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Text Chapter 672 The Founding of Saudi Arabia (4)

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    Chapter 672 The Founding of Saudi Arabia (4)

    Get out!  Move out!  The British fleet is dispatched!  Before the reverberations of Saudi Arabia¡¯s founding dissipated, the storm in the Persian Gulf swept the entire world in an instant!

    Prestige leaves Portsmouth!

    The Repulse leaves Gibraltar!

    The Malaya is bound for Singapore!

    "This is a crisis! The majesty of England is being seriously violated. It is like Morocco 20 years ago. Some people and countries have forgotten their lessons and the sacred and inviolable rights of the British Empire!" MacDonald in the House of Commons in London  The Prime Minister made an impassioned speech, and the entire speech was almost identical to Lloyd George's speech during the Moroccan crisis in which he suggested that a war would be necessary.  Behind this tough attitude is the emergency mobilization of the Royal Navy, which is a giant ship sailing away from its home port and heading towards the Persian Gulf.

    Is there going to be a war?

    Britain¡¯s high-profile actions have even drawn Europe into it, and everyone is staring with wide eyes at this, the most serious regional crisis since the Moroccan crisis in 2016.  Just like last time, the challenged empire grinned and issued a war warning to the world.

    Report after report was sent out from Riyadh to the world. Countless commentators and observers were horrified by the aid loan amounting to 4 billion yuan, while concocting various "threat theories", "disaster theories" and "war theories".  ".  The French newspaper Le Figaro even made no secret of describing the tense atmosphere in the Persian Gulf with the title "The third "Moroccan" crisis, a hot war between China and Britain is about to break out".

    As a party to the crisis, the British people who are deeply in the economic crisis are also stunned.  No one knew what the sudden outbreak of the Persian Gulf crisis was about. To understand the reason, they bought long-lost paid daily newspapers one after another. Only then did they realize that there was an independent country called the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the world, and they also knew that they had just put three  Two-thirds of the land was leased to the Arab Chinese Petroleum Company, and it became known that China was trying to use oil trade to enter the Arab areas controlled by the British Empire.  But the incident did not go as eloquent commentators imagined, and MacDonald's worst fears finally came to pass.  The expected nationwide action did not occur. On the contrary, more than half of the citizens did not support the use of force to resolve the crisis.  This is of course not because they do not understand the importance of the Persian Gulf, but because the economic crisis has tortured them so much that they have forgotten their pride.  "For a few pennies a barrel of oil, it is extremely foolish to involve Britain in an unknown war." Sir Stanley Baldwin, the leader of the Conservative Party who lost his position as the ruling party, was the first to speak out against Macdonald's recklessness.  , believes that with the oil price plummeting, the British National Government's first priority is to restore the economy rather than war.

    With this mentality, a large number of people gathered in Downing Street on the day the navy set out, holding up slogans like "Bread, not bullets" to protest against the navy.  But this cannot change the British government's determination to restrict China's access to the Persian Gulf. As an excellent politician, Macdonald, who has always regarded himself as a world leader, knows very well that he really cannot give in casually this time!  As the big brother in old Europe, facing the new world headed by China, the United States and the Soviet Union, if we make concessions this time, it means that the world will officially enter the Warring States Period of confrontation between the old and the new!  It means that the Arab world will completely turn to China and the United States!

    If you take a step back, you may not even be able to see the sunset!

    In this state of mind, the whole world slowly holds its breath.

    In the Kremlin office, Stalin forgot to reprimand Kuibyshev and looked at the Persian Gulf and India with his pipe in his mouth, longing for the warm seaport that he longed for during the time of Peter the Great.  Under the milky white vault of Washington, Hoover needed to choose between China and Britain.  Mr. Roosevelt, the governor of New York, sat quietly in his wheelchair, gritting his teeth and staring fiercely at China and Britain on the map.  Inside the Nazi Party headquarters in Berlin, Germany, Hitler waved his fist and once again gave a speech, saying that the world is not a country's toy, and Germany needs to rearm to protect oil security.

    In Rome, Mussolini shouted for equality to break the hegemonic monopoly.

    Even in Tokyo, Mount Nagata lies on the map like a solidified sculpture. His eyes slowly retreat from the Persian Gulf to India, Ceylon, the Malay Peninsula, Sumatra, Java, and Borneo. What a rich string.  Land!  But Britain is too powerful, and the United States controls Luzon. Although China offers an olive branch through Sazhenbing, everyone knows that they are playing the trick of a mantis stalking a cicada.

    Will this conflict be a watershed for the Japanese Empire to reach another glory?

    On the chessboard after the European War, Yang Qiu moved a chess piece and stirred up a violent storm, attracting countless people around him.  Those red eyes staring at both sides of the game are waiting for this moment. Any spark will trigger cheers or screams.

    In the Gulf of Oman, three brand-new Gulf Oil Company tankers slowly approached the Strait of Hormuz under the protection of the destroyer South 17.  As an American Paulding-class expulsion obtained in the European War.? Even after more than ten years, the Navy still cannot let go of its feelings for it.  As a participant in the war that year, all Paulding-class destroyers participated in the Atlantic escort operations. Thousands of young Chinese naval personnel used them to ride the wind and waves and lose their youth.  But it is undeniable that it is too old compared with the new ones that have been launched continuously over the years, so the Navy has to downgrade them as daily escort and patrol ships.

    Today, the new generation of naval personnel no longer need them to fight in the deep sea, but the Navy still regards them as the first step for young people to enter the main fleet.  27-year-old Jiang Wenian is such a young officer.  He joined the army at the age of 18 and started as a sailor, from torpedo deck to gunnery officer, then to trainee first mate and finally became captain.  Hailing from Jinzhou, Liaodong, he devoted almost the entire first half of his life to this old destroyer, where all his dreams and emotions were entrusted. Some sailors even joked that our captain loves warships more than his wife.

    Before entering the port, Jiang Wennian conducted a routine deck inspection. Although his beloved warship will be officially decommissioned and handed over to the National Guard in half a year, 10 years of hard work has finally come to fruition because he has passed the cruiser captain assessment and will be commissioned in half a year.  Officially took over as captain of the heavy cruiser Nanchang.

    Just as he was inspecting the stern of the ship, a shout rang out.

    "10 o'clock, British fleet!"

    The shouts of the guard sentry on the deck made Jiang Wenian immediately turn around, and in his eyes a black smoke cloud appeared in the sky.  Jiang Wenian and the sailors, who have undertaken escort missions many times, did not find it too strange because this is a British naval activity area with several warships deployed all year round.

    "Report the quantity, model, and speed." Jiang Wennian walked into the narrow and crowded bridge, and his orders were always steady and clear.  Soon after, news came from the mast lookout: "One Kent-class heavy cruiser and one unknown light cruiser. Speed ??23 knots, captain! The main gun on the target ship's bow has been adjusted! They are accelerating, they are accelerating! They are rushing towards us.  "

    The shouting became more and more urgent, and Jiang Wenian and all the sailors felt that something was wrong.  The British navy usually waits lazily for them to send signals several times before going up, so why did they take the initiative to rush in today?  And it also contains a Kent-class heavy cruiser that has never been deployed in the Indian Ocean.  Is there something wrong with Nejd?  Before setting off, Jiang Wennian was told to be careful about any changes in his mind, so his heart immediately sank.

    "Something's wrong!" Jiang Wennian suddenly raised his eyebrows. He picked up the phone and issued commands skillfully from his mouth: "Sound the battle alarm and accelerate to 25 knots. Send a signal to have the tanker turn left to wait for the Oman coastline. Come on, let's meet him.  Welcome up. The light signal is the destroyer Nan 17 of the Chinese Navy. We are ordered to protect the oil tanker heading to Ogel. This is the Chinese Navy."

    In the middle of the bridge, the fan blades in front of the signal lights opened and closed, and the sailors repeatedly sent the captain's commands.  However, no matter what they did, the British Royal Navy, which usually claimed to be the most graceful, was like two hungry tigers this time, burying its head in the attack and seeming to ignore it.

    "You bastard! I'm not scared." Jiang Wennian slapped the lever hard: "Turn left."

    The 1,000-ton Nan No. 17 turned sideways decisively at the sound of the order. Its slender hull was like an arrow trying to block the channel between the cruiser and the oil tanker.  The three large oil tankers seemed to have sensed something was wrong. Their propellers rolled up white waves and slowly headed towards the coast of Oman.  Seeing the two British cruisers getting closer and closer, the air became anxious and stagnant.

    At this moment, a signal finally came from the other side: "This is the British Royal Navy, stop the ship immediately, lock the weapons, and accept inspection!"

    "Stop the ship! Lock the weapons! Get inspected!!!"


    The first mate can no longer continue reading. The navy is not the army, and the warship is not a smuggling ship that can be inspected at will!  To this day, there is a horizontal plaque hanging next to the navigation bell on No. 17 South, with five big characters on it.

    Warships are the country!

    How can the country be allowed to be entered by others at will?  !

    Jiang Wennian¡¯s face turned dark. From the beginning of training, he was told that this was the new navy!  It's the Chinese Navy!  I am afraid that even Beiyang back then would not have endured the humiliation of being intercepted and boarded for inspection without reason.

    The tiger's eyes were half closed, showing a deep look of worry.  He understood that something must have happened to Najd, otherwise the British navy would never have intercepted the fleet.  According to prior discussions, after the strait is blocked, if the safety of the tanker can be ensured, it will continue to move forward. Otherwise, it will immediately retreat to the Port of Omansela to wait for the next order.  Two cruisers, including one heavy cruiser, could not ensure safety by destroyers, so Jiang Wenian could only order a retreat.

    "Captain, they are still coming, how should I answer?"

    "Answer?" Jiang Wennian looked at the first mate, and then at the approaching British cruiser. Thinking of the signal for him to lock his weapons and undergo inspection, he clenched his fists and said fiercely: "Fuck you! I am the Chinese Navy, no  ???He is a slave of the Emperor!  "

    South No. 17 refused to respond and turned to leave, but I don¡¯t know whether the silence irritated the other party, or whether the other party was deliberately provoking. The two British cruisers suddenly changed their formations.  The light cruiser suddenly accelerated and rushed straight towards the tanker, which was only 16 knots away. The heavy cruiser turned its bow to the 17th bow, trying to cut off the destroyer and the tanker.

    This scene made Jiang Wennian and all the officers and soldiers furious. They know that the British Empire's navy is powerful, but this is not so unreasonable, right?  Even though he was ready to leave, he still didn't let go.

    A fierce chase scene suddenly appeared on the sea. The destroyer Nan 17 quickly accelerated to 30 knots and passed across before the heavy cruiser Kent blocked it.  But after passing the heavy cruiser, the British light cruiser, whose speed had also increased to 30 knots, once again blocked the front.

    The two ships were running parallel to each other, and the light cruiser was blocked on the inside of the offshore sea. It had no speed advantage and could not get rid of it.  What should I do if I see the tanker getting closer?  !  fire?  No, firing a gun is a war!  The British must not be allowed to find excuses to persecute oil tankers, but how can they get rid of their opponents without firing?  How to protect the tanker without throwing away the opponent?

    Each dead end made Jiang Wenian anxious, and the officers and sailors were all waiting for his orders.

    "Captain! We don't have enough speed to get away!"

    ¡°There¡¯s no way to grab a spot.¡±

    "Captain, what should I do?"

    "what to do!"

    South No. 17 was attacked by two cruisers. The sailors from home on the tanker were eager to be protected!  The British naval gun has turned around and seems to be waiting for you to fire first. What should you do?

    Jiang Wennian took a deep breath, looked at his partner and made a decisive decision.

    "Bump into it."
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