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Text Chapter 1057 The Yellow Peril

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    After the time entered mid-June 1912, the European battlefield fell into silence! Originally, the British and French allied forces planned to take advantage of the victory of the British Royal Navy to launch an attack on the German army, strive to win one or two decisive battles, and drive the German army away.  Out of France.

    "However, under the orders of the British and French governments, the British and French allied forces had to stop the offensive they had prepared and switched to defense. This also gave the demoralized German army a chance to breathe.  This allowed the German army to deploy more troops to strengthen the defense line in northeastern France.

    Although the attack has stopped, Britain and France have used their brains in other aspects.  On June 11, 1912, the "Times" did not publish the content of the war on the front page for the first time. Instead, two English words were used as the title "yeMlmwperl", and below it was a picture of Mongolian cavalry riding war horses sweeping across Europe.  In the picture, the Mongolian cavalry used their bows, arrows and sabers to slaughter European armies and civilians wantonly.  The text below introduces the historical Mongolian invasion of Europe.  In addition, it also spends a lot of space introducing China's current invasion of the Americas and China's threat to the entire Western world.  Let me remind you that the second "Yellow Peril" seems to be imminent.

    After that, every issue of The Times began to promote the "Yellow Peril Theory", and many other newspapers also joined in, including newspapers in France and other European countries.  For a time, the "Yellow Peril" theory was rampant in Europe and North America.  Even ordinary civilians learned about the history of the Mongols ravaging Europe through newspapers.  They fear history will repeat itself.  Many radical Europeans even held demonstrations and shouted slogans for Europeans to unite, stop the war, and kill all the Orientals.

    In history, there were two main Western expeditions by the Mongols. The first was to destroy Khwarezm, which was rising in Central Asia.  The second time was after annihilating Khwarezm and then invaded Europe.

    The Mongolian invasion of Europe, also known as the Western Expedition of the Elder Son, was the second large-scale Western Expedition of the Mongolian Empire after Genghis Khan's Western Expedition to Khwarezm (there was another Western Expedition after that, led by Hulagu, the younger brother of Mongol Khan)  .  It lasted about 8 years from the 12th year to about 1242, because it was led by the eldest son or eldest grandson of each clan king (the second son of Jochi, Batu, the eldest son of Ogedai, Guiyou, the eldest son of Tolei, Meng Ge, the eldest son of Chagatai, Sunbuli, the eldest son of Chagatai, etc.)  The soldiers marched to the west, so they were called "the eldest son marched to the west".  In this war, Batu was nominally the commander-in-chief.

    In fact, Subotai led the army, and the total number of troops under his command was estimated to be more than 120,000. He destroyed Kievan Rus, the Principality of Vladimir and other East Slavic countries, and destroyed the Kingdom of Hungary in the Battle of the Tisza River.  The campaign destroyed the divided medieval Poland.  In the spring of 1 year, while sending Kuo to march to the south, Ogedai Khan also sent Batu, Guiyou, Mengge and Buli to march to the west.

    In 1 year Ogedai Khan ordered Batu to conquer Russia.  The main force of the Western Expeditionary Army was led by Batu, Meng Ge and Guiyou.  In the spring of 1236, Guiyou and Mengge led their troops westward, and reached the territory of Burial through summer and autumn, and met up with Batu, Tanggu and others of the Jochi family who came.  The Mongolian army stormed "Bliar City, which is world-famous for its strong position and rich resources", massacred it, and then burned the city.  In the winter, the Mongolian army followed the river down.  The leader of the Qincha tribe (a Turkic clan), Khulu Suman, who lived in the IMberi Mountains between the Ural River and the Volga River, had already sent envoys to return money to Mongolia. As a result, his son Banducha and his clan welcomed the surrender.  .  Another tribal leader, Bqchman, insisted on resisting. They lurked in the jungle on the left bank of the Volga and attacked the Mongolian army from time to time.  In the early spring of 1, the Mongolian army conducted a hunting circle search, and the Bachiman were forced to flee to a small island in the Kuantian Gisi Sea (Caspian Sea).  Meng Ge led his army to brave the wind and waves and captured the eight red barbarians alive.  The nearby Alan tribe (Aut) and Qachir Ukwla (Qachir Ukwla) were also conquered.  The conquests of Burial and the Kipchak tribe opened the door to the west to Oros.  The Mongolian army no longer had any worries and could launch much more powerful expeditions without any scruples.

    In the autumn of 1 year, all the princes gathered together and decided to go straight from the northeastern Orosi in winter and pass through the Mordovan area.  In December 1, he arrived at the Yerezan State, located in today's Ryazan Oblast in central Russia and in the middle of the Oka River.  Mongolia sent an envoy to pay tribute: no matter high or low, they should pay one-tenth of all their wealth.  Rejected by the Yeliezan people.  The Mongolian army besieged the city and fought fiercely for five days. On December 21, 1 year, Suzdal fell.  In 1238, he invaded Moscow and burned the city.  Moscow's occupation not only completed the flanking encirclement of the Principality of Vladimir, but also directly threatened the entire northern Oros territory of the Principality of Novgorod.  In February, they besieged the city of Vladimir. Meng Ge personally led the main force to attack the city. Six days later, on February 8, 1238, the city was breached.  Other cities throughout the territory were captured one after another.  Then, the Mongolian army led by Boluantai immediately advanced northward.  On March 33, Yuri II' was completely annihilated by the Mongolian army in the Xidi River area.  Worried that spring was approaching, the ice and snow would melt, and the roads would be muddy and difficult to navigate, the Mongolian army withdrew directly south.  When passing through the small town of Kozelsk, the Mongolian army thought that the city was small and easy to capture, so they launched an attack. However, they encountered unexpectedly strong resistance. The soldiers and civilians in the city fought to the death.They defended until the last batch of resisters died heroically.  The Mongolian army was held back for seven weeks and paid a heavy price.  Afterwards, the Mongolian army withdrew to the lower Don River Basin for rest and recuperation.  In 129 AD, Mengge attacked Asu and besieged its capital, which took three months to capture (January 1240).  He also attacked the Circassians and killed their leader Tuhar.  Xiban, Buri and others invaded the Crimean Peninsula, while Beerge plundered the Kipchak tribe.  In the autumn of that year, Guiyou and Meng Ge were ordered to return eastward.  In 1240, after resting and reorganizing, the Mongolian army began to march westward.  In the autumn, they advanced and destroyed the cities of Belyaslava and Chernigova, and went straight to Qiwa. They sent an envoy in advance to surrender, but the envoy was killed.  The Mongolian army attacked the city, and a few days later (December 6) the city was defeated and the city was massacred and destroyed.  Continuing to move westward, some low-level dukes on the right bank of Ukraine all surrendered to Mongolia.

    In the spring of 1241, the Mongolian army was divided into two groups. The main force was led by Batu and his brothers, and the heroic general Subotai, who invaded Hungary. The other group was led by Badar and Uliang Hetai (son of Subotai) and invaded Poland.  Eliminate possible threats from the right while the main force is in Hungary.  In February, the Mongolian army crossed the river to the vicinity of Kerakova, plundered and retreated.  In March, the Mongolian army attacked again, defeated the Polish army, burned Krakova, and entered Silesia.  Henry, the Grand Duke of Silesia, assembled the Silesian and Polish armies, as well as the German and Teutonic Knights, a total of 30,000 people, divided into five groups.  The Mongolian army, Shebu Le Si Lao, advanced to force Legnizi, and also divided into five groups to attack.  On April 9, the two armies fought, the Polish army was defeated, and Henry was killed.  The victor cut off an ear from each enemy corpse, and it is reported that there were nine large bags in total.  The Mongolian army marched south into Moravia, burning, killing and looting all the way to the border of Bohemia and Austria.

    Yaroslava, the brave general of Bohemia, guarded Ormuz.  The Mongolian army could not attack for a long time, so they sent several armies to stay nearby.  Seeing that the Mongolian army was slightly slack, Yaroslava attacked at night on June 24.  The Mongolian army suffered heavy casualties and retreated to Hungary in three days to join Batu's main force.  Batu invaded Hungary in three ways.  Xiban took the area between Poland and Moravia in the north, Hedan advanced from Moravia in the east, and Batu broke through Galicia.  The Mongolian army invaded the city of Budas.  In April, Bela recruited 60,000 Mazar reinforcements to fight, but the Mongolian army retreated without a fight.  Biela entered the Sayue River and set up camp on the west bank, guarding the bridge with a thousand men.  That night, the Mongolian army stormed Batu and captured the bridge. Subutai waded across the river and surrounded the Hungarian military camp.  The entire army was wiped out and he escaped alone.  The Mongolian army captured the city of Budas, set it on fire and massacred all its people.  In the summer and autumn of that year, the Mongolian army was stationed east of the Danube River and divided its forces to plunder.  The Mongolian army plundered Spalato and Kataro, and fled to a small island in the Adriatic Sea.  Ogedai passed away on December 11. When news came, Batu withdrew his troops and returned eastward due to the issue of succession to the Khan throne.  The Hedan army also returned eastward via Serbia and Batu. In early 1243, it arrived at the Batu garrison in the lower reaches of the Volga River.

    In just one week, the topic of discussion in the entire Western world has shifted from war to the "Yellow Peril".  Even China's ally Germany, many people are worried that the "Yellow Peril" will invade Europe again.  After all, when the Mongols first marched westward, the Germans suffered heavy casualties.  Some German government officials also suggested that the government revise its previous strategy, stop wars with Western countries, and unite to destroy China.  The sequelae of the annihilation of the main force of the German High Seas Fleet have been fully demonstrated.  After feeling unable to defeat Britain and France, Germany's elite seemed to want to find another way out.  And this outlet is their former ally.

    On the evening of June 18, 1912, General Wei Zhiyong, director of the Military Intelligence Bureau, met with the Emperor Wang Yuze and handed over to Wang Yuze the intelligence on the "Yellow Peril" in Europe compiled by the Military Intelligence Bureau during this period.

    "Those bastard Westerners are really cunning!" Wang Yuze cursed after reading the information.  What he was most worried about was still going to happen.  The Allies suddenly launched the "Yellow Peril" theory. This weapon caught China quite unprepared.  After the rise of China, the Western world has been wary of China.  Now coupled with the guidance of the government, the entire Western world will inevitably become extremely hostile to the Eastern world led by China.  Once the world war evolves from a war between the two opposing imperialist blocs, the Allies and the Entente, to a war between the East and the West, China will face very great difficulties.  China now is well-deserved to be number one in the world in terms of comprehensive national strength, but if the entire Western world unites, China will be far behind!
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