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Piaotian Literature of the Fourth Empire of China Chapter 487 The tenacious battleship ¡®Majesty¡¯

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    Dense shells exploded around the battleship "Dignity". Although it was the first salvo fired at the "Dignity", under the guidance of the fire control system, the Chinese Navy's shelling was still surprisingly accurate.  Although, in this round of shelling, no shells hit the battleship "Dignity", but the nearest bomb impact point was less than 100 meters away from the battleship "Dignity".  The water jets splashed up on the sea, soaking all the decks of the battleship Majesty.

    "Damn it! Counterattack, counterattack now! What's going on with those Russians? Why haven't they formed a battle line yet?" In the flagship of the battleship Majesty, Fleet Commander Algernon MacLennan Lay  Sir Ance roared crazily.  The combat power of the Chinese Navy far exceeded his imagination.  This was completely different from what he had expected.  Judging from the current situation, the combined fleet has no chance of taking any advantage under the attack of the Chinese navy.  If this continues, it will only be a matter of time before they are defeated.

    The Chief of Staff of the Fleet, Sir Frederick William Richards, immediately sent a telegram to the Deputy Commander of the Fleet, Grand Duke Alexandrovich of the Russian Navy, requesting the Russian Navy¡¯s second battle line composed of seven battleships to start from the east.  Join the battle face-to-face and flank the battleships of the Chinese Navy's Home Fleet to alleviate the crisis in the first battle line of the Combined Fleet.

    The battleship 'Majesty' is the most powerful battleship currently in service in the British Navy and the first ship of the 'Majesty' class battleship.  The HMS Majestic battleship has a standard displacement of 14,900 tons and a full load displacement of 16,000 tons.  The maximum speed is 17.5 knots, and the main gun is two twin 305mm naval guns.  Among the dozens of battleships currently in service in the British Navy.  ¡®Dignity-class¡¯ battleships are the most powerful existences.  in addition.  A battleship under construction for the British Navy.  There is also a first-class "Old Man Star" battleship, but it will not be able to enter service until next year.  After that, there is the ¡®Dreadnought-class¡¯ battleship that has only begun to be built now.

    ¡°Order all ships to continue attacking the British flagship ¡®Majesty¡¯ and sink their flagship first!¡± Deng Shichang, Commander of the Chinese Navy¡¯s Home Fleet, ordered on the battleship ¡®Qin Shihuang¡¯.  The powerful firepower formed by the four 'Qin-class' battleships and the four 'Zhonghua-class' battleships was fully twice that of the first battle line of the combined fleet.  Launched an attack on the flagship of the United Fleet, the Majestic, with such intensive firepower.  No matter how lucky the Majesty is, it will definitely not be able to escape.

    "Boom! Boom!" Salvos were fired again and again, and the dense shells pierced the air, with a sharp whistle, and hit the battleship "Dignity" fiercely.  The British naval soldiers on the battleship "Majesty", apart from fighting back, could only pray for God's blessing.

    "Your Majesty, Commander, the 'Majesty' has become the main target of the Chinese. According to the current situation, the 'Majesty' will not be able to hold on for long. Please transfer immediately!" Fleet Chief of Staff Frederick William  ? suggested Sir Richards.

    "What? Let me leave the flagship now? It's been less than two hours since the battle started. Am I going to abandon the flagship? No. Absolutely not! This is an unforgivable shame for the proud British Navy!"  Fleet Commander Sir Algernon MacLennan Lyons roared angrily.  In his decades of naval career, he has never been so embarrassed. He absolutely cannot do this.

    "Your Excellency, Commander, it's too late to wait any longer. It will take some time for the Russians to arrive on the battlefield, and the 'Majesty' obviously can no longer hold on until the Russians arrive on the battlefield!" Frederic, Chief of Staff of the Combined Fleet  Sir William Richards said righteously.

    Commander of the Combined Fleet, Sir Algernon MacLennan Lyons, hesitated. He was also very aware of the situation of the battleship 'Majesty', although the battleship 'Majesty' had a displacement of more than 5,000 more than the battleship 'Collingwood'.  tons, and the armor is much thicker.  But faced with such powerful firepower of the Chinese Navy, it certainly won't be able to hold on for long.  The scene of the battleship Collingwood being blown into pieces still appeared before his eyes.  If the battleship Majestic was hit like that, it would definitely not be able to survive.

    "Boom!" Just as the commander of the Combined Fleet, Sir Algernon MacLennan Lyons, was hesitating, the battleship 'Majesty' shook violently. Sir Algernon MacLennan Lyons was thinking.  During the process, he didn't pay attention and fell to the ground the next week. Although he was not injured, his white marshal's uniform was already covered with dirt.

    "Report the loss!" Sir Frederick William Richards, Chief of Staff of the Combined Fleet, shouted loudly.  Obviously, the shaking just now was caused by the battleship Majesty being hit.

    "Reporting to your Excellency, Chief of Staff, the battleship 'Dignity' was hit on the starboard side and lost two secondary guns. There is no fatal danger!" In less than a minute, the battleship "Dignity"The captain of the battleship ?? found out the specific situation.

    In the salvo just now, the Chinese navy hit the battleship "Weight". However, the shells only destroyed two secondary guns and blew a huge hole on the starboard side of the battleship "Weight". It did not damage the battleship "Weight".  ' battleship inflicted fatal damage.  If the shell hits a few meters further down and explodes directly near the waterline.  The battleship "Majesty" has suffered a lot.

    "Your Excellency, Commander, transfer immediately! The battleship Majestic is no longer safe. We need to transfer to the battleships behind and continue to command the battle!" Sir Frederick William Richards, Chief of Staff of the Combined Fleet, said again  suggested once.

    This time, Sir Algernon MacLennan Lyons, commander of the United Fleet, did not refuse.  If the Majestic was sunk and he failed to move in time, the command of the British Navy would definitely be in chaos.  And the British Navy is the main force of the Combined Fleet. If the British Navy is in chaos, then this Combined Fleet expedition will end in failure.

    Soon, the Commander of the Combined Fleet, Sir Algernon MacLennan Lyons, and the Chief of Staff of the Combined Fleet, Sir Frederick William Richards, along with several staff officers, boarded the transport boat and, under heavy gunfire,  On the sea, he left the battleship "Majesty" and moved to the battleship "Hannibal" behind him to continue commanding the battle.

    At 8:30 in the morning on June 22, the command flag was raised on the battleship Hannibal, and the battleship Majestic also lowered the command flag. The flagship of the combined fleet was changed from the battleship Majestic to the battleship Hannibal.  Nibal' battleship.  The battleship "Majesty" is at the forefront of the battle line and is vulnerable to the full strength of the Chinese navy, while the battleship "Hannibal" is in the middle of the battle line and is more prepared to command battles.

    "Commander, the British have replaced the battleship Hannibal with a flagship. Should we continue to attack the battleship Hannibal?" Lieutenant General Li Haitao, chief of staff of the Chinese Navy's Home Fleet, asked.

    "No, continue to attack the battleship 'Dignity'. The battleship 'Dignity' can't hold on for much longer. Let's sink the battleship 'Dignity' first!" said Admiral Deng Shichang, commander of the Chinese Navy's Home Fleet.

    "Boom! Boom! Boom!" The eight battleships of the Chinese Navy continued to attack the battleship "Dignity". The situation of the battleship "Dignity" became more dangerous and it might be sunk at any time.

    "Boom!" In this salvo, the battleship 'Qin Shihuang' lived up to expectations and finally fired a crucial salvo.  In this salvo, two of the eight shells fired by the battleship Qin Shihuang hit the battleship Majesty. Together with the salvos fired by the other seven battleships, two shells also hit the battleship Majesty.  Battleship.  After being hit by four artillery shells at once, even though the battleship Majesty was a bit thick-skinned, it still couldn't withstand it!

    One of the four shells hit the starboard side of the battleship Majestic, blowing a large hole in the superstructure of the battleship Majesty, killing dozens of British naval soldiers.  The second shell hit the stern of the battleship Majestic, destroying the main gun at the stern, and the gun barrels were blown into pieces.  The third shell hit the chimney of the battleship Majestic. The battleship Majesty only had one chimney. After the chimney was knocked out, the speed of the battleship Majesty suddenly dropped.  The fourth shell hit the bridge of the battleship Majesty, killing all the officers inside, including the captain.  Fortunately, the commander and chief of staff of the combined fleet ran fast, otherwise they would have died.

    Although it had been hit by five shells, the battleship Majestic had already been riddled with thousands of holes.  However, the battleship Majestic was still not sunk, was still sailing, and continued to fire with its remaining front main guns, appearing very tenacious.

    "Hmph! It's been hit by so many shells and it hasn't been sunk yet. I want to see how long I can hold on! Keep bombarding!" Admiral Deng Shichang, commander of the Chinese Navy's Home Fleet, said coldly.

    "Boom! Boom! Boom!" Another salvo fired at the Majestic.  This salvo completely killed the battleship Majesty.  A cannonball penetrated through the middle of the ship, penetrated several cabins, and reached the bottom of the battleship before exploding.  Moreover, the keel of the battleship Majesty was directly blown off.  After the keel was blown off, the battleship Majesty was directly broken into two pieces.

    At 8:40 in the morning, the battleship "Majesty" sank!

    PS: The second update is here!  Please subscribe, please give me a monthly pass!  Thanks to book friend Kaixin Xiongjun for voting for the update!  Thanks to book friends Bo Yue, Zhong** people, and fffuuuddd for their monthly votes!
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