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Volume 1 Chapter 252 The fight to seize the city in the middle of the night

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    Li Xuanba pulled off his helmet and wiped the sweat from his face.  "It's okay. I shot maybe six or seven rebels, but there were too many. I'm afraid it's just like what you guessed, brother. They were just suspects over there, and this is their main attack area." At this time, Liu Hongji also  I rushed into the city tower. As soon as I rushed in, I heard a few snapping sounds, and I could see several arrows stuck in the mud inside the tower.  "Grandma, the enemy here is definitely the main force." After Liu Hongji rushed in, he took the kettle handed by the soldiers, took a few big sips, and said loudly.  ¡°By the way, have you sent someone to ask for help?¡± I asked quickly.  "The rebels' night attack must be to seize Luoyang in one go, so there will definitely be no shortage of rebels." "We asked Shi Dao and Brother Mao Yue to rush over as soon as possible. It's been a quarter of an hour now, I believe  They should have seen the general." Liu Hongji had several feather arrows stuck in his body, but fortunately, they were all stuck in the seams of his armor, the guy replied while pulling out the arrows.  "That's good. By the way, how are the naval forces on the Luoshui side? Have they been dispatched?" What I'm most worried about is the Luoshui area. If the rebels enter the city against the current on the remaining night, and then swoop into the city gate area, what will happen?  But it's too big, our troops are not enough to begin with.  "It's been dispatched. It's really dangerous. I was just on the Luoshui side, and hundreds of rebels were about to climb ashore. Fortunately, the navy noticed them and killed them. Only a few dozen people escaped. Chai Shaoxian  I have already led people over. I believe they can't make a big splash." At this time, Zheng Chen appeared at the door holding a pair of Mingguang armor: "Sir, take off that quickly and put on this." "Okay."  I'm not polite. Well, for the sake of life safety, in the future, as long as I am beaten to death on the battlefield, I will not take off this thing. Even if it is a heavy blow, at least my life safety is guaranteed. Otherwise, if I am killed on the battlefield,  If a stray arrow hits you, you may die young.  Li Yuanfang, who had been waiting by my side, also quickly put on the armor for me, still muttering incessantly.  "Young master, I'm begging you, don't get too close to the city wall for a while. If something happens to you, I can't bear it." After putting on the heavy Mingguang armor, I relaxed secretly.  tone.  "Okay, everyone, hurry out and don't let the rebels have a chance to rush up." "Let's go, let's go." Liu Hongji first raised his platoon, which is a small round shield, and rushed out, followed by Li Xuanba.  I went out, but Li Yaoguang walked a few steps, turned around, looked at me steadily, and whispered in a low voice: "Be careful, take care of yourself." "Thank you, you should also take care of yourself" I  Before he finished speaking, Li Yaoguang had already put down his facial protection and rushed out of the tower.  Seeing her figure, I couldn't help but smile. I don't know why, but in just a short moment, it seemed that the relationship, or the distance, between me and her was much closer.  I also followed suit and put down the visor on my helmet. This thing is just an iron plate.  However, it was cast into the shape of a ferocious animal head, with the nose protruding outward and two holes dug out for the eyes.  Although it has some impact on the line of sight, it still allows the face to be protected, and I am holding a round shield in my left hand. Just after taking a few steps, I felt that the shield seemed to have hit something, and I let out a fighting sound.  There was a sound of hitting the wood, and it looked like an arrow had been hit.  "Damn it, who is so heartless as to throw temptations into the sky?" As an outstanding young man of the 21st century, I complained while rushing to the place where my unit was located under the cover of Zheng Chen and Li Yuanfang.  defense zone.  ??This is about fifty feet long. The Qianbubu under my command need to defend this section and cannot let the damn rebels below rush down.  Following Liu Yantian's roar and the leadership of the family soldiers who had been on the battlefield, after the initial chaos, they finally found a sense of rhythm. Shields were set up one by one, blocking the sky from falling.  The arrows that came down, rows of crossbow arrows screamed through the parapet, pierced into the human body, arousing a puff of blood mist, bringing with it strips of fresh life.  The bamboo whistle also showed a rhythm, and each of the steps no longer had a look of panic on their faces. They stringed the string, took aim, and pulled the trigger in an orderly manner. I have to say that the crossbow is indeed better than the bow and arrow.  If you use it too much, as long as anyone learns for an hour or two, even if he cannot hit the target hundreds of steps away, he will not be like a bow and arrow, which can even hit the target after a few months of hard practice.  Missed.  The rebels also had a lot of arrows, but with the barrier of the city wall, the ones that could really cause damage, unless they happened to hit the shooting holes in the female wall, were mostly arrows falling from the air.  "And these people are all wearing armor, so arrow wounds are unlikely to be fatal. However, in just over a quarter of an hour, nearly a hundred people have shot arrows. However, many people still gritted their teeth and continued to persevere.  Only a few of those who were critically injured were carried down.  But above the city tower, apart from the sounds of movements and bamboo whistles, there were almost no other sounds. There were only muffled sounds from time to time, reminding that someone else had been hit by an arrow, andThe rebels below were shouting wildly.  "How is it?" After rushing to the position, I hid under the female wall and asked Liu Yantian who had already rushed over.  "Sir, we can still withstand it, but we don't know how many rebels are attacking the city, and we don't know how long we can last. Fortunately, the opponent's bows and crossbows are not many, otherwise, our people will be injured several times.  " I looked at the back of the house, which was still arranged in three rows, shooting forward one row after another, and then retreating. Looking at the more than 300 people wearing iron armor, I couldn't help but have an idea, and shot the willows in one hand.  Drag Xiantian over.  "Tell them to stop firing three times in a row, and let all the men in armor shoot in front. The other two rows of people are dedicated to loading the armor. Three crossbows, let the men in armor shoot, and the others are responsible for loading the strings. You understand me.  "What do you mean?" Liu Jiantian was stunned for a moment, and then his face lit up with joy.  "The young one knows how to do it." "It's good to know. Do you two understand? If you understand, the three of you go together and let them adjust." I turned my head and shouted at Li Yuanfang and Zheng Chen.  "Zheng Chen, you stay here to protect the young master. If anything happens to the young master, I will kill you. Brother Liu, let's go." Li Yuanfang stopped Zheng Chen and glared fiercely.  Do as I command.  "Young Master, I'd better guard you." Zheng Chen struggled to hold up his shield. Just as he was talking for a while, at least three or four arrows pierced his shield.  I know Li Yuanfang is doing this for my own good, forget it, I'm too lazy to care.  My life is very important to begin with. It doesn't matter if there is one more person or one less person to help.  Following the roars of Li Yuanfang and Liu Yantian, all the tribes soon started to move. Those wearing iron armor all put down their face guards and stood at the front. Behind them, there were two tribes  Immediately afterwards, as long as the crossbow arrow in his hand is shot, it will be handed over to the peddler next to him. That peddler will start to step on the string, while the other peddler will hand over the already strung crossbow and use it as a new one.  After one arrow was fired, the person who had just strung up the crossbow had already loaded the crossbow arrows and handed them over again This time, there were only more than 300 people shooting, but there were about 600 people supplying them with ammunition, and the swift crossbow arrows  , whether it is leather armor or flesh, it will be easily pierced. Only iron armor and heavy shields can defend against such a powerful crossbow.  Although many rebels fell in the moat, more rebels put the ladders on the moat and began to rush towards the foot of the city wall along the ladders.  As Li Yuanfang and Liu Yantian roared, everyone ignored the rebels under the city wall who only had weapons but lacked siege equipment, and continued to shoot at the rebels carrying ladders by the moat.  "Hurry up, hurry up." On the side of the city wall, dozens of large pots were faintly steaming. The young man next to him was vigorously blowing the air. This was naturally oil. When he thought about it, it was boiling hot.  When I poured it down, I couldn't help but shudder. No, I've seen deep-fried fried dough sticks, but I've never seen deep-fried big living people. It's so disgusting.  Just as the son watched the mouth of the oil pan, he rushed over from the northeast corner of the city wall, like a dragon's torch that was moving towards us, as the head of the dragon. It was Wei Yunqi.  "Wei Yushi, why are you here?" I was very touched. He was the first one to rush over to rescue us.  Following him, there was a young man who was about eighteen or nineteen years old. He was quite tall and burly, and he was holding a good bow in his hand. After walking along, I saw this guy rushing towards me several times.  Several arrows were fired at the wall. He seemed to be a fierce man who liked to stab people or be stabbed. He was similar to Li Xuanba.  "Don't blame Wei, Duke of Qi. Although the rebels on our side have not launched an attack, we still have to be careful. Wei came here with a thousand people for reinforcements, hoping to be able to help." The same has been said.  Wei Yunqi, who had changed into a suit of bright light armor, cupped his hands at me.  "By the way, is this another new way of fighting?" Wei Yunqi and I were polite, and the young noble disciple noticed with bright eyes those who stood in front of the female wall, and kept saying  The sequence of shooting towards the bottom of the city tower was very surprising.  I grinned and explained immediately: "Well, our troops in iron armor are only more than three hundred, and it is enough to guard the one hundred and fifty-step wide city wall, while the others only wear leather armor. If they are closer,  Shooting, I was afraid that there would be too many casualties, so I came up with this method. "This method should also be very popular in later generations. Anyway, during the Napoleonic War, I remember that there was such a scene, and a sharpshooter came.  Shoot the enemy, and there are three or four people behind him loading ammunition.
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