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Text Chapter 970 Wake Island (End)

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    "Disband, all disband!" The waters of Wake Island were filled with the shouts of Major General Fitch.  Almost as soon as the Yamato battleship was recognized, all the battleships of the Seventh Task Force began to turn around, like an exploded nest of wasps, breaking out in all directions.

    It¡¯s not that Uncle Sam is afraid of death, it¡¯s that he really can¡¯t beat him!

    When the Yamato was built, the whole world speculated that its main gun would not exceed Nagato, because the Shandong-class main gun caliber was announced to be 380 mm.  Coupled with Japan's extremely strict confidentiality measures, the nearby towns ten kilometers away were evacuated when launching the water. If you look at the sea, you will be imprisoned!  So let alone the United States, even those in Japan who know its true caliber can be counted on one hand.  In fact, there are many examples of this kind of caliber fraud. The most typical one is the British George V class battleship. At the beginning of its construction, the British Navy decided to install eight 406mm main guns, but the United States claimed that the North Carolina class would be equipped with 356mm main guns, plus the German  Bismarck also kept secret that he would install 350mm, so the British temporarily changed it to 356mm. It is said that they did not want to stimulate the Atlantic arms race.  As the leader of the world's navy, Britain is very happy that other countries are giving it face, but by the time North Carolina has installed the 406mm and Bismarck has installed the 380mm, George V has already built most of them.  Whitehall discovered too late that it had been fooled, because there was no money to develop a new main gun.

    Therefore, it was not until the Yamato was put into service that the Chinese Naval Intelligence Department was convinced that it was 460 mm. Then, in accordance with the principles of alliance intelligence sharing, it lazily informed the United Kingdom and the United States three days before the Battle of Wake Island.  Based on Japan's experience in using Nagato-class battleships, both Kimmel and Halsey believed that the Japanese Navy would never dispatch the Yamato, and the two Nagato-class battleships would be the best.  Even without an aircraft carrier, Maryland and six 356mm big guys can easily suppress the Japanese battleship group.

    But what about now?  The Yamato actually came, and it didn't even have an attack plane.

    This is life-threatening!

    A displacement of 70,000 tons!  The two Marylands are not as heavy as others!  Not to mention the nine terrifying 460mm main guns, the weight alone means tens of thousands of tons of extra armor!  Even if one person cuts him with a knife, he will die first!  Of course, there is also a secret that is hard to tell.  Because it makes sense.  406mm and 460mm can also fire, but the Maryland's main gun cannot actually use the latest 16-inch 1200kg heavy ammunition in the United States, and can only use 970kg light ammunition.

    What¡¯s more, the Japanese aircraft carrier hasn¡¯t appeared yet.  If formation sailing can exert anti-aircraft firepower, then it would be foolish to maintain a dense formation with the interception of a battleship that cannot be defeated at all!

    So, now the Seventh Task Force has only one wayRun!  Don't hesitate, spread out and spread your feet!

    If you can go back one ship at a time!

    The dozens of remaining warships seemed to explode after receiving the order.  Five battleships turned first.  Accelerating in different directions, the captains kept urging them to go full speed.  The fast heavy cruisers are even better than the rest. Only the light cruisers and destroyers (including large torpedo boats) are the most unlucky, because according to the principle of retreat, they need to follow the battleships for protection.  You know, it is very dangerous for a battleship without the protection of a destroyer to wander alone in the battle waters at night.

    "Yaga! You coward, we should have a dignified decisive battle!" Facing the fleeing American fleet, the captain of the Yamato, Colonel Fukuru Shige, clenched his saber, wishing he could fly over and kill them all with one blow.  The Japanese officer next to him was even more gloating.  One or two of them cursed the Americans for being stupid.  No wonder they were upset. In order to mobilize the Yamato, which is known as the "weapon of subduing the country," the Navy did not know how much risk and responsibility it had taken this time, and how many seniors at home were worried.  Seeing that everyone has the advantage now.  It's a good opportunity to show off your power, butbut!  If you have the guts, don¡¯t run away!

    "Fukudome-kun, a good captain will not be impulsive because of the enemy."

    "Hey! General, please punish me."

    Nayun¡¯s voice.  Let Furuushige calm down: "Pursue the Maryland!" If you want to fight, of course you have to find the one that poses the greatest threat.  But he didn't want to fight just one, so he asked Yokokawa Ichihira to surround one of them.  Let the heavy patrol monitor the Pennsylvania, which can no longer run, and then deal with it one by one after you sink the Maryland

    The idea was a good one and sounded very practical, but in fact he overestimated the Yamato¡¯s boasted maximum speed of 26 knots.  In fact, even though a lot of fuel is now consumed, the reduced weight Yamato main engine can only run 25 knots.  At this time, the distance between him and the Maryland was 34 kilometers, and the latter's speed was 21 knots, which meant that it would take at least an hour to get close to the optimal range.

    After receiving the order, Yokokawa Ichihira really wanted to help, but the Kirishima had been injured and had withdrawn from the battle in order to save the ship. The remaining three thin-skinned and large-sized Kongo-class ships casually surrounded the heavily armored American battleship.  There is no guarantee of victory.  Of course, Japan still has a trump card, which is to conduct a torpedo assault.  But it's daytime now, and facing dozens of secondary guns at every turn, lightning strike tactics will cause heavy casualties.  In victoryIn the case of handicap, they already don't want to pay the price.

    Nanyun also knew it very well, so he looked at the sky and was very angry!  Where is Tsukahara's carrier-based aircraft?

    Tsukahara was very angry. Dozens of reconnaissance planes searched for more than an hour, but there was no trace of the Enterprise.  Fortunately, he also knew that he could not wait any longer, because he could no longer attack after sunset, so he ordered the 36 zero-fighters and 56 attack aircraft that had been on standby for a long time to attack.  Why so few?  In addition to the 57 aircraft he had lost before, the main reason was the "Shadow of the Enterprise", which forced him to leave most of the attack aircraft behind just in case.

    When the battle reaches this point, it actually has nothing to do with victory or defeat, it is completely a psychological struggle.  The bravery of the 11 SBDs and the accident of the Zuikaku always stuck in Tsukahara's heart.  What's more important is that when the fleet has won a big victory, as a gambler, you will also have the idea of ????keeping your chips.  What's more, Japan also has to face a stronger Chinese navy.

    Poor intelligence, post-victory psychology, ship-preservation thinking, and the huge threat from China Tsukahara 243 missed the last chance to completely annihilate the U.S. Seventh Task Force.

    "Enemy plane!"

    "Gentlemen, for the sake of the United States, fight the enemy bravely!" When Tsukahara's attack fleet finally appeared on the horizon, in order to protect the retreat of the fleet, the 37 "Wildcats", like Captain Price who attacked Zuikaku, chose to fight.

    Some people say that American soldiers are greedy for life and afraid of death, but in fact Americans just love life, so they like to use the simplest and crudest methods.  Use massive amounts of steel to smash your opponent to death.  But when the country needs to sacrifice, they can also stand up.  The U.S. Navy, in particular, has been training with British and Japanese flanking attacks and Chinese and British flanking attacks as imaginary enemies for the past two decades, and its combat readiness level is very high.

    Fighting hawks rushed past Zero War, enduring the dense rain of bullets from Japanese pilots, and repeatedly impacted the attacking fleet.  After the disbandment, the fleet was also spread out over the vast sea, which made it more difficult for the Japanese to attack the fleet, and they often pursued them side by side.  At the same time, he has to deal with the crazy f4f "wild cat" behind him.

    At 4:40, the battleship Tennessee received its first bomb.  The 800-kilogram armor-piercing projectile hit the No. 2 turret, and the entire turret was lifted and tilted aside.  Then the battleship Oklahoma and the heavy cruiser USS Chester also received bombs, then the battleship USS Arizona, the heavy cruiser USS New Orleans, the light cruiser USS Brooklyn  Rear Admiral Fitch's timely order to disband the formation and the cost of the annihilation of 37 "Wildcats" became the final turning point in this naval battle. All the ships that were hit did not encounter continuous attacks, so they could continue to break through.

    Of course, the biggest threat is still around, and someone must step forward.

    "Captain. It's targeting us!"

    "32,000 yards, still getting closer! Can't get away!"

    "The Dell is rushing forward!"

    Seeing that the Maryland, whose maximum speed was only 21 knots, could not get away from the Yamato, the destroyer Dale, which was under close protection, took the initiative to turn, and the captain, Major Brison Ald, stepped forward.  It was hoped that torpedoes could be used to slow down the pursuit.  But his five 127mm naval guns were not even qualified to scratch the itch. Before they reached the torpedo distance, they were overwhelmed by the Yamato's 10 twin 127mm rapid-fire cannons on the starboard side.

    It should be mentioned here that the Yamato-class battleships were historically equipped with triple-mounted 155mm secondary guns that were eliminated from the Mogami class.  But now that the Japanese Navy has withdrawn from the naval treaty early, the Mogami class has been built according to heavy patrol standards from the beginning, so it uses a combination of 20 twin 127mm secondary guns and 8 triple 25mm rapid-fire anti-aircraft guns.

    Two Asashio-class destroyers quickly rushed to block the Dale, which was covered in flames.  Protect the Yamato and continue the pursuit.  In the bridge, Nagumo stared at the burning Dell, seemingly surprised by the desperate spirit of the U.S. Navy. He was awakened only when a column of water rose from a distance.

    The Maryland fired first!

    "No hit! Second round of reloading." Captain Hester's face was cold, unable to escape.  Among the five American battleships, the fastest is only 21 knots, not to mention many of them have been hit by bombs. It is amazing that they can persist until now.  And he also understood why the carrier-based aircraft had not attacked him because the Maryland had become the prey of the Yamato.

    In this case, he had only one way, to fire first, forcing the Yamato to slow down and fire.

    But he still underestimated the Yamato.  As the most stable artillery platform in human history, second only to the Shandong-class battleships, the Yamato can still maintain a speed of 25 knots when firing at full speed despite the total recoil of its nine main guns reaching 8,000 tons.  "Left rudder 50 degrees, keep the bow parallel. Fight back! Send them to hell!" As soon as the Maryland opened fire, Fukuru Shige also immediately adjusted his navigation attitude.  After staying parallel to the Maryland, nine 1,470 kg Type 91 armor-piercing bombs passed through the winch and were quickly lifted to the turret.  After the soft push rod filled the cannon with shells, it pushed in four large packages of propellant.

    ?"Boom boom boom!"

    There was no time to appreciate the wonderful firing of the main gun, the recoil force of 8,000 tons pushed the 70,000-ton ship sideways for more than ten meters!  Viewed from the bridge, the diameter of the overflowing fireball from the six main guns pointing to the starboard side is more than 40 meters, and can wrap up the entire turret!  A total of thirteen tons of artillery shells roared away at a speed of 780 meters per second. Every Japanese sailor who saw this was dazzled.

    This is the pride of the empire!

    But before the sigh left, everyone was dumbfounded.  Because the observation tower reported that the nearest shell impact point was two kilometers away from the Maryland  "Haga!" Fukuru Shige couldn't help but know that in order for the Yamato to quickly become combat effective, he carefully selected the sailors and officers from the two Nagato-class ships, and also conducted a lot of training during the six months of sea trials.  With such a huge deviation, how could the Imperial Navy, which has always been known for its precision, lose face?

    "Turn right 11 degrees, prepare for the second round!"

    When Fukuguru angrily adjusted the ship's posture to prepare for the second round of bombardment, the Maryland had already fired its fourth salvo like crazy.  For Japan, every main gun shell is expensive, so it needs to be aimed before firing. However, the U.S. Navy has no such concept, so all the officers and soldiers of Hearst and the Maryland thought at this time.  Just fire, fire, and fire again!  Even if you lose, you still have to fire more shells before you get hit.  Under this mentality, the Maryland attacked at an extremely fast speed. Shortly after the fourth round was fired, the fifth round of shells was already stuffed into the gun barrel.

    The sailors¡¯ struggle was not in vain. In the fourth round of shells, one finally hit the 410mm main armor belt on the Yamato¡¯s side.  However, the tilted main armor belt is completely designed to defend its own 460mm main gun, so the 970kg armor-piercing projectile only made a crack, and the warhead got stuck in the crack and exploded.  The armor-piercing projectile has very little charge, and the surface explosion only adds a black spot to the Yamato.  It didn't have any effect, but it made Furu Shige and Nagumo furious.


    The sound of shelling like landslides and earth-shattering came from the Yamato again. While the ship's hull shook violently, almost all the officers and soldiers rushed to the starboard side.  Many people still chant silently, hoping to hit the target.  This time, the gunner did not disappoint Nayun again. The nine shells formed a perfect straddle. The nearest impact point was less than 800 meters away from the port side of the Maryland.

    This means that the main gun has been aimed at the opponent.  It just depends on luck.

    Although the next two rounds still missed, Nagumo and Fukuru Shige were no longer in a hurry.  As the distance grew closer, it was only a matter of time before the Maryland was destroyed.

    But for Hearst and the Maryland, the most painful moment has finally come!

    Five past three.  Yamato's sixth salvo hit, and Maryland's good luck ended as it was surrounded by huge water columns and explosions.  The surviving mast lookout of the Maryland said: "The opponent's artillery fire was extremely precise and kept shooting at our ship. I looked up at the cannonballs. They looked like dark blue wine bottles. They seemed to be flying straight.  Get into your eyes. I always thought we were lucky, but that time we got hit! I saw with my own eyes, David and the others were engulfed in flames." The lookout saw the armor-piercing round hitting the midships from 27,000 yards away  Main armor belt.  The 1470 kg heavy bomb easily tore through the main armor.  Amidst a creepy clanking sound, the shells continuously penetrated four layers of protection and exploded in the electrical cabin.  "Boom!" The more than 30,000-ton ship shook violently, and all the officers, including Hester in the command tower, were shaken and staggered.

    The explosion spread outward from the electrical cabin, shrapnel tore apart all the surrounding steel plates and internal structures, and ignited the electrical cabin and the adjacent living cabin.  Wherever the flames hit, no one was spared. Seeing that it was out of control, Lieutenant Mason, whose legs were blown off, crawled to the phone and gave the order to cut off the circuit. At the last moment of his life, he pulled the manual sprinkler switch.  A large amount of water jets rushed into the electrical cabin from all sides, and the flames began to decrease little by little.

    But the heroic sailors could not restore the huge technical gap. Just when the Maryland insisted on firing the tenth round of salvos and hit the Yamato's hard main armor belt again, the opponent's seventh round of shells also hit them again.  This time, two of the nine shells "scored."  According to diving observations many years later, the second shell hit the port rear island and the secondary battery joint.  After the shell penetrated the multiple compartments, it continuously changed its trajectory and penetrated deep into the engine room.  70 soldiers in the engine room were killed immediately, and the left main engine was scrapped!  A large amount of heavy oil leaked from the hydraulic pipe, forming a flowing sea of ??fire inside the ship.  The raging flames were held in the "steel box" for about 30 seconds, and then an earth-shattering explosion occurred.  The dense heavy oil fire points and explosion flash flooded the entire rear bridge, and various parts were blown high into the sky. More than a dozen lifeboats flew up to a height of a hundred meters, and landed on the sea with their stomachs turned upside down.

    The third armor-piercing shell also hit the rear and hit the front of the No. 3 turret head-on.  ?The eight-inch-thick beveled armor blocked the shell, but the impact broke all the barrels. The seven gunners in the turret were shocked to death with bleeding from their mouths and noses.  "Sir!" The officers all looked at Hester: "We can't hold on any longer and must abandon the ship immediately!"

    "The back, the back is finished!" The damage control captain, whose whole body was scorched black and whose military uniform was almost unrecognizable, stumbled into the bridge. One of his eyes was still bleeding.  At this time, the Maryland was lifeless. From the bow to the stern, the entire deck was filled with smoke and flames. The sailors who couldn't hold on jumped into the sea one after another.  "Leave! Get out of here! Sound the alarm and tell everyone to leave! Scott, hold the rudder! Send the signal, Maryland bye!" Captain Hester ordered to abandon the ship, and the mast light repeatedly sent "Maryland bye"  Signal language.  Farewell to the fleet.  But in the eyes of Fukuru Shige and the Japanese navy, the act of shooting at himself while sending a signal was an out-and-out provocation!

    "Fire! Sink them!" Fukuriya Shige ordered to continue firing.  The deadliest shell came from the twelfth round. Shells fired from 24,000 yards filed in from the No. 2 turret on the bow of the ship. The armor-piercing shell penetrated the turret well. While the shrapnel destroyed the ammunition hoist, the flames also flowed deep.  Although the strong and tight sealed cabin protected the ammunition depot, the pressure after the explosion lifted the hundreds of tons of turrets, and thick smoke and flames rushed hundreds of meters high from the cracks!  The explosion also ripped apart the side bulkheads.  A large amount of seawater began to pour into the hull, and instantly poured into the interior along the turret well.

    The Maryland, which had suddenly gained more than a thousand tons in weight, finally couldn't bear it anymore. The bow of the ship first sank during the explosion, then rose up, and was then pressed by the sea water until only the deck was exposed.  From a distance, the Maryland looks like a Hell Express heading out to sea with fire and black smoke

    At 5:23, the seventh shell hit the Maryland, a battleship with a displacement of 33,000 tons.  Finally I couldn't hold it any longer.  With the deck completely submerged, a big explosion occurred at the No. 3 turret.  According to the lookout of the heavy cruiser Tone, the explosion occurred underwater. First, the nearby seawater surged as if it was boiling.  Then a ball of white water mixed with heavy oil and human bodies erupted from the No. 3 turret, eventually forming a huge water column about three hundred meters in diameter, breaking the entire battleship in two.  The back half disappeared on the sea almost immediately, while the front half stood high.  After revealing the facilities inside, he plunged back into the deep sea at an angle of approximately 40 degrees and never appeared again.

    1,310 officers and soldiers.  Only 517 people were rescued. Captain Hester and others were sucked into the seabed by the waves in the final explosion.

    A one-way massacre that was later regarded as a shame by the U.S. Navy declared how weak the G7s in the "Navy Holiday" era were in front of super battleships.

    On the deck, the Japanese sailors cheered and jumped to celebrate the great achievement of sinking the G7, and the officers on the bridge also high-fived each other.  Only Nagumo looked bad, because the Maryland successfully held him back for half an hour, and the number of attack planes sent by Tsukahara was not enough, so the other American warships had already traveled 60 kilometers.  At the speed of the Yamato, it would take at least three hours to catch up with one of them.

    Originally, he wanted to pursue him because he could still use his best lightning attack after nightfall, but the telegram from Yokokawa Ichihira made him shrink back.  Because when the Haruna and its two sister ships surrounded the Nevada, they were hit by three consecutive shells, and they even managed to break out of the encirclement

    After receiving the telegram, Nanyun was so frightened that he immediately stopped attacking. He was very afraid of losses.

    At 7:30 in the evening, the Yamato used four shells to sink the Pennsylvania, which was already traveling at less than 10 knots, ending its most exciting performance.

    At nine o'clock sharp, four Japanese cruisers began to bombard Wake Island, and 3,500 Japanese soldiers completed the landing without any blood.  However, the 1,500 U.S. troops on the island still held on tenaciously and organized multiple counterattacks. Four destroyers also participated in the night battle.  Finally, after two days and two nights of fighting, the Japanese army paid the price of the sinking of a destroyer and finally planted the rising sun flag on Wake Island, officially cutting off the connection between China and the United States and preventing the United States from threatening Japan for at least half a year.

    So far, since the outbreak of the war, the two sides have engaged in a naval battle with the largest number of ships and total tonnage. The Japanese aircraft carrier Zuikaku was sunk, two destroyers were sunk, two Kongo-class battleships were injured, seven battleships were slightly damaged, and 87 fighter aircraft were lost.  At the price, a total of fifteen U.S. warships were sunk and more than two hundred fighter planes were shot down, a great victory!

    In the early morning of February 22, the last aftermath of the naval battle came from the waters of Midway Island.  The USS Arizona, whose bow was hit by a bomb, and two destroyer escorts were attacked by Japanese submarines only 370 nautical miles away from Midway.  The Arizona, whose speed dropped sharply after being injured, was hit at close range by two 93 oxygen torpedoes. It struggled for forty minutes and sank. The destroyer USS Worden was sunk at the same time.

    When the news came out, the whole country in Japan was rejoicing, but the United States was completely silent!

    ?"Mr. President, here is the damage report"

    U.S. Navy Secretary Stark took a deep breath and handed over the damage report.  After just two glances, Roosevelt's hands began to tremble and his face turned pale.

    USS Lexington and USS Saratoga, USS Maryland, USS Pennsylvania, USS Arizona, USS Salt Lake City, USS Pensac  The USS Minneapolis was sunk in the heavy cruiser battle, the light cruiser USS Phoenix was sunk in the battle, the light cruiser USS Honolulu was sunk in the battle, the light cruiser USS Helena was sunk in the battle, the destroyers Ayrwin, Dell  

    The battleship USS Nevada was seriously damaged, the battleship USS Oklahoma was slightly damaged, the battleship USS Tennessee was slightly damaged, the heavy cruiser USS Northampton was seriously damaged, the heavy cruiser USS Chester was slightly damaged, the heavy cruiser USS Louisville was seriously damaged, the heavy cruiser USS New Orleans was seriously damaged,  The light cruiser USS Brooklyn was abandoned after returning to port, the light cruiser USS Philadelphia was seriously damaged, the light cruiser USS Richmond was slightly damaged, and the light cruiser USS Detroit was abandoned beyond repair

    A total of 17 ships were sunk, 2 were seriously injured and abandoned, and 14 were injured to varying degrees.  Of the 284 fighter planes of all types that participated in the war, only 11 B-17s and 7 seaplanes escaped at the last moment. 13 of them returned to Midway, and 5 B-17s were chased by Japanese planes and ran out of fuel.  return.  Crash landing at the Chinese-controlled Marianapagan Island airport.  316 elite pilots and 513 crew members died or were captured

    Wake Island has become synonymous with the graves of the U.S. Navy!

    From the discovery to the explosion of the torpedo that finally hit the USS Arizona, in just over forty hours, the U.S. Pacific Fleet was almost completely wiped out.  On the entire west coast, except for the battleship USS West Virginia, there is not a single capital ship!  The pre-war total tonnage of the U.S. Navy was 1.27 million tons, which has dropped sharply to 1.01 million tons. This does not include the Yorktown aircraft carrier that is under repair!  The throne of the world's largest navy has also been handed over to the Chinese Navy with a total of 1.23 million tons.

    ¡°If we talk about the loss of warships and aircraft, the industrial capacity of the United States can make up for it in at most one or two years.  Then the 11,895 outstanding naval officers and soldiers who perished at sea and 6,756 were captured (including the Marines on the island) completely woke up the U.S. government and citizens and told them what kind of arduous and arduous war they were facing!

    "There is only one battleship, the USS West Virginia, available in the entire Pacific. We have transferred the USS Wyoming and USS Arkansas to Pearl Harbor." Seeing Roosevelt's face turn pale, Marshall looked at Hopkins and decided to tell him the news.  .  "Presidentthe Chinese navy has begun to gather towards Palau!"

    "I know." Roosevelt was silent for a while, then waved his hand to disperse the crowd and closed the door himself.  That night.  He was sent to Washington Hospital for emergency treatment due to brief shock

    The news of the Battle of Wake Island shocked the world!  The Axis powers rejoiced, even Hitler, who had always looked down upon Japan.  Everyone believed that the Japanese navy had achieved a great turning point victory and that the opportunity for the Axis to win the war had arrived.  But the whole United States is mourning and wailing.  Only then did the U.S. government and public realize that they were sitting back and watching Europe and Asia strangle each other.  While obtaining countless lucrative orders, the tactics of the U.S. Army and the military have quietly widened the gap with the world's major military powers!  In the Battle of Wake Island, whether it was tactics, adaptability, quality and experience.  The Seventh Task Force was completely at a disadvantage.  And the most saddest person!  Undoubtedly, it was Roosevelt who was under tremendous pressure.  Because he discovered that before he became president, he flattered himself with withdrawing from the Philippines, causing "internal strife between China and Japan", and was preparing to wait until the two countries fought to the death before returning to the Philippines, and taking the entire Southwest Pacific into his arms.  Completely destroyed by the huge progress of China and Japan!

    Five capital ships were sunk and three were seriously damaged. Even if the two North Carolina-class ships and the Wasp were put into service immediately, the U.S. Pacific Fleet would not be able to dispatch for at least half a year.  This means that Wake Island has actually been lost, because Yang Qiu is afraid that even North Korea will put aside it first and try its best to seize Wake Island and the Marshall Islands, seeking to close the United States' second door to the Southwest Pacific.

    ¡°He can even imagine now that Yang Qiu stood on the podium of Congress and vowed to avenge the US allies and combat the arrogance of Japanese fascism. In fact, he secretly wanted to seize the island to block the door and seize the ugly face of the entire Southwest Pacific.

    He coded it!

    Without Guam and Wake Island, the last gateway to the Southwest Pacific from Pearl Harbor is Rabaul on the Coral Sea, but that is a more dangerous place than the Gate of Hell!

    Four days later, Roosevelt signed a presidential order removing Pacific Fleet Commander Kimmel and Seventh Task Force Commander Halsey from their positions and requiring an investigation of them.  A week later, Secretary of the Navy Sterk was transferred to Europe.  Two weeks later, Halsey was transferred to London, aboutKing replaced Stark as commander-in-chief of the U.S. Navy, Nimitz became commander of the Pacific Fleet, Spruance became commander of the Seventh Task Force, Fletcher became the commander of the Fifth Task Force (Atlantic), and Kincaid became the commander-in-chief of the Pacific Fleet.  Germany was appointed commander of Task Force 15 (Atlantic)

    The bloody storm of 1941 has just begun

    (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature. The novels will be better and updated faster!
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