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Text Chapter 1039 Extreme Experiment (8)

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    The area outside the gate is quite similar to the previous section of the road. The gray walls and floors give off a lifeless feeling. The chandeliers above are also arranged at the same distance, emitting cold white light.  ?look

    Feng Bujue and Igor walked dozens of meters and saw a room.

    The door to that room is also made of metal and is open at this time.  Igor first looked inside, but there was no sign of any living thing. So, under Brother Jue's instruction, he walked into the house and turned on the light switch.

    After turning on the lights, the scene in the room was clearly displayed in front of their eyes.

    This is a space of about forty square meters, and there are many strange and weird equipment stored in it, most of which are torture instruments.

    The room was filled with an unpleasant smell. Feng Bujue speculated that the smell was a mixture of chemicals, blood, and excrement. The various stains on the floor and torture instruments were also sufficient for his speculation.  of evidence.

    With Brother Jue¡¯s style, he naturally had to search here, and after searching, he did find several valuable props.

    After all, this is a "torture room". There must be a lot of things used to hurt people in the room. The weapons found here are naturally better than those obtained in surgical operations.

    So, a few minutes later, when the two left the room, Igor already had a sharp meat cleaver in his hand

    At this moment, this "Captain of the Soviet Union", who has a strong body (he was very thin when he first entered the base, and his body shape gradually changed during the experiment), is wearing a broken straitjacket (the straps and cuffs are connected together.  (Has been cut open with scissors in the operating room), with a pair of bare rough feet, holding a murder weapon, looking like a evil spirit.

    Having the spiritual support of Brother Jue behind him eased Igor's fear a lot; and as time went by, he gradually experienced the strength of his body.

    Not to mention the obvious improvements in strength, reaction, and endurance, just when he was visiting the room that had not yet turned on the lights, he realized that his eyes also had a pretty good vision in the dark; this kind of  The ability to see at night is obviously extraordinary.

    "Well, although we found a few usable weapons, there are no plot items." The two continued to move forward.  Feng Bujue's thinking never stopped, "After coming out of Experimental Room No. 1, it basically turned in the same direction repeatedly, and it got further and further away from the 'room behind the mirror'" thinking of this.  He couldn't help but think, "It feels like the process of this script will be very long."

    He feels right. The space of this script is very large and there are many plots to explore; the plot until the player comes out of the gate can only be regarded as the beginning.

    About four hours ago, inside the observation room.  one look??

    This is the room that is only "a mirror away" from Laboratory No. 1.

    The interior decoration of the house is mainly white.  Regardless of the console, seat, or computer host, they all have a streamlined design, which can be said to be full of futuristic feeling.

    "Attention all units, new items appear at scheduled spawn points."

    Almost at the same second that Feng Bujue was teleported to Laboratory Room No. 1, a staff member sitting behind the "mirror screen" who was observing quickly pressed the communication button on the console and issued a report.

    In less than five seconds, a woman's voice came from the communicator: "Observer, I am Dr. Cox, please share the data to analysis rooms 3, 4, and 19 immediately."

    "I've done it, doctor." The observer had already completed the operation while listening to the other party's narrative.

    "Very good." A few seconds later.  Dr. Cox continued, "OK, I have taken over your data, you can stop the operation."

    "Huh." When the operator heard this, he breathed a long sigh of relief, stood up, stretched, and said, "Then I'll go make a cup of coffee and get ready to watch the show."

    At the same time, another part of the base, in an office.

    An intellectual beauty wearing black-rimmed glasses and a white coat is busy in front of a console composed of virtual projections with great interest.

    Dr. Cox has beautiful brown eyes.  She has a black middle-length hair; although she is nearly forty years old, in her era, the symptoms of human aging before the age of sixty are not obvious, so she still looks like a girl in her early twenties.  Young and beautiful.

    ¡°Let me see what the setting will be this time,¡± Dr. Cox muttered.  At the same time, relevant experimental information was retrieved.

    Current image number: Earth 2o2

    Time: October 1949

    Location: Underground laboratory of psyis organization in the former Soviet Union

    Basic story background: During a sleep peelingDuring the capture experiment, five subjects persisted in a closed environment until the twenty-fourth day and developed "supernatural mutations." Subsequently, all subjects escaped from the experimental area, causing a large number of casualties.  paralyzing the base.

    "Yeah, it's a very typical plot." It only took a few seconds for Dr. Cox to scan through the content. Then, she raised her right hand, swiped randomly in the empty space beside her, and summoned another virtual one.  interface.

    "Data display application, sp32, password walnut. Look"

    After Dr. Cox said these few words to the interface, a cold artificially synthesized voice immediately responded:

    The application has been submitted and the password is being checked

    The password is correct and the voiceprint recognition has been completed. You are welcome to browse the data, Dr. Cox.

    After a few short voice prompts, a floating virtual window popped up, with a detailed document listed in the window.

    Item number: sbsp; Item level: eubsp; Special containment procedures: Due to the special properties of sp32, it is currently impossible to establish feasible containment procedures for it.

    Description: sp32 is a story-type phenomenon that appears from time to time.  There are no clear signs or rules for its birth and termination, and its process seems to be completely random.

    There is still controversy among foundation executives as to whether the project actually exists.

    Although the project has not yet shown any direct hostility to existing human civilization and/or four-dimensional space, some managers are still paranoid that the project should be upgraded to keter level. Related applications will be unlimited before the end of the "Observation Plan"  put on hold.

    Based on existing observation records, sp32 has the following characteristics:

    ? 1. The probability of sp32 appearing in the form of horror and thriller is relatively high, accounting for more than [data shielded]%, and it often involves other sp projects (contained or not).

    Second, when sp32 appears, one to six humanoid creatures, namely "sp321", will inevitably be transported to the living place; the transmission methods are different and the principle is unknown.

    Third, all sp321s observed so far are young humans over sixteen years old.  The male to female ratio is 6:4, and more than 9o% are Asian.  sp321s are generally handsome in appearance, especially women; their clothing spans a wide range. Examples that have been observed include but are not limited to special forces uniforms, suits, bathrobes, medieval armors, ancient Chinese armors, and various types of armors from the late 20th to 20th centuries.  Early first century style casual clothing.  As well as various costumes of fictional characters taken from novels, comics, film and television works.

    Fourth, some sp321 will show special abilities, such as physical strength, release of tangible energy, teleportation, [data shielding], etc.; there are many types of these abilities, and each individual's performance is different. So far, the most common  What emerged was the ability to "access items from a subspace that we cannot observe."

    five.  sp32 will communicate with sp321 in some form that we cannot know, and give them "tasks"; "tasks" can be plural or conflicting.  When given conflicting missions, sp321s will attack each other and spare no effort to kill each other.

    Sixth, the vast majority of sp321 will show contempt or even indifference to their own lives when they are "in a situation where death is inevitable" or "in order to help their companions complete their mission."

    7. When sp32 is born, it will have some kind of spiritual impact on everything involved. People affected by this will usually ignore sp321's weird name and appearance, and can understand the various languages ??they speak.  Even if some of these words are words that those affected have never heard.  Affected individuals will not be aware of the anomaly until sp32 is terminated.

    8. There is a high probability that sp321 will die or disappear suddenly during the existence of sp321. The latter situation is mostly when sp321 is frightened, after being frightened, or in desperate situations; when all sp321 dies or disappears,  sp32 will terminate immediately.

    9. When all sp321s have the same mission goal, the completion of a certain task will cause the termination of sp32 and cause all sp321s to disappear together.  When sp321 has conflicting mission objectives, one or a certain party must become the final survivor before this effect will be triggered.

    ten.  The corpse of sp321 will disappear within seconds after death, and attempts to collect their DNA have also failed.

    Appendix: Observation Plan Even if we are unable to contain sp32 for the time being, with the Foundation's existing technological capabilities, we can induce its growth by creating some "environments suitable for the emergence of sp32".  And observe the whole process and even intervene to a certain extent.  This will help us understand the various features of this project in more detail, and perhaps one day be able to control and exploit it.

    Note: All members of the Oversight Council (oveee day 1) please read document 32o5

    Document 32o5: Okay, let¡¯sLet me get straight to the point.  What we are facing is something projected from a world parallel to or higher than ours.  For them, this may be some kind of entertainment activity, or it may be a mock test or something.  But it¡¯s no fun at all!  Because sp32 has the possibility of attracting various keter-level projects from other universes.  If you don't know what I'm talking about, go read document 32l!  Then you will know that the guys who came up with the "observation plan" are simply playing with fire.

    Document 32l: Agent Steven¡¯s recording transcript

    Time: [data masked]

    Location: [data masked]

    I think we have been tricked. This guy is definitely not an ordinary D-class personnel, and his name is probably not Rudy Austin.

    I don¡¯t know how he passed the review, I only know that this guy is very powerful, so powerful that it makes people¡¯s hair stand on end.

    When the power went out, he was standing in sp173¡¯s room, but he managed to escape

    He knew how to use 294 to subdue 173, and he went to 738 to do something unknown; our security team didn't know the information of 1o6, but he knew it clearly; in addition, he also knew the use of 1998, and suffered 513  The influence seems to be nothing happened

    Although he was arrested after being influenced by O55, the result was that he subdued Chief Cozmo during the interrogation and took the opportunity to enter the emergency exit.

    He and Billy Oh, sorry, and 1ouso1 obviously know each other. I think he used 914 to process the puppet, which enhanced the latter's space ability, so he escaped from the base.

    Note: For records of other activities of the project, as well as instances suspected to be caused by the project, please consult the "Observation Plan".

    As the main advocate and executor of the "Observation Plan", Dr. Cox is naturally not the first time to read this document.

    Among the known and determinable sp32 activity events, the one recorded in Document 32l caused the greatest loss to the Foundation, and the Foundation at that time had not confirmed or was not aware of the existence of sp32 at all.

    However, the situation is different today.

    This is the "future" two hundred years after Feng Bujue's "ultimate rescue".

    The Foundation of this era already has the technological level to operate "mirror time and space" (mainly because of their breakthrough in the research of sp1733). They can simulate or reproduce what happened in a certain parallel universe in a specific environment.  things.

    For example, right now, the script Feng Bujue is in is actually a "microuniverse" simulated by the Foundation in a huge facility.  In a sense, this is similar to the "script world" generated by "Thriller Paradise", except that its scale is much smaller.


    More than a minute later, the lights in Laboratory No. 1 came on.

    At this moment, Dr. Cox looked at Brother Jue in the monitoring screen, and Brother Jue was also looking at the one-way mirror in Laboratory Room No. 1. The two looked at each other in a strange way.

    "Heh." The doctor looked at this "experiment" and whispered to himself, "Come on, sir, let me see what you can do." (To be continued.)
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