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Text Chapter 911 Spider Spirit Priestess

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    Johnson and Mead Johnson ran away again, and this time they took a group of people with them.  Jia Zhaocai hated these two bastards to the core, and secretly vowed in his heart that as long as he found those two people, he would beat them to death without listening to excuses.  But the person who ran away with the two men had to be rescued, otherwise if the superiors tracked him down, he, the leader, would not get any good results.

    When Jia Zhaocai called everyone together to ask for their opinions, the women in the defense team unanimously agreed that they should die!  The men were divided into two groups. One group believed that they should find ways to find someone, while the other group had the same opinion as the women in the defense force.  It's just unclear whether these men are complaining about the runaways not calling them when they have good things to do, or they are simply supporting the women in the defense force.

    Tongguo voted, and in the end more people supported finding people. Jia Zhaocai immediately decided to enter the virgin forest for the second time to rescue people, just because Han Yu had said it before, and the people were no longer on the Courage.  The search for people this time can only be done by people like Jia Zhaocai.  Without a reliable bodyguard, Jia Zhaocai felt a lot of pressure. For safety reasons, Jia Zhaocai did not act rashly. Instead, he sent a request for help to the headquarters and reported the incident exactly. He was prepared to wait for the reinforcements to arrive before entering the virgin forest.  Find someone.  As for whether Johnson & Johnson, Mead Johnson and his gang are still alive at that time, it all depends on fate.  No one raised objections to Jia Zhaocai's decision.

    It is equivalent to Johnson & Johnson, Mead Johnson and others who have been abandoned now wandering in the virgin forest.  To be precise, the gang was lost.  Whether it is Johnson & Johnson, Mead Johnson or Shengyuan, they all think things simply before setting off.  They originally thought that they would be able to get help from the goblins by rushing into the primeval forest, but when they got into the primeval forest, they didn't encounter the goblins, but they encountered a lot of man-eating beasts.  Fortunately, these people still carry some weapons with them.  Otherwise there would have been casualties.  But in order to avoid the man-eating beasts, the group wandered around in the primeval forest and ended up getting lost.

    After wandering around in the virgin forest for most of the night, the group of people could be said to be cold and hungry.  They came here to play, not to suffer. Faced with this situation, everyone couldn't help but feel dissatisfied with Johnson & Johnson and Mead Johnson.  If it weren't for the instigation of these two guys, they should be sleeping in their respective rooms now, instead of being frightened in this ghost place.

    "Don't be anxious, everyone, we will arrive at our destination soon." Mead Johnson turned around and encouraged everyone.  It’s just that the same thing is said too much.  It will be difficult to win the trust of others.  After hearing Mead Johnson's words, someone in the crowd finally said angrily: "Mead Johnson, you have said the same thing no less than ten times, and every time you arrive right away, but our brothers have already been gone all night. What you said  Why haven’t we arrived at our destination yet?”

    “It’s almost here, it’s almost here. It’s almost here.” Mead Johnson replied quickly.  Johnson and Johnson on the side couldn't bear to listen and pulled Mead Johnson.  After signaling Mead Johnson to shut up, he said to everyone: "Now that things have become like this, even if you kill us both, it will not help. It is better to save some energy and use it to walk."

    Hearing what Johnson said, people immediately shouted to go back.  When Johnson heard this, he sneered and said: "Okay, you go back and take us back too. Is it useful to complain to each other now? If it is useful, I will complain with you. But complaining is useless. Right now  We are lost, and there are only two ways to get out of this predicament, either to find the place where the goblins live, or to find the way back. But have you ever thought about it? Let's go back like this. What will be waiting for us? "

    "Everyone was silent There is an old saying that goes well, if you want to save face and suffer the consequences, if you run back dejected like this, you won't have to look up to see anyone in the future.

    After thinking about this, everyone complained less, and everyone moved in a straight line in the same direction.  Fortunately, Sheng Yuan brought a compass when he came out, otherwise this group of people would very likely become the modern version of "Tarzan".

    However, it happened that the house leaked and it rained continuously. About half an hour after everyone left, a dark cloud shrouded the heads of the group, and a heavy rain poured down without warning, immediately drenching everyone.  Soaked chicken.  You must find a place to hide from the rain immediately, otherwise you will either be struck by lightning or freeze to death.  Listening to the thunder that sounded in their ears from time to time, Johnson, Mead Johnson and others ran towards the hills that could be vaguely seen in the distance. Although they might not be able to find shelter from the rain, they were more than worried about being struck by lightning.  With.

    Fortunately, there is a cave at the foot of the hill.  For the sake of safety, everyone did not rush into the cave rashly. Instead, they took weapons and swept through the cave. After waiting for a while, they found that there was no movement in the cave, and then they cautiously entered the cave.  They didn't go too deep. The thirteen people stayed near the entrance of the cave, just waiting for the sudden rain to stop.

    It’s just that we have shelter from the rainIt was a quiet place, but the clothes on his body were already soaked.  Wearing soaked clothes, everyone shivered.  You must find a way to dry your clothes, otherwise you will easily get sick.  If you get sick in this primitive forest, you are not far from death.  There was a fire source but nothing combustible could be found.  The rain came so suddenly that no one had time to pick up dead branches.

    We have to wait for the clothes on our bodies to dry naturally. We don’t know how long it will take. It looks like the rain will continue for a while. Johnson and others must get through it before the sun comes up.

    In order to maintain body temperature, Johnson and others had to choose a very primitive method.  sports!  Only when you exercise can you avoid feeling cold.  So, thirteen old men wearing only underwear started exercising near the entrance of the cave.  It's just that this kind of small-scale exercise doesn't work at all, and it also consumes the little physical energy left.  In order to use physical strength more effectively, Johnson recommends jogging.  The place for jogging is the cave in front of you.  But jogging requires distance. For this reason, entering the depths of the cave has become an inevitable problem for everyone.

    For safety reasons, thirteen people holding weapons and wearing underwear trotted into the cave.  They thought well and didn't go too deep. They would retreat after about a hundred or fifty meters, and then run back and forth again.  But things turned out to be the opposite.  Who could have known that this cave would suddenly turn into a slope after entering about twenty meters.  In order to save lighting energy, everyone did not turn on the flashlights they carried. As a result, Johnson, who was running first, slipped and slid down the slope.  The people following behind slid down one after another.

    When Johnson finally landed on his butt, Johnson ignored the friction and pain in his butt and quickly turned on the flashlight he had been holding in his hand, only to find that the space he was in was very large and empty.  The whole place formed the shape of a half bowl. In front of him was a stone wall, and on that stone wall, there were a bunch of octagonal caves about the same size as a washbasin. He didn't know what was in those caves.

    Others also turned on the flashlights in their hands and looked around.  For a moment the entire space was illuminated.  Upon seeing this, Johnson said quickly: "Don't turn on all the flashlights. Save some energy. We don't know where to go back from yet."

    Hearing Johnson’s words, more than half of the flashlights were turned off, and the entire space suddenly became dark, making everyone’s fear grow a little bit.

    Everybody gathered together, standing shoulder to shoulder facing outwards.  Five flashlight beams swept around the space.  The light beam in Johnson's hand was not turned off, but when Johnson pointed the flashlight at the octagonal hole in the stone wall.  When you want to see what's in the cave.  Suddenly, eight lights flashed in the octagonal hole.

    This is definitely not a good thing!  Johnson thought of this immediately.  When he noticed something unusual, he screamed and immediately led everyone back, away from the stone wall.  All the flashlights, including those that had been turned off before, were turned on at this time and were concentrated on the stone wall.

    Under the gaze of everyone, from the octagonal hole in the stone wall.  Spiders the size of footballs crawled out one after another.  The eight lights that Johnson saw before were exactly the lights emitted by the eyes of this big spider.

    Everyone was very nervous

    Although there is only one big spider crawling out of each octagonal hole, there are no less than 200 octagonal holes on the stone wall. If so many spiders swarm up, they will crawl out.  I'm afraid these thirteen people will all be confessed here today.  Thinking of this consequence, cold sweat broke out on Johnson's forehead.  And there was far more than one person who thought about it with Johnson. Two people who couldn't stand the fear in their hearts shouted, turned around and ran towards the slope where they were sliding down, using their hands and feet to climb up.  But the slope of the slope made the two men's efforts in vain.

    Under the influence of the desire to survive, the two people attacked the slope like crazy with the weapons in their hands.  Needless to say, this method is really effective. Each small pit became a point for two people to escape.  Upon seeing this, Johnson quickly asked Mead Johnson and two people to join in, while he and the remaining people were responsible for monitoring the big spiders parked about ten meters away from him.

    These big spiders are very strange. Although they crawled out of the hole, they did not actively attack. They just lay quietly on the ground, as if they did not want to be enemies with Johnson and others.  But Johnson didn't dare to take risks, he just wanted to leave this ghost place as soon as possible.

    Seeing that the escape ladder has reached half of the slope, as long as they work harder, everyone will have a chance to escape.  But an accident happened at this moment. A white object falling from the sky suddenly stuck to the person who was desperately digging a leverage point on the slope. Immediately afterwards, the person was seen flying into the air, as if being pulled by something.  Just like before, he was hoisted to the roof.

    Johnson and the others quickly looked up, and with just one glance, everyone suddenly took a breath of cold air.  Above the heads of himself and others, a strangeThe incomparable spider was grabbing the person it had captured with its silk, staring eagerly at Johnson and the others who were directly below it.  If you only look at the upper body, Johnson and others may have impulsive sexual desire, but when you look at its lower body, there is no sexual desire at all.

    What appeared above Johnson and others was a monster, a woman with an upper body made of flesh and a lower body made of a spider.

    A big web fell down. Although Johnson and the others wanted to hide, they had nowhere to hide. They could only watch as the cobweb fell and stuck to their bodies.  Unwilling to surrender, Johnson and the others quickly raised their weapons and prepared to strike first. However, they did not expect that the monster was so cunning that it blocked the previously captured prisoner in front of them.

    Upon seeing this, Johnson gritted his teeth, aimed at his companion who was still yelling, and fired a shot. Then he shouted at the people who were looking at him in shock: "Either he will die alone or we will die with him! Don't hesitate!"  Attack! Kill that monster!" After saying that, Johnson fired two more shots.

    Someone fired the first shot, and the rest became easier. Mead Johnson and Sheng Yuan shot one after another.  It's just that the weapons in the hands of Johnson and others were a bit weak, and they couldn't do anything to the huge spider monster.  When the weapons and ammunition in the hands of Johnson and others were exhausted, the spider monster stopped dodging and said in human words: "Humble human beings. You are trying to attack the great gods. I think you are really impatient."  "

    Hearing the words of the spider monster, Johnson and the others did not seem to have much reaction. Even if the spider monster threw away the dead body in his hand and was eaten by the spiders the size of the washbasin, Johnson and the others had no reaction.  Except for Johnson & Johnson and Mead Johnson, everyone else was regretting that they should not have listened to Johnson & Johnson and Mead Johnson's nonsense after eating too much, and ran out in search of excitement and romantic encounters.  One night stand.  As a result, not a single good thing happened to me, but now I even have to give up my life.

    No one has the outlet to blame Johnson & Johnson and Mead Johnson, because there is no need. They are all going to die anyway, so they might as well save their energy.  What Johnson and others didn't expect was this.  Their lack of resistance prevented the spider monster from killing them.  They were just wrapped in spider silk one by one.  While moving, he said: "Originally, this was not prepared for you bunch of losers. It's a pity that I arranged it."

    "You. What are you going to do to us?" before being completely wrapped in spider silk.  Johnson couldn't help but asked aloud.  When the spider monster heard this, he sneered and replied: "Don't worry, you won't die right away. I will store you and enjoy your delicious food again after your body melts."

    "It's better to die now." Johnson wanted to bite his tongue and commit suicide, but it was too late.  Before losing consciousness, Johnson vaguely heard someone saying, "Huh? Why is there a slope here?"


    Han Yu, who accepted the invitation to visit the Fairy Clan, successfully arrived at the Fairy Clan’s residence under the leadership of the Fairy Queen.  It’s different from Johnson and others who want to steal the show.  He was extremely relaxed along the way, chatting with the Fairy Queen, and unknowingly returned to the valley where the Fairies lived.

    The goblin clan did not show any hostility towards Han Yu, the human who had made a big fuss here before.  This made Han Yu, who was a little worried before, finally feel relieved.  Perhaps as the Fairy Queen said, the fairies believe in the law of the jungle. As long as you are strong, you will be respected by others.  But if you don’t have the skills, no matter how nice you are, you won’t get anyone’s respect.

    Accompanying the Fairy Queen back was the wet nurse beside the Fairy Queen, but the news that the wet nurse came to report made the Fairy Queen frown.

    "What's wrong? Does the priestess not want to see me anymore?" Han Yu asked when he saw this.

    Hearing Han Yu's inquiry, the Fairy Queen showed a troubled expression on her face, and whispered to Han Yu: "Things have changed a little. The priestess is not in the clan. She asked someone to leave a message for me. When you come,  I’ll take you to meet her at her retreat.”

    “Oh, let’s go then, don’t keep the priestess waiting.” Han Yu replied after hearing this.  But the Fairy Queen was a little hesitant in speaking, as if she had something to hide.  Han Yu asked in confusion: "If you have anything to say, just say it. We are already acquaintances, so we don't have to worry so much."

    After hearing Han Yu's words, the Fairy Queen seemed to have made up her mind, and whispered to Han Yu: "The priestess in my tribe looks a little different from other fairies. I hope you won't make a fuss when you see her, and her living habits."  It’s also a bit different, I hope you…”

    "Well, what's different about her appearance? Is she more beautiful than you?" Han Yu asked with a smile.

    Hearing this, the Fairy Queen couldn't help but roll her eyes at Han Yu and replied: "If you mean the upper body, it is indeed prettier than me."

    "Upper body? In other words, her lower bodyhas a problem?  "

    "Well, her lower body is made of spiders, and she prefers to keep spiders."

    "" Han Yu didn't speak. After a moment of silence, he asked, "Can I ask how many spiders she has raised?"

    "About two hundred."

    Han Yu heaved a sigh of relief, but he didn't expect the Fairy Queen to say again, "Each one is about the size of a football."

    Han Yu was silent for a while, and then asked in a low voice: "Her Majesty the Queen, please tell me the truth. Isn't the priestess in your tribe a spider that turned into a spirit?"

    "Go, don't talk nonsense. In one sentence, do you want to see her or not? It's still too late to regret it." The Fairy Queen rolled her eyes at Han Yu and asked angrily.

    Han Yu shrugged and replied: "Since we are all here, if we go back without seeing each other, then my coming here will be in vain. But I must make a statement in advance. If the priestess of your tribe dares to attack me, then I will  But he will fight back."

    "You don't have to worry about this. The goblin clan believes in the law of the jungle. If the priestess loses to you, she will no longer be the priestess of the clan."

    Hearing what the Fairy Queen said, Han Yu nodded and said impatiently: "In that case, let's go and let me go and meet the priestess."

    Seeing Han Yu’s confident look, the Fairy Queen said nothing more.  Nodding silently, he led Han Yu away from the valley where the goblin clan lived, and walked towards the cave where the priestess of the clan stayed in retreat.

    Johnson & Johnson and Mead Johnson ran away again, and this time they ran away with a bunch of people.  Jia Zhaocai hated these two bastards to the core, and secretly swore in his heart.  Just find those two people and beat them to death.  Don't listen to excuses.  But the people who ran away with the two men had to be rescued.  Otherwise, if the superiors investigate, I, as a leader, will not get any good results.

    When Jia Zhaocai called everyone together to ask for their opinions, the women in the defense team unanimously agreed that they should die!  The men were divided into two groups. One group believed that they should find ways to find someone, while the other group had the same opinion as the women in the defense force.  It's just that these men simply support the women of the defense force because they complain that the runaways don't call them when they have good things to do.  That's unknown.

    ??tongguo voted, and in the end more people supported finding people. Jia Zhaocai immediately decided to enter the virgin forest for the second time to rescue people, just because Han Yu had said it before.  And now the person is no longer on the Spirit.  The search for people this time can only be done by people like Jia Zhaocai.  Without a reliable bodyguard, Jia Zhaocai felt a lot of pressure. For safety reasons, Jia Zhaocai did not act rashly. Instead, he sent a request for help to the headquarters and reported the incident exactly. He was prepared to wait for the reinforcements to arrive before entering the virgin forest.  Find someone.  As for whether Johnson & Johnson, Mead Johnson and his gang are still alive at that time, it all depends on fate.  No one raised objections to Jia Zhaocai's decision.

    It is equivalent to Johnson & Johnson, Mead Johnson and others who have been abandoned now wandering in the virgin forest.  To be precise, the gang was lost.  Whether it is Johnson & Johnson, Mead Johnson or Shengyuan, they all think things simply before setting off.  They originally thought that they would be able to get help from the goblins by rushing into the primeval forest, but when they got into the primeval forest, they didn't encounter the goblins, but they encountered a lot of man-eating beasts.  Fortunately, these people still carried some weapons with them, otherwise there would have been casualties.  But in order to avoid the man-eating beasts, the group wandered around in the primeval forest and ended up getting lost.

    After wandering around in the virgin forest for most of the night, the group of people could be said to be cold and hungry.  They came here to play, not to suffer. Faced with this situation, everyone couldn't help but feel dissatisfied with Johnson & Johnson and Mead Johnson.  If it weren't for the instigation of these two guys, they should be sleeping in their respective rooms now, instead of being frightened in this ghost place.

    "Don't be anxious, everyone, we will arrive at our destination soon." Mead Johnson turned around and encouraged everyone.  But if you say the same thing too often, it will be difficult to win the trust of others.  After hearing Mead Johnson's words, someone in the crowd finally said angrily: "Mead Johnson, you have said the same thing no less than ten times, and every time you arrive right away, but our brothers have already been gone all night, what you said  Why haven’t we arrived at our destination yet?”

    "It's almost here, it's almost here." Mead Johnson replied quickly.  Johnson on the side couldn't bear to listen and pulled Mead Johnson. He signaled Mead Johnson to shut up and then said to everyone: "Now that things have become like this, even if you kill us both, it will not help. It's better to save some energy."  Come walk.”

    Hearing what Johnson said, people immediately shouted to go back.  When Johnson heard this, he sneered and said: "Okay, you go back and take us back with you. Is it useful to complain to each other now? If it is useful, I will complain with you."?But complaining is useless, we are lost now, and there are only two ways to get out of the predicament, either to find the place where the goblins live, or to find the way back.  But have you ever thought about it?  If we go back like this, what will be waiting for us?  "

    "Everyone was silent There is an old saying that goes well, if you want to save face and suffer the consequences, if you run back dejected like this, you won't have to look up to see anyone in the future.

    After thinking about this, everyone complained less, and everyone moved in a straight line in the same direction.  Fortunately, Sheng Yuan brought a compass when he came out, otherwise this group of people would very likely become the modern version of "Tarzan".

    But the house leaks and it rains continuously.  About half an hour after everyone walked, a dark cloud shrouded the heads of the group, and a heavy rain poured down without warning, immediately drenching everyone.  You must find a place to hide from the rain immediately, otherwise you will either be struck by lightning or freeze to death.  Listening to the thunder that sounded in their ears from time to time, Johnson, Mead Johnson and others ran towards the hills that could be vaguely seen in the distance. Although they might not be able to find shelter from the rain, they were more than worried about being struck by lightning.  With.

    Fortunately, there is a cave at the foot of the hill.  For safety reasons.  Instead of rushing into the cave rashly, everyone first took their weapons and swept through the cave. After waiting for a while, they found that there was no movement in the cave, and then they cautiously entered the cave.  It didn't go too deep.  The thirteen people stayed near the entrance of the cave, just waiting for the sudden rain to stop.

    It’s just a place to take shelter from the rain.  But the clothes on his body were already soaked.  Wearing soaked clothes.  Everyone shuddered.  You must find a way to dry your clothes, otherwise you will easily get sick.  If you get sick in this primitive forest, you are not far from death.  There was a fire source but nothing combustible could be found.  The rain came so suddenly that no one had time to pick up dead branches.

    I have to wait for the clothes on my body to dry naturally. I don’t know how long it will take. It looks like it will rain again.  Johnson and others must get through before the sun comes up.

    In order to maintain body temperature, Johnson and others had to choose a very primitive method.  sports!  Only when you exercise can you avoid feeling cold.  then.  Thirteen men wearing only underwear started exercising near the entrance of the cave.  It's just that this kind of small-scale exercise doesn't work at all, and it also consumes the little physical energy left.  In order to use physical strength more effectively, Johnson recommends jogging.  The place for jogging is the cave in front of you.  But jogging requires distance. For this reason, entering the depths of the cave has become an inevitable problem for everyone.

    For safety reasons, thirteen people holding weapons and wearing underwear trotted into the cave.  They thought well and didn't go too deep. They would retreat after about a hundred or fifty meters, and then run back and forth again.  But things turned out to be the opposite.  Who could have known that this cave would suddenly turn into a slope after entering about twenty meters.  In order to save lighting energy, everyone did not turn on the flashlights they carried. As a result, when Johnson, the first runner, slipped down the slope, the people following him slid down one after another.

    When Johnson finally landed on his butt, Johnson ignored the friction and pain in his butt and quickly turned on the flashlight he had been holding in his hand, only to find that the space he was in was very large and empty.  The whole place formed the shape of a half bowl. In front of him was a stone wall, and on that stone wall, there were a bunch of octagonal caves about the same size as a washbasin. He didn't know what was in those caves.

    Others also turned on the flashlights in their hands and looked around.  For a moment the entire space was illuminated.  Upon seeing this, Johnson said quickly: "Don't turn on all the flashlights, save some energy. We don't know where to go back from yet."

    Hearing Johnson’s words, more than half of the flashlights were turned off, and the entire space suddenly became dark, making everyone’s fear grow a little bit.

    Everybody gathered together, standing shoulder to shoulder facing outwards.  The beams of five flashlights swept around the space. The beam in Johnson's hand was not turned off, but when Johnson pointed the flashlight at the octagonal hole in the stone wall to see what was in the hole, he suddenly discovered that the octagonal hole was inside.  Eight lights flashed.

    This is definitely not a good thing!  Johnson thought of this immediately.  When he noticed something unusual, he screamed and immediately led everyone back, away from the stone wall.  All the flashlights, including those that had been turned off before, were turned on at this time and were concentrated on the stone wall.

    Under the gaze of everyone, spiders the size of footballs crawled out from the octagonal holes in the stone wall.  The eight lights that Johnson saw before were exactly the lights emitted by the eyes of this big spider.

    Everyone was very nervous

    Although there is only climbing in each octagonal hole?A big spider, but there are no less than 200 octagonal holes in the stone wall. If so many spiders swarm up, I am afraid that the thirteen of me will be here today.  Thinking of this consequence, cold sweat broke out on Johnson's forehead.  But there was far more than one person who thought about Johnson. Two people who couldn't stand the fear in their hearts shouted, turned around and ran towards the slope to slide down.  He kept climbing up using his hands and feet.  But the slope of the slope made the two men's efforts in vain.

    Under the influence of the desire to survive, the two people attacked the slope like crazy with the weapons in their hands.  Needless to say, this method is really effective. Each small pit became a point for two people to escape.  Upon seeing this, Johnson quickly asked Mead Johnson and two people to join in, while he and the remaining people were responsible for monitoring the big spiders parked about ten meters away from him.

    These big spiders are very strange. Although they crawled out of the hole, they did not actively attack. They just lay quietly on the ground, as if they did not want to be enemies with Johnson and others.  But Johnson didn't dare to take risks, he just wanted to leave this ghost place as soon as possible.

    Seeing that the escape ladder has reached half of the slope.  As long as they work harder, everyone will have a chance to escape.  But an accident happened at this moment. A white object falling from the sky suddenly stuck to the person who was desperately digging a leverage point on the slope. Immediately afterwards, the person was seen flying into the air, as if being pulled by something.  Same as before.  Was hoisted to the roof.

    Johnson and the others quickly looked up, just once.  Everyone suddenly took a breath of cold air.  Above the heads of myself and others.  An extremely large spider was grabbing the person it had captured with its silk, glaring at Johnson and the others directly below it.  If you only look at the upper body, Johnson and others may have impulsive sexual desire, but when you look at its lower body, there is no sexual desire at all.

    What appeared above Johnson and others was a monster, a woman whose upper body was covered with breasts.  But the lower body is a spider monster.

    A big net fell down. Although Johnson and the others wanted to escape, they had nowhere to hide and could only watch the cobweb fall.  Sticking to his body.  Unwilling to surrender, Johnson and the others quickly raised their weapons and prepared to strike first. However, they did not expect that the monster was so cunning that it blocked the previously captured prisoner in front of them.

    Upon seeing this, Johnson gritted his teeth, aimed at his companion who was still yelling, and fired a shot. Then he shouted at the people who were looking at him in shock: "Either he will die alone or we will die with him! Don't hesitate!"  Attack! Kill that monster!" After saying that, Johnson fired two more shots.

    Someone fired the first shot, and the rest became easier. Mead Johnson and Sheng Yuan shot one after another.  It's just that the weapons in the hands of Johnson and others were a bit weak, and they couldn't do anything to the huge spider monster.  When the weapons and ammunition in the hands of Johnson and others were exhausted, the spider monster stopped dodging and said in a human voice: "Humble humans actually try to attack the great gods. I think you are really impatient.  "

    Hearing the words of the spider monster, Johnson and the others did not seem to have much reaction. Even if the spider monster threw away the dead body in his hand and was eaten by the spiders the size of the washbasin, Johnson and the others had no reaction.  Except for Johnson & Johnson and Mead Johnson, everyone else was regretting that they should not have listened to Johnson & Johnson and Mead Johnson's nonsense when they were full, and ran out to look for excitement, an affair, and a one-night stand.  As a result, not a single good thing happened to me, but now I even have to give up my life.

    No one has the outlet to blame Johnson & Johnson and Mead Johnson, because there is no need. They are all going to die anyway, so they might as well save their energy.  What Johnson and others didn't expect was that their lack of resistance prevented the spider monster from killing them.  They were just wrapped in spider silk one by one.  While moving, he said: "Originally, this was not prepared for you bunch of losers. It's a pity that I arranged it."

    "You, what are you going to do with us?" Johnson couldn't help but asked before being completely wrapped in spider silk.  When the spider monster heard this, he sneered and replied: "Don't worry, you won't die right away. I will store you and enjoy your delicious food again after your body melts."

    "It's better to die now." Johnson wanted to bite his tongue and commit suicide, but it was too late. Before losing consciousness, Johnson vaguely heard someone talking, "Huh? Why is there a slope here?"


    Han Yu, who accepted the invitation to visit the Fairy Clan, successfully arrived at the Fairy Clan’s residence under the leadership of the Fairy Queen.  Unlike Johnson and others who wanted to steal something, he was extremely relaxed along the way. He followed the fairy queen and chatted about everything, and unknowingly returned to the valley where the fairies lived.

    The goblin clan did not show any hostility towards Han Yu, the human who had made a big fuss here before.  This made Han Yu, who was a little worried before, finally feel relieved.  Maybe it's like the Fairy Queen saidWell, the goblins believe in the law of the jungle. As long as you are strong, you will be respected by others.  But if you don’t have the skills, no matter how nice you are, you won’t get anyone’s respect.

    Accompanying the Fairy Queen back was the wet nurse beside the Fairy Queen, but the news that the wet nurse came to report made the Fairy Queen frown.

    "What's wrong? Does the priestess not want to see me anymore?" Han Yu asked when he saw this.

    Hearing Han Yu's inquiry, the Fairy Queen showed a troubled expression on her face, and whispered to Han Yu: "Things have changed a little. The priestess is not in the clan. She asked someone to leave a message for me. When you come,  I’ll take you to meet her at her retreat.”

    “Oh, let’s go then, don’t keep the priestess waiting.” Han Yu replied after hearing this.  But the Fairy Queen was a little hesitant in speaking, as if she had something to hide.  Han Yu asked in confusion: "If you have anything to say, just say it. We are already acquaintances, so we don't have to worry so much."

    After hearing Han Yu's words, the Fairy Queen seemed to have made up her mind, and whispered to Han Yu: "The priestess in my tribe looks a little different from other fairies. I hope you won't make a fuss when you see her, and her living habits."  It’s also a bit different, I hope you…”

    "Well, what's different about her appearance? Is she more beautiful than you?" Han Yu asked with a smile.

    Hearing this, the Fairy Queen couldn't help but roll her eyes at Han Yu and replied: "If you mean the upper body, it is indeed prettier than me."

    "Upper body? Does that mean there is something wrong with her lower body?"

    "Well, her lower body is made of spiders, and she prefers to keep spiders."

    "" Han Yu didn't speak. After a moment of silence, he asked, "Can I ask how many spiders she has raised?"

    "About two hundred."

    Han Yu heaved a sigh of relief, but he didn't expect the Fairy Queen to say again, "Each one is about the size of a football."

    Han Yu was silent for a while, and then asked in a low voice: "Her Majesty the Queen, please tell me the truth. Isn't the priestess in your tribe a spider that turned into a spirit?"

    "Go, don't talk nonsense. In one sentence, do you want to see her or not? It's still too late to regret it." The Fairy Queen rolled her eyes at Han Yu and asked angrily.

    Han Yu shrugged and replied: "Since we are all here, if we go back without seeing each other, then my coming here will be in vain. But I must declare in advance that if the priestess of your clan dares to attack me, then I will  But he will fight back."

    "You don't have to worry about this. The goblin clan believes in the law of the jungle. If the priestess loses to you, she will no longer be the priestess of the clan."

    Hearing what the Fairy Queen said, Han Yu nodded and said impatiently: "In that case, let's go and let me go and meet the priestess."

    Seeing Han Yu’s confident look, the Fairy Queen said nothing more, nodded silently, and led Han Yu out of the valley where the Fairy Clan lived, towards the cave where the priestess of the tribe stayed in retreat.  (To be continued)
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