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Text Chapter 942 Big Trouble in Britain

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    In early September, Beijing was still experiencing sweltering heat.  ¡¾r />

    The fact that the four fields on the border were plunged into war almost at the same time made the air a little more restless and uneasy.  In the office of the Presidential Palace, the ceiling fan was spinning, but it could not dispel the heat on the body of British Ambassador Sir Clark Carr. Next to him, the American Ambassador Johnson quietly unbuttoned his collar so that he could take a breath from the news he brought.  Even Song Ziqing, who had just arrived, looked gloomy and indescribably solemn, and kept looking at each other with Gu Weijun.

    Because Karl brought a very bad news.

    The thing is, on the third day after the Republic of China launched a surprise attack on the Japanese navy by sea and air, Churchill believed that China should learn from China¡¯s experience and put forward suggestions for bombing Berlin and Bremen and other places.  But the British Parliament disagreed. They were afraid that the German army would retaliate. Unexpectedly, when Germany sent 170 bombers to air raid the Rochester aircraft factory outside London the next day, an accident occurred.  I don¡¯t know if Churchill got lucky, but two He111s accidentally got lost and landed in the sky above London.  Fearing British fighter jets, two German pilots casually dropped their bombs, resulting in the destruction of a bar and the death of eight people.  This incident gave Churchill an excuse to "retaliate." The Royal Air Force and the Chinese Air Service Regiment dispatched 110 fighter jets, 500 H-6s and the latest Stirling bombers the next day to drop 1,200 tons of bombs over Berlin.

    You must know that historically, the United Kingdom only dispatched more than a hundred bombers to bomb Berlin, but now the Republic of China has delivered the first batch of 1,000 H-6s ordered last year, two-thirds of which are deployed in the UK.  Churchill's intentions were good, because there had been a lot of voices wanting to surrender in the UK recently, and politically he needed to stimulate the people to continue the war, so he used the excuse that German planes accidentally damaged London.  Incidents such as the "bombing" of downtown London and the deaths of civilians have indeed stimulated the will of resistance in the UK.  The retaliatory action has greatly boosted morale, but the problem is that the international situation at this time is different from the parallel world.  Hitler was flirting with Stalin, trying to get dozens of warships, but when he failed to get the warships, Berlin suffered the worst losses since the war began, with more than a thousand German civilians dead.

    Originally, Hitler was prepared to apologize for accidentally bombing London, and even asked G?ring to severely punish the two perpetrators.  But his opponent was Churchill, a fat man who loved to smoke cigars unscrupulously!  After gaining the support of the people, he obviously put the so-called "revenge" directly behind him.  For three consecutive nights, heavy bombing raids were carried out on downtown Berlin.  A total of four thousand tons of explosives directly overturned half of Berlin!  It is said that the latest bomb exploded less than 300 meters away from the Presidential Palace in Berlin.  Hitler's anger can be imagined. He scolded Goering that night and realized that he could no longer drag his feet with the Soviet Union and must concentrate on defeating Britain first.

    By the fourth day.  220 German bombers visited urban London, which led to the escalation of the British air war. Goering also requested the production of more new bombers including the JU88.  Ribbentrop was also ordered to go to Moscow again and promised to immediately deliver 500 BF109C fighter jets and 300 captured French fighter jets to the Soviet Union if Stalin agreed to deliver warships immediately, and promised to deliver the remaining aircraft and supplies within a year, and finally returned  It was promised that a friendly cooperation agreement between the two countries could be signed immediately.  Although it is not yet a formal alliance.  But Stalin was satisfied and ordered the warships to be sold to Danzig Port that afternoon and delivered them to Redl and the German Navy who were waiting there.  The acquisition of dozens of warships at once instantly increased the strength of the already sluggish German Navy.  Churchill was so angry that he slammed the table.  Even let MiG5 dispatch agents to assassinate Stalin.  But unexpectedly, the bad news of the sudden increase in German naval strength had not yet passed. The little overlord of the Mediterranean, Mussolini, heard that London had been bombed, and he happily took advantage of the heavy losses of the British navy.  Fleets were dispatched to bombard the coast of North Africa, and hundreds of thousands of troops swept across North Africa.  And pushed to the border of Egypt in one fell swoop.

    This is life-threatening!

    "Mr. Carr." Song Ziqing interrupted the narrative and was very puzzled: "Didn't General Wavell's Middle East Corps stationed in Egypt and Jordan?" The British used hundreds of tons of gold to add Iranian oil, Chagos Islands and Kuwait.  After exchanging the jurisdiction of the United Arab Emirates and the United Arab Emirates for a thousand H-6s and a large amount of weapons and equipment, Wavell, who had been stationed in Kuwait to defend against China and the Soviet Union, led the Middle East Corps to Iraq, Jordan, Egypt and other places. In addition, the Free French controlled Syria.  Logically speaking, it should be able to block it, but how come Italy broke through the defense line so quickly and threatened Egypt?

    Even Yang Qiu doesn¡¯t understand. Historically, Egypt was not threatened until the beginning of 41 years. How come it was so far in advance?

    Karl¡¯s face looked a little strange, staring at Yang Qiu, as if he wanted to scold her.  Gu Yuwen, who was standing nearby, secretly wondered whether he should call the guards in.  After a long time, his expression turned cloudy and he uttered one word: "India."

    "India? What does this have to do with India?" Gu Weijun continued to pursue.

    "Ahem" Carl looked confused when he saw Yang Qiu, and couldn't bear toHe coughed twice and emphasized: "Mr. President, the main force of the British-Indian Division is still in India." This sentence made Yang Qiu suddenly understand why Karl wanted to scold himself.

    Because of its geographical location, India did not excel in World War II in the parallel world, but it is different now.  Gandhi's unexpected death led Nehru to lead the Congress party into a radical path early. At the beginning of taking office, he called on all India to boycott the British.  He sent people to see Yang Qiu, but Yang Qiu did not want to conflict with the British because India (referring to the Hindu areas, the areas controlled by the Muslim League at the time were absolutely useless) was one of the British core interests, so he had great influence on the Indian state.  The party's offer of cooperation was very lukewarm. Instead, it colluded with the Muslim League and supported Chandra and the Indian Democratic Party.  Seeing this, Nehru simply asked for help from the Soviet Union and Japan. At that time, Stalin also wanted to export revolution through the Indian channel, so he provided strong support and also provided many weapons including tanks.  After the Sino-Soviet War broke out, hundreds of thousands of troops defeated in Afghanistan also fled into India. Even after the failure of the Battle of Samarkand, tens of thousands of dispersed Soviet troops and local Soviet immigrants continued to flee to the country over the mountains and ridges.  In the areas controlled by the big party, the total strength of the Communist Party of India exceeds 300,000, and 70% of them are experienced Soviet veterans and international fighters.  After half a year of hard work, the Congress Party and the Communist Party of India reached an agreement a month ago, with the Congress Party as the leader, to join forces to overthrow colonial rule.  Let¡¯s discuss the status of the two parties again.

    As a result, because of the need to defend against the coalition forces of the Congress Party and the Communist Party of India, the British army had to keep the British-Indian Division formed after the war in India, and also kept one-third of the Soviet-made weapons sold by Yang Qiu in India.  Originally, the United Kingdom was not worried because India lacked industrial capabilities and was not in danger. However, Japan's intervention made things complicated.  According to intelligence, before the war between China and Japan, Japan delivered a total of 300,000 guns of various types to the Congress Party.  There are 5,000 machine guns, 20,000 grenadiers (all captured in Southeast Asia, and grenadiers sold by China to countries such as the Philippines and Siam in the early days), more than 500 cannons of various types, and 100 tanks.  A total of 150 American P36s, F2A Buffalo fighters, Hurricanes and 10 B-10 bombers and other aircraft captured in the Philippines, Malaya and other places were also transferred to Nehru.  The Soviet Union before losing Afghanistan.  About 30 IL2s and I-16s also entered India, and Nehru and the Soviet government also purchased a large amount of machinery and equipment from Japan at that time for the production of self-produced weapons and ammunition.  To make matters worse, the United Kingdom miscalculated the capabilities of the gc international. Even Yang Qiu did not expect that Stalin would use the gc international for most of the half year after the Sino-Soviet war.  A total of at least 50,000 tons of various equipment and a large amount of weapons and ammunition were transported to the Communist Party of India. The largest assistance came from the GC International Organization in South America and the Balkan Peninsula, bringing machinery, equipment and medicines worth at least 30 million US dollars. The GC International Organization in Albania even more  It is to become a transfer station for Soviet-Indian weapons.  As a neutral country, it massively transported weapons and ammunition to India.  Due to the fact that Britain and France were already at war with Germany at that time, and due to negligence in intelligence, they did not know about it until recently.

    certainly.  It is impossible for these machines and equipment to make India an industrial country, but India itself has rich resources such as coveted iron ore.  There are also several small oil fields within the territory, and the British colonial rulers also left behind some basic industrial foundations.  Coupled with early assistance from the Soviet Union, more than 2,000 international fighters from GC International, and the participation of at least 3,000 Japanese "volunteers", it has been able to manufacture guns, ammunition and other light weapons.  In addition, in order to absorb gold and hard currency from India, Zhang Zhidan and Fang Rui often used third parties to smuggle Soviet-made weapons to Nehru. So far, they have obtained 120 tons of gold and hundreds of tons of silver from India.  The weapons and equipment delivered can also arm three or four infantry divisions.

    ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????After the Soviet Army entered, he announced a comprehensive boycott of the war, called on Indian citizens not to join the British Army, not to serve the imperialist war, and also declared that he would take the opportunity to become independent.  Don't underestimate the British Indian Division. Although its combat effectiveness is poor, it is the most important human resource of the British army.  Historically, they have undertaken most of the logistical support work, and at least millions of Indians served the British during World War II.  Moreover, the United Kingdom is also experienced in using British and Indian divisions. As long as Australian, New Zealand and Canadian soldiers are incorporated, the combat effectiveness is still very good.  The North African campaign in history was basically fought by the British Indian Division and the Australian and New Zealand Army.  But here's the problem!  Because Nehru refused to cooperate and actively pursued independence, the British-Indian division faced a panic. The Indian soldiers who could have been used in the battlefields of North Africa and the Middle East were suddenly gone. No matter how powerful Wavell's command was, it was in vain!  This was not over yet. The British-Indian Division itself was insufficient in strength and difficult to organize. Japan continued to threaten from the direction of Burma, invaded Bangladesh and occupied Calcutta. It deployed tens of thousands of marines there and also recruited garrison brigades from Japanese in Southeast Asia and other places.  .  In order to make up for the lack of troops, two servant divisions were recently dispatched from Indonesia and Malaya to station in Calcutta. In Bengal and Calcutta alone, they are known as 50,000 troops, followed by Myanmar, which is known as 80,000 troops. There is also a small fleet in the Bay of Bengal and Anda.  Isles of Man activities.

    Facing an Indo-Soviet-Japanese coalition force of 600,000 to 800,000 people, the fifteen British-Indian divisions that Britain finally formed after the war were all left in India for emergency response and could not be deployed at all.??North Africa.  The Muslim League and Chandra also had problems with self-protection due to their lack of strength, so they were unable to send troops.

    Just last night, Nehru, who had grown in strength, declared India's independence in Delhi. Ten infantry divisions of the Congress Party and seven infantry divisions of the Communist Party of India suddenly launched an all-out offensive. They swept across the north in just midnight and quickly occupied the once-defunct area.  Tata Steel Plant in Jamshedpur controlled by Chandra.  Tata Steel can be said to be one of the few heavy industry bases in India. Three million tons of crude steel per year is an important steel supplement for the UK, and it also has the ability to manufacture cars, trains and tractors.  If it is used in the military, it cannot be said to be powerful, but it is absolutely no problem to piece together dozens of cannons, tanks, etc. every month.  Due to the sudden and rapid attack, the key members were all Soviet veterans. A British-Indian division stationed there surrendered with almost no fighting, and gave the Soviet army dozens of T26 tanks and hundreds of artillery pieces delivered by China in vain.

    Worse.  Just yesterday afternoon, four Soviet infantry divisions suddenly set off from Armenia and entered the Kurdish region of Kirkuk in Iraq through Tabriz.  All of a sudden, several of Wavell's divisions were frozen locally and could not be mobilized. At the same time, the pro-German Iraqi Golden Phalanx group also stepped up its activities. Even the Germans got involved and expanded their espionage activities in Iraq.

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? and Bai Chongxi has to wait for the Central Asian Railway to extend to the north of Iran before attacking from the north to the south, so the Soviet army's war situation in Iran is temporarily stalemate.  However, Mossadegh's work was still effective and he had imposed most of the charges for the Soviet invasion on the Kurds.  Although this move helped him gradually improve his relationship with Pahlavi.  The two began to discuss forming a constitutional coalition government, but it also gave the Soviet army an excuse to strengthen relations with the Kurds.  Eventually, the Soviet army entered Kirkuk, protecting the flanks of Tabriz and the Caucasus, and looming as a threat to Baghdad, which was just a stone's throw away.

    And these are all related to Yang Qiu!  Even without direct evidence.  The British can also guess a little, so Karl is being polite by not directly swearing.

    North Africa is already severely under-manned, India has plunged into an all-out war, and even the Soviet Union is preparing to attack the Middle East. No wonder Karl is anxious to ask for help as soon as he arrives. Whitehall even used the phrase "If China does not rescue, it will be lost within three weeks" in the telegram.  India and Iraq¡± vocabulary.  Originally this was a question of military support.  It should be discussed at the Allied Forces Command, but firstly, the Sino-British alliance has not long been formed, and many institutions are not yet complete. Secondly, the Indian/Persian Theater Joint Command in Riyadh is also unfavorable due to the domestic situation in the UK.  It was basically a one-man show in China, so he came to Yang Qiu in person.

    We must save it. This is no longer the case before the war. After the Sino-British alliance, we can no longer poach the enemy.  Victory must also be guaranteed first.  However, how to save it needs to be considered, because the Republic of China itself also had to face attacks from both sides by Japan and the Soviet Union.  For this reason, Bai Chongxi had to be put on the defensive.  Moreover, there is no news about the Guam battle, and it is unknown whether the key point of Mariana can be completely opened.  Even if they win, they will have to send at least ten divisions to Mariana to control the nearby strategic islands as quickly as possible. This is another big expense.

    No Money!

    Yang Qiu secretly squinted at Jason, wondering if he could have a fight with Roosevelt, kill Halsey and put the blame on Japan, giving him an excuse to join the war and support him with billions.

    Jason certainly didn¡¯t know that the top leader of the Republic of China would be so sinister as to frame him, but there was also a hint of gloom on his face.  The situation has obviously begun to deteriorate. China is okay, at least it is still on the offensive for now, but Britain can it still hold on?  Such important news must be reported to the country as soon as possible.  Thinking of this, he couldn't sit still and prepared to leave. At this time, Karl also knew how much time Yang Qiu needed to think about. After repeatedly asking for support as soon as possible, he stood up and prepared to leave with him.  But just as the two of them reached the door, the office door was suddenly pushed open.

    Before anyone could react, the secretary rushed into the office like a whirlwind: "Great victory! President, great victory! Guam is" Halfway through the shouting, the clever secretary discovered that the US Ambassador was also there, and abruptly said "Guam is ours"  "It's over." He held back this sentence and said happily: "The chief of staff called and the navy and last night and this morning sank three Japanese aircraft carriers near Guam (the Shoho was not sunk by a submarine at this time), three  Heavy cruiser, three light cruisers"

    "Win?!" Yang Qiu stood up suddenly, ignoring Jason's presence and waved his fist fiercely.  Gu Weijun and Song Ziqing burst into laughter, and even Gu Yuwen came to the secretary to ask about the battle situation in detail.  Karl doesn't care who wins or loses. On the contrary, he is very happy if he wins, so that there will be less pressure on China's coast and can provide support to India.  Only the corners of Jason's mouth were curved downwards, and his cheeks looked ugly.  However, he finally decided to come back later. After all, it was inappropriate to discuss the status of Guam at this time, and he also needed to report the news brought by Karl to Roosevelt immediately.

    So I said a few words of congratulations and left in a hurry with Karl.

    After the two left, Song Ziqing came out from behind: "President, what's going on in India?"

    "NoUrgent, how could the UK not be serious about what they say?  Besides wasn't Jason present just now?  "Yang Qiu is in a very good mood now. With Guam, he can reach the Ogasawara Islands, Palau and the entire Micronesia, completely cutting off the Japanese army's main sea transportation line. So the top priority now is to seize Guam immediately and completely.  Build it as a sea and air base radiating to the Philippine Sea as soon as possible. On the contrary, Gu Weijun was more anxious and asked: "Ziqing, the battle on Guam is over, and North Korea is dragging it anyway. Can we let the navy attack Andaman immediately to relieve the pressure on Britain?  ?  "

    Song Ziqing was so frightened that he quickly shook his head: "No, absolutely not."

    "What's wrong?" Gu Weijun asked, seeing that he looked weird.

    Yang Qiu laughed: "Shaochuan, it is a good thing to attack with victory, but Andaman is too far away. It is nearly 6,000 kilometers from the Red Sea, and the Indian Ocean enters the monsoon season in October. If there is a slight mistake, the entire army will be wiped out." Song Ziqing  He also said next to him: "The president is right. Although we won, the casualties of the Second Fleet will definitely be heavy, and it will take at least two to three months to recover. Truk and Palau will definitely not be able to hold on, so the Japanese army's fourth  The Fifth Fleet is likely to go south to the Philippines to join the Third Fleet. The Second Fleet needs to attack Micronesia first and can only contain it for the time being, so they can easily pass through Malacca to support the Andaman."

    "Haha, it seems that I was bypassed by the British and was too impatient." Gu Weijun said with a smile.

    "You can't say that. Britain is an ally, and India still has to show off." After Yang Qiu finished speaking, he looked at Song Ziqing: "Ziqing, who do you think is the most suitable person to send?"

    Song Ziqing thought about it and said, "Li Zongren. He is also one of the Nine Heroes of the Army. And when you go to India, you must contact Bai Chongxi. They have a good relationship and should be able to get along well." The Nine Heroes of the Army refer to the Army's Nine Heroes.  Among the nine outstanding second-generation senior commanders, they include Xue Yue, Chu Nan, Zhu Peide, Long Yun, Liu Mingzhao, Bai Chongxi, Li Zongren, Sun Chuanfang and Deli Meng.  They all have a lot in common. They all joined the Wehrmacht at a young age, participated in many wars, and performed well in the European War.  Except for Xue Yue and Deli Meng, who have devoted themselves to teaching, the rest are all senior generals on the front line and are considered to be the second generation of generals who actually support the army.  Therefore, if there is a good thing, the nine people will be tied together and become the Nine Heroes of the Army. Over time, the news will spread.

    "Ask him to come back as soon as possible." Yang Qiu nodded, picked up the bag and handed it to Gu Yuwen, smiling: "Let's go to the Admiralty. Last time I scolded Chen Shaokuan, but this time I won, so I should also go and help him."  He congratulated
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