well. It was ambiguous. , this time the news was deliberately released. It was just to use a tiger skin as a banner to scare us. Second brother, please accompany me to meet with the head of the dragon in a while. The ancient and rare old man who is over a hundred years old is very knowledgeable and rich. Listen. He speaks learnedly. " "Spare me, don't bring me with you when it comes to gossiping. "Fang Qingze waved his hands repeatedly and said, "Qin Rufeng frowned and asked: "I heard that Zhu Jianwen heard about his father. What kind of trick did Zhu Qixiang get? Damn it, I'll go and do this bastard Zhu Qixiang if you make him angry." . " Lu Yunzhi shook his head and said: "Goodbye first.After all, Impulse, Knowledge, and we are all brothers of the same generation. Now that the situation is uncertain, it is right for them to make this choice as politicians, as long as they do not hinder us. " "What if it gets in the way, Yun Zhi, benevolence does not lead the army, and justice does not care about wealth. This matter is not yours alone. If Zhu Qixiang temporarily switches sides, maybe our group will be finished. It is really a last resort. At that step, I want to ask what is the biggest bottom line. "Cao Jixiang asked, Lu Yunzhi frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: "If they really surrender to Yu Qian and endanger our lives, then they have to get rid of Zhu Qixiang. Don't interfere with me. I am around the father and son. There are people. I will deal with it personally when the evidence is confirmed. Now I am a member of the Zhongzheng lineage. Although I am the same generation as me, I am also a member of the Zhongzheng lineage. I should obey my orders. However, as a son of man, he is probably There is nothing we can do. If only Zhu Qixiang rebels and Zhu Jianwen remains neutral, I think we should let Zhu Jianwen go and just kill Zhu Qixiang. No matter whether he will bear grudges against us or not, blood is thicker than water. ah. " Everyone nodded, but everyone understood that if Zhu Qixiang changed sides, Zhu Jianwen would not stand idly by and watch. The brothers may be fighting each other. The atmosphere in the room was a bit depressing for a while. After a long time, Lu Yunzhi said: "Let's It's time to leave. Things are busy. Everyone should keep their eyes open and keep their spirits up to prevent Yu Qian from doing other things. "Everyone nodded and left without saying a word. However, Fang Qingze was pulled by Lu Yunzhi and stayed with him. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 91: Coming to old age and having a son Fang Qingze looked at Lu Yunzhi with a sad face and said: "Third brother, you won't really ask me to accompany you to meet that old monster named Long in Huangshan." "Hey, what are you afraid of? I want to talk to you, I feel a little bit inside. I'm annoyed." Lu Yunzhi said after a pause: "Master Long has gone back a long time ago, but he is really powerful. It took me more than 20 hidden masters to control him, and I personally took action to calm him down. He, but now we have a cooperative relationship, Yu Qian's wishful thinking has been completely disrupted by me. " "If you are upset, just smoke some tobacco." Fang Qingze took out a small cloth bag from his arms and produced another one. Something that looked like a spoon was filled with some leaves, and he said to Lu Yunzhi: "Get some fire for me to use." Lu Yunzhi looked at the thing in Fang Qingze's hand in surprise, and then the luck of fire control came from A trace of flame ignited at the tip of his finger. Fang Qingze used the flame to scorch the leaves, pressed them, and then ignited them again. The fire in the leaves flickered on and off. Fang Qingze blew out bursts of smoke from his mouth with a calm look on his face. He handed it to Lu Yunzhi and said, "Try it, take two puffs." Lu Yunzhi took it and took two puffs, feeling a little choked but not too uncomfortable, and then asked, "What is this?" "Tobacco, This thing is commonly known as a pipe. It was given to me by a group of vassal people with yellow and black hair for business. Not to mention that sometimes when I am upset, I can take a few puffs to make it uncomfortable. I asked about the cultivation method of this kind of tobacco. We have many places in southern Xinjiang. They are all suitable for planting. If we can promote it on a large scale later, it will definitely be profitable. By the way, what happened to the Dragon Master? Why did he suddenly come to your side?" Fang Qingze took the pipe and puffed for a while. Overjoyed, Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and said: "Actually, Master Long is not that powerful beyond imagination. He is just knowledgeable and knows many things. Then he finds a new way and uses tricks that have never been seen before. , so my guards in the hidden department have no way to start. He has a son named Long Qingling. It is said that his skills are even better than his father. He claims to visit famous people in the world. He is the only son of the Dragon Master, so Master Long was worried that something might happen to him when he ran away and met an expert in competition, but Long Qingquan had a stubborn temper, and Master Long's attempts to stop him had no effect. He told Master Long that if he could find a way to defeat him and repair As a very high person, he decided to learn from that person with peace of mind and stopped wandering down the mountain. After saying that, the boy started traveling in all directions. Head Long always sent people to follow him, but he always followed him. Fortunately, he sent more people. , Long Qingling didn't hide it deliberately. She was anxious and knew that Yu Qian was very powerful. At that time, he beat us into despair. With one hand of the soul-suppressing tower and the other hand of the shadowless sword, he shocked Master Long, and then went down the mountain to help Yu Qian. In exchange for letting Yu Qian control Long Qingquan, "This Long Qingquan has quite a personality, but it's not appropriate for you to call him a boy. The son of the head of the dragon should be over a hundred years old, and then what." , What happens next? Did Yu Qian win? No, what if Yu Qian wins and goes down the mountain for the second time? If he loses, there is no need to go down the mountain. " Fang Qingze asked with some confusion, " Lu Yunzhi followed Fang Qingze. He took the pipe in his hand and took two puffs. He liked the taste a little, and then said: "Of course Yu Qian didn't win, but he didn't lose either. The two were tied, so Master Long asked Yu Qian to compete with his son again. Yes, but Long Qingquan is really just a young boy, a little younger than Bai Yong. " Fang Qingze opened his mouth and said with an incredulous look on his face: "I heard from you and Master that this Dragon Master should be over one hundred and thirty years old. How could it be possible that his son is younger than Bai Yong. " Lu Yunzhi smiled bitterly and said: "There are so many things in this world that we don't know. It is said that Master Long had no heirs due to an overdose of medicine when he was young. Although he was highly skilled, he was always sick. He did not die until he was a hundred years old. After developing a medicine, he slowly recovered and showed some signs of rejuvenation. Finally, he gave birth to Long Qingquan, a beautiful girl with beautiful face like a flower. This is why Yu Qian wanted Master Long to show Zhu Qiyu The reason for the illness was, firstly, to let Zhu Qiyu live longer, and secondly, to give Zhu Qiyu another prince. " "What a damn miracle medicine. Please give Master Long some of it. I can use it." "Fang Qingze sighed, Lu Yunzhi looked at him sideways and asked: "What are you good for? You are unmarried. Speaking of which, second brother, when will you find me a second sister-in-law. " Fang Qingze scratched his head and said: "Actually, in fact, it stands to reason that you should have more than one second sister-in-law. My business has been doing well in recent years, and my business has prospered all over the world. I have also left a lot of love for those who have traveled all over the world. I am not the kind of heartless person. Therefore, I have raised quite a few women, including your second sister-in-law, but there has never been a woman that moved my heart, so I didn¡¯t show it to you. " Lu Yunzhi asked with a look of astonishment: "How many are real and fake? Fang Qingze said with an innocent face: "There are too many. I can't remember them, but they didn't give birth to any children. I'm afraid"Very good. Lu Yunzhi chuckled twice, looked at Fang Qingze with slight contempt and said, "Then I will help you get this medicine next time." "But how can you help Master Long? Are you trying to find Long Qingquan to compete with him and then defeat him? How does Master Long know that you are better than Yu Qian?" "Fang Qingze asked again and again, and Lu Yunzhi nodded: "Yes, I have sent people to find Long Qingquan. When the situation is stable, I will compete with him. As a condition for Master Long not to help Yu Qian, how does he know that I am skilled? First, I can only say that Master Long is indeed a man of many talents. His age is not in vain. I used the invisible art of heaven and earth, and he understood. " Fang Qingze sighed after sighing: "This business is making a loss. In order to conquer his son, Master Long is willing to help Yu Qian. No matter how much effort he puts in, at least he is helping out. But for you, the condition is that he will not help Yu Qian. You can tolerate this behavior of waiting for the price and selling based on your own strength. If you lose, this transaction will be a loss. " "Those who achieve great things don't stick to trivial matters. The same is true for this kind of favor business. Don't worry too much about gains and losses. Master Long only agreed to treat Zhu Qiyu, and he didn't try his best to help Yu Qian. Now we are selling a favor to Master Long. By winning Yu Qian's position, I let Master Long know about our favor, which can be said to be a blessing and a disadvantage. Moreover, if I can defeat his son and make Long Qingquan convinced of me, and then worship me as his teacher and use me, it will also be a blessing. Are you afraid that Master Long is unwilling to assist us? A gentleman hides his weapon in his body and waits for the time to move. He just wants to say one word, endure. "Lu Yunzhi was talking eloquently, and Fang Qingze chuckled, nodded in agreement, and said righteously: "When the world is settled, let the eldest brother stop leading troops. Let us brothers do business together. With your brain, maybe Even better than me. "The two of them passed the pipe around, chatting intermittently until it was dark, and then they went back. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 92: Have a Good Year Yu Qian's review of the officers and soldiers of the three armies began. After the outdoor military parade, tens of thousands of soldiers blocked all the main routes to Beijing. Zhu Qixiang asked to see Lu Yunzhi many times, but Lu Yunzhi avoided him. Zhu Qixiang was worried that Lu Yunzhi would harm him. , packed up his belongings and fled out of the city overnight, and sent a secret envoy to contact Yu Qian. Later, Zhu Qixiang, Zhu Jianwen and others were picked up by Yu Qian in the military training camp outside the city. After Zhu Qixiang and others were settled, Yu Qian returned The Chinese army tent glanced at the people sitting around and said: "There were no conflicts on the way to Beijing among the Eight Kings." A general said: "Thanks to Shaobao, the Fifth Army Camp, Shenji Camp and the Township Regiment also jointly conducted military exercises , a larger blockade was deployed around us to contain our upstream arteries. We did not conflict with them in accordance with your request, but only sent additional troops and horses to stand by. " Yu Qian nodded and said: "Well done. , prepare five thousand soldiers and horses for me to cover Zhu Qixiang's entry into the capital tomorrow. The other eight vassal kings are just decoys to attract troops. Zhu Qixiang is the real leader. Lu Yun's wife is so benevolent that she does not kill Zhu Qixiang. Xiang, let him fall into my hands. One step at a time, one step at a time. It seems that I am one step ahead in this contest." Everyone burst into laughter, showing their disdain for Lu Yunzhi. Yu Qian asked again: "Five Ugly. Pulse Master, you can find traces of Master Long. "The Wuchou Pulse Master has been replaced a long time ago. The five old men couldn't stand the days of licking blood on the tip of a knife every day. They took advantage of the truce between Yu Qian and Lu Yunzhi. They retired and returned to their hometown, and then wandered around without a trace. The things in the vein were handed over to their disciples, and the remaining disciples of the Wuchou line were left to Yu Qian. Yu Qian was short of people. The five old masters knew very well that if they wanted to The safest way to let Yu Qian or Lu Yunzhi let them go is to hand over the troops in their hands. As for what will happen to the Wuchou lineage next, they don't know. Yu Qian and Lu Yunzhi are fighting against each other. It is not something that their level can control. Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. Disciples can only seek blessings for themselves in the future. The old leader is good luck with his feet. The new leader is eager to make contributions and is devoted to Qian. Yu Qian is still satisfied with this. As a result, one of the Five Chou Pulse Masters replied: "Master Long is missing and has not appeared around Shuntian Mansion. However, according to the disciples sent abroad, it seems that Master Long has returned to Huangshan." Yu Qian frowned slightly and said: "It seems that this is Lu Yunzhi's fault again. However, the purpose of inviting Master Long is to intimidate the opponent. It doesn't matter. Eunuch Cao, what are Lu Yunzhi's plans for today?" Cao Jixiang replied: " In the past few days, I have vaguely heard them discussing the uprising in the south. What is certain is that Qu Xiangtian has left Beijing. He probably wants to send troops from Annan and launch another attack in the name of Qingjun. " "There is no vassal this time. With the help of the king, what are they going to do to send troops? But Qu Xiangtian is a rare general in the world, so he has to be on guard. What news do you have on your side?" Yu Qian asked, "Shaobao, what news do I have here? Basically the same as Eunuch Cao, but the slight difference is that Qu Xiangtian has already stationed troops in Guangdong and Guangxi, and has conspired with the garrison governors of Guangdong and Guangxi to send troops from Guangdong and Guangxi in the near future. Without further ado, Brother Zhen, please take my secret order from the Ministry of War to mobilize officers and soldiers from Hunan, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and other places to guard Guangdong and Guangxi. If there are officials suspected of treason, you can kill them first and then report them, so as to eliminate their rebellion in its infancy. " Zhen Lingdan answered yes repeatedly, then took the military talisman and led a small team of elite soldiers to ride their horses. Yu Qian pondered for a moment and said: "Continue to send scouts to assist the Eight Kings in entering the capital and completely disrupt Lu Yunzhi's deployment. Tomorrow is the Spring Festival, so let's let it go The capital city is "busy" again. Tomorrow we will escort Zhu Qixiang to Beijing and establish him as the crown prince first, and then let Zhu Qiyu pass the throne to him. As the heroes of the founding of the dynasty, you will definitely have a good year. "Everyone laughed after hearing Yu Qian's words, as if they had seen a scene of huge rewards and promotions. In another tent in the camp, Zhu Qixiang sat high in the middle, and Zhu Jianwen and two children were sitting on the left side. A staff general was on the right, and there was a beautiful woman at the end, who was Zhu Qixiang's princess and the mother of the two children. Zhu Jianwen frowned and stood up, clasping his fists at Zhu Qixiang and saying, "Father, the king , you are worried that Lu Yun is secretly involved in Yu Qian's camp, and your ministers have come with you, but have you ever thought that in this way, you will be completely cut off from Lu Yunzhi and other Zhongzheng people, as well as all the vassal kings? The friendship of the alliance, if Yu Qian can push you to the top as he said, then that's it. If not, wouldn't we be alone and helpless and unhappy inside and outside? All the staff and generals agreed: "What the prince said is absolutely true. The king should think twice." " "I think you want to have both sides. Huh, you are a person of the Zhongzheng lineage. I think you are afraid that adults will have prejudices against you and that your father will dethrone you as the heir apparent. In this way, you will You can no longer be the prince, so you used your words to confuse the king and make him join your Zhongzheng lineage. "The beautiful woman sneered, and Zhu Jianwen was furious and shouted: "I?If you think like this, how can you accompany your father deep into Yu Qian's camp? I just want your father to make a double plan. You are a cheap servant, how can you allow lowly people like you to interfere in military and national affairs? " The beautiful woman's small mouth narrowed and her eyes turned red. She looked pitiful. She was a maid in the princess's family in her early years. She grew up with the princess and later joined the palace. She looked like the princess. It is quite similar. Later, when the princess gave birth to Zhu Jianwen, she caught a cold and died within a few years. Zhu Qixiang was heartbroken. He refused to marry or take concubines for many years, and gave all his love to Zhu Jianwen. This led to Zhu Jianwen being domineering and arrogant. After entering the Zhongzheng lineage, he often had conflicts with Qu Xiangtian, Lu Yunzhi and others. After Wu Hao was expelled from the school for a while, he got into trouble with a few people and his temper gradually calmed down. Zhu Jianwen became a master of Zhongzheng After Yizuo Shifang, Zhu Qixiang was lonely and unbearable. At that time, Wang Zhen was gathering the land. Zhu Qixiang had ambitions but failed, so he could only win over various vassal kings in the hope of forming an alliance to resist the imperial withdrawal. Fan Zhice, when he was very busy and worried, saw the little maid who was beside the princess during her lifetime. The little maid was now in her late twenties, and she was extremely good-looking, and her appearance was somewhat similar to his wife's. On a whim, she took her as a concubine. Over the years, she gave Zhu Qixiang two more sons and several daughters. Zhu Qixiang also became more active and took in concubines and maidservants one after another, but he did not establish a princess. , no one can replace the title of the royal wife. Every year, the deceased princess, that is, Zhu Jianwen¡¯s mother, always goes to have a conversation in front of the tomb. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 93: Not allowed to enter the city Even so, the beautiful woman was still favored by Zhu Qixiang. After all, she was Zhu Qixiang's second woman, and because she looked similar to the princess, she had two sons, so she was considered more valuable than her son. , so she didn¡¯t take Zhu Jianwen seriously at all, and even colluded with her staff to depose Zhu Jianwen¡¯s heir apparent. But how can a beautiful woman be the opponent of politicians like Zhu Jianwen who have experienced court battles, plus Zhongzheng The same lineage was at its peak, and several powerful people also had the same sentiments as Zhu Jianwen. Zhu Jianwen's position as the heir apparent was getting more and more imprisoned. Now that Zhu Qixian was about to become the emperor, the beautiful woman secretly thought that she could not let it go. Zhu Jianwen became the prince, otherwise it would be too late, and his son would have to be a vassal king, so he took this opportunity to criticize Zhu Jianwen. Zhu Qixiang slapped the table and stood up, cursing: " "Jin Wen, don't talk nonsense." He turned around and yelled at the beautiful woman: "Stay back." The beautiful woman was so proud when she heard Zhu Qixiang scolding Zhu Jianwen, but she didn't expect Zhu Qixiang to give him five for each. The top ten men also yelled at themselves and kicked her out of the big tent. They wanted to argue for a moment, but they saw Zhu Qixiang's eyes revealed a fierce light and said in a low voice: "Get out." The beautiful woman did not dare to say anything, so she whispered After crying and leaving, Zhu Qixian frowned and said: "My son, don't be impulsive after what you have seen and heard. My father was confused and cut off his retreat. It's just that I threatened Lu Yunzhi and later sent someone to invite him to a banquet." Or visit him in person, but he avoids you. You have a very good relationship with Lu Yunzhi. You know that he is a ruthless person and that he has many masters under his command. I had no choice but to hide in Yu Qian's military camp. All this is for To save my life, it¡¯s all because I was impatient and didn¡¯t listen to your dissuasion and used the throne to coerce Lu Yunzhi, which led to this embarrassing situation.¡± Zhu Jianwen saw that his father already knew what he was doing was wrong, so he said calmly: "Yu Qian is very sinister. Not only did he use tricks to trick his father into falling out with Lu Yunzhi, but he also spread the news that you will ascend the throne. Many vassal kings stopped listening to our orders and broke with us instead. Just like Lu Yunzhi What we said that day is normal, we are now helpless." "What do you think we should do now?" Zhu Qixian asked, "Now that the matter is over, if we go to Lu Yunzhi again. , it is impossible, I am afraid that we will be cut into pieces if we don't get out of Yu Qian's camp, but it is still unknown who can win the final victory between Yu Qian and Lu Yunzhi, we'd better make two plans, relying on me Regarding my relationship with Lu Yunzhi, I believe he will definitely meet me. I will tell you that your father was deceived by Xiao Xiao, and you did something wrong in a moment of confusion, so you joined Yu Qian's disciples. Then we formed a secret alliance and sent some to Yu Qian. He sent the military plane to Lu Yunzhi, claiming to be in Yu Qian's camp as support." Seeing that Zhu Qixian was about to speak again, Zhu Jianwen quickly said, "Of course the matter has come to this, and we cannot hang Lu Yunzhi on this tree. What we have to do now is to have both sides. If Yu Qian wins, he will make his father the emperor. If Yu Qian loses, we will still be the kings. Why not do this kind of business without any risk? What we have to do now is to wait and see what happens. Let's see whether Yu Qian or Lu Yun wins. Bet on both times to minimize the losses and at least save your life. "Zhu Qixiang nodded repeatedly, and everyone reconsidered, and they all admired the prince even more. The little maid who was waiting on the side of the camp took down the drink, walked away with lotus steps, turned a few corners and took out one from her arms. The little bug lowered his head and said a few words, and the little bug crawled away. The next day, Yu Qian led his army to escort Zhu Qixiang into the city, but the officers and soldiers guarding the city closed the city gate tightly and refused to obey orders. Yu Qian shouted: "I am the Minister of the Ministry of War. Yu Qian, please open the city gate quickly. The guard general on the city responded and said, "Your Excellency, the defense of the city is under the command of General Shi Heng. General Shi has an order not to let the sergeants enter the city as the New Year is approaching. Don't embarrass me. Please go back." Yu Qian was furious: "Where's Shi Heng? Ask him to come out to see me." "The guard replied: "General Shi is seriously ill and can't stand the cold. The adults in the city please lead your troops back quickly, otherwise the general will order the arrows to be fired. "While he was talking, a group of officers and soldiers appeared on the city wall, bending their bows and preparing to shoot arrows. There were six or seven hundred people in total. It seemed that they were well prepared. Yu Qian wanted to forcefully enter the city. He thought that with his own ability, he could do it no matter what. Rushing open the city gate, what should he be afraid of with the cavalry behind him? Just as he was thinking about the few heads protruding from the city wall, Yu Qian looked closely and saw that it was Fang Qingze, Chao Xing and others. Yu Qian felt a chill in his heart, knowing that he could use strange magic to attack the city. It was impossible to come here. Fang Qingze glanced at Yu Qian and said with a smile: "Sir Yu, what are you doing with your troops here so early? Could it be that you want to rebel and force the palace?" " Yu Qian was annoyed but also said with a smile: "You are kidding, don't say such nonsense. I have something important to report to the emperor, and I hope that the shopkeeper Fang will do it conveniently and let me enter the city. As for these soldiers and horses, they are the commander-in-chief. The king's bodyguard, Tongwang, also accompanied me to the capital. Fang Qingze cupped his hands and said, "Master Yu is joking. You are the Minister of the Ministry of War. I don't care."He's just a commoner. How can I open the city gate that you can't even open? Let me see, where is the King downstairs? The King is my uncle. How could I not recognize him? There is obviously a bad guy. Under the guise of being the king, you are planning to do evil, please don't be deceived by the villain. " Yu Qian thought for a moment, knowing that it would be useless to attack now, and it would be useless to talk more, so he said: "Then I will go back and find out and discuss it later. Thank you, shopkeeper Fang, for the pointer. "After saying that, he led the people away. Soon someone sent someone to report, saying that if Lord Yu and the ministers want to enter the city, they can do so without any hindrance. However, they are not allowed to bring troops, and they are not allowed to accompany other people to sneak into the capital during the Spring Festival. At that time, when every family was reunited, the defense should be stricter than usual. This was decided by the ancestors. Yu Qian could not say anything. While thinking about it, he heard a scout coming to report, claiming that Qin Rufeng and Guang Liang controlled the five military camps and the gods. The machine camp turned its spearhead and faced the direction of the capital, as did the rural regiments outside the city. Yu Qian originally wanted the soldiers guarding the main roads to withdraw and attack the capital, but he would not be blamed for his excessive behavior, but now it seems that something is wrong. , once they attack the gate of the capital, the Lu Party troops on the periphery will outflank themselves with the defenders in the city. When the time comes, they will be in a dilemma, which will be detrimental to themselves. If they lead the army into the city again, Lu Yunzhi and others will be speechless. If they dare to deny their own entry into the city again, it will be disobedience and rebellion. After Yu Qian explained some matters to the generals, he entered the city alone. , leaving Zhu Qixiang who was a little at a loss. At this moment, Zhu Qixiang was thinking to himself: I don¡¯t know if I have succeeded in contacting Lu Yunzhi after I entered the city last night, but don¡¯t make any trouble, and don¡¯t steal chickens again. Losing a handful of rice is extremely bad. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 94: Lian Po is old Lu Yunzhi walked on the city wall and patted Fang Qingze, who had his back turned to him. Fang Qingze's broad body shook, obviously startled, and he said with a trembling voice: "Third brother, why don't you make any sound when you walk? You're scared." "I'm dead." Lu Yunzhi chuckled and said, "As for that, isn't it just for you to scare Yu Qian?" "Why not? If I were your second brother before, I wouldn't be afraid, but in recent years I have neglected to practice, Yu Qian. If I were really tempted to climb up the city wall, I guess I wouldn't be able to resist even one move." Fang Qingze said breathlessly, "Second brother, look at what you said, I'm still here, but you really let me. "I'm surprised. Your courage and physical condition have declined so quickly. Just follow my advice on quitting drinking and sex, and practice diligently every day to ensure that you will recover quickly." Lu Yunzhi said with disdain, Fang Qingze coughed lightly and looked at him. Yizheng said: "Seriously, let me ask you something. Last night Zhu Jianwen came to see you overnight, why did you still avoid seeing him? Didn't you deliberately push him towards Yu Qian?" Lu Yun He looked into the distance and spoke very slowly, as if thoughtfully: "If he was sincere to me, I wouldn't be like this. He is a politician after all, and we may go further and further away." "What do you mean?" Fang Qingze asked without knowing why, and Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and replied: "Nothing, let's go back, second brother, just leave this place to Uncle Chao." Zhu Jianwen returned to the camp with a tired look. He waited outside for a whole night, and sent people to remind him countless times, but Lu Yunzhi still avoided seeing him, and later went straight in without informing him. Originally, Zhu Jianwen was a member of the Zhongzheng family, and he was familiar with the family and the way. Naturally, the concierge He didn't dare to stop him, but after searching the whole courtyard, there was no trace of Lu Yunzhi, but he didn't dare to alert the master. Shi Fang had already ignored the worldly affairs, and because he was old-fashioned, asking him to intercede would only be counterproductive. In the end, Zhu Jianwen had no choice but to He had to go to see Fang Qingze, but Fang Qingze couldn't help. The two of them sighed all night long. Fang Qingze was okay, he often stayed up all night to settle accounts or have fun, but Zhu Jianwen was very regular, and he had something on his mind, so he left. At that time, he was so devastated that he seemed to be a different person. His body and mind were completely broken. When Zhu Qixiang saw such Zhu Jianwen, he understood in his heart. He sighed sadly and said: "It seems that we can only follow Yu Qian. Whether it is success or failure." It all depends on fate." Zhu Jianwen suddenly raised his head and said with gleaming eyes: "Father, do you have the courage to follow me out of the battle and rejoin the camp of Lu Yunzhi and others? You must show your determination by showing your support. , I have a hunch that Yu Qian will be defeated. " "Why do you think so? What's the basis for it?" Zhu Qixiang looked at Zhu Jianwen sharply and asked. Zhu Jianwen shook his head. He said firmly: "I'm just relying on the intuition of a politician." Zhu Qixiang's eyes suddenly dimmed, he slumped on the chair, and said to Zhu Jianwen dejectedly: "Jianwen, my father doesn't know what to do. Well, the situation is changing too fast today. I was blocked by Lu Yunzhi when I entered the city today, but a skinny camel is bigger than a horse. Yu Qian should not be underestimated. Lu Yunzhi blocked me from entering the city and avoided you and me. He is forcing me to surrender to Yu Qian. Could it be that he is sure to win and then kill me? "Zhu Jianwen nodded and shook his head without making any remarks. Zhu Qixiang sighed again and said: "My son Jianwen, the plan you mentioned is not feasible. Even if Lu Yunzhi can achieve the final victory, we are still the same now. We have no choice but to retreat. How can we leave Yu Qian's military camp calmly with our families? Do you think these military masters are just decorations? "It turns out that you think it's not feasible because you're worried about the safety of your family. Father, although I'm not good at academics, as long as I don't meet Yu Qian, I'll protect you and escape from the military camp. We'll ride two horses to the city and call for the gate to be opened." I went straight to the Zhongzheng Yiline Courtyard to plead guilty. If I was the one dragging my family with me, even Lu Yunzhi wouldn't be so good at escorting everyone away safely. "Zhu Jianwen said, "Zhu Qixiang lowered his voice and said: "You mean to leave your generals, staff, and even your brother behind and just run away for our lives." Zhu Jianwen also replied in a low voice: "Father, I will continue to rebel against him. Do you want to be the ruthless Liu Bang or the foresighted Xiang Yu?" " Zhu Qixiang was stunned for a long time, then shook his head and said: "Since you are so convinced that Lu Yunzhi will win, then you can leave quickly. I will stay with Yu Qian. At least our family will have a treasure in each of the two times. The whole army will not be destroyed. My father is old and can no longer run. " "Father, you don't believe me. "Zhu Jianwen said hastily, Zhu Qixiang smiled, and his smile was so helpless: "I believe you are right, your intuition is sharper than mine, but I am no longer the ruthless Zhu Qixiang, but I'm just a little old man. There are too many things that I can't let go of. I can't bear to leave them. However, I hope you can be better. You are firmer and sharper than my father, and you will definitely be able to?It's just a great cause, so you can go and don't worry about me. " Zhu Jianwen was silent for a long time, turned around and walked away. When he reached the door of the tent, he stopped and said without looking back: "Father, I will stay with you, because you may still be able to survive with me. Although Lu Yunzhi is ruthless, he also attaches great importance to love and justice. He is a contradictory person. He is a king, a majestic tiger who repays kindness but eats people without spitting out bones. Father, you were the same before, but now your Its claws were worn flat, its teeth were gone, and it no longer had the majesty it once had. "After that, Zhu Jianwen lifted the curtain and walked out, leaving only the silent Zhu Qixiang and the equally silent tent. Sure enough, as Fang Qingze said before, Yu Qian was not blocked by any means when he entered the city alone. Zhu Qiyu He and Yu Qian were allied comrades, so the imperial decree was naturally issued very quickly. Yu Qian did not leave the city this time, but came to the city gate and sent people out of the city to spread the imperial edict announcing that Zhu Qixiang had entered the capital. However, Zhu Qixiang was still detained by the officers and soldiers guarding the city. He refused to be allowed into the city on false pretexts, and Yu Qian did not defeat the defenders and open the city gate to let them out, because he felt that there were dozens of masters around him silently watching his movements. Once he took action, it would be There is no way out, Yu Qian is not afraid, but he doesn't want to die here like this. Although a sense of defeat and powerlessness has arisen in his heart, he still wants to fight the final trapped beast, even if he can't struggle, he still wants to see it. Witnessing the process of failure, this courage was admired by heaven and earth. Yu Qian walked silently towards the palace. Lu Yunzhi looked at Yu Qian's lonely and somewhat staggering steps in the shadow in the distance and sighed, saying to himself: "Is this the fate of an aging hero? It may also be my last portrayal. "We cherish each other, but still can't tolerate each other, because this is a cruel struggle, and people with different paths cannot work together. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 95: One general succeeds On New Year's Eve, the capital city did not have the same hustle and bustle and firecrackers as in the past. Instead, it was empty and eerily quiet. No wonder there were numerous troops outside the city, shouting for training, and the chickens and dogs raised at home were all silent, let alone There is only murder in the air in the capital. Wang Yulu is back. He cured Shi Yuting before Master Long sent the antidote, so he is very proud. Nothing excites him more than being superior to others in medical skills. Yes, the war is about to begin. Wang Yulu and A Rong, as Lu Yunzhi's favorite generals, naturally rushed back to help. Shi Yuting also needs persuasion from acquaintances. Yingzi and Yang Xiyu are not suitable. After all, they are both Lu Yunzhi's wives. Wan Yishi Yuting's overthinking was counterproductive. Moreover, once the war started, it would be even worse if the two of them were captured and taken hostage on the road. After thinking about it, only Han Yueqiu was more suitable. Han Yueqiu was Lu Yunzhi's second senior brother, so he could be regarded as the best choice. I have watched Shi Yuting grow up since she was a child. Secondly, apart from taking care of Shi Fang's daily life, Han Yueqiu did not participate in the military and political affairs of Lu Yunzhi and others, and was relatively free, so it was most appropriate to invite him to go. Han Yueqiu had a cold face and a warm heart. , Renxiao took the lead and explained to Lu Yunzhi nonchalantly about Master Shi Fang¡¯s taboos, hobbies, etc., and then reluctantly rushed to Tianjin. According to Wang Yulu, Shi Yuting¡¯s mentality is now relatively calm, but she just refuses. I followed him back to Beijing, unwilling to face Lu Yunzhi. His heart ailment still required heart medicine. In short, he could only rely on time to smooth out the scars. At the same time, he also hoped that Han Yueqiu could persuade Shi Yuting more successfully and soothe the injured heart. As soon as Rong came back, he was sent out by Lu Yunzhi. He looked very hurried. Wang Yulu knew that the war was about to start. Lu Yunzhi was making final preparations. After Ah Rong left, Wang Yulu spoke. He and Ah Rong have been getting along well these days, but Lu Yunzhi once issued an order not to allow them to ask each other about the assigned tasks, so they both kept silent about government affairs and only talked about romance, "Lord, our experiment should be successful. "Wang Yulu said, Lu Yunzhi nodded in appreciation and said: "It seems that the combination of medicine and voodoo can indeed achieve the effect of manipulating people, and the dragon master gave me a prescription a few days ago, which is detailed in it. The method of applying medicine is the method used to control Gao Huai. You should study it and try to better control these young disciples. " Although Wang Yulu has a somewhat arrogant temperament and believes that she will definitely surpass Master Long, she does not. Not a person who is too ambitious and not good at accepting new ideas, he took the prescription from Lu Yunzhi, looked at it carefully for a long time and praised: "It is really powerful. With this medicine, it is probably more secure." Lu Yunzhi is not His real plan lies in simply teaching spells to the disciples of each lineage, which is to use Wang Yulu's newly developed spells to control the young talents of each lineage, and in time help these disciples ascend to the position of leader of the lineage, Lu Yunzhi I can firmly control each branch. I think back then, when he was in exile, Lu Yunzhi had mixed feelings. None of the branches listened to the orders of Zhongzheng. Instead, the Iron Sword, Five Chou, and others assisted Yu Qian in hunting down Zhongzheng. Everyone, now that the Zhongzheng line has some resurgence, Lu Yunzhi decided to quickly control all branches in times of peace, and then came up with an excuse to invite each branch to select talents to study in Beijing, and then let Wang Yulu follow According to the plan, although Wang Yulu was in Tianjin after applying the medicine, he was still able to control the branch disciples far away in the capital. I guess this technique was successful. Wang Yulu took out a small jar, Lu Yunzhi also took out one, and Wang Yulu took out a small jar. Yulu opened the mouth of the jar and placed his own jar upside down on the jar held by Lu Yunzhi. The two jars shook violently for a while before they stopped. Lu Yunzhi listened for a moment before putting the jar away. He looked at Wang Yulu with a smile. Wang Yulu After thinking for a while, he asked: "My lord, what kind of worms are in your jar? They are so powerful. The worms in my jar have been carefully raised by me for a long time. Ordinarily, they shouldn't be swallowed up so quickly, and they can kill me." The Gu insect merges into its body and seizes control of the branch disciples. I really can't imagine what it is that is so powerful. Please let me know. " Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and said: "It's not a poisonous insect, it's better than a poisonous insect. This is the black bee I got from my little sister. It can control and absorb all the poisonous insects and poisons. If it weren't for it, it would be a plan. Big discount. "After the two drank some tea, they went to work separately. "Yu Qian did not give up. These days, he has sent more Nangong guards and sent all his men who are skilled in martial arts or proficient in magic to Ouchi. Or Nangong can be a guard, because Yu Qian knows that Lu Yunzhi's breakthrough lies in seizing the gate, taking Zhu Qizhen from Nangong and then seizing the gate of the inner palace, driving away Zhu Qiyu to replace him, so as long as he has defended Nangong or guarded the palace gate. Turning defeat into victory, but now Yu Qian does not have a large number of troops, and it is even worse to divide the troops to defend, so Yu Qian focuses on the Nangong. He only leads a few masters to garrison the deep palace. If it succeeds, it will just appease people's hearts. Yu Qian knows?In the current situation, the potential of sending the spiritual master Zhen Lingdan out to mobilize troops is not really to deal with the eager Qu Xiangtian, but to contact the Nanjing Ministry of War to guard the capital, prevent Qu Xiangtian's army from going north, and lead the troops from Jiangsu, Jiangsu and Zhejiang to return. King Chaoqin rescued him, and Yu Qian knew very well what the outcome would be. If he was lucky, the capital would be saved, but Nanjing and a large area of ??Jiangnan would be lost. In front of his eyes, Yao Guangxiao's prediction came true. Yu Qian kept wandering around the room, extremely anxious in his heart, looking forward to Zhen Lingdan's early return. The army outside the city drew their swords and crossed their crossbows, and they did not dare to restrain each other. Acting hastily, Yu Qian suddenly came up with a plan. Now the situation is unfavorable. Only chaos can break the pattern, but the price is a melee of tens of thousands of officers and soldiers outside the city. The casualties will be heavy. One general can accomplish everything, let alone for the sake of the Ming Dynasty. As for the foundation, this is something that has to be decided. Thinking of this, Yu Qian called Shang Wang. Shang Wang was also outside the city and was not allowed to let him go. However, he was highly skilled and even brought a group of helpers when he entered the city late at night. Yu Qian held Shang Wang's hand with excitement and said: "Shang Wang, the survival of the country is at stake. Only you can save the Ming Dynasty now." Shang Wang straightened his face, clasped his fists and said, "Please give me your orders, Shang Wang. A common man, but for the sake of the rise and fall of the country, Shang Wang will not hesitate to die." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 96: Mistrustful Shang Yu Qian nodded and sighed: "Okay, okay, I didn't expect that you saved Daming in a critical moment. Please pay homage to someone." Shang Wan was short in stature. Seeing that Yu Qian wanted to salute, he quickly stretched out his hand to support Yu Qian and said: "I can't do it, I can't do it. My lord, you have been kind to me again. Besides, your loyalty to the emperor and patriotism can be seen from heaven and earth, which makes me admire you. Shang Wang volunteered to ride for you. You are so polite. You're going to disappoint me." Yu Qian didn't hesitate and went straight to the point: "Shang Wang, you lead people to transform into soldiers of our camp, rush into the fifth army camp at night, leave clues, and then quickly evacuate and flee back to the capital. Don't be caught by the Fifth Army Camp. Can you do this? " Shang Wang said: "It should be no problem, but the Fifth Army Camp is well-trained. It's not difficult to escape from it. I need to prepare for a few days, but it's just because of my humble position. I don't understand why the Lord behaves like this. " "Qin Rufeng is a hot-tempered guy who never listens to anyone's dissuasion. He doesn't listen to anyone except Qu Xiangtian. He is in charge of the troops in the Fifth Army Camp. You put on your clothes. Qin Rufeng must have been furious after the military uniform killed a man from the Fifth Army Camp. He led his troops to seek revenge. Qu Xiangtianyuan was unable to give orders to Qin Rufeng in southern Xinjiang, and Lu Yunzhi's orders were not easy to use. When the war started, the people from the Fifth Army Camp would The number of soldiers is smaller than ours. The Township Regiment and the Shenji Battalion will definitely come to the rescue. There will be chaos outside the city," Yu Qian said. Yu Qian's voice dropped and he continued: "In the event of chaos, you and I will lead thousands of elite soldiers. Escorting Zhu Qixiang, he directly attacked the city gate. The Lu army outside the city was blocked by our army and fought in one piece. They could not reach each other from head to tail, and there were not many officers and soldiers guarding the city. I will arrange for a group of surprise troops to cooperate with us inside and outside. The big thing will be done when the time comes. The city gate is wide open, we rush all the way to the palace, directly ascend the throne and then tell the world that if Lu Yunzhi obeys, then we will do it. If not, we will hold on to the city and wait for Zhen Lingdan to lead the troops to rescue him. The reputation of being a rebel can be used by people all over the world, and the secret passage you told me last time can also be used this time. Once the war breaks out between the two parties, Lu Yunzhi will definitely go to supervise the battle, and his home will definitely be well guarded. We entered through a secret passage, tied up Shi Fang and his two wives, and threatened him. Lu Yunzhi is very emotional and will definitely surrender for his love. When the time comes, we will slowly deal with the Lu gang." Shang Wu nodded. Said: "A wonderful idea is to give up the small to take the big, pretend to be a snake, and then go straight to the yellow dragon. However, I need a few days to prepare, sir. Although a strong man can cut off his wrist and sacrifice my life, now is the time to employ people. I I think the life I saved by rushing out of the fifth army camp will be of some help to you, so I have to reconnoiter the terrain, listen for passwords, and find out what is true and what is true before I am fully prepared before I attack. " "Of course, Brother Shang Wang. Gao Yi, how can you impose a request if you are grateful to someone? Moreover, you can succeed only if you are well prepared. Killing more soldiers will arouse Qin Rufeng's anger even more. But brother Shang Wang, we don't have much time. I'm not rushing you. , but as soon as possible, how long will it take for you to be ready?" Yu Qian said, "Shang Wanglue thought for a while and replied: "The Zhongzheng line of secret passages must be re-investigated, and the barracks must also find the rules of password replacement. Give me ten." Come on, when the time comes, we will accomplish something in one fell swoop, kill the Lu thieves, and restore a peaceful country to the Ming Dynasty. " Yu Qian was extremely moved. He stood up, bowed deeply, clasped his fists and said, "I would like to thank you here. Shang Wang said, "It's not too late. I'm going to take action now. Please wait for my good news, sir." After saying that, he turned around and left. Yu Qian kept saying behind Shang Wang, "Be careful and take care of yourself." " After leaving Yu Qian, Shang Wangxing felt a little uncomfortable on the road. Yu Qian trusted him, but he worked hard for Lu Yunzhi. This time Yu Qian was about to come to an end. Shang Wang felt this way and believed in Yu Qian himself. He must also feel this way, but Yu Qian harmed Du Hai and concealed it from Shang Huan, taking advantage of him. Shang Huan secretly resented him when he thought of this. Now Yu Qian wants to use Lu Yunzhi's family as a blackmail. Yun Zhi's guess was indeed correct, and the flaw in the secret passage was used well. However, Yu Qian's approach was a bit underhanded, and was despised by Shang Wan. Shang Wan sighed in his heart: Yu Qian is a loyal minister, but he is too unscrupulous to be such a loyal minister. , it is inevitable that he will be betrayed, evil people will be punished by evil people, and fate is nothing more than reincarnation. Three days later, Lu Yunzhi returned to the Zhongzheng Yidian compound. No one knew where he had been in the past three days. He He walked around the courtyard and nodded with great satisfaction. The defense work of the Yinbu Department was very good. Even Lu Yunzhi now has a hard time quickly breaking into the Zhongzheng Family Courtyard. Lu Yunzhi walked in In the courtyard, someone from the main hall was heard shouting: "Yunzhi, come here. "Lu Yunzhi was startled. It was Master Shi Fang's voice. Who made the old man angry again? He walked quickly, only to see Fang Qingze kneeling in front of Shi Fang, with his head lowered and silent. Lu Yunzhi saw Then he hurriedly asked: "Master, what are you doing? "I thought Fang Qingze did something to make Shi Fang angry,"Seeing Shi Fang slam the table suddenly and shout: "Kneel down, too." Lu Yunzhi did not dare to neglect and knelt down on the ground. Shi Fang sighed and said: "Zhongzheng does not do political affairs, since Negotiating peace with Yu Qian, why do you care so much about him? He can do whatever he wants. Do you think that you don't know the little tricks you are doing now? If this happens, it will inevitably lead to the end of life and the war will start again. Yun Zhi, we are Zhongzhengyi The purpose of Pulse is to protect the people of the world and maintain justice between heaven and earth. It is not a tool for you to fight for power and control the world. What you did is so disappointing to me, so disappointing." Lu Yunzhi lowered his head and looked sideways. Facing Fang Qingze, Fang Qingze also pursed his lips with helplessness on his face. Shi Fang continued: "Look at what Fang Qingze does. My body is disabled, but my brain is not disabled. Don't think that I can't know without telling you. Yun Zhi, Go find Yu Qian and negotiate a peace with him. Let's quickly evacuate the capital, a place of trouble and peace." "No." Lu Yunzhi suddenly raised his head and said righteously to Shi Fang, who raised his eyebrows. , scolded angrily: "Why are you so capable now that you don't even listen to Master's words? You traitor, I will deal with you when you come back." As he said this, Shi Fang was about to turn his wheelchair and leave. Lu Yunyi held on to the wheelchair. Holding the chair on the stone side, he said: "Master, it is true that Yu Qian is loyal and righteous, but he is a person who can break his word for this loyalty. Isn't the painful lesson of the family and the death of that year not enough? Do we have to let Zhongzheng Yi Are you happy when your pulse is gone?" Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 97: The Crime of Killing the Master Shi Fang was so angry that he suppressed his blush. He pointed at Lu Yunzhi with a slightly trembling finger and scolded: "You still dare to pull my chair. If I can't move, I will no longer be your master. I need you to teach me a lesson." "I, our family was destroyed because of the regent. I don't believe that Yu Qian can kill him quickly if we go back to the mountains and live quietly." Lu Yunzhi was already a little tired after running around. Shi Fang's temper has become stronger day by day since he was in poor health. In addition, he is old and frail and has become indifferent to right from wrong. Hearing Shi Fang's remarks, Lu Yunzhi felt a little angry at the moment, so he said in a slightly stiff tone: "Master, you are confused. The tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop. As long as We are still the main line of the people of heaven and earth, and we still have a bit of prestige. Yu Qian will never let us go." Shi Fang smiled instead: "I am confused, aren't you confused? You are doing this in the world. Will it be okay if we are caught in the flames of war and the people are displaced? What is the point of the Zhongzheng lineage? It would be better for the Zhongzheng lineage to die." Shi Fang said while using his hands to turn the wheelchair away. Although Shi Fang said. His physical condition has not been very good, but after patiently recuperating, he has recovered a lot of strength, but he is still no match for the strong Lu Yunzhi who can block him with one arm. Shi Fang shouted: "Let me go." Lu Yunzhi is still kneeling. He said on the ground: "Master, please forgive me for being unfilial. I have offended Master just now, but do you know the result of what you did? We are defeated, and what we are facing is death. You may not be afraid of death, but I am afraid, you are our master, right?" We have the gift of reincarnation, but you can't let us accompany you to death together. It's time for me to understand the struggle between Yu Qian and me. The loser must die. It doesn't matter if I die. What will happen to my three wives and my subordinates? What should I do, my brothers? You must not be selfish or too selfish. Those who always act like heroes regardless of their own desires or good reputation may look upright and aboveboard, but in fact they are just showing off their courage. Master, I would rather be a real villain. , and I don¡¯t want to be a hypocrite. I don¡¯t want to suffer, and I don¡¯t want to die, and I don¡¯t want to be an anonymous dog who only knows how to tolerate. Forbearance is a strategy, not a purpose. I want to live like a human being. This is me, Lu Yunzhi " Shi Fang looked at Lu Yunzhi coldly and snorted: "You really started to teach me a lesson, Lord Zhongzheng Lumai, huh, you have your own reasons, and I have my own thoughts. If I have to go today, I will. "Shi Fang is very stubborn. In recent years, it has only increased to the point of paranoia. Lu Yunzhi did not answer, but his hand still grabbed the handle of the wheelchair. At the same time, Fang Qingze also reached out and grabbed it. On the other side, the two of them knelt down and lowered their heads, not looking at Shi Fang at all. Shi Fang laughed loudly and said, "Come on, let me experience your determination and intangibility." After that, he muttered something. , the ground shook violently, and two sharp boulders protruded from the ground and thrust straight into Fang Qingze and Lu Yunzhi. The two quickly jumped out of the way, but after a few flips and jumps, they were blocked by a wall rising from the ground. Immediately afterwards, countless stalagmites lined up neatly and smashed down the two people. Fang Qingze shouted: "Third brother, take action." Lu Yunzhi nodded. If he didn't take action at this moment, he would inevitably be pierced through the chest by the rocks. Lu Yunzhi urged her determination and used the invisible force. The stalagmites in front of Shi Fang's Heaven and Earth Technique burst into powder, and the earth wall that sprang up behind him was forced back by Lu Yunzhi. Then a two-foot-high stone wall rose from between Shi Fang and Lu Fang. Stuck tightly in the middle of the yard, blocking the way out, Lu Yunzhi shouted through the wall: "Master, this disciple is unfilial, please calm down first, I will come to see you later." Fang Qingze also said: "Master, please hate me for what happened today. Don't blame my third brother. He also has his own reasons." " There was no sound from the other side of the wall. Lu Yunzhi had some doubts and shouted in a low voice: "Master. "There was still silence for a while. Lu Yunzhi looked at Fang Qingze. Fang Qingze frowned slightly and said, "How about we leave first? Master seems to be angry with us and doesn't want to pay attention to us. " Lu Yunzhi nodded, but said in a panic: "Master has difficulty moving. The ground shook so violently just now. Don't fall again. Let's take a look. " Before Fang Qingze could answer, Lu Yunzhi used the earth-bending technique again and retreated from the stone wall. Sure enough, Shi Fang fell to the ground and remained motionless. Fang Qingze was about to rush forward with a single step, and shouted: "Master, what are you doing? fall down. " Fang Qingze was grabbed by Lu Yunzhi before he ran out a few steps. He turned around and saw that Lu Yunzhi's face was pale. After a brief inspection, he found that Lu Yunzhi's hands were also terribly cold. He let go of Fang Qingze's hand and stumbled to the ground, muttering to himself: "It can't be such a coincidence, it can't be such a coincidence. " Fang Qingze then looked intently at the place where Shi Fang fell. It may be that Shi Fang didn't have enough earth support just now. Some stalagmites were halfway out of the ground and stayed on the ground due to lack of back force. Only a sharp tip protruded from the ground. Later, Lu Yun In order to stop the angry Shi Fang from doing stupid things again, he raised the stone wall.They wanted to stop Shi Fang's attack and let each other calm down, but they didn't expect that the force of the earthquake caused Shi Fang's wheelchair to fall. Shi Fang fell out of the wheelchair and hit the tip of the stalagmite in the back of his head. Now looking at the stone tip on the ground There was blood gushing, and everything was yellow, white, and red on the ground, while Shi Fang's eyes widened helplessly, and he died unexpectedly, and he died without closing his eyes. Lu Yunzhi's face was pale, and all thoughts were gray. He had killed his master and was treasonous. It shows one scene after another. The master leads me in rags to enter the Zhongzheng lineage. He sits in the Yangshanzhai and lectures me. He cares for me meticulously and looks at him with pride and kindness when he sees him. , and the scene where the master's face was glowing on the day of his wedding to Yingzi Yuting. The master was the one who loved him and was his relative, but at this moment, due to various chances and coincidences, he single-handedly caused the master's death. Lu Yun After that, he thought of the Fenggu people and understood the annoyance and regret of the Fenggu people at that time. Shi Fang was wrong, but he was still his master. Lu Yunzhi stood up. He did not choose to be as free as the Fenggu people. With his arms broken, he still has a lot of things to do. As he said, he is a selfish person, but not a selfish person who can disregard the life and death of others. "Second brother, what did you see?" Lu Yunzhi's voice was a little bit Said tremblingly, Fang Qingze coughed a few times, swallowed again and said, "I didn't see anything." Lu Yunzhi nodded, walked to Shi Fang's body that was getting colder, and took a closer look. It was hopeless. Unlike Yingzi's death, Shi Fang's body was damaged and it was difficult to recover with Lu Yunzhi's medical skills. Even Wang Yulu couldn't do it. Lu Yunzhi knelt down and kowtowed at Shi Fang's body three times. He nodded, and then said coldly to Qingze: "Second brother, have you brought your pipe? I want to take a puff." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 98: The 16th Night of the First Month The commotion just now has attracted the attention of everyone in the courtyard. However, Shi Fang had previously reprimanded everyone not to watch, so the female servants in the courtyard did not dare to step forward to see what happened. Therefore, except for Fang Qingze and Lu Yunzhi, And outside the Yinbu hidden in the dark, no one knows about Shi Fang's death now. Lu Yunzhi took the pipe handed by Fang Qingze and took a few deep puffs without lighting it. He frowned and thought for a while. Holding the stones and wheelchair in his mouth, he quickly walked towards the dungeon in the backyard. Fang Qingze inspected the surrounding area, took a broom and lime from the side of the courtyard, cleaned the traces on the ground, and then ran out to find the workers. The ground was renovated. After an hour, the ground was repaired. It was intact and no flaws could be seen anywhere. Wang Yulu also entered from the main entrance and hurriedly ran into the dungeon. She was so worried about being seen. She looked in a hurry and passed. An hour later, there was a wailing sound in Yangshanzhai, and everyone rushed to check, only to find that Shi Fang was already lying on the bed and driving away to the west, with an expression that he thought there was no external injury on his body. At this time, Wang Yulu was in the backyard, climbing over the wall to get out. Fang Qingze and Lu Yunzhi knelt on the ground. Fang Qingze kept crying and told everyone that Shi Fang was a little tired after giving them a lecture just now, so he lay in bed and took a rest in the morning. Once I thought about it, I couldn't sleep anymore. Everyone nodded and wiped away tears. Only two people remained calm. One was Lu Yunzhi who was kneeling on the ground, his face was ashen. Behind him, Yang Xiyu looked at his husband and said softly. Sighing softly, Yingzi and Yang Xiyu helped Lu Yunzhi up together and returned to the room. Yingzi said with tears in his eyes: "Master, don't be too sad. Master passed away peacefully and did not suffer much pain. This He died without illness, so you should be happy." As he spoke, tears couldn't stop flowing down. One was because of Shi Fang's death, and the other was because he was heartbroken when he saw her husband Lu Yunzhi's haggard appearance. Yun Zhi nodded and said to Yingzi: "I want to drink some ginseng soup to calm down." "Then I will arrange for someone to do it now." Yingzi wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes and walked out of the door as he answered, Lu Yun She raised her head and looked at Yang Xiyu, but Yang Xiyu said lightly: "I've done it all, it's too late to regret it." Yang Xiyu didn't know what happened, but her husband's series of abnormal actions made her feel the truth. Although this was a fact that she did not dare to accept, Yang Xiyu walked to Lu Yunzhi, held his head in his arms, stroked Lu Yunzhi's cheek, and dissipated the anger still lingering on Lu Yunzhi's body. Yunzhi finally couldn't help it anymore and burst into tears. Yang Xiyu's eyes were red, but he didn't shed any tears. The courtyard of Zhongzheng Yiline was completely white. Lu Yunzhi personally walked around and knelt down to report the funeral. Yu Qian I also received the news of Shi Fang's death, and was secretly happy in my heart. Shi Fang's death could delay time. Lu Yunzhi was busy with the funeral and heartbroken, so she would naturally be distracted. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Yu Qian thought that maybe Shi Fang's death would be a blessing to God. Giving himself an opportunity to turn defeat into victory, he secretly urged Shang Wang to act faster. The court was extremely quiet, no one was arguing about the throne anymore, and the tense atmosphere in the capital gradually eased. Although Shi Fang died, but with There came a period of calm, but behind the calm was a greater murderous intention, just like the calm on the night before a storm. Every time, there was no change. On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, Shang Wang found Yu Qian and claimed that the day after tomorrow would be the seventeenth day of the first lunar month. The action was taken. All the secret passages with passwords were properly investigated, and Yu Qian was asked to make a series of preparations, and dispatched experts to gather outside the city, preparing to break through the city gate in one fell swoop. Yu Qian readily agreed and stayed in the city to wait, waiting for the last moment to arrive. January 1 On the night of the 16th, Shi Heng, Xu Youzhen and others gathered in the Zhongzheng line. Except for Yang Shan, who was outside to direct the eight kings from entering the capital, Cao Jixiang was hiding in the palace as a support, and Zhang Fu had organized troops outside the inner city gate. The rest of the people who were preparing for the coup When everyone arrived, Lu Yunzhi looked up at the sky for a long time, then turned around and said: "Let's do it, we will go to the palace to drink wine tomorrow morning to celebrate the victory and commemorate my master. " Shi Heng and Xu Youzhen first set off to the Chang'an Gate in the inner city. The others also acted in an orderly manner. Shi Heng, as the general in charge of the defense of the capital, ordered the city gate to be opened. Zhang Fu led a thousand people into the capital. Chang'an Gate slowly The ground was closed, Xu Youzhen asked Shi Heng for the city defense token and key, and then threw them into the darkness. Shi Heng was shocked and asked in a low voice: "Master Xu, what are you doing?" " Xu Youzhen replied calmly: "Acting on the orders of Master Lu, there is no retreat. "Shi Heng was stunned. Lu Yun was so cruel. He didn't dare to hold up the torch and search for the keys and tokens. Without the keys and tokens, the escape route was cut off. Even if he failed, he would not be able to escape, no matter success or failure. He could only go on in one go, risking his life to survive, learning how to use the backwater formation to break the cauldron, Lu Yunzhi was brilliant, and Xu Youzhen was obedient. It was different from what he said at the beginning. Shi Heng admired but felt helpless in his heart. As a general, Shi Heng Instantly comprehending the current situation, Zhang Fu was frightened by the scene in front of him.He stopped and asked in a low voice: "Will it be successful?" Xu Youzhen thought sarcastically in her heart that it would be too naive to ask whether it would be successful until now. No wonder Zhang Fu is not as good as his dead father and brother. , but now is not the time to be sarcastic, Xu Youzhen replied categorically: "It must be helped." The team arrived outside the Nangong Gate. The gate here has been reinforced and two tall arrow towers have been erected. This is Yu Qian's order to prevent Zhu In preparation for Qi Zhen being robbed, Shi Heng held the handle of the knife tightly, feeling a little nervous. The handle was soaked with sweat from his palm. If it hadn't been wrapped with a layer of soft leather and fine cloth, it might have slipped on his hands. It seemed like a scene. The fighting is about to begin. According to reliable information, Yu Qian has sent hundreds more people to guard Nangong. He only has a thousand people brought by Zhang Fu. Moreover, these thousand people don't know that they are here for a coup late at night. Once a fight breaks out, it is inevitable. The morale of the army was unstable, ranging from retreat to mutiny. Zhang Fu kept swallowing his saliva. Although his mouth was already dry, his throat was still moving blindly. Only Xu Youzhen was calm and composed, and Zhang Fu mustered up the courage to step forward. Go, pull out the waist knife, and knock on the door. The Nangong is quiet. There are no patrols on the archery tower, and there are no traces of patrols and guards around the Nangong. Xu Youzhen frowned slightly, took a breath, and secretly thought to himself, is it bad? Having fallen into a trap, Shi Heng raised his nose and sniffed the air, and said, "It smells so strong of blood." Xu Youzhen was heartbroken and ordered, "Bash the door." Although the sergeants brought by Zhang Fu didn't know the reason, they Now they were a little panicked, but their long-term training led them to still obey Xu Youzhen's order, find wooden stakes and smash them against the Nangong gate. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 99: Dark Moon, High Wind, Murderous Night The loud bang of the door slamming in the middle of the night was deafening, echoing through the empty streets, making people's hearts tremble non-stop. After the collision, the re-reinforced Nangong Gate was extremely strong. It was not broken as expected, but it was stronger than that. The temporarily thickened seven-foot wall was much better. The door was hit hard, but there was no sign of loosening at all. Just when the sergeants were holding the wooden stakes and about to hit it again, the door slowly opened, and Ah Rong was alone. Standing at the door with a cold smile on her face, Xu Youzhen trembled all over. The moment the door opened, she was greeted by a mixture of blood and a burning smell. Xu Youzhen looked sideways behind Ah Rong, I saw that the ground was covered with corpses, there seemed to be hundreds of them. The corpses were disemboweled and broken into pieces, and there were traces of blue fire coming out of the wounds, which looked strange and extraordinary. The ground was full of blood and intestines, and the blue fire The burning area also began to smell of roasted meat. Shi Heng recognized Ah Rong, walked up to him, clasped his fists and said, "Brother Ah Rong is such a good man. You knocked down so many guards. I admire you." "I admire you." Ah Rong shook his head slightly and said, "Brother Shi is joking. I just arrived. I didn't kill these people. Please help clean up the corpses and clear the aisle for the emperor." Shi Heng nodded and knew. The emperor Rong mentioned was Zhu Qizhen, and he quickly arranged for the sergeants to go to Qingli Courtyard. Several people followed Arong to see the "new emperor" Zhu Qizhen. As they walked, Shi Heng said: "Brother Arong is so humble. With such good skills, you will have to teach me some tricks later." Arong smiled and said, "It's easy to say, but it's really not me who killed these people, it was this old gentleman who did it." As he spoke, everyone walked in. In the hall, I saw an old man sitting in the hall. He was wearing the coarse clothes of a handyman. He had no special appearance, except that one eye was big and the other was small. He had a fair complexion and a medium build. He didn't look extraordinary at all. There, Shi Heng looked the old man up and down. He looked very unfamiliar, but he seemed to have seen it before. Could it be that he was disguised? Shi Heng thought about staring into the old man's eyes, but he was shocked. It turned out that the old man really killed someone, because that There was still a layer of violence in his slightly cloudy eyes, which was exactly the kind of look he had just finished killing someone. Shi Heng did not dare to look at him any more. He, Xu Youzhen, Zhang Fu and others clasped their fists at the old man and went to see Zhu. Qi Zhen was attacked, but Zhu Qizhen did not panic and seemed calm, because Lu Yunzhi had already sent someone to notify Zhu Qizhen. Zhu Qizhen agreed to Lu Yunzhi without any hesitation and was willing to take action to reset the situation. Zhu Qizhen Zhen understood that without Lu Yunzhi's protection and the help of that mysterious nobleman, he would have died countless times in the seven years since he came back. Not to mention that the reset was beneficial to him, even if Lu Yunzhi Even though he was told to go through fire and water, Zhu Qizhen refused to give up. He had already trusted Lu Yunzhi in his heart and was full of confidence in this coup. Thinking of the humiliation and embarrassment of life he had suffered in these years, Zhu Qizhen felt emotional for a while. Wan Qian, the day of being proud and proud has arrived, and the suffering of his wife Queen Qian can also be clarified. Thinking of these Zhu Qizhen's heroic spirit, I feel a little more awe of Lu Yunzhi in my heart. On the way back when he was welcomed back by Lu Yunzhi, Lu Yunzhi Yun Zhi once promised to himself to protect his peace, but now he supports his restoration. I will not deceive you sincerely. Shi Heng and others finished paying homage to Zhu Qizhen and supported him towards the door. The corpse outside the door had already been Being moved to both sides, Zhu Qizhen walked out of the gate between two rows of piled corpses. He stepped on the road to the palace with blood on his feet. When he walked to the door, he saw the old handyman at the door. Shi Heng and others nodded, knowing that the old man had special skills and did not dare to underestimate him. Zhu Qizhen noticed the change in everyone's expressions and looked at the old man carefully. This handyman had been serving him, but he didn't After taking a look at it several times, it was not that Zhu Qizhen was arrogant and had been reduced to the Nangong where he was under house arrest. He had no airs. It was just that this old handyman only did some menial work of chopping firewood and boiling water on weekdays and never entered the inner hall. Every time Zhu Qizhen wanted to chat with him, he would lower his head and run away, like a deaf-mute person. Only today did he see the old handyman's face. Although the moonlight was hazy, he had just seen the face. The few lanterns he picked out were not very bright, but Zhu Qizhen was still impressed. Although the face was unfamiliar, his temperament was so familiar, and his eyes were so familiar. For a moment, Zhu Qizhen thought of something, the man who held him while traveling. The man with the beautiful scenery in the palace, the man who accompanied him to read and study, the man who helped him inform the country but allowed him to defeat Tumubao, yes, it was him, a man who was more like his father than the late emperor, gave him A man with infinite care, it¡¯s just that he is not a man to be sure. Although his appearance has changed and his figure has become deliberately rickety, his eyes will not change. Zhu Qizhen murmured: "Mr. "The old man's body trembled slightly and he did not answer. He turned around and disappeared into the darkness with a few leaps. Zhu Qizhen's eyes were a little hazy and he could only sigh and walked towards the palace amid the urging of Shi Heng and others. In the darkness , Wang Zhen tore off the mask on his face.? Two lines of tears flowed out uncontrollably. Looking at Zhu Qizhen's retreating back, he said to himself: "My child, the hard days are finally over. I wish you good luck." After that, he remained motionless. , looking towards the direction of the palace, like a sculpture, Yu Qian was lying on the bed, slightly uneasy. He had a premonition that something was going to happen tonight, but tomorrow there would be a melee outside the city, and then he could lead the troops Entering the capital and electing Zhu Qixian as emperor, there is nothing to worry about now. Thinking of this, Yu Qian felt much calmer. After tossing and turning for a long time, Yu Qian finally decided to get up and watch the stars. Lu Yunzhi's fate The Qi has already reached the sky. Let alone the official calculation, even if you can see through the sky, you can't calculate Lu Yunzhi's strength at all. Of course, Lu Yunzhi has never exceeded three times his own, so Yu Qian is not worried about Lu Yunzhi's meeting. Looking through himself and looking at the sky at this moment, just to empty his mind and calm down his restless heart, Yu Qian stretched out his hands and pushed open the door. A cold wind blew in his face, but his heart was filled with warmth. Success or failure Tomorrow, success will outweigh failure. Yu Qian's eyes swept across the courtyard wall inadvertently, and suddenly he took a breath of air. No, murderous intent. The surroundings were full of murderous intent, but there was no sound. They were all masters lurking. Yu Qian slowly retreated. After a few steps, he touched the Soul Calm Tower placed in the house, and the Shadowless Sword in his hand was secretly ready to go. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 100: Fierce Tiger Confronting Hungry Wolf Yu Qian's eyes kept scanning the surroundings, and he walked out of the room with the Soul Calming Tower in his right hand and the Shadowless Sword in his left hand. His front legs were slightly bowed and his back legs were straightened, and his whole body was compact to prevent the opponent's sneak attack. These should be Lu Yunzhi's people. , Yu Qian secretly thought, "At this moment, the door of the courtyard was kicked open, and Shang Wang rushed in, shouting: "Master Yu, run quickly, Lu Yunzhi is ambushing you." In an instant, thousands of arrows were fired. Suddenly, Shang Wan was shot like a hedgehog, and he fell to the ground. Yu Qian opened his eyes wide and looked at Shang Wan who had become a bloody man. He saw Shang Wan vomiting blood from his mouth and still murmuring. He murmured: "Master Yu, run quickly, run quickly." Yu Qian defended himself against the sudden attack of archers around him, rushed to Shang Wang, squatted down, and shouted with emotion: "Shang Wang." Shang Wang smiled bitterly, He lowered his head, stopped moving and stopped breathing. Yu Qian stood up pitifully, looked at Shang Wang's body, stood up, his body was shaken, and with tears in his eyes he shouted: "Brother, walk slowly. Then he glanced around and shouted: "Come out, let's do it. Dodging is not what a hero does." Yu Qian had used Shang Wang, but at this moment Yu Qian was moved by Shang Wang. A man who values ??love and justice, in order to give himself. After reporting the news, his life was lost here, how could he lead Yu Qian unmoved? Guns and cannons fired at Yu Qian, projectiles and arrows hit Yu Qian accurately, Yu Qian waved the shadowless sword to resist, the sword shook with Yu Qian's wrist , knocking down the incoming objects continuously, suddenly Yu Qian felt a surge of sharp energy, and stepped back, but it was too late, a chill went down his waist and he looked down, only to see Shang Wan gritting his teeth, a look on his face Looking at Yu Qian sternly, two iron forks were inserted into both sides of Yu Qian's waist. Yu Qian swung the soul-suppressing tower to hit Shang Wan. Shang Wan had no time to pull out the two forks, flipped and jumped away, dodging Yu Qian's attack, and his blood flowed. It came out from Yu Qian's waist and dyed the skirt of his clothes red. It seemed that the penetration was very deep and had already damaged his internal organs. Yu Qian murmured: "Shang Wang, why are you doing this?" Shang Wang stood firm and put on his clothes The feathers and arrows were all pushed aside, and it turned out that they were all bare shafts with the arrows removed. The blood on the body and the blood spurting from the mouth should be some kind of red paint. It was just mixed with something to give it the bloody smell of blood. , Shang Wang looked directly at Yu Qianyi and said righteously: "Yu Qian, I think you are a loyal man who serves the country and the people, so I didn't kill you. I want you to understand that I already know about Du Hai. In order for me to help you wholeheartedly, and in order for me to no longer have any concerns about the Zhongzheng lineage, you ordered Du Hai to be killed. It is really despicable. Today I will take your life for Du Hai. Revenge." Shang Wu said and pulled out two more short halberds from his waist, waving them and rubbing his body to fight with Yu Qian. Dozens of figures jumped down from the roof, all of them were masters of the hidden tribe, surrounding Yu Qian. To support the battle, Yu Qian's robes were soaked with blood, and he was surrounded by people, but he did not fall behind at all. He seemed to be getting braver as he fought, and he kept letting out bursts of violent shouts, like an old man. The lion was making its final struggle. After Yu Qian killed two Yinbu warriors with the Shadowless Sword, he was also scratched on the shoulder by several Yinbu warriors who were originally soul-eating beasts. Ten finger holes instantly appeared on the shoulder. The swimming blood damaged the meridians, and the movements of his hands gradually slowed down. Yu Qian roared his way out of the siege, sheathed the Shadowless Sword and turned away from the Soul Calming Tower. All the masters of the hidden tribe had followed Lu Yunzhi in the night attack on the capital a few years ago. , naturally knew how powerful the Soul Calming Tower was, so he wanted to take advantage of Yu Qian's unstable footing to kill him to prevent him from exerting the power of the Soul Calming Tower. However, he never thought that Yu Qian was not in a hurry to hit the tower body after leaving the Soul Calming Tower. Anticipating the intentions of the warriors, Yu Qian separated the tower and held it in his hands, broke through it and swept it to both sides. The ghosts emerged on the soul-suppressing tower and entangled everyone one after another. The remaining evil spirits gathered on the tower, and the tower turned red. A piece of light, sweeping with great power, several people were swept in an instant. Some of their heads exploded on the spot, and some of their bodies were shattered, and their heads could not be connected. The two halberds held by Shang Wan showed the runes on them. Liuguang killed the ghosts driven out of the soul-suppressing tower, and then threw himself in front of Yu Qian. Yu Qian's arms were already unable to move, and his waist was seriously injured by Shang Wang and his internal organs were injured. Every time he moved, a trace of blood would spill out of his mouth. , Shang Wang came very quickly, and Yu Qian was caught off guard. After swiping the soul-suppressing tower with both hands and smashing the two people around him, his arms were tightly hugged by several people. The two halberds were inserted into Yu Qian's shoulders. Shang Wang used the force of his fall to chop down, and blood suddenly flowed. The spray spurted out and sprayed all over Shang Wan's head and body. Shang Wan flipped his halberds over and scratched Yu Qian's chest twice, both of which were bruises. Then he held it upside down in his hand and unplugged the two halberds inserted into Yu Qian's waist. Cross, Yu Qian shouted again and again, using his arms hard, the soul-suppressing tower once again emitted a strange stream of light, sending everyone around him flying, but the power was not as powerful as before. He just repeled everyone but no one was injured. Yu Qian took a few deep breaths and used His back was pressed against the wall behind him, and the ground was dripping with blood. His chest and shoulders were seriously injured, and the most fatal thing was the double cross on his waist.The blood hole that came out was like a gushing column of blood just now without pulling out the forks. Now when he suddenly pulled out the blood, it spurted out. Yu Qian's face turned pale, his steps were extremely messy, and he leaned against the wall tightly to prevent his opponent from coming. The sneak attack from behind was also because if he didn't lean against the wall and rely on the wall for support, he might fall down and never get up again. Yu Qian lifted up his robe and wrapped it twice around his waist to block the blood that kept coming out. Then he threw the Shadowless Sword high, bit the hilt of the Shadowless Sword with his teeth, his eyes revealed endless murderous intent, and waved the two pieces of Soul Calm Tower together in his hands, with the top of the tower facing the bottom of the tower, a dark hole. He suddenly struck such a person with his broken mouth, and an invisible force rushed towards the crowd. Yu Qian staggered, but fell down without stopping, waving the Soul Calm Tower, shaking the Shadowless Sword in his mouth, and rushed towards Among the crowd, he wanted to fight to the death. Intangible, that is, tangible, without moves, is better than having a photo. Lu Yunzhi fell from the sky, and blocked the attack of Yu Qian's soul-suppressing tower with his invisible sky and earth control skills, and then used his energy to turn into a sword. Slashing at Yu Qian, Yu Qian held the soul-suppressing tower with both hands and held the Shadowless Sword in his mouth. The three-legged tripod stood up to block it. After a loud impact, Yu Qian flew out and fell to the ground. He could not get up anymore. He was exhausted. After using up the last bit of strength, there was not much time left. Lu Yunzhi turned around and looked at his subordinates behind him. They were all injured. They all stared at Yu Qian with anger, but no one was willing to step forward and end Yu Qian's life, because Yu Qian Even though he was defeated, it was an honor, but he showed the majesty of a good man, fought against all the heroes unyieldingly, and fought to the end, which is really admirable. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 101: The Last Wish Lu Yunzhi looked at Shang Wan. Shang Wan nodded and walked quickly to Yu Qian with his weapon in hand. Looking at Yu Qian who was lying on the ground panting hard, he suddenly felt a little reluctant to do anything. Yu Qian's lungs seemed to have been hit hard. It might have been just now. The pressure generated by the collision between the Qi Cheng Sword and his blade hit his lungs. At this moment, his breathing sounded like a broken bellows twitching, huffing and puffing. Yu Qian looked at Shang Wan and Lu Yunzhi with a sinister smile. A low laugh came from his throat, and the laughter grew from small to loud, and finally laughed wildly while blood foam continued to spurt from his mouth. Shang Wan asked coldly: "What else do you want to say." Yu Qian did not answer, but just turned his head to one side, and Lu Yunzhi whispered: "Yu Qian, you are undoubtedly defeated, but don't worry, I will not let the Ming Dynasty die. Yao Guangxiao's prediction is just nonsense. Remember, man can conquer heaven." Yu Qian looked sideways at Lu Yunzhi, his eyes lit up and asked, "Can you let me live a few more hours?" Lu Yunzhi was a little surprised by Yu Qian's request, but he shook his head and said to Shang Wang. You ask him, today is to avenge Shang Wang, otherwise I will kill you." Shang Wang did not look at Yu Qian anymore, but asked Lu Yunzhi: "How long does he have to live?" Lu Yunzhi put his hand on him. Yu Qian felt his pulse and after a moment he replied: "No more than two hours." Shang Wang nodded, turned to the masters of the Yin tribe behind him and said: "I want to let him live for two more hours, brothers should think that How?" Everyone was silent. Although there were casualties in the battle just now, they were just performing their mission and had no deep hatred against Yu Qian. If Shang Wu and Lu Yunzhi did not pursue the two victims, the Yinbu would not. What to say? Seeing that no one answered, Shang Wang put away his weapon and sighed: "Lord, send two people to watch him and don't let him treat him. As for where he wants to go and what he wants to do, Let him go, as long as it doesn't affect our big plan, Yu Qian is a good man, and I want to fulfill his wish. Since he is not going to die soon, I can also take revenge for Du Hai, my lord thinks it's good. " Lu Yun. He nodded and replied: "Well, let's do it. You guys should step back first. I have something to say to Yu Qian." Shang Wan and others clasped their hands and clasped their fists, and all said that Lu Yunzhi was the heaven, and then they withdrew one after another. Lu Yunzhi took out a pipe from his arms, which Fang Qingze bought for him, then lit it and took two deep puffs. The smoke slowly floated out from the pipe. Lu Yunzhi took a gentle puff and handed it to the man lying on the ground. Yu Qian said: "This is Hongfan's pipe. It may feel better to take a puff." Yu Qian smiled slightly, took it, took a puff and coughed, but there was a hint of relief in his eyes, and then he took a few more puffs. Then he gave it back to Lu Yunzhi and asked: "What do you want to do after everything is done?" "I haven't thought about it yet. My fight with you is just to save my life, not to fight for power. I may go into seclusion later. Mountain forest, but before that I have to destroy Ying Mei. You also know that he will stir up trouble in the world in order to find heroes. I have promised many people to destroy him. In fact, the most important thing is that I have also eaten him. It's a big loss. Now that I have learned Wuying and he can't do anything to me, then I should hunt him down and try to make his soul fly away. Then, there will be a real peace in the world. The more important thing is to recover the losses I suffered. Ha ha ha ha. Lu Yunzhi said with a smile, as if he was chatting with an old friend, and said teasingly, Yu Qian also laughed: "You really must retaliate, but I just don't have the ability. If I have the ability like you , after defeating you, I will also fight against Ying Mei with all my strength. " Lu Yunzhi nodded and sighed and said: "It's still what I said back then. Due to various reasons, whether it was a prophecy or different political views, we have reached the point where we want to kill each other and then quickly. If it hadn't been like this, You and I may be considered good friends. Alas, it's too late to say this now, but I will take good care of your Daming and let you go with peace of mind. " "It is not my Ming Dynasty, it is the people's Ming Dynasty, the Zhu family's Ming Dynasty. We, as ministers, must fulfill our responsibilities and cannot disrupt the state for the sake of personal gain. I have gone too far. I hope you will not make the same mistake I did. . "Yu Qian took a few breaths and said laboriously, "Lu Yunzhi waved his hand: "At this time, you are still preaching. You can take a break. I understand what you said. I don't have such big ambitions. I will wait until things are settled." After all, I will go far away, and I will never support my own troops or monopolize power. By the way, what do you want to do if you want to live for a few more hours? Do you really want to lecture me? I don¡¯t want to listen to you. clich¨¦. " Yu Qian smiled and said: "Who wants to talk to you? I just want to go to court again. I want to die in court and die under the laws of the Ming Dynasty. I am a minister of the Ming Dynasty. It would be too bad to die in your hands. I have been wronged, so I must die under the laws of the Ming Dynasty. As the saying goes, I am not afraid of being shattered into pieces, but I want to leave my innocence in the world. "Lu Yunzhi nodded, feeling suddenly sad in his heart. He stood up and said, "Okay, you continue to lie down."Come here. Whether you can survive until the time of the court depends on your luck. If you can come, I will definitely fulfill your dream. Death in the hands of traitors may be the ending that a loyal minister deserves. At least Yue Fei and Yue Shaobao will not die. Is that so? Yu Shaobao, you should also have this kind of ending and gain the same reputation. "After speaking, Lu Yunzhi threw the pipe to Yu Qian, then turned around and walked out the door. Yu Qian shouted: "Remember, after I die, I will also deal with Xiaoxiao who is seeking power this time, whether it is you or My subordinates are just power-hungry people who bring disaster to the country and the people. In short, they must leave no one behind. They must eradicate the roots, but don't act too hastily. I am an example. "Lu Yunzhi stopped, without turning around or speaking, "Thank you. "Yu Qian said with a smile. Lu Yunzhi walked away and drifted away. Shi Heng and others escorted Zhu Qizhen on the road. Everyone looked nervous. Although Shi Heng was in charge of the city defense, he was not in charge of the patrol officers and soldiers. Yeah, it's really hard to tell if they were to be interrogated. During the curfew, with Zhu Qizhen and a thousand soldiers and horses, anyone could tell that he was going to rebel. If he met the officers and soldiers patrolling the city, he would definitely There was a fierce battle. A group of people were marching faster to avoid the officers and soldiers patrolling the city. They came whatever they were afraid of. A large group of people came in front of them. They were obviously the defenders patrolling the city. Moreover, it was not a small team of dozens of people. There were hundreds of people. Shi Heng became nervous again and broke out in cold sweat. On the other hand, Zhang Fu was even more frightened. Xu Youzhen was frightened even though her face remained calm. Only Ah Rong looked calm. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 102: The incident of seizing the door The team of several hundred people suddenly gave way to both sides, and the first commander clasped his fists and raised his hands, shouting: "By the decree of heaven, come to pick him up." Zhu Qizhen's face was full of glory, thinking that the destiny he mentioned was him. It seemed that The tree fell and the monkeys scattered, and his brother Zhu Qiyu lost his heart. Thinking of this, Zhu Qizhen sighed. Ah Rong saw through Zhu Qizhen's thoughts and laughed secretly. The deputy general who patrolled the city was a member of Secret Thirteen. The so-called Tian just called Lu Yunzhi. Shi Heng, Xu Youzhen and others didn't know why. They looked at the patrol officers and soldiers lined up on both sides, escorting Zhu Qizhen through. They didn't dare to neglect at all for fear of having a plan. Zhu Qizhen was arrogant. Accepting it calmly, there were no books along the way. After a cup of tea, everyone came to the outside of Donghua Gate. Xu Youzhen knocked on the palace door. Someone asked: "Who knocked on the palace door late at night? Are you afraid of execution?" Nine tribes?" Zhu Qizhen shouted: "I am the Supreme Emperor." He has been captured by Wala for eight years and suffered humiliation for one year. If it were not for the protection of his younger brother Boyan Timur, he would have been buried long ago. In the desert, I thought that I would have a good life after returning home. Although it was impossible for my younger brother Zhu Qizhen to return the throne to him, at least his life would be preserved and he would have no worries about food and clothing. How could he have thought that it would be like this again? Seven years of humiliation. During these seven years, life was worse than death. I worked hard every day to walk on thin ice, fearing that someone would catch me. Even so, my life was still precarious. I was in danger many times, let alone food and clothing. I could only rely on money. The queen made embroidery to supplement the family income. Later, Lu Yunzhi entered the capital and made her life easier. However, it was far from the prosperity and wealth of the past. Eight years, eight years of worry and humiliation turned into a roar today: " I am the Supreme Emperor." The palace door opened. Cao Jixiang stood at the entrance of the palace, standing with his fists clasped, but without saluting, he chanted: "Congratulations to the Supreme Emperor for returning to the palace." Shi Heng, Zhang Fu, Xu Youzhen and others were relieved. It turned out that Lu Yunzhi had made arrangements a long time ago, and acted so cautiously and comprehensively. Not only did he let them go to die, but he had done a great job. The moment he stepped into the palace gate, it was the success of the coup, and he took over the palace. After the victory of the Gate, everyone walked quickly on the avenue of the palace. Many eunuchs and guards emerged from everywhere to join the team, expressing their support for Zhu Qizhen's restoration. Xu Youzhen's face was red. He thought that what he had done was too clear. , there is nothing wrong with joining the resettlement fight for the gate. This is really a popular move. Now it seems that a big thing has been accomplished. Otherwise, how could these eunuch guards support and follow them? Little did they know that this was all arranged by Lu Yunzhi. Even the guards of the palace gate If it can't be solved, people in the palace will still come to help and fight to open the palace door. However, the guards at Donghua Gate understand the current situation and open the palace door accordingly. This way a massacre is avoided, and those who hold The guards and eunuchs of the weapons dropped their weapons and joined the celebrating team. With the support of everyone, Zhu Qizhen walked into the Fengtian Hall, while Xu Youzhen rang the big bell for going to court. , the palace door opened wide to welcome the ministers who were about to go to court. Lu Yunzhi was already in the palace at this moment. He held Zhu Jianshen's hand and walked towards the harem step by step. No one knew how he came in, but everyone knew him , this is the real master of the Ming Dynasty, Lu Yunzhi, the master of Zhongzheng Pulse, Zhu Qiyu was drowsy in bed. Last night, his headache and stomach disease broke out again, making him feel very uncomfortable. Zhu Qiyu could not sleep until late at night. He fell asleep and was awakened by the big bell of the court. He knew that the bell was no longer ringing for him. His brother was back, Zhu Qizhen was back, he had regained his throne, and the thing he was most worried about happened. But Zhu Qiyu was not horrified, but instead smiled. Over the years, he had been blaming himself and feeling guilty. He had not slept peacefully for a day since he ascended the throne. In this kind of self-torture, Zhu Qiyu's body also Slowly dying, he only ended up in such a half-dead state. Now he is better. He no longer has to worry and fear, no longer has to be anxious and guilty. Zhu Qizhen took back what he had and returned to the throne. Zhu Qiyu felt very calm in his heart, and the corner of his mouth With a proud smile, "The country is returned to you, I wish you good luck, my royal brother. "Zhu Qiyu looked out the window and said with happiness on his face. He fell asleep. He slept very soundly. He had never been so sweet. When all the officials came to court, they all felt the different atmosphere last night, the kind of depression and The desolation is indescribable. Although it is not bright yet, it has become extremely comfortable. The feeling from last night has completely disappeared. When they walked into the palace gate, they were surprised to find a person blocking the way to the palace. That person was Xu Youzhen, who was not a high-ranking person. He is an unimportant official with no special characteristics at all. Apart from his contribution in managing the Shawan breach, he has no special political achievements. Some people even remember that he once promised to move south many years ago, but he was righteously punished by Yu Qian, Zhongzheng and others. He was driven out of the court with words, but no one dared to laugh at Xu Youzhen today. Perhaps he could also be called by his original name Xu Jue, because the ministers all remembered that Xu Youzhen's current official position was guaranteed by Lu Yunzhi. There is no doubt that he is Lu Yunzhi. The person who rhymes with, Xu?Xu Youzhen looked triumphantly at the group of once arrogant and incomparable ministers in front of her, and said arrogantly: "The Supreme Emperor has been restored to his throne. Please go and congratulate him quickly." Everyone was stunned and thanked Xu Youzhen one after another. With a little grace, I entered the main hall with my thoughts in mind. The palace door was slowly closing when the hour was approaching, but I heard someone shouting outside the palace door. The voice was deafening but slightly out of breath: "Wait a minute. Wait for me." Yu Qian walked into the palace gate slowly in his court clothes. He was neatly dressed, but blood kept leaking out of his clothes. There were bloody footprints under his feet. He walked like this, and he didn't know how much blood he had. It can be leaked. Xu Youzhen was stunned. According to the plan he knew, Yu Qian should have been encircled and killed long ago. How could he appear here? Could it be that Yu Qian broke out of the encirclement to seek revenge. Xu Youzhen had never seen Yu Qian take action, but I have also heard of Yu Qian's reputation, but the most important thing is that Yu Qian's reputation has long been imprinted in the hearts of hundreds of officials in the court. There is no corrupt official who is afraid of hearing his name. The powerful Xiaoxiao even regards Yu Qian as the god of plague, Xu Youzhen trembles She took a shaky step back, followed by the second step. As Yu Qian approached step by step, Xu Youzhen stepped back. Yu Qian did not make it difficult for Xu Youzhen, and did not even look at him, looking at Fengtian Temple intently. Walking, in front of the main hall, where the morning rituals are usually held, there are Yu Qian's hopes and all he has given his life for. Yu Qian's steps were a bit messy, and he staggered and almost fell. No one dared to help him, because Yu Qian was defeated. A pair of hands Supporting Yu Qian, Yu Qian looked up and saw that the man with sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes and slightly white temples was Lu Yunzhi. Yu Qian smiled back and remained silent. With Lu Yunzhi's support, Yu Qian walked to the Fengtian Hall and held his hands. Standing in awe but not kneeling, he shouted: "Long live the Ming Dynasty, long live the Ming Dynasty." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 103: Reasonable Reasons for Killing After ascending the throne and sitting in the palace, he announced to the world that Zhu Qizhen's restoration was successful. All civil and military officials bowed and knelt down to congratulate Zhu Qizhen. Xu Youzhen, Shi Heng and others felt very complicated at this moment. They watched eagerly as Lu Yunzhi supported Yu Qian. Standing in front of the palace, no one dared to say anything for fear of offending Lu Yunzhi. In their opinion, the power of the Zhongzheng line had now reached its peak, and no one could afford to offend him. Yu Qian had already lost. What if he could stop Lu Yunzhi? Instead of blocking the car with his arms, will Lu Yunzhi be soft-hearted and be moved by Yu Qian's loyalty, so as to let him go? This is the doubt in the hearts of every restoration minister. They underestimated Lu Yunzhi too much and got to where Yu Qian is today. It was not easy, and it was even more difficult for Lu Yunzhi. How could he let go of being too modest? Yes, Lu Yunzhi was indeed shocked by Yu Qian. He instantly understood the true meaning of being a loyal minister, taking the country as his own responsibility, and the country he said was not easy. A good explanation is better than anything else, but Lu Yunzhi has no mercy. Being kind to his enemies, especially those who are difficult to deal with like Yu Qian, is his own destruction. Just as Lu Yunzhi and Yu Qian had a truce, Qingmei cooked wine and discussed heroes. As it is said, there are no heroes in the world except the two of them, and no one is worthy of the word hero. The relationship between the two of them is that either you die or I die, and after one person dies, the other person will have no one to live with. It is a kind of luck and a kind of sadness to be able to coexist with the same heroes in the same life. The loser must have a feeling of being good and bright, Lu Yunzhi looked at Shi Heng and others, and then lowered his head to look at the already gasping Yu Qian said softly: "Just do whatever you want to do." Xu Youzhen was relieved. He got the approval of Lu Yunzhi's eyes. In addition, Shi Heng and others had already regarded him as a member of the Zhongzheng line during this coup. The backbone of the crowd, so he ordered the arrest of Yu Qian, Wang Wen and others in court, and escorted them to cells to await trial. The arrested people were the so-called Yu Xie people. Zhu Qizhen was obviously caught off guard by this result. Everything was happening in the familiar court. Now that the attentive ministers were busy, everything was going on in an orderly manner. The emperor Zhu Qizhen only needed to sit high in the hall and nod his approval. When all the affairs were arranged, Cao Jixiang announced his resignation, and Zhu Qizhen announced his resignation. Qi Zhen left Lu Yunzhi, Shi Heng, Xu Youzhen and others behind. All the ministers bowed deeply and stepped back with fists clasped. Everything was over. The seizure of the throne had become a fact. Nothing could change the outcome of Zhu Qizhen's return to the throne. , who will find him no longer here now? The ministers hurriedly retreated and went back to discuss how to clear up their relationship with Yu Qian and others, and how to curry favor with the newly appointed restoration ministers. Of course, everything revolved around Zhongzheng The leader of the line, Lu Yunzhi, came. Many people were glad that they had not offended Master Lu, but a few people were worried. After Zhu Qizhen saw all the ministers leaving, he dispersed the eunuchs who were serving on the left and right. Xu Youzhen started to kill the man who had just been killed. When he was arrested, Zhu Qizhen asked hurriedly: "Is it okay to kill Yu Qian? Besides, I have to involve such ministers. I just started killing people as soon as I came to the throne. How should the people in the world think of me?" Your Majesty, you are premeditated to gain the throne, and a few years ago you pushed for Zhu Qiyu to be the emperor. At that time, you were unwilling to negotiate peace with Wala, which meant that you were putting your majesty in danger, and then you did not repent and tried to murder your majesty. His crime should be punished. " Zhu Qizhen nodded, but then shook his head and said, "Yu Qian has merit. "Zhu Qizhen has gone through so many years of hard life, and his mind has matured a lot. Yu Qian is indeed a hero of the Ming Dynasty. Everyone knows that although his methods cannot be said to be aboveboard, he behaves like a loyal minister and adopted son, and his actions this time , it is really for the sake of Ming Dynasty. Having said that, even the Zhongzheng lineage, Shi Heng and others who support themselves now, I think they agreed with Yu Qian's actions at the time. It is difficult to say whether it is right or wrong, but Yu Qian did serve the country. Min Li has made great achievements. When Xu Youzhen heard what Zhu Qizhen said, she was speechless for a moment and didn't know how to answer. She had to look at Lu Yunzhi aside, only to see Lu Yunzhi's hands were covered with Yu Qian's blood. He wiped the hem of his clothes, waved his hands impatiently, and was about to leave. Zhu Qizhen quickly stood up and walked forward, grabbed Lu Yunzhi, bowed deeply and said, "Brother Lu Xian, please accept my bow." . " Lu Yunzhi supported Zhu Qizhen, asked him to stand up straight, and then said: "Your Majesty, these days are different from the past. Now that you are the master of the world, you can no longer call each other brother to me, and you can even bow to me. But Zhu Qizhen shook his head and said: "Yunzhi, you will always be my brother. A friend in need is a friend indeed. Without your care and current efforts, how could I have regained my position in the Ninth Five-Year Plan? Since you said so Yes, I won¡¯t bow to you anymore, but don¡¯t refuse to be called my younger brother. " Lu Yunzhi nodded and said: "It is said that His Majesty values ??affection and righteousness. It is true. Speaking of imperial brother, Zhu Qiyu also called me imperial brother. Haha, today is a happy day. Let's not talk about these unhappy things. I am Zhu Jianshen's father and master. I accept this title of imperial brother with peace of mind. Your Majesty, please be busy. I will take my leave first. " Zhu Qizhen cupped his hands and said, "Walk slowly. "Lu Yunzhi also cupped his hands and fists, and then left.?, Zhu Qizhen watched Lu Yunzhi leave, sighing with emotion that so many things had happened in the past half day. Just as he was thinking about it, he was interrupted by Xu Youzhen. Xu Youzhen said: "Your Majesty, Yu Qian's matter" "The detention cell, He will not be employed forever, and he will be strictly guarded and spared. You see, this can be considered as a reward for his loyalty to the Ming Dynasty." Zhu Qizhen said lightly, "Xu Youzhen took two steps back, frowning, he must. He had to kill Yu Qian to extinguish the fire in his heart and avenge the humiliation that day. Xu Youzhen thought about it. Instead of retreating, he took two steps forward and shouted: "Your Majesty, if you don't kill Yu Qian, seize the door." "The change is meaningless." Zhu Qizhen thought for a moment, yes, Xu Youzhen was right, no matter whether the final result was that Zhu Qiyu had intended to return the throne to himself, or to make his son Zhu Jianshen the prince, it would be fine. Or he could establish another vassal king as the emperor. In short, he must have a reason for seizing the throne. Without this reason, this seizing the throne would be a naked coup. Yu Qian's original idea was to make Zhu Qixian the emperor. If this was used as a reason, , saying that he colluded with the vassal king to plot the world, and his coup to seize the throne was reasonable. Thinking of this, Zhu Qizhen finally understood that Yu Qian had to die, for the sake of his own world, for himself to no longer be afraid of those hard days, for To enjoy the glory and wealth again, Yu Qian must die. Zhu Qizhen turned and walked away, but left a message: "I'm tired, you can do whatever you want." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 104: Compassion and mutual sympathy As soon as Zhu Qizhen's words came out, it was up to you to figure it out, which gave Xu Youzhen and others great confidence. The settlement of accounts after the autumn began the next day. A large number of court officials were arrested, some of whom were indeed close to Yu Qian, but most of them Most of them are people who have different political views from Xu Youzhen, Shi Heng and others, and they just take this opportunity to eliminate their dissidents. Others are people who have done some things that are harmful to Zhu Qizhen. They added insult to injury at that time, but today they have caused their own consequences. Imprisonment, severe cases of separation of body and head, and death. I don't know if they regret it. For example, Lu Zhong in the Golden Knife Case, and Gao Ping who cut down the trees around Nangong, cannot escape this disaster. Of course, at the same time, there were many changes in the cabinet members. Cabinet ministers such as Jiang Yuan, Shang Ren, Chen Xun, etc. were replaced. Xu Youzhen, Shi Heng, and others helped Zhu Qizhen to seek a coup for their own prosperity. These restoration ministers did not They treated themselves well and recommended each other's nominations. Zhu Qizhen and Lu Yunzhi also agreed one by one, which made them particularly gratified. Xu Youzhen was promoted to Minister of the Ministry of War and entered the cabinet, while Shi Heng was named Zhongguo Gong, which was regarded as a response to the request. On the way to Mu'er, Shi Fang once said that Shi Heng would definitely become a marquis in the future. Zhang Fu's contribution was not small. He was named a Marquis and named Taiping Marquis, while Yang Shan, Yang Zhun and others kept a low profile. Many, slightly more than half a level as a mark of commendation, Lu Yunzhi even rejected Zhu Qizhen's idea of ??listing him as one of the three princes. Lu Yunzhi held great power and had a tendency to override the imperial power. If he wanted these false names, he would It's useless. Besides, Yu Qian is dead. There is no living hero who can compete with Lu Yunzhi, let alone suppress others in government affairs. In this way, the promotion of Yang Shan and Yang Zhun is easy to understand. One is Lu Yunzhi. The other is Lu Yunzhi¡¯s father-in-law, and the other is the uncle of Lu Yunzhi¡¯s father-in-law. These two identities are more useful than the royal relatives, so promotion is optional. However, Cao Jixiang, who is also from the Zhongzheng lineage, jumped Then, with Lu Yunzhi's instruction, he took over the position of the eunuch of the ceremony, firmly controlled the inner palace, and supervised the three major battalions at the same time. In addition, the military power held by Lu Yunzhi was now supervised by his own people. The main force guarding the capital, the three battalions of the National Sword, have become Lu Yunzhi's private soldiers. In this incident, the strength of the three battalions in the capital played an important role in blocking Yu Qian's army outside the city. When Cheng Fangdong occupied In the capital, Yu Qian was forced to negotiate peace with Lu Yunzhi. When the military power was handed over, Lu Yunzhi and Yu Qian had an agreement. First, they would never change their surnames and establish themselves as kings. There will still be Zhu family members in the country. Second, once there is In the border war, we will definitely resist foreign enemies and prevent foreign invasions. Third, we will stabilize the country and stabilize the country, calm the turbulent situation, and save the people from the disaster of war. With these three agreements, Yu Qian can safely hand over his troops to Zhongzheng. Yu Qian does not believe in the Zhongzheng Yiline, but Yu Qian knows that on such a big issue of right and wrong, the Zhongzheng Yiline is still reliable. Lu Yunzhi did not violate the previous agreement this time and be a villain who broke his promise. Because this agreement was very comprehensive after careful consideration. First, Lu Yunzhi was a restoration. He did not establish himself as king, nor did he create a new surname for the emperor. Zhu Qizhen was still the one with the surname Zhu. Secondly, it did not exist at all. In the past few years, the border wars have not been urgent, and there is no dangerous situation that requires the mobilization of troops from the capital. The third is that except for those loyal to Yu Qian who were killed by Wang Zhen in the Nangong garrison, there were no casualties at all in this coup, and it was not involved. The common people and the situation were turbulent, and the confrontation between the armies outside the city was nothing more than a shock. It was like a drill. The coup to seize the door was a success without a single blow. After the change of power in the capital, the most powerful cabinet had become ineffective, but Xu Youzhen stood firm Concerned about the composition of the cabinet, four of the original five members of the cabinet were laid off, leaving only Gao Gu, who was not responsible for the affairs. So Xu Youzhen promoted Xu Bin, who was also a participant in the coup, and his confidant Xue Xuanru Even so, there was still one missing person. Xu Youzhen took a fancy to Li Xian, so Li Xian also joined the cabinet. What Xu Youzhen didn't expect was that her future failure would be inextricably related to Li Xian. If He could know in advance whether he would promote Li Xian or send Li Xian to prison. At least the restoration party was still at its peak at this time. Yu Qian died and was already in trouble when he was imprisoned. Yes, Xu Youzhen meant to claim that Yu Qian committed suicide out of fear of crime, but Lu Yunzhi and Zhu Qizhen did not allow it. Zhu Qizhen claimed that if Yu Qian died in prison, the people would mistakenly believe that Yu Qian died of torture, so he concealed the truth. His actions were detrimental to the prestige of the country, and Lu Yunzhi promised to be too modest. It would be better for him to die an upright death by being killed by a traitor, and someone like Xu Youzhen was the most suitable. Of course, Lu Yunzhi did not explain this reason clearly, and Xu Youzhen also He didn't dare to ask more questions. The emperor and Master Lu had already spoken. Who dared not to obey? So Wang Yulu appeared in the prison. Half an hour later, Yu Qian's face remained the same as before, and his expression remained the same. He just closed his eyes tightly. If anyone If you put your hand on his skin, you will find that it is cold. It turns out that he just looks like a living person. The crime has been laid out, that is, to welcome the establishment of a foreign vassal, in other wordsIt was a crime of treason. On the 23rd of the first lunar month, Yu Qian was beheaded and executed outside Chongwen Gate. The cold weather and Wang Yulu's medication were indeed sophisticated. Yu Qian appeared lifelike for the last time in front of the people. As the head fell to the ground, blood poured out, vividly It's really hard for Wang Yulu to be so realistic. Originally, Xu Youzhen wanted to kill Yu Qian in half, but Lu Yunzhi glared at her and no longer dared to make her own claim. People like Xu Youzhen may never understand what it means to cherish each other, and all they know is that they have the same odor. , With Yu Qian¡¯s beheading, his home was also ransacked, but every official who went to ransack his home was ashen-faced. They were all deeply shocked by the death of Yu Qian, because this high-ranking official in the court Surprisingly, the family has only four walls, holds military power, has a large amount of military equipment, food and grass, which can be used for corruption, and yet it is still so clean and honest. The only valuable things in the family are the sword and python robe that Zhu Qiyu once gave to Yu Qian. Everyone understands, what does it mean to be an upright official? It is called a loyal minister, and the wealth of the country should not be taken away. Yu Qian's sons and daughters-in-law were sent to the frontiers one after another. Originally, the nine tribes should be punished for treason, but they were spared. It must be Lu Yunzhi's credit, Yu Qian's Daughter-in-law Zhang was sent to Shanhaiguan, and son Yu Mian was deported to Longmen, Shanxi, where he was taken care of by Fang Qingze. Yu Mian gladly accepted the help of the Zhongzheng lineage, because Yu Qian once said that Lu Yunzhi was a powerful figure in the world and a great person. For a man with a broad mind, the dispute between his father's generation has ended. Yu Mian only hopes to redress his father's injustice in the future, and Lu Yunzhi agreed to him firmly, Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 105: Harem Schemes Yu Qian was beheaded, his son and daughter-in-law were sent away, and there was no one to collect his body. Chen Feng, the governor's colleague, collected Yu Qian's body under the instruction of Lu Yunzhi, and then handed it over to Fang Qingze. Fang Qingze sent someone back to Yu Qian's hometown Qiantang. Arranging the merchants over there to bury him, it was considered to be a good burial. Fang Qingze was influenced by Lu Yunzhi and admired Yu Qian a little. He originally wanted to find a geomantic treasure land to build a temple for people to worship, but Lu Yunzhi said: "Life Since ancient times, no one has died, but his loyalty will be remembered in history." He then chanted: "It is a blessing to bury loyal bones in the green mountains, and to cast innocent ministers into the white iron." Fang Qingze scratched his head and asked, "What does this mean?" Lu Yunzhi sighed. He said in a breath: "No matter where he is buried, it will be the same. Sending him back to Qiantang is nothing more than letting him return to his roots. No matter where he is buried, such a loyal and adopted son will be remembered by the people and will be remembered forever." Zhu Qixiang has been in a state of panic recently. He wanted to return to his territory, but was surrounded by a large army and could not leave. Fortunately, no one used violence against him, and no one came to interrogate him. But the more this happened, the more Zhu Qixiang became. He was so frightened that he sent Zhu Jianwen to see Lu Yunzhi several times, but he still avoided him. Zhu Qi Xiang almost regretted that he didn't listen to Zhu Jianwen's words, but Zhu Jianwen was much more indifferent. In his view, this was an inevitable result, but as a son of man, he could not abandon Zhu Qixiang and leave alone. Although Zhu Qixiang stayed in Yuqian's camp just for those concubines and a few concubines, Zhu Jianwen knew that Lu Yun Zhi will definitely come to see him, and the moment they meet is the day he dies and is executed by his entire family. Lu Yunzhi could do such a ruthless thing. At noon on the twenty-seventh day of the first lunar month, he seizes the door. On the eleventh day after the beginning, it was also the tenth day that Zhu Qizhen officially returned to the throne. It was also four days after Yu Qian's death. Lu Yunzhi walked into the palace without any announcement and no need to inform. This is the lineage of Zhongzheng. The treatment he deserved was that Shi Fang could enter the palace in a sedan chair back then. However, Lu Yunzhi did not wait for the pomp and ceremony. He just strolled on the avenue in the palace and greeted the guards and eunuchs from time to time. Zhu Qi When the town learned about Lu Yunzhi's visit, he did not bother to take a lunch break. He stood up to greet him and called his concubines to greet Lu Yunzhi together. This was the first time Lu Yunzhi came to visit him after the incident of seizing the door. Zhu Qizhen couldn't hold back his stomach. I want to say this to Lu Yunzhi. After Lu Yunzhi stepped into the palace, he first bowed his hands to Zhu Qizhen and said, "Your Majesty, your Majesty, Lu Yunzhi is so polite." His voice was neither humble nor overbearing, approachable, and most of the concubines had never seen it before. Lu Yunzhi was all shocked. It was really rude to speak to the emperor like this. Then he thought that the rumors were true. Lu Yunzhi was the ruler of the Ming Dynasty today, and Zhu Qizhen was just a puppet emperor. So they all They all kept posing and winking at Lu Yunzhi, "In fact, this is what the Zhongzheng Pulse Lord should be like, it's not that Lu Yunzhi is pretending to be low-status, not humble, bowing without being proud, just like when Zhu Qizhen was in despair. Likewise, this is the most comfortable posture between Lu and Zhu, and it is also the attitude Lu Yunzhi should have. Zhu Qizhen did not hold his fists in return, nor was he arrogant. Instead, he pulled Lu Yun like the big brother next door. He walked to the seat with his arms and said happily: "I'm very happy that Brother Lu Xian came here today. Let's chat for a while. " "good. "Lu Yunzhi answered, "Since Zhu Qizhen has such an attitude, all the concubines should be extremely polite to Lu Yunzhi, especially Queen Qian and Zhou. They had met Lu Yunzhi when they were in Nangong. Naturally, it was different from the common concubines. Under the leadership of the two of them, all the ladies in the harem paid 10,000 blessings to Lu Yunzhi, but they had their own thoughts. Most of them were full of curiosity about Lu Yunzhi, and some With a hint of awe, I was even more surprised to see the rumored Lu Yunzhi so handsome, and I felt admiration in my heart. But the Zhou family is different. Today is different from the past. Now it is different from the downcast situation back then. It is still the same as before. It is safer to fix Zhu Qizhen. Now Zhou just wants to please Lu Yunzhi. She consciously has a good relationship with Lu Yunzhi. In addition, her son Zhu Jianshen is Lu Yunzhi's concubine or his apprentice. Lu Yunzhi is so powerful. In the future, she will definitely be able to become the queen with the help of Lu Yunzhi. The Zhou family has long been dissatisfied with Queen Qian. Queen Qian has nothing to do, which is a big taboo. In the harem, where mother is more valuable than son, She had no son, not even a daughter. This made the Zhou family very dissatisfied. She wanted to give birth to the prince Zhu Jianshen. A few years ago, she gave birth to the prince Zhu Jianshen and the princess Chongqing. She was just a noble concubine. It really didn't make sense. Besides, Queen Qian was a queen. She is sick and now old and beautiful. It is really incomprehensible that Zhu Qizhen still treated her with such courtesy. Among all the women who saluted Lu Yunzhi, there was only one who had a clean heart, and that was Empress Qian. She was sincerely paying homage to her. Lu Yunzhi expressed her gratitude not so that she could become the queen again, but just to express her gratitude to Lu Yunzhi for welcoming Zhu Qizhen back from Wala and restoring her husband Zhu Qizhen to the position of Ninth Five-Year Plan. Is Zhu Qizhen The emperor is nothing to her, the key is to be able to live in peace and down-to-earth,   Lu Yunzhi stepped forward, stretched out his hand to help Qian, who was still in some inconvenience, and said: "Sister-in-law, there is no need to be polite, they are all family members." Zhu Qizhen beamed with joy, and these words were said to his heart. He quickly echoed: "That's right, we are all one family. You all should step back. Qian and Zhou, you stay." As soon as Lu Yunzhi said this, Zhou and the other concubines felt their hearts twitching. They thought they understood the reason why Empress Qian was not deposed. It turned out that she had Lu Yunzhi as a big backer, but they didn't know that this had nothing to do with Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi did what he did just because he respected Empress Qian. She has a deep love for Zhu Qizhen, and how can the love between Queen Qian and Zhu Qizhen be understood by these scheming harem concubines? When the girls retreated, only Lu Yun, Zhu Qizhen and Zhu Qizhen were left in the hall. The four Zhou and Qian surnames no longer saw outsiders, so the atmosphere became relatively relaxed. Lu Yunzhi smiled and said to Zhu Qizhen, "You must have gotten used to it these days." Zhu Qizhen nodded and said, "It couldn't be better. By the way, Brother Lu Xian, I haven't seen you for so many days, what have you been busy with?" "My wife Yang is pregnant, so I have been staying at home with her," Lu Yunzhi said happily, after hearing this, Mrs. He was also happy for Lu Yunzhi, so he smiled and said: "Then I will give you a phoenix order in a while, as well as a badge to enter and exit the palace. If nothing happens, let Mrs. Lu come and live in the palace. There are many doctors and maids in the palace, so it is also necessary to take care of her. Very convenient.¡± Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 106: Diversion of Attention and Appearance After listening to Qian's words, Mrs. Zhou glanced at her, secretly scheming in her heart, and said to Lu Yunzhi in a sweet voice: "Yes, let my sister come to live in the palace. Mr. Lu, you assist the emperor on weekdays, and you also teach." Prince, you can just live in the palace. I have given birth to two princes and a princess. I will wait until my sister enters the palace so that I can give her some good guidance on child rearing and take care of Mr. Lu so that I can have a son." Even if it brings joy to Lu Yunzhi, it also adds trouble to Qian, right? Since Qian has never given birth to a child, what can we say about parenting? Zhou has the advantage. Sure enough, upon hearing this, Qian stopped talking, Zhu Qi Zhen didn't answer the question but was very concerned about whether Lu Yunzhi could live in the palace. He looked at Lu Yunzhi expectantly. However, Lu Yunzhi couldn't say anything about the harem and could only pretend to be stupid. Mitsuru hurriedly clasped his fists and said, "Thank you to the two sisters-in-law. It's just that we have familiar maids at home to take care of us and doctors to diagnose and treat us. Besides, my wife, Xianyun Yehe, and I are used to it. It's too troublesome to live in the palace, so let's just give it up." Zhu Qizhen looked at Lu Yunzhi and asked: "Brother, I hear what you mean, you don't want to assist me anymore." Lu Yunzhi smiled and shook his head and replied: "Now that the big thing has been accomplished, there is no need for my assistance. , Don¡¯t worry, I still control the military power. I will also place some trustworthy people in the court, and I will definitely protect the peace of the Ming Dynasty. You don¡¯t know, my master died of illness a few days ago, and I have to serve three years of mourning. This is considered a gift from Ding You in the imperial court. If I step forward to manage the government at this moment, wouldn¡¯t I have to follow the truth? Besides, I still like to study magic and don¡¯t like to wield power and fight with soldiers, so I¡¯d better find a quiet place. , recuperate and recuperate. After a few days, I will pick chrysanthemums under the east fence and leisurely see Nanshan. Life is better. Of course, when you need me, I will still appear immediately. Not to mention our friendship, just for the sake of Jian Shen'er. He has to take care of it, who made me his second father?" After Lu Yunzhi finished speaking, he looked at each other and smiled, "Zhu Qizhen called for wine and food. The two of them were not hungry, but they were just talking to each other. After drinking a few drinks, Zhu Qizhen frowned slightly and said, "Xu Youzhen has been a bit arbitrary in his actions recently, and the voice of dissatisfaction in the court is getting louder and louder. I'm worried that it will be disadvantageous if this continues." "Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, just strive for justice. Sooner than later, he will eventually get retribution for the wrong things he has done. There is no need to worry about it now. Besides, Xu Youzhen is now a major contributor to the restoration. If you accuse him, you are afraid of chilling people's hearts. Then there will be no one. I'm willing to help you, let's indulge him for a while." Lu Yunzhi said, and then said in a pointed voice: "The same goes for others." Since the incident of seizing the door, Shi Heng and others have become more and more anxious. Arrogant, the entrance to the house is also bustling with people coming and going. These people are not here because of their good friendship with Shi Heng, but because they come to give some gold, silver and jewelry, so that they can get an official position. Shi Heng Naturally, they all agreed. Speaking of which, Shi Heng was also honest, and he really did things after receiving the money. He reported all the people who asked him to Zhu Qizhen, saying that they were the heroes of the restoration. In just ten days According to the list he submitted, there were actually three to four thousand people. It was really dumbfounding. Cao Jixiang was originally disguised by Gao Huai. In addition to showing sympathy for the real Cao Jixiang¡¯s family, he also found someone. After finding his own relatives, not all disciples of the Zhongzheng lineage are rootless boys like Lu Yunzhi. For example, Gao Huai's family can be said to be prosperous, and the number of people has increased due to the lush branches and leaves, and he has succeeded in seizing the family. Later, he promoted him to various positions. Of course, Cao Jixiang's true identity, Zhu Qizhen, was unknown, but what he did was exactly the same as Shi Heng, so he was also classified as Shi Heng. For a time, the positions were repeated. , there were too many people, so Zhu Qizhen had no way to start, but he was too embarrassed to refuse, so he just complained to Lu Yunzhi today. After hearing Zhu Qizhen's description, Lu Yunzhi burst out laughing. , Zhu Qizhen didn¡¯t know why and asked: ¡°Why is brother Lu Xian laughing? " Lu Yunzhi coughed slightly and said: "The situation you mentioned is similar to what I know. In fact, Cao Jixiang and Shi Heng are not stupid people. Of course, there is some arrogance. They just got the benefits and took advantage of them. I¡¯ve left this problem to you. " "how do I say this. "Zhu Qizhen still didn't quite understand. Lu Yunzhi explained: "Shi Heng is greedy for money, but if he doesn't recommend his position after accepting money from others, he will inevitably get a bad reputation, and he may offend others because of it. But if he is recommended because of money, If someone has a limited position, it means cutting off a lot of money. Because there are only so many vacancies, it is too late to remove officials now, not to mention that you will never let him act so arbitrarily, so what should you do? What he can do is to accept all the money and report it to His Majesty together as he is doing now. There must be a choice between three and four thousand. Then Shi Heng can refuse and report his name to His Majesty, but His Majesty vetoed it. Yes, it is true that Shi Heng did accept money to do things for others, and everyone knew that Shi Heng delivered it. However, those who randomly selected, because His Majesty vetoed it, would only bear grudges against Your Majesty, and thus transferred their hatred to Shi Heng. This You can play well with one hand. ¡±   Zhu Qizhen nodded while listening, with a cold sweat breaking out on his back. He did not expect Shi Heng, a martial artist, to have such a deep scheming, but he heard Lu Yunzhi say again: "Cao Jixiang's principle is the same, but he left It was a favor. People believed that he had helped them submit their names, but His Majesty rejected it for various reasons. Moreover, Cao Jixiang did not accept any money, so those people would only be grateful to Cao Jixiang and then become loyal to him, and they would also do the same. I hate your majesty, Cao Jixiang¡¯s move is even better. To sum up, Shi Heng¡¯s move is to divert attention, while Cao Jixiang¡¯s move is to change his body. This time, Cao Jixiang is slightly better.¡± Zhu Qizhen asked. "Then how should I answer?" Lu Yunzhi replied: "You are the emperor, you should be tougher, reprimand them, saying that so many people recommended it, how will the court arrange it, and the world still has a surname of Zhu? As soon as this statement comes out, they You must not dare to make a mistake, and then soften your tone and say something sincerely about how it is not easy to replace officials in such a large number just after the restoration, and finally let them sum up ten people for you to judge. This is equivalent to kicking the problem back to them. "Zhu Qizhen clapped his hands and praised: "It was really enlightening after hearing Brother Lu Xian's words." Lu Yunzhi smiled and did not answer. After a while, he said: "It's getting late. Madams, please go back and have a rest, otherwise Yun Zhi will feel uneasy. "The Qian family and the Zhou family are very good at observing people in the palace. Knowing that Lu Yunzhi's polite words are actually to get rid of them, she must have some secret to tell Zhu Qizhen, so don't listen to any secrets. , they understood that their lives could be saved for a moment longer, so they stood up one after another, said another blessing salute, and then left. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 107: Goodbye Zhu Qiyu Seeing that Qian and Zhou had left, Lu Yunzhi asked frankly: "How is Zhu Qiyu? Have you ever visited him?" Zhu Qizhen was originally in high spirits, but when he heard this, he frowned. Then he sighed deeply and said: "No, the gap between our two brothers is too deep and it is difficult to resolve it for a while. In addition, he is not in good health now. I don't want to irritate him. He is unkind but I can't be unjust. " Lu Yunzhi nodded and said, "Then why are you not dethroning his throne?" Zhu Qizhen was speechless for a moment. In fact, he was worried that Zhu Qiyu would die after many changes. Zhu Qizhen hated his younger brother Zhu Qiyu, but he remembered that he had once been. Zhu Qizhen could no longer hate his brother-in-law relationship. His advisers advised him to abolish Zhu Qiyu's throne many times, and some even asked Zhu Qizhen to kill Zhu Qiyu. However, Zhu Qizhen was noncommittal, and he was very confused inside. He was about to complain to Lu Yunzhi, but he didn't expect Lu Yunzhi to mention it first, "Actually, Zhu Qiyu is more suitable to be the emperor than you." Lu Yunzhi said, Zhu Qizhen also nodded, and Lu Yunzhi continued: "He is more cruel than you, more poisonous than you, and better at using people than you. Remember, you are not the deposed emperor now, but the current Holy Emperor. If you don't kill him, maybe he will be cured or his life will be extended. As long as the limbs that died of illness are intact, it will be very convenient to continue life. Besides, you did not abolish it, which will give people with evil intentions an opportunity." Zhu Qizhen suddenly raised his head and murmured: "What do you mean. You asked me to kill Yu'er." Lu Yunzhi shook his head and said: "No, he will die soon, and after his death, I will be afraid that people will take strict care of his body. After that time, he will be regarded as a god. I can't save him even if I go down to earth. I'm just telling you this to give you a warning." "How many days does he have to live?" Zhu Qizhen asked with a slightly sad expression. He stretched out two fingers and said: "Your Majesty, your kindness today will not dethrone Zhu Qiyu's throne. Future generations will not understand it. On the contrary, some people will publicize this moment in the future to ridicule Your Majesty, saying that one day and two The emperor is extremely confused. If you don't believe it, let's wait and see." Zhu Qizhen said with a bitter smile: "It doesn't matter, I don't care what others think." Lu Yunzhi nodded and stood up and said to Zhu Qizhen: "Let's go. "Where to go?" Zhu Qizhen said, Lu Yunzhi looked out the door and said: "In two days, you will never see Zhu Qiyu again. Let's go see him together and explain something clearly." Everyone can feel better, and he can leave with peace of mind." As he said that, he walked away, and Zhu Qizhen followed quickly, and the two of them headed towards where Zhu Qiyu was. Zhu Qiyu looked pale and was not sleeping well on the bed. So heavy that he was woken up when Lu Yunzhi and Zhu Qizhen came in. He saw the person clearly, showed a smile and said: "Here he comes." After saying that, he stood up, Zhu Qizhen nodded. He sat down on the bed and held down Zhu Qiyu's arm and said, "Don't get up. You are not in good health. Let's take a look at you." Zhu Qiyu said, "My brother has not congratulated the emperor on his return to the throne. You must get up." Zhu Qizhen and Lu Yunzhi looked at each other. It turned out that Zhu Qiyu knew everything. He faced everything calmly. Zhu Qizhen no longer stopped him, but helped Zhu Qiyu to sit up. Zhu Qiyu clasped his fists and said: "Long live my emperor, long live the emperor. Long live. "Zhu Qizhen smiled, and Zhu Qiyu also laughed. The two brothers smiled so innocently, like young children, shattering the previous competition for power and position, and recalling the brotherhood they had when they were young. Zhu Qiyu looked at He said to Lu Yunzhi who was standing aside: "Mr. Lu is fine. "Lu Yunzhi nodded and said: "Reporting to His Highness King Yi, I'm fine. You can lie down and talk quickly. Don't sit all the time, which can easily block your blood vessels and cause qi and blood to be blocked, which is not good for your health. " Zhu Qiyu was stunned and immediately understood the meaning of what Lu Yunzhi said. Yes, King Yin. He was originally King Yin. Later, due to various reasons, the situation became chaotic and he became the emperor. Now he is back to the original point, back to King Yin. Position, the feeling of being called His Highness is really indescribable. Everything in the past seemed like a dream. Zhu Qiyu and Zhu Qizhen chatted for a while, only talking about romance and not about state affairs. They chatted for a full half After an hour, Zhu Qiyu had a faint headache again. Zhu Qizhen asked him to rest early, so he and Lu Yunzhi stood up to say goodbye. Lu Yunzhi had just taken two steps, and Zhu Qiyu lay on the bed, looking at the backs of the two people leaving and asked Said: "Mr. Lu, if Yu Qian and I hadn't attacked the Zhongzheng lineage back then, I wouldn't be where I am today. " Zhu Qizhen was shocked and glanced at Lu Yunzhi meaningfully, but Lu Yunzhi replied lightly: "There are so many ifs in the world, but maybe, maybe we won't fight each other, maybe The emperor is still herding horses in Mobei. "After speaking, he glanced at Zhu Qizhen, and the two looked at each other and smiled, "But. "Lu Yunzhi changed the topic and said: "But there is a saying that is right, Tao is not mutually exclusive.?, you support Yu Qian and have gone astray with Zhongzheng from the beginning. Even if you don¡¯t want to be an enemy of Zhongzheng, he will force you to join this plan. You don¡¯t need to say anything. I know Yu Qian¡¯s overall plan. , we once had a long talk. If Yu Qian¡¯s plan had not been there at the beginning, perhaps Tumubao would not have been defeated so miserably, and the emperor would not have been captured. In this way, you would not have been the emperor for eight years, and there would be no you. I started to assume that Yu Qian's actions were just to kill two birds with one stone, but he did it, and he also acted like this for the sake of Ming Dynasty. Now that others are dead, the deceased is the greatest, so we won't say anything anymore, Your Highness, I advise you to rest peacefully and stop thinking about these messy things. " Zhu Qiyu was sick and his mind was a little confused. After listening to Lu Yunzhi's words, he fell into a long silence. There are no ifs in the world. If there were, it would be a series of changes. The development of things is not what it is now. Zhu Qiyu nodded a little. He raised his head and suddenly had an epiphany. The last trace of regret and confusion in his heart disappeared. He looked up and saw that Lu Yunzhi and Zhu Qizhen had already disappeared. Zhu Qiyu cupped his fists and pointed towards the door and said: "Thank you for Mr. Lu's enlightenment." , Xiao Wang was enlightened after hearing what Mr. Wang said. ¡± Lu Yunzhi said goodbye to Zhu Qiyu and walked out of the palace, turned over and mounted his horse, and ran all the way home. Now Yang Xiyu¡¯s belly had swelled a lot. When he saw Lu Yunzhi¡¯s return, he hurriedly came out accompanied by Yingzi. It seemed that the two of them had been waiting at the gate for a long time. Yingzi was smiling, and Yang Xiyu was also snickering and looking at Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi was a little confused and asked hurriedly: "What happy thing happened? Look at you two." With a happy face. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 108: Return of Shi Yuting Yang Xiyu said softly: "Sister Yuting is back and she is offering incense to Master. Come and have a look." After hearing this, Lu Yunzhi was overjoyed and walked quickly towards the hall. She had just taken two steps. Hearing Yingzi and Yang Xiyu snort slightly jealously, Lu Yunzhi knew they were joking, but he turned around happily and kissed them on the cheek, and then ran towards the house, Shi Yuting knelt on the stone side In front of the coffin, Lu Yunzhi clasped his hands together and was probably muttering something secretly to himself. Lu Yunzhi stepped forward to speak, but felt a strong wind coming in front of him, so he used an iron bridge, bent his body backward, and forced himself away from the oncoming person. Before Lu Yunzhi could get up, he saw two fists coming at him. Lu Yunzhi pushed them away, then jumped out with a somersault. At this time, Yingzi and Yang Xiyu also walked in and saw this scene. Somewhat surprised, Lu Yunzhi asked angrily: "What are you doing, Second Senior Brother? Why do you attack as soon as we meet? If you are trying my skills, you shouldn't be so cruel." Han Yueqiu's eyes twitched. , seemed to be really angry, and said coldly: "Whoever wants to test your skills, I want to teach you a lesson, why the master was always so good when I was here, but not long after I left, the master was like a crane Guixi, what else are you going to say? You must have taken care of me improperly." Lu Yunzhi raised his fists and said solemnly, "It's useless to say more. I believe you have heard the truth of the matter. If the second senior brother insists on fighting me, I will accompany him to the end. " Fang Qingze ran in with a teapot at this time, stood between the two of them and quickly dissuaded him: "If you have something to say, please say it. Why did the fight start when I was going to pick up the pot of tea? How did this happen? , why did you take action as soon as we met?" Lu Yunzhi said: "Second brother, second senior brother blamed me for not taking care of the master properly and insisted on teaching me a lesson. No, if you want to teach me a lesson, then hit me if you want. I am willing to be punished. Lu is determined not to fight back, but he does it without saying anything. What does it mean? He treats me as a kid who is easy to bully and can teach me casually. Really? It's normal for me to take a step back and say, I don't want you to fight me. I am the master of the Zhongzheng Channel. Who are you?" Fang Qingze swallowed. When he saw the two people fighting, he thought that the real cause of Shi Fang's death was revealed. Now it seems that Han Yueqiu just lost his temper because of the sadness in his heart. Fang Qingze raised his sleeves and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. The training in the mall has long enabled him to deal with chaos without being shocked or changing his face or heart. He jumped, so he still said in a calm voice: "Second senior brother, in fact, Yun Zhi has always taken good care of Master. Even when the fight with Yu Qian reached the most critical moment, he still accompanied Master to talk every day. If you say The third brother did not do it himself. I think it is inappropriate to say this. After all, we are different from you, the second brother. The third brother is busy with political affairs, and I also have a lot of business. We can give up everything for the sake of filial piety to the master, but have you ever thought about it? If we give up everything, we will be the ones who fail the coup and be beheaded. This is not because we are selfish. Regardless of whether it is worth it for all of us to be killed. Now that the master is dead, who can have the foresight? If the master had not died at that time, he would still be alive now, but if the coup failed, wouldn't he have to be beheaded? At that time, he might be worthy of the lives of me and others, so everything Yunzhi did was for the good of the master, and for the sake of The Zhongzheng lineage is good. " "Don't tell me so much. "Han Yueqiu shouted, "When Master dies, we should be buried. "It's not that Han Yueqiu is so ignorant and pedantic. He just said this in a moment of impatience. However, as soon as he said this, Fang Qingze had nothing to say. Lu Yunzhi sneered twice and said: "What, sacrifice for burial, second senior brother, you I¡¯m really confused. Master is the master of the Zhongzheng lineage. His duty is to fight for the Zhongzheng lineage. Why should we be buried with him when he dies? Could it be that when Master returns to the west, he needs the Zhongzheng lineage to accompany him to the west? Second brother just assumed that the master is not dead. The failure of our coup will lead to the execution of everyone in the family. If I say it, even if the master is dead now, we have not done anything wrong. What we have done is for the sake of Zhongzhengyi. The pulse is good, and I am now the pulse master of the Zhongzheng line, and I have to be responsible for it, not just for filial piety. The Zhongzheng line is not a private gang named Shi, but the leader of the people of heaven and earth. " Shi Yuting turned her back to everyone. Faced with the irreconcilable situation, she did not look back. She said to Shi Fang's spiritual tablet: "Grandpa, did you see that as soon as you left, they made a mess. Everyone has their own reasons. It seems that the Zhongzheng lineage is really going to break up. "Although Shi Yuting's words were soft, she couldn't hold back. Everyone in the hall had sharp ears and eyes, and they all heard clearly. They kept silent and made a lot of noise in front of the master's mourning hall. How decent and filial were they? Shi Fang knelt down in front of the spiritual tablet and kowtowed one after another. There was no wind in the hall, but the spiritual tablet shook a little. Everyone raised their heads to look at the spiritual tablet, only to see another violent shake on the spiritual tablet.Shaking, the buckle fell down. Han Yueqiu rushed forward to hold up the memorial tablet, then glanced at Lu Yunzhi angrily, walked out of the house, packed his bags and left the Zhongzheng Yiline compound. Fang Qingze and Lu Yunzhi looked at each other in disbelief. , I suddenly felt a little dry, thirsty, and confused. What force pushed down the spiritual position just now? It was the wind. It was impossible not to feel such a strong wind. It was Shi Fang's soul. This was even more impossible. Shi Fang Fang has been engraved forever, not to mention that they have been with ghosts and spirits since they were young. How could they not feel it if they really appeared? Shi Yuting stood up, turned around and walked silently outside the house, smiling at Yingzi and Yang Xiyu She smiled and said: "I'm leaving, take care." Yingzi couldn't help but feel a little distressed. She and Shi Yuting had known each other for many years, and they had never been acquainted with each other. They had become sisters who sympathized with each other. Now she saw Shi Yuting's slightly lost look, and that picture. With a weathered face and a body full of dust, Yingzi felt extremely uncomfortable. Shi Yuting was not as old as she was, so why was her life so miserable? Yingzi grabbed Shi Yuting and asked, "Where are you going? This is yours." Home." Shi Yuting shook her head and said: "This is your home. The previous house of Zhongzheng Lineage was destroyed. This is a new house and I am an unclean body. I cannot tarnish the reputation of Zhongzheng Lineage. I'm leaving. Let¡¯s get together outside if we have a chance.¡± Lu Yunzhi did not stop Shi Yuting. Shi Yuting had been very stubborn since she was a child, and it was difficult to shake her determination. She could only persuade her slowly in the future. Now she can return to the capital. It was a good start. Lu Yunzhi asked: "Yu Ting, don't go back to Tianjin, okay." Shi Yuting didn't look at Lu Yunzhi, but nodded and said lightly: "Okay, I'll stay in the capital. ." Then he walked away, and the room was silent for a while, falling into silence. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 109: Tired of playing cat and mouse In the dungeon, Wang Yulu was treating Cheng Fangdong. Cheng Fangdong snorted coldly: "Wang Yulu, you are really a slave of the three surnames. First you followed Shi Fang, then I, and now you follow Lu Yunzhi, hehe." Wang Yulu. Yulu pulled out the silver needle on Cheng Fangdong's shoulder, and then stuffed a pill into Cheng Fangdong's mouth. Cheng Fangdong didn't doubt it was poison, because Wang Yulu was ordered to heal him, so he would not poison him, so he chewed it while continuing to drink coldly. Smiling, Wang Yulu packed up the equipment and said angrily to Cheng Fangdong: "Shut up, the only one I follow is Lu Yunzhi. At first I was the master's apprentice, so naturally I have to be in the same lineage as Zhongzheng, and you and I It's just a cooperative relationship. How can this be called a domestic slave with three surnames? On the contrary, you are a double-dealing and insidious villain who works behind your back. You'd better save your energy. The master asked me to heal you, but he didn't say that he would. I let you go, probably because I want to wait until your body is fully recovered, then break your tendons and hamstrings again, and then beat you into a bloody gourd." Cheng Fangdong stopped smiling and looked a little pitiful. Looking at Wang Yulu, Wang Yulu shrugged and replied: "How would I know? My lord has not been here for a long time. The next time you see him, you will know if he really wants to torture you again. Right." Yes, and if you want to suffer less, don't anger him. He's been in a bad mood recently, but if you don't listen, that's fine, so I can continue to use you for experiments. " Cheng Fangdong Diandian. Head: "Thank you for reminding me, but Lu Yunzhi really said that after you heal me, you will slowly torture me, making my life worse than death. I think I will not be able to escape, but it is not a loss for me to lose to Lu Yunzhi. That day you Didn¡¯t you also say that Yu Qian also lost? It¡¯s normal for such a powerful person to lose. In other words, they were all defeated by Lu Yunzhi. I can be considered on par with Yu Qian, hahahaha.¡± Wang Yulu couldn't laugh or cry when she heard such fallacies. She could only shake her head and said with a bitter smile: "What a fallacy. You are really open-minded. You are so open-minded even when death is imminent." As he was speaking, the door of the dungeon opened and Lu Yunzhi walked in quickly. Come, followed by Arong. Cheng Fangdong was trembling with fright when he saw the arrival of these two people. Previously, Cheng Fangdong deceived Lu Yunzhi and did not tell him the whereabouts of Shi Yuting. He thought that even if Lu Yunzhi knew, he would not Shi Yuting's aphrodisiac poison will be released, Cheng Fangdong uses this as the motivation to live and persevere, and then these are broken by Lu Yun one by one, murderous and heart-wrenching, the support in his heart is disintegrated, and the whole person collapses, Cheng Fangdong does not The old strength and unyielding willingness to die are now only accompanied by the trembling braces and the rattling sound of iron chains as his body. Lu Yunzhi walked to Cheng Fangdong. Ah Rong moved a chair and let him He sat down, and Lu Yunzhi glanced at Wang Yulu and asked, "How is Cheng Fangdong's injury?" Cheng Fangdong looked at Wang Yulu with a pitiful look, hoping that he could say something about his unrecovered injury, so that he could After living a little longer, Wang Yulu didn't look at Cheng Fangdong, cupped her hands and replied: "My lord, Cheng Fangdong's injuries have basically recovered. Although his skill has not returned to 100%, his body has fully recovered and can withstand all torture. " Lu Yunzhi nodded, also cupped his fists and said, "You've been working hard recently. " "This is what my subordinates should do. There is no need to be polite, my lord. "Wang Yulu said, "Lu Yunzhi looked at Cheng Fangdong and said slowly: "Cheng Fangdong, are you aware of your guilt?" "Cheng Fangdong was filled with fear, but he also understood that it was useless to beg for mercy at this moment. He would die sooner or later, or he would be worse off than alive. Begging for mercy would only make Lu Yunzhi more proud, and thus mocking himself, but it would not be a good idea to answer harshly. , Wang Yulu said that Lu Yunzhi was not in a good mood recently, and if he was offended, he would be greeted with even more painful torture, so Cheng Fangdong turned around and chose to remain silent, "Oh, you have it too Integrity, the only thing you can rely on to control me has been resolved by me. I kind of admire you that you are still so tenacious. "Lu Yunzhi smiled and praised: "But today I am not here to tease you, but to send you on your way. Before catching a mouse, a cat will tease it a lot as long as it is not too hungry. When it gets tired of teasing, it should be eaten. " Cheng Fangdong smiled so happily that the fear in his heart was swept away. He smiled and said: "It's great, I can finally have fun again. "Arong came over impatiently with a rope, then walked behind Cheng Fangdong and strangled his neck. Cheng Fangdong said with a smile: "Brother Arong, please tie up my trouser legs. I will pee if I die." It would be bad if the water flowed and stained the ground. Besides, it would be too cowardly to die like this. " Arong didn't pay attention to Cheng Fangdong, and strangled his hands hard. Cheng Fangdong suddenly felt short of breath and couldn't speak anymore. The veins on his neck were exposed, and his eyes were wide open and his hands kept breathing out of the air. I was holding on to something, and the iron chains tied to my body shook louder and louder. It turns out that this is what death feels like.Cheng Fangdong felt extremely uncomfortable, and time seemed to have been extended. He suddenly thought that death would be such a long wait. Lu Yunzhi in front of him was a little blurry, with a meaningful smile on his lips, and Wang Yulu's figure also became erratic. , bid farewell to the colorful world, bid farewell to his unfinished ambitions, bid farewell to all the people he had ever wronged, Suddenly the strength on his neck disappeared, Cheng Fangdong's body softened, and the chain on his body pulled him down as he fell. My body hurts, it hurts. Dead people don't feel pain. Could it be that I'm not dead? The sweet air flowing into my lungs feels so fresh, even though to others the air in the cell smells turbid and even a little smelly. It stinks, but at this moment, Cheng Fangdong was breathing greedily and was a little drunk. Yes, he was still alive. Cheng Fangdong slowly opened his eyes. Ah Rong bared his teeth and made a disgusting expression. Lu Yunzhi asked: "Does it smell good?" Lu Yunzhi and the other three people all burst out laughing. Lu Yunzhi stepped forward and said to Cheng Fangdong: "Do you still want to die again?" To be honest, Cheng Fangdong He was afraid. Before he died, he was not afraid of death. He thought it was a relief. But now that he has tried the rest of his life, he can no longer bear the fear of death. "Ah Rong." Lu Yunzhi shouted. , Arong carried the chain and walked behind Cheng Fangdong again. Cheng Fangdong kept yelling, but Arong covered his eyes with a rag, and pulled a piece of extremely smelly stuff to gag his mouth. The rag was stuck in my throat, and my voice sounded hoarse and terrifying. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 110: Purchasing Medicinal Materials When the cold iron chain was placed around Cheng Fangdong's neck, the sound of water sounded. Cheng Fangdong finally couldn't help but pee in fear. The urine flowed down his trouser legs and ticked on the ground, but after a long time, his neck The iron chain on his neck was not pulled down hard. Cheng Fangdong shook his head hard to see what happened and why he didn't take action. The iron chain around his neck fell to the ground with a crisp sound, and in front of his eyes The rags covering their clothes also swung down. Lu Yunzhi and the other three stood in front of Cheng Fangdong, looking at him with mocking looks. Cheng Fangdong's face turned red. It turned out that Lu Yunzhi was still playing with him and peeing in front of others. It's so embarrassing, but it's so good to be alive. If Ah Rong hadn't blocked Cheng Fangdong's mouth with a piece of rag, Cheng Fangdong would have bitten his mouth to bleed. It was so shameful that Cheng Fangdong looked at it with red eyes. Looking at Lu Yunzhi, Lu Yunzhi patted Cheng Fangdong's cheek with his hand, then wiped it on the side as if it was very dirty, and then said: "You should thank God for giving you a good uncle. At this time I haven't forgotten you yet, he has already served me, just to save your life. Wang Yulu should have told you the news of Yu Qian's failure. The person who helped me get rid of the Nangong guards that night was your uncle Wang Zhen. This is a declaration of loyalty to me. Of course, he would do this even if I didn't get on the line with him, because he has feelings for Zhu Qizhen, and he hopes that Zhu Qizhen can successfully resettle and live a prosperous life. In the good days of eating, I just took a fancy to Wang Zhen's skills and moral character, so I gave him a favor and gave you an advantage, and he explained all the hatred between your family to me. He said that he had destroyed the Ming Dynasty once, which was considered revenge. He didn't want anything to happen to Zhu Qizhen, whom he had grown up with, so he had been hiding beside Zhu Qizhen for so many years as an old servant. " Cheng Fangdong thought. When he wanted to speak, Lu Yunzhi took out the smelly cloth from his mouth. Cheng Fangdong took a deep breath and said angrily: "This is a loser. We in the Wang family don't have this kind of waste. The benevolence and softness are all fake. Back then, Zhongzheng When Yi Ming helped the Ming Dynasty destroy our Wang family and killed my father, why didn't they show any mercy? It's so shameful for a stinky eunuch to pretend to be a good person." Lu Yunzhi shook his head and said, "Aren't you also a eunuch and you still scold me. You are so enthusiastic, your uncle is a person who values ????love and righteousness, and is better than you. In fact, if you are cruel and ruthless, you are indeed a master among masters. It is a pity that you failed, and there will never be a chance to make a comeback. Otherwise, you can also be called A generation of heroes, but now it seems that you are just a lost dog. You can stay here from now on. I promised Wang Zhen not to kill you, but I did not promise to let you go. I will imprison you for the sins you have committed for the rest of your life. I'm already giving you an advantage." After that, Lu Yunzhi walked away. After taking two steps, he turned around and said with a bad smile to Cheng Fangdong: "By the way, I'll ask Ah Rong to give you that dry strip later. Cheng Fangdong yelled, "Lu Yunzhi, I'm going to fuck you." Before he could finish the scolding, Ah Rong slapped him so hard that one of his teeth was knocked out and his blood flowed down his face. With tears streaming out of Cheng Fangdong's mouth, Cheng Fangdong continued to curse, while Ah Rong slowly slapped him with one palm after another. Lu Yunzhi walked out of the cell with a smile. Wang Yulu followed closely behind and walked out of the dungeon. Wang Yulu cupped her hands and clasped her fists. He said to Lu Yunzhi: "My lord, I heard a batch of herbal medicines came from Liaodong a few days ago. There should be a lot of good goods. I asked someone to find out and it seems that they are not the second master's goods, so I want some silver coins. If they are really good, Then buy the medicinal materials. " "How much do you need. Lu Yunzhi asked without changing her expression. Wang Yulu made an estimate for a long time and said, "If they are really good medicinal materials, I want to buy them all. I heard that the shipment this time is extremely large, and it may cost at least 100,000 silver taels." " Although Lu Yunzhi was somewhat mentally prepared, he was still taken aback and asked in astonishment, "It's so much." "Wang Yulu nodded a little embarrassed. Lu Yunzhi smiled and patted Wang Yulu on the shoulder and said, "It's okay. The finances have been a little tight recently. The main reason is that our tribe spends a lot of money, and the stalls are spread out in a natural way. It also costs a lot of money. Let's do this. I'll send it to Dong De later. I may not be able to give it to you today just for the past two days, so don't be in a hurry to get it. " Wang Yulu shook her head and said, "I'm not in a hurry, but if my lord is short of funds now, I won't want this batch of medicinal materials. " "It's okay, it's okay. I still have the money. Besides, how can the medicinal materials that Wang Yulu is optimistic about be any worse? If I don't buy them this time, I might be wasting everything. It's best to give you good medicines, hahahaha. "Lu Yunzhi said with a smile, Wang Yulu also smiled proudly, then clasped his fists and bowed deeply, saying: "Thank you for your appreciation, lord, I will do my best to assist you. " Lu Yunzhi nodded: "You go ahead. By the way, after buying the medicinal materials in a few days, I still have some things to discuss with you. Regarding the relationship between magic and the human body, we will discuss it together and I will give you some advice. I?There is a big improvement. "Wang Yulu clasped her fists and answered yes and then walked away. As she walked, Wang Yulu thought: Lu Yunzhi is really tall. One hundred thousand taels is not much if it is given to me for research, but it would be too expensive to just buy a batch of medicinal materials. The Lord first cried poor, and then gritted his teeth and tried hard to pay me. This was a clever trick to win people's hearts. Most people would have been confused and moved by it long ago. Although it was a trick, and I was not fooled, Lu Yunzhi really treated me. No need to say, with so much money and all the connections to support me, I really have to serve him well. Lu Yunzhi looked at Wang Yulu¡¯s retreating back and sighed, thinking that I wasn¡¯t crying about poverty just now, but There is really no money, Lu Yunzhi thought for a moment with a frown, and then turned back to Ah Rong, who had just come out of the dungeon, and said: "A Rong, go and call Dong De. I have something to do with you two, and I will wait for you in the main hall. " Ah Rong answered and jumped out of the courtyard a few times, disappearing without a trace. After two cups of tea, Ah Rong and Dong De ran into the main hall. Dong De's body became thinner and thinner. Lu Yun When Lu Zhi saw Dong De coming in, he stared at the pastries. He quickly picked up the pastries on the table and handed them to Dong De. Dong De was not polite, brought them over and started to devour them. Lu Yunzhi made three more cups of tea and served them to Ah. Rong and Dong De, now that there are no outsiders in the hall, are not so restrained. Ah Rong glanced at Dong De and said: "Brother Dong, you haven't eaten for a few days. Eat slowly and don't choke. No one is following you." You grab it. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 111: Wealthy and short of gold and silver Dong De put the food in his mouth with tea and said: "Don't mention it, I haven't had a good time to eat these days. Not long ago, my lord asked me to handle the business with Wala, and the second master Fang Qingze even argued with me. After a long time, I was forced to come by my lord. I have been calculating accounts these days. I have calculated the trade account books of the fifteen years of the Ming Dynasty. You can't say that I really found a lot of loopholes. Besides, the territory of Oara is now very chaotic, with fighting everywhere. Ah, each leader needs food, cloth, porcelain, etc., so as to bribe the other party's general. These Mongolian Tatars have learned bad things from us Han people, hey, so the prices of the cattle, sheep, horses, etc. they get are fine. I suppressed them again and again, and I also recovered the bad debts and loopholes I had discovered one by one. By the way, our old man Yang Zhun really didn¡¯t build it. Then I collected the money from those corrupt officials in the name of Dali Temple. When I came back, they not only spit out the money they had embezzled over the years, but also lost a lot of money. It was really happy." Lu Yunzhi took a sip of tea and said, "Anyway, just don't do too much and give it to others appropriately. Save some, don't make others hate you. You are an official for thousands of miles just for wealth. If you cut off people's wealth, others will fight you desperately. If you gather in a group, they will turn against you. Although the Ming Dynasty is our world now, we should not make too many enemies. A drop of water will penetrate a stone, and it will rebound under strong pressure. Now is not the time. We can't be the first to be the leader. If we want to rectify it, the court must come forward. The reason is different. " "I understand this. After a few people came to scare the monkeys, It depends on their own performance. They are generally good and well-aware of current affairs. I didn¡¯t rush to kill them all. Don¡¯t worry, I know this master well. Besides, our old man Yang Zhun is also a smart man. Even if I know it, he won¡¯t. " Dong De said, Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly: "I know you understand this, and I am not afraid that you will make mistakes. What I am afraid of is my father-in-law Yang Zhun. As an old father-in-law, I am good at everything. In fact, I am a little greedy for money and power. In the past, I When he was in Nanjing, he dug a tunnel in his home just to save money. He was a famous miser. You should have known this when you imprisoned the families of Nanjing officials. Ah Rong was even more well-connected, but don't let it slip, otherwise He knows that we know his secret, and he is tossing and turning again. I am afraid that when you two are at work, he will be obsessed with money and miss important things. Please help me keep an eye on it." Dong De nodded and continued to wolf down. Lu Yunzhi said with an expression of embarrassment: "Dong De, how much money do we have in our account now?" Dong De is really proficient in accounting, and he said it without even thinking: "According to our income and expenditure rules, plus this From the trade with Wala, there are 50,000 taels of silver in the public account, more than 1 million taels in the heavenly account, and 30,000 taels in the government treasury. What's wrong, my lord, you use the money. " Dong De is now in charge of a large amount of money. Money, the public account refers to the court accounts. Sometimes Dong De would borrow money when he needed money for his own business, but it would be repaid within four or five days, while the heavenly account refers to the funds used by Secret Thirteen , such as the family expenses of secret members of the military in various places, the high remuneration of the Anbu, of course, including the expenses of Li Dahai, Li Sixi and other rogues, as well as the 100,000 taels that Ah Rong withdraws every month, Dong De I had doubts, not that I was worried about Arong, but the accountant had to know whether the money was paid reasonably, but Lu Yunzhi said that it was a secret, just give it, and Dong De didn't say anything more. As for the gold and silver in the government treasury, it is easier to understand. This is the money of the Zhongzheng line. Lu Yunzhi and other family members are actually very frugal. They guard so much money in the public account and the heavenly account, and they don't have any money. Don't move, the monthly expenses of 20,000 taels cover the expenses of many people, including all members of the Zhongzheng lineage except Gao Huai and Zhu Shiwen, including Chao Xing, Arong, Dong De and the others, as well as the servants in the mansion. Maid and so on, the two most important expenses are the silver taels used by Lu Yunzhi and others to do things outside, and Wang Yulu's research funds. Even so, you can still save several thousand taels every month, and the little money adds up to a lot. Already we have a full thirty thousand taels. Thirty thousand taels of silver is enough for an ordinary family to live a life of fine clothing and food, but it is not enough to cover the expenses of two days of the heavenly account. The public account is the money of the court and will eventually be returned to the national treasury. Needless to say, it is the money of the imperial court, and the origin of the money in the Tianzang and the government treasury is also multi-faceted. It was initially provided by Fang Qingze, but after Dong De took charge of the accounts, Fang Qingze's money was never used again. Lu Yun Afterwards, he was instructed to repay Fang Qingze some money one after another, and Fang Qingze accepted it calmly. In fact, the money was just an amount to Fang Qingze, and the trouble belonged to everyone, and the interests were also everyone's. Director, but Lu Yunzhi still insisted on giving Fang Qingze five million taels. The current income comes from Dong De's growing business, the ordnance and grain and grass business, which he gradually monopolized with the help of Secret Thirteen's power in the Ministry of War. The huge financial position made Fang Qingze sigh incessantly. He secretly sighed that Dong De had the ability to serve as military quartermasters in various places, but he didn't know the secrets. Secondly, from the due wear and tear, the accounts generally have Wear and tear, this belongs to ants movingA small amount makes a lot, and in the face of a large amount of money, a batch of losses is tens of thousands of taels. It is not that Lu Yunzhi is corrupt, this is just a necessary rule. The official salary of the Ming Dynasty is very small. If there is no loss, this person who makes money secretly It is estimated that most low-level officials are not as good as those of ordinary merchants. For example, Lu Yunzhi is ranked third, but his salary is only about three thousand taels per year, which is not enough to cover the expenses of the whole family. Although Lu Yunzhi The power is overwhelming, but you cannot break the rules and prevent others from living just because you are rich. As Lu Yunzhi said, if you do not allow others to live, then others will definitely turn against you. Since the success of seizing the door, Dong De He Fang Qingze's power has also expanded a lot. Without Yu Qian's suppression, he is more comfortable and has more and more money. Just one ordinary loss and kicking income is nearly one million. The money has been secured, and Dong De's business is just enough. The seemingly huge monthly income is still a bit stretched in front of the huge system of Mi Shisan. As Lu Yunzhi said, the stall shop If it is too big, the expenses will be too big. Lu Yunzhi was worried after hearing what Dong De said about the amount of money in the account. Dong De observed his words and knew that Lu Yunzhi was short of money, so he said: "How much does the master want?" Lu Yunzhi said: "One hundred thousand taels, hey, it seems that we are rich, but in fact our money is very tight." After speaking, Lu Yunzhi smiled bitterly and said, Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 112: Watertight Intelligence System "It's only one hundred thousand taels. That's not much. Just come out of the tent." Dong De swallowed the last piece of pastry and wiped the corners of his mouth. He asked with some confusion. Lu Yunzhi shook his head: "No, the heavenly account only has more than one million. It's time for Ah Rong to withdraw the money. It's time for our brothers in the army to pay their monthly salary. Calculating this, there should be two or three hundred thousand left, which must be kept for the future. In case something happens suddenly, don't be caught off guard." Dong De said again: "Then borrow one hundred thousand taels from the public account. It's not much anyway." Lu Yunzhi shook his head: "No, you will need money later. Just borrow it from the Heavenly Account and don't touch the court's money. Even if you pay it back right away, it won't work. Next, I want to appoint a group of hard-faced judges to strictly investigate corrupt officials. We must set an example and don't get caught. That's why you're slapping yourself." "Who the hell are they? The people we promoted came to check on us," Dong De said in surprise. Ah Rong suddenly thought of someone and smiled. He stood up and said: "How can I say he is an iron-faced judge?" Lu Yunzhi thought for a while and said: "In this way, you can withdraw 20,000 taels from the heavenly account for me. This should be the most money that can be squeezed out. Then give me all the money in the government treasury, and I will figure out the rest myself." Dong De swallowed his saliva and said, "My lord, I don't know whether to say something or not." "Why are you being so cautious? It doesn't matter," Lu Yunzhi said. In fact, Lu Yunzhi had already guessed 20% to 30% before Dong De opened his mouth. He just wanted them to ask and then teach them well. Such words served as explanation. As a warning, they will not make a huge mistake in the future by deducting money on their own initiative. Dong Delue said thoughtfully: "The reason why we had no money in the beginning is that we need to rely on the help of the second master to maintain the organizational operation of Secret Thirteen , the root cause is that we have too many people. Let¡¯s not talk about the current expenses of the Li brothers. After all, they are thieves and scoundrels, etc., and they only have tens of thousands of taels of silver in a year, while the Arong brothers withdraw one hundred thousand per month. Two taels of silver, all exchanged for more than ten taels or a hundred taels of banknotes, or directly for cash. I made a wild guess. Please forgive me, my lord. According to my thinking, this money may also be used to recruit soldiers or train soldiers. Inside, these lords are free to arrange, and we can afford it, but the biggest ones are the brothers who are in the army. Because there are so many people, the money every month is too much, and it is really difficult for us to afford it, so now At this time, there are three ways to solve the problem. The best solution is to lay off some of them, the middle solution is to reduce their subsidies, and the worst solution is to postpone the payment of wages for a few months. " Lu Yunzhi nodded slightly with appreciation, and then said: "Dong De, you. Looking at the problem from the perspective of increasing revenue and reducing expenditure, very good, very good, Ah Rong, there is no need to hide Dong De today. There are only three of us in the hall now. Can you tell me where the money you withdraw every month is used? , and how do you think the money was used?" Seeing that Lu Yunzhi had praised Dong De, Ah Rong no longer worried about being reprimanded for speaking rashly, so he said, "I was born as a slave, so I naturally understand slaves. Habit, I use this money to buy a large number of servants and maids. As slaves, I cannot give too much profit, so each person only has three to four taels or no more than ten taels per month. Let them taste the sweetness, and then every month Every time you report a piece of valuable information, you will get them a few taels of silver. So Brother Dong, one hundred thousand taels may not be enough in the future, but as Brother Dong said, we are currently financially stretched, and I think we It was a bit too big, and there was no need to hire many people. I think that although one hundred thousand taels of silver is very small compared to the military resources, it is still a huge enough amount. " "No, I don't understand. What are you doing with a slave? Could it be that the ladies are quarreling, and the master wants to find another house, or the master has found a new love, and needs to find some maids who can serve him well, but even so, It doesn't cost as much as one hundred thousand. Twenty or thirty taels of silver is enough to buy a young lady to serve her for a lifetime. Can the master afford one hundred thousand taels a month? "Dong De laughed evilly, Lu Yunzhi punched Dong De lightly, and scolded with a smile: "Fuck you, you don't have any integrity at all. In fact, I bribed the servants who were placed around various important officials. The so-called important officials are not only those in the DPRK and the Central Government. Ministers, rich people in business, martial arts masters, etc. They may not be personal servants, because such servants are usually loyal to their masters, but they are not handymen who chop wood and cook. I can¡¯t hear any secrets. Although we have the Anbu as secret surveillance, the Anbu has limited manpower and cannot cover everything. Moreover, some people are experts. Once the Anbu is dispatched, they will inevitably be alerted. Then it will be difficult to handle, and Although the Li brothers control Jiuli and are relatively well-informed, the scope of their influence is somewhat small after all. It seems that during this coup, we got a lot of useful information through Ah Rong's army of servants, including those in the palace at that time. Half of the eunuchs and maids who greeted him were Cao Jixiang's people, while the rest were instigated by Ah Rong. ¡±  Dong De nodded and understood a little, then Lu Yunzhi continued: "I can't control who gets promoted and who gets rich, and I don't take everyone for my own use and make them willing to follow. Because of my charm, the only sure way is to place spies around them to monitor and control them. If someone becomes successful in the future, we don't have to collect information hurriedly, because his every move is within our control. We can also get a lot of useful related information, and this can prevent the birth of the next Yu Qian. We must kill one and never let one go." Dong De raised his own question: "But how can you. I can guarantee that they have no different intentions. Ah Rong is an exception. He has known his master for a long time, followed him for many years, and has been taught and cultivated by his master. However, as far as I know, ordinary slaves are extremely jealous, look down on others, and are only interested in profit. If you want to see wealth, you give him ten taels of silver. As long as others give him fifteen taels, he can betray the person who gave him ten taels in front of him. I have used it many times in the mall and it has always worked, so according to me, these Servants are unreliable, and as the saying goes, there are seven rank officials in front of the prime minister. If some officials become successful, those servants may not be willing to take orders from you. They are not yet able to understand current affairs, and those maids are even more unreliable. Some She crawled onto the master's bed pretty, and she didn't care about the teachings of 'Lord Ah Rong'. "Dong De, Lord Arong, deliberately used a slightly joking tone. Ah Rong chuckled, feeling a little embarrassed. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 113: Part of the Plan Lu Yunzhi nodded in praise: "Dong De is indeed far-reaching, and he got to the point in one sentence. However, as a leader, you can't just make use of the strengths of your subordinates, but also make use of their shortcomings to achieve maximum effectiveness." Rong obviously just followed orders and didn't know what was going on, and Dong De was also very interested for a while, knowing that Lu Yunzhi's words today had some enlightenment for him, and it also sounded the alarm for them, so that they should not skimp on these things in the future. Spending money, he clasped his fists and said, "I would like to hear the details of the Lord." Lu Yunzhi looked at Dong De and Arong in front of him and said seriously: "They are greedy for money and forget their loyalty when they see profit, so I let Arong Buy two or more slaves in each mansion. The higher the official position, the greater the power and the more informants around him. That's why I set up a system of increasing silver rewards based on what Ah Rong said. You said It's very good that he is a seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister, but can a concierge and a housekeeper be compared? Of course not. If someone gains power and wants to escape from our control, the remaining informants will be jealous of him out of their character, and they will be more strict. Monitor the whereabouts of him and their master, and then report to me, hoping to gain my appreciation and be slightly better than others. "" Of course, it is also possible that the slave reports to the master and betrays our Secret Thirteen. This situation should Not much will happen, because these bribed people are all selected by Ah Rong personally to do business, settle accounts and manage finances. Dong De, you are great. If you talk about such things, you are not as venomous as Ah Rong. Are you a bad servant or a loyal servant? Slave, he can knock it out at a glance. Even if there is such a thing as betrayal, then the master and the slave will have to disappear at the same time. This matter will be left to the Anbu to do it. What they do should be flawless. Lu is extremely skilled. In short, this means that they have taken advantage of their shortcomings to achieve all-round surveillance. We have already obtained a lot of useful information before. Although this plan has not been implemented for a long time, the effect is extraordinary." Lu Yunzhi is confident. Full of talk, "As for the maid you mentioned, even if she climbed into the master's bed and became a concubine, she would not be able to confess her relationship with us. Do you think she took our money for so long and betrayed her?" He has learned a lot of information about his master, and now even if he becomes his bed partner, he still doesn¡¯t have the guts to confess to his master that he once betrayed him," Lu Yunzhi said meaningfully. He analyzed human nature very thoroughly, which made him feel uncomfortable. Dong De and Arong suddenly felt a sense of enlightenment, as if they had awakened the dreamer with one word. After Dong De and Arong thought for a moment, Dong De said: "What about our brothers in the army? Do you have the three strategies I mentioned? "Executability." Lu Yunzhi shook his head and said: "None of the three strategies can be used. Let me tell you slowly. As the saying goes, it takes a thousand days to use an army. We have spent so much effort to arrange for them to enter the army. The energy, manpower and financial resources have been carefully cultivated, and finally allowed them to occupy many important positions. The benefits are self-evident. Dong De, your business and the trump card of our military power, which one is not extremely important? The higher they sit, the more important they are. The more advantageous it will be to us, one day all the soldiers and horses in the world will become our private army, and who can stop us then? Your disarmament policy is really inappropriate. All the good birds are hiding in their bows, and all the cunning rabbits are being cooked by the lackeys. Such ruthless tactics are right, but improvising without burning incense is not effective. Cutting them out of Secret Thirteen now means that they have lost control. Once the situation changes, who will replace them if the war breaks out again? You work hard, and it will be too late to make amends by then. It is also not advisable to reduce subsidies and delay the payment date. This can relieve temporary worries, but it is indeed an act that has hundreds of harms and only makes a small profit. " Ah Rong paused when he saw Lu Yunzhi's voice, and said: "I understand what your lord means. As time goes by, the reward will increase and everyone will be happy. If it becomes less and less, there will be complaints, and maybe there will be resentment. The gap, the time cannot be delayed, once it is delayed, there will be problems with integrity. Our control over the members of the military includes not only the inducement of money, the deterrent of prestige, but also the brotherhood of fighting on the bloody battlefield. This means that we must do what we say. Our unquestionable integrity. " "well said. " Lu Yunzhi praised, Dong De also scratched his head, then reached out and hit Ah Rong, pretending to be angry and said: "You are smart, I don't understand this, then you said this money can't be touched, that money can't be touched Shit, what should I do if my lord is short of money? " Ah Rong scratched his head, and then said: "I still have about a thousand taels of silver saved here. Lord, please use it first. "Lu Yunzhi said with a smile: "If you're not busy, I can't afford to ask you to pay for it out of your own pocket. In this way, as mentioned before, the thirty thousand taels of silver from the government treasury and the twenty thousand taels given to me by the heavenly account will add up to It¡¯s fifty thousand. My second brother bought a lot of fertile land on the outskirts of the city. Dong De, please go back and fold it out for me to see how much you have. Give it to Wang Yulu first, and then you can report to me how much is left. Dong De was surprised and said: "One hundred thousand taels for Wang Yulu. What does he need so much money for? Didn't my lord just ask me to give him more than 10,000 taels a few days ago? My lord, don't tell me about raising an army for a thousand days and using it for a while." I just want to say that he"The boss doesn't know how expensive firewood, rice, oil and salt are. He asks for money all day long. Don't indulge him. If he dares to ask for one hundred thousand today, he will dare to ask for one million next time." " Lu Yunzhi smiled and said: "I know, Dong De, I understand what you said, and I will pay attention to it. It's just that Wang Yulu is a talent. What is lacking in any era is talented people. As the saying goes, it is easy to win a thousand troops. This is why it is difficult to find someone, so it is worth spending any money on a talent like Wang Yulu. Hush, it seems that someone is coming outside. There should be four or five people. The leader is very skilled. Since the hidden people around him have not done anything, it should be okay. Danger, this is it for now, Dong De, just follow my instructions, I have my own arrangements for this matter. " While talking, several eunuchs wearing palace clothes walked through the door. The leader was Cao Jixiang. Dong De and Ah Rong clasped their fists and handed over their hands to Lu Yunzhi to say goodbye, and then walked out quickly. Lu Yunzhi also stood up. He greeted Cao Jixiang and shouted: "Hey, isn't this Eunuch Cao?" "Cao Jixiang knew Dong De and A Rong. Seeing them rushing out, he didn't say hello. He just nodded and passed by. "Cao Jixiang raised his hands and praised them: "I'm here to see Master Lu." Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly, supported Cao Jixiang and said: "Eunuch Cao, please come and be well. There is no need to be polite between us. I heard that you are very busy with government affairs. How does it feel to be in the high position of being a eunuch? You should get used to it." Haha, why are you free to come to Lu today? " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 114: Whether it is a blessing or a curse is unknown After hearing Lu Yunzhi's words, Cao Jixiang straightened up, stopped clasping his fists and said with a smile, "I'm here to ask for a reign name." "Is it the year?" Lu Yunzhi frowned and asked with confusion, Cao Jixiang quickly replied: "That's it, but after looking at it for a few times, His Majesty was not satisfied, and Long Yan was furious, so he asked for instructions. Your Majesty, Your Majesty said that it is up to Master Lu to decide the name of the reign. Master Lu can call it whatever he wants. " "Nonsense, how can I decide the name of the reign so easily? You go back and report to the emperor and act in accordance with the regulations. " Lu Yunzhi said she was filled with righteous indignation, but in fact she was extremely happy and excited. The reign name represented the change of dynasties and was also the announcement of the new emperor's accession to the throne. He did not expect that he had a humble background and now had the honor of being given a reign title. Time was full of emotions, Cao Jixiang laughed awkwardly, and then said: "Young master, there is no need to refuse, the emperor is showing great love to you, right?" Lu Yunzhi glanced at Cao Jixiang, pointed twice in the air, He knocked on the eunuch behind Cao Jixiang, then leaned over and said softly: "Gao Huai, you have such virtues before and after everyone. You are addicted to Cao Jixiang." Cao Jixiang only smiled and did not answer. Lu Yunzhi After thinking for a while, he cupped his fists and said to the sky: "Your Majesty loves you so much that I, Lu Yunzhi, will never be repaid by death. In this case, please tell Eunuch Cao back to your Majesty. My Ming Dynasty New Year's name will be Tianshun." Cao Jixiang whispered a few words silently and smiled happily: " Okay, okay, okay, Master Young Master is indeed a man of great learning and wealth. This is a good fate. God is following us. The country of Ming Dynasty will be renewed day by day, the country will be peaceful and the people are safe. I will take my leave now and return to the palace as soon as possible. We need to report it to the emperor and draw up a notice." Lu Yunzhi made a gesture of invitation and accompanied Cao Jixiang to the door. Tianshun, when Lu Yunzhi established Secret Thirteen, he claimed to be God, intending to go against heaven. Covering the sky with one hand, the current era name is called Tianshun, which is a kind of wish. What he wishes is not the Ming Dynasty, but his own smooth sailing, so he named it Tianshun. Lu Yunzhi sent Cao Jixiang to the door and held his hands. After seeing off, Cao Jixiang suddenly said: "By the way, I have one more thing to ask for. The Crown Prince Zhu Jianwen has asked me many times, saying he wants to meet the young master. I wonder if the young master can summon Zhu Jianwen." "This is not a big deal. Besides, since Eunuch Cao has spoken out, I will consider it and meet Prince Tong as soon as I have free time." Lu Yunzhi said, Cao Jixiang was entrusted by Zhu Jianwen to ask Lu Yunzhi hoped to meet him, and based on his years of affection, he punished his father Zhu Qixiang lightly. Cao Jixiang also came to see him. Lu Yunzhi did not give a clear answer, but said vaguely: " "I have some free time", so I didn't say much more, clasped my fists and said goodbye and went back to the palace. Ah Rong and Dong De were walking on the road, chatting as they walked. The two of them knew each other for the first time and trained a group of sergeants together. Speaking of which, Dong De also As Arong is half a master, his feelings are naturally different from others. What is commendable is that the two of them deal with business affairs and never hide the truth from Lu Yunzhi because of their good relationship. In fact, they are not only loyal to Lu Yunzhi but also They were grateful for the kindness, and also because they knew that what they did could not be hidden from Lu Yunzhi's eyes, because the Thirteen Secrets gradually took shape and had become all-pervasive. Ah Rong asked: "Brother Dong, you Have you just eaten? Dong De nodded, and then said with a smile: "I was full originally, but after listening to the lord's nagging, I became hungry again. Come on, follow me to the front and ask for two cages of steamed buns to eat." "Arong smiled and said nothing. Although Dong De was thin, he could eat a lot. He looked like a starving man. The two of them sat down and ordered two steamed buns, several plates of pickles, sliced ??enema, etc. After making a pot of rice, we sat there and started chatting. This stall was doing very well and was located in a lively area, but after all, it was not a place where rich people came. The oil stains on the table were clearly visible, and even the tea was only for the poor. They are tall and broken, but they also match the unassuming attire of Dong De and Ah Rong. One looks like a housekeeper of a wealthy family and the other looks like the owner of a shop. No one would have thought that such ordinary two people, one is in charge of a mountain of gold and silver. A man ordered all the servants in the world, Ah Rong picked up the teapot, this was a street stall but no one was making tea, poured a bowl for Dong De and said softly: "Do you think the Lord will also monitor us?" "That goes without saying, Ah Rong, Ah Rong, how long have you not practiced your hearing? I remember that your ears were not so good before. There are four people from the hidden tribe beside us. It seems that we are both capable." Two, hehe. " Dong De looked away and said casually, " Ah Rong turned his head to look but was stopped by Dong De who shouted softly: "Don't look, you can't see their figures if you look at them, it's just the Qi on their bodies and the lightness of their bodies." The almost inaudible footsteps revealed his whereabouts. " "They are the masters"Come and stare at me. "Arong took a breath and asked, "Dong De shook his head and replied: "The two have been following me for a long time. They have been following me since the establishment of the Yinbu. I just don't expose it. Dong De is not good at learning, but he doesn't let anyone know." Staring but not knowing how unbearable it is, I think they were not sent by the master to monitor us, but to protect us. After all, it is easy to block open fire and hidden arrows. No matter how powerful we are, we will inevitably be attacked secretly. We were caught off guard and lost our lives as a result. You see, the lord's magic skills are so advanced that he still needs the protection of the Anbu, not to mention us, so if we have the Anbu around us, it means that the lord loves us. " "Let me tell you, it scared me so much that I thought my lord didn't even believe you or me. Arong smiled and said, and then continued: "But why didn't the Lord tell us that he sent his hidden troops to protect us?" " Dong De thought for a while and said: "I think firstly, it is because I am afraid that we will be too worried. Secondly, I don't want us to be nervous and look around when nothing is wrong, which will delay our normal behavior. Thirdly, it is because I am afraid of you. I think there is The protection of the Yinbu is to take risks and show off one's courage when one shouldn't. " Ah Rong nodded, and Dong De said with a look of embarrassment: "Nothing." "Nothing. "Arong asked, and Dong De lowered his voice and said to Arong: "Have you ever thought about it, if the lord asks these hidden members who are responsible for keeping an eye on us, what we are doing, do you think these hidden members will? Will report truthfully. " Definitely. Arong thought of this and suddenly felt goosebumps rising up behind him. Although he had never done anything to feel sorry for Lu Yunzhi, he still felt that it was really uncomfortable to be stared at. He didn't know that there was such a thing. A smart lord is a blessing or a curse. Dong De smiled and finished the last bun, then took a big sip of tea leaves, put down a few copper coins on the table and shouted: "I'll settle the bill, boss." "Then he turned around and left, Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 115: Zhu Jianwen Goes to the Field The Zhongzheng clan was very lively these past two days. They sold fertile land and small houses in the countryside. Yang Xiyu and Yingzi also took out a lot of jewelry and cloth and sold them out. Finally, they collected another five thousand taels of silver. Lu Yunzhi couldn't help but wonder. I'm worried that such a big family is short of money. I'm afraid no one will believe it if I tell it. Wang Yulu kept saying that the money was almost enough, but Lu Yunzhi insisted on giving one hundred thousand taels. After all, the money was Saving face is a trivial matter, but buying a talent like Wang Yulu is an undoubted matter. Just when he was worried, Fang Qingze ran in with a smile, sat down next to Lu Yunzhi and said, "Third brother, I'm short of money recently. Why didn't you tell second brother? "" Second brother, how did you know?" Lu Yunzhi asked with raised eyebrows, looking at Fang Qingze suspiciously, not sure what he was paying attention to. If it were normal, Fang Qingze would have already taken the cash. Or the banknotes were thrown on the table. Where are these clich¨¦s? Fang Qingze chuckled and said, "Wasn't it a few days ago that you asked me to arrange the residence of Yuting and Second Senior Brother? But after they stayed for a while, they said they didn't want to While they were staying in the city, I wanted to take them to live in our courtyard in the suburbs. Isn't there a lot of fertile farmland there? After I went there, I found that the caretaker had long since disappeared, and they were staying in someone's house. I asked about it. I know that you sold the land and house. Doesn't this mean that you are short of money? Now I have redeemed it for you again. You kid, you are short of money and you don't tell me, your second brother. I will ask someone to give you how much you are short of. "Bring it here." Lu Yunzhi smiled and replied, "It's okay. It's almost over now. I can think of a solution myself. By the way, how are Yuting and the second senior brother?" "They are fine, you." Talk to me if you have anything to say, and don¡¯t be polite to me. We are all a family. There is a second senior brother taking care of Yuting, so safety is at least guaranteed. I also sent someone to buy two girls from the countryside to serve Yuting. I won¡¯t let her She endured hardship." Fang Qingze said, Lu Yunzhi nodded, lowered his head to drink tea and said nothing. Fang Qingze coughed twice, looked up at Lu Yunzhi, then coughed twice, Lu Yunzhi put down the teacup and said: "Second brother, if you have something to say, just say it. If you pretend to be here, I'll say it first. I can't give you the business in Dong De's hands. We're just relying on this to eat." "It's not that, it's just I heard that he found me recently. It's time for you to talk to him." Fang Qingze said a little embarrassed. Lu Yunzhi glanced at Fang Qingze and said, "Second brother, even you have come forward to intercede for him, okay, let me. Come and see me." Fang Qingze stood up happily, and then said: "Okay, the news is right outside the door. I asked him to come in, and you can have a good talk, and I won't interrupt him." Walking out the door, Lu Yunzhi shouted: "Second brother, you come in with him, you can't leave. I need a bystander for some things. Don't say that I, Lu Yunzhi, am ruthless and have no regard for brotherhood, etc." "Fang Qingze paused, then nodded and said, "Okay, but you must not do anything." Fang Qingze was frightened by Shi Fang's death, and he still has a shadow in his heart. Lu Yunzhi agreed, and Fang Qingze was quick. Bu walked out, and Lu Yunzhi hummed: "Here comes the money. "As he said that, he took out a small jar from his arms. "Lu Yun, Fang Qingze and Zhu Jianwen talked for two full hours. Lu Yun told Zhu Jianwen's conversation with Zhu Qixian without missing a word. Zhu Jianwen His face was pale and he didn't dare to quibble, and he didn't have the courage to ask Lu Yunzhi how he knew it. He didn't dare to talk back because he was in the wrong, and he was obedient because he was in a weak position. It was indeed Zhu Jianwen who showed no loyalty in the first place, and was duplicitous and double-crossed. Concerned, he finally understood why Lu Yunzhi had been avoiding him. Lu Yunzhi was empathetic and empathetic, otherwise Zhu Jianwen would not have been able to escape due to his way of doing things. However, Zhu Jianwen and his family were just besieged. The fact that he was not harmed in the military camp shows that Lu Yunzhi was merciful. Zhu Jianwen was in a state of despair when he left. The next day, he came to the Zhongzheng Yiline House again, handed Lu Yunzhi some things, and left quickly. In the early morning of the third day, Zhu Qixiang and Zhu Jianwen left the military camp with their family. This time, the surrounding sergeants did not stop them, but let them go all the way. They also sent a team of soldiers and horses to escort them back to their territory. However, Many people have discovered that the standard of living of the ruler Zhu Qixiang has plummeted. After years of accumulation, the ruler has become a little depressed. He has expelled many servants and slaves. Zhu Qixiang's power has also collapsed and he can no longer dominate the world. The king's majesty was gone, and few officials or princes came to greet him wherever he passed. At this time, Zhu Qixiang was like a plague dog that people could not avoid. Who would take the initiative to provoke Lu Yunzhi's taboo, if not With Zhu Jianwen here, perhaps it is not something to avoid but a rat crossing the street that everyone shouts and beats up. Fang Qingze did not make any comment on this because he knew that Zhu Jianwen was wrong, and the mistake was in his heart. He should not think about it with the mentality of a politician. Brotherly love, not to mention the fact that things were done so obviously, and he deserved his misfortune, Fang Qingze became more cautious,Afraid of revealing any problems, naturally he and Lu Yunzhi were sworn brothers, and their relationship was closer than that of Zhu Jianwen. However, Zhu Jianwen was a politician, which led to the catastrophe of the family's downfall, and Fang Qingze himself had nothing to do with it. He's not a businessman. Politicians think like politicians, and businessmen act like businessmen. Everything has returned to calm. With the money Zhu Jianwen sent to compensate for the mistake, one hundred thousand taels is more than enough, and Lu Yunzhi has also collected it himself. I got a lot of them and gave them to Wang Yulu. After negotiating with the drug dealer, Wang Yulu carefully looked at the quality of a large number of stocks and found that although some of them were of better quality, the overall quality was mixed, so These silver taels were useless. I bought all the medicines with only 10,000 taels, and the remaining money was returned to Lu Yunzhi. A few days ago, Zhu Qiyu passed away, and now he is buried in accordance with the prince's rules. In the west mountain of the capital, Zhu Qizhen announced to the world that he changed the reign name to Tianshun. After offering sacrifices to heaven, in front of all officials, Zhu Jianshen asked Zhu Jianshen to worship Lu Yunzhi as his second father again, and also worshiped him as his mentor. Lu Yunzhi's reputation suddenly rose. More than before, no one dared to be disrespectful. People in the court called the emperor Long Live, so some sycophants called Lu Yunzhi "Nine Thousand Years Old". Everyone in the court called him this, but Lu Yunzhi couldn't refuse, but If he could know that there would be a person named Nine Thousand Years Old nearly two hundred years later, Lu Yun would definitely not use the same name as him even if he died. Yes, but how can he figure out everything in the world? At least Lu Yunzhi cannot do this now. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 116: No More Love Lu Yunzhi's power in the three aspects of military, commercial and political affairs is unmatched, and there is no one inside or outside the court who can compete with Lu Yunzhi. It can be said that he covers the sky with one hand. It is hard to say whether the world's surname is Zhu or Lu. , Things often go wrong as you wish, but you can always tell others the same thing. Who can understand the anguish in Lu Yunzhi's heart? A mistake caused Shi Fang's death. His wife Shi Yuting did not want to talk to him and left him. Fellow brother Zhu Jianwen was driven back to his fiefdom and was in extreme despair. However, there were many reasons for all this, but he could not mention it to outsiders. He had to sink in the darkest corner of his heart and let these secrets be sealed forever. Now that the situation has been decided, Lu Yun Zhi was emotionally frustrated again, and simply stopped interfering in the government affairs. He went to the palace to teach Zhu Jianshen some principles of life, and did not teach Zhu Jianshen any tricks. On the contrary, Wan Zhen'er was very fascinated by it, so Zhu Jianshen became active. Lu Yun Zhi didn't know much about Fangzhong Shu and could only communicate with him from the side. Wan Zhen'er and Zhu Jianshen were also eager to learn it. They changed their previous attitude of not wanting to make progress. Wan Zhen'er believed that if you learn Shu Shu well, you will be able to rely on it. Obtaining a higher status, they did not expect that they would be inadvertently recorded in history. "Zhu Jianshen is good at alchemy", which was talked about by future generations and widely spread. At Wan Zhen'er's request, she also joined Lu Yunzhi founded the Secret Thirteen organization and served Lu Yunzhi. However, she was not a core figure. She was just a member of Ah Rong's leaders. Of course, she could not know the secret affairs of the Secret Thirteen. Wan Zhen'er was satisfied with that. , because all she wanted to do was to stay close to Lu Yunzhi's big tree again. A month later, Yang Xiyu and Yingzi went to visit Shi Yuting with a full belly. Although it was a bit bitter, the seemingly peaceful life once again After being broken up, Shi Yuting was originally unwilling to live in the Zhongzheng Yiline Courtyard, so she was arranged in another mansion in the city, and Han Yueqiu also followed. Later, she wanted to live in the countryside for some time, so Fang Qingze He took them to the small house in the countryside, only to find that it had been sold by Lu Yunzhi. Anything related to money could not be troubled by the extremely wealthy Mr. Fang. Fang Qingze spent half a percent more on it easily. After buying it back, now the three wives of Lu Yunzhi, Yingzi, Shi Yuting, Yang Xiyu, are sitting in this small country courtyard. They talked for a long time, and Yang Xiyu and Shi Yuting had already become familiar with each other. Yingzi spoke sincerely. She persuaded Shi Yuting to move back, but Shi Yuting always changed the topic and actually talked about Yang Xiyu. If Yingzi had followed her previous temper, she would have picked up Shi Yuting and ran back, but the education she received after losing her memory made her Like other ladies, she was much more gentle and elegant, and could no longer do such things. Yingzi persuaded her for a long time, but Shi Yuting still looked at him. Yingzi couldn't help but get really angry and said: "Yuting, why are you so stubborn? We It's a sister. You are my husband's wife. No matter what happened to you in the past, my husband doesn't care about it now. Why are you bothering? It's not good for others or yourself to dwell on the past problems. " "That's right, Sister Yuting. , you listen to our advice, go back, let the past go, why bother with it. "Yang Xiyu also persuaded, but Shi Yuting smiled bitterly and replied: "When it comes to this, I won't hide anything. In fact, it's not because I feel inferior that I don't go back. If it were because of this, I wouldn't stay. I'm in the capital, and I'm not afraid that Lu Yunzhi will dislike me. If he disliked me, he wouldn't have said that I was his wife in front of everyone in Tianjin Wei. Lu Yunzhi is a man of true temperament. To have someone like him A husband is the honor of a woman's life, especially watching him stain Tianjin Wei with blood for me. Although the blood is terrible, it is very touching. " "Then why are you doing this now? Yingzi asked in confusion, and Shi Yuting answered word for word: "Because after so many years, I discovered one thing, I don't love him." " Yingzi opened her eyes wide and looked at Shi Yuting in disbelief. Yang Xiyu sighed. The thing that worried her the most happened. Once upon a time, when Lu Yunzhi and Yang Xiyu first met, Yang Xiyu told Shi Yuting He had declared his relationship with Lu Yunzhi, and it turned out to be true today. Now that Shi Yuting said this, Yang Xiyu didn't know how to explain to Lu Yunzhi when he returned, so he frowned slightly. Yingzi was stunned for a long time before he paused. He came over and asked: "Why don't you love him anymore? How can you say that? Do you know how much effort he put in to find you? I can't say that it was all because of you that he invaded the capital, but it also has nothing to do with looking for you. His whereabouts are closely related. Are you right to say that? " "I know that he was kind to me, and I will never forget this kindness, but this does not become the reason for me to love him. Maybe what we had in the beginning was not love, but family affection. Sister Yingzi, what do you think of Lu? Yun Zhi fell in love at first sight, and sister Xi Yu fell in love with him, but not me. We grew up together. All we have is brother and sister, not love between a man and a woman.When I was a child, I didn¡¯t understand what love was. I just felt that I was very happy and comfortable when I was with him. The relationship at that time was ignorant. But now that I have grown up, I have discovered that I love him, but it is definitely not between a man and a woman. The love between us is just family affection. "Shi Yuting said calmly, Yingzi was furious, and regained a bit of the tough character of the ghost-eating tribe: "What have you learned outside, what about love, you are called childhood sweethearts, isn't this right? Isn't it the most reliable relationship? I don't blame you. It's just that you have been away from home for a long time and are estranged from your husband. That's why you say stupid things and obey me and come back. After a while, you won't be like this anymore. " Shi Yuting shook her head and said: "Even if I go back, my heart is no longer with him. This is unfair to him and will make him sad. In fact, I have long taken it lightly and calmly. I have been pretending before. I have low self-esteem because I am afraid that this result will stimulate him even more. I dare not say it out for fear of hurting him. Since Sister Yingzi and Sister Xi Yu have asked about it today, you can tell it to Lu Yunzhi on your behalf. " Yang Xiyu did not continue to follow Yingzi's words to dissuade Shi Yuting, but asked in a very calm tone: "Then how do you want to live next. " "I want to spend my whole life with the man I love. I searched for him thousands of times, but suddenly I looked back and found that man in the dim light. I didn't expect that there was someone who loved me who was always by my side, and I love him now too. Let's not talk about this anymore. As the saying goes, it is better for a virgin to lose her virginity than for an old prostitute to become a good person. Now that I have made up my mind, I will follow him for the rest of my life and will not change my will for anyone else, including Lu Yunzhi. "Shi Yuting smiled happily when she talked about the man she loved. Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 117: Hanlin¡¯s Sichuan Tour A bad premonition arose in Yang Xiyu's heart. Yang Xiyu endured the fear and asked, "Who is that person?" The killing may be another killing trapped by love, Yang Xiyu thought silently Some familiar names, I hope these names will not appear in Shi Yuting's mouth, otherwise based on her understanding of Lu Yunzhi, this matter will definitely not be given up. When the time comes, it will definitely take five steps of blood to stop, Shi Yuting Zhang Before she opened her mouth to say the person's name, she heard Yingzi yelling: "Shi Yuting, it seems that I, as an elder sister, have to educate you. Stop having those unrealistic illusions. Apart from your husband, there is no one else." If you don't believe that someone will be so kind to you, and no one cares about what happened in the past, ask the man you like if he dares to marry you. " "I dare," a man's voice sounded outside the door. She was stunned for a moment, and then became furious. She clearly recognized the voice, and Han Yueqiu walked in. Han Yueqiu was now nearly fifty years old, and his hair was already a little gray. He walked in from outside the hospital, carrying some chicken, duck, fish, etc. Waiting, Shi Yuting saw Han Yueqiu coming in and smiled in return. The smile was clearly the smile a wife should have for her husband who came home. Yang Xiyu and Yingzi understood everything, and they said nothing more and stood up to leave. After walking out and sitting on the carriage towards the capital, Yingzi kept sighing. Yang Xiyu took Yingzi's hand and said seriously: "Sister, don't tell your husband when you go back, I'm afraid of him." Yingzi nodded The head replied: "I understand." Yang Xiyu thought for a moment, ordered the carriage to stop and shouted: "Generals, listen to the order." Five or six members of the hidden tribe rushed out from beside him. Since the last time Yang Xiyu called out After the Yin tribe generals had made great achievements, Lu Yunzhi ordered that Yang Xiyu summon all the troops to show up to greet him. Several men first clasped their fists at Yang Xiyu and said, "Madam." Then they praised Yingzi: " "Miss." Yingzi then remembered that these people were clearly members of his tribe, but they were now working for Lu Yunzhi, so they called themselves eldest lady. However, this was not the time to talk casually, so he just nodded and said, Xi Yu's face was a little ugly, and he said softly: "Brothers, please don't mention today's matter to your lord. If the incident happens in the future, I will take care of it for you, please." All the men clasped their fists and praised: "I belong to you. I don¡¯t dare to do it.¡± Then they jumped up one after another and disappeared for a moment. Yingzi and Yang Xiyu returned to the Zhongzheng Yiline House. They were worried but had to pretend to be calm. They were really distressed. Lu Yunzhi was dancing and writing in the room. When he saw the two ladies returning, he smiled and then held up his calligraphy to show them. He saw two lines of words written on the gold-sprinkled paper: Like the bird in the Hanlin, both perches. Once, like a fish swimming in Sichuan, Yang Xiyu trembled and looked at Yingzi. Although Yingzi was puzzled, he also knew the origin of this poem. It was Pan An's mourning poem. These two lines The poem is desolate and miserable, expressing the sorrow for the death of his wife. Just like Lu Yunzhi should have felt after knowing the truth. What is the difference between Shi Yuting's doing this and saying goodbye to Lu Yunzhi forever? If I have to say the difference, it would be even more sad. It hurts more. Could it be that Lu Yunzhi already knew it, but looking at his face, there was no trace of sullenness. It shouldn't be the case. Yingzi didn't know, so he could only agree: "This word is well written, with a strong sense of sadness, but this poem is not Geely, when you write such a poem, you are probably cursing us both to death. "As she spoke, Yingzi pretended to be coquettish to dispel her uneasiness, "She fell in love with someone else, right? "Lu Yunzhi raised his eyes and said. Yang Xiyu and Yingzi lowered their heads one after another, unwilling to look at Lu Yunzhi for fear of seeing a heartbroken face. The room fell into silence for a while. After a long time, Yang Xiyu finally Asked: ¡°How did you know. " Lu Yunzhi smiled bitterly and said: "Xi Yu, you have always been considerate and able to guess my inner thoughts, but have you noticed that you understand me more and more recently? There seems to be a connection between the two of us. You can know everything I do and think, and your observation skills can make accurate judgments. I think it may have something to do with your relationship with Yingzi, and my extending Yingzi's life. The connection is with me. It¡¯s not clear yet, but it may be that Yingzi acts as a medium to create a connection between you and me. Now try to calm down and see if you can feel the presence of the nightmare in my body. " Yang Xiyu closed his eyes, breathed a few breaths, opened his eyes after a while, nodded, Lu Yunzhi said: "That's it, so I know everything you are thinking and worrying about today, obviously. Tell me in vain, what Yu Ting said. " Yang Xiyu and Yingzi looked at each other and knew that they could no longer hide it for Shi Yuting. What should come will come sooner or later. Even if they don't say it now, Lu Yunzhi will investigate it by himself, so he told what Shi Yuting said exactly. Yang Xiyu, however, held a trace of luck in his heart.When he told about Shi Yuting and Han Yueqiu, Lu Yunzhi stared at the two of them. Yang Xiyu suddenly felt his heart move, and heard Lu Yunzhi say coldly: "Is it possible that you two also want to deceive me? " Lu Yunzhi didn't know anything. This was obviously a deception. Before Yang Xiyu could stop him, Yingzi sighed and said, "Don't embarrass Xi Yu. She is also doing it for your own good. Yuting is in love with her. "Han Yueqiu." Lu Yunzhi stood up, feeling sad in his heart, but had no way to vent it. For Shi Yuting, he regarded her as a family member, for her to fight in the capital, for her to stain Tianjin, and now she actually fell in love with her. Others, Lu Yunzhi walked out of the yard, and struck the big tree in the yard with his Qi sword, as if the big tree was Han Yueqiu's body. The big tree was cut in half and fell horizontally in the yard. Han Yueqiu , I want you to die, Lu Yun's evil stemmed from his guts, he thought angrily, a chilling air enveloped his whole body, and the supposed violence on his body actually smelled of blood, a white hand grabbed Lu Yun Zhiqi's trembling arms, Lu Yunzhi looked back, his eyes were blood red as if he could bleed, Yang Xiyu showed a wry smile at the corner of his mouth, and said: "Didn't you already know it many years ago? I said it, In fact, she regards you as her brother, and you regard her as your sister. You don't love her, do you?" The anger gradually subsided, and the faint smell of blood in the air disappeared. Lu Yunzhi took a deep breath. Said: "Once, I wanted to ask someone from Fenggu for advice on my marriage. He once told me Pan An's "Mourning Poem". I never thought that it would be like this today, that's all. It seems that everything is fate. It's fate." As he spoke, the corners of Lu Yunzhi's eyes became moist. Yang Xiyu and Yingzi saw it in their eyes and felt pain in their hearts, but they didn't know how to persuade them. Lu Yunzhi looked at the sky sadly, his figure Xiao Se was like a wounded lone wolf. He secretly thought: God, why are you teasing me like this, letting me regain what I lost and then lose again. How can I bear such great joy and sorrow? Can't you let me live it? A few days of peace and quiet, yes, I only love Yang Xiyu, but Yingzi and Shi Yuting are also my wives and my family. No one can take them away. No, I can't blame you, God, because I It's God, just follow my rules of dealing with things and end this troubled relationship. When Lu Yunzhi thought of this, he showed a cold smile and chanted again: Like the bird in the Hanlin, it only roosts in two places once, like that. Yu Sichuan Fish, Bimu Zhonglu Analysis, At the same time, Yang Xiyu shuddered under the warm sunshine at noon, because she understood that the turmoil in the world was rising again and was unstoppable. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 1: Rampant in the Countryside Yang Xiyu ate another bowl of tofu puffs and seemed satisfied. Then he secretly took a cage of real straw buns and put them into the food box. This kind of real straw buns had thin skin and many fillings, which were delicious and juicy. Yang Xiyu liked it very much. If she didn't eat enough, she had to take some back. Yang Xiyu sucked the remaining soup on her fingers and exposed a fair forearm from the wide sleeves of the coarse men's clothing. She was wearing men's clothing and a tattered felt hat. He also had a big beard on his face that he found from nowhere. He looked like a man with a big belly. It turned out that Yang Xiyu was disguised as a man and came out to steal food. Yang Xiyu was much fatter than before. Her slender arms became round and round, and her belly became big. Originally, such a beautiful pregnant woman would attract attention when she went out on the street, but now she dressed like this and spoke in a rough voice, so the busy shop waiter and Those who were in a hurry did not doubt that he was there. Naturally, no one noticed Yang Xiyu sitting in the corner in disguise. This restaurant is very unique. It is called Yuan Yuanju. The decoration inside the store is very exquisite, but the things sold are It is a special snack that can only be found in small stalls on the street. It is called Huanjuju and it is worthy of its name. It returns to the original nature and restores the real me. The business in the store is very good. The reason for this is that there are many kinds of snacks here, and there are all kinds of local delicacies from all over the world. Yes, and the food is authentic, so many people who have left home to work in Beijing or are busy with business love to come here to eat some snacks unique to their hometown to relieve their homesickness and satisfy their hunger. Greedy man, in fact, the longer you stay away from home, the more you miss your hometown, so don¡¯t say that the snacks in this restaurant are extremely authentic. Even if there are slight differences, the diners who come here will not be picky. The delicious food plus the taste of home, how can Is it exciting? Another reason why Yang Xiyu likes this store is that the clerks in this store do not judge people by their appearance. Most businessmen always look down on others. But here is different. Not only the dignitaries from the capital can come. , even the coolies love to come here to have toothpaste. The reason is that the prices in this store are approachable and everyone can afford it. Yang Xiyu looked at the door warily, and sure enough she had seen a few of them. The members of the hidden tribe were running back and forth on the street, with anxious looks on their faces. Yang Xiyu called the waiter, ordered a few more meats, and packed them away, hoping to take them back to the person responsible for protecting him later. The Yinbu hero apologized. Since the last time Ah Rong bought a few baskets of straw bags, Yang Xiyu had taken a look at the situation of this store. After being accompanied by Lu Yunzhi for a few times, Yang Xiyu fell in love with him. In this house, Yingzi was accompanying the old couple of the Tang family at the time. When she returned, she found out that Lu Yunzhi had taken her out to eat. She scolded them for a long time, saying that Yang Xiyu was pregnant and could not see the wind, let alone eat unclean things, and so on. If anything, this meal was so fierce that the usually majestic Lu Yundu stuck out his tongue, and apologized to Yingzi again and again, saying that he would never dare to do it again. Later, unable to withstand Yang Xiyu's pleas, Arong, Dongde and others also secretly went out. I bought it for her several times, but Yang Xiyu, who had eaten in the store, found that the packed food was always not as delicious as the food cooked on the spot, so she took advantage of this time when Lu Yunzhi came to the palace to teach Zhu Jianshen, and Yingzi went out to visit. The two elders of the Tang family had the opportunity to "act". Yang Xiyu deceived a few people from the hidden department and tapped the acupuncture points of four or five people, and then sneaked out to have a feast. Yang Xiyu felt a little guilty in his heart, thinking that the weather would be cold. It's so bad that those secretly watching Anbu brothers don't know when they will be discovered, let alone how long they will have to stand in the cold wind. Since they have finished eating now, they have to go back quickly, untie their acupuncture points and send them away. Just serve some good wine and meat to make amends. Just as he was thinking about it, he suddenly heard a few loud drinks, followed by the sound of broken cups and plates. Yang Xiyu raised his beautiful eyes and looked sideways. Several flying fish in royal robes were seen. The man with Tang Dao on his waist was pulling a singer. The singer looked very young, in her twenties at best. Although she was not beautiful, she was extremely delicate. With her excellent figure, she could be considered a human being. On the top grade, there was an old man playing the pipa next to him who was not sure what to do, and kept begging: "Sir, my granddaughter, my granddaughter is still young, please let her go. " As the old man spoke, he took out a few taels of silver and a small bag of copper coins from his arms, handed them to the Jinyi guards, and then said: "This is some money, which can be regarded as tea money for the officials. " One of them took it, stuffed the money into his arms, then opened the purse, held it to the old man's face, pulled out the Tang knife and cursed: "You're sending a fucking beggar. " The old man knelt down and kowtowed repeatedly. The woman kept shouting, but was pressed firmly on the table by a man. The man also said in a teasing tone: "Don't be afraid, sister, we are just taking you there. Just for fun, it won't hurt you. "Speaking of which, if the crowd is excited now and jointly restrains several Jin Yiwei, they will not dare to make trouble even if they want to come. After all, this is the imperial city at the feet of the emperor. No matter how powerful the Jin Yiwei is, they will never do it.?In broad daylight, he openly molested a good woman, and then he took her away and fucked her again. However, the diners next to him either got up to check the bill and left in a hurry, or they hid aside and dared not say anything, and even raised their eyes to peek. As a joke, it is shameful that human nature is so indifferent. Yang Xiyu secretly spat. He wanted to get up and go to them to perform acupuncture, but he looked at his belly and was afraid that he would not be able to cure them with one move. What's the accident? Yang Xiyu was thinking about it when he saw one of the Jin Yiwei snorted coldly: "You are all fucking eating, what are you looking at, and then I will dig out your eyeballs." After saying that, he got on someone's body viciously. After taking a look at the official who was wearing a sixth-grade official residence, the official had some conscience and wanted to stop him, but Jin Yiwei was not someone to be trifled with. It would be uneconomical to offend Jin Yiwei for an unrelated girl, so he remained half standing and half sitting. In such a posture, Jin Yiwei glared at him. He put away his sense of loyalty and drew his sword to help when he saw an injustice, and lowered his head to eat in fear. He secretly prayed in his heart that these men would not remember his face. It would be a troublesome thing to look back and check. , Those people grabbed the woman and said in a loud voice, "This female thief is an important criminal of the imperial court. We will take her back for interrogation. Anyone who blocks her path will be killed." After saying that, they all pulled out their knives. When the old man saw this, he knew that he was doomed, so he immediately He hugged the thigh of one of them tightly and kept begging and begging in an attempt to let them go. However, he was kicked hard to the ground. The kick was not light. The old man could not get up and could only lie on the ground. wailing, Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 2: Dong Erding doesn¡¯t buy the young hero¡¯s blame "Stop." Two loud shouts sounded. Yang Xiyu slapped the table and stood up. She looked at the other person who said the same thing as her. It turned out to be a young man with a handsome face and a trace of childishness on his face. He looked like he was not yet weak. Yang Xiyu was young, but there was a bit of rebelliousness between his eyebrows. Yang Xiyu wanted to give a Wanfu gift, but suddenly remembered that he was wearing men's clothes, so he clasped his fists at the young man. The young man snorted coldly and did not answer or salute. , walked straight to the Jin Yiwei, and said in a loud voice with a righteous but cynical expression: "Do you still have the law in broad daylight? With such dirty Jin Yiwei, then this court is not a good one." Court, you all deserve to die." Several Jin Yiwei were shocked. They saw that the young man was dressed very decently, and his accessories were also very expensive. He also held a very simple but priceless long sword in his hand. , He was so well-dressed and dared to go out with a weapon on the street. It seemed that he was not an ordinary person, so he stopped looking down on him. He was afraid of provoking the prince of the first rank of the imperial court or the prince of the vassal, so he clasped his fists and said: "Don't dare to say anything disrespectful to the court. Dare to ask the master's family." The young man twitched his brows and said calmly: "Young master, I am not a high-ranking official, so feel free to do it." He shook the gun in his hand. Chang Jian, upon hearing this, one of the Jin Yiwei couldn't hold it any longer, stretched out his hand and pushed towards the young man and said, "You are looking for death, right? If you stop us, we will chop you down." No one could see clearly what was going on, only that The young man seemed to have retreated seven steps away in an instant, but the arm pushed out by the Jin Yiwei slowly slipped to the ground. Screams suddenly rang out in the room, and all the diners ran to avoid it. Only then did the Jin Yiwei, who had broken his arm, react. He came over and screamed, blood gushing out, but he was still a man. He tore a piece of cloth and tied the wound. He pointed the knife at the boy with his other hand and glared angrily, "Mani, mani, one by one, I want everyone to go out and fight, and pay me double compensation for the things I damaged just now, and I also have to pay for the cleaning of this place. I want to restore this place to a place for eating, not a place to pick fights." A middle-aged man dressed like a shopkeeper. The man came down from upstairs, and several Jin Yiwei cuddled together. They could see that this young man was a master, and they were afraid that they would not be able to defeat him. When they saw the shopkeeper walking down, one of them got the courage to shout: "Shopkeeper, Go and report to the official, this person is a gangster." The shopkeeper was stunned for a moment, but he looked at the scene in front of him and became very calm. He smiled and said, "Get out of here, if you want to fight, give me the money if you are alive. Paid." His voice paused and he continued: "Huanju is a place to eat, and everyone who comes here are diners, whether they are government officials, military lords, gangsters, traffickers, and pawns, etc., as long as they enter Huanyu, they will They are all diners, and I don¡¯t care about anything else. The only thing here is to eat. If you want to do anything else, go away.¡± The corners of the young man¡¯s mouth curled up slightly. It seemed that the shopkeeper was very interested in him. The Jin Yiwei were furious and said: The fear of the young man's skills turned into anger towards the shopkeeper, and they shouted: "We are Jin Yiwei, if you dare to protect criminals, we will go back and destroy your nine tribes. The shopkeeper laughed loudly and said: "Go, my name is Dong Erding, and our big boss is Dong De, who is upstairs. You can send people to destroy our nine tribes at any time, but I'm afraid no one will have the courage." " Yang Xiyu sat motionless in his seat, secretly snickering. It was originally Dong De's business. No wonder the food Dong De brought back every time was fresher than what Ah Rong bought. It turned out that he had gone through internal channels, first come first served. Months have passed, and those few Jin Yiwei who were hanging around in the capital naturally knew who Dong De was. They quickly shut up, feeling extremely distressed. Today, they showed that they met a nosy boy who was still a master. He was so ruthless that he could cut him off with just one blow. One arm cannot be beaten. Even if he kneels down and begs for mercy, he may not be able to save his life. I want to ask the shopkeeper's reporter to bring in reinforcements, but when I hear that this is Dong De's shop, I am afraid that the arrogance of what he just said will spread to the public. In Dong De's ears, this was regarded as offending Lu Yunzhi's general Dong De. Alas, several Jin Yiwei sighed in their hearts, it is true that good fortune and misfortune never come alone. The young man was amused by the frowning faces of the few people in front of him, and saw that they left obediently. After going out, I looked back at the shopkeeper standing on the stairs. I wanted to give him a polite hug for the first time, but the shopkeeper had a frosty face and ordered his men to clean up the blood stains. He threw away the blood-stained tables, chairs, benches, pots and pans and replaced them with new ones. New, after arranging everything, I saw a young man standing in the distance, wanting to come forward to chat. For a moment, he shouted coldly: "What are you doing, what are you doing, why are you still here, let you go out." You kid didn't hear it. "What are you doing together? What are you doing?" was the mantra of the shopkeeper. The young man was stunned and immediately blushed with embarrassment. He was about to get angry when he thought about not letting those royal guards escape, so he snorted heavily and walked away, The shopkeeper Dong Erding rolled his eyes and said to himself: "Silly young man. "The Jin Yiwei came out of the store and ran quickly towards the street corner.??, I want to leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible. As for seeking revenge, I don¡¯t dare to think about it. I made trouble in Dong De¡¯s shop, and he is upstairs. I won¡¯t be able to eat and walk around. Prince They couldn't afford to take care of Yafu's important ministers. As they were running in a hurry, they heard a loud shout from behind: "Stop all of you. If you want to leave without leaving anything behind, you won't be able to remember." Several people looked back and saw the young man chasing out, followed closely by the man with a big belly. However, although the man with a big belly had spoken outright just now, he was leaning aside at this time and had no intention of stepping forward to help. Ignore it, but if they knew that it was Yang Xiyu in disguise, they would probably pass out at this moment. Maybe this is really an unlucky day for them. There is no way to escape now. The only way is to fight. I just discovered This kid is very skilled, but he may have suffered a big loss because he was negligent in his defense. Look at the number of people on his side. If we attack in a group, a hero can't stand against the wolves. A guard in Jinyi saluted first and then clasped his fists and said: "This hero, we I¡¯ll stay here to discuss an explanation with you, but if my brother¡¯s arm is injured, let him go first. It¡¯s important to find a medical center to stop the bleeding.¡± The man said and pointed to the man with the broken arm. The man¡¯s face was in pain at the moment. He was sweating, but he held the Tang knife tightly and shouted loudly: "If you don't go, damn, our brothers are afraid that we can't kill this little bastard together." The young man smiled instead of being angry and said: "He is a man, but this But you are looking for death, so don¡¯t blame me.¡± Before he finished speaking, the young man looked sideways at the man with a big belly behind him. If you look closely, in addition to his big belly and big cheeks, the face exposed under the felt hat is very fair. What caught the boy's attention was that a handsome middle-aged man appeared behind the big-bellied man, but he didn't notice the arrival of this middle-aged man at all. This shouldn't be the case. Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 3: Dealing with Problems The middle-aged man also glanced at the young man at the same time. The two looked at each other a little surprised, such sharp eyes, but the middle-aged man's eyes contained a lot of things, while the young man's eyes were much cleaner. The young man didn't care. Now that man stood up to speak. Although it was unclear whether he was an enemy or a friend, he probably wasn't in the same group as the Jinyiwei. Besides, the lackeys of the imperial court were not such powerful figures. Thinking of this, the young man ignored it. His eyes were open, but his ears were tightly listening to the conversation behind him. The middle-aged man came to Yang Xiyu, took off his felt hat and stretched out his hand to pull off Yang Xiyu's beard, and then shaved Yang Xiyu's beard. With a flick of his nose, he scolded softly: "You girl, Yingzi has hurt us both again today." But Yang Xiyu said with an excited face: "My husband, those royal guards just bullied a pair of grandsons and grandsons who were doing business, and now they are being Lesson." The young man's body trembled when he heard it. He looked out of the corner of his eye and saw that the man with a big belly was gone. In front of him was a beautiful pregnant woman. He couldn't help being extremely surprised. Taking advantage of this time, several Jin Yiwei came forward and rubbed her body. He slashed with the sword, and the young man's figure swayed as if he had disappeared out of thin air. Then the Tang knives in the hands of the Jin Yiwei broke one after another, but the young man's sword was not unsheathed, and people stood behind the Jin Yiwei. Lu Yunzhi took a breath of cold air. , sighing secretly: It's so fast, the young man walked towards several imperial guards step by step, and said arrogantly: "It won't be difficult for you today, just like your brothers, each of you will leave an arm, you can choose your own, I will spare you. " Several Jin Yiwei stared at each other angrily, but they were trembling. At this moment, they heard a soft whisper, as comfortable as bathing in warm sunshine. It's not that the voice was so nice, it was just that the words came too timely: " They are the royal guards of the imperial court. It is not your turn to kill or behead them." The young man looked at the source of the voice with a cold expression. It was the handsome middle-aged man just now. This person was Lu Yunzhi, who was born in Lu Yunzhi. Dressed like a scholar, Jin Yiwei was extremely disappointed. He thought it was an official coming to save him, but he thought he was a poor scholar. However, the young man was a good judge of things and did not dare to take long steps into a cat's step, which could be used to attack or defend. He raised his voice and asked: " Who is here? Tell me your name. Why are you working as an aide to help Zhou? Could it be that you are also a lackey of the imperial court?" Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and said: "The imperial court will deal with their disorderly conduct. If they are like you, they use force to violate the ban. Then why should the court do it?" The young man didn't want to let it go, and said rudely: "Humph, they say that most people who are loyal are dog-slaughters, and those who are unfaithful are scholars. I think this is not true at all. You are just talking. , Why didn¡¯t you show up when the incident happened? What are you talking about about ethics now? You look like a human being, but you are actually just farting.¡± , revealing a thin face and two lenses. Everyone walking in the market knew that this Zunrong and those glasses belonged to no one but Dong De. Dong De jumped down from the upstairs and walked to Lu Yun Zhi clasped his fists in front of him and shouted: "Lord, please forgive me for being late." "It doesn't matter, Dong De, you step aside and let me handle this matter. "Lu Yunzhi smiled and patted Dong De and said. Now everyone understood that this handsome middle-aged man was Lu Yunzhi. Several of the imperial guards were also trembling. It seems that this time they really have to go back to the drawing board and rebuild. Luo Yunzhi In the hands of the young man, he would probably lose his arm. If he went back to report that he was injured on duty, he could still make some money. If it fell into the hands of Lu Yunzhi, his life would probably be lost. They all trembled and knelt on the ground and kowtowed: " Please forgive me for my life." Lu Yunzhi looked at them and sighed and said, "What have you done? Since you have done it, you must take responsibility. "The young man still frowned at Lu Yunzhi, with a look of annoyance, thinking that Lu Yunzhi was showing off. He didn't know Dong De. He had just finished the martial arts competition and rushed to the capital today. It is estimated that the person from heaven and earth who competed with him had Luohua Pulse. The Lord will stay in bed for another month or two. Thinking of this, the young man smiled proudly, "Because he just came to the capital, he doesn't know anything about things here. Since he doesn't know Dong De, he naturally doesn't know who that person is." It was Lu Yunzhi who he had always wanted to compete with, but when he heard the name Jiu Qian Sui, he still hesitated. Long live the emperor, and this guy was called Jiu Qian Sui. His background was really quite big, no wonder his eyes were like this. Sharp, it seemed that he was confident enough to use his power to suppress others, so the young man judged for himself that the Lu Yunzhi in front of him was just a high-ranking and eloquent official, and there was nothing to worry about. Lu Yunzhi clasped his fists and said: "This young hero , leave these people to me, I will deal with them impartially and will never tolerate them. You are right about what happened today. It can be regarded as a lack of supervision by the court. I will make improvements to this in the future. I thank you for this. " As he spoke, Lu Yunzhi clapped his hands, and several black shadows came out. The young man was startled. The location of these people's hiding places was very particular. They were neither far nor close, so they were not easy to be discovered. The fact that they were hidden without any sound showed that they were extremely psychological. Okay, look at what's happening nowThey are also very skilled in jumping out. If so many masters want to attack on their own, it will be very difficult to do. However, the masters are bold, so he is not worried. He is just on guard secretly, and he is still a little excited in his heart. As expected, there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the capital. This matter must be resolved quickly. Only by fighting with the rumored Lu Yunzhi can we have a good time. Lu Yunzhi said: "Send these people to Dongchang and remember to let them enforce the law impartially. Let them explain the matter clearly and never condone it." Several heroes from the hidden tribes all agreed. They wanted to leave after mentioning the trembling Jin Yiwei who kept begging for mercy, but Lu Yunzhi explained again: "But you can't exaggerate or frame it. Just put the blame on it and handle it how you want. I will personally take care of the matter later and let the Dongchang side take care of themselves." Several Jin Yiwei breathed a sigh of relief. What they did just now was like stripping off the Jin Yiwei's clothes. Expelling him would not lead to death. Lu Yunzhi was really wise, so they burst into tears and shouted at the nine thousand-year-old wise man. The Jin Yiwei was taken away. Lu Yunzhi clasped his fists and said to the young man: "Young hero, what do you think of my treatment?" That's right." The young man snorted, waved the non-existent dust with his sleeve and said, "It's an advantage for them." He was about to leave, but heard Lu Yunzhi call softly: "Young hero, please stay. "I haven't explained anything yet." "Why, what's wrong with me?" The young man raised his eyebrows, turned around and said in a bad tone. As he spoke, he opened the sword a little and revealed the cold light. The blade of the sword, his eyes scanned the surroundings to guard against the hidden masters approaching gradually, but he did not pay attention to Lu Yunzhi in front of him at all. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 4: A Knight¡¯s Journey Lu Yunzhi still said calmly: "The young hero used force to break the ban. He cut off Jin Yiwei's forearm without authorization with the strength of his arms. I'm afraid this is not appropriate. You need to handle the case with me. Draw your sword to help when there is injustice. That's right, but with the young hero's ability, it's not difficult to stop him. Why cut off someone else's arm and cause them lifelong inconvenience?" The young man didn't listen to Lu Yun's next words. When he heard that, When his arms were strong, his heart exploded, and murderous aura rose from his body. He asked coldly: "What are you talking about? What do you mean by relying on the strength of my arms? Do you mean that my sword skills are not good? I will protect you if I can." Call those people out and ask them to compete with me. "Lu Yunzhi shrugged, looking noncommittal, and said with a smile: "Forget it, let me do it myself. I will do a good job for your father today. Teach you a lesson for this arrogant boy. By the way, remember to pay for the tables, chairs, benches and cleaning fees in Lao Dong's shop." Dong De laughed mischievously after hearing this. He didn't know that Lu Yunzhi would also take advantage of his father. Speaking of things, this was the first time that the eldest girl got into the sedan chair. The young man took out a piece of gold from his arms, and then said: "You are so arrogant. You are powerless. It all depends on the people behind you." You are a coward who dares to go around shouting because of the support of experts. It¡¯s okay if I take out the money as an apology.¡± Lu Yunzhi smiled and said nothing, and the young man suddenly yelled: ¡°But it depends on what you have. I don¡¯t have the ability to come and get it.¡± As he spoke, the young man threw the gold ingot to Lu Yunzhi, and then came to Lu Yunzhi¡¯s side in a flash. The speed was amazing. Dong De opened his eyes wide and wiped his lenses with his sleeves. He didn't see the boy's movement trajectory. Not to mention Dong De, even Lu Yunzhi was shocked. He only caught the shadow of the boy, but he didn't really see his movements clearly. It was so fast, and there was a "dang" sound. There was a loud noise, and the young man returned to the place where he was originally standing, and Lu Yunzhi had an extra gold ingot in his hand. A trace of cold sweat appeared on Lu Yunzhi's forehead. If he hadn't been skilled in skills, he would have fallen into trouble today. The figure of the young man he saw just now He disappeared and quickly protected his body with Qi. Even so, he was still split by the young man's sword, but this slowed down the young man's speed. Lu Yunzhi's Qi became a sword and then condensed into an ordinary-sized sword. The sword of the man fought against him, which greatly increased the strength of his energy, and then he shook the young man away. Lu Yunzhi cursed in his heart, the old guy had a wishful thinking, and he really needed to be invisible to defeat the young man. If the young man is fast, he must be faster. As long as the speed is not broken, Lu Yunzhi secretly guessed that the young man was also very frightened. He did not expect that the nine thousand-year-old scholar in front of him was so powerful. His speed was not even close to his own. It was so powerful that he was able to swing himself away, and his mouth was numb from the shock. How did he know that Lu Yunzhi used the art of controlling air without using any physical strength at all? His defense just now was simply impeccable, and then another attack With such a head-to-head confrontation, the young man shook his numbness and laughed with satisfaction. He finally found his opponent. At this moment, the old man who had been performing just now ran up to Lu Yunzhi with the support of his granddaughter and bowed repeatedly. Said: "This officer, please don't embarrass me, young hero, he is our savior. " Lu Yunzhi helped the old man up and said, "There is no need to be polite, old man. We are just making friends with force, and there is no hatred. "The old man became confused. There was clearly a tense situation just now. Although he didn't see the two people fighting clearly, he heard the loud noise and could see the murderous intent in their eyes. Seeing the old man looking at him with concern, the young man also He quickly agreed: "That's right, we are just trying to compare notes in some ways. Dad, don't worry. You can go back quickly. Don't worry, nothing will happen. There are some silver coins here who can go home and live a good life. Don't show up in public anymore. Busy for a living. "As he spoke, the young man took out a money bag, with many banknotes exposed. The young man put it in the old man's hand. The old man took his granddaughter and bowed down, and asked: "May I ask your benefactor's name? I would like to stand up and burn incense to worship you and pray for peace. " The young man smiled and said: "Why do you need to ask my name when we meet by chance? You and I are destined. I can't see a dog official bullying others, so I help you. If you have to ask me my name, just call me a knight. " After the young man finished speaking, he looked at Lu Yunzhi, and Lu Yunzhi said: "There are many people here. Let's make an appointment later. The young man raised his voice and said, "It's just what I want. Don't hurt anyone else. I'll go find you in three days. Please tell me a place. I just came to the capital and I'm not familiar with it." " Lu Yunzhi thought for a while and smiled and said: "Let's take Hongluo Temple. I once fought a battle with an old friend there. At noon three days later, you and I will meet there and see you there. " "Well, see you later. The young man hugged his fists at Lu Yunzhi and saluted the old man, turned around and left. After taking two steps, he turned back to Lu Yunzhi and asked, "Do you know where Lu Yunzhi lives? Which one of you is better?" " Lu Yunzhi replied calmly with her hands behind her back: "?That's it. " The young man was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly, waved his hands and walked away. The people watching from a distance quickly moved out of the way, looking at the young man as if they were looking at monsters, and at the same time sizing up Lu Yunzhi. It turned out that this was the legendary figure. The nine-thousand-year-old man who covers the sky with one hand is said to have two wives who are as beautiful as flowers and jade, as if they are gods. The men are envious and jealous, and the women have spring eyes. Only Yang Xiyu looked at the young man's leaving figure and softly chanted: "Kill one person in ten steps, leave no trace for a thousand miles, brush away your clothes when the matter is over, and hide your body and name deeply. " "It's Li Bai's "Xia Ke Xing". "Lu Yunzhi said, and Yang Xiyu nodded: "Well, this young man is a bit like a knight. Lu Yunzhi looked at Yang Xiyu's face and became jealous for a moment: "Why did you fall in love with him?" "Lu Yunzhi has some shadows about Shi Yuting's affairs. He has always been a little suspicious recently. Yang Xiyu pretended to be angry, gently tapped Lu Yunzhi's forehead and scolded: "What nonsense. "Lu Yunzhi smiled mischievously. Dong De stood aside and neither advanced nor retreated. He could only cough softly twice in embarrassment. Lu Yunzhi said to Dong De: "Dong De, I also know that it turned out to be the original residence. It was you who opened it. Since Xi Yu likes to eat, I will trouble you in the future. She is pregnant and it is inconvenient to travel more. If that doesn't work, let the cook stop working and cook some at home. I thank you in advance. " "My lord, you're welcome, but the one who taught you a lesson for your father just now was really exciting. It felt a bit like a street fight. "Dong De said with a bad smile, and Yang Xiyu nodded in agreement: "That's right, your master has learned bad things. " Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and shook his head and said: "I'm not just talking about it. I really know his father. This young man's name is Long Qingquan. His father is the famous Huangshan Dragon Sect. We do know each other. I It is true that he was entrusted by his father to teach him a lesson. As for a chivalrous man, he is not yet a chivalrous man, but he is still so chivalrous and courageous. I admire him. "Lu Yunzhi commented fairly, Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 5: Recovering the Body to Kill People A piece of cooked meat was hung on a rope in front of Cheng Fangdong. While doing push-ups, he bit into a piece of meat and chewed it in his mouth the moment he raised his head. Soon he finished eating the meat and finished doing push-ups. At this time, the dungeon door creaked. With a sound, the door opened and Lu Yunzhi and Wang Yulu came in. Cheng Fangdong wiped his smelly sweat while nodding to Lu Yunzhi and Wang Yulu. Wang Yulu took Cheng Fangdong's pulse first, and then tapped on his body. After pressing it for a while, he nodded to Lu Yunzhi, and Lu Yunzhi said, "How do you think your recovery is going?" Cheng Fangdong smiled coldly and said, "It's not bad." "Then hit me." Lu Yunzhi mentioned that Cheng Fangdong glanced at the dirty cell and asked, "Here it is." Lu Yunzhi hummed and said, "It's right here. You still want to pick a place. In this way, if you can beat me, If you are satisfied, I will let you go to the place where Wang Yulu used to stay. "Cheng Fangdong said with disdain." Wang Yulu interrupted: "This cell is not that cell." After thinking about it, he made his request: "Then I have to go and take a look first." "Okay." Lu Yunzhi was in a particularly good mood at the moment, and agreed without thinking. Several people looked at the cell where Wang Yulu was imprisoned. Cheng Fangdong They couldn't stop sighing, and their eye circles were a little red. They were simply enjoying themselves in this prison. How could they not be like themselves? How could they be called sins after being so bad all these years? The three of them walked back after looking at the cell. As soon as they entered the cell door where Cheng Fangdong was imprisoned. , and heard Cheng Fangdong turn around and say lazily: "Hey, let me tell you." As he said this, he saw a blue flame suddenly ignited in his hand, and hit Lu Yunzhi's chest quickly, and Lu Yunzhi couldn't avoid it. Avoid, with a wave of his hand, Cheng Fangdong flew backwards and fell against the wall. A loud noise suddenly came from the wall. Cheng Fangdong groaned and a trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth. He rolled around in the small cell. As soon as he got out of the way, behind him Several holes were made on the wall by Mo Ming's power. The floor of the cell was very dirty, but Cheng Fangdong, who had lived here for a long time, had long been accustomed to it. Cheng Fangdong rubbed his body but felt a pain in his abdomen. He looked down and I don't know when a sword made of gas appeared out of thin air and pressed against his stomach. Cheng Fangdong retreated hastily, and the sword followed closely, pressing Cheng Fangdong firmly against the wall. , unable to move or run, without using the sword made of air control, as long as it maintains this position, Cheng Fangdong will be gutted by his own movements if he moves at all. The door of the dungeon opened again, and Wang Zhen was carrying When the food box came in, he saw Lu Yunzhi and shouted quickly: "My subordinates are being polite to my lord. This is you." Wang Zhen said and looked worriedly at Cheng Fangdong who was forced to the wall and could not move. As a condition of loyalty to Lu Yunzhi, he obtained Cheng Fangdong's power of life and death from Lu Yunzhi. However, Lu Yunzhi was very generous and had no inhibitions about letting his uncle and nephew meet. He also allowed Wang Zhen to bring food to Cheng Fangdong. Wang Yulu was also sent to treat Cheng Fangdong. Wang Zhen was grateful for this and always remembered Lu Yunzhi's kindness. Today, he didn't know how Cheng Fangdong offended Lu Yunzhi. Wang Zhen secretly thought that if he had to take action, he could not break his promise. If you rebel against Lu Yunzhi, then trade your own life for that of your nephew. Lu Yunzhi nodded at Wang Zhen, the air sword in Cheng Fangdong's abdomen disappeared, and Wang Yulu asked: "Why did you suddenly attack the master? When Wang Zhen heard this, his face turned pale and he wished he could kneel down to Lu Yunzhi immediately, but Cheng Fangdong replied with a nonchalant sneer: "Lu Yunzhi asked me to do it. Just now I asked him if he did it in the cell." , you have confirmed it, so why are you turning around and denying it now? " Wang Yulu was speechless for a moment and murmured: "You can't make a sneak attack on this or that. " "Nonsense, he is so powerful, and I haven't fully recovered yet how can I beat him to satisfaction without a sneak attack? Anyway, no matter whether he is satisfied or not, I am satisfied with the cell you lived in. "Cheng Fangdong said with a conceited look. Lu Yunzhi laughed loudly and then pointed at Cheng Fangdong and said: "You are really a sinister person. If I hadn't taken precautions in the end, I would have been tricked by you, but you also There is something wrong with what you did. You took action before I came in. But if you want to talk about whether the beating is satisfactory or not, then I will answer you now, I am very satisfied. It seems that your body has recovered to more than 70%. " Cheng Fangdong sneered a few times and replied in a strange voice: "It doesn't matter whether you come in or not. Even if I come in, I have kept my promise. But when it comes to being vicious, I can't compare to you, Lu Yunzhi. Even my uncle Such an old eunuch can be driven by you, you are really not simple. " Lu Yunzhi's face turned cold, and he laughed twice. Wang Yulu stepped forward and checked Cheng Fangdong's pulse again, and then said: "The recovery is good, and the ability to resist blows is also very strong. Now we just wait for the physical strength to fully recover, and then we can return to the hospital. Just improve your unfamiliar skills. " Lu Yunzhi nodded and said to Wang Zhen and Wang Yulu: "You go out first, leave the food box behind, Cheng Fangdong and I will eat and chat. "Wang YuxiWang Zhen and Wang Zhen answered yes in unison, and then exited the dungeon. Lu Yunzhi opened the food box, looked at it twice and said with a click of his tongue: "Your uncle really loves you, the food is good, and there is wine and Meat." Cheng Fangdong grabbed the food box and took out the vegetables and placed them in front of him. He had not eaten such good food for a long time. He had only had such a good meal since Wang Zhen returned to Lu Yunzhi, but even if Even so, he was still reluctant to share the delicious food with Lu Yunzhi, so he said, "You are not really here to grab food for me. Tell me, whoever you want me to kill, I will go after this meal." Lu Yun Zhi smiled slightly and said: "Smart people are smart people. It's not troublesome to deal with people like you. Yes, I asked you to help me kill someone, but not now. You haven't fully recovered yet. After another Yue, you have a good foundation for a month, and then you can defeat him." Cheng Fangdong asked while eating: "Who is so awesome? I think it won't be a problem for me to deal with seven or eight masters now, that's right. , for ordinary people, you should send someone to take care of him. Since you want me to kill him, it is inconvenient for you to come forward. This person is not simple, at least the people behind him are not simple. Isn't Yu Qian dead? Who makes you worry so much. " Lu Yun Zhi nodded: "Your guess is correct, but it's not that the person standing behind him is very strong. It's just that, let's not talk about it anymore. Let me tell you who it is directly. The person you want to kill is Han Yueqiu. You want to kill Han Yueqiu?" Pretend to escape from prison. I will send Arong to cooperate with you when the time comes. You pretend to break free, injure Arong, escape and then kill him. I will tell you where he is specifically when the time comes, but you have to remember, You are only allowed to kill him alone, and you are not allowed to hurt anyone else.¡± Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 6: Can¡¯t Run "I understand, you are afraid of Shi Fang." Cheng Fangdong said with a smug smile, "Han Yueqiu is so unlucky that he offended you, but aren't you afraid that Shi Fang will see the flaw and blame you afterwards? Although Shi Fang is paralyzed, his brain It's not bad, I should still have some ability. It can be seen that my complexion and skills have been restored after nursing." "No, Master is dead," Lu Yunzhi said lightly, "What, Shi Fangdong is dead. He didn't know the news. He was locked in the dungeon. The news he knew was only what Lu Yunzhi wanted him to know. He didn't know anything about it. Lu Yunzhi nodded and expressed his confirmation. Cheng Fangdong laughed out loud at the news. He got up, and then shouted loudly: "Mom and Dad, this old man Shi Fang is dead. This child has no ability. If there is a chance in the future, I will definitely kill Feng Guren and Lu Jiugang." The cunning face looked deep and simple, just like the senior brother back then. All the disdain for revenge was shattered at this moment. Everything was just to avenge the murder of his father and mother. Lu Yunzhi sighed. He shook his head and said: "I am very sad about Master's death. Since he is gone, the deceased is the most important, so let's not mention it again. I know your affairs, so I won't take what you just said to heart. , As for Lu Jiugang, he is my father-in-law. What happened back then is in the past. I beg you to give me some face and let Lu Jiugang go." After Lu Yun said this, Cheng Fangdong naturally wanted to continue, so he nodded and said: " Okay, I can't fight you. Lu Jiugang won't pursue it, and he doesn't have the ability to pursue it, but you have to help me find where the Fenggu people are. " "He is in Fengbo Village. I can go find him after I finish my work. I won¡¯t stop you, but do you know why my magic skills can improve so quickly?¡± Lu Yunzhi asked, Cheng Fangdong thought about it for a while, Lu Yunzhi was indeed powerful back then, but not to the level where he is like a god now. , could it be because of the Fenggu people, and the Fenggu people are not ordinary people. Although there was such a conjecture, and Lu Yunzhi's words must be related to the Fenggu people, Cheng Fangdong still asked unwillingly: "Is it possible that it is because of the Fenggu people?" Because the Fenggu people." "Exactly, and the Fenggu people's ability is only above me, not below me. If you don't want to die, just go ahead. Don't blame me for not reminding you." Lu Yunzhi said calmly. Said, Cheng Fangdong could only sigh secretly: "Then there is nothing we can do. I, Cheng Fangdong, know how much he weighs. Forget it, it seems that I have no chance of revenge." Lu Yunzhi sneered and said: " Isn't your birth name Wang Jie? From now on, should I call you Cheng Fangdong or Wang Jie?" Cheng Fangdong was stunned, then laughed and said, "Let's call you Cheng Fangdong. I'm not used to other names. By the way, you. Why do you want Han Yueqiu? Indeed, this kid is not bad. If I want to kill him, I have to recover and practice hard. And you said not to hurt others, and you are worried that others will find out that it was you who did it. How can you Can you tell me who that person is, so that I can be prepared so that I won't be caught off guard when that person comes to my aid. " "You will naturally know when the time comes. Don't ask if you shouldn't. Don't talk nonsense when you know. Otherwise, don't worry, that person won't be able to stop you. You just need to concentrate on killing Han Yueqiu. Why, I can't bear to kill him because I have the same feelings. "Lu Yunzhi looked sideways at Cheng Fangdong and said, "Cheng Fangdong's mouth was full of oil. He wiped it casually regardless of whether it was dirty, then waved his hand and said: "How is it possible? The person this boy looked down on the most back then was me. I have suffered from him for so many years." I don't want to vent my anger. Speaking of which, he is cold-faced and hot-hearted. Sometimes he is quite generous, but he also has many small thoughts. He is a rotten type. He usually doesn't say anything but makes people unhappy. , not to mention that what he is looking for is reasonable, and if you can't tell him about your troubles, he just doesn't have the courage and strategy, otherwise he will be a man who makes a fortune in silence. " The word "wilt" made Lu Yunzhi happy. Lu Yunzhi laughed. Today's unhappiness finally dissipated a little. Indeed, Han Yueqiu was neither a good person nor a bad person. He usually had a bad face and sometimes He helped his fellow students out of necessity, but sometimes he also talked behind their backs and said bad things. At best, he could only be regarded as a philistine. Back then, he tried his best to help his junior brothers when they were in trouble, but he couldn't look down on other people's kindness. He always likes to say a few words when he is in power, and one of his characteristics is to add insult to injury. If it weren't for Han Yueqiu being in Wuhao, he would not be expelled from the school. Therefore, Han Yueqiu cannot be described by a constant standard. The only thing worth mentioning is that Han Yueqiu is a filial person, and his care for Shi Fang is unparalleled by others. But these are not important anymore. Han Yueqiu did not understand current affairs and robbed his own woman. Such behavior is really unjust. Shi Yuting is now The mood is very unstable. At this time, Han Yueqiu's intervention is not taking advantage of the situation. Yes, Yang Xiyu is right, Shi Yuting?It's not his love, but it's not Han Yueqiu's turn. The more Lu Yunzhi thinks about this matter, the angrier and more disgusted he becomes. His face is dull and his heart is filled with evil fire. This will definitely break his calmness. With such a mentality, acting impulsively will definitely ruin military and national affairs. Han Yueqiu should be killed because of the situation. Lu Yunzhi is not the Lu Yunzhi of the past. Han Yueqiu's death is not a pity. But if you find the hidden people or kill Han Yueqiu yourself, , Shi Yuting cannot help but hate herself. Since Han Yueqiu cannot die unexpectedly, then let's find a killer who Shi Yuting also knows to do it. Cheng Fangdong escapes from prison and kills people. This is reasonable and reasonable. Lu Yunzhi believes that he will be able to hide the truth and make Shi Yuting believe it is true. Cheng Fangdong was a little stunned when he saw Lu Yunzhi. , coughed slightly and said: "In this way, I will rest for a while. I think you are not in a hurry. When I am ready, I will ask my uncle to report it to you, but I want to know, what I have done for you, can you get "What's the benefit?" "After killing Han Yueqiu, you can travel around or settle down somewhere, or you can work for me, it's up to you," Lu Yunzhi replied, Cheng Fangdong smiled with satisfaction and said softly: "Let's get my new cell ready first. To make a digression, aren't you afraid that after you let me out, I won't kill Han Yueqiu, but instead run away or join forces with Han Yueqiu to deal with you." Lu Yunzhi laughed. Get up: "Dare to let you out, it means that I still have the ability to catch you in. If I catch you again, you will be in the palace for the second time, and you will only suffer a lot more. I don't think you are so stupid." Cheng Fangdong's expression After a sudden change, he laughed twice and replied: "I was just joking, don't mind." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 7: Dong De¡¯s Troubles Lu Yunzhi left, and Cheng Fangdong was assigned to a new cell. Everything was handled by Wang Zhen. Wang Zhen had more experience than Cheng Fangdong. The old man wouldn't be weird. He knew the difference in strength between himself and Lu Yunzhi, and he also knew the hidden power. Lu Yunzhi and Wang Yulu walked out of the dungeon. Wang Yulu clasped his fists and said, "My subordinates will leave first. There is a batch of pills on the stove over there. I'm afraid the children won't be able to take care of them." "I said last time that I would come to you if I have something to do. , why are you still practicing Xindan? You, you, please do it as soon as possible. Didn¡¯t I say it before? There is something I can¡¯t understand and I need your help. It will be good for our understanding. It¡¯s not too urgent, but You should also hold me back." Lu Yunzhi said, Wang Yulu quickly replied and was about to retreat. Just after taking two steps, Lu Yunzhi suddenly remembered something and shouted: "Wait a minute." Wang Yulu looked back without knowing why. Lu Yunzhi just heard Lu Yunzhi say: "I found a girl for you. The in-laws have already accepted the gift and agreed to the marriage. This is the marriage I ordered for you. What do you think?" Wang Yulu thanked her repeatedly. , but he secretly smiled bitterly in his heart, Lu Yunzhi, Lu Yunzhi, it seems that he is really hurt. It seems that these old bachelors under him should all get married, so they are prepared and safe, Lu Yunzhi walked quietly Entering the study, he just walked around the screen and turned around to go out. It turned out that there were two people sitting in the hall, one was Yang Xiyu and the other was Yingzi. The next half hour was the time for Lu Yunzhi to be punished. The all-powerful Lu Yunzhi disappeared. , the virtuous and virtuous Yingzi also disappeared. Now everything revolves around the child in Yang Xiyu's belly. Yang Xiyu is pregnant. If Yingzi does not reprimand him, all the blame will be pushed to Lu Yunzhi. Yingzi also scolded himself from time to time, which Yang Xiyu saw with joy in his heart. This was a kind of happiness and a sign of family harmony. After Yingzi finished scolding him, he turned gentle and asked: "I heard Xi Yu Yu said that you asked Long Qingquan to compete in martial arts. It sounds like his martial arts are not low. You have to be careful. " Lu Yunzhi nodded and returned to his macho behavior. He stopped standing there and found a place. After sitting down, Yingzi brought tea. There was no trace of the strict wife's control just now. The change was so fast that Yang Xiyu, the bystander, couldn't laugh or cry. Lu Yunzhi said: "I don't know what kind of tea he used." Energy, in short, is very powerful, but what is more threatening is his speed. Most people are defeated by him before they can make a move. Even if they are stronger than him, or no matter how sharp the weapon is, it is useless. Speed ??has always been the same. "Truth." Yang Xiyu nodded and said: "But your defensive ability is also very strong. As long as you use the Qi shield to defend as early as possible, you can resist it. With the help of the blocking force, you can slow down his speed and seize the opportunity to win in one fell swoop. "Yes, but this is the stupidest way. I have to beat him to convince him before he can obey me. I have fulfilled the mission of the Dragon Master, so if he is faster, I will be faster than him. His The offensive routine is nothing more than relying on the speed of the body. There must be some tricks or unique training methods, or even drugs, but these are nothing in the face of invisible magic. I will definitely beat him." Lu Yunzhi. Said with confidence, Yingzi and Yang Xiyu were not too worried. They knew how much their men were capable of. Yuanju had been cleaned properly at this moment. Dong De wiped the sweat from his forehead and told Dong Erding, the shopkeeper of Yuanju: "Er Ding, pack up and reopen the business. It's still the same rule as before. I won't call anyone and no one is allowed to go upstairs to disturb you. "Dong Erding nodded and said: "Don't worry, shopkeeper, but the man upstairs just ordered a few more duck blood vermicelli, so please don't disturb me if I send them to you now. " Dong De smiled in a low voice and said: "This guy eats so much when he meets me for a treat. He is even more hungry than me. Give it to Tuosheng. " Dong De stepped upstairs. The waiter also brought some duck blood vermicelli and crispy pancakes. The door opened, and Fang Qingze's Da Ma Jin Dao was there. While eating, he asked the waiter to put down a few portions of food, and then took it. The spicy food slowly spread a layer, and he was sweating profusely after eating. Dong De sat down and muttered: "Second Master, that's enough. Don't eat so much that Dong will go bankrupt." " "Look at how stingy you are, how much money does this cost? Besides, it's you who invited me, and I'm not relying on you. But your business at Restoration is really good. It's better than my Hongbin Building. There is so much money, I¡¯m really envious. "Fang Qingze said while sipping soup from his mouth, Dong De smiled proudly and said politely: "This is all a small business, how can it be compared to the second master. " "Hey, let's stop flattering each other. My third brother was fighting downstairs just now. "Fang Qingze raised his eyes and looked at Dong De and asked, "Dong De nodded and replied: "Well, it's Long Qingquan, the son of the leader of Helong." " "Oh, it's him. I heard from the third brother that the dragon leader asked the third brother to teach his son a lesson and beat him. Fang Qingze said nonchalantly: "I guess the third brother won with one move, right?" ¡± Dong De?Blinking his eyes, he said: "It turns out that what the lord said is true. It really has something to do with Master Long. However, the lord didn't win at once. This boy named Long is very powerful. The lord asked him to fight again in three days." Fang Qingze At this moment, he had devoured the pile of food in front of him, and the drawers and bowls and chopsticks on the table had already piled up into a mountain. He had seen Lu Yunzhi's invisible magic before, and that time it was just to prevent the stone from hurting people, although it was unintentional. It was a big mistake, but Lu Yunzhi clearly did not use all his strength. He thought that once he encountered a master, he would be more powerful if he let go of his hands and feet to fight, so Fang Qingze was not worried that Lu Yunzhi would lose. He wiped his mouth and said: "That's true. If there is a fight on the street, it is easy to hurt innocent people and the impact will be bad. The third brother now is not an ordinary person. You have to pay attention to your image. I think Yun Zhi will win in three days, what do you think? " Dong De is also a little bit. After shaking his head, Fang Qingze continued: "Okay, let's not talk about his affairs. Let's talk about our affairs. Just now you said that my trade with Wala has affected you and you hope that I will stop. What's going on?" "That's not true. Is it obvious? Second Master, the business with Oara and the entire northwest was originally handled by the government. You know this is my business, but you transported grain goods from Daming to Timur, and then Timur sent it to Timur. Selling goods in Mobei gives the herdsmen a choice. If this is all, you are organizing a caravan to set off directly from Daming to trade in Mobei. This will increase the amount of business here. It has been reduced a lot. After all, doing business with the official is more troublesome and requires a lot of deductions. But you are different. It is private, so there are many fewer links. It is cheap and convenient. If this continues, I am afraid that my side The business will be ruined," Dong De said with a grimace. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 8: His Grandma Fang Qingze smiled slightly and said: "Then I have nothing to do with it. You are a government businessman and I am my own business. No matter what, there is competition in any business. Only with competition can improvement be achieved. If one company is the only one, it will definitely get worse and worse. There is buying and selling. Sell ??it, if your goods are not good, I can choose from other stores. But if there is only one left to choose from, it will be boring. " Dong De was dumbfounded. It made sense, but what Fang Qingze said was too harsh. But I heard Fang Qingze continue to say: "It is a bad behavior to withhold money and grain from official trade. If we want to completely eradicate this phenomenon, we must start from two aspects. The first is to increase the salary of officials so that they will not passively withhold money and food and accept bribes and embezzlement. The second is to increase supervision after improvement. Once those who know the law and break the law are caught, they will be severely punished. Only in this way can the problem of corrupt officials be eliminated from the root, which will make your official business much easier. " Dong De was about to speak, but Fang Qingze blocked his words: "Dong De, the big fish eats the small fish and the small fish eats the shrimp. The good thing is to eliminate the bad things. Now the model of my transportation business is basically It's much more convenient and faster than you. The most important thing is that the things are of high quality and low price. It's the customers in Mobei who choose me, not me who forces them to choose. You can't explain this to me. You can only urge Lu. Yun Zhi quickly improved the official system. " Dong De was extremely depressed after hearing this. He was right, but the current situation was even more serious than Dong De himself said. There was a lot of goods hoarding, but all the leaders of Mobei ran away. Fang Qingze's side, if the goods continue like this, no one will buy them even if they are left to rot. How will this hole be repaired by then? Take Wala as an example. It is now divided into large tribes with tens of thousands of people and small tribes with hundreds of people. However, it does not have a complete political power like the Ming Dynasty, so the method of bribing purchasing personnel will not work at all, because the goods belong to the leader himself. Let's talk about it, just imagine who would buy expensive things for a little bribe, so the ordinary tricks of giving and receiving bribes can't get through the demon brother's forbidden pet. The price can no longer be lower, but even if you make a profit at a loss, it can't compare to the price that Fang Qingze added profit. After all, officialdom has its own way of survival, and plucking hair is an eternal rule. After layers of deductions, the price can't be lowered. Naturally, he went up. Now that the court is not stable, strict investigation is nothing more than adding to Lu Yunzhi's obstacles. Dong De would not do this, and he did not have such great power. Dong De thought for a while and said with a smile: "Second Master, if our family doesn't speak the same language, how can one of us steal his own business, don't you think so?" Fang Qingze shook his hand and said, "That's not true. Yes, don't talk about family and non-family in business. Either change the official system as soon as possible, or sell the goods to me cheaper, and you can compensate less. If the millet is left for a year, it will be old rice. By then But I can't buy it for the price." "No, Second Master, I don't understand. How come you can't make enough with so much money, and you even want to block my road?" Dong De said impatiently. Fang Qingze said sincerely: "It has nothing to do with how much money you have. If you don't do business, it will feel uncomfortable. If you don't think about food and don't think about food, it's useless no matter how much money you have. Don't you think so? Don't stare at that damn person." I'm not afraid of you, Yuyan. I'm not an ordinary businessman. Let me make a proposal. You leave all your business to me. What I exchange with you is all the expenses you and your third brother and others will have in the future. I'll give you as much as you want. , I dare to give it to you if you can, how about it? " "No!" Dong De shouted angrily, "We have enough money now to spend a lifetime. What we want is this feeling. Money means nothing to me. It¡¯s just a number.¡± Fang Qingze nodded: ¡°Yeah, I have more money than you, let alone me if you are like this, so I¡¯m not making things difficult for you, but I feel uncomfortable because I have money. Let¡¯s compete fairly. Okay. Okay, let¡¯s not talk anymore. I¡¯ve done a lot of shipping business recently, so I¡¯ll go back and do the accounting first.¡± Dong De stood up blindly with his mind blank. He was at a loss for a while, but he couldn¡¯t say what he wanted to say. If it doesn't come out, it's as if I've eaten a dead fly and feel sick but can't spit it out. Fang Qingze pretended to be polite and said: "You are busy, so don't send it off. By the way, I would like to advise you that business is business and relationships are relationships. I think it would be best if our unhappiness in business does not involve our brothers' personal relationship, let alone What impact will it have on me and my third brother? I'm leaving. Goodbye." Fang Qingze said and walked downstairs. Dong De was stunned for a long time before he lifted the table and smashed the porcelain bowls and plates. Dong De gritted his teeth fiercely. He cursed in a low voice: "His grandma." In the remaining two days, Lu Yunzhi was busy dealing with Mi Shisan's government affairs. He said that he would not be involved in the government affairs. But now Mi Shisan is closely related to the court. Controlling Mi Shisan is equivalent to controlling Mi Shisan. to the court. Lu Yunzhi discovered that the conflicts between Xu Youzhen, Shi Heng and others were getting bigger and bigger. The fire at the city gate affected the fish in the pond, and even the smooth Cao Jixiang was unable to save himself. Lu Yunzhi laughed secretly,Clams compete with fishermen to gain. Yu Qian was right when he was alive. Such villains cannot be kept. If they die cleanly, the Ming Dynasty will be peaceful. However, Cao Jixiang may have to be lenient. After all, his real body is Gao Huai. , and Gao Huai is from the same school as himself. Zhu Jianwen was so treacherous that he spared his life. What's more, Cao Jixiang has always been loyal to the Zhongzheng lineage and was loyal to Lu Yunzhi, so he must treat it differently to avoid hurting other brothers. Heart. Two birdsong came from outside the window. Lu Yunzhi looked over with a happy smile. When everything was settled and Xi Yu had given birth, the whole family would go to the valley of Shuanglongpo together. By then The Mi Thirteen organization has completed its mission. Those members who are willing to follow him can be taken with him. Those who are not willing Lu Yunzhi's face became heavy again when he thought of this, and then he put it down. The worries in my heart. I am in a good mood today, so I no longer think about these unpleasant things, so I continue to imagine that the valley was originally the home of the ghost-eating tribe, and many of the Secret Thirteen are also ghost-eating tribesmen. When the time comes, everyone will go back together and live happily. I don¡¯t know if they are willing or not. The eldest brother and the second brother, one who is a soldier and the other who loves money, can they give up their heart's desire and live a few days of idle clouds and wild cranes with me? Forget it, no matter what, they are still sworn brothers with their heads kowtowed on the ground. It doesn't matter whether they go or not. I wish them Be happy and happy. Daming, Daming, please calm down quickly, so that I can leave this dirty capital and dirty society as soon as possible, and go to that paradise where birds and flowers are fragrant to reproduce and have descendants for eternity. Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 9: The Young Master Who Takes Alms In the porridge shop under Hongluo Temple outside the city, a well-dressed young man walked over and extended his hand to the monk who was making porridge. This young man was Long Qingquan, the son of Huangshan Dragon Master. The little monk looked at the young man's clothes and the simple but expensive long sword on his waist, and couldn't help laughing. The young man blushed and asked angrily: "Why are you laughing, little master." The young monk quickly raised his hands. He saluted with his palms in the air and said: "Donor, don't blame me, the monk is rude. But this is a place to give out porridge, and it is porridge for the poor. The donor is so luxuriously dressed, why would he come here to drink porridge." Long Qingquan scratched his head. , I felt very upset. Previously, I only cared about my face and handsome back, so I gave all my money and money tickets to the singing grandson and grandson. I only had a few pieces of money left on me, so I paid off the rent and ate it. After one meal, I was at the end of my rope, so I had to go to Hongluo Temple to wait for Lu Yunzhi. Tomorrow is the time for their martial arts competition, but now they are so hungry that they are dizzy and dizzy. If they don¡¯t wait for tomorrow, even if they fight now, they will lose without fighting. I happened to pass by a forest on the way and shot a few hares. After I finished shooting, I remembered that I didn't know how to do it. Although he usually wanders around mountains and rivers, with his own speed, he can reach the next town without waiting for hunger, so he really doesn't have the ability to deal with emergencies in the wild, and Long Qingquan is absolutely incapable of robbing homes and stealing chickens and dogs. What should I do? Long Qingquan was extremely distressed for a while, so he had no choice but to continue walking to Hongluo Temple. He smelled the aroma of porridge and steamed buns from a distance. Looking for the smell, he ran to the porridge shop and imitated the gourd and ladle, imitating the poor man's way of stretching out his hands. Read the full text of the story of the Fairy Sister who was begging for porridge, but unexpectedly she was knocked down by the little monk asking questions. Long Qingquan immediately blushed. Looking around, he saw the poor people looking at him eagerly, and his face became even redder. Long Qingquan coughed lightly and said, "I" He was speechless for a moment, and then he turned around and made up a lie: "I came down to inspect and see if the porridge is thick enough and the steamed buns are heavy enough." The young monk nodded and said: "So you are from the Lu family. You still don't believe this. Our Hongluo Temple is an ancient temple. How can we lie to others? Monks don't lie, let alone do things like defrauding food and cutting corners." You are the person sent by the Lu family. You don¡¯t know that my wife is here today. So, give me your bowl. I will give you a bowl to try and see if I am right. "The little monk was very talkative, and he immediately helped Long Qingquan deduce an identity. Long Qingquan was confused and became a monk, and Monk Zhang Er was confused. Why did he lie about coming down for inspection, and the young monk said it was the Lu family? It seemed that the Lu family had entrusted Hongluo Temple to set up a porridge shop. The Lu family, could it be the Lu Yun family? You can't eat it. How can you eat your opponent's things? If you eat someone's mouth and use your soft hands, how can you fight this war? Just as he was thinking about it, the little monk urged again: "Donor? Donor? Why didn't you bring a bowl? I have one here. If you don't mind it, just take it and use it." The little monk took a thick bowl from the table next to him and used it. He wiped it with a piece of cloth, took a bowl of porridge, and then took a steamed bun. He tilted his chin and pointed to the distance and said: "Donor, go over there and eat. There are also pickles there. They are pickled by us at Hongluo Temple." "It's also provided for free." In Long Qingquan's confusion, the little monk had quickly prepared the food and stuffed it into Long Qingquan's hands. He looked down at the food in his hands and couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Lu Yunzhi, this person did really well. Long Qingquan has seen this kind of porridge shop for the poor. Every time there is a natural disaster, the government will set up a porridge shop. According to the rules of the court, there are standards for the consistency of the porridge. A chopstick must be able to be inserted into the porridge. Stand still. If it cannot stand, it means that you have cut corners and should be killed according to the law. Even so, there are really not many officials who actually do it. Most of them just have clear soup and little water. As for the white flour steamed buns in their hands, they don't even think about it. Many wealthy families with good intentions would also open porridge shops at this time, but this was done spontaneously. Except for very wealthy businessmen, few could open them for a long time, and the consistency of the porridge varied. If there are people in the family who believe in Buddhism and practice Taoism, they may also have steamed buns, but they are made from whole grains instead of white flour. If the elderly in the family make longevity porridge, they will only have such white flour steamed buns. But the porridge in front of you is not only very sticky, but also made of new rice. It smells fragrant when you smell it, and the steamed buns are all made of white flour. It seems that this porridge shop has really spent a lot of money. Long Qingquan looked at the people who were drinking porridge and queuing up. Most of them were old, young, women and children, with only a few men with yellow faces and skinny muscles. The old, young, women and children were different from those men in that they had rosy faces. They were also very familiar with the monks who were giving the porridge. It seems that I come here to eat often. This is not just a show, but it has been like this for a long time. I am really a good person. Long Qingquan asked: "Do you give up porridge like this every day? What if there are lazy people who eat and drink together? There are people who have a lot of food and are not full."?What to do? "The little monk just now was happy: "Of course we will eat porridge every day, rain or shine." As for the last two questions, this is the genius of Mr. Lu. Haven¡¯t you seen that there are so many of us? It¡¯s just to make porridge for everyone who doesn¡¯t listen. It¡¯s absolutely enough to eat as much as you want. It¡¯s different from other people¡¯s porridge. It¡¯s just for people to survive. This is a place where people can live well. However, so many of us still have a separate job, which is to keep an eye on the men who come to eat and introduce them to jobs. No matter how hungry the person who comes to eat is, he can recover most of his energy in forty days. Therefore, the old, young, women and children here are in charge to the end, and the men can only be in charge for forty days. If after forty days there are still lazy people coming to eat and drink, then they will be beaten away with sticks and never given to them to eat. Although Buddha is merciful, the young monk thinks that what Mr. Lu said is right. It is not a pity for a lazy man to die, and a man should rely on his ability to make a living. He introduced him to work. They don¡¯t support their families, so they come here to eat and drink. There is no need to give them a good look. " Long Qingquan was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and sighed in his heart: This Mr. Lu is really a kind man. This is great kindness. He not only saves people between life and death, but also saves the hearts of those who are like walking corpses. He who educates the heart. Long Qingquan was thinking about it when he saw the little monk looking at him with a strange expression, and felt flustered for no reason. Sure enough, the little monk asked: "Is the donor the Lu family?" You are a poor man, maybe you are a down-and-out young master, but I don¡¯t see it? " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 10: Picking up a younger brother While he was talking, a young woman came from the side. The young woman's skin was slightly dark, but she was beautiful. She had a well-proportioned figure and a very light walking pace. She was definitely not a young lady from a wealthy family with bound feet. She looked like a practicing practitioner. , and he is a master. Long Qingquan started to think about it for a while. Sure enough, there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the capital. Such a young woman has special skills. She can fight well. The last time she fought with Yu Qian, they got a tie. She thought she was invincible. , I didn¡¯t expect that besides Lu Yunzhi and Yu Qian, there are so many masters in the world. Although this young woman is far inferior to herself, she is already very powerful as a woman. Long Qingquan sighed again and then thought of the problem. This young woman was wearing Although he was not ostentatious, his clothes were very particular. How could a wealthy family still have a wife who did not bind her feet? It was unreasonable. When the young monk saw the young woman coming, he quickly saluted and said, "Mrs. Lu, this donor said he is from the Lu family. "You're here just in time, don't you think so?" Long Qingquan took a closer look at the young woman's appearance and felt much relieved. That day on the street, the pregnant woman who looked like a fairy beside Lu Yunzhi was Mrs. Lu. She has fair skin that would attract people all over the world, and although the person in front of her is also good-looking, her skin is darker and not that beautiful. It seems that this Lu is not Bilu. I can relax and fill my stomach. Just when I am about to feast, I hear When the young monk heard what he said, Long Qingquan hurriedly defended himself: "I didn't say that I was from the Lu family. I said that I came down to inspect. I was right. I came to commend the Lu family for their good deeds. I came here especially. He's from the dog officer, cough, no, I'm from the imperial court, well that's what it is, I'm not hungry, I'll just come and see if the reported situation is true, thank you little master." "Long Qingquan's words are flawed. There were so many lies, even he himself didn¡¯t believe it. The young woman and the young monk opposite couldn¡¯t help but laugh. Who in the world has the power to reward Master Lu? The young woman was about to speak, but Long Qingquan¡¯s stomach felt unsatisfactory at this moment. He screamed, Long Qingquan was so embarrassed that this was completely inconsistent with what he just said about not being hungry. At this moment, he couldn't argue, not to mention that he was a fake in the first place. Long Qingquan wanted to run away, but he thought it was too embarrassing. A manly man admits his mistakes when he knows them. It was time to tell the truth, but I heard the young woman say: "Why are you here, and you lied that I sent you here? You kid still can't believe your brother-in-law's determination to do good deeds, and you came out without even eating. Tell me, What's wrong with you?" Long Qingquan was stunned and immediately understood. The young woman saw the clue and was looking for a step for herself. She heard the young woman say to the young monk: "You give porridge first, and my brother and I won't give it to you. I'm going to take him to eat somewhere else. Please excuse me, little master." The young monk saluted quickly: "Madam, you're welcome." The young woman left the porridge shop with Long Qingquan. Everyone looked sideways. It turned out to be the two siblings. , this family is really interesting. Only the young monk just scratched his head and said to the person next to him: "Why do I feel like they don't know each other?" After walking for about a cup of tea, the young woman and Long Qingquan entered a restaurant. , this is at the foot of Hongluo Temple, so it is a vegetarian restaurant. The young woman ordered some food familiarly and said: "You can eat first. It seems that you are a down-and-out young man. If you have any difficulties after eating, I may be able to help. , I have to take one step in advance. My name is Yingzi. You can find me by asking others after you go to Hongluo Temple. " "Sister, please stay. I" Long Qingquan was deeply moved for a moment. This lady is as good a person as her husband. Yingzi smiled and turned around and said, "I see you are well dressed. Why don't you understand any etiquette? How can we meet each other?" Just call her sister. " Long Qingquan said: "You have done me a favor, and I must repay you. Just when I was about to admit my mistake, fortunately you helped me out and said that I am your brother, then I am your brother, whether you admit it or not. Me, I recognize you as a sister anyway. "This is even more rude. If an old man said this, he would be beaten up by Yingzi as a gangster. But these words came from the mouth of Long Qingquan, a handsome man. His pure and innocent eyes didn't look like that. He had other meanings. Besides, Long Qingquan was still young and it was normal for him to speak unscrupulously. Yingzi smiled and said: "Then I have gained a younger brother. Hey, you sit here first and I will come back when I go. "Yingzi said as he saw Yang Xiyu being served by a maid on the road. Yingzi called out and hurried up to meet him. Yang Xiyu also walked over. The position where Long Qingquan sat blocked his view, so he didn't know he was an "old friend." When he came, Yingzi saw that he was accompanied by a servant, and he did not reprimand Yang Xiyu. He just took Yang Xiyu's hand and said, "I noticed that since you became pregnant, you have become more and more fond of wandering around. Not at all." disobedient. " "That's not my husband's fault. He took me to Fengbo Village and ran around for a long time. My heart went wild and I couldn't sit still. "Yang Xiyu smiled and replied, Yingzi scratched Yang Xiyu's nose, and the two of them laughed, "YingziThen he said: "I picked up a younger brother just now, come here and see if it's okay." "There is such a strange thing, I really want to see it." Yang Xiyu said with a smile, and the two walked into the studio just now holding hands. In the restaurant, when several people met, before Yingzi could introduce him, Yang Xiyu and Long Qingquan couldn't help but exclaimed at the same time: "It's you." "Why, you know each other." Yingzi asked in surprise, Yang Xiyu shivered. The little mouth smiled evilly and said: "This should be Long Qingquan, the young master of the Dragon Master. The young girl Yang Xiyu has been polite to Long Shaoxia." Long Qingquan saw that Yang Xiyu was very familiar with Yingzi, and knew that Yang Xiyu was very familiar with Yingzi. Yu was Lu Yunzhi's wife. She was not angry but couldn't help it, so she could only clasp her fists and reply: "Xiaosheng, hello, madam." She thought to herself that maybe Sister Yingzi is the wife of some relative of Lu Yunzhi, in which case her husband The surname Lu makes sense. Otherwise, if I had just eaten a few mouthfuls of vegetarian food because of hunger, wouldn't it be equivalent to eating Lu Yunzhi's rice? If I didn't want to know Lu Yunzhi's favor, I could only spit out the rice, but there were so many people around. People, vomiting in public is really more embarrassing than letting him die. Yingzi laughed and asked: "So you are Long Qingquan. You little guy doesn't just call someone sister when you meet someone. Since you know Xi Yu, then you are Should you call me madam or sister? If you call me sister, my husband-in-law will become your brother-in-law. It¡¯s really interesting for the brother-in-law and the brother-in-law to fight." Long Qingquan immediately burst into tears after hearing this. It's over, what are you afraid of? Sister Yingzi is really Lu Yunzhi's wife. This Lu Yunzhi is really a blessing. Both ladies are beautiful and moving. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 11: Eat without talking or sleep without saying a word Long Qingquan clasped his fists and said, "Sister is still a sister, of course." Yang Xiyu said with a smile, "Then I will become the second sister. Come on, come on, my good little brother also calls me sister. Listen." This was to tease Long Qingquan, but he didn't expect it. Long Qingquan was not angry at all, but instead called out obediently: "Second sister." After calling, Long Qingquan swept the food on the table with his eyes without listening, thinking about what to do. If Lu Yunzhi knew what would happen tomorrow How should I humiliate me? After listening to Yingzi's brief narration, Yang Xiyu roughly understood the whole story. She was considerate and immediately guessed what Long Qingquan was thinking at the moment, so Yang Xiyu said: "As a sister, please ask my brother Let¡¯s have a meal. It¡¯s none of your business. Go on, I¡¯ll eat some too. It looks delicious. Sister Yingzi, this vegetarian restaurant belongs to my second brother. It¡¯s definitely made of clean ingredients. Can I have some?¡± Yingzi laughed. , pointed at Yang Xiyu and said: "You, you, you will definitely give birth to a big fat boy. Who told you to be so greedy?" Long Qingquan secretly looked at Yang Xiyu and cast a grateful look. What he said just now Yingzi didn't understand much, but Long Qingquan knew clearly that it was Yang Xiyu who helped him solve the embarrassing situation. Yes, he now recognizes the two of them as sisters, and it is reasonable for his sister to invite his brother to a meal. Long Qingquan started eating, and Yingzi and Yang Xiyu nodded one after another. Although Long Qingquan usually spoke very arrogantly and acted out of line, he still showed good upbringing and rules when eating. As the saying goes, you can't talk when you eat, but you can't sleep when you sleep. , Long Qingquan didn¡¯t say a word from beginning to end, he just kept flipping chopsticks and picking vegetables into the bowl. In fact, it was more than that. If there were rules in the past, Long Qingquan had long forgotten them in the past few years. It was almost done. At this moment, it was just because I was too hungry, so I didn¡¯t bother to talk. After I was full and drank a cup of warm tea, Long Qingquan spoke: "Don¡¯t worry, sisters, I will compete with Lu Yunzhi tomorrow. I must be merciful and not harm his life. The two sisters are really heroes among women. They even invited me to dinner today even though they knew that Lu Yunzhi and I would compete tomorrow. I admire these kindhearted brothers very much. " "We are just. I hope we can have a fair competition, of course, this is due to our confidence in my husband." Yang Xiyu said, Yingzi nodded firmly, "The three of them chatted, and Long Qingquan kept talking about the anecdotes of his travels. , talking about the fun place made Yingzi and Yang Xiyu laugh. They talked for a long time before leaving the vegetarian restaurant. After Yingzi found a place for Long Qingquan, they agreed to meet tomorrow. Yang Xiyu joked that tomorrow would be Long Qingquan cheered, "Long Qingquan lay in bed, unable to sleep for a long time. What kind of person is Lu Yunzhi? His two wives are so broad-minded, what will happen to Lu Yunzhi? Will he be open to all rivers, or will he care about the future? Then he could see the difference. Long Qingquan secretly decided to stay with Lu Yunzhi for a while after winning the competition tomorrow. Thinking of the two sisters he had just recognized, Long Qingquan felt happy from the bottom of his heart. He, who had been stubborn and arrogant since he was a child, finally had the ability. He is a person who communicates calmly, how can he be upset? He will definitely win tomorrow, but he can't let Lu Yunzhi lose too ugly, otherwise the two sisters will be angry. Well, that's it. It's been decided. Long Qingquan is full of confidence Thinking, Long Qingquan didn't rest well that night, but he still got up early in the morning as usual. After running and leg pressing, he walked upside down. The training was carried out in an orderly manner, not at all disturbed by the duel at noon. Yingzi and Yang Xi Yu found Long Qingquan, and the three of them, accompanied by the maid and servant, waited for Lu Yunzhi at the mountain gate early. The sun had reached the middle, but Lu Yunzhi had not arrived yet. Long Qingquan muttered to Yingzi: "Sister, Lu Yunzhi Maybe he won't dare to come. " Yingzi was quite pleased with this younger brother who suddenly appeared. He was not angry at all. He just smiled and said: "You have to call him brother-in-law, this naughty boy. " Long Qingquan said nonchalantly: "My sister is my sister, and my brother-in-law is my brother-in-law. If we win, I won't be too late to call him. Hey, don't worry, eldest and second sister. I won't make any heavy moves for a while and give him enough face, even if he loses. I also call him brother-in-law. Yang Xiyu stared at the sundial on the roadside and said, "Why are you anxious? It's not yet noon. He is very punctual and will not be late, let alone not come. You see, that is our carriage." " Yang Xiyu knew Long Qingquan earlier than Yingzi. He felt that Long Qingquan was chivalrous and liked him quite a lot. In addition, Long Qingquan, a young man who did not recognize life, kept calling Yang Xiyu second sister, so Yang Xiyu was just like Yingzi. In just one person, he regarded this young man as his own brother. Not to mention that although Long Qingquan had an arrogant temperament, he had a strong affinity. As expected, a carriage came in the direction Yang Xiyu pointed. Four horses were driven together, but the driver's hands were very steady, and anyone with a discerning eye could tell at a glance that this driver was a good driver. Long Qingquan curled his lips and said: "The man can either walk in the Central Plains or indulge in?There is no reason to ride in a car all over the world. "Yingzi and Yang Xiyu also felt a little strange. Just when they were thinking that the carriage had arrived in front of the mountain gate, Lu Yunzhi jumped down from the carriage, looked at the sundial next to the mountain gate, and breathed a sigh of relief. Long Qingquan thought about this Lu Yunzhi Yun Zhi was kind-hearted, willing to sacrifice for the common people, and was a good person with the intention of educating others, so he no longer put on that stinky air and wanted to greet her with fists. Unexpectedly, Lu Yunzhi just glanced at this side and got back into the carriage. , Lu Yunzhi went back as soon as Long Qingquan took two steps. He suddenly felt that he had lost face. Fortunately, no one noticed. He coughed twice and pretended to look up at the sky. After about a cup of tea, Lu Yun Zhicai came out again and said to the few people who got off the carriage: "That's how it will be done. If there are any more documents or account books, you can send them to my house. I will give instructions tomorrow. I still have an appointment, so I won't accompany you." You go back first. ¡± Long Qingquan looked around and saw that those people were dressed in different styles. Some were dressed as shopkeepers holding an abacus, some were as big as a martial artist, and some looked like ruffians. In short, they were not from the same place. Those people clasped their fists and answered yes, Then he got back into the carriage and the carriage turned around and galloped away. Lu Yunzhi walked quickly up the stone steps and nodded to everyone with a smile. Yang Xiyu asked: "What's the matter, sir? What happened?" Lu Yunzhi smiled and said, "It's nothing, it's just routine time." " "If you are busy, let's fight another day. "Long Qingquan said with a hint of ridicule. Lu Yunzhi glanced at him and then said: "It's okay. I just saw that there was still one cup of tea before noon, so I went back to continue with official business. Why are you together? . "Lu Yunzhi looked at the three of them suspiciously, and Yingzi explained in a short story, Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 12: Wu Wu Er "Then I have an extra brother-in-law, hahahaha." Lu Yunzhi burst out laughing after hearing this, while Long Qingquan's face turned red. He had long forgotten what happened yesterday and didn't want to mention it. After all, he couldn't afford it. It was because he pretended to be too big a few days ago that he looked like this in embarrassment, but it was also because of this that he got to know the two sisters. Long Qingquan was also quite happy in his heart, thinking of eating Lu's food After a meal, Long Qingquan said in a loud voice: "Don't mention my brother-in-law for now. I only call you sister if my two sisters are kind to me. As for you, you have to have some ability before I can call you brother-in-law. For the sake of my two sisters, Don't worry, I will be merciful." Lu Yunzhi clasped his fists teasingly and said, "Thank you now, Lu. There is an open space outside the forest. Let's compete there. Yingzi and Xi Yu will be there. Watch from the mountainside. We may have concerns about getting too close." "That's right." Long Qingquan echoed. He was also very concerned about the two sisters. Yingzi and Yang Xiyu looked at each other and nodded in agreement. Yingzi said to Lu. Yunzhi said: "You should pay attention to yourself, and if you are stronger, don't break my good brother." Yingzi is full of confidence in Lu Yunzhi, saying this has saved enough face for Long Qingquan, But Long Qingquan felt a little unhappy after hearing this, and said, "Sister, I have so little confidence in me. I will show you that I can win in a moment. I will take a step ahead and wait for you over there." After speaking, Long Qingquan turned around and faced Lu Yunzhi ran to the open space that Lu Yunzhi pointed to just now, and Lu Yunzhi took the hands of Yingzi and Yang Xiyu and said: "Don't worry, I'll come as soon as I go. I'm competing with whoever is faster today. It won't take too long." , The winner will be determined in a short time, you have to keep your eyes open." Yingzi and Yang Xiyu wanted to walk halfway up the mountain. When they arrived, Lu Yunzhi and Long Qingquan also stood facing each other. Qingquan said to Lu Yunzhi: "You and I were seeing each other on the street a few days ago. You are very fast, but you are still worse than me. Remember, only the fastest in martial arts in the world can beat you." Lu Yunzhi nodded and said, "Yes. This is true, but I'm sorry, what I use is not martial arts, but the art of heaven and earth and the way to control the air." Long Qingquan frowned impatiently and said, "They are all the same, let's get started." "Okay. "Lu Yunzhi replied, "Long Qingquan's long sword was unsheathed, and then disappeared in a flash. Lu Yunzhi also instantly appeared a dense vaporized shield. The shield turned dark red and glowed with a little white light. Bystanders Suddenly Lu Yunzhi could not be seen, and could only see a shield array like a turtle shell. Although Lu Yunzhi didn't know what kind of power Long Qingquan relied on, if there was no gap in protecting Lu Yunzhi, It can be done, but the overall defense is weakened and is not as strong as such a large shield array. The shield array has advantages but also disadvantages. The disadvantage is that the shields made of gas are arranged around Lu Yunzhi, although they are densely packed. But there are still a lot of gaps as big as the mouth of a bowl exposed, but what Lu Yunzhi wanted to tell Long Qingquan must have been wrong in his movements. Not to mention these gaps as big as bowls, even if they are as big as a bucket, Long Qingquan probably can't hit them. Unfortunately, Lu Yunzhi originally wanted to win quickly, but he made some guesses last night and decided to test his idea. Lu Yunzhi thought that Long Qingquan's moves were just extremely fast and powerful, and they were often taken advantage of. After picking up a target, he rotated at high speed with the target as the center of the circle, and then swung out several swords to chop. Such high speed made it difficult to guard against, and it was impossible to catch his movements with the eyes. Similarly, Long Qingquan could not see his opponent clearly. It was nothing more than chaos. It's just a random slash, and the sword you cut down is hard to defend against. Even so, you can't hit it with one hit, and you need to stab the opponent with many swords. However, the strength and speed are still very powerful, because the person who becomes the target has no chance at all. I didn't know where the sword would come from. As if to verify my guess, there was a clanking sound on the shield, but there was no sword thrust into the gap. Yang Xiyu and Yingzi looked at it. Some of them didn't quite understand. As soon as the two of them met, one was hiding in the shield array, and the other disappeared, leaving only the sound of collision in the air. Yang Xiyu felt that he was not good at this and asked Yingzi quickly: "Sister, can you see clearly? What's going on? Yingzi shook his head helplessly and said, "Our brother is so fast that I can't see clearly. As for my husband, you also saw it, in the shield made of gas." " Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly. He understood Long Qingquan's movement trajectory. He heard that the sound was spinning in one direction, so as long as a wall of gas was formed, Long Qingquan's trick would be self-defeating. The high-speed rotating Long Qingquan If he can't control himself, he will definitely hit the wall. If he hits the gasified strong at his own speed, he will be seriously injured even if the wall is not sharp. However, Lu Yunzhi is not worried. With Wang Yulu around, as long as Long Qingquan's body is not The broken ones were all saved, Lu Yunzhi was about to turn his energy into a wall, but he heard the nightmare yelling something bad, stretched out his hand from his body, and used his energy to form a sword andThe swords stabbed in the gap collided with each other, and Lu Yunzhi broke out in a cold sweat. If it hadn't been for the nightmare, he would have been pierced through the chest by the sword, so he quickly came out of the earth and two sticks emerged from the ground. The stone pillar followed the sword extending into the gap and struck out. Long Qingquan jumped away and laughed. At this moment, the nightmare had retracted into Lu Yunzhi's body. He muttered curses at Long Qingquan and said: "Lu Yunzhi Be careful and just go invisible. If this continues, you will have to leave it in the hands of this kid." Long Qingquan saw Lu Yunzhi saying a few words as if to himself, then nodded secretly, and asked strangely in his heart. He said: "Who are you talking to?" Lu Yunzhi was too lazy to answer and could only respond: "A friend." Long Qingquan did not ask further questions and just said: "I didn't expect that the famous Lu Yunzhi would fall into the trap and think that I It relies on simple rotation to perform the move. Yes, I acted like this at the beginning of training, but now, let alone a gap as big as the mouth of a bowl, even if it is as big as a coin, I can still stab you while moving at high speed. Just now you The move was very fast. I didn't expect you to be able to catch my sword. It's just that the angle of the arm was a bit weird. How did you stab it with the sword?" Lu Yunzhi couldn't laugh or cry, and it was hard to explain that the sword just now was not his. What was shot was the work of the nightmare of the hand in the belly, so he had to interrupt the topic and said: "Do you want to continue?" Long Qingquan nodded: "Of course, you are quite powerful, at least more powerful than Yu Qian, from today on you are me Brother-in-law, I recognize you." Lu Yunzhi shook his head slightly. He was such an arrogant young man, so he loudly replied: "That's really an honor for Lu." "Wen Wu is the first, and Wu Wu is the second. He's my brother-in-law, but we have to decide the outcome." Long Qingquan said as he returned the sword to its sheath and put his hand in his arms as if he was untangling something. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 13: Invisible Duel Long Qingquan quickly took off a strap from his waist. It was said to be a strap, but it was actually an iron ring made of steel. There was a row of locks on the iron ring, which were fixed to the body with locks, and the inside of the circle was covered with thick A layer of velvet cloth to prevent the iron sheet from abrading the skin. After taking off the straps, Long Qingquan¡¯s waist was even thinner, but his shoulders were still wide, but they looked very natural and did not look like they were padded with anything. Lu Yunzhi sighed secretly With a good figure with broad shoulders and waist, Long Qingquan didn't care about Lu Yunzhi, then took the same iron ring from his legs and arms, held it with one hand and said to Lu Yunzhi: "After taking these things, I The speed will be faster and the power will be stronger. You have to be prepared, but don't worry, I said, I won't hurt your life. I don't want my two sisters to become widows at such a young age. " Lu Yunzhi smiled. Although he had never seen this kind of strap before, he knew about similar things and had used them before. In the Zhongzheng lineage, everyone needed to wear sandbags or iron blocks for martial arts training. In order to increase his own strength, the iron ring held by Long Qingquan was probably too heavy, so it could only be fixed with iron ropes. Generally, cloth could not withstand such a heavy drag. Even so, it was not surprising. After all, even if The increase in speed was not as good as the invisible speed. Lu Yunzhi had already made up his mind to win with one move. Just as he was thinking about it, he saw Long Qingquan throwing the iron rings aside. Suddenly, there was a huge earthquake in the earth, and the place where he threw it was even more dust. Lu Yunzhi couldn't help being a little surprised and asked: "Why is it so heavy?" Long Qingquan replied proudly: "The flying stone from the sky was made for me by my father after refining it. It is extremely heavy. I miss you." I soaked in the medicine tank every day, practiced hard day and night, and I was born with supernatural power. At first, I couldn't even lift a piece. These were added slowly, haha, you don't understand even after I told you, why are you 'brother-in-law' ready? " Lu Yunzhi did not dare to underestimate Long Qingquan and nodded solemnly. Long Qingquan became even more proud and shouted loudly: "Then I will come." Time seemed to have stopped. Lu Yunzhi did not move. Qingquan didn't move either. Yingzi and Yang Xiyu glanced at each other. Apparently they didn't quite understand why they didn't take action even though they were yelling to make a move. Yingzi even suspected that it was because he was standing too far away and heard wrongly. After reading their conversation, it was actually true that Long Qingquan was already galloping, and what was left there was just Long Qingquan's shadow that kept moving. When Long Qingquan returned to the original place, he suddenly spurted out a mouthful of blood and held it with his sword. The body did not fall down. After a while, a large amount of blood spurted out from his back and chest. Lu Yunzhi still looked at him calmly, but there was a lot of sweat on his forehead, and he was not panting. His expression remained unchanged, Long Qingquan was extremely tired. He didn't expect Lu Yunzhi to be so powerful. Lu Yunzhi's power had already reached a level that defied the heavens. Only then did bursts of smoke rise from the earth, followed by it like a broken zoetrope. It was torn apart, much of the ground suddenly collapsed, and the surrounding trees were broken, and the tree trunks fell instantly. Everything seemed to be imprisoned by something, without a sound, Lu Yunzhi opened his mouth and seemed to shout loudly, and then Yingzi Only then did they hear the rumbling sound. It was all too unbelievable, but it happened to Lu Yunzhi, a strange person. Blood, he raised his head with difficulty and looked at Lu Yunzhi and asked: "Are you still a human being? " Lu Yunzhi lowered his head and looked at his right arm. His clothes slowly tore apart. Blood slid down his right arm and onto his drooping palm. The wound was huge. Although no bones were visible, the rolled up flesh and skin was terrifying. Lu Yunzhi He was busy fighting and didn't feel it earlier, but now he felt the excruciating pain. He took a breath and replied: "What about you, are you still human? I am so cultivated and you were injured. I'm afraid you are too powerful to be human." It¡¯s reached the point. " Long Qingquan swayed and asked: "Tell me, what is your move called? I know the art of heaven and earth and the way of controlling air. What you use is by no means a simple spell. " "Intangible, let's call it that. "Lu Yunzhi said lightly, Long Qingquan nodded, and let go of the steel sword to no longer support his body. He fell to the ground and passed out. Yingzi and Yang Xiyu came down from the mountain road and came to the duel between the two. At that place, Lu Yunzhi sat cross-legged on the ground and meditated quietly. They did not dare to disturb them. It was not until Lu Yunzhi opened his eyes that they all gathered around him. Lu Yunzhi arranged for a servant to go find Wang Yulu, while he himself He picked up Long Qingquan and took his two wives up the mountain. When Long Qingquan woke up, he found that Lu Yunzhi was sitting in front of his couch with a book in his hand. He was reading in trance. Long Qingquan opened his mouth. He was about to say something, but Lu Yunzhi took a bowl of water from the table, handed it to him and said, "Drink some water before we talk. ¡± Long Qingquan took it, slowly got up and drank the water in the bowl.? His body was wrapped in dense linen. It must have been Lu Yunzhi who asked someone to treat him. Long Qingquan sighed and said, "You won." "Is winning or losing important?" Lu Yunzhi said calmly, Long Qingquan looked at Lu Yunzhi without knowing why, only to hear Lu Yunzhi say again: "Fate plays tricks on people, if I have to choose again, I would rather be a scholar with no power to tie a chicken, or a farmer who cultivates crops. "Old farmer." Lu Yunzhi put down his book and looked at Long Qingquan and said: "The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. You must have a Tao in your heart, so that you will not be blind. Otherwise, a person's cultivation level will not be high, even if he breaks through many restrictions and obtains A man with superb skills is just a headless fly. In other words, people should have ideals in life. What is your ideal, Long Qingquan? " "I want to be the best hero in the world," Long Qingquan said bluntly. Said, Lu Yunzhi nodded: "Isn't it the kind of chivalrous person who draws his sword to help when there is injustice?" Long Qingquan nodded, Lu Yunzhi smiled, with a slightly mocking look in his eyes, Long Qingquan was a little annoyed, but he wanted to come He admired people with superb skills and did not engage in collision. He just asked with a slightly unhappy tone: "Why are you laughing?" Lu Yunzhi coughed lightly and replied: "We will talk about this later. You lie down for a while and wait. I'll take you to see something. After reading it, you will understand what is the right path and what is a true hero. Regardless of this, can you tell me how you resisted the attack like a violent storm? If It¡¯s not that I use all my skills to help you,¡± ¡°It¡¯s the circle.¡± Long Qingquan said frankly so as not to hide his unique skills: ¡°I used the circle to neutralize any of your attacks, but you were too fast and I couldn¡¯t draw it in time. Yuan Xie can only fail." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 14: The Power of Circles "Yuan." Lu Yunzhi lowered his head and thought deeply. Long Qingquan's ability is indeed not small. Not only is his physical fitness beyond ordinary people and his strength is infinite, but more importantly, he can neutralize most of Lu Yunzhi's attacks. It seems that he is The so-called effect of the circle, Long Qingquan nodded and said: "Yes, it is a circle. I rely on my speed to keep drawing circles, so that I can dissolve the power you hit. To be precise, I make the attack lose its accuracy. , hit somewhere else, that's why the damage around it is so great. " "You mean, the moves I used have no focus at all, right?" Lu Yunzhi asked, Long Qingquan nodded, " Lu. Yun Zhi said: "It is indeed an advanced technique, but it is impossible to draw a perfect circle without relying on equipment. Even if you keep your arms still and rotate the sword, the center of the circle will move due to the structure of the human body. But once it is not a perfect circle, it will If it is unbalanced, there will be a certain stress surface. How can you draw a perfect circle without relying on equipment at all? " Long Qingquan's eyes lit up and he said: "Lu Yunzhi is indeed Lu Yunzhi. I thought I would practice more. You can draw a perfect circle. Unfortunately, this cannot be achieved by hard work alone. There will always be some deviations. I have been thinking about this issue for four or five years. I didn¡¯t expect that you understood the key points as soon as I said it. It¡¯s really amazing. Then Guess how I drew the circle, I'll remind you that I didn't use any tools." Lu Yunzhi stopped talking. He lowered his head and thought for a long time before saying: "Seventeen shapes." Long Qingquan was shocked. , it took a long time before he muttered: "Your skills have reached the point where you are no longer human. I didn't expect your brain to be the same." Lu Yunzhi laughed twice and said: "The regular heptadagon is the closest to The shape of a circle is difficult to draw, but it is much easier to draw a straight seventeen. As long as you keep drawing a straight seventeen, you can get infinitely close to a circle. You can achieve this effect with your speed. At your age It's amazing that you can develop such brilliant moves and combine a lot of knowledge into them. " "I said you are amazing. I started showing off at the age of three, and then progressed rapidly. I think I am extremely smart in my martial arts attainments. , I didn¡¯t expect you, Lu Yunzhi, to understand the truth in just a moment and a half. I¡¯m really ashamed. You know, it took me more than four years to understand that drawing a circle is not possible, and it took another four years to develop a regular heptadagon. , eight years is just a moment to you, you are so amazing, I admire you." Long Qingquan said sincerely, Lu Yunzhi said with a smile: "What you said reminds me of my brother Bai Yong, we. Stop praising each other, you are feeling better, I will take you to see something, it¡¯s almost time." Lu Yunzhi nodded affirmatively, "Long Qingquan's body has excellent self-healing ability. Wang Yulu, who came for treatment, was full of praise. It seemed that Master Long had put a lot of effort into his precious son. Long Qingquan jumped up from the bed and said to Lu Yunzhi: "Let's go, I really want to know what you want." Let me see something." Lu Yunzhi led the way, and Long Qingquan followed. As he walked, Lu Yunzhi said: "Actually, my body is already a little weak. You are too young to realize it now. Even if it happens in a few years, If you were soaked in secret medicine since childhood and developed a copper skin and iron bones, you will probably be like me. " "Why do you say that? "Long Qingquan didn't know why, so Lu Yunzhi replied softly: "The power between you and me is already beyond ordinary people. I use myself as a medium to draw on the power of heaven and earth, but you are constantly surpassing human limits. The power we control is too great. , things must be reversed at their extremes, and the damage to the body is also very serious. The circle you just mentioned is very good. The reason why you were defeated by me is just because I am faster than you, and what you drew is just the right direction that is close to the circle. Seventeen, not a real circle. If you can draw a circle at the same speed as me, I will definitely lose. So you lose, not in your tricks, but in speed. The circle starts from a starting point. Turn around in a circle and come to the end. The end and the beginning coincide with each other. Life and death keep rising and falling. The same is true for a person's ability. Once it reaches its peak, it will decline. This is not only true for people, but also for everything in the world. Things must be like this at the extreme. Looking back, I will give If you pick up a few books, most of them talk about the relationship between the five elements, and you will have a deeper understanding after reading them. In short, what I mean is that we have reached the end of our practice, and if we continue, we will only lead to decline. " While the two were talking, they had already reached the mountain gate of Hongluo Temple. Lu Yunzhi suddenly turned around and pointed at Hongluo Temple and said: "It used to be said that there was a Hongluo and a Hongluo Fairy here, so it was called Hongluo Temple. Later it was changed to Hongluo Temple. Huguo Temple, Tumu Fort. After that, the court changed the name of this place back to Hongluo Temple to cover up shame. Now it is the Huguo Temple for the second time. The envoy of protecting the country is none other than me. Do you know why. " "Hey, with all due respect, it wasn't you who helped Zhu Qizhen seize the throne and regain the world. Zhu Qizhen changed the name to Huguo Temple in order to thank you for singing your praises. "Long Qingquan said with a smile. In his opinion, this question was too simple. Lu Yunzhi shook his head slightly and said."That should be called Hujia Temple, but what you said makes sense, but you only know one but not the other. In fact, Zhu Qizhen is a kind man. He is too kind-hearted and loyal, but too indecisive. I am not suitable to be a monarch at all. With such a good emperor, I need a villain to support me. I can only be this villain. The world does not belong to me, Lu Yunzhi. Naturally, I do not need to protect him. It¡¯s just that the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility. Da, when I see the suffering of the people in the world, I understand where my responsibility lies, which is to let them live a good life. " "But I am not a great loyal minister like Yu Qian. If I were to dedicate my life to the Ming Dynasty. , I¡¯m afraid I can¡¯t do it. What I can do is to change the system as much as possible, remove the unstable factors, and then retire and return to my hometown. Of course, these are not only for the common people in the world, but also a promise. I have promised many people, Xing Wen Ancestor, family teacher, and master Bo Fenggu, I will definitely do what I promised them. No matter what my starting point is, in short, I will make the Ming Dynasty better and better. This is the real chivalrous person, even with both hands You are still a hero even though you are stained with blood and being reviled by others, but you are definitely not a common hero with five steps of blood spattered by you. Do you understand that?" Lu Yunzhi said, "How can you sweep the world without sweeping a house? "Long Qingquan argued hard, and Lu Yunzhi smiled, pulling Long Qingquan and continuing to walk towards the town. As he walked, he said: "If you do great things, you don't stick to trivial matters. How can a person who becomes a hero only focus on the injustice of the world? It¡¯s a small matter, come on, just say it without any proof, just come and see with me and you¡¯ll find out.¡± Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 15: The Arrogant Little Thief The two walked quickly to the town. Lu Yunzhi took Long Qingquan and hid in the darkness of a street corner, and then fell silent. After waiting for about a cup of tea, people were still coming and going on the street, which was normal. Long Qingquan couldn't help but asked: "Why did you ask me to come and see you?" At this moment, he heard a loud shout on the street: "Stop!" Long Qingquan looked for the shout. , I saw a young man in ragged clothes running fast with a pig leg in his arms, followed by a big man with an open chest and a slap to protect his heart. After him, there were guys holding sticks chasing the young man, "The young man said He yelled: "Come on, come on, come on, I'm going to kill you, oh my god." Long Qingquan frowned slightly, thinking that this little thief is really hateful, and then he looked at Lu Yunzhi, who had a profound expression on his face. With an unpredictable look, he smiled and said nothing. The young man suddenly shouted and was tripped by a person rushing out of the diagonal alley. He fell heavily and the pig's leg also rolled and was thrown to the ground, tripping the young man's leg. The man looked like he was a butcher's shop assistant. He was wearing a leather skirt and a faint trace of blood. He pulled out the rope with a grin, tied up the young man's hands, then stepped on one foot and trampled the young man hard. , the young man¡¯s mouth may have been broken, and there was a trace of blood, but he was still cursing. The big man with an open mind rushed up, and the waiter immediately got out of the way, calling in his mouth: "Let me arrest this guy from the shopkeeper." "Stay." It turned out that the big man was the butcher shop owner. It was still very cold, but the big man didn't notice it at all. He looked up with his head exposed and his head and body were covered with white smoke. He took out the big knife from his waist and cursed: "You You are a turtle grandson who steals my flesh all day long. I have caught you this time. You boy, choose for yourself, let me chop off your left hand or your right hand." Long Qingquan felt unbearable, but it was just stealing something, and it looked so bad. The little thief was probably a beggar and could only be beaten. How could he cut off his hand? So he walked forward a few steps and shouted, "Stop." The butcher shop owner squinted at Long Qingquan and shouted in a low voice: "I was wondering why this boy is so bold. It turns out that someone is backing him up. Guys, tie this guy up for me." The butcher shop owner looked fierce but his eyesight was obviously not very good, but those guys He was not stupid. He could see that Long Qingquan was dressed luxuriously. This town was close to the capital. He might belong to a certain family. The water was too deep and the man did not dare to act rashly. He had to whisper a few words in the big man's ear, "The big man is like this." Then he squinted his eyes and looked Long Qingquan up and down carefully, then softened his tone and said, "I wonder if you have any advice, Master." Long Qingquan said in a loud voice, "This little thief just stole some things. He just needs to be taught a lesson." Come on, how can we cut off his hand? Do you still have the government and the law in your eyes?" These words were so righteous and in line with Long Qingquan's dress. The clerks swallowed their saliva. I thought to myself that thanks to my cleverness just now, otherwise I would have listened to the shopkeeper and tied up the official's young master, and he would have been left with nothing to eat. The people around looked at Long Qingquan angrily, but they did not dare to make any noise, as it would be dangerous to offend the official. It's wonderful, let alone the second son of such an official. Long Qingquan saw this strange look, but he didn't know why he was standing there and didn't know what to do next. He had to look at Lu Yunzhi, Lu Yunzhi was still standing In the dark corner, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he snickered in his heart: This Long Qingquan had chopped off the arm of the Imperial Guard in the capital that day, but now he was talking about Judge Wang's Palace. It was really interesting. I think it was because he was here. Well, the owner of the butcher shop came forward and clasped his fists and said to Long Qingquan: "Sir, if I don't severely punish this little thief today, there will be more thieves looking after my shop tomorrow. If the reporter can help us Why bother to catch him yourself? To catch an adulterer and a double, and to steal a thief's stolen goods. If you catch a current criminal like him, you must kill him as a warning to others. We are a small business. I can't stand their constant attention. I can only Use this stupid method. " Long Qingquan saw that he was being polite and could not forcefully stop him. He only said: "You think this is good. I bought this pig leg. I will bear witness for you and take this little thief into the government. Let the government He can't be spared if his hair is settled. " Hearing the word "official", the little thief who was tied to the ground suddenly broke free and yelled: "You all remember, the little overlord Sun Tong is here. Each of you takes good care of your own shop. As long as If I don't die today, your shop will be set on fire. Even if I die, my brothers will avenge me. " When the people around him heard this, they were angry. Regardless of Long Qingquan's identity, they rushed forward and kicked the little thief until he was disgraced and spitting blood. At first, the little thief even yelled at everyone, but now Now that he had vented his anger, Long Qingquan was very angry. Now he no longer favors the little thief. He thinks that this is the result of his own fault. Besides, he is so arrogant after being caught stealing, he really deserves it.Even if he was beaten to death, he would still be unjustly killed. However, after listening to everyone's yelling and scolding, Long Qingquan finally knew the whole story. This young man's name was Sun Tong. He was a refugee who had fled from a foreign country. He became entangled with a group of children in this small town. Those who make a living by stealing are usually impossible to catch. Even if a shop catches them, the remaining fish that slipped through the net will take revenge like a storm, either by going crazy with that shop's goods, or by releasing them in the middle of the night. After burning down the shop, over time, no one in this town dared to offend these thieves. However, they were unlucky enough to bully Butcher Zhang. Zhang Butcher was also a foreigner and had always been ruthless and ruthless. Not to bully others, but based on the concept that I will not offend others unless they offend me, I opened a butcher shop in this small town. Not to mention these little thieves, even adult gangsters would not dare to trouble Butcher Zhang. Butcher Zhang¡¯s casserole-sized fists are not easy to mess with. Even the half-grown boys in his shop are all busy chopping meat and bleeding blood every day. Evil people have their own evil deeds. Sun Tong and other thieves fell into Zhang Tu¡¯s hands. , all the neighbors clapped their hands and applauded. The common people have always loved to take advantage of others. When they see others losing power, they will naturally add insult to injury, not to mention the notorious little bully Sun Tong, who is hated by everyone. When everyone is enjoying the fight, go Hearing the sound of crying, a group of young men ranging from half a man to half a man in height appeared in front of everyone. They were all in rags and poor appearance. They rushed into the crowd and hugged tightly. Protecting Sun Tong, he shouted: "Don't hit our elder brother." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 16: The Invisible World This scene couldn't help but make Long Qingquan feel a little soft-hearted. How could these children be the bad guys that people say are evil? They were clearly a group of poor little beggars who had no food to eat and could only make a living by stealing chickens and dogs. Long Qingquan felt pity in his heart. However, he saw that the people around him rushed forward like rats crossing the street, punching and kicking each other. While beating some people, they cursed: "These little thieves have surrendered themselves to the trap one by one." Sun Tong was surrounded in the middle, He was in a daze after being beaten just now. Now he was a little more awake. When he saw his own people being beaten, he shouted: "You beat my brothers and sisters one by one. If you can, beat me. If you are a fool to your mother, beat me." I saw that the children around him were still there. After being beaten, Sun Tong shouted: "What are you doing here? Run quickly, run quickly." But at this moment, they could not run away. They were surrounded by three layers of people, and it was difficult for them to fly even if they had wings. Qingquan couldn't bear to be more angry, so he stepped forward to stop him: "Stop beating people to death, that's enough." Everyone had enough of the evil fire in their hearts, and stopped one after another. Long Qingquan looked at Sun Tong and asked, "Your name is Sun Tong That's right, why are you stealing things, and why are you talking arrogantly?" Sun Tong's neck didn't buy Long Qingquan's account at all. Zhang Tu rushed up in anger and slapped Sun Tong twice, beating and scolding him. Said: "You are a bastard, you don't know how to rely on people. This man said good things for you, but you still do this. You really don't know how to praise me." A young child hugged Butcher Zhang's thigh and cried. He said: "Don't hit my brother." Long Qingquan asked the young boy: "Then why did you steal things?" The young boy hesitated and didn't want to say anything, but when he saw that Zhang Tu wanted to hit Sun Tong again, he said: "We are hungry." Long Qingquan's simple words made him feel sour and almost shed tears. He asked again in one breath: "Then why do you still utter arrogant words after being caught?" The child raised his pure pair of eyes. Looking at Long Qingquan with his eyes, he replied: "Because of fear, the people who were caught earlier were beaten so much that they are still urinating blood every day. Three or four others were beaten to death, and those who were sent to the government did not end well. The older ones who were in good health were sold by the government officials to work in the kilns, while those of my age were usually killed secretly so as not to disturb the people. No one was looking for us anyway, and even if we disappeared, we would not be noticed. We were afraid, Only then will we retaliate against them, so that they will not arrest us if they are afraid of us." As he spoke, the child began to cry. Long Qingquan was extremely shocked and glanced at the crowd with sharp eyes. No one dared to look at him. They all lowered their heads and Long Qingquan said fiercely: "What he said is true. You really killed several people. The government really did this." Someone on the side said: "But they stole things." He didn't say anything. However, Long Qingquan stared back coldly and no longer dared to speak. Long Qingquan became furious and shouted: "They just stole some things and lost their lives. I, Long Qingquan, will not allow such unfairness again." Something happened." As Long Qingquan pulled Sun Tong and others away, although the surrounding people were afraid of Long Qingquan, no one gave in and still formed a human wall to block the way. Long Qingquan shouted: "Get out of the way. Zhang Tu spoke from behind Long Qingquan: "Master, please stay and listen to me." "Long Qingquan looked back. He didn't expect that such a vulgar butcher Zhang could say such refined words. Butcher Zhang saw Long Qingquan stopped and said: "Although what you said is reasonable, you won't kill these gangs for this little money. The name of the little thief has to be said in two words. You look like the son of a wealthy family. Naturally, you don't know the sufferings of the common people, let alone the price of firewood, rice, oil and salt. We who do small business, don't we just make a living by chewing grain after working all day? Let¡¯s take today¡¯s incident as an example. The pig leg he stole is five or six days¡¯ profit. Without it, what will we eat? We who do business from early to late are just to earn this small profit. If I can¡¯t eat, I have to close down. If I go out of business, I might not starve to death by taking advantage of a few families. What do these young men eat and use? They also have old ladies at home. These little thieves not only harm my family, ask who in our town has not been stolen by them. They Where is the food stolen? It is simply stealing our lives. " When the people heard this, they all agreed, and Long Qingquan was speechless. Although he didn't know the hardships of ordinary people, but seeing that Zhang Tu's words didn't seem to be lies, he lost his mind for a moment. Long Qingquan then thought about asking. Xiang Suntong: "Why don't you work to make money? Even if you don't have anything to eat, isn't there a porridge cook under Hongluo Temple? You can make enough food wherever you go, so why bother stealing?" Sun Tong opened his mouth to answer at this moment. He only heard him say: "It is difficult for the locals to find a job, let alone us people. Besides, even if we find it, it will only be enough for a few of us to eat. Those brothers who are paralyzed in bed Who will raise them? Who will raise these small children here? Even if they find work, will the wages from the work be enough to support them? As for the porridge shop, forget it. I, Sun Tong, also know that the master surnamed Lu is a kind man, but I know one more thing In other words, a gentleman will not eat what he grumbles at, so we steal things based onThere is no shame in being a craftsman, and there is no injustice in being beaten to death if caught. " As he said, the young children shouted in unison: "We don't want to be born in the same year, the same month and the same day, but we want to be born in the same year, the same month and the same day. It's worth dying together. "Such an oath made in a young child's voice sounded very heroic, but it couldn't help but make people feel sad. "Long Qingquan looked at Sun Tong and sighed: "You have some backbone and sense of justice, but you didn't use it in the right way." "I wanted to educate Sun Tong, but when I thought about it, it was true what Sun Tong said. He didn't eat porridge and didn't work. What else could he do except steal things? Then he looked at the people on the street next to him and felt that what they said was true. It made sense, Long Qingquan had no idea. Just when he was at a loss, several official officers came. The people did not dare to offend the officials and they all moved aside. After listening to Zhang Tu's explanation of the matter, an official officer looked Long Qingquan up and down. , I thought he was the young master of that wealthy family. Not only was he reasonable in thinking, otherwise he would not be standing here ambiguously. "It is better to do less than to do more. The official did not ask Long Qingquan, just pretended not to see him, and held the handcuffs The rope took away the thieves. Long Qingquan opened his mouth but didn't say anything. He didn't know what to say. Lu Yunzhi came out from the corner and patted Long Qingquan on the shoulder. Long Qingquan turned around. Lai, with a puzzled look on his face, murmured to himself: "What they said is right, but I can't see what's going on in this world more and more. " Lu Yunzhi nodded with a smile and said: "This is exactly why I asked you to come and see it. The world is inherently invisible. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 17: The Hero¡¯s Way of Blood Lu Yunzhi looked at the confused Long Qingquan and said: "Your narrow sense has no effect here. The decision you made based on one side of the story is definitely wrong. From the beginning of your anger towards the little thieves to your pity for them, , then to anger, and then to pity, which finally led to your current confusion. An ordinary knight can't save the world, and five steps of blood splattering are of no use. Only the chivalry of a hero can solve this problem. " "What kind of chivalry can. It's called the way of a hero." Long Qingquan said with some confusion, Lu Yunzhi replied: "Governing the country, restructuring, administration, economics and trade, and pacifying the world's chaos." Long Qingquan was still a little confused, and Lu Yunzhi explained: "In fact, both parties have their own reasons for what happened just now, as well as their inner beliefs, people's emotions and private messages, which is why you can't understand it. Human nature is complicated, let alone you, I can't understand it, but if If you want to solve this problem, you must start from the overall situation. Just seeing things as peaceful as you did will not only make little difference to the people of the world, but also easily lead to the wrong path of paranoia. Let's just imagine, if the world is peaceful and there is no war, If commerce and trade are developed and the people are prosperous, will there still be these little thieves who are fleeing famine? Even if a natural disaster occurs, if the official system of the court is developed and the economy can be relied upon, the money and food for disaster relief will soon be in place, and the people will be able to have enough to eat. Are you willing to leave your hometown and be looked down upon by outsiders? If the people in the small towns in the capital are living and working in peace and prosperity, and their houses are not closed at night without picking up items, and it is too late to help these young people, how can they be beaten and killed for stealing? " Long Qingquan was stunned when he heard this. He was stunned and said after a moment of silence: "I understand. Only when the country is rich can the people live a good life and save the world from the source." "Well, this is the way of a hero, taking the world as its responsibility, and It¡¯s not about the good, evil, beauty or ugliness of one or two things.¡± Lu Yunzhi said: ¡°Many people see me as a living Bodhisattva, but many people see me as an executioner with hands stained with blood. I can only say that I am doing it for the world. There are some people who deserve to be killed. There are wars every day and the people are miserable. No matter how developed the economy is, no matter how good the crops are, they are not enough to be destroyed by the soldiers. There are also those corrupt officials who deserve to be killed. So if you want to develop, you want to change the officials. System, to make corrupt officials disappear and clean officials take office, they need to take power. If you don¡¯t have the power, talking about changing the system is useless. If you want to take power, you must kill people and seize power from others. Just imagine those people, regardless of public or private, because of various If they hold on to power for such reasons, unless they are killed, it will be difficult for them to give up their power and hand it over to me." Lu Yunzhi said sadly: "Even if it is like now, if you have real power and military power, you still need to kill people. There are talented people coming out from generation to generation, and there are constantly people who want to share my power, whether they are seeking personal gain or having different political opinions from me. In short, in order to complete this great heroic path, we must clear all obstacles on the road. As for future generations How they view what I do is their business. Of course, I heard that some people call me an executioner now. Hey, being a hero is actually quite sad. " "Then you mean you have to use a knife. He Jian's brutal policy can safeguard the country's order and the well-being of the people. With all due respect, even if you have this ability, you will not rise up to cause chaos and chaos after death. In other words, you are chivalrous and you die chivalrously. "Long Qingquan said, Lu Yunzhi nodded and said: "What you said is very good. If you rely solely on violence, it will not last long. The Yuan Dynasty's high-pressure rule ended in less than a hundred years. Therefore, force is only a means, but it cannot be a means. The final resort is that we must use all the power at hand to change some things while the current situation is good, so that Ming Dynasty will have a complete system and a clean system. Only in this way can it last for a long time. The whole system will last for a long time. This is the long-term success. count. " "I admire your foresight, sir. No, you can't call me sir. You should call me brother-in-law." "Long Qingquan said, "Lu Yunzhi laughed dumbly: "Okay, since Yingzi and Xi Yu recognized you as their brother, I will recognize you as my brother-in-law. You know, I am very afraid of my wife, hahahaha." " Long Qingquan scratched his head and suddenly felt a little embarrassed. After all, the opponent who was at war with him just now suddenly became the brother-in-law whom he admired from the bottom of his heart. This change was a bit fast. Long Qingquan returned to the topic and praised: "Brother-in-law is really a hero. also. " Lu Yunzhi shook his head and said: "I am not a hero, but I have promised too many people. I just want to keep my word. Of course, I also want the people to live a good life. After all, I have responsibilities and obligations in my position. They are inseparable. Of course, the most important thing is that I don¡¯t want the world to be in chaos and disrupt my plan to retire and return to my hometown to enjoy family happiness. Do you think that if the world is in chaos, there will be a group of people bothering me behind my back all day long and hunting me down? Me, you can imagine that it was very unpleasant. " Lu Yunzhi's voice continued after a pause: "I am a selfish person. It was only by coincidence that I did the heroic things. But you are different, Qingquan, you have a heroic spirit.Yidan is a person who does great things. Since you lost to me, if you think what I just said about the way of a hero is correct, why not come over and follow me to help me. " "I am willing to go through fire and water for you without any hesitation. "Long Qingquan knelt down on one knee and shouted with his hands clasped in his fists. He was really convinced by Lu Yunzhi in his heart and decided to follow him wholeheartedly. Lu Yunzhi was very capable and practiced the way of a hero, educating people to do good and doing good deeds. How could the passionate Long Qingquan not hesitate to do something of great justice? Lu Yunzhi helped Long Qingquan up and said with a smile: "Why don't you do it to you? I am your brother-in-law. Call me brother-in-law. Let me listen." Listen, haha. "Long Qingquan was slightly embarrassed, but he willingly called his brother-in-law again, "Qingquan, my heart is not as kind as yours. For many reasons, I have become a little vicious, and my brothers are not as kind as they are when they follow me. Short of that, most of them obey my words, and a few are also wary of my position. After all, we have a superior-subordinate relationship, and it¡¯s not good to talk too much. But you are different. The reason why you call me brother-in-law is not just because of you. I have recognized Yingzi and Xi Yu as my eldest and second sisters. More importantly, I want you to be my mirror. The ancient monarch Li Shiming called Wei Zheng his mirror. I hope you can speak out and give advice like Wei Zheng. I am wrong. Don't be afraid of anything. With your eldest and second sister to protect you, you won't be afraid that I will kill you in anger. "Lu Yunzhi said with a smile, "Long Qingquan said: "Brother-in-law, you have a quick mind, and your mind and wisdom are unprecedented in my eyes. Could you be wrong too?" " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 18: A dog bites a dog with a hair in its mouth Lu Yunzhi nodded and said: "Everyone makes mistakes. I have made many mistakes to get to this point. I heard Yingzi tell you about you before. At that time, you were pretending to be from the Lu family, and your first reaction was when someone found out Just admit your mistake." Long Qingquan nodded, and Lu Yunzhi said: "This is in line with your character and temperament, so I want you to see what I did wrong and tell you frankly. Don't worry, I even got carried away. I didn¡¯t listen, and I will carefully consider what you said in the future, but there is a prerequisite I want to say. Don¡¯t expect me to admit my mistake, because if you want to be what I call a hero, you must first become an overlord. To become an overlord, You have to know your mistakes and correct them instead of admitting them. " In this way, the capital was quiet for a month. During this period, Lu Yunzhi wrote a letter claiming that Fenggu people had passed away. He left a last message saying that he had never seen Lu Yunzhi again, which was extremely regretful, which was even more inexplicable. Paraphrasing a sentence to Lu Yun: Don¡¯t forget what they once said. The handwriting of the person who wrote the letter should be Lu Jiugang. I guess they didn¡¯t understand the words left by the people in Fenggu, but Lu Yunzhi knew it clearly. It was nothing more than a secret conversation between Fengguren and himself at Fengbo Manor that day. Of course, the letter also said that a copy of the letter would be sent to Lu Yunzhi personally by Bai Yong in the future, and Bai Yong also followed Fengguren's instructions to "return the property to its original owner." After handling the funeral, they returned to Lu Yunzhi with Tan Qing and others. There was no complaint from Fengbo Village about this issue. After all, it was the legacy of the old village owner, but they didn¡¯t know that it was Lu Yunzhi and Fengbo. The people in the Valley agreed that Bai Yong's stay or leave would be according to his own wishes, so before he died, the people in the Valley asked Bai Yong that it should be Bai Yong's own decision to return to Lu Yunzhi's side, and Lu Yunzhi was very happy about this. He was relieved that after all his hard work, he did not make a wedding dress for others. Lu Yunzhi put down the letter and sighed. He knew the gap between himself and the Fenggu people in terms of skills. The Fenggu people were truly invincible in the world. They could be said to be The number one master of the Zhongzheng lineage, in comparison, Patriarch Xing Wen is not as powerful as Lu Yunzhi at the moment. It is really sad that a master like Feng Gu Ren has passed away, but thinking about his right-hand assistant joining him Brother-in-law Bai Yong, sister Tan Qing, uncle Bao Zi, and father-in-law Lu Jiugang are coming back soon. Lu Yunzhi is still more happy. Putting this aside, Lu Yunzhi picked up a few coins on the table. After sealing the secret letter sent by the Thirteen members, I opened it and looked at it with an imperceptible smile on my face. What was supposed to come would come sooner or later, but I didn¡¯t expect it to be so soon. It was finally time for those opportunistic and power-seeking villains to kill each other. Well, as the saying goes, a dog bites a dog, I guess this is the truth, Xu Youzhen held a family banquet at her home, and entertained many of her disciples and followers. As soon as the banquet was in full swing, Xu Youzhen waved her servants away. The singing and dancing geisha then picked up a glass of wine and drank it down. She sighed heavily with a sad face. Most of the people who can be invited to the family banquet are Xu Youzhen's close people, at least they will not be wallflowers or Shihengcao Jixiang. When people saw their leader sighing, they stopped noisy and asked Master Xu why he sighed. Xu Youzhen was secretly happy. He was just waiting for others to ask questions, so that he could start the speech he had prepared for a long time. , I saw Xu Youzhen frowning, and said with great bitterness and hatred: "After the incident of seizing the door, I thought I could have a peaceful and prosperous age and benefit the people, but I never thought that the person who seizes the door with me is just a reckless man. , I just know that promoting my own people is just corruption and abuse of law. I am very disappointed in this, and it is simply heartbreaking. " Speaking of which, Xu Youzhen did a good job in this regard. He did not promote his relatives and friends like Shi Heng, Cao Jixiang and others, nor did he recommend them indiscriminately for money, but he was not as great as he said. The reason why he looked down upon Shi Heng and Cao Jixiang was because in his opinion, one of them was just a warrior and the other was an eunuch. How could they compare to a civil servant like him, who would collude with such people and do something The low-level business of collecting people's money to buy and sell officials was really too much for Master Xu, so he gradually became alienated from the two of them. The two of them didn't seem to notice, but they always came to visit Xu Youzhen. Although they looked at each other coldly, Shi Heng and Cao Jixiang still came to Xu Mansion again and again, which made Xu Youzhen even more inflated. It seemed that they were still afraid of their own officials. He always comforted himself like this, As for Xu Youzhen's actions are actually better than Cao Jixiang's He was not much better than Shi Heng. Although he did not promote any of his own family members, it was just to avoid telling the truth. While everyone was cultivating party members, Xu Youzhen also installed many officials, such as the extremely powerful The cabinet is now Xu Youzhen's dictum. Some people love money and others are lustful, but Xu Youzhen is greedy for power. He likes the feeling of overwhelming power. And now, not to mention Lu Yunzhi and other Zhongzheng people, who can't shake it, is Shi Heng and Cao Jixiang. It also divided his power, which made Xu Youzhen particularly unhappy. In his opinion, greedy villains like Shi Cao and the two received generous salaries and gold from high-ranking officials.You should be content with jewelry, how can you do such unscrupulous things? If Xu Youzhen had the ability, he would be considered a first-generation name, but he only knows how to intrigue and organize people, and what he does is also some shameful things. People's deeds are just more subtle and more subtle than those of Shi Cao and Shi Cao. Therefore, in Lu Yunzhi's view, Xu Youzhen is just a clown who must be eliminated. He was grateful, but in fact he also understood that without Lu Yunzhi's group, nothing would be accomplished. Rewarding these heroes who won the door was not only to reward the meritorious officials, but also to show it to the officials all over the world. As long as you obey me, Zhu Qizhen, you will be promoted. Zhu Qizhen is also a man who knows how to repay his kindness, so whether it is Shi Heng, Cao Jixiang, or even Xu Youzhen, they are just models. Zhu Qizhen is not Silly, as long as Lu Yunzhi is around, these people can't change the world, so even if Shi Heng becomes more and more arrogant, Cao Jixiang becomes more and more corrupt and perverts the law, and even Xu Youzhen monopolizes power and is arbitrary, Zhu Qizhen doesn't take it to heart, everything is possible Brother Lu is what Zhu Qizhen thinks about the most. Zhu Qizhen thinks so, but Xu Youzhen doesn't think so. In his opinion, Lu Yunzhi has completed his revenge on Qian, and now he has recuperated and stopped caring about the world. , except for educating the prince Zhu Jianshen every day, he basically no longer appears in public. Of course, even so, he did not dare to neglect Lu Yunzhi, who was called nine thousand years old by the ministers. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 19: The stupid bird comes forward Not to mention that Lu Yunzhi has a noble status and is as famous as the emperor. Even the gang of killers in Lu Yunzhi's hands cannot afford to offend him. If Lu Yunzhi is offended one day, he will not have to do it himself. People will kill people and destroy their corpses. Xu Youzhen breaks into a cold sweat inexplicably every time he thinks of this. But not only that, the most important thing is that although Lu Yunzhi is not in power now, he has many subordinates and friends. The appointment of real power is worthy of Xu Youzhen's win over, such as Fang Qingze, who is in charge of finance, and Dong De, who is now somewhat rivaling Fang Qingze, as well as Bai Yong, the nominal commander-in-chief of the township regiment, and Qu Xiangtian, who is eyeing the south, and Qu Xiangtian His subordinates stayed near the capital, controlling Guang Liang, Qin Rufeng and others of the 5th Army Camp and Shenji Camp, as well as Yang Shan, Yang Zhun and other civil servants who were incompatible with him. These people can belong to Lu Yunzhi's direct lineage. Although Xu Youzhen now has control over A large number of civil servant groups have even controlled the cabinet, and there are also a large number of officials and censors under their command, but they still cannot compete with the forces of the Zhongzheng line such as Lu Yunzhi. Although the Zhongzheng line is powerful, as the name suggests, Zhongzheng is incomparable. , maintaining a neutral attitude, only busy with the affairs within his own scope of power, and never overstepping into other departments. Now, in Xu Youzhen's view, it is a good opportunity. Lu Yunzhi ignores the government affairs, leaving a large vacuum of power. It is better for him to form an alliance with Fang Qingze and others from the Lu Clan to destroy Shi Cao's two parties and seek to maximize their power. However, before doing this, Xu Youzhen still wanted to find out what Fang Qingze and others said, so he took some time to get it. Houli went to visit Fang Qingze. What Xu Youzhen didn't expect was that Fang Qingze, who he estimated was most likely to be tempted, looked at him coldly and ridiculed Xu Youzhen about killing Yu Qian, saying that a coward will definitely kill the person he fears, even if that person has already He died, because those clowns were scared out of their wits and so on. Xu Youzhen was so angry that her nose was almost crooked. No one could tell that the clown was referring to him, but she could only hold her heart when asking for help. Angry and embarrassed, Fang Qingze had already seen Xu Youzhen's intention and clearly rejected Xu Youzhen. Xu Youzhen was furious and thought to himself: One day, when Shi Cao's two parties are destroyed, and he has enough strength, he will deal with you Zhongzheng Yi. The pulse is not late. If a lion is always kept in captivity, it will always turn into a tabby cat. You guys of the Zhongzheng lineage should recuperate and recuperate. The moment your wildness is exhausted, it will be your death. But Xu Youzhen¡¯s trip was not in vain, at least he I also got a clear answer from Fang Qingze, that is, if the two parties do not help each other, let them fight. And this is the attitude of the entire Zhongzheng line. Thinking about it, this is not the worst result. Xu Youzhen is confident in fighting Cao Shi and the two gangs. Since If the Zhongzheng lineage is not busy helping, then let him do it himself, and do it as he says, so Xu Youzhen organized this family banquet, and took the opportunity to sigh and imitate Wang Yun in the late Han Dynasty, preparing to scold Shi Cao and the two gangs at the banquet. , and found a way through everyone's mouth, but the matter was confidential at this time, so Xu Youzhen strictly controlled the candidates, and those who could be present were the people who were most caring to him. "Who raises what birds? Naturally, most of Xu Youzhen's subordinates are observant and observant." The ultimate person, when they saw their superiors frowning and sighing, they all felt anxious as if they were mourning for their heirs. After asking, Xu Youzhen told him the reason. It was because Shi Heng and Cao Jixiang were corrupt, perverting the law, addicted to power, and arrogant, so they all sighed too. , This kind of thing is not clear, so it is better not to talk about it. In the future, if you shake hands and shoot the first bird, you may become a prisoner by talking at this time. Anyway, for now, it is right to sigh and curse in secret, Xu Youzhen sighed. After a long time, he said again: "Is there no one in the Ming Dynasty who can control this warrior and eunuch?" At this time, Li Xian stood up and spoke: "Your Excellency, please be careful. We are all loyal ministers of the Ming Dynasty, and most of you here are imperial officials. All you need to do is read a copy of Shi Heng and Cao Jixiang, and then I will wait for you." I echoed that, with our power in the government, even if we cannot bring them down at once, we can still dampen their arrogance. ¡± Xu Youzhen nodded, Li Xian is really a good person, and it¡¯s not a bad thing that he brought him into the cabinet as one of his own. Although they are all cabinet ministers now, the cabinet is headed by Xu Youzhen, so Li Xian usually regards Xu Youzhen as the leader. , Xu Youzhen was very satisfied with this, "After listening to Li Xian's words, everyone can rest assured. Since someone has taken the lead, let's express their opinions. Anyway, the culprit of the Dongchuang incident will still be Li Xian, and it will not be his turn, so they all stood up to agree, "The last one is the Metropolitan Procuratorate Yang Xuan, the imperial censor, has not been taken seriously since he joined Xu Youzhen's family. However, seeing that Xu Youzhen imitated Wang Yun in the late Han Dynasty and organized this family banquet to discuss how to deal with Shi and Cao, Yang Xuan also hopes to be like Wang Yun at the family banquet. Like Cao Cao, his words are astonishing. Even if he fails, he can still become famous all over the world. Thinking of having the same start as Cao A'an, a talented and strategist, Yang Xuan was faintly excited, and stood up at the right time. "It's true that you can't let go of your children, but you can't trap the wolf," Sure enough, Yang Xuan's words were shocking: "Master Xu,Mr. Li and Mr. Xu's words of "serving the country and the people" are touching, and I am very moved. I would like to read the copy of Cao Jixiang tomorrow morning. I think it is best to divide and attack. Deal with Cao Jixiang first, and wait for him to fall. Shiheng Yijie Wufu has nothing to worry about. " When Xu Youzhen heard this, he praised him repeatedly: "Brother Yang Xian is indeed very intelligent. This division and attack is very well said. " As soon as Yang Xiandi called out this sentence, Yang Xuan was extremely happy, but the old people sitting down all laughed secretly in their hearts: "Yang Xuan, this silly bird, is being taken advantage of. I don't know, let's just wait and Cao Jixiang will hate him in the future. If so, He turned his back and wanted to punish this Yang Xuan. With Xu Youzhen's temperament, he would never go to great lengths to rescue this kind of people. However, everything has its consequences, and the outcome is hard to say. It is unknown whether the high-level game is right or wrong. It depends on his fate, whether it is a blessing or a curse, he can't avoid it. In short, it is fine that he is not allowed to do such a dangerous job. There is no need to take risks for the sake of a few words of "virtuous brother" or Xu Youzhen's respect when he has reached this level. Most people They took refuge in Xu Youzhen firstly to protect themselves and find a backer, and secondly they were just helping to beat up a drowned dog. They were determined not to do this kind of charge into battle. " Yang Xuan disagreed, and was still complacent. Xu Youzhen and Li Xian had the highest official positions. They praised Yang Xuan in a row: "He is really a good censor, and he dares to speak out. "Yang Xuan felt even more comfortable after hearing the praise, and kept bowing with her hands and fists. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 20: Heaven¡¯s Arrangement When the court went to court on the second day, everyone was lined up in front of the palace. No one noticed the noise, and no one whispered to each other. However, Cao Jixiang and Xu Youzhen had the most noble status. They were new rich people who were born into the family. Naturally, they couldn't be the same. As they started talking unscrupulously, Cao Jixiang said: "I heard that Mr. Xu is very concerned about the appointment of the governor of Jiangzhou. Why don't you sell it to our family to save face? I have a cousin named Gao Jin. He is a well-educated person who can be appointed. , I want him to be the prefect of Jiangzhou, I don¡¯t know what Mr. Xu wants.¡± Xu Youzhen glanced at Cao Jixiang sideways and said, ¡°I should ask the emperor about this matter, what should I do, even if I don¡¯t ask the emperor, Eunuch Cao should also ask the officials. The imperial court does not belong to me alone. " "That is not right. We are both the heroes of the family. We are discussing the promotion of one or two officials for the imperial court. It is not us. It can be solved through private discussion. Why bother the emperor with such trivial matters? The Ministry of Personnel is not a matter for you to say a word to, Mr. Xu. Of course, I have also informed the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel. As long as Mr. Xu lets him go, he will not I am in a dilemma. I know that you attach great importance to the position of Jiangzhou magistrate and want to arrange it for your disciple. Is this good? I will pay you 50,000 taels of silver and treat you to tea. I will have other positions in the future. It's not too late to give it to Mr. Xu's disciple, you can treat it as a favor to me," Cao Jixiang said. After hearing Cao Jixiang's words, Xu Youzhen became furious and said: "What nonsense, you become an official of the imperial court and become your favor. Is this a tool for financial circles? It¡¯s really outrageous.¡± Xu Youzhen¡¯s voice was loud, and all the officials looked at her secretly. Cao Jixiang¡¯s face became a little uneasy, and his face turned red and white for a long time. After a long time, he snorted coldly and stood aside. Ignoring Xu Youzhen, after about a cup of tea, Zhu Qizhen went to the palace. As the process continued, Zhu Qizhen first gave instructions on some of the papers on the spot and made suggestions on how to deal with them. Of course, some ministers came out to dissuade them. Of course, they each belong to different camps and naturally have different starting points. Where they have different opinions, they argue with each other. Zhu Qizhen listened to the minister's suggestions and gave two instructions: stick to his own opinion and wait for further discussion, which can be regarded as corresponding. This gave the ministers some face, and the scene was relatively happy. The matter in front of the palace soon came to the issue of the walking book that Yang Xuancan handed over. Zhu Qizhen looked at it with a frown, and then said: "It's really my fault. "A good minister who dares to speak out and not be afraid of power. I want to commend Yang Aiqing, the censor of the Imperial Procuratorate." Zhu Qizhen suddenly put down his praising expression and shouted angrily: "Where is Cao Jixiang?" I'm here." Cao Jixiang quickly stepped forward and replied. Zhu Qizhen threw the memorial on the ground in front of Cao Jixiang and said, "Pick it up and see for yourself." Looking at Zhu Qizhen's angry face, Cao Jixiang quickly picked it up. The memorial was read, and it listed several of his major crimes: corruption and bribery, bullying superiors and concealing inferiors, being arbitrary, excluding dissidents, and appointing people close to the party. Cao Jixiang quickly knelt down and kowtowed to explain, looking panicked but as if he had been wronged. His eyes were full of sorrow and anger, and his tone was impassioned, making people believe that he was framed. Cao Jixiang begged for mercy while looking fiercely at the triumphant Yang Xuan, and then glanced at the triumphant Xu Youzhen aside, cursing in his heart: Since you If we want to start a war, don't blame me for ignoring the feelings of seizing the door that day. The matter was just settled. For several days, people participated in Cao Jixiang's performance. The people in Dongchang, these people are all Cao Jixiang's subordinates, which shows that the emperor still intends to let Cao Jixiang go, but otherwise he would not let them investigate his own people. Cao Jixiang claimed to be ill at home and would never go to court again. Instead of wandering around the palace, Xu Youzhen invited everyone to come home and toast to celebrate. Cao Jixiang no longer dared to go to court, which showed that the emperor was aware of the situation and had already begun to severely punish Cao Jixiang. Cao Jixiang received the news and was afraid of the crime and did not dare to come. The emperor then let him go. One horse spread rumors, and the more rumors spread, even Xu Youzhen was overwhelmed with joy, and believed it to be true. After Li Xian's suggestion, everyone started writing Shi Heng's memorial under the influence of alcohol. Will Shi Heng be far behind after Cao Jixiang steps down? Seeing the arrogant figure of everyone writing and writing, Li Xian showed a satisfied smile, stumbled and unloaded first, and then lied that he was too drunk and was helped down by the servant. After Li Xian and the servant in Xu Youzhen's house took two steps, Li Xian said to the servant: "Tell Heaven for me, everything is ready, please rest assured. There was no hint of drunkenness in this look. His eyes were bright and full of power. The manservant nodded and said, "I will help you to rest first, and then I will report to heaven immediately." "Tian is the head of the Thirteen Secret Secrets, but Tian is the only one. Starting from the next day, the Yushi Yanguan headed by Xu Youzhen gave up criticizing Cao Jixiang who "didn't dare" to show up, and then began to sue Shi Heng. The clauses quoted from scriptures and provided a large number of evidences and testimonies that could be relied upon. Zhu Qizhen became furious several times after hearing this and slapped himHe stood up and shouted: "Do these people still have royal laws in their eyes? I will definitely investigate to the end and live up to the sincerity of all the beloved ministers." Facts have proved that Xu Youzhen thought of Cao Jixiang and Shi Heng too simply. Well, he didn¡¯t know that Cao Jixiang was the incarnation of Gao Huai, and Gao Huai came from a famous family, and when the Zhongzheng line first gained power, he had been struggling in the officialdom of the capital for a long time, and he didn¡¯t know the officialdom in his stomach. Much deeper than Xu Youzhen, Shi Heng was not just a warrior. After Zhu Qizhen was captured and Zhu Qiyu ascended the throne, and then Zhu Qiyu stepped down and Zhu Qizhen was restored, Shi Heng was not dismissed in these three dynasties, and his official position became more and more The bigger you are, in addition to good luck, your brains and strategies are also good. Cao Jixiang and Shi Heng got together. Shi Heng said with some indignation: "Xu Youzhen, this villain, is so damn shameful. He hasn't taken over the power yet. Let's fall out. If we let these scholars continue to be arrogant, it will be better. I will lead the troops and kill them." Cao Jixiang looked at Shi Heng coldly. Shi Heng pretended to be reckless. He was angry for a long time and then he took it easy when he saw that Cao Jixiang did not agree. He coughed and asked in a low voice: "What does Lu Yunzhi say about the matter between us?" Cao Jixiang nodded and said: "Next time it's just the two of us, go straight to the topic and pretend to be in front of me. That brainless martial artist is so boring. We don't know each other. Your question is to the point. Fortunately, Lu Yunzhi didn't say anything. " "Lu Yunzhi really doesn't care about government affairs. , Start cultivating yourself." Shi Heng asked hesitantly. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 21: Conspiracy to bring down Xu Youzhen After hearing Shi Heng's question, Cao Jixiang replied: "It seems that this is the best news for us. Xu Youzhen is just a clown and there is nothing to worry about. If Lu Yunzhi really doesn't interfere, we may have the power in our hands." It can be expanded several times. I feel excited just thinking about it. However, the more this happens, the more worried I am. Lu Yunzhi is not simple. He will not be willing to be lonely. How can he so easily achieve the hard-won power to cover the sky? Give up, I can't figure it out, I can't figure it out, hey. " "These are not things that we can consider. The current situation is that Lu Yunzhi doesn't help each other. The two of us will succeed together to deal with Xu Youzhen, and then annex it. With his power, this business is guaranteed to make a profit. Previously, we couldn't bear to touch him because of the friendship between us. Now that Lu Yunzhi doesn't care about it, and Xu Youzhen is so ungrateful, why not attack now? "Fuck you." Shi Heng said fiercely, Cao Jixiang's facial muscles twitched, and it was obvious that his disguised face had stiffened over time, making Cao Jixiang look older than his actual age. Ji Xiang asked: "How is General Shi going to deal with Xu Youzhen, a traitor?" "Isn't it the king's land in the whole world, and the king's ministers on the shore of the land. No matter how powerful these civil servants are, they are just the emperor's ministers. Let's stab Zhu Qi directly. It is much better to put on a good show in front of the emperor, to hug the emperor and cry and shout that we are wronged, than to go back and forth with the rotten scholars on the memorial. In this way, the emperor will think that we are very grand. , was tricked by Xu Youzhen but still maintained his dignity, and did not quarrel with Xu Youzhen in front of the emperor or in the main hall. The emperor might have to praise you and me for this, saying that we are people who understand the general situation, and did not argue with Xu Youzhen Just like scolding each other in front of the emperor, hehehe," Shi Heng said with a proud look on his face, "Humph, if he wants to escape from my Wuzhishan, Xu Youzhen will have to practice for five hundred years, but I have an insider in his house. "Shi Heng said, while still thinking about the situation where one of Ah Rong's servants tipped him off that day. This thought made him more confident, so he proudly spilled the beans, "Cao Ji Xiang looked slightly suspicious, then looked normal, nodding and praising over the subject: "Well said, go directly to the emperor, but before that I have a small arrangement that can help us get twice the result with half the effort. "What arrangement?" Shi Heng asked. Cao Jixiang was not as easy to leak as Shi Heng. He just smiled mysteriously and replied, "The secret must not be leaked." Although Cao Jixiang is a eunuch, he lives outside the palace. On a sunny day, I went to the palace to see Zhu Qizhen. Although Zhu Qizhen was very angry about the things mentioned in the recent memorials and was ready to use this as an excuse to deal with Shi Heng, Cao Jixiang and others, Zhu Qizhen was secretly unhappy. Firstly, it was because Xu Youzhen was also an authoritarian person, and his actions were nothing more than taking advantage of Zhu Qizhen. Of course Zhu Qizhen knew this, otherwise the emperor would have been too confused. Secondly, it was because Cao Jixiang was originally participating in the performance. At this time, Cao Jixiang suddenly claimed that he was ill at home, and then tolerated every step of the way. Xu Youzhen thought that Cao Jixiang had given in, and the situation was over, so he stopped with satisfaction and concentrated on dealing with the stubborn Shi Heng. The same goes for the mutual game between the two. Zhu Qizhen was unable to uproot Cao Jixiang's power with the imperial power in his hands, and Xu Youzhen's suspension left him without the support of the pickets. Of course, Xu Youzhen was a foreign minister after all, and it was difficult for him to reach out to the eunuch's power. This is also what Zhu Qizhen is worried about, which is why Zhu Qizhen sent Cao Jixiang's cronies to investigate Cao Jixiang. Although he said that he would investigate Cao Jixiang strictly, in fact, the warning was more important than punishment. The third point is that after all, Cao Jixiang He is the hero who won the family, and he can be regarded as a model figure on the bright side. It is not good to be too strict, otherwise he will have the reputation of burning down bridges and burning rabbits to death. By then, no one will dare to work for Zhu Qizhen. Based on the above reasons, Zhu Qizhen agreed to Cao Jixiang's request and was very friendly. The two talked happily. The content of the conversation was mostly about family affairs and military affairs. However, Zhu Qizhen still criticized him very harshly. Cao Jixiang accepted the criticism sincerely. This result made Zhu Qizhen very satisfied. When he was about to leave, Cao Jixiang suddenly said: "I think that not only the ministers around the prince in the East Palace need to be strictly controlled, but also the eunuchs." It should be noted that, after all, in addition to promoting relatives, Wan Zhen'er may also cultivate party members in the palace, so we must be on guard. " "Why did Cao Aiqing say this? "Zhu Qizhen was stunned, and his face became a little solemn. Cao Jixiang said calmly: "Didn't you say, Your Majesty, that the relationship between Wan Zhen'er and the prince is too close, and that you need to be careful about the appointment and removal of officials in the East Palace? " Zhu Qizhen's face became even more ugly. He already knew about Wan Zhen'er and his son Zhu Jianshen, but his son insisted that he was unwilling to leave Wan Zhen'er, but he was so kind and reluctant to let his son feel sad, so he let Wan Zhen'er go. ?Zhu Jianshen grew up under the care of Wan Zhen'er. Wan Zhen'er was both his relative and his lover. How could he be willing to let his unfamiliar father harm Wan Zhen'er? Such fear Under the uneasy situation, he became even closer to Wan Zhen'er. The two openly lived together to prevent others from doing evil things behind their backs. This result was unexpected by Zhu Qizhen. He was furious and helpless and asked Lu Yunzhi. He asked for help, but Lu Yunzhi claimed that he was ill and could not see each other, and then showed his wound to the eunuch sent to ask for Lu Yunzhi. This was not Lu Yunzhi's pretense. Indeed, although he won the duel with Long Qingquan that day, He won the victory, but Long Qingquan also hurt him. Zhu Qizhen immediately rushed to visit Lu Yunzhi after hearing the news. Lu Yunzhi was bedridden and deliberately pretended to be pale. Zhu Qizhen saw this and it was inconvenient to bother Lu Yunzhi. Therefore, we can only go back first. This time it was Lu Yunzhi who was pretending. He was not that serious, but he did not want to interfere in the affairs of Zhu Jianshen and Wan Zhen'er. Moreover, this news was very useful. What would happen if he interfered? It's not so perfect. Since Lu Yunzhi couldn't help, Zhu Qizhen could only find a way on his own. He called Xu Youzhen and hoped that he would strictly control the appointment and dismissal of officials in the East Palace. Since Zhu Jianshen liked Wan Zhen'er, let him go. Just don't let this woman Wan Zhen'er ruin the great cause of your ancestors. It is absolutely not allowed for foreign relatives to be in power, so Xu Youzhen, as the head of the cabinet, shoulders the task of monitoring and managing the officials of the East Palace, but this matter is involved after all. Zhu Qizhen repeatedly told him that the matter of the royal bed must be kept strictly confidential. How could he have thought that Cao Jixiang could know such private matters? Zhu Qizhen's face suddenly turned red and pale, and he secretly felt cruel in his heart. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 22: Big mouth is not allowed "How did you know, Cao Aiqing?" Zhu Qi suppressed the anger in his heart and asked, Cao Jixiang said with doubts on his face: "This is what your Majesty said personally, isn't it, hey, Mr. Xu shouldn't lie to others, He clearly said that you asked him to come to the palace to tell you about it. Now everyone in the civil and military circles knows about it. Could it be that Xu Youzhen dared to falsely pass on the imperial edict? "Zhu Qizhen smiled and replied: "This matter is just groundless. Lai Feng, I think Xu Youzhen just said a few nonsense words on a whim. You are all meritorious ministers in the court, and there is no need to go up and down the line to falsely convey imperial edicts. I will reprimand him properly later. Don't spread the matter any further." Cao Jixiang looked a little worried and bowed repeatedly: "I will obey the imperial decree." He thought to himself: This Zhu Qizhen has become smarter and did not immediately get angry and take off Xu Youzhen's official uniform. This matter is getting darker and darker. For the sake of the royal family's face, this kind of treatment is the best result. After Zhu Qizhen experienced some changes, he finally had some peace in the city. However, although he did not directly provoke Zhu Qizhen, his goal was achieved. , completely ruined Xu Youzhen, Zhu Qizhen will never protect Xu Youzhen anymore, Cao Jixiang and Zhu Qizhen talked for a few more words, Zhu Qizhen said that he was a little tired, and asked Cao Jixiang to retreat first, Zhu Qizhen Qi Zhen slowly walked into the Kunning Palace. He had not come to Queen Qian's place to sleep for many days. Now he was agitated and restless, so he could only come to Queen Qian to calm down the anger in his heart. After asking the eunuch and maid who was serving him to step back, Zhu Qi Zhen slapped the table heavily and cursed: "Xu Youzhen is a villain. The secrets I entrusted to him were spread throughout the city. This makes it difficult for me to trust him again in the future. I will punish him severely when I turn around." Qian The queen came over, relaxed Zhu Qizhen's shoulders, and poured a cup of tea. The queen didn't have to do these vulgar tasks, but the maids and eunuchs who served her were not as considerate as the old couple. In Queen Qian's After being comforted, Zhu Qizhen finally subsided from his anger, but Queen Qian did not mention anything about the matters in the court. Even as a queen of a country, Queen Qian also kept in mind the ancestral motto that the harem should not be involved in government affairs. Zhu Qizhen asked: "I know you don't want to talk about the affairs of the court, so I'll ask you about our Zhu family. Zhu Jianshen likes that palace maid Wan Zhen'er. What do you think we should do? Is it possible that a woman who is much older than him can do this? His crown princess is not good." Queen Qian frowned and said, "Your Majesty doesn't need to ask me about this kind of thing. I can't say it. After all, it's not my fault." Zhu Qizhen said, "Why can't you say it? You are the leader of a country. Mother, all the people in the world are your ministers, and Zhu Jianshen is your son and minister. How can I not say that? Besides, the queen is the master of the harem. Even the birth mother who is very knowledgeable does not have the right to speak. If you say, I will listen to you. "Queen Qian then nodded and said: "It stands to reason that we should get rid of Wan Zhen'er, otherwise there may be future troubles, but thinking about it on the other hand, if it were not for Wan Zhen'er, how could Jianshen have survived until now? As the saying goes, if you receive a drop of kindness from someone, you should repay it with a spring of water, not to mention Wan Zhen'er's earth-shattering contribution. Therefore, Your Majesty, please do not use murderous intentions. This is not good for others or yourself. Shen'er and Wan Zhen'er We have deep feelings for each other. Even if we don't remember kindness and repay kindness with evil and kill Wan Zhen'er, then I'm afraid there will be a gap between His Majesty and the Crown Prince. This is extremely bad. " Zhu Qizhen nodded and said: "What you said makes sense, but if this situation continues, Shen'er will become more and more dependent on Wan Zhen'er. So what if she has to be made the crown princess? Even if we stop it, Can staying here for a while stop him for the rest of his life? Once Zhu Jianshen comes to the throne, we will all be gone. Judging from the current situation, based on this child's character, Wan Zhen'er will definitely be made queen. " Empress Qian smiled, changed her dignified look, half-leaned on Zhu Qizhen like an ordinary woman, and said a little shyly: "Then I am just following you, your majesty. My body is so disabled, don't I still have to be your majesty? Favored, are you still the queen? Only your majesty can give birth to a prince who values ??love and righteousness so much. " Zhu Qizhen held Queen Qian's hand. The two of them had mixed feelings. Hey, children and grandchildren will have their own blessings. Zhu Qizhen thought to himself, but saw Queen Qian's face straighten and she said: "But we must establish Wan Zhen'er as the queen. Finally, that is absolutely necessary. I heard that Mr. Lu is ill. I will discuss it with him after he recovers and we will be able to come up with a perfect plan. In fact, Wan Zhen'er is quite good, but she is too old. If this continues, she will not only be with I may not be able to give birth to an heir, and it will be unethical. The selection of the queen cannot be careless. At that time, the Empress Dowager Zhang controlled the government, but she did not participate in the government. She assisted "San Yang" in governing the country and stabilized the Ming Dynasty. Therefore, the queen is called The choice of your choice is extremely important. Since the Empress Dowager has chosen me to be your Majesty¡¯s queen, I must shoulder this responsibility. Although I am quite weak, as long as I am here, Wan Zhen¡¯er will never become the crown prince, let alone Can't be a queen. " Zhu Qizhen nodded, held Queen Qian's hand tighter, and said softly: "Thank you. "Queen Qian smiled and said nothing, looking at Zhu Qizhen with happiness in her eyes,   When Zhu Qizhen entered the Kunning Palace just now, dismissed everyone, slapped the table and cursed angrily, he didn't know that a young father-in-law outside the door pursed his lips and smiled. Although he was not a high-ranking eunuch, he was He followed the emperor every day, serving him personally. The maids in the palace were not as skillful as him in combing hair, washing face, etc. He was very popular with Zhu Qizhen. The young father-in-law walked out and saw Cao Jixiang. Cao Jixiang had a distinguished status. As a eunuch in charge of the ceremony, he was in charge of the palace. He was responsible for both medium and large affairs, both holding the palm and holding the pen, holding many positions and returning to the three major camps of the governor. He was a major contributor to the restoration. His status was completely different from that of this favored little father-in-law. The little father-in-law walked out of Kunning Palace and turned around After walking through several corridors, they came to a side courtyard. Cao Jixiang was sitting in the courtyard with his eyes closed and meditating. The young father-in-law quickly bowed down and said, "My dear, please see Mr. Cao." Cao Jixiang made a sound from his nose. , and did not let the young father-in-law get up, and let him keep giving the big gift. After a while, Cao Jixiang drove away, listened for a while to make sure that no one was watching him, then he felt relieved and stood up from his seat. , quickly came to the little father-in-law, lifted up the little father-in-law who was still lying on the ground to salute with both hands, and said repeatedly: "There were other people around just now, which really made you feel wronged, Eunuch Huang." The man called Eunuch Huang The little eunuch was not panicked, and allowed Cao Jixiang to help him up, and said calmly and contentedly: "It's okay, it's okay. It's just as Master Cao expected. His Majesty Long Yan was furious just now, wasn't he the one who cursed Xu Youzhen." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 23: Those who wish to take the bait Cao Jixiang smiled happily, took out a few bank notes from his arms and gave them to Eunuch Huang. The young father-in-law saw that there were as many as one thousand taels. He swallowed hard but pushed back with his hand, and said while pushing: "What makes this happen? Mr. Cao, the money you gave me is not a slap in the face. Besides, I only helped you under the command of Mr. Arong. If I accept your money, I am afraid that Mr. Arong will know about it in the future. , But you want to cramp and skin me." "Look at what you said, how could you not do it? If it weren't for you, how could I have known the content of Xu Youzhen and the emperor's spy? Without this content, how could I have put him in danger? Damn it, today you helped me find out the emperor's attitude again. Mr. Cao is really grateful, so I can only express my gratitude with this vulgar silver coin. As far as Ah Rong is concerned, I think it is for you. It¡¯s hard work, but Eunuch Huang.¡± Cao Jixiang said with a sincere face. Eunuch Huang pretended to shirk twice, picked up the banknote and said with a smile, ¡°Then I¡¯m being disrespectful. Thank you, Mr. Cao, for the reward. " Cao Jixiang also replied with a smile: "That's good. We are all eunuchs and a family. We will have to rely on my father-in-law in the future. " "It's easy to talk. I just work by the emperor's side. The only thing I can do is keep the news. Well-informed, this is also thanks to Lord Arong's appreciation and the emperor's holy family. From now on, Lord Cao can use my Xiao Huang's place, and I will go through fire and water without hesitation." Eunuch Huang accepted the money and quickly expressed his loyalty, Cao Jixianghe. Eunuch Huang chatted for a while, and the two of them said goodbye. As soon as Eunuch Huang took a few steps, Cao Jixiang suddenly asked: "Eunuch Huang, Ah Rong didn't tell him about this, right?" Eunuch Huang turned around and said, "Eunuch Huang." Mr. Cao, don't worry, Mr. Arong said that even if the sky asks, he can't reveal a word, so I left first." "Eunuch Huang, go slowly." Cao Jixiang finally felt relieved and waited for Eunuch Huang to go away. Cao Jixiang laughed evilly and said to himself: "Hey, Lu Yunzhi's men sometimes do things behind his back. It seems they are not the same, hehe." Eunuch Huang said goodbye to Cao Jixiang and walked towards his dormitory. Go, walk into the bedroom, open the closet, and get in. There is a whole new world in the closet. Suddenly it is a secret room. After Eunuch Huang put down the banknote, he picked up a small jar and said a few words to the small jar. , with a smile on his face. This meritorious service is not small, and with Cao Jixiang's generous move, it seems that he has obtained double rewards. In the Zhongzheng Yiline Residence, Lu Yunzhi put his hand on a small blue and white jar, and after a moment, the corner of his mouth Showing a smile, Ah Rong asked: "The fish is hooked." Lu Yunzhi nodded and said: "The one who wishes is hooked." The next day, Xu Youzhen was called into the palace, and an eunuch scolded Xu Youzhen crazily in an emperor's tone. On the other hand, after all the scoldings were finished, the eunuch bowed his hands to Xu Youzhen apologetically and said: "Master Xu, this matter was all told by the emperor to his subordinates. I had no choice but to do it. Please don't forgive me, but the emperor asked me to scold you." After I finish, I will give you a word, which is to do it for yourself. "Xu Youzhen stood there for a long time and didn't understand what happened. As if she had lost her soul, she returned home. It happened that her confidants were there, so Xu Youzhen told her what happened today. Let's help analyze it. Everyone frowned and didn't know why. Instead, they were secretly worried that Xu Youzhen had angered the emperor. Li Xian smiled slightly and stood up and said: "Master Xu, if any of your subordinates have seriously offended you, or committed a crime." What should you do if you make a huge mistake? "Xu Youzhen replied without knowing why: "If he speaks out, I will definitely accept it. If he talks nonsense, I will let him take off his official uniform and get out. "Although Xu Youzhen didn't understand why Li Xian asked this, he still expressed his attitude of appointing talents and accepting advice, "Then if this person has a very high position of power and is similar to you, sir, you can't remove him from his position for a while. , but you can punish him, so what should you do? " Li Xian asked again, Xu Youzhen seemed to understand a little, and replied slowly: "Then I will at least give him a few slaps. "That's right. The Emperor is the most powerful person in the world. He did not dismiss you, but only scolded you. You want to scold your father-in-law on behalf of the Emperor. We don't have much contact with him on weekdays. In the end, he That sentence of "doing it for yourself" was definitely not said by him. It was clearly said by the emperor. Don't let you hold a grudge against him. What does this mean? It means that not only will you not be punished by the emperor, but you will be promoted step by step. This is just the emperor's implication. Forget it, the apologetic face and polite tone of the father-in-law at the end also speak volumes. Eunuchs are the most powerful, so who would be polite to a person who has incurred the wrath of a saint? "Li Xian said, "Xu Youzhen already knew it in his heart. He looked at everyone except Li Xian and saw the confused expressions on those people's faces. He wanted to use Li Xian's mouth to tell everything and dispel his own concerns, so he smiled in his eyes. He nodded with satisfaction and said: "Your Majesty is indeed wise, and there is something in his words. Brother Li Xian, tell me?Listen to those people who don't understand. Li Xian clasped his fists in response and then said: "What the emperor really wants to say is that he blames us for not doing things well and not pursuing Cao Jixiang and Shi Heng in a victorious pursuit. We stopped when Cao Jixiang reported that he was ill at home. This is not right, so the emperor said There is no intention to blame us, but to encourage us. I don¡¯t know whether the official¡¯s understanding is right or wrong. " Xu Youzhen nodded as if he had known it for a long time and said: "You are absolutely right. I just deliberately told you what happened when I was scolded in the palace, and asked you to answer questions that can easily confuse stupid people. I just want to see which of you is smart and who is loyal to me. "The few people with doubts and fears on their faces just now lowered their heads and dared not speak, "Brother Li Xian is really smart and quick. With the help of brother Li Xian, we can eliminate Cao Shi's two gangs in just a few clicks, hahahaha. "Xu Youzhen laughed loudly, and Li Xian also laughed in agreement, but there was an imperceptible disdain in his eyes. Xu Youzhen is really stupid. Originally, the emperor was only angry at Xu Youzhen's unbridled words, but because of such twisted explanations, It was really stupid and ridiculous to change his mind and believe it to be true. Therefore, Xu Youzhen continued to struggle with the official censor as if he had received the holy will. He wrote a joint letter to Cao Jixiang and Shi Heng, listing eighteen crimes and displaying many so-called crimes. Evidence, Zhu Qizhen did not praise Xu Youzhen in public, nor did he angrily reprimand Xu Youzhen. He just twitched his face and smiled unnaturally. Xu Youzhen was secretly proud of herself and felt that Zhu Qizhen was different from the emperor who used to be mixed up back then. Now Zhu Qizhen did not express his position but wanted to gather his strength to express his views, so his attack on Cao and Shi's two parties became even more intense. Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 24: Imperial Power is Inviolable The imperial censor Zhang Peng was a Jinshi in the second year of Jingtai, and he was considered a newcomer to the old dynasty. Now that he had been instructed by Xu Youzhen, he naturally dedicated himself to death. He did not hesitate to write tens of thousands of documents in a eloquent way, vigorously criticizing Cao Shi and the two parties. The memorial was really enjoyable to listen to. Those who were sad to see it shed tears, not to mention how good it was. Zhu Qizhen was also moved and praised Zhang Peng a few words. The court was full of dissatisfaction with Cao Jixiang and Shi Heng. Everyone looked up to Xu Youzhen, and Emperor Zhu Qizhen Instead, he seemed alone in the high seat. That afternoon, Cao Jixiang led Shi Heng into the palace. Their tolerance for Xu Youzhen had reached its limit. Forbearance is not an attitude, but a strategy. The so-called ninja moves after making a decision. Now it was their turn to take action. After the two saw Zhu Qizhen, they both knelt down, hugged each other and cried. This cry shocked Zhu Qizhen. In fact, Cao Jixiang was secretly surprised while crying. He did not expect Shi Heng to be like this. The five big and three powerful warriors acted more realistically than him. Shi Heng was shouting at the side, crying with tears and out of breath. It was really admirable. Cao Jixiang thought to himself: It seems that Shi Heng is also He is a thick and black master. You should not take it lightly just because he is a martial artist. Zhu Qizhen didn¡¯t know what happened. After being stunned for a moment, he asked: "Why are you doing this? Please stand up and talk, please. In the palace How decent is it to cry in the middle?" Cao Jixiang and Shi Heng still knelt down. Shi Heng wiped his tears and said aggrievedly: "Your Majesty, Yushi Zhang Peng was instigated by others to frame Mr. Cao and I for forgery. The evidence wants to kill us. Without any explanation, we can only let the emperor make the decision for us. We are not afraid of death. What we are afraid of is that villains will take over in the future. What we are afraid of is that no one will serve the emperor loyally in the future. When Zhen Yi heard this, he understood what was going on. It was not easy for him to interfere in the disputes between ministers. However, he had been prejudiced against him because of Xu Youzhen's leaks a few days ago, so that Zhu Qizhen always felt that the things Xu Youzhen said were right were not appropriate. , so even though he took turns to write letters criticizing Cao Jixiang and Shi Heng, Zhu Qizhen did not give a final answer, but even so, this was a matter between Xu Youzhen, Cao Jixiang and Shi Heng, so Zhu Qizhen restored his previous Feeling confused and flustered for no reason, he said calmly: "Don't worry, no one can frame me successfully. If you encounter such things in the future, you must deal with them calmly. It's so unlucky to be in mourning." Heng Cao Jixiang looked at each other, cunning appeared in his eyes, and he heard Cao Jixiang say: "I am just wondering where the imperial censor Zhang Peng, a new Jinshi from the old dynasty, got the courage to join me and General Shi. If we act impartially, then that's all. I'm afraid that the people in the cabinet want to have power, so they can't tolerate us. We not only cry for ourselves, but also for His Majesty. Today, the emperor is in court in the court hall. It's like Xu Youzhen is in court, and hundreds of officials and stars are holding the moon. People surrounded him, and the emperor may have long been gone. " Cao Jixiang's shocking words stimulated Zhu Qizhen. Thinking of Xu Youzhen's past actions, Zhu Qizhen sighed in his heart: Yes, the cabinet just wants to have power, no. , it was Xu Youzhen who wanted to dominate the court. After I came to the throne, Xu Youzhen and others would be in trouble. Cao and Shi were a bit too much, but he did not form a clique like Xu Youzhen. If this situation continues, Cao Jixiang and Shi Heng After the fall, it was time for Xu Youzhen to evade herself. Then wouldn't she be a puppet emperor? No, Lu Yunzhi, a saint who was so extraordinary from ordinary people, did not take away his power. How could Xu Youzhen, a speculator and a villain who formed a gang, take away his power? Quan, I will not be a puppet emperor. I have had enough of everything in Nangong. I am the emperor and I want to kill those who have seized power. The next day, when going to court, Zhu Qizhen, who was guarding the civil and military officials, ordered the arrest of a large number of officials. Most of them are people who have participated in Cao Jixiang and Shi Heng, including Yang Xuan and Zhang Peng, who moved the world with his eloquent words, and Li Xian, Xu Youzhen¡¯s so-called think tank, who is actually Lu Yunzhi¡¯s ally. Xu Youzhen¡¯s party is as silent as cicadas. I was also caught off guard. Why did the emperor encourage him to continue to criticize Cao Shi and the two parties before, but now he turned against me? How did he know that he was completely misled by Li Xian's words and misunderstood Zhu Qizhen's thoughts? , Xu Youzhen, as the chief assistant of the cabinet, naturally was not imprisoned in court. Seeing her subordinates being dragged away one by one by the Jinyi guards who rushed into the palace, Xu Youzhen gave them a firm look, which meant: Don't be afraid, wait, I will go out to fish you out in a while, but no one was caught. Xu Youzhen was also imprisoned. After leaving the court that day, Xu Youzhen was at home trying to think of a solution when he saw Jin Yiwei rushing into the house, ransacking the house and putting seals on it. Xu Youzhen was ordered to jail. The so-called imperial edict. It was the prison under the control of Jin Yiwei. Xu Youzhen entered the prison with dignity. He thought that no one would dare to touch him. He slowly thought about how he should respond when the emperor brought him into the palace in a short time. No one came to greet him, but the fists and kicks of Jin Yiwei greeted him. Xu Youzhen cried bitterly. He had never suffered such a loss before. He was a scholar who thought he had no strength to restrain a chicken. How could he bear it?After being hit with sticks, leather whips and iron boots, Xu Youzhen suddenly remembered something when his face was bruised and swollen. The commander of the Jinyiwei was named Menda, who belonged to Shi Heng. Shi Heng also obtained this position for him. , it¡¯s over, the sheep fell into the tiger¡¯s mouth and fell into the hands of others, how can this be better? Xu Youzhen¡¯s screams and the mocking laughter of the Jin Yiwei can still be heard in the prison, which lasts for a long time and is enough to ¡°go around for three days.¡± Since ancient times, Official affairs are all cumbersome and complicated, and it can't be solved without delaying for ten days and a half. However, matters such as punishing people and clearing out rebellious parties are handled in a special way, and this is what the emperor personally told him. , so the criminal evidence and testimony of all the jailed and arrested persons were completed within a day. Three days later, the result of Xu Youzhen's treatment came out, that is, he was sent to Guangdong and allowed to participate in politics in Guangdong. This result is not too bad, at least he can eat The guy was still there, and he was lucky not to be beheaded. Now Xu Youzhen knew why he was in trouble. The power he held had exceeded his status. This was not allowed by the emperor. Zhu Qizhen was afraid. , like a frightened bird, he no longer allowed anyone to get involved in his unique power, not even the great hero of the coup. Li Xian, as a member of the cabinet, was not sentenced to death, but was demoted to participate in politics in Fujian. , a senior official involved in government affairs. However, with the development of time, the power of this position has become smaller and smaller, and now it is similar to an empty title. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 25: The Tolerant Li Xian Being demoted to an official position may seem like a good ending, but there are many ways to do it. If you are demoted to a wealthy place, you can still live comfortably. However, Guangdong is already barren, and even the fishery that should be developed is half-dead, which is even more troublesome. It is a place where pirates are causing trouble. In short, it is a place of right and wrong, and ordinary people cannot avoid it. Therefore, the imperial court likes to demote officials to Guangdong, Guangxi, Miao, or Liaodong, Liaoxi, and the desert frontiers. It is stated that they are demoted, but in fact they are rewarded. This is the reason, right? Li Xian seemed to be a subordinate of Xu Youzhen, and he had a deep friendship with Shi Heng. After the coup, Shi Heng recommended Li Xian to be the Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, but Li Xian declined. Li Xian had visited Lu Yun before the coup. He expressed his desire to form an alliance with Lu Yunzhi. At that time, Lu Yunzhi deliberately made a scornful look and asked: "What qualifications do you have to form an alliance with me." Li Xian opened his clothes and exposed his chest. Although he was a scholar, he was very heroic. He shouted: "With my passion and the righteousness in my heart." Lu Yunzhi quickly handed over his hand to apologize, hosted a banquet for Li Xian and declared that Yu Qian still hoped that Li Xian could return to the dark side. Li Xian readily agreed, although he did not help afterwards. Although Lu Yunzhi is busy, the two of them have had many secret conversations. Li Xian is different from Xu Youzhen, Shi Heng and others. He is not a person who wields power, but it does not mean that he does not have the ability to wield power. He is just unwilling to do so. , he respects Yu Qian as much as Lu Yunzhi, but he has different political views from Yu Qian. What is different from Lu Yunzhi is that he and Yu Qian do not have a good personal relationship. If Lu Yunzhi and Yu Qian are heroes of the same generation and are incompatible, But they are sympathetic to each other, and Li Xian has a natural dislike of Qian You. What he respects Yu Qian is his loyalty to the emperor and patriotism, and his dedication and dedication, but what he dislikes is his way of doing things and his actions as a loyal minister, minister, and assisting the emperor. Also, it is not easy to overthrow the emperor, but Yu Qian was obviously superior to Zhu Qiyu. Later, Zhu Qiyu was in poor health. Li Xian advocated Zhu Qizhen's restoration, while Yu Qian hoped to establish the vassal king as the emperor. The worst he could do was to let Zhu Jianshen be the emperor. The emperor, in short, did not allow Zhu Qizhen to be restored to power. Li Xian always thought that this is not what loyal ministers do. By doing this, the Ming Dynasty is still the Zhu family's Ming Dynasty. It is simply Yu Qian's Ming Dynasty, regardless of whether Yu Qian is serving the people of the world. Perhaps it was because he was hostile to Lu Yunzhi, but in short, it was not appropriate to do so. The establishment of a vassal vassal would disrupt the bloodline and bring chaos to the court, which was really difficult for Yu Qian to accept. On the eve of the coup, Li Xian had been conflicted because he wanted to participate in this incident. He seemed to be acting as a loyal minister, but he was unwilling to join forces with Cao Jixiang, Xu Youzhen, Shi Heng and other power-playing villains and end up colluding with others. Just when Li Xian was feeling extremely melancholy, Lu Yunzhi took the initiative to find him and told him He also revealed the overall plan of the coup to seize the door, and stated that Li Xian would not be allowed to participate in the coup. He also stated that Lu Yunzhi would deal with those villains who were motivated to participate in the coup after the seizure, and then Li Xian would be the one to deal with them. It¡¯s time for Xian to really show his talents, so now he can only hide in the officialdom and be a bystander. Otherwise, once he becomes the hero of seizing the door, it will be difficult to deal with it. Li Xian did not participate in the incident of seizing the door. However, after Xu Youzhen and Shi Heng succeeded, they both thought of Li Xian and regarded him as their best friend, so Li Xian entered the cabinet with the help of Xu Youzhen, while Shi Heng recommended Li Xian to be the Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and Li Xian accepted He accepted Xu Youzhen's olive branch and rejected Shi Heng tactfully. Shi Heng was not angry. Instead, he believed that Li Xian was a talent. He was not tempted by the high official's generous salary and became his lackey. From then on, Shi Heng regarded Li Xian as an equal. He was treated as a friend, and even some confidential matters were not shy to be told to Li Xian. In fact, Li Xian was quite fond of the position of Minister of the Ministry of Personnel. The Ministry of Personnel was in charge of the appointment and dismissal of most officials. With this position, Li Xian You can show your ambitions, but Lu Yunzhi said it was too early. Taking up the position of high official now is nothing more than pushing yourself to the forefront of the storm. Without a protective umbrella, if you want to defeat Xiaoxiao in the court without bloodshed, you first need to have a tree. The big tree sheltered him from the wind and rain. Cao Jixiang was not suitable, and Shi Heng was not suitable. Xu Youzhen was the most suitable, so Li Xian became a member of Xu Youzhen's family and became a figure in Xu Youzhen's party. With his intelligence and intelligence, Li Xian was very successful. He soon became the "top strategist" in this small group. However, there is another reason that Lu Yunzhi did not say. That is because Wang Ao, the original Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, was also a member of Lu Yunzhi. Naturally, Lu Yunzhi could not Favoring one over the other, Wang Ao stepped down. Of course, keeping Wang Ao was also for Li Xian's benefit. Wang Ao could play his role at the critical moment. All this did not require Lu Yunzhi to come forward. He only needed to sit at home and strategize. If Compared with goods, Lu Yunzhi is porcelain, so he disdains fighting with bricks like Xu Youzhen and Shi Heng, killing chickens with a bull's knife. When Xu Youzhen was sent to Guangdong, he bid farewell to his old subordinates, and they Most of them were dismissed, and a few were demoted to serve as officials in barren places like themselves. Among them was Li Xian. After Xu Youzhen left, Li Xian did not leave. Wang Ao lobbied with Zhu Qizhen, Cao Jixiang and Shi Heng, and exempted themselves. For Li Xian's sin, although Wang Ao is not the most powerful person,Although he was a powerful person, he was still the official minister after all. Even Zhu Qizhen wanted to sell him a piece of thin noodles. Thinking that Li Xian was not an unforgivable sinner like Xu Youzhen who had touched a position of power, Zhu Qizhen personally ordered Li Xian to stay. In the capital, Li Xian was dismissed from his post and demoted to three levels. Wang Ao found Shi Heng again, gave him a large amount of gold, silver and jewelry, and made some remarks to convince Shi Heng that Li Xian's participation in Shi Heng's performance was just for expediency. The plan was actually to be good to Shi Heng, and Ah Rong also told Cao Jixiang that Li Xian was the one who was supporting him, and was an insider in the DPRK who was developing behind Lu Yunzhi's back. It was just a stopgap measure before, Shi Henghe Cao Jixiang stopped pursuing the case and took the lead in interceding for Li Xian. Zhu Qizhen was also willing to sell such a favor to them, so within five days, Li Xian returned to his position as Minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, and at the same time, he also resumed his concurrent position as Hanlin The position of bachelor was still retained in the cabinet. All the officials were astonished, lamenting that Li Xian had a deep background, and privately ridiculed Zhu Qizhen for handling a confusing case. Xu Youzhen was transferred to Guangdong, but Cao Jixiang and Shi Heng didn't want to let him go just like that. It was a prosperous time when the three of them were at odds with each other. It was Xu Youzhen who broke the balance and started the fight. Now he is just demoted to Guangdong to serve as a counselor. This is not enough. Now that Xu Youzhen has become the governor If he wants to participate in politics, then let him go to the underworld to participate in politics. "Xu Youzhen, there is a road to heaven but you don't take it. Hell has no door and you break in. Behind the evil smiles of Shi Heng and Cao Jixiang are endless murderous intentions. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 26: It¡¯s easy to flatter your wife Shi Heng and Cao Jixiang jointly signed a letter, begging Xu Youzhen to be dealt with severely, thinking that it would be too easy for him to just be released to Guangdong to participate in politics. Xu Youzhen's crime was so heinous that it was unforgivable. Zhu Qizhen naturally agreed. As revenge for Xu Youzhen's leak, Xu Youzhen was really resentful. , such unwarranted charges of leaking secrets were pinned on him, and what was leaked was the imperial bedding matter. No matter how great the credit was, it could not be offset. Xu Youzhen had already been demoted to an official position. There are many ways to find someone, so Xu Youzhen was chased back halfway, and once again entered the tortured Jinyiwei Prison, and was beaten into a pig head again. At this moment, for some reason, Xu Youzhen thought of Yu Qian, and he felt that he was better than Yu Qian. Yu Qian still complained and couldn't help sighing and shouting retribution, retribution, Shi Heng and Cao Jixiang once again joined forces and said they would kill Xu Youzhen. Needless to say, Zhu Qizhen readily agreed, killing an annoying person and achieving a happy situation for everyone. Why not do it? Not to mention how the imperial edict was promulgated and how the Dali Temple Metropolitan Procuratorate jointly tried it. Lu Yunzhi's Zhongzheng lineage was rejoicing at this moment. Naturally, it was not because of Xu Youzhen's arrest. Lu Yunzhi stood on the side of this incident. The outsiders were not involved at all. The reason for the joy was that they got clear news that Bai Yong and others would be back in less than ten days. Thinking that all of his relatives and friends were about to return, how could he not be happy? Yingzi was busy The busy one asked the domestic helpers to clean the courtyard, tidy up everything, and wait for them to return. It is worth mentioning that Yingzi kept making arrangements for the marriage of her eldest brother Baozi. In short, Yingzi was very busy. Yang Xiyu was so busy that no one cared about her, but she didn't worry her family. The situation of running around has improved. Apart from occasionally visiting her father Yang Zhun, she just followed her husband Lu Yunzhi and chatted about ancient and modern times, China and foreign countries. Although Yun Zhi operates everything secretly, he does not have to show up in official circles after all, so he has more time to spend with his family. Wang Yulu hurriedly ran into the Zhongzheng family with a box in her arms. Since Shi Fang's death, Han Yueqiu also moved out, and Wang Yulu He no longer sneaked into the yard, which made him very comfortable. When Wang Yulu saw Lu Yunzhi, he was dancing with Yang Xiyu there. The two of them jointly painted a picture of "Boundless Bright Moon", Lu Yunzhi He raised his eyes and looked at Wang Yulu, then pretended to be angry and said, "Isn't this Mr. Wang? I haven't seen you for a long time. Have you finished practicing your elixir? Why do you have time to see me?" Wang Yulu knew that Lu Yun He was not really angry, so he said with a smile: "Thanks to your lord's tolerance, I have developed the Babao Pill. Although it is not a panacea for bringing the dead back to life, it can also prolong life. I have already tried the medicine, and I hereby bring it to your lord. Moreover, I thought that my lord summoned me for something, so I just opened the furnace and took out the elixir, and rushed over without stopping. By the way, there is another thing, which is to offer a treasure to the madam. I extracted the essence of many plants and vegetables and made it into a medicine. The bit powder can supplement various nutrients, as well as the nutrients I extracted from walnuts, and the essential oil extracted from the liver of marine fish. Taking them together will not only make the wife healthy, have good hearing and vision, and have bright hair, but also make the young master strong enough after birth. Physical fitness. " With that said, Wang Yulu held the medicine box in both hands and presented it to Yang Xiyu. Yang Xiyu smelled the fragrant powder and crystal clear essential oil and was overjoyed. After all, the child who is about to be born is the most important thing now. Things that can make the child good. They are all good things. The reason why Long Qingquan's physique is so special is also because of the medicine provided by the head of the dragon. Although Lu Yunzhi does not want his children to live a life of intrigue and killing, but if there is someone who is beyond ordinary people, Her health couldn't be better. Wang Yulu raised her eyes and looked at Lu Yunzhi mischievously. Lu Yunzhi waved her hand and said with a smile: "Wang Yulu, you have learned to please my wife now, do you think I won't punish you? What are you talking about? You just don¡¯t come to me for the things I told you. Why don¡¯t you accept the marriage I told you? A matchmaker or something came to visit you at your residence, and you were fine. You went fishing in the East China Sea. Hey, what should I punish you? By the way, I'll punish you by running errands and call Long Qingquan, Ah Rong and Dong De to me personally. I have something to say. " " Got the order. Wang Yulu chuckled, turned around and ran away. Yang Xiyu stood up and said, "I will leave first while you are discussing military and state affairs. After all, it is not convenient for women to be present." " But Lu Yunzhi grabbed Yang Xiyu and said, "It's okay. We're just going to talk about some magic stuff for a while. You can analyze it for us here. You have a better understanding than me in this regard, even if it's a major military matter. So what, there are few people in the world who can compare to my wife. " Yang Xiyu swept Lu Yunzhi's lips with her fingers, and said with a sweet smile: "Why is your mouth getting sweeter and sweeter? As the saying goes, the upper beam is crooked and the lower beam is crooked. I think Wang Yulu and the others learned from you. . Lu Yunzhi smiled and suddenly thought of something, so he asked: "Where is Yingzi?" " "She is looking for a wife for Leopard. You haven't been out for the past few days, so you don't know.The threshold of the door has almost been trampled down, and officials and officials are coming to talk to each other everywhere. When she comes back, she will tell you to compile a list for you to review. "Yang Xiyu said, "Lu Yun was stunned but smiled: "What do you want me to do? If it is a political marriage, it is completely unnecessary. With this layer of shackles, it will be difficult to do things. Besides, now we have the ability to support others, no There is so much need to form alliances with others. In the current situation, it is not an exaggeration to say that our Zhongzheng family is the dominant one. The people in the DPRK who rely on me now are driven by me, not alliances. There are thousands of differences between the two. I'll tell Yingzi later, as long as Leopard looks at a good girl, it doesn't matter what status she is, why marry a woman you don't love for profit. " Yang Xiyu nodded and said: "That's true, but Sister Yingzi is also kind-hearted. After all, she doesn't have a clear view of the situation in the DPRK. She thought that after Xu Youzhen's fall, Cao Jixiang and Shi Heng were dominant, so she wanted to lend it to Baozi. The time to choose a wife will add some chips to us. After discussing it with Dong De and the others, you can go and say, although sister Yingzi and I have a deep love for each other as sisters, it is not suitable for me to say this, so it is up to you. Also, don't get tired of being with me all the time, spend more time with Sister Yingzi. " "I know, I know. " Lu Yunzhi replied slightly impatiently. Seeing Yang Xiyu covering his stomach and looking at him with a sneer, Lu Yunzhi apologized again and again. It is unfilial to have a wife at such a young age. Lu Yunzhi's thoughts are a bit old-fashioned. In this place, how dare you disobey Yang Xiyu, the "hero who conceived a child"? Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 27: A dispute over the road Lu Yunzhi, Yang Xiyu and others waited in the room for a while. Arong, Dong De, Long Qingquan and others came one after another. Fang Qingze also took a break from his busy schedule to come to "listen to the lecture". Although Fang Qingze didn't like magic, he was of the Zhongzheng lineage after all. People, listening to the experience of a leader like Lu Yunzhi is definitely better than the summary of ten years of reading. It is always good to listen. Lu Yunzhi taught him everything he had, and talked about his own knowledge of magic and comprehensive analysis of various schools of thought. Everyone benefited a lot from listening to the director's experience. At the same time, Lu Yunzhi also raised his own question, why can the invisibility be used only a few times, and then he will be exhausted. It is a bit reluctant to say that he is exhausted. In short, it is like his strength has been drained. The same thing happened, which kept him wondering. Through diligent practice, Lu Yunzhi had been able to use the invisibility six times. He was completely sure to defeat the shadow demon that might appear at any time, but he wanted to understand the reason in order to prepare. When necessary, Long Qingquan said: "Is it because the body has not adapted to the gathering and dispersion of this kind of energy? A large amount of energy pouring into the body will cause the body to reject it, which is normal for you to be unable to bear it." Wang Yulu shook her head and said: " That shouldn't be the case. First of all, according to what the lord said, the highest level of the art of heaven and earth is to use one's own power to induce the power of nature and form an attack force. Then oneself is just a 'medicine introduction'. Moreover, now that the lord is proficient in it, he should It will not harm the body or cause backlash when you first learn. Even if it does harm to the body, it is not the kind of body rejection that Brother Long said. Because such a huge energy causes rejection in the body, it is not that it cannot be used, but directly. It will get hurt." Fang Qingze said: "Let's think about this problem differently. What is important in doing business is to start from the basic psychological needs of customers. I think the same is true for magic. To find the most fundamental point, you can find it by following the clues. That's the problem." "Second brother is right, Xianggong, what is the root of the intangible is induction, using one's own power to induce, and then transforming the tangible into the intangible." Lu Yunzhi nodded: "The invisible world. The art of invisible heaven and earth is like this, but the invisible way of controlling air is not the same. I can't describe the feeling. It is a sense of emptiness. However, the art of invisible heaven and earth will expand the power of the spell, but the way of controlling air is The increase in power is not too obvious. As for the invisible ghost and witchcraft, Nightmare and I haven't studied it yet, but this is not too important. After all, Nightmare is in my body, and he is hidden invisibly, protecting me from blind spots when I am not expecting it. That's it." Dong De coughed and said to himself: "Inducement, induction, I think I may understand it, my lord." "Let's talk about it," Lu Yunzhi said, "The second master just gave me an example. Let¡¯s think about the example of business. I have also taken the example of business. Let¡¯s take the art of heaven and earth, which has great changes in power now. You have ten taels of silver, which is related to your power. Then you take out one tael of silver as capital. You can earn ten taels of silver from the outside, and these ten taels of silver are like the induced force of nature." Dong De talked eloquently, and what he said was easy to understand and explain in a simple way: "Now, through the strengthening of the technological innovation system. , you can exchange one tael of silver for twenty taels, it is just like being invisible now, but your capital is still only ten taels, it is only determined by your own structure, no matter how much you can induce, your body will always only have these ten taels. Two, it cannot be changed by an increase in profit ratio. " Ah Rong slapped his forehead and rushed to say: "I also know. The reason why the lord can no longer use his power after a few moves is because the lord's principal has been used up. There are no inducing factors in the body, so naturally he cannot drive the invisible force. It is difficult to use ordinary spells on an empty body, so how can it be invisible? "Arong has seen Lu Yunzhi use invisible magic, so he concluded. Everyone nodded and thought deeply. Lu Yunzhi clapped his hands and said loudly: "You are right, it should be like this. As the saying goes, everyone When collecting firewood, the flames are high. I think I should borrow Long Qingquan's method to improve my own capital, and then use the way of controlling Qi to cultivate my own Qi. Finally, I will continue to increase the proportion of induced Qi, so that I can emit more Qi. It's a magic trick, it's so wonderful. " Everyone discussed for a while, and then chatted and laughed and ate together. They were just like a big family. A few days later, on the streets of Beijing, "How do you walk? "Long Qingquan yelled at a big man with a black face. The big man glanced at Long Qingquan and said, "I took a straight path and you didn't avoid it. I think you went out without your eyes. " It turns out that Long Qingquan went to the street to buy some red paper window grilles for Yingzi to prepare for Leopard's wedding. Originally, such things would be left to servants, but Long Qingquan was bored that day, so he went out to order them himself. , anyway, the shop arranged is also Fang Qingze¡¯s property, so there is no need to bargain about anything. Long Qingquan went there just to check and choose a look. Long Qingquan walked while looking at the jugglers along the street. Today is the day of the big market. ,?The street was bustling with people coming and going. When Long Qingquan stopped looking sideways, he was already very close to a group of people. Oncoming were three men and two women, two old and three young. While looking at the things on the street, although there was no arrogant horse riding into the street, the horses held behind him were really huge. Five people and five horses blocked many places on the street. It was a bit awkward in such a lively market. If there was a trace of congestion, it wouldn't be a big deal if they staggered to give way. But it happened that Long Qingquan and the gang were both stubborn and refused to give way, so they started to quarrel over the road. Originally, there were a lot of quarrels over such things. The sound was over. Even if a fight was made, people on both sides would come forward to start a fight. If there was no quarrel at all, they would not take action. However, both sides were full of gorgeously dressed people. The common people did not dare to come forward to fight. Besides, ordinary people had little With a hatred of the rich, he was naturally very interested in this kind of fight between young men from rich families. Instead of starting a fight, they kept booing on the sidelines and encouraging both sides to fight. Only an old man in the group said: "Don't be reckless. This young hero just gets out of the way." The black-faced man was obedient and stepped aside, but his eyes were full of disdain for Long Qingquan. Long Qingquan muttered: "A bunch of cowards." "Long Qingquan. Just as he was about to pass by the big man, he felt the sound of wind in his ears, and a very fast fist hit Long Qingquan. Long Qingquan was shocked and said secretly: Good skill, but Long Qingquan has always been based on strength and speed. Although this speed was extraordinary for ordinary people, it was nothing compared to Long Qingquan. He dodged the fist and moved his toes back a little, and actually retreated more than ten feet away as if he was moving. His body was as fast as a ghost. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 28: It turns out to be one of my own family members Long Qingquan then looked at the man who punched him. He was only three or four years older than himself, and he was still a little green, but he did have a natural murderous aura and an indescribable air of a general. How could he have thought This man is none other than Bai Yong, who is now the de facto commander-in-chief of the rural regiments around the capital. He is also a strong general who followed Lu Yunzhi on his expeditions from north to south. He killed countless people and led his troops to march around Shanhe. Even if he tried his best to conceal the aura on his body, he could not hide it at all. Minus, the woman next to Bai Yong was naturally Tan Qing. Tan Qing fiddled with her hair that covered half of her face, pursed her lips and said to Bai Yong with a smile: "Brother Yong, this little guy is quite powerful, hurry up and teach him a lesson so we can go." I'm having a drink with my brother. I miss him so much after not seeing him for so long." Bai Yong smiled and said to the black-faced man, "Leopard, take Uncle Gang and the others away first. This guy is very capable. I guess I'll have to fight with him." , take care of him and I will catch up with you." Leopard chuckled and said, "Okay, be careful and don't make too much noise. After all, this is the capital. Let's go home first." It seemed like dialogue. Yong was confident and unworried. The same was true for Tan Qing and others. They led the horses around Long Qingquan and continued to move forward. Long Qingquan was a little stunned when he heard: Leopard, isn't that the name of Sister Yingzi's eldest brother? Such a vulgar name. Maybe it's because of the same name, but judging from the glint in the black-faced man's eyes, he must be a good player. As for Brother Yong that the woman just said, could it be Bai Yong, Lu Yunzhi's number one general? Long Qingquan coughed lightly and was about to speak. , Bai Yong shouted: "What are you thinking about, little brat, watch the moves." Long Qingquan didn't see what was coming, but he really felt that the danger was right in front of him. This was something he had learned through thousands of battles. The feeling seemed to be invisible again. Long Qingquan was so angry that he shouted loudly in his Dantian and flashed past. He drew his sword out of its sheath and kept making circles in the air. In an instant, the surrounding houses on the ground were smashed into powder. Fortunately, the people who watched them fight were They all kept a distance and watched, no one was injured, and the people in the surrounding houses also went to work, so they escaped the disaster of house destruction and death. Long Qingquan and Bai Yong looked at the people around them together, The people were all dumbfounded and did not dare to act recklessly. They were all thinking about what these two people had just done. They did not see how the surrounding houses were destroyed, and large pits were formed on the ground. The pits were filled with crushed powder. Long Qingquan shouted: " There are too many people here." "That's what I meant," Bai Yong replied. Both of them have chivalrous hearts and naturally don't want to hurt innocent people. Long Qingquan wanted to be the best in the world and made a bold statement when he met Bai Yong for the first time. What Lu Yunzhi said was exactly the same, so the two people's aggressive personalities were evident. The two ran wildly along the roof. Bai Yong was secretly surprised. This kid was so fast, but he refused to fall behind. He learned the invisible ability to control the air. The art of controlling energy gathers under the feet to push the whole body. Although the body is slightly slower than Long Qingquan, it is not behind. The two did not go out of the city to duel. Instead, they chose a large house and landed in the courtyard. When they came in, They saw the name "Loyal Kingdom Duke's Mansion" written on the plaque, but they didn't care. Long Qingquan didn't know who this person was, and Bai Yong didn't know this person even after he had been away from the capital for a long time. It's just that the courtyard was huge, and there was no one else except the concierge. Moreover, this big house is surrounded by various official residences. The small number of people and the large land are the most suitable for two people who can't wait to fight. Long Qingquan said briefly: "This is it. "Then he bolted out, disappeared, and took the lead to attack. Bai Yong controlled his energy and body, catching the sound of the surrounding bricks and tiles to judge Long Qingquan's movement rules. He didn't want to compete for speed, but just wanted to win with one move. Just then, the wind picked up, and a loud shout came from a distance: ¡°Stop. "Bai Yong, Long Qingquan and both of them were stunned. They could hear that it was Lu Yunzhi's voice, but the two of them were already fighting. Even if they wanted to stop at this moment, it was too late. They saw that the two sides were about to collide. , suddenly a huge spring gushes out from the ground, and the water column shoots straight into the sky, forcefully separating the two people and slowing down the attack force of the two people, but not seriously injuring the two people. With the power of the water column, the two people also slowed down and retreated. Hands, the water column was extremely huge. Although it stopped flowing after a while, it still caused irreparable consequences. The loyal government palace has become a swamp. Lu Yunzhi did not use the invisible wind control technique. , he is currently improving his body's abilities through ordinary heaven and earth arts, thereby increasing the number of times he can use the invisible arts. Therefore, when he came to fight against the wind, he caused strong winds around him, and many people's tile roofs were damaged. The flying sand and rocks were a mess. Long Qingquan and Bai Yong stopped their hands, and Bai Yong's air defense was also dissipated. They were immediately drenched from head to toe, and their clothes clung to their bodies in an awkward manner. After Lu Yunzhi introduced both parties, the two of them exchanged a few polite words with each other. Long Bai and Long Bai were both very happy people. They couldn't help but feel sympathy for each other when they met such a master. Besides, they were also members of the same family, so the more they looked at each other, the more they became more and more friendly. It was pleasing to the eye, but he didn't care. Lu Yunzhi led them out of the Zhongguo Duke's Mansion and walked away. Not far away, there was a green tweed hat with eight hoods.The sedan came slowly, and the team suddenly stopped in front of the gate of the Zhongguo Duke's Mansion. The bearers and the attendants looked at their master's house in disbelief. Everyone was confused for a while. Could it be that they were going the wrong way? Where is this place? In front of the majestic Zhongguo Duke's Mansion, there is clearly a dilapidated and deserted compound. However, after looking around, I found that this is clearly the place. But what is going on? A servant following him mustered up the courage to call him "Master", but the sedan chair failed. The man in the middle felt that the bearer had stopped, so he opened the curtain and asked, "What happened? Why did he stop?" As soon as he finished speaking, the man saw that his home was completely destroyed. , the yard was full of stagnant water, which was flowing out slowly into various streams. The man was shouted out, and he jumped out of the sedan very quickly. With his face extremely distorted, he asked angrily: "What the hell is going on here?" "Two people walked out of a nearby shop and went straight towards the man. The guards on both sides of the sedan stepped forward to stop him. The high official in the court was upset and wanted to ask the guards to beat them up, but he looked away. He was slightly startled, then let the guards pass, and invited the two people in front of him. One of the two people was a strong man, and the other was dressed as an ordinary shopkeeper. The strong man clasped his fists and said, "Meet General Zhongguo Gongshi." It turns out that Zhongguo Gong's mansion is in charge. It was Shi Heng's mansion. Shi Heng's face was full of resentment. He knew this man. The person in front of him who came into the house to report when he was in Tianjin that day was the man in front of him. Although Shi Heng was angry, he knew that the other person was Lu Yunzhi's person. You can't kill them casually. Besides, these people are responsible for protecting Lu Yunzhi. Naturally, they are not ordinary people. They are very skilled. Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 29: Exiting the Stage Shi Heng wanted to kill the two people in front of him. He said, mainly because it was not worth offending Lu Yunzhi. Besides, this good man from the hidden tribe must have given himself an explanation by staying here, so he suppressed the anger in his heart. , without mentioning the identity of the Yinbu hero, he asked: "It turns out to be this brother, we have met before, please tell me how my house became like this." The Yinbu hero replied: "Isn't that true? Mr. Shi, my lord specially asked me to stay here to apologize to you. Just now, Bai Yong and my lord's brother-in-law had a dispute here. I didn't know that this was your mansion, and they fought hard to destroy it like this. This is my lord's little thought, please accept it." The Yinbu hero held up a stack of banknotes in both hands. Shi Heng took it with one hand, and when he opened it, he couldn't help but feel better. These are all issued by Fang Qingze's bank. There are semicolons all over the country that can be redeemed at any time, and the people sent by Lu Yunzhi in front of me are large-value banknotes that are rarely issued. Each one is 500 taels, so there are thirteen or four. Take a look. Although the damage to the house was heavy, the money was enough to repair the damaged courtyard. Lu Yunzhi sent the money to apologize, so Shi Heng had no choice but to accept it. Moreover, Shi Heng thought that he was the one who responded to Lu Yunzhi earlier, and he also talked with him They had known each other for a long time, and had always been inextricably linked with the Zhongzheng lineage, so they did not treat Lu Yunzhi as an ordinary ally. Now that he had great power, Shi Heng did not follow the ministers and called Lu Yunzhi Jiu Qian. Years old, but shouting arrogantly Brother Lu, Shi Heng lost his temper, so he nodded and said: "I know Bai Yong, a general who is good at fighting. I heard that he left the capital for office some time ago. I didn't Thinking of my own family fighting with my own family, but the flood washed away my temple. Hey, for the sake of brother Lu, I let this matter go. I will tell your lord later that he wants to invite me to drink, hahahaha, but Having said that, Lu Yunzhi is so powerful, but he didn't expect that his brother-in-law would be so powerful and fight with Bai Yong in such a big battle." As he said this, Shi Heng glanced at his house sourly, and the shopkeeper next to him said, The little old man cupped his hands and said, "This is the main gate of shopkeeper Dong. After listening to what I said above, I would like to ask Mr. Shi to go to another courtyard for two days to grievances. We will be fully responsible for the repair work of your house as a token of our gratitude to you. I feel guilty. Moreover, we have admired the reputation of Mr. Ye for a long time, so our store has fully shouldered the funds. It is a blessing for us to have the opportunity to work for you this time. As the overseer of this restoration, the little old man only needs to give me three days. If the repair of the house is not satisfactory, then my head will be given to the father-in-law to use as a chamber pot. I hope that the father-in-law can agree and support me. "Although these words were a bit vulgar, they were flattering. When Shi Heng heard this, his face was filled with joy and he hurriedly said: "How can I bear this? But in this case, I will ask you to fix it. Well, I told Brother Lu and Brother Dong that they had taken the trouble, and Shi thanked me." Shi Heng said with a smile and a slight refusal, and also clasped his fists to express his gratitude. When the drowned two people understood the Zhongzheng lineage, Bai Yong and Long Qingquan were already having a lively conversation, as if they were sworn friends. There was no trace of the previous conflicts. In fact, it was a misunderstanding, and they took advantage of a moment of youth and vigour. Hands, now that the misunderstanding has been solved, the past feud has been cleared up. Let¡¯s not talk about how everyone will get along with the wind and wash away the dust, nor what the purpose of the maiden Nongbu who came back with Bai Yong and the others is. Anyway, just celebrate tonight, and we will talk about everything tomorrow. , before the banquet started, Bai Yong handed Lu Yunzhi a letter, which was written by a person from Fenggu. Lu Yunzhi stuffed it into his arms, but did not open it and check it on the spot. Lu Jiugang drank a lot this night. He had already had a premonition about Yang Xiyu marrying Lu Yunzhi. After living a long time, he had already seen the love between the two, but he was still a little unhappy. After all, the two of them were under his nose. There has been a breakthrough development, although he also likes Yang Xiyu's personality, and he also sees the good relationship between Yang Xiyu and Yingzi, but after all, he has been favored by his daughter, and now Yang Xiyu is pregnant. The child, but Yingzi's stomach was empty and there was no news, so at the banquet, Lu Jiugang's most important words were to ask Lu Yunzhi to hurry up and strive for double happiness. After drinking, everyone went back to the room to rest, and Lu Yunzhi opened the letter and read it. After a long time, he sighed heavily. Yang Xiyu and Yingzi looked at Lu Yunzhi in confusion and asked what happened. Lu Yunzhi shook his head and replied: "It's nothing, hurry up and arrange the marriage for Baozi. "Three days later, Shi Heng's Zhongguo Palace was completed as scheduled. Shi Heng was dumbfounded when he saw the restored mansion. Although it was grand before, it was just grand. Now it is like entering a fairyland with carved beams and painted buildings. It is a huge treason. In other words, the loyal palace of his is more luxurious than the imperial palace. Although it is a bit arrogant, how can Shi Heng, who is in a high position, be afraid that the censor will join him? What's more, the leader of the censor, Xu Youzhen, has been defeated. Who can defeat him? Shi Heng was extremely proud of himself.He even praised: "Brother Lu Xian is really thoughtful. He is really thoughtful. The help I gave him in the past is not in vain." Of course, this emergency incident also saved one person's life, that is Xu Youzhen, who was imprisoned. Lu Yun went up to report to the court, saying that a natural disaster had struck, there was a severe storm in the capital, and many official residences were destroyed by wind and floods. It was not easy to kill people at this time, so he asked Xu Youzhen to be given a lighter sentence. Even if others didn't know, Shi Heng also knew how the house was damaged. , but the person involved, Lu Yunzhi, never mentioned it, and instead interceded for Xu Youzhen. Not only did Shi Heng not feel resentful, but he also felt that Lu Yunzhi did not beat up the drowned dog, and thought that Xu Youzhen's change of seizing the door was a good thing, and he reached out to him when he was in danger. The helping hand can be described as emphasizing affection and righteousness. This person is cold-faced and warm-hearted, and can make close friends. This is Shi Heng's evaluation of Lu Yunzhi. Therefore, Shi Heng also relaxed and gave Lu Yunzhi a favor. Naturally, Cao Jixiang was not too Many opinions, under Lu Yunzhi's instruction, Xu Youzhen was arranged to be sent to Yunnan to be exiled. Everyone was very satisfied with this result. Ah Rong asked Lu Yunzhi in confusion why he had to be cruel and soft this time. Lu Yunzhi just He replied calmly: "He can no longer afford to cause any trouble, so there is no need to eradicate the roots. After all, he once helped us on the stage." Xu Youzhen has since withdrawn from the political stage of the Ming Dynasty. As Lu Yunzhi said, He could no longer afford to be troubled. Under the care of the 13th member of the Yunnan garrison, Xu Youzhen did not suffer much hardship in the army. Four years later, he was returned to his hometown. Until the end of his life, he never made any great achievements. , Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 30: Veterans Make Rebellion The villain Xu Youzhen was destroyed. Lu Yunzhi, who wanted to attack Shi Heng, got a military report and had to postpone the action. Someone in the two lakes rebelled, and the person who rebelled was Lu Yunzhi's "old man". "Acquaintance", Zhen Lingdan, the master of the soul vein, "One joy and one worry complement each other. After ten months of pregnancy and delivery, Yang Xiyu finally gave birth to a big fat boy for the Lu family. The baby had a loud voice. After birth, he did not cry but smiled. He was very strong. , the little hands were very strong right after they were born. Wang Yulu was even happier than Lu Yunzhi, a father, because this showed that her tonic was extremely effective, so Wang Yulu almost said to everyone: "How, how? Look at that big fat boy." Ah Rong said to Wang Yulu in a bad way: "Don't be too happy. If the lord misunderstands the origin of the child, you will be beheaded." As soon as he said this, Wang Yulu said. She was so frightened that she didn't dare to get carried away anymore, but later Wang Yulu became calm and still went her own way. Ah Rong asked why and Wang Yulu replied calmly: "What are you afraid of? I was treating the eldest lady Yingzi at that time. Even if it is not the master's, It can¡¯t be mine.¡± Of course, it was impossible for Lu Yunzhi to know about the dirty jokes that were being made to make fun of him, because the heroes of the Yinbu Department were also withdrawn at this moment. Lu Yunzhi toasted to them one by one. I expressed my sincere gratitude for the hard work these days, but even if Lu Yunzhi knew such nonsense, he would not blame them. In the compound of the Zhongzheng lineage, they are a family. As long as it is not excessive and borderless, how can It¡¯s okay to joke. Lu Yunzhi became more playful and named the child Lu Qiutong. No one knew why. Only Yang Xiyu lowered his head, shy and blushing. Yes, he was the one who was in Fengbo Village back then. This species planted under the Autumn Tong tree has now bloomed and its fruits have fallen. There is nothing wrong with the name. It is just not allowed to be known to outsiders. After all, although the two had long been in love with each other at that time, they were really wild and could not get any publicity after all. I thought that the two lake governors could resist for a while and let Lu Yunzhi celebrate at home for a few days before being busy. Unexpectedly, the two lake defenders were vulnerable to Zhen Lingdan's offensive. A large number of officers and soldiers were captured, and then turned against the imperial court. Many people in the world joined the rebel team, which gave Lu Yunzhi a headache. Zhen Lingdan seemed to have a tendency to become bigger, and he was indeed a good general who led troops. Speaking of which, the reason why Zhen Lingdan escaped was , and thanks to Yu Qian's action arrangements at that time. On that day, Yu Qian wanted to promote Zhu Qixiang as emperor and asked Zhen Lingdan to move reinforcements. As a result, Yu Qian failed as soon as Zhen Lingdan arrived at the military camp. The generals of the two lakes did not know at that time. , so Zhen Lingdan brought more than a thousand elite soldiers and prepared to go to several outposts to deliver orders. At this moment, the local Secret Thirteen members got the news and learned about Yu Qian's failure. They also received Lu Yunzhi's order. After the intelligence was reported, , the generals and governors of the two lakes no longer listened to Zhen Lingdan's orders. Zhen Lingdan realized that something was not going well. Before he could form a campaign to encircle and suppress him, he fled with oil on his feet. Of course, the thousand elite soldiers also stayed behind. In the hands of Zhen Lingdan, Lu Yunzhi searched for Zhen Lingdan, but Zhen Lingdan led his troops to hide in the mountains, and there were many things going on in the capital. Besides, Bai Yong was away, Qu Xiangtian was also guarding the south, Dong De and others Lu Yunzhi thought that Zhen Lingdan's thousand soldiers and horses would not be able to achieve anything, and that these soldiers were not his subordinates, but were cheated and could be easily dispersed, so he let him go. Ma, handed over to the garrison of the two lakes to exterminate them with all their strength, and also dispatched the Dongchang Governor from the capital. What caught Lu Yunzhi off guard was that Zhen Lingdan was truly worthy of Yu Qian's military marshal, and actually took her to the herald of the two lakes. He was trained to lead the troops and firmly controlled the thousand soldiers and horses. In addition, out of selfish motives, the more than a thousand soldiers lent to Zhen Lingdan by the two lakes were not his direct lineage and were not locals, so they were even more unscrupulous. , Zhen Lingdan also ran the army rigorously and had clear rewards and punishments, so the sergeants were willing to follow him. However, as for the response of the local people, which promoted Zhen Lingdan's development, there was another reason. However, this situation happened after Lu Yunzhi arrived in Lianghu I just learned that the soldiers and horses went ahead with food and fodder before moving, and Zhen Lingdan had few soldiers and food in his hands. He had always been the commander-in-chief of the imperial court, so naturally he couldn't do anything like robbing homes, looting food, and setting fires, so Zhen Lingdan did something desperate. To attack the county town, a mixed army of one thousand cavalry and infantry, to attack the county town with strong walls and three thousand garrison, and without siege weapons and heavy weapons, is simply courting death. When Lu Yunzhi saw the battle report I thought so, but what was surprising was what happened later. After only an hour of fierce fighting, Zhen Lingdan actually used simple weapons to open the city gate with a thick log, and nothing happened after rushing into the county seat. After a fierce street battle, three thousand officers and soldiers were captured without any help. Now Zhen Ling Dan had more soldiers and sufficient food and grass. The most important thing was that this battle showed his own prestige and destroyed the arrogance of the Ming army. In one go, Zhen Ling Dan successively Capture seven or eight county towns, and then dominate a corner. The soldiers and horses of the two lakes have nothing to do with Zhen Lingdan, but Zhen Lingdan becomes more and more brave as he fights.?It had the potential to occupy all the territory of the two lakes. In desperation, he had no choice but to ask the court for help. Lu Yunzhi gathered his subordinates and started pre-war research. Bai Yong frowned at the battle report and said: "My lord, Zhen Lingdan There are only a thousand soldiers and horses. It is said that with three thousand people defending the city, no matter how brave Zhen Lingdan is, he will not be able to defeat him. Moreover, even if his military skills are good enough to surprise him, he will not win in just one hour. This is not in line with common sense. Forgive me. To put it bluntly, if this is the case, there must be someone inside. Otherwise, even my lord, Zhen Lingdan, let alone me, may not be able to defeat him. Is this military report accurate? " "Well said, that is the question. Yes, the intelligence is accurate. The military information reported by the court has not yet arrived. It is probably because the enemy has a large number of soldiers. In short, he is trying to find every excuse to make up for his failure. Bai Yong, do you know how to falsely report military pay? "Lu. Yun Zhi said calmly, "Bai Yong was stunned for a moment before replying: "You are saying that the defenders did not have three thousand men at all, so they falsely reported three thousand men. Now that they have lost it, the county officials dare not admit that they embezzled food and wages, so they still reported three thousand men. And your spies don't know the details, so they can only report according to the number of people announced. Even so, there must be a thousand people, so they can't lose so quickly. "Lu Yunzhi shook his head and said with a smile." As far as I know, the garrison in that county does not exceed 500 people at most. The total number of troops in the two places is estimated to be less than 160,000. What they reported to the court was 260,000 troops. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 31: Zhu Jianwen turns over "How could these bastards do this and harm the country and the people? Lord, why don't you kill them all?" Dong De said indignantly after hearing this. Lu Yunzhi replied: "These officials are all local wealthy families. clan, and they also have support in the court. If you want to deal with them, you must knock down their backers, otherwise it will be very troublesome. I cannot uproot them all in one fell swoop. I made a mistake in this matter. I did not expect Zhen Lingdan to raise an army to cause chaos, let alone the soldiers from the two lakes. "Ma is so incompetent." "The current situation is that Zhen Lingdan is wandering at the junction of the two lakes. Because the two lakes have different jurisdictions, they are both poisoned by Zhen Lingdan, so they are doing their own things and shirk each other's task of suppressing bandits. If this continues, Zhen Ling will be afraid. Dan is getting bigger and bigger, we should fight quickly and strangle him in his infancy is the right way." Bai Yong said, Lu Yunzhi nodded: "Send the order, use Zhu Jianwen, King Qin to rescue the fierce bandit Zhen Ling. Dan, I serve as the Grand Marshal of the Army and Horses and send troops to suppress the bandits. I order Bai Yong to be the vanguard general of Huben, commanding 5,500 soldiers and horses of the military camp and 3,000 soldiers and horses of the Shenji Camp. In addition, all members of the township regiment will attack the two lakes to wipe out the rebellious parties. Bai Yong Yong, let Qingquan be one of your generals, and take him out for some training. I will enter the palace now. The use of troops must be approved by the court no matter what. Although it is just a cosmetic procedure, it must be done. At this step, everyone in Zhu Qi Town, Shi Heng, and Cao Jixiang must be given face. Without further ado, go and order all the soldiers and horses. In addition, Dong De, prepare the food and grass. Don¡¯t use our own money and food yet. The court is over there. Let's see how much we can get, let's all go." Everyone clasped their fists and shouted, "Zhu Jianwen was lying on the big chair in the hall, lazily. He was extremely uncomfortable living like this. He only had to eat and sleep every day. His father, Zhu Qixiang, was also very decadent. His family was left in the cold. None of his so-called relatives and friends in the past had gone. When would they be able to come back? This was what Zhu Jianwen thought about every day. However, after so long, there was still no movement. Gradually, Zhu Jianwen thought about it. Zhu Jianwen also gave up a little bit. Hey, it seemed that he was destined to go to the countryside and become a free king. But since Zhen Lingdan rebelled in the two lakes, Zhu Jianwen had kindled hope again. The two lakes are close to Jiangxi, and Lu Yunzhi mobilized himself to gather troops. King Qin is the best choice to quell the chaos. Although Zhu Jianwen now has no soldiers and power, he still has a certain amount of power. Once the court recognizes it, he will be in power. If there is an imperial decree, the soldiers and horses of his former subordinates will come at their fingertips. Yes, if you can win the battle with Zhen Lingdan, it will be a great achievement. The merits and demerits balance the merits, but you cannot give yourself an extra reward, and you can at least restore some of the glory of the past. Zhu Qixiang is not optimistic about this, he He said to Zhu Jianwen: "Lu Yunzhi is no longer at ease with me and my son. How could such an important military task be entrusted to us? The land of the two lakes can be regained if it is lost, but if we are allowed to be with Zhen Lingdan, Wouldn't that be like letting the tiger go back to the mountain? Think about it carefully. Although we are lonely now, the old tiger will always be a tiger, not a tabby cat. No one would do anything to raise a tiger to cause trouble. " Zhu Jianwen completely gave up now. The world's major events have nothing to do with him anymore, and his ambitions can only be wasted. When he was lying on a large chair, half asleep and half awake, he felt someone was filming him. Zhu Jianwen was shocked, who could get close to him? But he didn't let him realize that although he was not good at martial arts, it was extremely difficult for him to get close to him without anyone noticing. Moreover, there was a servant serving him beside him. Now there was no sound. Could it be that he was also being attacked? The person was killed quietly. Zhu Jianwen slowly opened his eyes. Cold sweat had broken out from his back, but it was okay not to open his eyes. When he opened his eyes, he was even more shocked. The one who photographed him turned out to be the servant next to him. Moreover, the servant's face changed from the usual humble look and showed no fear. Zhu Jianwen felt angry. A phoenix falling into the water is worse than a chicken. These servants dared to slap him with their hands without telling him, so he became furious. He yelled: "You have no rules, you bastard. "The servant trembled, obviously frightened, and took two steps back. From these two steps, Zhu Jianwen could clearly see that he was an incompetent person. Zhu Jianwen secretly made up his mind to beat him to death with one slap if he couldn't figure out the reason. In order to relieve the true hatred in his heart and to vent his recent depression, he thought that it was not a big deal for the prince of a feudal lord to kill a servant. The servant took two steps back and calmed down, and his arrogant look returned to his face. He raised his voice and said: "I have given you an order to restore Zhu Jianwen's authority over the troops. The locals will recruit troops and mobilize all the troops and horses of the guards in Jiangxi. All will be done expediently. In three days, troops will be dispatched to suppress the bandits. If the rebellious party Zhen Lingdan is eliminated, there will be a heavy reward." , if there is any disobedience in each department, you can take away the power of life and death. " Zhu Jianwen paused for a moment, was stunned for a while, and said slowly: "What's wrong with you? What's the edict? Are you crazy about gains and losses? "After saying that, Zhu Jianwen felt that something was not right. How did this young man know about Zhen Lingdan? The news of the rebellion was always kept secret. He had just found out about it not long ago, and what he just said was so accurate. How could he? I didn't realize that this servant usually has such talent. Someone else must have drafted the sentence.?, he followed the instructions, it seems that this young man really has a lot of background, and must not be underestimated, "This is the order of heaven, okay, Your Majesty, please quickly organize your troops and prepare for battle. The transfer order and the imperial edict will be coming soon. "The servant said calmly, "Is this the emperor's order?" Zhu Jianwen said thoughtfully, thinking to himself: Could it be that someone is falsely passing on the imperial edict, or someone is trying to trick me. He took the bait and asked me to command the troops and claim that I was causing rebellion, and then waited for an opportunity to destroy me. Who did this? Was it Lu Yunzhi who had eradicated the grassroots, or was it framed by an old enemy? Zhu Jianwen became confused, and the servant clasped his fists and said: " Your Majesty, I don¡¯t know who gave the order, but my superior is Mr. Arong." Zhu Jianwen nodded and believed a little in his heart. Even if this servant came to harm him, it was not simple, so whether he believed it or not. It's not easy to rely on Da Fang to hold his fists and say: "Then, your honorable envoy, please follow me to the back hall to rest. I will discuss it with my father and mobilize the troops." "The imperial edict has ordered you to go out, and I am not the king, so you can make the decision on this matter. I am not an envoy, but just a servant in your house. Prince, please rest first while I go to work." The servant said and turned and left. He stared at the servant leaving with his mouth agape. Where could such a servant exist? Who was he working for? If he was really Lu Yunzhi's person, it would be terrible. Such a penetrating ability would probably frighten the whole government. I don¡¯t know how many pairs of eyes were staring at me. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 32: Deploying Troops and Generals Although Zhu Jianwen had already known that Lu Yunzhi had an informant around him through what happened last time, Zhu Jianwen still felt that everything was a bit unbelievable. He was secretly happy that his day had come. Fortunately, he did not do anything after being sent back to the fiefdom. Something out of the ordinary, otherwise it would ruin his bright future. Just as I was thinking to myself, the concierge came to report that the Jiuzhou Prefecture had joined the military garrison and the prefects had all arrived. He asked to see Zhu Jianwen, the crown prince, and Zhu Jianwen naturally asked his servants to have him as soon as possible. Please, the prefect Lu Cheng is still in office in Jiujiang. Originally, the officials in the vassal territory were replaced in a revolving door manner, so as to prevent long-term romance or rifts. To put it bluntly, this position is to monitor the vassal king's actions. In short, sit here In a few years, the position of the vassal magistrate should be promoted. Everyone in the court likes to work in such places for better development in the future. If they are transferred, they will be promoted. There are very few cases of equal transfers. Lu Chengcheng felt a little unjust. After he was brought in, King Wu first rebelled and he was almost imprisoned for his poor supervision. Later, he did not expect that this power seizure was successful. King Wu became the king, and there were several people who met him back then. Mr. Lu, who had a good relationship with him, also became a high-ranking official in the court. Later, thanks to Zhu Qixian and Yang Zhun, they missed their old relationship and rescued themselves from the officials who changed in the court. The daughter-in-law Yang Xiyu who had once been in love also She became Lu Yunzhi's wife, but this is not important. Lu Cheng regretted that he was a little ambiguous at the time, so he did not follow Lu Yunzhi closely at the beginning of the incident, otherwise he would have become famous now, so since After the world was settled, he was willing to work hard for King Tong. Naturally, he was reinstated and secured his position as the prefect of Jiujiang. In Lu Cheng's view, Prince Tong and Lu Yun were brothers, so serving King Tong was to serve Lu. Yun Zhi's effectiveness, and the power of King Tong seems to be greater than that of Lu Yunzhi. Unfortunately, Lu Cheng made a mistake again this time. He had originally received an order to be transferred to the capital, and was about to become a glorious capital official. But the incident of seizing the throne happened, and Lu Cheng was immediately beaten into the ruling party. Although Lu Yunzhi was kinder and did not implicate innocent officials, his dream of becoming an official in the capital was shattered. In short, after the incident of seizing the throne, Lu Cheng's hair is getting whiter and grayer, and he looks dozens of years older than before. Zhu Jianwen doesn't see Lu Cheng often. Lu Cheng knows that he has lost hope of promotion after failing to stand in the right team twice. , Fortunately, he and Zhu Qixiang drank and had fun every day and ignored the court affairs. Zhu Jianwen also liked him to come. After all, the desolate Tongwang Mansion also needed some normal movement. At least every time Lu Cheng came, Zhu Qi Xiang's melancholy face can have a trace of vanity and joy. "Suffering from the same illness is Zhu Jianwen's summary of Zhu Qixian and Lu Cheng's evaluation, but today Lu Cheng is radiant and looks much younger than before. There is still standing beside him The counselors of Jiujiang Prefecture were on guard. They all had different faces. Some were happy, while others were slightly hesitant. The first thing everyone said when they saw Zhu Jianwen was: "Your Majesty, you have also heard about it." Zhu Jianwen said He asked blankly: "What did you hear?" Everyone looked suspicious and said, "You didn't receive the edict. Could it be that this matter is false. "The generals looked at each other, thinking they were being used. Only then did Zhu Jianwen realize. It turned out that Lu Yunzhi had informed everyone. This was not framed by others. Even if it was framed, he could not escape it. He could give all the adults The person who conveys the message to the general must have great hands and eyes. If such a person wants to crush himself to death, it is not like crushing an ant to death. Looking at the Ming Dynasty, only Lu Yunzhi has this ability. If Lu Yunzhi wants to harm someone, there is no need to go to such trouble. , not to mention that I am just an idle prince, Lu Yunzhi has not forgotten me, he is a kind person, Zhu Jianwen kept shouting in his heart, his face was extremely excited, and he could no longer restrain himself, "Yes, Xiao Wang did hear it The nine-thousand-year-old order is true. I hope you will obey the order and act accordingly. "Zhu Jianwen said in a serious tone, and everyone was happy now. It doesn't seem to be a conspiracy. Besides, with Zhu Jianwen poking in front of the head, the rest of the people have nothing to fear. This is a good and bad thing. I want to give some feedback. They are just thieves. We have many soldiers in the Ming Dynasty. It is easy to destroy them. When the time comes, it will be indispensable to be promoted to generals and marquises. How did these people know that the rebel thief is the famous first general Zhen Lingdan under Yu Qian? The army he led was not comparable to that of ordinary thieves. Zhu Jianwen quickly calmed down. Although he was excited to be reactivated, he was not dazzled by the excitement. Seeing everyone's jubilation, he understood that it was Lu Yun. Zhu Jianwen deliberately concealed the fact that the rebel was Zhen Lingdan, and did not reveal how powerful Zhen Lingdan was, just because he was afraid that these people would be scared out of their wits before setting off for the expedition. Now that Zhu Jianwen understood it, it was not convenient to reveal it, and began to dispatch troops and generals. Sure enough, the imperial edict arrived within three days. Along with the imperial edict, there were also defense plans for all the cities in the two lakes sent by Shi Heng. It seemed that not only the emperor supported it, but Shi Heng also supported it. Shi Biao was Shi Heng's nephew and was good at using warfare. With an axe, he fought with Zhongzheng and others at the capital security station in the besieged city of Wala to defeat the barbarians and established aShi Biao was returning to Beijing to report on his duties, and he stayed in Shi Heng to re-decorate the splendid Zhongguo. In the palace, Shi Biao learned about Lu Yunzhi's deployment of troops and generals, and said hurriedly: "Uncle, before Zhongzheng and his people ignored the affairs of the government, and now they suddenly want to suppress the bandits and take military power. I don't think it's good. It's better to send troops." Ma Daquan entrusted me with the task of suppressing the bandits. This would also strengthen the power of our Shi family in the army. The Zhongzheng lineage has heavy troops near the capital, which is really a great threat to us." "Foolish words. "Shi Heng reprimanded, "What's the big threat and you don't rebel? If there are his soldiers outside the capital, what are you afraid of? Besides, I, Shi Heng, am not someone to be bullied. The military power in my hands is no less than that of Lu Yun. Having said that, we We have a very good personal relationship with the Zhongzheng family. Your job of guarding Datong was given to you by the Zhongzheng family. My house was also built by others. We should improve our relationship with the Zhongzheng family and not just care about such trivial matters. Conflict with them, and you think it is a good thing to have the military power in the world. Why did Lu Yunzhi allow me, Cao Jixiang, Xu Youzhen and others to become big? He defeated Yu Qian in a fight that day. Why didn't he take the power to himself when the power was overwhelming? But he let us divide most of it, can you see through the truth?" Shi Biao is not young yet, but he is still very anxious when encountering such brain-intensive things, and said impatiently: "That's not Lu. Yun Zhi has a pure heart and few desires, or it is better to use fame and reputation. He pretends not to love power, but in fact he is pretending to be aloof. Unexpectedly, his uncle took advantage of him. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 33: Shi Heng is not an ordinary man Shi Heng shook his head helplessly and said: "That's nonsense. Smart people like Lu Yunzhi know that if he is the only one in the family, he will be a thorn in the side of the emperor. The imperial power is inviolable. Even if he is a puppet emperor, there are still many loyal people." My subjects, if the imperial court becomes his Lu family's arbiter, that is not allowed by the emperor. No matter how good the relationship is, he will fall out in front of the world. Instead of guarding against the emperor day and night, and silencing the emperor, it is better to control part of the power and leave the rest to us. The three of us were divided, and the three of us were at odds with each other. He had long seen what Xu Youzhen was. Even Cao Jixiang and I couldn't unite. Naturally, we couldn't fight Lu Yunzhi as we were scattered. Perhaps an alliance between the three of us could Instead of fighting, no one can be Lu Yunzhi's opponent. In this way, even if Lu Yunzhi gives us power, he is still the biggest. This is where he is brilliant. We are not busy with such a smart person. It is absolutely undesirable to make friends with him, but to become enemies with him. "Then why can't we turn against the enemy and take the opportunity to swallow up his power, or Cao Jixiang's power, but leave some power to them?" To completely dominate Chao Gang, wouldn't it be better to be the second Lu Yunzhi? It is not a long-term solution to be willing to be subordinate to others." It was indeed not easy for Shi Biao to say this, but when the maid serving tea passed by, Shi Biao was stunned. Biao's attention was immediately drawn away. The maidservant was brought to the house by Ah Rong as a gift to Shi Heng. She was extremely tender and tender. When his uncle Shi Heng wasn't paying attention, Shi Biao gently scratched the maidservant's face. Hand, the maid pursed her lips shyly and smiled, which almost drew away Shi Biao's soul. Shi Heng did not notice that Shi Biao no longer listened to him. Instead, he coughed lightly and started talking in a long voice: "You boy, It's not bad to have such insight and ambition, but you don't know much about the situation in the capital. Now, although Cao Jixiang and I can fight Lu Yunzhi if we form an alliance, but if Lu Yunzhi doesn't insist on overthrowing Cao Under auspicious conditions, Cao Jixiang is determined not to be an enemy of Lu Yunzhi. On the contrary, he will help Lu Yunzhi destroy me. They have a close friendship. As far as I know, Cao Jixiang seems to have been in the Zhongzheng lineage before. "I just don't know which generation they are from. In short, the two of them are quite knowledgeable." "Actually, there is another reason why I won't let you go on the expedition this time, and that is because Lu Yunzhi is a good person. This time, in addition to letting Zhu know. In addition to some soldiers and horses from Jiangxi, the army was basically recruited from Lu Yunzhi's private army, such as the Township Regiment, the Fifth Army Camp, the Shenji Camp, etc. Anyway, they were soldiers and horses from the Zhongzheng lineage. Why do I want to be inferior to others if I use every soldier of our Shi family? Lu Yun used his own soldiers and horses to suppress the bandits before. His strength will be damaged. One will wax and wane, and his strength will be reduced. My strength has improved, why not do it, but it is different for you to go on an expedition. You must use the troops and horses of the imperial court. The soldiers and horses of the imperial court are the troops and horses of our Shi family. Then the situation of one thing declining and the other rising will be different. So instead of stopping Lu Yunzhi, I will strongly support him. The longer the fight is, the better. If we can¡¯t fight him, we will wear him out. When the time comes, only we and Cao Jixiang will be left to fight against each other. Eunuchs like Cao Jixiang will also I have no choice but to use my troops. "Shi Heng said confidently, "After Shi Heng finished speaking, he discovered that his nephew Shi Biao was flirting with the maid, and he was filled with anger. This maid was very good-looking, and he had been using it as his maid, How could I let my nephew criticize me? Isn't this a mess of ethics? So Shi Heng said sternly with an unhappy face: "Besides, the one who rebelled was Zhen Lingdan. In the past, Yu Qian's men were the most capable of conquering warriors. You are the only one who can do it." This guy who only knows how to charge in front of the battle and his ability to spend a lot of time drinking can beat him. What a joke. " No matter how reckless Shi Biao was, he could see Shi Heng's displeasure, so he let the maid go, laughed a few times, and said quickly: "What my uncle said is absolutely true. My nephew has learned a lesson. " Shi Heng stood up, sighed, and walked away. Zhen Lingdan, who was far away in the two lakes, was frowning at the moment. He had captured many cities and was about to plot a great cause to avenge Yu Qian. According to secret agents, He came to report that Zhu Jianwen was now dispatching troops to annihilate him. This did not panic Zhen Lingdan too much, but it was rumored that Lu Yunzhi also led his troops from the capital to attack him. This made Zhen Ling Dan was a little worried. In the big tent, Zhen Lingdan's generals gathered together. Although there were not many famous generals, most of these people were his confidants who had been following him for many years, as well as the first messengers he brought here. Needless to say, his confidants. Having experienced several battles with Lu Yunzhi and other Zhongzheng lineage, he can be regarded as a battle-hardened general, and those messengers and the generals he gradually trained later are also of high quality, and they are very good at inheriting his own military skills. See When Zhen Lingdan was holding the military report with a frown on her face, a young general walked out from his seat, clasped his fists and said: "Master, don't worry, we will hold on to the city and wait for work, and prepare food and grass in the lakes, mountains and forests. If the situation changes, we will If you can't stand the city, you can also spread out and defend the mountain stronghold. The enemy cannot stay here forever. After they leave, we can launch a large-scale attack to regain what we lost. They are busyBetween the two fronts of returning to the garrison and coming to fight, the troops have become exhausted and cannot be used. " As soon as the young general said this, someone immediately retorted: "This strategy is not advisable. The enemy's troops are far more numerous than ours. It would be bad if we divide our troops and defend them. It is not good to huddle in the stronghold. The Ming army only needs to be divided into two. Road, all the way to block the access to the strongholds and waterfronts, and the other part to encircle and suppress them with all their strength, then we can attack them separately and eliminate our better ones one by one. I think we should gather our troops and fight to the death with the imperial court. Although we don¡¯t have many soldiers, But if the strategy is right, one can defeat ten. When the opponent's army is demoralized, he can seize the opportunity to pursue the victory and defeat tens of millions of enemies. " Zhen Lingdan heard the argument between the two generals and secretly smiled bitterly. After all, these babies are too young and have not really experienced the training of large-scale battles. I am afraid that Zhu Jianwen will not be easy to deal with. Although his side was reported by the court, There were 80,000 people on board, but in fact it was less than 50,000, and more than 10% of them were wounded in the previous war. The amount of 80,000 was understandable. Naturally, the imperial court had to exaggerate after suffering a defeat in order to avoid its own sins, but since I It was reported that 80,000 people were reported. The imperial court must have sent many times more troops to encircle and suppress them. The situation was critical. Zhen Lingdan cleared her throat and said: "Generals, there is no need to argue. We neither fight to the death nor defend the city to wait for work." , still acting according to the original battle plan. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 34: Across the Two Lakes Zhen Lingdan glanced at the commanders below and continued: "The troops are divided into two groups. They go north to take Jingzhou and Xiangyang, and go south to take Yueyang and Loudi. This way, they will go through Hunan and Hubei. The governors of both sides are busy preparing for war and are unable to form a formation. A large number of troops will jointly attack us, because the dividing line of the imperial court's political power is our natural barrier. At the same time, not only will the north and south be divided due to different commanders, our garrison branches will also form a long line in Hunan and Hubei. , the things are also separated, which is conducive to our next battle plan. We can devour the west and then the east, and slowly eat the fat meat of the two lakes." Zhen Lingdan pondered for a while and walked to the battle map. Pointing to the big picture, he said: "We should analyze the opponent's military strength. First of all, we will encounter the officers and soldiers of the two lakes. The fact that we can defeat them and retreat shows that they are nothing to worry about. But once they are commanded properly, we will still be able to defeat them." They are very threatening. After all, they are very numerous and may even be better than us. Therefore, we must try to balance this lack of strength before Zhu Jianwen¡¯s Qinwang soldiers arrive. Secondly, we will encounter the Zhu Jianwen we just mentioned, who is a politician. He was not something to be afraid of, and now he has been demoted to the rank of idle king, but don¡¯t underestimate him. He is a man who has truly led troops to fight tough battles. I think he fought to the death with me in Jinan Mansion when I first commanded the army. There are still about 90,000 officers and soldiers. I don¡¯t think this will be empty pay. After all, the court officials are coming, and no one has the courage to ask for empty pay again. What¡¯s more, they have been defeated in a row before, and the current situation of the war is not good for them.¡± ¡°We are privately recruiting. The troops that came were the main force. These soldiers lacked training, and the soldiers we captured later also had unstable military morale. They mostly relied on the talents of the leaders to stabilize the position. Now the combat effectiveness has also been improved a lot, but as I just said, Zhu Jianwen is not an ordinary heirloom politician. Although he is not a famous general, he is not as ignorant as the generals of the two lakes. Moreover, he is very close to us in Jiangxi. He has many disciples and old troops, and he can mobilize tens of thousands of soldiers and horses in a few days. It won't be a problem. Their arrival will bring a big change to the situation. On the other hand, the first part of the reinforcements from the capital will not come too much. After all, the road is far away, and the guards of the capital have certain specifications. They cannot mobilize too many troops. The most important thing is What's more, Lu Yunzhi will never transfer all his troops and give up military control of the capital. We only need to worry about Lu Yunzhi personally and his group of elite soldiers. We don't need to worry too much about the strength of the troops." Zhen Lingdan said. , A veteran who followed Zhen Lingdan to Lianghu and escaped the catastrophe in the capital said: "Having said that, Lu Yunzhi's group of elite soldiers is really difficult to fight with one against a hundred. I wonder if we should go all out first. Attack Zhu Jianwen. After Lu Yunzhi arrives, Zhu Jianwen's soldiers and horses will be almost destroyed. By then, no matter how powerful his elite soldiers are, they will not pose much of a threat to us. At worst, if we encounter that group of tyrannical soldiers and horses, we will add more Just avoid it. " The young generals in the tent didn't know the powerful elite team composed of airbending masters and specially trained warriors, so they sneered at the words of the veteran. Some people shouted that this was an attempt to boost the enemy's ambition and destroy their own prestige. " Zhen Lingdan nodded and said: "Quiet, he is right. The elite soldiers led by Lu Yunzhi are indeed powerful, but as far as I know, this group of soldiers has been disbanded. Although the reason is unknown, they will definitely not appear on this battlefield." Of course, he also has an army called the Xiangtuan in his hands. This army is well-equipped and well-trained, and has tens of thousands of people. But it is far from the inhuman team it was back then. It is just stronger than the average army, so Old general, you don't have to worry. You said it very well. We just want to destroy Zhu Jianwen first. Of course, before that, it is also very important to weaken the troops stationed in the two lakes. However, we cannot fight head-on with Zhu Jianwen, otherwise it will be like defeating Lu Yun. There is a gap between Lu Yunzhi and Zhu Jianwen. This time Zhu Jianwen must fight to the death to win Lu Yunzhi's trust again. However, Lu Yunzhi must not think so. He wants to take this opportunity to completely defeat Zhu Jianwen. The power of Jianwen allows him to be a veritable idle king. If we fight Zhu Jianwen head-on, Lu Yunzhi will be reaping the benefits. Therefore, we can only outsmart Zhu Jianwen and not attack with force. "The generals all asked Zhen Lingdan to explain how to outwit him. Although there were many generals in the tent, they were all promoted by Zhen Lingdan himself. He was not worried about Lu Yunzhi's spies, so he no longer concealed anything and told the whole story. Strategic plan, "First of all, we have a plan to go north and south. I have just said that the troops will be divided into two groups. In fact, the focus is on the south road. After taking Loudi, we will march westward and confuse the enemy. We will declare that the army on this road will consist of 150,000 troops. People, but remember that heavy troops are going to gather in Yueyang, I will be of great use. I will talk about this later. In addition to conquering Xiangyang and Jingzhou, the Northern Route Army also needs to occupy some small towns and passes. The first is to create some obstacles for the reinforcements coming from the capital. The second is to expand the territory and recruit more troops. I still prefer Hubei soldiers from Hunan and Hubei. As the saying goes, there are nine-headed birds in the sky and Hubei guys on the ground. The people in Hubei are tough and smart, and they can train a strong army in a short time. , this is the specific plan for the Northern Front, which can be summarized in seven words: garrison troops, garrison food, and look for trouble. "Zhen Lingdan pointed to the map.As the expert explained, he kept clicking and drawing while talking about the passes and fortress towns. Zhen Lingdan was making the final deployment of the southern route: "The key point of the southern route is to make chaos and completely fall Hunan. Except for Yueyang, there is no way." Deploy heavy troops to garrison. Now there are soldiers and horses in the two lakes and food. What is the shortage? Commander-in-Chief, Lu Yunzhi asked Zhu Jianwen to take the lead. First, he asked him to lead troops to support the imperial court, and also to find a leader for this scattered army. A commander with a stable temperament should retain most of his combat power. Don't waste all the soldiers and horses in the two lakes before Lu Yunzhi and others dare to come. A clever woman can't make a meal without rice, and even Lu Yunzhi can't fight a battle without soldiers. " " The key to defeating Zhu Jianwen is to defeat Zhu Jianwen. I said before that head-on confrontation will not work, so we will encircle Wei and rescue Zhao in a roundabout battle. Zhu Jianwen from Jiangxi will definitely raise troops in his father's fiefdom of Jiujiang, attack Xianning, and station in Hankou. Hanyang, Hanjin, these places now belong to neither us nor the imperial court. In short, what everyone took away, fortunately, was given to Zhu Jianwen. Of course, a little resistance is also necessary. If the show is done well, he will feel After a great victory in the first battle, the arrogant soldiers will inevitably become arrogant and think that we are vulnerable," Zhen Lingdan said. Zhen Lingdan gave a punch and said proudly: "We have gathered a large number of troops in Yueyang, and they will be defeated if they attack boldly. A big loss. Of course, this is a tough battle and there will be bloodshed, but this can also induce Zhu Jianwen to take action later. The city we captured before in the west will come into play at this time. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 35: Grand Depth Strategy "When the attack cannot be taken for a long time, Zhu Jianwen will choose to besiege the city after all, and then send people to investigate the situation of the other plundered cities." Zhen Lingdan told his overall plan. There was silence in the tent, and everyone looked on with almost admiration. Zhen Lingdan, this person is a general. Looking at the overall situation, he lured Zhu Jianwen's army into traps like prey. Needless to say, this strategy will definitely succeed. Zhen Lingdan smiled slightly. The generals are very energetic, which is good. , if the heart is lost, everything will be lost. His speech is not only setting up the battle situation, but also encouraging the soldiers: "After Zhu Jianwen investigates, he will find that most of the cities we have captured are not guarded by many soldiers. , so the Ming army will pick the weak ones first and occupy some favorable places. After all, siege of the city is not a long-term solution. The supply of logistical supplies and military supplies is still very critical. They will capture the city we won with blood. Don¡¯t I feel bad, they will spit out their capital and profits. If necessary, we can hand over our strategic Loudi to them. " "When they capture these cities, they will find that the west of these cities is occupied by us. The defenses in some places are even looser and almost unmanned. Such a good achievement. Politicians like Zhu Jianwen will not give up. He will definitely seize a large area in the west and south, not to mention forming an encirclement against our army. He used the city to surround Yueyang and surround us to death, but in this way he dispersed most of his troops, because after occupying the city, there must be corresponding city defense soldiers, as well as maintaining local security, etc., we consume The purpose of their strength has been achieved, but it is still not a good time to attack separately at this moment. We abandon Yueyang, which we are defending, and march in two directions, directly attacking Hankou and other places by water. If we encounter obstacles, the generals on the northern front will act accordingly, even if We must give full support to Xiangyang and Jingzhou. After occupying Hankou, we can then attack Zhu Jianwen's hometown, Jiujiang Mansion, along the waterway." Zhen Lingdan poked Jiujiang hard. This was his purpose, to attack Huanglong and draw fire from the bottom of the cauldron. , The generals' eyes gleamed. Zhen Lingdan swallowed, moistened her gradually dry throat and said: "Another group of soldiers and horses on the southern front came overland and attacked Jiujiang. Not a single soldier was left behind in the cities they captured along the way. Going down to Jiujiang was like giving Zhu Jianwen a fatal blow. He massacred the city, burned the land, and captured his family. In short, it made him lose his temper and lose his foundation. It would have been impossible for Zhu Jianwen not to fight back. He was just a politician. He is not a loyal minister, so he will naturally value the lives of his family more. His falling out with Lu Yunzhi is not just because of his father. Of course, there is also a certain degree of selfishness in it. Under such circumstances, he has invested a large number of troops in the recaptured city and the front line. The pull was so long that even when we arrived at Jiujiang, we were already exhausted. If we fight to the death at this time, we will surely win a complete victory. Then we will lead the troops and pursue them along the way, and then turn to capture the entire Hubei Province. , Zhu Jianwen was too busy to take care of himself, and he would definitely not attack rashly. We occupied Hubei with lightning speed, and exchanged lives for the new soldiers recruited from the northern front to fight with Zhu Jianwen's defenders in Hunan, not to occupy territory, but to destroy their troops. " "In this way, by the time Lu Yunzhi and other reinforcements from the capital arrive, most of Zhu Jianwen's army and the soldiers and horses of the two lakes have been wiped out by us. Even if Lu Yunzhi comes, we may have the strength to fight him. As for At that time, the formation of troops still needed to be judged by the opponent's actions, but we already had the advantage and could induce the enemy to lead them away by the nose. In short, we must fight in the battle before Lu Yunzhi comes. To win, we must conquer when we attack, and we must hold firm when we defend. Our soldiers are mighty. "Zhen Lingdan is very young, but her roar is majestic. The generals clasped their fists together and shouted: "We must win in battle, conquer when we attack, and we must defend firmly." "Zhen Lingdan nodded and sighed: "Morale is available. " Just as Zhen Lingdan expected, Zhu Jianwen's troops quickly gathered and entered the territory of the two lakes. Speaking of marching and fighting, maybe Zhu Jianwen was not a genius. He only knew ordinary military tactics and the principles of step by step, but his steady and steady attack showed his military strength. advantages, but when it comes to administrative ability, Zhu Jianwen is indeed a good player. Not only did he mobilize properly within Jiangxi, he quickly raised tens of thousands of troops, which was jaw-droppingly fast. He was also able to win over everyone when he came to the unfamiliar two lakes. He used his military power for his own use, and none of his subordinates acted disobediently, which really made Zhen Lingdan and others rush to the pressure. Good news kept coming, towns were conquered one after another, and many bloodless battles made the imperial army His confidence was boosted and he was no longer afraid of Zhen Lingdan's troops. At this time, Lu Yunzhi was on the road with his troops. When he saw the military report, he frowned and said to himself: "That's not right. This battle is going to be fought." It's a bit too simple. Zhen Lingdan won't let Zhu Jianwen swallow it so quickly. Even if he swallows it, it will prick his mouth and bleed. No, it may be a trick to rush forward greedily. Where is Bai Yong? " Bai Yong rode his horse to the side of Lu Yunzhi's car, cupped his fists and said, "The general is here. " "You lead a cavalry, lightly equipped and go straight to the two lakes. When you see Zhu Jianwen, remind him not to extend the battle line too long and disperse the troops. If you encounter a large number of enemy troops,Concentrated cities must be strictly investigated to prevent them from attacking at night or running. Do not act recklessly when encountering something. Remember to report the battle to me. Lu Yunzhi said, then reached out and patted Bai Yong on the shoulder, murmuring: "Be careful Bai Yong." " "General, take your orders, hey, don't worry, my lord, I won't let your sister become a widow. Bai Yong grinned and rode away with his whip. Lu Yunzhi looked at his back and said with a smile: "This stinky boy." " When Bai Yong arrived in Hubei, it was too late. Zhen Lingdan's army had already set off from Yueyang in several directions according to the original plan, and quickly advanced directly to Jiujiang. After arriving in Jiujiang, they found that Zhu Jianwen had been prepared. Although There are not many soldiers left in the city, but the city gates are tightly closed. If you want to enter the city, you must have a customs clearance document issued by Zhu Jianwen. There are also artillery and crossbows on the city walls. In short, Zhen Lingdan cannot conquer Jiujiang quickly, but if she is delayed at the foot of Jiujiang City, There was too much time, and Zhu Jianwen had time to slowly gather his troops and attack calmly. In this case, Zhen Lingdan's subsequent arrangements would be disrupted. Zhen Lingdan didn't have much time, and he only had about two days. Within the deadline, Jiujiang could not be captured within two days, and the plan to encircle Wei and rescue Zhao failed. The consequences were even more serious. He was passive and would be surrounded by Zhu Jianwen's army, and the Jiujiang Mansion in the center cooperated and blossomed from it. It can be said that Zhen Lingdan is being attacked from both sides and will definitely be defeated. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 36: The Fall of Jiujiang Zhen Lingdan personally directed the battle in Jiujiang, and was preparing for the worst, which was to attack Jiujiang by force. However, this would definitely alert the enemy. Zhu Jianwen probably didn't know about the news that his side was attacking Jiujiang overnight, but he would probably do so tomorrow. He will get the news, and he must know it in advance if he takes action now. It seems like it is only one day away, but the soldiers are very fast, and the difference between one day and one day is actually a thousand miles, and a strong attack will definitely seriously damage the vitality of his troops. When he is feeling melancholy, , Zhen Lingdan suddenly saw the command flag on the copy. This was a flag he invented. It was surrounded by a circle of bright yellow, which was very eye-catching. Only the emperor could use bright yellow. Ordinary people who used bright yellow well would be beheaded. Yes, but Zhen Lingdan is a rebel, so there is no need to worry so much. Minghuang, Minghuang, yes, the imperial edict is also bright yellow. Zhen Lingdan took it into consideration. He still had the imperial edict and the imperial edict given to him by Yu Qian at that time in his hand. The Ministry of War's handbook, with the military seals, monk's seals and the emperor's seal clearly printed on it, declared that he would lead the troops in the two lakes, Jiangsu and Zhejiang to suppress the bandits. However, after he had just arrived in the two lakes and ordered some soldiers and horses, Yu Qian was defeated, and he said that he was trying to rebel against the party. Yu Qian was kind to him, and he was able to become a late bloomer. It was also thanks to Yu Qian that he became a general. When Yu Qian was killed, Zhen Lingdan's heart was broken. He wanted to Revenge is to avenge Yu Qian, and more importantly, to survive. All of Yu Qian¡¯s gang members have been wiped out, and he is an important minister under Yu Qian. It is not difficult for the person in charge of the world to find someone. If he doesn¡¯t have The military power was uncertain at what time, so Zhen Lingdan decided to rebel against the imperial court, both in public and private matters. It was better to die on the battlefield wrapped in horse leather than to be tortured to death by Lu Yunzhi. This time we were also suppressing bandits, but we were suppressing the tough bandits ourselves, not the Lu bandits as implied by the imperial edict. Yes, the seals of the jade seal were the same, the soldiers' seal and the monk's seal were also the same, and the title was also to suppress bandits. The handwriting did not mention that the name of the commander-in-chief was Zhen Lingdan. Jiujiang Mansion currently had no one in charge. In addition, they had to accept orders and imperial edicts recently. They pretended to pass on imperial edicts to trick the city gates into opening. Zhen Lingdan's plan to enter the city without any bloodshed was in Zhen Lingdan's mind. As soon as it got dark that day, a group of cavalry wearing imperial uniforms approached Jiujiang Prefecture. Several officers and soldiers came down from the city gate of Jiujiang Prefecture to inquire, but their faces were covered in blood with a whip. An outsider The official held up the Minghuang imperial edict and the Ministry of War's handwriting, and said anxiously: "The imperial edict has arrived, please lower the drawbridge and open the city gate quickly. It will delay the military situation and destroy your nine tribes." The city gate official did not dare to delay after hearing this big hat being pulled off, and quickly ordered Lu Jiugang was notified and the city gate was opened, and he personally greeted him. When he saw the group of officers and soldiers coming from the capital, the city gate official greeted him and said, "Thank you for your hard work, General. Come with me to the city and report to Magistrate Lu." Having said that, But he didn't move. It seemed that he wanted to distinguish the authenticity of the visitor. The leader of the group of messengers nodded and understood the meaning. He waved the handbook of the Minister of War in front of the city gate official and said, "Thank you." Brother." The city gate officer was not qualified to read the imperial edict, but he could clearly see the order from the Minister of War, so he clasped his fists and made a gesture of invitation and walked towards the city. The foreign official who passed the order did not say much and followed. The city gate official made a gesture and walked towards the city. After taking two steps, he suddenly drew out his knife and slashed at the city gate official. The city gate official was caught off guard and fell to the ground bleeding. His soldiers also quickly fought against the city gate officials. At this point, several of them broke away from the battle group, opened the city gate, turned the noose, lowered the suspension bridge, and blew a whistle outside the city. Zhen Lingdan heard the signal and led the army into Jiujiang Prefecture calmly. The prefects Lu Chengzheng and Zhu Qi Xiang was drinking and having fun. Later, a city guarding sergeant reported that the edict had arrived. The two of them quickly stood up and went to receive the edict. Before they could fully stand up, they heard the sound of killing from the direction of the city gate. They were startled, and their body went limp and they slumped down. The magistrate Lu Cheng was responsible for the logistical supplies of Zhu Jianwen's army. He was stationed in Jiangxi and continuously supplied soldiers, horses, weapons, food and grass to Zhu Jianwen. He was overjoyed. After hearing the killing sound, Lu Chengke panicked. Could it be that Zhu Jianwen was defeated and the bandits actually reached Jiujiang? No way, how could they be defeated so quickly? He turned to look at Zhu Qixiang, but Seeing that Zhu Qixiang's face was also very stern. Although Zhu Qixiang was deposed, he was still a prince who had experienced ups and downs in the officialdom for half his life. He had also led troops to fight. Unlike Lu Cheng, who had no power to restrain a chicken, he encountered this situation. The situation was very calm. Zhu Qixian stood up and said: "Master Lu, I have no power now, and I have to ask you to come forward. No matter who caused the killing, the person who came must be evil. Hurry up and gather the troops." Be prepared to engage in street fighting with these gangsters, and secondly, hurry up and prepare the boats on the river. Once the situation changes, we can still have a retreat if we cannot resist. If the rebels occupy the pier, we will cut off our own retreat. The consequences are disastrous. " Lu Cheng finally calmed down, nodded and said: "What you said makes sense.A scholar asked the king to give advice. "Because Zhu Qixian was almost made emperor last time, he was not appointed by the court this time. This was what Lu Yunzhi meant. Therefore, even if his son commanded tens of millions of troops, he could not join the army to make a contribution. The situation was very critical at this moment, but Lu Cheng did not forget the rules of the court. He only dared to let Zhu Qixiang give instructions and did not dare to hand over the command to Zhu Qixiang. Otherwise, even if he killed the enemy, he would be guilty of neglecting his duty. The two of them After leaving the palace, he quickly organized a group of troops and sent orders to guard the dock. Soon this group of troops ran into Zhen Lingdan's army, and a street battle began. Naturally, Zhen Lingdan's army, which was well prepared, was invincible. , and the Jiujiang Ming Army, which was hurriedly preparing for war, lost consecutive battles, but fortunately Zhu Qixiang was in charge and did not retreat like a tide, "Master Lu, withdraw, I think we can't hold on anymore, let's give Jiujiang first This thief will be dealt with after my son's teacher comes back. "Zhu Qixiang looked at the soldiers from both sides facing each other on the street and said, "Lu Cheng had already lost his mind and could only nod blindly. Just as he was about to order the retreat towards the pier, a flag soldier ran over: "Report, the pier is lost." "Zhu Qixiang asked angrily: "We have blocked most of the enemy troops here, and the dock has ordered us to defend. How can we lose? "The flag soldier replied: "The enemy troops came down the river and attacked our dock along the river from the waterway. There were too many enemy troops, so the defender surrendered without a fight. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 37: Lend me your head "My lord, what should we do?" Lu Cheng asked in a panic. Zhu Qi's face was full of sorrow, and his eyebrows were wrinkled into a knot. After a long time, he said: "I ordered someone to contact the other general and say that we are willing." To surrender, your attitude must be sincere and your words must be careful. We are not pretending to surrender. I don't have such literary talent, so I'd better ask Mr. Lu to draw up a document. " "This is absolutely forbidden to rule the king. If you eat the emperor's salary, you will be loyal to the emperor." Lu. Before Cheng Cheng could finish his words, he was interrupted by Zhu Qixiang: "If you don't agree, then ask Mr. Lu to lead troops to resist." When Lu Cheng heard this, he was completely speechless. Where could he go? He knows how to lead troops to fight. Zhu Qixiang sighed and said: "Master Lu, I didn't mean to choke you with those words. It's just that the situation is over now. The opponent's military strength and morale are far better than ours. If we don't surrender, we can certainly keep ours." We are wise, but our lives are at risk, not to mention that thousands of us Jiangxi children in the city will die with us. We sacrificed our reputation but saved many elders in our hometown from being tortured. This is "What a great merit." Lu Cheng nodded and had no choice but to agree. If nothing else, no one is afraid of death. This may be the best ending. I hope Zhu Jianwen can make a great contribution and save Zhu Qixiang to save the country. The good reputation of pretending to surrender means that he can survive. If he resists now, he may be dead before the time comes. Under the leadership of Lu Cheng, the defenders of Jiujiang City threw away their weapons and surrendered. Zhu Qixiang He and Lu Cheng were tied up and escorted to Zhen Lingdan. Zhen Lingdan smiled and untied Zhu Qixiang and Lu Cheng, then clasped his fists and said, "His Royal Highness, I didn't expect that we would meet again. I thought that we used to be together, Mr. Yu." The time I served under my disciple was really full of emotion." Zhu Qixiang smiled coldly and hugged his fists, but did not answer. Zhen Lingdan looked at Lu Cheng, and then said to Zhu Qixiang: "Let's do this, you give it to your son. Zhu Jianwen wrote a letter and asked him to submit to me, or leave his troops to me, and I will let you live." Zhu Qixian shook his head and said: "You are too ignorant. As the saying goes, the general will be the king. We are not allowed to accept orders, let alone our father's orders. Because we cooperated with Yu Qian before, you also know this. In short, we have been ostracized. It would be good to save our lives. This time we have such a great opportunity to make meritorious deeds, and we can turn over. God-given opportunity, my son will never let it go. Not to mention that my life is in your hands. Even if our whole family is held at our necks with a knife, he will not give up the hard-won power in his hands. " Zhen Lingdan lowered her head and thought for a moment. Indeed, Zhu Jianwen could do such a thing, so he waved his hand and asked his men to take Zhu Qixian away. After Zhu Qixian left, Lu Cheng turned pale and looked at Zhen Ling who was smiling. Dan, with a lump in his throat, said, "Please let me go. I am willing to persuade Zhu Jianwen to surrender." Zhen Lingdan nodded, patted Lu Cheng on the shoulder and said, "Master Lu, I really need your help. I still need to lend you something to persuade Zhu Jianwen to surrender." Lu Cheng raised his fist and said, "Thanks to the general for thinking highly of me, tell me, as long as Lu can do it, I will not hesitate." Zhen Lingdan said lightly: "We need Lu. The heads on the adults' necks are used. "As he spoke, he waved his hand and dragged Lu Cheng away. Lu Cheng kept screaming. After a while, he heard a heartbreaking shout, but it stopped after a while. The sergeant was holding a wooden box. After sending it to the account, Zhen Lingdan said: "Give the head to Zhu Jianwen, and send a message to him, saying that he has two choices, one is to surrender to me, and the other is to leave the soldiers, horses, money and food to me, and he withdraws from the two lakes alone." , if he doesn¡¯t comply, the next head will belong to his family. " The next evening, Zhu Jianwen received Lu Cheng's head and heard the message from Zhen Lingdan's messenger. He frowned and was worried. Sure enough, Jiujiang was lost. Bai Yong said: "What should I do now? , we definitely cannot agree to his request, but we have to save the life of King Tong. Look at this, I will lead a team of strong soldiers to raid Jiujiang and rescue His Highness King Tong overnight. " "Thank you, brother, but I think Zhen Lingdan must be on guard. It won't be so easy. Although you are superb at controlling air and have many powerful soldiers under your command, it is not that easy to enter Jiujiang Mansion calmly. Easy. "Zhu Jianwen said gratefully. Bai Yong has a relatively upright character. What he just said was from the bottom of his heart. How could he not be moved by his willingness to take risks to save Zhu Qixiang? Bai Yong calmed down the anger in his heart and said after a moment of reflection. : "You're right, I was too reckless just now. Although Jiujiang Prefecture's city defense is strong, it is not as easy to defend as Yueyang or Jingzhou. I think they probably brought Tong Wang to these two places, but Jiujiang will also deploy troops. The handle confuses our sight, so that we don't know where the king is. I have contacted spies to check, but now the two armies are fighting and it is difficult to transmit information. We cannot hang ourselves on a tree. In this way, I will lead the troops to go straight to it. Jingzhou, you attack Yueyang directly. If the king is in the city, they will definitely threaten him. If he is not there, our troops will gather in Jiujiang. When the time comes, my lord"It's time, let's do what we're told." "In fact, Mi Shisan has many personnel in the army. There were originally a dozen or so in the army that surrendered to Zhen Lingdan, serving in different positions. However, after Zhen Lingdan gathered the troops, he quickly took control of the military. The commander-in-chief of the captured soldiers and horses was eliminated and his own people were appointed to serve as commanders. The original secret thirteen personnel became hundreds of households, captains of ten men, etc. In short, they could not be reused. Even if the whereabouts of Zhu Qixian could be found out, the information There is no way to send it out. They are too many people in the army and they are no better than domestic slaves and garden workers who can communicate with Lu Yunzhi using Gu insects, so everything depends on the legend of flying pigeons or the urgent messages of fast horses, so this line was temporarily It¡¯s really not useful. Even if it could be used, it would require a betrayal at a critical moment. If it is used now, it may be exposed early and affect the whole body. Besides, Bai Yong does not have the power to use the power of Secret Thirteen. Zhu Jianwen heard After Bai Yong finished speaking, there was silence for a while, and then he coughed lightly and said, "You have just arrived. I don't know the situation. My soldiers are scattered in various cities within the two lakes to defend and manage the city. Now I have less than three thousand soldiers. "I'm afraid" "My lord has already anticipated this, so I sent a message to you on my lord's behalf, saying that we should not rush into prolonging the front by greedy for credit. We are now in a quagmire. You fell into Zhen Lingdan's plan, but I think we We don¡¯t necessarily need to attack the city, we just need to determine the location of the king, and then we unite our troops to surround them. When the lord comes, we can implement the plan of encirclement and reinforcements. They have few troops and will definitely come to rescue them to the death. , then the big thing will be done. Bai Yong said with a sneer, Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 38: Encirclement and Counter-Encirclement Bai Yong thought for a while and then said: "But you still have to gather your troops, but you can't press them all, otherwise the opponent will wait for work. We have fewer people but more cavalry, and we will suffer a big loss. You and I are all cavalry." You can come and go freely, you can fight or run, don't worry too much, your main infantry will gather and rest for two days, and then advance across the board to support us." Zhu Jianwen's eyes lit up and he said: "Very good, once they are surrounded, then. Seeing our reinforcements approaching in large numbers, full of energy and calmly, they will definitely be timid. When the time comes, they will be wary of our strength, which will further ensure the safety of my father. If my father's life or death is at stake now, the army will besiege the city. "It's like asking for a Daobao command card from my father." "That's it. With the king as a hostage, we won't attack the city by force. Without the king, we will definitely rush into the city with red eyes. We probably will." The cavalry cannot attack, but they dare not leave the city. If the infantry encounters the cavalry on the plains after leaving the city, they are looking for death. All you need to do is surround them. When the troops you have assembled arrive, the lord will probably be here too. At that time, the military might did not allow them to let people go, and the army was surrounding the city. No matter how capable they were, it would be difficult for them to fly. It would be better if someone came to rescue them. There is no reason not to fall into a trap." Bai Yong said with a proud smile. After getting up, the team set off. The two went to Yueyang and Jingzhou separately, but there was no trace of Zhu Qixiang. The troops of the two parties gathered together and headed towards Jiujiang. Even if Zhu Qixiang was not there, Jiujiang Prefecture could be recovered. After all, this It is the place where money and food logistics are guaranteed. Everyone was careful along the way because Jingzhou and Yueyang were not heavily guarded and were just like two empty cities. Could it be that Zhen Lingdan was guarding Jiujiang and was preparing to have a duel somewhere? No, Zhen Lingdan definitely didn't It's so simple, he might set up an ambush on the road, Bai Yong thought, the team was on guard at all times, and the marching speed was greatly reduced for a while. However, it was calm along the way, nothing happened, and the scouts and spies did not find any of the opponent's soldiers. Is it difficult? But Zhen Lingdan disappeared out of thin air. He refused to release anyone, and there was no ambush. What on earth was he going to do? When the team arrived outside Jiujiang Prefecture City, they could already see the flags on the city wall flying. At a glance, it was estimated that the flags on the city wall were flying. There were by no means a handful of sergeants. Only then did Bai Yong and Zhu Jianwen believe that Zhen Lingdan was really reckless and wanted to fight to the death here. Suddenly, the city gate opened and a group of infantrymen came out. Zhu Jianwen quickly ordered the cavalry to attack in three columns, breaking through in the middle. Covering the two wings, the cavalry roared and galloped out. Before the three columns were launched, there were an extraordinary number of iron caltrops under the floating soil. The cavalry in the front were caught off guard and stepped on the iron caltrops. Some horses fell headlong. Falling to the ground, the cavalry fell down, and some horses raised their front hooves and kept jumping. The cavalry was thrown off the horse. In short, there were constant tramples and casualties. The lucky one got stuck in the caltrops and died on the spot. The unfortunate ones were killed on the spot. He was trampled to death by the panicked horses. The cavalry behind saw this situation and quickly reined in the horses. Although the loss was not great, the attack stopped. The enemy soldiers who rushed out from Jiujiang Mansion laughed and laughed mockingly. Zhu Jianwen began to insult the Ming army. Seeing that the situation was not good, Zhu Jianwen briefly discussed with Bai Yong and ordered the withdrawal of the troops. He was afraid of being tricked by the enemy. But at this moment, hundreds of cavalry appeared from all directions, with huge packages placed on the backs of their horses. As the horses jolted, many sharp objects such as caltrops or small nails spilled out from the cracks in the package. In the blink of an eye, the surrounding area of ??the Ming army was covered with a large number of caltrops, which were large in number and covered a wide area. , giving people a headache, Bai Yong cursed fiercely: "Damn it, I fell into the trap, give me the order, everyone get off their horses, and send people to use iron guns to clear the caltrops in front. Those behind are not allowed to lift their feet when they dismount, and they are not allowed to step forward. As you move forward, there are many small and sharp objects on the ground, so don't be careless. Use large shields to cover both sides of the march. The front team changes to the rear team, and the rear team changes to the front team, and withdraws two miles. " Dozens of sergeants walked out of the team, using long iron spears to sweep the surrounding caltrops back and forth, trying to clear a safer passage, while the soldiers and horses behind moved their feet forward without leaving the ground to prevent those They stabbed themselves with small iron nails or something like that. Even though the horses had paws and people didn't lift their feet, they were still injured. Many people and horses were stabbed in the soles of their feet. At this moment, a large number of sergeants poured out from both sides. Holding crossbows and muskets, they fired at the Ming army. The cavalry team that had just rushed out of the city gate also separated from their formation, with crossbow carts and cannons exposed behind them and kept firing at the Ming army cavalry. In short, the horses neighed and the people roared angrily. and the loud noises of solid artillery shells were mixed together, making it appear chaotic. There were obstacles at the feet of the Ming army, and the enemy's long-range weapons were covered in front, back, left and right. They were beaten so hard that they couldn't lift their heads. Fortunately, Bai Yong arranged a large shield guard in advance. , except for the ballistae and artillery, which were highly destructive, the rest of the crossbows and firecrackers did not cause huge casualties. The Ming army withdrew two miles in panic, and then stopped, not daring to attack rashly. On the first day of the first meeting, The Ming army lost more than a hundred people and injured three to four hundred cavalry.The injuries were not too serious, but compared to the enemy's results, which had no casualties, they were a bit useless. Their morale dropped, and the cavalry fell silent. Their hearts were full of anger and endless fear. The cavalry stopped and Bai Yong asked. He said: "What are you going to do next, Your Majesty?" Zhu Jianwen replied: "I wanted to lure them out of the city and then use the cavalry to clear out the infantry, but we underestimated Zhen Lingdan. Now we have not killed or injured the enemy, but have also suffered damage. Our own morale is so low that we haven¡¯t even found out the whereabouts of my father. How about we station here, monitor them closely, and prevent them from escaping Jiujiang before our reinforcements arrive, so that we can continue to carry out your plan to encircle the points and provide reinforcements. "It's planned." "No." Bai Yong shook his head and said, "If they come out of the city to fight, we can use the sharpness and speed of the cavalry to kill the enemy. But now the morale is low, and the terrain after the withdrawal is not conducive to cavalry combat. If their troops are far superior to ours, they will counter-encircle us. I think they may have driven us into an ambush now. The calm along the way is a conspiracy. For now, we can only fight outwards with all our strength, but can we? Fighting out depends on the situation. If that doesn't work, then we can follow what you said and stay here for strict defense. But in this case, if our message cannot be conveyed and we are surrounded by counterattacks, we will be surrounded. It¡¯s really a headache to surround the spot and call for reinforcements.¡± Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 39: The Rebels¡¯ Poisonous Plot While they were talking, the spies came to report that the enemy troops were surrounded from all directions and had been surrounded. The enemies seemed to have been ambushing in the trenches for a long time, covered with wooden planks and floating soil. This is why the spies did not find any during the march. Bai Yong and Zhu Jianwen They looked at each other, and sure enough, they had fallen into the trap, "Send the order, all troops retreat to the direction of Hankou, the heavy cavalry will clear the way, the light cavalry will assist with arrows, I will lead the army to the rear." Zhu Jianwen ordered, the messenger answered with fists in his hands, turned around and ran out, Zhu Jianwen He sighed and then turned to Bai Yong and said: "Brother Bai, you are better than me. You can lead the way and clear the way." "Okay." Bai Yong nodded and replied, not saying much about putting on his helmet and riding the horse. The leader went, and the cavalry broke out towards the west in an orderly manner. Zhen Lingdan's army kept firing crossbows and artillery strikes in the distance. Although the people were marching hard, it was not difficult, but it was not difficult. Without encountering a large group of enemies and facing off against them, Bai Yong's brows became more and more wrinkled as the team retreated to the west. Finally, he suddenly gave the order: "Send the order, put down the big shield, stop marching step by step, and gallop towards the west." "The generals obeyed the order. Zhu Jianwen was caught off guard when he got the news behind the team, but he knew what Bai Yong must have discovered, so he did not raise any objection. The command of this army was jointly owned by the two of them. Zhu Jianwen was steady and brave. The team was running wildly, but the crossbows lost their accurate target, and the casualties were reduced a lot. Everyone quickly escaped from the encirclement. Zhu Jianwen saw that Bai Yong had no intention of stopping, so he said He said: "Brother Bai is really clever. If we run like this, the enemy will be unable to shoot accurately. But why are we still running? Don't we monitor the dynamics of Jiujiang?" Bai Yong replied while riding his horse: "Prince "We fell into a trap." "How do you say this?" Zhu Jianwen asked in confusion, "Since we entered the territory of Jiujiang Prefecture, we have not encountered a direct hostile force, iron caltrops, crossbows and artillery. They just took advantage of the equipment. I doubt that there are any large-scale enemy forces near Jiujiang. They left enough soldiers and horses to pretend to be a large force. The number is just right. It can deceive us and prevent us from going ahead with a forceful attack. The ambushes lying around are just a bluff, creating the illusion of luring you into a trap. If there is really a large army here, we will not only suffer casualties, but the entire army will be destroyed," Bai Yong said. While waving his hand to stop the advance of the rear team, the herald continued to shout, and the cavalry team stopped advancing. Bai Yong shouted: "Follow me and fight back. You cannot attack the city by force. You can only fight around the city. If you encounter the enemy outside the city, you can split up to pursue it. You will definitely kill them all." Kill." He turned his horse and headed towards Jiujiang Mansion, which he had just escaped from. Zhu Jianwen was confused now and could only follow Bai Yong back to Jiujiang Mansion. As expected, there were a large number of crossbowmen and Qiba outside the city. They were packing up their equipment and moving towards Jiujiang Prefecture. Suddenly they saw a large group of people coming to kill them. Unexpectedly, Bai Yongyong killed a carbine. The crossbowman was beheaded by the roaring cavalry before he could draw his bow and arrow. For a while, there were constant screams and heads rolling. The cavalry fought bravely to kill the enemy and disperse the unhappiness of the useless battle. They shouted repeatedly, which was terrifying. Bai Yong and Zhu Jianwen observed the battle situation and discussed it. Bai Yong explained: "I haven't finished what I said just now. First, I found that our casualties were not heavy. Second, although there are a lot of bows and crossbows, they are not as powerful as an army of ten thousand people. Moreover, the shooting angle is large, and the arrow array is It was very sparse, I thought it might be a crossbow regiment of more than a thousand people, but Zhen Lingdan scattered this troop around us, making us mistakenly think that we were surrounded by a large army, plus the iron caltrops and artillery on the ground and The support of the ballistae made us unable to hold our heads up even more, so we believed it even more. In addition, the previous unfavorable launch made the army lose heart. This plan followed one after another. My confidence was destroyed, and it was heartbreaking to kill people. " Zhu Jianwen nodded thoughtfully and said: "Indeed, if you think about it, the artillery was not fired in volleys, but in batches. It seems that there were no more than ten. Three to four artillery were placed on the Ming armament city wall. Two, and all the artillery in the city we occupied before was taken away by Zhen Lingdan. He should have more than thirty artillery, but only ten were used here to confuse our sight. This Zhen Lingdan is really cunning, so so Speaking of which, my father should not be in Jiujiang Mansion, so where are Zhen Lingdan's main troops? " Bai Yong's face was not very good, and he said coldly: "What you said is not right. The king should be in Jiujiang Mansion, otherwise Zhen Lingdan could completely turn Jiujiang into an empty city. They have few troops and there is no need to stay here to confuse us. To defend Jiujiang, we only need to put troops on the city with the flag high. In this way, our cavalry will turn into infantry and use the captured artillery and ballistas to attack Jiujiang. After a try, we will know whether the king is in the city. As for his large army, I think We are going to encircle and suppress our reinforcements. Maybe the King Qin army you summoned has been completely destroyed. ¡±   "How could this happen?" Zhu Jianwen was shocked, and his face suddenly turned pale. Bai Yong blamed himself: "It's all my fault. I didn't see through Zhen Lingdan's movements at once. I think his plan was the same as I guessed. , and when he got to Jiujiang, he found that we did not quickly assemble our troops and rush into battle, causing exhaustion. Instead, we led the cavalry first and the infantry was delayed to come back for reinforcements. Therefore, he suddenly changed his plan and gave up the plan to encircle and annihilate us. We thought, and led the troops to attack our supporting infantry, but we had not noticed anything unusual before, and there were no signs of fighting on the road. Our infantry must be marching unprepared, and we will definitely be annihilated now.¡± After being defeated in Jiujiang, we can only make two choices. The first is to stand ready as you said. In this case, they can keep firing cold arrows around and continue to besiege us. Even if we find that there are not many ambushes around, It is an illusion. They can also withdraw to Jiujiang in batches to minimize losses. Of course, the best result for Zhen Lingdan is the second one. After we fall into the ambush, we must go to join the infantry and then attack Jiujiang. At this time, Zhen Lingdan has wiped out the reinforcements. He only needs to wait for work and set up a circle to wait for us to fall into the trap. Then we can catch all our cavalry in one fell swoop. This move can wipe out all the previous forces. Even if the lord leads the troops to kill, Without our assistance, our strength is greatly weakened. The enemy retreats while we advance. Zhen Lingdan's plan is to annihilate the vanguard and balance the forces of both sides. This plan is really poisonous and it is all my fault," Bai Yong said. , Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 40: A Late Bloomer Zhu Jianwen said silently: "Brother Bai, don't blame yourself. Fortunately, you saw it in time now, so we didn't lose all our money. Leading troops to fight is always changing. I don't blame you for this, but what should we do next? " Bai Yong replied: "We don't have siege equipment. Even if we attack Jiujiang by force, we can't defeat Jiujiang. This is the purpose of Zhen Lingdan leaving troops in Jiujiang. Now we can only determine the position of the king. Once confirmed, send a small group of troops to Jiujiang. Watch here, we quickly withdraw our troops, head north, and join up with the Lord's soldiers. Otherwise, once Zhen Lingdan finds out that we have not taken the bait, he will definitely lead his troops to kill us. By then, we will be sandwiched between the enemy and Jiujiang Mansion. It can be said that It's really not good to be attacked from both sides. "While talking, the soldiers had gathered their artillery and ballistae, and the rebels who were responsible for ambushing the Ming army were also cleared. Zhu Jianwen ordered the attack, the artillery fired in unison, the ballistae fired, and the cavalry They dismounted and turned into infantry, hitting the city gate with felled trees. After a while, Zhu Qixiang was pushed to the top of the city. Several soldiers pressed their knives against Zhu Qixiang's body, not daring to relax at all. Apparently they were worried. There were experts in the Ming army who were able to kidnap Zhu Qixiang without warning. A man dressed as a general shouted on the city: "The king is in our hands. In order not to increase the number of killings, we can only I hope you will understand this plan of taking hostages, otherwise our army will gather in the city. Once we kill you, there will be no bones left. Quickly put down your weapons, the generals will tie themselves up and come to camp, and the sergeants will throw away their helmets and armor. There is a mistake, otherwise I will kill the king first and then his whole family. Finally, the soldiers will leave the city and kill you all." Bai Yong replied in a loud voice: "Don't bluff, we have seen through your plan and pretended to be an ambush. Have all the troops been killed by us? There are not a large number of troops in the city at all. The maximum number of people we can defend is just that. The team that Zhen Lingdan went to ambush our reinforcements has been ambushed by the main force of our Ming Dynasty. Now the entire army has been destroyed. It will not take long. Someone brought his head. I advise you to surrender quickly. Now the avatar is called a defection and an uprising. If Zhen Lingdan is not defeated, everyone in the city will be considered a rebel and bandit. " The general was obviously deceived by Bai Yong. The plan Bai Yong told was exactly Zhen Lingdan's layout. Otherwise, how could the Ming army know about the temporarily changed battle plan? Zhen Lingdan was really defeated. The guard hesitated and suddenly A little old man came next to him. The general quickly saluted the little old man with his fists raised. The little old man said, "No need to be polite. Look at what this is." The general took the small leather bag handed over by the little old man. It was obviously tied to the leg of a homing pigeon. There is a letter in the leather bag, and there is a line written on the new one: Hold on to Jiujiang, wait for me to besiege the Ming army, the ambush has been successful, no enemy troops are left, Zhen Lingdan, the general's confidence is greatly boosted, it is Zhen Ling Dan's handwriting stopped panicking and waved his hand, and the soldiers took Zhu Qixian down. The guard general shouted at the Ming army camp: "Don't talk nonsense, I am handsome, wise and mighty, how can I be defeated?" People like you have taken their lives, so I advise you to surrender as soon as possible, and don't cry without crying." After saying that, Bai Yong laughed coldly and said to Zhu Jianwen: "The other party may be cheating. We, we will be stationed here for half a day. If they send a messenger to contact us, it means they have listened to us. If there is no movement from the enemy, we will evacuate quickly according to the original plan. Where is the scout sentry. " The leader of the sentry cavalry and the scout leader quickly responded. Bai Yong ordered: "Closely monitor the surrounding movements and report quickly if there is a large army coming. Secondly, pay attention to whether there is anyone in the city who goes out to deliver a message. If there is any, be sure to stop them. "The generals answered yes and took orders and went their separate ways. Besides, in Jiujiang Mansion, the guard general took the flying pigeon letter and was overjoyed to see Zhen Lingdan's victory, which meant that he would not have to be so worried soon. The city was defended. It must be a great achievement for him to defend the city so easily this time. Zhen Lingdan has clear rewards and punishments. It seems that he has earned it this time. The little old man just walked down the city wall and leaned against the other four in the shade. They asked the old man who was dressed similar to him: "Why, that idiot believed it. "The little old man at the beginning nodded, and one of the remaining four laughed and said: "It's really stupid, but you are also powerful enough. You actually pretended to be the master of the living soul vein. You can think of it." " The little old man shook his head and said: "I am not pretending to be this, but it was given to me by Zhen Lingdan, the master of the soul vein, before he led the troops out of the city. He said that if the morale of the army was shaken or something happened, he would show it to others. You were not there at the time. So I don¡¯t know. I forgot to mention it. It¡¯s really brave for a skilled person. I don¡¯t know how the battle is going now. I think back when we fought bloody battles together, I really didn¡¯t see the master of the living soul veins being so Good military strategy. " "This may be a late bloomer. "The five people said in unison. Although their voices were different, their tacit understanding was extraordinary, which made people feel indescribably weird. "Did Zhen Lingdan really win? He?I don¡¯t know, but at this moment he is leading his army to ambush on the road he expected Ming army reinforcements to pass through. This is the border between Hubei and Jiangxi. If you march from here, you can reach Jiujiang the fastest. However, the problem is that there are many mountains here. In the hiding place, ordinary soldiers would not dare to march rashly, but with Zhu Jianwen and Bai Yong marching in front, the reinforcements behind were much more relieved. In addition, they did not encounter any danger on the way, and even a small group of bandits were They didn't meet each other, so the Ming army's follow-up troops were completely relaxed. Although the progress of the march did not slow down, most of them wore their helmets crookedly and held their weapons casually, like a group of young people on an outing. It can't be blamed on this group. The quality of the soldiers was low. This Ming army was composed of Zhu Jianwen's Qin Wang Army and the remnants of Guangdong and Guangxi. As the saying goes, a good man is not a soldier, and a good iron is not a nail. The Qin Wang Army brought by Zhu Jianwen did not go through a few days of training. They were people who were gathered together in a hurry. Although there were many Jiangxi garrison and regular preparation troops among them, they were all materials that had not experienced war for many years. The Qin Wang soldiers were truly elite and had lost a lot in the struggle with Yu Qian a few years ago. The rest were also integrated into the regular order of the Ming army, so most of those who came were those who had never fought or were old soldiers. The remaining soldiers in the two lakes were not reusable. Speaking of Jiangxi's King Qin's army, the morale was still high, and The soldiers in Lianghu have lost all morale. They were suppressed and beaten by Zhen Lingdan before, and all their elites were lost. Now the soldiers in Lianghu are either deserters or bandits and refugees. It doesn¡¯t matter who they follow to fight. The important thing is to feed them. Of course Keeping food on the table is also very important. Anyway, it¡¯s all about dawdling. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 41: The more vicious rebels Zhen Lingdan heard the spies' military report and couldn't help but smile happily when he learned about the military appearance and discipline of the reinforcements. The army under his command was enough to annihilate the reinforcements. This was not a war, but a massacre. Choose The good "slaughterhouse" is between the Flame Mountain and the Fu Mountain. It is condescending between the two mountains. It will rush down like a tiger descending the mountain. It must be overwhelming. In front of it, use boulders and tree trunks to block the road, and put a raging fire. After they are in chaos, Leading his troops to block the back road, this formed a big pot, which could be used to fry the Ming army. When the spies came again to report that the Ming army had marched less than two miles, Zhen Lingdan rushed to the opposite side. The order flag was raised on Difu Mountain, and the answer on Fushan was ready. The Ming army marched into the middle of the two mountains to "die". Zhen Lingdan was naturally not polite. The huge rocks and wooden rockets were overwhelmingly shot down, and the artillery They also put stones on them, causing them to shoot upwards at an angle, and then formed a parabola and smashed into the Ming army. Although it was different from the powerful filled artillery shells studied by Fang Qingze, the solid iron balls dropped from the sky, and even the smashing and rolling made the troops dense. The Ming army suffered a huge loss. Cries, groans, and screams were mixed together. Zhen Lingdan's original plan of rushing down from the mountain to deal with the stubborn Ming army was useless. They saw that the Ming army had already surrendered before giving the order. The battle was fought extremely beautifully. The Ming army suffered less than half of its casualties and could not even see the shadow of the enemy. When it still had strength left, it was frightened and had no choice but to surrender. Zhen Lingdan gave the order They dropped their weapons, tied themselves and squatted aside. Seeing the complete defeat of the Ming army, a general beside Zhen Lingdan clasped his fists and said, "Commander, you are really clever. This is not a war. The imperial court is simply sending troops to us." Ah." Zhen Lingdan frowned and said, "It would be easier if we killed them all on the battlefield. Now that these people are alive, if we guard them, we will definitely waste our troops. If we train according to what you said, They, do you think this group of surrendering soldiers can be trained well in a short time?" The general shook his head, sighed and did not answer. Zhen Lingdan then said: "That's it, we are in the middle of a battle, and we can't guard it. They don't have time to train them properly. At the critical moment, they are afraid that they will not dare to fight to the death, but will turn against them. Then we will just shoot ourselves in the foot. In this case, pass my order and send a small team to collect the weapons. Military rations are ordered to select elite soldiers among the captives. The number should be controlled within a thousand. These soldiers should be integrated into our army. Only one person can be retained from every ten households. They must not be gathered together. In this way, we Then we can completely integrate these better soldiers into our army." "That's the order." The general answered with clasped fists, turned around and was about to go down to deliver the order. Then he thought about it and asked, "What about the remaining prisoners? "Do it." Zhen Lingdan replied coldly: "After everything is done, gather the remaining prisoners together and kill all of them." The general's body trembled, there were tens of thousands of names, but in an instant. I understand Zhen Lingdan's helplessness. Now that I belong to the rebels, I have no ability to keep this group of soldiers eating, drinking, and sleeping, and there are no idle troops to guard. Even the strategy of merging troops cannot annex so many people. It is really not easy to merge the troops, and the current massacre is the inevitable result. When the military rations were taken away, the weapons, armor, and horses were stripped of fodder, and the elite soldiers were singled out, buckets of kerosene were poured into tens of thousands of sergeants. Suddenly, A sergeant shouted: "Damn, run, these idiots are going to kill us all. "Only then did all the prisoners understand Zhen Lingdan's thoughts, and they all wanted to escape, but they were surrounded by enemy troops who were waiting in full formation. Because of their surrender just now, their own hands were tied up with ropes and strips of cloth. They were all like lambs waiting to be slaughtered. , he killed them at the neck, flames shot up into the sky, and hysterical screams resounded through the sky. Zhen Lingdan couldn't bear to watch anymore, but as a commander, if he wants to win the battle and protect his troops, such cruelty is an inevitable choice. , If you want to defeat an enemy that is several times stronger than you, you must be ruthless. He originally wanted to burn the prisoners to save the loss of bows and arrows. After all, his own ordnance was very insufficient, but seeing those writhing figures in the sea of ??fire was really Unable to bear it, Zhen Lingdan waved his hand and ordered thousands of arrows to be fired, ending the suffering of many people. Zhen Lingdan sighed, turned around and secretly wiped the tears from his two old eyes, then coughed lightly and ordered with a tremor in his voice. : "Everyone obeys the order, cleans the battlefield, advances to the southwest, ambush at Erlong Mountain and Tingzi Mountain, and wait for the arrival of Zhu Jianwen and Bai Yong's cavalry. "At this moment, Zhu Jianwen and Bai Yong did not rush back as Zhen Lingdan expected, but were ambushed by him. They had already seen through Zhen Lingdan's plan, but it was too late. The Ming Dynasty's army had already been killed. Although they have not seen the outcome, they can estimate it. They and the rebel guards in Jiujiang Prefecture kept scolding each other but did not attack each other. This battle was impossible to fight. The defenders left the city. If you die, the Ming army's attack will not succeed, and no one dares to be determined to destroy the entire army.It was a dead end, so he stayed for half a day and took a short rest. Bai Yong ordered the withdrawal. Only a few hundred people were left to monitor the movements of Jiujiang Prefecture. The rest of them retreated toward the north in a majestic and dusty manner. Zhen Lingdan sent out scouts , according to the report, it was learned that Bai Yong had already raised his troops to go north. Zhen Lingdan was shocked. He had had some dealings with Bai Yong, so when his subordinates asked him what kind of person Bai Yong was, Zhen Lingdan always said He said with a sarcastic face: "Slightly better than Qin Rufeng and others, but he is just a reckless man after all." But now, the Ming army has withdrawn from Jiujiang Mansion, which shows that they have seen through their own tricks, although the reinforcements have been The ambush was all over, but the plan that he thought was perfect was seen through, resulting in the commander and the excellent cavalry team surviving. Zhen Lingdan was surprised and a little unhappy at the same time. This kind of plan was not in line with Zhu's experience in the past few days. If he could see the plot, he would have seen it a long time ago. Why did he have to wait until now with the loss of troops and generals to suddenly realize it? It seems that Bai Yong, who had just arrived for support, must have seen the trick. Zhen Lingdan sighed: "Three Scholars Farewell" "Zhu Jianwen and Bai Yong give up on Jiujiang Mansion, which means two things. The first is to see through the ambush plan, and the second is that Zhu Jianwen may have to give up rescuing his father, Zhu Qixiang, if not for the second one. If you guess, it is even more terrifying. Either a large number of reinforcements are coming and they can surround Jiujiang Mansion with heavy troops, or they postpone the rescue plan first and merge with the reinforcements led by Lu Yunzhi to occupy the two lakes. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 42: Retribution is Coming Zhen Lingdan secretly thought: Jiangxi's public security is stable, especially after the incident in Jiujiang Prefecture, various places have stepped up their defenses, making it difficult to capture other areas. If she loses the two lakes again, wouldn't she have no foothold? Thinking about it, Zhen Lingdan broke into a cold sweat and quickly ordered: Send 40,000 people to Jiujiang Prefecture with food, grass and weapons to support. The rest will join me in taking Hubei and gather with the local elite soldiers and newly recruited recruits. To prepare an ambush, Zhen Lingdan was afraid that her information would be wrong. Lu Yunzhi led his army southward to occupy the two lakes, leaving him with no foothold, so he was anxious and wanted to run away. The army was separated, with one team heading east and one team heading west. In order to prevent Lu Yunzhi from besieging Jiujiang Prefecture and running out of ammunition and food in the city and forcing him to surrender, the troops that went to Jiujiang Prefecture to rescue were all excellent sergeants with guaranteed morale and discipline. Secondly, they also escorted most of the countless few soldiers in their hands. There was no need to determine the route to rescue Jiujiang Prefecture. At that time, the route they wanted to ambush Bai Yong and Zhu Jianwen was the closest one, so the army quickly moved forward along this road. Little did they know that This is a road of death with no return, and the cycle of retribution has been tried repeatedly. When the army entered between the two mountains, the leading officer still felt a hint of danger coming. Precisely because he was alert earlier, the first wave of ambush was only Covering the vanguard, Lu Yunzhi stood on Tingzi Mountain. He did not command in front of the formation like Zhen Lingdan. Instead, he sat there calmly playing the piano and drinking tea. The music he played was "General's Order", and the sound of the piano was melodious. Becoming excited, he used Qi to transmit sound, and the sound was loud and clear. Our soldiers were high-spirited, but the enemy's face was filled with despair. This time it was their turn to be ambushed. Zhen Lingdan, who was leading the troops heading east, did not expect it. After arriving, Lu Yunzhi also saw through his trick and contacted Bai Yong. The two of them acted separately. Lu Yunzhi led his troops from Hubei to slant down and occupied Erlong Mountain and Tingzi Mountain where Zhen Lingdan wanted to ambush. Bai Yong had other plans, and soon he could start a massacre. The Ming army did not rush down. Except for the huge rocks blocking the way and the kerosene blocking them, they did not fire an arrow or throw a stone. The officer shouted: "You surrender as soon as possible, otherwise I will be killed without mercy." The enemy's long line had not completely entered the encirclement, so they naturally ignored it. They were loyal enough to their military commander Zhen Lingdan, although they had not been together for a long time. Not long, but this old man who is old but strong, serious and kind, knows rewards and punishments well and commands well has been deeply engraved in the hearts of every soldier. If the military spirit is used, there is no fear. It can be said that Zhen Lingdan is truly a general. Also, Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly and said softly: "Let's fight one round first." The Divine Fire Flying Crow Crossbow Cart and the Repeating Fire Gun emerged from under the grass cover, and fired wildly at the ambushed sergeant, without a single shot. The soldiers went down to fight, and the tigers who used the terrain to go down the mountain were not used, because there was no need. With the support of Fang Qingze, the financial resources of the Ming Dynasty at this time were not comparable to those of the rebellious Zhen Lingdan. The murderous weapons came from a distance. , as if they didn¡¯t need money. When there was no pause, the only things that appeared in front of the rebels in the ambush were flowers of blood and comrades who fell to the ground. They no longer shared food, grass and ordnance, but fought desperately to break out of the encirclement. Those who had just entered the encirclement There were 40,000 people. At this moment, there were 5,000 dead and more than 10,000 injured. The rebels kept falling down, but the firepower of the Ming army still showed no sign of stopping. It was as if gunpowder, bows and crossbows were poured out for free. Next, the rebel generals are frightened. How can they fight this battle? They don't even need to send troops to fight. Just a long-range weapon bombardment has killed more than half of them. I'm afraid that today I can't even see the enemy, so I have to explain it here. , As they were thinking, suddenly the Ming army stopped attacking, and someone shouted again: "Surrender quickly, or no armor will be left." "There was still a trace of luck in the hearts of the rebels, who wanted to seize this opportunity to rush out, so no one answered, they just kept whipping the horses and yelling, while the infantry threw away their legs and ran desperately. The rebels threw away their helmets and armor and were in a panic, but they soon discovered that this was just a game of cat and mouse. No matter how they tried to escape, they could not escape from the Ming army's Wuzhishan. They rushed out of the valley entrance, but the slope on the north side There are thick metal pipes and barrels densely placed on it. It looks like there are forty or fifty of them. The rebels all know that these are artillery. Now that the team has just rushed out of the valley entrance, the people are very dense. At this moment, a single artillery shell will cost a lot. Human lives, not to mention these forty or fifty guns. The cannons fired and the rebels cried. Aren't the cannonballs solid? Why did the Ming army's cannonballs explode after they hit the ground? Countless pieces of iron killed and injured those who were running together. Soldiers, but there are still some knowledgeable veterans in the team. They are lying in the hole made by the previous shell. They know that this is the artillery designed by Fang Qingze. They have seen it in the battle a few years ago and remember it on the battlefield. Survival skills, that is, a shell fired from a cannon cannot hit a pit, and those who are running frantically for their livesThe soldiers were blown to pieces, or were hit by flying iron pieces and fell to the ground. Under the leadership of veterans, there were still many people jumping from one pothole into another newly blown pothole, but this law It is not that easy to use now, but it is rare to save some people's lives. The reason why it is not easy to use is because there are too many artillery pieces. It is simply a covering bombing. There is no room for them to jump back and forth. This time the Ming army did not shout anything if they did not surrender. The artillery shells, like the firecrackers and crossbows just now, were once again "thrown down" as if they were free of charge. Gradually, about two thousand people escaped from the range of the artillery. They turned back while running. It looked like all that was left of the comrades who had been alive just now were the cold corpses and the broken limbs scattered on the ground. The rebels looked in a mess, their bodies were covered in blood, and they didn¡¯t know whether it was their own or their comrades. Yes, many people were injured but didn't realize it. Their spirits were very tight and they didn't dare to be careless for a moment, so they couldn't feel the pain on their bodies at all. It seems that the Ming army wanted to kill them all. Hey, regret. We shouldn't have surrendered without removing our armor just now, but now we are risking our lives here. A general touched the blood on his face and said to the rebels beside him: "Brothers, don't be discouraged, we have escaped. The enemy is surrounding us. Let's leave this plain quickly and go into the mountains and forests so that they can't find us. We will wait until the military commander comes back to avenge our dead brothers." Originally, it was not the general's turn to say such encouraging words. , and he can only write about the old tune that a gentleman is never too late to take revenge after ten years, but now all the generals in the army are dead, and among the remaining people, he has the highest official position. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 43: Still Brothers As soon as the general finished speaking, he saw horses neighing and people shouting from the woods. Thousands of cavalry were killed from the edge of the woods. Bai Yong took the lead. He did not see his movements and saw many rebels on the opposite side in pieces. , was crushed on the spot, Bai Yong shouted: "Kill them all, avenge the dead brothers, don't let anyone escape into the mountains and forests." Once hiding in the mountains and forests, they can only fall into a long search of the mountains, the cavalry It is impossible to run in. Even the elite cavalry led by Bai Yong and Zhu Jianwen can only hide on the edge of the forest with sparse trees. It is impossible for horses to gallop on the densely forested mountain roads, but on the flat ground, the cavalry is the infantry. As soon as the natural enemy, a team of several thousand people, came out, the rebels gave up resistance and started to kill with despair in their eyes. In less than half an hour, the battle was over. After these three blows, Zhen Lingdan sent out rescuers All the 40,000 troops in Jiujiang Prefecture were annihilated. If Zhen Lingdan got the news at this moment, he would be so angry that he would vomit blood. The rescue of a poorly trained group of old, weak, sick and disabled soldiers who had just been destroyed by the Ming Army had to be rescued by his well-trained troops. The number of reinforcements with high morale was almost the same, and more importantly, Zhen Lingdan also lost the food and grass that she had worked so hard to obtain. Of course, Zhen Lingdan didn't know it at this moment, and was rushing to Hubei, intending to fight again. There was a beautiful ambush. Lu Yunzhi was dressed in a green robe, wandering around the battlefield full of corpses with his hands behind his back. He used a dagger to open a bag of military rations. He looked at the moldy and damp Chen Mi inside and shook his head helplessly, and then said to Bai Yong and Zhu Jianwen beside him said: "Zhen Lingdan lost, do you know why?" Zhu Jianwen cupped his hands and said seriously: "Because of the nine thousand-year-old miraculous plan, Zhen thief's vitality was annihilated and intercepted. Without his food, grass and weapons, he has been severely weakened and can no longer fight against the imperial court." Lu Yunzhi frowned, put his hand on Zhu Jianwen's forearm and asked: "Are we still brothers? Is it because of our previous political opinions? The fight has become unfamiliar, and the words are weird and polite. If you call me Jiu Qiansui, it will really chill me." Zhu Jianwen couldn't help but feel a little moved. To be honest, what he did before was not very authentic. A cruel person like Lu Yunzhi did not kill him all. Although he strictly controlled him but did not put him under house arrest, he was very kind. It seemed that he still regarded him as a brother. At this moment, when he heard Lu Yunzhi's question, Zhu Jianwen replied He said: "Yes, we will always be brothers, just like we were in the Zhongzheng lineage, just like we were in Jiujiang City, just like we were galloping on the battlefield." After saying this, Zhu Jianwen's eyes became moist, He likes to be a politician. For power and status, he has sacrificed too much and lost too much. He almost lost his trustworthy brother. Lu Yunzhi raised the corners of his mouth slightly, punched Zhu Jianwen lightly, and said There was no answer, everything was said in silence. Bai Yong didn't answer before. This was a matter between Lu Yunzhi and Zhu Jianwen. It was better to let them talk it over. Now that they had reconciled, Bai Yong grabbed a handful of millet and said: "It seems that Zhen Lingdan's life is hard enough. His soldiers can maintain such strict military discipline while eating such poor food, and their morale is very high. It's really rare. And I think his generals are also quite powerful. , if it weren't for the master's plan one after another, they would really have been allowed to run away. They realized that something was wrong before they could all enter the valley. This kind of keen judgment is an indispensable prerequisite for a general. To be fair, this I'm not as good as the rebel commander just now. " Lu Yunzhi nodded and said: "Bai Yong doesn't have to be modest. You can deal with Zhen Lingdan for a while, see through his scheme, and be in the same line of thinking with me. Only then can I successfully contact you. We two brothers worked together. In this game, your commanding ability is already very powerful, but heroes always exist. If you want to be the best in the world, you need to defeat many people, including me, Zhen Lingdan and me. Big brother Qu Xiangtian, keep working hard, brother. " After Lu Yunzhi finished speaking, he laughed heartily twice, and then said: "But Zhen Lingdan is indeed a good general. The reason why I said he will definitely lose is because he loses because he has no support and lacks financial resources. , Nowadays, wars are not only about morale and tactics, but also about the amount of financial resources invested. Except for the slight casualties of your cavalry today, our previous two rounds of attacks did not hurt a single soldier. Why is this? , we relied on the strength of the equipment, and all of this depends on sufficient financial resources and perfect transportation logistics. I think future wars will be like this. Just relying on the courage of an ordinary man will be destroyed sooner or later. The world has changed. Chen Guzi died. Everyone is not happy anymore, haha, in other words, with powerful weapons and supplies, many strategies will not work. The reinforcements you sent earlier were wiped out by Zhen Lingdan, but if we were besieged in the valley, , even if you fall into the trap, there is no need to panic. With artillery and ballistae alone, the two mountains and forests can be covered in all directions. His strategies will not work at all. So we not only have to fight, science and technology and economy are indispensable. "By the way, Bai Yong, if you encounter Zhen Lingdan in the future, don't kill him all at once"?. "Lu Yunzhi explained, Bai Yong said with a smile: "Why is my lord trying to take back things again? " Lu Yunzhi nodded slightly and replied: "Who wouldn't want to take talents as their own? Zhu Jianwen coughed lightly and asked, "Yun Yunzhi, how should we march next?" "Obviously Zhu Jianwen was a little uncomfortable with the title after the relationship had just been restored. Lu Yunzhi looked at him and replied: "Of course he went to Jiujiang. Uncle Zhu is still in their hands. We, the juniors, have to save him." ah. "As Lu Yunzhi walked away quickly to reorganize military affairs, Bai Yong followed closely and ordered the soldiers to carry the captured grain. Although the Ming army had all the supplies and didn't care about this, it was also good to use old rice to relieve the victims or feed the horses. Yes, the so-called don't panic when there is food at home, in short, you are prepared. Zhu Jianwen did not expect that Lu Yunzhi would not only settle the old feud with him, but also treat his father Zhu Qixian so tolerantly, and actually send his troops to rescue him, and in his words just now , and did not mention at all his guilt for causing the ambush and loss of the infantry of Lianghu and King Qin's army. Although Bai Yong was also involved in this, if it were not for his previous series of actions, I am afraid that he would not have suffered such heavy injuries, tens of thousands of heads. Even if he stretched his neck to let the enemy chop him, it would take several days, but he fell into the hands of Zhen Lingdan. Thinking of this, Zhu Jianwen secretly felt cruel. If he met Zhen Lingdan on the battlefield, he would have to kill him. There is no need to be superior. Zhu Jianwen raised his eyes and looked at Lu Yunzhi's leaving back. His eyes were a little moist again. He sighed and said to himself: "I am unkind, but you are righteous. I, Zhu, have lived in this world in vain." . " Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 44: The Master of the Five Ugly Meridians Jumps to the Clown The defenders of Jiujiang Prefecture had received the news that Zhen Lingdan was sending troops for reinforcements. Coupled with the fake tips they had received before, their confidence was greatly boosted. The soldiers were working hard to wait for the Ming army to attack. For literati these days, Taking the exam is the best way to enter the official career. For ambitious warriors, the prospect of following the rebellion is greater. The temptation is even greater than taking the military exam. After getting it, you will not know whether you will become a general or a marquis. It will come with high profits. It is also a high risk. If you succeed, you will be famous. If you fail, you will be dead. Even if the people you follow in the future reach the top of the Nine-Five-Year Plan, they will inevitably burn all the birds, cross the river and burn the bridge. But life is a gamble, and wealth and prosperity are temporary. Even if the villagers were killed, it would not be a loss. After all, it was successful. Do whatever you want. Therefore, the garrison commanders of Jiujiang Prefecture held the belief of coexisting with the city. They believed that when Zhen Lingdan's army came to rescue, it would be them. When they become famous and gain promotions, they don't know that the so-called reinforcements have been killed long ago. But for ordinary soldiers, these don't matter, as long as they have enough food and an enlightened general. , if you don¡¯t let yourself die because of his stupid command, then everything will be fine. Hit whoever you ask. During the days of following Zhen Lingdan, the sergeants admired him. Zhen Lingdan never put on airs except when commanding. , eating and living with the soldiers, no specialization, although the food is only old rice, it is better than eating at home without enough food. The two lakes were originally relatively wealthy places, but it was only because of rampant corrupt officials that it became like this In the situation where the adjutant forced the people to rebel, Daming made himself hungry, and the officials bullied the people and ran rampant in the countryside. Zhen Lingdan was completely different. Following him gave the soldiers hope. Everyone knew that this was a rebellion, but rebellion was Death, if you don¡¯t rebel, you will starve to death. You will die anyway. Besides, rebels will not necessarily die, at least they will not starve to death, so it is better to take a chance. Except for a few generals from the moderate faction under Zhen Lingdan, the people stationed in Jiujiang Prefecture are In addition, there are also the previous Wuchou Pulse Masters, the five old men who passed on the fake skin before. They originally passed the throne to their five apprentices in seclusion, but when the battle between Yu Qian and Lu Yunzhi came to an end, they Unable to sit still, all the new Wuchou lineage leaders were killed. Of course, it was not by Lu Yunzhi himself. He only sent a small team of Yinbu to wipe out all the Wuchou lineage in the capital. In front of the masters of Yinbu, The Wuchang branch, which had exhausted the elite in several battles many years ago, was nothing more than a mantis trying to use a chariot. Lu Yunzhi showed no mercy to them, and the Yinbu also insisted on carrying out the policy of exterminating them all. The former leader of the Wugong branch was completely mature. When they saw Lu Yunzhi gaining power, they began to panic. They thought that although they did not make any major contribution to Yu Qian and seriously injured the Zhongzheng lineage, they did not cause much trouble to Lu Yunzhi and others. Besides, there were many Zhongzheng people. The lives of the Yiline are in their own hands. Now the Zhongzheng Yiline has one hand covering the sky. If they think of all the deeds of their own side and they still don¡¯t pursue them, the Zhongzheng Yiline now wants to crush them to death like squeezing an ant to death. Moreover, Lu Yunzhi's intelligence work was very good. The Wuchang Pulse Master knew this, so he gave up the idea of ??running around. There was no way the dragnet would allow them to escape. What made the Wuchou Pulse Master even more agitated was that, The five new pulse masters were apparently their apprentices, but in fact they were their illegitimate children. They were particularly heartbroken that the white-haired man had sent the black-haired man to mourn his son. In addition, they were worried about the precarious situation, so when they learned that Zhen Lingdan had launched an army When the rebellion started, they immediately came to seek refuge. Originally, Zhen Lingdan, the master of the spiritual vein, was not too disdainful to associate with the master of the Wuchou vein. There were three reasons: First, these five people were cheating, not doing their job properly, and their behavior was inappropriate. Duan, Yu Qian pulled them into the gang that day purely because of the large number of people in their branch, and Yu Qian was in urgent need of manpower at the time. The second point was because these five people were really unscrupulous and had no ability to lead troops in combat. Even if they were ordinary people, I am afraid that none of the hundreds of households are qualified. The third reason is that the five people have never been loyal to anyone. Once a fight breaks out, they are afraid that they will defect and run away. They are not afraid of leaving, but they are afraid of leading ordinary soldiers. , disturbed the morale of the army, but the old comrades came to seek refuge, after all, there was a friendship of fighting together, Zhen Lingdan couldn't say anything, besides, although the Five Ugly Pulse Master was unbearable, he was still much more powerful than ordinary people. Even if he fought to the death, he could be used as an elite soldier. Later, Zhen Lingdan listened to the reasons why they came to seek refuge, and after careful screening, he believed their words and believed that their hatred could be used. However, Zhen Lingdan did not They were not given real power and were only allowed to do mindless things in the army. No, they were left in Jiujiang Prefecture to guard Zhu Qixiang in case Lu Yunzhi sent experts to rescue them. This job is most suitable for Wuchangmai. Master, the Wuchang Pulse Master didn't care, and was happy to perform such a leisurely job. When Lu Yunzhi led the crowd to gather in front of Jiujiang Mansion, the Wuchang Pulse Master felt that something was wrong, why the reinforcements that should have arrived were delayed Less thanSo he went to investigate in person late at night and found that his reinforcements had been completely wiped out, and the main force from the capital had already arrived at the city. So he did not return to the city to report, let alone command to defend the city. He just kept beating the horses and hurriedly rushed towards Zhen Ling. Dan's army rushed to where it was. Lu Yunzhi personally took command to attack Jiujiang. How long could Jiujiang hold on? The five of them ran for about two days and met Zhen Lingdan who was leading the army back. Zhen Lingdan's eyes widened and he scolded Why didn't the Wuchang Pulse Master stay in Jiujiang and ran over without giving a warning to the people in the city? The Wuchang Pulse Master gave a strong explanation, saying that he was worried about the main force Zhong Volt coming to report, without mentioning the fundamental reason that he was afraid of fighting. , Zhen Lingdan sighed and said: "I have many sergeants in Jiujiang Prefecture. We lost 40,000 people in the ambush earlier. If Jiujiang Prefecture is lost again, I'm afraid we will be so weak that we can't afford to make any trouble. What are you five doing?" I don¡¯t understand, there is a reason for the eggs to be completed when the nest is overturned. "In fact, Zhen Lingdan found out that she had been tricked not long after she went north. Lu Yunzhi advanced quickly and did not encounter Zhen Lingdan. So it wasn't Lu Yunzhi's plan that fell into his trap. In fact, it was Bai Yong who tricked Zhen Lingdan. This is why Lu Yunzhi said that Bai Yong had the same idea as him. It turned out that Bai Yong was defeated in Jiujiang Mansion. After that, he figured out Zhen Lingdan's strategy and expected that he would increase the defense of Jiujiang Prefecture. He originally wanted to fight with Lu Yunzhi, so he hatched a plan, pretending to go north to join forces, but actually went south to ambush. Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 45: Hostages at the City Wall Bai Yong knew that most of his men were cavalry, and the number was not too large. Naturally, an ambush could not completely kill the enemy's reinforcements, but it was good to let them suffer some losses. Finally, he could dissipate his previous cowardice, which he did not expect. Unfortunately, he and Lu Yunzhi coincided with each other. They both thought of an ambush and Zhen Lingdan's marching route. They met at Tingzi Mountain, and then they formulated a careful three-wave ambush plan. Zhen Lingdan really fell into the trap. Speaking of which, Bai Yong's skill in pretending to go north was really brilliant. Even Zhen Lingdan didn't see through it all at once. Bai Yong placed more than a hundred people under Jiujiang Mansion to monitor the movements of Jiujiang Mansion. They Most of them were dressed as light cavalry, coming and going quickly, while the large army marched towards the north in a mighty manner. Bai Yong and the others crossed the river to Hubei, and then followed Lu Yunzhi's marching route diagonally down, but In order to confuse Zhen Lingdan, Bai Yong still left more than 500 people and tied branches to their horse tails. There was a lot of distance between every two horses. As soon as the horses started running, the branches would sweep the ground back and forth. , it was so dusty that you could only see the length of the team in the distance, but you couldn¡¯t tell how sparse the team was due to the billowing smoke. In order to increase the realism, Bai Yong also ordered the 500 people to attack a few poorly defended buildings. The small town, and kept whizzing past the Zhen Lingdan garrison station just within sight. Zhen Lingdan ordered to catch up, but finally found the branches scattered on the ground, and immediately understood that this was just a The enemy was just pretending to be a large group of cavalry, but in fact there were not many of them. Since they are not here, where is the main force? And when did Lu Yunzhi come from Beijing? Zhen Lingdan broke out in a cold sweat thinking about it. He instantly felt like he was Trapped into a well-designed trap by them, Zhen Lingdan no longer wanted to plan to ambush Lu Yunzhi's troops. He felt that it was too risky. The plan for now was to protect his own troops. He made a plan. , prepared to lead several groups of troops that had arrived in Jiujiang Prefecture, and combined forces with Zhu Qixiang to go north to Xiangyang. It would be safer to hold on to the city. As for the reason why Jiujiang is joining forces now, it is because the large troops stay together and are more secure. It can make Zhen Lingdan feel more at ease. Zhen Lingdan did not dare to waste a moment and immediately led the army to retreat. The team was driven towards Jiujiang before they had time to stop and rest. It was really miserable. She saw it when she was exhausted. The Wuchang Vein Master came to report the news. Zhen Lingdan was extremely angry and suppressed the evil fire in her heart to prevent it from breaking out. Otherwise, she really wanted to chop off the five mushy heads of the Wuchou Vein Master with one knife. Zhen Lingdan didn't say anything else. He glanced at Wuchou Pulse Master and ordered the march to continue. Two flowers bloomed, one on each branch. Besides, under Jiujiang City, the Ming army pressed heavily and surrounded Jiujiang Prefecture. Of course, the rebels in Jiujiang Prefecture did not give up resistance and wanted to repeat the same trick. He used iron caltrops and the few pitiful soldiers to "cool" again, but this time he did not show up with the Ming army, so he lost a lot of troops and went in. As a result, the rebels in Jiujiang Prefecture closed the city gate tightly. They huddled in the city and did not dare to come out. They pushed Zhu Qixiang to the city wall and started a scolding battle with the Ming army. When they knew that their reinforcements were completely wiped out, they did not rush to surrender. Under the pressure of the Ming army's military power, they actually showed their strength. With the last trace of madness, the rebel leader was afraid of the skills of Lu Yunzhi and Bai Yong. He surrounded Zhu Qixiang with only one head exposed. His whole body was covered with steel knives. He tightened the knife in his hand when he heard any disturbance. , A sneer appeared at the corner of Zhu Qixian's mouth. Standing on the top of the city, he felt a bit like a hero dying with righteousness. However, he did not dare to move. Whenever he moved, he would be cut with blood lines by the sharp steel knife. Soon he would no longer He put on this posture, because the soldiers beside him were more nervous than him, and the sharp blades accidentally made many cuts on him. Zhu Qixian changed his expression to a frown, and the soldiers holding the knives If he continues to act like this, he will be executed in Lingchi. Zhu Qixiang knows that unless the city gates are opened wide at this moment and all the rebels surrender, he will not be able to escape death. He may be stabbed by overly nervous soldiers before the last moment. He was stabbed to death. Thinking of this, Zhu Qixiang's body trembled slightly. Suddenly, several steel knives behind him sank into his flesh. Zhu Qixiang almost had tears in his eyes because of the pain, so he didn't dare to move. Hey, you know how difficult it is to die. Only then did Zhu Qixian know the horror of death. After Yu Qian's defeat in the capital, Zhu Qixian thought about dying, but he never thought about dying in front of tens of thousands of people in such a scene. Soon Zhu Qixiang was no longer alone. His whole family was dragged into the city. A rebel general shouted at the Ming army: "Zhu Jianwen, you son of a bitch, you are unfilial. You saw your father being kidnapped." If you dare to lead troops in the city, retreat quickly or I will kill your father and make you infamy for eternity. " No one from the Ming army answered. Zhu Jianwen gritted his teeth and his eyes were about to burst into flames. Bai Yong and Long Qingquan cursed each other despicably and shamelessly. Then Long Qingquan said: "Brother-in-law, I'm going to do something. Come on, why don't you pretend to retreat and cover, and I'll try to rush to the city to see if I can succeed?? people. " Bai Yong nodded, thinking that this method is advisable. He has seen Long Qingquan's speed before. Maybe this inhuman speed is the way to save people. Lu Yunzhi shook his head and said, "No way. , although Qingquan¡¯s speed is amazing, if you cannot kill all the sergeants at once, Uncle Zhu will still be in danger of his life. Besides, if you are cutting too fast, there are many knife hilts around, and it is inevitable that you will not touch the knife that makes it stay in the air. If you hurt Uncle Zhu's life, even if you kill all the people who are holding you hostage, if you carry the hostages and escape at this speed, I'm afraid Uncle Zhu at his age will not be able to bear it. "My lord, you think this is good. Brother Long Xian is in front, and my lord and I will follow. After rescuing the people, we will stop the siege from the people around us. My lord, you and Uncle Zhu will retreat to the camp." "Bai Yong said," Lu Yunzhi coughed slightly and said, "But the first two points I mentioned before still cannot be solved. I am afraid that during the rescue, Uncle Zhu will be seriously injured or even killed." "In this series of conversations, Lu Yunzhi no longer called Zhu Qixiang the king, but restored the title of uncle Zhu. This made Zhu Jianwen's brows slightly calmer. Zhu Jianwen said at this moment: "Even if What if I can save my father and the others? Besides, if you get hurt again, then my sin will be huge. " Bai Yong blinked and asked: "Lao Zhu, how can there be anyone else, let alone your father's concubine, what are you doing to save her? And your brothers, I heard that even though they are young, they are not a good thing. Let's leave it alone and let's study how to rescue uncle. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 46: Liu Bang¡¯s Choice A helpless smile appeared on Zhu Jianwen's face and he said: "If it's just them, I won't save them. There is still my wife in the city. Although we are a husband and wife for a hundred days, I have to save her." Except for Lu Yunzhi. Except for knowing it through eyeliners, no one else knew about it. Long Qingquan was not very familiar with Zhu Jianwen, so he looked at the conversation in confusion. Bai Yong only heard Lu Yunzhi say briefly after returning to Beijing. At this moment, Bai Yong looked at Zhu Jianwen with dumbfounded eyes and asked: "When did you get married?" Zhu Jianwen smiled bitterly and replied: "After returning to Jiujiang a few days ago, I married a wife. The daughter of a well-known and prosperous family. "The power of the King Tong lineage has declined, and naturally no one is interested in Zhu Jianwen's marriage. This is in sharp contrast to the past situation. The so-called famous and prosperous family is just a nice word, but it is actually a person. In a failed official family, the women were of average beauty. Zhu Jianwen was indifferent to his wife, but now there is a trace of love between husband and wife. Zhu Jianwen did not abandon it and was considered a man. Lu Yunzhi said Looking at Zhu Jianwen's seemingly calm face, he knew that his heart must be like a sea of ??suffering at this moment. He couldn't bear to pat Zhu Jianwen on the shoulder and said, "I've made you suffer, brother." Zhu Jianwen did not answer, but also patted Zhu Jianwen with his backhand. He patted Lu Yunzhi on the shoulder, an action he hadn't done for a long time. It was both unfamiliar and familiar, "This won't work, and that won't work either. What do you think you should do?" Long Qingquan was young after all, and couldn't help shouting in annoyance. Get up, "For the current plan, we can only negotiate with them and let them release some people first, and we will withdraw first." Lu Yunzhi said softly, everyone paused, and Zhu Jianwen felt a little incredible, Lu Yunzhi withdrew his troops for his own sake, and the army retreated according to the order. Zhu Qixiang looked at the army preparing to retreat slowly under the city, and clearly heard the Ming army messenger's shouting to the Jiujiang rebels. Zhu Qixiang knew that he was the last Chips, after all, the rebels will not let him go. At most, he will let his concubine's son and Zhu Jianwen's wife go. Anyway, he will die, so it is better to use his own death to wake up Zhu Jianwen and let him His son became an out-and-out politician. "See and hear." Zhu Qixiang no longer feared the countless spear-headed steel knives around him, and shouted loudly: "My son, do you still remember the story of Liu Bang?" There was already a little bit of blood, which was the mark of being injured by a sharp object because Zhu Qixian was too excited. When Zhu Jianwen heard this, his tiger body trembled, and his thoughts flew back to his childhood. Zhu Qi, who was the king of Wu at that time Mr. Xiang loves to hold himself in his spare time, telling himself one allusion after another while showing a kind smile. His father always likes to say: "Reality is just a repeat of history. You will always find what is happening now in history." "So Zhu Jianwen often heard about the deeds of emperors and the family history of powerful officials. Even after he came to the Zhongzheng lineage, Zhu Jianwen was still keen on studying this. Zhu Jianwen was still called Zhu Jianwen at that time. Although his father, Zhu Qixiang, was not a direct descendant, he was also a descendant of the great emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, so his name always followed the ancestor's seniority and five-element naming method. Even if someone in the court pretended to be orthodox, The smooth Zhu Qixian still went his own way in this matter and was tough to the end. Zhu Jianwen later understood that this is a belief and a confidence in the future. If the name is not correct, the words will not be correct. Not only the name, but also the name We must also be orthodox, and be fully prepared at all times to monopolize power in the future, and even to ascend to the Ninth Five-Year Plan. Of course, if it is to climb the high branches of the Zhongzheng line, changing the name is insignificant compared to the Zhongzheng line, so this was changed to Zhu Jianwen, as a descendant of Zhu Yuanzhang, Zhu Jianwen likes to hear not only the history of his ancestors' fortunes, but also the history of a person's struggle. This person is Liu Bang. Like Zhu Yuanzhang, Liu Bang is also a grassroots emperor, and in comparison Under the circumstances, Zhu Yuanzhang's anger, bravery and super administrative ability were not as thorough as Liu Bang's thick and black. Zhu Jianwen believed that the most important thing for an emperor was to drive others, rather than lead the way like Emperor Taizu Gao. Doing it himself, Zhu Qixian once asked Zhu Jianwen a question: Why did Liu Bang abandon his children and his wife when he was being chased by Xiang Yu? Even his father Liu Taigong was caught and the other party wanted to cook Liu Bang's father, but Liu Bang didn't He was moved, without any panic or emotion. Zhu Jianwen replied at that time: "Because Liu Bang is very smart and knows that Xiang Yu's weakness is that he is too arrogant. As long as he does not die, Xiang Yu will not kill his wife and father. If he kills Well, people in the world would definitely say weird things like killing someone's family if they can't defeat them. Therefore, Liu Bang ignored it. This was his brilliance. His escape resulted in the death of Lu Pheasant and Liu Taigong. Safety. " Zhu Qixiang nodded and said something that Zhu Jianwen will never forget: "What you said makes some sense, but my son, in fact, in my opinion, Liu Bang is not a good person at all.He cares too much about his family, a person who has the world in mind. In his opinion, there is nothing more important than the world. Family and friends are like passing clouds. These are not important. Liu Bang wants to live because he is selfish and because he You need to save your life to take over the world. This is what I admire about Liu Bang. Some people may say that he is ruthless and unjust, but when Liu Bang sits on the position of the Nine-Fiveth Emperor, who dares to say this? People will only praise Liu Bang. Wisdom, as you guessed, justice always belongs to the winner. Son, remember, if you want to be powerful, you must have the belief that you have no father and no king. Otherwise, you will always make wedding clothes for others and obey orders. I'm just another person. If one day I am caught, I hope you can be more ruthless and vicious than Liu Bang. " "My son has seen and heard," Zhu Qixian wanted to shout something else, but his jaw was knocked off by the rebels on the side. He could only keep roaring from his throat. Zhu Jianwen's body was shocked again after hearing this, and his thoughts changed from his memories. He pulled it out and walked silently to the side. Lu Yunzhi felt sour in his heart. In fact, he wanted to order an attack on the city because the defenders of Jiujiang Prefecture could not catch his eye at all. But once Zhen Lingdan's army arrived, , these people can become effective forces to kill his own soldiers, but for Zhu Jianwen, Lu Yunzhi still can't be ruthless. He can be cruel to the enemy, but he can't be so cruel to Zhu Jianwen. If his brother's father is killed because of him, After death, Lu Yunzhi would fall into deep self-blame. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 47: The King without Brothers In fact, Lu Yunzhi's heart is still as kind as before, but many things are forced to give people the illusion of being cunning, cunning, and ruthless. Of course, among them are the hardships of life, the tempering of gold and iron horses, political intrigues, and the nightmare in his body. All the existences played a role in fueling the flames, making Lu Yunzhi's heart harder and harder, his mind deeper and deeper, making people unpredictable. However, Lu Yunzhi could not be cruel to his own people. Zhu Jianwen was like this, and the same was true for Xu Youzhen, who was not a brother. Therefore, after Lu Yunzhi threatened the rebels in Jiujiang Prefecture to no avail, he decisively ordered the withdrawal, for fear of hurting Zhu Qixiang's life and making Zhu Jianwen more sad. Lu Yunzhi He rode away with the big banner fluttering in the wind. Following him, Bai Yong, Long Qingquan and others left silently. They were all helpless. Lu Yunzhi whipped the horse and said behind him: "Bai Yong Qingquan, remember this is the soldier." , do whatever it takes, even such despicable tricks must be used. There is no morality at all in a life-and-death battlefield. Simple and effective methods are the best. " Bai Yong Long Qingquan nodded, especially when Long Qingquan passed by here. After a few days of military life, he deeply understood the truth that either you die or I die, so now his sword moves are becoming more and more cunning and vicious. Hero is just a good name. Living is the most important thing. Don't kill. The one who died was himself. At this moment, a sudden artillery sound rang out. Everyone turned around and looked in great surprise. Zhu Qixiang, Zhu Jianwen¡¯s wife and their entire family on the tower were instantly joined by the rebels guarding them. For the ashes, Lu Yunzhi shouted: "Who fired the cannon?" When he galloped to the cannon, he found Zhu Jianwen sitting next to the cannon with tears streaming down his face. He kept repeating in his mouth One sentence: "Father, the child will remember, the child will remember." Zhu Jianwen made his own decision. Between power and the lives of his family, he chose power. He understood that if Zhen Lingdan succeeded in annihilating Zhen Lingdan this time, he would immediately If he achieves great service, he will be rewarded by the court and valued by Lu Yunzhi, so he will return to the political stage of the Ming Dynasty. However, on the contrary, if he is hampered everywhere because of Zhu Qixiang's relationship, not only will he not be able to save his father's life, but he will also Nothing has been accomplished. Although he and Lu Yunzhi have settled their differences, the most he can do is become a relatively powerful idle king. It is definitely not the prosperous age when he commanded the kings of the world. Zhu Jianwen thought to himself: Now in order to win the war, Shengli, who killed his wife and father by shelling, Lu Yunzhi will definitely feel deeply guilty about this, because if he hadn't used him, how could he have caused his family of princes to die in Jiujiang City? Under this kind of guilt Next, I will definitely be able to regain my previous strength and become the new king, even better than before, because Lu Yunzhi owes me. Of course, I will no longer succumb to Lu Yunzhi, even if he is my brother. But how can brothers of the same generation compare to a father who has raised me up, and how can he compare to a wife who shares the same bed with me, Lu Yunzhi, why can you hold great power, why can you rule the world, why do you say a few words to me? He was deposed as an idle king. This is wrong, this is unreasonable. Whose credit is it for your power now? It is my credit, it is Qu Xiangtian¡¯s credit, it is Fang Qingze¡¯s credit, and secondly it is your Lu Yunzhi¡¯s credit. Thinking about what he had after his family was destroyed, it was just a magic that was not as good as it is now, but it was useful. Later, he pieced together an army. Although that army was extremely brave and was called the heavenly soldiers, there was no My own efforts in the Shandong battlefield, without the restraint of Qu Xiangtian's troops coming to Nanjing, and without Fang Qingze's financial resources that rivaled the country, how could Lu Yunzhi win, and why did he become the leader of everyone after the victory? These are all Why, I no longer surrender to him, I want him to look up to me, not yet, but when the time comes, I will definitely do something when I regain the power in my hands, and I will never live up to the truth that my father has given me his life, and I will never let him His old man died in vain, Lu Yunzhi, I will fight for the position of king. Even if we are brothers, I'm sorry, a real king and powerful ministers have no brothers. Although Zhu Jianwen was upset in his heart, his face remained as usual and he still just sat there. Tears were streaming down on the ground. He didn't cry loudly but cried silently. This was the saddest thing. He imagined that one day he could cover the sky with one hand and even reach the rank of Ninth Five-Year Plan. Then he would not need Lu Yunzhi's favor. But I spared his life and said something like you are still my brother. He has changed. Under this situation, Zhu Jianwen¡¯s change is understandable. At this time, Lu Yunzhi did not know what Zhu Jianwen was thinking. He just Shocked by Zhu Jianwen's actions, after a moment of silence, Lu Yunzhi suddenly let out a loud shout: "Attack the city, the rebels in Jiujiang City will not leave any armor, and the rebels will be cut into pieces. "After saying that, he raised his horse and whipped his horse and Bai Yonglong Qingquan took the lead and rushed towards Jiujiang. This was a battle without any suspense. The rebels who had no chips were frightened and were quickly wiped out by the elite soldiers led by Lu Yunzhi. They were all exhausted, and it can be said that those who died in battle, but those rebels who were injured, captured or raised their hands to surrender,They were all pulled out of the city and cut in half to comfort Zhu Qixian's soul in heaven, hoping that this would make Zhu Jianwen's injured heart feel better. Zhu Jianwen remained silent until after dinner that night, he suddenly said: "Yunzhi, Let me be a pioneer officer. I think only by achieving great military exploits can my father smile." Lu Yunzhi nodded and wanted to agree. Although Zhu Jianwen's military character is not suitable for a pioneer officer, there has been sorrow since ancient times. The saying "A war must be won", the pain of losing his father and the hatred of losing his wife may make Zhu Jianwen extremely brave. Besides, he has himself in charge, so Lu Yunzhi does not have too many worries. When Lu Yunzhi was about to speak, suddenly something happened The guard walked into the account and clasped his fists and said: "Commander, we have an urgent report from the court." Lu Yunzhi was slightly stunned and asked the propaganda officer to enter the account. He counted with his fingers. Everyone looked sideways at Lu Yunzhi's expression. He slowly opened his eyes, shook his head in confusion and said: "There are two military reports. One is about the unrest in Guangdong, Guangxi and Southern Xinjiang. The other one I didn't calculate. The people involved are worse off than me. What is it? Who is it?" At this time, the herald had already walked into the tent, handed over the official document and said with clasped fists: "I would like to report to the Young Master, the refugees in the southern border of Guangdong and Guangxi are in rebellion, and the government is unable to suppress it. They are asking for help from the imperial court, and the melee in Wala has stopped. Recently, there have been Dozens of groups of cavalry harassed our border county, and Duke Zhongguo had sent troops to garrison them, but there were Mongolian ghosts and wizards involved, so he asked Master Lu for help. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 48: Chaos in the World Lu Yunzhi narrowed his eyes slightly and fell into deep thought. Bai Yong waved his hand and asked the herald to go down and rest. At this time, Zhu Jianwen said: "Other than the guardians Qimude and Qiyan, who else can make you unable to figure out the ghost witch? , Could it be that they are causing trouble?" "No, although I can't calculate the details of the two of them, I can get a rough idea. Qi Yan and Qi Mu De are currently in a hostile relationship, but there is someone behind Qi Yan. , very powerful, I can't figure it out, this person is not much worse than Meng He," Lu Yunzhi said, Zhu Jianwen took a breath and said: "After Meng He died, could there be another one among the ghosts and witches? Weird man, why did he suddenly appear in the past few years? But it is really troublesome. Now the rebellion in the two lakes is unsolved, and both the north and the south are in turmoil. Yunzhi, what are you going to do? " Lu Yunzhi frowned. Wrinkle, and seemed a little upset. Ever since Qi Mu De instigated Ala Vocational College to kill Ye Xian and Qi Mu De to assassinate Meng He, all the tribes were in chaos and working on their own affairs. Qi Yan, who was physically disabled, came back and became a mortal enemy of Qi Mu De. To avenge Meng He, several hall masters also had their own supporters, and even the envoys mobilized troops to support a certain tribal leader. The once powerful Wala suddenly fell into pieces and became a complete mess. The turmoil in Wala showed that the Mongols like to have inner The nature of fighting has returned to the state before Temujin became Genghis Khan. The ghost witches, as spiritual and magic leaders, are now divided. As a result, the surrounding Mongolian countries are like Tatars, and Yili is also in turmoil because of the divisions of the ghost witches. These The country was divided into several factions and devoted themselves to the quagmire-like battlefield of Oara. The Ming Dynasty liked to see the result of this chaos. After all, in this way, there was no need to worry about the Mongolian cavalry commanding their troops south, but it would bring There are also disadvantages, that is, the original national legal system and order on the Mongolian grassland have all disappeared. Without a stable political power, no one can restrain those athletes on horseback. They have no production capacity, because the war has eliminated the channels for trade, or in other words They no longer traded patiently, but once again began to plunder the border in batches. Lu Yunzhi hated this behavior deeply, because his childhood was transformed from the invasion of these Tartars. If not for this, perhaps a family The five members of the family are still living happily in the northwest, so deep down in his heart, Lu Yunzhi hates the Mongols. This kind of burning, killing, humiliating and looting behavior is even more intolerable to him. If Lu Yunzhi is to sum up, the consequences of this situation are The root cause lies in the inaction of the border guards and the weakness of the court. During the most turbulent years in Wala, he and Yu Qian stood side by side in the court, so some of Lu Yunzhi's ideas were not feasible for the time being, but the two reached an agreement on this issue. Consensus, a strong counterattack against Oara, tribes who dared to invade the territory of the Ming Dynasty would be punished no matter how far away they were. From then on, few large-scale cavalry dared to approach the border of the Ming Dynasty. However, small groups of Mongolians who turned into bandits were still banned repeatedly. Lu Yunzhi defeated Yu Qian , after he truly took over the power, he issued a policy, which was to order the Walas tribes to manage their own people and open up commercial markets between the Ming Dynasty and Mongolia, which were the trade channels controlled by Dong De. Of course, if there were only simple orders, it would not be possible. It worked. Lu Yunzhi's second step was to claim that anyone who came to do business was welcome. The Ming Dynasty would not interfere in the government affairs of Oara, but if any tribe dared to plunder, the Ming Dynasty would intervene. Supported the plundering of hostile tribes and destroyed them. At first, the Mongols did not believe in Lu Yunzhi's determination. They thought that the Ming Dynasty was good at defending the city, but once the horses started galloping, they would not be able to do it. Such threats were just to scare people. Well, the facts proved that they were wrong. After Lu Yunzhi united with the hostile tribes and wiped out several tribes that dared to offend the Ming Dynasty, no one dared to harass the Ming Dynasty border again. Therefore, it was only after Shi Heng developed that He was willing to send his nephew Shi Biao to guard Datong. Guarding the border without war was a precursor to a rise in power. At this time, the war broke out again. Could something happen in Wala, so that they could unite and no longer care about the result of being destroyed, and no longer fear the Ming Dynasty? Lu Yunzhi thought for a long time about the power of the army and said: "Whether it is east, west, east or west, if he fights, I will fight. However, our Ming Dynasty has limited military strength, and there are too many places to defend in the vast territory. If we go deep into Mobei, we may not have enough troops. Guangdong, Guangxi and southern Xinjiang really had no time to take care of it, so they ordered people to hurry up and notify my elder brother to send troops to help me put down the chaos in the south. The prosperity of Jiangnan is the focus of my Ming Dynasty's food and economy, and there is no room for loss. " "In addition, I will return to Beijing today to stabilize the government, and provide dispatch and support to places where war is in progress at any time to prevent officials at all levels from failing to do their jobs. Bai Yong and Qingquan will stay here to continue suppressing bandits. Zhen Lingdan has been seriously injured, Qingquan You should learn more from Bai Yong. I think Bai Yong may not win easily, but he will win in the end. "Lu Yunzhi continued, "When Zhu Jianwen heard that there was no personal matter of his in the arrangement just now, he hurriedly asked: "What about me?" ¡± Lu YunzhiHe smiled slightly and said: "Old Zhu, don't be anxious. You come with me to Beijing to pay homage to the general and lead the troops to support the war in northern Xinjiang." After Zhu saw and heard, he paused and asked: "Why don't you leave me on the battlefield of the two lakes? I want to personally exterminate the rebellious party to repay the country's favor and vent my family's hatred." "The battle in Northern Xinjiang is more suitable for you. You are extremely angry and eager to serve. You should have been allowed to stay in the two lakes as you wished, but the current situation has changed. , everything must focus on the overall situation. Your combat methods are too cautious. Although you must be passionate now, it is easy to be blinded by anger. Even if you calm down, you cannot do it based on your personality and habits. In a quick battle, although Zhen Lingdan will be defeated in the end through a tug-of-war, the battle will be delayed too long. Bai Yong is different. He likes to assault and rush, and makes good use of surprise troops, which can speed up the progress of the battle. , Zhen Lingdan not only knows ordinary military tactics, but also is good at innovation. He sees that you will suffer too much if you fight him. Bai Yong is different. He doesn't play according to common sense. Zhen Lingdan can't figure out his ideas, so he has no idea. To deal with the mistake, the two of them have no other choice but to confront each other head-on. This situation is beneficial to our Ming Dynasty." Lu Yunzhi explained, "Zhu was still a little unwilling to accept the news and asked: "Actually, I don't care. It's the same no matter how loyal you are to your country. My father's death is a contribution to the overall situation. I just want to make a contribution on the battlefield where my father died because of it. But if you ask me to go to Northern Xinjiang, is it difficult? Am I better suited to deal with those Tatars?" Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 49: Brothers work together to cut off gold Lu Yunzhi breathed a sigh of relief. Zhu Jianwen did not insist on killing Zhen Lingdan to sacrifice Zhu Qixian's spirit in heaven. Regarding Zhen Lingdan, Lu Yunzhi still wanted to take him as his subordinate. Zhen Ling Dan was good at running the army, and he attached great importance to friendship, and his tactics and military skills were also very good. If he got help from this person, he would definitely be able to fill the vacancy of the few generals under his command. However, the rebels kidnapped Zhu Qixiang, which indirectly caused Zhu Qixiang died. For this, Zhen Lingdan, who formulated the master plan, cannot escape the blame. If Zhu Jianwen wanted revenge, Lu Yunzhi couldn't say anything. It happened that there was chaos in Northern Xinjiang, so he took the opportunity to take revenge. Zhu Jianwen transferred away from the battlefield of Lianghu to save Zhen Lingdan's life. However, although it is easy to get a thousand armies but it is difficult to find a general, Lu Yunzhi will not send him indiscriminately just because he wants to conquer a Zhen Lingdan. He Wenwen has his own reasons for going to Mobei to fight, "Listen to me slowly, He Wenwen." Lu Yunzhi said: "The Mongols are mostly cavalry, and their fighting methods are all fast-moving methods. Their warriors have been on horseback since childhood. Growing up, both riding and archery skills were far better than our Ming Dynasty officers and soldiers. They generally like to carry two kinds of arrows and two kinds of bows. This is the tradition left by Genghis Khan. One is the straight bow and the other is the vertical shooting. Yes, let¡¯s not show it for now. Just talk about the horse bow. There is a lot of knowledge. With the horse bow equipped with two types of arrows, when attacking, shoot light arrows upward to kill enemies in the distance. Shoot while running to kill some enemies first. Then wait until they are closer, then switch to heavy arrows and shoot directly, and finally mount the saber. If the force is not as strong as the opponent, they will retreat after one round of attack, always keeping within an arrow's reach of the pursuers. Some of our ordinary cavalry can't even shoot from horseback. , you have to rein in your horses before you dare to shoot. Even if you dare to ride and shoot, it's useless. They are shooting while running, and they are just a stone's throw away from us. Our arrows can only hit the horse's hoof prints, and we can't catch up with them at all. The Mongols are different. They are running ahead and shooting arrows. We are chasing them head-on and looking for the arrows ourselves. Therefore, the Mongolian cavalry has always been extremely powerful. We need to use several times the force to defeat them. " Lu Yunzhi coughed lightly. He also said: "If Bai Yong were sent to Northern Xinjiang, even though his assault method was correct and he could fight the Mongolian Tatars, the quality of his soldiers would not be able to keep up. But Zhen Lingdan is different. His cavalry It's better for us to use our own strengths to attack the enemy's weaknesses. This is the right approach. Our firearms are more powerful than the Mongolian tribes and we have more soldiers than them. I have seen and heard that your advantage of moving forward step by step can be put to good use. We only need to strengthen the stronghold layer by layer. Just push forward. When the war between the two lakes and southern Xinjiang is calmed down, we can concentrate on dealing with these Tatars. Several raids will defeat them in the desert. You are the defender. The war in Mobei is really suitable for you, but I Don¡¯t force it. If you insist on staying in Lianghu, I agree, but everything must be based on Bai Yong¡¯s plan.¡± Zhu Jianwen thought for a moment and nodded. After all, if you go to Mobei to take charge of the power alone, you have to obey orders in Lianghu. You don't need to think about which of Yu Baiyong's arrangements is more conspicuous. Besides, he and Lu Yunzhi have just reconciled. If he does not listen to the announcement on this matter, it will not be conducive to his own development. Besides, following Lu Yunzhi After entering the capital, he paid homage to the general and led the troops, and he truly returned to the political stage. This was exactly what he had dreamed of, and it was also the reason why his father, Zhu Qixiang, sacrificed his life. After everything was arranged, everyone dispersed, and Lu Yunzhi personally sent him out of the camp. Let everyone make some preparations and then go their separate ways. Suddenly an eagle screamed and soared down from the sky. Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly, protected his arms with soft armor, stretched out his arms and waited for the eagle to land. The eagle landed on Lu Yunzhi On his arms, there was a rebellious and unruly look. Lu Yunzhi's smile became more meaningful. He untied the bamboo tube from the eagle's leg, and then ordered his men holding halberds to feed the eagle meat. Everyone stopped to look at it. Lu Yunzhi asked: "Who uses an eagle to deliver messages? Really?" "Haha, who else but my eldest brother has the courage to send an eagle, the overlord of the sky, as a messenger? People fly doves to deliver messages, and my eldest brother flies eagles to deliver messages. It's really unique. "Lu Yunzhi opened the bamboo tube and read ten lines at a glance. After a while, Lu Yunzhi laughed up to the sky again, and then said to everyone: "My eldest brother is indeed my eldest brother. He knows that the two lakes are in turmoil, although he doesn't know that Northern Xinjiang is also in danger. , but he still sent me timely rain. We don¡¯t need to ask my eldest brother to send troops to quell the chaos. He said that he would send troops to guard southern Xinjiang and let me concentrate on the two lakes. " Several people were also very happy and danced to the big thumbs one after another. The brothers worked together to break the gold. Lu Yunzhi's sworn brother Qu Xiangtian was really worthy of the trust. The next day, everyone made arrangements. Lu Yunzhi and Bai Yong After talking secretly for an hour, he took Zhu Jianwen and set sail back to Beijing. Not only did the capital need his dispatch and supervision, but also because there was someone who had not been dealt with for a long time. It is better to make the mess worse than to make it worse. Han Yueqiu, your death has come. The hatred of seizing his wife is either unbearable or unbearable. A few days later, Qu Xiangtian beamed with joy. He took Murong Yunfei's hand and said, "Yunfei, you are so kind. It seems that I have wrongly blamed you before. At this critical moment You support me so much in sending troops to help my third brother. How can I thank you for this? ?? ? ? Murong Yunfei nodded and said: "That's natural. You are sworn brothers. We should help with this. Besides, southern Xinjiang is very close to us. We are also subjects of the Ming Dynasty. It is our duty to send troops to suppress it." "As expected. My wife, indeed, I heard that Zhen Lingdan is causing trouble in the two lakes. Now that Guangdong, Guangxi and southern Xinjiang are in chaos, Yun Zhi must be in a hurry. If we, the eldest brother and sister-in-law, don¡¯t help, who will help? Besides, I have beaten all the countries in Nanyang. I'm on the sidelines. If I'm not allowed to lead the army in the war, I'll probably be sick. If I have this opportunity, I can show off my skills and have fun again." Qu Xiangtian waved his fist and said with a laugh, "Murong. The smile on Yun Fei's face became warmer, but she was very conflicted in her heart. This was an opportunity. She might be able to open up new territories and achieve hegemony. She was homesick, but the Murong family couldn't tolerate a traitor like her. , if you want to go back, you must leave Qu Xiangtian, but this is impossible. For now, only by becoming the wife of a head of state can you return to your hometown in glory for political reasons and be accepted by the tribe. Now, although they really have control over After all, this was a barbaric land in southern Xinjiang, and it was not enough to attract the attention of Timur's Murong family. Only by occupying the territory of the Ming Dynasty would they be immortal. Only merit can make the Murong family take it seriously. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 50: Returning to Beijing to discuss matters The main reason for sending troops to Guangdong and Guangxi was not a simple power grab caused by Murong Yunfei's desire to return home in glory. She loved Qu Xiangtian very much and would rather be reviled by the world or give her life than to allow Qu Xiangtian to do anything wrong. , but every time I woke up, I was covered in cold sweat, and the nightmares all night were replays of Qu Xiangtian being defeated and killed, and the murderer was Lu Yunzhi, so Murong Yunfei must let Qu Xiangtian send troops to southern Xinjiang and Guangxi, Acquire a larger territory and a relatively wealthy place, so that you can have enough money to station troops. The more soldiers you have, the safer Qu Xiangtian will be. Murong Yunfei firmly believes in this truth. At the same time, you can also use your own connections to form alliances. Timur created political and diplomatic pressure on Lu Yunzhi, making it impossible for Lu Yunzhi to move to the sky. Although Guangdong and Guangxi are not as rich as the south of the Yangtze River, nor as rich in mineral resources as the north, and are often invaded by bandits and pirates, they are so skinny. Camels are bigger than horses, and no matter how bad they are, they are much better than small countries like Annan. Therefore, Murong Yunfei was the first to propose the decision to send troops to help the Ming Dynasty quell the war on the southern front, and supported the sending of troops with all the strength of the country. Murong Yunfei naturally couldn't help it. I hope that brothers Qu Xiangtian and Lu Yunzhi will turn against each other, but they must be on guard against others, especially for their lover. Now they can send troops to quell the unrest on the southern front, but if they want to occupy it, they will have to spend a lot of money. Persuading Qu Xiangtian, maybe the imperial court will send troops to fight with Qu Xiangtian to form a containment force, so now is not the right time. The eagle that sent the letter flew back. The eagle that sent the letter to Qu Xiangtian's gang before The news of Lu Yunzhi's counterinsurgency has now also sent back Lu Yunzhi's answer, which is naturally a reply to Qu Xiangtian's request for sending troops to help. The content of the letter is mostly words of thanks, but Murong Yunfei saw something His eyes lit up when he saw it: Wala also attacked the Ming Dynasty. Murong Yunfei was a little annoyed. If he had known better, he should not have taken the initiative to ask for a battle. Now that the imperial court was surrounded by enemies from both sides and had too much time to care about, it had no time to take care of southern Xinjiang and Guangxi. Will the Ming Dynasty beg him to send troops? It's not better. Rushing to send troops on your own seems to be a bit evil. Will Lu Yunzhi become suspicious? But it's not bad now. You can march with full power without worrying about the court's decentralized supervision. By the way, this is an opportunity. When the opportunity came, Murong Yunfei was in a good mood. She laid out the territory of the Ming Dynasty and followed Qu Xiangtian to formulate a battle plan. It must be said that most of Qu Xiangtian's success in these years is due to Murong Yunfei. It was she who stabilized the rear. It was she who consolidated many factors such as politics and economy. In short, if it were not for Murong Yunfei, Qu Xiangtian's achievements would not have been possible. Speaking of the capital, Lu Yunzhi had already hurried back at this moment, all the way to the Zhongzheng Yiline House. At that time, he found that the door was full of sedans and horses were everywhere. Lu Yunzhi turned over and dismounted. Immediately, several eunuchs came up and said: "Master Lu, the emperor has announced your admission to the palace." Lu Yunzhi nodded and replied. He said, "Excuse me, gentlemen. The military situation is urgent. Please allow Lu to return home first before meeting the emperor." Arong and Dong De ran out of the door. Arong took the horse for Lu Yunzhi and handed it over to the servants. , then turned around and handed some expensive tea money to the internal prisoners, but Dong De looked a little pale and kept lowering his head in silence. Lu Yunzhi glanced at him and said nothing. When he walked in, a group of civil servants and ministers gathered around him. They all asked Lu Yunzhi for his opinion and how to deal with the matter. The situation in the country was very unstable now. Zhu Qizhen had completely lost his idea, and the civil service group Xu Youzhen, the leader of the Ming Dynasty, was also defeated. Shi Heng and Cao Jixiang were good at wielding power and becoming officials, but they were at a loss when encountering such things. Now the only person the Ming Dynasty can rely on is the nine thousand-year-old Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi After patiently listening to the complaints of the ministers, he clasped his fists at Tianyi and said slowly: "The emperor has his own holy judgment on such matters, please don't worry too much. "When everyone heard this, they all stared at each other. They didn't understand what Lu Yunzhi was saying for a while, but Lu Yunzhi knew very well that he couldn't talk nonsense at this time. It's okay to say that the world is in chaos now. Once the situation is stabilized, Zhu Qi When Zhen came back to his senses, he felt guilty. The ministers did not listen to him. Instead, they ran to Lu Yunzhi's door to seek advice. Whose world is this? The old Zhu family or the little Lu family. Having said that, He said, but those who can come to ask for opinions are all loyal ministers and wise men. Otherwise, you can just be like those gang of gangsters, hiding in the yamen or at home and not coming out. As long as you don't come to the capital, there is nothing to worry about if the sky falls and there is a big one to bear it. Lu Yunzhi still respected these loyal ministers, so he made a four-way salute to the ministers surrounding him, and then said: "I will go back to the mansion to discuss the matter. My lords, please go back first. After I make a decision, we will report it to the emperor." Let¡¯s discuss again. See you in the morning. "As soon as these words came out, the ministers also understood and secretly cursed themselves for getting carried away with impatience and causing trouble to Lu Yunzhi. The emperor is still here. If there is anything, he will naturally discuss it in the morning. Why don't you come directly to Lu Yunzhi? Instead of trapping him into injustice, all the ministers retreated one after another, with deep thoughts in their hearts.They were very happy. They could see that both Yu Qian and Lu Yunzhi, although they had different methods of doing things, were still the pillars of the country. As long as Lu Yunzhi came back to take charge of the overall situation, the Ming Dynasty would not be in chaos anymore and the world would be saved. Lu Yunzhi entered the courtyard with a gloomy expression. He had just learned the inside story of the chaos in Guangdong, Guangxi and Southern Xinjiang. His subordinates should have known about this news for a long time. After Lu Yunzhi figured out the secret, he discovered the root cause and questioned him. I found out later, how could I not be angry, "The hidden tribes on the left and right are showing up." Lu Yunzhi said, his voice was very calm, but his face was already showing his displeasure, and people around him could see it. Then more than thirty people from the hidden tribe came out. These people were specially used to protect Lu Yunzhi. Generally, they rarely showed up unless summoned by Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi ordered: "Please Chao Xing, Fang Qingze, Yang Xiyu, and Yingzi came to the main hall to discuss matters. Someone else contacted Cao Jixiang and asked him to secretly escort the emperor to Zhongzheng. I have something to do to meet the emperor. " Lu Yunzhi is really angry. At this moment, he no longer wants to. Instead of going to meet the saint, he asked the emperor to come and worship him. Although he was emotionally disturbed and it was not appropriate in terms of etiquette, there were some things that were inconvenient to say in the palace. After all, many people there were taking orders from Shi Heng. But today's Shi Heng is no longer the slaughterhouse, only a brave and reckless general. Now, as the leader of the military attache, he fights for power, corruption and abuse of law. It is already much more complicated than before. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 51: The truth about the turmoil in southern Xinjiang Although there was a friendship between Lu Yunzhi and Shi Heng, Shi Heng was no longer enough to make Lu Yunzhi trust him. The best proof was that he wanted to attack him before, but he was only allowed to survive for a few days because the war started. , Not to mention Shi Heng, how can Ah Rong and Dong De be any better? Of course, the concubines in the palace are also powerful, and they are also within the range of Lu Yunzhi's vigilance, so Zhu Qizhen was asked to come. The best way to see the Zhongzheng lineage is to retreat from the palace. There are still walls between the left and right sides, but the Zhongzheng lineage is guarded by hidden guards. There is no leakage under the copper and iron walls. After a while, Chao Xing and the others arrived. Only Fang Qingze was still delayed. At this time Chao Xing's hair has long been gray, and his old face full of scars has healed a lot after Wang Yulu's treatment. However, the old injuries have left traces that will never go away, but after all, they are no longer so scary. Fortunately, Lu Yunzhi stood up in person to help Chao Xing. He had always respected Chao Xing. He lost his father when he was young, and Chao Xing was his father's sworn brother, which meant he was the same as his father, but Chao Xing laughed. He waved his hand and opened Lu Yunzhi's extended hand, and said with a smile: "Your uncle is not so unbearable, he is very strong." Chao Xing had been teaching Zhu Jianshen's swordsmanship before, and was later dragged into training by Lu Yunzhi. The young talents from various branches, Chao Xing was completely free after the gang left. Now, in addition to daily exercise, which is to carry Lu Qiutong around for fun, he no longer participates in Lu Yunzhi and others. This kind of comfortable life has made Chao Xing's body become a little fatter. His muscles are not as strong and tight as a few years ago. Lu Yunzhi nodded, sat down facing Chao Xing, poured tea himself, and then After reaching the position, Chao Xing saw Lu Yunzhi's unhappiness, so he asked: "What's wrong, nephew?" Lu Yunzhi waved his hand and said: "Uncle, don't worry, you will know in a moment. No, Dong De." Dong De stood up hurriedly, his thin bamboo pole-like figure swayed, and said with a pale face: "My lord, please shut up, sit down, and wait until the second brother comes. "Lu Yunzhi said coldly. After about a cup of tea, Fang Qingze walked quickly into the hall. He obviously didn't know the purpose of Lu Yunzhi calling him here. He said with a slight blame: "Third brother, I'm busy over there, so you called me here. If I leave for a while, I'll lose thousands of gold. You have to let your second brother go bankrupt. Why?" Before he finished speaking, he noticed Lu Yunzhi's face. It was extremely ugly. Fang Qingze rolled his eyes, looked at Dong De who was ashen-faced, and stopped talking. He sat aside and squinted his eyes, and slowly breathed out from his nose, "Dong De, what are you doing?" Let me tell you, what is going on in Guangdong and Guangxi?" Lu Yunzhi asked coldly. Dong De walked up to Lu Yunzhi, lowered his head and said, "Prices are soaring, merchants are hoarding goods, and this year's harvest is not good, and there are pirates on the sea. The bandits took the opportunity to wreak havoc, causing the people to live in dire straits. In addition, the above conditions caused a civil uprising. Most people had no choice but to go to the Miao territory to reclaim their territory. The Han people clashed with the local ethnic minorities, which led to turmoil in a large area. " "Oh. Lu Yunzhi said with a slight smile: "Then who caused the price increase? Who did the merchants listen to and dared to hoard ordinary goods as rare goods? Apart from banditry and natural disasters, didn't you say less?" Regarding the role of local officials, did they also use the court's granary and fish shop to make someone's investment capital? " Dong De didn't dare to speak. Lu Yunzhi picked up the teacup and threw it at Dong De. The tea splashed all over Dong De. Then he replied: "Yes, it's because I'm not good. " Lu Yunzhi stood up, kicked Dong De to the ground, and cursed: "Brothers have risked their lives to conquer the world, and they have the right to live a better life than ordinary people, and to be able to override the supremacy of imperial power. This is rebellious. Even if you do such treasonous things, I will protect you, but it is wrong for you to prey on the common people, not to mention how many people will be displaced due to civil unrest and war, how many children will lose their parents, and how many gray-haired people will be sent away Black-haired man, we don¡¯t care about these things. You have to do business based on your conscience. Your conscience has been snatched away by a dog. You are not doing business. Buying and selling are business. You are really doing business, a stranger¡¯s transaction. , just a one-time thing, a business of cramping and skinning. "Speaking of where he was angry, Lu Yunzhi used the method of controlling Qi, and the sound was so loud that it made the tiles on the house shake, "Lord, calm down. "Arong advised from the side. He and Dong De have a very good relationship. They are both teachers and friends. At this moment, he was afraid that Lu Yun's fire would severely punish Dong De and even slap him to death in the hall, so he stood up. Lu Yunzhi tried to persuade him, squinting at Ah Rong and saying, "You still have the nerve to stand up. Didn't you already know this? Why didn't you report it to me? You had to force the officials to force the people to get out of hand before saying, Mi Shi Who is in charge of No. 3 Middle School? What is the difference between you and those officials who are corrupt and perverting the law? You have disappointed me so much. We have just established your reputation?Just act like this, if it's okay in the future, get out of here, get out of here. "Ah Rong and Dong De quickly walked back and walked out, then knelt at the door and did not dare to really leave. Yang Xiyu brought a new cup of tea and walked to Lu Yunzhi's side. He put down the tea and gently touched Lu Yunzhi with his hand. Yun Zhi's arms asked him to calm down a little. Lu Yunzhi understood what he meant and nodded, breathing a long sigh of relief. Chao Xing was slightly surprised. He didn't know what happened, but he could guess a little bit from what he just said. Second, he hasn't participated in everyone's actions for a long time. Although he knows that the organization of Secret Thirteen is getting bigger and bigger, and he also knows that Lu Yunzhi is very powerful in the court, he has no idea that the group of people who once fought side by side have * *To this extent, Chao Xing once liked to lead his disciples to travel around the world with a big sword on his back to fight for justice. What he hated most were profiteers and corrupt officials. Nowadays, those who are greedy and treacherous when cooperating with government and businessmen are all around him. They used to be together side by side. The people who had fought were his friends and relatives, how could he not be shocked? On the night of the incident of seizing the gate, Chao Xing had assisted Lu Yunzhi to guard the city gate to prevent Yu Qian from seizing the city and forcing the gate to open, but when he When he knew that Zhu Jianwen and his son had betrayed their own people for the sake of power, he understood that everything had changed, so he became more completely indifferent to worldly affairs and only focused on taking care of himself, because this world has become strange and terrifying, and human nature will Changes, and people are scary, sometimes even more evil than ghosts. After all, ghosts come from people, and the resentment and hatred they bring are just the remaining thoughts of people, combined with the power of nature. , so people are the most evil things in this world, especially those in high positions, Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 52: Handled Properly When a person reaches a certain height, he often cannot control what he sees, thinks, or does. What's more, human nature always has shortcomings. He is greedy, loves money, and loves power. All have expanded infinitely to a certain extent. The superficial palaces and cover-ups have caused the inner thoughts to expand more rapidly. In addition, the power in the hands is even more scheming. Bad habits and evil causes will get out of control. Everything must be done We must deal with it, otherwise it will be even worse in the future. Chao Xing did not say anything, but still sat in his seat and looked at Lu Yunzhi. He believed that his nephew would handle it well. Lu Yunzhi glanced at Fang Qingze who closed his eyes and calmed down as if nothing was wrong, and slowly Said: "Second brother, my good second brother, take from the people and use it for the people. Business must be sustainable, and you can't waste people and money because of temporary gains and losses. Isn't this what you said? Why do you want to be with Dong De now?" I forgot about the rivalry. Second brother, I don¡¯t dare to teach you a lesson, but in the future, can you discuss this matter with me, or just inform me? My family actually had a conflict, which I never expected. "Third brother, how can the shopping mall involve officialdom? Let me tell you, if you forcefully interfere and let Dong De lose to me on purpose, it will not violate the rules of the shopping mall and our bet," Fang Qingze said with a smile. , Lu Yunzhi took a sharp breath, tried his best to calm down the anger in his heart and said: "Second brother, second brother, you two use the power of local officials to stop involving the officialdom. The rules of the bet are not all determined by others. Yes, it's not about money. I can understand if you two have no money, but now you two are richest in the world, but you have come to this point to restrict each other. Dong De cannot make all the money in the world alone. It's impossible for you to earn it all by yourself, even if you are Fang Qingze." Fang Qingze stopped talking and answered after a long silence: "Second brother didn't consider this matter. Third brother, second brother is here to apologize to you. "As he stood up, he cupped his hands and bent down to bow. Lu Yunzhi quickly held his hand and said, "Second brother, aren't you slapping me? There is no reason for an elder brother to apologize to his brother. Besides, you haven't sorry for me, you. It¡¯s the people of Ming Dynasty who are sorry. Okay, let¡¯s not talk about this anymore. Let¡¯s think about how to make amends.¡± Fang Qingze patted Lu Yunzhi on the shoulder and laughed. Lu Yunzhi also laughed twice before shouting to the door. Said: "Those two guys outside the door, get out of here. It's cold outside. It's freezing to the knees and I have to pay you for medical treatment. How troublesome." Dong De and Ah Rong knew that Lu Yunzhi had calmed down, so they stood up. Lu Yunzhi ran in, looking like he was surviving a disaster. Lu Yunzhi glanced around and said: "Since the turmoil in Guangdong, Guangxi and southern Xinjiang is caused by the economic struggle between the second brother and Dong De, you Besieging each other's business channels, monopolizing sales, deliberately raising prices, and competing with each other through policies. This led to the people becoming the ultimate victims. A coup was launched when the people were in dire straits. You two caused the evil cause, and you two have to suffer the consequences. Second brother, you are me. Brother, let me set an example first, how to fill this hole." Fang Qingze patted his big belly and said, "This is easy to say. You can't add trouble to my third brother. Hehe, this way, the business between me and the Dong De brothers is business. That's right. Those who compete still have to compete. It¡¯s actually good to have you as an opponent. Otherwise, no one can withstand my blow in one round. It¡¯s because of this that we have reached this stalemate today. But in the future, we will change the way. This viciousness We should try to avoid competition in the future. We will spend our own money to appease the victims of the Guangdong and Guangxi affairs. Once the economic roots of the civil unrest are suppressed, and my eldest brother Qu Xiangtian sends troops to suppress it, it should not be as bad as that of the two lakes. In short, in terms of policy The third brother gives us some slack. We have the eldest brother in terms of military affairs. The rest is up to me and Dong De. What do you think? " Lu Yunzhi was still a little frustrated. He rolled his eyes at Dong De and Fang Qingze and said, "You two must be able to coordinate and settle this matter. " "Don't worry, you don't need to teach me how to do it. You are not as good as the two of us in business. As long as the Guangdong and Guangxi are revitalized and the people can live and work in peace and contentment, who will go to the poor and remote areas of Miaojiang to seek life? They must go back to their hometown, the leader of the civil uprising. You may want to make yourself a king and seek glory and wealth, but the common people only want to eat. Once the social order and the basics of life return to normal, no one will raise their heads to rebel. The rebels will be gone, and only the ambitious leaders will be left. It won't have any big effect. "Fang Qingze said, Dong De also nodded and said: "My lord, I will not let you down again because of my anger. This time, the second master and I will work together to quickly stabilize the people of southern Xinjiang. " "That's okay. Lu Yunzhi said: "This time it's up to you two. I don't care about your business matters, and I won't care about how you compete. But we are all members of the same family. Don't break bones or even tendons." If you go too far, don't bring disaster to your parents and the common people. We won't talk about this issue anymore. My uncle's health is not bad recently. Do you want to go out? I told you in advance that I will go to Mobei with gold and iron horses. The conditions are not comparable to those in our capital city. "Chao Xing burst out laughing, and then said: "Great, you're going to crush me in the capital. I'm just going to fight the Mongolian Tatars. Nephew, you can make arrangements, but your uncle can still swing that big iron sword. The Master of the Iron Sword Pulse is just old, but not dead, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. It's not a bad thing to use the sword immediately. Even if there are many dangers and you may die in battle, it's not a big deal. The leisurely life of spending your old age with nothing to do is not suitable for a hot-blooded man like Chao Xing. Even if the man is old, "Then Uncle Lao, I have ordered the disciples of each branch to come to the capital with all the elites, and then you will lead them to fight against the Tatars. Now we have our army in northern Xinjiang, but according to the battle report, there are ghosts and witches participating in the battle, causing us to fight continuously. Defeat, but I think our sergeants also have certain problems. Uncle, you only need to deal with the ghosts and witches this time. I can't give you the command of the army. It is now in the hands of Shi Heng, but I will let him hand it over. The power to dispatch troops should be given to a suitable commander. No matter who is in charge, I hope that my uncle will focus on the overall situation." Lu Yunzhi said with fists in his hands, Chao Xing nodded: "Of course, I am only good at small group operations. , the battle is about martial arts, I still have this self-awareness, a large army must have a suitable commander to command, nepotism is not the right way, but there is a saying that promotes the virtuous and does not avoid relatives, I think Bai Yong is quite good , with the air of a general.¡± Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 53: Great Anti-Corruption Lu Yunzhi smiled and said: "Bai Yong is indeed a general, but not a handsome man. I will make my own decision when the time comes. Uncle, don't worry, I will definitely do this well." Then Lu Yunzhi said to Ah Rong said: "You ordered someone to bring me Qing Yanbei, the idiot from Tianjin. The next thing needs to be carried out by you and Yanbei." At this time, several internal supervisors ran in and whispered to Lu Yunzhi After a few sentences announcing that the emperor had secretly entered the palace to wait, Lu Yunzhi answered the internal supervisors, and then said to the people in the hall: "Okay, let's arrange it like this first. Everyone can prepare separately. If there are any problems, we will discuss it again." Let's discuss business." Everyone dispersed. Fang Qingze took two steps and stopped. After everyone left, he said: "Third brother, collusion between officials and businessmen has never changed, but this time the second brother went too far and gave you a big blow. "Zuzi, I'm sorry." Lu Yunzhi said with a smile: "Okay, what's wrong with your mother-in-law? Didn't you just say it? Remember, you are my second brother. Even if you break the truth, the third brother only needs to If I have the ability, I will help you, but let me tell you first. This time I am determined to punish corrupt officials and profiteers. If some officials are involved or the interests of my second brother are harmed, don't do it. Just blame me, of course, don't worry, I will never touch your foundation." Fang Qingze nodded, patted Lu Yunzhi with a slight smile, and said without saying, "This is a brother," Lu Yunzhi walked quickly to the side room. , there were Zhu Qizhen and Cao Jixiang sitting in casual clothes. The two of them were the most noble, but they were announced to meet Lu Yunzhi and were arranged in a side room. However, the two were not unhappy at all, regardless of Lu Yunzhi. Where is Zhi's true strength? Now that the country is facing turmoil on its own side, how can he care about face? As soon as he received the notice from the hidden heroes, Cao Jixiang quickly informed Zhu Qizhen, and the monarch and his ministers hurriedly Coming in a hurry, Lu Yunzhi cupped his hands and said to Zhu Qizhen: "Your Majesty, Lu Yunzhi, is here to see you." Zhu Qizhen stepped forward quickly: "My brother, there is no need to be polite. Is the situation becoming urgent again? Why are you calling me and Cao Aiqing came to meet him. " "Because what we are going to say must be discussed in secret. The palace is not very safe. Only my family can prevent the walls from hearing." Zhu Qizhen was shocked when he heard this. It¡¯s not safe anymore. Isn¡¯t it just that people are fighting for their own good? Now that the world is in chaos, another coup is about to begin. For a moment, Zhu Qizhen¡¯s face turned pale and he was speechless. Zhu Qizhen¡¯s throne has not yet been seated. He was a little scared due to the changes, "Your Majesty, don't worry, it's not that someone is trying to usurp the throne." Lu Yunzhi saw what Zhu Qizhen was thinking and comforted him. Zhu Qizhen breathed a sigh of relief, and Lu Yunzhi didn't When he asked the question, he then said: "I'm afraid that Eunuch Cao is not in charge of the inner prison of the palace. It is inevitable that there are other people's eyes and ears. And what I want to say this time involves too many people, so I asked the emperor to come to Wei Chen's house to discuss the matter." , I hope the emperor will atone for his sins." Cao Jixiang smiled and said rather disdainfully: "Who makes Master Lu so afraid? Tell us, I will send Dongchang and Jinyiwei to deal with those unscrupulous people. " Lu Yunzhi was not polite to Cao Jixiang. He waved his hand and said, "It's not that he is afraid of them. It's just that the successive civil unrests this time were all caused by corruption and the inaction of officials leading to civil unrest. So although now The war continues, and we should have waited for the situation to stabilize before reorganizing the official system. However, the fire at the city gate has affected the fish in the pond. I am afraid that the people's anger will ignite the camp. If we are not severely punished, I worry that the suffering people all over the world will rise up. " "So we must crack down and investigate and deal with it now. However, once a picket occurs, it will be very involved. Officials at all levels will be implicated. To put it disrespectfully, including the emperor's relatives and Eunuch Cao. If they were informed in advance, the number of cases would increase. The difficulty of handling the case, and secondly, it will be quite detrimental to the current war. If they know that they will be severely investigated, they will be cautious in everything. Then after knowing the determination and strength of the court, they will fight against the enemy and give our military country The big plan adds to the obstruction. "Lu Yunzhi said, "Cao Jixiang was covered in cold sweat. Why did Lu Yunzhi tell him about his corruption in front of Zhu Qizhen? But looking at Zhu Qizhen, the confused emperor in his eyes, he didn't know. Surprised, he didn't interrupt, and just said: "Brother Lu Xian, this matter involves too many aspects as you said. I think we need to control the situation properly and don't overdo it. " Cao Jixiang secretly provoked Brother Thumb. Zhu Qizhen was not as idiotic as he thought at the critical moment. He knew the king's balance. Cao Jixiang asked: "Then I don't know what Mr. Lu meant by calling me here. " "We are all members of our own family and do not speak foreign languages. In addition to the dominance of the emperor, there are also forces from all directions in the world. I, Eunuch Cao, you, Shi Heng and Xu Youzhen's remnants. "Lu Yunzhi said frankly and honestly. Cao Jixiang nodded without denying it. Lu Yunzhi paused briefly and said: "Although you don't know about their corruption and power manipulation, you are everywhere."The king is also very calm, but the imperial concubine has done a lot of things behind your back. Many of the corrupt officials to be dealt with this time are relatives of the emperor, so I can't say it in the palace, for fear of letting the eunuchs bribed by the concubines in the harem I know, and now I want to make it clear to the emperor not to let the concubine blow the pillow wind and hinder our cleaning plan. " "I will fully support my good brother. I will not give up halfway for the sake of one or two concubines. "Zhu Qizhen expressed his position, and Cao Jixiang couldn't hold back anymore. However, although Lu Yunzhi's words were clear, Cao Jixiang himself could not take the initiative to take over him. He said in a very artistic way: "The lower officials must also restrain their subordinates. In cooperation with Mr. Lu¡¯s work, once there is a scumbag, I will never protect him or punish him severely. Lu Yunzhi clasped his fists and said, "I have thanked the Emperor for his grace, and I would also like to thank Eunuch Cao for his support. One of the reasons for meeting you two today is to get your approval to cooperate with my work. This time I will use it to investigate the officialdom." He is not a direct descendant of me, Lu, but a foreign official. This young man is extremely upright. The person he chooses must be as upright as him. To put it bluntly, this stupid young man probably will not care about any royal relatives. The relatives of the country are still from Dongchang or Jinyiwei, and even my subordinates cannot escape the purge. The country needs such iron heads now, those who dare to risk offending and beheading to find out the people. Of course, being honest does not mean being capable. Our Ming Dynasty The problem with our official system is that salaries are too low and officials have to be greedy. The people we are dealing with this time are those officials who are greedy and incompetent. I will not allow those capable officials who have to be greedy just for normal interactions and administration to be moved. Therefore, the Holy Spirit does not have to worry about overcorrecting and delaying the normal operation of the country. "Zhu Qizhen nodded and replied: "I can rest assured that my dear brother will do his job. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 54: Confused "What I just said is the first thing today. Secondly, I want to apologize to the emperor. Lu's management was poor, and his subordinate Dong De's business dispute with Fang Qingze caused the people of Guangdong and Guangxi to live in dire straits, which led to this civil uprising. I hope The emperor can see that my second brother Fang Qingze has enriched the treasury of the Ming Dynasty and contributed to the economy and the people for so many years. I have asked them to perform meritorious service and rectify the economic problems in Guangdong, Guangxi and southern Xinjiang. My eldest brother has also sent troops to Guangdong and Guangxi are suppressing, and after the people's livelihood improves, I think the civil uprising will be suppressed soon," Lu Yunzhi said with clasped fists, "Zhu Qizhen was shocked. He didn't know the inside story of the rebellion in Guangdong and Guangxi. Cao Jixiang was also extremely surprised. No one knew about it. He didn't understand why Lu Yunzhi wanted to reveal the matter himself. There was no way for the matter to be reported to the palace. Even if it could, it would have been covered up by Lu Yunzhi. He couldn't understand what Lu Yunzhi was doing at this moment, let alone You will understand Lu Yunzhi¡¯s mood at this moment. It is a kind of incomparable guilt and self-blame. Lu Yunzhi¡¯s mood at this moment is extremely heavy. It is precisely because of his negligence that this catastrophe occurred. The war has begun and countless families have To be displaced, no matter whether it was the fault of his subordinates or his second brother, Lu Yunzhi could not escape the blame. This was extremely inconsistent with his original intention when he was young. Now this result is similar to that of the Tatars who invaded the territory of the Ming Dynasty. No matter what the difference, it also caused the common people to fall into dire straits, become refugees after being displaced, and embark on a bleak road to escape. Zhu Qizhen quickly calmed down, his eyes were filled with reverence, and he nodded and said : "Brother, what are you asking me to say? There is no selfish intention in reporting so truthfully. Brother Emperor, I admire you very much. Fang Qingze and Dong De are both pillars of the country. Ming Dynasty's economic and financial resources depend on them. Even if they do this this time." It's wrong, but the merits outweigh the faults. As long as it's not too late to remedy the situation, as for Qu Xiangtian, thank him on my behalf. Although he has the false title of Young Master in the Ming Dynasty, I know that he is the real leader of Annan Kingdom. , At this time when the country is in crisis, I am really touched that Qu Aiqing can lead troops to help. You are all the backbone of the country, and you are of the same line. It is the blessing of the world, the blessing of the people, and my blessing. " " By the way, Mr. Lu, why didn¡¯t you ask Mr. Zhongguo to discuss the matter together?¡± Cao Jixiang said. Lu Yunzhi looked at Cao Jixiang meaningfully and said, ¡°I need to talk to Mr. Zhongguo Shi Heng alone.¡± To be honest, one of the very important reasons why Mian Sheng did not enter the palace this time was to prevent Shi Heng from knowing in advance. I was afraid that he would think too much. After all, he is now in charge of military power, and his nephew Shi Biao is guarding Datong. If he does not have a deep talk with him, I'm afraid that it will affect the coordination of the army, and I'm even more worried that he will restrict me from behind. Let's not speak secretly. The military situation is urgent now. With poor command at the front and the enemy's help from ghosts and witches, the battle will be very difficult. Shi Heng Now the military power must be handed over to me, otherwise the Ming Dynasty will be defeated. However, as a military general, the power in his hands is the soldiers. I am the one who wants to feed him, so the handover of military power is something he does not want, but there is nothing he can do about it. , In this case, it is inevitable that he will be overthinking. The two of us need to talk alone so as not to affect the overall situation. " Cao Jixiang and Zhu Qizhen nodded and understood the reason. At this moment, Ah Rong ran in and whispered a few words in Lu Yunzhi's ear. Lu Yunzhi blinked while listening, with no trace of emotion on his face. His expression changed, and then Yun Danfeng smiled lightly and clasped his fists and said to Zhu and Cao: "Lu has important matters to attend to. The current situation cannot allow for any difference. I'm sorry. " Cao Jixiang also responded with a smile and clasped his fists and said: "It's okay, national affairs are important. Our family will secretly send the emperor back to the palace first. Let's go, emperor. " Zhu Qizhen said: "Brother, let's go first. If you need an imperial edict, you can send someone to the palace to find me. When I turn around, I will order someone to make a batch of gold medals with the words "Like a King's Landing" written on them. Your next actions will only be as follows: It is necessary for the supervisory officials to wear such gold medals, and the officials in the world must wait for the dispatch. I am waiting for your good news in the palace. "As he spoke, Zhu Qizhen stretched out his hand and held each other's arms with Lu Yunzhi. The two of them were just like they were before, with no distinction between monarch and minister. They seemed to be extremely trusting to outsiders. After the two left, Lu Yunzhi looked at He glanced at Ah Rong beside him, pointed and said: "You, I haven't settled the accounts with you for the previous things, but you dare to cover up Dong De's shame and keep it secret, which makes me so disappointed. " Ah Rong lowered his head. He understood that Lu Yunzhi must be very upset now. He has never been a person who repeatedly mentioned old things. He just said that he would never pursue it again. Now he is mentioning it again because he no longer knows. What can I say? The news he just said must have disturbed Lu Yunzhi's state of mind. Lu Yunzhi didn't say anything more. He just stood up and paced back and forth, round and round, and then suddenly broke the teacup. On the ground, blood suddenly spurted out from his mouth, and he stumbled to the ground and fell unconscious. Lu Yunzhi was carried into the side room. Yang Xiyu and Yingzi also hurriedly came and stood aside to watch Wang Yulu replace Lu Yunzhi. After receiving diagnosis and treatment, Wang Yulu shook her head and said: "Although my lord later transferredIt's not bad, but practicing the art of heaven and earth when I was young has damaged my roots. I have recovered from the disease, but the cause of the disease is still there. I just received some stimulation, and the anxious fire attacked the heart, causing the body's air control method to hit the internal organs and damage it. Fortunately, it is not too bad. Seriously, if he rests for two days, he'll probably be fine. It's just that I'm surprised why Nightmare didn't help his heart. " Yingzi nodded and thanked, and then said to Arong: "Arong, what did you just say to my husband, which made him so angry that the man who didn't change his color even fell like this? " Ah Rong didn't dare to answer but just lowered his head and said nothing. Yang Xiyu said angrily: "Hurry up and say it. Arong then said: "Yes, madams, Miss Shi just sent a message asking the lord to write a letter of divorce. She said that she would marry Han Yueqiu as soon as possible. It would be inappropriate not to write a letter of divorce." " Since Shi Yuting left the Zhongzheng Yiline Courtyard, it is no longer appropriate to call her Madam, so when talking about her, she is often called Miss Shi. When Yingzi heard the news, he angrily cursed: "This damn girl, why don't you At this time, the country is now in trouble both internally and externally. The master is already annoyed enough. How can she add fuel to the fire? " While he was talking, Leopard Lu Jiugang, Tan Qing and others walked in. Tan Qing's face was full of resentment. He had obviously heard Yingzi's words. He looked sideways at Lu Yunzhi, who was lying on the bed with a pale complexion, and bit his lower lip. Turning around without saying a word, Yang Xiyu quickly reached out to hold her and asked, "What are you going to do?" " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 55: The Bitter Meat Scheme "I'm going to kill that bitch who leans on the door to show off his laughter. I'm so shameless. Look at how my brother has been injured by her now. If this continues, he will collapse." Tan Qing said coldly, half of her face was ruined Much better, but in anger, through the cover of hair, it can still be seen that the redness is scary, it seems that he is furious, Yingzi lowered his face and said: "Sister, you can't do this, the master will come to his own conclusion "It's messy enough now. If you go too far, the acting master will be furious when he wakes up. I'm afraid it will be even more detrimental to his condition." Tan Qing was a little unhappy after hearing this. What do you mean, it's messy enough. Could it be that he is adding to the mess? , but after thinking that what Yingzi said was indeed reasonable, they calmed down. Everyone sighed and exited the wing. After going out, Baozi asked Yingzi: "When Yunzhi gets better, ask him for me, why don't you let me When leading an army on an expedition, even if I don't have the talent to be a general, it's okay for me to lead the charge. Now that I'm kept at home, I can't stand it." Yingzi nodded and agreed, except for Arong and Yang Xiyu. Waiting on the side, Yingzi took charge of the housekeeping and the others dispersed. Lu Yunzhi opened his eyes. Yang Xiyu quickly got a glass of warm water and put it to Lu Yunzhi's mouth. Lu Yunzhi drank it slowly. After taking one sip, he choked and coughed repeatedly. After he calmed down, he scanned the room and found that only Ah Rong and Yang Xiyu spoke: "A Rong, take pen, ink, paper and inkstone and let me write a letter of divorce." A letter of divorce must also have certain specifications. Yes, the so-called seven outings and three outings are the criteria for divorcing a wife. It is said that Shi Fang, Shi Wentian, Lin Qianru, and Shi Yuting's family members have all passed away. Apart from Lu Yunzhi, there are no relatives in the world, so Shi Yuting should meet one of the three "not going out" criteria. "There is nothing to go back to." When Lu Yunzhi took Shi Yuting, her parents and family were still alive. Now that they are all gone, she has nowhere to turn to. Logically speaking, she cannot leave, but Shi Yuting persists hard. That's another matter. Among the seven episodes, Lu Yunzhi ruthlessly selected one of the crimes of obscenity as the reason for divorcing his wife. Since Shi Yuting struggled with this issue and later fell in love with someone else, besides the crime of obscenity, Lu Yunzhi I couldn't find a better reason. The letter of divorce was written in one go. It was written eloquently, and the words were full of disappointment for Shi Yuting, so the attitude expressed was cold. When the seal of the letter of divorce was dry, Lu Yunzhi handed it to Ah Rong. Said: "Send it over." Arong clasped his fists and turned to leave, but Lu Yunzhi shouted: "Don't forget that matter." Arong nodded and walked away quickly, not daring to look at Yang Xiyu. Yang Xiyu stroked Lu Yunzhi's arm and said, "Have you really thought about it? Killing him will satisfy the hatred in your heart." Lu Yun was stunned. In an instant, he knew that Yang Xiyu had guessed his plan. It seemed that the only person in the world who understood him best was Yang Xiyu. He could only nod his head without denying it. Yang Xiyu sighed as if talking to himself and said nonchalantly: "Just don't regret it in the future." Arong handed the book to a boy, and after giving some instructions, he asked him to deliver it to the small courtyard outside the city where Shi Yuting and Han Yueqiu lived after dinner. Cheng Fangdong had a particularly good meal tonight and was humming a ditty triumphantly. Picking his teeth with his legs crossed, Ah Rong drank wine and said: "Cheng Fangdong, please be gentle, don't really cripple me. " "Don't worry about me, I'm the gentlest. Do you want arms or legs? I'll take the rest. "Cheng Fangdong said with a bad smile, "Arong stared and thought to himself that Cheng Fangdong is a pervert. If this kid is really careless and pretends to be injured, it turns into disability or even death. Then he has no reason to explain. After all, this matter This was Lu Yunzhi's way of hiding the truth from others. Even if others could guess it, there was no evidence. All the arrangements were so flawless that it was hard to fault. Thinking of this, although Ah Rong still looked like he was drinking leisurely, his figure was already tense. I don¡¯t dare to slack off at all. It¡¯s better to trust myself than anyone else. ¡°Hahahaha, look at how scared you are, you idiot. Can I really beat you to death? If I kill you, Lu Yunzhi can let me go, haha. Ha ha ha ha. "Cheng Fangdong laughed arrogantly, and Arong suddenly blushed and cursed angrily: "Fuck you. " "Then let's get started. The person you arranged should go and deliver the letter at this point. I'll act real and I won't keep the person who delivered the letter. It's considered killing someone from Zhongzheng's lineage. Others will not be suspicious. It's a bitter trick. , do you understand, hum. "Cheng Fangdong said, Ah Rong nodded: "It's up to you. "Cheng Fangdong stood up, wiped his greasy hands on a piece of silk cloth next to him, and then raised his head to signal to Arong, who asked without understanding: "What? " "Let's start the fight. "Cheng Fangdong screamed and rushed out. He has regained his former power. After recuperation and training, as well as the mental training in prison in the past few years, his tricks are more vicious, and the blue flames are full of death. The threat instantly approached Ah Rong's body. Ah Rong suddenly kicked away the bench with his legs on it, and his bodyHe rolled to the wall, stepped on the wall suddenly, and muttered silently, several evil spirits glowing red emerged from his sleeves and rushed towards Cheng Fangdong. The two of them exchanged moves in the cell, and kept shouting There were loud shouts, the wall was burned after a long fight, the steel rope was hit by the blue flames, burned and twisted, the bricks and tiles smashed by the impact of the ghost, and loud noises were made that alarmed everyone in the Zhongzheng lineage. With a bang, Zhongzheng When everyone in the group arrived, a window in the dungeon was blown out. The dust was flying and it was dark, so it was hard to see anything. However, everyone knew that Cheng Fangdong was being held in the dungeon, and at this moment it was determined that It was he who escaped from prison. Fang Qingze grabbed his loose coat and wanted to jump up to the roof and chase after him. However, he saw a person crawling out of the broken window. He quickly went up with Dong De to help him. Under the steam, he could see clearly. That was Ah Rong. The broken iron window of the dungeon was burned hot by the fire. When Ah Rong's body rubbed against it, there was a burning smell. Everyone looked down and saw that Ah Rong's hair and eyebrows were burned to a disgraceful appearance. There were also some blood stars, but overall his breathing was stable and there was no danger to his life. Fang Qingze said: "Arong, take good care of your injuries, Leopard. Let us two brothers chase that bastard Cheng Fangdong back and avenge Arong." Leopard nodded. Head, the two of them were about to chase after Ah Rong, but Ah Rong shouted: "Cheng Fangdong's skills are no worse than before, don't chase after poor bandits." He fainted before finishing his words. Fang Qingze didn't care so much, tightened his clothes and said to Dong De: " Carry him to rest and let Wang Yulu treat him. We'll come as soon as we can." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 56: Nightmare Cheng Fangdong Yang Xiyu suddenly pulled Fang Qingze and said meaningfully: "Second brother, let him go." Fang Qingze blinked his eyes and immediately understood that this was just a show and a trick. Look at the people around him Naturally, he couldn't point it out with a confused look on his face. He just sighed and said with a pretentious expression: "Hey, that's it. After all, he is also my senior brother." After saying this, he shook his head in disinterest, sighed and walked away. Fang Qingze and Yang Xi Yu and other members of his family were no longer willing to pursue the case, and Bao Zi was too lazy to mind such a noisy matter. Ever since Fenggu people scratched his head a few times, he was no longer so lethargic, and even acted in the opposite direction. He was so excited that he looked forward to a fight every day, but after all, Cheng Fangdong was not an ordinary person. When he faced off against Lu Yunzhi and Yu Qian on the ruins of the capital, although both of them were upset, it also showed that Cheng Fangdong's magical power was extraordinary. , Leopard Zi is full of energy and wants to fight, but he doesn¡¯t want to die because of it. He finally reunited with his sister and father. Besides, he heard that his sister arranged a marriage for him. Thinking of this, Leopard¡¯s dark face bloomed. A trace of happy smile, without saying anything, he was already happy in his heart, "Brother, where is our father." Yingzi suddenly asked, Baozi paused when he heard this, and then he hesitated and suddenly felt embarrassed. When he got up, Yingzi became even more strange. After asking again and again, Leopard could only say a few words. Yingzi turned red and turned away with a stamp of his feet. At this moment, Tan Qing heard the noise outside and suddenly felt uneasy. Er Nongbu gave a low shout, and Tan Qing could only calm down. The two of them were guarding a naked man, and the poisonous insects were flying around him, turning in a certain order as Tan Qing muttered words, and the Xuanfeng Hanging above the man's head, Pulao was walking around Tan Qing and Gaya Nongbu, guarding Tan Qing and Qing as if facing a formidable enemy. The person sitting in the formation was none other than Lu Yunzhi. In the wing, After Yang Xiyu settled Arong, he walked in. Lu Yunzhi, who was lying on the bed, regained a trace of color on his face. When he saw Yang Xiyu, he said: "Where is Yingzi." (This is the key, not a typo) "Yingzi My sister went to make soup for you. She said that nourishing it at night will help you sleep better, and the nutrients can be better absorbed during sleep." Yang Xiyu replied in a low voice, with obvious displeasure in his voice, and he answered casually. Absently, Lu Yunzhi took Yang Xiyu's hand and said: "I promise you this is the last time. I can't swallow this breath. Even if Han Yueqiu doesn't die, I can't rest in peace even if I die. Maybe I'm too petty, maybe I'm jealous, But I, Lu Yunzhi, am not a god. No matter how powerful my magic is, I am still a mortal. Please forgive me, Xi Yu. " Yang Xiyu sighed softly, stuffed Lu Yunzhi with a thin quilt, and then said: "It seems that Ah Rong has succeeded. I don't know if Cheng Fangdong can kill him. But you have to promise me not to let Cheng Fangdong go because of this. People like him can't be kept." "I know, make the best use of everything. He will die after that, so don't worry, good and evil still have a balance in my heart." Lu Yunzhi replied lightly, Cheng Fangdong kept jumping on the tiled roofs of the capital, checking from time to time to see if anyone was watching or watching. Tracking himself, the city wall was ineffective for an expert like him, so it was night and the city gates were closed, so it had no impact on him. After leaving the city, according to the address given by Ah Rong, he quickly arrived at the small house where Han Yueqiu lived. In the courtyard, Cheng Fangdong looked into the house. The shadow on the window reflected the scene inside the house. A man stood solemnly with his fists clasped. The woman sat on the seat and took the letter from the man's hand. The man opened the door and walked out, and the woman followed behind. After sending it off, he said politely: "Thank you, little brother, let's have a cup of tea before leaving. "Cheng Fangdong outside the door couldn't help but trembled when he heard this. This voice was very familiar to him. Could it be her? After the door opened, the boy who walked out was the servant of the Zhongzheng Yiline House who was sent by Arong to deliver the message. He smiled and said: " Miss, it was already dark and the city gates were closed. I wanted to go back quickly, but the officers and soldiers guarding the city only gave me an hour. "Suddenly the busboy was stunned, because there was a short, fat man standing at the door. The man had a sinister smile on his face. This man was Cheng Fangdong. The busboy obviously didn't know Cheng Fangdong, but he was attracted by this face full of violence. The evil face was frightened, and before he could ask any questions, Cheng Fangdong stretched out his hand to the man. The blue flame burning in his hand cut open the belly of the handyman, penetrated deep into it, and then burned quickly. Without shouting, it turned into a burning flame. Through the flames, Shi Yuting also saw Cheng Fangdong outside the door. This evil spirit she would never forget. The reason why she always woke up was the eunuch Cheng Fangdong. Shi Yuting was as quiet as a cicada. Cheng Fangdong Then he said with a ferocious smile: "Shi Yuting is fine. " Shi Yuting took two steps back, but tripped over the chair behind her and almost fell. Cheng Fangdong quickly searched the area with his eyes. As expected, Han Yueqiu was not there. He just wanted to scare Shi Yu.Ting, did not mean to harm her, because although Lu Yunzhi did not mention it clearly, he said not to hurt others. It seemed that he was referring to Shi Yuting. For a moment, Cheng Fangdong suddenly woke up and immediately understood why Lu Yunzhi wanted to kill The smile on Han Yueqiu's face became even thicker. Han Yueqiu, Han Yueqiu, pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, took advantage of the quarrel between Lu Yunzhi and his wife to steal his wife. He deserves to be unlucky today. Cheng Fangdong was leaning against the door frame, just thinking He opened his mouth to say a few evil words again, but suddenly he felt someone flying down from the eaves. His heart was confused and he quickly rolled over. Two daggers were inserted into the place where Cheng Fangdong was standing just now. The person holding the yin and yang daggers was not Han Yueqiu again. Who is it? Shi Yuting is in the house. Han Yueqiu is afraid that Cheng Fangdong will kidnap him. He just came back from outside and recognized Cheng Fangdong's back leaning at the door, so he didn't waste any time and attacked first. He just wanted to catch him by surprise. This dog thief's life was unexpectedly avoided by Cheng Fangdong, who was still as skilled as before. Cheng Fangdong turned around and wanted to grab Shi Yuting and threaten Han Yueqiu, but before he could reach out, Han Yueqiu pulled out the double daggers inserted into the ground, and his body was in contact with the ground. It was almost flat and flew over like an arrow. Cheng Fangdong gave up the idea of ??getting a shield and shouted loudly and clapped his hands. Two ghosts came out of his sleeves and rushed towards Han Yueqiu. His palms followed the blow. Lit two balls of blue fire respectively, and slightly bent his arms in a parrying posture. Han Yueqiu easily tore apart the two ghosts with his double daggers, but the ghost suddenly turned into a mass of black mist. It enveloped Han Yueqiu, making him unable to see clearly what was in front of him. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 57: Enemies are extremely jealous when they meet This was the moment Cheng Fangdong was waiting for. He stretched out his arms and carried the blue fire into the black mist. With a loud bang, Cheng Fangdong kept rushing forward, while Han Yueqiu kept retreating. The remains of the black mist-like ghost spirit were still hanging on his body. This kind of ghost spirit was specially prepared for Han Yueqiu by Cheng Fangdong. After being damaged in body and shape, it would not immediately disappear into ashes. Instead, it would turn into a thick smoke and stick to others. So at this moment, Han Yueqiu backed up and drew a black line in the air. Cheng Fangdong shouted repeatedly, and blue flames appeared on the soles of his feet. He stepped even harder, leaving footprints formed by blue flames on the ground. Han Yueqiu's back hit They rushed towards the wall, smashed through the brick wall, and rushed out, leaving a big hole in the wall. Suddenly Cheng Fangdong took two steps back, and then flipped out. He stood on the ground and looked at his face a little ugly, his eyes full of surprise. , Han Yueqiu burned into a red fireball, burning the surrounding ghosts and ghosts, and a very uncomfortable whistle sounded in the air, "The art of controlling fire, it turns out that you also learned the art of clan heaven and earth, when How come I don't know about it, hahahahaha." Cheng Fangdong looked up to the sky and laughed. The red flames beside Han Yueqiu dispersed, and he said nothing with a cold face. "They both have scars left by each other. They don't belong here today. That night seven or eight years ago, that night, the Zhongzheng lineage was destroyed. Shi Fang was also crippled by Cheng Fangdong, Han Yueqiu also had a large burn on his body, and Cheng Fangdong had a double dagger of yin and yang stabbing him. In his opinion, the two big scars that came out were the Han Yueqiu in front of him who blocked his plan to destroy the Zhongzheng lineage. At least he did not let him kill Shi Fang. Imagine that if Shi Fang died, Lu Yun would If people like this lost their faith, they might not start an uprising. Later, they became prisoners and the revenge for killing their father was not avenged at all. Cheng Fangdong, Cheng Fangdong, was a son of a man in vain. The two of them looked down on each other as early as they were in the Zhongzheng lineage. , and later there were so many grievances, and the enemies were extremely jealous when they met. What else can be said, they can only fight until one person dies. Lightning flashed across the sky, which startled Cheng Fangdong and thought that Han Yueqiu had also learned the art of controlling thunder. He didn't feel relieved until the rumbling thunder came closer and closer. It turned out to be just ordinary thunder and lightning. The two of them were moving back and forth in the courtyard, their movements were so fast that people couldn't see clearly. From a distance, they could only see a ball of blue. The colored flames and the red flames kept colliding together, making bursts of roars, and the sparks that burst out were also mixed red and blue. Cheng Fangdong shouted repeatedly, and Han Yueqiu also kept groaning. The two punched and palmed, and kicked and swept their knees. Blocking, the fight was extremely dangerous, Shi Yuting hid in the damaged house and did not dare to come out. She was not afraid, after all, she had experienced many strong winds and waves, but she knew that Cheng Fangdong and Han Yueqiu were fighting for their lives at this moment, and if she ran around, It was inevitable that Han Yueqiu would be distracted, which would be detrimental to him, so she committed herself to this crumbling house and did not dare to move. She just huddled in the corner and watched the fighting outside the door. She also observed the damaged house. If she found something bad, she would Evacuate immediately, another bolt of lightning flashed across the sky, and after the roar sounded again, it finally began to rain lightly. At the same time, Cheng Fangdong and Han Yueqiu also collided violently, with red and blue flames intertwined, surrounded by The drizzle quilt turned into clouds of water vapor before it even got close. A trace of blood overflowed from the corner of Han Yueqiu's mouth, and a look of pain appeared on his stern face. At this moment, Han Yueqiu felt as if he had swallowed a piece of hot iron, and his internal organs were burning. He had it. He had only studied it a few months ago based on the notes written by Shi Fang and Lu Jiugang. Today was the first time he actually used the art of fire control. It turned out that the backlash was like this. It was really worse than death. He didn't know what Lu was doing. How did Yun Zhi endure it? Cheng Fangdong, who seemed to be at a disadvantage but actually had a normal expression, was exhausted at this moment. He never thought that Han Yueqiu's fire control skills were so sophisticated. How could his own spiritual fire not affect him? The hair gradually became a little bent, which was obviously caused by the high temperature of Han Yueqiu's fire-bending technique. It seemed that the blue spiritual fire was already weak and could not protect him at all. If this continues, either Han Yueqiu will die from the backlash or Cheng Fangdong will die. If the fire fails and is burned to ashes by the fire, it is more likely that both sides will be injured, leaving two corpses. The two of them are now on the string and have to shoot, so they are not willing to give in. The flames on their bodies not only do not decrease, but are burning more and more intensely. It seems that They must kill each other. Suddenly the two flames merged together, showing a violet flame, and then quickly exploded in all directions. A tangled flame escaped the control of the two and flew into the house. , suddenly the house in the small courtyard burned to ashes, and the relatively confined space allowed the fire to keep spinning in it. Shi Yuting's painful screams came from inside. Han Yueqiu grabbed Cheng Fangdong's hands tightly, ignoring Shi Yuting's miserable screams. Yelling, of course he was powerless to pay attention to it. Shi Yuting didn't suffer much pain, she just saidAfter a heartbreaking scream, there was no movement. Cheng Fangdong also gritted his teeth and grabbed the opponent. Suddenly Han Yueqiu shouted and spit out a large mouthful of blood from his mouth. Blood also came out of his eyes, nose and ear holes. He used his own life to Holding on to the backlash of the fire-bending technique, the technique came from his heart, and he was burning with anger. Suddenly the red flames took over. Cheng Fangdong's head and back were already on fire, then his chest and limbs, and then his entire face. , Cheng Fangdong screamed but was unable to resist. If it weren't for the blue spiritual fire that kept resisting, he would have turned into a pile of ashes. Even so, Cheng Fangdong would not have a hard time, as his skin had already seeped out. The butter was out, and it was red, swollen and festering. Every time he gathered spiritual fire, he had to endure more pain. Today might be the day of his death. Suddenly Han Yueqiu staggered and removed the fire control technique, fell to the ground, and sprayed loudly. Blood, he could no longer bear the backlash of the clan's Heaven and Earth Technique. He glanced sideways at Cheng Fangdong, who was still standing there, his eyes full of resentment. He was still one step away from killing this traitor, but things were not going to work out for him. Hopefully, even God will protect this evil person. Did Yu Ting die in vain? Is there no fairness in this world? Good and evil will be rewarded in the end, but sooner or later, but He was about to die. Although Cheng Fangdong was seriously injured, he still had no fear of his life. As long as he took a short rest, he could kill himself. However, he could not exert any strength in his body and could only lie here and kill him with his neck. This was Is God's justice? Where have heaven and heaven gone? Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 58: Heaven opens its eyes Han Yueqiu suppressed the injustice in her heart and looked at the room. The brick and tiled house had been burned by the fire of these two spells and was in dilapidated condition. Some places even appeared glazed. However, in the face of such high temperature, the house would not Shi Yuting, who was a magician, could not escape this disaster. Han Yueqiu endured the incomparable pain and burning feeling in her body and crawled towards the house. Of course, the speed was slow. Every inch was as far away as thousands of mountains and rivers. The pain caused hardships like mountains of swords and seas of fire. When he climbed to the gap created by the fight, he was stunned. Although he had known it for a long time, he still couldn't believe that Shi Yuting had turned into ashes. "Ah." Although Han Yueqiu's internal organs and skin seemed to be roasted by fire, But for a moment, his heart felt as if he had fallen into an icy pool under an abyss. It was extremely cold from top to bottom. As he shouted to the sky, he spat out another mouthful of blood, and then there was no more. With so much strength, he could only fall to the ground and pant non-stop, and he was about to pass out. It continued to rain lightly, silently, and the whole courtyard was strangely rising with bursts of white smoke in the rain. In a red-hot room, one person fell into a coma. The man on the ground was standing there motionless, but with an inhuman shape that had festered on his body. The man standing there was Cheng Fangdong. It wasn¡¯t that he didn¡¯t want to move. Why didn¡¯t he want to kill Han Yueqiu quickly and go to heal his wounds, but he moved slightly every time. The pain was so unbearable that he felt like his bones were being roasted. Even if he could move, where could he go to heal his injuries? Wang Yulu or Master Long. Both of them were involved with Lu Yunzhi. He did not directly cause Shi Yuting's death, but it was always because of his incompetence. Lu Yunzhi had played with herself, and she hated herself in her heart. Later, she only spared her life with the guarantee of her uncle Wang Zhen. Now that this matter has gone wrong, I am afraid that my life will not be saved, and my uncle Wang Zhen will suffer. The rain is still falling non-stop, and the temperature is gradually lowering, getting colder and colder. The rain is hitting Cheng Fangdong's body, although There was a rustling pain, but it alleviated the burning feeling. The rain came just in time. God help me, I killed Han Yueqiu while I still had the strength. This was considered to have made up for it. Maybe there was still a way to survive. Otherwise, he accidentally killed Shi Yuting and did not kill Han Yueqiu, let alone his uncle, even Daluo Jinxian could not save him. Thinking of this, Cheng Fangdong tried to move, but he still had some strength. He could no longer use the spiritual fire, but luckily it was scattered on the ground. Holding Han Yueqiu's yin and yang daggers, Cheng Fangdong casually picked up a dagger, holding back the pain and approaching Han Yueqiu step by step. After being burned, his face had lost all surface skin, only revealing the terrifying red and black flesh color. Han Yueqiu looked at it. Cheng Fangdong couldn't help but shudder. It looked like he was going to die on the spot today. He twisted his body hard, hoping to stand up, but the backlash of the Heaven and Earth Technique could not be recovered so quickly. Han Yueqiu used all his strength Still unable to move, it can only increase the pain. The grief, anger and anger just now have receded, and what is left is endless terror. I can't move and can only be slaughtered by others. This has never happened before, and I have experienced it in the past. He had gone through a life-and-death battle, but either there was someone to help him or he could still fight his way out of the siege. He had never been as helpless as today. The fear intensified as Cheng Fangdong approached, and the trembling became more intense with Cheng Fangdong's smile. Han Yueqiu's psychology was gradually collapsing. He is not Qu Xiangtian, who is arrogant, nor is he Lu Yunzhi, who is profound in magic, nor is he Fang Qingze, who looks at life with a smile. He always thought that he was excellent and heroic, but now he is timid. In the face of death, he is like Cheng Fangdong. As the perverted executioner approached, Han Yueqiu could no longer hold on. He gave up. Cheng Fangdong raised the dagger and looked at Han Yueqiu with a ferocious smile. The face that was no longer human was constantly dripping with burnt marks. Broken skin, at the moment when the dagger was raised high, Han Yueqiu shouted: "Elder brother, please spare me, please, please spare me. "The venomous snake-like Han Yueqiu, the extremely cold second senior brother, and the great butler of the Zhongzheng lineage were so frightened that they were begging for mercy like a child. Cheng Fangdong was stunned for a moment, holding the dagger high, and then burst into laughter. It wasn't until this smile touched the wound that he closed his mouth. His laughter was full of ridicule and disdain. It turned out that Han Yueqiu was such a thing. Suddenly, lightning flashed across the sky, and a thunderbolt hit the dagger in Cheng Fangdong's hand. Cheng Fangdong remained silent. He fell to the ground and could no longer breathe. He was dead. He was struck by lightning. Han Yueqiu opened his eyes wide. This was so unexpected. At the moment when his life was hanging by a thread, Cheng Fangdong actually let thunder strike him. Killed. This result changed so quickly that Han Yueqiu was stunned for a cup of tea before he realized it. He suddenly burst into tears. Accompanied by light rain, this middle-aged man's cry was particularly shocking. It¡¯s heartbreaking, and I don¡¯t know whether he is crying for the rest of his life, or crying for joy for killing Cheng Fangdong, or crying for Shi Yuting who turned to ashes. Perhaps only HanOnly in Qiu himself did he know that in the early morning of the next day, a staggering man carried a simple suitcase and a box on his way south. He often coughed and vomited blood, and people around him avoided him, thinking that he would He is a tuberculosis ghost. This person is Han Yueqiu. The box in his arms contains Shi Yuting's ashes. Although it may be just the ashes of bricks and tiles, his body has been seriously injured by the backlash. His body has always been upright. At this time, I hugged him and looked through the shabby felt hat on his head. His hair, which originally had only silver strands, turned completely white overnight. Cheng Fangdong was dead, and Han Yueqiu was actually dead too. In other words, life was worse than death. He died because he was heartbroken. Three days later, the Desheng Gate of the capital was opened. Zhu Jianwen was conferred by Emperor Zhu Qizhen as the Commander-in-Chief of the Five Armies and the General of the State in front of the defenders of the capital. The throne, Jiuxi hereditary and noble, and Zhu Jianwen was ordered to lead the troops of the capital to go to Mobei to command the battle with the Wala tribe. In short, he stood firm in the city and waited. On the eve of this night, Lu Yunzhi talked with Shi Heng all night despite his illness. , Shi Heng immediately issued a general order to the northern Xinjiang garrison, and everything was to follow the arrangements of the new commander-in-chief Zhu Jianwen. Even Shi Biao must obey Zhu Jianwen's orders without disobedience. Anyone who violates the rules will not be spared and will be expelled from Shi Heng's party. On that day, Lu Yunzhi put on a strong smile, bid farewell to the army and made a speech to wish all the soldiers a victory and a triumphant victory. The soldiers who obeyed the order were impressed by Lu Yunzhi's magnanimity. They saw that he was not wearing Confucian clothes but a bright silver armor, all over his body. He exuded the masculinity of a warrior and an iron horse, and had a bookish air about him. Everyone praised him: What a Confucian general. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 59: A Showdown in Hankou However, if a careful person observes Lu Yunzhi secretly, he will find that his complexion is not very good. It is obvious that he has just recovered from a serious illness and is a little pale due to excessive sadness. However, Lu Yunzhi's temperament suppresses all these suspicions. It is not familiar. People can't see it at all. Besides, Shi Heng is really a smart man. He has cooperated with Lu Yunzhi's arrangements from beginning to end. He knows that this is not the time to care about military power. If the country dies, no matter how many powerful people there are, it will not matter. It's just a passing cloud. Only when the Ming Dynasty is strong and powerful can he reap the benefits, so he fully cooperates. Zhu Jianwen leads 30,000 defenders of the capital, including the Fifth Army Camp, the Shenji Camp, the Three Thousand Camp, and the troops in Shandong and Henan. , the Five Cities Soldiers and Horses Division, Jin Wu, Huben and other troops, 60,000 main forces and 10,000 civilians went to the border to join the 100,000 defenders. The officers and soldiers were full of enthusiasm and pride, and marched toward the north in a mighty way. Go, accompanied by Chao Xing and his party who worshiped as the Heavenly Master Camp. Chao Xing led all the disciples of various branches of heaven and earth people, and gathered more than 500 people to help fight against the magic battle of ghosts and witches. Lu Jiugang was no longer able to When asking about worldly affairs, he often wandered in the Fireworks Willow Alley and was no longer as sharp as before. The Fenggu people told him some things before he died, and explained that he was not a Fenggu person but just a husband. After a long conversation, Lu Jiu had just untied the knot of decades and became extremely free and easy. He didn't know whether the life of drunkenness and death was good or bad for him. Leopard did not participate in this expedition, so he was obviously a little unhappy, thinking that since he was killed by Wang Yulu After being diagnosed with Laoshizi's disease, Lu Yunzhi took care of him like a child, so he ignored Lu Yunzhi for a few days. He was really angry with Lu Yunzhi like a child. After Zhen Lingdan's rebellion in the two lakes subsided, , the imperial officers and soldiers sent to the two lakes still have to return to the capital to replace the garrison of the capital, and then the remaining garrison troops rush to Mobei to continue supporting, which can be regarded as a rotation. This army has long been agreed upon and will be led by Lu Yunzhi himself. , and in order to appease Baozi, Lu Yunzhi also promised him that if he gets married before going on another expedition, he would take him away. Therefore, Baozi kept urging Yingzi to go to matchmakers for him these days, and even became a little unscrupulous. He only knows the style of drinking and fighting to train the hidden tribe, but it is not entirely impatient to go into battle. After all, Leopard is not too young. It is natural for people to be eager to find a wife. At this time in Hankou, Bai Yong Zheng led his army to confront Zhen Lingdan. The two of them used tricks against each other, but they never matched up. I would sneak attack on your camp, and at the same time you would surprise on our camp. The two of them always made mistakes like this. In a shoulder-to-shoulder battle, it must be said that the two people's military strategies are very good. They tried to restrain each other but failed to control each other. But in general, Zhen Lingdan was more powerful and almost succeeded in defeating Bai Yong several times. , but in front of a brave general like Bai Yong, and with the Ming army having plenty of food and adequate pay, they were able to remain evenly matched. Both sides were helpless about what the other side did. As a result, Bai Yong gradually lost his temper, and Zhen Lingdan was also anxious. Now that the situation in the surrounding counties and counties was becoming more and more stable, the Ming army from other surrounding areas also took the opportunity to advance into the two lakes to defend the city, and cut off the fortresses going to and from the two lakes, setting up numerous roadblocks to allow Zhen Lingdan's food and grass. Supplies are even more scarce, and even weapons are in short supply when it comes to fighting. It¡¯s no wonder. After all, Zhen Lingdan is not only an enemy of Zhongzheng¡¯s lineage, but also the enemy of the entire Ming Dynasty. If this continues, even if he doesn¡¯t fight, he will be exhausted. He died, so Zhen Lingdan made a desperate move and decided to lead a large army to fight to the death with the Ming army. A battle would determine the male and female. Now the Ming Dynasty is in trouble both internally and externally. News of the war in northern and southern Xinjiang has reached Zhen Lingdan¡¯s ears. Although there are people in southern Xinjiang, Qu Xiangtian is in charge, and there are many troops in Northern Xinjiang. I heard that Zhu Jianwen also led troops to support him. The number of troops in Northern Xinjiang can reach 160,000, but no one's soldiers and horses are vegetarians, and the war will definitely last for a long time. If Being able to defeat the Ming army led by Bai Yong in one fell swoop will make it difficult for the court to send troops to the two lakes. At that time, the court can use this period of time when the court has no troops available to accumulate food and train troops diligently to build walls and expand its own strength. Therefore, only a quick battle was most beneficial to Zhen Lingdan. Therefore, Zhen Lingdan gathered the rebels and gathered a total of 50,000 soldiers and horses to intimidate Hankou into a head-on confrontation with the Ming army, hoping to win a staged victory with a small number of enemies. Victory, as for after the victory, Zhen Lingdan thought carefully. He did not want to take advantage of the opportunity to go north to take advantage of internal and external troubles to conquer the world. Everyone on the road was aware of the Mongolians' covetous ambitions. In the face of national justice, Zhen Lingdan understood the importance. At present, all he has done is to fight for his own safety. It's just a matter of security. Bai Yong is not an idle person. Now the Ming army has the advantage in terms of troops, materials, firearms and cavalry. Slowly consuming the enemy's army is naturally the best way to defeat the enemy without fighting. But once the rebels disperse among the people, It would be difficult to completely annihilate them. Now that Zhen Lingdan has gathered his troops, Bai Yong can save Bai Yong from searching for them one by one. He can just take this opportunity to catch them all. Both sides have their own ideas, so the two people near Hankou coincidentally joined forces. In front of the formation, prepare for a battle. The victory will be determined by one battle. What makes Zhen Ling?What was unexpected was the performance of the Wuchou lineage masters. They clearly realized that if their side lost again this time, they would have no way to escape. After repeatedly making enemies of the Zhongzheng lineage, Lu Yunzhi was bound to Kill them all, and the sky net will be sparse, so the five of them will no longer be able to escape. Therefore, the leader of the Wuchou vein became brave and took the initiative to ask Zhen Lingdan for a tassel, saying that he would kill the enemy general in front of the battle and capture the thieves first. Capturing the king has made a great contribution to Zhen Lingdan. Regardless of whether Zhen Lingdan believes it or not, since the Lord of the Five Ugly Meridians is no longer wavering, even if he cannot succeed, it is always good to at least have the intention, so Zhen Lingdan will go with them. What can he do to them? Zhen Lingdan is not very optimistic about whether to kill Bai Yong, but it would be good if it can cause some damage to the opponent or create some pressure. The Wuchang Pulse Master doesn't know what Zhen Lingdan thinks. They are just full of confidence at this time and discuss it. How to deal with Bai Yong who is going on an expedition? One of the Five Chou Pulse Masters said: "Bai Yong is powerful, but even a good man cannot stand in large numbers. He is made of iron and can hammer a few nails. We may not be able to take advantage if we siege him in groups." "Not only that, we also need to use tricks. Have you ever read The Romance of the Three Kingdoms? Have you ever studied how Guan Erye killed Yan Liang and Wen Chou?" Another person said, "The four of them shook their heads and asked him to explain." , the man smiled slightly, and said with his hands behind his back in a pretentious manner: "First, it means fast, fast people, fast horses, and fast swords. We must also pay attention to the word "quick", so that we can catch him by surprise and kill him before he can react. The enemy, try to kill him off the horse with one move." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 60: See who I am "The second point is that I think the word "shock" is a big shout. The role of this sound is very important. You have to shout, let's just do this and that." The man continued to talk. The five people were talking about self-confidence in high spirits. It reached its extreme point and believed that the five of them could defeat Bai Yong by surprise and achieve immortality. Early in the morning of the second day, the camp began to beat drums twice. All the soldiers lined up on both sides and glared at each other. The artillery and ballistas took up high positions to wait for Bai Yong and Zhen. Lingdan had not forgotten to use his tactics to send out a team of elite soldiers to sneak attack on the opponent's back. As a result, the two sneak attack troops encountered each other and fought a battle without any distinction. Bai Yong was not too disappointed and turned to the man next to him. Long Qingquan said: "Qingquan, in a moment you will lead two thousand elite cavalry to Zhen Lingdan. Remember, it is best to capture the lord alive. If you want to subdue the general Zhen Lingdan, of course you should be more flexible and don't hurt yourself. If it doesn't work, you should kill him." It¡¯s okay. This Zhen Lingdan was originally the leader of the world¡¯s human soul lineage. It seems that he has some abilities and is not just a good commander. It should not be careless anyway." Long Qingquan nodded and bumped the long sword at his waist and said with a smile: "A certain battle. Sword-striking into their enemy's formation was like entering an uninhabited territory. Capturing Zhen Lingdan was like searching a bag for something. It's not that I'm arrogant, but I really didn't feel that there were any masters in the opponent's camp. Look, they seem to be forming some kind of formation." Bai Yong Ningbrow looked at it and smiled and replied: "It's not a magic formation. The rebels formed a Qiankun formation. It's just a military formation. There are sixteen changes in it. It can be seen as less hostile to our army. Zhen Lingdan But we have put in a lot of effort." Long Qingquan became interested and said: "Then how should we break this formation?" "There is no need to break this formation at all. This method is outdated now. We use artillery to bombard it, no matter what formation it is, it will be disrupted. As long as the formation is disrupted, our entire line will be disrupted. How can he be invincible when he has the advantage of overwhelming numbers? However, this style of play is a bit too stupid. Just calm down and watch the changes in the enemy army for a while. How about you, Lord Shengming? The enemy army will be defeated without a fight later. "Bai Yong said with confidence. "Oh, you will be defeated without a fight." Long Qingquan was a little unbelievable. Suddenly, a man rushed out of the rebel camp and shouted at the Ming army. It seemed that they came to call for formation. Now they are all large armies. Where is the artillery support and the generals of the two armies fighting before the battle? Long Qingquan wondered: "Who is that stupid bird across the way?" Bai Yong laughed and leaned back and said with some uncertainty: "The person opposite is the Wuchang Pulse One of the Lord's people has been seen before, but he doesn't have much ability. But now I find that I was wrong. Their ability to listen to books is not very good in novels. Isn't it often said that the two armies are in front of each other? Then the Lord will single out one and kill the other. Then he is defeated. The one who is defeated and the one who is defeated and the one who sends troops to pursue basically determines the outcome of the entire battle. This is all made up by storytellers. Nowadays, there is no need for such a war. With the disparity in the strength of the two sides, there is no need to fight alone. The opponent was drowned in his saliva. I found out that Zhen Lingdan also has such a 'talent'. The thought of a duel before the battle really made me laugh to death." At this moment, Zhen Lingdan also blushed when she saw the actions of the Five Ugly Pulse Master and cursed in her heart: This It¡¯s so embarrassing. I didn¡¯t pay attention to these five living treasures at this moment and made such a joke. But let them go and let the other party feel contempt. Bai Yong ordered: "It seems that we should not be so mysterious." Otherwise, they might have caused some trouble. Qingquan, you're already laughing to death even if you're not even joking, you go straight to the Chinese army and capture Zhen Lingdan alive. As for the number of troops you can lead, don't take two thousand troops. Just go it alone. I'll lead the army. After you do it, if you want to kill the opponent, there will naturally be someone to help you. By the way, there are five Five Chou Pulse Masters in front of the formation. There is only one, which means there are four of them ambushing you. Pay attention." "What do you mean I will go there alone?" Long Qingquan also thought in his heart. I am a little worried. No matter how powerful I am, it is difficult for one person to fight against thousands of troops. But since Bai Yong said so, there must be some arrangements. Long Qingquan, a master of art, is bold and not afraid of these. Even if one person cannot capture Zhen Lingdan, he can escape intact, so Not that he was very worried. After a slight hesitation, he put his horse under his belly and rushed out of the formation, riding alone towards the rebel camp. At this moment, the Wuchang Pulse Master standing between the two armies outside the rebel formation looked back. Seeing the pride in the hearts of our own army, he raised his right hand and touched his nose. He was infinitely proud and saw that someone from the Ming army had taken the call. It must be the commander Bai Yong. Who else besides him has the courage and ability to come alone? Hehe, just let him. There is no return. As Long Qingquan got closer and closer to the Five Ugly Vein Master, he realized that something was wrong. This person was not Bai Yong, but he couldn't turn around and leave. He had to kill him first to establish his fame and power, so he summoned the ghost spirit. He ran towards Long Qingquan and whispered to the remaining four people who had been lying in wait for a long time to prepare for action. When Long Qingquan saw the ghost coming, he did not rein in the horse. Instead, he whipped the horse to gallop faster and then pointed at the long sword with a smile on his face. I didn't pay attention to the ghosts driven by the Five Ugly Vein Lords. Suddenly, a fast horse rushed out of the rebel formation. Two old men on the horse were dressed exactly like the old men in front of the formation. I guess they were also the Wuchou Vein Lords. They drove the ghosts and held weapons. He hurried towards Long Qingquan and shouted: "Hey, yellow-haired child, look""Who is it?" Long Qingquan didn't dare to be careless at first and was always on guard against the four hidden people. But when he saw the two Five Ugly Pulse Masters rushing out from the side of the rebel formation and shouting loudly, Long Qingquan almost burst into laughter and thought these people were two. Is the military confrontation an act? Long Qingquan laughed and continued to ride his horse. He was about to collide with the ghosts driven by the five ugly vein masters before. Suddenly, two ghosts emerged from the floating soil underground and quickly wrapped around the hind legs of the horse. Er was so frightened that he raised his front hooves and kept jumping, trying to knock Long Qingquan out. At the same time, the soil was turned and the other two ambushing Wuchou Vein Masters stabbed Long Qingquan with spears, shouting the same words: "Bah, Huang Mao." "Look who I am, kid." "I know you, you are just a bird feather." Long Qingquan was completely out of temper and could only reply with a smile, "Wuchi Pulse Master may be ridiculous, but his skills in driving ghosts are out-and-out ghost-spirit tight." The tied horse was immediately strangled into several pieces, but the person on the horse was not someone else but Long Qingquan. Long Qingquan kicked the stirrup with both legs hard on his waist and disappeared out of thin air. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 61: Capturing the Enemy Commander Alone Zhen Lingdan opened his eyes wide. He didn't see clearly where the young general from the Ming army in front of the formation had gone. Suddenly he heard a sound of people neighing and horses neighing behind him, so he hurriedly looked back and saw that there was a man squatting on the saddle behind him. That person looked at Zhen Lingdan with a smile. Who was this person if he wasn't the young general just now? Zhen Lingdan took a breath, knowing that he had met an expert, but he didn't want to be captured without hesitation, and shouted: "Surround them all." He, can't." Before he could finish his words, Long Qingquan pressed a steel sword against his throat. Long Qingquan smiled and pointed at the front of the formation. He saw that the Five Chou Vein Masters still maintained their original movements and stopped there, like sculptures. , Long Qingquan chuckled and snapped his fingers. He saw the old man with the five ugly vein masters falling to the ground, his head rolling down. The five ugly vein masters were dead. Zhen Lingdan secretly beat the drum in her heart. Who is this person? It was too fierce. He killed five people in an instant and then ran into thousands of troops to kidnap himself. All of this was done in the blink of an eye. How could Lu Yunzhi be invincible with such a fierce general? No, Zhen Lingdan He never admits defeat. Although Zhen Lingdan, who was originally the master of the living soul vein, is not a person with extremely advanced magic, he is not like the master of the Wuchang pulse. The ghost spirit fills the clothes and wraps the whole body. Then Zhen Lingdan Suddenly hitting the sword blade, the ghost naturally blocked the edge of the sword, and quickly wrapped around the steel sword. Zhen Lingdan turned around and grabbed Long Qingquan behind her, shouting: "Soldiers, catch the thief." Long Qingquan didn't expect that Zhen Lingdan's spells were pretty good, and he didn't expect that he would use the ghost spirit to protect his neck and hit the sword. He was caught off guard for a moment, but his speed was too fast, and he was extremely powerful. How could the entanglement of ghosts take away his steel sword? Long Qingquan turned over from his horse with a somersault, and broke away from the entanglement of ghosts with a single wave of the steel sword. Zhen Lingdan waved her sleeves and two ghosts struck her. Towards Long Qingquan, Long Qingquan cheered up and shouted. He swung his sword at the ghost without avoiding any attempt. An ordinary sword without any runes actually chopped the ghost's soul to pieces. The steel sword did not pause and struck directly on the ground, solidly. A big hole was opened in the land instantly, and many soldiers fell into it. Long Qingquan's power was inhuman. It was the same as the clan's heaven and earth technique. It was originally ineffective against ghosts and spirits, but the huge energy hit the same body. The effect of energy ghosts is no worse than that of any spiritual talisman. Once all energy exceeds a certain limit, it can hit all objects. Zhen Lingdan was shocked when he saw this scene, but he quickly understood it, but he Don¡¯t worry. Although this young general is very brave, he will always be exhausted when he is trapped in the midst of thousands of troops. As long as he is not captured, he will be completely consumed in a wheel battle with him. Zhen Lingdan understood in an instant Understanding the truth, his body was wrapped by ghosts, he jumped into the air and then hurriedly retreated. Seeing that their leader had escaped, the rebels were not afraid to use their mortal strength to rush towards Long Qingquan. This was a commendable act of courage. Swinging the Qingquan Sword for a week was like chopping melons and vegetables. The armored shields it touched were easily chopped into pieces like tofu. Blood spurted out for a moment. Long Qingquan stood among thousands of troops and turned into a killing god. Even if the rebels continued Yong Neng also became frightened and for a while did not dare to step forward to die. The Ming army did not take advantage of the chaos of the rebels to attack them. Instead, Bai Yong fired two fireworks into the sky. Suddenly, he saw the rebels falling on their backs. The soldiers with white cloths wrapped around their arms to mark their separation turned against each other and launched an attack on Zhen Lingdan's diehard loyalists. Zhen Lingdan was extremely shocked. What was going on? Why had there been no movement before, but now her subordinates They all turned the tips of their knives to face themselves, and these people revolted with him. Could it be that seeing the current stalemate, they finally couldn't help but betray themselves? Zhen Lingdan spat fiercely, and then led his personal guards towards He was fighting outside the formation, trying to leave this chaotic situation. At this moment, the Ming army soldiers came up and tightly surrounded the rebels. Zhen Lingdan rushed left and right, and the soldiers around him became smaller and smaller. She was covered in blood, and her back was scratched by a stray arrow. Suddenly she felt someone lift her neck, and she left the saddle. She looked around and saw the figure quickly retreating behind her. The speed was frightening. Zhen Ling was dazzled by the rapid running. Dan felt faintly nauseated. Zhen Lingdan stretched out her hand to break off the hand that grabbed her collar, and hit her behind with the ghost spirit. However, after the ghost spirit was hit, it was like a mud cow drowning in the sea, with no effect. And the hand that grabbed her collar was not a human hand. As indestructible as an iron pillar, she was being held in the hands of someone else, needless to say it was the young general just now. Facing such a powerful enemy, Zhen Lingdan was like a young child, with no ability to resist, and could only Being carried and moved quickly, Zhen Lingdan suddenly stopped. This sudden pause in the rapid running almost shook out his internal organs. He felt a pain in his abdomen as if his intestines were knotted. He suddenly broke out in cold sweat and the pain was unbearable. Fortunately, Zhen Lingdan always had a strong body, otherwise he would have been killed in the sudden stop of his gallop. After his body stopped, Zhen Lingdan was placed on the ground, but at this moment heShe was still able to stand up, but she fell to the ground in pain while holding her stomach, her head clasped on the ground and she was sweating coldly. She walked to Zhen Lingdan with two pairs of feet, and then helped Zhen Lingdan up. A warm air flow came from Zhen Ling. Dan swam inside the body, and the pain in the internal organs suddenly subsided a lot. It seemed that this energy helped him straighten out the messed up internal organs. He raised his eyes and saw that the person holding him was Bai Yong, and Bai Yong was standing next to him. It was the young general who was like a murderer just now. Bai Yong smiled and said to the young general: "It's a shame that you were not asked to rescue Zhu Qixiang that day, otherwise Uncle Zhu would have died in your hands. Look at the life veins." Even such a strong man can't hold up your speed. " "Who are you?" Zhen Lingdan wiped the cold sweat on her head and said to Long Qingquan, who smiled and replied: "My name is Long Qingquan. " Zhen Lingdan sighed and said: "Forget it, I lost. I didn't expect that I was defeated by the Master Long. Why did you help Bai Yong? I didn't expect that Zhen Lingdan was not afraid of danger. After asking casually, Long Qingquan answered seriously: "It's a long story. I'll make it short, but it's hard to explain in one sentence. In short, I am Lu Yunzhi's brother-in-law, and Bai Yong is my brother-in-law's brother-in-law. That's what I say. Do you understand?" Zhen Lingdan smiled bitterly and shook her head, then turned to look at Bai Yong and asked: "How did you make my subordinates rebel? Give them high-ranking officials and generous salaries or something, no matter what it is, promise. I, many of them have been deceived by me. In fact, they are all honest and responsible farmers. Please don¡¯t kill them all. Killing me alone is enough.¡± Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 62: A walk in front of the Palace of the King of Hell Bai Yong nodded, raised Zhen Lingdan and asked his sergeants to shout in unison to the rebels who were fighting: "Your general has been captured. Surrender quickly or you will lose all your armor." Those people with white cloths on their arms are secret agents. Thirteen brothers who had entered the army earlier. After Bai Yong asked Lu Yun for instructions, he contacted them and received support. The two parties agreed to start the uprising after two fireworks. These people were originally the military commanders or commander-in-chief. , the worst one had to be a thousand households, but after Zhen Lingdan captured them, he couldn't trust the original generals and demoted them to a hundred households. Originally, they had wanted to bloom from within the rebels, but they did not receive Lu Yunzhi's advice. Naturally, they did not dare to act rashly according to the arrangement. Now that they had an incident together, they themselves were shocked, and Bai Yong was also shocked. He did not know that there were so many people placed in the army by Mi Shisan, and only one hundred households were considered. There were only 20,000 people in the unit uprising. This coverage rate is really amazing. It seems that in addition to the old brothers who originally joined the army, Lu Yunzhi also developed many new lines. Of course, this is not Bai Yong You know, now that the Ming army has surrounded the rebels, the rebels led by these Secret Thirteen members naturally put down their weapons and stood on the side of the Ming army. The other part of Zhen Lingdan's direct lineage did not see their commander captured. In order to resist, they all put down their weapons and were captured. However, there were a few radicals who resisted stubbornly, but they were alone and far apart and fought on their own. There were only a small team of a hundred people. In short, they were all shot to death by random arrows from the Ming army. , Generally speaking, apart from the casualties caused by the rebels fighting each other, this battle can be said to have been won without a single blow. In this way, not only the casualties on one's own side were reduced, but there was no increase in killings. It was also a happy ending for everyone. Zhen Lingdan was dejected. , although he did not understand how he lost, but he did lose. Bai Yong admired Zhen Lingdan quite a lot after the battle on the two lakes battlefield, and felt that his way of leading troops and military strategy were not inferior to his own. If The rebels also had sufficient supplies and food, and if there were no members of the Secret Thirteen to support them, it was still unclear who would win. Therefore, Bai Yong did not want Zhen Lingdan to regret too much, so he said softly to him: "Zhen Lingdan, It's not a loss for you if you lose. The troops in your hands are not yours in the first place. My lord started operating it a few years ago. It only took you a few months to cause such a big mess. Even if you lose, you don't have a loss. " Zhen Lingdan didn't understand it for a while, but soon understood that the so-called traitors in the army were just people planted by Lu Yunzhi a few years ago. They were not specifically here to deal with him, but now he happened to , the existence of these people has been exposed. If this is the case, then no one in the territory of the Ming Dynasty can defeat Lu Yunzhi. He has so many undercover agents in the two lakes alone. If he wants to go to other places, he will not be less. Bai Yong helped Zhen Lingdan up and tied him up personally, but the rope was not tight and he was just pretending. Facing the two masters Long Qingquan and Bai Yong, Zhen Lingdan did not want to resist nor escape. He is a smart man Naturally, he knew how much he weighed. Long Qingquan said: "On my brother-in-law's order, I escort you to the capital. But don't be afraid, old man Zhen. I'm not carrying you on my back. I'm sending you to the capital in a carriage. I'm just It's just for escorting. " At this moment, Zhen Lingdan was still concerned about the soldiers who were following her to rebel desperately. She turned to Bai Yong and asked: "Don't embarrass them. Bai Yong smiled and replied: "Don't worry, maybe they will see you again." "After saying that, he went to arrange the work of collecting prisoners, leaving only the inexplicable Zhen Lingdan. Long Qingquan took Zhen Lingdan and hurried back to the capital. He changed horses on the road but the people did not rest. Although the journey was extremely fast, they did not rest. It has no impact on Zhen Lingdan who is fighting on the battlefield. Moreover, after experiencing Long Qingquan's speed, running all night without stopping, for Zhen Lingdan, it is like being in heaven. Long Qingquan knows that Lu Yun Zhi wanted to conquer Zhen Lingdan, but did not want to embarrass him, but he had a straight temper. Bai Yong deliberately tied Zhen Lingdan loosely, but when Long Qingquan led Zhen Lingdan out of the car and came near the Zhongzheng Yiline House, he specially He tightened the rope, lest Lu Yunzhi said that he was not doing well and would steal Lu Yunzhi's loosening role. Although Bai Yong intentionally tied Zhen Lingdan loosely, the rope still had very strict specifications. Firstly, it was a rule, and secondly, She was afraid that Zhen Lingdan would cause trouble and hurt people on the road, so she used beef tendon rope with blood on it and burnt runes rubbed on the rope. As long as she was tied up with this kind of rope, it would be difficult to drive her out under normal circumstances. Ghosts, even if a person with extremely high magic skills drives them out, cannot break them. People tied with beef tendon ropes cannot struggle hard otherwise the rope will sink into the flesh. As the strength of the struggle becomes stronger, the rope will The tighter it is, of course there are exceptions. For example, Long Qingquan often used beef tendon ropes to practice strength when he was a child. He broke not only ten thousand but also eight thousand beef tendon ropes. However, there are probably not many people in the world with such infinite strength like him. , There are specifications, but people have to be flexible. With Long Qingquan's temperament, the flexibility is a bit poor. In addition, he is young and energetic and takes the captives to see Lu Yunzhi. Naturally, he is full of pride.The father-in-law also had a smug look on his face, and he became a little absent-minded as he went back and forth. The strength in his hands lost all care for a moment, and he tightened the tendon rope tightly. "This tightening doesn't matter. How strong is Long Qingquan? If it weren't for Zhen Lingdan, In the past few years, Bu Shen Dao Ma had developed a good physique when he was young. I am afraid that this old man will be killed all of a sudden. But even if he is not dead, Zhen Lingdan is simply worse off than alive. , the body was suddenly stabbed, the bluish face caused by cultivation became even more bluish-white, the mouth was wide, the eyes almost bulged out, and sour water gushed out of the saliva, Long Qingquan pulled Zhen Ling Dan took two steps and suddenly felt something was wrong. Why didn't Zhen Lingdan leave? When he turned around, he almost frightened the boy. He quickly cut off the tendon rope with his sword, and Zhen Lingdan collapsed to the ground, mouthing open Panting, he gathered his limbs and calmed his heartbeat, fearing that if he was not careful, he would lose all strength and urinate all over his body, which would be very embarrassing. Zhen Lingdan just walked away from the Palace of Hell. This feeling is really Damn it's so uncomfortable. I had already seen Lu Yunzhi's intention to take back, but I didn't expect that she would almost die at the hands of this reckless boy. Zhen Lingdan was angry and annoyed but had no choice. Long Qingquan looked apologetic, but He didn't know what to say, so he simply kept silent and just stood there and laughed awkwardly. After Zhen Lingdan felt better, Long Qingquan helped him and walked towards the Zhongzheng compound not far away. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 63: Two Lu Yunzhi After entering the hospital, he saw Lu Yunzhi sitting in the courtyard drinking. Long Qingquan smiled and said: "Hey, brother-in-law, don't you like drinking tea? You don't drink when there is no one around. Why have you learned to drink alone now? Don't drink." Come on, look who I brought to you." Lu Yunzhi looked up and smiled, his smile so cold and murderous that Zhen Lingdan couldn't help but shudder. Yun Zhi will become like this. In the past, no matter how cunning and insidious Lu Yunzhi was in his heart, he would not show it on the surface. The last time he and Yu Qian saw Lu Yunzhi, he was not like this. What the hell is going on these days? What happened? Just as Zhen Lingdan was thinking about it, she saw Long Qingquan suddenly pull out his sword, point it at Lu Yunzhi and shout: "Who are you?" Lu Yunzhi laughed loudly and pointed at his nose. Said: "I am Lu Yunzhi, Lu Yunzhi is me, why don't you recognize me, Long Qingquan." "Humph." Long Qingquan sneered and said, "You are not Lu Yunzhi at all. You look like you are drunk. , Lu Yunzhi has never been so addicted to alcohol, nor does he drink alone. What's more, the feeling and look in your body are very different from Lu Yunzhi's. " "What you said is too general. What you meant is mine. The Qi is not right. What the Zhongzheng line cultivates is just the Qi of destiny. Now my Qi has become evil. Is that what you mean?" Lu Yunzhi looked at Long Qingquan with a smile on his face and said, "Long Qingquan thought. This is what he meant. Although he felt that what Lu Yunzhi said was incomprehensible, he still nodded. Lu Yunzhi said again: "Even if my face and body shape can imitate him, I can't imitate my magic skills. Apart from Lu Yunzhi, I can't imitate him." Let¡¯s find out who can do it.¡± As he said that, Lu Yunzhi suddenly threw the wine glass in his hand at Long Qingquan, and then jumped towards him like a roc spreading its wings. At the same time, a high temperature should be invisible. With the skill of controlling fire, the high temperature rushed towards Long Qingquan in an instant. Long Qingquan protected Zhen Lingdan behind him. He turned hard with his feet and quickly turned his body without hesitation. He drew a circle with his sword. The high temperature was pushed aside, and suddenly the surrounding walls It was frozen, and the high temperature did not ignite the fire when it hit the wall. Instead, it burned the ice water and streaked down the wall. This was obviously not done by Lu Yunzhi, let alone Long Qingquan and Zhen Lingdan. Hearing a low shout: "What are you doing? Are you trying to steal my house?" Long Qingquan looked for the sound and saw Lu Yunzhi standing at the small door of the West Cross Courtyard, holding him in his arms His son, Lu Qiutong, was accompanied by his two sisters and Tan Qing. How could there be another Lu Yunzhi? Yang Xiyu walked over with a smile, tapped the Lu Yunzhi who had just fought with Long Qingquan and said: "Nightmare, you came out to fight with my brother as soon as you became an adult. Oh, you also learned to drink." It turned out that this was the nightmare in Lu Yunzhi's body. The nightmare pouted and said: "You think I want to, Lao Lu and I are used to being one. We are both Tan Qing and the old woman from their family. They insist on giving me a humanoid shape. As a result, I can't go back now. I haven't protected this guy yet. I was injured, and I was very confused. I was really upset, so I took advantage of drinking to relieve my worries. Hehe, but having said that, I always saw you drinking before, but I didn¡¯t expect that this wine tastes so good. The more I drank, the more addictive I became. ,Not bad. " "You can just drink for whatever reason. You drank too much. Why are you so anxious? I will let you return to my brother's body in two days. It's just a little deviation now. Tan Qing snorted and said: "Don't forget that you are in the flesh now and will be injured and die. Don't drink to death before you go back." " Long Qingquan has never seen Nightmare, let alone what he looked like before. Even though he is well-informed, he is still embarrassed, let alone Zhen Lingdan behind him. This old man has grown up, his mouth and heart are blank, and his brain is blank. Even if there is something in it, it is just one sentence: What is all going on? This is what happened. After some research, Lu Yunzhi found that the invisibility of ghost witches requires three steps. The first is the human subject. Honor and disgrace, the spirit is in the body, one is damaged and the other is destroyed, temperament changes to each other, yin and yang complement each other, Lu Yunzhi has reached this level, the initial fusion led to a big change in Lu Yunzhi's temperament, and gradually some evil and cold thoughts, His mind has also become much more vicious. At the same time, the nightmare exists in Lu Yunzhi's body. The energy of the two communicates with each other, improving together without disturbing each other. Therefore, this first level is not difficult for Lu Yunzhi at all, but it is not so difficult for others. Easy. Ghosts that are too weak cannot grow in the body. If given more practice, they will inevitably devour the main body and the person will be possessed. Even if they pass through many difficulties, it will be difficult to reach the second level. This is due to the The limits of the ghost itself, if the ghost is too strong and rashly enters the body, it will become a demon like a man bent to the sky, and the consequences will be endless. There are no coincidences, and those who achieve great things must have God's help. Lu Yunzhi is unique in this aspect, first of all his own The Qi is very strong, and the day after tomorrow he developed extraordinary magic skills in the Zhongzheng lineage. The nightmare cannot swallow Lu Yunzhi at all, and besidesSpirits also have different temperaments. It happens that the nature of nightmares is relatively wild, and they like new things just like different dreams. The nightmare in Lu Yunzhi's body is a kinder alternative. In addition, when entering Lu Yunzhi's body, the nightmare has already Very weak, with much less evil nature. Later, after being nourished by Lu Yunzhi's kind nature, they became what they are today. What's even more commendable is that although the nightmare at that time was not a complete one, it was almost the same. In general, ghosts must be hundreds of times stronger than their basic limits before they can successfully enter the second level. Even if Nightmare is weak and Lu Yunzhi is strong, it will be difficult to slowly integrate. After all, ghosts are more evil and yin, but After Lu Yunzhi accidentally injured Yingzi and Shi Yuting, Shi Fang and Lu Yunzhi worked together to seal the nightmare, which gave Lu Yunzhi the opportunity to slowly integrate with it. When the two had a boundary connection, the nightmare Lu Yunzhi cannot be hurt, because once Lu Yunzhi dies at this time, the nightmare will be gone. However, the previous seal is difficult to open, because unless there is a huge energy impact, there will still be residual trouble if the seal is opened rashly. It is conducive to the fusion of the two and the development of nightmares. The blow of huge energy does not come suddenly, not to mention that the main body has to risk its life. No one dares to try it with their own lives. Even if they dare, it is difficult to grasp the severity, but just Someone opened the seal regardless of the importance at this time, because that person wanted to kill Lu Yun. This person was Yu Qian, and the magic weapon he used at that time was also very exquisite. It was the treasure of Zhongzheng lineage, Zhenmai. soul tower, Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 64: Nightmare Becomes Human To sum up, it can be said that due to all the coincidences, Lu Yunzhi easily merged with the nightmare and passed the first level smoothly. The invisible second level of the ghost witch is not based on what Lu Yunzhi did, but on the ghost. The root of the spirit, it happens that Nightmare is one of the evil ghosts, and there is no doubt about his ability and root, so the second level is not too difficult. The state of the second level is that Nightmare's ability is getting stronger and stronger, and his form is Gradually leaving the ghost state, he became more and more like the body he was inhabiting, and could even turn into a human form. However, even if the ghost became an entity on the surface, it was actually still a ghost. The clothes and appearance on his body could be transformed at will, but he would never return to the ghost state. The most basic state of a person who is no longer a ghost is that of a ghost. The third level is what we are doing now, which is to turn the void into reality, separate the two, and merge them into one again. It is truly intangible. As the name suggests, it means turning the nightmare into a human being. However, this human body is another Lu Yunzhi, and his body is integrated with Lu Yunzhi. In other words, two living beings. People can still overlap together. No one, even the well-informed Shushu, has ever seen such incredible things. Lu Yunzhi is busy with government affairs and military affairs, so naturally he has no time to spend on such things. But he always vaguely felt that the current situation in Wala was more or less related to Yingmei, who had not heard from him for a long time. Although there was no real evidence, this feeling became more and more intense. If he wanted to deal with Yingmei and kill him completely, he had to rely on himself alone. It is very unstable to improve the invisible clan art of heaven and earth and the way to control the air. Therefore, we have stepped up the research on the real art of ghosts and witches. Lu Yunzhi has no time. He is the most qualified and capable person to study it. It¡¯s Lu Jiugang. Although Yang Xiyu is smart, he has little knowledge of the art of heaven and earth. He can only learn from the outside and put forward his own opinions. But God does not follow people¡¯s wishes. Lu Jiugang has not asked about the facts since he came back from Fengbo Village. He only cared about his own enjoyment and lived a very free and unrestrained life. Lu Yunzhi couldn't bear to disturb him. After all, Lu Jiugang was expelled from the school when he was young. Later, when he was just a little older, he was hunted down by his colleagues in the world. Later, his wife was burned and he himself I have lost my memory and my children have been separated for a long time, and I have only had a few good days. It is rare and hard-won to have such a free and easy mentality now. Thanks to the Zhongzheng lineage, we still have Tan Qing and her adoptive mother, Nong Bu , Qianyi Nongbu originally came to learn from the Zhongzheng lineage. Although he was very old, his enthusiasm for learning has not diminished at all. Later, he talked with Lu Yunzhi several times in his spare time and found that the knowledge of the Zhongzheng lineage is really broad and profound. , and what Lu Yunzhi knew was unfathomable, so she devoted herself to studying. Now that she had such a good opportunity to study the art of ghosts and witches, she naturally would not refuse, so the nightmare left Lu Yunzhi's body , the two couldn't be separated for too long, but through the Gu formation of Tan Qing and Gianli Nongbu, the nightmare's sexual nature was maintained. Just because the nightmare left Lu Yunzhi's body, Lu Yunzhi's anger quickly attacked her heart and energy. During the collision, the nightmare failed to protect Lu Yunzhi's heart. The root cause was that the nightmare was not in Lu Yunzhi's body at that time. Now the clothes the nightmare is wearing are not phantoms, but real cloth. In the process of practice, the clothes he transformed gradually disappeared. In front of the naked body with Tan Qing and Gia Nongbu, the nightmare was a ghost. Naturally, he didn't feel embarrassed. Tan Qing was a Miao woman and didn't care about it, and Gia Nongbu. It didn't matter that Yanongbu was an old woman, so everything was not awkward and progressed quite smoothly. However, in the end, there was a problem with the spell. After the nightmare materialized into a human being, it could not be integrated with Lu Yunzhi, and her appearance There are also slight differences, the difference is not big, most people can't see it at all, but if the two stand together, they will find that the two are like looking in a mirror, the left and right are opposite, Lu Yunzhi is worried, once the two cannot merge , the strength that was originally combined into one is dispersed, so it may be quite difficult to deal with Ying Mei. Even the power of ordinary invisible spells will be reduced, and the nightmare should have been Yizhenyi at the last level. Illusion, truth is the mainstay and illusion is supplemented. Nowadays, it is obviously completely real and without illusion. Such things must be punished by God when the subject exists. In other words, although the state of nightmare can live outside one's own body, it will not be too severe. After a long time, Nightmare obviously didn't care about this problem. Now that he had taste and touch, he was naturally very curious about many things. He tried his best to experience various things in the past few days, and finally became crazy about wine. Today While admiring the moon and drinking in the courtyard, I bumped into Long Qingquan and Zhen Lingdan who had just come in and were confused. Nightmare became more playful, and then a series of things happened. Lu Yunzhi snorted coldly and said nothing to him. The nightmare on the left and right said: "You guy, you don't know the importance of the matter. You don't want to explain to Long Qingquan, so you fight. What if something happens? "The nightmare replied with an indifferent expression: "Old Lu?Lao Lu, look at you with a bitter face every day, what should I do with this, what should I do with that, what should I do if there are so many? How can I not know the importance? My ability is exactly the same as yours, I can control it freely and naturally know it When is the time to stop, don't stare. The reason why I went all out just now was because I was facing Long Qingquan. He is the only one in the world who has the ability to catch your all-out moves. " Long Qingquan was originally very angry, and felt that Nightmare's lack of explanation was a bit excessive, but after all, he was too young. Hearing the praise in Nightmare's words, he burst into laughter for a while, and when his anger subsided, he felt This nightmare was much more to his liking than his old antique brother-in-law Lu Yunzhi. The nightmare turned his head and saw Zhen Lingdan behind Long Qingquan, and exclaimed: "Damn it, isn't this Zhen Lingdan, the leader of the living soul veins?" , why are you here? Old Lu Ke said that the matter between me and him is a secret. Outsiders cannot know. Now that you know it, you are not one of your own family. What should you do? Forget it, the dead are the most confidential. You and Lu Yunzhi is an old friend. We have been fighting for several years. Let me give you a happy one. " "Nonsense, why is Mr. Zhen not one of our own? Go back to your room and drink." "Lu Yunzhi has no temper for this nightmare that looks like him. The two have lived in the same body for so long and have become one person. And although they can't merge now, they have the same mind. The nightmare is just singing and harmonizing with him. , but the language is much more vulgar, Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 65: Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the country Mengxiang held the wine bottle, waved her hands bohemianly, and walked toward the inner courtyard with swaying steps. Everyone covered their mouths and laughed. Normally Lu Yunzhi was solemn and mature, but now this Lu Yunzhi looked like this. How could he make everyone laugh? Without laughing, Lu Yunzhi walked quickly towards Zhen Lingdan. Zhen Lingdan was still in shock. How did he know about the incident between Mengma and Lu Yunzhi? He was even more stunned by the confrontation between Mengma and Long Qingquan just now. This This is not a struggle between humans, but a play by heaven and man. Lu Yunzhi glanced at the marks on Zhen Lingdan's arms and the drool on her mouth and beard. It was clear that Long Qingquan had tied Zhen Lingdan too tightly just now without knowing the importance. , nearly strangling the general. Originally, Lu Yunzhi wanted to do an emotional scene of untying himself, but now the rope has been cut off by Long Qingquan to make up for it. Where is the drama, "Qingquan, what's going on? "Although Lu Yunzhi had noticed it a long time ago, he still asked knowingly. Long Qingquan was sincere and told Lu Yun everything about what happened just now, including what he thought. Lu Yunzhi frowned and said: "This Bai Yong is so incompetent, and so are you. Qingquan, I asked you to send Mr. Zhen to the capital, not to escort him to the capital, but to tie him up with a rope, in case he comes out." If something happened, wouldn't it cost me a great commander in Ming Dynasty?" Long Qingquan quickly held his hands and fists to apologize to Zhen Lingdan, but Zhen Lingdan showed no expression, still immersed in the shock of what happened just now, Long Qingquan muttered softly. Said: "People react slowly when they get old. It has been so long and they still haven't recovered." Lu Yunzhi glanced at Long Qingquan and ignored him, then wiped the dirt on Zhen Lingdan's chest with his sleeve. , only then did Zhen Lingdan react. She saw that Lu Yunzhi's clean sleeves were covered with her own tears and gastric juices. She was so flattered that she didn't know how to express it. She could only keep repeating two sentences: "How about this?" "Yes, this can't be done." "What can't be done? If Mr. Zhen can be used by the court, it doesn't matter even if you let me, Lu Yunzhi, lead your horse and put the stirrup on it," Lu Yunzhi said affectionately, "Zhen Lingdan." Hearing this, he regained his composure, smiled coldly and replied: "Master Lu, you have so many generals, not to mention this brave young general who picks up the general's head from the crowd of thousands of troops, just like picking out an object from a bag, that is Bai Yongzhu Everyone has experience and knowledge, not to mention that with you as the leader, there is no need for an old man like me." Lu Yunzhi shook his head, and replied calmly: "In the past, I would have killed you, but. Now, no matter how humiliated I am, I still ask for your help, because Ming Dynasty needs you, and the people of Ming Dynasty need you." "How can I say this?" Zhen Lingdan looked up when she saw that Lu Yunzhi didn't seem to be hypocritical. Asked, Lu Yunzhi coughed slightly and let Zhen Lingdan sit on the stone seat in the courtyard, and said: "You may not know something. Now Guangdong, Guangxi and Northern Xinjiang are suffering from war. My eldest brother is suppressing Guangdong and Guangxi, but even if No matter how chaotic it is, it is just an internal struggle in our Ming Dynasty. I am not worried. I have ordered disputes with local corrupt officials, allocated food for disaster relief, and other measures to satisfy the people's anger. I think it will stop soon, and the conflict between the two lakes you caused The chaos has stopped, but what worries me most is the battle in Northern Xinjiang. It is also the battle against the Mongols that requires Mr. Zhen to help me. " "The northern territory is vast. If the territory of the Rakshasa Kingdom and the Western Regions occupied by the Mongols are included, the total area of ????Livara and Tatar will exceed the territory of the Ming Dynasty. Although their economy is very backward, their people are He is a born warrior. He grew up on horseback. Cavalry is the natural enemy of infantry. I don¡¯t think I need to say this anymore. And the cavalry we trained is not as good as the Mongols. I think back then Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty exhausted all the strength of the country and lasted for It took several years to train a cavalry team that can compete with the Mongols. Now we are too late. It is unwise to use our own shortcomings to overcome the enemy's strong points. The Mongolian territory is vast, from west to east, completely covering our Ming Dynasty. The border was in their mouths. If it had been okay in the past, the Mongols liked fighting among themselves the most, and they were more brave in fighting their own people than fighting the enemy. However, they suddenly stopped fighting among themselves and harassed our border in batches. It was clear that they wanted to test , so that now they have assembled six groups of troops to attack separately. I am afraid that if we do not attack directly and just defend the city, the shame of Jingkang will happen again. "Lu Yunzhi said with a serious face, "Zhen Lingdan nodded while listening, already thinking about it in her heart. If the situation is really as serious as Lu Yunzhi said, and if her words can be used on the battlefield, she will go out of her way to help one of Lu Yunzhi. It's not a bad idea. Family feuds are not worth mentioning in the face of the country's interests. Even if the war is won and Lu Yunzhi's flying bird is the best, Gongzang kills Zhen Lingdan, crosses the river and demolishes the bridge, there will be no regrets. At least the Ming Han people can be saved. The foundation and dignity of the country will not let the ruin of the country happen again. Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the country. When Lu Yun saw that Zhen Lingdan took it seriously, she said even more righteously: "We seem to have countless fortified cities. It can be defended, but in fact it is not the case. Once the Tatars are released into our plains, thenWho can resist the Mongolian cavalry under Ma Pingchuan? Once they capture the north, it will be equivalent to supplies of food, grass and ordnance. Although the south is densely covered with water networks, the Mongols are numerous and menacing. Throwing whips If the flow is cut off, the Yangtze River will surely drink like a horse, and the only outcome will be the destruction of the country. In the Yuan Dynasty, we Han people became the lowest class, worse than pigs and dogs. A strong man would be killed if he said the wrong word, and his wife and children would be killed by the Mongols. People can kill people at will, and even if they kill many people, they can just install a rebel and rebel against the party. The reputation has been covered up. If they had known this earlier, the Song people would have defended and even taken the initiative. No one could tolerate holding on without fighting, let alone We surrendered to the Tatars and ended up as slaves. Today is history repeating itself. If we don't actively resist, we will definitely move south like the Song Dynasty and then perish. I, Lu Yunzhi, will not allow it, and neither will the bloody men in the world. " "That's why I said that the Ming Dynasty needs you. For the sake of the millions of people of the Ming Dynasty, I ask Mr. Zhen to lead the army and go to war with me. " Lu Yunzhi said with cupped fists. He was about to kneel down as he was groveling. Zhen Lingdan quickly supported Lu Yunzhi and said sternly: "Then please tell Master Lu why you need me in the battle situation. In other words, what can I do. " "Okay, I know that Mr. Zhen is a man who understands righteousness. Without further ado, I just said that we have to take the initiative. There are two reasons. Although our soldiers are not as powerful as the Mongols, we have more numbers. "Lu Yunzhi said with confidence, Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 66: Six enemy armies invade our Ming Dynasty "Of course, guarding the border towns can stop the army, but our border is long and there are always areas where the troops are weak. It is not good to guard them separately. Even if we all guard, the Mongols can still find some small towns to hunt grass and valleys, slaughter and plunder I, the people of the Ming Dynasty, were the ones who suffered the damage. To be honest, it was because my father was killed by the Mongolian Tatars that I fled the famine and came to the capital, and by chance I joined the Zhongzheng lineage." Lu Yunzhi said. When he arrived, Zhen Lingdan nodded and motioned to Lu Yunzhi to continue. Lu Yunzhi said: "The danger of holding on to the city is that it is difficult to defend against the Mongolian cavalry siege. Once the siege defenders leave the city and face the cavalry, Even if reinforcements come and face the cavalry, they will die. If they refuse to fight, they will run out of ammunition and food, and supplies will not be sent into the city at all. In short, this can be said to be a true defense, because in the end only one person dies, and it is easy to cause an siege. The situation is like a point-to-point attack for reinforcements. Moreover, if we put all our forces on border guards, the domestic military resources will be empty. As long as there is a breakthrough in the northern border, it will be like a thousand-mile embankment destroyed by an ant nest. After this barrier is broken, the world will have nothing to defend. Once they set foot in the pass, the unarmed and rich Central Plains will become a paradise for the Mongolian cavalry and a center for their supplies. If we lead troops to rescue them by then, it will be too late. " Zhen Lingdan interfaced. Said: "So you want to lead the soldiers out to attack the Mongols, which will invisibly push the bottom line of the guards and our border hundreds of miles outward. Even if there is a problem, the Ming Dynasty will have enough time to recruit troops again. After all, the Mongols There are only a few people, we can kill them even if we use our lives." Lu Yunzhi nodded and said: "That's right, but I don't want to waste it, we must win, grow my ambition as a Chinese man, break through the Helan Mountains, eat their flesh and sleep with them. Skin, so that these Tatars do not dare to invade. The Mongols remember to fight but not to eat. Since ancient times, paying tribute and vassal rewards are of no use. Only by defeating them can they remember that if they win this battle, they will be able to protect the Ming Dynasty. It can be as short as ten years, or as long as fifty years of stability. " "Well said, good ambition, Master Lu, based on your words and your actions for the country and the people, I am willing to help you, even if we are. There is hatred between you and me, but when facing foreign enemies, we are all descendants of the Ming Dynasty, and our unity cannot be doubted." Old man Zhen Lingdan was chatting like a teenager, high-fiving and shouting, "Lu Yunzhi. Turning her head to Yingzi, she said: "Madam, bring me the territory map and the northern Xinjiang defense map." Yingzi agreed and quickly brought two maps. Lu Yunzhi spread the map on the ground and ordered his servants to palm it several times. Ten Lamps squatted in the yard with Zhen Lingdan and explained, "The Mongols have used the power of ghost witches this time. We have also eliminated many branches of the people of heaven and earth from leaving the station. Then I will send a strong force to fight with the army. Although the number of magicians will not be able to accomplish much in the end, they can boost one's own morale and destroy the opponent's confidence. If you are lucky, there will be a master who can capture the opponent's commander. If you shoot the man first, shoot the horse to capture the thief first and capture the king first. That's the truth." Lu Yunzhi pointed out the six routes for the Mongol army to Zhen Lingdan. When Zhen Lingdan heard about capturing the thief first, he felt a little embarrassed. Wasn't he also attracted by Lu Yunzhi's side? Did the master Long Qingquan capture it? But this method is really easy to use. Lu Yunzhi didn't care and said: "We will leave a small number of troops to guard the border. The young and strong people of the Ming Dynasty will also be summoned to guard the border to increase the reliability of the second line of defense." , although we are confident that we will win, we cannot be careless and plan for the worst possible outcome. If the same number of people encounter the Mongolian cavalry, we will definitely not have an advantage, so we must ensure the number of people, so I will send the troops to the expedition. All the armies are divided into three groups. The first group on the left starts from Shaanxi and is led by you to block the two enemy armies coming from the west. They arrive in sequence and do not fight in a coordinated manner. They go up first and then against each other. So you rely on the strength of your troops to defeat them one by one, then occupy the Hetao area, and then attack Dobuke directly. If possible, you can even hit Hami. The Turks are now following the Mongols and massacring our people of the Ming Dynasty, which is better than the Mongols. People are still cruel, this time they must taste something powerful, I believe you can do it. " "Which troop should I lead? What is the number of enemy troops? "When Zhen Lingdan talked about it, Lu Yunzhi replied: "I have to trouble you tomorrow to rush back to Lianghu with my letter and lead your original team to the Western Regions. In addition, I will send you 20,000 more elite troops. , after all, the temperature difference between the desert and the Western Region is huge. The children of the two lakes may not be able to stand this kind of weather, and they have to adapt slowly. " Zhen Lingdan frowned and asked: "There are still many soldiers and horses in the two lakes who are loyal to me. You are not afraid that I will lead the troops and run away, go against you again, or simply defect to the Mongols and worship the general. Hou became their senior official. " Lu Yunzhi smiled: "If you are like this, you will not be called Zhen Lingdan. Although the Zhen Lingdan I know has never been in the same camp as me, he is an upright hero. I am willing to kill you with my head. guarantee. " Zhen Lingdan sighed, the veteran's hands were shaking a little, and he suddenly knelt down on one knee with a fist in his hand, LuHe stretched out his hand to help but could not hold back Zhen Lingdan's full strength: "Today I will also call you my lord. A soldier will die for his confidant. To protect the family and the country, even if this is Zhen Lingdan's last battle, it is worth it. It is better than us." It's better to fight with your own people only to increase casualties, but let me tell you in advance, if I, Zhen Lingdan, survive the disaster, I may not necessarily still be loyal to you. The day the Mongolian barbarians are defeated is the time when you and I part ways. Yu Qian has been more kind to me than you. I forgive Zhen for not knowing what is good or bad." Lu Yunzhi held up Zhen Lingdan with her palms and said, "Okay, your words are enough. We have defeated the Tatars. We will fight for another hundred rounds." The two looked at each other, and they were filled with emotions. After a moment of silence, Lu Yunzhi pointed at the border map and said: "I said there are not enough people who need your help. There are countless people in the Ming Dynasty who are good at fighting, but there are only a handful of people who can truly defeat a weak enemy and command thousands of troops. Mr. Zhen happens to be one of them. You lead the left army to the west, and Bai Yong leads the east. Now Goryeo has taken advantage of the situation and responded to the Mongolian army. I want Bai Yong to lead the troops to defeat Goryeo first, march along the Oara border, and then attack into the Tatar hinterland. We will go straight to Huanglong. Their home base is attacked, and they must withdraw from the front. Go to support Oara's troops, so the Tatar reinforcements on the east route will definitely be caught in the back and forth attacks. I think they will not have anything good to eat when they encounter Bai Yong, and the west route will also force the Lihe Turks and all the lustful people to escape. You won¡¯t get any advantage if you try to contain him.¡± Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 67: Getting Married Lu Yunzhi pointed to the map and said: "The remaining three groups are the elites of Oala. They marched from the middle road and approached Datong Prefecture. This time, the enemy's six groups of armies are very powerful regardless of their order. It's just me. We have to deal with three enemy armies here. The enemy troops are larger in number and they have to defend the pass and fortified city, so naturally we have to lead more troops. Please don't worry, Mr. Zhen. " "That's natural. In my opinion, Bai Yongxing. , Bai Yong didn¡¯t realize how powerful he was when we fought a few years ago, but this time we found out that he is really good. He has grown a lot over the years, and he is no longer Wu Xia Amon.¡± Zhen Lingdan praised. "So Mr. Zhen, how do you think I should advance in the middle?" Lu Yunzhi asked with a sly smile. Zhen Lingdan looked at the map and said slowly: "It seems that you want to proceed step by step and advance steadily. Could it be that you There is also a group of surprise troops. If not, I would not recommend you to fight like this. " "Yes, no one knows me better than Mr. Zhen. Once the war between Guangdong and Guangxi is settled, my eldest brother will lead the troops northward and lead the new army assembled in the capital to come quickly. Support us. When the time comes, he will march from the east. Although Bai Yong can go straight to Huanglong, the number is small after all, and he cannot completely defeat the Tatars. However, once the reinforcements arrive and the number of soldiers increases, they will all be fresh troops. They will definitely be able to defeat the Tatars and then capture Oala. We have surrounded him from the southeast to the northwest. Hum, even if they spread their wings, it would be difficult for them to fly." Lu Yunzhi said with a cold smile, "Zhen Lingdan clapped her hands fiercely and shouted three times, look. Turns out he was quite satisfied with Lu Yunzhi's battle layout. As for how to fight, it was up to the three of them individually. As the saying goes, the Eight Immortals crossed the sea and showed their magical powers. Zhen Lingdan and Lu Yunzhi talked some more, and then asked Zhen Lingdan went down to rest first, because he had to rush back to Lianghu tomorrow and naturally had to rest well. The military situation was urgent and did not leave Zhen Lingdan too much time. The speed of the soldiers arriving at Lianghu an early day meant that they would march early. Lu Yunzhi stood up and walked towards the backyard. In addition to the dungeon, there was also a large plum forest. Lu Yunzhi had been coming here every day for the past few days. Yang Xiyu in the west courtyard ordered people to prepare meals. Wanting to ask Lu Yunzhi and Zhen Lingdan to have dinner together, it was considered as a way to win over each other. Yang Xiyu teased Lu Qiutong in his arms while walking and said: "Let's go and ask daddy to come for dinner. If you don't eat on time all day long, the baby will grow up." You can't imitate him." When he walked into the courtyard, he found that Zhen Lingdan had already left. After asking the servants, he learned that Lu Yunzhi had gone to Meiyuan, so he sighed softly, gave Lu Qiutong to the old lady, and went to Meiyuan himself. Walking to the garden, this plum garden was built based on the previous gardens of the Zhongzheng line. Lu Yunzhi once said that he had many wonderful memories in the plum garden. When Yang Xiyu walked into the plum garden, Lu Yunzhi Yun Zhizheng was climbing a branch alone, standing lonely in the courtyard. It was not the season for plum blossoms to bloom, so the plum garden was not very beautiful. He only heard Lu Yunzhi whisper in his mouth: "What are you planning to do with the white snow? The difference between the salt and the air is comparable to the wind blowing up the catkins." This was the poem Lu Yunzhi recited when he met Shi Yuting for the first time. At this moment, he missed Shi Yuting even more when he was a child, but everything was different. Unable to go back, Lu Yunzhi heard Yang Xiyu's footsteps, turned around with a wry smile and said: "Meiyuan, it's really no fate. Yuting and I first met in Meiyuan, maybe it's just as you said Yes, we were just like brother and sister before, but I never thought that the two of us were not destined to be together, and today it¡¯s even more because hey, let¡¯s not talk about it. " "Now that you have done it, don't regret it. A man who dares to do something and does nothing wrong is not wrong. This is my man. "Yang Xiyu said that she also felt very uncomfortable about Shi Yuting's death, but now that the Ming Dynasty was facing powerful enemies in northern Xinjiang, if Shi Yuting married Han Yueqiu in the capital, it would inevitably disturb Lu Yunzhi's temperament and ruin major events. If Shi Yuting had not died, , that is even more troublesome. She will eventually figure everything out and question Lu Yunzhi, even if she has no evidence in her hand. A woman's hatred does not need evidence. It will be even more troublesome then. That's why Yang Xiyu advised Lu Yunzhi not to regret it that day. , but now that Shi Yuting is dead, perhaps this is the best result for Lu Yunzhi and even Shi Yuting herself. Lu Yunzhi was stunned after hearing Yang Xiyu's words, then nodded, and stretched out his arms to hug Yang Xi On Yu's waist, Yang Xiyu nestled his head in Lu Yunzhi's arms and said softly: "Let's go eat, the whole family is waiting. " At the dinner, Lu Yunzhi learned that Yingzi had already chosen a family for Baozi, and she was the daughter of a fourth-rank official in the court. In order to become a relative of Lu Yunzhi, many people worked hard, and they also let her Yingzi was dazzled. This woman was not in the matchmaker's order. It was not that the family was noble, but the qualifications were not enough. Anyone who dared to marry Lu Yun's family must be a high-ranking official in the court at least. , and must be a person with real power. If he is just an idle official, he will be embarrassed to open his mouth. But this girl is not a matchmaker. He was seen by Leopard himself when he looked up when he was wandering around in the street. It happened that this girl opened Zhu Chuang, and the leopard¡¯s gaze happens to beShe was so sharp, otherwise she couldn't see clearly through the layers of the courtyard. In short, it was love at first sight. Later, after checking with Yingzi, she learned that this girl had not married yet. Yingzi personally arranged for a matchmaker to come to propose marriage. The male protagonist of that family had just At first I didn't know who came but I was still nervous. When I heard that it was Lu Yunzhi's uncle who wanted to marry his wife, not to mention that the nine thousand year old lady came to propose marriage in person. So I agreed, and the girl naturally didn¡¯t have the right to choose. What¡¯s more, although the leopard is darker and thicker, it is not ugly anyway, and he is a nine-thousand-year-old uncle who can cover the sky with one hand. Brother, the girl didn¡¯t have any of those old lovers like Lan Yan and confidants mentioned in the script, so she had no worries and happily married Baozi. Lu Yunzhi and Baozi didn¡¯t want to make it too big, after all. Now that the war is raging, it would be unreasonable to be so extravagant, but many officials came to congratulate them. The banquet increased from more than a dozen tables to hundreds of tables, and in the end they could only have a flowing table. In short, the wedding was very lively, until It took a whole day to finish, and there was nothing missing. The gifts received turned into mountains of gold and silver. The bride was very happy, thinking that she had gained a good husband and brought honor to her parents, and the leopard was also happy to hug her. The beauty returned, and she was even more happy to be qualified to fight with Lu Yunzhi. A few days later, the imperial court carried out the recruitment process for Zhen Lingdan's rebels in the two lakes. The ministers were busy as if they were coming back to their old days. After organizing Zhen Lingdan's tribe, Lu Yunzhi invited Bai Yong to the title of Marquis of Zhenwu, and then asked him to select the elite soldiers and horses, and then the rest of the tribe and The imperial guards gathered in the capital changed their defenses and headed north with this wave of new troops. Zhen Lingdan also led new troops and joined the old troops to join the expedition. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 68: Parting There were ministers in the court who were deeply suspicious of Zhen Lingdan and wanted to send a supervisory army to accompany him. This suggestion was rejected by Lu Yun. The supervisory troops in the Ming Dynasty were often eunuchs, low-level civil servants, censors, or royal guards. These people take advantage of human power and show off their power with the sword of superiority, but they don't know anything about military affairs. They like to read the leading general's book when they have nothing to do. On the contrary, the generals who led the troops were timid and did not dare to perform. We must know that the battlefield is changing rapidly, how can we tolerate these gangsters delaying things. Zhen Lingdan was very moved when he learned the news. After all, he was a demoted general, Lu Yunzhi However, he was not careful about himself, and even withdrew all the personnel who had been deployed in the army and sent them elsewhere. A soldier dies for his confidant. Zhen Lingdan has regarded Lu Yunzhi as her confidant in her heart. Lu Yunzhi is waiting for it. Yong, I hope Zhen Lingdan is here, and now he is going on an expedition. This time he brought Leopard and Long Qingquan with him. Most of the people in the family have red eyes. This expedition is extremely dangerous, and now it has already It¡¯s no longer the year when we were risking our lives. Now we are prosperous and wealthy, and we live and work in peace and contentment. But with this war, we don¡¯t know when we can come back, let alone whether we can come back. The worries of the family members are not unreasonable. After all, what they are facing this time The enemies are not ordinary people. In addition to the powerful Mongolian cavalry, there are also Mongolian ghost witches who also have in-depth research on ghosts. Lu Yunzhi also made calculations at home all night before and found that there is also a master on the Mongolian side. That person I'm afraid it's not his fault. No one knows this news. Only Yang Xiyu, who is serving Lu Yunzhi, has heard it. Therefore, Yang Xiyu is especially worried about others. On the day of farewell, outside the gate of Zhongzheng Yiline's compound , the three of Lu Yunzhi stood there to say their final goodbyes to their families. Behind them were four horses. Their black hair had no color except for their hooves. Tan Qing said with a grin: "What are you worried about?" In this war, we will use all our elites. They are all men who are good at fighting. My brother and Brother Yong are also generals who have led armies for a long time. They have read military books and have experience in large battles. I think we will be able to win. Let's take a step back and say , even if they don¡¯t fall into the trap and are surrounded, are they still afraid of being unable to escape based on their abilities? I think even the worst Brother Leopard can kill him seven times in and seven times out. " "You stinky girl. "Who said I was the worst? Do you want to have a fight?" Leopard pretended to be angry and said to Tan Qing, then took his wife's hand and said softly: "Wait until I come back, don't listen to Tan Qing." The girl is talking nonsense, your husband and I are very skilled in martial arts, how can the enemy do anything to me, and how can the leader of Youyunzhi be surrounded by the enemy, it would be fine if they are not surrounded." Baozi's new wife couldn't help but nodded. Keep warning the leopard, Yingzi smiled slightly when he saw this scene, but his eyes turned red with dissatisfaction. Instead of his usual tough demeanor, his husband, elder brother, and younger brother who knew Long Qingquan from before, all went to war at once. , it is conceivable that there will be a long longing for her in the future. Yingzi took the cloak and neck protector that she had made overnight from the servants and handed it to the three of them, and then said: "I heard that it is cold in the desert at night, don't freeze. Well, every one of you is an ordinary person, so you must be careful not to think of yourself as made of steel and iron. " " Sister Yingzi and I are taking care of the family, so you can rest assured. "Yang Xiyu continued, then shook Lu Qiutong in his arms and said: "When you come back, our baby will be able to read and write with you, but we have to go back quickly, we don't have your literary talent. You can¡¯t teach our little Qiutong. " Lu Yunzhi smiled and tapped Lu Qiutong's face with his finger, and then said softly: "You are going to war for your father. You, a little man, have to take care of your family. " Yingzi opened Lu Yunzhi's hand with a slap and said: "Don't touch the child's face, it will make him drool easily. You are so busy every day that you don't even know how to take care of the child. After this battle, you will be well compensated. Let¡¯s take a look at our three mothers. "Everyone laughed loudly, and wiped away the sorrow of parting before, Tan Qing said to Lu Yunzhi: "Brother, don't worry, no one dares to bully our family even if you are not here. Don't forget that I am a 'thug' here. , besides, isn¡¯t Nightmare here? His abilities are the same as yours, haha, he¡¯s an enemy of ten thousand people. " Everyone looked back and saw that Nightmare was still sitting on the stone steps of the yard, drinking from a pot with a drunken expression. Everyone shook their heads. Now there is no need to distinguish Lu Yunzhi from Nightmare. All he has to do is smell it. You can recognize it if it smells like alcohol. Nightmare waved his hand while drinking and said: "I have to go too. Lu Yunzhi has something for me to do. Damn it, even if you let me rest for a while, it's okay. I can't It's time to go. "As soon as he finished speaking, he put down the wine bottle, got on a horse outside the door and rode away with his whip. He didn't even say goodbye to everyone. Now everyone understood why there were four horses outside the door. , Everyone looked at each other in disbelief.Knowing what the nightmare was playing, Lu Yunzhi shouted to the back of the nightmare: "Take care, brother." The nightmare waved his hands and didn't turn around, but just shouted: "Lusuo, you also stay alive for me. "Leopard, Bai Yong, Lu Yunzhi and the others also got on their horses. Lu Yunzhi lowered his head and whispered to Yang Xiyu: "Remember to wash your son's eyes with tea every day, and use the runes I wrote to smoke the clothes. You keep asking. Why, I will tell you today, because our son also has the fate of 525, and is more pure than mine. I am afraid that he will be frightened by some scattered ghosts. Anyway, be careful, I'm leaving. , I love you." The three of them left the Zhongzheng Yidian compound with their horses and whips raised, and rushed to the camp outside the capital. Then they led 20,000 soldiers and horses and headed towards northern Xinjiang with a large amount of food, grass and baggage. Go to fight with Zhu Jianwen, Chao Xing and others. What they have to deal with is Oala's army in the middle. According to Fei Ge's biography, the enemy army in the middle is the largest and most powerful, and among them there are also the three largest numbers of ghost witches. At this moment, Datong Datong In the camp, Zhu Jianwen occupied the highest position, Chao Xing sat on the left, Shi Biao sat on the right, and the remaining generals, deputy generals, and generals Ya were on the left and right. During these days, Zhu Jianwen did not rush forward to show off his talents. In order to gain a good reputation, Zhu Jianwen ordered 20,000 troops to advance and set up camp, and built several solid earth and wooden fortresses outside the pass. and Wengcheng, Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 69: Three thousand Tatars scolded in front of the formation Chao Xing was obviously a little unhappy. He understood why Lu Yunzhi told him that day that Chao Xing would do his best to cooperate with any commander-in-chief. It turned out that Chao Xing was waiting here. Since Zhu Qixiang conspired with Yu Qian, Chao Xing had become a little dissatisfied. Except for Zhu Jianwen, he knew that Zhu Jianwen was forced to do so, but this was not enough to offset Zhu Jianwen's fault. Since ancient times, there has been a dilemma between loyalty and righteousness, but Zhu Jianwen did something unethical, and even regarded brotherhood and power as equal conditions. On balance, if it was just for his father Zhu Qi Xiang Chao Xing, he wouldn't hate him so much. Of course, these secret things were not what Lu Yunzhi said, but what Fang Qingze learned during the adjustment. One time Fang Qingze was drunk. Shi Wuxin said it, which made Chao Xing listen. It should be true. In the past few days, the Wala army finally arrived, but there were only three thousand Qingqi. They still surrounded the entrance of the village and kept yelling. All the officers and soldiers of the Ming army were bloody men. , all asked to go to war, but Zhu Jianwen refused. As the Mongolian barbarians yelled and cursed, even the soldiers were affected. They spread rumors that Zhu Jianwen was timid and did not dare to fight, and his morale was damaged, so he summoned all the troops to discuss Shi Heng's His nephew Shi Biao said: "His Royal Highness, we are always afraid of fighting. The soldiers' energy has been exhausted. How can we fight this battle?" Now the number of barbarians outside the gate is nearly fifty times greater. The probability of one in fifty is that they dare not step forward to fight. They allow others to yell and curse at the gate of the village. It¡¯s okay not to fight. Let¡¯s just go to sleep and huddle together. They don¡¯t dare to invade the village anyway.¡± ¡°You bastard,¡± Chao Xing yelled, ¡°How dare you speak to His Highness like this?¡± Zhu Jianwen heard that Chao Xing helped him. After speaking, Chao Xing glanced gratefully, but Chao Xing turned away and did not look at Zhu Jianwen. He looked down upon Gui Gui, but after all, they were grasshoppers on a rope, and they were all Lu Yunzhi's people. In fact, Chao Xing He also wanted to go out and kill the opponent's prestige. It was not easy to be scolded in the village, but he would never allow Shi Biao's people to contradict Zhu Jianwen. Once the prestige was gone, it would be even more troublesome in the future. Shi Biao relied on The Shi family had many old branches in the vicinity of Datong and did not take Zhu Jianwen seriously at all. Even though Shi Heng once ordered to cooperate unconditionally, he repeatedly refused to listen to Xuanyang's instructions and violated the rules. The general who was scolded by Chao Xing glared. When he was about to stand up, Shi Biao glanced at him and turned aside angrily. Unknown to others, Shi Biao knew that Chao Xing was Lu Yunzhi's uncle. Besides, everyone in Tianshi camp was The only ones who can deal with ghosts and witches are magicians. They must not be offended, otherwise they will suffer in the future. Zhu Jianwen cleared his throat and said: "You said we are fifty times more powerful than the other party. Yes, our total military strength is better than the other party's. More than fifty times, but does a war rely solely on the number of people? Have you heard what the other party is scolding, saying that we were defeated in the Battle of Tumu Fort. We also had more people than the other party at that time. Why did we lose? Remember, marching and fighting are not group fights. "There is no point in having too many people. Soldiers are better than more. To say that you can win a battle with more soldiers is simply childish talk." Zhu Jianwen glanced at the generals and said: "The more people there are, the heavier the food and pay for the soldiers and horses will be." Sometimes it can be counterproductive and drag down a lot. Moreover, our Ming army is mainly infantry, and the Mongols are mostly cavalry. If the cavalry attacks the infantry, it is better to have the tiger join the sheep. Once the front is defeated, just trampling will cause heavy damage. Besides, we are staying behind now. Some of the people at Datong Border Gate and the total number of people and horses in the earthen and wooden stronghold I built are only 100,000. We are not on the grassland now, with endless hills as far as the eye can see. There are high and low hills around. In case there is an ambush behind these 3,000 cavalry. What should I do? I don¡¯t believe that the Mongols are fools and dare to use such a small number of troops to form a formation in front of our door. " "Then His Highness, King Tong, has a clever plan to solve the current situation. If the morale is low, I am afraid that future battles will be difficult to fight. Let's listen carefully to King Tong's clever plan, so as to give an explanation to his sergeants. "Shi Biao said, "Zhu Jianwen smiled slightly, understanding that Shi Biao was using a gentle tone to control his army, so he straightened his face and said: "Morale is not gained by shouting slogans, but accumulated by winning battles. If an army The victorious troops will not be moved even by this scene. As for the explanation General Shi said and what explanation they want, soldiers must obey orders to eat food. I have no need and no time to give them an explanation. It's enough for them to just obey my orders, otherwise I would have to explain everyone's ideas. I would be too busy to stay in the camp and explain to them if I was still doing my job. " After hearing this, all the generals looked unhappy. Zhu Jianwen was a politician, and he was naturally very good at understanding people's psychology. After saying the unpleasant things, it was time for Tianzao to eat. He changed his voice and said: "Of course you generals have it. The difference is that we are colleagues and you are of sufficient rank. Since you asked, I will give you an explanation. I think the Mongols must not carry enough food and grass. Usually they rely on fighting to support fighting, so if we can't defend it, we will be there. Bring them down, but we can't just not attack, you?The morale mentioned is also very important. I have sent a scout to investigate. He will be back soon. I will ask him to explain to you in person whether there is an ambush around. We will then study countermeasures based on the opponent's layout. We cannot attack during the day. Although you can win if you know yourself and your enemy, the casualties will be too high and the effect is not as good as a night battle. " "That's why. "Chao Xing asked, and Zhu Jianwen replied: "Mongolians often suffer from night blindness. They can't see clearly at night unless they light torches in large numbers. As long as we know their layout, these barbarians can't be easily captured. " While he was talking, someone suddenly walked in through the curtain. Everyone looked sideways and saw that the man was as tall as a child. He turned out to be a dwarf. However, this man's face was very handsome but indescribably weird. He seemed to be a dwarf. This handsome face always had an unnatural expression. Zhu Jianwen stood up and said: "This is Shang Wang, a master who helps us detect the enemy's situation. Everyone clasped their fists and saluted Shang Wang. Chao Xing asked, "Shang Wang, didn't you go to Xianyun Yehe to travel around the mountains and rivers? Why are you going to the battlefield again?" " Shang Wang's rather strange face showed a trace of heroism, and he said loudly: "Every man is responsible for the rise and fall of the country. Although I, Shang Wang, am a disabled person, I am an upright man. How can such things happen? I'm the only one who can do it less. Besides, how dare I disobey the master's orders. " "It seems that my nephew is still somewhat capable. He can make businessmen and businessmen obey him. Every man has a duty to rise and fall when the country rises and falls. It is well said that I, Chao Xing, admire you. I was not wrong back then. You are indeed a man. Chao Xing said, Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 70: A Real Man Only then did everyone understand that it turned out that Shang Wan was also one of Lu Yunzhi's, and the person who could be let go by Lu Yunzhi to live the life of Xianyun Yehe must not be a mortal. Shi Biao suddenly remembered that this dwarf had followed Yu Qian in and out of Shi Mansion several times. It seems that Yu Qian's failure has a lot to do with him. In this way, he is really not a small person, so he doesn't dare to look down on his subordinates and prevent them from talking nonsense. "Brother Shang Wang, what's happening over there in Wala?" There is an ambush." ??Zhu Jianwen asked. Shang Wan smiled and said to Chao Xing, "Old man, we will talk about old times later. I will talk about the military affairs first." In this way, Wala ambushed 40,000 men behind the mounds three miles to the northwest, and six thousand men behind the circular sand dunes two miles to the east. Moreover, these men and horses were even more terrifying and well-equipped. They were all sturdy men with long and short bows and arrows. Some of the 40,000 people are ordinary herdsmen and civilians, but the 6,000 people in the east are all big-bodied warriors, and they are also quite proficient in sword and horse skills. I think they are a team of elite soldiers from Wala Buduo. Their symbol is the eagle. It was enough to show the dignity and specialness of their status. During our investigation, four scouts were discovered. They were all masters of air control, but they were really unable to resist. In the end, they were shot to death by thousands of arrows. I hid in the sand and was in the body. He shot an arrow but did not dare to come out to save people, for fear that if the brothers were exposed, their deaths would be in vain. In the end, they could only watch their comrades being shot and killed. These four brothers were really good men, except for one who was discovered by the opponent's sentry because of his slight movement. , the other four were shot and killed by accident. They did not surrender to the Tatars until the last moment, nor did they let out a scream or run towards me, so the enemy thought that I only had four scouts. The generals were shocked after hearing this. Although Shang Wang said it lightly, his experience must have been a narrow escape, which is enough to show that these scouts are brave men. With such soldiers serving, it is no wonder that Lu Yunzhi can do it again and again. After winning the battle, Shang Wan said and took off his clothes. Under his coat, he carried a brass Bagua mirror as big as a basin. This was Shang Wan's special weapon. It was almost always with him like the double fork. There were many white arrow marks on it. It seems that the seal was caused by a bow and arrow hitting it. It was this bronze mirror that saved Shang Wang's life. However, there was still an arrow cluster deeply embedded in the flesh on the edge of the bronze mirror, and the arrow shaft had been broken by Shang Wang. It was broken, and the blood had condensed and stopped flowing. The generals in the tent were all people who had guarded the border for many years or had fought several big battles in the Central Plains. They had more or less wounds from swords and arrows, but when they saw Shang Wang's wounds were all startled. This arrow was obviously huge and extraordinary, like a smaller spearhead. How big a bow and strength were needed to shoot such an arrow? Besides, Shang Wang's steps just now were light and he was walking forward. After arriving, he chatted and laughed happily with Chao Xing and others. He looked normal and didn't care about the injury on his back. What a hero he is. The soldiers are all martial arts practitioners on the battlefield. All bloody men admire heroes. Just now, he had a little knowledge of Shang Lu. I was impatient, thinking that this dwarf was reused either because of his glib words or because he was a direct descendant of Lu Yunzhi, and he was just a master at fighting to death. How could he have thought that he was so bloody-minded? There was a hint of reverence in his eyes for a while, even the always arrogant Shi Biao No exception, "Quickly call the military doctor, brother Shang Wang, you go down and rest first, and then report the military situation after taking out the arrow. " Zhu Jianwen stood up and said eagerly, but Shang Wang waved his hand and said with a smile: "No need to bother, just ask the military doctor to come here to pull out the arrow for me. The military situation is urgent, there is no room for delay, my injury is not a problem. . " Zhu Jianwen still wanted to say something, but Chao Xing and Shang Wang had known each other for a long time. They had had many interactions with Yu Qian when they were under his disciples. He naturally knew Shang Wang's temper and character, so he winked at Zhu Jianwen. Said: "Okay, Shang Wang, just say it. " Shang Wang didn't insist on standing. He found a bed and sat down, and continued: "The reason why I call this army excellent is not because I lost four brothers. We are just competing in our abilities. If ordinary people are stronger, they will have no effect in front of thousands of troops. However, the arrows used by these Mongolians are thicker than ordinary eagle-feathered arrows, and their range is not bad at all, which is enough to show that these people have extraordinary strength. The sword and horse skills are very good, and the place where they are stationed and hidden is not ordinary. It is a pocket-shaped sand dune. It is impossible to see it from the outside. As long as someone is crawling on the slower ground and puts on a little sand, it can't be seen from a distance. Unexpectedly, the Sentinel Rider was also patrolling the slope, with only a pair of eyes exposed to watch everything outside. With such courage and attention to the terrain, I think the leader is also very capable, and he may have a lot of research on the Han family's ice arts. He is definitely not a Mongolian fool. " While talking, the military doctor hurriedly ran in. After seeing Shang Wang's arrow wound, he said: "General, you have to stay in bed. The arrow is too big. If you pull it out suddenly, it will cause bleeding, and the pain will naturally be unavoidable. I suggest taking anesthesia. Powder, or apply the feudal anesthetic externally. Shang Wang knew a lot and said: "The anesthetic powder you mentioned should make me weak for two days after taking it. The anesthetic will also make me half numb."I felt uncomfortable for a while. Guan Yunchang has been scraping bones to heal his wounds since ancient times. I don't have the ability, but I can endure it and let you pull out the arrow. It's no problem. Chao Xing asked: "If you don't feel comfortable, you don't feel comfortable. It will be fine in a few days. You still want to go into battle to kill the enemy." "Exactly, the four brothers who went out to investigate with me died in the hands of these people. It would be unmanly if I couldn't kill them. I heard King Tong said that I would attack at night after returning from the investigation. , I will also participate in the battle tonight. I am willing to be a pawn, as long as I can kill these Tatars. Besides, you are not familiar with the positions of the other party's sentries and scouts. They are hiding in the sand. Only I can find them. , if there is a sneak attack, I need to lead people to kill them all secretly. "Shang Wan shouted, Chao Xing raised his fists and shouted: "Okay, I, Chao Xing, admire you even more. Tonight, let's go to the Tianshi camp and make him stand on his back. What kind of elite soldiers can force us to attack them with ghost spirits? No, as long as there are no ghosts and witches in the team, it will be like walking on plain ground. Shang Wan nodded and asked, "Let's get the arrows. By the way, does anyone have wine? I'm a little thirsty." ""I have. "Shi Biao is as his name suggests. He is very brave and brave men suit his taste. Originally, there was no wine prepared for the camp meeting. He likes to drink, so the water bag was filled with baigan. Shang Wang was not polite and cupped his fist slightly and took it. He took a sip of the liquor that was handed to him and signaled the military doctor to take action. The military doctor was very skilled. He slowly dug out the arrow clusters with a knife, and continued to stop the bleeding by squeezing the wound to slow down the flow, and sprinkled hemostatic powder. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 71: The Eagle of the King Everyone looked in admiration, and were shocked by Shang Wang's masculinity for a moment. Their military morale was greatly boosted, and they all shouted to kill back all the cowardice they had been feeling these past few days, and to wipe away the discordant atmosphere just now. At the same time, they also expressed their feelings towards Zhu Jianwen no longer doubted, his guess was correct, there was indeed an ambush, Zhu Jianwen was overjoyed, nodded and said: "What are those 40,000 horses doing? It's not really just an ambush, right? Wala has an attack." If they want to lure us out of the city trebuchets, why don't they use the trebuchets to attack our camp and use three thousand cavalry as bait?" Shang Wang replied: "His Royal Highness, your guess is correct. , This is what I find strange. As far as I know, when traveling with the army, you must bring a trebuchet with you. This trebuchet is huge and difficult to move, but it is much more convenient to carry. It is easy to disassemble and assemble, and is generally specific The large-scale siege artillery used horse-drawn carriages to pull the parts, and then assembled them in front of the formation. However, we detoured to the enemy's rear camp and did not find such a trebuchet. Then a brother who spoke Mongolian touched it. I went to the camp to inquire about it, but found nothing. I think they must have thought that we relied on our large numbers and would definitely go out to fight in the city. We are not as good as the Mongolian cavalry in wild battles, so they didn't bring back the artillery at all. They thought they could fight a quick battle. We were preparing for war, so we were not equipped with a lot of food and grass. Unexpectedly, we set up camp and built earthen and wooden fortresses. Instead of facing the enemy and fighting steadily, we advanced a lot. The Tatars have now run out of food and grass, and they dare not cut down the surrounding areas. The trees were used to build the return artillery for fear that we would discover an ambush, so we have sent people to cut down trees dozens of miles away and assemble them. We also sent people to collect food. In short, the Mongolians are not having a good life because of the lack of food and grass in the camp. Complaints abounded and the army was disheartened. " All the soldiers already had a hint of admiration for Zhu Jianwen. Regardless of whether it was a blind cat encountering a dead mouse or a real strategy, this move was correct. As Zhu Jianwen said, winning the battle is what boosts morale. The only way is that although the victory has not yet been won, the enemy's movements have been guessed. The ancients said that only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you be victorious in every battle. Moreover, the enemy has already run out of ammunition and food. How can such good news not make the Ming army soldiers happy? Zhu Jianwen clapped his hands He praised: "That's good. I think this is not an illusion made by the other party. We will attack tonight. However, Mr. Chao's Tianshi camp has other tasks and cannot fight against this elite Oara army. You are going to deal with Mongolia." How can ghosts and witches suffer losses in ordinary wars? Don't worry, Shang Wang. I will let you go to the northwest to avenge your hatred. I will make sure that these so-called elite soldiers never come back, because they chose this place. It¡¯s a great hiding place, hum, all the soldiers listen to my orders, let¡¯s act like this.¡± It was late at night, outside the Muzhai camp, the Oala soldiers on the northwest side had already rested. The Mongols have never been good at defending the city, they Usually they send troops out of the city to meet the enemy, using offense as the best defense method, because for them, the cavalry is the most powerful weapon of the Mongols. Naturally, their protection work is not as perfect as that of the Ming army. It's very easy to explain. They were hammered with heavy hammers and sprinkled with some water. After being exposed to the sun, they became extremely strong. Even if they were hit with cannons, they couldn't collapse at once. Not to mention the wooden villages, they were all used. The best wood was placed on the sand, and the wooden stakes and stabbing platforms were all ready. Since the Mongols were in ambush, they could not carry out large-scale construction. As for the civil work that the Han people were good at and had thousands of years of experience, they, the Mongols, were not here. Okay, the training before the war also made them very familiar with it, so they only dug a few drainage ditches and surrounded the camp with carts. The sergeants in the camp complained because they didn't eat at all tonight. I thought that the Ming army would go to war rashly, and after a quick victory, they could support the war with war, seize the opponent's food and grass supplies, and then cut down the woods to build return artillery to attack Datong. However, what I didn't expect was that the Ming army generals huddled in the strong camp. They couldn't hit it, which caught them by surprise. There was no return artillery, and they couldn't alert the opponent to expose the target. They could only send people to cut down trees dozens of miles away and send them back. The most terrible thing was that they didn't have enough food and grass. Although they had already sent people to I urged you, but it¡¯s still unknown when it will come. Now that you can only eat one meal a day, these young men are so hungry that they have already laid their hands on their backs. It¡¯s not like they haven¡¯t thought about attacking the Ming army¡¯s camp, but it looks like When they arrived at the camp, the flags were displayed high, and a large number of soldiers patrolled back and forth. The muzzles of the artillery were also facing the outside of the camp. From time to time, the chants of drills in the camp could be heard. Faced with such a well-prepared Ming army, the Mongols gave up their desperate efforts. The idea of ????a war was to release 3,000 men to call for battle, in order to lure the Ming army to fight and then surround them. The people were starving, but the horses were not hungry. This is the pride of the Mongols. Mongolian horses Mongolian horses are hard-working and have strong endurance. Their ability to survive is even more amazing. Even if there is insufficient forage, they can find food by themselves. After a few days of digging, there are no grass roots around. When the wind blows, the dust is flying, and no one dares to open their mouths. A mouth is a mouth?Shasha, waiting for the accommodation environment is even more miserable for the soldiers. Fortunately, I grew up in Mobei and have experienced harsh environments since childhood. Otherwise, I would have cried for my father and mother and had to go home. In short, the Wala army Morale was greatly reduced. If the Ming army left the camp now, the Mongols would definitely fight to the death, just for stuttering. However, they never expected that the Ming army not only left the camp, but also took the initiative to attack, bypassing the troops placed at the entrance of the camp. The three thousand soldiers and horses took a long way around and ran behind them. Besides, the Mongolian cavalry in the sand dunes in the northeast also had a difficult life. They were hiding in the sand dunes and closer to the Ming army camp, so they did not dare to light a fire. To cook, they could only chew hard biscuits and eat cold dried meat that could only be cut with a saber. They didn't even have hot water to drink, but their morale was high because this battle was their turnaround. A bloody battle is needed to restore the glory of the past, worthy of its own totem, the Eagle of the King. What is the Eagle of the King? It is the symbol and belief of this people. They were originally the soldiers of the great Han of Wala. The guards are all Mongolian heroes. Their bows and arrows are much thicker than those of ordinary people. Even so, they can shoot with incomparable accuracy and their power is even more extraordinary. Their horsemanship skills are also outstanding. Although it cannot be said that all of them are capable of shooting. One can fight a hundred brave men, but it is very easy to fight one against ten. Such a group of elite soldiers are naturally led by strong generals. The general Hebul is not only a sharp archer, but also a person who is proficient in the art of war. He was familiar with the traditional Mongolian horse racing and archery formations, and he knew the traditional thrust formation and wild goose wing formation very well. Not only that, Heibul also studied Chinese characters diligently and knew the Han people's art of war very well, so he applied many methods summarized by the Han people. The way to lead troops, the trained soldiers are loyal and obedient to orders, and their already strong combat effectiveness has been raised to another level. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 72: Fighting for Honor After the great victory of Oaratumubao, he led his army directly to the capital. However, the strength of the troops in Oara was much empty. Tuotuobuhua was originally a puppet Khan who was ignored, but now he relied on the iron army of the King's Eagle in his hands. , so he dared to be instigated by Zhu Jianwen Hongyan's letter, and the joint minister Ala entangled all the ministries to fight to the death, hoping to become the Great Khan. Although Tuotuo Buhua's bloodline has the heroic and courageousness of his ancestors, However, these 6,000 soldiers and horses were not enough to achieve the goal. They were defeated in the capital and then bombarded. Later, when they learned about Totu Bohua's seizure of power, they were even more furious. He is in charge of Wala and is a king in the true sense. He also fulfilled the wishes of his grandfather and father first, so that Wala will no longer have civil war and become extremely powerful. If Tuotuo Buhua hadn't had this opponent first, he might have been able to succeed, but then However, this generation of wise kings who had pioneered the territory of Wala were defeated in front of them. They could only be captured after being defeated one after another. The uprising was declared a failure before it even started. The iron army of the King's Eagle was weak at the sight of it. , I can only act according to orders, lay down my weapons and surrender, I also forgive Totuo Buhua and the rebellious King Eagle with superficial tolerance, but soon I will abolish Totuo Buhua and become a self-reliant Khan. And he suppressed all the opposing tribes and conquered all the dissatisfied people with his own strength. The Eagle of the King also became a low-level army, eating the worst food, living in the most dilapidated yurts, and riding horses that were not strong. The prime-age horse was a rogue horse that even the Han people did not care for. It also became a Khan first and then the good times did not last long. The ghost witch protector Qimude and the Zhiyuan A'ala (this A'ala is not the other A'ala) assassinated the ghost witch leader Meng He and killed him. Liao Yexian and his younger brother, Wala, fell into chaos. The tribesmen from all sides began to fight against each other for several years, showing their usual cruel nature of internal fighting. However, no matter how hard they fought, no one dared to win over the Eagle of the King. Although this 6,000-man army was powerful, it was just an army that had rebelled. How could the Mongols, who were more suspicious, tolerate this group of people? The 6,000-man army did not disperse, because there was no place to seek refuge if they dispersed, so they had They huddled together to keep warm. Fortunately, although the equipment and food were poor, the combat power was there, and no one dared to harass and annex them. They finally got through the difficulty. Now the melee in Oara has calmed down, and the leaders of each department are taking orders from one person. The orders of the Supreme Commander were carried out step by step, and even the ghost witches, who were in a group and never listened to the orders of the Khans, united and obeyed the orders. The spring of the King's Eagle has come, and Hebull finally saw the Supreme Commander. The commander was a man with an iron mask. He knew that it was Meng He, the legendary ghost witch leader. At the same time, he received the order to capture Datong. They were equipped with enough food and replaced the horses and weapons they had before. The King's Eagle is resurrected again. They want to make contributions and repay Meng He's kindness. They also want to make a name for themselves and let others know that they are still the most powerful cavalry on the grassland. The King's Eagle. This is it. The reason why the cavalrymen can still maintain their morale and fighting spirit by hiding under the sand dunes and eating this cold food. Everyone is waiting for the battle, not for the food, gold, silver and women of the Han people, but for the honor in their hearts. It is night and the moon The black wind was high and the wind was swirling. Although it was much warmer for the Central Plains at this time, it was still very cold at night near the edge of Mobei. The soldiers of King Eagle did not set up yurts or tents. , because this place did not allow it, and they did not bring anything with them. The warriors huddled in the sandpit and resisted the cold with their bodies. Suddenly someone heard a movement, and then many people heard the sound, and they picked up their weapons and became alert, and They quickly gathered next to the horses and waited for the attack. The centurion whispered the name of the sentry horse, but no one answered. The Han people finally couldn't help but attack. Do they think that all of us Mongolians have night blindness? No, once As the king's eagle of Totu Bohua Khan's guard, he ate no less vegetables, food, and fish. Although he stopped for several years, he has not suffered from such problems. Since the Han people want to attack at night, let them go Without reply, the footsteps were getting closer and closer, neat and powerful. It could be heard that there were many people, about ten thousand people, but the Eagle of the King was not afraid of twice as many Han infantry or so-called cavalry. Following Hebull's order, the knights got on their horses one after another, shouting and rushing towards the sand slope. The sand dunes are pocket-shaped, surrounded on three sides and open on one side, but it does not mean that the three sides are equally steep. After all, it is sand, not Stone, so only one side is steep due to natural reasons. There may be big rocks under the sand. The knights rushed up towards the gentler steep slopes on both sides. Hebull chose this place just to prevent the enemy from discovering it, but he understood that if the enemy occupied From a favorable position, it is quite disadvantageous to hit oneself with a bow and arrow from a high position, so a plan has been made long ago. Once the enemy attacks, they will go uphill from both sides and go uphill separately in order to achieve the fastest speed. Relatively flatOn the other side, the power of the cavalry came into play. When the troops joined together, they could become a sharp force. When the two teams of cavalry rushed up the slope, suddenly four rows of infantry were displayed on the slope, each of them holding a blunderbuss. , and then kicked down the wood and other objects placed in front of him with his legs, and hit many horses galloping upwards for a while. Then the first row of soldiers fired their muskets, and after a row of volleys, smoke filled the air, and the smoke enveloped the sight of the infantry. , but the casualties of the cavalry were very huge. Rows of knights fell off their horses before they encountered the enemy. Some of the knights were hit by bullets and were thrown off their horses and then trampled to pulp by their comrades behind them. The first row of Ming army musketeers Retreat to the end and start loading ammunition, then the second row starts designing, then the third row, and finally the fourth row. At this time, the first row has been loaded and continues to advance and shoot. This round shooting method is based on what Zhu Jianwen explained. Chengzu Zhu Di's two-row firing system has been improved. It can not only attack the enemy with powerful firearms, but also avoid the disadvantage of slow reloading of firearms. As long as there are enough people and the positions are arranged, they can take turns to attack the enemy. If the enemy density is particularly high, When the impact is extremely strong, the first row can kneel down and fire, and the second row can stand up and fire. The two rows fire at the same time, so that the four groups become two groups. Although it is slightly slower, the blow is also stronger. Quite a few, but they are of no use at this moment. After all, the Mongolian cavalry is charging up a high slope. The density will not be too high, and they cannot advance together. The smoke of gunpowder has blocked the sight of the Ming soldiers, but the people on the other side are full of people on the slope, and the gunmen are still there. It's a downward shot, so there's no need to aim at all, so it doesn't matter if there's smoke. There will always be Mongolian cavalry who are hit and knocked off their horses. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 73: Great Victory Soon the Mongolian cavalry also began to counterattack. They raised their heads and fired while running. It was impossible for the opponent to stand on a high slope and shoot directly. The upward fire was very powerful to cover a large area, but the accuracy was a bit poor. After the round, the Ming army's gunmen only suffered casualties of more than ten people, and there were sergeants behind them who brought big shields to block their heads. The Mongolian soldiers' bows and arrows could no longer do anything to the Ming army. Of course, not only this slope, but also other The same thing happened on a sandy slope. The leader of the King's Eagle, Hebull, was anxious. Even if he continued to fight like this, even if he could break through, his brothers would be almost destroyed. Now he could no longer charge up the slope. There was a breakout toward the open side of the pocket. They blew a whistle and sent the order to the centurions. The formation changed and began to gather for a breakout. The Mongolian knights quickly gathered together and rushed outside. They used the weapons hanging on their horses. The small round wooden shield on the side blocked the incoming fire bullets, but stray bullets could still be blocked, but the iron bullets that hit the target could not be blocked no matter what. The wooden shield was originally designed to reduce weight, only in the middle and sides. It was wrapped with iron sheet, and the projectiles were broken into pieces with one hit. However, the fast-moving cavalry caused the gunman to miss his target. For a time, the King's Eagle's casualties dropped sharply. Hebull turned around and looked at the fallen soldiers. The brothers on the ground secretly felt cruel in their hearts: Brothers, when we go out to the plains, we will avenge you. Many of the cavalrymen of the Eagle of the King are like black bulls. They can spit out fire from their eyes when they grit their teeth, but big Some people's psychological quality is not as good as theirs. They have been panicked by the sudden attack and the heavy casualties just now. They can only follow the large army and rush towards the opening blindly but non-stop. Suddenly, the exit is pushed out More than ten cannons were fired, and they were lined up to block the way of the knights. Then a loud shout came: "Let go." One of the cannons roared, and what was released was not a solid iron ball, nor was it that powerful. Instead of huge explosive shells, there were many blades, iron caltrops and other objects. These sharp objects were stimulated by the gunpowder and separated at the muzzle. They flew towards the Mongolian cavalry like flowers, and the cavalry at the front suddenly fell over. , before the people behind them could react, they remembered the second cannon, then the third, and the fourth. When all the cannons fired, there was no longer a Mongolian left standing in the pocket-shaped dunes. , a Ming army general ordered, the follow-up troops walked to the dying King's Eagle with spears and waist knives, and began to kill the lives of these Mongolian warriors. "Hei Buer was covered with two iron caltrops, and he was bleeding. The ground gushed out along the breastplate, and his legs were broken by the fallen horse. He was shot in the waist by an unknown gunman. It seemed that the spleen was injured and blood kept coming out. He was injured. The Ming army infantry who cleaned up the mess pulled out, because there was an eagle logo made of gold on his helmet, which was enough to show that he was not an ordinary soldier. Hebull was pressed in front of a group of cavalry. He tried hard not to let go. He fell down, but his broken legs could no longer use his strength. He fell to the ground and gasped. As he gasped, blood flowed out of the holes in his body rhythmically. A short man came over and took out his hands. Cha smiled ferociously and said: "Barbarian, my name is Shang Wang, and today I am here to take your life to comfort the souls of my dead comrades in heaven. Do you have anything else to say?" " Hei Buer sneered, but he was very tough. He understood Chinese, so he also answered in Chinese: "Our king's eagle is the eagle on the grassland, and will never bow its head like the sheep-like Han people. You are just despicable sneak attackers. You cannot fight on the battlefield with real swords and guns. Shang Wang shook his head and said: "We are doing this just to minimize our casualties. Although the Mongolian cavalry is brave and fearless, you are still a loser when facing the enemy head-on with real swords and guns. Do you think you guys are the losers?" Can the eagle of the grassland stand up to the hunter's musket? You are still a man if you insist on speaking harshly even when death is imminent. I came to visit the camp in person before, and I can see that you are familiar with our Han people's art of war. I have also fallen into your trap. Arrows, but the reason why your Genghis Khan was invincible in the Western Expeditions relied not only on the Mongolian cavalry but also on the use of firearms. But you have forgotten such good weapons, just because they are not suitable for immediate combat. Now times have changed, and steel Weapons will gradually withdraw from the stage of history in future wars. No matter where, when or under what circumstances our battle today takes place, you will definitely lose. Well, since you are a tough man, I will follow you. You bullshit, rest in peace now. " Shang Huan raised his hands and dropped them. Hei BuEr stopped breathing, and blood seeped into the sand. He opened his eyes, and his eyes were full of confusion and confusion. Is what this man named Shang Huan said true? Heibul had no way to think anymore. The Mongols in the northwest were also receiving a double blow from arrows and fire guns at this moment. However, because the terrain where they ambush was relatively vast, they were not surrounded by the Ming army. Of course, the Ming army had no intention of being surrounded. The king The eagle is an elite soldier and a strong general.It needs to be destroyed, but this is not the case with these 40,000 Mongolian troops. Keeping them will not play a big role. Why not do it if they can also consume the enemy's rations? This is exactly Zhu Jianwen's idea. For this group of Mongolians They have to attack, but they will not kill them all, leaving them to consume money and food and bring news of failure to the following large forces, which will weaken their military morale. But even so, the Mongolian casualties are still very large, and they can't see anything at night. In addition, he only had one meal that day, so he had no strength to resist, so he rushed out after his life was filled up. On the way, the Tianshi camp led by Chao Xing was protected from a distance by large shieldmen to prevent the Mongols from being injured by arrows. Seeing them, they each used their own method to drive the ghosts, stalking and killing the panicked Mongolian cavalry who had separated from the large army. The Mongols were panicked when they saw these ghosts who could not see and be penetrated by swords and arrows participating in the battle. The chaos became even more unbearable for a while. Artillery fire took turns on the high ground on the slope. The Mongolian cavalry did not dare to attack in an organized manner, for fear of becoming a living target. Since they had already broken through, they dispersed into small groups and dispersed until they were hundreds of miles away. Only outsiders dared to gradually gather the troops. After a brief inventory, it was found that there were only more than 30,000 people left. The remaining 10,000 people either ran away or were killed. Zhu Jianwen did not take advantage of the victory to pursue the troops and gathered the troops slowly. , arranged for the artillery to be harnessed to the mules and carriages, and after everything was ready, they ordered the pursuit. The three thousand people on the Mongolian side who were shouting and cursing at the gate of the Ming army camp reacted when they heard the sounds of fighting and gunfire on both sides behind them. When they came over, they were about to rescue or retreat, but they saw the gate of the village was wide open. Shi Biao led his men to rush out. There were Ming troops in front and behind. The Mongols had no intention of fighting and ran away. As Zhu Jianwen said, most of them suffered from night blindness. , so while running around, many people threw themselves into the trap and died under the guns of the Ming army, and the rest were captured without a fight. This 3,000-strong scolding army was killed, injured, and the rest were captured. It has failed. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 74: Chasing the Remnant Army The more than 10,000 Mongolians who were ambushing in the northwest were no longer interested in fighting after they escaped from danger. Although there were still many men and horses left, the only food, grass and weapons were occupied by the enemy. How could they fight this battle? So they rushed to the north. The main force of the Walasan Army was there. After running for two or three hours, they reined up their horses and fell to the ground tiredly. It was already getting dark. Everyone had not eaten all night, and they were busy running for their lives all night long. Even more hungry, they dismounted. They thought that the Ming army would not catch up after running wildly, and wanted to take the opportunity to rest and find some food and replenish water. Besides, the people on horseback were naturally familiar with this kind of hunting. We are familiar with the road, and we have sent more than a hundred people to get water, ready to continue going north, because there are no direct drinking water sources hundreds of miles further north. It is good to be stationed here. There are mountains, water, and people who can also rob. After a while, if the Ming army got bloody and pushed forward again to kill them, it would be very bad. It was better to retreat as soon as possible to find the insurance of the main force. Soon someone called a few hares. This was not easy. Animals dodge as the army passes by. Those who can catch prey are considered elite among hunters. Ordinary soldiers are not blessed to enjoy such good things, so they naturally have to pay tribute to the general. Several generals lit a fire, skinned them, and roasted them on a rack. Get up, just as several army generals were waiting for the hare to be roasted and discussing, a soldier suddenly put his ears to the ground, then jumped up and shouted: "The Ming army is coming, the Ming army is coming." "The captain of the army slashed the soldier with his sword and cursed: "The crime of disturbing the morale of the army is to be beheaded." But he did not deny the soldiers' conclusion, because they also heard the sound of horse hooves coming from the Ming army, so he waved his hand and ordered. : "The army continues to advance north." It is more appropriate to say that it is an advance rather than an escape. They dare not ask for the uncooked hare, and the team that has not returned from fetching water no longer waits. They get on their horses and run as fast as possible, so there is a The soldiers were throwing away their helmets and armor, leaving a lot of ordnance on the ground that was too late to put away, and even more were thrown away by the soldiers. When escaping for their lives, they could run faster by taking less with them. Of course, only the military flags of each department were not discarded, which was not the case. Still retaining a sense of military honor, in less than two cups of tea, Zhu Jianwen arrived with his troops. He reined in his horse, turned over, used a tree branch to pick up the hare meat on the outside and inside of the barbecue, and said: "You Look, these Mongolian turtles have even prepared food for us. Come here, keep it and let¡¯s eat while walking, hahahahaha." Everyone laughed after hearing this. Although the army was passing by, they tried to stay quiet. However, the sound of the horse's hooves alone was noisy. Now that there was no whole team standing in line, the sound was naturally louder. However, Chao Xing still heard the sound in the distance and hurriedly said: "There are more than a hundred people running from the east, but they are not moving fast. , I thought it might be to escort something. "Zhu Jianwen nodded and sent out a thousand cavalry to intercept it, but they surrendered without any resistance. These 100 Mongolian soldiers were going to fetch water. In order to reduce their burden, they carried a lot of them. When he asked for some water, he didn't bring any weapons. He was surrounded by more than a thousand elite cavalry of the Ming army. No matter how brave he was, he could only be captured. Zhu Jianwen sent troops to take the prisoners back, and then used the water to make supplies accordingly. The pursuers of the Ming army were very characteristic as they pursued forward unhurriedly. The cavalrymen in front were chasing with their horses and whips, although they were not in a hurry but they were not slow. Behind them were thousands of carts, which were one piece. It was made of a large wooden board cut on an axle and hung with wheels. Although it was simple, it was extremely spacious. Ming army soldiers were sitting on the car. Those soldiers were like "big men". They threw their weapons on the car. They drank, chatted and boasted about giving orders, and they didn't look like those who were fighting. It seems that there are some empty horses behind the cart that are not carrying any weight or riding people. If these horses did not have saddles and bits, they would inevitably be regarded as wild horses. Where can there be such leisurely people and horses? Is this still a war? , Behind the cart are the neat Ming infantry. Their task is not to charge into the battle, but to collect the Mongolians captured in the encounter and the Mongolian cavalry who were driven over by the leading cavalry after running away, and then tie them up. After being sent back to the camp for custody, although marching on legs was very tiring and not as good as the "big men" in the car and the leading cavalry, this kind of work was not dangerous and there was no need to face the fierce Mongolian cavalry head-on, so the soldiers I was so happy that I didn¡¯t feel really tired from the journey. The Mongolians¡¯ ability to run scared the Ming army. What¡¯s more, they were running for their lives. Eating, drinking, sleeping, and grinding their teeth on horseback were commonplace. Although they were sleepy and hungry now, this was not the case. He still has the ability, and the horse keeps running until the horse falls to the ground and is vomiting blood from exhaustion. The Mongolian cavalry has many horses, and one cavalry is usually equipped with two to three horses. They can take turns to change horses, and separate the fallen horses. You can drink horse blood on your neck, and horse meat can also be eaten. However, the problem is that every time before the food is ready, the Ming army will slowly come over, as if they are tireless. Horse blood is dry and hot, and can only quench your thirst for a short time. Horse meat Even if Mongolian athletes have good stomachs and eat half-cooked food, they will not be able to hold it for long, except for a few?, most of them were lying on their horses sickly, looking half-dead. They couldn't understand when the Han cavalry became so powerful, and they were still so energetic after such a long pursuit. In this way, the Mongols People gradually couldn't hold on anymore. There were many people who fell on the road, ran away, and went to make a living on their own. Even the centurion killed many deserters and kept trying. Fortunately, he didn't care about it in the end, otherwise it would be such an embarrassing situation now. If you make the soldiers unhappy again, the gains will outweigh the losses if the disease occurs. At that time, I am afraid that the commander's own life will be handed over on the road. Three days later, Zhu Jianwen woke up from the cart, stretched and yawned , then clasped his fingers and twisted his neck. It was obvious that he had not slept well this time. Everything was kept simple during the march, and he did not put on any airs. He, Chao Xing, Shi Biao and five or six other generals crowded into a car. It is indeed a bit crowded, after all, they are all big-shouldered men, but when you think about how tired you are, you can imagine how tired the Mongolians are. Zhu Jianwen couldn't help but smile when he thought of this, "Chao Xing, despite his old age, is in high spirits. He woke up after sleeping for more than two hours. Now he was eating and looking at Zhu Jianwen. Zhu Jianwen adjusted his armor, cupped his fists and said, "Uncle Chao, you slept well yesterday." Chao Xing nodded and poked. Shi Biao, who was next to him, then said: "I slept well, but this kid snored too loudly." Shi Biao was not sleeping deeply. He jumped up suddenly when someone poked him. He was furious when he saw it was Chao Xing. , was not angry for a moment, laughed loudly, took the water and dried meat from Chao Xing, and said while eating: "Speaking of it, King Tong's trick is really good." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 75: Bringing down the Enemy "Indeed, I didn't even expect that before setting out on the expedition, I asked why so many horses and carts were brought. It turned out that they were used to pull people. Our men and horses took turns to rest and sleep, but the enemy was not allowed to rest. How could it happen if the men were tired and the horses were exhausted? The principle of invincibility." Chao Xing said. After several days of fighting, his view of Zhu Jianwen changed slightly. He was not as at odds with him as before. "What I don't understand is," Shi Biao continued. Why don't we speed up the process and pursue them, but stop every time we get close to them, so that they can escape on alert?" Zhu Jianwen smiled slightly and answered: "There are three reasons. One, the defeated troops are allowed to consume the rations of the Mongolian reinforcements behind them. Let them bring the failure and frustration to affect the confidence of the follow-up troops. Third, hey, look at how many tired and hungry Mongolians we have captured in the past few days have fallen to the ground, but we have not been injured at all. If we are forced If they are tight, they will inevitably force their opponents into a trapped beast fight. Let us let them escape and consume them in the escape. Now that we are almost chasing, it is time to stop. If this continues, they will be exhausted. By then, the first two "We haven't captured anyone since last night, so what's the reason for the long-lasting pursuit?" Shi Biao asked, "Of course it's to advance the defense line. We stayed at the end of the desert and waited. According to the investigation of the spies, there were not many water sources ahead. Although there were patches of grassland, there was very little drinkable water. There were only a few pools of clear water waiting for us. We left two pools and the rest of the water was collected by Shang. Wan and others have been poisoned. We are here to stand ready and set up camp to wait for reinforcements from the imperial court. Because of the barrier of the Gobi Desert, they need to supply food and grass from the rear just like us. The Mongols are short of supplies, so setting up camp here is the most beneficial to us in the future. "This action will achieve the purpose of consuming the enemy." Zhu Jianwen replied, "Shi Biao suddenly moved his brows and fell silent. Zhu Jianwen ordered that the Ming army stopped chasing and surrounded it with carts and horses for simple protection. There were two water sources in the camp. The next day, huge rocks and logs were brought in. They set up a strong camp and lined up in a strict formation. Passages were reserved between each camp, and tall trees and huge rocks were used to build them on both sides. They were heavily guarded by soldiers. The army mobilized for protection. In short, this company camp has more than 20 sides. It is unbreakable on the road. The grassland is so vast. Naturally, it is not to completely block the road and form a pass. The purpose of guarding here is to stop the Mongolian cavalry. , making it impossible for them to resupply at close range, and they could only rely on transporting grain and grass from far north. It was impossible to achieve the Mongolian customary method of on-site supply and fighting to support the war. Of course, this large camp would not be able to stop the Mongolians who were good at galloping. It is also possible for the Mongols to take a detour, but this not only prolongs the attack path, but also delays the time. The most important thing is that it hurts the Mongolian self-esteem. It is the Mongolian rule that the city must be destroyed when it sees it. If we leave this strong fortress and take a detour, the military morale will definitely be low. Politician Zhu Jianwen knew this very well. He expected that this company camp would be violently attacked by the Mongols, so he built it with extra care and did not dare to be careless at all. Half a minute later, Shi Biao was sitting in the tent, surrounded by his cronies. In other words, these people were all the personal generals of the Shi family. Shi Biao first told about the strategy that Zhu Jianwen said on the carriage, and then his face turned pale. Without saying a word, he just looked at his subordinates coldly, and after a long time, he said in a deep voice: "You are all family members. Don't talk about those soup dumplings. Tell the truth how this battle went. " A general with a big belly but a strong masculinity cupped his fists and said: "Of course he is not as wise and powerful as General Shi. I think these strategies were suggested by the general to the king. Shi Biao was not angry but smiled and said: "I have already said that it is my own family who talks about things, but you are still here to flatter me. This is not interesting. Everyone here has my uncle's brothers and some of my brothers, but if you say that again If you can't wait for the adjustment, don't blame me, Shi Biao, for turning his back on you. " The man just laughed sarcastically and stopped talking. Another general clasped his fists and said: "To be fair, we didn't expect that the king could be so powerful. He could subdue his troops without fighting and defeat them while chasing the enemy. Now, This time, King Tong has taken all the limelight, and he deserves the most credit. When Jiu Qiansui comes with his troops in a few days, he will definitely reward King Tong, or hand over the entire border defense of northern Xinjiang to King Tong. I think the court There will be no objections, after all, he has made great achievements and it is obvious to all. " "Exactly, these few words of yours are accurate. It is they who have made great achievements. Perhaps the next step is to defend our northern border. "Shi Biao said, "A bearded general said in a rough voice: "What's wrong with this? Although we didn't make any great achievements this time, we still have no faults. Our contribution to the army's expedition is indispensable, so we won't be demoted." , and will be transferred to the capital or a prosperous place in the future, it will not be much better than this bitter kiln in northern Xinjiang, the women from the Central Plains with fine skin and tender meat." Before the man could finish his words, he was interrupted by Shi Biao: "That's ridiculous, let alone our Shi family, I'm just talking about you. Shi Biao said and scanned the crowd: "What do you have left after you leave the military power in your hands? Are you good at writing or managing civil affairs? You are not the founding hero of the country. Why should you be allowed to enjoy the good fortune? The salary from the court is for those who are useful." People don't give people relief. Some people will say that there are too many useless idle officials in the court. This is true, but don't forget that the Nine Thousand Years old man is in power now. I heard the news that it may be necessary soon. The officialdom has been purged. Besides, those losers are also literati. What else can we military people do besides relying on soldiers? Don¡¯t say that you have never been greedy for a penny of military pay. Eating empty pay is the way for us soldiers to make a fortune. It's easy to say that our financial resources are cut off, but if we lose all power and power, and have no soldiers to respect ourselves, I'm afraid we won't even be able to protect our food. " "The general means that Jiu Qiansui will take advantage of the opportunity of ruling the king and making great achievements to reduce our power. "Everyone was worried, and one person asked, Shi Biao nodded and replied: "Yes, it is very possible, not only to reduce power, but also to reduce head. "Everyone sighed, and Shi Biao continued: "Lu Yunzhi does things in a low-key manner, but he is always cold and cunning. We would rather believe him or not. "A veteran came out with clasped fists and said: "General, please show us a clear path, whether to go along or to go against the enemy. We will serve to the death." "As soon as these words came out, the whole tent fell into silence. This kind of thing is too serious. It's okay to say that Shun is just following Jiu QianSui. It may not be as serious as Shi Biao said. It's not necessarily worse than following Shi Heng. Even if it's a refund of 10,000 yuan. To put it bluntly, if you are demoted from an official position and become an idle official, you will not be able to make any money. You can only have a pitiful salary to maintain your expenses. Besides, you have the blood of soldiers over the years to build a foundation. Even if you become a civilian, you can still open a job. Buying and selling to make a living, if you save a little, you can last a lifetime. After everyone weighed it up, they all felt that they could not resist. Rebellion would cost their heads. They were keen on fighting for power in the political field, but rebellion was absolutely forbidden. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 76: Sending You to Death Shi Biao saw everyone's expressions in his eyes, and said with a cold smile: "Reverse, we can't rebel, not to mention that we can't commit the crime, even if we are fighting for the sword and others and we are the flesh and blood, we can't rebel. The Mongolian Tatars have not eliminated the two armies. At the beginning of the war, if we rebel now, we are very likely to allow the Tatars to enter the country and massacre the people of the Central Plains. If we can't achieve success by then, we will be infamy for thousands of years. Besides, there are intact eggs under the nest. If the Ming Dynasty is defeated, Ming Dynasty will be defeated. Life is not easy for you and me." Having said this, all the soldiers finally breathed a sigh of relief. They all nodded and falsely praised Shi Biaoyi and Bo Yuntian as an extremely loyal minister. They thought to themselves that as long as they were not rebels, they could say anything. "This general thought, We can't let Zhu Jianwen monopolize the great contribution. Now that the Mongolian soldiers are tired and exhausted, they will definitely be frightened. If we quickly pursue them, we will be able to kill a lot of them. When the time comes, we will also have a great contribution in capturing the prisoners and worshiping their ancestors. It's better than It's much better to follow others to take credit. Even if Lu Yun's day comes, hey, we are not afraid. If he is unfair, my uncle will come to him. If we have credit, we will go to the emperor to complain. " Shi Biao talked about it, and one of the people in the seat said: "But if this happens, I am afraid that the plan of disrupting the enemy's military morale will be ruined. If the king knows about it, will he offend him? I am afraid that by then he will lose the opportunity to steal the chicken." Mi, we brought prisoners but it was said to disrupt the overall situation. After all, the general heard the king's overall summary on the cart. " "This is not what you have to worry about. When we talked today, there were only a few generals and Chao Xing. When others hear this, Lu Yunzhi will face his own people no matter what, and will not favor us. When the time comes, we have the captives in hand, and he will not be able to say anything. Stratagems are ever-changing. When the public says the public is right, the mother-in-law is right, who can break it? Lu Yunzhi is very smart. Under such circumstances, if he tried to protect his own people, he would probably cause dissatisfaction or even mutiny. He would not do this. Besides, at this point, why should he care about them? Credit, as long as the battle is not lost, he will destroy those who should be undermined, and fight for the power that should be fought. Don't wait till the end of the battle, but our soldiers are lost. So not only in terms of the current battle, but also in terms of the overall situation. A draw is the best outcome for us. The Ming Dynasty has vast territory and abundant resources, and the Mongolian Tatars are short of resources. They will definitely be the ones who cannot survive in the end, but we will definitely be the ones who get rich." Shi Biao said, "But the military orders are in the hands of the king. "We don't have the power to mobilize troops. If we mobilize more than a hundred troops without authorization, we can be punished as mutiny." Someone hesitated. Shi Biao stood up, waved his hand, and then slammed his chest and said, "The sky is falling." I'm with you. If the time comes, just bite him back and let the tiger go back to the mountains. Let's muddy the water first." Everyone accepted the order with fists clasped and their troops ready for battle, preparing to follow Shi Biao to hunt down the remaining Mongolian soldiers. At this moment, Shi Biao's heart was already in turmoil. Once upon a time, what he hated most was the villains who killed each other and undermined each other. The scene of him leading the army to kill the Mongols outside the gate of the capital was still vivid in his mind. At that time, What an aspirational thing! Less than ten years have passed, and how come I have become such a disgusting person? I actually gave up Zhu Jianwen's good strategy and led his troops to attack for the sake of power and position. To undermine Zhu Jianwen, Shi Biao knew in his heart that no matter how disgusting or shameless it was, it was the right thing to do. For his own prosperity and wealth, and for the foundation of the Shi family, these were necessary sacrifices. People who were not in this position would not understand Shi Biao. In response to Biao's difficulties, Shi Biao put away the hesitation and self-blame in his heart, and led his troops to pursue him. The gate of the village was opened wide, and the soldiers who blocked him were knocked unconscious, tied up, and thrown aside. Shi Biao led 50,000 of his direct descendants toward The Mongols chased them in the direction in which they were fleeing. Zhu Jianwen, Chao Xing and Shang Wang stood on the observation deck at the head of the village and looked coldly at the Shi Biao troops rushing out of the camp on the west side. Chao Xing finally couldn't help but said: " If you indulge them like this, how can you lead the army? Where is the military discipline and military power? Besides, you really can't bear to look at them." At this point, Chao Xing suddenly fell silent. It seemed that he didn't know what to say. Wang Que said: "Don't you think that these soldiers are the most unstable factor in our army? They are the ones who cause problems every time, and they are the ones who obey orders and disobey propaganda. In my opinion, it corrupts military discipline. It's exactly these people. "Yes, Shang Wu is right. There are 100,000 defenders in Northern Xinjiang, 70,000 of whom are direct descendants of the Shi family, and 50,000 of the 70,000 are warriors who can fight. It was just now that he opened the gate of the village without authorization and went out." If the chasing group were mixed in the camp, they would be in trouble with my orders. Even if Lu Yunzhi came, it would be difficult to subdue them quickly. By then, they would be like a rat droppings ruining the pot of porridge. It would be better to take this opportunity to get rid of them. Unknowingly, Shi Heng is also suffering in the capital. We can¡¯t blame it on us, and it won¡¯t cause conflicts. We can only blame Shi Biao for being reckless. If Shi Biao can come back alive, he will be transferred to defend the city. Nothing major will happen. They will definitely be defeated. It took us some time to set up camp. I guess we can waitWhen they caught up with the remnants of the army, it was time for the Mongolian reinforcements to destroy them. If Shi Biao died in the hands of the Mongols, there would be no need to even dispatch him to defend the city. "Zhu Jianwen said, Chao Xing looked at Zhu Jianwen coldly and felt that he was too ruthless. In order to eliminate dissidents, he actually watched 50,000 people go out to die, and these people were the descendants of the Ming Dynasty. They also had parents, wives and children. Zhu Jianwen sighed and said: "Actually, I have no choice but to act in this way, hoping to consume more of the enemy's main force. These pursuing warriors deserve their death. Before the expedition, Lu Yunzhi once said to me Sooner or later, Shi Heng will be brought down, but he holds the military power. If he is easily touched, it will inevitably lead to another war. The Ming Dynasty will kill each other and the people will suffer again on their own land. The people will suffer and the people will suffer. It is better to do it as soon as possible. It's time to cut off the wings. These were his exact words, and the meaning behind them is self-evident. " After Zhu Jianwen finished speaking, he left. Shang Wang said softly to Chao Xing, who was alone and stunned: "Old man, those who achieve great things do not stick to trivial matters. Those who rule the world must have no conscience. Excessive kindness can only harm others and yourself. Lu Yunzhi He is a good lord and a person who values ??friendship. He also has the ruthlessness that a ruler should have. This is the reason why I follow him or why I am afraid of him. " After Shang Wang finished speaking, he left. Only Chao Xing still looked at Shi Biao's troops who were still leaving the camp. How could 50,000 people leave the camp so quickly? I'm afraid that on the battlefield, they might be destroyed faster than they left the camp. The speed of the camp is much faster, Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 77: People who know Lu Yunzhi Lu Yunzhi was right. Although Chao Xing couldn't bear it, Lu Yunzhi was still right. Otherwise, this battle would not be easy to fight. Even if he won the battle, he would still have to face Shi Heng, who was stubbornly resisting. All of Heng's actions show that he is not a pillar of the country, but just a smart and intelligent warrior who covets power. The rise of such a person to power is a disaster for the country and the people. If you are not cruel now, it will be even more painful in the future. The only way is to use a sharp knife. After cutting the knot, five days later, Shi Heng received an urgent military message from his nephew Shi Biao. When he saw that his nephew wanted to seize the glory, he frowned tightly. He was afraid that this would anger Lu Yunzhi, but Soon his brows widened again, and there was a smile on his face. Shi Biao had done a good job. If this continues, Lu Yunzhi will use this battle to seize his military power. By then, he will Duke Zhongguo is just an idle man without soldiers. He is a soft persimmon that can be pinched by anyone. Huh, if I have soldiers in my hands, I, Shi Heng, have the weight of my words, so I have to take the credit if I don¡¯t want to, Lu Yun. Don't blame me for ruining your important affairs, Shi Heng thought secretly, but as Shi Heng said before going out, he did not hope that the Ming Dynasty would lose, but that Lu Yunzhi could win a big victory, but he wanted the credit to be shared equally. Forget it, Shi Heng hummed a little tune, and then the flame on the candle burned the letter sent by his nephew Shi Biao. When only a small part of the letter was burned, Shi Heng threw it to the ground, and suddenly his body shook. , slapped the table and stood up and shouted: "No, my nephew's life is in danger." As a general, Shi Heng has fought a lifetime of wars, Shi Biao has a reckless temperament, and counting the days, the Mongolian reinforcements should be approaching, both sides The distance between them is getting closer. I think they have already bumped into each other by now. If Shi Biao leads his troops so hastily, the Mongols will probably be surrounded and annihilated. No, I'm afraid that's certain. Zhu Jianwen will hold his ground then. The people in the rear naturally don¡¯t know about it, so it makes sense not to go to the rescue. Lu Yunzhi, Zhu Jianwen, you are all so cruel. This trick of borrowing a knife to kill people is so good. It¡¯s really hard for a mute to eat coptis. Even in front of Zhu Qizhen, he said It makes no sense, because Shi Biao will definitely be defeated. How can a defeated general speak bravely? Zhu Jianwen defeated Shi Biao and was defeated. What is right and wrong is immediate. No matter how you quibble, it is useless. What are Shi Biao thinking? All the reasons for being afraid of fighting are no longer valid. In Dongjing Ji, not far from Datong, Lu Yunzhi sat up and looked at Yan Bei below, and couldn't help but smile. Ah Rong next to Yan Bei had an expression on his face. Helpless, Yan Bei's troublesome Ah Rong was too much. Lu Yunzhi asked Ah Rong to find him that day, but Ah Rong ordered his people to attack Tianjin Wei. He never thought that Yan Bei would be sent to Baishanwei for offending his boss. Bai Zhilang Guan, even though Lu Yunzhi once said not to embarrass Yanbei, the county magistrate is not as good as the current one. This result is also what Lu Yunzhi expected. Bai Zhi Lang Guan is also commonly known as the militia and township garrison. Bai Shanli It was closer to the capital than Tianjin Wei, but Arong went to Tianjin instead. Isn't this the opposite? So Arong ordered people to rush to Baishan again. When he arrived at Baishan, he learned that there was a funeral in Yanbei's family, so he rushed back to his hometown. , he is from Mengyin, Shandong. This time Ah Rong went out personally, thinking that he would be able to catch up with Yan Bei. When he arrived in Mengyin, he discovered that there was no funeral at all. It was his wife who tricked Yan Bei into going home to get married. Yan Bei refused. Arong returned to Baishan after the wedding. Ah Rong felt like crying but had no tears. If he had known that he would just wait in Baishan like this, he wouldn¡¯t have to run back and forth. However, he couldn¡¯t complain about the bus service, so he could only continue dragging his tired body. The search for Yan Bei paid off, and this time he was "caught". He took Yan Bei on the road, and when he caught up with Lu Yunzhi, he had already arrived at Dongjingji. Lu Yunzhi heard what A Rong said Not only did he laugh at the description, although there was nothing funny about it, Yan Bei obviously misunderstood Lu Yunzhi's smile and snorted coldly and said: "Why didn't you kill me last time and now you regret it? I don't think so, it's so big After all the trouble to find me, I think it was more than just a smile. Master Lu, please speak directly if you have anything to say. You are fighting at the front and I have to go back to collect food. Food and grass are a big deal and cannot be delayed. " "That's right, that's right, you are smart," Lu Yunzhi said: "But Yan Bei, I don't think you can do the food rush thing, because there are still important things to send you to do. " Yan Bei straightened his waist and straightened his chest, and said in a neither humble nor overbearing tone: "Master Lu, please speak. I am listening attentively. " Lu Yunzhi said: "I want you to assist in the work of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Dali Temple, inspectors, Jingzhao Yamen, including the censor. There is only one purpose, to strictly investigate corrupt officials and restore a prosperous world to the world. " "Why me. "Yan Bei said doubtfully, "What virtues and abilities do I have that I can win Master Lu's favor? Lu Yunzhi nodded and smiled again: "It seems that you are not stupid. You know that I have doubts when you ask questions. If you only have a straightforward heart to rebuke the upright, I am afraid it is not enough. You also have a good mind. Now I will Don¡¯t worry, I¡¯m afraid the question you just asked is on point. "There are two reasons. First, you want to be an upright official."?, although you are a fool, you are not a fool who only knows how to act recklessly. You have a strong head and are not even afraid of me. It is best for you to investigate others. "Lu Yunzhi said, "Yan Bei hesitated and asked, "Should I be your official, Lord Lu, or Ming Dynasty's official?" " Lu Yunzhi said: "Is there any difference? " "Yes, I will only be an official in the Ming Dynasty. Yan Bei's answer was equally simple. Lu Yunzhi clapped his hands and said with a smile: "It seems that I was wrong just now. You are just a stupid young man with a dead brain. I am the Young Master of the Ming Dynasty. You work under me, right?" Are you working for the court? " "Mr. Lu, a wise man doesn't tell secrets. I have offended you, and you still found me and entrusted me with an important task. This is a sign of respect for me, and your mind is admirable, but at the same time, it also shows that I am not stupid. I can get into your eyes, so there is no need for you to be careless with me. The Ming Dynasty today is not the Ming Dynasty of the Zhu family, but the Ming Dynasty of your Lu Yun family. Yes, you love the people like a son and are considerate of the people, but after all, the name I'm sorry, I know you won't make yourself king, let alone take over the world. It's not because you have no desires, but because being an emperor has responsibilities and difficulties. You are just afraid of trouble. Guan Tianxia is surrounded by idle clouds and wild cranes. This is you, Mr. Lu. " Yan Bei said righteously, Lu Yunzhi's face straightened and he smiled randomly and said: "There are two people in the world who really understand me. One is my wife Yang Xiyu, and the other is you Yan Bei. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 78: A Brand New World Yan Bei nodded and said: "Your frank admission is enough to show your broad-mindedness, but you are also a petty person. Of course, I have no evidence for this, but this is a common problem among people who achieve great things. And this is the first time I see you. After studying your deeds carefully, I found that you are quite a contradictory person. Okay, I won¡¯t talk nonsense in front of you anymore, otherwise you may kill my head if I talk too much. " "Hahahaha, I am a person. My wife has also said this about contradictory people, Yan Bei, I promise you that I will never kill you. It doesn't matter if you just say it. However, instead of talking about me, just talk about how serving me is not serving the imperial court. So what. I am not an official of the Ming Dynasty. Isn't it contradictory for you to say so? I obviously have no intention of taking the throne but only serve the Ming Dynasty conscientiously. How can I not be a member of the imperial court?" Lu Yunzhi asked, Yan Bei replied. He said: "In this case, young Yanbei is acting arrogantly in front of you. The people of the world are supreme, and the imperial power is second. The world is not a one-person world. The emperor has exclusive power, the cabinet has power, and powerful ministers are undesirable. With you, For example, if you take bribes and bend the law and kill innocent people indiscriminately, I mean if, then no one would dare to care about you. It is just a lie that the emperor breaks the law and the common people are guilty. If someone in the court gets evidence of your crime, If I want to kill you, you will not surrender but will fight back, leaving that person dead without a burial place. Wang Fa's Yamen can't do anything to you. How can you give up with a heavy army in hand? I've pissed you off. With the current situation of swordsmanship, The imperial court is about to be completely defeated. Then you tell me, is the world now owned by the Lu family or the Ming Dynasty? " Lu Yunzhi nodded slightly and motioned for Yan Bei to continue. This Yan Bei really has some ideas. It seems that he can be used. Being regarded as a "smart eye," Yan Bei continued to preach without any politeness: "It is not advisable for soldiers to govern the country because they have low culture and do not know how to govern the world. Similarly, it is not advisable for scholars to govern the country. The Song Dynasty emphasized literature over military force. This is an example. In the end, even the country perished. To govern the country, we need to use both civil and military forces, and everyone should give full play to their strengths and govern together. This requires a strong administrative system and a supervisory system to work in parallel. Each department can restrict each other and act together to create a new era. After a prosperous time, although the country is now in some chaos, the overall development is still good. After the governance of Sir Yu and your current actual rule, our Ming Dynasty has been prosperous. That is not because you have done the right thing in taking over the power, but because you have done the right thing. Both of them are men with profound knowledge of literature, Taoism and military strategy. Let us imagine that if people like you did not exist, and they were replaced by a mediocre person who happened to hold great power, wouldn't it be a scourge to the world and a disaster to the people? "Unfortunate." "People like that can't hold the power to rule the world," Lu Yunzhi retorted, "Besides, talented people have emerged from generation to generation, and each has led the way for hundreds of years. A new generation replaces an old one, just like Yu Qian. When I go down, there are always better characters to appear." Yan Bei said: "Yes, it is true that talented people come from generation to generation, but the people at the top are not unsmart or outstanding, but like I am afraid that people as talented and strategic as you and the late Mr. Yu are rare in a hundred years. Heroes always appear in the same era. I am afraid that after your death, there will be no people like you in the world for many years. Human beings Lifespan is limited, and living a hundred years is an impossible delusion. You don¡¯t have to be overthrown to get to the top. Once you go west, you can do it. When the time comes, the power will fall to others, and the government will be colluding, and generals will be elected out of thin air. Being the leader is really a disaster as I just said. Even if the same heroes appear to govern the country, you can guarantee that they will not be as loyal to the country and the people as you are, or they will not like power like you. I don¡¯t think you can guarantee that. At that time, it is unknown whether the country will be in war and the name will be changed. There may even be a scandal like Emperor Shi Jingtang¡¯er. To say the least, once there are no powerful ministers and no cabinet control, Then the power will naturally return to the imperial power. Since ancient times, there have been few foolish kings. " "According to what you say, even the emperor is something that shouldn't exist. "Lu Yunzhi asked back. Yan Bei smiled slightly and declined to comment. Although he was straightforward, he still had a sense of proportion. He did not dare to say such disrespectful words directly. Lu Yunzhi did not have so many worries, so he continued: "According to what you said, all arbitrary people in the world should not appear. Whether it is the imperial power or the powerful ministers, it is not advisable. Then a country should have its leader. If there is no one who is in charge, then the final decision will be made. Who owns the power? Wouldn¡¯t it mean that the world would become a quarrel? It¡¯s good for a hundred schools of thought to contend, but there must be one person who has the final say. " "Master Lu, I don't dare to say these words to outsiders, but I think you should understand what I mean, otherwise you wouldn't say this. Yan is really touched. The rumors in the world are indeed true, Lu Yun His literary talents and military skills are different, but you are right. There must be a person who is in charge of the family, but there must also be someone to share his power. From proposal to decision-making, a decision is executed by different departments, and each department does not interfere with each other. , the supreme ruler only has considerable say?It does not have absolute veto power. Similarly, the cabinet cannot veto something based on the preferences and wisdom of a few people. The establishment of the cabinet is good, but there are not enough people and the coverage is not wide enough. A cobbler can be compared to Zhuge Liang. It is better for everyone to make decisions together than to act arbitrarily. " Yan Bei preached, and Lu Yunzhi burst out laughing. He explained the truth in a simple and easy-to-understand way. Although it was quite amusing, it was every word of it, and Yan Bei was good at it. Yan Bei continued to preach: "Those foolish tactics and bad strategies It simply cannot pass the approval of all levels of agencies. Even if the supreme ruler supports it, it will not help. Of course, corruption and bribery by executors at all levels are inevitable, so the establishment of a supervisory department is particularly important, but such supervisors can It's not our Jinyiwei or Dongchang. Their power is a bit too great. This kind of policy of governing the country is undesirable. The ministers are panicked. Just by relying on them, they can participate in killing people. There is also a prison or something like that. It's just nonsense. "Lu Yunzhi secretly admired Yan Bei, so he said: "That's exactly what I did. "Yan Bei waved his hands and said proudly: "This is not enough. To promote the implementation on a large scale across the country, you are not the emperor. It is not enough for you to do this alone. The scope is too small. You may have an army or an army. Civil servants, there are economic organizations and your spies. I think you can quickly find out that I am the spies. You have all these, but there are too few. Moreover, they are only loyal to you and they only protect your rights. Rather than their responsibilities, it is ultimately up to you. The entire Ming Dynasty still needs those old yamen and administrative systems to execute and operate. These must be replaced before Ming Dynasty can move to a higher level. At that time, Ming Dynasty will not just be a certain person. Personal enlightenment is a new world. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 79: The military situation is wrong "The idea is good, but it is too difficult to implement." Lu Yunzhi said, and Yan Bei immediately replied: "Yes, there are few people with courage to change the whole world. Even if the changes are made, there will be various changes that we did not expect. It will take decades to improve the place, and it will take decades to change dynasties, not to mention such unprecedented things. Maybe it will take decades to do it when the political situation is stable and the country is rich and the people are strong. If one generation cannot do it, the next generation will have to do it. Sincerity leads to gold and stone. Now you don't want to win the world. Even if you appreciate my ideas, I am just a fantasy. Without comprehensive reforms, it is impossible to achieve anything. I can only try my best to improve the things in my hands with my own efforts. Affairs, that's why I said I wanted to serve the court, not you. There is an essential difference between the two. I only have this country in my heart, not a certain person. " "Haha. , you have come back again, don¡¯t worry, although this time you are not allowed to do the great cause of creating the world as you thought, it is still a great feat to reform the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty, and it can be regarded as fulfilling your wish, and this is the emperor and the emperor. There is no specific arrangement for the decision made jointly by what you call the powerful ministers. You are responsible for selecting and training people, and then thoroughly investigating these corrupt officials and submitting the evidence. After your approval, you hand it over to me, and I will submit it to the court. To make a ruling, you have the right to temporarily detain them and remove anyone below a first-class official from their post, but you cannot torture or kill them first. Anyone who obstructs them will be imprisoned and punished. Are you satisfied with this right? Isn't this what you think of as non-force? "Is it the authoritarian way?" Lu Yunzhi said. Yan Bei nodded and said with fists in his hands: "It's exactly what I thought. The power of the supervisory authority is just right, so I will accept your appointment without hesitation." "But there are three requirements." "Let's talk about it," Lu Yunzhi said, "First, I can really choose people at will, and I can't have people under your command take over. This will make it difficult for me to move. Second, the world is in turmoil now." , In troubled times, heavy punishments are used. You can't sell favors to the people I catch to make them change their ways. The fines are heavy and the punishments are light. In this way, what I have done will be in vain, and I let you borrow a knife to kill someone. In short, you must be strict. We must deal with it and retain only those who can really get away with it and make meritorious deeds, and others will not take it lightly." Yan Bei said, Lu Yunzhi smiled with satisfaction: "Yes, I agree to both points, but you also need to know that there are some things. People's roots are complex and cannot be touched for the time being. Just check it. Even if I can't give you an explanation for a while, they will be severely punished in the end. " "Of course Yan knows this. Please don't worry, sir. I know the severity. Some of them. I won't touch anyone with the surname Shi or someone with the surname Zhu, but I will follow your instructions." Yan Bei cupped his fists and said, Lu Yunzhi smiled with joy, this Yan Bei is too sensible, and he doesn't speak clearly. But he understood very well that the relatives and chiefs of Zhu Qizhen Shi Heng and Cao Jixiang would not move if they accepted him, so that they would not bring particularly great resistance to Lu Yunzhi, so Lu Yunzhi asked again : "Then what about the third point." "I have an old mother at home. I hope you can send someone to protect her closely. It is empty talk to say that harm will not harm your family. Even your Excellency used such tactics in Nanjing. I don't want me to be harmed. I also hope that the families of all investigators can be protected. Can you do this? "Yan Bei said, "That's right, this kind of thing is not a trivial matter. Lu Yunzhi laughed heartily, and then asked inexplicably: "Yan Bei, you are so talented, and you have extraordinary eloquence and outstanding thinking. You must be a learned man. Why did you join the army instead of taking the imperial examination?" If you go there, you will definitely gain fame, but the imperial examination system is also quite deficient. " Yan Bei smiled slightly and replied: "Although the eight-part essay is not very good, that is not the main reason. The only reason I blame it is that I am outspoken. I am afraid that after an imperial examination, I am afraid that if I am satisfied with the essay, I will be killed. " Lu Yun was stunned, but laughed loudly and said: "Indeed, what you said just now is just telling me that if you said such things outside, that you have no father and no king, you would have been killed more than a hundred times. " Yan Bei also laughed immediately. While he was talking, Long Qingquan walked in and handed Lu Yunzhi a secret report. Lu Yunzhi opened it and took a look. His brows wrinkled slightly but quickly calmed down and did not move. His voice was still calm and he said: "Qingquan, please take Yanbei down first. Yanbei, in short, I will let Ah Rong cooperate with you to handle the specific matters. Tell me what you need as much as possible, although the spy organization you mentioned is not enough to make it happen. , and may even bring disaster to the country, but it can still play a big role when necessary. At least it can allow you to find out many unknown things. In short, just speak if you need it. I will stand behind you to be your strong backing. " Yan Bei clasped his fists and went down. There was no one else in the tent except Lu Yunzhi. Suddenly Lu Yunzhi grabbed the tea cup and threw it on the ground and cursed: "Damn, how could this army make a mistake in their investigation? The Western Front is dangerous. That¡¯s it. "The secret report that was thrown on the table and spread out read a line: The ghosts and witches are not in the middle road, there are only a few on the east road, and they gather in the west."?, The Mongolian ghost witches have always been numerous in number, and they are far from being as vulnerable as previously claimed. The previous rhetoric was just to appease people's hearts. Although there are also many people in the world, they are at best comparable to the ghost witches. If you add The airbending masters recruited are slightly better. Moreover, the ghost witches have been fighting with the army for many years. During the civil war, they were used to the brutality on the battlefield, and they are also quite proficient in using ghosts and spirits to fight with people. Tomorrow's division camp is mostly composed of middle-aged people who are proficient in magic and young people with strong blood. Although their personal skills and understanding of magic are better than those of ghost witches, they have not undergone actual combat drills, and the battles between the various branches are also Because of the adjustment of Zhongzheng lineage, they have not developed to the point where water and fire cannot compete with each other, so most of them are masters in theory and low-hands in actual combat. This is why Long Qingquan can fight against all the invincible opponents in the world. It¡¯s not just that he is powerful, you must know that when fighting ghosts and spirits, it is not enough to have good ghost exorcism ability. Ghost exorcism and ghost exorcism must be both strong and soft to be effective, not to mention that many people do it just to look good. , there are many flashy moves, such as colorful, thousands of moves, and swallowing thousands of miles are all fancy names come up by these people from heaven and earth. Most of the moves are so impractical. It's okay to deceive people and make some incense money. If When you go to the battlefield, you are afraid that you are going to have a hard time. This is not the case with ghost witches. They can kill you with one move. They are haunted by ghosts and go straight to the throat and heart. How could they suppress the ghosts and wizards and help the army to show their prestige, so Lu Yunzhi asked them to go out with the army early, kill some people and gain some experience, and arranged many of his previous special training in the Tianshi camp. The warriors and the airbenders of Fengbo Village wanted to improve the combat effectiveness of Tianshi Camp. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 80: Return of the Remnant Army When Lu Yunzhi was preparing to march, he received intelligence that the three armies in the middle of Wala Road had the most ghosts and witches, so he transferred the Tianshi Battalion to the middle, allowing them to develop the vocal power to eliminate the ghosts and witches in one fell swoop during the battle. After destroying the large army of the ghost witches in one fell swoop, but now they have received intelligence, overturning the previous military report, the ghost witches did not leave any ghost witches on the middle and east roads. When all the ghost witches arrive on the west road, Zhen Lingdan will face For a large number of ghost witches, the ghost witches may use ghost spirits to drive the formation to quickly destroy the morale of Zhen Lingdan's army, and they can make a surprise attack at any time, and ordinary soldiers cannot resist it. The situation is precarious. I am afraid that the Western Front will be defeated. Lu Yun Zhi kept pacing in the tent, walking back and forth, and suddenly shouted: "Here comes someone." A guard came in and clasped his fists and said, "Lord." "Send someone to rush to the northern Xinjiang front, order Chao Chao. Xing led the Tianshi Battalion to support the Western Front, and someone else sent this military report to Zhen Lingdan, the commander-in-chief of the Western Route Army, and told him to be on guard and to defend the city and not to fight easily. The other party, Gui Wu, led an army to surprise the Western Front. He had to do it alone. It's difficult to resist. We have to wait until the Tianshi camp arrives before the battle can begin." Lu Yunzhi rolled up the military report and put it in a bamboo tube and handed it to the guard. , The three armies from the middle route are approaching the end of the Gobi. The reason why they are divided into three teams but set off at the same time is not only because they have different marching routes and strategic arrangements after entering the Central Plains, but also because they belong to different tribes and leaders. Faces and hearts are at odds, and each is spying on the other's status, hoping to take advantage of the opportunity. However, at this moment, they no longer point their butcher knives at themselves, but at the Han people, because the Mongolian ghost witch leader appears, and he Leading the heroes to unite together, each led his troops and horses to unite under the command and drive of the leader. The Mongols have been fighting among themselves. This has been the case since ancient times. When fighting against their own people, they are even more powerful than in foreign wars. However, the leader of the Ghost Witch stepped forward to lead everyone. It¡¯s different. Mongolians all respect ghost witches and regard them as gods of the Mongols. If these ghost witches came to govern, I¡¯m afraid that if the people¡¯s wishes were met, these leaders would have nothing to do. Previously, it was also with the support of various forces among the ghost witches. , those leaders who were just subordinates and listened to Wala's orders rebelled, and civil wars continued one after another. But now it's different. The ghost witch has returned the power to the leaders, making them no longer puppets and becoming real leaders. They are naturally happy and satisfied. The ghost witches no longer had disputes and tightly surrounded the Mongolian ghost witch leader. Even the rebellious Qimude obeyed, so no one dared to question the authenticity of the ghost witch leader. Meng He had The news of his death is self-contained. Everyone knows that the leader of the Ghost Witch is not greedy for power and gold and silver. The colorful land of the Central Plains cannot tempt Meng He. After conquering the world, Meng He will definitely abdicate in favor of others. Now the leaders are conflicted. Abnormal, firstly, he is eager to make meritorious deeds and let Meng He support him in giving up the power to him. Secondly, he should not be too eager for quick success and consume too much of his troops to conquer the world in the future. Even if he becomes the sweat of everyone, if they attack in groups. In short, those who have no soldiers and power are probably not safe, but once they get on the "ship" of the Ming army, they must strictly abide by military orders. Although the leaders of each ministry have their own agendas, with Meng He in charge, no one is They do not obey orders. Mongolians are strong and strong in resisting attacks. Moreover, they are very indifferent to the enemy and to their comrades. Usually, if the Ming army suffers too many casualties during a charge, they will retreat. Because seeing the brothers around them fall one by one, the morale of the army collapsed, and the battle could not be fought. But the Mongols are different. The limit of their ability to withstand casualties is far stronger than the Han people. Genghis Khan once had a battle during his Western Expedition. An army of ten thousand people charged until the last man was left, but they still moved forward. How could this kind of will not frighten the enemy? No wonder the Mongolian cavalry was called the Mongolian cavalry. Of course, the Mongolian killing orders also played a key role. If there is any The whole family retreated and asked to be executed. If the clan leader wiped out the entire clan, everyone would gather firewood and the flames would be high. Just when everyone was in high morale and ready to enjoy the colorful world of the Han people, Meng He said another explosive news: Those who enter the capital first will be crowned Khan, so As soon as the words came out, all the tribes felt at ease. The leader of the Ghost Witch Cult had clearly stated that the first person to enter the capital would be the Khan. It is conceivable that if someone does not abide by this agreement in the future, not to mention that it may attract a group of people to attack. It may have offended Meng He. As the leader of the church, Meng He supported this agreement, and the guarantee and credibility of this sentence were greatly improved. It is difficult to win a battle with more than 100,000 people by strategy. Soldiers will fight against soldiers against generals. What matters is the training, will, and physique of the soldiers. Now the tribal leaders are working hard and no longer retain their strength. They are all looking forward to leading their troops into the capital as soon as possible, for fear of being left behind. Just as they are setting up camp to take a rest. When we were crossing the Gobi after supplies, more than a thousand people came from the south. These people were in tatters and had no weapons. They looked like fleeing victims or beggars., the sharp-eyed scouts touched over and knew at a glance that these people were Mongolians. Their big faces and flat noses and small eyes were very standard, but at this moment their eyes were dull and their lips were chapped, and they were staggering when they walked. With no strength at all, the scouts continued to investigate, and then discovered that several of the thousand people were the leaders of several small tribes. More than ten days ago, they gathered together and led tens of thousands of horses to lead the battle, preparing for the Ming army to come. They showed off their power, and they were accompanied by the famous Mongol cavalry unit King Eagle, who had committed crimes. But now why they came back, the scout was deeply puzzled. Suddenly he was shocked. Could it be that the vanguard had defeated tens of thousands of soldiers? The horses were all stumped, and the scouts did not dare to delay any longer. After identifying their identities, they took them back to the military camp and strictly monitored them to prevent them from rebelling and pretending to return to the army. Then they quickly informed their commander, who took the order and reported to the police. The commander of the camp told Meng He, but Meng He was calm and said lightly: "Let those leaders come to see me." The leader, who was already down and out like a beggar, knelt on one knee and covered his chest with his hands to give Meng He Meng He saluted, Meng He did not get angry but just asked them to sit down, brought them wine and food, and told them softly what happened while eating. The eyes of the leaders who had been hungry for a long time gleamed when they saw the food. However, he would not be too presumptuous in front of Meng He. He swallowed hard and started talking. After those people finished describing the matter in a few sentences, Meng He waved his hand and told them to eat quickly. He only listened to the words in the tent. There was the sound of gobbling and snoring. If you didn't look at it, you would have thought you were entering a pig pen. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 81: Everything has changed Meng He was wearing a steel mask and could not see the expression on his face. He held his head with his hands as if thinking, and then asked: "You said that you fought to the death with the pursuing enemy one day ago, and then you died because of lack of physical strength. You escaped again, and your large group of troops were also wiped out by the pursuers, right?" The leaders stopped eating, their mouths full of things and could only nod their answers. They were confused as to why Meng He wanted to tell them what they had just said. Meng He repeatedly asked about the plot, and Meng He stood up, patted his thigh and said: "Send the order, all ministries are ready to fight. Twenty thousand people will be ambushed on the left, and sixty thousand will be ambushed on the right. Once the enemy enters the encirclement, send out forty thousand on the right." The people quickly cut off their retreat, and the army in the middle broke out and retreated to hide. Let's kill this group of pursuing Ming troops and show our army's power." Shi Biao led his direct followers of 50,000 troops to pursue the defeated troops of Wala, and made great gains along the way. Most of the soldiers carried the enemy's head in their packages or on their horses. This was a good evidence for claiming credit in the future and could not be thrown away. Although some of them had begun to rot, compared with the credit, they chose the stench and pickled the heads with lime. Too pale and pale, with protruding eyes that were very scary. This was done to cover up the smell and prevent the plague. Shi Biao held the water bag high and poured it into his mouth, but nothing came out. Shi Biao threw the water away angrily. They licked their chapped lips, and then looked up at the scorching sun. They did not prepare the big cars to take turns to chase like Zhu Jianwen, nor did they bring too much food and grass. They just filled the water bags and brought two or three It was just food for the day. The reason for this was that they thought that the remnants of the Oara army were exhausted and they thought they could catch up with them in a day or two. But they underestimated the Mongolian perseverance. Although the Mongolians were defeated, they had not drank for a long time. The water was eaten, but the riding skills of the people on horseback were not comparable to those of the farming Han people. As you chased me, Shi Biao did not catch up with the remnants of Oala's army. The soldiers were suffocating in their hearts, even though they had no food or water. , but persisted in pursuing them with their thoughts, and finally caught up with the remnant army a day ago. The reason for catching up was that under repeated pursuits, the Mongolian horses had lost all their strength and fell to the ground because they had no water and food. Starting, they were walking forward on foot at this moment. Although the Mongolians were physically strong, they had been tortured by nature for many days. Their physical strength was not as good as that of the men and horses led by Shi Biao, and their numbers were not superior. They were killed in a hurry, with only more than a thousand people killed. Those who still had some strength escorted several leaders to fight their way out of the siege and escaped from the "slaughterhouse" full of blood. After a lot of fighting, the Ming army's physical strength was exhausted, and the rations and fresh water were gone, so everyone The soldiers began to want to retreat, and Shi Biao also wanted to retreat. After all, he had captured enough of the remnants of Wala, and these heads were enough to bring great merit to the court. However, he thought that many of the more than a thousand people who escaped were dressed in extraordinary clothes. The person with the golden sword across his waist should be a leader or high-ranking official among the Mongols. Shi Biao was determined to overcome all opinions and decided to continue chasing, capture these important figures alive and send them to the capital to sacrifice to their ancestors and make them famous. Gradually, Under the leadership of Shi Biao, they walked out of the Gobi and came to the grassland. Everyone's spirits were lifted. There was food and water on the grassland. Tens of thousands of tired bodies also let out a cry of joy. At this time, They were also in rags like beggars, and if they weren¡¯t all riding horses, they would have been mistaken for a gathering of beggars. Suddenly a general shouted: ¡°Look, the enemy is in front. " Everyone looked for the sound and saw a group of people not far away who were wearing more tattered clothes than the Ming army. They were running away in a hurry. They had obviously discovered the Ming army. Shi Biao shouted: "Brothers, capture them. They replenished the food and fodder, and we went back to the camp to ask for rewards. " After saying that, they rushed out first. Everyone cheered in unison again and followed Shi Biao to kill. In their opinion, the more than a thousand people in front had no fighting power at all. They were not lambs to be slaughtered, but great achievements. and piles of gold. Many people wanted to capture high-ranking enemy officials alive for fear of accidentally killing them. Therefore, they put their sabers and spears back on the winning hooks, took out ropes and tied them into horse buckles, preparing to capture these people alive. Five Ten thousand against a thousand, if you can't capture them alive, it would be too useless. Just when the soldiers were rushing towards the group of remnant soldiers, Shi Biao discovered something was wrong. The felt boots of the remnant soldiers were not torn. These people should I was marching on foot because my horse died two days ago, and I was chased by the Ming army a day ago in the Gobi Desert. It is said that my boots would not be as clean as they are now even if they are not worn out, so that means this The gang is fake. Thinking of this, Shi Biao reined in his horse and did not dare to move forward. He called his men to stop advancing. However, before he finished speaking to the herald, he saw a rumble of thunder coming from the opposite side. Experienced The soldiers could tell that it was not the sound of thunder, but the sound of thousands of troops marching. Moreover, they felt that the number of troops was no less than that of their own side. They were trapped and outnumbered, and the other side was well prepared. This battle was not easy to fight. Shi Biao understood this. All the soldiers also understood the truth, so before Shi Biao gave the order, they all stopped moving forward.The infantry of the team were even more trembling and looked heavy. Shi Biao was distressed. This time the enemy did not catch up and he won't get credit for it. He might have to explain himself here. It is impossible to run back now. Behind him It is a large area of ????Gobi. If you run into it in such a state, you will die. Besides, the enemy is in full swing. I am afraid that the game of cat and mouse will be reversed. The Oara army has become Zhu Jianwen, and he has become the defeated army who fled. Now there are only On the next road, if you fight to the death, you may be able to defeat the enemy. There is not much difference between fifty thousand and one hundred thousand. More people cannot explain the problem. A war is not a fight. The army is divided into front and rear and it is impossible to swarm in. Besides, fifty thousand people The place to stand is limited, and the contact area with the enemy is also limited, so the enemies you encounter at the same time are fixed. What you can fight now is whether your soldiers are brave enough and whether their combat effectiveness is strong. One hundred thousand versus fifty thousand , the original theoretical ratio of one to two cannot be placed in the actual situation. As long as you fight bravely, you will be able to confuse your opponents and even kill them. Now, whether you are defeated and killed or whether you have achieved immortality, it only takes a blink of an eye. Shi Biao is down. After deciding to fight to the death, he ordered to stop the pursuit and began to form troops. Although the team had stopped spontaneously, Meng He wore a steel mask and rode among the central army. The three-pronged army was divided into units of 10,000 people. For the ten square formations, four in the front, four in the middle, and two in the back, they advanced in parallel, giving people a majestic feeling and oppressing the nerves of the Ming army soldiers. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 82: Forming and Fighting Meng He looked at Shi Biao's team. Although there were many powerful people in Shi Biao's direct line, Shi Heng made his fortune as a military general after all. Being able to stand out also shows that he is not an ordinary person, so he can recruit people who are good at fighting. There are quite a few, so the quality of the soldiers they bring out is still stronger than that of the ordinary Ming army. <-> At this moment of life and death, the usual training played a very good role. The infantry landed on the big shield in front, and the spear stretched out from the gap above the shield. This could effectively block the impact of the Mongolian cavalry, and stabbed with the sharp spear. Pierce the horse's belly, and use the pole of the spear and the support of the earth to stabilize the direction and increase the momentum. As long as the spear continues, it will be unstoppable. Looking from a distance, the Ming army is now huddled in a ball, surrounded by large shields and stretched out spears, like a huge hedgehog, making it difficult for the enemy to bite. Behind the shield bearers and spearmen are rows of fire cannon soldiers. This time, because they are chasing the enemy, Shi Biao doesn't have many fire cannon soldiers. Although the fire cannons have a long range and are powerful, they are troublesome to load. , it is not as fast and effective as bows and arrows to draw and shoot arrows, so Shi Biao did not equip too many soldiers, but instead equipped many fire gunners with bows and arrows, so there was only a thin layer of fire gunmen scattered in the third circle. The fourth circle is a large group of crossbowmen, who are responsible for shooting upwards to attack the large groups of cavalry. The fifth circle is the main cavalry in this pursuit. The horses also know that the battle is coming. They keep tapping their hooves and breathing heavily from their noses. The soldiers wipe their sabers with leather or cloth, preparing to kill the enemy. Fighting to the death, the army was silent for a while and everyone was a little nervous. Few against many is a situation that the Mongols often face. The Han army wins with numbers. This is the first time they have encountered such a situation, but now they will die if they don't fight hard, so although many people tremble, but there is no One person shrinks. Meng He ordered to stop advancing at this moment. Suddenly, a contemptuous laughter came out from under the steel mask. The leaders and generals beside Meng He all laughed. They just responded and did not know why they were laughing. Meng He stopped laughing and said: "It seems that the man who led the army is not only very fierce and dares to pursue alone, but he is also very smart. Facing the approaching of our army, he did not choose to escape, but instead understood the situation clearly Dare to fight, you can see that he is also very good at arranging troops, and he has mastered the essence of Han warfare. Although they faced a large army, they knew that the cavalry could circumvent them, so they did not relax on both sides, but formed an encirclement. Circle, it seems that our ambushes on both sides will not be needed for a while." A tribal leader said: "It's useless. Our cavalry rushes over with all our strength. As long as we disperse them, the Han people will be defeated without their backbone. Escape, then the brothers on both sides can come out to cut off their retreat and join us in slaughtering these Han pigs and dogs." Meng He shook his head and said, "That's okay, but since we have the return artillery, why not let the return go first. Hit the opponent with artillery and then take the opportunity to kill them. Remember that you must try your best to reduce the casualties on the battlefield." Shi Biao looked at the opponent's 100,000 troops, not only cold sweat broke out, but he firmly grasped the sword at his waist. He also pulled out his sword from the side of the horse. The long sword was for good looks and was not as easy to use as the saber. He was a general but not a master. The long sword was domineering when commanded, but it got in the way when it came to killing the enemy. Suddenly Shi Biao's attention was attracted by the cheers of the enemy troops. He had been stationed in Datong for many years and could understand a few words of Mongolian. He vaguely heard the Mongolian troops cheering in unison with one word: Hui Hui Pao. A bad premonition came to Shi Biao's mind. Before he could think about it, he saw dozens of giant objects rising in the sky. They flew into the sky in an arc, blocking part of the sunlight and turning it into a few black spots. Then it quickly grew in size, and Shi Biao shouted: "Raise the shield!" The soldiers obeyed the order and raised the shield in their hands. The length of the shield was not consistent, and there was a big gap in the middle, but from a distance, it formed a huge plane. . Then the black spots in the sky became clearer and clearer, and through the gaps in the shield, you could clearly see large boulders flying towards them. Shields can block bows and arrows, and thick steel shields can even block the blows of firecrackers, but they are vulnerable to boulders. Human strength can never compare to the throwing power of return cannons and the natural falling force of boulders. The return artillery was designed for hard city walls and might not be so useful against moving troops, but at this moment the Ming army was not moving, making it the best target. Although the target of 50,000 people was huge, the returning artillery still did not hit all the boulders, and only a dozen boulders were driven into the formation. Except for the two smaller ones, which were resisted by the soldiers together, those soldiers who withstood the huge force either had their internal organs shattered or their arms were broken and had no fighting power. However, just because they resisted the boulder, their strength changed after the boulder rolled. Small, no greater casualties were caused. The remaining boulders fell firmly into the formation, killing and injuring many soldiers. Some of the smoother boulders rolled over, crushing many soldiers to death. Shi Biao was also frightened. One of them hit him right next to him and raised hisThe dust blinded his eyes, and the air flow caused the horse to take several steps back. Shi Biao rubbed his eyes, and tears brought out the dust. He spat at the boulder angrily, and then ordered: "Return to formation and move forward slowly. Brothers, if we stretch our heads and shrink our heads, we will fight with these Tatars!" The team quickly regained its calm. After the panic, the team moved, but still maintained the same attitude as before. Hedgehog-like formation. Although the team moved slowly, it was fast enough for the gunners who returned the guns. Moving targets were not easy to hit, so when the second wave of boulders fell, only one boulder hit the team. Meng He looked at the Ming army and couldn't help but nodded and praised: "The person leading the army is quite smart. He knows that I won't just hit them with a wave of returning artillery, so he has preserved his strength this time. Well, let's go head-to-head. Let's see the truth immediately." Two of the four square formations in the front row of the Mongolian cavalry received the order and began to attack the Ming army. Twenty thousand people in the two phalanxes galloped at the same time. When they were still a hundred steps away from the Ming army, they started to shoot upwards. Many Ming soldiers could not see clearly in the formation and did not have time to raise their shields and fell to the ground. When they reached a hundred steps, the Mongolian cavalry clamped down on the horse's belly, and the horse began to speed up. The Mongolians grew up on horses and could ride horses even without reins and saddles. Now at this speed, they don't have to bend down at all. Continue to shoot arrows with a big bow and shoot straight with heavy arrows. This time it did not cause too many casualties to the Ming army because the large shield in front blocked the arrows that were shot straight. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 83: The formation is broken Although shooting upward is effective, it is too close at 100 steps, and the Ming army is also moving forward slowly. If you shoot upward, it will only fall on the sand behind the Ming army, so you can only give up. At 50 steps, Mongolian athletes She sheathed her bow, drew her saber, and began to lean down and run wildly while shouting. A sprint of fifty paces would have the greatest impact. The Mongolian cavalry began to roar and charge towards the Ming army. Shi Biao had a look of disdain on his face. He deliberately made this expression for others to see. In fact, he was already a little nervous inside. But if his subordinates saw this nervousness, the morale of the army would definitely collapse, and the consequences would be disastrous. "Fire the arrow." Shi Biao received it, and after him Therefore, when the Mongolian soldiers were still 150 steps away from the Ming army, no order was given to fire arrows in return. The reason was that the Han people had weak arm strength and few could shoot so far. If only those with superior arm strength were selected to shoot back, the number of people would be If there are too few, it will not form a large rain of arrows and cannot kill the enemy in a large area. It will also easily alert the enemy and make them take precautions. A hundred steps is a good distance. The front of the enemy has just entered the shooting range. If the arrow is fired at this time, The enemy was able to fire two batches of arrows before charging into the formation, but Shi Biao still did not order the arrows to be fired, because although the distance could be reached, it was still difficult for the Han people, and the accuracy and strength were not enough. Secondly, they could only kill the enemy's front troops. Moreover, people who are close to the outside of the arrow rain can dodge, and others can use wooden shields to protect their bodies to reduce casualties. Now there are only fifty steps left, and the enemy is sprinting with all their strength. This is the best time. Let go at this moment. The enemy has no time to take out wooden shields to block the arrows, and it is difficult to change the direction of the horse while sprinting at full speed. The front team sprints and the back team follows closely. Now it is the middle section of the enemy army that is hit by the arrow rain. There are people in front and behind them, so there is no way to avoid them. It can maximize the damage, and at the same time, it can effectively block the enemy's continuous offensive, form a stubble, and reduce the pressure on the shield and spearmen. It can be said that it kills multiple birds with one stone, although It may only be possible to shoot one round, and the second round may be more reluctant, but the sudden effect must be much better than shooting two rounds calmly. Meng He stood at Gao Gangsheng, nodded slightly, and quite admired the Ming army's After doing this, he muttered: "It's a bit interesting." Sure enough, just as Shi Biao thought, the cavalry in the middle could not avoid the running and had no time to raise their shields in order to maintain the overall speed. They were hit hard and fell off their horses one after another. Only a few people with excellent riding skills escaped by hanging under the horse's belly. The huge cavalry legion instantly broke apart. The Mongolian knights behind saw the tribesmen falling to the ground. They showed no mercy and trampled over them with their horses. After passing by, he just let out an angry roar, and Shi Biao ordered: "The spearman holds steady, and the shieldman tilts the shield." The spearman stood firmly at an angle. The spearman at this moment was not necessarily firm, but they But it gave the shield bearers in front of them and the gunmen and archers behind them a rare sense of security. The Mongolian horse heads were pierced by spears, and some jumped up but were pierced by spears. The horse's belly fell to the ground, including the man and the horse. Although the spears were still standing there sharply, stabbing the Mongols, they could not withstand the large number of the Mongolian army. The Ming army faced the enemy on only one side and the other four sides were evenly divided, so the number was relatively small. Few, many spears have been skewered on the enemy's corpse or the opponent's horse, and there is no possibility of assassination. A veteran general of the Ming army Shi Biao said: "General, please transfer more people from the three sides, I'm afraid Can't hold on. " Shi Biao shook his head. He had no time to explain to the veteran. He just pointed to the right. There were many birds circling in the sky on the right but did not dare to land, indicating that there must be something under there, other than an ambush. What else could happen? This time Shi Biao didn¡¯t need to give orders. The gunmen started shooting spontaneously. Although they were shooting in a row, they were fighting independently. Finally, the enemy was eliminated under the gun. At this time The archers once again made a big upward shot, killing the last Mongolian cavalry still outside the formation. The spearmen and shield bearers worked together to take off the people or horses on the spears as well as the scattered wreckage, ushering in the last wave of attacking men and horses. The menacing Mongolian cavalry behind them broke through the shield and rushed into the formation before the spearmen could even raise their spears. Before the archers could bend their bows and set arrows, their muskets were filled with gunpowder and iron pellets. The fighting power is remarkable. The Mongolian cavalry were like tigers entering a flock of sheep. They fought to vent their hatred. They just watched their own people fall to the ground, and they were secretly cursing in their hearts that the Han people only dared to huddle in the formation and did not dare to come out. Fighting, now they have entered the formation and they are not slaughtering them happily. Who is Shi Biao? When the capital was besieged by the Wala army, he carried a battle ax into the Wala army and led the cavalry to fight back the enemy head-on. Army, later joined forces with his uncle Shi Heng, chased the Wala army and drove them away for dozens of miles. Due to the problem of his military type, it would be good for such a brave general to be calm and not take the initiative to attack. How can you expect him to watch helplessly? His own soldiers fell to the ground, and if he accepted this humiliation and refused to attack, then Shi Biao would no longer be Shi Biao. His fierce, reckless character and quick success were revealed from hisThis can be seen in military operations. How can we allow these Tatars to act recklessly in front of us, killing and killing all the Tatars? Now this is not a charge, but a fight in the formation. The tomahawk cannot be used, it is too long. Unable to use the weapons, Shi Biao was an expert in equestrian skills and could control the horse with only his legs without using the reins. He held a knife in one hand and a sword in the other and led his cavalry to meet them first, fighting the Mongols together. , Because they were fighting in the formation, the soldiers on the outside who were like a forest of armored spears stepped out one after another, leaving enough space for the cavalry in the formation to fight each other. At this moment, the 30,000 Mongolian cavalry who had rushed out had already suffered 4,000 or 5,000 casualties. , all the rest entered the Ming army's formation. The Ming army's number of people on the outer perimeter defense was originally limited, and with so many people crowded into the formation, the spearmen defending the outer perimeter were suddenly heavily armed and sparse. , The spearmen and shield soldiers still faced outwards, not daring to slack off at all. Even if their opponents were fighting with their comrades right behind them, they did not look back. This psychological quality shows that this army is indeed a well-trained army. In the formation of the plain iron army, only archers and gunmen fired iron sand and arrows at the Mongolian soldiers who rushed into the formation. Meng He gave the order at this time, and the Mongolian ambush soldiers on both sides came out and rushed towards On the outskirts of the unprepared Ming army, after a period of melee, some soldiers finally turned around and fled, only to find that tens of thousands of cavalry had blocked the retreat. They were defeated like a mountain. No matter how well-trained the soldiers were, they could not resist. The Mongolian cavalry could not resist the repeated attacks by the Mongolian cavalry, which outnumbered their own. Of course, because of Shi Biao's wisdom, he did not withdraw the peripheral troops on the left, right and rear at the most difficult time. Therefore, although the Mongolian cavalry defeated the Ming army, they also paid a great price. At a huge cost of life, there were sounds of fighting and yelling in both Mongolian and Chinese languages ??everywhere, accompanied by endless screams and wails. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 84: Invincible Shi Biao led 10,000 cavalrymen. They dashed from left to right. Wherever they hit, swords, swords, shadows and blood flew everywhere. The saber was curled, the long sword was broken, and the arrow feathers were shot. Shi Biao picked up his most proud battle ax and shouted. : "Brothers, charge with me. Kill one to earn a profit, kill two to earn one." There were fewer and fewer soldiers around him, but Shi Biao was not afraid at all, he just kept charging and his eyes became Blood red, he was shouting loudly. Wherever the ax hit, the enemy would be killed. Under the leadership of Shi Biao, the encirclement formed by the Mongolian cavalry was torn open. Shi Biao did not just run away. After taking hundreds of steps, he reined in the horse and raised its front hooves high. Shi Biao turned the horse's head and looked coldly at the enemy army on the opposite side. The armor on his body was soaked with blood, just like a red man. In front of Biao's eyes, the Mongolian cavalry massacred the scattered Ming spearmen, shield bearers, fire gunmen and archers. They had no resistance to the galloping horses, and their heads were separated from each other under the saber. Some soldiers were killed in twos and threes. They grouped together and resisted, but facing the flood of cavalry, they were quickly engulfed. After Shi Biao stopped his horse, the cavalry behind him also reined in their horses and turned around, forming an organized team in an orderly manner. Shi Biao He asked a general beside him: "How many people do we have left?" The general turned around and took stock and said: "There are still more than 7,000 cavalry available. General, let's withdraw." Shi Biao stretched out his hand to stop the other party's words. , sighed and said: "Tens of thousands of good men died in our Shi family's struggle for power, and even more because of my willful actions, they died on the battlefield. I know what you are going to say. If you want to run away, we should have run away. Now these The soldiers and horses can protect you and I will charge out, but if that's the case, even if I survive, I will still have the virtue to command the soldiers and horses. Even if I die in the future, I will have no face to face the ancestors of the Shi family. Damn it, I, Shi Biao, can't do anything that is not bloody or manly." Shi Biao waved his battle ax and shouted: "Listen to my order, gather the whole army and rush over to save our brothers." As he said this, he clamped down on the horse's belly, and the war horse sensed it. Feeling the pride of his master, he raised his hoof and rushed out like an arrow from the string. The cavalry behind him was also infected by Shi Biao's words. Seeing his fellow infantrymen being killed by Mongolian Tatars in the field, they roared angrily and followed him. Shi Biao charged out, and no one flinched. The Mongols saw Shi Biao leading less than 10,000 cavalry to charge out, and they rallied a little and rushed forward. Their horses collided with each other and the soldiers killed each other. After one round, Shi Biao Looking back at only 5,000 soldiers left, and seeing that the enemy's corpses in front of him were almost the same as his own, Shi Biao laughed loudly and said: "The Mongolian cavalry is nothing." Meng He smiled coldly and ordered the two to stand aside. The fresh force of the phalanx attacked at the same time, trying to leave Shi Biao's cavalry intact after one round. These Mongolians had already become violent because of the fighting. The smell of blood was wafting in the air. They received The order was shouted and he rushed towards Shi Biao, and Shi Biao also put down the group of cavalry that was facing him just now, and led the troops to attack this group of fresh troops. He knew in his heart that maybe this was the last charge in his life. At this time, a figure came galloping from a distance. Dust was flying everywhere he passed. His speed was several times faster than the horse. His figure could not be seen clearly. He could only draw a long shadow on the ground. A loud shout was heard before thousands of troops and horses, and like thunder, the horses neighed over tens of thousands of people and roared: "You, Mr. Long, are here." "Neither the Mongolian nor Shi Biao stopped attacking, but they looked sideways at the fast-moving figure at the same time. Suddenly the figure disappeared from a few hundred steps away, and then appeared in front of Shi Puma in an instant, holding it down with one hand. Shi Biao was shocked by the galloping war horses and didn't know who it was. He swung his ax and was about to chop, but saw that hundreds of Mongolian cavalry in the front row were cut off in half, and some even the horses were chopped into two pieces. The people were on their backs and their horses were tumbling into a heap, but the person holding down Shi Biao's horse's head was clearly a young man. The young man looked up to the sky and laughed, his voice was so deafening that it made Shi Biao's ears hurt. He saw the scene on the Mongolian Tatar side and fought hard. The ax was tilted, and the battle ax passed by the young man. The young man didn't care, showed no surprise at all, and didn't even look at Shi Biao. Although he didn't know what happened, it should be this young man who helped kill Mongolia. Hundreds of cavalry, and in just a moment, they were like gods. They seemed to be friends rather than enemies, so Shi Biao suppressed the uneasiness in his heart and said: "Who are you. "The young man had a handsome face. When he turned around and smiled, he had a heroic spirit on his face. He answered softly: "I am Long Qingquan of Huangshan Mountain. Seeing Shi Biao stunned, Long Qingquan added: "My brother-in-law Lu Yunzhi asked me to come. He said that he wanted to save your life. You can lead people to evacuate. Someone will help you. I will cut off your family." . " After Long Qingquan said this, regardless of whether Shi Biao agreed or not, he smiled softly and walked with his sword. He suddenly swung it and swept away thousands of troops. The Ora cavalry fell off their horses one after another. Each time he swung, there were as few as forty, fifty and as many as hundreds of people. Beheaded by Long Qingquan and dismounted from his horse, MongoliaThe soldiers were brave and bloody barbarians, but they had never seen a god-like figure like Long Qingquan. People are particularly afraid of things they have never seen before, especially dangers they have never seen before, so for a while the Wala army did not dare to move forward. Being blocked in front of Long Qingquan, it can be said that one man is blocking the way and no one can open it. Long Qingquan laughed up to the sky and deliberately leaned forward. The Mongolian took a step back with a splash. Long Qingquan scratched his head and shouted: "Come on." Ah." After saying that, he took two more steps forward, and the Wala army all retreated. Long Qingquan smiled contemptuously, then gave the Mongolians a little thumbs up, and then shook his head slightly. The Mongolians were irritated. They Although they were afraid of this young man who couldn't see clearly and looked like a celestial being, the Mongolian warriors could not be insulted. They rushed towards Long Qingquan angrily, and Long Qingquan also waved his sword to greet him. At this moment, only Wala heard A loud shout from behind the cavalryman reminded him: "Boy, don't be so arrogant, let me catch you." Meng He galloped his horse, then suddenly kicked his stirrup up and rushed towards Long Qingquan hundreds of steps away, a sudden surge of blood surged in his sleeves. Countless ghosts moved out, and there were also ghosts entangled under his feet, dragging him to escape like flying. Long Qingquan knew that it was Meng He, and had heard Lu Yunzhi talk about his abilities, so he didn't dare to shout and greeted him. The steel sword was flying around him, and the cavalry on both sides were minced in an instant. He suddenly raised the steel sword above his head, shouted loudly with his eyes wide open, and struck down hard with the muscles of his arms protruding vertically. He used a move to crush the mountain. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 85: Shang Yang appears again Any weapon can use this move to overwhelm the enemy. This move was given a name by warriors just to sound good. In fact, it is often used by street gangsters when they fight. The move is originally very simple, it is to chop down vertically, and the point is to strike from above. The power of swinging down plus your own strength, you can win with strength, but it can be easily resisted. You can hold it, lock it, and get out of the way. But this move depends on whose hands it is used. Coupled with Long Qingquan's divine power and It was so fast that no one could stop it. Even the ghosts would be knocked to pieces. Because they were facing Meng He, Long Qingquan used all his strength to instantly dissipate the two ghosts that Meng He attacked with one blow. A crack opened, and suddenly it became bigger and bigger. Many cavalry around them fell in without realizing it. Meng He was gone. Suddenly, three Ming soldiers were embraced by three groups of ghosts. Meng He lay on the ground. Above their heads, like a Buddha statue lying on its side, Meng He's eyes flashed. Three soldiers who were entangled by ghosts and couldn't move under him were instantly crushed into flesh. Meng He laughed wildly and raised his hands. Pressing him on the ground, he didn't hear what he was saying. Suddenly the sky changed drastically and the ground trembled, which was even louder than what Long Qingquan had just made. Long Qingquan turned around and looked at Meng He coldly, knowing that he So he didn't recite the incantation of worship. He should be the same as Lu Yunzhi, who used the heart trick, but he didn't care. He rushed into the Mongolian cavalry and killed more than a dozen people, and piled all their heads at his feet. , shouted: "You can't beat me in a duel between us, how can you vent your anger on a mortal? It's so fucking shameless." Then he spat at the Mongolian head at his feet, which was regarded as a courtesy, Meng Hetie I don't know the expression on his face, I just heard him smile coldly and reply: "Generals, listen to the order and lead the troops to retreat." Long Qingquan was stunned and winked at Shi Biao. Shi Biao hurriedly ordered to retreat at full speed. More than ten times the enemy troops were surrounded and fled. Meng He did not say a word, nor did he give an order to stop them. Just like this, the Ming army calmly escaped under the eyes of the enemy. Shi Biao was at the end, turned around and hugged Long Qingquan, hugging his fists. Long Qingquan said nothing but nodded and waved to Shi Biao to leave quickly. Shi Biao then rode away. When Meng He saw that the soldiers from both sides had retreated, he said: "Now that they have left, I should go out too." Come on, you are a master, Long Qingquan, the son of Huangshan Dragon Master. I heard that Yu Qian is not your opponent, and Lu Yunzhi is only slightly better than you in one and a half moves. I am Meng He, the leader of the Mongolian Ghost Witch, Lu Yunzhi. Anda, so I want to remind you that in the next move I will use four of the evil ghosts to deal with you. Also, the people I killed just now were not to vent my anger, but they were food for the evil ghosts. Come on." As the black clouds in the sky grew bigger and bigger, Long Qingquan suddenly felt that the thing was falling rapidly, and something like a giant bird landed overwhelmingly. Long Qingquan knew that it was Shang Yang, but he heard Lu Yun Zhi said that this is a ghost that is a ghost witch protecting the law and begging for beauty. How did it end up in Meng He's hands? Could it be that this Shang Yang is not the other Shang Yang? Because according to Lu Yunzhi's description, this thing is not as huge as it is now. Lu Yunzhi It is said that it is like a baby elephant. The Shang Yang in front of him is not as big as a baby elephant. There are more elephants. It is simply a moving hill falling from the sky. Long Qingquan cannot think about it. Shang Yang plunges down with a sudden force. Most people will subconsciously go there. To resist, Han Yueqiu, Lu Yunzhi and the others were busy resisting when they first saw Shang Yang. However, Long Qingquan did not take the blow forcefully. His body movements were much faster than ordinary people, and his toes passed by more than 40 people. Stepping forward, he landed lightly on the ground, and Shang Yang jumped into the air. Suddenly, two large pits formed on the ground. The flying dust temporarily covered half of Shang Yang's body. After Long Qingquan landed, he lunged and rushed back. , went straight towards Shang Yang. Long Qingquan had little choice in Shang Yang's sky. Now that he had landed on the ground, it was Long Qingquan's territory. He was going to take advantage of that moment to defeat Shang Yang. As expected, Shang Yang didn't. After reacting, when he saw Long Qingquan, Long Qingquan was only two steps away from it. Shang Yang blocked his body with ghostly energy that looked like wings, but Long Qingquan let out a loud shout and stabbed out with his sword. The airflow actually made the air around three to four feet tight, and then made a whirring sound that broke through the air. Meng He was shocked. He had long known how powerful Long Qingquan was, but now this scene still made him nervous. He was extremely surprised, and after a long time he murmured: "It turns out that all the methods in the world are the same, and when you reach the highest level, you can achieve the same goal through different paths. " Long Qingquan's steel sword pierced the ghost aura and dispersed a lot of the thick black ghost aura. Long Qingquan continued to stab forward. He knew that even if Shang Yang's soul was gone, there would still be a ghost baby alive. As long as the ghost baby didn't die. Shang Yang could recover. He wanted to use his sword energy to disperse this huge Shang Yang, and then rely on his own speed to quickly take care of Shang Yang's ghost baby. Once the ghost witch lost his ghost spirit, it would be equivalent to cutting off his The left and right arm has lost the method of attack. In master duels, they usually like to shout out the tricks they used to remind others, except for hidden weapons of course. This is to tell the people around me that I defeated him in an honest and fair manner. Tell everyone. heIf you are still defeated, you can't say anything. This is not the case with hidden weapons. If you shout a hidden weapon, it is not called a hidden weapon. Meng He had previously called out four of the evil ghosts to fight against the enemy. Long Qingquan thought it had such meaning. , after all, not everyone knows how powerful Long Qingquan is. The palms of the heaven and earth people who were defeated by him before will naturally not be publicized, and Long Qingquan is not a person who brags about his great achievements, so many people in the same way know it. It is Long Qingquan who is the product of the old son of the head of the dragon. The father's reputation is much greater than that of his son. Long Qingquan is just a gift. But speaking of it, Meng He really knows the goods and is not arrogant enough to look down on Long Qingquan. , it can be seen that now he is also fighting with all his strength, but after all, Meng He is much more famous than Long Qingquan. In addition to the Zhongzheng lineage and the Murong family, the main line among the people of heaven and earth, the ghost witches are also extremely powerful, so Long Qingquan believed that Meng He said this to avoid being accused of bullying the young in the future. In this case, in addition to Shang Yang in front of him, there were three evil ghosts who did not show up, so Long Qingquan wanted to make a quick decision. , defeat Shang Yang first. At this moment, Long Qingquan suddenly felt something rushing from behind. It was extremely fast and powerful. It was also thanks to what Meng He said before that Long Qingquan paid attention. Qingquan withdrew his sword and stopped stabbing Shang Yang. He leaned back and quickly drew seventeen shapes in the air with his steel sword. Long Qingquan only felt pain in his arm, which was almost broken by the shock. He couldn't help but suck in a breath. He had not felt the cold air with such force for a long time. The thing that was pointing towards him was also thrown aside by countless seventeen-shaped gardens. The power of Long Qingquan plus the power of the thing itself was naturally extraordinary. , a cloud of dust formed in the sky where the thing was thrown out, Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 86: Throwing away the long sword (VIP update) The thing did not slow down despite the strong force, but fell into the Mongolian cavalry camp. The Mongolians were heard shouting. The well-disciplined Mongolian cavalry did not obey the order and moved to both sides. Long Qingquan looked at it intently and couldn't help but be startled. , that thing has only one mouth, to be more precise, it is just one mouth. A big mouth opens out of thin air, as if it has no body, or in other words, no body. This scene is as weird as it is. If you observe it carefully, then There are small slits above the open mouth, which should be the eyes. This only one eye is pressed by the open black mouth. At this moment, only a thin slit is left. If Long Qingquan hadn't been sharp, he wouldn't have been able to see it. It's the eyes. At this time, Shang Yang let out a piercing scream, and then waved his claws and wings to hit Long Qingquan. Long Qingquan's body came back from the state of the iron bridge. Seeing that he had lost the opportunity, he jumped deep to find another opportunity. , although his eyes were fixed on Shang Yang, he was always wary of the mouth that attacked him just now. Meng He smiled and said: "This is Taotie, don't panic, there is no pain at all if you are swallowed by him, and your soul and body will be gone in an instant." "It will disappear." Long Qingquan snorted and moved quickly towards Meng He. He shot the man first and the horse, and captured the thief first. After killing Meng He, the ghosts lost control and would not besiege him. Long Qingquan thought about this figure and came to Meng He. In his opinion, Meng He was just a powerful ghost manipulator. A sneer came from under Meng He's steel mask, and ghosts surged under his robes. The spirit gathered on his arms, and then he crossed his arms to block Long Qingquan's sword. Long Qingquan was shocked. He didn't expect that Meng He's abilities were also amazing. He took his sword and acted as if nothing happened. Even Lu Yunzhi didn't have this ability. Meng He shouted and pushed hard with both arms. He actually pushed Long Qingquan away. He jumped up from his horse and fought with Long Qingquan in close combat. Because of the distance between the steel sword, In close combat, fists or daggers are not as useful. Long Qingquan knew this very well and took two steps away to return the sword and sheath it, but Meng He did not give him this chance at all and continued to attack at every turn. Long Qingquan's cheeks hurt, and his speed was extremely fast. He was on par with Long Qingquan. Long Qingquan threw away his sword and shouted, punching Meng He, intending to connect with Meng He's fists. Meng He's fists met directly. To welcome him, Long Qingquan used all his strength, but when he came into contact with Meng He's fist, his heart trembled. Meng He didn't use any force at all. Qingquan's power quickly dodged, and then turned sideways, Long Qingquan's fist brushed Meng He's chest. Because Long Qingquan used all his strength, he wanted to have a head-on confrontation with Meng He, but he didn't touch the opponent's fist. He lost his accuracy, could not stop his pace, and could no longer maintain his strength to hit Meng He who was close at hand. Meng He jumped into the air and touched Long Qingquan's arm. Shang Yang caught Meng He. Meng He was in Shang Yang's arms. With the sheep on its back, Shang Yang continued to soar into the sky, while Meng He was also floating in the air, looking at the stumbling Long Qingquan and laughing. Long Qingquan became angry with embarrassment, bent his knees and wanted to jump up to hit Meng He, who was in the air. People cannot move at will in the air, and Meng He is no exception. Just when he was about to jump up, he felt nine huge waves of Gang Qi hitting him, and all his escape routes were blocked. Long Qingquan wanted to go He felt it was too late to take the long sword he had just discarded, so he could only fight it with his fist, and collided with the Gang Qi. Long Qingquan looked sideways, it was a monster with nine snake heads, it looked very disgusting, nine The snake head kept spraying gas, and made bursts of baby crying sounds, but the sound was lifeless and a bit cold, which made people feel horrified and uncomfortable. After Meng He paused in mid-air for a moment, He fell down, looked at Long Qingquan busy fighting, and said unhurriedly: "This is Jiuying, Long Qingquan, you can fight. "As soon as he finished speaking, Shang Yang was seen descending from the sky and pounced on Long Qingquan who was busy resisting the gang energy. Taotie calmed down and circled around Jiuying and Long Qingquan, waiting for Long Qingquan to reveal his flaw. Devour him, "Long Qingquan, my physical skills are not as good as yours. I am just using ghosts as a medium to overdraw my life to increase my speed and strength. If I overdraw my life for a few days, I can gain several times the strength. Of course Effective time is inversely proportional to the ability to improve. In order to compete with your speed and power, I overdrawn my life for fifteen days, which is to achieve fifteen times my original speed and power, but the time is only a blink of an eye. In between, and I tell you clearly that I can no longer use this technique within two hours, but the effect I want to achieve has been achieved. All I want to do is force you to put down the sword. "Meng He said with a hint of sarcasm, "Long Qingquan didn't understand why Meng He had to explain it to him like this, but he knew why Meng He forced him to put down his sword and wanted to curse, but he couldn't think of talking at the moment and was busy resisting Jiu. Long Qingquan, who was hit by the double blow of Ying and Shang Yang, frowned secretly. He heard from Yingzi that Lu Yunzhi was in Beijing in those days.They fought against Shang Yang and Jiu Ying under the city, but Lu Yunzhi was not intangible at that time, and Lu Yunzhi, who was intangible, should not be the opponent of these two evil spirits. At most, it would be a tie. Long Qingquan was fighting while Thinking about it, how did he know that Jiuying and Shang Yang were the two evil ghosts back then, but at one time or another, through Meng He's nourishment and cultivation, as well as the cultivation of ghost witchcraft and secret techniques, these two evil ghosts became His current strength is not even a little bit more powerful than before, and he can already get rid of the ordinary evil ghost rankings. Even so, Long Qingquan can still resist, but there is still a Taotie waiting for the opportunity next to him. Who will win is still unknown. Besides, there are four evil ghosts, and only three have come out now. Where is the remaining one? Long Qingquan resisted while looking for loopholes, trying to rush out as soon as possible. If this continues, he will definitely lose. For this Dian Long Qingquan had a clear understanding. A hero would not suffer the immediate loss, so he retreated first, "Long Qingquan, your boxing and kicking skills are first, followed by your swordsmanship. The swordsmanship you use is just an evolution of boxing, but your sword looks like It's ordinary. It can actually withstand strong force, and it can cut iron like clay. It's not an ordinary thing. I think it should be the legendary Ganjiang Sword. However, no matter how powerful your fist is, you can't resist Jiuying and Shang Yang for a long time, but it can be long-term. With the sword in your hand, you don't know who will die. This is why I took the risk of using a secret technique to make you throw away the sword. The secret technique I used just now not only used a small amount of Yangshou, but also caused some damage to my body. But now It seems that it is all worth it," Meng He said calmly. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 87: Wasted money also comes out Long Qingquan frowned even more tightly. This Meng He was really powerful. No one except him knew how good his boxing and kicking skills were, and no one knew about the seemingly ordinary Ganjiang Sword. But Meng He knew it and designed it. He let himself throw away the long sword. It seemed that Meng He was sure of victory. Long Qingquan was thinking about punching to open up the two oncoming gang energy, and then swung his fist to face Shang Yang who was coming from above. The edge of his fist was already a little bit There was a dull pain. This feeling was not good. Long Qingquan thought with his feet and left his back to Jiuying, Shang Yang and Taotie. He rushed towards the long sword stuck on the ground. Although his boxing skills were superb and his physique was invulnerable, no matter how much flesh and blood His body was not as strong as this sword. Long Qingquan held the handle of the sword and pulled it out. At the same time, he avoided the attacks of Shang Yang and Jiu Ying as if he had eyes behind his back. The moment he pulled out the sword, he was always beside him. Taotie, who was waiting for the opportunity, took action, no, he spoke. Like a launched projectile, Taotie rushed towards Long Qingquan. Long Qingquan grabbed the hilt of the sword with his right hand, and his body had already been evacuated from Shang Yang and Jiuying's attacks. Twisted to the limit, Taotie's attack was unavoidable. He swung his long sword and struck the blow hard. Long Qingquan's legs were slightly bent and his lower body was firmly rooted to the ground. The sword in his hand pressed against Taotie's upper body. With his lower jaw and body standing upright, he was knocked out by the Taotie. The footprints left two long scratches on the ground. Long Qingquan raised the steel sword and flicked it lightly with his fingers. Suddenly, powder began to fall from the steel sword. When the powder fell off, what he held in his hand was no longer a shining steel sword, but a strange long sword with a mediocre and unpretentious style, slightly bronze and black. Although the long sword was so simple, it was Unable to conceal the sharp edge and murderous intent of the long sword, Long Qingquan said coldly to Meng He: "You are the first person who can shake off the fine steel powder on my long sword." "That said, I should still feel it. It's an honor." Meng He replied coldly, "However, even if you got the sword, you still lost." Long Qingquan laughed and said, "That's not the case." A monkey-like thing is attached. On Long Qingquan's legs, Long Qingquan was so weak that he almost fell to the ground when he staggered. Looking down, he saw that the thing was all black and looked like a monkey, but it had an extremely twisted ugly face, which was full of greed and greed. **, Long Qingquan lost more and more strength, and the long sword in his hand was as heavy as a thousand pounds. He finally couldn't hold it anymore and dropped it to the ground again. The blade was very sharp, and it instantly cut through the ground and stuck it into the ground, swinging slightly. Long Qingquan lay on the ground and could only lift his heavy eyelids to look at the ugly thing and Meng He who was still wearing a steel mask. Meng He smiled and said: "Look at me, you lost, let me tell you. , this is a wasted waste. The so-called wasted waste is just a name given by the Central Plains people. Its original meaning is that it is a kind of imp that can steal people's money, steal other people's luck, and bring disaster to people. The ghost-fighting Zhong Kui believed in by the Han people is precisely because it is said that he can drive away people. He became famous in one fell swoop. "Long Qingquan didn't answer. Of course he knew these allusions, but at this moment he was so weak that he struggled even to speak. Naturally, he didn't bother to answer Meng He's words. Long Qingquan He coordinated his own strength and kept vomiting in the hope that he could regain some strength to stand up. In Long Qingquan's opinion, this action of lying face down was more uncomfortable than dying. It was really embarrassing. The cow-nose robe has one foot wearing a shoe for walking, and the other foot is hanging on the waist. There is also a blood-red iron fan in the waist, which means a disaster of blood and light. When Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty was ill, he dreamed of a little ghost stealing He took away his jade flute and Yang Guifei's embroidered sachet, so he shouted to catch the thief, but no one paid attention. In the panic, a big ghost rushed in, grabbed the little ghost, gouged out his eyes and swallowed the little ghost. Tang Xuanzong got up Looking at it, I saw that the ghost leopard who came to escort him had bright eyes, a very powerful beard like wire, wearing a tattered green robe and tattered official boots, and one of his eyes seemed to be blind. In short, it looked like this. The appearance was very frightening. Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty hurriedly asked who the ghost was. He only heard the ghost reply: Zhong Kui of Zhongnan Mountain. Later, it was said that Li Yuan, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, once had a man in Zhongnan Mountain who failed in martial arts because his appearance was too ugly. He was so angry. He hit his head on the stone steps in front of the palace and died to show that he had no way to serve the country. Therefore, Emperor Gaozu gave him a green robe and he was the one who died. He once swore to slay demons for the Tang Dynasty. , came to rescue him, and Tang Xuanzong suddenly woke up. It turned out to be Nanke Yimeng, but he suffered from a sweating disease and recovered. Then he ordered people to draw Zhong Kui. Zhong Kui's ghost-fighting came from this, and at the same time he became famous. There is also the little ghost who steals things, Xuhua. Of course, the names of evil ghosts are all named after the devil's form or ability. Apart from his smaller body, this Xuhua has nothing to do with the appearance of the legendary Xuhua. , but they are all real thieves, and the evil ghost Xiu Hua is especially bad. He can steal everything, people's luck, money, and even strength and life. At this moment, Long Qingquan fell into the trap of Xiu Hua and was stolen by it. With all my strength gone, I probably won¡¯t be able to get up for a while.Okay, Meng He said: "You should know the origin of the name Xiu Hua, but my Xiu Hua is even more powerful. He can steal everything he can. Hehe, his combat effectiveness is just a little worse, but once he touches the enemy, he will The power is extraordinary. When the enemy falls to the ground, like you are now, anyone can kill them. This is the effect and power of the waste. " "How did he get close to me." He tried his best to ask, but kept groping for things with his hands under his body, glaring at Long Qingquan with an angry look on his face, Meng He replied: "It's not important, but since you are about to die, I will let you You must understand, I forced you to throw away the sword for the first time and used this trick of killing two birds with one stone. It is good that the three evil ghosts can kill you because of this, but if it is not possible, there is also the void that clings to the sword after it falls to the ground. Hua, although you are powerful, you are not connected to Yin and Yang. Naturally, you cannot sense Hua Hua who deliberately shrunk your body. How about you, now you have fallen into the trap. As long as Xu Hua gets involved, you will have to suck all your energy, and it will also be a loss to your body. Different from ordinary people, otherwise he would be dead by now. " "Okay, that's all. I'll send you on your way, and Taotie will devour him." Meng He ordered, Taotie turned around and was about to regain his original posture. However, he suddenly maintained the state of an open mouth and quickly ran towards Long Qingquan. At this time, Long Qingquan had already taken out a pill from his arms. Such actions, which he usually did easily, were particularly difficult to do today. , just like being separated from thousands of mountains and rivers, are you really going to die here? Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 88: Return to Heaven Pill Long Qingquan even thought to himself at this moment that if one day he escapes from danger, he will definitely have pockets sewn all over his body. Even if someone says that he is a disciple of the Beggar Clan, it doesn't matter. At least it will be easier to take out things at critical moments. Lined pockets are still too cumbersome. , Meng He didn¡¯t notice Long Qingquan¡¯s little movements, and Taotie was getting closer and closer to Long Qingquan. Long Qingquan tried hard to chew and swallow the pills that he had finally put into his mouth, and suddenly he jumped up from a dry land, avoiding Taotie¡¯s attack. , Meng He was shocked after seeing it. Obviously this result was beyond his expectation. Long Qingquan shouted: "Arrogant Tartar, do you think you are the only one who has a backup plan? Look at your grandfather and my Huitian Pill." " Immediately, Long Qingquan went straight towards Meng He. Meng He was shocked and hurriedly retreated, releasing ghosts to stop him. However, how could ordinary ghosts or evil spirits withstand Long Qingquan's attack? Shang Yangtaotie was stunned. Hurriedly returning to defense, Jiuying also released strong energy and cold energy to seal Long Qingquan's path. Long Qingquan smiled slightly and twisted his body into an angle that ordinary people could not do. His feet stopped suddenly and kicked the ground, and forcefully caught Taotie. With the impact, this time the lower body did not stay firmly on the ground, but flew out upside down. He landed slightly, rolled on the spot, then stood up and ran towards the south. Meng He was surprised, and felt in his heart It's not good to scream. It turns out that Long Qingquan is bluffing. However, since his strength has been drained by wasting, no matter how strong Long Qingquan's body is, he can't recover so quickly. Could it be that the Return to Heaven Pill that Long Qingquan mentioned just now is really there? With such a great effect, Long Qingquan ran away and disappeared in a flash. Meng He stood there with his hands behind his back and did not chase. Instead, he took out the box and put Taotie and Xu Hua in, and absorbed Jiu Ying into his body. , Shang Yang also flew into the sky and disappeared. When several tribal leaders saw that the battle was over, they rushed out of the formation and faced Meng He back to the central army. One of them said: "Master, why just now?" Instead of taking advantage of the victory and killing that kid, I could beat the snake and suffer the consequences. Although I am a mortal, I can see that the kid is very powerful. I am afraid that keeping him alive will cause serious trouble in the future." Meng He took a sip of wine and vomited slowly. It took him two breaths to hit him: "You think it takes no effort to worship ghosts, let alone four evil ghosts fighting at the same time. If the fight continues, I will kill him and my vitality will be severely damaged. What will I do to deal with it then?" Difficult Lu Yunzhi, this kid has been injured. Now that he has recovered, I think that in fact, to the level of the two of us, there will be no victory or defeat without a fight, and even if there is a victory, it will only be a loss for both sides, and he The reason why he ran away was because the medicine he took may have a very short effect, but I could clearly feel that his strength was stronger than before. I had drained his strength, but taking the medicine restored his strength. , and his strength has improved to a higher level, not to mention whether he can beat him, if he drives him anxious, if he takes a few more pills, we are afraid that we will never come back. It is rumored all over the world that Huangshan Dragon Master's elixir His skills are unparalleled in the world, followed by the Danding lineage of the people of heaven and earth, then the Zhongzheng lineage, and then the Murong family. It seems that the rumors are indeed true. He said that the medicine is called Huitian Dan, which seems to have the power to return to heaven. If you are strong, you must not underestimate it. " Everyone nodded one after another, regardless of whether they understood or not. It was necessary for Meng He to agree before speaking. A man wearing bright black armor said in a rough voice: "We still chase the thousands of Ming troops who escaped just now. No pursuit. " Meng He shook his head and said: "The kid who was fighting with me just now came to save people. If we pursue them with all our strength, we will definitely destroy them, but we will also have to pay a very heavy price, not to mention the Han people have a saying That's right. Don't chase after poor bandits. Didn't you listen to that boy? There are people to help. I'm afraid there is an ambush. Let them go. Back to the camp, there are military laws and regulations waiting for the bright general who leads the army. They Han Chinese bureaucrats all talk about war on paper. They don't know what victory and defeat are. It's a common thing for military strategists. Victory may not necessarily bring rewards and may lead to death. Defeat must be severely punished. Hum, with such a court here, how can it not be wrong? The reason for destruction is that the flowery world of the Han people will soon belong to our Mongolian athletes. Okay, let¡¯s not talk about this anymore. I will pass on my general order to march according to the original plan without making any mistakes. " The generals laughed loudly when they heard about Huahua World, and they all said yes and retreated. Meng Hegang's eyes exposed in the iron mask narrowed, and he covered his chest faintly. He had fought with all his strength in the battle just now, and now I feel a little unwell, but I just had to hold back from talking and laughing in front of my subordinates, otherwise it will definitely cause instability in the morale of the army. The Mongolian people are born with an infighting character, so as a commander, he must hold his ground and not seek for his own good if he is not in his position. The government seems to be commanding thousands of troops with majesty, but who knows the pain involved in it? Fighting on the battlefield is indispensable, and fighting with the opponent's wits and courage is commonplace. Meng He stood up and moved his muscles for a while. Feeling a little more comfortable, after all, it was just overexertion, not injury. He looked to the south. His old friend Lu Yunzhi might be arriving soon, and only Lu Yunzhi, a person in power, could understand his difficulties. Meng He smiled. He looks forward to peaceYun Zhi's meeting, even on the eve of the decisive battle, Long Qingquan rushed to catch up with Shi Biao's team. Shi Biao chose a horse whose owner died in the battle. He rode the horse that was roped in and took his mount. He gave it to Long Qingquan and personally helped Long Qingquan get on the horse. This support was not a courtesy. Shi Biao was grateful, and Long Qingquan really needed it, so it was a real help. Long Qingquan shivered as soon as he got on the horse. His face was as pale as if he were sitting in the snow in the winter. Long Qingquan suddenly turned around and regained his strength to fight out of the siege. In fact, it was not easy. The Huitian Pill, just like its name, has the power to return to heaven. Although it cannot bring the dead back to life, it can bring it back to life. A person quickly regains his strength, heals quickly no matter what kind of scars he has, and his strength will be slightly higher than before the injury. However, the Huitian Pill can only be taken when there is no strength or the body is injured. This is the medicinal introduction of the Huitian Pill. , although the Huitian Pill contains many medicines that resist each other and reduce harm, they are three parts poisonous, not to mention such a powerful medicine. The Huitian Pill can only maintain the effect of a cup of tea. Although the user will not You will return to the way you were before the injury, with weakness or bleeding, but you will also regain your original strength, along with the feeling of being put into an extremely cold ice cellar, regardless of whether you are roasted by fire. It's useless to wear it or control Qi all over the body. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 89: The Arrival of Lu Yun The reason why most people don¡¯t dare to use Huitian Dan is because of the freezing feeling. The whole body hurts like needles, and the pain penetrates into the bone marrow and is irresistible. It is said that some people went crazy after taking this medicine because of its side effects. , just because he couldn't bear the pain, Long Qingquan once didn't take it seriously. He took this medicine after deliberately getting injured to try its properties. As a result, he was in pain after the medicine's properties took effect. From then on, he vowed never to use this medicine unless it was absolutely necessary. If he hadn't been killed today, The wastage sucked away the strength, and Long Qingquan couldn't take it. Fortunately, with his previous experience, Long Qingquan was able to grasp the time well and was more mentally prepared. Thinking of this, Long Qingquan reached out and touched another bag in his inner pocket. After taking two pills, another wave of chill hit me. Long Qingquan shivered and thought to himself, the Huitian Pill is so powerful, so what effect does the Heaven-defying Pill and Feitian Pill have? At the same time, the harm must be more than The Huitian Pill was several times greater. Fortunately, he did not risk taking it today and fight to the death. Otherwise, Meng He would die on the day he returned to the West. Lu Yunzhi was sitting in the joint venture built by Zhu Jianwen at the moment. He smiled slightly and said: "This company The fortress is well built. I just inspected the perimeter. The overall fortifications are solid and solid and can withstand the Mongols' return artillery attacks. However, you are not afraid of the Burning Battalion happening to you. To be more precise, you are like this The vertical joint operation is more like an iron chain ship. The burning of Red Cliff is just as useful as the burning of the Gobi. "Zhu Jianwen smiled and said: "The burning of Red Cliff is just the imagination of the literati and storytellers. The burning of the year was burned, but the iron chain was burned. There should not be a boat. The real thing happened in the battle between Chen Youliang and my Taizu Emperor Gao. It was also a ship with iron cables. Yunzhi, you just arrived today and don¡¯t know much about the situation. I will take you around in a while. I know it well. Mobei is dry and easy to catch fire, so I sprinkled sand and gravel with clay on the outside of the city wall to make it difficult for fire to start. And I set up a large water tank every hundred steps, which can not only store water to prevent drought, but also save and extinguish fires. In short Even if the enemy attacks us with fire, we are not afraid. The most abundant thing on the edge of the desert is sand. Sand is much better at extinguishing fires than water. There are also a lot of sand piles in the camp. Let¡¯s not talk about this. Where is Long Qingquan?¡± Lu Yunzhi looked sideways. Looking at Zhu Jianwen for a while, he said seriously: "I'm going to wipe your butt." "This" Zhu Jianwen was stunned and a slight displeasure flashed across his face. If a scholar like Lu Yunzhi spoke so rudely, then It's more disgusting than yelling, "This, this, this, this, this, this, after I tell you, you won't think what I said is rude." Lu Yunzhi smiled and Zhu Jianwen's face softened, knowing that Lu Yunzhi had something to say. Then, Lu Yunzhi coughed slightly and said: "You have done a good job in carrying out my wishes and using other people's hands to weaken the Shi family, but you should not watch Shi Biao die. Not to mention his higher official position, if His death in a battle will inevitably turmoil the morale of the army. Secondly, Shi Biao is Shi Heng's nephew. The uncle and nephew share weal and woe, and they both suffer. If you touch Shi Biao, doesn't it mean that you directly tell Shi Heng that I am going to touch you? , now is the time when the two armies are going to war. If Shi Heng can't sit still in the capital, the world will really be in chaos. So you have been a politician all your life, smart all your life, but you were confused for a while, I say let Long Qingquan wiped your ass. Are you right? "As he spoke, Lu Yunzhi smiled evilly at Zhu Jianwen. When Zhu Jianwen saw that Lu Yunzhi was not in contact with him, he relaxed and scolded with a smile: "Grandma, what you said is too ugly. So what do you think we should do? Is it possible to let Shi Biao dismantle his subordinates' power? " "It's true to kill someone with a borrowed knife, but Shi Biao doesn't deserve to die now. Think about it, Shi Biao disobeyed orders and led troops to attack privately, which led to defeat and ruined your plan to disturb the morale of the opponent's army. Instead of holding grudges, we rescued him. And then to cover up his sins, what do you think Shi Biao and Shi Heng's attitude would be. "Lu Yunzhi said lightly, "Zhu Jianwen exclaimed: "Awesome, I understand. In this way, they will not only not bear grudges against us, but also swallow all suspicions in their stomachs. They will not oppose us in the future, but will be grateful." , when we attack them again, they will not fight because of their alertness, and may even cooperate with us by killing them. Shi Heng and Shi Biao are both warriors, and their life-saving grace will never be forgotten. They will definitely remember it. Even if Shi Heng is an old man, Shi Biao is younger after all, and he must be coaxed into confusion by you. This trick is so good, you are getting more and more powerful Yun Zhi. " Lu Yunzhi sighed and said: "Political struggle is either you die or I die. It is not at all easier than on the battlefield. In fact, I don't want to be like this. After all, we take advantage of others' grateful hearts, but to become the winner, we must While taking advantage of other people's shortcomings, you must also take advantage of other people's strengths. In short, it is difficult for those in power. Lao Zhu, why hasn't my uncle come yet? What has he been doing? " While he was talking, Chao Xing walked in quickly, looking very cheerful. Although the wind and sand on the frontier made his clothes and complexion look a bit old, his overall mental outlook was somehow better than when he was enjoying his old age in the capital.How many times, Lu Yunshang stepped forward, clasped his fists and cupped his hands, bowed deeply and said, "My nephew has seen my uncle. My uncle has suffered." "How can I say it is suffering? This kind of life is what I want. It is a pleasure to ride on the battlefield. Gratitude and grudges are much better than sitting around in the capital and waiting to die. Let's not talk about this anymore. You asked me to go to support the northwest. I have already asked the Tianshi camp to set off in advance. I just want to ask you something, and then I will chase you quickly. Go up to them." Chao Xing said, "Uncle, what do you want to ask?" Lu Yunzhi asked, Chao Xing said solemnly: "How many people are there in the Mongolian ghost witches? Although I have cooperated with them before, I have no idea about their internal affairs. I don¡¯t know as much information as you do. We didn¡¯t see anything when we went to Wala together. What do you think of their fighting?¡± Lu Yunzhi said frankly: ¡°Our Tiandi people¡¯s personal abilities are generally stronger than those of the ghost witches, but we lack them. In terms of experience, I am afraid that I cannot defeat them in actual combat, so I mixed many of our 'old people' among them. The airbending masters and the warriors I specially trained can probably relieve the pressure on the Tianshi camp. As for the number of people, There is no difference. " Chao Xing, as the commander of the Tianshi camp, must understand the actual situation in order to make a correct judgment. Otherwise, blind arrogance or excessive caution will blind the commander's eyes and make a wrong judgment on the battlefield. The judgment is not only the responsibility of the commander, but also affects the life and death of tens of millions of people, and even the victory or defeat of the entire battle. Chao Xing nodded and said: "I probably know it well. You can tell me the details later. The main reason I stay here is to ask you if I can tell them about the Zhongzheng lineage¡¯s technique of exorcising ghosts.¡± Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 90: The Story of the Secret Technique Before Lu Yunzhi could answer, he heard Zhu Jianwen on the side say: "How does this make it possible for the secret skills of my Zhongzheng lineage, in addition to Yunzhi, that our brothers and sisters can establish another sect to recruit disciples and teach them? In short, other sects have It must not be spread outside. If they find out, it will be difficult to manage in the future." Lu Yunzhi also nodded. Previously, he gathered young talents from various branches of the people of heaven and earth mainly to find an opportunity to control them. What was taught was only some large-scale formations that were not suitable for small-scale fights. Only a few people were rewarded with a few demonstrative moves of Zhongzheng lineage. Now Chao Xing's request is naturally beneficial to the Tianshi camp. The overall combat effectiveness has improved, but as the leader of the Zhongzheng lineage, Lu Yunzhi still has some concerns. Chao Xing saw that Lu Yunzhi looked troubled and continued: "There are many ghost witches, and they all use worship as a method to control ghosts. Yes, except for a few masters, most of the ghosts controlled by ordinary believers are afraid of the sun and cannot fight during the day. However, precisely because their control techniques are the same, large groups of ghosts can gather together. This way they have The Yin Qi is extremely strong, and there is no need to kill evil spirits. When the Yin Qi is strong enough, they are not afraid of sunlight, so ghosts and witches can still fight, and they wear thick black cloth or oilcloth to reduce the impact of the sun. You know the harm of ghosts better than I do." After hearing this, Lu Yunzhi suddenly understood what Chao Xing was going to say, but he did not interrupt and continued to listen, thinking about his first meeting. When it comes to the scene of a large-scale ghost attack, it was on the outskirts of the capital. There were hundreds of ghosts controlled by ghost witches who joined together and moved in black oilcloth under the sunlight. Although it was a little uncomfortable, it still did not affect the movement too much. Of course, in the end, this army was completely wiped out. Even Bagen, the envoy who commanded the ghost witches, surrendered to Qu Xiangtian's heroic spirit and became Anda with Qu Xiangtian. He vowed never to be an enemy of Anda and evacuated. The battlefield has no longer participated in the struggle against the Ming Dynasty. Even so, the strength of the ghost witches is still terrifying. According to the news obtained by Lu Yunzhi, they still go out with black oilcloth or thick cloth, but the chance of using it is very small. , because they seem to have learned a secret technique that can make ghosts gather together and no longer fear the sun. All these changes only take less than a few months. Everyone's wisdom and understanding are different, and they can make it happen in such a short period of time. Everyone has learned it, which means that this secret technique is easy to understand and can be practiced by people. "Looking at us, although many people's ghosts are not afraid of the sun, there are more people who cannot do this and can do it." Under the sun, the accuracy and power of Yin Qi reducing techniques are also greatly reduced, so I asked you to teach them the ghost exorcism skills of the Zhongzheng lineage. Now is not the time to keep the secrets of the sect. On the battlefield, you will live and die. Being able to learn the art of exorcising ghosts can improve combat effectiveness, reduce casualties and achieve victory. This is a victory for the nation and the Ming Dynasty. "Chao Xing continued to speak righteously, "Lu Yunzhi pondered for a while and remained silent, Zhu Jianwen did not. Speaking, he is neither the supreme commander nor the master of the Zhongzheng lineage, so he has no right to say too much. Nowadays, all the branches of the people of heaven and earth who come to participate in the war have a good foundation, and all the magic in the world is created by heroes, but later People have changed it into such ever-changing branches. If you ask for the root, it comes from the same line. Therefore, it should not be difficult for these people to learn the ghost exorcism technique of the Zhongzheng line, and they can have very good results in a short period of time. Chao Xing is right. Being able to outsmart the opponent on the battlefield is crucial. It may change the outcome of the entire battle. On the contrary, if the northwest front loses due to the addition of the ghost witch, then his overall The plan failed. No matter what Meng He's purpose was in transferring all the ghost wizards to the Western Front to support him, if Zhen Lingdan was defeated, then Meng He would have achieved his goal. There should be no loss in the northwest. This is the key point. There is another The reason is that regardless of coercion or inducement, all branches came to participate in the war. Defending the family and the country is too ambitious, but at least they are looking at the face of the Zhongzheng branch or Lu Yunzhi, and they have put their lives on the line. It is natural to learn the ghost exorcism technique of Zhongzheng lineage. Thinking of this, Lu Yunzhi said: "Uncle, I will teach you the ghost exorcism technique of Zhongzheng lineage. You can teach them after you learn it. Before I Don¡¯t let the large formations such as the exorcism of ghosts and demons taught by you go to waste. This type of formation is most effective for large-scale operations and can also be promoted. Didn¡¯t we use it when we were outside the capital? It has extraordinary effects and power. They are all shocking. In short, when facing ghosts and witches, we must use all possible means. " Chao Xing nodded and replied: "Very good. With the cooperation of the Zhongzheng lineage's ghost exorcism skills, I think these large formations can be more powerful. However, these formations are originally used on the battlefield. Yes, now he has made the best use of everything and restored his original appearance. ¡± Lu Yunzhi smiled and said nothing else, and patiently began to teach Chao Xing the art of exorcising ghosts. Chao Xingben had lived in the Zhongzheng family for a long time, so heWen Muran, who is also the master of the Iron Sword lineage, has a very high level of understanding and quickly mastered the tricks. He couldn't help but admire the subtleties of it. Two hours later, Chao Xing simply ate something and took it with him. Several guards galloped towards the direction of the Tianshi camp. It would take less than three days to catch up with the Tianshi camp. After all, there were more people and the marching speed was slower. Chao Xing, with only a few people, rode quickly. Then Chao Xing was much faster. Chao Xing was walking on the road. He knew that the one who was about to fight alongside him was Zhen Lingdan. Thinking of this, Chao Xing smiled slightly. At first, he, the Wuchang Vein Master and the Living Vein Master Zhen Lingdan were defeated by Yu Qian. As a result, he and Zhen Lingdan had worked together before. Chao Xing did not dislike this smart old man. Later, Zhen Lingdan understood the art of war on his own and became an outstanding general as a late bloomer. At Hongluo Temple, Zhen Lingdan became an outstanding general. Driving Chaos to fight, although he lost in the end, he also severely injured Qu Xiangtian, causing Qu Xiangtian to become a demon. In short, every time Chao Xing saw Zhen Lingdan, Zhen Lingdan always surprised him and made him deeply Feeling the significance of seeing people with admiration after seeing each other for three days, Chao Xing admired capable people. He admired Zhen Lingdan's intelligence. He thought that Zhen Lingdan was several years older than him, but he could have such a good memory and understanding. Sometimes Chao Xing wonders if Zhen Lingdan had sought Taoism in the Zhongzheng lineage when he was young and had a good foundation, would Zhen Lingdan be the number one master in the world now? Although Zhen Lingdan has now surrendered to Lu Yun However, Chao Xing knew the reason, and Zhen Lingdan had never forgotten Yu Qian's support to him, which made Chao Xing admire him even more. Compared with Zhen Lingdan and Zhu Jianwen, Chao Xing preferred to work with him. Zhen Lingdan's feeling of cooperation, although he and Zhu Jianwen have now settled their differences, Chao Xingyangtian laughed wildly, galloped his horse and went straight to the west, Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 91: The earth is ugly and the virtues are not equal to each other. After Chao Xing left, Lu Yunzhi had an overview of the power of the Northern Army, and Zhu Jianwen became Lu Yunzhi's deputy. Zhu Jianwen liked power, but he was not blinded by power. His current status as the king was not that of King Qin's escort. He rebelled with Lu Yunzhi and fought with real swords and spears. The identity of the king has been idle because of his collusion with Yu Qian. Now that he can add nine tins to the hereditary kingship, Lu Yunzhi sees that he is of the same lineage. Whether it is a reward for brotherhood or to cover up Youyou's mouth, in short, the power is not his own, and it is okay for Lu Yunzhi to take it away. Thinking of the lessons his father Zhu Qixiang taught him with his life, Zhu Jianwen He clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. He looked at the Chinese army tent where Lu Yunzhi was and secretly felt cruel. He thought that one day he would be able to cover the sky with one hand and feel proud. At this moment, he had no intention of hurting Lu Yunzhi's life. Three armies met the enemy. Zhen Lingdan, who was attacking from the west, had already defended the pass and stopped moving forward due to ghost witches, waiting for the arrival of the Great Tomorrow Division's camp. Lu Yunzhi, who was on the middle route, was at the end of the Gobi, waiting for Wala The army arrived and wanted to catch them off guard when they were exhausted just after crossing the desert. In comparison, Bai Yong's group was much easier. He led elite cavalry and light infantry, so the march was relatively slow. Fast, the reason why they said it was easy is because Meng He knew that Lu Yunzhi's main force was in the middle and rear. In order to prevent Lu Yunzhi from approaching the hinterland of Wala step by step and breaking their foundation, he transferred all his troops back to the east. , Meng He once thought about this issue. In fact, there are three ways to deal with Lu Yunzhi's troop formation. The first is to put them into the grassland. On the plains, the infantry has no advantage, and they cannot defeat or catch up. The cavalry and infantry camps of the Ming army can only be effective when there are large numbers of troops in formation, and their mobility is poor. Therefore, they can use the roaming combat method of retreating and fighting to wear down the Ming army, or attack them separately. The advantage of slowly weakening the strength of the Ming army is that the Ming army needs to invest a lot of manpower and material resources into the Mongolian grassland. As a result, the domestic troops are stretched thin. As long as Meng He provokes some people in the Ming territory or border areas to rebel or attack , the Ming Dynasty is in danger, not to mention that even with all the strength of the country, it may not be able to fill the entire Mongolian grassland. Unless the entire Ming Dynasty is moved to the grassland, one person standing on every inch of land is almost enough, because the Mongolians are not like the Han people Generally, they live in large cities. The Mongols are a horse-riding people gathered in tribes. They settle according to the water source, climate, prey, and the growth of grass. Therefore, the Ming army simply cannot occupy the city like the Mongols attacked the Han people, even if they raid quickly. , maybe they only occupied empty yurts. The old and weak women and children of the tribe had already fled when they saw the incoming army. Besides, even if they couldn't escape, they were still women and old people. The Mongols didn't care too much. , as long as there are soldiers who can fight, it is enough. As for women, they think they can also plunder them from the Han people. The Ming army has no cities to capture, which means there are no resources and effective forces to control, and there are no strong cities to defend. It is necessary to rebuild It is too troublesome to transport building materials over long distances, so in theory this plan has all the benefits and no harm, but in fact it depends on the climate to explain the reality. Now is the time of the lean years. Although the Mongolians do not farm, but grass It always has to grow. If there is no grass, what will war horses eat? What will livestock eat? Without livestock, even if the Mongolian army has no food, the Mongolian grasslands are not full of fertile grassland. There are still a few important water sources and grasslands. , usually occupied by large tribes. If the Ming army occupied these places and only built high walls in these places to wait, the Mongols would be the ones who eventually collapsed. Now the Ming army would not dare to do this. Meng He's army did not withdraw, but stood in front of the Ming army. Even if he thought about it, he would not be able to get through. Even if Meng He adopted this strategy, the Ming army might not dare to enter Weng, not to mention that the Ming army infantry might be on the grassland on the way. They were attacked by their Mongolian cavalry. Even if they paid a bloody price to occupy the water sources and fertile land on the grassland, the logistics supply was also very dangerous. To transport weapons and food from the distant Ming Dynasty, it was inevitable to send several times The people in the grain transport team protect the grain and grass to prevent the Mongols from blocking the road and looting. The rations brought by the grain transport team must be two or three times as much as the grain and grass. Otherwise, the food will be eaten before returning. It is even more unrealistic to follow Yu Qian's example of using troops to lead grain. This strategy was only adopted when we were close. Nowadays, the road is far away. Who can carry a few months of rations? In short, this war has become a protracted war and a war of attrition for both sides, whether it is the Ming army or the Ming army. The Mongols lost more than they gained, so Meng He gave up. The strategy is easier to say. It is still to abandon Mongolia, march east or west, bypass the two armies of the Ming army, attack one side with all its strength, and then enter the hinterland of the Ming Dynasty after defeat. If the situation is good, They were able to successfully march hundreds of miles a day to attack the city and defeat the Ming Dynasty and the Mongols. By the time the Ming army came back to save them, the Ming Dynasty had already been occupied by the Mongols, andAfter all the military countries are dead, there is no motivation to continue fighting. If they want to retreat, they can only retreat to Mongolia. It is difficult for the Han people to survive on the Mongolian grasslands. It is still the same as the first strategy. , even if they occupy the grassland, they cannot completely occupy it, because there are no cities there, so even if the Mongolian army changes its mind midway, it can quickly retreat and restore the current relative situation of the army. It is not too bad, but in this way, We need to make dangerous moves and make a quick decision. We must see the truth within fifty days and overthrow the Ming Dynasty. Even if we cannot overthrow, we must kill the emperor and conquer their capital, Beijing. We must encircle Wei and rescue Zhao. They can wait for work in the capital and eliminate the Ming army that comes back to rescue. If it is fifty days, The Japanese had no achievements and were blocked outside the city. After the Ming army returned to help, they would definitely tighten their defenses on the border. By then, the Mongolian army would be trapped in the territory of the Ming Dynasty. There were insisting troops inside and outside, and the Mongols were shut down. Fighting dogs, life must be so easy without food and grass supplies, so Meng He chose the third strategy, withdrawing all the troops on the east road, because the Ming army on the east road was the least, and according to intelligence, the general was also the young Bai Yong, so Meng He didn't take it seriously, thinking that Bai Yong was just a general who could lead a thousand men. If more than ten thousand people were involved, the situation would be in disarray. The Ming army had always had a numerical advantage, but now Meng He was going to fight an evenly matched battle. In the war, in the past, the Mongolian cavalry could still have the upper hand under the condition of weak troops. Now that the troops are equal and may even have the upper hand, then who will win the victory? Meng He thought of the Han Chinese sage's book "Mencius" There is a sentence in the poem: Today, the ugly virtues of Qi are on the ground. No one can show mercy. Is it true that no one can do anything to anyone? Meng He smiled and passed by. He saw the victory and knew what he was doing. This It is related to the rise and fall of the Mongols, so he looked to the south and said softly: "Anda, we have no choice but to fight today. It seems that either you will die or I will die." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 92: Yelang is Arrogant Bai Yong felt a lot more relaxed after Meng He made this decision. The Mongolian army only had one route left. The advance team sent had contact with the elite troops led by Bai Yong several times. Without taking any advantage, they retreated and were ready to wait. Another showdown on the grassland. In addition to the threat of this Mongolian army, the so-called enemy forces cobbled together by small countries such as Goryeo are simply not enough to enter Bai Yong's eyes. Goryeo should now be accurately called North Korea. It is taken from the meaning of the Kingdom of Korea and Japan that Zhu Yuanzhang once gave to the Li Dynasty, but the common people are used to it, and it is still called Goryeo, not to mention Bai Yong, a person who grew up in an alienated land, so when Bai Yong saw When half of the enemy army retreated and the rest retreated to the grassland, he ordered a surprise attack on Goryeo to give these Xiaoxiao who dared to bother my Tianwei a taste of the power. As the current ruler of Goryeo, Li Yao wore a python robe and hung a Jade Belt frowned as he looked at his ministers. Now that the Mongols have withdrawn their army, Goryeo has no barrier. Earlier, Meng He said that if Goryeo sends troops to help and succeeds, Goryeo can be crowned emperor. The emperor is Goryeo. The long-cherished wish of the rulers. For so many years, they regarded the Ming Dynasty as the supreme kingdom of heaven. As a result, they were destined to be a vassal state that became king. Not to mention paying tribute every year, even the senior officials of the Ming Dynasty could not see it. At most, they could not see it. A few low-level officials from the Siyi Pavilion or Honglu Temple, and those officials are still indifferent. They can only see the sky when it coincides with the birthday of the emperor or the queen mother. Of course, these situations rarely happen. Most of the time, the emperor even meets them. I didn't even see them. At most, I said a few words that I was deeply pleased that the envoys from all over the world came to congratulate me. Of course, Li Yao didn't know about these circumstances. He didn't get this throne justifiably, but got it through his nephew Li Hongwei. Li Hongwei once sent someone to ask the Ming Dynasty for help regarding this matter, but it was a critical moment when the armies of Lu Yunzhi and Yu Qian were fighting, and there was no time to take care of their affairs, so Li Yao ascended the throne with peace of mind and was not blocked by the heavenly kingdom. He was still afraid of the Ming Dynasty Li Yao. In his opinion, what the ministers described was too impossible. Why do you say this? The North Korean Li family has already They had broken off diplomatic relations with the Ming Dynasty for a long time. After the Ming Dynasty was stabilized, Yu Qian once sent someone to reprimand Li Yao, saying that he was unknown to the Qing emperor. He usurped the throne and rebelled against the ministers to gain power. He was not allowed to be the king. He had to go to the Ming Dynasty in person and kneel down to worship the Ming Dynasty before he could continue to enthrone him to the throne. In this regard, Li Yao Yao sneered but did not dare to go, fearing that if something went wrong he would never return. According to the description of a minister who had been to the Ming Dynasty, the people of the Ming Dynasty respected North Korea as a heavenly country. When people saw North Korean officials, they would kneel down and worship, and the emperor would also have to Bowing and saluting, Li Yao asked them about the military strength of the Ming Dynasty and the national conditions. The ministers replied that the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty were very weak and no one had enough to eat. The Korean envoys could not bear to see it and took out cakes to feed them. The soldiers ignored the general's orders and went to share the food, just like starving ghosts trying to survive. The officials of the Ming Dynasty were unable to stop the people and could only apologize. As for the people, they were even more sallow and skinny. Most of them lived in caves or cellars, scraping food from the soil and walking in the streets. The whole world was desolate. Only the imperial capital Beijing was disguised as prosperous. They had not even seen the envoys riding horses. Li Yao couldn't believe these descriptions. He once asked the minister why the Ming Dynasty was so miserable and North Korea still wanted to They pay tribute year after year and become ministers year after year, so why not replace them? The ministers all replied that God is good at life. Once North Korea helped the Ming Dynasty to conquer the country, but then they thought they were too poor and could not develop in the poor mountains and rivers, so they returned the Ming Dynasty to the Han people. , even if it were replaced, it would be of no use. The land of the Ming Dynasty could not grow food, and the annual tribute was just an aid to poor countries out of benevolence and righteousness. Li Yao didn't believe it at first, because although he was a usurping king, he listened. There are many things about the Ming Dynasty. In his impression, the Ming Dynasty was a powerful country, and the name of North Korea was also given by Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor of the country. How could it be as unbearable as the minister said? But three people became a tiger, saying After saying that, even Li Yao believed it, not to mention that his first adviser, Han Minghui, who wished him to seize the throne, also said the same. Gradually, Li Yao became arrogant. I just gave you the land you wanted, and you really took yourself seriously. Later, historians also explained that there was an emperor named Zhu Di in the dynasty. It took the Qing emperor four years to succeed, and the mediocre emperor Zhu Yunwen was allowed to be emperor for four years. In this regard Li Yao became even more disdainful. It only took him three years to prepare for the Qingjun side connection. Then wouldn't he be more powerful than the Ming Chengzu? I heard that Chengzu Zhu Di was the outstanding emperor of the Ming Dynasty. Humph, compared to the Li family, he was just a grain of sand. Forget it, under this complacency, the Li dynasty was proud and complacent, so when Meng He sent an envoy to order North Korea to send troops to capture the Ming Dynasty, Li Yao agreed without even thinking. His condition was that the Mongols captured the Ming Dynasty. Later, he proclaimed himself emperor in Korea, and Mongolia fully agreed to this era.With little success, North Korea immediately mobilized a total of 40,000 troops to fight with the Mongols and take the Ming Dynasty directly. Not to mention the people, even Li Yao, the ruler, believed that the Ming Dynasty was vulnerable, so everyone Everyone believed that the Ming Dynasty was determined to win, and the capital of the Ming Dynasty, Beijing, could be captured within ten days. The reason why Li Yao was frowning now was because he had seen some clues. If the Ming Dynasty was really as weak as the ministers said, why did Mongolia People would be so prepared and send tens of thousands of cavalry to attack the Ming Dynasty. Why did the Ming Dynasty dare to resist stubbornly and take the initiative to attack? Now, the Mongols have withdrawn tens of thousands of people, leaving only half of them, and they have retreated to the Mongolian grassland. Could it be that the Ming Dynasty is a The ministers saw Li Yao's doubts. They continued to belittle the Ming Dynasty and made Li Yao arrogant again. The Ming Dynasty was all Mao. The ministers were secretly glad that since Li Yao ascended the throne, The Ming Dynasty cut off contact with it, so Li Yao naturally did not know the true situation of the Ming Dynasty. It was not a bad idea for the ministers to call a deer a horse. If people told too many lies, he could not help but believe them. Therefore, in the hearts of North Korean ministers, North Korea will always be the most powerful country. A powerful country, Li Yaoping was replaced. Just when he was about to say a few words to the ministers, he heard someone coming to report that Mongolian envoys had arrived. Li Yaoping looked around at the ministers for a moment, and then ordered majestically: "Let the envoy of the barbarians enter the palace and kneel down." The person who delivered the order replied and retreated. The ministers were extremely excited and shouted loudly: "Look, the Mongols can't do it either. Now we have to see North Korea send troops. Such a situation Only by coming can the world be pacified. When North Korea comes out, who can compete with him?" After a long time, the people who went to invite the Mongolian envoys have not come back, and the Mongolian envoys did not come to kneel to him as he imagined. Li Yao came again. I frowned once, and just when I was about to send someone to see what was going on, I saw a general running over from outside. He knelt down to Li Yao with a pale face and said, "Your Highness, Your Highness, something serious has happened." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 93: Qimude is on an envoy "Why are you panic? Speak slowly. It is so disrespectful to be in the main hall. I will drag you down and kill you." Han Minghui, as the current most important minister of North Korea, reprimanded. Li Yao nodded with satisfaction. The general Then he stabilized his mind and said slowly: "The herald just now was killed by the Mongols, and they are still talking about it." After being shocked, Li Yao got up in anger and shouted: "Bastard, what else did he say?" The general said with a mournful face: "He also said that His Highness should come out of the city to greet you." In fact, the Mongolian envoy's original words were to tell Li Yao to get out. Naturally, the North Korean general did not dare to say, Li Yao's face turned red and black, and he The general said: "You are the commander of the forbidden army, why don't you let people arrest this Mongolian savage? What do your soldiers do for food?" The general hesitated and did not dare to speak, Li Yao shouted: "No more I'll kill your head." The general then said, "The Imperial Army has been captured." "Ah." Li Yao was shocked and asked quickly, "Your Highness, don't panic. There are only three hundred guards." The general comforted him. The 20,000 soldiers in the North Korean capital were captured by three hundred Mongolian guards. Under such a shame and humiliation, the general still had time to comfort Li Yao. "Li Yao had long ago Han Minghui was confused, his face was ashen and he stopped talking. He suddenly pulled out the long sword from the hand of the chamberlain who was holding the sword, stabbed it into the general's heart, and cursed: "What are you doing with this useless person? " There was an uproar in the palace. Han Minghu took his sword and went up to the high platform and said to Li Yao: "The Mongolian cavalry is unusual and cannot be offended. When Genghis Khan broke through things, he relied on his cavalry to win more with less and be good at fighting. Your Highness still condescended to come forward. Go and greet them, be generous and give these barbarians some face." Han Minghui turned to the ministers and said, "His Royal Highness said that North Korea and Oara are allied countries. They are uncivilized and barbaric. We and other civilized countries. We can't argue with him, which will ruin our military and national plans. That's why His Highness gave the order not to allow the imperial army to resist. We, the Korean warriors, will fight foreigners one against a hundred. If it hadn't been for Your Highness's instructions, these Mongols would have gone without return. " All the ministers kowtowed and praised Li Yao for his intelligence, wisdom, benevolence and generosity. After earning enough face, Li Yao ordered: "Reorganize the streets of the capital, and we will go out of the city to welcome him." After working for a while, Li Yao led the civil and military officials. All the officers and ceremonial guards left the city, and they saw a typical Mongolian man with a cartwheel standing on a horse, while his three hundred guards were pointing bows and arrows at the Korean Forbidden Army. The weapons of the Korean Forbidden Army were still on the ground, and everyone squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands. Although there were many people But like a lamb, his face turned pale when frightened by the tiger-like Mongols. Li Yao stepped forward and pretended to be majestic. It is said that he looked quite like the founding Emperor Taizong, so he always loved Pretending to be as majestic as the founder of the country, the man with the cartwheel smiled coldly and held up his saber, which made Li Yao tremble in fright. The guard beside him drew out his saber and quickly protected him. Han Minghui said: " Ambassador Wala, I, the King of Korea, have come to greet you. Why don¡¯t you quickly dismount and meet the driver?¡± The man with the wheel rolled his eyes. It seemed that he didn¡¯t want to make the relationship too tense. He turned over and dismounted without kneeling down, cupping his fists and saying: ¡° I have met the King of Korea. I am Qimude, the ghost witch and protector of Wala. "Everyone was shocked as soon as this statement came out. No one expected that the famous ghost witch right protector Qi Mude would be the envoy this time. For a moment, Li Yao did not dare to underestimate him. She nodded and said: "Qi Mude, I love you, come with me quickly. This king is entering the palace to discuss matters. Look at your guards." Qi Mu De chuckled and waved to the guard captain. The Mongolian soldiers put down their bows and arrows and got on their horses, wanting to follow Li Yao in. Li Yao was angry, although Qi Mu De Although he had a very high status, he was still the king of a country. When Qi Mude saw him, he did not kneel down and bow down. Therefore, he did not ask Qi Mude to get on his chariot. When he got into the chariot, he asked the driver to go into the city. Qi Mude suddenly stopped and said coldly. He said: "Some people are really shameless. I am neither your beloved nor a small foreign minister. How dare you get into the carriage alone without waiting for me? Damn it, believe it or not, I will kill that shameless person right now." The guy was killed and his head was ripped off and used as a ball to kick. " Li Yao was so angry that he almost vomited blood, but when he saw the three hundred iron cavalry who once again drew out their sabers and raised their bows and arrows, and then looked at the cold faces of his own imperial army, and the nervous expressions of the imperial guards behind him, Li Yao He was even more uncertain, not to mention that the combat effectiveness of the soldiers was not comparable, even Qimude's own ability could still take his own head from the tens of thousands of troops. For a moment, his face turned pale and green, and Han Minghui was also shaking with anger. But he didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of Qi Mu De, so he could only grit his teeth fiercely until they rattled. Although Li Yao was arrogant, he knew who not to mess with. He had not had many dealings with Ming Dynasty, but he was very fond of those rude Mongolians. But I contacted him many times, and even saw the powerful cavalry of the neighboring Tatars. After calming down, he suddenly disappeared.Angry, Li Yao got off the chariot and clasped his fists: "I have been cold recently and my mind is not clear. I forgot that brother Qi Mude, you haven't gotten on the bus yet. I'm really sorry. Come, follow me on the bus." Qi Mude nodded, He was very satisfied with Li Yao personally apologizing, so he also gave Li Yao a step down and said: "I have heard for a long time that the king of Korea and my Guiwu leader have become brothers. I, Qimude, am reckless by nature. I lead the leader on the battlefield. Everyone is okay, but it would be quite insufficient as an envoy. The reason why I am sent here today is not that I am not available in Wala, but because the leader once said that North Korea is like his home, and the King of Joseon is the leader¡¯s brother. , The leader¡¯s home is my home, I don¡¯t have so many rules when I go back to my own home, so just now I was really eager and rude, hoping that the King of Korea would not be offended. " Li Yao's face turned from white to red again, saying this. Although it is just a scene, the Korean people recognize this most. They can make up any unfounded things, let alone Qi Mude, the civil and military official who is now guarding the civil and military officials to apologize and say that he is Meng He's brother. Even if he She had never even seen Meng He in person, but it was enough to cover up the minister's words. Li Yao nodded and said in a pretentious manner: "It doesn't matter, you just said it well, this is your home, what else do you want when you go home?" Rules, come and get in the car, we can enter the palace this time." Qi Mude shook his head and said, "There is one more thing." Li Yao frowned and asked, "What's the matter?" Qi Mude shouted. He shouted, and a Mongolian soldier behind him brought over a package. After opening it, he saw a dragon robe and a square seal inside. Judging from the workmanship and materials of the dragon robe and square seal, they were not as good as those made by the Koreans themselves, let alone nothing. Let¡¯s take this python robe as a reward from the Ming Dynasty. It seems that the nomads are really not good at weaving, and they don¡¯t have the special materials and talents to weave dragon robes. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 94: Boarding the Pirate Ship When Li Yao was stunned, he saw Qi Mude glance at Li Yao and said, "Kneel down and listen to the order." Li Yao looked at the dragon robe. Although the workmanship was not good, it was a symbol of the emperor. He was like this Isn¡¯t it just to be able to claim the title of emperor? But now it seems that the emperor has fame but no status. When he becomes the emperor, he has to kneel down to the leader of the Ghost Witch. How is it any different from being the vassal king of the Ming Dynasty? Besides, he has to become a minister every year. He paid tribute to Wala every year. Thinking of this, Li Yao suddenly felt like he was on a pirate ship. Li Yao turned his head and looked at Han Minghui, only to see Han Minghui nodded to him, indicating that he should take the order and take a look at Wala first. Li Yao listened to Han Minghui's words the most, so he knelt down with a cruel heart. As expected, Qi Mude's next intention was to make some grand remarks, such as saying that a hundred years of good will never lead to war, etc., but it was inevitable He mentioned a few words about being a vassal and paying tribute year after year. This made Li Yao resentful, and even secretly cursed himself for the purpose of raising troops this time. After the decree was announced, Li Yao knelt down to thank Tianen and then greeted Qi Mude into the city. , at this moment, there is no trace of anger and majesty in Li Yao. He is groveling and smiling. Now he understands a saying of the Han people, that is: it is easier to invite gods than to send them away. Let¡¯s not mention what he wants to do. Let¡¯s just talk about Qimude. , Speaking of which, Qi Mude could be considered a narrow escape. The assassination of Meng Hedu was successful. He never thought that Wala was out of control, all ministries could not coordinate, and the ghosts and witches were divided into dissatisfaction with each other. It was far beyond their imagination. Wala was in chaos. Lu Yunzhi's plan to advance southward that he discussed with Meng He also came to nothing. This was a blessing to Qi Mude. Qi Mude and Yu Qian had colluded together for a long time. When Wala cooperated with the troops led by Yu Qian, it was Qi Mude who was in charge. It can be said that Qi Mu De is a double-faced traitor of Gui Wu and Yu Qian. Zhiyuan Ala killed Ye Xian. Qi Mu De killed Meng He. He should have waited for Yu Qian to send troops to help and jointly take over the Oara territory. He never thought of Lu Yunzhi. The counterattack was so fierce, not to mention his small group of troops called Tianbing, Qu Xiangtian's Annan Army and Zhu Jianwen's King Qin Army caught Yu Qian off guard, and how could he take care of Qimude and Yu Lu of Oala? In the end, Fang decided to compete under the city walls of Beijing, but Cheng Fangdong used the living dead to cause chaos. The two of them stopped the war and tied the fight with Cheng Fangdong. They took charge of the government together. After they took charge of the government together, Yu Qian was even more afraid to mention sending troops to assist Qi Mude. Well, because the civil strife in Oara at that time was conducive to the development of the Ming Dynasty. The more chaotic Oara was, the less able it was to invade the Ming Dynasty. If Yu Qian sent troops to help Qimude put down the rebellion at this time, it would be inevitable for Lu Yunzhi to seize the opportunity and create a conspiracy to connect with foreign countries. The crime was too heavy to bear. After several years of chaos, Qimud¡¯s separatist side and other tribes supported by ghost witches stood together and suffered numerous casualties. The Mongolian grassland once again fell into civil war, and the heads were full of Mongolians with the same appearance as himself. Qimud He was heartbroken and angry about this, not because of his conscience, but because Yu Qian had not kept his word and did not support him as the Mongolian ghost witch leader to control the real power of Oara. He was angry that these dominant tribes "didn't know good from evil" and blocked him. His own development, when the situation became increasingly chaotic and the people were in dire straits, a man wearing a steel mask appeared in Qi Mu De's tent late at night. When Qi Mu De fought with him, he discovered that this man was Meng He. Qi Mu De was shocked. , I couldn¡¯t help but think that it was too easy for me to assassinate Meng He, but at that time, it was Meng He who had taken off the mask of the dead body. How could he appear in his tent again? Qimude lost, he was killed with one move Meng He was defeated and handed over the ghost spirit Jiu Ying that he had been worshiping. He asked for nothing but Meng He to give him a happy life, but Meng He smiled slightly and said: "Actually, I have known you for a long time. What you have done, now is the time to employ people. You have followed me for many years, and I will give you a chance to make a crime. Follow me and fight on the battlefield again. Don¡¯t you want to be the leader of the ghost witch? When the war is settled, the Ming Dynasty is conquered. , I will live in seclusion in the mountains and forests of the Central Plains with the beggar protector. You will be the leader. You are the only one who has the ability to take on this great responsibility and inherit my mantle. " Qimude knelt down on one knee, covering his chest with his hands. He was extremely excited. Not only did he escape, but he also realized his dream of becoming a leader. Although it may still be a long time, he finally has hope. At the same time, Qimude deeply felt Meng He's broad-mindedness. He and Dadu vowed to be loyal to Meng He in this life. Meng He smiled and walked away lightly. Now Meng He gave Qi Mude his first task since the war started, asking North Korea to send troops to attack the Ming Dynasty and stop the Ming Dynasty from the east. The army reduced the pressure on the Oara army. Meng He also gave Qimude an order to confer the king of Korea as emperor, and not only mobilize the troops but also specify the number of troops. The physical fitness of the Korean soldiers was poor and they had not experienced too many major battles, so at least they had to Only with the dispatch of 100,000 reinforcements can it be possible to resolve the current situation and tilt the advantage to Oala's side. After Qi Mude gave Li Yao the order, he left in a hurry. The reason why he said he gave the order was that there was no room for Li Yao at all. After Yao thought about it for a while, Qi Mude left.The idea is to figure out what to do. Li Yao sat on the seat with a livid face. There was no one else except Han Minghui. Li Yao asked: "The Mongols asked us to send a hundred thousand troops. What do you think, Qing Ai?" "What do you think?" Now we should start recruiting troops. We currently have 80,000 troops, and if we add another 20,000, we can go to the Ming Dynasty." Han Minghui replied, "Li Yaolue frowned and said, "According to your opinion, we should rank second to the Mongols." Now, have you listened to their command? As long as they go out this time, they will become the pawns of the Mongols, working for them to consume the Ming's troops, and completely become the enemy of the Ming." Han Minghui smiled slightly and said: "Now we have already. We are completely enemies of the Ming Dynasty." "How do you say this?" Li Yao asked, "First of all, it is a blessing for our Korean people to hold the throne in the name of the Qing Dynasty. The thief has stolen the unification of North Korea, and now that His Highness has formed an alliance with the Mongols, Ming Dynasty should have received the news. Although they did not send us a message, it only shows that they are arrogant, but it does not mean that they do not know that we support Wala, Your Highness, what do you think of the Ming Dynasty's national power?" Han Minghui said, Li Yao narrowed her small eyes and suddenly thought of what she had inferred before. If the Ming Dynasty was weak and there was no growth, why would the Mongols occupy them? According to the historical records of the previous dynasties, the Han people's world was extremely prosperous, the people were well-fed and well-clothed, and the soldiers were not so weak and had a strong will. Otherwise, Genghis Khan would not have conquered a large area of ????the Western Regions and then had nothing to do with the Southern Song Dynasty, and the Mongols' third On behalf of the Great Khan, Genghis Khan's grandson Tolei's eldest son Borjijin Mengge even conquered the world and died in the battle of Diaoyu City before completing his wish to conquer the Southern Song Dynasty. It was a weak Southern Song Dynasty, while the Ming Dynasty was a slow one As a rising country, they drove away the Mongols who were the rulers of the year and overthrew the Yuan Dynasty. Although this was caused by the Mongols themselves and the struggles of other Mongols, the Han people did restore the Han Dynasty. , and Xu Da Lanyu and others also conquered the Northern Yuan Dynasty, captured the princes and nobles, and drove the Mongols of the Yuan Dynasty to the north. They completely drove the Mongols out of the pass. Even outside the pass, they would not be let go, but because of the climate and land The Mongols were not completely exterminated due to various reasons such as the vast territory and the Han Chinese troops. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 95: Korean Bangzi At the end of the Yuan Dynasty, Wang Baobao, a famous general, could not do anything to defeat the Ming Dynasty. The third emperor Zhu Di, the son of the founding emperor Zhu Yuanzhang, even went to the north and west to conquer the country and became famous. All nations came to Korea to enjoy a prosperous age. Li Yao had heard about all this, but he had been bragging about the lies of his ministers for so long that he believed them to be true. The only thing that he disagreed with was what the Korean people preached, that it was the Korean people who led the Ming Dynasty. People were liberated, which he knew was nonsense. After Zhu Di, the Ming Dynasty experienced two generations of emperors, Zhu Gaochi and Zhu Zhanji, although the latter was now Zhu Qizhen. The battle of Tumubao allowed Wala laughed secretly. He claimed that he had a million men, but in fact there were more than 200,000. All of them were elite troops of the Ming Dynasty. However, the entire army was wiped out and even the emperor was captured. Only then did Zhu Qiyu change from the emperor's brother who supervises the country to the one who disagrees with the same pronunciation. Emperor, this result not only made Wala laugh, but also made the Koreans who had nothing to do with this matter laugh out loud. At that time, all the Koreans took pleasure in making fun of the Ming Dynasty. When comparing the superiors and inferiors, they would also say that you are better than me. So what if you are high? If there are too many people in the Ming Dynasty, the whole army will be annihilated. It is not that they are many or high but that they are refined. In short, they use such words to enhance their status and make the speaker appear to have a brain. Li Yao was also afraid when he first came to power. He was afraid. The Ming Dynasty came to interfere in the affairs of its own country and drove away the emperor who had an unfair reputation. I had heard that such things had happened in some countries before. The Ming Dynasty sent troops to exterminate the rebels and the court restored its orthodoxy, but soon he was no longer afraid. , because there was no movement in the Ming Dynasty. After scolding him, he stopped and did not send troops to conquer. As a result, Li Yao looked down on the Ming Dynasty even more. In addition, the words of the ministers in the DPRK conveyed contempt from top to bottom, and the whole country All, Li Yao trembled at this moment, opened his small eyes and said to Han Minghui: "You mean, Ming Dynasty is actually very strong." At this moment, Li Yao hoped that Han Minghui could shake his head, Han Minghui Minghu did not "disappoint" Li Yao, and nodded affirmatively and said: "Today's Ming Dynasty is not the Ming Dynasty in the past. Their political power is unified. Although there have been several domestic rebellions, they cannot cause any big troubles and will soon subside. And their soldiers and generals cannot be the same as they were in Tumubao. Although the emperor is still the same emperor, the people in power have changed. They have been fighting in the country in the past few years, and now they have sufficient soldiers, tactics and war experience. , the mainstay of the country's military strength is the iron army that crawled out of the sea of ????blood. This kind of army is probably invincible, and only the Mongolian cavalry can resist it. Now that the Mongols have withdrawn all their troops, I am afraid it will be bad, which is enough to show the power of the Ming Dynasty. The strength of the Mongols and the weakness of the Mongols. As His Majesty said, our sending troops to attack the Ming Dynasty this time is nothing more than a stepping stone to hold the Ming Dynasty back, allowing the Mongols on the other side to take a breather and reach the most powerful posture, and we are just victims. , Hey, I know all this, and this is all my fault. " "You know why you still want to fight with Mongolia, persuade Gu to send troops, and form an alliance with Wala. Isn't this harming me?" Li Yao was also a little anxious. , for the first time he was angry at the important ministers who helped him usurp the throne and successfully pacify the country and rule the world. Han Minghui shook his head and replied: "Your Highness, there are wolves in front of you and tigers in the back. How do you let me choose? If we don't help the Mongols, maybe they will The robbers will come to rob us, and even use us to practice their skills first. The Ming Dynasty will not protect us, because they do not recognize us, and even if they want to protect us, it will be too late. Let us stay closer to the Mongols. Although there is some distance from Oara, but I don¡¯t know that the Oara Tatars and Yilibari are the same thing. They are both Mongolians led by ghost witches. I am afraid that if we did not agree at the time, the Mongols would have perished now. " Han Minghui continued in a deep voice: "If the two sides do not help each other, it means that both sides will take action against us. To be honest, the Mongols and the Ming Dynasty should both be stronger than us. After one side wins, the other side will not be able to spare us. For us, sitting on the mountain and watching tigers fight is only suitable for big countries. Our small country can only rely on one thick branch, so the best way is to seek refuge with the Mongols. But, hey, how can we imagine that the Mongols are so vicious that they let us We went to serve as a stepping stone for them. We fought a few small battles and then withdrew all the troops. We were afraid that Korea would be in trouble. " "What should we do? Can we win?" "Li Yao said, and Han Minghui sighed again and shook his head and said, "It's difficult, but now we can only fight like a trapped beast. " "We have offended the Ming Dynasty, and the Mongols withdrew their troops again. If we don't take up the situation, the Mongols will suffer a big loss. Now I have asked His Highness to condescend to accept the canonization of the Mongols. It is possible. I am calling you the emperor. Your Majesty is fulfilled. No, I should call you Your Majesty now. Your Majesty's dream has been fulfilled. The two of them tell the Mongols that we are still one heart with them. There are no unbroken eggs under the cover of the nest. We and the Mongols are the same. The grasshoppers on the Ming Dynasty, if we send troops to help them, they should not watch us being defeated by the Ming Dynasty. If we lose, there will be no help for them.We are so powerful that we can't even harass us behind enemy lines. In short, it's still the same sentence. We can do it even if we send troops, or we can do it without sending troops. "Han Minghui said, "Li Yao nodded thoughtfully and said: "Well, it seems like this. Let's gather 80,000 people and recruit 20,000 new soldiers to go to the Ming Dynasty. Although the position of this emperor is mine I feel a little cowardly, but I still hope that the Mongols can win. If the Ming Dynasty wins, let alone the emperor, I will not be able to take the original throne. "Li Yao kept sighing and sighing. It seemed that he still had some brains. Han Minghui was also trying to persuade him and gave some advice: "It is not easy for us to consume too much national power. It is called an expedition, but it is mainly to intercept and defend, and to maintain Our own strength, in short, we are not going to fight, nor can we be used as a knife to increase casualties. " On that day, North Korea began to recruit troops on a large scale. The people were whispering to each other and talking about the use of troops. After all, this was one of the few foreign troops in North Korea's history, and the opponent was the Ming Dynasty, which they had heard about for a long time. "Brother Jin, have you heard that? There is going to be a war against the Ming Dynasty. My son has signed up to join the army. Has your son gone? " "Haha, isn't this Brother Park? Not only my son, I also signed up to join the army while I still had the strength. As the saying goes, brothers fight against tigers. Father and son fight. Our three sons and I are all four of us. Go, you should also sign up, lest it be the Ming Dynasty who is hit. " "Well said, Brother Jin, we are not afraid of him. I heard that the Ming Dynasty did not have enough to eat, and people all lived in caves. The thin ones were all out of shape, just like Ma Gan. " "Well, Brother Park, you don't know something. My ancestors went to the Ming Dynasty. I heard that the people there were very short, only reaching our crotch level, and the horses they rode were also small ponies. "The man named Pu nodded hurriedly and said mysteriously: "What about the Mongols? I heard that the Mongols sent a special envoy today. " "You don't even know this. It has been spread in the market. The Mongols are now in a stalemate with the Ming Dynasty, so they asked us to send troops to help. Outside the city gate, the Mongolian envoy bowed and kowtowed to our Highness three times, and his head was broken. , Our Highness led troops to attack the Ming Dynasty because he couldn't bear it. After all, as soldiers and big brothers, we have to support the Mongolian brothers. " Dayi surnamed Jin said calmly, and Pu surnamed him: "Yes, do good deeds and don't worry about the future. Our Highness has a good life. No, we shouldn't call him Your Highness. We should call him Your Majesty. Long live the emperor. Yes, fighting the Ming Dynasty, even if one day fighting Mongolia, it will be the same as playing. They used to be our Korean territory, and we gave it to them because we didn't want to take it. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 96: An Army of One Hundred Thousand Was Defeated in Three Days Two flowers bloomed, one on each branch. A few days later, Shan said that Qi Mude returned to the main tent of the Wala Army and saw Meng He who was marching. After the two greeted him, Qi Mude said: "The matter is settled. I am in North Korea." After putting on makeup, I circled around for a few days and left 300 guards in the city as internal agents. They said they were supporting North Korea, but in fact they were monitoring them. If they resisted and disobeyed, I would kill them on the spot. Fortunately, they had already started recruiting troops. I I think we have already set off for the expedition," Qimude said with a grin. He didn't know whether the Koreans were lucky or he was lucky. I guess it was the former, otherwise there would have been corpses everywhere and the Korean capital was stained with blood. "It was done well. "Thank you for your hard work." Meng He praised: "With the help of this group of Koreans, we can prevent the Ming Dynasty from delaying the massacre for a few more days. We can fight Lu Yunzhi to the death with peace of mind. If the Southern Expedition is successful, you will be the best." The first thing to do is to bear the brunt of it." Qimude smiled and said: "I will serve the leader even if I die." "Loyalty is commendable. How is the people of Korea? Are the people physically strong and capable of being used for great purposes?" Meng He smiled. When asked, Qimude smiled contemptuously and said: "Our three hundred Mongolian athletes disarmed their more than ten thousand forbidden troops, let alone their combat effectiveness. They are really like dolls, not even comparable to the infantry of the Ming Dynasty. It is really like As the leader said, it was nothing more than an obstacle for the Ming army to get some work. One hundred thousand people would be enough for the Ming army to eat naan bread for a while. Haha, as for the height of the Koreans, they are about the same height as our Mongolian athletes, and their body shape is pretty good. They are not as strong as us and not as tall as the northerners from the Ming Dynasty. I think their ability to fight alone is questionable, but their faces are not bad, they are all flushed, and they should be eating well. " Meng He nodded and said, "That's fine. If you eat well, at least you won't starve to death in the middle of the road. Haha, let's do this for now. You lead General Tuotuo and General Tamerlane to charge as the vanguard. You are the commander of the two armies. I have to work hard for you. You can see it before your eyes. We are about to cross the Gobi. Don't fall into an ambush by the Ming army again. Go back quickly and use the army to suppress the enemy's situation. Don't fall into an ambush by the enemy and never fight the Ming army. Lu Yunzhi has always There are many tricks, you can go back and forth in one day. By then we will have set up camp. We will form a formation and wait for the reinforcements from the east route to arrive. Then we will attack with all our strength and fight to the death with Lu Yunzhi. We will completely crush the Ming army's vitality and win in one battle. "Yes, I won't be afraid of any of their schemes." "Master, I don't know whether to tell you something," Qi Mude said. "Tell me." Meng He agreed. , Bu Tiao Xilu also came to help. Although our soldiers are stronger than the Ming army, the more people we have, the greater our chances of winning. If thousands of troops rush forward, even the Ming army will be blinded. " Meng He smiled slightly. Said: "If Lu Yunzhi is an ordinary person, he is not worthy to be my opponent, Meng He, nor is he my Anda. Under his leadership, the soldiers will be reborn and much stronger than before. This is what the Han people call a thousand armies." The true meaning of "It's easy to get a general but hard to find" is that the role of a general is very critical. Therefore, we don't know who will win. If we lose, we can still have the Western Front to contain them and surround Wei and rescue Zhao. If the Western Front withdraws part of its troops, both the east and west troops will Not enough. If the Ming army builds plank roads secretly and moves the main force to the east and west sides in secret, we may be attacked from three sides. " Qimude listened thoughtfully, nodding his head while digesting what Meng He said. Meng He waved his hand and said: "You should lead the troops after receiving orders. "Qi Mude knelt down on one knee, bowed and then withdrew. Li Yao sent troops to go out. The selected generals strictly followed Han Minghui's instructions, but only intercepted and defended the city without taking the initiative to attack. Li Yao looked at him with joy. Wan Tiejia left the capital in a mighty manner, feeling very emotional in his heart. One hundred thousand good men were going to try to see how much Ming Dynasty was worth. If it was as strong as Han Minghui guessed, he could only admit that he was unlucky. If it is as weak as the rumors say, then go directly to the Ming Dynasty and become a great emperor like Kublai Khan. It is better than following the Mongols. Three days later, Li Yao was sleeping with his head covered in his arms, and suddenly he was sleeping with his new concubine in his arms. Hearing a burst of hurried footsteps, Li Yao frowned slightly. He was obviously disturbed from his sweet dream. He listened carefully and the footsteps had stopped. There were only low whispers outside. Although they were hurried, the sound was not loud. Li Yao was too lazy to get up. I wanted to punish the servant again tomorrow, but I felt a little annoyed. It seemed that I had to look at a few heads before I could sleep well. Li Yao touched the smooth arms of the concubine beside him, wanting to continue to sleep, but Li Yao did not open his eyes at all this. He was too lazy to open his eyes when he was half asleep and half awake. When Li Yao quickly fell into a deep sleep, the door was suddenly pushed open. Li Yao sat up with a start. He was so sleepy that he could not see clearly what was going on. Knowing what happened, he suddenly pulled out the sword hanging on the bedside and shouted: "Who is coming? Where are the guards? Come and catch the assassin. Someone is trying to kill him."?Assassin the king and kills the driver. " "Your Majesty, it's me. "The visitor said softly, only to intimidate Li Yao. Beside him were many warriors in soft armor and palace guards. While he was talking, a chamberlain lit a lamp. Li Yao's voice sounded like Han Minghui's. But the voice was vibrating, which was completely inconsistent with Han Minghui's mature and steady character. When the light came on, who was it if it wasn't Han Minghui? But Han Minghui's face was pale, and even his mouth turned white, "Why is this, Aiqing?" You broke into my bedroom without notification." Before Li Yao finished speaking, Han Minghui quickly stepped forward and lifted the quilt. The concubine inside screamed. Han Minghui took an ordinary item handed over by the warrior in front of the palace. The commoner began to put it on Li Yao indiscriminately, saying as he put it on: "Listen to me, Your Majesty, the Ming army has already reached the city. Your Majesty turned into a civilian and evacuated the capital quickly, and then made plans. " Li Yao was stunned for a moment and then became furious and said: "The enemy army has reached the capital. How is it possible? Why has no military report been sent? Where did my army of 100,000 go? It's just 100,000 heads with their necks stretched out. Waiting to chop, it won't be finished in three days, people leave their names, and the geese leave their voices, damn, so many people went out to fight, how come they only know the defeat now, and they are forced to the city. "As he spoke, Li Yao quickly put on his clothes. He didn't want to run away. He could run wherever he could. Other places were extremely poor. If he wanted to make a comeback after he went there, he would have to wait until what month and year. Besides, if he even wanted to join the capital, They couldn't hold it anymore. There was no strong city to defend. For a moment, Li Yao was so upset that her clothes became more and more messy. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 97: Practicing Surrender Li Yao finally put on his clothes and walked out of the palace. The ministers and warriors guarding them only listened to Han Minghui's speech: "They were too fast. After attacking the city, they did not occupy it at all. Instead, they quickly moved towards the capital." Let's go ahead. After we got the battle report, we went into the palace to report. Before we could even go outside His Majesty's palace to report, the enemy had already reached the city walls. It was so fast, so I was disrespectful and risked my life to break into His Majesty's palace. Your Majesty, please make atonement." As he said this, Han Minghui was about to kneel down. He didn't really want to kneel down, but now that Korea was in chaos, if he didn't set an example of respecting Li Yao when the troops came to the city, others wouldn't take Li Yao seriously. Okay, this is just for others to see. Li Yao and Han Minghui have been working together for many years and have long been in tune with each other. Seeing this scene, I can only sigh in my heart at Han Minghui's wisdom and calmness and his loyal minister's innocent heart. , so he borrowed the donkey at the foot of the slope and said: "My dear friends, hurry up and get down. Now that the country is rising and falling, there is no need to stick to this trivial matter. Go, follow me to the tower to supervise the battle, and fight to the death with the enemy." Han Minghui was frightened. Leng Khan shouted: "No, Your Majesty, keep the green hills and don't worry about running out of firewood. You can't let anything go wrong with your body of thousands of gold. It's better to let the veteran supervise the battle. Your Majesty, go to the south to reorganize the rivers and mountains before fighting these Ming people. Let the veteran Come and hold them back." For a moment, Han Minghui was in tears, and Li Yao's eyes were red. He waved his hand and said domineeringly: "The city is still alive, but the city is broken and people are dead. I want to guard the capital with my beloved. , share the glory and the same loss, fight with the barbarians of the Ming Dynasty." After speaking, Li Yao turned to Han Minghui and said: "I understand your intention, but there is no danger to defend after leaving the capital, I am afraid that I will do it. The king of the country is subjugated. Instead of fleeing into exile, it is better to leave the eternal song of preferring death to surrender to future generations. " Han Minghui grabbed Li Yao's hand and said, "We, the king and the minister, have been together since the Jingnan." , advance and retreat together, we are both teachers, friends, monarchs and ministers. I just hope you can survive." After saying that, Han Minghui shouted: "Come here, escort your majesty out of the capital." The guards on both sides set up Li Yao. He left, ignoring Li Yao's resistance, and dragged him out of the palace. Li Yao's veins popped out and he opened his mouth and shouted: "Let me go, let me go." There were flames in the city, and there were cries, and the emperor was so embarrassed. The people were even more frightened and uneasy. Suddenly, they heard a loud noise from the direction of the northern city tower, and looked at the flames shooting into the sky. Then there was a loud thunder. No, this was not thunder but the sound of thousands of troops and horses trampling on their hooves. The Ming army came in. Han Minghui's face was ashen and he said to the guards: "Send His Majesty into the palace and guard the palace gate strictly. We will fight to the death. We can't run away now. Let me leave my name in history." "The ministers first looked like they were not afraid of fighting to the death and sacrificing their lives for righteousness in the face of danger, and then they quickly followed them towards the palace, but as they left, there were fewer and fewer people. Han Minghui saw it and felt pain in his heart. We can be together in glory and wealth. Xiang, when the disaster was imminent, they flew away separately. That's all. Looking back, there were only a few loyal ministers following behind. Unfortunately, they were all thin civil servants, as well as the emperor's chamberlains and personal guards, even in front of the palace. The warriors were all gone, and they probably packed up their belongings and ran away. This seemed to be the burial place of himself and Li Yao. Unexpectedly, he became the minister of the country's subjugation, and Li Yao became the king of the country's subjugation. Han Minghui thought about it on his face He showed a sad smile, and before he had a cup of tea, he heard the sound of horse hooves outside the palace gate. Han Minghui ordered the palace gate to be blocked with bricks and mud, and a water tank was enlarged outside. The inside of the tank was blocked with sand and stones and rounded. The wood held up the sealed door. According to Han Minghui's own understanding, as long as heavy weapons such as return guns or artillery are not brought in, it will be difficult to open the door for a while. Is this true? Generally speaking, it is This was like this, but what he didn't know was that it was not the case for Bai Yong's team. They had always been independent. Bai Yong led a cavalry team and did not bring siege weapons at all. Bai Yong thought so. , the city walls of North Korea are not high and the city defenses are not strong. Compared with the big cities of the Ming Dynasty, they are nothing more than clouds and mud. They are similar to some run-down county towns. Even the capital of North Korea today is nothing more than this. When it comes to fighting the Mongols in the desert, They are all mobile troops. The concept is to fight quickly, attack slowly or cover with heavy firepower. This is not suitable for him, because he has fewer enemies to deal with and fewer of his own people, so the variables are greater. The two sides go back and forth. When striking on the run, the artillery has no time to aim. To put it bluntly, it is an impact speed battle. It is no different from the large-scale battle in the middle where Lu Yunzhi is located. Heavy weapons may also be used. Carrying these heavy things by yourself is nothing more than slowing down the speed. It only adds to the trouble. Horse-drawn carts and artillery rations are consumed, and it is not as convenient as light armor. But even so, there are no ladders, arrow towers, artillery crashes, etc. If ordinary troops encounter this kind of situation in Korea, it will be like the collapse of the Ming Dynasty. Even in a city like a county town, there is nothing you can do. You have to either go around the city and stop attacking or go back home. Some tough people will cut down some logs and let the soldiers grab the logs and hit the city gate. The effect can beBut it is not very good to know. Of course, there are some more tough people, even mentally retarded people, who directly slash the city wall with their knives. This has really happened in history. Thousands of soldiers slashed the city wall with their knives. He cut a big gap in the city wall and almost destroyed the city. For all the above, it is not a problem for Bai Yong. There were a few airbending masters who were skilled in martial arts and could control air. These people were mobile. Artillery, even without them, Bai Yong can blow down the city wall by himself. He is brave enough to fight against North Korea. Therefore, it takes no effort to attack North Korea along the way. He is invincible in conquering cities and territories. He can conquer several cities in a day. This battle will be fought to the end. Bai Yong almost vomited, because all the procedures were the same, and it was really boring. First, he rode his horse and ran to the city, and then used Qi to blast open the already thin city gates. Sometimes the power was too great. Even the city wall can be half pulled down. As long as the city gate is opened and the heavy cavalry opens the way and the light cavalry shoots upward, after one round, the Koreans will lose resistance and surrender. After entering the city, all the soldiers defending the city will throw down their armor. The Koreans will It was quite orderly, as if they had gone through surrender training. They all threw away their weapons and squatted on the ground in an orderly manner. They were arranged neatly. Suddenly, it looked as if they had just been moved out of the armory and had not had time to take them. Among the prisoners, the officer squatted. In the front, it was easier to answer, while the soldiers squatted silently behind and were very disciplined. As long as fifty or sixty people were left behind, they could watch hundreds or even thousands of surrendering troops. This made Bai Yong smile bitterly. It turned out that Goryeo's military training went all the way to surrender. Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 98: Respect Your Opponent After Bai Yong captured one city, he led his troops to attack the next city. Before the remaining army retreated and reported its defeat, Bai Yong had already captured another city. This army was once again called the Heavenly Soldiers, although it had already been It is not a team composed of specially trained warriors and airbending masters. Although it is now on the battlefield in a foreign country, in just three days, Bai Yong led his people to the North Korean capital. He originally just wanted to make a quick decision to his right. He was in danger and completely eliminated the hidden danger, but he never expected that it would only take three days so quickly. Bai Yong personally used his energy to blast open the gate of the North Korean capital. In fact, the capital was not here originally, but only after the Li Dynasty conquered the world. The capital was moved here, so the city defense was not very perfect. The soldiers and horses guarding the city still wanted to resist. They also knew that they and the Mongols were allies and the Ming Dynasty was the enemy. The situation was not the same. Now it cannot be like surrendering to the Mongols. People surrender without a fight, and if their country is subjugated, they will not be as good as themselves, so they simply want to fight to the death. The Ming army's usual record of zero casualties has resulted in the loss of dozens of people. For fighting, especially those who attack cities In a critical battle, it would not be a big deal if thousands of people died, but the lack of casualties in the early stage made Bai Yong extremely angry when he saw the loss of his soldiers, so he led his airbending masters to stand in front of the queue, and fired arrows wherever they went. In short, dust was flying for a while, the city towers were in panic, and there were collapsed and destroyed city walls everywhere. The kerosene for the city defense was overturned and burned by the brazier. For a while, the fire shot into the sky, and the whole city was lit up. Arrows, Bai Yong also used invisible air control skills to hit back and forth on the city wall that had become flat ground. The soldiers were either dead or injured, and those who survived did not dare to fight. If they dared to shout, Bai Yong came to greet them. In short, the Forbidden Army no longer dared to resist and surrendered again. The destruction of the country means death. Nowadays, those who resist will die faster. It is better to die than to live. Let¡¯s save our lives first. Bai Yong led the troops into the city. Along the way, the Koreans However, when he arrived near the palace, Bai Yong encountered the most tenacious resistance since the attack on Goryeo. A group of Mongolians were about to escape and met Bai Yong's large army. In a densely populated area, Bai Yong They couldn't bear to use air-bending techniques to blow up houses. After all, the people were innocent and the soldiers were different. The two sides shot at each other on the street, each suffering casualties. Both relied on bunkers and shields to cover their bodies and could not cause casualties to the other side. After that, both sides committed suicide. He chose horse fighting in the street fighting. After both sides sprinted, all three hundred Mongolian cavalry fell to the ground. After all, the Ming army was a hundred times more numerous than them, and they were all elite cavalry. The quality of the soldiers was almost the same as that of the Mongolian soldiers. Moreover, the leader of the charge was Bai Yong and several other airbending masters, no matter how brave they were, could not escape this disaster. Even though the situation was so favorable to the Ming army, the Ming army still lost more cavalry than the enemy despite being greatly superior in numbers, resulting in sufficient casualties. After gathering 400 people, Bai Yong dismounted and inspected the Mongolian soldiers who had been chopped to the ground. After a long time, he pulled something off the neck of one of them, and also plucked a tooth from their knife, and said The deputy general next to him said: "It turns out to be the Mongolian Wolf Cavalry, no wonder it is so powerful." The Mongolian Wolf Cavalry is a famous iron army on the Mongolian grassland. It has a long history. Its combat effectiveness is as good as that of the King of Eagles. However, in recent years, it has become the most popular. It greatly overshadowed the King's Eagle. Why do you say that? Because the King's Eagle is equivalent to the inner bodyguard of the Han royal family. It is only responsible for protecting the Great Khan in critical moments before letting them participate in ordinary fights, while the Wolf Cavalry is Different, they are engaged in highly difficult jobs, such as scouting spies, charging into battle, luring the enemy deep, tearing apart the enemy's defensive circle, etc. In short, wherever there is danger, there will be wolf cavalry, and wherever there is wolf cavalry, victory will be achieved. Honor and fame also come with hard training and huge casualties. First of all, if you want to join the wolf riding, you must be extremely proficient in equestrian skills, much better than the average Mongolian. You must be able to bend a big bow, and at least you must be able to draw it. A two-stone bow must not only be drawn but also be able to shoot accurately. The average Mongolian can shoot a two-stone to five-stone bow at most. However, the elite wolf cavalry cannot be the same. They all use two stones, of course. They would not exaggerate to the point of using three-stone bows like the Eagle of Kings. After all, Wolf Riders often serve as scouts, so it is more suitable to be more agile and lighter. Natural power alone is not enough. Mongolians rarely train, so they are generally After herding sheep, I heard that after a war, I got on my horse and went to fight. Everyone is a born warrior, but wolf riders are different. They need training, and the training is very strict. This rule was passed down by Genghis Khan. Of course, wolf riders are not Genghis Khan. Established during the Great Unification, the Wolf Cavalry has existed for hundreds of years. The Wolf Cavalry has the professional honor of a soldier. They are one of the few full-time soldiers in the desert. They never graze and are raised by the Khan. They live as long as they live. For training, training is for killing. The long history and endless honor have taught the Wolf Riders that they have never disobeyed orders, nor have they ever flinched or surrendered. Even if the enemy is ten or even a hundred times more numerous than themselves, they still move forward bravely. , today theyFighting to the end, the Ming army also paid a heavy price. It is worth mentioning that the Wolf Cavalry has a very tough tradition, that is, all members have a sense of arrogance. Although they do not disobey orders, they will never act like The scouts in the Central Plains are the same, they just detect the enemy's situation. For example, ten people go out to detect the enemy's situation and find that the opponent only has a hundred people. If they were Han scouts, they would probably go back and report. After all, the duty of the scouts is to detect and monitor, but the Wolf Cavalry is different. They think that they Each of them is a hero with one against a hundred, so as long as the ratio is no more than one to ten, they will rush out and usually win. They will kill several times and their enemies will flee. They have completed the attack and explored the enemy's situation. As Warriors, they are lucky today. They met Bai Yong, an opponent who can fight with them. As a person, they are also unlucky today, because they are tens of thousands of elites led by Bai Yong. Bai Yong sneered and looked at the wolf cavalry. The corpse said: "The number of such elite wolf riders should not be too many. It seems that these three hundred people are enough to break their bones for a while." The general on the side continued: "They injured our brothers, do you want to bruise their bones?" Raise the ashes to vent the sergeant's anger." Bai Yong waved his hand and said, "Send someone to take care of these corpses, and then give these Mongolian Tatars a good burial after capturing this foolish king." "General, why is this?" The general said in confusion. Bai Yong did not answer him. He paused and turned around to speak to the soldiers behind him: "These Mongols fought very bravely. They did not flinch in the face of hundreds of times the enemy. They were a The good men of Yiyi are warriors and deserve our respect. I want to bury them honorably to tell you that we must despise the enemy's arrogant fighting, but at the same time we must also pay attention to the enemy and even respect those warriors who died on the battlefield, whether they are Han Chinese or Meng people are worthy of learning from hard-blooded men like us.¡± Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 99: You are still your king Li Yao and Han Minghui felt relieved after sealing the palace gate. The monarch and his ministers each held a sword with their eyebrows raised. A few soldiers guarded them, with bows and arrows and crossbows pointed at the palace gate and walls. , a loud noise passed through the harem door and the palace wall were blasted to pieces at the same time. Bai Yong walked in quickly. The guards quickly shot arrows, but Bai Yong waved his hand gently as if he didn't see it. All the arrows were in the air. He was broken at the waist and fell to the ground. Bai Yong looked around at this so-called palace. It was just a large house with several entrances and exits. It was similar to the residence of the ministers in Beijing. Compared with Hou Men, it was as deep as the sea. But it's far behind, let alone the splendid decoration of the carved beams and painted buildings in the courtyard of the ministers in Beijing. The palace in front of me is simple and even a little shabby. Except for the bedroom and the main hall, some of the side halls are not as good as ordinary residents in Beijing. If Bai Yongcong People from Beijing who went straight here would sigh at Li Yao's frugality when they saw this scene. But looking at the life of ordinary people in North Korea's capital, Bai Yong didn't think so. The ground in the capital was dirty and smelly. Drainage ditches could be seen everywhere, and there was green floating water. Those yellow dirty things emit bursts of stench, the roads are muddy, and when it rains it will be covered with yellow mud, and the things in the drainage ditch overflow, it is impossible to live this day. The common people are all yellow and thin, and their bodies The clothes were also in shabby condition. It turned out that Li Yao was not a good monarch who was frugal and loved the people, but he really had no money. Bai Yong didn't even look at the guards who were shooting arrows just now, but the guards were already frightened. They just waved their hands to greet them. All these arrows were pushed away. Is this still a human being? Bai Yong turned his back and turned a blind eye. He said to his men: "This palace is just a big house of a rural landlord." The generals heard this and laughed. Laughing loudly, Li Yao, who understood the Chinese language, understood this sentence and was so angry that he was shaking all over. Suddenly Bai Yong turned back to the group of guards and said: "Who shot the arrow just now? If you dare to shoot me, you will hurt your neck." Clean it up, I'm going to kill someone." The imperial guards screamed and ran away in fear. However, the small palace was already surrounded by Bai Yong's men. If anyone could escape, they would all be captured in a matter of seconds. After being captured, Han Minghui protected Li Yao and took advantage of the chaos to seize the palace. Bai Yong did not stop him, but followed slowly. Then he arrived. Han Minghui closed the door of the palace and said to Li Yao: " Your Majesty, what should we do next?" Li Yao made up his mind and suddenly raised his head and said, "Shi Ke cannot be humiliated. Please kill me first, then commit suicide and follow me." Han Minghui burst into tears. He replied vaguely: "I don't dare to commit the crime of regicide, otherwise you and I, the monarch and my minister, will kill the king together." After saying that, he picked up the oil lamp and poured the lamp oil on himself. Li Yao nodded miserably. He nodded and heard Bai Yong outside shouting: "I am Bai Yong, the Marquis of Wu in Ming Dynasty. Don't look for short-sightedness. We have something to discuss. I just want to punish you because you are a helper of the tiger and a helper of the Mongols. You have no intention of overthrowing the Mongols." Your throne." Li Yao was stunned after hearing this, and looked at Han Minghui with a little hope. Han Minghui shouted: "Your Majesty, please don't fall into Na Zezi's plot. "As he spoke, he suddenly poured lamp oil on Li Yao and was about to move closer to the flames. At this moment, Bai Yong kicked open the door and suddenly shot out the flames. Then he motioned to his men to keep an eye on Li Yao and Han Minghui and look for them. I gave them two pieces of clean clothes for them to change into. Is Bai Yong telling the truth? It¡¯s absolutely true. Why didn¡¯t they take back this land when they conquered the capital of North Korea? The first thing is that they don¡¯t like this land. It is far worse than the Ming Dynasty. It is not a land of plenty and there is no need to occupy it. Even if it is occupied, the later construction alone will require huge investment. Now the Ming Dynasty does not have so much spare money. Secondly, now that there is a war, how can there be time to manage the Koreans? , if Li Yao is overthrown and the dynasty is replaced by a Han Chinese king, it is inevitable that there will be opposition forces in North Korea, which will escalate to a war of ethnic groups. Then it will not be worthwhile to send troops to North Korea. Moreover, the northern border is currently undecided. There are no extra soldiers. It is quite troublesome to establish individual descendants of the Li family as kings. It also involves the forces in North Korea. In short, if North Korea is in chaos, it will violate the original intention of attacking him. It is better not to change it. People still let Li Yao be his king of Korea, but he was just a puppet king for a relatively period of time. There are several reasons for attacking Korea: to crush the Mongolian conspiracy and prevent their plan from succeeding, and to control them in disguise. The state power does not allow North Korea to fall into chaos. Once Bai Yong goes north, if North Korea is not honest, it will easily destroy Bai Yong's retreat, which will be quite disadvantageous for marching and transporting food. The third and most important point is also Bai Yong's. The main reason why Yong did not occupy North Korea was to serve as a buffer zone. In other words, it was to allow the Koreans to be the foot soldiers of the Ming Dynasty to resist foreign aggression. Once the Li Dynasty was completely overthrown and the Ming Dynasty took over, North Korea would become the Ming Dynasty. territory, neither Bai Yong nor Lu Yunzhi believed that this northern expedition would completely disintegrate the Mongols.Strength, a hundred-footed insect is dead but not stiff. How could the Mongols be conquered so easily at once, so they surrendered the Koreans but did not annex them. In this way, no matter when the Mongols wanted to march from the eastern front, They all have to pass through the border of North Korea. When the time comes, let North Korea send troops to stop it and Ming Dynasty send troops to help. Then we can move the main battlefield outside and launch wars outside the country's borders. It will not harm the people of Ming Dynasty. In summary, Bai Yong said that Generally speaking, Li Yao was doubtful, but now that he had been cured, he had no choice but to let it go. To make a long story short, after Bai Yong had a detailed talk with Li Yao, Li Yao felt deeply ashamed and swore that he would never fight with the Ming Dynasty again in his life. The enemy, the emperor's title that was not covered with heat was also changed back to the King of North Korea. Although the oaths were not trustworthy, after all, Li Yao was completely frightened after this time. Nothing bad had ever happened in her life. Although Bai Yong had no intention of occupying North Korea, and there were not many casualties in this attack on North Korea. However, people needed to eat horses and chews. Bai Yong decided to replenish food and grass on the spot, make slight corrections in North Korea before attacking the Tatars, and then detour to the rear of Oara to After their heavy blow, the Korean people formed a condolence group and sent food to the sergeants. Seeing the dissatisfied look of the Ming army, many Koreans thought they had never seen such delicious food, but the Ming army was another I have an idea. Looking at these grain dumplings and spicy cabbage, how can they compare with the military supplies of the Ming Dynasty? You must know that the cavalry unit led by Bai Yong is an elite. I thought that after conquering the city and occupying the country, I would have better food. , there is also the possibility of grabbing some treasures and making a fortune, but I didn¡¯t expect that the food offered by the Koryo people as tribute was not as good as what they usually eat at home. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 100: Leaving the Country of Sticks For a time, the Ming army was filled with indignation from top to bottom. They even beat four or five Koreans who came to deliver food. Bai Yong arrived and comforted the soldiers. When he saw the food, he couldn't help crying or laughing. He turned around and asked the whole process. Han Minghui who accompanied him said: "Why do you just give this to my soldiers? Is this how to reward the three armies?" Han Minghui didn't understand for a moment, and said with a charming smile: "General Bai, this is what we should do , Although the food is many times better than that of ordinary Korean troops, you are people of the higher country, so you should do this, so you don¡¯t have to feel bad about it.¡± Bai Yong was stunned and remained silent for a long time before saying: ¡°Since you think so. , I'm sorry for Mr. Bai. Listen, Mr. Han, my army has to eat meat every day. It doesn't matter chicken, duck or fish. You can just look at it. Make sure the ingredients are fresh and there are rations prepared for me. It must be full of rice. Oh, by the way, our war costs a lot this time. Brothers, follow me and fight bravely to help you drive away the Mongols. This is what you should do when you do good things, but I have to give it to my brothers no matter what. Give me some money. Isn't it just to fight with your head in your belt to become a general or to make some money? You're right, Master Han." Han Minghui didn't understand before because of what he saw and heard. The difference is not because he is stupid. As the most important minister of North Korea, he is also a smart man. Han Minghui understands what Bai Yong just said. It turns out that he is not moved by the good food, but because he dislikes it. The food was too bad. As for what they said about giving some money, it was clear that they were asking for money for North Korea. Han Minghui wiped his sweat secretly. This money is really indispensable. If he offends these military masters, Afraid that his head and the Li family's empire would be lost, Han Minghui kept thinking about how to forcefully plunder and plunder the people. Now he died heroically a few days ago and committed suicide with Li Yao. It's not the same thing. In a panic, death can only take a blink of an eye. Besides, you can still leave your name in history. But it's different now. Only after escaping from death do you know how precious life is, not to mention that you can't handle things now. , who was killed by the Ming army with no name and no status, even if he died in vain, even if he takes ten thousand steps back, if Han Minghui is allowed to return to the scene a few days ago, he will not have the courage to commit suicide again. , that's all, Bai Yong didn't care what Han Minghui was thinking, turned around and left. After taking two steps, he turned back and asked: "Master Han, when I entered the city that day, I saw that the people's faces were sallow and they didn't have enough to eat. They look so rosy today, don¡¯t tell me, they all took some magic medicine for the common people, and their complexions suddenly improved." Han Minghui broke into a cold sweat again, and secretly sighed in his heart that Bai Yong had sharp eyes and careful mind. Rusi could only report the truth: "We asked the people to prick their fingers and smear it on their cheeks to make their faces look bloody, so as not to hinder the eyes of the Chinese army." Bai Yong nodded and understood that this was a face-saving project, which was also done in the Ming Dynasty. In order to respond to superior inspections in poor areas, local officials asked the people to do this. Unexpectedly, the world was as dark as crows. Suddenly Bai Yong thought of something and asked: "I heard that the Wala envoy who came a while ago was Qi Mude, right? He came Did you also give the order to do so? " Han Minghui didn't understand why Bai Yong asked such a question. He could only nod in confusion. Bai Yong slammed his fist into the palm of his other hand, making a crisp sound. He only heard him say happily: "Food levy. You should hurry up and do the money thing. Order it today and I will accept it in two days. "After that, he strode away. "Why is Bai Yong so happy? It turns out that Qi Mude was deceived. Seeing the red faces of the people, he must have thought that North Korea could fight the Ming Dynasty, and even if it was defeated, it would be able to delay the war for a while. How did you know? North Korea is so unbearable, and now Bai Yong has taken over North Korea with lightning speed and captured their capital. Due to various considerations, Li Yao was not overthrown, which means that no one will be like the Mongols. Asking for help, the Mongols did not expect that North Korea would be defeated so quickly, and they did not receive a military report asking for help. They did not know that North Korea had already fallen. They must have thought that the Ming Dynasty was still blocked by North Korea. There was only one enemy army left on the east road. They It will definitely paralyze the careless. As long as he attacks the opponent all night long and catches the opponent off guard, he will definitely win. God-given opportunities do not wait for us. Two days later, Li Yao handed over the money and food, and wrote a letter of credence and presented it to the Ming Dynasty, willing to obey the Ming Dynasty from generation to generation. , the unwarranted title of emperor was obediently discarded, and it was agreed that half a year later, Li Yao would personally go to Beijing to pay homage to Zhu Qizhen, apologize and proclaim himself a minister. He should have gone to pay homage now, but how could Li Yao also belong to the same country? King, naturally cannot pay homage to the Emperor of Heaven empty-handed. The money and food in North Korea has been drained by Bai Yong, so it will take several months to gather enough gifts to go to Beijing. Li Yao and Han Minghui led the ministers to prepare for the expedition. Bai Yong sent a team of men and horses far away. Along the way, they kept praising Bai Yong for leading a rebel army. He did not massacre people, plunder property, or rape women. He was really a model for the people in the world. Bai Yong BaoWearing a trademark smile, his face was numb from laughter. There are military regulations and disciplines are also stipulated in this way. The Ming army must abide by it naturally, but it must be divided somewhere. It is not okay to not abide by the border of Korea, because This place is really too poor, even if it is robbed, it is not easy to rob. In addition, the North Korean government collects property for them, so there is no money. As for the women of the people, they all have big faces and small eyes, which makes them accustomed to seeing the Central Plains. The Ming army is not used to beautiful women, so the military discipline of the Ming army has been surprisingly good in the past few days. Bai Yong and his party were sent off by the common people. Everyone's face was filled with numb and false smiles. Suddenly someone whispered: "Isn't it said that the people of Ming Dynasty are all skinny? Why do these people look so big and round, more powerful than us Koreans?" Another person said with slight contempt: "You look like an uneducated person at first glance. These people are not people of Ming Dynasty. , In fact, they are descendants of us Koreans, and they have grown up eating spicy cabbage.¡± The person who spoke first was slightly surprised and then quickly nodded affirmatively and said: ¡°It seems so, and we are the only ones.¡± To be able to be so mighty, the leader, General Bai, is also a Korean. " "It is necessary, a native Korean," the other person replied confidently, and soon the news that Bai Yong was Korean spread. Before Bai Yong and the others went far, they found that the eyes of the people were no longer numb, but filled with pride for the national hero. Bai Yong was puzzled after looking at it, and couldn't help but shake his head and said to himself: "This It¡¯s so fucking crazy to help the Koreans.¡± Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 101: All the troops are poisoned Leaving aside Bai Yong's side, the Tianshi camp on the west road is also advancing. After passing through Shaanxi, the natural environment is even worse. The sky is often windy and sandy, the land is relatively barren, and the poor mountains and rivers breed unruly people. Therefore, in this natural and cultural environment Down there, water and gold are more valuable than life. There are endless bandits and bandits there. Even the horse teams running goods are both merchants and bandits. The number of people in the Tianshi Camp is small, and they don¡¯t look like marchers or Saibei in appearance. The swordsmen are like a caravan traveling together. They often encounter blind robbers along the way, so the progress of Tianshi Camp is a bit slow, but the fate of those robbers can be imagined. These things in Tianshi Camp Although he was strong and possessed unique skills, he was not a hard-working soldier after all. He was just a group of people who could count. Despite Chao Xing's repeated urging, he still moved very slowly. It would take days to arrive at the Zhen Lingdan camp. In comparison, Oala's middle army was much faster. Although they were large in number, the rear team was also responsible for escorting food and grass. The returning artillery also had to move forward with the large army. Under various disadvantages, Despite the situation, they still crossed the desert as quickly as possible and came to the company camp built by Zhu Jianwen. After Qi Mude led the vanguard to explore before, they determined that there was no ambush in front of the Ming army company camp, and then let the follow-up After the army was stationed, Oala's camp was much simpler than the Ming army's Muzhai Company camp. Because they did not have the skills to set up a camp, they still used carts to surround the camp and built some taller wooden fences next to it. , but this time it was not a sneak attack, so there were many more sentries and guards, patrolling around the camp day and night, both bright and dark sentries were prepared, always on guard against all movements of the Ming army, except in the capital, Although Meng He had never fought against Lu Yunzhi except for using Taotie to fight against Lu Yunzhi's power of clan heaven and earth, after all, the two had had in-depth discussions about forming an alliance. As time passed, Lu Yunzhi, who had experienced many hardships, was bound to be more powerful than Lu Yunzhi. He had grown a lot in those years, and his schemes and ruthlessness were even greater than before, so Meng He did not dare to be careless. He asked his subordinates to be careful about the water sources around them, and let the mules and horses try it first. After a long time, there was no special reaction from the mules and horses before taking any action. When it comes to drinking water, water is said to have no taste, but water from rivers, wells, and wells has different tastes. This is due to the different substances contained in the water. When water is left out for a long time, it becomes stagnant water. If it is under high temperature conditions, the water will naturally become stagnant. It will produce a strange smell, which is really the function of the microorganisms inside. The Mongolians naturally don¡¯t understand this. Although they are as hard-working as the Mongolian horses and are not afraid of cold and cold food, it is better to have fresh water to drink than the rancid water in the water bladders. Well, so when I saw that the troops with water storage came back, it proved that the water source was non-toxic, so I asked for orders to go to the water to drink water and feed the horses. The sun was shining high, making people extremely hot. The soldiers were wearing armor and were about to be burned. Meng He intended to let the soldiers go to the water to have fun, let the horses drink a lot, and drink the water from the water truck instead of replenishing it. Isn't it the behavior of a fool to waste time and energy? But then he thought, Meng He He still felt that something was wrong. It was a simple thing to know good or bad luck through divination, but it was not easy to use when facing Lu Yunzhi, a powerful enemy. After all, Lu Yunzhi's destiny was already high enough to affect destiny, but Meng He Que was not alarmed. He couldn't count Lu Yunzhi, and Lu Yunzhi couldn't count him. The two of them were evenly matched and could only rely on their own strategies and wisdom to fight. Meng He groaned for a moment before replying, Five hundred people were grouped into a unit and went to drink water in batches. Everyone was quite unhappy when they heard this. This time, there were hundreds of thousands of troops on Wala Middle Road. How long would it take for five hundred to five hundred people to go there? Although There are several water sources around, but it is estimated that it will be dark by the time the last person drinks the water. Besides, it is a matter of knowledge who comes first and who comes last. If there is no guarantee that one of them will go bad, the person behind him can drink from the former if he urinates in the water source. Peed, the Mongolian generals were dissatisfied, but did not dare to say it to their faces. They could only mutter to themselves that Meng He was too cautious and was not at all like a hot-blooded Mongolian man. He muttered, but the Mongolian military orders were very strict, even cruel, and no one Dare to disobey orders and be disrespectful, after a private debate, all the people arranged their order and went to drink water in batches. By evening, most people had finished drinking, and many smaller pools had now turned into dry quagmire. , Meng He stood in front of the big tent, looking at the Ming army's stronghold in the distance, secretly thinking of ways to defeat the enemy, suddenly someone ran over shouting: "It's not good, it's not good, report it to the leader." , something bad happened. The horses that were the first to taste the water were foaming at the mouth and twitching. They were afraid that they would die. The water might be poisonous. Meng He was shocked, frowned and thought to himself: What kind of poison can be hidden so deeply that it takes half a day to take effect? ??This Lu Yunzhi is really cunning. He even used chronic medicine to kill all the water in the water source. They were all poisoned. The effect and dosage of this medicine are really not small. Thinking of this, Meng He snorted coldly and said: "Those who bully me as ghosts and witches who don't understand medicine have delusional ideas. Go and treat the beggar"The protector came and ordered the troops who had not gone to drink water to stop and not go to drink water. Anyone who disobeyed the order would be killed. "Soon there was a clanging sound of metal in front of the tent, and a tall man walked in. His right leg was completely cut off, and then there was an iron leg made of steel. Although it was disabled, the man It looks like a tiger when it walks, and its iron legs are not inflexible at all. If you look closely, you will find that there are traces of black air coming out from where the metals meet. It should be that ghosts have replaced the empty legs inside. Talents are no different from ordinary people. A layman is watching the show, an expert is watching the door. He can control ghosts and spirits as if they are part of his own body, with flexibility and ease. This ability is enough to illustrate the profundity of this iron-legged man's magic. He knelt on his knees, bowed and said, "Master, this subordinate is here to beg for your face. "Meng He nodded, explained the matter, and had the dead horse brought in for Qiyan to look at. Qiyan looked at it for a long time, shook his head and said, "The person who poisoned is really vicious, not only I used a poison that was very difficult to cure, and also used a blood poison from the world of heaven and earth, human and seedling poison. I'm afraid it won't be easy to cure for a while. In terms of using poisons and pharmacology, I am not as good as the Han people. " Meng He frowned and said: "Begging for beauty, is there nothing we can do to protect the Dharma? Now almost all of our army has drank the water poisoned by the enemy. They are divided into groups of five hundred people, one after another. Drinking water, according to the time when the horses become ill, will be poisoned in batches one after another in half an hour, until they die. Are we going to be defeated like this? We are really unwilling to do so, and we have fallen short without even seeing the face of the enemy. Defeated. " Qiyan wanted to speak but hesitated for a long time before saying: "It's not that there is no way, it's just" Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 102: The Art of Soul Exchange "If you have anything to say, please tell me Qiyan. Is there any way to save yourself by using the soul-changing technique? You know that my witch doctor skills are not as good as yours, so please try to tell me all the methods so that I can choose as soon as possible. Time waits for no one." Meng He said hurriedly, Qiyan nodded, thought for a moment and replied: "The leader Shengming, it is indeed a soul-changing technique. I still have three secret soul-changing fingers here. I only need to burn two of them to unlock them all." The poison of the officers and soldiers only needs to be sacrificed with the lives of living people, which takes about 500 lives. The soldiers who are rescued will also lose their longevity because of it. I am afraid they can only live for another ten years. This is still The best outcome, if there is an accident, it¡¯s hard to say. " "Don¡¯t think about it, they will all die anyway, it is better to let them live a few more years and die on the battlefield, maybe they can leave something behind after returning triumphantly. , Let¡¯s do it Qi Yan, hurry up and prepare, let the troops who drink the water first be the sacrifices,¡± Meng He said loudly, his voice was full of determination, his words were sonorous and powerful, without any hesitation, just like these five. Hundreds of fresh lives were as unbearable as small insects. They died immediately. Half an hour later, Lu Yunzhi turned to Wang Yulu, who had been holding a small jar in her hand and closed her eyes in deep thought. "How's it going?" Is the enemy poisoned?" Wang Yulu shook his head and said: "The poison is gone." Long Qingquan was sitting on the bed beside him, his face still a little pale. Hearing Wang Yulu's words, he said: "Why do Mongolian ghost witches also use medicine? Come on, I'm going to ask my dad to take action." Wang Yulu didn't reply, a hint of displeasure flashed across her face, and she cursed in her heart: "I can't do it with poison, but your dad can do it. This doesn't mean I'm inferior in medical skills." Your dad? Damn it, I wouldn¡¯t have saved you if I had known it. Lu Yunzhi didn¡¯t say anything. He glanced at the two of them. Wang Yulu¡¯s nose was neither a nose nor an eye. She was obviously offended by Long Qingquan¡¯s unintentional words. Long Qingquan was completely unaware. Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly, coughed slightly, pointed at Long Qingquan and asked, "Has this boy's poison been cured?" Wang Yulu nodded and still answered: "The poison has been cured." After he finished speaking, he paused for a moment and then said: "Actually, Huitian Dan is very powerful. People will naturally have side effects after taking it. It is a principle that the medicine is three parts poisonous. No one can avoid it. Huitian Dan has achieved this goal." It is not easy to reduce the side effects to a minimum. However, you can actually make another medicine and mix it with another medicine immediately after taking the Huitian Dan. This can reduce the loss. Although it is suspected of being suppressed and cannot be taken for a long time, it can bring about a cure. Dan is an emergency medicine, so I didn't understand why Master Long didn't develop a medicine to deal with the side effects of Huitian Dan." After saying that, he looked at Long Qingquan with disdain, meaning I am better than your father. Thinking about your father, he didn't expect that just by working hard to reconcile the original medicine, taking another antidote can completely minimize the damage. Long Qingquan and Shi Biao came back together and felt cold all over, just when Wang Yulu passed by Let¡¯s explore the effect of the poison that was poured into the water source. After all, he is a master in detoxification. He is really not safe in using poison. The poison that was put into the water source was jointly developed by Wang Yulu and Tan Qing. It contains both poison and blood. Gu is extremely poisonous. After taking the medicine, you can also use the connection between the poisonous objects to detect signs of poisoning. Wang Yulu was a little worried about the efficacy of the medicine, so she came from the Central Plains and happened to save Long Qingquan, allowing him to quickly recover. Come, after waking up, Long Qingquan suddenly realized that the last time he took the Huitian Dan was just for a try and he had not experienced a fight, but this time it was different. After strenuous exercise, the side effects of the Huitian Dan were doubled. Thanks to Wang Yulu's presence made him recover so quickly, so Long Qingquan was very grateful to Wang Yulu. Long Qingquan did not hear the profound meaning of Wang Yulu's words, but having said that, even if he heard it, he would I won¡¯t argue with Wang Yulu. If Fang Qingze and Dong De are like money strings, then Wang Yulu is an addicted medicine jar. He cares most about the false reputation in medicine. Everyone has needs and loves, that¡¯s all, Long Qingquan He hurriedly came to Wang Yulu and said with a slight flattery: "Brother Wang, your medical skills are so superb. When you are free, you have to help me make an antidote. Just in case I use the Huitian Pill again, I have it." With your antidote, I won't worry about anything. ¡± People like to hear good things, not to mention that such good words come from the mouth of an outspoken young man like Long Qingquan. Moreover, Long Qingquan is also the son of the master of medicine, Master Long. For a moment, Wang Yulu¡¯s face turned into a smile. A rotten chrysanthemum, she cupped her hands and said repeatedly: "Easy to say, easy to say. " "Stop talking about this. By the way, what method does the ghost witch use to detoxify? As far as I know, they don't have any experts who are proficient in medicine. Lu Yunzhi asked, and Wang Yulu asked back: "My lord, do you still remember the ghost-witch soul-changing finger you told me when you were in the Zhongzheng lineage?" "Lu Yunzhi nodded. The first time he fought against Qi Yan and the evil ghost Shang Yang whom he worshiped, Qi Yan had used his soul-changing fingers to heal himself. It is said that there were ten soul-changing fingers in total.?, taken from the ten fingers of the fourth-generation ghost witch leader, each finger has the effect of healing. No matter how serious the injury is, as long as you are still breathing, you can take out the finger bones and silently recite the magic in your heart, and there will be healing. Smoke comes out to heal injuries, but this method requires Yangshou or a large amount of blood in exchange. "Could it be that they used soul-changing fingers? That's not right. There are so many of them, even if they are used, they can't all be cured." Lu Yunzhi was confused. Asked in confusion, Long Qingquan joked at this moment: "So there is something you don't know about." Lu Yunzhi rolled her eyes at Long Qingquan and ignored him. Wang Yulu also shook her head and said, "I don't know much about this either." I understand. It¡¯s just that witches are called witch doctors. Many of them use sacrifices in exchange for lives to cure diseases. In our current words, they use ghosts to treat or pay yangshou to cure. I think they may use human sacrifices and cooperate with The soul-changing finger is used to detoxify. Otherwise, no medicine can remove all the poisons at the same time. It should be like this, because it is too weird to detoxify at the same time. However, such miraculous effects are of no benefit to the patient itself. I think the longevity of the Mongolian soldiers has been damaged." Lu Yunzhi nodded thoughtfully and said, "That's it for now. Although we didn't succeed in poisoning, it's still good to harass them. Okay, you guys. Let's go down first." Long Qingquan asked loudly: "What are you going to do? Are you going to attack the Wala camp at night?" Lu Yunzhi laughed and scolded: "I have been with these soldiers recently. Being together makes me more and more rude. We were poisoned by Wala during the day today. We should have taken advantage of the chaos and attacked at night. But now that they have detoxified quickly, they will definitely take strict precautions. They are not stupid, but they will never think that we can To detect the poisoning situation, I think they may have set up a trap waiting for us. If we go there again, we will be trapped in a trap. We might as well fight in an open and honest manner. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 103: Anda reunites "Then what are we going to do now?" Long Qingquan still asked, Lu Yunzhi sighed, and said with hatred: "Go to bed." Long Qingquan frowned and muttered: "Don't pay, it's still early, find me Just do something." Lu Yunzhi said with a bad smile: "You want to visit the camp to avenge yourself. Don't mess around. Anyone who leaves the camp without my order will be killed. Qingquan, the law will not tolerate it. Don't do it. Force me, if you really have nothing to do, why don't you stay and study with me? " "Forget it, I'll go to bed." Long Qingquan was frightened and ran away when he heard that Lu Yunzhi wanted to study. Lu Yunzhi laughed proudly and mischievously, Meng He waited all night for Lu Yun's night attack on the camp, while Lu Yunzhi slept soundly all night without reading a book. The next day, Meng He led With the soldiers approaching the company camp, this battle needs to be fought quickly. The surrounding water is undrinkable, and the nearest source of clean water is far away. Transporting it back and forth takes a lot of time and manpower. Such conditions can only be solved quickly. The battle is possible, otherwise the situation will be extremely unfavorable. The Ming army was ready, but Meng He did not order an attack with return artillery. Instead, he placed the army outside the range of the Ming army's artillery and sent several cavalry to the Ming army's company camp. He shouted, asking Lu Yunzhi to come out of the camp to talk. Lu Yunzhi wanted to go out of the city to see him, but Zhu Jianwen was afraid that there was something wrong with him. After all, he had just poisoned the Mongolians, so it was inevitable that they would become angry and break the rules and have a Hongmen banquet or something. Lu Yunzhi smiled and winked at Long Qingquan. Long Qingquan disappeared in a flash. He must have gone to the side to watch the enemy plundering the formation. Shang Wan stepped forward and said, "My lord, I will accompany you." Let's go out." "That's fine." Lu Yunzhi answered and patted Zhu Jianwen on the shoulder. Zhu Jianwen hesitated and said, "I'll go too." Lu Yunzhi shook his head and said, "That's not okay. You are more stable than the rest of us. If you stay here to look after me, I can feel at ease. Don't worry, I have my own sense of security." With that said, Lu Yunzhi and Shang Wang got off the village wall, opened the village gate, got on their horses and galloped towards the Mongolian army. , some people rushed out from the enemy camp. At a glance, it should be three horses coming out of the formation, marching together. Although there were fewer people, the momentum was no worse than that of thousands of horses. The opponent's three horses ran into the shooting range of the Ming Dynasty artillery. At the same time, Lu Yunzhi and Shang Wang also entered the firing range of the Huihui artillery. Zhu Jianwen stood on the wall, holding the artillery in his hand, undecided. If he ordered the artillery fire at this moment, he would definitely hit the Mongols who were running towards them. into pieces, but Lu Yunzhi will also be trapped in a tight siege. As long as he does not go to the rescue, the returning artillery and the Mongolian arrows will not be able to dodge even if Lu Yunzhi is super powerful. He kills two birds with one stone, forget it, Long Qingquan didn't know where he was hiding. It was too dangerous to do so. He left Qingshan without worrying about having no firewood. Besides, the enemy was in front of him, so he had to wait for another chance. Zhu Jianwen thought, "There are still more than a hundred steps left when there are five people on both sides." After reining in their horses, Meng He and Lu Yunzhi dismounted at the same time, and the two quickly ran towards each other. Meng He called affectionately: "Anda." Lu Yunzhi responded with the same falsehood, but Calling with enthusiasm: "Brother Meng He. "The two ran to a place, hugged each other, slapped each other on the back, and laughed. After laughing, Meng He said: "Anda, we haven't seen each other for a long time since we said goodbye last time. I didn't expect you and I to meet each other today. People actually met each other with swords and weapons. Lu Yunzhi replied with a smile: "No matter what, we are brothers. No matter whether we fight or not, we will always be brothers." " "Well said, come on, have a drink. "Meng He said, pulling off the wine bag from his waist, unscrewing it and handing it to Lu Yunzhi, "Lu Yunzhi has no doubt that it is poisonous, a war is a war, and friendship is friendship, so he took it and drank it. Meng He clapped his hands and praised, waiting for Lu Yunzhi After Yun Zhi finished drinking, he took the wine bag and took a sip and said: "Anda really trusts me and is a magnanimous man. I admire you. Don't you want to know why I want to attack the Ming Dynasty. " Lu Yunzhi shrugged and said: "In contrast, I want to know how you were resurrected, or that you were not dead at all, and who was the person Qimude killed. " "Are you sure that I must be me now? Meng He's eyes under the steel mask were bent and he said with a smile, Lu Yunzhi nodded: "I'm sure it's you. At first, when I found out that it was the Ghost Witch Leader who led the tribes to attack the Ming Dynasty, I thought it was someone pretending to be you. Later, I realized that I was wrong. When I saw you today, I was even more sure. Your appearance and voice can change, and your outfit is even more surprising. If you find someone who is about the same height as you and puts on an iron mask, no one will be able to tell. It¡¯s just you. I can't change my anger. It's definitely you. You are the only one among the ghosts and witches that I can't figure out. " "Yes, everything on the surface may not be true, but are you Lu Yunzhi? Where have the ghosts in your body gone? "Meng He asked coldly. Lu Yunzhi was slightly surprised. Only then did he think that Meng He had touched him just now. As the leader of the Ghost Witch Cult, he wasThe ghost spirit in his body was naturally very capable. Lu Yunzhi saw Meng He's suspicion, and shrugged helplessly and explained: "I said he looked like me and went to help me with things. Do you believe it?" He Yi was stunned for a long time before he nodded slightly and said, "Okay, I believe it." Lu Yunzhi smiled and said, "You haven't answered the question I asked you yet. What's going on with you? Could it be that you and I'm the same. The one who died was the ghost in your body. " "Haha, I'm not as evil as you. You, Lu Yunzhi, have caught up with all the strange things in the world. The one who died is my substitute. I have been practicing the art of ghost witches before, and I have been out of seclusion four times in the past twenty years. It is precisely because of my addiction to magic that Mongolia fell apart, and the ghost witches led the tribes to fight on their own. " Meng He said with a smile, Lu Yunzhi nodded, and Meng He continued: "The first time I left seclusion was for private matters, the second time was when I fought with you outside the capital, and the third time was with you. The time we got together with Anda to discuss the big plan, the fourth time is now. The one who was killed looked the same as me, and he was my half-brother. Over the years, the ghosts and witches always said that I had seen the dragon. The reason why I don¡¯t see the end is because although he looks very similar to me, he is not proficient in magic and dare not travel around the world for a long time. He can only appear twice occasionally in town scenes, not to mention the gang members who are in chaos, otherwise once they start to move If you do it, your secret will definitely be revealed. " "So you came forward this time because you succeeded in cultivation," Lu Yunzhi said with a teasing smile. Meng He patted Lu Yunzhi's arm and said, "I don't dare to say it is successful, but at least it is. I have made some small achievements. Most importantly, as the leader of the Ghost Witch, I should have led the Mongols to achieve great things. However, over the years, I have delayed the responsibilities that I should have shouldered just because of my personal preferences. This makes me feel deeply guilty. Now it is my turn. It¡¯s time to show great ambition and lead the Mongols back to prosperity.¡± Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 104: The Immortal is Struck by Lightning Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly, then shook his head and said: "Neither you nor I are fools. If you really think so, it means you are not smart enough and will definitely lose this battle. Brother Meng He, we are wise people and do not tell secrets. In terms of national strength, military strength, and the weapons and equipment of his generals, you, Wala, are far inferior to our Ming Dynasty. Why do you insist on fighting? Do you really want to destroy yourself? " Meng He raised his thumb and praised: " Although I don't agree with your bragging, Lu Yunzhi is indeed different from ordinary people. He sees the problem deeply. To be honest, before leaving the country, I never thought that Oara and even the entire Mongolian territory would be so chaotic. Now there is a civil war. It is impossible to unify the grassland, because there is the Ming Dynasty all around us, and more importantly, you do not want the Mongols to unite and become stronger. " "At the same time, Timur's Murong family is also ambitious and will never do it. We are waiting for us to develop and grow, but if the Mongolian people continue like this, they will be destroyed by internal fighting without the need for foreign enemies to invade. Therefore, the only way to end the internal wars within the nation and make the country prosperous and strong is to transfer all internal conflicts to foreign wars. , only when they are united in dealing with the outside world, Mongolians will not fight among themselves. Only with a common goal can we strive for better development. So even if I will definitely lose this time, I will persist until the end of my life. Because this war is a disaster for the Ming Dynasty, many families will lose their fathers, husbands or sons, but for us Mongolians, it is great news. I don¡¯t know if you can understand what I say." Meng He. Asked, Lu Yunzhi was silent for a long time before nodding and said: "Deflect the conflict and make the Mongolians share the same hatred. Brother Meng He, you are really powerful." Meng He clasped his fists according to Han etiquette and said, "I am not inconvenienced between us. Concealment, a heroic heart is also the key reason. Who wants to be a good man and be famous forever? As the saying goes, why don¡¯t men take Wu Gou and collect the fifty states in Guanshan? If they can unify the east, west, north, south, they will live and die without regrets. Yun Zhi sighed and said: "But one general's achievements have caused thousands of bones to wither, and the prosperity of the people has been miserable, and the common people have been miserable. That's all, let's not talk about it. The day you and I meet again after today's farewell will be the time to decide life and death. I won't I will be merciful." Meng He laughed loudly: "Neither will I. My dear Anda, I feel comfortable and happy fighting against a hero like you." Lu Yunzhi suddenly asked: "By the way, you. What does this expedition have to do with Ying Mei?" Before he finished speaking, suddenly there was a rumble of thunder on the horizon, and the sound was getting closer and closer. As far as the eye could see, there were only dark clouds and thunder and lightning. Meng He frowned and said, "Someone is coming. Lu Yunzhi also frowned and looked into the distance for a long time and said, "Who could it be? It feels so familiar. It looks like something." Meng He asked, and Lu Yunzhi replied with a slight smile. Just like me, I think it¡¯s the nightmare inside me that¡¯s coming, and this kid doesn¡¯t know what he¡¯s up to.¡± As he was speaking, hundreds of thousands of people were standing in front of the two armies, but only one person could be seen. A person who looks like Lu Yunzhi is flying in the air, flying towards here quickly. Behind him are huge thunders in the sky. The colors of the thunder and lightning are not what you usually see. They are in many colors, red, blue and white. Purple, black, and green were all mixed together, and it was really majestic. Although many people in the two armies knew that the Zhongzheng lineage had the magical power to control thunder and wind, they had never seen it. Cai Lei, I saw "Lu Yunzhi" in front of the thunder, his long clothes fluttering like an immortal. The Mongolian army and the Han army are both iron-blooded men who have experienced life and death. They are fearless against no matter how powerful the enemy is, but what is happening now It was a sight they could not understand, so many people knelt down and worshiped the nightmare floating in the air as a god. They kowtowed and prayed, but no one wanted to fight for a while. The nightmare clearly saw the appearance of the two armies in the air, and his face was full of emotion. He seemed to be in high spirits. He took a moment and waved to the people on both sides, smiled and nodded, as if the emperor was on a parade. Lu Yunzhi and Meng He looked at each other and couldn't help laughing. Lu Yunzhi said: "Look In fact, most of the soldiers on both sides are simple people. They don't want to fight in their bones. If they are as bloodthirsty as demons, they will worship no gods. Meng He was noncommittal and did not answer. He paused and changed the subject before saying, "Don't try to persuade me to turn the fight into friendship. By the way, the nightmare in your body has become the same as you. Even the ability is exactly the same." , Now that there are two Lu Yunzhi in the world, I am afraid that it will be very bad for me to be your enemy this time. " Just when Lu Yunzhi was about to answer, he suddenly exclaimed: "Brother Meng He, look at Nightmare's clothes. "Meng He looked in the direction Lu Yunzhi said. Although Meng Heyi had a proud look on his face, his brows were a little flustered. The corners of his clothes were torn, and there were some burnt marks on the edges. Meng He looked at Lu Yunzhi for no apparent reason, and Lu Yunzhi also had a confused look on his face. Suddenly there was a flash of thunder in the sky.? slashed towards Nightmare, who was still pretending to be in the air and wanted to take a leisurely stroll in the garden. At this time, he shouted: "Oh my god." He somersaulted and fell from the wind. Lu Yunzhi was shocked, but saw Nightmare didn't fall down, but threw himself into the ground. A big hole was opened in the ground by Nightmare's earth-bending technique. Nightmare got into it, and lightning struck the ground and exploded through the earth. The ground was filled with dust. Not only Lu Yunzhi and Meng He, but also the soldiers on both sides were stunned. They were just immortals, why were they struck by lightning now? Lu Yunzhi murmured: "What on earth did this guy do?" What happened? Is this a punishment from God or something? Why is it being chased and struck by thunder?" As he spoke, he was secretly shocked. Could it be that the nightmare had not recovered and became an extraordinary thing that should not have appeared, so he was punished by God? " Lei and Nightmare seemed to be cooperating with Lu Yunzhi's words. Nightmare collapsed from the earth, and another red lightning came quickly. Nightmare rolled away to dodge, but after all, his body was a little slower, and he couldn't dodge in time. He could only yell and fight with Qi, and only heard a bang. The sword made of Qi collided with the sky thunder, blowing the nightmare away. The nightmare rolled on the spot again and did not dare to stop, and continued to move towards Lu. Yun Zhi ran over, shouting as he ran: "Hurry up and save me, I've been struck by lightning." As soon as Nightmare's words fell, lightning struck again. Nightmare kept dodging and rolling and crawling. In a state of embarrassment, Lu Yunzhi uttered exclamations or curses such as "Oh!" After a faint test with his hands, he felt that the thunder in the sky did not affect his lightning control, so he suddenly rushed towards the lightning strike. The two shining electric currents collided together, causing Lu Yunzhi's whole body to feel pain. Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 105: Desire to compete with God Lu Yunzhi hurriedly asked: "What's wrong with you, Nightmare." Nightmare replied breathlessly: "I have studied the things in the tower and understood them. Now I am a product of the heavenly defiance. I have to withstand the strikes of nine thunderbolts and avoid them. It¡¯s useless, you have to go head-on, or bear the thunder with your body. Damn it, it¡¯s coming again.¡± Lu Yunzhi Yutu Chengzhu faced a green lightning, and the nightmare yelled, and there was no time to explain. As it moved forward, the lightning split the stone pillars that popped up on the ground into powder, and struck Lu Yunzhi and Mengmeng. Although the two of them had dodged a little, and the stone pillars had previously resisted, they were still slightly hit by the lightning. At this time, their hair and eyebrows were a little burnt, and blood flowed from their nostrils and ears. There was a rumbling sound and it was hard to hear what Meng He next to him was shouting. Meng He suddenly worshiped four evil ghosts from his body and the sky. , resisting the attack of Tianlei together, Taotie rushed in front and swallowed the power of lightning with his mouth, Xuhua grabbed Taotie's body and sucked in the energy, Jiuying was in the third place and released Gang Qi and cold energy to attack Tian Lei from a distance. Slowing down the offensive of Tianlei and reducing the pressure on Taotie at the front, Shang Yang surrounded Meng He and protected him to prevent him from turning into the virtuous character of Lu Yunzhi and Mengma. After a roar, Taotie actually had some He was erratic, and it looked both real and illusory. He must have been seriously injured. Looking at the three evil ghosts behind him, the ghost energy was also rising. Even Meng He, who was standing at the end, was ignited with flames, but he was quickly used by him with ghost spirits. After extinguishing it, Meng He sat cross-legged on the ground, holding his breath and concentrating on recuperating. It seemed that he was shocked. Lu Yunzhi shook his head and woke up a little. He got up from the ground and pulled Nightmare over. Nightmare was also dizzy after being hit. , especially with Lu Yunzhi, it seems that he has experienced several lightning strikes before. Lu Yunzhi couldn't help but think about it in his mind. It seems that the thunder is really getting stronger. Nightmare has the same ability as himself. If not, he would definitely not be able to stop it just now. Several attacks like that, and the nightmare just now was intact except for some burnt spots on his clothes. Just as he was thinking about it, the nightmare suddenly got back into Lu Yunzhi's body. Lu Yunzhi suddenly said in surprise: "It's really good. , can return to my body." Nightmare scolded: "Quickly block the thunder, you are so happy at this time." After hearing this, Lu Yunzhi pulled Meng He who was sitting cross-legged and meditating on his shoulder. Meng He closed his eyes tightly and did not stop him. The evil spirits returned to Meng He's body one after another. Shang Yang flew into the sky. Lu Yunzhi walked against the wind, avoiding the thunder that kept trying to strike. The nightmare kept chattering in Lu Yunzhi's body. , this feeling has not appeared for a long time, Lu Yunzhi smiled knowingly, and Nightmare said: "You're laughing your ass off, there's no point in hiding. I've been struck by lightning since I left the tower, damn, it struck me all the way. Ah, from the Double Dragon Valley, I have to hit you hard. There are nine lightning bolts in total. Each one is really more powerful than the last. The next one is the eighth one. I don¡¯t know if I can catch it. Tell me if I feel wronged. , I am provoking someone." Nightmare's voice was sometimes irritable and sometimes extremely aggrieved. Lu Yun couldn't help but want to laugh, but the current situation did not allow it, so she held back, "What happened to this thunder? What's going on? Please tell me carefully, otherwise I won't be able to rely on brute force to block it. Lu Yunzhi asked seriously, and Nightmare replied: "You just don't believe in my judgment. You want me to explain it to you. You can make your own judgment, and you still go around with me. Okay, I said, I'll go." When we were in the tower, the seventh floor, which was closed last time, had been opened. There was a word "give up" written on it. I guess it was because the door opened by itself just after we left last time. It means that you are willing to give up because you didn't wait hard. , I was entangled in this, so the door was opened. When I went up, I saw the four words Nine Thunder Heavenly Tribulation written on the eighth floor, as well as the need to forcefully endure or use the body to withstand such things. I almost burst out laughing at that time, It¡¯s not the legendary goblin training, what kind of calamity, but the method of restraining the shadow demon is described in detail next to it. This is not important now. I will tell you in detail later. Later, after reading it, when I walked out of the tower At that time, my God, what a fucking disaster. I wanted to hide in the tower, but the tower's conduction almost burned me to death in the tower. " "But after being exposed to the thunder once, I felt that my body was different. It was both real and illusory. It was more physical than before, but it also regained a bit of ghost feeling. In short, it was an indescribable strange feeling. I took it. Four thunders, one is faster than the other, and one is more fierce than the other. After using the earth-bending technique to catch the thunder in front of the formation, I really can't hold it anymore. You just caught two, this ghost witch leader After taking one, there are still two left. Run away and let me slow down for a while. We will take the next one together. "Nightmare added, "During the conversation, the sky thunder struck several times, almost hitting Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi was not very flexible in carrying Meng He, and could only figure out how to resist it for a while. The situation was urgent. , Under this situation, Lu Yunzhi was not in a position to ask in detail, so he kept silent and just nodded to agree. Speaking of Meng He blocking a thunderbolt for him just now, Lu Yunzhi was really a little bit confused. Surprised, just as he was thinking about it, Meng He opened his eyes, looked at Lu Yunzhi and said, "Is it strange?""Lu Yunzhi nodded, and Meng He replied: "Although I don't know why, I am afraid that you are about to resist the sky thunder. You and I have become Anda. I will send troops to surprise you while you are blocking the sky thunder. Daying, this is too unkind, so in order to compensate you, I will stand in your way first. Besides, fighting against the sky is a once-in-a-lifetime thing. I also want to try the power of the sky. Haha, my wish is over, and our friendship is over. Return, Meng He goes. " After saying that, Meng He broke away from Lu Yunzhi and ran towards his army. Lu Yunzhi frowned and wanted to take action to control Meng He, but he was able to run away. The army lacked a general, and Zhu alone relied on him. After seeing and hearing, he didn¡¯t know if he could withstand the thunder. Just when he was about to take action, a thunder struck. Lu Yunzhi had to give up Meng He, and together with the nightmare, he controlled the thunder and earth to resist the thunder. As soon as he came into contact with the thunder, Lu Yunzhi had no choice but to abandon Meng He. Yunzhi and Mengmeng separated immediately, and were blown away again, but this time they spun in a circle in the air, their strength dispersed a little, and they did not fall hard to the ground. Lu Yunzhi and Mengmeng thought about both sides respectively. Flying away, I saw Long Qingquan rushing out from nowhere, drawing seventeen positive shapes with his hands to resolve the great force endured by Lu Yunzhi and Nightmare. This time, the power of the sky thunder was extremely huge, even if Lu Yunzhi and Nightmare were two People tried their best, used thunder and earth to contend with hair, and used fire and air to resist, but they still suffered heavy injuries. Because of the appearance of Long Qingquan, Lu Yunzhi and the two were not injured, even though their strength had already been reduced. Most of it was reduced, but Long Qingquan was still shaken back by the strong force coming from his hands. He took seven or eight steps back before his legs gave out and he fell backwards. A stream of blood gushed out from the corner of his mouth. It seemed that he had suffered internal injuries. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 106: Biaozi (an extra update for hello) At this time, Meng He had returned to the Wala army and hurriedly ordered an attack to capture the Ming army's continuous stronghold. Lu Yunzhi looked sideways, endured the pain and rushed to Long Qingquan, helped Long Qingquan and asked He said: "Are you okay?" Long Qingquan said: "It's nothing serious, is there anything else?" After saying that, Long Qingquan raised his head and looked at Tianlei. Lu Yunzhi knew that he was asking about how many more Tianlei there were, so he hurriedly replied : "One more thing." "Then I'll come, you go back and direct the battle, Nightmare and I will resist together." Long Qingquan said, Nightmare came over, nodded and said: "Lao Lu, please go quickly, Qingquan and I can do it "Lu Yunzhi shook his head and said: "Stop talking about it, Qingquan, hurry up. It's more important to hide aside and protect us than to catch the thunder for us. If we are unconscious, take us back to the camp quickly and guard us day and night. No one else but us. I can¡¯t believe it either.¡± Long Qingquan didn¡¯t understand what Lu Yunzhi meant, but still nodded firmly, and disappeared without knowing where he was after a few leaps. Anyway, the ground was already occupied by Lu Yunzhi and Nightmare Yutu. The technique caused jagged rocks and deep pits everywhere. Only then did Lu Yunzhi feel relieved and glanced at Shang Huan, who was silent in the distance. He was looking at the Wala army with his crossed eyebrows raised. It seemed that To protect Lu Yunzhi, he was very smart and knew that he could not withstand the thunder, so he did not come to cause trouble at all. Lu Yunzhi nodded, and then said to the nightmare: "Turn blood into essence, use life to offset it, heaven, earth and man will be successful. The origin comes from the heart." The nightmare hesitated a little, but also smiled slightly and penetrated into Lu Yunzhi's body again, but half of his body popped out and stretched out from Lu Yunzhi's front, "Old Lu, we are the gods, damn it. Yes, let¡¯s fight against that Heaven¡¯s Thunder.¡± Nightmare yelled, and Lu Yun also got mad and yelled: ¡°God has always been mean to me, it seems that Heaven¡¯s Thunder is the most powerful. The weapon has been fired for the last time. Life or death is uncertain. Whether the sky is higher or I am higher, let the world wait and see." As he spoke, the Wala army had already sounded the horn of attack, and thousands of troops began to advance slowly with shouts. The huge besieged enemy. The trebuchets called return artillery also started to rotate, and stones were placed on them and began to be thrown into the wooden stronghold. In order to increase the effect and burn down the strong wooden stronghold of the Ming army, and by the way to disrupt the morale of the Ming army, all the huge stones were also thrown Drizzled with kerosene, lit it and then threw it into the Ming army camp. Zhu Jianwen saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart. Lu Yunzhi was trapped outside the city. Facing thousands of troops, he was covered in iron and could smash a few nails. He deliberately If he doesn't rescue him, he is afraid that Qingze, Qu Xiangtian and others will not be able to spare him in the future, and Bai Yonglong Qingquan will go straight to the camp to take his head. If he sends troops out of the camp to rescue him, he will fall into the trap of the Mongols. How could the plain in front of the stronghold be a match for the Mongolian cavalry? Moreover, during the time when the stronghold gate was opened to send troops out of the city, the enemy would definitely attack the opened stronghold gate. The army's departure from the stronghold would not be completed in a short while, I'm afraid. When the time comes, Lu Yunzhi will be unable to be saved, and even the stronghold will be destroyed. Tens of thousands of soldiers will die in the camp, and he will not be able to escape. Zhu Jianwen frowned. Just as he was thinking about it, a huge fireball boulder came out. It had already arrived, and it hit the wooden village head-on. It was called a wooden village because the main body of the village was made of wood. Logically speaking, it could not withstand such a blow. However, the wood used by Zhu Jianwen was all the finest towering hardwood. The wooden pillars are very deep into the ground and have strong resistance to blows. The gaps between the wood are plugged with small stones and filled with glutinous rice juice mixed with lime. In short, they are unbreakable and slightly better than ordinary city walls. So when the boulder hit the wall of the village, apart from causing a huge shock, there was no collapse as the Mongolians imagined. A boulder hit Zhu Jianwen, and several soldiers beside him were immediately crushed into flesh. Pancake, Zhu Jianwen's clothes were also caught in the fire. Zhu Jianwen was shocked, but for a while Zhu Jianwen actually became more awake. Yes, being unable to rescue is a blessing, not a curse. Is it a disaster that cannot be avoided? Is it a God-given opportunity? He had a bad relationship with Lu Yunzhi. Now he couldn't tell. His duty was to guard the camp. Even if he didn't go out to rescue Lu Yunzhi, it was natural. Besides, looking at the Tianlei battle just now, he couldn't help much even if he sent troops out. Having said that, even if a large army was sent to Lu Yunzhi's side, there was no way to ask him to return to the camp. The Ming army was not good enough, and the Mongols were even less good. Thinking of this, Zhu Jianwen actually felt a little disappointed. Soon Zhu Jianwen smiled again, If Lu Yunzhi couldn't withstand the thunderous bombardment and fell to the ground, then he only had to bluff and ride out to rescue him alone. The guard general next to him would definitely stop him, and he would use the donkey down the slope to shed a few tears, and then If you shout something about killing all the Tartars to avenge your brothers, you will be able to get the name of loyalty easily. Even if Bai Yongqu Xiangtian and the others come, they will be stunned by the reason and the story. But Fang Qingze and Murong Yunfei should be more careful. Huh, Murong Yunfei and Lu Yunzhi have always looked alike. Although Fang Qingze is smart, I think I can deceive him if I put more effort into it. Zhu Jianwen thought of this and was busy with the soldiers. He hid in the fortifications under the escort to avoid the huge rocks falling from the sky. In addition to the lime, the walls of the wooden village also had a layer ofIt is difficult to start a fire because of the stronghold, but the houses and tents in the stronghold can burn easily. Fortunately, Zhu Jianwen took precautions and calmly sent a water dragon team to put out the fire. Ordinary soldiers also used water from water tanks that could be seen everywhere. He put out the newly ignited flames with piles of wet soil and sand, and finally there was no danger. At this time, Shi Biao ran in wearing armor, clasped his fists and said: "His Royal Highness, Nine Thousand Years Old is in the camp. "Except, shall we go to the rescue?" Zhu Jianwen was overjoyed, killing two birds with one stone. "Save, of course he will be saved, no matter how old he is, he is my brother, hey, it's just that I have the responsibility of guarding him." It is difficult to escape from the heavy task of the village. How about this, I leave the defense to you, and I will lead a team of troops to go out and rescue my brother." Zhu Jianwen said affectionately, Shi Biao shook his head and said, "Absolutely not. "Zhu Jianwen narrowed his eyes and looked at Shi Biao, thinking that this boy is not stupid. He knows that besides Lu Yunzhi, he will be of great benefit to the Shi family. It seems that killing two birds with one stone is not enough. In the future, we can form an alliance. But speaking of this I feel a little sorry for Lu Yunzhi because he is too ungrateful. Anyway, no one who achieves great things is loyal. Lu Yunzhi, I, Zhu Jianwen, will fill your grave with new soil and pour a cup of muddy wine every year. As for you, I will also take good care of your family members. I'm sorry, Yun Zhi. Shi Biao obviously didn't notice the change in Zhu Jianwen's expression, and said to himself: "Nine thousand years old was kind to me. He sent Long Qingquan to rescue me." I, Shi Biao, a good man who has spared my life, must repay his kindness. Besides, I am not as good at defending the city as you, the king. It is better for you to defend the camp. I will lead the troops to rescue him." As soon as Zhu said this. I was dumbfounded after hearing this, Shi Biao was really a scoundrel. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 107: Killing Two Birds with One Stone Zhu Jianwen looked embarrassed. He just wanted to reason that if he opened the city gate and sent too many troops, he would not be able to defend it enough to allow the enemy to sneak in. He wished that Shi Biao could ride out of the city alone to rescue him, trying his best to kill two birds with one stone. The bird is Lu Yunzhi, and the other is Shi Biao. Although Zhu Jianwen has regained his status as the king, his power in the court at this time is not as powerful as Shi Heng. If Lu Yunzhi dies, I am afraid that the Northern Expedition army will be defeated. It is still not his turn to be the commander-in-chief, and Shi Biao is the most likely to succeed him. If Shi Biao dies, then he will be the only one who can be of great use. Moreover, he has saved Shi Biao once before, so Shi Heng will not doubt it. I can only secretly hate my nephew for being too loyal, too stupid and too naive. Even if Shi Biao dies outside without fighting, I will lock him up outside. This is a good plan. Shi Biao responded to Zhu Jianwen¡¯s thoughts and spoke. Zhu was overjoyed when he saw the news. If the words did not come from his own mouth, there would be no danger or responsibility. He only heard Shi Biao say: "When we go out to the city to rescue, the soldiers are more elite than more. Just let me lead five hundred elite soldiers, and I will go quickly." Come back quickly, the king will strictly guard the gate of the village to ensure that the camp is not lost. "Zhu Jianwen had a look of admiration on his face, but there was a contemptuous smile in his heart. He cupped his fists and said, "General Shi is very righteous. The king was very impressed, "Come out of the city, I will use artillery to clear the way for you." "Using artillery to open a way is not just a matter of words. There is Zhu Jianwen's plan in it. When most people hear this, they must think that Zhu Jianwen has good intentions." , those with a lower rank would be moved and worshiped on the spot, and those with a higher rank would not think that Zhu Jianwen had any evil intentions. Obviously Shi Biao did not see that Zhu Jianwen did it on purpose, but instead smiled and said: "This is not okay, just said King Liaotong, you are good at guarding the city, but I, Shi Biao, was good at raiding as a reckless man. It seems that he is specialized in the art. Opening the way with artillery is a big taboo, not to mention the possibility of accidentally injuring our own people. After all, I have too many people. Not much. The most important thing is that we are going out to rescue people this time, not to defeat the enemy, so we have to trouble His Royal Highness to use artillery to hit one side of the attack to attract the enemy's attention. I led the troops out from the side gate of Muzhai. Go and come back quickly, okay, let's go without further ado." Zhu Jianwen clasped his fists and said, "I admire you, I wish General Shi success." As he said this, he thought to himself: Although Shi Biao has no good political sense. , but leading troops to fight is not a good thing. At this point, success or failure depends on God's will. Having said this, Zhu Jianwen can't make any more mistakes and use artillery to focus on the enemy's Chinese army. , let Shi Biao and 500 dead soldiers out of the stronghold from the side gate. As soon as Shi Biao left the city, he encountered the Mongolian army. It was not that Zhu Jianwen was bad, but when Shi Biao ordered all the soldiers and horses to leave the stronghold, the Mongols had already been The stroll turned into a mad dash, until we reached the wooden stronghold. But why did the enemy attack the side door that was not wide? Could it be that Meng He saw Shi Biao's intention? No, not only the side door, but also every door had Mongolian soldiers. Before the attack, the Mongolian general asked Meng He: There are not many side doors at the gate of Muzhai, but together they are very determined. Which door should be attacked when the entire army presses forward? Meng He smiled coldly and asked: " Can tens of thousands of us squeeze into one door? "All the soldiers shook their heads. Of course they can't, but there must be certain rules in fighting. There is a reason for which gate to storm or which gate to pretend to attack. Only by cooperating well can we capture the fortified city. That's why we have to listen to Meng He's troop formations. , who would have thought that Meng He actually asked them about it. Although the leaders of these Mongolian generals were all rough and tough, they couldn't say it in words, but they understood in their hearts, because most of the generals also followed the Ming Dynasty in the south, so they naturally knew these things. Meng He suddenly shouted: "I know what you are thinking. When I was here, the number of Mongolian athletes was less than that of the Ming army, and we were able to defeat the enemy and force them to defeat the Han capital. Now there are so many of us." , the same number as the Ming army. If you ask which gate to attack, just attack it. The Han people can't have so many people in one sect, and the same is true for us. Let's fight hard and fight a blitzkrieg to prevent them from being on the same gate as us. Consumption, I want to see whether the meat-eating Mongolian athletes are more powerful, or the grass-eating Han people are brave, break down doors, break down strongholds, and kill him with a lot of heads. ¡± Artillery is relatively easy to use for long-range attack, but not so good for close-range attack. Fortunately, there are new artillery developed by Fang Qingze and those strange firecrackers and other new weapons, which have some effect, but the number is too large after all. Few, in the face of a large-scale battle involving hundreds of thousands of people, these things seemed to be a drop in the bucket. Such unorganized attacks by the Mongols made Zhu Jianwen a little confused. As the saying goes, beating a master to death with random punches is this. The truth is, the Mongols are physically strong, brave by nature, love to fight fiercely, and their military laws are quite strict, so they attack the stronghold wall with all their lives, while the Ming army is condescending and has a strong stronghold wall to rely on, and they also have firearms in their hands. Advanced weapons, in short, these advantages and disadvantages are combined, the two sides are evenly matched, and they are in a deadlock for a while. There are shouts and curses everywhere, the sound of killing is loud, and the smell of blood in the air is strong. The cannons are still throwing boulders towards villageThrowing them, although some lost their accuracy and hit the Mongolians who were attacking the city, most of them still flew into the Ming army's wooden stronghold. The Ming army had to guard against the Mongolian barbarians who were climbing below. The gate was broken down by the Mongols, and some Mongolians who were furious were slashing at the wooden village with sabers. They also needed to be shot. Now, the headache is that the huge rocks flying from the sky have not broken. Fortunately, there are artillery supports. Now, the advantages of artillery have also been revealed. Artillery is expensive. As the saying goes, a cannon is worth ten thousand taels of gold once fired, which means it is expensive to build. However, the power of artillery is also much greater than that of returning artillery. It is troublesome to fill the shells. You must first put in gunpowder. , press it, neither too tight nor too loose, then put in iron balls or filled cannonballs developed by Fang Qingze, then light the fuse and fire. You cannot fill it immediately. You must first wipe the inside of the cannon with water, and then Clean out the residue and then wipe it with a dry cloth before continuing to fire, otherwise the barrel will explode. But later, someone found that it is better to use vinegar. Vinegar is more volatile than water. After wiping with vinegar, the heat of the artillery itself will be added quickly. That's it. The rear-entry artillery developed by Fang Qingze later made it even more convenient, but the cost was three or four times more than ordinary artillery. The reason why artillery is expensive is that the shells need to be cast in the right size. Otherwise, it is easy to leak, and the cannonballs cannot fly far or accurately. Secondly, the artillery itself is difficult to cast and requires a blast furnace to practice. If the iron is too large, there will be cracks in ordinary iron furnaces. There are also cracks without cracks. Gas holes, in short, these will cause the artillery to have a short service life, and even if it cannot fire even one shot, it will accidentally explode. When the time comes, the enemy will not be damaged, but you will be killed. The artillery manufacturing process is quite troublesome, so even if it is the Ming Dynasty The main force of the army will not be equipped with too many artillery pieces. The array of more than ninety new artillery pieces like today is already super large. Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 108: The Heaven-defying Realm Compared with artillery, the return cannon has advantages and disadvantages. The advantages are that it is simple to make, has a very fast rate of fire, and is not as cumbersome as an artillery piece. It is also quite convenient to make and assemble, is cheap and durable, and can be disassembled for easy deployment with the army at any time. The disadvantage is that it is not as powerful as the artillery, the range is not far enough, and the accuracy is also poor. It is okay to face a behemoth like Mu Zhai. If the target is a small pavilion, a hundred-shot boulder may not be able to hit it. Even if it is a behemoth, It cannot move, it must be a dead object, and it can be projected tentatively. For example, when Shi Biao made the troops move slightly when facing the returning artillery, the power of the returning artillery was suddenly reduced. There is no solution. Increase the returning artillery. The power of the cannon is nothing more than aggravating the boulder, or increasing the size of the cannon. The enlarged cannon is called the giant cannon without any new ideas. As the power increases, the range becomes longer, and the accuracy becomes even worse. In the same way, If you want to increase the range of ordinary returning cannons, you need to reduce the weight of the thrown object and increase the distance at the cost of reduced power. As for the accuracy, there is no way to adjust it. You can only rely on the gunner's experience. If it doesn't work, use small stones. , fired as shotguns, using large numbers to improve the hit rate, just like casting a wide net to catch fish frequently, the most important thing is to hit by accident in large numbers. Now, Meng He has more than 200 artillery pieces, which are transported with the army. There are countless boulders flying all over the sky. At the same time, the air is filled with the roar of artillery and the spinning sound of Huihui artillery. Therefore, this time is not only a competition between Han and Mongolian warriors inside and outside Muzhai, but also Huihui artillery. In the competition with artillery, two outstanding representatives of hot and cold long-range weapons, no matter how inaccurate the artillery was, it could not withstand the huge numbers. Zhu Jianwen was miserable. At the same time, a lot of artillery was also damaged. Meng He did not get the benefit of the artillery. As long as one of the return cannons is hit, the return cannon will collapse suddenly, and the surrounding return cannons will also be affected. Fortunately, Meng He had the foresight to place every ten return cannons together in a group. Otherwise, if they were concentrated together or arranged in a row, In a row, the artillery only needs one shell to hit, and a single return gun can destroy the entire position by itself. It is not Meng and Ben. It is good to separate them all, but the full-scale blow will disappear. If the force is too small, it will not cause much damage to the enemy. Both sides are fighting back and forth. The bloody battlefield is full of broken limbs and broken arms. The soldiers are covered in blood and either fall to the ground or hiss. Shouting and groaning, the originally peaceful front of the two armies turned into a hell on earth with a sea of ??blood and a mountain of corpses. Lu Yunzhi was in the battlefield, but no one around him dared to get close, not only because his current image was extremely weird. , half of a person exactly like him poked out of his body, with four hands, two feet and two heads. It was very scary. There was thunder above the head, and the colorful sky thunder kept circling, as if it was gathering strength to send out the most violent blow. , In this unimaginable situation, even the bloodthirsty Mongolian cavalry kept Lu Yunzhi at a distance, and they all rode away from where he was. Of course, there were also some who were not short-sighted, or rushed into Lu Yunzhi by mistake. In front of Yunzhi, these people were all pierced with double forks by the guard Shang Wang who was standing aside. Gradually, a wall of human corpses and horse corpses was formed around Lu Yunzhi, isolating Lu Yunzhi. Inside, people outside could not see the situation clearly. At this time, Lu Yunzhi and Mengmeng stared at the sky. I don¡¯t know which one of them used their energy to form a sword. The sword floated in the air, and Lu Yunzhi The four hands of He Mengmeng grabbed the sword at the same time, and blood instantly flowed down the four arms. Lu Yunzhi smiled. This was a move he had learned before. It is better to say it is a move than a state. This This state requires the cooperation of nightmares. Only nightmares that are both real and illusory can have both ghost energy and blood. Now that nightmares have achieved it, the two of them have to reach this state and defeat Tianlei, because this state has been blocked by Lu Yun. It is called going against the will of heaven. Once desire reaches this state, not even the sky can stop them. Lu Yunzhi and Mengmeng respectively used four hands to draw across Lu Yunzhi's forehead, and the blood on their foreheads was dyed red. The hair and the white hair, then the left hand and the left hand, the right hand and the right hand, were tightly clasped together. The two of them used their heart skills to activate all the arts of heaven and earth at the same time, and controlled the energy around them. The nightmare also showed its greatest ghost power. Qi, for a moment the sky and the earth changed colors, violent winds, lightning and thunder, and showers. Along with the qi-controlling swords in flames, the ice crystal springs on the stone pillars, and the black current in the vines, they all created a bizarre scene. Lu Yun He yelled: "The art of controlling gold. "Suddenly, the metal products on the surrounding corpses began to shake, and then quickly formed into a ball. The smaller they melted, the smaller they turned into a small ball. The small ball quickly turned into liquid, tightly wrapping the hands of Lu Yunzhi and Nightmare. Together, the sky thunder also twisted into one. The mixture of colors is really beautiful, but no one dares to regard the sky thunder as a beautiful scenery, because its power is self-evident, and the gorgeous colors can make people feel With the beauty of death, Nightmare smiled and said: "Lao Lu, to deal with Ying Mei, you must first accept the test of heaven. At that time, I still thought that the heavenly calamity was a lie. What should we do?"?I accepted Tian¡¯s postgraduate entrance examination. It¡¯s fine now. Thunder has chased me all the way. Now success or failure depends on this. The last thunder struck. The ninth thunder is the heavenly calamity. Damn it, why does everything have to do with nine? As for the relationship, the high tower in the valley has nine floors, the sky thunder has nine ways, the seven clan arts of heaven and earth plus the art of controlling air and the art of ghosts and witches also make nine. If we don't die this time, we will be worthy of the name of God, and After I go to heaven, my name will be changed to Xiaojiu. " Lu Yunzhi smiled and did not answer Mengma's words. Instead, he asked Mengma: "Are you ready, brother? "Nightmare nodded and put away his playful face. His face was serious but filled with dissatisfaction and ridicule towards God. This ridicule was exactly the same as Lu Yunzhi's expression. The two of them spoke in unison: "Turn blood into Essence is counterbalanced by life, heaven, earth and man are created, and their origin comes from the heart. " Lu Yunzhi had asked Nightmare before these words, but now after the two of them had done the previous actions, these words had a different effect. The two of them emitted bursts of white light, and the light became more and more dazzling. Shang Wang, who was stabbed in the circle of corpses, couldn't open his eyes. He could only jump out with a single leap. The light became more and more intense and shot out through the gaps in the corpse wall. It made people feel like it was another sun. The light came from There was light coming from both of them, but there was no light on Lu Yunzhi's head. He closed his eyes tightly for fear of being blinded by the light, but even so, the light still came in through his eyelids, making Lu Yunzhi miserable. , he gritted his teeth and endured this silently, and at the same time he heard the nightmare's muffled groans, Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 109: The wind is blowing At this time, the thunder from the sky struck down, heading straight for Lu Yunzhi with a formation like thousands of troops. Wherever he went, all kinds of spells floating around were resolved one by one, and instantly turned into The powder was as unstoppable as the destructive force. Seeing that the thunder was about to hit Lu Yunzhi, the light on Lu Yunzhi suddenly disappeared, and the place where the blood was smeared on his forehead suddenly disappeared. A villain appeared. The villain was white-gold in body. His appearance was the same as Lu Yunzhi and Nightmare. He stretched out his hands and struck the sky thunder without fear. The sky thunder and the platinum-gold villain collided together, and only a sound was heard. There was a roar, and the heaven and earth changed dramatically. The soldiers from both sides attacking the city and defending the city stopped fighting, and stared dumbfounded at the place where the loud noise was made. After the loud noise, the sky and the earth were silent. No matter how the soldiers shouted, there was no sound. Everyone was stunned. Everyone panicked, including Long Qingquan who was hiding in the dark and Meng He who looked calm. After about a cup of tea, the sounds returned to the battlefield. There was a faint drizzle in the sky, and the sound of pattering drifted. On the battlefield, but people have not come back to their senses. They are holding weapons and standing still in place like sculptures. I don¡¯t know who reacted first and shouted "Kill." The soldiers on both sides then recovered. In the fighting state, no one could see Lu Yunzhi's situation, because the corpses of the enemy soldiers killed by Shang Wang were piled up in a mountain outside, blocking the outside view. However, the loud noise and the shaking of the heaven and earth just now did not affect this wall of corpses. Against the wall, Lu Yunzhi was lying on the ground. The nightmare did not retract into his body. Half of Lu Yunzhi's body came out of Lu Yunzhi's body and leaned on the ground. The two of them were panting and looking at the sky with their eyes open. The rain was hitting their faces. On their faces, but neither of them spoke, after a long time, Mengmai and Lu Yunzhi started laughing at the same time. Their laughter went from low to high, and then turned into bursts of arrogant laughter. A lot of blood stars burst out, and the nightmare said with a smile: "Old Lu, are we dead or alive?" Lu Yunzhi replied: "Of course we are alive. If we die, we will be separated. How can we keep this You look embarrassed, huh, it¡¯s just like that. We were defeated by the two brothers. I said, you kid, don¡¯t hang around. Come in or go out quickly.¡± ¡°You think I want it?¡± I can't move now, I'm both real and illusory now, you can pull me out or put me back into your body, thank you," Nightmare said to Lu Yunzhi with a hint of ridicule, "Lu Yunzhi snorted. Instead of being angry, he laughed and cursed: "You know that I can't move. If I could move, I would throw you into the stinky ditch first. It's okay. I provoked you first. Now think about what we should do." "Long Qingquan, Shang Huan, come in quickly." Mengmeng opened his mouth and shouted loudly. As soon as he finished shouting, he shouted with force, causing himself and Lu Yunzhi to cough repeatedly, and blood spurted out as they coughed. , both Lu Yunzhi and Shang Wang's faces turned pale for a moment, but there was a trace of sick flush in the whites, which made people know that they must have been seriously injured. The nightmare's voice was the same as Lu Yunzhi's, so he shouted Before Lu Yunzhi could speak, Shang Wang and Long Qingquan had already jumped in without suspecting him. Then they heard Meng He shouting at the top of his lungs: "Capture the thief first, capture the king first, and deal with Lu Yunzhi. He injured. " Lu Yunzhi pouted at Nightmare. Nightmare then realized that he had caused a big disaster. According to Lu Yunzhi's usual practice, he should have jumped out of the corpse wall, or even floated directly into the air with the wind. Now, now He actually asked someone to come in, what else could it be if he wasn't injured? Lu Yunzhi sighed and said: "Qingquan, Shang Wang, it's not that convenient for me to move now, so I want you two to escort me out of the siege. "The two of them nodded and listened to what was going on around them. Lu Yunzhi didn't want to go out so quickly, because he always worried about others and worried that he would be eaten by mermaids if he couldn't move, but now he couldn't. I don¡¯t believe Long Qingquan and Shang Wang. Shang Wang is loyal, and Long Qingquan can be regarded as his brother-in-law. Now under this situation, he can only rely on these two people. Long Qingquan glanced at Shang Wang and said: ¡°You take the lord out, I¡¯ll stay to stop them. But Shang Wang said: "No, I will stay to stop the enemy army, and you take the lord away." " "This is not the time to be polite. I have no friendship with you. We are no more than this, but I am better than you. You can't stop Meng He. "Long Qingquan roared somewhat unhappily, while Shang Wang shook his head and explained: "It's not a matter of someone's skill level. I know I'm not as good as you. It's just that height is also an issue now. You see, my lord is still drooping in front of me. I can't carry this big person alone. "Long Qingquan was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and then he wanted to laugh but was embarrassed. Yes, Lu Yunzhi is all limp now, and Shang Wang is quite short. If he had to carry Lu Yunzhi to escape, Lu Yunzhi would definitely be half dead. His body had to be dragged on the ground. Not to mention whether Shang Wang's skills could last until the end. Even if he could, Lu Yunzhi's scalp would be dragged by the ground when he ran to the camp. It was indeed inappropriate.   Nightmare glared at Shang Huan and said: "What do you mean there is a person drooping in front of you? It's not like you haven't seen me before. Damn it, if you had known, you should have asked Bai Yong to follow. At least you can have a helper." " Shang Wan smiled awkwardly, then raised his arms and jumped onto the corpse wall to meet the enemy. Lu Yunzhi tried his best to look up. Shang Wan's clothes had turned dark red, and they were still turning dark red. There was blood dripping down, and the sword on his face and hair was also covered in blood. It should have been caused by Lu Yunzhi's guard just now. No matter how superb his skills were, no matter how strong his physical strength, there would always be a time when he was exhausted. He had killed so many people just now. People, I think Shang Wang must be exhausted by now. Listening to what Long Qingquan said before, and Meng He¡¯s performance when he received the thunder just now, Shang Wang definitely cannot be his enemy, let alone Qi Mude who is definitely watching him. He Qiyan, Shang Wan himself must also know that now that he stands up to face Meng He, he is repaying his determination to die. Thinking of this, the corners of Lu Yunzhi's eyes are a little moist. Although Long Qingquan is not familiar with Shang Wan, By watching him guarding Lu Yunzhi just now, he could estimate Shang Wang's weight. Naturally, he knew in his heart that Shang Wang was destined to go without any return, so he didn't say anything more, but just picked up Lu Yunzhi and looked at him with tears in his eyes. Shang Wan said: "Take care." Shang Wan nodded, smiled and did not answer. The rain hit Shang Wan and slowly slid down the forks, instantly sketching a picture full of cruel beauty. The wind rustled. Yi Shuihan, the warrior is gone and never comes back, the desolation and tragedy blend into Shang Wang's body, and instantly Shang Wang's figure seems to be much taller. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 110: Sinister Zhu Jianwen Long Qingquan quickly jumped out of the wall of corpses and rushed left and right. Blood and flesh flew everywhere he went. He did not dare to move forward at full speed for fear that Lu Yunzhi's current weak body could not bear it. Lu Yunzhi suddenly shouted: "Go back to Qingquan and save Shang Wang. He will definitely die if he goes there. I can't just watch my brother die for me in front of me." Long Qingquan didn't answer, but still charged and moved quickly in the direction of Muzhai. Two lines of tears streaked across Lu Yunzhi's cheeks, mixed with rain and stayed on his face. Lu Yunzhi still kept shouting: "Go back, go back." Long Qingquan was also confused, and his voice couldn't help but trembled, But he suppressed the excitement in his heart and said: "Lord, your life is more important than anything else." After saying that, he could no longer hold on, and the tears naturally fell down. This is a man, this is a brother, this is It was a war. Long Qingquan was rushing to kill. Suddenly he saw a general leading a group of dead soldiers in front of him fighting with the Wala army. Everyone from top to bottom was covered in blood. Their swords were cut and rolled, but they were still fighting hard. Long Qingquan Looking closely, he knew the leader was Shi Biao. Long Qingquan did not dislike Shi Biao. Although one of them was a master of physical skills and the other was a general who led the army, after all, they were both warriors and had the same temperament. He is very upright, so since Long Qingquan rescued Shi Biao, the two of them have hit it off quite well. In the past few days, they often sit together to drink and chat, and they see Shi Biao dashing left and right, dancing like a tiger with a tomahawk, and the big ax is everywhere. The enemy's corpses were either separated or cut in half, but no one was alive. Long Qingquan subconsciously carried Lu Yunzhi and evacuated to Shi Biao. Needless to say, Long Qingquan's skills were not enough on the battlefield where ordinary soldiers were fighting against each other. On the battlefield, no one is his opponent. It is impossible to kill Long Qingquan. Even if he is carrying a half-man, of course, if thousands of troops surround Long Qingquan and he cannot escape, then he will eventually He was killed in the army because he was not invulnerable after all, but now Long Qingquan could move and his strength was not that bad. After a while, Long Qingquan reached Shi Biao's side, Rao Long Qingquan's movements were as fast as lightning, but because he had Lu Yunzhi on his shoulders, he didn't dare to go too fast, lest it be as unbearable as when he captured Zhen Lingdan that day, which would be a big sin, so Long Qingquan's speed slowed down a lot. There was no way to avoid the blood that spewed out when the enemy was killed, so his whole body was covered with blood at the moment. From a distance, he looked like two and a half little bloody men with Lu Yunzhi and Nightmare. Shi Biao saw that he was killing him head-on. A bloody man came. Everywhere he went, the Mongolian soldiers were beheaded. I was very happy. I saw a monster-like person on the man's body. The man was also covered in blood and could not see his appearance. It was just the man's body. Half of his body was still hanging in front of him. The two-headed monster was the word that flashed in Shi Biao's mind at this moment. The man was getting closer and closer to Shi Biao. Shi Biao was a little shocked. Judging from his figure, the bloody man was Long Qingquan, but he I have seen Long Qingquan¡¯s ability. He is extremely fast. Even if he is carrying a monster, he should be as fast as lightning. Why is he moving so slowly now? Thinking of this, Shi Biao did not dare to be careless, lest it be the enemy¡¯s conspiracy, so he made a horizontal movement The ax roared loudly, the sound was like thunder. Although it took a lot of energy to kill many people, it was still full of energy: "Hey, I am Shi Biao, who is coming. " "It's me, why do you want to chop me again?" Long Qingquan shouted, and Shi Biao immediately woke up and asked quickly: "Who are you carrying?" " "He is my master. "Long Qingquan swiped his sword and replied hastily. Shi Biao was stunned in surprise. He was stunned for a long time before he realized: "Why is he like this? " Long Qingquan replied: "I will explain to you when I get back how many people you brought out. Shi Biao looked back and said: "We brought out 500 soldiers, and there are still 300 left. Damn it, I didn't expect that the Mongolian Tatars don't follow the rules and attack every door. I just encountered them. I wanted to come out to help." You saved Nine Thousand Years Old with one hand, just go and come back soon. How did you know the Mongols? Not to mention, it is natural for soldiers who died in battle to be wrapped in horse leather. My more than 200 brothers all fell in front of the enemy. They are all men. " Hearing that Shi Biao came out to rescue, Long Qingquan couldn't help but feel a little moved, but he heard Lu Yunzhi, who had been silent on his shoulder, say: "Leave me to Shi Biao, you go to rescue Shang Wang quickly, I'm afraid it's too late. It was Shang Luan whose body could not be found in the capital. " Long Qingquan hesitated for a moment, then handed Lu Yunzhi to Shi Biao and said, "Go back to the camp quickly and protect my lord. I'll be back as soon as I go. Shi Biao didn't say much else. He just muttered: "Be careful." "So he took Lu Yunzhi, put him on the horse, and led the remaining dead soldiers to rush back. The enemy army learned through the Chinese army's order that the person on Shi Biao's horse was the Ming army commander, so they naturally tried their best to resist, but Shi Nai didn't. The ones Biao brought out were also elite soldiers, and they rushed back quickly. They just wanted to clear the way, not to kill the enemy. They fled in a panic all the way to the base of the camp. When they arrived in front of the camp, there were only less than one person left around Shi Biao. Hundreds of people, he?Shouting to the defenders above, while killing the surrounding enemy troops, Zhu Jianwen deliberately stayed away from the gate of the village where Shi Biao was expected to come back. He thought that even if Lu Yunzhi did not die, it would be a good thing for Shi Biao to die. Taking the opportunity to instigate Lu Yunzhi, Lu Yunzhi would definitely be at odds with Shi Biao's uncle Shi Heng, and then he would be able to reap the benefits. With this in mind, Zhu Jianwen deliberately stayed away. In this way, he could claim that the war situation was urgent, and he would go forward. Go to supervise the battle in front of the urgent gate. When Shi Biao arrives, he will definitely call the door. The soldiers will not dare to open the gate without authorization. It will take time to come and report. The battlefield is changing rapidly. Shi Biao is blocked under the city. Maybe Shi Biao would have died when he ordered the gate to be opened. If he was lucky, Lu Yunzhi might also have died under the city. As Zhu Jianwen had judged, when the herald ordered the village gate to be opened, Shi Biao had already died. His strength was exhausted, and there were only a few people left around him. They would soon be overwhelmed by the wolf-like Mongolians. Although Zhu Jianwen wanted to get rid of Shi Biao, and even saw Lu Yunzhi on Shi Biao's horse, he He was even more worried that he would offend Lu Yunzhi's men and his two sworn brothers, so he could only do some small tricks without anyone noticing, and did not dare to blatantly refuse to open the door. So fortunately, Lu Yunzhi and Both Shi Biao escaped. Although it was like escaping from death, the two of them also suffered more or less serious or minor injuries. Zhu Jianwen quickly came up to meet him and said excitedly: " General Shi, are you okay?" Shi Biao shouted angrily: "Why don't you open the village gate quickly? My brothers died in vain. If you opened the gate earlier, how many people would have died." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 111: Hostages Zhu Jianwen said with a serious look on his face: "Hey, what you said is wrong. Your brother is alive. Once I open the door, I will send out several times the number of soldiers to support the defense. Whose responsibility does this casualty count? We We are all soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, and it is our duty to die in battle. What¡¯s more, we belong to the same group, that is, the Ming Dynasty. How can we separate your brothers from mine?¡± Shi Biao was speechless for a moment, and Zhu Jianwen softened his tone and said, ¡°General Shi, What I said just now was too hasty. In fact, you really blamed me wrongly. I was guarding the East Third Gate just now. It was not that I didn't intentionally not open the door, because there were too many enemies over there and the offensive was too strong. The defender was dead. One after another, I personally went to supervise the battle. If you don't believe it, you can ask everyone in the camp. I came quickly as soon as I heard the news that you were back in the camp. You can't blame the general guarding the gate. After all, there is no such thing. My order is to kill anyone who opens the village gate without permission. You and I are both in the army and we all know this." Shi Biao wanted to say something else, but he felt that what Zhu Jianwen said made sense. Indeed, if he defended himself, he would be fine. He will not wait for death at this gate. He will go to support wherever the military situation is urgent. The morale of the general will be increased a hundred times, achieving an unexpected effect. What's more, Zhu Jianwen is still a prince. At the same time, the commander of the camp is even less likely to give the guard casually. The generals of the city have the power to open and close the gates. Otherwise, once the generals guarding the gates open the gates and open the gates, they will be completely defeated. Therefore, only the commander has the right to open and close the gates. Zhu is impeccable in both emotion and reason. But Shi Biao still felt a little unhappy, and wanted to mutter something, but he heard Lu Yunzhi on the horse say: "Shi Biao, the king did the right thing, help me back to the camp to rest, pour three cups of tea, I I have something to talk to you and Qingquan." Shi Biao was slightly surprised when he heard Long Qingquan's name. Long Qingquan went to save people. The enemy was the master Meng He. How could he come back so soon? Could it be that he was talking about this? Zhu Jianwen's hearing made him fear Long Qingquan. It seemed that Lu Yunzhi had begun to be wary of Zhu Jianwen. The rumors that Lu Yunzhi was smart but suspicious were true. Shi Biao secretly thought, Zhu Jianwen heard that Lu Yun Zhi's voice was slightly startled, and he immediately looked closely and discovered that the bloody man on the horse was Lu Yunzhi. It seemed that he could not move, and his heart was moved, but he immediately remembered what Lu Yunzhi said just now. It seemed that Long Qingquan was still hiding on the left and right, and he couldn't act rashly, otherwise with Long Qingquan's ability, he would be killed before he made a move. Zhu Jianwen looked concerned and asked, "Is it Yunzhi?" What's wrong with you is a nightmare hanging on your chest." Lu Yunzhi smiled and said, "It's me, I'm fine. The thunder was too strong just now, I just suffered a minor injury. I guess I can do some meditation." The tea will do the trick." Nightmare hummed in his throat and did not answer. Zhu Jianwen looked around and did not find Long Qingquan, but he also understood that it would be difficult to find Long Qingquan based on his own cultivation. Qingquan, in line with the mentality of sailing the ten thousand year ship with caution, Zhu Jianwen resisted the urge to take action. He nodded and said to Lu Yunzhi: "I will help you to rest Yunzhi." Lu Yunzhi recovered a little at this time. Although he had no strength, it was still very difficult to move, but he still insisted on shaking his hands and pretending to be calm and said: "It's not a big deal, go and defend the stronghold, these things are more important than me. "After saying that, Shi Biao helped him into the bunker. Although Shi Biao was also very tired, he held a giant ax and stood guarding Lu Yunzhi like a door god. Besides, on Long Qingquan's side, at this moment, He no longer had to worry about carrying Lu Yun, so he rushed towards the Mongolian army like lightning, leaping up from time to time, looking for Meng He with his height, and soon he found Meng He, beside him Next to him were the two people who had just accompanied him to the battle to meet Lu Yunzhi. They should be the two guardians Qi Mude and Qiyan. Long Qingquan quickly ran to Meng He and slashed with his sword. Thanks to Meng He's constant use of gluttonous food. Clear the way, otherwise there will be no escape. Taotie's ghostly aura was erratic after catching the thunder just now. He was swept away by Long Qingquan's slash. The ghostly aura became even weaker. Meng He was also implicated and was knocked out by Taotie. The ghost rolled on the ground and retreated. Meng and a carp stood up straight, looked at Taotie and sighed, took out a rosewood box and put Taotie in, then put it in his arms, and then patted it. Dust on his body smiled and said: "Isn't this Mr. Long Qingquan? You healed quickly enough. You're all right. " Long Qingquan's face turned red, obviously he couldn't hold it anymore. The last time he was defeated by Meng He was still fresh in his memory. Today when he mentioned it to others, Long Qingquan couldn't help roaring, causing Qi Mude and Qiyan to laugh, "Don't follow You, me and I are talking nonsense. Come on, tell me where is the delusion. "Long Qingquan shouted angrily, and Meng He curled his lips and replied: "You young man has such a bad temper. Why didn't you send you to stop me just now? I had to let Shang Wu come. It just so happens that I can forget all the old and new grudges with him. Back then, I came out of seclusion to help Ye Xian, but I had not completed my cultivation at that time, so my qi and blood were not in harmony.The ghost witchcraft of worship could not exert its maximum power, and the number of evil ghosts in his hands was not large, and it was not fully used yet. We originally conspired with Yu Qian, but later we did not expect that Yu Qian took advantage of our ghost witches and Zhongzheng. One lineage, let us two tigers fight, while Yu Qian sat on the mountain and watched the tiger fight. That day outside Beijing, this Shang Huan stabbed me twice. If it weren't for the ghostly energy that protects me, I'm afraid I would have died. The boat capsized in the gutter. Just now, this kid killed so many of my Mongolian athletes. Do you think I can spare him lightly? " As he spoke, Meng He looked at Qi Mu De. Qi Mu De chuckled and picked up a package from his horse. He opened the package. There was a person inside. To be precise, it was not a complete person. All the limbs had been cut off, and they were also packed in. In the package, Shang Wang's body and head were connected together. Although he was not out of breath yet, he was already as angry as a gossamer. It looked like he was breathing out but not in. Shang Wang had passed out, but his brows were still furrowed. It was obvious that he was unconscious. Having endured so much pain before, Long Qingquan was stunned for a moment, and after a long time he roared: "Fuck you, grandma, Meng He, you are not a human being. "As he spoke, his body swayed towards Meng He. Shang Yang fell from the sky and quickly blocked several attacks from Long Qingquan in an instant. Although Shang Yang's defense on the ground was not very fast, he moved up and down at an alarming speed. It happened that Long Qingquan Qingquan was so angry that his attack lacked some planning, and was blocked by Shang Yang for a moment. Qi Mude pulled out the dagger, lifted the package and pressed the dagger against it, and then said viciously: "Be smarter with your moves and watch Shang Yang carefully." He's not dead yet. He can still be saved if he takes it back now. At least he can save one life. If you continue like this, I'm afraid this kid will die under my dagger first. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 112: Leopard¡¯s Mission Long Qingquan stared angrily, but there was nothing he could do. He clenched his teeth tightly and made a squeaking sound. After a moment, Long Qingquan calmed down and asked, "What do you want to do?" Meng He smiled and said. : "This kid Shang Wang may not be tall, but he is really a man. I defeated him with two moves just now, but I used a lot of effort when I tortured him. Don't tell me, this kid passed out from the pain. You didn't even say a word of pain, so let's do something bloody. Kill Lu Yunzhi and I will let Shang Wang go." Long Qingquan snorted coldly and said, "You must have lost your mind and gone crazy. I admire Shang Wang for being a man, but Lu Yunzhi is both my lord and my brother-in-law. If you ask me to kill him, please save it. The reason why Shang Wang sacrificed his life was for his lord. He killed his lord in order to survive. He said that even if he wakes up, I will never agree. " "I just mentioned it casually. It would be strange for you to agree. Well, I will give you two more choices, and you can choose one of them. The first one is. I wish I could open the gate of Muzhai and let the Mongolian soldiers enter. Second, even if you cut off your hands, I can also let you take Shang Wang back." Meng He said lightly, "Long Qingquan was embarrassed for a moment. The first option is absolutely impossible. It is hard to say whether Shang Fang will be rescued if he opens the gate of the stronghold. The Ming army in the stronghold will be filled with dead bodies. The second option is feasible, but it also depends on the right person. Long Qingquan is I admire Shang Huan, but the two of them are just casual acquaintances. There is no deep friendship between them, so they can't commit suicide for him. Having said that, even if they cut off their hands, who can guarantee that Meng He will keep his promise? He might have eaten a spoonful of it himself. Meng He saw Long Qingquan's concerns, looked sideways at Shang Wang in the package and said: "Hurry up, this guy can't hold it anymore, don't worry, we Mongolia People are trustworthy and will never break the contract after you cut off your hands." Long Qingquan thought and muttered: "It's weird for you to be trustworthy." His eyes kept looking at the three ghosts and wizards, trying to find an opportunity to take advantage of. He grabbed the package with his own speed, but Meng, Qiyan, and Qi Mude were not ordinary people. Although the three of them stood still, their positions were very particular, and they were all well-positioned and ready to go. They wanted to stay intact. It is impossible to snatch Shang Wang. If he snatches it forcefully, it will be nothing more than a dead body. When Long Qingquan was in great distress, he heard a roar from behind Meng He in the distance: "You barbarians, please stop quickly. The leader of the Khan is in our hands. If we don't stop, they will be separated." After the roar like thunder, hundreds of people shouted this sentence in unison. For a while, all the Mongolian soldiers were stunned. At a loss, how can this battle be fought when Khan has been captured, and for whom is it fought? Except for the thousands of soldiers who are red-eyed, they all stop and look towards the source of the sound. Although Meng He did not give an order, but the centurions and commanders in the team were worried about the safety of their Khan and ordered the soldiers to stop. Mongolian military discipline has always been strict, and the order of killing and punishment is much stricter than the military regulations set by Lu Yunzhi. , it is indeed a difficult thing to make this group of soldiers kill without regard to military orders. It turned out that more than 10,000 people from Gezhar's tribe were responsible for attacking the first gate on the east side. As a result, they encountered the stubborn resistance of the Ming army. With the help of sharp weapons, strict cooperation and strong walls, the army killed and injured batches of Mongolian athletes. Most of the warriors of the Gezar tribe soon fell, and the remaining people saw that When one by one of his own tribe fell to the ground, he was filled with grief and anger. He took up his knife and slashed at the wall of the village like crazy. This hit the village's weak point right in the middle. A powerful wooden village was placed in front of the enemy. Everyone was the first to attack it. What came to mind was to burn it with fire, but Zhu Jianwen had already taken precautions when it was built. Secondly, such a large company camp naturally gives people a sense of oppression. After the fire attack is effective, what most people think of is to find the door or weak point and crash it, but Zhu Jianwen had also been prepared for it, but it was all in vain. He was so anxious that he went crazy, and rabbits bite people when they are anxious. Not to mention the Mongolian warriors who looked like tigers and wolves. They used their sabers to chop down the wooden walls of the village frantically. There is sand attached to these woods. Even if the gaps between them are filled with glutinous rice lime, they are still wood. As long as they are wood, they will be cut off by sharp tools. The boulders cannot be integrated into the overall fortification, because the power is shared with all aspects, but the saber It was different. The soldiers concentrated all their strength on the small blade, so wood chips flew everywhere in the crazy chopping. The wooden stronghold was cut into half. The Mongolian army was anxious, and the Ming army was even more worried about defense. A gap was opened here, so they resisted even harder. Both sides were furious, so the battle here was particularly fierce. Even if their khan was captured, no one paid attention. People were furious on the battlefield. , then even humanity will be lost, Khan, to them now, is just a bird feather-like existence. Meng He heard the shouts behind him and turned his head to look at the past. The leading general was a black-faced man, Meng He has never seen this man before, but he looks likeWith his appearance, as well as the skill reflected in every move, this person should be a member of the ghost-eating tribe. It seems that Lu Yunzhi was prepared for it. He sent troops to detour to the rear and cut off the retreat of the Oara army, and killed the Khan and Xiao who were standing behind to supervise the battle. All the leaders were captured. Who else could take on this important mission besides Lu Yunzhi¡¯s uncle, Leopard, the leader of the ghost-eating clan? Meng He frowned secretly: Lu Yunzhi played this game very hard. In fact, these Khan leaders are of little use. Taking them as hostages will have no impact on the entire war situation. As long as Meng He gives the order, the Mongolian army will still attack the city and ignore the Khan's life and death, but once they are killed , a subsequent problem arises, that is, the issue of successors. The Mongols are good at internal fighting. A khan has several sons. As long as the current khan dies, then the next step is to wait for brothers to fight each other or the successor and the tribe. The battles between those in power are always troublesome. When fighting outsiders, you must first settle down inside. How can you start a war with the Ming Dynasty when there is a fire in your own backyard? Meng He couldn't make a decision for a while. Seeing Lu Yunzhi being injured and Long Qingquan being controlled by Shang Wang, he The soldiers on the border cut a large hole in the stronghold. Such a God-given opportunity was taken by Lu Yunzhi. He defeated the Ming army in one go, gave up rescuing the tribal leaders, and then stopped to deal with the Mongolian army. In the midst of the civil strife that was about to occur, it was better to retreat. Meng He finally sighed and ordered the retreat. Once the tribal Khan was killed, the morale of the army would inevitably be shaken. The powerful officials and the leader's son who were charging into the battle would no longer fight hard to preserve their strength. Even if the enemy defeated the Ming army, I am afraid that they would have killed one thousand enemies and suffered eight hundred losses, and would be unable to continue the southern expedition. Let's just reorganize the army and fight Lu Yunzhi in the future. Lu Yunzhi was only injured. This is a once-in-a-lifetime event. Meng He was still a little heartbroken when he suddenly gave up his good opportunity. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 113: The Halberd Holder Neither side was willing to accept it, and each believed that the occupation would be advantageous. However, the Mongolian army still obeyed the order and returned to the camp. One of the main reasons for Meng He's determination was that Lu Yunzhi was already standing on the wall, braving the rain of arrows. Jushi was calm in the face of danger. Although his face was slightly pale, he looked confident and should have regained several of his abilities. Long Qingquan and Qiyan were representatives. The two sides exchanged prisoners. Naturally, Long Qingquan was very angry at being held hostage by Meng He, so He broke all the captured Mongolian tribal leaders' hamstrings to avenge Shang's arrogance. This is why, in the next twenty years of Mongolian history, there were several tribal leaders who regarded themselves as lame. Long Qingquan took over the pretense. There was Shang Wang's package, and he repeatedly wanted to swing his sword to kill the beggar who came, but thinking that this would waste time, Shang Wang might not even have time to say his last words, so he quickly walked towards Dazhai, and there was a scene in Dazhai. It was in a mess. Although the wooden village was strong, it had suffered more or less damage. Fortunately, the Mongols used their return guns to throw in a lot of boulders, which could be used to repair the wall of the village. The Mongolian army retreated for the time being and prepared for next time. The attack made the air tense and suffocating. The soldiers on the wall were at war with each other and were ready to attack. Their eyes were fixed on the Mongolian army in the distance. As soon as Long Qingquan came back, Wang Yulu immediately let him into the camp. Prepared the utensils and started to rescue Shang Wang. After Wang Yulu fed a pill into Shang Wang's mouth, Shang Wang's brows relaxed a lot. Then Wang Yulu lit a thick incense stick and put it in Shang Wang's mouth. His nose was smelly, Shang Wan slowly opened his eyes, and saw the busy Wang Yulu and the concerned Lu Yunzhi. Shang Wan smiled bitterly and called: "My lord." Lu Yunzhi leaned over and said: " Shang Wan, it's okay, just hold on. With Wang Yulu here, no matter how serious the injury is, it can be cured." Shang Wan nodded vigorously. Wang Yulu examined the wound, frowning and mumbling something, and drove four ghosts out of the bamboo tube. , lifted up Shang Huan's limbs and spliced ??them to his body, then took out a small porcelain bottle from his arms, sprinkled the powder on Shang Huan's body along the wound, and saw Shang Huan's broken skin quickly fused together, The limbs were all connected. Long Qingquan on the side was surprised and said: "It's healed so quickly." Wang Yulu shook her head and replied: "No, it's just the flesh and skin. The blood vessels inside are not connected for a while. Huh. . . ¡± Hearing the sound of Shang Wang¡¯s limbs falling apart, everyone frowned. Looking at Wang Yulu, Lu Yunzhi asked with a gloomy face: "What's going on?" Wang Yulu looked slightly embarrassed and said: "The wound must have been blocked in some way to prevent it from healing, but it I won't die if I keep too much, the Mongolian ghost witch is really sinister, I have to study it carefully." The nightmare that had already crawled back into Lu Yunzhi's body came out at this time, and after thinking for a moment, he took Lu Yunzhi's hand and let him go. Shang Wan gasped in pain. After Wang Yulu woke him up, his body was very sensitive. The pain of broken limbs tortured him even more. He wanted to faint, but because of Wang Yulu's The medicine was extremely sober, and he could only endure this kind of physical and mental torture. That is to say, for a strong-willed person like Shang Wang, ordinary people would have been driven crazy by this kind of pain. Lu Yunzhi just started to briefly He was puzzled, but when his hand touched Shang Wang's wound, he looked at Mengmeng. Mengma nodded. Lu Yunzhi sighed: "It's blocked, and the blood vessels were quickly connected. Although they were messed up, the body's organs were still intact." It will not deplete within a short period of time. Every place where the wound is broken is blocked by ghost energy, so even if you let Shang Wang's limbs re-grow, they will be quickly destroyed by the ghost energy inside. And although the ghost energy is very harmful, but But the dosage is very small. If the nightmare hadn't been a ghost and I was the fortune teller of Wuliangwu, we wouldn't have discovered it at all. The only plan now is for someone to come and send the halberd wielder. " Shi Biao watched from the side and could not help at all. After Wang Yulu fed him a pill, his body that was tired from the battle suddenly became energetic. After hearing Lu Yunzhi's instructions, he immediately put on his halberd. The doctor called Quan in, and Lu Yunzhi said in Shang Huan's ear: "Shang Huan, it may be dangerous for me to do this. Maybe you will never wake up. Are you willing to take the risk for this? " Shang Wang nodded slightly and said in a very weak voice: "Sooner or later, I will die. Even if Wang Yulu tries his best to save my life, I will always be just a useless person. If I lie in bed all my life, I might as well die. Forget it, let¡¯s give it a try anyway, my lord is at work. " Lu Yunzhi nodded and tapped Shang Wan's forehead gently with his hand. Shang Wan closed his eyes. Although Nightmare and Lu Yunzhi are no longer in a boarding relationship and cannot communicate with each other, Nightmare and Lu Yunzhi are still together. After being together for a long time, he naturally knew what Lu Yunzhi wanted to do, so he said: "Let me do it, he also saved me. Lu Yunzhi shook his head and replied: "Your current situation is more unstable than mine. This matter won't take much effort. Let me do it."Just stay by my side and protect me. "Nightmare no longer argued. After all, he was not sure if anything would happen to his body that was both real and illusory. Although what Lu Yunzhi wanted to do for Shang Wang was simple, there was no room for it. Mistake, otherwise not only would Shang be delusional, but Lu Yunzhi's life would also be in danger, so Mengxiang agreed, and the halberd-bearing doctor had already lined up his squad to stand in the camp. Lu Yunzhi glanced at it, pointed at one of them and said: ¡°You stay and help, and everyone else goes out. "The halberd-bearing doctor is a soldier who is arranged outside the Chinese army's tent and holds a Fang Tian painted halberd. He usually helps the commander's servants with some chores, and then passes orders from the tent. He usually acts as a guard to block unauthorized attacks. Those who break into the big tent feel a bit like a guard of honor. In short, those who can be selected as the halberd-bearing men must be good-looking and tall. Standing in the room are Shi Biao and Zhu Zhu. After seeing and hearing, Long Qingquan, Bao Zi and others, except for Long Qingquan and Bao Zi, the remaining two people have been in charge of military orders and are the supreme commanders. What makes the halberd man the most nervous is the two Lu Yun standing in the room. Finally, although he didn't know what was going on, to the halberd-wielding doctor who had met Lu Yunzhi, the nine-thousand-year-old Lu Yunzhi was a god-like existence, so this halberd-wielding doctor who was born as an honest and responsible farmer The doctor was at a loss in front of Lu Yunzhi, his face was extremely nervous and every movement was stiff, Lu Yunzhi said softly: "Don't be afraid, I just want to ask how your food is. "Lu Yunzhi said, reaching out and grabbing the wrist of the halberd wielder, placing his fingers on his pulse, and then nodded gently, Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 114: Changed a body The halberd doctor didn't know why Lu Yunzhi asked this. Although he was responsible for the security of the big tent and did not participate in the war, he knew that when the two armies started fighting, the Mongolian army had just withdrawn. At this time, these senior officials did not discuss How to respond to the enemy, but to ask how his food is, this is too weird. Such a question is beyond the understanding of the halberd doctor, so for a while he really didn¡¯t know how to answer, Lu Yunzhi didn¡¯t wait for the halberd wielder The doctor answered hesitantly, and then asked again: "Did you fill in your household registration when you were a soldier?" The doctor holding the halberd suddenly stood up and raised his voice and replied: "I am nine thousand years old, and I am a serious farmer. "It's all recorded in the roster." Lu Yunzhi nodded again. There are two types of soldiers. The first type is those who are registered with their real names, and the other type is those who are pretended to be strong men. They are worried that they will be punished as deserters in the future. That¡¯s why you used a fake name or didn¡¯t register it. The halberd doctor¡¯s review is quite strict, so it should be true. Lu Yunzhi said: ¡°That¡¯s good, that¡¯s good. Don¡¯t worry, I will arrange for someone to take care of you.¡± It belongs to my family." After speaking, Lu Yunzhi suddenly stretched out his hand and hit the man holding the ji on the face. The man holding the ji fell to the ground. Lu Yunzhi turned his palm into a claw and grabbed it in the air. Then he suddenly clenched his fist and said " There was a sound of "Pu", as if something broke. Except for Shi Biao, everyone in the tent knew that what Lu Yunzhi caught was the three souls and seven souls of Zhiji Lang, and the one he crushed was also the three souls and seven souls. They He instantly understood what Lu Yunzhi wanted to do, which was to replace Shang Wang's body again. If it were an ordinary person, it would not be difficult for the current Lu Yunzhi, but Shang Wang's situation was quite special. He had lost his body once before. body, so the soul in his body was originally not very stable. It was thanks to his proficiency in magic that he was safe and sound after so many years. Now that he has to change his body, the difficulty can be imagined. Lu Yun He closed his eyes tightly, activated his heart trick, and used his fingers to draw out Shang Wang's three souls and seven souls one by one, and slowly placed them in the body of the halberd man, and then slowly returned to his position. After everything was arranged, he used his Qi to wander around and held the halberd. The doctor's whole body relaxes his muscles and activates his blood, reducing the rejection between the soul and the body. The Qi control draws runes in the body of the halberd man, allowing Shang Wang's soul to quickly merge into the new body. The human body has roots. , it is not so easy to fuse with foreign souls, not to mention that in addition to the original three souls and seven souls, Shang Wang also has a little bit of roots in his short body, which is even more difficult to fuse with other bodies. Lu Yunzhi He had just withstood the sky thunder. Although his personal level was higher, after all, he had spent a lot of energy just now and was extremely tired now. Therefore, after Lu Yunzhi placed the first circle of runes on the body of the halberd wielder, there was a Beads of sweat had already appeared, and suddenly Lu Yunzhi felt a splitting headache. It should have been caused by the state of going against the sky just now. This was the first time for Lu Yunzhi to experience this feeling, so he was naturally unprepared. Yu Qi, who was almost panicking, drew the wrong talisman. The nightmare was obviously fine. He noticed Lu Yunzhi's strangeness and whispered: "How about I come." "Sooner or later, we will have to lose some Yangshou. It's the same for both of us. , you are separated from me now, Yang and Shou are not involved in each other, and besides, this thing cannot be changed hands. Lu Yunzhi said, his voice paused and he continued: "Nightmare, please help me with your Qi control." "Nightmare nodded, put his hand on Lu Yunzhi's shoulder, and slowly infused the Qi into Lu Yunzhi's body for him to use. The Qi can be compatible outside the body, but it is difficult to intersect inside the body. Nightmare and Lu Yunzhi are basically Even if they are born in one body, their energy is exactly the same, so they can be completely integrated together. With the help of Nightmare, Lu Yunzhi feels much better. He still arranges everything step by step for Shang Wang. After two cups of tea, , Lu Yunzhi gently patted the halberd-wielding man on each shoulder, and then patted his head with his palm. The halberd-wielding man slowly opened his eyes, then looked around and murmured: "Lord, this is" "I just changed your body. Don't move around. It's not too integrated yet. It will be fine after a while. Don't worry." "Lu Yunzhi said with a slightly tired voice. Shang Wan looked up and found that Lu Yunzhi, who was already slightly white on the temples, had a large lock of hair that was completely white. Shang Wan understood at once that anything involving this kind of rebellious behavior The matter of changing bodies to extend life in the sky will destroy Yangshou. As for the amount of loss, it depends on the skill of the caster. The body-changing spell is nothing to Lu Yunzhi, but he still loses it. He lost three years of his life, and while performing the surgery, he also took great risks, so Lu Yunzhi risked his life to save himself. Shang Wan's eyes were moist, and his lips twitched a few times, but he only Can call out two words: "Lord. " Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly, patted Shang Wan and said: "No need to say more. He turned to Wang Yulu and said, "You can help Shang Wan take good care of himself. It's time to do your work." "After saying that, he stood up and led everyone out. The big tent was left for Shang Wang to rest. Several people changed places and started talking. Leopard asked with a gloomy face: "The Mongolian soldiers really can't cover it."?I led all elite soldiers and our hidden members to sneak attack the Mongolian rear and capture their Khan. Such a powerful lineup still lost half of the guards before killing all the guards and captured them with lightning speed, but As a result, Yun Zhi, you are unprotected and in danger. How can I explain it to my sister if you have something wrong with me? Lu Yunzhi waved his hand and said: "Finally, there is no danger. After the thunder, I need to recuperate for a while before I can fight. Qingquan can barely fight against Meng He, and Meng He's ghosts were also hit by the thunder. The vitality is severely damaged, so if the strategy is right, you can't suffer the loss in Qingquan. As for Qimude and Qiyan, you can deal with Leopard. We are all special people. No matter how powerful we are, we can't change the outcome of thousands of troops, so The main thing is still a strategic issue. Both our side and the enemy have suffered some damage this time, but it will not break our bones. Therefore, we still do not have an advantage in the plain battle. In terms of attack and defense, our Ming Dynasty is slightly better, so I propose No more attacks, stay in the stronghold, and wait for the news of Bai Yong's victory. If possible, within three months, my eldest brother will be able to pacify southern Xinjiang and lead troops to help. At that time, these barbarians will be defeated. Catch them all. Lu Yunzhi thought for a while and then said: "Reply to the court, saying that they have successfully blocked the barbarian invasion and are fighting against it. The king made the first contribution and drove the Tatars for hundreds of miles. In addition, Shi Biao attacked and drove the Tatars into the desert. Order The enemy was frightened after hearing the news, so they were ordered to return to Datong to guard the rear border. Please order the report accurately, and hope that your majesty will reward the above two people. "As Lu Yunzhi said, the clerk next to him took up his pen and wrote a book to change Lu Yunzhi's words into the specifications for writing a memorial. After writing it, he handed it to Lu Yunzhi for details. Lu Yunzhi nodded and asked him to give it to him. The messenger, everyone in the audience had different expressions. They were all thoughtful, but they just answered yes with clasped fists. Long Qingquan shouted straight out of his heart: "Brother-in-law, although Shi Biao suffered a lot of casualties before, after all, he did a good job in escorting you and saved your life. This time What is the principle of waiting for light to rise and darkness to fall? " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 115: Being a human being is so tiring Lu Yunzhi looked at Long Qingquan and said: "I am the commander-in-chief and I have my own opinions. You don't have to say anything. Just go down. You can also call me Master Lu or General Lu in the big tent. In short, don't call me brother-in-law." , not in my own home." Long Qingquan said with a pinch of his neck: "Then I'll call the master. By doing this, you will frighten the hearts of the brothers. Those who have merit will not be rewarded, and those who have made mistakes will not be punished." As he spoke, Long Qingquan glanced at Zhu Jianwen, and Shi Biao whispered: "Qingquan." Shi Biao's eyes showed gratitude. He was afraid that he would cause Long Qingquan and Lu Yunzhi to have a bad relationship, so he hurriedly stopped him. , Lu Yunzhi asked: "Shi Biao, do you have any objections to my order?" Shi Biao clasped his fists and replied: "I will obey my order." Lu Yunzhi nodded, snorted at Long Qingquan, and then waved his hand. Said: "Go down, I'm tired, remember I am the coach, you are not." Long Qingquan stared, pointed at Lu Yunzhi and said three times "you, you, you." Then he turned around and walked away, Lu Yunzhi stood up and wanted to attack Long Qingquan, but Leopard stopped him and said, "Forget it, Qingquan is still young." Lu Yunzhi could only sigh and let everyone go down. That night, Shi Biao was wiping his armor. Preparing to rush back to Datong tomorrow morning, although Lu Yunzhi said he was going to report to the imperial court, the things he decided were basically what the imperial court wanted, so Shi Biao was ready to make early preparations and set off early, when he suddenly heard someone behind him sigh: "Good wine." Shi Biao was shocked. He quickly pulled out his dagger and turned around and shouted, "Who is it?" Using the light, he could see who it was that was not Lu Yunzhi sitting in the corner. The guards outside the tent were standing across the tent. Shouted: "General, are you okay?" Shi Biao calmed down. Although he did not expect Lu Yunzhi to visit at night, with Lu Yunzhi's skill, he appeared in his tent without anyone noticing. Understandably, after he stabilized his mind, he put away the dagger and said to the guard outside the tent: "It's nothing, don't come in, just get out." The guard paused outside the tent and asked a few more questions, fearing that someone was holding him hostage. After meeting Shi Biao and confirming that there was nothing unusual, Lu Yunzhi left without any courtesy. He went straight to the point and asked, "Do you have any thoughts on the order I gave you this morning?" Shi Biao shook his head and said, "Let's go to the army." It is the bounden duty of a person to obey orders. Since the commander has given an order, I can only obey it and have no objection. " "What you say is as contrary as you want it to be," Lu Yunzhi pointed at Shi Biao and smiled, and Shi Biao also laughed. , it can be seen that Lu Yun came here without any malicious intentions this time. After smiling, Lu Yunzhi straightened his face and asked: "What do you think of the King?" , I can't say, I can't." Lu Yunzhi smiled and explained: "I'm not asking you to talk about him, but about this battle and what happened recently." Shi Biao then relieved himself of mentioning it again. After standing down, he thought for a moment and said: "In terms of defending the city, the king did have a plan, including advancing outside Datong, and then making a surprise attack all night, and winning the first battle. These illustrious generals cannot compare. I disobeyed the order and pursued the Tartars." , it¡¯s a pity that I was ambushed by the enemy. Although I killed a lot of enemies, I really didn¡¯t get much credit, so I have no objection to your decision. In summary, I am willing to accept your order, Jiu Qiansui. I, Shi Biao, am a rough man. I don¡¯t understand anything about benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom, trust, loyalty and patriotism. I only know who is kind to me and who is hostile to me. In the face of military law and instructions, I may be honest, but I will never be convinced. I The reason why I disobeyed orders and went out to chase was because I was eager to make a contribution and didn't want my Shi family to fall behind. However, the King did not stop me. In the past few days, I have been thinking that with his wisdom, he should have known that it was a trap. He watched it with open eyes. You wanted me to die. Nine thousand years old, you ignored the past grievances and did not pick me up except for me. You also sent Long Qingquan to save me. It is difficult to repay the kindness of saving my life. " "Therefore, you think that going out to rescue me is just to repay a favor and has nothing to do with military merit. In addition, you previously lost troops and generals and disobeyed orders, so you did not wait for me to go to the rear and put you in the rear. What an opinion, right. "Lu Yunzhi said, Shi Biao nodded, Lu Yunzhi said with a smile: "Shi Biao, I feel even more that my decision is right. You can say such things to me, including to King Tong. Your behavior shows that you are a man of true temperament. You should know what the relationship between me and the King is. We have been together since we were young, and we have such glory and wealth together, but you did not shy away and spoke frankly. admire you. " "You are right. "Lu Yunzhi continued, "The character of King Tong is that he is not satisfied with the power in his hands and is too greedy. Why didn't he open the door when you sent me back to the camp? I think you know this, so you went to Zhuzhou specifically. I went to inquire about the gate mentioned in the story, and I also went there. It was just a secret investigation. The result is obvious. Although the battle at that gate was also fierce, it was not to the point where the king personally supervised the battle, right? " Shi Biao nodded and replied: "That's it. I just want to understand what's going on."?, but there are some things that I, Shi Biao, should not say. I can only repay your life-saving grace. If I tell you, my brothers will turn against each other and fight with each other. My sin will be great. " "Zhu Jianwen can do it for the first time, and he can come here for the second time. Where is Datong? It is the key point of our northwest. Now I am here to lead the overall situation. You represent the Shi family. Zhu Jianwen is here. The king is here too. To put it bluntly, our status ranking should be, from top to bottom, me, Zhu Jianwen, and you. Although we have repelled the Mongolian army today, you have also seen that their strength is still strong. The victory or defeat How dare you make an assertion right now, so you must send people to guard Datong, just in case. Once the DPRK wants to send people back to guard Datong, who will they choose? I can't. Only I can compete with Meng He here. Only you and Zhu Jianwen, the ruler of the country, rules the vassal kings of the world. Putting such a noble person with me makes people feel that there are two tigers in one mountain. In addition, he has been active in the court recently, so not surprisingly, the court Zhu Jianwen will definitely be ordered to guard Datong. "Lu Yunzhi said, "Shi Biao thought for a while and felt that what Lu Yunzhi said was indeed reasonable, and then said: "What's wrong with that? Is that what you meant?" " "Yes, I know what you are going to say. It is very possible that Zhu Jianwen wants to rebel. Even if he does not rebel, he has a disobedient heart. I have different political views from your uncle because I think he is too greedy and neglects his duties, but at least you will not Rebellion, you know I'm still suppressing you. If you can't rebel, I won't spy on the throne because I'm too lazy to spy. But Zhu's knowledge is different. His surname is Zhu. The struggle for power in the bones of Lao Zhu's family is there. He shows it vividly, so I don't trust him to block the road between the army and the capital. I can only leave these matters to you. Here is a letter I wrote to your uncle, asking your uncle to Shi Heng, don't think too much, transferring you to Datong is not a bad thing. Lu Yunzhi said and handed the letter to Shi Biao. Lu Yunzhi chatted with Shi Biao sincerely for a few more words and then went back. Shi Biao looked at the empty battalion commander and the lone lantern on the table and sighed. Said: ¡°It¡¯s so tiring to be a human being. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 116: It¡¯s too late to make up for the situation Zhu Jianwen was in high spirits every day these days, but he was also depressed in his heart. Lu Yunzhi had always said that he wanted to maintain his relationship with Shi Heng. This was a good opportunity for Shi Heng's nephew Shi Biao to make contributions, but Lu Yunzhi put it aside He was transferred back to Datong, which really puzzled Zhu Jianwen. Things he couldn't understand were weighing on his mind, so he always did things absent-mindedly. The Mongolian army attacked several more times, but neither Lu Yunzhi nor Meng He came on stage. They were afraid of each other, but in short, neither side had made much progress in the past few days. The Mongolian army kept throwing stones, and the huge rocks piled up into mountains, which gave the Ming army a headache, so they also made several small returning cannons. , not to kill the enemy, just to clear out these huge rocks and rubbish in the wooden village. In response to the Mongolian army's attack, the Ming army kept firing, and there were winners and losers in the charge and siege. Killing one thousand enemies and losing eight hundred, in this way The Lu Ming Army was very pleased with the exchange. After all, the Mongolian army always defeated the large with less, and now it was considered a victory to exchange one for another. Zhu Jianwen was busy on the front line, thinking about Lu Yunzhi's intentions in his mind. When he figured it out, his back was already wet. Lu Yunzhi had already begun to doubt himself. He was afraid that his temperament was unstable and he would become rebellious for a while, or he might defend the city and prevent Lu Yunzhi from entering, so he let him go. When Shi Biao went there, Zhu Jianwen was frightened at first, fearing that Lu Yunzhi would kill him, but soon he felt relieved. Lu Yunzhi never found a reason to kill someone. Only people he didn't want to kill would find reasons. Since he He wouldn't kill him if he didn't find something to do with him. Lu Yunzhi is too stupid. The brother's loyalty is nothing. Thinking about it, Zhu Jianwen started to hate him again. Damn it, Lu Yunzhi, I haven't wanted to go yet. Datong is harming you, you thought of it first, this is forcing me to take action in advance, but Zhu Jianwen quickly thought of his father Zhu Qixiang's cry before his death, so he kept confessing to himself from his heart, if he can't bear it, To mess up the big plan, you must be calm and then put Lu Yunzhi to death, even if Lu Yunzhi is his brother. Compared with Zhu Jianwen's warm-faced and cold-hearted heart, Long Qingquan is very much the same on the outside, and treats Lu Yunzhi coldly every day. Although he did not contradict Lu Yunzhi's military orders, he snorted coldly every time Lu Yunzhi said something, and did not look directly at Lu Yunzhi. He insisted on forcing Lu Yunzhi to beat him with a military stick before giving up. Unfortunately, Lu Yunzhi The other is not to fight him. Even though Long Qingquan was unhappy, he was very brave on the battlefield. How could anyone go a round in front of him? In the end, Qi Mude and Qi Yan were forced to go into battle together, and then they and Long Qingquan The generals fought to a draw. Although Qiyan Protector's leg was broken, he could move freely with his iron legs filled with ghost spirits, which did not affect his battle. Lu Yunzhi saw this and was shocked in his heart. Qiyan was The first strong opponent he met among ghost witches was brought together by Qiyan's various conspiracies. He was still half a matchmaker to Lu Yunzhi, but Qiyan at that time was not as good as today. Lu Yunzhi seemed vulnerable. Nowadays, the ability of begging for beauty is indeed not small. Although he is disabled, he seems to be slightly better than Qi Mude. Lu Yunzhi thought to himself that if we compare ability and scheming, begging for beauty is better than Qi Mude. He is more suitable to inherit the position of the leader of the ghost witch. In the future, he can start to stir up troubles in this regard. During the days when Qiyan disappeared, he must have accepted Meng He's guidance, and then he made rapid progress. I wonder if Meng He understood the ghost witch. The true meaning of the technique is just like himself and a nightmare. Lu Yunzhi has not yet returned to his original state. He always feels that Tianling Gai is in severe pain, but this is not like an illness or pain. He always feels that something is coming out of his head. Wang Yulu checked Lu Yunzhi several times, but could not find any problems. The nightmare teased Lu Yunzhi and said that this was a precursor to ascending to immortality. Lu Yunzhi disagreed. Meng He was actually seriously injured. Not only was Tianlei's opponent In short, he had to regain his strength as soon as possible due to the damage to his physique and the wear and tear of Taotie and other evil spirits. In addition, Qi Yan had broken the poison in several water sources, so that Meng He could settle down with peace of mind. Lu Yunzhi did not dare to lead the army. When leaving the stronghold, because the field strength of the Ming army was not as good as that of the Mongolian army, a battle outside the city would lead to death. Meng He also did not dare to attack easily. The Ming army's wooden stronghold had strong weapons and advanced weapons, so the situation became a stalemate. In comparison , the east-west armies of Bai Yong and Zhen Lingdan fought more colorfully. Needless to say, Bai Yong captured North Korea, and then took advantage of the wrong information sent by the Koryo people out of vanity to take advantage of the east-route Mongolia. When the army was not prepared, they quickly rushed towards Huanglong. This group of Mongolians on the east road originally thought that there were Koreans blocking them in front, but the Ming army could not come so fast, so they all drank and ate meat, and finally even ran home They went to graze, thinking that they would gather together after hearing the news about Goryeo's tragic defeat. Anyway, the Mongols were all born warriors, so they thought they didn't need to prepare anything. This time they really didn't need to prepare, because many Mongolian soldiers were stuck at home. , they were caught by Bai Yong while they were eating, grazing, or even sleeping. They were beaten through the pipa bones and strung up with iron ropes, and soldiers were sent toSlow escort, although cruel, is effective. After being skewered, people basically lose their resistance and only have some ability to move. Because there is no way to determine who is the real herdsman and who is the warrior, so all young people and even old people The men were all arrested. The Mongols really couldn't tell the difference. Those who put down their swords and arrows were herdsmen, and those who picked up their swords and arrows were warriors. The Mongols were very surprised by this result, because what the Ming army did was something they had never seen before. Yes, the Mongols rarely saw Han people entering the desert, but internal fighting continued. Generally, after one tribe defeated another tribe, they would kill any man who was taller than a wheel, even if he was taller. Children, and then livestock and women. Since taking charge of Wala first, the people have lived a better life, so most of the children have grown taller than their parents when they were young. Even after their death, these relatively basic foundations have not been affected. Good Mongolian children grew up. I thought that this time the Ming army came to the door of their homes, and the tall children would suffer. However, I did not expect that the Ming army did not kill these children at all, nor did they defile and plunder women. They only killed a small number of livestock. Eat, the Mongolians couldn't help but sigh, kind-hearted Ming people, "Actually, this time is not caused by Bai Yong's strict military discipline. The appearance of Mongolian women is contrary to the aesthetic values ????of the Han people, and as for the livestock, it is because they need to run all night. Taking them away, in addition to eating them, they also robbed some hard-working Mongolian horses. As for killing people, Bai Yong never even thought about killing the children. After all, they only belong to potential forces. Nowadays, the way to win in the battle is It is to reduce the effective strength of the Mongols. Men who can fight are the ones Bai Yong has to deal with. As for these children, we have to wait ten or eight years. When the commander of the Mongolian East Road Army heard the news, he panicked and scolded Goryeo. People are incompetent. I heard from Qimude that the Koreans had rosy faces and strong bodies, so why were they so inexperienced? At the same time, he was also annoyed by his carelessness. In the spirit of not too late to remedy the situation, he rallied his troops and discovered that , the sheep are all gone, what¡¯s the point of making up for it? Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 117: Virtual and Real complement each other The army on the east route was defeated without a fight. To be precise, it did not encounter any organized troops at all. Bai Yong was good at running attacks. Every time before the news spread, the sergeants had already rushed to the next tribal gathering place. Rest on horseback, but the horse cannot run continuously. It is possible that it will foam at the mouth and spurt blood. Therefore, the Han troops rarely run continuously. One of the reasons is that the quality of the cavalry is not good, but the most important thing is Horses are the most common thing on the Mongolian grassland. Although there is not enough horse for everyone, it is enough for the Ming army to replace. In the end, Commander Donglu Wala had no choice but to flee to Tatar to seek asylum, but the Tatar army Most of the country's troops have been sent to support Oara. All this is for Meng He's sake. They are also very concerned about the future struggle for the king's power on the grasslands. It is not wise to contend with the Ming Dynasty now. Even if they fight to the death to retain the power, it will be Without the capital to dominate the grassland in the future, the Tatar side saw that Bai Yong led his troops with strong horses, so they naturally did not dare to underestimate them. After counting the troops, they came to the conclusion that they knew they could not resist Bai Yong's attack, so they killed the soldiers of the Wala East Road army. The commander, sacrificed his head to Bai Yong for peace. The movement of the attack had been noticed by the Tatars. Therefore, although Lu Yunzhi's plan was to let Bai Yong destroy the Tatars by the way, Bai Yong clearly judged the current situation. , it cannot be done overnight. Instead of becoming enemies of all the Tatars, it is better to form an alliance with them. Even if we bear the risk that the Tatars may turn their backs at any time and stab the Ming army in the back, the most important thing now is to defeat the Meng army as soon as possible. He formed an encirclement with the Mongolian army led by Meng He, thus quickly annihilating the effective forces on the Mongolian grassland. Because most of the troops led by Meng He were not only from Oara, but also from Tatars and Yili in the west. As long as they were Mongolians, He obeyed Meng He's call, but faced with the temptation of becoming the next Genghis Khan, Meng He was nothing. So, Bai Yong accepted the head of the leader of the Oara East Road army, and made an agreement with the Tatars not to disturb each other. The army is responsible for annihilating Oara and crushing the ghost witch regime, and the Tatars can take advantage of it and unify the Mongolian grassland. The Tatars must agree, because if they don't agree, Bai Yong will immediately raise troops to invade the Tatars and crush the existing regime. , in short, the current agreement is the most favorable situation for the Tatars. After solving the Tatars, Bai Yong replenished the horses' food and rested for two days. The Ming army soldiers did not rest after fighting Goryeo. As the saying goes, sharpen the knife. Don¡¯t waste time chopping firewood, you will have to attack quickly in the future. Resting for two days now will be of great benefit to future battles. Another point is what to do with the prisoners. Except for those who formed a group of twos and threes to resist the Ming army and were then killed, there are still There are more than 10,000 prisoners left. It is impossible for so many people to carry them with them. An army like Lu Yunzhi can completely serve as coolies, but mutiny must also be prevented. After all, the opponents of the Ming army are Mongolians like these prisoners. And these people are even more troublesome for Bai Yong, because the troops led by Bai Yong do not need to find coolies at all, and it is even more inappropriate to guard them in place, which requires a lot of troops to be dispersed, whether it is to guard the prisoners or to defend the Mongolian middle army. There are not enough people, and they are too stretched to perform. Even if they have to lead a fast attack with prisoners, then giving them horses will not affect their speed and travel. As long as they sit on horses, the Mongols are still warriors even without weapons. , so after careful consideration, Bai Yong made a decision that would make his name famous on the Mongolian grasslands for a hundred years. He dug mass graves and killed all the prisoners. The women and children who originally praised the Ming people were frightened at this moment. Their faces were pale, and those Mongol captives who were full of illusions after seeing the Ming army's policy towards children were also despairing at this moment. Under force, they dug their own graves. Bai Yong watched tens of thousands of people being strung up with chains. The prisoners, who lined up in groups, ordered: "Use the guillotine, it's too painful to bury alive." That day, from morning to night, there were heads rolling in. That day, the grassland was lifeless. Two days later, Bai Yong left. What is left behind are empty tents and orphans and widows. Let¡¯s leave Bai Yong¡¯s side. Let¡¯s talk about Zhen Lingdan. At this moment, he has ushered in the Tianshi camp led by Chao Xing. In fact, the ghost witch also temporarily went to the west line from the middle road. He rushed there, so he was only two or three days earlier than Chao Xing. Zhen Lingdan was originally the palm of the living creature lineage, so it was okay to draw some runes to make ends meet. With the strong defense of the city, Zhen Lingdan huddled inside the city. Looking forward to Chao Xing's arrival, the masters of each branch in the Tianshi Camp sat down in the hall. Many of them knew Zhen Lingdan. After a polite conversation, they were asked to retreat and rest. Zhen Lingdan He led Chao Xing to inspect the city defense, and went out of the city from the side gate to explore the enemy camp. The two of them did not bring any guards. The skilled man was brave and did not rein in his horse until he was within a stone's throw of the enemy camp. Chao Xing looked at the enemy camp and said: "Zhen Brother, you see, the Chinese army is obviously not a combat force, it should be Mongolian ghosts and wizards. There are vague shadows of returning artillery in the rear, but it is obviously not enough and not huge enough, so they did not choose to attack the city rashly. The cavalry is quite tough. But the quantity is not too much, as long as we cooperate well, it will be enough."To deal with it, I think it's better to take the initiative. Brother Zhen, what do you think?" " Zhen Lingdan sneered and said: "He must be beaten. In recent days, I have not rushed to fight while waiting for your arrival. Firstly, I followed Lu Yunzhi's arrangement, and secondly, I wanted to adapt my soldiers to the northwest climate as soon as possible. As you know, most of my soldiers come from the two lakes. There is a huge difference between the north and the south. If you are exhausted from fighting, you are most likely to get sick. Now that the climate has adapted, everyone is feeling uncomfortable and squealing like a little tiger going down the mountain. I want to If we want to go out to fight in the city, I think morale can be used. " "Indeed, it would be a pity not to go out of the city to kill the enemy when the morale is high. You only need to use cavalry to fight, and then the artillery will be ambushed on both sides. After a round of killing, pretend to retreat and lead the enemy into the encirclement, and then hit them hard with the artillery. After their horses are almost worn out and they lose their mobility, we will send out archers to shoot a few rounds from behind, and finally the infantry will collide and strangle them in a formation, and then the big thing will be done. "Chao Xing said his opinion, "Well said, it's a good strategy. "Zhen Lingdan praised, "However, the Mongols' view of us has always been that they only know how to use tactics. First, they will be cautious and not easily fall into our ambush. However, if they use tactics in the future, they will get twice the result with half the effort. , I don¡¯t expect to kill all the Mongolians on the west route in one battle. Besides, it¡¯s not fun enough. A head-on battle will increase the casualties, but in the long run there will still be a lot of benefits, not to mention once Winning a head-to-head fight will definitely boost morale. So, what I mean is to attack directly, confront the enemy head-on, and enhance the prestige of our Ming Dynasty. As for your strategy, Brother Chao Xing, it doesn't matter if we use it in the future. If the enemy is defeated by me this time, If they are defeated, they will think that we are an iron army fighting a tough battle, and they will be less optimistic about our strategies. Only when they are careless can the strategies have better results. , bewildered and confused, and all methods unified, is the true meaning of the art of war. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 118: Heroes Emerge in Troubled Times "But Mongolia is dominated by cavalry, but most of your people here are infantry. If there is a fight, I'm afraid," Chao Xing said slightly worriedly. Zhen Lingdan shook her head mysteriously and whispered: "Brother Chao Xing, what are you still doing? "Remember the group of mercenaries you and Fang Qingze trained?" "Remember, how did you know?" Chao Xing asked, and Zhen Lingdan replied: "Although they didn't last long, they were famous for their combat skills. The whole army was wiped out not because they were not strong enough, but because they met our magicians. What is even more tragic is that they met Tan Qing, a man who was as scheming as a man and had vicious methods and superb magics. Of course, now Tan Qing is You guys, I won¡¯t comment too much, but as far as I know, that mercenary team has formations specifically designed to deal with cavalry.¡± The soldier is tall and can lift a big round shield and use a heavy spear. With all due respect, the people from Lianghu are not that powerful and tall. If they can't lift the shield shoulder to shoulder and don't have a strong body as a foundation, they can't defend themselves at all. Live the war horse and gallop." Chao Xing said, Zhen Lingdan smiled and shook his head and said: "You can learn and use it. Our ancestors' military skills are not bad. Let's combine the two and leave. The enemy's sentries are coming, no. There is no need to fight with them." Zhen Lingdan pointed forward with his horsewhip. The sentries from the Mongolian camp discovered Zhen Lingdan and Chao Xing, so they galloped over to arrest them, treating them as ordinary spies. If they were Knowing the identities of these two people, they must have gone out in force to pursue them. Zhen Lingdan and Chao Xing did not fight with them. Marching and fighting is not a matter of personal bravery. The two turned their horses and ran towards the Ming Dynasty's city. On the second day, the Ming army came out of the city and formed an array. The Mongols were overjoyed when they got the news. The Han people hiding in the city were extremely powerful. Even if the Mongolian cavalry took a bite, their front teeth would bang. But the Han people who came out of the city were like Mianyang. How can he be the opponent of the wolf-like Mongolian athletes, at least what the Mongolian coach thinks, On the west road, the Mongolian army coach is called Boyanbeir Timur. Although he does not belong to the Golden Family, he is also a tribal khan. This is rare on the Mongolian grasslands. Because of this, Boyanbeir Timur was called a "bastard", because in the eyes of the Mongolians, only people from the golden family can become khans. Boyanbeir did not work in Oara When he showed his power in the territory, he was his distant relative first. However, the Mongols have always been merciless to relatives, and Boyan Beier was the same, but he cleverly made use of this relative relationship and borrowed a small number of cavalry. Zai Yili made great achievements with real swords and guns and established his own tribe. Although his tribe was only established for a short time, Boyan Beier has a broad mind like a prairie and is as ferocious and cunning as a wolf. , and the way of using troops is quite inherited from the Mongols and incorporates the essence of heavy armor combat in the Western Regions, so the army he leads is invincible in Yilibali. Yilibali was originally a powerful country and belonged to the Chagatai Khanate, but After the civil strife, it was divided into the Eastern Chagatai Khanate and the Western Chagatai Khanate, and they also tried to keep the territory belonging to the east. When Zhu Zhanji was in power in the seventh year of Xuande, the Khan of the Eastern Chagatai Khanate died of illness, so War broke out again in the Eastern Chagatai Khanate, and his two sons, Buhua II and Yunusi, stood side by side. The Eastern Chagatai Khanate was completely in chaos. In troubled times, heroes emerge. In which country should this sentence be placed? No matter which nation is established, Boyan Beier is such a tycoon. He has built a reputation by relying on the development of force. Wen Neng can bring peace to the world and martial arts can reach the world of Martin. This sentence is not too much to say about Boyan Beier. He Not only can he fight, but he also cares a lot about his few tribal people. Gradually, no one cares whether he is an orthodox descendant of the Golden Family. People just know that following Boyan Beier can win the war and live a low life. Seeing the days of stability for cattle and sheep, Boyan Beier's tribe has become an absolutely large tribe. Although it is young, it is powerful. Under his "efforts", the Eastern Chagatai Khanate once again split into Yilibali, but he knew clearly that Realizing that he was not from the Golden Family, it was inappropriate to serve as the Great Khan of the entire Yili Army. Although many tribal leaders in the territory were submissive to him on the surface, they were just afraid of his own force, and they still called him a "bastard" behind his back. "So Boyan Beier thought of two people, one was called Ye Xian and the other was called Cao Cao. Taking advantage of the emperor to command the princes was the commonality in the development paths of the two people. Yes, that's the case. From then on, Boyan Beier became a true hero. The ruler is also trying to control the "Tai Shang Khan", but Boyan Beier is not happy. He wants to be a khan, not a "Tai Shang Khan". Although he actually holds the power, he is restrained by different forces. It always made him feel that he was too timid to use his fists. Only by becoming a dual ruler in name and reality could Boyanbeier feel comfortable. Seeing that Yili had made good friends with neighboring countries, and there were few wars in the country, more and more people became more and more angry. A calmer life is not?Let the soldiers put down their swords and arrows, pick up the horse ropes and whips, and each of the wolf-like warriors became herdsmen. It also caused Boyan Beier's rights to be eroded. War must be fought, and the only way to fight is to fight. Only by fighting can dissidents be eliminated. Only by fighting can Boyan Beier reshuffle the cards and become a real khan. Meng He gave him the opportunity to start a war with the Ming Dynasty. Boyan Beier was overjoyed. Although he knew that he had been killed by Meng He, he was still happy. As long as he started fighting, he could achieve his goal. In his opinion, it was not Meng He who took advantage of him, but he took advantage of the Mongolians' belief in ghosts and witches. Now Boyan Beier integrated his army to confront the Ming army, but he did not expect to encounter the famous general Zhen Lingdan. No matter how Boyan Beier provoked or insulted him, Zhen Lingdan refused to leave the city. After several attempts, he discovered that this Huo Ming's army was not easy to mess with. They fought with their lives at their own risk, and the military laws and regulations were very strict. So Boyan Beier frowned and stopped in front of Zhen Lingdan. Now, Zhen Lingdan led his army to take the initiative. How could Boyan Beier not be overjoyed when he launched an attack? He immediately gathered some troops and sent sentries to scout around to see if there was any ambush from the Ming army. In his impression, the Han people liked to use strategies, and now It is very abnormal to take the initiative to fight. Abnormality is a monster. There must be a conspiracy. To investigate is just to be aware of it. It is not that you are afraid of the Han people, because all the conspiracies will be shattered and reduced to dust under the iron hoof of your powerful cavalry team. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 119: Ten Years There were sentries coming back from the surrounding area. Although it was clear that there was no abnormal ambush, everyone was ashen as ashes. Boyanbeier was suspicious and went up to the enemy in person. He couldn't help being shocked: The intelligence was inaccurate. How could there be tens of thousands of people here? The army, look at the large formation of the Han people, and listen to the sound of horse hooves and shouts, there are hundreds of thousands of people. My God, where did these people come from? Could it be that Meng He's army in the middle was defeated, or it was a surprise force from heaven? Boyan Beier was deeply shocked and speechless for a long time. Zhen Lingdan in the formation smiled, pointed proudly at the Mongolian army in the distance and said: "These barbarians were frightened by my Xuanxiang formation." "Have Zhen Lingdan really waited for the reinforcements to arrive? It must not have happened. He carefully disguised the current grand situation. He used the ancient Xuanxiang formation. As long as the distance between the soldiers was increased, the distance would be increased several times. The flags were fluttering in the wind, the horses were camouflaged, and the shouts, drums, and agitation caused the enemy to misjudge the number of people and caused endless pressure. This pressure was not the strength of the force nor the sharpness of the weapons. , but with a large number of people, throwing a whip can cut off the flow, and one person can drown the enemy's momentum with just a spit. Chao Xing also smiled and said: "Brother Zhen knows things like a god, I think the enemy will not dare to attack for a while, I Let¡¯s go back to the formation I¡¯m in charge of first. These guys from the Tianshi camp have never been on the battlefield. The Mongolian cavalry¡¯s attack will scare a few of them. Even if they don¡¯t have the guts, they won¡¯t be able to perform any of their best spells. ¡± Zhen Lingdan. He nodded and clasped his fists at Chao Xing and said, "Take care, we will have a drink to celebrate after the victory." Chao Xing also clasped his fists, got on his horse and galloped away in the formation where his Tianshi camp was, neither did Boyan Beier. A foolish person, he was confused by Zhen Lingdan's formation for a while and was too frightened to launch an attack. However, he soon saw the secret and knew that it was just Zhen Lingdan's trick. The Han people were indeed cunning, but this With plans everywhere and no deceit, Boyan Beier was more assured that his wings would not be attacked by the cunning Han people, so he began to lay out a battle plan. According to intelligence, the Ming army's artillery in the Western Army was not too many. There are only about eighteen, no more than twenty at most. Although they are all new artillery, the number is not too large and cannot cover a large area of ??firepower. It should not do much harm to the galloping cavalry. Boyan Beier did not want to use it. The Huihui artillery bombarded the Ming army. Since there were not many Huihui artillery of our own, one less in number would not cause much damage, and it was easy to accidentally injure the attacking cavalry. The only solution for now was to run down the mountain as fast as a tiger. In front of the enemy's formation, they rushed into the formation and slaughtered the Ming army. Without artillery cover, the Ming army was like a goat with its horns plucked, and there was no threat. Boyan Beier ordered the entire army to press in, approaching the opponent's formation. No matter what formation he uses, he can directly greet him with swords and arrows. The iron hooves trample through them without any harm. Boyan Beier was very smart and saw Zhen Lingdan's formation, but ordinary Mongolian soldiers could not understand it. There were a thousand people. , stretching from the ground to the sky, with tens of thousands of people, boundless, and tens of thousands of Ming troops protected by formations, which is like a formation of hundreds of thousands of people. How can anyone have the ability and the leisure to count the heads one by one? If it is a general If there is a problem, Boyan Beier can explain it quickly and let them digest and understand it. However, he also has tens of thousands of soldiers. It is impossible to explain them one by one. Even after explaining, ordinary soldiers will not understand. The duty of the soldiers is to obey orders. , if he ordered an attack, under the supervision of the army's strict military discipline, the soldiers would still rush forward without hesitation, but if they did so, they would inevitably become timid and their combat effectiveness would decline. Facts speak louder than words. Since Boyan Beier cannot make everyone Knowing Zhen Lingdan's trick, he did not reveal the change of formation in front of everyone. He just raised his voice and said to the soldiers who were well prepared and ready to go: "The opponent is a hundred thousand sheep, and we are twenty thousand wolves. What do you think? Which one is more powerful, the sheep or the wolf? "Everyone was stunned and burst into thunderous laughter. Boyan Beier added: "In the past, the Ming Dynasty claimed to have one million troops but actually more than 200,000 people went to Oara. As a result, my brother also defeated the Ming army with only 40,000 people. We have captured their emperor. Today there are only over 100,000 of them, and I have tens of thousands of well-dressed Mongolian athletes. I really don¡¯t know what you are so timid about. They are all Mongolian athletes. Are we not as good as the Walas? . " Boyan Beier instantly aroused the competitive spirit of the Mongolian men. Tens of thousands of people shouted in unison and roared angrily. Boyan Beier nodded and knew that the effect had been achieved, so he pulled out his sword and pointed directly at the army camp, shouting: "The whole army pressed in, not a scrap of armor was left behind. "The Mongolian knights galloped and shouted angrily towards the Ming army. The artillery in the Ming army's camp unleashed its power. After a loud noise, the iron balls fired angrily flew out and smashed into the group of Mongolian cavalry. The goddesses dispersed. Flower-like iron sheets flew everywhere, killing the galloping horses and knights, and the air waves knocked the soldiers to the ground, and some were thrown high and fell to pieces. What frightened the knights the most It is a chain gun with an iron chain between the two cannonballs.?, the solid cannonballs were fired together, and the two iron balls and chains hit the cavalry group in circles, sweeping away a large area. Suddenly, screams started, and the blood mist rose. Boyan Beier smiled coldly, although he The side was slightly damaged, but the Ming army's artillery was too few to worry about, and it could be seen that the Ming army was constantly loading and firing artillery. They must be in a hurry and racing against time, trying to fire as many artillery pieces as possible before the army collides with each other. It is normal to kill enough enemies, but it shows that the Ming army is indeed insufficient in strength. It can be imagined that since fighting a tough battle face to face must be to increase morale, if there is really strong strength, there is no need to fire. Second More than a dozen cannons supported and killed hundreds of soldiers. It was better to fight face to face, which would greatly boost our own morale. Soon Boyan Beier couldn't laugh anymore. The Ming army's formation changed, revealing many people in strange clothes. , there are large dark water tanks in front of them. I don¡¯t know what is placed in the water tanks. The leader is an old man. The old man has a strong back and a straight waist, with gleaming eyes and white hair. There were a few scars on his face, but he was not angry and intimidated. He was carrying a big sword behind his back. He was not Chao Xing, the rumored general of the Tianshi camp, but who was it? Chao Xing and everyone in the Tianshi camp drove the man out of the water tank. Ghosts were rushing towards the Mongolian army all over the sky, and the ghost witches who accompanied the Mongolian army also formed camps and worshiped ghosts of various shapes to compete with them. Ten years ago, no matter how many people in the Tianshi Camp Whether it was Mongolian ghosts or witches, some of them had participated in the great battle outside Beijing. Ten years later, the same people in the world and the demon exorcism array, and the same Mongolian ghosts and witches, met again. Ten long years, ten years. Years pass by in a blink of an eye, and you will know in an instant who is responsible for the ups and downs. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 120: Will The ghosts driven by the two parties collided together, and black shadows intertwined with each other for an instant. From time to time, sharp whistles would be emitted, which was the sound of the ghosts shattering. From time to time, some of the casters on both sides were entangled by the ghosts. , either forced to death by the Yin Qi, or entangled and suffocated, in short, each has its own injuries. With Lu Yunzhi telling Chao Xing the key points of the Zhongzheng lineage's ghost exorcism technique, everyone in the Tianshi Camp practiced separately on the way. The skills have been improved to varying degrees, and after the power of the Ten Thousand Ghost Exorcism Array has been expanded, the overall strength of the people of heaven and earth has risen to more than one level. Not only are the ghosts they are driven not afraid of the sun, but their number has also doubled. , but after all, these people are just talking on paper. The ghosts they drive are not as vicious as the ghosts worshiped by ghosts and witches. Fighting between ghosts and spirits is easy to say, but a complete attack on people is completely incapable of being carried out by everyone in the Tianshi Camp. To kill someone like a ghost witch with one move. Therefore, both sides have their own advantages and disadvantages, one is ebbing and the other is up and down, each has a win or a loss. Chao Xing did not join the formation, and the Dharma Eyes of the Ten Thousand Ghosts Exorcism Array were jointly suppressed by the three pulse masters. He continuously releases ghost energy to the people around him to ensure the normal operation of the Ten Thousand Ghost Exorcism Array. In fact, no one is more suitable for this position than Chao Xing. However, Chao Xing has more important things to do at this time. He leads With a group of Qingying who were proficient in magic, they rushed straight into the queue of ghost witches. Chao Xing waved his iconic sword, and the sword ignited with endless red light, like a burning flame. Wherever he went, ghosts and souls flew away, and many people were cut off at the waist. The people behind him ordered the ghosts to protect both sides of himself and Chao Xing, and also took the opportunity to kill the Mongolians who were "let go" by Chao Xing carelessly. Ghost Witch, with Chao Xing's big sword clearing the way, the pressure on the people behind him was doubled. This attacking team was like a sharp knife and instantly tore the Ghost Witch's formation in half. Chao Xing, the God of War, also rushed in The Mongolian ghost witches at the front wanted to make up for the formation, but Chao Xing blossomed in the center, and there was still the Ten Thousand Ghost Exorcism Array in front to contain them. In an instant, the Mongolian ghost witches' formations were scattered, and the formations were scattered one after another, and the overall blackness After the oilcloth array broke down, the ghosts worshiped by the Mongolian ghost witches were exposed to the sunlight. They were miserable for a while, and their combat effectiveness was greatly reduced. The Tianshi Camp composed of people from heaven and earth slowly gained the upper hand. If we talk about the Tianshi Camp The fight between the mortal warriors and the Mongolian ghost witches was an odd one. The battle between the mortal warriors was no worse than theirs. It was also extremely exciting, and even more intense than the confrontation between the people of heaven and earth and the Mongolian ghost witches. After Boyanbeier ordered the entire army to attack, He did not lead the escort team to watch the formation from the rear, but went out to fight with the Chinese army, just slightly behind. Of course, the guards around him were indispensable. The reason why he went out to fight together was for two reasons. Firstly, The Ming army loved to use tricks. After the whole army pressed in, it was easy for the enemy to detour and seize the tent if they stayed behind to command. Although their guards were extremely brave, they were not all enemies of ten thousand people. The second point was because of this battle. The fight is about momentum. What is needed is the ferocity of the tigers descending from the mountain. It can compete with the momentum of the Ming army. If Boyanbeier himself goes out with the sergeants, the morale will be high. The general will personally charge into the battle. What can be done to stabilize the morale of the army? It all worked, and sure enough, the Mongolian soldiers howled like evil wolves and ran towards the Ming army. As for the roaring artillery and the extremely lethal chain bombs, they seemed not to see it, and only saw In the future, with the importance of Boyan Beier and the dignity of the Mongols, the knight who rushed to the front soon fell to the ground. The ground was densely scattered with iron caltrops. I don¡¯t know when the Ming army spread it. It should be ghosts. Otherwise, it is impossible that the Mongolian sentry cavalry could not detect it. Boyan Beier shouted: "This is the only skill of the Han people. Every time it is a caltrop, all the soldiers listen to the order, prepare and release arrows." " At this time, there was still an arrow's land away from the Ming Dynasty. The Mongolian soldiers bent their bows and began to shoot upwards. The Ming army raised their shields to block them. There was a constant sound of clanking, and the arrows were nailed to the shields of the Ming army. Ming Dynasty The large shields and spears in front of the army are as unwavering as solid rocks, waiting for the arrival of the cavalry. This formation is the formation used by the ordinary Ming army to resist the Mongolian cavalry. The large shields are supported at a slight tilt in front, and the spears are in a straight line. The angles are supported on the shield, and the bottom end supports the ground, thereby maximizing the strength. As long as the spear does not break, it can continuously stab the charging enemies, cut through the belly of the leaping horses, and stand up in a row at the same time. The spears are like a dense forest, and they also give the galloping cavalry a sense of oppression. They can only confront this formation head-on. The Mongols have no good way, because the spearmen hide behind the shield-hands, and the shield-hands are stubborn. It is impossible to kill with a bow and arrow against a large shield. The only feasible way is to hit the spear with the horse's head and knock the spear away. Of course, the horse will be useless. If the enemy does not replace the manpower in time, , then the formation tore a hole, and the spear relied on the soldiers to unite as one, but the embankment of a thousand miles was destroyed in the ant nest. As long as one place is opened, the consequences will be disastrous, that is, the entire line will be defeated. Of course?There are a few situations where it happens, for example, the Mongolian man who rushes at the front is extremely powerful, and with a wave of his hand, he uses the combined strength of the soldier's whole body and the support of the spear shaft, and then the cavalry rushes into the enemy's formation. , the battle was completely chaotic. In this confrontation, wherever there was an opening, follow-up troops would rush in from there. The Mongols only wanted to kill the enemy in the war, and there were not many formation changes and formations. They just relied on the speed of their horses. , the sword is fast, and the arrow is fast, in short, it is right to kill anyone when you see it. As for the Ming army, there are exceptions. For example, in the battle between Shi Biao and Meng He, the entire forest of spears remained unshaken after several attacks. Human corpses and horse corpses were strung together, the spears lost their lethality, and the formation collapsed. Of course, the Mongols had to pay the price of blood for breaking the formation, and the role of the spears had been maximized. At this moment It depends on the will of both sides. The Mongolian cavalry, inspired by Boyan Beier, is naturally not afraid of the upright spears. They draw their sabers and prepare to deflect the spears. The success rate is not high, but once they succeed, it will be a wolf among the sheep. On the other hand, The Ming army was mostly composed of Zhen Lingdan's soldiers and horses from Lianghu. The people of Lianghu were not particularly tough, and their bodies were not as tall and strong as the northerners, but they were unambiguous in fighting. Even without weapons, they could survive with their teeth. Killing the opponent to death, not to mention that this team was created by Zhen Lingdan himself, bringing out the temperament of the people from the two lakes to the fullest. They are not afraid of the Mongolian cavalry, and even look at them with some contempt. They all carry one head and one shoulder. , who the hell is afraid of, Of course, the reason why they are so confident, the bigger reason is that they have a secret weapon that they have not used. Seeing the cavalry charging closer and closer, they put away their bows and arrows, pulled out their sabers and started to charge, The Ming army finally When Zhen Lingdan's order came, she turned over her shield. The big shield turned over and faced the Mongolian cavalry. The Mongolian cavalry covered their eyes one after another, not even bothering to wave their sabers. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 121: Bullying Behind the big shield, it was made of brass, just like mirrors. The sunlight reflected over it. The enemy soldiers in front could not see anything clearly, so they could only hit the spears stupidly. Zhen Lingdan sneered: " If you want to fight with me, fight with the sky first." Borrowing the power of the sky, the power is infinite. The previous Mongolian knights were like candied haws pierced on the spears, and the horses that followed were also stabbed in the front hooves by the sun. Raised, screamed and stopped moving forward. After all, the sunlight reflected by the bronze mirror was limited. Soon the Mongolian cavalry got used to the bright light. Boyanbeier felt so heartbroken when he looked at it that he almost vomited blood. The people rushing in front were all His strongest warrior, he died without a fight. Boyanbeier was angry, and the Mongolian soldiers were also angry. They rushed towards the Ming army again, but unexpectedly, a strong light shone just now, and the horses stopped. Feet, if they charge forward, many people will lose their momentum. The vanguard troops are even more dead and wounded. They are only a few steps away from the Ming army. There is nowhere to go. They rush on their horses. Among the three major advantages, the arrow is fast. It has been used up, and now Ma Kuai has also lost it. The only advantage left is sword speed. But without Ma Kuai's sword speed, the power is reduced. The Ming army was not idle either, and the shield turned over again. , the shield bearers and spearmen stood up one after another, and the crossbowmen shot arrows at the panicked Mongolian soldiers. Zhen Lingdan's poorly equipped fire gunner completely turned into a black gunner. He saw which Mongolian soldier was strong and powerful. The stronger ones would shoot iron beads at whoever was stronger. In an instant, corpses were scattered all over the field, and the Mongolian army was bleeding like a river. When the second batch of fast horses arrived, the Mongolian vanguard troops had been exhausted, and the second batch of fast horses had no strength. The illumination of the light was just to defend against the shooting of the opponent's archers, while the fire gunners were busy loading elixirs, so just like in a regular battle, they collided with the spearmen and shield bearers, and there were elite soldiers on both sides. , we will not mention the casualties on each other for the time being, but in the end, they finally broke through the spear defense formation with their lives. The Mongolian soldiers were relieved. They thought that the next step would be a large-scale massacre and a small number of their own casualties, but they However, they did not expect that the situation was not as optimistic as they thought. After the spear defense collapsed, the surviving spearmen, shield bearers, archers and gunmen quickly retreated and were not willing to fight. No Mongolian thought that these Ming soldiers were They were running away, because what was waiting for them were rows of large shields. The large shields formed a long and narrow passage. The winding road was unpredictable. Boyan Beier was also stunned. It turned out that it was not only the Xuanxiang formation, but also the The Bagua array was waiting for him. The soldiers running back from the Ming army ducked into the shield on the side one after another. When the last person ran in, the shield came over with a clang, leaving no gap at all. They were running along the road. They would certainly not be stupid enough to hit the layers of shields that were like copper walls and iron walls. This was something the Mongolian army could not control and had no time to control. Besides, even if they could control it, where could they run? The horses could leap forward. , but will not jump to the side. The distance left now is no distance for acceleration even in front, so the Mongolian army can only step into the road composed of shields. Boyanbeier shouted, but he had no time to block it. The team was too long to convey the order, so we had no choice but to follow the army into the formation. Now we can only take one step at a time. Behind the shield, there are people shooting dark arrows from time to time. Those who hit the target fell off their horses. The originally horizontal cavalry It is divided into long vertical strips, and the widest part can only accommodate five horses in parallel. Therefore, once the horse falls off, there will be thousands of tramples behind it. Not to mention that it will not survive, even the bones may not be found. Trampled to pulp, the Tatar Mongolian soldiers generally do not carry shields. Some of the Tatar soldiers carry shields, but some of them carry shields. Most of the battles between the Mongolians in the east are between various ethnic groups or battles. Fighting with the Han people is different. When they fight, they have to face not only the Han people, but also their own people, as well as the Timurid and Xifan people who are stronger and more powerful than them. , relying on shields and bows and arrows can be invincible. Therefore, in the past battles, when the strength was not enough, the shield could only be used to resist. Nowadays, the round shield hung on the side of the horse is finally useful. The round shield can be used for protection. It can block the hidden arrows on both sides, but the horses can't guard against them. What's more, the firecrackers are not projectiles now, but pieces of iron sand. Some weak shields are directly smashed, but the iron-clad ones can withstand it. For a moment, the projectiles are powerful and accurate, but the iron sand is different. Although the power is small, it hits a large area and scatters in a fan shape. After the horse is shot, the cavalry falls to the ground. It is more painful than being beaten to death, because what follows is He was trampled to death by his comrades of the same race, but what was more terrible was not that. The Mongolian soldiers were constantly hurting him, but even the Mao of the Ming army could not touch them. All they touched were layers of large shields. The strong knife was nothing more than a white mark when it was struck, and barb-shaped hooks and long shining knives often protruded from under the shield, which would immediately cut off the horse's leg when it touched it. When Boyanbeier saw something bad, he thought We want to withdraw our troops, but how can we form the formation?With many changes, the Ming army could not hold up its shields. It slowly pushed forward and kept changing its formation. It forced the Mongolian soldiers who had been forced into a long and slender team to be divided into multiple sections. The Mongolian soldiers originally thought that the Ming soldiers were more numerous. Now, The number of comrades-in-arms around them became smaller and smaller, and they were all cut into small pieces. From time to time, they were shot to death or stabbed to death by stretched out spears. For a time, the morale of the soldiers was in chaos, and they stopped fighting. Having gained courage, the Mongolian army's team was slowly divided, and the main team became even closer, with horse heads facing horse tails. They wished they could all become conjoined, for fear of being cut off by the Ming army. Suddenly, the formation changed and blocked their retreat. Immediately afterwards, footsteps sounded from the front. Boyan Beier was in the main team. Now he was so arrogant that he was so bullying. The Ming army was bullying us. Mongolia has no one. They used artillery, light, arrows, and spears. Stab, use formation to block, use shield to resist, now I want to fight head-on, the sound is still the sound of stepping, the cavalry is not fast anymore, but it is also a cavalry, a high-ranking cavalry, the Ming army actually uses infantry to fight, this is not What's the point of shitting while riding on the neck? Boyan Beier also knew that although he was angry, he could not fight. The most correct choice was to fight out as soon as possible. This time he was in trouble. The Mongolian cavalry that he had always been proud of was destroyed like this. He was defeated head-on, and the opponent must have suffered minimal casualties. This made Boyanbeier feel as if his punch had failed. His advantage was not used at all, and was neutralized by Zhen Lingdan, like a hammer hitting cotton. , Soon, Boyan Beier saw the formation that made the sound of footsteps just now. He no longer thought that Zhen Lingdan was bullying him. Maybe he was really qualified to sit on his neck and shit, because the front was right It is the spear and shield array of the Westerners, Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 122: Iron Army The spear and shield formation is just what the Mongols call it. It is different from the traditional formations that the Han people put in front of the formation. What they encountered before was a dead formation, which meant that it was a fortification that was difficult or even impossible to move, but now this one But it is a formation unique to the Fan people. The formation has high requirements on personnel. They must be soldiers of similar height and strong physique. They must hold a large shield in one hand to protect themselves and ensure the safety of their teammates on the flanks. Therefore, the ability of teamwork is greatly improved. The requirements are particularly strong. If one person falls, someone must immediately replace him, otherwise the teammates will be exposed to the enemy's sword. Of course, this is not the most difficult thing. The most difficult part is to raise the spear with one hand, and you must be able to It can effectively kill and wound the enemy. The spear is thicker than the spear used to stab the horses on the outermost layer of the formation, and the pole is also very long. If you don't have the strength, you probably won't be able to lift it, let alone kill the enemy. Zhen Ling Dan's team came from Lianghu. If the big men from Shandong or Shuntian Prefecture could still manage to form this formation, but the men from Lianghu were relatively small, Zhen Lingdan worked hard for this formation at that time. But no matter how hard you train, you can't get it right. Physical fitness cannot be changed overnight. Later, Zhen Lingdan thought about it. Everyone in Xifan was tall and powerful. Naturally, their weapons were long and their shields were heavy. However, the enemies they faced were also strong and powerful. Gao Cai designed such a formation, but the Mongolians were not the same. The Mongolian horses were relatively short and long, far from the tall horses of the Xifan people. Naturally, they could not use such long spears. Therefore, Zhen The square formation that Ling Dan trained was a smaller version, matching the shield of Erlang of the Two Hus, and the longer spear, which was neither heavy nor light, just fit in the hand. In this way, the formation was faster and more dexterous, and it also had the strength of a spear. The effect of shield array, Zhen Lingdan's change in thought seems simple, but facts have proved that it is more difficult to learn and apply this word flexibly than to apply it mechanically. Anyone who is knowledgeable and can learn and apply it flexibly will become a great person. Boyan Beier once He had dealt with this kind of formation, and he was beaten hard that time. I heard that this formation was called the Macedonian Phalanx, but that was the sound. The soldiers in the first row of the formation held their spears flat, and the third The second row is tilted upward a little, the third row is tilted upward, the fourth row is still tilted upward, and the soldiers behind are slightly tilted in the same direction. Although the movement speed of this formation is not as fast as that of the cavalry, it can effectively deal with all kinds of attacks. In this formation, the large shield is armor, making the soldiers in this square invulnerable. The spear is a thorn that can kill the enemy, and it is also an effective defense. It is like a big moving hedgehog, making it impossible for the enemy to attack, not only unable to attack. Mouth, maybe it will move over and stab you into a bloody mess. The tilted spear can not only prevent the cavalry from leaping into the formation, but also can quickly enter the battle. For example, if a soldier in the first row is killed, the second row will be killed. The people behind him will quickly make up for it. The spears whose angles are not particularly different can now be in line with the soldiers in the same row at the fastest speed. Of course, this formation is not without its shortcomings, that is, the people's hearts must be Qi, once someone escapes from the formation, it will definitely cause chaos in the formation, so generally those who escape from this formation will be sentenced to death and the entire clan will be exterminated. Another way to break it is to use artillery. The movement speed of this formation is not as fast as that of the cavalry. As long as the calculation Once the position of the next move is expected to be moved, the formation will be useless. But Boyan Beier does not meet these two conditions. First, he does not have such accurate artillery. Second, since Zhen Lingdan dares to come out and confront him head-on, it means that This unit was loyal enough and would never run away from the battle. It seemed that they had no choice but to bite the bullet. Boyanbeier gave the order, and the Mongolian cavalry endured the fear in their hearts and rushed forward. In an instant, they were defeated by the phalanx. Yan Beier was confused. How was the battle fought today? Why was he defeated? The warriors beside him ignored Boyan Beier's objections and protected him and rushed out of the formation. Although Boyan Beier shouted: " I want to fight, I want to fight. "In fact, he ran faster than anyone else. He rushed out and encountered several phalanxes and firecrackers and arrow formations. The Mongolian cavalry dared to resist, so they could only flee. The more they fought, the fewer people there were. In addition, they were in a panic. The tightness slipped again, so they were quickly blocked by the changing formations, and they surrounded and killed them. When Boyan Beier rushed out, only a few thousand people were left in the army of more than 10,000. Boyan Beier was heartbroken and raised his head. The saber pointed fiercely at the Ming army's camp and cursed: "One day, I will be the leader." Before he could finish his words, he heard a loud rumbling sound from the side, like the roar of dull thunder and the sound of war drums. Speaking of war drums, Zhen Lingdan It was such a joy to see Boyan Beier's army defeated by him and return with few casualties. He was extremely excited for a while. He took off his armor, took off his robe, naked to the waist, and beat the drum himself. The morale of the Ming army was greatly boosted. Up, the soldiers of the Ming army who had the upper hand became even more brave. They strictly changed their formations without fear and obeyed the orders issued by the central army's flag. The drums were loud and murderous. Zhen Lingdan's muscles were bulging, and her silver hair was fully displayed. Of course, the sound that Boyan Beier heard was not just the sound of Zhen Lingdan beating the drum. Behind the small slope on the sideThe sound became even louder. Just when Boyan Beier rushed into the Ming army and pointed his sword back, threatening revenge, but was shocked by the loud noise, a group of armors moved over. Boyan Beier rubbed his eyes. It was indeed armor, and the person was. The whole body is heavily armored, and even the horse is also fully armored, completely invulnerable. Looking at the riders, they are all strong men. They must have been picked out from a hundred. The horses they are riding should be Sanhe Liangju or Dawan horses based on their height. These horses If you put it with the Han people, you can exchange it for a thousand pieces of gold. If you put it with the Mongolians who have many horses, they are also quite valuable. Mongolians make a living on horses, but horses are not very valuable. Mongolian horses are basically free-range. They can survive on anything they eat. They have good endurance and strong vitality. , very much like the unbeatable Mongolian men, but the horses used by the Ming Dynasty's iron kites are different. They are all good horses. They are very fast. Although they have low endurance, they are very powerful in short-term sprints and have great strength. Generally, knights don't need to move. A knife can knock Mongolians and their horses to the ground with just a collision. However, these horses are also very delicate. They have to be fed with fine grains when they have nothing to do. They have to give them enough wheat, corn and millet. If they have nothing to do, they have to get some. Feed it fresh vegetables. The feed money for one horse is enough to feed three ordinary peasant families for a year. Horses are expensive, expensive to raise, and difficult to grow. Although there are not many such war horses running now, but the whole body As soon as the armor was put on, the momentum was there. These more than 300 tall horses rushed towards Boyan Beier with a formation of thousands of troops. It seemed that Zhen Lingdan had spent a lot of money this time. Boyan Beier instantly felt My head swelled. I wanted to run but I couldn't bring myself to run away. I couldn't save face. The number one warrior in the army, who was strong and powerful, was beaten by the Han people and fled. Now he is being chased by the Han cavalry. If word of what happened today spreads, I'm afraid my reputation will be ruined. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 123: Sealing the Star Not to mention Boyan Beier, all the Mongolian soldiers present were stunned. Isn't this the Xixia Iron Kitten that was passed down by word of mouth? In those days, it was invincible in the southern and northern wars and slaughtered nearly a million Song soldiers. How is it happening now after hundreds of years? Appearing on the battlefield again, this group of armored soldiers were wearing heavy armor. Not to mention that they couldn't be cut with swords and arrows, even the iron pellets shot by fire guns would leave at most a white mark on them. The thicker the armor, the worse it would be. Shen, so it is necessary to use big horses such as Dayuan Famous Horse or Sanhe Liangju. "Great Khan, please go quickly, I will resist." A Mongolian general whipped Boyan Beier's horse on the buttocks, and Boyan Bell's horse was in pain and rushed out like an arrow. The general led hundreds of people straight up and fought with the Ming army's iron kites. Boyan Bell's eyes were moist. He knew that these hundreds of Mongolian athletes could not resist at all. The real iron hooves of the Iron Kites, they are using their lives to buy time for themselves. The wind is rustling and the water is cold. Once the warriors are gone, they will never return. There is no suspense that the Mongolian soldiers who went out to stop them all died in the Iron Kites. Under the hooves of the horse, Boyan Beier fled in a hurry. The Mongolian ghost witch saw that the situation was over and ran away with oil on his feet. Chao Xing obviously didn't kill very happily. He wiped the blood on the iron sword and quickly returned to the Ming army camp. , Chao Xing¡¯s upper body was naked and covered with blood, Zhen Lingdan was also naked and covered with sweat. Both of them were veterans. Looking at each other¡¯s honor, they couldn¡¯t help but laugh like a grand. Chao Xing said: ¡°Zhen Lingdan. "Brother, why are you going into battle shirtless?" Zhen Lingdan said with a smile: "I don't have what you have. I just want to see how good you are in killing, so I want to cheer you up. I see you like this. "It must be a quick kill." "It's a quick kill. These Mongolian ghost witches are slippery than loaches. They retreat immediately when the situation is not good. They are slippery and the fight is not fun," Chao Xing complained. Zhen Lingdan clapped her arms and said, "There will be plenty of opportunities in the future. If you hadn't led the brothers from the Tianshi camp to stop the Mongolian ghost witches today, my formation wouldn't have been able to be displayed so completely. We soldiers would have been so powerful against the Mongolian barbarians." It's okay, but I have no idea how to deal with ghosts. " "By the way, how did Brother Zhen do? How many enemies were killed? Did he catch the leader over there?" Zhen Lingdan shook his head in disappointment. Shaking his head: "Boyan Beier was able to get to where he is today. It's certainly not bad luck. We let this kid run away. However, our goal was achieved. We consumed the enemy's vitality and scared their courage. If we use tricks in the future, It will definitely get twice the result with half the effort." Zhen Lingdan then had a proud smile on her face: "But the results of today's battle are really beyond expectations. How can we say it's so exciting? We killed tens of thousands of Tatars, and the corpses were almost gone. It's piled up like a mountain." Chao Xing's eyes lit up and he laughed: "Take me to see it quickly, these results are so quick. Zhen Lingdan is indeed the best veteran in the world. No wonder my nephew is so relieved to let you know. Come and fight on the Western Front." The two of them looked up to the sky and walked side by side towards the battlefield. The dust had settled, and only the Ming army was cleaning the battlefield and piling up corpses. The news of Zhen Lingdan's victory soon spread to Lu. Regarding Yun Zhi's copywriting, Bai Yong also sent a secret report. Lu Yunzhi was overjoyed. Long Qingquan went to see Shi Biao for a drink a few days ago. Shi Biao told him some truth. Even though Long Qingquan looked pretty, he also spoke poorly. Literary, and very chivalrous in his heart, he is actually a rough man. Rough people are against rough people. From that time on, Long Qingquan has no respect for Lu Yunzhi's nose, nose, or eyes. Now, seeing that both Bai Yong and Zhen Lingdan had made great achievements, Long Qingquan couldn't hold back his anger. He shouted that he wanted to go to war. He also said righteously that how long would the confrontation between the two armies last with Meng He? Could it be that they were fighting for food and grass? Unexpectedly, as soon as these words came out, Lu Yunzhi actually nodded: "It's just a matter of fighting for food and grass. Isn't it wonderful to be able to defeat the enemy's army without fighting? Besides, how can Meng He compete with Li Yao, the leader of Goryeo?" Compared with the likes of Boyan Beier here, Meng He is no less talented than me, and more talented than Bai Yong, Zhen Lingdan, and only my eldest brother Qu Xiangtian can compare with him. "Tch, you can see it, but Meng He can't. If you want to kill him like this, he might be holding back something bad." "Long Qingquan said with a cold snort. In front of Lu Yunzhi, his brother-in-law, he was a little unscrupulous. Lu Yunzhi did not refute this time. Instead, he nodded meaningfully and said in an understatement: "It's nothing more than eradicating dissidents. , Qingquan, you have grown up. "Long Qingquan didn't understand, but he also knew that Lu Yunzhi was praising him. He smiled and covered it up, but Leopard laughed loudly: "The first time I saw Qingquan, Bai Yong had a fight with him. It's a bit rough, but overall I still think he looks like a scholar, and he's on par with Yun Zhi. Now that I've been following these Qiu Ba for a long time, he has become so thick. Not bad, not bad, and suits my taste. " "You still praise him. "Lu Yunzhi rolled her eyes at Leopard and said, "Long Qingquan looked at the battle report on the table and brought the topic back: "Brother-in-law, look at each of themAren¡¯t you jealous of those who have accomplished great feats? " "What am I jealous of? "Lu Yunzhi paused and said, "We have restrained Meng He's army and put him in a dilemma, so that the two fronts can win with minimal casualties. Otherwise, let's see who can resist Meng He all the way. After all, Meng He The number of Mongolian troops led by them is too large. Besides, Bai Yong is my brother-in-law and my subordinate. Although Zhen Lingdan has never surrendered to me, he will be mine sooner or later. If they win the battle, it does not mean that I will win. If you win the battle, you have to do it yourself. He is not a commander, he can only be a general. A general leads the troops to perform meritorious deeds, and a commander drives the generals. " "Okay, you have to be awesome. By the way, Yun Zhi, how do you plan to reward Bai Yong and the others? "Baozi was also very happy when he saw the good news, and asked, he has a good relationship with Bai Yong. They have lived together in Fengbo Village for so long, and their relationship is quite deep. At this moment, he is asking for credit for Bai Yong, Lu Yunzhi thought for a while He nodded and said: "Yes, I have to be rewarded, but isn't following me, Mr. Lu, more attractive than any other high-ranking official with a high salary? I think they, including you two, don't care about the court's status and money. Our family is not short of fame or money. What do you think of this? Let¡¯s seal the star in Secret Thirteen. " "How to seal the star?" "Long Qingquan said, and Lu Yunzhi began to answer: "You each occupy one of the stars of the Big Dipper. The star positions of Secret Thirteen are much more useful than those of the imperial court. I am the sky and you are the star positions. In Secret Thirteen, It enjoys great authority, please take a look. Leopard smiled and said, "It's up to you. Since you want to play, I'll accompany you to the end." "Long Qingquan was still young, and he became playful for a moment. He forgot about his clamoring to go to war just now, and asked: "Brother-in-law, what kind of star do you want to grant me? " Lu Yunzhi thought for a while and said: "There are not enough people who can award the reward now, but let's make up for the rest. The Big Dipper is called Tianshu, Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Yuheng, Kaiyang, and Yaoguang in the astrology. , but the other names are Greedy Wolf, Jumen, Lucun, Wenqu, Lianzhen, Wuqu, Pojun, we want the second name, Qingquan you, just call it Jumen, Jumenxing judges right and wrong. Good and evil, you have an upright and chivalrous temperament, and the Jumen star is the most suitable. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 124: The human heart is the heartiest Wenquxing was succeeded by Ah Rong. It is not that Ah Rong was a man of great talent. He was intended to assist civil servants. All the servants of officials in the world were managed by Ah Rong. This position was well deserved, but it was taken out of context. It was just Lu Yunzhi. It was just a joking reward, so no one took it seriously. Lian Zhen was succeeded by Yan Bei. Although he had never joined the Secret Thirteen, he was responsible for investigating corrupt officials in the world and was assisted by members of the Secret Thirteen. He was also considered a member of the same boat. Po Jun gave It is in line with the astrology to lead the killing strategy of Baozi. Wu Qu was jointly appointed by the veteran Chao Xing and Zhen Lingdan. In this way, Zhen Lingdan was also dragged into the dust of Secret Thirteen by Lu Yunzhi. The star position Zhen Lingdan had to obey even if she didn't obey. As the saying goes, don't hit someone with a smiling face. This is the truth. Lu Yunzhi gave him face, so Zhen Lingdan had no choice but to accept it. Lu Cun was mostly a Wen Dian official, but Lu Yunzhi took the title of "Lu" and gave it to Dong De. He tried his best in the affairs of Guangdong and Guangxi and made up for his merits. Moreover, the soldiers and horses had not yet moved the food and grass first. Without Dong De's financial support, it would be difficult for Lu Yunzhi to succeed. However, , Dong De also understood that his wealth was given by Lu Yunzhi and could be taken back to the next "Dong De" at any time, so he was loyal and devoted himself to it. As for the greedy wolf and romantic love, the relatively lustful Shang Wang took over. In recognition of his loyalty and bravery, the star positions that were originally thought to be unavailable were awarded in a round, but in the end they felt that they were not enough. As for Bai Yong, Lu Yunzhi trusted him extremely. He did not have the servile spirit of Ah Rong in his nature, nor did he have the spirit of Dong. De's petty calculations, not to mention Long Qingquan's chivalry of heaven and earth who only recognizes loyalty and traitors, and Yan Bei's uprightness who does not recognize personal relationships. Baozi was originally like Bai Yong and was not restrained by these factors. It was just because of Yingzi that he mostly acted for his sister. Lu Yunzhi thought more, but the second priority was Bai Yong. Bai Yong was the third person who followed Lu Yunzhi. He was old enough and didn't have so many thoughts in his heart. He just regarded Lu Yunzhi as his eldest brother. As the lord, he obeyed Lu Yunzhi's words. Bai Yong was talented and smart, and he also liked Lu Yunzhi's wishes. He followed Lu through life and death and made great contributions. If it weren't for the group of airbending masters of Fengbo Village he brought out, It is also difficult for Lu Yunzhi to occupy a place in the troubled times where all heroes are together. Therefore, Lu Yunzhi gave Bai Yong a title that moved him to tears. Standing side by side, in the world, half of Lu Yunzhi is half of Bai Yong. Chao Xing and Zhen Lingdan are both listed as Wuqu stars. After fighting side by side for a while, the two of them have a sense of regret for meeting each other. Today He didn't have any objection to being awarded the same star. Chao Xing took Lu Yunzhi's star award and said, "It seems that Yunzhi also has the heart of a child. This is the first time in so many years that I have seen him so proud. " Zhen Lingdan nodded: "Speaking of it, Yun Zhi is not too old. At the age of twenty, he became famous all over the world in the first battle in the capital. He fought against the gluttonous Shang Yang Jiuying. A year later, on the night of the wedding, his family was destroyed and everyone was separated. What followed? It is the road of being hunted, surviving from a desperate situation and then fighting back, relying on his own power to connect the north and the south to turn the tide, and finally overcome all obstacles to achieve today's fame and status. He and Yu Qian defeated Meng He, and he pushed Zhu Qiyu to kill him. After Yu Qian, I have another battle with Meng He today. After Meng He dies, who will be the next one to fall? One general will make all the bones dry. Lu Yunzhi has reached this stage and has killed many people and died a lot. He will kill many people in the future. His happiness today is hard-won, so let¡¯s accept this star position for the time being. " "Okay, we two brothers have the same star position. I admire Brother Zhen, and you should not bother me. We two brothers will work together to kill the enemy together, and we must not disgrace the name of Wu Quxing. "Chao Xing said with a smile, Zhen Lingdan's face straightened and she pulled Chao Xing to the front of the map, pointed at an area and said, "Speaking of killing enemies, I have something to ask. Look at the national conditions and situation in Yili. We are very different in the Central Plains. The battle manuals of the Central Plains record many details of the attack on the Oara Tatars. There are very few Yilibaili. According to the reports of the sentries, there are cities in Yilibali. Aren't they also Mongolians? People and horses, what do the nomads want to do with the city? Brother Chao has stayed in Timur for a long time. He should have some understanding of the customs and customs in this area. Can you explain it to me. " Chao Xing nodded and explained: "Brother Zhen doesn't know. Although the main population in Yiliba is Mongolian, it is heavily influenced by the Westerners because it is close to the Western Regions. Businesses with various countries can also be seen in the country. Team, let¡¯s put it this way, there were two large trade markets in the west of the Ming Dynasty, one was Timur and the other was Yilibaoli. However, since Fang Qingze arrived at Timur, this pattern has been completely broken, and the focus of the economy has completely shifted. When Timur arrived, Yili's economy was affected, which led to continuous civil strife across the country, which also led to the root cause of the perennial war. It was just to survive and make a living. Of course, his thoughts had been seriously affected by the Spanish After the transformation, the human race is also different. There are some hybrids of Mongolians and Turks. The Xifan people built cities, so they also tried to build cities inside. " "Wait, you mean they are Turkic Mongolians"People, then they should believe in Islam, why would they listen to the call of the Mongolian ghost witches? "Zhen Lingdan raised the question, and Chao Xing nodded: "That's right. Even Timur also believes in Islam. It's just that Timur's Islam is under the control of the Murong family. It has changed. And Yili Baoli is relatively pure, but the elders in Yilibari or the elders of the tribe still have high respect for the Mongolian ghost witches. Of course, for Boyanbeier, this hero, this is not a fear. His faith lies in those in power. He was just a usable tool in his hands. What really made him determined to cooperate with the Mongolian ghosts and wizards was, I think, his belief in regaining power. This is quite similar to Meng He¡¯s idea, which was nothing more than eradicating dissidents and through war. They want to divert social conflicts and unify the country by force. However, the two of them have their own small thoughts, that is, if one party fails to fight, even if they cannot defeat the Ming Dynasty, they can still take the opportunity to occupy the other party's land. Therefore, the two of them seem to be inseparable, but they both want to sit back and take it. Those who fish for profit are all treacherous people. " Zhen Lingdan clapped her hands and praised: "Listening to your words is worse than ten years of reading. I really didn't expect that a mighty man like Brother Chao could be so scheming and understand political intrigues. Brother, I am not as good as you, I admire you. Chao Xing waved his hand, blushed and said: "This is why I left the capital and went to the front line. We are all old people. We are not as old as dogs. We just don't want to see the problem too thoroughly." , rather than being unable to see clearly, plus I am surrounded by my nephew Yun Zhi, Zhu Jianwen, Shi Heng, Cao Jixiang and others all day long. They are all clever people, and they will learn by hearing and seeing. The capital is so tired, and people¡¯s hearts are always the dirtiest things. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 125: Refugees Siege Zhen Lingdan smiled and said nothing after listening to Chao Xing's words. After all, too many people were involved, and he didn't know what to say, so he coughed slightly and changed the subject and said, "Let's get back to the topic. Is it easy to capture the city in Liba?" Chao Xing nodded and said: "The first reason why they built the city is the change of customs I just mentioned, and the second is to prevent sandstorms, not really. To resist the enemy, the city walls are not too strong and can be destroyed without artillery and trebuchets. When foreign enemies invade, they still go out to fight more often as a defense. "Yi Li also made the conditions in Ribivara and Tatar even worse, with more wind and sand. There are more grasslands and less grass, so Chao Xing can understand what Chao Xing said. In this case, the number of cities is definitely not a small number, because as long as the population gathers, it must be blocked from the wind and sand, so it is necessary to build cities to block the wind and sand. Zhen Lingdan proposed his own Guessing, Chao Xing gave an affirmative answer. The city in Yili was indeed densely packed. Even Chao Xing, who had been to Yili, couldn't explain it clearly. Zhen Lingdan suddenly laughed evilly after learning about the situation, and then Asked: "Brother Chao, what will you do if you say that you are from Yili, and I only fire artillery to encircle you but not attack, and open a gap in the encirclement?" "The enemy will be several times larger than our army. You should escape. On the other hand, if you scare them now, why would you dare to confront us head-on? If there is an opening, you will flee in a hurry," Chao Xing said. Zhen Lingdan nodded and said, "Then. Let me ask again, is there a particularly strong and large capital city in Yilibaoli?" Chao Xing seemed to understand, and replied with a smile: "Of course there is, Yilibaoli is the one we named him after his capital city. , the capital city is Yilibaili, it is a strong city. "Zhen Lingdan stood up and looked at the map and said: "We will leave the city tomorrow. There are many Mongolians in Yilibaili. They are nomadic people. , as long as a strong man can fight, even a child can mount a horse and take a bow and arrow to kill our Ming warriors. Therefore, their troops can be easily expanded, and they can go into battle without even training, but no matter how fast they are, they cannot We will recruit a large army within a few days, and we need to prepare bows, arrows, sabers, food and grass. Okay, let's give them time to prepare, defeat them one by one, force them to the capital, and then catch them all in one fell swoop. " "I have two questions. First, after dividing the troops, If the enemy's remaining troops come to fight one of our teams head-on, I'm afraid we won't be able to form a large formation after dividing our troops, and the enemy's cavalry will suffer a loss. Secondly, why do we Wouldn't it be faster to destroy Boyan Beier's regime instead of attacking Huanglong directly? Yes, you said so, go straight to Huanglong. We just want to put pressure on him. We send troops and horses to pull branches at intervals and raise flags high to confuse the enemy, thinking that this is a large army approaching their capital. If nothing else, Boyan Bell will shrink his troops as soon as possible and defend Kyoto. After our advance troops arrive, we will not attack the city and build high strongholds to fight the enemy. After our surrounding strategies are implemented, I have another clever plan. Therefore, because he has shrunk his troops, we After the troops are divided, the soldiers and horses will be particularly relaxed. I think as you said before, just firing a cannon and blasting through the city wall can force them away. " "As for the second point, why not go straight to Huanglong now? What we want is to defeat Yilibaili, not to overthrow Boyanbeier's regime. Defeating him personally is not the goal. Conquering their entire nation is our foundation. Only Only by catching them all in one swoop can we completely silence them and surrender to our Ming Dynasty. In short, in one sentence, either we don't fight, or if we want to fight, we will fight them all at once. "Zhen Lingdan waved her fist and said with a hint of wind, Chao Xing said with a little doubt: "You have said, if nothing happens, what if something happens? We don't have many soldiers. I can't stand the trouble. "Zhen Lingdan smiled and said: "The soldiers are traveling on dangerous routes, and fighting requires surprise. There is also a gamble, a gamble on the lives of our soldiers. If the bet is right, we will win a big victory. If the bet is wrong, it will be a big deal for me and me." The soldiers will die together, and it depends on whether Boyan Beier can figure out my intentions. This is a contest about luck, and I have no regrets if I lose. " Chao Xing thought for a long time and nodded heavily, then said: "I will play this gamble with you. "The two men pointed at the map and began to formulate an attack plan until sunset. After preparing for a day, on the third day, the Ming army left the city and divided into four groups. One group pretended to be a large army approaching the capital of Yili, and the other three groups separated. Choosing those small towns to attack, the battle went very smoothly as Zhen Lingdan predicted. There was no decent resistance in the small towns in Yiliba. Often the Ming army had already fled in panic before it could reach them again. The Mongolian men and women Almost everyone, old and young, can ride a horse, and they can escape without hesitation. As long as the Ming army reaches a city, they can enter the empty city to rest, because the cityWhere was there anyone left? They had all fled long ago. Fifteen days later, the Ming army gathered to capture the inner city. The first army that came had already built the walled city. The Ming army entered calmly and did not rush to attack the city. , firstly, Zhen Lingdan did not issue an order, and secondly, it was really impossible to attack the city, because the capital of Yili was surrounded by residents of the country. They were all clamoring to take refuge in the city, and even Some people entered the city under the pretext of joining the army. In the past, only strong men could be recruited to replenish the army. The situation has been reversed. But even so, no one can enter the city. The gate is tightly closed because for three days Before, the capital was already overcrowded, and now the city is even more impassable than the outside. Across the people in Yili, Zhen Lingdan looked up at the city and said with a smile: "After traveling all over the country, I finally saw a decent person. "Yes, it will be difficult to attack, not to mention there are so many people in front of us. If Boyan Beier gathers all these people to deal with us together, we will not surrender ourselves. Is there a trap?" Chao Xing looked worriedly at the number of people in the city who were several times his own. Zhen Lingdan shook his head and said, "This is one of the main reasons why I want to take this strategy. If we go straight to Huanglong in the first place. If we attack his capital by surprise, we are afraid that if the capital is not captured, it will be surrounded from the outside and be attacked from both sides. Now, we have nothing to worry about. We only need to surround it tightly. With the cooperation of firearms and crossbows and trebuchets, we still need to be afraid. Are these unarmed Tatars? The main force in Yili cannot get out of the city. They are also blocked in the city. Although the capital is strong, these people surrounding the city are our first wave of weapons. They may very well be After the wave is over, we can break into the capital without any bloodshed. " "We are the enemy, and the people in the city are the tribesmen. When encountering a dangerous person, the first reaction is to run to your relatives, what do you think?" Chao Xing looked at Zhen Lingdan in surprise, "Zhen. Lingdan nodded coldly: "If you are not from my tribe, why should I have good thoughts? Brother Chao, don't blame me, that's what I think." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 126: Ballad Late at night, there was a lone lamp, and two identical people were sitting under it, Lu Yunzhi and Mengmeng. It was just that Lu Yunzhi's appearance was older. He had lost some of his life for Shang Wang's sake. Over the next few days, slowly They are getting tired and showing their age. The lone lamp is swaying, but there is no shadow in the room. Both of them have shadowless defense. In order to prevent the shadow demon from coming at any time, they now maintain shadowlessness all the time. He didn't dare to slack off at all, Meng Xiang said in detail, Lu Yunzhi nodded from time to time, after a long time, Lu Yunzhi sighed and said: "Is it necessary to be like this?" Meng Xiang nodded: "There is no other way, It must be so. You, me, and your son Lu Qiutong are all suitable. " "You may not be suitable. After all, you are transformed from a ghost. It is really unpredictable. It is better for me and Tong'er to do it." Lu Yunzhi said, There were some tears in the eyes of Nightmare and he said: "Even if I can't be the carrier, I can always perform the spell. Lao Lu, I'll do it." "Stop arguing, I'm just asking you, who of us is more capable." Lu Yun Zhi asked, and Nightmare felt sad: "It's me, you can't use my ghost dream skills." Then Nightmare said: "But you are smarter than me, no one can defeat you, I am not as good as you " A wry smile appeared on the corner of Lu Yunzhi's mouth: "It's not that I'm smart, it's that my heart is cruel enough. It's not that you can't do it, it's that I did everything for you. I absorbed all your anger, and you did it. My nature has been transferred. Our two minds are connected and our thoughts are connected together. As long as I leave, you will slowly become vicious. This world is a grinding world. As long as you are in your position, you will You can¡¯t help but be cruel, Nightmare, be optimistic about Secret Thirteen, be optimistic about the Ming Dynasty, don¡¯t let Yao Guangxiao¡¯s prediction come true, and don¡¯t let God above see our joke.¡± ¡°Lao Lu,¡± Nightmare shed tears before he said anything, Lu Yunzhi. Said: "I extended my life once for Yingzi and transferred my soul once for Shang Wang. My life span has been damaged. In addition, when I was young, I used the clan's heaven and earth technique to damage my own foundation. I'm afraid I won't live as long as you, so you The most suitable, Nightmare, please." The two of them were speechless all night. Lu Yunzhi turned on the light and read at night, and Nightmare was drunk all night long. But after that, Nightmare stopped drinking and quit drinking. Looking to the northwest, Zhen Lingdan's army They have been besieging Yilidu City for fifteen days. Just as Zhen Lingdan expected, they were unable to enter the city and the people inside could not get out. Between the refugees besieging the city, the long-range weapons on both sides were out of range. , useless, Boyan Beier in the city encouraged the people to break out of the encirclement and wanted to use the power of the people to destroy the Ming army, but the people retreated. Behind them were the warriors of their own tribe. They were equipped with sabers, swords, bows and arrows, but they did not insist on fighting. Let yourself go to die, and the Ming army on the opposite side is armed to the teeth. It's not that they didn't rush through, but those stupid young men were either beaten into sieves by fire blunderbuss, or were shot through the heart by thousands of arrows and turned into hedgehogs. Boyan Beier He was extremely angry but helpless. It was not that he was afraid to fight. He was also a hot-blooded Mongolian man. How could he not fight if someone beat him to the door of his house? It was just that he was blocked by his own people and couldn't get out. As soon as the city gate is opened, there will be a sea of ??people. It is difficult to move and charge. Moreover, once the army leaves the city, while the door is open, the people will flood into the city and occupy the place that originally belonged to the army. Once the army is victorious, they will cut off their retreat. It's easy to say, but what if we lose? It's not that Boyan Beier has never heard of these allusions, but the reality is different. It would be too risky to come here. Once you leave the city, you will be crowded. Unable to move, it is a living target for the Ming army's artillery. It is better to defend the city. It is a day to defend the city. The food carried by the people outside the city will soon be exhausted. Zhen Lingdan and Chao Xing stood on the defensive with heavy expressions. Looking at the refugees on the fortification, Chao Xingcai said after a long time: "From what Brother Zhen has seen, these people can last a few more days. " "No more than ten days at most. After being trampled by these people outside the city, even the grass roots were gone. You can see that their horses started to have diarrhea because they didn't eat. I think the smell must be unpleasant, and it may also cause diseases. If there is no food, you can kill the horse to eat, but the water is almost gone. Drinking horse blood can quench the thirst, but horse blood is extremely hot and dry and cannot last for a few days. "Zhen Lingdan said expressionlessly, with no trace of mercy on her face. Chao Xing had a slightly unbearable expression, and then he slammed his fist and said, "That's it, I will send someone to sneak in tomorrow and create chaos. " "Now that we have the work, we will act according to the plan. "Zhen Lingdan said loudly, and finally there was an expression on her face, which was a cruel smile at the corner of her mouth, "Thirsty, hungry, many horses have been killed, the meat can be eaten to satisfy hunger, but I can't hold it back, today Even if it is buried in the soil, it can be stored for three or four days. As for the bag cakes, they have been eaten up long ago, and the water bag is empty. Even if it is full, it is justIt's just horse blood. The people thought they would be saved as long as they fled to the capital, so they didn't bring much dry food. But how could they have imagined that they would end up like this after being turned away. There were wolves in front of them and tigers in the back. They were in a dilemma, where should they go? The night was hazy, and a few unfamiliar faces suddenly appeared among the refugees, but no one noticed. The refugees here came from all the tribes in the eastern territory of Yilibari, and there were residents from various cities. Everyone did not know each other, and now the food In a crisis, who would pay attention to these people? These new faces speak very authentic Mongolian and look a bit like Turks. If they were in Oara or Tatar, they would definitely be recognized, but they would also try to keep the people inside Many of them have been Turkized, not only their culture but also their appearance has changed, so those few people quickly became one with the people around them, because they still had a small amount of water in their water bags, and they were very generous, " Many of my people starved to death. They soldiers ate the confiscated grain and grass, but did not go to war. Where did the grain and grass these soldiers eat come from? It was not collected from our hands. There was a grass shortage one year, and they He even killed my mother for a few sheep." The man told a touching story in a passionate voice, and scolded Boyan Beier for his inaction, saying that they were too afraid to leave the city for fear of war. Many young people were inspired. They followed the man and yelled at the city, but the clan leader and elders in the tribe looked on coldly and did not participate. The man winked at the person next to him, and the man shook his head slightly. The man was no longer interested. The people were encouraged to shout and demonstrate, and then sat down on the ground dejectedly and sang songs. The songs brought everyone into the rich days of the past, with herds of cattle and sheep, beautiful women, green grasslands, and thousands of miles of yellow sand. The warmth in the tent, the enthusiasm around the campfire, the fat and oily barbecue, the sweet and refreshing wine, the singing was inspired, melodious and melodious. Everyone listened silently and fell into deep memories. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 127: Broken City Someone started to play the morin fur or pipa, and the blend of east and west echoed the melodious and sad singing of the man. Everyone shed tears. How could they, Mongolian athletes, have fallen to this level? After the song ended, many teenagers cried. They asked their leaders and clan chiefs for orders to make a decision whether to advance or retreat. Several leaders and elders sat together and bumped heads. They made up their minds to let the people leave the city gate. Several people went into the city to ask for orders and asked everyone to keep quiet for a while. Be patient and don't act out of anger. The leaders shouted to the guards on the city. The guards reported to Boyan Beier. Boyan Beier was worried about the matter and asked them to enter the city for a detailed discussion. He also ordered the soldiers to guard the city gates as follows: Those who stormed the city without permission were shot and killed, but no one stormed the city. They still had a glimmer of hope, thinking that Boyan Beier would never abandon tens of thousands of people and ignore them. It was the herd mentality that pushed them step by step into the abyss. , Everyone looked at the city gate. There were four city gates in this capital. They didn¡¯t know where the representatives sent out would come out, so they could only wait patiently. After about two hours, these people came out. His beard and clothes There is still a little oily star on it, and he will burp one or two from time to time when talking. No one is jealous. After all, it is normal to go to the city to meet Boyan Beier and be entertained. What the refugees are most concerned about now is when they will They were able to enter the city, but the news brought by the leaders made the people fall into despair again. Boyan Beier refused them to enter the city, and these leaders exaggerated the scene in the city. The city was out of food, overcrowded, and the streets were full of hungry people. The road to death is worse than outside the city. In short, the meaning is this: everyone should stay peacefully outside the city. One leader said something he was quite proud of. He learned it from the Han people. He thinks that many people don¡¯t understand, and someone who says it in a docile way can scare a lot of people. This term is called "Yi Zi and eating." He said this just to exaggerate that the people in the city are not as good as they are. Someone asked, what does "Yi Zi and eating" mean? The leader explained triumphantly that people were hungry and couldn't bear to kill their own children, so they exchanged food for each other's children. Everyone looked at each other. Everyone had suffered from hunger, but they had never suffered such a horrific situation. At this point, I only heard someone say in the crowd: "I'm afraid that in a few days, we will have to exchange our horses for food." Everyone was in an uproar. What he said was true, in a few days the horses will also be finished. , What else can we eat if we don¡¯t eat people? The Mongolian athletes who have always been fearless began to tremble all over. The leader obviously did not expect that his words would have such a counterproductive effect. He was frightened for a while and then became furious. , asked a few followers to drag out the man who had just spoken to him, and he asked viciously: "Do you know you are wrong?" The whip made a crisp sound on the person's coat, hitting the person one after another, leaving blood marks on the flesh until the flesh was blurred. The young people clenched their fists. They resented their leader for not satisfying everyone's wishes but venting his anger. When it comes to the common people, they are right. This is forcing everyone to die. Yi Zi Er Shi is about to come. After three days, the horse carcass rotted and no intact piece of meat could be found. Everyone lay sick and sick. The people on the ground didn't even bother to talk. After four days, not a drop of horse blood was left, and the rest also stank. People's lips were chapped. Without water, they couldn't even chew the leather goods. Of course, the remaining leather goods now There were only saddles and leather belts. These leather goods were all tanned and difficult to eat. How could the people without water wrap themselves in water and swallow it? After five days, some people began to die of thirst and starvation, and the people had quietly exchanged food among themselves. , finally some people couldn't help it. They didn't dare to go to the Ming army, because they were enemies and would shoot arrows and fire at them without hesitation. They firmly believed that the people in the capital would not. The city gate was beaten by hundreds of flesh and blood. There was a rumbling sound. These people who knocked on the door were all passionate young people from various tribes. Naturally, they had no fear. They were knocking and cursing. The city guard quickly reported to Boyan Beier. After receiving the order, Boyan Beier cursed angrily: "They are a bunch of unruly people. If they don't attack the people of Ming Dynasty, how come they turn against their own people? "Then he thought for a moment and issued the order. If there are any more rebels who gather here, they will be killed. So, the massacre began. The relatives and friends of the original tribe were divided into two camps, those inside the city and those outside the city. People in the city kept stopping. Shooting arrows and throwing torches outside the city. Originally there were a small number of bows and arrows outside the city, but they were just for hunting. And now most of the bows and arrows were burned as firewood to keep warm. There was no one left with the ability to resist, so a one-sided situation emerged. Hundreds of refugees outside the city who were near the city gate were killed. The remaining people hurriedly left the gate, hid far away, and stopped shouting for fear of provoking the defenders on the city. The one who sang before The man was holding a corpse, kneeling on his knees with his face covered in blood, and shouted to the city wall: "You are also from Yili, why?"?If you shoot arrows at us, why do you want to kill the Yilibari people who are also us? "Everyone was silent, and death was everywhere inside and outside Yili City. Late at night, corpses were thrown on the city. They were dead people in the city. In fact, the situation in the city was similar to what the leaders said. People were starving to death everywhere. People have to provide food for the army, how can they care about ordinary people? In order to prevent the accumulation of dead corpses in the city and cause a plague, Boyan Beier decided to throw the corpses out. He now hates Zhen Lingdan, because since he and Zhen Lingdan After the confrontation, except for Zhen Lingdan who huddled in the city to defend at the beginning, she fought on her own. She lost her troops and greatly damaged her vitality. She became the laughing stock of the people in Yili. Now that she was surrounded, she had no choice. The carefully prepared defense and counter-assault attack were useless because of the refugees Zhen Lingdan arrived. A man climbed up from the dead bodies thrown in the city. He staggered and ran towards the place where the refugees gathered. He burst into tears. He told about what the soldiers in the city were eating, what they were eating, and how the officials were living and drinking regardless of the lives of the people. Everyone was angry. They roared and gathered to enter the city, not for anything else but to survive. Daming and its own side There is nothing wrong with being hostile and not caring about one's own life or death, but the officials in the city are clearly living a life of luxury and fine food, but they are watching the people die of hunger and thirst. This is unjustifiable. The leader came forward and shouted loudly that anyone who dared to go would be killed. He was killed. Just as his shouting gradually started to have some effect, a man rushed forward and broke the leader's neck. Everyone was shocked. They had never thought of killing him. The leader, that man was the one who was whipped a few days ago. After rummaging through the leader's body, he took out a water bag filled with water and a few pieces of naan bread, and shook them at the refugees around him. , No need to say anything more, the refugees were deceived, and tens of thousands of angry refugees rushed towards the city gate like hungry wolves. They are Mongols, born knights, even if they have no horses, they are still fearless Knight, before the city guard had time to command, a gate was knocked open, not with siege equipment, but with the shoulders, fists and even teeth of thousands of people. Night, the city was broken, Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 128: Tacit understanding between the two armies Boyan Beier is sleeping soundly with Mei Ji in his arms. It's not that Boyan Beier is greedy for women. To be honest, he just wants to find someone to accompany him. Now that the enemy is in chaos inside and outside the city, how can he still think about doing that? Suddenly A guard reported at the door: "Sweat, the city is broken." Boyan Beier's eyes widened angrily, and he sat up with a loud shout. He quickly put on his clothes and called the guards to put on his armor. Meiji asked the boy with tears in her eyes. Yan Beier took her away, but how could he take the female family members with him on the march? Yan Beier sighed, swung his sword to kill her, then took off his cloak and covered Mei Ji's body. In terms of safety, the unarmed and hungry refugees are naturally no match for Yili's army, but their mental state is completely different. Each of the refugees is an angry lion, and most of the defenders are from poor families. Among the refugees, it is very likely that With relatives and even parents and brothers of their own, how could they be willing to kill them, so the well-equipped defenders were retreating steadily. The generals were already waiting outside the hall. Boyan Beier walked out quickly, panicked but not Panicked, Boyan Beier frowned slightly and asked: "How is the situation?" A general said: "No one dares to give orders now. After all, it is not the enemies who are pouring into the city, but the children we are trying to control." People, I hope Khan will make a decision soon." Boyan Beier asked: "Can we withstand the refugees?" "Yes, if a death order is issued, the refugees will not be able to go further, but there will be huge casualties. Now we have ordered. You can drive the refugees out of the city, or even massacre them all in the city," another general said, "Boyan Bell whispered a few words, and then kept fidgeting with his saber, making a clanging sound, and he was thinking about what to do. What to do? After a while, Boyan Beier ordered: "They are all our own people, but they were bewitched by the mob. We must not kill them. Send a team of soldiers and horses to stop the refugees, and we must not let them move forward." , If they insist on moving forward, don't blame me." The generals thought that Boyan Beier was giving an order to intercept. Just as they were about to answer, Boyan Beier continued: "The army slowly withdraws from the city and waits for the army to leave. After that, the intercepting troops also quickly evacuated, so as not to cause more killings. "The soldiers were stunned, and they all knelt down and replied, this was the first time they had seen Boyan Beier so kind. In fact, he didn't know what Boyan Beier was. I don¡¯t want to kill all these refugees to satisfy the hatred in my heart, but if I leave a reputation for massacring people like this, Boyanbeier will lose his foundation when he comes back in the future. Besides, he is fleeing to the west now. Slaughtering the tribesmen in the east would inevitably arouse hostility from the tribes in the west, so Boyan Beier chose to retreat to preserve his reputation. Boyan Beier thought so, but he foiled Zhen Lingdan's plan. Lingdan originally thought that because of Boyan Beier's character, he would definitely start fighting with the refugees, thus taking the opportunity to consume Boyan Beier's troops and let his soldiers kill until they were tired. His new force would attack the city with all his strength, and he would be able to defeat Boyan Beier again. Yan Beier never expected that Boyan Beier would end up with him by different routes, but he was not fooled. This was the case in actual military battles. The generals from both sides speculated on each other, and often had different ideas for the same result. However, war is always a winner-takes-all battle. Where the defeated invaders only look at the results, as for the process of consideration, it is insignificant. Boyan Beier sent out his most ferocious wolf cavalry, and the wolf cavalry in Yili was the same as Wala's wolf cavalry. The most elite field troops, knights and horses of ordinary height lined up in a row, blocking the road to form a human wall. The momentum of the elite soldiers was indeed extraordinary. The shocked refugees did not dare to come forward. The captain of the wolf cavalry left. Come over, he is a strong man, known as General Xiang, which means as strong and tall as an elephant. He shouted to the refugees in a rough voice: "Don't come any further, we will give you the city. Please wait a moment." Be careful, anyone who disobeys orders or crosses this line without permission will be shot without mercy. "As he spoke, General Xiang pulled out his sword and drew a long line on the ground. General Xiang looked at the refugees coldly. Suddenly a small stone came towards him. General Xiang dodged it gently and shouted. :"who is it. "Followed by two, no one among the three refugees answered. They just kept calling General Xiang with stones. General Xiang had a big bump on his head after being hit. He was so angry that he fled into his men's camp. In the camp, someone among the refugees raised his arms and shouted: "Come on. "The refugees rushed through the line drawn by General Xiang like a flood. The Wolf Cavalry is an elite force, and they are unequivocal in killing people. They are only loyal to the orders of the big man. With swords and swords flashing, flesh and blood flying everywhere, the refugees fell in front of the Wolf Cavalry. Under the sabers and crossbows, no one flinched. More refugees came up, killing and killing. The wolf-riding soldiers gradually became tired and numb. In front of them, they were no longer living people, but just human beings. It¡¯s just cattle and sheep, let¡¯s kill them.Kill, there is only blood carnage left in the world. When the sabers of the Wolf Cavalry were all cut off, all the troops finally withdrew from the city. The Wolf Cavalry also quickly evacuated the city while killing under the leadership of General Xiang. , outside the city, the army and cavalry opened the way, forcibly cutting a bloody path among the refugees. The army trampled on the corpses of the refugees and broke out. They killed their own people before they could get out of the city, because the refugees also squeezed in one after another and refused to kill. The refugees were about to be scattered and trampled to death by the refugees. The hearts of every Yili soldiers were bleeding. They hated the Ming Dynasty and the opponent's coach Zhen Lingdan. It was precisely because of his strategy that this tragedy happened. happened, but they did not want to compete with Zhen Lingdan at this moment, because Zhen Lingdan had prepared fortifications and was waiting for Yili's army. Moreover, at this moment, they slaughtered the refugees until they were weak, even though they had the intention to kill the enemy. But he was unable to fight anymore, so he had to give up. At the same time, Zhen Lingdan also opened a gap in the city gate and the corresponding encirclement position at the city gate opened by the army, because he knew that Yili was now able to use the hearts and minds of his people, and the soldiers were holding back a wave of excitement. The nameless anger, although they have gradually become exhausted, but because they have not clashed with all the refugees as expected, they still have some strength. With anger as the root cause, they will burst out with unlimited potential. It is really difficult to be hostile to them at this moment. It's unwise. I'm afraid that I will kill eight hundred enemies and lose one thousand. Zhen Lingdan doesn't know how to trade lives and doesn't bother to do it. Boyan Beier and Zhen Lingdan have reached a silent tacit understanding, neither of them are willing to do it. The battle started at this moment, so Yi Li managed to successfully break through the encirclement. Zhen Lingdan's Ming army watched helplessly as the enemy walked away. He ignored the requests of several generals to fight, because a general must have unique vision to see what others cannot see. That side of things, such as the right time, right place, right people, etc., Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 129: Taking the Salary out of the Cauldron Chao Xing looked at the retreating Yili army and said: "The opponent's strength was not seriously injured in this battle. The last battle we fought at the border seemed to have only damaged Boyan Beier's muscles and bones. He did not lose resistance. You see, there are still many troops in Yili, and the soldiers and equipment are not bad." Zhen Lingdan smiled and said, "Don't worry, brother Chao, we have already captured Yili. Boyan Beier lost half of the country, not only the land, but also the grain, livestock, and people. Without the support of the people, how could he replenish his troops? In fact, Yili's vitality had been severely damaged. Now their army was nothing more than a donkey. It's just shit outside." Chao Xing also laughed when he heard this, and then said: "What do you want to do with the refugees in the city?" Zhen Lingdan thought for a moment and said, "You can only take one step at a time, they are all. It is difficult to explain the truth to people who are not educated. Originally, since we captured their city, we should take care of them as our own people. However, it is difficult to tame people with different cultural backgrounds and the same clan. We can serve as second-class slaves for a while, and maintain the high-pressure policy for a while. I will write a letter to Lu Yunzhi to see if he has any other strategic instructions. Originally, our mission was to repel the West Route Army. Block the Ora Army's westward escape and form a large encirclement. Now that the task is completed, I really don't know what to do. What do you think, Brother Chao Xing nodded: "I think so. I will enslave them for a long time." No, let¡¯s leave it like this for now. As for strategy, I estimate that Yunzhi may ask us to stand by and block Wala, and then the east road and the middle road will approach together, forcing Wala to have no way to go. By the way, there is one more thing, let¡¯s We must be entering the city now. The refugees are short of clothes and food. Should we open warehouses to put food in? " "Of course, we must put food in. Otherwise, they will attack Boyan Beier the same way they did. "We." Zhen Lingdan said, Chao Xing hummed and didn't answer, and the two were silent. An hour later, the Ming army entered the capital city of Yili. Most of the granaries had been emptied by the refugees. The army also distributed some livestock to the refugees and provided kerosene and wood for them to cook. The refugees were grateful and believed that the Ming army were all messengers of justice sent by Allah. Zhen Lingdan¡¯s army was not shown for the time being. For more than ten days, Later, Lu Yunzhi once again received good news from Zhen Lingdan, and Bai Yong had already surrounded the retreat of the Wala army, but Meng He still did not move at all, which made Lu Yunzhi secretly suspicious. It is said that Meng He definitely knew what was going on in Yili's camp, and someone must have reported Bai Yong's movements. Why was he so calm? This was so abnormal. He did not attack or retreat. His military camp was as motionless as an empty camp. Could it be that There was a bigger conspiracy waiting for him. Lu Yunzhi was about to reply to Zhen Lingdan, telling him to stand by and attack Mongolia appropriately. Suddenly, he heard the sound of horse hooves outside. Someone in the military camp was galloping. It must be him. When he had something important to report, Lu Yunzhi stood up, opened the curtain, and the two of them arrived on horseback. They jumped off the horse with a slight jump. Their skills were very agile and not sloppy at all. A closer look revealed that It was Ah Rong and Dong De. Lu Yunzhi frowned. Before he had time to think, the two of them had already run to Lu Yunzhi, knelt down on one knee and said, "My lord. Lu Yunzhi stretched out his hands to support the two of them, thinking that the corrupt officials had found out something big, and asked: "What happened, Ah Rong, who is from Yanbei?" " Arong said: "It's not about Yanbei. Yanbei has been settled in Luoyang by me. When I came to deliver the letter in a hurry, I met Brother Dong, and we came together. " "What's going on, tell me quickly. " Lu Yunzhi had an ominous premonition in his mind. Ah Rong looked at Dong De. Dong De wiped the glasses on the bridge of his nose, touched the dirt off them and said, "General Qu has rebelled. Guizhou and Guangxi have all fallen into the hands of General Qu, who has raised a high banner and proclaimed himself king, named King of Zhennan. " Lu Yunzhi paced back and forth, muttering: "Impossible, this is impossible, my elder brother will never do this, he will never put a knife in my back, this is impossible. " Suddenly Lu Yunzhi stopped and shouted: "King Zhennan, this means that my eldest brother has not rebelled, he is just a king, guarding the border. "Lu Yunzhi's face was in great pain. Dong De'arong looked at each other. They had never seen Lu Yunzhi lose his composure. At this moment, Lu Yunzhi was just looking for reasons to deceive his own reason. Lu Yunzhi suddenly took a mouthful of blood. Squirting out, he was about to fall over in a flash, but the nightmare came out of Lu Yunzhi's body to hold him up. Lu Yunzhi smiled bitterly, wiped the corners of his mouth, and said sadly: "My eldest brother wants to be the emperor. , I will protect him even if I risk my own life, but why does he want to raise an army at this time? King Zhennan, whose south is he suppressing? Is he still my eldest brother? "Nightmare frowned and said, "Sit down first and listen to Ah Rong and the others slowly. "Ah Rong and Dong De have both seen nightmares, so naturally they are not surprised."He helped Lu Yunzhi into the tent and called Long Qingquan and Baozi. He didn't want Zhu Jianwen to come, but after thinking about it for a while, Lu Yunzhi also announced to Zhu Jianwen that "Nightmare saw that everyone was here" , so he asked: "Dong De, please tell me what's going on." Dong De coughed lightly and said: "The Lord sent me and the second master to open a warehouse to stock grain and quell the people's complaints in the two lakes and Guangxi. At the same time, Qu The general also sent a large army to help me suppress the uprising. After everything became calm, the second master and I vigorously supported the economy, and all businesses were booming. But what I didn't expect was that that day when the second master and I went to visit General Qu, we were interrupted. Others were turned away, and soon the big flag was changed in Yangcheng. It no longer had the word "Mingqu" on it, but the word "°²". The second master and I felt that something bad was going on, so we wanted to leave the city, but we found that the city gate had already been sealed. , one day later, General Qu issued a proclamation to the world, proclaiming himself king, and entrusting Ming Dynasty to the heavenly kingdom. He was temporarily called the King of Zhennan, and the country was named An. I escaped from the city and came to deliver the message. I wanted my lord to know the news earlier. , so plan as soon as possible." "Everyone was shocked, the situation changed so quickly, it really caught people off guard. Lu Yunzhi suddenly asked: "Is it just Yangcheng?" After speaking, he covered his mouth with his palms. Dotted with blood stars, after Lu Yunzhi finished coughing, Dong Decai replied: "The entire Guangdong, Guangxi, Miao, Gui, and Gui areas have changed their flags. General Qu's army has issued a unified order. It seems that it has been planned for a long time." "What about my second brother? Where is it?" Lu Yunzhi asked again, and Dong De replied: "The second master asked me to come over quickly to deliver the message. After he helped me slip out of the city, he sneaked back to Yangcheng and said that he wanted to meet General Qu and persuade him not to do it. The roommate is fighting." Lu Yunzhi nodded and looked at Ah Rong, who clasped his fists and said, "I also got the same news as Brother Dong." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 130: People's hearts are separated from each other's belly After Lu Yunzhi heard what Ah Rong and Dong De said, he thought for a while and then said: "Have you seen my eldest brother? I mean, has he come out to announce to the world or hold some ceremony to enthrone and worship heaven? " Dong De said: "No, there has been no news about General Qu for so many days, and he has never shown up. What do you mean, my lord?" At this point, Dong De did not dare to say anything. It is his job to report the truth. , but after all, he was Lu Yunzhi's sworn brother, so he didn't have the courage to make any assumptions. Zhu Jianwen didn't have so many worries. At this time, he looked at Lu Yunzhi and said, "Could it be Murong Yunfei again?" What the hell." Lu Yunzhi didn't nod or shake his head, let alone speak. He was lost in thought. Murong Yunfei kept targeting him. Although she didn't know why, she must have seen something that she didn't want to happen. That's why she repeatedly obstructed her. The peaceful atmosphere they once lived together in the capital was just something she could fake. Now Murong Yunfei must have deceived Qu Xiangtian and even trapped him. There is another possibility that she deliberately acted like this to make herself and Qu Xiangtian turn against each other. That is that Murong Yunfei was extremely ambitious and wanted to carve up the Ming Dynasty. Due to the brotherly love between Qu Xiangtian and herself, That's why he hid Qu Xiangtian and even put him under house arrest. However, Lu Yunzhi was not worried because he knew that Murong Yunfei loved Qu Xiangtian and would only do his best and would never harm him because of the powerful. But if it was true The above speculation is very troublesome, because Murong Yunfei has no national justice in his heart. Basically, Murong Yunfei is not a descendant of the Han family. Later, he grew up in Timur and has no feelings for the Ming Dynasty at all. Therefore, Meng He's recent inaction was probably premeditated by Murong Yunfei. In other words, Lu Yunzhi did not succeed in encircling the enemy, but fell into their trap. All the elite troops from across the country rushed to northern Xinjiang. There are no more elite soldiers available in the country, how can they withstand Qu Xiangtian's refined soldiers? If the situation is worse, Qin Rufeng and Guang Liang have also received orders and will speak inside the Ming Dynasty and even capture Lu Yunzhi's family As well as Zhu Qizhen, Timur will also step in at the right time. Although the Murong family has severed its relationship with Murong Yunfei, before the interests of the country, these small grudges are nothing. Zhu Jianwen at this moment His mood was not relaxed at all. He also saw what Lu Yunzhi saw. He could rebel against civil strife. After success, it would still be the Zhu family's world, but now it was different. The Zhu family's world might be about to be destroyed. Wala Timur and Qu Xiangtian were separated. Lu Yunzhi might be able to survive by carving out a piece of territory if he had soldiers and generals in his hands, but as for his own ambitions, he was afraid that his ambitions would be in vain. Therefore, Zhu After hearing this, he frowned and was extremely frustrated. He secretly cursed Murong Yunfei many times, especially Lu Yunzhi, "Is this really Murong Yunfei's plan? Yes, Murong Yunfei has planned this for a long time. Then A few years ago outside Xuwen County, Murong Yunfei started planning on the night when Qu Xiangtian got angry. After so many years of hard work and hard work, he cultivated his direct descendants in the military and political circles, and through several Annan reshuffles , she has completely controlled the country's political situation. She does not want to seize power, because Qu Xiangtian loves her, and what Qu Xiangtian has is hers. She does not need to seize it, but she does not want to watch Qu Xiangtian die an unexpected death, let alone watch him just be able to study. The son of the writer, Qu Sheng, lost his father when he was young. Therefore, Murong Yunfei had to fight, but where did Qu Xiangtian go? He was deceived back to Annan. This is why Murong Yunfei bribed the courtiers after taking a look at Annan's power. , Taking advantage of Qu Xiangtian's absence, Murong Yunfei made a magnificent transformation from changing flags to ascending the throne in one go, completely turning Qu Xiangtian, a patriot who led troops to save the country, into a villain who usurped the throne of Mou Chao. , Of course, Lu Yunzhi didn¡¯t know all this. Heroes were all born in the same era, which made that era colorful. Therefore, times create heroes, and heroes also create extraordinary times. Although Lu Yunzhi If he could pinch and count, he would be able to count all the people in the world if he were placed in another dynasty. However, the fate of his enemies, friends and brothers are three times as good as his, so he cannot be calculated. Even though Lu Yunzhi is now like a god. He is a human being, but he is not a god after all. Therefore, Lu Yunzhi must remain calm and make correct judgments when dealing with everything Qu Xiangtian does, otherwise he will easily fall into Murong Yunfei's trap. Lu Yunzhi still trusts him deep in his heart Qu Xiangtian, he knows that once his elder brother discovers this conspiracy, it will definitely be stopped. Qu Xiangtian values ??friendship the most, and he will not do such treacherous things, but at the same time, Lu Yunzhi is also a little worried, people are not static, I know people well but don¡¯t know their hearts. Over the years, I have been away from my eldest brother for many years. It is difficult to grasp whether Qu Xiangtian has changed. Maybe in front of the throne of the world, brotherhood, benevolence, justice and morality are not worth mentioning. Lu Yunzhi thought of this, Write a pen and revise a letter to clarify what you mean, explain your current actions in a questioning and discussion tone, and guarantee that if you really want to meetBack to the north, we can negotiate with Ming Dynasty to cede the land to Qu Xiangtian. Lu Yunzhi does not really want to cede the land, because according to Murong Yunfei's character, there is no need to cede the land, she will come and get it, and now the content of the document is also He couldn't deceive Murong Yunfei, so he could only treat the dead horse as a living horse doctor. As for Meng He, Lu Yunzhi was even more worried. If Qu Xiangtian conquered the city and captured the land, he might be able to treat the people well, but the Mongols and the Han people had enmity. , different sects, if the territory of the Ming Dynasty is captured, the people of the Ming Dynasty will be reduced to second-class citizens from now on. If he withdraws his troops, it will not be enough to rely on the resistance of Shi Biao of Datong. It will inevitably repeat the Battle of Tumu Fort. At the same time, in Under the leadership of a strong personal spirit, Meng He's army will be more brave. Only he is important enough to take charge of the overall situation. Although Timur has not sent any news yet, the country has always been restless. The Murong family has been coveting the territory of the Ming Dynasty since ancient times. He has been coveting it for a long time, and because of his relationship with Murong Yunfei, he will definitely send troops at this time. There are strong enemies in the north, south and west. Lu Yun couldn't help feeling overwhelmed for a while. She pondered for a long time and listened to what Leopard Zhu Jianwen and others said. After much discussion, a decision was made. Bai Yong was ordered to withdraw his troops and return to the south, lead his troops to the capital, and quickly remove Qin Rufeng and Guang Liang from military power. Then he ordered Shi Heng to take over the defense of the capital, and Bai Yong replenished his troops, horses, food and grass, and led an army of 50,000. Go south, stop Qu Xiangtian's army from continuing northward, and set the final line of defense in Nanjing where the tiger is dominating the dragon. At the same time, strike first to gain the upper hand, and follow Zhen Lingdan to continue westward, approaching Timur, and strive to defeat Timur in one fell swoop, even if If they cannot occupy it, they will confuse Timur, so that the heroes can no longer take care of the Ming Dynasty. However, he has to fight Meng He quickly. Even if he is defeated in a disastrous defeat, the Mongol army is severely weakened and unable to go south. This Only then can we protect the temporary safety of the Ming Dynasty. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 131: Bullying the Master and Destroying the Ancestor Qu Xiangtian dealt with a series of chores in Annan, and he was naturally very depressed. He was never the one to handle such trivial matters. Murong Yunfei did it for him. He only trained troops and fought. If he didn't like to deal with it, it didn't mean that he was incapable of handling it. Soon Annan's country is in order. His son Qu Sheng is clamoring for his mother every day. Qu Xiangtian is not as lucky as Lu Yunzhi. One dragon plays with two phoenixes. He doesn't even have a maid. The family is full of servants, so naturally he doesn't dare. He offended the young master Qu Sheng, so as long as Qu Xiangtian and Murong Yunfei were not around, no one in the family could control him. Qu Xiangtian was worried that if things went on like this, Qu Sheng would become arrogant and domineering, so he took him with him to Daming. , firstly, it can allow Qu Sheng to see his mother, and secondly, it can educate the child so that he can be influenced by the army since childhood and become an upright man. Qu Xiangtian handed over the domestic affairs of Annan to a Xuwen person to take care of it. This person's name is Yao Nan. He was one of the people rescued from the fire when Qu Xiangtian and Lu Yunzhi attacked Xuwen. The reason why Qu Xiangtian gave him the overall responsibility was because fundamentally Qu Xiangtian could not I believe that for those short Annan people, Qu Xiangtian initially thought that people's hearts changed people's hearts. After comparing their hearts, if he was good to the Annan people, the Annan people would be good to him. But the result was not like this. There were endless resistances and struggles for power, and they People in the Ming Dynasty often overestimate their own capabilities before committing a rebellion. However, the Annan people are different. They dare to stand alone and set up their own banner by recruiting five or six people. Although it cannot become a big trend, it is still annoying to make trouble every day. Very well, at that time, Qu Xiangtian still did not blame the Annan people. Instead, he felt that it was his own fault. After all, a foreigner truly controlling the Annan country would inevitably dissatisfy the people of the country. Qu Xiangtian originally thought that it would be better as time went by. He also considered waiting for Lu Yunzhi to take control of the Ming Dynasty, and then settle in the Ming Dynasty and serve as a border guard to not get involved in the affairs of these monkey-like Annan people. But later Qu Xiangcai discovered that among the Annan people Therefore, this has a bad nature. It has become a habit for them to repay kindness with hatred, and they are greedy without knowing what is good. So when Lu Yunzhi expressed that he could not lead the people in Xuwen County who were ready to surrender to him, Qu Xiangtian readily agreed and expanded the team of this Ming fellow villager. The marriage guards were married and many people were inserted into the political arena of Annan Kingdom. Murong Yunfei helped greatly, and eventually the unique Xuwen Party of Annan Kingdom was formed. The Xuwen Party gained momentum. Only Qu Xiangtian and his wife Following his lead, he firmly controlled all aspects of Annan. When Qu Xiangtian slowly came to the border of Ming Dynasty, he realized that something was a little strange. Looking at it, they all had the words "Anguo" on them, and the banners of Ming and Qu were all He disappeared, and his heart sank, knowing that it must be Murong Yunfei's fault. Qu Xiangtian lowered his head and smiled bitterly at Qu Sheng on the horse: "Son, mother has caused trouble again. We have to hurry up and catch up." Go to Yangcheng to find your mother. If you can't bear the bumps, tell your father, or I can leave you here and send you on your way slowly." But Qu Sheng used his fingers to rub his little nose, making a milky sound. She said in a milky but bold manner: "Dad, don't be afraid of the child. Even if you are on your way, whatever your mother does wrong is for your own good. Daddy, don't blame your mother. "Qu Shengxue spoke late, with a very strong physique, quite like his father, but now he is very cute with a small mouth when he opens his mouth. A happy smile appeared on Qu Xiangtian's face, and he wrapped Qu Sheng in his cloak. , for fear that the wind and sand would blur his eyes, then he gently poked Qu Sheng with his finger and said with a smile: "Little guy, he is still a good person, he knows how to plead for your mother. "After speaking, he reined in the horse, raised its front hooves high on the spot, and then suddenly rushed out, running wildly for a day and a night. Qu Sheng was a child, so naturally he couldn't bear it, but he gritted his teeth and refused to say anything, Qu Xiangtian I also know that it hurts in my eyes but in my heart, but at this moment, the military situation is urgent. Murong Yunfei has changed his banner and turned against his third brother Lu Yunzhi. What's more, at the time of the chaos at the border, this does not mean that he stabbed his brother in the back. A knife? Such a thing could not be done by a man. Qu Xiangtian was furious and rushed into Yangcheng without rest. Murong Yunfei had obviously expected Qu Xiangtian to come after a long journey, and said with a smile : "Xiangtian, why are you here so quickly. " Qu Xiangtian sneered and said, "If I don't come again, I'm afraid you will poke a hole in the sky. "Qu Sheng stepped out from behind Qu Xiangtian and threw himself into Murong Yunfei's arms. The mother and son had a good time, and Qu Xiangtian's anger subsided a little. Qu Sheng said quietly: "Mother, father is very angry. Please admit your mistake quickly. Otherwise I'll spank you soon. " Qu Xiangtian's ears are very bright, but while pretending not to hear, Murong Yunfei raised Qu Sheng's nose and said: "What are you afraid of? What I did is for your father's good. Sheng'er is tired, go down and go to bed. Well, your father and I have something to talk about. "After saying that, she called the maid and took Qu Sheng down to rest. Qu Sheng kept looking back to worry about his mother. Murong Yunfei smiled and waved to Qu Sheng to reassure him, "Qu Xiangtian saidThe man with the golden sword sat in front of the case and asked in a rough voice: "Tell me, what's going on, and how can you do it for me?" "Rebellion, what's going on, me, Meng He, and my elder brother Murong Longteng united, and the three parties jointly captured the Ming Dynasty. Meng He's previous moves were just to attract the main force of the Ming army, leaving the country empty. The unrest in Guangdong, Guangxi, Miao and Guizhou was also instigated by my brother's people through the economic struggle between Fang Qingze and others. In order to allow us to take over the Ming Dynasty with justifiable authority, that's what happened." Murong Yunfei stared at the changes in Qu Xiangtian's facial expressions, but she spoke frankly without any concealment. Now Qu Xiangtian was speechless. He was speechless, and after a moment he said: "Why do you do this? Isn't this going to kill my third brother? What hexagrams and other things I said are all illusory to us magicians. , when your destiny energy is high enough, it can change the outcome. Why do you still hold a grudge against my third brother? Do you hate him so much? " Murong Yunfei shook her head and said, "I told you a long time ago. I gave up. I just want you to teach Lu Yunzhi a lesson. I don¡¯t want to really kill him. When one day he learns to repent, we can help him drive Meng He out, and my eldest brother also I promised you that I would only go to a few small towns to help you. I won¡¯t march eastward.¡± Qu Xiangtian pointed at Murong Yunfei and said, ¡°You are confused. Don¡¯t talk about promises between countries. It's empty talk, even if it's a written pledge, it's useless. If they really take over the land and won't return it, do you still want to start a war with your elder brother? What's more, do you think those Tatars are good people? Meng He occupied the Central Plains They will definitely burn, kill and plunder, and it will be the common people who will suffer. Yunfei, you are in great trouble." Although Qu Xiangtian is straightforward, he is not stupid. He pointed out the key points very clearly. Then Qu Xiangtian was stunned. Asked: "No, what did you just say? Who deceived the master and destroyed the ancestors, Yun Zhi, what happened to him." Murong Yunfei did not answer, just clapped her hands, a person walked in outside the door, Qu Xiangtian took a look But with a loud sound, he shouted, Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 132: It¡¯s a coincidence Qu Xiangtian was shocked. There was a person standing in front of him. The person had no hair or eyebrows. The skin on his body was wrinkled and turned dark red. It was very disgusting. But the light in his eyes made Qu Xiangtian feel familiar. Qu Xiangtian Tian thought for a moment and then asked tentatively: "You are the second senior brother." "Xiangtian, I didn't expect that we could meet like this." Han Yueqiu's voice was a little hoarse, and just like his appearance, his throat was also burned. It was broken, but whether it was caused by smoke or fire is unknown, because Wang Yulu was not there. Qu Xiangtian stood up, walked quickly to Han Yueqiu and asked: "Second Senior Brother , how did you end up like this?" Han Yueqiu replied with a bitter smile: "The one who was burned was my own fire control technique, and also Cheng Fangdong's spiritual fire." Qu Xiangtian frowned slightly and said, "Cheng Fangdong was not burned by me. Is my brother in prison?" Han Yueqiu shrugged and replied: "Cheng Fangdong, who was beaten all over, was able to escape from the prison, and also injured Lu Yunzhi's Ah Rong, and fought with me. He has plenty of energy and no external injuries. I said he ran out on his own and recovered quickly. Do you believe it? "You mean Cheng Fangdong was ordered by my third brother to kill you." Qu Xiangtian. Asked, Han Yueqiu nodded heavily. She originally thought that Qu Xiangtian would get angry and strike at the table, but seeing Qu Xiangtian still sitting there as calm as a rock, he just asked lightly: "Then why did he want to kill you?" "Because." Han Yueqiu was at a loss for words. She obviously didn't expect Qu Xiangtian to ask this question, but she was embarrassed to talk about her and Shi Yuting's affairs. Murong Yunfei jumped in and said, "It's not because of the second senior brother." "What?" Qu Xiangtian was shocked. He thought that Murong Yunfei was just exaggerating when he said that Lu Yunzhi deceived his master and destroyed his ancestors, and Murong Yunfei was also because of Han Yueqiu. It was said in a hurry because of time and words. It was not like this. It was just that Qu Xiangtian came in too hastily, so Murong Yunfei and Han Yueqiu had not had time to string together a confession, so they told the truth of the matter in a crooked way. Tian suddenly slapped the case and stood up. He clenched his fists and was shaking with anger. Murong Yunfei was also secretly frightened. After all, this was a groundless slander and it was easy for Qu Xiangtian to see through it. Just ask an insider and the truth would be revealed. It is said that Fang Qingze was also with him that day, and Fang Qingze was put under house arrest by him. He must have resentment in his heart. He immediately decided that he would not speak for him. Besides, although he was the sister-in-law, he was just an outsider. How could Fang Qingze say things for his sister-in-law that made his brothers turn against each other? As for the lie, but if it was really a lie, Qu Xiangtian was pacing back and forth, kicking something and roaring in his throat. Murong Yunfei was afraid that he would be angry, so she quickly walked up to him and hugged his arm to comfort him. But she heard Qu Xiangtian say: "Where is my second brother? Didn't the second brother and Dong De come to provide relief? Where are the two of them? Let them come to see me." Murong Yunfei said: "Dong De was scared away when he saw me changing my flag. "Yes, I guess he also knows the cause of his master's death, and he feels guilty about this talent." Murong Yunfei hesitated to speak, so he added suspense to make Qu Xiangtian believe it, and completely prove Lu Yunzhi's crime. In this way, Fang Qingze Different from her statement, Qu Xiangtian would also consider whether Fang Qingze was afraid that the brothers would break up. Qu Xiangtian punished Lu Yunzhi for saying this deliberately. Murong Yunfei tried his best, but Qu Xiangtian was indeed fooled and followed Murong Yunfei's train of thought. Said: "Then you ask Fang Qingze to come see me. "Murong Yunfei wanted to say a few more words to exaggerate, but when she saw Qu Xiangtian's angry face, she turned her head and scolded Murong Yunfei in a low voice: "Even so, you shouldn't be with the three of them. My brother is my enemy. He is ignorant. Are you still ignorant? Are you not teaching him a lesson? You are trying to kill him. I will take care of you later. Go and call for help. " Murong Yunfei did not find his subordinates, but went to invite Fang Qingze in person. Han Yueqiu was Qu Xiangtian's senior brother. Qu Xiangtian quickly accused him that he was so angry that he did not invite his senior brother to take the seat, and then let Han Yueqiu take the seat. From a high position, if Murong Yunfei's current mood is uneasy, then Han Yueqiu is uneasy, especially with Murong Yunfei, because Murong Yunfei just continued what he said. After a while, Fang Qingze came to confront him and discovered the situation. That's not the case, then he is deliberately trying to sow discord between brothers. Fang Qingze knows about his affair with Shi Yuting. If this matter comes out, although Qu Xiangtian will not kill him, he is afraid that he will not kill him in the future. It's better, at least he won't receive the treatment that Qu Xiangtian's second senior brother deserves. Fang Qingze was brought up with a little anger on his face, while Murong Yunfei looked apologetic. Qu Xiangtian knew at a glance that it was probably What's going on? Fang Qingze must have been imprisoned by Murong Yunfei. The woman made a mistake and the man should take her over. So Qu Xiangtian clasped his fists and said: "Second brother, I will apologize to you. "As he was about to bend down and bow, Fang Qingze quickly held Qu Xiangtian in his arms and said, "Brother, I can't help you. "After speaking, I glanced atHe glanced at Murong Yunfei and said with a slight sourness in his tone: "I really can't do it, otherwise I will be restricted from coming in and out freely." "Uncle, my sister-in-law is here to apologize to you. The situation was too chaotic at that time. I'm afraid that uncle Something happened, and this was a last resort." Murong Yunfei made a blessing ceremony and said, Qu Xiangtian secretly smiled bitterly, he knew the nature of his own woman very well, so Qu Xiangtian coughed lightly and let Fang Qingze go. Sitting on the seat, he asked: "Second brother, I have a question for you today, please answer truthfully." Fang Qingze is not a stingy person, and he also understands Murong Yunfei's tricks, and knows that Qu Xiangtian was not in the city at that time. Murong Yunfei falsely conveyed the decree and put herself under house arrest. Looking at Qu Xiangtian's dusty appearance further confirmed her thoughts, so she respectfully said to Qu Xiangtian: "Brother, if you ask, I know everything and I will tell you everything." "Okay, let me ask you something, how did the third brother kill Master?" Qu Xiangtian suddenly raised his eyebrows and asked loudly, Fang Qingze's huge and fat body trembled, and then he sighed: " It seems that people have found out about it. Skynet is very sparse and has not leaked out. You can't blame Yunzhi for this. There were only two of us that day, and things were like this and so." After saying that, Qu Xiangtian said it was okay, Murong Yunfei and Han Yueqiu But he was so surprised that he wanted to open his mouth and shout "Okay", what a coincidence, this is really a mistake. After Fang Qingze finished speaking, Qu Xiangtian sighed and said: "Yunzhi, Yunzhi, even if this kid is beaten to death by the master, he can't do it." Fight back, and don't plead for him. It's just defense. Can his defense master bear it?" Fang Qingze stopped talking and lowered his head. Suddenly Qu Xiangtian asked again: "Since only you two saw it, then. How did the second senior brother know, and why did Lu Yunzhi kill the second senior brother? "Fang Qingze had already seen Han Yueqiu, but he didn't recognize him for a while. At this moment, he turned pale and asked, "Second senior brother, " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 133: The Impartial Tongue Han Yueqiu's ugly burnt face twisted and squeezed out a smile. The smile was as ugly as it could be. Fang Qingze glanced at Han Yueqiu and said, "So you're not dead." Qu Xiangtian frowned secretly, knowing that Han Yueqiu's Fang Qingze also understands the matter. The three brothers have different temperaments and temperaments since childhood, but Fang Qingze is the only one who is more tactful and has always been sitting in the buffer zone between Qu Xiangtian and Lu Yunzhi. It is precisely because of the existence of people like Fang Qingze that the three of them have different temperaments. Only brothers can be so long-lasting and deeply affectionate. Therefore, Fang Qingze knows many secrets that Qu Xiangtian cannot tell Lu Yunzhi. In the same way, he knows much more about Lu Yunzhi than Qu Xiangtian. Fang Qingze knows a lot about Lu Yunzhi. How Shi Yuting was in trouble, how Lu Yunzhi killed the three Tianjin guards in anger, and then Han Yueqiu fought for love, what Lu Yunzhi did and his own guesses, etc. After telling a series of things, Qu Xiangtian spoke. Asked: "Where is Yuting." Han Yueqiu took out a small box from his arms and said: "Here, it has turned into ashes. The fire is too strong, not even a trace of consciousness is preserved, and it cannot be engraved forever." Qu Xiangtian sighed. He took a breath and said: "Asking what love is in the world, it's just a matter of life and death. That's all. That's all. I'm not qualified to care about your grievances and resentments, let alone say anything. It's just that I am Lu Yunzhi. Brother, so Second Senior Brother, I can¡¯t keep you here anymore. I¡¯ll ask Yun Fei to bring you some silver and find a house for you to stay in. If I do this, I won¡¯t waste our time with our senior brothers. It¡¯s just that From now on, don't show up in front of me again, otherwise I, Qu Xiangtian, will know you, but my sword will not know you." Murong Yunfei was about to open her mouth to dissuade you, but Qu Xiangtian shouted: "Shut up and take the second senior brother down. Well, the hatred for killing your father and the hatred for taking away your wife are all sworn hatreds. Yunfei, don¡¯t say anything. If I don¡¯t kill the second senior brother today, I have already given you enough face. If I do anything else, how can I be worthy of being called Yun Fei? How can your brother be worthy of the sworn friendship we had that day?" After saying that, Qu Xiangtian waved, Murong Yunfei still wanted to say something, but when she saw Han Yueqiu stood up and hugged Qu Xiangtian, he walked quickly. After walking out, Murong Yunfei had no choice but to shake her head and follow quickly. The two walked out of the main hall. Murong Yunfei grabbed Han Yueqiu and said, "Second senior brother, stay here. Don't be angry." Han Yueqiu said with a bitter smile: "I am. A dead person, how can he still be angry? I came here just to seek refuge with Junior Brother Qu. I don¡¯t think the food is sour. Please take me to collect the money and get the house. I¡¯ll be alone for the rest of my life.¡± "Second Senior Brother, what you said is wrong. Although you were ordered by my brother and respected master at that time, you can be regarded as half of Xiangtian and I's matchmaker. We couldn't elope without you. Xiangtian and I actually thank you from the bottom of our hearts. It's just that You also know that Xiang Tian and Lu Yunzhi have a deep relationship, so they said these words in a moment of urgency. Please keep this in mind," Murong Yunfei said, "Han Yueqiu still smiled bitterly and did not answer. Murong Yunfei saw this. He continued: "Second Senior Brother, don't you hate Lu Yunzhi?" "Hate, how can you not hate it." Han Yueqiu's eyes were no longer confused and decadent, there was a trace of ferocity in his eyes, Yang said: "Yes He doesn't let others get what he can't get. Even if Cheng Fangdong kills Shi Yuting, Lu Yunzhi is so cruel. I can't wait to eat his flesh and sleep on his skin, cut his body into thousands of pieces, smash his bones and spread ashes. It's hard to understand the only thing in my heart. hatred. " "Okay, Second Senior Brother, you go down and rest first. I will arrange this opportunity for you in the future to take revenge. "Murong Yunfei said meaningfully. Han Yueqiu was stunned for a moment, and then his whole body seemed to be energetic. His eyes were bright, he hugged his fists and bowed to the end, and said: "Thank you, brothers and sisters. "Murong Yunfei went down to take Han Yueqiu to rest, and told Qu Xiangtian not to let Qu Xiangtian see him in the near future. After Han Yueqiu left, Murong Yunfei sighed inwardly: He had one more dead soldier. After all arrangements were made, , Murong Yunfei returned to the main hall, Qu Xiangtian asked Murong Yunfei to sit down and asked: "Yunfei, I don't blame you no matter what you do, but this time, if you don't discuss this matter with me, just It is really inappropriate to make decisions without authorization and put my third brother in danger. " "Then what do you think of Xiangtian? Murong Yunfei asked, Qu Xiangtian frowned and said nothing. Murong Yunfei looked at Fang Qingze, smiled and said, "Actually, I think Xiangtian you can still stand on your own as king." " "Oh, how can I say this? Qu Xiangtian raised his eyebrows and asked, Murong Yunfei said: "First, Yunzhi is indeed guilty of killing his master by deceiving his master and destroying his ancestors. You, as the elder brother, should teach him a lesson. Secondly, there is no danger in doing so, Lu If Yun Zhi believes in you, he will not stop you and will still stay in northern Xinjiang instead of withdrawing his troops to the south. If he turns around to deal with you, it means he does not trust you. These brothers should also be taught a lesson. Thirdly, That is, even if we capture the capital and occupy the entire Ming Dynasty, it will still be our own world. You can just return it to Lu Yunzhi after he realizes his mistake. If it is really unfavorable, you can quickly go north to support Yunzhi. Four, that is, haha, the war situation is stable now.?Xiangtian, you like fighting the most, and this just fulfills your dream of conquering the north and the south. " These serializations seem to be reasonable, but in fact they are full of loopholes. After Murong Yunfei made some smooth words, she bluffed Qu Xiangtian. This was all out of trust in his wife. People who trust said Qu Xiangtian didn't think much about the lies he told. The authorities, who were obsessed with bystanders, could deceive Qu Xiangtian, but Fang Qingze looked on coldly and was about to expose Murong Yunfei's loopholes. But Murong Yunfei smiled slightly, she had to rely on three The unshakable tongue stirred up the world, so Murong Yunfei spoke before Fang Qingze: "Uncle, I put you under house arrest before because I was afraid that your impulsiveness would ruin things, so I said this in front of Xiangtian and you today. Let¡¯s explain the stakes. Let¡¯s look at the problem from another angle. Isn¡¯t this a good thing for you? The only thing you worry about is Yunzhi¡¯s safety. As I said just now, Lu Yunzhi is not in any danger. No matter whether he withdraws his troops and returns to Beijing or defends the border, the result will be the same. If Meng He is allowed to enter the Pass, the three of you brothers will kill him and defend the border. After Xiang Tian teaches Yun Zhi a lesson, he will return the territory to him, so There is no danger, but here is your chance to make a fortune. " When Fang Qingze heard about getting rich, he immediately held back what he wanted to say to refute, and listened carefully. Murong Yunfei saw that this trick worked, and continued: "You think, what kind of wealth is the best to make, war wealth, after such a fight? Come on, who is getting rich? Of course it is you. This is a good thing that kills three birds with one stone. Yunzhi has learned a lesson, but his life is not in danger. Uncle, you have made money, and Xiangtian has fulfilled his eldest brother's responsibility and fulfilled his destiny. Wouldn't it be fun to conquer the north and south as you like? " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 134: Chaos in the Capital Fang Qingze thought about it and realized that his business was spread all over the north and south. Whether it was Timur, Annan or the entire Ming Dynasty, who would be the biggest beneficiary of rising prices in a war, of course, himself. Although some of what Murong Yunfei said just now is fallacy, one thing is correct, that is, Lu Yunzhi will not be in danger. This is enough. As for whether the people are suffering or not, that is not what Fang Qingze cares about now. Once upon a time, Fang Qingze was concerned about the sufferings of the people and said that in order to do business, you need to have a long-term plan and you cannot catch all the benefits. Nowadays, Qingze has a monopoly on all businesses in the world. Except for Dong De, who still has a slight threat, he no longer pays attention to others, so he no longer cares about what the people do, whether they like to buy or not, whether they want to buy or not. Mine is no longer for sale. As a result, Fang Qingze cupped his hands and said, "Sister-in-law, Qingze admires you very much for your cleverness. I have no objections. Just listen to the instructions of brother and sister-in-law." Qu Xiangtian smiled and said: "Profiteer, you are just a money-hungry person. Anyway, you Just be careful and don't cause public dissatisfaction and make the people of the world miserable." Then Qu Xiangtian said to Murong Yunfei with a straight face: "Just do as you say, Yunfei, I wrongly blamed you before, I didn't understand. Your good intentions." Murong Yunfei smiled slightly, with infinite pride and relief hidden behind the smile, and finally turned against the sky. After achieving his goal, he will definitely help Qu Xiangtian unify the world. Of course, this is not the key. The key is to kill Lu Yunzhi, so that he can live a safe and happy life without having nightmares every night. Bai Yong led his troops back the same way, and after threatening King Li of North Korea for a while, he quickly headed south with a wave of farewell from Goryeo. Qu Xiangtian was a person he respected and hated. The reason why I respect him is because of Qu Xiangtian's military strategy. I hate that he was defeated by Qu Xiangtian in Xuwen City. Later, he was inferior to Qu Xiangtian everywhere. If others talk about the famous generals of the Ming Dynasty, Bai Yong must be under Qu Xiangtian. Down. This opportunity has come, after ten years of sharpening the sword, now Qu Xiangtian has turned against him, and the Lord has sent him to fight, which proves his ability. He is a great hero who can stand shoulder to shoulder with Qu Xiangtian, the best in the world. It¡¯s still unclear who gets the title of warrior, the best soldier in the world. Although it is still unclear who will win, Bai Yong is confident that after careful instruction from the people in Fengbozhuang Fenggu, Bai Yong's invisible way of controlling energy has come and gone freely, and has been fully displayed. Bai Yong also thinks that he has improved a lot in his skills in leading troops in battle. Therefore, from the individual to the battle situation, Bai Yong feels that he will win without a doubt. An arrogant soldier will lose, and a sad soldier will win. When the public says the public is right, the mother-in-law is right, why? Even if he fails, Bai Yong would rather be a proud soldier, at least arrogant. Even if he fails, he will not lower his noble head. Bai Yong went all the way south to the capital, but saw that the capital seemed to be facing a formidable enemy, so he put down his banner and sent sentries to explore the way. What happened in the capital? It turned out that three days ago, Qin Rufeng and Guang Liang secretly rose up and quickly occupied the city defense. Using their few soldiers and horses, they quickly controlled the weapons, food and fodder of the Wucheng Army and Horse Department, and killed several of the Wucheng Army and Horse Department. Commander, it can be regarded as requisitioning the men and horses of the Military and Horse Division. The capital is different from other big cities in that it is controlled by several forces. The Wucheng Military and Horse Division is responsible for the police work in the city, taking into account the fire prevention and urban security work such as the water dragon team. The city was defended by another system. The troops responsible changed throughout the dynasties, and some were Ouchi Jinwu Camp and Huben Camp for rotational defense. But the problem is that alternating duty between the inner city and the outer city is likely to cause chaos, and it is easier to associate with evil spirits, which poses a certain threat to the security of the palace. Therefore, the Dudu's Office took over, and later the Fifth Army Dudu's Office, then the Fifth Army Camp, and the Five Cities Military and Horse Division. These yamen or the army were all in charge. Now that Lu Yunzhi is in power, the city defense work naturally falls into the hands of the rural regiments who know the basics. . As long as the city's defenses are under control, there will be no chaos inside the city. Once the gate is closed, those inside can't get out and those outside can't get in. However, having said that, the elite of the township regiment have been taken away and divided into three parts. Lu Yunzhi, Bai Yong and Zhen Lingdan each took away one of their troops. The only ones left to defend the city are the old and the weak, or the soldiers who were injured during training or who are not feeling well. Qin Rufeng and Guang Liang had high positions, so they deceived a city gate and took over it with only their personal guards. They also opened the city gate to lead troops into the capital, which led to this series of things happening in the city. Zhu Qizhen was horrified, thinking that another coup to seize the throne was about to begin. The Imperial Guards and Imperial Guards were in full formation to guard the palace. Shi Heng was also in a panic and ran to the Zhongzheng compound with his personal guards. He saw Yingzi, Yang Xiyu and Tan Qing sitting in the hall, with three chairs lined up in a row, so calm and leisurely. Shi Heng no longer cared about his status, he clasped his fists and said, "Madams, please follow me into the palace. I'm afraid it's not safe here." Tan Qing smiled and said, "General Shi came here to ask us to keep you in the palace." , or are you here to protect us from entering the palace?" Old Shi Heng blushed. Indeed, in terms of combat power alone, Tan Qing can take care of all his personal guards. Come to Zhongzheng.The purpose of the compound was to discuss countermeasures and to seek shelter. However, seeing the three women looking so calm and composed, Shi Heng told this lie. It was just to show his righteousness and save face, but now that Tan Qing's outspoken temper was brought directly to Shi Heng's face, it really made Shi Heng uncomfortable. Yingzi coughed slightly and said: "General Shi, sit down and talk quickly. What are you doing standing here? Hasn't the sky not fallen outside yet? Even if the sky does fall, there will still be someone tall to support us. It is safer for us to sit down and be shorter." "As he said this, he ordered his servants to serve tea to Shi Heng. The tea is the spring tea that was brewed earlier. The spring tea is fragrant and the autumn tea is tasted. It is really fragrant when brewed. When the tea came into his mouth, Shi Heng calmed down slightly, but Yang Xiyu's next words almost made Shi Heng spit out the tea that he had just entered. He swallowed the water that was about to spurt out with force, and started to get up instead. Choking into the trachea and making a coughing sound. Yang Xiyu said this: "General Shi should stay in the mansion, because the Zhongzheng compound is the most dangerous now. Qin Rufeng and Guang Liang's rebellion was not to deal with the emperor, let alone General Shi, but to deal with us. General Shi is so kind and generous, so please accept the little girl's bow." Yang Xi paid his respects in kind. He was calm and calm and showed no fear at all. Facing the chaos of war outside the house, he was as relaxed as strolling in the courtyard. . Shi Heng was stunned, and he understood instantly. It seemed that Qu Xiangtian had rebelled against him. Qu Xiangtian didn't dare to ascend the throne without authorization, so the danger to himself was not great. But now that he is staying with the Zhongzheng lineage, he is afraid that he will not be able to protect himself, but will lead to death. This is not sending charcoal in the snow, but taking chestnuts from the fire. It is dangerous. Extremely. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 135: Farce Shi Heng sat there, neither advancing nor retreating, with a somewhat flustered expression. According to what Yang Xiyu said, the Zhongzheng Yiline Courtyard was the outbreak point of the conflict, just like a barrel filled with gunpowder. Explosion, A gentleman doesn¡¯t stand behind a dangerous wall. Shi Heng immediately stood up and found a reason to leave. At this time, he didn¡¯t care about losing face, but Yang Xiyu smiled and said: "Sit down, General Shi. In less than half an hour, the rebels will be in chaos, and General Shi will be needed to keep the overall situation under control. As the saying goes, we, the women and children in this courtyard, have to rely on General Shi Henglie. I smiled, but the smile was uglier than crying. I thought to myself: This woman is calmer than me. She must be confident. They don't need me to take care of them. I can't take care of them. After about a cup of tea, Several red figures suddenly appeared in the courtyard. They came very quickly. Shi Heng was startled. His guards drew their swords and faced each other. Yang Xiyu glanced at them and asked, "How is the matter going? " Only then did people see clearly that the person who came was covered in blood, and the hem of his clothes was dripping with blood. He was not wearing red clothes. He didn't know how many people had been killed. The leader was pointing at Yang Xi, Yu Yingzi and others. He clasped his fists and said, "The entire city's commanders above the rank of captain have been slaughtered." Yang Xiyu nodded and said, "Thank you, brothers. Please keep General Shi safe after patrolling the city to collect the rebels, and then rest. In addition, Have Qin Rufeng and Guang Liang caught them?" The man shook his head and said, "Not yet, there are ten brothers who are chasing them." These people are Lu Yunzhi's hidden masters in the capital to protect his family. There are about thirty people who are safe, all of them are masters among masters. Unexpectedly, the capital is in chaos. These people under the leadership of Yang Xiyu have played a big role, otherwise the capital will definitely be occupied by Qin Rufeng and others. , Eiko stood up, personally brought tea to these Yinbu heroes for them to drink, and then quickly entered the house. After a while, Eiko came out, carrying a long spear, wearing purple and gold carved armor, killing closely, and looking particularly dashing and heroic. , Shi Heng was stunned and didn't understand what was going on, so he asked: "Two Madams Lu, what is going on? Why can't I understand this?" Yang Xiyu smiled and replied: " The chaos in the city was nothing more than instigated by Qin Rufeng and Guang Liang. The capital is no different from other places. The various forces control different garrison armies. At most, they kill the leaders and seize control of the army. Let's deal with them in their own way. As a human being, he kills the leader. We will kill more. As long as he can lead more than ten soldiers, we will kill them all regardless of whether they are doing their jobs for lack of service. If the soldiers have no head to lead, there will naturally be chaos. How many troops are there in the capital? Qin Rufeng, Guangliang and the others will definitely be difficult to control in such a chaos. Since we can't suppress them within a moment, we will completely muddy the waters." "Besides, capture the thief first. I will send people to hunt down Qin Rufeng and Guangliang. , their army was beside them, but they could not gather other troops. The city was so crowded that ordinary soldiers who lost their leaders would definitely go out to do things like burning, killing, humiliating and looting. The longer the time went on, the more Qin Rufeng and Guang Liang The more they can't be dealt with, they are rebels after all. They have no deterrent power, and I can't think of any good slogans. Otherwise, shouting "Qingjunzi" would be much more effective than it is now. Besides, their life is not easy now. They are hunted down by our masters. Even if you don't die, you have to shed your skin. In the crowded city, the army cannot display its power, but the killer's power is fully displayed. "Yang Xiyu still maintained a calm smile and said, "Shi Heng was dumbfounded. While talking and laughing, the oars and oars disappeared into ashes. This woman is not simple, and then she was shocked: "You said that anyone who leads troops will be killed. Could it be that you don't distinguish between ourselves and the enemy?" That's more than a thousand people. " "I would rather kill them by mistake than let them go. Killing them will protect the safety of the capital. It's worth it." "Tan Qing said, Shi Heng broke into a cold sweat. Fortunately, he had not offended Lu Yunzhi before. Even his family members were so cruel. If it were him, he would probably die without a burial place. "Shi Heng is a loyal Duke, a member of the imperial court. Among the military officers, on the issue of military power, besides Lu Yunzhi, Shi Heng is the only one. However, Lu Yunzhi is a hidden force, relying on Mi Thirteen's internal support to break into the army. Yang Xiyu's actions this time are also undermining. She made a lot of determination, because she didn't know who was the undercover, so she eliminated them all, so as not to spoil the big thing due to a single thought. Apart from this, Shi Heng's official position in the army was unmatched. Therefore, he brought his personal guards and the hidden heroes who were like gods of murder to gather the chaotic soldiers and horses along the way, and killed many ruffians who took advantage of the chaos. Yingzi was even more jealous of evil and killed the most people, making the stone Hengdu was a little afraid of her, but as a result, the capital soon stabilized, and Shi Heng also took control of the military. Qin Rufeng and Guang Liang were hunted down one after another, so they had to lead their troops to withdraw from the city and line up on a wide terrain. Launch a large battle to prevent assassinations from happening, otherwise in the city, on the roofs deep in the alleys,?Maybe one or two people will show up and show off their killing moves. Qin Rufeng is also a member of the Zhongzheng lineage, and Guang Liang has not put down his skills for many years in the military. If not, I am afraid that the two of them would be dead on the streets now. The situation is getting more and more chaotic, and there are fewer and fewer soldiers around. There is a saying in the Central Plains: A good man is not a soldier, but he is a good man and does not make nails. Therefore, in addition to ordinary people who have no way to survive, there are also vicious people who come to seek refuge and lazy people. The scoundrels, in the current chaos, were running to grab money and food, and women, but they still obeyed the orders of Qin Rufeng and Guang Liang. Therefore, when they withdrew from the capital, Guang Liang and Qin Rufeng only had more than a thousand people left. Originally, Lu Yunzhi had taken most of the troops away, leaving only 10,000 horses. Now that the capital was not captured, the troops were dispersed. They really lost both their wives and their troops. The riot lasted for two hours in total. , it can be said that it started vigorously and ended lively, you sang and I came on stage, it was like a farce, and it didn¡¯t cause any big disturbance at all. If it weren¡¯t for some rioters taking advantage of the fire, the people would come out to watch the fun, Shi Heng With Yang Xiyu's strategy and the help of Yingzi, he quickly took command of the whole city. Shi Heng was very proud. He pointed at Qin Rufeng and others who were in a dilemma outside the city and smiled: "You are just a fool, you only know how to lead troops." Are you capable of fighting a war and admonishing soldiers? " After a while, Qin Rufeng and others led their troops to retreat and fled to the south. They were in a miserable state. It seemed that they were going to join forces with Qu Xiangtian. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 136: Where did the 100,000-strong army come from? Although Shi Heng's confidence increased rapidly, he did not dare to underestimate Yang Xiyu and others. After setting up the city defense, he led people to the Zhongzheng line. At this moment, Yang Xiyu was leading Lu Qiutong to study. It seemed that the noise outside was a little different from her. The relationship was not ordinary. Shi Heng asked Yang Xiyu to take charge of the overall situation. Yang Xiyu just smiled and replied: "How can I, a woman, show my face? General Shi should be in charge of the overall situation. What the people want is what the people want." Because of the power of God, the guard of the capital should be commanded by General Shi. As the saying goes, the time, place and people are all right. Please don¡¯t refuse, General Shi. You and I are close friends, so there is no need to be polite." Shi Heng was proud. After he left, Yang Xiyu looked at Shi Heng's leaving figure and smiled, saying: "You are a wolf in Zhongshan. When you succeed, you will run wild and dig your own grave." A boy on the side silently wrote down this sentence, The young man was originally from the capital. Later, he moved away from the capital during the war. He was favored by Arong and introduced to the Zhongzheng lineage. This man's name was Ma Zhongxi. Many years later, he wrote this sentence, which led to a story. Notes This is a famous saying from an expert, and so on, Zhen Lingdan and Chao Xing were shocked when they received the news from Lu Yunzhi. The amount of information in Lu Yunzhi's autographed letter was a bit too much, so the West Route Army marched westward. They continued to defend in place and prepared everything else by themselves without having to obey any orders other than Lu Yunzhi. What shocked them even more was that Qu Xiangtian turned against him. Such a stabbing incident, which added fuel to the fire, turned out to be from Qu Xiangtian. What happened to him, Zhen Lingdan couldn't help but sigh: "People's hearts are unpredictable." Chao Xing asked: "Then what should we do next? Yun Zhi's letter said that Timur will use troops against the Ming Dynasty in the near future, and explained We all act cheaply, but he suggested taking the initiative, Brother Zhen, what do you think?" Zhen Lingdan thought for a moment and said, "It's a good suggestion to take the initiative, but Lu Yunzhi doesn't know much about the situation here. Once he takes the initiative to attack Tie Mu. Son, we must first drive Boyan Beier westward to eliminate worries, and then enter the enemy's territory from the north of Timur. In this way, our logistics supply line will be lengthened. As long as the enemy cuts off our food road , if we catch turtles in an urn, we'll be done with it." "Then you mean, let's hold on and resist. I think we can use this place as a stronghold to transport grain and grass to the capital city of Yili, so that the grain road is always close. It¡¯s a lot safer,¡± Chao Xing said, and Zhen Lingdan nodded in approval: ¡°It¡¯s a good idea, but we are hoarding food and grass here in case Boyan Beier or Timur¡¯s country sends a surprise attack. Here, we will lose everything in an instant and repeat what happened in the Battle of Guandu at Wuchao. "In the Battle of Guandu, Cao Cao unexpectedly attacked Yuan Shao's granary Wuchao, which led to a shocking reversal of the situation, thus establishing the Battle of Guandu. Victory, now Chao Xing's strategy is just another Yuan Shao. Zhen Lingdan thought for a long time and said: "I don't want to defend the city. It would be too passive to fight. It would be even more difficult to change from defensive to offensive to passive to active." Difficult, the only solution for now is to take a risk." "How to take a risk. "Chao Xing asked, and Zhen Lingdan said slowly: "The large-scale interspersed fighting style forced Timur to leave Boyan Beier alone, and only took a few days of rations to attack Timur overnight, attacking cities and forts to support the war. Replenish food and grass on the spot, then attract the army to the north and quickly withdraw, and then completely eliminate Boyan Beier who came to pick up the leak. Chao Xing nodded and said: "This is too dangerous. Once we fail to siege the city, we will be in danger of running out of ammunition and food. Without supplies and no warm place for the soldiers to rest, it is pure self-destruction. Ordinarily, relying on Uncle Yan Beier's character will definitely come to stab us in the back while we are at war with Timur. If you don't come into contact with Timur, you can turn around and quickly attack and defeat Boyan Beier quickly. This strategy looks like Very good, but what if you can't win a quick victory? Boyan Beier's troops are not made of clay. If you lose twice, you may not be fooled again. There is a more possibility that you will take advantage of Boyan Beier. He was afraid, so he didn't dare to come. Instead, he harassed us from time to time, set fire to rob the camp and so on. If he didn't kill the snake, he would be harmed by it. Wouldn't your plan be in vain? " "Yes, although the army is traveling through dangerous routes, we still have to find a more secure method. Let me think about it. You can help me organize the soldiers first. We will set off in two or three days. Thank you, brother Chao. . "Zhen Lingdan clasped her fists at Chao Xing and said, "Two days later, the team set off, covering the sky and the sun with a mighty force, and penetrated directly into Timur's territory, then detoured to the north and launched a fierce attack, occupying many cities. These places Because Fang Qingze had been operating for many years, he was very rich. After some looting, he took a short rest and began to attack the next city. Timur's army, which had been gathered on the west side, immediately turned its spearhead to the north and sent 30,000 cavalry to head on. They were ambushed by the Ming army and lost their troops. Just in time, the main army arrived, and the Ming army fled in panic. Murong Longteng ordered an all-out pursuit.It was determined that the enemy was the main force of the Ming army. As long as this group of Ming army was defeated, there would be no strong army on the western front. Six days later, Samarkand was in emergency. It was said that a hundred thousand troops were besieging the city. Murong Long was so angry that he spurted blood and fainted. How could he I didn't even think about where these 100,000 troops came from. The main force of the Ming army was being driven away by me. Is it possible that they couldn't fly, but they could all fly to their rear? Fortune plays a trick on people, Boyan Beier When I was a child, I almost grew up eating blood, and my stomach was very good. But these days, I have been having stomachaches, and my whole body is shaking. The commander is seriously ill, and the army has to stop advancing. Therefore, Zhen Lingdan's plan was miscalculated, and Boyan Beier They didn't rush over to catch them all, so Chao Xing, who was leading the army, could only sigh and look at the ocean. After sighing, he led the army to avoid Timur's pursuit and headed towards the 100,000-strong army led by Zhen Lingdan. The army, where did Zhen Lingdan¡¯s army come from? Naturally, it didn¡¯t fall from the sky. It was an army of slaves. Most of the army was composed of Mongolians. Now that they are well fed and drunk, they are no longer refugees. These are also powerful The residents in Baoli were grateful to the benevolent Ming army, but at the same time they were afraid of the Ming army's force. After all, the capital was captured by the Ming army, and their hearts were dispersed. Maybe they would not be allowed to fight Boyan Beier, but if they were allowed to go out to fight Timur, then they were bound to do it. The Mongols mounted their horses and brought swords to become warriors, so an army of one hundred thousand was formed in an instant. Chao Xing led the main force out of the city first, and after successfully attracting local troops, Zhen Lingdan Started to go on an expedition, dared to lead hundreds of soldiers and horses to control a hundred thousand slaves, Zhen Lingdan was the best in the world, who else, Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 137: Killing Three Birds with One Stone There were not many soldiers in Samarkand, and the elite ones had been taken away by Murong Longteng. He did not expect that Zhen Lingdan could come to the city as if falling from the sky. Although the city of Samarkand was well defended, it could not withstand the tireless siege of a hundred thousand troops. , and finally the city was broken. Zhen Lingdan led an army of 100,000 slaves into the city of Samarkand. Samarkand was built by Fang Qingze into a shining pearl in the country of the Western Regions, but at this time its wealth was not given to the city. The wealth brought good luck to the residents, because the treasure dazzled Zhen Lingdan¡¯s slave army. Zhen Lingdan knew that he could not control these Mongolians who were dazzled by wealth through discipline, so he ordered the start of a day and two night war. After burning, killing, humiliating and looting, Zhen Lingdan made a move that shocked both his subordinates and opponents: a hundred thousand troops all disarmed and returned to the fields, and asked them to return to Yilibaoli with their treasures and various female prisoners, "You just Letting them go like this, it is unheard of for a hundred thousand troops to disarm." Chao Xing asked in confusion. At this time, he had already joined forces with the slave army, but Zhen was followed by the pursuers. Ling Dan smiled bitterly and said, "So what." Chao Xing frowned and said, "Brother Zhen, now is not the time to be impulsive. We have let go a hundred thousand troops and we are alone. How can we be hostile to Murong Longteng and Boyan?" Bell's coalition forces, I suggest that while we still have a deterrent effect on them and their servility is still intact, we can quickly use them to consume the enemy's effective strength. We must not be merciful. " "Hahahaha, Brother Chao, I am Zhen. Is that a kind person?" Zhen Lingdan said, Chao Xing thought that Zhen Lingdan was indeed not a kind person. He had come up with all the previous poisonous schemes, so how could his conscience find out now? Chao Xingjing waited for Zhen Lingdan to continue. Zhen Lingdan said: "This army of 100,000 slaves seems to be huge, but in fact it is not. It can be easily disintegrated. It would be easy to say if they were just Timurids, but now There are also the Yili people led by Boyan Beier. Although the Mongols are good at internal fighting, it is a bit unreliable for us outsiders to lead the Mongols to fight the Mongols. What if they are incited to defect? With one strike, we will be destroyed in an instant. It is difficult to defend against house thieves day and night, so why not kill three birds with one stone as we are doing now?" Chao Xing smiled and said: "Since ancient times, there is a plan of killing two birds with one stone. I would like to hear that one stone kills three birds. Bird's wisdom." Zhen Lingdan also smiled: "This is how the first bird avoided future troubles and gained a good reputation. Even if we fail and retreat, these refugees who were once captured by us will not take advantage of us, even if they do. I will also hesitate for a while. Ordinary people still have very kind-hearted nature. When they are hesitant about whether to add insult to injury to us, we have already withdrawn to the territory of the Ming Dynasty. The second bird is Timur's army that can alienate Murong Longteng. With Boyan Beier's Yili cavalry, you want me to let the slave army burn, kill, humiliate and plunder Samarkand, and it is the Yili people who robbed Timur. Do you think Murong Longteng hates it? " "Even Murong. Long Teng knew that the overall situation was the most important thing, but it was inevitable that he had a problem in his mind. Forget about sincere cooperation. The junior sergeants could not understand the military plan. In their hearts, they only had their relatives who were massacred by the Mongols, and what was originally theirs and was now plundered. I think there will be a lot of conflicts between the two of them in the future. "Zhen Lingdan laughed like a naughty boy who had succeeded in his evil scheme, "Chao Xing asked: "Then what if you put these people back and Boyan Beier recruits them again and lets them come and beat us." " "If that's the case, why did I let them rob property? They still hate Boyan Beier's ruthlessness in abandoning them that day. Of course, this is what I have people constantly preach and instigate. It will exaggerate our own image and belittle their status. , so they will not respond to Boyan Beier. At the same time, they will also worry about the Timurid people's revenge and debt collection. After all, they have robbed other people's money and wives. If they join forces, those things will not be returned to them. No, it's unreasonable, and it's too much of a loss to pay it back. How can the spoils of fighting be easily given to others, so they still won't respond to Boyan Beier. Finally, after people have money, they naturally want to live and work in peace and contentment, so how can they go to war and work hard? Weapons, so they still won't respond to Boyan Beier. "Zhen Lingdan said, Zhen Lingdan raised three fingers and said: "This is the third bird. If Boyan Beier is smart, he should not forcefully conquer and slowly heal these people we let go. People, if they are not smart enough to play the iron-blood policy, then hum. Zhen Lingdan suddenly sneered, "It is applicable wherever the government forces the people to rebel." " Although Zhen Lingdan's plan of killing three birds with one stone is superb, it is difficult to show results for a while. The most important thing at the moment is how to deal with the armies of Murong Longteng and Boyan Beier. The two parties have joined forces, but as As Zhen Lingdan thought, Boyan Beier and Murong Longteng were suspicious of each other and refused to obey each other's control. It was difficult for the two to compete. They said they were joining forces, but in fact they were still independent. Putting the soldiers in the same camp was just a matter of competition. Just to build momentum,   There are many conflicts between junior officers, but they have not yet reached the critical point of outbreak. To be honest, Boyan Beier's subordinates are really a little unjust. They did not kill the people and robbed the things, just because they were Yili's subordinates. Human beings, therefore, have to accept other people's sarcastic remarks, so how can these hot-blooded men endure it? After a lot of back and forth, in order to prevent the incident from expanding, the leaders of the two parties could only place the people on the east and west sides, in the same village and in different camps, and dispatched them in the middle The law enforcement team patrolled, and this temporarily suppressed the intensifying hatred among the soldiers. The coalition forces pressed under the city of Samarkand, surrounded the Ming army, instantly cutting off the Ming army's contact with the outside world, and looking at the boundless coalition forces from a distance The sky was endless, and reinforcements from Timur or Yili came from time to time in the distance. The darkness immediately exerted an invisible sense of oppression on the Ming army holding on to the city. Chao Xing led everyone from the Tianshi camp to stand On top of the city tower, he waved his sword and pointed at the enemy soldiers and said: "The black clouds are pressing down on the city, trying to destroy it. In my opinion, the city is not about to be crushed, but it wants to destroy the enemy troops. This is a true hero." , To my colleagues from Heaven and Earth, we are all magicians. We have nothing to say in this battle. We just do our best to help ordinary soldiers defend the city. You have also seen that these alien armies outside, Once the city is destroyed, we will lose our lives, so everyone, for the sake of the Ming Dynasty, for our descendants of the Ming Dynasty not to be invaded by foreigners, and for the honor of the people of heaven and earth, fight." Everyone shouted in unison, although they were a little scared but still brave. There was a hint of excitement, they were no longer those people who were talking on paper. Everyone improved their skills in the previous battles of swords, lights, swords, shadows and flesh and blood. Each one became a real master, or a killer. The horn of the enemy's attack was sounded. , the battle begins, Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 138: Siege of the City Chao Xing and Zhen Lingdan stood on the top of the city in person. The soldiers prepared city defense tools such as wood, rolling stones, gold juice, hot oil, etc. There were artillery and other weapons in the city, as well as the allied forces outside the city. Bombardment from both sides was necessary. Indispensable, in fact, when inspecting the city, Zhen Lingdan felt God's favor, because most of the weapons developed by Fang Qingze were made in Timur, but there was not even a decent cannon in the city of Samarkand. In other words, Fang Qingze did not give the advanced weapons he developed to the Timurid people. Whether Fang Qingze was on guard against powerful enemies, or out of loyalty to the Ming Dynasty, or because the price could not be agreed upon, in short, he did not With the help of these gunpowder weapons, the Ming army, which relied on strong city defenses, gained the upper hand. Otherwise, if the artillery were lined up and bombarded for several hours, the city of Samarkand would have been razed to the ground. The ladders in the Western Region are different from those in the Central Plains. They operate on a locomotive, just like a large ballista. When used, they shoot out a four-claw hook to hook onto the city wall. There is an iron chain rope on the hook and then the ladder is pulled up through the pulley. During the attack on the Central Plains, the soldiers In order to ensure the stability of the ladder, they would hang on to the ladder with their bodies to prevent the people on top from overturning it. However, the soldiers who fell on the ladder below suffered heavy casualties, and they needed to constantly be replenished. The one who attacked the city wall first would be rewarded, but the one who fell down would be rewarded. No one remembers the stepping stones of the ladder, so it is a dirty job. Nowadays, the ladder used in siege is different. With the weight of the ballista itself, and the pull of the other end of the chain, the ladder is extremely strong. This kind of ladder is used in The Western Region is very difficult to defend, because the Xifan people only know how to shoot arrows and smash rocks, so the final result is to go up to the city to fight hand-to-hand to see who has more soldiers and is more effective, which is no different from fighting on the ground. , it¡¯s just like standing on a high slope, the side defending the city has the slightest advantage. The Ming Dynasty¡¯s territory is dominated by Han people. They have built city walls for thousands of years and fought fortified battles for thousands of years. They have both offensive and defensive capabilities. With sufficient experience, today Zhen Lingdan allowed this group of Xifan people to appreciate the crystallization of Han people's wisdom for thousands of years. The rolling stones were thrown down by the Ming army defenders, but soon the soldiers attacking the city discovered that these Things are not as useless as usual. These things now have a hemp rope stuffed on them. The hemp rope seems to have been soaked in oil and then dried repeatedly. It is difficult to extinguish it after being ignited. These things come from above. It smashed down and injured many people, and then exploded quickly. The fragments killed the soldiers who were climbing the ladder. The Xifan people also used kerosene, but they didn't know what the golden juice was. It was as hot as hot water. Things fell from the sky and watered the soldiers climbing the wall, and then emitted a fierce stench. Once the skin was scalded, there was heartbreaking pain. Before the defeat was over, signs of ulceration were found on the skin. The golden juice is human feces and urine that burns hot, and then from Zhen Ling Dan was poured on the city. Before entering the life line, Zhen Ling Dan practiced in the Dan Ding line, so the name had the word "dan". He added a poison to the gold juice, which could intensify the stench of the gold juice. It can also speed up the rotting of the skin and cooperate with the high temperature. The ulcerated skin will be poisoned when it comes into contact with feces and urine, and the victim will immediately lose combat effectiveness. Even if the wound is treated immediately, it will be difficult to heal. If this is the case, then Boyan Beier and Murong Longteng didn't have that much of a headache. The most uncomfortable thing about Zhen Lingdan was his calmness and the well-trained soldiers under his command. When the siege troops such as bows and arrows had only one shot, they started to shoot upwards, and then cut them off with arrow rain. The continuity of the team was that they fired volleys every time. When the enemy began to climb the wall, the soldiers in the city standing under the city wall also began to fire arrows. They were still shooting upwards. The arrows fell in a parabola outside the city and killed them. They were chasing the enemy, while the soldiers on the city wall retreated slightly and turned to free fire. The coalition forces went through all kinds of hardships and lost many soldiers, and finally climbed up the city wall. They mocked the Ming army for being timid and not daring to hold long guns. The spear sticks leaned out of the city wall to stab people. In their impression, an iron army should do this, but soon they couldn't laugh anymore. The Ming army was fully armed and stood on the city wall holding spears. To be precise, they were holding spears. It was not a spear, but something similar to a halberd. The Ming army was divided into three columns and stood on the city wall. There was a slight gap between each other, just enough for the halberd to thrust out, and the archers had already retreated behind them. He raised his head and fired hidden arrows. There was no need to aim now, because the enemies were overwhelmingly swarming, and they would hit people wherever they shot. The first two rows of halberd-wielding soldiers coordinated with each other to make assassination movements, like a halberd stabbing. After piercing the enemy's body, the other team will follow up and push the enemy off the city wall. The dead body is another kind of rolling stone, smashing down the enemy who is still climbing up. The third team remains motionless and makes final preparations. Murong Longteng was annoyed, and Boyan Beier laughed, because Boyan Beier had already tasted the power of Zhen Lingdan. If he could easily capture this fortified city, he would definitely be frightened and think that he had fallen into a trap. The two generals ordered at the same time , the whole army pressed in in echelon form, and also tried to capture the people and Timur.The coalition of soldiers surged up the city wall like a tide, and the third layer of halberd-holding soldiers came up. They were all taller soldiers, holding their halberds high to protect their comrades in the first two rows. To prevent the enemy from getting close easily during the assassination breaks, the Ming army used long halberds to construct a city wall of flesh and blood that shimmered with cold light and carried murderous intent. The attack lasted for an hour. In the end, due to the numerical superiority of the coalition forces, the Ming army was exhausted. , the soldier holding the halberd was finally broken open. There was no one on both sides of the Ming army soldiers to cover. Once the formation was broken, the halberd was not so freely swung on the city wall. One inch is longer and one inch is stronger. It refers to fighting in a wide area. Instead of being on a long and narrow city wall with many people, the coalition forces slaughtered the Ming army like wolves entering a flock of sheep. At this time, ghosts emerged from the ground and blocked the way of the coalition forces. The halberdiers of the Ming army panicked. Withdrew along the stone steps of the city road. Although the ghosts were able to resist the coalition forces, and the coalition forces were helpless against them, the number of ghosts was too small after all, and the coalition forces on the city were gathering more and more. The ghost witch saw the soldiers boarding The top of the city was resisted by ghosts, so they immediately stepped forward to fight with them. At this moment, the ghosts on the city wall disappeared underground and soon appeared under the city wall, and then met Zheng Zheng. The ghosts and witches who came up got into a fight. During the fight, they knocked down the ladder and damaged the ballista. The Allied forces on the city lost their retreat, and the follow-up troops were unable to follow up the city. They were panicked for a while. Just when they were at a loss, the armored troops The sound sounded from the city road, and a group of armored Ming soldiers armed to the teeth slowly walked up. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 139: Failure of the Siege The armored Ming army was like a replica of the Iron Kites, except that there were no horses in full armor. They were covered in heavy armor and marched forward in neat lines with double knives in hand. When they came into contact with the coalition forces, the steel knives Flesh and blood flew everywhere, but the Allies were helpless. It was like facing a huge bone, but the mouth was too small to swallow. Indeed, except for a small gap at the eye area, the heavy armored soldier was covered with blood. The connection between the upper and lower parts is very clever. If you cut it with a knife, it will be nothing more than a white mark. If you want to win in this situation, you can only rely on the cavalry and use the momentum of the horse to pierce the heavy armor with a spear. But now we are on the city wall. Where did the cavalry come from? Some smart soldiers raised their knives and tried their best to stab the Ming army's heavy armored soldiers with the tip of the knife. As expected, there were several successful examples, piercing some weak links in the armor, but inside The soldiers seemed to be completely unaware. The Allied soldiers began to be afraid. Could it be that the people inside the armor were not human beings? How could we fight this battle? The morale of the soldiers was a little turbulent for a moment. Are those under the heavy armor human beings? Of course they are. Originally Zhen Lingdan wanted to create a living dead, but he needed a lot of medicinal materials and the method was cumbersome and time-consuming. Not to mention that he was not Wang Yulu, so he could not guarantee that he could create a living dead and had to give up. Chao Xing offered a plan. He brought a chainmail armor, which is the kind of iron armor with small buckles connected one after another. It is very precise and difficult for craftsmen in the Central Plains to make, but everyone in the Western Regions can make it. This kind of chainmail armor is more precise. It is light, and because it is interlocked, it can disperse the force of stabbing and slashing. It is an excellent defensive armor. However, although the blacksmiths in the Western Regions can make it, the workmanship is too troublesome. The cost of a chain armor is worth two thousand dollars. There were more than ten sets of Central Plains iron armor, so they were not used on a large scale. In addition, there were only a few people who could make them, so even the generals did not have a few sets. Zhen Lingdan collected all the chain armors in stock, and then ordered the craftsmen to build them overnight. After finally gathering such a heavily armored army, Zhen Lingdan selected tall and mighty soldiers and asked them to wear chainmail armor. They were also covered with thick armor from the Central Plains to make it foolproof. Therefore, although the armor was heavy, the soldiers But they were fearless and invincible, because hiding in the armor only meant to massacre others, and were not afraid of the oncoming swords and shadows. The allied assassination just penetrated the thick armor, and after the force weakened, it was blocked by the chainmail armor. Those Timurids or Yili people who risked their lives were ruthlessly killed by the heavy armored soldiers. In fact, the heavy armored soldiers are not invincible. At least on the plain battlefield, they have more or less advantages like the Iron Kites. The disadvantage is that because their armor is too heavy, they are unable to get up once they are knocked to the ground. Human strength is limited, but when all the weight is on a person, they can only move forward but cannot get up, and any heavily armored infantry or Cavalry are difficult to turn, which hinders mobility on the battlefield. Generally, just tripping them will kill them. You only need to take off their armor after the battle to slowly slaughter them, while heavy armored soldiers will They had no choice but to lie there and wait for the massacre to come, so the heavy armored soldiers were only suitable for surprise and icing on the cake. It was difficult to deal with large-scale attacks and mutual charges and attacks. A few small thorns pierced the horseshoes and broke them. , the knight can break the formation when he falls to the ground. The trip horse rope and hook saber are the natural enemies of the heavy armored soldiers. However, everything must pay attention to the right time, place and people. On the plains, precisely because of the shortcomings of heavy armor, this type of unit was gradually eliminated, so Bo Yan Beier was shocked when he saw Zhen Lingdan's iron kite for the first time. After all, it was something that didn't exist hundreds of years ago. In all circumstances, on the narrow city wall, this group of heavy armored infantry was Invincible, they exerted their greatest effectiveness and slaughtered the helpless allies until there was no longer a foreigner left in the city. The ballista ladders had all been destroyed by the fighting between ghosts and ghost witches, and they crashed into each other. After destroying the city gates, it was discovered that the city gates had been sealed with huge rocks, making it impossible to enter. Thousands of people were injured, but they did not attack the city walls. They did not even put any pressure on the Ming army to almost break the city. This really made Bo Yan Beier and Murong Longteng were angry, and they were helpless to deal with the ghosts of the Murong family. They were good at divination and illusions, and there were not many people who could really fight. Even if they could, the Murong family would not run into the city in danger to fight with the Tianshi camp. The controlled ghosts fought for their lives. After deliberation, the two commanders of the Allied forces issued the order to withdraw their troops. The Allied forces dragged their tired bodies and injured comrades and retreated with full anger. Murong Long was furious. He said with hatred: "Let's rest for a while and attack again tomorrow. Boyan Beier said: "It will be the same if we continue to fight. As far as I know, the city wall of Samarkand was built by the famous businessman Fang Qingze. The city defense is very strong. In addition, Zhen Lingdan is indeed a wizard in leading troops. I'm afraid Even if we attack for ten days, it will be difficult to achieve results. "Murong Longteng glanced sideways at Boyan Beier and said: "This faction is messing up our army with nonsense.? Could it be that Li Han was frightened out of his wits by the old thief Zhen Lingdan? " "What did you say? Why did you talk to me? " "You guys are just scared of being beaten. You are so cowardly. " The two generals immediately had a huge quarrel in the big tent. In the end, both sides used knives. Only then did Murong Longteng and Boyan Beier stop their men. Boyan Beier said: "If you have to fight, Then lead your Timurid army to fight, and we will do our best to watch the enemy and plunder the formation for you. This is your battle, and we are just here to assist you. The capital that is captured now is Samarkand, not Also work hard. "Hmph, I forgot that I was driven out like a lost dog. Zhen Lingdan just gave up on Yili for the time being. Once Tamerlane collapses, your Xi Yili regime will be next. Don't Forgot, Yili Baoli in the east no longer obeys your call from Boyan Beier. "Murong Longteng retorted, especially referring to Yili as the east and west. Boyan Beier frowned and suddenly asked: "Do you have much food in Samarkand? " Murong Longteng was stunned for a moment and then replied: "Samarkand is an economic capital, with many caravans coming and going. Business is about liquidity, so the stock should not be too much, but it is definitely not a lot. The granary in the city There are only two of them. Do you want to rely on numbers to surround the city and wait for them to run out of food? " "Yes, our numbers are many times greater than our opponents. We may not be able to attack the city, but it is more than enough to siege the city. Now there are only Ming troops in the city. Tens of thousands of troops are eating, drinking and loosing in the city. After a long time, we will definitely not be able to hold on. We can't hold on." Be anxious, it won't take long for them to surrender automatically. Even if they hold on to death, how long can they hold on? Boyan Beier smiled coldly, Murong Longteng thought for a while and sighed, "Then let's do this for now." " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 140: Midnight Singing The siege has begun. This cola has broken Zhen Lingdan and Chao Xing. What kind of place is Samarkand? It's a trading capital. There must be a lot of food and livestock here. It doesn't matter even if the other side sieges them for two or three months. If there is another Lu Yunzhi had previously written a reply to several shops owned by Fang Qingze in the city. After a careful search, they found cellars. There were batches of rice and bacon in the cellar as well as advanced firearms loaded in the breech. During this period of time, Zhen Ling Dan can let his soldiers, who are many times fewer than the enemy, have a good rest. The city can certainly be defended, but persistence is not Zhen Lingdan's character. Although he is old, he is still passionate. He is waiting for the night to fall the next day. After a night of no books, let¡¯s not mention how both sides gathered the wounded soldiers to clean up the battlefield. On the morning of the second day, the Allied forces sent more than a hundred soldiers to approach the city, but they remained within a stone¡¯s throw of the city. They yelled in unison, saying that the Han people were just a bunch of people. It's just a coward. Zhen Lingdan acted like a shrew. She just wanted to take this opportunity to disturb the morale of the Ming army, or make Zhen Lingdan angry and go out of the city to greet them. Zhen Lingdan naturally ignored them. The Ming army guarding the city saw He looked at them yelling and scolding, but burst out laughing because their Chinese was so strange. What was Zhen Lingdan doing at the moment? Neither Murong Longteng nor Boyan Beier could have imagined that Zhen Lingdan was slaughtering sheep in the city. Cattle are used to barbecue or make soup for the soldiers. First, they have enough food to have the strength to fight. Second, Zhen Lingdan does not want to stay here for a long time. These livestock are not conducive to future combat plans. Since they cannot be taken away, they will all be taken away. After eating it, Samarkand is broken. These cattle and sheep have become ownerless things. If you don¡¯t eat them, you can¡¯t eat them. The third is that there is not much fodder in the city. On weekdays, because there are many grasslands outside the city, it is not easy to take them out. Feeding is to pay some money and hire some laborers to cut the grass. Now there are Ming army horses in the city, and they haven't had time to drive away the good horses for trading. Now they can't get out of the city for a while, so they eat these cattle. The sheep can be regarded as reducing the consumption of forage. Zhen Lingdan is a good hand in leading troops and is not bad at cooking. He personally cooks the spoon and becomes a fire-headed soldier. Not to mention the taste is amazing. The same pot with the same ingredients makes a difference. The whole army feasted on the delicacies of the past. Chao Xing also enjoyed the meal. He turned to Zhen Lingdan and asked: "How did you make it?" Zhen Lingdan smiled slightly and replied: "Do it with your heart." Looking at the coalition commander's camp, Boyan Beier stared at Murong Longteng with his eyes closed. After a long time, Murong Longteng took a breath and said: "I can't figure it out." Boyan Beier asked: "What, you Murong family Aren't you good at divination? How could you not calculate the outcome of the battle and Zhen Lingdan's movements? " Murong Longteng said: "You don't know something. Our divination is like seeing a picture. This is not certain. Only certain things can be seen, and it is difficult to do directional divination, which means that it is difficult to calculate for a certain thing. This randomness makes the Murong family closer to the secret of heaven, but it is not very accurate. What is inaccurate is Time, place and even people. " Boyan Beier was not a magician, so naturally he couldn't understand. He looked at Murong Longteng blankly for a long time before saying, "Say something useful. Murong Longteng smiled instead of getting angry: "Forget it, let's not talk about it. In short, according to the people of heaven and earth, Zhen Lingdan's destiny is very high. Maybe it's not his high energy, but Lu Yunzhi's high energy. It is said that fate will not affect the divination results of the Murong family, but when something reaches a critical point, it will have extraordinary power and even change destiny. I think Lu Yunzhi may have done it, so I can't calculate it, Shi Bi Sanri was very impressed. When I met him back then, he didn't have such a strong Qi. But it's not like no one can figure it out. I do know someone. She is a genius of our Murong family. She may be able to understand the secrets of heaven, but she can't figure it out. It's hard to say how thorough it is. "Who is it? What are you talking about? Call him out quickly." Boyan Beier said impatiently. The various disadvantages of the duel with Zhen Lingdan had made him completely lose his patience. He became very irritable in every aspect, "It's my sister, Murong Yunfei." "Murong Longteng replied calmly. Boyan Beier was just about to yell again, saying something to let her out soon, but suddenly he was stunned and said: "Could it be that the real person in power in Annan is the one who initiated our military movement this time? people. " Murong Longteng nodded, stood up, looked at Samarkand outside the tent with his hands behind his back, and said softly: "Anyway, the war has started now, so what can we do if we calculate it, let fate do its job, and let's see who wins. " That night, when Boyan Beier was sleeping, he suddenly heard the sound of gongs and drums outside the tent. Boyan Beier turned over and thought it was an enemy coming to attack. Upon closer inspection, it didn't sound like it. It seemed like he was singing a big show. Although In this way, it didn't feel particularly urgent, but Boyan Beier still hurriedly put on his armor and went out to watch. Murong Longteng walked out of another tent, walked to Boyan Beier and frowned and said: "Why is this a Han Chinese flower drum opera? Zhen Ling at nightWhat tricks are you doing? Then Murong Longteng ordered: "Drive them away for me." " A general went to take the order. After a while, the flower drum opera came to an abrupt end. After two cups of tea, the general came back and said that he had driven the people away. He also reported that those who sang the flower drum opera had ropes tied to them. Once he saw the cavalry coming, They immediately ran back, and with the help of the people on the city pulling the rope, they climbed up the city wall. Most of the Yili people and Timur people also had slight night blindness, so they did not dare to chase too close for fear of being attacked by the enemy. They laid an ambush and then withdrew. As soon as the general finished reporting, he heard the sound of the flower drum opera again. It was still the same when he sent people out again. As soon as it disappeared for a while, it continued to sound, followed by surrounding the entire huge city of Samarkand. The sound of flower drum opera rang out all over the city, and it was the same situation. The cavalry withdrew before anyone arrived. As soon as the cavalry left, they continued to sing. I don¡¯t know how many times they drove them away that night. In the end, the Allied forces were too lazy to drive away. I simply didn't want to sleep anymore and sat there listening to the opera. Although I didn't understand the language, the music was the same. It was extremely rare to hear the music during the war. Some soldiers even took out drums, matouqin and other musical instruments and started playing. Fortunately, the soldiers had left home not long ago, otherwise it would have caused homesickness and disturbed the morale of the Allied troops. The scene no longer looked like a war, but like a feast for more than 100,000 people. On both sides, you can After singing, I came on the stage and each sang songs from his hometown. Until Boyan Beier and Murong Longteng ordered to ban it, only one party of the Flower Drum Opera was left to perform solo. That night, no one in the Allied Forces fell asleep. They were not only disturbed by the Flower Drum Opera. I couldn't sleep, especially because I really couldn't understand what Zhen Lingdan, the commander-in-chief of the Ming army, was going to do. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 141: So sleepy At dawn, the sound of the Flower Drum Opera gradually disappeared. The Allied soldiers had been tortured all night, and their eyelids gradually started to fight. Except for the patrol sentries who were holding on to their spirits, the rest of the soldiers gradually fell into sleep. Yan Beier knew that the troops led by Zhen Lingdan had amazing combat effectiveness and excellent tactics, so under his persuasion, all the troops besieging the city were very tightly defended. Because of night blindness, Boyan Beier was most worried about the Ming army coming to sneak attack at night. , there is a lot of protection at night, with one-third of the people patrolling, and two-thirds of the people sleeping. This ratio is unprecedented for both the Yilibari people and the Timurid people. In their view, no one They would be stupid enough to sneak attack an enemy army that is several times their own, because once they enter the military camp and the soldiers wake up, the sneak attack troops will be unable to fly and will never be able to escape. This kind of seemingly sneak attack is impossible and not worth it. , After the night, no one laughed at Boyan Beier's suggestion anymore, because they couldn't figure out what the Ming army was going to do. After dawn, the soldiers fell asleep. Just as they fell asleep, they heard the sound of gongs and drums. Up, the Flower Drum Opera finished and the Chu Opera came on stage again. The Allied soldiers were too lazy to drive away the opera singers, not only because they had done this countless times that night and were exhausted, but also because there was no point in doing so. As a result, they did not dare to stay under the city and wait to prevent the Ming army from singing again, because it was within an arrow's reach, and they might be shot into hedgehogs by the Ming army. The Ming army was not good at sword and horse skills, but its archery was also unambiguous. , and although these athletes on horseback are brave, they are not invulnerable, and they are not capable of doing things that will lead to death. After the sun set, the Chu opera finally stopped singing, and the Han opera started again, and many Allied soldiers were stirred up due to sleepiness. Irritated, he rushed to the gate of the Ming army and tried to kill the Ming soldiers who were singing operas. However, he was pierced by thousands of arrows and died extremely tragically. Boyan Beier issued a death order to stop this group of irritable soldiers, and the Allied forces retreated. When he came back, the temper of the troubled people was always as good as hay. Soon the Yili people and the Timurid people started fighting over trivial matters. Only when the law enforcement team came and gave each other a few blows with military sticks. Well, in short, there were constant conflicts in the Allied camp on this day. Not only the two countries were fighting, but also the various ethnic groups were often fighting within themselves. Everyone was in a very irritable mood. The only thing accompanying all this was the endless singing of one song after another. Opera, and the roaring and even hoarse throat, the Allied soldiers hated the opera singers, but this was only the first day. After a few years, those who survived would feel that compared to the following days, , It was still a good day. On the second day, they were extremely sleepy. After discussion, Murong Longteng and Boyan Beier decided to send troops to attack the city in order to attack the enemy. At least they would not be able to sing at night when they were tired, and the allied soldiers were sleepy. They were all struggling to keep their spirits up, but they were all so restless that they had difficulty even aiming their arrows. On the other hand, the Ming army, with high spirits and bright eyes, waited quietly on the city for the Allied siege. The result can be imagined, they fought each other. For an hour or two, the Allies suffered many casualties, and the Ming army was almost unscathed. The situation was worse than yesterday. This time they did not even reach the top of the city. After the Allies retreated, the Ming army began to send people to perform and fight again. If they don't come down, they can't be driven away. The only way left is to withdraw a certain distance. But in this case, the city of Samarkand cannot be surrounded. Once there is a gap, Zhen Lingdan's ability will surely break through. Even if the Ming army is twice as large as the Ming army, it is still a small matter to lose face. But once the Ming army breaks through, Zhen Lingdan's tactics of running horizontally can be used, and then there will be a second Samarkand, and a third , Fourth, if all the cities in the territory are disrupted, the people are scattered, or are made disobedient by Zhen Lingdan's large scale gold distribution, then the trouble will be big, whether to evacuate or not , but it¡¯s not a problem to waste time here. Zhen Lingdan sent people to sing operas non-stop. If this continues, there will be no need to fight. The soldiers will not be able to sleep, and they will die from sleepiness. Murong Longteng hesitated, Boyan Bell was also hesitant. Two more days passed like this. At first, the Allied forces were still able to yell angrily and curse at the Ming troops who were singing the opera. But later they lost the strength to even curse. They continued to fight for several days. A big drama, just a few songs played over and over again, which made people's ears go numb, but the sound was so loud that people couldn't sleep. Marching and fighting were no better than in the city, and there were no soundproofing in the houses. A tent is a great thing, but there is no way the tent can withstand the Ming army's roaring singing at the top of their lungs. This situation led to a result, that is, many foreigners who did not speak Chinese finally became dissatisfied with the Han people's Huagu Opera, Chu Opera, and Han Opera. It's not that they learn quickly, but that no matter how stupid they are, they can't stand singing it repeatedly in their ears day and night. On the sixth day, not to mention ordinary soldiers, even Murong Longteng couldn't stand it anymore, and Uncle After Yan Bier's discussion, he absolutely retreated three miles. They didn't understand why the Ming army was not trapped. Could it be that they were not affected by the singing? SamarIn the city, the high gate courtyard was full of sergeants. All the doors and windows were covered with quilts. The snoring inside the house was so loud that they could not hear any sound outside. Zhen Lingdan divided the army into seven teams and took turns. When we went out to sing, those who could sing led the singers and those who couldn't sang followed along. By the end of the singing, everyone knew everything. They had to take turns to sing only once every two days. The soldiers were extremely happy. They usually had plenty of meat and fish to eat. It's enough to just sing and sing. After the meal, Zhen Lingdan summoned all the soldiers. Said: "Children, have you eaten and drank enough?" Everyone shouted in reply. Zhen Lingdan has strict military discipline. Even if his cronies violate military regulations, they must do it in accordance with the law. Chao Xing is Lu Yunzhi My uncle, Chao Xing drank alcohol after the Prohibition, and was beaten with thirty military sticks. Chao Xing obeyed and had no complaints, but on weekdays, Zhen Lingdan was an amiable, white-haired elder. He gave the soldiers an amiable smile, patted the soldiers on the shoulders and said a few words when they had nothing to do, and even helped the soldiers sharpen their weapons and so on. Now he has cooked for everyone for so many days. When they were fighting, he treated him as a general and left the battlefield. Later, she privately called him Grandpa Zhen. Zhen Lingdan asked again: "Those barbarians were disturbed by our opera singing these days and didn't sleep well. We closed the doors and windows and slept well. Now they have withdrawn." "Everyone, please prepare. As long as they are properly stationed, they will fall asleep one after another and cannot be woken up. I don't need to teach you how to cut off the heads of sleeping people," Zhen Lingdan said with great confidence. After a while, they understood Zhen Lingdan's intention these days, and they all secretly picked on Brother Thumb, he is so tall, Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 142: The ability to escape The Allied forces dragged their exhausted bodies and retreated far away. Finally, they were far away from the singing of the Ming army. They set up a cordon outside to prevent the Ming army from coming to harass them again. Now they had enough distance to set up defenses. The Allies were angry. He thought: If the Ming army dared to come and perform again, they would not be able to run back. Although they were resentful in their hearts, they could not hold on mentally. So after the soldiers set up camp, they fell to the ground one by one, and within a moment, they fell to the ground. The entire camp was filled with loud noises. Sometimes the snoring sounds were very noisy, but when one is extremely sleepy, the sound of snoring was contagious. Soon the patrolling sentries were also sitting on the horses. Falling asleep, they had never slept so peacefully. In this half hour, they realized the happiness of sleeping, and each fell into a deep sleep. No one heard the sound of horse hooves or the neat steps of the soldiers, until one day It was only in the Land of Arrows that many tired veterans of the Allied Forces heard it. Although they heard it, they couldn't open their eyes at all. This is human instinct. They were so sleepy that they couldn't hold their eyelids open. As for Even if the sky fell on the recruits at this time, it would not be able to stop them from sleeping. The Ming army easily eliminated the sentinels and then rushed into the Allied camp, looking at the Yili people who fell on the ground and slept soundly. And the Timurid people, the Ming army soldiers raised their sabers without hesitation, chopped them down hard, and let them sleep forever. The killings on the Ming army's side were rising, and the heads were rolling on the allied army's side. Finally, the threat of death defeated the sleepiness, and the soldiers got up. The long-term inability to sleep made their bodies sore and weak, and the dizzy soldiers could not even see the opponent's sword clearly, so they could only resist blindly and half-deadly. But in this way, But they held back the Ming army. After all, they were standing living people. It was far from easy to kill them by stretching their necks while lying down. In this way, these soldiers used their deaths to give Boyan Beier and Murong Longteng time to lead their troops to escape. Murong Longteng and Boyan Beier suffered from Zhen Lingdan again and again. In fact, they were not stupid. Stupid people cannot rule a country no matter where they are. The current outcome can only be said to be Zhen Lingdan's. It was caused by Ling Dan being too powerful. No matter how many people and horses were trapped, it would be useless to command. If they had ordered three or four days ago to surround the Ming army, they could have exhausted the Ming army in a light wheel battle. But now, the situation is over. Murong Longteng He and Boyan Beier made a wise choice to evacuate, at least saving a lot of vitality. Zhen Lingdan didn't want to let them go so much. He captured the thief first and captured the king first. The group of soldiers behind him had been hacked to death, and he continued to struggle. They are just small fish and shrimps. What Zhen Lingdan wants to catch is the big fish Murong Longteng and Boyan Beier. Moreover, once Murong Longteng or Boyan Beier dies, it will completely disrupt the political power of the two countries. The leader dies. After the war broke out among the heroes, there would be endless chaos. The war would not stop until a "Boyan Beier" or "Murong Longteng" appeared again. However, that was no longer the scope of Zhen Lingdan's consideration. His responsibility was to fight against foreign vassals during his lifetime. To enhance the prestige of the Ming Dynasty, the most fundamental order is to resolve the current crisis in the northwest. Zhen Lingdan galloped on horseback. Chao Xing was worried that he would be alone in the enemy camp, so he followed closely. He had to kill the two Fan leaders, so as to ensure his safety. In the tenth year of the Ming Dynasty, there was no need to worry about the northwest. Zhen Lingdan kept repeating this sentence in her mind. The soldiers gave up massacring the dying Allied soldiers who were only half breathing, and followed Zhen Lingdan to flee towards Murong Longteng and the others. Boyan Beier was so anxious that he was being chased by others. But on the other hand, although his subordinates, including Murong Longteng's men, were large in number, they were listless and could only be busy running for their lives, even their horses. The diarrhea must be due to the lack of energy in the past few days and the failure to feed the horses in time. Boyan Beier looked back and saw that his own soldiers and horses, which were several times more than those of his opponents, were actually defeated by those who were not tall. It's unreasonable and cowardly to force the weak Ming army to run away. Hey, they were defeated like a mountain. They saw the slow runners being caught up and stabbed in the head, and then their bodies and heads were separated, or they were stabbed in the back by arrows. After getting off his horse, Boyan Beier didn't dare to look anymore. From a small tribe leader to today's powerful leader in Yili, his ability to fight is naturally good, but unfortunately he has no use for it when he encounters Zhen Lingdan. , Now he has to rely on his own escape skills. Boyan Beier took off his armor and threw it to the guards. He ordered the guards to put on their own armors and put on their own hats. Then he led a small group of people to break away from the large army. The horse got into a nearby Populus euphratica forest and shouted in Chinese with his feet raised as he ran: "Don't chase us, we are ordinary people who were forced to join the army. The one wearing the hat is that bastard Boyanbeier." " On the way to the chase, Zhen Lingdan couldn't have seen everything in all directions. A Ming army heard Boyan Beier's call. Sure enough, he fell into the trap and said, "I found Boyan Beier, everyone, hurry up. Chase. "Zhen Lingdan did not doubt that he was there and chased towards the enemy army.But you chased me for another two hours, until the horses on both sides were foaming at the mouth, and then they gave up. In fact, the Allied horses and soldiers were not so energetic. Relatively speaking, it showed that the soldiers were in high spirits. , the horse is also well fed. Feeding the horse with grain these days is as luxurious as it is. But now, even if the relationship between dogs and rabbits is fulfilled, dogs can run faster than rabbits, but dogs are chasing prey, and rabbits are. To escape for their lives, dogs often cannot catch up with rabbits. At this moment, the allies are just like rabbits. The horses under them know that if they can¡¯t run, their owners will die. Out of loyalty, they run at the risk of their lives, so Zhen Lingdan did not chase. On top of them, Zhen Lingdan could only sigh while looking at the vast sea of ????sand, and let it go. In this battle, the Ming army led by Zhen Lingdan defeated enemies several times their own, and became famous all over the world, regardless of Yili. Both Li and Timur were seriously injured, and the capital had been captured. Although it was now back in his own hands, it was already in dilapidated condition. In addition, Zhen Lingdan's subsequent actions were interspersed, and he and Chao Xing split their forces to attack, destroying two The effective strength of the country, and exaggerating the incompetence of those in power, cruelty to the people, expropriation, etc., which country has the most people, the people have risen up and rebelled, and the political situation of the country will be unstable if the people rebel. In short, it is considered a postulate Mu'er and Yili completely turned it into a puddle of muddy water. Half a month later, the Ming army joined forces and successfully provoked tens of thousands of herdsmen and common people to join the rebel army. Zhen Lingdan nicknamed it the rebel army. For the people to take charge of the country, neither Murong Longteng nor Boyan Beier could resist anymore and lost their will to resist. The tens of thousands of Ming troops who captured their country's capital felt like they were returning to their own backyard, let alone after the current expansion. , and our own troops are evenly matched, then attacking a city is not the same as playing. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 144: The Chilling Truth Soldiers versus soldiers versus generals, the capture versus the killing is still going on. The commanders on both sides are drinking and drinking happily, but the soldiers of the two armies are fighting hard. Today they did not hear the gongs and drums to withdraw the troops, and they can only keep fighting. Endure, now It just depends on who can't hold on first. Lu Yunzhi has no time. Meng He must also make a decision. The winner must be decided today. Success or failure not only depends on who can hold on, but also on who of the two generals can hold back. , watching the blood of his own tribe soldiers fall to the ground, watching the bodies and heads of the strong men separated, but there is no mercy. Whoever can't bear this kind of suffering today will lose first. From the sun to the sky, By the time the sun sets, the battlefield has become a mess. This is the real mountain of blood and corpses. If there were dead people on the ground, there would be big birds circling down in the sky to eat, but there is no such thing now because the murderous aura on the ground is too strong. It was too strong, forcing the animals not to come close. Ming Jin withdrew his troops. Both sides sent out signals at the same time. Meng He made a gesture of invitation to Lu Yunzhi, and Lu Yunzhi also made a gesture of invitation. As they walked side by side to the battlefield, Meng He said: "I don't know who will win and who will lose after the battle between you and me today." "I guess both sides will suffer, but I hope one loses, hahahaha." Lu Yunzhi said, Meng He said: "But you and I also understand that we must fight, Anda, I have tried my best, and I am worthy of my great Mongolia." "I have also tried my best, and I just want to be worthy of my heart." Lu Yunzhi responded loudly, Feng There was thunder and lightning, Lu Yunzhi stood tall in the wind and rain, looking up at the place where the skirt of clothes was fluttering, the fire appeared, the undercurrent surged under his feet, the rain that suddenly fell from the sky was even more majestic, surrounding Lu Yun Zhi's bodies avoided one after another, and the earth trembled slightly. All the weapons and armors trembled in another rhythm. The same was true for the dead and wounded on the ground. A small gap was suddenly opened in the earth, and a sprout quickly grew. The sprout continued to grow and turned into a small tree. The small tree turned into a towering tree. The trunk kept swinging and turned into a wooden dragon. Lu Yunzhi stepped on the low-hanging dragon head and looked at Meng He with a sneer. The art of heaven and earth, who can compete with all seven powers? This is considered to have used up all the power of Lu Yunzhi. Only in this way can he control the seven kinds of power to come and go freely. But Lu Yunzhi is not only fighting alone, he has The nightmare secretly used his dream technique, and prepared all the defenses around Lu Yunzhi, and raised a light air shield around Lu Yunzhi. Although it was very thin, it was extremely strong. The nightmare did not use all his strength. His responsibility was to Just in case, Lu Yunzhi didn't provide follow-up energy. Meng He closed his eyes tightly and worshiped the four evil ghosts. He didn't see that he was chanting words, and he must have used his heart skills. The corpse on the ground shook. It was not caused by Lu Yunzhi. The ground shook and then vibrated, but there was a different kind of feeling. Soon a black ball gathered on the ground, which was composed of the souls of millions of warriors. Lu Yunzhi didn't know what Meng He was going to do. What, he could only frown and concentrate on gathering the energy of heaven and earth. No matter what it was, the art of the world could only be broken quickly. Lu Yunzhi gathered enough energy and used the art of heaven and earth of seven clans at the same time, suddenly hitting Meng He. Turning pale with fright, the four evil ghosts quickly stood in front of them and prepared to resist. At this moment, the souls that had gathered together suddenly rushed up to block Meng He. They took the blow forcefully and gathered together. The rising sphere exploded instantly, and after the smoke disappeared, a person walked out of it. The person was more than nine feet tall, and his movements were so powerful that even Lu Yunzhi was frightened. Moreover, the person had both ghostly aura and holy light. , it is hard to predict whether it is good or evil, as if he had merged with a nightmare. The man smiled, and as soon as he opened his mouth, Lu Yunzhi knew who it was: "Lu Yunzhi, you are fine, this is My original appearance. " "Ying Mei, it is indeed you. I kept asking Brother Meng He what was going on, and it turned out that it was all your fault. "Lu Yunzhi snorted coldly and said, "Yingmei waved her hands and said, "If Meng He hadn't come up with the method of using human sacrifices to worship, I wouldn't be able to restore my appearance like this. I even forgot that the hero looked like this. Hahahaha, Lu Yunzhi this time, it really wasn¡¯t my plan. It was another hero coming to the world, and I had many choices again. It was really satisfying. " "If you dare to do something but dare not do something, you are not a hero. "Lu Yun was about to get excited. In fact, he understood that this incident was not just a matter between Meng He and Yingmei. Yingmei replied: "Because we are so destined, I will tell you what happened now. The last time I was seriously injured by you in the tower, it was Meng He who helped me recover. Of course, I also helped him. Hehehe, later I found your eldest brother Qu Xiangtian, but he turned a blind eye to me and only said two words. One Don¡¯t hurt my third brother¡¯s life. Secondly, talk to my wife. Don¡¯t say you¡¯ve met me. " Lu Yunzhi was stunned. He understood what this meant. Ying Mei's words showed that Qu Xiangtian actually knew all of this. Qu Xiangtian?He is just a hypocrite who talks about benevolence, righteousness and morality. How is this possible? Yingmei must be deceiving people, Lu Yunzhi kept telling himself, although there was another voice in his heart shouting: It is very possible, "Lu Yunzhi" But you are still too naive. Qu Xiangtian is a good big brother. Even now, he is still thinking about saving your life. I promised him, so I won't kill you, but I won't just let you go. , although he is a good big brother, he is a king after all. He expected that his wife Murong Yunfei would definitely do this, and he also expected what would happen next. It must be said that Qu Xiangtian is a good actor, but this is a world where The conditions that a hegemon should have, those who are loyal and benevolent on the surface are sinister and vicious behind the scenes, Lu Yunzhi, brotherly love and the suffering of the people are worthless in the world, the winner is the king and the loser is the thief, success is written by the winner," Ying Mei said. , Lu Yunzhi curled her lips and smiled, feeling very emotional in her heart. The bitter taste in it occupied her heart, and she was instantly confused. Qu Xiangtian, big brother, the nightmare shouted in a low voice: "Don't fall into the enemy's plan, don't worry about Qu Xiangtian." Let¡¯s win this battle first and let¡¯s talk about what kind of person he is.¡± Lu Yunzhi nodded and replied in a low voice, ¡°I know, but Nightmare, my eldest brother will always be my eldest brother, and I will never let him down. Failing him, we brothers are just fighting for the world, hahahaha. I originally wanted to use Secret Thirteen to unify the country and achieve peace in the world, and then retreat calmly. Now it seems that we have all grown up, and everyone wants more and more. Many, in fact, even I have become greedy, and Mi Shisan¡¯s road will not be as smooth as I imagined. Yu Qian fell, and there is another Yu Qian. Mi Shisan is destined to be a lonely and ruthless bloody road. "The nightmare groaned, and the two of them connected with each other, and murderous intent suddenly appeared. Lu Yunzhi flew into the sky, and the earth broke apart in an instant. Fire billowed in the cracks like purgatory. There were thunder and lightning in the clear sky, and a layer of white light appeared on Lu Yunzhi's body. , like a murderous god floating in the air, Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 145: The Last Meng He Yingmei screamed and rushed forward. Although he could not exert the full power of the hero, after all, after being shaped by the souls of tens of thousands of soldiers from both sides, Yingmei could be transformed into a physical entity. He could also use the clan's heaven and earth techniques, Lu Yunzhi and Yingmei to transform. The seven clan arts of heaven and earth collided with each other, and the color of heaven and earth changed for a moment. The nightmare suddenly emerged from Lu Yunzhi's body, and used the air to turn into a sword and hit Yingmei. Yingmei was entangled with Lu Yunzhi, so he couldn't care less. When Meng He got to Meng He, he stepped on Shang Yang and came quickly. Meng He could only turn around and fight with Meng He. The four of them came and went and exchanged moves. The soldiers on both sides retreated for several miles, their faces pale, and they stared intently. Watching the battle in the air, it was not that they were far away, but the sound of the fight was loud and radiant. Even from a distance, they could see it. This was not a battle between humans, but like a battle between gods. Meng He and the nightmare were fighting. Taking the upper hand, he turned his energy into a sword and traveled around the body, supplemented it with the clan's heaven and earth skills to open up the world, and then enveloped his body with ghost energy, making it difficult to be extracted by Meng He's wasted attachment. Meng He had known about the existence of nightmares, and he had seen them before and now he hit them. Only then did we realize that the nightmare was more powerful than Lu Yunzhi, and she couldn't help but sweat. On the other hand, Lu Yunzhi relied solely on her spirit to support her. Ying Mei wanted to beat Lu Yunzhi to half a breath, and then Quickly swallow Lu Yunzhi's body, otherwise once the nightmare enters Lu Yunzhi's body, I am afraid that I will not be able to defeat the two of them in this state. However, at this moment, Lu Yunzhi is no longer Wu Xia Amen. He has already broken through what he has How can the named state of going against the heavens be solved so easily? Lu Yunzhi and Yingmei started to compete with each other. The clan's art of heaven and earth is to absorb the energy between heaven and earth, using itself as a medium and a part of the power as inducement. The seven kinds of energy that drive the world, not to mention the lightning, thunder, fire, and water flooding on the nightmare side, it is Lu Yunzhi and Yingmei who share all the magic of heaven and earth, and have already destroyed this area. All the energy was drained, everything began to wither, and the corpses of the soldiers on the ground became like mummies. The soldiers of the two armies watching a few miles away gradually felt the oppression of the atmosphere, began to breathe rapidly, and gradually some people felt sad. Wanting to retreat, Long Qingquan watched and wiped his sword. He felt the tension in the air and said to Zhu Jianwen: "Withdraw your troops. If you don't withdraw, I'm afraid it will affect the three armies." Zhu Jianwen ordered to withdraw further. A few miles later, when the military order was issued, some of the soldiers who had been slightly injured began to have trouble breathing. Blood spurted out from the wounds. The blood turned into blood mist and drifted towards the direction where Lu Yunzhi and Ying Mei were fighting. The scene was extremely strange. , the Ming army ran wildly to the south. On the other hand, the Wala army also discovered this and began to retreat north. There was a roar. There was only one roar. Everyone felt the pressure suddenly appeared. It was easy to say that those who had retreated farther were the soldiers at the end of the team. They were turned into mummies in an instant. What happened? Lu Yunzhi and Yingmei consumed their own energy, exchanging small ones for larger ones, constantly absorbing the energy of the surrounding world. They had already sucked this piece dry. The two of them The realm is naturally extraordinary, and the proportion of energy absorbed is also astonishing, so they absorb it farther away. Not to mention people, even flowers, birds, fish, insects, everything in the world cannot escape this disaster, and the surroundings instantly become deathly silent. In the end, they stopped. It was not that they were merciful, but that they had exhausted their own strength and could not do anything else. They only wanted to provoke the strongest collision. Who would win or die would depend on God's will. Between Lu Yunzhi and Yingmei When absorbing power, Nightmare did not dare to fight anymore. Nightmare himself also knew the power of the art of heaven and earth, so he hid in it with a shield of air control, guarding a piece of land in order to save Lu Yun's life at the last moment. Or to strike the final blow against Ying Mei. Although Meng He felt the pressure, he did not feel the danger was coming. In his understanding, energy conversion is a cycle. As long as he ensures a cycle, he will be invincible. The land, so he continued to let the evil ghosts pounce on the nightmare, hoping to take advantage of the nightmare when it was not resisting. Meng He drew a blood array and surrounded it, sitting cross-legged and clasping his hands to form a circle. He understood the cycle of heaven and earth, and the four sides An evil ghost pounced on the nightmare. In fact, Meng He was not wrong. It was a pity that Lu Yunzhi and Yingmei had reached a heaven-defying realm, and ordinary principles no longer applied. Meng He watched as the gluttonous beast that devoured everything was gradually Turning into a ball of smoke, Shang Yang soared into the sky and even the ghost infant was reduced to nothing. The greedy waste continued to absorb the remaining energy in order to protect itself, but it became smaller and smaller and disappeared. The nine infants were even more All nine heads disappeared, and Meng He laughed miserably. He already knew that he was wrong, but it was too late. Then the smile stayed on that face forever, and Meng He was drained. No one knew what happened next. Nothing, but the armies on both sides were thrown out by the air waves. Some were thrown high and fell to death on the spot, while others felt the thrill of flying. Looking back at the place where Lu Yunzhi and Ying Mei fought, they had already returned to Calm, the sky is no longer covered with terrible dark clouds, now the sky is clearing, with the last trace ofThe sun shot down through the clouds, the sky was red, and the auspicious clouds enveloped a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere. Everyone was stunned when they looked at it. It was so beautiful. The soldiers on both sides forgot about their dead comrades around them and the fight just now. , forgetting the fatigue of the body and the blood-stained armor, but the nightmare did not forget it. He glanced at Meng He, then sighed softly, and buried Meng He using the art of earth control. The great Meng He, The great ghost witch leader, who was once smart but confused for a while, died here, in this shocking battle, but he died too easily after all. Meng He was undoubtedly a hero, and he joined forces with Yu Qian, Joining forces with Lu Yunzhi and Murong Yunfei, he intersperses among the major forces. His only purpose is to unify Mongolia and restore the prosperity of the golden empire. From this point of view, Meng He is a great man who deserves respect, so Nightmare Buried him with the art of earth control. The heroes' paths lead to the same destination. They are the same kind. They kill each other and bury each other generously. The nightmare finished all this in a moment, and then quickly ran in the direction of Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi Yunzhi closed her eyes tightly and sat on the ground. There was still a faint breath in her nose. The same was true for Yingmei. Sitting opposite Lu Yunzhi, Nightmare felt relieved. Lu Yunzhi was still alive. Nightmare used the Heart Technique and began to control Yingmei's body. An hour later, the nightmare picked up Lu Yunzhi and walked towards the direction of the Ming army's retreat, while Yingmei was trapped in a trap composed of three methods: the art of heaven and earth, the art of air control and the art of ghost witchcraft. In the formation, Nightmare did not feel at all relaxed, because Yingmei could not be killed, and Yingmei would eventually escape from this formation, unless Nightmare looked at Lu Yunzhi on his shoulder, and shed two lines of tears. Sliding down the nightmare's cheek, old friend, how long can you and I fight side by side? Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 146: The Swelling Shi Biao After Meng He's death, the Oara army was defeated without attack. The surviving tribal leaders and important ministers fled in panic with their men. Then the Oara Tatars withdrew from the main stage of history and began more than 20 years of melee. Lu Yunzhi recovered from his injuries. Ten days later, the leading troops returned to the court, preparing to join Bai Yong's troops to put down the Qu Xiangtian Rebellion. After Qin Rufeng and Guang Liang failed to launch a coup, Shi Heng completely took over the internal and external defense of Beijing in the name of annihilating the rebels. He also took the entire military power of Shuntian Prefecture into his hands. In the past, this situation was not allowed, because the capital was the seat of the royal family. If one person held the power alone, it would definitely pose a threat to the emperor's safety, so it was necessary Decentralization of power and checks and balances, but now, Shi Heng has become a blessing in disguise due to the rebellion. He has completely grasped the power and has become the most powerful figure in the entire Shuntian Mansion. At this point, Shi Heng can walk sideways in Beijing, and the emperor's relatives and relatives are all here Ignore him, the only one who can talk to him besides Emperor Zhu Qizhen is Cao Jixiang. Shi Heng sometimes knows to be restrained. After all, powerful enemies are out there, and Lu Yunzhi is the real person in power. Once Lu When Yun Zhi returned to court, she found that she had gone too far. No friendship or merit could save her. Shi Heng knew very well that Lu Yunzhi was by no means the weak scholar he seemed to be. If Lu Yunzhi was said to be a good man and a trustworthy woman, Shi Heng even tore his head off and didn't believe it. Shi Heng knew how to restrain himself, but his subordinates didn't know it. Everyone thought they were great, and they all regarded themselves as heroes of the founding of the country. They didn't give money when they went out to buy things and eat, and looked after the girl. The beautiful ones were half-robbed and half-married away. What kind of place is Beijing? It is the capital city of the country. The people living there are either dignitaries or prominent families. Even ordinary people know one or two powerful people. How can it be so easy to provoke? Come and go, There were many disputes. The generals who pretended to be powerful were relying on Shi Heng's current prosperity and the military power in their hands, so they drew their swords at each other if they disagreed. How could ordinary people beat the soldiers? There were many murders. The folk song said: Soldiers and bandits eat people without spitting out their bones. Shi Heng is a very good man in leading troops and has strong discipline. But the so-called discipline is tactical discipline, so Shi Heng trains The soldiers who came out all obeyed orders. Whether they were setting up formations or charging, they obeyed the orders of the supreme commander. There was never any disobedience. Even ordinary soldiers rarely deserted. As for the soldiers' daily behavior, Shi Heng doesn't care too much. Not only does he have some protective skills, but if his soldiers suffer a loss, even if they are small soldiers, he will step in. Regardless of the indiscriminate and indiscriminate actions, he will first protect the shortcomings and then beat anyone who dares to complain, whether justified or not. If Shi Heng continues to cause trouble, he dares to cut off the man's head. Of course, after the exchange, Shi Heng will still have to teach the soldiers who caused trouble. If he really doesn't care, then he will blow up the pot. One hard and one soft Externally and internally, the soldiers all felt that they had hope and support by following Shi Heng, because Shi Heng was good to them and stood up for them regardless of whether they were right or wrong. He always helped relatives but not others. As for the subsequent punishment, Shi Heng was not He had never killed anyone, but he killed a school captain, but he killed the victim's family who complained, and buried the school captain generously. The soldiers all picked on Brother Thumbs up, saying that Shi Heng was clear about rewards and punishments, and he was also loyal to his brothers. He could take care of both loyalty and righteousness. Now it counts. I mean, whoever dares to complain to Shi Heng now, even if he files a complaint, Shi Heng can still be protected. Gradually, the soldiers bully the common people, and the generals bully the dignitaries and wealthy businessmen. The city of Beijing was full of complaints for a while, until some family members were humiliated. Unbearable, he united everyone to sue the court, which shocked Zhu Qizhen. Zhu Qizhen then asked Cao Jixiang to lead Dongchang and Jinyiwei to investigate and deal with the matter. Dongchang and Jinyiwei had great power, and their power relied on the supremacy of imperial power. That is to say They were the emperor's people. When the emperor was powerful and the country was prosperous, the Jinyiwei and Dongchang inspected the officials and took charge of the people. A Jinyiwei patrolling the streets dared to arrest court officials below the fourth rank on the street and sent them directly to the imperial edict. The name of the imperial prison reveals its domineering nature. The emperor issued an order to arrest people in prison. Of course, it does not mean that everyone arrested was personally issued an edict by the emperor. Jinyiwei and Dongchang can handle it on their own, so once they enter the imperial prison, even if Even if you have tens of thousands of taels, you can't be released even if you are not guilty. Even if you have tens of thousands of taels, you can't be released intact. Therefore, the imperial prison has always been called a devil's cave. It has been passed down from generation to generation in the Ming Dynasty. The factory cows and Jinyiwei are awesome, but now Shi Heng is better than Zhu Qizhen. Who dares to check? Everyone looked at Cao Jixiang with a sad face. Cao Jixiang was also secretly worried. If he was asked to kill Shi Heng, would he have the courage to do so? For this courage, his true identity is Gao Huai, and he has not thrown away any foundation or skills. Besides, he can also master Cheng Fangdong's spiritual fire. He is not afraid even if he is beaten by Lu Yunzhi's subordinates, but now he is not going to kill Shi Heng. , but to deal with Shi Heng. Shi Heng is an impulsive person. If his evil temper comes up and he leads his troops to raid the palace, or if he rebels like Qu Xiangtian, it will be in trouble. His own glory and wealth will be in trouble. No more, don¡¯t say itEven his relatives had to walk around without food. Cao Jixiang could run away by himself, but his family had a big business. How could he protect so many people? Cao Jixiang lowered his eyebrows and ran to find Shi Heng. Shi Heng Heng welcomed Cao Jixiang very politely. Shi Heng's official residence was destroyed by Lu Yunzhi before, but even if Lu Yunzhi didn't destroy it, Long Qingquan and Bai Yong would have to fight it. Fang Qingze spent a lot of money to rebuild the Zhongguo Palace. , to say the least, it is really not a good one, and some places are even more beautiful than the palace. Although Shi Heng later added a lot of gold and silver to make it nondescript, it is still extraordinary. If we go by standards, Shi Heng¡¯s mansion The government has overstepped its bounds, but it was not taken care of when Lu Yunzhi was there. Now that Lu Yunzhi is gone, no one dares to take charge of it. Cao Jixiang is in charge of Dongchang as the director of rites, and is called Dongchang Gong or Factory Gong for short. He was supposed to be in charge of the government's trespassing, but at this moment he acted as if he hadn't seen it at all, and said to Shi Heng, "What a magnificent residence for Duke Zhongguo." Shi Heng sneered, feeling secretly proud in his heart, and let Cao Jixiang into the room and said : "Master Cao is joking. You and I are both the pillars of the court and old partners. I won't be polite to you. Did Master Cao come here today simply to chat with me, Mr. Shi, or did he make a special trip to have something to do beforehand?" Come and tell me." Cao Jixiang clasped his fists and said, "I came here just to inform you in advance because of the good relationship between you and me. I hope Duke Zhong will not blame you for being rude. Coming here today is just like what Duke Zhong said. It's like not going to the Three Treasures Hall for anything." "Oh." Shi Heng raised his eyebrows, and the tea came. Shi Heng picked up the tea cup and blew the hot air gently, then raised his eyes and said, "What can I do, Mr. Cao? You can ask me to serve you, but it doesn¡¯t matter between you and me.¡± Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 147: No face given at all Cao Jixiang smiled charmingly and said: "Recently, several generals under Lord Zhongguo have been making a bit of a fuss in the capital. These and other victims have come before the Holy Lord. I really have no choice but to come and plead with Lord Zhongguo. "Master, let your men restrain themselves." Before Cao Jixiang finished speaking, Shi Heng threw the cup on the table, stood up and walked away. Cao Jixiang was stunned. He thought that Shi Heng might not give him face, but he didn't expect that Shi Heng might not give him face. Being so disrespectful to himself, he subconsciously got really angry and said sharply: "Stop for me." Shi Heng turned around and said contemptuously: "Why, you still want to arrest me and send me to prison." Cao Jixiang was temporarily He was at a loss for words, and when he saw Shi Heng was about to leave again, he said: "I dare not accuse Duke Zhongguo, but for your actions, the Holy One asked, how should I explain it." "Your Majesty, you don't have to worry about the Holy Lord's affairs. You don¡¯t have to worry about the matter. I will tell the emperor when he enters the palace. Remember, whoever makes trouble for my subordinates is causing trouble for me. Whoever makes me unhappy for a moment, I will make him unhappy for the rest of his life. Happy." Shi Heng said harshly, "In that case, Mr. Cao resigned." Cao Jixiang clasped his fists and left quickly. After leaving the Zhongguo Palace, Cao Jixiang couldn't figure out why Shi Heng became so arrogant. Domineering, aren't you just looking for death if you don't know how to restrain yourself? Cao Jixiang shook his head, spat on the ground and cursed in a low voice: "The villain will succeed." Then he got on the sedan and walked away. Shi Heng watched Cao Jixiang leave. Finally, he snorted coldly: "Eunuch." In fact, although he is now extremely powerful, he is still a little wary of Zhu Qizhen and Cao Jixiang. Zhu Qizhen is the emperor after all, and Shi Heng has never thought of becoming the emperor himself. He still has this self-awareness, but now that there are many heroes in the world, it is his turn to be the emperor. Shi Heng just wants to be a powerful minister with power over the government and the public, just like Cao Cao, or Lu Yun. In this way, if Lu Yunzhi can defeat Qu Xiangtian, but both of them suffer losses or even die of illness on the way back to the court, that would be the best outcome. In this way, Shi Heng will be free from internal and external troubles, and he can be his with peace of mind. The powerful minister has become the next Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi is really stupid. He does not know how to enjoy such great power. Moreover, there are two beautiful ladies in the family, but Shi Heng, who has had countless women, never I have never seen two such beautiful beauties, one black and one white. Shi Heng is not particularly lustful, and naturally he has not missed important things because of lust, but everyone has the love for beauty, so Shi Heng often daydreams, Zhu Qizhen was still the emperor, and Lu Yunzhi was the emperor. With this relationship between the two, Shi Heng did not dare to make a mistake. As for Cao Jixiang, Shi Heng looked down on eunuchs, but he did not dare to underestimate them, because Cao Jixiang and Lu Yunzhi The relationship is also very close, and Cao Jixiang represents the emperor, so this identity is even more complicated. Moreover, Cao Jixiang also participated in the incident of seizing the door. Cao Jixiang also deserves a lot of credit for defeating Xu Youzhen. This person is sinister and vicious, and Shi Heng didn't dare to be on guard. A general who could reach Shi Heng's position was no longer a simple general. He thought much more than others. Otherwise, if he made a mistake, he would die without a burial place. Shi Heng was spinning around, He was thinking about what attitude he should take to see Zhu Qizhen. He was too arrogant and anxious just now. Cao Jixiang must have a grudge. After returning, he told Zhu Qizhen truthfully that if he didn't go to see Zhu Qizhen, he would not be a great leader. The crime of being disrespectful and deceiving the emperor is not impossible. You can also say that Cao Jixiang deceived the emperor. However, for a few subordinates to make such a fuss and offend so many high-ranking officials, it is really a little bit. It's not worth it. Shi Heng is not really loyal to the soldiers. All this is just a way for him to win people's hearts. If he really offended Zhu Qizhen, Cao Jixiang, or even Lu Yunzhi because of this, it would really be a bit outweighed by the gain. So Shi Heng called his entourage and asked him to find out who had done too much recently and make a list. Shi Heng would punish them severely. Of course, those who jointly reported Shi Heng did not want to let them go. Shi Heng cursed in his heart: Let You complain, I will let you all report to the underworld. Don¡¯t you like complaining? Go complain to the Lord of Hell. Shi Heng was upset when suddenly there was a noise outside the gate. Shi Heng frowned and walked out quickly to go there in person. To find out what was going on, he cursed loudly as he walked: "Whoever is making noise in front of the Zhongguo Duke's mansion is looking for death. " Shi Heng walked out of the door and suddenly saw a group of soldiers kneeling outside the door. Upon closer inspection, they turned out to be his own subordinates, so he softened his attitude and asked, "What's going on? What are you doing kneeling in front of my door?" A soldier replied: "Master Shi, General Li has been killed. You must make the decision for us." "Shi Heng raised his eyebrows. This group of people is the subordinates of General Li, and this General Li is his direct descendant. He is his younger brother, who is also his brother-in-law. He is one of the few trustworthy people in the army. , now he was killed by someone, this is not bad, "it's a small thing when someone dies"Son, although there are few trustworthy people, this one is not bad, and the identity of brother-in-law is even less important, but Shi Heng's reputation cannot be reduced. If he doesn't say something today, how will Shi Heng get around in the future? Whoever takes Shi Heng seriously will dare to kill Shi Heng's people from now on. No, this matter must be taken care of, even if it is at the cusp of the storm, "Damn it, who killed it? Tell me, even if I am the king of heaven, I will seek justice for General Li." Shi Heng said loudly, "The soldier cried bitterly and didn't know whether he was really close to General Li or because he was heartbroken because he had not followed General Li enough. , in short, the feelings are in place, I just heard him say: "General Li was killed by a nine-thousand-year-old lady. She took out his heart with one claw. She also said that such evil-hearted scourges are not worthy of human hearts." At this point, Shi Heng finally understood that it was Yingzi who killed him. Shi Heng secretly frowned. I am easy to mess with, but Yingzi is not easy to deal with. Not to mention the group of warriors left by Lu Yunzhi to protect his family. Thousands of men are unworthy of courage, and tens of thousands of armies are like picking the general's head from a bag. If he offends Lu Yunzhi's family, he may be dead after giving the order. Without mentioning them, just one Yingzi, Shi Heng was also very frightened. Shi Heng had seen Yingzi's ferocity and skill during the last rebellion in the capital. He recalled that when he first met Yingzi, he was in front of the two armies. He had been on the battlefield and had seen blood. A woman, let alone a master, Shi Heng was filled with discouragement. Yang Xiyu¡¯s face also flashed through Shi Heng¡¯s mind. For this beautiful woman who conquered the country, Shi Heng thought she was even better than Yingzi. Dangerous, because she was as smart as Lu Yunzhi but vicious. The soldiers saw Shi Heng standing there, so they cried for their father and mother again, asking Shi Heng to avenge General Li. Shi Heng secretly thought that his dead brother-in-law was still popular. That's great. I just said something big. If I go back now, I will lose my face and prestige. How can I command the generals in the future? Shi Heng's brute strength came up again. He stuck his neck and said: "Bring me a horse, I want to go to Lu." Yun Zhi asked his mother-in-law why she killed my brother Shi Heng. If you don't explain clearly, I will let them pay with blood." All the soldiers applauded in unison, Shi Heng was proud. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 148: The Rhythm of Suicide The horse was brought in. This horse was given to Shi Heng by Dong De on Lu Yunzhi's order. Shi Heng turned over and whipped the horse. He ignored the people on the street and quickly headed towards the Zhongzheng Yiline Courtyard. On the market The people gave way one after another. Everyone knew that Shi Heng was hit to death, and his death was in vain. For a moment, it was very exciting, and it was so "lively". Soon Shi Heng arrived in front of the Zhongzheng Yiline Courtyard, and there was not a single guard or entourage around him. Bring, Shi Heng is smart. Even if he has hundreds of people, he is not enough to be seen by others. It is better to be neat without bringing, so as not to make Yingzi and others angry. Although the words of the guarding soldiers just now are awesome, but when they come to the Zhongzheng lineage In front of the courtyard, I didn't dare to do anything, so I hurriedly stepped forward and handed over to the concierge: "I am Lord Zhongguo. I came here to see your wife. I hope you will report her." He also took out an ingot. Five taels of silver was stuffed into the hands of the porter. He was a seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister. Even if Shi Heng was a loyal Duke, the owner of this family was Lu Yunzhi, who was nine thousand years old. So, the porter took the money without being humble or arrogant, cupped his fists and said "It's easy to say, it's easy to say. Please sit on the bench and wait." After saying that, he turned around and went in to report. As soon as Hou Men entered the sea, when the man disappeared and disappeared into the yard, Shi Heng gritted his teeth and said : "Watchdog, one day I will take power, castrate you and send you to the palace, and sell your female family members as official prostitutes. Just watch, in the near future, hum." After a cup of tea At that moment, the concierge ran over and gave Shi Heng a deep bow with a guilty look on his face. His state was much more humble than before. Shi Heng was a little confused as to why he suddenly became so polite. Could it be a Hongmen Banquet? Now that he is here, he cannot turn around and leave. Shi Heng quickly walked into the house with the concierge. The concierge did not lead Shi Heng into the main hall, but took him to the garden. Yingzi Yang Xiyu and Tan Qing were both there. , Shi Heng clasped his fists and said, "I've seen Mrs. Lu, I've seen Mrs. Bai." Yingzi scolded: "You bitch slave." Shi Heng was stunned after hearing this, thinking that Yingzi was scolding him, and couldn't help but feel nervous, but when he saw The porter knelt on the ground, grabbing the ground with his head and not daring to get up. Yingzi continued: "Do you know the relationship between our Lu family and the Shi family? How dare you accept General Shi's money and report it to General Shi in the future?" Please come in directly, no need to tell me if you heard me. " "I know, General Shi is ignorant, please let me go." The concierge lowered his head and said, Shi Heng laughed, thinking it was still Lu Yunzhi. The lady was sensible and knew who was the real king of the capital now, so she supported the concierge pretending to be generous and said: "It's nothing, you can go down." The concierge went down with great thanks, and Yang Xiyu praised: "General Shi is kind-hearted and magnanimous. He is indeed a gentleman. I thought General Shi was just a military man, but he turned out to be such a man of both virtue and virtue. My little girl had misjudged General Shi before." Yang Xi Yu said and made a Wanfu gift to show apology. Shi Heng nodded, feeling so beautiful. Suddenly his eyes saw the guqin beside Yang Xiyu, so he said, "Why is Mrs. Lu playing the piano?" Yang Xiyu nodded and said: "This is not playing the piano. When I heard that General Shi was coming, I was afraid that General Shi would be waiting for a long time and would not have time to change clothes and go to the main hall to greet him, so I had to invite General Shi here first. It would be rude to me. "It doesn't matter. We are all members of our family. Please continue to play, Mrs. Lu. I have always heard that Mrs. Lu plays the piano very well. If you are lucky enough to listen to it today, it will be a great blessing in life. I just don't know that Mrs. Lu appreciates it." Don't give face. "Shi Heng said, and Yang Xiyu smiled: "General Shi likes to listen. It is a blessing for the slave family. Let me play the song "Xiaoxiang Night Rain" to entertain the general. ¡± The piece is originally a story, but now it has a unique flavor when just listening to Yang Xiyu¡¯s playing. The sound of the piano seems like a beautiful girl using the music to tell a story of twists and turns in love. As the saying goes, the music is noisy and mixed, and the big beads are small. Pearls falling on a jade plate, it sounds as good as it sounds. How can Shi Heng be as elegant as listening to the piano? He stared at Yang Xiyu's slender and white hands and couldn't help but swallowed. He knew that he had lost his temper and quickly looked at Yingzi and Tan Qing. Fortunately, the two of them didn't notice, but Shi Heng still blushed, secretly cursing himself for becoming so lustful, but he didn't want to ruin the big event. After playing the song, it stopped suddenly, just in response to Don't have the sorrow and secret hatred. "Sheng, at this moment, the silence is better than the sound of the quatrain. Shi Heng took the lead in applauding, as if he was watching a play on the street, completely ruining the artistic conception created. Yang Xiyu was not angry, but laughed. It also touched Shi Heng's heartstrings. Shi Heng swallowed again. This time, he made a bigger fool of himself and made a swallowing sound. Yingzi and others still seemed not to see or hear. They only heard Yang Xiyu ask: " General Shi said yes, tell me where I can play it. " Shi Heng was stunned and scratched his head and ears. He really didn't know where to play well, but he couldn't directly say that I think you are a good woman, so he racked his brains to say ""The rhythm is good." As soon as these words came out, Shi Heng breathed a sigh of relief, Yang Xiyu nodded, and after thinking for a long time, he said: "General Shi is indeed proficient in music. The most important thing about this song is the fingering and rhythm. Shi The general's words reveal the secrets, he is really both civilized and military, but General Shi's rhythm is not bad either." Shi Heng didn't understand why Yang Xiyu said that, but he was very proud of being praised for the word "rhythm" he just made, so he did the same. Hehe smiled, cupped his fists and replied: "Mrs. Lu is both talented and beautiful. She is so lucky to be nine thousand years old." These words were all pieced together by Shi Heng. Coupled with his smug expression, the whole yard laughed. Of course, Shi Heng didn't know what he was laughing at, so he could only laugh along. In fact, Shi Heng's joke had crossed the line. "General Shi wanted to ask my sister Yingzi why she wanted to kill your subordinates." Tan Qing suddenly Asked, breaking the joyful atmosphere, Shi Heng said: "Exactly, why, Mrs. Bai knows the reason." Tan Qing nodded: "I went out that day, and I met your general named Li robbing people's property. Stealing other people's property was not just a matter of taking possession of their wives and daughters, so I stepped forward to ask. He said he was one of your subordinates, so I told him that I was Lu Yunzhi's sister, and that my brother was friendly with General Shi. "Then." Shi Heng said, and Tan Qing replied: "Then he said that he came out to plunder under the order of General Shi. At that time, I thought how could such a heroic figure like General Shi do such a thing, so I I tried to stop them and asked them to come to you with me to argue. As a result, they drew their swords and threatened me. I wanted to take action, but Sister Yingzi came from outside and took action. She also cursed them for ruining the reputation of General Shi, and then the result was with one move. The leader, that is, the general under you, I asked why I was not allowed to do it. Sister Yingzi said, after all, they are General Shi's people. My tricks are too torturous and vicious. Even though they are scum, they still have to be punished. It's a pleasure, otherwise it would ruin the friendship between the Shi and Lu families. In short, that's what happened." "Seriously," Shi Heng asked. Tan Qing's remarks made him speechless and he didn't want to refute. Fa retorted, in short, now that I have all the face, it¡¯s time to borrow the donkey from the slope. Tan Qing nodded and said: "It's absolutely true." "Thank you, Mrs. Lu, and Mrs. Bai, for educating my subordinates and getting rid of these black sheep." "Shi Heng said with fists in his hands, "Everyone talked for a while, Shi Heng resigned, Tan Qing suddenly said: "If Shi Heng dares to look at you with evil eyes next time, I will dig out his eyeballs, by the way, sister-in-law." , you said Shi Heng has a good rhythm, I don¡¯t understand this sentence.¡± Yang Xiyu pursed his lips and replied: ¡°The rhythm of death.¡± Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 149: The Bloodline of the Zhu Family Shi Heng left the Zhongzheng lineage's house, comforted the soldiers who were "justifying" General Li, and then prepared to enter the palace to face the saint. At this moment, he happened to meet two people who asked him to do something. These two people were He gave Shi Heng a lot of gifts, so Shi Heng agreed and decided to take the two people into the palace for a long time. Not everyone can enter the palace. The Royal Guards and the Internal Affairs Bureau strictly control the security. There are also people on the outside. Jinyiwei and Dongchang's police officers must arrest anyone who is sneaking around the palace and put them on trial for nefarious purposes. They must not slack off in the slightest. The emperor is the master of the country. He is the master of the country. His safety is related to the country, but Shi Heng, the heavy guard, does not take it lightly. When he enters the palace, it is like entering his own backyard. No one dares to stop him, because if Shi Heng is displeased, he may be executed. When the time comes, no one will care whether you have performed your duties faithfully or been wronged. Even the emperor can't save you. The two people who followed Shi Heng into the palace were just low-level officers. They had never seen such a magnificent building like the palace, and they commented on it for a while. He looked like a country bumpkin, and then praised Shi Heng, saying that Shi Heng was really the most important minister of the Ming Dynasty, and that he could enter the palace so easily without any special qualifications. Shi Heng became arrogant again. In fact, many times The reason why people become inflated is because they are boasted by others, and the situation will get worse. Just like if a person is often praised as a beautiful tree facing the wind, he will become more confident, more aura and magnanimous, and even if he is a handsome young man, he will become more and more confident. , if someone says he is ugly since he was a child, even if his appearance does not become uglier due to psychological effects, he will lose his self-confidence and gradually feel ashamed of himself, and his aura will slowly come down. Shi Heng took the two people with him Wandering around, he happened to meet Zhu Qizhen's driver. Seeing that it was Shi Heng, Zhu Qizhen quickly ordered the people to stop, and then asked: "Shi Aiqing came to the palace to see me." Shi Heng was in high spirits and just clasped his fists slightly and said "Exactly, I see you, Your Majesty." The two low-level officers hurriedly saluted and knelt down on the ground. Seeing Shi Heng's rudeness, Zhu Qizhen felt faintly unhappy. He held back a breath of anger and said, "Then just tell me if you have anything to do." " On a normal day, Shi Heng would have discovered the displeasure revealed in Zhu Qizhen's words, and would have changed his tone and actions to avoid attracting the emperor's hatred, but today Shi Heng was different. First of all, He denounced Cao Jixiang so that the famous Eunuch Cao had no choice but to go to the Zhongzheng line again. Even Lu Yunzhi's wife was very respectful to him. In addition, the two officers had previously praised him. Shi Heng was so ambitious that he was so ambitious that he had no trace of his ambition. Noting that there was something in Zhu Qizhen's words, "Well, wasn't Eunuch Cao sent by the emperor to find me? Didn't Eunuch Cao come back to report to the emperor? This dog slave must have hidden somewhere to eat wine. He actually I don't know why I came back to report to the Holy One first, otherwise I would delay the important matter." Shi Heng said carelessly. Zhu Qizhen was very angry. He didn't understand why Shi Heng was so arrogant today, but Cao Jixiang was the eunuch of the ceremony and the eunuch of the palm. , who dares to call him a slave except himself? Besides, even he is embarrassed to call him such a name. Shi Heng dares to judge things for himself and curses Cao Jixiang as a slave. Isn't that higher than his own status? , Shi Heng didn't mention what happened before. It was okay. When he mentioned Zhu Qizhen, it only added fuel to the fire. His heart was filled with anger. Shi Heng allowed his men to cause trouble in the capital and harm the people of the imperial city. He sent Cao Jixiang to inquire. According to Cao Jixiang's return, The report said that Shi Heng didn't give him any face, and even said arrogantly that he would come to see him later. Damn it, what kind of place is the palace? Is it a place where Shi Heng can come whenever he wants? It is said that he even said this "You don't have to worry about the Holy Emperor's affairs, and you don't need to worry about my father's affairs." Doesn't this mean that he wants to stand shoulder to shoulder with him? Shi Heng has a rebellious attitude, which must be a sign of disrespect, and Shi Heng's words "Remember who is looking for you" The trouble for my men is to cause trouble for me. Anyone who makes me unhappy for a moment will be unhappy for the rest of his life." This made Zhu Qizhen even more murderous. How arrogant and domineering this is, and now he is still strong. Although Lu Yunzhi was still strong, Yun Yehe was still leading the army to fight outside. Shi Heng still dared to be so arrogant. If one day it was like what Lu Yunzhi said, he would retreat to the mountains and forests and hand over all his military power to Shi Heng. If his health is getting worse day by day, then the Zhu family may be unstable. Is it possible that Shi Aiqing should be allowed to become the master of the world? This is not bad. Zhu Qizhen said: "Since Shi Aiqing knows, then Please explain to me what the military chaos in the city is all about. Shi Heng said nonchalantly: "It's okay. The people in our army are all rough people with wild tempers. It is inevitable that we will do something out of line. I hope your Majesty will forgive me. I will talk to them when I get back." " After Shi Heng finished speaking, he looked left and right. He still stared at Zhu Qizhen randomly. When he was facing the emperor, the emperor did not let the ministers raise their heads. The ministers were not allowed to look at the emperor. Otherwise, they would look up at the power of heaven rashly. This was actually intentional. To assassinate the king and kill the driver, he should act as a staff according to the law, butShi Heng didn't care and Zhu Qizhen didn't say anything. He just asked, "That's it." "What else can we do? They are all my brothers who have lived with me through life and death." Shi Heng said with a stick in his neck, Zhu Qizhen smiled, he He had always thought that Shi Heng was also a smart person, but now he discovered that Shi Heng was not smart when he should be smart, and was blindly smart when he shouldn't be smart. Let him do it. He should be killed at the end. If he wants to kill Shi Heng, he can ask the imperial guards to kill him now. However, Shi Heng's status is too high and he has the ability to seize the door. Even the emperor cannot kill him at will. , we must give an explanation to the people in the world, otherwise our reputation will not be good, and there will definitely be rumors that the cunning rabbits will be cooked by the lackeys. Secondly, Shi Heng is not just Shi Heng, he has many military factions under his command, and we need to find enough evidence. Shi Heng was driven into a place of eternal destruction, thereby uprooting his huge root system. Shi Heng underestimated Zhu Qizhen. Regardless of whether the descendants of the Zhu family are weak or strong, sickly or strong, which one is easy to mess with? Yes, they all have the soul of Emperor Taizu Gao flowing in their blood. How can Shi Heng compare with him? Moreover, even though Zhu Qizhen was weak politically, he was still an emperor. After the change, his heart became sinister, cunning and vicious. He didn't trust anyone. Even Lu Yunzhi, who had been kind to him, he didn't dare to trust completely. "Hahahaha, Shi Aiqing." He is indeed a man of bold temperament. By the way, who are those two people behind you?" Zhu Qizhen promptly changed the subject and asked Shi Heng, who was about to raise his tail to the sky with pride. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 150: Shocking Lie Shi Heng looked at the two people who were still kneeling on the ground and said to them: "The emperor is asking questions. Get up quickly and have a look at the sky." Zhu Qizhen remained calm. Shi Heng gave the order without saying a word. Today Zhu Qizhen Qi Zhen wanted to see how far Shi Heng could go. Shi Heng slightly cupped his hands and said, "These two are my confidants. This is the first time they have entered the palace. I hope the emperor will not laugh at you." "Who gave the permission?" "They entered the palace." Zhu Qizhen asked casually. Shi Heng was stunned and knew that he was reckless. Although he was extremely arrogant today, he still had some awareness, so he said, "I brought them into the palace without being informed." , please punish me." "It doesn't matter. My palace is just like your own home. You don't have to be restricted when you come." Zhu Qizhen's tone was calm, without any unpleasantness or sourness. Shi Heng smiled and heard Zhu Qizhen. He was speechless, so he replied: "I am sincerely afraid to thank the Holy Grace. I brought these two people here today. I just want the Holy One to appoint them to an official position. Let me think about it, I will give them a fourth grade or from the fourth grade." Guerrilla generals, those old guys from the Ministry of War insist that they can¡¯t even confer guerrilla generals now that the quota is full. Damn it, I just came to see the Holy One to make the decision for me.¡± Shi Heng uttered the foul language but he didn¡¯t notice it. Zhu Qizhen said: "There is something wrong with this." "There is no need to embarrass the Holy One. If it doesn't work, just forget it. These two boys have witnessed the Holy Face, which is enough for them to brag about for a lifetime." Shi Heng said, Zhu Qizhen waved his hand. Said: "It doesn't matter, they are just two guerrilla generals. I have given them two, and no one dares to stop them." He immediately asked for their names and issued an edict to confer them. Shi Heng thanked him and left with his people. The attendants around Qi Zhen looked at Shi Heng's back and glared angrily, but Zhu Qizhen looked up to the sky and laughed with murderous intent. The attendants shuddered. They saw the powerful Zhu Qi for the first time. The next day, Zhu Qizhen not only did not accuse Shi Heng of any crime, but instead sealed the two people recommended by Shi Heng again as promised. Shi Heng earned enough face, and he became arrogant in the court, and those who had originally The ministers who thought that Zhu Qizhen wanted to use this matter to punish Shi Heng originally came to court with the intention of gloating about his misfortune and adding insult to injury. They learned about Shi Heng's actions in the palace yesterday. The two cronies were insiders, so they knew it early. After discussion, they came to the conclusion that the Holy Emperor would definitely punish Shi Heng, so they just waited for the joke today, but now they are alone Everyone became discouraged. The emperor was too soft. Everyone would say that he would give up when he saw the opportunity, but it was difficult to do it. Shi Heng obviously did not understand this truth. He suddenly asked Zhu Qizhen and said: "Your Majesty, I'm sorry. The minister's nephew Shi Biao defended Datong, defeated a large army from Oala, and wiped out tens of thousands of enemies. The envoy went to Beijing to report to the Holy One. The mighty power of the Emperor has blessed the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty. This is really a blessing for the Ming Dynasty. " "There is also this. Let's go to the envoy of Datong to see him." Zhu Qizhen said with a smile, pretending to be an idiot. In fact, he knew very well that the Wala army was hostile to the Ming army led by Lu Yunzhi, and both sides would lose in this battle. It was difficult to hold on until the end because of the death of Meng He, which caused the enemy's morale to be in chaos. They narrowly defeated the enemy for a while. Where was the Wala army? If the Wala army reached Datong, they would have to pass through Lu Yunzhi or Zhen Lingdan and Bai Yong's army, then they were defeated, but the intelligence was clear that there was no such thing. Zhen Lingdan, Bai Yong's outstanding military exploits, and strange moves appeared frequently. Lu Yunzhi had already returned to the court, and went straight south without entering. So where did this so-called Wala army come from? Could it be that it was fabricated to ask for rewards? Moreover, there are tens of thousands of troops. How many Wala troops are there in total? How could tens of thousands of Wala troops be sent to attack Datong? If so, there are at least three Wala troops. An army of 400,000 people. There really were so many people who could dominate the world. How could they have been entangled with the Ming army for so long? This was seriously inconsistent with the intelligence. It was regarded as fabricated information. Zhu Qizhen looked at this farce and waited for those upright ministers. appeared and asked Shi Heng's so-called envoy to report the results of the battle. In fact, Cao Jixiang had already told Zhu Qizhen that this person was not Shi Biao's envoy at all, but just a banker of Shi Hengyang in the capital. Ministers Naturally, they understood Shi Heng's tricks. They did not disappoint Zhu Qizhen. Most of them stamped their feet and beat their chests, glaring at Shi Heng with angry expressions. Shi Heng's face was full of indifference and he turned to look at the minister. The minister's previous Filled with righteous indignation, as soon as they met Shi Heng's eyes, they lowered their heads and stopped talking. However, some people were not afraid of power and stood up and angrily scolded the envoy. Yue Zheng, a cabinet scholar, came out and asked with a smile: "How dare you ask this? As a military envoy, he wiped out tens of thousands of enemies but captured them. " That man was Shi Heng's banker, and he came here pretending to be Shi Biao's military envoy. He was naturally a little nervous when facing the Holy Emperor and the ministers. When he was questioned at this moment, it was different from what he had rehearsed before, and even more so. He said without hesitation: "Of course,"With so many people captured, there must be more prisoners, simply countless. " Yue Zheng nodded and said: "In that case, please trouble the military envoy to give General Shi Biao a suggestion and ask him to send those prisoners to the capital, so that we can take the prisoners and parade them through the streets to behead their heads to worship their ancestors. " Shi Heng coughed lightly. The banker immediately knew that he had said the wrong thing. He secretly felt cruel and wanted to kill Yue Zheng. It was his questioning that exposed the lie. Shi Heng was also extremely anxious. If the emperor really let Shi Biao escorted the prisoners to the capital, where could he go to touch countless people? Besides, Shi Biao didn't know about this at all. The emperor announced that he would return to the capital and asked, wouldn't it mean that the truth would be revealed? He wanted to take advantage of Zhu Qi to suppress the weakling , Lu Yunzhi asked for some rewards for his nephew when he was not at home, but unexpectedly he got into trouble. For Zhu Qizhen, Shi Heng was naturally not afraid. Even if the truth was revealed, Zhu Qizhen would not dare to kill him. But losing face is a big deal. For such a big official and such a big person, being exposed for lying in public is no different from being slapped in the face. You can¡¯t lose face even if you lose it. This is one of Shi Heng¡¯s life principles. The envoy knew that he was in trouble, so he pretended to be smart and sighed and said: "Hey, General Shi doesn't think so. It's just that there are too many prisoners. Keeping them is a disaster. They can't use so many to keep them as laborers. In the end, The important thing is that eating horse chews will cost the rations of our soldiers of the Ming Dynasty. General Shi Biao, serving the country and the people, decided to drag them all to the forest and kill them. " "What kind of woods? There are deserts inside and outside Datong Pass. Where can the large woods come from to bury tens of thousands of corpses and countless heads? Please explain to the military envoy. " Yue Zheng said proudly. He decided today that he would expose Shi Heng's lies even if it cost him his life. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 151: Referring to Salt as Snow Seeing that the village guest was speechless and Shi Heng's face was livid, Yue Zheng shouted: "Send the map of the vicinity of Datong to your Majesty." Some officials may not have the courage to confront Shi Heng, but they still add insult to injury by following Shi Heng's lead and causing trouble for him. Dare, let alone in the main hall, they felt that Shi Heng did not dare to be arrogant, so the person in charge of the military department immediately brought a map, Yue Zhengping threw the map away, and then asked: "Military envoy, tell me about that area. Where is the forest? I have to send people over quickly to help my army bury the corpses. Otherwise, although the roots of the trees will absorb it, there will still be a plague if there are too many corpses." Now the banker was at a loss and started to scramble, looking timidly. Xiang Shi Heng, Shi Heng was so angry that he lost all his face today, so he walked over quickly, pointed at a place near Datong with a cold snort, and said: "It's right here. When the map was drawn, there was no The newly grown ones were also planted by Shi Biao in order to protect them from the wind and sand so that they could easily execute the captives and let the big trees absorb them. Shi Biao was far-sighted and could have considered the current situation a few years ago, which is enough to show that he is a wise and courageous person. "Zhu Qizhen still did not express his position. The ministers whispered, but Shi Heng shouted: "Are you satisfied with this answer?" For a while, no one in the court dared to refute, and everyone looked at the arrogant emperor. Shi Heng, and Zhu Qizhen, who still looked gentle and kind like a simple farmer, didn't know what to do. In the end, Shi Heng retired triumphantly. All the officials shook their heads and lamented that the Ming Dynasty was in danger because it was run by a traitor. , After more than ten days, Shi Heng held a grand banquet and invited all civil and military officials to come to the banquet. Shi Heng's yamen was so lively that it looked like a hundred birds paying homage to the phoenix. Shi Heng saw that everyone had arrived and picked up his wine glass. He came and said, "I invite everyone to drink today. This first glass of wine wishes me the peace and prosperity of the Ming Dynasty and its people for everlasting generations." Everyone raised their glasses and drank together, "The second glass of wine wishes my emperor long live, long live, long live." Shi Heng said again, the ministers Still, "In the third cup, those who follow me will prosper and those who go against me will perish." Shi Heng said coldly. The ministers were stunned for a moment, then some bowed their heads in silence, and some shook their heads subconsciously, but they all drank the wine one after another. , Then Shi Heng said to the butler who was waiting for him: "Let's make statistics and see who didn't come to the banquet today. People look down on me, Shi Heng. They don't come when I treat them. We don't have to give them face in the future." The only answer was yes. After a while, he compiled a piece of paper and handed it to Shi Heng. Shi Heng glanced at the list and then scolded the housekeeper: "Asshole, what are you doing with this list of dead people?" The housekeeper naturally understood. In his heart, Shi Heng replied: "Master, please atone for your sins. Any list of nightlife that I have seen is a list of dead people." "Of course, Master, I wrongly blamed you. Go down and receive the reward." Shi Heng said with a sneer, " Knowing that this was what Shi Heng told him, he still felt a little worried about the hard-core colleagues on the list. Who was Shi Heng? He was a villain who was bound to take revenge. If he wanted to harm someone, he would die. When Yu Qian treated Shi Heng You En, but because of his uprightness, he rejected Shi Heng's recommendation to replace Yu Qian's own son, and scolded Shi Heng for abusing his power and nepotism. From then on, Shi Heng held a grudge, although everyone knew that the initiator behind the incident was Lu. Yun Zhi, but Shi Heng also participated in it, which is really indispensable. Yu Qian, a powerful figure, died indirectly in the hands of Shi Heng. , just because he and Shi Hengdao were different and did not conspire with each other, Shi Heng was trapped in death, and was finally sent to Miao territory and reduced to a commoner. Now the person who did not come to the banquet is neither Yu Qian nor Xu Youzhen, and now he has messed with this villain Shi Heng , That¡¯s really a place to die without a burial. Shi Heng looked at the ministers who all had ulterior motives, and laughed twice, and then said: ¡°Drink, drink. "Everyone started drinking, and finally started to drink. Suddenly Shi Heng stopped playing and pointed to the last person and asked: "Who are you? Why don't you drink? Does the wine in my Shi Heng's house smell bad? Okay, cup. You haven't touched a drop of the wine, which means you haven't drank the three glasses of wine I originally offered to the Emperor and our Ming Dynasty. "The man quickly stood up and clasped his fists and said: "My Lord, I forgive you, but I have abdominal pain and cannot drink alcohol. If I drink even a drop, the pain will be unbearable. I hope my Lord will be considerate. " Shi Heng snorted but didn't buy it. He pointed at the wine bottle on the table and said, "If you drink all this wine, I won't blame you. Otherwise, I will fork you out and beat you to death. "Although the man's official position was not high, he was still an official of the imperial court. He suddenly felt extremely useless. He no longer clasped his fists but stood solemnly and said: "I really can't drink. Drinking this wine will kill me. Okay, I don't want to stay." I can just leave, why do I need you to step out. "After saying that, he wanted to leave, but Shi Heng slapped the table and stood up: "You can come and leave when you want. What do you think my Zhongguo Duke's Mansion is? Come on, please fork it out and go to your death."?. " The man was carried out. For a moment, the sound of sticks breaking through the air and the man's screams were remembered in the courtyard. Shi Heng called on everyone to continue drinking, but who could still drink? They all wanted to leave but did not dare to continue drinking. One person said it. After three rounds of wine and five tastes of food, Shi Heng ordered his servants to bring up the man just now. He saw that the man was already bloody and beaten and was dying. Shi Heng ordered his men to bring a bowl of salt and put it together. He went to the man and asked, "Let me ask you, is it salt or snow? " Now it is not the twelfth lunar month of winter. Although it is cold, there is no snowfall. Where did the snow come from? It is clearly salt. The man groaned hard through his swollen eyes. It seems that he has avenged his determination to die. The arrogance of the scholar is also revealed at this moment: "If you put it in a bowl and it doesn't melt, it's salt, it's salt, it's salt. "The man yelled, but Shi Heng suddenly smashed the bowl on the man's head, and then cursed: "If you don't leave if I give you a way out, someone can throw him into this kind of snow and make it alkali. Dried meat, if someone asks about it tomorrow, I will answer it. " Seeing that the man was about to be dragged down, Shi Heng turned to ask the officials: "My lords, please tell me whether this is salt or snow. "Most of the ministers and civil servants who came here are scholars, and the military officers mostly admire people who are loyal and righteous. What is the difference between referring to salt as snow now and referring to deer as horses in ancient times? I am afraid that thousands of years later, I will be infamy for this, but it is better to die than to live. Being infamy for thousands of years is something to be done in the future, and a place of death without burial is before us, so all the officials responded obediently: "It's snow, it's snow. " A few shameless people also wrote some sour poems and lyrics to praise the snow, which immediately won Shi Heng's favor. Just when Shi Heng was about to say a few words in great excitement, he heard someone laughing outside the door. He said: "This is obviously salt, how can it be snow? " Shi Heng was so angry that he smashed the wine bottle in his hand to the ground and shouted angrily: "Who is it? " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 152: Untimely Death "Me." Someone answered in the darkness outside the hall. Everyone heard the familiar voice and looked outside the door. Two people were walking in outside the door. They couldn't see their appearance clearly, but they didn't bring anyone with them. , he should not be a noble person, but how did someone who was not rich and powerful come in? Why didn't the servants of the Zhongguo Duke's mansion notify him? Could it be a bad person? Then another person answered: "It's me." Everyone I was shocked. In ancient times, everyone called me, but now in the world, who else can call me except Zhu Qizhen? The ministers had tears in their eyes, Xu Youzhen fell, Cao Jixiang and Shi Heng were still there, Shi Heng's arrogant and domineering Long Live Lord Zhu Qizhen and Nine Thousand Year Old Lu Yunzhi turned a deaf ear. Officials believed that Zhu and Lu were blinded and that the Ming Dynasty was hopeless. How did they know that Lu Yunzhi and Zhu Qizhen had arrived at the same time? Refuting Shi Heng in public, this is a signal, a signal that Shi Heng is about to be destroyed. Lu Yunzhi and Zhu Qizhen are getting closer and closer. Everyone can see clearly through the light. It is true that they are two people, and Shi Heng is. Taking a deep breath, he stabilized his mind. Anger was swirling in his heart but he didn't dare to express it. Zhu Qizhen could say that Lu Yunzhi really couldn't bear the crime, but Shi Heng was confused. Didn't Lu Yunzhi lead his troops south? Could it be that Qu Xiangtian's rebellion has been subsided, and the situation in the capital has changed. Thinking of this, Shi Heng broke into cold sweat and cursed Qu Xiangtian's soldiers for not fighting. Lu Yunzhi and Zhu Qizhen stood side by side. Walking in, even though they were walking shoulder to shoulder, Lu Yunzhi actually gave Zhu Qizhen half a head on purpose. He used his actual actions to prove the supremacy of imperial power and respect for Zhu Qizhen's throne. The veterans at the banquet couldn't help but nod secretly and sighed in their hearts: His merits are not overshadowed by his master, but he is truly a loyal minister. Only then did all the ministers remember, and they all stood up, clasped their fists, and bowed their heads, saying, "Long live my emperor." Zhu Qizhen did not answer but asked Lu Yunzhi: "Who is this? The courtyard is built like the palace, no, more beautiful than the palace." Shi Heng also acted like the ministers at this time. He didn't dare to move. Hearing Zhu Qizhen's words, he was shocked. This sentence was his judgment. It is a crime to be beheaded if the residence is overstepped. Lu Yunzhi replied: "Your Majesty, where is the palace here? This is General Shi's residence." "Oh, that's it." Zhu Qizhen pretended to be angry as he spoke. Seeing Shi Heng's look, he looked surprised and then smiled and said, "Cao Cao will be here soon." It was such a cold day that Shi Heng was sweating. Who was Cao Cao? He is a treacherous minister. How can he compare himself to Cao Cao? "I pay my respects to the Holy Lord, long live my emperor." Shi Heng bowed and said quickly, Zhu Qizhen smiled: "Shi Aiqing, please come to your senses quickly, and all my dear friends, please also come to your senses." "Thank you, Lord, for your kindness." The ministers shouted before they straightened up, but they did not dare to raise their heads and look directly at the Holy One. Zhu Qizhen said: "Today I I had nothing to do and went out to the palace incognito for a walk. I happened to see such a grand mansion. I didn¡¯t know who it belonged to, so I came in to take a look. This uninvited behavior didn¡¯t disturb Shi Aiqing¡¯s dinner party. " Shi Heng knelt down with a bang and kowtowed repeatedly: "Your Majesty, you have betrayed me. Zhu Qizhen smiled and asked Shi Hengping to look around again before saying, "You guys go ahead. By the way, Shi Aiqing, remember that it's salt, not snow." " Zhu Qizhen left, and Lu Yunzhi also left. Lu Yunzhi didn't say anything else except what Zhu Qizhen said. All this was Zhu Qizhen's arrangement. It was time to scare Shi Heng by knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger, but Lu Yunzhi At this moment, he also realized that Zhu Qizhen was no longer the Zhu Qizhen of the past, and the dinner naturally broke up unhappily. All the ministers went back to their homes, leaving only Shi Heng, who was frightened and uneasy, sitting there alone. Frowning and thinking hard, "two flowers bloomed, one on each branch, why did Lu Yunzhi suddenly appear in the capital? It turned out that when he rushed to Nanjing, he found that the city of Nanjing, where the tiger and the dragon were entrenched, had fallen, and the high poles of the city wall There was a head hanging on it, and when he looked closely, it turned out to be Bai Yong. What happened was that Bai Yong quickly entered the city of Nanjing, but he learned that Qu Xiangtian was approaching Nanjing, so he hurriedly led his troops to stop the attack, and happened to encounter The 30,000 vanguard troops led by Qin Rufeng fought fiercely on both sides. Finally, Qin Rufeng was defeated and retreated. Bai Yong took advantage of the victory to pursue and conquered ten cities in one day. Bai Yong, who had won a complete victory, was not complacent. Although he was confident, he was not complacent. So after fortifying the city, Bai Yong built fenced roads between the ten cities to connect the ten cities to form a long and narrow strategic defense line. Bai Yong knew that this would not be able to defeat Qu Xiangtian, let alone Qu Xiangtian¡¯s elite soldiers. Strong general, what Bai Yong wants to do is to use these ten cities to exert their maximum power and reduce the strength and physical strength of Qu Xiangtian's army as much as possible. Once this plan is successful, when Qu Xiangtian's army reaches Nanjing City again , they must be extremely exhausted. When the time comes, the soldiers and horses led by Bai Yong and the defenders under the leadership of the Nanjing Military Department willOnly by waiting for work can we defeat the enemy. After Bai Yong arranged the affairs of the entire defensive front, he led his troops back to Nanjing and stepped up preparations to await the arrival of the fierce offensive. The moon was very bright that night, without a trace of dark clouds blocking it. That night It was very cold and the wind was very strong. Bai Yong was lying on the bed to rest, but suddenly he heard a strange noise. Bai Yong got up in a hurry, but it was too late. It turned out that Bai Yong had practiced the invisible way to control the air, and he and Qu Xiang Tian's strength is close, but Qu Xiangtian's sword can go astray and borrow the power of ghosts in his body. The two fight face to face, and the outcome is still unknown. Now Bai Yong was caught off guard, and Qu Xiangtian just opened his eyes. The sword arrived, and Bai Yong's body and head were separated and died on the spot. Bai Yong was successful as a young man, and he followed Lu Yunzhi in the north and south and made great achievements in battle. The elite soldiers he led were once called heavenly soldiers on the battlefield, and later entered Beijing. Bai Yong was reused and formed a private army called Xiangtuan which was actually an elite force. The lovers finally got married. Bai Yong and Tan Qing got married. At the same time, Bai Yong learned the invisible way to control the air. He started to lead the army, but he is still only thirty years old. He has the title of Marquis of Zhenwu. He marched north to conquer Goryeo and forced the Tatars to sue for peace. How powerful he was, enough to enhance the prestige of the Ming Dynasty. He quickly attacked, roundabout and outflanked, and fought many battles in one day. Working hard, these are Bai Yong's combat characteristics, and they are also the secret to his invincibility on the battlefield. Now, in the prime of life but died young, Bai Yong's eyes were ringed by the beheading immediately after he was awakened. Opening his eyes, his eyes were full of grief and anger. Just like that, Bai Yong was defeated. He even lost his life. He was defeated unwillingly and inexplicably. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 153: Retribution and Reincarnation In fact, everything is a cycle. Bai Yong's defeat was not only the manipulation of Qu Xiangtian and his wife, but also the evil consequences that Lu Yunzhi once planted. Back then, Yang Zhun drank a glass of wine to release his military power and used extremely vicious methods to control Nanjing officials. Becoming Lu Yunzhi's father-in-law, everyone understood at this time that this was Lu Yunzhi's arrangement. However, Lu Yunzhi already held great power at that time, and Nanjing officials dared not speak out. Qu Xiangtian had contacted him before entering the city. He passed some officials, and the list he contacted was provided by Murong Yunfei. Most officials in the Ming Dynasty have relatively stubborn tempers. Even if they don't like each other, they will never get into the crisis of the Ming Dynasty because of personal grudges. But It's just the majority, not all. Murong Yunfei may sometimes be too anxious about Qu Xiangtian, but she is indeed very calm with outsiders. She has judged who is the person who is likely to respond, and she finds the right one. After Xiaozhi coerced and lured with emotion and reason, those officials agreed to be internal agents, and Murong Yunfei killed all the servants of those internal agents because Murong Yunfei vaguely knew that Lu Yunzhi had a man named Mi Thirteen's organization, and this organization is as omnipresent as water, as long as there is a small gap, it will penetrate. Therefore, on the eve of the last moment, Murong Yunfei would rather kill by mistake than let go. It was late at night. , although the moonlight was bright, the wind was loud, covering up the sound of the city gate opening, so Qu Xiangtian led 300 elite troops into the city at night, killed Bai Yong, controlled the Minister of War, the Minister of War, etc. As a result, the city of Nanjing was captured effortlessly. Qu Xiangtian hijacked the military headquarters to gather military power, and captured tens of thousands of people with 300 men. In compliance with the sentence of capturing the thief first, capture the king, Qu Xiangtian opened the city gate and the army entered the city. After completely taking Nanjing and slowly digesting the prisoners, Murong Yunfei's ability was revealed. He bribed the generals and officials at all levels one by one according to their own hobbies, and gave a certain amount of tolerance and care to those who could not be bribed. There were many straightforward things. The man surrendered as soon as he was moved, but there were some who were stubborn and would rather die than surrender. Murong Yunfei helped them, cutting through the mess with a sharp knife without any slop. Lu Yunzhi arrived at the gate of Nanjing, looked at Bai Yong's head and secretly shed tears, for To warn the Ming army prisoners and break the soldiers' desire to resist, Murong Yunfei hung Bai Yong's head on a high pole on the city wall. Qu Xiangtian did not object at all to this, Lu Yunzhi clenched his fists Looking at all this, he ordered the army to be stationed dozens of miles away, and then came to the gate of Nanjing alone. The defenders had already been waiting for him. After removing Bai Yong's head, Lu Yunzhi held Bai Yong's head and said softly: "Brother, I will take you home." The army withdrew for hundreds of miles, and Lu Yunzhi rushed back to Beijing to return the head. To his sister Tan Qing, Lu Yunzhi once entered Nanjing City to search for Bai Yong's body, but did not find it. Even if Lu Yunzhi had great ability, he could not turn the entire Nanjing City upside down. Lu Yunzhi did not find it because Bai Yong's body was furious and he killed hundreds of people in a row. Nanjing city instantly entered a state of tight alert. Lu Yunzhi set foot on the road back to Beijing. He was so confused that he didn't know how to explain to Tan Qing. Lu Yunzhi sneaked into the city secretly, and no one was alarmed when he returned home. He was the first to find Yang Xiyu, and Yang Xiyu said that Shi Heng needed to be solved more now. Lu Yunzhi put down Bai Yong's head and held back Sadness found Zhu Qizhen. Zhu Qizhen was preparing to visit Shi Heng's mansion at night. He was overjoyed to see Lu Yunzhi come back and invited him to go with him. Only then did the previous scene of salt is snow, the farce of the palace residence, Bai Yong's head was handed into Tan Qing's hands. Tan Qing said nothing, just caressed Bai Yong's cheek, and then said lightly: "Let's mourn. "Lu Yunzhi nodded, and found someone to make a pure jade body. The head was spliced ??and buried in clothes. Shi Heng's face was ashen. He knew that Lu Yunzhi should deal with him, because Bai Yong died. If Bai Yong If he is brave enough to survive, Shi Heng may be able to survive because of his old love like Xu Youzhen. After all, Lu Yunzhi is a nostalgic person, but now Lu Yunzhi is on the verge of a manic explosion. Shi Heng clearly remembers Lu Yunzhi a few years ago. The sight of Yun Zhi violently massacring the three soldiers of the Tianjin Guards. Now it seems that this ending will soon be his turn. Purge, a big purge in the army, Lu Yunzhi did not take action, Zhu Qizhen did, Shi Biao of Datong was Secretly arrested, Shi Heng's inner Jinyiwei commander Lu Gao was instigated to rebel, and all crimes committed by Shi Heng's cronies were searched. Military generals were arrested one by one by Jinyiwei. Dongchang and other members of Jinyiwei cooperated very well in this operation, because they had been subjected to Shi Heng was angry enough, and now it was finally time to feel proud, so he put aside the intrigue among the bureaucrats and began to speak unanimously to the outside world. Shi Heng had always regarded Lu Gao as one of his own, but he did not expect that this one of his own would turn out to be a stranger. Shi Heng It was as if I had been stabbed in the back, I couldn't get up, my wings were cut off, could my death be far away?In January four years ago, Shi Heng was arrested. In January four years ago, during the incident of seizing the door, Yu Qian sacrificed his life for his Ming Dynasty. Shi Heng looked up to the sky and sighed: "This is retribution." Lu Yunzhi Spies were constantly sent to investigate the military situation. Fortunately, Qu Xiangtian needed to digest the territory he had quickly occupied and had no intention of heading north immediately. However, the Ming army was guarded by Bao Zi and Long Qingquan, so Lu Yunzhi felt relieved. And Yan Bei, who was particular about the rule of law and was unreasonable, also came to Lu Yunzhi's army and took up the position of captain of the military law team. Even so, Lu Yunzhi still let the nightmare escape from him and rushed back to the front line, fearing that he would attack the sky. Killing generals, although Long Qingquan is strong enough and Leopard is not bad, but Bai Yong's death stimulated Lu Yunzhi a lot. He can't afford to be hurt anymore. Everything must be done carefully, Yang Xiyu pulled Lu Yunzhi's Lu Yunzhi's hands were very cold, but Yang Xiyu knew that Lu Yunzhi's heart was even colder at this moment. Yang Xiyu advised: "Maybe he doesn't know, brother." "He knows, he has always known." Lu Yunzhi shook his head and sighed and said: "Since I started the army, and now I have been in power, every time I do something excessive, my eldest brother will scold me, saying that I am not moral, and that benevolence and righteousness are the first principles in the world, etc. , but my eldest brother never stopped me, because he knew that what I did was right, and I was just his tool. I did a lot of things that he wanted to do but didn¡¯t dare to do, or even said he didn¡¯t want to do them. Things." Yang Xiyu also sighed and stopped trying to persuade Lu Yunzhi. He just asked: "Then what do you want to do? Do you want to give up the Ming Dynasty?" Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 154: Divided by a Thousand Cuts Lu Yunzhi was silent, and then said after a long time: "It turns out that I can't bear it, haha, what Xianyun Yehe said before seems to be nothing more than nonsense. I have never been for revenge, not for avenging shame, and not for anyone. As for those who raised the army, I realized today that I was only doing it for myself. " "Yunzhi, go on a killing spree. Don't worry about so many things. We have laid enough threads. One move can affect the whole body, as long as you are willing. If you kill me, Qu Xiangtian will not be able to escape from your grasp." Yang Xiyu said, Lu Yunzhi said: "Let me calm down for a moment. Back then, the Meiyuan sworn brotherhood did not seek to live together but to die together. I couldn't bear it. Ah, I can't let go of the world, I can't let go of power, I can't let go of my own life, and I can't let go of my brother. Too much reluctance means that I may not be a king. " "If you are not a king, you can only be a loser. Don't think so much. You are just a mortal, don't make things too difficult for yourself. Sister Yingzi, Qiu Tong, and I are waiting for you to have dinner." Yang Xiyu left these words and turned away. Lu Yunzhi looked at Mei Lin in the backyard and murmured to herself. He said: "Meiyuan, are you really not destined? What does it matter if roommates are at war? It's just about people's hearts." Lu Yunzhi did the last thing in the capital. He disguised himself for Shi Biao and found someone to go to jail for Shi Biao. Shi Biao knelt down. He asked Lu Yunzhi to rescue Shi Heng, but Lu Yunzhi replied with a distant head: "It is still illegal to do evil if God does it, and you will not be able to live if you do evil yourself. It's not that I don't save Shi Biao, but what he did makes me unable to live." Save him, go away, and don't come back incognito from now on. People's hearts are too dirty, and the higher they climb, the dirtier they become." Shi Biao nodded and kowtowed and left without saying a word. Just as Lu was missing. When Yunzhi didn't know what to do, Ah Rong came to report. He sent a secret letter. Lu Yunzhi opened it and read it. Suddenly he looked up to the sky and laughed. After laughing, he said: "The information is true." " My lord, Ah Rong, dare not lie about this matter, let alone spread rumors to cause trouble, but this is related to the war situation and the prosperity of the country, so I ask my lord to punish me." Ah Rong cupped his fists and said, "Why should I punish you?" Lu Yunzhi waved his hand and said, "Why should I punish you? I didn¡¯t do anything wrong, hehehe, do you think this good second brother is just doing this for money, or for some other reason?¡± ¡°I don¡¯t know,¡± Arong stood aside, Lu Yunzhi waved his hand and said, ¡°Go down. "Okay." Before Ah Rong could leave, he saw Yingzi running over and asked, "Where is Tan Qing?" Lu Yun was stunned and then asked, "Aren't you keeping watch for Bai Yong?" However, Yingzi shook his head and was extremely anxious: "No, Tan Qing is missing." Lu Yunzhi thought for a while and said, "Don't look for her. Tan Qing is my sister. I know her. She went to Qu Xiangtian for revenge." " Then why are you standing there? Go and chase him. If Tan Qing gets into trouble again, our family won't be able to survive." Yingzi said anxiously. "Kill me, what will happen to you?" "Revenge for you, and then go with you." Yingzi replied without thinking, and then suddenly realized: "I understand, there were more than a dozen men standing in the Zhongzheng family house that day. , looking at the clothes and dressing up and various identities, but what can't be concealed is the glint in their eyes inadvertently. Only masters and smart people can have such eyes. Lu Yunzhi explained for a long time before letting them disperse, and then Lu Yunzhi did not rush to the front line immediately, but sent a herald to issue an order for the army to retreat, and asked Baozi to lead the Ming army to retreat to Shandong for defense. Qu Xiangtian was overjoyed after hearing the news, and issued a strategy to divide the troops, leading half of them The troops continued to move north, while the remaining people stayed in the south to do pacification and guarding work. In fact, they absorbed the Ming Dynasty's troops to control the political power at all levels and prevent fires in the backyard. Lu Yunzhi took over the defense of Beijing City, and secretly sent two teams during this period. The troops marched east and west. Zhen Lingdan received good news. They had broken through the last line of defense of the Timurid Empire. They broke through and separated the north and south of the defense line. They attacked one by one and defeated them in one fell swoop. They killed 20,000 enemies and captured 40,000 prisoners. After capturing Murong Longteng alive, he asked Lu Yunzhi how to deal with it. In addition, the Western Region army had helped Timur under the instigation of Boyan Beier, and asked what the next step should be. Lu Yunzhi Feige replied: Murong Longteng Thousand Knives Thousands of people will be killed to serve as a warning. As for the army in the Western Regions, I suggest that those who offend us must be punished no matter how far away they are. As for whether to continue to advance westward, we will not force it. It will be determined according to the situation. We will replenish soldiers, pay, ordnance, etc., for Zhen Lingdan's headquarters on the West Road today. In the future, you will act on your own initiative without reporting everything. Murong Yunfei or Qu Xiangtian, if you kill Bai Yong, I will let you pay with blood. Lu Yunzhi thought angrily. Murong Longteng would have failed. Lu Yunzhi He would not kill him. After all, he was the controller of a country, and he was Murong Yunfei's eldest brother and Qu Xiangtian's uncle. Lu Yunzhi should have been merciful, but Bai Yong's death was a wake-up call for Lu Yunzhi. Alerting the alarm, kindness can only lead to death.Thousands of swords and Murong Longteng are demonstrations for Murong Yunfei, and also revenge on their husband and wife. The death of allies and relatives will definitely shock them. The First World War was finally about to begin, Lu Yunzhi thought with a slight wry smile, During the time Lu Yunzhi stayed in the capital, Shi Heng died in prison. As for how he died, there are different opinions, but they all said that it was Zhu Qizhen It was all about the envoy, not Lu Yunzhi. From then on, Zhu Qizhen was no longer looked down upon by others, because the emperors of the old Zhu family were no cowards. This time Zhu Qizhen showed his imperial majesty. More than ten days later, Shi Biao also He was taken to the execution ground and asked to be beheaded. Of course, the real Shi Biao had escaped long ago. This was unknown to everyone. Lu Yunzhi asked herself and felt that there was nothing to be sorry for others, not to mention that for a king who was in charge of the world, loyalty, benevolence, righteousness, and credibility Everything is fleeting, military power, political power, and business are indispensable. With these gossips, they will be self-defeating, because history is written by the victors. Speaking of things, Shi Heng has never been one of Lu Yunzhi¡¯s true friends. Zhongzheng Yizhen saved Shi Heng's life. Although Shi Heng was helpless when his family was ruined, he did not show the loyalty he deserved. Later, a series of Shi Heng's actions were not due to friendship, but to seek greater gain. power, so Lu Yunzhi does not need to be loyal to Shi Heng. Everything will be done according to the rules of human nature, killing without mercy. As for Shi Biao, it is different. Although Shi Biao is a bit generous and is Shi Heng's nephew, but After all, he saved Lu Yunzhi's life. Lu Yunzhi could not forget the way Shi Biao fought bloody battles to save him in Mobei, nor could he forget the way Shi Biao looked exhausted but still helped him to protect the law. Lu Yunzhi said to Yang Xi Yu smiled bitterly and said: "Did I not be ruthless enough towards Shi Biao? As the saying goes, cut the grass and eradicate the roots. I" Yang Xiyu smiled slightly and replied: "If you are not like this, then you are not Lu Yun "It's over." Lu Yunzhi was relieved. He is Lu Yunzhi, the only one in the world. Life is nothing more than happiness, so why bother to bother yourself, "Qu Xiangtian, the war has begun. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 155: Let¡¯s see who is ruthless Tianshun, the reign name given by Lu Yunzhi, Lu Yunzhi is Tianshun, but nothing goes smoothly for him at all. Tribulation is waiting for him all the time, and now there is a feud between brothers, Lu Yunzhi laughs Come on, come on, let's come together if there is anything else, Lu Yunzhi can bear it, In February of the fourth year of Tianshun, Qu Xiangtian led his troops to Yanzhou Prefecture, making full preparations for the battle against the Ming army led by Bao Zi, Qu Xiangtian looked at The Ming army arranged their troops in formation, and said with a contemptuous smile: "Is it possible that the Ming Dynasty has no one to use? It actually uses a man from a mountain village as a general. Leopard was originally a horse bandit. He can't control ten thousand people. If he exceeds ten thousand people, he will suffer the consequences." "Chaos." Murong Yunfei smiled like a flower: "That's right. It seems that their battalion formations are chaotic. However, Xiangtian, I really didn't expect you to even hide it from me. I thought you would endure Yu Zhong silently. After all, now that I see what you have done recently, I finally feel at ease. " "Barking dogs don't bite. Previously, Yun Zhi was the support point that maintained the strength of Zhu Jianwen, Leopard, Bai Yong and other parties. Otherwise, although he was me. Brother, how can I be inferior to others? The Ming Dynasty will be conquered by me. This is what a good man should do, facing south and facing north to dominate the world." Qu Xiangtian smiled and said, "Don't be soft after attacking the capital, and you must treat Lu Yunzhi. Cut the grass and roots, otherwise it will lead to serious trouble. He is not a light-hearted person. Xiangtian has no brothers in front of the world." Murong Yunfei still explained uneasily, "Qu Xiangtian raised his eyebrows and asked with a darkened expression. "Yunfei, you should have seen the tricks of soldiers by now. I am far from being as rigid as you think. I am very cruel to Bai Yong, but I really can't do anything to Yunzhi, but you others are killing me." If he wants to run away, not many people in the world can stop him. " "So, you have to do it," Murong Yunfei said, and Qu Xiangtian pondered for a moment before saying, "Let's talk about it, Lu Yunzhi. He is by no means an idle person. He will not be defeated so easily. It will take some time before we can break into the capital and occupy the entire Ming Dynasty. I don't think we can rush it. If we rush it too quickly, the supply of troops to the rear will be unstable. "Murong Yunfei nodded and said, "What do you mean, Xiangtian?" "What I mean is to capture Shandong and stop at Jinan Prefecture, and then wait for Yun's next reaction and use the strategy of merging troops to capture the prisoners. The military is integrated into our soldiers, which facilitates strict supervision, and can also break down their resistance and report anything in a timely manner. I have to think about the specific policies again. In short, let¡¯s make a decision and act. Do you think it¡¯s good? "Qu Xiangtian said," Murong Yunfei smiled and said: "Very good." Suddenly the military report sounded outside: "Report." Murong Yunfei and Qu Xiangtian looked at each other, and there was only one messenger in sight except the Chinese army tent. The horse came galloping, suddenly turned over and dismounted, then hurriedly ran to Qu Xiangtian, clasped his fists and said: "General, there is a military report." "Bring it up." Qu Xiangtian ordered, carefully looking at the messenger's tired and thin face, he should be in I endured a lot of hardships due to the wind and sun on the road. Naturally, this military report was an urgent military report. The report was not lost, and it was urgently delivered for 800 miles without stopping. Qu Xiangtian frowned and opened it. After receiving the document, she couldn't help but said "Ah", her face suddenly darkened. Murong Yunfei was about to receive the battle report and came to see what could make Taishan collapse in front of him. Qu Xiangtian's expression changed. Hearing another shouting outside, I saw another herald rushing over. As soon as he saw Qu Xiangtian, he fainted. Looking at his appearance, he was even worse than the previous one. He should be After driving a further distance, without daring to delay at all, he went to get the battle report from the man of destiny. He held it in his hand and opened it calmly and slowly. Then he looked up to the sky and laughed. There was a hint of anger and anxiety in the laughter. Murong Yun Fei was confused and asked: "Xiang Tian, ??what's wrong with you? Qu Xiangtian narrowed his eyes and said coldly: "My third brother, you are indeed my good third brother. It's not simple." "As he spoke, Qu Xiangtian handed the military report to Murong Yunfei, turned around and entered the tent. Murong Yunfei looked intently and couldn't help but gasped. He saw a military report that read: Mutiny in Guangdong and Guangxi. Surrendering to the Ming Dynasty, Murong Yunfei looked at the second military report again, and her head buzzed as if it had been hit hard: Annan was in chaos, Xu Wen's party occupied the imperial court, declared loyalty to Lu Yunzhi, and regarded the Ming Dynasty as the supreme kingdom of heaven, Qu Xiangtian Murong Yunfei was arrested as a rebel and was never allowed to return to the court. Lu Yunzhi completed the fire under the cauldron in an understatement. Annan was the foundation for Qu Xiangtian's army. Without this war, it would be difficult to fight. Guangdong and Guangxi were the earliest ones for Qu Xiangtian. Although there was Miaojiang Yungui where the uprising occurred within the Ming Dynasty, the people there were originally dissatisfied with the discipline. In addition, Fengbozhuang and Miaogu were both in Miaojiang Yungui, so Qu Xiangtian only announced to the outside world that they had returned to Yunnan and Guizhou. Anguo, which was created for Qu Xiangtian and his wife, actually did not have full control. As for the leaders in those two places who supported Qu Xiangtian, they were only a few people. Once the Miao Gu lineage showed its power, Qu Xiangtian would still have a big headache. , Bai Yong was killed, Fengbo Village and the people of Miao Gu's lineage must have formed mortal enemies with Qu Xiangtian and his wife. Now these two places areThe turmoil broke out first, but Guangdong and Guangxi were the first to be in turmoil. This is not bad. Annan, the old nest, rebelled, and the new territories and Guangxi all returned to Ming rule. In this case, is Nanjing's defection still far away? Murong Yunfei quickly deduced that soon from Guangdong, Guangxi and Nanjing will all return. This must be due to the control of the mysterious organization controlled by Lu Yunzhi. How far this organization can penetrate, Murong Yunfei did not dare to think, maybe she also has someone from Lu Yunzhi around her. People, the troops are now scattered, and many of them are new recruits. I don¡¯t know how many of them are Lu Yunzhi¡¯s undercover spies. If they really want to kill them, I¡¯m afraid she and Qu Xiangtian will be like Bai Yong. His head was beheaded in his sleep. It seems that he must be careful in everything in the future. There is no way to retreat now. There are many obstacles along the way. Daming will definitely pursue him from behind. Doing so will put himself at a disadvantage. It will be very serious if he holds on here. No, the newly captured areas such as Lianghu, Henan and other places were divided and garrisoned, and it was difficult to gather them together for a while. In fact, the reason why Lu Yunzhi indulged Qu Xiangtian's army in marching forward was because he took a fancy to the fact that Qu Xiangtian had fewer soldiers. A trick was used. If Qu Xiangtian was still in Guangdong and Guangxi, Annan's rebellion would definitely not succeed and would not pose any threat. Therefore, Qu Xiangtian was allowed to go deep into the army alone and stay away from Annan, so that he could successfully implement the plan of removing wages from the bottom of the cauldron. Secondly, That is, Lu Yunzhi wanted to defeat the enemy without fighting and used the vast territory of the Ming Dynasty to disperse Qu Xiangtian's troops. However, Qu Xiangtian mistakenly believed that the Ming army was incompetent. Lu Yunzhi was overly sad because of Bai Yong's death. Therefore, he did not react. In fact, Qu Xiangtian had already discovered this matter recently, so he proposed a strategy of stopping at Jinan Mansion. However, what he did not expect was that Lu Yunzhi came faster and more violently than his previous beheading operation. Simply, more thoroughly, more murderously, Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 156: What a fast knife Soon the news of the loss of the homeland spread like wildfire, and the whole battalion suddenly felt a sense of panic. Qu Xiangtian thought for a long time before issuing the order. The order was neither to retreat nor to go north, but to defend in place and wait for the arrival of the Ming army. , Qu Xiangtian¡¯s judgment this time was not wrong. Military reports came the next day. The Ming army that had just gathered in Henan killed the people Qu Xiangtian left to guard, integrated the troops and marched from the north. The leopards changed their formations and began to reinforce the camp and dig out Fortifications, and according to reports from sentries, two Ming armies from the east and west were pressing in. Four armies had already formed an encirclement, and Qu Xiangtian was firmly nailed here. Fortunately, Qu Xiangtian did not take any action. Otherwise, there might be some ambush waiting for this group of rebels. Murong Yunfei asked with a frown: "Xiangtian, what should we do next?" "Of course we have to start fighting, otherwise what can we do." Qu Xiangtian He said, his voice paused and he continued: "The east side is the sea and you can't go there. If you go there, you will be dead. The south side is all in the hands of the Ming army and you can't go there. Although the flags are changed day and night, the third brother We can organize them to march north quickly. They should have regained their dominance, and their rule is extremely stable, especially in the north. The main force of the Ming army is in the north. If we fight with them, although we will not be defeated immediately, we will still be defeated. We are entangled tightly and cannot escape. The remaining three sides are encircling us. Our situation is worrying. For now, we can only retreat to the west. After retreating to the west, we can quickly march to get rid of the Ming army's pursuit of our team, and then Then take the road south. Only by returning to Annan can we regain a foothold by wiping out the rebellious party and attempt to make a comeback. This time we have already lost before the war officially started. If we delay it any longer, it will only make the defeat more tragic. " Murong Yunfei pondered. Qu Xiangtian nodded for a long time and said, "I can't march and fight. I'll listen to your advice to Xiangtian." At noon that day, Qin Rufeng led his troops to attack the Ming army in the east, diverting the attention of the two armies in the east and north. Qu Xiangtian was lightly armed They simply evacuated towards the west road, but the Ming army in the south noticed Qu Xiangtian's unusual movements, so they went to contain him. This time, their combat effectiveness and morale were much higher than when they were captured before, and they actually held on tightly. After seeing the troops led by Qu Xiangtian, the annoyance in Qu Xiangtian's heart could not be expressed in words. When had he ever been so unjustly angered? He was chased and beaten, but he could not turn around and fight face to face with the Ming army in the south. In the last game, once the encirclement on the west side is formed, the situation will be even more troublesome. For such a result, we can't blame others, but Qu Xiangtian can only blame Qu Xiangtian for having few soldiers, while Lu Yunzhi allowed him to attack the city and seize the territory, using his vast territory Qu Xiangtian's troops were consumed, thereby effortlessly weakening Qu Xiangtian's strength. Being stuck in the mud was how Qu Xiangtian felt at this time. What shocked him again was that the West Route Ming Army actually let go He was defeated by Qin Rufeng, and then he launched an siege on the troops led by Qin Rufeng. Qin Rufeng was originally making a feint to attract the Ming army, so the number of people could not be too small. Qu Xiangtian gave him half of his troops for his deployment. Now Qin Rufeng's The encirclement completely separated him from Qu Xiangtian's army. Not only was Qin Rufeng in danger, but Qu Xiangtian also implemented a plan to encircle and rescue Qu Xiangtian. If Qu Xiangtian did not rescue him, it would cut off Qu Xiangtian's successor. Qu Xiangtian did not dare to stop, so he made up his mind to stop caring about Qin Rufeng and continued to flee to the west. A small impatience will mess up a big plan. If he can't bear it now, he will risk his own life. No matter how much troops were lost, Qin Rufeng could not be saved. Two days later, the Ming army closed the encirclement and all the rebels led by Qin Rufeng were destroyed. Qin Rufeng was carried by Long Qingquan and sent to the Chinese army's tent. Mengmeng and Lu Yunzhi Also sitting in a high position, Lu Yunzhi looked down at the official document, while Mengxiang looked at Qin Rufeng who was tied up with a smile. Qin Rufeng stuck his neck and said: "I have nothing to say, and I will never surrender. "Nightmare smiled: "Lao Lu didn't ask you what you wanted to say. You can do whatever you want, Lao Lu. Lu Yunzhi glanced at Qin Rufeng and asked: "You are all brothers from the Zhongzheng lineage. I don't want to kill you. How about imprisoning you forever." " "You thief Lu Yunzhi, stop being hypocritical. Don't people in the world know about the crime of murdering a master? Let me tell you, there is no airtight wall in the world. You still have the nerve to say that you are a senior fellow of the Zhongzheng lineage. It's really fucking shameful." , you, the leader of the Zhongzheng lineage, can do pretty well. Come on, stop talking nonsense. I will kill you or cut you into pieces. "Qin Rufeng cursed loudly. He thought Lu Yunzhi would ask him how he knew about the murder of the master, but Lu Yunzhi had already lowered his head to look at the copy and did not ask questions as if he had not heard Qin Rufeng's curse. He remained calm, Suddenly Lu Yunzhi He raised his eyes and said with a smile: "Qin Rufeng is such a good man, come on, pull him out and behead him, don't let him suffer too much, give him a good time. " Long Qingquan clasped his fists and said that he would pull Qin Rufeng down. Qin Rufeng was stunned and didn't expect Lu Yunzhi to kill him like this. But Qin Rufeng was also a tough guy. Once he realized what he was doing, he burst into laughter and shouted: "Lu Yunzhi You are indeed cruel and merciless. Go, Mr. Qin?. " Arriving outside the big tent, the executioner held down Qin Rufeng. The executioner's skills are inherited from his ancestors. He can do anything according to the order. For example, he can kill someone with seven or eight knives in a row, or he can kill him with one knife. Killing is a learned job. It has been passed down from generation to generation to teach by example. It mainly talks about the key points of difficult techniques such as Lingchi Crushing. However, most people are beheaded on weekdays, so the executioner from childhood has to use a knife to push the tofu. The tofu will not fall where the knife passes. Push and push back to make sure the knife is stable, followed by chopping down a tree. For a big and thick tree, you need to have a small machete as big as the knife. This is a training of strength. Finally, the executioners basically keep monkeys. They like to touch the back of the monkey's neck to play with them when they have nothing to do, because monkeys and people The bones of the human body are the most similar, so if you touch them every day, you will know where to cut the knife when killing people. An executioner cannot serve without more than ten years of hard work. The so-called ten years of hard work on stage and off stage is applicable to any industry. Executioners He hugged Qin Rufeng and said, "Master, please kneel down. " Qin Rufeng is not difficult to be an executioner, but he does not kneel down. He smiled and said: "Kneel down to the sky and kneel to the ground. The most you can do is kneel to your parents. I will sit on the ground and never move. I'll do my best to help you. "As he sat down cross-legged, the executioner nodded without hesitation and poured a bowl of wine for Qin Rufeng to drink. Qin Rufeng drank it all, looked up to the sky and laughed again. After laughing, he said to the executioner: "Let's do it. "The executioner held the ghost-headed sword high, his arms motionless as if a thousand pounds of force had been injected into it. The ghost-headed sword reflected the sunlight in the sky, without any warmth, and was filled with snow-white evil energy. In a moment, the sword went straight down, slashing Qin Rufeng's neck. Go, the movements were completed in one breath without any sloppiness. Qin Rufeng's head suddenly fell to the ground, his eyes were wide open and he rolled around on the ground, shouting: "What a fast knife." ¡± Long Qingquan looked at Qin Rufeng¡¯s vigorous execution and felt admiration. He clasped his fists at Qin Rufeng¡¯s body and then ordered the bones to be buried thickly. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 157: Chase In March of the fourth year of Tianshun, in the Western Regions, Zhen Lingdan looked at the 600,000-strong army in front of her and was filled with pride. The main force of the army in front of her was composed of people from the Western Regions. Their skin color, hair color, language, and physique were different from those of the Han people. , but they are also willing to surrender under Zhen Lingdan's command. There is no other reason. It is because Zhen Lingdan has still transformed into the God of War in the Western Regions, and is unfavorable. Out of their personal worship of Zhen Lingdan, they are willing to Following the god-like old hero, he regards this experience as the most precious wealth. The Western Regions these years belong to Zhen Lingdan, because this is where the veteran was at his peak. Boyan Beier has been chased with no way out. He The carefully assembled army of 300,000 from the Western Regions has only more than 20,000 left today, of which there are still 78,000 that cannot be reused. On the other hand, Zhen Lingdan's people have been fighting more and more, and now there are more than 600,000. These people have strong fighting ability, enthusiasm and high morale. With such abundant capital, they are able to stand out from the crowd. Boyan Beier is in great pain. The defeat is second to none. The main reason is that he is aggrieved by repeated defeats. He draws his sword and kills himself while talking. , but was held tightly by the loyal guards on both sides, and admonished: "The Great Khan, Yili tried to control the men here. Only those who died in battle, not those who committed suicide. I will ask the Great Khan to punish me in the next life because I am anxious and speak unscrupulously." When Boyan Beier heard this, he gave up the idea of ??committing suicide and invited the kings of the Western Regions to come and discuss it. Those kings of the Western Regions had already complained. They originally wanted to follow Boyan Beier to pick up the bargain, but he didn't expect to find the bargain. , instead, they completely wiped out their own troops. Some of the unlucky ones even had their territory captured by the Ming army. When they heard that Boyan Beier called them to come for discussion again, they reluctantly led their guards forward. When they came to the meeting, several of the kings secretly discussed a joint attack and took Boyan Beier's head and presented it to the Ming army in exchange for Ming's forgiveness. Unfortunately, Boyan Beier's heart was even more ruthless, and the kings had just left. After entering the big tent, Boyan Beier clapped his hands and celebrated. Immediately, the ambush swordsmen on both sides rushed out, waving their sabers and the heads were rolling. In an instant, all the powerful overlords from various countries fell in a pool of blood. Boyan Beier said with a smile: " I'm sorry, everyone, I will miss you in the future." Boyan Beier sent his personal guards to quickly attack and kill the personal guards of the kings of the Western Regions. All the guards of the kings were die-hard and difficult to surrender, even if they were killed. There are hidden dangers in temporarily surrendering and staying with you. Once they run out, they will be in more trouble. Kill them. If you don't kill the snake, you will suffer the consequences. Now at the critical juncture, you must act decisively to eradicate the roots. Boyan Beier has two purposes for killing these former allies. One reason is to save their lives and not be killed by others. The second reason is to quickly devour the few soldiers in their hands and use them as strength to plot a comeback. Boyan Beier is not stupid, he did not want to devour these soldiers. In the vassal kingdom of the Western Regions, Zhen Lingdan came as soon as he asked. Wherever there was time to do a series of complicated things such as occupation, appeasement and pacification, now he just plundered the civilians and recruited hard labor to fill the strong men and fled to the west. According to Boyan Beier's ancestors, it is said that after crossing the desert, there is a beautiful place. In the ownerless world, Boyan Beier predicted that the Ming army would not dare to cross the desert and would stop at the edge of the yellow sand. The power of nature is the only weapon that can stop Zhen Lingdan's army. The Han people let you see what the Mongols are. With the power of God, and with the blessing of God and the protection of the Quran, we will definitely cross the desert. Boyan Beier thought angrily that it would be so righteous to even run for his life. Even if he is far away, he must be killed. This sentence is what Zhen Lingdan is doing now. Boyanbier has repeatedly provoked Ming Mingwei, and even if he fled to the ends of the earth, he would catch him. However, Zhen Lingdan did not Anxious, there are too many people on our side, and we must prepare sufficient supplies. Besides, Boyanbier burned, killed, humiliated, looted and destroyed all the way. Zhen Lingdan calmed the people and helped these people from the Western Regions build their homes and calm down the unstable situation in their country. Zhen Lingdan Lingdan's reputation became even greater. The generals set an example and the soldiers were strict with themselves. Each incarnation became a messenger of justice. The people praised him and welcomed him with baskets of food and drink. No matter which nationality the soldiers were, they felt that they were soldiers for the first time. The advantage is that they are no longer called bandits or gangsters, and there are no rumors that a good man is not a soldier but a good man who does not make nails. The rebels are the symbol of this army and their spirit. In this case, The people tried their best to cooperate with Zhen Lingdan in calling for supplies to buy livestock. Zhen Lingdan would definitely pay for whatever she bought. She would not rob or steal, and she would not make empty promises or make empty promises. This was an army that the people had never seen before. Everything was ready. Later, it was already a month later, but Zhen Lingdan firmly believed in one sentence, sharpening the sword will not miss the woodcutter. When he set out for the expedition, Chao Xing, as a pioneer officer, organized the strongest men among the people of heaven and earth into the front team, leading 60,000 strong men. Pulling out the expedition, the veteran is still so majestic, waving his sword and riding forward, reviewing the soldiers who are about to embark on the journey across the desert, "I have nothing to say, and there is nothing to say, Boyan Beier. The hundreds of things that turtle son ruined?It's so embarrassing, this is not just us Ming people, do you hate him? "Zhen Lingdan asked, "Hate. "The 60,000 soldiers roared in unison. In fact, not everyone hated Boyan Beier, but they were infected by the atmosphere. Chao Xing looked up to the sky and laughed wildly. He waved his sword and pointed directly to the west and shouted: "Hit him for being a bastard, the whole army will do it. Listen to the order and set out to fight. "Chao Xing took the people away and entered the vast sea of ??sand. Zhen Lingdan stayed where he was and continued to recruit troops. The people signed up bravely, a total of one million people. Zhen Lingdan immediately pressed the army and marched westward. Since ancient times, There were many times when the Eastern Expedition had an army of more than one million, all of which were foreign invasions of the Central Plains, but the Western Expedition with an army of one million was the first time in history. Boyan Beier¡¯s nightmare did not end with the interruption of the desert. He realized With the determination and perseverance of the Han people, he forgot that the Han people are actually a tough nation. Their current elegance and relative cowardice are just the comfort after conquering nature. When foreign invasion or provocation and hatred accumulate to the extreme, The Han people are no longer sheep, they will transform into the same wolf-like nation, and will not give up until they bite their enemies to death. In late April of the fourth year of Tianshun, Boyanbeier's sentry cavalry discovered traces of the Ming army, less than a hundred miles away from the rear. The big sun in the desert was shining, and at noon it was like frying on an iron pan, sending out billowing heat waves. Even though it was so hot, Boyanbeier was still sweating coldly, and he couldn't help but curse: These grandchildren are not done yet. , we must kill them all, speed up, this is Boyan Beier's order, the soldiers complained, but they also knew in their hearts that being overtaken by the Ming army would not bring any good results, so they stepped up their marching strategy day and night without stopping, in an attempt to widen the distance. , will they succeed, just kidding, Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 158: Persistence On the first night of May in the fourth year of Tianshun, Boyan Beier was drowsy while riding on his horse. He had not dismounted for more than ten days. He ate, drank, and slept on horseback. Boyan Beier was unshaven and miserable, and his mental state was also poor. Very sluggish, Boyan Beier is like this, let alone an ordinary soldier. Boyan Beier is rocking his body back and forth on the horse, leaning forward and back with the bumps of the horse. If there is no belt binding his body, he might be very fast. Get off the horse, if you don't know from a distance, Boyan Beier will definitely think that he is a knight who died on the horse. Suddenly, a whistle came to report on a fast horse. Boyan Beier's body was refreshed and straightened up. Yaoban frowned and asked: "What's wrong?" The sentry rider's voice was trembling: "Traces of the Ming army were found twenty miles away, and they are still approaching." "What." Boyan Beier was shocked, and the Ming army Half a month ago, I was still about a hundred miles away. I had been running for so many days and my body was out of shape. Why didn't I get away from the Ming army, but the distance was getting closer and closer? This is unreasonable, Boyan Beier ordered Speeding up the march, the soldiers were not happy now. Someone shouted: "Great Khan, if we keep going, I'm afraid we won't fight the Ming army before we can fight." "What's the point?" Boyan Bell looked at the surrounding guards with angry expressions on their faces, and no one said anything to stop the yelling. If this continues, it will not mean defeat, but the military will suddenly become unstable and the people will be distracted. It may even lead to a mutiny. They must be suppressed, otherwise He had to die in the rebellion of his own soldiers. Boyan Beier realized clearly. Boyan Beier clamped the horse's belly fiercely. The horse had been following Boyan Beier for a long time. It was connected with its owner and headed towards the man who had just shouted. The man rushed over. Boyan Beier drew out his sword and cut off the man's head with his hand. Holding the head with his hand, he let his horse trample the headless corpse that fell under the horse into a pulp. Boyan Beier held the head high. The head roared: "Those who disturb the morale of our army must be like this." He paused and continued: "Brothers, we are tired, and the enemy is even more tired. We must wear down the enemy while running." Boyan Beier again After saying a few words, in short, they just promoted that this was not an escape, but a strategic method. They said it as nicely as possible. The warriors with herdsmen origins were gradually confused. They felt that what Boyanbeier said was indeed reasonable. It was indeed a good strategy to conquer the enemy without fighting, so he calmed down the uneasiness in his heart again and continued walking with Boyan Beier, even though it was a dark road, the next day dawned and the sun was not yet in the sky. , only a faint sunlight was revealed, shining on the sand on the ground. The sand showed a strange white color. Boyanbeier took a deep breath. This is the most comfortable time of the day. The desert in the early morning is quiet and the wind It won¡¯t be too hot, and the temperature won¡¯t be as unbearably hot as at noon, nor will it be as bone-chillingly cold at night. The desert in the early morning is slightly cooler. This is definitely a more comfortable moment, with a light breeze blowing by. Boyan Beier's heart also felt relieved. The sound of horse hooves in the distance sounded, and the sound of horse hooves sounded in the distance. It was particularly deafening in the quiet morning. Boyan Beier's soldiers raised their sleepy heads one after another and patrolled around. From the direction where the sound came, Boyan Beier looked back at his team. After some operations to grab the young men, the team had expanded to more than 40,000 people. However, many people fell during the wind and sun. There are still two or three thousand people who fled during the night, but the remaining people are enough. The sound of horse hooves in the distance should be a large group of horse bandits. There are many horse bandits in the deserts of the Western Regions. Some of them are composed of more than a dozen people. There were hundreds of people, and the largest one did not exceed a thousand. They made a living by intercepting caravans to ask for protection fees or directly plundering caravans. Boyanbeier cursed: "Damn it, even the horse bandits came to follow." I challenge you, I have to vent my anger today, otherwise I will really think that I am a fool, but don¡¯t blame me for being dirty, you brought this to your door yourself. ¡± Boyan Beier ordered to line up to prepare for battle, shouting loudly to deal with the horse bandits who came. The soldiers were also ambitious and thought that the horse bandits who came were unsightly, and they all wanted to feel proud. These days, the Ming army was The pursuit was too embarrassing, but now they could finally have some fun, so the soldiers all let out angry roars, and the horses' noses continued to spurt out hot air. The horses' hooves dug back into the soil, ready to rush towards the enemy who was about to appear behind the sand dunes. The enemy army gradually raised a flag tip behind the sand dune. Boyanbeier couldn't help frowning. He had never seen bandits playing chess pieces before. Could it be that the answer was soon revealed. Several flags were revealed one after another, and some read Ming, some were written with meaning, and there was also a big character Chao. Looking at the big banner, Boyan Beier understood what the horse bandits were. They were clearly the Ming army. The Ming army led by Chao Xing caught up. It was indeed a team of the Ming army. Chao Xing and his soldiers also had weathered faces and thin cheeks. It seemed that they had suffered a lot along the way, but considering that the army of tens of thousands came out later than Boyan BeierIt was really not easy to catch up with the opponent in a month. Along the way, soldiers continued to fall, but Chao Xing did not stop the pace and speed of pursuit, and the soldiers had changed from pure anger and orders to Paranoia even only lives for one thing, and that is to catch up with Boyan Beier and kill him. There is no reason for this, just because he still persists after experiencing all kinds of hardships, and gradually forms a persistent habit. Boyanbeier's soldiers saw clearly that the person who came was not a horse bandit, and their excitement gradually disappeared, followed by endless fear, because they were afraid of the eyes of the Ming army soldiers, who showed a sense of desire and hope. Restless, like a wolf that has finally caught up with its prey, the air has solidified, and the smell of killing can be smelled with the nose. Although the Ming army is more exhausted than Boyan Beier's army, this is still a battle without suspense. In a one-sided battle, the Ming army slaughtered the enemy like wolves entering a flock of sheep. Seeing that things were going wrong, Boyan Beier fled in a hurry. All the generals ran away, and the enemy soldiers had no intention of fighting anymore, so they threw away their helmets one after another. Qi Jia was captured without hesitation, and it was another complete victory. When Chao Xing collected the body, he discovered that Boyan Beier had run away. He was both respectful and angry for a while. What he admired was that Boyan Beier's ability to escape was really not small. He did it again and again. He escaped from the hands of the Ming army, and he was among the fighting armies of the two sides. Needless to say, he was so angry that Boyan Beier escaped again. Chao Xing pointed his sword to the west and shouted: "Thief, next time If I catch up with you, your Grandpa Chao will beat you to the green shit, even if you haven't eaten leeks." Boyanbeier naturally couldn't hear Chao Xing's curse. He didn't care about anything now, he just galloped so fast that he lost his temper. The personal guards who were following him regarded him as the Ming army chasing him, and they could only run as fast as they could without looking back. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 159: Dangerous Moves Chao Xing did not continue the chase, but just slowed down the process and hurried on slowly. He knew that if he continued to chase, it would only drag down the bodies of the soldiers. According to the count, Boyan Beier had taken away less than a thousand people. There can't be any big winds and waves, so it's okay to let him flee to the end of the world. What's more, Boyan Beier and the others have fewer people now. They are not as easy to find as there were before. If these one thousand people are scattered into the desert, it will be easy to find them. Like a stone sinking into the sea, it is difficult to find. Chao Xing ordered to rest and wait for Zhen Lingdan to lead the army to replenish supplies before making plans. Boyan Beier cannot spend his whole life in the desert. There are only a few oases in the desert, and they are far apart. , there are so many dangers that it is impossible to feed a thousand people for long, so Boyanbeier will definitely go to the towns at the end of the desert to find a life. He only needs to wait for the arrival of the Ming army and search the towns farther west one by one, and he will surely capture this thief. , Anyway, Boyan Beier must capture him as long as he does not go to heaven or earth. This determination is carried out by the whole army without wavering. Zhen Lingdan's army is advancing very fast. Coincidentally, he actually adopted the method of fighting with Zhu Jianwen The same marching method as the pursuit of the remnants of Wala, marching alternately. The difference is that he uses camels to pull people. In short, although there are many people in this kind of marching efficiency, the marching speed does not slow down. Although such a marching method is fast and the soldiers You won¡¯t suffer, you can get a good rest and maintain sufficient combat power, but the requirements are not low. First, the number of people is large enough. If the number of people is small, this method will not show how fast it is, but it will not be as simple as ordinary running attacks. Secondly, it is necessary to If you are rich enough to be able to buy livestock and carts corresponding to the size of the army, the spirit of the third soldier must be noble. After all, this is pursuit, no matter how comfortable it is, it is only relative. The more this method of combining work and rest The easier it is for people to become inert. Although combat effectiveness is maintained in this way, morale and heart may not be able to maintain a state of complete victory. Therefore, morale must be strong and the spirit of the soldiers must be noble and simple. These three points are important to Zhen Lingdan It was no big deal, he picked up Chao Xing who was resting on the spot, and the two of them continued marching eastward while chatting and laughing. Zhen Lingdan smiled and said to Chao Xing: "I need you to report the news that day, I was taking a nap. , I thought it was the remnants of the enemy troops attacking, but I didn¡¯t know it was your victory. I was really overjoyed. After having to pursue you this time, Boyan Beier¡¯s vitality was severely damaged, and it will be difficult for him to stand up.¡± Chao Xing looked at the round. Hongri said: "Then we should come up with poems to suit the occasion. You and I are both veterans, so what do you think about that old man talking about being a teenager?" "No, you have to be unique when you do it, let me think about it. " Zhen Lingdan was not good at writing. She lowered her head and thought for a moment and smiled: "Let's take the title of the day I received your pursuit and victory, and call it General Qingchao's victory over Fanman." Zhen Lingdan continued without waiting for Chao Xing's answer. He raised his voice and said: "The red sun has not yet set and I am sleeping in the tent. The horses neigh and the dawn is broken. I draw my sword and go out of the camp. The flute is playing. I finally break through Saibeiguan." This poem is written in one go. Although it has flaws, it contains the feelings of veteran Zhen Lingdan. His forthright and forthright character, as well as his joy at the outcome of Chao Xing's pursuit, in short, he still has the spirit of fighting and fighting, and his writing is also remarkable. Chao Xing clapped his hands and praised, and the two veterans talked and laughed towards the west. Continue to rush to the city ahead, but there is no marching plan. A group of 30,000 people will advance in twenty cities to look for Boyan Beier. Facing such an iron army, which small country with no eyesight dares to take in a strange and defeated general? As for Boyan Beier, in the middle of May of the fourth year of Tianshun, in the Central Plains, Qu Xiangtian was once again intercepted by the army from Nanjing. The Miao Gu lineage also led the Miao people to join the Han Dynasty to help in the war. Since ancient times, the Miao people have been disobedient to discipline, and their temperaments are often strong and cheerful. It is rare for people who do not oppose the Han people, and it is even rarer to cooperate with the Han people to suppress rebellions. Now this result must be carried out under the instruction of Tan Qing. Qu Xiangtian saw more and more troops on the West Road and the South Road. In fact, It was difficult to break through the encirclement, and it would be very disadvantageous to waste it here. It was better to make a dangerous move, so Qu Xiangtian gave up the original plan and started to walk back in the opposite direction. In this way, Lu Yunzhi was quite worried. He was caught off guard. He didn't expect that Qu Xiangtian would march towards the northeast where he had driven him away. He was a little confused for a while. In short, the plan was completely disrupted. Lu Yunzhi couldn't help but secretly lamented that Qu Xiangtian was indeed a military wizard. Although He had arranged for a long time to surround Qu Xiangtian with an absolute advantage, but Qu Xiangtian pointed east and west, not busy running for his life but heading towards the hinterland where there were many soldiers, so he easily resolved Lu Yunzhi's next careful plan. , Most of Lu Yunzhi's Ming army was crowded in the northeast, and now Qu Xiangtian has squeezed in again. Although the Ming army has a large number of people in the northeast, it is because there are too many people, so it is not as strong as in the southwest. They had arranged their troops to block them in batches, but now they were all entangled together. There was no other way but to use their numerical advantage to bully Qu Xiangtian, who had few people, and slowly shrink the siege without gaps, so they used the human sea tactic to swallow up Qu Xiangtian. Heaven, this seems to be more beneficial to Lu Yunzhi. There are no reinforcements in the south of Qu Xiangtian. Qin Rufeng ledThe crowd has also been wiped out, and Qu Xiangtian only has a team of more than 20,000 people in his hands. However, Qu Xiangtian has always been good at fighting with fewer enemies. The more enemies he has, the more his fighting spirit will be stimulated, not to mention Lu Xiangtian. Yun Zhi knows that fighting is not just a fight. It does not mean that there are more people than you can win. Once you are slightly defeated, it will be a real defeat. Just trampling on it will cause heavy losses. In July of the fourth year of Tianshun, Qu Xiangtian was big. Defeat Zhu Jianwen led his troops and once again entered the boundary between Shandong and Yanzhou and Qingzhou Prefectures, intending to go north to capture the capital. Lu Yunzhi hurriedly ordered Zhu Jianwen to withdraw to the capital and set up defenses, because except for Lu Yunzhi himself, there were few people who could He was more defensive than Zhu Jianwen. Although he was still worried about Zhu Jianwen, Lu Yunzhi knew that as Zhu Jianwen grew older, he had lost the decisiveness he had in his youth. He had completely become a politician or a conspirator. Everything must be carefully planned before he rebels. This is what makes Lu Yunzhi feel relieved. Now is not the best time for Zhu Jianwen. If he and Qu Xiangtian cooperate with each other, even if Lu Yunzhi falls, Zhu Jianwen will not be able to do anything. Unable to ascend to the position of Dabao, Zhu Jianwen knew that compared with Qu Xiangtian, his force and strategy were insufficient. Now he can only tolerate it. If he doesn't make a sound, he has become a blockbuster. After the Mongolian invasion, Qu Xiangtian rebelled, and tried his best to Depleting Lu Yunzhi's strength, although Lu Yunzhi is more terrifying in Zhu Jianwen's view, Qu Xiangtian is not a vegetarian. When two tigers fight, one will die and the other will be injured. When the victor's energy is severely damaged, This was the day when Zhu Jianwen came into his own. Zhu Jianwen himself understood this, and Lu Yunzhi also understood it. So Zhu Jianwen tacitly retreated to the capital and set up a defensive line south of the capital of Shuntian Prefecture to prepare for Qu Xiangtian's arrival. Zhu Jianwen was not in a hurry to go to Beijing to defend, and expressed his loyalty to Lu Yunzhi with actions, because the current Lu Yunzhi was still not something he could compete with. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 160: Besieged on All Sides When Qu Xiangtian rushed to a small town in Langya County, he was finally bitten by the Ming army coming from the south. The east, west, and north were all surrounded by the Ming army. This was the fourth time Qu Xiangtian was besieged. For the first three times, Qu Xiangtian broke through the encirclement after a fight and rushed out, causing large-scale chaos in the Ming army. Qu Xiangtian liked this feeling, just like a tiger rushing down the mountain and rushing into the sheep. Every time With less to defeat more, they chased the Ming army and watched their own people trample their own people to death. However, there were also tough "goats" with horns who united to resist the tiger's attack, allowing Qu Xiangtian, one of the tigers, to The division was also scarred, and they had to take advantage of a moment to lick their wounds. At this point, Qu Xiangtian and his troops only had 10,000 capable men left, while the Ming army's soldiers were fighting more and more, and it seemed that there was no army in the country that could fight. As if they were all mobilized to the land of Qilu, Lu Yunzhi's policy is already obvious. Can't you fight Qu Xiangtian? Then I will let you fight to your heart's content. I will make this land full of people and let you kill them. When you are weak, the mountains of corpses and seas of blood will crush you to death. Qu Xiangtian is considering whether to choose to launch a breakout again and make a large roundabout route to disrupt the Ming army in order to seek opportunities. If he continues to fight, it will be even more difficult. Now food and grass have become a problem. Langya is mostly mountainous and there are not many crops, so there is no way to replenish it on the spot. Fighting is the only way to support the war. The Ming army continues to increase its troops, while the Qu army loses one by one, even if one is replaced by ten. There is a probability that Qu Xiangtian cannot afford to fight. The most important thing is that it is too dangerous now. Qu Sheng and Murong Yunfei, who are accompanying the army, must be allowed to escape. Qu Sheng is already a young man. In order to show him a golden horse and train him Qu Sheng has a resolute character, so he has been following Qu Xiangtian and his wife on the battlefield. Fortunately, if he leaves the child in Nanjing, he will definitely fall into the hands of Lu Yun, and the consequences are unimaginable. , for this reason, when Murong Yunfei learned that Nanjing had returned to the Ming Dynasty, she clapped her hands and applauded. The happy thing was that she happened to take Qu Sheng on the expedition. With this in mind, Qu Xiangtian had no intention of taking on the challenge. After several battles, Qu Xiangtian Xiangtian clearly realized that Lu Yunzhi rushed to the battlefield in person, because the Ming army was different from the previous collapse at the first touch, but fought desperately without fear, so that Qu Xiangtian could not successfully tear the encirclement apart. Many of the people he led were Annan people. Late at night on the desolate ridge, Annan folk songs were heard all around. Murong Yunfei said angrily: "Lu Yunzhi is going to be surrounded by enemies on all sides." Qu Xiangtian smiled coldly. , seemingly unconcerned, but in fact his brows have never relaxed. Qu Xiangtian has never been afraid of anyone in the art of war, but now Lu Yunzhi is sometimes quite satisfactory and sometimes has fantastic ideas, which really makes Qu Xiangtian confused. What was he thinking? Now that he was besieged on all sides, Qu Xiangtian suddenly became more enlightened. This was Lu Yunzhi's plan to disrupt the morale of the army. Using this strategy meant that he wanted to force Qu Xiangtian to launch an attack, or that Lu Yunzhi wanted to do this. Taking action, Murong Yunfei said: "Xiangtian, what do you want?" "Charge again. After rushing out, you go north. I will go south to attract the Ming army to chase me. You take Sheng'er and wait for an opportunity to escape. If if I am not dead, but you are really desperate after escaping. Go to Chao Xing. He is a kind man. You must not trust my third and second brothers. If I die in the battle, then go to my third brother. He will take you in and adopt Qu Sheng, and forget about Qingze. "Qu Xiangtian said, "Murong Yunfei did not act like a little girl, but replied calmly: "I think so too. Although Lu Yunzhi is ruthless, if you and I are both dead, he will not embarrass Qu Sheng. Maybe he will let Qu Sheng lose his memory and then treat it as his own, but Xiangtian, if you die, I will never live in this world. " "Yunfei, I" Qu Xiangtian wanted to speak, but Murong Yunfei interrupted him with a gentle smile: "Don't say it anymore. I feel relieved now that my son has someone to rely on. You and I, as husband and wife, should be together." Live and die together. " Qu Xiangtian sighed, with tears in his eyes. After a moment of silence, he pulled Murong Yunfei into the camp. Then he pointed at the map and said, "Let's do this and this tomorrow." A night without books, the next day Many soldiers under Qu Xiangtian's tent had tears in their eyes. The Annan people didn't know what it meant to be surrounded on all sides, but they really felt homesick when they heard the songs of their hometown. This battle had been going on for a long time, and many of them followed Qu Xiangtian has been fighting in Annan for many years. After the situation finally stabilized, he came to Ming Dynasty to fight. It seemed that there were only four things left in his life: eating, sleeping, marching and fighting. Many people cried and asked God when they heard Annan folk songs. , What is this for? Why are we still fighting? When will this kind of day end? Qu Xiangtian was secretly worried and the morale of the army was in chaos. He did not scold the soldiers because he knew it was useless. Maybe the soldiers needed it too much. In the celebration of a victory, maybe they just need to disarm and return to their fields, or maybe they don't need anything, because they are about to die in the next breakout, and Qu Xiangtian has not yet given the order to startWhen the frontman's order came, the Ming army launched the attack first. This was originally an overwhelming battle, but the troops trained by Qu Xiangtian were indeed brave and good at fighting. In the end, they repelled the Ming army's attacks from all directions. But there were only 2,000 people left in the original team of 10,000. Qu Xiangtian was covered in blood. In the battle just now, he rushed to the front and couldn't remember how many people he killed. But the seven-star sword in his hand was faintly hot. , it was hot from the large amount of human blood on the knife. Murong Yunfei's body was stained by the dust and smoke of the war. She came to Qu Xiangtian and said, "Xiang Tian, ??are you okay?" "You're okay, Yunfei, how are you and Sheng'er?" Qu Xiangtian forced a smile and replied, "There's nothing wrong with us, it seems we can't get out." Qu Xiangtian replied: "Isn't that in line with your hexagram back then? I was defeated and killed by Lu Yunzhi. It seems that my dream of being the best soldier in the world is out of reach. Lu Yunzhi is the best in the world. A strong person." Murong Yunfei was stunned, then nodded silently and said: "No matter whether you succeed or fail, you will always be a hero in my heart." As soon as he finished speaking, the drums of the Ming army attacked. It rang again. After the rotation of the army, fresh troops were sent to continue the attack, trying to use the wheel battle to consume Qu Xiangtian's last strength. The two armies met and fought to the death. This time, Qu Xiangtian did not rush to the front. He guarded Qu Sheng and Murong. Yun Fei, he knew in his heart that his son and wife might survive if they were captured, but the soldiers in the rebel army were difficult to control and would only kill. It seems that a family of three will die today. Murong Yun Fei Holding Qu Sheng in his arms, Qu Sheng was holding a short dagger and raising his eyebrows coldly at the thousands of troops approaching from the shop. Although he was young, he showed no fear. When Qu Xiangtian saw this scene, he couldn't help laughing and said: "My son That¡¯s great.¡± Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 161: Accepting your fate Suddenly there was chaos behind the Ming army. A group of strong men rushed in and instantly opened a gap in the Ming army's encirclement circle from behind. The Ming army was caught off guard. Only one person was heard shouting: "General Qu, leave quickly." Qu Xiang Tian didn't see who that person was. He just felt that the person's words were a bit strange. He didn't speak like people from the Central Plains. At this critical moment, he couldn't think too much. He led the few people and rushed out with the reinforcements. After more than ten miles, Murong Yunfei's horse stumbled and its leg was broken. She and Qu Sheng fell to the ground with the horse. Qu Xiangtian quickly reined in the horse and dismounted. He pulled his wife and son to check and determined that the horse was not dead. After they were fine, they felt relieved. After taking a breath, they looked at the person who saved them. When he saw it, he couldn't help but said, "Bagan, you are still alive." Bagan is the Mongolian ghost witch envoy. Yan attacked Lu Yun and his party together, and trapped them in the image of mirror flowers. At the same time, he fought with Qu Xiangtian. The two of them had their own merits, but Bogen was slightly inferior. Later, when the Wala army attacked the capital, Bagan led the cavalry and ghost witches to launch the first wave of attacks on the capital, but Qu Xiangtian easily defused it, and instead "sent" them a mirror image, and fought a beautiful ambush, completely shattering the attack. Attack, after Bogen was defeated, he fought with Qu Xiangtian but failed to win. However, Qu Xiangtian did not take Bogen's life, but instead became Anda. Bogen declared that he would not be an enemy of Qu Xiangtian in his lifetime, and then Mongolia The army was defeated, and Qu Xiangtian thought that Ba Gen was dead, but he didn't expect that Ba Gen would come to the hinterland of the Ming Dynasty. He didn't know how he passed through the surveillance of many guards and came to the battlefield of Shandong silently. It was even more shocking. Qu Xiangtian was surprised that Ba Gen would go into danger to save him. Although the two became friends with Anda, they had only met twice. Now that Ba Gen was in danger to save him, Qu Xiangtian couldn't help but feel sad. I was confused, the friendship between the two was not that deep. Is this a conspiracy? After a second thought, I denied the result. After all, I have been defeated now. As long as I don't come to rescue, I can kill myself, so why do I need a conspiracy? What's the trick? It's not Lu Yunzhi's character to let the tiger return to the mountain like this. Qu Xiangtian was instantly relieved. Bagan laughed heartily and said: "Anda, of course I am alive. I did not participate in the struggle between Oara and the Ming army. I said I will never fight with you for the rest of my life." enemy, but I didn¡¯t say not to be an enemy of the Ming Dynasty. Before, you were the young master of the Ming Dynasty and Lu Yunzhi¡¯s eldest brother. I had sworn an oath before, so I tried my best not to join the Wala army. For this reason, Master Meng He was very I was angry, but thanks to the strong persuasion of Qiyan Protector, I was allowed to live freely with more than a hundred tribesmen. " "Now, you are no longer an official of the Ming Dynasty, and you are an enemy of the Ming Dynasty. I learned about it and brought you here. More than a thousand soldiers hurriedly came to help in the battle. Although there are few people, we still hope to help you. Fortunately, we traveled day and night, and we were able to solve the extremely dangerous situation just now. As for how to do it, it was just a quick word and Unexpectedly, I led my army to break through from the outside and caught the Ming army by surprise, thus rescuing you." Bagan continued, "Qu Xiangtian nodded and praised: "Anda really values ??love and justice, Qu Xiangtian." Thanks for that. " "There is no need to be polite between you and me. What is going on? How could it end up like this? Ba Gen asked. Qu Xiangtian briefly told what happened. Ba Gen praised repeatedly: "Lu Yunzhi is not simple. When I first met him, he was just an impulsive and irritable guy." The boss boy is so scheming now and the city is quite deep. It seems that we will have some fights in the future. Okay, let's leave quickly. I guess the Ming army should catch up. " As if in response to Bagan's words, the Ming army's pursuers came from behind. When they saw Qu Xiangtian and his party, they shouted repeatedly, followed by the sound of thunderous horse hooves. The number of pursuers was definitely huge. Xiao, Qu Xiangtian got on his horse, and Bagan brought some empty horses to Murong Yunfei and Qu Sheng. The group of people continued to flee, and fled into the vast Langya mountains. The horses could not run wildly in the mountains. This is true for Qu Xiangtian, and it is also true for the Ming army. It is the first time that Qu Xiangtian is in such a mess, being chased like a lost dog. Usually he is the one who chases others to run away in a hurry. Just as Qu Xiangtian As he was walking, Qu Xiangtian felt an ominous premonition in his heart. Fortunately, Qu Xiangtian and Bagan were leading the central army, and there were more than a hundred people in front of them to explore the road. He saw those more than a hundred people suddenly collapse in pain. He couldn't get up, his whole body twitched, and in a moment, his whole body was swollen, and turned into a piece of yellow water without even moaning. Qu Xiangtian frowned, and Bagan shouted angrily: "Who can come out quickly? Sneaking and stabbing someone in the back is nothing heroic. Murong Yunfei and Qu Xiangtian looked at each other and said, "It's the poison of the Miao Gu lineage. Tan Qing has come to seek revenge." Ba Gen didn't know who Tan Qing was, let alone why he wanted revenge. Naturally, he didn't understand how powerful Tan Qing was, so he wanted to rush forward. Qu Xiangtian stopped him and said, "Look at me, Anda." ¡±  As Qu Xiangtian said that the ghost energy was flowing in his body, his clothes slowly puffed up, and then suddenly tens of thousands of evil spirits emerged from the clothes and went in all directions. Qu Xiangtian was secretly proud of himself. He was forced into a desperate situation by the Ming army just now. At that time, I did not overuse ghost spirits. It seems to be wise now, otherwise I would not be able to break Tan Qing's Gu array now. There is no trick for ghost spirits to get through the Gu array. It is to exchange for the disappearance of the poison at the cost of the soul flying powder, and the poison is gone. Broken, the Gu worm was crushed by the ghost spirit. At the same time, because most of the Gu worms in the Miao Gu lineage are fed by ghost spirits, they can also hurt ghost spirits. For a while, there was a soul-crushing whistle all around, and the whistles became one sound. Huge, harsh, and uninterrupted sound, Murong Yunfei said hurriedly: "Quickly fight Xiangtian, the sound will attract the Ming army." Qu Xiangtian did not answer. At this moment, he was quite helpless, but he could not be anxious. , holding the handle of the knife tightly with his hand, thinking about whether to make a killing move, finally the Gu array in front was opened a little, Qu Xiangtian and others moved forward slowly, the Gu array was arranged very quickly, it seems that Tan Qing and others took the first step, made arrangements before Qu Xiangtian arrived, and waited for them to escape into the formation. Now, considering the power of the Gu formation, the purpose was not to trap Qu Xiangtian, nor to kill him. , but made him stuck in the mud, unable to escape quickly, and was surrounded by the Ming army again. Qu Xiangtian no longer hesitated, pulled out the seven-star sword full of blood, and then muttered a few words silently, and the sword immediately ignited. There was a lot of ghostly aura, and from a distance it looked like the blade was full of flames, but the flames were filled with black evil aura. Qu Xiangtian raised the seven-star sword to his chest, and then swept it forward. The trees in front fell to the ground one after another. Immediately afterwards, all kinds of stench came, and all the Gu instruments and insects within a foot in front were broken. Qu Xiangtian whispered: "Go quickly." At this moment, a loud buzzing sound was heard in the air, and a sense of oppression suddenly fell from the sky. , followed by an angry female voice yelling: "Qu Xiangtian, please give me your life." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 162: New tricks appear frequently Qu Xiangtian looked up and saw that Xuanfeng had fallen rapidly. Qu Xiangtian quickly waved his sword to meet him. Hearing a loud explosion, a layer of air waves was instantly raised on the ground, pushing everyone around him away. Suddenly, everyone fell to their backs. After the gunpowder smoke dispersed and the dust settled, the horse under Qu Xiangtian's crotch was still under him, but it had been crushed into a pulp, making Qu Xiangtian's legs dirty, and Xuanfeng's poisonous The needle was touching the blade of the seven-star sword. Qu Xiangtian held his breath. The ghost energy on the seven-star sword was overwhelming. Qu Xiangtian shouted loudly: "Kill." In an instant, a red light appeared on his arms. He quickly poured it into the Seven-Star Sword along both arms, and suddenly slashed towards Xuanfeng. Xuanfeng quickly retreated, but the blade's light was far beyond the blade, and it immediately hit one of Xuanfeng's wings. Xuanfeng let out a scream. screamed, and then only a faint ghostly aura remained on the wings. In the air, the beautiful sound of bells and chimes sounded, but the sound suddenly became deafening and formed a straight line, suddenly heading towards the sky. Qu Xiangtian smiled coldly, and swung the seven-star sword around his body quickly, just like the eight-way hidden knife style used by martial artists in night battles. The flames on the seven-star sword prevailed, forming a red but murderous side next to Qu Xiangtian. The barrier, Qu Xiangtian suddenly stopped and stopped rotating, but the red light did not disappear. Qu Xiangtian suddenly inserted the seven-star sword into the ground and shouted: "Broken." The evil ghost Pu driven by Tan Qing The loud noise made by the prison suddenly stopped and disappeared without a sound. The silence in the air was frightening for a while. Qu Xiangtian turned his head and said to Bogen: "Anda, take my wife and children away." Bogen looked at Watching the fight between Tan Qing and Qu Xiangtian, he was dumbfounded. When he heard people talk about the fight between Lu Yunzhi and Meng He, he always scoffed, thinking that others were exaggerating. If it was really like the rumors, wouldn't it be a battle between heaven and man? , now Ba Gen believes it, because the sight of Tan Qing and Qu Xiangtian fighting in front of him is beyond his ability to understand. What if this is not a fight between gods? It seems that Lu Yunzhi and Meng He's It was true. It wasn't until Qu Xiangtian told him again that Ba Gen realized what he was doing. He nodded quickly and said, "I will take good care of my sister-in-law. Let's go to Annan Country to wait for you first." According to Qu Xiangtian's previous instructions After telling Ba Gen about the arrangement, Qu Xiangtian's original plan was to find a way to run back to Annan. After all, the couple had run Annan for many years, and the Xuwen Party was promoted by them alone. It would not be difficult to regain power. Only in a familiar place and on a well-established land can Qu Xiangtian reorganize his army. Although he may not be able to attack the Ming Dynasty in a short time, he can at least stop the Ming army through dense jungles and soldiers who are good at fighting in the forest. In the attack, although the Annan soldiers were trained by Qu Xiangtian and were good at fighting, their advantage on the plains was not very great, and things often happened that they were not acclimatized to the climate. The elephant soldiers, who had the most combat effectiveness in the past, also frequently had problems because they were not suitable for the attack. It was too adapted to the northern climate and its own speed was slow. It could only keep up with most of Qu Xiangtian's troops without dictating. Under this condition, the elephant's body gradually became too much, so the elephant soldiers began to fight one after another. He was ill, so during the Northern Expedition, there was no trace of the powerful elephant soldiers as soon as they passed Nanjing. In a word, Qu Xiangtian wanted to return to Annan and hold a corner of the territory before making plans, so Bagan took him with him Seeing that Murong Yunfei and Qu Sheng were about to evacuate under the cover of their subordinates, Murong Yunfei was not ambiguous at all and just said: "Xiangtian, I'm leaving. "After saying that, he led Qu Sheng away. Although Qu Sheng was thrown out by the air wave just now and fell badly, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, but his face was full of perseverance. Although Tan Qing deliberately blocked it, he was too busy taking care of himself at the moment. How could she, who was busy fighting with Qu Xiangtian, stop this large group of people? Murong Yunfei and others were originally cautious, thinking that there were many Miao Gu disciples lurking around, but it turned out that it was just a trick. It turned out that Tan Qingde After Zhi Qu Xiangtian was surrounded, he broke away from the Miao army led by Miao Gu and rushed to Langya alone, just to kill Qu Xiangtian and avenge the murder of his husband. Murong Yunfei wanted to come back to let Ba Gen and She dealt with Tan Qing together, but she knew that Qu Xiangtian was enough to resist Tan Qing, so she no longer hesitated and fled quickly. The farther they escaped, the safer they would be, and Qu Xiangtian would not have to distract themselves from protecting them. It was also a good result for Qu Xiangtian. Tan Qing knew that Qu Xiangtian was powerful, but she didn't expect that Qu Xiangtian was so powerful. She knew that Qu Xiangtian turned the world upside down when he became a demon, but now Qu Xiangtian has not become a demon. But he can use the power of chaos in his body to continuously provide energy for his moves. This result was caused by Lu Yunzhi. It was he who cured Qu Xiangtian, so now Tan Qing is not only fighting with Qu Xiangtian. The battle between Tian and Lu was also compared with Lu Yunzhi's wisdom. Tan Qing made up her mind. Although she didn't want to use this trick because she had not mastered it well and it was inevitable to make mistakes in actual combat. But in order to kill Qu Xiangtian, she I have to use it, the ground?Two stone pillars suddenly jumped up, Qu raised his eyebrows to the sky for a moment and shouted: "The clan's art of heaven and earth controls the earth." Tan Qing smiled and said nothing, and the Pulao surrounding him let out a low roar, obviously expressing his disapproval of Qu's just now. Xiangtian easily broke through its sound attack, which was so angry that Xuanfeng kept circling, making a noisy buzz. They followed the Miao Gu vein masters of the past generations, and over time they all gained a little bit of wisdom. In addition, Based on the original wisdom of the ghosts themselves, they are obviously smarter than the average sixteen evil ghosts, but they are far inferior to the nightmares that have turned into human forms. Pulao and Xuanfeng heard Tan Qing's order. , suddenly rushed into the stone pillar, and then the stone pillar broke apart and flew towards Qu Xiangtian. Qu Xiangtian was originally frightened, because the basis of the clan's heaven and earth skills are various spells from the Zhongzheng lineage, Tan Qing already has his own fixed practice method, and it is difficult to learn and integrate the techniques of the Zhongzheng lineage, let alone the techniques of clan heaven and earth. Now, Tan Qing has actually used the technique of earth control, how can he not Qu Xiangtian, who knew nothing about the clan's art of heaven and earth, was frightened. But when he saw the ghosts melting into the stone pillars, Qu Xiangtian smiled. It turned out that this was not the real clan's art of heaven and earth, but just the essence of it. The new moves created by merging Chu and Miao Gu's line of spells. As for the power of the new moves, they are naturally not as powerful as the natural power driven by the ancient method of controlling earth. Qu Xiangtian also used the new move. With a move, he suddenly swung the seven-star sword. The handle and the sword were instantly extended and bent, like a stringless bow. Qu Xiangtian kept extracting the power of chaos from his body, gathering it into the shape of an arrow in his hand, and then purified it in the blink of an eye. After forming the shape, he then took the bow and shot the arrow. The muscles of his arm bulged out as if it was very laborious. He could not see where the bow string was. Suddenly Qu Xiangtian let go of his hand, and there was only a buzzing sound. The arrow shot out, flying in the air. After making a circle, it penetrated two stone pillars in an instant. The stone pillars fell to the ground with a bang, and the arrow went straight to Tan Qing. The speed of the arrow was extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, Tan Qing was shocked, screamed, and stepped on Above the Gu worm, the figure rising in the air immediately became panicked. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 163: Hypocritical People The gathered arrows carried a strong evil spirit, tearing apart the air and suffocating all surrounding creatures. Even if they passed through the ghosts that merged into the two stone pillars, their momentum did not decrease much. Tan Qing yelled, Although he saw it, he didn't have time to dodge. Firstly, this is because although Tan Qing has advanced skills, he is not a master of martial arts, and his body is far from being able to react quickly. Another reason is because Tan Qing is now stepping on the Gu insect. , in the mid-air, although the Gu insects moved as they pleased, they were not as fast as the arrows. At the critical moment, a figure jumped out of the mid-air and caught Tan Qing. Tan Qing fell from the sky. Come, the two of them fell to the ground like a green onion, with a touch of blood still scattered in the air. It was not known who was injured. The moment the figure landed, it wrapped its body around Tan Qing, rolled on the spot, and rolled out again and again. After seven or eight circles, he slowed down the force of his fall and hid far away. Although his movements were a bit awkward, he was still safe in the end. The figure's movements were agile, and although it was inelegant, it was not sloppy at all. It was obvious that he was a master, Tan Qing Looking at it, he saw that the person who rescued him was a man, and this man was tall, handsome, and mighty. However, Tan Qing did not know such a person, let alone know that there was such a master in the world, that man. Seeing that he had dodged Qu Xiangtian's blow, he smiled and said, "Qu Xiangtian's special moves are nothing but mediocre." Although this was said arrogantly, the astonishing power of Qu Xiangtian's moves still made Tan Tan Qing was so surprised that he killed two of the Sixteen Great Evil Ghosts with one arrow. Tan Qing tried to summon Pulao and Xuanfeng, but the stones on the ground were only left with the gossamer ghost energy. The two evil ghosts His soul was gone in an instant, and the two stone statues just stayed there, stopping quietly. Tan Qing had no choice but to shake his head helplessly. When some local mountain people went into the mountain to hunt, they happened to see two stone pillars flying into the sky, and then He was shot down by a flying divine arrow, so the mountain people hurried back to Langya County to publicize it. The story evolved into many versions. In short, someone finally established a town at the place where the stones of Pulao and Xuanfeng fell. , named: Qingtuo Town, and the version of this story has become many versions due to word of mouth. As for the details, I will not tell you for the time being. Tan Qing said gratefully: "I dare to ask the name of this strong man." The man He waved his hands and was about to speak, but suddenly a mouthful of blood spurted out. Tan Qing quickly looked around and saw that the man was just holding on while joking and teasing Qu Xiangtian. His right lung had long been shot through. It turned into a big bloody hole, with hot blood pouring out, and the man's breathing voice became more and more like a broken bellows. The hula hula sounded particularly painful, "You." Tan Qing hurriedly put the man in a tilted position. , so that he could feel more comfortable, but the man still had a cynical smile on his face and said: "It's nothing, I've been injured more seriously than this many times, and I've been on the verge of life and death for several times. Come on, if you really deserved it, you would have died a long time ago. The lord is here. I am here on the orders of the lord, cough, cough, cough, to protect you." Shang Wan coughed again and again, blood dripping from his mouth. The wound spurted out, and Tan Qing quickly covered Shang Wang's wound, "Shang Wang. "Tan Qing and Qu Xiangtian both exclaimed in disbelief, but Shang Wan replied: "Qu Xiangtian, it's your grandfather and I. Murong Yunfei and Qu Sheng have been captured by us, so hurry up and capture them. Otherwise, don¡¯t blame us for killing them all. " Qu Xiangtian looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Arrogant boy, Shang Wang, you are worthy of challenging me. You are just a slave of the three surnames. Shi Fang, Yu Qian, Lu Yunzhi are all your masters. I don't know if you leave Lu one day. Yun Zhi, whose dog will I become? My wife and children have run away long ago. How could I be captured by you? What's more, you have no such ability. I, Anda Bagan's guardians, don't bother me anymore. You two Come and take your life. " As he said, Qu Xiangtian was approaching step by step with the seven-star sword. Tan Qing could only resist Qu Xiangtian with his poisonous insects and poison. Shang Huan was seriously injured and had difficulty moving. How could he fight with him? At the critical moment, he could only fight with him. I heard someone say coldly: "He didn't lie to you, brother. "As he said something, something suddenly hit Qu Xiangtian. Qu Xiangtian looked around, yelled and caught the thing. It turned out to be Bagan's head. Lu Yunzhi walked in the air, as if there was something invisible in the air. Like a staircase, he walked down slowly, and then stood solemnly opposite Qu Xiangtian with his hands behind his back. Qu Xiangtian looked at Lu Yunzhi, and Lu Yunzhi looked at Qu Xiangtian. The two brothers said nothing, and in the distance, quickly The sound of hurried steps sounded, and Wang Yulu rushed to the ground sweating profusely. Although he was proficient in pharmacology, he was a member of the Zhongzheng lineage after all, and his physical fitness was not bad, so his movements on the ground were like Li Xian. As fast as an arrow, Wang Yulu came to Shang Wang, squatted down, took out a pill and stuffed it into his mouth, and then said: "Why do you end up like this every time? Could it be that you voluntarily used it as a living mold for me?" . ¡±  Shang Wan took the pills and felt much better, but he was still seriously injured, so he just laughed twice without saying anything. Lu Yunzhi said to the three of them: "You three, let's go. I You have to talk to my brother." Shang Wang and Wang Yulu both said yes, but Tan Qing said angrily: "Brother, you want to avenge Bai Yong." Lu Yunzhi nodded and replied: "No need. "Don't say anything, please leave quickly." Tan Qing no longer insisted, and together with Wang Yulu helped Shang Wang leave to recuperate. After the three of them left, only Lu Yunzhi and Qu Xiangtian were left here. Both of them were silent for a long time, and then Qu Xiangtian said: "Third brother, are we two brothers still unable to escape a battle?" Lu Yunzhi did not answer Qu Xiangtian's question, but said: "Brother, you It shouldn't be like this, taking advantage of Mongolia to start a war with me, the Ming Dynasty, to steal the position of the Ming Dynasty's great treasure. If you really want this world, I can give it to you, so why do you have to do this?" Qu Xiangtian looked up to the sky and laughed, and said. : "Third brother, if you really want to do this, you don't have to send troops to resist, or even rebel to support me. Why do you need to care about when I rebelled? At the end of the day, I have to ask you, are you really willing to give up the world? " Lu Yunzhi remained silent, and Qu Xiangtian continued: "You are still so hypocritical and duplicitous, but I am also very hypocritical. I have been a hypocrite for so many years, so besides being your eldest brother, I am also a hypocrite. I really have no qualifications to say that you stole the position of the great treasure of the Ming Dynasty. Hehe, a thief steals a baht, and a prince steals a country. What I did is just human nature. There is nothing wrong with it, and no one needs to blame me. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 164: Why is it too urgent to be in love with each other? Lu Yunzhi lowered his head and said nothing, then raised his head and said to Qu Xiangtian: "I will not let Murong Yunfei go, but I will raise Qu Sheng. The child is innocent, let the fight begin." After saying this, the mountains roared and the tsunami roared. There was lightning and thunder, and Lu Yunzhi did not leave any chance for Qu Xiangtian. The reason why Nightmare did not take action against Qu Xiangtian before was because Lu Yunzhi was very confused. He did not know whether he should kill Qu Xiangtian or not. When I made up my mind, I was already prepared to kill Qu Xiangtian with one move, so the two of them only had a simple conversation just now, without a long argument. It is useless to say more now. The winner is the king and the loser is the thief. Only one battle can end the matter, and no matter how much more, it is just the victor's memory of the loser's body afterwards. After a while, the dark clouds dispersed as if the sky had cleared after the rain, and the sky even became clear due to the effect of the water-bending technique. A small rainbow was formed from the water droplets. Lu Yunzhi stood there, and Qu Xiangtian also stood there. The two of them were motionless, and there was another wordless silence. Only then did Lu Yunzhi reach out and wipe the blood from the corner of his mouth. , then walked to Qu Xiangtian and said softly: "Brother, I can't lose because I still have things to do. Brother, the person I admire most since I was a child is you, and you are still the one now, because now it seems that Luncheng Mansion I'm not as good as you in terms of thick and black, but success or failure is not just about who can endure it. Luck, experience, and opportunity are indispensable. The most important thing is that I don't believe in destiny, because I am God. Big brother, I will take good care of Qu Sheng. , and you will always be my big brother, and I hope we will be brothers in the next life." After Lu Yunzhi said this, he suddenly pushed Qu Xiangtian, and Qu Xiangtian fell to the ground. The traitor of the generation was dead, and the seven-star sword was still stuck on the ground. This was an object given to Qu Xiangtian by Fang Qingze. Lu Yunzhi pulled out the knife, held it in his hand and said sadly: "The beans are burning when they are boiling, and the beans are weeping in the cauldron. They are born from the same roots. Why rush to fry each other, and fight in the same room?" Why, the world desires people's hearts, and the past thirty years have all been joked about. After the traitor passes, the hero rises, and how long will it take for the hero to die? I just hope that the world will stop fighting, and brothers will no longer kill each other, with thousands of hearts broken. "Three days later, Qu Xiangtian's army collapsed, and the remaining rebels in various places were wiped out. The leader, Guang Liang, was captured, sentenced to death, and taken to the capital to be chopped into pieces with thousands of swords. It seemed that Qin Rufeng was still alive. Fortunately, Lu Yunzhi also felt the same sentiment. One month later, he was executed at the Fourth Archway in the west of the capital. The people gathered to watch to warn the world not to rebel. Guang Liang was frightened, but Qu Xiangtian died, and Qin Rufeng also After they died, Murong Yunfei and Qu Sheng were arrested. Seeing Lu Yunzhi's intentions, he did not want to harm them, so only Guang Liang was qualified and could only become a victim to warn everyone. People have no entertainment and always like to watch beheadings, so The execution place of the Ming Dynasty was arranged at the Xisi Archway because it was lively enough to warn the world, but at the same time it also promoted the prosperity of the Xisi Archway area. On the day of the execution, there was a sea of ??people, and the executioner used a knife to stab Guang Liang¡¯s forehead. An opening was made, and the skin drooped down to cover Guang Liang's eyes. Although Guang Liang was scared, at this moment he knew that he was in doom, so he became stubborn and did not say a word. Guang Liang was covered by his own skin. With his eyes closed, all he could hear was the sound of counting from the people. Every time the executioner took a piece of flesh from Guang Liang's body, the people would report the corresponding number in unison: "One, two, three, four." Guang Liang For the first time, I felt that human nature is so terrible and cruel. People are just animals, full of wildness. At the same time, after experiencing the influence of civilization, their hearts have become more dirty and terrifying. With the help of Wang Yulu medicine Guang Liang did not die easily. He was mutilated for three and a half days, with only white bones left in many parts of his body. Murong Yunfei and Qu Sheng were placed under house arrest in the Zhongzheng Family House, facing the Qu Sheng's question: Murong Yunfei always had a smile on her face, eating and drinking when she should, and never showed a trace of sadness or sadness. Murong Yunfei also told Qu Sheng that his father was busy, and Lu Yunzhi was his father. Qu Xiangtian became a sworn brother and respected Lu Yunzhi as much as his father. Three days after Guang Liang was executed, Murong Yunfei received Qu Xiangtian's seven-star sword. Only then did Murong Yunfei confirm the news of Qu Xiangtian's death. , and Qu Sheng was taken away by Lu Yunzhi. That night, Murong Yunfei hanged himself from the beam, leaving only one line: The secret is in the knife. Murong Yunfei, just as she said to Qu Xiangtian, settled down well After seeing Qu Sheng, they followed their husband. Murong Yunfei and Qu Xiangtian, the couple, first met each other on the night of the battle with the leopard. They met and fell in love with Timur. Qu Xiangtian rode alone in front of the Ten Thousand Army Formation. To welcome the bride, the two traveled all over the world. Later, the two finally got married. However, on the night of the wedding, they were surrounded by officers and soldiers and their family was destroyed. They had to flee the country. With an iron cavalry, Qu Xiangtian's military skills, and Murong Yunfei's governance, finally With their own territory, Annan and the brothers worked together to conquer the capital, and jointly attacked the capital, and achieved the results they wanted. The army was in danger of the Ming Dynasty, and they helped Lu Yunzhi gain the power of the world.Later, when the Ming Dynasty was in trouble both internally and externally and war was raging, the brothers turned against each other and fought with each other, stabbing Lu Yunzhi in the back. All of this was what Qu Xiangtian and Murong Yunfei experienced together, and it is their eternal memory, even if They have died, and now Qu Xiangtian has passed away. He has completed his legendary life of being a hero in life and a hero in death. Murong Yunfei did not live in the world. With Qu Xiangtian gone, Lu Yun took over The moment Qu Sheng took him away, Murong Yunfei had no worries. Murong Yunfei loved Qu Xiangtian, and Qu Xiangtian also loved Murong Yunfei. Looking at their lives, there were successes and failures, good and evil. , I can¡¯t explain it all in one sentence. There has always been a skill in Zhongzheng¡¯s lineage, which is to clear people¡¯s memories. The simplest way is to make people stupid for life, just like when Lu Yunzhi was a child during the New Year, those who monitored Zhongzheng Just like the Jin Yiwei with pulse, there is another way, which only requires a few years of stupidity, and then regains consciousness and forgets the past. This method was almost used on Wu Hao, usually for those disciples who were expelled from the school before they had completed their studies. , to prevent them from revealing the secrets of the Zhongzheng lineage, but this method can only be used when children are young, because all the older people of the Zhongzheng lineage are very capable, or they have already run away before using this method, and are with the whole world. It may not be possible to fight against the pulse, but the ability to escape is still there. Nowadays, the method has been improved and it will no longer lead to several years of stupidity. After all, that is harmful to the sanity. Now you only need to sleep for one night to forget your past life, and It is easy to be instilled with new ideas in the two or three hours after waking up. Once the thinking is fixed, it is difficult to be changed by others, and it will not cause memory confusion. When Qu Sheng woke up, Lu Yunzhi, Yang Xiyu and Yingzi were all in the room. In the middle, they walked out of the room a few hours later. From then on, Lu Yunzhi had another son, named Lu Sheng. No one revealed the mystery, and the truth was concealed for more than 20 years. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 165: Assassin Lu Yunzhi took the seven-star sword and observed it carefully. He didn't know what Murong Yunfei meant by "secret in the sword". It wasn't until late at night that he took apart the leather and cloth of the handle and took it out. I took out a piece of paper full of blood stains. Thirteen names were densely written on the blood stains. The end was marked as Mi Thirteen. The thirteen names were: Qu Xiangtian, Fang Qingze, Lu Yunzhi, Shi Fang, Zhu Jianwen, Wu Hao, Yingzi, Shi Yuting, Murong Yunfei, Yang Zhun, Yang Xiyu, Lu Qiutong, Tan Qing, Lu Yunzhi frowned and guessed the meaning of the note, but couldn't understand it because the note Many people on the board have died. What is the connection between Yin and Yang that connects these people? Is this a trap left by Murong Yunfei? Is it just murder and heart-breaking, but what can this mean? , is it just a death list, then why is there no Bai Yong with enough weight? If it is a list for him to kill, then his family is on it. No matter how cruel he is, he will not kill his family and himself, right? , In short, Lu Yunzhi studied it for a long time, but still couldn't find a trace of the doorway. However, looking at the blood stains on it, it had been dried for many days. If it hadn't been for many years, there would be no such traces. In addition, Murong Yunfei was hanged. , where did the blood stains come from? Could it be that they had long expected that the army would be defeated and that this day would come. Is this the last death trap left? The murderous intent is still there, Lu Yunzhi shook his head and took this picture The already brittle paper was put into the book, and then he pressed it and stopped thinking about it, because he couldn't think of any clues for a while. The night was already late, and Lu Yunzhi was still in the study room when he suddenly heard a noise, and immediately Then there were screams and the sound of fighting piercing the air. Lu Yunzhi quickly opened the door and ran towards the backyard where the sound came from. All his family members were in the backyard. Who did it? Lu Yunzhi was one Zongyue rushed up to the roof with the help of Qi Control, and happened to encounter a person running away. Seeing that he didn't recognize him, he thought he was a bad guy, and then killed him with a palm, and then quickly moved towards the backyard. Yang Xiyu and others were standing there In the courtyard, although their faces were covered with sweat, everyone was feeling proud. Lu Yunzhi walked quickly and saw that everyone was fine, so he said: "Where are Sheng'er and Qiutong." Yang Xiyu smiled He replied: "They are probably still sleeping in the room. Yesterday, the little brothers played too late and went to bed together. It took less than a cup of tea from the start of the fight to now. I guess the child hasn't woken up yet. Go and have a look." I'll take you to meet an acquaintance later." "Oh, who is it?" Lu Yunzhi asked. Yang Xiyu smiled and said nothing. Lu Yunzhi nodded and Yang Xiyu smiled slightly, and then looked at Yingzi, but Yingzi didn't seem to notice. Like Lu Yunzhi, Lu Yunzhi said: "You two sisters really have the same heart, so let me go and see my sons first." Lu Yunzhi came to Lu Qiutong's house and asked the hidden members guarding the door to retreat. Then he pushed the door open and walked in. As soon as he opened the door, daggers were stabbed straight at him. A child shouted loudly: "Brother, run." Said: "It's me, Sheng'er. But he saw Lu Qiutong running out of the back room holding a small wooden stick. Without looking at who it was, he shouted: "Let go of my brother." "When he saw it was Lu Yunzhi, he threw down the stick and shouted: "Daddy. "Lu Sheng also called out: "Dad. "Lu Yunzhi said: "My two sons are both good. Then he put Lu Sheng on the ground and said, "Go to bed quickly. Daddy still has something to do." " "Dad, have you caught the assassin? Lu Qiutong asked timidly. Lu Yunzhi nodded and said, "Of course, our home is the safest place." " Suddenly Lu Yunzhi came and asked Xinxing: "If you catch the assassin, what should you do? Sheng'er, please tell me first. " Lu Sheng thought for a while and said: "Detain them and torture them, ask them about the mastermind and their basic purpose, then make plans in advance, and finally kill them and hang their heads high to warn Xiaoxiao so that they will not dare to act rashly again in the future. Invasion. " Lu Yunzhi nodded, thinking that Lu Sheng was really like his father. It was simple and crude but very effective in the early stage, but it was not rich enough. I believe he will gradually become deeper in the future and hide his inner thoughts. Showing people their true colors, as the saying goes, dragons and dragons and phoenixes are born. Rats are born to dig holes. The character inheritance caused by this blood relationship cannot be changed no matter what. Lu Yunzhi said: "Sheng'er said it very well, but have you ever I have thought about it, once this happens, although you are happy to have a grudge, it will easily arouse hatred for the other party, and with precautions, it will not be so easy for you to deal with the mastermind in the future. Also, if you do this, not only will you be punished It will not deter the enemy, but will make them hate you even more and intensify their revenge on you. The revenge will become more and more rigorous and impossible to prevent until you are killed. " "Why. Lu Sheng asked incomprehensively, "How dare you come to assassinate me?"Are the people in ? ordinary people? They must not be. Then this kind of people must not be simple. Lu Yunzhi said, "The person who used assassins to kill my family members must be a hero and a despicable person. But the world does not belong to heroes. Heroes die young and heroes live forever, so the mastermind behind the scenes will use killers again and again. If he Pointing at our hanging heads, exaggerating the next wave of assassins, creating a tragic scene of the heroes gone forever and never coming back, cultivating the killers' hatred for us, saying that we are militaristic and guilty people, The act of hanging the head becomes a wedding dress for the opponent, and the killers will die more tragically. No matter how powerful the father is, or how careful the guards are, there will always be times when they are unable to guard against it. " Lu Yunzhi patiently taught Qu Xiangtian's flesh and blood Qu Sheng, or his other son Lu Sheng. Lu Yunzhi hoped that he could grow up and become a person like his father Qu Xiangtian, so Once he handed over the family to him, he felt much more at ease. If it was as arranged before, then this family must be passed on to Lu Sheng. At the same time, Lu Yunzhi's feelings for Qu Xiangtian were unquestionable, so he also He indeed regarded Lu Sheng as his own son, but if Lu Qiutong went beyond the plan and did not reach the worst stage, then Lu Sheng's existence would be a great threat. Lu Yunzhi kept giving Lu Sheng Sheng instilled the idea of ??loyalty and benevolence, hoping that he would not fight with his younger brother Lu Qiutong in the same room. The two would support each other and ride together in the Ming Dynasty. That was the scene Lu Yunzhi wanted to see. Lu Yunzhi did not want what happened to him and Qu Xiangtian. , happened again with these two little brothers, but there was still a voice in Lu Yunzhi's heart that said secretly: If it really comes to that point, Lu Sheng is nothing more than a tool used to hone Lu Qiutong, because Lu Yunzhi is a mortal after all. It was selfish, leaving Lu Qiutong a back-up. As for whether he could get to that point, it still depends on Lu Qiutong's luck. Let's wait and see who has the best seed. Lu Yunzhi thought, Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 166: It¡¯s so cold at high places Lu Yunzhi suddenly looked at Lu Qiutong who was about to speak but didn't know how to express it. He smiled and asked, "Qiutong, what do you think?" "I think, I think, I want to conquer these assassins. , for my use." Lu Qiutong said timidly. He was still young and his voice was milky. Lu Yunzhi's eyes lit up and he said, "Be brave and tell me. I want to hear your opinion as a father. " Lu Qiutong replied: "Yes, I think so. If I subdue the assassins, treat Corporal Li Xian kindly, make them loyal to me, and let them understand what kind of person I am, of course, no matter how I try to seduce them. Okay, it doesn't matter if it's true. In short, as long as they understand that what the person who asked them to assassinate me said before was a lie, it would be better if they could be instigated to rebel. It would be like a sharp knife penetrating into the enemy. If not, it would be better. It doesn't matter, at least it will make them feel at ease with their lord, and if the above two points are not true, then it is good. " Lu Sheng interjected without knowing why. " What do you think? , Brother, since the assassination failed by this group of people, it shows that their ability is worrying. If they are killed, other masters will definitely be replaced to assassinate us. It is better to let them, who are familiar with weaknesses, continue to assassinate us. In the end The most important thing is that if they have a trace of conscience, they will be grateful to us. After all, we spared their lives. No matter whether they can instigate rebellion in the future, they can be used in critical moments, just in case they really fall into the gutter one day. Ship, they may still let us live out of gratitude. Isn't saving our lives more important than anything else? Dad, do you think what I said is right?" Lu Yunzhi was very happy, Lu Qiutong said. The kid is big and thoughtful. Although he is young, his strategies are beyond ordinary adults. He will definitely become a great person in the future. But then Lu Yunzhi frowned again. There are two words called untimely death and jealousy. It¡¯s not true that God is too jealous of smart people. Such people die because they are too smart and don¡¯t know how to be restrained. They will be jealous of others and make big mistakes in the future, and they may even lose their lives. This has always been the case throughout the ages. There are by no means a few people. Cao Pi is as wise as a fool, and Cao Chong is clever. As a result, Cao Pi inherited the throne of King Wei, while Cao Chong died due to his intelligence. Intelligence sometimes attracts not jealousy from heaven, but resentment from people, especially in When he was not strong enough, Lu Yunzhi stood up and Yu Qi carved two words on the wall: restraint. After carving, Lu Yunzhi said: "Sheng'er, Qiutong, you remember these two words , Everything must be restrained, and only by hiding it deeply can you exert great power. You need to slowly understand what my father said in the days to come, and one day you will understand. " After saying that, Lu Yunzhi walked out. He looked back at the room, sighed, and murmured to himself: "I hope you won't be like me, too tired, but you still need to choose your own path in the future. I can only provide you with conditions, but I don't want to interfere too much. , once I have achieved great success, how many people have sacrificed their lives to achieve my present glory? I have long forgotten my childhood dream. Am I still my true self? It is what it should be, right? It's up to you whether you follow destiny or go against it. " These words were not only wishes for the two children, but also for himself. After Lu Yunzhi said this, he walked towards the courtyard. There were more than ten people kneeling in the courtyard. Just by looking at their size, you could tell that these people were practitioners of external martial arts. Their temples were bulging and their bodies were strong. They were strangled tightly by hemp ropes and beef tendon ropes and could not move. Lu Yunzhi looked at them and asked: "Who ordered you to come. "Those men gritted their teeth and did not speak. Lu Yunzhi saw hatred and a kind of heat in their eyes. It was the light of deep worship or deep hatred. Once it was exceeded, they would become terrifyingly paranoid. Yang Xiyu He smiled and said, "No need to ask, they should be Qu Xiangtian and Murong Yunfei. " Lu Yunzhi looked at this group of people in shock. Only then did he see that their arms were wrapped with a white cloth with several big words written on it: Revenge for the Lord. Lu Yunzhi said: "My Lord is dead and he still wants to take revenge. You can be regarded as loyal and righteous people. It is not easy. Lu has always admired loyal and righteous people. I wonder if you are willing to come under my command and work with me. "Bah, you don't show yourself by urinating. You are the culprit who killed your master and your brother. What qualifications do you have to ask us to sacrifice our lives for you? You should kill us." "One of them said, and the Yinbu hero was so angry that he wanted to slap the man in the mouth with his hand. Lu Yunzhi smiled bitterly and stopped the Yinbu from beating him before he started. He knew that this statement seemed to have spread, and he Of course, he was too lazy to defend himself. There is a saying that the more you smear, the darker you become. As for whether he is a hero with eternal fame or a villain with eternal infamy, let future generations comment. Lu Yunzhi thinks that he has done his job. It is difficult to judge or measure the problem by studying right and wrong, Yingzi said coldly.?: "There is one more person, bring him up." Several Yinbu heroes pressed a person up and walked up. This person was not Han Yueqiu, but Han Yueqiu's face had been completely disfigured. If he hadn't been holding the Yin and Yang daggers, I'm afraid he would have been I really can't recognize him. As for the fire-bending technique I finally learned, I can't even use it. As long as I use it for a moment, my skin will suddenly explode. If I fight, I will probably catch fire and burn myself before even using a single move. Lu Yunzhi looked at Han Yueqiu coldly without saying a word. Han Yueqiu also stood upright. Lu Yunzhi asked: "Is it you or Cheng Fangdong?" This sentence is self-explanatory. It is asking who killed Shi Yuting. , Han Yueqiu spoke, his vocal cords slowly changed after being burned, and seemed a little hoarse, and he screamed: "It's you, without you, she won't die, and we can live a happy life. " "Fart, that's nonsense." Lu Yunzhi was furious. People around him got out of the way, thinking that Lu Yunzhi had murderous intentions. Lu Yunzhi suddenly waved his hand and said, "Let them go, Han Yueqiu, I will spare your life today. Don't. If he appears in front of me again, I won't show mercy next time." Everyone was stunned and confused. They didn't understand why Lu Yunzhi would let Han Yueqiu go, who came to assassinate and despicably attacked Lu Yunzhi's family. , Han Yueqiu said: "It was Murong Yunfei's suggestion to come to assassinate you. Originally, I wanted to kidnap your family and threaten you to surrender. Now that Qu Xiangtian and Murong Yunfei are dead, we want to avenge them, and I also want to Avenge your master, you murderer of a master, you'd better kill me, otherwise I will continue to hunt down your family in the future. I don't have the ability to kill you, but I will make you miserable." They all stood at the scene, not daring to follow Lu Yunzhi's arrangement and let Han Yueqiu go easily. If he assassinated Han Yueqiu again and again as he said in the future, it would be extremely troublesome. However, Lu Yunzhi said: "Why don't I give up my order?" It's working, let them go now, but if they enter the Zhongzheng family house again in the future, you don't need to capture them, just kill them." Everyone said yes and started to loosen the bonds for Han Yueqiu and the others, but they were very puzzled. , only Yang Xiyu knew that Lu Yunzhi once again had a heart of benevolence and was unwilling to fight with his roommate, and it also included guilt for Shi Yuting, but this guilt was transferred to Han Yueqiu, but at the same time Yang Xiyu also Knowing that people like Han Yueqiu could not stay, Yang Xiyu walked up to Han Yueqiu with lotus steps, put his hand on Han Yueqiu's back, and instantly burst all the muscles and veins of Han Yueqiu. He would surely fall to the ground and die within a hundred steps. Yun Zhi glanced at Yang Xiyu and said nothing. Han Yueqiu and others were let go. They jumped over the wall and fled in a hurry. Han Yueqiu climbed over the courtyard and walked out of the alley. After taking a few more steps, his face became heavier and he suddenly fell down. The ground was about to die, and all the killers suddenly screamed in surprise. The leaderless dragons looked at each other for a moment and dispersed, never to see each other again. Yang Xiyu walked to Lu Yunzhi and said: "Fighting with the same room is an inevitable result. Since you didn't retreat bravely, Then you should bear this ending. Yunzhi, your position today does not allow for personal relationships. Even if I disobey you one day, you will kill me. Promise me, because I want you to live, and you will not be able to bear the cold at high places. , in such a position, either you die or I live, and there is no room for your little kindness. " Lu Yunzhi nodded, with a faint bitter smile on his lips, and walked quickly into the bedroom. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 1: Thirty Cities in Foreign Lands At the end of the fourth year of Tianshun, on New Year's Eve, Zhen Lingdan led his army through the vast sea of ??sand and over the long mountains, and finally saw the plains, but the plains were already covered with white snow. Look at the vast white mountains. It's very impressive, but also has a hint of heroic sadness. On the white snow, a large area of ??red is particularly eye-catching. What's going on? As the New Year is approaching, Zhen Lingdan ordered to station on the spot and use the weapons of cattle and sheep. The blood was painted red in preparation for the New Year. All the soldiers were already homesick, but this was the first time that they celebrated the New Year in the army in such a lively way. Gradually in this joyful atmosphere, they forgot the sadness of being away from home for a long time. As for those who The newly recruited soldiers from the Western Regions, who were only celebrating the New Year of the Han people, were also infected by this atmosphere. The New Year is nothing more than an evolution of ancient legends and meets the needs of the solar terms. Now it is just a humanistic atmosphere, so it is also There is no national distinction, as long as everyone is lively and happy, everyone is busy, cooking cattle and slaughtering sheep. Zhen Lingdan has put on a leather apron, stands in front of the big pot and leads the fire-headed army to cook, stir-fry and bake. Naturally, it is indispensable. People in the Western Regions eat a lot of grilled food. They have never tasted such delicious soups and dishes. They all devoured their food. Zhen Lingdan sat aside and looked at the gobbling boys with a smile and said with a smile: " There are too few ingredients. When we are ready, we will make delicious food for you. After all, the dishes of Ming Dynasty are rich. When the war is over, come back to the Central Plains with me. Let¡¯s go from west to east and from south to south. Have a good time in Bei, each place has different tastes and styles, what's wrong with you?" The quartermaster and the chief clerk of finance and grain stood aside and laughed, looking at Zhen Lingdan and Chao Xing submissively. Chao Xing said: "If you have any military affairs, it doesn't matter. After you finish talking, hurry up and eat. The food today is so rich." "No, that's it. After finishing today, we only have one meal left." We have grains and flour, and all the livestock have been killed, what should we do if it happens?" the chief clerk said, and the quartermaster nodded in agreement, "You said this, don't worry, I'm still looking for it. As for you, you asked Huotoujun to make pancakes and steamed buns from all kinds of cereals. Remember, make them soft and soft. You lost your teeth when you ate them last time. " "This" the chief clerk did his duty and was worried that after eating tomorrow, The army was completely out of food, but it was difficult to refute General Zhen Lingdan, so he could only stay where he was. He kept talking, and Zhen Lingdan said: "Don't worry, we will do it within one day tomorrow." Attack and conquer no less than twenty cities. Today you have enough to eat and drink, and tomorrow you will go out before dawn. Are you afraid that you will not have anything to eat when you enter the city? Then you will be waiting to collect things and keep accounts. How do you know? Now you can feel at ease." "That's the order." The chief clerk and the quartermaster ran away with a smile. Zhen Lingdan was already a legend in everyone's mind. He said that if he conquered twenty cities in a row, he would conquer them twice in a row. Ten cities, although it is hard to believe like a myth, but seeing that the number of the army is not slowly decreasing, but increasing day by day, I am afraid that without twenty or thirty cities, it will be difficult to feed such a young man in his prime. That night, Zhen Ling Dan and Chao Xing gave orders to the soldiers, and each took the order and left. They were all smiling. This was not a war, it was more lively than a festival. In the city of Kirovgrad, the defenders leaned on the wall and fell asleep. I was about to sleep, and suddenly I felt the earth trembling. After a slight earthquake more than ten days ago, everyone was no longer so panicked. Thinking of that time, I fell to my knees on the ground and peed. It was really ridiculous. This old man A sarcastic smile appeared on the corner of the soldier's mouth. He was not laughing at himself, but the young boy next to him. Like himself, he had never seen an earthquake, but he was young after all. He knelt on the ground and kept shaking. , thinking that he was a hell demon sent by God to punish everyone. For such monstrous words, he was whipped by the city lord. As the veteran thought about it, he felt more and more that something was wrong, because the last earthquake did not last. It has been shaking for so long, and it is getting closer and closer to the city from far to near. Listening carefully, the veteran suddenly opened his eyes wide. It was the sound of horse hooves, but how could there be so many horses? , This is impossible, even all the city lords in the territory combined do not have so many people. Could it be that as the soldier said, the devil from hell is coming? Thinking of this, the veteran couldn't help but tremble a little, and looked sideways to the side, leaning on him as well. The soldiers on the city wall closed their eyes tightly, but they kept trembling. They thought they had woken up, but they were pretending to be asleep because of fear. Suddenly, the earth-shattering sound stopped suddenly, and the surroundings were silent for a while. It's scary. Veterans are veterans after all. As the saying goes, people become better with age, and it's the same as being a soldier. After serving for many years, they are naturally more courageous than ordinary soldiers. There are no crenellations in the Western Region city wall. The veteran looked out through an observation hole in the city wall. It's not bright yet, and there is still a faint mist in the air. I can't really see it at all. I just feel that the colors on the opposite side are not right, and the whiteThe color disappeared, as if it was covered with a layer of something. Suddenly, the veteran's pupils shrank, his eyes widened, his throat trembled slightly, and then he trembled and got off the city wall, risking his life to go to the city. He ran around and shouted: "The devil is coming, the devil is coming, the devil is besieging the city." Every household was awakened by the panicked screams of the veteran, and they opened the door to see. The veteran ran all the way to the city lord's castle. The city lord met him, and after hearing the news, he immediately decided to go to the city to have a look. By this time, it was already dawn, and the fog outside the city had also dispersed. The city lord was surprised to find that outside the city, there were densely packed with tough and fierce monsters. The cavalry have various costumes. Some have brown hair and high nose bridges, some have black hair and flat noses, and some look like Han Chinese who have come to do business. They carry big flags with the words Ming and Yi on them. , among which there are also the general's banners. The most conspicuous are the two high flags of the Chinese army, which read: Zhen and Chao respectively. The city lord trembled. He had never seen an army with so many people, and he had no idea. I have seen such a murderous and neat army. At this time, a man walked out of the army and shouted in a familiar language: "Open the city gate quickly, we have to go into the city to rest. Also, is there anyone here? Yili, please hand over the man named Boyan Beier quickly, otherwise we will find that the whole city will not leave any chickens or dogs, and will not seal the sword for three days." The city lord was so frightened that he quickly opened the city gate without any intention of resisting. , because he had no possibility or strength to resist at all, Kaicheng surrender was the best plan. Fortunately, this group of soldiers entered the city without committing any crimes, and they did not make any excessive demands. They just asked the city owner for some livestock and grain, and they did not After directly extorting and plundering the people, the city lord felt at ease. Half an hour later, more than a hundred people remained in the city. The army divided into two groups, marching westward and northward. They defeated thirty cities in a row that day, all without a single blow. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 2: The Fall of the Stars In the Ming Dynasty, at the beginning of the fifth year of Tianshun, if we look at who has the greatest reputation in the entire Western Region, of course it is not Zhen Lingdan. Zhen Lingdan can only be ranked second. Only those who have been captured or are about to be captured or are close to it. Only in the city-state did they know the reputation of Zhen Lingdan. The most famous one must be Boyan Beier. Everyone knew that taking in Boyan Beier would be a disaster. This saying spread from word of mouth to others very quickly. Everyone from east to west and from south to north knew that if he caught him, he would be rewarded heavily. The city lords of the most important cities offered huge rewards in the hope of catching this person. For a time, ordinary people also knew They were looking forward to the bounty falling from the sky, so much so that they often asked strangers if they were Boyan Bell. The reason why these kings and city lords did this was to establish friendly relations with the Ming Dynasty Iron Army. Secondly, Zhen Lingdan said that as long as Boyan Beier is captured, they will withdraw their troops. Therefore, the city lord is eagerly looking forward to Boyan Beier's arrest so that he can send away these Ming Dynasty men. Otherwise, he can kill them just by eating. The accumulated wealth was exhausted, and all the countries in the Western Regions were discussing the question: Which country is the best? It is not the Mongolian army of the year, nor Li Yuanhao of the Xixia Dynasty, nor is it the post that was powerful for a while but flashed across like a meteor in an instant. The most powerful one in the Mu'er Empire or the Roman Empire was the Ming Dynasty. For one person, he chased from the northwest of the Ming Dynasty to the Western Regions. He did not hesitate to attack the city and take out casualties. He just found Boyan Beier one by one. How is this? National power and prestige, what kind of temper and courage, so all the kings and city lords flattered Zhen Lingdan one after another, and wrote letters of credence and donated gold and silver treasures, hoping to have good relations with the Ming Dynasty, and agreed to go to the Ming Dynasty to pay homage to the Ming Dynasty next year. Son of Tomorrow, you can have a glimpse of the Holy Light and see the mighty national power of the Ming Dynasty. In February of the fifth year of Tianshun, the hard work paid off. Boyan Beier¡¯s head was placed in the tent of the Ming army. Boyan Beier was the contact person. When he was a king, he was killed by that king, but Boyan Beier still had a team of loyal wolf cavalry. Seeing that their leader was beheaded, the wolf cavalry vowed never to let the king go, so they began to attack the city for several days. , the king asked Zhen Lingdan for help, and Zhen Lingdan won a great victory with only a few hundred men. The wolf cavalry soldiers must be called loyal. Boyan Beier was so depressed, but they still followed closely and never abandoned them. After passing Boyan Beier, when they saw Zhen Lingdan arriving, they were also very scared. After all, they had been chased all the way by Zhen Lingdan. They had the impression that Zhen Lingdan was a person who fought hard face-to-face battles, but they did not expect that Zhen Lingdan sent several Hundreds of cavalry lay in ambush on both sides and fired arrows. After the bows and arrows passed, they rushed to kill. Using the terrain to defeat more with less, they wiped out the most elite wolf cavalry unit in Yili. This was exactly what Zhen Lingdan had done to Chao Xing. In other words, only when the enemy misunderstands oneself, can the strategy have different effects. Only when the strategy is unexpected can it be called a strategy. As a soldier, true, false, false, false, true, true, true, false, false, false, true, true, true, false, false, false, true, false, true, true, false, false, false, true, false, true, true, false, false, true, true, false, false, false, true, true, false, false, false, true, true, false, false, false, true, true, false, false, false, true, true, false, false, true, true, false, false, true, true, false, false, true, true, false, false, true, true, false, false, true, true, false, false, true, false, true, true, false, false, true, true, false, true, false, true, true, false, true, true, false, true, true, false, true, false, true, only true, false, false, true, only true, false, false, true, only true, false, false, true, true, and true Zhen Lingdan requisitioned horses from the Western Regions and stocked up on grain and livestock. After resting for more than thirty days, he returned to the court as promised. The city lords and kings lined the streets to say goodbye, and each of them deliberately shed a few tears that did not exist. To show their reluctance to withdraw from the Ming army, in April of the fifth year of Tianshun, we arrived at the Timur border. The rebel king division that the people were looking forward to finally returned. The people supported Zhen Lingdan and others very much because they never burned There was no bureaucracy in killing, humiliating, and looting, but only helping the people rebuild their homes, justice, fairness, and tolerance. Looking at the people celebrating their triumphant return that stretched for more than ten miles, Zhen Lingdan and Chao Xing smiled with relief. Not only did they defeat They defeated powerful enemies in the Western Regions, promoted the national prestige of the Ming Dynasty, and conquered the hearts of these people. This is an endless achievement of physical and mental conquest. That night Zhen Lingdan and Chao Xing got drunk, and they could hear in the tent The two laughed loudly and spoke eloquently, and then played swords and sang. Both old men felt that their lives had not been in vain. Chao Xing lived happily and grudges happily, while Zhen Lingdan was a late bloomer and achieved great things. , At dawn the next day, the guards saw that the lamps were still burning in the tent, so they thought that the two old generals were drunk, and couldn't help but admire in their hearts, the two old generals are really getting stronger with age, not only are they powerful on the battlefield, but they can even drink all night long. It was difficult for the young people to catch the horse, but after opening the tent and blowing out the lights, the guards were stunned. The two veteran generals had always been snoring loudly, but today they were quiet. Could it be that the guards walked tremblingly Next to Zhen Lingdan, he put his fingers under Zhen Lingdan's nose, his body trembled wildly, he tried Chao Xing again, and then burst into tears, "On April 13, the fifth year of Tianshun, Jiang Xing fell, and the whole army followed Han rites Wearing sackcloth and mourning, the common people also spontaneously wrapped themselves in white cloth, and the whole country began to cry. No one expected that Zhen Lingdan and Chao Xing died at the same time, and on the way back to the court after the victory, but at the same time, people especially I feel gratified, because it is said that Zhen Lingdan and Chao Xing had proud smiles on their lips at that time, and they walked to the end of their lives with smiles on their faces.He was very free and easy, with no pain or unfulfilled wishes, only eternal glory. When the news reached the capital, Lu Yunzhi burst into tears. No one had ever seen him so sad. Think about it, Lu Yunzhi lost his father when he was young. Later, she lost her mother and was brought into the Zhongzheng lineage by Shi Fang, so she had a family. Although Shi Fang loved Lu Yunzhi, after all, he had many disciples, and it was impossible to only care about Lu Yun. He could only be said to be particularly doting on her. That's all, not to mention that Shi Fang has a son, Shi Wentian, and a granddaughter, Shi Yuting. Therefore, in Lu Yunzhi's heart, Shi Fang is the master, the master of Zaozhien. Later, in Lu Yunzhi's fight with Yu Qian, and with Chao Xing Recognizing each other, this is his father's sworn brother, his only relative, his uncle, Chao Xing has no children, and he has been looking for the whereabouts of Lu Yunzhi and Tan Qing in these years. Of course, he didn't know about Tan Qing's existence at that time. Chao Xing has always regarded Lu Yunzhi as his own child, so he is willing to run around with him on the battlefield. Although the two are not father and son, there is still a layer of superiority between them, but Lu Yunzhi also regards Chao Xing as his own child. Chao Xing was treated as his closest relative, and sometimes Lu Yunzhi even regarded Chao Xing as his old father, so he tried his best not to let Chao Xing go to the battlefield, lest Chao Xing would make any mistakes, but Chao Xing was straightforward by nature and could not see Being used to what happened in the capital, Lu Yunzhi insisted on going out with the army. In order to make Chao Xing happy, Lu Yunzhi agreed to Chao Xing's suggestion to go out. What I have to admit is that since the war started, Chao Xing's complexion has become worse. It was much better when he was retiring in the capital, and Chao Xing died happily, but Lu Yunzhi was heartbroken. From now on, he would have no elders. This sense of loss made him feel sad, even though he knew that people die from birth, old age, illness and death. It's natural, and Lu Yunzhi is not the kind of person who is loyal and filial, but he is still extremely sad. In April, the Zhongzheng family house is white, and Lu Yunzhi will always be seen in front of Chao Xing's mourning hall, no matter what How busy was Lu Yunzhi that day? Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 3: Is there still a second brother missing? Luoyang, in a shop, a man wearing a robe was sitting in the house, holding a ledger in one hand and an abacus in the other, concentrating on calculating something. He nodded while looking at it, put down the ledger, and looked at it from the side. He grabbed a chicken leg from the bowl and took a bite, then wiped his fingers on his robe. His huge belly trembled back and forth twice with the vibration. He wiped his fingers clean and continued to pick up the account book. Suddenly he His body trembled, and the golden ring around his neck started to rotate. Then his already loose robe became even more bulging. He coughed and stood up calmly, pulled out two steel knives from under the table, opened the door and walked away. I went out. The sun outside was so poisonous that it made it difficult for people to open their eyes. There were two black spots on the wall. They couldn¡¯t be seen clearly when the sunlight shined on them. They must be people ambush. I don¡¯t know how many there are around. This fat tall man He hesitated for a moment and suddenly ran towards the courtyard wall. The ghosts flew out of his clothes and hit him backwards. At the same time, two ghosts wrapped around his front half. He was like a meat ball cannonball. It hit the courtyard wall directly, and the courtyard wall collapsed suddenly. The man ran out on the bricks without daring to slack off. The two ghosts that were shot out from behind him were smashed to pieces by the sword made of air control. The man ran out for about a hundred or so steps, and was stopped by two or three lean but strong men. Looking at the tight belts of those men, they looked like masters with their naked eyes. The tall and fat man yelled. : "Go away, don't force me to kill you." Those strong men not only did not dodge, but some of them drew their weapons and some summoned ghosts to resist, but one person heard a loud shout: "Fang Qingze, what are you still doing? If you don't restrain yourself and capture you, if we hurt you, you will be responsible for it." It turned out that this tall and fat man was Fang Qingze. Fang Qingze stopped hurriedly when he heard the man's voice, then looked up to the sky and laughed a few times and said: "Even the leopards are dispatched. "It seems that I can't escape. I won't run away anymore." Leopard jumped down from the side of the house, walked quickly towards Fang Qingze, and then said: "Fang Qingze, Yunzhi asked us to take you back. Why did you not only refuse to go but also suddenly escape when the Yinbu came to invite you? Then when they hunted you down, you injured two of my Yinbu heroes. I need your explanation. " "I have nothing to explain. I don't want to see him, you have to ask me to go, this is something against my own will, I will naturally resist, what's wrong?" Fang Qingze retorted, Leopard didn't know how to answer for a while, so he could only remain silent. , his face instantly turned pale, Fang Qingze instead smiled and said: "For example, if you don't want to go to the brothel, I have to take you to the brothel. If you don't want to, I will force you to go. You tell me whether you are in a hurry or not." "Go and see Yun Zhihe." Is it the same as visiting a brothel? I think you have something secret in your heart, you are afraid to see him." Leopard said angrily, Fang Qingze's body was shaken, and his face suddenly became ugly, but there was still a smile on the corner of his mouth, which made him look a little skinny. He smiled and said without a smile: "What am I afraid of? He is my third brother. I will still be afraid of him. Huh, just kidding. Besides, I haven't done anything wrong. I won't talk nonsense to you. Get out of the way." , I still have something to do. " Fang Qingze said and was about to leave. Leopard waved his hand and saw forty or fifty people standing on the surrounding roofs and roads. They all seemed to have good skills. If you look carefully, there were also some disciples from other branches of Tiandiren who had come to learn. Later, Lu Yunzhi also accommodated them into the hidden department of Secret Thirteen, "If you don't want others to know, you have to do nothing yourself. Fang Qingze, you don't need me to remind you what you did. The order we received is to take you Back to Beijing, as for what you said you wanted to do, we didn't receive the order to cooperate with you. As I said just now, don't blame me for hurting you. "Leopard raised his voice and said, "Fang Qingze glanced around. As a businessman, he naturally has the ability to assess the situation, and he also knows how much he weighs. If he said that he could break out of this scene, no one would believe it. He and Leopard are just as capable. It's just a matter of half a pound, not to mention the group of masters who are watching eagerly around him. If he is captured, Lu Yunzhi may not take his own life, but if he resists here, the sword has no eyes, and not everyone has the accuracy and ability of a leopard. If one of them fails to hold back, he is afraid that his life will be in danger, and his death will be in vain. Lu Yunzhi is very fair and will never blame his subordinates for carrying out orders. On the other hand, if he cannot rush out and resists stubbornly, Even if he didn't die, he would still be a mutilated person. Fang Qingze's mind was spinning rapidly and he swallowed. Just as he was about to throw away the steel knife, he suddenly remembered the rumor that Lu Yunzhi killed Qu Xiangtian and forced Murong Yunfei to death. He had witnessed Shi Fang's death with his own eyes. Scenes appeared in Fang Qingze's mind. Although it was a manslaughter, it was still a killing. Killing his master and his brother, was he still missing his second brother? Fang Qingze couldn't help but tighten his grip again. Steel Sword, if Lu Yunzhi really learns everything, he will definitely not let him go based on his character. Thinking of this, Fang Qingze suddenly shouted and rushed towards a place with fewer people,  The leopard is much faster than Fang Qingze. Before Fang Qingze could use his speed, he flew to his side and reached out to grab him. Fang Qingze did not dare to neglect, you must know that the hands of the ghost eaters are sharper than steel knives. So he swung the knife and cut across the leopard. The leopard did not dodge, and when he saw it was about to be cut in half by the steel knife, Fang Qingze suddenly turned the steel knife and hit the leopard's ribs with the back of the knife. The leopard took two steps back in pain and covered it with his hands. He grabbed his own ribs, and Fang Qingze also stopped, stood upright and asked with a puzzled face: "Why don't you hide." When the surrounding members of the hidden tribe saw the leopard receding from the pain, they rushed towards him with a crash. Coming up, Leopard quickly raised his hand to stop Anbu's progress and said loudly: "Step back a hundred steps, and I will deal with him personally." Anbu always obeys orders, even if what his superiors say is wrong. To be loyal to the orders of their superiors, everyone took a hundred steps back, no more than one step, and the difference in height was obvious. Some had long legs and were far away, while some were short and had short legs. The original arrangement was The formation was now in chaos, "Why don't you hide." Fang Qingze asked this question again, Leopard smiled and said softly: "Don't speak so loudly, they will hear it, you know what to do next. "Fang Qingze was stunned, and then he saw the leopard blinking, and he understood, so he nodded and said nothing more. Suddenly the leopard rushed forward, and attacked Fang Qingze with both claws. Fang Qingze went up to resist with his two swords, and the two of them struck. The exchange of moves was so exciting, the sound of a leopard grabbing a steel knife kept erupting in the air, and it was also accompanied by Fang Qingze's violent breathing. These years of drinking and sex have emptied his body, and he doesn't often do it on weekdays. Practicing, only relying on the foundation of the year, the advantage of height and strength, and the profound physical skills of Zhongzheng line, the leopard used its legs to Fang Qingze's lower body, and then grabbed his face, Fang Qingze He quickly raised his feet to dodge and swung his knife to block. Fang Qingze, who was fat and fat, made such a twisted movement for a while. It was difficult to maintain his balance. In addition, the collision force of the leopard's claws and the steel knife caused Fang Qingze to fall backwards. , Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 4: Cutting Off the Robe and Severing the Righteousness The leopard stepped forward and looked as if he wanted to take advantage of Fang Qingze's panic and take down Qingze in one fell swoop. However, he didn't expect that Fang Qingze deliberately used a flaw. He twisted his body in the air and threw away the steel knife in his hand, like a knife. Like a meat ball, it suddenly hit the leopard. The leopard was caught off guard and was knocked over. It rolled into a ball with Fang Qingze, fighting like a country idler. The leopard was not small, but Fang Qingze seemed to be stronger, and he The body is huge, and as the saying goes, the body is strong enough. After a few twists, the leopard was pressed under the body, and then he suddenly pulled out a dagger from his boot and put it on the leopard's neck. Under Fang Qingze's hold, the leopard slowly stood up under the command. Come on, don¡¯t dare to move. The surrounding heroes also don¡¯t dare to move. They are afraid that they will offend Fang Qingze and hurt the leopard, which they cannot afford to suffer. Fang Qingze yelled: ¡°Get out of my way, otherwise I'll kill him." The crowd still didn't move, and Leopard shouted: "Get out of the way." The crowd then cheered and opened a passage. Fang Qingze held Leopard and walked out. Several airbending masters wanted to do it secretly. Fang Qingze was not someone who took things easy. He quickly discovered this situation and said, "Don't follow me. It depends on whether your hands are faster or my knife is faster." No one dared to push each other hard and stopped to release the leopard. He and Fang Qingze left. After the two of them were out of sight, Fang Qingze let go of the leopard. The two of them did not speak, and ran towards the wilderness outside the city. After about a cup of tea, they arrived at the hidden hero. It was hard to find for a moment, and the two of them stopped. Fang Qingze said: "Why didn't you avoid my knife just now? If I really look at it, what should you do, and why do you want to help me." " Then why don't you chop it down?" Leopard asked with a smile, Fang Qingze replied: "You and I sent troops to Timur to fight against the Ming army on the northwest battlefield. When Mr. Chao and I were besieged, you saved him. I can't bear to save our lives, and you just let me cut you on purpose. You had a chance to avoid it. You knew you couldn't hit me first, but you did it deliberately. I can't bear it even more. You can't do it for me. I escaped by myself and hurt your life. " "I saw you right," said Leopard. "It's just that if you had killed me, I would have considered myself blind, but there were so many people around. You, as soon as I died, they were eager to take revenge. I was afraid that you wouldn¡¯t be able to escape. But instead of cutting me in half, you changed the back of the knife. That was so cruel. I still feel pain, but I don¡¯t feel any pain in my heart. , you should talk about loyalty, I think the same as you, I also think of the friendship we fought side by side, not only in the northwest, but also in Jinan Prefecture, and on the battlefield in the capital in the future, the reason why I want to let you go Let's go, that's because I don't want to kill you, and I don't want to take you to see Yunzhi. Yunzhi's heart is getting more and more cruel. I'm afraid that he will be harmful to you. Hey, I don't understand, why are you so confused? " Fang Qingze didn't answer the question and didn't want to ask why Baozi said he was confused, because he had a vague feeling that Lu Yunzhi already knew what he had done, so he said: "Then you let me go, why did you let me go? manage. " "Although Yunzhi is cruel, I don't think he will kill me, and I don't think he will kill you. What I mean is that it may be detrimental to you and may confiscate all your family property. Although you had an incision back then, "You can make a comeback with even a penny, but if all your property is really confiscated," said Baozi, Fang Qingze nodded and continued what Baozi said: "Then my life will be worse than death. I would rather die with my money than die." Never allow others to take it away, I understand Leopard, thank you. " Baozi waved his hand and said: "Not to mention, Qu Xiangtian is dead, Murong Yunfei is also dead, Mr. Chao and Zhen Lingdan also left at the same time. I don't want to see anyone die again. I'm not sure what will happen in the end. At which point it happened, so you go, don't go against Yunzhi again, you can't fight him. "What? Uncle Chao is also dead. How could this happen? Yun Zhi, I didn't want to go against him." "Fang Qingze said, "Baozi didn't answer Fang Qingze's question about Chao Xing, but his face changed and he reprimanded: "You still don't change your mind even when the disaster is coming. You didn't want to go against him. What happened to your business with Wala? You What about aiding Timur? What do you say about your massive war fortune in the Ming Dynasty? Wasn¡¯t it the case last time that you were cunning, cunning and hoarding? Why don¡¯t you have a long memory? Also, Yun Zhi has already told me what happened with Shi Fang. Why do you still want to tell Qu Xiangtian so that he has such a righteous reason to send troops? What you have done is what a loyal brother should do. What do you do? No, you only like money. Money is the only thing left in your life. You can give up everything for money and your broken business. You said, how can Yunzhi feel sorry for you? I just thought Let¡¯s see if you really miss our old relationship. Fortunately, your conscience is still intact and you didn¡¯t kill me.?, I am willing to help you just once. " Fang Qingze's face was gloomy. He thought that Lu Yunzhi only knew about his huge war fortune, but he didn't know that Lu Yunzhi even knew about his previous involvement in the enemy. This made Fang Qingze despair. He finally understood that Lu Yunzhi tolerated him. Although he did this again and again, Lu Yunzhi did not punish him because he was the leader of the Ming Dynasty. He still respected his second brother. This was to give him the opportunity to change his ways. , but he didn¡¯t cherish it, but continued it even harder. Now that Lu Yunzhi can¡¯t bear it anymore, is Lu Yunzhi going to take action? Lu Yunzhi knows all these secret things. It can be seen that Mi Shisan has penetrated How thorough, and how powerful the intelligence network is, where else can he escape? Fang Qingze was confused. He didn't know what to do for a while, "Leopard, save me. "Fang Qingze bowed to the end, but Leopard reached for Fang Qingze's dagger, pulled up the hem of his robe, cut off a section and threw it on the ground, saying: "I, Leopard, have never read any books, but I know loyalty, filial piety, benevolence and righteousness. Back then, you and I were Brothers, we are friends of life and death, and we are galloping together on the battlefield. I saved you just once today. From now on, you and I will never see each other again. In ancient times, Guan Ning cut off our seats. Today, I, the leopard, cut off my robes and cut off our righteousness. Don't let me see you again in the future. If I don't get to you, I will definitely take you to the capital. You can go and don't say any more words. " Fang Qingze looked at the leopard, then bowed again, turned around and walked away. After a while, the hidden heroes arrived after following the traces, and were about to chase Fang Qingze to the place where he fled. The leopard stopped them and said: " No need to chase anymore. ¡± Everyone looked at each other in confusion. Leopard knew that the law would not be merciful, and laymen watched the door and insiders watched the excitement. Many masters in the hidden department knew what was going on. If they did not set an example this time, they were afraid that everyone would engage in malpractice for personal gain in the future, so he said: "Tie me up and take me to the capital to see 'Heaven'. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 5: Life with one leg is not easy In the capital, Cao Jixiang couldn't sit still. After Shi Heng's fall, Cao Jixiang felt a slight sense of crisis. Now he is even more frightened after learning some news. Cao Jixiang has an adopted son named Cao Qin, who is as old as Gao Huai. The difference is not too big. He is only ten years younger than Gao Huai, so he is suitable as an adopted son. However, Gao Huai is now Cao Jixiang. His body is old and his mind is mature, so he looks like Cao Qin. Too young, Cao Jixiang's brows have never been straightened these days. He can't eat well or sleep well. His toothache is very painful. When he opened his mouth, he saw that his gums were swollen. Seeing his father like this, Cao Qin quickly asked, Cao Qin Ji Xiang sighed sadly and said: "Son, let me ask you, why do you think the tripod has three legs? If one leg falls over, can it still stand?" Cao Qin looked at his father in confusion, and after a long time he said: " If the distribution is very orthodox, it will not stand. If it is not arranged in an orderly manner, it may be able to stand. Don¡¯t people only have two legs?¡± Cao Jixiang nodded and said, ¡°It¡¯s just such irregular legs. With only one leg left, can he still stand?" "Definitely not," Cao Qin said, "Oh, yes, today, Ding's body is Lu Yunzhi, and the three legs below are Xu Youzhen. And Shi Heng, I suspect that Lu Yunzhi has used the three of us from the beginning, using the tiny power in our hands as his stepping stone. Now that he doesn't need it, he should remove these legs. When the world is stable, Lu Yunzhi After getting rid of Xu Youzhen, I guess he wanted to get rid of me and Shi Heng at that time, but he never expected that Zhen Lingdan would cause trouble in Lianghu. The general trend was to stop the fire in the backyard, so later Shi Heng and I, Mrs. Shi Heng He was too arrogant and went too far. He committed suicide. There is no doubt that it was Zhu Qizhen's hand. But let's imagine that if Lu Yunzhi missed his old feelings and tried to protect Shi Heng, even Zhu Qizhen wouldn't be able to do it. Dare to do it." Cao Jixiang said. Cao Qin looked admiring and did not answer. He didn't know whether he really understood or was just pretending. Cao Jixiang glanced at him and continued: "Being a father is the third leg. Originally, The three of us have different powers and restrict each other. Although we are generally high and low, our positions are different, which creates a balance. At the same time, it also leads to a situation where we are still standing even after Xu Youzhen's death. Shi Heng, a fool, had to seek death. As a result, he The leg became too long, which made Ding feel very uncomfortable, so it was cut off because of the displeasure of others. Ding did not say anything to save him. Now only my leg is left. Although Lu Yunzhi, Ding My body and I have an old relationship, but it¡¯s hard to support a tree with a single hand, and one leg can never hold up the huge cauldron. Do you think there is any way to maintain the balance of the cauldron? "Gao Huai is a good man, and he has no adopted son. He was too stupid. Cao Qin understood and said: "The only way to ensure the stability of the cauldron is to cut off your father and rest it on the belly of the cauldron." Cao Jixiang nodded and said, "Yes, I have a father's heart. I'm so frightened. I dealt with Xu Youzhen before the war, and dealt with Shi Heng in the middle. Now after the war, I'm afraid it will be my turn. In the past few days, I heard that Qu Xiangtian was killed by Lu Yunzhi after he was defeated. , even Lu Yunzhi's sister-in-law Murong Yunfei was given death. I'm afraid Lu Yunzhi is already a king now. We can't judge his actions from the perspective of worldly loyalty. I'm afraid he won't miss the old relationship. Attack me, and when he does, we won't even have a chance to cry out, and we will die without a burial place. Cutting off the grass and rooting out the roots is a method that every king and overlord likes to use. Cutting off the grass and not rooting out the roots will be a big trouble. " "Then what should we do, father, if that doesn't work, let's run away. "Cao Qin said, and Cao Jixiang shook his head: "Now that the world is stable, there is no place for us anywhere in the world. Even if we escape overseas, no one dares to take us in. I don't know if you have heard that now everyone in the Western Regions Knowing that they cannot offend the Ming Dynasty, they will definitely hand over the people that the Ming Dynasty wants to arrest. Isn't that the case with Boyan Beier, the man in power in the Yili army? Chasing, this can be regarded as scaring the courage of the Xifan people. If we don't run, we can still survive. We may be under house arrest for life. If we run away, let alone being caught and killed, even if we pass through many obstacles Blockade and fleeing outside the territory, they might be killed with a knife and their heads cut off and sent to the Ming Dynasty. That is the real tragedy. In the end, they will be charged with fleeing and communicating with foreign countries in fear of crime, and they will become a person who will be infamous for thousands of years. The sycophant whom the world reviled is so sad. " "How about we rebel? Since we can't escape, we have no choice but to rebel. "Cao Qin said, Cao Jixiang's face darkened, he stood up, made a gesture of silence, listened attentively for a long time, then leaned half out of the room, and kept looking around. When he returned to the room, his face changed. Only then did he regain some composure, but he was still a little pale. Cao Jixiang sat there and glanced at Cao Qin, who was at a loss. Then he picked up the cup and took a sip of the tea in the cup. His hands were shaking a little and the tea set jingled. After that, After a moment, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Don't dare to say this nonsense."But I know that just what you said just now is enough to kill everyone in our family. " "It's my father. "Although Cao Qin said this, he didn't care. He curled his lips and said, "But father is too cautious. We are not in the palace or outside, but in our own home. What's more, there are no people around. There are only two other people around, father and son, so we shouldn¡¯t report each other. " Cao Jixiang sighed and said, "My son, do you know Secret Thirteen? " "What Thirteen, Secret Thirteen, what is it? Is it something to grow for food, or is it a sacrificial item? "Cao Qin was puzzled. He always felt that his father was a little strange today. He asked Lao Shizi secretly, "Mishi San is the same as Jinyi Weidong Factory, except that he is Lu Yunzhi's secret killing tool. This organization said It seems more terrifying than the Jinyiwei, and it is extremely secretive. I don¡¯t know much about it. I can only tell you about it. This organization is different from the Jinyiwei who get a salary and wear a flying fish suit and carry a Tang sword on their waist. They are a hidden force. The military There are Secret Thirteens in the middle, there are Secret Thirteens in the business world, and there are Secret Thirteens in the court and political arena. These people all perform their own duties. They are not professional intelligence personnel, but because of this they are less noticed by others and are more threatening. , I heard that the reason why Qu Xiangtian was defeated was that the members of the Secret Thirteen in the place he captured heard the order and worked together. The most terrifying thing is that not only these aspects, but also the branches of the Heaven and Earth people have now become secret Among the members of the Thirteen, I heard that even the servants of the minister's family are secretly members of the Thirteen. It is difficult to guard against house thieves day and night. Not every word may be heard, and then lead to a serious disaster of death. "Cao Jixiang said, Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 6: If you don¡¯t give it a try, you¡¯ll get old "It's not that evil." Although Cao Qin was confused and knew that his father would never lie to him, he still couldn't believe that what kind of organization could have such a tight, complex intelligence network and such a powerful strength, Cao Jixiang He sighed: "It's watertight and permeable. Anyway, the moral news here is like this, and I can't be sure whether it's true or false. But the Mi Thirteen organization does exist. I've had contact with it once or twice, and Lu Yunzhi also mentioned it, so As for its power, we would rather believe it or not. It is better to be careful. ""Be careful when sailing for thousands of years. My father was right." After hearing what Cao Jixiang said, Cao Qin became wary. Cao Jixiang said again: "I have checked, and now there is no one around, so we can still talk." Cao Qin didn't know Cao Jixiang's ability, and secretly laughed at his father who was so old, and he was so dim-sighted that he checked It's better to let yourself listen to what's going on, but you don't dare to refute, so you can only continue to listen, "You don't dare to talk nonsense outside. As for the rebellion, Rong Wei's father should think about it carefully. When Meng He was killed by Lu Yunzhi They were beaten away, Yu Qian was knocked down by Lu Yunzhi, Xu Youzhen was kicked away by Lu Yunzhi, and Shi Heng also died with Lu Yunzhi's acquiescence. If we want to rebel, we must be prepared to follow in the footsteps of these people. "Get ready, please step back first, I'm tired," Cao Jixiang said, "Cao Qin knew that Cao Jixiang was not really tired, but that he was confused and needed to think about it quietly. It seems that his Cao Jixiang's heart has been moved by some rebellious remarks. Indeed, Cao Jixiang is secretly thinking at this moment that as long as he is a person, he will die sooner or later. Now that he is disabled, looking at this situation, he will be dealt with by Lu Yunzhi soon. It's better to just go against it, there is still a glimmer of hope, and once it is done, you can share the world with Lu Yunzhi, and live happily for a few more years. If you don't give it a try, you will get old if you don't take action. So, Cao Jixiang decided that as long as Lu Yunzhi If the person who started to touch him showed any sign of wanting to punish him, then he would do it himself. If not, then just stay calm and just mess around for a day. Cao Qin went out, feeling very happy. Cao Jixiang was not like others. The eunuchs of Cao Qin also lived in the palace and had an outhouse, but Cao Qin no longer lived in Cao's mansion. He had another house of his own. The reason why Cao Qin wanted to imitate Mengchang Jun was that he had thousands of guests and gathered the world's heroes and counselors. Qin wanted to do this but had to do it, and thus received the title of Sai Mengchang. Cao Qin was not Bai Ding. Through Cao Jixiang's relationship, he obtained the military officer position of a governor and Tongzhi, and was later named Zhaowu Bo. Among the diners, there are some people with real talents and learning, but most of them are just eating and drinking together. It is easy to enjoy the shade under the big tree. Cao Qin has an official position and has been named Zhaowu Bo at a young age. In addition, the court With the power of his adoptive father Cao Jixiang, his future will be limitless. People who came to Cao Qin for a while flocked to him with only one purpose, and that was to wait for Cao Qin to reach a higher level now or even to take charge of power alone. It can improve himself. In short, Cao Qin's Sai Mengchang operation not only satisfied the ambitions of the diners, but also satisfied his vanity. Every time Cao Qin saw the respectful looks of the diners and heard words of praise for him, he would He is complacent and usually gives a reward after being complacent, so no one speaks directly to him anymore. They all follow Cao Qin¡¯s wishes in order to make some money or become a popular person around Cao Qin. There is such a person. The man was so popular in front of Cao Qin, his name was Feng Yi. Feng Yi was good at flattering horses, and he also had a bit of ink in his chest. Cao Qin was very happy. Cao Qin was happy and surprised after seeing Cao Jixiang. This is what he thought : The adoptive father Cao Jixiang is a castrated person and cannot have children. He happens to be such an adopted son. If the rebellion succeeds, then he will be the emperor's destiny to face the south and the north. Even if he does not accept it for a moment, he can still be He was immediately crowned the prince, and it was only a matter of time before he became the emperor, but he was frightened. He was frightened that if he failed, his head would definitely fall to the ground, and there was no such thing as taking mercy on him. Feng Yi was about to go out, and he quickly handed over his hand when he saw Cao Qin coming in. After greeting each other, Cao Qin was confused and excited, and pulled Feng Yi into the study. Although he was a little excited about things that hadn't happened yet, he still remembered his father's words. Lu Yunzhi had an organization with great powers. , called Secret Thirteen. If the rebellion was revealed first, there would be no chance. Cao Qin did not dare to be careless, so he drove the servants out of the study, and asked the nursing school to guard and supervise each other a hundred steps away from the study. When people came closer, Feng Yi was so frightened that he broke out in cold sweat. He didn't understand what Cao Qin was doing, making it so mysterious and evasive. He heard that eunuchs had a habit of falling in love with men. Although Cao Qin was not an eunuch, his adoptive father was Eunuch, those who are close to Zhu are red and those who are close to ink are black. Could it be that thinking of this, Feng Yi tightened his buttocks and wondered whether he should resist. The two entered the room. Cao Qin closed the door and turned around. Lai lowered his head and said nothing, as if he was deep in thought. Feng Yi's face turned pale. Why did he still close the door? Suddenly Cao Qin raised his head and approached Feng Yi step by step with a heavy look on his face. Feng Yi's breathing became rapid and his throat tightened. ?He moved slightly and almost fainted. Cao Qin suddenly grabbed Feng Yi's arms. As soon as Feng Yi closed his eyes and prepared for a mental struggle, he shouted: "Sir, come on." "What are you coming for?" Cao Qin instead Feng Yi was stunned, and then his face turned red and he dared not speak. Cao Qin didn't know what Feng Yi was thinking. He stared at Feng Yi for a long time. The more he looked at Feng Yi, the stranger he looked. How could a man blush? He didn't care to think about so much, so he said to himself: "Feng Yi, how do I treat you on weekdays?" "There's no need to say anything, my life belongs to you. Yes, you can do whatever you want." Before Feng Yi understood, he heard Cao Qin say: "Has any eunuch's son eventually become the emperor since ancient times?" Feng Yi was completely stunned. It turns out that's not the case. , the body suddenly relaxed from the tense state, but soon became tense again. Cao Qin asked this question because he wanted to rebel. He wanted to usurp the throne, but he didn't know it. Cao Qin was a son of the eunuch, and now Among the eunuchs, Cao Jixiang was the most powerful. Moreover, Cao Jixiang was Cao Qin's adopted son. If the rebellion succeeded, then the meaning of Cao Qin's words would be self-evident. Feng Yi stabilized his mind and replied slowly: "Cao Cao That's it." Cao Qin nodded and said seriously: "I will be this Cao Cao, Feng Yi, are you willing to assist me?" Feng Yi knelt down and saluted and said, "I will follow you to the death." Although he said this, he was thinking about how to escape at night and leave this place of right and wrong, because he knew in his heart that all this was just Cao Qin's wishful thinking, which was not enough to achieve anything. Instead, it would cost his own life. Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 7: King Tong¡¯s Life in the Capital In the middle of June of the fifth year of Tianshun, Lu Yunzhi was in the main hall of the Zhongzheng Yipei courtyard. After listening to the reports of several masked men in front of him, he nodded and let them go out, followed by several more masked men. They came in, clasped their hands and began to talk about what they had heard and heard recently. They only talked about what happened, not who happened. Lu Yunzhi judged their identities based on their voices. This was equivalent to knowing the person they were monitoring. , so as to complete their words, "It is not safe to talk alone. It is better to listen to a mixed crowd. If there is a traitor, it can confuse them. They cover their faces because they are afraid that someone will betray others and involve other people. Thanks to Lu Yunzhi's good memory, this is Being able to remember the figure and voice of each of these people, Lu Yunzhi listened to everyone's reports. It was already two hours later. Lu Yunzhi stood up, shook his arms and said tiredly: " Nightmare, it¡¯s time for us to set off. After a while, the formation that trapped Ying Mei will be ineffective. " "We won¡¯t leave until Cao Jixiang rebels," said Nightmare as he emerged from Lu Yunzhi¡¯s body. He shook his head and said: "No wait, Cao Jixiang will never be a great person, but I am not worried about Zhu Jianwen, but I really can't bear to see brothers killing each other, but if Zhu Jianwen is not eliminated, I will feel uneasy after all. Leave a line for him. If he rebels with Cao Jixiang, get rid of him. If he doesn't want to rebel, let him go, but he must be strictly monitored in the future. Also, Cao Jixiang's wings can be cut off, as long as he doesn't rebel. Let's not take action. We have already killed enough people. I don't want to kill any more of our own people. That's what I thought at first. What do you think?" "It's up to you. When should we set off?" Nightmare asked. After thinking for a while, he said, "Just find my second brother and leave." Nightmare frowned and said, "You really want to attack Qingze." "That's not the point. After all, he is my second brother. I just want to confiscate his. family property, and then imprison him, otherwise he will get bigger and bigger. Although he is as rich as the country, in the end it is not the people of the world who are rich, but himself. Let businessmen govern the country, only focusing on interests, forgetting the most basic righteousness, and speculating will be useless. No matter how much you do, it will not be a good thing for the country or the people. Hey, I, the second brother, really can't let me worry." Lu Yunzhi said, "Nightmare smiled: "If he disobeys or rises up to resist you. "What should I do?" "Does he still have the capital to resist?" Lu Yunzhi also replied with a smile: "Most of his stores and channels have been monitored by me. Dong De is slowly eroding, and the top ten shopkeepers I trained They are also dividing Dong De's power. Even Dong De can't let his family dominate. If my second brother insists on resisting, then I can only kill him, otherwise I won't feel at ease even if I leave. This may be what is said I won¡¯t shed tears until I see the coffin. Haha, Nightmare, I have to thank you. If your evil hadn¡¯t been dissolved into my nature, maybe I wouldn¡¯t be so cruel.¡± ¡°Stop making excuses for yourself, as a king. , this is the inevitable path. Now you are deeply trapped in the whirlpool, and it is impossible to go into seclusion. If you are not cruel to others, others will kill you. Although it is no longer important, you are more noble. , you care about more than just your personal safety. Hey, I don¡¯t know whether I should say you are a man or a hypocrite, but I think the world will understand your good intentions soon. By the way, this time we will directly Is it done?" Nightmare asked, "Let's go and take a look first. As for the world you just mentioned, I don't want them to know about it. In order to learn something, let time cover up this history. "Lu Yunzhi replied, "Until the end of June of the fifth year of Tianshun, Fang Qingze disappeared as if he had evaporated from the world. He was nowhere to be found. Even the all-pervasive Secret Thirteen was helpless. In desperation, he had to change the plan temporarily. Set off first, and then come back and take action against Fang Qingze. In short, as Lu Yunzhi said, Fang Qingze is just a businessman after all. In the reality where imperial power is supreme, both military and political power are more lethal than money, and money can only be used as a tool. However, at this moment, Fang Qingze was frightened and had no courage to act. After settling everything in the capital, Lu Yunzhi and Mengmeng took Lu Qiutong out of the capital and galloped toward the north of the Great Wall. Go, the atmosphere in the capital began to become tense, but most people couldn't tell it. Even Zhu Qizhen didn't feel a sense of crisis, but Cao Jixiang was indeed preparing intensively. The reason why he was so anxious was that Yanbei After returning to the army, he returned to his original post and began to thoroughly investigate corrupt officials. Chao Gang's righteousness was boosted. Shi Heng's remnants of the party were wiped out at once. Cao Jixiang was also affected, but He did not continue to take any action. After all, this was inevitable. His people were intertwined with Shi Heng's remnants, and it was difficult not to be dealt with, otherwise it would hinder justice. Moreover, Yan Bei did not target him, only A small number of people were dug out, and most of the Cao family members were relatively taken care of, but soon?Cao Jixiang realized that he had underestimated Yan Bei. After Yan Bei cleaned up Shi Heng's remaining members, instead of calming down, he even more strictly investigated corrupt officials, as well as the phenomenon of neglect of duty, misuse of public office, and malpractice for personal gains in the officialdom. , now Cao Jixiang was a little panicked. Most of his people were bought officials and held positions with relatives, and they could not withstand strict inspection. If this continues, the Cao family's wings in the court will be cut off. Even his own family, the Gao family, could not last long. What would Cao Jixiang be able to do if he was left alone? Cao Jixiang frowned and sighed repeatedly. Sure enough, many of Cao Jixiang's people were defeated again this time. Cao Qin began to shout. He persuaded Cao Jixiang to take action, but Cao Jixiang was not sure. Suddenly he thought of one person, it was Zhu Jianwen who was currently unemployed in the capital. If Zhu Jianwen was roped in, although Zhu Jianwen had been stripped of most of his rights, he was still Tongwang, the leader of the vassal kings in the world, is extremely noble. Unlike hereditary tyrants, he is even more noble after being re-confessed. In addition, Tongwang has led other kings to participate in battles where the Qing emperor flanked the king to escort him, and even went to Mobei Li. Although Lu Yunzhi took back his military power after returning to Beijing for his great contribution, out of respect and reward, Lu Yunzhi still left a team of 500 Qinwang troops for Zhu Jianwen. This group was directly managed by Zhu Jianwen, but the imperial court paid them. Zhu Jianwen was not burdened with money, for which Zhu Jianwen was grateful and burst into tears to express his gratitude to Heaven. There is a reason why Zhu Jianwen was so excited. First of all, Emperor Yongle Zhu Di started his career as a vassal king. Naturally, he wanted to guard against the vassal king's rebellion and resolutely The vassal king could not be allowed to control the military power and repeat his own mistakes. Therefore, the measures originally thought by Emperor Taizu Gao to be diligent in the army and rescue the king were rejected by Zhu Di. After taking back the military power of the vassal king, some of the vassal king's subordinates There are less than a hundred soldiers, and they all have the responsibilities of domestic slaves and wardens. Most of them are old, weak, sick, and disabled. They are very different from the strong and diligent army under the current king Zhu Jianwen. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 8: The Conspiracy of Politicians Of course, there are exceptions. For example, when Wang Zhen controlled the government, Zhu Qixian bribed Wang Zhen with a lot of money and formed a personal guard. Later, after Zhu Qiyu came to power, Lu Yunzhi incited people to go against the banner, and the whole country turned against him. There was no one to care about it, so a large number of King Qin troops appeared. In normal times, even if the vassal king built a large number of weapons, he would be regarded as an accomplice in rebellion. This was one aspect that moved Zhu Jianwen, and on the other hand, There are very few troops in the capital. Since Qin Rufeng Guangliang's rebellion, the number of troops in the capital has become even smaller. They are all stationed outside the city to defend the capital. Within the capital, in addition to the troops standing guard, the Yulin Army, and the Ouchi guards. Apart from the Wucheng Soldiers and Horses Division, the only two large soldiers and horses led by people other than the imperial court are Mi Shisan's Yinbu and Zhu Jianwen's King Qin's Army. However, only Zhu Jianwen is on the bright side. This kind of treatment and How could Zhu Jianwen not be moved by his respect? In addition to Zhu Jianwen's reputation, this army was also one of the things that Cao Jixiang valued. Cao Jixiang knew that if there was going to be a mutiny, someone would be needed, so he arranged a team of troops here. But it¡¯s not very safe. I have to find another team to feel at ease. After thinking about it, I just feel that I and Zhu Jianwen have similar personalities. They had a good relationship when they were young, so I went to ask Zhu Jianwen for his opinion first and let Zhu Jianwen analyze it. , To this day, Cao Jixiang still has not completely wanted to rebel, but in the constant painful entanglement, Cao Jixiang knows that he is too weak compared to Lu Yunzhi. He has never thought about success. If he can succeed, it will be God's blessing. He He just wanted to fight to the death. He heard that Lu Yunzhi left the capital. He wanted to wait for Lu Yunzhi to come back. If he captured the city, he would hand it over. With Lu Yunzhi's character, he would definitely be extra merciful and aware of current affairs. Cao Jixiang has a way out. Although he will not be as prosperous as he is now, judging from Zhu Jianwen's treatment, he can't be worse. In short, this result is better than being tortured to death by Yan Bei. Of course, Cao Jixiang does not know his adopted son Cao What Qin thought, but it doesn't matter. Cao Jixiang believed that his adopted son Cao Qin would obey his arrangements. Maybe at the last moment, he had to listen even if he didn't want to. Cao Qin contacted the Tatar army in the city. At that time, the three guards of Duoyan After its establishment, three new items were quickly produced. One was the prestigious Three Thousand Battalion, one of the three battalions of the Ming Dynasty. The other was the Mongolian private army. It was nothing more than a wealthy family looking for four or five Mongolians who were good at fighting to fill the army. Martial arts warriors who work as thugs or housekeepers. Although their kung fu is not as fancy as that of the Central Plains warriors, their sabers, bows, arrows, and wrestling and close combat are equally useful. They are more brave, ruthless, bloodthirsty, and good at fighting than the Central Plains warriors. The third one is Of course, the officials who manage the three thousand battalions and manage Mongolian trade and security are not in charge of the officials. The real power lies in the hands of the Han people. The Han people will never let tigers become a problem. Even so, these Tartar officials are Among the Mongolians in the Ming Dynasty, there are still very high status, and they are absolutely easy to talk to. Cao Qin attracted them just for the Mongolian soldiers in their hands. As long as he persuaded them, it was equivalent to convincing the Mongolian soldiers. But now for It was too early to disclose the rebellion, so Cao Qin only drank wine and did not talk about state affairs, and gradually got along with the straightforward Tatar officials. With this layer of protection, Cao Jixiang came to the Prince Tong's Mansion with confidence. Zhu Jianwen was not sent back to the Jiujiang fiefdom, but stayed at the foot of the imperial city. Firstly, it showed the Holy Emperor's favor, and secondly, it also had a surveillance role. Cao Jixiang was not worried about the people in Dongchang. He was the eunuch of Dongchang. There are people of his own everywhere in the factory. He is worried about the secret sentry of Secret Thirteen. He knows that there is no way to avoid it, so he does not hide it. The more upright he is, the less likely he will be suspected. This is the darkness under the lamp. Cao Jixiang went to visit the president without hesitation. Wang Zhu Jianwen, Zhu Jianwen went out to greet him with great enthusiasm. After all, they are old friends. When they entered the main hall, Cao Jixiang rambled on without talking about the topic. Zhu Jianwen pondered for a moment and then said: "Gao Huai, I have heard it outside the house. , there should be no rhyme, if you have something to say, just say it. " "After hearing this, you are willing to be a free king for the rest of your life. "Cao Jixiang asked righteously and softly. He also checked and found that there should indeed be no one. Even so, he still did not dare to be careless and only dared to whisper softly, "Isn't this good? You see, I am hereditary. I have food and drink, personal guards, my own government office, and the title of leader of the kings. This is what many people want but can't get. What else can I not be willing to accept? Gao Huai, what do you mean? What do you mean, I said it, you and I are the only two people in the hall, you might as well tell the truth. "Zhu Jianwen said with a sneer, "Cao Jixiang hesitated for a long time and said suddenly: "Lu Yunzhi asked Yan Bei to cut off my wings just because he wanted to do something with me. I want to rebel. I specifically ask Brother Jianwen to help me." "Zhu Jianwen burst out laughing, then pointed at Cao Jixiang and said word by word: "Self, no, measure, strength. "Cao Jixiang was stunned for a moment and then his face turned red. He almost became angry with embarrassment. After a while, he stood up and said: "Tell me, what's wrong with me? If you can't tell me, I'm going to get angry with you.""If you want to rebel, I'm not allowed to say it yet. Please speak louder so that everyone in the courtyard can hear you." "Zhu Jianwen said, Cao Jixiang was suddenly discouraged and sat down with a sneer. Zhu Jianwen still said calmly: "Some of those who fought with Lu Yunzhi ended up well, Meng He, Yu Qian and so on. I won't say it anymore. Even I am on his guard at all times. Although I am still the king, I am not as prosperous as before. Hey, you want to rebel, why should you, Mr. Cao, be alone. " "I don't really want to rebel, I'm just afraid that Lu Yunzhi will do something to me. To be honest, I also want to surrender at the last moment. If I follow you, I can at least get a good ending. "Cao Jixiang saw Zhu Jianwen's puzzled expression and hurriedly explained: "Although Lu Yunzhi and I are no closer than you two, we still have the same feelings. If I don't take any action now, then wait for Lu Yunzhi. If you come to deal with me, I may not be killed, but the end will not be good. I will probably be imprisoned until the end of my life. Don't even think about it. " "But rebellion is different. After I rebelled, I surrendered when I saw Lu Yunzhi, letting him know that I was capable, but I still surrendered, showing my feelings for him and understanding of current affairs. Lu Yunzhi's People always value feelings. If I do this, he will definitely favor me, at least the result will be much better than before. "Cao Jixiang said plausibly, Zhu Jianwen sneered: "Bullshit logic, then tell me how you want to act. " Cao Jixiang's eyes lit up, and then he became energetic and lowered his voice and said: "I want to do this and this." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 9 Maybe Participate After Cao Jixiang finished speaking, Zhu Jianwen pondered for a moment and asked: "Can such an arrangement be accomplished?" Cao Jixiang shook his head and said: "Then how do I know that rebellion is bound to happen? If it is bound to happen, wouldn't everyone in the world He came out to rebel, but I have heard that if you join, you will have a high chance of winning. Maybe it will happen." At this point, Cao Jixiang couldn't help but feel excited, "It's still a possibility," Zhu Jianwen scoffed, and then his face straightened. Asked: "I ask you Gao Huai, even if I help you rebel, what good will I do?" Cao Jixiang smiled and said nothing. He knew that he had not deceived Zhu Jianwen. Zhu Jianwen was still a mature politician. Indeed, For Cao Jixiang, he said that according to his idea, once successful, he would get a better ending, but Zhu Jianwen was different. For Zhu Jianwen, this rebellion not only had no benefits at all, but was also full of dangers. Who can do such a loss-making transaction? Willing to do it, Zhu Jianwen pondered for a moment and said: "This is not the first time for me. I am afraid that if I participate in your rebellion again, I will lose my life if I fail. As the saying goes, repeat it again and again, and again, and never again, and this is it. That makes sense." Cao Jixiang stood up, cupped his hands and said, "In this case, Cao will no longer disturb the king's rest. Just pretend that the king didn't hear what Cao said today." "Don't worry, Mr. Cao. I will never report to Lu Yunzhi. I haven't been so mean, and Lu Yunzhi is not in the capital." Zhu Jianwen stood up and said, making a gesture of seeing off the guests. He and Cao Jixiang. Restoring the official title also meant the end of this conversation. However, the two were old acquaintances after all, and there was no need to coldly summon servants to see off the guests. Zhu Jianwen decided to see Cao Jixiang off in person. The two walked to At the gate, Cao Jixiang cupped his hands and said, "Your Majesty, please stay. I have resigned." But Zhu Jianwen said softly, "You can do whatever you want. If the situation is good, I will also join in the fun. If the situation is bad, just treat it as such." It's none of my business, so don't have too much hope." The people who didn't know what to say naturally didn't understand this nonsense, thinking it was some kind of business or fun thing, but Cao Jixiang understood it. His body was shocked and his eyes were wet. He couldn't help but clasped his fists to thank him, and then left the Prince Tong's Mansion. Yang Xiyu sat quietly in the courtyard and watched Lu Sheng and Yingzi practice martial arts. Yingzi had nothing to do so far, so Lu Sheng was adopted by Yingzi, but Lu Sheng was adopted by Yingzi. Sheng didn't know it, and no one pointed it out. Yingzi liked Lu Sheng, who had thick eyebrows and big eyes. Although the two didn't get along for a long time, after Lu Sheng had his memory erased, he regarded Yingzi as his biological mother, and Yingzi loved her even more. Lu Sheng, in Lu Yunzhi's words, she would not necessarily be like this even if it were her own flesh and blood. It was just like getting a son late. Yingzi and Lu Sheng practiced Kung Fu for about a cup of tea. Long Qingquan came back from outside and saw Seeing the two of them practicing martial arts, he couldn't help but curled his lips and said: "Although the elder sister's martial arts is good, the martial arts in the world are fast and unbreakable. I think Sheng'er should learn from me." Yingzi smiled and said: "Qingquan, your moves are not learned by others. Yes, no one can withstand your speed without an indestructible body like a recreated vajra. " "Then I can't let Sheng'er learn from you. When you travel around the world in the future, people will inevitably laugh at the fact that it was your master's wife who taught you kung fu. "Long Qingquan said, "Look for a fight. " Yingzi raised his hand and pretended to hit, while Long Qingquan pretended to dodge. Then Yingzi said: "Sheng'er, learn from your uncle. If he is too playful in the future and has no time to teach you, just tell your mother. " Long Qingquan was stunned, and then he realized that he had taken a hard job. He would only teach Lu Sheng in the future. When he had time, he would go out for sightseeing. He couldn't help frowning and frowning, but he could only agree to it. Yingzi arrived Next to Yang Xiyu, Yang Xiyu handed over a fine cloth hand towel. Yingzi smiled and wiped the sweat, then touched the tea cup and drank it in one sip. The tea was particularly refreshing when he took it into his mouth. Yingzi said: "How did my brother deal with it. " Yang Xiyu replied: "Brother Baozi had to plead guilty, saying that letting Fang Qingze run away was a great sin, so Yun Zhiyue let it go, but Baozi said that if he was not punished, it would be difficult to convince the public in the future. Most of the hidden people were very happy. Men, don't worry about the shortage but the inequality. Unfairness is not enough. If Yun is in trouble, leave it to me. Sister, don't you trust me to do things? " "That's not true. Yingzi said: "I am mainly worried that my father Lu Jiugang has disappeared every day. Although he is my biological father, I have been taken care of by my brother since I was a child. The relationship with my brother is naturally self-evident, so I still hope that my sister will take care of me." Can understand my mood. " Yang Xiyu covered his mouth and chuckled, and said: "I'm kidding, sister, the reason why I didn't discuss this matter with you is because of your relationship with Brother Baozi and your kinship. If you do it, It was difficult to convince the crowd, so I punished Brother Baozi to visit Master's tomb. I also punished Brother Baozi by abstaining from pornography and sexual intercourse for one year, and by wearing sackcloth and mourning for Teacher Shi Fang. " "This" Yingzi's face is a little ugly. The leopard is asking for forgiveness for Lu Yunzhi's good. Yingzi thinks it is nothing more than singingThe opera was for the people below, but Yang Xiyu¡¯s punishment was a bit harsh. Besides, Lu Yunzhi once said that the people in Fenggu did not cure the leopard¡¯s disease. It was not that the people in Fenggu were poor, but It's a tumor that grows in the leopard's brain, which means it will still open after being cut. It will gradually become more and more serious, and finally it will oppress the leopard's senses, and the leopard will go blind and eventually die. There is no cure for this disease, and there is no cure. A person can be cured, but he is so seriously ill that he is not allowed to live happily for a few more years. Instead, he is allowed to suffer such foreign crimes. Doesn't this make Yingzi a little angry? Long Qingquan once asked his father, Master Long, who had the same opinion. , didn¡¯t even come, saying that this disease can only prolong life, but cannot be cured. During the treatment, you need to abstain from eating meat, sex, alcohol and anger. How can the leopard bear it, so it has not cooperated with the treatment. Yang Xiyu sees Seeing the serious look on Yingzi's face, she couldn't help but laugh again and said softly: "Sister, do you know where Wang Yulu lives now." Yingzi shook his head. He didn't know why Yang Xiyu got involved with Wang Yulu again. Xi Yu replied: "Wang Yulu is living next to the master's tomb now. Brother Baozi is a man who values ??his promises and will definitely obey orders to quit drinking and sex. Because he can't leave, he naturally has to quit drinking. As for controlling his anger, there is no one around. , every day is the same, no one except Wang Yulu will make him angry, and it¡¯s okay to get angry. " Yingzi understood that it turned out that Yang Xiyu did everything for the good of the leopard, and made a decision to kill two birds with one stone, allowing the leopard to accept punishment at the same time. , to shape the treatment environment, the leopard with nothing to do might cooperate with Wang Yulu's treatment, because Wang Yulu is the only person who can talk to him, Yingzi couldn't help but feel a little moved, and hurriedly said: "Sister, I" "Sister, no need After all, we are a family." Yang Xiyu said, with a sad look on his face, Yingzi said comfortingly: "Sister, don't worry, Qiutong will be fine." Yang Xiyu forced a smile. He nodded, but there was a voice in his heart saying that perhaps not only his son Lu Qiutong, but also Lu Yunzhi could not escape this time, because Lu Yunzhi was doing a great thing, and as his wife, Yang Although Xi Yu is heartbroken, she will always support him. Volume 2 Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 10 Gengzi Day It was night, and Cao Jixiang was ready to take action. That night was the Gengzi Day. The Gengzi Day comes from the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches. Generally speaking, every sixty is a Jiazi, and the number thirty-seven is Gengzi, and the previous one is Gengzi. After Jihai was Xinchou, Cao Jixiang thought this was a good day for rebellion. Cao Jixiang and Cao Qin, his father and son, prepared to cooperate internally and externally to make a big fuss in the capital. Cao Qin held a banquet and invited Tatar officials to drink. He readily agreed. After all, he had been interacting with Cao Qin a lot recently, so he had no doubts about him. Cao Qin waited for everyone to sit down, and ordered people to close the door of the house and keep a close watch on him. If anyone left without authorization, the swordsman would come out and stab him. Hacked to death to prevent leaks. Although the Tartar officials are proficient in horseback riding and archery, and most of them are good at fighting, they are unable to defeat four hands with two fists. A good man cannot stand up to the wolves, and they cannot resist the random slashing of swords. Cao Qin is not a reckless man. What he valued was not only the personal bravery of the Tartar officials, but most importantly the many Mongolian warriors and Tartar troops in their hands, so he had to focus on persuasion. After three rounds of wine and five delicious dishes, Cao Qin spoke. He told Everyone was shocked by the rebellion tonight. Cao Qin remained calm and began to advocate the great benefits of seizing power. He also scolded Lu Yunzhi for being authoritarian and not good for the Mongols. He killed people and punished people with heart-breaking words. Lu Yun's heart-breaking words were: Yun Zhi hated the Mongols since her father was killed by the Mongols since she was a child. She led an army to conquer Oara, ordered Bai Yong to persecute the Tatars, and caused Zhen Lingdan to be defeated by Yi Lili. This was all out of personal anger. Rather than being a matter of national justice, this sentence struck a chord with the Tartar officials. Indeed, what Lu Yunzhi had done in recent years had frightened the Tartar officials. They suppressed several Mongolian countries and continued military attacks one after another. Frustrated, these Tatar officials lost their status in the capital. Originally, their status was based on the theory that the Mongols were stronger than the Han people. They were afraid that one day Lu Yunzhi would finish cleaning up the Mongols in northern Xinjiang and turn around. The reason for dealing with them was just because they were Mongols, but the Tartar officials had already received the Ming Dynasty's salary and regarded themselves as the subjects of the Ming Dynasty. Could it be that Lu Yunzhi was really out of hatred for the Mongols as the rumors said? Personal hatred, but they forgot that it was the Mongols who started the war. Lu Yunzhi just implemented the motto that those who offend our Ming Dynasty will be punished no matter how far away they are. Cao Qin continued to stir up the hearts of the Tartar officials: "Lu Yunzhi He is now preparing to deal with our Cao family. In fact, our Cao family is not afraid. We are willing to cut our bodies to pieces and let him kill us. There are only so many people in our family, and we can kill more than a hundred people. But what about you, what will you do with the family and the family? Lu Yunzhi has finished killing him. No one in our Cao family will be friendly with you Ming Mongolians anymore. We will definitely deal with you Mongolians when the time comes. Hey, let¡¯s not talk about it anymore. Today we are rebelling. We are willing to conquer the world with us and share this equally. If you don¡¯t want to, just follow me. When Lu Yunzhi takes care of you, don¡¯t regret it.¡± After saying that, Cao Qin stood up, broke the wine glass and walked out. All the Tatar officials looked at each other in disbelief. They were drunk and stood up one after another. They beat their chests loudly and said, "Master Cao, you treat us like brothers. If you raise your arms today, we must also do the same." Respond, otherwise it would be too unjust. "In fact, after a short period of judgment, these Tatar officials believed that what Cao Qin said was reasonable. If they continue like this, they will perish sooner or later, so it is better to give it a try. From this point of view, Cao Qin's words still had a great effect. Cao Qin handed over He cupped his fists and saluted in all directions, with a heavy face and tears in his eyes. He was deeply moved and shouted: "Thank you for your righteousness, all heroes." "The moment he bowed and lowered his head, Cao Qin smiled, and the smile was so bright. But the moment he raised his head, his expression returned to solemnity. The fighting started, and the Tatar officials aroused the excitement in various courtyards. Cao Qin's plan was to first get rid of the powerful officials on the periphery, so that the capital would fall into a state of no one to command, thus causing chaos, and then control the inner palace to take hostage. The emperor controlled military power from the inside out. Of course, he did not dare to go to Lu Yunzhi's Zhongzheng lineage house. He clearly remembered how Qin Rufeng and Guang Liang failed before, and the group of housekeepers under Yingzi and Lu Yunzhi. The figures of the warriors in the hospital appeared one after another in front of Cao Qin's eyes. Thinking of them covered in blood, Cao Qin couldn't help but tremble slightly, and he was half awake after drinking. It would be lucky if Zhongzheng didn't stop them How dare you seek death, so when passing by the Zhongzheng Yiline House, everyone said nothing and walked on tiptoes. Even the horse's hooves were wrapped in cotton. Cao Qin's first goal It's Lu Gao, because Lu Gao is in charge of the Jin Yiwei, and now is the day when the Jin Yiwei from all over the country return to the capital to report their duties. Therefore, to capture the thief, capture the king first, shoot the man first, shoot the horse, kill Lu Gao and then annex the Jin Yiwei. This is Cao Qin's Arrangement, not to mention that Lu Gao was a duplicitous person. He followed Cao Jixiang, then joined Shi Heng's family, and later turned to Zhu Qizhen and helped Zhu Qizhen destroy Shi Heng. Such a person who is like a wallflower cannot be retained. Of course, the most important thing is that now Lu Gao actually?Using the power of Jinyiwei, he began to help Yanbei to investigate and arrest the officials, and pointed the finger at the Cao family. This was what Cao Qin and Cao Jixiang could not tolerate the most. Although Jinyiwei was suppressed by Dongchang, it was an intelligence department after all. Lu Gao was out of Due to professional habits and intuition, I found that this night was not peaceful, so I wanted to slip away, but it was a step too late. The moment I opened the door and went out, it was the moment when people outside were about to come in. I raised my knife and dropped it. After his head fell to the ground, Li Xian sat alone under the lone lamp. The storm was about to come and the wind filled the building. He had already felt the crisis coming, but he did not run because he had already heard the sound of entering the door. It was too late. Li Xian couldn't help but look up to the sky. Sighing, bad luck has led to many misfortunes. A few days ago, Lu Yunzhi just talked to Li Xian, thanked him for his previous help to Mi Shisan, affirmed his status as a loyal minister, and explained with sincerity that in the future he would Assist the emperor well and make the Ming Dynasty prosperous. He feels a little bit lonely. Although Li Xian is very strange, he is also full of confidence and excitement. It feels like his revenge has finally been put to use. But now, everything is not there yet. If you do it, will you die in the hands of the rebels? Li Xian did not die. He ushered in Cao Qin. Cao Qin forced Li Xian and Wang Ao, the official secretary who was also captured by him, to write a memorial. The content of the memorial It's called asking for guilt, but it's actually forcing the palace. It means that Zhu Qizhen relied on magic to count the alchemists, and listened to the villain's slander that he was just a side of the Qing emperor, so he had to rebel. Although he didn't name him by name in the words, he was talking about Lu Yunzhi. This Even a blind person can see this, Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 11: Old Seniors After Li Xian and Wang Ao finished writing this memorial, Cao Qin led everyone towards the palace. On the way, some spontaneous ministers and servants came out to stop the rebels. However, facing the wolf-like and tiger-like Mongolian sergeants, they all He fell to the ground and was killed. The death was extremely miserable, especially for Wu Jin and others. Of course, most of the people who usually claimed that they were loyal ministers and adopted sons chose to remain silent at this moment. They closed the door tightly and completely shrank. , Now that the war situation outside Xinjiang has been decided, all the masters of Secret Thirteen have returned to the capital to obey orders. At this moment, they are ambushing on the rooftops in every corner of the capital. There are at least three to four thousand people, but no one moves at this moment, even when they see When the loyal minister was killed, the Tatars did not move when they tore the corpse. Although these hot-blooded men had almost broken their teeth and clenched their fists to bleed, they still did not move because they did not listen. When the order came, Yang Xiyu, dressed in black, stood side by side with Yingzi. Yingzi whispered: "Do it, sister, if you don't do it, all the conscientious people will be killed." Yang Xiyu shook his head with tears in his eyes and said, "Indifferent People deserve to die, but not now. There is no serious danger in leaving unintentional people alone. As the saying goes, luring the snake out of its hole, we have to wait until the person can't bear it anymore. Otherwise, it will be unfair and unreasonable. What Yun Zhi cannot bear to do, we Do it for him. " Outside Chang'an Gate, Cao Jixiang led several experts who gathered together, preparing to forcefully open the city gate, just like when he captured the city gate. Cao Jixiang secretly laughed and said: How did Lu Yunzhi capture the capital back then? , I will do whatever I want to do today. Now it¡¯s just another attempt to seize the gate. The fire started. When Cao Jixiang was still a few feet away from Chang¡¯an Gate, he saw the lit torch. All the gates in the imperial city had long been blocked by Zhu Qi. The town ordered the city to close its doors and wait for the rebels to attack. Even if the army entered the city and attacked, it would still last two or three days. Zhu Qizhen was not worried because he knew that Lu Yunzhi had already made arrangements. As for the inside, he was waiting for the enemy. Throwing himself into a trap, Cao Jixiang stood there stunned, and the so-called masters behind him also trembled. They were much braver than ordinary people, but with so many people around, he couldn't escape even with three heads and six arms. Outside the door, Cao Qin They had already begun to chant and fired loud arrows as a signal, but Cao Jixiang made no move. Cao Qin also panicked, knowing that the matter had been exposed. Since the rebellion could not be accomplished, he would go crazy to the end. Cao Jixiang was extremely regretful, and he He had clearly realized that this was a trap, just waiting for him to get in. At the same time, he also regretted that he had been too proud just now. He was so excited before he succeeded. He was so carried away that he did not realize that there were so many people around him. I, these people are all members of the Royal Forest Army, and their discipline is very strict. They didn't make a sound, so I said I didn't hear the sound of breathing because I was careless. But speaking of it, I lost at the hands of such a patient and well-trained team. Cao Jixiang feels that he is not unjust. Now that so many people have seen Cao Jixiang's appearance, he cannot hide it. His crime of rebellion has been confirmed. Cao Jixiang is going to deceive everyone. If he cannot be deceived, he will kill him. , when the time comes, he is not afraid of going to court, because the dead will not testify. Cao Jixiang ignited a blue spiritual fire in his hand, holding it in his hand without anyone noticing, and then shouted: "What are you doing, the door Don't let go of any rebels outside. The emperor has decreed that whoever can kill the rebel leader today will be granted the title of Marquis of Ten Thousand Households. Why are you blocking the door with bricks? Why don't you open the door quickly to meet the enemy? " No one answered Cao Jixiang. Cao Jixiang couldn't help but panic. He thought that if he deceived the city gate, he and his adopted son Cao Qinli would cooperate with the outsiders to deal with the imperial army, and then act according to the plan. If he couldn't be deceived, or Cao Qin had failed outside. If Cao Qin is killed, then he should kill Cao Qin before he vomits himself out. He should say that his action of letting the city gate open this time was a command error, but it was just out of loyalty. If it doesn't work, he can only kill Cao Qin as he just thought. Although there are many of them, Cao Jixiang is very confident in the spiritual fire he has hidden for many years. "Hahaha, Gao Huai, you are so eloquent. It seems that no matter whether you are an internal official or a foreign minister, you need to be smooth-talking and tell lies." Even if you don't blush, the person outside the city gate is clearly your son, Cao Qin. "A voice came from the crowd, the voice was low but a little high-pitched. Cao Jixiang couldn't help but feel his heart tremble. He felt that this voice was familiar. He must have heard this voice before, but he was not very familiar with it. He was definitely not an acquaintance. , it can only be regarded as met, but this person calls himself Gao Huai. Apart from his brothers and sisters of the same lineage of Zhongzheng, is there anyone else who knows his true identity? Direction, sternly said: "Who is doing this secretly? Come out and see me. "From the crowd, a blue spiritual fire also flew out. The speed of the spiritual fire was not slow, and it was very powerful. It collided with the spiritual fire in Cao Jixiang's palm, and made a crackling sound. The Imperial Forest Army separated instantly, far away from the master duel. In order to prevent being accidentally injured, they all ran to deal with the masters brought by Cao Jixiang,  Seeing that the situation was not good, those experts turned around and ran away. However, many people saw that Cao Jixiang had been exposed and the Royal Forest Army was outnumbered. They were so frightened that their legs became weak. Those with weak legs also lost the fighting spirit to resist. , was caught by the Imperial Forest Army and chopped into pieces with knives. Cao Jixiang¡¯s hand was so painful that he took two steps back and looked at the man in front of him. One eye is big and one is small, one eye is big and the other is small, the magic of spiritual fire, the voice sounds like a eunuch, "Wang Zhen." Cao Jixiang shouted, and saw the old man laughing loudly, and then provoked Thumb said: "Gao Huai, you have a good memory. You can remember who I am when I change my appearance." Cao Jixiang took a step back and took a cat walk to deal with the two situations of advance and retreat, and then said: "I change my appearance." Don't you recognize me? Speaking of which, you are still my senior. We are both eunuchs and masters of the spirit fire technique." "Hey, I'm so old, how can I still remember you? The appearance was all told to me by others. I really didn¡¯t expect that the famous Eunuch Cao Jixiang turned out to be Gao Huai back then. Although you have never controlled the Chao Gang Cholera Palace like I did at that time, a eunuch can do this to you. It's not easy to be so powerful." Wang Zhen said with a smile, and Cao Jixiang asked in a low voice: "Let you do it." Wang Zhen said calmly, and Cao Jixiang also smiled: "Do you want to do it? , you have done so many evil things and you have not punished me. Why should I obey the law and let you, a treacherous villain and a perfidious person, deal with me? This joke is too big. You must be Lu Yunzhi's man. He is really ingenious. , Spirit fire versus spirit fire, let¡¯s see who is stronger among us.¡± After saying that, the two of them stared at each other and said nothing. Only two groups of blue strange flames were burning quietly, emitting the breath of death. , Volume 2 Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 12 Wang Zhen Cao Jixiang was young after all, and he was the first to lose his composure and take action. He waved three balls of spiritual fire and hit Wang Zhen from the left, right, and middle, hoping to make Wang Zhen unable to avoid him. Wang Zhen's little eyes widened. He shouted three times in a row: "Okay, okay, okay." The spiritual fire technique could only raise one ball of spiritual fire at first, but now Cao Jixiang can actually use three groups at the same time, but Wang Zhen is not afraid, he has already had it in his belly With a good plan in mind, he observed that the spiritual fire on the left and right sides flew faster and hit him in an arc. Wang Zhen thought to himself, Cao Jixiang didn't know it was him just now, but he called out his name, he must be shocked. He hoped to kill with one move, so the blows he faced before were all at least 90% of the strength of the two people. In this way, although Cao Jixiang's moves are exquisite, his strength is not enough. It is a bit worse than he thought. As long as he is lucky, Raise a ball of spiritual fire and run towards the left or right side, then smash the spiritual fire head-on, and then split it to hit the other two. This seemingly invulnerable trick can be solved. Cao Jixiang's power is fixed. It seems that there is no dead end in separation, but in fact it is a move evolved at the expense of power. Instead of retreating, advance instead, use advance to retreat. As soon as Wang Zhen performed this move, Cao Jixiang couldn't help but frown. Jiang is still old and hot. He can defeat the enemy with his own strengths. In a short time, he judged how to deal with the strategy in a short period of time. A smile appeared on the corner of Wang Zhen's mouth, but his face soon darkened again, because Cao Jixiang did not panic, but looked at Wang Zhen expressionlessly. , this feeling reminded Wang Zhen of Cao Jixiang¡¯s laughter in the next second. Behind the calm was a bigger storm, and behind the expressionless face was a smile that he could hardly hold back. Wang Zhen became suspicious, and suddenly saw the two groups of spiritual fire. Suddenly he accelerated and caught up with the ball of spiritual fire that Wang Zhen was heading towards. The three groups combined to force Wang Zhen to avoid it. Suddenly a ball of fire broke out. Cao Jixiang laughed loudly because Wang Zhen had already burned into a ball of flames. , Cao Jixiang looked at the Imperial Guards beside him with a proud smile. When everyone in the Imperial Guards came into contact with Cao Jixiang's gaze, they all took a step back in fright. They were not afraid of dying on the battlefield and under the sword, but they were not afraid of being burned alive. It was so miserable. Suddenly Cao Jixiang stopped laughing, just like Wang Zhen just now, because he found that Wang Zhen was burning something wrong. Before he had time to think about it, he saw Wang Zhen burning into a ball and rushing toward him quickly. The flames In the middle, Cao Jixiang saw Wang Zhen's face, which was a face that looked upon death as if he were going to die together. Cao Jixiang quickly retreated, and kept waving the spiritual fire at Wang Zhen, but after all the spiritual fire hit Cao Jixiang, it was like Like a stone sinking into the sea, it disappeared without a trace and had no effect at all. It merged into the flames on Wang Zhen's body and burned more and more fiercely. Wang Zhen shouted: "The art of spiritual fire was originally meant to castrate us." Those who abuse the body should use the technique of abusing the heart. If you don't burn yourself, how can you know the maximum power of the spiritual fire technique? "Wang Zhen burned himself. Although he suffered great pain, he increased his speed. It directly hit Cao Jixiang, who was running and dodging. Cao Jixiang fell to the ground, and then blue flames ignited on his body. The two of them burned together. From the outside, it was impossible to tell who was who, and they could only vaguely see who it was. I saw the two figures in the flames, as well as Cao Jixiang's constant screams, but Wang Zhen remained silent. After a long time, the flames went out. Both Wang Zhen and Cao Jixiang were scorched black and dying. Wang Zhen got up with all his strength. , left Cao Jixiang, looked at the charred Cao Jixiang, sneered and fell to the ground, suddenly a shrill scream from the internal prison sounded: "The emperor has arrived. "Zhu Qizhen's Luanjia arrived. The Luanjia raised the beaded curtain and Zhu Qizhen ran down from it. The guards and eunuchs around him were caught off guard. Zhu Qizhen fell to the ground before he could take two steps. Everyone around him hurriedly helped him. Fearing that Zhu Qizhen would fall and get hurt, Zhu Qizhen threw away their outstretched hands, got up and stumbled to Wang Zhen's side. At this moment, Cao Jixiang and Wang Zhen were both covered in black, and it was impossible to tell who was who. , but Zhu Qizhen could tell it, relying on the feeling that Wang Zhen brought to him since he was a child, which was doubtful and said to be the intuition of love, "Mr. "Zhu Qizhen picked up Wang Zhen who was burned like coke. Wang Zhen looked up to the sky and laughed, his laughter was unrestrained and hoarse, as if he wanted to laugh out the absurdity and success, despicability and greatness of his life. This was the first or last time for him. The only time he did not guard Zhu Qizhen was to call the emperor again: "My child, you have to walk the road in the future on your own. I can no longer accompany you. Whether you are a good emperor or not is for future generations to evaluate. But I hope you can be a good person. Those who rule the world cannot have good intentions, but I want to say it with a clear conscience. " After saying that, Wang Zhen closed his eyes, and two drops of turbid tears flashed from the corners of his eyes. Zhu Qizhen remained silent. All he could see in front of him was the figure of Wang Zhen who accompanied him when he was a child. The king who bullied the courtiers with him. Zhen, the Wang Zhen who allowed himself to go to the Wara Tumu Fort and was captured. Although all this was enough for future generations to call him a foolish king, Zhu Qizhen did not complain or regret. He still regarded the prisoner Wang Zhen as his elder. Even my father,Qizhen loved him. Thinking of the several dangers he saved in Wala, and thinking of the old servant in Nangong who didn't talk much and never looked at him, but who killed all the Nangong guards on the night of seizing the door, Zhu Qizhen could imagine that Wang At that time, Wang Zhen looked at his back and sighed. Now, Wang Zhen spent the last part of his life to help him secure the throne again. Now, Wang Zhen is teaching himself for the last time. Zhu Qizhen burst into tears and burst into tears. Heartbroken and almost fainting, about half an hour later, Zhu Qizhen stopped crying, but his face was already as pale as a mourning heir. He stood up and swayed. Zhu Qizhen took off his dragon robe and draped it on Wang Zhen Then he picked up Wang Zhen's body with all his strength. A sweet mouthful of blood flowed out of the corner of his mouth. It hurt and his heart was like a knife. Everyone was shocked and knelt down, begging Zhu Qizhen to take care of the dragon body. Zhu Qizhen took a step forward. He walked towards the palace step by step. When he passed by Cao Jixiang, he saw Cao Jixiang who was still alive. Zhu Qizhen paused and said, "Mr. Xuan, treat the traitor Cao Jixiang." Although everyone finally agreed to obey the saint. However, there was confusion in his eyes. Zhu Qizhen showed a crazy and weird smile: "Save him, don't let him die, otherwise you will all be buried with him. I will cut the thief Cao into pieces with a thousand knives, even if It¡¯s hard to explain why I only have hatred in my heart, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.¡± Zhu Qizhen hugged Wang Zhen¡¯s body and left with a smile. ¡°What is right and what is wrong will be judged by future generations. Only emotion remains the same, moving the world. Forever and ever, this night is tragic, lonely, and cruel at the same time. The struggle for power has always been inhumane, but who can have no feelings? The feelings revealed on the ruthless road are the so-called true feelings. , Sigh, sad, magnificent, this moment belongs to a person, a not great person, , Wang Zhen, Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 13: I can¡¯t help it anymore That night, everyone went crazy. After the struggle, is the human heart still the human heart? Cao Qin, who had been unable to break through the Chang'an Gate for a long time, also began his final madness. He burned the Chang'an Gate with fire, but the imperial guards inside the Chang'an Gate were already on guard. Sand was readily available, and the Chang'an Gate had already been blocked with bricks. It didn't matter if they burned the palace gate. The Tatar army, which had been unable to attack for a long time, had lost patience, so Cao Qin frantically asked them to plunder first to suppress this attack. There was a rage that could not be vented, and the people naturally had little luck. They were burned, killed and plundered. Most of the people who were silenced were the so-called "loyal ministers and righteous men" who had done nothing just now. Yingzi watched all this in the dark and snorted coldly. Said: "Reincarnation has failed many times, and you deserve to be annihilated by standing idly by." Yang Xiyu smiled and said, "Let's make it more lively. If it's more lively, I guess that person will be tempted." Yingzi hesitated for a moment. Said: "If Zhu Jianwen had resisted the temptation of chaos and not followed the rebellion, what would have happened to my sister?" Tan Qing also looked at Yang Xiyu, and Yang Xiyu's eyes flashed and said: "Then do it, otherwise I won't Don't worry, the wait now is just to give Yun Zhi an explanation and give the world a reasonable explanation." Tan Qing said with a smile: "It is true that a family does not come into the same house. I understand our family, but Sister Yingzi is kind. "Since Bai Yong's death, Tan Qing has been a widow for Bai Yong, eating fast and wearing soap day and night, with his hair tied up high and tied with a hairpin. Seeing Tan Qing's smile today, Yang Xiyu and Yingzi also With a knowing smile, Tan Qing finally came out of his grief. After plundering, Cao Qin shouted: "Chang'an Gate cannot be captured, let's go to Dong'an Gate." At this time, the sky was already a little bright, and many The Tartar officials already knew in their hearts that this coup was a failure, but they still had the last bit of luck, hoping to break into the palace from Dong'an Gate and implement Cao Qin's "whimsical" arrangement. Everyone fell into a state of madness. They burned, killed, humiliated and looted, not only to maintain this exciting fighting enthusiasm, but also because if they really couldn't succeed, they could still wrap up their belongings and pick up the plane and sneak out of the capital. Come back and be a Tatar army again. After all, the culprits of this rebellion are the Cao family and his son. As for the accomplices, there are too many, and it is not easy to implicate them all. It will only take a long time to kill a few leading ones. The past has passed, and now this idea permeates the entire Tatar army. Therefore, it seems that the current Tatar army is full of enthusiasm, but in fact it is easy to collapse at the first touch. Sun Boring survived the catastrophe and escaped the fighting of the rebel army. He did not hide In the court room, he didn't go back to his home, let alone run away. Instead, he walked towards the barracks. He wanted to lead troops to rescue him. He didn't have the military talisman. He spent the night in the court room and would get the military talisman tomorrow. He went on the Western Expedition to take over the large territory conquered by Zhen Lingdan and Chao Xing. However, when he slept until midnight, he realized that something bad had happened, so he went to move reinforcements. He didn't expect that so many people responded to him, but he really didn't have any military symbols in his hands, because You have to get the military talisman when you go out for the battle the next day. Now this scene made Sun Bor so excited that he almost cried. There are still so many loyal and righteous people. He thought that without the military talisman, a hundred people would follow him and use their blood. It would be good to exchange for the stability of the country, but he never thought that after he raised his arms, two to three thousand people cheered and joined in. Sun Boring quickly overturned the previous idea based on his experience. What loyalty is there in serving as a soldier and eating food? Patriots, they thought that these people came based on their reputation and the rewards after the rebellion, so Sun Boring wanted to make a big show of it, but found that the eyes of the group of people in front of him revealed a firmness, and he They queued up to report their number. There were two words in the report: "Secret Thirteen" and "How many numbers are there in the sky"? The numbers were different. Sun Boring was confused and didn't know what this was, but since he could follow him to kill the enemy and put down the rebellion. Even if he was a good person, he couldn't care about so much, so he led the group of people and ran towards Chang'an Gate. Zhu Jianwen couldn't sit still. He counted the time. Several hours had passed since the coup. Saying that this rebellion was very unsuccessful and did not win at one stroke also illustrates a problem. The capital's defenses were empty. Lu Yunzhi did go out of the city and was not lurking in the city. The Ming army in the city was unable to resist at all, otherwise it would not have been possible. The chaos will continue for so long, so the two sides should be evenly matched now. Whoever Zhu Jianwen supports will have a greater chance of winning. Zhu Jianwen thought that if the coup was successful, he would immediately switch sides, kill Cao Jixiang, and then confine the city. The door was closed to gain control of the army, and Lu Yunzhi was turned away when he left the city. Only by declaring him a traitor and traitor could it become a big deal. This plan may be a bit hasty, but it will be better to arrange things in the future slowly. Today is a time of great chaos. , the opportunity cannot be missed and will never come again. Perhaps Cao Jixiang and the defenders of the capital have already fought so hard that both sides will suffer losses. As long as he joins, he can reap the benefits.?? Zhu Jianwen was anxiously running around in the room. Finally, he suddenly grabbed the cup and threw it to the ground. He ordered: "Assemble King Qin's army, line up with me and enter the palace. King Qin will escort you and destroy the traitors in the palace who control the emperor." Of course King Qin's army Naturally, the soldiers did not know that Cao Jixiang in the palace had already been subdued. Even if they knew, they would probably obey all Zhu Jianwen's arrangements, because the duty of a soldier is to obey orders. Zhu Jianwen was scheming. After a long period of secret investigation, he discovered that this team did not have an undercover sent by Lu Yunzhi. Of course, Lu Yunzhi did not mean well, because King Qin's army, including all of this, was Yang's. Xi Yu arranged it. Yang Xiyu knew Zhu Jianwen's character well, so he simply didn't arrange any undercover agents to reassure Zhu Jianwen. Only then could he truly lure the snake out of the hole. Lu Yunzhi once again acquiesced to this. Because of this five Zhu Jianwen only participated in this "game" with a team of hundreds of strong and loyal warriors. From this point of view, Yang Xiyu actually made the right move. Zhu Jianwen led his army towards Chang'an Gate Going forward, this is the best palace gate to attack the palace. Zhu Jianwen, who is good at defending the city, naturally knew it. However, he learned on the way that Cao Qin had led his people to attack Dong'anmen. Zhu Jianwen said angrily: "Really He's playing the piano randomly." Having said that, Zhu Jianwen still insisted on his idea and attacked Chang'an Gate with all his strength. The sky turned from dim to clear. When Zhu Jianwen led his troops to Chang'an Gate, they were surprised. He found more than a thousand people lined up in front of Dong'an Gate. These people were of different shapes and sizes. Not all of them were tall and round, but all of them had gleaming eyes. They looked like masters at first glance. Zhu Jianwen was shocked and couldn't help shouting: " No, I fell into a trap.¡± Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 14: It¡¯s not over yet Zhu Jianwen was panicked. He knew that this group of people was the Secret Thirteen Hidden Division responsible for assassination and protection, but he always thought that there were only one or two hundred people in the Hidden Division. Now Lu Yunzhi must be followed by many people on his trip, plus Because they are dispatched from abroad, there will not be too many Yinbu experts left in the capital. It is not a problem to solve three or four with their own skills. The rest will be left to their Qin Wangjun. Although Qin Wangjun is just an ordinary soldier, The bows, arrows and spears in his hands were not ordinary. Now Zhu Jianwen was dumbfounded, because there were thousands of people in front of him. Zhu Jianwen hurriedly ordered the troops to withdraw, and sent someone to shout that he was leading the crowd to suppress the rebellion, and he knew what he was doing. Who was in front of them? Before the team had even withdrawn a hundred steps, they saw many people walking neatly out of the alley behind them. Many people also jumped off the roof. After counting, there were more than a thousand people. Zhu Jianwen and his King Qin army were surrounded. Zhu Jianwen knew that his lies could not make sense anymore, and he would be punished no matter what he said today, so he looked up to the sky and sighed: "There is no escape." It seems that this is not Secret Thirteen. Zhu Jianwen roughly estimated that the total strength of the Yinbu troops, because there were heads protruding from the surrounding walls, should be three to four thousand, not to mention that according to Zhu Jianwen's knowledge, the Yinbu troops were Everyone in the army is a master, and even if they are just ordinary soldiers, the difference in numbers is too big now. This battle has been lost without even fighting. Street fighting relies not on troop formations but on individual combat capabilities and numerical superiority. This The Secret Thirteen people were qualified in several aspects, so Zhu Jianwen no longer resisted, and sat cross-legged on the ground, facing the master of the Secret Service who came up to him. He did not shout to kill, but had a strong murderous intent. Zhu Jianwen King Qin's army did their duty without fear. They protected Zhu Jianwen until the last person fell. During this period, no one surrendered or escaped. It was quite heartwarming and truly heroic. Yingzi looked at the corpse of King Qin's army that fell on the ground. , said to Zhu Jianwen, who had been tied up by Wu Huada: "Look, these soldiers are stronger than you. They know how to be loyal to the Lord and know how to repay kindness. They will not repay kindness with hatred like you. You think you don't know what you are doing." Well, he tolerated and indulged you again and again, and still used you to give you endless glory, but in exchange for your shameless betrayal again and again. " "Hahahaha" Zhu Jianwen looked up to the sky and laughed: "The winner is the winner. The loser is the thief. If I lose, I have nothing to say. Now that we are in high positions in the temple, we are no longer ordinary people and villagers. There is no loyalty and betrayal. It is nothing more than a struggle for power and distortion. It's just abnormal human nature." "Maybe you are right, so what else do you wish for?" Yang Xiyu remained silent and did not blame Zhu Jianwen. In her opinion, such behavior was unnecessary. There was a glimmer of light in his eyes after seeing this. He knew that apart from Lu Yunzhi, the person in charge of the Zhongzheng lineage or the Thirteenth Secret School should be Yang Xiyu, this smart woman, this snake and scorpion woman. In other words, only Yang Xiyu What she said has a certain value. Now she asked herself what she wished for. In addition to Yingzi's previous scolding, could it be that Lu Yunzhi had told her to still let herself live? If that was the case, Lu Yunzhi was indeed a kindhearted person. Whether he wants to be loyal to him or to be released into the mountains and become a free king, Zhu Jianwen has no objection, and will never rebel in the future. There is no trace of hypocrisy in this idea, and it comes from his feelings, because Zhu Jianwen knows that, He could never defeat Lu Yunzhi. Zhu Jianwen had a strong desire to survive, and the word hope appeared in his eyes: "Wish, I want to see Lu Yunzhi again. "Yes, when he saw Lu Yunzhi, he burst into tears. Lu Yunzhi must not be willing to kill himself, "Hey, if I had known, why would I do it in the first place? Now it is too late to see Lu Yunzhi. "Yang Xiyu said, Zhu Jianwen was stunned for a moment. Could this sentence mean "It seems that he guessed wrong." Zhu Jianwen smiled bitterly and was pulled away by several Yinbu heroes. After a while, a hero came up and held his hand. Zhu Jianwen's head said: "Zhu Jianwen subdued the law. " Yang Xiyu nodded, and then said to his subordinates: "Find someone to bury these King Qin soldiers. These people are all good people. "The hidden tribe was inspired. This is the lord they want to be loyal to. He claims to be honest and loyal, whether to his own people or to the enemy. Following such a lord is practical. Sun Boring led this strange army behind him at Dong'anmen. When encountering Cao Qin, Cao Qin did not take down Dong'an Gate. He still used his old trick of setting fire to the gate. The defender of Dong'an Gate was even more powerful. He also set a fire inside the gate, kept filling it with firewood, and dug around it. After clearing the fire belt, just make sure that the fire does not spread to the palace. Looking at the raging fire, Cao Qin is helpless. Now two fires are rolling into one ball at the door. How can he rush into the palace door, although the palace door has been " "The inside should be combined with the outside" was burned to pieces, but people could not get through, so they could only shoot arrows at each other across the fire. At this time, Sun Boring arrived, so the two parties fought fiercely, and Cao Qin ordered people to start.Before Sun Bor could take command, his troops were well-trained in fighting with bows and arrows. Sun Bor could not help but wonder what these soldiers were doing. The Tatar army had always been brave, and they were not vegetarians. , although I was a little tired after fighting all night, I still showed my infinite potential and combat effectiveness at this critical moment of life and death. The fight between the two sides was very lively. The battle actually lasted for an hour. In the end, more than a thousand people from the hidden tribe arrived. Afterwards, the battle ended, and Cao Qin fled back to his outer house, preparing to hang himself from a beam, but before Liang could reach success, Sun Bor arrived with his troops. Cao Qin, like many ministers who were harmed by him tonight, The result was that the whole family was destroyed, and all the belongings in the house were looted. Cao Jixiang finally regained his breath after being carefully nursed back to health by more than a dozen imperial doctors. The imperial doctor did not know what happened and only thought that Cao Jixiang It was the hero who protected him so much that he was so loved. Unexpectedly, not long after the news that Cao Jixiang was alive was reported, the imperial edict came down. Cao Jixiang was belatedly executed. All the imperial doctors looked at each other, not knowing what happened. There was silence in the capital. Cao Jixiang is dead, Cao Qin is dead, Zhu Jianwen is dead, and Wang Zhen is also dead. Of course, these people are not the only ones who died. Yang Xiyu is once again hiding in the compound of the Zhongzheng lineage. The remaining The endgame was left to the surviving ministers. The counterinsurgency work in the capital went very smoothly. Soon the people came out to walk around, the businesses reopened, and everything returned to the previous scene, except for the lingering traces in the air. Except for the faint smell of blood and the traces of burning on the palace door that were difficult to remove for a while, the rest was as usual, as if nothing had happened. Outside the capital, two identical men led a The little boy looked at this magnificent city, and one person said: "The nightmare is over?" The other person replied: "Maybe it has just begun." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 15: Disaster of Father and Son Everything is over. Another coup. But this time it ended in failure. Some families are happy and some are sad. Some people raided the whole city and searched for them. Some people were promoted to positions and titles. Lu Yunzhi finally returned to the city. Everything is no different. There was just a hint of fatigue between his brows, and his face was more weathered. Lu Qiutong had changed a lot. He was often silent and no longer as naughty as before. When he had nothing to do, he would lock himself in the room to study or practice martial arts in the courtyard. He looked quite serious. With Lu Yunzhi's demeanor as a child, Yang Xiyu was suspicious and took Yingzi to ask. After talking all night, all three of them had pale faces. The matter was far more serious than they imagined. Lu Jiugang decided to travel around the world. He didn't know who this old man was. What do you think? After saying a few words to Lu Yunzhi, he left without even seeing Yingzi and Baozi. He was afraid that they would stop him, but he would not be able to leave. Lu Yunzhi started the final journey. He wanted to build a complete Secret Thirteen organization. Let this The organization was deeply embedded in the foundation of the Ming Dynasty. He didn't want to do this, but he had to do it because Lu Yunzhi was worried about himself The ability of the magician was too high and he could calculate the fate of ordinary people. Except for the higher fate of princes and ministers, which affects the power of the world, so the variables are greater, the rest of the common people and small officials can master it. This ability has greatly expanded the number of magicians, and they have begun to use destiny to opportunistically, which has led to the chaos of etiquette, law, and discipline. So no matter it is Didn't he agree with the words of Patriarch Xing Wen and Yao Guangxiao? Lu Yunzhi hopes to destroy the world and the people. This idea flashed through Lu Yunzhi's mind before, but he soon resisted this impulse. Now the brothers are fighting each other. The common people are in dire straits. War breaks out from time to time. The dead and injured are all civilians. The reason why Lu Yunzhi rode away and rode the wind back was because he wanted to see the people's sentiments on the way. But he found out that he thought he had made the most contribution to the stability of the world. How could he ever think about the common people? On the contrary, it is getting worse year by year. The flames of war have caused everyone in the world to suffer. White-haired people give away black-haired people. Wives and children are separated. It is a common thing. Because one general succeeds and ten thousand bones wither. While Lu Yunzhi achieved strategic victory, he left Tens of millions of people have lost their family members. Whether it is national justice, suppression of rebellion or revenge, this is not a reason to take other people's lives. Lu Yunzhi fell into deep thought, secretly crying all the way, "I feel sorry for the common people." The sequelae are the waste of people and money. Although most of his war funds came from the Ministry of Household Affairs, Fang Qingze and Dong De, but the root cause is still the people's money. Various exorbitant taxes and various rising prices. Although Lu Yunzhi made a good plan, the people below implemented it. When he was young, he would resort to layers of deductions and put all the pressure on the people. Although he had not reached the tragic point of exchanging his children for food, Lu Yunzhi was also moved when he saw the sallow and skinny people. This is not as good as the life he lived when he was a child. Fighting with the people's money. Instead, the children and grandchildren of the people were killed. This is not unethical, but extremely immoral. Lu Yunzhi looked up to the sky and sighed. Although he has said this sentence many times, he has never felt it as much as he does now: the prosperity of the people is suffering, the destruction of the people is suffering, everything. Everything happened because of the magicians. So when Lu Yunzhi and Mengmai came back with Lu Qiutong, he made up his mind to destroy the world and all the magicians in the world, and brought them into the Secret Thirteen, under mutual restraint. Slowly wear down this ability and no longer allow people with magic numbers in the Secret Thirteen to take power to prevent future troubles. Although there will still be various melees and political power in the future, Lu Yunzhi believes that there is no need for people with magic numbers to get involved. The destructive power will be smaller. Apart from the problem of magicians, eliminating Ying Mei is actually the first priority now because he always provokes those heroes from time to time and improves their strength enough to become the great hero he needs. Lu Yun He even suspected that many things about Murong Yunfei had something to do with Yingmei, but he didn't ask. But that's not important anymore, because Lu Yunzhi wanted to destroy it no matter what. This was not only a promise to his predecessors, but alsoIt is Lu Yunzhi's responsibility, but the nightmare said that the method recorded in the tower is too weird. Lu Yunzhi thought for a long time and there is really no better way. This is the only way. The method is to seal Ying Mei in the body of a person with a life of 525. Let This person serves as a container to hold the Shadow Charm. The more pure the life of the container is 525, the better the effect will be. Then seal the 525 people in the tower and use the clan's heaven and earth technique to destroy the tower. Only in this way can the Shadow Charm be slowly dissolved. How long? It¡¯s not certain. It may be an eternal seal that can never be resolved. The shadow charm is the reason why the power of heaven and earth merges with humans and gods. It is unkillable and can only be consumed slowly. If that¡¯s all, then that¡¯s it. But there is another condition, that is All this must be done by another 525 person who is blood related to the container. It is best to be a direct blood relative. This requirement is a bit strict. Although the life weight of 525 is difficult to find, it is definitely not unique. However, all direct blood relatives are Wu Liang Wu must also be a person who is proficient in arithmetic. This requirement is clear. It refers to Lu Yunzhi and Lu Qiutong, father and son. For the safety of the world, they want to seal the vicious shadow demon in their son's body. How much impact will this have on him? Besides, he has to bury his son forever under the high tower in the valley. He can only wait until one day for his son to consume the shadow charm before he can break out of the cocoon. But what if Lu Qiutong dies before that day? What will happen to him? Lu Yunzhi doesn't know the formation of this seal. The method is too big and requires a huge amount of energy. The subsequent destruction of the tower is not easy. This tower records the causes of good and evil in the world. The enlightenment of the mind is really the most powerful thing in the world. The soul-suppressing tower is modeled after the tower in the valley. It doesn't have such power, let alone the body. It seems that to do all this requires a huge amount of energy, and this method can only be performed by one person. Even Lu Yunzhi, who has now reached the level of defying heaven, does not dare to guarantee that he can perform it smoothly. Maybe He will also risk his own life because of this. Lu Yunzhi thought, "Let's not mention this matter for the time being, because Lu Yunzhi still has many things to do. Although the shadow charm is in Lu Qiutong's body, it has a certain influence, just like the influence of nightmares on Lu Yunzhi." The same, but not without any additional points. Therefore, after Lu Yunzhi stabilized the political situation, he began to carry out unprecedented reforms on the magicians in the world. Undoubtedly, the effect of this reform was successful, and he influenced the magicians of later generations. The layout has also brought the political struggle that magicians have participated in for thousands of years to a complete end. Since Lu Yunzhi, there has been no magician in the world who can change the world. What is right and wrong can only be left to future generations to judge. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 16: Reform Not to mention the normal operation of the Thirteen Secrets. Even if we just say that there are thousands of people in the world who know all kinds of magic. Now there are only a small part of the Thirteen Secrets. Most of them are still idle among the people. However, these people are not in serious trouble. He is a person who is not good at learning. As time goes by, the true skills of the inheritors are all lost. In fact, at the beginning, all the spells in the world are similar. It is just about the level of comprehension. If they are taught according to the order, there will be no guarantee that the descendants will be old Xing Wen. A powerful person like Zu, but many people like to save their skills and save the magic and laws. Gradually, the disciples are getting worse and worse as they learn, and the more they learn, the more they regress, which leads to the demise of these sects. Such people cannot enter Lu Yunzhi's For now, let them fend for themselves. But the other two situations are much more troublesome. First, the real experts among the people. People like this need to be won over first. If they can enter Secret Thirteen, they can slowly implement the policy that has been prepared for a long time. Secondly, It is the Secret Thirteen Middle School, especially the people in the Hidden Division, that is the most troublesome thing for Lu Yunzhi. There are several ways to quickly solve it. The first is to destroy them all. Directly clean the memory. This is quite troublesome. If someone finds out, he will definitely have to do it. Resist or flee. The second point is to kill them all. Lu Yunzhi is confident that if he fights side by side with the nightmare, he will have the strength. But there is still a lot of work for them to do. And these people have followed the rebellion from scratch and have made a lot of hard work. It is not Lu Yunzhi's style to cook the cunning rabbits and lackeys. Doing so is not righteous. For the present, the only way is to proceed slowly and boil the frog in warm water. Lu Yunzhi ordered to start gathering the people of the world, canceled the name of the people of heaven and earth, and merged the new joiners into the Secret Ten. Among the three, if there is someone who is independent and disobeys, the whole family will be executed. If there is someone who joins the Secret Thirteen but does not listen to the orders, the entire family will be executed and executed in a hurry. The three souls and seven souls will be shattered. They will never be reincarnated. All the subordinates will praise Lu Yun¡¯s wisdom and martial arts. He said this When the world becomes one faction, there will be no more sectarian disputes, and there will be fewer conflicts. The internal unified system is fair to everyone. A bowl of water will be equal, regardless of the main line and branch lines. There is no such thing as the noble status of the Zhongzheng line. In the Thirteen Secrets, there is only The law has no mercy. Although it is a little cruel, it is fair and just. It convinces most people. It is comparable to Xing Wen. The creation of the world. Better than Xing Wen. The light of the saints. These words of praise came one after another without money. Lu Yunzhi smiled at them. The ancestor of Xing Wen once said After that, his encounter with Lu Yunzhi was the encounter between the creator of heaven and earth and the destroyer of heaven and earth. It was a once-in-a-lifetime moment. Ancestor Xing Wen was very happy and gratified. Lu Yunzhi looked up to the south, about the direction of Xu Wen, and said: "Old Ancestor, I am also happy because I paid. No matter whether I did the right thing or not, but at least I did it. "You rest in peace." In three months, all the magicians in the world were taken under Lu Yunzhi's command. Those who stubbornly resisted were rolling around in Secret Thirteen. Under the dust and smoke, crushed to pieces, the general trend is unstoppable, and those who do not overestimate their own capabilities are like mantises using their arms as chariots. After entering the organization of Secret Thirteen, in addition to the division of various responsibilities, Lu Yunzhi also divided all disciples into several major categories: Ghost-Eating Clan and Ghost-Seeking Clan. By Onmyoji, Warlocks and Warriors, the Ghost-Eating Clan is nothing more than reverting to its old name. It is a tribe of Leopards. It may seem ordinary, but the Ghost-Eating Clan is grateful. Even after joining the Secret Thirteen, the Ghost-Eating Clan is still easily called Soul-Eating by various branches of the people of heaven and earth. Beast: Lu Yunzhi¡¯s approach is tantamount to rectifying the status of the ghost-eating tribe. The next rule is dispensable. That is, the ghost-eating tribe is not allowed to practice magic. Originally, the ghost-eating tribe does not like magic. In addition, due to the system, most people There is no way to practice. He only used a little bit when soaking and micro-carving teeth. Lu Yunzhi didn't care about this. In fact, most of the ghost-eating tribe are the descendants of the people of heaven and earth. Therefore, there are many battle formations that strictly follow the spells. Arranged here, they can exert great power. Some of these ancient formations have never been seen by even Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi stopped all the spells in these formations. The ghost-eaters didn't care. After all, they are rarely used.  And most of the ghost-eating tribesmen rely on their extraordinary athleticism, agility, speed, and their own teeth and claws. After Lu Yunzhi gave the order to the ghost-eating tribesmen first, the next arrangement was much easier because of the regulations on the ghost-eating tribe. Stopping the mouths of those who have opinions. Lu Yunzhi¡¯s wife is a ghost-eating tribe. Naturally, so is his brother-in-law. There are such strict orders against practicing ghost-eating tribes. On the surface, they enforce the law impartially. Others can¡¯t say anything they want. Of course, this is the case. The arrangement was made by Lu Yunzhi after careful consideration. For the sake of fairness, he first dealt with the ghost-eating tribesmen who were related to him, thus blocking criticism. The second was the ghost hunters. This is the smallest group of people in the classification. All of them have a life of five. People of two and five, or people who are born with the ability to feel ghosts and spirits due to the fusion of yin and yang due to the time difference between heaven and earth. Lu Yunzhi is this kind of person. He knows very well that the hero, the predecessor of Ying Mei, has the fate of five, two and five. The magic he created is also It is most suitable for people of five to five to practice. Therefore, people who are classified as ghost hunters are most likely to reach the realm of defying heaven. The greater the power, the greater the destruction. It just so happens that people of five to five are geniuses in the eyes of the masters of all branches of heaven, earth, and human beings. Therefore, focusing on training and coupled with innate advantages will definitely cause serious problems in the future. Therefore, Lu Yun ordered that those who will be classified as ghost hunters in the future are not allowed to practice the arts of heaven and earth. Even ordinary spells are not allowed. They can only study the most basic fortunes and simple ones. The art of destroying ghosts is also because of this classification. Therefore, all ghost hunters and a few onmyojis in the future worship Lu Yunzhi as their ancestor. However, they do not know that it is Lu Yunzhi who blocks their way forward to prevent the underworld from appearing between heaven and earth. A Lu Yunzhi, an Onmyoji, is just for exorcising ghosts. Lu Yunzhi just wanted to minimize the danger, so he destroyed the world and the people, not because there is really no need for such people, because when there is yang in time, there must be yin and ghosts. Spirits will still appear, and if there is a ghost that does evil, someone will still need to subdue it, so the position of the onmyoji is retained. However, Lu Yunzhi has gone through a small change and has requirements for what the onmyoji has learned, so that the onmyoji in the future will be far inferior to ordinary onmyojis. His lineage of Zhongzheng has a strong foundation. For this reason, Lu Yunzhi learned from Qin Shihuang's method of burning books to humiliate Confucian scholars. Anyone who dared to study or teach in violation of regulations was sentenced to death. Lu Yunzhi also burned relevant documents. This is why more than a hundred years later, he The reason why they are scolded by a large number of Onmyoji: Warlocks are fortune tellers, brave men are people with extremely important fates, people who are not afraid of ghosts and spirits, they are born with magical weapons to defeat ghosts, of course, if they learn the art of exorcising ghosts, they are also very powerful, and it is easier to attract ghosts. Fighting in the body and falling into the devil's way, such as Qu Xiangtian's case. In short, these two types of people also have strict learning content. They are never allowed to go beyond the limits. With such an iron-fisted policy, the magicians in the world have begun to differentiate. Everyone They all learned incompletely, and gradually became unable to understand them all, and became only able to get a glimpse of the mysterious magic. Since then, no one in magic has reached such a heaven-defying height as Lu Yunzhi, and few have provoked wars. From this point of view, Lu Yunzhi is indeed successful. Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 17: Removed from the History Lu Yunzhi, the greatest achiever in the world, is truly a man of benevolence and righteousness. He will be incomprehensible to future generations, but his contribution to the world is immortal and will last forever. After this passage, I turned to the end of this book. The font is beautiful and light, It's a bit ethereal. I don't know who wrote it. I'm eagerly looking for all the contents in the book. I want to know how the story of Secret Thirteen ends. I also want to know this story. Who can record it from beginning to end like this? The article is not as simple as the first one written by Yingzi, but it is clean and tidy. This book is very long, and the records are also very detailed, analyzing everyone. It is very thorough. Although there is a little subjective bias in the article, it maintains consistent fairness. It tells the ups and downs of honor and disgrace, with a posture that can be judged by future generations. Finally, I found it in the small corner in the north of the book. I wrote the word "rain", but the words around the word "rain" were not clear, but I understood who recorded this book. There is no doubt that except for talented women like Yang Xiyu, who else Such talent can range from the love between children to the one that can swallow thousands of miles, from the little bit to the rapid flow, everything is covered, whether it is magic or military tactics, I can secretly admire it, and of course those who support my idea, except The word "rain" at the end is based on the fact that although the article talks about how resourceful Tan Qing was, it does not say that Tan Qing can write and write. The fonts recorded in the article are women's calligraphy, but Shi Yuting and Murong Yunfei both died in the book. , it is definitely not their dead souls, or it was written by ghosts according to the article. In other words, the only people who wrote the book are Tan Qing, Yingzi, and Yang Xiyu. Tan Qing¡¯s previous inference The following has been eliminated, and Yingzi recorded the first book I read. The font is different, and it should be written by Yingzi after he recovered his memory. Moreover, Lu Yunzhi and others love to talk to the considerate Yang Xiyu, Because talking to her will calm down the mood. Yang Xiyu is very good at understanding other people's hearts. In this way, she can know all aspects of the story, what everyone sees and thinks, etc., so this book must be It was written by Yang Xiyu. I sighed, and then took out another book from a jar of liquid on the shelf. I had read this book before, and it started like this, I, Lu Qingtian, have known since I was a child that this is not a continuation of the story, so I didn¡¯t read on. But now I suddenly thought of something. Could this be Lu Yunzhi¡¯s pseudonym in the future? Otherwise, how could people with the surname Lu appear one after another? People, and Lu Qingtian, if broken down, they are Lu Yunzhi, Fang Qingze and Qu Xiangtian. The names of the three people are separated by one character, and they are arranged according to flashbacks. The eldest brother Tian, ??the second brother Qing, and the third brother Lu, I am anxious After reading it, I feel that this is the end of Secret Thirteen, the end of Secret Thirteen, and it is also a literati¡¯s self-narration. The content of this book will be more real. Come on, let me accompany Lu Yunzhi through the final journey. Road, in the first month of the sixth year of Tianshun, the feeling of the New Year has not dissipated. Lu Yunzhi's home is very lively. All the important ministers and wealthy businessmen from all over the country are welcomed and sent to. Lu Yunzhi receives them for a day, just like the stones of the year, only more The stonework became more majestic. After entering the house, everyone bowed to Lu Yunzhi as a sign of respect. Even the emperor Zhu Qizhen came to pay homage to Lu Yunzhi in his old age. Lu Yunzhi was at the height of the sun. No one could match him. Prince Zhu Jianshen kowtowed three times and kowtowed nine times, calling him "father". Lu Yunzhi patiently explained a few words, saying that after the Chinese New Year, he would enter the palace to teach the future emperor Zhu Jianshen the skills of courting people. Zhu Qizhen I thought so. Although Zhu Qizhen had grown up a lot after experiencing many hardships, he was still not as capable as Lu Yunzhi, so the task of teaching the prince was shouldered by Lu Yun. In addition, Zhu Qizhen A decree was promulgated that the word seizing the door was not allowed to be used in the future. No matter in literature, history or memorials, it could not be said so, because in Zhu Qizhen's view, seizing the door was his shame, although it was precisely because of seizing the door. He only ascended the throne after the incident. The incident of seizing the door was essentially a fratricide. This was the "acne" that neither Lu Yunzhi nor Zhu Qizhen wanted to be touched. Secondly, the seizing that was advertised back then was The heroes of the family either died of illness or were killed by the imperial court. This makes people think of the unjust things that emperors often do, such as flying birds to hide their good bows, cunning rabbits to be cooked by lackeys, crossing rivers, demolishing bridges, unloading mills and killing donkeys, etc. Even those who don¡¯t think so will still laugh at them. Zhu Qizhen, you see, those heroes are not very good people. How can the emperor they elected be any good? There must be many people who think so. Xu Youzhen is proud of his talent. Although he has no talent, he wants to monopolize the results of Chao Gang. He was killed. Of course, there were many tricks and temptations in the process, and others did not know. Shi Heng was even more corrupt, perverted the law, despised the imperial power, and was arrogant and domineering in the capital. He made Feng Qi a mess and harmed many honest and loyal officials. The people were also deeply poisoned and were killed, not to mention Cao Jixiang, who directly created?, this kind of thing happened to the hero who recommended Zhu Qizhen to win the door. How could Zhu Qizhen not regard it as a great shame and a great humiliation? As for the remaining people, they died of illness and old age. It is just natural for people to die of old age, illness and death. So Zhu Qi Zhen Zhen Zhen no longer worried. He was afraid of hurting the hero's heart before, but now he is no longer afraid. After everyone is gone, there is nothing to worry about. Wang Zhen's death brought a huge impact to Zhu Qizhen, making him feel old all of a sudden. He has reached his teens, but his heart has become tougher. In order to cover up the public's opinions, all documents in the country are not allowed to use the word seize. The users will inevitably be imprisoned, and the words will be changed. It means that sharp commentators will be beheaded, and at the same time, descriptions of all magicians, including Lu Yunzhi, will be wiped out. This is what Lu Yunzhi requested. Originally, Patriarch Xing Wen used his previous records It was wiped out, not wanting the people of heaven and earth to participate in politics and the struggle for power, and to restore peace to the world. Coupled with Lu Yunzhi's record this time, all the clues about the people of Shushu were wiped out. The necessary descriptions were replaced by words such as warlock, alchemist, etc., and some were called soldiers, generals, or counselors. In short, all records related to heaven, earth and people were eliminated. Who doesn¡¯t want to leave a name in history, Lu Yun Zhi was unavoidable in clich¨¦s, so he naturally wanted to leave his name in history for future generations to comment on. Whether it was merit or demerit, it marked the traces of his existence. But now Lu Yunzhi had to erase his name too. Because he didn¡¯t want to make future generations jealous. When future generations saw that no one with magic skills appeared in the long river of history, they would naturally have a psychological hint, thus misleading them to conclude a rule: throughout the ages. , no one with magic skills can successfully conquer the world. This is exactly the effect Lu Yunzhi needs, Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 18: The old brother who finally fled Secret Thirteen has become the number one intelligence agency in the world. It firmly controls all aspects of the Ming Dynasty, including officials, businessmen, farmers, gangs, Confucian scholars, servants and even the lower-class industries. Secret Thirteen does not interfere with all developments. He only guided the Ming Dynasty to develop prosperously and nipped all the riots and unrest factors in the cradle. In August of the sixth year of Tianshun, a riot broke out in Lunan. Lu Yunzhi didn't care. He could tell who it was by just counting. Three days later, the riot was suppressed. Lu Yunzhi was sitting in the yard, looking at Lu Sheng and Lu Qiutong. They were studying what they had learned. Suddenly, a nightmare came into Lu Yunzhi's body and said: "Old Lu, Qiu Tong's shadow has moved. "For a moment." Lu Yunzhi remained calm and continued to ask this question. Suddenly, he turned his energy into a sword and rushed towards Lu Qiutong. Lu Qiutong did not see such a fast attack at all. He was still answering the question, but the shadow around him suddenly He jumped up and protected in front of Lu Qiutong, blocking Lu Yunzhi's Qi-bending sword. For a moment, the courtyard became quiet. Lu Yunzhi took back the Qi-bending sword, while Lu Sheng looked at it. Lu Qiutong looked at Lu Yunzhi again, not knowing what happened at all, let alone why Lu Yunzhi suddenly made a move, and what Lu Qiutong used to block it. Lu Yunzhi looked at Lu Qiutong coldly, Lu Qiutong lowered his head. After a long time, he raised his head and said: "Father." There were already tears in his eyes, "Why are you crying? Hold it back. A good man sweats and bleeds but does not shed tears. If you have anything to say to your father, just say it directly." "If father and son still want to hide something, then there will be no one trustworthy in the world," Lu Yunzhi said. Lu Qiutong nodded and mustered up the courage to say, "It's my father. Qiu Tong doesn't know what's going on." , but recently I always feel that my shadow is moving, and the frequency of it is getting more and more frequent every day, as if it wants to jump out of the ground. At first, I thought it was because I didn't rest well, but later I found out that it wasn't Like this, I'm afraid I feel like a monster, just like the monster we met in Mobei a year ago. Father, I'm a little scared." Lu Yunzhi stood up, held Lu Qiutong in his arms and said. : "Good boy, don't be afraid. That monster was trapped by my father. He can't stand us, father and son." As he spoke, Lu Yunzhi's own tears came down. He looked at Lu Sheng, who was standing beside him blankly. Yun Zhi also put his arms into his arms and said: "Sheng'er, my father and your brother may be going to a far away place in a while. Your two mothers are also going with me. Well, your Aunt Tan Qing is also going. , this family will be left on your shoulders. If anything happens, go to your uncle Bao Zi and Long Qingquan. They are trustworthy enough. You have to remember that neither Dong De nor Ah Rong can trust them completely or disbelieve them. Before becoming a father, Have you learned all the skills of controlling people?" Lu Sheng nodded and said, "Father, I remember where you are going, why don't you take me with you?" Lu Yunzhi smiled with tears. Said: "Because your brother is still too young, and as a father you must go. There must be someone in charge of the family. You are the little man in our family, so you have to stay here and look after the house. If dad doesn't come back, I had to support this family before. " "Father, when will you come back?" Lu Sheng asked again, and Lu Yunzhi replied: "I will be back." " While he was lamenting, someone suddenly walked in. He was an expert from the Secret Thirteen Hidden Division. The expert clasped his fists and said, "Qi Tian, ??my subordinates have already escorted the leader of the rebellion. " "Bring him up. "Lu Yunzhi turned around and wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes to regain his mood and said, "Yes. " After a while, a thin and short man who was tied up stood in front of Lu Yunzhi. Although this man was in his thirties, he still looked like a monkey, but the man held his head high and his chest high. Deputy Dayi Lingran's appearance gave people the illusion of being a hero in the world and made people no longer pay attention to his appearance. Lu Yunzhi asked Lu Sheng and Lu Qiutong to go down first, then sat on the chair, took a sip of tea and waved suddenly , a gust of wind knife suddenly cut off the tight rope on the man's body, "Haha, Lu Yunzhi, your ability is getting bigger and bigger. You are invisible and kill people invisibly, just like your The heart is just as vicious. "The man said. Lu Yunzhi glanced at him with an expressionless expression. Instead of answering his words, he asked: "Why do you want to rebel? Don't you know that no matter how war breaks out, it is the common people who suffer. Besides, Do you think you can win with your ability? " "I don't want to win, I just want to cause trouble for you. Before I started the uprising, I was thinking that if I started the uprising, it would definitely fail. But then I would see you, scold you, disgust you, you ungrateful person. The white-eyed wolf of human nature. "The man shouted. He became more and more excited as he spoke. Then he became hysterical, pointed at Lu Yunzhi and shouted: "I don't accept it."?We are so dissatisfied. Even if you, Lu Yunzhi, want the world, even if you compete with Qu Xiangtian for the world, why do you want to kill him? You are brothers, do you know? Where is Zhu Jianwen? Where is Zhu Jianwen? Gao Huai Where are they? Where are Qin Rufeng? Where are our old brothers? Tell me, since you can defeat them, why don't you imprison them instead of killing them? Fang Qingze is your second brother. You forced him to No matter what, he is still your second brother who has made countless mistakes. His crime is not worthy of death. Why bother to pursue him? Fang Qingze has helped you so much, but you can't tolerate even these small things. This is your courage and mind. . " This person was Wu Hao. After a series of stern questioning, Wu Hao took a few deep breaths and then said: "After Fang Qingze told me all your crimes, I decided to turn against you. Even if I just You gathered a team of several thousand people, and even though I was wiped out by you in just a few days from the beginning to the end, I still refused to accept it. Don't you want to eradicate the roots? Okay, okay, I'll come to your door myself, Master Their death is an accident, their death is inevitable, I am the only one left, come and kill me. " Lu Yunzhi shook his head and said: "I didn't want to kill Fang Qingze, but I heard that it was my second brother who instigated it this time. Well, it seems that I will definitely kill him. If he is not my second brother, , Cutting to pieces with a thousand cuts cannot offset the crime he committed, and he deserves to be killed for the sake of wealth. " Wu Hao was stunned for a moment, his whole body was trembling and his face was ashen. Lu Yunzhi just waved his hand and said: "You go away. If you are not in your position and do not seek political advice, how can the sparrow know about Honghu? Wu Hao, I don't want to kill you. But please don't make trouble. If you are unhappy, you can block the yard and scold me. I, Lu Yunzhi, will never say a word. But if you make the people pay the price of life and death because of selfish hatred that you cannot understand, it is me. Intolerable. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 19: The Son¡¯s World Wu Hao took a few deep breaths, and then said word by word: "Lu Yunzhi, you let me go today, and I will rebel. You have been smart since you were a child, and I have been stupid since you were a child. I don't know what you are talking about." Zhizhi, I am just a little sparrow, I only know brotherhood, you shouldn't do this, just wait, with my eloquence, the next riot will start soon." Lu Yunzhi smiled bitterly without explaining. , he was too lazy to explain the big principles to Wu Hao. If any of the people he killed were in his position, they would kill their opponents without hesitation like him. At this point, there is no such thing as human loyalty. Lu Yunzhi shouted: "Stop." "What are you doing? Do you regret it? Don't you dare to let me go?" Wu Hao turned around and said, Lu Yunzhi nodded and said: "Rest in peace, Wu Hao." The wind passed over the head. After landing, Lu Yunzhi murmured to himself: "Wu Hao, I told you not to cause trouble again, but you have to be so quick-tongued and force my hands to be stained with blood. Why bother?" "Come on." "Human." Lu Yunzhi raised his head and shouted. A man from the hidden tribe walked in. He didn't even look at Wu Hao, who was lying on the ground. He walked straight past the corpse and stood upright with his fists clasped, "Give me the order to kill Fang Qingze." Do your best." Lu Yunzhi ordered coldly. The man was stunned for a moment, and then answered with clasped fists. He was sent by Lu Yunzhi to protect Fang Qingze. He knew Lu Yunzhi's feelings for Fang Qingze, and he understood Lu Yunzhi's feelings even more. Yun Zhi hesitated due to the pain in his heart at this moment. He wanted to persuade the "heaven" who was above, but he knew his humble status and knew that he could not speak. He used silence and silence to make a silent protest. Lu Yunzhi looked at it and sighed, patted the man on the shoulder and said, "Go ahead, I don't want to do this, but it has to be like this, there is no reason." The man nodded and answered yes, turned around and left with tears streaming down his face. On the spot, Lu Yunzhi entered the palace early the next morning. He did not go to court but went straight to the East Palace. There was his adopted son Zhu Jianshen. Zhu Jianshen was not young anymore. At fifteen years old, he was a standard young man. As a man, the stuttering that was once frightened has improved, and Zhu Jianshen's physique has also improved a lot. Although the hard life in the past has affected his development, Lu Yunzhi soon entered the capital, and his life also improved. After getting better, eating well, and Chao Xing took him to practice boxing whenever he had nothing to do, the young man was already very strong. All this looked good on the surface, but in fact it made Lu Yunzhi secretly worried, because back then Zhu Jianshen was During the training period, he was tainted with female sex early, and became a couple with Wan Zhen'er, which caused a lack of yang energy in the body. Later, when he practiced the art of exorcising ghosts and protecting the body, the ghost energy took advantage of it, and he reacted one after another. The imbalance of yin and yang was thanks to Lu Yunzhi and others who discovered it early. Otherwise, if he continued practicing like this, Zhu Jianshen wouldn't even be able to survive to the age of thirteen. Even if he started, he couldn't start at the beginning, otherwise he would suffer the consequences if he failed to practice. What's more, Zhu Jianshen's body was not good at that time. It was not as good as it is now, so Lu Yunzhi had no choice but to let Wan Zhen'er and Zhu Jianshen practice Fangzhongshu. This made Zhu Jianshen glow with his due vitality again. I don¡¯t know much about it. First of all, it is a unique skill belonging to the Murong family. The two upright people think it is an evil way, so there are only a few ink records. Lu Yunzhi had a few exchanges with Murong Yunfei before. Although it was hindered by his uncle and sister-in-law It is not convenient to discuss his identity in detail, but he also has some understanding of Fangzhongshu. With a few records, Lu Yunzhi, who has mastered many kinds of magic, created such a very immature set of Fangzhongshu. Today, Lu Yunzhi still doesn't know much about Fangzhong Shu. The Murong family is mostly passed down by word of mouth and there are few records. Now the Murong family has been trampled by the iron hoof of Zhen Lingdan's army, and Murong Yunfei also hanged to death in the Zhongzheng lineage. As a result, the world's records about Fangzhongshu and the Murong family's calculation methods have basically disappeared, and there are very few people who know it. Therefore, Lu Yunzhi has no way to start, but all the magics in the world are interoperable. With a hint of intuition about magic, Lu Yunzhi knew that this kind of magic was incomplete and might lead to serious consequences, even leaving Zhu Jianshen with no heirs in the future or his heirs dying early. Using the existing knowledge to create, she began to modify Lu Yunzhi's Fangzhong technique. After several months of hard work, she finally completed it. Just as Lu Yunzhi guessed, once this technique is practiced, it will make Prince Zhu Jianshen There will be no children in the future, but even if it is improved now, the abuse of the previous years will still be there. As for what extent it will reach, Lu Yunzhi cannot guarantee it. Secondly, Zhu Jianshen can no longer live without Wan Zhen'er, and the two of them Yin and Yang are already compatible. If one person dies, the life span of the other person's Yang should also be exhausted. Lu Yunzhi thought of this and frowned again. Wan Zhen'er is much older than Zhu Jianshen. If this continues, Zhu Jianshen may not be a long-lived emperor. Should he establish another prince? He quickly rejected this idea because Zhu Jianshen was his adopted son, and? He has deep feelings for himself. Although the system of Secret Thirteen has been perfected, it is still very fragile. It is far from achieving the effect Lu Yunzhi wants. He must gradually become full-fledged with the help of the royal family and help the Ming Dynasty spread its wings. If the prince is changed at this moment, it is still uncertain whether the future emperor will cooperate with Lu Yunzhi's Secret Thirteen. If someone like Yu Qian comes out again and colludes with the new crown prince, it will be the end of Secret Thirteen. The disaster, in addition to this aspect, also involved some selfishness. After all, although Lu Yunzhi did not love Zhu Jianshen as his own son, his relationship was good, not to mention that the ending of the vassal king was not so happy, so Lu Yunzhi could not As a last resort, Zhu Qizhen would not be advised to change the crown prince. At the same time, the reason why Zhu Jianshen's crown prince position is stable is not only because he is the eldest prince, but also because Zhu Jianshen is Lu Yunzhi's adopted son. Therefore, Zhu Jianshen is the crown prince. He is more at ease than any other prince and cannot be shaken. No one would be so blind as to provoke Lu Yunzhi at the height of his power. Although Lu Qiutong will be sealed under the tower, once he is released, no one in the world will be his opponent. Of course It is also possible that Lu Qiutong died at the bottom of the tower. All this is uncertain. The second is Lu Sheng. He is the son of Qu Xiangtian and Murong Yunfei, but Lu Yunzhi regards it as his own. Besides, after he leaves, he is of the Zhongzheng lineage. It must be left to Nightmare to take care of, but in the end it is Lu Sheng who inherits the Zhongzheng lineage. Lu Sheng¡¯s Secret Thirteen, Zhu Jianshen¡¯s Ming Dynasty, and Lu Qiutong¡¯s No. 1 in the world, the world is in the hands of his son, Lu Yun thought of this I felt a little complacent in my heart, Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 20: The Past As he was thinking about it, Lu Yunzhi came to the East Palace. Before entering the main hall, he heard Concubine Zhou's voice: "Tell me, what's so good about Wan Zhen'er? You didn't even choose the crown prince, you only know how to surround her." If you continue like this around her, I will expel her from the palace." When Lu Yunzhi heard this, he stopped and listened. He wanted to know how Zhu Jianshen answered his mother Zhou. Is the mother more important, or is Wan Zhen'er more important, or is she weak and willing to listen, but stubborn and not changing? Zhu Jianshen's choice is related to how Lu Yun will arrange the next move. "My son has a serious illness, and it is Wan Zhen'er who cannot be cared for. If the mother-in-law insists on driving Wan Zhen'er out of the palace, that's okay." Zhu Jianshen said. Concubine Zhou breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that her son still listened. It was his own words, but what Zhu Jianshen said next made Concubine Zhou dumbfounded: "But if this is the case, I will leave the palace with Wan Zhen'er, and whoever wants to be the prince's mother and concubine can do it." "You, you, you." Concubine Zhou was so angry that she said three "yous" in succession, but she retreated in her heart. She really didn't dare to do anything to Zhu Jianshen. Although Zhu Jianshen was his son, the mother in the harem The son is the most precious thing. If Zhu Jianshen no longer deserves to be the prince, then he will be finished, and the dream of the queen mother will be shattered. Zhu Qizhen had more than one son, Zhu Jianshen. Concubine Zhou was not as doting on the harem as Queen Qian, but fortunately for Concubine Zhou, Queen Qian had nothing to do with her. As for others, Concubine Zhou did not have any advantage, so judging from the holy family members in the harem, it was not impossible to establish others. It was only because of Lu Yunzhi's relationship that Zhu Jianshen was able to sit firmly in the East Palace. Now the only person who can make her superior is Zhu Jianshen, and Lu Yunzhi is indifferent to her. If she does not support her other children to become princes, but chooses someone else, then she thought Here Zhou Guifei couldn't help being anxious and angry, and fell out. "How can you be so rude to your mother! Even worse than a beast!" Lu Yunzhi stepped in with an angry face. Concubine Zhou almost cried with excitement. This was the first time in history that Lu Yunzhi spoke for her. And it¡¯s so important to say it so sonorously and powerfully. Thinking of this, Concubine Zhou couldn't help but touch her temples. Fortunately, she was dressed appropriately and dignifiedly today. Her appearance was not as good as in previous years, but she was still considered a good person. Besides, as a noble concubine, it is natural to maintain a certain dignity when dressing up and not to be too enchanting, but today she might as well dress up more enchantingly. Who knows that Lu Yunzhi will enter the palace today. Concubine Zhou Guifei thought to herself: Seeing that Lu Yunzhi is so prude on weekdays, he is actually impressed by my beauty. Even if he secretly follows him, it will not be a loss. Look at how masculine the loud drink just now was. Although Lu Yunzhi's face is a little older, he is still as beautiful as a tree, but he is much better than Zhu Qizhen who is not as good as every day every year. Hey, since Wang Zhen's death, Zhu Qizhen has suddenly aged more than ten years, and even that thing is no longer exciting Lu Yunzhi is a good person, a good person, and has more power. It's amazing. Don't tell him that Zhu Jianshen doesn't want to be the prince. He has other sons. As long as Zhu Qizhen is okay, he can still have a few more. If Lu Yunzhi supports it, it doesn't matter if he becomes "Wu Zetian" and builds a "Great Zhou"! Thinking of this, Concubine Zhou gave Lu Yunzhi a blessing ceremony, then slowly raised her eyes, stood up slowly, and deliberately flirted with Lu Yunzhi with her charming eyes. She looked up and saw that Lu Yunzhi was there. Lu Yunzhi had already rushed to Zhu Jianshen. Zhu Jianshen fell to his knees all of a sudden, lowering his head and not daring to speak. Lu Yunzhi raised his foot and kicked it. It was like a tiger being angry. After all, it was her own child. Concubine Zhou was also very distressed, so she quickly said: "Mr. Lu , Jianshen is the prince after all, it¡¯s not easy to kick him.¡± After one kick, Zhu Jianshen understood. Yafu¡¯s kick was extremely fierce, but it didn¡¯t hurt when it fell on him. It turned out that he was kicking to show his mother. Zhu Jianshen fell down and quickly got up. Lu Yunzhi wanted to kick again, but pretended to lift his foot but did not kick it down. He seemed to be hesitant, and then he stomped the ground and the ground broke instantly. Concubine Zhou was secretly shocked. Firstly, Lu Yunzhi was so strong. Secondly, she didn't expect that Zhu Jianshen was very capable. He could stand up immediately after enduring such a heavy kick. In this way, this kid just It was no joke to say that he would follow Wan Zhen'er out of the palace. With his ability, no one could stop him from leaving. Concubine Zhou said: "Mr. Lu, please don't hit me again. It's all because of my incompetence in teaching." "A filial son emerges from under a stick. A jade cannot be used until it is cut. If you have a sense of step, you won't break it." Lu Yunzhi said coldly. He said coldly, snorting coldly from time to time, looking like he was still angry. Concubine Zhou secretly smiled: It turns out that Lu Yunzhi also had such a hot temper, and it seemed that he really cared about Zhu Jianshen. This is the so-called deep love and deep responsibility. Lu Yunzhi took a few deep breaths and then said to Concubine Zhou: "Concubine Zhou, please go back first, I will take good care of you."Speaking of Prince, I heard everything you just said. Concubine Zhou nodded and said affectionately: "Then thank you Mr. Lu. The prince is still young and ignorant, so I entrusted his education to you." "After the scene was finished, Concubine Zhou walked away with lotus steps. Lu Yunzhi glanced at her and retreated, then laughed. Zhu Jianshen also laughed along with him. "Come on, let's go out for a walk? "Lu Yunzhi reached out and pulled Zhu Jianshen, and Zhu Jianshen nodded. Indeed, he admired Lu Yunzhi more than Zhu Qizhen as his father. For Zhu Jianshen, when he was a child, Zhu Qizhen was the aloof emperor, and he was The prince must abide by etiquette in every word and deed, unlike ordinary fathers and sons. Later, Zhu Qizhen was captured and imprisoned in Nangong. He was not allowed to see each other until Lu Yunzhi appeared. Zhu Jianshen felt that this man was so tall and tall beside him. So safe, Zhu Jianshen finally had a father. During that time, Zhu Jianshen was happy. He was learning the knowledge he liked every day, and his food was much better than before. He could also live happily with his Aunt Wan, Lu. Yun Zhi protects himself and is tolerant, but from time to time he reminds him of the principles of life. This is his father! He became a prince again, but his father left him, and his biological father, Emperor Zhu Qizhen, came to him again. In his life, the rules, etiquette, and orders will be interfered with even by those he loves. If possible, Zhu Jianshen just wants to be Lu Yunzhi's son, not the high-ranking prince Lu Yunzhi is now. He and Zhu Jianshen walked toward the East Palace Garden. As they walked, Lu Yunzhi turned her head and asked, "What are you thinking about?" " "I wish I could call you my father without any worries or purpose. "Zhu Jianshen said. Lu Yunzhi smiled and said: "You are a kind person like your father, but Shen'er, a kind person cannot be the emperor. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 21: Never leave and never abandon the affair "To be honest, I don't want to be the emperor, Yafu." Zhu Jianshen said, "You must do it. This is a responsibility, just like Yafu and me. Although there are some things that you can not do, you can even walk away. But it must be done." Lu Yunzhi took a deep breath and said, "This is all fate. What a person is destined to do seems to be predetermined. Even a person like me who always goes against the will of fate can escape. No, maybe I'm wrong. I've never gone against the will of God. It's just that I was destined to end up like this. The more I try to change, the more I return to the path God wants me to take." Zhu Jianshen listened and pondered for a moment. Said: "I may understand Yafu, I no longer run away, I have to learn to face everything." "That's the truth." Lu Yunzhi jumped suddenly, then asked Zhu Jianshen to stop, stretched out his hand to hold Zhu Jianshen's shoulders and lift Picking up one foot and taking off his shoe, Zhu Jianshen asked, "What's wrong with Ya's father?" "It's not because of you, kid. When I stamped on the ground just now, the shoes I wore today were wrong. Pebbles flew away and I ran to replace the shoes." It¡¯s nothing serious.¡± Lu Yunzhi emptied his shoes, put them on again, pointed to a stone bench next to him, and said, ¡°Go and sit down for a while.¡± Zhu Jianshen said jokingly, ¡°Father, you¡¯re old. "You have to support me to stand firm." "Yes, because you have grown up, can Yafu not grow old? By the way, what do you want to do about you and Wan Zhen'er?" Lu Yunzhibian. As he spoke, he stood on the stone bench. Zhu Jianshen's face suddenly tensed up, fearing that Lu Yunzhi would separate the two of them. The person Zhu Jianshen respected the most in the world was Lu Yunzhi, and the only person he was afraid of was also Lu Yunzhi. Lu Yunzhi smiled and said: "I have no intention of stopping you, I just want to know how your feelings are." Zhu Jianshen took a deep breath and said: "I love Wan Zhen'er, she represents a lot to me , It¡¯s hard to describe in one sentence, but I can¡¯t live without her, that¡¯s it.¡± ¡°But Shen¡¯er, do you know that Yafu¡¯s teaching you the Fangzhong technique is harmful? After my wife improved it, did the aura in your body become worse and worse? I feel comfortable." Lu Yunzhi said, Zhu Jianshen nodded and said, "That's true, but the more I practice, the more inseparable I am from Wan Zhen'er. There is no other woman in my eyes now, not even the goddess who comes to earth. "Hey, that's what I'm worried about, Father. Although the Fangzhong Technique I gave you at first fixed the imbalance of your yin and yang, it made it difficult for you two to blend your yin and yang." It is difficult to distinguish, the love between men and women can also be explained by yin and yang, but now you have Wan Zhen'er yin in your body, how can you tolerate others?" Lu Yunzhi said, Zhu Jianshen said doubtfully: " What's wrong with that? The story of an emperor and an empress has been passed down through the ages. In heaven, I wish to be a winged bird, and on earth I wish to be a tree. I don't know what Yafu is worried about. " "I have never heard of an emperor and an empress. Do you know why?" Lu Yunzhi asked. Seeing that Zhu Jianshen wanted to refute, Lu Yunzhi said: "I know you want to say Yang Jian, Yang Jian's situation is different from yours. Although he is henpecked and only has one wife, that is Because of political reasons, Yang Jian did not have many concubines or concubines outside. However, Queen Dugu also killed many people for this. At the same time, after the death of Queen Dugu, Yang Jian also began to collect beauties from all over the world. He was lustful but not bold , and you are different, you don¡¯t even have lust anymore. " "My child, you are an emperor. As I said before, you can pursue your love. I don't blame you, but you can't just pursue love. You have to carry on the family line and continue the descendants of your Zhu family, so even if you don't want to, It is necessary to do it. Do you remember this from Yafu? "Lu Yunzhi's tone suddenly increased," Zhu Jianshen nodded and replied, "My child heard it." " "Also, Queen Dugu is very arrogant because of her foundation. Wan Zhen'er will be the same. You love Wan Zhen'er a little too much, so she will be arrogant and will not let you accept a concubine, or even block you. Give birth to children. Lu Yunzhi said, "You have to pay attention to whether you hear this." " "I heard Yafu. Zhu Jianshen replied: "But I think Zhen'er shouldn't be like this." "Lu Yunzhi shook his head and said: "We'll see. I don't know if what I said is right or not, but one thing is for sure. If you continue to practice like this, it will certainly make you two healthier and able to It makes Wan Zhen'er healthy and long-lived, and her appearance ages slower, but it is extremely bad for you. After all, she is older than you and will leave you early. The two of you are yin and yang, and if he dies, you will die too. Not long ago, this is unfair and bad for you. What do you think? If you want to, stop practicing now and leave Wan Zhen'er. Yafu will do his best to help you get rid of this trouble. "Zhu Jianshen shook his head: "No, Yafu, if Zhen'er dies, I may not be interested anymore. Making her better is what I want to do most. Yafu doesn't have to worry about me anymore."?I have made up my mind, Yafu, how are my two brothers doing recently? " Lu Yunzhi knew that Zhu Jianshen was changing the topic and did not want to talk about him and Wan Zhen'er anymore, so he stopped asking aggressively and followed Zhu Jianshen's words and said: "Qiutong and Sheng'er are both fine. The three brothers must unite. The two of them will help you to secure your position. I will take Qiutong out for as little as half a year and as much as a year. We will talk about it after I come back. I have been too busy recently. You may rarely come back to the palace. If you have anything, go to my house and see me. Remember the art of managing people that I told you. You are not only kind, but also a little cowardly by nature. In addition, Wan Zhen'er is so strong. , I'm afraid you will suffer a loss in the future. In short, only by staying the same in response to changes can you save your life. " "My child remembers it. "Zhu Jianshen stood up straight, then clasped his fists and bowed and said, "Okay, I'm leaving. I'm going to see your father and then leave the palace. Don't send me away, just go to study. "Lu Yunzhi patted Zhu Jianshen's shoulder and turned away. "For the next hour, Lu Yunzhi and Zhu Qizhen kept talking, and told him to prepare early, because according to Lu Yunzhi's calculation, the Empress Dowager Sun also Zhu Qizhen's mother was about to pass away. Zhu Qizhen cried bitterly when he heard this, but he soon calmed down. After all, the Empress Dowager Sun was old and had not been in good health these years, so her death would be a matter of time. Therefore, after crying for a while, he calmed down. Suddenly, a short but urgent bird call sounded. Lu Yunzhi listened attentively, and then a smile appeared on his face. Then he cupped his hands to Zhu Qi Zhen and said, "I'll go first." One step, the people below are calling me, something is urgent. " "What's wrong, dear brother, it's not a big deal. "Zhu Qizhen asked with concern on his face. Lu Yunzhi shook his head and then said: "My second brother who has been running away for a long time finally couldn't bear it and showed up. He has been targeted. He can't run away this time. . " Volume 2 Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 22 A skinny camel is bigger than a horse Fang Qingze was wearing an undershirt, exposing his fat belly and strong muscles on his arms. He wore a big straw hat on his head and a hoe on his shoulder. He walked swaggering towards a house. He was dressed like this. His face was covered, and the smell of excrement and soil all over his body made it even harder for others to recognize him. This was Fang Qingze, who was once the richest man in the world. Although Fang Qingze was cold and cold, he often wore a greasy coat, and looked like one of those idle men. He may be as good as a chef, but any of the expensive gadgets he wears can be worth a fortune, and now the most valuable thing on his body is the hoe. Fang Qingze used to have a copper odor on his body. Isn't this a sarcasm? He, but he often did it himself, moving gold, silver, jewelry, and various copper plates, which made him smell like metal. In addition, there was also the slight body odor, the rancid smell of dirty clothes, and the smell of paper. and the fragrance of ink. Of course, these are the mixed smells that he picked up due to his poor hygiene habits and when he was doing bookkeeping. But now, Fang Qingze only has the smell of earth and the smell of manure and fertilizers that he has been working on for a day. He can't help but smell it under the bright sun. Fang Qingze was sweating profusely, and when he wiped his sweat, a large piece of mud fell off. Is Fang Qingze penniless and destitute? Of course not, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, let alone Fang Qingze. His business has indeed been hindered. Because every time members of the Secret Thirteen found a Qingze store, they would inspect it and hand it over to the top ten shopkeepers selected by Dong De and Lu Yunzhi after confiscation. Therefore, all the stores were remodeled and replaced with Qingze below. Ze once hid all the signs, and Fang Qingze burned those records after he memorized the locations of all his stores. From then on, the stores and the chambers of commerce and the chambers of commerce lost contact with each other. Originally, there were more people, more money, more pressure. The advantage of the market has disappeared. Fortunately, Fang Qingze has always liked to be new and different. In addition, the stores also have good rules and business models, and the reserve funds and channels of each store are also very smooth. No matter how powerful Lu Yunzhi is, he has just entered the mall after all, and it is very difficult to It is difficult to control all aspects, so there is nothing to be afraid of. Unless Lu Yunzhi stops all business activities, then Fang Qingze can be truly contained. But obviously this is impossible. National tax revenue has dropped sharply, and people cannot buy needed items and food. That would be a disastrous existence. Even so, the market would transform into a black market. Fang Qingze would still be the one to benefit after the people were in dire straits. As for the so-called top ten shopkeepers and Dong De, in Fang Qingze's view, they were just like chickens and dogs. , it¡¯s not worth mentioning at all. If Fang Qingze can come back to the world, these people will have to retreat in one round. Besides, Fang Qingze is confident of making a comeback. He dares to do a penny business. What¡¯s more, what¡¯s more, now that Fang Qingze has buried Or the hidden treasure can be equivalent to the total annual income of the Ming Dynasty for three years. With such financial resources, Fang Qingze does not care about the current temporary gains and losses at all. Besides, there are still shops that have not been closed. Counting the bits and pieces, there are more. Wanjia, who is the real businessman, Fang Qingze? Fang Qingze continues to stay in the Ming Dynasty not because he is reluctant to leave his foundation in the Ming Dynasty, but because Fang Qingze cannot leave the country at all. He tried but was targeted by members of the Secret Thirteen. It took all the strength of nine bulls and two tigers to escape, so it is better to hide in the city and hide in the territory of the Ming Dynasty, playing in the dark. The Thirteen Secrets are really terrible. There are secrets everywhere from officials and merchants to traffickers and pawns. Fang Qingze couldn't avoid the Thirteen people at all. It was better to be free and easy without hiding anything, transform into an old farmer, and deceive the members of the Secret Thirteen who were staring at suspicious people. Fang Qingze said to himself: "Just look at the businessmen to find them." I have no use. I am now engaged in farming. It is strange that you can find me. " But after saying that, Fang Qingze really felt strange. He always felt that there were a few people following him behind him. After all, he was from the Zhongzheng lineage. In addition to his escape career in the past few months, Fang Qingze's skills had also recovered a lot. , after running wildly for a while, he found that the people behind him were still following him, not close, not far, not too slow, just like a cat playing with the mouse before eating it. Fang Qingze suddenly stopped, waved his fist in the air, and then muttered to himself He laughed and said: ¡°It¡¯s so comfortable to run occasionally. "After confusing the people who were following him, Fang Qingze started swaying like a drunkard. A shadow expert who was following him asked in a low voice: "What is he doing? He is crazy about gains and losses. " "It seems like dancing. " Another person said, "Shut up, everyone," the leader of the team shouted, "Fang Qingze is also a disciple of the original Zhongzheng lineage. His ears are very sharp, and he can't stay far away. Stop talking and communicate in code. "The leader looked at it for a while, and suddenly shouted something bad. He was a Qi Master, so naturally he didn't recognize Fang Qingze's steps that he deliberately concealed, but he recognized the ghostly aura. Everyone jumped out and chased Fang Qingze. Go, the order from above is to target Fang Qingze to death, don¡¯t take action now, and wait until Lu Yunzhi arrives before killing him without mercy, but even if he violates the order and captures Fang Qingze alive,It is much better than losing him and letting him run away. Sure enough, when everyone came out, they found a lot of copper coins scattered on the ground. However, Fang Qingze stepped on the copper coins into the soil by twisting his steps back and forth, so that the hidden masters could not It was discovered that the copper coins were rich in ghost spirits, and Fang Qingze deliberately arranged them into a Disha Shura formation, which intensified the power a lot. Fang Qingze had used this formation countless times, and the first time he used it was the collision On the night of the nightmare, Fang Qingze used this technique to resist the attack of the ghost witch. The function of this copper coin is similar to the power of waste, which can resolve other people's attacks. Waste is completely absorbed into the body, transformed and excreted, and Fang Qingze is naturally not that capable. He just used a trick to imitate another trick. He used the energy of the ghosts on the copper coins as power, and then transformed the opponent's power into the ground. Even though it seems to be such a simple trick, it is difficult to perform. It was much more difficult. Even Lu Yunzhi was ashamed of himself in this regard. Although he was unable to drain the opponent of a powerful enemy and make them fall to the ground due to exhaustion, he could still block the opponent's offensive. Fang Qingze ran wildly, followed by When the people rushed over, they were blocked by a large area of ??ghosts. Even if they tried to attack, they could not break through the formation for a while. Everyone was very capable. The difference was only a moment. It took a while to get past the barrier. This time, Fang Qingze had already run more than a hundred feet away, and his subordinates stamped their feet and cursed: "Damn, I can't catch up." But the leader said: "Don't worry, he can't run away, there is a dragnet, no matter where he goes." At the same time, Fang Qingze, who thought he had escaped, had not had time to breathe, but he saw many people surrounding him from all directions. Now he could not run away, Fang Qingze's face was ashen, and he ran towards the city desperately, even if he died, he would die on his own territory. , Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 23: Swallowing Medicine in the Secret Room No one dared to hurt Fang Qingze's life. Although Lu Yun had previously issued an order to kill without mercy, the new level's instructions were to wait until Lu Yunzhi arrived before carrying out the killing. It seemed that Lu Yunzhi still had something to say, and he had always been secretive at this moment. The leader of Thirteen, Lu Yunzhi, is rushing here quickly. However, this place is far away from the capital. Even if he travels against the wind, it will take an hour at the fastest. Since he can't kill him, Fang Qingze It was another life-and-death struggle, which made the Yinbu masters feel helpless and had to use the fishing nets prepared in advance to catch Fang Qingze. Fang Qingze used ghosts to counteract it. Who knew that the fishing nets were entangled with various talismans and the ghosts could not tear them apart. Fang Qingze Seeing that something was not going well, he quickly ran away, dashing left and right. His fat-looking body was extremely flexible. Several donkeys rolled on the spot and then flipped and jumped to avoid being surrounded. Moreover, the speed was getting faster and faster, which really made Yin hide. All the good players were secretly dumbfounded. Second Master Fang was really extraordinary, he was hiding his secrets. However, it was hard for two fists to defeat the tigers with four hands, and they couldn't hold back the wolves. There were so many good players from the hidden team that five of them threw themselves at Fang Qingze and hugged him to death. He pushed him to the ground. When the people behind him saw it, they quickly moved closer and tried to tie up Fang Qingze. Fang Qingze roared violently, suddenly knocked everyone on him to the ground, and then continued to run away. , everyone looked at each other, no one knew that Fang Qingze was still so powerful, and he was so powerful that he could lift the mountains and the world, and he was also born with a heroic spirit. Lu Yunzhi was proficient in magic, using the power of heaven and earth, overwhelming the momentum of mountains and seas, and his body skills He is also agile and elegant, taking the ethereal route, and his body is lean, but Fang Qingze is different. Although he has been bloated since he was a child, and he does not like the method of magic, in fact, Fang Qingze combines the skills of Lu Yunzhi and Qu Xiangtian. Advantages: Fang Qingze's arms are extremely powerful, and he is not willing to give in to Qu Xiangtian. Besides, his body flexibility is also very high. Although he is fat, he is very agile. He is also on par with Lu Yunzhi. As for the duel skills In fact, Lu Yunzhi's understanding of numbers is even more extraordinary. In fact, Lu Yunzhi took the five-two-five life test. He has an innate sense of ghost hunting, so he can be quite spiritual about ghosts. Later, because of the blending of ghost energy, Lu Yunzhi Only then did he experience the true meaning of absorbing and using energy, and then he mastered the clan's art of heaven and earth. Not to mention that Fang Qingze's ranking was not bad back then, but his mind was not used in terms of magic, nor in martial arts. , so he devoted himself wholeheartedly to making money, and then he became the most wealthy businessman in the world. But if you think about it carefully, who designed the firearms that helped Lu Yunzhi defeat Yu Qian, and even the artillery that shocked Oala in the future? , yes it is Fang Qingze, at the same time Fang Qingze is the real conceived, Fang Qingze is really a craftsman, Who made Qu Xiangtian¡¯s five-color three-talisman ghost line, it was Fang Qingze, who bought the seven-star sword, it was still Fang Qingze, If these cannot explain the problem, they can only be attributed to coincidence or the search for a large amount of money. If these reasons are involved, then the extraction of energy like grafting and grafting, compared with the copper plate of the principle of virtual consumption, is enough to prove that Fang Qingze The proficiency in magic is based on comprehension. When the book is used, it will be less regretful. The same is true for the skills. Fang Qingze was secretly blaming himself as he ran, why he didn't practice magic well back then. But after thinking about it, he was relieved. If he had devoted himself wholeheartedly back then, Investing in magic and dying is another Lu Yunzhi. Where did Fang Qingze, who is admired by thousands of merchants today, come from? That is not what he wants. The pleasure of making money is what Qingze deserves the most. Fang Qingze ran into the city, one head He got into an alley, and then took a photo of a dead wall. The wall flipped over, and Fang Qingze got in. The Yinbu heroes who were chasing after him were all screaming in anger. If it weren't for Lu Yunzhi's According to the order, Fang Qingze has died ten thousand times. Now he has penetrated into the wall. What if there is another exit? The masters of the Yinbu Department immediately gathered people, surrounded the city, and used Gu insects to contact them. The local Secret Thirteen members asked them to cooperate in sealing the city. After a while, the city was sealed. There were people guarding the city for several miles. Even if Fang Qingze had another exit, he could not escape. The remaining people started to Attack that wall, but no matter what method you use to hit it, only the wall skin peels off, and the wall remains motionless. There is no sign of cracking or shattering. Even ghosts cannot penetrate. Fang Qingze's voice suddenly appears behind the wall: "Don't Sorry, this wall is made of part of an extraterrestrial meteorite. I don¡¯t know what material it is. This is not a secret passage, but a place where I hide treasures. So there is only one exit. If there are too many exits, it will be difficult to guard against. " "I know you were merciful just now. Thank you all young and old gentlemen. You want to arrest me and go see Lu Yunzhi, right? Haha, I would rather die with my money than see him. "Fang Qingze continued to shout, and the leader of the hidden tribe replied: "Second Master Fang, you are wrong. We just want to keep you under control, not to take you to the front of the sky. We are waiting for the arrival of the sky, and the sky will be here soon. ¡± Fang Qingze was silent for a long time?, he knew that the so-called finger of heaven was Lu Yunzhi. He thought about it and then sighed, and took out a wooden box from a hole next to the door. There was a red pill in the box, and Fang Qingze swallowed it in one gulp. Then he laughed loudly and said to the people outside the door: "Stop working blindly. I didn't lie to you just now. The whole entrance is just a half-buckled meteorite. Unless Lu Yunzhi comes and uses earth-bending skills, no one will It can be opened, okay, can someone help me pass a message to Lu Yunzhi? " "I'm here." One person replied, "What do you call brother?" Fang Qingze asked a man outside the door. Han replied: "I reported the number sixteen, and I was the leader of the team that was responsible for protecting Mr. Fang." Fang Qingze snorted, and suddenly felt like his heart was twisting in a knife. He took two deep breaths and still said in a happy tone: "It turns out to be this brother. I discovered your traces back then. You are all masters. I didn't expect that we would be lucky enough to meet again today. What a fate. What a fate. I have already taken poison just now. I guess there will be another cup of tea. I'm about to die soon." The man outside the door said hurriedly: "Master Fang," "Brother, listen to me, I'm having trouble speaking now, don't interrupt me." Fang Qingze rushed to say, "I. I know that Lu Yunzhi doesn¡¯t want to kill me, but it¡¯s really difficult for him to do so. After all, I am his elder brother and the last member of his same lineage in this world who has not been expelled. Although I heard that the Zhongzheng lineage has ceased to accept its existence, our relationship It won't change. I'm still his second brother. Tell Yunzhi that I, Fang Qingze, am sorry for him, but I don't want to harm him. It's just for my dream. Even when a person is about to die, his words are kind. I'm going to go. , there¡¯s no need to lie to him anymore.¡± Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 24: The Death of the Second Master "My dream is that if one day I can ascend to Lu Yunzhi's position, what I will do is not consolidate the imperial power, but treat the Ming Dynasty as a business. The emperor and ministers are just my guests, and I, Fang Qingze He will always be the great shopkeeper of the Ming Dynasty." Fang Qingze's breathing became more and more rapid, and he showed some signs of exhaustion, but there was a hint of pride in his dream and the final madness in his tone. Fang Qingze gritted his teeth in pain. A large amount of sweat fell from his face. He was secretly annoyed. If he had known it, he would have asked Wang Yulu to prepare a poison for him. There are ghosts wandering around in the body to detoxify themselves, so it is extremely difficult to die from poisoning immediately. Nowadays, the poison is extremely poisonous. Although you will die, you will have to endure incomparable pain during the period. This medicine is used too recklessly, and it is not as refreshing as killing yourself. But except for those who know that they will be crushed and ashes, who doesn't want to leave a Where is the whole corpse? Fang Qingze paused and said: "I know what Lu Yunzhi is thinking. Yes, if I do this, the people's lives may not get any better, and I will become richer, but I want to say The thing is, when the economy develops, I will not only be rich, the living standards of the people will also improve, and the corresponding gadgets with advanced craftsmanship skills will become more and more accurate. Maybe I am too hasty, but all this is the economic "The inevitable result of development." As he spoke, Fang Qingze slowly sat down on the ground and meditated cross-legged. After breathing out his breath, he said with all his strength, "Tell my third brother, Secret Thirteen is a lonely and lonely road. I hope he can." If we go on, the second brother can only contribute his last strength to make up for my injustice. My treasures are buried in Luoyang, Yinan, and Gana Chuanbu." Fang Qingze named more than 40 names in a row. The hidden hero can After practicing to this day, he is definitely not a person who has gained a reputation in vain. After listening to it once, he will not remember it in his heart. He couldn't hear breathing through the thick stone door. He thought that Fang Qingze had passed away, but he heard Fang Qingze's voice coming out again, but this time it was even weaker: "Tell Lu Yunzhi to use the art of gold control to find others." Excavation of the clan's heaven and earth skills can naturally break the many mechanisms I left behind. Also, after my death, Wang Yunzhiwang buried me generously for the sake of my long-time brothers, and put a copper plate and a piece of silver in my coffin. Ingots of gold, a ledger and an abacus are enough. I'm tired, brother, thank you for listening to me." The man outside the door knew that Fang Qingze's time had come and said in a low voice, "Second Master, please go slowly." "Fang Qingze tilted his head with a wry smile and said goodbye to the world. The hidden department still has not lifted its guard. Before Lu Yun comes, nothing can go wrong. If Fang Qingze cheats his death, it will be a big sin to escape secretly. So when half an hour later, Lu Yunzhi Yufeng arrived here and stopped at Lu Yunzhi's station outside the city. A hero from the hidden tribe stepped forward and clasped his fists and said: "Oh my god, the second master has been surrounded in the secret room." "It seems like" Lu Yunzhi smiled and said softly: "It seems like something. It doesn't matter if you run away. Don't be hesitant before anyone makes a mistake. Just say what you have to say." " "No, the second master didn't run away, he seemed to have committed suicide by taking poison. "The hidden hero replied. Lu Yunzhi's body was shaken and his face turned pale. Although he had been mentally prepared, Lu Yunzhi was already extremely sad. After a long time, he smiled bitterly and said: "That's all, maybe this is the case. This is the best ending. My second brother will die sooner or later if he continues like this. Instead of dying in my hands, it would be easier to commit suicide by taking poison. It is a good thing for him and me. " Lu Yunzhi asked for the direction and headed towards the secret room. The leader who reported the number sixteen told Lu Yunzhi, Fang Qingze's last words, the address of the treasure and the method of getting it. Lu Yunzhi nodded. Without a trace of compassion or sadness, he used the art of gold control to sense the specific location of the secret room, and then Yutu opened a corresponding passage. Lu Yunzhi walked down alone, looking at Fang Qingze's body, Lu Yunzhi's face Two lines of tears suddenly fell from his face, and he murmured: "Second brother, the human heart is not enough, it is enough to be content and happy, and it is not for the sake of the righteousness of the world and necessary responsibilities, so why are you doing this. " Lu Yunzhi held up Fang Qingze's body and walked out of the secret room. However, the treasures in the secret room could not make Lu Yunzhi take a sideways look. However, the hidden heroes who came down to help move the treasures were all stunned. Pigeons There are countless egg-sized pearls, egg-sized luminous pearls, mountains of gold and silver, and many calligraphy, painting and jewelry they have never seen before. Fang Qingze said that there are more than 40 places. If you talk about such wealth based on the price, it is not an exaggeration to buy half of the Ming Dynasty. Although they are greedy, no one is thinking wrongly. Everyone has seen the structure of Fang Qingze's secret room, although there is no mechanism. But the location is very vague, and there is only a rough range. It is impossible to find it except by using the art of gold control. What's more, even if it is found, what if something like this happens?They can't open the meteorite or the black iron gate. Even if they take it away, will the Secret Thirteen organization let them go? As a member of the Secret Thirteen Hidden Department, everyone naturally knows how scary this organization is. So I just thought about it but didn't dare to do it. After Fang Qingze left, Lu Yunzhi was buried in style according to Fang Qingze's last wish. He built a tomb with gold in his hometown and protected it with formations, ghosts and traps. It is enough to ensure that Fang Qingze¡¯s tomb will not be destroyed within a thousand years, or that outsiders cannot see any traces of the construction at all. As Fang Qingze said, the last disciple of the Zhongzheng lineage died in the hands of Lu Yunzhi, and the remaining The only ones left were Lu Yunzhi and Wang Yulu who had been expelled from the school. After Fang Qingze's matter was over, Lu Yunzhi was busy stabilizing the somewhat turbulent political situation in recent years. Dong De found Lu Yunzhi and asked: "My lord, Fang Qingze Do you need to conduct a thorough investigation of the shop?" Lu Yunzhi replied: "No need to do so." "Lord, if we don't remove the root, we will leave a big problem." Dong De said with his fists raised, Lu Yunzhi raised his eyes and looked at Dong De. Without speaking, Dong De immediately lowered his head and did not dare to look at Lu Yunzhi. After a long time, Lu Yunzhi sighed and said: "Because of our search, the connection between the stores has been interrupted. The other shops in the area don't know each other. Once Fang Qingze dies, it will be difficult to form a large-scale organization, so there is no need to start over, because doing so will not be conducive to the development of the mall, regardless of Fang Qingze's existence or not. , larger-scale chambers of commerce will appear in various places. The situation is no different from the current situation. On the contrary, the current ones are stronger and more conducive to development. In a few years, people will go out of their way, and businessmen will focus more on profits than on separation. It will not take long for them to forget their former employers. Fang Qingze takes the business as his own, which is human nature, and it will be self-defeating when the time comes. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 25: Desperate Madness "At that time, what Fang Qingze will leave behind is just a collection of chambers of commerce with centralized management experience. [In this way, they will only pursue profit and have no other purpose. Without Fang Qingze, they will not trade with enemy countries. Of course, today's Ming Dynasty There are no enemy countries around," Lu Yunzhi said. Dong De repeatedly answered yes, and Lu Yunzhi continued: "Dong De, don't try to be big, and don't try to take over all Fang Qingze's business. Just mind your own business. If you really become the next Fang Qingze, I'm afraid the outcome will be the same." It's even worse." Dong De's body was shaken and cold sweat instantly covered his body. Lu Yunzhizhen stood up and walked out. As he passed by, he said: "Dong De, you have been following me for many years. I have already regarded you as my brother. You are older than me, so I even regard you as my brother." , please don¡¯t make things difficult for me again.¡± Dong De answered yes repeatedly, thinking in his heart that all Lu Yunzhi¡¯s brothers had been killed by him. He was so frightened that his whole body kept shaking. He first bowed with his fists clasped, and then his knees collapsed and he knelt down. On the ground, looking at Lu Yunzhi's leaving back, he didn't dare to get up for a long time. At night, looking at the sleeping Lu Qiutong, Nightmare said: "The ghost energy in the body is getting stronger and stronger. It seems that the shadow demon is really not so easy to suppress." "Of course, the head of evil ghosts is naturally difficult to suppress." Lu Yunzhi replied softly, signaling the nightmare to go out and talk. The two walked out of the house, and Lu Yunzhi asked: "How long do you think the seal in Qiutong's body can last?" "Forty days at most." Nightmare replied. "It seems that we have to set off as soon as possible, hey." Lu Yunzhi looked up to the sky and sighed. Unconsciously, he seemed to have aged a lot. In fact, Lu Yunzhi was less than forty at the moment, but his face and hair were as old as five. Ten people are average. The nightmare suddenly laughed and said: "Why, you can't bear to leave this colorful world?" "I'm not a god, so naturally I feel reluctant to give up. I have worked hard to achieve today's achievements, but I still can't enjoy my old age. These good days are not yet here. I'm afraid it will be over in a few days, but it's all fate," Lu Yunzhi replied with a wry smile. Nightmare said again: "I'll do it for you." "It's not a good thing. I'm rushing to go. It's better for me to do it. Besides, you may not meet the requirements. Although you are a human now, your destiny is different. As for others, you only need to raid the formation for me. As for Sheng'er and my family, I will leave it to you. Apart from myself and my family, I can only trust you." Lu Yunzhi said calmly. Nightmare nodded and said: "I understand, just don't worry. Lao Lu, is there really no other way?" "What do you think?" "Hey" Leopard's health is still not optimistic. , he started to feel sleepy again, but having been sick once, he naturally knew the danger, so he cooperated more with Wang Yulu's treatment. However, after learning that Lu Yunzhi was going to travel, Baozi insisted on letting Wang Yulu stop the treatment and follow Lu Yun Go before. Wang Yulu was puzzled. Although Lu Yunzhi rarely traveled with his family, with Lu Yunzhi's current ability, it was too difficult to hurt him. There is no need for Wang Yulu treatment at all. Not only can Lu Yunzhi protect himself, but he can also protect his family. Besides, besides Lu Qiutong, even Yang Xiyu is now very skilled in magic, let alone Yingzi and Tan Qing. None of them are easy to get along with. Wang Yulu really couldn't figure out why Leopard wanted to go with him. Could it be another reason for not wanting treatment? However, Baozi faced Wang Yulu's questioning look and said seriously: "Wang Yulu, I'm not lying to you. I, Baozi, swear on my life, if you come back this time and I don't cooperate with the treatment, I will be struck by thunder. I The reason why I asked you to go with me is I can't tell you. I just feel a little flustered and I always feel that something is wrong. " Wang Yulu habitually pinched her fingers and figured it out. After all, he was. He is also a person of the Zhongzheng lineage, but he immediately gave up and laughed at himself: "I am stupid for studying medicine. I can't figure out the difference between my lord and my Yunni. Leopard, I want you to see my lord travel this time. They are all my own family members, either my wife, my sister or the young master. Even you and Long Qingquan are not going together, and there are no other people. I think my master must have some secret matters to do, and I am afraid to go with him. "It's a bit inconvenient." Leopard nodded, feeling that what Wang Yulu said was reasonable, so he said, "Go and ask Lu Yunzhi. If he asks you to follow him, then he will go with you. If he refuses, then As long as it doesn't matter, you should come back and treat me. Don't look at me like that. I really have no other thoughts. I'm not more worried about something growing in my head than you are." Wang Yulu said, "Then I'll give it to my lord. "What to say?" "To be honest, I was a little worried about letting you go. If Lu Yunzhi doesn't agree, we won't force you. Just come back," Baozi said. ?????????????????????Lu nodded and did not dare to delay, because she did not know when Lu Yunzhi would set off, so she set off to meet Lu Yunzhi without further delay. After Lu Yunzhi heard Wang Yulu's intention, he thought about it for a while and actually agreed to Wang Yulu's request to go with him. Wang Yulu was shocked and surprised. Naturally, it was inconvenient to ask more questions, so he could only clasp his fists and excuse himself secretly. Amazed. After Wang Yulu left, Lu Yunzhi sighed. It was indeed useful to have Wang Yulu with him. If he survived a disaster but was still angry, Wang Yulu would be of great use. Although Mengma and himself, including Yang Xiyu, are quite proficient in medicine, they are still a little inferior to the medical idiot Wang Yulu. Saving people is like putting out fires, and life or death may be determined in just a few seconds, so if there is When the situation happened, Wang Yulu's role was reflected. As for Leopard's worry, Lu Yunzhi frowned secretly. Everyone has a premonition. This premonition is not calculated, but a kind of human instinct. Human beings are the spirits of all things, and they originally have the ability to be inspired by the heavens. However, as they grow up, their minds become more and more complex. When a person's heart is in his heart, his eyes will become unclean. If his eyes are not clean, his heart will be dirty, so his premonitions will naturally become Reduced. This is why there are always rumors that children can see ghosts, but adults cannot. It¡¯s not that all children are lucky, but that they are clean. But adults sometimes also feel it, especially at critical moments of life and death. This can be called a premonition or prophecy. In fact, the Murong family's calculation method is to use this hunch to infinitely amplify the hunch, thereby making a prediction of a scene at an uncertain time and place. Lu Yunzhi did not dare to underestimate the Murong family's calculation method. The results calculated by Murong Yunfei came true one by one. Qu Xiangtian was defeated and killed. Lu Yunzhi did not know about it at first, but later he also helped Murong Yunfei through his own actions. I only found out about it from the mouth of the maid next to Fei. Regardless of whether it was because the prophecy led Murong Yunfei to this result, or whether this result was inevitable and Murong Yunfei resisted but failed, in short, Murong Yunfei's prediction was right. Now even leopards have this feeling, and with the list left by Murong Yunfei, Lu Yunzhi's heart can't help but tremble. It seems that this trip is doomed. The last trace of living fantasy was shattered by this theory. Lu Yunzhi looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, crazy and abnormal, like a madman. Seeing Lu Yunzhi like this for the first time, all the servants bowed their heads and stood in silence, trembling slightly and not daring to speak. -, Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 26: A Whole Life After traveling, Lu Yunzhi and other people headed towards the high tower in the valley in the northwest with cars and horses. Lu Yunzhi circled the city for a week and looked at the city of Beijing. He was filled with emotions. Since he fled the famine and came to the capital, he walked from Dongzhimen to the capital. After entering the university, Lu Yunzhi's life took a turn. He became a disciple of Zhongzheng. From then on, Lu Yunzhi studied hard and excelled. He was ranked seventh, but actually ranked first. , the Incident of Tumubao, the rescue of the capital, there are figures of his own fighting outside these doors. On the night of the wedding, his family was destroyed, he fled among the rivers and lakes, he lived in Nanjing, made a comeback, and divided the world equally with Yu Qian, and then came the incident of seizing the door. , regained great power, covered the sky with one hand and was unparalleled in the world, eliminated the three evils of seizing the door, quelled the chaos in the two lakes, marched to the east of Korea and Tatar in the north, and conquered Oara in the west to conquer Timur in the west. After parting ways, Lu Yunzhi defeated his eldest brother Qu Xiangtian, put down the rebellion, killed his second brother, stabilized the regime, and prevented the Ming Dynasty from being influenced by businessmen. Lu Yunzhi killed his master and brother and destroyed his sect, establishing the Secret Thirteen , firmly grasping all aspects of the Ming Dynasty, but not interfering but just taking precautions before they happen. Lu Yunzhi destroyed many spells. Although he burned the treasures of experience and knowledge accumulated by his predecessors, he will definitely be reviled in the future, but there is less The rebellion caused by the magicians, even if the war will never stop, will be much less harmful. It will benefit the people of the world, kill corrupt officials and lower prices to enrich the people, quell the war in the world, and save the people from the dire war. Now Lu Yun He still has not stopped, he will use his own life to end the last great hidden danger in the world, the source of all magic wars, the mastermind behind several wars and chaos in the past dynasties, Ying Mei, Lu Yunzhiwang Looking at the capital, I can't help but feel a little moved. Throughout my life, I have been inseparable from this city. From prosperity to burning to dust, to today's prosperity, how many of my orders were conveyed from this city, regardless of the people under my command. Whatever the result of completing the order, no matter whether future generations still remember that there was such a person named Lu Yunzhi, Lu Yunzhi has a clear conscience because he is doing what he thinks is right. In this life, he has made merits and demerits, and he has failed. After a few days of peaceful life, Lu Yunzhi was tired. He just wanted to end it early and complete his mission, either to live his whole life or die. At the moment of the end, Lu Yunzhi smiled slightly. He had seen nothing in his life. I have eaten everything, I have accomplished everything I wanted to do, I have people who love me, I have people I love, I have responsibilities and responsibilities, I am happy and grudges are free and proud, my childhood wish to destroy the Tartars has come true, and for Zhongzheng's desire for revenge has been fulfilled. In this life, there are three wives, one son and two adopted sons. What else can be said, this life is worth it. Lu Yunzhi turned the horse's head and rode towards Yang Xiyu and the others. He left in the same direction without looking back, sighing in his heart: Farewell to the capital, farewell to the Ming Dynasty. A month later, Lu Yunzhi and others came to the high tower in the valley. Wang Yulu was shocked. He had never known that there was such a thing. There was a big soul-suppressing tower, and Lu Yunzhi smiled and said: "Wang Yulu, if you don't want to go in, hurry up and take a look." Wang Yulu walked in without knowing why, and Lu Yunzhi followed him in. Wang Yulu also saw Lu Yun once The scene he saw was that in Wang Yulu's eyes, all the records in the tower were medical principles. Lu Yunzhi climbed to the top of the tower alone and pushed the door open. There was nothing in the room, and there was no record of any method. There is only one line of words facing the door: Go against the will, a joke, a life in vain, busy, never die, inevitable, a man who goes to death, so heroic. In addition, there are two ancient characters, Lu Yunzhi I know, these two words are ruthless. Lu Yun went downstairs. He had memorized the formations mentioned by the nightmare before. Naturally, he didn¡¯t need to read anything else. Wang Yulu also walked out of the tower, bowing his head and saying nothing. Frowning slightly, he must be thinking. It seems that he has gained a lot. Lu Yunzhi said to Wang Yulu: "You have been fond of medicine in your life. For this hobby, you have both merits and demerits. Because of this, we diverged but also reunited because of it. We became brothers. It is the duty of a master and servant to let you enter the tower today just to fulfill your dream. You can develop it for your own use and must not spread it to others. You also know that I have banned the use of many spells. If you make a mistake, Even if I die, the members of Secret Thirteen will show no mercy and will definitely kill you. Wang Yulu smiled and said: "Yulu naturally knows this. Don't worry, my lord. I, Wang Yulu, know a lot about it. What's more, I'm just obsessed with medicine and I'm not too interested in teaching classes. In this regard, I seem to be very similar to my lord." . " "No. "The nightmare came out of Lu Yunzhi's body and said: "You are not interested. Lu Yunzhi has not thought about it at all. He does not want to spread Lu Yunzhi's ability to others. He just wants to rot in his stomach, otherwise once it spreads, then The harm is greater than those ordinary spells. If Lu Yunzhi teaches his disciples, there is no need to forbid spells. Because after learning Lu Yunzhi's tricks, those spells such as exorcism and ghosts will be like a dog tile. Like a chicken, it is dwarfed by the eyes. ¡± Lu?He then gave a wry smile and said: "Nightmare is over, that's not what I said. Those spells are all basic. Climbing to the attic in the sky in one step is not solid. You can't even learn these tricks of mine. Even what I want to do next is basic." The evolution of the sect, and it is by no means a profound magic number such as the clan's heaven and earth magic. I finally understand that the higher the magic number, the more extreme it is, and it is difficult to evolve and change. All the methods in the world are the same in the sect. Okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Let's get started. You can protect Xi Yu and the others while I go." Nightmare nodded, Lu Yunzhi smiled at Tan Qing, and did not dare to look at his two wives, for fear that Yang Xiyu would be upset. He wanted to say something but hesitated. After taking two steps, Lu Yunzhi suddenly turned back and kissed Yingzi first. Then his eyes met with Yang Xiyu's and they kissed her deeply. Yang Xiyu suddenly kept Lu Yun's hand. Then, refusing to let go, Lu Yunzhi broke open Yang Xiyu's clasped fingers, turned around and started to set up the formation. No one present dared to speak for fear of disturbing Lu Yunzhi's state of mind. Lu Yunzhi was on the ground He used ghosts, stones, water, wood, charcoal, gold and other materials to set up an array, and placed hundreds of ghosts at the center of the array, and then struck down with thunder. The ghosts' souls flew away in an instant, but Lu Yunzhi immediately used the art of earth control and matched it with The way to control the air was engraved with runes, trapping these broken ghost spirits within it, forming a powerful ghost energy without a trace of turmoil and without any problems. Lu Yunzhi arranged the formation and looked back at Yang Xi. Yang Xiyu glanced at Yu, and tears burst into Yang Xiyu's eyes. Lu Yunzhi lowered his head, not daring to look again for fear that he would be flustered and unable to exert his full strength. Lu Yunzhi needed to concentrate on the next step, so he took a deep breath. He whispered: "Nightmare, let Qiutong come over." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 27: Friendship after a long battle Nightmare grabbed Lu Qiu Tong's Qi and placed him flatly in the formation. Lu Qiu Tong's eyes were a bit malicious, but the resentment was extremely clear. Lu Yunzhi knew that this was a sign that Ying Mei was about to break through the seal. Lu Yunzhi asked: "My good son, are you afraid?" "Not afraid, father." Lu Qiutong said. "Good! You are worthy of being a descendant of my Lu family." Lu Yunzhi praised, and then activated the formation. Suddenly Lu Qiutong was imprisoned, and then the shadow demon surged out from Lu Qiutong's seven orifices. Lu Qiutong was in pain, but gritted his teeth In order not to cry out, Yang Xiyu, Yingzi and Tan Qing all gritted their teeth and covered their mouths for fear of crying, with tears in their eyes as they looked at everything in front of them. Yingmei broke away from Lu Qiutong's body. Lu Qiutong almost fainted when his body relaxed, but he gritted his teeth and stood up and looked at Yingmei sideways. Yingmei had just recovered. What else she wanted to do, but Lu Yunzhi firmly imprisoned her around him and attached Wuying. Yingmei had nowhere to escape and could only turn into a human-like mass there, sneering. Said: "Lu Yunzhi, your seed is really powerful. I don't think even a big man can bear the pain of me being separated from his body. Not only did this kid not faint, he didn't even say a word, hahaha, what if I really want to swallow him if I have the chance." "You have no chance," Lu Yunzhi replied coldly. "Don't do it in a hurry. I know you can seal me forever at any time now, and then slowly withdraw it and turn it into a ball of energy for your son, thus killing me in disguise. Hey, Lu Yunzhi, Do you know the secrets about me and this tower?" Ying Mei suddenly asked. Lu Yunzhi shook his head and replied: "I don't know, and I don't want to know." "Why are you so impatient? You and I have been enemies for several years. As the saying goes, a long-term illness makes a doctor, and we fight for a long time. We should be considered half friends now," Ying Mei said. He didn't care whether Lu Yunzhi wanted to hear it or not and just continued: "After my death, I will have a great influence on the ghosts in the world, and the ghosts will gradually When the earth disappears, the soul will not necessarily turn into a ghost. They will turn into another thing, which is very similar to what they looked like in life. Later generations will call this kind of thing a ghost, hahahaha. , they are very similar to ghosts, but they are not. Ghosts are just nothingness, they are formed by gathering ghost energy, twisting and twisting, and rarely have their own thoughts. The resentment that turns into evil spirits is just the guidance of consciousness. But the ghosts in the future will be different. They have memories of past lives, and they may also lose their memories. In other words, they are another kind of people, but they just live in a different class from humans. They are not a bunch of black ghosts. They have color, they may be transparent, and of course they may also be black. Lu Yunzhi, if you kill me, the ghosts in heaven and earth will change. If you make a mistake, people will no longer be able to control the new appearance. Even if you can't drive them away, what should you do? Are you going to let the ghosts kill all the people? Can you bear such a huge responsibility? He hesitated, not knowing whether what Yingmei said was true or not. To be honest, he had calculated such things before, but he was just at a loss. It seemed that the world was going to change dramatically. Because he himself is a participant, if there is a huge change in the world, it is impossible for Lu Yunzhi to deduce it. But Ying Mei is different. He is neither a human nor a ghost, nor is he a nightmare-like neither human nor ghost. In short, he is very weird. Lu Yunzhi hesitated. What if he killed Ying Mei and the ghosts really changed, people couldn't resist, and the ghosts began to attack people more actively? But soon Lu Yunzhi felt relieved again. He continued to listen to Yingmei without saying anything. He wanted to wait until Yingmei finished speaking before refuting Yingmei. Just as Yingmei said, after fighting for so many years, Lu Yunzhi Although he did not regard Yingmei as a friend, he was still a half-familiar person. Lu Yunzhi wished to talk nonsense with Yingmei at this last moment, not only to make Yingmei disheartened and murder her, but also to give herself an explanation. An explanation, or an excuse for an impending mistake. Ying Mei changed her tone again and continued with a cold smile: "Don't believe it, Lu Yunzhi, I didn't lie to you. And do you think this tower is so easy to destroy? Once you destroy it, it is very likely that it will be destroyed again." Your own energy has also been exhausted, and you will be dead by then. If you are not strong enough and give up halfway, humph, no one can come forward, not even Nightmare. Then you will lose your wife and lose your troops." " Yes, this tower contains the world's truth and magic. Once the Tsuna Ji Rinchang destroys people, it will be distorted, and the magic will also have different changes. The overall consequences will be reflected one after another. As for what will happen, I can't say. Okay. Because after all, this involves too much, I can¡¯t really believe it.¡± Ying Mei laughed sarcastically. Lu Yunzhi also looked up to the sky and laughed. The laughter overwhelmed Ying Mei. Ying Mei didn't know why she stopped laughing and asked, "Why are you laughing?" "I laughed at you for being stupid." Lu Yunzhi said. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Instead of becoming angry, he lowered his attitude and asked: "Lu Yunzhi, let's discuss something. I won't devour your son. You can temporarily seal him here to prevent me from suffering because I can't absorb heroes." Okay. This way I can't cause trouble. When you die, the formation will be broken. Then I will come out. I don't care about the next life in this life. Children and grandchildren will have their own blessings, right. This way you can reunite your family and maintain it. The Ming Dynasty has been stable for decades and has the best of both worlds. What do you think? " Lu Yunzhi's Adam's apple twitched slightly. To be honest, Ying Mei's words were indeed very tempting. Lu Yunzhi was moved. What Ying Mei said was a good idea. But "It can be so." Nightmare rushed to speak. Lu Yunzhi turned back to look at Nightmare, and then smiled bitterly: "No need, since you are still here, Nightmare, why don't we do it thoroughly?" Some, even if no one remembers what I did in the future, I am still a great person, a person with a clear conscience. Now I just want to end it all quickly, Ying Mei, you have finished speaking, as what you said. My friend, I will answer what you just said. ""The ghost will become what you call a ghost, then change it. As you said, children and grandchildren will have their own children and grandchildren. My responsibility is to kill you. If they don't If you have the ability to face a ghost, you will die if you die. What's more, if you don't kill you, more people will die because you are looking for a hero to start a fight. Besides, it doesn't matter if it's you or others. Ghosts, even ghosts, are actually not as scary as humans," Lu Yunzhi said. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 28: Die together After Lu Yunzhi finished speaking, he pointed to the high tower in the valley and said: "As for it, I'm afraid you didn't seem to have said it all. There is nothing indispensable in the world. After a series of reactions, there will be huge changes, which will even affect everything in the world. , but it will definitely not lead to the destruction of this world. Whether it is you, me or this tower, it is impossible for two people to be born, but one destroys two and still exists, and after being taken apart, two one will be formed. The creator may not know It will destroy the derivatives, and the derivatives are the real masters. This is the truth. " "Fart, that's nonsense." Ying Mei saw the murderous aura in Lu Yunzhi's eyes, which was a murderous aura that was determined to die together. At this moment, Lu Yunzhi is no longer Lu Yunzhi. He has transformed into two words: Dead Soldier. The formation is activated. Lu Yunzhi rises in the air, activating the formation, constantly compressing the space where Ying Mei exists. Mei kept screaming and cursing, while Lu Yunzhi recited the incantation and said: "My son, get ready." Lu Qiutong puffed up his chest, tore open his clothes and bit his fingers. A pattern was drawn on his chest. The pattern was circular in appearance, with six reincarnations inside. Lu Qiutong did not hesitate at all, and continued to fill in the runes at the intersection of the circle and the six reincarnations. After a moment, Lu Qiutong raised his head. Shouted: "Father." Lu Yunzhi nodded and hit the already compressed ball of Ying Mei towards the pattern on Lu Qiutong's chest, but Ying Mei laughed and said: "One step less, hahahaha, one step less. "Sure enough, Lu Qiutong was knocked out. He rolled on the ground and immediately vomited blood. It was so heartless. A flash of light flashed in Lu Yunzhi's mind. The two words on the top of the tower flashed into his mind. Lu Yunzhi controlled the situation and was compressed. The shadows in a ball looked back at Yingzi, Yang Xiyu and Tan Qing. They were the people they cared about the most. Their feelings were not over yet, so they could not use this method with all their strength. At this moment, the nightmare suddenly connected with Lu Yunzhi's mind again. Suddenly, he gritted his teeth in a hurry, and his fists were almost bleeding. Lu Yunzhi had already activated the formation at this moment and could not stop. Unless his last three relatives died in the formation, he could not continue to use this technique. , can only be consumed here until death from exhaustion. If the formation is stopped, the power absorbed by the tower and Lu Yunzhi and the surroundings will be poured back into Ying Mei. By then, Ying Mei will be stronger and the world will be No one could stop him. Lu Yunzhi couldn't bear the death of his relatives in the battle, so he had to hold on as much as possible. A large amount of sweat flowed down his forehead. "Nightmare, what happened to Yunzhi?" Yingzi suddenly ran to the nightmare to talk to him. Pulling his arm and asking, Nightmare didn't move at all, his eyes were filled with tears and he didn't speak. A trace of blood overflowed from the corner of Lu Yunzhi's mouth, and then he smiled bitterly at Lu Qiutong, who had just tried to get up, but he could no longer speak. This mouthful of blood If he sprayed out, his strength would be exhausted. Gradually, Lu Yunzhi's hair seemed to be whiter, and his face, although slightly vicissitudes of life, showed a trace of age. He had already declined. Yang Xiyu asked in a low voice: "Nightmare , you must tell us, otherwise, Yun Zhi will die. Even if he dies, we will let our husband die in vain. If you don¡¯t tell Ying Mei that he can¡¯t be killed, his death will be in vain. "The nightmare's body trembled, and there was already a hint of whimpering in her voice: "I, I, I'm fucking useless, I can't help anything. This technique requires ruthlessness. You are all the people Lu Yunzhi cares about most, so this technique It cannot be cast at all. " Lu Yunzhi was floating in the air and did not react to the nightmare's words, because he could no longer hear anything at this moment. Yang Xiyu suddenly laughed twice and said to Yingzi: "Sister, I'm going to die, are you? Yun Zhi's life was extended, and then in order to prevent the two souls from merging and confusing my sanity, I became your bridge guide, so if I die now, you will die too, sister, I'm sorry, take the first step, and I will pay you back in the next life. Life. "As Yang Xiyu walked towards the formation, Yingzi shook his head and said: "My sister underestimates me too much. I have died once, so what should I be afraid of? " Yang Xiyu and Yingzi looked at Tan Qing. Tan Qing was stunned and said: "It depends on what I do. Let's go. It's good to have a companion to go to hell together. Now that you are all gone, there is no point in living in this world. I I went to find Bai Yong, and he looked at me as if I didn¡¯t want to go, hahaha. "Three women walked into the formation, formed a circle hand in hand, and stood in front of Lu Yunzhi. The three women looked at the "high and mighty" Lu Yunzhi, and at the same time showed happy smiles. They are all sensible people, Lu Yunzhi only hopes that everyone will live well. If Lu Yunzhi and Lu Qiutong die this time, they will not go with them, because that would be sorry for the lives Lu Yunzhi and Qiu Tong have sacrificed. However, although People are alive, but their hearts are dead. It would be better to just go away and end the painful life. So now they are not sad, but infinitely happy and satisfied. What else can they complain about when they die with the one they love? Well, Yang Xiyu said with a smile: "We will still be sisters in the next life. "Yingzi and Tan Qing nodded at the same time, and Yang Xiyu drove the ghost to walk between them.?It was stimulated at the same time, and the three women fell to the ground dead with their meridians cut off. At the same time, the formation changed. Lu Yunzhi regained his sense of the seven orifices, and then suddenly looked at the three women who fell under him. Lu Yunzhi spurted out a mouthful of blood, but instead of losing his energy, he roared wildly, and his whole body was filled with white light. Lu Yunzhi tried his best to kill Ying Mei, and against the will of heaven, he immediately released a powerful formation. The light of the earth was shaken by it, and the landslide and tsunami were like the wrath of the gods. Lu Qiutong watched his two mothers and aunts die on the spot. He gritted his teeth and did not cry. Instead, he lowered his head to check whether the runes on his body were complete. Lu Qiutong Yunzhi suddenly hit Yingmei towards Lu Qiutong again, and Lu Qiutong stepped forward. Yingmei instantly hit the rune and sank into Lu Qiutong's body. This time Yingmei was completely locked into Lu Qiutong's body, and Lu Yunzhi continued to resist. The Qi Cheng Talisman was inserted into Lu Qiutong's body to strengthen the seal. Lu Qiutong kept chanting the decree in his mouth, and then his body slowly softened, as if he had died. This was a secret technique not taught by the Zhongzheng lineage, a technique of suspended animation. The body can grow as usual and absorb the power of nature as nourishment. As long as the life span is long enough to last a hundred years, Lu Yunzhi will not give up. Yujin absorbs the iron on the ground and casts it into a coffin full of runes to contain Lu Qiutong. After entering, Yun Zhi formed a sarcophagus and put the iron coffin in. Finally, Lu Yunzhi's water surged and pushed the two nested coffins into the tower. The nightmare was so heartbroken that he didn't dare to speak. , because Lu Yunzhi has reached his limit at this moment, and once he stops, there will be no chance. Lu Yunzhi screamed and the tower shook and sank toward the ground. Lu Yunzhi's screams were so hoarse that they were heartbreaking and painful. , Nightmare turned his head away, and couldn't bear to look at it anymore. Lu Yunzhi was already exhausted and at the end of his rope. It was really difficult to continue, and he couldn't intervene. It turned out that everything he had done, all this tragedy, was in vain. , Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 28: Die together After Lu Yunzhi finished speaking, he pointed to the high tower in the valley and said: "As for it, I'm afraid you didn't seem to have said it all. There is nothing indispensable in the world. After a series of reactions, there will be huge changes, which will even affect everything in the world. , but it will definitely not lead to the destruction of this world, neither you, me, nor this tower. [ka"One is born with two, but one destroys two and still exists, and after being separated, two one's will be formed, creating. The player may not necessarily destroy the derivatives, but the derivatives are the real masters. This is the truth. " "Fart, it's nonsense! "Yingmei saw the murderous aura in Lu Yunzhi's eyes. It was a murderous aura that was determined to die together. At this moment, Lu Yunzhi was no longer Lu Yunzhi. He had transformed into two words: a dead soldier! The formation is activated. , Lu Yunzhi rose into the air, activating the formation, constantly compressing the space where Yingmei existed. Yingmei kept screaming and cursing, while Lu Yunzhi was reciting the secret formula and said: " My son, get ready! ¡± Lu Qiutong puffed up his chest, tore open his clothes and bit his fingers, and drew a pattern on his chest. The pattern was circular in appearance, with six realms of reincarnation inside. Lu Qiutong did not hesitate at all, and kept making circles and six paths. The blank space where reincarnation intersected was filled with runes, and a moment later Lu Qiutong raised his head and shouted: "Father! " Lu Yunzhi nodded and hit the already compressed ball of Ying Mei towards the pattern on Lu Qiutong's chest. However, Ying Mei laughed and said: "One step less, hahahaha, one step less! "Sure enough, Lu Qiutong was knocked out. He rolled on the ground and immediately vomited blood. It's heartless! Lu Yunzhi's mind flashed, and the two words on the top of the tower flashed into his mind. Lu Yunzhi controlled and was compressed The shadows in a ball looked back at Yingzi, Yang Xiyu and Tan Qing. They were the people they cared about most, and their feelings were still lingering, so they couldn't use this method with all their strength. At this moment, the nightmare suddenly connected with Lu Yunzhi's mind again. Suddenly, he gritted his teeth in a hurry, and his fists were almost bleeding. Lu Yunzhi had already activated the formation and could not stop. Unless his last three relatives died in the formation, he could not continue to use this technique. , can only be consumed here until death from exhaustion. If the formation is stopped, the power absorbed by the tower and Lu Yunzhi and the surroundings will be poured back into Ying Mei. By then, Ying Mei will be stronger and the world will be destroyed. No one could stop him. Lu Yunzhi couldn't bear the death of his family members in the battle, so he had to hold on as long as possible, with sweat pouring down his forehead. "Nightmare, what happened to Yunzhi? ! "Yingzi suddenly ran to Nightmare and grabbed his arm and asked. Nightmare didn't move at all, with tears in his eyes and didn't speak. A trace of blood overflowed from the corner of Lu Yunzhi's mouth, and then he smiled bitterly at Lu Qiutong, who had just tried to get up, but could no longer When he spoke, his strength would be exhausted if the blood spurted out. Gradually, Lu Yunzhi's hair seemed to be getting whiter, and his face, although slightly weathered, showed a trace of age. Yang Xiyu had already declined. He asked in a low voice: "Nightmare, you must tell us, otherwise, Yun Zhi will die. Even if he dies, we will let our husband die in vain!" If you don't tell Ying Mei that he can't be killed, his death will be in vain! "The nightmare's body trembled, and there was already a hint of whimpering in her voice: "I, I, I'm fucking useless, I can't help anything. This technique requires ruthlessness. You are all the people Lu Yunzhi cares about most, so this technique It cannot be cast at all. " Lu Yunzhi was floating in the air and did not react to the nightmare's words, because he could no longer hear anything at this moment. Yang Xiyu suddenly laughed twice and said to Yingzi: "Sister, I am going to die, you are Yun Zhi's life was extended, and then in order to prevent the two souls from merging and confusing my sanity, I became your bridge guide, so if I die now, you will die too, sister, I'm sorry, take the first step, and I will pay you back in the next life. Life. "As he spoke, Yang Xiyu walked towards the formation. Yingzi shook his head and said: "My sister underestimates me too much. I have died once, so what should I be afraid of? " Yang Xiyu and Yingzi looked at Tan Qing. Tan Qing was stunned and said: "It depends on what I do. Let's go. It's good to have a companion to go to hell together. Now that you are all gone, there is no point in living in this world. I Went to find Bai Yong. It looks like I don¡¯t want to go, hahaha. "Three women walked into the formation, formed a circle holding hands, and stood in front of Lu Yunzhi. The three women looked at Lu Yunzhi, who was "above and above", and at the same time showed happy smiles. They are all sensible people, Lu Yunzhi only hopes that everyone will live well. If Lu Yunzhi and Lu Qiutong die this time, they will not go with them, because that would be sorry for the lives Lu Yunzhi and Qiu Tong paid. People are alive, but their hearts are dead, and the painful life might as well be gone. So now they are not sad, but infinitely happy and satisfied. What else can they complain about when they die with the one they love. Yang Xiyu smiled and said, "We will still be sisters in the next life. "Yingzi and Tan Qing nodded at the same time, Yang Xiyu drove the ghost to swimBoth arms were activated at the same time, and the three women's meridians were instantly severed and they fell to the ground dead. At the same time, the formation changed. Lu Yunzhi regained his sense of the seven orifices. Then he suddenly looked at the three women lying under him. Blood spurted out from Lu Yunzhi, but instead of being discouraged, he went crazy. With a roar, white light vibrated all over his body. Lu Yunzhi tried his best to kill Ying Mei. He went against the will of heaven and cast a formation that immediately emitted a strong light. The earth was shaken by it, and landslides and tsunamis were like the wrath of the gods! Lu Qiutong watched his two mothers and aunts die on the spot. He gritted his teeth and did not cry. Instead, he lowered his head to check whether the runes on his body were still intact. Lu Yunzhi suddenly hit Yingmei towards Lu Qiutong again. Lu Qiutong stepped forward, and the shadow charm instantly hit the rune and sank into Lu Qiutong's body. This time, the shadow charm was completely locked into Lu Qiutong's body. Lu Yunzhi continuously penetrated Lu Qiu Tong's body into talismans to strengthen the seal. Lu Qiu Tong kept reciting the decree in his mouth, and then his body slowly became soft, as if he had died. This was the secret method of Zhongzheng lineage, and he was pretending to die. Technique, using this technique, the body can grow as usual and absorb the power of nature as nutrients, as long as the life span is long enough to last a hundred years. Lu Yunzhi did not give up. Yujin absorbed the iron from the ground and cast it into a coffin full of runes to put Lu Qiutong inside. Then Yutu formed a stone coffin and put the iron coffin inside. Finally, Lu Yunzhi's water surged and pushed the two nested coffins into the tower. The nightmare was so heartbreaking that he didn't dare to speak, because Lu Yunzhi had reached his limit at this moment, and once he stopped, there would be no chance. Lu Yunzhi screamed and the tower shook and sank toward the ground. Lu Yunzhi's screams were so heart-breaking and painful that he didn't want to live! Nightmare turned her head away, unable to bear to look any further. Lu Yunzhi was already exhausted and at the end of her rope. It was really difficult to continue, and she could not intervene. It turns out that all this, all this tragedy was in vain. -, Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 29: Everything is possible Suddenly the earth shook intensified. The nightmare didn't know what was going on. He was shaken and turned his head away. He was dumbfounded. Lu Yunzhi's body was covered with white light, gold light and red light, like a fairy. Of course, his color was just like The legendary god descended to earth, and his body was like the ugliest demon. Lu Yunzhi aged rapidly, and he let out hoarse shouts. At the end of the shouts, it was almost impossible to tell that they were coming from humans. Like wild beasts, once the tower continued to sink, the body of the tower began to collapse. With cracks and cracks, Lu Yunzhi's face aged rapidly, and his face was covered with wrinkles. His fingers and body began to become rickety, and he even trembled and twitched from time to time. Lu Yunzhi was already working hard. His skin was dry and his blood seemed to be dry. In the air, a hunched-over skinny old man kept swinging his arms. Who would have thought that not long ago, this man was better than Pan? An's Lu Yunzhi. A large crack opened in the ground and was swallowed up by the tower in an instant. There were many fires in the crack, burning endlessly like the fire in hell. Lu Yunzhi's body shook and fell from the sky. Wang Yulu hurriedly asked for a thousand, but was grabbed by the nightmare and said: "Don't touch him, there is one last step, close the crack in the earth, seal the tower forever, use the power of nature to destroy him, if you touch him now, then All the previous efforts have been wasted. " "But the master has become like this and can't even get up." Wang Yulu said anxiously. As if in response to Wang Yulu's words, Lu Yunzhi slowly got up and staggered. He staggered, but did not fall down again. "Hahahahaha." Lu Yunzhi's already old body exploded with infinite power, and the laughter was deafening. That is to say, the nightmare was next to him. If others had been shocked by the laughter, Lu Yunzhi laughed wildly. , the laughter contained heroic chivalry, pathos, and arrogance that looked down on the world. It was painful and happy. Without too many words, Lu Yunzhi wrote his life with laughter, and was about to end his final journey with laughter. The earth trembled more violently, and the sky gradually lost its color. There were storms and clouds, lightning and thunder, and clear springs surged from time to time. But strangely, the clear water was also mixed with bursts of fire. There were sharp metal protrusions, or black ones, on the ground. It may be green, red or blue, and I don¡¯t know what kind of metal it is. The strong wind roared and even the grass and trees around Shuanglong Valley were uprooted. The sword made of Qi Yunzhi wandered around Lu Yunzhi, gradually forming a sword rain, thousands of people The sword made of gas is suspended in the air, ready to fall at any time. Lu Yunzhi's body was melting. It didn't seem to be melting. To be precise, it was melting. This situation was beyond people's imagination. Even Nightmare opened his eyes wide and couldn't believe what was happening in front of him. Suddenly Nightmare Feeling the flow of energy, he quickly used the art of heaven and earth to form a formation, and hid in the formation himself. The sky and the earth are colorless, everything returns to a starting point, deathly silence, darkness and coldness, no joy or despair, everything is a starting point from scratch, nothing is dull, the nightmare tries his best to control his formation, he He tried his best. If it weren't for Lu Yunzhi still casting spells, he would have escaped long ago, because this kind of power was too terrifying. At this moment, the nightmare not only used the clan's heaven and earth techniques, but also used the techniques of air control and ghost witchcraft. , the three techniques went against the sky, and the white light suddenly appeared like a god, but it was still unable to completely isolate the formation from the outside world, which is enough to show how powerful and powerful Lu Yunzhi's technique was at this moment. The nightmare can feel the power and calmness of the outside world. This is not a contradiction. Everything in the outside world can no longer be seen or heard. It has turned into a dot, and the power condensed into a dot is indeed endless. For a time, the realm of nightmare Sublimated, he knew that this point was a new world, a change of class, where Lu Yunzhi could achieve eternal life, because it was a world created because of him, just like the creation of Pangu, after a violent change The compression will inevitably cause a violent explosion to form a space, so Nightmare continues to increase the power of the formation to block the final explosion. He knows that Lu Yunzhi will not enter another space because he no longer has the confidence to live. , he is a person who values ??emotions. After being ruthless, Lu Yunzhi has already become a walking corpse. What's more important is that Lu Yunzhi still has unfinished things to do. If a new realm is opened, then Ying Mei will go there with him, and what Lu Yunzhi has to do is to bury Ying Mei, because this is not only to support him all the time. Lu Yunzhi's mission is the only condition for Lu Qiutong to survive in Lu Yunzhi's subconscious. Fortunately, Lu Qiutong quickly digests the power of Ying Mei and breaks out of the cocoon from the sealed tower before his body ages and dies. To get out, how to break the formation all depends on your own strength, because now Lu Yunzhi is almost crazy. The formation he has set up is a death formation with no formation eyes, so there is no way to solve it. If Lu Qiutong wants to break the formation, he needs his own strength to be greater than the formation, and he needs to powerfully break the power of the formation. The reason why the formation is a formation is an act of integrating and doubling various forces, such as guardingPutting the two techniques of ? and wind control into the formation is equal to the sum of the two powers. If this is the case, it is not bad, so Lu Yunzhi's formation will be even more additive, which means it is greater than the original two. Several times the combined power, Lu Yunzhi has now used all the clan's heaven and earth skills and the way to control the air. In addition, he himself goes against the will of heaven, or now thinks that he is in the realm of heaven and man. Unless Lu Qiutong really becomes a god, Otherwise it would be impossible to escape. If Lu Qiutong wants to come out in the future, he will not only have to face his father Lu Yunzhi's last desperate attempt to exhaust his life, but also need to use the power of Yingmei, that is, to take the power of countless heroes in Yingmei as his own. Yingmei has already surpassed During the years of absorbing heroes, he just randomly found a substitute, which caused a series of reactions. So now he is not as good as before, and his own power is even less able to be fully exerted. However, Ying Mei is Ying Mei after all, and he cannot exert it. It doesn't mean that he doesn't have it. The energy he contains is the crystallization of the spirits of the great heroes who created the world over thousands of years and his own energy. It would be extremely difficult for Lu Qiutong to absorb all of it in his lifetime. Even so, Nightmare did not dare to assert that today he had seen the greatness of the human spirit and Lu Yunzhi's power to burn life. Everything was possible with the Lu family and his son. He looked forward to seeing Lu Qiutong rise from the tower in his lifetime. At the same time, he also ambivalently hoped that Lu Qiutong would never come out, because after coming out, Lu Qiutong might not necessarily still be Lu Qiutong. " Let everything end soon. The nightmare finally knows what Lu Yunzhi is thinking. This is a kind of torture that tortures the soul. Even if it means death, I hope it will end quickly. Everything that is more terrifying than the nightmare. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 30: Look no further At this moment, Lu Yunzhi knows nothing. If he knows what he is doing, he may enter another realm. At least his son Qiutong is still there, and in that world, Yingmei can't harm anything. Because nothing in that world has recovered, only the three of them can survive, and at the same time, the shadow demon can't harm anyone. But Lu Yunzhi has stopped thinking now. He only knows to keep adding seals and increasing the strength of Ying Mei. This is the only thing that supports him. Well, everything comes down to one point, Lu Yunzhi's life mission. When he was done, he relaxed, and his body burned violently and melted, turning into powder. Lu Yunzhi smiled. Maybe he smiled, or maybe the ashes smiled. He could finally rest, take a complete rest. Nightmare saw the most powerful explosion in his life, an explosion several times more powerful than the last time he fought with the thunder. The formation that Nightmare had deployed with all his strength was shattered by the bombardment, but the formation also saved his name. Nightmare was blown away by the air wave. After being thrown over, he controlled Qi and flew straight out. The Double Dragon Valley ceased to exist in the explosion. Nightmare was knocked unconscious. Wang Yulu had disappeared. She must have disappeared in the explosion. The barren area around her had turned into a desert. Nightmare touched her face, and blood flowed down. It was her own blood. , he was not excited that he had completely transformed into a human being, but instead felt a kind of sadness. Lu Yunzhi was gone, leaving him forever. A scar appeared on Nightmare's face from the upper left to the lower right, and his appearance was disfigured. Nightmare couldn't care about so many things, and he no longer controlled the wind or air. He was just like a mortal, crying and rolling. He crawled forward and ran forward, running as far as he could see. Then he knelt down and fell to the ground, crying loudly. There were only ashes all over the sky in front of me. This was the ashes of the desert. The nightmare was tired of crying and shouting. She lay on the ground and looked up at the slowly clearing sky. She said lightly: "Lu Yunzhi, if you leave, I will leave the secret Three, go on, don¡¯t let your hard work go to waste. Everything is fate, but fate has played tricks on us. The root cause of everything is the Thirteen Secrets deduced by those masters, but if they see what is happening today In this scene, I wonder if they will still be enemies with you. "Nightmare naturally said to himself, fascinated, picked up a handful of ashes on the ground, wrapped them in clothes, and put them in his arms. Lu Yunzhi had no bones left, he had turned into a corpse. There were ashes, and every ashes here might have the presence of Lu Yunzhi. The nightmare took a deep breath and walked against the wind, heading towards the capital. When Mengma arrived at Lu Yunzhi's Yayuan Zhongzheng Yipui compound, she found that the white horse clothes in the house were hanging with elegiac couplets and the white flower lanterns were also white. Mengma was shocked. At this moment, he was so restless that he could count with his fingers. Ah Rong came from outside. When Arong saw Nightmare, he quickly clasped his fists and said, "Master, your face is" Nightmare touched the scar on his face but did not explain anything, let alone identify himself, although Ah Rong knew Nightmare exists, but now that Lu Yunzhi is dead, Nightmare has to bear the responsibilities that Lu Yunzhi has to bear, so at this moment he is Lu Yunzhi, and Lu Yunzhi is also him. Nightmare nodded and said: "What's going on at home?" " Arong said with a hint of sadness: "My lord, during the days when you left, my uncle's head was in severe pain, and he suddenly shouted, "My sister is gone," and then he drove back to the west, right, lord. "Where are the two ladies, and where is the young master?" "The Nightmare didn't answer and walked quickly inside, took the white cloth handed over by the servant and wrapped it around his waist, then walked to the mourning hall and burned incense. Leopard had no children. Now Lu Sheng is He put on the sackcloth and mourned the leopard, and when he saw the nightmare coming, he hurriedly shouted: "Father." The nightmare nodded, said nothing, then called Dong De and others into the inner room, and said: "You also know, Sheng'er is my eldest brother Qu Xiang Tian¡¯s son, we have been hiding it from him. Although it¡¯s my eldest brother¡¯s fault, as a brother, I feel really guilty for being in the same room with my eldest brother and fighting each other. So now I decided to pass the secret thirteenth position to Sheng¡¯er. From now on, Sheng'er is the only young master. As for Qiu Tong, I am afraid that my two children will make the same mistake as my eldest brother and I in a hundred years, so I sent him to his father, Master Long, in Qingquan. , and to avoid fighting with the same room, my two wives and Tan Qing also stayed there together. After all, Qiutong is Yang Xiyu¡¯s biological flesh and blood.¡± Dong De and Ah Rong looked at each other, frowning slightly in confusion. After all, Yang Xiyu. It's normal for Xi Yu to stay there. If Yingzi and Yang Xiyu stay there together, it's also normal for Tan Qing, who has lost her husband, to stay there. After all, people are the most afraid of being alone. But Yingzi's reason for staying is just that. It's a bit far-fetched. After all, Qu Sheng adopted Yingzi and renamed him Lu Sheng. Yingzi's childless child regards Qu Sheng as his own and loves him so much. How could he not follow him back? The nightmare continued: "Yingzi is afraid that Sheng'er will find out." He is definitely not his own son, so he is not coming back. Don¡¯t worry, this guy Wang Yulu can¡¯t help but see the medicine provided by the Dragon Master. Hey, I¡¯ll tell everyone this.?In case one day in the future, if I am not around, you must try your best to assist the young master. You are the backbone of Secret Thirteen. If you don¡¯t help Secret Thirteen, you will fall. Lu would like to thank you all in advance. . "Nightmare said and stood upright with his hands raised and gave a four-way salute to his master. Everyone quickly returned the salute and then all retreated. Lu Yunzhi left Long Qingquan alone to talk. Ah Rong walked out of the room and went to the front of the hospital with Dong De to greet him. Arong, who came to worship, whispered: "Brother Dong, do you feel that the master seems to be a little younger? I mean that the master should be older than he is now after the body change for Shang Wang. But now?" Dong De's eyes under the lenses seemed to flash and he said softly: "Now he is just like the Lord a few years ago, right. Ah Rong nodded, and Dong De sighed and said: "Don't talk about you, I also discovered it, but the nightmare and the lord are one. Except for those of us who are close to each other, there are few people who can recognize it. Even if they do, how can they recognize it?" Well, their thinking is the same and their skills are average. Ah Rong, although you and I are close ministers of the lord, but as the eldest brother, I have something to tell you, see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil, do no evil, otherwise, the lord will never show mercy. Yes, I don¡¯t dare to do it anyway, I¡¯m already scared. I hope you don¡¯t remember that the person in the hall now is the lord, and even if what the lord says is slightly doubtful, we must listen to it as the truth. " Ah Rong nodded thoughtfully. Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 31: That¡¯s not how politics works In the room, Mengma and Long Qingquan looked at each other. Since everyone left just now, the two of them had not said a word. The room fell into silence. Long Qingquan stared at Meng for a long time and suddenly tears fell down his cheeks. After a long time, Long Qingquan stood up and said: "There is no need to say anything. I understand what is going on. The deceased is dead. I will follow your words. Of course, I will do my best to help you, because Mi Shisan is the hard work of my brother-in-law and sister." "Thank you." Mengxiang also stood up and said with fists, but Long Qingquan smiled and waved his hands and walked out. It was operating in a normal and orderly manner. After Fang Qingze's downfall, business agencies quickly infiltrated. Because there was no unified connection between the stores, they were no longer a match for Mi Thirteen. What's more, Mi Thirteen was already blessed with violence. Advantages: When everything is in trouble, violence may be the easiest and fastest way to solve the problem. You don¡¯t have to be a shopkeeper or a boss to control the business world. Apprentices, presidents of chambers of commerce, or followers around key people have all become the eyes of Secret Thirteen. These eyes closely monitor the words and deeds of most business elites. With the financial support of the Ming Dynasty, he helped his own people become the leaders of the industry. Of course, these so-called leaders were secret. After gaining the respect and trust of others and winning the control of the Chamber of Commerce, these people under the control of Secret Thirteen The leading boss began to correctly guide the direction of the Ming Dynasty's economy. The purpose of Secret Thirteen is to guide, not to control. That is to say, it will lead you on the right path without imposing control on how you go. For those who are ready to lead everyone astray or destroy stability and peace, Secret Thirteen is There will be absolutely no mercy. These Secret Thirteen spies and informants will report it without hesitation, because there are more than one informant. Anyone who conceals anything and fails to report it will be considered a crime of complicity and must be punished. As for the method of punishment, that is a problem for the Anbu. Under normal circumstances, it is to kill someone to silence them, and recommend someone who looks good. Maybe this person is not a member of the Secret Thirteen, or even does not know what the Secret Thirteen is. But his idea was right, and that was enough. Of course, there are also special circumstances. For example, if some people have too much influence, then Dong De or Mengmai need to come forward to talk in person. If the negotiation is successful, let them take care of themselves. If the negotiation is not successful, then they will be cut into pieces, and the whole family will be copied and completely eradicated. This point is really implemented very well. After all, the lessons learned from the past are there. People like Xiang Zhu Jianwen will come back to death after letting go, and then come back to life again, and outsiders will not be able to believe it, so the problem must be solved completely. Nothing in the world is absolutely right or absolutely wrong. The original intention of the creation of Secret Thirteen is only to guide and prevent dangers. The so-called guidance actually means the same thing as prevention, which is to kill someone after they go astray, not at all. It's like now that there is some interference in the direction, setting up a path that Secret Thirteen thinks is right. But now it seems that it is a bit too much, and it has become the Secret Thirteen's interference in all aspects of the Ming Dynasty. Lu Yunzhi's original intention was definitely not this. In this way, there must be two sides, positive and negative, in the world, just like Yin and Yang. The same, but Secret Thirteen's participation forced things to develop in one direction, and the original right path turned into a diagonal, just like after the central axis became crooked, you did not follow the new direction of the central axis, but continued Just like moving forward, you can only go further and further. However, Nightmare did not notice at the moment that he had deviated from the course. Now the structure of the Secret Thirteen has been determined, and everyone blindly obeys and handles the work. The deviation of the high-level leads to the further deviation of the lower-level. In short, it cannot be changed. Not only in the economic aspect, but also in the political aspect. Yan Bei's investigation and punishment are very measured. It is very clear who can be moved now and who can't be moved for the time being. However, he alone cannot do it, and he does not want to go too far. Relying on the informants and spies in Secret Thirteen, and not wanting to use the hidden department to carry out the task, Yan Bei wanted to maintain the etiquette of the Ming Dynasty and deal with problems in the correct way, but he forgot that he was using incorrect methods. Promoted. Although Secret Thirteen represents power, in order to legitimize it, Nightmare asked Yan Bei for a name to travel on behalf of the emperor, and many of the people in charge were included in the ranks of censors. Yan Bei knew how to use his discretion, but the gang below The censor didn't know that in the past, this position would only lead to impeachment, start a scolding debate in the court, or play a certain supervisory role. However, these early stages were quite useful. Even the founding emperor Zhu Yuanzhang was pointed at the nose by the censor. After scolding, he could not kill the official, but Zhu Yuanzhang naturally abided by the rules set by him, but in the future, Zhu Yuanzhang's descendants began to have their own ideas. The power and status of the censor is getting smaller and smaller. In addition, Zhu Yuanzhang used it as a balance in the early stage, so the censor can usually check the emperor and the people. The power is great, but the rank is very small. In the later period, the censor cannot interfere with the powerful ministers. , even more unable to control the emperor, and also suffered revenge from powerful ministers, after the front foot sued the queenHe was promoted openly and demoted secretly, and the emperor acquiesced. Then the censor was no longer an official, and he could be killed. Once word of the killing of the censor spreads, the murderer will be infamy for thousands of years, so we have to make him no longer a public official before killing him. This results in the loss of the censor's responsibility. He dare not speak out when he sees it, and he dares to get angry but dare not speak out. In the end, Yanguan became a silent official. During the Tianshun period, Yanguan censors had two glorious moments. The first time was when Xu Youzhen was around. At that time, the civil servants gathered closely under Xu Youzhen and began to He vigorously criticizes corrupt officials, etc. Of course, there are often elements of frame-up. Later, Xu Youzhen fell, and the censors died down again. They once again became submissive and did not dare to speak. As time went by, they became walking corpses. Now, Yan Bei has come to power, and most of Yan Bei's subordinates are full of people. The young people of 2000, with their enthusiasm, aroused the enthusiasm of the old censors and began to investigate, in line with the principle of fairness, justice and openness, to thoroughly investigate all the officials of the Ming Dynasty. The official system of the Ming Dynasty has improved over the years. In addition, the investigation has been very strict, and the officials have restrained themselves a little. But after all, being an official requires corruption. In three years, the prefecture has been cleared of 100,000 snowflakes. If not corrupt, even his subordinates cannot afford it. , without giving gifts to the superiors, salaries and public funds cannot be paid out on time. These are existing problems, leading to a situation where everyone must be greedy and cannot live without greed. But now, with such an investigation, everyone has to be punished. After being arrested and interrogated, no one was a clean official. As a result, everyone in the Ming Dynasty was in danger. This kind of behavior of pulling out carrots and bringing out the mud was really inappropriate. That¡¯s not how politics works. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 32: Death Together From high-ranking officials to low-ranking petty officials in the Ming Dynasty, they all worked hard to fill the holes, hoping to have a clean account when they were found. They could not find any evidence to sanction themselves. Every day Everyone hates Yan Bei and these censors who are like chicken blood. Gradually, they started to resist in an organized manner. For example, they used each other to cover up, held on to the censor's pigtails, and knocked down one after another. Even when the censor went to collect his salary, the household department sneered at them. He said, we need to count the money clearly, otherwise if we lose even one and a half penny, we will be dead. The scope of the thorough investigation became wider and wider, and chaos began to arise in the court. Zhu Qizhen had been too sad since Wang Zhen's death and had not been doing well, so no one tried to stop this farce. Although the censor was responsible Supervisors, but they can only report to the court and obey the court's judgment, and even if the judgment is made in front of the Holy Emperor, implementation requires the cooperation of various departments. As for Zhu Qizhen, it is easier to say that as long as the censor submits it, he will hand it over. Yan Bei gave instructions that Yan Bei's power was getting bigger and bigger. Officials below the third rank could be beheaded first and then punished. Officials above the third rank could be imprisoned first. They could be interrogated or even tortured. After obtaining a confession, they would be handed over to Zhu Qizhen for judgment. After all the ministers were frightened, they were only afraid of Yan Bei. They were no longer afraid of the censors, not even Yan Bei. Yan Bei didn't like to borrow Mi Shisan's power, so everything was done according to the rules. Yan Bei He did things according to the rules but did not behave according to common sense. This made the ministers very angry. They thought to themselves, should we all become ascetics like you? However, there are policies and countermeasures. Yan Bei cannot stand up for himself every day. Kill people. Although those below the third rank should behead first and then kill, Yan Bei is not an executioner. He definitely cannot go around slashing people with his sword. Killing first and then playing is just a saying. If he really kills an old man in the court or a minister with a profound family background, the consequences may not necessarily be Yan's. Bei can bear it very well, so he still has to test the Ministry of Punishment, the Ministry of Personnel, Dali Temple, etc. to cooperate with him. Since Yan Bei follows the rules unreasonably, then the ministers will act rogue without following the rules. You asked me to arrest people, but I'm sorry I don't have time, and then I'm busy with the massacre of a family in a certain place, etc. Well, Yan Bei arrested people by himself. When he caught them, he was told, "Sorry, the cells are full and there is no place to lock people up. The censor is slowly going like this." Isolated, even though he had the holy family and still had responsibilities, the censor was unable to move even as the other officials united to resist. Things got louder and louder, and there was even a group fight in front of the main hall. The censor was in one group, and many civil servants were in a group. Everyone rolled up their wide sleeves, carried their court belts, and started fighting in a group with wooden remonstrances. , Jin Yiwei didn't dare to take care of it, and the imperial guards didn't dare to take care of it either. Who doesn't know that Yan Bei is Lu Yunzhi's man? If he goes to help Yan Bei, these ministers will offend all the Ming officials at once. Minister, Lu Yunzhi's group of people can spare themselves. They only feel that Lu Yunzhi's people are becoming more and more extreme and vicious, but they don't know that Lu Yunzhi is no longer here, and now Lu Yunzhi is actually a nightmare. . It would be a disadvantage at best for the two not to help each other. The guards and the imperial guards all lowered their heads and pretended not to see it. Another major reason for making such a decision was that they believed that the group of people fighting before the main hall were mostly civil servants, and the generals were biased. There are few, and most of the censors are people with no power to restrain the chicken, and they have no lethality at all. But they soon discovered that they were wrong. What this group of literati said about eating their flesh and sleeping on their skin was not a joke. They were really deadly, punching people with their fists as if they were free, but to no avail. It was a scholar, so it had no lethality, so they started to bite it with their teeth. For a moment, the ground in front of the hall was filled with nothingness, and an unknown person's ears were scattered around. This farce didn't end until Yan Bei pulled out Shang Fang's sword. Many ministers like Shang Fang's sword had it, not to mention that not many of them had the golden book of iron coupons to avoid death, but when it came time to use them, they played with them. Things can be disposed of as if they were not seen, but Shang Fang's sword has a nice name, and no one dares to use it to kill people. Killing important people will still have to pay with their lives, and it will not work if someone gives Shang Fang's sword. If someone else carries the sword to the temple, it will be long ago He was arrested as an assassin, but Yan Bei was given by the emperor to bring a sword to the palace, and this Shang Fang sword had really seen blood on it, and he had killed many corrupt officials with it. As soon as Shang Fang's sword came out, the situation immediately became quiet. Only then did everyone see a person lying on the ground. When they took a closer look, they couldn't help but were speechless and trembling. Even the emperor who was angry with the ministers ran back after hearing the news. , Yan Bei's face turned pale. Everyone knew that if he couldn't say anything about this matter today, he would probably be buried with him. The man has stopped breathing. His position is not as high as the sky, but he has a son-in-law who is as high as the sky, Lu Yunzhi. "Yang Zhun is so smart. When he saw the fight just now, he wanted to run away for fear of being accidentally injured. As a result, he didn't know whose blood was on the ground. He fell to the ground and fainted. The person in the group fightThe minister didn't pay attention. After a stampede, Yang Zhun died. He was so smart that he died in such a muddle-headed manner. I couldn't help but say that things in the world are impermanent. Yang Zhun stopped breathing and was unable to save himself. Everyone knew that Lu Yunzhi would be furious. If he was implicated, his head would fall to the ground and be buried with Yang Zhun. Yan Bei sent someone to deliver the letter, and soon the nightmare would come. After a long time, he saluted Zhu Qizhen, who was also stunned, and then said to the crowd: "Retreat from the court." Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, as if they had escaped from death. He left in a hurry, and the nightmare took Yan Bei away with Yang Zhun's body in his arms. Yang Zhun was buried generously, with a posthumous title, and was promoted to a noble rank. However, it was already too late. People can't be resurrected after death. There are still many nightmares. He had to wait for Lu Qiutong to come out of seclusion. Naturally, he couldn't extend Yang Zhun's life, because Nightmare didn't know how long he had left, so he couldn't be careless. Yan Bei knelt on the ground and kept admitting his mistakes. He was not afraid, he really felt that he had gone too far, while Nightmare smiled and said, "Please stop what you are doing first, I'm tired." " Half a month later, the nightmare was renamed Lu Qingtian, which means that Lu Yunzhi, Fang Qingze, and Qu Xiangtian are one. They don't want to be born in the same year, the same month and the same day, but they will definitely die together. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 33: Death on the Road No one knows why Lu Yunzhi changed his name. They just think that he wanted to express his longing for his two sworn brothers and fulfill the promise he made back then. But in fact, the reason why Nightmare changed his name was to make others misunderstand what he thought. He didn't want to He called him Lu Yunzhi again because he felt that he was too far removed from Lu Yunzhi. If he still called him this name, it would be an insult to Lu Yunzhi, so he resolutely changed his name to Lu Qingtian. Although Mi Shisan has gone astray in his actions and has various shortcomings, even so, Mi Shisan's actions still cheered up the atmosphere of the Ming Dynasty. The people felt that the bureaucrats no longer imposed extortion, but The economy is also better than before. Prices have dropped and people have enough food and clothing. In addition, the past few years have been smooth and the income has been quite good. When everyone is prosperous, they all miss Zhu Qizhen and Lu Qingtian. Someone even made up a ballad to the effect. It is Lu Qingtian who is the great blue sky of the people. No one said that Zhu Qizhen was the Great Hun King anymore, and no one mentioned the Tumu Fortress Incident. Worrying about the Jinyiwei's spies and the government's lackeys was one thing, but it was also a good life. Of course, the current peace and prosperity of the country was just that. An illusion in which everyone enjoys it and feels very satisfied. This illusion is like a tumor in a leopard's brain. It is neither painful nor itchy. You can't see anything at ordinary times, and you will be addicted to a comfortable life. But once it develops, it will be Fatal, of course Zhu Qizhen saw all this, but even Lu Qingtian couldn't see it. Zhu Qizhen's health was deteriorating. The Chief of Ceremonies and the Ministry of Internal Affairs had quietly purchased things to prevent them from being caught off guard. Of course, Yan Bei was dismissed from office, and the courtiers returned to their usual lives and began to work normally, no longer focusing on fixing loopholes and Against the supervision, Ming Dynasty is operating normally again, but this time they have learned their lesson and are no longer so violent and greedy, lest one day they will be caught off guard again when they investigate again, so this time the purge is still somewhat effective, as the saying goes Once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of well ropes for ten years, that's all. In fact, as Lu Yunzhi and others said before when they were chatting, it is not corrupt officials that the people hate. Most people want to gain fame because of wealth and glory. Being an official is to make decisions for the people and benefit the people. At the same time, they must also Satisfying personal selfish desires is enough. It¡¯s not that there are no selfless people, but there are too few. Even people like Lu Yunzhi and Yu Qian who sacrificed their lives for the safety of the world dare not say that they don¡¯t have any selfishness. The people really hate those who have sucked the people¡¯s fat. Corrupt officials who also harm the people, as the saying goes, use people's money to eliminate disasters for others. These officials took the money and did not do anything about people. That's why so many people criticize and hate corrupt officials. Of course, it has to be said that many Most of the people's abuse is due to their inner yearning and jealousy. They think that it is normal to be an official, but most people cannot become an official, so they are just jealous. This is also a major reason for people to criticize officials. The early stages of this purge were mostly targeted at such officials who were "unfavorable in their work", so it was considered to have achieved great results and eliminated most of the cancer in the DPRK. To be fair, it was precisely because of the correctness of the early stages of this purge. Only then did the Ming Dynasty fluctuate for nearly two hundred years. Although it went astray in the later period, it was not too late to correct the chaos in time. Yan Bei was dismissed from office, and all the civil servants were very happy, and the censors also resigned to welcome him. In fact, it sounds nice to resign in response to Yan Bei, as a last silent protest, but in fact it is not such a thing, it is nothing more than fear of Yan Bei. The person he had persecuted in the past reappeared after he left. It would be worse to die than to persecute him. It would be better to go into seclusion and live in an apartment as soon as possible. Yan Bei and Lu Qingtian had a long talk. Lu Qingtian asked Yan Bei to rest for a while and wait for the Ming Dynasty's situation to stabilize before making plans. Yan Bei also knew his own shortcomings and acted too hastily, which was quite a bit of talk on paper, but from a high perspective At the end of the day, the sudden drop made Yan Bei extremely disappointed. He thought that his dream had been shattered, so he sighed and left sadly. In fact, Lu Qingtian admires Yan Bei's ability and integrity, but after all, Yan Bei is too young and his personality is too aggressive, so it would be good for him to temper himself. He also thought that after the Ming Dynasty stabilizes, after four or five years, Yan Bei will When Bei's character and temperament have become more rounded, he will be rehired. But never thought that Yan Bei thought that he had been put aside forever. Lu Qingtian said this just as a polite word to comfort him. It was not true. Yan Bei was so disheartened that he vomited blood as soon as he returned to the house. Yan Bei He did not continue to recuperate in the capital. He said that he was not feeling well and had to return to his hometown to recuperate. Lu Qingtian thought about it and made the decision. He suddenly had a bad feeling, but he did not deliberately calculate it. It was like this. It was a blessing or a disaster. It was a disaster that could not be avoided. , let it be fate. But who could have known that this farewell would be an eternal farewell. Yanbei left, looking sad and bumpy on the way back home. He vomited blood and died when he just arrived in Shandong. Lu Qingtian came to Yanbei's hometown to build a temple in person to deliver his eulogy. It was considered to be a good deal for Yan Bei. Yan Bei's hometown was Mengyin, Shandong Province, located in a remote mountain village. Seeing such a group of high-ranking officials appearing, and knowing that Lu Qingtian was said to be nine thousand years old, all the elders burst into tears and said that Yan Bei must die. Resentment, even though death is glorious.  Behind Lu Qingtian's sad expression, he shook his head secretly: Living is not much better than dying, although living has many responsibilities and although living is very tiring. In short, Yan Bei died. It doesn't matter whether he died gloriously or not. He used his short life to write about a person's changes from integrity to paranoia, from loyalty to foolish loyalty. He left a legacy for Lu Yunzhi and the nightmare now called Lu Qingtian. It left a deep impression and left a strong mark in the history of Ming Dynasty, although it was only a mark. In the next twenty years, Yan Bei became synonymous with the purge. In the end, everyone thought that Yan Bei was just the code name for the anti-corruption campaign, forgetting that it was originally a personal name. Apart from historians, only those who remembered him were idle people. Boring old masters and erudite people, Lu Qingtian once educated Lu Sheng in this way, telling him not to become a person like Yan Bei. Lu Qingtian said this: "Sheng'er, Yan Bei seems to be an upright person but only knows how to be upright. In fact, many things do not necessarily require a straight line to achieve the goal, because the straight road seems to be fast and convenient, but in fact it is dangerous. There are many traps one after another, and it is very likely that you will die before you leave. In the end, you will die without doing what you want to do. If you change the route, although the journey will be longer, you will eventually achieve your goal. A gentleman hides his weapon and waits for the moment. Moreover, Yan Bei's undefeated failure was due to his personal ability. He still knew the priorities. His fault was that he did not know how to control. A piece of mouse droppings can spoil a pot of porridge. The same spoiled food will spoil all the food adjacent to him. , and Yan Bei showed all his likes and dislikes to his subordinates due to his own reasons, and his subordinates expanded and distorted infinitely, which led to the current ending. Therefore, as a father, I want to tell you, never let others know what you are thinking. , especially your subordinates.¡± Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 34: Walking in the Snow to Seek Plum Disease Intensifies After Yan Bei's death, all the officials in the capital celebrated together, and they were happier than the New Year. Qialu Qingtian went to express his condolences to Yan Bei and was not in the capital, so no one cared about them. The officials had no worries about a small banquet every three days and a big banquet every five days. , I want to be as happy as I want, and they all lamented that the sky has eyes. If Yan Beiquan had knowledge, they don¡¯t know how they would feel. This situation did not end abruptly until Lu Qingtian returned to Beijing. At the end of the seventh year of Tianshun, Lu Qingtian and Long Qingquan came to the palace with their son Lu Sheng and were invited to stay in the palace for the New Year. Lu Qingtian had to accept it after refusing. The New Year in the palace was very lively, and Zhu Qizhen's pale face He also smiled a little, and his face seemed to be rosier. Everyone was very happy, because Zhu Qizhen hadn't smiled for a long time, and his complexion was not very good these days. Now it seems that the holy body is getting better, but Lu Qingtian shook his head secretly, because there was another saying that no one had remembered, which is called returning to the light. Sure enough, Zhu Qizhen was even more energetic on the first day of the new year. He was clamoring to go to the front hall in the snow to see the ministers. After receiving New Year greetings from hundreds of officials, he led the ministers to worship heaven and earth, worship ancestors and pray for blessings, and walked in the snow to look for plum blossoms. Queen Qian was very anxious. , she was afraid that Zhu Qizhen would not be able to hold on if he caught the cold this year. She also saw that Zhu Qizhen's body was strange, but Zhu Qizhen didn't listen. Although he didn't get angry, he was a little unhappy. Zhu Jianshen's biological mother Zhou Guifei not only did not stop Zhu Qizhen, but also followed Zhu Qizhen's words, saying that the holy body was already healthy, etc., which made Zhu Qizhen even more confident, so he stopped listening to Queen Qian's words. Acted according to your own ideas. Queen Qian urgently asked for help from Lu Qingtian, who stayed in the palace last night, but Lu Qingtian shook his head and said nothing. Concubine Zhou was even more proud. She didn't know Lu Qingtian's true identity, and she thought to herself: It doesn't matter whether your name is Lu Yunzhi or Lu Qingtian. Not the same, they are both people who know current affairs. They know that I will be the Queen Mother in the future, so they come to curry favor with me. On the second day of the first lunar month of the eighth year of Tianshun, Zhu Qizhen was seriously ill and could not afford it, but he was not sad. He kept saying that his end was approaching, otherwise Mr. Lu had followed Empress Qian's words to persuade him yesterday, so Zhu Jianshen was ordered to supervise the country. Yu Wenhua Palace currently handles all affairs of the DPRK. The next day, Zhu Qizhen announced that Lu Qingtian had entered the palace. After pushing everyone, Zhu Qizhen said: "Please help me up." Lu Qingtian helped Zhu Qizhen up from the bed and let him half-rely on the bed. Zhu Qizhen sneered. Looking at Lu Qingtian, he did not speak again. Lu Qingtian frowned and said, "Why did your Majesty speak so politely to me just now? Aren't we privately good brothers who are close friends in life and death?" Zhu Qizhen shook his head and said, "I and I Lu Yunzhi is a good brother, but I don't know you very well, Lu Qingtian. Who are you and where did Lu Yunzhi go?" Zhu Qizhen coughed a few times and took a deep breath before talking again: "You. The organization is still operating normally. Long Qingquan, Dong De'arong and other subordinates are still surrounding you. They didn't find anything unusual about you, or they found out but acquiesced that you were Lu Yunzhi. So do you think I should be afraid of you? , because you are at least on par with Lu Yunzhi, and more likely to be more powerful than Lu Yunzhi, so I must be polite to you, otherwise I can live for a few days, but if I am rude, I may even lose my life. " Lu Qingtian. His body was shaken. He had been chatting and laughing with Zhu Qizhen before, but he didn't know that Zhu Qizhen had discovered it and hid it so deeply. He remained normal in talking and doing things. He didn't ask Zhu Qizhen until his death was approaching. Qizhen is not simple. This emperor has been confused all his life, but he did not expect to be such a wise and foolish master. "I've been confused all my life, and I've suffered all my losses. It's time for me to be smart again. This is called a long-term illness that makes a doctor. Hey, that's all. If you don't want to say it, just don't say it. I don't have the ability to force you to say it. I just want to say it. I want you to spare the life of my brother Lu Yunzhi. Although he has committed a lot of murders in his life, he has only killed people who deserve to be killed. If you let him go, I will agree to any condition you have. Whatever you want, Just mention it." Zhu Qizhen said calmly, but his eyes showed extremely firmness. Lu Qingtian couldn't help but feel a little moved, Zhu Qizhen knew the words of "repaying kindness", but after thinking about it, he understood. It happened that Zhu Qizhen also said: "Since you are not Lu Yunzhi, and your hands and eyes are so good, I think if If you think that I can't stop you in this world, you might as well exchange for my brother's life. I promise for Lu Yunzhi that as long as you let him go, he will never rebel again. Even if he is crippled, Leave him alive." Lu Qingtian shook his head. Zhu Qizhen's eyes felt lost and his spirit became depressed. Lu Qingtian looked at Zhu Qizhen, and then said: "I am a nightmare, or I am another Lu Yun. In short, I am not better than him, although I have always thought that I am better than him, because I will use the power I had when I was a ghost, and our two minds are connected, so I should be slightly better, but later I found that I Wrong, no matter in terms of magic or strategy, I am not as good as him. It turns out that all I have is his past experience and knowledge, and how can I understand his thinking and the new ideas that he constantly generates? Unable to obtainWell, in the past, I saw easy things in his mind, but it was really difficult to sit up by myself. In the future, I would have to rely on myself. Only then did I realize that being a human being is too difficult, and it is even more difficult to be a good person. Alas, it seems that what I did with Secret Thirteen has deviated from Lu Yunzhi¡¯s original intention. Both of us were wrong. Lu Yunzhi is unique and irreplaceable. " Zhu Qizhen didn't know why. Lu Qingtian slowly told Zhu Qizhen his true identity and what happened to Lu Yunzhi. Zhu Qizhen opened his eyes wide, and after a while he said: "That's what I said. Brother is dead. " Lu Qingtian nodded, and then sighed. Zhu Qizhen opened his mouth but shed tears before saying anything, and then said with a wry smile: "It doesn't matter, I'll go down to find him right away. Zhu Qizhen glanced at Lu Qingtian and then said: "Since you and Lu Yunzhi were born at the same time, let me ask you something. I hope you can tell the truth." " Lu Qingtian nodded and said, "Ask your Majesty. " "I still have a few days to live. "Zhu Qizhen asked calmly. Lu Qingtian said: "Your Majesty has one year left to live. " Zhu Qizhen laughed loudly: "You are indeed not Lu Yunzhi. He will never make up such low-level lies. You don't need to explain. If I still had Yang Shou, would you let me go out yesterday? You already counted me. Yang Shou, that's why you wanted me to leave the palace in the snow yesterday. Anyway, the deadline has come, so let me do what I want to do. It can also be considered happy for the last time. Is that what you think? " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 35: Volume dies Lu Qingtian was speechless, and after a long time he said: "The emperor's life is related to the world, I can't calculate it accurately, but it should be the period from the fifteenth to the seventeenth of the first lunar month, which means that your majesty still has more than ten days to live. Alas, Is there anything I can do for you, Your Majesty? Considering your affection for Lu Yunzhi, I will definitely do it." Zhu Qizhen shook his head and said, "I have been a fool all my life, thanks to Lu Yunzhi. You have allowed me to be a wise king for several years. I have no regrets in this life. There is nothing left to do. Please protect the prince for me. I hope he will not be as stupid as me. I thank you here." Zhu Qizhen. He cupped his hands and was about to salute. Lu Qingtian quickly stopped him, and then said: "I will definitely do it. This is also one of Lu Yunzhi's last wishes. Your Majesty, I have a good rest. I am leaving." Lu Qingtian turned around and left, Zhu Qizhen slowly said I closed my eyes, so tired. On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month of the eighth year of Tianshun, Zhu Qizhen fell into coma for the first time. Several imperial doctors rescued Zhu Qizhen before he was out of danger. It was only with the help of those precious medicines that Zhu Qizhen did not die. On the 16th day of the first lunar month of the eighth year of Tianshun, Zhu Qizhen opened his eyes with a glimmer of light. He knew that he was not far from death, and he wanted to do something that none of his ancestors had done. Zhu Qizhen came to the throne at a young age, and his favor with Wang Zhen led to the Tumubao Incident. The elite of the country was destroyed in the hands of the Oala army. The enemy army won a complete victory with a small number and a large number, but Zhu Qizhen was infamy for thousands of years. After Tumubao, Zhu Qizhen He was captured and later sent to the Nangong Palace. He was depressed and frustrated. If it weren't for Wang Zhen's secret protection and Lu Yunzhi's later protection after coming to Beijing, he might have died in the Nangong Palace. ? Back then, Zhu Qizhen gave someone a knife on a whim, which was used to bribe the guard to plot evil, and he was almost dragged away and beheaded. Every time he thinks about this, Zhu Qizhen still breaks out in a cold sweat. Later, after the incident of seizing the gate, he returned to the grand ceremony and became the emperor. At first, he was still considered a faint king. It is no wonder that after years of conquests, the people were in dire straits. Every time the situation calmed down, he would have to go to the east again. In Xidian, the people were scattered, their white-haired people were giving away their black-haired people, and the people who did not join the army were even worse off than dead. Because all that was needed in the war was money, so the increase in tax burden made it even more difficult for the people. News of the victory came one after another and everyone was celebrating, and everyone understood that this battle must be fought, otherwise foreigners would invade and become slaves. The people of the Ming Dynasty were not willing to try. Seeing the Ming army's successive victories, some people finally began to praise Zhu Qizhen , it is said that he was proficient in all kinds of literary, military and military strategies. Later, Lu Yunzhi pacified the world and focused on developing the people's livelihood economy of the Ming Dynasty, and also attached great importance to agriculture. In this way, the people of the Ming Dynasty became better and better, and some people in the market praised Zhu Qizhen. , seems to have forgotten Zhu Qizhen¡¯s shame and the indelible mistakes he made. Zhu Qizhen believes that the reason why he has been a wise king for several years is all thanks to Lu Yunzhi. In fact, this is not Zhu Qizhen's achievement. Now he is going to do something that will shake the world and make it unprecedented. Those who come are enough to give their lives a happy ending. On the 16th day of the first lunar month of the eighth year of Tianshun, Zhu Qizhen ordered people to draft a posthumous edict and bury his concubines. Zhu Qizhen was indeed the first emperor in the Ming Dynasty to abolish the burial of sacrifices. Neither Zhu Yuanzhang, the founding emperor, Zhu Di, the Yongle Emperor who conquered the South and the North, or Zhu Gaochi or Zhu Zhanji could not do it, but Zhu Zhanji, who always seemed to be mediocre Qi Zhen did it, and people praised him without realizing it. Since ancient times, after the death of an emperor, except for the mother of the queen and the prince, that is to say, the future empress dowagers do not need to be buried with him, and the mothers of a few vassal princes are not buried with him, the rest of the concubines, including maids, palace maids and a small number of eunuchs, all need to be buried with them. They were laid to rest with the emperor, with the intention of serving him forever, so that the emperor would not be alone in another world. It was hard to say what people were buried after they were killed, some were buried alive, and some had their brains cut open and watered with mercury. All of this is while a person is still alive. Poison and the like are not allowed to be used, for fear of vomiting caused by the poison reaction and soiling the body. The most cruel thing is not to destroy the body and contaminate the tomb, but to accompany the emperor with the whole body. Many of the concubines were in their prime, but they were locked in the cold tomb, and died in despair, pain, and long, which made people sigh. Zhu Qizhen is a kind person. He is not unintelligent. After so much experience, even a fool can become shrewd. However, Zhu Qizhen has always been a kind person. He is not willing to act cruelly. If the only thing he is cruel is The arrangement was to deal with Shi Heng, but this was also done with the help of Lu Yunzhi's deterrence, the rising national power and the increasingly perfect system. The same was true for Wang Zhen, and the same was true for Zhu Qiyu. Even after seizing the door, he did not kill him. This betrayed his brother, Zhu Qizhen also kept his promise to never forget each other even if they were rich and noble. After mistakenly thinking that Lu Yunzhi was trapped, Zhu Qizhen showed kindness again. He would rather use his country to Although it was a little helpless to exchange Lu Yunzhi's life,Love can be learned from the sun and the moon. Zhu Qizhen's character is destined to be unsuitable to be a sinister, cruel, insidious and cunning monarch, because there is no room for others to snore on the side of the bed. However, Zhu Qizhen is a good person. So, before the end of his life, Zhu Qizhen once again acted kindly and avoided burial. Baigong cried, crying from the bottom of his heart. They liked this good man Zhu Qizhen. In their eyes, he was not the emperor at this moment, but A husband who loves his woman, and at the same time, the concubines are also glad that they survived the disaster, because they had already made up their minds to die, and took all the good things with them for fear of being dragged away to be buried at any time. How could they think of this? Great luck fell from the sky, great sorrow and joy blended together, and everyone burst into tears. Cao Cao did not give any instructions on military and state matters beforehand. Instead, he ordered all his wives to be sent back. Those who stayed behind were willing to live out their lives in their old homes, and the young ones who wanted to remarry should also go with them. As the emperor, Zhu Qizhen, although he could not allow his concubines to remarry out of consideration for the honor of his ancestors, he repeatedly told him not to disobey his will. Neither Zhu Jianshen nor the ministers were allowed to advise him. Cao Cao and Zhu Qi Zhen, a hero and a mediocre master, but the two reached an agreement on this aspect. It must be said that they are both people who can see through life and death, and they are also great people. On the 17th day of the eighth year of Tianshun's reign, several wails and heart-wrenching cries came out of the palace: the emperor passed away. Zhu Qizhen's life is over. Thirty-seven-year-old Zhu Qizhen left this absurd world. There were both gnawing things and remarkable things in his life. Lu Qingtian looked at Zhu Qizhen's confinement. eyes, sighing silently: "Go well, I will do my best to protect the country of Ming Dynasty for you. The end of Tianshun is not only the end of you, but also the end of Lu Yunzhi, who is known as Tian. It's time to change the name of the Ming Dynasty. ,Why." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 36: Respect Together On the 22nd day of the first lunar month of the eighth year of Tianshun, Zhu Jianshen ascended the throne and was named Chenghua. On February 12, the eighth year of Tianshun, he was given the posthumous title of Emperor Tianshun. However, from this moment on, the harem began to have unrestful intrigues, which were mixed with overt and secret fights in the court, all stemming from the imperial concubine Zhou. Concubine Zhou's son became the emperor, and she was promoted to the empress dowager. Empress Qian was originally the empress. Now the position of empress dowager is natural. The emblem was first selected as empress dowager Ciyi, but it has not been finalized. At this time, concubine Zhou began to act everywhere. I am squeezing out Queen Qian, thinking that you, a blind and lame woman, have occupied the position of queen for so many years. The most annoying thing is that you have nothing to do in your life. In the end, you are on an equal footing with the mother of the emperor, and you have chosen in advance. Emblem, how can this make Concubine Zhou feel comfortable? As a result, Concubine Zhou squeezed Empress Qian everywhere and was very dissatisfied with the emblem. Someone, under the suggestion of Concubine Zhou, began to discuss the matter at court, saying: "Queen Qian is a sick person and cannot be called a queen. The late emperor passed away, and Queen Qian had nothing to do with her life. So where did the idea of ??the empress dowager come from? In my opinion, we should follow the precedent of the Xuanzong Dynasty and waste Queen Qian just like Queen Hu. " "According to your opinion. See, what you see is that you have no father and no king, it is not allowed by heaven, and you are short-sighted." Someone shouted loudly, and everyone looked up and saw that it was Li Xian. Although the minister was supported by the noble concubine of Zhou Dynasty, he did not dare to contradict Li Xian. , Li Xian is the minister appointed by the late emperor to take care of his fate. At the same time, everyone also knows that behind him is the cruel and ruthless Lu Qingtian who caused several waves. Of course, there are some who are not afraid of death. At this moment, they stood up and said: "But the emperor's biological mother should be respected, how can the two palaces be respected at the same time, so according to the opinion of the subordinates, the Empress Qian emblem should be removed, and the emperor's biological mother should be chosen first, and then It is only right to give Queen Qian the honorary title and establish Queen Mother Zhou as the First Queen Mother. " Li Xian looked at the person who spoke. It turned out to be Xia Shi. This person was Li Xianyi, a close eunuch of Concubine Zhou. He glared and said, "Are you giving the Queen Mother's decree or are you just talking nonsense?" Otherwise, Concubine Zhou will definitely punish herself. When the time comes when the ministers are gone and the ministers are gone, it will be a place of death. It is better to take it on herself. Even if it is better, Concubine Zhou can save her own life. After all, Concubine Zhou is the leader of today's society. The emperor's biological mother is the empress dowager, so Xia Shi said: "It's my own idea." "You are a eunuch and an internal official. It is your turn to intervene in such important matters in the court." Li Xian said: "First of all, The emperor's edict has been finalized a long time ago. You, a eunuch, can change it at your request. Do you think you are more noble than the late emperor?" He might be beaten to death in front of the main hall with a combination of fists and kicks. This has happened before. These civil servants were more desperate than the military attach¨¦s in fighting. Peng Shi, a great scholar, also entered the cabinet and said at this moment: "I think Master Li is right. The ancestors and the gods of heaven and earth are supreme. The emperor should rule the world with filial piety. How can there be no reason to respect only the biological mother but not the legitimate mother? "Seeing that the two important ministers had spoken, everyone in the court quoted scriptures and vowed not to do this. They fought to the end with Concubine Zhou. Concubine Zhou sent someone to invite Lu Qingtian, but was told that Lu Qingtian had gone to enjoy the mountains and rivers, so she had to give up. In fact, Lu Qingcai met Li Xian yesterday and entrusted Li Xian with a lot of things. He has already developed Li Xian as a pillar of the country and included him in the Secret Thirteen. Who is Li Xian? He is an important minister of the country. He was a chess piece buried next to Xu Youzhen. He keenly discovered the organization of Secret Thirteen. Although he did not know who was behind it, he decisively joined forces with him to destroy Xu Youzhen. Later, Lu Yunzhi explained the truth to Li Xian. Li Xian became a disciple of Lu Yunzhi, but Lu Yunzhi did not allow him to join Secret Thirteen. However, Li Xian's rise has been soaring in recent years, and he is inseparable from Secret Thirteen. Relationship. In short, Li Xian's identity and power, coupled with the full support of the courtiers, forced Concubine Zhou to give up temporarily. However, she did not give up. Instead, she tried to trick Zhu Jianshen in the hope that he could help her win the most distinguished position. The person Zhu Jianshen had the deepest feelings for was. Wan Zhen'er, followed by Lu Yunzhi, of course he did not realize that Lu Qingtian was no longer his second father Lu Yunzhi at this time. Wan Zhen'er is already a member of Secret Thirteen. Although she does not participate in daily operations and does not follow orders very much, she is still a member of the organization. Wan Zhen'er is Zhu Jianshen even more so. Although he does not say it explicitly, Who doesn't know that Emperor Zhu Jianshen is Lu Qingtian's adopted son, and Li Xian is Lu Qingtian's son. They are the same power. Although Zhou Guifei is Zhu Jianshen's biological mother, she did not raise Zhu Jianshen from childhood. She was locked up in Nangong. In order to avoid suspicion, Concubine Zhou did not even meet Zhu Jianshen for fear of getting herself into trouble. Zhu Jianshen still remembers the tragedy of his childhood, so?For this own biological mother, I only have the kindness to live, not the meaning of nurturing, and not much affection. Initially, Concubine Zhou thought that Zhu Jianshen agreed to help her because he was her biological son after all. However, she never thought that Zhu Jianshen also agreed with Concubine Zhou and Empress Qian as empress dowagers, sharing the same honor and honor. Concubine Zhou was extremely surprised. But he had no choice but to cry secretly, and then run to Lu Qingtian's government office every day. As the empress dowager, she went out of the palace every day to find Lu Qingtian. Lu Qingtian was also a widower, which is not pleasant to say, but for the grievance she had "endured" for half her life and for her future dignity, Concubine Zhou also risked her life, but said It was aggrieved, and she just thought so. Lu Qingtian finally "came back". Although he didn't go far and just wanted to avoid Concubine Zhou, he didn't expect Concubine Zhou to be so perseverant and come to the house every day as the empress dowager, so they could only meet each other. But what was not surprising was that Lu Qingtian also supported the proposal of respecting Queen Qian, because Lu Yunzhi knew about Queen Qian's admiration and would naturally not indulge Concubine Zhou in such a matter. Concubine Zhou was greatly disappointed, and Lu Qingtian made compensation accordingly, agreeing to build three identical tombs for Yingzong in the underground palace of Zhu Qi Town, so that Concubine Zhou and Queen Qian could be buried in the underground palace of Zhu Qi Town a hundred years later. , which can be regarded as compensation for Concubine Zhou. Concubine Zhou was quite satisfied with this result, because Zhu Qizhen's will did not mention his wish to be buried with her, only Empress Qian was mentioned. In March of the eighth year of Tianshun, two months after the death of Zhu Qizhen, Queen Qian was officially given the title Empress Dowager Ciyi. On that day, Concubine Zhou did not eat. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 37: After Choosing the Lake This emblem is given to the direct descendants. The emperor's biological mother is not allowed to have it according to the rules of the ancestors. Corresponding to the emblem is the posthumous title, which means the posthumous title of the emperor and within the Ancestral Temple. Naturally, the Empress Dowager Zhou does not have it, but Lu Qingtian promised He can give him the posthumous title of God, and the emblem is about to be selected, and he can wait until the weather calms down before giving him the title. This will not only take care of the face of the ministers, but also follow the rules of the ancestors, and only the queen will be buried together. Moreover, Zhu Qizhen¡¯s will also specifically emphasized that he and Empress Qian should be buried together, without mentioning anyone else. Now that Empress Dowager Zhou has a badge, they can also be buried together. It should be a happy situation for everyone, but people are not satisfied with it. Tun Xiang, Empress Dowager Zhou still refused to change her mind. The treatment she received as a direct concubine was not enough, and she also wanted to seek the status of a direct concubine. In May of the eighth year of Tianshun, Emperor Yingzongrui of the Ming Dynasty, Zhu Qizhen, was buried in Yuling. Lu Qingtian wrote a memorial poem in praise of Zhu Qizhen. Halfway through the reading, he shed tears on the spot, letting everyone see the iron-blooded and tender side, but they did not know that these tears were for Lu Yun. As it turns out, Zhu Qizhen's life's honor and disgrace are all related to Lu Yunzhi. As a nightmare, Lu Qingtian thought of Lu Yunzhi as soon as he read it, and naturally couldn't help it. After all, he has lived in the same body for more than ten years. After the burial, Lu Qingtian left in the wind, like a fairy. The stall of Secret Thirteen was getting bigger and bigger. Lu Qingtian was exhausted. Only now did he know how tired Lu Yunzhi was. Back then, he not only had to manage and organize Secret Thirteen, but also Facing all the forces in the DPRK, he has now ascended to the highest position, and no one in the world can be his enemy. However, the management of Secret Thirteen is so complicated, which really puts Lu Qingtian, who has only existed independently for a short time, to shame. It seems that there are many things. Easier to do but extremely difficult to do. The harem cannot be without a master for a day. In addition to the queen mother, the queen is also indispensable. So the final selection of the queen in June of the eighth year of Tianshun began. At this moment, Wan Zhen'er became a concubine by virtue of her age. The harem All the women among them complained, especially those who were not even concubines. Everyone thought that Wan Zhen'er was so virtuous and capable. She was just a palace maid, and it would be good to give it to a concubine or Jie Yu Zhaoyi. It didn't count. The emperor thought about his past love and had always been unkind to the emperor's family, but these women ignored one problem. This question is who is Zhu Jianshen's son? There is no doubt that Zhu Jianshen is Zhu Qizhen's child. Zhu Qizhen can make a blind and lame Qian the queen, which is enough to show that Zhu Qizhen is nostalgic and values ????love, and Lu Although Yun Zhi was not optimistic about the couple Zhu Jianshen and Wan Zhen'er, he did not stop him. He always promoted the existence of true love and the concept of desperate love. At the same time, he praised the love between Zhu Qizhen and Queen Qian without hesitation. There are also many concubines in Qizhen, and although Lu Yunzhi only loves Yang Xiyu, there are many reasons including Yingzi and Shi Yuting. Therefore, whether it is from roots or education, Zhu Jianshen firmly believes in the existence of love, but he also understands that in the future he will He was the emperor, so he didn't stop other people from taking concubines, but he didn't love these women and didn't even bother to take a look at them, let alone get lucky with them. Fortunately, Zhu Jianshen had just become the emperor, so there were not many concubines, and there were even fewer concubines and other lower-level women, so he was not too worried at the moment, but these women couldn't stand it, because not only Wan Zhen'er became Wan Zhen'er Concubine, Zhu Jianshen even proposed to make Wan Zhen'er the queen. Some women would feel uncomfortable choosing a queen from outside, let alone Wan Zhen'er. Not only was the harem in trouble, but even the ministers were not allowed to do so. They even sat down at the palace gate to demonstrate in pain. Even the Empress Dowager Zhou, who had always been at odds with Empress Dowager Qian, now stood in a united front with Empress Dowager Qian. , trying his best to stop Zhu Jianshen from going his own way. Seeing that the resistance was too great, Zhu Jianshen got angry and said that he would overpower all the heroes to pursue true love, but this led to the collective dismissal of the court. Even the Empress Dowager Zhou said that if Wan Zhen'er was made the queen, she would become a nun and Wan Zhen'er would become a nun. One night, Erye persuaded Zhu Jianshen that he did not want the title of queen, but Zhu Jianshen was already desperate and refused. Wan Zhen'er said: "Let me ask you, does Yafu love Yang Xiyu?" Zhu Jianshen, although late in enlightenment, understood the relationship between men and women quite early, so he nodded and said, "Yafu's favorite woman is Yang Xiyu. For the other two ladies, family ties and responsibilities are greater. As for love," Wan Zhen'er smiled and said, "That's it. Although there is no hierarchy in Yafu's family, it seems that Yingzi is the principal wife. Have you ever seen Yafu let Yingzi be younger and Yang Xiyu be older? " "No," Zhu Jianshen said, he already understood. "So it doesn't matter, as long as you love me, it's enough. I don't care if you have the title of queen or not." Wan Zhen'er said, "Besides, you have not been on the throne for a long time. If your mother really becomes a nun, she will resign from her official position and return to her hometown." What should you do? Don't rush to say it. I know what you are going to say. If they want to leave, they can leave, right? That's not what the emperor is. If you do this, you will not help but destroy the etiquette and order, and it will make Chao Gang more chaotic. The main thing is that the normal operation of officials in the Ming Dynasty will also be affected. Is it possible that you are still a loner? So you can't touch these officials, and the newly promoted people?Without the ability of these elders, an elder in the court is like a treasure. How many treasures do you have? If you really have a bunch of young courtiers discussing matters in the palace, who would do anything extraordinary in a hot head? I'm afraid if you don't have the loyalty of these veterans. Geng Geng, what's more, even if you don't have the ability to rebel, it won't work. In that case, tomorrow will be ruined in your hands sooner or later. Also, if your mother becomes a monk in anger, you won't be afraid of the ridicule of the world. " Zhu Jianshen nodded: "I don't understand what you are saying. I just promised you before that I would make you the queen. Besides, didn't the late emperor also make Qian the queen against all opinions? " "Queen Qian is not a force to be reckoned with. What she has done is obvious to all. What's more, she is the queen to begin with, and it is not the wish of the world to depose her. As for the opposition, it is just the person your mother and concubine found, but It's not a threat. Your father calls Queen Qian his sister-in-law. Who dares to mention the abolition of the queen again in this relationship? You just said that you promised me to be the queen. Did you? I forgot. "Wan Zhen'er smiled. Zhu Jianshen also smiled. She understood that Wan Zhen'er was deliberately trying to trick him down the steps, but soon she frowned and said: "I already understand what you said, but if you are not the queen, , what should you do if those concubines and future queens bully you? No, no, I think it is still inappropriate. You must be given the most distinguished position in the harem, otherwise if you are bullied, I will be heartbroken to death. " Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 38: Double-sided chess pieces are everywhere Wan Zhen'er's heart moved. Zhu Jianshen just said that the future queen meant that he was already a little moved, so he said: "You little fool, if you dote on me, even if I am not the queen, who would dare to bully me? It is better to be a queen than a queen. This That's the real strength, just like Yang Xiyu was in charge when his father was not at home." Zhu Jianshen nodded and acknowledged the matter, and the two of them rolled into a ball and had a good time. The next day, Zhu Jianshen relaxed and stopped mentioning the matter of making Wan Zhen'er his queen. The empress dowagers and officials of the two palaces let out a long sigh of relief. However, it was a little too early for them to relax, otherwise They will gasp immediately. In fact, the harem of the past dynasties is the epitome of the dynasty. Looking at the origin of the concubines, you can see the nature and division of power of the dynasty, and you can even judge whether it is the early, middle or late period of the dynasty. In the early stage, there were intermarriages with leading soldiers, generals, civil servants, leaders, and foreign royal families. In the mid-term, queens with no roots and background are often chosen. They are ordinary family girls who are not high-ranking officials in the family but have both talents and virtues, so as not to form cliques and gain power for selfish reasons. In the later stages, they also marry foreigners, but most of them are forced to become emperors or It is quite flattering to marry the real leader of this dynasty in order to gain some kinship. Normally, when choosing a concubine, you have to compete with various forces, let alone the post-election. The choice was made by Wang. Of course, Zhu Jianshen also expressed his agreement this time. It is said that Wang will soon become Queen Wang, but suddenly the person was changed, and she was replaced by Queen Wu. This time, unlike Empress Qian, who was selected from among the people, after nearly twenty years of constant political struggle, all ministers felt that the more sophisticated they were, the more reliable they were. Everyone did not know that since Li Xian discovered the mysterious organization, , he had become a chess piece of Lu Yunzhi'an on Xu Youzhen's side. He thought that Li Xian followed Xu Youzhen and got to know Lu Yunzhi by playing both sides. As a result, Xu Youzhen died and Li Xian was fine. Instead, he was promoted step by step, so the court Many people follow Li Xian as a role model. Of course, most people in the Secret Thirteen organization are not aware of it. In fact, Li Xian's awareness is due to his wisdom on the one hand, and on the other hand, it can be arranged by Ah Rong. What he wants is to have Li Xian on his side, but The ministers also did not dare to form cliques. Xu Youzhen was a scholar, Shi Heng was a force, and Cao Jixiang was in cahoots with the Tartar officials, but they all ended badly. Although the word "seize the door" is not allowed to be mentioned, these people can be regarded as assisting Zhu Qi in controlling the situation. After he ascended the throne, he ended up with such a tragic end just because he casually formed cliques for personal gain. Since there are no allies in the court, everyone has turned their attention to Zhu Jianshen's harem. Wouldn't it be twice the result with half the effort to have an ally from the queen? In the future, the court will surely be unfavorable. So the battle began, and in the end the three Individuals stand out, the Wang family, the Bai family, and the Wu family. The three families were evenly matched, but in the end Wu won and was made queen. Wu's father was Wu Jun, the former commander of the Royal Forest Army, and her uncle was the man who shouted at the defense of the capital many years ago that he was unable to fight and was about to enter the city, and was ridiculed. Sun Bor, but no one dares to laugh at him now, because when Cao Jixiang rebelled, it was he who privately mobilized an army to rescue Cao Jixiang. Afterwards, both Lu Yunzhi and Zhu Qizhen rebuked Sun Bor and said that this was a mutiny. , provoking a large army into the city in the name of catching thieves. Although the rescue was successful, the fault was not small, and the merits and demerits were balanced. Sun Boring was confused. He clearly said that he was going to rescue the driver, so how could he make up such a clever plot? He raised his arms and went to catch the thief, so everyone responded. When they got there, they told him that he was going to rescue the driver. Jia, the siege of the rebellion was finally solved. Sun Boring frowned. He didn't do this by himself. He definitely remembered it correctly, but he didn't dare to refute. Nuonuo said yes and went out. After returning home, I figured it out. King Zhu Jianwen also rebelled. As a result, they were all wiped out. No one knew who did it. But who else except Lu Yunzhi had such a big power? Although he was not in the capital at the time, it was unheard of. It is said that their wife is not a fuel-efficient lamp, which means that this big net has been laid out a long time ago, and Qing is waiting for Zhu Jianwen and Cao Jixiang to get in. So when he said that he would go to rescue him, the army unexpectedly responded. The person who responded to him was also Lu Yunzhi's person. Thinking of this, Sun Bor couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat. He secretly lamented that Lu Yunzhi's long tentacles were so powerful that even minor officials like the centurion and corps commander had penetrated into it. But why did Lu Yunzhi not report the truth and take the credit for himself? Sun Boring didn't know about it. He guessed that he either didn't want Zhu Qizhen to know, or he wanted to cover up the world. According to Lu Yunzhi's character, he would not kill him if he didn't kill him before to silence him, but he knew He discovered such a big secret, but if he didn't get rid of it, he would be promoted. Sun Boring became happy. Sure enough, although Sun Boring was a military commander, he was not stupid. He guessed correctly. Sure enough, he was promoted to a marquis for official duties, and his name was Huaining Marquis. However, it didn't take long before all those who were promoted to a noble house because of seizing the door were cut off. In fact, Sun Boring He did not belong to the order of seizing the gate, but he killed Cao Jixiang, the "hero" of the seizing the gate, so he was also involved and was removed from the Hou family.?, but the salary is still the same, and there are still hundreds of households, hereditary and irreplaceable. Sun Boring was not worried. He believed that the omnipotent Lu Yunzhi would give him an explanation. Lu Yunzhi did give him an explanation. Sun Boring moved to the Dudu Mansion, but later Sun Boring was investigated by Yanbei for accepting bribes from soldiers. After being caught, he was removed again. Yan Bei was Lu Yunzhi's man. Sun Boring panicked now, but luckily Lu Yunzhi confessed and Yan Bei did not kill him or put him in jail. Despite being tortured severely, Sun Bor still survived and took charge of the Zuofu of the Governor's Mansion, with a salary that was slightly reduced by half a level but still remained the same. Logically speaking, Sun Boring should be a idle official, but he couldn't stand it because of his seniority and his friendship with Lu Yunzhi. Everyone vaguely knew about this, so when Sun Boring came forward, most people stayed away. But the key role was not with Sun Boring, but with a eunuch named Niu Yu. Wang Zhen was the eunuch, and Cao Jixiang was the eunuch. Lu Yunzhi understood that it was absolutely impossible to let an outsider be the head of the eunuch, so he pushed him forward. I am one of my own. This eunuch is also a member of Secret Thirteen and is called Niu Yu. In other words, the current Niu Yu is the ceremonial eunuch and the palm eunuch. He has the same status as Wang Zhen, Cao Jixiang or Jin Ying, but he He is not conspicuous. He is usually very low-key. He clearly knows how his predecessors died. Sun Boring and Niu Yu had a good relationship. The so-called good relationship meant that they communicated very well in terms of money. Half of Sun Boring's salary was used to support Niu Yu. Firstly, Sun Boring had a vague feeling that Niu Yu had something to do with Lu Yunzhi's organization. Secondly, it is also a life-saving straw for myself, so that I can take over at critical moments. Now this layer of life-saving relationship is used at this moment. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 39: Jealousy and jealousy After Lu Yun's death, Lu Qingtian took over. Of course, these things were not obvious to outsiders. Lu Qingtian naturally knew who Niu Yu was, so Niu Yu's position was firmly established. At this moment, the Wu family stood out and became the final candidate. Niu Yu thought about it. He also wanted a queen as a second backer. He also wanted to take advantage of others and be soft. After receiving so many benefits from Sun Bor, he had to do something. Moments before Zhu Qizhen died, a total of three people were summoned, Zhu Jianshen, Niu Yu and Lu Qingtian. Niu Yu's status soared, so he used all the power of the internal officials to guide Zhu Jianshen to choose the Wu family and change his appointment to the Wang family. Niu Yu naturally reported this to the Secret Thirteen Organization. Lu Qingtian was so busy every day that he couldn't care about Zhu Jianshen's appointment as a queen. As long as Wan Zhen'er didn't love someone, he acquiesced. On the day of the wedding, all the officials shouted long live and thousand live. Everyone was beaming with joy, but they were sneering in their hearts to see how Empress Wu would face Wan Zhen'er, who monopolized the emperor's favor. The ministers who were originally involved in post-election political activities secretly encouraged Wan Zhen'er in their hearts, hoping that they would start a fight as soon as possible, so as to relieve their own disappointment of not forming an ally with the queen. ??The whole world celebrates, is exempt from tax for one year, and offers amnesty to the whole world. Empress Wu was so beautiful in her heart. She became the master of the harem, the empress who cared for the world, and all the people of the Ming Dynasty were her children. How noble and glorious this was. There were tears of joy in Empress Wu's eyes. She was happy. He smiled dignifiedly and generously, shouting in his heart that he had brought glory to his ancestors. Wan Zhen'er was in the harem, sighing and smiling slightly. Although she was generous, she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart. After all, everyone wanted to be the queen, but when she thought that Zhu Jianshen only loved her, she felt less uncomfortable. Wan Zhen'er murmured to herself: "I hope I can live in peace with this Empress Wu in the future, and I also hope she won't take the initiative to provoke me." Unexpectedly, Empress Wu took the initiative to provoke me within a few days. Wan Zhen'er. Wan Zhen'er was walking around the garden of the harem, and suddenly she heard someone whisper: "You don't know that bitch, you are so shameless at such an old age, and you learn those charming skills to seduce the emperor." "That's it, you. Look at her waist and face, everything about her is worthy of the title of concubine. I heard a while ago that she even dreamed of becoming a queen. Her rough hands looked like she was a hard laborer. She was destined to enjoy a life of happiness. Now she is dead with thunder. It suddenly rose. What a dissatisfied bitch." Through the gap between the flowers in the garden, Wan Zhen'er could clearly see a group of orioles sitting over there talking about herself. Wan Zhen'er sighed. He took a breath and looked at his hands. Although he never did any dirty work after entering the palace, he did everything during the years when he took care of Zhu Jianshen alone. As the prince, Zhu Jianshen was used to washing and changing clothes frequently, so Wan Zhen'er indulged her. he. Moreover, the certificates issued at that time were often withheld by the House of Internal Affairs, the House of Clan and the guards guarding them, so Wan Zhen'er could only wash clothes for others in exchange for some money. This hand was exposed to cold water in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and it was completely destroyed in a short time. The white and tender hands became like withered tree bark. Even after taking care of them for a long time, they have not fully recovered. This was often ridiculed by the girls in the harem. Although Wan Zhener felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, she did not feel inferior at all, because this was a testimony of what she and Zhu Jianshen had experienced together. She also liked Zhu Jianshen to put it on her hands every night. Apply something to feel. "Let me tell you, I heard that when she was outside the palace, she often fooled around with men?" "It's true or false. Don't talk nonsense. You will be punished for talking nonsense." "Sisters, where are you chatting? There are so many rules, but someone really saw this, Wan Zhen'er and" Wan Zhen'er was too lazy to talk to them, turned around and was about to leave, but she never thought that someone called her from behind: "Wan Fei, stop! Why are you so unruly and don't know how to salute me when you see me? You are still peeping from the side. Could it be that you are used to being vulgar outside the palace? Have you forgotten the rules in the palace?!" Wan Zhen'er knows Who is this? There is only one person in the palace who dares to talk to her like this in person, and that is Queen Wu. Ever since Empress Wu entered the palace, she had started to criticize Wan Zhen'er, because the emperor Zhu Jianshen only had Wan Zhen'er in his eyes, but he, the queen, had been keeping an empty house alone. How could Empress Wu not be angry? She was like all the concubines. Similarly, I both hate Wan Zhen'er and don't understand what the emperor thinks. The more inexplicable it is, the angrier it becomes. Regarding Empress Wu's provocation, Wan Zhen'er did not conflict with her. Instead, she avoided contact with her at all times. In addition, Zhu Jian was deeply protective of Wan Zhen'er, and even Empress Wu, the master of the harem, had little choice. When Empress Wu got angry and posted the news, she felt as if her punch had failed, which made her temper even worse. She always made trouble for Wan Zhen'er whenever she had nothing to do. Unexpectedly, Wan Zhen'er had always done a flawless job, and Empress Wu didn't catch anything. Today, she just said she had no rules and rectified her all at once. Wan Zhen'er turned around and walked around the flowers to say goodbye to Queen Wu.Wan Fuli said, "See the Queen." "Well, you haven't answered the question I asked you just now?" Queen Wu said sharply. Wan Zhen'er explained: "I was just passing by here, and I couldn't see the queen where the flowers were blocking my view, so I didn't salute you" "How dare you quibble, give it to me Drag her down and slap her." Empress Wu shouted, stepping forward to hold Wan Zhen'er's arms. Everyone was shocked when they heard the slap. It was so shameful and humiliating that even ordinary palace maids were not slapped. This was a violation of character. Insult, even if the palace maid was beaten, she would usually seek death after being humiliated. As a royal concubine, she was ordered to slap someone by the queen. How could she not surprise everyone, and Wan Zhen'er was also stunned on the spot. A concubine approached the queen and said, "Don't dare to slap us. If the emperor knows about it, we will be severely punished. Sister Wu, you are the queen who cares about the world, so naturally it won't be too serious, but we will suffer, and still "I hope my sister will think twice." "Why, I am the mother of the world and the master of the harem. Do I have to be cautious when marrying a concubine?" Queen Wu said, although she said it beautifully, she was murmuring in her heart. She had just become the queen. Once Wan Zhen'er was beaten, Wan Zhen'er couldn't think about it and sought death. I'm afraid it will be difficult for Zhu Jianshen to explain it by then, and it will also be difficult to hide it from the public. It is known to the whole world that Wan Zhen'er has always cared for Zhu Jianshen when he grew up. Although the whole world has condemned this unfaithful couple, he is afraid that the tide will turn if he forces her to death. He said that he drove the emperor's benefactor to death, that he was jealous and could not tolerate concubines in the harem, that he could not behave like the mother of the world, etc. The more the rumors became truer, this was not good for his own image. So Queen Wu changed her mind and stopped spanking her face. So Wan Zhen'er was beaten hard for thirty times, but Wan Zhen'er didn't cry or scream. It wasn't because it hurt. Big beads of sweat were all over her face, but there was still a sneer on the corner of her mouth. . Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 40: After the Queen Becomes Obsolete Wan Zhen'er was beaten until she was bedridden and almost died. After Zhu Jianshen learned about it, he became furious and threw several cups of ginseng tea. Zhu Jianshen went to visit Wan Zhen'er first. Wan Zhen'er forced a smile and kept saying to Zhu Jianshen Don't bother Empress Wu. She is the master of the harem after all. The more Wan Zhen'er said this, the more Zhu Jianshen felt sorry for Wan Zhen'er. He could only pretend to agree and didn't even come to Luan Jia when he left the house. , ran to find Queen Wu. Wan Zhen'er said this deliberately just now, but she pretended to be pitiful. She thought she could live her life quietly by settling down the troubles. After all, she had experienced too much. She originally entered the palace to become a wealthy and prosperous person. The famous concubine or Jieyu Zhaoyi is also good, but she wanted to be Zhu Qizhen's woman at the time, but later she didn't expect that she would serve his son Zhu Jianshen, and she didn't expect that after many twists and turns in the future, she would actually fall in love with him. Fuck Zhu Jianshen. Strong possessiveness filled Wan Zhen'er's heart. She wanted to take Zhu Jianshen, the man who had been hers from the beginning, as her forever and not allow others to touch her. However, Wan Zhen'er had not lost her mind yet. She knew that Zhu Jianshen was The emperor cannot have only one woman, and whether he can have children as he is older is still a problem. Besides, he is not a queen. The story of an emperor and a queen cannot be passed down through the ages, so Wan Zhen'er will not argue and enjoy this with peace of mind. This kind of glory and wealth can return to her original ideal and just be a good concubine. But the tree wanted to be quiet but the wind didn't stop, but someone didn't want Wan Zhen'er to have an easy time. Empress Wu beat her in public. Wan Zhen'er suppressed the anger in her heart. Only then did she realize that the harem was just like the outside. , are all places where a heartless heart cannot stand firmly, and the same truth that remains unchanged no matter where it is is also circulated here. Good people are bullied by others, good horses are ridden by others, Wan Zhen'er smiled, and Empress Wu was doing something for herself. Death, I have been living in the palace for so many years, I have never eaten pork and I have seen pigs running away. In addition, I was later kicked out of the palace and tempered my strong will. In addition, I also entered the Thirteen Secrets. Empress Wu backstage was even more incomparable. Regardless of whether she listened to the tune or not, or whatever she did, she was still regarded as Lu Qingtian's subordinate. While she was doing these things, Empress Wu was still embroidering at home. How could she fight with herself? To fight is to seek death. Zhu Jianshen found Empress Wu and asked: "Why did you beat Wan Zhen'er?" "I have seen the emperor, is there anything wrong with me beating Wan Zhen'er? I am the queen originally, managing the affairs of the harem, but the emperor would not beat a concubine. Why are you making such a fuss?" Queen Wu said in a serious tone. "I'm asking you why you want to beat Wan Zhen'er. Don't give me any other excuses." Zhu Jianshen clenched his fists and suddenly roared. He also uttered vulgar words among the people. The maids and eunuchs around him were so frightened that they knelt on the ground. , even Queen Wu was stunned, and tears immediately filled her eyes. Empress Wu said aggrievedly: "My concubine is the queen. She disrespected me and I asked her to salute me. She refused and retorted. I was so angry that I slapped her. The emperor has to make the decision for me. She If you dare to despise the queen, how can I be the master of the harem? " "How can I do it? It's easy." Zhu Jianshen suddenly laughed. "If you don't want to be a queen, then don't be a queen. Find someone who knows how to be a queen." Zhu Jianshen said and turned to leave. , Empress Wu was so anxious that she stretched out her hand to pull Zhu Jianshen, and asked in a somewhat incredible tone: "What does the emperor mean by this?" Zhu Jianshen did not look back, stood there motionless, suddenly laughed, then turned around and kicked Wu The queen kicked her to the ground, pointed at Empress Wu and cursed: "You little bitch, I hate being pulled by others the most in my life. Do you know that I hate being pulled by others the most? How dare you do something with me? No wonder you all Calling you rude and rude is an act of assassinating the king. It is in vain that Wan Fei begged you hard and said it is not your fault. I will come and question you. If you still don't want to repent and just keep messing around, do you think I am stupid or you are stupid? , ok, ok, ok, you ask me what I mean by this, I tell you, after I cripple you, don¡¯t you like to hit people after I cripple you? Why don¡¯t I arrange for someone to hit you every day to give you a try? Son, come here, hold this bitch down and give me thirty strokes, not forty strokes, every day. Send the imperial doctor to come and watch me while he beats me. Once the injury is healed, I will continue beating him tomorrow. What a shameless thing. " Zhu Jianshen left, and everyone was stunned. The next thing was the screams of Queen Wu being beaten, and the arrogant palace maids around Queen Wu all stopped at this moment. Slave depends on master, and the people around the Queen in the palace are even more powerful than ordinary Zhaoyi. One day in the future, the emperor may favor her, and she can become a concubine by then. A maid with such thoughts There are not a few, but now everyone is pale and trembling. They all hope that the emperor just said what he said in anger, and also hope that the courtiers can dissuade the emperor, because once they are thrown into the cold palace, both the master and the slaves will never be able to stand up. . After finishing the fight, Zhu Jianshen's anger was not completely gone. When he went to court the next morning, he declared:After the abolition of the decree, the ministers were in an uproar, and several people opposed it. However, seeing Zhu Jianshen's livid face, they could only give up. It was not until Li Xian came out and said a few incomprehensible words that Zhu Jianshen suspended the decree. Li Xian said It is the incision in Secret Thirteen, which means to ask the sky before making a decision, and the sky refers to Lu Qingtian. Zhu Jian deeply believes that it is indeed unreasonable not to ask Lu Qingtian about such a big matter. Wan Zhen'er had known that she would take this step. She was a member of Secret Thirteen, so she naturally had a way to contact Lu Qingtian, so she sent someone to contact Lu Qingtian early. She said it with tears in her eyes. It was so painful that Lu Qingtian's head was spinning. Nowadays, people who are busy with military and national affairs are too busy to take care of family affairs, so Lu Qingtian acquiesces. When Zhu Jianshen found Lu Qingtian, he did not hear any objections. Zhu Jianshen was overjoyed. He did not To think things would go so smoothly. In the past, others did not allow Wan Zhen'er to be the queen, but he listened. As a result, such a big thing happened. If he made Wan Zhen'er now, the opposition would be much smaller. Zhu Jianshen was secretly fighting in his heart. Little abacus. Therefore, in August of the eighth year of Tianshun, Empress Wu was deposed and became Empress Wu, who was relegated to the cold palace. From the time of her wedding in July of the eighth year of Tianshun, to the deposed Empress in August, only one month passed. In February, Queen Wu could be said to be one of the shortest queens in thousands of years. In addition to the problems with Lu Qingtian and the court, the empress dowagers of the two palaces also played a vital role in the abolition of the empress. Empress Dowager Qian was very dissatisfied with this and supported Empress Wu, but criticized Empress Wu for being too reckless and also She persuaded Zhu Jianshen that Empress Wu was just a young queen when she first became empress. Originally, Empress Dowager Zhou did not agree to depose the empress. She was worried that Zhu Jianshen would bring up the old issues again and appointed Wan Zhen'er as empress. However, seeing Empress Dowager Qian's support, she began to negotiate with Empress Dowager Qian. A rivalry began, and in the end, with the push of various parties, Empress Wu was deposed. However, a few years later, Empress Dowager Zhou regretted her decision. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 41: The Reform of Secret Thirteen There was another turmoil over the establishment of a queen. Zhu Jianshen still didn't fight everyone, and Wan Zhen'er still didn't become a queen, but she was neither happy nor sad, and looked at everything calmly. In October of the eighth year of Tianshun, the Wang family, who had been unsuccessful, ascended to the position of queen. Empress Wu became the deposed queen of Wu, and her father was also sent to the army, and her uncle Sun Bor was dismissed. As for the main successive forces Because Niu Yu was a member of Secret Thirteen, although he was punished, it was not that serious. He was just sent to Xiaoling to grow vegetables, which temporarily avoided the fight in the palace. Lu Qingtian reprimanded him not to participate in political struggles. The duty of the members of the Secret Thirteen is to monitor and execute orders. They cannot make their own decisions, let alone participate directly. If there is a problem next time, they will definitely be killed. Niu Yu was transferred back to the capital within two years, but he was not as important as before, but Such a result is already many times better than those who were implicated. Lu Qingtian's Secret Thirteen finally returned to the right path after making mistakes one after another. The so-called right path is only a superficial phenomenon and does not represent the correctness of the entire direction. However, this is already commendable. No one in this world can To always do everything right, you only need to do the present well. Obviously Lu Qingtian did it through hard work. The early mistakes may have been caused by his lack of knowledge of personnel and not having personally led it, but since he replaced Lu Yunzhi From then on, in addition to dealing with a series of complicated affairs normally, Lu Qingtian would be seen reading at dawn every night, and only rested for two hours a day. Diligence makes up for weakness. Maybe Lu Qingtian does not have Lu Yunzhi's intelligence, but he has Lu Yunzhi's experience and rich knowledge. In practice, he becomes more and more mature and powerful. The economy is prosperous and the people live and work in peace and contentment. Although the world does not dare to say that the house is not closed at night and the streets are not picked up, it is still very stable and peaceful. The reason why the economy develops smoothly and upward is because of the integration of Secret Thirteen. For example, in the implementation of policies, Secret Thirteen's spies will report it if they hear about incorrect policies. Lu Qingtian discussed this with a group of think tanks. Xiang Dazheng will make a judgment. If it works, let it go. If it doesn't, he will definitely stop it. Of course, the county magistrate is not as good as the current one. Lu Qingtian also has a firm grip on local policies. He strictly monitors the implementation of all policies and avoids unnecessary exorbitant taxes. , turning a blind eye to appropriate corruption. Of course, in order to prevent the members of the Secret Thirteen from colluding with local officials and even the central government, in addition to setting up a special supervisory department to carry out rigorous investigations, a transfer and reporting system and a decentralization system were also implemented. Transfers are held every four years, targeting from top to bottom Every member sent under surveillance, but this surveillance is not only on people outside the court, but also on one's own people, such as the business community under Dong De's leadership. It is held every four years. In the first year, you are familiar with the local situation and only give one day to hand over the work. Because the previous members have left detailed information, you only need to go through it and become familiar with it. If someone says that it is impossible to continue working in this way, That means if you don¡¯t have the ability, you can be removed and start working at the grassroots level. This is for leadership. But if the lower level can¡¯t do it, then they will keep being demoted. Secret Thirteen can only enter and not exit. If you are demoted to the end, it is not quitting. But death. This first year also involves the decentralization of power system. We will talk about it later. Anyway, this prevents former officials from introducing and seduce crimes, thus effectively eliminating the possibility of collusion with imperial officials. The bridge has been The road is closed and impassable. The second year is about starting work. In fact, as a member of Secret Thirteen, the work is very difficult but also very easy. It is nothing more than sorting out all the information and then reporting it. Regardless of whether it is important or not, it must be reported truthfully. After the information is uploaded, we will After analysis by a dedicated person, the selection was selected and sent to Lu Qingtian for review. If there was any information that was concealed or not reported, it would be traced to the person who collected the information. However, if any information was missed after sorting it out, I would consider it unimportant. If it develops into a huge incident, the people who compiled the intelligence must be held accountable. Of course, no one has the foresight. Lu Yunzhi allowed them to make a major mistake within three years, and also classified and marked the grades of various mistakes. Corresponding rewards and punishments, within group cooperation, we are not afraid of too many rules, but we are afraid of no rules, so Secret Thirteen has been operating in an orderly manner. The third and fourth years continue to work as in the second year, until the successor arrives, the handover procedures are taken, and he is taken to meet his superiors. Once the work is done, he then goes to the next place. The benefits of becoming a member of Secret Thirteen are Quite a few. For example, as long as you don't make too many mistakes and your position is very high, it's basically equivalent to having an absolutely guaranteed death-free gold medal. This is much more useful than what the emperor gave you. Not only can you avoid death, you can make a comeback. It¡¯s also unknown. The second point is that the salary is absolutely astonishing. Let¡¯s compare it like this. The salary of a third-rank official of the Ming Dynasty is the same as the salary of the lowest spy of the Thirteenth Secret. Let alone the high-level commander. The third point is that if During the mission, if someone is killed, the organization will definitely avenge him, and there will definitely be someone to take care of the wife, children and elders of the deceased in order to avoid worries. Of course, that?Those who were killed due to fault or betrayal would not receive this kind of treatment, and would also be executed by the whole family, because Secret Thirteen always advocated eradicating the roots. The reporting system is that if you can report a colleague's violation of regulations, once it is verified, it will be upgraded to two levels. A person is allowed to lie once in his life. If he lies more than once, he will be killed without mercy. This serves as a mutual supervision. The role of guarding is that the relationship between each other will not be too close. Everyone has their own selfish motives and will not form cliques for personal gain. They will only try their best to complete the tasks assigned by the top of Secret Thirteen in order to reach a higher level. The decentralization system means that two or three people need to complete the same position. In this way, the reporting system is used. The same position supervises each other and can report if there are violations. At the same time, the transfer system for the same position is also staggered. For example, one person is new. Finally, there were two people in the same position. These two people may have been here for two years and the third year. In this way, before everyone got familiar with each other, the familiar people were transferred away and replaced with new ones. They are newcomers who don¡¯t know their roots, so no one dares to make mistakes. Of course, Secret Thirteen¡¯s work does not require them to be familiar with each other. They only need to keep an eye on the target and collect intelligence. At the same time, this also complements the transfer. If If there is anything you don¡¯t understand, the members who came earlier can tell the members who came later. If you don¡¯t understand it anymore, you are hopelessly stupid and can only be discarded. However, Secret Thirteen is very strict in selecting people, so It has to go through a series of teachings, so this has not happened yet. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 42: Abcession System As a result, the Secret Thirteen's stall has become huge and has penetrated into all aspects. Not only the officialdom, but even the inner palace is full of Secret Thirteen people, as well as the early members of the Secret Thirteen. Now they have People in the military and business circles who hold real power also have Secret Thirteen newcomers around them. No one knows who might be a spy, because all spies only contact their superiors, and superiors only have three contacts at most. Secret Thirteen infiltrates people in the military or high-level business circles. Even if they hold great power, they dare not mess around. Otherwise, they will soon see the people in the hidden tribe, and then no one will be able to see them, because death is their only choice. way out. The layer upon layer of surveillance in all aspects is all-pervasive, which makes Lu Qingtian a little worried. He once heard Lu Yunzhi talk about a theory of Yan Bei, that is, it is not advisable for intelligence agencies to govern the country. The more powerful the penetration, the more difficult it will be. Control, if one link breaks, it will be a catastrophic subversion. Although Yan Bei is a guy who has his sights set high, his words on paper are sound, but his actual operation is quite messed up. However, what he said in this regard is just words on paper and quite reasonable. But now that he has taken this step, there is no turning back. This is not only Lu Qingtian's The meaning is also deep in Lu Yunzhi's subconscious mind. With the current social system, nothing can be changed at all. We can only use intelligence, assassination and control-based organizations to manipulate Ming and lead him to the so-called right path. Of course, fundamental changes are not impossible. The Datong society elects the emperor, but this goes against Lu Yunzhi's original intention to maintain the imperial orthodoxy of the Zhu family. Therefore, Lu Qingtian is in a difficult position. After thinking about it, he can only decide on Secret Thirteen. It got bigger and bigger, to the point where he couldn't stop even if he wanted to. Then there was no turning back and he could only keep going forward, or force himself to go on. Mi Thirteen has reached its peak period of personnel. Except for the mysterious hidden part that is not on the roster, the total number of personnel in all aspects is as high as 150,000. Mi Shisan, which supports 150,000 people, has spent a huge amount of financial and material resources. Of course, this is not because of the people's support. On the contrary, because of Mi Shisan, the trend of corruption in the officialdom has been boosted, the people live a prosperous life, and there are few wars in the surrounding area. , only there is some unrest among ethnic minorities in the southwest, but this is a common thing in the past dynasties, and it is considered normal. The salary at the bottom of Mi 13 can already be compared with the salary of high-ranking officials in the court. Where does this money come from? It comes from the business world of Mi 13. Only when goods are exchanged can money be circulated, so no matter what you do, you have to Only through exchange can we survive and make money. The business world controlled by Mi Shisan is not a business world in a narrow sense that only opening stores and doing business is a business world. Where there is money, there is a business world. Whether farmers, bureaucrats or ordinary people, they all need to buy things and put them into business. The right way is to let the money in their hands flow and maximize their own interests. Not only did the Ming Dynasty's finances not decrease due to the growth of Mi Shisan, but it actually increased year by year. The reasons need to be explained in detail. First of all, the basic finance of the Ming Dynasty can be basically divided in half. One part belongs to the Ming Dynasty and the other part belongs to Mi Shisan. , it is precisely because Mi Shisan has money that it can be built like this. As a dynasty, it needs too many things, including salaries of officials at all levels, military support and disaster relief, financial allocations at all levels, and the most important thing is the emperor's palace. Maintenance and harem expenses are a big deal. Who in the palace is not well-dressed and well-fed. Generally, half of Mi Shisan's money is returned to the business community as working capital for business. Of course, Dong De and the big shopkeeper, who has expanded to more than 30 people, naturally have to live a higher-than-average life. They are not the only ones who control the funds. , and you should get corresponding rewards for your efforts, and outsiders can't see the president of a certain chamber of commerce still wearing rags and living in a shabby house. To be honest, this is unreasonable. Fortunately, for this point, Mi Shi No. 3 Middle School has no objection, because Lu Qingtian originally advocated that those who are able work more, and the more they work, the more they will get. The greater your contribution, the more you will get. This is the same principle for most any group. It does not suffer from scarcity but inequality. . As for the rest of the money, it will all be used to pay salaries to other members. As for Lu Qingtian, he can't spend much money. He basically spends very little except drinking tea and eating every day. Lu Qingtian quit drinking a long time ago. He drank that night They were drunk and crying bitterly. Lu Yunzhi was still there at that time, but they all knew that the days of living together had not been long ago. As for having a concubine, Lu Qingtian had never thought about it. As for the residence, he already felt that it was empty enough. , so there is no need to expand at all, and there is no other courtyard. Instead, he leads by example and creates a clean and honest house. The house must be lived in, and the unpopular house is just a cage instead of a house. This is also Lu Yunzhi's idea. This house was owned by Fang Qingze at that time. It was built for the Zhongzheng line and has not been expanded so far. Apart from minor damage repairs, no work has been done anywhere. The current person, Lu Qingtian, does not need to keep a reserve fund at all, because any of the treasures left by Fang Qingze are enough to deal with major crises, so Lu Qingtian has nothing to worry about financially. This kind of thing once gave Lu Yunzhi a big headache. But if you don¡¯t have money, you can do anything.OK. "There are people in the army who control power, and there are people who monitor people. Let's not mention it for the time being. In politics, there are not only the figures who are promoted by themselves, but also the housekeepers and servants under Arong's management who are undercover. This is also a clich¨¦. In addition to the three reforms of the most numerous spies, Lu Qingtian also handed over the hidden department to Long Qingquan. After all, the first priority of the hidden department is to protect Lu Qingtian and Lu Sheng, followed by assassination operations and the dangers around those who need protection. Therefore, the hidden troops must remain loyal and must be led by their own people. Lu Qingcai can rest assured that the only person he can trust is Long Qingquan when the leopard is gone. Among the reforms to the internal structure of Secret Thirteen, it is not these that have the greatest impact on future generations. It is that Lu Qingtian went against Lu Yunzhi's wishes and gave up the family model of inheriting the father's legacy from son to son, and instead chose a new recommendation. The "Tian" model for the leader of the Secret Thirteen is to be elected by the middle-level and high-level leaders through voting. The starting point of this article is good, because it will be a fair election. If the young master is not suitable, he can choose another Gao Ming. This will not only increase the enthusiasm of the senior commander, but also everyone who wants to be a "Heaven" "This move is particularly similar to the abdication system thousands of years ago, which was only given to those who were suitable to be "Heavens". But Lu Qingtian ignored a very serious problem. Secret Thirteen was not a normal organization in the first place. In this abnormal environment, it is difficult for the deformed and twisted human nature not to make special actions and do anything. This Someone had already started preparing for the recommendation system he established as soon as it was implemented. These methods triggered decades of turmoil and eventually led to the collapse of Mi Shisan and the Ming Dynasty. If Lu Qingtian knew about it now, I don't know what he will think Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 43: Something happened and I was embarrassed when I entered the palace Time came unknowingly to the first year of Chenghua. Chenghua was the reign name of Zhu Jianshen. The era of Tianshun was over, just like the end of Lu Yunzhi. Lu Qingtian entered the palace and went straight to the harem. The eunuch wanted He shouted loudly but was stopped by Lu Qingtian. Lu Qingtian smiled and said: "No need to shout, I'm going to see what the emperor is doing." "I have seen Mr. Lu, the emperor is resting. Look," the eunuch outside the door obviously It was a bit embarrassing. After all, if Lu Qingtian saw something he shouldn't have seen, he could walk away at that time, but he would definitely be punished. Moreover, although Zhu Jianshen once said, Yafu doesn't need to report when he comes, let alone There is a need to spread the news. For Yafu, there is no forbidden area in the palace, so Lu Qingtian entering the palace is like returning to his own backyard. The guards all know this nine thousand-year-old or "overlord", and the eunuchs and maids naturally also know, so at this moment outside the palace The little eunuch would never dare to stop him. Once he offended Lu Qingtian, not to mention that Lu Qingtian would definitely beat him to death. Even the emperor would not let him go. He would not stop him, nor would he stop him. He would tell her loudly. Lu Qingtian was still not sure, which put the little eunuch at this moment in a dilemma. "What are you afraid of? I just want to see if he is lazy. I have seen the emperor's naked butt when he was a child. Is there anything else I can't see?" Lu Qingtian smiled, then patted the young eunuch on the shoulder and said: " He is a good internal supervisor, he has done his duty and still wants to stop me, and he still knows that he will be promoted later." Lu Qingtian walked in softly as he said that. When Xiao Nei heard that Lu Qingtian was about to promote him, instead of being happy at all, he looked sad. He was afraid that he would have been killed before the promotion came, because there were people in the room, not only the emperor himself, not to mention even if he had not been killed. First of all, the junior eunuch has no illusions about being promoted. Lu Qingtian is busy with everything, how can he remember himself? Moreover, he didn't even ask his name just now, fearing that he just said it casually. The little eunuch thought to himself: Hey, what kind of trouble is this little old man making? At such an old age, he rushes into the house without hesitation. The emperor is your adopted son. You have never seen his bare butt when he was a child. Wrong, but can I still let you see him when he is older? According to this theory, if Lu Qingtian's father is still alive, then Lu Qingtian can run around naked in front of his father. Besides, even if the emperor is naked, you can see him. Yes, have you ever seen Wanfei? The little eunuch was thinking wildly, but he got it right. It was true. Lu Qingtian had seen Wan Zhen'er naked, and more than once. The night when Zhu Jianshen and Wan Zhen'er were acting together many years ago, Lu Yunzhi was killed. After being smashed, the nightmare that was also in Lu Yunzhi's body was also seen. Later, because Yang Xiyu and Lu Yunzhi left together, Lu Qingtian had to guide Zhu Jianshen and Wan Zhen'er to practice Fangzhongshu, so they met several times. But all this cannot be explained by outsiders. Lu Qingtian knocked on the door twice and pushed in. Zhu Jianshen was sitting at the table reading hard with a book in his arms. At first glance, his clothes were very neat, but if he looked closely, he could see that there was no lining inside, only the outer lining. It was just a robe, and then looking at Zhu Jianshen's face, there was a faint flush of excitement. When Zhu Jianshen heard the door, he frowned and looked up, as if he wanted to shout at the person who came back, but when he saw it was Lu Qingtian, he made a surprised move again Expression, all of this is very coherent, but after a while it seems a bit artificial, and the expression is a little dull and unnatural: "Father, why are you here?" "Let me see if you have worked hard to be the emperor. "This year is the first year of your reign, so you will naturally have to do a lot of great things, so you need to work hard," Lu Qingtian said seriously. "Yes, Yafu." Zhu Jianshen replied respectfully. Lu Qingtian shook his head and said: "When I saw you today, it turned out that Shen'er, you worked extremely hard." "No, no, Yafu, you have given me the award. As the lord of all people, I am also the first person in the world besides Yafu, so I naturally have to work harder. , at least I can¡¯t live up to my father¡¯s education and expectations,¡± Zhu Jianshen replied. Lu Qingtian nodded: "Okay, it's okay to work harder. Just be careful not to sway your waist. Work harder so you can give birth to a prince. Your brother Lu Sheng is still young and Qiu Tong is not here. I am counting on you to let me have three generations under the same roof." "Father," Zhu Jianshen said, "Why can't I understand what you are saying?" Lu Qingtian smiled and said, "Shen'er, you have finally become sinister. This is what an emperor should do. I made it so clear." You just refuse to admit it, you are so arrogant, but I can't let you succeed, you think I really don't dare to tell you, Wan Zhen'er, come out, stop hiding." Wan Zhen'er was disheveled and her face was red. He walked out from behind the curtain and stood with Zhu Jianshen. They lowered their heads and waited for Lu Qingtian's lecture. "You two sit down first." Lu Qingtian said. Wan Zhen'er Zhu Jianshen looked at each other. She didn't know what kind of medicine Lu Qingtian was selling in the gourd. Lu Qingtian said again: "Let you two sit down first. Why did that hurt your ears?" It¡¯s no longer useful.¡± The two of them sat down with red faces. Lu Qingtian said: "Asian fatherI have never objected to Shen'er and Wan Zhen'er being together, otherwise I wouldn't have taught you the yin and yang complementarity technique in the room. Besides, if I want to play mandarin ducks really well, no one can stop me. "After speaking, Lu Qingtian tapped twice and Zhu Jianshen said: "You kid is still pretending to me that you can hear the conversation between me and the inner prisoner outside. Couldn't I hear the sound of you and Wan Zhen'er in the house? No When you get to the door, you can hear it from afar. Just be generous and generous, why bother to be secretive? Wan Zhen'er is the concubine, and you are the emperor. It is natural for the emperor to visit his concubine. " Wan Zhen'er and Zhu Jianshen raised their heads and looked at Lu Qingtian, with a little gratitude in their eyes, because Lu Qingtian is the only person with real power who does not hinder the two of them. Moreover, Lu Qingtian has the greatest real power, even if the opponents add up. It¡¯s just a drop in the bucket compared to Lu Qingtian and Mi Shisan. Lu Qingtian said again: ¡°But I have to talk about you. You should go to court to handle government affairs in broad daylight. Don¡¯t talk and listen to me. I know you went to court today and go to court every day. But today I heard that I left in a hurry without saying a few words after going to court. I thought you had something big going on. It turns out that the love between the two of you was in the room. Hey, why don¡¯t you ask your father to say something good about you? You want to be the Adou who cannot be helped up. As the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, you must put the country, the country and the country as your top priority. As for where you go to sleep at night, I don¡¯t care. There are so many things to do every day, how can you be as blind as those ministers? Qizou, I even have to take care of who you sleep with. It¡¯s really idle. " Wan Zhen'er and Zhu Jianshen pursed their lips and laughed. It was obvious that Ya's father was in a good mood today, otherwise he would not have commented on the minister so easily. " Still laughing. "Lu Qingtian patted Zhu Jianshen's head gently, like an ordinary old father to an ordinary son. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 44: Redress of Injustice "Okay, I won't talk to you anymore, but I'm very busy. I came here for two things. The first is to see Shen'er, and the second is to come to Wan Zhen'er," Lu Qingtian said. "Father, please speak." Zhu Jianshen said with his hands clasped in his fists, Wan Zhen'er also performed the Wanfu salute and nodded slightly. Lu Qingtian pondered for a moment and said, "What do you think of Yu Qian?" "Yu Qian." Zhu Jianshen didn't expect Lu Qingtian to ask this, but he quickly guessed what Lu Qingtian meant, and after thinking about it for a long time, he didn't think of it. Although he knew that Yu Qian Yafu's master Shi Fang was physically damaged. He also knew about the grudges between the two of them and Yafu's hatred and sympathy for Qian. Even so, Zhu Jianshen still told the truth: "When my child returns to Yafu, I think Yu Qian He is my loyal minister of the Ming Dynasty." "There is more." Lu Qingtian remained calm, his face expressionless, neither happy nor sad. Wan Zhen'er quickly pulled Zhu Jianshen, fearing that Lu Qingtian would suddenly become angry, but Lu Qingtian said: "Wan Zhen'er pulled Zhu Jianshen. Zhen'er, don't hold him back, let him continue. He said Yu Qian was a loyal minister. Could it be that he wants to label me as a traitor? Haha. "Zhu Jianshen clasped his fists and said, "Yu Qian's loyalty can be learned from the world. Compared with Yafu in the early stage. It is too noble, but what Yu Qian did was only what he thought was loyalty, so he handled some of the last issues very inappropriately. If he and Yafu could turn their hostility into friendship, our Ming Dynasty would be more prosperous, but this It's impossible, because you have different ways, so you can't work together. Yu Qian's path is a bit narrow and too paranoid. He has a right way in his heart. The right way is to do the right thing and act in accordance with the ancestral etiquette. But he also From time to time, he would be unconventional and deviate from the etiquette. This was a bit nondescript and too vicious and rebellious. This was also caused by the fact that it was inconsistent with his usual style. For example, he wanted to let the vassal king ascend the throne, and even treated the late emperor. Extremely disrespectful. Although the late emperor did something wrong, Yu Qian was not a minister. As a minister, you can evade the emperor for the Ming Dynasty. This is understandable, but if you want to decide who will take the throne without authorization, then it is still Zhu. The Ming Dynasty of the Yu family is simply the Ming Dynasty of the Yu family." Lu Qingtian nodded and motioned for him to continue. Zhu Jianshen continued: "Yafu is different. What you did in the early stage was just for yourself and the Zhongzheng lineage and the hatred in your heart. I don¡¯t blame you because you are originally a person in Shushu. You do not belong to the Ming Dynasty or any country, so you do not have the Ming Dynasty in your heart. If I asked you at that time, if you could die in exchange for the peace of the Ming Dynasty, you would definitely not die, because the world It has nothing to do with you, but with great power comes greater responsibility. Yafu, you have gradually begun to care about people's livelihood and regard the life and death of the world as your own responsibility. At this time, you are the loyal person of my Ming Dynasty. " " Yafu's way of handling things. It can't be considered good or evil, let alone good or evil, because it doesn't matter in your eyes whether it's right or wrong, all you want is to achieve your goal, and what you can't get away from is the word love after all." Zhu Jianshen. At this point, Lu Qingtian's body suddenly trembled. He suddenly thought of Lu Yunzhi after the death of his relatives. Lu Yunzhi at that time was a ruthless Lu Yunzhi, so terrifying and earth-shattering. Zhu Jianshen obviously saw it. Lu Qingtian's expression was a little dazed, as if he was in a fairyland, his eyes had lost their luster, and his eyes were straight, but soon Lu Qingtian recovered and said with a smile: "You continue talking. " "What you are doing now is the love of the world, the trust of your best friends, and the father-son love between you and me. That's why you are loyal to the Ming Dynasty. If I were not your adopted son, I would just be the child of a vassal king. , maybe today you will help me seek the throne and usurp the throne. It is only because of the word love that you are bound. So, maybe you have paid a lot, maybe you have lost many precious things for your loyalty to Ming Dynasty, but your loyalty Impure, it still comes from a personal perspective, but Yu Qian is different. His loyalty has no selfish motives, only clean and pure loyalty, so he can be said to be a loyal minister of my Ming Dynasty. I admire him. After the child has finished speaking, please ask Yafu for advice. "Zhu Jianshen stood solemnly with a cup of fists in his hands. Lu Qingtian's face was livid, but Wan Zhen'er was frightened. She held Zhu Jianshen's hand firmly, and her body trembled slightly. Lu Qingtian took a deep breath and laughed loudly: "You have the guts. He deserves to be a child of Lao Zhu's family, and he deserves to be Lu Yunzhi's adopted son. " At this point, Wan Zhen'er and Zhu Jianshen were slightly startled and looked at Lu Qingtian. Lu Qingtian knew that he had made a mistake and coughed repeatedly and said: "Ahem, good boy, my father's teachings to you are not in vain. Since you think Yu Qian If you are a loyal minister, do you have the courage to overturn your father's decision? " "Father, you mean to clear up Yu Qian's injustice. "A glimmer of light appeared in Zhu Jianshen's eyes. Although Yu Qian pushed Zhu Qiyu to power and it was Yu Qian's influence that he was kicked out of the Prince's East Palace and lived among the people, Zhu Jianshen did not hate Yu Qian because Yu Qian was a loyal minister of his old Zhu family. Secondly, without Yu Qian's behavior, he would not have married Wan Zhen'er. Without Yu Qian's behavior, he would not have married Wan Zhen'er.? He will not recognize Lu Yunzhi or Lu Qingtian as his second father, but does not recognize Lu Yunzhi as his father. It is still unknown whether he can secure his position as the prince. When the time comes, I am afraid that it will be over without being kicked out of the palace. It is very likely that he will be kicked out of the palace. He would be tortured to death in the palace, not to mention that when Lu Yunzhi, Qu Xiangtian and others besieged the capital, if Yu Qian had not taken him out of the city, he would have become a pile of ashes now. Yu Qian's voice among the people is very high. Yu Qian has set things right for the world's grievances. This achievement does not have to be good at all. It shows that he is insightful and that he is a wise king. This alone is enough to be praised by the world, but there is also more. Seeing what Yafu meant, if what Yafu said was too vague, Zhu Jianshen did not dare to say any more for a while. Lu Qingtian nodded and said: "This is my intention. I promised to be too modest. And this is also your father's intention. Go ahead and tell the world, rectify Yu Qian's name, and free his son, daughter, and son-in-law from guarding the border." "It's a crime to be punished, go back to Beijing." "I obey Yafu, I understand that regardless of whether the past is right or wrong, just say that Yu Qian is a loyal minister and has no intention of causing trouble. I will definitely get things done," Zhu Jianshen said. "Well, don't give too many favors at once. Take your time. Let them return to Beijing this year. As for reinstating the officials or adding additional rewards or crowning Yu Qian as an official, just leave it to next year. Give too many people at once. I won¡¯t be satisfied,¡± Lu Qingtian said. Zhu Jianshen lowered his head and pondered for a moment to digest Yafu's teachings, and then nodded vigorously. Lu Qingtian smiled, and he fulfilled another wish for Lu Yunzhi. He remembered that on the night of seizing the door, Lu Yunzhi promised too modestly, and now both of them are It has passed away, and my wish can only be fulfilled by myself. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 45: Giving Off a Child Lu Qingtian pondered for a while and said to Zhu Jianshen: "Shen'er, you go out first. I have something to talk to Wan Zhen'er alone." Zhu Jianshen hesitated for a moment, and Wan Zhen'er smiled and said: "You go out first, Ya'er today I'm in a good mood, it's okay." Zhu Jianshen nodded, walked out and closed the door behind him. The little eunuch outside was dumbfounded. What was going on? Lu Qingtian went in, and the emperor came out. His face was still gloomy. How could there be any reason in the world to let the emperor wait outside the door? The little eunuch He quickly came over and stood beside Zhu Jianshen, waiting for instructions. Zhu Jianshen was thinking about some things, but had no time to speak. He was slightly worried, fearing that Lu Qingtian would reprimand Wan Zhen'er, but there was also a hint of joy in the sadness. After all, Lu Qingtian had said before that he still stood by Zhu Jianshen and Wan Zhen'er. , and this time I came here to show off to Yu Qian first, that he had made such an enlightened decision in the early years after he ascended the throne. It seems that Lu Qingtian is here to send congratulations, and as Wan Zhen'er said, Lu Qingtian is in a good mood, It shouldn't be anything like that. After all, it was Ya's father who looked up to him since he was a child. But Zhu Jianshen suddenly felt that Ya's father was no longer the same Ya'fu as before. Although he looked the same and had the same voice, his anger was different, but he still looked at him. The kind that is opaque, but I just vaguely feel that something is not right. Since Zhu Jianshen couldn't figure it out, he simply didn't think about it. Anyway, in his impression, Ya's father was an unpredictable person, so it was normal for him to not be able to figure it out. Zhu Jianshen looked at the little eunuch and said, "Come on, follow me for a walk nearby. " "According to the order," the young eunuch replied obediently. In the room, Wan Zhen'er stood up and listened to Lu Qingtian's instructions. Lu Qingtian waved his hands and said with a smile: "Sit down, Wan Zhen'er." "Yes, Yafu." Wan Zhen'er said. "Don't be so formal. By the way, Wan Zhen'er, how old are you this year?" Lu Qingtian asked, and Wan Zhen'er said, "You are already thirty-eight." Lu Qingtian sighed, shook his head slightly and said: " It's hard for you to have a child at your age, and I don't want to say more about Shen'er. He doesn't have feelings for others. That's not only because of his deep feelings for you, but also because of Fangzhongshu. This is your responsibility as well as mine. It's no longer interesting to talk about these past events. It's just that Shen'er can't live without heirs. If things go on like this, the whole country will definitely be panicked. Is it possible that you want Shen'er to die without heirs? Although he is still young and doesn't care much about the government. , But he is the emperor after all, and he must at least keep the world's major events in mind. With such tiring things, it will be difficult to have children after he is in his thirties. " "Father, I understand, I will persuade Zhu Jianshen to go. I'm lucky enough to have another concubine, and if he doesn't want to, I'll go with him, so that I can at least keep a seed." Wan Zhen'er said. Lu Qingtian said: "No, that's not what I meant. Sui Shen'er meant it. You can't force this kind of thing. If you force it, it will only be counterproductive. I'm here today to help you." "Me." Wan Zhen Ercuo said in astonishment, not understanding what Lu Qingtian meant. Lu Qingtian took out a small bottle from his arms, opened it and poured out three red pills, and said: "Take one beforehand, one afterward, and one more if you are pregnant. Do you understand? By the way, you need to use it." Take rootless water. You are too old now and can only use medicine to assist. In this case, the child is likely to die early. This is also a last resort. After Wang Yulu leaves, I can only refine this kind of elixir. , you and Shen'er interacted with each other's yin and yang, but it turned out that he had sex too early, so when he used the ghost spirit, the ghost energy entered his body, causing the yin to become excessive. After the two of you interacted with each other, your yang became excessive again. This medicine is It plays a role in keeping you stable for the time being without affecting Shen'er's yin and yang balance. But as for whether the child can grow up and live a long and healthy life, I don't know. There is only so much I can do. I hope that lovers will eventually get married. Okay, that¡¯s it, nothing¡¯s wrong. I¡¯m leaving. When Shen¡¯er comes back, I¡¯ll tell him to be an emperor well, or I¡¯ll train him like he did when he was a child.¡± After Lu Qingtian finished speaking, he put the pills back into the vial and put them away. On the table, she stood up and walked out. Wan Zhen'er was stunned for a while before she realized that Lu Qingtian was here to see her son off. She was moved to tears and thanked her repeatedly: "Father, thank you for your great kindness." ." Lu Qingtian didn't look back and walked out of the door to fight the wind. Wan Zhen'er stood there and watched Lu Qingtian leave. After about a cup of tea, Zhu Jianshen turned back and saw the wide open door and Wan Zhen'er standing at the door looking at the sky. He hurriedly stepped forward and said : "What's wrong with Zhen'er?" Wan Zhen'er told the whole story. Zhu Jianshen was also very excited, and then he was full of emotions, saying that he owed Yafu too much, and Yafu didn't love the country or the beauty. She doesn't love gold, silver and jewelry, and she really doesn't know how to repay her. Wan Zhen'er asked: "You said that my father didn't allow me to be his queen. Anyone but me can do it, but he keeps helping us. Is this why?" What kind of thing?" Zhu Jianshen smiled and said, "What's wrong, Zhen'er??Have you been so excited today that your head has become dull? In my father¡¯s opinion, you are already the queen in my heart. There is no need to crown me. After being uncrowned, sometimes you are even more powerful than the real queen. You are not The queen will still get my favor, and there will be no change in income, but if I make you my queen, it will be a big trouble. You told me these truths, why can't you draw inferences today? " "Maybe I'm too happy, what you said is really good. "Wan Zhen'er said. After a pause, Wan Zhen'er said again: "But isn't Yu Qian Yafu's enemy? Why would Yafu speak for Yu Qian and ask you to prove that after his death, wouldn't it be more relieving for him to be infamy for thousands of years and Qingshi? Is it just to exchange you for a great achievement? " Zhu Jianshen shook his head and said meaningfully: "Of course it's not just for this. In fact, the historical facts left behind are not trustworthy. They are not as true as the people's word of mouth. Time is fair. Black can never become white. White It can never be discredited, just like Yue Shaobao, there is no excuse to accuse him, but the people still love him and admire him as a national hero. No matter how we cover up or even burn all the evidence, there will still be a trace left. Even if he didn't stay, it would be difficult to cover up the public opinion. A few years later, or even hundreds of years later, there would still be people trying to clear up Yu Qian's name and prove that he was a loyal minister. " "Because of this, Yafu was smart enough to give this credit to me. Instead of letting others reveal it, it would be better to correct the situation himself and give me this huge credit. What's more, Yafu has always admired Yu Qian. If If it weren't for the various reasons, maybe they could become sworn friends. Zhen'er, you women will never understand a man's emotions. "Zhu Jianshen said calmly. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 46: A Touch of Spring and Autumn In the first year of Chenghua, chaos broke out again in Guangdong and Guangxi. Lu Qingtian just frowned slightly, but didn't care. The Miao territory in Guangxi was rioting every day. Most of the local people refused to obey the discipline and rose up to fight. Now the remnants of Qu Xiangtian's army have been driven out and killed. The Gu lineage has been completely integrated into the Secret Thirteen, Fengbo Village exists in name only, and the surrounding small branches have long since disappeared. Now there is only the Secret Thirteen, and a rebellion without the participation of magicians is simply vulnerable. . Tunnel, Han Yong was the commander, and he went on an expedition to Guangxi. Mi Shisan inquired about the information in advance, and then secretly helped Han Yong through normal channels. As expected, the Ming army won a complete victory, captured thousands of native people, and selected young men and women to be escorted back to Beijing as slaves. , this is a normal practice, but among them there are two people who will have a profound influence on future generations. This is something Han Yong did not expect, and it was also something Lu Qingtian did not calculate. After all, Lu Qingtian is not a god, and it is impossible to calculate everything in the world. In February of the first year of Chenghua, Yu Qian's case was vindicated. Yu Qian's son Yu Mian and his son-in-law were all released, and the son of former academician Wang Wen who was implicated was also released. After some rest, Zhu Jianshen and Wan Zhen'er were well prepared. They took a lot of supplements and other supplements during the preparation. As long as they didn't take any medications that were harmful to their taste, and even used earthy prescriptions, they were prepared and safe. Yuan At the end of April of that year, everything was postponed. Zhu Jianshen did not go to court for five days in a row, so he planned to consummate his marriage with Wan Zhen'er. Beforehand, Wan Zhen'er took the medicine brought by Lu Qingtian and took it strictly as required. Months later, several of the most outstanding imperial doctors from the imperial hospital sat together for a consultation. Although the imperial doctors had a secret communication method of code, they did not dare to collude in such a major matter. After the diagnosis, all the imperial doctors bowed to the ground and knelt down. Thank God for congratulating Emperor Zhu Jianshen on being the crown prince. Zhu Jianshen was extremely excited, but Wan Zhen'er was very calm and sent someone to get the rootless water to prepare another elixir. At the end of the first month of the second year of Chenghua, Wan Zhen'er gave birth to the emperor's eldest son, and everyone celebrated. The ministers were also extremely happy, because the problem of the royal heir was finally solved. Of course, Wan Zhen'er and Zhu Jianshen were the happiest. Lu Qingtian named the child Zhu Youlin and announced it to the world after he turned one year old. Zhu Jianshen was full of confidence and even began to prepare to make the child the crown prince as soon as he turned one year old. Everything was so beautiful, but for the concubines in the harem, this was not the case. What a good thing, Emperor Zhu Jianshen only cares about Wan Zhen'er, and the daughters are waiting for Wan Zhen'er to have no children. Zhu Jianshen is forced to favor him. They are preparing for the upcoming opportunities, hoping to seize and completely capture Zhu Jianshen's heart. , but the birth of the emperor's eldest son shattered their dreams. They hated it. Wan Zhen'er was so lucky. She could still have children at such an old age. God was so unfair. The whole court was happy, and the harem was forced to smile. , but the crying continued at night. Not to mention this matter, Lu Qingtian was blessed with double happiness. First, with his help, Zhu Jianshen had an heir, and Lu Sheng also learned the clan's art of heaven and earth to control thunder beyond his expectation. In order to prevent Lu Sheng from changing his mind in the future, Lu Qingtian, like Qu Xiangtian usually wanted to establish himself as a king, but it would only increase the number of killings, waste money, and make the people suffer, so he didn't want to teach him the art of heaven and earth. Moreover, once Lu Sheng learned it, the system of recommending heaven set up by Lu Qingtian would be in vain, because don't worry about it. No matter how good people are, they can't stop the clan's magic of heaven and earth. You can easily win by using violence. However, the reason why a recommendation system similar to abdication was established is because Lu Qingtian did not want the head of Secret Thirteen to become a tool for a warrior to seize power, and the head was selected not only for his personal fighting ability, but also for the commander-in-chief. Ability, resourcefulness, overall perspective, and high moral standing have become the final criteria. Therefore, Lu Sheng is no longer the young master. He is just the son of the current Tian. Lu Qingtian only taught Lu Sheng normal spells. At Lu Yun's place Within the prescribed limits, he is no different from others. But what Lu Qingtian didn't expect was that Lu Sheng's understanding was extraordinary. He had Qu Xiangtian's innate sense of physical skills and Murong Yunfei's intelligence. His understanding completely inherited Murong Yunfei's intelligence. He made several suggestions to Lu Qingtian. Lu Qingtian answered this question without much thought. As a result, Lu Sheng unexpectedly learned the art of controlling thunder without any teacher. It was said that it was the art of controlling thunder among the clan's art of heaven and earth, but in fact it was not exactly the same, because The question Lu Sheng asked was about the art of air control. He used the art of air control in a new way to mobilize the electricity in his body, then infinitely amplified the electricity through air control, and finally combined it with the electricity in nature to form thunder and lightning. , thus successfully using the art of controlling thunder. Although it is much less powerful than the proficient Clan Heaven and Earth Technique, and can only keep up with beginners of the Thunder Control Technique, it is enough to deal with ordinary people. One move will be useless as long as it hits the target. It is small but powerful. There are several advantages. First, there is no backlash when you first learn the art of heaven and earth. Second, it is more flexible and easier to control, and has a higher hit rate. Lu Qingtian had no choice but to plant flowers but not to bloom, and to plant willows unintentionally to create shade. He could only let it go, but he was still very happy with Lu Sheng's future. Lu Sheng was very happy with his new skills, every day and every night.He practiced frequently, became obsessed with and even immersed in this huge power, and his military appearance made Lu Qingtian even a little scared. After all, his father was such a martial artist, a martial artist with ambition and deep inner darkness. Things continued to develop like this, and Lu Qingtian felt very tired. However, Secret Thirteen grew stronger and stronger. Although the system became more and more perfect and there were fewer things to deal with, there were more and more aspects of contact, so Lu Qingtian's work has not decreased but increased. Looking at the prosperous Daming, Lu Sheng who is gradually growing taller, and Zhu Jianshen who is pregnant with his son, Lu Qingtian still smiles with relief. All the fatigue is worth it. Lu Qingtian thinks with a smile: Lu Yunzhi should be I have protected everything you have protected, my brother, are you okay? In February of the second year of Chenghua, because she gave birth to her first child, Concubine Wan was naturally promoted to the rank of noble concubine. She was only one step away from the queen's seat. However, her real power had long surpassed that of the queen. No one in the harem was not afraid of Wan Concubine. As for the imperial concubine, Wan Zhen'er, who had experienced Empress Wu and was now the deposed Empress Wu, also became vicious. She no longer advocated settling the matter quietly and took control of the political affairs of the harem. Zhu Jianshen naturally had no objection. In August of the second year of Chenghua, Yu Mian was ordered to return to his hometown. Lu Yunzhi once told Yu Mian that he would definitely rehabilitate Yu Qian as an official and reinstate him as Shaobao, and he would also be allowed to return to Beijing. Nine years later, Lu Qingtian did it, and Yu Mian did not. He was willing to serve in the military, so Zhu Jianshen gave him a casual position as a member of the Ministry of War. In the capital where his father Yu Qian had fought hard, Yu Mian would always think of his father's smiles and smiles when he saw a place here. In order to avoid this pain, he immediately applied. When he went to Nanjing, Zhu Jianshen approved Yu Mian's appointment as Yingtianfu Yin. In November of the second year of Chenghua, the emperor's eldest son died, and everyone inside and outside the palace was shocked. Volume 2: Wandering in the Rivers and Lakes Chapter 47: Let Him Go Zhu Jianshen was very happy, then very sad, and then burst into tears, and then he began to stare at the wall of the room in a daze, mumbling incessantly, and then said nothing, as if he had gone crazy, so he started After not going to court for a long time, Wan Zhen'er became stronger. She did not shed a tear, because this child was given by God. Lu Qingtian also said, whether he can keep it depends on fate. After these days, Wan Zhen'er My son has also experienced the pleasure of being a mother, and she is already satisfied. The gain and loss of the child left a emptiness in Wan Zhen'er's heart. In order to fill this emptiness, Wan Zhen'er began to wield power. She did not dare to touch her in the court for fear that Lu Qingtian would be unhappy, so in the harem, she began to exercise power. The domineering Concubine Wan Guifei was born. After learning about this, Lu Qingtian could only sigh secretly, then shook his head helplessly, and let them let it go for a year. During this year, there were rumors everywhere that the emperor was not greedy for Concubine Wan Gui, nor was he as lean as a mule, unable to have children. It was Concubine Wan Gui who refused to give birth to a child, but Zhu Jianshen had grown up with Wan Zhen'er since he was a child. Naturally, he listened to Wan Zhen'er's words, so he did not go to the concubine next to him, and occasionally made pretense to Jiu Qiansui. Look, once it turns out that the concubine is pregnant, Concubine Wan Gui will ask her to abort it, otherwise she will force them to abort the child and put her in the cold palace. In other words, if Wan Zhener cannot give birth, she will not let anyone else give birth. Regarding this statement, Lu Qingtian didn't express his position, Zhu Jianshen couldn't get angry, and Wan Zhen'er didn't say anything. Indeed, Wan Zhen'er was running rampant in the harem for a while, and even the Queen and the Queen had to come to pay respects to Concubine Wan Gui every day, for fear of accidentally Being deposed was a disgrace to the family, but Wan Zhen'er did not force Zhu Jianshen not to marry the concubine, nor did she let others have an abortion. Instead, she encouraged Zhu Jianshen to marry the concubine next to her. Although she might be unhappy out of jealousy, she Wan Zhen'er still did this because Wan Zhen'er loved Zhu Jianshen and she only hoped that Zhu Jianshen would be well and have a son. The reason why Lu Qingtian didn't say anything was because he knew everything happened. As for Wan Zhen'er's arrogance in the inner palace and Zhu Jianshen's decadence, Lu Qingtian could understand it. Anyone who encounters such a big thing needs to vent. Half a year later , Lu Qingtian first went to see Wan Zhen'er after entering the palace and expressed his approval for Wan Zhen'er's behavior. At the same time, Lu Qingtian promoted the little eunuch who was standing outside the door as promised. The little eunuch was shocked because he did not expect that Lu Qingtian, who was busy with everything, would still remember this. But Lu Qingtian smiled and said: "Yes Lu Qingtian's promise is worth a thousand dollars. "Finally, Lu Qingtian came to Zhu Jianshen. Zhu Jianshen looked straight ahead with dull eyes. Lu Qingtian called him five or six times but he didn't respond. Lu Qingtian frowned slightly and Yuqi shouted: "No. Promising thing, how can the old Zhu family have such a talent as you? The child can be regenerated after it is gone. How many lives will it take to get it back after the country is gone? Emperor Taizu overcame obstacles, defeated powerful enemies, and repulsed the Tartars. Finally, I have created mountains and rivers for thousands of years. Is it possible that you are here to ruin them?" Zhu Jianshen raised his head, looked at the old Lu Qingtian, and shouted: "Dad." Such a simple call, but it contains infinite friendship. At this moment. Zhu Jianshen was no longer the aloof emperor, just like a child who had been wronged outside and went home to cry to his father, and Lu Qingtian was no longer called Yafu or Jiuqiansheng. Zhu Jianshen finally cried again, howling loudly. Crying, she threw herself at Lu Qingtian, hid in Lu Qingtian's arms, sobbed and screamed, and finally sobbed softly. Lu Qingtian stroked Zhu Jianshen's head and said, "Good boy, good boy, don't cry, my father is here." "Dad, what did my child do wrong? God wants to punish me like this." Zhu Jianshen asked, crying. Lu Qingtian shook his head and said: "This is fate, don't worry, you will still have children, but you must greet the other concubine properly and promise to your father that you will have a son in two years." "Seriously." Zhu Jianshen raised his head with tears in his eyes. Lu Qingtian replied: "When did my father lie to you? Although I don't know whether this child will be healthy and live a long life, I can calculate that you will have more than one son in the future. A full house of children and grandchildren may not be possible for a conscientious emperor, but You will never be left without a child. " "My child has to be named by my father," Zhu Jianshen said with a choked voice, but his expression had softened a lot, with a hint of joy. "If it's a good time, this child should be called Mu, so let's call him Zhu Youji." Lu Qingtian said. With a father and son embracing each other like this, Zhu Jianshen got out of the haze in his heart, and finally began to ascend the throne again, and once again ruled the world and ordered hundreds of officials. Time passed by another year, and Lu Qingtian's body became even more aging. Originally, Lu Qingtian inherited Lu Yunzhi's body after he extended Yingzi's life. Later, when fighting against the aftermath of Lu Yunzhi's destruction of the tower, his physical strength was exhausted. The energy in the body has been transformed consciously, and coupled with the hard work of the past few years,Strong, Lu Qingtian is now like an old man in his sixties. It has been said since ancient times that people are rare after sixty. Lu Qingtian's body is getting worse day by day. If it were not supported by the art of air control, plus the self-refined The elixir adjustment has long been unbearable. Even with such white hair, Lu Qingtian's eyes are still sharp, his ears are also very sensitive, and his back is straight. The only thing that is damaged is his internal organs, just like Lu Yunzhi back then. Lu Qingtian now vomits blood from time to time, and vomits blood when he is angry, too If you vomit blood when you are tired, you should not rush into it even if you exercise on a daily basis, otherwise you will still vomit blood. It was not only Lu Qingtian who was in poor health, but also Empress Dowager Qian. Since the death of Zhu Qizhen, Empress Dowager Qian became a widow. Unlike Empress Dowager Zhou who was always fighting for power and profit, Empress Dowager Qian fasted and chanted Buddha every day and prayed for Zhu Qizhen. I hope he can rest in peace, and talk to Zhu Qizhen's spiritual tablet every day, telling him Zhu Jianshen's current situation and the situation of Ming Dynasty, so that he can feel at ease. Empress Dowager Zhou had evil thoughts. When Zhu Qizhen was alive, she did not dare to do anything to Empress Dowager Qian. Zhu Qizhen killed her son and became emperor. She seized the opportunity, so she ridiculed Empress Dowager Qian every day. Regarding this, Empress Dowager Qian She ignored it at all. In her opinion, she should go with Zhu Qizhen, just because she was the Empress Dowager of Ming Dynasty, so she could not commit suicide, and her heart had already died with Zhu Qizhen, so for the words of Empress Dowager Zhou, She didn't care at all and she never got angry once. Empress Dowager Qian was not in good health at first. She could no longer keep up with her nutrition during fasting. She gradually became thinner and her old illnesses recurred. Finally, in the fourth year of her stay in Chenghua, her body completely collapsed. However, she was bedridden and had been ill for a long time and was difficult to treat. A hint of sadness, but with a smile on his face he said: "Your Majesty, I'm here to find you." Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu, Chapter 48: The Last Secret Thirteen (Completed) In June of the fourth year of Chenghua, Empress Dowager Qian's situation was no longer optimistic. She even had a flashback. After she regained consciousness, she wanted to see two people, one was Zhu Jianshen and the other was Lu Qingtian. Empress Dowager Qian said something sincere to Zhu Jianshen, such as being a diligent and good emperor and not letting the people suffer. It is the responsibility of the people in the world. She should also pay attention to the safety of the harem. If the harem is uneasy, the court will not be peaceful. If there is a war in the front, the backyard will be safe. If there is a fire, it would be strange to be undefeated. After Queen Mother Qian finished speaking, she lay tiredly on the bed and rested for a while, then let Zhu Jianshen go down, and then said to Lu Qingtian who was standing aside: "Uncle, I'm afraid I will die in these few days." Uncle is The folk honorific for the husband's younger brother, that is, brother-in-law, was extremely simple, but it almost made Lu Qingtian shed tears. Whether it was Queen Qian, Queen Mother Qian, or the blind and lame woman who was driven out of the palace, Qian was still That Qian family has gone through many vicissitudes of life, but she remains the same. Lu Qingtian nodded and said, "Sister-in-law, do you have any other wishes?" "What else do you wish for? I have loved a man, and that man also loves me. My life has been worth living. I can't wait to go there today. , it would be better to meet the late emperor earlier, by the way, can our dead souls still know each other?" Queen Mother Qian asked. Lu Qingtian pondered for a while and said: "We are destined to meet each other thousands of miles away, not to mention that you are buried together. If it were the ghosts from the past, I am not sure whether you still know each other. Now the ghosts in the world have changed, and many of them have been retained. The deepest memories of the past life, you and the late emperor have each other in their hearts, and they should be able to meet each other." Empress Dowager Qian smiled and said: "That's okay, as long as there is a chance, we will definitely meet, even in another world. , By the way, will the Ming Dynasty be okay in the future? " Lu Qingtian replied: "It's okay, but a dynasty cannot prosper forever and will eventually perish. But I can guarantee that the Ming Dynasty will be worry-free within a hundred years. I will do my best. As long as I can protect the Ming Dynasty, my organization will continue to operate after I die. I will be the guardian of the Ming Dynasty until the organization is destroyed." "Thank you, will Shen'er be okay in the future? You understand what I mean about the heirs. "Okay." Empress Dowager Qian asked again, and Lu Qingtian replied simply this time: "Sister-in-law, don't worry, I have already figured it out. If not, I would have forced him to visit the concubine every day." The forehead said: "That's good, that's good, uncle, you must protect the Ming Dynasty, don't let the Xiaoxiao people take advantage of the opportunity, make the people suffer, the people suffer, the world can no longer bear tossing." Lu Qingtian and Queen Mother Qian said. A few words later, Empress Dowager Qian passed away suddenly, and everyone huddled together in pain. Lu Qingtian whispered to himself: "I can't go too far. I don't know if Mi Shisan can always assist the Ming Dynasty. I hope I don't raise a tiger to cause trouble." Lu Qingtian All members of the Secret Thirteen were gathered together and stood in front of the main hall. Lu Qingtian picked up a list and read it, Qu Xiangtian, Fang Qingze, Lu Yunzhi, Shi Fang, Zhu Jianwen, Wu Hao, Yingzi, Shi Yuting, Murong Yunfei, Yang Zhun, Yang Xiyu, Lu Qiutong, Tan Qing. Murong Yunfei's handwriting was on this list, which was found between the hilt of Qu Xiangtian's knife. After reading the list, Lu Qingtian looked at the people below and said, "We are here because of the prophecy, but some of us are confused." I was searching for the people on the list and the truth about the list, but I never thought that this clue would bring me endless troubles. If I followed the clues, I would go further and further, causing my brother to turn against me and end up alone. All of this I don¡¯t blame others, this is fate. Sometimes people have to go against nature, but sometimes they have to follow destiny. No matter what the fate dictates, it cannot be changed. " "Now everyone on the list is dead. , some died unexpectedly, and some were killed by me myself. Hey, is this the idea of ??Thirteen? Thirteen, cut off the true feelings in the world and eliminate evil thoughts. Is this the Secret Thirteen? Lu Qingtian doesn¡¯t know, He spoke a lot to the members of Secret Thirteen, and many of them benefited a lot. Lu Qingtian smiled and looked at Wan Zhen'er and Zhu Jianshen who were also standing underneath him. Zhu Jianshen changed into an embroidered dragon robe in order not to attract others' attention. If you don't look carefully, you won't be able to tell that this is the emperor's five-clawed golden dragon. Lu Qingtian murmured mockingly: "It turns out that what Murong Yunfei saw was like this, that's all. He went against the will of heaven but got it wrong. It seems that people will never be able to Defeat the sky, and the sky of Mi Shisan is so small. I think maybe the sky of Mi Shisan will also change. Lao Lu, our brothers may meet again. "After speaking, Lu Qingtian turned his back, and a trace of blood overflowed from the corner of his mouth. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,. The scroll stopped abruptly, and I searched frantically to see if there was any follow-up story. But I couldn't find a trace. It seemed that Secret Thirteen was really over. I didn't want this story to be buried here, so I picked up the pen and wrote down about Lu Yunzhi's life in my own words.?Three things, and the name of this book, I will call it "Thirteen Secrets" Volume 2 Wandering in the Jianghu Final Speech "Secret Thirteen" has come to an end, and I am a little bit reluctant to part with it, because it is a work of painstaking efforts. Every character in the book is vivid before my eyes. Although they are fictional, they still make me happy and sad. . At the end of writing, I really lost my energy, because my heart also went with Lu Yunzhi, but there were still many things that had not been explained, which is why I wrote the next few chapters. Thank you to all the readers for supporting me. Because of you, "Secret Thirteen", a fantasy historical martial arts suspense thriller with a touch of realistic philosophy such as the changeable nature of human nature and the destiny of destiny, can make it to where it is today. The reason why I say this is because this novel is very complex and involves all aspects, including politics, military and economy. Just like A River During the Qingming Festival, it is comprehensively introduced and summarized from God's perspective, and the development of multiple routes supports each other. This kind of writing is very risky, because first of all, in this fast-paced fast food society, few people can understand its meaning, but they blindly like beautiful women and mansions and the underworld career of killing people everywhere. I can't compare this other kind of article. Because the styles and starting points are different, there is no way to compare them. Another point is that if the author is just starting out, it will be difficult to manage such a big book, because Secret Thirteen is definitely a big book. It is also for this reason that the article is tepid until the completion of the book. But I think without your support, let alone lukewarm, even the ice cellar wouldn¡¯t be mine, and I might not be able to continue writing in the middle of writing. So allow me to thank you all again and take a bow. I was really tired from writing this novel, so that in the last few chapters I kept accelerating the pace of things. The writing style of Spring and Autumn was passed through in one stroke. You can just take a look at what the ending means. The time, age, and events are all correct. However, lately, sometimes I don¡¯t pay as much attention to proofreading, so I¡¯ll be licking myself when I wake up tomorrow. The reason why I say tired is actually because at any time and place in the article, the imperial officials actually existed in history. They need to be integrated with the main line of the story. In terms of their responsibilities and locations under their jurisdiction and their experiences as officials, in the officialdom Whichever team you are on must be integrated with the main line of Lu Yunzhi. The names of things in the article are also unique to the Ming Dynasty. Sometimes I would search for hours just for an item or the name of a small official. Therefore, Mi Thirteen may not be well written, but it is definitely a well-written work. ??????????????????????????? It¡¯s over, I feel relaxed, it¡¯s time to date, it¡¯s time to relax, I have become alienated from my friends because of such a novel, come on, I send it to everyone who reads this, let¡¯s fight for a better tomorrow. Volume 2: Wandering in the Jianghu Chapter 143: The Emperor Guards the Country In this chaotic situation, the powerful Timur Empire retreated to the west, shrinking its defensive line and preparing for the final stand against the trapped beasts, while Boyanbeir gave up his territory and fled further west outside the country. And he sought reinforcements along the way, hoping to form multiple teams in the Western Regions to jointly resist the Ming army's invasion. At least that's what Boyan Beier said. Boyan Beier was a commander who fought and failed many times, but he was a very good person. Of course, this means that among the countries in the Western Regions, his eloquence is still a little inferior to that of the people in the Central Plains. In Yili, he cannot recruit troops, and he only has more than 10,000 direct troops under his command. With this army, he could ensure that during the lobbying period, he would not be beheaded by the leaders of other countries and present it to the Ming army to receive the reward. The reason why Boyan Beier could not recruit troops in Yili was because the people from the east followed Zhen Ling. After Dan Yitong plundered, not only did he have money in his hands, he was unwilling to follow Boyan Beier in the north and south, but also because after several battles, it was proved that Boyan Beier was nothing more than a paper tiger, and his personal prestige was as important as the prestige of the regime. Tongshui disappeared here, and the people were ambitious and no longer took Boyan Beier seriously. After several rounds of hard work to strengthen the men, several tribes were forced to join the Ming army, so Boyan Beier Beier had no choice but to give up. He was so busy that he made a wedding dress for the Ming army. Boyan Beier would not do this kind of loss-making business even if he was killed. In the Yili Bari and Timur areas, Zhen Lingdan's reputation At the height of the sun, some say he is the god of war descending to earth, some say he is the messenger of God, holding food in one hand and a sword in the other. He uses swords against the enemy and offers delicious food to his own people. Of course, this is a legend in the area controlled by the Ming army. To the west of Timur, in the area controlled by Murong Longteng, there is another theory. They believe that Zhen Lingdan is a monster with two heads and eight legs, and he is scheming and can use magic. For a time, the people spread the word from word to mouth , were afraid of fighting the Ming army. It was not until Murong Longteng issued a ban on passing the news that this statement was dared to be circulated in the market. However, Zhen Lingdan's name was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. It is said that babies did not dare to cry at night after hearing her name, and the baby was still like this , let alone adults, Boyan Beier cleverly used this legend. He persuaded all parties to say that although the coming from the Ming Dynasty was not a monster, he was actually more terrifying than a monster. This man was extremely ambitious and led troops to come. Not only did Timur and Yili offend the Ming Dynasty, but they had already coveted the two countries for a long time. They also said that even if they were captured, Zhen Lingdan would not let them go, so Timur and Yili took advantage of them. The fate of Li will be the fate of all the countries. Once Zhen Lingdan has finished taking care of Timur and completely devoured Yili, he will then make great strides towards the west. By then, no one will be able to escape. With the eggs intact, this theory makes the monarchs of the Western Regions really frightened. Although they did not want to be enemies with the Ming Dynasty, they all discussed strategies to see if they should form an army to garrison the borders to prevent the Ming Dynasty from invading. Some people even said that in this case, it might as well be Taking advantage of the fact that the strength of Yili and Timur's empire was still there, he could lend a helping hand and not ask for a big victory over the Ming army. At least he could drive away the outsiders. In short, there were different opinions, and he was subtly hostile to the Ming Dynasty and Zhen Lingdan. Boyan Beier Seeing this scene, I laughed happily, but half a month later, those kings who said they would send troops were only discussing and did not send any soldiers, because they did not want to be the weakest in front of the powerful Ming Dynasty. , and Boyan Beier can't sit still. If he continues like this, Zhen Ling Dan will swallow all the inside of Yi Li, and there will be no place for him to stand in the world. After explaining the severe coercion and inducement, Boyan Beier promised After jointly sending troops, they divided the lands of Tamerlane and the Ming Dynasty in the Western Regions, and presented beautiful women, cattle, sheep, jewelry, and silk. They said it without proof and established it as proof. Regardless of whether they defeated the Ming Dynasty, these things were all owed by Boyan Beier. It was left to Boyan Beier to repay, so the armies of the Western Regions began to integrate and pressed to the western border to prepare for the attack. However, at this moment, Zhen Lingdan did not realize that the crisis was coming. He was taking his newly recruited rebels and himself The main force of the Ming Dynasty is approaching Timur's last line of defense. If you beat the snake, you will be killed instead. Murong Longteng is a hero, and these people must be completely defeated. Once Murong Longteng is defeated, Murong Yunfei will be missing an arm. It is difficult to achieve a major event, and Lu Yunzhi's crisis is naturally resolved. On the battlefield in the northern border of the Ming Dynasty, a decisive battle is also going on. It is already the third day. Whether it is the Oara army or the Ming army, the soldiers are all fighting. They all fought bloody battles and fought together. Although the Wala cavalry was strong, the Ming Dynasty was focused on fame. Therefore, when Lu Yunzhi personally held the battle, every Ming soldier was full of energy and exerted his infinite potential. Lu Yunzhi and Meng He They all chose to watch the battle and did not take action. First of all, because their strength was almost the same. Lu Yunzhi was only slightly superior in level. If they really fought and faced the siege of four evil ghosts, they might not be able to take advantage. Therefore, Lu Yunzhi went out of the camp alone to invite Meng He and sat on a high hill on the east side, drinking and talking about the victory and defeat.nbsp; The two of them went alone without any bodyguards, because there was no need to bring any bodyguards. Although it was impractical for the two of them to fight against thousands of troops, they still had the ability to escape calmly even if they were surrounded by thousands of troops. Yes, the soldiers of the two armies were charging at each other, going back and forth. If the sword cut off, they would hit it with a stone. If the stone flew away, they would bite it with their teeth. In short, it was brutal and extraordinary. If you want to win with less, you must use tricks, but the two A large army met face to face on the plain. Except for a few formations to refer to, it was not easy to use any strategies. All they could rely on was courage and the quality of the soldiers, as well as the desperate fighting method of one life for one life. As for the teahouse What the storyteller said about thousands of cavalry sneaking around the enemy's rear and defeating a million-strong army is nothing more than wishful thinking. Meng He took a sip of wine while watching the battle between the two armies, and then sighed again. : "Anda, we have been fighting for three days, how many of you have died?" Lu Yunzhi thought briefly and replied: "Twenty thousand injured, five thousand dead, where are you, Brother Meng He." "Sixteen thousand injured. There are more than a thousand people and eight thousand dead. It seems that the Ming army has the upper hand now. It seems that I want to congratulate you Anda." Meng He said, while Lu Yunzhi shook his head and said: "Although I have Wang Yulu, You have beggars to protect the Dharma, but how many people can they save? Most of the military doctors only deal with external injuries. On the battlefield, the wounded are equal to the dead, so no one has taken advantage of us. Brother Meng He, please withdraw your troops. Don't fight until both sides suffer and let others reap the benefits." Meng He drank the wine in the cup and said with a smile: "You Han people have a saying that makes the people suffer and destroys the people. It seems that the achievement is earth-shattering. A great cause needs to be paved with human lives. Anda asked me to withdraw my troops, why don't you withdraw? " "If we withdraw further, we will reach the border of the Ming Dynasty. I have no way out. The emperor of the Zhu family, Zhu Di, once said that the emperor guards the country. The capital has been moved to Beijing, and today I have to guard the border by myself. If Brother Meng He is really interested in getting involved in my Ming Dynasty, then he should step over me, Lu, first, hahahaha, let¡¯s not talk about this anymore, drink and drink. " Lu Yunzhi smiled and invited Meng He to drink.