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Text Chapter 707: Riots in the Population Auction House

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    Chapter 707: Riots in the Population Auction House

    The encounter between Jiang Ming and Chang Dong soon caused an uproar in the special circle of the population market.  As a dominant player in the population market, there are only a few companies that can rival Jiang Ming.  But even with Jiang Ming's strength, he was unable to fight back at all.

    Who is the mastermind behind the scenes?  This question has become the question that big businessmen like Jiang Ming who made their fortune from human trafficking want to figure out most.  Some people had doubts about the governor, because after Jiang Ming left, the governor's office took out Jiang Ming's autographed documents and restored all the slaves under Jiang Ming's name to freedom and became new residents of the city.  But then some people raised objections, thinking that if the Governor's Office really wanted to deal with the population market, there would be no need to be so sneaky and just lock down the city and arrest people.  Those who raised objections tended to believe that the Jiang Ming incident was a competition between peers.  There is no injustice or inequality in this world. Whether you have it or not, whether you are good or not, is often the cause of disaster.  Pinkeye is a social phenomenon. Being low-key can reduce the occurrence of pinkeye. However, if someone is as arrogant and domineering as Jiang Ming, he will naturally attract the jealousy of many people.

    People, it’s better not to do too many bad things.  Otherwise, as soon as there is a disturbance in the wind and grass, there will be a roar of wind and cranes, and the grass and trees will be in danger.  Nothing would happen in the first place, but something might happen because of a misalignment.  After Jiang Ming's incident, the remaining big guys in the population market were all in danger, lest they encounter the same situation as Jiang Ming.  In order to reduce the possibility of accidents, the number of guards and lackeys is constantly increasing, and the suspicion among peers is gradually deepening.  At this time, as the governor, Li Ru seemed to be suffering from Alzheimer's disease, turning a deaf ear to the undercurrents in the population market.  Instead, he stayed in the military camp outside the city all day long.

    If there is only one hot-tempered person in a group, basically nothing will happen, but if a group of hot-tempered people get together, it will be difficult to prevent anything from happening.  In order to protect the safety, several big guys in the population market spent a lot of money to recruit a group of experts for protection.

    Experts all have tempers.  Fighting over disagreements is a common situation.  There are more than a dozen masters in a family, so since Jiang Ming left, it can be said that there are people fighting every day because of quarrels, and it has almost become a repertoire of the population market.

    Han Yu, who put on makeup and sneaked into the human market, is now working for a human trafficker.  The human trafficker Han Yu took refuge in was a guy who was stronger than Jiang Ming.  In the human market, including Jiang Ming, there are five most powerful human traffickers.  Jiang Ming is the weakest. He has no backing and started from scratch. If it weren't for the evil nature of his profession, Jiang Ming can be regarded as a role model for aspiring young people.  It's a pity that men are afraid of entering the industry. Jiang Ming not only failed to become a role model, but instead became a negative example for the elderly to educate young people.  "Did you see it? Don't look at him being famous for a while, but then he has nothing. This is retribution!"

    The remaining four families are different from Jiang Ming. There are people behind those four families. Some are white and some are black. Cheng Gao, who Han Yu has taken refuge in, has both black and white.  Precisely because both black and white dominate, Chenggao's power is the largest in the population market.  At first, Han Yu did not get Cheng Gao's attention when he went to seek refuge, but after Han Yu saved Cheng Gao through a pre-arranged horse scare event, Han Yu became an ordinary guard around Cheng Gao.  Of course, it would be impossible for Han Yu to become Cheng Gao's confidant immediately.  Han Yu is not a heartthrob, he is loved by everyone and makes flowers bloom.  But becoming a guard next to Cheng Gao can already provide enough help for Han Yu's next steps.  Han Yu didn't plan to work in the population market for the rest of his life, so naturally he didn't care whether Cheng Gao would appreciate it.  But things in the world are so weird. When you don't want it to be like this, things develop like this.  Han Yu's different attitude from other guards aroused Cheng Gao's interest.  Especially after learning that Han Yu was not weak in skills, Cheng Gao regarded Han Yu as his confidant.

    Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes. People who are guards like Han Yu will not be convinced after seeing Han Yu, a guy who usually can't beat him with three sticks, get the position he tried so hard to get.  Things like provoking, finding trouble, and making things difficult began to happen around Han Yu.  Regarding these things, Han Yu never had any idea of ??grievance. He would always treat those who came to him with a beating, followed by Cheng Gao's praise.  Because Han Yu's identity is Cheng Gao's bodyguard, if the bodyguard doesn't have the ability, he still acts as a bodyguard.

    The strong are respected!

    After Han Yu knocked down the former guard captain with one punch, those who provoked and made things difficult finally recognized the reality, and instead began to worry about the revenge of Han Yu, who became Cheng Gao's new guard captain.  Those people's worries were unnecessary. Han Yu had no interest in arguing with a bunch of villains.

    Because he became the new guard captain beside Cheng Gao, Han Yu gradually began to be exposed to more things.  It gradually emerged who the backer behind Cheng Gao was.  The reason why Han YuThe purpose of coming to the population market is to find out who are the backers behind the four major players in the population market.  Except for Cheng Gao, the backers of the other three families have been investigated by Li Ru. However, Li Ru has never found out the backers of Cheng Gao.  This was also the reason why Li Ru did not dare to use the army.  After all, he was just a prince, and he was the ninth in line. There were eight people above him who were more qualified to be kings than him.  Li Ru didn't want to offend anyone for no reason because of his rectification plan. Even if he had to offend someone, he had to first find out who he would offend.

    Cheng Gao is indeed a master of both black and white.  Han Yu hasn't figured out the white side yet, but Han Yu is quite clear about the black side.  It can be said that none of the underground forces living in this city did not give Cheng Gao face.  Whenever Cheng Gao is mentioned, those gangsters will all give a thumbs up and say, "Cheng Er Ye is a righteous man."

    But if something really happened to Mr. Cheng, those who are usually brothers and sisters would probably run as far away as possible.  Cheng Gao once mentioned to Han Yu after drinking that those underworld people were actually supported by money and were not trustworthy at all.  Despite this, Han Yu still gave Li Ru a list of those who were close friends with Cheng Gao, so that when Li Ru launched his attack, he could arrest people according to the list.


    A week has passed and Jiang Ming’s incident has become a topic of conversation among people after dinner. New things happening in the city have attracted the attention of those who are idle.  The population market seems to have returned to its former calm.  The slaves who had been waiting eagerly to regain their freedom re-accepted their fate in disappointment, and the four major forces headed by Cheng Gao also quietly breathed a sigh of relief.  As for Chang Dong, who left the city like Jiang Ming, if no one mentioned it specifically, no one would be interested in him.  Maybe in the future, after someone excavates Chang Dong's body in a mass grave outside the city, the name Chang Dong will be mentioned once or twice.

    Although the mysterious man who dealt with Jiang Ming did not appear again, Cheng Gao and others did not dare to be careless.  Even though he was secretly relieved, the usual guards were still very tight, and Han Yuyi couldn't find a good opportunity to make a move.  Moreover, Han Yu has not yet figured out who is the backer of Bai Dao behind Cheng Gao. This is one of the reasons why Han Yu cannot take action.

    It is impossible to say that we are not in a hurry.  Han Yu couldn't bear it anymore and planned to find an opportunity to tie Cheng Gao up and then ask questions slowly.  With Han Yu in front of him, it was useless no matter how hard Cheng Gao spoke.  It's just that the plan couldn't keep up with the change, and it was at noon when Han Yu was preparing to take action at night.  Like this paragraph, Han Yu accompanied Cheng Gao to inspect the population market.  But not long after entering his own population auction house, a riot broke out.

    Han Yu protected Cheng Gao and retreated to a safe area, and then someone came to report that something had happened.  It turned out that it was a newly captured man who suddenly took action. He used his strange abilities to kill several guards around him and then broke out of the prison.  When Han Yu heard the visitor mention the strange ability, he couldn't help but curiously asked what that strange ability was.  After Zheng Chenggao agreed, the person who came to report told Han Yu that the so-called weird abilities were those that were beyond normal human beings.  The weird ability that he uses is the ability to control plants.

    At first, Han Yu didn't pay attention, but in subsequent reports, the number of casualties in the population auction house continued to increase, but the person with the strange ability was never caught. Cheng Gao asked Han Yu to take action, and asked Han Yu not to hurt him.  The one with weird abilities.

    Han Yu was confused and asked the reason.  Through this relationship, Cheng Gao did not tell Han Yu the real reason why this guy would not act honestly.  Then he backed away and told Han Yu the reason in a low voice.  Cheng Gao's backer on the white road turned out to be the eldest prince, and Cheng Gao wanted to give the one with strange abilities to the eldest prince, so as to win the favor of the eldest prince and go one step further.

    This unexpected surprise was beyond Han Yu’s expectation.  I originally planned to kidnap him at night, but now, thanks to the man with the strange ability, I accidentally got this piece of information I wanted most.  Han Yu nodded to Cheng Gao calmly, but there was a hint of excitement in his eyes.  However, Cheng Gao mistakenly thought that Han Yu was excited because his biggest backer was the eldest prince, and he did not have the slightest suspicion at all.

    When Han Yu came to the woman with strange abilities, Han Yu couldn't help but be stunned by the clothes the woman was wearing.  Although the clothes were dirty and torn, their original appearance was almost unrecognizable.  But Han Yu still saw from the epaulettes on the shoulders of the clothes that they were the standard uniforms of the Alliance Army.

    "Is that the one who left the escape cabin? But will she become a slave?" Han Yu wondered, looking at the one surrounded by hundreds of people in confusion.  I saw the thick plant that looked like a crazy tiger, with her as the center, dancing wildly in all directions. From time to time, it would roll up people who couldn't dodge and slam them to the ground.

    Han Yu frowned slightly when he saw this, because that person's face was covered with dirt, and Han Yu couldn't tell what that person looked like.  But from thereWith dull eyes, Han Yu judged that the man in front of him who was showing off his power was probably not doing it at this time.  In other words, this is the one who has probably lost his mind.

    "Stay back, don't get too close." Han Yu shouted at the besieging people.  When those people saw that it was the guard captain next to their boss who spoke, they immediately took a few steps back and surrounded him from a distance.  After the besieging man retreated, he also began to slowly move outside the population auction house.

    "Hoo~" Han Yu stretched out his right hand, and a ball of flame appeared in his hand.  When people nearby saw that there were people here with strange abilities, they couldn't help but feel happy.

    The wall of fire blocked the way.  When his way was blocked, he immediately raised his head and looked at the instigator, Han Yu.  Dozens of thick vines rushed straight towards Han Yu. Han Yu took a deep breath when he saw this, and suddenly spit out a mouthful of flames at the flying vines. In the flames, the vines were burned to ashes.

    "Okay~" Some of the people watching the battle couldn't help but cheer.  In the battle just now, these people could be said to have suffered a lot from these vines. Now that they saw those vines being removed, even if they did not do it with their own hands, these people felt a little excited.  Han Yu didn't pay attention to the cheers.  Taking advantage of the moment of confusion, the figure flashed and rushed straight to the center of the vines.  When he reacted, Han Yu was only a few steps away.  Dodging the vine attacks left and right, Han Yu rushed to his side.

    "It seems that this one can't move when the ability is activated." Han Yu thought to himself, reaching out and hitting the back of the neck with his palm, and then reached out to support the person who was knocked unconscious and fell forward.


    The commotion subsided and everyone breathed a sigh of relief.  The division of labor began to clean up the mess. Someone wanted to take over the one in Han Yu's hands, but Han Yu refused.

    "Don't think that I don't have your inner plans, but I would like to advise you that this is not something you can touch. If you don't want to be sunk into the moat at night, then give up those dirty thoughts." Han Yu said coldly to the person who took over.  several people said.

    The few people who had their thoughts exposed in person stepped aside and watched Han Yu walk away carrying the man who had caused them so much suffering.  Someone cursed angrily in a low voice?  He is not just a dog that lives with rich people like us.  " Before he finished speaking, someone next to him gave the person who said this a slap in the face. "Don't implicate us if you don't want to die!  If that person hears this, your life and mine will be over.  Let’s face the reality, even if that Han Yu really kills us, our boss will only say a few words about that Han Yu at most.  "


    Cheng Gao was very dissatisfied with Han Yu for bringing such a dangerous person here.  But Han Yu didn't seem to care.  He said to Cheng Gao carelessly: "Are you afraid?"  Isn’t it me?  Besides, if you want to dedicate this to the eldest prince, you don’t want to explain it clearly to this person in advance.  If this guy attacks the eldest prince when he sees him, then no matter how many heads you have, you probably won’t be able to chop them off, right?  There are not many words”

    "You're right." Cheng Gao was a little confused about Han Yu's attitude at this time, but when he thought about it, what Han Yu said made sense.  Just like Han Yu said, if you send this away like this, it will probably be an assassination instead of a beauty.  Thinking of this, Cheng Gao patted Han Yu's shoulder gratefully and asked Ji, do you have any ideas?  "

    "Well let's find out the origin of this first before talking about anything else. It would be best if she has a family, but it would be a bit troublesome if she is just alone. By the way, where did you get this? Since this has a strange  Ability, shouldn't be caught so easily, right? There are many words."

    Hearing this, Cheng Gao nodded and ordered someone to find the person in charge of the population auction house and ask, and found out that this one was picked up.  This was accidentally picked up when the slave-catching team entered the forest to capture the elves living in the forest.  I originally picked this up because nothing was found in this slave-catching operation, and I wanted to use it to make up for the loss, but I didn't expect that it would cause such a big trouble.

    "Did you catch this at that time?" Han Yu asked curiously.  Cheng Gao on the side was also very interested in this issue.  The person in charge of the auction house replied with a wry smile. This one was sleeping when we caught it. We were avoiding the elves at that time, so we threw that one into the cage and left it alone.  But we didn't expect that this one would fall asleep along the way.  Until I just woke up, but after waking up, what happened next was beyond our expectations.  "

    "Oh, I didn't expect slaves to be so easy to catch. Is this a blind cat encountering a dead mouse?" Han Yu said to himself with emotion.  The people at the auction house glared at Han Yu when they heard this, but they dared not speak in anger.  Cheng Gao on the side coughed slightly when he saw this, and asked Han Yu, what are you going to do next?  "

    "Find a quiet place with few people to lock her up first, and wait until she wakes up." Han Yu thought for a while and replied.

    "Prepare the carriage." Cheng Gao ordered the person in charge of the auction house.??Humanity.

    After the person in charge of the auction house left, Cheng Gao stared at Han Yu and said, I didn't expect that you are also a person with strange abilities.  "

    "Hehe you haven't asked me before." Han Yu replied with a smile.

    Regarding Han Yu’s playful smile, Cheng Gao rolled his eyes at Han Yu angrily and asked if he was interested in working with the eldest prince?  That way you have a much greater chance of getting ahead than if you stay with me.  "

    "I'm a happy-go-lucky person, and I don't really like a life of intrigue. I think it's good to stay with you." Han Yu shook his head and rejected Cheng Gao's suggestion.  Hearing Han Yu's answer, Cheng Gao was obviously relieved.  In the following conversation, Han Yu could feel that Cheng Gao was deliberately trying to please him. Although he didn't understand the reason why Cheng Gao did this, it did not affect Han Yu's plan to fall out later.

    Chapter 707: Riots in the Population Auction House

    Chapter 707: The riot in the population auction house was caused by members’ hands.

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