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Text Chapter 366: Endless Temptation

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    When faced with the chief's problems, Li Tianle repeatedly resorted to avoidance and deception, refusing to tell the truth, at least in the eyes of the chief.

    Therefore, the chief was very depressed, and the consequences were very serious. Finally, at the end, Li Tianle was asked to write a difficult question to Li Tianle, who was not good at eating and drinking. He asked Li Tianle to write an article within half an hour on how to make a nation prosperous.  The problem of decline comes.

    Normal people know that in the world, no nation can thrive forever, and even some nations will gradually disappear in the long river of history as time goes by.

    For example, the Tasmanians, the indigenous inhabitants of Tasmania Island in southeastern Australia, have disappeared in the long history of history, and those who still exist are all of mixed descent.

    Of course, this was caused by historical factors at the time.  But it is undeniable that this has a lot to do with the fact that this nation has no written language.

    Now that the chief has asked Li Tianle to produce a report on the long-term prosperity of a nation within half an hour, the smell of deliberately making things difficult seems quite serious.  But who let Li Tianle make other leaders unhappy?

    But the chief underestimated Li Tianle¡¯s strength. Today, Li Tianle has successfully opened up his literary talent.  Although that talent is related to painting and calligraphy, and seems to have nothing to do with the topic of the eternal prosperity of the nation, didn't the chief want Li Tianle to provide a report?

    The report is also related to literary talent. It is related to literary talent, so Li Tianle can continue to lie.

    The chief asked Li Tianle to finish the work within half an hour, which was obviously making things difficult, but Li Tianle was unambiguous and actually "handed in the paper" within 20 minutes, which surprised the chief.  But after he read the "report", he was just shocked.

    Li Tianle is in the report.  A country, or even a nation, is simplified as a metaphor of a multinational group.

    He said that a country or a nation is like a multinational group.  If you want to be truly prosperous and develop continuously at a high speed, you need not only the management of a wise and knowledgeable leader.  Because compared with groups and nations, the life span of a leader is short;

    It¡¯s not even about developing a perfect clause system, because no matter what kind of clause system it is.  There will always be omissions. As the times progress, they will become more incompatible with productivity and thus unsuitable for the requirements of the new era;

    He said that what countries, nations, and even multinational groups really need is culture.  Corporate culture, national culture, only culture can produce faith, the spirit of self-improvement, continuous innovation, self-transcendence, and even the national spirit;

    Finally he concluded.  Why does Dragon Country's football suffer repeated defeats? Why does a country as big as Dragon Country not have a truly world-class multinational group?

    Because, whether it is an individual or a group of people, she has an obvious characteristic: money first and no faith;

    The same is true for enterprises. Every enterprise in Longguo has no real corporate culture. To put it even worse, it does not even have integrity.

    Therefore, no matter whether it is the nation, country, enterprises, or groups of the Dragon Kingdom, it is impossible to prosper forever. If you want to truly prosper forever, the only way out is to cultivate corporate culture, national spirit, and national beliefs

    In fact, what Li Tianle did was a relatively subtle way of making fun of himself. He was also afraid of angering the chief. Isn¡¯t that asking for embarrassment?

    Therefore, he did not directly state the big picture of a nation or a country, but compared and highlighted it from the small side of a multinational group, which seemed milder in comparison.

    He was originally a small person. Although he could barely be considered a small person with a way out now, he didn't want to become a rat that everyone shouted at. He said it in a way that was acceptable to the chief and had some weight, just to deliberately make things difficult for him.  , an extremely skilled Tai Chi practitioner.

    ¡° If Li Tianle easily wiped out the Assault Organization before, it was his super performance in terms of force, then this so-called report at this time is a perfect performance in intelligence.

    In fact, the chief did not really want to make things difficult for Li Tianle, but seeing that Li Tianle was very cunning, he wanted to see him defeated.

    ? Originally, the questions raised by the chief were very big and difficult to answer. This is the path that the top leaders of the Dragon Kingdom have been looking for.  The chief did not expect Li Tianle to be able to truly answer his own question.

    But now Li Tianle¡¯s answer is simple in words but profound in meaning, and it is not offensive or targeted in any way. It seems that what he is talking about is just a company, not the country and the nation.

    But what Li Tianle came up with in just ten minutes made the leader completely lost in thought.

     Think about it carefully, what if the system of Dragon Kingdom is not good?

    This is not necessarily true. At least it is suitable for the national conditions of the Dragon Kingdom at this stage, but it is undeniable that it has imperfect flaws. As Li Tianle said, no matter how strict, harsh, and perfect the system is, it will always fail to keep up with the times.  moment.

    Corporate culture, national spirit, and national beliefs are indeed what the Dragon Kingdom needs most in the past, present, and even the future. It is also what every country, nation, and enterprise needs most.

    The "invasion" of culture is the most terrifying. When you are a child, you only know about the cartoons of El Chapo Island and Uncle Country all day long; when you are a teenager, you envy and advocate the Western lifestyle; when you are a young hero, you think about how to immigrate;

    When the streets are full of foreign movies, foreign gadgets, and even tadpole literature; when these are mainstream, the local culture of Dragon Kingdom has become non-mainstream, and even synonymous with rustic;

    "When people take a break every week and don't know the origin of this week, when CEOs, MBAs make everyone feel that it is natural and this is the way it is, it is a terrible alternative culture being invaded.

    ¡°For an ordinary young man like Li Tianle to be able to think about these things and sum up such profound words, the leader was shocked and delighted.

    " If every young person can be like Li Tianle, who knows how to think and is good at digging into deep things, then it will be most needed for the healthy development of the Dragon Kingdom.

    When the chief is considering this issue, he will also unconsciously consider Li Tianle.  This is a young man who is outstanding in solving crimes, software, force, wisdom, and literary talent, and is even more mysterious.

    Is it too much of a waste to put such talents and talents in the police system?  Where is the most suitable position to put him in?

    After the chief considered the arguments stated by Wan Li Tianle, he was a little distracted and thought, how to bring out the full potential of Li Tianle?

    To be fair, whether it is his moral character or his ability, the chief is full of praise for Li Tianle.  The only thing I'm not sure about is Li Tianle's mystery.

    Domestic confidential files: 007 Rogue; the elusive Dragon Man; Longteng Company's software that transcends the times, and three-dimensional imaging software; miraculous hacking technology; overseas mysterious forces, and the inextricable relationship with Juneng Group

    They are all inexplicably involved with this ordinary-looking young man in front of them.

    You must know that behind the leader, there is the support and reliance of the entire Dragon Kingdom.  Even with such a huge power, he still can't figure out Li Tianle. This cannot but be said, which further reflects Li Tianle's mystery.

    But no matter how mysterious Li Tianle is, at least one thing can be proved, that is, Li Tianle is a patriotic and ambitious young man. This is enough for the chief to use him with peace of mind and cultivate Li Tianle with all his strength.

    "Xiao Li, have you ever considered changing your way of working? For example, come to work in my office, or be independent in a certain field?" The chief finally put down his hand, the report written by Li Tianle, with a gentle expression.  Ask Li Tianle.

    This shocked Minister Huang, General Tian, ??and the base commander and political commissar, and even made them feel slightly jealous.

    The chief can say such words to Li Tianle, and his admiration for Li Tianle has become undisguised.  It is unique in everyone's mind to show appreciation to someone so nakedly.

    What's more, according to the chief's intention, is he planning to promote Li Tianle to his office, or is he going to stand alone?

    What is this concept?  It's no wonder that everyone is jealous about this.  This is a great thing, but Li Tianle bumped into him. It can only be said that this kid is very lucky and he is too good for the chief's appetite.

    But apart from being jealous, they also understood the leader's psychology very well. After all, judging from Li Tianle's performance today, it was too perfect, too shocking to be stunning.

    Ask yourself, everyone here knows very well that no one can do everything Li Tianle does, let alone do it as perfectly as Li Tianle.

    One person destroyed the entire organization and brought Cheng Chong back to the country from thousands of miles away; brought the most needed scientific and technological materials back to the country, and gave all tens of billions of funds to the country; nearly perfect cultural theory arguments, and profound writing  Basic skills.

    These aspects.  It was Li Tianle's real ability that Minister Huang and the others couldn't envy, and it was also the direct reason why the chief truly admired and wanted to use Li Tianle.

    Therefore, when Minister Huang and the others faced Li Tianle, their jealousy had disappeared, and they were left with envy and curiosity.  They are particularly curious, what path will Li Tianle choose next?  Entering the chief's office,?Are you really on your own?

    ¡°I don¡¯t know why, but even the leader, who has always been as calm as Yue, felt nervous, waiting for Li Tianle¡¯s answer.

    Li Tianle was also stunned when he heard this. He never expected that the chief could say such a thing.  But he did not hesitate, but stood up and saluted: "Thank you, chief, for your cultivation, but my ideal is to be an ordinary policeman." (To be continued.)
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