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Text Chapter 891 Taking advantage of the situation

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    France surrendered!

    "The free world has begun to fall, the iron heel of the fascist Nazis has conquered France, and England has become the last place of light on the European continent. But we will not surrender! We will fight in the sea, and we will fight with increasing  Fighting in the air with great confidence and growing strength, we will defend our homeland at all costs. We will fight on the beaches, we will fight on the enemy's landing points, we will fight in the fields and streets, and we will fight in the mountains.  We will never surrender! Even if our island or most of this island were conquered and starved! I never believed that would happen Our Imperial subjects overseas, Canada, New Zealand in the Commonwealth  , Australia and other countries are coming from all over the world! They will fight to the end with us, under the arms and protection of the Royal Navy! We will never surrender until the new world brings out all its power when God deems it appropriate.  Power to save and liberate this old world.

    We will never surrender, we will fight to the end!  "¡ª¡ª

    Winston Churchill.

    On June 13, at 18:30 pm local time in France, in the Foch carriage in the Compi¨¨gne forest, the Franco-German armistice negotiations ended.  Shortly after the French government representative Huntzig signed the instrument of surrender, Churchill delivered a speech via radio waves at the Downing Street rally in front of a crowd of 100,000 people, saying that Britain would fight to the end.  Although his speech was impassioned, and although the old lord tried to revive the glory of the British Empire, even the British themselves believed that the war had failed!  The French across the Atlantic even joked that in three weeks Britain would be like them, picking up the cigars dropped by the Germans

    The surrender of France completely changed the world structure.  The Reynaud government resigned, and P¨¦tain, who was hailed as a hero of World War I, was pushed to the forefront and took over the power baton in shame.  The cowardly French Congress held an emergency session.  In order to cater to Germany, they began to form a surrender government and also required the colonial governors to be loyal to the new government.  At the same time, he also promised Germany that French people who cooperate with other countries to fight against Germany will be dealt with according to military law!  This means that the escaped French Free Army of de Gaulle was actually just a group of war criminals!  At the same time, Hitler fell into a carnival. He even asked that after signing, the Foch Carriage would be transported to Berlin as an exhibit to commemorate the victory of the war.  The monument commemorating France's victory in World War I was blown up at Compizy, leaving only the statue of Marshal Foch, who was left alone to watch the German tanks speed past.

    England was the first to panic!  On the eastern coastline, soldiers can be seen digging trenches in seaside gardens and standing guard on the docks all the time.  A little further inland from the coast, women in towns and cities were mobilized and nervously dug so-called "blocking lines" and anti-tank trenches.  Men began to build fortifications and barbed wire fences on the main streets in the suburbs and urban areas.  All gardens were required to have air-raid shelters, and former golf courses were turned into anti-aircraft gun emplacements.  The racecourse has become a military camp, and the fishing docks are filled with dense mines!  Citizens began to accept the crude weapons issued by the government. The government began to use the radio to teach people how to make Molotov cocktails, and suicide blasting rods were passed among the workers!  In London Square and Rooftop Terrace.  People began to conduct air defense training, and every household was required to send lookouts.  Even the female hotel workers joined the rescue team, and the waiter who drove the elevator went to dig trenches as soon as she got off work

    When Hitler strolled through the streets of Paris, visiting the Eiffel Tower and the Elys¨¦e Palace.  British people are queuing up to hand out gas masks.  The children were gathered together, hung with nameplates, and carried uniform small schoolbags on their backs.  Taking their favorite toys and rag dolls with them and sending them to shelters in the inland countryside, all England's coastal subjects were required to take up arms because their parents could no longer care for their children.

    But the great French conqueror was obviously happy too early!

    When radio waves brought the news of France¡¯s surrender to all parts of the world and the whole of Germany fell into a carnival, Jiang Baili, as Yang Qiu¡¯s special envoy, had secretly arrived in London.  In addition to bringing the important news that Yang Qiu would visit Cairo a week later, he also brought out a carefully prepared list of weapons.  Half a million rifles that have been sealed in grease for more than 20 years, five thousand 203mm, 152mm, 105mm, 85mm, 76mm and 75mm field guns, and 50,000 old Han II machine guns (Bren type)  Machine guns, 100,000 Sten submachine guns, 50,000 grenades, 600 T34 tanks, 1,200 BT and T26 tanks, 30 territorial sea-class anti-submarine frigates, 800,000 gas masks, 50,000 tons of lunch  Canned meat, 20,000 tons of tungsten ore, 50,000 tons of aluminumetc., all weapons are equipped with five base numbers of ammunition.

    The total price is 560 million yuan (about 280 million US dollars)!

    Not only expensive but also dark!  Before the war, excluding resources, weapons were worth at most 50 million US dollars, not to mention that most of these weapons were warehouse goods (old goods from the bottom of the box) and captured Soviet weapons, with no cost at all.  But even so, Field Marshal Alexander jumped up excitedly: "1,800 tanks?!  5,000 cannons?  is this real?  Do you have that many weapons?  How long does sea shipping take?  "

    Although they are all captured Soviet tanks, now I am afraid that even the most primitive "water tanks", the British are willing to buy thousands of them.  Even Marshal Pound of the Navy pinched his finger bones until they turned white. Thirty territorial sea-class anti-submarine frigates German submarines are in trouble!  (There were not many German submarines at that time).

    purchase!  No matter the cost, even if it means breaking the bank, I will buy it!

    This is not a joke!  After losing all its heavy equipment at Dunkirk, the British government now cannot even assemble the heavy equipment for three infantry divisions!  The lack of weapons is unbearable!  For example, the anti-tank guns deployed on the coastline only had six rounds for each gun. In order to save money, the Artillery and Artillery Command had to ban all exercises!  All the soldiers had only fifty rounds of ammunition in their rifles. In the end, half of the "National Guard", which was said to have 1.5 million people, only had shovels and golf clubs.  On the southern coast, people were ordered to take down street signs on all streets to prevent landings.

    It is said that this can make Germans get lost

    In order to raise weapons, the British government even requisitioned 20,000 old-fashioned flintlock muskets from private collections

    It is conceivable that when Jiang Baili came up with the list, he said that small arms, artillery, ammunition and gas masks can all be shipped within a week, 1,200 BT and T26 vehicles can be delivered within three months at the latest, and 150 T34 vehicles can be delivered per month.  What a shock it brought to Britain!  This has also brought about doubts. The UK can no longer afford to wait, so no one wants to get a blank check.

    Jiang Baili could understand Britain's worries about gains and losses. He looked at his watch calmly and nodded to the interpreter.  Following his movements, the translator immediately took out the prepared information on the Second Central Asia Campaign from his bag, stood up and handed it to Marshal Alexander with both hands: "Your Excellency, Marshal, if there are no accidents, the Battle of Tashkent should have started by now. In addition,  , we had defeated the Soviet counterattack plan a week ago. We eliminated at least 270,000 Soviet troops and surrounded their main force in the Petropavlovsk Triangle, with a total number of about 600,000 to 700,000."

    "This is real?"

    "This is impossible! Stalin mobilized more than a hundred divisions to participate in the counterattack."


    When Alexander¡¯s eyes suddenly widened, the entire conference room felt like an explosion.  The military and political officials around him all looked confused and shocked.  Of course they knew something about something as big as the Second Central Asian Battle. Although they could not get specific battle reports, they learned from Soviet intelligence that Stalin dispatched hundreds of divisions and launched surprise attacks!  So everyone thought that China and the Soviet Union would start a fierce battle.  So no one expected that the Chinese special envoy would come out with such shocking news with trembling hands.  Oh, God!  There are half a million Soviet troops in Tashkent.  If there are really 600,000 people in the Petropavlovsk encirclement, plus the 270,000 that have been wiped outanother East Kazakh campaign is born!  Adding in scattered figures such as Afghanistan and Ahvaz, the Soviet Union has lost more than three million of its main troops since the war began!

    The translator seemed not to hear the shouts around him and continued: "If there are no accidents, the Soviet army in Tashkent will be completely wiped out in two weeks! By the end of July, we will liberate everything from Petropavlovsk to the east of the Aral Sea.  Central Asia! So please rest assured, we have enough weapons to pay for it, and we will do our best to contain the power of the Soviet Union. We will never let them have the opportunity to destroy Europe!"

    Quiet, quiet, still quiet!

    When the translator finished speaking, there was only the sound of heavy breathing in the entire conference room.

    The Katyn massacre and the secret Soviet-German deal were announced.  Britain had always been worried that the Soviet Union and Germany would formally form an alliance.  But even if they form an alliance now, I'm afraid the Soviet Union won't be able to project much power into Europe, so Britain's only enemies are Germany and, by the way, Italy.

    Knowing that Central Asia is about to win another great victory, the anxious Alexander is going crazy!  Only Churchill remained silent because he understood that in this world, any large arms trade between countries has political purposes.  So he slowly lit his cigar and stared at Jiang Baili with his eyes like a hawk: "Mr. Special Envoy, what does England need to pay? Is it just gold and currency?"

    " Two substantial glances not only made the officers and cabinet ministers present gradually calm down, but also made Jiang Baili secretly exclaim. No wonder Yang Qiu regards this old lord as his main opponent.  Fortunately, he was prepared and smiled peacefully: "Four hundred million yuan in cash or gold and bonds of equivalent value, Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, Kuwait's regulatory authority, and the Chagos Islands will be handed over to our country to be used as a supply point for the navy.  Cooperate with your country to prepare for military operations, and finally recognize our country¡¯s temporary trusteeship of French East Indies. We cannot allow hostile countries to control this place, not even if the French surrender government"

    "This is impossible!"

    Jiang ?Before the conditions here were finished, British Admiral Pound interrupted angrily: "There is a long-term agreement between Kuwait and the British government. The Anglo-Iranian Oil Company is also an important asset of our country, and it is also impossible to sell it."

    "Huh?" Jiang Baili was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that the first thing Pound questioned was Kuwait and the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company. Instead, he dismissed the Chagos Islands, which Yang Qiu had taken care of many times.

    In fact, Jiang Baili didn't know, and even Yang Qiu didn't know. Although the strategic location of the Chagos Islands was extremely important in later generations, at present, because Britain has too many good ports in the Indian Ocean, Ceylon and Socotra Island are better positioned than Chagos.  Goss, and Churchill has considered taking the French Navy into his pocket. Even if it is unacceptable, they must all be destroyed!  They are also prepared to take over all East African colonies, including Madagascar and Seychelles, in one fell swoop, so they do not pay much attention to the archipelago, which has only one naval gas station.  Not to mention 30 anti-submarine frigates, 10 are willing to be transferred.  What the UK really values ????is Kuwait and the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company!  The former is currently the only three control zone remaining in the Persian Gulf (the other two are Oman and Yemen), while the latter is an important source of oil and a key chess piece for Iran's continued intervention after the war.

    As for the French East Indies From Churchill to the lowest beggar, no one cares because they already hate the French!

    Jiang Baili, who was confident, knew the situation of Britain very well.  He smiled and put away the list: "Your Excellency Prime Minister, the President has considered formally forming an alliance with your country in Cairo. Of course, the premise is that we must get a fair status! As for the oil security that the Marshal is worried about, we can promise that from now until the end of the war  , providing three million tons of crude oil to your country at cost price every year through Saudi Arabia's China National Petroleum Company and Gulf Oil Company. As for the Anglo-Iranian Oil Companyactually it is not that we want to buy it, it is the request of the Iranian government  Mr. Prime Minister, now is the time to unite all forces to resist the fascist Nazis. Are you really willing to give up the opportunity to defeat the Soviet Union and Germany in order to protect a company with only 4 million pounds in annual income? You should know that the Caucasus will not be destroyed for a day.  Occupied by us, the Soviets will continuously provide oil to Germany! So far, this supply has exceeded two million tons per month!

    So after we buy it, we will not keep it for ourselves, but return it to the Iranian government so that the Iranian government and people can better serve us and jointly fight against the Soviet and German Nazis.  The Iranian government has assured us that after redeeming the oil fields, it will provide your country with two million tons of oil per year for free!  As for Kuwait, it's just about balancing the needs of Saudi Arabia and Iran, you know.  The Iraqis are very close to Germany, and Turkey is also pro-German, and we have received accurate information that the Soviet Union has provided a large amount of weapons and ammunition to the Kurds They are very likely to cooperate with Germany in attacking Iraq!  As for your worries, there is actually no need.  As long as East Oman (now Oman) is in your hands, we can share the shipping rights in the Strait of Hormuz.  "

    "Mr. Yang Qiu is really considering announcing an alliance in Cairo?"

    Churchill¡¯s pupils began to dilate, and he didn¡¯t even pay much attention to the following words.  Although they know that China is unlikely to send troops to Europe for the time being, if Yang Qiu announces an alliance immediately after France's defeat it will be a shot in the arm for the British people!  more importantly.  Although Roosevelt verbally promised to consider sending troops, the damn glorious isolation policy cannot be easily broken, so he has even started to use his brain recently.  Prepare to find a few submarines disguised as German submarines and launch a sneak attack on New York Harbor

    Ahem, this is a secret!

    The sinister old gentleman coughed twice and recovered from his wandering thoughts, constantly weighing the pros and cons in his mind.

    There is no doubt that Yang Qiu is greedy, but Yang Qiu's greed has always been controlled in the Persian Gulf and Asia, avoiding India and Africa, which are most important to Britain.  Of course, the British Intelligence Department was very aware of the relationship between the Muslim League and him, but even if the Muslim League split, it would not be able to separate India's most fertile Ganges plain.  As for Kuwait, he is right. Controlling East Oman is equivalent to controlling the Strait of Hormuz. In this case, why not do transactions with small Kuwait?

    Seemingly seeing through Churchill's trump card, Jiang Baili smiled deliberately: "Your Excellency, Prime Minister, you can continue to wait for the sales list from the US government. But please don't forget that Roosevelt announced the expansion of the army last month. He has hundreds of thousands of troops in urgent need of arming.  . From a military perspective, even if the United States is willing to participate in the war, it will not be able to complete preparations until the end of the year. Therefore, in order to ease your country's concerns, the president has made it clear before departure that he will dispatch three fighter groups to your country when necessary to help  Keep England safe in the air, but we are under too much pressure on the ground and at sea, so by the end of the year you will have no reinforcements!¡±

    Jiang Fangzhen¡¯s words were like sharp swords piercing the heart of Britain, repeatedly striking at its weak spots.  Churchill's face instantly turned as black as a charcoal ball, because every word he spoke was on point.??!  Even if he uses the submarine trick, Roosevelt still needs enough time to prepare for war, so from now to the beginning of 2042, it will be the most dangerous and difficult interception for England.

    "I don't have the authority to make such an important decision. I need time to discuss it with the Cabinet Council." The old lord, who was confident in front of the British people, took the initiative to lower his tone, but his teeth were chattering.

    Jiang Baili was not only not nervous, but also very happy. He smiled slightly: "Okay, but I hope to reach peripheral negotiations with you before Cairo."

    Yang Qiu took advantage of the situation and encroached on the British and French heritage while writing poems deep in the dense rainforest.  Yanagawa Heisuke and the officers also stood respectfully in front of the map, their eyes following Shunroku Hata's back.  The news of France's surrender has reached here, but he is not happy because the "French meal" that he thought he could enjoy easily before the war has suddenly changed!  The 18th Division, which was sweeping across Southeast Asia, hit a wall in Siem Reap and was blocked by just two regiments. Even the most precious tank troops suffered heavy losses. In the end, the commander-in-chief of the southern advance, Shunroku Hata, was even alerted to personally supervise the battle.

    "Yanagawa-kun, can you tell me the movement of the Chinese troops?" Shunroku Hata stared at the map, his tone surprisingly calm.  But all officers knew that he was not that easy to serve.

    Yanagawa Heisuke immediately stepped forward.  Pointing to the map of French East India: "Hey! General, please look, China's tank troops are parked in the north of Hanoi. The French obviously do not intend to open the railways and military facilities for them to use. Among the six infantry divisions, two infantry divisions have already crossed  Red River is advancing towards Vientiane, with an airborne regiment acting as their vanguard, having already implemented a parachute drop at Ban Pha Phong. One division has entered the coastal defense, one division is behind the tank force, and the last two divisions are moving towards Nghe An in Annam, which should  They wanted to seize Bolikhamxay and Khammang in Laos. Two marines of the navy also landed from Da Nang, Hue and Kampong Som. The directions were Champasak and Siem Reap respectively."

    "Is there any movement among the three China Army divisions in Kunming?"

    "not yet."

    "Great, what about your troops?"

    "The 114th Division has arrived in Chonburi and is on its way. In three days, I will be able to assemble two divisions. I will definitely be able to capture Siem Reap and defeat the Chinese! The 29th Division has also taken over from the Siamese Army in attacking Champasak.  . I also sent a regiment to Vientiane for support. As long as we occupy these places before the main force of China arrives, we can"

    "Yanagawa-kun! Are you going to consume all the troops given to you by the empire in Siem Reap?" Before Yanagawa Heisuke could finish speaking, Hata Shunroku's face turned cold.  He interrupted impatiently: "As a Lieutenant General of the Imperial Japanese Army, you should know that the resources and manpower of the Empire cannot be compared with China, and Nanyang is too far from the mainland. There is a lack of industrial capacity, so every soldier here  It is precious! Now the Chinese have a tank division and eight infantry divisions coming, and Yunnan still has three divisions that can go south at any time! If you fight slowly like this, are you preparing for a decisive battle with the Chinese and us here?  "

    After hearing the dissatisfaction in the words, Yanagawa Heisuke suddenly shed two drops of cold sweat on his temples: "Please give me instructions, General!"

    Seeing that Yanagawa realized his mistake, Shunroku Hata slowed down and said, "Mr. Yanagawa, the navy has captured Ceylon and opened up the communication line with the Andaman Sea. In order to stabilize their position, those people worked hard to publicize this victory in the country.  . Now Admiral Yamamoto is still waiting in Ceylon for the British fleet to take the bait. If" Shunroku Hata paused and glanced at the Japanese officers around him: "So, our army needs this victory to wash away two defeats.  The shame of China! Prove to the people that China is not invincible! To boost the morale of the empire! But at the same time, we have to be fast, race against time, and avoid a decisive battle with the China troops here, because the empire still needs some time  Come and prepare.¡±

    Yanagawa Heisuke secretly blinked twice, what kind of strategy is this?  If you can't take Siem Reap and Champasak, what's the use of going deep and attacking quickly?  How is it possible to win but also to make the opponent endure this tone?  "

    Seeing that he still didn't understand, Hata Shunroku continued: "We have received accurate information. The Soviet allies have invested more than one hundred divisions to launch a counterattack. China must ensure one hundred and thirty divisions in Central and Western Asia in the short term, and in the Persian Gulf  There are still thirty divisions, so the troops entering Indochina now are the maximum strength they can bring out. So they have been sending out false signals, saying that the troops are only to fulfill the agreement with France, but in fact they have begun to secretly  Action. According to the report of Colonel Yingzuo Zhenzhao, there may have been big changes in Annan recently, and many radicals and guerrillas have received support from the Chinese. From this, it can be seen that China Yang Qiu this time  In fact, his main purpose is not against us, he wants to take over the Annan colony! So you have to solve Siem Reap and Champasak as soon as possible, cut off the north-south connection of the Mekong River, and occupy Laos and southern Annan, so that their army cannot join forces with the navy.  Without army support, we will have no choice but to retreat to the north"

      Yanagawa Heisuke secretly complained in his heart.  To put it simply, if we don¡¯t have a navy here, how can we cut off the Mekong River if we can¡¯t force away the Chinese navy planes that hover overhead all day long?  On the contrary, Tsuji Masanobu next to him was particularly active and interjected: "General, this is actually very simple. You see, the French are stubborn and uncooperative, and the China Army's advancement is actually very slow. Because this is not Central Asia, the rainforests and rivers will  Let the heavy tanks and trucks get stuck in the quagmire, so we should attack more actively, use silver wheel tactics, penetrate Annan deeply, and outflank the China Army in a roundabout way!"

    "Oh? Tell me about your plan." Shunroku Hata had a good impression of Tsuji Masanobu, so he immediately asked.

    Seeing that the Commander-in-Chief of the Army's Southward Advance was willing to listen to his plan, Tsujimasa felt even more proud. He pointed at the map and quickly said: "Siem Reap is an important barrier to the east, but it is not the only one. You can use the Yinlun troops,  Take advantage of the light and fast characteristics of the Imperial Army, cross the Biandan Mountains and enter from the direction of Ghaji, then go south along the Mekong River to attack Kratie, and outflank the Chinese army in Siem Reap! The same can be done in Champasak, and the offensive task will continue to be handed over to Siam  Army, ask the 29th Division to give up the frontal attack, quickly enter Annan territory from Asupo and run towards the sea, cutting off the connection between China's army and navy from here."

    "Your Excellency Masanobu Tsuji, the Chinese Army is not a British army. They have very complete firepower and a lot of trucks and vehicles. If the lightly-armed Ginlun troops are dispatched, once they are blocked by artillery and aircraft, the losses will be very heavy."  Yanagawa Heisuke was so angry that he secretly scolded Tsuji Masanobu for being unkind.  If he followed his plan, wouldn't it mean that his commands in the past few days were all wrong?

    Tsuji Masanobu, who wanted to be in the limelight, didn't care about this. When he saw Yanagawa Heisuke questioning his plan, he immediately shouted: "Commander, although the Chinese have trucks and heavy artillery, this is not Central Asia. The rainforest will reduce the power of aircraft and artillery.  Muddy roads and rivers are not suitable for truck movement at all! Only our Silver Wheel troops are not restricted by terrain and can easily move around. They don¡¯t even need to be eliminated. As long as they are threatened and feel the power of the empire, they will immediately  Retreating.¡±

    After Tsuji Masanobu finished speaking, he went to encourage Shunroku Hata: "General, didn't you just say that the Chinese people will provoke the Annan coup in the near future? Then we should decisively take a comprehensive detour! Because once they collude with the Annan people to succeed in the coup, then  No one can stop China from controlling this place."

    Shunroku Hata nodded with satisfaction and looked at Yanagawa Heisuke: "What Tsuji Masa-kun said makes sense. Yanagawa-kun, what do you think?"

    (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!
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