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Text Chapter 862 The Flame of Samarkand (Part 1)

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    The whole world's attention has been attracted by the Battle of France, but they have forgotten that at the same time, a war that was several times larger than the Battle of France and covering an area equivalent to most of Europe was also entering the spring and summer.  An army that has comprehensively studied German military construction since the early stages of its construction, incorporated more tactics, emphasized strict execution, and has been fighting for more than two years, has once again entered the rhythm of a general offensive.

    On April 23, on the dirt road from Khujand to Samarkand, an endless transport team faced the morning dew and staggered along the large and small craters blown by artillery shells.  At the front and end of the team are the National Guard 66 Hound wheeled combat vehicle equipped with a 127mm heavy machine gun and a jeep equipped with a general-purpose machine gun.  As the gears of war turned faster and faster, these two widely used military vehicles began to be manufactured one after another. The improved 88 Snow Leopard armored vehicle of the former has also been finalized and entered the production sequence.  Niu Yousan, a young soldier from Zhejiang, holds the machine gun tightly with a slightly nervous look in his eyes.  For them, the National Guard soldiers, stepping out of them is a strange world.  There are no perfect railways, no inter-provincial highways that have been built over the past few decades, let alone airports with heavy take-off and landing capabilities.  Working on the most important transportation and supply line every day is monotonous and boring.

    The convoy slowly stopped in front of Bailey Bridge and faced a prisoner-of-war escort team approaching.  "Look, it's Mao Zibing." "What a pity, why didn't we meet him?" "I want to meet him. Apply for transfer to the regular army. I can see him every day." "Look, look! It's the Soviets.  "While the soldiers were talking, more than a thousand Soviet prisoners of war in ragged clothes passed by with their heads down and down like zombies under the escort of the Central Asian Independence Army.  At the end of the line, thousands of Slavic immigrants who had been searched out had dull eyes.  The man stood outside, and the woman held the child, looking numbly at the convoy heading north.  "Why are ordinary people arrested? Isn't there discipline?" Niu Yousan was very puzzled, feeling very uncomfortable with this kind of thing.

    "They are ordinary people. But they also support the guerrillas and the enemy." When Niu Yousan and the others were muttering, a voice sounded from the corner of the carriage.  Niu Yousan quickly turned around and saw the young officer in the corner who was wearing a military coat. He had brought more than a hundred vehicles in Andiyan, merged into the convoy, and even got into the armored vehicle to sleep for nothing, stretching and shaking.  The military cap smiled at him: "Remember, being kind to the enemy means being irresponsible to your comrades. It is better for us to do these things than to let our children do it." The young man stood up.  When the outer coat slipped off, Niu Yousan and his companions discovered that this young man was actually a brigadier general!  "General." A senior official would kill someone, let alone a general.  The brigadier general who slept silently after getting in the car was none other than Zhuo Fan, who had returned to China for a vacation and returned to the battlefield.

    Zhuo Fan got out of the armored vehicle after returning the gift.  The scenes that ordinary soldiers find difficult to accept have become commonplace to him. Since the beginning of the war, 2 million prisoners of war have been sent to concentration camps or served as coolies at gunpoint, and 550,000 Slavic immigrants have been sent to camps in Taraz and Turkestan.  Lesson Center.  They need to engage in various types of production inside, and even make bullets in exchange for food.  Others were selected, put on military uniforms again, received military training, and waited to be plunged into an unknown destiny.

    After crossing the steel bridge, there was a faint sound of explosions and a large group of fighter planes ahead.  Like migrating birds flying south in dense numbers.  "General, we are here." In Niu Yousan's voice, a base surrounded by barbed wire appeared in front of him.  Thousands of camouflage nets and tents were directly exposed on the surface, and civil war eagles rose and fell at the field airport in the distance.  A scene of busyness and tension.

    "Report to the general."

    Walking to the door of the command post, Zhuo Fan was about to shout "report" when the staff officer who came out saluted him.  Only then did he remember that his identity had changed. He smiled in return and walked inside.  The command post is not big.  It's immediately obvious after walking in, especially the densely packed arrows and numbers on the map in the middle.  Let people know at a glance that they are going to attack.  "Zhuo Fan? Good boy, why are you here? Hey, Brigadier General! Well, we have finally crossed this threshold." Du Yuming and other officers of the 10th Army who were discussing the general offensive saw him and surrounded him. Many of them were better than him at that time.  The high-ranking officers who were always stuck at the school level stared at the brigadier general's badge with envy.

    There is a world of difference between the two levels of general and school. I don¡¯t know how many people survived until they retired and never made it further.

    The 10th Army is Zhuo Fan¡¯s natal family, so even Sun Chuanfang came out of the lounge after hearing the news.  Seeing that there were two small collar badges on his uniform, he pointed at them and asked, "Who are these two?" Zhuo Fan saluted and introduced: "Report to the commander, these are the combat collar badges for the East Kazakhstan and Kyzyl Blockade Battles.  "

    "I heard that you did a good job in these two battles and did not embarrass our 10th Army. Has the new appointment been approved? Do you want me to help you with your activities?" Sun Chuanfang has been aggrieved in recent years. The ravines and caves in Afghanistan have caused  The war was protracted and exhausted, and was criticized behind the scenes by many people. If Yang Qiu had not firmly supported him, he might have changed his commander long ago.  Therefore, Zhuo Fan's performance can be regarded as letting those people know that there are still capable people in the 10th Army.Zhuo Fan chuckled, knowing that he was holding back his nerves, and said: "We're already down, let me lead the 3rd Mecha Infantry Division. I wanted to go immediately, but I happened to hear that you were going to attack here, so I came over to take a look."

    "This Chu Nan, he poached me." Sun Chuanfang smiled: "Forget it, he finally didn't treat you badly. Although it is not the main armored division, the 3rd Infantry Division is also a good unit led by Marshal Songpo himself.  "

    Zhuo Fan knew that he cared about him, so he thanked him and asked: "By the way, I came all the way, why didn't I see the troops of the Uzbek Army?"

    ¡°I went back to Tashkent five days ago.¡±

    "What, have you found a way to deal with turtle shells?"

    "Well, we have some clues. Our side is scheduled to attack at 3 o'clock tomorrow morning, and their side is scheduled for the day after tomorrow." Hearing that he had just come from China, Du Yuming briefly introduced Samarkand and the recent war.

    After the 10th Armored Division captured Navoi, Meng Lang¡¯s 103rd Division also captured Jizzak.  After learning this, the Soviet army had to abandon the Turkestan Mountain defense line and retreat, allowing Sun Chuanfang to lead the main force of 11 divisions across the mountains.  At the same time, two light infantry divisions of the 24th Army that took the mountain road from Dushanbe also emerged from the Qimtarga Mountains.  After being encircled on all sides, it was compressed step by step. It took ten days to compress a total of 7 Soviet divisions and about 60,000 people into the narrow junction between Samarkand and the Zerafshan River.  In addition to the continued stalemate in Tashkent, some changes have also occurred in other battlefields.  The 7th Army and the 2nd Airborne Division successfully captured Urgench, cut off the Tashkent railway, and cooperated with the three divisions of the 1st Army and the 16th Army to capture Nukus.  Drive the Soviet Karakalpakstan Front to the west bank of the Amu Darya River and establish a defense line using the river as a screen.  Although Stalin mobilized three armies from the Caspian Sea and Western Kazakhstan for support, most of them were new soldiers and the equipment and supplies could not keep up, so he could only watch Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan being cut off.  Affected by the successive losses of Urgench and Nukus, the three Soviet infantry divisions in Ashgabat and other places, while resisting three divisions of the Turkmen Army and two Iranian divisions, were afraid that the enemy's main force would fall from the northern plains.  In the end, they simply gave up resistance, blew up important facilities, and then entered Iran to join forces with the Soviet Persian Front.  Pavlov reorganized them and used the Alborz Mountains' natural chasm to establish a new defense line in Gorgan.

    At this point, except for the Karabauer Ridge, where 300,000 Soviet troops were entrenched, south of the Aral Sea, there was almost no trace of Soviet troops in other places.

    It¡¯s easier than the one in the south.  North of the Aral Sea the situation is much more difficult.  With most of his forces devoted to Tashkent, Uzbekistan, and Turkmenistan, Lukin seized the opportunity to launch several counterattacks.  The two sides fought several times in Shakhtinsk, Nura River, Ekibastus and other places. After a total of 19 divisions were invested, the situation turned into a stalemate.  In Siberia, the Ninth Army continued to confront the Soviet army in Krasnoyarsk. The 21st Army in the attack on Barnaul had very bad luck. It encountered a mudslide after melting snow shortly after setting off, and lost one soldier outside Rubtsovsk.  battalion of tanks and more than two hundred trucks.  We had to retreat to Semiyi temporarily to wait for the weather to improve.

    "The Soviets are also fighting hard. Take the seven divisions in our encirclement as an example. They refused to surrender even when they were about to die. They also dug hundreds of long and short trenches and bunkers on the other side of the river. They were like ground rats.  "Du Yuming nagged.  His words also made Zhuo Fan realize that as the Soviet army gradually gained more combat experience, the war had gradually entered the most tragic middle stage.  This is a great test for both sides. Whoever breaks through first will be able to seize the turning point first.

    The key to the Wehrmacht is Tashkent.  The only way is to resolve this situation as soon as possible and release the six armies trapped here.  Only in this way can we return to the northern front as soon as possible to prevent the Soviet counterattack and seize the opportunity to win.  Seeing that he understood, Du Yuming avoided these annoying topics and asked, "By the way, how did you get here? I didn't say that a transport plane would arrive today."

    "I can't get used to flying, so I came with the transport team. Commander, division commander, I brought some good things for you." After Zhuo Fan finished speaking, he took the two of them and walked outside with other officers.  Seeing that the supply convoy that was following had begun to unload, Du Yuming thought it was supplies and said with a smile: "What did I think it was? It's just supplies."

    "You'll find out later."

    Zhuo Fan deliberately gave it a try and aroused everyone's curiosity. He led everyone to the last few dozen trucks in the convoy and asked the soldiers to lift the camouflage canvas.  When the canvas was pulled open, everyone discovered that there was a flatbed behind it without a carriage, and a large multiple rocket launcher was installed on the flatbed.  Everyone is familiar with rocket launchers. The 107mm towed rocket launcher is available in the military, but this is the first time we have seen a vehicle-mounted rocket launcher.  "1939-style 130mm multiple-barreled mobile rocket launcher, with four layers and a total of 32 tubes. It can rotate 180 degrees, has a maximum range of 12 kilometers, and is equipped with anti-personnel fragmentation grenades." Zhuo Fan is now learning and selling: "There are 36 vehicles in one regiment, all of which are fresh from the factory.  . Commander Qin knew that there was a lack of heavy artillery here, so he specially asked me to bring it."

    Compared with several other armies, the Turks Army, which was formed from the merger of Afghan and Tajik forces,?The group army has the weakest artillery and heavy weapons due to road restrictions.  So when everyone saw the latest rocket launcher, they stepped forward to examine it in detail.  "There are more." Zhuo Fan took everyone to the other side, and Sun Chuanfang discovered that there were eight weird-looking vehicles that looked very much like the old T2 armored vehicles.

    The T2 armored vehicle (refer to the Bren machine gun vehicle) was the equipment of the last European War and is currently mainly used for second-line and armored training.  These are very different. The front half is similar, but the back is flattened. Two rows of six thick seamless steel pipes are installed on the flat plate. The steel pipes are tilted toward the sky in a very weird way.  Du Yuming saw it first and took a breath: "It's so thick, is it also a rocket launcher?"

    "The division commander still has good eyesight." Zhuo Fan flattered him while asking someone to move the ammunition box from the truck.  After opening it, there was a huge rocket with a huge head like a meteor hammer.  The introduction said: "This is a 1940-style barrier-breaking rocket launcher that was just finalized at the beginning of the year. The vehicle is modified from the chassis of a T2 armored vehicle. The front steel plate can prevent direct fire from 127mm armor-piercing projectiles. The rocket launcher has a caliber of 300mm, a bomb weight of 75kg, and barrier-breaking grenades.  Both ammunition and incendiary bombs, each of which is as powerful as a 210mm grenade. But the range is shorter, with a maximum of 2040 meters. It is mainly used to break obstacles and destroy trenches at close range."

    "Okay! I want to see how long those rats can hide."
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