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Text Chapter 434: The Reflection of the Gate of the God of Creation (Thanks to the leader of Chen Shi)

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    Protect the city of fire.

    The army from the expedition returned and arrived outside the city, looking magnificent and with a terrifying and murderous aura.

    In fact, many armies on the road have disbanded one after another. Some lords returned to the territory with their soldiers and rewards, and many remained in the southwest.

    After the rest, some of the soldiers were ready to enter the city and hold a grand triumphant ceremony.

    Sun rise.

    The reorganized army put on polished armor, rode a scrubbed ground dragon, and lined up outside the city in neat lines.

    The residents of the Fire Protection City were looking forward to it on both sides of the road and at the gate of the city. One head after another poked out in front of the windows of the small stone building, and there were naughty teenagers climbing high on the eaves to look into the distance.

    In the name of God, destroy the evil ghouls and save the three new provinces in the southwest of Suinhor.

    It even affected the entire Ruhe giant island, driving the evil race of ghouls back into the darkness.

    This victory is enough to be called brilliant, it can be recorded in the annals of history, and its legend will also be sung by future generations.

    But this time there was a problem.

    The army triumphed, but the real protagonist disappeared.

    King Osis may not appear along the way, but it is not impossible to not appear during the triumphant return, but he has not waited for King Osis to come back.

    There is no way, the cronies of King Osis can only get a carriage and say that the king is in the carriage.

    However, such a situation is obviously a bit strange, and it is obviously impossible to fool around.

    Sure enough, the cheering crowd who entered the city saw this appearance, and stopped cheering one by one.

    "Where's the king?"

    "Why doesn't the king come out?"

    "The king is there."

    "Why doesn't the king come out and meet his subjects?"

    People on both sides of the road said so, and even the nobles who came to greet him felt that something was wrong and questioned them.

    Just when there was a commotion in the crowd, a sudden gust of wind hit.

    At this time, a figure appeared in front of the frame, pulling the ground dragons like driving a chariot, and looked at everyone with refreshed spirit.

    The shape of God, but the face is very familiar to everyone present.

    Osis, the king of Suinhor and the king of gods, has returned.

    "It's the king."

    "Look, it's over there."

    Osis raised his hand high and looked at everyone with a big smile: "My subjects, I'm back."

    The original commotion subsided instantly and turned into cheers.

    "King Osis!"

    "Why is Wang different?"

    "That's the appearance of the gods, the true appearance of the king."

    "The posture of the gods, look, how great it is."

    Everyone shouted his name, praised his greatness, and looked longingly at Osis, who showed the shape of a god.

    But no one understands what it means when an ancient being shows the form of a god.

    Osis led the army and entered the city in a neat line.

    The palace minister had been waiting for him in front of the palace.

    He immediately rushed down from the front of the palace, and saluted under the frame of Osis.

    He first complimented Osis loudly on his achievements, and then told Osis city about the preparations for this victory, followed by more grand ceremonies, ceremonies and banquets.

    However, Osis loosened the dragon-controlling holster, got off the frame, and strode to the palace minister.

    "No, there is no need for so many formalities."

    "Let's start right now!"

    King Osis turned around, immediately looked at the soldiers who were fighting with him, called them to him in front of everyone, and began to reward them for their merits.

    Even Anu, the lizard man, was conferred.

    "Anu, as a king, I bestow on you the identity of the swearer, and confer on you the Lord of the Volcano."

    "Because of your achievements in this battle, I honor you as the guardian knight of Suinhor. You can freely enter and leave the palace of Suinhorn and become the guarding force of the kingdom."

    "I hope that you and your compatriots can become part of this country in the future and can coexist peacefully with the snake people."

    Osis knew what Anu wanted, and also knew why Anu and the lizard people came all the way to fight.

    the?? sank into a rippling black water, a boundless swamp of darkness.

    There is no more sound, waiting for the arrival of the millennium before reappearing.

    San Rafael: "Don't accept this kind of barter that may be a living thing in the future!"

    Helna nodded, looking cute.

    She took out a scroll and wrote on it what San Raphael had taught her.

    Regarding illegal storage and compensation.

    What are the overtime storage and retention fees.

    And the most critical terms of confiscation and final interpretation.

    And San Rafael walked carelessly towards the interior of the Kingdom of the Creator God, looking relaxed.

    The thing was finally found, and the crisis of trust was resolved. Now those goblins won't want to get the things back, right?


    At the Rainbow Wonderland Tea Party, San Raphael spoke as the protagonist again.

    She talked about how she discovered the problem through her ingenuity, how she used her wisdom and extensive network to solve the problem, and how she defeated and persuaded those reactionary goblin alliances one by one in the sea of ??sunflowers, and made them apologize  Apologetic.

    That's right, it's a real apology.

    The reputation of San Rafael is very precious and valuable.

    Just look at the holy word in front of the name.

    At the tea party, a group of young fairies who didn't know the truth and the past of San Raphael applauded and exclaimed.


    "Sister San Rafael is amazing."

    Some people have stars in their eyes and regard San Rafael as an idol.

    At the same time, San Rafael thought of another problem.

    "If the living thing is passed through the method of storage, it will be trapped and sealed in the reflection of the gate of the Creator God's Kingdom."

    "Do you think someone will discover this secret in the future and use this method to seal some messy things inside?"

    At least for now, few people know how the storage fairy stores things, nor do they know the secret.

    The reflection of the Gate of the Kingdom of the Creator belongs to the dark place under the lamp. If it weren't for San Rafael, the storage fairy, other people would really not notice this place for a while.

    But in the future, it is not certain.

    Who knows if there is any daring guy who has a sudden whim, and even suddenly packed a certain myth and suppressed it in the reflection of the gate of the Creator God's Kingdom.

    San Rafael felt that it was very possible.

    "There is a problem, it needs to be fixed." San Rafael felt that he should talk to Master Sheila later.

    "Can you make use of this place?" It was the first time for the fairies at the tea party to hear that the reflection of the gate of the God of Creation was like this. After all, they usually don't go in and out of the Kingdom of Creation, and even if they do, they won't check the following  shadow.

    And in the corner, a fairy suddenly said.

    "Space distortion, very stable, unbreakable."

    "Isn't this the most suitable place for the Fairyland of the Gate to gain a foothold? ?
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