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Text Chapter 626: Emerging Powers in the Alliance

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    Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and where there are rivers and lakes, there are struggles.  These two sentences are very reasonable.  No matter where you are, as long as there are two people, the struggle is inevitable.  People are competitive and always want to be better than others.  Only when there is only one person left in the world and there is no one to compare with, then there will be world peace.  But this possibility is impossible.  Because if there is really only one person left in the world, it means that mankind is not far from extinction.

    Human society is constantly developing, but its nature has never changed.  It's human nature to be aggressive.  When there are external enemies, we fight against external enemies, and when the outside becomes calm, we start fighting internally, and when we fight to the death, we are brought down.

    In the same force, when there is pressure from the outside, people will still reluctantly join forces to deal with the outside world in the name of taking the overall situation into consideration. But when the foreign enemies disappear, the only ones left are their own people and themselves.  People fight.  Moreover, this kind of battle is often more cruel and bloody than fighting with foreign enemies.

    The alliance was originally established to provide the surviving humans after a catastrophe with an organization that could lead them to fight against dangers from the outside world.  However, with the passage of time and the recovery and progress of human society, the alliance that can be said to be self-centered has inevitably embarked on the road of internal strife.

    This is indeed inevitable!

    Everyone is an individual with his own thoughts.  Just like there are a thousand Hamlets in the hearts of a thousand people, everyone has a different view on one thing.  It is precisely because of this difference in perspective.  People argue with each other.  Try to convince people who disagree with you.  When they are unable to successfully convince the other party, those people will gather with others who have the same ideas as them and try to persuade the other party through various means.  If this still fails to convince the other party, then the only thing left is to use whatever means necessary.  There are many types of unscrupulous means, including spreading rumors and slandering, using force to solve the problem you can do whatever you want, morality has no effect at all at this time.  Only the fist is the truth.

    As the Alliance, which can be said to control three-quarters of human society, it is not surprising that it is filled with various small forces.  These small forces make up the current alliance.  It is these small forces that control the alliance.  Every small force represents a force.  Serve the interest groups behind them and fight endlessly with other forces.  Even the Alliance Inspector General Maxi, who is known as the Iron-faced Judge, also has a force behind him that supports him.  It's just that compared to other forces, Maxi's forces are not very powerful.

    There are many forces in the alliance.  The replacement of old and new ones is also very frequent.  And the only reason for this is the distribution of benefits.  For the sake of interests, the forces are constantly fighting among themselves. Although it has not yet been blatantly put on the table, the alliances behind the scenes have become more and more intense.

    Whether it is to protect themselves or to qualify for the feast of power distribution in the future, various forces in the alliance have been very active in recent times.  Because the general election of the alliance is about to begin, and every election heralds a reshuffle of rights within the alliance.  If there is anyone in the league who is not worried about this reshuffle, Maxi is probably the only one.  For Maxi, world peace is his highest pursuit in life.  Although even Maxi himself does not believe that world peace will ever be realized, this cannot stop Maxi from seeing it as the ultimate goal of his life.

    In Maxi’s view, the world needs order, and to maintain order requires managers, and the alliance is the manager of the world order. As long as the alliance is good, the world will be good too.  For this reason, Maxi has been working hard to make the alliance like a machine without any personal emotions. It is only responsible for maintaining the stability of the world, but will not fight among itself to carve up the world.  But this idea is destined to be impossible to realize.

    people.  They are all selfish.  Even Maxi, who claims to be selfless, also has selfish motives.  But unlike others, Maxi can control his own selfishness and will not let public affairs give way to selfishness.  However, the selfishness of others often allows official business to give the green light to one's own selfishness.

    ?Has said it before.  People are individuals with extreme ideas, even extreme ideas like Maxi.  There will also be like-minded people.  Knowing that he is alone, Maxi, in addition to fighting those who are selfish, is also actively exploring those who have the same ideas as him.  Of course, there are also many people who have different ideas from Maxi.  And compared with Maxina's ascetic idea, other forces are more marketable.

    Excluding those small forces that are like miscellaneous fish, there are a total of five forces in the alliance. Each of these five forces represents an interest group, plusMaxi's forces and the alliance can be said to be controlled by these six forces.  But now, things have changed, and the seventh force is emerging with an irresistible momentum.  The various small forces that had been squeezed out by the five major forces united to form an existence that could threaten the other five forces.

    The members of this force are mainly young people.  Young people have two characteristics: dare to think and dare to do.  No matter what new thing it is, while the experienced old people in society are still weighing the benefits and losses, the young people have already rolled up their sleeves and started working on it.  In the words of these people, the world is yours and ours, but sooner or later it will be ours.

    Facing this menacing force, the five forces in the alliance did not appear alarmed.  Years of experience have told them that the reason why this force is so aggressive is because they have not been corrupted by power.  After they have tasted the delicious taste of power, some will indulge in it and eventually be shattered to pieces; some will wake up and become one of them; and even more will become victims of power.  There is only so much power, but there are many people to share the food with. How to ensure that you get more power, the best way is to deal with those who compete with you one by one, and let them shut up forever.

    The silence of the five major forces makes the emerging forces excited.  victory.  This is victory!  Even the old-timers.  After seeing the power they displayed, they could only retreat.

    Of course, it’s not like no one keeps a clear head.  Because it is a union, each small force has its own small group.  Only when the goals are consistent, these small groups will act together. Normally, they will do their own thing, and no one will hinder anyone.

    Bai Shou, a leader among emerging forces.  Because of his optimistic spirit and cheerful personality, he has many supporters.  Bai Shou also did not disappoint his supporters.  Under his leadership, his force is a leading force among emerging forces.  At the same time, there are also very few white heads.  Those who are not dazzled by the temporary victory in front of them.  Compared with other people who have begun to enjoy the benefits of power, Bai Shou is still staying with his supporters and listening to the calls from his subordinates as usual.

    "We cannot continue like this. We must slow down and consolidate the vested interests we have now before considering the next plan." Bai Shou spoke to another leader who came to him to discuss the next plan of the force.  said the senior figure.

    Helian, another leader-level figure in the force.  Known for being calm and capable.  If Bai Shou is good at external affairs, then Helian is the top leader in internal affairs. Under his coordination, all the emerging forces can live in peace and harmony until today.  But as the power in their hands increases, coordination among the various forces becomes increasingly difficult.  In the past, everyone was a pauper, completely impoverished.  There is nothing but the pants on my body.  But now that there is a top and a coat, who should be given or not given to whom? This problem gives Helian a headache every day.  The palms and backs of the hands are full of flesh!

    For Helian, Bai Shou expressed his sincere gratitude, but when he heard that Helian proposed to him that the emerging forces should continue to fight for power, Bai Shou still firmly raised his objections.

    "I know you are right, and your consideration is also the most suitable for this force at the moment, but Baishou. Time waits for no one. If we cannot lead those forces to fight for power at this time, then they will abandon us and do it themselves.  But if this happens, our strength will definitely be damaged. At that time"

    "At that time, I can only say that those people brought it upon themselves. Helian, your idea is too conservative. Don't always think about getting along in peace and letting everyone sit in a row and eat fruit. That is impossible. Absolute fairness is  It doesn't exist. All we can do is to be as fair as possible. Like you said, some guys want to go it alone, then let them do it. The victories during this period have made some people forget about themselves and forget about themselves.  Let them have a bloody fight and let their boiling blood calm down a little."

    "But if you do this, people will die." Helian said worriedly.

    "On the road of fighting for power, how can anyone not die? It's better to kill a few people now than to have all of us finish the game together. Helian, if killing one person can save a thousand lives, would you kill one person or just watch?  A thousand people died?"

    Helian was speechless when he heard Bai Shou's question.  Helian knew the answer very well, and the choice was not difficult for Helian, but this cruel reality made the somewhat idealistic Helian unable to accept it.  But Helian knew that even if he couldn't accept it, things would still not develop as he thought.  Just as Bai Shou said, for the sake of the existence of the entire force, let those restless guys in the force appease the five major forces that have begun to face them because their power has been damaged.

      With Helian's acquiescence, Bai Shou breathed a sigh of relief.  In Bai Shou's view, among the entire force, Helian was the only one who had the same goals as him.  Although their goals are different, their ideas are close, and their attitudes towards one thing are also similar.  From Helian, Bai Shou would feel like a confidant.  If Bai Shou doesn't want to compete with anyone, the first one on the list is Helian.

    With the decisions of Bai Shou and Helian, those among the emerging forces who were dissatisfied with the distribution of power between Bai Shou and Helian and were ready to start a new one united together.  Interest is the bond that maintains these people. In order to enjoy more benefits, these people who have just learned to walk can't wait to launch an attack on the established forces in the alliance.

    Of course, they are not complete fools, and they know that in essence, you have to pick up on the soft and pick up on the weak.  None of the five major forces can be easily shaken by them.  To this end, they targeted the sixth force represented by Maxi.

    Compared with the five major forces.  Maxi's sixth force seems very small.  But this smallness is relative.  Compared with the emerging forces, the sixth force is still a behemoth.  It's just that those people who have been dazzled by power ignore the significance of the existence of the sixth force and brazenly launch an attack on the sixth force.

    If the five major forces in the alliance are compared to the five corners, then Maxi's sixth force is the joint that unites the five corners into a whole.  It is precisely for this reason that the five major forces will allow the existence of the sixth force.  Unless the five major forces are ready to separate, whoever touches the sixth force will be against the five major forces.

    The emerging forces that did not understand this were strangled by the combined efforts of the five major forces. Those who abandoned Bai Shou and Helian and wanted to start a new business were either completely finished or simply turned their faces and joined the five major forces.  The tragic facts made those who chose to follow Bai Shou and Helian look pale and feel a little lucky in their hearts.  I'm glad I made my original choice.  If I had also lost my mind at that time, then I would be the same as those losers and be laughed at and ridiculed by myself now

    The thunderous blow silenced those who had previously opposed Bai Shou, when the five major forces showed their powerful capabilities.  Those opposing voices stopped suddenly, as if they had never been raised.

    Of course, after this incident happened, it was not that there were no people who benefited from it.  The biggest benefit recipient is Bai Shou.  While eliminating dissidents, it also gives individuals a greater say in emerging forces.  As an insider, Helian did not accuse Bai Shou.  Helian was not an old scholar who was stupid because of reading. He knew very well that even if Baishou stopped them, those people would still make trouble.  And if they were stopped, the targets of those people's trouble would be Bai Shou and himself.  A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist. Since you want to die, then please die far away.  Don't cause trouble for others.

    Some people laugh, and some people cry.  As a loser, once you fail, it means losing everything.  Although I have been friends with you before, when you fall down, there are not many people who will reach out to help you.  And when I see you lying down, just kicking you twice is considered very benevolent.  As a loser, Ding Yi is very unwilling.  He blamed the failure on Bai Shou, thinking that if Bai Shou had stopped him before, he would not be in this situation.  But he didn't want to think about it either.  According to the situation at that time, even if Bai Shou came forward to stop it, would he listen?

    Get angry!  Absolutely out of anger!  When you are bullied, and the person who bullies you is someone you cannot mess with, you will turn to bullying others.  Thereby achieving psychological balance.  Speaking of which, Ding Yi is also a very sad person.  He clearly knew that it was the five major forces of the alliance that caused him to end up in this situation.  But he didn't dare to look for trouble from the five major forces, let alone look for it, he didn't even dare to think about it.  He didn't dare to think about the real culprit that caused him to become the current situation, and he didn't dare to go to Maxi's sixth force. Only by looking for Baishou, who was very weak in his eyes, could he satisfy his perverted thoughts.  .

    Maxi is one of the well-known veteran generals in the league. His strength is not something that Ding Yi can compete with recently, and Maxi is famous for protecting his shortcomings.  If Ding Yi's power is still there, then Ding Yi still has the confidence to dare to challenge Maxi's sixth power. But now, Ding Yi is left alone. If he wants to vent his depression, he can only find someone to fight with.  Bai Shou is a recent person like himself.  It's just that Ding Yi forgot that what he thought was just the past, and now, he, Ding Yi, is just a poor guy.

    Full of revenge, Ding Yi found Bai Shou.  But reality once again slapped Ding Yi hard in the face.  When he was pressed hard to the ground and unable to move, Ding Yi tried hard to raise his head, trying to show his unyieldingness, but he saw Bai Shou's eyes full of pity.

    The feeling of humiliation arose spontaneously in Ding Yi's heart.  Resentment, dissatisfaction, jealousyall kinds of emotions surged into Ding Yi's heart. Unwilling to accept it, Ding Yi screamed and wanted to stand up., but was pinned firmly to the ground, unable to move at all.  This huge gap made Ding Yi's heart sink to the bottom.

    "Forget it, he is already a useless person, don't make it difficult for him." Bai Shou ordered his men and walked away with them.  Ding Yi was lying on the ground, motionless.  Just now, Bai Shou's men did not secretly do anything cruel, but Bai Shou's words about useless people pierced into Ding Yi's heart like a sharp knife.  The reality that he had been unwilling to admit and face made Ding Yi understand that, as Bai Shou said, he was indeed a useless person at this moment.

    I don’t know how long I lay on the ground.  There was a sound of footsteps approaching from far away.  A voice came from above Ding Yi's head, "Are you willing?"

    Ding Yi's heart moved, and he slowly looked up at the stranger standing in front of him, looking down at him, and asked: "Who are you?"

    "You don't need to know who I am? I just ask you, are you willing?"

    "So what if you are willing? So what if you are not willing?"

    "If you are willing, then you can pretend that I didn't say anything. But if you are not willing, then come with me." After saying that, the stranger turned around and left.  Ding Yi looked at the other person's leaving figure, gritted his teeth, got up and followed him.

    Since that day.  No one has ever seen Ding Yi.  Until three months later, when Ding Yi appeared in front of everyone again, everyone who had known Ding Yi before could hardly believe their eyes.  At this time, Ding Yi's strength has not only improved greatly.  Even his identity at this time surprised everyone.

    The alliance is everyone’s alliance!  Although this sentence is just a slogan, no one dares to express opposition publicly.  But precisely because of this sentence, the pattern of the five major forces controlling the alliance is about to be broken. Putting aside Maxi's sixth force and the seventh force led by Bai Shou and Helian, there is an eighth force that no one expected.  Appeared in everyone's sight.

    Because of that slogan, the eighth force represented by Ding Yi took advantage of the loophole and joined the battle for seats at the power feast.  Faced with Ding Yi, a little-known figure, almost everyone agreed that this was a puppet behind his back.  There are others who are actively planning something.

    If you want to bring the guy hiding behind Ding Yi to the surface, the best way is to kill Ding Yi and force the other party to go into battle in person.  But what people didn't expect is that not only Ding Yi's strength has been greatly improved, but also the strength of the men he brought with him.  Some even reached the level of god generals.  Such a powerful force forced the five major forces to look sideways and brace themselves to deal with this wave of outsiders.

    Spying, investigatingthe five major forces have done everything they can.  But in the end, nothing was gained.  On the surface, those who support Ding Yi are several emerging financial groups.  But no one would believe that Ding Yi would be so lucky that he could win the favor of several financial groups.

    But the reality is so cruel. Whether he wants to admit it or not, Ding Yi has become an equal figure to the five major forces in the alliance.  But those who had laughed at Ding Yi before were still nobodies.  Insignificant little people.  Even if he is a white-headed man, he will envy Ding Yi's good luck while feeling emotional.  But when it comes to jealousy, that's not enough.  Bai Shou understands Ding Yi, he is a restless person who will raise his tail even if he is proud of himself.  Although he doesn't know why Ding Yi can tolerate it until now, Bai Shou still firmly believes that Ding Yi will be unlucky again sooner or later.  But just when Bai Shou was eagerly anticipating Ding Yi's misfortune, Ding Yi's visit surprised Bai Shou.

    Looking at Ding Yi sitting opposite him, Bai Shou didn't know what to say for a moment.  Ding Yi, on the other hand, had a gentle smile on his face. He stood up and saluted Bai Shou and said: "Bai Shou, what happened before was my fault. I am too cowardly to find the real enemy, but I want to find it in you."  Balance. Can you forgive me for my earlier rude behavior?"

    "Ah~ of course it doesn't matter." Bai Shou replied quickly.

    "Thank you." After hearing Bai Shou's answer, Ding Yi smiled.  When leaving, he left a bunch of gifts for Bai Shou, and insisted that if Bai Shou didn't accept them, he wouldn't forgive himself.  For this reason, Bai Shou can only accept it.

    After Ding Yi left, Bai Shou looked at the gifts piled in front of him with a puzzled expression.  These are all good things, not to mention valuable, but also of high practical value.  If he could get one in normal times, Bai Shou would probably be happy for a long time, but seeing these things now makes Bai Shou not happy at all.

    "Bai Shou, what's wrong with you?" Helian, who came after hearing the news, asked curiously.

    Bai Shou heard this and replied: "Hmm I don't understand. I don't know what kind of medicine is being sold in Ding Yi's gourd?" After hearing Bai Shou's answer, Helian felt quite relieved and picked it up casually.  After fiddling with a gift, he said, "What else can I do? Just save my image. Bai Shou doesn't know that Ding Yi will follow him after he comes back."He was like a boy who gave away money. Anyone who had a problem with him in the past would come to apologize and then throw away a bunch of apology gifts.  Not to mention, the reputation of Ding Yi has changed a lot during this period.  "

    "I don't understand this. There are five major forces here. Even if the forces behind him are strong, does he still want to enter the core decision-making level of the alliance?" Bai Shou said with a frown.

    "It's none of our business, Baishou. You are a bit unfounded now. Even if the sky falls, there will be tall people who bear it first, and it won't be our turn."

    Hearing Helian’s words, Bai Shou sighed slightly.  The reality is just as Helian said, there are five major forces, and he, an emerging force, is just following behind to drink some soup. It is unrealistic to think too much.  No matter what Ding Yi is planning, there are five major forces to worry about anyway, and it has little to do with him.

    Just like what Helian said to comfort Bai Shou, the leaders of the five major forces were gathering together to speculate on Ding Yi's intentions.  Apologizing can be thought of as restoring a past reputation.  Spreading money can be considered as showing one's financial resources to others, but what is the purpose of doing so?  Does he really think that he can use his method to send himself to the core decision-making level of the alliance?  What a nonsense. The core decision-making level of the alliance is limited to only five people.  The leaders of the five major forces are the five people at the core decision-making level.  Want to enter.  Unless one of the five major forces is eliminated, can Ding Yi and the emerging consortium behind him do it?

    People will always feel uneasy when dealing with unknown things.  Ding Yi's actions during this period made the leaders of the five major forces feel uneasy.  In order to eliminate this uneasiness, the leaders of the five major forces decided to find an opportunity to make Ding Yi disappear from this world.  Even if another Zhao Yi or Li Yi appears, it can delay a little time.

    There is an old saying that goes like this: If a leader talks, his subordinates will lose their legs.  The leaders of the five major forces just decided to let Ding Yi disappear and implemented it in detail.  It is the responsibility of specialized personnel.


    "This is the last one." Standing at the door of Maxi's house, Ding Yi thought to himself.  During this period of time, he has been apologizing to people. From being not very used to it at the beginning to now being able to use it freely, Ding Yi feels that he has sold out all the smiles in his life.  But no matter whether Ding Yile is happy or not, he must do what the organization requires.  Ever since he left with the stranger who appeared that day, he suddenly discovered that there were so many unknown things in this world.  The force that supports him is so mysterious.  He has almost reached the point of being omnipotent. If he wants strength, he can get the strength he dreams of with just a simple small operation.  Want money for yourself.  The number zero in the account makes me feel dizzy just looking at it.  If he wants a woman, no matter what kind, she will appear in his bed at night, and she will always be unopened.  This kind of treatment where you get whatever you want.  Ding Yi did not dare to disobey the organization's orders.  He didn't want to go back to his old life, even as a puppet.  Ding Yi also wants to continue to be this kind of puppet.

    Maxi happens to be at home.  Maxi is also a little curious about Ding Yi, who has become famous recently.  Although Ding Yi had caused trouble for the Sixth Force before.  But for Maxi, comparing Ding Yi to himself is like the difference between an elephant and an ant. As an elephant, Maxi will naturally not care about the previous rude behavior of a little ant like Ding Yi.  He got Maxi's forgiveness smoothly, and Ding Yi left with a satisfied look.  In order to show courtesy, Maxi sent Ding Yi to the door of his house.

    "Please stay, there is no need to send him off." Ding Yi said politely to Maxi.

    "HahahaYoung man, if you know your mistakes and can correct them, there is no greater good. Since you have realized your mistakes, as an elder, I will naturally not argue with you. If there is anything you don't understand in the future, you can always ask.  I, I will try my best to answer it for you." Maxi said to Ding Yi with a smile.

    Hearing this, Ding Yi quickly showed a grateful expression. After thanking Maxi repeatedly, Ding Yi formally bid farewell to Maxi.  Looking at Ding Yi's leaving figure, Maxi's brows wrinkled slightly.  Although it is wrong to doubt others without reason, Maxi has already developed professional habits after being the Inspector General for so long.

    Being courteous for nothing is the most likely thing to arouse Maxi's doubts.  And Ding Yi's performance exactly conforms to the standard of being attentive to nothing.  Shaking her head with a wry smile, Maxi turned and returned to the house.  No matter what Ding Yi's purpose is, as long as you pay attention, the chance of being tricked by him is not high.

    As soon as Maxi closed the door, she heard a loud noise coming from outside.  Maxi was startled and quickly opened the door and looked outside.  From the direction Ding Yi left, there were bursts of shouts of killing.  Maxi didn't dare to hesitate and hurried out and ran towards the place of the incident.

    When I rushed to the scene and took a look, I saw Ding Yi?A group of men in black were besieging him, and the men in black were ruthless.  Ding Yi's key points are inseparable from every move.  He looked like he wanted to kill Ding Yi.  On Ding Yi's side, he was protected by two guards, and his life was not in danger yet.

    Maxi was furious, where is this place!  This is less than fifty meters away from his home. Once something happens to Ding Yi, he will be like mud and shit.

    Regardless of whether the original intention of these assassins was to frame him, Maxi had already determined that these assassins were looking for trouble for him.  After roaring angrily, Maxi joined the fighting circle.  With Maxi's help, the assassins were quickly defeated and fled in confusion.

    "Thank you, Mr. Maxi." Ding Yi thanked Maxi with a grateful face.

    Hearing this, Maxi waved his hand and ignored Ding Yi’s thanks. He bent down and stretched out his hand to pull off the mask from the face of an assassin in black.  As soon as they saw the assassin's face, everyone gasped.  The assassin's face had been slashed.  It's impossible to tell who it is.

    "Dead soldier!" Maxi muttered in a low voice, then put the mask in his hand back on the assassin's face, turned to Ding Yi and asked: "Ding Yi, are you okay?"

    Hearing this, Ding Yi quickly replied: "Thank you, Mr. Maxi, for your concern. I'm fine. Thanks to Mr. Maxi for your help, otherwise I might be in trouble today."

    "You're welcome, I just happened to meet you at the right time. Just Ding Yi, have you offended anyone recently? Otherwise, how could it lead to such a level of assassination?" Maxi waved his hand and said.

    Hearing Maxi's inquiry, Ding Yi shook his head in confusion, "To be honest, I don't know who I have offended recently. I have been apologizing to people who have had issues with me in the past. I didn't go  Who have you provoked? And you are the last one to apologize to Mr. Maxi today."

    "Well then this matter will be troublesome. Ding Yi, please don't say anything about today's matter for the time being. We will wait and see what happens. At the same time, you must also pay attention to your own safety. Since these assassins did not succeed in the assassination this time, there will definitely be  next time."

    "Thank you Mr. Maxi for the reminder. Mr. Maxi should also be careful. Those assassins failed this assassination because of Maxi. Presumably those assassins will not let Mr. Maxi go easily."

    "Wellyou're right." Maxi nodded after hearing this.

    After asking Ding Yi some questions, Maxi asked Ding Yi to go back and rest first, and then he returned to his home.  A reminder for Ding Yi.  Maxi didn't take it seriously.  Since becoming the Inspector General, have there been fewer assassinations against me?  But every time in the end, the disaster is not turned into good luck.  Maxi has encountered more dangerous assassinations than today. For Maxi, assassinations are a common occurrence, if he has not encountered assassinations for a while.  Instead, Maxi would worry, has his level of attention declined?

    It’s different from Maxi’s calmness.  As soon as Ding Yi returned to his residence and entered his room, he immediately stared at the person following him and the person who introduced him to the mysterious organization, and asked: "What's going on with this assassination?"

    "It wasn't arranged by us." The man replied calmly.

    Hearing this, Ding Yi stared at the man and continued to ask: "Is this the only thing you want to say?"

    "Then what else do you want me to say? To comfort you?" the man asked Ding Yi in a joking tone.  Ding Yi was suffocated when he heard the words. He didn't know how to speak, so he heard the man say coldly: "Stop acting like a child. You are an adult, and it is best to abandon this child's mentality completely. Remember  This assassination is just an appetizer for the rest of your life. You have to learn to get used to it, just like that Maxi, and use assassination as an adjustment in your life."

    "It's a pity that I don't have his skill." Ding Yi frowned and muttered.

    "Hehehe There will be no reward without effort. You have overdrawn too much in return, and now you continue to want return, then you must show us your value and let us understand that we will continue to invest in you.  , you can get generous rewards, otherwise, why do you think we should choose you?"

    "Yes, that's what I've always wanted to ask you. Why did you choose me in the first place?" Ding Yi asked after hearing this.

    "Hahaha If I told you that I saw unwillingness in you and ambition in your eyes, would you be satisfied with this answer?"

    "What I want to hear is the truth." Ding Yi said with a frown.

    "When you are qualified to listen to me tell the truth, I will answer your question. As for now, I suggest that you should not stand in front of the window, because that will easily become the target of assassination."

    ?As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a sound breaking through the air. Just when Ding Yi thought he was going to die, an ice wall appeared around Ding Yi, blocking the attack.  Ding Yi, who had escaped, had no time to thank the person who saved his life, so he was dragged over by the person, threw him on the bed, and said with an indifferent expression: "Even if you die, I can continue."  Find another agent, but I am a person who is afraid of trouble. I will not change agents casually until you do something disappointing." After saying that, without waiting for Ding Yi's reaction, the man rushed out  window, and rushed straight to the place where the attack had just been made.

    Ding Yi, who was sitting on the bed, swallowed the words he spoke once again.  The man's words stung his self-esteem.  But if something like self-esteem is lost once, it will be lost twice, and if it is lost twice, it will be lost three times. The more times it is lost, the more Ding Yi gets used to it.  Ding Yi knew that none of the assassins who attacked could survive. Even though the man seemed to be struggling when he was in front of Maxi's house, Ding Yi knew very well that even Maxi would need luck to defeat that man.  .  With such a powerful bodyguard, Ding Yi was not as panicked as he had been in front of Maxi before.  Likewise, he was not as impetuous and random as he appeared in front of that person.

    Ding Yi, who has experienced a failure, is no longer what he used to be. He has become more cunning and better at hiding his true thoughts.  As the man said, he was his agent and was being used by him, but he was not using him and the forces behind him.

    "My relationship with that person is just mutual use." Ding Yi lay on the bed and thought to himself.

    In front of the conference table of the leaders of the five major forces, the news that the assassination had just failed made the five leaders stunned.  However, after hearing that Maxi had intervened, the five leaders were immediately relieved.  God General Maxi, one of the top masters in the league, with him on the scene, it is indeed not easy for the assassination to succeed.

    "Get up, don't worry, just continue to execute." One of the leaders said to the person who was kneeling on the ground to plead guilty.

    "Thank you for your tolerance, sir. I still have something to report." The assassin leader kneeling on the ground said.

    "What's up?"

    "It's about the two guards around Ding Yi. After our investigation, we found that the origins of those two guards are very strange, and all the introductions in their documents are false."

    "How is that possible?" a leader shouted.

    The assassin leader quickly explained: "We have controlled the people involved in this matter. According to their confession, they did this after someone gave them a large sum of money."

    "continue to monitor and don't alert the enemy." Another leader ordered in a deep voice.

    "Yes." The assassin leader respectfully accepted the order.

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