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Text Chapter 2809 Celestial revival?

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    Ye Futian and the others continued to practice without caring about the outside world.

    As for the black lotus, the powerhouses from other worlds did not participate in the competition, but conflicts broke out within the dark world. Those top-level powerhouses, who would not want to take this dark fetish as their own?

    Even, many strong men fought for it, and several strong men fell.

    But in the end, the powerhouses of the dark world reached an agreement. They practiced together around the black lotus, sealed it in an area, and realized the law of destructive power contained in it. This formed a certain balance, and no one insisted on plundering it for themselves.

    The appearance of the black lotus made practitioners from all walks of life feel awe of this sky, and even gave birth to a god, will it appear again in the future?

    "Will it have something to do with her." Taishang Jianzun murmured to himself, born an emperor, unparalleled in all ages.

    This is the Heavenly Palace, the place where the Heavenly Emperor lives, and she was once the Heavenly Emperor's daughter.

    Is the appearance of this piece of heaven related to her?

    Time passed little by little, all the powerful people devoted themselves to practice, those top beings and powerful figures were all attacking the emperor's road, especially those ancient emperors, they survived in other ways in the era of the collapse of heaven, and waited for countless years  , finally waited until the hope of returning to the emperor's realm.

    There are also countless old monsters who have been blocked by the Emperor's Road for generations and cannot take the last step. For thousands of years, they all dreamed of the day when they would step on the God's Road. Now that this opportunity has finally come, how could they miss it.

    Ye Futian stopped paying attention to the outside world, and was completely immersed in self-cultivation. The resonance between him and the sky became stronger and stronger, and wisps of divine power descended on him, causing many people to look at Ye Futian.  Dog days.

    "It seems that the divine calamity was his third calamity." Many people secretly thought that Ye Futian was already a quasi-emperor, so he could perceive the laws of heaven, resonate with them, and even induce them to quench their bodies.

    Strands of invisible aura flowed from Ye Futian's body, forming a certain connection with the practitioners in Yedi Palace around him. At this moment, everyone around could feel the divine power flowing from Ye Futian's body.

    Immediately, the Taishang Jianzun, Chen Tianzun and others tried their best to perceive that although many of them had passed through the second major Dao God Tribulation, they still hadn't taken the next crucial step. Ye Futian asked  They comprehend the law of order contained in the purest way of heaven, which is of great help to their comprehension.

    In the blink of an eye, three years have passed. The practice of these top figures, a few years is very short for them. Many old monster-level figures have practiced for thousands of years, so they don't care about a few years.

    All areas in the Ninety-Nine Heavens were still eerily quiet. Until then, another terrifying aura was born above the sky.

    Then, under the shocking eyes of everyone, someone saw a sacred mountain appearing in the sky. There is incredible divine power hidden on this sacred mountain, which is extremely thick. All the practitioners opened their eyes and stared at the sacred mountain. Many people  He stopped practicing again, and seemed to be preparing to plunder.

    They didn't snatch Hei Lian three years ago, and they don't want to let it go this time.

    However, this sacred mountain is getting bigger and bigger, covering the sky and the sun, hanging down from the sky, and the divine power emanating from it makes people dare not go forward.

    "Boom" The sacred mountain continued to fall, and it was still getting bigger.

    An old monster strongman walked to the place where the mountain was hanging down, and there was a violent roar, and the mountain was still falling down, making the old monster-level figure groan, his back was bent, and he groaned  , actually spit out a mouthful of blood, and directly dodged and retreated.

    Even though the other strong men who saw this scene were greedy, they did not dare to act rashly.

    The boundless and huge sacred mountain landed on the ninety-ninth heaven of the Heavenly Emperor's Realm, directly passing through this side of the sky, and continuing down, the top of the sacred mountain seemed to be still outside the sky, as if there was no limit.

    The cultivators who descended to the heavens also felt it, and then the mountain penetrated through the first heaven, and continued to descend, directly piercing through the ninety-nine heavens. Countless people's hearts trembled violently, and they all sensed an incomparable divine power  .

    "God!" People in the lower interface sensed the aura of the sacred mountain and were extremely shocked. They were blocked and unable to set foot on the nine heavens. They did not expect that the sacred mountain descended and directly penetrated the ninety-nine heavens.  Ninety-nine heavens.

    "This is the second time for a fetish from heaven." The powerhouses stared at the sacred mountain that penetrated the ninety-nine heavens, and then glanced at the destroyed black lotus. This fetish is not easy to take away.  , but you can feel the practice here.

    "After the collapse of the Dao of Heaven, is the will of the Dao of Heaven really completely wiped out?" Some people can't help but wonder, who can have such energy and become the Dao of Heaven???Descending the gods, this is something that can only be done when the Tao of Heaven controls the order of the world in ancient times. Back then, the eight tribes under the Tao of Heaven rose up with the support of the Tao of Heaven to take over the order of the world.

    "The Heavenly Emperor's Realm may replace the Continent of the Gods and become the second sacred place for practitioners from different worlds." A strong man whispered, and many people agreed.

    First, the relics of the gods appeared, and then the way of heaven appeared in the Tiandi Palace. It seemed that all of these were heralding changes in the world and the future of the age of the gods.

    Those top figures who went to practice in the ruins of the gods will inevitably gather at the Tiandi Palace.

    In fact, over the past few years, the Ninety-Nine Heavens has gathered experts from all walks of life.

    Above the Heavenly Palace, Ji Wudao and the others took a look at the land below. The era belonging to their Heavenly Emperor Realm is about to come.

    The Heaven Realm will surely restore its former style and become the head of the Seven Realms.

    At this moment, there was another change in the sky, and a divine light descended and landed in a certain position.

    That is a top powerhouse in Shenzhou. Few people have seen him. He has been practicing in seclusion on the Shenyin Mountain of Donghuang Emperor Palace in Shenzhou.  quasi-emperor.

    "The robbery, and the quasi-emperor will come out again." The hearts of the strong men were dark.

    The people of Ye Emperor Palace around Ye Futian watched all this happen, and felt very uneasy in their hearts. The world has changed so fast in these years that it is difficult for them to keep up with the rhythm. Once, the existence of the peak of the emperor was the top figure in the world  Yes, but with the appearance of the relics of the gods, countless practitioners have transformed, and those old monsters and ancient emperor-level existences have also entered the world one after another.

    Now, the "Day of Heaven" appears in the Heavenly Emperor Realm, gods are descended, and quasi-emperors appear one after another. What a crazy era this is.

    Of course, they also know that the people they see and face now are the most pinnacle existences in this world, and if they go up, they are already the Six Emperors!

    They glanced at Ye Futian, only to see that Ye Futian had no distractions and was still practicing quietly. In addition to helping them perceive, Ye Futian himself also needs to understand his own "small way of heaven" and pursue perfection.  The real emperor.

    The appearance of the sacred mountain continued to ferment what happened in the heavenly realm, and attracted the attention of the seven realms. Countless practitioners began to come to the heavenly realm, including those who practiced in the continent of the gods.

    For a time, the Heavenly Emperor Realm has nine levels and nine heavens, and a large number of strong men will be ushered in every day, just like when the Gods Continent appeared back then.
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