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Text Chapter 815 Ultimate Rescue (7)

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    After receiving the confirmation order from the command center, the security team prepared to escort Feng Bujue back.

    For Brother Jue, this development is obviously very bad, but it is better to be arrested than to be shot dead on the spot.  Anyway, the main plot of this script does not have any time limit. As long as he is still alive, he will have a chance to make a comeback.

    With this thought in mind, he obediently accepted the fact of being arrested.

    "Go faster, don't play tricks." On the way to the ninth floor underground, this was the sentence that Brother Jue heard the most.

    Of course, even if they don¡¯t say anything, Brother Jue won¡¯t play any tricks.  He now only has the physical fitness of an ordinary person, and he is being escorted by a group of SCP Foundation security personnel who are armed with live ammunition and have the level of special forces.  Under such a disparity in power, resourcefulness alone cannot change the situation.

    Furthermore Feng Bujue knew very well that in this world filled with SCP projects, there were many incredible resources that could be utilized.  Based on his knowledge of SCP-related information, as long as he stays in this script for a while, he will definitely gain great benefits.  With this in mind, he was even less willing to take unnecessary risks.

    "Keep formation and pay attention to the corners of the stairs." After entering the stairwell, the eight members of the security team dispersed to the front and rear of Feng Bujue, surrounding him in the middle and continuing to move forward.

    One floor, two floors, three floors

    The markings on the stairwells range from b1, b2, b3 all the way to b5.  £¤£¬w¨Iww.

    Just as they were walking from the fifth underground floor to the sixth underground floor, suddenly!

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

    Along with a strange noise, black, vine-like substances bloomed from the ground under the stairs, corroding large parts of the ground and walls.

    "Fuck!" Feng Bujue's reaction was faster than all the security personnel around him. He could see who it was at a glance, "Run quickly!"

    His shouting woke up the eight team members who were "looking at the wall" in a daze, but these people did not realize what the black corrosion marks represented.

    After all, they are just security personnel in this facility, not MTF (Mobile_task_forces Mobile Task Force); due to permission reasons, they do not know the relevant information of all SCP projects in the base.  Especially keter-level projects

    "Shut up! Don't move!" The team member leading the team sternly said to Brother Jue, and then said to his team members, "Don't panic, prepare to attack."

    "Welcome to you, uncle!" Feng Bujue shouted, "If you want to die, you can die on your own. I won't be buried with you!"

    "I told you to shut updon't you listenumah!" The security guard turned around and yelled at Brother Jue for half a sentence, but unexpectedly

    At this moment, a black figure suddenly "floated" from the ground behind him and grabbed his throat.

    The next second.  The three security guards standing in the front row raised their guns almost instinctively and fired in unison.

    ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

    Those three people are well-trained and have good marksmanship, and the distance between them and the target is very close. If they shoot accurately, they will not hurt their companions.

    Butthe black shadow's actions were not affected at all.

    "It's useless! Run!" Feng Bujue shouted again in a very serious tone.

    Butthose people ignored it and continued to fire

    "Tcha bunch of idiots" Although Brother Jue was anxious, he was surrounded in the middle of the team and was handcuffed.  If he made any unusual move, he would probably be shot to death.

    He can only continue to wait until these security personnel realize the seriousness of the problem


    ¡¾Project number: scp106¡¿

    ¡¾Project level: keter¡¿

    ¡¾Special Containment Procedures: SCP106's containment area is divided into two floors.  The first level is a locked room made of lead-lined steel.  The room must be sealed in the same material on the 40th floor.  There must be a gap of no less than 36cm between each layer of material.  Support racks must be arranged randomly between layers.  The room must be suspended no less than 60cm from any surface using eloiid electromagnetic support.

    The second level of containment consists of 16 spherical "rooms", each filled with a different liquid and covered with random supports and supporting surfaces.  The second level of the containment area should be equipped with a lighting system so that the containment area can always be filled with light at no less than 80,000 lumens without the need for human intervention.

    Both containment areas should be under 24-hour surveillance.  If observed on any containment area surface, personnel, or in a room away from 106Corrosion marks appear anywhere within ?200 meters.  This should be reported to Site Security immediately.

    Any personnel or objects lost due to 106 will be considered missing/killed, and no rescue attempts will be made.

    No physical contact with 106 is allowed at any time.  All physical contact requires the approval of more than two-thirds of O5 level personnel.  All such contacts must take place within a maximum security site and after general evacuation of non-essential personnel.  All personnel (including researchers, security personnel, D-class personnel, etc.) must be at least 60 meters away from the containment room at all times.  Unless it's during a containment breach.  ¡¿

    ¡¾Description: SCP106 takes on the appearance of an elderly human man, and his body surface is usually in a highly decayed state.  His appearance changes frequently, and various forms of "rot" have been observed.

    SCP106 is not very sensitive and will sometimes remain motionless throughout the day, waiting for prey.

    SCP106 can cause any vertical surface to peel off and hang upside down in an unspecified manner.

    SCP106 will attempt to incapacitate its prey.  This is usually accomplished by attacking major organs, muscle tissue, or legs; he then drags the injured prey into his "pocket space."

    SCP106 appears to prefer humans aged 1025 as its prey.

    SCP106 can cause a "corrosion" effect on solids it touches, causing the physical collapse of the material after a few seconds of contact.  Materials will undergo a process of rust, decay, and eventual collapse.  106 creates a black, slime-like object in the material, similar to the material surrounding its body.  This effect is particularly harmful to living organisms and is considered a "pre-digestive" behavior.  This corrosive effect will last for 6 hours after contact, after which it will "burn out".

    SCP106 is capable of passing through solid matter, leaving a corrosive slime in its wake.  106 is able to "disappear" into solid matter and enter a space assumed to be a "pocket dimension."  Next, 106 can exit through any solid object connected to the solid object it entered (for example: he can "enter" the interior wall of the room and "exit" through the outer wall. Or enter a wall and exit through the ceiling).

    Regarding the "pocket space", it is currently impossible to analyze whether this is the key to the 106 prototype, or whether it is just the "nest" it created.

    Limited observations of the "pocket space" indicate that it is composed of rooms and halls, with an entrance of [DATA EXPUNGED].  The event can last "several days" and a number of projects will be released.  Obviously, these are for hunting, recycling, or [DATA EXPUNGED] purposes.  ¡¿


    scp106 (the_old_man), the scary old man.  One of the most deadly and difficult keter-level items to deal with.

    Physical restraint is impossible, but direct physical harmat least at this stage.  It doesn't do anything for him.

    Due to its extremely difficult-to-contain nature, the Foundation must conduct an evaluation every three months or after a containment breach.

    Although the organization has been soliciting more effective, proactive and forward-looking special containment measures to contain 106, this problem has not yet been resolved.

    So all they can do is maintain continuous surveillance and establish a rapid response mechanism.

    "It's a pity what's happening at this moment seems to have proved that this method doesn't work very well.


    Finally, after about thirty seconds.  The security team member who took the lead and was responsible for giving orders gave out the last two groans and became motionless

    The black rotten substance spread from his throat, destroying most of the tissues in his upper body; the weapon in his hand had already fallen to the ground, and his limbs were hanging weakly.

    This moment.  The shooting of other security personnel had basically stopped, and they finally noticed that old black monster was not afraid of bullets at all.

    "What the hell are you doing standing still! Why don't you leave now?" Feng Bujue yelled again, then turned around and ran.

    While he was shouting, 106 had slowly dragged the corroded man into the ceiling

    The remaining security personnel hesitated for a few seconds.  One of them said: "Let's go! Get up."

    They finally decided to run away, which made Feng Bujue breathe a sigh of relief.  He knewjust keep trotting and watch for dark matter in all directions.  There is still a high chance of avoiding 106.

    "Hey, Dan, take off his handcuffs." After running not far, the remaining seven security team membersOne of them said to the person next to Brother Jue.

    Hearing this, Dan hesitated for a few seconds: "Are you sure? Gore."

    "Don't be nagging at this time." The man known as Gore replied, "The captain is finished. Now I have the final say here."

    When it came to this, Dan had no room to refute. He immediately took out the handcuff key and unlocked the handcuffs for Brother Jue while running.

    "Oh~" Feng Bujue's mouth curled up slightly, "It seems there are still one or two sensible people"

    "Stop talking nonsense." Gore replied, "I just don't want to see anyone killed by that monster again." He paused for half a second, "Hurry up and tell me everything you know."

    "Okay" Brother Jue gave the other party a hollow glutinous rice dumpling first, and then changed the subject, "But before that I wonder if you have the permission to enter b3?"

    "Huh?" Gore was slightly startled, "What do you want to do?"

    "Then there's no need to ask?" Feng Bujue said, "Of course I'm going in." He lied without changing his expression and without a heartbeat, "If you want to deal with the monster just now, you must use the same thing in b3  thing."

    When they were having a conversation, they happened to have arrived at the door of b3.

    "Everyone, come in with me!" Gore weighed for less than two seconds before making up his mind and took out a pass card from his pocket.  Opened the electronic door of b3.

    Then, the eight people filed in and entered the corridor of b3.

    The lighting here is different from other places. Even though the emergency power supply has been switched, the light on this floor is still white, as if it has not been affected by the outside world.

    "It looks like there is a power generation device on this floor." Feng Bujue said as soon as he entered the corridor.

    "Okay, we have arrived at b3." At this time, the team member named "Dan" next to him said, "Can you tell us now what is that monster?"

    "Let's talk as we walk." Feng Bujue said, "That guy can walk through walls. If you stop where you are, you will probably be overtaken by him."

    The credibility of this sentence is beyond doubt. The security team members also saw how the captain died just now. They did not want to be suddenly dragged into the wall or ceiling.

    "Okay, you'd better go in the middle." Gore added after hearing the words, and turned to look at Dan and said, "Dan, please report the current situation to Chief Cozmo." The deputy captain finished giving two orders.  After giving the order, he walked to the front of the team and led everyone forward.

    "Then" Feng Bujue trotted after them.  While starting to narrate, "You may have heard of the code name of this thing, it is scp106"

    In the next five minutes, Brother Jue explained the 106 files to these people in more detail.  at the same time.  He also didn't forget to observe the environment on both sides of the corridor.  He didn't miss any of the signs marked at the intersections of the corridors.

    "You kid couldn't you have made it up?" After listening to a long description, Gore suddenly turned around and said to Brother Jue, "Since we are always 'surveilling', then why did I never do anything in the monitoring room?"  Have you never seen any surveillance footage of this project?¡±

    "Humph" Faced with this level of questioning, Feng Bujue remained calm and answered fluently.  "What's the use of asking me this question? I'm just a D-level personnel. You know better than me how your organization works."

    When Gore heard and thought about it, he immediately felt that the other party was right.  For a keter-level project like this, there must be a dedicated monitoring team responsible for observing it, so they don't need to worry about it.

    "Okay let's think what you said is true." Gore said again, "Do you know how to deal with that 106?"

    "Run away." Feng Bujue replied in a matter-of-fact tone.

    "What?" Gore was obviously angry, "What do you mean?"

    "It means there is nothing we can do." Feng Bujue shrugged and smiled. "At this stage, there is no feasible way to eliminate the project, and his weaknesses are also very limitedprobably only in the face of complex/randomly arranged building structures.  'will be disturbed when faced with sudden strong light', 'will hide in pocket space out of disgust when faced with sudden strong light', 'hates lead', and 'will be confused about liquids'. And these four points cannot be correct.  What substantial physical damage he caused was just a matter of containment measures"

    Before Brother Jue finished speaking, Gore turned around and rushed over, grabbing him by the collar: "Then why did you just say that B3 has something that can deal with him?"

    Although Gore was wearing a helmet, Feng Bujue had no doubt that Gore had an extremely ferocious and angry face at this time.

    "Calm down, buddy." Brother Jue smiled and said calmlyHe replied, "Actually, what I really mean isthere is something here that can help us escape."

    "You bastard" Gore pushed him to the ground and pressed the muzzle of the assault rifle against Brother Jue's forehead. "Do you think I'm a three-year-old child?" He said viciously, "That's right.  As you said, 106 is not very agile. If he wants to run away, can he go anywhere?"

    "Hmphthat's stupid." Feng Bujue snorted coldly. Faced with this situation, his attitude became more arrogant, "Don't you understand yet? This base is finished." He knew that he had to persuade.  For others, you must first have full confidence. Even if you are talking nonsense, you must say it more truthfully than the truth. "Do you think this is the only keter-level project that escaped?"

    As soon as these words came out, all the security team members trembled in their hearts.

    "You bunch of cannon fodder, you really have no self-awareness" Feng Bujue's brainwashing deception started again, "You also heard that the SCP106 document describes the situation of losing control when encountering such a keter-level project, even if it is  Even if agent-level personnel are arrested, they will not rescue them, and you who are you? Compared with D-class personnel like us, you are just a group of higher-level victims. Compared with you who are hiding  The commander who controls you from a distance, I am the one who is in the same boat as you, right? At least I am in the same situation as you now. If I die, everyone will die together."

    He unknowingly brought the group of people who came to arrest him to the same position as himself. However, these foundation security team members have also been strictly screened. How could they betray so easily?

    "Humph" Gore snorted, the gun in his hand still pressed against Brother Jue's forehead, but his tone was slightly calmer.  The next second, he turned to Dan and said, "Dan, how is the contact with the command center?"

    "Can't be contacted." Dan shook his head and said, "I've been calling since I entered this floor, but there was no response."

    As soon as he heard this, Feng Bujue was so excited that he took advantage of the situation and made an expression like "I had expected it" and said: "I don't need to explain it anymore You are just a bunch of abandoned pawns, a bunch of  You are just someone who can be replaced at any time." He spread his hands and said, "Instead of serving the commander who abandons you, you should think about how to save your life."

    Hearing this, the security team members looked at each other and fell into silence.

    Feng Bujue knew that this was considered taking the bait: "If you don't mind, I will continue the previous topic of 'Why come to b3'" He paused, "Actually, b1, b2, b3,  Or some emergency refuge area, it makes no difference where to escape. As long as you stay in this base, you will die sooner or later. If you want to survive the only way is to use 'space jump' to go to other places.  The place."
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