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Part One: The Storm of Penghu Chapter 523 Hiroshima 129 "Martyrs"

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    Qiang Ming 523_Qiang Ming full text free reading_Chapter 523 Hiroshima One Hundred and Twenty-Nine "Martyrs" from (.)

    The fall of Akaishi Mountain exposed the entire Kyoto to direct artillery fire from the Ming army.  .

    When the news reached Kyoto, Tokugawa Iemitsu's heart was filled with panic.  He never thought that Aida Xiang would suffer such a rapid defeat.

    Chishi Mountain was even lost without any resistance.

    What should we do now?

    The entire Kyoto has begun to be armed, but there is not much time left for the Japanese.  Soon, the Ming army's vanguard will appear outside Kyoto.

    ¡°His Majesty the Emperor still doesn¡¯t know the news of the defeat of Akaishi Mountain. He should hide it for as long as possible.

    The retainers have all been mobilized and are busy working nervously according to the previous division of labor.  A large number of swords and guns were redistributed, and those samurai, ronin, and civilians who were likely to take up arms in the upcoming defense battle of Kyoto have been mobilized.

    All for Kyoto!

    News is constantly coming, and the enemy is approaching every moment.

    When the forward of the Ming army finally appeared outside Kyoto, Tokugawa Iemitsu knew that he could no longer hide it.  When he reported the news to Emperor Meisho, the Japanese empress was silent for a moment, and then said slowly:

    "General, can Kyoto be defended?"

    "Yes! It must be possible!" Tokugawa Iemitsu's answer was very certain: "Japan has been invaded before in its history, but they were all repelled heroically by us. This time is no exception. No one can occupy it.  Our country. Please rest assured, Your Majesty, I will defend Kyoto until the enemy's invasion is completely defeated and Japan's peace and tranquility will be guaranteed!"

    "Then I'll leave it to you, General." Mingzheng sighed softly: "I will pray for you and all the warriors in the palace, and Amaterasu will definitely bless us."

    "Amaterasu will definitely bless us." Tokugawa Iemitsu said and carefully left the palace

    However, the situation was completely different from what he imagined. After he left the palace, he received a terrible piece of news:

    Hiroshima Castle fell, and the city lord Yoshikawa Bugo committed suicide!

    In fact, the fall of Hiroshima City was only a matter of time.  The only thing the Yoshikawa family relied on was support from Kyoto.  But under the three-pronged offensive of the Ming army, Kyoto could no longer protect itself, so how could it support Hiroshima City?

    Relying solely on the strength of Hiroshima Castle itself was simply unable to withstand the Ming army's attack.  So everything fell into place.

    When the first shell fell on Hiroshima City, Yoshikawa Bugo knew that the moment of the final battle had arrived

    Shells ravaged the walls of Hiroshima Castle.  Bursts of smoke enveloped the entire city of Hiroshima.  Houses were burning, Hiroshima was shaking, and nothing could be done to save the place.

    But what I have to admit is that Yoshikawa Buwu is still a brave man. Even if he faces such a fierce offensive from the Ming army, if he has an absolute advantage, he has no intention of retreating.

    Like Kyoto, all of Hiroshima has been armed.  All those who could go to war, whether they wanted to or not, were issued weapons.  Joined the defense of Hiroshima Castle.

    The sound of gunfire sounds so terrifying, but the Japanese in Hiroshima City had to endure such torture.  Once they lose this place, they will inevitably lose everything.

    There were also those who were cowardly and fearful of war, but Yoshikawa Buwu's harsh punishment temporarily stopped the terrible fluctuations in people's hearts.  Those who fell under severe punishment even included Yan Benzheng, a veteran of the Yoshikawa family.

    This is a true veteran of the Yoshikawa family. He has been serving the Yoshikawa family since Yoshikawa Buwu's grandfather.

    When the Ming army began a large-scale offensive and Iwakuni was lost, Yan Benzheng did not think that Hiroshima could be defended.  He had been to the Ming Dynasty and knew that this huge empire had serious problems.  But the power is definitely not comparable to Japan.

    Once the Ming Dynasty develops "ambition" towards Japan, it will be a very terrible thing.

    But his worries finally came true

    On the day when the news of the loss of Iwakuni came, Yan Benzheng found Yoshikawa Buwu and told him that unnecessary resistance would bring huge disaster to Hiroshima.

    The only feasible way is to surrender!

    Yoshikawa Buwu expressed his determination to resist to the end in front of him. Yan Benzheng said nothing more at that time

    But when the Ming army came to the city, Yan Benzheng found him againHe brought him, and this time he did not come alone. He brought twenty Yoshikawa retainers who were as worried as him and more than a hundred of their disciples.

    He does not want to threaten Yoshikawa Buwu, he just wants to use all available forces to tell Yoshikawa Buwu the seriousness of the current situation.

    ??????????? But in Yoshikawa Bugo¡¯s view, it was a challenge to his authority and a wavering of Hiroshima¡¯s determination to hold on to the city It was from this moment that the murderous intention started

    In fact, it is not only the people in front of you, but there are many people in Hiroshima who have the same mentality as Yan Benzheng The existence of these people is intolerable to Yoshikawa Buwu

    "Yan Benjun, please wait a moment." Yoshikawa Buwu smiled: "I have to ask my mother for instructions."

    Yan Benzheng also smiled. Yoshikawa Buwu's mother is his daughter, so in fact Yoshikawa Buwu is his grandson. Since the grandson wants to ask his mother for instructions, everything will be easier to handle.

    When Buwu Yoshikawa saw his mother, he told her everything that happened.  Her mother, Yoshikawa Kiko, calmly asked her son: "What are you going to do?"

    "Hiroshima cannot be lost." Yoshikawa Bugo's answer was very calm: "Anyone who tries to shake the determination to defend will be the enemy of Hiroshima."

    "Whatever you want to do, just do it and don't worry about how I feel."

    Yoshikawa Kiko¡¯s answer gave Yoshikawa Buwu great encouragement.  He stood up: "Mother, I know what to do."

    When he went out, he gathered his warriors.  Then carefully tell them what to do

    , Yan Benzheng, who was full of expectations, did not wait to come to Yoshikawa Buwu.  Instead, a large group of fierce warriors arrived.  As soon as these samurai appeared here, they raised their samurai swords and pointed them at the retainers of the Yoshikawa family

    A horrific massacre in Hiroshima City began

    Those retainers fell into a pool of blood one after another.  They would never have imagined that Yoshikawa Buwu would treat them like this.

    They didn¡¯t mean to betray the Yoshikawa family, they just wanted to use another way to protect Hiroshima City.

    But they were wrong. When retainers challenge the master's authority, and when the master feels that his own interests are seriously threatened, then the only thing the master can do is this.

    So Yan Benzheng¡¯s eyes were still wide open until he died

    A total of 129 people died in this massacre, known as the "129 Martyrs" in history.

    The title of "martyrs" was awarded to them by Ding Yunyi a few years later.  Chinese historical records.  When the Huben Guards launched a campaign of benevolence and righteousness against unjust Japan, there were a total of 129 righteous men in Hiroshima. Under the leadership of Yan Benzheng, they urged the lord of Hiroshima City, Yoshikawa Bugo, to avoid bloodshed, regardless of life and death.

    Yan Benzheng and these 129 people represent the thoughts of the vast majority of people in Hiroshima

    But the cruel Yoshikawa Buwu.  On the surface, they agreed to their request, but secretly they mobilized a large number of samurai to horribly massacre these Hiroshima martyrs.

    That day, it was raining heavily, and it seemed that even God was crying for the 129 martyrs

    Chinese historical materials also record that after the incident, the Japanese people in Hiroshima City secretly collected the bodies of the 129 martyrs and buried them in one place, regardless of Yoshikawa Buwu's ban.

    This will be the very famous "Tomb of the 129 Martyrs" in Hiroshima in the future.

    Both Chinese and Japanese historical materials clearly convey to future generations the message that the Ming army¡¯s attack was just.  The majority of Japanese people welcome this action.

    "The ones who really bring suffering to the Japanese people are the so-called city lords headed by Yoshikawa Buwu who are extremely stubborn and have no regard for the life and death of the Japanese people. They are extremely corrupt!"

    History is written by people, and history is written by the victors

    Yan Benzheng, one hundred and twenty-nine people died, but the disaster in Hiroshima City had just begun.

    "Perhaps they knew what happened in Hiroshima City, but on the day Yan Benzheng and others were massacred, the Ming army's offensive suddenly intensified.

    All the shells rained down on Hiroshima, and the city walls of Hiroshima were crumbling in this stormy baptism.

    From the city lord Yoshikawa Buwu to his subordinates.  No one had much hope anymore that Hiroshima could be held.  The only thing they can do now is to try their best.

    Finally, a big hole was torn out in the wall of Hiroshima Castle

    Countless Tiger Guard soldiers roared in, holding high the Ming Dynasty's battle flag.  ?One day is April 29, the thirteenth year of Chongzhen in the Ming Dynasty.

    This day in history is known as the "Battle of Hiroshima."

    The Ming soldiers roared in, making all Japanese feel despair.  It is impossible for Kyoto to have any more reinforcements, and its own strength has been tapped to the limit.

    "Fight for the Yoshikawa family and His Majesty the Emperor." This was the last order given by the important minister of the Yoshikawa family, Lie Qing.

    Countless Japanese rushed forward in the face of the Ming army¡¯s muskets, but what greeted them was another horrific massacre

    Aerial view Lie Qing did not die immediately before his death. Although he was seriously injured, he was not willing to die like this.

    He wanted to fight hard and continue to fight for the Yoshikawa family that he had served his whole life But when he struggled to remember, countless Ming army soldiers trampled away from his body.

    "The Yoshikawa family, Hiroshima Castle."

    This is the last words Lie Qing said in this world.

    "From a bird's eye view, Lie Qing died, just like the vast majority of people in Hiroshima City.  If they really refused to die in peace, then they could only helplessly watch the Ming army capture this place with their eyes wide open.

    News of the destruction of the city reached the ears of Yoshikawa Buwu. He was neither angry nor desperate. He just ordered all his retainers to go out and resist to the end for Hiroshima.

    And he appeared in front of his mother Yoshikawa Kiko again.

    "Is it over?" Yoshikawa Kiko already had a premonition of something.

    When she saw her son nodding silently, Yoshikawa Kiko sighed helplessly: "Please die like a city lord."

    "I will." Yoshikawa Buwu's voice was low: "I am here to ask you to die like a city lord's mother."

    Yoshikawa Kiko took the wine bottle in front of her.  Yoshikawa Buwu knew that his mother liked to drink, and he knew even better what was in the jug.

    In front of her son, Yoshikawa Yoshiko drank all the wine in the flask without wasting a drop.  After a while, Yoshikawa Kiko fell to the ground in pain, and blood slowly flowed out from the corners of her mouth

    It¡¯s time to end.

    Yoshikawa Buwu knelt on the ground, took a sharp short knife, and then wiped it vigorously with a white towel until there was no trace of dirt left.

    Then, he untied his clothes, hesitated for a long time, gritted his teeth, closed his eyes, and stabbed the short knife hard into his abdomen, and then gave it a cruel slash.

    Yoshikawa Buwu is dead.  He ended his life in a relatively decent way.

    In fact, this is the only method he can choose. If it falls into the hands of the Ming army, he knows that there will be even more terrifying things waiting for him there!

    Two cold corpses fell there. No one would have any sympathy for them, and no one would take a second look at them.

    Yoshikawa Buwu can no longer hear the shouts roaring outside, which may not be a relief for him.  He can let go of all responsibilities and never have to worry about anything again.

    But the disaster in Hiroshima City was not over.

    Those Japanese troops commanded by Taro Matsumoto who rushed into Hiroshima City launched the craziest revenge on their compatriots. They seemed to vent all the defeat and humiliation they suffered in Iwakuni here.

    They killed people even faster than the Tiger Guards. In just half a day from the time of the destruction of the city, the city of Hiroshima had already flowed into a river of blood.

    When these news were reported to Bao Juhua, Bao Juhua suddenly remembered what Wu Liehou once said to him:

    "Japanese traitors play a great role. When they kill their own compatriots, they are even more ruthless than us. Therefore, they are a very important force that we must rely on. Treating them well and meeting some of their demands will allow us to  The road to conquering Japan will become much easier.¡±

    Now, all this has been proven.

    The terrible city of Hiroshima, the terrible killing, the terrible killing of one¡¯s own people.  Taro Matsumoto and the others never worry about any kind of condemnation. For them, condemnation is the most meaningless thing!

    Qiang Ming 523_Qiang Ming full text free to read_Chapter 523 Hiroshima 129 "Martyrs" has been updated!
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