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Volume 3: With a blow of destiny, the king appears Chapter 7: Typing words like a sword

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    The sun is shining brightly, so I helped my colleagues at work early in the morning.  Imagine that you are already on the island, lying on a soft lounge chair, with a gentle breeze blowing. There is a beauty sleeping soundly in the room, with cool shade from the trees and ice-cold mineral water.

    Who will miss you from afar? ItĄŻs not me. IĄŻm working. I donĄŻt want to miss you while working.

    Who will miss you from afar? ItĄŻs not me. That sound of missing you will make your heart break. It canĄŻt be me.

    Who will miss you in the distance? Not me. Those sounds of "missing like swallows circling" can express the most beautiful thoughts at four o'clock in the morning.

    Who will miss you from afar? ItĄŻs not me, my thoughts have already completely forgotten you.

    Who will miss you from afar? ItĄŻs me. When I finish my work, I can put my mind down and miss you quietly.

    Who will miss you from afar? ItĄŻs me, on the way home, thinking about walking like a close friend, chatting or whispering quietly.

    Who will miss you from afar? ItĄŻs me, the pure love with all kinds of tenderness, and you with long flowing hair.

    Who will miss you in the distance? ItĄŻs me, the me who is far away, the me with a happy heart.

    Work is concentrated in a certain period of time, and busy people are thrown off their feet. Take retribution!  What Xiaoyao King, IĄŻll kill you first!  Take retribution!  Back then, I loved spending time and drinking, but it was all for nothing. Come on!  bring it on!  Come all!  I took it all!  So he became the God of War!  Even if millions of troops stand in front of us!  Still charge forward!  Even if death reigns supreme!  Destroy God!  Can't be destroyed!  If you can't kill n, you should admit it!  So he became as tired as a dog and could not be a pig!  oh!  correct!  Why do you say you are as tired as a dog? Are you discriminating against dogs?

    ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Some songs are really to be heard only when you are of age, and the time has not come, it is not the time, and we shall grow old together.  When it comes to the word "old", I talk about being old every year, but every year I feel dissatisfied with old age. When I am really old, I will accept old age. I don't know, and I really look forward to whether I will still be the rebellious king when I am old!

    ?????????????????????????????????????????? out out of doubt.?????????????????  I'm sure you're going crazy.  A swarm of fantasy novels is really crazy.

    But you are out of luck, itĄŻs not your pleasure!

    ItĄŻs because you lack a lover that you can express it, right?

    Ą° Chic and unrestrained is just two words, it can be simple, just pat your butt and get out of the way.

    Without taking away a single fallen leaf, I was so intoxicated in my dream that I couldnĄŻt help but not wake up.  Saying goodbye, I can't help but want to hug you gently. From now on, girl, I will think about you sooner or later in my dreams.  Deep in my heart, there is no reservation.  Life will not change my mind, no matter how indifferent it is to tell you, I will try my best to be indifferent to you.  In this kind of doomsday with no retreat, it is painful to pay, so I donĄŻt care.

    A friend said [era-themass] I really donĄŻt know much about Ericlevi. I have only seen his name and a mysterious voice in eraĄŻs works.

    It is classified as ambient music, new century music composed by French people, sacred opera and modern instruments.  The style is similar to Enigma Mystery Gregorian Gregorian. This piece is a symphonic vocal that is based on Burana; this type of music often appears in Western movie soundtracks, such as the Lord of the Rings trilogy and Warriors.  Hero of the earth.

    " Typing words like a sword is to train my thoughts and hand movements at the same time. It is purely self-study practice, self-entertainment and self-remembering. At most, it can make the sweetheart in my heart laugh.

    In the past, when there was no computer or Internet, I had to write and describe.  Nowadays, handwriting is rarely used, and typing is used instead.

    ??????????????????????????????????????????????????? ItĄŻs a pity that I can be impressed by the feeling of the unity of human and electric when playing video games, and I have been looking for and enjoying it while typing. Is there any chance to experience the joy of the unity of human and electric characters?




    I donĄŻt know what to do next, and I donĄŻt know if I should take someone with me.  My path is like my pen and my words are written at will.

    You can't follow the road of the lonely king, this road is blocked.

    She can keep up with who she is, she is you, you become the person you are in my heart, the lonely queen, haha.

    Change the path of the Happy King.

    Ą°Happiness and loneliness are both so easily available.

    Because I have been used to having fun outside and working alone since I was a child.

    People who like classical light music usually donĄŻt like heavy metal rock music.

    I like to listen to all types of music, or if I like the melody, no matter the type, this is my type of personality!

    ItĄŻs like a girl doesnĄŻt care if she is the quiet type or the gorgeous type, as long as she is a beautiful girl, she will like her!  But there will still be those who love it.

    You guys, I donĄŻt know, but I love lyrical rock and Chinese music styles. Girls with aura and temperament will catch my eyes and be extinguished forever in one glance.

    When something you have to pay for fails when it is about to succeed, your mood will be low, especially the more you pay attention to it, the more depressed you will be. Then you can only look away and be calm.

    The moment I discovered that the ice cubes heated up the tea, it tasted quite good when I drank it while it was iced and hot at the same time.

    TodayI lost a battle at work and was careless. I didnĄŻt find it next time. One of the happiest things in the day is typing here. WulialaĄŻs inexplicable happiness and self-talk are so cool!


    Luo Dawan: The Autumn Rhythm of Wu Gorge - At the end of autumn and the beginning of winter, when the sky is covered with snow in the north, the red leaves of the Three Gorges are as red as fire.  The red leaves in the Three Gorges are set off by the rivers and mountains. The red leaves all over the mountains are particularly beautiful against the backdrop of the canyon and the green river water, which is a true national beauty.  On the barren cliffs, the red leaves, which are not afraid of the severe cold and are vigorous and vigorous, give people many inspirations.

    The fiery red leaves are not me, the mountain is not me, the water flow is not me, the sky is not me, and the boat running at the front looks very much like me.

    It doesnĄŻt matter whether I am or not, because the boat has passed the Ten Thousand Mountains!

    Looking at most people who like to write or create music, most of them write best before they get married. They are usually busy getting together when they are in love, and things get worse after marriage. It should be this idiom, and there are too many to mention.

    I havenĄŻt talked to you for a long time.

    Why are you lonely again? It was only because of loneliness that I wrote about you. No, oh, that is?

    ItĄŻs you who stays up late every day and works during the day. You must be tired and helpless!

    I am helpless and helpless. Why? My dream requires a lot of money to complete, so I am constantly working now!

    No wonder you never take your own vacation, you just travel and donĄŻt take a day or two, so why are you complaining about me? You, me?

    The world has already become three major ethnic groups. The largest ethnic group is neither superior nor inferior.

    The second group is called the one-patting-two-staring group, which is the poor group.

    The third group is called the rich. If you have money, you can travel all over the world. Without money, it is difficult to move around and even eating is a problem.

    Originally, I was from the third ethnic group, but I got to the third ethnic group too early. When I returned to the first ethnic group, I realized that the competition was fierce. Good evening, good night.

    Bon©€jovi-always "Bon Jovi" is one of the favorite rock singers of my close friend Ethan when I was a student. Because he liked it, I also liked it, and we exchanged some music with each other one after another (the Internet was not as convenient at the time).

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????: Stay in the outdoor coffee area next to the corridor of Miramar Department Store on a hot day. There are not many people outdoors, but the movie is the most crowded. I take a photo with my mobile phone, make a diary, and smile.

    When you like a person's works, you will rummage through the box, and if you have the opportunity to travel across mountains and rivers, you will find all his existing works.

    If you get tired of it and itĄŻs no longer worth it, you will automatically give up what you like or appreciate. Han HanĄŻs writing is unique and few people can write it in Chinese vernacular. Maybe itĄŻs because he hasnĄŻt read too many books or itĄŻs due to his personality. There are countless books that are worth it.  There are really only a few names that I can remember, Huang Yi, Long Yingtai, Han Han, Li Ao, Xiao Qian.

    I spent a whole day, and the only thing I was lucky about was that I bought a few books. I might read them all in one day, but I might never read them again. This is me.

    When I emerged from the Internet world, I rarely put commas. First of all, I rarely follow rigid rules to achieve self-determination.

    Secondly, the computer punctuation marks are broken. Thirdly, the text is mainly typed for myself to read. Fourthly, it is only for a very few friends or lovers to read. Since they are my friends or lovers, they cannot mind how I type.  Feel free, distant friend.

    Occupational disease (occupational habit), every time I go to a different area, I always ask how much the house price is, carefully look at the appearance of the house, and take a breather for a while at work.

    "The current results are two defeats and two wins. If I win four, I won't have to work this year. The goal has been achieved. As for the salary, it is probably a little more than a professor at Peking University."

    ?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Of course I have less working hours than professors, but my mental judgment is more troublesome than professors. Professors do not have to teach all kinds of things when facing students.


    1. Code, what the hell, such a stinky fart, do it!

    2. Neurosis is both king and god.

    3. There are all kinds of bird people.

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    ItĄŻs okay to disdain yourself for having fun. No wonder I get disdainful every time I hear friends around me talking about how to succeed quickly or make money.

    (Later, I really got it right, but I donĄŻt care) (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to Qidian to vote for recommendations and monthly votes.
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