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Text Chapter 803 Super "Bomb"

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    Gu Yuwen stepped forward, and Guangtian Hongyi came to the presidential palace behind.

    The meeting between the two sides was very straightforward. Neither Japan nor China is in the mood for war now.  After Yang Qiu promised to withdraw the two Beijing-class battleships sent to Zhanjiang Naval Base and not increase the naval and air power of the West Borneo garrison and Natuna, Hirota Koki also agreed on behalf of the Japanese government to allow the Chinese fleet to continue to use Malacca  and the Sunda Strait, and promised to withdraw all troops from Riau Province in Sumatra. At the same time, they promised to ensure the legitimate interests of China and the Chinese Nanyang region and would not take the initiative to harm the Chinese. In the end, the two sides also used Lashio as the boundary to separate the troops on the border between Myanmar and Yunnan.  Each retreated 30 kilometers.

    That evening, Prime Minister Wang Zhengting took over from Yang Qiu to continue substantive negotiations.  On the most critical issue of the Philippines, the two sides disagree, especially on the Balintang Strait and Babuyan Strait issues between Palawan Island, Taiwan and the Philippines.  Wang Zhengting¡¯s request is that Palawan Island must be handed over to China¡¯s jurisdiction to ensure the security of the Nansha Islands, while China will take over the Batan Islands and Babuyan Islands.  Of course, Japan will not agree. It has gone to great lengths to obtain a stable short-term route. If the Balintang Strait and Babuyan Strait are lost, and Palawan Island is handed over to China, the fleet will simply not leave.  In the end, after some bargaining, it was finally agreed that the Republic of China Navy would take over the Batane Islands, while the Babuyan Islands would be temporarily managed by Japan. The navies and aircraft of both sides would be divided along the Babuyan Island line.  Finally, Japan also used two large tin mines in the Karimata Islands and Belitung Island outside West Borneo to ensure the safety of China's mineral investment in the Philippines and Southeast Asia in exchange for China giving up Palawan Island.

    Finally, the entire agreement is valid for one year, and the two parties can renew the contract after one year depending on the situation.

    Japan was given one year to ensure the completion of its occupation of the Philippines and the Mariana Islands, and to obtain a route that was nearly 4,000 kilometers away.  But it lost the Balintang Strait, and the Karimata Islands are on the edge of Belitung Island.  It is only 550 kilometers away from Batavia and the Sunda Strait.  As for the letting go of Belitung Island and Chinese-owned mineral deposits in the Philippines, it also means that the profits after entering the Philippines will be greatly reduced.

    ??For China, it also gets a one-year buffer period, which also ensures that it can continue to increase its troops to the Persian Gulf.

    On the night when the secret agreement was signed, Song Ziqing, who had been waiting for this day, immediately mobilized three fleets consisting of a total of 227 10,000-ton ships and 52 Tianshan-class landing ships. They also set out from Qingdao, Hangzhou Bay, and Zhanjiang to transport urgently needed supplies to the Persian Gulf.  Materials, railway rails, dock lifting and other equipment.  He also promised Bai Chongxi that he would transfer the newly formed 34th Army, 38th Army, 1 Mountain Infantry Division, and 1 Airborne Division to the Persian Gulf before October, so that the Persian Gulf Army would have the 4th, 18th, 34th, and 38th Armies.  There are a total of 20 divisions, as well as 1 mountain infantry division, 1 airborne division, and 13 independent armored/motorized infantry/heavy artillery regiments.  The total strength of the army is 560,000.  The Air Force also decided to add two more mixed wings, the 33rd and 48th, on the basis of the existing three mixed wings: the 9th, 20th, and 47th (each standard mixed wing contains 2 fighter groups, 1 bomber group, and 1 bomber group).  attack aircraft group, 1 transport group, several anti-aircraft artillery battalions, etc., totaling 622 aircraft) with a total of 3,110 fighters. The 22nd Fleet will also be supplemented by a Liaoning-class aircraft carrier, at least 2 cruisers, and 6 destroyers early next year.  and is officially stationed in the Persian Gulf and Indian Ocean.

    Whether it is the determination of the leader, the suggestions of the staff group, or political needs, etc., it seems that an invisible hand is slowly squeezing the two largest countries in Asia and Europe together.  In the moments before the impact comes, both Beijing and Moscow are doing their best to prepare.  Compared with the Soviet system, which was suitable for military operations.  Yang Qiu needs to be restrained by Congress and the opposition parties.  Manufacturing capacity is also due to Japan in the southeast, which has to allocate 30% of the country's total manufacturing capacity for naval construction.  Although Yang Qiu also thought about directly setting aside the parliament and entering into a full-scale wartime mechanism, he was dissuaded by Song Ziqing and Wang Zhengting who were worried about triggering a dispute between the government and the court because the war did not break out.

    Stalin sent more troops to Tehran.  While watching the situation in Poland.  As long as Germany honors its secret treaty, it will be able to draw one million troops from Europe and attack the Caucasus and the Caspian Sea.  He also actively targeted the equipment disadvantages, actively axed kv1 tanks, and demanded the development of more powerful kv2 tanks.  The T34/76 can slightly contain China's main Type 31 tanks.  were asked to build in large numbers.  On the plane, under the stimulation of China, the new MiG 3 and IL2 were finally finalized and produced quickly.  The counterfeit He111 bomber was also named Figure 2 and entered small-scale mass production.  Similarly, after cutting off many models, the National Defense Forces also began to concentrate resources on aircraft, Type 36 tanks, half-tracks, anti-aircraft guns and other main equipment. In just three months, there were 1,627 Type 36 tanks, including 311  2,817 aircraft, including the H-7, were manufactured and delivered to the troops.

    While Beijing and Moscow were eager to stop, Japan was also anxiously waiting for news of an all-out war between China and the Soviet Union.  Even though Hirota Koki informed the secret agreement that night, Japan still maintained the last trace of vigilance when it was not certain that a full-scale war would begin on the mainland.

    ??When the Asian storm gathered again, Poland was already defeated.

    Facing the lightning-fast advance of the German army, the Polish army was powerless to fight back. The occasional resistance organized was quickly dispersed by the swarming German aircraft and tanks.  By August 29, the German army was on the verge of approaching Warsaw.  G?ring also mobilized 200 German bombers, hoping to imitate the Battle of Ahvaz and level Warsaw. However, at this time, the most powerful J88 bomber he had was only producing dozens of bombers per month, which was completely powerless against the fortified cities in Europe.

    The air defense positions hidden in the streets and alleys make Warsaw look dense and scary. The streets are full of abandoned cars and debris. The simple fortifications piled up with scrap tires and sandbags look like children's toys.  The German planes that flew across the sky from time to time frightened the citizens so much that they did not dare to go out.  By this time, even ordinary people knew that Poland's demise was only a matter of time.  All schools have been closed, and enthusiastic young people have already put on military uniforms.  Lviv University, known as the cradle of European mathematics, is deserted. Only a red brick house in the northwest corner of the school is busy.

    "Marian, be careful."

    At the door of the house, an Opel truck with a canvas cape was parked.  Djerzrozoki led his research team to move an Enigma cryptanalyzer, named "Bomb", onto a truck.  This is a decoding machine modified from six Enigma cipher machines and other equipment. It can mechanically verify all rotor combinations on the cipher machine through strong elimination.  Then find out the secret key within two hours.  By cooperating with the enemy's codebook obtained through intelligence, telegrams can be deciphered continuously. Even if the enemy changes the codebook, as long as there are some clues, there is still no way to escape!

    "Jerz, are you all ready?"

    While Gerzrozoki was busy, a middle-aged officer came to the door with his family.  "Mr. Katzmaltz? Why are you here?" Rozoki turned around and saw Stefan Katzmaltz, who was in his forties, wearing glasses and somewhat thin, walking into the small courtyard.

    Kaczmarz was more than just a captain.  He is also the leader of the cryptographic research team of the Polish Army General Staff Headquarters.  His other identity is Poland's most outstanding logic mathematician. His "Katzmaltz calculation method" caused a sensation in the world as soon as it was published and is considered a milestone in computer development.

    "It's all installed." Rozzoky covered it tightly with a thick waterproof canvas and piled a lot of hay before jumping out of the car.  Looking at the dozens of top Polish mathematicians and cryptologists surrounding him, he worried: "Mr. Kaczmarz, what should we do now? I heard that the roads outside are blocked by the German Nazis. Where should we leave?"  ?¡±

    "This is the map." Kaczmarz, who was well prepared, took out the military map and expressed his idea: "You can go to the border in the direction of the Soviet Union to Romania, and then find a way to cross the border of Yugoslavia and Italy. Finally, go to Paris!"

    Rozuoji opened his mouth. Such a complicated line carried such an important "bomb" that it could even change the outcome of the war.  There were also so many family members in the research team, and he was really worried.  Kaczmarz also knew that it was very difficult, but the "bomb" was the hard work of him and the entire Polish mathematical community. It was a super machine that would rather be destroyed than be obtained by Germany.  So this risk must be taken!  Pointing to his wife and two children.  He said seriously: "Sawa and I will go with you. She did a plant inspection in these places last year and is familiar with the local roads."

    Scattered explosions.  Prompting Rozoki to think no more, he nodded and shouted back: "Gather everyone together, bring the guns, let's leave."

    "You can't leave!"

    Before Luo Zuoji finished speaking, a female voice suddenly came from outside.  The "bomb" was the crystallization of the entire Poland, so Kaczmarz and others drew their guns and pointed in the direction of the sound.  As the crisp sound of high heels hitting the ground got closer and closer, an Oriental woman, protected by several strong men, walked out from behind the woods with a Polish liaison officer.

    "Professor Katzmaltz, do you remember me? I listened to your mathematics class here ten years ago." Katzmaltz is both a soldier and a master of mathematics, and has been teaching in universities.  So after hearing the woman's words, he immediately began to think deeply, and after a while he asked uncertainly: "Are you Jin Bihui?"

    The person who came was none other than Jin Bihui.

    She studied in Europe and briefly studied at Lviv University and other prestigious European universities to hide her identity, so she got to know Kaczmarz.  Although they knew each other, Rozzoki and others still did not dare to be careless, and even suspected that the Polish military liaison officer around her was fake.  Jin Bihui saw this and smiled faintly: "Professor Kaczmarz and Mr. Rozoki, you have no way to leave!"

    "You're talking nonsense!" one of the "bomb" designers standing next to Rozoki, the Polish mathematics master Marian Reyewski, shouted in disbelief.  Jin Bihui was too lazy to talk nonsense and took out a telegram and handed it over: "Three hours ago?Hundreds of thousands of Soviet troops, under the cover of thousands of tanks and aircraft, have crossed the border into your country. Your border posts, radio stations and defensive soldiers have all been disarmed!  "

    "Really? Great! The Soviets must be here to help us!"

    "Yeah, great!"

    Hearing the news, the researchers who were nervous just now started shouting, but Kaczmarz, Rozoki and others were not excited, but looked ashen.  Jin Bihui glanced at the daydreaming fools with his beautiful eyes, and smiled sweetly: "Professor, do you also think that the Soviets are here to save you?"

    Kaczmarz is not a nerd who studies hard. In fact, the "bomb" research team was originally established to decipher Soviet codes.  The grievances between the Soviet Union and Poland have been endless, so the sudden cross-border behavior of the Soviet army, what else can it be besides taking advantage of the situation?  The ashen face made Jin Bihui's smile brighter. He took out a letter written by Polish Marshal Eduard Rez and a thick stack of passports and said: "You have no way out. Germany and the Soviet Union will soon complete the pincer attack. Britain and France will ignore the invasion.  Where else can you go? Therefore, Marshal Eduard Rezhimigwi has asked our country to escort you and some Polish scholars and experts to leave to preserve the vitality of the country.

    These are diplomatic passports issued by our Embassy. As long as you take them, you can go to Gdynia without any hindrance.  There are several evacuation ships of our country there, you.  "Jin Bihui paused deliberately. His eyes lingered on Kazmalzi's family and the surrounding family members for a few times before continuing: "You and your wife and children can board the ship. We will escort you to Riyadh.  You can then choose to stay or go on your own.  "

    Jin Bihui glanced at the haystack on the truck, and his warm and friendly smile made people feel like spring breeze.  Only she knew that after arriving in Riyadh, even if they were given the right to move and stay freely, these people would be invited to "temporarily stay" in the country for a period of time
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