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Text Chapter 807 The war begins (2)

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    After seven hours of continuous flight, Zhuo Fan entered the Ministry of National Defense for the first time in his life.

    After entering the spacious-looking Ministry of Defense, Zhuo Fan discovered that it was not spacious inside. Moreover, it was late summer, and the cement-reinforced building seemed relatively stuffy, so ceiling fans were turned on in most rooms.  You can see people coming and going in every room.  More than two thousand generals, staff officers and staff came to this building every day, busy working to win this war.

    Modern war has basically put an end to personal heroic victory. Although people need heroes, similar to the current national war, whether it is heroes or conspiracies, they can only be highlights and embellishments.  In the face of various investigation methods, strength and conspiracy are more important.  The one who ultimately wins is the one who is more fully prepared and more meticulous, and preparation and planning are one of the most important daily tasks of the Ministry of National Defense.

    "Report! Zhuo Fan, lieutenant colonel of the Army's 10th Armored Division, has been ordered to report!" Arriving at the door of the Chief of General Staff's office, Zhuo Fan straightened out his wrinkled and messy military uniform, stood at attention and saluted meticulously.  "Come in." He didn't push the door open until a voice came from inside.

    After entering, they found that not only Yue Peng was there, but also the president¡¯s military adviser Jiang Fangzhen and the commander of the East Kazakh War Zone, General Xu Shuzheng.  Facing three generals at once made him a little nervous.

    "Are you Zhuo Fan? Yes, you have not brought shame to the school. Sit down, don't be nervous."

    Zhuo Fan is a top student at the National Defense University, and Jiang Fangzhen must be proud of being the former president, so he encouraged him to relax as soon as he entered.  However, Xu Shuzheng, who had just taken office, took a second look and said with a smile: "Baili. Why do I think you are taking all the credit for the National Defense University? Aren't you afraid of offending those people in Baoding?"

    The National Defense University is the highest-level comprehensive military institution in the country.  However, the number of admissions each year is limited, so most of the army officers are from the Army University in Baoding.  When the president of Baoding was still Jiang Tai, he proposed that the two schools should not only cooperate but also compete to jointly promote the progress of the army. Therefore, there has always been a secret rivalry between the Army University Department and the National Defense University Department within the Army. Even Xu Shuzheng should be considered the Baoding Department.

    The young people who have emerged recently, such as Li Jin and Zhuo Fan, are all from the National Defense University, so Jiang Fangzhen is proud and ignores Xu Shuzheng's sour mentality.  He smiled and said, "What are you afraid of? It's not a day or two since that guy Yan Youbing sued me in front of the president and accused me of poaching him."

    "Okay, don't mention your nonsense."

    After Wang Zhuo and Yan Youbing became principals of two schools, the two old comrades fought against each other even more fiercely than during the Jiang Fangzhen era.  But this kind of competition does increase the internal vitality of the army.  But bringing people all the way here is not just to investigate their household registration.  So after Yue Peng interrupted, he asked: "Listen to Gu Yuwen. It was you who proposed the plan to deal with the Soviet troops in Afghanistan as soon as possible and rush them to India?"

    The general was joking, but Zhuo Fan didn't dare to interrupt. He stood by and kept wondering why he was called here.  At this moment, I supported Yue Peng's words and realized that it was Gu Yuwen who had let the news slip. He quickly stood up and stood at attention: "Report to the chief of staff. It was my suggestion, but the specific plan has not been handed over to the division commander."

    "No need to be so formal, sit down and answer." After Yue Peng waved him to sit down, he continued: "The president felt very good after hearing your suggestion, so he asked me to call you back to ask for clarification. Originally, he was planning to receive you in person.  Yes. But there are things to deal with in Congress, so let¡¯s ask first.¡±

    Yue Peng walked to the wall.  The first mate opened the combat map and said, "Come here, tell us your specific ideas."


    After knowing the purpose of bringing him back, Zhuo Fan gradually calmed down and walked to the map and pointed at Afghanistan: "Chief of General Staff, Principal, Commander Xu. I personally believe that after the victory in the Battle of Ahvaz, the time is ripe to end the war in Afghanistan.  . We have been holding back before because the Soviet army needs to distract Europe and Asia, and the actual distribution of troops is insufficient. Therefore, holding back the Soviet army in Central Asia can reduce the pressure on the Persian Gulf. From the current point of view, this strategy is successful. Through Afghanistan  With the two arrows in Andijan, we have held back more than half a million Soviet troops in Afghanistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. But yesterday I heard on the radio that the Soviet troops had launched a counterattack in Iran. This shows that the Soviet Union has basically solved the European problem, so continue  There is no need to delay.

    After our army took control of Ahvaz, it already had forward bases in and out of Iran, and it also successfully attracted the attention of the Soviet army in places such as the Caucasus and Turkmenistan, which created opportunities for the next battle.  My idea is to mobilize two to three divisions from Faryab Province in Afghanistan to penetrate Turkmenistan's Mare, and at the same time have the Persian Gulf Army dispatch two divisions to go north from the Strait of Hormuz to block Iran's call.  In Mashhad in Roshan Province, the air force was asked to blow up the railways between Mashhad and Male, and launched a strong attack on the Soviet troops in Herat from the east, west, north and west, leaving only the south road open to cut off their escape back to Turkmenistan and Iran.  possible.  Our army has been deliberately weakening the defense of Kandahar in the south on the pretext of avoiding a Sino-British conflict. Now there is only one regiment and one division of the Afghan Army there, which creates opportunities for them to break through to India.?Good opportunity.  "

    "What if they find themselves surrounded, will they fight to the end or surrender?"

    As soon as Xu Shuzheng asked, Zhuo Fan shook his head: "Two hundred thousand Soviet troops is not a small number. In the Battle of Ahvaz, Stalin had already shot dozens of senior officers due to unfavorable combat and surrender, which caused great harm to the frontline officers.  There is huge pressure, so the Soviet General Staff will definitely ask to break out of the encirclement and preserve their strength to avoid a large-scale surrender like Ahvaz. So even if they are discovered, they will definitely take the troops out of the encirclement as their first goal. As long as the Soviet Union  Once the remnants of the army enter India, we won¡¯t need to worry about the rest.¡±

    Yue Peng and Xu Shuzheng both nodded after listening, but did not continue to speak. Only Jiang Fangzhen smiled: "Marei, haha, the place was chosen well. This is the intersection of Mashhad, Herat and Turkmenistan, but  We haven¡¯t declared full war on the Soviet Union yet.¡±

    In fact, after hearing the Democratic Party exaggerating on the train that the president had compromised with Japan and wanted to build momentum for an armistice between China and the Soviet Union when the European war began, Zhuo Fan vaguely guessed that it was not that the war was not prepared, but that the president and Congress failed to reach an agreement.  certainly.  This evil can only be hidden in the heart. The National Defense Forces had strict military regulations when they were established.  Soldiers need to be sensitive to politics, but they cannot get involved in domestic politics. This is a taboo!  In his plan, once the army penetrates deep into Marley, it means a full declaration of war between China and the Soviet Union.

    This is not something he, a lieutenant colonel, can decide.  The president is not wrong. If he cannot unify the country's thinking before the war, even if he wins in the early stage, there will still be problems in the later stage.  To know.  Countries like China and the Soviet Union cannot be completely defeated in just a few battles. No one will bow down until they are exhausted.  From the perspective of the Congress, it is actually correct to preserve the strength and sit back and watch Europe compete and take advantage of the opportunity.  But personally, he would rather choose the former, because this is war.  It's not business. War requires responsibility for national interests. In this big era, if you don't pay, you won't get anything. If you don't show your muscles, others won't take you seriously.

    "The idea is very good. The conditions have to wait." Yue Peng praised it, but did not express his position. He also only has the right to make suggestions but not to make decisions.  What's more, Yang Qiu has always hoped to use this declaration of war to officially enter the country into a comprehensive state of emergency with full presidential power.

    However, the idea of ??forcing the Soviet army to break through to India still moved him, and he continued to ask: "I heard that you have been inspecting the northwest for the past two months. You must have some understanding of the situation? Let me ask you, if we declare a full-scale war with the Soviet Union.  what will you do?"

    "Chief of General Staff, me." Zhuo Fan hesitated. This topic already involves the overall situation between China and the Soviet Union, and he is only a lieutenant colonel.

    Jiang Fangzhen knew what he was hesitating about, and encouraged him: "Speak boldly, this is your chance. We old guys are not at the point where we will be fooled by a lieutenant colonel." In one sentence, everyone laughed.  .  Zhuo Fan smiled and knew that this was a good opportunity to express himself, so he put down his mind and said: "I think that if the current deadlock remains for a long time, it will be very detrimental to our country!"

    "Oh?" Xu Shuzheng has been studying the situation since he took office, but when he heard this statement for the first time, he was surprised: "What's the disadvantage?"

    "The progress of the Soviet army!" In order to strengthen the tone, Zhuo Fan raised his voice: "After the great purge, due to the serious losses at the grassroots command level of the Soviet army, a large number of officers who did not understand the business were temporarily promoted, resulting in combat effectiveness, execution ability and tactics.  The level of the Soviet army is very poor, which can be seen from the Soviet army's defense in the northwest and the battle of Ahvaz last year. Whether in the northwest or Iran, the Soviet army piled a large number of effective forces parallel to the national border. In fact, it was the trenches and trenches of the last European war.  The thinking of a war of attrition. This led to the embarrassment that when Ahvaz was breached, the Soviet army in Tehran had no time to reinforce.

    But as the Soviet army gained more and more combat experience, their command system and tactical thinking were also quietly changing.  The simplest example is that the deep multi-layer defense theory promoted by Zhukov in Afghanistan last year has been gradually accepted by the Soviet army after the lessons of Ahvaz. In the past two months, the Soviet army including in Kazakhstan has begun to strengthen the second and third line forces. This kind of  The situation is very unfavorable for our army's current large-depth penetration tactics!

    To put it simply, the large-depth penetration tactic uses the combination of armored clusters and air-ground integration to concentrate superior forces to break through the enemy's defense line, while protecting the second- and third-line forces to accelerate through the breakthrough, launch an attack on the weak side behind the enemy's side, and finally divide and encircle them.  .  This tactic emphasizes cooperation and coordination, but it also has many flaws.  Because both the armored cluster and the air force's in-depth attack need to consider the limitations of fuel and ammunition.  In other words, tanks don¡¯t drive as far as they want. Even my country¡¯s best Type 36 main battle tank has a theoretical maximum single assault range of only about 120 kilometers.  Therefore, careful calculations of ammunition and fuel must be made before every attack.

    Precisely because the attack distance is limited, when the opponent expands the defense line in depth, it will form multiple or even dozens of large-depth defenses. Then it is difficult to break through so many lines of defense with just one or two attacks.  Over time, as troops become fatigued and armored units require routine maintenance,??The battle will fall into the streets.  At this point, the initiative in the battle will shift to the defenders over time. Especially for a country like the Soviet Union with a deep territory, the resistance to the attacking troops will be greater the farther back they go!  At present, the Soviet army's deployment in the northwest has shown a multi-layered trend, so if it continues for a long time, the unfavorable factors in the attack will only increase!  "

    "Then do you think there is any solution?" Xu Shuzheng asked.

    Zhuo Fan had indeed thought of a way, but remembering the silence of the three generals just now, he hesitated and said: "The best way is to attack immediately, before the Soviet army's tactics get better and better, and to consume its effective strength to the maximum extent. That's it.  Just like cutting leeks, keep cutting off the old leeks, so the new leeks that grow out will still be tender.¡±

    Yue Peng glanced at Jiang Fangzhen, walked to the side and poured a glass of water for Zhuo Fan, and said: "Let's not talk about the attack for now. Let's assume that according to what you said, after the Soviet army has deployed the second and third lines of defense, you  any idea?"

    "Yes!" Zhuo Fan took the water glass and walked to the map neatly, pointing to the narrow and wide Lake Balkhash: "This is the biggest loophole in the Soviet Kazakh defense line, Lake Balkhash! Chief of Staff, look here.  Judging from the deployment of Soviet Kazakh troops, the battlefield is actually divided. One part is South Kazakhstan, mainly targeting Almaty and Andijan, with a total strength of about 400,000. The other part is East Kazakhstan, with our country¡¯s East Kazakhstan and Xinjiang  As the target, the total strength is about 650,000. From the terrain point of view, these two areas are very suitable for armored troop movements, so the Soviet army focused on strengthening its ability to prevent tank impacts. The multi-layered deep defense line I just mentioned is in these two directions.  . But there is no such sign on the west bank of Lake Balkhash. Instead, the number of troops is very sparse.

    Why is this caused? My personal analysis is that Lake Balkhash is wider than ordinary lakes. Even the narrowest Saremsek Peninsula is four kilometers wide and the water depth exceeds 11 meters. It is not suitable for building a fast pontoon bridge.  And because of our confrontation with the Soviet Union, no ships other than patrol boats have been seen in the lake for almost ten years. This made the Soviet army mistakenly believe that even if we had the idea, we did not have enough tools to cross the lake, and there are many hills and mountains on the west coast of the lake.  The Soviet army has always believed that tanks are not suitable for fighting in mountainous areas, so there are only three to four divisions on this line, all of which are infantry and heavy artillery to prevent crossing the river.

    But after research, I found that the mountains on the west bank of Balkhash are actually not steep, especially near Balkhash. There are several relatively flat roads that can be used.  More importantly, the small landing craft of our navy actually have the ability to be used in inland rivers.  Therefore, I think that the naval landing craft can be disassembled and secretly transported to Almaty for assembly. Once the war breaks out, the infantry can be pretended to set up a pontoon bridge on the Saremsek Peninsula to attract them here.  Then, the landing craft formation can seize the beach in a straight line from Tomar opposite Balkhash!  At the same time, airborne troops were dispatched to carry out large-scale airdrops in the East Kovinladsky area, 5 kilometers north of Balkhash, to hold back Soviet reinforcements.

    In terms of distance, Tomar is less than 40 kilometers from Balkhash, while Balkhash to Karaganda is 350 kilometers.  It takes about 2 hours for the landing craft to cross the lake. If the speed can be modified to 1.5 hours, and 200 boats can be assembled, at least 2 divisions can be delivered to Balkhash in one night!  If they are quick, the landing troops can move parallel to the two wings along the river bank the next day, thus bypassing the Soviet army's multi-layered defense system outside Zhambl Oblast in South Kazakhstan and East Kazakhstan, and implement a tactical encirclement of the enemy!

    Of course, this plan is just my preliminary idea.  There are three keys to it. The first is how the landing craft was secretly transported to Almaty and entered the lake from the Ili River without being discovered.  The second is how to entangle the Soviet troops on the front line of East Kazakhstan and Zhambyl Prefecture, making it impossible for them to quickly return reinforcements or escape.  The last thing is how many troops the air force can deliver in two days. If it is too few, the armored division will not be able to penetrate deeply due to lack of infantry coordination after crossing the lake, and encirclement will be out of the question!  According to my calculations, if there are two armored divisions and the air force can drop at least three airborne divisions, there will not only be a chance to complete the encirclement, but also a chance to quickly penetrate Karaganda!

    When the Soviet army is surrounded, the main force group can launch a counterattack. If it is fast, it may be possible to cooperate with the Andijan Group Army to the south to cut off Turkestan in South Kazakhstan before the harsh winter arrives, and to the north it can cooperate with the Siberian Army to capture Barnaul.  Cut off the Siberian Railway!  Complete the sweeping of all 350 kilometers of parallel lines in the northwest!  "

    Zhuo Fan's fingers kept sliding across the map. At this moment, he was completely absorbed in his analysis and did not notice the corners of Yue Peng and the other three people's mouths slowly rising
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