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Text Chapter 235 Sweet days

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    Chapter 235: Sweet days

    "Are you okay, you guys?" Although she just received a call saying she was okay, Zhang Qian still rushed over.

    "It's okay, I just took a few photos. What are these?" Liu Junhao opened the camera and showed it to his wife, wanting to test her.

    "Pigeonsit doesn't seem to be the case. This thing has never been found before, right?" Zhang Qian looked at it carefully for a while, but in the end she really didn't recognize it.

    ¡°Look, I¡¯ll just say it¡¯s a bird that hasn¡¯t been discovered yet.¡± Her statement about this new species was immediately confirmed by Wu Yanan.  After saying this, the little girl glanced at Liu Junhao, as if she was the authority and you were just guessing.

    Khan, Liu Junhao can only shut up again, let¡¯s wait for Professor Zhao¡¯s judgment.  This girl's mind is so wrapped up that she won't believe anything she says.

    "This is a sparrow." When several people showed the photo to Professor Zhao, he replied with certainty.

    "Really? Please take a closer look." Wu Yanan was quite unwilling after hearing this.  I just spent a long time in the tree in fear, and I actually took a few photos of sparrows. It was not worth it no matter how much I thought about it.

    ¡°You don¡¯t have to look, it must be the case. I¡¯ve seen it before when I went to the countryside for inspections. However, the albino sparrow is not as obvious as this, and its tail is still a little gray. You can check online, there must be similar news online.¡±

    Although Professor Zhao made it very clear, Wu Yanan still went to Liu Junhao to check online.  After checking, it is true as Mr. Zhao said. This thing is rare, but it is not an isolated incident. There are really a lot of news about white sparrows on the Internet.

    No matter how depressed or unwilling the little girl is, she can only accept this result.

    "Sending this photo to the newspaper will be regarded as providing news clues and there will be rewards." Zhang Qian saw her dejected look and comforted her with a smile.

    "Really?" When Wu Yanan heard this, his eyes suddenly lit up.

    ??????????????????????? How come you are just like my wife, she is also a money addict, and always thinks about money when encountering things.

    After sending these students away, it was almost dark, and then the couple remembered about steaming buns.

    After dinner, Zhang Qian was washing dishes in the kitchen, while Liu Junhao was sitting comfortably in front of the computer playing Landlords.  As a result, after just two games, my wife started clamoring to watch a TV series.

    He originally wanted to lie on the bed and read a book, but Zhang Qian insisted on dragging him to watch Korean dramas.  He said that he had just eaten and it was not good for him to go to bed too early. The TV series was only interesting for two people to watch.

    Helpless, he had no choice but to stay there with his wife in the cold.  The weather forecast said there would be strong winds tonight. The wind was not blowing at the moment, but the weather was obviously cooling down.  Less than half an hour after sitting in front of the computer, Liu Junhao felt his legs getting cold.

    "No, I have to go back to sleep. It's too cold." After sitting for another five or six minutes, seeing that his wife had no intention of sleeping, he got up and went back to the bedroom.

    It¡¯s still early to go to bed now. After Liu Junhao took off his clothes, he didn¡¯t feel sleepy. He just lay on the bed and looked at his stone locks.

    "Heywhat is it? It sprouted so early." When he opened the stone lock, he was very surprised.

    I saw a few strands of green sprouting on the yellow-brown sand. Although it was "the little lotus has just revealed its sharp corners", it can be seen that it was only unearthed in the past few days.

    "Prickly Foot Bud" took a long time to identify, and he finally figured out what kind of plant those new buds were.

    I had the impression that I had not planted this thing inside. Liu Junhao thought about it for a long time and did not remember when he had sown the seeds of spinach buds inside.  It might have been mixed in when harvesting other plants in Qiu Li. In the end, he could only come to this conclusion.

    Recognizing the thorn-foot bud, he felt a little relieved.  This thing is particularly cold-resistant. Basically, winter has not yet passed, and they can't wait to poke their heads out of the ground.

    Since the thorn-foot buds have grown, the yellow flower seedlings should have been unearthed. There were a lot of them scattered on the beach.  Liu Junhao searched carefully on the beach, but found no other plants.

    How is this going?  He became confused again. Could it be that Thornfoot Bud was more adapted to the environment of Shisuo?  After thinking about it for a long time, I couldn't think of a reason, so I simply stopped thinking about it and let everything take its course.

    "I didn't look at it either." After a while, Zhang Qian entered the bedroom.

    "What, it doesn't look good?" Liu Junhao straightened up and asked.

    "It's boring to watch alone." Zhang Qian also got into bed and played with her mobile phone.  The quilt was just warm, but when she lifted it, it immediately became cold.

    I watched my wife stretch out and take off her down jacket.  So whatLiu Junhao suddenly felt itchy in his heart.  She was wearing a tight-fitting woolen sweater, which was tightly wrapped around her body, highlighting her exquisite curves.

    The ancients said that when you are full, you will have lustful thoughts. This is true. He had just finished eating, and his thoughts came to him.

    ? ???I'm so full. I ate too much at night and my stomach was full.  Do you think I'm getting fat?  "Zhang Qian didn't notice her husband's expression and just opened her woolen sweater.

    "Hmm" Before I could think about it, I heard a low growl from Xiaopi coming from the window.

    "Go out and see what's wrong with Xiaopi?" Zhang Qian quickly pushed him.

    "It's okay, it's not like I haven't screamed anymore." It was too cold, and Liu Junhao didn't want to leave the warm bed without saying anything.

    "Go and see if anything has been put into the yard." Zhang Qian was still a little worried.

    "Don't worry, there are still wild ducks." He was quite confident in his Xiaopi's ability.  If something else had really entered, I'm afraid he would have been screaming wildly by now.  The low growl just now was obviously a threat. It was probably teased by other things in the house without opening its eyes.

    Besides, the water ducks, Qingzhuang, Doudou, etc. in the yard are not vegetarians. If there is anything wrong, they will definitely call the police.

    Hearing what he said, Zhang Qian thought about it and did not continue to ask.  She naturally knew that her wild ducks were very vigilant at night, and there must be sentries at night.  Since the sentry duck didn't call, it meant everything was fine.

    Speaking of which, the two of them really didn't pay attention to the wild duck sentry before. Liu Junhao discovered it once when he got up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet.  At that time, he saw a black shadow walking around in front of the chicken coop. He thought he was encountering a weasel, so he ran over and chased it away.  Unexpectedly, the thing immediately screamed as soon as it got closer.  Immediately afterwards, the ducks in the duck nest also followed the sound, screaming and rushing out.  Before Liu Junhao could react, these guys all flew into the night sky.

    "Following the sound of the sleeping hen and Qingzhuang, they started to have fun. The movement here woke up Professor Zhao and came over with a handheld light to ask what happened.

    Liu Junhao was quite confused at first. He never thought that the thing pacing back and forth in front of the duck house just now was actually a water duck. What did that guy want to do if he didn't sleep at night? Sleepwalking?

    Professor Zhao finally solved the mystery for him. The duck was on guard.  Although these wild ducks have been tamed by humans, some of their instincts have not been eliminated.

    Even in the safe environment of a yard, mallard ducks remain vigilant at night.  It was probably too dark just now, and the duck didn't recognize its owner for a while, so it sounded a warning.  Then the panic alarmed Hen Hen and Qingzhuang, and the yard finally became noisy.

    Liu Junhao is no longer worried about the safety of his yard since he learned that these guys were on guard duty at night.  Later, he discovered that those Qingzhuangs also had sentries at night.

    ?????????????????????????????????.  Let alone a thief in the yard at night, it would be impossible even for a mouse to sneak in.

    That¡¯s why Liu Junhao didn¡¯t bother to go out and check.

    But before he could lie down, the tabby cat started barking again, and then he heard Wukong screaming.

    "Liu Junhao, something's still wrong. Go out and have a look." Zhang Qian noticed something was wrong this time, so she turned over and put on her down jacket.

    As he was talking, the wild ducks in the yard were squawking.

    "There's something really wrong." Liu Junhao got up in a hurry, didn't even put on his clothes, just picked up the portable lamp and rushed out.

    As soon as he reached the door, Xiaopi rushed up to him and wagged his tail.

    "What's going on? Your dog didn't give a warning?"  Then he shined the lantern towards the duck house, only to see Wukong sneaking away from the wild ducks.

    What's wrong with the monkey? It's not because he wants to steal duck eggs, right?  The weather was not cold a few days ago, and my wild ducks would lay eggs every now and then.  At that time, some people in the village were quite surprised to see this happening. They all knew that ducks, unlike hens, generally do not lay eggs in winter, and asked him one by one if he had any tips.

    Liu Junhao naturally understood that it was the effect of spring water, but when people asked about it, he could only pretend to be confused.  In the end, Mr. Zhao helped him find the basis. He said that wild ducks do not stop laying eggs in the winter in southern my country, and they can continue to lay eggs until June of the second year.  The ducks in his yard all belong to the first generation, and the breeding environment has not changed much, so the original instincts of the wild ducks have been maintained quite thoroughly.

    After hearing this explanation, many people in the village said they would change duck species next year and raise wild ducks instead.

    In fact, the fact that wild ducks lay eggs in winter is just a reason. They are interested in Liu Junhao's wild ducks.  This thing has a high yield, and the duck eggs it produces are more expensive than domestic duck eggs.  What's more important is that the price of wild duck meat is not low. Domestic ducks only cost about ten yuan per pound. But wild ducks are different. Last time, a tourist paid a price of twenty yuan, but they didn't sell it in the end.

    Precisely because of this, most families in the village have reserved duck eggs for next year.  It doesn't matter to Liu Junhao. There are many large and small ponds in Liujiagou. If the villagers canIt¡¯s good enough to break a new path in duck farming.

    Besides, he is not afraid of others learning skills. In fact, he has no skills to learn. The only secret skill is probably the stone lock.

    "What's there?" Zhang Qian put on her down jacket and rushed out in a hurry.

    "It's okay, maybe Wukong wanted to steal duck eggs and was discovered by the wild ducks." Liu Junhao said and shined the lantern on the monkey, only to find that what the guy was holding in his paws was not an egg, but a big armful of firewood.

    "Zhizhi" When it looked at its owner, it threw down the straw and ran straight into the house.

    Liu Junhao didn¡¯t wear thick clothes just now, and now he felt cold.  The two of them went straight into the house without delaying outside.

    "Where's the monkey?" Zhang Qian turned around and looked around the main room, but didn't find Wukong's shadow.

    "Zhizhi," the guy heard his owner calling him and screamed immediately.

    In the bedroom, why did he get into the bedroom again after a while?

    When I entered the bedroom, I found that this guy was hiding in Liu Junhao's down jacket, with only a monkey's head barely showing.  There was still a duck feather left on his forehead, obviously from the fight just now.

    "Come out" Liu Junhao pulled it out. The monkey had been making trouble in the duck house for a long time. It was already dirty. Don't let it stain the down jacket.

    Unexpectedly, Wukong was very reluctant to take off his down jacket. After being pulled out by Liu Junhao, he still held on tightly with his claws.

    "The weather suddenly changed tonight. It's too cold. I guess it's frozen." Zhang Qian was attentive. When she saw the way it shivered while holding on to its down jacket, she immediately guessed what happened.

    "No wonder" Liu Junhao also understood.  I just saw it holding a lot of firewood. It must have wanted to steal some from the duck house and put it in its nest.  The cries of Xiaopi and Doudou can be explained. It must have been this guy's original intention to attack them, but his own strength was too weak and he didn't get any benefits.

    To say that this guy deserved it, Liu Junhao was afraid that it would get cold earlier, so he specially got some tattered clothes and stuffed them into the monkey's nest.  But within two days, this guy tore his clothes into a pile of rags and threw them everywhere.  Now that the weather has suddenly turned cold, it finally knows what it feels like to be cold.

    However, seeing Wukong¡¯s aggrieved look huddled in his down jacket, he had no choice but to find some tattered cotton wool from the house.

    After laying a thick layer in the monkey's nest, Wukong stopped making noises and stayed in the nest.

    When he entered the house, he was a little stunned.  My wife was shouting that she was full just now, and now she got a bunch of mountain fruits to eat as snacks.

    "It's okay, Xiaoshi," Zhang Qian understood her husband's thoughts very well, raised the plate and said, "Try it, this thing tastes very sweet after being left for a while."

    Can it not be sweet? It is specially processed in stone locks.  Liu Junhao had no intention of eating it originally, but seeing that his wife was enjoying the meal, he couldn't help but pinch one and put it in his mouth to taste.

    Since that time he ate the apples stored in the stone locks, Liu Junhao put his other fruits in them to nourish them for a period of time.  The result was very good. After being moistened by the spring water, the fruit was obviously more delicious than before.

    Let¡¯s talk about this mountain fruit. It¡¯s a bit sweeter than before, and the taste is particularly unique.  There is a slight sour taste when you taste it carefully, which makes your mouth salivate, and you want to continue eating after eating it.

    Soon, the two of them finished the large plate of mountain fruits. Seeing that his wife had plans to eat, Liu Junhao suggested: "Shall we get some more?"

    Zhang Qian nodded and agreed, not thinking about her belly at all at this moment.

    The mountain wind has finally picked up. Even lying on the bed, you can clearly hear the tops of the poplar trees outside being blown away.  There were also "clicking" and "clicking" sounds in the middle. It should be that the branches of some tree were broken.

    Both of them thought the weather was too cold, so they didn't go out to see it. They just curled up in the warm quilt.  Zhang Qian was playing with her mobile phone, while Liu Junhao was leisurely flipping through the pages of a book. Of course, from time to time he would reach out to touch a mountain fruit and stuff it into his mouth.

    The days are so sweet!

    {Piaotia Literature thanks all book friends for their support, your support is our greatest motivation}
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