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Volume 3: A blow of destiny, the king appears Chapter 91: The Mona Lisa in great detail

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    In science, Darcy is a meticulous observer who can express a phenomenon with extremely detailed descriptions, but he cannot verify it through theory and experiment.

    Darcy began to understand human anatomy while studying under Verrocchio.  At that time Verrocchio insisted that all his disciples learn anatomy.

    When Darcy became a successful artist, he obtained permission to dissect human bodies at the Santa Maria Nueva Hospital in Florence.  He then worked at the Maggiore Hospital in Milan and the Holy Spirit Hospital in Rome (the first Italian hospital).

    From 1510 to 1511, he worked with Dr. Toll.  In 30 years, Darcy dissected a total of 30 human bodies of different genders and ages.

    While working with Dr. Tolle, Darcy prepared anatomical works for publication and produced over 200 drawings.  However, his book was not published under the title "On Painting" until 1680 (161 years after his death).  In addition to the human body, Darcy also dissected cows, birds, monkeys, bears, and frogs for comparison of anatomical structures.

    Darcy drew many figures of the human skeleton, and he was also the first person to specifically depict the double-S shape of the spine.  He also studied the inclination of the pelvis and sacrum, and emphasized that the sacrum is not only not a single shape, but is composed of 5 vertebrae.

    Darcy can also excellently represent the shape of the skull and different cross-sectional views of the brain, such as transverse, longitudinal, and frontal sections.  He drew many drawings of the lungs, mesentery, and urinary tract.

    He was the first to draw a fetus in the womb (he wanted to understand the miracle of fertility) and the first to draw the appendix in the abdominal cavity.

    In addition, Darcy often depicted the muscles and tendons of the neck and shoulders.

    In 2005, Darcy¡¯s paintings inspired a British cardiac surgeon to pioneer a new method of repairing damaged hearts.

    He can be said to be a master of partial anatomy diagrams. He is not only outstanding in the study of human anatomy, but also outstanding in the anatomy of other animals.

    Darcy was not only concerned with body structure, but also with physiological functions, which made him an anatomist and physiologist.  He actively sought out people with obvious physical defects as models so that he could create comical paintings to highlight the significance of physiological functions.  Darcy can also draw and write with one hand at the same time.

    Based on human anatomy research, Darcy designed the first robot in history.  The design, known as Darcy's Robot, was probably completed in 1495.  This draft was not discovered until the 1950s.  It is currently unknown whether this design will be made into a physical form.

    It is generally believed that Darcy¡¯s understanding of the structure of the human body was of great help to him in painting.

    Fascinated by the phenomenon of flight, Darcy conducted detailed research on bird flight and planned several flying machines, including a helicopter operated by four people (but it could not function because the body also rotated) and a light glider.

    In 1496, he tested a homemade flying machine but failed.

    In 1502, Darcy produced a sketch of a bridge with a single span of 240 meters (720 feet) for a civil engineering project of the Ottoman Sultan Bayezid II in Istanbul.

    This design intends for the bridge to span the Golden Horn at the mouth of the Bosporus.  However, Bayezid II considered it impossible to build and did not implement it.

    In 2001, based on Darcy's design, the Webb Jonshan Darcy project was implemented in Norway in the form of a small bridge.

    In 2006.  The Turkish government decided to build the Darcy Bridge across the Golden Horn on-site so that the bridge could finally take shape.

    ¡°In 1490, Darcy sketched the concept of a continuously variable automatic transmission. Today, Darcy¡¯s transmission concept is actually used in cars in a modern form.

    In addition, continuously variable automatic transmissions have been used in tractors, snowmobiles, scooters, etc. for many years.  "

    Since Darcy was a military engineer, his notes also included the design of several types of military machinery: machine guns, armed tanks pulled by humans or horses, cluster bombs, military parachutes, diving suits made of pigskin with breathing hoses, etc.  wait.

    but.  Later he believed that war was the worst activity of mankind.  Other inventions include the submarine, a gear device that has been interpreted as the first mechanical computer, and the first programmable mobile robot that has been misunderstood as a clockwork car.

    In addition, during his years in the Vatican, Darcy planned to use solar energy to boil water using concave mirrors.  Although most of Darcy's inventions were not realized during his lifetime, many models were built and displayed at the Darcy Museum in Clos, Amboise, under the auspices of IBM.

    Darcy took notes every day throughout his life and wrote them in his own unique mirror-reverse script.  Although most people think that Darcy is trying to keep a secret.  But a more reasonable view is that mirror-reverse writing is in line with the writing nature of left-handers.

    Darcy recorded his sketches and inventions?Architectural designs, mechanical elements, painting ideas, human anatomy, lists of objects and even people who borrowed money from him.

    These manuscripts of different sizes were originally distributed among friends after his death and are now mainly collected in the Louvre Museum, the National Library of Spain, the Ambrose Library in Milan, the Victoria and Albert Museum and the British Library in London.

    The British Museum has put a selection of Darcy's manuscripts online and placed them in the turning the pages section.  The main scientific record in Darcy's hands, the Leicester Codex, is owned by Bill and Gates and is currently exhibited in different cities around the world every year.

    ??For those who think that Darcy wanted to popularize his observations into popular knowledge.  Why Darcy did not publish or otherwise distribute the contents of the manuscript remains a mystery.

    Science and technology historian Louis Mford believes that Darcy kept the manuscript like a personal travelogue, so that people who want to use the results for inappropriate purposes will have no access (such as tanks).

    Until the 19th century, these manuscripts remained hidden.  But it was no longer directly helpful to the development of science and technology at that time.

    2005.  Researchers discovered the so-called Darcy's secret laboratory, which was used for research on flight and other advanced technologies. The location of the discovery was in the Cathedral of Cima Annuilia, the ancient Roman holy site in the center of Florence, next door to the monastery.  a previously sealed room.

    In private, Darcy has always kept a secret.  He also declared that he hates relationships and once said that anything related to having children is disgusting. People without beautiful faces and aesthetic qualities will die early.  According to Freud's later explanation when analyzing the artist, Darcy was a frigid person.

    In the collection of Queen Victoria, there is a painting "Angel of the Inca" made in 1518, which also has Salai's name on the back.

    "St John the Baptist", Darcy's main painting based on Sallet's appearance, looks funny, witty and topless. Critics such as Martin Kemp and James Shashiro criticized the painting for inculcating homosexual ideas.

    Although Salai called him Darcy's apprentice, and he also claimed that Darcy taught him a lot about painting, his works are generally considered to have little artistic value compared with other apprentices.

    In 1515, Salai painted a portrait of Madame Gioconda under the name of Andrea Salai, namely the painting "Monavana".  Darcy also painted a portrait of Lady Gioconda, the Mona Lisa, which pales in comparison to the Mona Lisa.

    After Darcy¡¯s death, his paintings were owned by his apprentices and assistant Salai.  Among them, Darcy bequeathed Salai's "Mona Lisa". In his will, the "Mona Lisa" was valued at 505 Italian lire, which is very high for this small portrait.  Valuation.

    During Darcy¡¯s days in Florence, he also had many friends who were famous in different fields or influenced history.

    From Darcy¡¯s works and early biographies, we can know that he was an upright man; he also became a vegetarian because of his respect for life.

    ¡°Especially when he views milking a cow as stealing, the word vegan applies to him.  Giorgio Vasari recorded an anecdote about Darcy: As a youth, Darcy often bought caged birds in Florence and then released them.

    He is also a highly respected aesthetic connoisseur, especially of open-air stage creations.  Darcy should have adopted vegetarianism in his youth and stayed with him throughout his life.

    In 2006, anthropologists announced that they had reconstructed the fingerprint of Darcy¡¯s left index finger.  Darcy's mother was a slave from Constantinople. The evidence is that 60% of the Middle Eastern population has the same fingerprint spiral characteristics.

    Anthropologists expect to be able to confirm details of Darcy's daily routine.  But an associate professor of criminology at the University of California, California, counters that: You can't predict a race based on these statistics, especially when looking at just one finger.

    Darcy follows an unusual form of polyphasic sleep management, taking extra frequent naps to reduce sleep time.

    The statue of Darcy outside the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, Italy. Among those models, he was the only one who continued to show how to raise the baptistery of Giovanni in front of the promising people who held official positions in Florence.  And being able to get involved in it without damaging it, and convincing others in a heated argument that it is possible, although he later lets everyone who has realized it know that it is actually impossible to achieve no matter how hard they try.  ©¤Giorgio Vasari, "The Life of Darcy"
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