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Text Chapter 738 Nighthawk Raid

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    The first airborne combat in human history kicked off on time.  Afghanistan, known as the crossroads of Asia, entered dawn early under the illumination of 26 bright lights.

    The soldiers of the airborne commando lined up and entered the narrow and crowded cabin of the "Little Bird".  While waiting quietly for takeoff, they also carefully checked the weapons in their hands.  Steel helmet, nylon bulletproof tactical vest, backpack infantry tactical radio, h32 semi-automatic rifle, hc34 submachine gun (can be imagined as MP40), c30 grenade gun, hj32 cloth tearing machine gun (mg3 general machine gun), Minyuan-style pistol, signal gun,  Paratrooper knives, egg-shaped grenades, TNT explosives, "demolisher" short blasting tubes with suction cups, backpacks, water bottlesall hanging all over the body.

    Behind them, 22 "Dapeng" aircraft opened their noses to the left, including the latest domestic 80mm recoilless rifles (imitation PW78 type), 107mm 12-barreled rocket launchers, heavy airborne ammunition bags, 6 Hanjiang large jeeps (Dodge T214  Series large jeeps) all need to be carried by them.  Air Force technicians also took advantage of the last opportunity to carefully and carefully inspect every possible problem.  Half an hour later, the nose of the plane slowly closed, and the ground crew began to hang a towing rope as thick as a baby's arm between the tractor and the glider.

    As the signal light at the end of the runway changed from red to green, a wireless liaison aircraft modified from a four-ship eight "Stratospheric" transport aircraft (1,600 horsepower enlarged and enhanced Boeing 307) took the lead in taking off. Six "chemical" aircraft carrying auxiliary fuel tanks  Snake fighter jets followed.  They are needed to coordinate communications as radio connections are poor in mountainous areas.  Wait until their wing anti-collision lights disappear into the deep night sky.  The first "Little Bird" towed by a fighter jet staggered into the night sky.  With no power, battery-operated anti-collision fog lights are the only discernible reference.

    Special operations are typically good-looking and punishing tactics.  It¡¯s beautiful because of its excitement and whimsy, but it¡¯s uncomfortable because before every special war, participating troops spend a lot of time conducting simulation training. The hardships and dangers involved are unimaginable to ordinary people, and the dangers involved in the missions are countless.  Fight normal ten times.  In this operation, the first thing to deal with is the dangerous mountain wind, so whether it is a fighter jet towing a bird or a bomber towing a roc.  The rope cannot be released immediately after liftoff. It needs to be towed close to the northern defense line before it can turn around.

    Ten minutes after the "Little Bird" left, the first "Dapeng" also left the ground under the tow of the bomber.  Subsequently, soldiers from the Asian Brigade and the Northern Army of Afghanistan also boarded Yun-3 (like JU52) and Yun-6 (kc2 military version resembles the famous dc3).  Overlord) are all packed, and when they can take off, they need to wait for the repeater to send back a radio signal.

    The night is deep, and Afghanistan is dark and gloomy before dawn.

    The news of the loss of two I-16 fighter jets spread among the Soviet army in Kabul during the day.  The loyal commander of the garrison even sent a telegram to ask for permission to continue sending planes to search. Unexpectedly, he was scolded by his superiors, who even said he was derelict in his duties. He was so frightened that he never dared to mention the investigation again.  As before, Korff's death was slowly forgotten while the soldiers were meeting and busy at the end of the day.  They were all exhausted and snoring everywhere. Even the sentry leaned on the tower and dozed off after staying up for several hours.

    The only one who cannot take a nap is the commando led by Dong Hao.

    On a quiet night, the noise of a piston engine will travel far.  Therefore, the tractor immediately untied the cable after approaching the northern route.  Fortunately, there is a tailwind tonight, and more than 100 kilometers is not difficult for a specially developed glider.  But when crossing the Hindu Kush.  Still, one "Little Bird" encountered a turbulence and disappeared into the chaos.  "Damn it!" Dong Hao cursed secretly for missing a navigation light, but there was nothing he could do about it.  Fortunately, the plane successfully made an emergency landing. Except for one pilot who died, the others arrived in Kabul in the afternoon.

    Forty minutes later, the glider pilot, who was maintaining an altitude of 2,500 meters, finally spotted the signal from Kabul.  This is an array of red flashlights placed on the roof of the building by military intelligence agents. The flashlights are placed very cleverly and are sealed with thick baffles. The light source can only be seen at high altitudes.  And the lights were turned on two hours after the commandos set off.  The appearance of a specially shaped signal also means that the glider will land within a few minutes.

    Taking off and landing are always the most dangerous. During training, there were accidents in which the aircraft was blown over by strong winds after landing, resulting in crashes and fatalities. Therefore, the commandos all clenched their fists, constantly checked their seat belts and weapons, and waited for the wheel to hit.  The ground shook.  Due to a tailwind, the commandos arrived nearly 20 minutes earlier than expected, which made a visual landing very difficult.  In order to land as quickly as possible, the pilot took the initiative to descend and look for the airport. After circling for about five minutes, he finally determined the position and pressed the control stick violently.

    The nimble "Little Bird" glider is like a silent nighthawk in the darkness. When the airport barbed wire fence passes under the wing, the tail speed parachute of the aircraft squeaksWhen it opened, the entire plane felt as if someone had pulled it hard. The centrifugal force made Dong Hao and the soldiers feel uncomfortable and wanted to vomit.  "Boom." A muffled sound spread far away, the wheels and skateboard finally touched the ground, and the pilot used all his strength to pull the brake lever.  With the help of mechanical force, the tires locked up, and a zigzag reducer fell down on the edge of the skateboard. The iron teeth scraped the ground and left two deep marks.

    With the help of the landing assist system, Dong Hao's glider stopped steadily 30 meters away from the air defense position in only 17 meters.  The moment the plane came to a stop, the squad leader who led the team suddenly opened the door, was the first to rush out of the plane with a submachine gun, and then quickly threw a flash grenade.  Provide landing light source for subsequent crews.

    The sound of impact and flash bombs also alerted the Soviet sentry, but before the Soviet sentry could rub his eyes, the second and third Little Birds had landed smoothly.


    The large hatch design allows soldiers to enter and exit quickly. From the time the three Little Birds landed to when all the soldiers jumped out of the cabin, it took less than three minutes in total, and it was exactly these three minutes.  Become a turning point in victory or defeat.  "Machine gun team, take out the watchtower first!"

    "Dorm. Go to the dormitory! Don't let the enemy get a gun."

    ¡°Flash bomb¡­.¡±

    ¡°Anti-aircraft gun safety!¡±

    "Machine gun, machine gun to the roof!"

    Dong Hao, like an ordinary soldier, ran wildly with a submachine gun and shouted.  Under his command, the three bird planes that landed first sprayed out long tongues of flame from their backs.  "Dong dong dong dong dong." The pilot pulled the bolt and operated the 12.7mm Venom Fang heavy machine gun installed on the back of the aircraft to fire violently at the watchtower and checkpoints. The line of fire composed of tracer bullets was denser than raindrops. It was unique.  The semi-armor-piercing incendiary bombs shattered the first targets in an instant.  Then they pointed their guns at the I-16 and I-15 Soviet fighter jets in the open air, shooting and destroying them to their heart's content.

    The fragile wooden fuselage cannot stop the fire from the Venom Fang heavy machine gun.  In less than a moment, more than thirty planes were all in flames.  Against the background of a fire net of tracer bullets, the commandos all ran desperately toward the intended attack target.  At this moment, the seventh bird that landed was unlucky again. Due to an operational error, it crashed into the middle of two burning I-15 fighter jets.

    Fortunately, the large hatch design saved the crew members on the plane again. Except for the two soldiers who were slightly burned, even the hj32 general machine gun on the plane was removed by the pilot of the net and carried out.

    When the first gunshot was fired.  The sleeping Soviet soldiers were awakened, but at this time when sleep was supposed to be the most fragrant, even the fastest reaction person would still need several minutes from getting up to finally picking up the weapon.  By the time the Soviet soldiers jumped out of bed to put on their clothes, all the remaining "birds" had landed, including one.  It also parked directly less than fifty meters away from the airport dormitory building.

    The pilot was later awarded a First Class Combat Medal for his boldness, which further bought the commandos time.  When the 15 commandos rushed off the plane, it only took them thirty seconds to rush into the dormitory building.  The commandos with greatly increased strength ran wildly, and the entire airport was engulfed in bullets.  The first Soviet soldier to react rushed out of the dormitory building. He was greeted by more than a dozen submachine guns and crazy shooting.

    The corridor is narrow and cannot allow too many soldiers to pour in.  The remaining commandos simply used grenades and grenade guns to smash in through the open window. The Soviet soldiers screamed in agony amid the loud explosions, and blood and flesh splattered everywhere.  In order to speed up the attack, most of the commandos remained silent from beginning to end. They all acted like crazy bulls, relying on their powerful individual firepower to sweep wildly, without giving their opponents any chance to breathe.

    The fire on the ground provided good landing conditions for the "Dapeng" arriving one after another. These big guys quickly approached the airport and dived quickly toward no one.

    "Protect the landing! Machine guns, fight back! Demolition team"

    The assault squad attacking the dormitory building of the Soviet Flying Corps encountered strong resistance for the first time. Two DP machine guns stuck out from the window. One suppressed the approaching commandos, and the other fired violently at the Dapeng who was preparing to land.  Seeing this, the assault squad leader yelled urgently for machine gun suppression.  Immediately after the cry, a soldier rushed to the machine gunner, knelt on one knee, raised the bipod with both hands, and used his body as a support to allow the machine gunner to get a better shooting angle.  Under his decisiveness, the unique ripping sound of the HJ32 machine gun immediately drowned out all enemies trying to resist, and the dense rain of bullets made sparks dance around the windows of the dormitory building.

    After suppressing the opponent's machine gun, four combat engineers quickly rushed to the bottom of the building and fixed two cone-shaped "demolitionist" short blasting barrels in the corners.  This is a special blasting device designed to deal with strong bunkers and fortifications. It weighs four kilograms and uses cone-hole charges.  There are four suction cups at the bottom of the cone to firmly attach it to the surface of the building.  After placing the blasting barrel, the blaster only needs to rotate the fixed rod at the top of the cone three times to touch it.?The fuse exploded thirty seconds later.

    Two kilograms of powerful TNT explosives are not something ordinary buildings can withstand. In the two almost simultaneous explosions, half of the three-story Soviet flying regiment dormitory building with civil structure collapsed.

    No more suspense!

    When the first Dapeng landed successfully under the guidance of firelight, a death trap that took months of training, weaving and construction opened its door to the Soviet army.  In the intertwining of blood and fire, under the double firepower of submachine guns and machine guns, those Soviet soldiers who had just taken up arms could only howl in shrillness and despair.  All officers and soldiers were stunned by the sudden appearance of the enemy. The officers could not find the soldiers, and the soldiers could not find the officers. They could only keep shouting, but this sound would lead to an even more violent rain of bullets.

    A disaster, a planned massacre!

    ¡°For thirty minutes, the thousands of Soviet infantry and aviation regiments stationed at the airport failed to organize a decent resistance.  Any advance or counterattack is a hopeless act of suicide.  There are only two choices, either to be swept away by the crazy commandos, or to surrender obediently with your hands raised.

    As the Dapeng gliders landed one after another, more and more airborne troops joined in the cleanup. The heavy machine guns placed on the planes sprayed firepower all over the airport as if bullets were free.  Due to the chaos on the runway and apron, Dong Hao immediately asked someone to direct the cleanup on his behalf, while he asked soldiers to find a few trucks and forcefully push away the aircraft and obstacles blocking the road.

    "Trucks, go and bring all the trucks that can be driven over! Tanks? Great, go over here! What? Can't you understand Soviet characters? Ma Xiucai, go find Ma Xiucai and ask him to translate for you." "Contact  Command plane, confirm! The airport is under preliminary control!"

    A brilliant victory was just around the corner, but Dong Hao still did not dare to take it lightly. He was sure that the gunshots and explosions had alerted Amanula and the puppet troops, so he immediately sent people to find more trucks.  At this time, all the Dapeng gliders that had landed also opened their noses one after another, and six jeeps towing 12 rocket launchers slowly drove out of the cabin under the command of soldiers.  More paratroopers carrying mortars, machine guns, recoilless rifles and ammunition boxes climbed onto the found Soviet trucks, formed a larger assault arrow, and rushed towards the Kabul Palace five kilometers away.

    Explosions and gunshots woke up Kabul. When the people of Kabul trembled and tried to find out what was going on, a combat battalion composed of more than 600 commandos had arrived outside the palace. When the chaotic Afghan puppet army tried to form a defense line to protect the palace  , the commandos had unloaded their rocket launchers and aimed at the nearby palace and barracks.


    In the roar, 12 107mm rocket launchers let out a ferocious roar.  In just one minute, firepower was poured out that was as powerful as a heavy artillery regiment!  A rain of steel composed of 72 rockets hit the front of the palace and barracks. The shining fireballs, rising smoke columns, and scattered steel balls and fragments sent the unprepared puppet troops scurrying away.

    Amanula, who was just about to run away again, was petrified by this scene. He just wanted to figure out one thing now. Where did these terrible enemies come from?  !

    The woman and servant behind her were holding Xinrui and shaking all over, not even noticing the shiny gold falling to the ground.  While six rocket launchers kept pouring shells to cover the commando attack on the palace, Faizabad Airport, which was reported by the liaison plane, also suddenly boiled. Fighters, bombers, and transport planes formed a flowing metal cloud and headed towards Kabul.  Kill all the way
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