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Text Chapter 759: Wild Waves in the South China Sea (1)

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    Inside the Xin Mawei Shipyard in Sandu'ao, gongs, drums and firecrackers were blasting loudly, and two golden lions were flying up and down on the drums. It was very lively.  Today is the day to deliver warships to the Navy, so the dock is full of officers in white admiral uniforms and sailors in thick blue work clothes. Everyone¡¯s peripheral vision stays on the three lead-gray painted ships not far away.  On the warship waiting to leave the port with full flags.  The front is the battleship Yanjing after maintenance and upgrades. The two behind are the Xiajiang, the No. 6 Xiangjiang-class light cruiser ordered by North Korea to avoid the start of the naval treaty, and the Tianshan, the first ship of the Tianshan-class landing ship.

    Yanjing and Xiangjiang are no longer considered cutting-edge, but the Tianshan-class landing ship is the new favorite of the navy.  The standard displacement is 1,600 tons and the full load is 4,000 tons. In order to save costs, all civilian standards are adopted. It has a front-to-stern door layout and a sheltered high tank deck. It uses two Rhineland-planned self-produced German MAN marine high-horsepower diesel engines. The maximum speed is 13 knots. Installed  It has small-caliber anti-aircraft artillery, a maximum load capacity of 2,050 tons, and can carry 4 landing craft and 16 tanks.  Of course, this is all appearance, the real reason that made the Navy order it is that it uses the latest variable ballast system.

    As we all know, ships with deep drafts are suitable for cross-sea navigation, ships with shallow drafts are suitable for driving close to beaches, and landing ships cannot draft too deep because they need to be close to the coast.  In order to solve this problem, engineers from Mawei Group spent three years and finally developed a variable ballast system, allowing one ship to have both capabilities at the same time.  When traveling at sea, seawater can be poured into the ship to enhance the stability of the ship. When landing, seawater can be discharged to reduce the draft and facilitate beach washing.


    Although the Tianshan class is an important project in the navy's expansion plan, with 12 ships to be built in the first batch, Bingwen's eyes were attracted by the improved Yanjing battleship.  Seeing that retired veteran officers such as Cheng Biguang and Wang Guangxiong had not arrived yet, they planned to go up and take a closer look.  As soon as I stepped onto the gangway, I didn't expect to hear shouts from behind.  Turning around, he saw Shen Honglie, commander of the First Fleet, and Zhang Zhaoyang, commander of the fleet battleship detachment, walking in unison.

    "Brother Chengzhang, Brother Zhaoyang, why are you here too?"

    The three of them were all friends who had experienced the Battle of Jutland in the European War, and had also participated in the Battle of the Bohai Strait.  Seeing him preparing to board the ship, Shen Honglie laughed and said, "What? Commander Tangtang Bing, are you going to rob my old Shen's warship too?"

    The two ocean fleets do not mean equal division. The main target of the First Fleet is Japan. In order to deal with Nagato and other Japanese battleship groups, all four Yanjing-class ships were delivered to the First Fleet, and the Second Fleet received four  All Sichuan-class aircraft carriers.  The first two Beihai-class aircraft carriers were handed over to the First Fleet.  So Bingwen was really jealous and said with a smile: "Brother Chengzhang, why don't we two discuss it? You can keep the Yanjing with me for three months, and let my gang of boys see it."

    "Go away, I haven't settled the accounts with you for what happened last time I went back to Anhai! If Yanjing is left in your hands for three months, I will definitely have to overhaul it when I go back!" Shen Honglie waved his hand quickly.

    The scene of the two commanders bickering made Zhang Zhaoyang and the officers around him secretly amused.  But it is also interesting to say that although the navy is one family, the overt and covert fighting between the two fleets is a secret known to everyone.  The second child can't stand the old-school way of the boss, and the boss can't stand the conservativeness of the second brother, so every time the North-South exercises are carried out, sparks fly everywhere.  Especially the year before last, Shen Honglie pulled out two Lao Anhais to conduct a night sneak attack. It happened that the Xiangjiang light cruiser of the Second Fleet was selected as the radar test ship. As a result, the Second Fleet used this light cruiser that should not have appeared in the exercise.  Patrol as an outpost reconnaissance ship.  So the "tragedy" happened. At dawn, the aircraft and submarines of the Second Fleet were on board, and more than a dozen practice torpedoes were used like "hatred". One of them accidentally hit the propeller and caused damage.

    After the exercise, Shen Honglie shouted that he was wronged because the Xiangjiang and the radar were not in the exercise plan. In the end, the matter reached the ears of the president, who kicked him away with the sentence "In actual combat, you still don't allow the enemy to use new weapons?"

    With laughter, everyone boarded the newly renovated Yanjing.  After more than 20 years of development, the Republic of China has formed its own style in ship design. Unlike Japan's complicated tower-type ship island, it is more similar to the simple design of France and Germany. Therefore, the superstructure of the Yanjing after overhaul is not only  Very beautiful and very modern.

    But when it comes to fighting, it doesn¡¯t matter who looks better.  With the disintegration of naval treaties, various countries have built cutting-edge battleships one after another, and new concepts such as fast battleships have emerged. The Yanjing class has gradually been unable to keep up with the development speed of the navy. Therefore, after internal research, the navy decided to carry out mid-term improvements in advance, mainly to improve air defense and power.  and naval gun capabilities.  The standard displacement of the improved Yanjing class has increased to 36,200 tons, the full load is 44,520 tons, the maximum speed has been increased to 32 knots, and the endurance has been shortened to 15 knots/12,600 nautical miles.  In addition to adding an air and sea radar each, 10 new twin L56/120mm high-level and flat dual-purpose guns were also replaced. The original 12 four-seat 40mm rapid-fire aircraft remained unchanged, and 24 twin 25mm guns were replaced.  The cannon was also retained, but new fire control was installedSights and anti-aircraft firepower are stronger.

    The biggest improvement comes from the main gun. The original l47/380mm main gun is no longer sufficient in the face of new talents from various countries, so this time the navy replaced it with the newly designed l50/380mm main gun, using a longer diameter method to improve the range and penetration.  Ability.  Judging from the experimental results of live ammunition firing, the new L50 main gun is equivalent to the main gun used by the French Richelieu class, with a maximum range of 42,500 meters. After using the newly developed armor-piercing projectiles, the vertical penetration depth of 30,000 meters can reach 339 mm, which is close to  The 357mm power of the L50/406mm naval gun used in the Shandong class.

    Of course, using a large medicine chamber to enhance the power will also cost you a lot after adding propellant. The lifespan of the barrel and medicine chamber will be greatly reduced.  But even so, before the new battleships of China and Japan enter service, the Yanjing class is still the well-deserved king of the Far East!  However, due to the strict confidentiality of the data, the Navy deliberately spread false news about the poor quality of the artillery. Before this modification, it planned a so-called "artillery quality fraud case" and deliberately delayed the modification time for more than half a year to show off the quality defects of the artillery.  After the false appearance, various countries have a low opinion of the Yanjing class, believing that its comprehensive combat capability is weaker than the world's seven major battleships.

    Such a good battleship is of course the favorite target of any naval general. Even if the Second Fleet is a die-hard aviation faction, it does not prevent Bingwen from wanting to use one as an imaginary enemy to practice for several months.  But how could Shen Honglie agree? This is his treasure!  If a few dents are made by torpedo bombs or something, whose responsibility is it?

    "Brother Chengzhang, I heard that Japan's Soryu is about to be delivered?" When he walked into the bridge to visit, Bingwen secretly thought that after the North-South exercise started, he must take it out on this big guy, while asking about the situation of his old rival.  .

    Because the targets he faced were different, Shen Honglie paid more attention to the expansion of the Japanese navy and said, "Indeed. Intelligence says that the Soryu will be delivered early next month, the Feilong by the end of the year at the latest, and the Hexiang and Zuihe in the second half of next year.  It can also be completed. Two Nagatos and two Fuso were all improved last year, and the improvements of four Kongou and two Ise can also be completed by the end of the year. Japan has also activated four mothballed Kawachi-class ships to serve as a second-line force.  The first Yamato-class ship will be launched by the end of the year and is expected to be delivered by the end of 2041. For heavy cruisers, all four Mogami-class ships will be completed by the middle of next year. Construction of four Tone-class ships has also started. The speed of the first two ships is already over half. Intelligence  He said that after receiving the loans and materials from the Soviet Union, Japan has passed the continued construction of Miyunryu-class aircraft carriers, four Agano-class aircraft carriers, four Oyodo-class light cruisers, and thirty-two U.S. Navy ships in order to deal with our naval bill this time.  Destroyers and submarines are planned to deal with us, but I guess they won't be able to get the money for a while.

    Having said that, even if they are unable to produce it temporarily, their overall war preparations are three years ahead of ours. In the past few years, they were not hindered by the army. In addition, the United States and the Soviet Union deliberately supported them. As long as they go south to get oil and water, they can start work quickly.  So I made a rough calculation. I'm afraid their total tonnage will exceed 1.3 million tons by the end of 2041. It's still unclear whether our four Shandong and six Xi'an heavy cruisers will be in service by the end of 2041, minus my two ships.  Lao Anhai, leaving aside auxiliary ships such as Tianshan and supply ships, even if all four Liaoning-class aircraft carriers worth 29,000 are put into service next year, only a million will survive.  "Shen Honglie frowned and talked eloquently, with a hint of bitterness in his tone, because everyone knew the relationship between Bingwen and Yang Qiu, and sometimes his words were more useful than Chen Shaokuan's.

    Bingwen nodded. Since domestic armaments are two full years behind Japan's, although industry is strong, naval construction takes time. The Shandong-class and Xi'an-class are both plans in the 1936 Navy Act. The "1938 Navy" just passed by Congress  The harvest of the Bill will have to wait until 42 years later, so the next two years will be critical years of ebb and flow. As long as we survive, we can rely on our industrial advantages to leave Japan behind.

    But he doesn¡¯t have Shen Honglie¡¯s worry about gains and losses. After all, in Yang Qiu¡¯s position, he needs to take all aspects into consideration, and he cannot learn from Japan and completely destroy domestic construction and development for armaments.

    In fact, Shen Honglie is not very worried about tonnage, because this is not the biggest problem of the navy now. What worries him and the senior management the most is still experience.  The Navy is very different from the Army. The Army has gained experience in Afghanistan over the years, and the same goes for the Air Force. Except for the Navy, except for a few who participated in the European War and the Battle of the Bohai Strait, the rest are newcomers after the war.

    But Bingwen is more open-minded. His second fleet is basically focused on aviation strikes, and its technology and experience are better than Japan's.  But just as he was about to say a few words of comfort, there were bursts of kicking sounds coming from behind.

    "Report! A telegram from Commander-in-Chief Chen, ordering the Yanjing to postpone its return to Qingdao and asking the two generals to rush to Zhanjiang immediately to meet with him."


    Bingwen's heart skipped a beat for no apparent reason. He had just joked with Shen Honglie about leaving the Yanjing in the south, but he didn't expect the order to come.  What is it that requires leaving the most powerful battleship in the south?  Could it be that when he and Shen Honglie met their eyes, their minds changed?Four words jumped out from the sea at the same time.

    "The Japanese army is going south!"

    (To be continued)
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