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Text Chapter 822 Encirclement (6)

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    While the landing craft sprinted, the battle at the Kima Airborne Field became intense.  The defense line that Ye Zishan finally established only lasted for thirty minutes before it was broken up by Soviet tanks and armored vehicles.  Although the losses were heavy, with more than 500 paratroopers dying on the mountain, they successfully helped the main force land in the south for thirty minutes.

    This is the most precious thirty minutes!  Helped the airborne troops survive the most difficult moments.  However, the battle became fierce due to the breakthrough of the Soviet armored forces. The entire airborne field was filled with lines of fire and explosive fireballs.

    Ye Zishan led more than a hundred remnant soldiers who had withdrawn to establish a defense line in the bushes. Fortunately, the Soviet army was currently focused on breaking up as many light-armed airborne troops as possible, so they had no interest in the defeated remnants. They finally allowed them to obtain  A chance to breathe.  The soldiers also took this opportunity to bandage their wounds and organize the few remaining ammunition.

    But the fighting didn¡¯t stop.  In the distance, two ba27m vehicles leading dozens of Soviet troops were charging towards a company of comrades. The raging flames of the armored vehicles swept across the position like horses, and comrades continued to fall in the fire and explosions.  Since most parachute bags have not been collected and found during the airborne landing, this company is already in danger.

    "No! We have to save them!" Ye Zishan stood up and stuffed the last magazine into the gun chamber.  But his suggestion was met with a cold reception: "Company Commander, we really can't attack anymore."

    "Yes, look, the one among the brothers is not injured."

    The soldiers were right. Of the more than 700 paratroopers who served as snipers, there were now only more than 130 left, and the rest were all killed in the battle, so even Ye Zishan felt that his idea was a bit cruel.  Looking back at the soldiers with tired faces and almost all of them wearing bandages, he felt very distressed.  To be honest, even if he does nothing now, he can rely on half an hour to contain and snipe two enemy infantry regiments and armored troops.  Everyone present can receive a heavy National Medal of Honor.

    But he really couldn't face the scene of his comrades being ravaged by enemy armored vehicles, and he knew that any words he said now were nonsense, so he took a deep breath and stood up and hung the last two anti-tank magnetic grenades on his belt: "Okay, you guys rest here.  , I will kill them all by myself!"

    Ye Zishan did not look back and trotted towards the two armored vehicles without looking back.  Looking at his lonely figure, the soldier who was covered in scars and could barely move his fingers looked at me and I looked at you, struggling between saving his life and saving his comrades.  After a while, the grenadier stood up and followed silently with the 84mm recoilless rifle with only one shell left.

    The second carries a rifle.  The third only had a pistol, the fourth.

    Soon, there was a sound of running behind Ye Zishan.

    Ye Zishan smiled, this is the brother who can entrust his back to them!  Comrade!  It¡¯s the spirit of never abandoning or giving up that the president talks about!  It is also the responsibility of the airborne troops!

    Ye Zishan led everyone and quickly sneaked behind the two ba27m vehicles holding the formation. Since the Soviet infantry were charging in front, the armored vehicles followed at a slow speed.  "I'll lure them away. Throw bombs. How many shells do you have?"

    "There is only one armor-piercing bullet left."

    "Okay then. I'll leave the front one to you. Remember, aim and shoot! Aim the machine gun at the turret and suppress the 37 cannon! The others will protect the grenadier." After Ye Zishan made arrangements.  He took a few deep breaths, then ran quickly towards the armored vehicle with his gun in hand.

    The sudden appearance of the figure caused the two armored vehicles to quickly turn their turrets. Ye Zishan took this opportunity to continuously scan the turret to attract attention.  How dare a small infantryman challenge the thickly armored ba27m?  The Soviet soldiers inside were furious.  Chasing after Ye Zishan's ass and crushing him over.  Bullets and shells continued to fall around him, several times almost at his heels.  Ye Zishan has completely forgotten about safety and has only one thought in his mind.  run!  Keep running!

    Seeing the armored vehicle being lured over, the grenadiers quickly ran out of the bunker and rushed to the left of the first armored vehicle.  Due to the angle of view, neither armored vehicle noticed the approaching grenadier, but the Soviet infantry behind saw it and immediately fired at it in an attempt to block it.  At this time, two HJ32 machine guns also fired, and dense bullets hit the turret and splashed countless sparks.

    The clanking sound scared the armored vehicle and quickly gave up Yeshan and turned around. At this time, the grenadiers opened fire.  "Boom!" The last 84mm armor-piercing bullet hit the left side of the ba27m as expected, tearing a large hole visible to the naked eye.  The scattered metal flow killed everyone inside instantly.  Upon seeing this, the second BA27M quickly retreated, and its water-cooled heavy machine gun fired fiercely in the direction of the grenadiers.  The chirping bullets were so heavy that the grenadiers and deputies could not move at all. Everyone hurriedly picked up their weapons and aimed at the armored vehicles to shoot at them.

    Ye Zishan was already on the right at the moment. When he saw the BA27M trying to withdraw into the infantry team, he almost couldn't straighten up, but he still forced himselfFeeling sore, he stepped forward, pulled out a magnetic grenade and threw it over.  However, due to the long distance, the magnetic grenade did not attach to the armor.  The grenade that exploded on the ground attracted the attention of the Soviet infantry, and seven or eight Soviet infantry shouted and rushed toward him.

    Ye Zishan knew that this was his last chance, so he pulled out the second magnetic grenade, ran a few more steps regardless of the bullets that passed by, and then threw it out with all his strength.

    The moment he threw it out, he was completely paralyzed. He could only lie softly on the grass, watching the grenade draw a parabola and then be attracted to the armored vehicle.  "Boom!" A ball of fire rose from the BA27M, and the 37mm machine gun and water-cooled heavy machine gun that caused the airborne troops to suffer so much finally stopped screaming.

    "Haha, haha, haha." Seeing that he finally killed the armored vehicle, Ye Zishan, who had lost all strength, laughed loudly.  Then he raised his submachine gun with one hand and subconsciously fired at the Soviet infantry that was flying over.  Due to the obstruction of the armored vehicles, the comrades on the opposite side had no time to support them. They could only watch the Soviet infantry rush towards the company commander who led them.

    After emptying the last magazine, Ye Zishan simply gave up resistance and turned over to lie down and wait for death.  The strange thing is that he is not thinking of his parents at this moment, but his girlfriend who teaches at the university.  Is this considered forgetfulness?  When Ye Zishan raised the corner of his mouth, a huge black shadow suddenly cut through the disk-like full moon and rushed toward him quickly and silently.

    As the main force of the second wave of airborne landings, the Dapeng gliders have finally arrived, these big guys that use the natural wind to fly.  After losing more than thirty aircraft, we finally arrived at the landing site.  But the scene below made the lead aircraft captain Lei Shiqian frown severely.  This major, who has more than ten years of flying experience, has flown seven types of aircraft, and has also served as a test pilot for the Air Force, is also feeling numb.

    All I saw was that the planned landing site was full of explosions and lines of fire, and the supporting bombers and attack aircraft in the distance were spinning in a hurry. When the enemy and we were unknown, even if they were loaded with bombs, they would not  Dare to cast it down easily.  "Sir, what should we do?" The first officer was a student who had just graduated from aviation school and had no idea how to deal with this situation.  To know.  In addition to carrying thousands of airborne troops, their planes also carry a large number of heavy weapons. If there is no safe landing site and cannot distinguish between ourselves and the enemy, these wooden lumps may be sieved by artillery shells.

    "Brothers, have you seen this? We have no choice!" Lei Shiqian thought for a moment, picked up the microphone and dialed the radio to the internal channel: "The airborne brothers below are fighting hard! It is impossible to clear the landing site. But we  They cannot go to the alternate landing site because they are in urgent need of heavy equipment. So! I need each of you to cheer up. All manned crews will go to the alternate landing site, and the rest will work in pairs. Forced landing in a dense formation! After landing, do your best  Maybe move closer, protect the equipment with heavy machine guns, and wait for our people to take over.


    No matter what, it must go down.  Whether it's a mountain, a forest, a slope or a ditch!  All the heavy equipment must be sent to the brothers in the airborne division.  "As Lei Shiqian spoke, the machine gunner quickly put on his goggles. The huge 12.7mm machine gun was connected to a long metal ammunition belt, exuding a decisive light.

    "Remember! We are the lead plane and must come down no matter what!" Lei Shiqian hung up the microphone.  He patted the nervous co-pilot and said, "Don't worry, there's a machine gun." The young co-pilot firmly held the steering wheel, nodded vigorously and fired two yellow flares.  Under the guidance of the signal flare, the lead aircraft swayed three times, quickly opened the deceleration flap, and rushed straight towards the densest part of the war.

    Before Ye Zishan understood what was going on, the huge Dapeng passed over his head, brushing against the treetops.  The rushing Soviet infantrymen were obviously frightened by these big guys and did not expect anything to fall from the sky.  The moment the wheel touched the ground, Lei Shiqian dropped the anti-skid gear plate.  The thick iron teeth on the tooth plate penetrated deeply into the ground, dragging two deep marks in the mud.

    "It's a plane! Plane, fire!" After seeing the approaching glider, a BT7 immediately turned its gun and pointed it at the nose of the aircraft.  The dense bullets penetrated the fuselage instantly, beating Lei Shiqian to pieces.

    ¡°Captain! Captain! I¡¯m going to fuck you!¡± the young co-pilot cried, wiping his tears and holding the steering wheel with all his strength to ensure the balance of the plane.  Although the Dapeng glider has a wooden fuselage, the huge fuselage and wide wings gliding on the ground are like a super heavy axe. It knocked away countless Soviet infantry and cavalry on its path, and finally hit the enemy who fired at it.  The tank knocked the tank over and turned it over.

    "Fire! Fire!"

    The glider has no fuel, and the body structure is reinforced with steel pipes, so it will not fall apart in such a degree of impact.  Before the plane came to a stop, the three 12.7mm machine guns on the back and sides of the plane simultaneously sprayed out countless bullets, killing the Soviet troops who tried to get closer.  "Glider! It's gliderHangplane!  Follow me, rush!  "I don't know where the strength came from. When Ye Zishan saw the glider landing, he jumped up excitedly, picked up an SVT38 semi-automatic rifle and rushed forward.

    The comrades around him also came to their senses at this moment and rushed towards the glider excitedly.

    In less than ten minutes, more than a hundred gliders loaded with heavy equipment forcibly landed in the center of the fiercest fighting. Hundreds of heavy machine guns sprayed out long flames, devouring all enemies in sight.  "Break open the door!" When Ye Zishan ran to the nose of the plane, the entire nose of the plane had been smashed. Looking at the bloody Lei Shiqian and the young co-pilot, he hesitated for a moment and then gritted his teeth and opened the nose door.

    Two minutes later, the first fire support 6*6 Hound armored vehicle rushed out of the cabin under the protection of heavy machine guns.  "Counterattack! It's our turn to counterattack! Let them have a taste of the power! Boom!" The 40mm rapid-fire machine gun spewed angry flames and chased the fleeing Soviet troops.

    The heroic glider pilots used courage and fearlessness to land more than 60 Hound armored vehicles and 105 light howitzers, mortars and other heavy equipment, announcing the death of Nitskov and the Soviet army. In the end, they could not even fly.  After landing, most of the pilots finally pulled out their submachine guns and joined the battle.  The more than 4,000 airborne troops who landed at the backup landing site quickly organized themselves, taking jeeps, motorcycles and other vehicles to detour to the rear and cut off the Soviet army's retreat route.

    After an hour of fierce fighting, victory finally waved to the airborne troops.  The port of Balkhash is also in complete chaos.  Hafrov was dumbfounded. He looked at the densely packed landing craft on the lake and plucked out his beard: "What is this? What kind of ship is this?"

    "Commander, it seems to be a naval landing craft." An officer who likes the navy finally identified the tank landing craft that first appeared in the Battle of Ahvaz.

    "Landing craft? God! How did they appear here? Damn it Beria, didn't he say that his intelligence network could cover this place? Why didn't he even give warning when so many landing craft arrived!" Khaverov was furious, completely  Forgetting his identity, he yelled and cursed Beria and the intelligence services.  Even the cronies who reminded him were kicked away by him: "Fuck communism! Only God can help us now! Felin, what are you still doing, stupid pig? Go and call our tanks back! And you  , why are you still standing there? For God's sake, boys. Fire! Shoot out all the shells and bullets!"

    Facing the counter-revolutionary Khaverov, several internal affairs officers were dumbfounded and wanted to draw their guns to kill this reactionary, but they did not dare to act rashly when the enemy was pressing on them.  What's more, Khavrov was right. He had just deployed all his tanks and an infantry division to encircle and suppress the enemy's airborne troops. Now he should survive first.


    "Strafing, strafing!"

    Under Khavrov¡¯s frantic shouting, the Soviet troops in Balkhash also threw artillery shells and bullets at them desperately.  Similarly, the 25mm machine guns and 12.7mm machine guns installed on the landing craft also fired back fiercely.  "Commander. The assault boat is about to dock!" the sharp-eyed navy captain reminded the calmly observing Leximan, who nodded and asked the officer to fire a green flare.  The moment the flare took off, the eight snow-white light pillars were like the guiding light from heaven.  Four H-7s dropped from the sky and sprinkled on the port, with two searchlights hanging on their wings, helping the troops illuminate the way forward.


    The moment the searchlights turned on, the eight firepower boats at the front roared simultaneously.  Swish, swish, 24 12-barreled rocket launchers, firing at full speed at a rate of one per second.  Whether it is the Wehrmacht soldiers on the landing craft.  The Soviet troops in Balkhash all saw the most spectacular night scene in their lives.  288 rockets with long tail awns.  Like a fireball falling from the sky, it hit the Balkhash Port hard.

    It took only 30 seconds for rockets equivalent to 288 155mm grenades to set off a terrible steel storm in Balkhash Port!  Shrapnel and steel balls made a whirling sound, and the flames spread in all directions with the help of the expanding hot air. Hundreds of Soviet infantrymen were surrounded by explosions and flames before they understood what was going on.

    3 minutes later, the second round of blows came again!

    Another 288 rockets were fired, and another steel rain fell from the sky.  There are no words to describe it. Both Khavrov and the Soviet Ministry of Internal Affairs officers who wanted to kill him were all dumbfounded.  No one thought that there was such a powerful weapon in the world (Katyusha had already developed it at the time, but it was still highly classified) that could throw so much ammunition in a short moment.

    When the flames flowed like water in the port of Balkhash, the Soviet army, which was originally weak because of the deployment of a division, was completely turned into a headless fly.  "Reserve, where is the reserve? You counter-revolutionary, where is your reserve!" Several internal affairs officers went crazy, grabbing Khaverov and shoutingLet the reserve team come up.

    "Fuck your reserve team! You idiots, come on, arrest them all and shoot them!" Khavrov also lost control at this moment. He had long been disgusted with these fools who came from the internal affairs force. If it weren't for these fools who only know how to flatter others,  How could this guy take away his own troops if he gave random orders?  !  Well now, there are only three infantry divisions on the 60-kilometer defense line from the Saremsek Peninsula to here, and they were ordered to remove one division to support the Kima Hills. There are still no preparations.  Team!

    Amidst the banging execution gunfire, the first batch of hard-shell assault boats rushed into the dock. All H37 assault rifles quickly suppressed the Soviet army, and the infantry began to clear bunkers and firepower points.

    "get ready!"

    The captain yelled, and after forcefully opening the brake brake, the springboard of the first tank landing craft suddenly fell down.

    "Tank, it's a tank!"

    After the Type 36 tanks appeared in sight, Hafrov sat down on the ground.  He knew that he was really doomed this time!  Behind them are an unknown but certainly large number of airborne troops, and in front are armored tanks and infantry that are coming ashore in a steady stream.  The most important thing is that he doesn't even have a tank or a truck to escape, so how can he fight?  ¡­(To be continued¡­)
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