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Chapter 1244 The Gate of the Ancestral Land

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    On the Sun Castle, two figures are violently colliding.

    Ye Futian's body was bathed in the fire of the sun, transformed into a furnace, surrounded by ancient characters, refining all the power, blending into the body, and bursting out with terrifying attacking power.

    Yin Tianjiao is the daughter of the Martial Emperor, a powerful human emperor titled Martial Emperor, one can imagine how domineering and powerful the fighting power is.

    This Yin Tianjiao also inherited the talent of the Martial Emperor, and his attacking skills are simply unparalleled.

    She refined the fire of the great way into her own attacking ability and integrated it into one. At this time, the fire of the great way coincided with the martial intent erupting from her body. Unlike Xichan, although Xichan transformed into  Nine Suns Holy Physique, but it just seems to be borrowing the power of the sun.

    But Yin Tianjiao, herself, has turned into a martial god of war, surrounded by flames, taking advantage of the power of heaven and earth, the avenue has the same name, and every move contains the power to destroy everything.

    At this moment, Yin Tianjiao raised her palm and moved towards Ye Futian's seal, domineering and fierce. When she attacked, it covered the sky and the sun, and the big palm print covered the sky. The Nirvana handprint, which contained the meaning of the flawless flame, crushed the void and slapped towards Ye Futian.  Ye Futian's body.

    Just that wave of flames made an extremely violent roar.

    ? Ye Futian¡¯s ginseng contract erupted, refining the flames to his body, and turned into a melting pot of the avenue. He also raised his fist and blasted out, stepping out with Xuanyuan steps, the void oscillated, and the avenue had the same name.

    Huang Ting's fist was heavy one after another, and it hit the big handprint that covered the sky and the sun. There was a loud rumbling sound, and the palmprint vibrated and cracked, and then collapsed.

    Yin Tianjiao's attack did not stop at all, she continued to step forward, with both palms out, the robe on her body seemed to be on fire, majestic and heroic.

    She slapped out her hands, like the seal of martial arts, and the big handprint of flame wiped everything out.

    The two clashed violently, a destructive airflow swept across the world, and the two figures collided amazingly.

    Accompanied by a loud noise, the two retreated separately. Ye Futian stared at the beautiful figure in front of him. It was a little surprising that there was a woman who attacked so aggressively. No wonder she was able to practice in the royal palace of the realm.  played against each other.

    Yin Tianjiao was also shocked. She failed to take down Ye Futian, and the other party directly attacked her with an attack. This guy was just like the bastard in Jiewang Palace. He was a monster. Moreover, he seemed to have some abilities similar to hers.  , Refining the power of flames into one's own Taoism.

    However, so what, this duel will not change.

    She looked at Ye Futian, the blood in her body was tumbling, and the blood of the Emperor flowed in Yin Tianjiao's body.

    A stronger flame radiance shot up into the sky, as if there were divine flames burning in her body, one after another more dazzling flames danced like golden divine fire, burning Yin Tianjiao's body, making her breath  Become stronger, a wilder momentum swept out from her body.

    Ye Futian's eyes showed a strange color, and Yin Tianjiao's aura was soaring, becoming stronger, as if the Dao fire burning in her body could increase her combat power.

    A golden divine flame shot out of her pupils, piercing directly into Ye Futian's eyes. At this moment, Ye Futian only felt that there was a terrible divine flame burning in his mind, trying to burn his will power directly.

    "Om." Yin Tianjiao stepped forward, and on top of her body, Dao Shenyan turned into a flaming goddess of war, with many arms, and blasted the palm print of Dao at Ye Futian at the same time, burning the void, wrapping Ye Futian in the air.  under attack.

    Ye Futian's eyes were a little stinging, and he looked up at the many arms that were bombarded. On his body, there was also a terrifying flame burst out.

    At this moment, Ye Futian's pupils shot out terrifying divine fire, looking at Yin Tianjiao, Yin Tianjiao seemed to see a boundless and huge flame god of war.

    This scene is somewhat familiar.

    Above the sky, the sun's rays were falling crazily, and the solar ship seemed to be burning, and the flames descended on Ye Futian's body, making the flames of his body stronger and stronger.

    The strong men of the nine major tribes all looked at him, trembling in their hearts, as if they also felt a familiar breath.

    "Human Emperor Daohuo." Everyone stared at Ye Futian.

    This guy refined a lot of Human Sovereign Dao Fire, integrated it into his body, and used it for him?

    The dao fire in Yin Tianjiao's body can also be called the human emperor's dao fire. Her father is the human emperor, and her talent has been passed down to the martial emperor.

    But even so, she can only gradually exert stronger power as her cultivation becomes stronger.

    But in any case, it should be stronger than Ye Futian refining the Human Emperor Daohuo on other Martial Emperors. After all, she was directly obtained byIt was passed down from generation to generation, but Ye Futian got it later.

    However, the aura erupting from Ye Futian's body at this moment is no weaker than hers. Moreover, under the burning of the Emperor's will, as if borrowing the power of this relic, the flames of the sun are falling down crazily.

    "Boom." A sense of boundless rage swept out, the melting pot of the avenue swept across the world, engulfing the surrounding flames, and Ye Futian's body seemed to become towering and tall, as if he had come to the world with exaggeration.

    He raised his palm and grabbed it towards the void. The huge and boundless big handprints directly blasted those killing palmprints, smashing them to pieces.

    As he stepped forward, the void shook, the avenue roared, and the divine fire from his pupils shot out, colliding with the golden divine flame in Yin Tianjiao's beautiful eyes, and there were two extremely terrifying forces clashing.

    Yin Tianjiao's complexion changed slightly, and she stepped forward fiercely. Under the divine flame, she looked like a goddess stepping forward, unparalleled in splendor.

    Ye Futian also stepped forward, with his palm facing forward, and in front of his palm, there appeared a furnace cauldron of the Great Dao of Refining Heaven, which seemed to be born from the condensation of Dao fire, and the flames in his body poured into it directly, devouring it towards Yin Tianjiao, wanting to refine it  change.

    Yin Tianjiao's golden divine flames rushed forward, transforming into the divine bird Phoenix, Golden Crow and many other sacred flame beasts, rushing forward.

    I saw that the Great Dao Divine Furnace was getting bigger and bigger, swallowing it all inside, and the flame beast roared and tossed inside, unable to rush out.

    "Boom" The flame holy beasts were all refined under the furnace, Yin Tianjiao looked pale, the terrifying furnace continued to engulf it, and the infinite flames roared out, unable to shatter it, as if the furnace was the king's way  It is transformed by fire and refined into many flames.

    Daosheng furnace, refining the fire of heaven and earth.

    Ye Futian stepped out, slapped a palm towards the furnace, and slammed towards Yin Tianjiao in front, oppressing it all the way, Yin Tianjiao slapped both palms at the same time, resisting the furnace, but the flames on the body were swallowed and refined  Then, the whole person was continuously oppressed and retreated until the Taoism invaded, she vomited blood and her face was pale.

    Ye Futian, who continued to step forward, did not show any sympathy for the fragrance and jade. He suppressed the furnace again, and continued to attack Yin Tianjiao, blasting her from the void into the ground. Finally, it was unbearable, and she fell to the ground fiercely. The bright red blood flowed smoothly.  Flowing out from the corner of the mouth.

    Ye Futian's figure flashed, descended in front of her, and walked towards her step by step.

    Above the Sun Castle, Zhu's strong face was ashen.

    Yin Tianjiao was really defeated by Ye Futian.

    The strong man of the nine tribes was actually Ye Futian chosen by the Wu family. He came to the end and defeated all opponents.

    "City Lord Ye." Zhu's strong man shouted, Ye Futian glanced over there, and then continued to move forward, ignoring him.

    The strong men of the nine major tribes all looked over there, speechless in their hearts.

    The members of the Zhu clan can't change the ending, and Ye Futian has no intention of giving in.

    He walked up to Yin Tianjiao, and directly stripped her plundering flames.

    Above the sky, the radiance of the sun shone down, and above the Sun Castle, the nine rays of light seemed to be united at this moment, all of which fell on Ye Futian's body.

    His body, like a golden divine light, enveloped the vast and endless space.

    The sky and the sun, the meaning of the avenue flows down along the light, making Ye Futian's breath stronger and stronger, as if resonating with the sun and becoming one.

    Not only that, on the Sun Castle, among the nine powerhouses guarding there, only those who are connected to the Wu family are shining brightly, and the other eight powerhouses are all dim.

    It seemed that all the breath was swallowed by the sun and sent to the only person.

    Wu Yong turned his gaze to the phantom figure guarding the castle. The sun was shining on him, and he walked towards Ye Futian step by step.

    "Don't refuse, he will help you open the door of the ancestral land." Wu Yong said to Ye Futian.

    The figure walked forward step by step, and walked directly into Ye Futian's body, and then, it seemed to turn into a ray of fire.

    It seems that the nine strong men on the castle are not real practitioners, but the transformation of Tao.

    The golden divine light on Ye Futian's body became more and more dazzling, and the refinement of Dao fire in his body seemed to be accelerating, and the majestic flame shrouded the Sun Castle.

    A series of terrifying divine lights shot directly forward, the gate of the ancestral land in front of the castle.

    The sun above the sky, Ye Futian's body, and the gate of the ancestral land, the three are connected by bright sunlight. Under the terrible golden Dao fire, the gate has not been able to shake the slightest, even though it has been branded red,  But still indestructible.

    "Refine it, and you will be able to step into the ancestral land." Wu Yong beside Ye Futian spoke to Ye Futian.

    ? I hope Ye Futian can complete this step and open the door to the ancestral land.

    The powerhouses of the nine major tribes all stared at Ye Futian, wondering if he could complete this step and step into the ancestral land!; I hope Ye Futian can complete this step and open the door to the ancestral land.

    The powerhouses of the nine major tribes all stared at Ye Futian, wondering if he could complete this step and step into the ancestral land.
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