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Text Chapter 474: The Dragon and the Dragon Man

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    Continent of nothingness.  </p>

    A young lizardman was heading towards the legendary Feilong Mountains. He was covered with animal skins and held short weapons in his hand to drive away those man-eating beasts.  </p>

    It is said that in the depths of the Feilong Mountains and forests, there is a flying dragon tens of meters long and a knight who can control the dragon. They have very powerful power.  </p>

    He wants to go there to find a powerful force and a solution to the death demon disease.  </p>

    Every once in a while in his hometown, some lizardmen would die due to a large-scale outbreak of the deadly demon disease, and he wanted to solve this problem.  </p>

    finally.  </p>

    There are rolling mountains and jungles full of towering giant trees.  </p>

    The young lizardman raised his head and strode into the depths of the jungle, not at all afraid of the darkness and depth of the jungle, and the roar of those man-eating beasts.  </p>

    I don't know why, but he always feels that something in the forest is calling him.  </p>

    The lizardman overcame obstacles all the way, and finally came to the deepest part of the mountain range, where he saw the legendary totem pole.  </p>

    "Found it!" </p>

    However, when he approached excitedly, all he saw was the corpse of a wind lizard dragon, and the dead bones of another lizard man.  </p>

    The young man looked at all this with surprise and understanding.  </p>

    "So they were already dead?" </p>

    "This is normal, after all, it has been more than a hundred years." </p>

    The young man couldn't help but stepped forward to touch the quaint totem pole, looked at the patterns on it, and said with seven parts curiosity and three parts excitement.  </p>

    "What a big pillar, this pillar is definitely not ordinary." </p>

    "There must be some secret hidden inside." </p>

    Suddenly he saw a sword under the pillar, so he stretched out his hand and drew it out.  </p>

    "This sword!" </p>

    "Why does it feel so familiar?" </p>

    Holding the sword, the young man felt a strong sense of familiarity.  </p>

    And when he pulled out the sword, the tall totem pole in front of him moved.  </p>

    The pillar shook violently, emitting rays of light; a huge shadow spread its wings and flew out, hovering around the totem pole and him.  </p>

    The young man held his sword and shouted: "Who are you?" </p>

    But looking at the shadow, he suddenly changed his words: "Are you human?" </p>

    The shadow told the young man: "I am the consciousness spirit of the totem pole, your former partner." </p>

    "Anu!" </p>

    Anu on the giant island of Ruhe has been asleep, waiting for the end of everything.  </p>

    What is coming now is Anu on the void continent.  </p>

    The young man was very surprised: "How do you know my name?" </p>

    "You know me?" </p>

    Spirit of the Totem Pole: "Of course, it's just that you forgot something." </p>

    Young man: "Why should I forget, and how can I remember?" </p>

    The Spirit of Consciousness of the Totem Pole: "Only when you become a myth, will you find your true self." </p>

    Anu of the Void Continent: "Myth?" </p>

    "The real self?" </p>

    Seeing that the spirit of consciousness on the totem pole didn't mean to hurt him, and looked very friendly and familiar with him, Anu put down the sword in his hand and asked him various questions.  </p>

    Through a conversation from day to night, Anu knew that he was the corpse on the ground, but he had forgotten the past because he had entered reincarnation.  </p>

    Only then did he understand why he insisted on;lt;/p>

    The loss of the totem pole made Anu no longer able to use the totem pole to create new dragons, and even his own mimicry could no longer be performed.  </p>

    However, reincarnation is not affected, he can still reincarnate every hundred years or so.  </p>

    But soon, the black dragon Anu noticed something unusual.  </p>

    In the next day, he saw a sub-dragon, or a lizard monster lay an egg, and the egg shone with extraordinary light.  </p>

    The black dragon Anu felt a force coming from the unknown world, scattered into this world, and poured into this egg.  </p>

    "The Yalong is still born?" </p>

    Not only is it being born, but its scope is no longer limited to the Demon Dragon Mountain Range, but permeates towards the entire world.  </p>

    Anu looked towards the sky, as if he understood something.  </p>

    "Does the power of the totem pole permeate from another world to this world?" </p>

    The black dragon Anu immediately followed this change and started his next part of the plan.  </p>

    With the help of the power of the priest of the abyss, the master of the death demon disease has almost controlled all the lizardmen, and he also needs to create a force of his own.  </p>

    The power of pure monsters is not enough. The power of these dozen kinds of sub-dragons is not enough to fight against the master of the deadly demon. He needs a group of wise monsters.  </p>

    A few years later.  </p>

    The black dragon Anu turned into the form of a god and stood on a magnificent altar.  </p>

    Under the altar, there are eggs.  </p>

    He radiated his own mental force field to cover all the eggs, he cut open his palm, and drops of mythical blood that radiated light flew out and fell into the eggs.  </p>

    "Dragons!" </p>

    "I endow you with my blood, and endow your descendants with true wisdom." </p>

    "Gives you a part of the form of the gods." </p>

    "In return, you and your descendants will always obey my orders and follow my will." </p>

    The eggs broke apart, and little dragons crawled out one by one.  </p>

    Immediately afterwards, these sub-dragons gradually assimilated towards the god-shaped Anu in the mimicry field, and finally turned into a half-dragon and half-human appearance.  </p>

    &amp;lt;a id=&amp;quot;wzsy&amp;quot; href=&amp;quot;&lt;a href=&quot;<a href=";quot;&amp;gt;&quot  ;" target="_blank">;quot;&amp;gt;&quot;</a> target=&quot;_blank&quot;&gt;<a href="http://m.baimengshu  .com&amp;quot;&amp;gt;&lt;/a&gt;" target="_blank">;quot;&amp;gt;&lt;/a&gt;</a>Baimengshu&amp;  ;lt;/a&amp;gt;&amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    They have the appearance of a human, but with two horns on their heads and a tail behind them.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    This is a race similar to abyssal species and ghouls.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    They do not rely on blood inheritance, but other things.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    They cannot directly breed the next generation, they are intelligent species born from Warcraft.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    They can't directly give birth to dragonmen, they can only give birth to unique sub-dragons, and then inherit his dragonman form in the black dragon Anu's mimic spiritual force field to become a dragonman.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    Their inheritance and wisdom are attached to the black dragon Anu.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    Anu turned into a black dragon, spread his wings and soared in the sky.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    Those little dragons even climbed up, chasing Anu's figure below, Anu told them.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    "I am the black dragon Anu!" &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    "I created you, and I will be your god!" &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    The little dragonmen roared, looking like wild beasts, just like the lizardmen that Anu saw more than a thousand years ago when Anu first came to the void continent.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    The black dragon Anu soars in the sky, flying higher and higher.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    He penetrated the sea of ??clouds and looked at this void continent and world.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    "I want to become a myth!" &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    "I want to change everything." &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    The scale of time rotates again and pushes to the next era.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;When I was on the void continent, I saw those lizardmen from more than a thousand years ago.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    The black dragon Anu soars in the sky, flying higher and higher.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    He penetrated the sea of ??clouds and looked at this void continent and world.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    "I want to become a myth!" &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    "I want to change everything." &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;

    The scale of time rotates again and pushes to the next era.  &amp;lt;/p&amp;gt
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