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Text Chapter 289 Drink water

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    After all, they are the students they have taught.  The students are not doing well, and his face as a teacher is not shining brightly.  Along the way, Teacher Chai naturally asked Liu Junhao in detail.  After hearing his experience, the old man was amazed and even said that you have a crooked talent. It is true that the east is not bright but the west is bright.

    "Waicaithis doesn't sound like a compliment."  Am I getting rich through hard work? If it were someone else, I would naturally have to retort.  But it was his teacher who said this, so Liu Junhao really couldn't say anything.  When they first went to school, Teacher Chai didn't think much of him and Pang Xu, but now that he thinks about it, it's more of a lesson about hating iron and not making steel, so Liu Junhao still respects this old man.

    Pang Xu¡¯s family has many relatives, including his father¡¯s four brothers and his own relatives and friends. In the end, ten banquet tables were enough to seat.

    Although the banquet was sumptuous, the food was mediocre.  For a greedy person like Liu Junhao, I can only give him a passing grade.

    It was the whole chicken that aroused everyone's interest when it was brought out. They all said that the chicken was big. After eating it, they kept praising it and even praised the chef for his authentic cooking.  Liu Junhao felt a little proud when he heard this.  "Produced by the Liu Family Courtyard, it must be a high-quality product." It seems that this local chicken like me is popular everywhere.

    The whole fish that followed was even more impressive, and everyone asked which reservoir the fish was caught from. There is absolutely no such good fish in the town.

    According to the custom of rural banquets, there must be a person accompanying guests at each table. The first condition for accompanying guests is to be able to drink.  The person accompanying this table is Pang Yu, the child of Pang Xu's second uncle's family, only one year younger than Liu Junhao.  When he was in school, this man often followed him and Pang Xu around, so he was very familiar with Liu Junhao.  Pang was very clear about what was going on here and said with a smile: "The fish farming king is in front of you. He is my brother Xiao Hao from Liujiagou. The eels he raises are famous in the city, and many city people specialize in driving.  Come and buy it. My brother also drove over to pick up the local chicken from earlier yesterday afternoon."

    Hearing what he said, Liu Junhao immediately became the focus of the banquet. One or two people asked about the conditions for raising eels, and some said they would go to Liujiagou to learn from him in the next few days.

    After the three main dishes were served, a bowl of water was brought out.

    ¡°Come onlet¡¯s get started,¡± Pang said, holding out his spoon to greet everyone.

    Because there are soup bowls among the three dishes, each person has a pair of chopsticks, a small porcelain plate and a spoon in front of them.  The porcelain plate and spoon are for drinking soup.  Dessert is the next course, so the grease stains on the spoons need to be cleaned. This bowl of water is brought here for people to wash the spoons.

    A few people just put their spoons in to stir, and someone over there scooped a spoonful of water and put it in their mouths. Then they shouted with confusion: "What kind of soup is this? Why doesn't it taste good?"

    "This" Everyone at the table was stunned.

    Although Pang has been at banquets several times, this is the first time he has encountered this situation. He doesn¡¯t know how to explain to the visitor: that is not soup, but water for cleaning the tableware.  If pointed out immediately.  The guest will definitely feel a loss of face, and then there will be embarrassment.

    "Why don't you drink?" Seeing the people at the table looking at me with strange expressions, that person felt even more strange and didn't know what was wrong with him.

    "Come on let's all drink." Seeing that the boy couldn't handle the situation, Liu Junhao had to quietly push Pang? with his arm, and then reached out to scoop up a spoonful of water and put it into his mouth.

    "Hmm Come on, let's take advantage of the heat." Pang also reacted and put his spoon into the big bowl.

    At this time, the remaining people understood and picked up their spoons one after another.

    Suddenly, spoons were tumbling at the banquet, and the atmosphere was extremely "hot".

    Within two minutes, a large bowl of water was shared by everyone.

    After the banquet, it was almost afternoon

    The two of them were worried about Zhang Qian's father's affair, so they didn't stay much longer and directly said hello to Pang Xu and prepared to take the car back.

    This guy¡¯s face was red from being fed at noon, and he stood up unsteadily to send them off.  Liu Junhao quickly asked him to stop. They were all acquaintances and there was no need for these false courtesy.

    Sitting in the car, as soon as Liu Junhao told the story about everyone drinking water at the wine table, Zhang Qian lay in his arms and laughed non-stop.  Finally, he nodded repeatedly and shouted: "No wonder that high school teacher said that you are careless in everything you do when it comes to serious things, and you are clear about all the crooked things. You are really full of them."

    "Your husband, I am called quick-witted, okay?" He was quite proud of his actions. Afterwards, the boy kept thanking himself.

    "How old is that person?" Zhang Qian stopped laughing and asked.

    ¡°You¡¯re in your thirties, what¡¯s wrong?¡±

    "Then it is said that I must have experienced many scenes, how??It¡¯s like you haven¡¯t been through the banquet?  Zhang Qian asked doubtfully.

    "Have you ever heard that guy Pang Xu say, 'If you travel three miles away, the customs are very different.' In some places, there are no desserts at the banquet. It's normal if you don't know." Liu Junhao understands this.  Because of the different customs, there are many things to make jokes about.

    When they arrived at the town by car, the two of them didn¡¯t get to the terminal, but got off directly at Lao Guo¡¯s beef stall.

    As soon as they came down, the black panther excitedly rushed towards them, wagging its tail at them.

    "I wonder why this guy has been squatting here all day without going home. He recognized your electric car." Lao Guo exclaimed with a hint of emotion.

    "Haha, this is all familiar." Liu Junhao smiled and patted Black Panther's head.  This guy now regards Liujiagou as his second home and always comes to stay with him every now and then.  Every time Zhao Guangming couldn't find Black Panther, he would immediately call Liujiagou.

    The same is true for Pi. As long as he sees Liu Junhao pushing an electric car on the street, that guy will follow him like crazy.  Today it wanted to follow again, but Zhang Qian scolded her back.

    After talking to Lao Guo for a while, the two rode towards home.

    ¡°Finally we¡¯re home, the environment here is better.¡± Zhang Qian said with emotion as she sat behind the electric car and pulled the back of her husband¡¯s clothes with her hands.  Only through comparison can one judge. After seeing the environment near Pang Xu's home, she really felt the benefits of Liujiagou.  Beautiful mountains and clear waters, comfortable life, and harmonious coexistence between man and nature.  No wonder Xu Xiaoli often sighs with emotion.  She said that Pang Xu's family was half as good as the one in Liujiagou, and she also planned to take root in the countryside for the rest of her life.

    After driving a few miles, suddenly there was a "squeaking" bird call overhead.

    "Our Qingzhuang is greeting us." Zhang Qian pointed at the big bird in the air and shouted excitedly.

    "No, you can see clearly from such a height?" Liu Junhao looked a little suspicious of her eyes.  Since raising Qingzhuang at home, whenever my wife sees this bird in the wild, she thinks it belongs to her.

    "Of course, I can see it clearly. If you don't believe me, just whistle and take a look."

    "I'll try." Liu Junhao naturally didn't believe her words. He sucked in his mouth, curled his tongue slightly, and a sharp whistle came out of his mouth.  Teacher Chai was right when he said he had crooked talents.  Liu Junhao's whistle is very good. He blows with his mouth alone, bends his index finger and puts it into his mouth, crosses his two middle fingers, seals his hands into an urn, etc. He is very good at it.

    When whistling was popular to tease girls, many people worshiped him as their teacher.  Of course, he was often scolded by the teacher because of the whistle.

    "Guagua", the Qingzhuangs in the sky also shouted to join, and then they all fluttered their wings and fell down.

    ¡°It¡¯s really I didn¡¯t expect these guys to go cross-country.

    Arriving at the entrance of the village, I saw Xiaopi waiting there from a distance.  Before taking two steps, Wukong jumped down from the tree next to him and stopped in the middle of the road.

    As soon as Liu Junhao stopped the electric car, the guy immediately jumped into the basket in front of the car with a squeak.

    "Our animals are so smart, they know how to come out to greet their master even from such a distance." Zhang Qian stroked Wukong's head and shouted.

    "You're just being smart. Xiaopi may have come here specially, but Wukong and the group of Qingzhuang are definitely taking risks." Liu Junhao said in a questioning tone.  There is indeed something evil about yellow-spotted skin. The last time I came back from the city, as soon as I got off the car, that guy was already waiting at the door of the car.  As for Qingzhuang and Monkey, they don¡¯t seem to have such special abilities.

    Sure enough, the mystery was quickly revealed. Several little guys stood not far away, waving to them and shouting: "Uncle, aunt (Uncle Liu, Aunt Zhang), you are back!"

    "Why are you here playing in the water? Come back quickly." I saw four people laying tiles by the pond.  Zhang Qian quickly called them to her side.

    "You just called and said you were almost in town. Grandma asked us to come over and see if you have returned."

    "Uncle Liu, your little swallow has hatched." At this moment, Xiao Haoyu anxiously announced the good news.

    "Really?" Zhang Qian was very excited when she heard that Xiaoyan had hatched.  To be honest, she was worried about this litter of little ones.  Since the sparrows took over their nests last time, Zhang Qian has to tell her husband before going to school, asking him to pay more attention when he is fine and not to let the sparrows throw away the swallow eggs again.

    "Well," Xiao Tongtong nodded, and then complained: "Wukong wanted to steal the little swallow, but we drove him away"

    "Zhizhi" The monkey didn't know whether he understood it or not. He just bared his teeth and barked at the little girl.

    Hearing voices outside, people in the courtyard poured out one after another.

    Khanthis is really a large army.  Zhang Qian's parents, brother and sister-in-law, and the old ladies who came here for traveling.  ?When we got down, there were nearly twenty people in the yard.

    Although both of them were a little tired, they still greeted each other with smiles on their faces.  At any rate, those old ladies didn't stay in the courtyard for long. After a while, they got up and went to the big weir pond to watch fishing.  This year's fishing competition was even more lively than last year. The number of people more than doubled, and the entire bank of the weir pond was almost completely fenced.

    There were only her family left in the yard, and the atmosphere was much more relaxed. After Zhang Qian drank a cup of herbal tea, she hurriedly took the camera to take a picture of the little swallow that had just left the nest.  She had already planned to take photos of the growth process of the little swallow, and when she had time, she would develop the photos for the students in the class to see.

    When the ladder reached the wall, the monkey was more anxious than anyone else and slithered to the top.  But as soon as it went up, the old swallow protecting the nest screamed, showing no dignity at all.

    "Wukong, come down." As his master scolded him, he had no choice but to jump down dejectedly.  This guy is in conflict with Yanzi, and people don't like him at all.

    After driving the monkey down, Zhang Qian carefully climbed up the ladder.  The swallow did not chase her away this time, but just squatted on the edge of the nest and flapped its wings, as if showing off her child to her.

    "Isn't this Xiaoyan afraid of people?" Zhang Ma asked with great interest.

    ¡°Well, Xiaoqian often catches grasshoppers and caterpillars and feeds them to them after school, and they are all cooked,¡± Liu Junhao replied in a low voice.  It should be said that this swallow is more affectionate to his wife than to himself.

    "You can cook everything in your yard. It's really rare. Do you have any tips?" Brother Zhang Qian also sighed with emotion.  To say that he is now completely convinced by his brother-in-law, such a small yard can actually achieve such great success.

    "Monkeys, qingzhuang, otters, etc., watching them play freely in the courtyard always makes people a little envious.

    ¡°It¡¯s nothing, they¡¯ll get used to you as you raise them.¡± Liu Junhao laughed, knowing in his heart that most of the reason why those guys got to know each other so quickly in the courtyard was due to the spring water.  Of course, part of it is personal charm. He found that he and his wife have a special affinity with animals.

    After breakfast the next day, several little ones were clamoring to go to the village to participate in the fishing competition. Zhang Qian¡¯s brother and sister-in-law also expressed their intention to go.

    "Bring Baoyu and Daiyu with you when you go. They are good at catching fish. With their help, it will be easy to become a fishing champion." Liu Junhao suggested with a smile.

    "Baoyu and Daiyu?" Several people were confused for a moment, not knowing who he was talking about.

    "Don't listen to his nonsense, it's just those two otters." Zhang Qian revealed the mystery in a dumbfounded voice.  When the otter was first captured, the two of them were trying to come up with a name.  Liu Junhao followed the convention that our animal names come from four famous works, so he named the big otter Jia Baoyu and the smaller otter Lin Daiyu.

    Zhang Qian disagreed with anything and said these two names were inappropriate.  But when she thought about it, there was no suitable one. In the end, "Jia Baoyu" and "Lin Daiyu" became the temporary names for otters.

    "That's the name. Your tabby cat should just be renamed Shiyu Song Gongming." After hearing those two names, Dad Zhang also had a rare fun.

    "I'm going to drive the otter out." When Xiao Jianhui heard that the otter was an expert at catching fish, he immediately ran to the pool to beat it.

    "Don't move, let your uncle do it." Zhang Qian stepped forward and pulled him back.  This otter is different from other animals in that it is particularly ferocious. In addition to being familiar with Liu Junhao, it will not bite him unless he comes near him.  The two guys would scream threats whenever anyone else came near the cave.

    "Baoyu, Daiyu, come out quickly." Liu Junhao called to the entrance of the cave several times, and the two guys stuck their heads out of the water.

    In fact, otters can walk on the shore, but their movements are too clumsy. In order to save time, Liu Junhao reached out and grabbed the two naked guys and lifted them into the ditch outside the door.

    Several people were walking on the shore, and otters followed closely in the water.  This ditch leads all the way to the weir pond, so there is no need for him to touch it a second time.


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