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Text Chapter 550 Killing enemies and acquaintances

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    ps: Thanks to ¡°coldiceman¡± and ¡°tea can¡± for their valuable monthly votes. Thanks to ¡°nykfany¡± and ¡°157747860¡± for their rewards.

    Seeing the attack coming, Ito Cheng didn't even move, but in the next second, a huge fist made entirely of rock suddenly jumped out in front of Ito Cheng, quickly facing the burly man who jumped in mid-air and smashed him down.

    "Boom!" A loud noise instantly sounded in the alleyway, and the giant fist of rock exploded into countless rubbles in mid-air. In the air flow brought up by the burly man as he descended, they flew in all directions.

    At this moment, a spike suddenly appeared from the ice wall that had been standing behind Ito Cheng to resist the fire dragon, and it quickly stabbed the burly man in mid-air.

    "Creak." A strange and disturbing sound suddenly sounded in the alleyway, and then the burly man's body twisted 720 degrees in mid-air, turned over and fell to the ground.  Rubik's Cube World 550

    "Bang." The burly man stepped heavily on the ground with his feet, leaving a small crack mark on the cement floor.

    At this time, Ito Chengya finally saw the appearance of the burly man clearly.

    The burly man is about 1.9 meters tall. The skin and muscles exposed under the military green vest are bulging and bulging like Schwarzenegger. Especially on his left shoulder, the tattoo of a black scorpion burning in the fire looks mysterious.  And weird.  His face was square, but his toothy grin made the burly man's expression look particularly ferocious. His hair was very short, only about an inch long, but the golden color covered that scalp very well.

    "I didn't expect it to be a mutated mouse. What a surprise." Charlie, a burly man, grinned and said, "I think it would be worth a lot of money if I caught it and sold it."

    As he spoke, Charlie raised his arms and punched his fists in front of him.  A sound like the impact of iron blocks immediately came from his fists.

    "Metalization?" Ito Cheng glanced at Charlie's fists with a slight frown and secretly thought.

    "Boom!" At this time, another explosion came from behind the ice wall behind Ito Cheng.  The blazing high temperature immediately melted a layer of water on the surface of the ice wall.

    "Little mouse, just accept your death." Hearing the explosion, Charlie seemed to have received some signal, stretched out his arms, shouted and rushed towards Ito Cheng.

    His huge foot power left inch-by-inch footprints and fine cracks on the ground as he ran.

    Seeing this, Ito Cheng didn't hesitate. He immediately raised his free right hand in front of him, and his thumb quickly brushed his ring finger, middle finger and index finger starting from the little thumb. Four clusters of weak flames instantly appeared on the tips of his fingers.  Ito Cheng threw him away and shot towards Charlie.

    Four lines of fire rushed to Charlie with his arms crossed in front of his head at a speed comparable to bullets. Then four loud bangs immediately erupted in the alleyway, and a blazing high-temperature fireball appeared in the alleyway.  The wrapped Charlie burned violently, and the heat wave it emitted ignited all the garbage around it, emitting an even more unpleasant smell.

    "You bastard, go to hell." At this moment.  Charlie's voice suddenly came from the fire, and then Charlie, who had a large area of ??his body burned, rushed out of the fire, with a ferocious look on his face, and used his big hands that were burned to pieces by the flames to grab Ito Cheng's head and face.

    Looking at the big hand so close at hand, Ito Cheng remained motionless, his head just slightly to one side.  He calmly let go of the big hand that exuded heat and the smell of cooked meat, then quickly withdrew his left hand from the wall, raised his hand to grab Charlie's wrist, stepped forward diagonally with his right foot and landed in front of Charlie, with an electric current on his right palm.  densely covered.  Before Charlie could react, he grabbed his face, twisted his waist and slammed his head against the wall beside him.

    "Bang! Click" heard a muffled sound.  Charlie's head hit the wall hard and sunk deeply into it, creating a depression in the wall as big as his head. A large number of fine crack marks spread out around the depression like tentacles.

    "Ahhhhh~" Then Charlie suddenly let out a long scream, and at the same time his body began to twitch uncontrollably. After a moment, all Charlie's movements stopped, and he dropped naturally like a hanging rag doll.

    At this time, Ito Cheng retracted his arm, without even looking at Charlie, who was killed by his decomposition and refining, with his hands directly pressed against the ice wall behind him that had mostly melted.

    In an instant, the surface of the ice wall exuded a large amount of cold air in vain, and soon it was filled with alleyways filled with blazing high temperatures. The intersection of cold and heat directly formed strong air convection, and the resulting strong wind swept away all the people in the alleyway.  All the debris was blown away.

    At the same time, due to the influence of the wind, the three people fighting together on the opposite side stopped what they were doing and raised their arms to protect themselves from the dust and garbage flying everywhere.??.

    Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ito Cheng made a thought, and several ice spikes immediately appeared on the surface of the ice wall, and stabbed towards the angry man standing on the wall parallel to the ground.  Rubik's Cube World 550

    "Bear!" Feeling the cold air that was about to hit him, the angry man's whole body immediately burned with blazing flames. In an instant, the wall was burned into a depression that emitted red light, and at the same time, it melted away the ice spikes and thorns that came from it.  Destroy the strong wind that blows randomly.

    "Did you kill Charlie?" After everything calmed down, the angry man turned to look at Ito Cheng and the burly man Charlie next to him, whose head was still embedded in the wall, limbs hanging naturally, and making no sound, frowned and said.

    "The Rubik's Cube World" was first released on Mobile users visit

    “是你!?”这时,那两名&#  x88ab;救的人影中一道& #x5973;  音突然响起,满是诧异的叫&#  x9053;。

    伊藤成闻言转头向那两人看&#  x53bb;,随即一名身穿& #x9f50;  裤,黑『色』『露』腰小背&#  x5fc3;,双手带着深褐& #x300e;  』指手套,正用一手捂着上&#  x81c2;有些焦& #x9ed1;的  血痕的短发女人与一名身穿&#  x4f11;闲长裤,&#x6ees1;  』  x53d1;被烧成焦卷,& #x8138;  的男子出现在了伊藤成的眼&#  x4e2d;,而这两名男& #x5973;正  在京都时曾经见过的国际雇&#  x4f63;兵成员。

    “哦?原来是熟人,这样一&#  x6765;就更不能放过& #x4f60;了  放火男子看到伊藤成脸现诧&#  x5f02;后,开口说道。

    说着单手一挥。一股占满整&#  x4e2a;巷道内的火浪扑& #x5929;  伊藤成碾压了过来。

    “最他妈讨厌这种家伙,不&#  x5206;青红皂白的就& #x5bf9;人  伊藤成见状眉头一皱。心中咒骂的同时双手上电光&#  x8fde;闪,冰墙立刻以  速度蹿升而起,如同一座大&#  x5c71;矗立在伊藤成身& #x524d;  火焰温度如何炽热,也是巍&#  x7136;不同。

    “冰系异能者?有趣,就让&#  x6211;看看是你的冰冷,  火  x7684;放火男子脸上&#x95lea;  猎人发现猎物的兴奋神『色&#  x300f;,完全无视了& #x5e95;  本的猎物。单手一挥,大量&#  x7684;火焰刀刃接连不断  前飞出,高速激『射』向伊&#  x85e4;成建造的冰墙。

    “轰,轰,轰,轰……”大&#  的爆炸声接连响起  震动透过冰墙传递到伊藤成&#  x7684;身上。这时就听& #x201c;  声轻响突然响起,一道火浪&#  x77ac;间透过伊藤成身& #x524d;  向伊藤成的身体烧了过来。

    伊藤成见此也没迟疑,脚尖&#  x4e00;点,身体迅速向后  不容发的躲过烧到身前的火&#  x6d6a;。在不远处站定下  他停住的下一刻,被无数火&#  x5200;定点密集攻击的冰  堪重负,哗啦啦的碎成一堆&#  x51b0;块,摔落到了地面上。

    “你的冰墙也不过如此。”&#  x653e;火男子一边从半& #x7a7a;  一边看着伊藤成戏谑道。只是在他即将落到  外的火焰一闪,瞬间释放出&#  x5927;量的热气作为缓& #x51b2;  火男子的身体,让他轻巧的&#  x843d;在了地面上。

    “喂,我劝你们两个最好不&#  要轻举妄动,  会立刻将你们烧成两具焦尸&#  x7684;。”放火男子微  对身后那两名有些蠢蠢欲动&#  x7684;佣兵男女说道。

    接着放火男子没在理会那两&#  x4eba;,重新转头看向& #x4f0a;  现疯狂的狂笑道“小老鼠,&#  x6765;吧,更加努力的& #x6323;

    突然,放火男子猛的伸出双&#  x624b;,两条粗大  着向伊藤成的身体冲击了过&#  x53bb;。

    伊藤成见状微微皱了皱眉,&#  x7eb5;身从原地跳起,  的墙壁上来回借力,从火柱&#  x7684;正上方快速穿行& #x800c;  & #x4e0b;方的放

    放火男子抬头对着伊藤成狰&#  x72de;一笑,身体周围  米多高的炽热火焰,向半空&#  x4e2d;的伊藤成& #x71c3;

    伊藤成落下的动作不停,只&#  x662f;将身体上的『毛』  开,猛的将体内的能量从无&#  x6570;的『毛』孔中& #x55b7;涌  成能量风暴护住周身,将高&#  x6e29;火焰排挤开来,硬  落到放火男子身前,双手如爱侣&#  x822c;轻柔的贴在一脸& #x60ca;  男子胸口上,猛的发力一击&#  x3002;


    “轰!”强大的气劲瞬间穿&#  x900 f;放火男子的  的衣杉轰裂开来,同时吹动&#  x653e;火男子身周的火焰  喷『射』器般向那两名留在&#  x539f;地的雇佣兵吹& #x4e86;

    “f、uck。”那名女雇佣兵见状&#  x5927;骂一声,与另一名  微变的男雇佣兵一同纵身伏&#  x5728;  行而过的火焰。

    只是尽管如此,炽热的高温&#  x8fd8;  的一阵干燥,发热。

    "Wow!" At this time, the arsonist who was hit by the double-wrapped palms raised his hands to cover his chest and abdomen, and subconsciously stepped back a few steps. He watched Ito Cheng open his mouth and spit out a large mouthful of blood, but the blood just splashed down.  When it hit the ground, it immediately burned like white phosphorus, turning into nothingness and disappearing in the blink of an eye.  Rubik's Cube World 550

    Seeing this, Ito Cheng sneered, launched his acrobatics and rushed in front of the man who set the fire. The five fingers of his right hand came together to form a sword, and instantly pierced the chest of the man who set the fire.

    "Exposed~" Then Ito Cheng stepped back and pulled out his hand, and a still beating heart appeared in his stiff palm with exposed veins and entangled blood vessels.

    "Myheart" The man who set the fire looked down at his chest, which was gradually seeping blood. He stretched out his left hand to grab Ito Cheng, and said intermittently in a difficult tone with a look of fear on his face.

    "Exposed~" Just when the palm of the man who set the fire was about to touch the heart held by Ito Cheng, Ito Cheng's palm suddenly shrank, and the heart in his palm exploded into a ball. A large amount of blood immediately burst from the burst heart.  It gushes out and splashes in all directions.

    It¡¯s just that some of the blood is about to be splashed on伊When Teng Cheng was on his body, he was immediately blown away by the energy vibrating outside his body and resisted.

    ¡°Asshole, bastard.¡± The man who set the fire looked at Ito Cheng with a look of despair and cursed. Then he made a move and fell weakly to the ground, making a muffled ¡°plop¡± sound.

    At this time, Ito Cheng shook his hand, shook off the remaining blood and flesh in his palm, returned his palm to its original shape, and looked up at the mercenary opposite who had an ugly face and gave a stiff and dry laugh.  men and women.

    "We'll talk about something later. It's better to leave here now, otherwise we'll be in trouble if we run into those guys from the French Intelligence Bureau." The male mercenary, who had long since lost his image, said with a dry smile.

    "Yes." The female mercenary said immediately.

    "That's fine." Ito Cheng nodded when he heard the words, threw out two balls of flame and fell on Charlie and the man who set the fire respectively, destroying the corpses and eliminating traces.

    "Let's go." Then Ito Cheng looked at the two people and said.

    "Follow me." Compared to the cruelty of directly tearing out people's hearts and crushing them, the things they often do like destroying corpses and eradicating traces are much easier to accept, and there is no reaction. After saying hello, they turned around and ran quickly outside the alleyway.  .

    Behind him, Ito Cheng and the female mercenary quickly followed.

    The three of them tried their best to move in quiet and uninhabited lanes. After more than ten minutes, they finally stopped in an abandoned factory.

    "Huh, I can finally rest." In a dilapidated office in the building, the male mercenary breathed softly, then turned to look at Ito Cheng, stretched out his hand in front of him, and introduced himself, "I am a mercenary of Black Rose.  Arthur of the Corps.¡±

    "Ito Cheng." Ito Cheng shook hands with the other party casually and said.

    "That's Rebecca." Then the male mercenary Arthur pointed to the female mercenary who was sitting on the shabby sofa over there and was giving herself medicine for treatment.

    "Hi." Rebecca raised her head when she heard this and said to Ito Cheng505; After saying hello, he lowered his head again, bit one end of the bandage with his mouth, and bandaged the wound.

    "I'm sorry for involving you this time." After the introduction, Arthur walked aside, took out two unopened bottles of mineral water, threw one of them to Ito and apologized.

    "Pa." Ito Cheng nodded, without saying anything, he opened the cap of the mineral water bottle and took a sip.

    "But I still have to tell you that our troubles may be a bit big." Seeing Ito Cheng's nonchalant look, Arthur had to remind him.

    "Huh?" Ito Cheng looked at Arthur with a puzzled face, waiting for his explanation.

    "You should have seen the tattoo on the arm of the man named Charlie." Arthur did not explain immediately, but asked first.

    Grain Net Grain Net
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