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Text Chapter 1000 Typhoon (9)

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    At 3:30 in the morning on April 24, 1941, we were off the Bashi Strait.  .Nagumo, who joined Inoue Narumi, ordered to divert to the southwest, and the fleet began to sail into the wind at 20 knots in preparation for the fighter jets to take off in the early morning.

    After several losses, the quality of the Japanese naval aviation force dropped sharply, and there were not even many outstanding air crew members left.  At this time, an accident occurred on the flagship Flying Eagle. Due to an operating error, when the elevator sent a Zero Fighter to the deck, the tail got stuck between the aviation deck and the elevator, causing the aircraft to be damaged and forced to be pushed into the sea.  But Nayun seemed not to have seen the accident, standing quietly on the platform next to the ship island, ears pricked and head raised alertly.

    The faint sound of propellers in the hot air made him uneasy.  From the sound, it seemed to be a reconnaissance plane, but the problem was that for an entire hour, the reconnaissance plane kept circling in the sky.  This means that the fleet has actually been exposed.  This surprised him and the officers. They couldn't figure out how the reconnaissance plane found the fleet with all lights turned off and radio silence in the dark.  But regardless of how it was discovered, his fleet was already in danger.  What's worse is that he still has no way to expel this nasty reconnaissance plane because the Japanese aircraft carrier does not have the ability to take off and land at night.  Moreover, firing cannons or turning on searchlights may attract bombers that have already taken off.

    He hates this feeling of powerlessness.

    "General!" At this time, Ryunosuke Kusaka walked out of the bridge.  After following Ozawa's defeat in Mariana, he relied on the support of the aircraft carrier faction to work under Nagumo as a staff officer.  "It's Inoue-kun's telegram. They are leaving." Nayun didn't look back and nodded softly.  In the Jie-1 plan, the mission of the Nanyun Fleet is to pretend to attack the Bashi Strait and attract the Chinese Navy's 21st Aircraft Carrier Battle Group to attack.  Among them, after Narumi Inoue briefly reunited with Nagumo, she needed to use the radio frequency of Nagumo's fleet to turn around and return to Leyte Gulf to continue to confuse the opponent.

    The plan is very complicated, which is also related to the staff of the Japanese Navy, because the staffs such as Kusaka Ryunosuke believe that the more complex the battle plan, the better the plan.

    Seeing that Nagumo paid special attention to the reconnaissance plane overhead, Kusaka Ryunosuke comforted: "China must have discovered us using radio signals. As long as Inoue-kun leaves with the signal, they will definitely be attracted."

    "Then ask him to hurry up." Nagumo didn't want to wait for death here. Before departure, Yamamoto told him to protect the fleet and try to rush back to participate in the more important Ryukyu offensive and defensive battle.  So he waved his hand impatiently, signaling Inoue Narumi to leave quickly and "take" away the reconnaissance plane above him.

    As soon as the Fourth Fleet left, the buzzing above their heads really got further and further away. Nagumo and the Japanese officers breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the reconnaissance plane was diverted away by Narumi Inoue.  They knew that in fact, the Dianjiang 9 reconnaissance plane above the fleet was not led away by the Japanese Fourth Fleet, but received a telegram of the arrival of the Penghu Navy 41 Bomber Squadron.

    The Dianjianjiu is a high-altitude, long-range reconnaissance aircraft modified from a four-shipment nine transport aircraft. Unlike other reconnaissance aircraft, it mainly relies on long-range warning radars on both sides of the body.  Originally, the Electronic Detection 9 was an Air Force project. The reason was that Yang Qiu wanted to develop a radar early warning aircraft, so technicians installed a warning radar for it and used transistor computers for the first time.  However, after the test flight, it was discovered that with current technology, radar and computers cannot distinguish ground clutter at all. Only in the sea with weak clutter can ideal detection and early warning capabilities be achieved.  But the Air Force can¡¯t go to sea to perform missions every day, right?  In the end, under the protest of the Navy, the Air Force had no choice but to transfer three modified Dianjian-9 to the Navy.

    "Nighthawk Three, Nighthawk Three, please answer if you hear me."

    "Nighthawk Three received it."

    "Turn right 110 degrees, rise to 8,000 meters, turn off all electronic devices. Repeat! Turn right 110 degrees, rise to 8,000 meters"

    "Understood, the airspace has been cleared and bombs can be dropped at any time."

    "Sir, Nighthawk 3 has left." Gao Xiaolei took off his earphones and shouted loudly to Pang Song, the captain of the 41st Squadron in front.  "Very good. Contact all aircraft and descend to 5,500 meters. Turn on the radar to search the sea surface and report to me when you find the target."

    "Prepare to drop bombs, pay attention to guidance." Under Pang Song's order, the 12 Haihong 7s began to descend. He also turned to look at the 'Echo Wave' guided rockets hanging under the wings.

    The ¡®Echo¡¯ rocket-guided bomb is a new type of bomb that has been developed since 1938 and began to be equipped in small batches in March this year.  To put it more simply, it is an air-to-ship missile, but because there is no word missile yet, the Naval Technology Department calls it a guided rocket.  Whether it is guided rockets or air-to-ship missiles, China¡¯s development speed is actually not fast, because Germany also successfully test-fired the hs293 ¡®air torpedo¡¯ at the end of last year.  However, because the key solid rocket motor has not made a breakthrough, it has not yet entered actual combat.

    In fact, China¡¯s rocket technology research?Very early on, there were a large number of rocket projects in the 3010 project, and with ready-made drawings, it was stronger than Europe and the United States in this regard.  It has not been equipped with ballistic missiles similar to v2, entirely because of immature electronic technology.  You know, the current gyro guidance is already very precise, so why is the missile accuracy not high?  The reason lies in engine control.  Today's rocket engines still use mechanical control, and mechanical control has a delay.  Everyone thinks that when the speed is calculated in seconds, even if the speed of cutting off the fuel nozzle is delayed by one second, the accuracy can be imagined.

    However, anti-ship missiles do not have this problem because they do not need to close the nozzle.  Moreover, the guidance method used by the 'Echo Wave' is completely different from that of the German hs293. It uses radar active guidance, which is the concept of 'launch and forget'.  The shape of the missile is also more similar to the American 'mk-9 bat' missile, but the tail fin is cross-shaped instead of the bat's I-shaped.  ¡®Echo¡¯ is made of aluminum, steel plates and plywood, with a total length of 3.9 meters, a wingspan of 3 meters, a total weight of 950 kilograms, a maximum speed of 480 kilometers per hour, and a maximum attack range of 35 kilometers.  A small 'Signal Corps' radar is installed in the head fairing. Behind the radar is a warhead containing 450 kilograms of Octogen explosives.

    As for accuracy, don¡¯t worry about it. After all, this is 1941, and electromagnetic clutter alone cannot be overcome by current technology.  The reason why the Navy is equipped with it is entirely because it allows the Navy to obtain the means to attack the enemy beyond the range of the opponent's anti-aircraft guns, and it can also attack targets at night, and it does not need to hover for a long time like the 'Rolling Thunder' radio bomb.  over the target.

    "Target found!"

    At four o'clock in the morning, after the airborne radar of Squadron 41 captured the Nagumo Fleet, the noisy roar of the 48 engines also alerted the Japanese sailors who were preparing for takeoff.  "How long will it take?" With such a loud voice, Nan Yun suddenly knew that something was wrong and asked loudly about the departure time.

    "There are still 60 minutes until sunrise!"

    The Japanese army has no radar, let alone night combat aircraft, so it is impossible to fight in the air at this time.  But Nayun did not dare to pile the planes on the deck: "The enemy air attack is approaching! Everyone is in combat preparation and let the planes take off quickly!" It was time to get up, and many sailors hurried onto the deck without even putting on their clothes.  Battle position.  The pilot also hurriedly got into the cockpit and waited for the take-off signal.

    While the Nanyun Fleet was busy, Gao Xiaolei also discovered a serious problem.  Because the radar can't tell which one is an aircraft carrier and which one is a destroyer.  "Never mind it, let's fight it out." Pang Song was much more open-minded. Anyway, the 'echo wave' was independently guided by radar. He immediately ordered the escort fighter jets to drop flares to provide parameters for ranging.

    After a string of large flares fell from the sky, the highly nervous Nagumo Fleet immediately sprayed out countless lines of fire. At the same time, all the searchlights on the ship were turned on, and they were directed overhead and scanned back and forth.  "Haha Look, they treat us as horizontal bombers." Gao Xiaolei burst out laughing when he saw the angle of the Japanese anti-aircraft artillery fire.  Because Nanyun regarded the 41st Brigade as an ordinary bombing brigade, every anti-aircraft gun was adjusted to its maximum elevation angle.

    "Stop laughing, tell me the distance." Pang Song glared and asked for the parameters.

    Current radar ranging is not yet mature, and echo waves have strict combat distance restrictions, so flares are needed to provide visual range parameters at night.

    "50 kilometers."

    "Turn on the rocket radar and set the launch distance to 20 kilometers." Unlike future anti-ship missiles, the current 'echo' is still very primitive, and the guidance radar must be turned on before launch.  In order to increase the hit rate, Pang Song decided to launch at 20 kilometers.  But even at this distance, most of the Japanese anti-aircraft guns were still out of reach, so the fleet had enough time to escape from the battle circle.


    ¡°Bomb No. 1 escaped safely.¡±

    "The No. 2 bomb escaped safely."

    After giving the order to launch, everyone looked at the porthole unconsciously.  I saw the 'Echo Wave' under the wing first detached from the pylon and fell more than a hundred meters, then suddenly ejected an orange-red tail flame, and then quickly dived towards the sea from an altitude of 5,000 meters.

    "Look! What is that?"

    "Yo Xi, you are so beautiful."

    The orange-red rocket tail flame is particularly beautiful in the dark.  When an 'echo wave' passed over the head of the escorting destroyer Shigure, the signal soldier above even made a tut-tsk sound.  But when the flames suddenly fell, slammed into the destroyer Limbo next to it, and a violent explosion occurred on the deck, the sailors of the Shigure were trembling with fear.

    "Shoot! Shoot! Don't stop!"

    Countless anti-aircraft guns were aimed at the mysterious tail flames, but the shells could not catch the small missiles.  The fleet suddenly lit up with balls of fire.  "1.2.36." After waiting for no more fireballs, Pang Song and the pilots all smiled bitterly.  A total of 24 radarsOnly six of the guided 'echo waves' hit the target, which was really terrible.

    But just when everyone was discouraged, Gao Xiaolei, who had been observing, suddenly screamed: "Look! An aircraft carrier has been hit!"

    "Aircraft carrier!".

    (To be continued.)
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