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Text Chapter 118: Towards Datong (Finale)

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    No one could have imagined that the science and technology of the Republic of China had developed to this extent, and that terrifying atomic bomb could easily destroy a country.  All countries and people all over the world suddenly looked at the Republic of China with awe.  On January 3, 1936, the Sam Empire announced its surrender.  The Sam Empire Consortium surrendered.  ¡°Compared with having nothing, they are more willing to accept continuing to be an invisible noble in the Eastern Sam Empire.  However, the Republic of China changed its mind again. The Republic of China once again divided the eastern Sam Empire in the original negotiation into two parts, the north and the south.  The white people in Sam's empire were in the north and the black people were in the south.  The area of ??New York State in the northeast corner was included in the territory ceded to the Republic of China.  The Sam Empire Consortium had no choice but to accept it. They handed over all gold, jewelry, and antiques.  In exchange for half of the assets of the Sam Empire in the Northeast.  The other half is in the hands of the Republic of China.  The Sam Empire consortium will become a joint venture with a Chinese consortium.  When the Republic of China announced the takeover of the entire Sam Empire, it announced this plan. The entire Sam Empire was in an uproar, and there were people resisting everywhere. However, they were suppressed by the Republic of China and began to forcibly relocate residents.  When the Sam Empire surrendered, Canada also surrendered.  The Republic of China has not sent more troops to Canada because it is cold there and transportation is not convenient.  After Canada surrendered, it was naturally annexed directly.  The white people in Canada will also be forcibly relocated to the northern white Sam Empire.  The southeast is black territory.  This treaty was supported by black people, which meant that they would establish a country without racial discrimination.  If the opposing white people do not have the support of black people, they will naturally be unable to achieve success.  In 1936, the war came to an end and the Republic of China ended wartime production.  But the finishing touches are not yet over.  For example, the issue of dividing the spoils.  First, the Republic of China divided part of the spoils among the participating member states, but in terms of territory, the Republic of China ate alone.  Territory was seized by China, and China paid a compensation to various countries, which was directly deducted from the debts owed to China by various countries. Anyway, these participating countries made some money in the end, but the benefits they gained were far less than China.  But China is the main force.  They don't dare to compete with the Republic of China now.  The Republic of China handed over six states of the original Sam Empire in central North America to the Indians. The North American Indians were killed until only 200,000 people were left in the reservation. These Indians received six states and could resume their country.  These six states are located in the central part of Sam's empire, mostly grassland desert areas.  There used to be a lot of bison.     certainly.  The right of residence is given to the Indians, and sovereignty is also given to the Indians, but administratively they will be guided by the Republic of China.  Moreover, assets such as minerals, roads, and houses are still in the hands of Chinese consortiums.  ??And Hawaii was also divided into two halves, one half was returned to the native Hawaiians for restoration, and the other half was divided into the territory of the Republic of China. The most important Honolulu in Hawaii belongs to the Republic of China.  The largest island was restored to the indigenous nation, but its foundation was very poor.  ??Similarly, the Republic of China will guide their administration.  ¡°Whether it is the Indian government or the Native Hawaiian government, they are just puppet governments.  But because they have a small population, they can get good living conditions.  As for Canada and Alaska.  As well as the New York State area and Greenland, they will all be annexed by the Republic of China.  The western and central areas of the Sam Empire will also become part of the Republic of China.  After the agreement is signed, the Sam Empire government does not need to pay compensation.  As long as the land is handed over, the assets on the land will also become the property of the Republic of China.  The relocation of residents from the central and western parts of the Sam Empire by the Republic of China lasted for more than a year before all these residents were moved to the eastern part of the Sam Empire.  And divided into two Sam empires, white and black.  Two countries that hate and are hostile to each other.  At the same time, there will also be an Indian Republic. This Indian country forms a complex triangle relationship with the Black and White Sam Empire.  After the relocation is completed, the central and western parts of the Sam Empire are completely uninhabited, but the assets are readily available.  The Republic of China immediately launched large-scale immigration to the Sam Empire and Canada.  At the same time, we began to establish an administrative system and the administrative center of North America.  It was still placed in Washington by the Republic of China, and an administrative center was also established in New York.  After the compromise, the Sam Empire Consortium also ceded all its South American assets to the Republic of China.  The Republic of China directly controls a large number of South American assets, replacing the Sam Empire's status and interests in South America.  In South America, the Republic of China will focus on controlling Venezuela¡¯s oil, Brazil¡¯s iron ore, and the agriculture of various countries.  In the future, agriculture will become the production of cash crops by various countries, such as soybeans and cotton, and the Republic of China??Producing food on a large scale for export, thereby controlling food, and at the same time controlling resources such as oil, waterways, iron ore, and rare earths.  In 1937, the year after the war ended, the world began to stabilize.  After a war, every country embarked on the road to economic recovery.  The economy of the Republic of China is extremely prosperous. The two-year war has restricted people's consumption. After the restrictions were lifted, a large amount of consumption occurred. Everyone has many war coupons in their hands, which can be used for commodity consumption.  At the same time, the investment scale of the Republic of China is also very large. In addition to beginning to export capital to the world, it also builds a large amount of territory in the Americas.  At this time, the Republic of China has become the largest superpower in history, spanning five continents.  In addition to America, the Republic of China owns a large number of islands in other states.  These islands were originally occupied by Britain and France in large numbers, but they were all seized by the Republic of China.  The number of immigrants from the Republic of China to American territories continues to grow. In the past two years, 50 million people have immigrated.  A large number of poorly managed citizens chose to immigrate to the Sam Empire.  And Canada has become a great place to live in seclusion.  On the one hand, the Republic of China has invested heavily in minerals from various countries and continued to increase imports. On the other hand, it has begun to continuously reduce the scale of its own mineral mining.  At the same time, we continue to reduce the number of agricultural crops that cannot be grown mechanically and leave these industries to other countries for production, while the Republic of China produces crops that can be grown mechanized on a large scale.  Global shipping is monopolized by the Republic of China, and Germany can only stand aside.  International aviation also began construction.  The huge capital export of the Republic of China has also driven the economy of the Republic of China.  First of all, steel exports are growing rapidly, and the construction of all countries is inseparable from steel.  At the same time, automobile exports are growing rapidly, and rich people in various countries want automobiles. At present, the only country in the world that can provide automobiles to the international market is the Republic of China.  The same goes for electrical appliances.  In the world at this time, the European industrial system has been destroyed.  The industrial system in the Americas was also destroyed, leaving an isolated Germany and the only country with a complete industrial system was the Republic of China.  At the same time, the Republic of China also exported a large amount of machinery and equipment, construction materials, etc. to the world.  The manufacturing industry in the Republic of China is prosperous and the employment rate is very high.  As a result, it also promoted internal construction.  People began to really consider building a place to live in for a long time.  A house with beautiful surroundings.  Real estate is also booming.  At the same time, the Republic of China also monopolizes the international financial industry, which is full of huge profits.  The income of citizens of the Republic of China continues to grow, driving a new round of national automobile consumption.  The whole society is prosperous.  The people of the Republic of China have never lived such a good life with an eight-hour work system.  Moreover, education, medical care, and retirement benefits are increasing one after another. In terms of housing, you can buy a commercial house with only three years' salary. Cars and electrical appliances are also very cheap. If you feel that the money is too much, there are also high-end goods.  Electricity bills and oil prices are very low.  The Republic of China has the largest amount of oil in the world, but this oil is no longer being exploited one after another. Instead, it is exploiting oil from other countries.  The same goes for coal.  If there is too much investment and output exceeds demand, prices will be low, and the Republic of China will gradually reduce the scale of raw material mining.  Always keep international raw material prices at a relatively low level.  Because the manufacturing industry in backward countries has not yet developed in this era, and the raw materials in other countries have not been mined on a large scale, the Republic of China does not need to increase the price of raw materials.  However, the international sales price of raw materials that can only be produced by the Republic of China is very high.  With one month¡¯s salary, ordinary people can enjoy a lot of material things.  Of course, the prices of consumable goods increase with the increase in income. Only the prices of products such as cars and electrical appliances are constantly decreasing.  Zhao Haizhou is in the re-election election.  He won by a large margin. Zhao Haizhou gained a very high prestige because of his victory in this war.  However, the one with the highest prestige is still Generalissimo Jiang Yu.  The Chinese National Consortium formed by Jiang Yu is no longer a secret at this time, but it is generally accepted by the people.  The victory of the war brought a lot of benefits.  It also brought the internal conflicts of the Republic of China to an unprecedented low.  There are no worries about jobs, social welfare and assistance are in place, and taxes are reasonable.  Housing is not a problem, and finding a wife is not a problem. If you really can't get along, you just need to go to other countries and take out the passport of a Chinese citizen, and all problems can be solved.  ¡°The Chinese passport also adds a sentence: The global military power of the Republic of China is your solid backing.  The employment problem in the Republic of China is also very easy to solve at this time. First of all, in terms of business, you can do business in any country. There are many projects, both small and large.  Every country that wants to develop certain fields will ask someone to develop it.??Chinese consultants, as well as technical staff.  The commercial expansion of the Republic of China in various countries also requires a large number of executives and skilled workers.  The navigation industry, aviation industry, and offshore fisheries are all monopolized by the Republic of China.  Those with skills and high incomes will be the first to consider hiring local citizens.  Those with no skills and low incomes will be left to people from other countries.  With more countries, conflicts may occur at any time. Therefore, backward countries have to form armies. To form an army, they must purchase arms.  Currently, only the Republic of China is selling arms internationally.  The Third World Alliance stipulates that except for the Republic of China, which can sell arms internationally, it is illegal for other countries to sell arms.  At the same time, the Republic of China signed a "Prohibition of the Use and Research and Development of Nuclear Weapons" agreement with various member states. The Republic of China promised not to use nuclear weapons easily and kept the number of nuclear warheads at 1,000.  Any country that develops nuclear weapons will be subject to the harshest sanctions.  The film industry of the Republic of China also entered a period of prosperity at this time.  The film and TV series of the Republic of China have a large market, and the entire world's film market can be easily entered, which means that it is not so easy for some countries to enter.  At this time, the only country in the world that can export movies to the world is the Republic of China.  Hollywood has now become Chinese land, and the Republic of China has also established a film and television base there, echoing the mainland Asia.  Chinese movies have begun to take the world by storm, and in many countries with insufficient spending power, ticket prices are very, very low.  It¡¯s not even enough to maintain the expenses of movie theaters, but the Republic of China operates these movie theaters anyway.  As a large amount of investment takes effect, the consumption power of people around the world will also increase.  By showing Chinese movies, we are instilling the ideas of the Republic of China into countries all over the world.  and promote the national image of the Republic of China.  Constantly exaggerating China's prosperity and strength.  Movie theaters in the Republic of China are monopolized by consortiums, so films can be released simultaneously in various countries.  As a result, the box office became very scary.  In order to prevent the appearance of bad movies.  A trial screening system has emerged. If the box office is not satisfactory during the trial screening period, it will not be released on a large scale.  ¡°However, the profits of making movies are high.  But the bigger profits are earned by movie theaters, and the consortium leaves enough profit margin for movie companies to continue filming.  The consortium often invests in large-budget films, using the best scripts, best directors, and best actors.  Then it packages high-quality blockbusters and launches cultural invasion into countries around the world.  For the Republic of China, when the people's material needs are satisfied, the morale of the people in the entire country will slowly become more simple.  After material satisfaction, there is a spiritual breakthrough.  And the selfishness, greed and other shortcomings of Chinese people will slowly disappear.  The reason why Chinese people have such a character.  That's because China's scientific system is too advanced, resulting in an elite culture. The elites have long ignored the material construction needed by ordinary people. In addition, Chinese medicine is too awesome, resulting in a growing population.  With more people, there is a lack of expansion of material production.  This will also cause a shortage of material wealth.  In order to survive, ordinary people can only compete for scarce resources. In the process of competition, human nature has gained the upper hand, thus suppressing spirituality.  But the rulers are morally noble and belong to an innate state.  And ordinary people are in an acquired state, which is the embodiment of the law that there is yang in yin and yin in yang.  Although the scientific system of Westerners is low-level, their culture is ordinary, and they value the production of material wealth. In addition, Westerners' ancient medicine was underdeveloped, and a large number of people died from any plague. The population has not been able to grow rapidly, and there has been no  Due to the problem of material scarcity, ordinary people do not like to use their brains to compete for resources, and human nature fails to gain the upper hand. This makes ordinary people in the West full of spirituality and relatively simple.  The rulers of the West are very greedy, selfish, and evil, which is another manifestation of the Yin and Yang principle.  After the war, the material wealth of the Republic of China continued to enrich, the people were satisfied and did not need to compete with each other, and their spirituality gradually recovered.  The character becomes more simple and natural.  On the contrary, the defeat of the Westerners has led to the reduction of material wealth. In the future, Westerners will exhaust all kinds of social resources to compete for survival.  Ordinary people who don't like to use their brains to think about this will find that life is getting more and more difficult, and at this time they can only fight.  As soon as the brain starts to work, human nature prevails, and various problems of moral corruption appear.  Of course, China¡¯s problem of human nature prevailing is also related to the excessive amount of cultural information.  The amount of information is huge, and people learn more things, and naturally they enter the acquired state.  It is not simple enough.  But Chinese culture is an elite culture, and people who are proficient in learning can also enter the innate world.  Therefore, in terms of education in the Republic of China, the training of higher talents?They are all about cultivating partial talents, as long as they are proficient in one field, and there are even various divisions of labor within a field.  Students who cannot become highly talented students should try to reduce the amount of unnecessary information and learn Taoist theory appropriately to avoid damaging their spirituality.  Learning is a burden generated by human development.  In primitive society, there was no need to learn anything at all, but the more advanced technology is, the more things are learned.  Although it is impossible to grow indefinitely, because according to the law of extremes, once the amount of information reaches a certain scale, there will inevitably be technology that allows people to master knowledge without learning.  Many times, studying hard is for yourself, rather than wasting more than ten years of time to bear the pressure of a technological society.  So there is no need for the Republic of China to do this.  Those complex and repetitive industries without innovation will be left to other countries to develop.  Just like the later generations of the Sam Empire left software development to Indians, the Sam Empire first developed the most technical part of the software, and then handed over those miscellaneous things to Indian workers, thereby reducing the impact on the country.  The mental destruction of the people.  The same is true for technology development. In later generations, the scientific research system of the Sam Empire absorbed a large number of Asians. These Asians had good grades but lacked spirituality, so some tedious work was left to these Asian scientific researchers to complete.  The scientific researchers of the Sam Empire are responsible for using their spirituality to innovate.  At this time, the Republic of China has abandoned the ancient development method, and society has entered the acquired science and technology model.  Therefore, the uneven situation between the noble moral character of the rulers and the quality of the people will slowly be reversed.  But it will not be completely reversed, because traditional culture still exists after all, and the existence of elite culture means that no matter how bad the ruler is, it cannot be too bad.  From time to time, there will always be some rulers who care about the people.  And the progressive character formed by the commodity economy that the people have become accustomed to since the Song, Ming and Qing Dynasties cannot be completely eliminated.  To make progress you need to work hard.  To work hard, you need to use your brain. The more you use your brain, the more you will learn.  It also loses its spirituality.  The upper class society and the ordinary people will slowly enter a state of balance.  The most simple society is naturally socialism.  When the productive forces develop to a certain extent, they will inevitably enter the socialist system.  For example, Sweden in later generations has already begun to pay wages to the people, entering a democratic society in disguise.  Socialism and capitalism are actually an opposition between nature and nurture.  When it is a capital country, the people are not satisfied materially.  When the struggle reaches the extreme, things will turn against each other, thus entering the innate social model, which is socialism.  And in a capital country, when the people's material wealth is extremely rich and the people are not willing to fight, it will also slowly enter the innate society.  It is also socialism.  When the Republic of China slowly develops to a certain level, it will also enter socialism.  Because after all, not most people are motivated. Ordinary people have ordinary talents, and not everyone can be that motivated.  After all, the rulers of the Republic of China were influenced by traditional culture and were closer to nature.  Both rulers and ordinary people move closer to the innate.  Then it will inevitably enter socialism when accumulation reaches a certain level.  By this time, the war was over, and Jiang Yu was already paving the way for the transition of society to socialism.  ??Entering socialism is a leapfrog development that does not have a material foundation. It will eventually turn back to capitalism, thereby accumulating material wealth.  Only then can we enter socialism again.  The Republic of China is still capitalist at this time, and it is still accumulating material foundation.  But when the material foundation reaches a certain level, you can enter socialism.  This will be a major trend in the development of the Republic of China and cannot be stopped by humans. Therefore, Jiang Yu has never considered privatizing the wealth of the consortium.  When development reaches a certain level, the consortium must be nationalized.  The advance is that science and technology can develop to a certain extent so that the operation of the socialist system can be transparently supervised by the people.  That is to say, transportation, communication and other technologies must be developed to a certain extent.  At the same time, the production capacity of material wealth must also reach a certain level, so that it can be abundant enough that people can't fight for it, and then they can enter a socialist society.  The so-called socialism is China¡¯s Datong society.  China was able to enter social harmony in ancient times because, first of all, it had a good material foundation at that time. Natural resources were abundant at that time, but people did not develop science and technology, so they consumed very little.  In addition, the Chinese civilization at that time was practiced by all people and was simple and natural. According to the records of the Yellow Emperor's Inner Canon, people at that time generally lived for more than a hundred years, which was completely innate.  Later, as the number of people increased and natural resources decreased, selfishness arose. As soon as selfishness arose, competition for resources began.  So the society of Xiantian Datong began to collapse.  After the collapse of Datong society, because the innate society of Chinese civilization was established through the leap-forward development of the scientific system of prehistoric civilization and lacked a material foundation, it collapsed.?Entered a slave society.  When slave society developed to a certain extent and productivity increased, it entered feudal society.  With the Industrial Revolution in the modern West, productivity increased again, and mankind began to develop towards a harmonious society.  The development goal of the post-war Republic of China is very clear, that is, to re-develop into a society of innate great harmony.  Jiang Yu has set the development direction for the entire country and nation. Although the consortium is privately owned, the purpose of the consortium's development is to cooperate with the Chinese civilization to enter the innate civilization again after thousands of years of vicissitudes, thereby completing a great reincarnation.  Jiang Yu knows that because of his existence and the fact that the Republic of China dominates the world and has gained access to all scientists and scholars in the world except Germany, the science and technology of the Republic of China he created will inevitably develop rapidly.  Perhaps by the year 2013 he traveled through, the Republic of China would have entered the Datong society.  The reincarnation of heaven, the basic law of the universe.  All things can only survive through cycles.  The innate society cannot exist forever, it may be destroyed, and then the survivors will form a new Chinese civilization with an advanced scientific system just like the prehistoric civilization that was destroyed tens of thousands of years ago.  Then a Datong society without material foundation was established.  There is a difference between having a material foundation and not having a material foundation. In a Datong society with a material foundation, people will not think about practicing Taoism, because life is too easy, and they will not think about ending this game and going to the world outside the game.  In a Datong society without a material foundation, people will use advanced scientific systems to practice Taoism, just like the Chinese civilization ten thousand years ago, where all people practice Taoism.  He, Jiang Yu, is just a moment in time, not eternity, and cannot create eternity.  After the war, the Republic of China began to move towards a new era, moving forward towards the innate harmonious society (Full version complete) PS: I haven¡¯t updated it for many days, and I really don¡¯t know how to write the ending.  But it is still written. For readers who can understand the final philosophical part, this is the last time the author explains his thoughts to you.  For readers who don¡¯t understand, I¡¯m extremely sorry, this is also the last time.  After writing this chapter, I feel very complicated.  When I wrote this book, it was the author's lowest period, and the start was a bit hasty. However, this book has the most mature world view among the novels the author has ever written. It is also the one with more philosophy and good ideological work.  One piece.  Please forgive Luoyu for the frequent interruptions in updating, and thank you readers who have always supported me for their tolerance. I am sincerely grateful!  The next book will not be about the Republic of China. The Republic of China had too many restrictions. When I first wrote this book, I sent one text message a day in the background. I couldn¡¯t write here and I couldn¡¯t write there. It was like guarding against thieves.  I'm really afraid of being harmonized one day. It doesn't matter if I am harmonized. I'll be lucky if I don't get invited to tea.  Of course, the editor is also doing it for my own good.  But the next book really won¡¯t be about the Republic of China, and the new book has not been decided yet.  Maybe it's Xianxia, ??maybe it's fantasy, maybe it's online games, maybe it's from the late Ming Dynasty.  Anyway, let it happen!  A new book should be out within a month!
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