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Level 1 Security Volume 1 Chapter 296: Response

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    Xunxuan looked at the paper map, which was marked by Ding Er, and said: "There is a little trouble ahead. M23 controls a small town. There is only one road. There are three hundred soldiers in the small town. We must drive through the middle of the town. You  Don¡¯t think everyone is a fool, okay?¡±

    "This is troublesome!" Li Qi touched his chin, and another checkpoint appeared in front of him.  This is a relatively standard checkpoint, used to check vehicles entering the town.  This is about twenty kilometers away from the town and is the last fork in the road.  Li Qi said: "Tune the tiger away from the mountain?"

    Xunxuan looked at the person inside the checkpoint who was making a call on a large phone and said, "Try it."

    The car was stopped, Li Qi got out of the car and walked over.  There are eight soldiers here, using simple wooden barriers.  There is a machine gun position and a machine gun, with two soldiers manning it.  The person in charge hung up the phone and walked out of the small room, followed by two soldiers.  Li Qi handed over the certificate.

    The dagger appears.  When the person in charge took the certificate, Li Qi stabbed him in the heart with a dagger.  Li Gui saw it clearly, shooting the machine gun position from 100 meters away, and two soldiers fell down in response.  Two soldiers followed behind the person in charge, and then they grabbed the guns on their shoulders.  However, a pistol is much better than a rifle at close range.  Li Qi used the corpse of the person in charge as a shield. The pistol stretched out from the armpit of the corpse. At a distance of three meters, the chance of missing was too small.

    Xiao He picked up Li Qi¡¯s m4 carbine and shot the left sentry tower, and Zhang Mei¡¯s machine gun shot the right sentry tower

    In more than ten seconds, the battle is over.  The vehicle drove to the side road to hide.  Xiao He and others stripped off their clothes, but most of them were stained red with blood.  Only Li Qi's pistol shooting was clean and beautiful, and he got two sets of clean clothes.  Two soldiers who were smoking and chatting in the pavilion were captured alive.

    The soldier who was captured alive picked up the phone and reported that there were continuous explosions more than ten kilometers away from him.  The town said it received it.  After hanging up the phone.  The two prisoners were taken to a side road, bound and undressed.

    About twenty minutes later, a convoy came quickly from the small town.  Jiang Ying and Li Qi, who were smeared with black oil paint, stood up straight and saluted at the roadside.  The skin was unnaturally dark, but no one got out of the car to ask what skin care products they were using.  The convoy drove past quickly.

    "Hurry!" Li Qi greeted, and others came down from the sentry post on the high-rise building, and some also went to drive.  Xiao He and Li Qi took engineering shovels to dig holes and bury landmines.  The mines are a friendly contribution from Hazen, so blowing up a car is not a problem.  The main purpose of Li Qi and others is to destroy the highway.  Except for mines.  The bomb must also be planted.  It is expected to blow up a big hole.  For a road that is not wide, a big hole in the middle is basically paralysis.

    Zhang Mei and Li Gui drove out, and Li Qi glanced at the rear compartment.  Xu Guang was still tied up in the car with a cloth stuffed in his mouth.  Nodding with satisfaction.  Everyone got in the car and left the guard post.  The drive was very smooth all the way to the small town.  This is a small town dominated by earth-based architectural structures.  There are still quite a lot of locals.  m23 is very gentle to this town.  Some women were washing clothes by the river, and the villagers looked at Li Qi and others.  No obvious hostility was shown.  There were some off-duty soldiers in the town who turned a blind eye to Li Qi and others.  Drive all the way to the exit of the town.  The car was stopped.

    A black man wearing glasses, with the rank of lieutenant colonel.  He drove a jeep to stop Li Qi and others.  There was only one driver with him.  Xun Xuan said: "The four-eyed frog is not very good."

    "Yeah!" Generally, people who wear glasses and have the rank of lieutenant colonel are either experts in a certain field, or are directly related to warlords.  It is more likely that this person has considerable knowledge.

    The lieutenant colonel got out of the car and waved to Li Qi to get off as well.  Li Qi got out of the car and walked over.  Behind him, the gunman Li Gui, who was hiding in the cloak of the truck, was already targeting the lieutenant colonel.  There is no military support for this place.  Actually intercepted the convoy.  It's a bit like seeking death.  However, Li Qi and others did not want to cause trouble, and it was best to resolve the matter peacefully.

    The lieutenant colonel made a Muslim greeting: "Take two eyes according to the color, and the second one is also the eye. (Allah's blessings are on you)."

    Li Qi replied: "When I came back, I also had two eyes and two eyes."

    This etiquette is very interesting.  Normally, the weaker and lower-generation people greet the stronger and higher-generation people first.  Why did the lieutenant colonel say hello first?  It turned out that he was seeking something from Li Qi.  The lieutenant colonel is a civil engineering graduate from a university in Egypt.  Joined Islam in school.  But due to local needs in country g.  He did not reveal his religious beliefs.  He has great faith in his brothers in Islam, even the terrorists.  He asked Li Qi to help him and take his wife and children to his wife's natal home one hundred and fifty kilometers away from this town.  Because he is about to leave for the east to perform a manhunt mission.

    His wife is relatively safe as her maiden mother-in-law. In country G, the only thing warlords do not know and dare not do is the spokesperson of the primitive religion, a prophet or a priest.  There are many primitive religions, so I won¡¯t describe them one by one.  In black countries, neither Christianity nor Islam has truly replaced primitive religion.  His wife's maiden family happened to be within the protection of the priest.

      Of course Li Qi will do it, not just.  He also asked the collaborator's lieutenant colonel for a customs clearance document.  The customs clearance document is a very rough pass.  Generally, M23 officer cars have internal stickers.

    The escape plan went surprisingly smoothly. After the four children and a black woman got into the truck, the journey was smooth.  The women were surprised that Xu Guang was tied up.  Li Qi explained to her that this was an American who was trying to instigate a relationship between the Bantu people and m23.  They were to bring him before the gods and behead him.  The woman¡¯s husband was well-informed, and she knew that her husband was already a Muslim, so she didn¡¯t say anything.

    Midway, the team stopped twice.  Once as a level and once as a troop of armed Scouts.  With a pass, there is no obstruction.  At night, I took the prepared gasoline and diesel from the truck and filled it up.  After a short rest, we changed drivers and drove on all night.  It wasn't until four o'clock in the morning that the group finally left Dong Province.  Li Qi told everyone to rest and get something to eat.  This is an area of ??Gobi soil.  To the north is the desert area, and to the south is the grassland.  If you keep going west, you will soon reach a tropical rain forest again.

    Li Qi contacted Mi Wu, and Mi Wu connected with Ouyang Jianlan on the three-way call.

    Ouyang Jianlan said: "There is an abandoned small airport one hundred and thirty kilometers away from you in a straight line. But it has to pass through the territory of the Azande tribe."

    There are nearly 300 ethnic groups in the country, and the Azande speak Sudanese.  They are not warlords, but they are naturally hostile to outsiders.  They are like animals.  Anyone who enters their sphere of influence may be attacked by them.  More than ten years ago, gold mines were discovered locally.  The young leader of the Azande people has experience studying abroad, so he cooperated with foreign companies to develop it.  Transportation was inconvenient, so they built this small airport to transport gold.  The airport is very simple, with only one relatively wide runway.  The top is dominated by hard red soil.  Red clay has low density but high strength.

    But three years later, tribal elders believed that outsiders had greatly interfered with their lives, and a tribal militant attacked foreign mining technicians.  The chief was killed by a cold arrow while catching the murderer.  So the gold mines and the airport were abandoned.  But the weapons the chief purchased with gold remained.  Mainly AK, but also a lot of RPGs.  This gave the tribe a hot weapon when fighting warlords.  This is how the Azande people survived in troubled times.  No warlord wants to mess with a tribe that has more than 4,000 people and all the people are soldiers and united.  The Azande people grow crops, hunt, pick fruits, and live a quiet life.

    But they are very cruel to outsiders. Once they find outsiders invading their territory, they will first warn them.  Then kill each other.  Cut off the opponent's head and stick it on the roadside with a wooden stick.  When people see the skeletons that still exist today, they know they have arrived at Azande territory.

    Li Qi wondered: "Why do we need a runway?" Not to mention helicopters, propeller transport aircraft can also find a place to land here.

    "South Africa's private armed forces are still unwilling to send out transport aircraft. We can only charter small passenger planes, which costs a lot of money."

    Xun Xuan was next to Li Qi. After hearing the news, he said: "I think it's not that the South African private armed forces cannot send transport planes, but that some people are unwilling to let them send planes. No, if Vice President Ouyang and the South African private armed forces explain to us  Location. Then Denton will probably know it too. Vice President Ouyang, when did you contact the South African private armed forces? "

    "About five hours ago."

    Xunxuan looked at Li Qi and Li Tou.  According to their marching speed, even if M23 receives news from Denton, it may not be able to arrive so quickly.  After all, they were traveling overnight.  And it has left m23's territory.  Li Qi asked: "When will the plane arrive?"

    Ouyang Jianlan said: "You set a time. But the fuel is limited. Don't delay the scheduled time by more than one hour. Otherwise, you will have to wait for another twelve hours."

    Li Qi looked at the map and arrived at the lieutenant colonel¡¯s wife¡¯s natal home.  There are three ways to get to the small airport.  One is a road that passes directly through the central hinterland of the Azande people.  The road takes only four hours to reach.  One is also a road, but it is a road built by the government that surrounds the Azande forces.  It takes about fourteen hours.  There is another road that has no road. We rely on the satellite positioning system and drive directly from the Gobi.  But we must cross the g river.  The width of the G River in this section is generally more than 200 meters.  After crossing the river, you can walk ten kilometers to the airport.

    The first road is definitely not feasible, and the second road is longer and takes longer. It has to pass through the territory of two warlords.  Although the main force of the warlords is moving closer to the capital, there are also considerable risks.  The third way is to challenge nature, especially the G River.  If you get to the G River and can't get a boat.  Swimming 200 meters is very dangerous.  Especially taking a wounded person and Xu Guang.  Another terrible thing is that Xun Xuan only knows how to splash in the swimming pool. If he goes down the 200-meter-long G River with a slightly fast current, ten Xun Xuan can kill five pairs.

    Li Qi said: "Give me halfI'll tell you the answer in a few hours.  "

    Zhang Mei brought two cups over and said: "Two consultants, broth."

    Li Qi took a sip. It tasted good and asked, "What kind of meat?"

    "I don't know." Zhang Mei said, "Xiao He did it."

    Li Qi asked: "How is Zhao Yun?"

    "The wound is a bit inflamed, I think I will have a fever. I have prepared anti-inflammatory and antipyretic drugs."

    "Yes!" Li Tou and Zhang Mei left.  Li Qi asked Xun Xuan: "Which way to go?"
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