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Text Chapter 669 Carlo’s Memories

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    Chapter 669 Carlo’s Memories

    “Carlo, you’ve already rested, where are you going?” Carlo’s companions couldn’t help but asked in confusion when they saw Carlo hunching over and leaving the camp.

    "I feel uncomfortable in my stomach. Maybe I ate something dirty for dinner. I'm going to make a quick trip." Carlo replied after hearing this.

    "Then stay away from the camp. You are the smelliest shit among people I know."

    "Fuck, let's sleep with you." Carlo gave his companion the middle finger angrily.

    Carlo, who felt uncomfortable in his stomach, ran far away from the camp and squatted under a leeward sand dune for convenience.  Carlo ran so far not because his companions thought his poop smelled bad, but because he was worried about causing the expedition team to wander too far.  Even though Carlo is only twenty-eight years old, he has been working as a desert guide for thirteen years.  Carlo was aware of the habits of everyone on the expedition.  The leader of the expedition is a mysophobic person. If he is dissatisfied with Carlo, it will directly affect Carlo's income.  Carlo didn't want to lose his income because of something like this.

    Carlo is a smart man. From the moment he discovered the Golden City, after a brief period of excitement, Carlo clearly reminded himself that the huge wealth in the Golden City was not something he could touch.  Money is a good thing, and everyone wants to have a lot of it, but if you don't have the corresponding strength, the more wealth you have, it means that your death is not far away.  Excessive wealth is not happiness, but a source of disaster.  Carlo, who was well aware of this and made up his mind to follow the expedition to drink soup, rejected his companion's proposal to secretly leave a little gold.  Carlo thought very clearly that it was impossible for the expedition team to evacuate this golden city at once.  Next time they come, they will also need a guide. Who would be more suitable to be a guide than myself, who has been here once?  Thinking of this, Carlo lifted up his pants after relieving himself, used his feet to pull out a little sand to bury the products left behind after relieving himself, and then walked to the top of the dune humming a self-composed ditty.  I will sneak out this time, and I have to sneak back quickly.  But it’s really strange. The expedition team usually arranges patrols, but there are no patrols tonight.  Maybe it was because I was so excited about discovering the Golden City that I forgot about it?

    Climbing to the top of the sand dune, Carlo was immediately petrified by what he saw. His legs went weak and he fell to the ground.  In the camp stationed outside the Golden City, Carlo, who was responsible for guarding the camels, and his classmates were in the tents. Under the light of a nearby fire, Carlo saw his companions being chopped on the ground by two people with a knife.  One knife, one knife dozens of cuts in a row, Carlo knew that his companion was dead.  The words "kill and silence" instantly appeared in Carlo's mind.

    At the scene of the murder, the two expedition members responsible for extermination walked out of the camp and reported to the leader standing not far away: "There is only one leader, and the guy named Carlo is not in the tent."

    "Not there?" The team leader frowned slightly, and then said: "The matter in Golden City is of great importance, and we must not let any information leak out. Send our people out to search, and we will see the people alive and the corpses if they die!"


    When he saw the members of the expedition group starting to search outside the camp, Carlo knew that he was doomed today.  This is a big desert. As long as you climb up to the sand dunes, everything around you will be clear. There are no obstacles to cover it.

    Carlo looked at an expedition member carrying a knife walking towards the sand dune where he was hiding, clasping his hands, ready to fight to the death.  Carlo never thought about surrendering, because Carlo knew it would be useless.  If surrender works, one's companions will not be killed.  All this expedition wanted to do was silence them, and they would not accept Carlo's surrender at all.  In this case, it is better to find someone to support you before you die, which is not a loss.

    Seeing the expedition team getting closer and closer, Carlo shrank to the bottom of the dune. When the expedition team stood on the dune and looked down, Carlo, who was under the dune, grabbed the expedition team members' feet with both hands and pulled hard.  , rolling the expedition team down the sand dune with him.

    The expedition team members and Carlo rolled to the bottom of the sand dune, and almost at the same time they climbed up and pounced on the long knife that fell from their hands due to the roll and fell between them.  It's just that the expedition team members were a little unlucky. When they turned over and pressed their hands on the ground, they happened to hit a "land mine" that Carlo had buried at the bottom of the dune.  The expedition members were so disgusted that they shook their hands and opened their mouths to call out.  In just such a short moment, Carlo had already picked up the long knife and rushed over. Before the expedition team yelled, he swung the knife hard and thought about hacking the expedition team members' heads.  Seeing this, the expedition member subconsciously blocked it with his hand. With a pop, the expedition member's right hand and half of his head were chopped off by Carlo. Brains flowed out of the split head and flowed out as the expedition member fell to the ground.  The red and white ones made Carlo sick to the point of vomiting.  It’s just that Carlo knows that he can’t vomit at this time. It won’t be long before the expedition team will find that they are missing a member.I must get out of here quickly.

    If you want to get out of here, the best way is to grab a camel, otherwise you will die of thirst if you can't go very far with just your legs and without water.  Thinking of this, Carlo reached out and pulled off the clothes of the expedition team member he killed, put them on himself, and then climbed onto the sand dune with his back to the camp.  Fortunately, Carlo's body shape was similar to that of the killed expedition team members, so there was no difference when they were far away.  In this way, Carlo delayed a little longer.

    According to Carlo’s plan, when the people in the camp are dispersed, he will go back to the camp to get camels and Tamsui river food.  It's just that the plan couldn't keep up with the change. Just when Carlo lowered his head to think about it, he suddenly saw darkness under his feet. Carlo quickly looked up and was surprised.  The extremely day weather made the desert in this area dark, but the dark clouds that appeared out of nowhere actually covered the sun hanging in the sky. This strange phenomenon had never happened to Carlo, even if he had done it.  I have been a desert guide for thirteen years and have never encountered such weather.

    But even if he didn’t know, Carlo understood that this weather phenomenon was definitely not a good sign.  Carlo didn't care whether he would be discovered or not, and took steps like running down a sand dune.  Carlo's animal instinct for danger made him want to leave this place, as far away as possible.  As for whether he would be discovered by the expedition team, Carlo no longer cared about it at this time.

    The expedition team no longer cares about Carlo at this time, they have too much to take care of themselves at the moment.  When they spread out to search for Carlo, they were attacked almost at the same time, and the attack came from behind.  As long as there are more than two people in a group, there will always be one person attacking the others.  No one expected that the companions who lived with him day and night would assassinate him secretly without any warning. He did not take any precautions at all, and the number of members of the expedition team was reduced by half.  The remaining expedition members did not stop killing.  As if they were possessed by evil spirits, they started wandering around the Golden City with knives in hand. After meeting their companions who were also wandering, they rushed up to fight without saying a word, as if they would not stop until their opponents were hacked to death.

    Carlo quietly sneaked to the place where the camels were housed, took off the food and water bags from the camels and threw them on the back of the camel he was riding. Then he led the camel and tried to run out of the camp.  It's just that the hunchback who usually obeyed Carlo's words got sick this time. He stood there and refused to move even half a step no matter how hard Carlo tried.

    This camel doesn’t move. It’s difficult to take other camels away.  Carlo had no choice but to focus on the hunchback, but no matter what Carlo did, the hunchback remained motionless, as if he was deliberately going against Carlo.  In the end, Carlo had no choice but to take the food and water bags placed on the back of the camel and prepare to put them on the back of the camel he usually rode.  At this moment, the sound of fighting came from far away.  Carlo was startled and quickly got into the group of camels and looked carefully in the direction of the fight.

    I saw three people chasing and killing one person, all dressed up as an expedition team.  The man who was chased and chopped was finally caught up, and in the blink of an eye, the three men who were caught up were chopped into several pieces.  Carlo looked at the unblinking face of the expedition team member and covered his mouth tightly to prevent himself from making any sound.

    The footsteps of the three murderers gradually faded away, but just when Carlo breathed a sigh of relief and was about to ride a camel to leave this place of trouble and trouble, the corpse on the ground that had been chopped into several pieces suddenly changed.  Right in front of Carlo's eyes, the corpse on the ground was shrouded in a cloud of black air. In the black air, the skin, flesh and bones gradually separated, and the severed bones were rejoined. When the black air dissipated, a complete skeleton appeared.  The skeleton appeared in front of Carlo's eyes.  What frightened Carlo even more was that the skeleton did not move, just looking at the place where he was hiding. The two dark eyes seemed to exude endless fear, making Carlo's legs tremble and he couldn't help but urinate.  .

    "Woo!" Just when the skeleton was about to walk towards Carlo, a horn sound came from the distance. The horn was like a rally call to summon the skeleton. After hearing the horn sound, the skeleton took one last look at where Carlo was hiding.  place, and then slowly walked towards the place where the horn sounded.

    After the skeleton walked away, Carlo's legs softened and he sat down on the ground. Only then did Carlo realize that he had peed his pants.  But at this time, Carlo was not at all ashamed of his previous timidity. Instead, he felt that he was lucky to have escaped that disaster.

    “It’s not a good time to stay here for a long time, it’s better to leave here quickly.” Thinking of these words, Carlo quickly climbed up, reached out to hold the camel he was riding, climbed on the camel’s back, and drove the camel out of the camp.  When passing by the camel, Carlo hated this guy's lack of cooperation. He chopped off the camel's head with a knife, then slapped the camel's butt and ran out of the camp.

    But before Carlo could take a few steps out on his camel, he heard the sound of someone driving the camel behind him.  Carlo looks backLooking around, he saw not far behind him, several expedition teams were riding on the backs of camels, beating desperately, as if there was something terrible behind them.

    Regardless of whether those expedition teams are preparing to hunt him down or want to escape from here like him, Carlo doesn't want to get involved with those people anyway.  He immediately slapped the camel he was riding and sped up.

    The moment he rushed out of the Golden City, Carlo heard a burst of thunder behind him. When he looked back, he saw that the expedition members following him, including their men and their camels, were not even scratched by the thunder.  remain.  Carlo felt happy in his heart. Thanks to him taking one step early, if he had taken one step at night, he might have been the one who got hacked.

    Thinking of this, Carlo patted his chest. The feeling of surviving the disaster made Carlo feel relieved at this moment.  It was only half an hour later, when Carlo returned to the original place, that Carlo realized that he was not out of danger yet.

    Looking at the Golden City shrouded in dark clouds in the distance, Carlo felt unreasonable fear in his heart.  That golden city is not a treasure in the desert at all, it is simply a curse. But anyone who sees the golden city will probably die badly.  This thought could never disappear from Carlo's mind.  Whenever Carlo stopped, that thought appeared in Carlo's mind like a nightmare.

    Three times in a row, two hours wasted, and the camel was so tired that it was breathing heavily.  In order to let the camel rest, Carlo had to get off the camel's back and remove the food and water bags from the camel's back so that the camel could recover its strength as soon as possible.

    Looking at the Golden City in the distance, Carlo didn't know what to do next.  If I can't leave from here, will I starve to death or die of thirst in this desert?  Because dark clouds covered the sun, Carlo's usual method of identifying directions was no longer available, so he could only pin his hopes on the camel.  But so far, it seems that relying on camels is not very effective.

    Just when Carlo frowned and thought hard about countermeasures, a loud noise suddenly came from the Golden City in the distance. Then Carlo saw a golden skeleton standing tall in the Golden City. The hand of that golden skeleton suddenly appeared.  Inside was an enlarged version of the Death Scepter that had been taken away by the expedition leader.

    Seeing the golden skeleton, Carlo felt his heart shake, and his breathing seemed to become difficult in an instant.  As if he suddenly had an epiphany, Carlo felt that everything that happened was related to the huge golden skeleton.  There is no reason, Carlo just thinks it is related to the golden skeleton.  Moreover, Carlo also felt that as long as he took the gold from the Golden City, he would be cursed by the Golden City.  Taking away the gold from the Golden City would probably be impossible even to death.  Thinking of this, Carlo went crazy and rummaged through his pockets, but there was no gold.  Then he rushed to the camel's side and rummaged through the luggage placed next to the camel. Sure enough, in a luggage, Carlo found a small bag of gold. It should be that Carlo's companion took advantage of the expedition team.  I picked it out from the wall of the Golden City when I wasn't paying attention.

    Without any reluctance, Carlo threw the small bag of gold in his hand towards the Golden City.  The small bag of gold seemed to be summoned by the Golden City. It exceeded the distance that Carlo could throw and flew towards the Golden City

    Seeing the gold fly away, Carlo's heart suddenly relaxed, as if he had thrown away the burden in his heart.  The dark clouds that covered the sun began to disperse soon after, as if they suddenly appeared and disappeared again.  Carlo knew that he should be fine.  But my companions, the expedition team, may have all been buried in the Golden City.

    Carlo, who felt that he was fine, did not leave immediately. He wanted to take the body of his companion back. Even if he couldn't take it back, he had to find a place to bury it. He couldn't just leave it like that.

    Driven by this idea, Carlo boldly returned to the vicinity of the Golden City and walked into the expedition camp.  At this time, the expedition team was empty and it was just an empty camp.  Carlo walked to his and his companion's tent, only to find that his companion's body was missing, and there was not even a trace of blood in the tent.

    Rubbing his eyes vigorously, Carlo doubted for a moment whether what he saw and experienced last night was just a dream.  But that dream was so real that people couldn't believe it was fake.  Carlo, who was confused, walked into the Golden City by accident and came to the Golden Palace in the Golden City.

    It was very quiet along the way, as if the noise last night had never happened.  Carlo walked into the Golden Palace. In the middle of the palace was the crystal coffin. Lying inside was the leader of the expedition team, holding the Death Scepter in his hand with a calm look on his face.

    But Carlo couldn’t calm down no matter what, what the hell was going on?  Just when Carlo mustered up the courage to push open the coffin to see what was going on, the lid of the crystal coffinSuddenly he opened it, and the leader who was lying in the coffin slowly stood up from the coffin, opened his eyes, and stared at Carlo who was standing at the door of the Golden Palace.

    Carlo felt as if he had fallen into an ice hole, shaking all over.

    Seeing the team leader walking out of the crystal coffin and walking towards Carlo, a camel's cry suddenly came from outside the Golden Palace, and Carlo was saved by this sound.  Carlo seemed to have regained his strength. Without even looking at the leader who was approaching him, Carlo turned around and ran towards his camel.

    I don’t know how Carlo can run so fast. The rabbits are all his grandsons.  In just a moment, Carlo ran to the side of his camel, climbed on the camel's back, pulled the reins, slapped the camel's butt hard, and drove the camel away from the Golden City.


    The team leader holding the Death Scepter didn’t seem to chase Carlo and allowed Carlo to leave.  But Carlo didn't know this. He didn't look back. He just slapped the camel desperately to make his camel speed up, speed up, speed up again, until the camel couldn't run anymore, and Carlo had time to look back.  The Golden City has disappeared, and he doesn't know where he ran, but Carlo is not depressed. At least this means that he is out of danger and no longer has to worry about being harassed by the undead in the Golden City.
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