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Volume 18 Chapter 18: The Purpose of the Transparent Man's Thinking

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    At 3:30 in the afternoon, Qiu Sheng came back from school and passed by the gate of the community.

    Two security guards walked towards him, one behind the other. The security guard behind him held a net bag in his hand. Inside the net bag was a white long-haired dog of unknown breed.

    This time it seems that they are serious about driving away "wild animals".

    Qiu Sheng stopped at the side of the road and let the security guard pass first. The dog in the net bag struggled violently and howled.

    Qiu Sheng can't say that he likes dogs, nor can he say he hates dogs. From a rational point of view, it is a good thing that the wild dogs in the community are gone.  These dogs in the community are all familiar faces, they are more relatives, and generally there will be no incidents of biting, but children are not serious, they may offend the dogs, human rights are always greater than the rights of dogs.

    The child who was bitten by a dog and single-handedly triggered the dog-catching incident did not know what happened at the beginning.

    Seeing Qiu Sheng's gaze, the middle-aged security guard in front mistakenly thought that he was concerned about the follow-up treatment of the dogs, and said, "They will all be sent to the rescue center."

    Although this is not Qiu Sheng's problem, Qiu Sheng still nodded, so as not to embarrass the security guard.

    ?Turn left from the turntable, and turn left again at the first intersection, which is the house that Qiu Sheng rents. He is in the third unit.

    A row of trees stands at the entrance of the unit, with ginkgo on the left and ginkgo on the right.

    On the ginkgo tree on the left of Qiu Sheng, the green leaves were mixed with a touch of blue.  When he looked carefully, it was a blue nightdress hanging on it, and the hem of the skirt fluttered in the wind.

    This nightdress looked familiar, Qiu Cheng thought, he looked up, and there was indeed a clothes hanger on the clothes rail on the sixth floor that was empty.

    Really careless, this kind of clothes that are easy to be blown away should be clamped with a small clip.

    Going upstairs to get the clothes fork, Qiu Sheng forked off the nightgown, some dust stuck to the skirt, and it fell off after a little shaking.

    Holding the nightgown, Qiu Sheng fell into thought.

    Now the question is, how will he return the nightgown to the girl?

    Just come to the door and say that your nightgown fell off?

    No, this is inappropriate. He is a criminal now, and as a criminal, he cannot use his real body to dangle in front of the victim. In the future, the girl finds out that there is someone at home, and based on the information she has contacted with him, she deduces that he is finished.

    Ask others to return it to the girl?  Qiu Sheng looked around, the sun was very strong, and there was no one downstairs.

    Leave it to security?  Thinking of the two security guards touching the girl's close-fitting nightgown with their hands, Qiu Sheng thought it was better to forget it, and the security guards would definitely let him return it by himself.

    When you go to the girl's house tomorrow, will you put down your clothes by the way?  This would expose his sneaking into the girl's house.

    Forget it, put it away first.

    Simply folded the nightdress, put it in the schoolbag, and Qiu Sheng went upstairs.

    In order to prevent the girl from looking for it, he wrote a note, "I found a nightgown, the owner please contact 158679".

    He taped the note to the ginkgo tree.  The girl couldn't see the note, but the girl couldn't see the clothes either. If she wanted to find it, she would definitely ask someone to look for it, and that person would see it.

    After tying, he looked up and saw that the girl's clothes were still hanging outside, and he probably didn't notice that there were fewer clothes.

    Back in the room, he took out a book from the bookshelf to read. He didn't close the door, paying attention to the movement in the corridor.  The aunt on the fifth floor is reliable. If you hear her passing by, you can ask her to return the nightgown to the girl.

    But the aunt who usually goes up and down more than ten times a day, I don¡¯t know why she hasn¡¯t passed by for a long time today.

    It was getting dark, at eight o'clock, Qiu Sheng went to the gate of the community to eat a bowl of noodles, and then came back to continue reading.

    The title of the book is "A Bellflower Flower", which is a collection of short stories by Liancheng Mikihiko. He read "The Iris Boat".

    In the story, the male protagonist is a singer, and his master is skilled. He does not need real feelings to write songs, but only relies on skills. The male protagonist's style is the same as his master's.

    In order to reverse the status quo, he used his imagination to create a series of Waka about martyrdom. If he published it like this, he would still be said to be superficial and emotionless, so he found a woman, fell in love with her, and tried to die together.  This waka was published, pretending that the waka was really written with feelings of sacrifice, and it was a great success.

    Later, he repeated it a second time. The second waka anthology also had a strong response, but he made some mistakes. The woman who died in love with him really died, and he committed suicide at the end.

    Closing the book, Qiu Sheng thought, the man of that song was an indifferent person, he had no feelings for the three women involved in the song, they were just tools he used to falsify his experience, to make his song great.

    What about me?

    A girl's image flashed through Qiu Sheng's mind.So, when he approached the girl, did he have the same intentions as that singer?  The girl is just a tool to achieve a certain purpose?

    He can't tell the difference for the time being, because he hasn't found his target yet. He hasn't figured out why he took so long and took such a big risk to sneak into the girl's room to observe the girl.

    If it's for freshness, for the extraordinary feeling of a transparent person, then after so many days, he should be tired of it, after all, the girl hasn't changed at all.  But in fact, observing the girl attracted him more and more, and he spent more time on it.

    He thought of Gu Deyou and Hao Wumeng. These two people were undoubtedly his tools, the tools he used to pretend to be a normal person and to fit in with the group.

    The girl must be the same, but he hasn't figured out what the goal is.  Just like the singer in the story, in the process of acting, he may not be able to say too deeply, and forgot his original purpose for a short time.

    For such things as feelings, who knows whether they have deceived themselves or whether they really exist.

    When the time came to ten o'clock, the several noises coming from the corridor were not from the aunt on the fifth floor. Qiu Sheng closed the door. It seemed that he would not be able to return the nightgown to the girl today.

    He turned around and looked at the nightgown on the bed, which was lying beside the bed in a thin blue nightgown.  Is the girl lying on the sofa like this now?  Is she watching TV, or listening to music?  Or some action I haven't seen yet?

    Qiu Sheng has never seen the girl at night.

    When he came to the bay window and opened the window, he glanced up. The clothes drying pole on the sixth floor was empty. The girl had already put away her clothes. She must have found that her nightgown was gone.

    How will she react?  Will you cry?  Or kick your slippers to vent your anger?

    The summer night insects did not miss this great opportunity, and some flew in. Qiu Cheng closed the window, pressed the electric mosquito swatter, and electrocuted the flying insects that entered the country illegally.

    He opened the door and released scorched mosquitoes that roasted flying insects. He closed the door and turned on the air conditioner.

    He thought of the girl again, why didn't the girl turn on the air conditioner?

    He lay down on the bed, with his hands hanging on one side, touching the girl's nightdress, which was soft and smooth.

    He folded the nightgown, put it in a ziplock bag, and stuffed it in the closet.
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