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Text Chapter 979: War (2)

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    Trade space for time!

    This is the strategic policy for the next period of time decided by Maxi and others after discussion.  The layers of defense that I thought of before have been abandoned after learning about the powerful offensive capabilities of the Mechanical Legion. Although that can more effectively allow recruits to grow up, the price required is very high, even so high that the Human Alliance cannot bear it.  the point.

    The battle losses of the first battle have been calculated. The total number of soldiers left behind in the first fortress was about 3,000, but less than 30 returned alive. Such a large battle loss ratio was unacceptable to Maxi and others.  War means death, but no one wants to see such huge losses.

    The matter was settled in this way, and they retreated in large strides, dividing the organized troops into small groups, and continued to harass the occupied areas of the Mechanical Legion to delay the offensive momentum of the Mechanical Legion, thereby buying time for future counterattacks.  What the Human Alliance lacks now is time. As long as it has time, even if it cannot win quickly, it will not be hit head-on like it is now with almost no power to fight back.

    But just when Maxi and others were deciding how to deal with the mechanical army's attack next, a piece of bad news came. In addition to the capture of the first fortress, the defense forces deployed by the Human Alliance in other star fields were also attacked almost at the same time.  was attacked.  Four directions were attacked at the same time, which made Fei Lian's eyes appear unusually bright.  It happened that Messing saw this look and couldn't help but asked: "Fei Lian, you don't seem to be very surprised to hear this news."

    Messing’s words caused everyone in the room to focus their attention on Fei Lian.  Fei Lian was silent for a while, then raised his head and said to everyone: "I think there is something I need to tell you. When I went to get these drawings, I once saw a combat plan. The beginning of that combat plan was like this  As what is happening now, the Human Alliance was attacked from four directions. Not only did the direction match, but the location of the attack also matched. I am now thinking about the battle plan I saw before. Could it be  The mechanical empire’s battle plan against the human world.”

    Except for Taihe who knew that Fei Lian was talking nonsense, the eyes of Maxi and others shone brightly. Regardless of whether it was a real battle plan or not, it was always a possibility.  Messing immediately asked: "Do you still remember that battle plan?"

    "I remember, I have a photographic memory. I thought that the battle plan might be useful, so I wrote it down."

    "What kind of actions will the Mechanical Legion take after that?" Messing asked.

    "Well they will divide their forces. Attack eight places at the same time, and their attacks will be pushed towards the human world in a fan shape." Fei Lian pretended to think about it and then replied.

    Although it is not certain whether what Fei Lian said is true, it can at least provide a reference.  As for how to prove it, just observe the next actions of the mechanical army.


    After a night, the mechanical legion set off again after a brief rest, and just as Fei Lian said before.  The troops were really divided, and the attack location after the division was exactly the same as what Fei Lian said.

    It is far less important to know the enemy's battle plan than to know the enemy's opportunity.  At present, the combat plan mentioned by Fei Lian is consistent with the combat plan of the Mechanical Legion, which makes Messing and others who have been considering preventing the counterattack extremely happy.  Fei Lian did not disappoint them. He rewrote the battle plan he had previously given to the Machine Emperor and gave it to Messing and others. He also emphasized that this battle plan could only be used as a reference and not as a basis.  Because no one knows whether the Mechanical Emperor will temporarily change the battle plan, and if this battle plan is really relied on to stop the offensive momentum of the Mechanical Legion, then the battle plan will change if it is not guaranteed.

    Thanks to Fei Lian’s timely reminder, otherwise Messing would have used this combat plan as a basis for future operations.  But now with Fei Lian's reminder, Messing also became clear-headed.  He realized that the battle plan given to him by Fei Lian could not be used casually, otherwise it would most likely become a pile of waste paper after being used once.

    Good steel should be used on the blade. Originally planning to use this battle plan to attack the mechanical army, Messing calmed down and put the battle plan in hand.  Be prepared to study it carefully before deciding when to use this battle plan.

    It’s just that the combat plan is of no use now. If you want to block the mechanical army’s offensive, you can only keep filling in your life and retreat in large strides to trade space for time.

    The offensive of the mechanical legion is terrifying. It is absolutely overwhelming against the current alliance army. Although the outstanding talents among humans have also organized their soldiers to resist tenaciously, in the face of the tide-like offensive of the mechanical legion, any individual effort will be in vain.  Seems so pale and weak.

    It’s only been a week since the war started.?The human alliance army has retreated two hundred miles, and one-third of the defensive fortresses previously built to resist the mechanical army have fallen into the hands of the mechanical army.  And in terms of the number of casualties, it was an astronomical figure.  The mechanical army does not want to take prisoners, any human beings who fall into their hands.  No chance of survival.  Chichi Chisato is the most appropriate adjective to describe the current area occupied by the mechanical legion.

    Before the war started, some people among humans believed that even if the mechanical empire conquered humans, it would still need the people. But now it seems that no one among humans holds this view.  massacre!  Only massacre!  Every time a place is occupied, the first thing the mechanical army has to do is to kill all the humans in the place.  From the gray-haired old man to the young child waiting to be fed, all were killed without exception.  Killed without any reason, without any rape or robbery, the mechanical army is like a hard-working scavenger, cleaning up the humans who appear in front of them.

    In just one week, in addition to the Alliance soldiers killed on the battlefield, the massive casualties of civilians finally made humans in other places not affected by the war understand a reality.  Anyone who wants to talk about peace with the mechanical army is the one who hit his head on a pig.

    Finally, there was no more noise in the Human Alliance.  When they found that there was no other option but to resist, and were not even given a chance to surrender, mankind finally broke out.

    The drawings provided by Feilian passed the verification in a short period of time, and the factory began to put into production, and the researchers did not rest there. They were still studying the drawings day and night, trying to rely on these drawings to create new models that were more suitable for human use.  arms.  But for now, let's stop the mechanical army's offensive momentum first.


    It’s another week, this one is the same as last week.  Still failed, failed, failed again.  Maxi and others seemed to be getting used to this situation. After hearing the news of the failure, they immediately began to study where the next attack would be, and then planned a defense plan.

    Messing has not slept for three days and three nights, and his eyes are bloodshot.  Maxi reluctantly persuaded him to take a rest.  But Messing rejected Maxi's kindness.  In this unfavorable situation, who can rest peacefully?  The Alliance Army headquarters retreated again and again, reaching the point where they could no longer retreat.

    Even if the strategic policy of exchanging space for time is proposed, the Alliance army cannot retreat forever. This is related to the war spirit of mankind and retreating blindly.  It will make human beings lose confidence in fighting against the mechanical army.  And after retreating here today, it's almost time to start the harassment war against the mechanical army.

    Although the Mechanical Legion's presence behind Chichi will cause the Alliance Army responsible for the harassment mission to lose a lot of convenience, it will also cause the Mechanical Legion, whose supply line has been stretched very long, even more headaches.  In a place like this where there are no innocents, the Alliance forces have no scruples and can fight as they please.

    "Is the time up?" Maxi suddenly asked Messing.  Messing knew what Maxi was asking and looked up at the watch hanging on the wall.  He replied in a low voice: "If there are no accidents, it should have started by now, but if we want to get the battle report, we have to wait at least until after twelve o'clock in the evening."

    Hearing this, Maxi nodded, said nothing more, and continued to immerse himself in the ocean of documents.


    Mechanical Corps Occupied Area

    A raid battle has just ended, and the victorious Human Alliance Army is currently cleaning up the battlefield.  The mechanical army that attacked was a mechanical transport team responsible for transporting supplies.  Compared with the regular mechanical army.  Mechanical transport teams like this are equivalent to mature persimmons, you can squeeze them as you want.

    The attack occurred at six o'clock in the evening, and the battle was over in less than half an hour.  This result surprised the Union major in charge of the attack, but it was a victory after all.  While the major sent people to monitor the movements of the regular army of the Mechanical Legion, he also asked others to clean up the battle as quickly as possible. Take away what can be taken away, and burn what cannot be taken away. In short, it is just one sentence.  Don't leave even a nail for the regular mechanical army.

    "Major, the observation post sent a message that the monitored target has taken action and is rapidly approaching us. It is expected to arrive in ten minutes." The liaison officer suddenly shouted to the major.

    The major’s heart tightened upon hearing this, but he still ordered without hesitation: “Gather all the people, leave here immediately, and collect all the materials that cannot be taken away for destruction.”

    five minutes later……

    The major struck a match, threw it into the piled materials, and poured gasoline on them. There was a loud noise, and a ball of flames shot up into the sky.  Although half of his eyebrows were burned off because he couldn't dodge, the major didn't care at all. He laughed and quickly evacuated the scene with his soldiers.??.

    And three minutes later, when the regular mechanical army who rushed to the scene after learning that the mechanical transport team had been attacked looked at the supplies being burned, the major at that time had long since disappeared with his soldiers.

    The same thing keeps happening in the occupied areas of the Mechanical Legion.  It was like being slapped in the head. The mechanical emperor, who was originally so proud of the mechanical legion's triumph, was suddenly stunned.  Only then did the Mechanical Emperor clearly realize that humans now are just like humans back then. Although there are also scum, there are more people who are unwilling to surrender.

    The harassment of the supply line forced the Mechanical Emperor to temporarily stop the attack of the Mechanical Legion, and instead began a confrontation with the Human Alliance Army.  The mechanical legion has lost its supplies, and the weapons in its hands are not as useful as fire sticks.  The Mechanical Emperor knew this very well, and this was also the main reason why the Mechanical Emperor stopped attacking.  He needed time to protect his now-too-long supply line.

    ??The Mechanical Emperor is not helpless against the dirty tricks the Human Alliance is currently playing.  Fighting guerrillas also requires a foundation. The number of humans in the occupied areas has dropped sharply. There are no humans in the main cities. Every time a city is conquered, the mechanical army will start a massacre. Over time, the cities will be empty.  In order to survive, human beings can only hide in the deep mountains and dense forests.  There, the mechanical army couldn't care about it for the time being.

    "Order, the armored general of the mechanical legion will lead the team to turn around and be responsible for clearing out the human troops in the occupied area and ensuring the smooth flow of supply lines. At the same time, he ordered the other three mechanical legions to separate their forces to protect the resource collectors who will then move over, and tell them  . Postponing the attack, currently focusing on hoarding supplies."

    With the orders of the Mechanical Emperor, the actions of the four mechanical legions began to adjust.  Machines are machines, and there is no discount on the orders of the Machine Emperor.  All robots faithfully carry out the orders of the Mechanical Emperor.  It's just that the mechanical emperor doesn't feel relaxed at this time.  Although the battle plan proposed by Fei Lian has been carried out from the beginning of the war to the present, the attack on the supply line made the Machine Emperor clearly aware of the low ability of the frontline troops to respond to emergencies.  It's not that the mechanical troops located on the front line are too inefficient.  But because he has no self-thinking ability, the mechanical general who leads the army only knows how to deal with emergencies according to dogmatic procedures, so it is inevitable that he will react slowly.

    In view of this situation, whether to give the mechanical general the ability to think on his own has once again become a question that the mechanical emperor needs to consider.  A new batch of artificial humans has been put into use.  Except for the different body materials, there is no difference between robots and these artificial humans put into use.

    I originally thought that I would be able to relax a little bit more with this batch of artificial humans, but I didn’t expect that the Human Alliance would not admit defeat at this time, and even deliberately came to cause trouble.

    "Alas~" The mechanical emperor sighed.  He rubbed his eyebrows with a headache.  He couldn't help but miss the sight of the androids of Feilian's generation helping him.  There are many things that often have to wait until they are lost before they attract attention and understand how good they are.  But this is just a thought. The Mechanical Emperor does not dare to easily give the ability of self-thinking to robots or artificial people. He is afraid that situations that he cannot control will happen again.  But since you are afraid, you can't blame others and can only endure the hardship yourself.

    The Mechanical Emperor shook his head vigorously, unbuttoned his clothes and looked down at his chest.  It's not that the Mechanical Emperor has any special hobbies that are unknown to others.  But after these days.  The body that received Angel's heart is experiencing abnormalities.  In the position of the mechanical emperor's heart, an eye appeared faintly.  Although it may not seem obvious, the Mechanical Emperor dare not be careless.

    Being able to grow in strength like a human being, the Machine Emperor’s wish has been fulfilled after accepting Angel’s heart.  But the incidental situation was not what the Mechanical Emperor wanted.  Looking at the blurry-looking eyes, the Mechanical Emperor always felt a little uneasy.

    After carefully recalling what happened in the past period, the Mechanical Emperor found that he seemed to be affected by that eye.  For example, when dealing with the artificial humans of Feilian's generation, he was blinded by lard as is often said in the human world.  All he could think about was getting rid of those artificial humans, and there was no other thought.  But after receiving the news that those artificial humans had been eliminated, his first reaction was not to breathe a sigh of relief, but to feel waves of regret.

    His behavior becomes more and more weird.  I often feel upset for no apparent reason, and I need to vent some violence to relieve my body.  And the methods of venting seemed to become more and more cruel, which can be seen from the wreckage that fell on the ground after he calmed down.

    "What's wrong with me? Are all my changes related to these eyes?" The mechanical emperor thought as he subconsciously reached out to touch the eyes located on his own.Eyes in the inward position.  But what the Mechanical Emperor didn't expect was that just when his hand was about to touch that eye, the originally open eye suddenly closed, as if he was afraid of being touched by the Mechanical Emperor.

    The Mechanical Emperor originally thought that this eyeball should be something similar to a mark, but now it seems that this thing is not as simple as he imagined.

    Just when the mechanical emperor was deep in thought, a rush of footsteps came. The mechanical emperor looked up and saw the captain of the guard guarding his palace. He couldn't help but wonder what he was doing at this time.

    "Your Majesty, something happened. There is an abnormality in the research room." The captain of the guard knelt on one knee and reported to the Mechanical Emperor.

    Hearing this, the Mechanical Emperor was shocked. He stood up suddenly and asked, "Huh? Something happened in the research room? What happened?"

    "The research room was attacked, and the entire research room suddenly burned down."

    "What!" For the Mechanical Emperor, there are two places in the Mechanical Empire that are most important to him. One is the Netherworld Ghost Passage whose entrance is located in his bedroom, and the other is the research room mentioned by the captain of the guard.  Now that I heard that the research laboratory that was very important to me was burned down, it was strange that I could sit still.

    "Who did it?" the mechanical emperor asked as he ran out of the palace. The captain of the guard quickly followed him and replied to the mechanical emperor: "Your Majesty. This is also the most puzzling thing. The research room is inexplicable.  It caught fire, and the fire spread very quickly. Almost in an instant, the entire research room turned into a sea of ??flames"

    “Spontaneous combustion?” The Mechanical Emperor said to himself with some disbelief.

    Trade space for time!

    This is the strategic policy for the next period of time decided by Maxi and others after discussion.  The layers of defense previously thought of have been abandoned after learning about the powerful offensive capabilities of the Mechanical Legion. Although that can more effectively allow recruits to grow up, it requires a high price to pay.  It has even reached a point where the Human Alliance cannot bear it.

    The battle losses of the first battle have been calculated. The total number of soldiers left behind in the first fortress was about 3,000, but less than 30 returned alive. Such a large battle loss ratio was unacceptable to Maxi and others.  War means death, but no one wants to see such huge losses.

    The matter was settled like this.  They retreated in large steps, dividing the organized troops into small groups, and continued to harass the occupied areas of the Mechanical Legion to delay the offensive momentum of the Mechanical Legion, thereby buying time for future counterattacks.  What the Human Alliance lacks now is time. As long as it has time, even if it cannot win quickly, it will not be hit head-on like it is now with almost no power to fight back.

    But just when Maxi and others were deciding how to deal with the mechanical army's attack next.  A piece of bad news came. In addition to the capture of the First Fortress, the defense forces deployed by the Human Alliance in other star fields were also attacked almost at the same time.  Four directions were attacked at the same time, which made Fei Lian's eyes appear unusually bright.  It happened that Messing saw this look and couldn't help but asked: "Fei Lian, you don't seem to be very surprised to hear this news."

    Messing’s words caused everyone in the room to focus their attention on Fei Lian.  Fei Lian was silent for a while, then raised his head and said to everyone: "I think there is something I need to tell you when I went to get these drawings. I once saw a combat plan, and the beginning of that combat plan was something like  As what is happening now, attacking the Human Alliance from four directions not only matches the direction, but also the location where the attack is launched. I am now wondering whether the battle plan I saw before could be  The mechanical empire’s battle plan against the human world.”

    Except that Taihe knew that Fei Lian was talking nonsense.  The eyes of Maxi and others shone brightly. Regardless of whether it was a real battle plan or not, it was always a possibility.  Messing immediately asked: "Do you still remember that battle plan?"

    "Remember, I have a photographic memory. I thought that combat plan might be useful, so I wrote it down."

    "What kind of actions will the Mechanical Legion take after that?" Messing asked.

    "Well they will divide their forces and attack eight places at the same time. Their attacks will be pushed towards the human world in a fan shape." Fei Lian pretended to think about it and then replied.

    Although it is not certain whether what Fei Lian said is true, it can at least provide a reference.  As for how to prove it, just observe the next actions of the mechanical army.


    After a night, the mechanical army set off again after a brief rest, and as Fei Lian said before, they really divided their forces, and the attack location after the division was exactly the same as what Fei Lian said.

    It is far less important to know the enemy's battle plan than to know the enemy's opportunity.  Right now Fei LianThe combat plan mentioned above is consistent with that of the Mechanical Legion, which makes Messing and others, who have been considering preventing a counterattack, overjoyed.  Fei Lian did not disappoint them. He re-wrote the battle plan he had previously given to the Mechanical Emperor and gave it to Messing and others. He also emphasized that this battle plan could only be used as a reference and not as a basis, because  No one knows whether the Mechanical Emperor will temporarily change the battle plan, and if this battle plan is really relied on to stop the offensive momentum of the Mechanical Legion, then the battle plan will be changed.

    Thanks to Fei Lian’s timely reminder, otherwise Messing would have used this combat plan as a basis for future operations.  But now with Fei Lian's reminder, Messing also became clear-headed.  He realized that the battle plan given to him by Fei Lian could not be used casually, otherwise it would most likely become a pile of waste paper after being used once.

    Good steel should be used on the blade. Messing, who originally planned to use this combat plan to attack the mechanical army, was caught off guard and stabilized his mind. He put the combat plan on hold and prepared to study it carefully before deciding when to use this combat plan.

    It’s just that the combat plan is of no use now, as they want to block the mechanical army’s offensive.  Then the only thing you can do is to keep filling in your life and retreat in large steps to trade space for time.

    The offensive of the mechanical legion is terrifying. It is absolutely overwhelming against the current alliance army. Although the outstanding talents among humans have also organized their soldiers to resist tenaciously, in the face of the tide-like offensive of the mechanical legion, any individual effort will be in vain.  Seems so pale and weak.

    It has only been a week since the war began, and the human alliance army has retreated two hundred miles. One-third of the defensive fortresses previously built to resist the mechanical army have fallen into the hands of the mechanical army.  And in terms of casualties.  That is an astronomical figure.  The mechanical army takes no prisoners, and any human being who falls into their hands has no chance of survival.  Chichi Chisato is the most appropriate adjective to describe the current area occupied by the mechanical legion.

    Before the war, some people among humans thought that even if the mechanical empire conquered humans, it would still need the people, but now it seems.  No one in the human race holds this view anymore.  massacre!  Only massacre!  Every time a place is occupied, the first thing the mechanical army has to do is to kill all the humans in the place.  From the gray-haired old man to the young child waiting to be fed, all were killed without exception.  Killed without any reason, without any rape or robbery, the mechanical army is like a hard-working scavenger, cleaning up the humans who appear in front of them.

    In just one week.  In addition to the Alliance soldiers who died on the battlefield, the large-scale civilian casualties finally made humans in other places not affected by the war understand a reality.  Anyone who wants to talk about peace with the mechanical army is the one who hit his head on a pig.

    Finally, there was no more noise in the Human Alliance.  When they found that there was no other option but to resist, and were not even given a chance to surrender, mankind finally broke out.

    The drawings provided by Fei Lian were verified in a short period of time, and the factory began to be put into production. However, the researchers did not rest here, and were still studying the drawings without sleep or food.  Trying to rely on these drawings to create new weapons more suitable for human use.  But for now, let's stop the mechanical army's offensive momentum first.


    It’s another week, this week is the same as last week, it’s still failure, failure, failure again.  Maxi and others seemed to have almost gotten used to this situation, after hearing the news of the failure.  Immediately start researching where the next attack will be and plan a defense.

    Messing has not slept for three days and three nights, and his eyes are bloodshot.  Maxi reluctantly persuaded him to take a rest, but Messing refused Maxi's kindness.  Under the current unfavorable circumstances.  Who can rest peacefully?  The Alliance Army headquarters retreated again and again, reaching the point where they could no longer retreat.

    Even if the strategic policy of exchanging space for time is proposed, the Alliance army cannot retreat forever. This is related to the fighting spirit of mankind. Blind retreat will make mankind lose the confidence to fight against the mechanical army.  And after retreating here today, it's almost time to start the harassment war against the mechanical army.

    Although the Mechanical Legion's presence behind Chichi will cause the Alliance Army responsible for the harassment mission to lose a lot of convenience, it will also cause the Mechanical Legion, whose supply line has been stretched very long, even more headaches.  In a place like this where there are no innocents, the Alliance forces have no scruples and can fight as they please.

    "Is the time up?" Maxi suddenly asked Messing.  Messing knew what Maxi was asking. He looked up at the watch hanging on the wall and replied in a low voice: "If there are no accidents, it should have started by now, but if we want to get the battle report, we have to wait until at least ten o'clock in the evening."  After two o'clock."

    Hearing this??, Maxi nodded, without saying anything more, and continued to immerse himself in the ocean of documents.


    Mechanical Corps Occupied Area

    A raid battle has just ended, and the victorious Human Alliance Army is currently cleaning up the battlefield.  The mechanical army that attacked was a mechanical transport team responsible for transporting supplies.  Compared with the regular mechanical army, mechanical transport teams like this are equivalent to mature persimmons, which can be squeezed as much as you want.

    The attack occurred at six o'clock in the evening, and the battle was over in less than half an hour.  This result surprised the Union major in charge of the attack, but it was a victory after all.  While the major sent people to monitor the movements of the regular army of the Mechanical Legion, he also asked others to clean up the battle as quickly as possible. Take away what can be taken away, and burn what cannot be taken away. In short, it is just one sentence.  Don't leave even a nail for the regular mechanical army.

    "Major, the observation post sent a message that the monitored target has taken action and is rapidly approaching us. It is expected to arrive in ten minutes." The liaison officer suddenly shouted to the major.

    The major’s heart tightened when he heard this, but he still ordered without hesitation: “Everyone must gather and leave here immediately. Gather all the materials that cannot be taken away and destroy them.”

    five minutes later……

    The major struck a match, threw it into the piled materials, and poured gasoline on them. There was a loud noise, and a ball of flames shot up into the sky.  Although half of his eyebrows were burned off due to his failure to dodge, the major didn't care at all.  He laughed loudly and quickly evacuated the scene with his soldiers.

    And three minutes later, when the regular mechanical army who rushed to the scene after learning that the mechanical transport team had been attacked looked at the supplies being burned, the major at that time had long since disappeared with his soldiers.

    The same thing keeps happening in the occupied areas of the Mechanical Legion.  It was like being slapped in the head. The mechanical emperor, who was originally so proud of the mechanical legion's triumph, was suddenly stunned.  Only then did the Mechanical Emperor clearly realize that humans now are the same as humans back then. Although there are also scum, there are more.  But he is someone who refuses to give in.

    The harassment of the supply line forced the Mechanical Emperor to temporarily stop the attack of the Mechanical Legion, and instead began a confrontation with the Human Alliance Army.  The mechanical legion has lost its supplies, and the weapons in its hands are not as useful as fire sticks.  The Mechanical Emperor knew this very well, and this was also the main reason why the Mechanical Emperor stopped attacking.  He needed time to protect his now-too-long supply line.

    ??The Mechanical Emperor is not helpless against the dirty tricks the Human Alliance is currently playing.  Guerrilla warfare also requires a foundation. At present, the number of humans in the occupied areas has dropped sharply. There are no humans in the main cities. Every time a city is conquered.  The mechanical army will start a massacre, and over time, the city will be empty.  In order to survive, humans can only hide in the deep mountains and dense forests, where the mechanical legion cannot take care of them for the time being.

    "Order, the armored general of the Mechanical Legion leads the team to turn around. He is responsible for clearing out the human troops in the occupied area and ensuring the smooth flow of supply lines. At the same time, he orders the other three mechanical corps to separate their forces to protect the resource collectors who will then move over, and tell them  . Postponing the attack, currently focusing on hoarding supplies."

    With the orders of the Mechanical Emperor, the actions of the four mechanical legions began to adjust.  Machines are machines, and there is no discount on the orders of the Machine Emperor.  All robots faithfully carry out the orders of the Mechanical Emperor.  It's just that the mechanical emperor doesn't feel relaxed at this time.  Although the battle plan proposed by Fei Lian has been carried out from the beginning of the war to the present, the attack on the supply line made the Machine Emperor clearly aware of the low ability of the frontline troops to respond to emergencies.  It's not that the efficiency of the mechanical troops on the front line is too low, but because they don't have the ability to think for themselves. The mechanical generals leading the troops only know how to deal with emergencies according to dogmatic procedures, so slow response is inevitable.

    In view of this situation, whether to give the mechanical general the ability to think on his own has once again become a question that the mechanical emperor needs to consider.  A new batch of artificial humans has been put into use.  Except for the different body materials, there is no difference between robots and these artificial humans put into use.

    I originally thought that I would be able to relax a little bit more with this batch of artificial humans, but I didn’t expect that the Human Alliance would not admit defeat at this time, and even deliberately came to cause trouble.

    "Alas~" The Mechanical Emperor sighed and rubbed his brows with a headache.  He couldn't help but miss the sight of the androids of Feilian's generation helping him.  There are many things that often have to wait until they are lost before they attract attention and understand how good they are.  But this is just a thought. The Mechanical Emperor does not dare to easily give the ability of self-thinking to robots or artificial people. He is afraid that situations that he cannot control will happen again.  But since I'm afraid, I can't blame youOthers can only endure hardship on their own.

    The Mechanical Emperor shook his head vigorously, unbuttoned his clothes and looked down at his chest.  It's not that the Mechanical Emperor has any special hobbies that are unknown to others.  But after these days, the body that received Angel's heart became abnormal.  In the position of the mechanical emperor's heart, an eye appeared faintly.  Although it may not seem obvious, the Mechanical Emperor dare not be careless.

    Being able to grow in strength like a human being, the Machine Emperor’s wish has been fulfilled after accepting Angel’s heart.  But the incidental situation was not what the Mechanical Emperor wanted.  Looking at the blurry-looking eyes, the Mechanical Emperor always felt a little uneasy.

    After carefully recalling what happened in the past period, the Mechanical Emperor found that he seemed to be affected by that eye.  For example, when dealing with the artificial beings of Fei Lian's generation, he was blinded by lard as the human world often said. All he could think about was getting rid of those artificial beings, without any other thoughts.  But after receiving the news that those artificial humans had been eliminated, his first reaction was not to breathe a sigh of relief, but to feel waves of regret.

    My behavior becomes more and more weird, and I often feel upset for no reason, and I need to vent violence to relieve my body.  And the methods of venting seemed to become more and more cruel, which can be seen from the wreckage that fell on the ground after he calmed down.

    "What's wrong with me? Are all my changes related to this eye?" The mechanical emperor thought as he subconsciously reached out to touch the eye located at his heart.  But what the Mechanical Emperor didn't expect was that just when his hand was about to touch that eye, the originally open eye suddenly closed, as if he was afraid of being touched by the Mechanical Emperor.

    The Mechanical Emperor originally thought that this eyeball should be something similar to a mark, but now it seems that this thing is not as simple as he imagined.

    Just when the mechanical emperor was deep in thought, a rush of footsteps came. The mechanical emperor looked up and saw the captain of the guard guarding his palace. He couldn't help but wonder what he was doing at this time.

    "Your Majesty, something happened. There is an abnormality in the research room." The captain of the guard knelt on one knee and reported to the Mechanical Emperor.

    Hearing this, the Mechanical Emperor was shocked. He stood up suddenly and asked, "Huh? Something happened in the research room? What happened?"

    "The research room was attacked, and the entire research room suddenly burned down."

    "What!" For the Mechanical Emperor, there are two places in the Mechanical Empire that are most important to him. One is the Netherworld Ghost Passage whose entrance is located in his bedroom, and the other is the research room mentioned by the captain of the guard.  Now that I heard that the research laboratory that was very important to me was burned down, it was strange that I could sit still.

    "Who did it?" the mechanical emperor asked as he ran out of the palace. Seeing this, the captain of the guard quickly followed him and replied to the mechanical emperor: "Your Majesty, this is also the most puzzling thing. The research room is inexplicable.  It caught fire, and the fire spread very quickly. Almost in an instant, the entire research room turned into a sea of ??flames"

    “Spontaneous combustion?” The Mechanical Emperor said to himself with some disbelief.  (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian to vote for recommendations and monthly votes. Your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users, please read it.)
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