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Text Chapter 789 Shandong is launched

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    Increase troops!  Increase troops!  Increase troops!

    In the hot summer, the entire Eurasian continent is like a heavy train without brakes, and such sounds are heard from east to west.  When Yang Qiu used the powerful air force accumulated over the years to continuously increase troops to the Persian Gulf, all the countries in the vortex began to act like crazy.

    Japan is accelerating to increase its troops to the rich Southeast Asia!

    The Soviet Union sends more troops to the East and the Persian Gulf!

    Britain sends more troops to France, the Persian Gulf and India!

    France sends more troops to the Franco-German border!

    Germany sends more troops to Danzig and Polish border!

    Italy sends more troops to North Africa!

    Even Roosevelt, who was not involved, announced that the total strength of the Army would be increased to one million on the grounds of preventing the war from expanding and harming the interests of the United States!  And again signed documents to start construction of four South Dakota-class battleships and Baltimore-class heavy cruisers.

    Aircraft, tanks, heavy artillery, warships, food, clothing, fuel, ammunition The industrial production capacity is calculated into pieces. Topics other than war can no longer be seen or heard in newspapers and radio, and each battle plan is  was proposed, and appointments were sent to the front line one after another.  More than a billion people were unconsciously involved, factories worked overtime, machines kept running day and night, fighter planes roared and naval guns screamed, and the blood and flesh caused by explosions spread all over the rainforests, deserts and seas.

    At this last moment, the busy Yang Qiu took time to come to Shanghai to participate in the launching ceremony of the Navy battleship Shandong.

    In fact, the second ship of the Shandong class, the Shanxi, had been secretly launched in Mawei three months ago. On the contrary, the Shandong was lagging behind.  However, this is also related to the fact that the Jiangnan Factory has an overloaded task and political considerations of allowing guests attending the Asian Liberation Front Conference of the National Society to visit.  In fact, from the beginning of the construction of the Shandong-class, Yang Qiu never thought about keeping it secret until it was put into service like Japan.  Because the total shipping tonnage of the Republic of China has exceeded 15 million tons, and the annual shipbuilding volume has exceeded 7.3 million tons. The technologies such as super tankers and large aircraft carriers are basically in sync with Europe and the United States or even slightly exceed them.  So let¡¯s just take it out in a big way to enhance the confidence of Asian countries to follow China.  After all, in this era, a super battleship is still as powerful as a nuclear weapon.

    In the No. 4 deep-water dock of Jiangnan Factory, which has been closed for three years, the sluice gates slowly opened, and the turbid Huangpu River water poured in, slowly lifting an extremely large warship.  Because the tonnage was too large, it could not be slid off the slipway by lubricating oil as before, and the draft of the Huangpu River was limited, so the ship was towed out of the dock.

    On the majestic battleship, draped in red and decorated with colors.  A total of four triple 406mm/L50 naval guns at the front and rear have been installed in place, and the engine room and mast are in place. The next step is mainly the outfitting work of internal facilities, fire control, air defense, radar, communications, etc.  Although the progress of the slipway is slightly behind, the Jiangnan Factory has completed part of the outfitting work before, so it can still be guaranteed to be delivered to the navy in early 2041.

    Although the Shandong has not yet been completed at this time.  But the huge figure has stunned Chandra, Ben Aziz and others. Brunei Sultan Ahmed Tanzudin, who was exiled and took refuge in Beijing, even burst into tears and looked like he was about to hug the naval gun and cry.  He looked even more excited than Sa Zhenbing, who came to attend the launching ceremony. He wanted to drive home immediately.

    Jiang Baili didn¡¯t know whether to laugh or cry, and poked the excited Chen Shaokuan with his finger: "Houfu, what does this old boy mean? Go ahead and tell him. If you really want it, just give him the money and we will sell him a boat."

    Chen Shaokuan wants to beat someone up. The four Shandong-class battleships are the treasures that the navy has been waiting for for a long time. How can they be sold!  But he was certainly amused by the Sultan of Brunei.  He smiled and said: "Brother Baili, you don't understand. The maximum range of our naval gun is 42 kilometers. His territory is all on the seaside, and one shot can cover most of it. Do you think he wants to put on a good show?  How about asking the president to send troops to regain the palace for him early?"

    "Haha Why don't you talk to him later? Didn't the president say that he wanted to sell the two Lao Anhais last time? Although the guns on them are only 305 mm, they also have a range of 31 kilometers.  If you buy it back, they can take it down themselves." Jiang Fangzhen refused to give up and continued to trick Chen Shaokuan into selling the ship.

    Because in the last battle, both Lao Anhai were attacked by a large number of near-missile bombs, which caused some structural fractures in the bottom tank beams in the middle section of the boiler and engine room.  This problem was actually caused by the United States cutting corners and materials, and the location was rather awkward. To repair it, the entire turret and power had to be completely dismantled, and the cost was no less than the cost of half a ship.

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? off, but in fact, due to overall military spending restrictions, life is also very tight, so it can only carry out simple reinforcement and cannot replace it as a whole, resulting in insufficient structural strength.  Although he can fight, he is no longer suitable for lining up in the battle line.  Therefore, it was not until recently that the navy had abundant funds that it sent the two ships to Huludao and Dalian shipyards for renovation at the beginning of the year.  But as other battleships have arrived, they are no longer needed in formation.Therefore, Bingwen proposed to simply replace them with the latest power system, appropriately reduce the armor, and transform them into air defense hunting ships with speeds up to 33 knots, specifically accompanying aircraft carriers or hunting cruisers for complex island waters such as the South China Sea.

    Jiang Fangzhen, like Yang Qiu, basically has a disdain for the navy, so he always feels that it is better to sell these two ships while they still have value.  But Chen Shaokuan couldn't bear it now. With Bingwen's new idea, especially when he would face the heavy cruiser group of the Japanese Navy in the future, his thoughts of selling the ship had already gone out of his mind.  But just when he wanted to shut up the big mouth around him, a copper whistle sounded on the deck.

    It¡¯s time to undocking!

    "Does it look good like this? What about this pose? You haven't taken a photo yet, what are you looking atah! What is that?!" On the tourist embankment along the river across from Jiangnan Factory, Chen Xiaoming from Hangzhou University was preparing to take photos for his girlfriend.  But when his girlfriend posed in what she considered to be the most beautiful pose, his eyes were suddenly attracted to the slowly opening dock on the other side of the river. He stared dumbfoundedly at the majestic figure gradually revealed with the help of three high-powered tugboats and several pilot boats.  Shandong number.

    He, who majored in shipbuilding, immediately realized something and raised his camera to take pictures.  "Ah! I'm trying to die. I've finished shooting. This kind of color film is very expensive!" Although the girl was sad about the film, her face was filled with a smile that was even more excited than Chen Xiaoming's.

    As the entire battleship was exposed to the sun an hour later, everyone on both sides of the Pujiang River fell into surprise and excitement.

    "God, is that Allah's warship?"

    "Look! Classmates, come and look! It's the Navy's new battleship. Look at the cannonit's too thick!"

    "Wait for meI will be able to enter the Naval Academy next year!"

    "I knew it! Haha How could our president and navy lose to Japan? 12! Haha 4 more cannons than Japan's Nagato!"

    "My God, Amaterasu, finally let me keep it secret until it appears. Three doors, six doors, ninewhat? 12 doors and 16 inches!"

    "Ding ding bellnew battleship. I know. What! Say it again, it is now more than 50,000 tons according to visual inspection? 12 16-inch naval guns? God! Prepare the car, hurry up and prepare the sedan!"

    A small part of Shanghai was alarmed by the appearance of the Shandong, especially when the power start-up chimney emitted billowing black smoke, and then slowly sailed along the Pujiang River towards the Jiangnan Group Chongming Island New Plant, and the sightseeing causeways on both sides of the strait were even more crowded.  .  Countless people waved their arms and shouted loudly at the battleship. The flashing spotlights were denser than at a press conference. In the end, even the road was blocked.  A few buses even stopped to allow their passengers to enjoy the spectacular sight.

    "Navy! It's our navy!"

    "Get up! People who don't want to be slaves! Build our new Great Wall with our flesh and blood!" Hundreds of students spontaneously sang the national anthem.  It seems that only in this way can the excitement and enthusiasm for the strength of the motherland be vented.  At this moment, Sa Zhenbing and other old Beiyang people burst into tears.  in many people's minds.  No matter how many aircraft carriers or warships are built, they cannot replace a giant ship, especially a super battleship that overwhelms its old enemy Japan.

    This means that since the Japanese navy swept across the South China Sea, concerns about coastal and national coastal defense have disappeared with the official appearance of the powerful Shandong.

    "Thank you. Zian." Standing on the viewing platform, watching people's enthusiasm for the battleship and the loud national anthem in celebration, Yang Qiu couldn't help but say thank you to Yue Peng, who persuaded him to build the Shandong class.  Now that I think about it, Yue Peng is right. Do you need battleships?  It doesn't matter whether they are regarded as trump cards or not. In the era when aircraft carriers were not yet able to compete for power, even if they had demonstrated a powerful air force to the world, nothing could replace the status of a super battleship in the hearts of the people.  Especially China, where others use naval guns to knock on the door.  A country that suffered a disastrous defeat in Beiyang and almost lost its national destiny needs to use super battleships to regain its dignity!

    Yue Peng smiled.  No words were spoken.  As usual, he is low-key, talks little, and never gets involved in politics, but he has a reassuring and calm temperament.  Yang Qiu looked at him and was very happy to have such a Dinghaishenzhen-level famous general.

    ¡°Let¡¯s go, go back early, maybe the door is already full of people.¡±

    After all, the war is about to begin. A battleship that will take more than a year to enter service can at best deter Japan, but will not be helpful to the northwest and the Persian Gulf at all.  After saying goodbye to Jin Jiu and others who were determined to leave after seeing the powerful armed force, and asking Chen Guofu to take everyone to continue around the country, Yang Qiu and Yue Peng took a plane back to Beijing.

    As soon as we landed, several enclosed black bulletproof jeeps surrounded us.  After the plane stopped, Wang Zhengting and Song Ziqing came quickly. The latter immediately handed over the intelligence with a solemn expression: "President! This is the intelligence just received. Last night, Stalin signed the Soviet General Staff Agreement.??Transfer order.  Voroshilov was appointed Chief of General Staff of the Soviet Army, and Budyonny was appointed Commander-in-Chief of the Soviet Army.  Appointed Kirill Afanasyevich Meretskov as Commander-in-Chief of the Caucasus Front, Konev as Commander-in-Chief of Persian Front, Alexander Novikov as Commander-in-Chief of Caucasus Aviation, and Remezov as Commander-in-Chief of Central Asian Front  Commander, Pavlov is the commander of the Uzbek Front, Zhukov is the commander of the Siberian Front, Kulik is the commander of the Kazakhstan Front, Zyganov takes over as the commander of the Afghan and Indian Fronts, and Apanashenko is the commander-in-chief of the Eastern Theater!

    ?¡­.These are the statistics collected by intelligence agents from various places over the past three days.  According to statistics as of midnight last night, a total of 277 military columns passed through Tabriz on the Soviet-Iranian border within 72 hours!  Military column 566 passing through Chelyabinsk heading east!  312 military columns passing through the Aral Sea heading east!  Military column 211 heading east through Ashgabat!  Baku Port sent 117 ships of various types to Iran's Caspian Sea ports!  933 fighter jets of various types arrived in Iran!  Andtwo KV1 heavy tank regiments from the Moscow Central Garrison District and four tank regiments equipped with the latest T34 tanks set off yesterday afternoon.  "

    "Estimated targetIran!"
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