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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Historic -> The Biography of Cao Ang in the Three Kingdoms

Volume 1 Chapter 164 Drastic changes in Jizhou

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    In the blink of an eye, more than ten days have passed since Cao Ang's wedding.  Everything went as usual during these days. Even Cao Ang and his wife slept in separate rooms at night. After all, Cao Ang was still young and consummating the marriage too early would be bad for his health.

    And during this period, a lot of things happened.  Sun Jian was appointed as the governor of Yuzhou by Yuan Shu, and Yuan Shao, not to be outdone, also appointed Zhou Ang as the governor of Yuzhou.  How can there be peace if there are two top officials in one place at the same time?  .

    Yuzhou¡¯s officialdom is like a big earthquake. Everyone is actively or passively choosing their own position. Some people are constantly being promoted, and others are being suppressed and dismissed.  For example, Xiahou Dun, who had just been promoted by Zhou Ang to the postal governor of Qiao County, was quickly listed as a thorn in Sun Jian's side. They tried to find a way to fire him and demoted him to the county captain of Qiao County.  It's really a fight between gods and devils.

    The Xiahou family was dumbfounded at this time. They thought they were hugging a thick thigh, but they didn't expect that there was a thick leg on the other side. The two thick legs kicked around, making it very difficult for them to hug the thigh!

    If I had known earlier, I would have followed the Cao family honestly, at least there wouldn¡¯t have been so many twists and turns.  However, even if they regretted it now, they did not dare to change the family rashly. After all, Yuan Shao's power was a huge one to them and they could not be offended.

    In this regard, Cao Ang neither took the initiative to comfort nor add insult to injury. He just quietly organized the Cao family's forces to move north while watching the development of the situation.  The rapid development of the situation even surprised Cao Ang.  By the time Cao Ang and his men arrived in Zhi County, Yuzhou and Jizhou were already at war!

    It turns out that although the emperor was young, his ambitions were not small. Unwilling to be controlled by Dong Zhuo, he wrote a secret order and asked Liu Yu to lead his army to the capital.  Taking advantage of Dong Zhuo's carelessness, the emperor secretly sent his servant Liu He (Liu Yu's son) to escape from Chang'an and Wuguan to escape from the Xiliang army.

    It¡¯s just that Liu He¡¯s vigilance dropped after he escaped successfully. When passing by Yuan Shu¡¯s defense area, he actually revealed his identity and told Yuan Shu the emperor¡¯s secret order.

    In Liu He's view, Yuan Shu's power is not weak. If he can help him, he will be more confident to fulfill the emperor's instructions.  But in Yuan Shu's view, this was simply a joke.

    ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????¡­  !  What's more, Liu Yu's troops are far away in Youzhou, and only these retarded people who grew up in the palace can believe the fairy tales that have traveled thousands of miles!

    Of course, Yuan Shu would not attack Liu He easily. He only rewarded Liu He with wine and beauties, quietly placed him under house arrest, and sent envoys to Youzhou to convey the emperor's secret order.  If Liu Yu obeys this order and sends elite troops here, Yuan Shu can annex them and expand his own strength.

    Liu Yu soon received the news. He was loyal to the Han Dynasty and was prepared to obey the emperor's secret orders unswervingly. Besides, Yuan Shu also provided logistical support such as food, grass and supplies for the army!  Liu Yu immediately gathered thousands of elite soldiers and prepared to go south for rescue.

    But Gongsun Zan discovered Yuan Shu's ambition and repeatedly discouraged Liu Yu.  However, by this time Gongsun Zan and Liu Yu were already inseparable, and Gongsun Zan's advice strengthened Liu Yu's determination. At that moment, Liu Yu gave a decisive order, ordering thousands of his elite troops to use the road to go south immediately.

    As Gongsun Zan expected, after the elite troops sent by Liu Yu came under Yuan Shu's rule, they were quickly controlled and divided by Yuan Shu with food and supplies. Soon, these troops canceled their banners and merged into Yuan Shu's army.

    Gongsun Zan, who successfully predicted this incident, had some worries in his heart.  He was afraid that his previous actions would offend Yuan Shu and let him know about his efforts to dissuade Liu Yu.  In addition, Gongsun Zan also wanted to make distant friends and attack close enemies at this time, and was eager to form an alliance with Yuan Shu.  Therefore, Gongsun Zan quietly sent his cousin Gongsun Yue to lead a thousand cavalry south to join Yuan Shu's army.

    Yuan Shu welcomed this very much.  The south has lacked cavalry since ancient times. Although he annexed Liu Yu's troops, he did not dare to use Liu Yu's old generals with confidence. Gongsun Yue came at the right time.  In addition, not long ago, Gongsun Zan attacked the Qingzhou Yellow Turban Army halfway across the river, beheading more than 30,000 people, and his reputation was shocked.  Yuan Shu also hoped to use his reputation to deter the opposition forces in Yuzhou.

    Yuan Shu also knew that Gongsun Zan had no intention of falling out with Yuan Shao, but this would not trouble him.  After repeated thinking, Yuan Shu took action. He deliberately leaked his dealings with Gongsun Zan to Liu He and quietly let him escape.

    That Liu He really thought he was escaping with his own strength this time. After arriving under Zhou Ang's rule, he immediately wrote his conjecture about the conspiracy of "Gongsun Zan colluded with Yuan Shu to usurp the leadership of the Youzhou army" into a letter.  Zhou Ang borrowed some cavalry from there and quickly gave them to his father.  From then on, Liu Yu and Gongsun Zan were on the same page!

    Yuan Shao once wanted to serve Liu Yu as emperor, even if he didn'tAfter all, he still respects Liu Yu very much.  After Liu He's showoff, Liu Yu and Gongsun Zan had a conflict, which meant that the peaceful coexistence between Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan was in trouble.

    Now part of Gongsun Zan's troops are attacking the Yellow Turban Army in Jizhou and have not returned north. Yuan Shu feels that this must be a thorn in Yuan Shao's heart, and this is Yuan Shu's opportunity.  If Gongsun Zan can be provoked to fight Yuan Shao, then Yuan Shu will stand out. Whether he inherits Yuan Wei's status as the head of the family or establishes another dynasty, there are endless possibilities!  And now Zhou Ang is on the order of Yuan Shao to attack Yuzhou. If Gongsun Yue dies in his hands, why worry about Gongsun Zan not falling out with Yuan Shao?  !

    A few days later, Gongsun Yue and Sun Jian besieged Zhou Ang's troops, but to no avail.  During the siege, Gongsun Yue was shot by a "flowing arrow" and died.  The news soon reached Gongsun Zan's ears. Gongsun Zan became furious and said to the generals on his left and right: "My brother's death has caused disaster to Yuan Shao!"

    The furious Gongsun Zan immediately ordered to summon troops to prepare to go south to attack Yuan Shao.  At the same time, he issued a call to the Montenegro Army entrenched in the Taihang Mountains, hoping that they could coordinate his actions.

    After receiving Gongsun Zan¡¯s letter, the leaders of the Montenegrin Army started talking about it.  After all, Gongsun Zan conquered the Yellow Turban Army several times, and the Black Mountain Army belonged to the Yellow Turban lineage, and was very dissatisfied with Gongsun Zan's act of killing the Yellow Turban Army in exchange for military exploits!

    Watching the various generals arguing in the hall, Zhang Yan lightly knocked on the tables in front of her, but everyone was arguing and no one paid attention.

    Zhang Yan could not help but frown, and patted several cases hard, which caused the dishes on the cases to shake. Only then did everyone notice the leader's dissatisfaction, and gradually became quiet, but even so, there were still people arguing quietly.

    Zhang Yan frowned and said, "Why are you making such a fuss? It's just like people buying vegetables in the market! We now have a million people in our hands. We should behave like a general. Let's tell everyone one by one, don't rob!"

    When Sun Qing, Wang Dang and others, the generals directly under Zhang Yan, heard Zhang Yan's order, they all stared at those guys who were talking nonsense, and they were so scared that no one dared to talk nonsense.

    At this time, Du Chang came out, saluted Zhang Yan, and said loudly: "General, I think we should send troops to assist Gongsun Zan in attacking Yuan Shao."

    Zhang Yan frowned slightly and asked curiously: "Tell me your reasons and let everyone listen."

    Du Chang said loudly: "The generals who are in peace and in trouble can be considered as members of the imperial court. Yuan Shao openly raised his troops and recruited troops to separate one side (to attack Dong Zhuo) in the name of resisting the imperial court. Naturally, we have to attack him."

    Yang Feng next to him smiled and shook his head and said: "This reason does not count. Our general took refuge in the imperial court just to avoid the encirclement and suppression of the imperial army. He did not really sacrifice his life for the Han family."

    Everyone said yes, and Zhang Yan also smiled and nodded.

    Du Chang was not discouraged and still said loudly: "General, although Gongsun Zan has attacked the Yellow Turban Army, who among the princes in the world has not attacked us? What's more, after Gongsun Zan won, he did not massacre the Yellow Turban Army like Huangfu Chong did, but  The main method is to take prisoners alive, supplemented by killing and wounding. This is relatively lenient among the princes in the world.

    The most important thing is that Gongsun Zan's foundation is far away in Youzhou. Even if Jizhou is captured, he will not be able to live here permanently and can only command from a distance.  In this way, our foundation in Jizhou will not be affected.  On the contrary, in order to maintain the pressure on Jizhou, Gongsun Zan would rather see us be stronger.

    "However, if Yuan Shao is allowed to control Jizhou, in order to get more money, food and young people, he will definitely divide and disintegrate our foundation, attack and plunder. At that time, we will have to fight to the death with him.  Instead of waiting until that time to break up with Yuan Shao, it is better to completely defeat Yuan Shao now!  "

    The reason Du Chang said is very sufficient. Yes, Gongsun Zan is not an ideal choice, but Yuan Shao and other children of aristocratic families are not the partners of the Montenegrin Army.

    Zhang Yan nodded slightly and subconsciously tapped several cases with her hands.

    At this time, Yu Du also raised his hand and said: "General, I think the reason Du Chang said is very reasonable. And now, although Gongsun Zan said that he wanted to defeat Yuan Shao, the two armies have not completely broken up and are still in a confrontation. If we don't  If we express our position in time, Gongsun Zan's troops may attack us first, and Yuan Shao will secretly resent us. By then, not only will we not be able to reap the benefits, but we will also attract the hatred of the two forces! If we want to achieve something  To gain something, you have to make a choice and give something!¡±

    At this time, someone in the tent said: "General Zhang, generals, we don't actually need to attack Yuan Shao. Isn't that Cao Ang one of Yuan Shao's men? I heard that their trade with Hedong County is booming and there is a lot of money. We might as well attack them!"  What's more, I heard that not long ago Luan Ti suffered a secret loss at the hands of Cao Ang when he was under Fu Luo's men. The hostages he obtained (?Yan) was snatched away by him. The Huns are preparing to take revenge on Cao Ang. We might as well join hands with them and go south.  Besides, Cao Ang is newly married and has just returned to Zhi County. Let's give him a blow in the head so as to dampen Yuan Shao's arrogance!  "

    The generals followed the sound, but the person who spoke was Yu Digen.

    Yu Du shook his head and said loudly: "Then Cao Ang is just a little kid. If we beat him, wouldn't we be bullying a child? Besides, he is not Yuan Shao's direct subordinate. If we attack him but not Yuan Shao's direct subordinate, then  Gongsun Zan thought we were deliberately trying to deal with him. Such an attack is not flattering on both sides, so it would be better not to fight at all!"

    The generals started arguing again. Zuo Miao Zhangba, Liu Shi, Qing Niujiao, Huang Long and others expressed their opinions one after another, and the hall was in chaos again.

    Zhang Yan patted her head. As the leader of a million-strong Montenegrin army, what should she do?  He fell into deep thought, and the generals in the hall became more and more noisy
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