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Free Web Novel,Novel online - All in -> Sci-fi -> Traveling through the Cretaceous: The Legend of Deinosuchus

Volume One: Reborn as a Crocodile¡ªThe Crocodile of Deinosuchus Chapter 19: Hunting the Aeolian Pterosaur

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    Yang Gan waited patiently. Finally, the Fengshen pterosaurs, who felt safe, began to land gradually, with food in front of them. They no longer cared about being vigilant, and started fighting for food like mad dogs.  The Deinocrocodile jumped up from the river, and attacked the three Aeolian Pterosaurs with its two front paws and a huge mouth, while underneath its body, it directly ran over the two Aeolian Pterosaurs.  These ugly-looking flying dragons stood so densely together that almost instantly, one was bitten to death, two were so scratched that they could not take off, and two were directly crushed by the huge body of Deinosuchus. Depending on the situation,  Most likely he won't survive.  When the frightened flying dragons took off, they discovered that two more Aeolian pterosaurs had their wings swept off by the thick crocodile tail and could no longer fly.  Yang Gan looked at the pterosaurs flying in the sky and let out a roar. Then under their gaze, he bit several injured Fengshen pterosaurs to death one by one and began to devour them.  Until he finished destroying the body of the Spinosaurus, no Aeolus pterosaur came to disturb his meal.  Even if they are the same dinosaurs, the size of the individual and the strength of the body will vary in the amount of energy they turn into after entering the stomach.  For example, in the huge body of Seismosaurus, the flesh and blood contains more energy than that of ordinary herbivorous dinosaurs. Among carnivorous dinosaurs, the larger the body, the more energy there is in the flesh.  This Spinosaurus did not disappoint Yang Gan. After he completely eliminated this more than ten-ton guy, he could really feel the increase in his body's strength.  Compared with Spinosaurus, the seven Aeolus pterosaurs he ate were nothing. Although these guys were twelve meters long when their wings were spread out, they really didn't have much meat on their bodies. A few hundred kilograms of meat would not be enough for today's Deinosuchus.  In other words, it is just an appetizer.  Later, a few more dinosaurs came, but looking at the Spinosaurus carcass and the huge Deinosuchus in the river, they didn't even dare to come to the river, and turned around and left.  Feeling the energy gradually beginning to be stored in his body, Yang Gan knew that the energy missing after his genetic evolution had been completely replenished, and those cells had almost evolved, and he would start practicing as before.  This used to mean that before he reached fifteen meters, his growth rate was slower than in the past few days after his gene breakthrough, but he could continue to grow through practice.  Now his strength is about four or five times that of ordinary Deinosuchus! Not only his strength, but also more perfect is that his body shape has changed slightly again, the streamlined shape of his body is more perfect, and he also has armor-like skin unique to crocodiles.  It has become thicker, and the raised scales on it look like blades. The most prominent one is the scales at the end of the tail. When it is swung, it can break large bluestones on the river bank without causing any damage.  Of course, the one on his body is thicker, but it¡¯s a pity that he can¡¯t test how high the defense is. He can¡¯t find a Tyrannosaurus rex to get in and get bitten, right? ???????? Is there any other means of information transmission in the Cretaceous that I don¡¯t know about?  How come it's been so long and no dinosaurs have jumped into the trap?  After eating, Yang Gan, who was in urgent need of new food, looked at the empty riverside and began to consider whether to change hunting places. Let's wait another day and see!  The river water downstream looked similar to where he was. It was all wide and shallow. The river water in the Cretaceous Period was crystal clear, so it was really not a good place to ambush prey.  If we continue downstream to find the hunting spot, we don¡¯t know how far we have to run to find it.  The huge body twisted a few times, and immediately found a hiding place in the mud at the bottom of the river. It only put its head on the water. If another crocodile did this, it would be as useless as a piece of wood at this moment.  It will attract the attention of other dinosaurs, but when Yang Gan does this, the effect is really not very obvious.  His scales are too bright. As his black scales have grown a little bit, they now look sparkling.  Too high-profile!  It's so high-profile that dinosaurs in the distance don't have to go to the river to notice the black head of Deinosuchus.  This is the only part of his growth that he is not satisfied with.  It would be great if you could change the color of your scales!  He closed his eyes helplessly, put aside this idea, and began to practice slowly. His breathing method was too low-level, but it also had advantages. He didn't mind being interrupted at any time, and he didn't need a specific environment.  , which facilitates his daily practice.  A drop of rain fell and hit his thick scales. He immediately opened his eyes in silence.  Then the sky and the earth turned into a white mist.  Every heavy rain here gives people an apocalyptic feeling, making you have no doubt that the whole sky will fall in the next moment.  Those who have seen it will know it is raining, while those who have not seen it will think it is a waterfall.  Waterfall-like rain fell on the black scalesOn the surface, Yang Qian didn't feel the need to take shelter from the rain at all.  His slightly narrowed eyes were full of excitement.  With this heavy rain, the scent of Spinosaurus that originally belonged to this section of the river, and the killing and bloodshed that once existed will soon disappear, and in this wilderness where few herbivorous dinosaurs visit, the green  Soon a large number of dinosaurs will be attracted to eat.  This also means that you no longer have to worry about your food source.  The heavy rain came and went more quickly, and soon the sky and the earth became clear again, and even the sun came out to radiate light and heat without hesitation.  After the heavy rain, the fresh air filled the entire wilderness, and the dinosaurs that had been hiding from the rain began to come out to look for food.  The soil here is not very sticky, so these Cretaceous natives didn't care at all about the mud under their feet.  The shadows of dinosaurs began to appear in the distance, and Yang Gan immediately began to expect them to walk closer to the river bank. The inconspicuous turbidity of the river water that had just fallen from heavy rain was enough to hide his figure. The time for hunting was about to come.  It had just rained heavily, and there was enough water on the plants to supply these dinosaurs, which meant that Yang Gan would definitely have to wait a long time.  But he didn't mind, and slowly began to practice, quietly waiting for his prey to be caught.  A group of dinosaurs with huge bodies, but their necks suddenly became thinner, and their heads were like sheeps, were eating plants leisurely.  The food in this wilderness was so good that they got a little carried away and accidentally walked near a small forest.  The sheep-headed dragons who only cared about filling their stomachs did not even have any sentries on guard. These dinosaurs wandering in the wilderness were fascinated by the wonderful place they suddenly discovered. They had not encountered such a delicious place for a long time.  In the grove, several pairs of ferocious eyes stared at the group of sheep-headed dragons. Seeing their defenseless appearance, several pairs of eyes looked at each other, and then two pairs of eyes quietly came from behind the grove.  He slipped out and surrounded the sheep-headed dragon on both sides.  After a while, when the group of sheep-headed dragons suddenly felt that something was not good, the danger had come. A big man with a huge head was sneakily approaching them. After they discovered it, they felt as if the mountain had collapsed, and there was a rumble.  rushed over
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