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Text Chapter 683: The History of the Undead Emperor’s Fortune

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    Chapter 683: The History of the Undead Emperor’s Family

    "I refuse!" Regarding the Undead Emperor's solicitation, Han Yu and Ning Ping said in unison.  The Undead Emperor was silent for a while, then stretched out his hand to make a gesture of counting money, "The treatment is negotiable."

    Seeing this, Han Yu shook his head, stood up and said to the Undead Emperor: "If this is what you want to talk to us about, then there is no need to say more." After saying that, Han Yu turned around and walked out, followed closely by Ning Ping.


    The Undead Emperor blocked the way of Han Yu and Ning Ping, "It's a rare visit, how can we leave without visiting?"

    Seeing that the Undead Emperor refused to give up, Han Yu frowned slightly, but Ning Ping said to the Undead Emperor: "Then please condescend to be our guide and introduce this underground palace to us."

    "Hehehe What an honor." The Undead Emperor said with a smile.


    If the identity of the Undead Emperor had not been known in advance, people who saw the Undead Emperor for the first time would probably think that the burly man nearly two meters tall in front of them was a role-playing guide.  Wearing a gorgeous battle robe, an exquisite cloak, a crown on his head, and a scepter in his hand, he walked in front and explained the names and functions of various places in the palace to the two tourists following him.

    Han Yu didn’t understand why Ning Ping agreed to the invitation of the Undead Emperor, but at this time, Han Yu would not foolishly ask Ning Ping why.  Han Yu just walked beside Ning Ping silently to see what Ning Ping wanted to do.

    "That is the place where the king usually discusses matters. Every major decision will be discussed there and then released." The undead emperor pointed to a palace that occupied a huge area and said to Han Yu and Ningping.

    Ning Ping nodded slightly when he heard this, but Han Yu suddenly asked: "Your Majesty the Emperor"

    "Hey~ I haven't been the emperor for many years. You can call me Macedonia." As soon as he finished speaking, the princess who had been following behind without saying a word suddenly objected: "Father, what qualifications do these two humans have?  To gain your friendship?”

    "They defeated the four headless generals guarding the underground palace. Alyssa, do you think this reason is enough?"  Macedon said slowly.  Hearing the dissatisfaction in Macedonia's words, the princess quickly knelt down on her knees, lowering her head and not daring to raise any objections.

    Han Yu looked at the princess kneeling on the ground, then at the undead emperor, and asked with some confusion: "Macedonia, is your bastard spirit so strong? But why don't I feel anything?"

    "What is the aura of overlord?" Macedonia asked in confusion.

    "The so-called aura of kings and dominators refers to an aura formed over time by ancient kings who have been in a dominant position for a long time. You can understand it as the wind of a king or the power of an emperor." Before Han Yu spoke, Ning Ping  He answered first, and after speaking, he glared at Han Yu and warned Han Yu not to talk nonsense.

    After receiving the warning, Han Yu turned his head and curled his lips, and simply stopped talking. When Macedonia saw that Han Yu didn't tell the truth, and Ning Ping didn't tell the truth, he just smiled, didn't take it seriously, and continued his current job as a guide.  As for Princess Alisa, she quietly breathed a sigh of relief after Macedonia left.

    The underground palace is very large and cannot be visited in a short time. Macedonia took Han Yu and Ning Ping to a pavilion in a garden.  It's called a garden, but let alone flowers, there aren't even any grasses.  Just judging from the layout, this should be a garden.

    Sitting on a chair in the pavilion, he waved Princess Alyssa, who had brought tea in person, to step down. Macedonia reached out and filled the tea for Han Yu and Ning Ping. After taking a sip, he asked Han Yu and Ning Ping: "If you are interested in listening to me,  Story?".

    Han Yu and Ning Ping did not relax their vigilance towards Macedonia just because Macedonia drank tea. In a place like this, who knows what ghost bird was put in the tea, so it is better to be cautious.  Seeing that Macedonia wanted to tell them a story, Han Yu was indifferent, but Ning Ping actually showed a little interest.

    Seeing someone cheering, Macedonia smiled slightly and began to talk about his past.  Starting from the beginning of fortune, Macedonia's background is not low. Although it is not a powerful royal family, it can be regarded as a famous family.  It's just that his family background is not very good after coming from a famous family.  Macedonia's father was a prodigal son who was proficient in eating, drinking, prostitution and gambling, but he could not manage the family business. After he lost all his wealth, he married a wife and had children with the help of his uncle.  But even after getting married, Macedonia's father still didn't change his ways and continued to eat, drink, and gamble every day.  It's just that when you have money, you are the boss. When you have no money, who is willing to take care of you?  During a conflict over a prostitute on the first night, Macedonia's father, who was already in poor health, was accidentally beaten to death.  However, Macedonia, who has relied on his mother for upbringing since birth, did not feel too sad about his father's death.  In contrast, young horsesDun was even a little happy after his father died.  Whenever Macedonia's father ran out of money, he would ask Macedonia's mother for it, and if he couldn't get it, he would take it out on Macedonia. So for Macedonia, he didn't like his father, and even hated him a little.  Now that his father is dead, the young Macedonia is much better off than before. At least no one will beat him with a stick as thick as his arm.

    Since the death of his father, Macedonia has been dependent on his mother.  His mother was not from a famous family, and it was right to think about it. A noble nobleman who was already in ruins could look up to that famous nobleman.  Macedonia's mother is a very ordinary woman, but Macedonia has never looked down on her mother.  From his hard-working mother, Macedonia learned to be strong, patient, and persistent.

    Families without a father, especially single-parent families, will always be looked down upon by others.  Macedon learned to protect himself and his mother at a young age.  In order to protect himself and his mother, Macedonia once knelt in front of the house of a retired martial artist for three days and nights, praying that the martial artist would teach him martial arts.  At that time, the martial arts master only asked Macedonia one question: Why do you want to learn martial arts?  The young Macedonian had not studied much and could not give a reason why people were moved after hearing it. He just answered very honestly, "I want to have enough power to protect myself and my family." From then on, Macedonia's life ushered in a change.

    The retired martial artist was once a palace guard of the kingdom where Macedonia lived. He and the current king of the kingdom were once childhood friends. It was only because of his old age that he chose to retire and return to his hometown to spend the rest of his life in anonymity.  .  It goes without saying that one is capable of becoming the king's personal bodyguard.  In addition, Macedonia's mother, like most ordinary mothers, believes that only by reading can one be successful, and has always urged Macedonia to read more books after rest. Macedonia, who could not bear to disappoint her mother, did not like reading, but still read it.  Over time, Macedonia has become a talented person with both civil and military skills.  At that time, Macedonia was only thirteen years old.

    Originally, Macedonia thought that his life would be like what his teacher had planned for him. After completing his studies, he would become a palace guard of the kingdom with the recommendation of his teacher.  But fate made another joke with Macedonia the following year, when Macedonia was fourteen years old.

    The invaders’ iron hooves trampled on Macedonia’s homeland, and everything that seemed beautiful was lost in the catastrophe.  Macedonia's relatives, including his teacher and most beloved mother, all fell in a pool of blood in that catastrophe.  Macedonia was found among the dead.  Afterwards, Macedonia suffered from a fever for three consecutive days. When the fever subsided, Macedonia left his hometown, which had no memories of him, and joined the army of the kingdom.

    With his excellent martial arts skills and reading and literacy skills, Macedonia quickly gained the attention of his superiors.  Due to his bravery in combat, Macedon soon became a junior officer in the royal army.  At that time, the kingdom was resisting the invasion of the neighboring countries. With its keen intuition of war, Macedonia quickly stood out among the pile of junior officers.  At that time, Macedon, with his natural leadership qualities, already had a group of brothers under his command who were willing to entrust their lives to him.

    And just when Macedonia thought that he would climb up step by step based on his military exploits and eventually become famous, fate played a joke on him for the third time.

    There is an old saying that goes like this: There is no greater sin than treason, and no greater merit than rescuing someone.  This means that the greatest sin in the world is rebellion, and the highest merit is rescuing someone.  What Macedonia encountered was rescue.  In a must-win battle, due to the early arrival of enemy reinforcements, what was originally a must-win battle turned into a melee.  In the melee, Macedonia rescued the king who went into battle himself to boost morale.  And after rescuing the king, Macedonia led his group of brothers who were willing to follow him across the enemy's lines, and personally captured the enemy's coach alive, turning the tide of the war.  With these two points, Macedonia caught the eye of the king.  After the war, after questioning, the king paid more and more attention to Macedonia when he learned that Macedonia was his young disciple who had retired.

    It was also from that time that Macedonia, who was only 19 years old, ushered in the peak period of his life.  With his military exploits, Macedonia became one of the best generals in the kingdom, and after defeating the enemy king's capital, he asked the king to personally grant him a marriage in front of many ministers.

    It was precisely that marriage grant that made Macedonia become a thorn in the eyes of others.  Of course, before the marriage was granted, Macedonia was already a thorn in the eyes of some people.  It was just that at that time, Macedonia did not attract too much attention from some people because of its origin.  At that time, Macedon was just a general who was good at fighting, but after marrying the princess, Macedon became a very talented prince-consort.

    Rumors and slander began to appear constantly, and the patience Macedonia learned from his mother came into play at this time.  In the eyes of others, the young and energetic Macedonia will be blamed for those rumors.When he was accused of doing irrational things, Macedonia remained silent, silently doing his job, and turning a blind eye to the instigation of some people.  In this way, Macedonia made the king who was watching with cold eyes even more optimistic.

    Another three years passed like this, and Macedonia had become a general with real power in the kingdom, but the king had reached the end of his life because of his old age.  The succeeding king listened to the old king's last words and chose to continue to trust Macedonia, and Macedonia reciprocated its loyalty to the new king.  But just when the monarch and his ministers trusted each other, some people couldn't stand it.  The old king had more than one son, and the sons who failed to seize the throne always wanted to fight back.  But because of the existence of Macedonia, they did not dare to act rashly.  In order to transfer Macedonia, the crazy people colluded with neighboring countries and took advantage of the invasion of neighboring countries to transfer Macedonia from the royal capital.  When the war reached a stalemate, a rebellion was launched in the royal capital.

    When the rebellion broke out and news of the king's death reached the ears of Macedonia, who was directing the battle on the front line, the new king sent out an army to attack Macedonia from both sides with neighboring troops, which was only two hundred miles away from the Macedonian army.  At that time, Macedonia made a decisive decision. While ordering people to beware of possible attacks by neighboring troops, he took a small number of pro-army troops and disguised themselves into the army camp sent by the new king. They unexpectedly killed the leading generals loyal to the new king and used  His usual prestige in the army controlled the army that was originally preparing to attack him.  Macedonia then led this "reinforcement" army, returned to join its own army, and wiped out the invading army from neighboring countries in one fell swoop.  At this point, Macedonia's prestige, which was already one of the best in the kingdom, rose to a new level. Leading the revengeful army, Macedonia returned to the royal capital.

    In order to eliminate the root cause, the new king assassinated his brothers and then killed his brothers who might compete with him for the throne.  Originally, the new king thought that he could sit back and relax in this way, but he did not expect that after Macedonia captured him, he actually supported the old king's daughter, who was married to a Macedonian princess, and established her as the first queen of the kingdom.  Macedonia was so powerful at that time that even if some people were dissatisfied, they did not dare to raise objections at that time.  A few years later, the thirty-year-old Macedonia became the king of the kingdom, and the original queen changed her position and became the queen.

    Macedonia, in its prime, worked hard to govern, conquering the east and west, and soon wiped out and annexed its neighboring countries one by one.  Then, the kingdom changed into an empire, the king became an emperor, and Macedonia became a generation of emperors.  Later, Macedonia discovered Sky City, found the technology left by God in Sky City, and obtained the Death Scepter

    Macedonia’s life can be regarded as a magnificent life.  After listening to Macedonia's story, Han Yu, who was a little entranced, couldn't help but applaud Macedonia, while Ning Ping also looked at Macedonia with emotion.

    "Hehehehow do you feel after listening to my story? Do you feel like you want to bow down?" Macedonia asked Han Yu and Ning Ping with a smile.

    Han Yu and Ning Ping looked at each other and shook their heads together.  Han Yu even said: "Macedonia, is your paranoia getting worse?"

    "Why don't you want to take refuge in me? Work under me, trust me, I will make the best use of your talents." Macedonia asked in confusion.

    "That's not the problem. I admire your life experience. But there is a very fundamental reason why we can't serve you." Han Yu shook his head and said.

    "What's the reason?" Macedon asked.

    "We are living people; and you are dead people. In other words, we are people living in the present and the future, and you are people living in the past and history. We are in two worlds  , no matter how close we are, we are still on two parallel lines that will never intersect." Han Yu pointed at himself and then at Macedonia before saying.

    Macedonia was silent for a moment, turned to look at Ning Ping and asked, "Do you think so too?"

    "No matter how wonderful your past experiences are, no matter how great achievements you have made, you are still a person who should lie in a coffin and rest in peace. As Han Yu said, you and we are not in the same world.  , there will not and cannot be any intersection between you and me. If there is an intersection, there will only be a fight, a fight with the goal of annihilating one party."

    "Are you ready to declare war on me?".  Macedonia asked in a deep voice.

    Ning Ping shook his head when he heard this, "I don't want to go to war with you. Swinging a sword like a heroic spirit is not what I want to do. But now it's not that we want to go to war with you, but that you want to fight us,  War on the world of the living.”

    "What's wrong with that? This world is originally a world of the weak and the strong. The strong dominate the weak. I have the power to conquer this world. I?What can't be done?  Macedonia said looking at Ning Ping.

    Seeing that the two sides were getting more and more stalemate, and the atmosphere became more and more solemn, Han Yu, who was sitting aside, suddenly asked: "Um, Ning Ping, what is a heroic spirit?"

    "You can think of it as the evolution of the undead. After the ancient heroes became undead after death, they were obsessed with their unfulfilled wishes and were unwilling to enter reincarnation. After many years, they will transform from undead into heroic spirits."

    "What's the difference between undead and heroic spirits?" Han Yu asked again.

    "The biggest difference is that heroic spirits can walk in the sun. After I discovered that Macedon was not undead but also heroic spirits, I felt that he wanted to transform his army of undead into an army of heroic spirits. Only then could he continue to conquer the world.  .Your Majesty the Emperor, am I right?".

    Macedonia smiled and said nothing, but Han Yu asked in disbelief: "The undead are transformed into heroic spirits? Is this possible?".

    "With the help of the Death Scepter, it is entirely possible. The Death Scepter is a tool used by the God of Death to control the undead. Your Majesty, I believe you have completely mastered the method of controlling the Death Scepter, right?"

    "Hahaha Very smart boy. It's really a pity that you are unwilling to take refuge in me." Macedonia did not answer directly, but replied with some regret.  But even if there was no direct answer, Han Yu and Ning Ping knew the answer. The two stood up and stared at Macedonia, thinking in their minds whether to fight or leave.

    Seeing this, Macedonia said: "Don't think of me as a despicable person. Even if I have to fight, I will choose to be upright. Alyssa, send them both away from here. Ningping, my conquest plan will start in two days, starting from  Let's go back to Golden City and prepare." After speaking, Macedon waved his hand and signaled Han Yu and Ning Ping to leave.
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